#I reserve the right not to answer any I don't wish.
rafeandonlyrafe · 3 months
reserved chair
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words: 10.9k
warnings: 18+ only, smut, college au, past car crash, anxiety/ptsd, shy!reader, virgin!reader, soft!rafe, fingering, female recieving oral, p in v sex, protected sex
you take a deep breath before pulling open the door, eyes scanning the lecture hall. despite being ten minutes early to class, most of the seats are already taken. you turn quickly towards the stairs, climbing them slower than your feet want to, desiring to speed up the stairs to stop being able to see everyone's eyes and just the back of their head.
you let out a second deep breath when you get to the top, only a few students in the back row. you walk until you're as far away as possible from any other students, sinking into your chair the second you're sat down. you allow yourself a moment to breathe before working on getting your stuff out, placing your head down to just focus on lessing your anxiety.
upon picking up your head, you swear everyone's eyes are on you. you glance around towards your fellow classmates, but they've almost all turned to stare at the back row, not even trying to hide looking at you.
“wh-what is it?” you whisper to the girl in front of you, the one closest who thankfully looks nice.
“that's rafe camerons seat.”
“who is rafe cameron?” you question. it's the first week of classes, how could he have already claimed a seat? 
the doors open before she can respond, and despite other students entering without anyone caring, everyone's attention shifts, his energy and presence entering the room before he does.
you instantly know that he must be rafe cameron. his eyes land on you before you can scurry to a different seat, trapping you in place, a slight smirk on his face as he casually makes his way up the stairs, and then down the aisle until he is hovering over you.
“is-is this your seat?” you manage to mumble out. “ill move.”
“nah, pretty girl, you stay right there.” rafe grabs the chair next to you, pulling it closer than the allotted distance between work areas before sitting down, so close you can practically feel his leg hovering close to yours, making you shrink even more in your seat.
you can feel his eyes staring at you, paying no mind to anyone else in the classroom, even as the professor enters.
“do you need a pencil?” you ask, reaching down to place your bag on your lap, knowing your voice just came out pathetically timid and weak.
“nope.” he hums, placing a laptop on the desk from a bag you didn't even realize he was carrying onto the table. you should have known he was the type to write notes on a laptop. you wish you had that kind of funds, but you have to head to the library every time you need to use a computer, already struggling just from the tuition alone.
you nod, keeping your head turned down as you get out your notebook, favorite mechanical pencil, and the syllabus you pre-printed out and highlighted.
“what's this?” rafe questions, reaching over to tap your finger, making your eyes widen at the touch, even though he just taps the bandaids around three of your fingers.
“oh! um…” you move quickly to hide your hand. “i write a lot. i get sores on my hand from holding my pencil if i don't bandage them.”
“shit.” rafe laughs. “that's intense.”
you're not sure if he's making fun of you, if he's mocking or sincere. “yeah.” you just whisper.
“what's your name?” he questions, head tilting to the side out of curiosity.
“y/n.” you mutter out. he's probably the first person you've introduced yourself to at college, even going as far as to manage the extra money to get a single dorm, knowing you'd need the privacy and silence to recover from the social interactions.
“im rafe. rafe cameron. where you from y/n?”
“norfolk.” you whisper your answer, your professor starting to introduce himself, but rafe keeps talking as if he isn't going over the syllabus, and for some reason the professor ignores him.
“ah, nice. im from the outer banks.” rafe nods. “you must be pretty smart to get into duke.”
“i guess.” you shrug. you know your test scores are impressive, and you had plenty of time to start dual enrollment since you were homeschooled for high school. it's why you're technically a freshmen in a class full of sophomores and juniors.
“whats your major?”
“general literature.” you shrug. at least thats your major for now, you are considering changing to research psychology, knowing you have to figure it out soon.
“good class for you then.” rafe chuckles, looking at the screen on the wall, words blown up large to show the name of the class LIT 290: SPECIAL TOPICS IN INTERNATIONAL LITERATURE AND CULTURE.
“what's your major?” you question, whispering while rafe talks at a normal volume. you wait for the professor to scold him, occasionally giving him angry glances, brows furrowed together, but the shushing never comes.
rafe shrugs. “just kinda taking classes for now. i guess im technically in government. gonna take over my dad's development company once i graduate and he retires.”
“oh, like real estate development?” you quirk your head to the side, half listening to him, half listening to the professor as you scribble down notes.
“yup. you've probably heard of the company.”
your brows furrow as you think, not sure why he's so confident about having heard of it before, it's not like you can really name any real estate- oh.
“rafe cameron. cameron enterprises.” you mumble, eyes widening.
“exactly right.” he smirks. “you stay in one of our dorms?”
you nod, you do in fact. there's several cameron sponsored dorms around campus, you're in east campus: cameron.
“i guess that explains a lot.” you take a deep sigh. no wonder everyone was staring at him, why the professor refuses to say anything to him, his family's company practically sponsors the entire school.
“ill let you focus now.” rafe sits forward, hands coming to his keyboard as the professor begins the actual lecture.
you furiously write, nervous to miss any information, not wanting to waste the scholarship money allowing you to take this class.
“y/n.” rafe says, making you jump slightly, forgetting he was next to you, so focused in paying attention to the professor.
“yeah?” you hum, putting your notebook into your bag as the professor ends class, reminding everyone to review the syllabus and get their reading done.
“sit there next week.” he says, tapping the table in front of you before standing, striding out of the class without a care in the world, people stopping in their tracks to let him pass.
you can hear their whispers and footsteps, breaking the silence of the evening as you sit on front of your window, desk pushed up close as you take notes, textbook opened up, the lamp on your desk switched on as the setting sun turns the sky a warm orange with hints of pink, making the fall colors in the campus trees looking even more red.
there's a knock on your door, making you jump as the pencil clatters to the floor. you expected the whispers and footsteps to pass. certainly they must be at the wrong room.
you consider staying silent, but want them to go away, not try to knock again thinking that their friend just didn't hear them.
“hi.” you smile as you open the door. “i think you have the wrong room.”
“no, we've got the right one.” you recognize one of the three girls as the girl in front of you in lit 209, the one who told you whose seat you were in.
“im angie. this is chelsea and veronica.” she gestures to the girls behind her. “we saw you talking to rafe. i… kinda overheard some of your conversation. chelsea is also from norfolk and im also studying literature. i thought we'd invite you out to join us at the dining hall.”
it takes you a second to realize what she's asking you. finding commonalities, inviting you out, basically asking you to be friends without the direct words.
“yeah.” you nod. “let me just grab my bag.” you step into your dorm to grab your bag off the book, double checking that your student id is inside to get into the dining hall. you shove your phone into your back pocket before stepping out, not letting your anxiety stop you from making friends, you need at least one person to confide in and hang out with.
“so, where did you graduate from?” chelsea asks, the one also from norfolk.
“oh, i was homeschooled.” you hate having to explain it, but the reason why you had to drop out of public school is the same reason your heart beat is skyrocketing as you head towards the elevator, palms sweating and nervously swallowing.
“oh, nice!” chelsea smiles. “i graduated from maury high.”
you're thankful it's not the high school you pulled out of, there's no way that she would have heard about you, about your intense anxiety after you were in a car crash, then sudden disappearance from school.
the conversation shifts to the other girls high schools, veronica telling a funny story from her graduation. you occasionally chime in, but the girls seem happy to keep the conversation flowing between each other as you head out of the dorm room and through the walkways to the dining hall.
the conversation doesn't shift until you until you're sitting down at a booth.
“so, rafe, huh?” chelsea asks.
“i don't know him.” you shake your head. “i just sat next to him and offered him a pencil, really, that's it.”
“you do know who his dad is right?”
you glance around the cafeteria, even that has signs of cameron enterprises sponsorship. “oh, i know.”
“that's why he goes here.” angie says. “he wouldn't have gotten in if it wasn't for his dad.”
“he's so hot, right?” veronica giggles before taking a bite of her pizza.
“yeah, is he even better up close?” chelsea turns to ask you.
you shrug. “i mean, i wasn't really paying attention.” it's a half truth. you absolutely were aware of how attractive rafe was, but you spent all of the lecture and most of the conversation trying to avoid looking at him for fear of eye contact.
“i heard he's such a bad boy. apparently he broke like five girls hearts last year because he was sleeping with them all at the same time.”
“oh, jeez.” you cringe. you should have guessed rafe was a player, but you also don't know the truth behind the rumors.
the conversation shifts from rafe to about other boys at the school, allowing you a moment to breathe and center yourself, calming down slightly. the girls make you feel comfortable enough that you finish dinner and bid them goodbye without a major anxiety attack, but the second you get back in your dorm, you collapse into the bed and pass out.
you stare at the seats, wondering if you really should sit in the same one. angie looks back at you with a gentle smile, mouthing a quick “sorry.” as there's already people sitting on either side of her.
you shake your head. it's fine, you tell yourself, and pull out the chair and sit down, right in the same spot you were at last week.
rafe walks in moments later, a real smile on his face when he sees you. you glance at him quickly before looking down, fiddling with your pencil and writing random gibberish until he's sat next to you.
“so i didn't scare you off?” rafe questions, setting his laptop down and fishing out his cord to charge it. you notice the outlet inset into the table is directly in front of you, rafe having to lean over into your personal space to plug it in.
“we can switch spots.” you blurt out, despite the cord being plenty long enough to reach.
“nah.” rafe shakes his head. “you look pretty in my seat.”
you're not sure how you looking pretty relates, and how you would look any different sitting in the opposite chair, but your face blushes and you stammer something intelligible, making rafe smirk.
“you're real cute, you know that right?”
“oh, i um- noooo.” you chuckle awkwardly.
“even cuter when i make your face all red like that.”
you don't say anything in response, not sure you can even form words as you reach to press your fingers over your cheeks, willing them to cool down.
“i got something for you.” rafe reaches into his bag. he pulls out his computer and then a second laptop, making your brows furrow as he sets it in front of you, along with a charger and bluetooth mouse.
“what is this?” you question. you’ve heard of loaner laptops through the school, but this brand is way too nice to be the one they’re handing out to dumb college kids to give back at the end of your semester.
“a laptop. for you.” rafe says, like it’s obvious.
“i-i can’t!” you shake your head as the professor begins his lecture. for once, you don’t even bother to pay attention as you pick up the laptop and move it back towards rafe. “i can’t afford it.” “it’s already paid for.” rafe places it back in front of you, opening it up. “the password is my name.” he smirks as the screen turns on, illuminating your face. 
“its too expensive, i really can’t accept this.” your hands go to the keyboard despite your words, typing in his name rafecameron. you click enter, the computer unlocking for you to a clean home screen.
“its pennies to me, really. i want you to have it.” he glances at your still bandaged fingers. “so you can stop wrapping your fingers.”
“i-i don’t know how to thank you.” you shake your head.
“oh,” rafe reaches back into his backpack. “i got this for you. its touchscreen.” he sets the pen for the computer next to the mouse. “in case you prefer to write over type, but please, try typing for the sake of your fingers.”
“thank you.” you smile at him, opening up a browser and logging into your email, quickly opening up google docs to take notes, attention turning only half to the professor, the other half of your mind stays focused on rafe smiling at you.
“how did i know i’d find you here?” the voice makes you jump. it’s strange to hear rafes voice outside of the lecture hall, even as the weeks have gone by and you’ve hung out occasionally with angie and the few friends you’ve made, you’ve never seen rafe outside of class.
“no one is ever here.” you look around the empty room. it’s a study room, technically met for literature majors, but you’re sure no one would say a word about rafe being inside.
“thats how i knew you’d be here.” he plops down on the seat across from you. 
“do you need help with your homework or something?” you ask. your professor assigned you an essay, maybe rafe is seeking out your help.
rafe lets out a scoff, looking at you with an exasperated expression. of course. you should have known he didn’t need to really try on his homework to get straight a’s.
“i want to take you on a date, come on.” rafe cocks his head toward the door.
“oh!” your eyebrows rise in surprise. sure, rafe has always been flirty before and after class, but you thought it was mostly out of teasing you, riling you up, not serious enough to actually ask you on a date.
“your choice. now or in two hours.” rafe glances at the clock on the wall.
“now is fine.” you also look at the clock. you don’t want to stay out too late, needing to get back in your dorm and work, and you also don’t want to end up at a party, it’s probably your worst nightmare to be surrounded by drunk college kids shouting and dancing.
“perfect.” rafe picks up your bag when you put your stuff away, slinging it over his shoulder as you follow behind him, having to pick your pace up to keep up with his long strides.
“taking you to dinner off campus.” rafe says, leading you out of the building and towards the parking lot. you freeze ups, eyes widening. rafe doesn’t realize you’ve stopped following him, stuck in place on the sidewalk, until he’s feet away from you.
“hey…” rafe says softly, approaching you carefully. “you alright?” “i-i-” you hate how much you’re stuttering, you can’t help it when the nerves take over and your hands start to shake. “i don’t like- um. i don’t like being a passenger.” just uttering the words make that night come back to you, you trusting your friend, getting into their car, only for them to roll it repeatedly, somehow all walking away, but the scars inside of you are mental ones.
“you can drive then.” rafe holds his keys up like an offering. “or we can eat dinner here, whatever you want.”
“im okay driving.” you trust only yourself. maybe someday you’ll learn to feel safe with someone driving you, but it took you weeks to get behind the wheel with even your mom, having to use calming techniques every time you’re on the road.
“perfect.” rafe stays pretty quiet, only making small comments about how to turn on his car (you’ve never been in a push to start before) and how to get to the restaurant. he doesn’t even turn on the radio, seeing how nervous you are, letting you concentrate fully on driving. you do feel better when you’re in control of the vehicle, but the fear of a rogue driver hitting you is always there.
“i want to tell you something, rafe.” you say shyly, now sat at your table at a nice restaurant, wishing you would have changed into something fancier, but rafe doesn’t seem to care, so you don’t either.
“okay.” he nods.
“i was in a car accident in high school. that’s why i don’t like being a passenger. thats why i have…” you take a deep breath. “so much anxiety.”
“hey.” he says softly, reaching across the table. “its okay. you don’t have to explain yourself to me. i like you just how you are.”
the comments angie and chelsea come to the front of your mind. “why do you even like me? everyone says you’re some sort of bad boy.” you don’t have to point out that rafe has only ever been nice to you, ridiculously kind and generous.
“when i walked into the classroom that first day and saw you sitting in my seat, looking at me like that…” rafe shakes his head. “you’re the prettiest girl i’ve ever seen. i love that you’re shy. it’s cute, i swear.” “you like my anxiety?” you giggle, sure that no man could actually mean that.
“well, no.” rafe shakes his head, his eyes bright. “i like that you’re like a puzzle, waiting for me to solve.” “i-i don’t know what to say. im not mysterious or anything.” you tuck a strand of hair behind your ear.
“maybe not, but i want to figure out what makes you tick. how you like to be kissed, held…” rafe raises an eyebrow and you don't need him to say the next word as you're suddenly very interested in staring at your food.
“there's that blush i love so much.” rafe smiles. “you're so gorgeous.”
“there's like, way prettier girls than me at the college. i don't get your interest in me at all. awkward and… shy.” you shrug.
“don't sell yourself short.” rafe reaches across the table, squeezing your hand in his. “you're beautiful. plus, half the girls just want me for my dad's money, and the other half hate me for sleeping around last year.”
“yeah, i kinda heard about that.” you admit, trying to concentrate on your palm to keep it from getting sweaty. “angie told me you were sleeping with five girls at the same time.”
“they were all just hookups.” rafe shakes his head. “never went farther than that with any of them. it isn't like that with you.”
“well… it's nice to know you're serious about me.”
“hold your hand out.” rafe says, still sat in the same classroom, the rest of the students long gone, and with no other classes scheduled for the rest of the day, you feel like you could stay here with rafe all night.
you cup your hand and wait for whatever surprise, unsure how anything could beat the laptop he gifted you.
rafe unclips his gold chain from around his neck and drops it into your palm. “for you to wear. if you want of course.”
“is this the college equivalent of giving me your letterman jacket?” you giggle, perception of high school skewed towards idealized versions in books and movies since you missed out on most of the personal experience.
“i would love to call you my girl.” rafe smiles softly, so genuine it makes you almost want to lean forward and plant your lips on his.
“like… exclusively?” you wiggle the chain in your hand, feeling the weight shift around. certainly real gold.
“of course. i told you, im serious about you. i want you and only you, but im willing to move at your pace. if you're not ready yet, ill wait.”
you take a moment to think about it. weighing the pros and cons. con, you're inexperienced. pro, you really like rafe. con, rafe could get bored with you after a week. pro, you really like rafe. con, a boyfriend would distract from your schoolwork. pro, you really like rafe.
you hand the necklace back to rafe, watching the way his face falls, thinking it's a rejection, before you pull your hair up. “put it on for me?”
rafes smile is brighter than the sun as he strings the necklace around you, fingers gently teasing your skin, grazing against you anytime he can while he does the clip.
you smile back at rafe as you turn back towards him, feeling giddy. “so, what now?”
“what do you mean what now?” rafe chuckles. “now i kiss you.”
rafe leans in as your eyes widen, heartbeat skyrocketing as you suddenly shout out. “im a virgin!”
rafe sits back in surprise and confusion.
“im a virgin, ive never had a real boyfriend and ive never had a first kiss unless you count one that happened in second grade with a boy named lincoln on the playground-” you know you're rambling, so you're thankful when rafe cuts you off.
“that's okay.” rafe says. “i like that you're untouched. just means i need to do things right for all your firsts.”
you nod, not really understanding what he means, but knowing that you like the sound of it.
“as much as id love to lay you out on this table and wreck you-” your eyes widen at that very image. “your first time will not be in an empty classroom, and your first kiss definitely won't be either. are you free tomorrow night?”
“im… kinda free whenever.” you admit. you only have homework and studying, but you're willing to move those around for dates with rafe, as long as your grades don't slip.
“well, im about to make sure you are a very busy lady.”
rafe doesn't try to kiss you the following night. or the date a day later. or at your next class when you end up staying after again. you expect it to be that moment every time, but rafe keeps it slow, almost too slow.
he started with holding your hand. then wrapping his arm around his shoulder. he finally advanced to kissing you on the cheek, and while you appreciate his thoughtfulness, you're starting to go crazy.
“you're lost in thought.” rafe says, making you shake your head and refocus on him. “i just hope it's about me and not about your upcoming assignments.”
“it's always about you.” you smile. your grades are still perfect, you just spend all your study time working hard to complete everything perfectly and quickly to get back to rafe.
“just what i like to hear.” rafe is sat on the end of your dorm bed, twinkling fairy lights above your head as you just relax, both in casual clothes.
“do you think you could stay the night?” you blurt out before quickly going to explain yourself. “not to… have sex. but just to sleep in the same bed.”
“are you sure? you don't have to-”
“rafe!” you squeal. “i want this! i want you!”
rafes eyes widen at your outburst, probably the loudest he's ever heard your voice, before he dissolves into laughter. “ive been taking this too slow, haven't it?” rafe asks as you pout and nod.
“jesus, ive been trying so hard to hold back and not fuck it up, i ended up just fucking up in the other direction. im not used to caring about girls, or anyone, this much. im sorry, y/n. you dictate the pace, not me.”
“i want you to kiss me. tonight. and i want you to stay over and cuddle and hold me.” you allow the sudden rush of boldness to loosen your tongue.
“then that's what we will do.” rafe nods.
he doesn't kiss you immediately, he waits for the perfect moment. the lights are still on, now set to slowly fade in and out.
rafe is laying facing you, not touching you at all, but you can feel the presence, practically itching to reach out.
you're nervous, but you're not letting it stops you. as the lights dim again, your hear the movement on the bed, and then feel rafe move closer.
the second the lights begin to turn back on, rafe is on you, his lips pressed against yours. he doesn't let your first kiss be a simple peck as an arm rounds your back and pulls you into him. he leads the kiss, leaving you just to follow his movements and not stress about being perfect.
rafe slows the kiss down gradually until he pulls away, both of you taking a deep breath.
“that… was amazing.” you giggle, watching the way rafes eyes light up as you laugh. “oh my god! how have i been missing out on that?”
“wanna do it again?” 
rafe kisses you until you start to feel dizzy, having to remind yourself to breathe as he holds you close, but it's still not enough.
you sling a leg over his hips, attempting to pull your bodies flush together when rafe suddenly turns onto his back.
“i don't think you want to do that, baby.” 
“why- oh!” you're about to question the sudden change of attitude when you look down rafes body and see how your kissing has affected one particular part of his body.
“i can't help that you're really sexy, but we aren't doing this tonight in your college dorm. i need to lay you out and make you cum many times in a place where you can be as loud as you want.”
“should i… put on a tv show until it's gone then we can cuddle and sleep?” you offer, trying to ignore his words despite knowing your face is now beet red.
“i don't know if ill ever be fully soft when laying in bed with you, but that will definitely help.”
“you have to tell me everything.” angie says, a plate of fries pushed between you to share.
“oh my god he's just… such a gentleman, which i never expected just based off-” you wave your hands around. “everything.”
“that's good because i don't care who his dad is or how rich he is, if he was treating you bad id kick his ass.”
you let out a soft giggle. “i don't think he's gonna mess this up but if he does, ill remember that.”
you both groan as you glance at the clock. you can only spend so much time talking with your new friend when you're supposed to be studying.
“alright.” you pull out your textbook along with the laptop rafe gave you. rafecameron. you didn't even think about changing the password.
“how many words is this essay supposed to be again?” angie hums, also powering on her laptop.
“2,000.” you roll your eyes. “which is just so ridiculous you know the professor isn't reading everyone's.”
“he probably puts them into some ai grader shit.” angie agrees. you both quickly get to work, even getting a refill of fries. you've found that when you have a friend with you you prefer working in the dining area.
“hey baby, i figured you were down here.” rafe slides into the seat next to you, pressing a kiss to your cheek. “how's the essay?”
“actually im pretty much done.” you shrug. you know you have a talent for writing, but its when the topic genuinely interests you. “just don't really know how to end it.”
“can i help?” rafe asks. you nod and angle the screen towards him, letting him read over the words.
“oh my god.” angie mouths to you, glancing between you and rafe.
you blush and duck your head, resting your shoulder against rafes as he reads, watching as he types out a couple sentences to finish off your conclusion paragraph.
“wait, shit, thats perfect.” you pull the laptop back close, checking the word count quickly to confirm you've hit your minimum amount.
“jeez, can you help me with mine too?” angie asks, her eyebrows furrowing together.
“ill read over it.” rafe shrugs. “afterall,” he looks to you. “y/ns friends are my friends.”
you gasp when you get back from your shower to find rafe laying in your bed. he immediately tosses aside his phone that he was mindlessly scrolling on.
“missed you.” rafe tugs on your hips as you step closer. your mouth presses against him, the kisses calming your anxiety rather than spiking it like you originally worried it would.
rafes hands stay on your hips as he pulls you down onto the bed, allowing you to fall forward against him, bouncing softly on the springy mattress.
“you're gonna end up missing me a lot over break.” you chuckle softly, knowing a week off is coming up soon.
“about that…” rafe flips so you're both on your sides, facing each other. “what's your plans? driving home to norfolk?”
“actually, i was just gonna stay here.” you shrug. “the college let's out of state kids stay in their dorms during the holiday breaks and i applied for special permission.”
“well, you won't need that.” rafe says. “that is, if you want to come to the outer banks with me.”
“oh- oh my god! yes.” you nod quickly. despite not living far away, you've never actually been to the area before, and you've grown used to rafes constant presence. you're not sure what a week would be like without him.
“my family is out of town until friday anyways, so we will have the place to ourselves for most of the time…” rafes hand moves to your lower back, tugging you in close to him. you understand the implication and despite everything, you only feel excitement and anticipation.
“here ya go.” rafe hands you his car keys. you never had to reiterate your need to be in control of any vehicle, rafe just went along with it without pushing.
“actually…” you swallow harshly. “you can drive.”
“baby.” a smile breaks out on rafes face as he talks softly, carefully helping you into the passenger seat, making sure to keep everything slow and relaxed.
“i trust you.” you tell rafe, pulling him in for a quick kiss. “just… don't speed.”
