#I really shouldn't throw stones from this lovely glass house!
wastingyourgum · 1 year
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Today's edition of "Rhys Darby's entire wardrobe has the same 12 items in it."
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shortie-stack · 21 days
I've seen a lot of posts comparing Bill and Ford (and for good reason, they are very much parallels and foils to each other) but I haven't seen as much exploring how Bill and Stan mirror each other. Where Bill saw Ford as a tool and maybe even sympathized with him because of their shared experiences (outcast by their peers for traits beyond their control, hungry for knowledge and prestige, isolated from friends and family), Bill sees Stan as the embodiment of everything Bill hates about himself. on the website, entering "Stanley" and clicking enter a bunch of times opens up pages from Bill's perspective about how stan defeated him. Bill maintains that Stan didn't actually beat him, that it was Ford's plan, that Stan just got lucky, but we know from the show that that simply isn't true-- it was Stan's plan and it was Stan that defeated him. It's interesting to note that bill is okay with giving Ford the credit for his demise, but Stan? unacceptable. we'll come back to that though.
To Bill, Stan is simultaneously everything he hates about himself and everything he wants to be. When listing all of Stan's faults, Bill calls him a "side character, a resume-inflating, cheap trick loving, past denying overgrown child protected by failure only by a forcefield of denial and shamelessness". who else do we know who ticks all of those boxes? Bill himself is a side character for much of gravity falls in the real world, but in the context of the show this statement shows his fear of not actually being anything special. sure he was powerful in his home dimension, but we see time and time again that there are other beings in other dimensions that are just as, if not more powerful (the axolotl, for instance). Bill takes credit for liberating his dimension when he really didn't, he "honors" his deals through loopholes and turns if phrase, and he shouldn't be throwing stones in a glass house, seeing as he's the one having a temper tantrum. Bill is also deeply disconnected from his past, if him telling us the story of the demise of his home dimension is anything to go by, and only digs himself in a deeper hole through putting on this cheerful, confident, powerful persona. Stan does the same thing, especially as Mr. Mystery. but the thing about Stan is that he grows and changes as the show goes on, while Bill's mindset is perpetual. They both were cut off from their family because of something they did (Stan messing with Ford's project, Bill by destroying his entire dimension), but Stan allows a new family to get close to him and chooses to make sacrifices to make his niece and nephew (and even his employees to some extent) happy. Bill on the other hand, surrounds himself with henchmaniacs, yes-men who just want to party and will follow him as long as he shows them a good time. Every depiction of Bill is a window for him to look through, and with so many in the mystery shack, it's certain that he sees Stanley, the embodiment of everything Bill hates about himself, getting what Bill thinks he could never have. and Bill hates it because it means that if Stan can grow and change and make peace with his past mistakes, it also means that Bill can too. But that would require Bill to actually be vulnerable and endure the pain that confronting your past (many, many) mistakes brings. He would have to acknowledge and accept that his home is gone because of him, that countless lives have been ruined because of him, and that the reason he has never been able to maintain close relationships is solely his fault. But he won't. And as a result, he will always end up alone, a king of ashes.
I think Bill thought of Ford as a way to fill his emptiness because of their similarities, and possibly also because he saw Ford as a form of redemption. Ford was brilliant and good and just like Bill and Bill saw that and may have thought, if he likes me there's no way I'm a monster. in a way, Bill saw Ford as the only one worthy of killing him because if it was Ford it was just a forgone conclusion: Ford hasn't made Bill's mistakes so he is automatically "better" than Bill and Stan, so obviously he could kill Bill. but to have it be Stan means that someone who has messed up in a manner similar to Bill has the capacity to be better. and that shakes Bill to the core.
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respectthepetty · 5 months
This is gonna sound very weird but I hope as we go on with the show you won't stop making posts about how much you love Ming's toxic ass cause they make me laugh and I'll need them when in the future I'll feel the urge to somehow strangle Ming through the screen. No pressure but please help a girl in need if you can!
You're writing to the person who is openly praying that Ming gets worse (amen), so I am not one to call others weird.
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Something about those who live in a glass house shouldn't throw stones, you know?
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Because, once again, I want Ming to be awful to Joe, and only Joe, which I know is kind of weird of me, but I'm just too happy to care.
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A few people have commented that Ming will get worse, and I'm giddy from the mere thought of it, so I'll be here all season being unhealthy about Ming's behavior.
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Because in the first episode, he was awful, which I LOVED, and I don't think some people really see just how bad he was simply because he is being played by Up, which was a brilliant move by casting, so I love that the show directly told us he is a nightmare, and we could judge all his actions accordingly.
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Regardless of Tong's fake personality, Ming just showed up at the set without any warning and ambushed Tong at his job
Ming only wants to eat alone with Tong, and it's of course because he likes Tong, but he even hung up on his sister mid-conversation after she threw him a little welcome back surprise (sidenote: I think he and his sister might be similar personality-wise because her call while Tong was eating with Ming was convenient)
Ming doesn't tell Joe his name or how he got Joe's number
He called Joe drunk and obviously pissed off, then snapped at the staff for being shocked by his behavior
He doesn't tell Joe he thinks of him, but instead reversed Joe's statement to point out that Joe thinks of him
He doesn't compromise
And none of these have to do with sex and Ming wanting to fuck Joe because he looks like Tong because Ming's toxicity isn't just about sex.
This is about how meek Ming is around Tong
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Compared to how aggressive he is with Joe.
Pushing Joe down and standing over him, which in the heat of the moment doesn't seem like much.
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But Joe took Ming to his house because Ming told him to. Joe doesn't eat instead opting to watch Ming eat. Joe lets Ming spend the night because Ming asked. Joe gets on the bed because Ming tells him to. Joe goes to Ming when called. Joe bottoms because Ming wants him to. Joe does everything Ming wants.
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With Tong, Ming can't control anything, but with Joe . . .
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Ming's gonna control everything.
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Or at least that's what I'm hoping!
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So I'll be here all season, cheering every single time Ming does something truly fucked up because he is going about his issues in the worst way by trying to exert dominance on a stand-in of Tong since he is weak for the real Tong until he ends up regretting it once he loses Joe and tries to replace old Joe with new Jo which restarts the vicious cycle that began this entire shit show in the first place! *deep breath*
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God, I'm so happy!
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IOTA Reviews: Reunion
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Today's episode is a special one, as it teaches kids about toxic people in online message boards. Hey, Astruc? Do you remember that saying about glass houses and throwing stones? Asking for a friend.
Let's get into the eighth episode of Miraculous Ladybug's fifth season: Reunion
We start off at the Louvre, where Marinette and Alya are looking through the paintings to find more symbols of the Order of the Guardians, something previously established in “Feast”. Marinette ponders the idea of past Miraculous holders falling in love with each other, to which Alya gives one of the most contradicting responses I've ever heard.
Marinette: Miraculous holders are always pictured solo, but there had to have been some love stories between some of them. A Ladybug and a Cat Noir in love, it must've happened at some point, right?
Alya: Or maybe they just focused on the job and kept their lovey-dovey stuff out of their superhero lives, like you should. Preferably with a boy you've been in love with for a long time who's finally interested in you? Does a certain Adrien ring any bells?
Wow, not even a minute in, and I already have something to bitch and moan about.
First off, it's really rich for Alya to act like superheroes can't fall in love when she was dating Nino with the knowledge that they were both superheroes, and willingly blew her cover as Rena Furtive because she didn't want to break up with her idiot boyfriend, and ended up costing Ladybug the Fox Miraculous. It'd be one thing if it was like a “Don't make the same mistakes I made!” thing, but in the very next sentence, she tries to encourage Marinette to keep pursuing Adrien. Alya, you do know that even if Marinette starts dating Adrien, she'll still have to deal with her superhero life, right? It's a classic superhero trope that a hero's secret identity gets in the way of their love life, something this show did three different times last season (Truth, Lies, Rocketear). Cat Noir or Adrien, Marinette's love life will be complicated by her superhero life, and Alya basically said “Superheroes shouldn't date! Now, you should really think about asking Adrien out.”
Marinette tries to ask Tikki for advice, but Tikki casually drops another retco—more worldbuilding. Yeah, that's it. It's more worldbuilding, and nothing the writers threw in this season without thinking about how it could have been used in earlier episodes.
See, back in Season 2's “Befana”, Tikki gave Marinette a magical jewel called a Kwagatama, something all past Ladybug wielders have. For the most part, nothing came of it for about five years and three seasons. So naturally, the writers came up with something that makes no sense to introduce now. The true purpose of the Guardian seals is for the Kwagatama to be used for Reunion, a way to contact the spirits of the past Miraculous holders, albeit so only the user can see them, sort of like Al from Quantum Leap.
My problem here is that IT MAKES NO SENSE TO INTRODUCE THIS NOW WHEN TIKKI SEEMED TO ABOUT THIS THE WHOLE TIME! Think about a huge chunk of Marinette's angst last season stemmed from the fact that she has absolutely no guidance as Guardian, and had to learn from trial and error. If Marinette had a way to talk with any of the past Ladybug holders, why the hell didn't Tikki suggest it when she really needed it in the first place?!
Before Marinette can give the Reunion a test run, some Unfunny Marinette Slapstick happens, so she accidentally knocks over a painting, revealing a letter inside for Alix's father Alim. Turns out Alix left some photos detailing her adventures in a letter and hid it inside the painting, National Treasure style. Adrien tells Gabriel and Nathalie about this, and after he leaves, the two share an evil smirk.
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Because I guess now they're on good terms again?
The letter reveals that Alix has been jumping around from time to time, meeting various historical figures, potentially screwing with history, and completely ignoring the secret identity rule since everyone in her class is reading this letter. Alix's older brother, Jalil, isn't happy.
Jalil: How could you let her go?!
Alim: Jalil, enough already!
Jalil: Alix was brainwashed by Ladybug! She forced her on a crusade without us and all you're doing is... nothing!
Alim: Your sister wasn't forced. She went into hiding in time so that Monarch couldn't take over the Miraculous of the Rabbit.
Marinette: Alix is helping Ladybug and Cat Noir restore peace!
Jalil: How could she help them if she's not even here? Can't you see this makes zero sense? Wake up, dad!
Alim: I was there when Ladybug gave her the Miraculous. Alix agreed to the whole thing. She was proud she could help.
“Oh my God, Jalil. Your little sister is just choosing to travel through time and stay away from home with little means of contacting the outside world. Don't be such a baby about it.”
Seriously, I get why they wouldn't want Monarch to get the Rabbit Miraculous, but you know what isn't helping keep Alix safe? TELLING HER ENTIRE CLASS THAT SHE HAS THE GODDAMN RABBIT MIRACULOUS! It says a lot that this is something I agree with Jalil on, and his first spotlight episode had him attempt to perform an ancient Egyptian ritual to revive Queen Nefertiti. But rather than focus on the family drama stemming from the absence of the youngest Kubdel, the true conflict of the episode happens.
Alim: Where are you hearing this ridiculous theory?
Jalil: Everybody's talking! Listen! (takes out his Alliance)
Alliance Lila: Akuma88 said: “We trusted Ladybug too blindly and she only made things worse when she let Monarch steal the Miraculous.” Antilady asks: “Who is Ladybug anyway? Why does she wear a mask? If she has nothing to hide, she wouldn't hide anything.” ChloeB says: “Ladybug is ridiculous, utterly ridiculous”.
You know, it's sad how the only positive thing I can say about the conflict is that at least they didn't make a flat-earther joke with these conspiracy theories.
Either way, this is something I had previously talked about during my review of “Illusion”. Rather than show Marinette dealing with the backlash to her losing all the other Miraculous last season, it's clear all the writers are willing to do is have a bunch of strawmen criticize her so the audience can't take their arguments seriously. Yes, most of Paris doesn't know what really happened, so the citizens are obviously misinformed, but that first guy made a decent point about letting Ladybug do all the work instead of the proper authorities. The whole reason Chloe was even namedropped was because the audience knows from earlier episodes that she has a bias against Ladybug, so lumping her together with anyone else who has a problem with her is an easy way to say “If the bad character agrees with these views, that means their arguments are invalid”. And once again, it's pretty hilarious that the lesson the episode is going for about online message boards when the creator of the show is well-known for his poor behavior online, to the point where this very blog was created to chronicle some of the things he's said.
After dodging Adrien's latest attempt to ask her out, Marinette decides to try out the Reunion, selecting Joan of Arc because that's the only character model the animators can reuse. But hey, if you're not a fan of overused character models, how about overused knight cliches?
Joan: Good morrow. What is your name, you clumsy young holder?
Marinette: Um, uh... M-Marinette.
Alya: What's the matter with you, girl, hearing voices or something?
Joan: They used to direct similar inquiries to me as well. You shalt become accustomed to it.
GET IT? She's a knight, so that means she has to talk like she's from a Monty Python movie. If you're somehow not laughing at this totally original joke, buckle up, because this is what all of her dialogue is like for the episode. Marinette tries to ask Joan for advice, but is quickly rebuffed because even though she supposedly fell in love with a past Cat Miraculous holder, and even though this was Tikki's idea in the first place, Joan isn't willing to help Marinette out. What, was she in the middle of a poker game with Oda Nobunaga, Shaka Zulu, and Dwight Eisenhower she really needed to get back to?
