#I remember seeing my teacher give me such a weird look and I genuinely didn't realise my mistake until a fucking week later
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cassmouse · 11 months ago
PTSD flashbacks to when I did my mock German speaking exam and I was asked about English films and immediately started talking about French films... In German
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dronebiscuitbat · 8 months ago
Give me a Reason: Chapter 2- "Teacher's Aid"
“Uh, I guess.” She replied to N's question tentatively, causing him to light up again, he brought his schedule closer to her, and she held out her own.
“We have lunch together!” He exclaimed happily after a moment, Uzi could swear if he had a tail it would be wagging, he sounded so happy about it too, like he actually wanted to spend time with her.
The hell was this guy's deal?
“Looks like it.” She replied, her tone remaining the same despite the fact N's personality was somewhat weirding her out. Though now she was almost curious, what would it take for his friendliness to drop?
“We also have an english class and a computer literacy class together! Kinda looks like we'll be seeing a lot of each other!”
Triple Fuck
His smile was so beaming though that she turned to him to give him a wobbly, wary smile of her own and nodded, it looked more as though she was in pain then anything, but N didn't seem to mind or even notice.
Then, blessedly the bell rang, sending them off to thier first class of the day. N gave her a freindly wave as he got up to go off to his first class, but left his backpack sitting under his desk.
She stared at it, then back at his fleeing figure before deciding that yes, she did want to say something.
“H-Hey!” Oh fuck, that was way louder then she had intended, stupid fucking volume control. Still it did get his attention, as well as several other students, she did her best to ignore them despite their stares making her skin itch.
“You forgot your backpack…” She finished, volume much lower as she pointed to the boys simple black backpack still sitting at it's place underneath the desk, N looked at it for a moment, before he turned sheepish.
“Aww biscuits! Thank you, I'd loose my head if it wasn't attached!” He pulled it over his shoulder, gave her a very silly salute and then he was off again, Uzi felt herself fighting back an genuine amused smile, what a weirdo.
Her first class was math, witch for most students would be a living nightmare, for Uzi it was a dream, she really liked math, she was really good at math, she could pull equations out of her brain with ease, unlike most other things. It just made sense, math didn't change or have weird exceptions she had to remember, it was just fact, logic. And it was pleasing to her brain which liked routine.
Her height was both a blessing and a curse when it came to navigating the school halls, on one hand she was small enough to squeeze between the gaps between the sea of students, on the other, she was very easy to miss while walking, meaning she was bumped into often, making her more irritated even before she got to class.
Her irritation skyrocketed when she entered her class only to see the very last person she wanted to today, or any day honestly.
Lizzy was sitting where the the teacher normally would, looking down at her phone, a pink ribbon was tied in her hair, and she was wearing a black and pink dress that only barely adhered to the school dress code.
Why the hell was she here? She didn't need to be back here, who would willingly subject themselves to more school?
Her Math Teacher, Mr. Reese, was on the younger side, being in his late twenties, his fit the description of tall, dark, and handsome, being of Latino decent and having a well kept beard, paired with warm, brown eyes. And he came in behind the bulk of the rest of his students, looking slightly worried.
Lizzy looked up at him and smiled, getting up out of his seat and handing off some papers to him, his worry seemed to dissipate, and he smilled back down at her in thanks.
So, chances Lizzy was banging her Math Teacher? Definitely above fifty percent.
“Welcome everyone! I am Mr. Reese, I will be your Advanced Algebra teacher for this year. This lovely young lady here-” He gestured to Lizzy, who for now hadn't seemed to notice her number one victim in the class, and she smiled, Uzi thought she looked a bit like a shark. “Will be my aid and your's if you struggle, she's shadowing me to become a teacher herself one day, so I want you to be nice to her, alright?”
Nodding heads responded back, Uzi was not one of them.
Oh great, how great. The one subject she was good at and it was going to be ruined by this bitch, did she have to choose this class? Couldn't she choose a class she wasn't in?
On the other hand, the chances they were banging rose a little bit more, and Uzi couldn't help but snicker a little bit in response to that thought.
She did her best to avoid being seen, even though Mr. Reese had started to take attendance and was spouting off names, so it wouldn't last very long. Couldn't the universe give her a break? Hadn't she suffered enough at this stupid place?
“Uzi Doorman.” He sounded off, and the girl in question winced as Lizzy suddenly looked around, likely looking for her.
“Here.” She raised her hand lazily, no point in trying to hide anymore she figured, she looked to the side to avoid eye contact with both her teacher and Lizzy, but when she looked back in their direction, Lizzy was still looking at her, a shark toothed smile etched on her face.
This was shaping up to be a wonderful school year…
Even so, Lizzy didn't actually do or say anything to her for the duration of the class, and since it was just orientation, there was very little actual work to do. So she counted that small win as the bell rang an hour later to go to her next class. English.
She'd almost entirely forgotten about that strange boy in her homeroom, too busy in her own head trying to find some way to somehow transfer out of that class, even if she knew that was neigh impossible with her reputation. At least, until she heard her name.
“Hey! Uzi!” A bright happy voice came from behind her and she jumped, not used to hearing her name in any other context except with disdain or anger.
N came bounding up to her side, a bit like a dog who wanted head pats, and smiled at her, so large it stretched to his eyes, Uzi gave him a half-hearted wave in response, feeling unable to just ignore him.
“How was your first class? Mine was kinda weird… there was like… a deer head floating in a jar and it was kinda creepy.” Uzi snorted, managing a light chuckle that seemed to make N's smile a little brighter, so he must have Biology first, Mrs, Spark's classroom always was Uzi's favorite, with all the preserved animals in formaldehyde sitting on her shelves.
“She has a pig fetus too. Have you seen it yet?” She asked, the first peice of actual conversation she'd had with him. He looked at her, horrified in every way.
“What?! No! Oh no that poor piggy…” He scrunched up his fingers next to his face, looking sad, she couldn't help but laugh lightly at his reaction, he was so animated. Like a cartoon.
“Also it was, fine. I guess, there was someone I knew in it…” She answered, after the ice had broken she felt…a little more comfortable speaking around him, maybe it was just his attitude, it was a little hard to be moody when someone was constantly giving you thier sunniest smile.
“Why do you say that like it's a bad thing?” His face fell a little, passing friendly into something that almost looked concerned, but that couldn't be right, no one was concerned about Uzi Doorman, not even her old man.
“They don't… like me very much.” She answered, voice becoming wary again, she didn't need to give too much away, it's not like he'd stick around for too much longer, she gave it about a week, tops.
“Oh… well why not? You're hair’s pretty and you seem pretty cool!”
She squeaked, a pink filling her cheeks as she processed what he said. Her hair was pretty? And she was cool? This boy was delusional! But… for someone who didn't often get compliments, it did feel nice.
“You've only just met me.” She found herself saying, almost in warning, like she was telling him to stay away before he got hurt, or dissapointed.
“What's that matter? You haven't been mean, if anything you've been really nice!” He responded, clearly not taking it for the warning it was, she sighed, feeling a weight in her chest tighten even if she didn't know precisely why.
“You… have a weird standard for niceness.” She replied, and all he did was giggle, of course he giggled, he seemed the type.
They reached their class together, and when Uzi found her seat near the back he sat right next to her, before he looked around at the floor.
“Biscuits! I forgot my backpack again!” Uzi looked over at him, feeling a pang of sympathy for him. This boy was kinda forgetfull wasn't he?
“Is there anything important in it?” She asked quietly, and he seemed to dissolve into his chair in quiet frustration.
“No, not really, but now I don't have a pencil or anything to put the syllabus in.” He said sadly, holding his head in one of his hands, he tapped his fingers on the desk, clearly upset.
Uzi paused for a moment before digging in her backpack to find her pencil case, she picked out a purple mechanical pencil, one of the fancy ones with a grip and handed it off to him. He stared at it for a moment before another huge grin broke his face.
“Thank you, I'll give it back, I promise!”
Somehow Uzi doubted that, if he forgot his backpack twice already, he was probably going to forget to give it back, but that was okay, she wasn't particularly attached to that pencil anyway. And with his words, at least his intention was to give it back.
Sure enough, when the class ended at it was time for them to go their separate ways. He forgot to give it back.
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stylesispunk · 2 months ago
My fave 2024 things (my work)
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(yes, i love you, jo march)
thank you to the lovely @greenwitchfromthewoods for giving me the strength to do this
Okay. Where do I start? I've always been so insecure when it comes to the things I do for passion, love or hobby. I've always felt i'm not good enough or that I will never reach the levels of greatness I would love to taste.
Since I was a little kid I was in love with art in all its expressions. My first love in life was theater. I spent my whole childhood acting on plays and stuff that made me happy (actually my favorite memory of life has to do with a particular one) I remember my teacher and I loved how she made me love expressing things through art and I learnt drawing and painting, I was so good at that and I still do it but not with the same frequency and what can I say about stories? Writing was my refuge every time i didn't know what to say. I always tried to write plays and poems, but then came the first enemy, puberty hit and I became insecure about everything because I wasn't good in maths and people say that i wouldn't be anyone in the world because of that.
Still I kept finding ways to express myself through essays and articles and I always felt proud of myself because I got perfect grades doing that stuff. I loved how passionate I became about politics and history and about learning english. I wanted to be a journalist so bad but for some reason I couldn't persuade that dream (but i'm trying).
And narrating stories is still a foreign field for me because It's not the type of writing I tend to do but i've been trying my best to improve and practice and i feel a bit proud for taking my time in this. Writing is actually my weakest skill in English ( I got 6.5 on that skill when i took the ielts test) but those are things you shouldn't know
Well now. Thank you to all who have taken their time to read my stories and for being so nice and attentive to it. For every feedback and word that reminds me of how beautiful it is to connect with people. Sometimes i don't even know how to handle it. ♥️💌 ps, sorry if my english looks like ai for you 😶‍🌫️.
-> my favorite jobs from this year 💌
✨ Joel miller
You're the loss of my life: This one? My biggest baby. I love how I was able to put the feelings on here. The idea came from me listening to loml by taylor swift (my personal friend) on loop. I just felt like it was so easy to involve myself in this story and write two characters that lose themselves in a world they weren't ready to face and how we tend to keep loving people that hurt us because memories made us think of them as good.
Did the love affair maim you too?: same thing, love is so weird sometimes. I'm a person who took her time to open up to someone because i've been hurt in the past by this one made me feel things while writing it.
Never leave, never mind: I know it's not the same but losing my granpa was the most painful thing for me and this one helped me a lot to accept that he won't come back but I have 24 years of my life with him and that's beautiful. ( I lost the link this one 💀)
✨ Marcus Acacius:
Hands in the hair of someone's name marcus: I feel really proud of this one because I feel the writing felt so genuine for me while I was working on it, no doubt, only inspo and a lot of help from the internet to have some facts right. Besides my love for the Roman empire came back.
i don't know who to tag here because i'm shy but I am always trying to show support to writers on here. Your stories are amazing and worth each minute a person can spend reading them.
I hope to see a lot of you on here and keep writing because you're talented people who deserve all the love and respect ♥️♥️
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my-castles-crumbling · 1 month ago
HI! I hope you’re doing well :)
I am in theater and I have been for the past couple years, and my old abusive friends which I mentioned before was ALSO in theater. But now I’m in high school and they’re all still in middle school. The shows on Friday, Saturday, and Sunday. Two shows are on Saturday though, the first one is to show to incoming 8th graders. One of my old friends (T, the one who told me to hurt myself, made fun of my religion, slapped me, etc.) is apparently applying to my school. I thought nothing of it until I was told by my school councillor that, at an admissions meeting, my old friend will be viewing the Saturday show and that he is SPECIFICALLY LOOKING TO SEE ME at the show
Like, I’m so excited to see the incoming freshmen. It’s weird being the youngest person at school. But seeing him daily would be terrifying. I can’t really tell my parents (they dismissed his behavior when I told them about the religion stuff), and I don’t want to be too much and prevent him from going to school. I already told a teacher last year but nothing happened so I figured it doesn’t matter.
A part of me is kinda excited? For confrontation? To be cool and make sure he knows that I’m not friends with him, and that I know what genuine friendship is, but—
It’s really just… terrifying. And what’s scarier is that he’s also a queer theater kid, so if I don’t tell my friends about him soon, they’ll probably love him. He’s pretty charming honestly? I have to give it to him.
I don’t know why I’m writing this? I just need SOMEBODY to know I guess. I just hope he doesn’t go to my school next year.
Hi <3
I don't blame you for your feelings at all. But honestly, he sounds like an asshole, and not the type of person who should be at the same school as you. I think you should tell a teacher at your current school. It might be that there's nothing that can be done, but it might be that this type of information could affect his application. Either way, remember that YOU are not preventing him from getting in the school. HIS ACTIONS would be preventing him. You certainly didn't slap yourself.
You deserve a safe school environment, you know?
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deadmomjokes · 1 year ago
as a teacher, hearing about the way you communicate so clearly and thoroughly with your child is so inspiring. I wish more people had resources on how to communicate with kids like you do.
I'm very bad at taking compliments, so I'll just say "Thank you" and also qualify that she makes it pretty easy. She's very smart and has always, from day one basically, needed to know the reasons behind everything. In other circumstances, she would probably be called "stubborn" or "defiant." But the thing is, I remember my own "stubbornness" growing up, and it was almost always the result of me not understanding why things were the way they were. From a young age, I hated with a burning passion the "Because I said so" thing. So I determined that I didn't want to do that when/if I had kids of my own.
My daughter is very bright and curious and makes that easy for me. Her "why" phase was/is pretty specific, which is helpful in keeping ahead of the frustration-induced rage-meltdowns. (Not all of them, of course, because some concepts are really hard to grasp even as an adult, let alone when you're 4 years old and everything Feels Too Big.)
