#I remember a few being conditional and one was the blaze one
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impossible-rat-babies · 2 years ago
me gnawing on pollux like
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artssslut2 · 7 months ago
Unexpected: Part Nine
Stanford!Art Donaldson x Pregnant!Reader
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You and Art had been home for a few days on leave. You were so happy to be home but you were so uncomfortable. Not only were you uncomfortable but you were annoyed and irritated all the time. It was extremely hot outside, you mainly sat in the air conditioning all day. Due to being heavily pregnant in the blazing heat, everything art did annoyed you. Even if he breathed too loud you felt like you could snap. Art realized this and decided to just work on the nursery and let you relax. But you felt bad, you hadn’t even kissed in three days, everytime he talked you groaned out loud.
You decided to get yourself off the couch and find art to apologize. You walked, well waddled to the nursery and found him putting sheets on the crib mattress. You smiled watching him, you remembered how much you loved him.
“Hey.” You said startaling him a little.
“Hey” he smiled turning around “is everything okay?” He asked surprised to see you off the couch.
“Yeah, I just…” you felt a wave of emotion rush through you, you started sobbing out of the blue “I’m so sorry for how I’ve been acting Art.” You cried hysterically. Art came to your side, he looked confused. “I’ve been such a bitch to you and you’ve done nothing but be amazing and supportive. I don’t deserve you. Now you probably want to leave me” Art was quick to interrupt you
“Y/N I’m not going to leave you.” He said giving a little laugh. “And you have not been a bitch. You’re nine months pregnant. You’re aloud to be a little irritated, I-i wish I could do more for you. You deserve everything.” He said gently wiping tears from your cheeks. You looked up at him with teary eyes,
“I love you.” You said pushing your face into his hand giving it a quick kiss, then you pulled him in for a kiss. It was so reliving to feel his lips again.
“Art.” You said looking at him with a stern look, you felt the boner that was almost fully hard in his gym shorts. You felt better but not enough for that.
“Just ignore it” he said pushing your head on his chest, and you both laughed. You waited a minute in the embrace, then you felt a pain shoot through your back.
“Ow” you gasped closing your eyes
“What is it baby? Is that a contraction?” He asked slightly panicking. But it wasn’t, over the past day or two the baby dropped and it caused your back pain to be worse.
“No, no it’s just my back, it’s worse now that the baby dropped.” You said stretching your back a little.
“The baby dropped so… she’ll be here soon then?” He said with a giddy smile that was adorable,
“Yeah she will. But we knew that” you chuckled
“I know but it’s real now” he laughed. You stroked his hair, your face lightly grimacing still from pain. Art noticed then pulled away and started walking out of the nursery,
“Stay here I’ll be right back” he called out to you.
Art came back with one of your bikinis, he had no shirt or shoes on.
“Cmon we’re gonna swim.” He said handing you the suit
“Art-“ you couldn’t even get your complaints out
“No we’re doing this. The water will make your feel weightless it will take the pressure off of your back… and we can spend time together, it’s not going to be just us for much longer.” He said giving puppy dog eyes while lacing his finger with yours. You gave in of course and got changed.
As the sun started to set you and art walked hand in hand into the ocean. Once you were in a little past your waist Art pulled you into his arms and spun you around. He was right it made your whole body feel so much better. He was always right. You kissed your boyfriend again passionately, he pulled away and looked at you. Your legs still wrapped around his waist, your bulging stomach against his toned abs
“You know your it for me right? Really it.” He told you “Y/n im so in love with you I’ve never felt so at home with anyone in my life. I wanna be with your forever, and get married and have a more kids and buy a perfect house. I want to give you everything, forever.” You pressed your forehead to his softly. “So… this isn’t a proposal it’s just me letting you know that this is forever.” He smiling at you, you were tearing up at his words
“That works for me.” You smiled as a stray tear fell from your eye. He kissed you. Suddenly he ruined the moment by picking you up and dunking you under water.
“Art!” You yelled wiping your face off, you wanted to be mad but you couldn’t help let out a childish laugh. Your remembered when you and art would swim and play together as kids, how the times had changed.
“You like the water Sunny?” Art asked wrapping his arms around you from behind, she kicked against his hand.
You and art spent a long time in the water, splashing each other, swimming, kissing. It was nice to reconnect with him again before the baby came.
After the beach you came back to the house, it was dark out now. You guys decided to order take out and have a lazy night. You had a lot to do still but this was more important. Once you and Art had showered together you crawled into bed and ate Chinese food and watched a movie. Art spent most of the movie explaining what was happening to your stomach which you found adorable. For the first time in a while you slept pretty well.
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createandconstruct · 3 months ago
ooooh I just had a thought. how do u think Midoriya and All Might reacted after your story Needed? like when All Might got his memories back? was there loud celebration or quiet happiness?
Definitely quiet happiness. I imagine the two of them oversleep, Izuku drifting off in the midst of telling some highlights from their 10 months of training, Toshi following soon after. (But not before reveling in this boy and the peace across his sleeping face). They wake up well past the time classes have begun. Toshi having not set the alarm he couldn’t remember and Aizawa and the other teachers having left them be, figuring they both needed the rest. Izuku’s a ball of guilt at first but Toshi’s content to putz around the apartment—slow to rise but quick to insist Izuku not run off to class last minute. (It’s selfish but he wants the kid to stay—needs him to). Toshi takes in the pictures, Izuku timidly and then more confidently giving context to each one. The time and places, the names to faces he doesn’t know. Not that there’s very many. So many of them (from pictures to newspaper clippings) including or being just of his green haired boy. (Izuku’s been to Toshi’s dorm enough to know the embarrassing amount of memorabilia well but he still can’t help but feel his face go hot at the way his mentor looks… like he always does as he takes it all in—happy, proud).
The two leave the dorm for the mess hall just before noon. Warm, despite the cold breeze outdoors. 
There’s no fanfare, no explosion, or burst when the memories return.
They eat lunch together, tour the school, and even drop by a few classes—this time Toshi lets class A swarm him, despite Aizawa’s continued protests. 
Izuku skips practical training to walk Toshi around—it’s not that much of a loss, it’s sometimes better to skip, save the embers for something more important—until soon enough it's later in the afternoon and they’re heading back to the student dorms. 
Izuku doesn’t even realize it’s time. A little part of him has forgotten All Might’s current condition. Walking instep with his mentor, who wears his usual smile, it’s like all is normal. 
It isn’t until they reach the door that All Might comes to a stand still. Izuku turns back, expecting something wrong but…
“All Might…?”
There’s no distant look, no glazed over eyes, nothing to indicate anything has changed. 
There’s only a slight shine to All Might’s eyes and a deep fondness along his smile lines. 
Izuku can’t get a single word out before he’s gathered up in his mentor’s arms. 
For Toshi, remembering is like adding oxygen to a fire. There’s been warmth, so much of it—every time he looks at this boy who has so obviously become his own he feels it—but its source is still just a recently lit flame. Something that would certainly grow with time, but also something that has just started. He can’t fully know its depth, or feel its potential to burn until it suddenly comes alight with every memory of the last eight years. 
One moment he’s walking at Young Midoriya’s side, feeling lighter than he has in years and the next, he’s standing beside his boy, his Izuku, his pride and his joy, his reason for being, even when he’d forgotten. The warmth never disappears; it simply blazes. All encompassing. His memories, old and new, fit snugly together, so that in an instant, he’s once again himself. 
So that the growing little flame is once again the unconditional fire he knows as love.
He pulls his boy tight against him and relishes in the journey—one he can finally remember—one that brought him right here.
As Izuku reaches round to hug him back, his heart aches with unshakeable certainty:
It was worth it.
All of it.
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lieutenantfloyd · 1 year ago
When Duty Calls Part 2 | Cyclone x Reader
Word count: 1.6k
Summary: You arrive at The Hard Deck, a place that was once like a second home to you.
Warnings: mentions of anxiety, and Hangman being... Hangman.
Authors note: Life with a neurodivergent brain means I haven't updated this series since September but I managed to write this chapter in less than a day. Writers block be damned lol.
Read on AO3
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It only took you twenty minutes to arrive at The Hard Deck, but another twenty minutes elapsed before you were able to convince yourself to open the car door.
You savor one last minute of air conditioning before willing yourself out of the car. Each crunch of sand under your shoes feels almost deafening but you push yourself forward, instead letting your eyes examine the scene in front of you. It’s early evening and a decent size crowd is occupying the parking lot while a slow moving but steady stream of people flow through the front door.
You join the back of the pack and slip your phone out from your back pocket. As luck would have it, your phone—unused since before you’d gotten in the shower—opens directly onto the text-that-shall-not-be-named. The panic inducing text bubbles have vanished and your initial message remains the last one sent between you both. Half of you is flooded with relief by the lack of response while the other half is more bothered by it than you’d ever care to admit.
You peer around the man in front of you, hoping to find a spot to slip through, but to no avail. From where you’re standing, you’re granted a perfectly framed view of The Hard Deck’s sun washed coastal siding against the blazing blue sky. It is a view that fills you with both comfort and nostalgia.
The nights you’d spent at this bar were among the few memories you let yourself get lost in. Quarters in the jukebox, the feeling of salt and sun making itself home on your skin, Clinking bottles and cans together after a job well done, the biting taste of whiskey on your tongue while venting frustrations. All things that drove you away, yet they kept you going when you needed it most.
Your spiraling thoughts barely register when you remember the phone still in your hands. You hurriedly lock the screen and slide the device back into your pocket. You far from expect anyone peering over your shoulder to piece together exactly who had left you on read, but your instincts tell you that you can’t be too careful. You’ve seen first hand how people here ensure that even the most baseless rumors spread quicker than wildfire. The last thing you need is to be pulled into an office and reprimanded before this mission even begins.
You were now second place from the entrance, so you capture the remaining moments and stomp out the last bit of anxiety left in your gut.
You cross the threshold in one quick step, your eyes already scanning the room and taking note of how many of the faces in this bar were completely unfamiliar. Whoever had sent the summoning text you’d received roughly two hours earlier chose to leave out who or what you should be looking for, so you instinctively set off towards the bar. ~ There wasn’t an empty barstool in sight, so you stay on your feet and shoulder your way through the rowdy servicemen until you can lean your elbows against bar top. Your chosen attire of light wash jeans and a brown tank top is nothing special, but your actions have earned more than a few glances, and you felt myself wanting to shrink under their eyes. You push your insecurities aside just in time to spot the woman you’re looking for.
“Penny!” you call out, raising your arm above your head in a lazy wave. She pivots instantly at the sound of her name and freezes briefly as her eyes land on you. A wave of memories—both wanted and not—wash over you in the time it takes her to abandon the towel and glass she’d been drying and pace over to you.
In a past life, you’d spent the majority of your free time helping out behind the bar or escorting Amelia and her friends around town. Penny was like a sister to you then, and both her and Amelia had been two of the hardest people to leave behind.
“Now that’s a face I didn’t expected to see at my bar again.” Penny says bluntly, but you can see the tell tale signs of a smile threatening to shine through.
“It’s good to see you too, pen.” You say with an easy smile.
“I assume you got called back too?” she asks. You give her a curt nod in response.
“Well then it seems like your friends got the party started without you.” She says while signaling towards the pool table on the far side of the bar.
“Friends is a strong word.” You say dryly.
“Well, in that case,“ She starts, only to pause and crouch down behind the bar. “Go easy on them.”
She finishes her sentence with a soft laugh and slides a can across the bar towards you. You wipe the ice and condensation off the rim and crack open the soda. The action is so familiar you don’t even give the can’s label a glance. You make sure to take a long, dramatic swig in the process.
“Thanks.” You say, tilting the can towards her while simultaneously breezing past her comment.
“I mean what I said. I obviously don’t know what’s ahead, but I get the sense that they don’t either. Hold your cards close to your chest around them.” She warns.
“Yes ma’am.” You affirm.
The area around you has cleared a bit which gives you some much appreciated breathing room. Over Penny’s shoulder you watch yet another man approach the bar, only this time it’s a face you’re anything but excited to recognize.
Of course Hangman would be back too.
You fight back the urge to grimace as he calls out to Penny, who quickly acknowledges him before turning back to you.
“Do you still have my number?” She asks.
“Always.” You answer, which earns me a soft smile from Penny.
“Good. We have a lot of catching up to do.”
“That we do.” you agree, trying your best to mask any lingering unease about what the following weeks had in store.
You take your time circling the bar, and keep your eyes on Hangman as Penny serves him another beer. You have half a mind to ask him if he has any idea why we were all called back, but the thought dies the minute he makes an painful show of checking you out.
"Hangman." You say with the fakest smile you can manage.
“Just when I’d thought you were gone for good…” he says while dragging his gaze slowly up your body until he reaches your eyes.
“I knew you’d be bored without me.”
Jake laughs while you take a sip of soda and swallow down the anger building inside you.
“Aw, how considerate.”
“We can’t all be complete assholes, so…” You respond pointedly.
Hangman gears up in rebuttal just as Penny calls out your name and waves you back over. He turns to make his leave—and you’re almost shocked he’s accepting defeat—but the shock instantly becomes irritation when you both back away while throwing each other equally unkind hand gestures.
Turning towards Penny, you let her take your free hand in hers and give it a sisterly squeeze. An uncomfortable silence lies between you, and you can practically see the wheels of contemplation turning in her head.
“Have you… talked to him?” She queries in a low voice.
