#I referenced my partner and I with our kittens for this
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caserulzok · 14 days ago
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Happy Valentine’s Day 🧡
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AITA for breaking up with someone over fishkeeping and cat food? I know how the title sounds but hear me out. This happened a couple years ago and I'm still friends with the people this happened with but it still weighs on me. So I have always been kind of militant about husbandry when it comes to the animals I keep(autistic, it' a special interest) and I don't really like to deal with people who don't take caring for living creatures they willingly bring into their home seriously. I sold a fish tank to my, then, partner J who wanted to get into fish keeping. J and D, our other partner, lived together. After taking the tank home and cleaning it up we were throwing around ideas for what to put in it. It wasn't too big but also not small, but he kept throwing out species that would far outgrow the tank or species that would fight and kill each other. Every time I shot these species down J took it well, realizing the space was either too small or they would die and didn't want the fish in improper conditions but D kept telling me not to "squash his creativity" and he could "do whatever as long as it made him happy". At this I obviously hopped on my soapbox about how it's our duty as animal owners to give the animals we keep proper conditions and D went absolutely off on me and mentioned how I care "too much" about how other people keep their animals and had always made her feel bad about how she feeds her cats and now I was doing this. For context my cat eats a raw diet. I did a lot of research and talked to my vet and he's doing wonderfully while one of her cats is extremely overweight to the point he waddles instead of walking and the other two are getting there as well, both of which I've brought up concerns about but I have NEVER shamed the way she fed her animals. She had been interested in the interest I had taken and had ASKED for better quality food recommendations, so I gave them, but NEVER told her she had to feed them a certain way. A majority of our conversations were just me info-dumping and her being happy to listen and ask questions occasionally. Anyway J kind of backed out of the conversation at this and D and I went back and forth a bit before D finally said "I don't think this relationship is going to work out if you won't let this go"(This being I have pointed out one of her cats is grossly overweight a couple times and it's extremely unhealthy, especially since he's aging now) so I said "Yeah I think so too. This is something I clearly care a lot about and I'm not going to be with someone who puts their own or their partner's feelings over the well-being of the animals they are responsible for"(referencing when she said a few times when talking about the fish that it was okay if the fish killed each other or died from improper conditions as long as J was happy with how the tank looked and "it's not like we're putting kittens in with sharks, they're Just Fish") and we broke up there and then. Since then we've still stayed close friends after a short break from each other(I'm actually her Man of Honor in her upcoming wedding to J!) and she's actually made moves to better the quality of the food she buys her cats and is working on getting her obese cat's weight down and J's fish tank hobby is going very well(with proper keeping standards!!). But the situation at the time still weighs on me and even though we're genuinely too busy with work and life to make a relationship work anymore anyway and that was also a factor of the breakup.... AITA for beginning a breakup over animal husbandry?
What are these acronyms?
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beholdme · 4 years ago
All the Many Shades of Gerry - Chapter 13
Chapters: 13/19
Fandom: The Magnus Archives (Podcast)
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Relationships: Martin Blackwood/Gerard Keay/Jonathan “Jon” Sims | The Archivist, Martin Blackwood/Gerard Keay, Martin Blackwood/Jonathan “Jon” Sims | The Archivist, Gerard Keay/Jonathan “Jon” Sims | The Archivist
Characters: Martin Blackwood, Jonathan “Jon” Sims | The Archivist, Gerard Keay, Tim Stoker (The Magnus Archives), Sasha James, Gertrude Robinson, Elias Bouchard
Additional Tags: Alternate Universe, Library AU, Librarian Jon, Artist Gerry, Trans Male Character, Trans Martin Blackwood, Canon Asexual Character, Asexual Jonathan “Jon” Sims | The Archivist, Ace Subtype - Sex Positive, Polyamory, Fluff, Fluff and Angst, Romantic Fluff, Falling In Love, Boys in Skirts, Kissing, Demisexual Gerard Keay, Minor Character Death, Past Character Death, Canon-Typical Child Neglect, Implied/Referenced Child Abuse, Flirting, Minor Jonathan “Jon” Sims | The Archivist/Tim Stoker, Adventures in Hair Dying, Happy Ending, Banter, Gerry has a lot of sass, Gerard Keay is Morticia Adams, Jon is a very grumpy Librarian, Martin adores them anyway.
Summary: In which Gerry is a kaleidoscope and Jon and Martin can’t help falling in love with him.
He happens to love them back.
Find it on Ao3
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If someone had asked Martin where he had least expected to be on the day after his thirtieth birthday, the veterinarian probably wouldn’t have been at the top of his list, but it definitely would have made the top ten.
Honestly, Martin didn’t think he had ever stepped foot into a vet clinic before in his life. He had never owned so much as a pet hamster, and now here he stood, clutching a tiny ball of mewling fluff and trying not to get distracted by the pet toys.
He felt positively inundated with new information on all sides. There were about a million different types of pet food lining the walls, and everything seemed to be a new bright colour to draw his distracted eyes. Warning signs that made very little sense to him filled the space, most memorably ‘Large birds must be kept leashed at all times inside the practice’, and ‘Reptiles need to be secured inside their travel enclosures.’
There was indeed an iguana in a massive glass enclosure sunning itself under a heat lamp, but it appeared to be a permanent resident, not a guest. Seemingly opposite to this was the massive tabby cat draped across the reception desk.
Martin begins to panic slightly.
He desperately wished he had allowed one of his lovers to accompany him, but he had sent Gerry back to bed to sleep and Jon had been shooed off to work, both quite thoroughly hung-over.
Now here he stands, alone with his new fluffy friend, and doesn't even know where to start. Neither of his partners have ever actually had a kitten before, but at least they had both owned cats before.
Gerry had been adopted by Saturn as a full-grown boy when he arrived at the window of his shitty little flat in Edinburgh and demanded to be let in. Gerry had confessed to a romantic feeling of instant affection for the fluffy beast and had taken Saturn in without a moment’s hesitation. They had moved together as he traveled the country, eventually settling together in London, where he had found Jon again.
Jon had been raised with several cats that had all been born before him and had liked them, but he had told Martin once that he heavily associated cats with his Grandmother and his slightly cold upbringing. That was all the pet experience he had until he met Saturn and fell in love with him as easily as they’d both fallen in love with Gerry. Like goth, like feline companion, apparently.
Nevertheless, Saturn did not appreciate being taken to the vet and had never gone once since Martin had met him.
"Can I help you, sir?" A kind-looking older lady sat at reception, and she beaconed Martin forward gently.
"I- I-" He started, stuttering badly. He closed his eyes and shook himself to dispel the unfortunate remnant of his childhood. “I found this kitten, and I was hoping the vet could check on it for me?”
“And will you be wanting to surrender it into our care?” She asks, tapping away at her keyboard.
“What?” Martin shies away, pulling the cat protectively even closer to his chest.
“You’re more than welcome to keep it, but we do also take in strays if you aren’t able to.” She smiles at him soothingly.
“Oh, I want to keep her please.” Martin flushes a bit. “I already gave her a name.”
The woman smiles at him knowingly. “The vet can see you in 15 minutes then.”
She takes his contact information, and they weigh Martin’s new friend. She guesses the kitten's age to be about 2 weeks and sends him off to sit close to the iguana.
An hour later, Martin stumbles out the door, armed with more supplies than he could ever have imagined he needed to raise one small animal. His head is spinning, alternating between fond adoration and complete anxiety over this new task that he has given himself. Luna meows at him supportively, happy to be clean and have a full belly.
Out on the street, he finds Jon. It’s raining slightly, and he’s wrapped in a long peacoat, with a scarf Martin is certain was once his.
“What are you doing here?” Martin demands, shocked. He stumbles over to his partner, and Jon reaches out to steady him. “I thought you were at the library."
Jon presses a quick kiss to his shocked mouth, before taking several things out of his overcrowded arms.
"I know you said that you were going to do this on your own, but I wanted to be nearby in case you needed me, so I called off." He shrugs a bit, "I reckoned that I had earned it, what with all the overtime I work and don't get paid for."
Martin is filled with warmth, eyes welling a bit. "Oh, Jon."
"Oh no, don't cry. I'm sorry." Jon's face pinches in concern. "I can go if you want me to."
"No, I'm so happy you're here. I was just wishing for you, and there you were. Thank you." Martin steps towards him as best he can, and they kiss softly for a few moments, out in the rain.
In time, the kitten, haphazardly clutched to Martin's chest, makes her displeasure at the soggy conditions known. Gripping hands tightly, Jon and Martin set off towards the bookstore, just a couple blocks over.
It’s quiet when they arrive, the morning pre-work rush over, and the student and lunch crowds far off yet. The two baristas and Tim descend upon them immediately when they see the small head poking out of Martin’s coat. There is much cooing and fuss over Luna, and Martin recounts the tale of discovering her in the back alley of Gerry’s bar.
Once they return to work, Jon and Martin settle on one of the sofas, a coffee table before them. They make up a small cat bed, which Luna explores for a few moments, before sitting at the edge and staring at Martin imploringly. He scopes her up and plops her inside, before placing the tiny bed right in his lap. She happily passes out after that, the wild adventures of the morning catching up with her little kitten body.
Deciding to truly have the day off, Jon does not take out his laptop and start working on it, instead ordering their tea, picking a book to read from the store, and bringing it all over to settle with his partner.
“Thank you for coming,” Martin tells him, a soft look on his face. He leans an elbow on the back of the couch, head resting on his fist. “I didn’t even realise how much I needed you until I saw you there.”
“I know,” Jon starts, frowning in concentration, “that I’m not always the best at sensing these things, that sometimes I can be too focused on myself and the things going on in my head. I do hope that I always manage to catch the important moments, and I trust that you’ll always let me know when I don’t.”
Jon pauses, and sighs, a self-deprecating smile lining his face. He continues, “I want to learn to be who you need me to be. I want to be for you, what you always are to me. I love you, Martin.”
“I love you too, Jon.” Martin squeezes Jon’s hand, before placing a sweet kiss in his palm. “You are exactly who I need you to be.”
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It is a soft, hazy sort of day. The rain pours outside, and Jon lies against Martin and reads two books before lunchtime. Martin practices bottle-feeding Luna, every few hours, and Jon sits nearby watching nervously. He wonders vaguely if his partner is alarmed to be around an infant of any kind for a while, but on the third feeding, Jon seems to rouse himself and offers to give it a try.
Each time a new client comes in, there's a round of cooing and petting, and Martin worries that she’ll be spoiled rotten in no time. He imagines that if she spends much time here, he’ll have to sell cat treats and Luna will one day be as fat as a house.
At one point, Jon starts to read aloud, and Martin seems to fall asleep gently propped against his shoulder. He wakes to find Jon laughing softly and Luna learning to use him as a climbing frame.
"I think she likes you, love," Martin whispers into his hair.
"Well, I think I might like her too," Jon confesses, a world away from his scepticism of just this morning.
After lunchtime, Gerry flies into the store very manically, clutching a very strange backpack to his chest. It has a weird clear window, reminiscent of a ship’s porthole, and the rest of it is hard structured plastic.
He ducks down to kiss first Martin, then Jon, before thrusting the backpack into Martin's hands.
"What is this?" Martin asks, holding it away from himself as if it might bite.
"It's a cat backpack. Saturn has always preferred it to a normal cat basket, and I thought it might be useful if we need to take her to work with us and then back to various flats." Gerry walks around the table, bodily picking up Jon's legs and sitting beneath them. He looks like nothing so much as a large, damp bat, black trench coat flapping around him like over large wings. "I ordered her one of her own, but it won't be here for a few days, so I brought Saturn's in the meantime."
There's a beat of shocked silence, so Gerry adds, "Only if you want it, obviously."
"I- I do, thank you." Martin can feel himself blushing with odd pleasure.
He had made sure to ask them if they were okay with Martin keeping Luna, but he hadn't really expected them to embrace the situation with such gusto, and his heart burns with an odd intensity at their gestures of support.
It's almost-
It's almost like they love him, and care about all the things he cares about.
Martin sits, staring at a cat backpack, and allows the realisation to wash over him. It hits him like a tidal wave, despite the dozens and maybe hundreds of times they've said the words to him.
He feels very foolish, left floored by the fact that his lovers- well, that they love him!
Martin knows, understands even, that he has been left slightly broken by his father leaving, his mother hating him, the things that he chose to do to survive in his early adulthood. He does understand that, and yet he never realized that he was hearing Jon and Gerry say they love him and saying the words back, and yet subtly holding on to the (clearly mistaken) understanding that they don't really mean them.
It makes a sick kind of sense, clinging to the idea that they don't really care about him, so when they decide that they don't anymore, it doesn't leave him broken beyond repair.
Martin puts the cat bag down on the table, hands Luna to Gerry, and gets up. He waves at them reassuringly when they try to ask him what's wrong, before walking to the bathroom, locking the door, and sobbing like a child for several long moments.
As Luna grows, she spends time with each of them.
Gerry takes her most of the first nights, feeding her through the evenings and then handing her back to Martin as he leaves for the bookstore.
This means she spends quite a lot of her formative life in a bar, but when Martin goes in to check on them, he finds Gerry's plastered clientele just as enamored with the kitten as his own tea-drinking patrons.