Back with Jalil, we see that he's so desperate that he willingly attracts an Akuma, offering to help Monarch if it means getting his sister back. Putting up his book, Monarch akumatizes him into the Pharaoh again.
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The Pharaoh has a pretty sleek design. I like the gold parts and the interchangeable masks, even if they mean his powers are about as historically accurate as an episode of Yu-Gi-Oh!.
After the Pharaoh empowers his book with the powers of Maat, the Egyptian Goddess who represents the concepts of truth and justice, Monarch gives him the Turtle Miraculous' Shelter to protect the Maat book from being destroyed. Because as we saw with Manipula in “Determination”, simply being invulnerable to being destroyed automatically means victory. Oh right, she lost because the heroes outsmarted her. But I doubt that exact same thing will happen this episode, right?
Back with Marinette, Joan still refuses to talk with her because I guess being dead means she has a tight schedule and can't even bother to help out her successor. Before Joan can even end the Reunion, the Louvre is trapped in a giant pyramid where we see that the Pharaoh is using his powers to quiz people on the truth. Oh my God, the Pharaoh now has the powers of Kamen Rider Quiz. Run, you fools! Kamen Rider Zi-O is the only show in existence with more wasted potential than yours!
Marinette and Adrien transform into Ladybug and Cat Noir respectively, albeit still separated. When asked a question about who was the King of France on March 15th, 1423, Ladybug and Alya attempt to look up the answer online, only to get no signal. Thankfully, because the question just so happens to be set during the time when Joan was alive, she's able to give an answer: there was no king that day thanks to outside circumstances preventing a ruler from being properly recognized. Alya gets to safety, and Ladybug meets up with Cat Noir, who is struggling to answer another one of the Pharaoh's questions: What will the weather be like on July 14th, 200 years from now? It turns out that the Pharaoh was banking on that, as it's something only Bunnix would know.
Ladybug summons her Lucky Charm, a fountain pen, and takes a page from Doc Brown's book, writing a letter to Alix in the future so she can tell them the weather for that day by leaving her own letter in the past. After Cat Noir Cataclysms the Shelter barrier, the Pharaoh just creates a new one. Ladybug then comes up with another question: Is she really a hero, and did Alix leave of her own free will? The book obviously answers yes, and once again, the Pharaoh rejects the Akuma with ease.
Ladybug de-evilizes the Akuma, uses Miraculous Ladybug to fix the damage, shows Jalil another letter from Alix, and never learns Jalil willingly got himself akumatized in the first place.
Joan talks with Marinette and tells her about her past, where she fell in love with a Cat Miraculous holder from England, and the conflict with France forced them to give up their Miraculous and go into hiding. It's a simple backstory, but the artwork and narration tells a lot without going too into detail about things, keeping what happened after Joan and her lover gave up their Miraculous vague for a reason.
Marinette: And then you lived happily ever after?
Joan: I hope so, Marinette. I hope so.
Marinette: Huh?
Tikki: That's not the real Joan, Marinette. It's just her memory as a holder. She can't know what she did after she gave up her Miraculous.
Translation: "We don't want to tell the kids watching what really happened to Joan of Arc." So the episode ends with Marinette wondering if starting a relationship with Cat Noir is possible after all, even if it means she has to give up her Miraculous. Oh yeah, and Plagg gives Adrien a Kwagatama too, but it's not really that important.
That's a good way to describe this episode: it just... happened. Outside of the Reunion lore, not much really happened here, which has been a problem I've had with the last few episodes of Season 5 as a whole. Not much was enough to get me really angry, but at the same time, the writing was just mediocre in my opinion. Pharaoh's new power was just Truth again, and they tried to make him look smart, but all he asked were obscure trivia questions, not something that would really test how honest someone is. For an Akuma who already had it out for Ladybug from the start, the return of the Pharaoh was pretty underwhelming. It didn't help that the other lesson about avoiding misinformation didn't really work that well because it took a magical lie detector to resolve Jalil's trust issues towards Ladybug. Also, it's really weird how nonchalant everyone is about Alix being away from home and traveling through time with no guarantee of when she'll return, while Jalil's somewhat understandable concern about Ladybug possibly manipulating his little sister (who he didn't even get to say goodbye to) was just brushed off for that lesson about conspiracy theories and misinformation.
Even though the idea of Joan of Arc being a superhero sounds really interesting, not much is done with Joan as a character, and I think that stems from the fact that it's obvious that a show that airs on Disney Channel can't talk about the two things everyone knows about her: The supposed messages from God, and that she was burned at the stake. Without those key aspects of her life story, all the writers really had to work with was that Joan was a female knight. This is especially harsh, because even without that, you could have told a story about how Joan was in a similar situation to Marinette, being trusted with the Ladybug Miraculous at a young age (Historians believe Joan was seventeen when she first went to the battlefield, and the flashback in this episode implies she only became a soldier after getting her Miraculous), and how she dealt with the newfound responsibilities, especially in a tense time like the middle ages. Instead, all we got was more Love Square pandering that didn't even make sense for Joan to be dismissive of because she was a massive hypocrite, not only for dismissing Marinette's initial question when she had the answer for it, but also for essentially body shaming Cat Noir by calling him “Puny”. Because how dare that teenage boy not be as jacked as a battle-hardened knight.
Overall, there's not much I can really say about this episode. I doubt the Reunion will ever be plot-relevant again, so what's the point? The most I can say is that it was certainly an episode of Miraculous Ladybug's fifth season.
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While I have grievances with the things Alya, Tikki, and Alim all said and did, for the most part, that's connected to bigger issues with the season as a whole. The purpose of the Biggest Idiot Award was to judge a character's actions in the context of the episode itself. So while Joan of Arc was never officially knighted, it is my honor to present this show's take on her with the award. Joan was unnecessarily rude to Marinette, assumed she knew how to end the Reunion when it was pretty clear this was her first time using it, went on a long tangent while answering a question while Ladybug didn't have a lot of time to give the answer, and talked trash about Cat Noir for not being as buff as the knights she led into battle. She also didn't offer to give any advice in battle even though she knew she wasn't able to interact with the physical world, when the whole purpose of the Reunion is to impart wisdom onto the next generation.
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tabinationtabbystar · 2 months
So I see how this is gonna pan out bogas azz programs and charges for what really I never casted the first stone I'm a glass house Carl son and I truly thought you had my back in my community your a college student and writing a story also I'm my own athur Hun narrate all u want for I Tabatha Ann Tuszynski is the women God and Jesus has remembered and when the hell are you able to tie in my children missing school if the passed I shouldn't have warrants I'm getting the charges all of them thrown out! I can't believe you literally used the legal system on me and my story wtf is wrong was he not wanting anyone around but lil girls my app is working at talky and linksy so double dare the state to fck with it you would literally throw us in scummy apartments living with murderers petifiles and drug dealers knowing I have two fckn daughters whom reside with me in this shitty atmosphere cause you want my money so it's ok to hit me with Hochuls plan don't think so how'd you feel to be ripped away from your family's algorithm or not feel wanted or loved and failure to exercise control over a minor who you I assume 1024 yeah I'm not harassing, but I'm expressing how easy it is for a young police student to sexually be manipulated aswell and I never ridiculed or said anything bad about your Charles in charge girlfriend get out fantasy world playing with my life is like playing a nasty trick on God so bring it sister. #JPD #MHA #Fakeloyalty #Theives #spotlight #domesticviolence #diversity #sexualassult
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sarah-dipitous · 2 years
Hellsite Nostalgia Tour 2023 Day 35
Would I Survive the First Five Minutes??: The number of things about my life that would have to change to put me in the position where I would have died in these first five minutes is what's keeping me safe. But I suppose if a house and its residents and the dolls inside it decided to do some evil Toy Story shit to me, I guess would just die? Again, though, the house/inn that's closing down is currently having things taken away from it, so the likelihood of me being in that position is so small
Oh good. It's creepy dolls and spooky twin girls. Love that.
I don't know if joking about how poorly you and your brother handle things, especially tough emotional things, is a step in the right direction, but at least you KNOW there's a problem. I guess.
Was about to throw some stones from inside my glass house at Dean for his completely predictable attraction to Daphne from Scooby Doo, but 1) again, my glass house, and 2) who here HASN'T felt some way about Daphne?
Ooooo, an interesting twist. Hoodoo protection wards.
I'm not here defending Wincest shippers, but when there's at least one person a season who assumes you're a couple who "look the type" to go antiquing and not brothers...like, maybe the writers should have rethought some things.
HONESTLY! HONESTLY HONESTLY, DEAN, SAME!!! The way some old inns and bed & breakfasts decorate I WONDER HOW PEOPLE SLEEP THERE TOO!!
OOO ooo ooo, man, look. I'm...not to be a queer person who's only out to tumblr and a few people outside here and who could fairly easily be assumed straight, I...am personally injured by the look on Dean's face when Sam so easily yet still jokingly reads Dean as "you are kind of butch, they probably think you're overcompensating." Like...there wasn't a PAUSE before he said it. Sam had that ON HAND. I'm just...oh, that kills me (we are 10 minutes into this episode)
Sam...that's like...literally, that doll house looks exactly like the hotel you are currently inside, which you've only arrived at today. What do you MEAN, "what is this?"
So you're telling me, there's just this old woman in the attic who no one really talks to and she's the twins' grandmother? There are three generations living in and running this hotel (which they're selling) and one of them is just shut up in the attic???
They're gonna DEMOLISH THE HOTEL?? Bet you won't...oh, this guy's about to be dead dead. Good. Look. I might not agree with how this place is decorated with the creepy dolls and spooky antique dresses hanging on the walls, but this place is GORGEOUS otherwise
What are the odds that this place was used as part of the Underground Railroad?? It's something I've been thinking about since there's a bunch of Hoodoo protection stuff in a VERY white place.
I'm curious how...how...what is going on with Sam? See, Dean knew he was handling this whole thing with Ava TOO well. Sam's drunk on the job, calling Dean bossy, short, and stupid (perhaps I shouldn't be laughing as hard as I am, but oh well). Oh. Oh, Sammy. The sheer levels of angst in this scene. It started funny but now I'm crying.
I'm not giving up hope about my predictions about the house, but I WILL be very disappointed if the reasoning is SIMPLY attic grandma had a black nanny.
"Dude, you're not gonna poke her with a stick!" Thank you, Sam.
...omg they're not twins...or even sisters...if it turns out Rose's name is actually Margaret but she goes by her middle name...then I still could have written a better episode. I can't believe they've The Sixth Sense'd us...kind of. I'm not entirely sure what's going on with Maggie yet.
Gworl. get away from that playground. Go inside. What are you doing??
Maggie is Rose's dead sister, got it. I almost feel bad for her. I mean, I do feel bad, but killing those people and now trying to kill Tyler is awful (Also. Tyler? very cool name for a girl to have)
Wait. Did Rose just die? Did she die to be able to stay with Maggie forever? No, but she WILL, it looks like.
"Been On My Mind...": Honestly, I'm starting to wonder what show that person was watching. There's a decent amount of talk, but zero action.
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Oh Boy I've just come up with an exceptionally Cursed headcanon:
It's Gimli and Legolas who bring Maglor to Valinor
Maglor comes across Legolas and Gimli on a beach, desperately trying to make a boat based on their collective memories of Cirdan's ships. Gimli asks why can't they just ask the Men who, you know, definitely have boats, but Legolas is like No, It Has To Be Elven To Get There.
And Maglor has Boat-Related Trauma, but he's admittedly curious that Legolas is determined to take a dwarf with him. So he stays around to keep an eye on them, staying hidden of course. But like, Legolas is a tracker, he's from the Forest Known For Good Trackers, and definitely learnt stuff hanging around with Aragorn, so he definitely notices Someone is watching them. And Maglor, of course, notices that he notices, and then they're playing like a bizarre game of chicken as Legolas tries to spot Maglor, and Gimli is Fully Convinced Legolas is just going a bit nuts from their boat-building efforts.
Of course, in the end its Gimli who somehow provokes Maglor into revealing himself, maybe by speaking Sindarin with a semi-Feanorian accent, as he was taught by Arwen, who was taught by Elrond, who was brought up by Maglor himself? Legolas quickly captures Maglor - he's been waiting for this opportunity for WEEKS - and Maglor could probably escape if he tried, but his magic is fading, and he is so tired.
Legolas, of course, realises who Maglor is, but has to explain to Gimli, and his explanation is tangled in the two positions of "The Feanorians are scum and deserve everything they got" of his childhood, and "Yes they did bad things but, really the Doriathrim should reinforce their glass houses if they want to throw stones" of Elrond (and subsequently, Arwen, Aragorn, and most of "modern" First Age historians).
Gimli is confused, but he gets the gist that Thranduil's people hate Maglor, and that's a good enough recommendation for him (Gimli is never anything but unfailingly polite to Legolas' kin, much to their frustration).
Maglor becomes their 'prisoner' - mainly because Legolas is worried that if he turns up in Valinor and tells Elrond he saw Maglor and let him get away, he'll want to sail straight back again - and is tied up with a rope made by Galadriel that Legolas was saving for a special occasion. Maglor and Gimli communicate in a mixture of Sindarin and Westron (of course Maglor, the most linguistically inclined of Feanor's sons, would have at least picked up the new language in his millenia of wandering). Gimli is quite pleased to meet an elf who doesn't have any anti-dwarfism at all, and they get on quite well.