You don’t know what your face betrays, but hers instantly fills with a look of regret. You change your grip on the soda can, the chilled aluminum suddenly searing against your fingertips. You open your mouth to answer but can’t find the right words. Thankfully, she seems to take the silence as a hint.
“Well, I hope to see you both around more often.” She says quietly. Her words are simple and pleasant, but you can’t help but feel the urge to read deeper into them.
“Yeah, me too.” You breathe.
She squeezes your hand once more, and you all but cringe as the vulnerability in your words and voice rings loudly in your ears. After the unfortunate events of the last ten minutes, you’re quick to follow Hangman’s path towards the pool table. ~ You can feel eyes on you as you drop into one of the surrounding barstools, but make no effort of acknowledging them. The game plan you’d written earlier in the day flashes through your mind, and you know you don’t want to draw any more attention to yourself than necessary. You chose to sit and observe for a while before briefly catching up with old friends from your first time at Top Gun over a few rounds of pool. Soon after, you use the uncomfortably tense exchange between Hangman and Rooster as cover and slink onto the stool next to Phoenix’s new backseater.
You quickly learn that as quiet as he may be, the WSO—who’s stationed out in Lemoore and has the name and callsign Bob, according to your former wingman Natasha—Is more than happy to engage in a bit of gossip. Something which you’re happy to do as you watch the last several aviators file through the door.
It is only when you rise from your seat to refill Bob’s bucket of peanuts that you notice the awkward hush falling over the group. It wasn’t hard to decide that if the already heavy dose of tension was anything to go by, this mission—and the complete lack of details as to why any of you had been called back here in the first place—has everyone feeling shook up.
Bucket in hand, you skim the outskirts of the group. And quickly share a collective double take with Harvard, Yale, Omaha, and Fritz. You know the same question weighing heavy on your mind is doing the same to theirs. Yet before you can ask, the sound of Phoenix’s voice commands everyone’s attention and breathes life into one of the many questions you are all dying to ask.
“Everyone here is the best there is. So who the hell are they going to get to teach us?”
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Taglist: @katesmadness @natasharomanoffisbaebby @nobody7102 @idiomaticpunk @thebeckyjolene @paintballkid711 @barbiewritesstuff @bbooks-and-teas @starshipfantasy @saramaple @marchingicenotes7 @bayisdying @princessofglitterland @katesmadness @shakira-sasha @xoxabs88xox @nyx2021 @qardasngan @fanboyluvr @bellamy1998 @alexxavicry @madamemelancholysstuff @autumnleaves1991-reads @dozcan123 @noxytopy @accio-boys @the-winter-marvel33 @justameresimp @abaker74 @starlightmoon2020 @comfortzonequeen, @flrboyd @heyitskay-21 @kmc1989 @kkrenae
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something-tofightfor · 1 year ago
Birthday Kiss #5: Ezra
Pairing: Ezra x Female Reader
Word Count: 888
Rating: M.
Summary: A Kiss in the Dark
Author’s note: 9 Pedro Characters. 9 Birthday Smooches. These are very lightly edited because they're supposed to be quick. Wanted to give all of you a gift to celebrate my birthday - Here comes Ezra.
I think there will be a few people that are very happy to see this one.
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There were still nights when you woke up, gasping for breath, and expected to hear nothing next to you.
In the moments where you were still coming to, heartbeat racing in your ears, you were reminded of the time he’d been gone - and how much those rotations had hurt. You remembered every night that your eyes had opened and you’d reached for him, only to remember that he wasn’t there, and that your hand would only find smooth, cold sheets, the silence feeling as suffocating as the suit he wore likely was. 
But that night, you weren’t greeted with silence or empty space. You still woke with a start, but almost immediately after opening your eyes, you heard him, the sound of Ezra’s deep, even breaths almost as soothing to you as his words were. And the warmth of him beside you was even more comforting, the scent of his freshly washed hair filling your nose with each breath you took to steady yourself. 
It didn’t take you long to calm down entirely, your eyes adjusting to the almost perfect darkness of your room. When you moved closer, you were careful because you didn’t want to startle him. That was important, because Ezra’s lengthy recovery process and reintegration into everyday life wasn’t as simple as either of you had hoped it would be and you didn't want to reverse any of the progress he'd already made.
But he didn’t move, even when you pressed your lips to the back of his shoulder, his skin warm to the touch. And his breathing didn’t change when you took a deep breath and turned your head toward the pillow, pressing your cheek against it while your forehead made contact with the space between his shoulder blades. 
Ezra did react, though, when you didn’t move to touch him further, the man sighing and inching backwards, closing the space between you. “I’m awake, and I know very well that it is you here with me.” His voice was thick with sleep, but at the sound of it you felt yourself shiver, your right arm immediately rising so that you could wind it around his body. 
You were careful of the still-tender wound on his stomach, but didn’t shy away from trailing your fingertips over it, choosing to do exactly what Ezra had told you that he preferred you do and face his new condition head on. He already felt sorry enough for himself, he’d said, his eyes blazing with anger and shame, and he didn’t need you to pity him, too. 
You showed him that you didn’t as often as you could, your hands and mouth on him, your gaze never dropping, even when he was being difficult, your spoken promises aligning with your behavior. It was slow and it was hard, but as the cycles passed and both of you began to understand that Ezra was home, and that you were too happy about that to care about the parts of him that hadn’t made it back, it became easier. 
“Go back to sleep, Ezra. I just …” You swiped your thumb across his skin in a slow arc, smiling at the sound of your name as it reached your ears, his voice a little stronger than it had been only moments earlier. “I woke up, and I had to make sure that …” 
“What time is it?” He turned slowly, rolling onto his back and then turning his head toward you, clearing his throat. “How long have you -”
“Only a few minutes. And I don’t know. It’s got to be almost morning, but …”
“If it’s morning,” he began, carefully shifting his weight. “Then it means that today is my favorite day.” You sucked in a breath, unable to form words before Ezra continued. “Another rotation. Another trip around the suns. The anniversary of your creation, something that Kevva herself could not have -” 
You felt the tears leaking down your cheeks as he spoke, your hand reaching out again and sliding slowly up and down his side as you inched even closer, though you were mindful of what remained of his arm on the bed between you. “I’m so glad you’re home, Ezra.” 
You choked the words out, the tears coming harder. Somehow, he found you in the dark, his lips kissing the tear tracks on your cheeks before they retreated and then landed against yours briefly.
You tasted salt when you licked them, but didn’t get a chance to speak before you felt his hand on your cheek, the man’s palm warm and welcome, though his fingertips were rough as they circled over the space in front of your ear. “There aren’t adequate words to describe how glad I am to be home with you, Starlight. And that is on a regular day. Today?” He leaned in again, kissing you softly. “Today I have even fewer.” 
You gasped, fighting back another sob. 
That time, you didn’t hesitate to tighten your grip on him, your lips already parted when they met his. He kissed you hard, his fingers sliding over to curl around the back of your head. And when he deepened the kiss, tongue pushing past your lips to meet yours, it was him that reacted first, the man’s sigh turning into a groan. 
“Then show me, Ezra.” Kissing your way over his cheek and then taking his earlobe between your teeth, you tugged on it. “Don’t tell me, show me.” 
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marksbear · 2 years ago
Yooo mark. It was pretty fun. I was in cabo for a week so I was just relaxing. And in general my body was just messed up could be allergies but just kept sneezing so could be that. And I found it. Just doesn't pop up when I scroll through your account but just the little recommendations when you finish a fic all the way on the bottom. Kinda weird. But I have a idea for another sub prince steven. So I remember at the bottom of the 2nd fic reader says fucking on the throne. You get where am coming from right. So I was thinking that they take the thrones to go get cleaned and fixed up. And reader and steven are exploring the castle together and they find it in a empty room all fixed up. So reader sits down and starts pretending to act like he is king already. And Steven is standing in front of him saying all the things will happen once they become officially king and king. But then reader gets a idea and start commending steven to take off his clothes slowly and start dancing in front of him. Then once he did that reader says to suck him off so steven can ride him on the throne. And while steven is sucking him off leads to him humping readers foot and then rides reader and reader says how he can't believe how his fiancé is acting and how slutty he is acting for his lover. -50%🐻‍❄️
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"Oh lords above..." One of the maids breathes out as she looks at the condition of the old thrones.
Groups of maids and guards were inside an old throne room looking at the two thrones that needs to be cleaned and fixed for the upcoming crowning of prince L/n.
"These are the thrones your father requested my lord." A guard says turning around looking at the prince not even questioning why the moon prince was so close to him.
The prince of the sun nodded his head before saying "Yes indeed. Sadly though I wished to have a new one a fresh start."
"My prince, you of all people should know that your father wants to keep every royal piece alongside its memories. And it gives you luck and courage from all the kings who sat on that very throne." The guard says turning back around to the throne taking his attention off the prince.
The son prince turns his head to his secret lover Steven rolling his eyes at the lecture as the moon prince giggles.
"I guess you're right. What about my mothers old throne? Will it grant my future king good luck?" Y/n asks nudging his arm against Steven's.
"That throne will grace him with all the knowledge, consideration and loyalty. The former queens and kings shall be looking down upon you both guiding. The same guard answers causing a smile smile to crawl onto Steven's lips.
The prince of the son leans into his lover kissing him deeply as soon as eyes are off of them. Steven jerks back from surprise but nonetheless a smile still on his face.
The kiss caught Steven so off guard, but he shared the kiss back on the corner of Y/n's lips.
"We shall work on this all day your highness, so it would be about done in noon or so." A different guard says as him and a few other's pick up the throne.
"Very well then. Me and my fiancé shall be leaving you all be." Y/n says taking Steven's arm leaving the room as the servants in the room bow their heads bye.
"How can you live with everything being so hot and bright?" Steven questions as him and Y/n walk around the kingdom hand in hand.
Y/n giggles at the question and looks to the side looking Steven in the eye.
"Well, just like animals the royal bloodline and its people adapt to the blazing heat. As well as the bright colors our eyes adapt to that as well." Y/n answers before adding.
"But I wish in the future since both our kingdoms would be at peace and rule a conjoined kingdom together us and our people would enjoy warm and cool weather." Y/n smiles as he moves his hands on Steven's waist pulling him in.
"You always like to think about us in the future..." Steven says as he looks up into Y/n's warm eyes. Y/n closes the distance between them kissing Steven passionately. Steven quickly melts into the kiss wrapping his arms around Y/n's shoulders.
The two princes stay like that for a while in each other's arms swapping kisses back and forth until they need to breathe. Y/n pulls away from the kiss, but he rests his forehead against Steven's.
Sharing one more quick kiss the two princes pull away from each other standing in front of the other with so much need.
"Lets keep moving before we end up fucking in this hallway." Y/n breathes out as Steven lets out a giggle nodding his head in agreement. Steven hooks his arm with Y/n as they continue exploring together.
"Is there a room you haven't been in already?" Steven asks teasingly as Y/n opens a new door.
"Ahh- This one." Y/n walks inside pulling Steven inside with him. Steven closes the door behind both of them before looking around the rooms.
"How come the throne is in here?" Steven questions looking at the fixed up king throne.
"My father likes to surprise me. Even though he fails miserably every time. So he changes the location of the thrones to surprise me." Y/n answers already used by his father antics.
Y/n walks up the throne sitting down on it spreading his legs like all the kings have done. "Your king before you had summoned you I order you to come closer." Y/n says as Steven quickly follows his wish.
"Don't you know how to greet your king?" Y/n questions.
Steven bows his head as he moves his arms to his back. Y/n smiles before raising his hand up signaling Steven to ease.
"What business do you have to tell me?" "That we'll win wars side by side once we both become king and king. That both our people would be throwing festivals for weeks in honor of us." Steven says with a smile.
"That we can do anything without people stopping us. And even if they dare to say something I know my king would have their head for it in a heartbeat" Steven adds watching Y/n bite back a smile.
"We'll be the strongest and smartest nations in the land. And that we will be having the best heir of all time." Steven adds.
With that Steven bows his head signalling to Y/n that hes done.
"Strip for your king." Y/n commands. Steven looks into Y/n's dominant eyes, so he knew that Y/n was serious. Steven worked his hands to his vest taking it off drooping it onto the floor, before his hands went up to his shirt uniting the laces to it before slowly moving his hands down to the hem of the shirt pulling it up from his body.
Steven sways his body around dancing suggestively as he takes off his shirt. Once the shirt is gone he moves his hands down to the band of his pants unbuttoning them and taking them off slowly.
As Steven took off his pants the boner inside his underwear stuck out. Steven could feel Y/n's hard eyes staring at his clothed cock as he finished taking off his pants. Steven swayed his hips around showing off what he had.
Moving his hands to the band of his underwear he slowly pulls them down letting his hard cock fly free.
Stepping out of his underwear Steven stands in front of Y/n fully naked.
"Suck me off." Y/n says his next order. Without hesitation Steven kneels down in between Y/n's legs hands already working on his pants unbuckling them and pulling them down.
Steven pulls Y/n's pants and underwear down only to the point that Y/n's full cock is out. Steven looks up at Y/n for permission.
"Have at." Those simple words Y/n spoke made Steven's body burst with energy and pleasure. Steven pressed a soft kiss to the tip of Y/n's cock before leaving trails of kisses down on it.
After Steven decides that it was enough kisses Steven went back up to the tip of Y/n's cock giving the tip a long lick. Swirling his tongue around Y/n's cock before taking the tip inside his mouth sucking onto it.
Moving his head up and down on Y/n's tip he looks up into Y/n's eyes.
