#I read doccy
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twojamie-o-clock · 3 months ago
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Hm. I’m in the dark but you can see so it’s alright. Or something.
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asketho · 9 months ago
It wasn't me
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myarmsaretoolong · 4 months ago
Rules: Answer and tag 9 people you want to get to know better and/or catch up with.
@sarah-sandwich cheers for tagging me!
favourite colour: orange =D
last song listened to: stand and deliver by adam and the ants! those da diddily qua quas make me happy
currently reading: a book called the appeal by errrr... one sec.. janice hallett! its great. ive read her others (the twyford code and the alperton angels) and they're great too! all crime/mystery of some kind, appeal and angels are told through emails/texts/newspaper snippets etc and twyford is a guy talking into a voice note-turned-text and i mean... i don't want to say more cos i don't wanna spoil them but they're so worth reading. nice and twisty and fun to guess along with
currently watching: ive been watching gossip girl for aaaages now. kinda bored of it but ive got so few episodes left that im just gunna finish. been watching doccy who too but that's nothing new here. me and bestie are watching merlin <3
currently craving: i could so demolish a wispa rn
coffee or tea: teaaaaaaaaaaaa and not a herbal gimme a pg tips or a yorkshire gold like a real adult (joking but am i?)
no pressure tagging @zelda-wheelz @sp3akfromtheart @captainfairygodmother @an-odd-idea @biancaicaras @b1uetrees @shejustcalledmeafish
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solargeist · 9 months ago
What the relationships between different Hermits and Kid Xelqua are like:
Mumbo - Pretty positive all things considered. He manages to entertain him, and generally is a good uncle figure.
Scar - The favourite. Scar gives him unlimited access to snacks and all sorts of unhealthy food (much to Grian’s chagrin). Once gave him so much sugar, Xelqua entered a 5 hour long sugar rush. Grian still hasn’t forgiven him yet because it was an absolute nightmare.
Doc - Surprisingly positive. Despite Doc’s turbulent relationship with Grian, Doc has a soft spot for kids. He’ll drop any kind of tension when Xelqua’s around to not worry him. He’ll still absolutely body Grian, but usually when Xelqua isn’t looking.
Pearl - Due to her leniency, Xelqua likes her. He can get away with anything when she’s around and generally doesn’t impose any harsh rule of punishment on him
Etho - He just thinks Etho is cool (usually because he keeps maple candies in his pockets). An Ethogirl in the making.
Joe Hills - He’s a living Sesame Street styled puppet and Xelqua keeps mistaking him for a normal puppet toy. He once nearly suffocated poor Joe by hugging him a little too tight around his neck.
Xisuma - Barely sees him and for good reason. Xisuma has enough on his plate as admin, he doesn’t need to have to add “babysitting a god” on his plate as well.
Impulse & Skizz - They help Grian out occasionally to watch over Xelqua. Typical fun uncles you can find, but Xelqua doesn’t know much about them or why Skizz gives him the heebie jeebies when he unfurls his Angel wings or when Impulse reveals his full demon form.
Gem - Like Impulse and Skizz, generally friendly with Xelqua, but he’s unsettled by her, but he doesn’t know why. Maybe he senses that Gem isn’t truly a deer satyr and something to do with the rustling in the forests and night and the lingering smell of blood on her.
Cleo - She’s scary to him. Like how you would be scared of the principal when you were a kid in elementary school.
Cub - All the fireworks he uses this season are too loud for him. He has to cover his ears everytime he has to go near the shop.
Joel - Xelqua keeps walking in in Joel in the most embarrassing moments. Like seeing him cry in front of the statue of his wife because she isn’t in the server, falling down an entire flight of stairs, reading Iskall’s creepy Yandere letters, etc. There were several moments where Joel had to cover Xelqua’s mouth because he was about to air all his dirty laundry.
of course Scar is the favourite, Xelqua would love his builds, he’d like the animals and Scars silly voices and rambles. He’d also love Scar’s off road wheelchair/ATV, it’s so fast ! He’d absolutely eat all of Scar’s snacks, he’d be talking a mile a minute when Grian shows to pick him up, he just silently glares at Scar.
I love when people draw Doc with Doccy on the server, just a big scary goat and his little goat kid, it’s why he has a soft spot around Xelqua, he’s so tiny. Tho I can only see them interacting if Xelqua accidentally ends up in his base area, got lost maybe. I think Xelqua wouldn’t be scared of Doc despite his looks bc 1) he looks like Scar’s zoo animals (big Goat) and 2) Doc has a kid too, so he’s gotta be safe. Grian is very confused when he sees Doc calling him.