Despite previously mentioned trauma, Maglor is able to make some useful suggestions towards the boat-building effort - he has already made this journey the other way once, of course, and has been hanging around the coast for literal Ages. He makes all sorts of arguments as to why he shouldn't be taken with them - that he doesn't deserve it, that Valinor should not be cursed with his presence, that he will be a burden on them. When Legolas and Gimli have one of their many discussions about how, exactly, they are going to convince the Valar to let Gimli stay, Maglor argues that taking him with them would hinder their cause, as the Valar are still no doubt wroth with him.
At which Legolas looks at Maglor with a very sly smile and declares, why of course Lord Maglor, what an excellent idea! You shall serve as an excellent distraction so I can smuggle my dwarf in. Maglor doesn't have the heart to explain that that's not really how it works, in the face of Legolas' optimism (and it is so nice to meet an elf who is optimistic, who laughs and loves without fear). And, he justifies to himself, if his coming to Valinor can help these two in some way, then maybe his inevitable Casting Out by the Valar will be worth it.
So they set sail in the most peculiar-looking craft, which is part Cirdanian ship, part Mannish fishing boat, part Alqualonde swanship (Maglor is doing his best to ignore the irony). Maglor is mainly in charge of navigating, while Legolas does most of the actual sailing, and Gimli reminds the pair of them to eat and sleep, and tells Maglor stories of his people, of the reclaiming of Erebor (with interjections from Legolas who was actually there, thank you very much Gimli, and the Mirkwood elves had good reason to distrust Thorin in the end didn't they? (a very loud argument ensues, in which Maglor has to take over the helm, and is fully prepared for them to turn around to take Gimli back to Middle-earth, and is extremely surprised when, the next day, Gimli and Legolas tearfully apologise to each other and are back to being as sickeningly Married as before)), and of the War of the Ring.
Maglor has managed to stay relatively abreast of general goings-on, via eavesdropping - he tried to drown himself several times when he heard of Celebrimbor's fate, but Ulmo wouldn't let him - but it is different to hear first-hand accounts. He tries (and fails miserably) to seem impartial when ever Elrond is mentioned, and laughs, properly truly laughs, for the first time in Ages when Gimli tells him of Galadriel's gift to him.
They come in sight of Tol Eressea, and Legolas and Gimli are overjoyed that it worked, while Maglor is extremely anxious. But he senses Ulmo's presence in the water around him, and is calmed by it. He doesn't know if his understanding with Ulmo will extend to him being allowed in Valinor, but he appreciates it all the same. They aim for Avallone, not Alqualonde (for obvious reasons) but a wind blows them off course, and they end up landing (definitely not crashing) on the shores east of Taniquetil.
They are met by Manwe, who is not amused. Legolas is defiant, and Maglor is resigned, but it is Gimli who manages to talk Manwe round, speaking so eloquently and persuasively, in Sindarin, on not just his behalf, but Maglor's also, that Manwe, with some gently prodding from Ulmo in wave form, relents. He says Gimli can stay, though reminds him it is not indefinite, and when it is his time he must go to Mandos; and declares Maglor's fate shall be decided by the Noldor themselves, as the Valar have learnt not to meddle in Eldarin affairs when they are not wanted.
Manwe turns into the wind and leaves; and then a boat turns up, landing much more gracefully than Legolas', containing Elrond, Gandalf, and Finrod. The reunions are very emotional: Finrod surprises Maglor by wrapping him in a fierce hug, before letting Elrond take his turn. Maglor is ridiculously apologetic to Elrond, who declares him forgiven, and calls him atar, which makes Maglor break down in tears. Legolas and Gimli are saddened to hear the Hobbits made their way to Mandos a few decades ago, but are glad to see Gandalf and Elrond once more.
Then Finrod, very apologetically, says that he is technically here to arrest Maglor, but, on medical grounds (looking pointedly at Maglor's scarred hand and general state of dishabille) he can be released into Elrond's custody, immediately. They return on the ship (not Legolas', which is in bits) to Tol Eressea.
Later, when he's improved somewhat physically and mentally, Maglor is tried in the 'new' judicial system in Tirion (trial by jury has been used by Finarfin's justice department for good few millennia now, but its still considered 'new' for elves). He is, of course, found guilty of various war-crimes and acts of murder - though not of kidnapping, as Elrond convinces his blood-parents not to press charges, by threatening to never speak to them again.
However, the judge (carefully selected from the post-First Age elves, so as to be unbiased as possible) commutes his sentence, declaring Maglor's self-imposed penance enough, but that he must work to pay reparations to those he harmed. This is after Gimli gives evidence, in an impassioned and beautiful speech describing how Maglor was when they found him, how much physically and mentally he was suffering. The speech is so good it goes down in legend as a great piece of oration, made even more remarkable in that it was spoken by a dwarf, who could not call on an innate oratory power as elves do when public speaking.
Gimli goes on to have a fairly illustrious career as a diplomat and public speaker in Valinor, so much so that Manwe convinces Namo to delay bringing Gimli to Mandos three times, so as to not upset Valinorean politics. Gimli is celebrated as Carpalaure by the Noldor long after his passing.
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thesmutgoddess · 2 years
girl sorry but this is straight up delusion, i really like your taste but this is insanity. amber setup depp with the abuse hoax, wrote an article against powerful men yet has been involved with james franco and elon musk and yes both of them are accused of sexual abuse. that's her type as she wants the fame and the money. embarrassing to have her benefiting from #metoo and act as a spokeperson for dv, truly vile behavior. she should be in jail for her lies!!!
You lack the critical thinking to realize how preposterous Depp's Gone Girl scenario is and you're calling me delusional? Glass houses shouldn't throw stones, my love.
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rainbowsky · 3 years
so, while i do ship gg and dd together, i'm not what you would call a szd shipper (i would love it if they're actually together, of course). as someone who is looking at everything from a kind of neutral standpoint, i get scared at the conviction some people express about them being together. it's like they leave no room for any other possibility. i don't think that's a healthy attitude to have and i hope these people remain rational and sane if it ever turns out they were wrong
If I had a dollar for every time someone wrote me hand-wringing about some fear they had about turtles, about the fandom, etc. I could afford to get that Chanel rainbow watch I've had my eye on...
There's nothing neutral about your position. Actually, neutrality is largely a myth in general, particularly when it comes to things touching on culture, human drives and interests, etc. But when people express extremely weighted statements while claiming to be 'neutral' all they're really trying to do is give their statement more credibility by throwing up a fake smokescreen of 'impartiality'. Sorry, Anon, you're not fooling me, although I do acknowledge you might be fooling yourself.
I always get a kick out of people who somehow think that it's more ethical to believe they're not really together - yet still ship them together 'for fun' - than it is to genuinely believe they're together, and to support them because of that belief. Those people who ship real people for fun shouldn't be casting any stones from the balconies of their glass houses.
Your behavior is dangerously close to anti behavior, if not intentionally so, then at least in the way it comes across. I know it might sound unfair or even harsh, but hold my beer... Never mind that the statements you made above are common anti-BXG talking points (whether you knew that or not)... fandom is meant to be fun, it's meant to be a means of connecting to things we like and enjoy, and of connecting to other people who share similar interests. It's not meant to be a means of attacking or maligning others, or sowing mistrust or negativity toward other groups of people (which statements like yours have a huge tendency to do). I understand that's the way fandom is often used by others, but it's not what fandom is about. At least, not to me. GG and DD themselves have expressed a desire that fans 'live and let live', and they've openly stated that everyone has a right to experience fandom in our own way, in our own spaces. If we can't respect other fans, then we should at the very least respect GG and DD and what they've asked of us as fans. Or else why are we even here?
Still don't believe you're talking like an anti? Well, I'm not ready to take that beer back yet... Something tells me you aren't going into solo spaces and saying, "I'm concerned about all of the people who are so fiercely convinced that GG/DD is single. They really don't seem to leave any room at all for the possibility that they're in a relationship. I worry about what will happen if/when it comes out that they're actually in a relationship. Will those people stay 'sane'? I mean, it's just not healthy to be so sure."* Why do you think that is, Anon? Why do you think it is you haven't done that? Could it maybe be because you're fine with people believing that they're single - even to the point of being a CP anti, as so many solos are - yet you aren't OK with people 'taking it too far' on the whole shipping thing and actually believing they're a real couple because it makes what you're doing somehow 'adjacent' to something that you don't want to be labelled as? Could it be that you're actually just expressing the conveniently self-serving attitude that you're doing 'the acceptable kind of RP shipping', while the rest of us SZD people are not? And perhaps by speaking up about what we're doing and pointing out loudly and proudly that you see what we're doing as somehow 'dangerous' and 'unhealthy', you won't be grouped in as one of us and get tarred by the same brush we get tarred by? Is it possible, Anon, that your entire message could be translated as, "Other people are practising fandom in ways that I feel makes me look bad. Let me state for the record that I am not one of them, even if I'm into pretty much all the same stuff as they are."? (I say this as someone who is personally all too familiar with how that can be a pitfall of fandom). And BTW, I'm not asking you that question, I'm asking you to ask yourself that question. *Let's be real - if GG and DD were ever outed as being in a relationship, angry heartbroken solos would be a far bigger risk to GGDD's careers than turtles would be if they were discovered not to actually be together, just based on numbers alone! That risk to their careers is actually why het rumors get shut down instantly, while BJYX rumors are allowed to thrive. We should all engage our brains in a bit of common-sense logic every day, to keep them limber...
And I will give you the benefit of the doubt, Anon, that perhaps you don't realize just how bad the anti activity is in the fandom, or just how many people come into turtle spaces to attack us, or just how many times they use this same 'concern-trolling' attitude to make it seem selfless and noble to speak/think ill of SZD turtles, but if that's the case, let this be an education.
I get multiple anti messages daily, as does any other turtle with an open askbox. Most turtles have closed their inboxes for this very reason. The level of anti behavior here on Tumblr is at a level that reaches harassment. Many of these messages I would also characterize as hate speech, given the viciously homophobic things people are often saying.
I urge people to do a bit of self-reflection before sending asks to turtles, and think of the many ways that their message could be taken, how those messages might land on someone who is constantly targeted for hate, and then take a few minutes to decide whether what you're asking might be adding to that pile in some way.
And if, after all that, you still want to ask a question, perhaps find a way of phrasing it that makes it unambiguously clear that you're an ally. Don't slip thinly veiled anti talking points in your message, or else I and others will assume (in most cases, totally correctly) that you're an anti trying to get an attack past someone's radar.
As for the whole SZD thing, everyone has to make up their own minds about what they believe. I won't expect non-SZD turtles to show solidarity for SZD turtles. I know all too well that the attitude you've expressed above is a very common one. But at the very least, could you maybe just... live and let live? Bonus points for not saying/thinking uncharitable things about us?
There's an excellent quote from an article I highly recommend, by psychology professor Devon Price (discussing a concept he learned from author and activist Kimberly Longhofer), "If a person’s behavior doesn’t make sense to you, it is because you are missing a part of their context."
If you feel that SZD turtles are acting 'extreme', it's probably because you simply haven't seen what they've seen and don't know what they know. You clearly haven't seen enough evidence to believe SZD. Maybe ask yourself how you might approach things if you HAD seen enough to convince you of SZD, and then ask yourself if how these SZD turtles are behaving is really so odd, so 'unhealthy' or so 'dangerous' after all.
We have a choice about how we view others. We can view them charitably or uncharitably. That's a choice we make every time we make assumptions or form attitudes about others. In the often painful world we're currently living in, it behooves us all to try our best to find charitable ways of interpreting others. It makes for a much better world for everyone.
And since it feels relevant here - especially if you really are an anti - I just want to remind all of us to stay in our own lanes. There doesn't need to be conflict or unpleasantness in fandom. When you swerve into someone else's lane, you are CHOOSING conflict. You are making a conscious choice to engage in harmful behavior.
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crossdressingdeath · 2 years
Cu11en does say at one point (when he is confused about Blackwall actually taking responsibility for his actions) that Leliana has a "blind spot for Grey Wardens" which becomes really sweet in a world state where she is either romanced or is good friends with the Warden. One of the best things about DAI is learning that all the Origins romanced are still going strong.
Honestly because I'm Always A Slut For Zevran my favourite thing is that the in-universe explanation for him not showing up if romanced is that he's the only Origins LI who's still with his Warden at the time of Inquisition (...as in physically present with, obviously they're all still in relationships), with the rest getting separated either because they had responsibilities that blocked them from travelling with the Warden or because they had to help the Inquisition. ...Which thinking about it makes him the only LI across both previous games to still be at his lover's side during Inquisition, since Hawke doesn't let their LI join them at Skyhold and Adamant. But I do love how the Warden's letter will always mention their LI if they have one. They still love each other even after ten years! Good shit!
Also, obligatory "fuck you" to Cullen for suggesting that Leliana's deep-seated respect for the Wardens as an organization and her affection for her friend/lover means that she'd overlook their misdeeds. If nothing else, Templars in glass houses shouldn't throw stones; I still remember you insisting Meredith's actions were justified and then claiming you didn't know what she was doing, Cullen!
