#I promise I have some logic reason behind this but like think in their good traits and their iconic and chaotic things but in a good way
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walkinginsunflowers · 2 years ago
New game: describe your mutuals as members of 1D 👀🩵
Oh, okay! Well, I’m sleepy and this is hard, so please don’t ask me to elaborate this because my brain won’t help:
- Louis: @pop-punklouis @persephoneflouwers @paradise-compass @thedevilinmybrain @faithinthefuturedeluxe
- Harry: @finexbright @hlkings (I know you wanted to be Zayn or Louis, Mari) @lhrry @berriee @whatifai
- Niall: @diazpascal
- Zayn: @complicatedxfreak @alloutshirt @uwulouis
- Liam: @sunshineindark @medicinelarrie @thechavier @braverytattoos @harrylights
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georgeplease · 1 month ago
The One Where We Have to Fuck or Die
Fred Weasley x Fem!Reader
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Fred gives Reader his test vial of a new love potion for the store. They quickly realize if they don’t have sex then it’ll kill her.
Tags: Porn Logic, Aphrodisiac, fucking like rabbits, both reader and Fred are in their late 20s-early 30s
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It started as a normal Saturday for (Y/n). She had slept in, made some breakfast, cleaned her flat, and had been getting ready to relax for the rest of the day. That was until a familiar owl had found its way to her window, dropping off a letter with her name scrawled across the front. The handwriting was all too familiar, making her roll her eyes as she retrieved it from the owl before sending him on his way.
Having met the twins in her first year at Hogwarts was a pivotal moment, developing a fast friendship with the both of them after a prank gone wrong. That fateful afternoon sparked a 12 year long friendship between the twins and her.
Yet, there was always something between her and Fred, others may say they were destined together, they chose to believe they were just really good friends. It’s part of the reason he could send a letter like this, asking for her to rush down to his shop and help him. As annoyed as she would act, she would always rush to his side.
It didn’t take long for her to get dressed and make her way to Diagon Alley, easily finding her way through the busy street to her favorite store. As (Y/n) entered the shop she turned waving to George as she passed through toward the back. The store was as crowded as it usually was for a weekend, causing her to weave through several other customers before she was able to each the employees only section. The letter she had received from Fred to come to the store said it was an urgent matter, but having known him long enough, she was positive he was lying. But yet, here she was.
Not wasting anytime, she pushed into his office, seeing him sat at his desk, feet resting as he smirked upon seeing her enter.
“Well, if it isn’t my most loyal test subject.”
“What is it now, Fred?” She asked, crossing her arms, clearly not assumed by his mood.
Standing up, Fred walked around his desk, handing her a glittery pink vial, causing her to raise an eyebrow as she grabbed it from him. Looking at it, it was clear what it was supposed to be, having seen many of the Twin’s famous love potions before.
“A love potion? Don’t you already have several different kinds?” She asked, curious as to where this was leading.
“Not just any love potion, this is specifically for our older couples. You know, to help them spicy up their lives.”
“Like Viagra?”
Fred raised an eyebrow, not understanding what that was. He quickly shrugged it off, turning back to his sales pitch. “No, no. This is better than any muggle product.” Moving behind her, he put his hands on her shoulders. “What’s the number one reason most people get divorced?” He gave a second for her to think before answering for her. “That’s right, lack of passion. Imagine how many people we could help if we sold passion in a vial. How ‘bout that?”
“Work on your sales pitch, but I do like the idea.” placing a hand in her chin, she observed the vial closely. “I figure you want me to test it?“ Looking over her shoulder she sees Fred nod. “Have you tested it on anything else?”
“Tested a few drops on some plants, didn’t kill them so it should be fine for human consumption.”
“That sounds promising.” She teased, sliding away from his grasp. “What’s in it for me?”
“Besides being so horny there’s no way you won’t have an amazing orgasm once you go home?” He teased, before continuing his pitch. “Usual price, 50 galleons and unlimited supplies if you so need it.”
Fred stuck his hand out, waiting to see if she’d take his offer. After pondering for a few seconds, she reached out with her free hand shaking it. A deal with the devil, some would say.
Uncorking the vial, she pressed it to her lips, swallowing the liquid. Luckily, he had been able to get it to taste more pleasant than his other attempts, reminding her of fresh strawberries with cream. Her eyes moved to look at the ceiling, waiting for the desired effects to happen. Awkwardly she began to look around the room to pass the time, feeling a little weird to test this kind of potion in front of her friend, but money is money. And she trusted that Fred would not kill her.
As she took a look behind him, her attention was drawn to his work station. Her eyes were drawn to the ingredients he had used, haphazardly tossed about. There were the components to making a love potion, a rather simple potion. No, what caught her eye was the other ingredients he had mixed, a good amount well known aphrodisiacs along with an odd collection of ingredients that have her an uneasy feeling in her stomach. Walking over, she got a better look at them, understanding why she felt so uneasy. Mixing these ingredients together are well known for causing the person who took the potion to die if certain conditions weren’t met.
Wide eyed, she snapped to look at Fred, her body feeling warm as she felt it begins to take effect. He seems none the wiser to his fatal error, his arrogant smirk pissing her off. Throwing the empty vial at him, she turned on her heel to face him.
“You fucking moron.” She spat, panic raising in her voice, her legs subconsciously clenching together as that heat began to grow between her legs. “You didn’t make a better love potion, you made an aphrodisiac with poison.”
Fred’s face contorted, not understanding why she seemed so ticked off. His brows pushed together, as he walked over to her, trying to better understand the situation, while also a little ticked off she had thrown the small vial at him. He began to watch her more closely than before, thinking that something about his potion had caused her reaction.
Trying her best not to act on the deep ache, she moved farther from Fred. The feeling was almost too much, her hand subconsciously moving toward her crotch, wanting to swirl circles to dull the ache. Instead, her other hand moved to hold the other one, interlocking her fingers together behind her back.
“What are you on about?” Fred asked as he moved closer.
“Fred, this potion is going to kill me. How fucking dense are you?” (Y/n) ran a hand through her hair, tugging at it to try and regain her focus as her thoughts grew more perverse.
“You’ve gone mental. Don’t tell me you never been horny before, love?” Fred teased, watching the way her face flushed like a virgin.
“I’m being serious.” She said, fanning herself as she felt her body warm up. “You’ve basically just signed my death warrant if I don’t get shagged as soon as possible.”
“So you’re saying, you need dick not to die?” He laughed, almost not taking her seriously.
“Shut up.” She spat, moving away from him as he moved closer.
“Have you gone sick in the brain?” He asks, reaching to take her temperature, which she skillfully dodged. “Honestly, woman, if you wanted me that badly you didn’t need to make up such an insane lie.”
“Fred, fucking listen to me.” She said, stepping forward and grabbing his face to look at his ingredients. “Think real hard about what these ingredients do. I know potions wasn’t your strong suit, but fucking think.”
As Fred surveyed the ingredients, he tried his best to recall his potions class. As his mind ran through all the things Snape had said, he came to the same horrifying conclusion she had come to moments ago. His head whipped around, noticing how want she looked, her eyes struggling to stay locked on his face, and the way her legs shook as they clenched together.
“Oh, I fucked up.” He mumbled, his brain racing as he tried to think of an antidote. Fred bolted from his spot, looking at what ingredients he had left. His mind was racing trying to figure out how to make an antidote before his potion killed her.
Her eyes watched him, panic rising through her body as she felt how the heat began to rise within. The potion Fred had brewed was a lot more fast acting than she was expecting. Even though her brain was being quickly consumed with impure thoughts, she began calculating how much time she had before it would inevitably kill her, but her thoughts kept getting interrupted.
Her eyes trailed down his body, wanting nothing more than to pull his trousers down and go wild with him. It felt insane, she had known him since they were teens and they had never once come close to hooking up, despite all the rumors that had swirled saying otherwise. Speaking of rumors, her mind couldn’t help but focus on the rumors of how good Fred was in bed, remembering how they spoke so highly of his ability. How the girls he did hook up with swore he was the best fuck they had ever had.
Letting out a drawn out whine, she stomped her foot, closing her eyes tight as she tried to fight back from thinking of him like that. It felt so shameful, like she was no better than a common pervert to think that way about Fred. Shaking her head, she used all her brain power to push the impure thoughts out, which she was successfully able to do.
Given the large amounts of aphrodisiacs he had mixed in, she figured they had less than 30 minutes before the effects became irreversible. No matter how fast her and Fred worked, she would still be dead before he figured the correct concoction. The only solution was that they had to have sex now. Eyes widening, she felt a new emotion besides instensely building lust, dread.
“We don’t have fucking time,” she cursed, her breathing becoming more labored as she tried to speak, “we have to do it.”
“It!!!” She shot back, already moving to throw her shirt off her body, exposing him to the way her chest heaved.
Fred nearly had a heart attack seeing her chest. It wasn’t like he was a virgin or anything, he had seen his fair share of tits, but this was his best friend. His insanely hot best friend he has had a massive thing for for years now, but still his best friend. His best friends who was surprisingly good at removing her clothes as fast as she can, most of her clothes now thrown about his office. His best friend who looked as if she was going to jump him any second now.
“We don’t have time for you to guess who to brew the antidote, unless you’d rather I die than fuck me.” Her voice was strained, trying hard to focus on her words than succumbing to the lust.
Fred didn’t respond immediately, causing her to look at him, worried he might just let her die rather than fuck her. Most of her clothes were already thrown around the room, she felt way too exposed for a serious moment like this. Raising her eyebrows, she shot him a concerned look, silently pleading that he wouldn’t just let her suffer for his mistake. It seemed to have knocked some sense into Fred, who quickly responded.
“Right,” he stuttered out, “you’re right.” He quickly said, beginning to unbutton his shirt, his mind racing with a million thoughts. “I am so bloody sorry, (Y/n).”
“Shut up, if you get all sad and shit it’ll be difficult for you to get hard.” She replied, trying her best to seem cold and calculated. Her thoughts were only occupied on getting this done as soon as possible, no need for feelings. “You can think of ways to make this up to me after I’m no longer dying.”
“Wait,” Fred said, making (Y/n) stop in her tracks, “let me just…” he reached over, pushing her close to him before apperating them both into the apartment above the store, right in his room. “This will be better.”
The environment from his office to his room was definitely better, no longer could they hear the muffled sounds of customers from within the store. Fred’s room was messy, clearly he hadn’t assumed this would be how his day would be going. As he threw his clothes onto the floor where the rest of his laundry seemed to end up, he tried to think of sexy thoughts to get himself aroused. But looking back at his friend, who was giving him the most fuckable bedroom eyes he had ever seen did the trick.
(Y/n) ripped off her underwear, tossing them into the room before laying on the bed, crawling backwards as she let out a shaky moan, her mind unable to fight off the lustful thoughts anymore. Her hand reached between her legs, trying to relieve some of the pressure, but only making her more needy. Some part of her felt humiliated, to be reduced this easily from a potion, no longer able to spit out any kind of insult at him as she stared up at him. All she was able to do was speak directly from her lust, not able to cover it up with any kind of quick witted reply as she normally would.
“Fuck,” she shakily moaned, her eyes then locking onto Fred’s, “need you. Badly.”
Now, here’s how Fred’s usual hook ups turn out. He charms them into his bed and then shows them how it’s done. Never in his life had he ever been lost for words, yet a situation like this rarely occurs. So you must forgive him for not knowing what to do watching his best friend of over ten years touch herself and talk to him like that.
Fred made his way to the bed, sliding in between her parted thighs. He felt like a total prat for even struggling to take control of the situation and fuck her. Closing his eyes and taking a deep breath, Fred steadied himself, reaching down to stroke himself a few times. His cock stood tall and proud, making her clench in need as she looked down.
As he lined himself up with her entrance, he found the situation awkward given their history. She deserved better than a standard fuck, a little romance and, though he hates to say it, a little passion. Looking down at her, his hair falling perfectly over his face, he spoke.
“Can I kiss you?”
(Y/n) looked at him incredulously, already completely naked in front of him. The rational part of her brain wanted to tell him no, to keep their feelings out of this and just do what they have to to keep her from an early grave. But god, did she want to kiss him. To not feel like this decision is inevitably going to ruin your friendship.
She quickly nodded her head, her lust answering for her as she shot forward, wrapping her arms around his neck.
It should’ve been awkward, like kissing a sibling. They both should’ve hated the kiss, but instead it was electrifying. Their mouths melded perfectly together, as if they were meant to be.
As they made out, Fred got to work, rubbing the tip of his cock against her cunt, trying to coat it in her slick before he slid in. His eyes almost rolled back when he felt just got wet she already was, groaning into her mouth as his hips subconsciously pushed forward. (Y/n) whined against his mouth, her eyes screwing up as the tip of his cock bumped into her inflamed clit, mumbling out his name.
It was all too much, her body felt on fire as she began to beg him to fuck her, tears welling as the potion came to a head. Her head was swimming with lust as she felt his length press against her.
Fred began to push in, trying to go as slow as possible. God, it felt way too good to be true, as if she was meant for him the way she perfectly sucked him in. As he pulled back from the kiss, he couldn’t help but watch the way he stretched her open.
“You feel s’good,” Fred groaned as he was fully sheathed in her.
“Fred-,” her voice called out, the air from her lungs having been knocked out from the feeling. Her nails were digging into his back as she felt him bottom out, his words almost too much to hear at the same time. “Move. Move now, need it,” it would’ve sound like her usually bossy tone if it wasn’t as whiney as it had been.
His hips moved back, almost agonizingly slow before snapping forward with enough force to move her up the bed. She couldn’t tell if it was the potion or if Fred was actually this good in bed, but it was driving her crazy how good she felt. A part of her feared she may be ruined for life, that nobody else would ever make her feel this good ever again. Not that she’d ever admit that to him, his ego already too inflated for his own good.
“Need me that bad that you’ll beg for it?” He smugly spoke, his hips snapping forward to accentuate his point. “Need me to fuck you nice and hard?” He teased, clearly not feeling as awkward as he once did.
Reaching out, his finger masterfully found its way to her clit, swirling around it. (Y/n) threw her head back, loudly whining as she ground against him. Her hands went to cover her face, embarrassed that she knew the potion wasn’t entirely to blame for how horny she felt in this moment. That fucking her best friend was better than any rumor she had ever heard.
“Come on, tell me how good you feel, (Y/n).”
God, did she want to smack him upside his smug head, to wipe that grin off the cocky bastards face. But she couldn’t hide the way his words made her feel, how he cunt clenched tightly around him each time he spoke. Bringing her arm over her face, she attempted to hide from him, too flustered by his dirty talk. Nobody had ever talked to her like this and she definitely didn’t expect Fred would be the one to do so.
His hips started to slow, causing her eyes to snap open. Panic began to rise in her chest, both sides of her brain not wanting this to stop. It was a bluff, he felt way too good to stop. And he didn’t want her to die either.
“Need you to tell me how bad you want this cock.”
Exasperated by his sudden need to hear her, she let her lust driven brain speak freely. Throwing her head back, she didn’t even filter her thoughts out.
“Please fuck me, need to feel you fill me up. Feels so fucking good, Fred.” Her hips attempted to grind up against his, but felt his hand hold her down. “Wanted this, wanted to feel you stretch me out for so long.”