But I also made a conscious effort to start practicing early, before she could talk or push back on a lot of stuff. It felt so weird and silly at first, but I basically narrated everything I did with/around her, and put a reason for it. So a trip to the store sounded like this:
"We made it to the store to get our groceries, so we have yummy food to eat. Let's go inside and get a buggy--that's where we'll put all the things we get, because we can't carry them all in just our hands. I'm going to put you in the buggy, too, right here in this seat, that way you can see what's going on but I have both my hands to push the buggy and grab the things we need. Here, look, some bananas! Let's get some of those because you love to eat them. Oh, no, sorry baby, we can't eat them right now. This stuff isn't ours until we pay for it at the very end-- that's the part with the beep-beeper and the bags. When we get home we can have some of the bananas, because then they are our bananas." Etc, etc, on and on.
People looked at me like I was nuts. It felt a little nuts at times, especially before she could respond verbally. But it worked. It built a habit for me to give a reason for why I'm doing things, or making her do things. More importantly, I feel like, it made me stop and question when I didn't have a good reason for my answers or behaviors. Like if she comes up and asks to blow bubbles outside, and I go, "No baby, not right now," she can be like "why not?" And I have to look at myself and my reasoning. Is it because I'm actually busy or we're genuinely about to do something else that precludes the 5 minutes it'd take to do bubbles? Or is it because I just don't feel like it? It's not fair for "I don't feel like it" to supersede her desires for connection and entertainment all the time. (Sometimes you're just worn out and don't have the bandwidth for it, and that's valid. Parents are people too! But it can't be all the time, yk?) So if I don't have a good reason why not, I let her know that I thought about it more and changed my mind, and off we go to blow bubbles.
I also heard the advice, idk where or when, that you need to practice on your children what you want from them. So if I want my child to be kind, I have to be kind to her, in ways that she can see and appreciate. If I want her to know it's okay to change your mind, I have to point out when that happens for me, like in the above bubbles example. If I want her to be a decent human being who respects others, is empathetic, appreciates the efforts of others, speaks kindly, thinks about how her actions impact those around her, etc... You get the idea. It starts with me. And I try to consciously remind myself of that fact.
It's not always easy, because kids aren't always rational (but to be fair, neither are adults lol). And what is rational to a 4 year old is not always the same as what is rational to me, the adult with almost 3 decades of experience more than her. So sometimes it's like explaining to the wind why it ought to blow in a different direction. But the longer I get to know her, the more I'm able to pick up on the way she sees things, her personal defaults, the way she talks around concepts she's not sure about, etc. It's part of what's cool about getting to be her parent. I get such a close-up view of this little person becoming a little person, and it makes me stop and think about things I have taken for granted for a long time.
I'm rambling again, but I have developed a lot of Strong Feelings about the way kids are treated and looked at in general, and a lot of determination to do better for the kids I get the privilege of loving.
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cathumanthing2 · 4 months ago
sometimes i think, "i wasn't THAT weird of a child", then i remember that i:
hypnotized/tried to hypnotize people.
jumped off of playground equipment then when teachers told me to stop i would explain how ACTUALLY, i was doing it in a safe way because *starts talking about physics* (i was 9. it consistently got me out of trouble)
convinced kids to buy "moisturizer" made of crushed rocks and water for the price of 2 stickers and a dime. i got my best friend to help me
sharpened woodchips on bricks to turn them sharp so i could use them as weapons
geniuinely thought i had an invisible tail and cat ears at one point. like. actual tails and ears
regularly listened to subliminal audios
practiced genuine witchcraft
did not understand boundaries and heard a guy had a crush on me so i kept trying to flirt with him. he moved to a different school the next year. i was 7
made ants a restaurant made of leaves
yelled at kids for stepping on worms
meowed and hissed at people
dug a "burrow" in the woodchips under a slide because i heard that in the winter animal burrows under the earth were a lot warmer - and guess what, it WAS
spread a rumor that there was a beast in the fenced in area that only janitors could go in that the teachers fed annoying kids to
believed my friend wholeheartedly when she tricked me into thinking she was secretly a mermaid princess. in my defense, i was 6
tried to learn how to pickpocket people
ate inedible objects and convinced my friends to eat inedible things aswell
started a bread cult
brought books to a playdate so we could read the whole time
helped spread a rumor that the ghost of (guy who thr school is named after) haunted the playground by basically vandalizing
would bring carrots to recess and put them in piles of snow to feed any hungry animals who can't find food due to the winter
convinced myself i had crushes on countless boys when i really didn't which caused me to become slightly obsessed with making it look like i really did. cue me making kissy faces at other 6 year olds at recess and giving a kid who absolutely hated me a love note on his birthday with a few chocolates
related to the last one, in kindergarten i would say i was in love with this one kid so much everywhere even in school projects that my teacher had to talk to me about it
when my cat was dying in front of me i started cackling like a madman
ive regularly stayed up past midnight reading since i was 7. back then tho i did it on school nights
when i had to do a "what would i do if i were president" project in the 1st grade the thing i suggested to do was literally socialism
i regularly snuck classroom books home from school without permission from my teacher cuz i didnt wanna stop reading them and i was scared she would say no
my reading level was around freshman in highschool level when I was in 1st grade
and finally, in 4th grade when I started watching the owl house, I related to Luz on SUCH massive amounts like. YES THAT IS *ME* I SEE *MYSELF* ITS *ME*
anyways i was such a weird kid. i was very very odd.
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sarcophagid · 4 months ago
hi im back with.an edgar valden character analysis also my wording may be a little bit weird dont ask about that
ok so edgar technically has two lores (??), the canon one and the original one (ill prob only write the pre-manor lore tho). in the canon one, he has a little sister called Ella, and she was like one of the only ppl he cared about, but she died cuz their father didn't take care of his sister (his mother too but yeah) (A Message Behind A Portrait, "When I was 6, mother left green behind in the carriage. When I was 8, my younger sister left white behind in the painting room" and A Farewell Letter "And young Ella, only six, forgotten by you on a sweltering afternoon. You were preoccupied with my "birthday celebration," neglecting the game you had promised her. Her tiny body curled in the painting room, her face pale as an asphyxiated fish, waiting for you to open the door until her last breath"). at some point, they got him a tutor/teacher (Mr. Sarai), and edgar thought that he like actually cared about him, but then he realized that he did not actually care about him (A Message Behind A Portrait, "Later on, Mr. Sarai was the only person who understood me, but sadly, he started revealing his true colors—he was a filthy liar."), so he killed him with a letter opener, and then used Sarai's blood to paint cuz..red is pretty (and gentle)
in the original lore, Ella was replaced with Maple Valden, who didn't die and was instead the one that delivered the manor letter to Edgar, and Edgar instead used the letter opener to basically cut himself to get blood for paintings
also it was implied that edgar was SA'd by Sarai in one of his deduction quests ("Coloring: Sometimes the first stroke will determine the colors of the entire painting. /Diary 1: I had a weird dream. Master was holding my hand to paint on a canvas...") , but it was never confirmed
amd things in the manor... he knew that patty was going to kill him, but didn't do anything abt it (A Page from Edgar Valden's Experiment File, "Subject 5-?-1's rationality comes from his obsession with art, but in the end, it was art that led to his fall by making him give up all resistance and willingly sacrifice himself." and Patty's letter Eerie words written on a piece of cloth, "May you be surrounded by rivers of blood and sing your swan song in repent."), he also bullied Jose (put the blame on him cuz Kevin left) with Vera until Jose cried/had a mental breakdown. kevin also thought he was rude to patty (i dont remember why) but in edgar's letter it was said that he remained calm in most of his interactions in the manor
how obvious is it that i really like edgar valden
ohh okay i see thank you for the explanation 🤔 i'll answer in list format for ease of reading TOT
i forgot that edgar was a community made character TOT its neat that he has an original lore page from the creator, i should check some of the other ones (iirc aesop was also one of these types of characters :?)
also edgars artistic motivation is still a bit unclear to me but i haven't dug too deep lmao. from what i've gathered it seems like he sees it as elevated above material things and this isolated him (further than normal, considering the dead sister), but i dont know what he finds positive 🤔 lmk if you have any thoughts on that
i'd argue that the deduction about the dream is most likely edgars awareness on sarai's pursuit of the family's wealth rather than an indication of assault. it's probably referring to the fact that sarai was using edgar's work for money rather than genuine artistic expression, which is why edgar felt like sarai was the one directing him and not allowing him creative freedom - hence 'holding his hand' to paint. it also doesn't look like there's any other references to an event like this, and the related deductions just detail sarai's materialistic connection to art as a product. i'm disinclined to jump the gun on assuming sexual violence in an unclear plot point when there's a more reasonable explanation without it.
i have to review some of the other files again but the manor game files are known to have inconsistencies - they're written by another character rather than being an unbiased retelling, despite the fancy format (it's hard to call someone objectively 'arrogant' or 'aggressive' lol, and there's 100% some sort of profiling going on a lot of the time). iirc kevin was protective of patricia because she was a woman (more to this but for brevity this is the simplest explanation they have in the letter) and because she was perceived by the others as a 'foreigner' (esp if you consider that most of the other players were white, and that the letters stated there were cultural/class divides between the players).
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whomstress · 1 year ago
(I mention women a lot in this, but this is a message for all genders)
I've always been one of those girls that remind older men of there daughters. And honestly not in a creepy way there usually very caring dads that I can tell are very close to their daughters so find me a nostalgic fondness for them.
It was weird when it first happened, but thinking back on it, it was never anything malicious but kind.
Its happened several times through out my life and now that I'm in my mid 20s it doesn't happen as often but the best thing anyone ever said to me about forced expectations of dating was one of them.
I had an improv class, and there was this really creepy guy that would always be in my space and constantly giving me "secret" VERY intense looks. I could literally feel his eyes on me and every so often would be close enough to bump into him or brush my arm. Needless to say, I HATED it. I loved that class, but he made me feel so uncomfortable.
So about 3 weeks in he asked me to stay after and me not wanting to be "mean" I stayed til everyone left, except my teacher. So what do you know he asked me out and I could see my teacher out of the corner of my eye watching us. Probably obviously seeing I was uncomfortable. I was very gentle to HIS feeling and said no, making several excuses and as soon as I was done he rushed out of there. Luckily he never came back.
I stayed for a bit, and I didn't know what my face looked like, but I knew I was clenching my papers, and my teacher came up to me asking if I was okay. Though I'm sure he heard a loud echo in the room, he still let me tell him what happened. And I ended with "I feel really bad I probably hurt his feelings." Something along the lines I didn't even give him a chance.
And without a moment of hesitation, he said, "You don't owe anyone a date you don't want to." I remember clearly looking up at him shocked. No one had EVER said that to me. They always told me. "Did you at least let him down easy? What didn't you like about him? Why didn't you give him a chance?," Even my mom would say it at times. But she's pretty old school. I still fought a bit and said, "But I should at least be nicer to him about it." I didn't want HIM to be upset despite him always being creepy.
Again, my teacher reassured me that I didn't need to do any of that. If I didn't want to and I have every right to say no and especially to someone who made me uncomfortable. Its not about their feelings. I shouldn't force something just to make someone else feel better.
He later told me his stepdaughter had similar problems, so I knew I reminded him of her, but I knew that wasn't why he said it. He genuinely cared and made me have more confidence in myself, and I've been able to reject creeps and people I don't like since them. Though it happens to women, more everyone of any gender should know and be told this. You are NOT a commodity. You don't owe anyone anything, especially romance.
I know it can be scary rejecting someone and even in some situations dangerous, so of course, be careful, but know your worth so much more than a date for someone who doesn't consider your feelings.
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lele-yjwn · 3 years ago
Yang jungwon ff -
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Pairing - jungwon x fem!reader
Tw - smoking , mentions of abuse
Genre - angst , high-school!au ,fluff ending
Synopsis - y/n was way too done with her life and keeping up the miss perfect image was getting harder day by day.....overwhelmed with her life , she mindlessly walks to the place where her heart takes .....little did she know ...... she wasn't the only one on the rooftop that day.
A new day with nothing new to look forward too. Usually you wouldn't over think about the things your mom said as you had got accustomed to it but it hit you a little too hard today when she said " And what made you think i would be happy to know that you scored the highest....it's still not a 100 ......ask your dad to sign it , go and study so that you can be less of a dissapointment". All your efforts, sleepless nights , skipping meals to study was for only you to hear this. Somehow everything made you feel overwhelmed today. It hurt you more when you smilied at people cause you knew the smile they gave you was a genuine one and here you were trying your best to give the most realistic fake smile to them just to keep up with your 'little miss perfect' image.Walking past the crowded hall ways you make your way to the rooftop of your high school.
As soon as you reach there you were greeted with cold breeze. This is the only place where you felt.....alive. Your life wasn't something you wanted ....it could just cause of the events that happened or cause you were a pessimist or the events that turned you into one, you really didn't know the reason. Tbh you didn't really live the best life but who are you to complain. The line "who am I if not exploited" was embedded in your head and as cynical as it sounds - that one mere sentence kept you going. Making you belive that being exploited and being a trophy daughter was all your existence worth of.  You never really found a way to cope up with this toxic mindset ,so now you just live through the day waiting for it to end just to spent a few hrs alone away from people on the rooftop. As soon as you reach the rooftop you were not only greeted by the wind but also a familiar figure leaning against the wall with a wrinkled toxic stick in his hands. "You came early today." Jungwon said with his eyes closed while taking a puff. Seeing him put a smile on your face. "Class ended early and you know me I can't stand people so here I am" you replied while looking at the sky. "Bad day?" You asked. "Tell me when did I ever have a good one." You just gave him a smile."come here" he said throwing the stick. He wrapped his arms around your shoulder. You lean on his shoulder,   "this feels better." He said. "It really does." You two had a different bond ...something that made two internally dead people absolute empathic for each other. As weird as it sounds, just a year back when something similar happened and your feet dragged you here, never in your life you would've thought you did see jungwon here as miserable as you or even more. "Remember it was a year back when we met here on this very day." He said making you smile. "How could I forget the best day of my life won". He let's out a chuckle and asks "best day ? Wow ....someone seems whipped". And all you could think was 'what if I am ' you knew you liked him but knowing how much of a pessimist you were. You rather live alone with a cat then to ruin the boy's life by burdening him with your miseries.