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amphxtrite · 4 years
what I miss most // c.d
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cedric diggory x slytherin! reader
warnings: swearing, spelling/ grammar mistakes.
summary: the reader is chosen for triwizard tournament instead of cedric. He helps you with the first task and finds himself at the bottom of the lake.
a/n: thank you to anon for sending this request, I absolutely loved writing this, but I apologize if it’s kind of shit.
tag list: @cupidpoison @wonderful-writer @inglourious-imagines @mullthingsoverinthehotwater @cedricsyellowscarf @coldlilheart @glossierkisscs @hoe4cedricdiggory
word count: 3.9k
enjoy <3
“And the Hogwarts champion for the triwizard tournament is.” Dumbledore’s voice booms as the entire student body sits on the edge of their seats waiting patiently as the goblet of fire spews out a sheet of parchment. “Y/n L/n of slytherin!”
The entire house of black and green shouts in excitement as you stand and make your way to the front of the hall, accepting pats on the back and high fives your entire way down.
Cedric Diggory sighs in defeat as your name is called instead of his. He slowly raises his head from his arms to take a look at the girl who would be in the tournament instead of him. He doesn’t know what to expect as he finally finds you in the crowd, but needless to say he’s surprised. Beautiful cascading h/c hair, bright eyes, a playful smirk resting on your face and a loose green tie adorning your neck. He could barely take his eyes off of you as you shake hands with dumbledore and enter the back room, his eyes trailing after you until you’re finally out of his line of view.
“She’s gorgeous.” The hufflepuff sighs, resting his chin on his hand.
“Ced, she took your spot!” Ernie Macmillan calls, shaking his head at the star struck brunette.
“Who cares mate?” Cedric laughs, wrapping an arm around the younger boy with a smirk on his face.
Your confidence seemed to double as you walked up to Dumbledore and shook his hand, but sitting in the waiting room with the other champions grew rather awkward and you knew you’d have to be the first to break the ice.
You turn and wave to the Beauxbatons girl and introduce yourself. Fleur seems happy to have someone to talk to and you eventually pull Viktor into your circle, talking about your schools and your excitement for the tournament. A shuffle of shoes is heard and you turn, expecting Dumbledore, but see Harry Potter’s mop of brown hair and glasses instead.
“Harry what are you doing here?” You question, walking up to the shaky boy and putting a hand on his shoulder. Harry was like a younger brother to you, and you’d grown rather fond of him despite your house.
“I-I don’t know! He just called my name.” He stutters, looking around anxiously and fidgeting with his fingers.
“I didn’t put my name in, I swear!” He rambles on, taking hold of your sweater.
“I believe you Harry, there’s no way you could’ve made it past the age line.” You state, ruffling his hair and sighing.
“You know you should really get this cut.” You laugh, pulling him towards the other champions.
“Really y/n, now?” Harry rolls his eyes, but cracks a smile, allowing himself to be dragged over and introduced.
Days pass and you grow more and more excited for the first task, you get close to the other champions and you have overwhelming support from even peers you’ve never talked to before, but as more people support you, they seem to turn on Harry. Badges with the phrase ‘Potter Stinks.’ And ‘Support y/n the real Hogwarts champion.’ Begin popping up everywhere and despite your pleas for people to take them off more and more people continue.
“Please Draco, I know you don’t like Harry, but I would really appreciate it if you and your friends stopped wearing them.” You try to reason with the young slytherin, but everyday is the same response. “No need to be modest y/n! We all know it’s true!”
You sigh and shake your head turning back to Fleur and her friends as one of them shakes your shoulder. “I think you’ve got yourself an admirer.” She smirks pointing behind you.
“That’s very sweet Claire, but I don’t want to see anymore badg-“
She cuts you off. “Non, no badges, that boy is gazing at you!” She squeals, shifting your body so you’re facing the other direction. Your eyes lock with a pair of grey ones and the owner immediately drops his gaze. Your cheeks flash a light pink as you smile at the adorable boy, but you’re pulled from your little moment by a tapping on your back.
“Um y/n, c-can I talk to you?” Harry’s shy voice calls out. “Read the badge Potter!” Draco’s distinct voice responds as you turn to shush him.
“Of course Harry, lead the way.” You smile.
“Listen I’m sorry about the badges. I’ve told them not to wear them, but” Harry lifts his hand to stop you.
“I know, it’s alright. I just wanted to warn you. The first task is dragons.” He whispers before scurrying off to find his friends.
Nodding your head in disbelief, you run back to Fleur’s group and apologize, telling them you’d be in the library if they needed you.
Dragons. Why did it have to be dragons? You sigh in frustration as you open another book on the fire spewing reptiles, your eyes fighting to stay open. “H-hey, do you need any help?” A low voice wakes you from your half asleep trance and you snap up. “What? Um, yes. Please. What was the question?” You lift your hand to your mouth to block your yawn as the voice comes closer.
“I-I’m sorry I didn’t mean to bother.” A boy comes into view. “Oh, you’re the hufflepuff from the courtyard!” You smile, motioning for him to take a seat next to you. “Yeah that’s me.” He chuckles, placing his book bag down and falling into the chair. “I just noticed you in here and was wondering if you wanted any help?” The hufflepuff sighs, scratching the back of his head in a nervous manner.
“Yeah! I mean that'd be great!” you grin, picking up your pen. “Does the hufflepuff have a name?” You tease, pulling a textbook towards the two of you. “Yeah, Uh- Cedric. Cedric Diggory.” He smiles extending his hand.
“Well Cedric, I’m y/n.” You respond, taking hold of the brunette’s hand. “I know.” He nods before blushing and shaking his head.
“That seemed really creepy, I didn’t mean anything weird.”
You laugh and for a moment Cedric is sure he’s in the presence of an angel. Your face lighting up and the sound of your voice reminded him of something divine, and Merlin did his heart soar.
“Alright Cedric, let’s get down to business.”
You spend the afternoon and most of the evening researching all you could about dragons. You had explained the situation to Cedric to give him a better idea what to look out for and he’s had his nose stuck down a book the whole time looking for the right way to succeed.
“You could try flying?”
“I’m horrid on a broom Ced.”
“Stun it?”
“That’ll only make it angry.”
“Freeze it?”
“It’s a fire breathing reptile Ced.”
“What about a distraction?” Cedric suggests, reading over a line of text.
“It won’t anger the dragon, there shouldn't be any need for fire, you just need to transfigure a distraction.”
Your lips pull into a smirk and you wrap Cedric into a hug.
“That’s brilliant! How did you know Transfiguration is my best class?” You laugh.
“Lucky guess?” Cedric smirks in response, returning the hug with a huge smile.
“You’re the best Cedric, I’ll see you later?” You pack your bag and squeeze the hufflepuff’s shoulder before walking away.
“Yeah, see you later!”
One by one at the sound of the canon the champions before you face their dragons. Sitting in the tent in your sports wear, anxiety floods your veins as the sounds of thrashing mixed with ‘oohs’ and ‘ahhs’ from the audience ring in your ear and cause your heart to race. Harry does his best to reassure you, but it seems more like a comfort to himself than you. You couldn’t blame the boy, a fourteen year old who had faced Voldemort, a basilisk and now a dragon.
The canon bangs again and someone enters the tent to retrieve you.
“This way please miss l/n.”
You stand and take a deep breath, smiling to Harry before following the man through the curtains.
You begin stretching out your arms and giving yourself a pep talk. You were smart to have taken the time to study dragons, because you didn’t know the first thing about Swedish Short- Snouts before your study day with Cedric.
You begin your walk into the stadium and the rocks begin to come into view.
The chanting of your name is distinctly heard and a silver dragon resting on a stone perch greets you, it’s yellow eyes piercing into your heart like a sword. You swallow and take a deep breath to calm yourself, pulling your wand from your pocket and putting on your brace face.
Students scream as you are finally visible and you can hear bets being made, the dragon stands from the stone and growls.
“Let’s do this.”
You slowly pace towards the dragon as it shoots a flame out towards you. Quickly rolling out of the way, you cast the rock to dog transfiguration on a medium boulder before crouching behind a large rock.
The dragon curiously follows the dog with its eyes before stepping from its nest to follow it, the scraping of chains being your cue to go. The dog begins to run and you quickly sprint in the direction of the eggs, the golden one shining in the centre must be your goal.
As you approach the nest, a brilliant blue flame shoots from beside you, barely missing your body, but burning you down your arm. The dragon begins bounding towards you, and with pain coursing through your left side you scoop up the golden egg and loudly cast the sleeping charm multiple times on the silver beast before it finally falls to your feet in a low slumber.
The stadium erupts in excitement as you walk out with the egg in your arms, as you scan the crowd for your hufflepuff helper. You spot the brunette in the stands and throw him a thumbs up and a huge smile. He grins back at you and mouths congratulations as you are greeted by medical assistance and pulled into the hospital wing.
You’re laid in a white bed as Madame Pomfrey treats your burns. The medicine does cause you to flinch and your arms turns a strange colour, but it does seem to cool after it’s finally wrapped up. You’re about to fall asleep when a flash of red and brown enters your line of sight and begins to chuckle and stutter with a huge smirk.
“Heard you pulled quite a stunt in the arena.” You grin at Harry with a light roll of your eyes.
“It was amazing y/n! You should have seen me fly up and around the Horntail!” Harry gushes, explaining every moment of his first task in great detail. Pomfrey begins bandaging his scratchers as he begins swinging his arm around explaining the great chase.
“And then I flew up and back down right past the dragon’s spines!” He lifts his hand up and drops it back down.
A boy in a yellow tie pulls open the curtains to your bed and steps inside.
“Hope I’m not interrupting.” He grins sheepishly, pulling two bouquets of flowers from behind his back.
“Of course not, you don’t mind do you Harry?”
You smirk at the boy and he shakes his head.
“I was just stopping by to drop these off from the judges.” Cedric explains handing a bouquet to you and Harry.
“Great job out there by the way. Both of you.” Cedric compliments, placing the flowers on your bed before stepping back out again.
Months passed and the buzz from the first event had still not diminished, so when the Yule Ball was announced, the entire school went absolutely crazy. People you’d never seen before began confessing their ‘undying love’ for you and asking you to accompany them to the dance. You almost felt bad denying them a date, but the truth was you only had one person in mind who you wanted to take you to the ball, the hufflepuff brunette who had helped you conquer your first task.
Cedric had been planning on asking you to the Yule Ball, but as he watched people swarm you, he lost hope that you’d still be single for the dance. He felt it was rather useless to try, but Harry wasn’t going to allow Cedric to give up.
“She likes roses. Yellow ones with red tips are her favourite. She grows them at home.” The gryffindor shrugs nonchalantly, nudging the hufflepuff in the shoulder.
“Okay?” Cedric shifts uncomfortably in his seat. “She doesn’t have a date you know. She rejected everyone who’s asked.” Harry continues.
“And how is that supposed to make me feel better?” Cedric sighs, poking at his food.
“She’s waiting for you.” The gryffindor finishes, turning over and noticing a sparkle in Cedric’s eyes. “Just thought you’d ought to know.” Harry smirks,standing from the hufflepuff table and wandering over to his.
Cedric made his way to professor Mcgonagall right after that to ask how to transfigure the exact form of those roses and worked at it till he was sure he’d mastered it.
He found you reading on special charms in the library with the girl from Beauxbatons, and taking a deep breath he summoned the flowers from the top of his wand and presented them to you.
“Y/n, I-I know it’s not much, but I was wondering if you would go to the Yule Ball with me?”
He almost toppled over when you jumped up to hug him, he had to pinch himself to make sure this was really happening. That you had actually said yes.
The ball arrived and it was absolutely magical. You and Fleur were gushing over each other’s dresses as Viktor talked to his date and Harry stood awkwardly in the back. Cedric arrived and together you made your way into the ballroom.
You danced for hours, anything from waltzing to just jumping around until you pulled Cedric away from the dance floor and into the courtyard.
“I see you’re wearing my flower, love.” Cedric grins, looking down at you as you swayed in his arms.
“Of course Ced, I love it.” You respond, a smile growing on your face. “I grow these back home, they’re my favourite.” You smirk, pulling the rose from your hair and holding it up to your nose.
“Do you know what they represent Ced?” You raise your eyes to meet Cedric’s dazzling grey ones.
“No I do not, Care to enlighten me?” Cedric grins sheepishly, twirling you in the light snowfall.
“Yellow roses with red tips, mean friendship and-” You pause looking up to the falling snow and back into Cedric’s eyes. “Falling in love.”
Your lips had almost met that night, but the sound of footsteps pulled the two of you apart and the two of you parted not long after.
When the second task arrived you were ready. You had figured out the egg and had given Harry a hint to figure out his as well. You had managed to find a spell on your own to help you in the underwater field, but on the day of the event you couldn’t find Cedric anywhere. No matter where you looked or wandered the boy in that yellow tie was nowhere to be found. Lined up on the wooden deck, you pull yourself together, shaking Cedric from your mind to grab your wand from your jacket pocket and shrugging off your outer layer, leaving you in your bathing suit in the unforgiving winter air.
They sound you to begin and you cast the bubble head charm on yourself before diving into the freezing water. You swam as fast as you could, dodging the grindylow as you made your way through the tall underwater foliage. Wandering further into the dense green, you were sure the water was playing tricks on you because tied to the bottom of the lake was Cedric, still clad in his full uniform. You spot Harry gazing stupidly at the victims and you nudge his shoulder. shooting a spell at the weed tied around Cedric’s leg before tapping your wrist in the universal sign for ‘time.’ You grab around Cedric’s chest and push his head down as you surface through the waves, The brunette’s head popping up as soon as his head breaks through the lake. You gently pull him back to the docks and wrap towels around your arms and his as people flock to you and congratulate you on your victory.