“i wouldn't even think about that.” rafe says, kissing your forehead. “ive got special cargo.”
you giggle and roll your eyes, surprised how corny rafe has become as you both fall further.
rafe seems to have a sense of when your anxiety spikes. he moves to the drivers seat and just stays there for a moment while you breathe, not even turning the car on until you give him a slight nod.
you can tell he's going the long way, turning around a couple side streets to avoid getting onto the highway home too soon.
“ill go this speed the whole way if that's what you need.” rafe says when he pauses at a stop sign.
“just a little more around the neighborhood and ill be fine.” you assure him. you reach over and lay a hand on rafes arm as he drives, the physical connection allowing you to take a deep breath.
when rafe eventually pulls onto the highway, you find yourself breathing regularly, mind racing through all the coping mechanisms the therapist who saw you after the car crash taught you.
“im… im actually doing okay.” you admit to rafe, leaning forward to turn the radio on but keeping the music turned downed low. “thank you.”
“im just glad you trust me.” rafe reaches over and squeezes your thigh before quickly putting both his hands back on the wheel. “it's a long drive for you to do solo.”
in truth it's not much longer than the drive from duke to norfolk, but you're glad that you can relax as the hour passes. 
everytime your mind wanders, or worry strikes about a crazed driver hitting you, you just look to rafe and allow yourself to breathe.
you even manage to lay your car seat back. 
rafe smiles over at you as he watches your eyes blinking slowly, recognizing the sure signs of sleep as you end up napping the rest of the way to his house.
“darling…” rafe says softly, rubbing his hand over your thigh.
you wake up with a start, gasping and sitting up, looking around rapidly.
“hey, hey.” rafe says softly, pulling you into a somewhat awkward hug over the center console. “it's okay. you're safe. we're at my home.”
you press your face into rafes chest and inhale his familiar scent. he doesn't bring up the anxiety spike as he gets out of the car.
you're about to step out when you look at your surroundings, jaw dropping at the stunning house in front of you.
“rafe- this. this place is beautiful.” you allow rafe to help you stand, stretching your legs out. your bags can come in later, you need a tour immediately.
“welcome to tanneyhill.”
“we'll have to go out on the boat tomorrow.” rafe twirls a strand of your hair around his finger. “what do you want to eat? we can make something or we can order in…”
you let out a yawn, the nap on the drive just making you more tired now that the excitement of seeing rafes home has worn off somewhat.
“pizza is fine.” you hum, snuggling closer to rafe on the expansive couch. “your house is very pretty.”
“but what?” you look up at rafe. “i mean it's… it's so grand.”
“but impersonal, right?” rafe reads you so well. “it's just not my families style. no pictures of us kids on the wall or sports medals hung up. it's gotta be kept perfect.”
“that's not how i want our house to be one day.” you frown, eyes widening when you realize what you just said.
“relax, princess.” rafe says when he feels you stiffen up. “i imagine what it'll be like to live together some day too. in fact, i think for next semester you can ditch your little dorm and stay with me.”
“move from east campus: cameron to cameron hall?” you giggle at how everything is named after his family.
“exactly.” rafe hums. “because just the walk to the east side of campus is too far from me.”
“you're… too damn sweet.” you press a kiss to rafes lips, groaning when your phone buzzing distracts you from deepening it.
“who is it?” rafe asks, confident it's probably angie or veronica.
“my… my friend from high school.” you quickly sit the phone face down on the coffee table.
“the friend?”
“yes.” you say bitterly, knowing it's not rafe you're really snapping back up but rather the “friend” who still has the audacity to message you even after causing the car wreck that ruined your life.
“it's the anniversary coming up and… i know she's said sorry a million times already, but i just don't want to hear it. i just want to put everything behind me.” you let the words out in a rush.
“maybe what your friend needs for her to heal is to know you've heard it.”
you look at rafe, blinking at him as your mind works. “what are you doing being so wise?”
rafe breaks the tension with a laugh. “honestly, im just quoting back shit my dad has said and hoping it works.”
“can't wait to meet your dad then if he's anything like you.” you smile, trying to keep up the light attitude when rafes face drops slightly. there's such a small difference you barely even pick up on it. 
“my dad… isnt my biggest fan.”
“but he's your father.” you question, laying back down, slotting your arms around rafe instead of the usual other way around.
“yeah, and therefore anytime i differ slightly from him, it's a huge disappointment.”
“well… then fuck him.”
rafes eyebrows raise up at your bold words, not used to sharing you cuss often and definitely not against someone.
“you're the best and if he doesn't see that, then that's his loss. if he doesn't completely love you, he's out of his mind because he's known you all your life and ive only known for a couple months and i love you.”
rafe launches forward, lips pressing harshly against yours, a mix of tongue and lips sliding over each other's as you kiss. the passion rafe is putting in is unlike any other time, and you know what you want.
“take me upstairs, rafe.” you nod as he looks at you for confirmation.
rafe picks you up, carrying you effortlessly up the stairs until he's in his bedroom and placing you gently down on the soft sheets.
“are you sure?” rafe asks, hovering over top of you.
“im sure. i love you. i want this.”
rafe nods, then gulps. “why am i the one nervous now.” he ducks his head, and you swear you see the slightest tinge of pink on his cheeks. “i love you too. ive never said that to anyone before but��� i love you. i am in love with you. i want you and only you.”
“oh, rafe.” you coo out, sitting up to kiss him. you intend for it to be a soft kiss, a gentle caress but it quickly turns fiery.
“god, you've turned me soft.” rafe says, making you laugh.
“not all of you…” you can feel a certain part pressing against you that is not soft at all.
“yeah, but he'll have to wait. not his turn yet. first…” rafe smirks at you. “i need to worship you with my hands. then my mouth. and then ill take you properly.”
rafe gives you no time to complain as his hands delve under your shirt, stroking the soft skin of your stomach, eyes staying on your face in case even a flicker of doubt comes across it.
his hands slowly move up until he's cupping your chest over your bra, keeping everything concealed by your shirt as you get used to the feeling of his large palms engulfing your breast.
“take my shirt off.” you tell rafe. “im okay.” 
rafe nods, but his movements are still slow as he peels your top away. “you're a lot better than okay, baby.”
you can feel rafes eyes on your chest, but it just makes you happy, wanting to share this with him and only him. you make the next move, reaching behind your back to unclip your bra.
“shh, slow down.” rafes hands cover yours. “i know you want this, but let me just… appreciate you.”
rafe nudges your legs apart and lowers himself in between, pressing kisses against your stomach. his movements are so soft, covering your entire belly before moving up.
rafe kisses over the swell of your breast that's pressing against your bra cup, tongue occasionally flicking out to tease underneath the fabric.
rafe picks his head up to ask if you're still doing okay, but upon seeing your face, he knows he doesn't need to. 
your eyes are already glazed over, blissed out and mouth ajar as you slowly blink down at rafe. “more.”
rafe smiles and tugs your bra away, mouth dropping over your nipple with his fingers find the other side, rubbing the pad of his thumb over the bud as his tongue does the same.
his movements continue until your nipples harden. he pulls away only to quickly switch to the other side.
“feels good.” you whimper, hands finding the back of rafes head, holding him to your chest.
“not as good as it feels to have my mouth on you.” rafe moans against your skin, tongue flicking out to press against your breast like he can't get enough of it.
“you can… you can touch me um…” you're about to say down there which just sounds stupid, but rafe thankfully understands you, his hand reaching down to graze his fingertips over your thighs.
he continues teasing, sweeping every time closer to your center until he delves between, finger rubbing against your covered clit as you gasp, back arching off the bed.
“does that feel good?” rafe asks, a smirk gracing his cheeks.
“y-yeah.” you nod quickly, spreading your legs slightly, ignoring the urge to clench them together and trap rafes hand there.
“can i get these leggings out of the way then?”
“take your shirt off first.” you giggle, looking between your exposed body and rafe still completely clothed.
“yes ma’am.” rafe jokes, making you roll your eyes.
you've seen rafe shirtless before, but this is the first time you've been able to unashamedly check him out as your eyes take in every inch of him, every line of muscle and smattering of hair.
rafe is well aware of your eyes on him, subtly flexing his muscles to make them appear bigger as he peels your leggings off your body. you let out a sigh of relief.
rafe presses himself onto the mattress on your side, partly leaned over you so he can continue to play with your chest.
you allow your eyes to close as his hand rubs against your underwear, swirling over the growing wet patch before moving up to your clit, tapping against it before rubbing.
you let out a soft moan, unable to hold back as a high builds inside of you. rafe suddenly presses forward, his hips thrusting against thigh, needing some sort of relief for his hard cock.
“you… you can fuck me now.” you tell rafe, not wanting to have him suffer in waiting.
“two orgasms first.” rafe says, focusing back on rubbing your clit, determined to get you there once before diving between your legs, even though he could drool right now just from the thought.
“i- ohhh.” whatever you were going to say in protest is forgotten as rafe adds a second finger, working them in sync around and over your clit.
“come on baby.” rafe says, breath hot against your neck as he moves up, pressing kisses and nipping gently at your sensitive skin. “i need you to cum for me.”
rafes mouth connects with yours, swallowing your moans as your arms wrap around his shoulders. it only takes a few more moments of his intense rubbing for you to feel something break. your high rushes over you as you cum loudly, squealing and hiding your face in rafes neck as your entire body shakes, surprised by how intense the feeling is.
“i got you.” rafe says softly, his fingers slowing to take you through your high, not stopping until your body slumps against the mattress.
“god, that was beautiful baby.” rafe kisses your forehead, not caring that there's the slightest sheen of sweat covering it. “if you need to stop now…”
“no!” you say quickly, eyes shooting open. “absolutely not, i need you.”
“gonna take your panties off then, yeah?” rafe makes sure you nod before moving lower, sighing with happiness as he pulls the last barrier away. 
you don't even hesitate for a second before spreading your legs wide, letting rafe see every single part of you.
rafe looks up at you, a sense of seriousness in his eyes and tone. “you're beautiful. you're absolutely beautiful.”
rafe leans forward, and all it takes is a quick lick through your wetness to have you screaming out in pleasure.
“delicious.” rafe mumbles, pushing his hips into the bed for some relief as his tongue explores your pussy, purposely avoiding your clit knowing you're still coming down from your high.
“i- oh my god.” you squeeze your eyes shut as your hands grip onto the sheets. “i never thought it could feel so good.”
“only because you're with me baby.” rafe presses kisses to your open thighs. “no other man could make you feel this good.”
you chuckle and shake your head. “relax rafe, im not thinking about anyone else, trust me.”
“just making sure.” rafe grins up at you.
his attention quickly returns to your cunt as his tongue makes broad stripes through your folds, flicking over your clit every time he reaches it.
you're almost sure that you can't cum again so soon, that your body surely isn't able to, but your high builds steadily with every swipe of rafes tongue.
despite pressing his hips forward into the bed, rafe barely pays attention to himself, too wrapped up in swirling his tongue to taste every inch of you, wondering how he managed to hold off so long when he's spent so many nights in the same bed as you.
rafe refocuses on your clit, lips suctioning around it as his eyes flicker up to you, watching the surprise and pleasure across your face.
rafe knows he can't let you cum too soon as he raises his hand to prod a finger against your entrance. rafe can tell by how wet you are that opening you up should be easy and painless, and he couldn't probably enter you right now with no issue, but he won't risk it.
rafe keeps his eyes on your face as one long finger pushes inside of you, feeling your gummy walls clench around him at the sudden intrusion, but your face doesn't change from the consistent moans.
rafe begins to pump the finger as his tongue surges forward to press against your clit, tapping the bundle of nerves in the same rhythm as his finger entering you.
“oh- oh my god im close!” you squeal, only spurred closer when rafe fits a second finger inside, your slick making it easy and seamless.
rafe picks up the speed, occasionally scissoring his fingers and feeling your walls give way to his movements.
you thighs attempt to close, the pressure suddenly sending you over the edge, but rafe lays a hand against your leg and keeps them open as your high hits, body shaking as you scream out, clenching repeatedly around rafes fingers.
“mmm.” rafe hums against your clit, pulling away only to press a kiss to your core. “can't wait to feel you squeezing ‘round my cock like that.”
rafe kneels between your legs, watching your chest rise and fall, your nipples perky and pink from his attention. your body is completely slack from the intensity of the two orgasms as rafe undoes the buttons on his pants.
“do you want me to… do anything?” you ask.
“no.” rafe shakes his head. “this is all about you baby. ill teach you exactly how i like to be touched some other time.”
“okay.” you nod, glad that you can just relax and let rafe do all the work, especially knowing he's far more experienced than you are.
“you can touch me if you want though.” rafe offers, tugging his pants down so just his underwear is covering his cock, tight against his thighs and clearly bulging against the material.
“i- yeah.” you sit up, forcing your tired body through with the excitement and adrenaline of finally doing this with rafe.
your hand pets over his thigh, moving closer and closer until his cock twitches like it's calling out for you to touch him.
you place your hand firmly over his length, squeezing gently as rafes jaw drops open. such a simple motion but he's surprised how much better it feels having it be you touching him rather than a random girl he has no feelings for.
“god, baby.” rafe groans as you open your palm and stroke it over his length from base to tip. “you're already making me feel so good.”
“want me to keep going?”
rafe is so lost in the feeling he doesn't even realize you've asked him a question until a minute later when his hand rests over yours, stopping you. “no, in fact, i need you to stop before this ends way too soon.”
you can't help but giggle, wrapping your hand around rafes neck and giving him a kiss. “how do you want me?”
“you can lay on your back, or hands and knees, however you want. you can be on top too.” rafe offers as he reaches to his nightstand, digging out a condom.
“um… ill just stay like this.” you say, laying back, knowing you can change your mind later if you need to.
“perfect.” rafe smiles at you, leaning over to press a kiss to your tummy. “you're so perfect.”
you're about to respond when rafe pulls his underwear down and all other thoughts leave your mind.
“like what you see?” rafe smirks, his cock hard and seeming even bigger now that its not hidden by any fabric.
you squeeze your thighs together, and it's the only cue rafe needs to see to understand how much you want this. he wastes no time rolling the condom over his cock, sheathing himself in the latex. it's a non negotiable for your first time, not wanting to overwhelm you with worry about getting pregnant or not liking the feeling of his cum inside you.
rafe is excited for the day when he doesn't need a barrier, but he can wait for you.
“just relax.” rafe says, laying himself down over you. “it'll be better if you don't tighten your muscles. if it does hurt at all-”
you interrupt rafe with a kiss. “ill tell you. i know.”
rafe smiles at you, his cheeks stretching even further when his cock pushes forward and rubs through your folds, covering the condom in your slick.
rafe reaches down to line his cock up with your entrance, pushing in very slowly just in case you change your mind at any minute. he pauses when he feels your hips rise up and body tighten, only for you to take a deep breath and relax a moment later.
“feel so good, baby.” rafe says earnestly, pausing fully pushed inside of you, letting himself enjoy your warmth.
“i- just give me one second.” rafe pushing against your walls feels good, but you need a moment to adjust, hips moving up and down then side to side. “okay.” you nod. “you can move now.”
rafe presses a kiss to your lips as he begins to move, the make out turning into open mouthed moans as his hips swing back and forth, fucking into you with a steady rhythm.
“ohhhh!” you moan out as rafe speeds up slightly, your hands coming to hold onto his biceps, bulging as he keeps himself held up above you.
“that's it, baby.” rafe praises you as your thighs spread further apart, opening your pussy further for him. 
“i really like it.” you whine, back arching as rafe digs his cock in deeper, pausing every couple thrusts to circle his hips and grind into you.
“i like it too.” rafe hums. “best ive ever had.”
you roll your eyes, certain any of his other hookups are more experienced and a better time than you, but rafe won't let your doubts slide.
“im serious, baby.” rafe says, not pausing his thrusts as he speaks. “it's because i am completely in love with you.”
“come here.” you pull rafe into a kiss, wrapping your arms around his shoulders to keep him close.
“you're so good i don't know how long ill last.” rafe admits.
“i-i already think i could too.” you giggle. “if you just touch me down there.”
“im gonna hold off as long as possible though.” rafe vows. “wanna give you the best time.”
“you already have.” you kiss rafe deeply, obsessed with the taste of his lips, the way they slide against yours and his tongue pokes out to enter your mouth, exploring every inch he can.
rafe picks up his pace and depth of his thrusts, knowing now that you've had plenty of time to get used to the feeling. despite wanting to give you the best experience and focus just on the pleasure of being together, he has to put his mind elsewhere to not cum too soon.
“so wet.” rafe groans, head tipping back as the sounds of your wetness gushing with his every thrust, the sound invading his ears along with the slapping of skin.
“ive never felt like this before.” you admit shyly.
“you're gonna feel this a lot more often.” rafe laughs softly, swallowing thickly when he realizes just seeing your smile and the light in your eyes pushes him closer to the edge.
“gonna touch you now, baby.” rafe shifts his weight slightly to one side, hand ghosting down your stomach before he places the pad of his thumb directly over your clit.
“oh, oh!” you squeal. “rafe!”
rafe keeps pumping into you as you moan, your high suddenly bursting forward, unable to hold back even a second longer as your legs wrap around rafes hips and pull him in.
rafe let's out a sigh of relief as he cums as deep inside of you as he can, bodies pressed flush together.
“do you have sunscreen?” you ask. “i know it's autumn and we aren't going to be swimming but it's still pretty bright out.”
“yeah, already got some in the bag.” rafe had woken up early and stayed cuddling you in bed for as long as he could before knowing he needed to get the day started.
while he let your body recover from last night activities, he prepared every single boat anchored on the dock so you could choose any one you wanted, as well as prepared a bag and cooler for the day.
by the time rafe crawled back into bed, you were blinking your eyes open.
“perfect.” you smile and give rafe a quick peck, taking the bag from his hands so he can carry the cooler. you shot down his protest with a quick look.
“fine.” rafe grumbles. “you can carry this one thing.”
“considering i don't even have to lift a finger when you're around, i really don't mind.” you chuckle, following rafe out the back door and across the patio to the long expansive dock stretching deep into the water.
“so…” rafe begins. “there's a smaller speedboat, a pontoon and then obviously the yacht.”
“is it okay if we take the pontoon?” you ask.
“anything you want.” rafe nods. “we got the pontoon for wheezie and her friends, but it's a nice smooth ride and a lot of space. when it gets warmer out im absolutely taking you for a swim.”
“that actually sounds really fun.” you admit. you swam in the ocean a lot in norfolk, always going to virginia beach to be alone with the sand and the calming waves whenever your anxiety levels got too high.
“mhm.” rafe nods. “fun for me too, get you out in a tiny little bikini, away from all other people…”
“oh my god.” you roll your eyes as you laugh. “we had sex once and you're already fantasizing!”
“i was fantasizing about you since the moment i saw you in my seat.” rafe takes the cooler and sets it on the pontoon before taking the bag from you. “i was just gentlemanly enough to keep it to myself.”
“sure.” you roll your eyes again, but it's all in jest, rafe knows you find him hilarious and love his silly jokes. rafe, to prove his gentleman status, reaches a hand down to help you up onto the boat.
“so…” rafe gives you a quick tour, showing you where towels are stored, even though you're not planning on swimming, and lifejackets, just in case.
“but seriously, it's basically impossible to sink a pontoon. you're very safe.” rafe stresses.
“it's okay.” you say. “i trust you, really.”
“my girl.” rafe pulls you onto his lap as he sits down in the captains seat.
rafe navigates easily through the waters, pointing out different landmarks along the coast. “thank you for showing me your home.” you tell rafe, pressing your back into his chest as you round a cove and the wind picks up slightly. “ill show you norfolk one day but it's not as pretty as here.”
“i can't wait to raise kids here.” rafe says. “teach them how to fish and golf and drive the boats.”
“you think about kids?” you turn on rafes thigh to look at him rather than the scenery.
“our kids.” rafe winks at you, causing you to giggle and press your face into his neck, but he really means it, especially bringing you back to his home. he could imagine toddlers footsteps running around tanneyhill.
“you're sweet.” you kiss his cheek.
“don't let that get around.” rafe squeezes your hip as he steers with one hand. “it'll ruin my reputation around here.”
“oh yeah?” you raise your eyebrows. “tell me more about this reputation…”
you happily listen to rafe talk until your stomach starts to growl. he picks up on it quickly, moving the boat further out so you can float down the coast while you eat.
you continue to talk all through lunch, snacking on what rafe had packed.
“there's a million things i want to show you around the island, which means you'll have to start spending all your breaks here if you're not going home.”
“let's see how your family likes me first…” you mutter, giving rafe a look.
“relax. they'll love you. my dad will just be happy i found someone serious. that was the main point of him sending me to duke, was to get my shit together. and i look at you… and i want to be perfect for you. i love you so much.”
“this movie is boring.” you groan. “how can you make a movie about sharks and have it be boring as hell?”
“we can change it.” rafe offers, going to grab the remote when you stop him.
“no, im too deep into it now. i just want to complain.” rafe nods at your explanation and cuddles back into the couch, pulling you in tight to him.
“well…” he whispers in your ear, breath causing you to shiver. “since you're bored, how about i entertain you?”
you're not sure what rafe means until his hand pushes between your thighs, three fingers pressing against your core and rubbing.
“ohhh.” you moan out softly, eyes fluttering closed. 
“sorry, love.” rafe says. “i couldn't wait until we got up into bed, not with my family getting home tomorrow. i need you too bad.”
“in… in my pants, please.” you take rafes hand, moving quicker for him to slip it below the hem and into your pajama pants, where rafe is pleased to find you aren't wearing any underwear.
his fingers stroke through your folds, feeling your wetness steadily growing before his finger prods against your entrance, slipping in with ease.
rafe watches as your eyes open to watch a scene playing out on the television before they close again when another boring part comes on, another monologue when you expected action.
“feel good?” rafe asks, glad that you aggressively nod. 
“don't you dare stop.” you spread your thighs a little wider, having to lift a leg over his to give him even more room to press into you, hand pressing in so his palm can rub against your clit.
“as soon as this stupid movie is done im taking you upstairs and fucking you so hard.” rafe growls the last words, putting all the effort he can into fingering you and massaging your clit that he possibly can.
his eyes light up when your back arches, mouth opening as small moans fall from your lips before you turn into a shaking mess as your high breaks, reaching down to stop rafes hand as you immediately become oversensitive.
“yum.” rafe says, pulling his hand away to lick your wetness off his fingers.
“ill just read the synopsis later, come on.” you tell rafe, standing up off the couch and pulling him up the stairs.
“please, call me ward.” rafes father says, graciously giving you a hug.
“well, it's nice to meet all of you.” you say with a wide smile on your face to hide your nerves, looking between rafes step mom rose and his littlest sister wheezie who looks genuinely excited to meet you. “and thank you so much for letting me stay in your beautiful home.”
“we were so glad when rafe told us he met someone.” rose lays a hand over her chest. “and my goodness, you're just even better than we imagined.
“she's a keeper for sure.” rafe places an arm around your waist, smiling down at you as you tuck your head down, cheeks tinging pink.
“so, you've got to tell us all about yourself.” ward sweeps his arm towards the living room, and soon you're all chatting on the couch that rafe fingered you on the night before. you push the memory to the back of your mind as you answer all of wards questions (and occasionally a few from wheezie).
“im a duke alumni myself.” ward says.
“oh, im well aware.” you chuckle. “your name is plastered all over the school. i think it's amazing that you invest in your alma mater.”
hours go by, rose insisting you all eat dinner together, before rafe finally has you alone in his room.
“god, they love you.” rafe says, watching you while you changing into pajamas, making him promise he wouldn't try anything with his parents under the same roof.
“i was trying to say all the right things.” you giggle. “i really like wheezie though, she's sweet.”
“im sure she won't argue if you want to take her out shopping tomorrow.” rafe offers.
“id actually love that. maybe ill invite sarah too so i can actually meet her.” sarah had ward drop her off at her boyfriend's house before they even came back home from their vacation, but you can't blame her for being a teen in love.
“ill give you my card then.” rafe says. you roll your eyes. rafe pays for everything, not that it even makes a dent in what you know he's being given as an allowance from ward and cameron enterprises.
“thanks babe.” you climb into bed, snuggling under the covers as rafe sets an alarm on his phone and makes sure both of yours are plugged in and charging.
“come here.” rafe opens up his arms once he's also under the covers, and you're glad to snuggle into his chest, heart rate instantly slowing and breathing deepening just from your cheek being pressed against his tshirt.
“rafe.” you hum, placing a hand on his thigh as he starts up the car.