You just hummed.
"Stop over thinking.....the day I saw you here.... was also the best day of my life. I mean it ....okay? ". He Said leaving a peck on your forehead. You smiled and just hugged him a little tighter.
One year back....
You came on the rooftop after an awful day ....thanks to the stuff the teacher told your parents "she is a bright student but recently she is zoning out a bit too much " this was enough for your parents to give you a ' physical punishment ' cause apparently physical pain is a better reminder of how your existence is nothing but a big mistake. You just wanted to not see anyone and you could only think of one palce. But that day you were not the only one there. You saw a guy who looked as if he was half dead and just done with his life but when he turned towards you,  what you saw next shocked you "jungwon!?! you smoke ?" You asked clearly surprised and shocked. Jungwon the ace student of your batch who excels at everything, is liked by every professor, who is known for being the sweetest person and is literally the definition of perfect. He was friends with all the popuplar kids And if your life appeared to be perfect ....his just looked a little more. He was sitting here looking completely disheveled and killing himself with nicotine and tar. "Yeah didn't expect this from the me, did you? " he said with an annoyed look on his face. "You know what I am just gonna leave." He said picking up his jacket. All of a sudden you said "No, stay if you want to." He haulted his actions thinking whether he should leave or not. You walk up to edge climbing on to the raised platform leaning on the railing. "Hey...what are you doing!?!" He asked sounding worried and anxious. "Don't worry , it's not what you think ....I just need a little air to breathe ". He lit another cigarette and handed it to you. You thanked him and took a puff feeling the burning sensation spreading through out your lungs with each puff. Jungwon leans beside u on thr railing and asks " Why are you here? Shouldn't you be at your house doing the assignment miss perfect." He said standing beside you. "Don't say that word, I hate it. " You said with gritted teeth." What word?" He asked completely confused by the sudden reaction. "Perfect ".
you said in a  voice that was barely audible but he still heard it making him chuckle and say " guess I am not the only one who hates it then." There was a comfortable silence between you two before you asked him "but why? This doesn't even taste that good though" Pointing towards the stick in his hand. "I don't know just  a coping mechanism I guess." He said. "Well that coping mechanism of yours could kill you, you know." "Another advantage." He said while laughing. You just laughed cause even if u wanted to disagree you would be just lying to yourself. You guys looked at each other and started laughing. Life really felt like a joke to you both, it was something meant to be laughed at atleast for you two. Ever since that day the rooftop become your spot.
."Y/N can I ask you something."
"What are we Y/N ?" ....."humans". You replied with a straight face. "I am being serious Y/N! " jungwon exclaimed. "Ok....then two messed up teens who are in severe need of some therapy". You said . Jungwon just glared at you.
"What? Why u looking at me like that , did i lie? No right ".
"You know thats not what i meant". He said pulling you closer.
"I know ...its just that ...i am scared jungwon". "Scared of what Y/N ?" He asked genuinely confused. "Scared of if any one ever likes i wull bring no good to them and only burden thrm with my pessimistic personality  and if I still manage to hide it will that love even actually be love .....not liking me for my  appearance or grades but loving me for me ....and that comes with a heavy price of loving an absolutely damaged person" " you sighed but continued " I might actually even be the worst one out there probably I am unlovable jungwon no person in their sane mind would love me after seeing who I really am." jungwon held your hand and interlocked his fingers with yours and said "are you calling me Insane?" you thought for a sec before you understood what he meant soft lips landed on yours you. He was kissing you, the you love actually liked you . And when you kissed him back you could feel him smile in the kiss. You could taste the nicotine but  that didn't stop you from kissing him and he only pulled you closer. Not knowing how long it was you both pulled away only when you both ran out of breath still holding u while he leaned his forehead on yours he said "can I be that person who can make u feel love- wait ...more than that make you feel alive and what happiness is like."  "I think your very existence already did." You said and both of you smiled in each others embrace.
You always thought an emotionally damaged person is incapable of giving or receiving love. That you couldn't fully love a person when you barely can make through a day without a mental breakdown. But you weren't exactly right cause Jungwon's presence didn't change your usual life but it did give you a shoulder to lean on and a glimpse of good things can still happen....this wasn't come cliché movie where two broken people complete each other, it was the normal reality but with a pinch of happiness . Your new days still didn't have anything new but it had something that made you look forward to.
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poisonmaximoff · 3 years ago
BELATED FATE (Elizabeth Olsen x FemReader).
The whole story: here.
Chapter 26. Welcome to the family
Y/n's POV:
"So you just realized your feelings for Y/n too late and therefore at the last moment decided to call off the wedding by running away to her?" My mother's squinted eyes are fixed on Elizabeth as she sits across from her, fiddling nervously with her T-shirt.
"It's a bit more complicated than that, but that's basically it, yes," she replies, flicking her eyes between me and my dad, holding them on my mom just a little, obviously afraid of meeting her stern gaze.
"What are your intentions for my daughter? Is it going to be a long-term thing or have you just decided to spice up your life with something new?" Mom's overprotective mode as I expected causes her to ask El pretty harsh questions, putting all of us in an awkward position.
"Mila, darling, remember that you're talking to our daughter's chosen one," my father says in a calm tone, placing his hands on his wife's shoulders in an attempt to soften her.
"Mom, please, don't talk about my girlfriend like that." I turn to her with a slightly furrowed brows, showing that I don't like what she just said at all, because I myself completely trust El.
"No, it's okay...Wait, your girlfriend?" Elizabeth says, raising her eyebrows in surprise, staring at me inquiringly, and for a few seconds I just look at her silently, not quite understanding what's wrong.
"You're not my girlfriend?" I ask disappointed, sitting down on a chair without taking my gaze off El, in whose eyes only slight confusion is read.
"I mean, we haven't talked about it yet and..."
"But we slept together and said words of love to each other, isn't that enough?" I noticeably begin to become anxious, raising my voice a little because of the thoughts that instantly filled my head that I actually don't mean as much to her as I thought, completely forgetting that we are not alone here.
"You slept together?!" My parents exclaimed at the same time, causing me and Elizabeth to turn our heads in their direction, confronted by their shocked expressions. I swear, almost every conversation with them reminds me of a goofy scene from a sitcom series, but there is no off-screen laughter from the audience.
"No!" We answer in one voice, realizing that it's definitely not something that needed to be said right now, as if we're underaged teenagers that were caught doing forbidden things.
"You just said you did, oh my gosh, baby, was it your first time then?" My mother almost immediately becomes much softer and kinder, getting up from the table, walking towards me and hugging me from the back. "I'm very happy for you, did you like it?" Words can't express how embarrassed I am right now, and this is noticeable in my strongly reddening cheeks and nervous chuckle. Why does she have to be like that?
"Mom!" My palm lands on my forehead with a slap and I hide my face in both hands with a low grunt, afraid to even imagine how ridiculous it looks from the side. "I'm 22, of course it wasn't my first time, can we please drop this topic?" Hopefully, she will just ignore it and we'll change the subject.
"No? Why didn't you tell me about anything then?" Her genuinely surprised tone plunges me into an even more embarrassing state, giving rise to my desire to simply fall through the ground and never return to this world again.
"Because you're my mom and I don't wanna talk to you about who I slept with," my muffled whining seems to make her cool down a little, returning to the original topic of conversation.
"Weird. So, Elizabeth." Her name makes my head rise and see the concerned looks of my apparently "not-girlfriend" and my father awkwardly looking anywhere but at us.
"So you're not interested in a serious relationship with my daughter?" I just roll my eyes at this question, mentally cursing myself for picking up the phone this morning, because now I have to feel like a child in elementary school at those moments when my mother made scandals with my teachers over trifles.
"Mila, they're adults and I believe we should give them some time alone to figure everything out," my dad says staring at mom and nods to the side, clearly letting her know that now is the time to go somewhere and I thank heaven that at least one normal person was found here.
"Yes, please, it's not at all what you might think," El requests and pleadingly stares first at me, and then at my mom who thankfully decides to listen to him and give us space at least for now.
"Baby, let's go talk on the terrace, shall we?" She holds out her hand to me, getting up from her chair and heading towards the large glass door, asking me to follow her, but I refuse to take her hand yet.
"Don't "baby" me," I mutter resentfully, but nevertheless follow her and in a minute we find ourselves on a spacious and cozy sunny terrace, which offers us a beautiful panoramic view of the morning Los Angeles. This is my favorite place in the whole apartment, where I have spent countless hours of reflection, moments of inspiration and just relaxing, forgetting about all the problems.
"Don't be mad at me, Y/n." She comes up to me, wrapping one arm around my waist, pulling me to her, and with the other tucking a strand of my hair behind my ear, almost making me forget why we are here, but after a couple of seconds I descend from heaven to earth and move away from her, holding distance.
"How can I not be mad? Yesterday you fuck me, then you say that you're in love with me, but today you don't want to consider me your girlfriend?" My inner nervousness is transferred to my body, causing my heart to beat faster and my eyes to fill with tears due to a gnawing sense of disappointment and hurt.
"I never said that," Elizabeth says in a calm and measured tone, making me frown, "it just came as a bit of a surprise to me because we didn't have a full conversation about it. I want more than anything to have you as my girlfriend, and I actually wanted to talk to you about it a little later."
"You do?" I ask in a half-whisper, involuntarily shortening the distance between us again. Just one phrase of hers again made me want to feel her as close to me as possible, reminding me of how much power she has over me, that everything she says affects my state in one way or another.
"Of course I do, you're the most important thing I have right now and my priority number one, I'm sorry for making you feel like it's not true." Her words, radiant smile and soft hand on my cheek instantly make me want to melt in her arms, leaving me speechless.
"Promise you're not doing it 'cause you feel pressured by my parents presence here?" I wrap my arms around her neck and pull her towards me, hoping for a truthful answer, as she again puts one hand on my waist and the other one on my back, stroking the back of my neck with her palm, hugging my body tightly.
"Promise, I really want it so much. It's a little different than I imagined, but Y/n, will you be my girlfriend?" She gently rubs the tip of her nose against mine, already knowing the answer in advance and smiling at me, forcing me to copy her cute action.
"Of course, Ellie, and you won't ever get rid of me again, you know that?" I stand on my toes to place a small peck on her forehead and then cover her lips with mine in a kiss full of happiness and love only to feel her hands squeezing me even tightly, while she instantly kisses me back.
"I know," she says pulling away from me a bit before pecking my lips again, adorably giggling at my goofy smile, "and I won't ever have a problem with it."
After a few minutes spent in the usual comfortable silence in each other's arms, staring at the clear summer sky and large glass buildings sparkling in the sun, we return back to my parents in the apartment.
"Did you figure everything out?" My mother's impatient voice asks as soon as we go inside and sit on the soft large sofa in the living room.
"Yes," pleased Elizabeth replies, throwing her arm around my shoulder, "we're officially together, so you don't have to worry, your daughter is in good hands," she says with a quick wink at me, bringing another smile to my face.
"I surely hope so." Mom sits down on a chair, crossing her legs and my father stands behind her, reminding me of some scene from a movie about the Mexican mafia. She lacks only a thick cigar between two fingers and a cowboy hat on her head, and this thought involuntarily makes me let out a small chuckle while everyone is sitting in absolute silence, thereby causing them to exchange glances among themselves.
Noticing their uncomprehending looks, I start to laugh even harder, at first trying to hide my face in El's neck, but then just leaning on the sofa with my head thrown back and laughing out loud, clutching my stomach.
"You have to deal with it now," unimpressed by my sudden outburst of emotion dad says to Elizabeth and she just starts to giggle as she stares at my uncontrollably shaking body, while I'm crying with laughter already.
"Okay, sorry, I'm sorry," I'm trying to catch my breath, wiping my eyes and straightening my back, sitting in the normal position again and putting El's arm back on my shoulder.
"I've never heard you laughing so hard," she smiles at me, revealing her perfect teeth.
"I only laugh like that at my own jokes." I wink at her, earning myself a slight nudge in the side and a playful eye roll at me.
"We're still here," my mom turns our attention back to them, causing us to pull away from each other and I fix my gaze on my parents despite the overwhelming urge to press my lips to the now definitely my girlfriend's lips.
"Yes, of course you're still here." I imitate her, but in the matter of seconds I immediately meet a stern look and decide to shut up before it's too late.
"Elizabeth, can you take care of yourself and Y/n if anything happens? I mean both financially and, of course, mentally." Mom wastes no time moving on to serious matters without giving El a chance to rest.
"I don't need to be taken care of, I-" I start but two voices immediately cut off my sentence.
"Y/n, stay out." Two women address me at the same time, causing me to give them an astonished look and raise my eyebrows in surprise. Yes, they will definitely make friends soon and will spend time discussing me and my behavior, what an amazing perspective.
"Welcome to the club, Y/n/n," my dad says in the whisper, shrugging and small smile appears on my lips.
"I can provide a good and comfortable life for both of us, you can be sure of that," Elizabeth's confident tone immediately locks my attention on her, causing me to subconsciously bite my lip, because I always had a soft spot for her serious and protective side.
"That's what I wanted to hear. I have long believed that our daughter needs someone mature and responsible, so I'm very glad that you turned out to be that person, Lizzie, I trust you with Y/n's feelings. Now I can sleep peacefully at night." She gets up at the same time as El, giving her a big hug while dad and I share awkward looks, staying aside.
"I still can take care of myself without someone's help, you know," I grumble with displeasure and my mother smiles at me like at the five-year-old kid, pinching my cheek, causing me to roll my eyes once again.
"Honey, stop treating her like a child already, you saw yourself that she's pretty responsible," my dad says, winking at me and I give him an appreciative smile, being actually grateful for him thinking about me this way.