Jon likes to have her in the late afternoons, keeping her at the library for a few sleepy hours before he leaves for the day. He tells Martin once that the children's reading group comes in during that time, and he likes to sit in with them and let Luna listen along.
The children, of course, adore her and Jon tells Martin very primly, "Listening comprehension is a very important skill in a developing infant."
Martin finds it hilarious and adorable and can't help but pull Jon into his arms and kiss him breathless, an unimpressed Luna trapped between them.
Saturn does not appreciate Luna at first, disappearing in a huff the first few times Martin brings her over to the studio.
"Don't worry about it, love." Gerry had waved away his concern casually. "He's just a jealous baby. He'll figure out that she wants to play with him eventually, and then they'll be the best of friends."
Indeed, Martin walks into the kitchen one morning to find the two cats curled together in a shaft of sunshine. Saturn is gently giving her a bath, and Luna purrs sweetly at the attention.
When Saturn notices him watching, he untangles himself, shows Martin his bum, and then disappears. He's reminded of nothing so much as Gerry himself, caught eating ice cream for breakfast, or smoking during the day, an activity he would insist is a nighttime pursuit only. The same drama is employed as a distraction technique, and Martin wonders whether the cat learnt it from the goth, or the goth learnt it from the cat.
Luna grows and settles, and Martin adores having her more than almost anything.
He takes the time, as they raise her, to force himself to accept his life for what it truly is. He puts aside the constant nagging fear that Jon and Gerry will lose interest in him one day and begins to notice all the ways they show him they love him, which makes the words all the more precious to him when they take the time to tell him.
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jebazzled · 4 years ago
Level Up! Beginner/Intermediate/Advanced RP and You
Hello there! Coming to you again with tips & tricks for a top-notch roleplay experience! Today we're going to talk about writing levels and what they mean for your roleplay experience. We'll cover what these levels mean, how to gauge where you're at, and how you can improve your roleplay writing specifically!
"Writing levels" are often a descriptor sites will use in their advertising and site buzzes. They might be "semi-literate," "intermediate," "literate," "advanced," or any other sort of buzzword. The key here is that these descriptors are used by site staff both to advertise what type of writing is most common on their site and what type of writing they want to see on their site.
What writing levels are not is a value indicator. There's nothing wrong with being an intermediate writer or a beginner writer; advanced sites are not inherently better than intermediate ones, beginner sites are nothing to be ashamed of! Think of writing levels as an umbrella within the rp community. The same way a forum rp-er might narrow their search to jcink sites, a writer might narrow their search to sites which cater to their style of writing.
That said, it is good to define what each of these levels look like so you can figure out where your writing might fit.
BEGINNER Beginner writing is often very short and direct, without much in the way of literary flourish. Characters might be fairly undeveloped (or developed around one trait, for example, "goth" or "prep") and there's usually more discussion of their appearance than you see in advanced writing.
Susie was short and very skinny, with big eyes and long mermaid-wavy hair dyed blue at the ends. She was sitting outside Firefly High in blue skinny jeans, silver Converse, and a black t-shirt. "I hope someone can give me a ride home," she said.
Raven sneered at Susie. She didn't like blue because she liked black, because she was a goth. "Are you listening to popular music? What a phony."
Bramblepaw sat down in the clearing. "Hello" he meowed.
Some guides will also give an example like 
patty threw a pom pom at susie! "take that u nerd!"
But I am choosing to believe that you're past that if you're deep enough in this hobby to be seeking out resources - I certainly never had that self-awareness until I was more in intermediate territory!
Beginner-level writing gets the job done, and can certainly move a story along. But if you've been writing a while, you might be ready to build more multifaceted characters, and to invest more effort in your writing.
INTERMEDIATE/SEMI-LITERATE WRITING Intermediate writing tends to be longer than beginner writing, with more variety in sentence structure and with more advanced word choices. There are likely more "beats" per post, by which I mean that instead of just answering a question or getting on the bus or etc, a character will likely do more actions in each turn writing. Characters are less likely to be a stereotype (see: Raven the goth who only wears black, Patty the popular cheerleader who is blonde and brainless, etc) but applications likely reveal one-dimensional characters. Common application styles I see from intermediate writers are "interviews" and "journals," as well as listicles (10 Things Raven Likes, 9 People Raven Hates, etc); this likely means a character is told rather than shown.
(Wondering what's so intermediate about interviews and journals? See my guides to interviews and journals!)
Susie was born on March 20, 2003 in Farmville, Iowa. She didn't like how similar her classmates all were - they all listened to the same music, read the same books (none!) and had the most fun when drinking on a tractor. Susie was more deep, and liked to write poetry and sketch the animals that lived on her family's farm. Today she was sitting outside Firefly High, twirling the ends of her blue-dyed hair and waiting for a ride home. 
Raven wasn't like most girls. She didn't like horses or rabbits, but only liked goats, because they represented the devil. Raven also wasn't like most girls, at least in Farmville, because she worshipped the devil. She wore a lot of black to represent this, and when she saw Susie, she sneered. Blue! Susie must be a normie. "Are you listening to popular music?" She asked. "What a phony."
Bramblepaw had spent all morning hunting and was feeling lonely. All he wanted was to share a squirrel with a friend, and maybe have someone groom the tricky spot behind his ears. He padded from the apprentice den to the warriors', to the elders and no one was home. He sat forlorn in the middle of the clearing. "Hello?" He meowed.
Another common trait of both beginner and intermediate writing is that posts might not leave much for a partner to reply to. The whole point of this weird hobby is to collaborate with a partner - if you're finding that it is hard to keep writing partners, you might take a look at my guide for writing posts that beg a response.
Intermediate writing is stronger than beginner writing, but still sometimes falls flat when it comes to collaboration with a partner, and is almost never beautiful to read. Intermediate writing is when advanced writing is just over the next hill - and that hill comes with a fair amount of work.
ADVANCED/LITERATE WRITING Advanced writing can be long or short, but the writing in either case packs a punch. Advanced writers use a variety of sentence structures, words, and literary devices. They might have specific imagery they use for specific characters, specific literary constructions for different characters, and there is a strong character voice in each post. Advanced writers write multifaceted characters with genuine flaws and fears, and advanced writers produce writing that is enjoyable to read, elegant and emotive. Applications will usually be anecdotal - will demonstrate key moments in a character's life, allowing the writer to show them in action rather than tell the reader what they are like. (A guide to anecdotal freestyle applications is available here.
Everything felt the same in Farmville: identical rows of corn stretching endlessly over the horizon, pockmarked by the occasional farmhouse, white clapboard and falling shutters. Every person felt the same - Susie and Mary and Sarah and Joseph, strong peasant names living strong peasant lives, and never straying more than twenty miles from the town in which they were born.
Even Susie knew she had her place in the sameness: the once-every-generation girl who fancies herself to be more, as though her sketches of the sheep and pigs are any better than her grandmother's before her. As though dying her hair blue were enough to make her different when she knew she belonged here as sure as the hogs in the barn.
The only difference between Susie and her classmates was that she didn't have a car to get her to her evening job at the Road Ranger gas station, and her bike had disassembled itself after she'd pedaled it into a gopher hole, so here she was, sitting pathetically outside Firefly High, waiting for a ride. She'd almost rather be fired than beg for one. 
It’s the principle of the thing, Raven had told her mother that morning. Yes, it was 90 degrees and 90 percent humidity; yes, there was not a cloud in the sky and the fields absorbed heat like a winter sweater; yes, she was aware that her white makeup and Wet n' Wild eyeliner was falling off her face like The Scream. But it was the principle of the thing, wearing the long-sleeved black shirt with the hand-cut thumbholes, a long dark skirt; her only concession to the heat, a pair of thin gray flip-flops instead of her beloved Docs. She listens to Death Wish; she doesn't have one.
But nothing makes a Satantic rebel feel more a phony than feeling it drip off of them in the rural Iowa heat, and Raven wanted to take it out on someone. Fair? No, but life isn't fair; she's got that on a sticker on the electric guitar she saved up her Hy-Vee salary for and never learned to play. Maybe pretending to be an asshole has turned Raven into one.
She has no real problem with Susie - Susie Q., from math, or Susie C., from human geo; who knows, they're all the same - but she scoffs at her anyway, loud enough to catch Susie's attention. "What top-40 garbage are you listening to?"
Hunting is something they do together, or they're supposed to. But in the whole time he'd been out in the woods, Bramblepaw hadn't seen a single other cat - not playing at the stream, not waiting in a tree for the finches to return, not sitting along the RiverClan border to taunt their neighbors. If he'd been a Loner, just passing through, he would have thought the entire territory abandoned.
It was unsettling, and when he returned to the Camp, it was more of the same: everyone gone, without a trace; had he imagined them being here at all? Was it all in his head?
His mew sounded small and pitiful to even him, the mewl of a lost kitten. "Hello?"
Advanced writing makes more time for descriptions, scene-setting, and other narration. It doesn't feel "cringey," by which I mean if you read it 10 years from now you're probably not going to want to drown yourself. Please do not ask me about the 2005 Proboards forum I adminned and referenced for this tutorial.
So now that we can recognize what writing our level might be at - how do we shop for a site?
Now that you have a sense of where your writing sits, it's time to use that data point in searching for a new site to call home. Some sites make it easy for you by self-identifying as beginner, intermediate, or advanced; some sites may use "semi-literate" and "literate," but I know I stray from those labels because it feels like a value judgment, and as I said before:
there is nothing wrong with being part of a beginner or intermediate community, if that is what makes the most sense for your writing and for what you aim to get out of your roleplay experience!
Before applying to a new site, you should do a little bit of digging around to see if it's a good fit for you: 
Look at accepted character applications. How do these compare to your own writing?
Skim some threads from top posters. How does this community write and structure their threads? Could you see yourself regularly keeping up with their speed, length, literary quality?
To the above point - does it seem like the community has a tendency towards your personal writing pet peeves? (For example, I personally cannot stand purple prose, and if the site community is prone to it, I am OUT.)
This is in addition to all standard due-diligence site-hunting routines, e.g. not diving into the world of Southern Gothic supernatural if you're looking for, say, urban fantasy.
It's also worth thinking about how the community behaves on the server, if you join it:
Is there a thread shoutout/compliments/etc channel? What passages are members calling out in there as exceptional writing?
Do the members strike you as open-minded and friendly or as more of a closed group? If you choose to shoot for a level above your standard writing as a growth exercise, this will be easier to achieve with an open-minded and friendly group than with a group of snobs.
Do you enjoy the vibe? Something frequently overlooked, I think. If you don't like the energy of the community, just don't join the site - that is going to be much more productive for everyone than you joining and then trying to get the staff to fully re-engineer their community.
Be honest with yourself! Regardless of how much you like a site's plot, lore, and community, joining a site that sits above your writing proficiency is challenging. You might find your characters routinely pended for lacking the development of other characters onsite. Other members may not be enthusiastic to write with you - not necessarily out of snobbishness or elitism, but because it's not fun to feel like you're not getting equal effort or quality from a writing partner. And you might find yourself feeling insecure about how your writing stacks up to others (I've been writing on advanced sites for 10 years and I feel insecure about my own writing sometimes!) which might sap your muse.
If you are looking for a minimal-effort, minimal-stress rp experience, stick to sites that are at or below your writing level. Writing with people of similar skillset will help take the edge off any insecurity, and because writing will be lower-pressure and lower-effort, you will be better positioned to juggle multiple characters and more big plots. "Lower effort" doesn't mean "lazy" - it just means that you free up headspace that otherwise you might spend on the mechanics of writing versus the excitement of plotting.
If you are an intermediate writer seeking to write on an advanced site, you need to take a much more deliberate approach.
One thing I see often is intermediate writers applying multiple characters to an advanced site at once. This is a losing proposition. While staff might be willing to pend an app and work with you on revisions, if they see you submitting multiple applications that require major revisions and overhauls, they see a pattern. While staff might be willing to help you develop one character to their site's standard, if they anticipate you needing that level of coaching on every character, they will question your ability to keep up with their members in threads. Staff cannot be expected to assist members on writing each thread post - at that point, it becomes easier to decline all of the intermediate writer's applications.
If you are an intermediate writer seeking to write on an advanced site, you need to treat this as a "quality, not quantity" project.
When I was 13 I was writing very much at a beginner and intermediate level, just little Neopets rps with my friends. Then I joined a horse rp - an advanced rp - with a 1000 word minimum per post. While I am beyond thankful ridiculous word count minimums aren't common anymore, I can credit this rp with much of my growth as a writer.
I wrote one (1) character. And I only plotted her with a couple of others. I was very active in the OOC community, and was eventually made a mod - but when it came to IC activity, I focused all my energy on one character and just a couple of plots, because I spent hours on each post, making sure that I was matching my writing partners as best I could. It was much more work than the beginner & intermediate forums I was on with my friends, and much more work for much less action. But stretching like that is what made advanced writing get easier and easier - until I could balance two characters on an advanced site, then four, until now, when I write 12 characters on multiple advanced sites with relative ease. The real challenge is in keeping up with threads - not in matching quality anymore.
If you are an intermediate writer seeking to improve your writing, joining an advanced site is a great option for growth, but you need to adjust your expectations.
