#but then reading reviews on their website so many of those treats have reviews from people saying they made their dogs sick
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winter-hoof · 2 months ago
Simply not having a wonderful Christmas time. I was up all night last night because my dog got sick from a treat we gave her and was puking a bunch :(
#she seems to be doing fine today thank god. thought we were going to have to call the vet but she hasn't puked since 4:30am#and she's acting normal today & kept her food + water down. i 100% freak myself out & worry too much about everything#b/c i was like oh god what if she has a blockage i haven't seen her poop yet today even though my bf told me he saw her multiple times#so then i started googling about gi blockages in dogs & reading reddit posts of people whose dogs died or had surgery b/c of it#got myself WAY too worked up over it & was crying all night. then i went outside & watched her poop very normally at like 4am#so it's like ok clearly she's not blocked up & i'm just jumping to the worst case scenario like i tend to do about everything#DO NOT buy petsmart merry & bright treats. i'm so upset at myself for it. i was like oh haha treat shaped like a drumstick that's cute#but then reading reviews on their website so many of those treats have reviews from people saying they made their dogs sick#like oh cool i should have fucking read that before buying the treats i feel so stupid & bad like I KNOW BETTER wtf was i thinking#like i just would not be able to forgive myself if she had died from it or had to have a surgery to remove a blockage#but anyway thankfully she seems to be back to her normal self today although a little tired but not lethargic tired just regular tired#b/c we were up all night. she's back to herding the cats & barking at everything & all her usual goofy behaviors#actual thing i said last night: 'i lost my dad right before christmas i don't need to also lose my dog right before christmas'#p
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inky-duchess · 9 days ago
Hello,i'm kind of a beginner writer, so I hope to ask for your advice on some things if you don't mind !
I have written some scenes before,like based on prompts/some characters in my head/ OCs that I draw. And lately, I have been thinking of making a visual novel. There's this short story Idea stuck in my head, and I have a general idea of how I want the game to play out.
But as I said, I'm kind of a beginner and never took writing seriously before. My main Forte has always been drawing .
1.So I understand that I have to do research on everything that can be a sensitive topic,but I just don't know how much research I should do to fully understand the topic enough to write about it.
Add to that,I can't really buy online writing courses,I can't really just venture into a library and try to find a book randomly that will help my research bc there'snt any good "library" around my area.so my only option is to read online/buy books online. And that's being to research books by name.
So can you help me with that ?
For example:
if one of my characters suffered in their backstory quite a bit,kind of became traumatized. Have been surrounded by toxicity all their childhood/have been forced to fend for themselves/abused verbally.
2. Do you know any books that explore their emotions,how to deal with this,how can they heal and etc ? I have bought the emotional wound thesaurus online and some other books of the same author. But I don't think they are enough? Are there any series/standalone research books like them you would recommend? Also,that's kind of a me problem, but I like it if the research books don't just drop information upon information on me,I liked how the emotional wound thesaurus laid it out so I don't get bored/overwhelmed.
3. my inspiration comes from: some books that I have read (not many) + IFs I read + manhwas/webtoons + other visual novels. So i'm going to write this story based on a story structure,my ideas, and that's it ,like going in blind. But im not sure if this is a good idea in terms of writing. since I have never done something like that before,I keep thinking that I might not be able to execute this idea of mine probably,that I haven't read many books before so I don't have enough experience. And the idea of all the things I must do to become more "experienced" sucks the fun out of it.
4. also, I have really no one to review my writing,well except my cousins and some of my friends who might be willing to read it.
That's it. Thank you in advance!
Writing, to be honest, is very like drawing. It's the same thought process, the same consternation over details and the same struggle to put your daydreams into something.
I will be honest, I don't believe in those writing courses. Writing is trying and failing, just like drawing. There are thousands of resources on this very site to help with writing and there are millions on the internet. If you don't want to pay for books online, you can use Internet Archive, the Open Library, Read Any Book. As for researching trauma and the issues surrounding it, online medical resources are a godsend as are forums of people discussing their own experiences.
I would recommend trying some biographies of people with those problems or their own accounts of their experiences of dealing with the trauma and healing. Charity websites or websites that drum up awareness of these issues are widely available and provide excellent insight. Real people are your guide here. Research into these areas can be difficult on you so please take time away if you are effected.
You don't have to be experienced. I was 12 when I first wrote my first story and it was god awful. Honestly, it keeps me up at night. It haunts me. You don't become a writer overnight, you earn each page, every word. It is hard, it is draining, it is work. Treat it like a job. You are in training and you have to try. Make a plan if you're comfortable with that and try to stick it it. By the sounds of it, you have a plan. Stick with it, see how far it gets you. But I will be honest, you have to read, reading is how you become familiar with stories, the flow of words, the way chapters and arcs might be constructed. Think of it like this, if you were an architect you would look at other buildings. If you were a doctor, you would have to meet a human. This is hard work, accept it now and you won't be daunted later.
You can find beta readers here on Tumblr or you can used the people you mentioned. You may be guarded at first, everybody is because it is never perfect at first, but if you're at ease sharing by all means do.
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dullyn · 12 days ago
Arthurian Retelling Book Review III
Far From Camelot by River Hale
This is an incredibly explicit book, rated R if we're following the movie scale. Therefore, this review is 18+ as a forewarning.
Also ignore the language I use for certain explicit stuff, I am trying to avoid angering tumblr, so some word choices are goofy.
Here's the spoiler free version if you wanted to actually read the book (I don't recommend reading it, you could read better 18+ stuff on like ao3 for free (and without having to read Merlin/Mordred sex scenes)).
Mordred kills Arthur due to Morgan's manipulations, Merlin is upset he failed to save Arthur. The Lady of the Lake teleports Merlin to like a different dimension that's just our world, he lives in this world for 1000 years. 200 years later, The Lady of the Lake teleports Mordred to this same world.
The two meet up in modern day in a dive bar because Mordred is in a punk rock band (he also has tattoos, piercings, edgy style, the whole nine yards), while Merlin is a bookstore owner who is friends with the owner of the dive bar.
They hate each other, they have sex about it, it is the most toxic and cringey thing I have ever read. The dialogue? The way the author describes their body parts? They also have sex every single time they have a conversation, like they will talk about their feelings about Camlann and then suddenly they are freaking nasty style. All of the dialogue reads like shoddy 80s p*rno films, and there's a weird BDSM-esque dynamic that is oddly reminiscent of the inaccuracies and terribly unethical stuff in Fifty Shades of Grey. Not safe or sane, sometimes not even consensual.
It seems like Merlin has a thing for Arthur for most of the book and then sleeps with Mordred as some weird stand in thing. Mordred in turn sleeps with Merlin about some weird daddy issue thing.
Morgan is Mordred's mother in this, she is so flat as a character. She is the most 2D villain I have seen in a long, long time. Her dialogue reads like a kids cartoon, all of the men in the story call her a "witch" or a "b*tch" at least once. Mordred and Merlin refer to her as both of those things constantly. There are only four female characters in this entire book, two of them are side characters that are reduced down to lesbian stereotypes, one of them is evil mother Morgan, and the last is the Lady of the Lake who gets four pages of booktime total. It feels misogynistic and stereotypical. Also Morgan is not Arthur's sister in this, so Mordred is not an incest baby, a small win I guess.
The conclusion of the story is a big battle, obviously, the whole Once and Future King Arthur thing plays out. For the entire final battle Merlin and Mordred are just thinking about how hot each other look or actively making out. Guys please stop.
Literally this is horrendous. The sex scenes aren't even good. There is such potential in the plot, and there are some parts where it's like "Yes! This writing is good!" and then it immediately devolves into shoddy sex again.
1/5 ⭐
Here is a content warning for you all, I pulled it straight off of the author's website:
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Strap in, this is a doozy.
We'll start with positives, there aren't many.
The way they go through the lake portal thing is actually pretty cool, its like going to the bottom of the lake and then the world flips and they can walk out of the lake back to Camelot from modern day. I thought it was a neat spin on the concept. There's an unreliable narrator view of Arthur is kind of interesting. Merlin thinks he's wholly good and a just king. Mordred hates Arthur's guts because of how he treated him and rejected him as his son. MORDRED GETS TO PULL THE SWORD FROM THE STONE!! This is because of the whole the true high king of Britain is the one who can and since Arthur is dead and Mordred is his only son (even as a bastard) Mordred can pull it out! Give that man a sword, not this version of that man, but like another one.
"'I think if I was a son he could've loved, he would've been a good father'" (p 309), Mordred talking to Merlin about Arthur. Thought this was a pretty good line, if only the rest of the book was like this.
Merlin names his pets after knights of the round table because he misses them. He named his cat Percival, and Percy the cat is the best character in this and shouldn't have to deal with those around him. This was kind of sweet and the only redeeming part of Merlin's character.
Also for a period of time while he was in the modern world, Mordred went by the alias of Lancelot, which is just a funny concept.
Now it's the bad stuff:
Somehow Camelot has not developed at all in 1000 years, permanently stuck in the early medieval era. This makes absolutely no sense nor is it ever explained. It is literally confirmed that time has passed and generations of knights have lived and died and yet they are still knights and horses and castles and peasants.
Merlin built Stonehenge and stored his magic in the rocks. The way he gets it out of the rocks is by doing the nasty against them with Mordred (I am not exaggerating this is literally what happens).
This book is so weird about lesbians. Like it leans so hard into the cliches and stereotypes and its like the author gave the two girls no common sense.
