#I probaly do have trauma
0venatrix · 5 months
Listen I’m very comfy saying shit. And bloody hell, cause my family says ain’t a lot. I’m ok with saying fuck and bitch.
I need to overcome the stress I get when I wanna say “You can suck my invisible dick”. Because funny. Because gender.
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batwingsrosa · 6 months
Snape and what a victim is supposed to look like.
Or: The reason you all hate him so much while making up excuses for other characters!
Would he still be so despised by the fandom, if he had been portrayed as weaker? As more emotional?
No, i don’t think so.
Others have said this before and i have to agree with what they said:
Y‘all are angry, because he is not the perfect victim.
He is not what you would expect a victim of abuse and bullying to look like.
He is confident.
He is strong.
He is sharp.
And he is bitter.
He is so, so bitter.
he harbours resentment.
He does not forgive those who wronged him.
When that is exactly what you would expect from a victim, is it not??
A victim is supposed to look weak and behave weak and to suck it up.
And to forgive.
When you tell people they have to forgive their tormentors, do you really tell them that so that they can heal?
Or…. so you don‘t have to deal with the mess?
Maybe, so you don‘t have to adjust your world view?
People are not obligated to forgive their tormentors.
It doesn‘t matter if they have changed.
What matters is how they made the victim feel.
And if the victim feels if they can forgive them.
And if they chose not to forgive, they turn in something else in your eyes.
They turn into the hater, the bully, the bad guy.
Bacause the victim is supposed to forgive and forget and let it go and not be bitter about it.
A victim is supposed to turn into a good person.
To learn from their experiences to be kinder to others.
To not treat others like they have been treated.
They are not supposed to not be able to let it go.
And if they are not able to do that, well then there‘s something wrong with them.
If a victim doesn‘t turn out the way they wanted them too, well - then they had it coming from the beginning and they probaly deserved what happened to them because they would have turned out bad either way!
Snape is the opposite of what a victim is supposed to be like.
Severus turned into a resentful and bitter adult.
He was never able to move on and heal from his trauma.
And at the same time, he knows who he is and what and doesn‘t make up excuses for his behaviour and instead just accepts himself the way he is.
And that is what makes you so fucking mad.
He turns into an asshole and is not sorry about it.
He is openly resentful and at times hateful.
And he is not fucking sorry about it.
And it makes all of you mad because that is not what is supposed to happen.
And let‘s not lie to yourselves- if he didn‘t have greasy hair and a hooked nose- you would look at him from an entirely different angle.
Like you do with Tom Riddle, or Regulus Black or Draco Malfoy.
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callistosposts · 2 months
Hey Chat.. I would like your indepth opinion on Hades... How did u create their design... Which ships containing them do u fw... Why do you personally think they got flung out of the solar system.... Do u think they could get back into the solar system....
🫣 Stare.
oooh i like this :D THIS IS GONNA BE A LONGGG POST
for Hades design it was really a matter of how I make a character as mysterious but still interesting as possible - his design is very subject to change once we learn more about him, get to know his personality and stuff
for now though, i wanted him very neutrally aligned, i didnt want to make him seem evil nor did i want to make him look innocent cause theres no confirmation of either of those things
so his design, hes kinda a demon, hes got priest-inspired religious type clothing though instead of crosses its stars and such cause obviously religion is man made. but i still kinda wanted to dig into that religious trauma type feeling
because religious trauma is often built on the sense of being betrayed - betrayed by higher powers, betrayed by the people who you thought were trustworthy
being told your evil or wrong for something you did, whether its something thats not bad at all or maybe you did do something bad and instead of helping you instead get ostracized and told your spawn of satan
thats the feeling I've gotten from the whole story of jupiter and saturn, these big strong planets who are clearly looked up to as higher power, kicking out and clearly, in the past, seeing this smaller, more vulnerable planet as evil
so thats how i got the design , i built it off the connection of religious trauma
also i was listening to Hells Comin With Me
for why I think he was kicked out, I honestly dont know, I cant really come up with anything definitive
ive seen a lot of interpretations, but a lot of them kinda bend space history or make little to no sense so I havent really been able to come up with anything
if I HAD to say something id guess - his existence messed with the gas giants orbits some to the point where it was causing accidental or purposeful damage that left things a little messy
I don't think he would be getting back into the solar system, i just dont find that being a canonical move solarballs would do considering hes a theoretical planet
i find it much more likely for Hades to be an occasional character that pops in every now and then, maybe cause a little mischief, drop a space fact
even if the direction they go with Hades is to make him want to come back , I dont believe he will be let back
OKAYSHIPS ... more silly thing...
ive mentioned before I like Hades x Neptune, I know a lot of people have seen them as siblings and ifff they do go down that route ill immediately back off from that ship but FOR NOW . WITH NO RELATION CONFIRMATION. i think the idea of Neptune x Hades is cute,, specifically past wise, before Neptune lost his mind and such
ive drawn Uranus x Hades before on request, i have no idea where it came from , but I always think shipping Uranus with others is silly fun cause I get to draw him flustered , so 8/10 for me
i think those are generally the only ships I've encountered with him, i dont actually have any problems with any others though I just dont have any I heavily am die hard for and have actually encountered before
if you drop me Jupiter x Hades id probaly eat it up, I am not hater im a LOVER !!!