Bobbing his head down he takes more length into his mouth. Y/n moved one of his hands off the arm rest moving it on top of Steven's head caressing his hair. Pushing down on Steven's head Steven deep throats Y/n's cock choking and gagging onto it. Steven looks up into Y/n with tears falling from his eyes.
Without even knowing Steven's body takes control as he humps his cock onto Y/n's foot. Y/n pulls Steven head off his cock letting him catch his breath.
A trail of spit followed Steven's lips to Y/n's spit covered cock. Steven began to rut his hips into Y/n's foot faster.
Taking his cock back inside his mouth Steven bobs his head up and down on his length choking on Y/n's cock. Steven moaned around Y/n's cock as he moved his hands to Y/n's leg holding onto it tightly.
Steven could feel Y/n's cock twitch inside him, so he began to lick around Y/n's cock. The grip on Steven's hair grew tighter as Y/n felt his orgasm nearing.
Soon Y/n started to thrust into Steven's mouth as he held Steven down on his cock. Steven's law hanged open as Y/n fucked his mouth.
Moans started to fall from Y/n's lips as he feels the knot in his stomach tighten.
"I'm close! Fuck!~ I'm about to cum." Y/n warns as he moved Steven's head up and down on his cock.
The hold on Steven's hair loosened as Y/n came deep inside Steven's cock. Steven began to choke and gag, but still tried to swallow as much as he could. Steven's own cock ached and twitched as he held back his orgasm.
Y/n pulled Steven's head off his cock as his mouth hung open. As Y/n calmed down from his orgasm he tapped his knee signalling Steven to climb up on him. Steven quickly climbs on Y/n's lap. Y/n used fingers to spread open Steven's hole. Y/n used his other hand to take his cock aiming his cock to Steven's entrance.
Y/n slowly pushed the tip inside before pulling both his hands away laying them back down on the arm rest. Steven held onto both sides of Y/n's shoulders as he moved into Y/n's lap straddling him.
Steven rolled his hips back and forth on the tip of Y/n's cock as he lets out moans.
Sinking down Y/n's cock Steven held onto his breath as he threw his head back from the length inside him. Once Steven was on the base of Y/n's cock he sat there grinding his hips back and forth.
"Can I please kiss you my king?~" Steven questions with a moan escaping his lips.
Y/n nods his head yes before Steven kisses him messily. Steven's hands ran up from Y/n's shoulders holding onto Y/n's cheeks as they makeout. Steven began to litter kisses everywhere on Y/n's face before moving his tongue exploring Y/n's mouth with Y/n's own tongue doing the same. Y/n opened his mouth to speak, but from Steven's eagerness Steven's tongue stayed inside Y/n's exploring every inch.
Steven finally pulls away from the makeout session they just had looking at the mess he made.
"Next time you deiced to kiss me like that make sure your wearing lipstick.~" Y/n teases with a smirk. Steven nods his head yes even though his thoughts is clouded by lust and pleasure.
Steven began to raise up his hips before dropping them back down riding Y/n's cock slowly. Picking up speed Steven bounced up and down on Y/n's cock as he moved his hands back to his shoulders.
"I can't believe it~ My fiancé is acting like this. " Y/n teases as Steven rides his cock.
Steven pulls his hips almost all the way out only the tip staying inside him before slamming back down on Y/n's cock repeatedly over and over again. Y/n began to thrust up into Steven meeting him halfway every time he thrust.
Steven's mouth hung open as loud moans and cries escapes his mouth.
Steven tried to speak, but every time he tried his words didn't form only becoming moans and whimpers.
"Poor boy~ Your king's cock made you so stupid that you can't even think straight." Y/n degrades from Steven failed tries to speak.
Steven started to ride Y/n faster holding onto Y/n's shoulders clawing on the fabric and ripping through some pieces. Y/n deiced to help Steven by moving his hands on Steven's hips pulling him up and down on his cock.
"No one would believe me if I tell them that the youngest moon prince is a slut for his fiancé. How much of a slut he is following every order that his lover gives them." Y/n says as he abuses his hole with his cock.
"Don't you have an event that you and your family are attending today? The common folk would create rumors and question why the prince is walking with a limp." Y/n teases imagining what would happen.
With everything Y/n was saying Steven wanted to cum so bad. But he wanted to hear Y/n to tell him to. No he wanted Y/n to command him.
"I order you to cum with me. We are gonna cum together." Y/n tells him as he fucked Steven deeper with his cock abusing his prostate.
Steven nodded his head yes as he moaned out loudly. With a few more thrust Y/n came inside Steven painting his walls white. Steven lets out loud moans and whimpers as he cums hard right after he feels Y/n's cum inside him.
Steven bounces on Y/n's cock harder as he rides out his orgasm as he dirties Y/n's clothes with cum. From the intense orgasm Steven body collapses down on Y/n holding him with his legs and arms shaking.
Y/n buries his cum deep inside Steven as he calms down from his orgasm.
"Good job slut... You did so well for me. Thank you for waiting for my orders." Y/n praises as he presses soft kisses on Steven's cheeks.
Y/n pulls his cock out and lays Steven down on the throne replacing where he was just sitting. Y/n stands in front of Steven looking at the cum leaking out of his hole and leaking onto the throne.
Y/n takes off his jacket and shirt before using his jacket to clean Steven off as well as the throne. Y/n pulled his own shirt on Steven making it look big on him.
"My shirt's a bit oversized on you, but it's alright." Y/n says before taking his jacket and Steven's other clothes off the floor.
"I doubt you want to put your pants and underwear back on. It will be uncomfortable to wear especially after what just happened. Thankfully my shirt covers all your private parts." Y/n says before hooking Steven's arm over his shoulder raising him up from his feet.
"Wha- what about you? You're shirtless." Steven says staring shamelessly at Y/n's chest.
"No one would bat an eye. Remember your question from earlier? It's always hot so no one would look at me wondering why i'm shirtless. Plus I can simply have their heads for looking at me the wrong way." Y/n answers before holding Steven by the hip leaving the room.
Luckily the hallway was empty.
"We are going to my chambers. So the only people who would see us are my personal knights and maids." Y/n says before walking holding Steven tight.
And Y/n was right it was only knights and maids that were out. None paid close attention only some gazes.
Once the two reached Y/n's room Y/n opened the door walking inside with Steven not even caring that his personal maid was inside the room cleaning.
"Blue bell? Would you please get the carriage ready for me and my fiancé. He has an event to attend in the cloud kingdom that I wish to accompany him in." Y/n asks his favorite maid.
She nods her head yes and rolls her eyes before leaving.
Once she left Y/n laid Steven down on the bed. "I hope you don't think I was done. As soon we step inside that carriage i'm fucking you again." Y/n says before stepping away looking inside his extra closet clothes fulled with Steven's.
"Can't wait to see how long you will be quiet in that carriage." y/n teases.
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emmyinjapan · 2 months ago
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Momochi Beach (ももち海浜)
I remember during my first week back in Japan, the heat hit me like a wall. It was blazing hot—32°C and climbing—and, in a desperate bid to cool down, I decided to walk to Momochi Beach (ももち海浜). I thought, Ah, the sea breeze will surely save me. Maybe I’ll even dip my toes in the water and feel human again. Spoiler alert: I was very wrong.
By the time I got there, I felt like a melting ice cream cone. The sun was relentless, and instead of a refreshing sea breeze, there was nothing but still, sweltering air that seemed to wrap around me like an oven. I trudged through the sand, half-hoping I’d discover some hidden oasis of coolness, but it only got hotter. At this point, I was genuinely starting to wonder if I’d evaporate before the day was over.
Eventually, I gave up on exploring and collapsed under the shade of a tree, clutching my water bottle like it was my lifeline. Even in the shade, the heat was unforgiving. I swear, I could almost see the steam rising off my skin. I sat there, a sweaty, slightly defeated mess, staring out at the sea and trying to convince myself that this was fun. This is what you wanted, right? A beautiful beach day in Japan? Living the dream!
Don’t get me wrong—it was a good day to be outside, but I couldn’t help feeling a little disappointed. The beach wasn’t as big as I’d imagined. I had pictured long, sprawling stretches of sand, endless waves, and maybe a few palm trees swaying gently in the breeze. Instead, Momochi Beach felt more compact, a little more urban, and not quite the paradise I had envisioned.
Looking back, I probably should have explored some of the other beaches in the area. Maybe found one with fewer people and more shade—or perhaps even an air-conditioned café right by the water! But hey, I’ll give Momochi Beach credit where it’s due. The views of the Fukuoka Tower in the distance were stunning, and it was nice to just sit there and take it all in… even if I felt like I was being slow-cooked the entire time.
By the time I got home, I looked like I had run a marathon rather than spent a relaxing day at the beach. But it was all part of the adventure. That’s the thing about life in Japan—every day brings something new, even if it’s the lesson to always carry extra sunscreen, a hat, and maybe a portable fan.
After trudging back to my apartment, drenched in sweat and thoroughly roasted by the unforgiving sun, I felt a wave of pure relief the moment I walked through the door. The aircon hit me like a blessing from the heavens, and all I could think was, Thank you, modern technology. Thank you.
I didn’t even bother with the sofa or the bed—I just flopped straight onto my yoga mat, which had never felt so luxurious in my life. Lying there, sprawled out like a starfish under the sweet, cooling breeze of the aircon, I felt a kind of happiness that words can barely capture. It was as if every ounce of heat and exhaustion was being gently lifted away, replaced by the sheer bliss of being still and, most importantly, not melting.
For a good while, I didn’t move. I just stared up at the ceiling, letting the aircon work its magic, and thought about how underrated it is to simply be comfortable. After a day of battling the elements at Momochi Beach, this moment of peace and coolness was the highlight of my day. Sometimes, it’s the little things—like a yoga mat and an aircon—that truly make life in Japan feel like an adventure worth taking.
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leftnotright · 1 year ago
"This will be a skill-building experience. You've had it too easy. You've had your Family name to back you, and your Right Hand at your every call. It's time you learn to carry yourself, to build from the ground up." Dino Cavallone, the Cavallone Don, fresh out of high school.
Reborn, the deadliest hitman of the modern era, has a special kind of torture up his sleeve for his dear struggling student. Dino will have to see how well he handles alienation, isolation, and worst of all, class participation. “Now, go on, my useless student Dino. Let’s continue your education.” (Or: Reborn sends Dino to Australia. It goes better than he could have ever hoped.)
Parings: N/A Characters: Dino (Katekyou Hitman Reborn!), Vic Hunt (OC - Original Character), Reborn (Katekyou Hitman Reborn!), Romario (Katekyou Hitman Reborn!)Cavallone Famiglia, Enzo (Katekyou Hitman Reborn!), Original Characters Tags: Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence, University, Pre-Canon, Financial Issues, Fluff And Angst
Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 Part 5 Part 6 Part 7
The TV - ‘’tele’ as they called it - was playing the morning news on channel 7. Dino had been listening to it since he had rolled out of bed, too sweaty and stressed to get any decent sleep. Fittingly, the news show was called ‘Sunrise’ and Dino had been watching since then, listening to the news and how they spoke about everything. 
There is a fire - ‘bushfire’ - in Penrith, firefighters were trying to keep it under control. Up in New Castle, there was a surfing event. Parliament was discussing the pensioner retirement age. Fundraisers were being held at multiple Bunnings for the NSW Regional Firefighting Service after a particularly bad fire season.
“I think I might pop down for a sausage sizzle,” the blond woman chimed in after the segment, “Been a while since I’ve had one’a those.”
“One’a those,” Dino echoed absently as he moved his pen along a line of text.
Calendar reminder: EDST1001 LECTURE 11:30AM
Dino paused his ledgers and looked at his phone as it beeped on the table. He had spent the whole morning pouring over the few documents he had left from the Cavallone offices, trying to quell that anxiety that bubbled in his stomach and made sleep hard. He only had a few documents left, most of them were copies of the original documents back at the Cavallone. Receipts, mostly, and barters for the last bits of furniture and assets the Cavallone could afford to sell off. 
Everything, spare what was bolted down or irreplaceable, had been sold already. It had left the halls of his home barren. Gone were the antique paintings, gilded statues and handwoven carpets. And gone was much of the Cavallone’s prestige with it. 
A Family selling off their history. 
He sighed and rubbed his nape, free of sweat for the first time since he had landed in this ‘sunburnt land’. That air conditioning truly was his saviour.
Calendar reminder: Meet Vic U-Bar Courtyard 3PM
Dino blinked. Then he gave a sharp heave of panic as he remembered that, yes, he had indeed promised to meet up with Vic today.
Okay. Okay, okay, okay, he was just meeting a friend it was going to be okay he didn’t need to panic like this it was just his only peer friend in years and he wasn’t going to screw this up he promised-
Enzo snapped at Dino’s toe and make him jump out of his minor mental breakdown. 
“Ow!” Dino yelped and yanked his foot away from the turtle. “I’ll go to the grocer’s today, so stop!”
Enzo wheezed at him accusingly before slowly turning and began the long plod to his newly found sunbathing patch. 
Dino frowned at Enzo’s back while cradling his toe until his phone buzzed again, warning him he only had an hour until his lecture. He grappled with his drawers and pulled on his most civilian of clothes, feeling blessedly comfortable in a white shirt and cargo shorts.
One thing Dino loved about university was the lack of uniforms. He didn’t think he’d survive this heat with the blazer, vest and tie he wore in high school. He had barely survived yesterday in that suit-
Dino clapped his hands loudly as if to scare off that memory and the incredulous looks of his classmates. He hadn’t had time to change for his Econ class either, but without a tutorial, he had managed to hide in the back rows of his lecture’s amphitheatre without drawing too much attention.