“yeah baby?” rafe is fully prepared for you to ask to drive, or tell him you're not ready to go yet. he's willing to make whatever concessions needed to get you back to duke.
“can we make a stop in rahleigh? that's where my… friend from high school lives now, and id like to stop by quickly and just tell her im okay and that i accept her apologies.”
rafe nods, blinking away a few tears as he reaches over to give you a tight hug. “im so proud of you baby.”
you press your face into rafes neck, knowing you can do this when you have rafe by your side.
-- four years later --
“are you nervous?” rafe asks, watching you adjust the cap on your head.
“actually, no.” you admit honestly. “and if i do get nervous,” you turn away to face rafe. “ill just look at you.”
“oh god, come here.” rafe pulls you in tight, kissing the top of your head. 
“alright, come on.” you step out of the hug before it can go any further. “i dont wanna be late to my own graduation.”
“ah, you know i can delay it all with one phone call.” rafe tugs on your hand, tempting you back towards the bed.
“show off.” you roll your eyes, allowing rafe to pull you back to the mattress.
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femdomlieeh · 2 months
Sunset (m)
Sub!Pussy drunk!Needy!Beomgyu (TXT) x Dom!Afab!Reader
THEMES—nsfw ✧ a bit romantic ✧ and emo ✧ just a tiny bit toxic ✧ a bit nasty
WARNING—4.3k wc ✧ public sex (car by the beach) ✧ good boy & bratty!beom ✧ oral (f rec.) ✧ body worship (f rec.) ✧ teasing (f/m rec.) ✧ face-sitting (m rec.) ✧ praising ✧ light degradation (calling him dirty, your little slut etc) ✧ hickeys (f rec.) ✧ spitting (m rec.) ✧ hand job ✧ crying ✧ brief cum play ✧ cumming untouched ✧ hair pulling (m rec.) ✧ pet names (mommy, baby, little slut etc)
NOW PLAYING—SWEET / I THOUGHT YOU WANTED TO DANCE ✧ Tyler, the Creator ft Brent Faiyaz & Fana Hues
M.LISTS—txt ✧ latest updates ✧ read on wp
A/N. To sort out any possible confusion, this is what the interior of the car looks like; vintage, flat like a bed style. BUT imagine it's a roof less car🤟
All rights reserved © femdomlieeh
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You were sitting on the driver's seat with your right hand on the steering wheel, left hand up in the air, warm wind kissing your skin before you put it down to rest on the edge of the car door. He was laying across the passenger's seat with his head on your thighs, staring up at the sky. You were on your way to nowhere in particular. This was your definition of adventure. His smile was bright contrary to his past, his eyes were full of the hope of a child and his laugh was the sound of an angel. With his sock-clad feet on the edge of the door and his long, fluffy, soft hair on your exposed legs he lowly sang along to a song.
You were watching the road, he was watching the pineapple purple sky until his eyes were on you. Smirk grew on his face. God knows what was going through that mischievous mind of his.
You remembered his soft lips crafted by the most-detailed-and-in-love artist on the skin on your thighs. The kisses he left were so light, barely brushing against you. Your hand found its way to his hair, he looked up at you with those impure eyes as the kisses he placed got slightly rougher. He loved seeing your reactions to his touches, gaining your approval; the satisfaction of your pleasure. Insecure boy. And damn was he horny too. Or was he in love?
Maybe he just lived in the moment.
Who would have the idea of spontaneously driving to nowhere for no reason, taking off their shoes, resting their feet on the edge of a car driving in high speed to get fanned for free by Mother Nature, put their head on the driver's lap and start kissing their thighs?
That was the simple answer. Beomgyu and nobody else.
He was the kind of character you saw in films and wish you'd had the pleasure of acquainting yourself with in real life but you don't because those people came from someone's fantasy and were carefully written and too rare to find in real life. You were lucky to have met him. Your dear, sweet Beomgyu.
After some minutes, he turned his body completely and laid on his tummy so he could get easier access to your skin, instead of having to turn his neck to kiss. Wearing shorts today had its perks. Kisses were peppered with so much care as he put his hand on your left leg and caressed it lightly so it'd be occupied and get attention too. As each second passed by it got harder and harder to focus on the road. He was such a distraction and he knew it. He loved distracting you. He loved any attention you gave him really, whether it was direct words when you'd praise or degrade or just knowing he was present in your thoughts whenever he received a cute "I miss you" text during long work hours.
"Baby, what are you doing?"
After two extra passionate kisses he answered, "Loving you."
"I'm driving."
Kiss. "Yes." Kiss. "And?" Kiss.
"Can't you love me some other time?"
He looked at you. Kiss. "Impossible." Kiss. "I can't not love you." Kiss.
You put your hand on his cheek softly, "I love you too, Beomgyu." Looking at the road, you couldn't see him but you felt his cheek move into a smile against your palm upon hearing your words. You smiled back at him, taking a quick glance at him and detecting a strand of hair in his eyes. In a split second you brushed his hair away, before Beomgyu went back to kissing your thighs again. He had always been so affectionate towards you, showing how much he appreciates all of you: your mind, your face, your body — your everything. He was so good with his words, hands and lips. You loved all of him.
A slow Lana Del Rey song later his featherlight kisses grew deeper until he was sucking on your flesh, trying to create purple marks. "You're making hickeys? How juvenile."
He laughed at your comment. It was true. Last time he remembered he'd put effort into creating hickeys was back in high school. "Maybe, but I bet your thighs will be so pretty with hickeys on them," he went back to work, making sure to suck more harshly to emphasise his point.
You were starting to get wet. And it was hard concentrating on the road and trying not to look down at the pretty man's lips on your lap every minute. You were driving on an empty country road so, thankfully, nobody could witness this raw act of love. Five or six or — who knows? — that's how many hickeys Beomgyu had created already and he was not finished yet. He experimentally bit on your thigh, looking up at you to observe if you liked it. "Hmmm." His bite got a little bit harder, still looking at you. "A bit gentler, Baby," you patted his head. "Okey," he smiled cutely at your small action and nickname and went back to the same force as on the first bite. Fuck, you needed to get out of this car and fuck him soon or you would go crazy.
The sun had begun to set. 19:22. There was plenty of time until the sun was down and gone. The sky was still somewhat bright with colours of pink and blue. You wanted to watch this beautiful sunset with Beomgyu but he was busy with his face in your thighs. Your eyes were on the empty road, looking at the signs and trying to come up with where to go when you recognised a name you'd heard of before when talking with friends about a nice little beach trip — if you made a turn in a few kilometers, you would soon make it to a pretty and unknown beach. Perfect!
You looked down. So many hickeys scattered around only on your right thigh, the left one only being touched by his hand. You rested your hand on the back of his head, playing with his long locks, "You're so pretty." He mumbled a little thank you on your skin, back to kissing your thigh gently now.
It all felt so sweet and romantic somehow, his big hand massaging your left thigh, slowly moving towards the inner part, fingers ghosting teasingly on your naked skin. He was distracting the driver with his mouth and hands — how could he make that feel sweet and romantic to the point you almost forgot how irresponsible you were being? Almost. Your eyes weren't on him. Most of your attention was on the road and he was only getting a tiny fraction of the attention he craved so much. Because he needed all of your attention right now. Sure, he needed your hands stroking his hair but he also needed your smiling eyes on him and your sweet and mean whispers; eyes and mind full of him only.
Determined to get more of your attention, he moved his unholy fingers towards your pussy. "You're so dirty," the grip you had on his hair tightened and he whined. He would always do this, turn to being bratty if he didn't get enough attention from you. If a good boy wouldn't get all your love and touches at least a naughty boy was sure to get all your degrading words and oh so lovely punishments — and he enjoyed being your naughty boy as much as your good boy; he could be anyone and anything you wanted as long as it meant he was the sole object of your affection.
His whines were always so pretty and light, causing you to clench your pussy around nothing. It never failed to impress you how he whined and moaned whenever you were the one being pleasured and not him. He moved up a bit and kissed your shorts right above your clit. There was fabric hindering the full sensation but you still felt it a little, already so sensitive and wet from the teasing. He looked up at you. You had shorts on so it was a bit difficult to pleasure you the way he wanted to, but Beomgyu was creative and undid your zipper. As much as he wanted to pull down your shorts so he could properly eat you out — he wasn't that stupid and careless to actually do it when you were driving, right? — so you were curious where he was going with this but also nervous.
Nose pushing up your shirt so he could kiss the skin on your waist, naughty hand gliding under the shorts to feel your hip. There were no cars on the road — and there hadn't been for a while now — so you decided to tease him a bit back, put him in his place so he knows better than to completely ignore that you're driving and that he can't do everything he wants right now, he has to be patient and wait. You grabbed his chin and made him look up at you, looking back at him for a split second. "Open your mouth."
He did so even faster than you averted your gaze, waiting for your spit. "Aw, so eager now are we?" You said, still looking at the road.
"Please, look at me," he nodded and whined impatiently, mouth ready for your spit. He looked so pathetic, bedroom eyes and long, styled hair a bit fucked up from you gripping it. Touching your skin but not getting to feel your wetness, not getting to pleasure you was in a way teasing him too, his cock now hard and pink.
"You're so pretty, Baby." His mouth was still open but he almost looked like he smiled for a second.
You spat in his mouth fast, immediately looking back at the road. He swallowed it happily like always, no matter how humiliating and mean it was, especially since you didn't even look him in the eyes or let your saliva drip slowly into his mouth, much more intimate, like you usually would do. "Good boy."
"Thank you, Mommy," he went back to kissing your waist, nose under your shirt, eyes looking up at you. Your right hand went back to resting on his head, threading through his long hair occasionally. "Look at me, please." There was something about you spitting in his mouth that always turned him so pathetic and shameless about his neediness — if you wouldn't judge him for swallowing your spit then he could express himself sexually to the fullest.
"As much as I want to, I can't, Baby. I'm driving," you took a quick glance down at him. His eyes were so glossy, almost like they would fill with tears at any second. You were so distracted by him but you were still aware enough to only look at him for a maximum of two seconds at a time. Although you were driving below the speed limit and hadn't seen another car in the past half hour you didn't want to risk anything.
He whined at that, causing you to smile. Soon it would be the opposite. His hand went under you shorts again, moving down your hip and to your lower stomach. You had a feeling you knew where this was going. Spitting didn't help slow him down and learn to be patient. No, spitting so meanly in his gaping mouth was the first time he'd had almost your full attention during the whole car ride so he had to continue misbehaving so you would humiliate him some more, giving him more and more of your attention. Sweet, stupid, sexy Beomgyu was something else.
His long fingers went lower until they reached your slit, happy now. "Baby—" Then, somehow, under your tight shorts he managed to move your underwear to the side so he could slip his long, thick middle finger in you. "Hm?" he mumbled against your waist, mind half listening to you and half inside your pussy, eyes rolled back like it was his dick in your pussy and not just his finger. Fuck. You had to find a way to get off the road but you were not very familiar with this road or even this part of the country — but like said before, this adventure had no directions or map.
"Are you this desperate, slut?"
He pulled his hand out to stick his wet finger in his mouth, licking, savouring the little taste he got of your pussy and mumbling an 'mhm'. He wanted more. He didn't just want to suck on his finger. He wanted your pussy on his face, wetness on his tongue and all over his face.
"Please, look at me, Mommy," he mumbled like a slut, sticking his pussy wet finger inside you to lick your sweetness again, eyes never leaving yours, "Need your pussy."
"You have to wait, little slut," you soothed him with your hand on his cheek.
He felt like crying. He needed you to stop the car somewhere; anywhere, he didn't care if he had to lay on the cold evening sand on the beach that would get all over his clothes and hair or, fuck, he would even be ok in the woods next to a camp site with German hikers as an audience as long as you would sit on his face. He needed you and your attention now. His dick was leaking pre-cum and you had only touched his face and hair so far.
"Please, Mommy," he kissed your stomach, middle finger deep inside you.
"Baby, wait, be patient," you were struggling too. Maybe you should just say fuck it and drive across everything in your way until you reach the beach so you can park the car and then park your pussy on his face? (Obviously no, be a responsible driver!!)
He wasn't satisfied with your response, you didn't sound anywhere near as needy or bothered as he was — your eyes didn't even leave the road for a second to look at the man whose face was on your lap — so he decided to take matters in his own hands and began to finger you deeply, easily adding a second finger with how wet you were.
"Fuck, baby!" you moaned, grabbing his hair and arching your back, eyes still on the road.
He took the opportunity and, with the help of his unoccupied hand, pulled down your shorts mid-thigh, making you shiver at the cold you felt as your wet underwear was exposed to the air. He looked up and blushed when he saw you already looking at him with your needy eyes. You were looking at him! His lips moved down your stomach and lower until he reached your underwear-covered pussy, placing a big kiss on your clit. You arched your back again, the sensation was so much greater now that only a thin fabric was between you.
Moaning, you looked at the road and saw a sign that told you there was a parking nearby in 800 meters. Fucking finally! He began kitty licking you and at this point you were so sensitive and needy that you had to pull him up by his hair, much to his dismay as he whined and his eyes filled with tears. "Why?"
"Baby, I found parking."
"Oh! Fucking finally!" As if a switch was flipped, his frown turned into a smile, a tear escaping his eye. He leaned into your touch as you brushed the tear away from his cheek.
You slowed down and turned the car into the parking lot, which was just grass with faded sprayed parking lines, miraculously deserted. He started kitty licking you over your underwear again. You moaned, grabbing his hair, "Fuck, Beomie, can't you wait for a little until I've parked? You're really that needy?" "Yes."
You decided to park the furthest away, turned towards the dead beach so you could have a view of the sunset and ocean — and the yellow, orange, red and pinks of the sky reflected on Beomgyu's pretty face, dirt-colored eyes twinkling like stars. "Baby, fuck, slow down," you had to pull him off your pussy.
"I can't," he took this opportunity to fully pull off your shorts to discard them to the back. "You didn't give me any attention when I just wanted to love you."
You kissed his pout, "You will have all my attention now, Baby."
The pout turned into a smile. "Thank you, Mommy." He pulled your right leg up, positioning his face in your pussy, dropping your thigh on top of his neck. His tongue immediately went to work, kissing all over your pussy, underwear still on. He always liked eating you out with your underwear on first so he felt more rewarded when they were off and he could taste, smell and feel your pussy so much more.
But you were having none of that, pussy clenching around nothing, aching at this point. "Stop teasing me and eat me out properly," you pulled your underwear to the side, grabbing his hair to push him more into you. He was looking at you and you could see the smile in his eyes, content he had your eyes on him and your pussy on his tongue. You had been teased and turned on so much already that you knew it would only take a minute or two of his talented tongue to cum. He too could sense you were near, hearing your gasps and moans, feeling your back arching, looking up at your eyes. His hands were on your thigh and boob, touching you the way he knew you liked it. The way his hand moved up your thigh to grab your butt never failed to make you feel hot.
"Choke me with your thighs, please?"
"If my slut wishes it," you smiled at him, flexing your thighs around him a little, not sure how much he could handle yet. Hair matted on his forehead, tears filling his high eyes, hands grabbing your skin, moaning against your pussy, and the colours of the sky on him. You didn't know it yet, focused on the pretty view that was Beomgyu, but he was leaking so much pre-cum there was a stain on his pants from the sweet familiar taste of you, seeing you in pleasure along with the pineapple purple sky sunset behind you.
"Fuck, you're doing so good for me, Baby. Your mouth was made to eat my pussy, wasn't it?" He nodded, mouth still against your pussy, tears flowing by now. It was true. He eats it almost everyday, sometimes he'll lazily lap at your pussy under the sheets in the morning, sometimes in the shower if you'll let him (yes, he can do that), sometimes when you're watching a boring movie he will lay on his back on the sofa and ask you to sit on his face, sometimes he'll get on his knees as soon as you open the door to your home after a double date because he's jealous some other guy made you laugh a lot, sometimes when you're waiting for noodles to cook on the stove he'll give you puppy eyes so you'll let him eat you out on the countertop — fuck, sometimes when he's bored he'll randomly get on his knees in front of you and beg you to please let him have a taste. Safe to say he has learned every little trick to please you and make you cum in a few minutes just by eating your pussy. And he loves it.
"Mhm, you're such a good boy for me, my sweet little pussy hungry slut," you pouted at him condescendingly; he moaned at the mean praise, hips twitching up. You looked down at him, there was a huge wet stain on the front of his pants. "Awww, Baby, you're so wet just from my pussy. I should let you cum on it for being such a good slut, right?" His moans on your pussy were so desperate and sent sweet, sweet vibrations that tipped you over the edge, thighs shaking around his neck, "Fuck, I'm cumming, Baby." He slowed down, eating your cum, helping you calm down from the intense orgasm, not overstimulating you. But after a while it became too much, your pussy way too sensitive for his never ending kitty licking, so you opened your thighs and pushed his head away.
"You did so well for me, Beomie," smiling, you patted his head softly, seeing the sunset shine in his pretty eyes, your cum glistening all over his lower face, tears dried, lips pulled into a smile after he was finished licking them clean. You pulled him up from between your thighs to give him a kiss on his forehead after pushing some damp hair away, "You want to get your reward now, Baby?" He gulped, still, not answering your question. "Baby... Don't tell me you already came—" you pulled down his pants to have your suspicions confirmed; he did, in fact, cum untouched. "I'm sorry I didn't mean to cum without your permission, and I really wanted to hold back so I could cum on your pussy when you told me, but it felt so good to have your attention and taste you and-and— I couldn't control it. I'm so sorry," he cried, apologizing profusely.
You held him in your arms, fingers carding through his long, beautiful hair, "Beomie, it's okay, no need to say sorry. I'm very flattered actually. Besides your pretty mouth did so well for me that I can't be mad at you. You were such a good boy." He hummed against you, pecking your neck every now and then. After he calmed down, he pulled back to look at you; tears on his cheeks and half of the sun in his eyes. You dried his tears with your fingers and kissed him on his lips, calling him your good boy. The look in his eyes wasn't sad anymore. He gulped again before trying to give you his best puppy eyes, kissing the back of your hands. You knew he wanted something whenever he acted this clingy and cute, "Yes, Baby?"
"C-Can... Can I still cum on your pussy?"
You giggled, grabbing his cock, "You're hard again, this fast?" He hid his face with an arm, flustered, "Mhm. You kept calling me your good b-boy." "Awww my cute little slut. Getting hard from being called a good boy?" you giggled because although this was dirty, it was still somehow cute in a way how he got hard from your praise alone. He shook his head, face still hidden by his arm, "Your good boy." You smiled. "Mmm, Baby. You really are my good boy?" He nodded. You looked down at his dick, it was hard, pink and twitching, dirty with his previous cum. "Then show me your face, I don't want you hiding from me." His dick twitched and did as told. "Good boy." He shook his head, "I-I'm Mommy's good boy." He was always so cute and malleable whenever he came untouched and heard those sweet praises that tickled his soul. You kissed his shoulder as a reward. "Yes, mine. Now let me lay down so you can sit between my legs." "Oh yes." He did as told, hands behind his back without being told — he knew how you wanted him. You pulled him down to you momentarily to hold his cheeks and give him a quick kiss, both of you smiling into it. "I love you so much." "I love you more."
His pink dick was leaking pre-cum already. "My sweet boy won't cum without my permission again, right?" He whined, embarrassed, "I won't, Mommy, but please stop teasing." You giggled, he will cum any moment now you already know especially since he's so sensitive from his orgasm. Holding his dick confirmed your suspicions, Beomgyu moaning and dick twitching at your small touch. "Please, please, please," he muttered, tears already in his eyes, "Please, Mommy, I wanna cum on your pussy, please?" There was something about cumming on your pussy that drove him crazy, maybe it was because he would get an excuse to lick your pussy clean off him. "Not yet, Babyboy. I wanna play with you a bit first," you started moving your hand up and down on his cock, his loud moans following immediately after. He was struggling, biting his lower lip, pinching his arms behind his back, not looking at your naked pussy because he didn't want to cum without your permission again. "P-Please, Mommy. Ngh— I've been a good boy for you, please can I cum?" "Oh have you? Weren't you a bad boy the whole drive? And then you even came without Mommy's permission, right?"
He whined, tears running down his eyes again. "Please, Mommy, I'm so sorry I just wanted your attention. I-I always wanna please you and have your attention. Wan' be your personal toy." You smirked, going faster, "Yes, you are my little toy. So pretty and dirty for me." "Yes, yes, always. I— Fuck, I'm cumming, Mommy. Please, let me cum on your pussy, Mommy," he cried, looking at you with his slutty eyes. He knew how to get to you; how to look so sexy for you that you just wanted to reward him. "You can cum, my good b—" "Oh fuck, fuck, fuck— Thank you, Mommy." His eyes rolled back as white ropes of warm cum covered your pussy. "You did so well for me, waiting for my permission," you hugged him as he came down from his high, kissing his cheeks. "Really?" He pouted, fishing for more praises, which you knew and granted him, "Yes, really. My good boy." You kissed his pout, "Now clean up your mess." He smiled.
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You and I, we fell in love
I ain't read the signs, ain't know what it was
But God gotta know he might have peaked when he made you
The cosmos' only mistake is what they named you (what that mean?)
They should call you sugar, you're so sweet
Even if
You left me out here stranded
My feelings wouldn't change a bit
My heart beats triple time when I see you
Somethin' I can't control
If I compared you, the sun is a stand-in (sun)
You got a smile that could light up a planet (smile) yeah (oh, oh)
And you look so good (yeah)
And you smell so good (yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah)
And you taste so good (yeah)
And you're so, so good (yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah)
You're the sweetest (yeah)
Yeah, you are, ha-ha
Sweet like, like motherfuckin' brown sugar sweet potatoes (are you ready?)
Or somethin'
The plan was to stick my toe in and
Check the temperature, but
Next thing I know, I'm
I'm drownin'
— Tyler, the Creator
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alwayscorvus · 5 days
Forced Marriage
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Forced Marriage
Jing Yuan x male reader, fluff;
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This day has finally come. Day when you and Jing Yuan were going to get married and fulfill your parents' promise.
Several years had passed since signing the agreement as children. Your parents long gone from this world. You both have earned a good name for yourselves. But despite the huge period of time and all your achievements, you have forgotten about one and most important thing. Or you may have actually done it on purpose. You haven't built a bond expected for future partners. You haven't gotten to know each other. You haven't even met. Not counting a few important occasions, banquets or incidents, at which you never exchanged more than two sentences. You knew your current appearance only from paintings.
But now it was all about to change.
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You adjusted the collar of your white shirt in the mirror and sent your reflection a hesitant glance.
Suddenly you heard a creak of an opening door. You turned rapidly and your eyes caught a glimpse of a figure of the man that you were supposed to marry in next few hours.
You swallowed a lump in your throat. Weirdly terrified. A feeling once completely unfamiliar to you.
You kept watching as Jing Yuan made his way down the grand, snowy white, marble staircase, positioned in the center of the room. He was moving with incredible elegance. His hips gently swayed from side to side in the rhythm of lions' tails that confidently hunted his prey.
Right behind your fiancé his butler followed. His movements were much more clumsy, struggling to keep up with his master.
-It's a honor.
Said Jing Yuan, bowing low as he finally managed to reach you.
-My pleasure.
You answered with a fake confidence. You weren't sure what to do with yourself. Should you shake his hand? Give him a hug? Confess for how long you had been looking forward to this meeting? After all, you were going to spend the rest of your lives together. Completely inseparable.
Jing Yuan, however, seemed cold and reserved. Completely different from the descriptions. Although his face didn't show much, man didn't fail to send you an unfriendly glance.
You rubbed your sweaty palms against the sides of your suit pants. You really can't remember the last time you were so nervous. Have you ever been this way? Even when handling the biggest contracts on which your family's good name depended, you weren't this worried. Today, however, was very different. As well as the entire last week for which you couldn't sleep.
-Misses Xiǎo Huì probably warned you that it's not gonna be anything big. Everyone will find out about our new status eventually, but I don't want to make a ceremony that shakes whole Xianzhou Luofu. I prefer to let this matter pass as quietly as possible. We came to the conclusion that my marriage... precisely this marriage, may not have the best impact on my position as Charioteer.
Ah, of course. Over those past years since Jing Yuan was a small child, he was able to completely turn around his family's luck and become a Charioteer. He chose a path completely different from his origins.