The Joe Hills part almost made me choke AKDNDKSK Joe being a puppet is my favourite design it’s so silly. Xelqua watches a lot of TV, he’d be in awe… so happy to see a real life puppet… Grian has to grab his hands to stop him from choking Joe out.
I think Xelqua would just be intimidated by Cleo at first, he’d warm up to her ! Him being scared of Cub bc of the fireworks is so true tho, Xelqua very much hates the noise and is actively afraid of thunder, he’ll wake Grian up if a storm rolls in at night, and probably hide behind him if a firework went off and no one told him it’d be so loud !
poor Joel 😭😭⁉️⁉️ tho if Joel grabbed Xelqua and covered his mouth like that, Grian is immediately there, he crosses the room so quickly man Watchers don’t play around abt their kids 😭💥 Grian doesn’t even realize he moved or separated them, for a split second his brain didn’t see this as a joke or playing around. Joel gets to see those purple eyes up closeeee and shouts
this was very cute and silly to read ehehehe, also for some reason I think Xelqua would think that Xisuma is Grian’s uncle, no idea how he came to this conclusion.
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rearranging-deck-chairs · 1 year ago
this compounds (in probably a kind of 'you and your bars in the stratosphere smh' kinda way tbh but whatever) when youre reading a book from 150 years ago
i read melmoth the wanderer. irish gothic novel from 1820. i read the french translation from 1821. it's about a guy who sold his soul to the devil to...be immortal? not entirely sure if that was the point of the deal tbh he didnt seem happy with it and i never quite figured out what he actually wanted to get out of the deal, the immortality was more of a punishment it seemed
anyway, the guy is immortal. theres a portrait of him from 1646 and he (indirectly)(so, so indirectly)(god why are 19th century novels like this the suspension of disbelief necessary to keep believing in the framing of 'guy telling a story' (guy telling the story of another guy whose story he heard) (guy telling about a guy who heard a story that he heard from another guy he met) (etcetera) was really just a bit too much for me) (anyway) relates his wanderings. so theres these stories a little bit from between mid 17th century to early 19th and we're speaking to an 1820 audience right? the difference between 1640s and 1820s is close enough to the difference between 1820s and 2020s that it was a really interesting stacking of cultural impressions
like at one point the narrator was talking about the 17th century and he was like "people back then couldnt travel as fast as we do now" !!!! that was so exciting to me. looking at the depiction of the 17th century by a 19th century guy with 21st century eyes
it was complicated even more bc the author of this book was irish right (he was like oscar wilde's great uncle or something like that) (this book was super popular) (lots of like references in other stuff) (like the portrait) but most of the story is told by a spanish monk who wrecked his ship on the irish coast so a lot of the story takes place in spain. so hes not just writing about a different time but a different country too. and sometimes you can hear that when it's clunky, same as nowadays, like when they say things like "the way spanish summer nights are" or stuff like that. but most of it will be way more subtle and obviously has completely gone over my head, seeing as i, stewart lee voice, dont know anything about early 19th century irish gothic literature or 17th century spain, OR the kind of perspective that an early 19th century french translator would bring to that story and the influences that would bring PLUS the fact that im not fluent in french and cant tell the difference between 19th century french and modern french (im learning words that the dictionary calls vieilli and vx side by side with modern slang, and honestly side by side with 19th century slang, which is, again, super fun, but not very good for my cultural-temporal intuitions probably) (like when i read 19th century french i keep being struck with how not-old-fashioned it sounds compared to 19th century english or dutch. but i think thats just me. i have no sense for what words we dont use anymore. and the imparfait of the subjunctive doesnt have any oldfashioned ring to me (honestly i like it)) what was i talking about. oh yeah) so i dont really have the ability to differentiate the perspectives here entirely, theres too much all mixed together, but i still get glimpses and it's, master voice: very very interesting :)
the thing im enjoying most about learning a new language is learning new cultural context. i never noticed learning this with english probably bc youre already one foot in american pov before you even speak the language what with all the popular media coming from there, but with french i have to dig this knowledge out with my bare hands and it's really fun
like, when i read in a book that the english people at the english train station our english protagonist who just came home after 15 years exile in france is arriving at "were going about their business with their english sense of timing and rhythm", what am i supposed to understand by that? is that like a swiss clock sort of thing (another cultural reference you now realise you have learnt to understand the right way at some point even without knowing anything necessarily about swiss clocks) or more of a doctor who kind of sense of timing? what is the french cultural idea of the british and their sense of punctuality? i dont know yet! i feel like a child!