"That's true, your daughter sometimes is more mature than me," Elizabeth gives me a bright smile first and then a brilliant look to my mother, who snaps her eyes between us and smiles too. Now we are in that warm family atmosphere that brings great joy to my heart because of the realization of what wonderful people surround me.
After chatting more for about half an hour, my parents finally decided to leave the two of us and let us enjoy the last day before a rather difficult week, not only in terms of work, but also issues related to our relationship.
"You're going to talk to Boyd tomorrow, right?" I ask, resting my head on her shoulder as we sit relaxed on the couch hugging each other, looking up at her thoughtful face.
"Mhm." She seems not to have heard what I asked, answering me automatically, and I lightly pinch her on the side, causing her chin to drop and her eyes to stare at me inquiringly. "I'm sorry, what did you say?"
"Will you talk to Boyd tomorrow?" I repeat my question and she fidgets in place, casually taking the back of my thigh that was further away from her and pulling it on top of her legs, so now I'm laying half-turned towards her.
"I will, yes. And I have to grab the rest of my things too." Elizabeth responds calmly, slowly passing her fingers through my hair, occasionally running her nails over my scalp, causing my skin to tingle.
"I'll go with you and wait outside." My determined voice grabs her attention as I pull myself closer to her body.
"And why would you do that?" Her question is accompanied by leaning her head on the top of mine, giving the impression that she constantly wants to be as close to me as possible.
"Because I want to help you and make sure that you will be okay after talking to him." I don't know what to expect from this man or her condition after that, so the option with me just staying at home and waiting for her to return doesn't even cross my mind.
"Okay, baby, if that's what you wanna do." She sensually places a warm kiss on my forehead and I respond to her action with pressing my lips to hers, tangling my hand in her soft hair and pulling her head closer to me by her neck.
Her hand begins to slowly stroke the back of my thigh, moving smoothly to my ass, squeezing it through my sweatpants as our lips move in unison, gradually deepening and heating the kiss.
"Do you want it now?" She pulls away for a couple of seconds, asking for my consent and I nod my head, returning my mouth to where it belongs, climbing fully into her lap.
"I need words, baby," she gently pushes me away from her, holding my waist and peering into my face.
"I want it now." That's all I say before pulling her into a hot, wet kiss, involuntarily starting to move my hips in search of friction, already feeling the knot in my lower abdomen begin to grow, overshadowing my sanity.
My kisses impatiently go down to her neck, showering it with wet marks and small bites, causing her to moan inaudibly and squeeze my ass even harder before lowering my pants down to mid-thighs, exposing my flesh in only a thin thong.
"You don't even know how sexy you look when you turn on your serious mode," I pant between kisses remembering her recent strong tone and confident words, grabbing at the hem of her oversized T-shirt in an attempt to take it off.
"I always knew how exactly it affects you," she responds and lightly hits my hands, handling her piece of clothing on her own, throwing it somewhere on the floor and setting free her milky breasts, almost causing me to salivate profusely.
Without wasting a second, my hands find themselves attached to them, squeezing the soft flesh and trapping her perky nipples between my fingers, causing her to let out muffled moans, head thrown back against the back of the couch.
"Lay down on your back," she somehow manages to say between her breathless panting, getting me rid of my tank top, fixing her gaze on my heaving chest and already hardened nipples.
Elizabeth doesn't have to ask me twice, so I do as she tells me, resting my head comfortably on the soft cushion by the arm of the couch and hurriedly trying to get my sweatpants off completely.
"So eager to be pleased, are we?" She suddenly changes her rush into measured seductive movements, lowering herself down to my chest without breaking eye contact and giving my right bud a hard lick with a flat tongue, making me to let out a pathetically needy whimper.
"I want- oh," she interrupts my attempt to say something with a light bite of my nipple, ensuring that I already arch my back towards her mouth, wanting more. "I want to feel you against me," I manage to finish and immediately meet the lustful dark gaze of my girlfriend, who immediately understands exactly what I mean.
Quickly removing her pants and throwing them aside, Elizabeth returns to my neck to leave a couple of last love bites, then pulls off my panties, which have already formed a small wet spot and does the same with her underwear, without looking, tossing it in aside.
"Spread your legs wider," her commanding tone influences my body so that it itself fulfills all her whims without the knowledge of my mind, which so badly wants to resist and show her that I'm not completely at her mercy.
"You're leaking already, sweetheart, and we didn't even start yet," she purrs as she looms over me and with a ghostly touch almost presses her lips against mine in a teasing manner, making me whine and wiggle my hips.
"Look at yourself," I return the vulgar observation, noticing her glistening inner thighs, shamelessly fixing my eyes between her legs.
"It's inappropriate to stare, you know." Three fingers on my chin force me to look into her brazenly studying my body and face eyes before she locks our lips in the sloppy kiss, moving her hand to my soaking center, spreading the wetness over the length of my pussy and making me let out the loudest for now moan.
After playing with my entrance a little more, she, unable to withstand her own sexual frustration, connects her own pussy with mine, starting to move in measured movements, perfectly hitting her clit against mine and mixing our wetnesses together.
"Fuck, o-oh, you feel so good," she moans right into my ear while I can't formulate a single sentence, completely absorbed in pleasure and the feeling of her sensitive flesh over mine as she speeds up, clutching the back of the couch with one hand.
"El, sh- shit, oh!" My nails dig into the tender skin of her ass, encouraging her to move even faster, bringing us both to climax and I suddenly land a harsh loud slap on her cheek, awakening some feral feelings in me, but Elizabeth only seems to like it judging by the loud moan that filled the entire living room after that.
"Seems like I'm, fuck, not the only one who likes it, huh?" I muster all my will to say it without stuttering or breaking into moans only to meet El's impudent smile.
"Shut the fuck up," she says, suddenly thrusting on me with the force that makes me want to question my boldness.
"I'm so close, I wanna cum, please!" I feel an orgasm creeping up on me, shattering what little confidence I had and I notice my hips moving erratically on their own, shaking against Elizabeth, who is holding me tightly against the sofa. Her movements are also already becoming rather sloppy and frantic, signaling that she is getting close to the edge too.
"Hold it for a bit longer and cum with me, angel." She lets out a string of high-pitched moans and, spreading my legs even wider with her free hand, straightens her posture, throwing her head back and twisting her face in pure content, continuing to thrust her throbbing pussy into mine.
"I can't, I can't hold it anymore!" I whimper and my eyes close tightly at the overwhelming feeling that is rising up and threatening to tear me apart as I struggle to contain myself at least for one more minute.
"Oh, that's it baby, cum with me." As soon as I hear her permission, my body immediately shudders in powerful explosion, ripping through me while Elizabeth's hips jerk several times and her face scrunches in ethereal moment of pleasure, as we moan into each other's mouths because of the shockwaves gripping our bodies.
I can feel her juices flowing from her pussy onto mine, mixing with my own as she collapses on the top of me, gripping the sofa tightly and biting hard on my neck, causing me to whimper.
"Fucking hell," she says breathlessly, letting her limp body to fall, burying her face with flushed cheeks in the crook of my neck, while I'm trying to come down from my height and get my breath back, hugging her back.
"Indeed," my slightly hoarse voice sounds right over her ear, causing a slight smirk on her lips as she kisses my breasts several times. "You're so perfect to me, El," I add and kiss her sweaty forehead, running my fingers through her silky hair while she closes her eyes in pure delight.
A/n: random smut just cause i can😜😜 also let me know what you think of course :) and i'm sorry for mistakes, sometimes i struggle with english
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call-me-amanda · 3 years ago
BTS as kidnappers
⚠️ Warnings: +18|don’t repost nor report|pov: you are kidnapped by mysterious men|short horror fictions|angst|low mention of physical and verbal violence|use of pills, chloroform, ropes & tapes|obsessive, manipulative & mad behavior|mention of weapons|aggressive impulses|mental illness|stalking|strangling|strong language|possessiveness|genuine fear|may God have mercy on you|sorry for any mistake
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Kim Seokjin - The Lunatic
Based on: Ted Bundy
Kidnapping: I was on my way to college. I had just passed the coffee shop and was drinking my morning cappuccino when I saw him. He was in the parking lot in front of the classroom building, stowing boxes full of papers in the trunk of his blue 95 ford mustang. I remembered his face, as I’d thought he was very handsome when we bumped into each other in the library entrance a week ago. After that I never saw him in the halls again. He'd been so polite to me when he'd helped me pick up the books I'd dropped on the floor and I couldn't thank him that day, but maybe I could reciprocate today. I approached and poked him in the back, he turned around and I flashed my best smile. His handsome face didn't express the emotion I expected, in fact, he didn't express anything at all. The man was taller and more handsome than I could remember. “You must not remember me, do you? We met at the library. We exchanged our favorite literature,” I said at last. He straightened his posture and gradually seemed to remember. I must be at least half a meter shorter than him. His broad shoulders reminded me of an impenetrable wall. It would be scary if he suddenly decided we were enemies. “It was you, then. Good to see you again. What did you think of the book I recommended to you, ‘The Collector’?”, he asked. “To be honest, I found it disturbing. However, the clash of realities – wealth and poverty – brought a critical contrast that makes it very reflective and interesting”. From his reaction — a genuine smile — he liked my answer. “Need help?” I pointed to the boxes — which were waiting to be put away properly. His eyes darted from mine to them, then rummaged around, taking a long moment to go back to me. "I would appreciate any help from you." Then I propped the cappuccino on the roof of the car, bent down, and picked up one of the boxes — which weighed a lot more than it looked. When I pushed the others to try to fit them into the tight space of the trunk, on the dark side of it, two items left me so distressed that for a moment my body completely froze. "You know what? I'll have to let you down again. I just remembered that the teacher asked us to arrive fifteen minutes earlier to prepare the materials.” I tried to keep calm and say good-bye casually, but that was weird and I was worried. After two steps away, something grabbed me from behind by the collar of my shirt and pulled me hard. I lost my balance and ended up falling on the street. Everything then happened too fast. He climbed on top of me and pinned me down. His hands covered my mouth and nose and I was forced to stare into eyes meaner than the devil's. I hit his arms, stretched out my hands in an attempt to scratch his face with my nails, doing everything that I could to get him to release me, but I was already losing consciousness a few seconds after his attack began. Some flashes from my memory tell how I was lifted up and put in the trunk of the car, of how he took the gray tape and covered my mouth, of how he tied my wrists and ankles with the rope he had and how he hid me among the boxes, closing and locking me in the dark. And, as if nothing had happened, he started the mustang and took me with him, having drawn and smitten me like a mere butterfly in love with a wildflower.
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Min Yoongi - The Psycho
Based on: Dennis Lynn Rader (BTK)
Kidnapping: My last lasting relationship ended a year and a half ago. So I joined a dating site. All I wanted was to find someone who would love me just the way I am, give me all the attention I need and be kind and tender with me. All while igniting a fire inside me and taking me to heaven or hell. It didn't take long to match a man who, from his profile description, could be my true soulmate. He told me that he played the guitar and piano, that he was addicted to caffeine, and on top of that he made a lot of money — I suppose — from his job — something related to the development of cell phones. In our message exchanges on the app I could feel that he was looking for a woman to be fully committed with and I believe this is me. We arranged to meet at a candlelight dinner at his house. In his words, “I would try the best pizza in the world”. I’d finished getting ready and was waiting for the uber. The first thing the driver commented upon getting into the car was that it was very late and the location indicated a place in the middle of nowhere. I shrugged and we got in silence the rest of the way. Arriving there, I could barely contain my excitement. It was a big house on a hill with a stone gate that opened when I notified my arrival. “I can walk from here, thank you”. “Take care, miss”. The app man was waiting for me at his door wearing a black suit shirt. His skin was as white as the photos he sent me — which I swore they were filter-modified. We kissed each other's cheeks and then he led me through his beautiful modern home to the dining room. Like a gentleman, he pulled out the chair for me and asked me to wait a little. The table was set, plates, cutlery, cup holders and napkins neatly arranged. Not long after, he returned with the promised pizza. Before I made any move he came over and said, "Let me serve you." That way I had a slice on my plate and also a full glass of wine. He sat across from me, watching me the entire time as if I was fascinating. “You're so much prettier up close,” his sudden sweet words made me gasp. “Sorry. Too early?”. “Not at all!”, I smiled happily, going back to cutting a small piece of pizza. “Oh my, you should start a pizzeria”. “I'm glad you liked it. And what about the wine, does it taste good?”. “Yes, of course. It was a great choice”. The seconds turned into minutes and then hours. We talked and laughed a lot. I discovered that he does community work and makes anonymous donations to charities. I couldn't help but fall madly in love with him that fast. In the middle of the conversation, a strong dizziness hit me. I asked for a glass of water and it was promptly in my hands. I drank it, however, it seemed that the alcohol content of that wine was very strong. “Excuse me, where's the bathroom?”. “Second door down the hall”, he pointed out. I would never forgive myself if I got drunk on the most perfect date I've had in years. I found the sink, dipping my cupped hands into it and bringing the icy water to my face. I did it once, twice, three times. Nothing could solve that fulminating dizziness. I decided that I would ask for help, after all I was not well and if I stayed alone in the bathroom I could suffer an accident. I walked slowly back down the hall feeling the cold sweat running down the back of my neck and a crushing pressure on my head. My vision was blurred when I saw his silhouette. “I think I got sick. Can you take me to the hospital?”. He came towards me, took my hand and led me to his couch. Suddenly, he took out his leather belt and hold it tight in his pale skin, making me swallow hard and start guessing (What the hell is going on?). “Don't worry. The effect of the sleeping pill is temporary. In a few hours, the vertigo passes”, he said with a creepy smirk upon his face. And then he put me to sleep in his lap, stroking my hair as I was his alive cute doll. Inevitably my tears streamed dead down my face and my scream throbbed in complete silence in my asphyxiated throat.