“You’re so bloody perfect.” Fred’s his snapped back into hers, a new sense of vigor taking over as he pounded into her. “Gonna make this pussy mine.”
His eyes met hers and for the first time they saw each other since this whole mess started. She stared up at him with her pupils blown out in lust, but with so much trust in him.
His hips stuttered as he felt unbelievably close, his mouth opening as his eyes shut, letting out a groan. “Oh, fuck. Feels so good. Not gonna last much longer.”
As he spoke, her hips began to rise, grinding against his groin as she met his thrusts. The deep need to release filling her mind to the brim. Her head moved to look at the clock on the wall, but Fred’s hand moved to stop her from looking.
“Focus on me,” he spoke, his voice deep as his hips began to hammer into her harder, “just focus on me.”
Looking into his eyes, seeing how he looked at her for the first time was eye opening. All the love and adoration he felt for her as his hips continued to pound into her made her legs lock around him, keeping him in place. Throwing her head back, her vision turned white, her voice cracking from the intensity she felt as her body tensed up around him, finally releasing.
And Fred was right, this was one of the best orgasms of her life. Mind shattering, earth breaking, pure bliss from such a tiny vial of poison.
His hips began to slow as she clenched around him, sucking him deep. Feeling him twitch inside her as he shot his load into her, his hips pressing firmly against hers as he released his seed. Her eyes clenched shut and her nails dug into his shoulder blades, hard enough to leave marks.
Unexpectedly, he leaned down, pressing a passionate kiss to her lips, his hips still pressed firmly against her. (Y/n)’s hands flew to his hair, tangling into his ginger locks as she kissed back, riding out their climaxes together.
Once the emotions came down, he rested his forehead against hers, savoring the remaining moments before he had to pull away. Looking back down, he pressed a tender kiss to her forehead, then pulling out, apologizing as he saw her wince at the feeling.
As Fred pulled out, (Y/n) felt her body begin to feel normal again, no longer under the control of the potion. Between the mix of sweat and the feeling of his cum leaking out of her, she felt that her thoughts were finally hers, no longer clouded by lust. Looking over, she saw Fred running a hand through his hair, seeing him in entirely new light than before. And suddenly everything made sense to her.
All those failed dates, countless nights spent wondering why nobody ever made her feel like this. It all clicked into place in her mind.
They were both laid in Fred’s bed, staring at the ceiling, coming to terms with everything they just did. No longer with the looming threat of death, it gave them a moment to reflect on what this meant for them. It was clear that they could not ignore this and move on from it, not when they both felt the same.
Fred makes the first move, moving closer to her, doing that thing where he pokes at her head when she’s over thinking. He gets one of those smiles that just lights up the room before he speaks to her.
“Soooo… round two?” Fred half heartedly joked.
Her hands reach to grab her pillow and push it into his face, softly smothering him. She playful pulled away from his embrace, needing to run to the bathroom to clean the mess.
“Shut up, I need to get cleaned up.” She spoke, trying to sound irritated but the smile on her face betrayed her.
He playfully reached out, missing her warmth next to him as she searched the room for something to cover herself with.
“Hopefully that afternoon crowd will keep George busy, because I’m not done with you.” Fred yells after her, laughing at her embarrassment as she wrapped a blanket around her and ran down the hall to his bathroom. “I have years to make up for not doing this.”
“Yeah, you can think of ways to make up for nearly killing me while your waiting.”
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Tag list: @lowdownlolo @samsamsantos @clpritchett @almostpurplelady @wwmalufa @artzygurl @shininjjongg @hellohelohelo @multi-fandom-imagine @hehehhe1d @novausstuff @h-0-error @tatumrileyslover @marauderslover18 @renaholicss @vyxz-00 @lunacurlclaw @buendiabebeta @theacreativity @lousypotatoes @starziux @erika5373919882920 @rotravelsblog @stupidfer @liviacarol88-blog @calablack @aki-ham @elizabethblood9 @itsaperiwinkleworldv2 @reenfluffmarshmallow @liviacarol88-blog @
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awakenedevildays · 10 months ago
「bathtubs and requests」 Art Donaldson x F!reader
you can read the other parts here!
"you should move in with me" Art's voice echoes off the bathroom walls of his apartment, it's all so relaxing: the heat of the water around your bodies, his chest pressed against your back and his arms wrapped around you are so comfortable that it takes a while for you to realize what he just said.
"you heard me" he murmurs against your neck "come live with me" an incredulous laugh leaves your mouth and you try to turn completely towards him, but his arms clench tighter around you and prevent you from moving enough to do so.
"may I ask why you are asking this now?" you move slightly to the side to see his face emerging from the hollow of your neck.
"I feel like we're ready to do it" his eyes avoid yours and focus instead on his fingers as they start caressing your shoulder "and it's also the next logical step in our relationship."
"You think so?" this time, despite Art's protests, you turn towards him: your breasts press against the boy's chest and his eyes fall down quickly before being brought back to yours by the hand under his chin. The tease is evident on your face and Art feels his ears warm up quickly to the realization of being caught in the act.
"I know so" and kisses the smile off your lips to distract you.
"My answer is not a no, but how do we know that our relationship is ready for this?" you ask him and, without realizing it, the agitation inside you rises: how did you know if you were ready for this step? and if you break up because you went too fast?
The tennis player frowns "what do you mean?" and the sight in front of you distracts you for a second: Art sits back against the back of the tub to stand more upright and listen to you better, his arms, after moving his curly damp hair out of his face, leans on the edges of the tub, his wet and smooth chest shines and his legs are open and bent to the sides to give you more space between them. If you weren't so determined to finish the topic you are having you'd kiss him to death, but you're a woman on a mission and you can't get distracted.
"I mean, some of my behaviors might irritate you or we might fight about serious things and then we wouldn't be able to run away from our problems by going back to our apartment, we'd have to deal with these situations and be mature about what bothers us and-"
"love, you're getting worked up over nothing" he says and his expression relaxes into a smile: now that he understood that your reasons are motivated only by insecurity and not by the fact that you don't want to take the next step with him, he feels it will be easier to convince you otherwise.
"You see? this is exactly what I'm talking about! if we move in together we can't belittle each other's feelings and concerns like this. It wouldn't be healthy and-"
"love," he interrupts you again, and your hands that were gesturing in the air fall on his chest, your eyes avoid his.
Out of your mouth comes a small "…yes?" that makes the man in front of you chuckle.
"we're ready" his calm tone makes its way into your chest "we're 24 years old and we've been together since we were 19, we both have a steady job and we already know everything about each other, there's nothing you can tell me that will change my mind".
"what if we fight?"
"I can't promise you we won't fight, we fight even now that we don't live together, but it seems to me that we are pretty good at making up, if we fight we will solve it as always" it's true, you never went beyond a day without talking to each other, even if you were angry.
"what if we break up?"
"It won't happen," he answers immediately, his fingers move the locks of hair behind your ears and then rest his hands on your face, his thumbs gently caressing your cheeks.
His head lowers to chain your eyes together and you look up to facilitate his task "I won't let it happen", the security in his eyes makes you exhale a breath you didn't know you were holding.
Your eyes move around to look at the bathroom, "but I wouldn't be able to pay half the rent of this apartment"
"I don't care about that".
"If you really want to pay something, we can split the bills," he answers hastily, at the moment Art doesn't care about how to split the expenses, he would pay everything if it meant he could spend the rest of his life next to you… he just needs your 'yes'.
Your face gets close to his, your lips a few inches away.
"okay" his eyes still fixed in yours
"'ok' what?" his smile gets brighter, he wants to hear you say it.
"I'll move in with you" you smile too.
"that's what I like to ear" he kisses you again.
Now he only has to ask you to marry him… but that will have to wait a little longer.
Hope you guys will like it as much as I liked writing it! 🩷
(in this fic he still has long hair cause I said so)
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buryhny · 4 months ago
One Night Stand ; 11
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➥ rundown ; as if the unexpected twist of a one-night stand turning out to be your CEO boss wasn't surreal enough, the situation takes a more challenging turn when both of you discover that you're expecting his child.
→ genre ; enemies to lovers | CEO au | pregnancy trope | slowburn
→ Jungkook x y/n → contains smut, fluff and angst → Chapter eleven ; wc | 5.5 k
primarily on Wattpad
index ⇢ next chapter
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Jungkook isn't comfortable in letting you in his personal space but he's got no choice. he wants to make sure everything is safe, and you're safe. he's letting you to his house not his room. so he thinks it's fine. 'I have no clue why he's being so insistent. I didn't ask for any of this,
and frankly, I don't want it,' you think to yourself, your scowl deepening as you stared at Jungkook in disbelief. "There's no way I'm going with you, Jungkook!" It took you a good five minutes to process his words. Jungkook was visibly frustrated. He just wanted to help you, for once hoping you'd stop resisting. "Look, Y/N—" he began, trying to reason with you.
"I'm not looking anywhere, and I'm not going to listen to a word you say," you interrupted, your anger rising. Jungkook sighed deeply, placing a hand on his forehead as he paced around, while you leaned against his car. "Y/N, please," he pleaded softly after a moment, aware that raising his voice would only escalate things.
He knew your temper well enough not to provoke it, especially not here, outside a hospital. You had your own anger issues; you needed space when you were mad, especially from someone like him, but he was right in front of you, a stubborn presence you couldn't ignore.
Taking a deep breath, you surveyed the nearly deserted parking area, the few remaining cars around you creating a small cocoon of privacy. "Speak. You've got five minutes, no more," you finally conceded, meeting his gaze.
Jungkook nodded, clicking his tongue nervously before launching into his explanation. "I understand you don't want to come with me. It's reasonable. But since I've taken this responsibility, I intend to fulfill it diligently. The doctor strongly recommended you be around someone, and since you have no one else, I'm volunteering to help."
He searched your face for any sign of relenting behind your stern expression.
Your glare was unwavering, arms crossed defensively, adding to the pressure he already felt. No, he wasn't scared of you; he just didn't want a scene, not now, not like this. "I'm not forcing you into anything, but logically, it's safer to take precautions and avoid any potential emergencies.
I'm simply asking you to stay at my place tonight until we know the baby's okay. Can you cooperate?" he asked, his tone almost sounding like Mr. Jeon rather than just Jungkook, his words practical and direct.
His argument made sense, whether you liked it or not. You softened slightly, dropping your guard a bit as you listened and understood. "Are you sure about this?" you asked cautiously. He nodded immediately. "Yes, I'm sure," he affirmed, and you nodded back, resigned to the plan. Glancing around, feeling uneasy about what lay ahead, you reluctantly got into the passenger seat of his car.
"This feels so wrong," you whispered to yourself, conflicted but knowing it was the right thing to do for your child's sake. Today had been harrowing, and tonight promised to be sleepless, especially in Jungkook's unfamiliar home.
"I need to grab some clothes," you muttered, relieved he heard you the first time. Louder, you added, "Sure." Without protest, he drove you to your place so you could quickly pack essentials for the night and the next day. The tension between you was thick as you packed.
Normally quiet around each other, tonight the silence felt heavy with unspoken emotions. Jungkook waited patiently in the parking lot, giving you space to collect yourself and your things, reflecting on the unusual turn of events. He couldn't quite believe he was doing this—taking responsibility, stepping up in a way he never had before.
he's always been, but never when it comes to girl matters, he was never with his mother nor his own girlfriends. 15 year old Jungkook wouldn't have been this way, he would've left you all yourself and told you to fuck off with the child. but here he is, mature, understanding, intelligent and moreover a gentleman. which he wasn't ever before.
He's never had a woman stay over before; he's had a few encounters, but they always left immediately. Jungkook never allowed them to stay, saying he wasn't going to take on the burden or deal with their sober selves. So, he feels nervous, jittery even, knowing that it's you—his one-night stand, his former employee, and now the mother of his unborn child. What a mess.
You put on long pajamas; shorts wouldn't be appropriate at his place, so long-sleeved PJs would have to do. Fortunately, your bump was still in its early stages, small and not quite round yet. Toothbrush, undergarments, perfume, makeup, office kit, and a casual kit. "Alright—uh, avocado!
How could I forget you? Wouldn't it be weird if I take you with me?" You looked at the plushie and pouted; cuddling it helps you fall asleep. "I'm taking you. This doesn't make me a kid, don't worry, Y/N."
You zipped up the bag and sat on the edge of your bed, looking at the floor and taking a few minutes to process everything. Does he live with his parents? He can't have a girlfriend, right? It hasn't been long since that club night. What if someone is waiting for him?
What if someone questions you? What are you going to say? Should you just decline his offer and lie that you'll call a friend? No, Dr. Sohee suggested you be with someone; lying to him won't do you any good.
This is about you, not him. 'Just go, spend the night there, Y/N, it's just for one day.' You walked out of your apartment, switching off all the lights and locking the door. What if he left? you thought, but when the elevator doors opened, there he was with a frown on his face.
He's always frowning. "What took you so long?" he questioned. You wanted to mistake his impatience for worry, but then he sighed and bent to take the bag in his hands. "Allow me—"
"No, it's fine. I can help myself." He nodded, rolling his eyes. Fine, he really didn't bother at this point; he just wanted to go back home. It's way past Bam's dinner time, and his poor puppy is surely famished. You both took your seats and drove to his place. You closed your eyes for 15 minutes.
It was quiet, not even the radio was on. Jungkook really is a boring guy, you thought. Not once did you hear him turn on the radio; your dad is a better representative of youth than Jeon Jungkook himself.
He kept his focus on the road until the car stopped, and you opened your eyes to face a beautiful contemporary modern mansion. Well, that was expected. Looking at the doors gave you anxiety; there has to be a whole family inside. Jungkook removed his seatbelt, his eyes meeting yours.
You gave no reaction, making him think maybe you've seen his place before or something. He didn't really mind. You walked behind him as he led you to the entrance.
It was rather suspicious—why was there no doorkeeper? The Jeon Jungkook arriving back home should have 20 service workers, but no. It seems you were wrong because he used his finger to type a code, granting him access to walk inside. "Ah," you whispered to yourself. Fancy.
As you walked inside, you were met with a strange sense of gloom. A sense of loneliness, absence of presence, and a dim lobby. Where the hell are his parents and his entire bloodline? It was quite awkward to stand there and look around. Well, at least the interior of the room had luxurious comfort, sophisticated like the owner of the house himself. "Firstly, what can I get you to drink—"
Jungkook's words were cut off by a pair of loud barks that erupted from the left side of the room. As you both turned to face it, an adorable little Doberman ran towards you. "Bam—" The dog reached your leg, screaming staccato barks with courage and protectiveness towards his owner.
The bravery of the little pup was commendable; it surprised you, considering his height didn't even reach your knee, but he barked like he would eat you alive if he found you to be a danger to his keeper.
"Bammie, she's safe. Come here! She won't hurt me, boy." Never had you heard Jungkook speak to anyone or anything so kindly and softly. You never knew he had that bone in him, but he seemed close to his dog.
In fact, Jungkook was trying his hardest to whisper it only to his dog; he even spoke louder with a manly tone just so you wouldn't hear him speak softly to his pup. The dog growled as he maintained eye contact with you. Huh, this little one's guts.