"I kept my promise and spent nearly the entire day with the band yesterday - with the addition of Ava's new girlfriend Willow. Lesbians work fast" (p 79). Mordred thinks this to himself.
"She shrugs. 'One month is like six in lesbian years'" (p 239), Willow, Merlin's friend/Mordred's bandmate's gf says this line.
I just hated the way the author handled this. It seemed like these two characters had nothing else going on other than being lesbians, and therefore the author also made them impulsive to fit with the "U-Haul" stereotype.
Everyone keeps saying "bang it out" like literally every character has said this line. I hate it so much.
Okay back to the Morgan thing. She's portrayed as being like beyond evil, and while she is not related to Arthur, she does claim she is at some point to try and justify ruling Camelot. Therefore, everyone in Camelot thinks Mordred is a child of incest even though he isn't so that adds to the reason why he left? I think? I only say I think because this entire plotline was only addressed ONCE right before Merlin and Mordred start freaking it nasty style. Morgan tricked/magicked Arthur into sleeping with her to conceive Morgan (a la Uther/Igraine, Elaine of Corbenic/Lancelot, Claire/Bors, etc). She then uses Mordred as a pawn in her schemes and is a terrible mother to him. Adding onto the villainization of her, Morgan used to lock Mordred in the dark as a child to punish him, this is then revealed when Mordred refuses to let Merlin put a blindfold on him during sex.
You will see that everything important is mentioned immediately before or after, or sometime in the middle of, sex.
Mordred has a lip ring, and a tongue piercing, and nipple piercings, and 5 peener piercings, all of which are brought up frequently. He also has a massive shlong, which is also brought up frequently. Every time they mention it, it is in the most horrific dialogue possible. Mordred also is a full blown sorcerer and is immortal. He has so much magic, he can teleport, turn invisible, turn objects into other objects or even give them sentience, most of this is then used for sex reasons. Mordred has the most insane daddy issues i have ever seen, his fascination with Merlin seems to come from this on account of the fact that Merlin was part of the reason that Arthur denied Mordred being his son and heir.
Merlin and Mordred are such a rancid pairing. Like I can get behind toxic relationships (Sebile/Morgan my beloved) but this is just like creepy. They literally start their sexual relationship with Mordred convincing Merlin to give him a bj while Merlin is actively having a panic attack. There is so much weird cliche bad boy possessiveness, it is rampant. Genuinely they both remind me of like the "dark romance mafia boss" novels that are all over social media. Here are some examples:
"I'm the only one who gets to hurt him" (p 110), Merlin about Mordred.
"My voice comes out somewhere between a groan and a growl. 'You've been avoiding me and denying me this sight for two days'" (p 162), Mordred why are you growling?
There's also the insane amount of just weird and bad lines surrounding them. Here are some more examples:
"'I think I'm starting to love hating you'" (p 145), Merlin says this to Mordred. Then like two paragraphs later we get the line of Mordred going, "I give him my signature smirk."
"'Please, Merlin. Show me how much you hate me. Take it all out on my a*s'" (p 166), this is the only line you need to know exactly what this book is about.
Merlin calls his semen "his hate" when he's screwing Mordred. His pet name for Mordred is "little monster" I am disappointed in myself for finishing this book, it is in fact worth it for the ability to write this review though.
"'Now can you hurry? It's cold as balls out here.'" ; Turning his head towards me, he smirks. 'Are your balls cold, baby?'" (p 264), this is Mordred's POV. I hate this.
Mordred ties Merlin up with snakes during sex and the snakes bite Merlin and he likes it, (p 214). I cannot describe the absolute astonishment I faced during this scene.
There's a whole scene that involves Mordred asking Merlin to knight him with his wiener and then Merlin calls him "Sir C*cks*ut" (p 285).
I wish I was making that last one up. I'm not. It is a real scene that happens in this book.
Since the book is in first person it reads like the character speaking to the audience, that's just the style of the POV kind of. However, there are some scenes that feel like they explicitly break the forth wall or it's like things are stated way to blatantly and like, no one thinks to themselves like that? Examples:
"To be clear, I still hate him more than I've ever hated anyone. And that's why this is all sorts of complicated and fucked up" (p 152), Merlin thinks this. It's unnecessary for this line to exist the audience is already aware that their relationship is messed uppp.
"Look at me being all mature and shit" (p310), Mordred thinks this. It feels so random.
"That's just great. I'm officially so fucked up that anything deviating even slightly from pure animosity from my father gives me the ick" (p 312), Mordred thinks this to himself. I don't think I ever actually was immersed in this novel enough for any line to take me out of it, but this was just jarring.
The End
They go back to Camelot to resurrect Arthur and kill Morgan and save the kingdom and whatnot. Mordred gives up Excalibur and the chance to kill Morgan by himself to prove to Merlin that he loves him, BOOOOO. They pause resurrecting Arthur for exactly an hour, to freak nasty in a cave. They are in the middle of battle and Merlin is talking about how sexy he finds Mordred.
Mordred is in the middle of being tortured with magic by morgan and he gets like locked inside his body and so merlin breaks into his mind and they start confessing their love for each other. Odd choice. During this it is clear that Mordred has no internal self value, he only thinks he is finally worthy of redemption because Merlin loves him and he thinks Merlin is wholly good. LAUGH. Merlin? Wholly good? LAUGH.
In the middle of the last battle, Arthur proclaims Mordred his heir, there is literally no discussion of this, it is only done for a "potent quotable" soundbite and dramatic shock value. Especially if you read to the end because Arthur doesn't even make Mordred his heir until the end of the second epilogue, which happens years after the end of the book. In fact, Arthur still doesn't really like or trust Mordred very much even after the end of the final battle.
Mordred and Arthur kill Morgan together. Literally they both stab her with their swords at the same time. It is dumb. After this, Arthur gets recrowned king and is taking the throne for the first time in 1000 years and Merlin and Mordred are making out on the floor of the throne room.
The first epilogue is 20% Mordred showcasing his competence as a potential prince, 80% Mordred and Merlin doing the nasty in an pillory. In the second epilogue, Mordred gets crowned prince of Camelot, him and Merlin freak nasty beforehand. Then they watch Mordred's old punk band perform a show via magic, which is so so so random to just chuck in at the end?
Uh yeah. That's the book. This was a long review, there was a lot to point out I feel. Yipes.
I give it:
1/5 ⭐
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greatqueenanna · 1 year ago
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Frozen: Forces of Nature - A Review
Queen Disa and Rupert Wolfgang's Big Adventure - Oh yea, featuring the Frozen Characters.
I was able to get access to Frozen: Forces of Nature early, on the website Wonderly with their + program. So, naturally, I felt it appropriate to give a review for those who are curious about the project and want to know what it is about and what to expect. Keep in mind that this is of course my opinion, and I recommend giving the Podcast a listen so that you can form your own.
This review will mostly be spoiler-free, however, I might mention a few things here and there that could be considered spoilers, so I will put the review under the read more. If you do not want to be spoiled at all, even a little bit, I recommend skipping this review. The free release will be on most Podcast platforms will be on October 11th.
For a quick review for those who don't want to read too much - Forces of Nature is a cute story about Queen Disa learning to trust magic and how to be trusted herself. The secondary protagonist is Wolfgang, the Duke of Weselton's nephew, who through the help of Kristoff and Mattias, learns to find his true passions. Yes, the story revolves around Queen Disa and Wolfgang (you can't convince me otherwise), while Anna, Elsa, and the rest of the Frozen cast, take a huge backseat and act more as supporting characters.
There are many potentially interesting ideas in the podcast, but they are not explored to their fullest potential. We focus instead on these two characters and their relationships with the main Frozen cast and how they push them in the right direction to become better versions of themselves. Honestly, they should've made this a spin-off about these two characters instead of teasing us with Anna and Elsa being placed on the main cover.
My Overall Score - 40/100
I want to start by saying Forces of Nature is definitely not a mainline entry, even though it tries to imply this with the description of it being 'a story that happens between F2 and F3'. It was very much written like another Extended Universe Novel, both in the references to the recent novels in the F2 era and even using places from pre-F2 comics. I think they should have advertised it more as the last side story that they're going to release before F3 to give fans a better idea of what they can expect.
Some fans, including myself, theorized that Forces of Nature was going to tell a story about climate change (or nature vs. industry) with the hint of automatons disrupting the balance of nature and causing the spirits to be aggravated. However, this is not the case. While there are automatons, and the spirits definitely don't like them, it doesn't really try to touch on this subject at all.
The story, instead, seems like a story about trust. Anna and Elsa take different stances on trusting Queen Disa and her obsession with science, and the entire cast has to learn to trust Wolfgang, since his uncle is the Duke of Weselton. Queen Disa also struggles with trusting magic without knowing how it works, which causes some tension with Elsa. Elsa doesn't want to trust her, but Anna treats her as her closest friend. Wolfgang also has a side plot of trying to find his true calling and helps develop it as he builds a relationship with Kristoff and Mattias. Also, Wolfgang has bonus solo episodes.
Now, I don't mind when sequels or side stories try to make new characters have more depth. This was a main critique I had when it came to Polar Nights - how Inger and Sissel seemed to be just diet Anna and Elsa rather than interesting characters in their own right that we should root for. However, if it comes to the point where these new characters are taking time away from the characters we know and love, and the story pretty much revolves around their development, it makes them more annoying than interesting.
A balance definitely has to be made, making interesting new characters but not taking anything away from our actual leads.