While you were enriching and expanding a company passed down from generation to generation, he was starting from an absolute scratch. Literally. Because at the time all his family had to offer were debts.
Although you admired his achievements and hard work, you probably would have preferred if he had remained as an ordinary, average Jing Yuan. Or at least if he hadn't been in charge of all citizens… That would have been much more simpler…
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Ceremony passed quickly. Too quickly. Whole concept was so abstract to you that you weren't even able to recall whole time spent on all activities. At first you didn't want to interfere in the course of your wedding. You thought that you would let Jing Yuan take the lead and carry it out in any way he wished. However now, you regretted that deeply.
Before you knew it, you got your blessings from all the important figures in Xianzhou Luofu and beyond. While your hands grabbed brushes and signed all needed paperwork.
In the end, inspired by a foreign tradition, you exchanged rings. You needed something that at first glance symbolized and proved your relationship.
However, your movements were completely automatic and not tainted by any feeling. Deep in your soul you laughed bitterly at this.
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-This is our shared bedroom - he announced, pointing at the room with a gentle nod.
You looked around in astonishment.
Huge, shadowed bedroom, without any natural light source. Only with candles alone. Candles that emitted a cozy warmth. In theory.
Major attention was focused on a large canopy bed placed in the center. Covered with thick layers of duvets in plum and burgundy colors. Whole place almost screamed with splendor. And was definitely different from a traditional bedroom in these regions. It was most likely a former guest room for high-ranked foreign heads, who felt uncomfortable in an unfamiliar environment.
And this suggested that Jing Yuan didn't want to sacrifice his private bedroom for your shared abode.
-Of course, only for now. Until public interest dies down. If something were to leak outside the gates of this building, we would probably prefer for it to not be an unfavourable gossip, right? -he asked almost cockily- I think that in a few months… Maybe a year or two. We will be able to split up and go our separate ways. I'll take one wing and you will take the other. We'll pretend that it's more convenient for our work. Although… I don't think we'll have to pretend.
You were stunned.
So this is how your marriage was supposed to look like…
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-But isn't that better? I mean... you know, you don't even swing that way.
You had just finished venting about your worries over a bottle of soju, when your friend decided to bring you back to reality.
You looked at him dumbfounded. But still, you let him continue. Especially after he poured you another glass.
-Since he is not really interested and calls it just a deal, you can treat it like that too. Say that in the eyes of the public you will play a perfect, compatible marriage couple, and in your own four walls you will lead separate lives. You will find yourself some nice chick, flatter her a little bit and-
You growled in disappointment.
-First of all: fact that Jing Yuan is a man is actually the least of my problems. Secondly, I'm not a cheater. Even if for him it's just an arrangement, for me it's still a certified marriage signed by two fully aware people. Even if nothing happens between us I'm not planning to find anyone else.
Your friend just waved his hand at this and ordered another two bottles of drink from a passing by waitress.
-Do you want something more to eat? - he looked at you with expectation. You merely nodded. You didn't care about the food. You wanted to get back to looking for a solution to your problem as soon as possible - In that case I'll ask for another set of what we had before and maybe some more pork this time. Okay, cutie?
He gave a waitress a charming smile, and she, wholly covered in blush, curtsied and quickly ran off towards the kitchen. At the same time, you kept your focus on the slowly cooling grill that decorated the center of a table.
-Ahhh-… cause you always choose the path of this hopeless romantic. And where did that get you? -he pointed at you with disapproval- Look where you are now.
Your head collapsed on your hands, that were laying on the table. You started doubting the point of this meeting.
-Better tell me what to do to "get out of this place".
-I mean- you can wait, be patient. You can play the perfect and understanding partner, hoping that Jing Yuan will one day reciprocate your feelings. But that may take years, or worse, never even happen. And you-… just look at yourself. You are helpless. Lets be honest, you aren't patient. Or at least not anymore in that case. Especially after so many years of waiting. So we need to try a different approach.
-But what kind of?
-Well… -man smiled menacingly- Time for a shock therapy.
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"If you are legalny his husband and if you want to be his husband just act as his husband. In the end he doesn't really care."
You weren't sure if this was the best advice you'd ever heard, but you still decided to get swept away.
Which led you to this very moment.
-I promise, I'm gonna be gentle.
Jing Yuan looked at you with suspicion.
-It's not like I'm gonna do anything bad to you - you said slightly devastated- We are partners, remember?
Jing Yuan only furrowed his eyebrows more. He crossed his arms over his chest and shifted his weight from leg to leg. Behind his back you could almost see an imaginary lion's tail that dangerously wagged in rhythm of Jing Yuan's excessive stomping. It wasn't hard to see that your husband was now seriously considering all the pros and cons. When you waited like on tenterhooks, clenching your thumbs tightly.
He decided dryly and without a long delay sat down on the edge of your shared bed. Probably out of all ideas and demands that you could come up with, this one was not the worst and relatively harmless.
Not wanting to miss the opportunity, you took a seat right behind his back in the blink of an eye.
With shaking hands you grabbed the ribbon that kept his hair tied. You pulled on it gently. Ribbon untied itself smoothly and slipped onto a duvet, without much resistance. Hair, that had been pinned up for whole this time, gracefully spilled on all sides. Thrilled with admiration, you began to gently caress them. In touch they resembled a most expensive silk. They were so delicate that they were just slipping through your hands. You dipped deeper into the snow-white ocean, feeling so pleasant that you wished for it to never stop.
-Do you ever plan to start? -he asked without much patience.
Startled, you almost jumped up. You completely lost yourself in the pleasure, forgetting what you were actually supposed to do.
You grabbed a comb and separated a small part of Jing Yuan's hair.
-How many braids will be fine?
-Do as you wish.
He waved his hand as if shooing away an annoying bug. Jing Yuan probably wasn't aware of your capabilities and had already put himself in a losing position for today. You cheered deeply at that. Since you didn't get a limit you won't restrict yourself either. You will prolong the moment as much as possible.
As you brushed his hair, you also gently massaged his head, which apparently must have appealed to him. Because after a few minutes he forgot to hold back and kept bringing his head closer towards your hand, whenever it moved just a little bit away.
Maybe your ears were playing tricks on you, but you could have swear that in every few minutes you heard a quiet cat's purr.
But you didn't even dare to bring up this subject.
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-Huì Fēn?
Jing Yuan's butler paused his hand on a doorknob and turned towards you surprised.
-May I have a question for you?
Trying to relax and focus your attention on something else you began to blindly sort through the papers that were lying on your desk.
-Of course, Sir. How can I help you?
He quickly straightened himself and clasped his hands behind his back.
-It's about Jing Yuan.
Butler's face instantly turned pale.
-I know you have been by his side for many years, you met while you were still in the army… He can always count on your and he has a great trust in you. He has surely entrusted you with more than one secret…
-What do you want to imply by this, Sir? -eventually, he was unable to endure your words. Although his voice was still flawlessly calm.
-Does-… does Jing Yuan have someone? Or-… had someone?
Butler looked at you slightly stunned.
-I can swear that if it's true I won't do any harm to any of them. I just-… I just want to know…
You threw your hands and slightly depressed, sank onto a wooden furniture. You knew that Huì Fēn was not on your side. That he could have told you anything. And lie without hesitation. Anything to avoid harming his rightful Master. And moreover, to help him as much as possible.
But slowly you were beginning to feel exhausted. Long weeks started to pass since your wedding.
Huì Fēn smiled at you with pity.
-If it's about that, I can certainly assure you that you don't need to worry, Sir. Master Jing Yuan has never opened his heart to anyone. And that's what may be your biggest problem, Sir…
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Your friend was right. After all, you weren't into men.
Sure, because of a contract made by your parents, you never got yourself into a relationship with anyone. But if you were to hang your eyes on someone in the past, before meeting Jing Yuan, it were always the females. You never imagined yourself with a man before, but you understood that it was bound to happen. And the fact that this someone was your spouse made this act seem neither so distant nor so unpleasant. Slowly, you even began to convince yourself to it. And you weren't doing it against your will. Jing Yuan was actually starting to attract you, despite his flaws, despite his cold attitude towards your relationship. Your feelings were above such a mere things as gender.
You turned from side to side. You really couldn't fall asleep. At first, Jing Yuan stayed up late studying papers and defense plans spread all over the bed. Which actually was your fault, since you insisted on him not doing this in his office but beside you. And after, when he finally decided to go to sleep, your started to overthink.
You almost wanted to growl out of frustration.
However, time to put the next stage of your plan into action has come.
Recent events didn't really bring Jing Yuan close to you, even when there were a lot of them, especially at shared meals.
But you won't give up so easily.
Somewhat timidly you began to move towards your partner. Slowly testing the waters. At first it seemed that you would succeed without any difficulties. At the end, however, things took a different turn.
-Despite so many layers of sheets, you are going to pretend that you got cold?
His clear voice pierced through the entire bedroom and echoed in a silent night. Yet Jing Yuan didn't even budge by millimeter. He also didn't turn to face you.
-So that's why there are so many of them? You wanted to separate yourself from me by them?
Jing Yuan didn't respond to that.
Seeing no objection, you gently lifted your left hand and put it on the sheets where his waist was. Successfully moving a couple inches closer and snuggling your chest into his back.
-You're really hoping that I'll get used to your presence and that's how you'll make me fall in love with you?
He worked you out. And at the same time he was so calm.
-So you give in to the possibility of falling in love with me?
Jing Yuan didn't say anything more. Nor did he push off your hand or move away.
That's not the end of the story…
I will write a sequel someday, but for the time being I don't have a slightest idea when it will happen. So it may take a long time...
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zweiginator · 16 days
Patrick flirting with long distance reader over texts, slowly getting into we shouldnt be doing this territory but patricks like "im not doing anything wdym" and hes just saying the filthiest shit because he knows shes into it, he just loves knowing that shes sopping wet desperately needing to grind on something
And when they eventually move on to phonecalls and theyre both pretending like shes not touching herself and cumming over the phone...😵‍💫
patrick calling you late at night, his phone tucked under his ear, resting against his shoulder as he palms himself. his voice is low and he’s almost mumbling to you; it feels so intimate. and he starts by just asking about your day and how things are going. you tell him and ask him how he is.
“wish i was there with you.”
“patrick—“ you almost cut him off. “we shouldn’t be—“
“be what?” he asks. “we’re not doing anything.”
but you can hear the soft moans coming from his lips, the unbuckling of his belt. a rustle of his boxers as he tugs them down his legs.
you find yourself wondering what his cock looks like. you bet it's big, with dark hair at the base. you bet he twitches when he's hard, and by the sound of his voice, you know he groans more so than he moans.
you're curious, and your face is growing hot and you just think you should stop this before it goes too far.
"what are you wearing?"
you sigh. Patrick knows what he's doing. and he knows you have a weakness for him.
"a tank top."
"what about on the bottom?"
you sigh, spreading your legs. you don't even realize it's happening. "just my panties."
Patrick draws in a breath. "fuck." you hear a sound, slick spit pooling on the tip of his cock. Patrick rubs it in.
"what about you?" you return the question.
your face heats. "oh."
Patrick sighs and you hear him stroking himself. you close your eyes and imagine it. the slow pass of his hand from the base of him all the way to the tip. back down again, he plays with his balls. you wonder how his abs look, contracting as he comes closer to finishing.
and then your hand snakes down your front, your lip pulled between your teeth.
and Patrick is becoming desperate. you're so quiet and reserved and teetering over the line of disloyalty. he's horny and he wants you. he needs you to stop pretending like your boyfriend matters at all.
"I'm so fucking hard."
his vulgarity almost makes you gasp. his voice shifts like he needs you to feed into this--because he does.
"I'd do anything for that fucking pussy." his hand starts moving faster as he spits again on his cock. "anything."
you mewl and rub slow circles over your clit. it's not so bad if you don't take your underwear off, right? you should answer him back; it's rude to be so quiet.
Patrick is quick to respond. "to touch it, kiss it, fuck it--any. thing."
a moan rips from your throat as you shove your hand under the waistband of your panties. you rub your clit furiously, your toes curling.
his thumb rubs over his sensitive tip; he's almost fucking his fist now.
"yeah? touch that pretty little pussy for me."
you whimper and they compliment the low groans from Patrick. you've both put each other on speaker now, using both hands to pretend the other is there.
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nelkcats · 1 year
Dad War
Danny Fenton became a father and he's not panicking at all (this is a lie)
Danny should have known that asking for an uneventful week was an exaggeration. He tempted fate by saying that "nothing bad could happen now that ghosts and humans lived in peace with each other"
Of course, it was right after saying that sentence that his daughter cousin appeared in front of him with her arm melted. Having gotten used to that particular scenario he steered her into his ecto-dejecto reserves, both of them panicked when this didn't solve anything.
With no more options, Danny took her to Far Frozen, surely the Yeti would have a better idea of what was happening to the girl.
Frostbite examined Ellie just like the first time but instead of scowling like Danny had expected he looked extremely pleased, almost satisfied.
"The time has finally come" Frostbite told him happily "you must let it happen, Great One"
"Do I have to let Ellie melt down!?" Danny yelled in concern, he never thought the Yeti had a sadistic streak in him. Ellie looked just as shaken by the information.
"Not like you're thinking" The Yeti noticed his mistake and decided to explain himself "she's not melting, she's stabilizing"
"If I'm stabilizing, why is my arm goo?" Ellie groaned, the sensation of melting never failed to be strange.
"That explanation is much simpler" Frostbite smiled "how old are you, little Phantom?"
"Uh" Ellie tried to assign herself an age, she aged much slower than the other halfas "16?"
"You didn't understand the question, I didn't mean how you look" Frostbite denied affectionately "how old do you consider yourself?"
“…5” Ellie muttered in embarrassment, even if her age was a bit older than that number, she felt much younger, like a child. She didn't count her early years, between Vlad and traveling the world she hadn't begun to think about it.
Even with all the knowledge stored in her head, she wanted to experience a childhood like other children, to make friends. Something that her adolescent appearance did not allow. As much as Ellie loved talking to Val, she was one of her only friends and unlike her, Val had a whole life to live.
"There is your explanation" The yeti pointed out "ghosts take the appearance of how they see themselves, your core takes into account your wishes and therefore you are reforming into a child"
Danny remembered when he first shifted into his ghost form and Frostbite explanation made sense, but his head reminded him of a very important detail.
"Wouldn't that be troublesome? A lot of people in Amity know you as my cousin” Danny pointed out worriedly. The secret of the halfas was still closely guarded.
"Well, there is a way to leave her appearance the same as it currently is, but that's up to her" Frostbite looked at the girl waiting for an answer.
"No" Ellie denied "I want it to happen, I also...I also want to have a childhood, like the others"
Ellie had always felt bitter about being the only halfa exploring the concept of death more than life; unlike Vlad and Danny who had lived fairly normal lives before their respective accidents, she had been robbed of the possibility.
She wanted to live too.
"It's settled then," Frostbite nodded "Now, this is just getting started and someone has to look after your core while you reform. Do you have any candidates in mind?"
"Danny, can you?" Ellie asked, taking the sleeve of his suit, she wouldn't have considered asking anyone else. Even if she didn't admit it, Ellie always saw him as her father.
"You don't even have to ask, I'll be here when you get back" Danny ruffled her hair with a smile.
"Thank you, dad" Ellie closed her eyes as she let herself be carried away by the sensation of her core. It was a little strange that what she thought would kill her was fulfilling her dreams.
Before the halfa could reply to the comment, Ellie melted, and the ectoplasm was quickly absorbed into her core.
Danny looked at the green stone in his hands with concern.
"How long do you think it will take her?" he asked the Yeti.
"A couple of hours" Frostbite sat down next to him "it's hard being a new parent isn't it? I still remember when my children were born"
Danny avoided mentioning that he had no idea about his children. He wondered if he had them in life or death.
"I- Ellie is my cousin," Danny tried to tell him, but his argument sounded weak.
"She doesn't seem to see you as such" The Yeti shrugged as he handed the boy a cup of tea, but the halfa refused to take it as long as he held the stone in his hands.
Frostbite snorted while setting the mug aside, a new parent, in fact.
"Uh, looks like it's time for me to leave my parents house, don't you think?" Danny tried to joke, even Jazz had her own house in another place.
He had temporarily tried it when he was balancing his college life with his spooky duties, living with Sam and Tucker was fun but in the end he came home.
"It seems so" The Yeti shrugged "congratulations, it's a girl"
Danny laughed as he held the stone closer to his chest. He had really become a father, hadn't he?
His core purred at the thought, while an invisible thread connected the two half-ghosts.
Being a parent didn't sound bad. Maybe it wasn't even as hard as people made it out to be.
Danny regrets that last thought, he regrets it so much.
He just had to think that, didn't he?
As usual, he called Jazz to inform her of the day's events as he held the stone to his chest (Frostbite had told him it was safe to do so).
Jazz didn't seem too surprised by the news, on the contrary, she started recommending him books on parenting, so many books.
Danny tried to tell her that Ellie probably wouldn't be a difficult child, he got a 30-minute lecture on how she'd probably regress to the mental age of 5 or 6, and therefore he had to be prepared for it.
Deciding to listen to his older sister, Danny googled for advice.
Checking on wikihow how to take care of a child didn't work, Danny could attest to that.
The halfa sighed as he looked at the "I'll bring you some books tomorrow" message that Jazz had send him. Did he really have to read?
It couldn't be that hard, right? His parents took care of Jazz and she ended well!
Danny was ignoring Sam's voice in his head saying that "Jazz is the spiders georg of children and should not be counted"
Of course, Danny was also avoiding to look at the fact that his parents also took care of him and he kinda died. Ellie was already half dead so he couldn't fucked up that part.
He put his phone aside as he stared at the stone on his chest. It had been hours, was Ellie okay? Perhaps something had gone wrong?
He frowned wondering if he should call Frostbite when he noticed the glowing core. Before he knew it he had a 5-year-old girl crushing his stomach.
"Ouch," Danny groaned in pain "fatherhood hurts"
"Daddy! Daddy!" Ellie jumped on his stomach, she didn't seem to notice the change in title "Look! Look! Do you like my new look?"
Realizing that Jazz was right, Danny pretended to think for a few minutes, Ellie looked bummed out at his lack of response.
"Of course I love it!" Danny scooped her up into his arms as she giggled "you look perfect!"
Ellie chuckled as she ran off to Danny's room where she had kept his phone before the whole mess.
"I'll be back soon! I have to tell Val!" The girl ran off, probably forgetting that she could go through the ceiling and get to the room faster.
Danny gave her a thumbs up, as soon as Ellie disappeared down the stairs he lay back on the couch rubbing his stomach. His daughter had strength.
"We're definitely moving" he muttered, closing his eyes. Not in a million years would a girl with that much energy go unnoticed.
Danny checked his phone again and saw messages from Sam and Tucker. The halfa pouted, Jazz was a gossip.
"Are you sure you have everything?" Tucker asked, checking a list on his PDA. No matter how many years passed, he still loved his technology and refused to throw it away.
"Definitely sure" Danny yawned as he loaded the boxes onto the GAV. Ellie was asleep in the passenger seat.
"Papers?" Tucker checked the list.
"Legal and illegal" Danny held up a folder "Thanks for that, by the way"
"You're welcome man" Tucker shrugged. He had created Ellie's papers a while back, but they had never been needed. Adapting the age was a surprise.
"Food? Money? Clothes?" Tucker recited the list, to Danny's nod he continued, "materials to put together the new portal?"
"Ready" Danny pointed to the box that said "danger", there were also the ectoplasm samples.
"I still think that's a stupid idea" Sam rolled her eyes "that thing killed you"
"Yes, but we need ectoplasm on a regular basis and well, building one was the easiest way to get it" the halfa shrugged. It still made him shudder to think about the accident but the portal was necessary "Besides, portals don't measure distance in the Realms, I can build one that's only a few feet from home"
Also, having Far Frozen close to them was always an advantage and the ghosts had promised not to invade the new town without his permission. He still couldn't believe he was moving to New Jersey.
"That's the only reason I'm letting you get away with it," Jazz snorted as she bent down to kiss her brother's forehead "Remember, we're just a phone call away"
"I know, I know, you don't need to move out as well" Danny shook his head amused, he felt that if he didn't stop them they would really try to " I never thought I would have to move"
"It's been so long since the accident" Sam remembered as she placed a hand on her hip "even though it seems like yesterday"
"It feels like it happened yesterday" Danny admitted while touching the scar on his hand. The memories of the electrocution were still fresh in his mind.
"By the way dude, are you sure to leave Vlad as her biological father?" Tucker winced at the document, he could see the reason but he didn't like it.
"Of course, that idiot must pay me child support" Danny smiled "eat the rich and all that"
Having an excuse to spend Vlad's money was always fun. And if his stupid biological sex could help that, he would use it. Danny was honestly relieved that his legal documents had been changed. He wondered if Vlad knew the real reason why he was never able to create a male clone.
"You could just ask us for money" Sam patted his shoulder "Tucker and I could support your poor ass"
Both had been very successful in their respective fields. Sam had graduated in law and was getting another degree as an Environment Protection Technician, she had changed a lot in a short time. On the other side, Tucker had created his own Technology & Security company, he was currently negotiating a deal with Wayne Enterprises.
Danny had a feeling that his friend wanted to use him to close a deal and had suggested the city as an option for that reason. Bludhaven wasn't far from Gotham after all.
"Just because I'm unemployed doesn't mean I'm poor" Danny pouted "I'll get a job in the new town before you know it"
"I hope so, your savings aren't going to stretch that long" Jazz sighed. Her brother's lack of planning never ceased to be worrisome "Oh, and don't forget to take off your blinder, you need to breathe"
Danny frowned at the comment but nodded. His ghost form was more comfortable because it suited his chosen gender, he wondered if he could change the human as well.
"Okay, I guess that's it" Tucker put the PDA away  "remember not to drive like either of your parents, we don't want you to get a ticket so quickly"
"Nor that the weather news announces when you're going out" Sam smirked, she remembered when Lance Thunder started announcing when Jazz and Danny were learning to drive.
"That's impossible, you know I'm an excellent driver and therefore I'm not going to get a ticker" Danny stuck out his tongue at his best friend.
"Whatever you say Danny" Sam snorted "call us when you get there, and have a safe trip!"
His friends and sister said goodbye to him as he got on the GAV. He started driving away from home. It wasn't long before he passed the "Welcome to Amity Park" sign. The little ghost drawings around it made him smile.
Still, Danny was offended by the skepticism of his friends, he was sure that he was not going to get a ticket anytime soon.
An officer was giving him a ticket.
Danny banged his head against the steering wheel of the vehicle as the police officer asked him the routine questions.
"Does this vehicle have a license?" The officer raised an eyebrow. Danny sighed as he handed over the GAV papers, he had licensed all of his parents' inventions long ago "Okay- wait, is this a SUV?"
"No, it's a GAV" Danny growled without further explanation, he was still annoyed by the situation. Clockwork was laughing at him from his damned tower, he was sure "Do you need anything else, officer...Grayson?"
Officer Grayson looked at the vehicle with doubt, the damn thing had more modifications than the Batmobile, he really hoped the boy wasn't some future villain.
He had so many questions to ask.
Before Dick could question him further or Danny risked murder on his first day in town, Ellie woke up from her nap.
"Daddy?" Ellie yawned looking at the driver's seat curiously "Are we there yet?"
All the halfa's anger melted away and his attitude took a complete turn.
"No honey, we got pulled over for speeding but we're in town now" Danny leaned down to brush her hair out of her face "you can go back to sleep"
"You're a bad driver" his daughter smirked, she wondered if driving skills were hereditary.
"Are you new in town?" Dick leaned in curiously, the girl reminded him of his own daughter.
Danny was about to tell him it was none of his business but Ellie answered first.
"¡Yes! We're moving" Ellie smiled "That's why we brought all the boxes, I'm going to enroll in a new school and dad is going to get a job"
"That sounds wonderful" Dick smiled softly as he handed Danny the ticket along with the GAV's papers "You should be more careful on the streets, I don't think there is anywhere that accepts 120 km/hr as a normal speed"
The halfa frowned, didn't the officer have a heart!? At least he could forgive a new neighbor for a silly mistake!
"Yeah, yeah, thanks" he murmured as he put the ticket in the glove compartment.
"Well, all seems to be in order" Dick straightened up "you can follow your way, enjoy Bludhaven!"
Danny hoped that he would never see him again.