“W-What happened?” Cedric stutters, his teeth chattering like crazy.
“You were at the bottom of the lake Ced. Do you not remember?” You giggle.
“No, I-I just remember being told to go to the office and when I got there, everything went black.” Cedric shivers as you scoot closer beside him.
A line of the poem from the golden egg bounces through your mind.
“We’ve taken what you miss the most.”
Cedric glances at you in confusion, but a smile dawns on your face.
“I missed you the most Ced, that’s why they chose you.” You laugh, wrapping the hufflepuff in a hug as his eyes widen in realization and his cheeks heat up.
The third task arrives and you and Harry are tied for first. The two of you enter the stadium together and stand in front of different entrances to the maze. You nod to Harry, wishing him good luck and he does the same. Dumbledore finishes his speech and the task has begun. You start slowly, walking with slight hesitation as the maze walls swallow you whole. As soon as the cheers of the student body are no longer heard, you pick up the pace, dodging magical creatures and running around blocks and dead ends. You had the feeling you were close when you noticed Viktor prowling in the opposite direction.
“Viktor! The cup’s that way.” You nudge him on the side as in a flash he turns and grabs you by the throat.
“Finally I’ve found you.” He smirks his usual accent disappearing as his glassy eyes look you up and down.
Clouded eyes and a voice that wasn’t his, there was only one explanation. “Let Viktor go!” You squirm in his grip as a devilish smile descends his face as he chokes you out and lifts his wand. “That should be the least of your worries y/n.”
His lips just form a curse when a loud “Stupefy!” Is heard.
Viktor falls back and Harry comes rushing to your aid.
“Are you alright?”
You immediately begin taking deep breaths of air and turning to face Harry.
“The Imperius curse. Someone cursed Viktor.” You mumble in between gasps for air.
Harry helps you up and pulls you forwards through the final part of the maze, finally finding the glowing blue cup.
“Go on, you did save me.” You smile, pushing Harry closer to the cup.
“Nonsense, you were closer. You should have it.” Harry argues, pulling you further up.
“Together?” You grin taking a step closer.
“Together.” Harry agrees.
You reach up to the cup and at the count of three you both place your hands onto the trophy.
The world begins to spin and contort. You begin to feel dizzy as Harry’s shape begins to swirl and his loud breathing is the only thing you hear.
You land on a field and the two of you stand nauseously. You hold your head in your hand as you hear Harry utter the word ‘portkey’ and you turn to access your surroundings.
“It looks like a graveyard.” You sigh, turning back to Harry. “Is this like a joke or somethin-“
“Look out!”
From behind you a hidden figure emerges and pulls out their wand.
“Petrificus Totalus!”
Your body seizes up and you fall onto Harry’s chest. “Avada Kedavra!”
“No!” Harry jumps and tumbles down a hill with you in his grasp, running and placing you behind a tombstone to face this opponent.
You can only lay there frozen as Harry screams. The bubbling of a cauldron, cackling, multiple voices, and a hiss of a snake is heard. Your bonds seem to break for a second, perhaps the person had just transferred their wand to someone else. You slowly turn and peak over the grave, a scream of fear nearly leaving your mouth at the sight of Voldemort and his death eaters.
Voldemort begins throwing the gryffindor to the sides like a ragdoll as he begs Harry to duel, Harry tries to counter the killing curse with expelliarmus, a thick veil of light emerges from their wands and soon the two are hidden from view. For agonizing minutes you sit there in fear for your friends life. Hoping and Praying Harry would be alright.
The light disappears and Harry emerges, throwing back the band of death eaters before you stand and run over to him.
“Let’s Go!” You pull the dazed gryffindor from his trance and run towards the portkey as Harry yells spell after spell at the oncoming line of Voldemort’s followers. You quickly clutch onto the handle of the trophy and close your eyes as the world begins to spin again.
All spectators were frozen as Harry Potter and y/n l/n exit the maze screaming bloody murder. “He’s back! Voldemort’s back!” Harry cries, clutching onto Dumbledore and being grabbed by professor Moody. Your voice is quiet and pained as you wrap yourself in a blanket and explain in full detail what happened when that cup turned into a bloody portkey. Dumbledore sat stroking his beard and nodding before quickly walking off to find Harry. You sit and hang your head down, taking deep breaths to calm your racing heart. In and out, it was going to be okay.
“Y/n, are you alright?” The worried voice of the grey eyed hufflepuff comes crashing through your ear and in a second you had engulfed him in a hug and begun crying into his shoulder.
“H-He’s back. He’s back and I didn’t do anything.” You whimper into Cedric’s scarf.
“Hey, darling look at me.” He tilts your chin up and his voice turns serious.
“Voldemort is a mass murderer. He’s killed almost everyone he's come in contact with. It’s not your fault, love he would have killed you.” Cedric sighs, pulling you closer and wrapping his arms tightly around you.
“What matters is that you’re back, you’re safe and we’re together.” Cedric smiles, pressing a kiss to your hairline. “Congratulations on the win by the way.” Cedric smirks, looking down at you.
“Win? But Harry.”
“He told Dumbledore you were the rightful winner of the cup. It’s already been announced darling. You won.”
Cedric follows his congratulations by pressing an overdue kiss to your lips. Your mouth drops open and a smile widens on your face as you jump up into Cedric’s arms and he spins you around.
“I’m so proud of you, love.” He chuckles, placing you back down again and holding you close.
“Just don’t do that again, alright? You scared me.”
You laugh and begin peppering kisses on Cedric’s warm cheeks as you punch your fist into the air and cheer. You had done it. You survived and conquered the triwizard tournament. Though you had to talk to Harry about splitting the winnings. There was no way he was getting away with this.
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peanutpinet · 3 years
Nine Percent Mafia Scenarios
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Cai Xukun
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Cai Xukun, a name that is well-known whether you go to the same school with him or not. He was notorious for not only being the heartrob of the school, the best basketball player the school had ever had, a hard-working student and a caring person.
Even so, there was a rumour going around that he was part of a gang. Now, this wasn't your typical school gang or a motorcycle gang but more so a mafia group. Not only that, the rumours has it that he is even a leader of one of the mafia's group.
But despite his reputation, Kun was never one to play with people's feelings. So he would always decline people's confessions as nicely as he could. Truth be told that it was mainly because there was already someone that caught his attention since the first day he came to the school (*cough*you*cough*).
Of course, because of his reputations and all, he didn't really want to make his crush that obvious, especially when he was in a mafia group. Though, his group were more so dealing with the actual scums rather than causing trouble for the authority (which is why the authority would let his group go).
But that would soon change during one of his important matches. Not only was he against his school's biggest rival but also his mafia's rival. If he won the game, it'd be killing two birds with one stone.
Unfortunately, when the match was going fairly well for Kun's side, his rival's side had their own set of tricks. Apparently, some of his rival's group were scattered around the school, finding one specific person, you.
While you did try to put up a fight and all, you were outnumbered and the opposing rival managed to get ahold of you. Once the game was over and Kun's team had won, they had to shake hands with the opposing team which of course, Kun did as well. However, when he got to his mafia's rival, he received a disturbing information.
"It was a good game but looks like you guys could still use some practice" Kun snickered, shaking hands with his rival
"I wouldn't be too cocky if I were you, August" his rival challenged, making Kun tensed up upon hearing his work name
"Don't test me, especially in school. I suggest you leave quietly unless you're starting to pick a fight" Kun barked
"Heh, well, let's see how tough you can get when you're with (y/n)" his rival mentioned, makin Kun gripped on his rival's hand even more
"What do you know about (y/n)?!" Kun growled
"Why don't you come by dinner tonight? I'll send you the location" his rival smirked, taking his hand back and leaving the school along with his team
Kun instantly contacted his own members, asking them to track your phone since he tried calling and texting you but you didn't reply him at all (which is actually very rare unless you told him you had something to do).
At the same time Kun received an unknown message, his members found your phone's location which was completely different to the location in the message.
Kun then split his group to two, with him going to the location he got from the message whilst the others go to the location where they tracked the phone down.
It wasn't that much of a surprised that you weren't at the location Kun went. But that didn't stop Kun from going brutal with the rival gang. After he was done there, he went over to where you actually were on his motorcycle.
Arriving at the scene, Kun wasted no time and just knocked the rival gang even when he was still on his motorcycle. When Kun did get down from his motorcycle, he kept going until he finally reached you and pulled you into a hug.
"Are you alright? Did they hurt you?" Kun asked, concern can be heard from his cracked yet soft voice
"I, I'm alright, Kun. I just got a slight bruise but nothing too serious" you admitted, holding onto Kun's hands that were almost 2x your hand size
"If you ever come near her ever again, I'll show no mercy next time. Now scram" Kun hissed, making the boys run away from the scene
"I'm fine, Kun. Don't scare them like that" you stuttered
"Let's go, let's put some ice pack onto that bruise, hmm? Then we can continue watching that drama you were watching. Let's go boys" Kun mentioned, pulling you to his motorcycle
Chen Linong
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Honestly, Nongnong is just too soft to be part of the mafia. Which is also why he is perfect to be the spy in the mafia XD alright, onto the scenario
So, I imagine that you were one of the bad girls in school. Not bad as in you caused trouble but more so you look like a baddie when you're actually nice to the ppl close to you. One of which was Nongnong.
When Nongnong first came to the school, he looked so cute and soft that you swore that you wouldn't let anybody bully him nor hurt him at all. You even helped him get used to the school.
Time passed by and you and Nongnong were quite close with each other that even went on a few study dates here and there; which Nongnong of course would take you home like the gentlemen he was.
But one study date made you change your mind how you saw Nongnong. All this time you would always feel the need to be the one to protecc precious Nongnong, but this time, it was the other way around.
The both of you stayed a bit longer than expected at the study cafe you guys always come for when you were doing school stuff. But of course both of you have told your parents and Nongnong even told your parents he'll still bring you home safely.
As the cafe was closing, you and Nongnong finally head back home when suddenly a gang of motorcycles came by and stopped right in front of you. Nongnong tried his best to tell them off but for no apparent reason they just burst up and went to charge towards you and Nongnong.
You've experienced fighting before which is why you were still standing, unfeared of what this gang could do. But as you were about to fight back, Nongnong quickly stood in front of you and beat all the people in the gang; scaring them off and even threatening them that if he ever sees them again or even hears about them when he's around, he won't go easy.
"Are you ok (Y/N)? Are you hurt anywhere?" Nongnong asked, his voice turning into his normal soft voice
"I, you, what? Who are you and what have you done to my sunshine soft precious Nong?!" you exclaimed, pointing at Nongnong and at the slight mess he made
"Ahaha, I'm also super Nongnong!! Remember? But for reals (y/n), are you alright?" Nongnong asked in concern, holding your hands in his
"I'm fine. You didn't have to protect me though. You know I can fight" you mumbled
"I know. But you shouldn't have to fight when I'm around. I'll take care of you even when I'm sick. As long as you're fine then I'll be fine. Come, let's go home" Nongnong softly whispered, pulling his signature smile as he pulled you away from the scene and head back home
Fan Chengcheng
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Kay, first of, boy looks like he ready to throw a fit or something XD also, crazy to believe that he was just 18 here. Kay" scenario
For this I imagine that Chengcheng had to attend a wedding of a family member (let's say it's his cousin) and his parents expect him to bring someone or they'll make him mingle around with the people at the wedding.
Because he much prefer to bring someone he knew, he immediately called you to come join him; telling you that he'll find hair, makeup and stylist for you so all you had to do was just join him. Though you're not much of a social person, Chengcheng got you by telling you that there'll be your favourite foods.
Time skip to the day of the wedding
You arrived at the Fan's house and was greeted by Chengcheng's sister, Fan Bingbing. Because you've been to his house several of times, truth is, his parents and Bingbing were thrilled to hear that Chengcheng invited you to join.
Bingbing then directed you to one of the rooms that was filled with different clothes and she even helped you picked out an outfit then brought you to another room where there were people ready to do your hair and makeup.
After nearly 2 hours of getting ready, you were finally done and Bingbing was helping you zip your dress when Chengcheng came in already in his dashing suit. Bingbing then gave a smirk, leaving you with Cheng.
"Wow, you look amazing? You're probably gonna outshine the bride. Here, lemme help" Chengcheng exclaimed, helping zip your dress up then looking at you in the mirror
"Speak for yourself. That glasses really suits your look. Not to mention the slick back hair with a slight green/blue tone?! Damn, Cheng" you replied as the both of you looked in the mirror
"C'mon, I want one mirror selfie then we can go to the actual event" Chengcheng requested as he took his phone out and taking a mirror selfie with you
After several more pictures, Chengcheng's parents finally called you both and the both of you went downstairs; where Chengcheng's parents and sister were waiting.
After around 30-40 minutes of being on the road, you all arrived at the venue, took some pictures and were redirected to where you would be seated.