#i never got the appeal of old literature but i do now 100%#even though i Struggled through melmoth it was almost 500 pages#and the nesting doll stories oh my GOD#but i read it all and at the end even the sentences that lasted half a page were easy so#worth it#and i read it bc sabrina calvo wrote a book called melmoth furieux which is one of my favourites by her#and i hope no one translates it before i get the chance to#bc i want to translate it SO BAD#but i need to.........moet mezelf nog meer inlezen#dont know how to say that english sor#but im pretty sure it's titled in reference to melmoth the wandering#and honoré de balzac wrote like a parody or satire or sequel thing to melmoth too#like i said it was popular#i havent read that yet bc melmoth took it out of me but it's only a novella so i will get to that#and in melmoth furieux theres also a character called françois villon so i need to get into HIM first#but like this book is soooo fun and exciting#it's like a retelling in a way of the paris commune i think? but we fight disneyland instead of the government#so yeah im also learning about the paris commune. the lyon one too listened to a podcast abt that. exciting exciting#im a history nerd now apparently#like i said 19th century french and me!! we could really have something!!#god im infodumping a month of french this morning#i meant to be finishing my fic but#if doccy whomst can stop getting in the way for a sec!#i should really write all this shit in french to at least get some practice in but then 2 people can read it rip
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dandelionjack · 10 months ago
actually actually… buckle in for some more unnecessarily detailed baseless speculation*. because it’s fun and there’s still 2 weeks to go (*stop accusing me of TJLCery i’m going to cry)
so, since rogue is the pre-finale episode… as a pattern those tend to begin in the manner of your average doccy who story, but finish with a devastating plot twist denouement to segue into the two-parter at the end. best examples of this are utopia and (gotta hand it to s12 here) the haunting of villa diodati. “it’s a celebrity historical! byron and the shelleys are here! oh and oops… what’s that? that’s the sound of the doctor making a fatal mistake that will inevitably lead her to the narrative climax…”
now what i’m getting at is. what if we’ve all been looking in the wrong place and rogue, not TLORS, is the episode by the end of which the doctor figures out that they’re stuck inside a TV show that’s been remixing old stories from their former adventures? “bridgerton! regency era! jane austen! flirting! ballgowns! dancing! oh and oops… what’s that? that’s the sound of doctor making a tragic discovery that will inevitably lead him to the narrative climax…”
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here’s how this ties in to the popular “jonathan groff = recast harkness” theory. now, i USED to be an ardent proponent of it, but i no longer believe he’s actually playing pre-TEC/TDD captain jack, or any era captain jack at all, really. what he is playing, or so i gather apropos of crumbs and wisps of information, is a remarkably harkness-like character. just alike enough to make us (and the doctor!!) wonder: am i getting deja vu?? has rtd devolved into a hack who’s been reusing his old ideas and hoping we won’t notice?
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no. look at the sneaky incorporation of The Doctor Dances’ title in the DWM paragraph above. he’s hoping we do.
it’s been pretty much confirmed by ~inside sources~ (read: leaks on reddit from ages ago) that groff’s playing either a time agent or former time agent — judging by the description above, it’s “former time agent turned bounty hunter”. charming, handsome rizzlord fella from the future (what’s that blaster in this hand? could it be from the villengard factories?), adept at blending in with a british historical period despite sounding noticeably american, actively involved in the social life of that historical era, morally grey and antagonistic towards the doctor at first, yet strangely alluring… sexual tension heavily implied… we’re supposed to feel like we’ve seen all this before. this man is a Not-Harkness.
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change the doctor’s life forever is the key sentence here. as the doctor realises how remarkably similar groff-“rogue” is to jack when he first met him, and how the circumstances of their meeting almost rhyme too, he’ll notice some more odd things.
he’ll notice. he’ll notice how ruby looks like clara, waited for him while she aged like amy did, called her mum from a future space station looking down through a panoramic window at a planet like rose had, how their relationship is a best friendship/sibling-esque like with donna … he’ll notice how many of their adventures together seem to retread steps already walked. and then the puzzle will click into shape and it will “change the doctor’s life forever”: he’ll discover that this is a puppet show and go searching for whoever’s pulling the strings.