Bam forced himself to walk to Jungkook as he squatted, calming down a bit under his appa's pats. You had a soft smile on your face that kept getting wider. You've always been a dog lover. You have puppies back at home.
They mean the world to you, although they don't really like talking to you, quite angry that you left them alone with the two oldies. "Sorry about him, I never really have guests," he began to apologize when it wasn't even necessary.
You squatted near the dog. "May I?" you asked the owner for permission before laying a finger on the animal. You know how irritating it is when people randomly touch your pets without your permission. Jungkook nodded. The doggie snarled, trying to intimidate you, but in fact, that only increased your desire to pet him.
You placed your soft palm on his head, caressing his thin, soft ebony fur. He calmed down fully and moved his head along with your palm, wanting you to rub him more. His actions made you giggle. Maybe the puppy love inside you had grown, and you just missed Lana and Dubi even more now.
"There, you're my friend now," you whispered to the boy who circled around your ankles for more affection while Jungkook looked at the two of you with adoration, he'd never seen anyone pet Bam before, it's always him and the caretakers.
His one night stands would always be disrespectful and shoo Bam away. Standing upright, you met Jungkook's eyes, which had softened after witnessing the scene. He held back a smile.
"You're gonna crop his ears, right?" Jungkook's eyes widened as if they would pop out of his sockets. "No, never. What made you think I would do that?" You shrugged and looked at him. "You look like the type who'd have a dog that looks rude and egoistic like his owner and.... most people do that so."
He ignored you and gestured for you to take a seat. "What would you like to drink? Coffee, tea—" "Water is just fine." He nodded, walking to the kitchen, with Bam following his appa. "Five minutes, Bam. Dinner will be ready in five. Go, sit."
Jungkook filled a glass of water himself, which was quite surprising, leaving you to look at him in disbelief. Where are his maids? When he served you the water, you accepted it with a smile before finally voicing your thoughts. "You don't have a staff of your own here?" He tilted his head,
eyes looking around. Somehow, he knew that he would be questioned about this. He's literally the CEO of Jeon Industries; it's a wonder that a wealthy man like him lives alone without stay-at-home workers offering service 24/7. "Why so, Ms. Lee? Does every rich man require helpers? Is that some sort of norm?"
He inquired, dodging your question with a smirk and a raised eyebrow while loosening his tie with his thumb, index, and middle finger. Sighing, you gave him a smile, tilting your head while you gulped down the last few drops of water from the glass that probably cost a fortune,
considering how fancy it looked. "Didn't quite imagine Mr. Jeon lives such a down-to-earth life for all that ego you carry around." That fake, sarcastic smile sat lovely on your face.
He might even— "If you'll excuse me, my dog is waiting for his dinner." "Why sure—" "By the way—" He stopped in his tracks and turned to face you, suddenly remembering that you were together the whole evening. "What about your dinner? What would you like to have?" "I don't have an appetite. Thank you for asking."
"You must eat, fuck. Have you seen yourself? You don't look healthy, and ma'am decides to carry a child." The tone he used—how dare he. What is he, huh? Your boyfriend? He'd love to be, but wait, did he just call you ma'am to mock you? Oh, Jeon, you're in trouble.
"You don't get to decide for the child. What if he or she is hungry, but you're not feeding anything because you've so kindly said you have no appetite. I'm gonna cook a meal." "Excuse me?" You stood from his leather lounge sofa. "What do you mean by the way I look? Did i ask for your opinion?" This made him snigger. You're so hyper.
He guessed it was your pregnancy hormones slowly making changes internally because you got mad at the slightest thing. It was almost laughable. He looked at your eyes and rolled his own, tucking his hands back into his pockets. "You don't look healthy. It's actually very concerning. I'm not joking." He walked away toward the kitchen. You somewhat agreed with his words.
You've noticed the major weight loss, fully aware of the changes within you, and it is a serious matter. You've got to ask Dr. Sohee about this. Jungkook placed Bam's meat into his dog bowl and then patted his head to get him started. Before he prepared anything, he walked to you and spoke, "I'll guide you to the room you'll be staying in.
You can have a shower while I cook—" "While you cook? You can cook?" A blush crept up on Jungkook's cheek. He felt slightly embarrassed to admit it. No one knew about this. God, why couldn't he keep quiet? It's too late and he didn't want to order take out and wait for another hour until it arrives. "You'll see." Biting the inside of his cheek, he grabbed his bag and walked you upstairs.
He pushes open a door to the most serene room you've ever seen. The color palette—neutral shades of white, beige, grey, and a hint of pink—was simply marvelous to look at. What is this place? It's better than anything you've ever seen. "You can occupy this room. The washroom is right there, that door." Nodding at his words, he let you be, closing the doors behind him. You sat on the bed, absorbing the luxurious surroundings.
Isn't this weird? At your CEO's place? There's got to be some motive behind this. God, what is it?! You grabbed your clothes and walked into the shower. Holy shit, it's freaking huge. Your apartment and this—damn, you had one single shower, and here there's a shower for two, a massive bathtub, and what not. Is he insane? Where are the people? Why does he freaking live alone?! 'I'm off, I'm gonna take good advantage of this stay...'
Jungkook's pov
Honestly, I'm not sure what I was thinking when I invited her to stay with me. It's out of character for me, especially since I'm very protective of my personal space. Listening to her argue made me think I might just leave her to deal with things herself.
But then, I found myself explaining why it was important for her to have someone nearby, at least for the night. It's a duty and i've got no choice but to be part of this. as a gentleman. When she agreed, I felt relieved that i didn't have to argue anymore. However, sitting together in silence only heightened my nerves about the situation. Waiting for her to pack was tough too.
She took so long that I started to worry she locked herself in to avoid leaving with me. If she did, I was ready to confront her. Yet, I also felt concerned, checking my watch anxiously. It took her 15 minutes. I've never waited for anyone like that before, let alone brought someone, especially a woman, to stay at my place. But then, I realized it was her. Walking towards the elevator, the doors opened to reveal her, carrying a bag with her few belongings.
She was okay. Thank god was my first thought. How quickly life can change in just a few days. A few months ago, we were at a bar together, passionately involved. Now, here we were in my car, heading to my place to take care of... our child? It feels strange. Don't think of it that way, Jungkook.
Walking into the lobby, as usual, Bam greeted me, but today he was wary of Y/n's presence, forgetting how nervous he gets around strangers. However, when Y/n gently touched his head, all his fear seemed to melt away.
She handled him delicately, and I could see Bam was taken with her touch, just like I was. They looked good together, an unexpected sight. It was surprising to see Bam warm up to a stranger so quickly, but that's just who he is — affectionate. Offering her a glass of water led to questions about helpers and why I live alone, things I knew she would bring up.
Who wouldn't question that? But coming from Ms. Lee Y/n? If that isn't irony, I don't know what is. Arguing with her was like fine wine — the more you engage, the more frustrating it becomes. But seeing her in this state, I didn't want to escalate things, so I let it go. She's upset and has no appetite. Who needs an appetite when you're eating for two?
Does the baby have a choice? No? It already seems like she's not the most responsible mother, so how will she handle it when she's still a kid herself? I don't know her well, but from what I do know, she can be quite immature. Leading her upstairs, it seemed best to have her stay in the room closest to mine, in case of any emergencies, as the doctor suggested she shouldn't be alone, right? Back to cooking dinner, I wasn't sure what to make or what she would like, and I didn't ask. But does it really matter?
Pesto alla genovese it is then. Rolling up my sleeves, donning my brown apron,
I begin by pulling out the ingredients from the drawer and fridge, sipping on my usual green tea upon returning home. Making pesto pasta isn't too challenging—it's my go-to dinner, especially since I skipped my own meal, so a small portion will suffice. In about 20 minutes, dinner is ready. Y/n must be in her room because I hear no sounds from upstairs.
I serve the pasta in a bowl with a fork, placing it on the coffee table. I'm not going to cater to her hand and foot. "Dinner's on the table. Enjoy," I inform her after knocking on her closed door. I wait until I hear her response, which comes as, "Thanks, Mr. Jeon," accompanied by her irritating fake accent. I roll my eyes, grateful she's only here for one night.
Author's pov
You cautiously peek out of the room, but there's no sign of him. You're not very hungry, which has been the case ever since you found out about your pregnancy—quite odd for someone who always thought pregnancy was just an excuse to eat everything in sight. Despite this, Jungkook was right; your stomach is growling, so you force yourself to eat.
You make your way to the coffee table he mentioned in the TV area. There's a bowl with a fork and a glass of orange juice. Sitting down on his velvet beige couch, you pick up the bowl. It looks appetizing and feels warm, freshly prepared. The aroma of it heightened your senses, and you twirl your fork to gather a bite. Damn. The taste surprises you as it hits your tongue. Why does it taste so incredibly good?
Oh, the joys of food. It takes you less than 10 minutes to finish the entire dish, as if you hadn't had a proper meal in ages—which, technically, you haven't. You let out a deep exhale, sinking back into the couch, the lingering taste of pesto on your tongue. "No, why did I eat it so fast?" you whine to yourself, closing your eyes to savor the flavors. "I thought you had no appetite?"
Jungkook's voice startles you as you open your eyes to see him leaning against the wall, hands in the pockets of his silk black pajamas, that smug expression on his face that always irks you. "I had to eat. It would've been disrespectful not to,"
you retort, and he chuckles, approaching you. Peering into the empty bowl, not a leaf or pasta strip remains. "That bowl says otherwise," he teases. Rolling your eyes, you stand up, gathering the empty dishes to wash. "There's more pasta," he informs you, causing you to pause and turn to face him. "S-so?"
Jungkook tilts his head, smiling as he moves closer, taking the bowl in his hand. "Thought you might want seconds? Do you?" You avoid meeting his eyes, nodding with a slight pout, secretly hoping he doesn't notice your gratitude.
"C'mon," he beckons, and you follow him into the kitchen. Oh my god!!! The kitchen is stunning; you've always dreamed of having such a beautiful black kitchen, and his is exactly what you love. You find his entire home amazing. Jungkook retrieves a bowl from the refrigerator, removing the glass cover and warming the cold food in a pan. "There's a microwave right there," you point out. He glances at the microwave and back at you. "I know."
"Then use it." "Electromagnetic waves aren't healthy," he states, prompting a laugh from you as you cover your mouth, amused by his response. "What's so funny?" he asks with a puzzled look. "Why do you even have one then? Just for show?" you joke. "For the fun of it," he replies shortly, and you nod in acknowledgment, pulling out a dining chair as he transfers the pasta to a freshly cleaned bowl.
"Never did I imagine Mr. Jeon would be doing all this for me," you whisper to yourself, hoping he didn't catch your words, but he did. "Never did I either, Ms. Lee, but here we are," he replies, placing the bowl in front of you. You begin to savor the warm capellini pasta while he leans against the counter, cleaning the nonstick pan. Bam circles around his feet, leaving a smile on your face.
The silence makes him uneasy, so he glances at you, noticing your distant expression with concern. You don't want to tell him, but the shower today was difficult—
the sight of spotting of the blood frightened you. And you want to thank this man somehow, but you're unsure how. "Doesn't taste good anymore?" he questions, and you turn to look at him before returning your gaze to the pasta, your appetite suddenly gone. "No, not really. I..."
You hesitate for a moment before smiling. "Thank you for helping me. I-I appreciate it," you manage to say. Jungkook nods and offers a brief smile that quickly fades. He doesn't like smiling in situations like these. "I had to help anyway," he states, making you pause.
Is he forcing himself into this, or does he genuinely want to help? "Had to" doesn't sound very sincere. Letting it go, you continue eating, hunger naturally returning to you. "If you need anything, feel free to shout. My room is right here, okay?" "Sure," you reply, rolling your eyes and heading into the room, locking the door behind you. Jungkook scoffs but follows suit, lying on the bed after switching on the night lamp. He gazes up at the ceiling, his mind racing with thoughts.
He's just a wall away from you. There's nothing wrong with that, but it feels strange. Thinking about who you are... If this isn't weird, then what is? "Damn life," he mutters, turning onto his side to face the window, gazing at the dark sky lit up by city lights and the moon.
He tends to overthink, just like you. You're hugging your plushie, staring out the window too. The bed is comfortable, the atmosphere peaceful with soft lighting, yet your mind is suffocated by the worst scenarios you can imagine regarding your baby.
What if there's no baby? What if the blood meant something serious days ago? What if there's a major complication? What if this is all your fault? What if this was your only chance to be a mom, and it's slipping away... Tears stream down your face once again when you remember hearing the soft heartbeats of your child the other day.
You bury your head in the silk pillow, sobbing loudly, clutching the soft toy tightly to your chest. Both of you had a rough night, struggling to sleep, but eventually, you do because there's simply no other choice...
In the morning, both of you prepared for the day ahead. By 7 a.m., Bam's caretaker and the other helpers were already busy in the kitchen, preparing breakfast as Jungkook had instructed them the previous night to make enough for two. You both walk down the stairs together, Jungkook insisting that you eat breakfast before leaving the house. You sat at the dining table, a plate in front of you.
Maya, the cook, was visibly surprised to see you up and about at this early hour, something she hadn't witnessed in her three years working for Jungkook. She silently speculated about the reason behind this change. Petting Bam affectionately, you chuckled as he playfully circled around you. "I'll come visit you one day, alright?"
Jungkook glanced at both of you and cleared his throat, breaking the moment. "Shall we get going?" You nodded, bidding Bam farewell with a wave before taking the passenger seat in Jungkook's car as he drove you to the hospital. Despite his calm exterior, Jungkook felt the tension building inside him, mirroring your own nervousness. Though he had no personal connection to you or the child, he sensed an unexplainable concern.
The wait for the nurse to call you in was terrifying. Jungkook observed your nervous habits, like knuckle-breaking and lip-biting, as you tried to release your stress. "Ms. Lee Yn?" "Yes." "Come in." Inside, Jungkook checked with you if you preferred privacy or if he could stay. You didn't mind his presence, so he remained by your side.
"Morning, Yn, please take a seat," Dr. Sohee said, glancing at Jungkook with a raised eyebrow. "So, Y/n, how were you last night? Okay, or?" "I was fine. I just had a tough time overthinking," you replied, stealing a glance at Jungkook, who did the same. "So, which was why you had to be with someone? Panicking would've made things worse. Alright,"
Dr. Sohee straightened her back and placed her elbows on the table, adjusting her glasses. "We need to do a pelvic test and a scan, so if you would join me?" You stood from the chair and followed her to the examination area, while Jungkook's eyes remained fixed on the white curtain that conceal his view of you.
The doctor conducted the scan first to check the placenta for any signs of separation or miscarriage. Her eyebrows furrowed as she scrutinized the monitor and moved the ultrasound probe over your abdomen.
You couldn't interpret the black and white images, but the doctor's serious expression made you anxious. "What's wrong, Doctor?" She sighed and wiped off the gel from your abdomen, proceeding to the pelvic test to check for ovarian cysts or infections. She remained silent, heightening your anxiety with each passing moment. "I'll explain," she finally said.