"I have to go for a bit. My parents made me go see my cousin then his bride. You just stay here, alright? I'll have someone send some appetisers or any snacks" Chengcheng whispered to you
"Sure thing. Go go, then we can play whilst we wait. Justin is waiting for me right now" you mentioned
"Better be just one game. I'll be back. Don't start the next game without me, tell Justin that I'll take his food next practice if he leaves me out" Chengcheng pointed out, walking away
"Oi!! Watch your step!!" you scolded then went back to playing
Chengcheng's POV
"Why do I have to meet her?" I complained
"Because it's to welcome her into the family" my parents replied
"Ah yes, welcome someone we almost never met into the family" I cursed
"Fan Chengcheng, behave. I heard she's quite lovely" my mom scolded
"Fine. But it better not be long" I scoffed as the security opened the door and I went into my cousin's bride room
"Fan Chengcheng!! I'm so happy you could come to my wedding!!" my cousin's bride exclaimed
"Yea yea. Hold it. You....Jia Xiaoli (random name). You're my cousin's bride?! What trick you got now?!" I threatened standing right in front of her
"No tricks, Cheng. I promise!!" Xiaoli smiled
"Cut the act Xiaoli, you bribed me into dating you and if it wasn't for (y/n), my family would be in jeprodize" I barked at her
"Ahhh right, (y/n). I haven't seen her in a while. How is she?" Xiaoli asked
"She's not your concern. Stay out of my sight and (y/n)'s. And if you ever hurt my family, I'll show you no mercy" I scoffed, banging on the door and returning to where I left (y/n)
Unfortunately, when I arrived back, (y/n) was no where to be seen. I scowered the whole venue yet she wasn't there. I then rushed out to the bathroom, hoping that maybe she was there. I even tried texting her but after 30 minutes and no answer from her at all, I got anxious; like something is wrong here.
I then went out of the venue and contacted Justin if he was talking with (y/n) since they were playing games together. Thankfully, I got somewhat of a lead. Justin mentioned that he's actually on a "call" with (y/n) but he muted his microphone because he heard some other people was on the other line with her. Justin also mentioned that he's trying to track down (y/n) and after a few minutes, Justin sent me her location.
Not caring that the event was starting, I rushed to find (y/n) which turns out, her phone was at one of the hotel rooms of the venue. I then listened to the room first and when I heard (y/n)'s voice, I wasted no time and barged in, dodging all the attacks of the men within the room, knocking them all out one by one and took my jacket off, wrapping it around (y/n).
"Are you ok? Did they hurt you? What did they do?" I asked, pulling (y/n) into a hug
"Nothing, thankfully. They made me go with them and when I felt something was off, I called Justin but put the volume at the lowest, hoping he'll know my situation" (y/n) explained
"It's alright, I'm here. I've also asked Justin to come. C'mon let's get outta here" I mentioned, holding (y/n)'s hand
"Justin? Is he invited? What are you gonna do?" (Y/n) asked
"He'll be invited soon. We got a wedding to crash" I snickered, taking (y/n) away from the scene
Justin Huang
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Tbh, I don't think this pose will really fit into the scenario but I will try. Okie, onto the scenario for Justin!!
For Justin, I imagine that you guys were living together along with Chengcheng, Yanjun and Kun for a film shoot and one night, you and Justin were heading out to buy dinner since the geges were basically passed out.
As the both of you were on your way, Justin noticed some sketchy people stalking the both of you. Justin made sure to keep an eye of them but didn't realise that there were a whole lot more of them that blocked your path and while you did put up quite a fight, you were eventually taken and was out of Justin's sight.
When Justin realised you were gone, he didn't waste any time in calling his geges and immediately went to find where they took you. Justin was definitely certain that they were part of the opposing gang that's always trying to get on ninepercent's nerve.
After a bit of running and even getting his geges help, Justin finally found the hideout and instantly barged in. However, the condition he found you in was not a pretty sight.
⚠️ Trigger Warning!! ⚠️
Not only were you bounded to a chair but it seemed that you were being beaten up, there were visible new purpleish bruises on your legs and cheek, not to mention some part of your clothes were ripped, your hair was messed up and even blood was dripping from your mouth, hands and thighs.
At that moment, something in Justin just flipped. As if he turned off his humanity switch (except for you). No-one was going to block his way to you. If they did, he wouldn't care whether they're a guy or girl, he'll put them down.
One after the other, Justin would break their arms/legs, the sound of their suffering even urged Justin to go even further; to the point where Justin didn't care whether he broke their bones, pulled their muscles or so on.
Once all of them were down on the ground, Justin finally managed to get to you. He crouched down to your height and wrapped his jacket over your shivering body and asked if it was alright to carry you which u only gave him a slight nod; and at the same time his geges arrived at the scene.
"It's alright (y/n). I got you, we're gonna go home now, kay?" Justin cooed you as he carried you in his arms
"Justin?! (Y/N)?! Are you guys alright?!" Kun asked as Yanjun and Chengcheng were prepared to shoot anyone
"Sorry to ask this but please take care of them. Oh and make sure they're still alive. I have unfinished business with them. I'm taking (y/n) back first" Justin requested, walking out of the scene
Lin Yanjun
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Tbh, I'm not a fan of this jacket on Jun XD but his gaze bruh, his gaze!!! 🔥🔥 okie, scenario!!
For this scenario, I imagine that you were in Yanjun's hometown in Taiwan and apparently Yanjun's 10th year high school reunion was coming up and decided to bring you along since he only planned on staying for a bit then take you out elsewhere (also to keep all those girls in line before they lashed out on him)
After getting ready and all, you and Yanjun excused yourselves from Yanjun's parents and went out to the bar where the reunion was held. Ofc, when Yanjun entered, so many of his ex girl classmates were thrilled, until he showed up with you, hand in hand.
Yanjun just nodded and waved at his ex classmates before introducing you then he pulled you to the near corner of the table since he knew that you were somewhat socially awkward.
After having a little drink and snacks, it was now almost 9pm and Yanjun wanted to treat you out to the night market before going home. He asked if you wanted to go now which you gave him a slight nod. He told you that he'll go to the restroom for a bit before you leave.
After his restroom business, one of his ex classmates (a girl) went up to him and talked for a bit. At first it seemed like a simple catch up until she started to clustered the space and asked some personal questions about you. Yanjun was quick to know the situation he was in and immediately took control and straight up turned his ex classmate down, making his way to where he left you.
However, he noticed that some of the guys were trying to flirt with you and it seemed that they were getting a bit touchy that you seemed to be quite uncomfortable. Yanjun knew that coming to the reunion was a bad idea. Not only the majority that came were the school bullies but they were also part of a gang which 9% has been paying a close attention to.
Even so, Yanjun know that you could handle yourself and when your gaze met with Yanjun's, you immediately tried to excuse yourself but then one of the guys gripped your wrist which in return you slapped their hand away and even shoved them back down. Just when you managed to get free of these crazy people, another guy managed to grabbed you and pulled you down but at the same time, a dart flew and hit the the person's hand. Everyone then looked to see Yanjun's killer looks.
As everyone was distracted, you pulled yourself up at the same time Yanjun came and stood in front of you, holding your hand softly. Stroking your knuckles, he asked if they did anything else which you shook your head and told him that they just tried to flirt whilst the girls were already somewhat drunk. Yanjun gave you a slight apologetic smile before going back to his cold gaze towards his ex-classmates.
"Can't you tell when a woman is clearly not interested and taken? The next time you do that to my woman or any sort of girls, it won't be a dart flying and the target surely won't be your hand" Yanjun warned, rubbing your knuckles softly before starting to leave
"You think you're all that huh Yanjun?! Just because you made a name for yourself now, you can do as you please, huh?!" one of the guys challenged
"Heh, I'd watch my mouth if I were you. Wouldn't want people to know about your 'illegal business' or the fact that you've been out with 10 different women this past week, now would you?" Yanjun challenged back, slightly smirking as the guy's face suddenly turned pale
"Thought so. C'mon (y/n), let's get outta here. The night market doesn't close until 11pm" Yanjun whispered, giving you a genuine smile as you went out together hand in hand like how you came in together
Zhu Zhengting
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Mama Ting!! That gaze!! I surrender!! I won't play games till late at night!!! Kay", scenario time!!
Ok, for mama Ting, I feel that he's dating with a normal office worker (aka you), you guys met through mutual friends and for some reason, Zhengting feels at ease whenever he's with you (like, not awkward at all, unlike with most girls).
Zhengting was just waiting at your apartment and cooking up some dinner for the both of you since you told him that you might be coming back late due to an important meeting with your boss.
Once he heard the door unlocked, Zhengting welcomed you with his soft smile and sparkling eyes that was full of love (also open arms) which you gave him a tired smile but immediately hugged him when you've put your things down.
"How was work? What meeting was it? Oh, tell me over dinner. I made your favourites!!" Zhengting mentioned, guiding you to the dining area where he has prepared dinner
"Thank you, Ting. It was a confusing meeting honestly. Like, my boss suddenly asked about my relationship with you" you explained as you started to eat the dinner
"Really? Does your boss know me? Like know know or was he just trying to hit on you?!" Zhengting questioned, his tone getting serious
"Not sure. He was trying to offer me another job which paid quite a lot but it has something to do with my relationship. Like, when I told him that I was in a relationship, he gave this weird look like he wasn't satisfied and just dismissed me. Saying that he'll think about it" you elaborated
"Hmmm. Whatever you do, don't take the job unless he gives you the full details, alright? And if you're worried about money because your current job isn't paying you well, don't fret, I'm here!!" Zhengting exclaimed
"I don't want to leach off of you Ting but yea, I'm not gonna take that job. I'm planning to find a job elsewhere and resign once I reached my one year mark" you explained
"Good!! Now finish up then shower so we can go watch some dramas" Zhengting cheered
It's been roughly a week or so since you told Zhengting about the offer and Zhengting was currently at the bar along with Kun because they had to spy on some men coming to the bar; something about opening a brothel or an illegal business of some sort.
When the people were already there, both Zhengting and Kun split up to get some information out of the men. Nothing in particular really caught the two's attention up until one of the men brought up a file containing your information.
"I'm telling you, she's the best looking one in my company. Not to mention, whenever she wears skinny jeans, it just fits her body so well. Anyone would die to take her and our business will blow up" one of the men mentioned, pointing at a picture of your face
"But you mentioned that she's taken. Are you sure you can get her to join?" the other men asked
"She needs the money. Plus, I can always cut her pay and tell her that this job suits her better" the men mentioned, laughing
But oh boi, they picked on the wrong girl. Because the minute Zhengting heard the conversation and was sure that it was your picture that they used, he immediately gave the guy a good punch in the face, knocking him down and holding a gun up right at his temple.
"I take it you like using helpless woman for your illegal money? Not only that, using them then abusing them before you discard them. How annoying. I'll give you a few minutes to confess everything before I blow up your brainless head" Zhengting barked, his gun was right by the man's temple
"So you're her so-called boyfriend, huh? I'll just kill you here and..." the man scoffed but his scoffed turned into a scream as Zhengting shot the man's leg
"I was wondering who was my girlfriend's boss as he was so daring to ask about her relationship but was unsatisfied when he realised she was taken. Well, this is still consider verbal harrasement, right Kun?" Zhengting snickered
"Sure thing. Since we got some evidence here, pretty sure he'll get fired the second we inform this to the authority. Also, he'll probably lose all his wealth" Kun replied
"Wa-wait a minute?! Kun?! As in the Cai Xukun?! Leader of 9%?! Does that mean...you...you're..." the man stuttered
"Zhengting. Zhu. Zheng. Ting. The so-called boyfriend of the woman you're trying to hire into an illegal business. Oh well, save your breath for the court" Zhengting replied, a smirk plastering his face as the man's face turned very pale
Wang Ziyi
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For this specific picture of Ziyi, I imagine it being a bit similar to mama Ting's one. Where you were just a normal worker, not an idol/actress/artist or even a daughter of a famous company owner. You were just you; which, to Ziyi, you were everything.
Now, unlike the in mama Ting's one, you weren't offered a new job at a new location that was completely different to the one you were currently in. However, the boss of your company did pay a close attention to you. He would often try to flirt with you, send you flowers or even directly asked you out; which of course you declined them all.
This happened even before you met Ziyi. But unfortunately, it still happened even after you've been dating Ziyi. However, it wasn't as bad as when you weren't dating Ziyi. You dunno whether its because he finally started giving up or because he knew you were dating someone since you never really told him you were actually dating someone.
But while your boss may not know that you were dating someone, you did tell Ziyi about how your boss has been flirting with you and all. But we all know how patient Ziyi is. Not only was he patient in hearing your complaints and all but he was also patient with your so-called "boss". Well, that is until he ran into your "boss" at the gym.
You and Ziyi have been going to the gym quite regularly (let's all pretend it aint covid) and normally Ziyi would treat you lunch (which is how he got you to go to the gym with him). So, Ziyi would normally go and do some weight training whilst you just went to do some cardio (like on the treadmill or bicycle).
It was going like normal until you were about to do a bit of weights yourself (like that pull-up weight thing) and as you were going to do your thing, your boss suddenly came up to you and you guessed it, tried to flirt with you.
You tried to tell him off nicely but the same time scanned the room to find Ziyi who was apparently at the boxing area. It took a good 5 minutes or so but Ziyi finally saw you and understood your situation.