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Kim Namjoon - The Obsessed
Based on: Zodiac Killer
Kidnapping: "Sorry, but tomorrow I already have plans". "It's all right. Another time then,” he turned on his heel and headed toward the end of the hall. I got out of the elevator and dug my keys out of my bag. As I searched, I felt his gaze on me. I looked towards him and saw his door slamming. I went in and locked my apartment, heart throbbing in my ears. I left the bag on the hook and ran to get the landline. My fingers hesitated. Who should I call? This isn't the first time my neighbor has asked me on a date. There was never anything, he didn't even try to touch me, however his dark eyes undressed me every time he looks at me. It’s so embarrassing. I choose to talk to my older sister — she's a delegate and will know exactly what to do. “Hello?” she said loudly. “Hi sister, how are you?”, I heard her heavy breathing on the other side. “Is it about your pervert neighbor again? I told you I can't put surveillance on your door every time he’s all upon you. There isn't enough evidence to characterize him as a harasser”. “But I caught him following me to work yesterday! Doesn't that count as harassment?”, when I realized I was screaming, I muffled the sound with my hand. “You work in the same neighborhood. It's entirely plausible that you bump into each other from time to time”. "Please, sis, I don't feel safe living here with him two doors away". "I'm sorry. There's nothing I can do”, and she hung up. I spent a few seconds listening to the static in the hope that she would come back saying that she changed her mind, but that would never happen. She was always like that, if she thought she was the best Mom and Dad thought it too. I've been sidelined many times, and even though I gained my independence, my parents didn't book a table at a fancy restaurant and pop an expensive champagne like they did for her when she got a job. I walked into the bathroom, turned on the faucet and let the hot water fill the tub. I lit some scented candles and turned on my record player to fill the room with the best of jazz. The water had to act as a sedative or I’d cut my wrists right here. Things have been going downhill since I broke up. My ex husband cheated on me on our honeymoon. After that I discovered a lot of crap about him and definitely started hating men. They are not faithful and take advantage of women's sensitivity to deceive them. I ducked my head listening to the sweet silence of the waters until a vibration made me jump out of the tub. I wrapped a towel around my body and peeked into my room. The jazz reverberated in my mind and I was sure I was getting paranoid. Than went to my room and put on my pajamas. Took a book and lay on my bed. I fell asleep, soon waking up to another noise. Got to my feet in an instance and went to investigate what it could be. My apartment door was half open, so I ran to it and closed it. I swear that I had it locked, but I must have forgotten. I walked back to turn off the record player, stretched out my hands, but they didn't make it. Before I understand what was happening I was being strangled and choking for air. I felt my knees weak and knew I was going to die. In the mirror hanging on the wall, I saw my neighbor pulling a cord from an outlet he'd just wrapped around my bare neck. His expression terrified me. It was pure rage. I pleaded to him with my last gasp. “You should have accepted my invite, darling”, he murmured viciously. White dots covered my vision and I knew no one would notice my disappearance nor try to find me and that he would do whatever he wants with my body.
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Jung Hoseok - The Stalker
Based on: Richard Ramirez (The Night Stalker)
Kidnapping: I never thought that one day I would have to go to a funeral. Maybe if I'd given him a ride out of that stupid party, like he'd asked me to, he wouldn't have tried to go home alone and crash his car into that tree. People die and then their lives are summed up in generic phrases on a piece of stone. I didn't even pay attention to the speeches they made to him. None of these people present, these relatives and supposed family friends, really knew him. They barely had passed two hours by his side. I just wanted this to be over and for them to go away. When the coffin was lowered, those fake ones said goodbye and I was finally able to release the air I was holding in my lungs. A light touch on my shoulder made me turn around. “Take your time, honey. We'll be waiting in the car”, said our father, who hugged mom and together they walked towards the exit of the cemetery. When I looked into the grave and saw the varnished wood I started to sob again. My head hurt a lot from crying so much lately and, even realizing that, in a way, my little brother was at peace, I couldn't accept any of that. “Forgive me for not being there when you needed me… Please brother, I beg your pardon”. I wiped the tears on the sleeve of my dress, absorbing the immense remorse I felt. For a brief second I thought I saw a man wearing a suit near the woods, but when I blinked he was gone. This was not the first time I had seen that sublime figure. He was in my work parking lot yesterday and in my neighborhood earlier today. Perhaps I saw him after that, spying me through my window under the full moon. Anyway, that figure could only be the effect of mourning. I ignored it and tried to continue talking to my brother. The hours was getting dark and once I was done, I looked around and saw a shadow standing in front of a mausoleum. It was the same man in the suit as the other times and he looked very real, waiting for me with a big shine smile. “Who are you?”, I confronted him from afar. He swapped his expression and didn't look friendly at all. His gaze was pure cold. When he walked towards me I wanted to run away. “I know what you were doing when your brother was drowning in his own blood”. I gulped, not knowing how to respond to the threat. He continued: “You were with the idiot next door, weren't you? So, was that fuck worth it?”. “How did you know that?”, I stuttered in disbelief. “I know a lot about you, sweetie. It happens that I was looking for someone who could fulfill all my sexual desires with no complains and guess what! You’re the winner!”. His tone was aggressive and there was no one around who could help me. “Stay away from me!”, I shouted. That's when he put his hand on his waist and I could felt my heart pumping out of my chest. So I turned and ran to hide in the woods. “You can run and you can hide, but you won't escape from me!”. Nature confused me and I quickly got lost. On the run, I tripped over a root and had to drag my injured ankle to hide behind a thick tree trunk. The wind whistled through the dry branches making an awful prophetic sound. The stalker was close. I began to pray and ask for the love of God if he would spare my life and absolve me of my sins. “I have found you,” that voice tormented me more than the gun pointed at the back of my head.
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Park Jimin - The Jealous
Based on: Billy Milligan
Kidnapping: When my cell phone charged, I unplugged it and turned it on. My mouth dropped at the amount of texts and missed calls from my boyfriend. There were so many things that it locked because it couldn’t be opened. Listening to his audios, I could see his anger growing. First he was worried, then he just yelled pissed of with me. I never gave him any reason to be so jealous, but that didn't matter. If I didn't answer him immediately he certainly assumed I'd be cheating him with any of my friends. In fact, he hated that I had friends. He said that they didn't really care about my achievements and only talked to me because they wanted to be dating me. He could either be right or he could be wrong. However, my only certainty was that our relationship was getting toxic and I wish I could have enough strength to tell him that I can’t handle it anymore. My boyfriend is only ever happy if I'm by his side 24/7 — which would be impossible because I have a job, friends, and a life beyond him. Taking a deep breath, I’m ready to hear his outbursts on the phone when I call him. "Tell me now where the hell you are! I’m coming after you!", he was screaming and all I could do was try to calm him down. “Baby, let me explain. My battery died and I forgot the charger at home. I borrowed it from my work partner and…”. “Did you flirt with that bastard? I knew this would happen. Stay right where you are. I'm about to arrive”. "Nothing happened! You don't have to come and get me…” and he left me on the phone alone. I packed my things by clearing my desk and was leaving the office when my friend grabbed my hand. “Leaving early? What happened this time?”. "It's nothing, I'm just not feeling well." He pulled me closer and whispered softly in my ear: "If your boyfriend is threatening you in any way, just tell me and I can do something to help you", then he looked me in the eyes as I tried to get away. “It's all alright between us and I'd rather you not interfere in our relationship”, I released myself from his hands and walked away. In the lobby of the building, my boyfriend was waiting for me inside his car. I gave him a peacefully kiss and he drove home. We didn't speak on the way. His fury made his face glow like a radioactive red core. At home, I followed him to our room and finally got his attention by taking his wrist. “You have to stop this. Don't you realize you're irrational? I love you and I don't love anyone else! Why don't you trust me?”. He lifted my chin and when I thought my lips were going to touch his, he paused and said gruffly, “Liar. I know what you have been doing with me and I will make you regret it”. His kiss is possessive, almost as if he had to prove a point. Suddenly he separated our tongues and moved his jaw to the left, then to my right. I fell on the bed as he kissed me harder this time and he climbed on top of me getting on all fours, trapping me between the mattress and him. “You'll only think about me from now on. You will forget that there are other men and you will realize that you need me as much as I need you”. He attacked my neck, sucking it and setting my body on fire. We have always connected so well, but I knew what he was doing — pawning the real issue to get what he wanted — and it was working. A click above my head made me open my eyes. "Handcuffs? What the hell are you doing handcuffing me to the bed? Release me, dammit!”, I pulled them and it hurted. They were real, as was the devilish smile he wore. “You won't let go of me ever again, princess”, my boyfriend started to kiss my neck again but this time it was painful to feel his love. Tears streamed down my face as I finally realized I was sleeping with a monster.
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Kim Taehyung - The Pervert
Based on: Andrew Phillip Cunanan (Spree Killer)
Kidnapping: There were only a few minutes left for the place to close. My friend was by my side completely inert before a work of art. She looked at it like a baby opening it’s eyes for the first time and facing the world. "Can we go now?”, I waited anxiously for the answer. "Simply incredible! Look at these lines! I will never be able to be like this painter”, she ignored me and moved on to the next painting. I sighed loudly. We spent the whole afternoon there and I was tired. I only came because I had promised weeks ago that I would be her company at this event. The thing is, I don't have an artistic sense like her — a student of art —, so while my friend was holding back tears of emotion, I tried not to fall asleep. I had to get away from her and try to distract myself or I would sleep standing up. A female statue caught my eye. The woman wore a delicate fabric that covered her breasts and her private parts. Her only support was the tip of her left foot, while the other tip was above her head. Her features weren't there, yet I knew the marble ballerina was sad. "What did you think?", a male voice behind me snapped me out of my reverie. “What did you think of the ballerina?”, he repeated gently. “I guess that she feels lonely and that ballet no longer brings her as much joy as it once did.” The man stood in front of me and I could get a good look at what he looked like. Tall, had dark brown hair and a face that could have been part of this exhibition. When he smiled at me it was as if I had found a masterpiece, even though I didn't understand about art. “First time at an art exhibition?”, he wanted to know. “Not exactly,” I replied. "Well, it's the first time I've seen you in one of mine’s and I have to say that if I had seen you before, surely that ballerina would have found a face to be sculpted." I must have blushed at the compliment, but something in his tone made my goosebumps. So I looked around and realized that we were alone, no other living souls were present. “Did she just left me behind?”, I’d asked myself in disbelief. At that moment some lights went out and the atmosphere, before charming, became sinister. The man was still there, staring at me in the dim yellow light. "Come with me. I'll give you a ride home", he suggested with that stunning smile of his. “I think I'd rather hail a cab,” I immediately refused. "Good luck with that, beautiful. They rarely pass this street and as the place has closed you will have to wait outside in the cold weather”. He turned his back on me and left me with no choices. I ran after him and said I changed my mind, after all I didn't know that part of the city and my cell phone was low on battery. He seemed satisfied and led the way. Inside his Mercedes, I noticed that the man wasn't following the path I put on his GPS. “My house is not in that direction,” I said warily. He didn't answer, so I started to fear that something bad was going to happen. "Can you stop here, please?". And to my surprise, he stopped at the side of the road, but when I tried to open the door it was locked. That's when a cloying-smelling rag covered my mouth. Suddenly, everything went very confused. My eyes watered and I fought to get him away from me. In the end, I lay down on the car seat, having lost my strength and my senses. The man leaned over my limp body and whispered: "You will come with me and be my pretty muse, won’t you?"
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Jeon Jungkook - The Seductive
Based on: H. H. Holmes
Kidnapping: At this event I will be promoted. Either that, or I would be stuck for another year. Despite all that hard work, I never got my boss's attention and I recently discovered why. Today I am well-groomed and perfumed. My dress shows off my slim waist and full bust. My makeup highlights my cheekbones and my sexy eyes. He's a man and I've never dressed up to work like the wonder woman to show him all my beauty. But today he won’t escape me. I tracked down my boss talking to other multibillion-dollar business owners. I advanced my steps, deciding to interfere, ’cause it's now or never. “Excuse me, do you have a moment, boss? I would like to discuss important issues with you, sir, if possible”, I lifted my chin and slightly shrugged my shoulders, drawing his gaze to my breasts. "I have all the time in the world for you, honey." As I predicted, he didn't think twice about dismissing whoever was sucking up to him before offering me his arm. I wrapped mine around his and he led me to the middle of the room where couples were dancing to a slow song. His hand didn't take long to hold my waist and pull me to his body. I could see all the looks from the women in the room piercing my skin with jealousy. “What kind of matter would such a beautiful girl like to settle with me?”, he smiled, never taking his eyes off mine. I'd seen him walking around the company in a suit many times, checking on employees and managing problems that arose. Yet he could commit murder today and I would still find him a hell of a hottie. He was strong and his arms were covered in tattoos. An eye candy, for sure. So I took courage and introduced myself, demanding my recognition, after all I worked for him for years and at various times my projects were taken to the market, making his brand one of the best. “And how have I never heard your name before?” he asked finally a little perplexed. I smiled delighted at that magical moment. "Come with me and we'll fix this mistake right now". Once again he offered his arm and once again I held on tight. When I realized we were out of the event going up to his office. While the floor didn't arrive, my boss closed the distance between us by trapping me in one of the four corners of the elevator. Icy sweat ran down my back and it was hard to breathe with him so close to me. It was all going too fast, but I feared that if I refused him, he'd change his mind. Suddenly he stroked my hair, took my face with one of his hands and bent down to place a long kiss on my lips. His cologne was addictive and I wished we were trapped forever inside that kiss. Breaking my expectations, his mouth pulled away and he was gone. With one run I reached him. Soon I was sitting at his desk waiting while he fumbled for a pen. As soon as he found it, he put in front of me the pen and a new contract that, according to him, would make me an exclusive employee. I signed quickly, hands shaking as I began to read the contents of the thing. "What does it mean by 'I give the boss full permission to control me in any way he wants'?". “It means exactly what you think it means, cutie. Isn't that what you wanted when you offered yourself to me? You sold yourself and now I am your rightful owner. Seems like having you in my private collection will be perfect”, he said as if that wasn't crazy. I got up startled, turning around and finding myself facing two huge, muscular guys. My guts twisted. “Tie her up and take her to my mansion. I have to go back to the event and convince some idiot sponsors to work for me”. The men grabbed me and no matter how much I screamed and kicked, they wouldn't let me go. My boss laughed as he watched me cry as I was taken away just like he planned.