You both returned to your seats, and Jungkook watched your face intently for any signs of distress, finding none. Dr. Sohee removed her glasses and placed them on the table before speaking. "Firstly... best wishes to you; the baby is completely fine."
You let out the biggest exhale of your life, tears welling up in your eyes. You covered your face with your hands, taking a moment to absorb the news you had longed to hear for days, feeling like you had waited years for this moment. Jungkook exhaled too, nodding his head and offering a brief smile.
"Happy for you, really happy." You nodded in agreement, wiping away the tears that had stained your silk top. So hee smiled sympathetically at both you and Jungkook, retrieving a pen to jot down some notes. "Here's my analysis: due to your hormonal imbalance,
drugs and the challenges it presents, your body is adjusting slowly to pregnancy. This imbalance may have weakened you physically, contributing to the stress-induced bleeding. Stress increases these issues, so it's crucial to rest, eat well, and manage your weight loss. You must eat three meals daily, stay hydrated, and avoid stress at all costs. Understood?"
You nodded again, taking in her words as Jungkook accepted the prescription she handed over. You thanked her sincerely, and she responded with a gentle chuckle, which you echoed in relief.
"I don't encourage frequent scans during pregnancy due to the waves that are not very healthy for the unborn baby so i'll meet you for your 5 and 6 month scan then." "of course, Dr. Thank you very much." 'always welcome." Exiting the room, Jungkook suggested you wait in the car while he fetched the medications. Leaning back in your seat, you took deep breaths, gently caressing your growing bump. "Didn't I tell you that you'll be fine? See, you're absolutely okay, baby,"
you whispered reassuringly to the little life inside you, finding comfort in speaking to your unborn child. Jungkook returned with the vitamins after about five minutes, clicking his tongue before speaking. "You don't have to work. Let's get you home—"
"What? No, I will work. You can't stop me," you interjected firmly. 'Here we go again', Jungkook thought, leaning back and closing his eyes. "You were advised to rest, not work." "But how could I just not work? I can't stay at home doing nothing." "I'll take care of your expenses," Jungkook offered, to which you gaped in surprise, questioning his sincerity. "I can pay for them myself, Jungkook. This is—insane. I need to work. You can't just say that—"
Turning fully to face him, you expressed your frustration, pointing accusingly at him while he listened quietly, avoiding confrontation. "I've made my final decision. Either you work from home or not." "Jungkook, I'm fine. I can't stay in my apartment for months. Working at the office gives me peace—" "How are you going to hide the bump? Ever thought about that?" he interrupted, both of you glancing down at your growing belly. Frustration rushed through him, evident in the tension of his neck and the reddening of his ears.
"Now's the time for major changes. You can't be stressing out too—" "What? Afraid that your reputation would be tarnished because of this?" you retorted sharply, catching him off guard. He stared at you, taken aback by your accusation. Lately, he hadn't even considered his reputation, especially while assisting you these past few days. If reputation had mattered, he wouldn't have helped you at all. "Y/n?" His eyes started to redden with anger.
Realizing he needed to calm down before losing control, he forcefully hit his arm against the steering wheel, causing you to flinch. He hated assumptions and false allegations, not driven by his name or reputation at this point but genuinely caring—couldn't you see that? "For heaven's sake, I'm just concerned and helping you out," he insisted, but you responded with a sly smile. "I don't believe what I see most of the time—"
"I'm not doing you a favor, Y/n. I'm genuinely helping you, so let me!" he spoke loudly, unbuttoning his coat and a few shirt buttons, his anger constricting his chest. Knowing exactly how to provoke him, you crossed your arms defiantly. "Fine then!" "I'm taking you to my place!" he declared suddenly, his words catching you off guard. "What?!" You looked at him, stunned.
"Did you not hear the doctor? I'm sure you did." he thought a bit to himself and sighed, decided to ask you calmly. if you say no then it's a no, he won't force you for more. "Do you want to be at my place?" Jungkook asked, making eye contact. Despite his flaring anger, his eyes conveyed genuine concern and a promise to care for you.
After a long moment of silent understanding, you nodded, signaling your acceptance of his offer. It was an unusual situation, filled with unspoken words between you both. He had no obligation to help you, yet he did. Perhaps it was a spark of something in him, driving his actions, even though he seemed conflicted. As you both locked eyes, it was clear, he had as much chaos in his mind as you did, if not more.
"Are you sure about this? I'm not forcing you. I could drop you at your place and—""I'm sure." And with that decision made, neither of you could predict how dramatically things would unfold from here.
next chapter ⇢
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merakiui · 4 months ago
going back to read your contractual fwb azul cause it’s my favourite fic ever and i have to wonder; what would azul do if you never used his wishes to your own advantage? like it was always small stuff, so you ended up having to get a new job (sex is banned and let’s pretend like theres some random cafe on sage island or something like that you’re picking up shifts. just not the monstro lounge) and the hours you work there give him less time. would he beg you to use his money? to take advantage of him? it feels like the terms he picked also come from a domestic standpoint of wanting to provide for you. and your new job is really getting in the way of that. rely on him and no one else >:(
(also i’d like to imagine you falling asleep sitting in his lap in his office chair sometime before the confession so he carries you back to his room and you spend the night. the next morning you wake up to him pulling away and in your extremely sleep deprived mind you get upset that he’s leaving. cue him promising he’ll be back—maybe a quick round just so he can get you to wish it and no it’s definitely not because he wants sleepy morning sex—and eventually he comes to wake you back up with flowers, tea (you know the one), and telling you you have a day off somehow.) thank you for listening to my tiny brain rambles
hiiiiiii this is just a question i forgot to add to my last ask that i submitted like 2 seconds ago.
how does your relationship with azul go now that you’re actually in one and not just fwb? like does he still spoil you with whatever you ask for in exchange for sex or just give it to you and sex happens whenever? (more than the average couple cause, cmon) he gave you the fish shoes even though you lost so it stands that he’d spoil the hell out of you whenever he can
- - -
Hi hiiii!! :D omg contractual fwb tako..... I miss thinking about that fic. Peak Azul is him developing a relationship with darling via contractual means and slowly but surely the feelings shift (through dubious efforts hehehe). >:D that dynamic is just so *chef's kiss*!!!!!
Oooo if reader got a job!!! If not at the lounge, which is secretly what Azul hopes, then the place better pay good wages and the hours and work better be reasonable!! >:( he won't have his angelfish struggle. Maybe he'd even visit you during your shifts on occasion and make up some excuse like "I need to know what sort of competition the lounge has" blah blah blah etc etc even though it's quite clear he's checking up on you. T_T I like to think Azul wants you to take advantage of him because it's a deal in which you're both using the other for certain things, so wouldn't that make the most sense?? That's how the logic works in his give-and-take, equivalent-exchange brain.
Azul gets really particularly when it comes to giving gifts and he always seems to want a valid reason for the exchange (like in Glomas where he buys souvenirs for his dorm so that they can remember this good deed and know that they are technically indebted to him even though to Deuce and Epel it appears as though he's just being a kind Housewarden). But also,,, he's so iffy when it comes to accepting gifts himself and always seems to think there's some underlying reason behind it. ^^;; perhaps he'd just feel more comfortable if you were openly using him and this deal to your benefit just as he's doing the same with you. It's probably why he even makes the terms so domestic because, beneath all of the pompous showmanship and businessman flair, he genuinely wants to provide for you and make your life better and be your beloved. <3 but because he's Azul he can't just tell you that. >_<
AAAAA FALLING ASLEEP IN HIS OFFICE!!!!! OTL waking up in his bed all bleary-eyed and sleepy....... grabbing at his arm and begging him to stay,,, the sleepy morning sex... maybe it's the one moment he allows just some of his defenses to fall because most of yours are nonexistent in this moment. Having sex just to have sex without any thoughts about your contract..... of course he's still going to remind you later and insist you use one of your wishes/favors since you technically indulged him with sex, but then you wanted it, too. He's so fussy!!!! Please just ask him for something—anything! He isn't going to beg, but sometimes you really do make him contemplate it when you're so determined to not make use of him and his connections.
You're one of Azul's greatest weaknesses and if you know this then you can easily exploit this because this tako adores you. He is so utterly whipped. Whatever you want, you can have it. Spoiling you is one of his many love languages. He loves giving you gifts, especially when he knows they'll make you happy. Like those silly fish slippers. They are so dumb, but they make his angelfish smile and that's enough reason to purchase them for you. I think once you're in a real relationship the fwb contract is dissolved, but a lot of what you did during those two months still occurs into your relationship. Like the smoldering tension and the chemistry. The silly banter and smart quips. The attraction. And of course lots of love (real and potion-induced mwahaha) and sex. He railed you once in mer form and you better believe he'll do it again now that he's slowly finding the confidence to do so with you.
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allnelia · 9 months ago
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A Night At The Cinema
| with Kento Nanami. This is smut. This story includes..
oral s3x, ejaculation, erection, and s3x. Enjoy my sluts |
“Come on babe we’re gonna be late.” This wasn’t the first time you’ve been in a date with Nanami. “Darling give me a second to pay alright? Every thing is going to be okay my love the previews are probably barley starting.” He reassured you. You two were running late because he got held up at work. He looked so tired. He was always so busy lately, but he promised he’d make it up to you by taking you to see the movie you’d be talking about for ages now. “Let’s go!” you say running and pulling his veiny arms behind you. You manage to find your seat. “Ah there it is.” You continue to pull him by the arm as you two sit down. “Perfect timing!” you say with a smile as you look at Nanami’s tired looking eyes. You were too excited to even worry about popcorn but looking down at your empty hands you couldn’t help but to crave it. Before you could open your mouth he began to say, “A small popcorn and a bag of skittles my love?” He knew you so well. You nodded back as a response. He leaves and comes back within 2 minutes, damn he’s fast. Time flies as your enjoying the movie. You look down at the popcorn bag and it’s empty. “I guess you can have the skittles I’m kinda..” You look over and Nanami is dosing off. Fighting for his life to stay awake. You’ve always wanted to see this movie but you didn’t wanna wake him up either. “Babe are you okay?” you said. “Yes, darling i’m just fine is everything okay?” he said. “Everything’s just fine it’s just that you seem tired.” “No. I’m not tired I’m just resting my eyes darling” he always lied to make you feel better. “Okay!” you said and you leaned in for a kiss. His eyes lit up as you pulled away from the french intimate kiss. “I’m surely awake now love” you roll your eyes. it’s been weeks since you guys have done it. “Is that so?” you say as you caress his thigh. “Good cus’ i heard this parts good” He continues to look at you even though your focus has shifted to the screen. You move your hand up his thigh and you feel his hard c*ck underneath your hand. You feel it jump at you. “Baby…” says Nanami. “Yes love?” You look at his deep green eyes. “Could you help me relieve some stress” This was a code word for head. “Seriously?! Right now?” You whisper angrily. “I know it’s bad timing but I’ve been craving you and I’m at my breaking point darling” You’re disappointed in him for even thinking of doing something like that in this moment. The movie was boring anyways so you think of some ways to make him pay for being a h*rny mess. “Mhm” Luckily you guys brought a blanket. One of the reasons being you get cold in the theater another being because of instances like this. You cover yourself and him and go underneath. Unzipping his pants and releasing his gigantic c*ck. You go down on it and you feel it take up all the space in your throat. “Mm~” he says quietly. This is crazy! You might get caught if you gag the slightest. Luckily he trained your throat to take on his massive d*ck. You start going up and down slowly speeding up the pace gradually and going slower to edge him a little. “F-fuck~” Nanami rarely cusses but when he does it means something. He lowers his head to where yours is. “Your mouth feels so fucking good darlin’” You swirl your tongue around in a circle around the tip. “Baby…please… i’m going to…c-cu-” he stuttered in your ear quietly. You taste the precum on your tongue. His d*ck getting harder in your mouth by the second. You lift you head up from under the covers. “Let’s take this somewhere else” you say looking into his eyes. He was nearly red. “But the movie-“ He said but he stopped himself as he realized how much he wanted to fuck you.
You both run outside of the theater into his car. It was brand new. You didn’t want to ruin the interior but the thought of him fucking you recklessly messed with your logical thinking. You both hop in the BMW. He’s yanking at his tie to take it off. You’re unbuttoning your blouse as fast as you can and slipping down your skirt. He’s taking of his pants and unbuttoning his shirt also. You both look at each other with pure lust. You both start making out intensely as your tongues are dancing harmoniously in each others mouths. Siliava dripping down your faces. You lay back in the back seat and he turns and faces you with his back facing the windshield window and the steering wheel. “Put your hands together above your head like a good girl for me darling” Nanami says “Yes sir” His veiny hand gripping both of your wrists together as he uses his other one to grab his d*ck and slide it against your p*ssy. You moan slightly as he sticks it in. “You know how fucking long i’ve been waiting for his” He says as he rams his d*ck in you roughly. “Ah~ N-Nanami” You moan. He takes his free hand and cover your mouth with it still gripping your wrists firmly. “I can’t believe you’ve kept this from me from that fucking long. I know i’ve been busy but you know how addictive your p*ssy is right?” “M-mhm” you say as he goes faster and more roughly. “You’re so.. warm darling. I love f*cking you raw like this.” You’re moans get louder and louder. “Nanami.. Please slow down” you beg. “F-Fuck baby I’m gonna cum in you i don’t think I can pull out. It feels so good~” He moans. “You turn me into a person I don’t want to be darling but I love it.” He goes faster as he yaps while he’s thrusting inside you. “N-Nanami~ Ah~” “I love it when you moan my name, louder princess” “No baby please I~ Nana-mi-” Your moans unintentionally get louder. “Fuck i’m gonna cum baby. You look so pretty when I fuck you like this. My sweet darling~” He moans in his deep soothing voice. “I can’t take it anymore darling I’m cumming. I’m cumming~” he says as he thrusts one last time into you before filling you up with 2 weeks worth of hot steaming cum. Your legs start to shake once he’s finished. He’s putting on his clothes and he noticed them shaking. He rubs your thigh. “You alright princess? I’m sorry If I hurt you my love.” “No, you didn’t. I guess I wasn’t used to you being that rough with me.” you explain. “I apologize love. It won’t happen again. I was just frustrated it’s been so long since I’ve relieved myself” “It’s okay my love” You kiss him on the cheek. “Just let me know sooner next time so it doesn’t build up like that” He starts helping you out back on your clothes and opens the door letting you out so you can sit in the front seat. He opens your door and always around it sit in the drivers seat. He looks back at the mess yall made. Cum all over the seats. “I guess I’ll go get our car cleaned tomorrow”. You giggle “Make sure you tip them.” you imagine the look on their faces as they clean it up. “You know I always do”
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txrully · 3 months ago
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it started with a story.
a simple tale, told by the fire, whispered in fear.
the world beyond the kingdom’s walls is dangerous. monsters lurk in the shadows, and they show no mercy.
you were only a child when you first heard it. a princess, young and curious, but obedient. you clung to the safety of the walls, never questioning the stories. not until the years stretched on, and the walls felt more like a cage.
you tried to find meaning in the rituals of court life, in the etiquette lessons and the silken gowns, but it all blurred together.
until one day, they told you about your engagement.
you didn’t even know his name. a prince from a neighboring kingdom, chosen for diplomacy, for power. your role was to smile and obey, to trade your freedom for the kingdom’s stability.
but deep inside, something cracked.