He was about to tell the guy off nicely until he saw the guy closing in the space between the both of you near a wall. And lets just say, Ziyi was finally at the peak of his patience and just snapped at the dude.
He pulled the dude back and twisted his arm till you can hear a crack. Ziyi then told your "boss" off and even threatened him because apparently throughout this whole time, Ziyi was doing a lil "background check" on your so-called "boss".
"It's not nice to pick on a lady who's clearly taken. Especially when you, yourself is also taken" Ziyi scoffed, pushing the guy further back
"Aghhh, l-let go off, m-me. This isn't even a fair fight" the guy stuttered as Ziyi pushed the guy who eventually fell downwards
"I suggest you leave and not hit on anyone. Unless, of course, you'd like me to tell your wife about it" Ziyi threatened, taking his phone out and showing the guy some pics of his affair
"I, I'll get lost. Just don't show this to my wife or anyone" the guy babbled, rushing to leave the scene
"C'mon (y/n), let's go get lunch at your favourite" Ziyi mentioned, grabbing your hand and giving you his signature (yet sweet) smile Xiaogui
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For Xiaogui, I imagine that he was the owner of a well renowned bar in Shanghai. It's been a tough week for you and when you told Xiaogui all about it, he felt sorry that he flew all the way to where you work, telling you that he'll stay over the weekend so the two of you can have a chill weekend together.
But, on the way back to your place, Xiaogui got a call from the bar about someone looking for him. He asked you for permission which you know that it was his bar and so you told him that it's alright. He gave your hand a light squeeze before speeding up to the bar.
Upon reaching the bar, he directed you to a secret door which led to his private office. He told you to just stay there whilst he takes care of the things at the bar.
However, not long after Xiaogui left, you suddenly had a bad feeling, as if you were being watched or something. You weren't dumb and you knew that Xiaogui hid his gun in his office (I mean, the dude taught you how to do self-defense and how to use a gun). You went over his desk trying to find the gun but the secone you held it, you felt a gun being pointed at the back of your head.
"You know, what ghost around, comes around" a deep voice mentioned, the gun being pressed by your head
"Now be a good girl and put the gun down" the man stated as you slowly put the gun down but only to make him lower his guard so you quickly upperhand him by taking his gun
As you manage to upperhand the attacker, he started to attack you which was not good. Sure, Xiaogui taught you a thing or two but when you're faced with it in real-life, that's a different story. You tried to keep your composure and threw his gun far away so it'll just be a hand to hand combat but you were still at a disadvantage.
You were already being cornered and as you took the nearest object as a weapon/shield, the attacker told you that you were no match for him. But as he was just a hand reach away, the door slammed opened and a bullet was shot right at the attacker's chest, close to his heart. You divert your gaze only to meet with Xiaogui's gaze.
"Touch her one more time and I'll make sure you live a living hell before I actually send you to hell, myself" Xiaogui stated, a signature grin was plastered on his face when he saw the attacker fell on the floor You Zhangjing
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If Imma be honest, this was another hard scenario but here goes nothing.
So, for Zhangjing's scenario, I imagined that you, Zhangjing, Yanjun and Nongnong had to attend this special dinner that the opposite gang was going since they had some deals to handle.
You knew that it was quite a risk by going but they needed someone to come with them so it wouldn't seem too obvious that they were planning on handling the opposite gang. Plus, you get free food so that was a major plus.
Which is how you ended up in a little black dress with your arms linked with Zhangjing and Nongnong as Yanjun was in front of you, all four of you making your way to the ballroom hall of the hotel the dinner was being held.
Yanjun, being Yanjun and the third person in charge in 9% reminded everyone of their jobs. Also reminded you to stay near by them and let any one of them know when you wanted to go somewhere like the bathroom or some sort.
After rediscussing the plan, Yanjun was the first to excuse himself because he was the hitman of the group. Nongnong also left to mingle around and get some information. Which meant, it was you and Zhangjing.
Of course, it was no surprised that the two of you immediately headed to where the food is. The both of you were enjoying the food and occasionally talk with the other guests at the dinner until Yanjun called Zhangjing to request some hacking which Zhangjing proceed in doing.
But in the midst of hacking, you had the urge to go to the bathroom and told Zhangjing that I was gonna go which he told me to quickly go and come right back to his side which you agreed.
After finishing with your bathroom business, you went out to try and find where Zhangjing was but got a bit lost and this dude was trying to get on my nerve even after you declined him so many times. I mean, one Yanjun is more than enough.
But when this guy was persistent, you decided to fight back which he clearly didn't like at all. You knew lots of fighting skills and self-defence stuff by being with 9% for a long time. Heck, you were their most trusted person other than each other.
As you were about to end this little disturbance, the guy was knocked out cold and you saw You Zhangjing out of the 3 men you came with. His gaze could rival Yanjun (emphasis on could XD)
"Can't we just have one night of dinner in peace? Haish. C'mon (y/n), let's go back and enjoy our dinner" Zhangjing stated, extending his hand out as you went to grab it
"You know I had it under control" you stated, pouting
"I know. But I wanted it over with, plus the deal is done and we can go order in with everyone" Zhangjing exclaimed as the both of you skidded through the hall
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Since we're on the topic of Sakura, man SS shippers out here disappointing me with their takes. Cause I've had to unfollow and block a few moots for saying that EM is toxic and abusive and that Mikasa is in pain for Eren's actions and then turn around act like SS is the pinnacle of romance. And here's the thing! I ship both! For the exact same reason. Like seeing both sides shit on the other for the reasons they probably love their own ships is downright hilarious. Sure Sasuke's actions weren't anywhere close to the level of Eren's but he's no angel either. And Sakura did hurt over him. Like it's so confusing watching the mudslinging because the ships are so similar in a lot of ways.
Long windded rant (sorry) but I've been pulling my hair out for months and finally you're someone who ships both so you can probably understand where I'm coming from.
*spits out tea i'm sorry WUT?? they think it's toxic ughhhh that's so fucking ridiculous especially bc u could say SO MUCH SHIT about SS as toxic in fact the haters do it all the time 😫😫 uhg ppl in glass houses really shouldn't throw stones that's so irritating. i didn't realize this 💀💀💀 I'm not SUPER involved in the SS fandom anymore, I usually just read fics, I've written I think maybe 1 or 2, buy i'm not crazy involved in that fandom, i'm pretty passive just do my own thing and i'm happy that way, I live in my own world lmao.
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acciocriativity · 4 years
Spark of Happiness II ||Harry Potter
Pairing: Draco Malfoy x Reader
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Summary: You already went through a lot in your life, but while dating Draco the world you knew has changed dramatically and it seems like it couldn’t get any worse...
Word Count: 2,7k
A/N: I just discovered that tumblr has a limit of words per post, that’s why I had to make a part two of this when it wasn’t supposed to be that way but I hope you’ll like it anyway.
Part I
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I found myself in a sort of tunnel between nothing and everything, my body was molded several times like a play dough but in the hands of the universe, the only solid thing I had was Draco's cold hand, which I held tighter to help me through the pain. I also lost my sense of time, it seemed like an eternity in there, it never had an end.
Until the moment I felt my feet touch the ground again and my legs gave out, if it wasn't for Draco I would have fallen. I could hear his voice but could not make out any sound coming out of his mouth for a few seconds.
"Draco, I'm fine...just a little dizzy”, I clutched the sleeve of his shirt and I could see the concern in his eyes.
Every corner meticulously tidied and cleaned, worthy of a family like the Malfoy's, the room was particularly dark and cold, as if no one really spent time there, the only thing that decoration passed to me was anguish.
His arms still firmly around my waist, his face analyzing mine carefully.
"Are you sure you're alright?", he asked softly and I just nodded my head slightly and leaned on his shoulder, closing my eyes a little.
I hadn't realized that we were still in the presence of his parents, who watched the scene with sharp eyes but soon disappeared inside the house.
We were silent until a loud noise next to us made me lift my head and moved away from Draco, it was just a house elf carrying our bags upstairs.
"We can pick it up later, let's at least get some breakfast. It's still early”, he held my hand and I understood the meaning in his words.
"If you're sure, that's fine by me", I didn't have the guts to speak in a normal tone, as if the house was being watched constantly.
He called out to the elf, who came running downstairs eager to please his master and immediately followed the order to prepare breakfast for us. I couldn't relax even if his presence helped me, I was wondering if we could escape so easily, if they would just leave us alone.
Throughout breakfast I was tense in my chair, we both were and it would only end when we got out of there at once and for all.
We left the dining room to get our things a minute after we finished breakfast, since neither Narcisa nor Lucius had shown up again, with luck we could leave without either of them noticing for quite some time.
"Narcisa, we need to ... oh Draco and ...who is that?", I took a deep breath having to contain my startle when caught in the act.
The woman didn't seem impressed and walked over to us with a strange smile on her face. I had a few seconds to absorb her features but it was possible to feel a bad aura coming from her.
"Aren't you going to answer me? I'd forgotten, has your age of bringing girls home already came?", the cynical, amused smile didn't leave her lips.
"It is none of your business Bellatrix, as you see, my mother is not here", his direct and even rude tone caught me off guard, I had never seen him talk like that before.
"Oh, how cute, you're showing your claws to defend your girlfriend but only because you're Narcisa's son, don't ever think you can speak in that tone with me."
Before she could say anything else, other voices erupted out of nowhere, more people began to appear, paying less attention to our presence as the room became more crowded.
"Ah, it's time.You have to leave little girl, my lord doesn't like intruders", she said lord with a glint in her eyes that made me sick.
"Come on, I'll take you outside...", he saw the opportunity and immediately took my hand so we could get out of there.
"This girl looks so much like you Avery", a male voice spoke and in a few seconds all eyes were on me, analyzing me from head to toe.
It didn't take me long to recognize this Avery guy, he had the most shocked expression among all the people there.
The same color hair was the most I could tell from the distance, we all stood in silence not knowing what to say.
"Did you really have a daughter, you bastard?", another man said before punching him lightly on the shoulder.
"It's impossible, my parents don't have that last name and neither do I. Excuse me...I shouldn't be here", I squeezed Draco's hand tighter and made my way through the death eaters.
My heart was beating so fast that I was afraid they would be able to hear but no one stopped us from leaving since we really shouldn't be there, or at least, not me.
How long would we have before you-know-who arrived? I couldn't think about it, as soon as we reached the door we started to run, and run and run some more until our feet hurt. There was no time to breathe, to think, to stop.
We needed to get to the city, we needed a fireplace, we needed to get to my house but how? No one around would be kind enough to help us, so we walked a long way until we were far enough to the point that no one would recognize Draco.
We end up in a simple part of town, the houses were smaller and further apart from each other and all were on the side of the road. Obviously we were exposed there and there was nowhere else to go, so we had to take our chance.
"Let's knock on one of the doors, we can't walk all the way to London", I said standing in front of a little white house with a large and well-kept garden. "Someone who takes such good care of plants can't be bad, right?"
"Let's hope we don't pick the only bad HufflePuff in history", he said and I might have laughed if my worry wasn't so real.
We walked side by side, taking our last steps before our legs gave out from exhaustion. "Be at home, please be home...", I crossed my fingers as soon as he knocked on the door.
The door was opened by a little blonde girl, she just stuck her head out the door to see who was there, she gave a little scream and closed the door hard as soon as she saw us. We looked at each other without understanding what the hell had happened until another voice was heard inside the house, this time a lady opened the door and held it open.
"I'm sorry, do you guys need help?", she didn't have to look us up and down to guess that, we were soaked.
"Yes we do, we need to get to my house but it is too far, perhaps you have a flu net in your house, Mrs?", I spoke up as Draco was making too much effort even to stand upright.
"Yes I do, come on in, you guys can sit for a bit too. You look like you ran a marathon", she made room and we could see inside the house.
The furniture made of wood was modest but beautiful, the living room was well decorated and the wallpapers went in shades of yellow and blue. Draco seemed more impressed than I was since I'm used to this style, but contrary to what anyone would imagine the expression on his face was not bad at any time.
"Your house is beautiful Mrs., we don't want to trespass on your kindness but could we get a glass of water?", his voice even huskier than usual rang through the walls of the house and I was truly surprised and somewhat proud of his attitude.
"Sure, I'll get it, you can sit on the couch. You guys need it", I didn't wait a second to sit down and for Merlin's sake, I could spend the rest of eternity there.
"Forget about everything, I never want to get up from here again", he said almost crying with happiness and I had to laugh, I laughed a lot.
"Sorry love but it's really funny, you have to admit", I said, still laughing softly when the lady came back with two glasses full of water.
We drank as if we had spent 40 days in the desert and my feeling was not so different from that.
"I can bring you another glass if you like. I just don't understand how two teenagers could have ended up in this condition...", she looked genuinely concerned, we were very lucky.
"We had a problem, a huge problem and we need to get home as soon as possible", he said with certainty in his voice but made no effort to actually get up.
"Thank you very much, ma'am, we can’t thank you enough for helping us", I said with a smile right after I stood up, even though my whole body contested this decision.
"It was a pleasure dear, I hope you get home well. The flu powder is by the fireplace, go ahead", she smiled gently and took a step to the side.
I went ahead while Draco still seemed to muster the courage to stand up. The stone fireplace was small, there was no way we could both go at once.