When he arrived at his new house, the halfa carried Ellie to the couch and let her sleep, after which he began to unload the things from the GAV.
He wondered if he should start unpacking everything or just sleep. He felt tired at the thought of opening all those boxes and fell asleep on the couch with his daughter.
When he woke up it was night, Danny peeked out of the window as he heard a motorcycle park next door. Perhaps he could see his neighbors?
He gaped at the sight of fucking Officer Grayson reaching down to grab a little girl and carry her into his arms.
Wasn't it enough to be physically perfect and heartless, but he also had to be a good father? Damn everything!
It had to be a fucking joke
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kokomyass · 7 months
Neuvillette ☆ To be a Father
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Neuvillette x Fem!Reader Genre: ☁️ Word Count: 1943 Trigger Warnings ⚠️ : none!!
synopsis: in which, our cutesy hydro dragon is afraid he doesn't have what it takes to be a father...
a/n: hey guys yet again, half asleep when posting this....too tired to edit...really hope you enjoy this lowkey gave me baby fever 🔮🌙🔮
Neuvillette always thought of himself as an outcast to human society.
He would observe human customs and analyse them for decades trying to understand humans and their thoughts.
However, there was one concept he had never seemed to grasp despite his hundred years on Teyvat....and that was the concept of love.
Whether it was romantic love, platonic love or familial love, he always pondered what it would be like to fall in love?
Would it be a noticiable thing? Or would it be something that is destined from birth.
No matter how much he would tell himself he didn't need any sort of love, he always felt an ache in his heart seeing couples and their children interact.
However, that aching feeling in his heart soon turned to a warm one when he met you.
The feelings he felt around you exceeded any sort of feelings he thought he would feel after witnessing and analysing others relationships.
You were perfect in his eyes. You were beautiful and you were kind. You always knew how to reassure him when he became insecure about how he struggled to feel like he was included in society.
You knew Neuvillette was a genuinely caring individual no matter how humble he may try to be. He was always very busy but he always made sure to spend time with you even if it is while he is working.
That's why you knew he would be an amazing father.
"Hey, Neuvi, sweetheart!! I have some news...." you walked into his office as he looked up from the papers he was writing in with a warm smile reserved for you.
"What news do you have for me, my dear?" you were now stood in front of his desk. You placed your positive pregnancy test on his desk as he looked at it taking a moment to register what it was.
"I'm pregnant!"
The look of complete and utter shock on Neuvillette's face was something that would never make an appearance again...but you also couldn't ignore his trembling when he hugged you.
Neuvillette was happy to hear you were pregnant of course, it was something he yearned for many, many years, but he didn't know if he had what it took to bring up a child of his own....he wasn't even human.
After you gave birth you noticed that it began to rain quite a bit which made you chuckle slightly knowing that your husband was just a bit emotional about the birth of his own child.
Which brought you to where you both were now. It had been a week since your beautiful daughter was born and you had noticed Neuvillette had become very faraway. You often found yourself asking him things multiple times before he could actually answer, and he seemed to be acting rather clumsy (and for the record neuvillette is NEVER clumsy...) and it wasn't that he wasn't interacting with his daughter but when he would he would looked AWFULLY stiff...
"Ugh....I don't know what to do you guys!!" you rocked your sleeping daughter back and forth sighing.
You had invited your friends Chlorinde, Navia and Furina to your home to help you with Neuvillette's odd behaviour.
"Well, Y/N, have you spoken to him?" Navia suggested.
"Yes, Navia, of course I have! I asked him what the issue is and I even asked if it was about him thinking he wasn't a good father! But the same answer is always given....'I'm fine dear, don't worry about me just a bit tired is all'  and then he calls it a day!!" You were getting stressed as you began to rock your baby a bit faster.
"Y/N, maybe we should...uh...calme-toi...you might wake up your daughter..." Furina patted your arm, sweatdropping slightly. You sighed as you slowed your movements.
"Your right...I just wish he would talk more you know, he doesn't have to take everything on alone now..." you looked down at your baby sleeping calmly.
"Well, Y/N, knowing how much he loves you I'm sure he will open up sooner or later...and I believe he will have to for the sake of your future with you daughter." Chloride stated, making you feel slightly better.
"Yes! Maybe you can ask Sigewinne, maybe Neuvillette may seek advice from her especially if he doesn't want you to know!" Navia butted in as she poored some tea for everyone.
"You guys are right!! Thank you guys you always know how to help!" a wave of tiredness washed over you as your felt your daughter begin to stir awake.
"As much as I would love to carry on talking my baby needs to eat and I think the postpartum symptoms are hitting me...."
You said goodbye to everyone and sat in bed feeding your daughter before placing her in her bed to sleep. Your eyes felt heavy and lidded and as much as you wanted to stay awake for Neuvillette, your body betrayed you.
You felt a soft kiss on your head as you stirred awake looking up to see your husband's soft and beautiful eyes glowing at you.
"My deepest apologies to you my dear, work was extremely busy..." you chuckled softly as you hugged him tightly, interrupting his sentence.
"Don't worry my love, as long as your okay that's all that matters. We missed you." he smiles as he turns to the small bed your cute daughter is sleeping in.
"I missed you both an immense amount" He strokes her cheek softly but the flash of sadness that was on his face for a millisecond didn't go unnoticed by you.
"Neuvi, what is wrong, please tell me." you grabbed his hand and forced him to look at you. He looked a bit shocked for a moment before hiding it under a very faint smile.
"Y/N, don't worry, you need to stay healthy and happy, especially for our daughter." he strokes your hair as you frown at his answer.
He went to sleep next to you as it was nothing but you were going to find out what was going on.
Time Skip
You had secretly made it to the Fortress of Meropide to visit some good friends.
"Are you ready for this D/N?" you look down at your daughter in her little pram as she giggles excitedly clapping her hands together.
"That's my girl! Let's go!" you kissed your daughters nose before pushing her towards the infirmary.
You made it to the infirmary and you were lucky enough to see both Sigewinne and Wriothesley there having a conversation. Sigewinne was the first to notice you.
"Y/N!!!! It's so nice to see you! And you too little Y/N!!" Sigewinne ran up to you as you gave her a hug and she pat your daughters head making her giggle.
"It's nice to see you too Sigewinne! And hello Wriothesley."
"Hey there, Y/N..." Wriothesley walked up to you smiling. "Does ya kid still hate me?"
You laughed, "Let's see" you pointed to your daughter as Wriothesley put his finger out to her and she grabbed it giggling.
"Would you look at that!! Finally warming up to your uncle!!"
That's what Wriothesley thought before your daughter began biting his finger very hard.
"OWW! Why you-" he squinted at your child as you laughed.
Time went on and you explained the situation to them.
"I must say Neuvillette randomly came down here to talk to me...he never does that unless he wants to get his mind off something." Wriothesley folded his arms pondering.
"Yep! And Monsieur Neuvillette asked me if it is possible to bring up a child even if you aren't human...now it makes sense why he asked that. Of course I said yes!!" Sigewinne and Wriothesley had confirmed your suspiciouns.
"Oh, Neuvi, he may have the most authority in the whole of Fontaine, but he doesn't know how to listen to me..." you sighed shaking your head.
"Who would've thought a little girl would make him act like this? This is the first time I have veer seen him like this..." Wriothesley chuckles.
"Me too....I've been hear for as long as I can remember and he's never been this distressed...." Sigewinne but in placing a finger on her chin.
"Well, I suppose I should go and talk to him then...thank you so much for your help guys idk what I would do without you." you bid farewell to you Fortress companions before making your way to the Palais Mermonia.
Time Skip
You made it to the Palais Mermonia and rushed through all the doors until you made it to Neuvillette's office pushing the double doors open walking in with your pram.
"Neuvillette, we need to talk."
Neuvillette looked up from his work, shocked to see you there. He stood up and walked towards you.
"Y/N, what's going on? What wrong why do we need to-"
"Do you think you aren't going to be a good enough father to our daughter?" you folded your arms staring at him in the eyes.
Neuvillette stared at you wide-eyed, he stayed silent and looked at the floor avoiding your eyes.
You cupped his face in your hands and turned his head to lock eyes with you. You placed you lips on his softly as he melted into the sweet and soft kiss that had heavy emotion subdued in it.
"Neuvi...why would you ever think that? When I told you I was pregnant, I had no doubts or fears....not one...because I knew that no matter what you would craft our daughter into an amazing one with your amazing qualities. I know it sound cheezy....but Neuvi, I couldn't choose any other man to be the father of my daughter, so please, don't feel like you aren't enough your daughter loves you, and I love you and as long as you try that's all we care about."
You spilled your heart out as you stared at each other.
"I-" Neuvillette began speaking but suddenly it began to slowly rain outside.
You chucked, pressing a kiss on his nose.
"No need to feel sad my love." Neuvillette chuckled at your joke.
He looked at your daughter (who was really excited to see her dad) and picked her up rocking her back and forth.
"Y/N, I'm sorry. Sorry I didn't tell you. I felt like being a dragon, i have no human exlerience and i would lead out child down the wrong path. I should've told you so we could work it out but I just felt so unsure I found myself going to Wriothesley and Sigewinne for comfort. But none of that comfort I'd as good as the comfort of my family I must admit."
You chuckled hugging him tightly being careful now to wake the now asleep baby.
"Does this mean you will do nappy changes?"
"Of course, dear, I must relieve you of that stress!"
"This is why I love you~" You placed a kiss on his lips as he smiled warmly, a smile reserved for you AND his daughter.
"I love you both, my happiness."
A lil bonus:
It was nighttime and the baby had woken up crying and Neuvillette had gone to take care of it.
However, you being a curious little cat, you spied on them.
Neuvillette held her on his chest patting her back, humming a sweet melody to her.
"...Papa..." you daughter said her first word.
You could tell Neuvillette didn't seem to understand the significance of this based on how he carried on with whatever he was doing.
Meanwhile  you were crying...
Luckily, you were recording....it would be a reminder to explain to him later.
a/n: SOMEONE TELL ME THAT THIS DOESNT MAKE SENSE BECAUSE I WAS A MESS WRITING THIS SHIT um love you guys hopw you enjoy anon that requested too 💜💜🍇🍇
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onlymingyus · 1 year
I Don't Understand But, I Love You
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pairing; wen junhui x gn reader
genre; angst, fluff
warnings; mentions a fight and making up
w/c; 680 and some change
requested; no
a/n; i was listening to I Don't Understand But I Luv U and had this idea of what if it wasn't just about a language barrier
please consider supporting me read how to do that here
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“Baby, open the door.” 
You sit against the bedroom door listening to Jun’s voice as he speaks to you from the hall. The tears were still fresh on your cheeks. There was still a heavy feeling in your chest, making it impossible to take a deep breath. 
Jun leans his forehead against the door, his palms flush with the wood as he waits for you to speak to him. He knows he doesn’t deserve it but he hopes for it. He hates fighting with you but sometimes you are both too headstrong and your tongues too sharp. 
Sighing softly, the man turns his back to the door after a moment of not hearing your voice. You listen to the soft thump of his back hitting the door before he slides down it to sit on the floor in the hallway. Only a few inches of wood separated you but in the moment it felt like worlds. 
“Y/N, I understand that you don’t want to talk to me. I know you are upset with me. I know why, and I don’t blame you…but baby, please? I’m sorry. I can’t stand this.” 
You can hear the pain in Jun’s voice. The way his voice trembles causes your shoulders to shake with your fresh sobs. You hated that he was in pain but you weren’t sure you could face him yet. You weren’t sure you could trust yourself so soon. You loved him too much. He was too easy to love and too easy to fight with. There was a fire in your relationship that created a passion in more ways than one. 
Lifting your hand, you wipe under your eyes and nose sniffling loud enough that Jun can hear it through the door causing him to close his eyes. He hated the sound of your crying but at least he knew you were there and could hear him now. 
“I wish that I could tell you that I understand everything we fight about and that you are right about everything. I wish it were that easy baby, but I can’t lie and pretend like I understand. I don’t think you want me to lie to you, even to stop a fight from happening…” 
You sigh, leaning your head back against the door with a small thump. He was right, you wouldn’t want him to lie to you. Lying would only lead to more fighting and worse. 
“But I don’t think I have to always understand you, because I love you and we share something so special that we don’t even have to speak to get one another. You know what I mean?” 
Jun didn’t expect an answer so when you only nod and sniff back more tears, he simply looks down at his fingers rubbing them together in thought.
“I think it’s beautiful when we have those moments baby. When it’s like this secret language that only we know. Neither of us actually needs to speak, just a look from you and I get it. I think about times like that when things like this happen…you know when I fuck up. When I don’t understand something…I try to think back to when everything made perfect sense.” 
Lost in his thoughts, Jun sniffs back his own tears unaware you have moved until the door opens behind him causing him to look up at you in surprise. You watch him scramble to his feet, his hands moving to take yours pulling you into his arms before those same hands move to your face pushing your hair from it so he can look over you carefully. 
“God, I love you. I’m so sorry. I know I’m stupid…” 
Shaking your head, your hands on Jun’s forearms you tug at them to coax him down until his lips brush over yours gently. 
“You’re not.” 
Sighing on your lips, Jun lets his hands find your hips so he can hold you close to him. The silence speaks volumes, one of the moments when neither of you needs to say anything to understand how much you love one another. 
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© onlymingyus - all rights reserved. Reposting/modifying of any fic, or pieces of original writings posted on this blog is not allowed. Translations not allowed. 
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(translator use, Sorry if there are any mistakes in this)
First, I love you, I'm super in love with hyugo and you're one of the few people who made x reader content with him, and the writing is so well done that God. It's beautiful 😭💙
Could I request some headcanons with a shy reader? Just like the one you did with Geo but with Hyugo?
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Reticence (Hyugo x Shy! MC/Reader)
Thank you for being so patient with me Anon and @cuentademeri *quietly despairs and prays for forgiveness* and for reading my work! I had fun writing this (however, reminder that I am someone who isn't even remotely shy,so if the shyness part seems inaccurate, well, I tried). Hope you enjoy! :D
P.S Thank you for the compliments. <33 They're appreciated.
A/N: Btw if I take longer to answer requests, it's not because I gave up on them, it's simply the fact I don't want to make this blog quantity > quality. Also an original work for TKATB shall be out soon, so uh rejoice.
- Signed by biggest-geo-oogami-enjoyer
Reticence: an unwillingness to do something or talk about something, for example because you are nervous or being careful.
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When Hyugo first met you, he simply thought you were quiet, like Sol. Until he noticed you essentially never talked.
He wasn't concerned per se, more so curious. Did you feel awkward with him and Sol? Why even sit if you weren't gonna chat?
Tries to befriend you, is the type to wave to you and grin if he sees you around.
Is honestly a tad surprised when he finds out you're shy and reserved.
Doesn't have any issue with it though.
Will make more of an effort to chat you up. Words of affirmation and aggressive positivity galore. "The girls keep saying I'm hideous. I don't believe them but..." "You're not." "Yeah but-" "No buts! Those are for sitting! And I'm going to make sure said people who called you that won't be able to comfortably sit ever again!"
When you star talking more, he's a very happy man.
Likes it when you tell him things, doesn't matter what. He just enjoys hearing you chat about nothing.
He'll ask you at some point why you are shy. He's never been shy so he was curious.
You just explain you're simply not as outgoing as a lot of other people are.
But if you feel shy partially due to appearance woes? He'll tell you you look gorgeous! (He means it he just hasn't realised the extent of said words).
Oh, but if you get bullied? Doesn't matter for what, Hyugo'll fight those responsible (Sol's got too much on his plate already *sob*). Will stand up for you if conflicts arise, mf won't even bat an eye.
He honestly doesn't understand why people target you. You're sweet, cute, even funny when you start crawling out of your shell.
He's honestly angry about it.
He doesn't even fully understand why he feels so strongly about you, nor why he's so eager to see you.
Until one day it hits him. Hard.
It's not like he couldn't see it coming, he suspected it deep down, but refused to admit it.
He has too much shit on his shoulders to catch feelings, no matter how angelic or beautiful or smart you may be.
Alas, his heart has other plans, because it eventually will decide to beat solely for you.
Y'all are the classic "Shy x Outgoing" trope.
He's fine with it. He gets to boost your self-confidence, get you to open up bit by bit, until he's got tens of files on you; with only the necessities of course: - Where you were born - When? What time? - Parents? Carers? Financial situations (doesn't know about the debt teehee) - You get the point
Asks you out right after graduation if he's alive then anyway, to which you say yes. Obviously.
Becomes a very content guy, literally spoils you more than a king ever could. He's rich af.
Will hold your hand in public if you're shy or anxious, is okay with also not holding you if you wish although he will pout at the latter with his plump fucking lips.
Also boosts your confidence, eventually you and him end up having the most absurd, comical banter known to man.
Hyugo is am 11/10 bf, will cater for you, and will never tire of ensuring you're comfortable, content and cordial with him.
And you most definitely are. <33
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mosaickiwi · 1 month
Hi again! Hope you've been doing okay!
First off I just wanna say that you always deliver, I mean "Fall Unto Me"?? Four part+an epilogue of me being torn between wanting to baul my eyes out and wanting to melt into a puddle from the feels :')
But as for the request, could I ask for Angel and [REDACTED] redecorating his appartment? Getting rid of the gaudy furniture once and for all!
Don't forget to drink water and take breaks whenever you need to! My brain is also 105% filled with this skrunkly but the trick is to keep two neurons in a cell reserved for this >:] /silly
HEHE I’ve been ok! Hope you are too!! <3 thank u for appreciating my (deranged) brainrotting fic c: the suffering is my favorite part. I’m drinking lots of water cause summer hates my ass. 💖 Also sorry this is long I am clearly not winning at the "be normal" challenge.
14 Days With You is an 18+ Yandere Visual Novel. MINORS DNI
“This one?”
The dark haired man peered at the laptop in your hands for a long moment. “It's… nice.”
“Yes…? You called the last three couches nice, too. Any other thoughts?” You gently goaded your partner.
Choosing new furniture with [REDACTED] was supposed to be easy. You'd pick something, and he'd agree. Except you wanted it to feel like home for both of you. He didn't have to say the mushy, obvious line: as long as you were there, it was home. So progress was challenging with some things. You were sitting together on the current couch—the ugly, lifeless one that came with his apartment for some reason. 
His brow crinkled as he searched for different words. Those soft blue eyes went back and forth across the screen until he said, “It’s cozy yet functional.”
“Did you just summarize the description to me?”
He confessed to the crime with a sigh. “Angel, all I think when I look at it is you. And how cute you'd look sitting on it. Like y’do right now.”
“I'm always cute. Focus on the couch, please. Not me,” you insisted.
“No promises.”
“Let's see…” You had to find some way to get through to them. An idea came to mind that you knew he wouldn't like very much, but you had to try. “Pretend we're not dating. Or maybe I don't exist? You come home—don't make that face! I said pretend—so, you come home after a very terrible day and you see this couch. Is it nice then?”
[REDACTED] still made that face as he answered you. “Annoying as fuck to clean.”
It was progress. You didn't want to dwell on why that would be what they thought about after getting home. “Did the first one I showed you seem annoying to clean?”
“Mm... a bit.” They reached forward to change the webpage back for another look. “Y’never showed me these.” 
You leaned over to see what he was talking about. There were a few humongous bean bag chairs on the furniture wish list you’d made. “I just thought they looked fun to take a nap in. But I’m not sure we’d both fit, so it’d be silly," you explained and tapped the mouse to continue skimming through your other selections. “We can think about the couch later. I found some wall art that doesn’t look like it came from a dentist’s office.”
His eyes carefully followed the scrolling page until the bean bags disappeared at the bottom of the screen, but he didn’t protest.
The new furniture had arrived—and been efficiently assembled by your boyfriend, despite your protest—while you were at the library, so you were excited to get home. [REDACTED] held one hand over your eyes as he unlocked the apartment’s door.
“I already know what all the furniture looks like, Ren.” Even so, you didn’t wave their hand away.
You could hear the door click as he guided you into the foyer. “I may have added a few extra things,” he hummed while you blindly struggled and failed to take off your shoes. “Actually… close your eyes f’me.”
“O—kayy?!” Just as you closed your eyes the floor slipped away under you, replaced by familiar arms cradling you to their chest. His quiet footsteps barely echoed against the marble as you got your wits about you. The living room wasn’t that far, so you were certain where he took you without seeing anything. You just didn’t know where exactly in the room.
They turned and came to a stop, rooted in place for a moment as if thinking to themself. “Y’gonna scream if I drop you?” 
“...Yes. Maybe.”
Without another word he let go. There wasn’t enough time to scream as you immediately landed against plush fabric with the faint crinkle of something below it. The fabric crinkled some more as you felt your shoes being taken off.
“Can I open my eyes yet?” you asked. You could already tell what one of the ‘extra things’ was. It felt like heaven.
“Sure, love.” Their voice was a little farther away than you expected. Probably from hurrying to put your shoes in the closet.
You found yourself nestled on one side of the room, with a perfect view of his handiwork.
A couch that was easy to clean, in a color you insisted he decide on, draped with a luxurious looking blanket that wasn’t in your list. A coffee table with rounded corners so they wouldn’t keep hitting their leg on it. Some wall art of Attack on Giants—with extra pieces from a show you sort of recognized, but definitely suited the man's tastes. A few shelves to show off merchandise from another of your favorites. And the enormous, navy blue bean bag he’d so rudely dropped you in moments ago.
Your darling hacker stepped in from the foyer and tossed their hoodie onto the new couch. “Everything good?” he asked, piercings pulling up in a smile.
“I think I love it.” Your eyes scanned the room again and eventually landed on the pictures. “And I love that you added your own stuff.” It didn’t seem to be a clone of your apartment that he just happened to live in, like you worried about. “What about you?”
“S’better than before. ‘Course, the best part is that I don’t have t’see some shitty couch when I open the door—I get to come home to you, trapped in a bean bag.” He stood up and walked over, eyeing you playfully from above. “Comfortable?”
You nodded, then immediately yelped when he fell forwards. Just before you were squished, he caught himself on tattooed arms, caging you in the crinkly, soft material. You only felt some of their weight on you like a heavy blanket. A soft laugh slipped past your lips as he got comfortable himself, clinging to you as best he could while you both sank further into the depths of the bean bag. It’d be impossible to get out.
You wiggled your legs, straining to even find the damn floor. No doubt a futile effort, you had to sigh, “At least we both fit on it."
[REDACTED] didn’t speak, already yawning from the exhaustion of setting everything up before meeting you at work. The walk to and from the library certainly didn’t do him any favors, either. In a matter of seconds, he was fast asleep in what surely felt akin to a nest, all four lanky limbs wrapped around you like a snake.
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saintblk · 1 year
SHAWTYY! You are feeding my Kaldur obsession like that mannnn is delicious but if you can I was thinking a kaldur and wyynde x fem! Atlantean reader. Like she’s pregnant (or they wanna get her pregnant *wink wink*) fluff or smut or both. Like imma eat up anything you write sooo go crazy shawty!
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(Like I just love them so much it hurts😭)
ah to have two fictional men manhandle tf out of me:( bby your mind 10/10 i love this scenario wish it was me fr. i woulda had this done earlier but i’m gonna blame it on school
cw: established poly!relationship, threesome, dubcon if you squint, centred around pregnancy basically, fem!atlantean!reader but it’s not described that much
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THERE WAS a change in your behaviour; a slight but noticeable one. kaldur was the first one to notice it and didn't wait very long to tell wyynde. the two began observing you closely — well a lot closer than usual. it wasn't long before they discovered the reason for the shift in your demeanour. wyynde happened to catch sight of you with mera and her son. as you doted on the small boy, the glint in your eye became evident. from the way you interacted with all the children you came across, it seemed you desperately wanted one of your own.
which is how you found yourself sandwiched between your partners, crying incomprehensible words as tears ran down your face. it'd been only moments since your last orgasm; added to the numerous orgasms preceding it. the two members inside you had came several times before, but still they rammed into you, intent on doing it again.