Elsa is practically a non-character, only there to act as an obstacle to Disa's development, while Anna is the supportive best friend. Kristoff and Mattias surprisingly get a bit more screen time here, with Mattias narrating the story, and it is definitely welcoming. In Kristoff's case, however, he only shows up when he's directly involved with Wolfgang or Disa. No, there is no Kristanna content. You heard that correctly. there is none. Not even a little kiss or a 'my love' or nothing. Unless of course I missed it, but then it was incredibly tiny.
Another big thing that was disappointing, but sadly expected at this point, was that the Northuldra did not show up at all, only Ryder gets mentioned in passing. I understand that Disney does not want to write anything without Sami advisors/writers, but ignoring the Northuldran characters is not doing anything good either.
There are a lot of potential and interesting ideas present here, but a lot of it seems to not be explored at all. For example, Arendelle seems to have a big reputation for being magical and strange, but we don't really get to see this explored too much - only in relation to how Disa feels about the magical elements. We also get small crumbs of Kristoff learning to be a leader, but it is never really addressed that he will one day be King (or Prince Consort), it's only used as a way to build Wolfgang's character up some more. There were also some hints about climate-related damage, like how Sankershus was practically underwater due to floods and how the automatons leak oil - but again, it's not really explored.
Now, it could be that these things are not explored in depth because they are indeed hinting at what F3 could explore. However, I'm going to try not to go that crazy with speculation.
Overall, it was a decent experience, and had some very fun moments. However, Queen Disa and Wolfgang oversaturate the plot and take away screentime from our favorite characters. Elsa and Olaf are practically not in the story at all, there is no Kristanna content, no Northuldra, and even the spirits are surprisingly absent and only appear maybe once each. Many potentially interesting ideas are not explored, and it is a shame that this podcast had so much potential but ended up being, in my opinion, the worst post-F2 entry and possibly even the worst Frozen entry in the whole franchise.
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theultimatenonbinarynerd · 11 months ago
Top 5 Books I'm Excited To Get Off My TBR In 2024
2023 was an absolutely amazing year as it was the first year of full reading after getting back into in the middle of 2022. It's going to be very hard to follow the wonderful stack of main + side reads I picked up last year but looking at my tbr this year I'm very helpful.
I've already had an amazing year so far with fabulous books like Different Not Less and The Rising Storm but I'm confident it will get even better as the year goes on. When I say my tbr is stacked I mean it's stacked. My tbr isn't just Marvel, Star Wars and Doctor Who there's some interesting both Nonfiction and Fiction novels but there are some I'm anticipating more eagerly than others, so I want to share some of the many novels on my tbr that I'm excited to get too this year if I can.
I'm praying that every novel lives up to my expectations.
5: Pageboy
When I heard Elliot Page was writing a memoir I put it on my tbr as speedy as possible and pre ordered it on release with amazon vouchers. I've not seen much of his work but have appreciated what I have seen. Elliot came out and fully affirmed himself around the time I was really struggling with my identity as a Nonbinary person and in denial about my girl hood but his journey really helped my own in a small way.
I don't know what to expect but from what I've been told from other trans people at my support group it's a good one. I'm so glad I got a copy when I did as there's always those books you need to read and I think this is one of those. Elliot has come so far and I'm really happy that he's able to share some of his journey in this novel. I've also heard that the structure goes against the typical binary of a novel and that's great. Plus I definitely think I'm in for a treat as its him that narrates the audio.
My prediction is that will either be a 4 star or 4.5 Star Read as despite my excitement the book is very short and I think the perfect Memoir should be around 300 pages. I've read a 400+ page Memoir and also understand that Memoirs can accidentally drag on. Different Not Less and The Princess Diarist worked so I might just be presumptionous but we'll see.
4: Welcome To St Hell
Another trans memoir but this time a graphic novel. I truly did not expect to add this to my tbr but as soon as I saw it on the Waterstones bookshelf I just felt this massive spark and new, new that it was meant to be mine. It's another book that calls to me and makes me feel like I need. I grew up very similar to Lewis uncomfortable in my own body and in a Catholic School where I couldn't really explore my identity and I think reading about their experience will help me come to terms with mine. Terfs review bombed it on the Waterstones website so that's how you know its worth picking up.
This will be the very first graphic novel I've read and Lewis Hancox definitely deserves that honour. Having seen his art style I have a strong feeling that it's gonna really help enhance his story. I also love the fact he's interviewed his family and got them involved in the process of the graphic novel. I'm just bursting to get it to it now but also understand that I've got to commit to my tbr and stick with the order. If I like it I definitely will be recommending it to my other friends trans and cis a like.
My prediction is that I'll love this graphic novel and that it's gonna be a wonderful experience. I seriously think it's gonna be either a 4.5 Star or a 5 Star Read. I haven't even read the graphic novel yet but I just have that strong feeling its gonna be a good one. My only negative is that the art is all in black and white but it can't be helped if it was nesscary for publishing and printing. We'll have to see how it goes but my excitement is building as it gets further up the list.
3: Cinderella Is Dead
Trying my best to read diversely and this is one of the novels that I have been dying to read as I'm in love with the concept. Every concept Kaylnn Bayron has fascinated to the point I want to buy nearly all of her novels. I love fantasy and I'm really excited to read a fantasy with some great black and queer representation. I hope it'll be an informative read but also a good stories that shows the damage of a heteronormative society as well as media soley representing straight people.
I'm really excited to follow Sophia's journey and route for her to escape. The cover art looks great and shows how the story is gonna be. Although Star Wars is in a galaxy far far away along time ago, most books I read are set in modern day so it'll be nice to read something in the past for once. Looking at my stats so far science fiction is definitely going to dominate so it's nice to get some fantasy in there. Kaylnn Bayron is really popular so I hope at least some of her books are good. Although I'm also gonna hopefully get to This Poison Heart I'm more excited for Cinderella Is Dead as I kill for a spooky world where we shun the powers above.
My prediction is that this will be a 4 star or a 4.5 star read. Don't get me wrong I'm sure it'll be great but reading other reviews im not sure it'll be 5 star worthy even if it's good. Sophia has a crush on her best friend and the feelings are unrequited. Problem is regardless of gender this trope is so common and annoying that it has to be done right. I feel like in the context of Cinderella Dead it won't work and YouTuber Jesse who I trust said that they didn't like how closted people were shamed in the book and as a partially closeted person that does put me off a bit. However I'm still really excited for this novel and curious about how it'll all play out.
2: Star Wars: Lost Stars
Claudia Gray is an author who I've adored. I've picked up nearly all of her novels and loved all of them with Leia Princess Of Alderaan being one of my favourites. I love the High Republic but Claudia Gray has become one of my favourite authors so I'm excited to read any Star Wars book by her. Talking about romance tropes I like I love Forbidden Love Stories and Enemies To Lovers and this book seems to be it. I'm also just incredibly excited to see perspectives outside of our core main cast in the original trilogy. Since it is Claudia Grays first Star Wars novel it'll also be super interesting to see how Grays writing has developed and changed. I've also been aching for a long read as it's fun to have a variety in my stats more.
One thing that does have me super hopeful is the fact that novel is over 500+ pages long, whilst still not much time to cover the events of the whole original trilogy it's still a fair enough amount of time. Lots of other novels would only be given 400 pages at least. With a story like Lost Stars it's nesscary to be able to stretch out your story over a period of time and I'm super glad that Claudia was given that chance. It also has my favourite romance dynamic mainly dominated by Obitine where you have to put duty over your own happiness. This story has a lot of potential and I'm excited to see how it lives up to that. I hope that by the end of the book we might be routing for Ciena and Thane. A cool theory from Star Wars Lawyer is that the couple in this novel are Finns parents which if the case is sad but also cool.
As I've had a lot of enjoyment from Claudia Gray novels my prediction is undeniably for this to be 4.5 Stars or 5 Stars. It might not be perfect due to how much story it has to tell but I still think its gonna be a really enjoyable read. Its a love story that's never really been done before in Star Wars so I definitely think it has a lot of potential but we'll have to see what happens. I've mostly heard positive things about this novel though and even had some Star Wars fans recommended it to me so I don't have a bad feeling about this I have a great feeling.
1: Jamie
And my number 1 most anticipated read for 2024 is Jamie By L.D Lapinski. It might sound silly for a middle grade book to be my most anticipated read but it's again like some of the other books on this list for deep and personal reasons. Jamie from the moment it was announced by the author is something I knew I needed to pick up. I'm not reading Jamie for me I'm reading it for my inner child who gotten beaten up and bombarded with Gender Norms. I'm a person who will pick up a book regardless of age rating (apart from picture books) as to me the most important aspect of a novel is its story and themes, not the target demographic. Some people might want to only read YA or Adult and that's perfectly valid but to me I'm here for the story and messages. I also got bullied my whole life for liking "childish" things so after getting my autism diagnosis I frankly don't get a damn about other people's opinions.
The whole story of Jamie hits super hard for me because even though I didn't know the words Nonbinary and Trans I still felt really out of place with the other girls so half of my friends were boys and because of that stupid heteronormativity every boy I was friends with had to be my "boyfriend." . Even worst we always split into boys vs girls for sports day, games in the playground and in pe. I hated it, it made me super uncomfortable but I never knew why so believe me when I say I relate to Jamie's struggle. The thought of an all boys and girls school may sound nice but as someone who's grown up Mormon let's just say it's very awkward. I wish there were novels like Jamie around in my youth as it would have helped me come to terms with all my confusing emotions a lot faster.