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minhoon · 3 years ago
High School Crush
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Contains: femboy!jake, bad rich boy!jay, dom!jay, sub!jake, unprotected sex(stay safe people), bullying, curse words (fuck, shit etc), bulge kink, sir kink
Word Count; 1.2K
Jay & Jake have been childhood best friends but once they started middle school, Jay had to move to America and Jake had to move to Australia meaning they were seperated. Jake came back to korea before high school started and decided to roll in a high school at korea. Jake did not expect his best friend Jay to be back in Korea as they lost contact of each other for years and Jay did not expect Jake to be in a same school with him, being a femboy.
Jake woke up, due to his alarm and got ready for school, wearing a simple turtleneck with a skirt and thigh highs. It's his casual style no matter where he goes, he's glad he does not get judged in school and is actually friends with everyone. He was a social butterfly who got along with everyone and gets good grades. Teachers love him. A lot.
Jake headed to school after eating and decided to study in class before classes starts. People were saying how there was a new student coming in today but he ignored it, he couldn't care less about a new student. He wanted to focus on his studies and get a scholarship.
~time skip~
The bell rings meaning classes will start in 5 minutes, teachers coming in the classes ready to teach. Jake notices a student outside his class and thinks to himself "that must be the new student.." The teacher then calls out to the new student and tells him to come in.
Jake watches the new student walk in and can't help but think that it's someone familiar but he ignores it. The new student introduces himself "Hi, my name is Jongseong but you can call me Jay." Jake is just writing notes in his notebook, unbothered until the teacher calls out to him and tell him to raise his hand.
"Jay, you may sit next to Jake. Please raise your hand, Jake" He then raises his hand but continues to write notes. Jay takes a seat beside him and say "Your name is oddly familiar. But, aren't you afraid that people will judge you for wearing this?" Jake looks at him and shakes his head. "No, in fact, I'm friends with everyone here. Except for you I guess. We could be friends if you want to" Jake replies, with a smile on his face. Cute. Jay thinks, to have a boy so pretty in front of him. He feels himself blushing after seeing Jake smile. God, he just wants to kiss him.
~time skip~
Jake hangs out with his friend, Sunoo and Heeseung on the rooftop, laughing at each other's jokes. Then, a cold liquid is felt on Jake's head. Jake turns around to see who it is, and faces a somewhat angry looking Jay. "Why'd you do that?" Jake gets up from his seat. "No reason, just wanted to do it" Jay replies before walking away. The next few days, he is bullied by Jay. He doesn't know the reason why he's doing it but he wishes Jay would stop. But it doesn't. It gets worse. The bullying continues till mid term of high school.
Jake is tidying his locker till he sees a note. He takes it out and reads it.
Note; Hey, meet me at the rooftop
"Weird.. Wonder who's this from.." Jake says to himself and heads to the rooftop after tidying up his locker. Once he reaches the rooftop, he sees Jay, waiting for him. "Uhm.. you wanted to see me..?" Jake asks, fear evident in the tone of his voice. "Don't worry, I'm not gonna do anything.. C'mere, take a seat beside me" Jay says, patting the seat next to him. Jake hesitantly seats next to him, hands clutching on the hem of his skirt. "You know, you look cute wearing skirts and shorts." Jay compliments him. Jake is starting to think this is weird. He remembers hanging out with Jay as kids before he moved out. He wondered why Jay became like this and became a bully. "Actually, if you didn't know, there were people saying that they had crushes on you and wanted to, y'know, fuck you because you looked cute in shorts and skirts. Obviously I got jealous and.. started bullying you.. I didn't mean any harm to bully you, I was just jealous. I wanted to have you as mine. I've had a crush on you.. since we were kids.. I couldn't stop thinking about you when I moved out.." Jay says, looking into Jake's eyes. Crush...? Him..? Jealous..? It started making sense when he saw those angry expressions whenever Jake would see him. He was jealous. "Well actually, I-" Jake tries to speak but gets cut off. "It's fine if you don't feel the same way Jake, I don't forgive myself for bullying you. I know it hurt, I'm sorry." Jay says, looking down. "It's fine Jay, I just wanted to say that I like you too. Since kids as well.." Jake replies, with a genuine smile on his face. Jay looks up, eyes widened. "R-really? Jake, you know you don't have to force yourself to like me back. After what I did to you. I'm really sorry for bullying you, Jake. I don't know what I was thinki-" Jay rambles but gets cut off with Jake's lips on his. Jake pulls away, smiling. "J-jake.. I-i-" Jay tries to speak up but Jake kisses him again. Jay eventually kisses back, immediately putting his hand on Jake's thigh. Squeezing Jake's thigh from time to time, the kiss getting more heated. Jay pulls away and says "Let's continue this at my house, hm?" Jake nods and giggles.
~time skip~
By the time they get inside Jay's room, Jay quickly closes the door and slams Jake against it. "Fuck, how I've always wanted to do this.." Jay says before kissing Jake's neck, marking it with red marks that will become hickeys and bite mark. Jake whined. "Please Jay, fuck me please.." Jay smirked and replies with "I'll take that offer baby" Within minutes, Jake was wearing nothing but his skirt and Jay was ready in front of him. "First time?" Jay asks and sees Jake nod his head. His first time. Meaning he'll take Jake's virginity. They'll take each other's virginity. Jay slowly enters Jake, not wanting to hurt him. Jay lets Jake adjust to his size, before moving. Seeing Jake giving a signal meaning he could move, he started thrusting in a slow pace. "F-fuck, you're so big." Jake whimpered. Jay could cum just by hearing him whimper. He looked at Jake's face then at his stomach. He cursed under his breath after seeing a bulge form on Jake's stomach every time Jay thrusts into him. Jay's thrusts got harder and faster while Jake was getting louder. "Y-you feel so good sir.." Jake whined, feeling pleasure. Jay was breathing heavily and groaning softly. "Fuck Jake, can't believe this is all mine to touch and pleasure" Jay says, grabbing Jake's cock and jerking it. As time went by, Jay's thrusts got sloppier. "Gonna c-cum sir.." Jake moaned out, arching his back. "Yeah? You're gonna cum for your sir? Go ahead baby, cum for me." Jay says, smirking. And just like that, Jake cums while Jay tries to chase his own climax. "Fuck, I'm gonna cum baby" Jay groaned out. "C-cum in me please" Jake tells him and Jay nods. Seconds later, Jay cums into Jake, filling him up. They both giggle after, Jake gets shy and covers his face. Jay chuckles and gets up to prepare a bath. After he prepares a bath, he comes back to pick up Jake. "Let's bath before going to sleep, alright love?" Jay says, picking Jake up in a bridal style. Jake nods and replies with "Alright boyfie" followed with a giggle.
Morning arrives, Jake wakes up to Jay coming in the the room with food. "Well, someone's awake. Here, have some food before you take a shower" Jay says, with a smile. Clearly in love with Jake. "Hmm, I will Jay, thanks. I love you boyfie" Jake says, hugging him. Jay hugs back and replies "I love you too baby"
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foreignerabroad1994 · 2 years ago
Another Love: Writing Prompt Short Story
My response to the following writing prompt to u/London-Roma-1980 on the WritingPrompts subreddit:
[WP] The Museum of the History of Love has a new exhibit, which it calls an Alternate Future Coupling, but everyone calls the Ship-O-Matic. Two people sit in it, and they see a minutes-long vision of what their life as a couple would be like.
Bailey groans at the long line to the machine. He wasn't surprised when, about three beers in and on their way to the next bar, Joe could not resist the tacky, pink-and-red, love-hearts-covered exterior of the museum. The rest of their group laughed him off, but Bailey knew Joe would probably end up stumbling into the museum on his own and right into some jail cell. And, if he's honest with himself, he doesn't care much for Joe's friends. He only agreed to go on this stupid "bro trip" because Joe insisted, and both Sarah And Lin, their respective girlfriends, had already planned their own girls' trip to Cabo. Letting Joe drunkenly roam the museum on his own while he has to suffer through their endless talks about crypto and tits didn't sound like a better experience than walking through some tacky, tourist-trap exhibit.
It didn't take long before Joe zeroed in on the poster of the giant machine, which is still hidden from view. The long line stretches around the bend of the makeshift corridor. The walls are covered in tacky prints featuring all kinds of couples in various ages, floating in blurry clouds of promises and potential futures.
"Do we really have to do this?" he asks, peering over the shoulders of two very tall Dutch girls in front of them. They have at least thirty more minutes to wait, and he already needs to pee.
Joe puts an arm over his shoulders amiably, jostling him a bit too hard. "Of course we do! I can't sleep at night without knowing what my life would look like with you, my soulmate." He finishes the sentence with a flourish, a hand on his chest and the other on his forehead. Always so dramatic.
Bailey wants to say this is stupid, because it is. But he looks at Joe's goofy, toothy smile, and he doesn't want to tease him any more than his dumb friends already had. "Fine, but you're buying the next two rounds of beer."
Joe gives him a healthy smack on the shoulder. "That's my boy! You got yourself a deal."
They talk about nothing and anything as the line crawls ahead, and finally, they see the machine appearing in front of them. Only one pair is waiting in front of them - the two Dutch girls, who seem very excited. As he yet again peers around them, he observes the machine. Its exterior is metallic and bright, a shiny red chrome that looks more like a weird transformer than a plastic gimmick. The gaudy sign above it shines in pink lights, promising visitors "a stunning cinematic look into their shared romantic future". Bailey snickers and looks at Joe, who bounces from foot to foot.
"This is hysterical," he says excitedly. "I can't wait to tell everyone what it shows us. Do you think I'd be good at sucking dick?"
Bailey shoves him while the Dutch girls turn around and look at them with an eerily similar, blond-browed frown. They get called by the attendee, who's also wearing an awful red-and-pink vest, and Bailey and Joe step forward to wait their turn. "That's what you're worried about?"
"Well, yeah. If I was gay, I'd be a total pro."
"Of course you would."
"You doubting my skills?"
"Considering the only thing you've ever blown is a banana in 7th grade, yeah, I am."
Joe bursts out laughing. "Man, Ms. Ramirez was not happy with me."
"Dude, she wasn't happy because you couldn't say a word of Spanish and refused to try."
"Hey! I did try!"
Bailey rolls his eyes. "Yeah, when you wanted to hit on that girl, what was her name?"
"I'm surprised you remember."
They reminisce about their 7th grade teachers and classmates for a while and, before they know it, the attendant lets the Dutch girls out. They hold each other, laughing hard, their twin laughs genuinely creepy.
Joe leans in to whisper in his ear. "Are we sure they're not related?"
"Absolutely not," Bailey replies.
The attendant signals for them impatiently, and they walk into the machine. On the inside, it's surprisingly simple - not much more than a barren projection room. Two worn, red leather armchairs sit side by side, with a shared armrest. A giant projection screen is unfurled in front of them, with two giant speakers on either side. The attendant messes with a board full of colorful buttons on the left of the door, before ushering them to the two seats and asking them to sit still. He presses a pink, glowing button near the other side of door, and a giant box comes out of the ceiling. Bright, red lights, like lasers, come out of the box and scan both of them from head to toe a few times, slowly and silently. When the lights abruptly turn off, the attendant closes the door silently and everything goes dark. The box turns around and a projection starts on the screen, counting down from 10.
Joe bounces in his seat. "This feels like a movie."
"I think that's kind of the point," Bailey replies, sinking back into the surprisingly comfortable chair with a smile.
Images start to play. On screen, they see both of them at 13 years old. They're playing a video game, something they always did together.
Joe frowns and points at the screen, "well, that's no different than-"
Before he can finish the sentence, his younger self leans over on the screen and gives Bailey a chaste kiss on the cheek. Young Bailey blushes, but smiles shyly, his eyes still on the screen. They keep playing as if this is completely normal. They say nothing, the sounds of the video game a soft murmur in the background.
They both sit silently.
The next scene is them in high school, walking around the hallway. They look around and at each other, before sneaking into the radio room. They giggle deviously, drop their backpacks, and start kissing tenderly, gangly hands roaming each other's torsos.
Bailey feels Joe squirming in the seat next to him, and it feels as if all the oxygen has been sucked out of the enclosed, dark space.
Their high school selves seem to slow down some, slide down the door, and spend a long, quiet minute touching each other. Bailey gently traces Joe's upper arm with the tip of a finger, a thoughtful expression on his face, while Joe playfully braids tiny, ugly braids into Bailey's mop of long, brown hair.
Should he say something? Should they just leave? Bailey glances at Joe, but Joe is sitting stock still now, rigid. He decides against it.
The rest of their younger scenes are not entirely unfamiliar. They are still attached at the hip - getting into trouble, partying in the woods, trying their first drink and first cigarette. But the feeling is completely different. Because when they narrowly escape the cops, they end up kissing in the bushes of Ms. Bower's garden. When Joe breaks his arm during one of his football games, Bailey is there, putting a straw to his mouth before replacing the straw with his lips, making Joe laugh before wincing in pain.
How much is this going to show? How long have they been sitting here? There's a huge lump in Bailey's throat. Joe is silently vibrating right next to him.
There's a big time jump on screen. They're in their 20's now, only a couple of years younger than they are now, it seems. They're backpacking together somewhere remote, and reach the peak of a mountain. Bailey is grumbling about stupid hikes and stupid mountains. They're both breathing hard.
Bailey smiles privately. He would definitely complain. He still can't look at Joe.
On screen Joe takes Bailey's hand and drags him to a rock facing a stunning, green view. Infinite sky and a lush forest stretch into the horizon, the sun just starting to set. They hug silently, reverently, puffs of air visible around them in the creeping cold. Until Joe sneaks a hand into his own pocket, and pulls out a small, black box.