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the sun was sinking low, its orange glow stretching shadows across the castle’s cold stone walls.
you stood on the balcony, staring out at the forest beyond the kingdom. the trees whispered secrets you couldn’t hear, their leaves shimmering like promises of something greater.
"this is your duty," they told you. "for the good of the kingdom."
but what about you?
the thought consumed you as the day faded into night.
and then, when the moon rose, you ran.
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the woods were colder than you expected, the air sharp and biting against your skin.
branches clawed at your dress as you pushed through, your breath ragged. your slippers slipped on the mossy ground, but you didn’t stop.
you didn’t know where you were going. only that you couldn’t stay.
the stories echoed in your mind: the monster beyond the walls, the warnings, the fear. but what was worse—staying trapped in the castle forever, or taking your chances out here?
the answer seemed clear.
until you saw the eyes.
they pierced through the darkness, impossibly bright, glowing like twin stars in the night. they stopped you in your tracks, your heart hammering against your ribs.
and then, the monster stepped into the light.
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"you shouldn’t be here," he said, his voice low and calm, like the whisper of a storm.
he was tall, impossibly so, his silver hair catching the moonlight. his eyes glowed with an otherworldly light, and his presence was suffocating.
"who are you?" you managed, though your voice wavered.
he tilted his head, his expression unreadable. "who do you think i am?"
the answer was obvious. the monster. the one from the stories.
"you..." your voice caught. "you’re going to kill me, aren’t you?"
his lips curled into a smirk, though his gaze softened. "if i wanted to, you wouldn’t have had the chance to ask that question."
you swallowed hard, your instincts screaming at you to run. but your legs refused to move.
"then what do you want?" you asked, your voice barely above a whisper.
his smile faded, replaced by something almost solemn. "you came here searching for something, didn’t you?"
your breath hitched. "how do you know that?"
"because no one comes out here without a reason."
his words hung heavy in the air, and for the first time, you realized how silent the forest was. no birds, no rustling leaves. just the sound of your own breathing and the steady beat of your heart.
"i don’t know what i’m looking for," you admitted, the truth spilling out before you could stop it.
he studied you for a moment, his glowing eyes narrowing slightly. then he extended a hand.
"come with me."
you hesitated, the warnings flashing through your mind once more. but there was something in his voice, in his gaze, that made you pause.
and against all logic, you reached out and took his hand.
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the world shifted around you.
the forest melted away, replaced by a landscape that felt like something out of a dream.
the sky was a kaleidoscope of colors, shifting and shimmering like liquid light. the ground beneath your feet glowed faintly, the grass soft and warm.
creatures roamed freely—some small and delicate, others massive and intimidating. their eyes glimmered with intelligence, their movements fluid and graceful.
"where are we?" you asked, your voice barely above a whisper.
"my home," he replied simply.
you turned to him, your chest tightening with a mix of awe and fear. "why did you bring me here?"
he met your gaze, his expression unreadable. "because you don’t belong behind those walls."
his words struck something deep within you, a truth you hadn’t been ready to face.
"you killed them, didn’t you?" you asked, your voice trembling. "the people who tried to cross the walls?"
his expression darkened, his eyes losing some of their glow. "yes."
your heart sank. "why?"
"because they came to destroy this place," he said, his voice cold and distant. "humans feared what they couldn’t control. they wanted to claim it, to tear it apart."
you looked around, at the beauty that surrounded you, and you understood. but that didn’t make it any easier to accept.
"am i safe here?" you asked quietly.
his gaze softened, and he stepped closer. "as long as you’re with me."
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days turned into weeks.
you explored his world, its wonders and its dangers. the creatures you once feared became familiar, their curious eyes following you wherever you went.
and through it all, he was there.
he showed you the hidden corners of his world, the places even the bravest creatures wouldn’t dare go. he told you stories of the land’s history, of its beauty and its pain.
and slowly, the fear you felt toward him began to fade.
he wasn’t the monster they told you about.
but he wasn’t just a man, either.
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one night, you found yourself by the lake, its surface shimmering like a mirror.
he sat beside you, his silver hair glowing in the moonlight.
"do you miss it?" he asked, breaking the silence.
you didn’t have to ask what he meant. "sometimes," you admitted. "but it wasn’t really home. not anymore."
he nodded, his gaze distant. "humans have a way of destroying their own homes."
"not all of them," you said softly.
he turned to you, his glowing eyes meeting yours. "no," he agreed. "not all of them."
the silence that followed wasn’t uncomfortable. it was filled with something unspoken, something that neither of you were ready to name.
and as you stared into the shimmering water, you realized that you didn’t need to.
you were home.
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❒ GOJO SATORU, suguru geto, EREN JEAGER, armin arlert, LEVI ACKERMAN, sakunosuke oda, OSAMU DAZAI, tomioka giyuu + your fav!
© 𝘁𝘅𝗿𝘂𝗹𝗹𝘆 :: 2024
p.s. this was greatly inspired by the song "lily - alan walker" ฅ՞•ﻌ•՞ฅ
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bridgetoesoteria · 1 year ago
😈🔥18+ How do you rock their world??🤩
Heyy soul snatchers. You're in for a major ego stroke ;)
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Piles are left to right. All images came from this site.
I think some of you may resonate with Cherry by Rina Sawayama.
Pile 1
How do you rock their world?
Woww...a lot of your people have got to be sapiosexuals. There is just soo much air in your spread. Even the oracle card I pulled could be considered air energy. Some of the keywords are intellect, logic, and analytic. Do you see what I mean. You must be super smart and/or good with your words. Your person not only admires this but it turns them on for some reason. This is coming up in an 18+ reading so their sexuality is tied in some how... Lets dive in more and see what's up.
So this might seem kind of out there but some of you be dommes. I'm specifically getting a dominant feminine energy. They could be your sub. If you aren't into BDSM this could represent you wearing the pants in the relationship. You could say things that they think about later. If your dirty talk is like A+++, then just know they definitely "reminisce" about it later, when they're alone, do you get what I mean?
Something about your words has them under your spell. Do you tell them about your adventures? Some of you could work in the legal field or higher education, or another career that requires intelligence and logic. If you come home and tell them about your day, that could be a turn on for them. You could also be very open-minded, down to give most things a try and you aren't scared to match their "nasty." Whatever that means in your situation.
Ooo some of you may be new to sex or your seeing a new partner after being with the same person. Maybe you had/have very strong boundaries and your person is feeling tortured by having to abstain. The world card in this deck is represented by a snake wrapped around an egg. Then there's the fool which is clarified by the 7 of pentacles. These show new beginnings, planting seeds. So I'm just feeling even more like there is something "new" to this situation. But I am also getting that some of you may be super grippers (I'm hearing that specifically lol). Also, you could wrap your legs around them and they love this.
All the possibilities drive them wild. The way you create fantasies and explore in a controlled, self-respecting way. They love it. If you are modest that does it for them also. One or both of you could be possessive. I think you are both excited for whatever chapter/era you are entering together.
Bonus: Which of your features are they most attracted to?
Some of you may be petite, you may have smaller boobs/butts. They really like that. For others they like your shape, especially when viewing you from behind. They love your silhouette and curves. If you are mom's they love the way your body looks, especially if your hips are wider now. For any masculines, they love your arms and eyes.
Other features I am getting are: curly hair, ginger hair (esp. if the carpet matches the drapes haha), blonde hair, and full lips. They think you have amazing head game. Again, the message of someone being tight keeps coming up sheesh. Like we get it, I promise! I'm looking for physical features lol.
They definitely love your eyes; It could be the color, your lashes, the shape/size, and/or a piercing gaze. I am using one of my decks with the most colorful and expressive cards. I have almost every card in the deck that has a significant amount of dark brown. There aren't that many. So they may really really love your skin tone. Especially if it is medium-dark brown. If any of you have tattoos they think that's "hot".
They could like the lower half of your face a lot for some reason. From the bridge of your nose down. Maybe you know? For masculines and feminines they like your chest and abdomen, so basically your whole torso. But idk, I watch too many crime shows to feel comfortable just casually slipping "your torso" into a sentence. Anywho, finally, if you are from a different culture and wear traditional accessories or clothing, they love it. They think it looks really good on you.
Pile 2
How do you rock their world?
Many of you could be kind of edgy. I don't mean that in a rude way. I hate that edgy has been turned into an insult but that's a rant for another post lol. You could march to the beat of your own drum in and out of the bedroom. If you have ever participated in, or suggested, mutual masturbation, they really love that. Even if one of you just watches, this is something they enjoy. If you blush or get flushed during sex, they really like that. They feel like its a sign that you are really enjoying yourself.
There is something about heat here. Idk what it is. I am seeing a lot of fire imagery in the cards. So maybe you do temperature play, wax play, or you could just get super hot. If you dress in a unique way they really love this. They love how you aren't afraid to stand out. Some of you may dress from a specific period. Some of you may dress like royalty, not sure what that means. If you try on different outfits for roleplay that excites them too. It keeps everything so fresh.
If you give head they love this. Your mouth could feel warm in a pleasant way. You could be skilled with your tongue. Gender doesn't matter here. Its just about how it resonates with your situation. If you have boobs, they like the way they look when you are lying on your back. If you are shy or tend to close your eyes during sex, they could like that because it brings out their primal side. You could be good at riding. LOL then I pulled the card that literally has...just look at this, go to the 10 of pentacles, the card with the girl on the carousel lol. So def good at riding lol.
If you tend to be more quiet they like this. Maybe its even like a little game for some of you. They try to see if they can elicit a noise or reaction from you. They could enjoy being aggressive, doing some punishing, or darker role plays. If there is someone else included in your fun, they enjoy this too. Some of them could get jealous. There could be specific person that threatens them. So this is more of a how do you "drive them crazy" than a "rock their world". Lol cause I don't think they're happy about this unless its roleplay.
Bonus: Which of your features are they most attracted to?
If you have a round face they really like this. If you have big or prominent eyes they really love them. For some of you they could just look into your eyes and smile. Something about your eyes cheer them up. They definitely like your lips. If you have any tattoos of sea animals or a heart.
Other features I am getting: beard, fashion sense (esp. if you are a masculine), hands, short hair, tight curls or waves, brunette or red hair. If some of you are here from Pile 1, I see you.
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Also, if some of you have vitiligo, freckles, or something else unique about your skin, they think its beautiful. So if they compliment it, please know they aren't just saying that. Some of you could come from a different background or a mix of cultures. Finally, they love your height. They could ask you to get things for them or they love you asking for their assistance.
Pile 3
How do you rock their world?
I keep hearing, "I love the way you love mee" from Stewie by Blueface's girlfriend's. Sorry Jadelyn? Idk. So maybe you are passionate or there is something different about the way you approach this person. Some of you could be very tactile. You could enjoy giving or receiving massages. One or both of you could really enjoy physical touch, grabbing, squeezing, etc.
You could literally be rocking their world, as in, you are shaking things up for them. Some of them could have suffered some kind of loss. Could the loss of a relationship, loved one, or business. This might be the more emotional, watery pile. I am getting a message support, feeling safe, and romanticism. So some of you could be real charmers or your person enjoys wooing you. It doesn't feel like a chase, it feels more like courting. You make them face their fears in some way. So the way you rock their world is more internal.
If you are a mom, or want to become one, they could be attracted to that stability. Some of you could be detached or maybe you are right now. Idk if this is rocking their world in a good or bad way. Maybe you know? Umm I think some of y'all are living life on the edge! So going back to the family thing, if you are trying for a baby they are really enjoying that. Others of you are just being reckless and letting them finish inside, hopefully you're on BC if you don't want kids. So many maternal things are coming up. Do they have mommy issues? If you are pregnant or a mother, they love this.
They love how your body looks. They love the idea of starting a new chapter with you. I think this can apply whether you are a mother or not. Flip it if you would be doing the impregnating. This person likes the idea of having a family with you, or likes that you don't pull out. This person likes how gentle and feminine you are. If you are comfortable being vulnerable with them, they also love this. You could do roleplays where they have to save you, or possible nurse you back to health. You could do some kind of caregiver roleplays.
They love that they want to be with you all the time. They are so attracted to you and if you could just go at it like bunnies 24/7, they would be so happy. You could sext them and they like touching themselves either while this is going on or later. Probably both tbh lol. You could really get into fantasizing and it absorbs them too. If you dress like a hippy, they like this too. They could enjoy messing around when you are under the influence. Finally, with so much water imagery, this person could enjoy all the bodily fluids that come along with the experience. For some of you, they enjoy finishing on your back or face. This could also be something they fantasize about you allowing them to do.
Bonus: Which of your features are they most attracted to?
They are really attracted to your brown eyes, if you have them. They could be really attracted to the shape of your eyes. When they look into your eyes, it can be hard to say no. Or they like that you can't say no to them. Again, flip any roles if needed. They really love your skin tone. If there is a contrast, they could think you go together well. Physically they could think you are out of their league. So they could find you extremely attractive overall.
If you are really tall or tower over them, they love this. They could love your hands, they could find them soft. You guys could shock each other when you touch. They could really love your heart and the way you love. They could also love your posture and a specific piece of jewelry you wear. There could be something taboo or unconventional about someone's physical appearance. Someone could be well-endowed or could have big boobs. If you are a "bear" type. Like a guy that looks sturdy, facial hair, usually a little bigger. They love this. Or they love that you make them feel that way, strong and masculine. So maybe you are smaller than them or present as extremely feminine. The last message I am getting is that they love your green eyes.
Pile 4
How do you rock their world?
You could be hard to get. I am specifically getting that you could be the first partner they apologized to. Or, they could be someone that is usually prideful but they are more submissive with you. You could be a tease or they perceive you this way. They think you know how to ride and that you give great handjobs! If you do some kind of edging, that definitely drives them crazy. It could be really difficult for this person to hold back. Especially, if you are really tight. They have to concentrate. Some of them may not be able to. Even though it embarrasses them, it turns them on in a weird way? Cause its kind of a sign of just how attractive you are and how much you turn them on.
Some of you give handjobs because you aren't giving head. They are still happy with that. You could have been with this person at different stages in your life. For example, they were your first, then you hooked up again sometime in adulthood. You could like being watched or doing it in front of a mirror. Some of you could be SW, or you could give a good striptease.
They really like your arch. The lion on this strength card is about to break their back lol. Maybe you can relate to that? lol. You could be rough but also provide good aftercare or they enjoy this about you. You could make them wear protection. You are very protective of yourself. I wouldn't be surprised if some of you are not having sex with this person.
You could enjoy exploring and doing things that require trust in your partner and yourself. I'm trying to get more messages but its just repeating. If you have a lot of options this could drive them crazy. I can't tell if it's jealousy or they kind of enjoy being ignored. Maybe they like simping or cuckholding (is that a word? lol).
Bonus: Which of your features are they most attracted to?
I'm getting beard again. If you are a masculine, they like your skin tone. Some of your insecurities are one of their favorite things about you. For example, if you have stretch marks. Some of you may not like something about your eyes. You could think you look tired. If you have catlike features they love this. They love your nose, no matter what size or shape it is.