But he had learnt his lesson: No mafia suits in civilian classes.
Dino rubbed his stomach absently as he made his way back to the living room. He hadn’t been eating well since coming to Australia. Hell, the largest meal he had so far was that KFC with Vic and, as she said, it had enough salt to season the sea. He really needed to go to a grocer.
He hated to admit it, but he was procrastinating going to that ‘Woolies’ Vic had mentioned before. He didn’t feel confident in his English enough to go alone, and Dino had - well, he had never bought something in person before. Everything was done by middlemen, through order or pre-emptively in bulk. He’d never bought a carrot before! Could you buy a single carrot? Or did they only come in 20-kilogram packages? Dino didn’t know what he’d do with 20 kilograms of carrots!
Dino filled up a cup with water and took a long drink to calm his nerves before he thought himself into yet another panic attack on this fine, totally normal morning. He took his pills and proceeded to drink another glass of water to fill his stomach until lunch. 
Dino checked the clock on the wall and quickly shoved the last of his schoolwork into his briefcase. He needed a more civilian bag damn it, he stood out too much with this thing since it was from his high school days.
White tee-shirt, cargo shorts, joggers and a briefcase. What a sight Dino must be.
Before Dino walked out the door, his anxiety beckoned him to apply another layer of antiperspirant deodorant. Sweating so much yesterday had kind of traumatised him. He needed to figure out how to clean his suit.
Enzo wheezed when Dino picked him up off the floor but slid into the cargo short’s thigh pocket without fuss. For good measure, Dino tossed a few of his pellets in too before pressing the velcro shut. 
The trees of Wally’s Walk did little to block the swelter of midday Summer, and Dino pulled at his collar to air out his shirt. He checked his phone again to find his classroom, Building 27, the Lotus Theatre. 
“Fancy,” Dino muttered to himself and moved towards the cul-de-sac end of the Walk. 
There was a crowd of students loitering outside building 27, and Dino was quick to join them, standing off to the side to allow the traffic to flow between. He let his eyes scan the crowd, feeling much more at ease with how he blended in. No one was staring this time. Excellent. 
Dino pulled his briefcase closer and pulled out his phone, content to just scroll on the news apps for the next fifteen minutes or so. He was halfway through an article about something called the Powerhouse Museum of Science being moved to a Parramatta location when he felt eyes on him.
Carefully, Dino flicked his eyes to the side, using his peripherals to see who was watching him so intently. If they were a hitman, they were doing one hell of a bad job. What kind of assassin allowed their presence to be so obvious- Oh .
He lifted his head and waved, smiling with a sheepish relief. Vic stood at the edge of the crowd, and came over when she was acknowledged.
Reborn must really have done a number on him. 
“Oh hello,” Vic hummed as she came to a stop next to him, and Dino didn’t miss the quick once-over she gave him with her eyes. “I see we’re going casual this time.”
“Please don’t talk about yesterday,” Dino withered and Vic let out a laugh.
“Kay, got it,” she assured and shifted her weight again. “So we’ve got the same class again today, huh? EDST101?”
“Yeah, I’m happy we are together again,” Dino smiled, putting his phone away to pay full attention to Vic. “What time is your tutorial? Are we together as well?”
“I’m in the 2 o’clock group.”
“Ah, we are not. I am the 1 o’clock group.”
“Fuck,” Vic sighed forlornly and crossed her arms.
Dino tilted his head when he noticed she was wearing another faded band tee, adorning the same logo and name as the last one with a different design. Maybe it was her favourite band? It was a talking point!
“What, uh, song, is that?” Dino asked, pointing to Vic’s shirt.
“Song? Oh,” Vic looked down at her shirt and opened her arms to show the logo splashed across her chest, Smoking Cucumbers. “It’s my cousin’s heavy metal anarchist band. Don’t really know how the anarchist plays into it, but he insists it does. Gives me a shirt for New Years nearly every year.”
“That’s nice of him,” Dino uttered, “Are they good?”
Vic made a noise and rocked her head from side to side, looking off into the distance as she visibly thought about it. 
“Varying quality,” she decided to say.
“I see,” Dino chuckled, then he shifted his weight and reached for the next topic. “Do you have a large family?”
Family, that was a familiar topic. Dino could talk about Family easy! 
“Nah, not really, I’ve only got a brother. But the cousins add up, you know?” She shrugged, “I’ve got like, uh, six cousins from my dad’s side. The youngest is nearly seven months old, I’m going to meet him during semester break.”
Dino smiled as Vic fished around to show a picture from her phone. A child, cute as a button, was cradled in the centre of a mass of pillows, arms and legs askew like it had fallen asleep mid-crawl attempt.
“Ant’s so adorable. He looks like a fucking blobfish,” she cooed and Dino couldn’t help the snort of startled laughter. “What about you? What’s your family like?”
“My Family is large. The house is always busy,” Dino started, recalling all the faces he was so used to waking up to every morning. Oh, he missed those faces. “I have no siblings, but many uncles and brothers.”
Vic blinked at that and Dino smiled sheepishly, wondering if he had misspoken somewhere. She didn’t interrupt, however, so Dino continued. Talking about his Family was cathartic, and made the overbearing sun, innumerable people and unfamiliar terrain, all seem less horrible for a moment.
“Romario looks after me well. I am sure he is the reason I survived so long.” Not that Reborn didn’t try to stop that, with all those bombs and bullets. “My father introduced him to me when I was young, we have been together since.”
He remembered that day, so many years ago. He had clutched the ends of his coat and fought to stand still, surrounded by five of his father’s Guardians as they stood at attendance for the Don’s return. His father arrived with a teen trailing behind him, scuffed up and covered in grass seeds and dust like he had crawled out from the barley fields that surrounded the Cavallone estate. 
“Brutus means well, but he is, uh, a bad influence,” Dino chuckled, recalling how Brutus had ridden a mattress down the spiral staircase and broke through the railing. “He has been with us for a few years now. Growing tall. Too tall.”
That last comment was said with its fair share of bitterness. Brutus liked to use Dino as an armrest in casual settings these days. No respect!
Vic smiled as he grumbled at the memory, another one of her snorted laughs bursting forward.  
“Are you the youngest, or..?”
Dino frowned more, “Brutus is the youngest. Everyone is upset.”
Vic wheezed a laugh and pocketed her phone before rocking back on her heels and asked, “Anyone else of note?”
“Too many,” Dino hummed softly, “I hope to see them soon.” Then he winced and let out a weak laugh, “Ah, but I am sure they will make me pay back all my missed turns in stable work.”
Vic blinked and then squinted a bit, like she was trying to piece together what he had said. Dino watched her for a moment before it dawned on him: Vic didn’t know about the Cavallone Family’s main stock.
“My family breed horses. I will be missing my turns to help in the horse stables. We rotate.”
Vic’s face twitched, then she snorted out, “So, you’re like an equestrian?”
“Uh, I was part of my high school’s equestrian club, yes?” 
The girl sighed through her nose and reached up to massage her forehead as she muttered out, “My God, he’s a horse girl too.”
“Horse girl?” Dino echoed.
“Have you ever watched something called The Saddle Club?”
Dino shook his head and Vic made a dismissing wave of her hand, before turning her head as the crowd began to move, a slow and steady flow of students pouring into the amphitheatre. 
“Time to move,” she uttered and the two of them wriggled their way through the mass of sweaty students. 
Dino winced as a girl's tote bag poked into his arm, and then nearly fumbled his walk as the first step of an incline surprised him. He wheezed and gave a sheepish smile as someone in the crowd gave him a withering glance.
Vic chose somewhere to sit and Dino trailed after her, eager to get out of the river of slow-moving bodies that shuffled along unsurely. They pulled their chair seats down and spent a good few seconds fighting with their flip-up desks before settling down.
“Wow, yours is a bit fucked,” Vic commented as she looked to the hazardous angle Dino’s laptop was teetering on, no doubt only held there by the non-slip pads. 
“It’s…a bit weak. But it will hold,” Dino agreed feebly, trying to realign his desk.
“Nah, nah, mate, not with your luck. Move before that thing snaps.”
Dino fiddled with his desk for a moment longer before making the short shuffle to Vic’s other side. It felt disconcerting, to be stuck in the aisle now. Vic was blocking an easy exit, whether she intended to or not. Dino could feel that anxiety all the way in the bottom of his feet.
Someone behind Dino coughed loudly, before they gathered their stuff and moved a few seats away, still clearing their throat. Dino noticed Vic watch them out of the corner of her eye, a vague grimace on her face.
“But hey,” she uttered suddenly before Dino could ask what the issue was, turning back to idly click around on her laptop to get an empty Word document up for notes. “This way, you’re less likely to get called on for audience participation!”
Dino blinked, then he gave a relieved smile and rested back into his seat. 
“Yeah, that’s…That’s a good point.”
“Yeah, but fuck we’ve still gotta talk during the tutorials. We’ve gotta talk at least once per session to get that twenty percent.”
Dino dropped his head back with a groan. 
Before either of them could say much more, however, the large screens at the front of the amphitheatre lit up with the introduction slide of a powerpoint and a woman took centre stage. The lecture rolled on with the same amount of ease as the others, just another orientation lesson to get the students used to their first week in university and what would be expected of them in the coming weeks. Dino was starting to get more confident with his English comprehension, since a lot of the classes were repeating similar content and using the same phrases.
They were maybe half an hour in, Dino centring all his focus on breaking down the word ‘pedagogy’ when he heard, in the softest and most bamboozled voice possible: “Dino, is that a fucking turtle in your pocket?” 
Dino’s head snapped around and then looked down to see Enzo’s little head peering out from under the flap of his pant pocket, beady eyes peering back at Vic. Dino wheezed and shoved the flap down, trying to cover up Enzo from prying eyes. 
“Uuh,” Dino uh-ed.
“Dino, why is there a turtle in your pocket?” Vic asked again.
Dino fumbled for an answer, before he just shrugged and said, “Well, I, I couldn’t leave him at home alone.”
“But to a lecture?”
“Hey, could you two stop? It’s really distracting.” A young man sitting ahead of them grumbled and Vic quickly tossed out an apology.
Enzo let out a wheeze and wriggled his way to freedom again, head poking out into the fresh air of the air-conditioned amphitheatre. Dino rushed to hide Enzo again, but Vic quickly bent at the waist and cooed in delight.
“No wait, lemme see the baby,” she whispered and pushed the flap away to get a good look at the small tortoise that squinted back at her. “Oh, hello little man!”
Dino watched as Vic reached out and gently pet Enzo’s head with her pointer, grinning like some kind of loon as she did. He thinned his lips in a moment of thought, before Dino reached into his other pocket and produced a small handful of pellets.
“Do you,” he began slowly, unsure but hopeful. “Do you want to feed Enzo, Vic?”
Vic looked up at Dino and utterly beamed. 
Dino kept that in mind: Vic likes feeding Enzo. Good, good, he had a way to socialise now. Enzo truly was the best wingman. 
Dino smiled down at Enzo who was quietly crunching on his pellets. The little turtle squinted up at him. 
  ☁ ☁ ☁
Vic Hunt Class done
Vic Hunt Do you still have Enzo?
Dino Cav Yes
Vic Hunt On my way!!
Dino snorted into his hand and sent a quick laughing emoticon in response. He had already chosen a table for them to sit at for their meeting, a shaded table outside one of the courtyard’s student cafes, off to the side and more isolated than the others. It was most likely for studying, Dino liked the privacy. 
Enzo sat snugly in his pocket happily fed after all those snacks from Vic during their lecture. Dino smiled to himself and patted his pocket, feeling that hard shell. The most secure weight.
“Show me the baby,” Vic demanded as she rounded the corner and dropped herself in the chair across from Dino. 
Not even a hello? Dino couldn’t blame her though, no one could resist Enzo. Spoilt rotten that little turtle was. 
Dino huffed and glanced around, before sliding Enzo out of his pocket and onto the table between them. He stretched his arm out on the exposed side of the table, covering Enzo up just in case.
Immediately, Vic dropped down to Enzo’s height and started cooing, murmuring unintelligible little noises at the turtle. She grinned and giggled as she watched Enzo plod about the table, quietly exploring the area with his usual squint of suspicion. 
“Look at his little feets!” Vic nearly gasped and Dino couldn’t help the snort of laughter. “Oh shut it, Dino. All that talk of horses, why didn’t you mention the turtle in your pocket! ”
“I don’t know… Enzo didn’t come to mind?” Dino offered unsurely. He hadn’t meant to not mention Enzo, it was just that Enzo was such a constant for Dino that he honestly didn’t realise that someone wouldn’t know about Enzo at this point. 
“How did you even get the allowance to bring him?”
…Allowance? Dino blinked. He didn’t know anything about an allowance.
The silence stretched on until finally, Vic looked up, a smile creeping onto her face. 
“Dino, did you smuggle your turtle into the village?” She asked.
Dino thinned his lips before he slowly murmured, “No one told me I couldn’t .” Vic grinned then, something vicious and joyful with so many teeth. “That is to say,” Dino continued, trying to explain himself for breaching university rules. “I need Enzo. I go nowhere without him. I need him.”
Vic let out a soft hum of acknowledgement, before giving a shrug and leant back in her chair. 
“Hey, no skin off my back. It’s not like lil’ Enzo here’s gonna damage the room for the next student. Not like some dog or cat.”