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v-anrouge · 6 months
Hello! 👋 I’m a lurker 🙈
I love Rook too obvi (I mean.. I’m here 🤣) and the other person trauma dumping was.. uh yeah. That was a lot… 😶
But they also said they were autistic, so maybe they just legit didn’t realize you were joking? Maybe they aren’t a follower? Idk. 🤷
Like I’m trying to give the benefit of the doubt because they seemed like one of those people wandering into the wrong classroom like “wait this.. isn’t my homeroom?”
Also you said you have Rook haters DNI interact on your card… but ima be honest. Please don’t hate me. I actually took a legit second to find your card in your pinned post because the text and the link is so smol. 😩 But also I’m blind and dumb sometimes so like don’t mind me too much…
But I DID find it!!! But then I couldn’t find where it said Rook haters DNI. I’m on mobile so maybe there’s a different section that it’s not letting me see??? Maybe THAT’S what happened to them too?
ANYWAY!! I may be a lurker and am just popping up for this so I’m going back down to lurking (aaaa social anxietyyyy) but I love your various posts. I honestly thought that post in question was really funny before all the drama started 😅
Rook going off on long tangents about his much-loved hyperfixations and having time blindness is so relatable help 😭😭😭
Hi nonnie first thank you for warning me about the problems w my carrd! I think ill just make a text and put the link there on pinned then in hopes it will make it easier to see. About the carrd itself i made it on mobile so you're seeing it correctly i just noticed though that a part of my dni is missing, i probaly deleted it accidentally last time i was fixing it so oops that's embarrassing 😭 but to answer they were a follower, they're no longer one because i softblocked and the reason i was so shocked was not because they don't hc rook as autistic since obv it's just a comfort hc i have as someone who also is autistic, but how they said rook was PURPOSELY ignoring social cues like😭😭 that part caught me SO off guard especially as someone who deeply relates to rook, ive had ppl do the same thing to me say that i was just purposely being weird despite knowing i had a difficult time telling what is and what isnt acceptable to say so i simply don't feel comfortable with them in my blog anymore, that trauma dump they had already made me a bit icky but i thought okay maybe they're just joking? because the post i made was clearly joking but clearly they were not (they said it themselves) and rook is one of my ultimate faves and i cant tolerate to see him get mischaracterized, especially not in such extreme manners so yeah they're not coming back but anyways thank you so much for warning me about the pinned thing ill fix it pls tell me if its better for you!
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batbirdies · 2 months
Thank you @coyote-nebula and @selkienight60 for the tag!
1. how many works do you have on AO3?
2. what's your total AO3 word count?
610,258 - the fact that it's over half a million but I've only written 22 fics is... telling lmao.
3. what fandoms do you write for?
currently and for the forseeable future, just Batfam, but I have written for the Hobbit fandom and Marvel in the past. And I think Harry Potter way back in my OC days.
4. what are your top 5 fics by kudos?
Clearly Calm and Keeping Terrorized in which Jason has a ROUGH time with PTSD and the timing is right to do some relationship healing with the fam. The Penny Drops the Penny Dreads in which Jason is a 12 year old Robin new to the manor and struggling to deal with some unresolved trauma thats not so far behind him. I'll Come Our Right On the Other Side in which Bruce is in therapy and trying to work on his relationships with his kids Overcoming Our Antecedents in which Jason is deaged to the day before he ran away to Ethiopia and Bruce gets to try again Live While I Breathe in which Bruce is badly triggered by an explosion, deals with it badly, is yelled at by Stephanie Brown to get his shit together, and has a a slow internal battle that ends in the decision to go to therapy.
5. do you respond to comments?
Not very often :( I used to reply to all my comments but it just started to be a source of anxiety and to feel overwhelming so i decided to stop unless something just really inspires a response or asks a direct question I can easily answer.
6. what is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
I struggled to think of one for this because I just don't write angsty endings. HOWEVER I do have one from 2014 when I was in the marvel fandom. Seams in which Bucky internalizes the fear surrounding his metal arm. (it's only 500ish words)
7. what's the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
I would say most of my fics have postive endings if not outright "happy". But I would saaaaay probably Overcoming Our Antecedents?