They definitely love your eyes and love looking into them. For some reason, its hypnotic. They love your feet, esp if you get pedicures. If you are tall, thin, or have a long "member," they love these feautures. If you are thicker, they like this. You could both be similar in some way and they like that. Like maybe they are big and you are assuming they only want you because you are big too. But no, they are genuinely into you. Same if the issue is you doubting they are also attracted to the same sex or if you think they don't like you ethnicity. They like you as you are. They like your hair either the pattern/texture or the current style you have it in.
Pile 5
How do you rock their world?
I don't know why I am having a hard time reading this as a current relationship. The energy feels so still. So this could be an ex, someone you are in no contact with, or even a partner that has passed. If those situations don't resonate with you, see if the rest of the reading resonates.
If you are not with this person, they really want to get back together. They miss you guys being together. If this is long-distance, they definitely yearn for you. No matter how this resonates, they are very much focused on you. They could feel very strongly attached to you. They feel quite passionately about you. Even though it is an intense, and possibly overwhelming experience, they can't walk away. If you are on/off or you have been together since you were young, they can't let you go. They don't want to.
If they have witnessed the evolution of your sexuality, they have enjoyed each stage. One or both of you could have very strong orgasms. If you cry or your eyes water, this could really drive them crazy. Things could get so heated and passionate that you are only focused on each other. It could get pretty loud too.
The makeup sex may be top notch lol. You may do yoga or be very flexible, so this opens up a lot of options when it comes to positions. They want to fold you like a pretzel, and test your limits. Perhaps you are already doing this.
They could really love your scent, either your natural scent or a perfume. There is a lot of flower imagery, so they could associate you with floral scents. They enjoy going down on you. Some of you may be shy about that but they really would love to try that. I wouldn't be surprised if this person likes bury their head in your hair or neck. Like say you're in doggy, they would lean forward and nuzzle into your neck. Or, they enjoy when you do this to them. They really have to work at not coming too soon or before you. You could have kids or a family, so you can only have secret rendezvouses. They could also enjoy dominating you.
Bonus: Which of your features are they most attracted to?
You could have a really interesting look or aesthetic. If you are goth or have a unique sense of style, they like this. If you are a tomboy, they think its hot. They could like your ears and if you have a widow's peak. Idk why widow's peaks have such a bad rep...but maybe that's my personal bias showing lol. If your hair is short they think its cute. Maybe you cut your bangs too short but they think its cute.
They like your hands. Some of you could have working hands and they still like them. Some of you could be more masculine leaning women or feminine men. You may be LGBT but you don't have to be. They like your eyes there is something different about them. If you have a serious face or resting bitch face, this is attractive to them.
I am also getting they are attracted to your back, side boob (maybe you wear shirts or dresses that expose this part), pale or dark skin. Some of them see that you put effort into your physical appearance or they witnessed you experience a glow up. Finally you could be well proportioned or modelesque.
Well, I truly hope that resonated and that you enjoyed your reading(s)! This was fun and I hope to do more 18+ 🥵.
In the next few weeks, I will be sharing a menu for personal readings 🥳. I did some privately and truly enjoyed it! I'm really excited for this.
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Thinking of doing a "Sunday special," but no promises cause I am gonna be super busy with assignments. Your support and patience is much appreciated. 💗💗
Until next time lovelies 😽
~ K
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zipzapfrogboy · 20 days ago
BYLER DOUBT BE DAMNED (An analysis on blocking and it’s significance)
Read this if you’re having doubt because I promise it will help at least a little.
(This might be sort of long and a bit unorganized because it’s my first analysis of sorts but just stick with me.)
The main thing that confirms Byler for me (and helps with doubt) is the final shots of season 4.
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You know. Those.
I’m definitely not the first person to point it out but I want to talk about it a little more in depth. Specifically the blocking. It is so clearly a deliberate choice to place Mike and Will between two other canon couples (Joyce and Hopper and Nancy and Jonathan respectively). It’s most definitely foreshadowing both to romance and possibly s5 teams.
I’m a theatre kid, I’ve been acting since I was seven, I have experience and know some stuff. If directors don’t like what you’re doing or don’t think it works then they’ll tell you stop. The improv you see in shows and movies are things that were approved and stayed in because the directors wanted it to (in like 90% of cases). Same goes with blocking. Actors can’t just stand where they want unless explicitly told to do so.
Placement has purpose and meaning. It is so unbelievably specific and thought out. I have a director/theatre teacher who gave us at least a 30 minute explanation about how important stage placement is and the what it can convey. On numerous occasions she’s made us take two small steps forward, a large step back, stand a bit further from xyz, etc.
I was in a show that started rehearsing in June and the director had been planning and working on it since March or maybe even before then. Blocking (and choreography in the context of musicals) is planned for weeks to months ahead of time. Directors have visions and the reasons behind how they set scenes is to execute that vision perfectly and convey the right message and emotions.
I’m sorry if that all seemed random I’m just trying to emphasize my point.
Obviously it’s a bit different for filmed content but I don’t doubt that the same logic is applicable. You don’t place two characters who hate each other together because it doesn’t make sense story wise or character wise.
It’s thought out, planned, and so purposeful. It’s not just random placement and it’s certainly not foreshadowing just team pairings. Two characters who are a part of a complex love triangle standing between two already existing couples? Right…
And so now my question is, why?
Why else would they set it up and block it like that? Give me an answer that explains the reasoning behind that choice; the choice of having El stand alone in front of them and having her boyfriend stand next to the person who’s in love with him. What else would that mean? That’s simply not how you do blocking.
When you as a director look at something from the outsider/audience perspective you need to see it with their eyes. What else could that convey? I’m being genuine when I say I don’t see anything else. If there is another way to interpret it (that makes sense and isn’t plagued by bias) then please tell me.
It’s a perfect example of foreshadowing. El standing alone symbolizes her arc of becoming an independent person outside of romance and Hopper. Her whole story has been about learning how to be a person and be herself. Her standing out alone in the field in front of her burning hometown isn’t supposed to mean nothing.
Just like Mike and Will standing together isn’t supposed to mean nothing.
We know Jopper is endgame, I can’t see why they wouldn’t be, and I’m 90% sure that Jancy will be endgame (or if they break up it will be on good terms). So, again, why would they place Mike and Will between those people. If it was supposed to be showing how close they are and how wonderfully strong their friendship is then why did they choose those other characters? MAKE IT MAKE SENSE. IT’S THE DEFINITION OF A PARALLEL.
If I end up being wrong then idk.
Thank you for reading :)
Also there’s this so like
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victorclays · 1 month ago
Okay okay okay i have another assessment of the scene where Dundy and Little say they should think about leaving the men behind!
I love that they had Crozier clock the look that Dundy gives Little to tell him to suggest it. Because while I'm sure Edward sees the like... reasoning for it. I think he's also extremely ashamed for suggesting it. Like, he doesn't want to lave them behind. But he wants to live.
And they're all so sick. And it IS an option, and judging by what happens later, I'm sure at least a handful of the "healthy" men have been talking about it too. To their leaders im sure, which are Dundy and Edward.
But i also feel like, maybe Dundy pressed it more. He's like, we should do this. I think he thinks its THEE option. And I love that you can see that Crozier sees that. He knows his men. And he can see that while yes Edward voiced it first, at Dundy's pressing, he also sees that Edward is not set on the idea.
He's nervous saying it, can barely look at Crozier or Jopson. And then Crozier, bless him, forgives Edward on the spot for saying it.
He literally looks at Edward when he says "it's a reasonable logic. And i don't fault anyone..for....following it." He looks at him specifically when he says "following it" like he's pretty sure it wasn't Ned's idea, that he's following what Dundy and some of the other men have suggested maybe?!?!?!
And Edward stops pushing for it, just hangs his head in shame basically, after a long stare down with Jopson. Who keeps staring at him after he hangs his head. More on that in a second...
But Dundy keeps pushing. And Crozier gently continues to decline. Which is all he can really do, at that time. Give better options of things to leave behind.
The thing that got me this rewatch really though, aside from Edward's shame which is just, ever present at the end i think, is how fucking sick Jopson looks, in this scene.
Like they all look tired, Edward looks exhausted. Dundy definitely looks thin and starving. But Thomas looks sick. And we know he has injuries from the past that HAD to have been acting up.
He has some kind if scabby thing at his hairline already. And he just looks so bad. Like, when he said it would be a death sentence for "those men" he knew it meant him as well. He had too.
And it just hurts so fucking much, because his captain looked him in the eyes and told him he wouldn't leave him, and he gets left behind anyway.
And the shittiest part is like... it didnt save them. Leaving the men behind. Whatever happened in their camp as they went was very obviously pretty fucking horrible. And i know they wanted to live, but like, fuck.
If only someone had at least told Jopson what was happening. He didn't even know Crozier was gone. Just thought he was being left behind by the man who promised he'd never do that.... I'm fine. It's fine. I'm good. *having a breakdown*
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oik-tooru · 7 months ago
KEY CHANGE – s. koushi
a/n sorry for the short chapter but i did it for a reason i promise !!
m. list
i watched with bated breath as tooru raised the sketch up to his face, eyes scrunching in either concern or wonder — i couldn't really tell — before unceremoniously tossing it back onto the counter.
"yeah, you're in kinda deep y/n," he deadpanned. i gaped at him, jerking back as if he had suddenly struck me.
"w-what?" i sputtered. "that's all you have to say?"
tooru shrugged and gestured back over to the drawing. "the evidence is pretty clear to me. i mean, weren't you the one who said you've been struggling to create something for your exhibition, and now all of a sudden koushi's face is the first thing that came to you?"
well when he put it like that...
as if sensing my inner turmoil, tooru flashed me a bright smile and clapped his hand on my shoulder. "talk to me, y/n. what are you thinking?"
i slumped down on the sofa chair behind me, trying (and failing) to keep the emotion out of my voice. "i don't...really know? i've never done this before—never drew anyone i knew, i mean—but i just couldn't stop. i needed some inspiration and he was the first person i thought of. it's like he was my—"
i froze. a ghost of a smile appeared on tooru's lips.
"fuck, i am in kinda deep."
i thought back to all of the times he and i spent time together, the most recent one fresh in my mind. it was supposed to be just another casual evening, but as i watched koushi laugh at a silly joke, a familiar warmth spread through me, more intense than before and one i failed to notice. the way his eyes sparkled, the easy comfort of his presence—it all hit me like a wave.
in that moment, i realized that my feelings for koushi had grown into something deeper, something i could no longer ignore. it was as if the universe had suddenly shifted, making everything clear in a single, breathtaking instant. i caught myself smiling just thinking about it, my heart racing with the weight of unspoken words, and i knew that this was no longer just friendship; it was something much more.
as i slumped deeper into the cozy sofa, the weight of my unspoken feelings for koushi seemed almost too much to bear. tooru, with his signature blend of wisdom and humor, noticed the furrow in my brow and leaned in, ready to dispense his trademark advice.
“alright, spill it,” he said, his eyes twinkling with a knowing glint. “you’ve got this look that says you’re about to burst.”
with a deep breath, i poured out my tangled emotions, and tooru listened intently, nodding thoughtfully. after a pause, he finally spoke, “listen, liking someine isn’t a formula you can solve with logic alone. It’s about being honest with yourself and with koushi. if you care about him this much, just let them him know—no scripts, no pressure. sometimes, the best thing you can do is be brave enough to show your true feelings.”
his words, simple yet profound, gave me a newfound sense of clarity and courage, making me feel ready to take the leap and face the uncertainty with a hopeful heart.
i felt like i could breathe again.
"kei was right. you do have really good advice. your boyfriend is really lucky to have you," i praised. tooru laughed in response.
"he would probably say otherwise, but thank you y/n."
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what-even-is-thiss · 10 months ago
Hi roman. I know this is very weird, but i've seen you give some life advice to other people, so i thought i could give it a try too. Don't answer if you don't want to. Anyway
Do you have any advice/tips for a 15 y/o who thinks they just have no control over their life? Like, my concentration is dog shit, i think my grades are slipping. My executive dysfunction so bad and i think i'm disappointing a lot of people. I have no idea how to handle anything in my life. I can't force myself to do the things i need to (not that that'd be any good, i'll immediately cry lol). I just, don't fucking know how i could make things better for myself. And i can't really talk to adults about it, they'll repeat the stuff i already know, and i am the worst person to put their feelings into words, so they'll prob never understand. Not in the edgy way.
Yeah so sorry for half venting into your ask box. Thank you in advance if you'll answer it, if it's too weird and you don't want to do that for whatever reason, that's ok. Peace and love <3
Dude, you’re unfortunately suffering from being 15. And possibly a learning disorder. Godspeed to you.
And I don’t say that to belittle your problems. In many ways as a teenager you don’t have control over a lot of things. You’re still under the control of your parents, you’re still learning how to deal with adult level emotions and ideas. A lot is expected of you and a lot of things are made to seem more important than they are. It’s hard to tell what’s actually important and what’s just adults blowing things out of proportion. It sucks and it’s frustrating!
If you can, you might want to talk to a counselor. If your parents or guardians are anti-counseling you might try to talk to someone at your school like a teacher or administrator or school nurse about the possibility of getting counseling without your parents knowing. Some schools have programs like that.
The adults closest to you might not understand but if you keep looking you’ll eventually find someone who remembers what it’s like to be in your shoes.
And I remember fully feeling like I’d never get control over anything. The end goal of life was graduation from high school and god only knows if I keep existing after that. But the thing is, you do! You keep existing and you figure a lot of stuff out. Wisdom does come with time, it turns out. And legally and practically you end up getting a lot more autonomy as time goes on.
And I know hearing things like this might not feel comforting. When you’re stuck, you’re stuck and no matter how much you logically know it’ll get better right now it sucks.
Just find ways to keep going. And try asking for help sometimes. If your family won’t listen, find someone who will. Take the time to write down your problems and how you feel if you can’t come up with explanations of what’s going on. Or find a friend to talk it out with so you can practice explaining yourself.
If there’s one thing I can promise you, when you’re a couple years into adulthood all of the problems from your teenage years start to feel small. At the time they were big and important though. And that’s what you’re going through right now. And a lot of adults forget about that. Hang in there, and when all of this is behind you, remember how hard it was and maybe someday you can help someone like you.
I’m sorry if all that wasn’t helpful. I don’t know too much about your individual situation. But ask for help when you can. Someone out there understands. You’ll find them.
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ilikekidsshows · 4 months ago
Not to sure how to phrase this in a way that doesn't sound like Marinette salt, but I was curious about the morality of this option.
Since the show since s4 goes on and on about how unbearable every walking moment as Ladybug is now for Marinette to the point where she can do awful things to people and abuse her powers without ever being asked to finally learn from it and improve bc that's too stressful and horrible to Marinette
Well, at what point is it just the reasonable thing to do to propose Marinette giving up her Guardianship so she can go back to being a normal girl with a normal life?
It would be a loss, but let's not pretend like Marinette is gonna loose 90% of her life. She would loose A YEAR which was supposedly so torturous to her that she now thinks she's the embodiment of Truth and the Queen of Reality?