High expectations and I definitely think this book is either gonna be or a 4.5 star or 5 stars. Anything less would be impossible. I know how to pick my reads and am often quite generous when it comes to rating novels. The Ever After High Books I've read have never been rated below 4 stars. So I definitely can get into middle grade books. We'll have to see what happens but judged on the synopsis alone and how short books like Here And Queer and The Evolving Truth Of Ever-Stronger Will have been good and I've connected with them I don't think Jamie will disappoint. Mama G a popular drag queen storyteller has also been hyping it up so I definitely have high hopes.
Honourable Mentions
And here we have our two honourable mentions that I might not even be able to get to this year as they're so further down the list but with how my reading was ignoring the side reads I do have faith. It all depends as I'm going to be studying creative writing at university so I'll be even more clogged down but I still have huge faith and am hoping for the best. For my 5th reading year I will have to do something special but we'll see as I'm only on my third reading year currently.
So as put above the first of my honourable mentions is How To Be Ace By Rebecca Burgess. Another graphic novel this one focuses on Rebecca's journey growing up as an asexual person trying to discover and accept her identity. I'm very excited for this short graphic novel as an Ace person as it'll be nice to read about another Asexual person's experience and what's its like to grow up unsure of your identity. Currently us Asexuals are starved of content so it's really nice to get representation like this. I definitely think despite its short length its gonna be another 5 star read but we'll see.
My second honourable mention has to go to Tempest Runner By Cavan Scott. Im not sure if I'll get to it this year but it all depends. After reading the Rising Storm I'm very excited to listen and read this full cast audio drama script even better it focuses on Lourna Dee. I love Lourna she's one of my favourite Nihil and I'm glad there's a piece of media focusing on her. I'm really buzzed as I loved Cavan Scott's writing in The Rising Storm as it proved how capable he is. I honestly don't know what the star rating might be and that's the exciting part. I've never read an audio drama script before but if I like it I might check others out like Dooku Jedi Lost and Doctor Aphra.
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Overall I'm very excited for 2024 reading and think it's full of potential. I've already enjoyed most of my reads this year with only Fazbear Frights 1:35 AM majorly disappointing me. The prospects are looking good as I truly believe I know how to pick my reads. All I'm hoping is that I can try my best to avoid having all my main reads be just Star Wars books. I really am trying to go beyond my Autistic brain and read diversely but do believe I'm making baby steps.
One thing I'm happy about is that I've made and am making more of an effort to include Nonfiction on my tbr as I truly do find it laughable that I only picked up one Nonfiction book this year and I just knew that had to change for my own sake as I truly believe there's a lot to learn and engage with from nonfiction. It's a commitment I'm sticking with and I'll keep you all updated how it's gonna through my 2024 Reading Wrap Up and my monthly ones.
There's alot of tbr I didn't mention so despite not being on the list I'd like to shout them out in a similar way people mention they're pateron subscribers. So a big shout out too...
Brotherhood By Mike Chen, The Cabin At The End Of The World By Paul Tremblay, Against The Tide By J.Elle, Jedi Battle Scars By Sam Maggs, Race To Crashpoint Tower By Daniel José Older, A Test Of Courage By Justina Ireland, The War Of The Worlds By H.G. Wells, The Deviant Strain By Justin Richards, The Evolving Truth Of Ever-Stronger Will By Maya MacGregor, Prisoner Of The Daleks By Trevor Baxendale, This Poison Heart By Kaylnn Bayron, The Legend Of Shadow High By Shannon Hale and Dean Hale, Out Of The Shadows By Justina Ireland, Wings Of Fury By Brittney Morris, Jurassic Park By Michael Crichton, Unmasking Autism By Devon Price, The Courage To Be Disliked By Fumitake Koga And Ichiro Kishimi, The Courage To Be Happy Bu Fumitake Koga And Ichiro Kishimi and Verily A New Hope By Ian Doescher.
To 2024 and a hopefully good reading year.
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siristaci · 2 years ago
I need to tell y'all about this Mongolian barbeque place in my city that was... something special.
But first, a little about me. I hate trying new things, had a really bad immune system (I promise that's relevant), have a hard time processing accents that makes talking to people with heavy accents anxiety-inducing, and another thing I was going to point out but can't remember right now. Hopefully I'll remember before posting this and amend it.
It's been closed for a few years, so you also need to keep in mind that my memories of this place are, at most recent, about 8 years old.
Y'all. Once I was finally convinced to try this place (about 17 years ago), I fucking loved it. Went as often as I could afford.
There were always only two people running the place- an Asian woman, who acted as the host/waitress/cashier and spoke just enough heavily-accented english to get by, and an Asian man, who was the cook and spoke even less english.
The place was dark and dirty. There's not a chance in hell it ever passed health inspections. The back corner of the dining area was difficult to see from the front (impossible when you first walked in and were day-blind) and no dining customers were ever sat there. There were, however, usually at least a couple of businessmen looking guys sat there who, if they spoke to each other at all, were too quiet to be heard from just a few tables away. They were rarely eating; just sitting there doing idk what. I didn't look often nor long because I just had this overwhelming feeling that it was best not to pay too much attention to them.
When you arrived, the woman would chat with you about what's been going on in your life since she last saw you (she had an excellent memory, even remembering me a few years since the last time I'd been there) as you were seated at booths whose seats no longer had functional springs and asked what you want to drink. You had to ask what drinks they had, since there was no menu. And no sign saying how much anything cost at all.
The food was set out in a buffet style. You'd load up a bowl with meat, veggies, and sauce, and hand it off to the guy, who would cook it and give it back to you. How long had the food been sitting out? Who knows? I went at various times of the day and never saw anything get refilled.
But the food was good, and I never got sick, despite the aforementioned terrible immune system. It was a tad pricey, but definitely a worthwhile treat.
After it closed, I was heartbroken and needed to find a replacement. I went to reddit to see if anyone had any recommendations. Or any idea why it had closed. Sure, it never had many customers at any given time. I think the most tables filled (by dining customers anyway) at once was 3 out of the maybe 12 available. But that had been the case for the 15 years I'd been going. Declining patronage couldn't be the answer.
I couldn't find a ton of references to the place; just a handful of posts asking the same questions I was. Any good replacements? And what happened?
But the responses were many. A few comments recommending the same three places. A lot of people sad to learn that it was closed or reminiscing about how good it was and how long it had been there- while most experiences had the same negative things to say as I did (health code concerns and a wariness of the men in the back), nearly everyone agreed that it had been a great place.
And there was a universally agreed-on theory that it had been a money-laundering scheme that was no longer needed.
Ah. Yeah, that makes sense, actually.
But here's the funny part. Recently, another post reminded me of this place. And I wanted to read those reviews again, but I didn't want to use reddit because, well.
So I just googled it. It's hard to find any reference to it at all since it's closed, never had a website, and it's name was similar to a national (maybe global? I don't care enough to look it up) fast food chain. All I could really find were old Yelp reviews.
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Nobody on Yelp liked this place.
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There were only two good reviews. One was just the same "LOVE this place! GREAT food and great atmosphere! Other things in all caps and lots of exclamation marks!" you see everywhere, and the other was this.
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Anyway, I just find it funny that everyone- myself, the people I introduced it to, the people I know who already knew of it, reddit, and yelp- all had pretty much the same experience, but reddit (and the people I know)- who all agreed it was sketchy all around- loved it and yelp- who only had health code concerns- hated it.
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kamreadsandrecs · 2 years ago
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Title: The Violin Conspiracy Author: Brendan Slocumb Genre/s: mystery Content/Trigger Warning/s: explicit racism, emotionally abusive parents and family, police violence, false arrest Summary (from author's website): Growing up Black in rural North Carolina, Ray McMillian’s life is already mapped out. But Ray has a gift and a dream—he’s determined to become a world-class professional violinist, and nothing will stand in his way. Not his mother, who wants him to stop making such a racket; not the fact that he can’t afford a violin suitable to his talents; not even the racism inherent in the world of classical music.
When he discovers that his beat-up, family fiddle is actually a priceless Stradivarius, all his dreams suddenly seem within reach, and together, Ray and his violin take the world by storm. But on the eve of the renowned and cutthroat Tchaikovsky Competition—the Olympics of classical music—the violin is stolen, a ransom note for five million dollars left in its place. Without it, Ray feels like he's lost a piece of himself. As the competition approaches, Ray must not only reclaim his precious violin, but prove to himself—and the world—that no matter the outcome, there has always been a truly great musician within him. Buy Here: https://bookshop.org/p/books/the-violin-conspiracy-brendan-slocumb/18709063 Spoiler-Free Review: So I picked this up because it promised to be a mystery about a Stradivarius being stolen from a Black musician, and while that's DEFINITELY what this book is about, the mystery of the theft is more like a frame for the story of Ray's growth as a musician; the origins of the Strad; and the many, MANY complications and dangers of being a Black classical musician. So really it's more like a bildungsroman than a mystery overall, but I think that billing it as a mystery makes it more marketable? Regardless, as a bildungsroman and as a mystery, it's a fantastic read. I enjoy classical music and it hasn't escaped my attention that it's an overwhelmingly white world, so I can only imagine the kinds of hurdles musicians and composers of color, especially Black musicians and composers, face in that world - this on top of the myriad other injustices that come with being a Black person in the US. Slocumb writes about those instances with a sharpness and clarity that comes from personal experience - something which he admits to in the Author's Note at the end of the novel. Another thing I appreciated was the family aspect of Ray's life: how Black children don't always get the kind of support they might need or want to pursue less "profitable" career paths. In a way, one can't blame the family for this because of the systemic poverty that haunts many Black families and communities, and makes it so that they have to struggle to survive. The psychological damage this causes is then passed on to their children, in a cycle that can be difficult to break. On the other hand, though, Ray's bitterness at the way he's treated by certain members of his family is entirely familiar. This is especially true in the way his family only begins to think he's "doing something" with his life once he hits the "big time" as a musician. It's something many people who've pursued careers in creative fields will recognize, and will relate very hard to.