Dino relaxed a bit when she said that, a tension in his shoulders seeping out. Dino admitted it, he hadn’t met many civilians in his time. Most of his social circle consisted of Mafia and their middlemen, the people he knew were utterly steeped in the criminal underworld. 
Maybe it was his naivete getting the better of him, an opinion from childhood he had never had the chance to rectify -- Dino thought of civilians as a rather pure existence. Morally right, law-abiding citizens of the world to counterbalance the presence of the Mafia. 
Dino had broken university policy. A horrified little part of him was sure that Vic would be appalled by his blatant disregard for the established order-
Dino let a long breath out through his nose, slow and steady. It was fine, though. Vic didn’t care. The rules weren’t so cut and dry in the civilian world. Within limitations, of course. 
Vic shifted in her seat, and pulled her computer up onto the table just aside of Enzo. She booped him on the nose for good measure, unaware of the stress Dino had gone through. 
“Anyway, I did a bit of work last night and I think I know what I’m going to be talking about.” She said, and opened a tab to start scribing ideas. “But I kinda wanna talk about your activity. The resources one.”
Dino tried his best to join the discussion as the two began to finally dig into their assessment. Vic scrolled through her document and showed Dino what she had scraped together the night before, which was honestly an obscene amount.
“Uniforms?” Dino asked, seeing how the word was bolded as a heading.
“Yeah, in Australia uniforms are mandatory for Primary and High schools,” Vic explained, “It’s to more of less, stop students from seeing the difference in status. Like if one kid came in fucking Gucci, and another comes in second-hand Kmart. Uniforms stop that shit.”
Dino hummed and thought back to his school, they had worn uniforms too. And they were right, you couldn’t really tell who was from a better Family -- if you were using clothes as a tell. Posture, presence and poise. Those all could tell just how large a gap there was between Families. And the Dons who led them.
Vic continued to scroll to her next point, and Dino scooped Enzo into his hands, thumbing at the edge of his shell to try and soothe himself. 
“I’ve also got ‘homework assistance’ and tutoring.”
Dino’s eyes snapped up from Enzo at the word. ‘Tutor’. God, that sent chills to his very core. 
“People with money can afford to send their kids to better schools, and can afford to support their kids with, ya know, tutoring. Basically, the better off the parents, the better off the kids.”
Dino thinned his lips. It was true, Dino had no doubt that the smaller Families wouldn’t have been even able to dream of having the Reborn as a live-in tutor. He didn’t even want to think about how much of the Cavallone funds must have gone into the little devil-man’s pockets just so he could torture Dino day in and day out for the past year. 
“We got this yesterday,” Dino muttered quietly, almost unwittingly.
Dino could see why Vic wanted to be a teacher, she obviously felt strongly about the imbalances in the education system. Direct action, it seemed very up her alley.
Vic blinked, and then she shrank back in her chair a bit. She gave a huffed little smile and shrugged, sheepishly and kind of drowsy.
“But yeah, that’s just my idea for my part,” she said idly, “And I think it’ll segway nicely into your activity. So, uh, how’re you going with your intro?”
Dino winced, “I have not, ah, started it yet.” Gosh, Vic had already produced all of this and Dino hadn’t even looked over the assessment properly yet. Dino traced the pattern in Enzo’s shell. “English, is, uh, not my strong skill.” 
Vic made a short noise of understanding on the back of her throat, before she gave her own work a look-ver as if to see it in a new light.
“I will have to begin in Italian, and move to English,” Dino said slowly, and Vic waved her hand at him.
“Hey, whatever floats your boat and gets the job done. Do what makes you comfy,” she shifted on her seat and tugged on the end of her shorts before uttering off-handedly, “And, ya know, if you need help, I can lend a hand with those dickish words like ‘pedagogy’ and shit.”
 Vic pointedly looked away from Dino as she said this, eyes fixed on her document that she scrolled through to give her hands something to do. 
Dino blinked, then quickly said, “I don’t want to be a bother!”
“Nah, no, it’s ‘right,” Vic insisted lazily, and took a drink from her thermos. 
Dino could hear ice rattling around inside. God, that was a good idea.
Vic and Dino leant across the table to look at Vic’s computer screen, organising a file for the project. Vic pulled up a powerpoint and wrote ‘SOCIAL CLASS IN EDUCATION by Dino, Jessica and Vic’.  
“Great, that’s enough work. I think we’re due a break,” Vic said and closed her computer.
Dino decided not to point out the fact that they had only been ‘working’ for a total of maybe 10 minutes, and that the most progress had been naming and sharing the group slideshow. 
“Okay,” Vic said suddenly, breaking Dino out of his thoughts as she stood up. “I’mma go get some lunch. You coming?”
Dino grabbed Enzo up off the table and stuffed him into his pocket. Vic stared with wide eyes before she glanced between the pocket and Dino’s face and asked, “Is he, uh, always in there?”
“Usually, I keep Enzo in a breast pocket,” he answered, before patting his chest and added, “Over the heart.”
Enzo’s shell was practically indestructible. Nothing short of Reborn’s Chaos Shots could pierce it. 
“Aw, that’s fuckin’ sweet,” Vic chortled.
By the time Dino and Vic sat down again, they were balancing their chosen meals in their hands. Dino carefully slid his salad and chips plate onto the table, and watched Vic quickly slurp some of the excess butter chicken gravy from the edge of her plate before doing the same. Vic wasted no time in drumming the tabletop with her hands until Dino ‘produced the goods’.
Enzo immediately stole a whole leaf of lettuce from Dino’s salad.  
“ Smettila, Enzo! ” Dino scolded but didn’t try to take the leaf away from the happily munching turtle. 
Vic smiled at the little turtle before using the handle end of her fork to tap on the side of the bottle of water Dino had bought. It was wet with perspiration and creating a puddle on the table with every jolting tap; just as shiny as Dino was.
“Drink, mate, you’re sweating buckets,” Vic urged with a frown. 
She was right. Dino wiped his chin with his arm and grimaced as sweat just smeared on both sides. Dino was as shiny as a newly minted coin, and the back of his shirt clung to his spine, two shades darker than the rest of it. He made an expression of great sensory discomfort as he sat forward to try and peel it off. Australian heat was very different to the Sicilian summers Dino was used to.
“Yes,” Dino murmured and took a sip from his bottle. By the time he put it back down, more than half was gone. 
“You gotta be sun-safe, or I’ll slip-slop-slap a bitch,” Vic warned. Dino stared at Vic for a long moment, before the girl reeled back a bit and asked, “Wait, you know about the slip-slop-slap sun thing yeah? Or is- wait, fuck of course that’s an Aussie thing.” 
Dino smiled as the girl rubbed her face in a mixture of frazzle and embarrassment. 
“I, uh, will be ‘sun-safe’,” he said, “I do not want to be ‘slip-slop-slapped’.”
Vic blinked, and then she grinned with teeth. 
“Okay, but what’s up with the horses?” Vic asked and then spooned a generous helping of rice into her mouth. 
Dino paused halfway through another guzzle of water.
“The horses?”
“Yeah, like, you breed ‘em, right? What for though?” 
Dino quickly swallowed the water that had dammed up in his mouth. He settled back in his chair and smiled a bit, idly spinning his bottle on the table with his fingers.
“Uh, we- we breed them for… Well, every job. Labour, farm, carriage, show. We used to make war horses.”
Vic made a sharp whistle of surprise and leant her cheek against her hand, elbow on the table. Dino stared at it, her elbow on the table, for a moment, before he pulled his eyes up. 
“Warhorses? So, this is like a tradition thing. Family business?” 
‘Family business’. Dino withheld a snort, he smiled weakly and said, “Yes, for at least ten generations.” 
“ Whew, that’s some old blood,” Vic wheezed.
Dino smiled and remembered the history walks down the legacy hall. Walls adorned with past Dons, and those faded faces of the nameless patriarchs who tilled the fields and corralled wild horses long before the time of the Cavallone Famiglia Mafia. 
“We are proud of our horses,” Dino said, an undeniable truth. But it was an undeniable truth also that- “Horses, however, are not very- very, useful. Today.”
Vic winced, “Ah, yeah. With cars and all.” She took a slow bite of her curry and tilted her head. “So with all those horses, surely your family, like, races them? Got any cool ones…” Her voice trailed off as Dino’s face pinched.
Dino ran his thumb along the edge of Enzo’s shell, the little turtle squinted up at him. 
“We are banned. No Cavallone horse may race in Italy.”
Vic thinned her lips and scraped her wooden, disposable spoon along her plate, drawing a random shape with the orange, butter chicken gravy.
“Can I… Can I ask why? Or would you rather just, ya know,” she made a waving motion with her hands. “Not talk about that.”
Dino let out a frail burst of a laugh that was equal parts bitter and vindictive.
“We kept winning.”
Vic paused, and looked at Dino. Looked at the way Dino’s smile had gritted teeth in the corners.
Vic gave a bark of laughter. 
“So instead of beating you fairly, they booted you?” She asked and leaned forward. 
Dino took in a sharp breath. Despite her tone, her smile wasn’t playful. It had an edge to it. Annoyed. Frustrated. Angry. Vic was angry. For some reason. 
But, Dino quickly scanned her over, not at him. Always good, always good!
“Cavallone horses are hard to beat. Very,” Dino explained and Vic scoffed hard enough that Dino thought she hurt her throat.
“Look, unless you’re doping your horses, I don’t see why you should be kicked.”
Dino shrugged, “Our horses are special.”
“I’m not fucking surprised! You’ve been working on them for over ten fucking generations!” 
Vic pinched the bridge of her nose, before Dino watched as Vic clenched her teeth, her biceps, her forearms, her fists, then all the way back up again. Then, like she was suddenly exhausted, Vic slumped back into her chair, shoulders sagging under her loose shirt. She let out a long, slow sigh through her nose. She smiled and started cooing at Enzo.
Dino stared, baffled. What the hell had happened there? Had she gotten so upset that she had to actively calm herself down?
Dino shifted in his seat. He looked down at his salad -- slowly being stolen one leaf at a time by Enzo -- and bit down on the need to smile. 
Vic was upset for him. He didn’t expect that to feel so… Nice. Validating.
“So you can’t race in Italy,” Vic hummed, tone low and almost dragging itself out of her mouth. “Why not race in a -- fuck I don’t know horses,” she tilted her head back and waved her spoon around, “Melbourne Cup is a horse race. Why not race here? Or does the ban keep you?”
Dino reached for his fork and ate a mouthful. He realised what he was doing only halfway through: buying time. 
Did the ban keep the Cavallone from racing outside of Italy? He didn’t know. 
The ban had been his grandfather’s greatest shame. The Eighth Don of the Cavallone hadn’t been able to fight off those little Dons who had climbed on top of each other to seem taller and tip the scales. The beginning of the end for the Cavallone, really.
After that, the Eighth had fallen to illness and Dino’s father had taken the reigns as the sole heir. Everyone knew how that ended.
Dino nudged an olive and watched it roll across his plate. Enzo stole another leaf with a satisfied ‘crunch’ .
Dino had never seen a Cavallone race on a track before. 
Could he? Did he dare? Enter his Cavallone horses into civilian races? How close could he get to the civilians when the Mafia were so careful to keep that strict divide? 
Hell, even their resorts were Mafia and Mafia-adjacent exclusive! It took a whole boat or plane to get to the separate island . 
Dino swallowed the leaf, long gone mushy in his mouth. 
But if it worked? If he dared to start racing their Cavallone-style bred horses -- if it worked? 
Break the tradition, break the rules, break the bonds of debt that tie down the Cavallone. 
“Good idea?” Vic asked, a lazy smile on her face. “You look excited. Practically chomping at the bit.”  
Dino looked up, he hadn’t realised he was grinning.
‘Never race a Cavallone.’ Time to bring that old saying back.
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usafphantom2 · 1 year ago
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USAAF disaster over Friedrichshafen
18th March 1944: A dramatic account of being under attack 20,000 feet over Germany as the 392nd Bomb Group loses half its planes
A heavily damaged 392nd plane stays in formation later in the war. Consolidated B-24's of the 392nd Bomb Group over Salsbergen, Germany. 16 February 1945.
O March 1944 the USAAF were out again for another daylight raid on Germany. Every effort was being made to knock out as much of Germany's aircraft industry as possible in the run up to D-Day.
'Big Week' - when the 8th Air Force had put on maximum effort - had come and gone. The USAAF 392nd Bomber Group had won a Unit Citation then. For most of the crews it made little difference, they had more missions to complete before their tour of duty was over.
This time they flew out passing the snows of the Alps in bright sunshine and then swung round to begin their bomb run from a position over Lake Constance, which was a deep blue marker 20,000 feet below them.
The target was the Friedrichshafen and they fully expected to be able to bomb the Manzell Air Armaments factory accurately in these conditions. Then, as they approached the target, the 392nd Bomb Group was hit by some very accurate flak, which damaged several planes and disrupted their bombing. More trouble was to come as they turned for home.
Vernon Baumgart1, now a retired colonel, remembers:
I remember that we had hardly taken stock of our situation when the waist gunner called: Fighters at 3 o'clock!" There they were, a whole "gaggle" of them; ten to twelve in close formation, paralleling our course about a half mile on our right -and climbing. I got on the radio and began calling for friendly fighters.
Just like the "book" said, they climbed up to a one o'clock high position into the sun about two miles out, made a wing-over turn in unison and dived at us with guns blazing. It was a fearful sight but was over in a few seconds as they dived through our formation. Of course, all of our nose and top turrets responded with long bursts from their twin 50-caliber guns.