Just go to Suhan, tell him her job was defeating Hawkmoth and that's done now and she doesn't feel like she's suitable anymore to continue. She wants her normal life back, all she's asking for is that she gets to tell her parents first so they can properly go about this.
Overall, making it happen that the people in Marinette's life think she had some sort of accident (maybe even through being the victim of magic) that left her tragically without memories of the last year is doable. Anyone who claims otherwise is just making up excuses.
What would she even loose besides her status as the new anti-hero Queen of the Galaxy (that is 10 seconds and one disagreement away from her villain arc)? She will keep all her friends, her family will be in the know and take care of her, she will keep Adrien, she has a promising and bright future ahead of her anyway, and she only lost ONE year. Not a lifetime. One year.
The only 'loss' she would have is Cat Noir but season 4 and 5 made it very clear that he has no room in her life beyond being her battle care taker and pet to sacrifice. We saw it the entire time that he and his presence mean very little to her in her real life and she doesn't want him to be part of it. She has no interest in getting to know him either. We saw it in Kwamis Choice, this is not a real loss for Marinette. She'd get over it in a week at most.
So what exactly is stopping her from dipping out when apparently every breath she takes is torture now so she "gets" to take that out on everyone else to make sure SHE is fine before all else?
Just leave. You HAVE the option of leaving it all behind you! Tell Suhan and Alya to watch out for the new Butterfly wanting to drag Marinette back into it and call it a day. At that point Marinette would be of no use for Lila to target anyway if she actually wants to accomplish something with the wish. If Marinette isn't Ladybug anymore and has no memories of anything then Lila will never accomplish anything by going after her. Just LEAVE. At what point is that just the logical thing to propose when Marinette herself has no connection to shit and only makes it worse for the victims?
I don't mean this in the salty way, that's a genuine question. Marinette is not owed to reign the universe as Ladybug and have victims because she had a shit year. And very obviously this role is VERY BAD for her mental health since that's her never-ending excuse for making things worse for other people and not doing her actual job as Ladybug.
Yes she's 14 years old, but that's also it. She's a 14 year old in a position that's now clearly doing herself and the world more harm tham good because she's not cut out out right now to be a super hero guardian leader who has to take care of PEOPLE and VICTIMS before herself. There is no reason for her to continue staying in her position that'll only make things worse. Just leave. UNLIKE MOST OTHERS YOU HAVE THE OPTION.
The only thing I can think of is “people are counting on me!” but, like, girl, you're not irreplaceable. Anyone somewhat heroic could be Ladybug and would be more motivated to do it than Marinette “I knew Gabriel was Hawk Moth and intended to ignore it” Dupain-Cheng (although, I’m pretty sure that writers will retcon that dereliction of duty by the time season 6 airs). She only hangs on to her position because it's a pattern for her to just whine about how badly she has it while doing nothing to try to change things even when she's the one with all the power and control.
Marinette clearly doesn't want to be a superhero, she always has complaints about her job and "saving people" isn't exactly a passion of hers. She's far more enthusiastic about doing more mundane favors for people, which is why she actually wants to be and likes being class president. The difference between how Marinette treats her class presidency and how she treats her roled as Ladybug/Guardian couldn't make this clearer. Even pre-retool, Marinette never voiced any kind of enjoyment towards her role as Ladybug, and post-retool, she only brings up having superpowers and the Kwamis as a perk to Alya. Basically, the thing she gets out of being Ladybug is feeling special.
The reasons we can come up with for why Marinette has to keep going on as Ladybug while it's clearly ruining her mental health are all pretty self-centered. She thinks she's so much better at being Ladybug than anyone else that she's irreplaceable. She can't stand forgetting a year of her life because that's her life and her remembering it is more important than the people she's harming, including herself, by upholding the status quo the way she does. That's her title and she should get to keep it because it's hers. She's so important, valued, appreciated and celebrated as Ladybug that she couldn't possibly go back to being just plain Marinette, because she's so blind to how beloved she is and how much people celebrate her mere existence that she probably thinks she’d be left with nothing and no one.
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mingtinys · 2 years ago
Silent Cry
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pairing : jung wooyoung x gn!reader
angst , hurt / comfort , a lil fluff if u squint
warnings : language , themes of depression and isolation , nudity (not explicit or detailed) , just heavy content in general
word count : 3.5 k
requested ? no
a/n : this one has been sitting in the drafts for quite some time as i just never felt good enough about posting it as it's a little different from what i usually write about . but i did promise a wooyoung fic , so here it is !! (and yes , this fic was slightly inspired by the skz song)
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It's not often you find yourself angry beyond reason, in fact, you'd like to think yourself a rather patient individual. But at the end of the day, a rather shitty one at that, there's only so much you can excuse or find reason with. Only so much silence and disrespect you can take before something inside you snaps and pushes down the logical side of your brain that's desperately trying to convince you "there's gotta be a good reason, Wooyoung would never purposely ignore you." Bullshit.
If he didn't want to go out tonight? Fine. That's not your issue. But standing you up without, at the very least, a courtesy call? You've wracked your brain all day, and there's just not much you can think of to justify the utter embarrassment and betrayal he put you through tonight. So you let your rage carry you the entire thirty-minute walk from your usual restaurant to the dorms and wait to be let in.
Not that there was much to begin with, your expectations having been severely degraded for the night, but the last twinge of hope you'd allowed to fester dies when your aggressive knocks on the KQ dorms summon San in leu of Wooyoung. He looks startled, but moreover just exhausted. "Y/N," He breathes out a greeting, quickly waving you inside. You don't quite pick up on it at first, but he sounds almost relieved to see you.
"Is he here?" You ask immediately, stepping into the empty area of the living room, between the TV stand and L–shaped couch. Yunho and Yeosang are there too, they peer at you through solemn eyes and let out their own sighs, matching San.
Yeosang rubs at his face, pulling the skin as he drags his palms down until they slip from his jaw and land in his lap. "Wooyoung? He's in his room."
You scoff, "That asshole–"
It's Yunho who moves first, standing and catching your arm before you can storm off to confront the object of your frustration.  "Woah, wait, what's going on?" It takes everything in you not to yank your arm from his gasp. You're mad at Wooyoung, not Yunho, you remind yourself.
"He's been ignoring me for the past three days and now he's missed our date night." You explain with a huff. Yunho drops your arm and looks between San and Yesoang. Their glances are far too knowing and not enough explaining, it irks you even further.
"What? Am I missing something here?"
Your impatience prompts another glance between the three boys before San finally elects himself to speak. "He won't really talk to us either," San frowns. "He's been acting kind of . . . weird."
"We got snapped at when we tried to offer grabbing dinner together earlier." Though Yeosang sounds just about as annoyed as you, there's something more behind his eyes that sends a pang through your heart. Worry? Helplessness? Guilt, perhaps? You try not to read too much into it.
"Well, he doesn't get to be an asshole about it."
"I agree," The group nods at your statement. "But listen, don't be too hard on him, alright? I don't think he's feeling too great." Yunho chooses his words with surgical-like precision. The phrase "I don't think he's feeling too great" sticks in your mind and leaves a bitter taste on the tip of your tongue.
"Noted." With that, you turn on your heels and start down the hall to Wooyoung's room, no one intervenes or follows this time.
You rasp three times on the wooden door with your knuckles, and thrice more when your first attempt yields no response. It's just silence, and after an internal debate between impatience and hesitancy, you reach for the knob and twist.
The door only opens but a few inches when a loud huff resonates through the pitch-black room. "I told you guys to leave me alone," Wooyoung croaks, his voice raspy and raw.
You ignore his request and allow yourself in anyways, shutting the door behind you and enveloping the room in near darkness. The poor lighting situation unfortunately doesn't do much in terms of masking the clutter you're faced with upon second glance. Various piles of clothes are haphazardly strewn about, making the room feel more like a maze than a habitable environment. Open and unfinished food containers cast a rather unpleasant aroma that clings to your olfactory senses and causes your nose to scrunch up involuntarily.
Wooyoung himself lays in bed, wrapped in a thick cocoon of blankets with his back turned to the door. A faint glow highlights the portions of his face visible to you and you can just barely pick up on a popular TikTok audio playing on a loop over the hum of the A/C unit.
You stop a few feet from him. "Oh, so your phone is working. Good to know."
Wooyoung's head whips around with lightning speed, eyes blown wide with surprise. "Y/N? Why are you here?"
You roll your eyes at his incredulous expression. "Do you have any idea what day it is?"
He thinks for a moment, hazy eyes scanning the room, and then you. He blinks once, twice, a third time. "Thursday?"
"It's Saturday, Wooyoung."
He visibly deflates, sinking further into the safety of his blanket and flipping back to his side, leaving you to spill your grievances to the back of his head. "Is that all you have to say? I waited alone for you to show up for nearly two hours, and all you have to say is 'oh.'?"
"I'm sorry." He doesn't sound it. "I'm not really sure what else you want me to say."
Your fists ball up at your sides with how apathetic he is. It's just so unlike him, giving you the cold shoulder as opposed to greeting you with eager kisses and excited giggles. A knot ties itself tightly in your gut and twists uncomfortably. You uncurl your fingers and wriggle them, trying to release the built-up tension. Forcing a calmness into your voice that honestly, you aren't sure how you manage, you speak.
"Woo, why are you being like this?" You cross your arms over your chest, preparing to protect yourself from another very likely short response from your boyfriend. "You could have at least told me you weren't coming, or texted to let me know you were okay. . ."
He huffs again. "Fine. I'm sorry I flaked. I'm an asshole, I get it. Now please leave, I'm not in the mood."
It should make you even angrier. His complete disregard for how he's talking to you, the careless attitude he uses to cover up whatever he's actually feeling. But you've known Wooyoung for too long, and something must be seriously wrong for him to behave how he is. The knot in your stomach coils even tighter and stretches into your chest, constricting your airways. You're starting to understand why Yeosang looked so worried.
You manage to suck down a deep breath that allows your prior frustration to dissipate just enough so you can keep a cool head, even if he can't. You choose your next words carefully, dropping your voice down to a patient whisper.
"I don't wanna leave without knowing you're okay, but if you say you are . . . then I'll believe you, I won't pry any further."
The room descends into an uncomfortable silence, broken only by the increasingly rapid and jagged breathing of the boy in front of you. Something halfway between a choked sob and hiccup bubbles up from the confines of his throat. The uncharacteristic sound is worse than anything you've heard pass through his lips before. It nearly splits your heart right down the middle.
"Baby," you coax. "Tell me what you need and I'll do what I can." You take a seat on the edge of his bed, and rest your palm where his shoulder is just beneath the blanket, lightly squeezing to try and initiate some form of comfort.
Wooyoung crumbles all too quickly for what your heart can handle. He shrinks even further as he curls into a loose ball. One hand shoots out from under his fortress to grip yours that rests on his shoulder. He cradles your hand against his chest, holding on the way a frightened child would. Cry after cry tumbles from his lips in a wretched sound, something akin to that of shattering glass on cold tile.
"I don't know," he gasps out. "I don't fucking know!"
"Okay, okay," you coo, using your free hand to repeatedly comb through strands of his messy, unwashed hair. "It's okay." You aren't sure what to say, and you're terrified you'll say the wrong thing, so you opt for nothing at all. You simply let Wooyoung cry, trusting that eventually, he'll let you know what he needs, even if it's just the rest of the night alone.
You aren't sure how long the two of you sit in silence or when Wooyoung's sobs finally begin to taper out to sniffles. Though what he says next sends your heart plummeting to your stomach and snags the air from your lungs.
"I just wanna be good enough." He confesses.
Your fingers freeze in his hair as you try to process some type of response, but the best you can get out is "What do you mean?"
"I just. . . I just feel— like shit. Like a shit friend, a shit boyfriend, a shit idol, a shit person. I feel disgusting."
Realistically, you know there's nothing in the world you can say in this moment to relieve the anguish he feels. You can let praise after praise for him fall from your lips, but they'd never reach his ears. Not when he's already convinced himself he isn't worthy of them. But that doesn't stop you from wanting to at least try. Even if it only relieves a fraction of what he feels. And you think maybe if you can't heal his mind, you can at least make sure he's physically okay.
You give his hand that's still clutching yours to his chest a squeeze. "Why don't we make something to eat, hm? You must be hungry?" But he shakes his head.
"Some tea then? Water?" He shakes his head again.
"Baby, you gotta do something to take care of yourself."
Wooyoung lets out a shaky sigh, "I don't want them to see me, not like this." You piece together he must be talking about his members. Which means no venturing out to the kitchen for food or drinks.
"Okay, maybe a bath then?"
He thinks for a moment, but surprises you when he, albeit reluctantly, agrees. Maybe he's caught on that you won't be giving up until he does at least something. Maybe he's just trying to appease you so you'll stop pestering him. Or maybe he just genuinely wants to. Whatever the reason, you're happy for it.
You slip your hand from his grasp and whisper that you'll get the water started and for him to take all the time he needs. When the tub fills and bubbles form from the bath solution you poured in, you come back to find him unraveled from his nest of blankets and sitting on the edge of his bed. You smooth his hair back and he looks up at you with sad eyes.
"It's ready whenever you are. I'll give you some time to get undressed and settle in, okay?"
The way he nods is robotic and the glassy and distant reflection in his eyes drives daggers through your heart. You wonder if he even heard you, but then he meekly rises to his feet, rubbing at stiff joints on the way up. He disappears to the bathroom moments before two knocks resonate from the wooden door.
You open it by just a crack, fully preparing to shoo off whoever it is as per Wooyoung's wishes. But when you're met face to face with a disheveled red-eyed Yeosang, you don't have the heart to tell him to go away. So you take a quick peek to make sure Wooyoung is shut away in the bathroom before opening his door the rest of the way.
Yeosang peaks around the dim room. "Is Wooyoung okay?" He whispers.
You offer up as good of a smile as you can despite the circumstances. You're not sure you've ever seen Yeosang so concerned. "He will be," you assure. The blond boy in front of you nods and mumbles out his own affirmations of Wooyoung's well-being.
"Uh, I know he probably doesn't want the extra attention right now, but could you give him this for me?" Yeosang extends a water bottle and two bags of snacks for you to take. "Oh– and San asked me to give this as well." He untucks what looks like a stuffed dog from under his arm and hands it to you as well with the utmost care. "Shiber is his favorite, but San said he thinks Wooyoung needs him more tonight."
"I'll let him know," you speak softly and Yeosang nods, but doesn't leave. He just stands there, nervously looking around and shifting from side to side. "Are you okay?" You ask.
"He scares me when he's like this."
"It's happened before?"
Yeosang nods. "Not a lot, but sometimes he just gets too caught up in his own head and shuts everyone out. I know he'll be fine, he always is . . . But he's my best friend, you know? It hurts."
You nod, understanding exactly what he means. It's hard, watching someone you love struggle and not knowing how to help them. "Yeah, I know. If it's any solace, he did get out of bed." You check over your shoulder to make sure Wooyoung hasn't reappeared. "Hopefully washing up makes him feel a little better."
The information causes a sad smile to lift the corners of Yeosang's lips. "Thank you for taking care of him."
"I'll try to keep you updated or let you know if he needs anything."