Bailey feels almost dizzy as he sees himself choking a yes, nodding frantically, before Joe tackles him to the ground in a very characteristic, overly enthusiastic hug. Bailey chastises him there, calling him a big ol' golden retriever and rubbing at his bruised back, before kissing Joe on the nose.
Bailey chokes on air. He can sense Joe is looking at him now, but he can't look back, and soon he feels Joe's eyes aren't on him anymore.
The next scene is much later. They sit in an unfamiliar room, surrounded by people Bailey doesn't recognize. They both have crow's feet. Joe has a deep tan, and a tiny belly. He can see his own hairline receded a bit. They're talking animatedly with a couple of women, Joe's hand casually resting in Bailey's back pocket. He gives a playful squeeze, and smirks when Bailey gives him a reproaching look.
Bailey feels his ears turning red, and he's happy the room is so dark. He doesn't know what to do with his hands.
In another scene, they're both a bit older again. Grey peppers their hairlines. They wear simple clothes on a deck somewhere. A young girl with curly hair runs and disappears into a sliding door. Bailey is reading, his legs in Joe's lap on a big hammock as Joe massages them mindlessly, staring out into a green yard, basking in sunlight. Joe looks down at Bailey, with reading glasses on, before shoving the book into his face, shoving the glasses into his eye sockets. Bailey shouts at him indignantly, and Joe laughs and heaves him up into his lap. He shushes him with a kiss before letting their foreheads fall together. They close their eyes.
Bailey doesn't know how to name this feeling. His chest is tight, and his throat is dry. He finally glances Joe's way, and their eyes meet. Joe's are watery. He looks away quickly, squeezing his fingers together in his lap.
White heads of hair, Bailey's a bit thinner, with a bald spot at the top. They sit at a doctor's office, faces wrinkled and grim. Bailey is stoic. Joe collapses into Bailey's shoulder, crying softly. Bailey puts a hand on the nape of Joe's neck, petting gently. His mouth is in a thin, wrinkly line.
Joe makes a choking sound. Bailey digs into the leather sit.
Joe sits on a bench. He's hunched but dignified, wearing a simple black knit. A woman sits at his side, holding his hand gently, her curly hair in a mess on top of her head. They look at a gravestone together. Wind breezes through.
The projection ends abruptly and the light comes through the now open door. The attendant peaks in. He's about to say something, but he closes his mouth on a gentle sigh. Bailey sits there, his eyes wide, breathing heavily. He dares a glance at Joe, who's aggressively wiping at his face.
"You have to go now, guys," the attendant says gently. "It happens every day here. There's a coffee shop around the corner if you need some water."
Bailey nods. He puts a careful hand on Joe's shoulder, who startles. "Come on," he encourages quietly.
They walk out, silent, right out onto the street. Joe walks to a wall just past the museum, free of reds and pinks, and leans against it like it can carry the weight of a future he never asked for.
Bailey leans next to him. He sighs.
"I don't think we should tell everyone," Joe finally chokes out.
Bailey nods. "Probably best not to."
"Maybe not anyone."
Bailey looks at him. They meet each other's eyes, and every vivid scene plays in the space between them.
"Maybe not."
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ambivalent-anarchy · 4 years ago
Part 1 of 2
Part 2
Gender: Female
Pairing: Peter Parker x reader
Warning: None
Anon requested- can I get a one shot where the reader does the body positivity trend with the new megan thee stallion song and the reader is insecure about how ppl will react to it?? Most importantly how peter will react to it?? K thanks
Awww I love doing smol readers and where Peter's actually the one that has it together lol sooo thanx for this
The TikTok is that new body positivity trend with that Megan Thee Stallion song. Couldn't link it because tumblr acts weird about links but part 2 will have a video for Peter. Also reader will be 18 (senior in high school) cuz some people think minors shouldn't participate in the trend lol
A/N: Either a motivation fairy hit me in the middle of the night or I'm really just that bored to the point where I had no choice but to get my motivation to write back. Either way I'm happy lol. Enjoy! Thanks to @yumings and @kelieah for helping me feel confident in this lol
Will definitely be a two parter🙂
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Body oddy oddy oddy oddy oddy oddy oddy-
You'd finally finished editing the video.
It was a simple, short collage of all of your favorite selfies and pictures that showed off your body well. There was a new trend going around on TikTok and when you saw it you just had to jump at it headfirst.
People would take their favorite pictures of themselves, ones that showed off their bodies just the way they liked, and they'd put it to the sound of Megan Thee Stallion's song "Body".
You looked through your entire phone gallery to find pictures that you were confident enough to post, some you'd forgotten you even took in the first place.
When you were done, you threw in the simple caption that everyone was using.
Heard we're using this sound to show off. My turn then😜
Yeahhhhhh, the caption sounded much more confident than you actually felt.
You actually thought about deleting it from the minute you posted it. Insecure wasn't even the word for it. And even with your followers there to hype you up, you couldn't help but feel self-conscious. So, albeit hesitantly, you went to your friends for support.
The first person you showed was Michelle.
"You killed that," she said in math class as she passed you the phone underneath the table so that the professor wouldn't see.
"Thanks," you said. "I was honestly kinda nervous about it." You noticed her incredulous look and explained yourself, toying with the loose strings on your jacket. "Like seriously, I don't wanna fish for compliments, it's just that there are so many better ones out there."
Michelle gave a lopsided grin. "That's just you being insecure, you dork," she retorted. "You look hot." She gave an uninterested glare at the teacher when they told her to be quiet. Then she turned towards you with a smile. "You shown Peter yet? I bet he'd agree."
You shifted in your seat nervously and MJ immediately caught on. "What, you don't wanna show him?" She gave you a look when you took a while to answer. "Dude he's literally your boyfriend. I'm pretty sure he'll like it."
"MJ, we haven't even-" you looked around secretively. "-we haven't even taken our shirts off in front of each other yet. There's literally a pic of me in my sports bra and I.." You shrugged, a little embarrassed by the conversation topic. "I-i just don't know how he'd react."
You and Peter were a fairly new couple and were taking it slow. You'd only ever kissed, cuddled, and held hands so far. Plus, you were a major causal clothes wearer. Sweatshirts and jeans, those were your specialty. The two of you were in no rush and you were both fine with that, but you had no idea how he would react to seeing pictures of you like that.
And, though it wasn't the most feminist approach, you kinda wanted to impress him. Was that so bad?
MJ, forever the voice of patronizing reason, rolled her eyes at you. "So, let me get this straight. You're not fine with your boyfriend seeing sexy pictures of you, but you're okay with literal strangers seeing you instead?"
"Look, I know it's-"
"No, no I totally get it," she said with a sympathetic smirk, before laughing. "I just wanted to show you how dumb it sounded though."
The bell rang, signaling the end of class.
"Look," she said, standing up and getting her things. "You have nothing to be worried about. Peter practically worships the ground you walk on. He'll love it."
When you showed Ned, he genuinely didn't give a shit.
"Oh my God, there's a new Megan Thee Stallion album?!"
"Uh, yeah."
"I have to listen to it right now!"
"Yeah okay, but do you like the-"
He was already plugging in his headphones before you even finished your sentence.
You showed Harry next. If anyone was gonna rate you unabashedly, it'd definitely be him.
He was the only friend you had in your lunch period, so you met up with him every day. Towards the end of lunch that day, you'll pulled out your phone and asked if he wanted to see the video. He enthusiastically agreed.
He watched the short video with an amused expression, bopping his head to the music all the while.
When it ended, he handed you your phone back and gave you a high-five. "Damn girl!," he praised. "Just throwing it out there, if Peter fails you, I'm hella available."
"Heh, thanks." You smiled as you felt your entire face heat up. "Ya think he'll like it?"
"What, you haven't shown him yet?" You shook her head, giving a nervous smile. "Oh-" he nodded confidently. "-he'll love it. Trust me."
"Are you sure?," you asked.
"Yeah," he responded with a shrug. "Why are you so worried?"
"Because he's not-..he doesn't really seem-" You couldn't find the right words for it. "I dunno, I just really want him to like it!"
Harry scoffed. "Look. Let me tell you a little secret about Peter Parker," he snickered. "Or practically all guys for that matter."
"Okay?," you said, curious as to where this was going.
He smirked. "You remember when he introduced himself to you at my party last summer?"
You nodded.
"Well, hon..." Harry lowered his head to where he was whispering in your ear. "Your personality wasn't what he was noticing from across the room.. catch my drift?" He chuckled when he saw you blushing as you caught where his eyes had wandered. "Just sayin'."
Seeing your incredulous expression, Harry continued. "Peter likes to act like he's not checking you out every second of the day, but I promise you he is. That little "I'm so respectful and bashful" crap he has going is complete B.S."
You smirked and rolled your eyes as he pulled away from your ear and kept walking. "You're an ass."
Harry shrugged. "True, but I'm a realistic ass." The alarm on his phone sounded which marked his time to start heading to his next class. Standing up, he smiled down at you. "Seriously, if I could take back all the time spent listening to Pete go on about how good you look in your jeans, I'd be one well rested guy."
You rolled your eyes, but it betrayed the small smile growing. After all, he wouldn't be Harry if he wasn't a flirtatious dweeb. "Bye Harry."
"Show him the video, [Y/N]. He'll love it. You know I'm right."
And then there was one...
Later in the day, you were talking with MJ after school, waiting because Peter always insisted on driving you home because chivalry was not going to die as long as he was alive to keep it going.
When he finally showed up, the first thing he did was take you by the hand and give you a quick peck on the forehead.
"How are you guys doing?," he asked as your little trio started to walk.
"We're good," you chirped, ever so conscious of the phone in your pocket that you were suddenly very hesitant to pull out.
MJ noticed and nudged you. "You got anything you wanna show anybody, [Y/N]?," she asked with a smirk, causing Peter to look at you curiously.
You stayed quiet, but MJ still wasn't putting up with it. "I think you may have a video that you made..."
You remained silent and Peter looked at you, a lot more confused now. MJ frowned. "Um... cough.. cough."
Peter laughed and stopped walking. "Okay, what am I missing?" He looked to you and when he didn't see your expression falter, he looked to MJ. "What's going on?"
Michelle shrugged. "[Y/N] wants to show you a dumb TikTok she made but she's scared about how you'll react."
"Michelle!," you scolded.
She shrugged again. "What? You weren't going to say anything anytime soon."
"A TikTok?," Peter questioned. "Cool, which one did you do this time?"
You could feel your face heat up for the hundredth time that day. "It's a...um.." You stared down at the ground. Jesus, this was hard. "..It's a body positivity trend."
His eyebrows went up at that. "Oh, well um.. is it cool if I see it?," he asked.
You blushed. "Sure." You pulled out your phone and opened the app. When you got to the video you quickly shoved it into his face before you had a chance to second-guess yourself.
Both you and Michelle watched Peter's face as he watched the video.
His cheeks immediately turned red but his expression was unreadable. He had to have watched it over 5 times before MJ pulled the phone out of his hand. "Helloooo, earth to Peter Parker?"
She snapped into his face several times and he started to blink wildly, apparently being pulled out of a trance. "I...um- heh.."
You gave a small, nervous smile. "..did you like it?," you asked, growing confused as stared at you, his expression still the same. "Um, Peter?"
Suddenly, he smiled and let out a little chuckle. "Sorry... just..." He laughed again and scratched his head, unable to keep eye contact. "You're just- like.... really hot."
You blushed. Fuck. "You're not just saying that are you?"
"No, really like-" He looked back at the phone. "...Damn." He bit his lip. "How on earth did I get so lucky?"
"Okay, can we please get in the car before I throw up?"
The two of you looked at an uncomfortable MJ with embarrassment riddled on your faces. "Yeah, totally," you said with an awkward cough. "Sorry."
"Nice video [Y/N]," Peter murmured bashfully, opening the door of his car for you, his face still beet red. "Really nice..."
Tagging: @allegra-writes, @allegra-soleil l, @yumings, @hey-its-grey, @spideyyeet, @sunkissedspidey, @tommyunderoos, @chaoticpete, @snarky--starky, @sovereignparker, @thesherlockianavenger, @bubblebucky, @eridanuswave, @ithoughtthiswastwitterbutfr , @kidney9-9, @gwenvrse
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crescent-yoon · 4 years ago
only in my lucid dreams
Part 3
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★ Seojun's POV ★
all i could hear beneath my feet was the crunching of snow. it snowed heavily the previous night, making it difficult for me if i had chosen to ride my bike. i was finally coming back to this school after so long and i was nervous. nervous to see you outside of these dreams.
your eyes were just as i had seen them every night - dim yet warm and full of life - as you had set your eyes on me with that brightness that was only shown to me. your hair down and eyes full of wonder as always. when i saw you in these dreams, you had always looked as beautiful as ever. even if you were just simply wearing a pair of ripped jeans and an oversized hoodie. ever so rarely wearing something out of the ordinary for you.
even last night you had worn the clothes that seemed to give you the most comfort, while i had wanted so desperately to show you my uniform. the colors that should've been recognizable to both you and i, sparking your curiosity. sparking that wonder in your eyes.
"why are you wearing that?" you asked as curiosity had played on your face. "it's... a bit different from your usual attire, Seojun."
i couldn't help but to mentally adore how that expression made you look so.. cute.
"yes, well, my mom is a bit sick so my sister and i need to switch schools." i tilted my head to the side just a bit, hoping to give off the cockiest of smirks only for a mix of sincerity and playfulness to show in my expression. "why? are you happy that we're going to the same school, Y/n?"
"so happy i could have a heart attack right now from the overwhelming joy that i'm feeling right now?" you playfully rolled your eyes at me as i gave you a light shove in response, just as we had always done whenever we were enjoying each other's company.
"yeah, yeah. no need to go overboard." i laughed as i took your hand into my own. your hand was cold yet comforting at the same time. it had always been this way as i had kept my thoughts, wondering if you had seen me as a man. "besides, i used to attend this school but things got crazy in my life so i had to move away."