@WW2today via X
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astrabear · 2 years ago
my labor, and my leisure too (pt. 3)
The final installment! Even longer than the second one! At some point I'll clean it all up and chuck it on Ao3. (Where, FYI, it will be tagged as "creator chose not to use archive warnings".)
part 1 here part 2 here
It was one of the toughest weeks she could remember, partly because they all seemed to be working at cross purposes. Some of them were trying to refine the current plan while others were trying to find any reason to abandon it. No one wanted to admit that a decision had been made, while at the same time wanting to spend as much time with Nicky and Joe as they could. Joe and Nicky, in turn, seemed torn between wanting time alone together and wanting to maintain their usual routine. It was, unsurprisingly, impossible to say goodbye while also acting as though everything was normal.
Nile woke up each morning feeling nauseated and numb. It all felt unreal, like there was a glitchy forcefield between her and her surroundings. No one slept or ate enough. They needed to be in top condition; there were too many ways this could go wrong, and she couldn’t bear the thought of… of whatever happened, being for nothing. She tried to set a good example, and she could see that Nicky and Joe were trying too, but there was a limit to how much any of them could choke down their food or hide their exhaustion.
Gert cornered her after a few days of this. “I thought we were going to keep talking,” they said angrily. “I thought it wasn’t settled yet. Everyone is sure acting like it’s been settled.”
Nile was too tired and heartsick to be diplomatic. “Sure, we can talk. What do you have to say that hasn’t already been said? Have you managed to find some ingenious plan that we previously overlooked? Or maybe you’ve got something that will convince the two of them that their lives are worth more than however many thousands of people will be helped by this?” What the hell, Freeman, they’re not even sixty years old yet, what are you doing? Pull yourself together.
“I’m sorry,” she said. “That came out worse than I meant it to. But it’s true – we’ve got to give them a reason.”
“How’s this for a reason? We get to make choices too. It isn’t just up to them. We can choose not to go along. We can scrap the mission ourselves.”
It was a thought Nile’d had herself more than once, so she knew how to respond. “Okay. Do you think their lives are worth more than all those thousands of people?” She wanted to say yes. Yes, they are worth all that and more. Yes, I would gladly trade thousands of strangers whose faces I’ll never see for my two oldest friends. Gert’s eyes blazed, and she knew they wanted to say it too.
Neither of them did. The fire in Gert’s eyes died out, and they looked away.
“I get it,” Nile said as comfortingly as she could, “I really do. I was about your age when Andromache died.”
“But that was years. Decades. Right? You didn’t just…” they waved their hand vaguely. Send her off to die.
“Decades, yeah. Decades of worrying about her, wondering each time if that job would be the last. Practicing more field medicine than I ever expected to learn. Watching over her in hospital rooms. She wasn’t interested in retirement either.”
“So was it…worse like that? Compared to now, I mean. Or better?”
There wasn’t a lot that Nile remembered from back then. Impressions, feelings. A few still images, a handful of memories seared into her brain with holovid clarity. Smiles and laughter and tears and blood.
She sighed. “I don’t think it works like that.”
“No,” said Gert. “I guess it doesn’t.”
By the time of their scheduled update meeting at the end of the week, they were all running on empty. All of them but Jerrah had gathered in the briefing room, and Nile couldn’t bring herself to either page him over the comms system or start the meeting without him. The other four shuffled awkwardly, waiting for someone to do or say something. Nile just stared at her hands. She felt heavy, as though someone had cranked up the artificial gravity too high. Even raising her eyes to look around the room was too much.
At last, Lijie cleared her throat and said, “We’ve been going through the notes and things. Gert and I. And we uh… we haven’t found – “
Jerrah stumbled into the room, out of breath. “Hey, sorry I’m late. But I have an idea.”
They missed their window, but the asteroid’s path gave them another one a few months later. Nicky and Joe fretted at the delay, but to Nile it looked like they were sleeping and eating better. It was a relief to see that they were not so set on martyrdom that they’d object to slowing down a mission that had already stretched out so long.
Jerrah kept them all too busy to brood anyway. By the time the next window approached, Joe and Nicky had armor that provided more protection, with less weight and stiffness, than Nile had ever programmed into her simulations. She couldn’t get him to admit it, but she was pretty sure that he had invented an entirely new material to do it. It could, possibly, help them survive the explosion.
Especially in combination with the miniature gravity modulators he embedded in their boots. They weren’t very strong, and they’d run out of power quickly. But a few minutes of lower gravity to help them run faster might get them far enough from the blast to make a difference. A few minutes of higher gravity after the blast might keep them on or near the ground until the atmospheric dome reformed and the artificial gravity came back on. The auto-pressurization function already in their helmets might keep them alive during that time too.
Maybe. Possibly.
Nile got Jerrah alone once - after Nicky twisted his ankle training with the boots and spent the rest of the day complaining about how long the muscle knitter took to work - to ask if all this new equipment lowered the risk enough that someone who was still healing could set up the explosives after all.
He looked at her solemnly and asked, “How low would the risk have to be, for you to send one of us in to do it?” She thought about spinning off into space, never slowing, never found. Quỳnh had said she’d felt her lungs fill with water with each revival, so did that mean coming back to life with one breath of air already inside? Would your lungs explode immediately each time, once the helmet system gave out? Or would you have a whole 15 seconds to contemplate your situation before the hypoxia knocked you out? She knew the odds of passing near enough to something large enough to have gravity were so low as to be basically zero, but if you did…? What if you got burned up by a star, or incinerated falling through a planet’s atmosphere? What if you regenerated on a planet that couldn’t support life? What if…?
Jerrah must have seen all that in her face. He nodded his understanding. “Not that low. Not nearly that low. This isn’t a guarantee of anything. Or even much of a probability, if I’m honest. It’s just a…”
“A hope?”
“Or a wish. I’m sorry.”
She squeezed his arm reassuringly. “Don’t be sorry. It’s more than we had before.”
She turned to walk away, but he called her back. “Nile. Don’t tell them.”
“I won’t. I’m pretty sure they already know.”
The security system didn’t extend to the edge of the atmospheric dome; it didn’t need to. The sensor buoys would detect anything approaching the asteroid anyway. Except, as the team had worked out, when the alignment of the buoys was just right relative to the other asteroids in the belt, a small enough object (such as their shuttle) transmitting the right kind of energy pulse (they’d retrofitted an emergency beacon months ago) could follow a very narrow and intricate course (painstakingly programmed by Nicky and Lijie) and land in one particular spot, just a few degrees of the dome’s circumference. And it would not be detected.
The shuttle flight was less excruciating than Nile had expected. There wasn’t as much banter as usual, but there was some. What there was not, was the suffocating dread of that first week. They’d had a nice dinner the night before that was very pointedly not a goodbye party or an anticipatory wake, although there had been a lot more hugging and hand-holding and significant looks than their dinners generally included. Everyone looked tired (but not exhausted) and determined. And if, whenever they weren’t too busy, Nicky and Joe held hands so tightly their knuckles turned white… well, Nile would deny disproportionately assigning them tasks that didn’t require both hands.
The only small hiccup came when they landed and everyone scrambled into their gear. Joe and Nicky hung back a little, moving slowly. Oh, she thought, gloves and helmets. Of course. She herded the others out of the shuttle to give them some privacy. From the corner of her eye she saw them lean their foreheads together, and she hurriedly shut the hatch behind her. She didn’t need to see how they spent the last moments in which they could touch each other.
Once they were in formation with the others, they were as focused and ready as they'd ever been. Joe and Nicky, side by side, she thought, with all their friends around them. How they've always been, how they want it to always be. She took point and settled herself firmly in her body, in the present moment. For more than two millennia, if there was a job in front of Nile Freeman, Nile Freeman did that job.
She allowed herself one last moment to think, you never know, if immortality is real then anything is possible. Sometimes the universe is kind. But if there has to be an ending, I guess this one's not so bad.
Then Jerrah’s tablet beeped, signaling that the security system had gone offline. She unholstered her sidearm and started walking, knowing they'd all follow. "All right, people. Let's do some good."
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presleyhearted · 2 years ago
Yours Truly - Prologue
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・❥・Pairing: Elvis Presley x original female character
・❥・Genre: slow burn, mystery, angst, fluff.
・❥・Word Count: 619
・❥・Summary: In which a 21-year-old girl suddenly finds herself having consecutive dreams of a particular rock ‘n’ roll star whom she has never met and who died 45 years ago.
・❥・ Ratings & Warnings: SFW. No warnings really. A very short prologue.
・❥・ Notes: None.
chapter index| chapter 1
All my life, I have put one foot forward after the next. I aways looked down to make sure that I don't misstep. I don't trip. I don't fall. Of course, I am not oblivious to the tendency of life to diverge us from the easy path of living. Boulders of struggles can be thrown at us at any given moment. We just have to hope that our minds, our souls and our hearts are strong enough to battle it. 
Even if that means coming out at the other end with a few scratches and bruises. 
But for the details in life that we can control, we can either ignore them and nod to the phrase of 'whatever happens, happens' or we can construct the steps to build a somewhat form of certainty. Of safety. My parents were keen to share their wisdom of playing it safe in life. Thus, I grew up having a firm grasp of realistic expectations - and to never, ever dwell on a far-fetched idea. Those would only promise a high probability of bad endings, and a silver of hope that can be crushed within seconds. 
If there is one thing that you must understand about me, it is this - reasoning and risks do not simultaneously exist within my veins. In fact, you can completely forget about risks - it does not occupy my mind at all. Remember that. 
My friends have attempted to sway this mindset of mine, their friendly nature of worrying that I may 'regret' it later on in life. There is nothing wrong with planning out stages in my life, it saves me from distress, worry and uncertainty. So, as much as I love their efforts to shift my mindset to be more 'at ease.' None of them have been successful. 
In fact, no one has been.
No one but him. 
There was something I failed to mention, and I suppose is not greatly mentioned by many; Curiosity can coincide itself with the thread of logic and the flames of spontaneity. When one is curious, they will run their fingers through the puzzles pieces. They will rise from their seat and quietly walk towards it, that tight grip of desperation clouding their brain and their racing heart. 
Until they look around and realise - they are in a completely different place. 
We humans are not abundantly knowledgeable on all things, that's why as time pulls us along - we pick up slices of knowledge. If I am aware of something, then I'm able to construct a sound judgement and ensure that I'll not walk through an uncertain tunnel. But on instances that I don't know something - I am guarded up - it delays my process of constructing my next step. 
It comes frighteningly close to a realm of uncertainty, of the unknown, of stumbling upon someone like him.
But unlike most things I've encountered in life so far, he was an antithesis of risks and reasoning. Not one was stronger than the other, both ran fiercely and rapidly through his entire being. 
If this was the case, why did I not seek the exit and just vanish?
Like I said before; when curiosity seeks you out, you will walk and you will never truly realise where you are until you look around and it seems - you are in the unknown. I cannot retrace my steps when I do not know where those steps are in the first place. 
His dichotomous nature was that curiosity. 
But as the human condition persists - curiosity is not a one-sided pull in some circumstances. 
Curiosity can be a reciprocation blazed between two beings.
So for once, my mind was quiet but my heart was alive.
chapter 1
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phantom-of-the-501st · 2 years ago
Thoughts on Joel's Decision
Okay... so the last episode of TLOU was... a lot. And obviously, one of the biggest questions to come out of it is did Joel do the right thing?
Now there's always gonna be people that don't agree and that's understandable but I'm just gonna drop where my brain is at with this show atm because oh boy is everything complicated.
Did Joel do the right thing?
To be blunt? No. But it all gets a lot more messy than this.
I think the best place to start is whether or not Joel prevented the end of the apocalypse and honestly speaking, I don't think so. Now I don't study medicine so I'm not going to claim that I'm an expert on making vaccinations, but the limited microbiology, bacteriology and virology that I've studied gives me I small idea on whether or not the Fireflies' plan was ever actually viable. And I don't think it was.
As of 2023, while there are a few in development, we do not have a single vaccination that can be used to treat fungal infections. Now seeing as we haven't been able to make one up until now, the chance of producing one during an apocalypse where technology hasn't been updated since 2003? Yeah... probably not going to happen. And even if they did have the facilities, I'm still not sure if it would even work. I don't have enough of an understanding of medicine to know if giving people specific signalling chemicals would work, but I'm a little iffy on the idea. The way that vaccinations work is by introducing the body to a pathogen (something that causes disease) in a form or dose that will not do a lot of damage, but will allow the body to learn how to fight it. But that's not the plan here. They aren't planning on creating a cure that will allow the body to fight off Cordyceps, they plan to make something that will trick the fungus into thinking that that person is already infected.
And I'm not entirely sure that that's possible.
But like I said, I'm not an expert on medicine so for the benefit of the doubt, let's say that they actually do make a cure. Hooray! This means that they can save the world right? ...right?
Errr... no. Even if the Fireflies did manage to make a cure, A) how are they planning to make enough of this cure to treat this many people? and B) how do they expect to transport this cure?
We have to remember that this is a global apocalypse. They would have to get this cure to everywhere on the planet where there are people who are at risk of being infected. Bearing I mind, medicines (especially vaccinations) have to be stored in specific conditions. Seeing as they are currently struggling to find food, I don't know how they plan to get enough equipment together to ship this cure off the right places and for it to still be in a good enough condition to be usable by the time it gets there. And then the cure has to be administered to enough people for it to prevent the outbreak from happening again. For this to happen, you need to reach herd immunity, which, depending on the thing being treated, requires between around 70-90% of the population being vaccinated.