"c'mon pretty girl." wyynde hummed, looming over you. "you can give us one more."
you barely manage to shake your head no in protest, an action that went seemingly unnoticed. below you laid kaldur, also buried deep inside your walls while he folded your legs up against your shoulders. this way, wyynde could kneel in front of you and slide into your tight walls. they were kind enough to slow down a little, letting you ride out your last high.
the blonde pressed a kiss to your neck, breath fanning against your gills. "last one, my love. don't you want a baby?"
the whine you let out was answer enough, just the thought making you clench down on both of them. it was difficult even considering bringing it up, but the thought of bearing their child made your heart ache and your stomach twist into knots. luckily, simply the image of you carrying their baby was their driving force that night.
while kaldur whispers sweet nothings against your buzzing skin, wyynde captured your lips and pulled you into an intoxicating kiss. the ache in your stomach had long since become a sweet pang that raked through you with every thrust.
your walls further constrict around the two men, rushing them towards their own release. wyynde throbbed against kaldur’s shaft before shooting his seed into you. kaldur followed, joining the other male in filling you to the brim. once they pulled out, kaldur took it upon himself to scoop the cum leaking out of you with two fingers and shove back into your cunt.
you think you’re in the clear when both men slide off the bed, leaving you to catch your breath. but soon enough you feel your body being lifted and put into a new position.
“i know we said it was the last one.” kaldur husked and planted a kiss on your forehead.
“but if you really want a child, we must make this count.”
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2023 ©️ all rights reserved by saintblk (me) | do not copy, repost, promote, or translate any of my works without my permission
side note: kaldur uses contractions in his speech when he’s having sex cause he’s not thinking:)
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elleloquently · 10 months
the wretched and joyful [ 2 ] : ellie williams
ellie williams x female reader | eventual angst + slowburn
───⋆☆ But we don't have to talk about it, I can walk you home and practice method acting - I'll pretend being with you doesn't feel like drowning ♪
───⋆☆ I'm trying to be cool about it, Feelin' like an absolute fool about it Wishin' you were kind enough to be cruel about it - Tellin' myself I can always do without it, Knowin' that it probably isn't true ♪
| a/n - part two!! tags are at the bottom, let me know if u wanna be added! if you enjoyed reading, please considering reblogging/leaving a comment <3 thank you! | c/w - swearing, vague depictions of anxiety.. reader is in love with her best friend idk what to tell you!!
nearly everything that belonged to you used to belong to someone else. that's just the way things were.
you tried to find the thought comforting, but it really felt haunting.
when you moved into your house in jackson, it was like a still life museum. you couldn't help but try to imagine who lived there first, before the world went to shit. you tried to imagine what their daily life was like. how scared they must've been when...
it made you feel like you were living in a haunted house, and you were scared of ghosts.
maria was kind enough to set you up with some things that she thought you would like, but it still felt like you were living somewhere that you didn't belong.
the house felt like it was full of ghosts, so you rearranged and redecorated until it finally felt like your own.
years later, after a lot of trading and sorting through items ellie might find on patrol, you were actually pretty proud of the space that you presented for yourself. adeline once joked that you seemed to have a taste for "the frills," but you didn't mind.
you liked girly things, things that you could keep in secret and feel pretty without worrying about whether or not you seemed tough enough.
ellie had her comics, and you had your own things too.
your guilty pleasure was old magazines, filled with toxic drama, interior design tips, and how to's for all of your accessorizing needs. the pages were cheap and worn but good enough. the silly quizzes were the best part.
you liked pretending. pretending to live in that world instead of this one, wishing you could've been a girl picking out nail polish to match her outfits and deciding which color scheme suited her best. it flooded your senses with longing and never failed to give you a pit in your stomach.
it was like some kind of morbid obsession, wishing for better than what you had.
you didn't really talk about it, especially with ellie. you already knew how she felt about that sort of thing. besides, it made you feel weak. she just knew that you liked silly magazines, and would bring you them without a second thought if she had ever managed to find one.
jesse was actually the first to help you build your little collection. dina had found one on patrol, and brought it back so you could all laugh at the ridiculous headlines. when everything was winding down and you sheepishly asked if you could keep it, jesse seemed to take note.
besides ellie, jesse was one of your closest friends. he was a little more understanding to the sensitive side of you, which you appreciated. you hated feeling like you had to defend every little thought or feeling, to prove you weren't weak.
you'd been spending more time together as of late, especially since his patrol schedule was pretty much opposite of dina's.
you hated when they fought, always over something small and immature and it left you feeling like a child stuck in the middle. any group hangouts were typically reserved for when dina and jesse were on - so according to the news you had received from ellie, things were looking up.
when a knock at your door earned your attention, you jumped to answer it right away. you already knew who you were expecting.
"morning," you grinned as you held the door open. "are you coming in or am i coming out?" you wore shoes just in case, standing in the doorway.
"you're coming out," jesse replied, wearing a light jacket that he would most likely shed later. summer would be here soon, and the change in weather was certainly improving the mood of everyone in jackson.
you nodded once and tugged a sweater over your arms, closing the door behind you as you stepped outside. you loved mornings like this, warm and peaceful. it felt full of promise.
"where to?" you questioned, allowing jesse to take the lead. he grinned when he replied.
"the stables. hope you're not wearing your best clothes."
you scowled but only as a joke. you weren't wearing your "best" anything but even if you were, it wouldn't have mattered.
"you know i never mind," you chirped, bumping jesse's arm. "how come?"
"we're training more people for patrol so we might need more help in the stables for a bit. think you're willing to give an extra hand when you aren't wrangling the children?" jesse asked, raising an eyebrow as the corners of his lips turned upward.
there was somewhat of a school in jackson, and during the week you helped out with the younger kids. there weren't many, but enough so that they were glad to have your help.
"i would love to help," you said honestly, and jesse's smile turned sly.
"i know that," he replied. "that's why i already signed you up."
you snorted, rolling your eyes at his confident response. "whatever. i would've helped regardless, anytime."
"i know," jesse repeated. "thanks, kid."
this made you roll your eyes again, scoffing. there was barely even an age difference.
"you sound like joel." you wrinkled your nose, tilting your head. "all of you patrol people have such a complex," you grumbled, trying your very best not to smile.
"yeah, yeah." jesse slung an arm over your shoulders, causing you to gasp at the audacity. "you love us."
"us?" you questioned, falling into step with him.
jesse couldn't contain the shit-eating grin that plastered itself onto his face. "us. me, dina... ellie."
you laughed once, loud and embarrassed.
"you're so full of it," you replied, stepping out from under his arm.
"what? what did i say?"
"you're not funny. besides, i'm actually very upset with you," you confessed, staring down at your shoes while you walked.
your shift in tone was enough to concern jesse, and he almost seemed bewildered as he questioned you.
"what? why? what did i do?" he slowed his pace, waiting for you to respond.
you waited just a moment to linger it over his head before grabbing his arm, shaking it while you bounced on your feet like an excited child.
"for not telling me that you have a girlfriend!" you gushed, causing jesse to roll his eyes and quickly walk away from you.
"what's her name? what does she look like? is she gonna meet your family?" you continued on as jesse swatted at you. "you know i had to find out from ellie?"
"you're ridiculous," jesse grumbled.
"and you're keeping things from me?" you were really playing it up, finding satisfaction in the way he shook his head.
"you know, you're not funny," jesse mocked.
you laughed, catching back up with him. "really though, is everything all good?"
a small smile slipped in the place of jesse's scowl. "all good," he confirmed softly.
jesse seemed content so you let that be enough, finishing your walk to the stables in peaceful silence.
you didn't need much instruction since you were already quite familiar with the tasks. instead, it was mostly jesse explaining which horses would be in and out and when. you carried on with some light maintenance, chatting through each chore. jesse didn't really need to stay and help, but you appreciated the conversation.
"so," you started, placing a bucket of supplies on the ground. "what're we doing tonight?"
"huh?" jesse huffed, looking uncharacteristically caught off guard.
"the four of us," you clarified, brushing your palms on your pants. "i figured since things were cool again that we could finally hang out," you explained, though your use of finally might've been a bit overdramatic. jesse and dina were broken up for about a week, which meant a week of splitting your time between the two of them.
though lately you've been seeing less of dina, maybe because of her and ellie having plans or similar schedules.
"oh!" jesse exclaimed, the sudden loudness catching you off guard. "right. well, you know," jesse stammered.
you raised an eyebrow, waiting for him to put together a coherent sentence that wasn't just him shrugging his shoulders and shaking his head.
"you know," he repeated, even though you obviously didn't. "dina and i just thought that maybe... it would just be the two of us tonight. to um," jesse coughed. "catch up?"
you nodded silently, eyes wide with embarrassment. "of course!" you choked out, desperately wanting to save jesse from any more you know's and awkward stammering.
"hey, maybe tomorrow night," jesse offered, awkwardly clapping you on the shoulder. "you'll still hang with ellie, right?"
you nodded again, kicking your shoe against the ground.
you hoped that ellie would want to see you again, even though you just slept over. the matter wouldn't usually even be a factor, but you felt different lately. a little weird, like you were bothering her too much or something.
"for sure," you muttered, tossing a rag into the bucket with a clang.
jesse was quick to catch your change in tone.
"did something happen?" he questioned, leaning against a stable door.
his question felt like an assumption and you found yourself growing insecure as if everyone had noticed that something was different too.
you wanted to confide in him, you should've confided in him, about how ellie could be so hot and cold and was it normal to get stomach aches whenever you were around her?
instead, you forced out a short laugh and shook your head.
"'course not. she'll probably just sleep after she gets back."
jesse studied you briefly before kicking his weight off of the door, brushing his hands together.
"right. well, dina will probably be back soon so i should..."
"go on," you grinned, waving him away.
"you wanna come with?" jesse offered, knowing ellie would be returning as well.
"i actually think i'll stick around here. for... a little bit," you responded shyly, but jesse already knew why. "go on," you encouraged. "go!"
you watched as jesse walked away, casual at first but his stride turned into a sprint when he turned the corner, assuming he was out of view.
you laughed to yourself, standing awkwardly in the now empty stable. ellie would show up soon enough, which was good. you wanted a chance to talk to her. you were starting to feel pretty weird about how often you slept in her bed while she left for patrol in the morning.
you waited around a bit, standing awkwardly in the middle of the stables until you started to feel stupid and instead made yourself look busy. you rearranged some cleaning supplies in the buckets, and even wiped stall doors that you had already cleaned, just to look busy.
of course, ellie didn't appear until you were seemingly making small talk with a horse in the stable.
"-like it better when the weather is warm, right?"
ellie snorted, the sound cutting through the otherwise silent atmosphere that was only filled by your own chattering and the occasional horse sigh.
"who are you talking to?" ellie questioned, her tone lazy and amused.
ellie already knew, of course, but the startled look on your face was priceless.
"how was patrol?" you asked awkwardly. ellie led shimmer into the stables as you spoke.
"uneventful," ellie answered simply.
"that's good, right?" you asked, coming up to pet shimmer as she was being placed into her stall.
"uh, yeah, i guess," ellie shrugged, her tone sounding distant.
you deflated, just a little. maybe she needed some space.
"i'm gonna... get going," you announced, a little quieter than you intended but you had found your footing by the end of the sentence. finally, ellie turned and looked at you.
"what? you've been hanging around but now all of a sudden i'm here, and you're leaving?" ellie questioned, her eyebrows pinching together.
"just don't wanna be in the way," you replied, not knowing if you should take a step closer or a step further away.
"please," ellie huffed. you weren't sure if it was kind or insulting.
please like you're always in the way and don't seem to mind, or please like you're never in the way?
you opened your mouth, almost to ask for clarification, but the thought alone made your cheeks burn.
"i'm serious," you said instead, but didn't make any effort actually leave.
“of course you are,” ellie said, rolling her eyes. you caught the hint of a smile on her face though, just before she turned her back to you.
silent minutes ticked by while ellie was busy, and it was only awkward because you truly couldn't decide if you should just leave or stay. after the hesitation it seemed quite obvious that you would stay, but the dilemma made your face grow hot anyway. when did you start overthinking your interactions with ellie so much??
you really didn't want things with ellie to start being complicated, everything else was already complicated enough.
who was at fault, anyway? or was it simply nothing other than growing restless as the days grew longer?
your thoughts did a better job of occupying you than you had expected, because ellie blinked at you, unmoving.
"are you coming or what?" she asked, with that same unreadable tone that she seemed to love using lately.
you blinked. then nodded.
is this how things were going to be now? is this how they always were, you were only just now noticing?
you almost physically shook your head at the thought.
"coming where?" you asked instead.
ellie shrugged, something like a smile twitching at her lips.
you couldn't tell if she was trying to force a smile, or hide a real one and what the fuck, when did you start having so much trouble reading her?
"we could see joel," you suggested, trying to sound more upbeat than you had felt. you were in such a good mood yesterday, where did it go?
ellie raised her eyebrows at you.
"it's been a long time since we all had dinner together, just the three of us," you said nonchalantly, not wanting it to sound like a hint.
"yeah, well," ellie muttered, her gaze dropping to the ground. "a bit early for dinner, don't you think?"
"that's not really the point, but okay," you dismissed.
"what is the point then?" ellie asked, her voice suddenly more loud and pointed compared to just a few seconds ago.
the immediate switch in her demeanor caused your eyebrows to pinch together. "i thought you were.. doing better?"
the look on ellie's face was all of the confirmation that you had needed. it was the kind of expression that made you feel guilty for even bringing it up.
"sorry. i just thought.. you know, the boots," you practically stammered, not wanting ellie to be annoyed with you.
"'just being nice," ellie replied tightly, to which you nodded solemnly in return.
"forget it then. sorry. i shouldn't have mentioned it," you spoke, wiping your palms on your pants.
the fight, or, whatever it was that happened between ellie and joel was possibly the biggest and only secret that ellie had ever kept from you, to your knowledge. she was so frustratingly vague about it, skating around answers and reasons as to why joel didn't seem like her joel anymore.
they were friendlier now, more so than right after it had happened, but still it felt strained. it had practically happened overnight, much to the confusion of nearly everyone around the two, and things were still not back to the way in which they used to be.
you missed the dinners.
truthfully, you still had dinner with joel occasionally. you weren't sure if ellie knew, but you had never mentioned it to her.
considering, ellie wasn't the only one keeping secrets.
"forget it," ellie repeated quietly. for a moment, she looked kind of awkward, like she was trying to think of something else to say.
it actually sort of made you feel better.
the silence that followed lingered, but not too long, making it possible to recover from.
"let's just get out of here," ellie mumbled, so quietly that you nearly missed it. she began walking without even glancing back at you, surely assuming that you would just follow.
and you did.
you almost tripped over your own feet when you realized how seamlessly you would follow her without another word. it was dangerous, nearly.
"we could go to tipsy?" you suggested lightly, trying to catch up to ellie so it didn't seem as though you were trailing after her.
at your suggestion, ellie snorted.
"what, tough day or something? it's the afternoon," ellie denied, and you were simply grateful that the lighthearted teasing tone had returned to her voice.
"maybe another time. jesse and dina could come, we could make it a thing."
ellie raised an eyebrow, peering sideways at you as your lazy steps fell into sync.
"a thing," ellie repeated softly, shaking her head with a soft chuckle.
"is something wrong with that?" you questioned, squinting your eyes as the bright sun invaded your sightline.
"huh? no. just cute the way you always try to like... i don't know, make an event out of things," ellie explained.
your cheeks warmed, but the guise of the heat helped it to go unnoticed.
you didn't want ellie's words to linger, so you scrambled fast.
"hey, i still need to debut my new skirt, right?" you managed.
"that you do," ellie sighed. "or you could just- i don't know, hear me out.. just, put it on?"
you frowned at her teasing, even though it made your heart swell with affection. "that's boring, ellie. don't you know me at all?"
"best of all, actually," ellie retorted. you opened your mouth to fire back a reply, but nothing came.
ellie was right usually, always, when it came to you. she knew you better than anyone. in the world that you lived in, it was practically the best gift that you could give to someone that you cared for. vulnerability, loyalty. the ability to trust and be trusted. being known and feeling seen was like a reward.
sure, jackson was your home. but you weren't sure how much it truly would feel like home if ellie wasn't there.
it was funny, sometimes you had forgotten that you hadn't actually known ellie your whole life.
sometimes, you pathetically wondered what things might've been like if you had known ellie forever.
a few years ago, when ellie was prone to more laughter, she would tell fabricated stories about your friendship if you had met before. you would never forget the look on her face the first time that you had confided in her about the mistreatment from the QZ crowd.
"i would've fucked 'em up," ellie said solemnly, causing you to laugh in disbelief.
"what? ellie, i was... thirteen. you would've been too."
"yeah, and? i would've fucked them up. and then..-"
she would continue until you were in a fit of giggles, wheezing through laughter.
neither of you had much of a childhood, but ellie had some lucky moments. your time together though, it almost felt healing. despite everything.
"i know," you said finally, falling short of thinking up a witty response.
"you don't need to make any stops today, do you?" ellie questioned suddenly.
an evident look of confusion crossed your face as you answered. "hm? you mean addie? no, why?"
"just wondering," ellie grumbled, and your lips twisted into a teasing smile.
"why do you get so weird about her?" you questioned, closing your fingers around her wrist to keep her walking pace in tune with your own.
"i don't get weird," ellie disagreed, her tone bordering on childish. "i just feel like she's always judging me or something."
"judging you?" you laughed, the sudden loudness cutting through the hazy, quiet afternoon of jackson. "ellie, adeline does not judge you."
"she looks at me funny," ellie complained, wrinkling her nose.
"she does not!" you released your hold on ellie's wrist, limply wacking her arm instead. ellie only reacted by rolling her eyes.
"besides, if she looks at you funny, she probably has a reason for it," you contemplated with a click of your tongue.
"what? what did i do?" ellie questioned, her cheeks turning red.
you laughed again, loud, causing ellie to reach over and shove your side. you only momentarily stumbled, the clumsy reaction not halting your laughter.
"whatever. see you later," ellie grumbled, making no effort to walk ahead of you.
"okay, see you later," you chirped, settling your giggles but the aftermath still made your cheeks sting. ellie glanced at you quickly, and you could tell that she was wondering if you were actually going to leave.
your hand accidentally brushed against ellie's and you moved to put some distance between your bodies, ignoring the way that it sent jolts through your body.
"are you gonna stay again?" ellie asked, her tone sounding a little too forced to be nonchalant, but the attempt was there.
"at yours? sure. i feel like i haven't slept in my own bed in ages," you responded.
"you don't have to come," ellie said simply.
"no, it's not a bad thing," you clarified. really, it wasn't.
"i could come to yours?" ellie asked, a look crossing her face that you couldn't quite depict, almost like she had remembered something. maybe she didn't want to risk a run in with joel, as your dinner comment had unsettled her.
"only if you want," you shrugged.
"just let me grab some stuff first," ellie told you, to which you silently obliged with a nod of your head.
"you're... okay, you're doing it wrong." ellie's snappy tone caused you to huff.
"i'm doing exactly what you said."
"no, you're not listening."
"you're not explaining!"
ellie rolled her eyes, moving to sit closer to you on the floor.
"your fingers are supposed to stay down, right here," ellie delicately pressed your fingers into place as you hold her guitar. you have to swallow hard, willing yourself not to react to her touch.
"one finger per fret, like this," ellie explains, her voice softer as she regained her patience.
"you know i'm never gonna be good at this," you complained, letting your fingers go limp under ellie's pressure.
"then why do you keep saying that you want to learn?" ellie questioned, sitting back and dropping her hands to her lap.
"because i want to be good at it," you sighed. you stretched your arms, handing the guitar to ellie. "it wouldn't be the same anyway. i just like when you play for me."
ellie's cheeks go crimson. "shut up."
she strummed anyway, showing you how the song that you were 'attempting' to learn was supposed to sound.
you leaned your back against the side of your bed, the wooden floor beneath you providing little comfort. ellie explained chords as the dreamlike sounds filled your bedroom. you listened intently, more focused on the sound of ellie's voice than the actual information that it was providing.
you spend a lot of nights like this, being the only two people in the world, the moon being your only light until you fall asleep.
your curtains, dingy and laced, were drawn back purposefully for that very reason, you had admired the late sunset as the moon finally began to peek its way into the night sky.
the moon, the sound of ellie's voice, the feeling of your surroundings seeming slightly fuzzy from how tired you were.. you wished you could bottle up these moments and keep them forever.
in these moments, when you watched her, your feelings seemed clear as day. ellie's eyebrows furrowed in concentration, the way her fingers seemed to strum effortlessly on the guitar, the little strands of hair that kept escaping her bun and falling into her face.
surely you loved her. there was simply no other way around it.
when it was dark, you could think it over and over.
i think i love her. i really think i might love her. it would make your pulse quicken and your insides explode, but the thought was fathomable. for some reason though, during the day, it couldn't even be a question. you would deny it. you wouldn't even allow the thought to slip into your mind as long as you could help it.
you really, truly weren't sure why it made such a big difference.
"i love it," you murmured, referring to the song that ellie was playing.
"i remember," ellie replied, feeling the need to whisper though she wasn't exactly sure why. "it's why i learned it, anyway."
ellie said it so simply, so casually, that you wouldn't have given it a second thought until you noticed the way that she refused to meet your gaze, even after she stopped playing.
"maybe i will be good at it one day," you hummed.
"maybe," ellie snorted. "if you ever get any patience."
"says you," you replied with a frown. "i'm super patient," you argued, but you had a hard time believing your own words. not that you were determined to change ellie's mind, anyway. your thoughts were elsewhere.
"maybe," ellie mumbled suddenly, catching you slightly off guard. you slip off into your own thoughts entirely too easily. "if you're always with those kids. i couldn't fucking stand it."
"i guess that's true. it just feels.. different? i don't know." your slight laugh turns into a yawn as you shake your head. "jesse told me you guys are trying to put more people on patrol?"
ellie nodded, rolling her eyes. "yeah. 'been a pain in the ass, that's for sure."
"that bad, huh?" you questioned, toying with the hem of your cardigan that you had thrown over your pajamas.
"i'm just.. i don't like the teaching stuff. i just want to get it done, you know?"
you nodded, and wondered if that's why ellie has seemed more exhausted than usual. "i get it. you can't blame maria for pairing people with you, though."
"i wish she wouldn't."
"yeah, but ellie, you're one of the best. you know that."
ellie shook her head, causing more strands of hair to frame her face. you could've laughed at her dedication to leaving the few strands still pulled back in a bun, instead of just taking it out entirely.
"maybe i should sign up," you said, partly joking. "finally give patrol a real try.
"no," ellie responded firmly, a little too quickly. you had only been kidding, you knew you would be no good, but regardless her reaction was a little much.
"why not?"
"because you can't.. you're not.. it's just, not your thing, alright?" ellie huffed.
you crossed your arms and wanted to be offended but ellie was right. you were no good for it. still, you rolled your eyes and refused to make eye contact until your name slipped from ellie's lips like an apology.
"just forget it, alright?" ellie pleaded, her voice regaining its softness.
you looked at her, the lighting was dim but your eyes were adjusted to the dark that had fallen over the room. she felt the most familiar like this, like your ellie.
ellie was softer in the moonlight. maybe she felt more like herself in it, too. the way she looked now - messy hair, pink cheeks, almost gave you a dreamlike feeling as if you could spill your guts to her and everything would be fine.
"alright," you murmured, allowing your eyes to lock with ellie's green ones. the darkness was safe, you wouldn't shy under her gaze. you were brave. "i was only kidding anyway. and i know that you only said no because you know that i would be the best at patrol and steal your crown."
"okay, you need to go to sleep," ellie replied simply. she stood from the floor, stretching and fidgeting with her hoodie.
"you hate when i have fun," you mumbled bitterly as ellie crossed to your window, closing the curtains. they didn't provide much coverage, but the room was suddenly consumed with less light than before.
"you hate when i'm right." ellie reached her hand down to you, and you allowed yourself to be pulled up from the floor. ellie pulled back the bedding as you discarded your cardigan onto the floor.
there was a couch in the living room. plenty of blankets and pillows for a comfortable enough spot on the floor. sharing the bed was never a discussion, you just did. you never really considered otherwise. it didn't really seem like ellie ever did either. if she did, she didn't show it.
you tried to swallow your feelings as you slid into bed next to ellie, wondering if it was normal to always share a bed like this. wondering if it was normal to always overthink it.
"if i threw my sweater on the ground like that, you would be pissed at me," ellie remarked. you could hear the smile in her tone.
you couldn't help but roll your eyes at her exaggeration, and you hoped that she could see it. "bullshit, i would not."
despite your tone, you wanted nothing more than to reach out and swipe away the strands of hair covering ellie's face.
you honestly could have. you knew ellie wouldn't have minded, not in the privacy of your dim room. you would have, but it felt wrong if your feelings weren't purely platonic. you couldn't live in denial forever, at least not when it came to your feelings for ellie.