Here are my best tips for intermediate writers looking to make the jump to advanced - or, for that matter, for beginners to make the jump to intermediate: 
Focus, focus, focus. Choose one (1) character to write - no matter how tempted you are by want ads, no matter how many other ideas you get, no matter what your muse is throwing at you. Use all those on sites at your current level. For your reach site, pick one character.
Be receptive. Your one (1) character might take a revision or two to get out of a pend. Remember that staff don't pend apps to be assholes - they do it because they believe in you and think you have it in you to do the necessary revisions! If they thought you were a lost cause they wouldn't have wasted their own time with a pend. Be open to the idea that they know what works and is expected in their community. After all, if your character and your writing aren't appealing to the site community... you're not going to have anyone to write with!
Focus, focus, focus, part 2. You should not choose this character based on the volume of plots they can attract. Choose a character who has one or two very close plots for you to focus on. You might consider identifying a particularly kind member of the community and filling one of their want ads, so that this close plot is ready-made for you, and so this person can be a friendly face on your writing journey.
Be realistic. You might think: well, if I focus on one character for a few weeks, then I'll be ready to take on another, right? You might be or you might not. Don't rush it. This entire journey is about deliberation and intentionality. Don't take on a second character on an advanced site until writing the first to the same standard is noticeably easier.
Be kind to yourself. This is a lot of work! If you have the time for it, you might consider also staying active on a site that is at your writing level, so you have a place for easy writing, indulging your plot bunnies, etc.
I hope this tutorial has been a helpful resource to you, both in identifying how to find the right rp for you and in figuring out how to improve your writing, if you so choose. Happy writing!
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blackbatpurplecat · 5 years ago
Catwoman 80th Anniversary
In 1940, one of the now most popular comic book heroes of all time got his very first solo run. It would become a milestone in comic book history. But he wasn’t the only one who had a chance to shine. In that premiere issue, even TWO of his most famous antagonists would be introduced: The man who laughs and the woman who steals.
That woman was intended to become the love of the hero’s life. The good guy and the naughty girl, the appeal was palpable. However, she wasn’t just a love interest or a generic thief or only another villain in the ever growing gallery of rogues the hero would face over decades to come, no - she was quite the character.
Her first alias was “The Cat” which would ultimately become Catwoman. Selina Kyle, the best thief in the world, a literal cat burglar, a classy seductress and queen of sass. And fans loved her so much that over time, she grew to become just as famous as the hero.
Her story has had its ups and downs. Mostly ups. ;) Going from the pages of the comics to the little and the big screen in the 60s, then she disappeared for a while, then made a comeback. She married the hero and had a child, though that marriage was later rebooted and was followed by a depressing origin story a sexist author made up for her in the 80s.
The 90s then turned out to be her decade! She found herself on the TV screen again, animated this time. She was portrayed by a Golden Globe winner on the big screen again. And she finally got her very own solo run in comics.
Her solo title was successful enough to run for over 20 years, a time in which her development from antagonist to anti-heroine would pan out. She would be a member of several teams, dance on both sides of the law, and even have another child. The screen called her back in form of a movie and a tv show. In one she was a thief with a love for killing, in the other a teenager. And we already know that her movie career will soon continue with two more projects.
In 2016, DC rebooted their entire universe. Catwoman’s origin story was changed, her relationships were lost, her solo run got canceled. No one knew what was real anymore - and fans didn’t like it. Only a year later, a retcon followed in a pathetic attempt to restore a status quo fans were familiar with and approved of. Even her solo run came back and today, in June 2020, we celebrate her 80th anniversary!
Catwoman is my favorite DC character ever. She’s clever, she’s funny, she’s stubborn, she’s classy, she’s confident, she plays by her own rules. When written right, she is such an entertaining character, unpredictable and fun.
In 80 years, there have been countless appearances, so many incarnations and interpretations of her - sure, I didn’t like all of them but you can say there’s something for each one of us. You don’t like her in the 2010s? Check out the 90s. You don’t like her in the 40s? Check out the 80s. There’s a version of Catwoman for many different tastes. She never goes out of fashion.
So to celebrate one of DC’s most famous women, they published a collection of 10 stories in total, written and drawn by people who have had touched her character over the past years.
Did Catwoman 80th Anniversary - Celebrating Eight Decades of Beauty and Burglary do her justice?
Warning: Spoilers!
Let’s check out each story and see what the writers came up with for this very special occasion. Except for one, none of these are meant to be canon, it’s just a collection of shorts meant to emphasise why Catwoman is so good. Something I noticed was that each writer had not picked any Catwoman to write but “their” Catwoman. A nice detail. Consistency, why not? Write what you feel comfortable and familiar with. This can only help with the quality of the stories, right? ... Right? ...
Strap in folks, this is going to be a LOOOOONG post!
Story #1: Skin the Cat by Paul Dini
Selina’s just living her normal life with her cats, occasionally stealing some money and jewels. Hey, a girl’s gotta eat. ;) What catches her attention are news reports about stolen big cats. I’m a cat lover myself and this series of crimes would worry me just as much as it worries Selina. She deduces where in Gotham someone could hide those wild cats, breaks in, and is welcomed by an eerie voice - as well as the taxidermied cats. Fucking bastard... The villain Taxidermist, quelle surprise, is behind the cat murders. He now intends to gas Selina and add her to his cat collection but Selina reveals that she’d already turned off the gas before breaking in. She escapes his long knives and watches as three big cats she had brought with her attack and kill him.
What an intro! A story about Selina’s love for cats and her strategic thinking. I really liked the first half! But once the Taxidermist shows up, it loses itself in drawn out exposition. Selina goes on a long monologue to explain to the reader who the Taxidermist is, how she knew it was him, how she turned off the gas, and how she replaced three of the dead cats with alive ones. I would have preferred to actually SEE her preparations for the face-off in flashback panels instead of having to read it. It didn’t feel natural at all. Also how the fuck did she bring 3 wild cats and switch them for the stuffed ones?! How?! And when?! I’m also quite sad that she didn’t get to save the cats. That was a bummer. So all she basically did was bring 3 big cats to kill a killer.
The art’s gorgeous, nothing else to say here!
Story #2: Now You See Me by Ann Nocenti
Ann Nocenti’s name immediately made me go uh-oh... Her bad and convoluted writing style made readers drop the Catwoman books which eventually lead to the solo run’s cancelation so you can understand why I was concerned.
So Catwoman is hiding a little pouch in a pigeon loft on a roof while pondering who to sell her stolen goods to - as well as where to vacation afterwards. She then notices a surveillance camera. The scene cuts to two cops on surveillance duty. They’re both bored as hell so when one spots Selina, he quickly distracts his colleague and leaves to find her. He takes the pouch out of the pigeon loft and a fight between him and Catwoman ensues. He reveals that he wants to become her partner. He wants to feed her any intel he can see on his screens so she could steal and sells some goods, and they’d split the money. When Selina refuses, he tries to blackmail her into complying. Selina presses a button on a little device and whatever’s in the pouch the cop sacked, explodes, sending him over the edge. Luckily, he lands on an umbrella Penguin had sent off apparently because we see him in one panel, angered that his plan was foiled. I’m not entirely sure what his “brilliant plan” was supposed to be. Something with gas tanks that were strapped to the umbrella I assume? I have no idea.
This one is missing too much context for my taste. What was in the pouch? Did the explosion kill the guy? What was Penguin doing there? What was his plan? Why did we need the second cop? For a super obvious but unnecessary parallel between Catwoman vs. corrupt cop and random woman vs. random man on one of the surveillance screens? Why give Catwoman so little “screen time” and so little dialogue? Is this short story referencing anything from Nocenti’s awful run and I just forgot? To quote Val Kilmer Batman: “It just raises too many questions.”
The art’s okay, nothing too special.
Story #3: Helena by Tom King
Oh boy. This is the big one. The one everyone’s been waiting for, I guess. The man who not so long ago had promised us a BatCat wedding just to shove a huge middle finger in our faces, promised us a pregnant Selina this time. I was skeptical of course. Also other readers were convinced he’d just let Selina have a miscarriage. Well, the good news is it wasn’t a miscarriage. The bad news is he almost makes Selina seem like she would have preferred a miscarriage.
The story goes like this: Selina hasn’t been feeling well so instead of going to a doctor like a normal person, Bruce scans her head and checks her vitals and blood (I can only assume because we’re not shown). Selina’s convinced that she’s seriously ill but a gentle, hopeful smile on Bruce’s face reveals the actual truth: She is pregnant. And her first reaction is shock and denial. We cut to BatCat fighting Tweedledum and Tweedledee (I think, you can’t really see them but the two men they knock out look identical). Selina then bends over and says that she’s about to throw up. Followed by a Batbucket joke. I’m getting so tired of all the forced self-awareness, guys. We cut to Catwoman, now sporting a baby bump underneath the skin-tight leather, sitting on a roof. She prepares a glass of wine while telling the baby that it is just like Bruce and it’s such a dick for taking away her freedom. After one sip, she chucks the glass away and curses. We’re then treated to a montage of BatCat fighting several rogues while Selina’s belly grows with each panel until it’s an 8, maybe 9 months along belly. I... I have no words. Except for yes, this was written by a man. BatCat are then standing on a roof and Selina laments that she’s a thief, not a mother, and the baby will derail her life and plans. The scene switches to Bruce and Selina in bed, arguing because she’s in labor. Bruce is ready to roll while Selina is STILL in denial, crying that she’s not a mother, that she’s not a hero or a good and brave person like him. Bruce tells her she didn’t run off so that means she’s a good person and they agree that it’s time to have the baby. Another cut to Selina having to take care of a crying baby Helena, asking why she’s crying when it’s Selina’s turn to stay at home and not Bruce’s. Selina talks to Helena, saying she’s luckier than Selina was because Selina’s mom ran off. She fucking FINALLY says something nice about her own child (”You’re a cute little kitten.”) and wonders what they’re going to do with her. The last page is old Selina and grownup Helena after Bruce’s death. Selina’s complaining about the pretty cemetery while Helena likes it. Her daughter’s ability to not shit on just everything and not be a total killjoy all the time causes Selina to say again that Helena is like Bruce. Upon Helena’s question if she’s anything like her mother, Selina answers that she’s just as stubborn as her. If she wants something, she steals it. Helena asks what she ever stole and Selina delivers the last predictable cliche of the story: “You stole my heart.”
Ugh. King’s Selina is just such a boring read. She’s not charming or interesting or sympathetic. Maybe I’m too used to a fun Selina but this one’s just a drag. A heavily pregnant Catwoman fighting Joker, yeah sure, totally not absolute bullshit. And the way Selina keeps distancing herself from the child inside her? For over 9 months?! Is she going out in that ridiculous catsuit because she wants to cause a miscarriage, is that it? So she doesn’t have to make a decision like abortion, adoption or leaving the baby with Bruce? Her constant cussing over the situation and crying and whining turns the pregnancy of my favorite DC couple into such a depressing ordeal.
The art is very pretty! Thank God.
Story #4: The Catwoman of Earth by Jeff Parker
After the depressing pregnancy of Catwoman, we switch to the wacky 60s version of her. Catwoman and her henchmen are robbing a science fair when suddenly, a UFO arrives. WTF?! Four aliens and a robot are beamed down to the surface and the group’s leader, an arrogant jock-like guy proclaims that they will take over the planet and enslave humanity. Catwoman angrily stands up to him. Turns out the evil aliens are sexist too when the male one tells Catwoman females have to ask for permission to speak and the female alien in the group unhappily agrees. The jock alien tells the muscly male alien to dispose of Catwoman but she’s not easy to dispose of! She fights off the brawler, she cuts the tentacles off the tentacle alien (someone WILL jerk off to that one panel), dodges the jock’s laser gun, steals the laser gun with her whip, shoots the robot to bits, and lets the police take the males away. The female alien seems much happier now and invites Catwoman to a flight around the world in the UFO. Catwoman suggests a trip to Paris so she can loot the Louvre.
Aliens and Catwoman don’t mix. I didn’t really care for this story. I mean it’s great to see Catwoman in action and taking down four guys on her own but... aliens and Catwoman just don’t mix. It was a bit jarring to me. Also the aliens’ designs weren’t super interesting. They were basically pink elves.
The art is beautiful. Catwoman looks like Julie Newmar and the entire color scheme is very 60s.
Story #5: A Cat of Nine Tales by Liam Sharp
Catwoman’s caught stealing a diamond necklace by an armed security guard. He seems a bit scared of her but knows it’s his job to stop her. She’s not engaging in a fight - of course not, he has a gun pointed at her! So instead, Catwoman relies on her talking skills. And intimidation skills. She tells the guard that there are 9 ways their situation could play out: 1. The guard lets her tie him up and escape with the necklace. 2. She beats his ass. 3. He kills her. 4. She scratches his eyes out. 5. He slips and gets knocked out. 6. He fires his gun, misses her, and the bullet ricochets until it kills him.  7. They team up. 8. She gives up. 9. She kills him. However, the story ends with the guard fainting because Catwoman’s just so damn scary.
Very short, very simple. Even the art is simple, on one page there are 3 very similar panels with only minor changes. Nothing memorable but not too bad. It shows how Catwoman can take someone out even without touching them. It’s okay.
The art reminds me of a comic from the 80s or maybe 90s. Hard to describe why. Guess you have to see it. Again, it’s okay.