I get that they wanted to find an end to the apocalypse, but I don't think that the Fireflies would have been able to produce a cure, make enough of it to vaccinate 70-90% of the population and then distribute it worldwide.
But even then, I still don't think that all of that justifies Joel's actions. Joel didn't go to find Ellie, guns blazing, because he had thought through the logistics of the Fireflies' plan. Someone was threatening to take his daughter away from him again and he snapped. Even if he didn't prevent the end of the apocalypse, he still killed a lot of people to protect one girl.
And the argument can't even be made that he did it for her. Sure, there would be a part of him that is rescuing her so that she doesn't have to go through those experiments and tests, but ultimately, he did it for himself. He tells Ellie earlier on in the episode that they don't need to to go through with it but she chooses to carry on. She doesn't want everything she did to be for nothing.
She made the choice to go through with the plan and Joel disobeyed her.
At the end of the day, what Joel did was selfish. Even if the plan to make a cure hadn't worked, he still went against the wishes of the person he was protecting and he did it for himself. And what's even worse, he lied to Ellie about what he had done because he knew that she wouldn't have agreed with him.
So no, I don't think Joel made the right choice.
But I don't hate him. There's a part of me that gets it. It's really hard to apply moral justification when we don't live in the world that these people do and every character in this show, including Joel is living with extreme trauma. We know how much the death of Sarah can trigger him, so it isn't surprising that this situation caused him to snap. It's understandable.
But I don't think that that makes him right.
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i-love-an-alcoholic · 1 year ago
Story of M: How things went to hell, Part 2
CONTENT WARNING: Drug addiction
Antabus was a miracle drug for me in many ways, but it has one major flaw: it only prevents alcohol use. I had conditioned myself to the general feeling of being on something, be it alcohol, weed or other substances and my brain was not ready to give up that. While I had succesfully given up alcohol, I quickly replaced it with excessive weed smoking. After about six months I stopped taking Antabus and began drinking again, although not as much as before.
Remember the troubled guy I was in a "relationship" with? From now on I'll refer to him as Shitty Boyfriend. Our relationship was transactional: I gave him money (he didn't work) and he gave me drugs. At some point I felt like I needed to help him gain some control of his chaotic life, so I gave him money for a psychiatrist. He saw one, and got a prescription for an anti-anxiety medicine (a benzodiazepine) which he quickly became addicted to. The meds did nothing to improve his life: he just took a pill to temporarily feel better about things so he didn't need to actually change anything, and whenever the effects wore off he'd pop another one. He gave pills to me whenever I asked and I would take them with or without alcohol (this is a dangerous combination, don't do it) and I regularly gave him more money so he could get his prescription renewed. Edit: I should add that he saw the doctor at a private practice and therefore had to pay out of pocket.
Our friend group at the time was very drug-seeking, so there were a lot of various substances to try. I tried everything except strong opioids (I'm scared of them). Every time I visited Shitty Boyfriend we would gather and spend an evening playing video games, board games and doing drugs. I'm not going to lie: I sometimes miss those times.
I still went to work every day like a normal person, but as soon as I got off and closed my apartment door behind me I'd pop some pills or blaze it. As I've said before, I justified this by the stressful nature of my job. Eventually the facade began cracking and I got in trouble at work for my erratic behaviour. A lot of things happened and as a result I was transferred to a different deparment, which turned out to be insular and toxic. I was already in a bad mental state, the working environment worsened things and I began using amphetamines to cope.
For the next few months I lost all my savings, so I began taking payday loans to pay for my addiction. I even lied to my parents to get money from them. My life revolved around speed: it was all I could think about. After nine months I weighed around 48kg (106lbs), my mental health and finances were in shambles and I was seriously considering IV use (never did though, thank deity). Then I woke up.
I clearly remember that day. I had gotten my pay on friday and after paying rent, utilities and some of the the payday loans I had about 100€ left until next payday. I gave the money to Shitty Boyfriend who was visiting, and he went to buy us drugs for the weekend. By sunday evening all of it was gone and Shitty Boyfriend had left. I was sitting in my kitchen with no money and no drugs. It was almost like an out of body experience: I suddenly saw myself from outside and realized what I was doing was wrong. My lifestyle was unsustainable. My behavior was unhinged and I had gotten in trouble at work again because of it. I basically had two choices: either to quit or to become a full-time drug addict. I would lose my job. I would lose everything that really mattered to me. I would lose my life.
On that day, at the age of 30, I quit drugs.
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wardenthornes · 5 days ago
kind of shocked by how much fun I'm having with my current Shadowheart origin bg3 run lol. Current thought dump:
She thinks it makes total sense that she's the leader of the party. It does not. She's a hot mess. It takes her at least a good chunk of the way through act 2 to fully realize this
Her biggest and earliest act of rebellion in the game is wanting to survive more than she wants to fulfill her mission to Shar or be a perfect acolyte. This also drives her to follow Lae'zel's idea to pursue a cure from the githyanki, despite her goddess constantly trying to poison her against them
I'm sure you could easily make an argument that she was hooking up with other Sharrans in the cloister. I'm not making that argument. I think she was discouraged from forming attachments or engaging in distractions from her devotion to Shar. In my head she is a virgin until she has nasty bdsm sex with Lae'zel, although she'd rather die than tell Lae'zel that that was her first time. (I think she's been jorking it tho and is aware of what she wants/able to articulate her needs with Lae'zel, which helps her bluff)
Since she keeps getting pain/punishment inflicted on her by Shar over extremely minor infractions (like sleeping instead of working nonstop), and she keeps having flashbacks to being abused and tormented at the cloister, I think her behavior is very unpredictable/erratic, despite her efforts to project a cold and competent image. She's alternately spiteful/nasty due to her conditioning and due to being punished by her goddess all the time to a point where it's nearly meaningless suffering, or else she's defensive of people in trouble (including ones nobody understands why she cares about, like the goblin prisoner in the tiefling camp) because she identifies with their vulnerability but can't really stand up against her own tormenter.
She's about to adopt that githyanki egg because she has her own barely-remembered abandonment issues/terrible upbringing and doesn't want to see the gith baby killed by a militaristic cult. She knows Shar is going to be livid, but she takes the egg in a panic and doesn't know what else to do afterwards but keep it. Lae'zel, literally just slept with her one time a few days ago, is almost equally panicked by the idea of Shadowheart, of all people, raising a githyanki (she doesn't even respect Vlaakith!). So, begrudgingly, they both sort of become co-parents to this unborn Githyanki baby like 3 days after having sex once lol
Shadowheart is bound to a cruel goddess of the moonless night... Lae'zel's dialogue and storyline links her to asteroids that light the night + a blazing comet... obsessed with the symbolism of Lae'zel being a light in the endless darkness of Shadowheart's life
The idea of Shadowheart going from Shar pitting her against the githyanki to having her partner and baby both be githyanki is so touching... And then for Lae'zel, in the big picture, Shadowheart inadvertently brings the means for Githyanki liberation and a free Githyanki future into Lae'zel's life. That will come full circle when Shadowheart joins her revolution at the end of the game. On a smaller scale, by rescuing the egg, Shadowheart also brings the future of the Githyanki into Lae'zel's life through bringing their baby into Lae'zel's life.
Trickery cleric usually sucks imo + I'm stuck being unable to respec her due to a bug that won't let me get past the name screen for origin Shadowheart on the respec screen. But at least this time I got some stupidly overpowered modded weapons and armor so I'm having a blast. Gave Shadowheart two nasty little daggers that always come back and some overpowered stealth oriented armor and I'm having funnnnnn throwing little knives from out of nowhere
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egrets-not-regrets · 9 months ago
Dandelions and Yarrow (1)
Dandelions and yarrow are both tough, hardy weeds that can grow under harsh conditions.
Alcyon (chaos Iron Warrior) makes the mistake of nearly breaking his bond with Amelia, his bonded human.
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Author’s Note: Chapter One >>>>> Next Chapter
TW: smut, noncon, dubcon, angst. This chapter is all hurt, no comfort. You are warned.
Just a few points:
This takes place before Ben/Malaran “Orca” Blackspike storyline.
Amelia is bonded to Alcyon, a chaos Iron Warrior. These two share an intense bond that teeters on the point of becoming a mate bond.
Alcyon has a pretty good grasp of the english language. He usually communicates with Amelia in english and other Astartes in Gothic.
Thanks to @squishyowl for the divider image!
OCs: Alcyon (chaos Iron Warrior), Amelia Plover
Tagged: @shadowfirecat, @kit-williams, @bleedingichorhearts, @barn-anon, @gallifreyianrosearkytiorsusan
@sleepyfan-blog, @c-u-c-koo-4-40k, @bispecsual, @ms--lobotomy
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The meaning of 'heartbreak’ had been all but foreign to him before, but now he understood what it meant as soon as he saw the shattered look in Amelia’s eyes directed at him. Alcyon knew that she had received the news about being banned from her son’s school. 
“Alcyon! Why did you do it? Why did you have to fight him? I told you not to!” Amelia didn’t know where to even start with him on this anymore. The news broke her. Meeting Ben at his school before her ex came to pick him up was the only way she could see her son.    
Crossing his arms, the chaos Iron Warrior bristled and gave a disgruntled huff, “I could have killed the Black Templar. By right of challenge, I would have won your boy back for you had they not stopped me.”
“But they did stop you from killing him and now we both are banned from Ben’s school!” Amelia’s temper rose. 
“You shouldn’t have challenged him! I told you repeatedly to not do this and make the situation worse! It’s not that simple!” she added angrily. Amelia had never argued with Alcyon like this. She never wanted to argue with him like this, but she needed him to see, to understand how much his fight with the Black Templar cost her. 
“How is it not that simple? We could have simply taken your son at any point and you can have him back”
“Human laws don't make it simple!” Amelia nearly yelled at him out of frustration.
“I am bonded to you! In the eyes of human law, I am, to some degree, responsible for you too! What they see is MY chaos Astartes going out of control, starting a fight, and nearly killing a loyalist Astartes at my son’s school!” Her heart hurt, her head hurt, she didn’t want to continue. Why couldn’t her Astartes understand this? 
The chaos Iron Warrior replied, “You don’t control me.” 
“Of course I don’t, but that’s not how the human lawmakers see it.” Amelia breathed a vexed sigh trying to calm down. This argument was getting tiresome, she couldn’t remember the number of times they’ve talked about this. She knew her Astartes had done this on her behalf but she warned him time and time again not to, “I don’t even know why we’re still arguing about this. It’s too late for that now.” She grimaced. 
Amelia straightened out the order that she held crumpled in her fist, despairing as she read through the damning letter again. What was she to do now?
“We’ll have another chance to get your son back.”
His words locked around her chest tightly. She grit her teeth, trying hard not to cry from the whirlwind of emotions inside, “We won’t have another chance. Even if there was, you won’t be helping me.”
She could hear Alcyon’s quiet growl building, “What did you say?”
Amelia whirled on him, eyes blazing with fury and angry tears sliding unchecked down her face, “I said, ‘Even if I had another chance, I won’t be asking you for help!’”
The volume in her voice rose as she continued, “You lost my last chance to see Ben again, because you didn’t listen! How could I even trust you to not mess up next time?!” 
“Mess up?” Alcyon snapped at her, “Mess up?! I only took action because you kept crying about being stopped at every turn because of the laws and that damned family of his!”
“That’s exactly why we couldn’t meet them with violence! Because they are spiteful enough that they will throw the law at us and now they have the excuse of saying you are a danger to Ben due to your fight with his father’s Black Templar. Moreover, the law will always be biased against chaos Astartes and you are no exception! Why couldn’t you understand that?!”
Alcyon’s frustration grew the more Amelia said. It wasn’t his fault that the Black Templar and that family of hers kept her son away. He was the one who had supported her from the time she had accepted that he had bonded to her. And now she didn’t want his help because he made this one mistake? 
He sneered, “Don’t you dare blame me for that son of Dorn keeping your son away from you.”
“You are partially to blame! If you didn’t fight and nearly kill him, we wouldn’t be banned from the school! I wouldn't be in this mess!” she spat, too emotionally exhausted to keep her temper in check. 
“Then you shouldn’t have kept complaining about the inept human laws that you like to play with! At least I did something about it!” the Iron Warrior retorted.
Her anger boiled over, “I didn’t need you to do anything about it! I didn’t want you to do anything about it! Sometimes I wonder why I’m even bonded to you in the first place!” Amelia’s eyes widened and her expression turned pained, even she couldn’t believe the harsh words that came out of her mouth, “I’m sorry, I didn’t mean…”
Ignoring her stuttered apology, Alcyon snarled back at her, “I didn’t ask to be bonded to you. If I had a choice, I wouldn’t be bound to a simpering weakling like you!”
He knew that his words hurt. Judging by the agonized expression she wore, his words stabbed in all the right places. She didn’t want his help? He’s the one who’s taken action to get her son back! He’s the one who gave her the chance to visit her son again! How dare she be so ungrateful! Alcyon angrily ignored the voice in the back of his mind screaming at him to stop, that they won’t be able to walk back their words after this. So occupied by his resentment and anger, he couldn’t feel their bond slowly come apart, thread snapping by fragile thread.
Amelia felt her heart crack and regrets started to bleed from it. 
“I never asked for you to be bonded to me either. You could’ve left me alone, you should’ve stayed away!” She wiped her eyes angrily, “None of this would’ve happened if you hadn’t shown up in my life!”