"Draco, do you remember the address I told you about?", I turned back to look at him and he was still in the same position but now massaging his own foot, "Draco? Will you hurry up? I'll guarantee you a massage from an expert after we're home," and as if they were the magic words, he was at my side ready to leave in a flash.
I took a deep breath and we could hear a giggle coming from behind the couch, only the girl's big, bright eyes were in view but as soon as she realized she was caught she went back into hiding.
"Goodbye madam and goodbye little one,"I took a handful of the powder and walked into the fireplace. "Don't forget the correct pronunciation", I said to the blonde before throwing the powder on the floor and speaking my address out loud.
The last thing I saw were two pairs of blue eyes staring at me before I disappeared and the first thing I saw when I got home were my clothes covered with scoot and the angry voices of my parents came soon enough.
"What's all this racket! Y/N, you should be at Hogwarts right now. Now you're breaking school rules?", my mother said as soon as she arrived in the living room.
She was wearing an apron over the comfortable clothes she wore indoors, then I noticed the delicious smell coming from the kitchen, it was already lunchtime.
Before I could reply, I was pushed forward and almost lost my balance and fell on the small coffee table.
"Honey, what's happening here? Y/n? Draco? Get out of there right now, why did you come home early?", my dad was more confused than angry and I was even more relieved that they were both okay.
Even though I had a lot of explaining to do, I could only run to hug them without caring that I was getting them or even the floor of the room dirty.
Too many emotions consumed me, I had put too many people I cared about in danger and now no one would be truly safe there.
"Don't worry about it, Dumbledore let us leave early for Christmas but so much has happened, I'm so sorry, we're not safe here", my tears flowed without me realizing it, slowly the despair and fear that I had held all this time was consuming me.
"Love, come sit down, we are all fine and whatever has happened, we will work it out. Draco, sit here too.You both look so pale", the woman's angry voice turned to a honey-sweet tone but if I had looked into her eyes, I could have seen the concern in them.
"I'll get some tea, you need to calm down and rest, then we'll talk about whatever happened on the way here", my father got up and hurried out of the room after my favorite tea.
My mom kept hugging me from the right side, her presence was always enough to bring me comfort. Draco had sat down on my left side and the first thing I did was to intertwine his hand in mine and squeeze it lightly, he did it back to reassure me.
The conversation was postponed until after lunch, since we were too hungry to wait and too dirty, according to my mother.
We both took a shower and Draco wore some of my father's clothes as they would fit perfectly, then we went to eat and afterwards, in a calmer mood, we explained what had happened.
The look of horror on my parents' faces had broken my heart, I never told them anything about this dark side of the Wizarding World, especially when I was so close to it all. I wanted to protect them but now I had no other choice.
"I'm sorry I got you into this situation Mr. and Mrs. Lewis, I can stay somewhere else, I can think of a plan and fix it", he said this several times but neither I nor my parents agreed.
"This is absurd, no matter what happens. You're here as part of the family, we'll figure it out if we have to move out of here", my father interrupted for the second time my boyfriend tried to apologize, even though it wasn't his fault.
The conversation didn't last long because we soon came to the conclusion that the best idea would be to send a letter to Dumbledore, explain what happened and ask for help because no other wizard in the world could be better.
"Rest for a while now, as soon as we get an answer we will call you", my mother said from the kitchen. I tried to help with the dishes but she insisted that we deserved a longer rest.
Then I took Draco to my room, I left the door open because it would be better not to leave room for complaints from my father.
The decoration of the room was in several shades of blue, which was always my favorite color, blue from the walls to my closet.
"Let's get some sleep, I'm sure from now on our life won't be easy but it will be better than it was before", I said and lay down on the bed, leaving enough room.
His body snuggled up next to me in silence but I could almost hear the amount of negative thoughts going through his head.
"Hey, you can stop that. We deserve to be a little hopeful and even more so, rest. So you can tell your little head to think about other things, okay?", I put my arm around him and felt him do the same to me, until we were face to face.
"How could you possibly know what I'm thinking? You're horrible with silent spells", he said with a sly smile that opened into a satisfied grin at the sight of my angry expression.
"First of all, I know you very well so of course I know about your pessimism and second, I'm going to have a lot of time to learn and it's not like you're great so shut up", I replied as he laughed but soon, I was the one laughing after he fell off the bed, "Oops, sorry, it was just a little accident”.
That was the first night that he had more than 5 hours of sleep because we were truly safe with Dumbledore's protection. Until Christmas we stayed at my house and we had more truly happy moments in a span of 3 days than in the whole year and all I wished for was more of that forever.
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Harry Potter Masterlist
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mercurygray · 4 years
this is a weird question but would you be okay with people writing little fics set in the Darkening Sky universe? You’d be credited of course!!
[Fic Writer Friday: send asks about  my writing process, wip/fics, or headcanons today!]
Hmmm. I'm...I'm going to have to sit with that one for a minute, Nonnie.
Some thoughts:
1. I have done exactly what you've proposed with other writers and thier characters. I borrowed @montmartre-parapluie's Mirrum of Montferrand (and she borrowed Aude, it was a fair swap.) A couple of weeks ago, without asking, I wrote something for @julianneday1701's characters, and she was very gracious about it. Just yesterday, I took a good glance at @shiveringpinkala's BoB x Pacific crossover and went "But...girl gang?" and gave post- ETO Joan some hella cool aviators and a ticket to Hawaii. Thankfully, these people all still like me.
1b. Someone just did this, for me, today and it was the best thing I have read all week. I died. And then I read it again five or six times. (hi, @broadwaybaggins. you looking good, girl.)
2. I got a message from someone (naming no names!) who said they shipped two characters in my universe that I...don't. They had really good reasons for it, and I had to sit with it for a minute, because it made me a little uncomfortable, and I had to make some peace with why. It's just not the story I was planning on writing. And that’s okay.
3. I write fanfic, and people who live in glass houses shouldn't throw stones.
So, I would say that...if you want to write something about...the OC that you're going to send me for one of my replacements reading one of Joan's magazine interviews, that's WAY cool, and you should do that. I would love to read it. One of the guiding principles of this fanfic is that the more women I can shove into it, the better, and maybe I can't find a way to fit this cast of thousands into the background - the exhausted mother of three on the factory floor at Willow Run, or the WASP trucking the C-47s over to Britain, or the little six year old girl who begs her mom to sew her a flight suit because she wants to join the Airborne into - but if you want to do that, you go right on ahead. I will be the first in line for the midnight show, and I will bring popcorn.
UPDATE 12/31/21:
4. If you're going to borrow a specific character, let's have a chat first! I'd love to hear what you're thinking about. I will reserve the right to say no.
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myheartbeatskids · 5 years
Popeye: Sabrina do i have to have no hate towards Jeremiah?
Me: you don't have to have any feelings towards him
Popeye: is that how you handle it?
Me: that's what i do. I dont feel anything until they piss me off. Some times they happen to please me but i have to remind them i don't like them so its just a momentary
Chris mcgha: like a mirage?
Me: except its real... Like how you can see the heat waves bending in the light on a hot and humid day.. That's as scientifically close as you can get to a mirage... The rest is heat exhaustion and imagination or delusions. So no.
Abu laughs: stupid fuck
Me: their delusions seem to be permanent. And my tolerance of them is real.
Matt: so what Popeye is saying or asking is do you hate Jeremiah 24/7?
Me: no because i dont see him 24/7 and its unhealthy to be so angry and not have an outlet to rage at... So no. I'm not pleased with him the rest of the time
Matt: so she just puts it into neutral until he lays his stupid body in the road and she decides to step on the brake or run him over but all the time shes ready to pop it in drive and burn out on his flesh anytime he pisses her off.
Me: exactly. Like being in a crowded room if hes way the fuck over there Not making me notice hes acknowledging i exist or being loud or trying to get attention from me then fine. But if he's 5 feet from me or being loud about something that I'm not interested in or all about my panties then im gonna kick his ass.
MarjorMarie: like with Declan when he was saying he was worried you would throw him under the bus... Or someone would and it just happened to be you but that was funny!! "I like people like Declan -- The No-Man"
Me: well he didn't seem to be trying to impress any one and i know that he actually does care about Declan and Declan's safety.
MajorMarie: I wouldn't say caaaaare..
Me: more yours than mine
Jeremiah: hey! I care a bunch about you both
Me: not my mental safety.
MajorMarie: or emotional! That's all I'm saying!
Jeremiah sighs: why do you call me Abraham Lincoln?
Me: you look like him
Jeremiah: i do not!
Me: see? That's your attention seeking. Get in an argument for No reason other than hiding flattery then when i actually want to kill you or have nothing to do with you because you annoy the life out of me
Jeremiah: i do not
Me: im absolutely stupid and Don't know my own emotions. You explained just now. Then you want to cuddle and have make up stupid sex.
Jeremiah: sooo does it work?
Me: if i like cuddling with a corpse. Do you get it?
Jeremiah: well im not sorrrrry
Matt: you can go now Jeremiah
Me: yeah you can. Im already done.
Matt: that's how I get. If I can't count to 10 and she doesn't blink then There's a problem and someone is gonna die. I can blink just fine but her... Uhh no... And her face feels like stone. I tell you, she's medusa. That's how i know shes in neutral. But!! When she's about to pop it in park and start ass beating with no weapons, that's when I know
Me: i don't turn on the turn signals... There's no blinkers, im on the brake but i regret it. And so I'm gonna share that regret.
Chris mcgha: and you're gonna hold up traffic
Me: well... Probably shouldn't get behind me.
Popeye: i think i get it. So she stays mad but its dormant like a volcano, like when she used to know me, when we all lived together.
Me: yup, and the release is fantastic, see Jeremiah, that's why i dont need sex with you, being a volcano feels fantastic
Popeye laughs: thats what i used to tell him!!! Like 1991!! Man, that's old! So you're really not mad tho?
Me: see you tolerate him as your adopted child. I don't tolerate him as a human or anything. Except there's nothing i know i csn do so i have to tolerate his existence, except when hes in my personal space.
Alan: so how you do Your moms.
Me: yeah there really is no difference. Okay so take Julia. Cause like Jeremiah she can be awesome
Popeye: ok!
Me: so when shes good then im fine. But I still am not all chummy with her I was... But now she pissed me off and reminded me of some really horrendous shit she did to me and still does. So i tolerate her now
Popeye: what is the difference?
Me: when i think about her i lock my jaw.. Whixh Matt calls medusa. Like teeth grinding which i don't do because i got jaw problems...so i actually put my tounge on the roof of my mouth but other people grind their teeth.
Matt: and she glares
Me: when i focus on her... But then i remember other people are around so then i can ignore her that's why i like noise... So its like a busy house or small house party. Like Christmas dinner. So usually its the TV on the tablet which is Right next to me so envision a house party and different conversation or just a loud dinner even so i would turn to the closest person to me to have a conversation. The TV. So if they're annoying me past my focus on the TV hen I have to stop and kill them.... Now some times people come out of the TV but they should enhance and not subtract from the TV. Cause I can follow along but sometimes I miss something So different programs will add different things. So like NHRA if someone further explains themselves like makes louder what they said... But like other programs I judge peoples personalities. And other programs try to help with my amnesia So they try to clarify what they are saying Like "no hes not the bad guy .... Or no the story isn't the way it seems but the beginning is but the ending is made up" and some stay in the TV. Some are a mix. Mostly only the NHRA makes me want to kill them. Because I don't get information. I don't learn who a person is beyond a screen... I don't get shit but static or crap like what's she doing?? I'm watching the Goddam tv are you fucking kidding me??! Im like im fucking naked and masturbating while tying my shoes shut the fucking door!! And no don't ask why there's a pair of seeing glasses in the peanut butter jar! Go! And by then half the dam program is over and i have to decide to rewind or decide ots a dam waste of,time to,even try to,watch the NHRA And usually it's the latter. Oh thebest of the worst is people screaming "what are you doing to me?!?!" Like really? Are you fucking kidding. Im in my bed trying to watch you on TV. Never fucking mind moron but then is it fair to turn it off halfway cause some psycho thinks I'm their mechanic?
Matt: don't watch the TV
Me: and so Popeye. I know Its difficult But with my mom Julia im fine until i see her little slip.. Im sure you know Jeremiah's little twerks... With her I'm all don't even start your shit, and im not affectionate towards her. I'm all 5 feet over there and Don't be all i love you and shit because I dont think you understand the whole concept. Like i know she does but at the same time all that trust i had in her is gone. Its broke. Its a big sand storm blown all over kingdom come. I dont have it. So it's all medusa. I hear her. I hear her good parts. But i don't allow them to affect me. Its just like slime flying and hitting a marble slab wall. It just slides down. Im still 5 feet over there and dont tell me you love me. Don't have emotions in your voice dont expect me to respond,to you. I don't blink because I don't want to miss anything important. Behind this thick thick marble stone is a very soft and fragile heart. And one day maybe she can see it again but not today. And i dont have to tell her. She just needs to understand it (the wall, my hate, my tolerance, me, herself) and when she doesn't then i tell God to take his little bitch and do something with it. Cause I ain't gonna raise her. I raised myself. And her other son. And i did a dam good job. And i had help from God. So God can take his little bitch and fix her up.
Popeye: yeah that does help!
Me: so you did do a lot of work on Jeremiah but
Popeye: oh! The serenity prayer! Thank you! Now i got it!
Me: exactly! Good job Popeye!
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