8. do you get hate on fics?
Occasionally I get rude comments, usually complaining about how a certain character is unfairly treated by the narrative. Which always makes me a little insane lol. I try to just delete them.
9. do you write smut? If so, what kind?
I don't. Never been interested. Probably actively uninsterested lol.
10. do you write crossovers?
I don't, and probaly the same as above lol.
11. have you ever had a fic stolen?
I don't believe so.
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
I have! Mengru on AO3 translated multiple of my fics into Chinese.
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
Yes! Recently with Coyote_Nebula. Tip for a Successful Interview: Lie (down)
14. What's your all-time favorite ship?
I really don't care about romantic ships, if I'm willing to read a fic that centers around it it's up there lol. But I dearly love platonic ships. Having said that I am terrible at choosing favorites of things. My reading and writing history probably supports Bruce &Jason as my fav platonic relationship but lately I'm also loving Bruce & Clark friendship.
15. What's a WIP you want to finish but doubt you will?
A Bad Case of the Good 'Ol Days I still really like whats there but the rest of the fic is a mystery to me at this point. I've plotted it like three times at least but it never feels right.
16. What are your writing strengths?
I think Dialogue and complicated emotions. I have also been told that I'm good at evoking anxiety in readers lol.
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
I am VERBOSE I'm very bad at being concise which is clearly reflected in my stack of long ass fics lol. I think I've improved but its definitely still my biggest weakness. I also struggle with any kind of complicated plot. I have a WIP currently that has a deeper plot and it panics me lmao.
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language in fic?
I think it depends what you're going for. If you want the audience to understand what's being said, you should provide a ready translation that doesn't involve jumping to the end notes and then having to find your way back to the place you were previously reading. Its just really disruptive to the reading experience for me. I have seen people do really cool formatting on AO3 where you can hover over text and see a pre-input translation. Its very cool on desktop but I'm not sure if it works on Mobile. My go to is pretty much always just to state that someone is speaking in a different language and tell the audience what they said. Sometimes I'll italicize it only so the reader doesn't forget that the words are not meant to be in English.
Of course sometimes you don't want the audience to know what is being said and that can be fun, however you do risk some of your readers speaking the language and getting hints other people don't lol. Or google translating it for themselves. So up to the author if they're cool with that or not.
19. First fandom you wrote for?
I honestly am not sure. I think I wrote fic for most of the cartoons I watched as a ten year old lol, but I didn't know what fandom was then. Harry Potter if we're getting official.
20. Favourite fic you've written?
Still CCAKT at this point I think, but once Penny Drops is finally FINALLY completed it might give it a run for its money.
Sorry I don't have the bandwidth to think of anyone to tag right now, it took me three days to finish filling this out despite the entertainment value 😅 but thanks for the tags and I hope anyone who wants to will do it too, feel free to tag me when you post it if you do :)
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sharpth1ng · 2 years
Different anon but I’ve been curious about what you think about BPD stu/billy?
Alright get ready for another long one.
Same disclaimers as before, diagnosing both BPD and autism/adhd is complicated, but it is more common to co-diagnose than ASPD as there’s less overlap and autistic and ADHD folks appear to be somewhat more vulnerable to the kind of trauma associated with the development of BPD.
Same as before it takes a long time to diagnose a personality disorder and it should.
But here are our criteria:
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1. This is complicated. We don’t see this behaviour from Billy but his response to his mom leaving is to kill someone, I think we can tick this box for him☑️
For Stu we have less movie evidence but if I’m going from my own characterization this is complicated. His behaviour in Ch9 could count as this but also I legit believe he would let Billy go if he wanted to. Would he be a fucking mess? Yeah 100% but the fact that I think he would let him leave makes me think this is a no ✖️
2. This is a no for both of them. ✖️
They do both have patterns of unstable relationships but the idealization/devaluation cycle is important here. Billy idealizes his mom but he doesn’t cycle, and Stu idealizes Billy but doesn’t cycle. I would say they have patterns of unstable relationships but not in the way that is characteristic of BPD
3. Complicated for Billy. I would say based on my characterization he does have this, but I would almost say it’s more a result of Autism (lots of weird sense of self stuff there let me tell you) and his own internalized homophobia. Stu I think has a pretty stable sense of self, so this is a no for both of them imo ✖️
4. I don’t think we can say Billy qualifies for this, he does risky things but they’re planned, not reckless. I think we can say Stu probaly qualifies. He’s 100% a reckless driver IMO, steals constantly, and also would take random pills offered to him at a party. That said this could be debated as a result of ADHD so take this with a grain of salt.