Story #6: Little Bird by Mindy Newell
Selina learns from a news report that a priceless mezuzah has been found at a flea market. It’s currently at the Jewish Museum of Gotham City and Selina immediately steals it. Later, Batman shows up at her place and asks why she wants the mezuzah. She doesn’t give him much of an answer so he leaves. Pretty pointless scene I would say. A flashback reveals that a young Selina used to live with a Jewish lady. I dunno, I guess she’s a foster mother? And the woman liked Selina so much and considered her family so she gave her that mezuzah to pass it on to her own kids one day (even though Selina doesn’t want kids, is not related to the lady, and isn’t Jewish). Back to the present, Selina’s punishing a client. That prostitute background made an unwanted comeback for this story because Selina’s resisting and denying herself love so she’s “whoring”, to prove to herself how despicable she is. Okay...? There’s an inner turmoil going on, she’s torn between selling the artefact or not. Eventually, she decides to bring the mezuzah back to the lady she used to live with. The lady’s grown old and demented, lives in a home and is at the verge of dying. Selina places an envelop between the lady’s hands and leaves. The home’s director finds the envelop which contains the mezuzah, an official document which basically ensures that the lady will be taken care of before and after her death, and a poetic note from Selina.
My least favorite story out of them all - and that is quite an accomplishment when there are King and Nocenti in the same book! It had that Frank “I’m an insane sexist racist asshole” Miller prostitute bullshit in it and Selina hating herself again. This time, the “whoring” (and this word is not me, it’s from the actual story) is used as a way of self-punishment. Because it’s disgusting and wrong and Selina only does it to torture herself. Dunno if that’s the right message you wanna send here... The Jewish lady was kinda random to me because Selina’s not Jewish and never has been Jewish. This is not a negative point, it’s just so random. And the Batman scene was pointless, I have no idea what purpose it served. Except for showing us Batman pay Selina like a john and having Selina make jokes about “whoring.” Ugh.
The art was great, very clean.
Story #7: Born to Kiln by Chuck Dixon
Going from my least favorite to my favorite story in this book!
Catwoman knows there’s a diamond in a safe on a boat that is set to leave the harbour in the morning. So she climbs aboard at night to steal the gem. She finds several dead sailors and they’re all covered in mud. Who could have done this? Yes, you guessed right - it’s Clayface! He’s already at the safe, opens it, and retrieves the big stone. Catwoman reveals herself and aims a fire hose at him. Her confidence, however, dies the moment the hose doesn’t work. Clayface swallows the diamond and starts chasing after her. There’s apparently a machine to spray-paint cars on the boat so she lures him inside, activates the paint to blind him, and the hot lamps for the drying process immobilise the big pile of mud. Now that he’s nothing more than hard clay, Catwoman takes a wrench to him and takes the freed diamond.
FINALLY a story I really, really like from beginning to end! First off, IT’S PURPLE CATWOMAN!!! Selina is wearing my favorite costume, the iconic Jim Balent suit from her 90s solo run in this story - and I LOVE IT!!! Yeah, her boobs are quite loose in it and sometimes dangle in strange ways but fuck it! LOL I prefer hanging boobs over a tight corset that should reduce her agility or a back breaking pose anytime! We get sneaky Selina, we get playful Selina, we get over confident Selina who has to think fast and run even faster, and she gets what she wants in the end without killing anyone.
The art is gorgeous! It’s very fluid and alive. I also absolutely adore the cute facial expressions on Kitten’s face, especially when she locks Clayface in. I miss Catwoman being fun. In this, she’s just adorable and not sexualised at all.
Story #8: Conventional Wisdom by Will Pfeifer
Selina finds herself at a Bat Con and is supposed to give autographs. The whole scenario seems weird and confusing to her, she doesn’t remember how she got there or what is going on. Bruce, Joker, Riddler, and Two-Face being there with her to give autographs is even weirder. And why does no one except for her react to that unconscious, bloody man on the floor?! On her way to her panel, she runs into several cosplayers which is basically only fan service. But you will find the male, dark-skinned version of me at her panel, asking when the fuck she will finally put that 90s suit back on!!! The dialogues keep breaking the fourth wall, pointing out that this story is about to end. One of the panel’s attendees looks like Marvel’s Taskmaster and another is Selina herself in her Catwoman suit. Selina slowly remembers what happened: The Taskmaster dude is Doctor Destiny, she broke into his lair and stole his reality distorter, a little machine she’s been carrying around for the entire story. She smashes the machine to wake up back in the lair and cracks her knuckles, ready to take down Doctor Destiny and his goons.
And it was all a dream! That twist has never been a favorite of mine. Even though it’s not really a twist; you know immediately that it’s a dream. We don’t learn anything new about Selina or see anything Catwoman-y in this. It’s really basically fan service. They wanted Selina to see and interact with real life fans of hers so they made it happen. She also comments on various versions of her costume. It’s cute but kinda forgettable.
The art is good, it’s rare to see light and bright colors in a Catwoman book so it was a nice change. And the cosplayers looked nice. But they could have used different body types to make the fans more diverse and visually appealing.
Story #9: Addicted to Trouble by Ram V
And here we are, the premiere of the duo that will take over Catwoman’s current solo run from #23 onward. We get a first taste of the writing and art and I must say it’s a good taste.
This short story serves as a continuation of Joelle Jones’ #21 issue where at the end of the arc, Selina and her sister Maggie left Gotham in a purple car. So we see a short recap of how they got the car and where they were headed but unfortunately, the engine dies. They hitchhike to Memphis. Selina’s frustrated that Maggie doesn’t talk to her. They get drunk and start a fight at a bar. The cops show up and arrest them. While sitting in the back of the cop car, the girls start laughing together and steal the car. They leave behind their luggage which only contains stuff they won’t miss - including Selina’s cat funeral dress. They drive back to Gotham, Selina steals food and drinks on the way, and they cuddle on a rooftop overlooking the city. The story cuts to Selina and Leandro, a character I would know if I had continued the Jones run. She tells him she wants to lay low for a while and stay out of trouble. When he asks “Oh? Really?”, Selina throws a naughty smile towards the reader. Yeah yeah, lay low my ass. :D
First off, I have no idea what happened before the road trip, I don’t know why they took it or why Maggie doesn’t talk or what the purpose of all of this was because all they do is get drunk, fight an entire bar, and go back. No idea what that accomplished. And I feel sorry for the car because it was so gorgeous. Anyway, I am happy to say that Ram V has a great writing style! He gave a good voice to Selina, it sounded very natural and like a human would talk, no forced exposition or fake deepness.
The art was good, there were a few expressive faces and the bar fight was well executed.
5/10 (because I don’t know the context)
Story #10: The Art of Picking A Lock by Ed Brubaker
Instead of ending with a transition to the next Catwoman issue (which I would have preferred), the collection offers one more story and it’s written by the man who successfully handled the second half of Selina’s first solo run. He turned her stories more into the film noir direction and gave her sidekicks. The run also gave her a fugly suit and made her have sex with old men and Brubaker wanted to kill her off and have her not know who the father to her unborn child was so... yeah, I’m torn about that guy.
The last story shows us Catwoman breaking into a warehouse full of Joker goons while thinking about the thrill of breaking locks and how she learned how to do it when she was at a juvenile detention center. She beats them all up and demands to know where “he” is. Later, her friend Holly is on a motorcycle chasing after a cab while Catwoman is riding on top of a subway. Both reach Gotham’s harbor. We see that the cab is filled with Joker gas and the driver is laughing maniacally. Holly can’t reach the cab in time and it drives off into the water. Catwoman swings down and jumps after it. She breaks the trunk open and reveals a handcuffed Slam Bradley. Cut to the three back on dry land. Holly chides him for going after Joker alone and not waiting for backup. He admits that it was dumb, then shares intel on where Joker will strike and Selina should tell “her friend.” She says she will and Slam ends the book with the words that he could really use a cigarette. NO, this book was not that good that it would warrant a cigarette at the end!
This short obviously takes place during the second half of the first solo run. We see Catwoman in action, that’s cool. Taking down almost a dozen of armed Joker henchmen, that’s pretty badass! And a woman saves the man damsel in distress at the end, that’s a nice ending as well. However, I don’t care about the costume so the visual appeal wasn’t there and I really don’t care about Slam Bradley so the reveal at the end was pretty ugh to me.
The art is great! It’s like a modernised/smoother version of Darwyn Cooke’s style, the artist Brubaker worked on the Catwoman title in the 00s with. So that gives it a pretty nostalgic feel. 
In addition to the 10 stories we’ve now covered, there are pages to show off the Catwoman costumes of each decade as well as pinups. The costume pages are designed in the decade’s style (the 40s are black and white, the 60s psychedelic etc). But what I don’t get about the 90s one: It’s purple Catwoman grayed out in the background and gray BTAS Catwoman in color in the foreground - why make the purple outfit gray when you have an already gray outfit?! Just switch them! Also who put together the 70s one, couldn’t they find better costume examples?!
The seven pinups are pretty, unfortunately the majority feature the black outfits. I was surprised that even Tim Sale drew the black costume and not the purple one from his Long Halloween series. We get one of the gray BTAS costume and Jim Balent thankfully gives us BatCat with his purple creation. Nice!
Well, looking back at my personal scores for this collection of stories, Catwoman’s anniversary issue reached a total of 44/100 points in my book. Wow. That’s... not that good.
Most of the stories ranged from average to bad. Nothing spectacular, nothing memorable. There’s a lack of witty dialogue, Catwoman’s rarely fun to watch. In six stories she’s seen fighting, in three she’s seen being chased so I’m missing the variety here. I would assume you can do more with Catwoman than that. She often rather fights instead of using her wits and smarts. And actual cats are only featured in two stories but in one they die and in the other, Selina says she should drown them. -_- 
A collection of 10 new stories was a great idea but celebrating the character this is not. I’m happy that the next writer for Catwoman left a positive impression on me and the story feat. Balent’s Catwoman was a delight. However, the writers didn’t really bring their “A” game for this anniversary issue which is disappointing.
Would I recommend it? Hmmm. It pains me to say: not really, no. You don’t miss much by skipping it. You don’t miss sassy lines or breathtaking art, you don’t miss out on funny scenes or emotional depth. This anniversary issue is merely average and I highly doubt I’ll go back to reread it.
(a huge THANK YOU to everyone who read this entire, way too long post! i highly appreciate it 💜you’re a real trooper!)
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tsukiprotranslations · 6 years ago
[Translation] VAZZROCK Play of Color Vol. 1 - Drama Track 2
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Track 2 is up~!! May I just say that those two have such a simple naming sense lol “Vazz” and “Rock”... They named their cats, Vazz and Rock. Also, this is the only track that I’ve put (cat meows/cat purrs) so many times in XD
Again, thank you to @wingusasa on Twitter for the files! Much much love to you, dear~! 
※ Please don’t re-post the English translations without permission. Please like and re-blog instead of re-posting ^^
Under the cut, enjoy~!
Track 2: [小さな新メンバー現る!] “Small, new members appear!”
  (faint laughter from Naosuke)
(cats meowing)
AYUMU: There, there.
NAO: Here, kitty~
NAO: There, there~ Everything’s okay now. There’s nothing to be scared about anymore.
NAO: I’m so glad both of you are okay.
(cats purr)
NAO: Woah~! You’re so fluffy~
AYUMU: Th-there, there… H-here, kitty…
AYUMU: Such cute beings.
NAO: Ayumu-san, is that other cat calm now, too?
AYUMU: Yeah, he looks like he’s… (cat purrs) He’s relaxing quite well.
AYUMU: He might grow up to be a big guy. What about that black cat?
(cat meows)
NAO: Just like you see… He’s kinda irritated by his small wound but he’s pretty much energetic!
NAO: You two didn’t panic much at the vet, huh? You’re so amazing~
AYUMU: Are they siblings? Their breed and appearance look quite different…
NAO: This one’s got short fur. This thing by his neck, his paws, and the tip of his tail are white so it kinda looks like the black cat is wearing a white scarf and white gloves!
AYUMU: This kitten is very gray so… he kinda looks like an American Shorthair.
AYUMU: But, his fur is quite long. It really feels good to the touch.
(Ayumu pets the cat and the cat purrs)
NAO: (laughs) Ayumu-san, you’re making quite the face~! You’ve taken such a liking to them, huh?
AYUMU: Ah, no, I—
MAMIYA: Oh~! Both of them are so tiny. They’re so cute~
MAMIYA: I wanna gobble them up~
MAMIYA:  Imma say this, ‘kay? I was joking, Ayumu-kun.
(cat meows)
AYUMU: … Yes, indeed… I understand.
MAMIYA: You say that but… Why are you slowly backing away?
MAMIYA: Big brother’s feelings are hurt~ I took all the responsibility to take them to the vet and get them treated, so there’s no way I’ll eat them, you know?
NAO: …! That reminds me!! Takaaki-san, thank you very much!
MAMIYA: Don’t mention it. I’m used to spending money for my kohai anyway.
NAO: You two, too. Come on~ It’s your life’s savior~ Say thank you~
AYUMU: That’s right. Your sponsor is very important.
MAMIYA: Sponsor’s such a huge word… (chuckles)
MAMIYA: Naosuke’s the one who saved them first so aren’t you their life’s savior?
MAMIYA: (to the cats) You two, say thank you to Naosuke later too, got it~?