Not-Harkness “Rogue” Groff is the catalyst. the final straw.
or maybe not. maybe this is complete waffle i pulled out of my arse. only time will tell
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by-gray · 19 days ago
what is a dream doccy who/torchwood fic that you would either want to read or write
i want to write fifteen’s last episode and regeneration into sixteen because i have an interesting concept for his “death.”
i think it should start as a weeping angel episode but it’s one of the earliest evolutions of the weeping angel. it’s not made of stone. it’s like a creepy doll and it’s disguising itself as the angel on top of donna’s christmas tree. and when it gets close to you, it looks something like this:
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jump scare. sorry. but this minus the satanic symbols
and i know i’ve mentioned the ground-hog day thing in another post before. but if not part of that ninth doctor series concept, it could be used here. perhaps the earliest angels did not have the ability to send people back in time and feed off energy that way? they had to make you live inside a time loop and feed off that energy. so, the doctor keeps waking up on christmas day inside of donna’s house, but a donna’s house with no fourteen and they don’t seem to have any recollection of a bi-generation or that fourteen should be there.
all donna’s family say the same script over and over each time and don’t seem to understand or notice they’re in a time loop, not even when the fifteen tries to snap them out of it. it’s mega eerie hearing them repeat the same thing and sometimes the sentences that don’t even make sense – they sound constructed by an alien force… it’s like they’re hypnotised actors in a play and they don’t know how to go off script even when fifteen tries to make them.
but anyway, fifteen will find a way in the end. he’ll realise that these people aren’t actually donna’s family. they’re just creations of the weeping angel. fifteen works out that he needs to get out by himself and not worry about donna’s not-real family – which is hard because they look like real people – but fifteen’s priority is to destroy this angel before it gains enough energy to do something horrifically bad to the time line.
what fifteen does is turn his tardis into a timey-timey bomb sort of thing, so that he can explode the time loop open. only thing is, that means destroying him and the tardis.
he chooses to do it and fifteen dies…
but here’s the twist.
fifteen doesn’t regenerate. he’s dead for real. instead, the next scene we see is fourteen shooting up right in bed and he feels weird, he’s rubbing his head, he’s spitting out a bit of regeneration energy. and when he looks beside him, there’s sixteen.
fourteen regenerates again.
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and then i thought this could lead into a good sort of existential crisis scenario for sixteen in their first episode, because fourteen realises fifteen is dead. sixteen doesnt recollect anything that happened to fifteen – because he only has fourteen’s memories –and so sixteen’s thinking:
will all regenerations be like this now? will we all regenerate from fourteen, die and become irrelevant? are we just single-lives? are we just copies of fourteen? not actually the doctor, but just shadows of them? am i nothing?
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frostdemigod · 4 months ago
After the latest update on Arknights CN, operators can wish you happy birthday! So have this teensy edit of wimfey saying happy birthday~
Here is the full voiceline!
It roughly translates to the following!
"Happy Birthday Doccy! Do you have some time today? My construction crew took on a new mining project, and this afternoon, we'll be doing the ribbon cutting ceremony! If you could come to the site, I'm sure everyone would be really happy! When it's over, I'll even treat you to a meal! How's that sound?"
The translation is based off of what I understand from Japanese speech itself since I cant read or write it at all so I might have missed a few words. But this is how I translated it after giving it a listen!
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ask-xelqua · 4 months ago
I am not the real Grian!! This is a fan RP ask account!!!!
Ask are:
I am/am not answering asks
With that out of the way, hi! I'm Dallas, you may also know me as @askbomb and @paranormalgamble !
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Other Hermitcraft/Life Series Ask accounts:
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Doc - @ask-docm77
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Jimmy - @ask-jimmy-solidarity
Grian - @ask-grian
Mumbo - @ask-mumbojumbo
Scar - @ask-gtwscar
Ren - @askrendog
Gem - @ask-gemgem
Pearl - @askpearlescentmoon
Martyn - @ask-martyn-inthelittlewood-blog
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Here are some post info!
Responses/speaking will be written like this.
['Actions will be written like this' Xelqua writes down.]
(Mod notes will be written like this)
^Thoughts will be written like this^
Tags include:
#X answers - Xelqua responding to an ask
#Mod Anwsers - Mod (me) responding to an ask
Mod note: add note here - will be Mod (me) adding a note to clarify things in tags
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grow-bettah · 1 year ago
read under the cut!
eldest to youngest starting wiiith:
Emile aka Empires Grumbot!