I know I said earlier that the mystery acts more like a frame for the bildungsroman that forms the actual heart of this novel, but I think they play very well with each other, because the bildungsroman provides you with a list of potential suspects: all the people in Ray's life who could possibly want to get their hands on the Strad, along with their potential motivations for doing so, and their potential methods. Whenever someone new comes into Ray's life, you look at them with some suspicion, even if they seem nice, because they could potentially be responsible for stealing Ray's violin. And I'll admit: I didn't guess who the real culprit was until Ray himself figured it out. It's always fun to try and guess ahead, but I also appreciate it when I don't figure it out until the precise moment the protagonist does. Of course, that only happens when the rest of the novel is also fun to read, which was definitely the case here. So overall, an enjoyable read with a great look at what happens behind the curtains, so to speak, in the classical music world. It's also a great look at the kind of prejudice Black classical musicians face in that same world, which they must deal with on top of the prejudice they already face in less rarefied circles. I do wish, though, that there had been a list of all the musical pieces mentioned in the novel at the end of the book. Slocumb provides a link to a Spotify playlist on his website, but I wish there'd been a list at the end regardless. Rating: five violins
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josephquinn23 · 2 days ago
How to Choose the Right Ceiling Mould Removal Service in Sydney
Mould is a persistent problem for homeowners, particularly in areas with high humidity, such as Sydney. Ceiling mould not only damages your property but can also pose serious health risks, including respiratory issues and allergic reactions. If you’re dealing with this unpleasant issue, it’s essential to choose the right ceiling mould removal service to ensure thorough and safe removal. But with so many options available, how do you know which service is the best fit for your needs? In this guide, we’ll discuss key factors to consider when choosing a ceiling mould removal service in Sydney.
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1. Look for Experience and Expertise
The first thing to look for in a ceiling mould removal service is experience. A reputable company will have extensive knowledge of how to handle various types of mould and the underlying conditions that cause it. It's essential that the team is well-versed in safely removing mould without causing damage to your ceilings or other parts of your home.
Experienced companies are more likely to use advanced techniques and tools that ensure the mould is completely removed and prevent it from returning. Look for companies that specialize specifically in mould removal, as this indicates a higher level of expertise.
2. Check for Proper Certifications and Insurance
Mould removal can be a hazardous process, especially when dealing with toxic mould types. A reliable service for Ceiling mould removal in Sydney should have the necessary certifications and insurance to carry out the job safely. Certifications, such as those from the Australian Environmental Pest Managers Association (AEPMA), are an indicator that the company adheres to industry standards and best practices.
Insurance is equally important, as it protects you in case any damage occurs during the mould removal process. Always ask for proof of both certifications and insurance before hiring a mould removal service.
3. Read Reviews and Testimonials
One of the best ways to gauge the quality of a mould removal service is by reading customer reviews and testimonials. Websites like Google, Facebook, and even local forums can provide a wealth of information about the company’s reputation. Positive feedback from previous customers will give you confidence in their ability to deliver the results you need.
Don’t be afraid to ask the service for references or case studies from past mould removal projects in Sydney. A trustworthy company will be happy to provide this information, which will help you make an informed decision.
4. Inquire About the Removal Process
Every mould problem is different, and the removal process should be tailored to your specific situation. Ask the company about their approach to mould removal and the methods they use. Professional mould removal typically involves several steps, including identifying the source of moisture, treating the affected area, and preventing future mould growth.
Ensure the service uses eco-friendly and non-toxic solutions, particularly if you have children, pets, or sensitive individuals in the household. The best companies will not only remove the mould but will also address the root causes of the problem to prevent future infestations.
5. Get Multiple Quotes
It’s always a good idea to get quotes from at least two or three mould removal companies in Sydney. This gives you a better understanding of the average cost for the job and allows you to compare services. However, be wary of companies offering unusually low prices—cheap services may cut corners, use ineffective methods, or lack proper training.
Remember, you’re paying for expertise and quality service. Don’t choose a company just because their quote is the lowest—ensure you’re getting value for your money.
6. Consider Their Customer Service
Customer service is an often-overlooked aspect of choosing the right ceiling mould removal service, but it can make a big difference in your experience. From the first contact, the company should be responsive, polite, and willing to answer any questions you have. A company that values customer service will also follow up after the job to ensure you’re satisfied with the results.
Choosing the right ceiling mould removal service in Sydney requires careful research and consideration. By focusing on experience, certifications, customer reviews, and the removal process, you can ensure you hire a reliable and effective service that will solve your mould problem for good. Don’t settle for less—choose a professional team that prioritizes your health and the safety of your home.
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jeane-george-10 · 1 month ago
One Stop Healthcare Solutions: Finding the Best Doctors and Clinics in Mumbai for All Your Needs
When it comes to managing your health, finding the right healthcare services is essential. However, with so many options available, choosing the right doctor, clinic, or specialized care center can be a daunting task. In a bustling city like Mumbai, time is precious, and the last thing you want is to spend hours looking for the best healthcare services. This is where One Stop Healthcare Solutions come in, providing comprehensive medical care for all your health needs in one convenient location.
In this blog, we’ll explore how One Stop Healthcare Solutions can help you find the best doctors, clinics, and specialized centers in Mumbai, including the best proctology care, ensuring that your healthcare journey is as seamless and effective as possible.
What Are One Stop Healthcare Solutions?
A One Stop Healthcare Solution refers to a medical facility or network of healthcare providers that offer a wide range of services under one roof. These services typically include general healthcare, specialized treatments, diagnostic tests, and preventative care. By opting for a one-stop solution, you avoid the hassle of visiting multiple locations for different healthcare needs, saving both time and energy.
In a city like Mumbai, where traffic and long waiting hours can be overwhelming, having access to a comprehensive healthcare solution makes it easier for you to receive the care you need without unnecessary delays.
Finding the Best Doctors & Clinics in Mumbai
Mumbai is home to numerous skilled doctors and state-of-the-art clinics, but with so many options, how do you know which ones are the best? Here are some tips on finding top-quality healthcare providers in Mumbai:
Do Your Research: The internet is a valuable tool when it comes to researching healthcare providers. Websites like Practo, Google Reviews, and Just Dial allow you to read patient reviews and ratings of doctors and clinics. This helps you make an informed decision before booking an appointment.
Seek Referrals: Sometimes the best recommendations come from those you trust. Ask family, friends, or colleagues about their experiences with doctors and clinics in Mumbai. Word-of-mouth referrals can often lead you to the best healthcare providers.
Check Specializations: When searching for a doctor or clinic, it’s important to ensure they specialize in the area of care you need. For example, if you require treatment for digestive issues or hemorrhoids, it's crucial to find a clinic with a specialization in proctology.
One Stop Healthcare Solutions brings together a variety of highly skilled doctors and top-rated clinics in Mumbai under one umbrella. This makes it easier to find the best medical professionals who can address a range of health issues, from routine check-ups to specialized treatments.
Finding the Best Proctology Center in Mumbai
Proctology is the branch of medicine that focuses on disorders related to the colon, rectum, and anus. Conditions like hemorrhoids, anal fissures, and rectal cancers require expert care from specialized proctologists. When looking for the best proctology center in Mumbai, it's important to consider the following factors:
Experienced Proctologists: Seek out centers that have experienced, board-certified proctologists who specialize in treating disorders of the lower digestive tract. Look for clinics with a proven track record of successful treatments and satisfied patients.
Advanced Treatment Options: The best proctology centers use advanced diagnostic tools and modern, minimally invasive treatment techniques to ensure effective care. Make sure the center you choose offers treatments like laser therapy or other innovative solutions that promote quicker recovery and minimal discomfort.
Patient-Centered Care: The best proctology centers in Mumbai prioritize patient comfort and care. Look for clinics where the staff is compassionate and ready to provide guidance throughout your treatment journey.
Choosing a One Stop Healthcare Solution that includes specialized proctology care ensures that you don’t have to search for a separate proctology center. You can find expert proctologists, state-of-the-art treatment options, and comprehensive care all in one place.
Benefits of One Stop Healthcare Solutions
Opting for One Stop Healthcare Solutions comes with several advantages:
Convenience: All your medical needs, whether general or specialized, can be addressed in one place. This eliminates the need for multiple appointments, travel time, and paperwork.
Comprehensive Care: From routine check-ups and diagnostic services to specialized treatments like proctology care, One Stop Healthcare Solutions provide a complete range of services under one roof, ensuring that you receive well-rounded, continuous care.
Seamless Follow-Up: Since all of your healthcare providers are part of the same network, follow-up appointments, test results, and treatment plans are coordinated more efficiently. This ensures a smooth healthcare journey with minimal delays or confusion.
Affordability: Many One Stop Healthcare Solutions offer cost-effective packages, especially for specialized treatments. By consolidating your care, you may be able to take advantage of discounts or bundled services.
Why Choose Us for Your One Stop Healthcare Solutions?
Our One Stop Healthcare Solutions is designed to provide you with everything you need in one convenient location in Mumbai. Whether you're looking for the best doctors and clinics for general healthcare or require specialized proctology care, we partner with trusted healthcare providers in Mumbai to ensure you receive top-notch treatment every time.