Yeosang nods, "Please do."
The two of you say your goodbyes and you shut the door back as softly as possible before setting the items Yeosang brought on his bed and returning to the door of the bathroom. You knock a few times, making sure it's okay that you enter, to which you only receive a half-hearted hum as permission. You peer in and see the tub still remains untouched. Frowning, you step fully inside to find Wooyoung stood in front of his sink mirror, seemingly lost in thought as he stares at his reflection.
His t-shirt lays discarded on the counter, leaving him shivering in just his red plaid boxers. His eyes are sad as they roam over his own figure, lips pursed in a thin line, expression one of disappointment. He takes in a deep breath, chest puffing out as it fills with air and deflates seconds later. Trembling, he wraps his arms around his torso and drops his gaze to the porcelain sink.
You take it upon yourself to slip into the space between him and the mirror, effectively blocking his ability to look even if he wanted to. You tilt your head enough to gaze at him from below, finding his eyelids squeezed shut and his jaw tensed.
Wooyoung's breath hitches when you place a gentle palm on his cheek, but he relaxes into the warmth of it twice as fast. You lift his head, thumb working to rub half circles into the damp skin.
You press a feathery kiss to the space between his eyes, and the action causes them to flutter open. "Hi, my beautiful boy." His bottom lip quivers the tiniest amount.
"C'mon, it'll get cold if we wait too long, yeah?"
He nods and tries to take one last look in the mirror, but you keep his face from turning enough to do so and he doesn't even try to fight you on it. Your hand slips from his cheek and reaches out for his, taking it and leading him over to the steaming tub.
"I'll grab some towels for when you're done." You offer, though it's more of an excuse to give him some privacy while he finishes undressing and slips in. You can only imagine how vulnerable he feels right now and it only feels right to extend that courtesy.
When you return he's fully submerged, covered by the opaque and foamy water. "I set out some shampoo and stuff earlier, but if you need anything else just call out, okay?" You say, crouching beside the tub and using the edge of it to rest your hands for balance. "Would it be okay if I cleaned up your room a bit?"
Wooyoung thinks for a moment, chewing at the inside of his cheek. "I won't if you don't want me to." You give him an out.
"Actually, um . . . Could you maybe just sit with me for a little? Please." His eyes flit back and forth between you and the still water.
"Of course," you whisper, using the tub's edge to push yourself to stand. You swiftly discard your own clothes and fold them up on the counter along with Wooyoung's. "Scoot up a bit," you instruct, and he does. Carefully, as to not splash any water, you step in and lower yourself into the warm liquid. Your back rests against the wall of the tub with Wooyoung positioned between your legs.
Taking a quarter-sized amount of shampoo in your palm, you begin lathering it into his hair and massaging his scalp. He stays silent while you work away, doing as you ask almost absent-mindedly when you guide him this way and that to rinse the products from his hair.
"Okay, lean back," you instruct one last time, guiding his head down to dip his hair in the water and cleanse it of conditioner.
"Thank you," he mumbles, turning his head a little bit to look at you. "You didn't have to do all that."
Leaning forward, you wrap your arms around his abdomen and rest your chin on his shoulder. "I didn't, but I wanted to."
"And I'm sorry for ignoring you, I'm so sor—"
"It's okay, I know." You mumble, lifting your head from its resting position just enough to press a kiss behind his ear. He relaxes slightly, and you continue. Peppering butterfly kisses down the side of his neck and to his shoulder.
The two of you sit in silence for a moment, the only noise a soft buzzing emitting from the fluorescent lights above. The warm water mixed with Wooyoung's even breaths work like a lullaby and you finally allow yourself a moment to relax. Your eyelids feel heavy, the stress of today's events finally catching up with your body. You rest against Wooyoung and continue to hold him, cheek smushed against his shoulder blade.
"It's okay if you want to go, I know you're probably tired." He suddenly speaks.
You hum against his skin, "I'm not leaving, not unless you ask me to."
"I just don't want you to feel like you have to, I can handle shit like this myself."
"That's the problem, Wooyoung." You sigh, not out of frustration or anything of the sort, but because your heart hurts for him and you're running out of ways to let him know you truly do want to help. "You're not a burden. Not to me, or Yeosang, or San, or Yunho— anyone. Why didn't you just tell us? You know we're there for you no matter what."
"I didn't know how," His voice breaks. "I don't like being like this. I hate who I am right now but I can't stop it!"
Wooyoung's shoulders tremble, and you can sense another pent-up wave of emotions ready to crest. "I just want to feel okay again," he sobs and you instinctively shift back, pulling him with you to recline. He sinks into the water a bit, head under your chin and resting against your chest. You reposition your arms for him to get comfortable, wrapping them around his midsection.
The final thread he'd been hanging on to finally snaps and Wooyoung completely shatters in your arms right then and there. His wails fill the room with perhaps the most heartbreaking sounds you've had the misfortune to hear. You hold him for what feels like hours, your own silent tears streaming steadily down your cheeks.
There's absolutely nothing you can say in that moment and you hate it. You hate feeling helpless, you hate that Wooyoung ever has to feel this way, and you hate the world for being so harsh to him. It isn't fair.
You can sit there and tell him everything that will be okay and kiss him better all you want, but at the end of the day, those are just empty dreams. It's ambitious to believe you alone could piece him back together in this moment. So you do the best you can, and just hold the broken pieces of him together so that none get lost. Even if they slice your skin and leave your hands bleeding, you'll make sure to handle them with the utmost care.
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crimsonprimrose-crime · 3 months ago
It's Finals weeks, you know what that means... time to fixate on my favorite anime character. I did promise yall lol but it's mostly rough translate coz English nor Japanese are my mother tongue lol
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(he's just so beautiful yall 😔🩷)
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Table of Contents.
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Part 1.
Haji, Love and Destiny [Rough Translation]
An interview with Director Fujisaki, Producer Omatsu, and Producer Ochikoshi
Haji: The Main Character
Originally, they wanted to call him Kuroi Tsubasa. They even enjoyed calling him ‘Tsubasa-kun’. Saya’s character is fix as they wanted to base her from the movie Saya. But, for this anime, they wanted three male characters to be Saya’s chevalier. A high school boy, a guy who turned into a chiropteran, and a guy who’s good with swords. They ended up merging all three to turn into Haji.
The Secret Behind the Cello
They wanted Haji to have this “stalker” vibes that “will always look after her” from the very beginning but they weren’t expecting him to use the cello as his weapon. The image of Haji is just some guy who received Saya’s blood and his image to be like a murderer. But they removed the murderer image. They then thought of just having him as a punching bag, who’ll receive all blows from the enemy and David will be the one to draw them in for Saya. They think it’s better to have someone who can protect you with their body (lol). They just can’t imagine Haji fighting at first. They even considered him doing judo but they think it won’t look good.
The cello’s purpose is originally just for the plot. They weren’t expecting it to be swung around like a stick. The cello is 30kg and was meant to store swords. Again, fighting with the cello is unexpected for them. Ever since it was used as weapon, the producers said they’ve rarely seen Haji open the case.
Characterization, Visual, and Fashion
They wanted Haji’s voice to be both sexy and lustrous. But they realize that he’s a character that talk less so they ended up with the voice he has now. They made him talk with less “masu” so he wouldn’t sound like a woman. (I didn’t understand that part lol sry).
For his character design, they made him dress in a hanging, loose manner. As to fit the “If you are in the future, you are not a person of the future. You aren’t also a person of the past. You are not a person and you don’t have a place to belong. You are a strange person” kind of vibe. They also wanted Haji to compliment Saya’s beauty, in a way. Saya who seemingly look like a normal girl who then stands out with a good-looking Haji. They also gave Haji a naïve and half-asleep look.
They were planning to make him talk and laugh more at some point. But he ended up not doing it. (why though ;-; we all want a happy, smiley Haji). Though they do want him to laugh at the end. They did made him talk more at the last seasons but only talked logically. Though they think that made Haji look really good and that he feels more human. Haji then became a character that went beyond the position he was placed in.
For his image, they wanted him to look like a beautiful young man like Bjorn Andersen. Haji’s original hair is supposed to be short until it was change to a long hair. It was due to them asking female staffs which is better. They all think the long hair suits him much better.  It’s effect is like when a character removes his glasses and then revealed a very much good looking person. The director even wanted him to pose with his right hand on his belt, untie his hair, and take off his jacket. (anyone wanna draw Haji in those poses????? That’s so hot tbh.) The very reason they dressed him with long costumes because it look better when they are fluttering. Haji’s fashion decision has taken more time than a small night.
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(Bjorn Andersen's image.)
Haji’s Past
When writing the history [of Saya and of the Zoo], they thought of Haji’s background to be a child adopted by Amshel to be a potential bridegroom for Saya and is also his adopted son. That’s why he was able to move around the zoo. He’s not just a playmate to Saya. He also received education and lived a decent life. Also learned manners. Other than that, he is a “master geisha” because he has acquired all the skills necessary for life. He can cook, he can clean a household. Not good at fishing though.
Age and Setting
Haji’s 19 years old. He’s 15, or 2 years older than that at the beginning. He wants to surpass Saya. In Saya’s point of view, he’s a kid who suddenly grew much taller than her and turned into a good-looking older brother. Saya had mixed feelings about it and of Haji’s complicated gaze. They made him 3 years older than Saya to give him a much maturer position. As for his name, there are no other Romanian name that clicked. The word Haji has a surprisingly goo sound. A nickname-like word, close to Saya.
Haji’s Love
At first, Haji sees Saya as a close older sister. But sometimes sees his mother’s image in her. However, to bring out their awkwardness, they made them fight over trivial things and for them to also open up to each other. The director originally wanted them to just be a family than a romantic bond, like a older sister-younger brother vibe. But the producers sees the potential romantic relationship. Though they think that Saya doesn’t really Haji as a man. Haji gradually developed romantic feelings for her. But feared that if he confessed, their relationship will fall apart. The fact that he is holding back is what makes Haji so adorable. Haji’s expression of love is probably the most essential part. As he gets to know Saya, the more he gets shaken but it is his strength to control it. However, from a romantic point of view, both are very clumsy lovers. It’s hard to watch.
Haji is the most happy when he’s with Saya. If she wants him close, he is there. If she wants him away, he’ll watch from a distance. His aesthetic is to match Saya. Haji doesn’t ask for anything for himself, he takes great joy in giving or when she’s happy. He is smart, or rather, has the tendency to look at things very objectively. He looks at things from a distance which is why he can see everything around him. That’s why he thinks George is an amazing person because he was able to make Saya happy and that’s why he thought it is the right place for Saya.
The Fate of Saya, The Fate of Haji.
Everyone’s asking the director to make Haji happy but he often contemplated on what really makes Haji happy. For Haji, he believes that he only exist in the past. They hope that Haji’s longing to open up a future with Saya will be fulfilled. Haji’s wish is to free Saya from all the battles in whatever way she wants and that will make him really happy. Saya’s fate is always tied to something like that and Haji just want her free. Saya has lived her whole life wanting to be free and Haji’s putting all his energy to fulfill it. To Haji, it never mattered what he wants even if he’ll never have the kind of relationship he wants with Saya. Even if he’ll have to ‘fulfill his promise’ to Saya, he’ll be happy to do so. Though if Haji loses Saya, he wouldn’t be able to survive.
What change Haji is that he saw the Saya with the Miyagusuku family in Okinawa. He saw Saya smile. If he didn’t saw that, he would have continued that dark path of the promise. But somewhere in Haji’s mind, he saw a different path which Saya didn’t know. Haji didn’t mind to take that path even if he’ll die just to make Saya happy.
Haji is the star actor of the show. He paved the way til the end. He became the foundation of Blood Plus. Haji was the difference between Blood+ and Blood: The Last Vampire movie.
Watch out for Part 2! (Yall can correct me with other translations!)
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thewistlingbadger · 9 months ago
The truth behind the supposed mural of jinx relies on question only: how much do the people of Zaun know?
I always thought that Jinx was a relatively well known person in Zaun due to her reputation. In Silco's organization, she is hated for two reasons. 1. Her unpredictability and violence is something to be feared. 2. Her unpredictability creates errors within the organization and she never receives consequences for her actions. However, when looking back, I realized that we never receive any opinion of jinx outside of the people that are/were used to being around her. There's a high possibility that the average zaunite doesn't actually know jinx that well, and either has little idea of her or ideas of her that were born out of misconceptions.
Here are the questions I have:
A. Do they know she's powder?
B. Do they know she killed silco?
C. Do they know she fired the missile?
D. Do they know how she feels about the liberation of Zaun?
E. Do they know she's alive?
I ask these because they all affect how she's viewed and the answer to any of these questions could be why she's seemingly being idolized by Zaunites.
A. If they know she's powder then it could be why she seems to have such a high image. We know that Zaunites tend to immortalize their heroes- we see this with the Vander statue. If they know she's powder, then the narrative becomes "she is the daughter of two of the most successful Zaun leaders". If they view her like this, it could be easy for them to sympathize with her and victimize her. She could easily become a vivid symbol of how Piltover oppression impacts Zaunites.
B. This one is the most important one to me. Silco was a very controversial leader that often did bad things for the sake of the greater good. If people know she killed Silco, I see them having two reactions. The first being one of joy. People that were anti-silco and saw him as an oppressor could start to celebrate Jinx for freeing them from him. This would also create a target on her back with Silco loyalists. For example, do you really think Sevika, Silco's most loyal employee, would team up with Jinx if she was aware that she killed Silco? However, if they don't know she killed him, they could see her as the next leader of Zaun, using next-in-line logic. They could once again feel sympathetic towards her. If they don't know she killed him, they can push the narrative that he was killed by Piltover, which would motivate people to fight.
C. This is another reason I can see her getting support. If they know it's her, some might support her for actually being the first to throw a punch at Piltover. If they don't know it's her, it's quite possible that they could view the war as random. They would feel attacked by Piltover, who is aggressively reacting to the missile and see this as an opportunity to fight back. If Piltover says Jinx is responsible for the attack and the people don't know this, they could use it to further scrutinize Piltover by basically saying "oh you got attacked? Of course you think it's one of us!". But Zaunites who don't want to fight could use this to villianize Jinx, as it would be her fault the war is here.
D. The weirdest thing to me about Jinx becoming a figure of rebellion is that it doesn't match with who we know she is. Jinx has always been a follower, not a leader. It is her nature to want to help, not to take charge. She has never cared deeply for Zaun liberation. Is it that her opinion has changed now that Silco is dead? Does she feel the need to avenge him and make good on his promise?
E. This one right here is special. To me, there seems to be two contradicting narrative in the trailer. One is that Jinx has become a new leader for Zaun, and the other is that Jinx is in hiding. These both can't really coexist. I am of the opinion that she is hiding for several reasons. I think she's hiding from Piltover, Zaunites hunting her, and has also isolated herself because she doesn't want to be around anyone else. When season 1 ended, she did what she needed to do, and then left, filled with shame for her actions. I feel like she's just chilling in her lair, waiting for her end to come. If Zaunites think she's dead, then there could be a narrative that Silco and his daughter were killed side by side by Piltover, fueling the fire that has begun in Zaun.
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