11 years old, blonde hair and bird-like features from his Grian. Up until the empires collab, doesn't know that there's a place where his parents survive *It*. He blames himself for *It* for a long time, but once the empires crossover happens he finds hope again because Grian decides to take him home to his universe. He's obviously very confused about his parents actually being *alive* and quite different to the ones he remembers but he's just glad he has them. He gets along with his siblings pretty well, even though he's the most reclusive one out of the four. The only one that didn't grow up bilingual!
Milo aka Mayoral Campaign Grumbot!
9 years old, blonde hair and also bird-like features! He has a big birthmark that covers about half of his face save for a little spot above his lip that looks suspiciously similar to Mumbo's moustache. Takes pride in being the mayoral Grumbot quite a bit! He wears glasses and, just like his Dad Mumbo, has narcolepsy. Both his german and English are fluent, but he still prefers English (because he likes Mumbo a lot and he doesn't speak a lot of German).
Jupiter aka Jrumbot!
5 years old, dark blonde (almost brown) hair, bat ears but has Grian's nose. Clingy little guy, he hangs around Grian for as much time as he can. He also regularly has playdates with Hermes when Sausage visits hermitcraft to drop him off with Joel, and they are literally dependant on eachother. Jupiter prefers English aswell, but when hes clinging to Grian he speaks German more.
Rose aka Rift Grumbot!!
3 years old, black hair and bat features! When she was 'born' Milo had absolutely no idea what to do with her so there was a phase where him, Jupes and Rose would just. sit in silence next to eachother for a while. it creeped everyone else out but Grian and Mumbo were chill about it. She is best friends forever in the whole wide world forever and ever (bffitwwwfae for short) with Doccy because she speaks mostly German and they immediately bonded over that when they first met. Doc and Grian don't really . enjoy being around their respective rivals a lot when they have playdates per sé, but they like that their kids get along and have friends, respectively. Rose is a very shy girl!
Can you tell I love theselittle guyse
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twojamie-o-clock · 3 months ago
I wish I had something intelligent to say about Ben & Polly but I think everything about them has somewhat already been said. That they are forever connected to one another in ways that don’t have to fit into relationship binaries, that they ruin each other, that they help each other, that some part of them will always be dissatisfied with the nature of their relationship but if they went about it any other way it would be ignoring so much that is essential to them.
I just finished reading “Do You Dream In Color?” by Gary Russell from the “Ghosts of Christmas” short trips collection & I’m floored. I think it’s the best writing I’ve ever read about Ben/Polly and I mean that in the purest most honest way. It’s all told from Ben’s perspective but Polly bleeds in wonderfully because of how connected they are — I love you’s spoken out of earshot & bitterness and jealousy and love so deep it doesn’t matter that the forms it takes don’t match on either end, Polly loving the travels she had & wanting more of them, Ben feeling like he can’t escape them but maybe that he doesn’t want to, this shared love for the Doctor & Jamie, not in fond reminiscing - because they both hold some ‘wounds’ from their time traveling - but in their desperate fear calling out for a hand to hold from someone who has always been there, always with danger, yes, but always there.
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They have their own lives & they are bound together forever by their time whether they want it or not but the way they see their pasts & the way they mark their futures with one another is so different it hurts because like Polly says “I need people.” & “I needed you” and maybe Polly doesn’t need Ben in the same way anymore, the way Ben needs her now but if they stick together it will only make things worse; if they leave it will also deteriorate and. AGH. the thing is it doesn’t feel like an unhappy ending with them just because Ben has to say “I love you” when Polly can’t hear and Polly has to say “I love you more than I’ll love anyone else” to clarify that they cannot drag each other down, they cannot live without one another. They’re contradictory & human & there’s love but it doesn’t always work out even if there is love, even if Ben’s dreams of marriage and a child called Jamie don’t get fulfilled, or Polly’s dreams of traveling the world & calling on Ben whenever she may wish can’t.
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I don’t. I cannot. Articulate. Here are some lines that punched me in the gut.
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myarmsaretoolong · 1 month ago
Get to know your mutuals!!!
cheers @stevie-marigold for tagging me!