We are committed to making healthcare easier and more efficient for you, offering a seamless experience from consultation to treatment and recovery.
Finding the best doctors, clinics, and specialized centers for your healthcare needs in Mumbai can be overwhelming, but with One Stop Healthcare Solutions, you can streamline the process. From general health concerns to specialized treatments like proctology care, choosing a comprehensive healthcare provider ensures that all your needs are met under one roof.
Ready to take control of your health? Contact us today and let us help you find the best doctors and clinics in Mumbai for all your healthcare needs.
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grayoakfamily · 1 month ago
How to Find The Best Dentist In Sherman, TX For Your Needs
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Finding the best dentist in Sherman, TX for your needs can be overwhelming. Whether you need routine cleanings or specialized care, choosing a trustworthy and skilled dentist is key. Here’s a step by step guide to help you make an informed decision and put your dental health in good hands.
Step 1: Ask Around One of the best ways to feel good about your dental office choice is to ask people you know who they go to. Friends, family, coworkers or other healthcare providers can give you great referrals. People love to share their experiences and recommendations.
Step 2: Research Your Options Now that you have a few offices on your list, take the time to research each one. Look at their websites, read reviews and check their services. Websites like Google Reviews and Yelp can give you an idea of what other patients have to say.
Questions to Ask:
What are the dental office hours? Do they fit your schedule?
What services do they offer? Do they have what you need?
What is the dentist’s approach to preventive care? What is the dental clinic’s philosophy on oral health?
Do they offer emergency dental services? It’s important to know if they can handle after hours or urgent situations.
Step 3: Schedule Consultations Now narrow down your list and call each office to schedule a consultation. This visit allows you to meet the staff, see the office and decide if it’s a good fit. During the consultation make sure the dentist listens to your concerns and answers your questions.
Step 4: Check Credentials and Experience Focus on the dentists’ credentials and experience. Is the dentist board certified and is there any disciplinary action or malpractice history. Experienced dentists have seen more procedures and treatments.
Step 5: Read reviews and Testimonials Many sites allow people to leave reviews about their experience. Take the time to read those reviews. Look for the pros and cons to help you decide if a particular dental office is right for you.
Things to Look for in Reviews:
Quality of Care: Look for comments on the quality of care the dental office is providing.
Staff Friendliness: See if reviewers say the staff is friendly and helpful.
Wait Times: Check if there are complaints about long wait times.
Cleanliness: Make sure patients always mention a clean office.
Patient Comfort: See if reviews mention efforts to make patients comfortable especially for those with dental anxiety.
Why Gray Oak Family Dental? If you’re new to the Sherman, TX area or just need a new dentist Gray Oak Family Dental hopes to be your go to. Our team is trained in the latest dental techniques and treatments so you get the best care. We want all our patients to feel at ease and comfortable every time they visit.
Our Patient’s Testimonials:
Great office! I am very glad I chose Dr. Firmage and staff for my dental needs. They treated me like a human and never talked down to me. Everyone was very courteous and extremely helpful. I’ll be sure to return every 6 months for my check-up. -Joseph O
I have had a lot of dental work, from implants to cleanings. I have always had a good experience at Gray Oak. I also appreciate that the Doctor calls me to follow up after visits. -Pamela H.
I was treated gently and friendly by the dentist and great staff! They were able to accommodate me quickly into their schedule. I highly recommend them. AND, Dr. Dave Firmage speaks Spanish! -Dixie Y.
FAQs Q: How often should I visit the dentist? A: Every 6 months for routine check-ups and cleanings.
Q: What if I have dental anxiety? A: Talk to your dentist. Many offices offer sedation dentistry for anxious patients.
Downloadable Checklist Download our checklist to find the best dentist in Sherman, TX for you.
Call our Sherman, TX office today to schedule a consultation and see why Gray Oak Family Dental is the way to go for your dental care
Gray Oak Family Dental 2112 Monte Cristo Dr, Sherman, TX 75092
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regalfragrances · 2 months ago
Discover Irresistible Perfume Offers and Similar Alternatives
For those captivated by fragrances reminiscent of bold and woody compositions, finding perfumes that smell like Dior Sauvage can be an intriguing experience. These fragrances blend spicy, herbal, and earthy tones, creating a scent profile that appeals to both men and women. Many contemporary options offer similar captivating notes at more accessible price points, allowing you to enjoy a luxurious fragrance without exceeding your budget.
Additionally, opting for such scents doesn't mean compromising on quality. Many perfume houses are committed to crafting unique compositions inspired by iconic fragrances, ensuring you get the same olfactory pleasure without the hefty price tag.
Unveiling Exclusive Chanel Gabrielle Perfume Offers
If you’re looking for a fragrance with timeless elegance, Chanel Gabrielle stands as a true icon. Its luminous floral notes, combining jasmine, ylang-ylang, orange blossom, and tuberose, make it an exquisite choice for those who love sophisticated and radiant perfumes. The good news is that Chanel Gabrielle perfume offers are becoming increasingly popular, making it easier to indulge in this luxurious scent.
Shopping for exclusive deals allows you to explore the world of high-end fragrances without straining your budget. Retailers often provide seasonal discounts, limited-time promotions, and value sets, making luxury perfumes more accessible. Stay on the lookout for these opportunities to secure your favorite scent at an irresistible price.
Tips for Selecting the Perfect Fragrance
Finding the right fragrance involves more than just identifying a scent you like. It’s about discovering a perfume that resonates with your personality and complements your lifestyle. For those drawn to fresh, woody aromas, exploring perfumes that smell like Dior Sauvage can lead to delightful surprises. Alternatively, if you prefer soft, radiant floral notes, the allure of Chanel Gabrielle perfume offers might capture your attention.
Consider sampling a variety of perfumes before settling on a signature scent. Many retailers offer miniature versions or samples, allowing you to try out different options. Testing the fragrance on your skin is essential, as the scent can evolve with your unique body chemistry.
Why Alternatives and Offers Are a Smart Choice
Exploring alternatives to premium perfumes and seeking offers is not only cost-effective but also a way to expand your fragrance wardrobe. With so many scents available, you don’t have to limit yourself to just one iconic fragrance. Options inspired by perfumes that smell like Dior Sauvage can add versatility to your collection, perfect for different occasions or moods.
Meanwhile, Chanel Gabrielle perfume offers provide an opportunity to embrace the luxurious world of high-end fragrances at a fraction of the cost. Whether you’re treating yourself or gifting someone special, these offers make it easier to celebrate the joy of wearing a truly exceptional perfume.
Finding the Perfect Fragrance Deals Online
The digital world has revolutionized the way we shop for perfumes. Online platforms often provide exclusive Chanel Gabrielle perfume offers and recommendations for perfumes that smell like Dior Sauvage, catering to a wide range of tastes and budgets. By exploring trusted websites, you can uncover hidden gems, compare prices, and even read reviews from fellow fragrance enthusiasts.
Be sure to stay informed about seasonal sales and promotional events. Signing up for newsletters or following your favorite retailers on social media can help you stay updated on the latest deals. With a bit of patience and research, you can curate an impressive collection of fragrances without overspending.
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aparichitt · 2 months ago
When it comes to finding a pet, whether for companionship or as part of a family, the process has become more accessible thanks to the growth of online platforms. One such site is animalssale.com, a popular destination for people seeking to adopt or purchase pets. As more individuals turn to the internet to find their new furry (or scaly) friends, it’s important to understand the ins and outs of such websites and how to make informed decisions before bringing an animal into your life.
Why Turn to Online Platforms for Pet Adoption?
In today’s fast-paced world, convenience is key, and this is particularly true when it comes to adopting or purchasing a pet. Websites like animalssale.com allow potential pet owners to explore various animals from the comfort of their homes. Whether you’re looking for a dog, cat, bird, or even something more exotic, these platforms offer a wide variety of pets to choose from, all organized by breed, age, and size.
Gone are the days of limited options at local pet stores or breeders. Now, you can browse through hundreds of available pets across different regions with just a few clicks. With the added advantage of searching for pets based on specific criteria, it makes the process of finding the right companion much more efficient.
The Process of Finding a Pet on Animalssale.co
The first step when browsing a platform like animalssale.com is typically to define what you’re looking for. Do you have a specific breed in mind, or are you open to different options? The site allows users to filter their search results based on various factors such as the type of animal, breed, age, and location. This makes it easy to narrow down the search and find exactly what you're looking for.
Each listing on the site includes detailed information about the animal, such as breed specifics, age, health status, and any other important details like special care requirements. Many listings also include photos or videos, helping potential buyers or adopters get a better sense of the pet’s personality and appearance.
For those new to the pet-owning journey, it’s important to take the time to read through these details carefully. Don’t hesitate to reach out to the sellers or breeders if you have any questions about the pet’s history, temperament, or needs. Many platforms, including animalssale.com, also offer customer reviews and ratings, giving you insights into the experience of other people who have worked with a particular seller.
Ethical Considerations: Adoption vs. Purchasing from a Breeder
While browsing sites like animalssale.co, you may find a debate between adopting a pet from a shelter or purchasing one from a breeder. Each option has its pros and cons, and it’s important to consider your personal circumstances and the specific needs of the animal you’re interested in.
Adopting from a shelter is a great way to give an animal in need a second chance. Many shelters have dogs, cats, and other animals waiting for homes, and adoption is often a more affordable route. On the other hand, purchasing a pet from a breeder allows you to choose a specific breed with a known lineage, which can be important for some people. Breeders may also provide more detailed information about the pet’s health and behavior, which can be a crucial factor for first-time pet owners.