(cats meow)
NAO: Oh!
MAMIYA: Oh! They look like they understand. You guys are so sharp, huh.
MAMIYA: They look like they’re used to people but they don’t seem like pets.
AYUMU: You’re right. They’re not wearing any collars and aren’t properly groomed. My first thought would have definitely been that they were strays.
(cats meow)
  NAO: Ayumu-san, you really like cats, huh?
AYUMU: Well, yes…
NAO: Have you ever kept one before?
AYUMU: No. It was impossible since my dad was allergic to them.
AYUMU: I’ve been living alone since I started working, right? They require attention so I’ve never really kept pets before.
AYUMU: Right? (Ayumu pets the cat and it meows)
MAMIYA: You must really love animals, huh~
MAMIYA: This is my first time seeing Ayumu’s gentle face and smile.
AYUMU: Yes, I really love animals. Even before, I’ve admired the thought of having a pet.
AYUMU: I wanted to try walking a dog or having a cat rest on my lap like this.
AYUMU: It really feels good, doesn’t it?
AYUMU: Their fur feels good to touch and they have a gentle warmth.
AYUMU: Truly, it’s the warmth of life.
MAMIYA: Totally.
NAO: Here, here~! We have a cat and a dog back at home!
MAMIYA: Ah~ That seems so like you. (laughs)
MAMIYA: Naosuke, you seem like the kind who’s always surrounded by animals.
NAO: What do you mean by that?! What about Takaaki-san? Have you ever had a pet?
MAMIYA: A pet? Uh… At my grandpa’s is a dog. My parent’s home had three cats but I don’t have any of my own.
MAMIYA: Ah, I’ve had a time where I was a little swallow though~ (1)
MAMIYA: I was joking! Why are you so quick to believe me?
MAMIYA: It’s a joke that you could immediately tell was a joke, right?!
AYUMU/NAO: No, definitely not.
MAMIYA: (sighs)
  (cat meows)
NAO: O-oh! I’m sorry.
NAO: Did I hit your wound? Are you okay?
(cat meows)
NAO: (sighs in relief) I’m glad that you’re doing okay but… This wound might turn into a scar…
NAO: I’m sorry. It would’ve been better if I saved you faster.
MAMIYA: Naosuke? The wound might turn to a scar but thanks to you, that’s all he got.
MAMIYA: It’s the best case scenario. I’m sure he thinks so, too.
MAMIYA: He’s grateful to you. He’s not mad at all.
AYUMU: He’s right. The doctor said that nothing bad happened to both of them, didn’t they?
AYUMU: You did a good thing.
NAO: Did I… really? I hope that’s true.
(cat meows)
NAO: This guy was so cool!
NAO: He kept protecting the other one even if he was getting attacked by crows, too!
(cat purrs)
NAO: (gentle smile) You protected your friend from the crows, didn’t you? That’s so admirable.
NAO: This wound is the symbol of manliness, huh~!
(cat meows)
AYUMU: (to the other cat) Looks like your partner and Naosuke are getting along well, huh?
(cat meows)
MAMIYA: Looks like he’s getting along well with Ayumu, too.
AYUMU: I hope that’s the case.
  MAMIYA: (sighs) But, this flow is… It’s definitely that, huh…
MAMIYA: I feel like I can predict what happens next…
NAO: …! Takaaki-san! Dad! I want to keep them in the dorms!
MAMIYA: See? I knew that would happen. Who are you calling ‘Dad’?
NAO: (laughs) I thought you might agree more if I said that.
NAO: Let me beg again. Takaaki-san, please! I want to keep them!
NAO: I’ll definitely, definitely, definitely take care of them properly so…!
MAMIYA: (chuckles) I know those lines well. It’s the line that kids tell their moms while crying whenever they pick up a cat or a dog.
NAO: EH?! No, no, I’m different! A man doesn’t go back on his words!
NAO: Please believe me!
MAMIYA: Hmm… What should I do~?
AYUMU: … Um, Takaaki-san…
AYUMU: I’ll try to convince the other members and… I’ll take one of them as a ROCK DOWN representative so…
AYUMU: Would it still be no good then…?
MAMIYA: Even Ayumu’s gonna say that, huh…
AYUMU: I-I’m so sorry!
AYUMU: But, I think that if we have pets, it’d make dorm life better.
AYUMU: I think they’d definitely come greet you when you come home.
AYUMU: They’re warm, they’re fluffy, they’re tiny, they’re fluffy…!
MAMIYA: Are you desperate? (laughs) You said fluffy twice.
NAO: Please, please, Takaaki-san! I’m begging you!
AYUMU: I think that it’s not forbidden to keep pets at the dorm!
NAO: I’ll do better and better at work! The source for that power is here! The two of them!
(cats meow)
AYUMU: I don’t think anyone’s allergic either! Of course, I’ll be confirming that again!
NAO: The other units keep pets too, don’t they?
NAO: I heard that in another dorm, a penguin just walks around! (2)
AYUMU: Exact—A penguin, you say?!
MAMIYA: Yeah, in Gravi and Procella’s dorm. Well, theirs is so supernatural in a lot of ways.
MAMIYA: You’re right. Keeping pets is okay but…
NAO: Please!
AYUMU: Please!
(cats meow)
NAO: Takaaki-san!
AYUMU: Takaaki-san!
MAMIYA: Wait now. It looks like I’m bullying you.
MAMIYA: (sighs) Fine, I get it. I’ll just say that this was some kind of fated meeting.
MAMIYA: Destiny maybe.
NAO: Eh?
AYUMU: That means…!
MAMIYA: I’ll have to talk to Sho about it but I’ll convince him.
MAMIYA: If all members agree to take care of them then we won’t have to worry if we have to do some solo work. Since there’d be someone taking care of them.
NAO: Ye…
  NAO: Alright~! We did it, Vazz!
(cat meows)
MAMIYA: Vazz? Is that his name? So you already named him?
NAO: Yes! He’ll be VAZZY’s mascot so it’s Vazz~!
NAO: It just came to me~
NAO: This name is great, right? Right, Vazz~ It’s perfect for someone manly like you~
(cat meows)
MAMIYA: He’s really taken a liking to you, huh?
MAMIYA: What about Ayumu? Have you named the other one?
AYUMU: Let me see… If he’s named “Vazz” from “VAZZY”, I want to take this one’s name from our unit, too.
AYUMU: It’s ROCK DOWN so “DOWN”… would not be so catchy…
AYUMU: I’d prefer if it was something stronger sounding so…
AYUMU: Ah…! Rock… I’ll call him Rock.
MAMIYA: Both of them are so literal, huh~
MAMIYA: Well, it’s easy to tell so it’s good. This black cat is Vazz and the gray one is Rock.
(cats meow happily)
MAMIYA: (chuckles) Oh~ Do you guys like your name, too? That’s great then~
MAMIYA: We’ll introduce you to the rest of the members later, ‘kay? There’re still 9 hot guys left~ I’m sure you’d be surprised~
AYUMU: I think the others would be surprised, too. Since cats have suddenly arrived at the dorm.
MAMIYA: That’s true~
AYUMU: But, I think they’d be happy, too. They are after all, very nurturing people.
MAMIYA: I see~
NAO: Alright~! Eat a lot and get bigger okay, Vazz~?
NAO: It’d be a competition with me~ (Vazz meows)
AYUMU: Indeed. Then Rock should also— (Rock purrs)
AYUMU: (chuckles) You like doing things at your own pace, huh?
AYUMU: Eat and get nourished so that you won’t lose. You’ll be a great cat then.
(Rock meows)
AYUMU: Congratulations on being new members.
Translator’s Notes:
(1) Okay, I did a little research on this because the reference was unfamiliar but, apparently, [燕/tsubame”] the Japanese word for the swallow bird can also be slang for “a younger man who is involved with an older person”.
(2) To those unaware, Naosuke’s referencing Magellan, Haduki You’s pet penguin (from the spirit world) XD
※ Please don’t re-post the English translations without permission. Please like and re-blog instead of re-posting ^^
If you like this, please consider buying me a ko-fi here to support my work. (o^▽^o)Thank you!!
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tonystarkbingo · 6 years ago
Tumblr media
Week 20 Roundup!  We’ve got a LOT of fills this week, thanks in part to our June Discord Party!  Congrats to those who got bingos and blackouts!
Title: Passing the Torch Collaborator: 27dragons Link: AO3 Square Filled: R3 - Crossover: Marvel Verse/Marvel Verse Ship: none Rating: Gen Major Tags: multiverse, Endgame fix-it, Dad Tony Summary: Tony saved the universe, but that was nothing compared to facing this classroom. Word Count: 918
Title: 1870 Collaborator: Stark-N-Barnes (StarSpangledBucky) Link: AO3 Square Filled: A3 - free square Ship: Stony Rating: Teen Major Tags: Hockey AU, hurt/comfort, concussion, first kiss Summary: Tony comforts Steve after he gets checked at a game, leaving him with a concussion which halts his opportunity to play in the Stanley Cup finals. Word Count: 4077 
Title: Serendipity Collaborator: AoifeLaufeyson Link: AO3 Square Filled: T1 - Kink: Held down Ship: WinterIron Rating: Explicit Major Tags: explicit sexual content, fluff and smut, no powers AU Summary: This is my work for the Captain America Reverse Big Bang 2019 to go with gorgeous art by my partner, Trashcanakin. Much gratitude to them and the CapRBB runners for their patience! Word Count: 5685
Title: Finish What He Started Collaborator: queen-of-the-avengers Link: Tumblr Square Filled: A5 - Gamora Ship: Tony/Reader Rating: Not Rated Major Tags: fluff, implied smut Summary: Keeping your relationship a secret is a lot harder than you might think. Word Count: 1254
Title: Love's Strange Collaborator: ceealaina Link: AO3 Square Filled: K3 - Carnivorous Plant Ship: Stuckony Rating: Teen Major Tags: fluff and humor, minor Carol/Rhodey Summary: Bucky couldn’t resist giving him a quick kiss before Tony’s words caught up to him. “A... plant?” he repeated, because last he checked, Tony wasn’t the horticultural type. But sure enough, there was a funny little lime green thing sitting in a bright pink pot on the tabletop, about six inches high and covered in little spikey bell-shaped leaves, run through with electric blue veins.  “Where did that come from?” “No idea,” Tony answered. “It was here when I came down. I thought maybe Steve brought it for me? Steve seems like the type to give people plants, right?” He reached out, running his index finger delicately over one of the leaves. “Ooh, it’s soft.” He gave Bucky another smile. “It’s kinda cute, right?” “Uh... cute,” Bucky repeated. “Right."  **  Tony makes a new friend in the lab, and for some reason Bucky is the only one with enough sense to be concerned about it. Word Count: 2226
Title: carry your worn disillusion Collaborator: deathsweetqueen Link: AO3 Square Filled: S1 - It Wasn't Worth It Ship: Stony Rating: Explicit Major Tags: explicit sexual content, divorce, Superfamily, hopeful ending Summary: Jennifer drops the divorce papers down onto his coffee table. “Are you sure about this?” she asks, careful and weighty. Tony rubs his aching sternum, over the raised skin marking the edge of a vibranium shield. “Yeah,” he says, solemn as the grave. “I’m sure.” He leans down and signs his name in sprawling cursive. He looks up at Jennifer, her eyes needle-sharp, but soft. “Give it to T’Challa. He’ll make sure it gets to him,” he says, flatly. “I’ve got parent-teacher interviews to get to.” Word Count: 6289
Title: Half the Universe, Plus One Collaborator: newnewyorker93 Link: AO3 Square Filled: S5 - whiplash Ship: Pepperony Rating: Teen Major Tags: Endgame, missing scene, panic attacks Summary: When Tony wakes up after his confrontation with Steve, Pepper has something important to tell him. Word Count: 4213
Collaborator: feignedsobriquet Link: Tumblr Square Filled: K4 - domesticity Ship: WinterIron Rating: Gen Major Tags: art Summary: Art for the series: Who’s been lovin’ you good? by withered
Collaborator: Trashcanakin Link: Tumblr Square Filled: S4 - Christine Everhart Ship: none Rating: Gen Major Tags: art Summary: art of Tony and Christine Everhart
Title: This Fire is Out of Control Collaborator: feyrelay Link: AO3 Square Filled: R3: Mission Gone Wrong Ship: Tony Stark/Peter Parker Rating: Explicit Major Tags: Sex Pollen, Aged Up Peter Parker, Daddy Kink, Spit as Lube Summary: There's really not enough room in their hiding spot to fuck, but Peter's temperature is rising from whatever they've been given, and Tony-Well, Tony's determined. Word Count: 2,294
Collaborator: ironhusbands Link: Tumblr Square Filled: R4- Supernatural Ship: IronHusbands Rating: Major Tags: moodboard Summary: Where Tony and Rhodey are convinced Mothman is real, and go to Mothmania in hopes of seeing the legendary cryptid for themselves.