What's the origin of your blog title?
doccy who! plus me mum always used to say i have telescopic arms. personally i think they're a normal length
OTP(s) Shipname:
johnlock, i will forever be a johnlocker no matter which version of those freaks we're talking about
Favourite colour:
orange <3
Favourite game:
factorio! i greatly enjoy the spagetti of it
Song stuck in your head:
antmusic by adam and the ants
Weirdest habit/trait?
darling everything i do is deeply weird, couldn't do something normal if i tried
writing, reading, nuisance making, music enjoying, getting in the way, and various wool-related crafts
If you work, what's your profession?
im the imp who sits in your camera and paints the pictures for you (im out of blue btw)
If you could have any job you wish, what would it be?
id invent hexopostcards, which are hexagonal postcards and only have pictures of six sided things on. if a thing has more than six sides than you've got to have the seventh+ side(s) off the edge of the postcard. if it has less than six you have to draw where the rest of the sides could feasibly be. then id retire
Something you're good at:
answering questions truthfully
Something you're bad at:
eating dog food
Something you love:
doing jigsaws
Something you could talk about for hours off the cuff:
doccy who. i just do that anyway
Something you hate:
jigsaws that have too much sky so its all just blue (doesn't include my starry night puzzle)
Something you collect:
vinyls, posters, things ill use someday, names, ideas of things to write
Something you forget:
my best friends birthday. i have it written down and i still forget consistently
What's your love language?
circular gallifreyan
Favourite movie/show:
oh theres so many. doccy who and torchwood, sherlock, merlin (im really from a specific time going by those answers) loads of films too but, to say an obscure one to make me sound cool, mcfarland usa
Favourite food:
the souls of the damned. failing that pasta
Favourite animal:
What were you like as a child?
weird nervous about everything and a nerd
Favourite subject at school?
maths! don't ask me to remember a single thing from my alevels though
Least favourite subject:
drama. hated acting in front of all those eyes
What's your best character trait?
i like to think im quite nice
What's your worst character trait?
asking @zelda-wheelz the answers for half these questions
If you could change any detail of your life right now, what would it be?
id move
If you could travel in time, who would you like to meet?
george michael, so long as i can bring my mum
tagging: @captainfairygodmother @b1uetrees @by-gray
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forabeatofadrum · 1 year ago
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Thank you @cutestkilla for the tag!
I have some things to say! First off, have six sentences of Matt being a mess. @cutestkilla actually came up with this idea:
The polecat must be amazing at dodging, because it manages to avoid every spell. My spells are erratic and I hit parts of the office. Fuck, I am so fired after this. After I don’t know how long, the door opens again. “Miss Possibelf?” Simon Snow pokes his head in. “Simon Snow, save me!” I yell pathetically.
I actually have, uh, almost everything finished! Literally only chapter 5 is unfinished, but everything else plus the epilogue is done. I will probably tweak some things every now and then, but the fic has been written. Apart from chapter 5.
Secondly, not officially fic related, but y'all gotta see this fanart of Klaine at Kongresni trg, made by @esilher! I will get back to Ljubili se... one day. Look, Matty Chris D. just pulled focus! Also I told Esilher that I need to write Kurt and Blaine going back to Slovenia just so they can ice skate there. I never knew it was a thing, otherwise I definitely would've added it in Ljubim te, when they were actually in Ljubljana.
AND LASTLY, I, uh, suddenly and totally out of nowhere wrote 1.7K words for my Marlie fic that I started in 2022. Wack. I did scrap everything I had beforehand, but that's fine. I just got hit by the need to finish this fic and look I just miss Class. I know it was a failed Doccy Whomst spin-off BUT I LOVE CLASS. Woe, Marlie fic be upon ye! So keep an eye out for that one as well, I say, to my... readers? Do people still read Marlie fic?
And now, the weather: @quizasvivamos @coffeegleek @caramelcoffeeaddict @raenestee @tectonicduck @nightimedreamersworld @urban-sith @thnxforknowingme @captain-aralias @you-remind-me-of-the-babe @cerriddwenluna @bookish-bogwitch @confused-bi-queer @that-disabled-princess @special-bc-ur-part-of-it @larkral @cutestkilla ​ @wellbelesbian ​ @artsyunderstudy ​ @martsonmars ​ @facewithoutheart ​ @shrekgogurt @rockitmans @bitbybitwrites @whatevertheweather @theotherhufflepuff @shame-is-a-wasted-emotion @esilher @kurtsascot @blackberrysummerblog @nightimedreamersghost
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docm77-twitter · 1 year ago
What you need to know:
This stuff is important. Please read everything.