"makes sense, i suppose." everytime you always had little to say, but you never strayed away from me. you did zone out constantly and always made me wonder about the gears turning in your head.
"i know that it's a bit strange but.. do you see me as a man or just a figment of your imagination?" i had asked, truly curious. unfortunately for me, you were so zoned out that you hadn't heard a single word.
"earth to Y/n?" i playfully and softly tapped the bottom of your chin to gain your attention as i had always done. "clearly you weren't listening but i asked you if you-"
you disappeared as i was going to ask again and that had only meant that you had woken up. i was going to get ready for the day too when another dream had started.
i saw you in our school uniform, presumably on your way home after school. you were walking alone unsuspectingly when two huge men had grabbed ahold of you and tried to shove you into a dark looking van. i couldn't hear anything in this dream but one of the guys lips had read, "whether we have to threaten her or threaten you, your mother owes us money and we'll just keep hold of you until she finally pays up."
immediately without hesitation, i felt my feet running. of course i'd run to you. i had to save you. but just as i got close, the ringing of my alarm clock had sounded and i had to get ready for school, that dream set in my mind.
the sight, the feeling, the sounds. all of it felt unbelievably... real.
snapping out of my thoughts, i had walked past the snow covered trees towards the school gates. until i had seen... you. i'm glad that you were still okay which had only meant the event was something that would happen in the future, keeping this in mind, i would discreetly keep an eye on you. even as i remembered the dream before that.
the feel of your hand in mine, the racing of my heart, the curiosity on your face. every bit of it felt so surreal. why is it you, y/n? why do you keep appearing in my dreams like this? at first... at first i thought that you were only meant to be a figment of my imagination. someone that i had made up in spite of my loneliness.
but then the dreams had kept occurring and it all felt too real. especially when i had seen you in real life, in the real world. you hadn't noticed me as you had that zoned expression on your face, unaware that you had brushed my shoulder. that familiar warm, tingly sensation had been felt all over my body. it was really you. and i knew your weren't my imagination when i had heard you lost in thought mumbling the words of "who are you" and "why are we connected, han seojun?".
even now, you looked exactly like you did in my dreams. there was no way that this could all just be... an eery coincidence. but when our eyes met, i knew. i knew that we were connected somehow.
should i approach you? no, i'd look strange. should i pretend as if i had never seen you before? but i had seen you before, in person and in my dreams.
then i had noticed it.
i noticed that unlike me, you weren't wearing a winter coat, though the snow continued to gently land on your eyelashes and melt on your cheeks and nose, a slight shiver coming over your body.
those same warm eyes, they were filled with familiarity and they made me wonder. do you recognize me? you seemed to.
i was going to muster up the courage to approach you until a friend had dragged me away with the ring of the bell.
snapping out of my thoughts and out of the cold weather, i'd been dragged to 2b and there our gazes met again.
i don't know what you were doing but suddenly i had seen you put your hands to the temples of your forehead. at first i had thought you had gotten a headache until i realized. you were concentrating really hard on something. i realized that you're acting just as i did when i realized you were real, probably thinking you had some sort of super power and that thought was so funny that it had me holding back laughter.
"um.. are you okay, y/n?" Suho had asked you as Jugyeong felt your forehead to check your temperature. Their concern had made it even harder to hold back my laughter.
"ahaha, yes, well." you had looked down until you had turned around and saw me laughing.
"so weird." i shook my head, genuinely trying to stop laughing but you looked so much like a confused puppy that it was hard to stop. "what are you even doing, Y/n?"
"huh?" your head tilted in confusion. "how do you-"
i hadn't even realized that i had let your name slip from my mouth. of course i shouldn't have been able to know your name without ever truly meeting you, right? trying to find my way out of the situation, i had remembered that every student had to wear a plated name tag on their shirt.
"nametag." i pointed at the silver plated pin on your jacket. creating a quiet atmosphere before looking out into the hallway from the classroom window with a clearing of my throat.
suddenly i had felt a hard pinch on the back of my neck and it hurt badly. it was almost as if you were trying to make sure i was real. i wanted to ask you why you did that in a calm manner but it had hurt so bad that i had scolded you with a stern and slightly raised voice saying, "why? what do you want so bad that you have to pinch me on my neck like that?"
not realizing a had lowered the volume of our chattering classmates, their eyes all turned in our direction. you very quietly and quickly apologized as you headed back to your seat. i has realized that i had probably embarrassed you. i wanted to apologize but before i could, our teacher had walked in and began class. even with the teacher starting class, my eyes only lingered on you.
the day had been over with and as the students began piling out of the building, i noticed that the snowfall had gotten worse and thought about how you hadn't worn a jacket to school today. amongst all my thoughts, i had also remembered that dream. the one where you had been in danger and i don't think that i could've allowed you to walk home. especially because you had told me once in a dream that you had lived alone.
when you had began taking a step forward, i decided to stop you and had pulled you into my chest.
"Han Seojun?" you looked up in surprise at me, those sparkling eyes staring at me once again. "what's wrong?"
"i know it's a bit weird of me to request something of you when we just met but i need you to trust me." i frowned, taking off my jacket and wrapping it around you seeing as that i couldn't stand to see you cold, teeth slightly chattering. "don't go home today. i need you to come with me."
i didn't really expect you to go with me. after all, you only knew me inside of these dreams we shared. who were you to trust a stranger. but then i saw this determined nod you gave and i felt my heart racing as you had told me-
"i trust you"
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Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 Part 5 Part 6
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stargaze-issei · 4 years ago
— "𝐛𝐚𝐜𝐤 𝐭𝐨 𝐲𝐨𝐮" (𝐭. 𝐬𝐡𝐨𝐭𝐨 𝐱 𝐟𝐞𝐦!𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫)
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𝐩𝐫𝐨𝐦𝐩𝐭; after losing you, todoroki moves on with his life. you know you never stopped loving him, and he's desperately wants you back. but life has a funny way to do things.
𝐠𝐞𝐧𝐫𝐞; angst.
𝐰𝐚𝐫𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐬; none.
𝐰𝐨𝐫𝐝 𝐜𝐨𝐮𝐧𝐭; 1.8k
𝐚𝐮𝐭𝐡𝐨𝐫'𝐬 𝐧𝐨𝐭𝐞; this is a continuation from this ficlet, so probably there are a few things you won't understand if you haven't read it. anyways, enjoy.
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you had moved on, and to say it had been hard was an understatement. you absolutely believed todoroki was your soulmate, but when you found out what he did, it simply devastated you. even thinking of him made your heart ache. you knew you made the right choice, getting out of every shared space you two had, distancing from everything that reminded you of him. transferring to shiketsu was by far the best way. of course, you had to leave all your friends, but they would always be one call away.
for todoroki it was the other way around. no matter how hard he tried, everything had a piece of you in it. his room was full of memories with you, all the times you fell asleep on his bed, your study sessions that always ended up in something more, you dancing and singing to mamma mia's soundtrack. he ended up staying at midoriya's most days, but even then, he would think about you. it was his default mode, somehow, his mind always went back to you.
he shut down completely after seeing you with yoarashi, no one could make him talk about his beloved or his feelings. he started to go to the gym more often, train alone in the woods at night. he barely slept, and as soon as he woke up, he'd start exercising. he was so tired that he didn't think of you. that was his way of moving on, though in every sense of the word, he never actually did.
focusing all his life in becoming a hero, he came first of the class with a big gap. at his twenties, he opened his own hero agency. since your break up, he never had another partner, too afraid that no one could be like you, make him feel what you did.
in your case, after graduating you went to work with mirko. everyone knew you being her sidekick. it wasn't weird to hear about your ex boyfriend on the news, he had achieve all his goals in life, and that made you happy. you no longer held any remorse against him. he was a good person who made a mistake, of course you had forgiven him.
"so, [hero name], you've been going up in the charts like a rocket, could you be thinking about starting your own agency? some heroes, like shoto, are already making their way through the industry" the interviewer asked you. for the first time since highschool, someone asked you about todoroki as a hero.
"i love working with mirko, she's amazing and i think i still have a lot to learn from her. i do admire heroes like shoto, he's undeniably good at what he does, but i think is still too soon for me" you smiled when you mentioned him. even after all those years, when todoroki watched that interview, he caught on those little details. it felt good hear you saying his name again.
it's confirmed! pro hero y/n and yoarashi inasa are getting married! the rumors were confirmed by a picture posted on their social media accounts showing their engagement rings and captioning "she said yes/he finally asked". we are w–.
to todoroki, it was extra hard that you were marrying you highscool boyfriend. he couldn't stop thinking, if he hadn't messed up, you would be marrying him. an hour later, midoriya called.
"how are you?" even though izuku was trying to not be obvious, shoto knew what he meant.
"in another timeline, y/n and i would be getting married".
todoroki finally met someone, you heard on the gossip chanel. great, that was great, he deserved to feel the happiness you felt with inasa, right? of course he did. he was an amazing boyfriend, any person would be lucky to have him, you were happy for him. that was what that knot in your throat was, that sudden urge to cry. come on, you couldn't be so selfish, you were getting married with another man, you broke up five years ago, why were you so upset?. it's not that you dreamed about him at least twice a week, or that you heard his voice clear as water even when you hadn't spoke in so long. you love inasa, stop having those thoughts. you decided with whom you'd be spending your life with years ago, it was about time todoroki moved on too.
"...and i didn't know what to say, but he was so persistent. anyways, i told him we were going to discuss it, what do you think?" your fiance's hand was moving in front of your eyes, trying to catch your attention back.
"can you repeat it, please? i-i got distracted" he smiled at you, kindly. he always did that. no matter what you did, inasa was the kindest person to you, because he genuinely loved you.
"one of my advisors gave me a list with all the pro heros we had to invite to the wedding, i told him we'll talk about it" he pulled out a paper from his briefcase with a lot of names printed on it "give it a look while i take a shower" he got up, kissing your head on his way to the bathroom. most of the names were your old classmates from u.a. and shiketsu, some of your teachers and heroes of the moment.
ground zero, red riot, creati, charge bolt, shoto, cellophane, deku, froppy[...].
you stared at his name for longer than you thought, because inasa came out of the bathroom only with a towel, asking your opinion on the matter. he knew you dated todoroki back in highschool, but obviously didn't think you had feelings for him now. because you didn't. you didn't, you couldn't.
"yeah, okay, let's invite them".
todoroki's jaw almost hit the floor when the invitation arrived at his mailbox. his girlfriend, a model he met at an event, laughed at his reaction. were you actually asking him to go to your wedding? it seemed like a cruel joke to him. the cruelest of jokes.
"isn't she one of your classmates from u.a., baby?" his girlfriend asked, taking the paper out of his hands. he never talked about you, with anyone, not even with midoriya. your chapter had been closed by force, locking all your memories away. but that lock was always on the verge of breaking, something as small as saying your name could unleash his buried feelings.
he was so confused. his irrational side was screaming to accept the invitation, eager to face you again. but he knew it would hurt him. he knew it, if he thought about it enough, he still remembered how his heart break years ago. his mind kept wondering back to you, how beautiful you would look in your white dress, your eyes filled with excitement. it was too much for him to handle.
"yes, i will let them know we're going".
somewhere in yourself, you wished todoroki hadn't replied. in that same place, it hurt to see the "plus one" option marked. right, he had a girlfriend. a girlfriend he most likely cherished, in some level at least. it was okay, you had a boyfriend, a boyfriend you were going to marry in two months. both of you had moved on. maybe repeating that to yourself would convince you.
he got up that morning and went for a jog, like when he was a teenager trying to get off his mind the girl who broke his heart. we could say he was trying to do the same thing.
the only reason you got up in time was because uraraka knocked on your door. inasa had gone to a friend's house at night, arguing he wasn't going to see the bride before the wedding. if it was supposed to be the happiest day of your life, then what is that pain in your chest?.
"you have to hurry, the ceremony starts at four,  we're meeting midoriya at three and you haven't even showered!" todoroki practically was forced into the shower by the girl, he had no will to get himself ready. what was he thinking? he clearly loved you, as much as always, why did he agree to see you marrying someone else?.
everything was ready, just as planned. like in the movies, you were expecting some sort of crisis to happen and could cancel the wedding with an excuse, but it wasn't the case. things were perfect. your hair, your dress, your make up, even the guests arrived just on time. you felt like puking.
not a single thing was out of place, that was certainly planned by you. he could see your unique touch in decorations, colors, even how tables were distributed. and he could point at everything yoarashi had done, because it didn't match at all. it was like a stain in your perfect design, a stain he couldn't remove or avoid anywhere he looked.
uraraka had to grab your arm when the music started to play, and push you out to the aisle. inasa was waiting on the other side. he looked so beautiful and happy, his eyes overflowed with love. but your eyes got lost in the crowd, searching for a certain pair of heterochromatic eyes.
you were like an angel fell from heaven. todoroki expected you to look pretty, but it was mind blowing. he was standing next to a pillar in order to get a perfect view from you. he felt his legs weakened when your eyes connected.
"do you, yoarashi inasa, take this woman to be your wife, to have and to hold[...]?" you couldn't see todoroki from the altar, and it was unbearable. all you wanted was to look back into his eyes again.
"yes, i do" inasa's voice was so determined, that you realized what was happening. before you knew, the priest was saying your vows.
he couldn't watch. he tried, but just couldn't. when he said the priest saying your name, he had to turned around.
you were sure that with one look, you'd knew if shoto still loved you. that was all you needed to go back to him, to see his eyes.
"[...] till death do you apart?" it was now or never. you turned your head, heart beating like a drum. please, please, love me.
oh how much he loved you. as you once said, his undying love for you was so big, that's tearing him apart. a single tear left his eye.
he wasn't even looking. he didn't love you anymore. a lonely tear ran down your cheek. you were too late, you had lost him. "yes, i do".
he had lost you, again. 
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