"liar," ellie mumbled, leaning on her arm. the proximity was daunting.
you couldn't do anything but shake your head. you certainly liked to keep a tidy space, not much like ellie, but you didn't mind her stuff around your room one bit.
"huh, that's what i thought," ellie said with a satisfied huff, as if your silence could be taken as agreement.
your brows furrowed instantly. surely she could read your expression.
"quit it," you sighed. "you're making things up. and being difficult," you added.
ellie shook her head, the remnants of her bun bobbing around the back of her neck.
"don't know what to tell you babe," she replied, the sarcasm in her voice prompting an eye roll from you.
"shut up and go to sleep," you complained, picking up your pillow and tossing it over her face.
"ow, what the hell?" ellie whined. she was genuinely making a fuss and you laughed plainly at her. maybe she really hadn't changed that much over the years. at least not when it was just the two of you.
"don't say ow. pillows don't hurt," you said simply. your lack of concern made ellie's jaw drop as she leaned forward and twisted to the side, looking over you as you rested your back against the soft mattress.
ellie was practically looming over you. you stifled a nervous giggle but didn't bother tearing your eyes away from ellie's.
she stared at you for a moment, any hint of a joke on her face quickly leaving. ellie looked like she was going to say something at first, but maybe she had forgotten or changed her mind because she only remained silent as if she were studying you.
the steadiness of her gaze began to make you uncomfortable as nerves swirled around your stomach. ellie's eyes flickered over your face, and you would've done anything to read her mind. was she actually annoyed or was it something else? ellie's lips parted slightly and your breath hitched, guilty once again for the thoughts clouding your mind.
you sat up to break the tension, say a stupid joke maybe, but you moved too quickly and your face was too close to ellie's now. before you had a moment to feel embarrassed, ellie pressed a palm to your chest and promptly shoved you back down. you fell back against the bed with a huff.
the moment of whatever it was was quickly erased as ellie tore her gaze away from you and settled back into her spot.
you didn't speak again and neither did ellie. she simply handed you your pillow and turned on her side, putting her back to you. you remained still for too long, trying desperately to settle your breathing.
you held a heavy hand over your chest, pressing down firmly as you attempted to set your mind straight.
thoughts of just friends, don't fuck up- plagued your mind for only what you could've assumed to be hours on end.
you left ellie alone in your bed that morning.
you tried not to wonder how it would make her feel as you pulled on your cardigan from the floor and tip toed out of the room.
she must've been exhausted.
the mornings were still cold before the sunshine had a chance to warm up the earth around you, so you walked quickly through the quiet streets of jackson.
there were some people, of course, out and about, but not quite as often as usual considering it was the weekend.
you were lucky.
you were lucky to know ellie and lucky to have ellie. that could be enough. you never wanted to lose her, so you could never do anything that would cause you to lose her. you were lucky, and you would be happy to swallow your feelings and keep a secret as long as it resulted in your friendship always remaining.
your hands balled into fists at your sides, mentally pushing away any stray, worrying thoughts.
"where are you goin' all dressed up this morning?"
you halted at the familiar voice, your cheeks sheepishly growing warm at the teasing. regardless, your smile was genuine.
"to dina's, i think," you replied, turning to meet tommy. you looked down at your pajama pants and top, realizing the cardigan didn't disguise it as much as you had hoped.
tommy had been the first person to ever give you a break. even though you were already a teenager when they brought you into jackson, tommy and joel practically raised you up more than anybody else ever had. with adeline hollis included, they were the closest thing to family you ever had.
"everything alright?" he questioned, frown lines deepening.
"of course, why?" you responded, squinting curiously at the older man.
"oh, nothin'. just, ellie isn't with you is all."
you swallowed hard, swatting at the air to distract from the fact that your smile had tightened. "she's sleeping!" then, for good measure, you changed the subject. "are you getting back from patrol?"
"yes ma'am," tommy replied in a way that drew a laugh out of you.
"you better go get some sleep too then," you warned, and he waved you away.
"go on, get outta here," tommy gruffed, sending you on your way.
your steps were more hurried now and you bounced nervously on your feet when you reached dina's front door.
you figured it was your best bet.
you knocked three times, and you only had to wait a few moments before the door creaked open an inch.
"hey honey, what's the matter?" dina inquired, eyebrows rising in concern as she looked at you.
you noticeably deflated. "what? why does everybody keep asking me that?" you laughed, and it sounded a little too forced. "i'm fine!"
dina scanned your features but visibly relaxed at your words, opening the door wider. "what's up then?"
"i was wondering if- hi jesse," you cut yourself off as his figure appeared in the doorway.
"is everything okay?" he asked, placing a gentle hand on dina's shoulder.
you groaned, causing a look of bewilderment to cross jesse's face.
"she's fine," dina murmured, offering you a small smile.
"i just wanted to ask if you guys wanted to go to the tipsy bison. with me. and ellie, probably." you offered, clasping your hands together in front of you.
"it's pretty early, i don't think seth would even- ow!"
dina cut jesse off with a jab. "when?" she asked, which pleased you very much.
"meet at sunset?" you suggested hopefully, eyes darting between the couple.
you were thrilled when they agreed. of course, they had said, and you left them to enjoy their morning.
on your walk back to your house, you forced yourself to breathe steady. ellie would probably be awake, and that was fine. you were friends, and that was fine. lucky. the best gift you could ask for.
you plastered a smile on your face, swallowing down every negative feeling and emotion.
you were in a good mood. you had to be.
tags :
@dinoastronaut @skylerwhitwyo @muthafuckingstargirl @minustwofingers @mirrorballels @macaroni676
236 notes · View notes
minami-ff · 10 months
Captain, Truth or Dare?
Levi x Reader
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The open field outside the walls bathed in the soft saturated hues of the evening, as you and your comrades sat in a circle. Sasha had coerced everyone into playing ‘Truth or Dare’. Levi desperately wanted to find a quiet spot, away from hearing this nonsensical game, but had to stay close for protective duty.
Sasha smirked mischievously at you. "Alright, y/n, Spill it. Who do you have a crush on in the squad?”
A collective murmur of protest echoed through the group, "yeah we agreed not to ask that," you replied.
The air hung in silence as your refusal to answer left the question lingering. Sasha leaned in with a conspiratorial glint in her eye, "fine, fine. Then what's your ideal type of guy?"
You bit your lower lip, contemplating how to navigate this minefield without revealing too much. You had always been terrified that you would be kicked out of the squad if you revealed who had been occupying your thoughts all the time. Though word had it that Captain Levi gave you so much preferential treatment that a dismissal would never occur.
"I don't know," you began, strategically choosing to divert your true thoughts.
"Maybe someone carefree," thinking about his meticulous attention to detail.
"Laid-back," you continued, a complete opposite of Levi’s stern demeanour.
"Openly expressive," you added, against his highly reserved nature.
"A bit of a bad boy?" you chuckled, masking your captain’s discipline.
Connie giggled, "okay, so Captain is out."
Armin chimed in, "that's for sure."
Your words which painted a picture of an antithesis of Levi’s persona left him with disappointment subtly flickering in his eyes. He felt an unusually sudden twist in emotions, but ensured none of his feelings surfaced. Though he mastered the art of concealment, you noticed the tightening of his jaw when you glanced over at him, unsure of what it suggested.
Jean interjected teasingly. "Sounds like you're describing Eren."
You dismissed Jean's comment with a shake of your head, finding it utterly ridiculous. "Eren is way too young for me."
Eren, with an offended sneer on his face, "Uh, three years is barely any difference."
Eyes narrowed, you retorted, "Uh, yes it is."
Eren persisted, his playful grin widening, "You're just being prejudiced against younger guys. Bet you wouldn’t say the same thing about a man three years older."
Levi, quietly eavesdropping on the exchange, side-eyed the group, a secret indication of his curiosity. All eyes turned to you as the conversation hung in the air.
"Fine, this time you're right, a man three years older would definitely be perfect for me." You admitted, thinking it was a safe answer, while Eren snickered in victory.
The atmosphere shifted as Sasha, always eager for some excitement, seized the opportunity. "Alright, Captain, truth or dare?"
Ignoring Sasha entirely, Levi remained aloof, leaving the air thick with awkwardness.
Sasha pressed on, undeterred by the captain's silence, "okay truth! So captain, what is your birth year? I mean you know all of our ages, could we have an exchange of clarity?"
The question hung in the air, and for a moment, the entire field seemed to hold its breath. Levi's eyes flickered, a subtle change in his typically stoic expression.
"829," Levi admitted. A collective gasp of disbelief echoed through the group. You, too, were taken aback; yes he had a youthful appearance, but his experience was nothing short of astonishing, so you always assumed he was at least 7 years your senior.
“WAIT, that means Captain is three years older than y/n?!” Eren exclaimed, his surprise mirroring your own.
Sasha erupted into laughter, "Y/n, what were you saying again, about a man three years older?"
“Perfect for you?” Jean added to the fire.
The entire group joined in, a chorus of laughter that seemed to reverberate through the field. Heat rushed to your face, the teasing turning your cheeks crimson as you wished to dive into a deep hole.
Seeing your vulnerable body language, Levi intervened, breaking the moment with his sternness. He threw a bunch of papers towards the group, the rustle of the pages cutting through the laughter,
"Break is over. First person to collect all the plants listed gets extra meat for dinner tonight."
The shift from amusement to duty was swift, and the group dispersed as everyone refocused on the mission at hand. You and Levi locked eyes for a brief but electrifying moment before you shamefully looked away, then trudged off into the fields.
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204 notes · View notes
azaleaniath · 2 years
Request is here
3 is one too much
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warnings: 3some, oral, sex, degradation kink, anal, voyeurism, orgasm denial, jealousy, fingering, blood, pain, hate fuck, a lot of fucking actually, aged up to 20
NSFW MDNI | 3.3k words
As Ao'nung had asked of him, Neteyam obediently waited for his lover in his marui in the late evening. He had asked to meet him here after he was done with some business. Olo'eyktan duty probably, Neteyam thought to himself, remembering his mate's words. Ao'nung had mentioned he'd want to try something new and that he had a surprise for him. The way his blue eyes had lightened up made the slim man very excited. His cheeky grin widening at his words had made him flustered, but that didn't stop him from being all curious.
From other warriors he had heard that sometimes they tie up their partners to have full access to their restricted body, or that they covered their eyes with a cloth so that they would have to focus on hearing and feeling. He brainstormed all in ideas in his head, trying to figure out what Ao'nung would come up with as his excitement was building up further. Not just mentally, but also physically.
Maybe Ao'nung would like to come back home and see Neteyam all naked already? Or even pre-stretching himself? No, maybe that wouldn't pair up well with whatever he had in mind for tonight. So he continued to wait, sitting on Ao'nungs mat while nervously fumbling with the beads on his collar. It didn't take long until he heard footsteps coming closer, causing the man to look up with a bright smile as his eyes fell onto his mate. But before Ao'nung could say something, that happy smile dropped right away after seeing someone peak out from behind him.
"Teyam, this is-"
"I know who this is." Neteyam quickly interfered coldly as you stepped next to the future olo'eyktan, waving at the omaticaya with a smile. So that was his surprise? He could feel the jealousy within him boiling up immediately.
"I thought we wanted to have some fun tonight?" Neteyam asked, ears tilted flat to his skull. He hoped you'd get the hint, but Ao'nung lead you in nonetheless, sitting down with Neteyam and him.
"You're right."
"Then what is she doing here?" he asked, holding the end of his tail to prevent it from whipping around in jealousy. Both men looked at you, Ao'nungs gaze a lot softer than Neteyam's. You only smiled as the metkayina decided to speak up for you.
"I thought it would be a nice change? And if we like it, i don't know, make it a regular thing? We could just see where it goes."
Neteyam was utterly hurt first, but he decided to keep this hidden as good as possible.
Was he not good enough? Was Ao'nung getting tired of him? Had he done something wrong? He out of all people should know that Neteyam could get possessive and that he wanted Ao'nung all for himself, but who was he to deny his partner any wish?
"If that's what you want..." Neteyam mumbled, eyes still fixating on you. You were a childhood friend of Ao'nung, there had always been some kind of tension, which made the omaticaya already jealous. He knew that Ao'nung wasn't a virgin anymore when he got into his relationship with him but having you join them somehow pissed him off.
"We can try, I'm sure it will be fun." Ao'nung answered, and Neteyam decided to get right into it before you could. "Well, I've been missing you all day, I could barely wait for you to take me." he muttered, verbally reserving his boyfriend for himself.
You could only sit and watch as Neteyam basically mounted his partner to block you from him in any way. Not that the sight didn't turn you on, but you couldn't help feeling a bit left out as they started to make out in front of you.
A bit hesitant at first, you didn't know what to do. Never before had you joined a couple in bed, so you couldn't help but be awkward at the start. Yet it only lasted until Ao'nung pulled you closer with one hand. Neteyam kept grinding himself on his lap, deepening the kiss. One of Ao'nungs hands rested on your thighs, kneading their way in between them.
You could only mewl as Ao'nung massaged you through the already wet patch of your loincloth. Watching these two men in front of you getting each other off like this was truly a blessed sigh. Neteyam didn't even try to hide his bulge as his lips once more clashed against the other boys ones.
Ao'nung broke the kiss and leaned back against the floor smirking as he watched how Neteyam was grinding himself against his hardening cock.
In order not to cut you out, Ao'nung tilted his head to look at you, tugging on the bit of fabric that was covering your slippery cunt.
"Get undressed." he ordered from you and Neteyam, getting his own loincloth off with the help of his boyfriend.
You quickly followed his order, getting rid of the annoying piece of clothing that separated you from his hand. The cold air hit your private parts, even more intense due to the wet slick that your whole was already smeared with. Once the clothes were gone, Neteyam wasted no time to kneel in front of his boyfriend and get his lips onto Ao'nungs hard member, eagerly licking up and down his shaft. The metkayina only hummed in satisfaction, gesturing you to come closer.
"Sit on my face, y/n." he chuckled, much to Neteyam's disliking. His hands helped getting you into place, arms wrapping around your thighs as soon as you were hovering over his wide smirk. Without a warning he lapped his congue against your folds, pressing you down onto his greedy mouth. He could not just smell your arousal but also feel it and taste it. Your sweet slick only turned him on even more, causing him to buck into lover's mouth. You mewled loudly as his tongue explored your insides, feasting on your cunt like a hungry animal. Your eyes fell shut in pleasure as the man beneath you moaned against your core while focusing on your clit again. Ao'nung sucked the sensitive nub into his mouth, rolling it between his smeared lips and continued eating you out as if he was starving.
Neteyam's ears twitched at every one of your moans, knowing it was his boyfriend that made you feel so heavenly.
You rocked your hips into his face as he rhythmically circled your clit with his tongue, sending vibrations through your core with his moans and hums against your cunt.
It didn't take you long until you already felt your high approach from Ao'nungs tongue only.
"Yes yes yes, don't stop! I'm so close already-" you moaned in pleasure, twisting your hard nipples with two fingers. Your clouded head fell back as Ao'nung sucked your clit just perfectly, making your hips stutter with every lap of his tongue. Just a little bit more and-
"My turn." Neteyam growled, releasing Ao'nungs hard cock with a loud pop before unpleasantly yanking you off of his boyfriends face. You whined at the loss of friction, feeling your orgasm wash away as Neteyam decided to kneel in front of you now, his ass high up in the air and back arched.
"I'll take care of her, ma yawne. Come, play with me instead."
And he didn't have to tell his boyfriend twice. Soon, Ao'nung kneeled behind him, smacking his plump cheeks loudly before spreading them to spit onto Neteyam's puckering hole.
The omaticaya divided your legs, glaring at you dangerously before lowering his face down on you. You whimpered as you could feel his breath on your soaked core, but he soon got his mouth onto your wet slit. His lips and tongue were a lot more lazy, but as he decided to graze your clit with his fangs you whined, unable to part pain from pleasure.
One of your hands sank into Neteyam's braids, unsure if you wanted to push him into you further or pull him away from your core. He too couldn't help but moan against your pussy as he felt his boyfriend's fingers starting to stretch him.
You arched your back off the ground whimpering as his teeth once more grazed your most sensitive nerves.
Biting onto your lower lips you bucked underneath Neteyam's torture. He made you feel that you were not welcomed by him, and you weren't.
"Just- just use your fingers, please." you breathed out, hoping it would be a bit more pleasant. Neteyam's eyes met yours, sending death glares right at you. There was a chill running down your back as he supported himself on one hand, the other one quickly reaching out to your wet folds.
"Gonna make her feel good, huh?" Aonung grinned, leaning down onto Neteyam's back and kissing his spine passionately. Yet he only grunted as an answer before pushing two of his slender fingers deep into you at once. You couldn't help but cry out as he curled his fingers in your tight cunt, nails scratching at your wet insides. He would put you in your place, making sure you'd be too sore to sleep with his boyfriend by torturing you and milking him completely dry before he could even get his hands on you.
You whined as Neteyam's fingers stretched you out painfully, much more rough than Ao'nung did with him. It did hurt but yet it somehow turn you on to get touched like this. You'd probably been so touch-starved that you didn't care about how he touched you. All that mattered was that Neteyam touched you, and by eywa did he do that. His digits reached deeper that you could ever do by yourself. You clawed at his wrist, moaning loudly as his fingers pumped in and out of your tighness, scissoring them fiercely.
"Fuck- Neteyam..." you moaned, hearing him giving in to his own pleasure as Ao'nung lined up his hard cock, sinking so far into his mate that his pelvis hit his plump asscheeks.
He ignored your vocals completely, only focusing on his own body.
"You're so tight for me, fucking hell..." Ao'nung cursed. His head fell back as Neteyam easted no time and fucked himself on his boyfriends cock eagerly.
"Mhh, you feel so good..." the darker skinned male mumbled, the corners of his lips curling up into a lewd grin. Neteyam couldn't say he hated that you watched them. Actually, he liked the idea of that.
You could only imagine how great it must feel to have Ao'nung pounding into you, rutting himself deeper with every thrust just as he did with Neteyam. He didn't stop abusing your tight pussy with his slim yet long fingers, hitting your soft spot over and over again. He had you moan out his name in pain and pleasure as another finger stretched you out while you played with your breasts again. As you felt yourself getting closer once more, you caught yourself bucking against his rough paced thrusts. Even if he'd never admit it, he enjoyed to see you like this, wanting to get layed so badly as well but only getting penetrated by his fingers instead. He was somewhat disgusted and yet so turned on by your arousal.
His fingers cramped inside of you from time to time due to his partner's deep thrusts. You twitched in discomfort and he noticed, as well as the red streams that mixed with the slick around his fingers as he continued to satisfy you, if one could even call it that.
"Please- give me a break..." you breathed out in a shaky voice, feeling a stinging pain between your legs. As Neteyam pulled out, his visage twisted into a victorious grin, wiping his fingers on your thighs. He also didn't fail to notice the red liquid under his sharp nails and his nostrils quickly picked up the scent of your blood, even if it was just such a little amount.
"Hmm, Ao'nung, I don't think y/n can take it anymore. Poor girl is already fucked out" he hissed as his mate clawed into his hips, still pounding into him.
"What a shame-" Ao'nung cursed, his pelvis continuously slapping against Neteyam's flesh. Without a warning he released his semen inside of his mate, trying to catch his breath as he rode out his own orgasm.
"You filled me up so much~" Neteyam cooed in pleasure as Ao'nung pulled out.
"Hmm", Ao'nung grinned, "you took me so well, pretty boy." He gave back before his blue eyes landed on you. Once he noticed the blood on your thighs his eyes widened.
"No wonder she needs a break, skxawng! You've hurt her! I'll get some fresh water."
And with that, Ao'nung quickly dressed himself and left, giving a scolding slap onto the back of his mate's head before disappearing.
Now that you were alone with Neteyam, he instantly tried to regain his strength to charge at you, pushing you down onto the floor. You sucked in a sharp breath, eyes ripped open as his face was merely an inch from yours.
"Listen carefully y/n. Ao'nung is my boyfriend. My mate, you get that?" His tone was dangerously threatening and so were his eyes. You gulped loudly, trying to avoid his death glare.
"You should've never come here!" he hissed but you could barely hear it as your heart was pounding up to your ears.
Neteyam looked down at you, furious eyes fixating on your core.
You tried to press your thighs together, hiding your core from his watchful eyes, but his hands held quickly held your knees apart.
"You just need to get fucked like the little slut you are, huh? Such a pathetic needy bitch, coming in here, thinking you could have my boyfriend's cock."
His words only caused you to feel even hotter, your clit starting to throb as you imagined what he could possibly be up to.
Neteyam chuckled lowly, that wicked smirk from earlier returned to his visage as he stroked his still hard member a few times, his free hand clasping around the soft flesh of your thigh.
"You could never have him. Never give him what I can, do you understand?"
Though you could only stare down at the wet noises he caused as he slapped his length against your slit a few times. A whimper left your lips, which seemed to only get him angry again.
"You little whore, I asked you something!" He growled, his voice loud enough to get through your clouded mind.
"Yes what??"
"Yes, I understand!" you moaned as Neteyam plunged his cock in between your wet folds. He pushed himself all the way into your clenching pussy, his grunting was almost feral. The way he easily stretched you out completely already made you lose your mind.
"Good, finally got some fucking behavior!"
Your eyes rolled back as he left you no time to get used to the way he filled you, instantly starting to pound into your tight, wet pussy.
"Look at me!" he demanded and his hands repositioned themselves. One held onto your hips, the other one gathered a bunch of your hair, pulling  you up to his lap. "You can't just come in here and think you'd get a free fuck. Work for it, or are you really just a useless slut?"
Now that you were on top of him, you started grinding yourself on his cock. He threatened to hit into your womb in this position, but eywa, did it feel good.
"I-I'm not, skxawng!" you breathed out, felling how Neteyam's strong hand pushed you down onto his throbbing cock.
"Then work for it!"
Since your legs were already shaking you had anything but an easy time bouncing on him. Both of your arms were hanging around his neck for support. God, how much he hated you for being so pathetic, grinding on him with all your heart and soul and still not being near anything he'd call worthy.
"And to think Ao'nung would want you, huh, he'd get so bored of you, and so am I."
With that he pushed you back onto the floor, rutting himself inside your dripping cunt. Every thrust included him hitting your sweet spot, over and over and over. He leaned over you, rocking his cock inside of you like an animal in heat.
He could feel his balls tighten as he fucked you so deep you couldn't bring out any words anymore, just inaudible mumbled and moans.
"Getting all drunk on my cock, huh? Thought so, you're so fucking easy and basic. No wonder you interfere in to my perfect relationship, nobody fucking wants you."
He let himself go at whatever pace he pleased, having no mercy with your already aching core. But as much as it hurt, it felt so damn great.
"What do you think would be a good punishment for your disgusting cunt, hm? Denying you another orgasm?"
You only whimpered loudly, shaking your head weakly. It was easy to tell that you were so damn close, but so was he.
"Did i fuck your brains out already? What a weak pussy... Maybe I should just breed you like the desperate cumslut you are? Would you like that, getting pregnant by your interest's mate?"
Your eyes shot open at his words and you tried to push him away, but he had seriously fucked out all your strength already.
"You can't do that!"
His nails were piercing into your flesh as he spoke up again. "Then stay away from me and Ao'nung, am I clear? Otherwise I'll stuff your needy pussy until you get pregnant next time, you get that?"
"Yes, yes! I understand!" You could barely breathe at the rough and fast rythm, thighs shaking and legs cramping.
His hands held your hips in place as he rocked into you a few more times, pulling out of you at the last possible second before he'd fill you up with his cum. Instead he denied you another climax and covered your entire body with the sticky substance.
In frustration you cried out, hoping he'd come back at you to finish you off, but he didn't.
"Get out of here and never come back." Neteyam growled once he caught his breath, reaching out for your stained loincloth to throw it at you. He only shook his head as you scrambled up your belongings and crawled away, whining like a hurt animal. In the cover of the dark night he soon left the marui as well, only to take a quick swim in the ocean right in front of his boyfriends home. He washed himself, trying to get your scent off of his skin as far as possible.
Once Ao'nung returned, he looked at him in confusion.
"Where's y/n?" he asked after quickly peeking into his empfy home.