Another thread snapped. 
“You’re the one who accepted our bond! You wanted it! Had you not, you’d still be that lonely little human woman yearning for a big Astartes save her and warm her bed at night, because her own husband wouldn’t bother to fuck her!” Alcyon resentfully pointed out. 
Amelia glared at him, speechless with anger and mortification. 
“I heard what they said about you… the whore who prefers the company of chaos demons rather than her own family.” He sneered. 
“I do not…!” She spluttered in embarrassment, “I am not a whore!”
The Iron Warrior looked infuriatingly smug despite the hurt, “That’s not what you moaned when I fucked you.”
A few more threads loosened. 
Feeling humiliated beyond tears, Amelia growled low, “Get. Out.” 
“No. This place is mine as much as it is yours.” He replied stubbornly. 
“Fine. Then I’ll go! I can’t deal with you right now.” Amelia knew this was going nowhere and immediately yielded. She started walking away only to be roughly yanked back into place, plastered against the wall. Her arm, held tightly in his claw. Amelia froze, not daring to struggle lest the metal claw cut into her flesh. 
“I’m not done with you!” Alcyon growled. A dark desire in him wanted to see her fight back so he would have reason to scorch her in return. 
A number of threads singed and sizzled as it burnt away.
“What else do you want from me? To be thanked?” Amelia asked, indignation and hurt seeping into her voice. 
She snapped, “Well thank you for losing the last chance I have to see my son again!”
“Don’t take that tone with me!” He roared back.
Amelia screamed when Alcyon’s heavy metal claw slammed into the wall a few inches from her cheek. Sharp metal tips dug deep into the plaster; a stark frightening reminder of how dangerous Alcyon actually was. The red lenses on the chaos marine’s face glowed with a malignant energy as he loomed over her.  
“Good. You should remember to be afraid.” Alcyon leered at her, a sense of dark satisfaction washing over him as he watched terrified tears run down Amelia’s face. 
Another few threads broke. 
“You act as if this one mistake of mine is a world ending tragedy and wipes away everything else I had done for you!” He hissed disdainfully. 
Not even giving her a chance to reply, Alcyon continued, “Everything I had done up until now had always been for you! Always!” Spite and anger built in his chest, “And you dismiss me like some misbehaving pet?!”
“I never treated you like that! If you feel like I treat you like some pet, take off your collar then! Leave me! I can’t stop you!” She spat back, “I won’t stop you!”
She was right. He knew he could leave. He knew she couldn’t stop him. What could Amelia even do? She was such a weak creature. But something stopped him, did he actually want to leave? 
“We already said we don’t want to be bonded to each other. Then we don’t need to stay in whatever this.. this… whatever this is then!” Amelia angrily cried. 
To break this bond tethering him to Amelia’s existence seemed completely abhorrent to him. Even if he didn’t have a choice in who he was bonded to, the thought of her not wanting to stay by his side made Alcyon’s chest feel tight. 
“I can’t believe I loved you.” She said hoarsely, sorrow cracking through her voice, “I thought…”
Several more threads from the bond snapped.
His hearts shouldn’t have clenched like that when he heard her say it. The Iron Warrior dismissed the feeling with a scoff, “You’re delusional. There was never love. We are bonded. You are simply just mine.”
She glared at him through her tears, “We may be bonded, but I am not yours.”
That sentence echoed in his ear. 
More strands broke. 
“You don’t mean that.” Alcyon hissed through gritted teeth. The defiance in her words made something twist and shear inside. How dare she say that. She was his. She was his. Amelia was bonded to him and him only. She was his! That thought ran rampant in his mind.
“You don’t mean that.” The chaos marine suddenly pinned his human to the table, one hand trapping her wrists above her head, his teeth caressing her throat. Amelia cried out from the impact, her body spasmed in pain. 
“Tell me you don’t mean that.” He growled. Amelia idly wondered if Alcyon would tear her throat out if she told him otherwise. 
More threads strained and snapped. 
“Say it!” He snarled and bit down hard. 
Amelia mewled, her body instinctively reacting by arching into his. Instinctively wanting more. Her skin prickled at their heightened sensitivity. A weak moan escaped her as he sucked on the tender mark. 
“Tell me, Amelia. Tell me, you are mine. Your body certainly knows it.” She could feel him smirk against her flushed skin. She tried to bite back another whine at the heat and pressure of his body pressed flush to her own, her hips pushing back when he started rolling his hips against hers. It always started like this… she thought as her mind started to fog. 
Appalled at her own reaction, Amelia panicked. She twisted her hips away, bringing a knee up to push his body off her. Her arms strained to free themselves from the tight clasp of his hand.
She started screaming, “NO! Get off— mmngh!” He silenced her with a rough kiss, his tongue wrestling down her own. A frustrating rage in him grew at her defiance. She kept denying that she belonged to him. She was his as he was hers. They were bonded. He won’t allow her to deny the fact any longer. He’ll remind her who she is bonded to. 
“No.” The chaos marine sneered, his grip holding Amelia’s wrists together tightened, his claw grabbed her leg, easily moving it back to the side of his hips, forcing her to lay on her back facing him once more. She winced in discomfort. 
“Your words deny it, but your body and soul remembers. I will make you remember!” He angrily growled into her mouth, the vibration from it causing another unwanted arc of pleasure to course through her body. In one quick movement, Alcyon’s metal claw effortlessly shreds through her clothing. The torn clothes fell apart, leaving behind thin bleeding welts where his claw swiped against her bare torso. 
More threads were sliced from the bond. 
Amelia's eyes widened with fear as she started to struggle in earnest, “No! Alcyon! Let me g-!” His mouth was on hers again in an instant, cutting off her protests. She tried to turn her head away. He bit hard onto her bottom lip, warning her to be still. She whined in response before he promptly stole her breath again. 
“Stop, Alcyon! Please sto-!” Amelia begged as soon as their mouths parted. 
She could see every scar in detail around the lens implant as they stayed nose to nose, “Even if you deny it, you know that you’re mine.” Alcyon harshly whispered, “You will always be mine.”
He grabbed her hair and pulled her head to one side before biting down hard onto an old mark, drawing blood. Amelia keened wordlessly, tears leaking from her eyes as the pain added to the heated pleasure within her own traitorous body. She knew that this was a natural reaction, but she couldn’t help but wish that her body didn’t betray her like this. 
With a pleased growl, the chaos Iron Warrior licked the blood from the wound then kissed her. An unbidden moan left her throat as the bitter iron salt of her blood passed between their tongues. 
“Your body is more honest isn’t it?” Alcyon laughs sardonically against her lips. He could smell his human’s arousal right when he pinned her under him, the heady scent getting stronger as he continued to mark her. His teeth nipped and worried her sensitive skin down toward her breast, soaking in all her involuntary gasps and twitching muscles as he laid his claim onto her flesh. 
Amelia flushed with shame and regret. She wished she had never had slept with Alcyon, if only so that he would not know her body as well as he did. She regretted that she allowed her relationship with the Iron Warrior to become this intimate. She regretted that she had fallen in love with him. 
More threads dissolved. 
He bit down hard onto her breast, his sharp teeth sinking into the soft tissue. Amelia bit her lip to stop another whine from escaping, her hands stiffened into claws as Alcyon’s tongue licked up the blood that had beaded up from the wound.  
He gave the same treatment to her other breast, further sucking and teething her nipple into a hard peak. 
“No..! Alcy— ohhhn!” Her throat was tight as she let out a strangled moan, her pussy clenching around nothing. Amelia flattened her back against the table and tried to curl into herself, trying to shirk away from his touch. The chaos marine let out a feral, displeased growl. He grabbed her thighs and slotted her roughly against him, forcing her legs to spread wide to accommodate for the width of his muscled bulk. His metal claw dug into her back, the pain forcing Amelia to arch her spine, pushing more of her breast into his mouth; her breath shuddering and her hips thrusting involuntarily, rubbing her aching core against his pelvis as he sucked and nipped bruises onto her sensitive flesh. 
“No more… please Alcyon.” Amelia begged.  Shame filled her being as she could feel her cunt becoming slick with her juices. 
Alcyon ignored her pleas and groaned at the scent of her deepened arousal mixed with the iron in her blood, his own cock hardening within his pants from rutting against her hot wet core. He could feel the twitches of her muscles and hear her near silent moans and involuntary gasps as Amelia tried desperately to stop reacting to his touch. He will make her fall. He will make her remember. 
This time he will leave his marks so others could see who she belonged to. Alcyon bit her neck again, sinking his teeth just below her jawline. 
Her shame and regret flashed into anger. “Stop it!!!” She snarled, whipping up a freed hand to strike his face. 
Alcyon caught her hand and roughly forced it onto the table again, “Say it, Amelia. Say that you are mine.” He demanded, his eye darkened with feral lust and possessiveness heavy in his voice. 
She was beautiful, pinned helplessly below him, glaring at him with rage simmering under the surface. He could see Amelia’s heightened pulse flutter underneath her fragile skin. Bruises forming where he marked over and blood beading out from marks that broke skin. Her breasts heaved as she struggled to steady her breathing.
Amelia bared her teeth at him in anger and contempt, “Leave me alone! I can’t stand the sight of you! I hate you.”
He felt it then. It was as if someone reached into his chest and grabbed a bundle of threads that made up the core of his bond and brutally ripped them out. Sharp agonizing pain stabbed into his hearts as each thread snapped and broke, as if they were once attached to them. Alcyon stared at her, reeling from the sudden shock of pain. Amelia took the chance to slip out from under him and ran into the bedroom, locking the door behind her. 
The chaos warrior shook himself out of it, that shock of pain quickly settling to a dull ache as resentment soon took over. Alcyon turned to follow his human when the shine of the intricate metal fish on the table caught his attention. It was a gift he made for Amelia that she treasured. Eyeing the fish figurine with spiteful hostility, he crushed it in his hand and flung it against the wall, shattering it into pieces. 
Amelia’s sobs were quiet and muffled, but even they couldn’t escape from his keen hearing. Every cell in his body was compelling him to respond to his bonded human’s sorrowful cries; to comfort her, to apologize, to rebuild the threads of the bond that’s been broken. Alcyon ground his teeth hard, fighting against the compulsion. The Iron Warrior ignored it all and stormed out of their home, slamming the door so hard it nearly took the door off its hinges. 
Alcyon was long gone by the time Amelia crept out from the bedroom. Teary-eyed, but fully dressed again, Amelia cautiously made her way back to the living room, still wary that the chaos warrior was still lurking somewhere in their home. More and more cracks formed in her heart as she looked at the evidence of their fight: the gouge marks in the wall, the scratch marks, the torn strips of her clothes that laid on the table. She whimpered and hissed when her own body reminded her of Alcyon’s cuts and bite marks on her. But that hurt couldn’t compare to heart wrenching pain when she found the shattered remnants of her beloved fish figurine. 
Amelia remembered Alcyon had made it for her: a beautiful and surprisingly intricate piece of art that came from his rough and metal hands. She loved it so much. It reminded her of her son’s favourite creatures… and what she mistakenly thought was Alcyon’s love for her. Tears started to roll down her cheeks again as she painstakingly picked up the remains, piece by shattered piece.  
A particularly sharp fragment of the fish sliced into her finger, the sudden shock of pain causing her already shaky hand to drop the pieces she just collected. Sliding down the wall, her hand fisted around the pieces that didn’t fall, Amelia curled into herself in anguish. Letting out a grief-stricken wail, she wept bitterly. 
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dekanos · 11 months ago
this shit has taken everyone i've ever loved. @ruinedmyself — sent from this prompt (x) still accepting!
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the anger has been building in him for months. no matter how many times he's tried to express to sam that nothing good will happen if he tries to break the conditions of the deal, the kid keeps trying his damned hardest to find a loophole. it had to come to a boiling point eventually, and dean's limit is reached when he walks in on sam buried in various textbooks regarding demonic pacts. where he'd gotten those from, dean can only guess — if it means having to share a few select and harsh words with bobby, then so be it — but it had been enough for him to start an argument.
‘ you think i don't know that, sam!? you think i'm not right there with you!? ’ because that's the kicker here, isn't it? that they've both loved, albeit in different ways, and lost. sam's just lucky he hadn't been hold enough to remember the fire, to know the feeling of sudden and unbearable grief. being fours years old and having to go from waking up that morning with forehead kisses gifted over breakfast to knowing that you'll never feel the comforting touch of a mother's hand again is something that changes you so viscerally. and he hadn't even had time to process his grief, because it had been all guns blazing, leaving the only home he'd ever known to go out on the road and hunt down a fucking demon, of all things. the same demon who years later, in a manner that can only be described as cosmic fucking irony, would cruelly snatch his brother from him when gaining access to him had been the very reason that their mother had been killed in the first place.
in some fucked up way, dean thinks, this deal makes them even. if sam can understand even a singular iota of the grief that dean had felt holding his brother's lifeless body in his arms, then this would have been worth it. because he can't possibly know what it's like to feel responsible for the loss of the one person on earth that you've dedicated your entire reason for existing to keeping safe and protected. the sense of failure that had wholly engulfed him, that he would've had to carry with him for the rest of his life if he hadn't done something, anything, to rectify what he considers his greatest mistake, would have ruined him. ‘ i'm not gonna apologise for doin' what i had to so i could keep you safe, sam. i'm just not. and you can hate me all you want, but i'd rather live my life knowin' you were out there somewhere hatin' me, than knowin' you weren't out there at all. ’
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