Whether you choose to adopt or buy from a breeder, it’s essential to ensure that the animal comes from a responsible and ethical source. Some breeders or sellers may not prioritize the well-being of the animals, so it’s important to do your research and choose sellers who treat their animals with care and respect.
The Responsibilities of Pet Ownership
Pet ownership is not a decision to be taken lightly. While the idea of having a cute, cuddly animal by your side is appealing, it’s essential to understand the long-term commitment involved. Pets require time, attention, and resources, and it's important to be prepared for the responsibilities that come with them.
For example, dogs need daily walks, social interaction, and regular veterinary checkups. Cats, while more independent, still need care and attention, including proper feeding, litter box maintenance, and vet visits. Even exotic pets like birds or reptiles require specialized care, such as the right type of habitat, diet, and temperature control.
Before committing to a pet, ask yourself important questions like: Do I have the time to care for an animal? Is my living situation suitable for the pet I’m considering? Am I financially prepared for the costs of pet ownership, such as food, medical care, and grooming? Answering these questions can help ensure that both you and your future pet have a happy and healthy life together.
Bringing Your New Pet Home
Once you’ve made the decision to adopt or purchase a pet from a site like animalssale.co, it’s time to prepare for their arrival. Setting up your home with the right supplies, including food, bedding, toys, and any other necessary items, is essential. Make sure to pet-proof your space by removing any potentially harmful items and ensuring the environment is safe for your new friend.
When bringing a pet home, especially if it’s a young or nervous animal, take things slow. Let them adjust to their new surroundings at their own pace. Create a quiet, comfortable space where they can feel secure and offer plenty of positive reinforcement as they settle in.
Conclusion: A Lifetime of Love and Care
Choosing a pet is a big decision, but it can also be one of the most rewarding experiences of your life. With resources like animalssale.com, it’s easier than ever to find the perfect companion. However, before taking that step, it’s important to be sure that you’re ready for the responsibilities of pet ownership. By considering your lifestyle, researching potential pets, and choosing a reputable source, you can ensure that your new pet will have a long, happy, and healthy life with you.
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tenaciouspizzajellyfish · 2 months ago
**“Full-Day Spa Retreats Near Me: Indulgence Awaits!”**
In today’s fast-paced world, the need for relaxation and self-care has never been more important. Whether you're a busy professional, a parent juggling multiple responsibilities, or someone simply in need of a break, a day at the spa is like hitting the reset button on your life. Imagine stepping into an oasis of peace, where soothing sounds and calming aromas envelop you as you embark on a journey of indulgence and pampering. This article aims to explore the concept of “Full-Day Spa Retreats Near Me: Indulgence Awaits!”, providing insights into what makes these experiences so special, how to find the best spas nearby, and what you top-rated day spa near me can expect from a full day at the spa.
What is a Day Spa?
A day spa is more than just a place to get pampered. It's an escape from reality that allows individuals to rejuvenate both their body and mind. Unlike destination spas or resort spas, which may require overnight accommodations, day spas serve as convenient retreats for those looking for a few hours or an entire day dedicated to relaxation.
Key Features of Day Spas Variety of Treatments: From massages and facials to body scrubs and wraps. Relaxation Areas: Many spas feature lounges, saunas, or hot tubs for unwinding. Accessibility: Typically located in urban areas or resorts. Why Do People Visit Day Spas?
People visit day spas for numerous reasons including relaxation, stress relief, beauty enhancement, or even social gatherings with friends or loved ones. A spa day can be an ideal gift for birthdays, anniversaries, or just because.
Benefits of Full-Day Spa Retreats Physical Benefits Stress Reduction: Various treatments help reduce cortisol levels. Muscle Relaxation: Massages alleviate tension in muscles. Improved Circulation: Spa treatments enhance blood flow. Mental Benefits Mental Clarity: Time away allows for personal reflection. Mood Enhancement: Endorphins released during treatments boost mood. Enhanced Focus: A refreshed mind increases productivity post-spa. Finding Full-Day Spa Retreats Near Me
When searching for "full-day spa near me," full day spa near me consider using online resources such as Google Maps or Yelp to discover local options based on reviews and ratings.
Top Tips for Finding the Best Day Spas Read Reviews: Check platforms like Yelp or TripAdvisor. Ask for Recommendations: Friends and family may have suggestions. Visit Websites: Look at services offered and pricing structures. Popular Spa Treatments You Can Enjoy on Your Spa Day Massages Swedish Massage: Great for relaxation. Deep Tissue Massage: Ideal for chronic pain relief. Facials Hydrating Facial: Perfect for dry skin types. Anti-Aging Facial: Targets signs of aging effectively. Body Treat
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holidaylets · 3 months ago
From Cozy Cottages to Luxury Villas: How to Find the Ideal Holiday Let
When it comes to planning your perfect getaway, finding the ideal holiday let can make all the difference. Whether you're dreaming of a charming countryside cottage or an opulent beachfront villa, choosing the right accommodation sets the tone for your entire holiday experience. With the wide range of holiday lets available, the process of finding your perfect home away from home may seem overwhelming. However, by following a few simple steps, you can book a place that ticks all your boxes without any hassle.
In this guide, we’ll explore everything you need to know about finding the ideal holiday let, from budget-friendly cottages to lavish villas, so that your next vacation is nothing short of unforgettable.
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Start with Location in Mind
The first step in finding the perfect holiday let is choosing your location. Whether you're looking for a peaceful retreat in the countryside or a lively escape in a coastal town, narrowing down your location helps focus your search. Think about what kind of atmosphere you want for your holiday: do you crave the tranquility of nature, or are you looking for easy access to bustling attractions?
For those who love the great outdoors, a cozy cottage nestled in the hills or by the lakeside might be the perfect escape. On the other hand, if you're yearning for beachside bliss, a luxury villa with ocean views could be the ultimate treat. Consider what activities and experiences are important to you, as the right location will align with your holiday goals.
Define Your Needs and Preferences
Once you’ve settled on a location, it’s time to define what kind of holiday let best suits your needs. Consider who you’re traveling with and what amenities you’ll require during your stay. A couple on a romantic getaway might opt for a small, intimate cottage, while a family may need a larger house with a garden, extra bedrooms, and kid-friendly amenities.
If you're traveling in a group, a spacious villa with multiple bedrooms and a pool might be more practical. For those looking to truly indulge, a luxury villa with added features like a private chef, daily housekeeping, or even a personal spa could elevate the experience. By defining your needs and preferences, you’ll be able to quickly identify which properties will offer the best fit for your holiday.
Use Trusted Booking Platforms
With so many booking platforms out there, it’s important to use reputable websites when searching for holiday lets. Major platforms like Airbnb, Vrbo, and Booking.com offer a wide range of accommodations and provide peace of mind with their verified reviews, secure payment options, and customer service support.
These platforms also allow you to filter results based on location, price range, property size, and amenities, making it easier to find exactly what you’re looking for. You can even filter properties based on user ratings, so you can book with confidence knowing that other travelers have had positive experiences.
When searching, don’t forget to check for special offers or last-minute deals. You may be able to score a better price or snag additional amenities, especially during the off-peak travel season.
Read the Reviews Carefully
One of the best ways to ensure you’re booking a high-quality holiday let is by reading the reviews left by previous guests. Reviews offer valuable insights into the property’s cleanliness, comfort, and overall experience. Be on the lookout for comments that address your specific concerns or preferences, such as how well-equipped the kitchen is, how reliable the Wi-Fi is, or how friendly and responsive the host has been.
In addition to positive reviews, pay attention to any consistent criticisms. If multiple guests mention issues like poor maintenance or uncomfortable beds, it’s worth considering those factors when making your decision. While every property may have a few minor complaints, you want to feel confident that the holiday let meets your expectations.
Be Flexible with Your Dates for Better Deals
If you’re flexible with your travel dates, you’re more likely to find better deals on holiday lets, especially if you book during the shoulder or off-peak seasons. Many holiday homes, cottages, and villas offer reduced rates when demand is lower, so by avoiding peak holiday periods, you could save a significant amount of money.
Additionally, staying midweek or extending your stay by a few days may allow you to take advantage of special discounts. Some properties offer deals for longer stays, so it’s always worth exploring the price difference between a weekend getaway and a longer holiday.
Check the Amenities Offered
When browsing holiday lets, make sure the property offers all the amenities you need to make your stay comfortable. Whether it’s a fully equipped kitchen, laundry facilities, or reliable Wi-Fi, these little details can make or break your experience.
If you're booking a luxury villa, check if there are any premium services included, like a private pool, spa, or personal chef. If you're opting for a more rustic, cozy cottage, look for features like a fireplace, scenic views, or outdoor space where you can enjoy the surrounding nature. Knowing what’s included upfront will help you avoid surprises and ensure a smooth stay.
Secure the Best Price with Smart Booking Tactics
Finally, to get the best value for your holiday let, consider using smart booking tactics. Some hosts are open to negotiation, especially if the property isn’t booked during your desired dates. Don’t hesitate to reach out and inquire if they would be willing to offer a discount for an extended stay or a reduced rate for last-minute bookings.
Another useful tip is to book directly through the property owner or management company if possible, as this can sometimes save you money by avoiding third-party platform fees. However, if you do this, make sure the booking process is secure, and you’re still protected in case of cancellations or other issues.
Final Thoughts: Discover Your Ideal Holiday Let
Whether you’re looking for a cozy cottage in the countryside or a luxurious villa by the sea, finding the perfect holiday let doesn’t have to be complicated. By following these tips—starting with location, defining your needs, using trusted platforms, and paying attention to reviews��you’ll be well on your way to booking the ideal holiday rental for your next getaway.