"She left. Said it wasn't for her, didn't like the idea."
In confusion, he watched his naked boyfriend rub his body in the moonlight, washing away all motives from his dark blue skin.
"What changed her mind?"
Neteyam turned his back on him, knowing he couldn't lie without his ears flushing.
"She said you're a happy man to have me and didn't want to interfere. Something among those lines 'you're all Ao'nung needs. He shouldn't touch anyone else'."
The metkayina lost himself in his thoughts for some time as he stared at his picture perfect boyfriend in front of him. Neteyam was indeed perfect for him and nobody could ever compete with that. A soft smile crawled up on his zoned out face.
"Hmm... I guess she's right."
🏷️list:@luvlykrispy @zatarias-pandora @vviolaswrld @yeosxxx @lilgurlbeoncrack @philiasoul @itszzmoon @simp4ff @itsnotme02 @et-j-art @lovekeeho @mayhemories @cavvedin @ducks118 @lov3rluna
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kairiscorner · 11 months
“promise me you won't change. — kento nanami x reader”
summary: after catching up with you, 10 years after you two first met, nanami feels all weirdly sentimental and... he wishes you can stay as happy as you are, now, even if he isn't the reason why you stayed as amazing, as friendly and optimistic as you were back then in high school. word count: 2,008 (i got carried away) genre: angst.
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he stares into his glass full of sake, the ripples in the drink fanning out as he does nothing but hold the drink. he doesn't feel thirsty, but his mouth is dry; he hasn't felt this way in a while, at least not this strongly. you look over at him and scoot a little closer. "hey, you okay, nanami?" you ask him, hoping he didn't feel too sleepy that he can't go home on his own. his eyelids are hooded and slowly blinks, though he doesn't look drunk, in fact, he hasn't even drank the sake—he's just... kind of out of it. you have no idea what nanami's been up to for the past 10 years, and uncharacteristically of you, you don't ask him right away. you hesitate and drift the conversation to small talk, which you're very aware he still hates.
he's always been the reserved fellow, he'd answer you in a blunt, straightforward way, he would spare as much details about himself as he could, which made it all the more harder for you to connect with him. nanami's golden brown eyes shifted to see you staring at him, with him raising his eyebrows and exhaling as he leaned back on the couch. "...i'm fine." he mumbles out as he lifts the glass to his thin lips.
he looks like a corpse, a ghost even—he's alive, but he's not... living.
you couldn't feel any more pity for him, though you felt guilty for feeling that way because, what did you know about him? you re-enter his life by accident 10 years after high school, and all of a sudden, you seem to care about him enough to take him to a local bar and hope he drinks at least so you don't feel any more crappy about the awkward situation you two are in tonight. you nod without even looking at him and down your drink, sighing as you drank it all in one gulp, wiping away the drops of your drink that was left on your lips. you call for a waiter to get you two more drinks, while nanami ends up staring at you now, and takes in all that'd changed about you. you looked more mature, that was a given; it seemed adulthood didn't plague you as much as it did for him, it was a miracle you even recognized him when you encountered him at that bakery one day. it was his haircut that made you recognize him, strangely enough; the 7:3 ratio was distinguishable in your eyes no matter how nanami styled it.
nanami broke the silence that lingered for a few minutes after the waiter got you two more drinks. "why did you... invite me out tonight?" he asked you with a fatigue in his tone, he was undoubtedly tired from nearly everything, everything, it seemed, except for you. he didn't feel as forced to go with you, it felt like a splash of cool water was thrown in his face when you pulled him out of his daily routine and offered to catch up with him over some drinks at a local bar.
you let out a soft sigh as you lower your glass and looked at him with a gentle smile on your bright face. nanami could never forget that smile, it stuck with him and was buried deep in the recesses of the back of his mind ever since those 10 years had passed—you shone the whole room with that smile, it was contagious; and nanami felt his face getting warmer, not because of the sting of the alcohol, but because of how genuine you seemed to him. "to be honest... i haven't the slightest clue either why i invited you." you admitted shyly, chuckling lowly to yourself as you shook your glass in a circular motion, laughing a little at the irony of it all.
"i guess... i just wanted to see how much things have changed." you uttered softly, and those words struck chords in nanami's heart; chords that played a familiar melody that resounded back to his adolescence with you, one of the only people who really made his time in high school worthwhile and less like hell. "and i can tell, you haven't changed, nanamin. yeah you, uh... kinda look like you could be a dad or someone's uncle now, but... you're still the same kento nanami i knew from high school; the same serious, stern boy who struggled having fun and had a thing for bread. i'm glad you're still you, nanamin; but you're... kinda refined now. is that weird to say?" you ask him, chuckling as the drunkenness settles in, with you taking another sip from your drink as nanami feels his cheeks flush at your words.
you don't even notice his blush, and even if you did, you'd've brushed it off as a flush of drunkenness—but it's not.
nanami leans forward a little and folds his arms over the table, ignoring the weird stickiness of it and brings his small brown eyes up to look at you, who's been staring at him the whole time in a slight, drunk daze.
"...i'm glad you didn't change, either." he mumbles, slowly rubbing at his eyes after he said that, sighing deeply. why did he say that? who was he to say that? after years of not reaching out to you, sweeping under the rug the fact you two were friends, very close friends in fact—forgetting your name sometimes when you both swore to each other to come through for the other if either of you were ever in trouble...
...it probably was to be expected, adolescents never know what real trouble is in the adult world; the awful mundanity of every day life was a subtle trouble that became permanent, with neither of you being able to save the other from it, or the traumas of what transpired in your high school years.
you laughed aloud and set you drink down, oh that laugh of yours... nanami could listen to you laugh all day and night, and he'd never get sick of it—he'd only wanna make you laugh even more, even if it was the stupidest thing to ever laugh at for someone in the right state of mind.
"you're glad i'm still sweet and naive?" you jokingly asked him with a snicker, emptying out your glass as nanami shook his head, maintaining eye contact with you. "not that... i mean... you're still so bright. so eager, so friendly. you're still you." he muttered, feeling a weird heaviness plaguing his heart. it wasn't a curse grabbing onto his chest right now, it was more like an intangible one, a purely emotional one that was his alone—it was a melancholic longing for someone who was right in front of him, you.
"you're... still the person i love. and i wish... you won't ever get hurt again, even if... i can't save you all the time. i want to, though, but..." he mumbled out, with you not hearing since you were already getting a lot more drunk. nanami didn't hope for you to hear it, at least partially—if anything... he hopes you wouldn't change, but not because he confided in your drunk self that he's still in love with you, his closest friend and ally that he regrets never meeting up with, wasting those 10 years without you in his life.
as you call for a waiter to come over and refill your glass, nanami takes your glass away from you, much to your disdain, pays the bill, and helps you up carefully as he takes you out of the bar, calling a cab for the two of you so he could help take you and your drunken self home.
during the cab ride, nanami made sure to keep you warm, to let you rest against him to feel comfortable, and to hold you a little whenever the cab drove over a pothole. he looked at you with such soft eyes as you dozed off, with him brushing the hair away from your face, berating himself for taking this long to see you again when you... you had the courage to talk to him, after all this time.
"...i have the feeling that saving you once won't make up for the 10 years i've spent without you. i want... to be yours." he whispered as he adjusted his coat on you, making up in his mind that he's letting you keep it, no questions asked. nanami managed to get you to your home, he paid attention when you told him where you lived by, should he ever visit you, as you put it. nanami would love to visit you, but... he's scared. he's scared that his first visit may be his last; and that might be too pessimistic of him, but realistically speaking, now that he's revisiting the world of jujutsu sorcery and has a new responsibility over the students at jujutsu high...
...it's not far off that he might never be able to visit you again, that tonight might be your last night together—nobody knows.
you drunkenly told nanami where you kept your spare key, after almost half an hour of you telling him he looks like he skipped 20 years of his life over those 10 years of you two not meeting. nanami sat you down on the couch and made sure you were comfy; surely, you could take care of yourself in the morning. nanami didn't need to overstep any boundaries here—entering your apartment while you were drunk, even to help you in, was already too much in his opinion; he didn't want to invade any more of your privacy.
"wait... aren't you... gonna say good bye?" you mumbled out in a slurred voice, calling out to nanami before he closed the door to your apartment to lock it from the outside, uncertain if he'll ever come back again. his brown eyes dart over to you, stirring over by the couch, groaning and grumbling for him to bid you goodbye. you were always like that, asking him for a farewell every time before you two parted—another thing he regret not giving you before 10 years had passed without ever seeing you until now.
he clutched the doorknob tightly, not wanting to say goodbye; but he owed you this much, more, even. "...good bye." he uttered, as if he felt cuts all over his body when he muttered those two words. you giggled and waved your hand at him with a lopsided grin on your face, telling him, "bye-bye!" as he closed the door and locked it, putting your spare key back where it was.
nanami inhaled the cold evening air and walked down the stairs of your apartment, despite every voice in his mind urging him to go back and to keep you company for the night—to stay with you until morning, care for you if you're hungover, and tell you when you're sober, when you can remember everything, that he loves you.
...but even if he loves you, he can't stay.
he is the same, the same kento nanami; he, who never stayed.
he, who could never stay.
he, who loves you dearly, but can never stay long enough to let you know that.
he, who could never live with himself if you got attached to him again... only to lose him once more, permanently.
if he could at least have things in his life go the way he wants it, for once... he hopes that if he leaves again, permanently or not... you'll live your life in peace, even without him.
"forget me, and be happy... the two things in life i ask for, and won't ever ask for anything more." he mutters to himself as a single tear rolled down his chiseled cheek, and fell down on the ground beneath his feet; a memento of him, which like him... would never be able to stay.
🍞 tags !! @rohansdisciple @meeom @patchi-chi
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frxxxncx · 1 year
teach me, please - w. junhui
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»roommate!¡Wen Junhui x fem¡!reader.
»Summary: While trying to masturbate your roommate tries to give you a hand.
»Tags: smut (MDNI), oral (f. receiving), cunnilingus, pet names, fingering, squirting, hair pulling, no plot just porn, guided masturbation, roommates to lovers(idk)
»Words: 2.9k
Note: Any typo or incoherence that you might find was completely intentional, it’s for the sake of learning about my mistakes.
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You have always thought of yourself as a reserved person, and you thought of it as something good, but right now, when you are with your legs wide open in front of your roommate, you wish you had been more open to ask your girlfriend how to finger yourself, but you lived five hours far from each other and ask her to go for a coffee just so you can interrogate her about something so private as masturbating, was out of the question.
As embarrassing as it was, in your twenty-three years of life you've never masturbated, you like to think that it's because when you were young your best friend at the time say that when she tried, it didn't feel good, and that she just ended up with her fingers covered in blood, and obviously as a fourteen-year-old, that scared the shit out of you, blood? You didn't want to bleed from there for anything other than your period.
But now you know that probably she just tore her hymen, and that's why she bled at the time. So why didn't you try to get off?, Well, you didn't know how to do it, and to ask anyone how to do it was imposible, it's not like you could come to someone, and say "hey, I don't know how to masturbate, can you teach me?".
But now you want to know how is that you ended up with Jun sitting in the armchair in front of you while you tried to masturbate.
———————————————————————— Your level of stress has been building up throughout the day, leaving your essay that was due by tomorrow for last was the worst decision you have had in years, your muscles were stiff, and your back was killing you, sitting 8 hours straight was a method of torture you were not expecting to go through. Your head was pounding but you were scared to take another pill since you took one less than two hours ago.
When you finally finished the essay and stretched your back it cracked so deliciously that a quiet and satisfied moan left your lips, but you still had an awful headache, you thought about what could help you relive the pain and you remembered something your friend told you "When my head hurts I usually masturbate, swallow the pills it's too scary", the thought of it was scandalous for you, you even hit her in the arm, and she laughed at your chicks that were bright red.
After several minutes of thinking, you gave up and decided that masturbating was the answer to all of your problems.
You didn't even bother to close the door since Jun told you that he would be late. Your shorts and panties were long forgotten on the floor of your room, your fingers trying to make you feel good in some way by getting in and out of your poor cunt, it felt weird, uncomfy and the fact that you had to spit in your hand every now and then to use it as lube exasperated you, it wasn't like what your friend told you that happened when his boyfriend finger fucked her.
Your fingers were just jamming inside of you, and frustrated by it you were about to give up when the sound of your door closing sent shivers down your body.
"Hello, Mister DJ Downstairs" the raspy yet velvety voice scared you, You weren't sure if it was a product of your imagination, but still your hand stopped working as if it was doing anything at all, and your head snapped to your bedroom door.
"J-jun, what are you doing here? You said you were coming home late" Your hand looked for something to cover up but your pillows were on the other side of the bed too far to reach them without flashing your roommate even more.
"Baby, it is fucking late already, it's like three in the morning" Jun say in a chuckle while getting closer to you.
Your legs were close shut and your arms between your thighs, you were just thankful that you didn't take off your -his- black shirt.
"By the way what are you even doing, you lost something down there?" the comment made you giggle but at the same time offended you, you were trying your best and all, just for him to make fun of you?.
"Isn't it obvious? I'm tryna masturbate here, now get the hell out" Your tone was upset, and by all means, you wished he didn't notice the hope in your voice.
"Well, darling, you look like you're trying to get something from inside there, Why are you being so harsh with your poor kitty?" He was being serious about the fact that you completely sucked at whatever you were doing and that -even though it was the truth- hurt your ego, and when you feel attacked you tend to blast out the first thing that goes through your mind.
"Jesus, Wen Junhui, if you are such an expert, why don't you help me then?" Just as the words left your mouth, you didn't even have time to think about what you just said, when he answered.
"My pleasure, but first let me help you there, you need to know how to make yourself feel good" He got his phone from his back pocket and started to type something quickly.
His face went from his phone to you, and the soft smile he gave you, warmed your heart even in the given situation.
"I'll guide you," He said, putting one hand on your knee. The tact felt so hot you thought it would burn your skin.
"Ah?" His hand left a tingling sensation on your flesh making your tummy feel weird. You saw him sit in the armchair that was located just in front of you and felt small, his long legs were wide open and his elbows were over his knees, with phone in hand.
Your arms were still in between your thighs but this time they were looking for some kind of relief.
"Have you ever had sex?" he asked while scrolling through his phone again, interested in whatever he was reading " I'm sure you haven't, tho" he whispered so low that you were very sure he was saying that to himself. 
"Jun, what the actu-"You couldn't even finish talking when he interrupted you to ask again "Have you ever had sex or not?" Behind his blank tone, you could sense he was starting to get annoyed and that sent a "funny" feeling to your cunt.
"No" You were not so close to him, but you still could see the flickering flame of lewdness that started in his eyes, and you didn't say a word about it.
"Perfect" he whispered to himself, locking his eyes in the place your hands were so desperate to hide from him.
"So what?" you were impatient and that was revealed through your tone making you feel embarrassed.
"I need you to do as I say, don't do more nor less than what I'm asking you" his voice sounded guttural, a small hint of desire making you whimper softly.
You nodded, waiting for him to start guiding you as soon as possible. "I need words, doll, say it, loud and clear." There was something about how he said that, and the way his eyes darkened while watching you open your legs again, that made you have shivers running down your spine.
"Yes, I'll do whatever you tell me to do, Teach me, please" your legs were wide open for him, you saw him but his lower lip while his eyes were locked in your cunt.
"Okey, baby, first relax, take a deep breath and lay down" his voice was soft, it was like every word slipped into your ears like honey, your nipples starting to harden.
You laid down, with your knees flexed, hands gripping your shirt tightly at the feeling of the cool air of the room brush in your cunt, you heard him move in the armchair, maybe fixing his posture, but that made you wish that he got up and touched you.
"I need you to know your body, touch your tits, fondle them, grope them, stroke your nipples, get yourself worked up before you start down in your pussy" you did as he said, you hands went under your shirt and you started to caress softly your breasts, outlining them, gently touching, massaging your nipples carefully with the palm of your hand, pinching them making your body quaver. 
"That's it, sweetie, just like that '' his honeyed voice praised and you shuddered in your place, "You're doing so good, just as I say" a subtle whine escaped your lips making the man in front of you groan.
"Lift your shirt, let me see you completely" the tone was demanding, making your toes curl, your cunt pulsating desperately.
The shirt was over your breasts, the cold air making the sensitive buds perkier, the tips of your fingers drew delicate lines over your torso, on your ribs getting closer and closer to your waist.
The heavy gaze of Jun encourages you to continue "Cup your cunt and look how wet you are now, feel how drench your pussy is" hesitantly you hand touched over your cunt, fingers pressed lightly to your entrance, palm over your hard clit.
The feeling of the sticky wetness made you look over to your friend that was watching you with a crooked smile while gripping tightly the armrest making his knuckles look extremely white, eyes glowing in lust at your sopping core.
"Press your middle finger into your entrance, but don't go inside just yet" your finger pressed lightly, your hips trembling looking for something that could relieve the sting on your clit.
"Now, stroke your clit, do it slow, make circles" as instructed your now slick finger got to the bud of nerves, the circles were small, slow, at a timid pace but it still felt good "Do it faster, baby, harder" the tempo started to speed up, not doing circles any more but rubbing harder.
"One finger, love, get one finger in" your middle finger slid from your folds getting to your entrance, and this time when your finger thrust inside a loud and embarrassing moan left your mouth.
"Fuck, you sound so pretty" Jun was having view of his life, if he could, he would burn this memory to look at it every time he wanted to whack off.
"Get another finger inside" your ring finger slipped easily making your hips stumble, "Go in and out, seek for your pleasure, make yourself feel good" your body jerked toward you hand fingers going in and out at a violent pace, a delectable burn making your gummy walls clench tightly on your fingers.
"J-Jun" your voice came out in a pornographic moan of his name, making him smile knowing what you wanted.
"What is it, doll?" he cooed watching your fingers jamming in and out, the wet noises filling the room
"Do you want something from me?" the condescending tone mask with a sweet and velvety trill, made you whine making your hand move faster, your palm colliding with you clit deliciously.
"J-jun, touch me, pleh- please, need you"you said, stuttering, the last bit of consciousness leaving your body.
The man didn't need to be asked twice, he was hovering over you, hand in each side of your head, looking into your eyes, finding a sparkle of desire mixed with excitement. His left hand stroking one of you many loose hairs behind your ear, meanwhile his unoccupied hand joined your own down your cunt.
His hand was hot, and you could feel the calloused skin over the back of your hand, making you wonder, how would it feel on your clit.
Jun stopped your hand —witch now had gotten into a sloppy pace because your fingers were starting to cramp—, and brought your whacked fingers to his mouth, he sucked the arousal in them, making you moan at the feeling of his hot tongue playing with your digits, leaving them fully "cleaned".
"So sweet" he says, getting your fingers out of his mouth, cunt pulsating and drooling with your slick even more. His voice sounded hoarse and guttural, it was evident in his tone that he wanted more, so much more.
He decided to strip you from the last piece of clothing you had, his shirt now was being used to keep both you hands over your head, he bit his lower lip looking how your body was at his disposal, your wreck expression, drunk in pleasure, desperate to release the coil that has been building up in your tummy since he set a foot in the room.
You watch him thrilled, going down on you, now feeling his hot breath against your puffy and glistened folds, awaiting for what was about to happen.
His tongue nuzzled into your hardened clit, a whiny plea escaping your lips, giving him a green flag to do as he pleased, this time sucking gently the sensitive dot making you scream.
If you knew that getting head from Jun would feel like heaven you would have tried to ask him to teach you before.
Your fingers grabbed his brunette and fluffy locks, pulling his strands of hair every time he would nimble carefully on your clit.
He was drinking from your pussy like a starved man, enjoying every bit of your arousal in his mouth. His pointer and ring fingers slipped easily inside of you, an extremely lewd sound coming out of your mouth and the pleasurable sting of his much thicker fingers inside of you made you self conscious, the coil that has been forming in your tummy about to burst, making you feel somehow "weird", it was an urge to relief that scared you.
“J-Jun, Junnie stop, wa- i need to—go t- bathroom” you said, stuttering, pulling his hair, trying to get him to stop sucking at your clit,  deed that was making you feel that way even more.  
He lifted his face, chin soaked in your juices, lips red and glossy, the view making you want a kiss, but other than that his expression was one from someone who just heard a joke.
With his unoccupied hand he wiped his mouth, and proceeded to hover over you, his right hand still jamming into you at a brutal pace, making the wet noises fill the room with your loud whimpers.
"You sure you want me to stop?" He asked while his thumb started to press and move over the perk bud.
You were amused, you just said that you were about to pee, you felt like you were about to pee, and that was extremely embarrassing, that was the last thing you wanted to do infront of him, or in this case, the last thing you wanted to do in his hand.
And like he could read your mind he said "You are not going to pee, you are about to cum" he licked his lips and watched your with a burning need "just cum for me, doll, cum all you want in my fingers"
Your stomach tightened and the coil released when his fingers curled just in the right place, that spongy and special spot. You came wetting his whole hand, squirting on your first time masturbating.
He helped you through your high making sure to not overstimulate you, it was still your first time masturbating. You were left trembling in his arms, astonished for what just happened.
"You don't know how many times I have wanked off by the thought of you coming undone in my fingers" he said breathlessly, looking at the masterpiece he just made of you, pussy coated in your own arousal and his spit, his drench fingers left your core slowly stealing a small moan from you.
"Pussy so tight, I could cum only by sticking my cock inside of you" his face was so close to you that his lips were brushing yours, his breath felt so hot it was burning you "I want to fuck you so bad, right now" the neediness in his voice made you clench around noting, you core starting to leak again.
"Why don't you teach me?" you said so low he almost didn't hear you.
"What do you want me to teach you now?" He said with a cocky smile on his pretty face.
"Teach me how to fuck"
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satrs · 1 year
SAME, i love that man fr 🙈 so what about you give us some geto cock warming, pretty please 🏃‍♀️🚶‍♀️🧎‍♀️🐩
🐥 (Lol i think i request too much but i can't help it 🙈)
ᥲ/ᥒ ꜝꜝ ✎ I love you for this 🐥 nonnie om gahhhhd I am so desperate for him I think I might go insane. I’m literally over here doing backflips bro
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Now Suguru and cockwarming….
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He’s always on high alert when it comes to you and your needs, rushes to your side immediately, and aids you with complete devotion.
But there were times when he questioned his morals - and his behavior towards you. Because the sweet little girl you usually pretended to me sometimes got caught in a crossfire with the dark corners of your mind. Corners where you wished to test the limits of his unconditional love and care.
But you soon realized that you should've kept those thoughts at the back of your mind, preventing the torturous treatment you had to bear.
"I'm always so nice and sweet to you, princess." You squirmed in his hold, unable to move because of his bruising grip against your hips, his cock lodged deep inside of you.
You try to move, earning some kind of friction, feeling full of his thick girth not enough, longing to receive the addicting pleasure he always gave you. Always didn't include now.
"I'm talking to you, princess." An unoccupied hand took your chin in hand, firmly turning your head to face him, piercing dark eyes not leaving yours, expecting an answer. "It's rude to not answer, you know."
You whine, nails digging into his shoulders and your senses on high alert. "Yes, Suguru. Always so good to me. I'm sorry for acting like that, I didn't think about it. Just, please. I need you."
You felt your heart sink at his low chuckle, stern expression now replaced by a menacing smirk, his tongue poking the inside of his cheek as silence followed, eyes roaming over your body.
"You are?" You nodd eagerly, eyebrows frowning as you search his for mercy in his eyes, your eyes lighting up in excitement as his grip left your hip, finger now rubbing tight circles on your clit.
He suppressed a moan once your cunt clenched tightly around his length. "You sure?" You nod again, head falling in the crook of his neck, a shacky moan escaping you, carefully rocking your hips against his. "Yes. I'm so sorry. Never gonna act up again, promise."
You cry out in impatience at the loss of contact, eyes widening at the sight of his dark expression. "Don't you dare move, you lying brat."
Movements stopping, you didn't dare to move any further, too scared of what other punishment he had in store for you, apologetic look on your face as you stay silent.
"See where your shit got you now?" Your sorries fell on deaf ears, his attention now fading from you, as he occupied himself on the phone.
"The more you clench or grind that needy cunt down on me, the longer this will take."
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©︎𝐊-𝐀𝐙𝐔𝐒. all rights reserved. Do NOT plagiarize, copy, modify, republish, or translate my work in any way!
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