This is not actually Doc nor officially associated with him at all
If you keep getting my posts because of the tags I use and you don't want them. Just filter out the tag “#docm77 tweets”. All of my posts will have this tag.
This is not a way to get in contact with Doc.
I post unbiasedly meaning I post anything that Doc has Tweeted even if I don’t agree.
This blog will not be completely current at all times. I'm a human not a bot therefore I won't be on his account constantly waiting for him to post. I'm also still in school so yea. I am an adult tho.
The man has made over 41,000 tweets. There's almost no way I'm ever to going to get to every Tweet he's ever made.
The blog will not be in chronological order for all his tweets. Though I will be dating each post for when he posted.
For the times on the screenshots: please note it is in military time and that I am not in the same time zone as Doc. He is about 6 hours ahead of me as I am in Eastern Standard Time (EST) and I believe he is in Central European Standard Time (GMT+1).
I have an official list for the tags I will be using to organize this blog.
The ask box isn't open for any particular reason. You can use it, just don't expect any response. I'll happily take suggestions on how to make this blog better though. Please don't make me create an official rules list for it.
I made this blog because Doc’s Twitter is so funny.
I will take down the account or any of the posts should I find out that any content creators mentioned here have any issues with this.
Just to make sure some things are clear here’s a list things I will not tolerate and might cause you to be blocked:
-being asked to post something on Twitter
-hate being directed at me personally
^I am ok with people reblogging posts to talk about their dislike of the post, as long as I, as a person, am not being talked about.
The official list of tags for posts:
-any posts regarding Doc’s child
-any posts on Hermitcraft related things
(the hermitcraft one will have sub-categories for the individual seasons)
-anything including a photo from Doc
-Doc’s replies to other posts (may not be kept up to date)
-anything regarding things Doc has said in regards to his personal life (not necessarily serious)
#fan stuff
-anything regarding fan-made stuff either him commenting or just reposting
#not fan stuff
-every post that doesn’t have something to do with fan creations cause I know not everyone wants to see it and some might get annoyed by how much there is
-my posts relating to his bio
-his pinned Tweet(s) (probably won't change)
#sand duping
-anything regarding his new sand duping meme
-anything regarding to the ymca story
-anything regarding to his time playing basketball
His Twitter bio:
His pinned tweet:
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ask-falsesymmetry · 9 months ago
This is a C!False ask blog!
I am NOT the actual FalseSymmetry and am only playing as the character. This is just a fun gimmick blog.
A couple things about my False!
She is an eagle avian
Any series False has been in is canon.
More info may be added on later if I feel the need :)
All NSFW asks will be deleted unless I find them funny enough.
Please no shipping asks for now as I don’t know False’s shipping boundaries.
No extremely controversial or political asks, any asks on this topic will be deleted.
Please do not try to make the CC!False see this, I know that she is on tumblr.
I am okay with both lore and non lore asks!
These rules are for my blog and my blog only make sure to read other blogs rules as they may be different
Some other ask blogs!
Poultry Man @iampoultryman
Bdubs @askbdubsblog
Tango @ask-tangotek
Jimmy @ask-jimmy-solidarity
Grian @ask-grian
Scar @ask-gtwscar
Ren @askrendog
Gem @ask-gemgem
Pearl @askpearlescentmoon
Mumbo @ask-mumbojumbo
Martyn @ask-martyn
Xisuma @ask-xisuma
Evil Xisuma @ask-evil-x
Smallishbeans @ask-smallishbeans
Hotguy @ask-hotguy
Cuteguy @ask-cuteguy
Ariana griande @arianagriand3
Logoslab @asklogoslab
Zedaph @ask-zedaph
Bad boys @ask-thebadboys
Cubfan @ask-cubfan
Docm77 @ask-docm77
Etho @asketho
Grumbot @ask-grumbot
Doccy @ask-doccy
Jrumbot @ask-jrumbot
Lizzie @ask-fairy-lizzie
Stress @ask-stressmonster
Cleo @ask-zcleo
#Ask false- the tag for this blog
#mod speaks- any post not ask related
#False responds- the answer to your question]
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icarusalchemist · 10 months ago
@queenofmoons tagged me to do this so i get to share my faves tehehe
make a poll with five of your all time favourite characters and then tag five people to do the same. see which character is everyone's favourite
i taaaaag @acastleintheair @reading-savvi @coraline-piange @stars-and-scripts @transbrvcewayne
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