Title: The Best Part Of The Journey Is The End Collaborator: ethereal-lullabies Link: Tumblr Square Filled: K1 - The End Ship: none Rating: Teen Major Tags: Endgame, moodboard Summary: dedicated to Tony’s canon death in the MCU (Avengers Endgame)
Title: Finding Their Rhythm Collaborator: Politzania Link: AO3 Square Filled: S2 - Sharing a Bed Ship: Stony Rating: Teen Major Tags: vaguely referenced under-age consentual maybe-sex, high school AU, pining Steve Summary: Steve Rogers has a crush on his friend, Tony Stark. It takes a Dum-E and a dumb jerk to bring them together. Word Count: 2146
Title: Brains Over Brawns Collaborator: queen-of-the-avengers Link: Tumblr Square Filled: A4 - humor Ship: Tony/Reader Rating: Not Rated Major Tags: fluff Summary: You are not athletically built for this… at all. And it shows. Word Count: 876
Title: College Days Collaborator: ethereal-lullabies Link: Tumblr Square Filled: S5 - teenage Tony Ship: Tony/Scott Rating: Teen Major Tags: moodboard Summary: Avengers Academy AU
Title: Show Me The Stars Collaborator: Iron_Eirlyssa (Eirlyssa) Link: AO3 Square Filled: A3 - Free Square Ship: WinterIron Rating: Gen Major Tags: YouTube AU, flirting, getting together Summary: With his followers asking him to review a specific movie, Bucky finds that he needs to call in some help for the more scientific parts of it. Fortunately, there's this guy whose YouTube channel he's been following... Word Count: 3217
Title: Minimalist Science Bros Aesthetics! Collaborator: Trashcanakin Link: Tumblr Square Filled: S5 - Bruce Banner Ship:  Science Bros Rating: Gen Major Tags: moodboard Summary: moodboard
Title: Tesserae Collaborator: dracusfyre Link: AO3 Square Filled: S1 - "I never meant to hurt you." Ship: WinterIron Rating: Gen Major Tags:  fix-it, preslash, recovery Summary: Sometimes when things are broken all you can do is find a new way to be...though that's not necessarily a bad thing. Word Count: 2289
Title: Silver Fox Tony Collaborator: Trashcanakin Link: Tumblr Square Filled: T1 - [Picture of old Tony from comics] Ship: none Rating: Gen Major Tags: art Summary: art of silver fox silver fox Tony
Title: Damsels (And Others) In Distress Collaborator: Trashcanakin Link: AO3 Square Filled: K1 - Damsels (And Others) In Distress Ship: WinterIron Rating: Not Rated Major Tags: prank wars, fluff and humor, Science Bros Summary: In which there is hot pink paint and tons of laughter. Word Count: 715
Title: Abandonment Issues - Your Guide to Fixer Uppers Collaborator: ironhusbands Link: Tumblr Square Filled: A1 - Abandonment Issues Ship: IronHusbands Rating: Gen Major Tags: moodboard Summary: Where Tony and Rhodes buy abandoned buildings, rebuild them, and have their own magazine.
Title: Cuddle Pile (Whose limbs are these?) Collaborator: LBibliophile Link: AO3 Square Filled: T4 - Puzzle Ship: none Rating: Gen Major Tags: Avengers family, poetry Summary: After a hard day/night/fight, nothing is better than curling up in a pile with all your friends… at least, until someone has to get up Word Count:  245
Collaborator: Trashcanakin Link: Tumblr Square Filled: A3 - free space Ship: none Rating: Gen Major Tags: art Summary: Some…faun druid idfk 😂
Title: now the sun shines on us Collaborator: cvdmus Link: AO3 Square Filled: K4 — science and magic Ship: FrostIron Rating: Gen Major Tags: Science Bros, Tony Stark has a heart, marriage proposal Summary: Loki comes to Tony Stark with a proposal. And Tony is a simple man, he’ll of course agree. Word Count: 2739
Collaborator: lronhusbands Link: Tumblr Square Filled: K5 - Attacked by a Creature Ship: IronHusbands Rating: Gen Major Tags: moodboard Summary: Rhodes stepped into the kitchen to find his fiance with a kitten on one shoulder, two climbing his leg, and one sitting at his feet.  “Tones?”  “The timer for feeding time went off and they started yelling,” Tony said.  “Oh Tones,” Rhodes said quietly, picking off the two kittens climbing Tony’s leg, they yelled at him.  “I’m not prepared to be a mother,”  Rhodes laughed.
Title: Denial Is A Drug I Don't Need Collaborator: Trashcanakin Link: AO3 Square Filled: T2 - Denial Ship: WinterIron Rating: Not Rated Major Tags: drabble, preslash, hopeful ending Summary: When Bucky confessed, Tony walked away. It was the stupidest decision he'd ever made. Word Count: 100
Collaborator: lronhusbands Link: Tumblr Square Filled: S2 - AU: Dragon Rider Ship: none Rating: Gen Major Tags: moodboard Summary: where Tony has a dragon and generally he’s a badass
Title: Mission: Mothering Collaborator: 27dragons Link: AO3 Square Filled: T2 - Image: Rhodey Hug Ship: MIT Bros Rating: Gen Major Tags: MIT era, protectiveness, Howard's A+ parenting Summary: The first time Rhodey invites Tony to go with him on spring break, he has a mission... Word Count: 817
Collaborator: Trashcanakin Link: AO3 Square Filled: S2 - Tony In Workshop Ship: none Rating: Gen Major Tags: moonboard Summary: Workshop Tony moodboard
Title: T3- Flutter Collaborator: thudworm Link: AO3 Square Filled: T3 - Flutter Ship: Tony & Thor Rating: Gen Major Tags: drabble, introspection Summary: The first time Tony goes out flying for fun with Thor is a revelation. Word Count: 100
Collaborator: newnewyorker93 Link: Tumblr Square Filled: K4 - eating disorders Ship: none Rating: Gen Major Tags: food, moodboard Summary: Inspired by this post by @tonystark5ever discussing Tony’s relationship with food + trauma.
Title: Plumes of Smoke Collaborator: deathofthestars Link: AO3 Square Filled: R4 - fears appear in reality Ship: Stony Rating: Gen Major Tags: mpreg, medieval AU, war, angst, open ending Summary: Tony lies awake at night worried over Steve's future. Maybe its for good reason. Word Count: 618
Title: Nothing Burns Like The Cold Collaborator: Trashcanakin Link: AO3 Square Filled: K4 - Battle/Fight/Confrontation Ship: Tony & Steve Rating: Not Rated Major Tags: not Steve friendly, Dark Tony, Tony needs a hug Summary: Tony Stark has struggled, suffered; been beaten down again and again. Friendships and family bonds broken, shattered. Tragedy can change a man. Is the team ready for the outcome of disaster? Word Count: 708
Title: It's Good to Know Collaborator: SierraNovembr Link: AO3 Square Filled: A3 - free square Ship: WinterIron Rating: Teen Major Tags: kisses Summary: It should hurt; it should burn and ache to admit to the fella he's gone on that Bucky might be a bleeding mess inside while at the same time clinging to the hope Tony can love him anyway. Word Count: 754
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cvndypaint · 7 years ago
knowing your partner well makes writing together a lot easier. tag this with people you enjoy roleplaying with,  but want to get to know better.
name: misty
age: old af but technically 24
pronouns: she/her but i’ve been referenced as “that guy” on tumblr before n just rolled with it jdeghwjkhdjhweg
zodiac sign: im a sagittarius n yes im as hilarious as all the zodiac posts say
taken or single: single happy pringle
i have four (4) cats and one’s a new lil kitten this kid down the street brought me like “pls help cat lady” n i was like aight i guess n now im so in love with him and i named him after @lightsdownlxw‘s muse gus!! the others’ names are chunk, xo and oliver
i’ve been writing since i was 11 and i started with a completely plagiarized story until i learned what plagiarism is and now i’ve become more original but boy that was embarrassing!!! also i’ve totally come up with ideas and then somebody else had the same idea but got to it before me so that’s....... nice.........................
i recently went vegetarian (nearly 3 mos ago) due to health reasons and surprisingly enough i don’t rly miss meat all that much and i’ve been cooking a lot more (so.... much.... cauliflower.....) and tofu is a bitch tbh but she’s so tasty
platforms  used: i started on the harry potter dialogue centre (rip), then proboards, n then i did some rp on msn messenger (also rip) and then i didn’t for ages until i was invited by my bff (@lightsdownlxw) to rp on an invisionfree message board, then i did that for a while until jcink became a trend and i went back and forth between jcink and tumblr but honestly as much as jcink has to offer tumblr is just so much more relaxed so im here 2 stay (so.... if ur wondering..... i’ve been roleplaying for like 13 yrs)
female or male: i love love love playing against females bc im gay as HECC!!! but as far as playing a certain gender i’m not rly picky i love both for different reasons though i used to be uncomfortable playing females (especially against males) but im definitely used to it now!!!
least favorite face(s): it’s rly not important which is why i don’t rly have a banned list so i’m just not gonna go into this thx but if ur rly wanting to know u can ask me in private!! i just don’t wanna put anyone out is all
multi or single: my first tumblr rp (which i’ve been indie from the start) was a single percy jackson oc muse jhdghefrjhf but then i saw mumu was a thing so i was like hot damn sign me up!
fluff / angst / smut: fluff will always be my favorite like fluff to the point of being just ridiculous and funny and i used to hate angst bc it’s so hard for me to write (like even to this day) but i’ve learned to enjoy challenging myself so! bring on the angst babey!! as far as smut goes i used to be a rp whore hgckjhegjhgejh but i’ve lost interest in smut like it’s just kinda boring to me??? but i don’t mind writing it if a thread rly builds up to it i’m sure??? i just haven’t done it in yrs so i don’t even know my guy
plot / memes :  oh man i love both sm like plotting is always fun for me like almost more than actually threading ehgdhgefre plus it totally gives me so much inspiration to write a certain ship! but memes are so so so so fun and i love ones that allow my partner and i to rly explore our characters’ relationship bc they ask questions that we may have not considered before
TAGGED  BY  :  @hiwagas aka loml and the only one who’s tickled by the titty chroniclesTM
TAGGING :  @cvsmiic​ @ncrthcrndcwnpcur @hvrringtns @afflucnce @unquenchablc @ameriicangraffiti @maierras @lightsdownlxw @infctuationss @ovcrheels & if i missed u n we write/have written together pls do this n tag me also ily im sorry my brain is useless!
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ao3feed-buckyxtony · 7 years ago
Take Me Home (to My Heart)
read it on the AO3 at http://ift.tt/2GOLgi8
by Taste_is_Sweet
For this nonny prompt at the Imagine Tony and Bucky comm on Tumblr:
"Bonding is a natural thing that happens between compatible people. Person can have only one bond. When Tony wants to bond with his partner he finds out that he already has a bond. Now he has to find the person that he accidentally bonded with so many years ago when he was still a child."
The only thing Tony remembered for certain was how he'd felt: Joy, belonging and comfort like he'd never found before or since. For a couple minutes out of his entire misbegotten life, he'd known what it meant to be whole.
It was impossible to forget. It had ruined him. Every new friendship, every potential relationship, only offered the forlorn possibility that he might feel that way again. But he never did. And after forty-something years of looking, he didn't think he would.
He still woke up with tears on his face and an emptiness inside him like a black hole had swallowed his heart. But that didn't happen as often anymore. He could even manage not to think of his lost Half for whole hours at a time.
Most of the time, he was okay.
Words: 25464, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Series: Part 2 of Don't Lick Winter Iron Or Your Tongue Will Freeze, Part 8 of Bond Our Souls Like Glue
Fandoms: Marvel Cinematic Universe, Captain America (Movies), Iron Man (Movies), The Avengers (Marvel Movies)
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: M/M
Characters: James "Bucky" Barnes, Tony Stark, Pepper Potts, Steve Rogers, Natasha Romanov (Marvel), James "Rhodey" Rhodes
Relationships: James "Bucky" Barnes/Tony Stark, James "Bucky" Barnes & Steve Rogers, Steve Rogers & Tony Stark, Natasha Romanov & Tony Stark, Pepper Potts & Tony Stark, James "Rhodey" Rhodes & Tony Stark
Additional Tags: Soulmates, Alternate Universe - Soulmates, Alternate Universe, Alternate Canon, Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence, Soul Bond, Platonic Soulmates, Romantic Soulmates, Angst, Angst and Feels, Angst with a Happy Ending, Suicide Attempt, Implied/Referenced Suicide, Additional Warnings In Author's Note, Bucky Barnes Feels, Tony Stark Feels, Bucky Barnes Needs a Hug, Tony Stark Has A Heart, Steve Rogers Is a Good Bro, Natasha Romanov Is a Good Bro, Awesome Pepper Potts, Care and Feeding of Feral Winter Soldiers, Gratuitous Kitten References, Unreliable Narrator, Bucky Barnes Recovering, bucky no, Tumblr: imaginetonyandbucky, Happy Ending, I promise, The Author Regrets Everything
read it on the AO3 at http://ift.tt/2GOLgi8
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buticanstilldream · 4 years ago
Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: Marvel Cinematic Universe, Captain America (Movies), Iron Man (Movies), The Avengers (Marvel Movies), Marvel Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: James "Bucky" Barnes/Tony Stark, James "Bucky" Barnes & Steve Rogers, Steve Rogers & Tony Stark, Natasha Romanov & Tony Stark, Pepper Potts & Tony Stark, James "Rhodey" Rhodes & Tony Stark Characters: James "Bucky" Barnes, Tony Stark, Pepper Potts, Steve Rogers, Natasha Romanov (Marvel), James "Rhodey" Rhodes Additional Tags: Soulmates, Alternate Universe - Soulmates, Alternate Universe, Alternate Canon, Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence, Soul Bond, Platonic Soulmates, Romantic Soulmates, Angst, Angst and Feels, Angst with a Happy Ending, Suicide Attempt, Implied/Referenced Suicide, Additional Warnings In Author's Note, Bucky Barnes Feels, Tony Stark Feels, Bucky Barnes Needs a Hug, Tony Stark Has A Heart, Steve Rogers Is a Good Bro, Natasha Romanov Is a Good Bro, Awesome Pepper Potts, Care and Feeding of Feral Winter Soldiers, Gratuitous Kitten References, Unreliable Narrator, Bucky Barnes Recovering, bucky no, Tumblr: imaginetonyandbucky, Happy Ending, I promise, The Author Regrets Everything Series: Part 2 of Don't Lick Winter Iron Or Your Tongue Will Freeze, Part 8 of Bond Our Souls Like Glue Summary:
For this nonny prompt at the Imagine Tony and Bucky comm on Tumblr:
"Bonding is a natural thing that happens between compatible people. Person can have only one bond. When Tony wants to bond with his partner he finds out that he already has a bond. Now he has to find the person that he accidentally bonded with so many years ago when he was still a child."