Holiday lets offer the unique opportunity to experience your destination in a more personal and comfortable way. With the right approach, you’ll enjoy a stress-free booking process and a stay that exceeds your expectations.
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sanhotelseriesvn · 3 months ago
How to Choose the Best Hotel for Your Needs: A Step-by-Step Guide
When it comes to traveling, choosing the right hotel can make or break your entire trip. Whether you're planning a romantic getaway, a family vacation, or a business trip, the perfect hotel can enhance your experience and ensure that you're comfortable and well-rested. With so many options out there, though, it can be overwhelming to know where to start.
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Here’s a step-by-step guide to help you choose the best hotel that suits your specific needs:
Determine Your Budget Before you start browsing hotel options, it's essential to set a budget. Knowing how much you're willing to spend will help you narrow down your choices and avoid unnecessary stress. Remember, a higher price doesn’t always equate to better quality. Set your budget in advance, and stick to it.
Tip: Consider not only the room rate but also additional costs like resort fees, parking, taxes, and Wi-Fi. These can quickly add up!
Define the Purpose of Your Trip The type of trip you're taking plays a significant role in choosing the best hotel. Are you traveling for business, leisure, or a special occasion? Your needs will differ based on the purpose of your trip. Here are some considerations:
Business Trip: Look for hotels with business facilities like meeting rooms, high-speed internet, and a quiet environment. Leisure Trip: You’ll want a hotel that offers relaxation, entertainment, or easy access to attractions. Family Vacation: Consider family-friendly hotels with amenities like kids’ clubs, family rooms, and proximity to kid-oriented activities.
Location, Location, Location The location of your hotel is arguably the most important factor. Think about the places you’ll be visiting during your trip. Do you want to be close to the airport, train station, or major tourist attractions? Or perhaps you’d prefer a quiet, out-of-the-way retreat?
Tip: Use a map or hotel booking site to check the hotel’s proximity to transport hubs and attractions. Make sure the area is safe and convenient for your needs.
Read Hotel Reviews Hotel reviews from other travelers are one of the most reliable sources of information. Websites like TripAdvisor, Google, and booking platforms provide honest feedback from people who have stayed at the hotel.
Tip: Pay attention to recent reviews. Sometimes, hotels undergo renovations or changes in service, so make sure the feedback is current.
Consider the Amenities Different hotels offer different amenities, and it’s crucial to choose one that offers what matters most to you. Some amenities to consider include:
Free Wi-Fi: This is a must for many travelers, especially business travelers. Swimming Pool/Gym: If staying fit or relaxing by the pool is important to you, look for hotels that offer these facilities. Breakfast Included: Some hotels include complimentary breakfast, which can be a great convenience for those on the go. Parking: If you’re driving, make sure the hotel offers parking, ideally free or at a reasonable rate.
>> Read more Top 10 4-star hotels in Hanoi here: https://sanhotelseries.com/4-star-hotels-in-hanoi/
Check the Hotel’s Reputation for Service Good service is essential for a pleasant stay. It’s not just about the room – the way you're treated by the hotel staff can make a huge difference. Look for hotels with a reputation for friendly, helpful service. If possible, ask for recommendations from friends or check social media for real-time customer experiences.
Tip: Pay attention to the hotel's customer service policies, such as flexible check-in/check-out times or easy cancellation options.
Look for Special Deals or Packages Many hotels offer special deals or packages, especially during off-peak seasons. These can save you money or provide added value, such as spa treatments, tickets to local attractions, or complimentary meals.
Tip: Sign up for hotel newsletters or follow their social media accounts to stay informed about promotions and offers.
Examine Room Types and Sizes Hotels often offer a range of room types and sizes. Be sure to select a room that fits your needs. For example, if you’re traveling with family, you might want a suite with a separate living area or additional beds. If privacy is important, look for rooms that offer more seclusion or better soundproofing.
Tip: Always check the room description carefully to make sure it offers the amenities you need, such as a private bathroom, air conditioning, or a balcony.
Check Hotel Policies Before booking, read the hotel’s policies on things like pets, smoking, and cancellations. Some hotels have specific rules regarding pets or require a deposit for incidentals. You don’t want any surprises when you arrive.
Tip: Make sure you understand the cancellation policy in case your plans change. Some hotels offer flexible cancellation, while others might charge a fee for changes.
Consider the Environment Lastly, consider the hotel’s commitment to sustainability and social responsibility. Many travelers are now seeking eco-friendly options and supporting businesses that prioritize sustainable practices, such as reducing waste, conserving water, and using renewable energy.
Tip: Look for certifications or eco-labels that indicate the hotel’s commitment to sustainability, like Green Key or EarthCheck.
Final Thoughts Choosing the best hotel for your needs doesn’t have to be stressful if you approach it step by step. By defining your budget, purpose, and preferred amenities, and doing your research, you can find the perfect hotel that will help make your trip unforgettable.
Pro Tip: Don’t be afraid to call the hotel directly if you have any questions. A quick phone call can sometimes provide valuable information that might not be listed online.
Happy travels, and may you find the perfect hotel for your next adventure! 🌍✨
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mez-rperez · 3 months ago
Reflecting on my undergrad internship: HEB Information Solutions, Summer 2018
Lately I've been holding space for the lyrics of defyi... I mean reflecting on my 'professional' experiences so far in life. Between my dissertation and my unequivocal belief that Wicked's Elphaba is a textbook example of women of color in tech, I've had plenty of reason (I will stop making Wicked references now, I promise). I'm writing this blog post, though, because I was recently explicitly asked for more information on one part of my professional development, which was my internship with HEB corporate back in undergrad. So, this blog is a way for me to hold space for that experience in case it is helpful for anyone else down the road! I will say up front that I don't know if the internship is still structured in the way I experienced it, and so if you are someone reading this looking to be in this exact internship, I would look into the current website or see if you can talk to recruiters! I am also not employed by HEB currently, I just have lots of good things to say from that experience.
How did I find/get the internship?
The short story is that I was at the Grace Hopper Celebration (GHC) in 2017, and connected with a recruiter there for HEB. I exchanged information, applied, and then was invited for a phone screening and then a technical interview. In December 2017, I was extended an offer for the Summer 2018 internship cohort. The longer story, to provide context, is that I was at the beginning of my third year of a Computer Science (CS) bachelor's degree, and trying to decide how I wanted my career to look. I had just started dipping my toe into research (which is what I do now), and I had spent the summer before as a teaching assistant for a Girls Who Code Summer program in Austin (they used to be in person--note my experiences are pre-pandemic!). My degree program was absolutely geared toward getting students into tech companies/positions (so not so much teaching or research) so I felt that I was missing this part. When it came time for GHC, which includes an extensive job fair for all levels of job seekers, I was trying to seek out companies where I had some idea of what they did. Growing up in Texas, I was intimately familiar with HEB, so seeing them at the career fair nearly made me jump for joy. I was able to have an actual conversation with the recruiter, which I think helped my case. I unfortunately don't remember too much about the specifics of the application and interview process, but I know there was a screening, a manager phone call, and then a technical interview. It was very similar questions to what you'd see anywhere else, like these. If GHC was in September, then I would have done all of this in October or November. Found out in December and then started preparing for that!
What did it entail?
Structurally, the internship was 10 weeks, though mine had a different start time than most because I was at a school on the quarter system (as opposed to semesters, which are more common in Texas). It was entirely in-person in San Antonio, and they provided and paid for all the housing. On Friday mornings, we (the interns) also had free breakfast while we heard talks from people across the company. This was always fun and educational! Otherwise, we were in our designated departments, which would each have a handful of interns.
I was hired to work with the Information Solutions department, which to my understanding was in charge of many of the digital products, both internal and external. We didn't start on projects right away; instead, they had us do starter projects so we could learn more about some of the tools they used. What was cool about this though was that they still treated it like it was part of an actual project, so we had code reviews and used git to manage our projects. In theory these were things we were already doing in school, but seeing them be used with best practices on actual teams, it was eye-opening.
Those took about the first two or three weeks (we had 3 projects), and then we were assigned to teams. I can't go into detail about the projects (mostly because I can't remember) but I can say that I definitely got a taste of agile development. Also, this was the stage where I had more hands-on mentoring and conversations about the big picture of why certain technologies were used. On a day-to-day basis, I would have been in a stand-up meeting in the morning, get back to my desk to work on my part of the project, or use Jira to find other things to work on. It was like this for a few weeks before I was put on another project, my final one, to come up with a script that could be run once a month or so that would report on some... I don't know, some metrics? It's so funny that I don't remember what I worked on because I learned so much in this process. I also was working with a mentor a few times a week on this, which was incredible.
At the end of the internship, all of the interns gave 10-minute presentations about what we worked on. I gathered a few people in the department to help me make mine, and I think I did a good enough job.
How did it fit in my larger career trajectory?
Towards the end of the internship, those of us in IS had the opportunity to interview for full-time positions once we graduated. I was pretty set on this job if I hadn't ended up liking research as much as I did. This may sound cheesy, but it was really the best version of an internship I could have done: close to family, great working environment, and mentorship from people of color in tech. All of these things also matter to me now as a researcher. This experience did tell me that coding/technical skills, while important, are only part of what makes a computer scientist. Your ability to mentor, serve the community with your skills, and work on diverse teams is equally if not more important. This idea is one that I have taken up in one of my research papers, and I think this interest can be partially attributed to my time in this internship.
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