The only thing Tony remembered for certain was how he'd felt: Joy, belonging and comfort like he'd never found before or since. For a couple minutes out of his entire misbegotten life, he'd known what it meant to be whole.
It was impossible to forget. It had ruined him. Every new friendship, every potential relationship, only offered the forlorn possibility that he might feel that way again. But he never did. And after forty-something years of looking, he didn't think he would.
He still woke up with tears on his face and an emptiness inside him like a black hole had swallowed his heart. But that didn't happen as often anymore. He could even manage not to think of his lost Half for whole hours at a time.
Most of the time, he was okay.
0 notes
nanyoky · 7 years ago
OH god it’s a CHRISTMAS EPISODE. our core four pairs have broken up, fp is about to die and it’s a CHRISTMAS EPISODE
mary booked a singles cruise so i guess they couldn’t get molly ringwald for more eps this season
yay my girl polly’s back for a presumably horrifying dream sequence
That Kubrick-esque centered shot of Hood!santa climbing over the couch back????? *kisses fingers like cartoon italian chef*
Cheryl still EXPECTS her mother to put out jason’s stocking and demands to know what such a tiny candycane is doing in their home because she is still GRIEVING but still SO MUCH . this is what the death of a twin looks like take fuckin note marvel
Also nana rose didn’t die in the fire? so that’s nice.
“86,000″ “what- dollars?” like the hospital in smalltown usa might charge people in pesos or forint- godbless you archie
“Kevin’s secret santa has a 20$ limit” “Kevin needs to chill” no, v, YOU need to chill. or rather don’t. because we love you so much.
“Havent you heard? we’re still friends!” “oh yeah. isnl’t everyone?” i love these girls almost as much as the lund and byerly’s checkout lady who never judges my wednesday night sale sushi runs
fp looks so thin without his jacket and warm vestiges i’m worried about him is he taking his vitamins eating his spinach if he has been surviving on hot pockets and beer since he got out i will be so cross with him
“BOY.” i’m DISTRAUGHT. fp and jughead are living together again and we’re finally getting to see what that looks like and it’s exactly as heartbreaking as we knew it would be
also fp wears his wallet with a stylish chain that goes from his pocket to his beltloop because it’s apparently 2008 in that trailer
“Couples massage.... thanks” “You can go with betty!” audience: YES PLEASE.
also who the fuck would do a couples massage with their highschool boyfriend- veronica lodge that’s who, but who ELSE.
archie didn’t spend any money on his gift and it is obviously the ebst one int he exchange and we love him
oh dear. mr. svenson. of course i love that betty and co. know the janitor at their school’s name. is that normal? i went to an enormous highschool- i barely knew my teacher’s names half the time. but i imagine it’s very sweet and very betty of her.
oh god jughead came to riverdale high for the gift exchange because he’s a good dude. a good dude.
his little SMILE when he feels how heavy it is is the most boyish he’s looked since the scene where we find out fp is his dad in the drive in episode and I’M NOT OKAY
veronica giving archie an expensive engraved watch is CLASS COMMENTARY and it is very good of archie to try to explain that to her calmly and without accusation or bitterness i don’t know if i would handle it that well cuz fun fact i once accused a guy of making me into Pygmalion because he tried to take me to a restaurant with multiple spoons
jughead wants to help but now sweetpea has replaced joaquin as the unreasonably beautiful surrogate son fp feels more comfortable putting in danger than his own kid help
what is the point of showing cheryl is interested in buying a tree? other than maybe she’s going to spend more than her mom can afford now??? or that she’s back at archie now that josie is weirded out by her possessive obsessive tendencies? not sure what the point of that was
nice reverse zoom/dolly into a dutch angle on this modest janitor house
the parole officer calls him “jughead” that is all
hermione and hiram being deliberately flirty in front of veronica after she and hermione had that talk about loving one’s partner
“Since when are you a communist *deliberate eyeroll at hiram*” i still can’t tell whether season 1!hermione or season 2!hermione is the act and i’m still RIVETED
okay it was to show she’s just spending a bunch of money to piss off penelope who coincidentally, is wearing a WINNER of an outfit rn damn son i have that but like- not as good cuz my black lace sheath is from target
not to take credit away from cheryl’s high quality cherry sweater
“you should have drowned them at birth like a basket of kittens” NANA ROSE. NANA FUCKIN ROSE. COMIN IN HOT FOR THE HOLIDAYS.
i honestly don’t know if it’s ever stated if nana rose is penelope’s mom or clifford’s but judging purely on penelope’s eyeroll and non-verbal expression of “UGG. MOTHERRRRR” i’mma say her’s.
betty pulls her sweater over her hands when approaching her mother because how often did alice tug roughly at young!betty’s clothes to make sure she was PICTURE PERFECT at all times
we all knew that it was going to be a finger right we all knew
and of course she only tells archie because this is betty cooper we’re talking about
“would the sisters talk to us?” “pft- they better” betty’s gunna beat up a nun
also my first assumption is that the janitor’s sin is pointing out the wrong guy to the lynch mob??? could be wrong but it seems kinda odd that archie isn’t bringing up that part of the story
the lodges have the same “christmas classics” cd as my mom because of course they do
the fact that veronica finds the deed to pop’s and doesn’t react in shock or anger but sits back in her dad’s leather office chair and crosses her legs to think things over is CHARACTER DEVELOPMENT
jughead knows fp too well to apologize for thinking badly of him and the duffles and IT HURTS SO GOOD
oh god jughead is calling on the next gen serpents for help this isn’t going to end well, son
“take out penny” take out? TAKE OUT???? TAKE OUT?!?!?! JUGGIE. take a nap.
sweet pea and fangs are either the bestest of bros or engaged to be wedded i can’t decipher their eye communication exactly
the serpents are FACTIONING and this CANNOT end well
next gen serpents are going to fuck everything up and i can’t take jughead trying to do an intimidating under the brows stare seriously
we all think that nun is the drug dealer lady in the wheelchair right?
“the truth” THE LODGE TRUTH. HOOO BOY. *pours another drink*
i just pictured fp’s face if he saw this and did the most ridiculous puppy whine
“oh noooo. no girls allowed” NANA ROSE BLOSSOM. MY MAIN GIRL.
founding families. what did i say.
hefty sigh at barchie kiss. like- i’d be more into this if they actually built it and didn’t keep breaking up and putting everyone back together back and forth
oh cheryl saw- THAT i’m interested in
they’re not going to tell us the lodge truth because they’re bastards
penny didn’t show up for your pickup, did she?” “no.... no she didn’t.” JUGHEAD IS THE PARENT AND FP IS THE KID AND IT IS HORRIBLE AND PERVERSE AND I LOVE IT SO MUCH
“this life you tried to protect me from? i’m proud of it!” *WHALE NOISES* FP’S FACE. FP’S *FACE*. THIS IS THE LOOSE HENRIAD CRIME FAMILY AU I’VE BEEN HURTING FOR.
oh god there’s one black guy in the picture please don’t tell me our sweet angel pop was involved in this how old is pop he’s not old enough right tell me he had no part in this
oh god oh god oh god did sheriff keller shoot bh so he can’t talk oh god oh god oh god
this is too easy and we all know it i’m still pulling my multiple killers theory and i haven’t given up on shady!keller yet
weird sound editing trying to give studio quality to josie and kevin just jammin acapella outside a diner
YASSS JUGHEAD GETS HER A SIGNED FIRST EDITION OF BELOVED WHICH I HAVE BASICALLY BEEN WAITING FOR SINCE BETTY SAID SHE LOVES TONI MORRISON IN EPISODE ONE. well- not exactly this. but that IS one of my alltime favorite books and a huge influence on my own gothic writing so to see it referenced on this show is just GRAND
we all know it’s not over juggie, we all know.
Episode Scorecard:
Number of sick beat drop rhythmic editing moments: none
Episode hair MVP: Nana rose’s stripe was featured as a plot point and is always of the highest quality
Do I still miss Joaquin: yes
Episode outfit MVP: Penelope’s black lace sheath
Cast/Crew shoutout: There were some really solid cinematography moments, but I would have liked to see better editing? pacing was a bit rough.
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ao3feed-buckybarnes · 7 years ago
Take Me Home (to My Heart)
read it on the AO3 at http://ift.tt/2GOLgi8
by Taste_is_Sweet
For this nonny prompt at the Imagine Tony and Bucky comm on Tumblr:
"Bonding is a natural thing that happens between compatible people. Person can have only one bond. When Tony wants to bond with his partner he finds out that he already has a bond. Now he has to find the person that he accidentally bonded with so many years ago when he was still a child."
The only thing Tony remembered for certain was how he'd felt: Joy, belonging and comfort like he'd never found before or since. For a couple minutes out of his entire misbegotten life, he'd known what it meant to be whole.
It was impossible to forget. It had ruined him. Every new friendship, every potential relationship, only offered the forlorn possibility that he might feel that way again. But he never did. And after forty-something years of looking, he didn't think he would.
He still woke up with tears on his face and an emptiness inside him like a black hole had swallowed his heart. But that didn't happen as often anymore. He could even manage not to think of his lost Half for whole hours at a time.
Most of the time, he was okay.
Words: 25464, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Series: Part 2 of Don't Lick Winter Iron Or Your Tongue Will Freeze, Part 8 of Bond Our Souls Like Glue
Fandoms: Marvel Cinematic Universe, Captain America (Movies), Iron Man (Movies), The Avengers (Marvel Movies)
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: M/M
Characters: James "Bucky" Barnes, Tony Stark, Pepper Potts, Steve Rogers, Natasha Romanov (Marvel), James "Rhodey" Rhodes
Relationships: James "Bucky" Barnes/Tony Stark, James "Bucky" Barnes & Steve Rogers, Steve Rogers & Tony Stark, Natasha Romanov & Tony Stark, Pepper Potts & Tony Stark, James "Rhodey" Rhodes & Tony Stark
Additional Tags: Soulmates, Alternate Universe - Soulmates, Alternate Universe, Alternate Canon, Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence, Soul Bond, Platonic Soulmates, Romantic Soulmates, Angst, Angst and Feels, Angst with a Happy Ending, Suicide Attempt, Implied/Referenced Suicide, Additional Warnings In Author's Note, Bucky Barnes Feels, Tony Stark Feels, Bucky Barnes Needs a Hug, Tony Stark Has A Heart, Steve Rogers Is a Good Bro, Natasha Romanov Is a Good Bro, Awesome Pepper Potts, Care and Feeding of Feral Winter Soldiers, Gratuitous Kitten References, Unreliable Narrator, Bucky Barnes Recovering, bucky no, Tumblr: imaginetonyandbucky, Happy Ending, I promise, The Author Regrets Everything
read it on the AO3 at http://ift.tt/2GOLgi8
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northshoregadgets · 8 years ago
Are Dogs Prejudiced?
Are dogs prejudiced? Short answer: No. Long Answer: No — but your unconscious racial bias might be influencing the way your dog interacts with people of different races.
How you react to others directly influences your dog. Photography by angi71/Thinkstock.
Why do people assume that dogs are prejudiced?
Living in New York City in a diverse neighborhood, my dogs are comfortable engaging with all kinds of people. So, I get frustrated when I hear other dog parents excuse their dog’s unfriendly behavior to others by saying that their dog is “racist” or “prejudiced.” This issue is not about the dog — it’s about a dog responding to his parent’s conscious or unconscious discomfort, prejudice and racism.
“Dogs cannot be racist,” says Maria DeLeon, Director of Training at Smart Hund. “They can notice physical differences between people but they aren’t capable of using those observations to assign dangerous ideas, generalizations, stereotypes or any other ideas of worth or value to a population of people.
How dogs learn behaviors from their humans
Our dogs are watching us all the time and picking up on the subtle and not-so-subtle cues that we are sending them about how we feel in any given situation.
The idea that your dog is looking to you for emotional guidance on how to respond to a situation is something called “social referencing.” Scientists have found that the emotional cues being given by their owners influence how dogs will respond in new situations, which could include meeting a stranger. In a study conducted at Tulane University Medical School, researchers found that “adult dogs, like young children, may benefit from the ability to assess people’s reaction to novel situations/stimuli and act accordingly. Preliminary evidence also suggests that dogs, besides using gaze for requesting purposes, look at their owners to monitor their reaction to a strange object.”
In short — how you react to a seeing a stranger impacts how your dog reacts. If you are uncomfortable when you see a person of another race, your dog is going to pick up on that, and unfortunately react accordingly.
How to socialize dogs appropriately
Appropriate socialization when dogs are young is important. Puppies should learn to be comfortable with all kinds of people: children, teens, adults, the elderly, people of different races and genders, people with beards and people wearing hats or sunglasses, as well as people who use canes, crutches and wheelchairs.
Don’t know diverse people to help socialize your puppy? Think more about what you can do to broaden horizons for both you and your dog. Great places to socialize puppies include dog-friendly businesses and parks in different neighborhoods. Have lots of treats on hand and ask friendly strangers to give treats to your puppy. This will help your puppy learn that meeting new people is positive.
Have an older dog that isn’t comfortable in new situations and meeting new people? It’s never too late to start socializing. Help your dog develop positive associations with new people and places by going slow. Don’t push your dog beyond what he can comfortably handle — it’s a good time to enlist the help of a professional dog trainer!
The bottom line:
Dogs inherently love unconditionally, but they look to us to help make sense of the world. No matter how well socialized your dog is, if you are uncomfortable meeting people of other races, your dog is going to pick up on that and may respond negatively. In order to make our dogs better citizens of a diverse world, we must work on our own prejudices first.
Thumbnail: Photography by Shutterstock.
Read more about dog behavior on Dogster.com:
Dog Trancing — What Is It and Why Does Your Dog Do It?
Why Is Your Dog Eating Grass? 4 Reasons
Why Do Dogs Howl?
Sassafras Lowrey is an award-winning author. Her novels have been honored by organizations ranging from the Lambda Literary Foundation to the American Library Association. Sassafras is a Certified Trick Dog Trainer, and assists with dog agility classes. Sassafras lives and writes in Brooklyn with her partner, a senior Chihuahua mix, a rescued Shepherd mix and a Newfoundland puppy, along with two bossy cats and a semi-feral kitten. Learn more at sassafraslowrey.com.
The post Are Dogs Prejudiced? appeared first on Dogster.
from Dogster http://ift.tt/2wxQw7S via http://www.dogster.com
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jeffreyrwelch · 8 years ago
Are Dogs Prejudiced?
Are dogs prejudiced? Short answer: No. Long Answer: No — but your unconscious racial bias might be influencing the way your dog interacts with people of different races.
How you react to others directly influences your dog. Photography by angi71/Thinkstock.
Why do people assume that dogs are prejudiced?
Living in New York City in a diverse neighborhood, my dogs are comfortable engaging with all kinds of people. So, I get frustrated when I hear other dog parents excuse their dog’s unfriendly behavior to others by saying that their dog is “racist” or “prejudiced.” This issue is not about the dog — it’s about a dog responding to his parent’s conscious or unconscious discomfort, prejudice and racism.
“Dogs cannot be racist,” says Maria DeLeon, Director of Training at Smart Hund. “They can notice physical differences between people but they aren’t capable of using those observations to assign dangerous ideas, generalizations, stereotypes or any other ideas of worth or value to a population of people.
How dogs learn behaviors from their humans
Our dogs are watching us all the time and picking up on the subtle and not-so-subtle cues that we are sending them about how we feel in any given situation.
The idea that your dog is looking to you for emotional guidance on how to respond to a situation is something called “social referencing.” Scientists have found that the emotional cues being given by their owners influence how dogs will respond in new situations, which could include meeting a stranger. In a study conducted at Tulane University Medical School, researchers found that “adult dogs, like young children, may benefit from the ability to assess people’s reaction to novel situations/stimuli and act accordingly. Preliminary evidence also suggests that dogs, besides using gaze for requesting purposes, look at their owners to monitor their reaction to a strange object.”
In short — how you react to a seeing a stranger impacts how your dog reacts. If you are uncomfortable when you see a person of another race, your dog is going to pick up on that, and unfortunately react accordingly.
How to socialize dogs appropriately
Appropriate socialization when dogs are young is important. Puppies should learn to be comfortable with all kinds of people: children, teens, adults, the elderly, people of different races and genders, people with beards and people wearing hats or sunglasses, as well as people who use canes, crutches and wheelchairs.
Don’t know diverse people to help socialize your puppy? Think more about what you can do to broaden horizons for both you and your dog. Great places to socialize puppies include dog-friendly businesses and parks in different neighborhoods. Have lots of treats on hand and ask friendly strangers to give treats to your puppy. This will help your puppy learn that meeting new people is positive.
Have an older dog that isn’t comfortable in new situations and meeting new people? It’s never too late to start socializing. Help your dog develop positive associations with new people and places by going slow. Don’t push your dog beyond what he can comfortably handle — it’s a good time to enlist the help of a professional dog trainer!
The bottom line:
Dogs inherently love unconditionally, but they look to us to help make sense of the world. No matter how well socialized your dog is, if you are uncomfortable meeting people of other races, your dog is going to pick up on that and may respond negatively. In order to make our dogs better citizens of a diverse world, we must work on our own prejudices first.
Thumbnail: Photography by Shutterstock.
Read more about dog behavior on Dogster.com:
Dog Trancing — What Is It and Why Does Your Dog Do It?
Why Is Your Dog Eating Grass? 4 Reasons
Why Do Dogs Howl?
Sassafras Lowrey is an award-winning author. Her novels have been honored by organizations ranging from the Lambda Literary Foundation to the American Library Association. Sassafras is a Certified Trick Dog Trainer, and assists with dog agility classes. Sassafras lives and writes in Brooklyn with her partner, a senior Chihuahua mix, a rescued Shepherd mix and a Newfoundland puppy, along with two bossy cats and a semi-feral kitten. Learn more at sassafraslowrey.com.
The post Are Dogs Prejudiced? appeared first on Dogster.
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daddyslittlejuliet · 8 years ago
Are Dogs Prejudiced?
Are dogs prejudiced? Short answer: No. Long Answer: No — but your unconscious racial bias might be influencing the way your dog interacts with people of different races.
How you react to others directly influences your dog. Photography by angi71/Thinkstock.
Why do people assume that dogs are prejudiced?
Living in New York City in a diverse neighborhood, my dogs are comfortable engaging with all kinds of people. So, I get frustrated when I hear other dog parents excuse their dog’s unfriendly behavior to others by saying that their dog is “racist” or “prejudiced.” This issue is not about the dog — it’s about a dog responding to his parent’s conscious or unconscious discomfort, prejudice and racism.
“Dogs cannot be racist,” says Maria DeLeon, Director of Training at Smart Hund. “They can notice physical differences between people but they aren’t capable of using those observations to assign dangerous ideas, generalizations, stereotypes or any other ideas of worth or value to a population of people.
How dogs learn behaviors from their humans
Our dogs are watching us all the time and picking up on the subtle and not-so-subtle cues that we are sending them about how we feel in any given situation.
The idea that your dog is looking to you for emotional guidance on how to respond to a situation is something called “social referencing.” Scientists have found that the emotional cues being given by their owners influence how dogs will respond in new situations, which could include meeting a stranger. In a study conducted at Tulane University Medical School, researchers found that “adult dogs, like young children, may benefit from the ability to assess people’s reaction to novel situations/stimuli and act accordingly. Preliminary evidence also suggests that dogs, besides using gaze for requesting purposes, look at their owners to monitor their reaction to a strange object.”
In short — how you react to a seeing a stranger impacts how your dog reacts. If you are uncomfortable when you see a person of another race, your dog is going to pick up on that, and unfortunately react accordingly.
How to socialize dogs appropriately
Appropriate socialization when dogs are young is important. Puppies should learn to be comfortable with all kinds of people: children, teens, adults, the elderly, people of different races and genders, people with beards and people wearing hats or sunglasses, as well as people who use canes, crutches and wheelchairs.
Don’t know diverse people to help socialize your puppy? Think more about what you can do to broaden horizons for both you and your dog. Great places to socialize puppies include dog-friendly businesses and parks in different neighborhoods. Have lots of treats on hand and ask friendly strangers to give treats to your puppy. This will help your puppy learn that meeting new people is positive.
Have an older dog that isn’t comfortable in new situations and meeting new people? It’s never too late to start socializing. Help your dog develop positive associations with new people and places by going slow. Don’t push your dog beyond what he can comfortably handle — it’s a good time to enlist the help of a professional dog trainer!
The bottom line:
Dogs inherently love unconditionally, but they look to us to help make sense of the world. No matter how well socialized your dog is, if you are uncomfortable meeting people of other races, your dog is going to pick up on that and may respond negatively. In order to make our dogs better citizens of a diverse world, we must work on our own prejudices first.
Thumbnail: Photography by Shutterstock.
Read more about dog behavior on Dogster.com:
Dog Trancing — What Is It and Why Does Your Dog Do It?
Why Is Your Dog Eating Grass? 4 Reasons
Why Do Dogs Howl?
Sassafras Lowrey is an award-winning author. Her novels have been honored by organizations ranging from the Lambda Literary Foundation to the American Library Association. Sassafras is a Certified Trick Dog Trainer, and assists with dog agility classes. Sassafras lives and writes in Brooklyn with her partner, a senior Chihuahua mix, a rescued Shepherd mix and a Newfoundland puppy, along with two bossy cats and a semi-feral kitten. Learn more at sassafraslowrey.com.
The post Are Dogs Prejudiced? appeared first on Dogster.
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buynewsoul · 8 years ago
Are Dogs Prejudiced?
Are dogs prejudiced? Short answer: No. Long Answer: No — but your unconscious racial bias might be influencing the way your dog interacts with people of different races.
How you react to others directly influences your dog. Photography by angi71/Thinkstock.
Why do people assume that dogs are prejudiced?
Living in New York City in a diverse neighborhood, my dogs are comfortable engaging with all kinds of people. So, I get frustrated when I hear other dog parents excuse their dog’s unfriendly behavior to others by saying that their dog is “racist” or “prejudiced.” This issue is not about the dog — it’s about a dog responding to his parent’s conscious or unconscious discomfort, prejudice and racism.
“Dogs cannot be racist,” says Maria DeLeon, Director of Training at Smart Hund. “They can notice physical differences between people but they aren’t capable of using those observations to assign dangerous ideas, generalizations, stereotypes or any other ideas of worth or value to a population of people.
How dogs learn behaviors from their humans
Our dogs are watching us all the time and picking up on the subtle and not-so-subtle cues that we are sending them about how we feel in any given situation.
The idea that your dog is looking to you for emotional guidance on how to respond to a situation is something called “social referencing.” Scientists have found that the emotional cues being given by their owners influence how dogs will respond in new situations, which could include meeting a stranger. In a study conducted at Tulane University Medical School, researchers found that “adult dogs, like young children, may benefit from the ability to assess people’s reaction to novel situations/stimuli and act accordingly. Preliminary evidence also suggests that dogs, besides using gaze for requesting purposes, look at their owners to monitor their reaction to a strange object.”
In short — how you react to a seeing a stranger impacts how your dog reacts. If you are uncomfortable when you see a person of another race, your dog is going to pick up on that, and unfortunately react accordingly.
How to socialize dogs appropriately
Appropriate socialization when dogs are young is important. Puppies should learn to be comfortable with all kinds of people: children, teens, adults, the elderly, people of different races and genders, people with beards and people wearing hats or sunglasses, as well as people who use canes, crutches and wheelchairs.
Don’t know diverse people to help socialize your puppy? Think more about what you can do to broaden horizons for both you and your dog. Great places to socialize puppies include dog-friendly businesses and parks in different neighborhoods. Have lots of treats on hand and ask friendly strangers to give treats to your puppy. This will help your puppy learn that meeting new people is positive.
Have an older dog that isn’t comfortable in new situations and meeting new people? It’s never too late to start socializing. Help your dog develop positive associations with new people and places by going slow. Don’t push your dog beyond what he can comfortably handle — it’s a good time to enlist the help of a professional dog trainer!
The bottom line:
Dogs inherently love unconditionally, but they look to us to help make sense of the world. No matter how well socialized your dog is, if you are uncomfortable meeting people of other races, your dog is going to pick up on that and may respond negatively. In order to make our dogs better citizens of a diverse world, we must work on our own prejudices first.
Thumbnail: Photography by Shutterstock.
Read more about dog behavior on Dogster.com:
Dog Trancing — What Is It and Why Does Your Dog Do It?
Why Is Your Dog Eating Grass? 4 Reasons
Why Do Dogs Howl?
Sassafras Lowrey is an award-winning author. Her novels have been honored by organizations ranging from the Lambda Literary Foundation to the American Library Association. Sassafras is a Certified Trick Dog Trainer, and assists with dog agility classes. Sassafras lives and writes in Brooklyn with her partner, a senior Chihuahua mix, a rescued Shepherd mix and a Newfoundland puppy, along with two bossy cats and a semi-feral kitten. Learn more at sassafraslowrey.com.
The post Are Dogs Prejudiced? appeared first on Dogster.
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