Billy: ✖️
Stu: ☑️
5. Complicated. I’d say no for Billy, I don’t think he’s particularly suicidal although with the right set of stressors he could be passively suicidal (eg getting yourself killed by someone else on purpose). I’d say he has some self-injurious stims, but that’s not the same thing so I’m going to say no for him.
Stu isn’t suicidal and doesn’t self-injure, but he does happily allow an incredible amount of injury to be done to him. Again, because he’s doing it for pleasure I think I may have to say no for this because generally the self-injurious behaviour in BPD is coming from a place of depression.
This is probably more a paraphillia for Stu (a diagnostic label I usually feel very complicated about generally given that it comes from a very puritanical scientific tradition but also Stu’s behaviour is pretty damn extreme.)
So Billy: ✖️
Stu: ✖️
6. Billy ticks this box no question ☑️. Stu does not ✖️
7. I don’t think either of them feel this way because they have each other, but I think if they suddenly lost the other for whatever reason this would kick in big time so I’ll give them a ☑️
8. Billy ticks this ☑️ again, could be argued to be a result of emotional regulation issues from autism and trauma though, take this with a grain of salt.
Stu’s anger is generally disproportionate to the situation and rarer/less easily triggered than Billy but not particularly well controlled so I’ll give him a check on this too ☑️
9. Again, not something we have movie evidence for but I do think Billy dissociates. I would call it an autistic shutdown though so this one is a no ✖️ and its a no for Stu as well ✖️
Final tally:
So yeah, Billy is much closer to a BPD diagnosis (you need 5/9) and I think could be diagnosed that way depending on how you read some of his behaviour.
Stu is not as close, and I think could even be a 2/9 year if you count impulsivity and trouble with emotional regulation as a result of ADHD.
As usual, this is just for fun and I’m not a clinician. I study this stuff but I don’t practice it so take all of what I say with a grain of salt.
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mirabella96 · 3 months
Trainee ep 2
She throw him under the bus, also there is a receptionist/secretary maybe she knows the numer
DEAR GOD THEY ARE JUST STUPID why do I even take it seriously
How come this has more eps ahahhahahahahahha Ryan should be really happy he dose not lost his head hahahhaha bc I have seen some murderous intentions there
oh maybe not
There are propably more extra agencies in the town....
red flag red flag red flag
he is so STUPID
Did he not study economy or sth
What is this supposed to be
I do not know what to think of this show is so random so unconeccted and I really do not know if I shoudl see it seriously or not
Alleluja finally a worthy scene
It's actually cute
I have to remind mayself it's his SECOND day and he is an intern - and that this series is kinda absurd
Like I know Jane cannot think for Ryan but he probaly could have been a little better mentor since the start
this looks AI generated XD
Some personal findings regarding why I do not like Jane as of first ep
Last Sunday I was even kinda suprised with myself how much I did not like Jane but then I remembered. (Also this week BLs all feel weidly personal to me). I studied Management of artistic institutions and I did my fair share of student internships (our requrement was like 2 to 4 weeks, but we also had a lot of practical classes (mosty in theaters)) and I wanted to say that in all this years I have never ever meet a person with attitude like Jane. BUT actually I did. It's just the denial syndrome kicked in and I really do not like to remember it. She pretty openly told me that I'm not suitable for this job and I should behave differently and so on and on and etc., and she also kinda accused me of taking drugs (which was absurd and only added to my confusion) - it was before theaters arrived to festival in town and it was my first day with this team (before I worked with marketing, cinema staff and in decorator room) - and I like run away from the building, call my mum, cried and I was really contemplating not coming back - but I needed to finish last week of my intership. Which I did, and this lady finally got around to me, but this first interaction kinda gave me trauma. (Also there where a lady in art gallery who called me young lady in the nastiest way possible, when I went to check if stuff for theather parade was ready, but this was a one time thing)
Fun fact: it's like 7 or 8 years later (and I did some other stuff in between) I do work in the place I did my intership and the lady who said all this things to me retired in conflict with the entire company. (Second lasy still works there but I do not think she remembers me)
So like yeah, this is why I do not like Jane in first ep
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So i think our pin post disappeared? Geuss its time to make a new one, then
Hello! We are Specialist Media Mogai!
[PT:Hello! We are Specialist Media Mogai!]
We focus on genders and identities based on other types of media! We love looking up stuff
We also don't really have a DNI. We ask that you are not here to cause drama, and thats about it. We do use the block button if you make us uncomfortable.
Rules for requests and info about us under the cut
Request Rules:
[PT: Request Rules:]
While we may coin other non-media realted genders, we will probaly only do requests for non-media stuff if we really like
We are willing to do problematic media, HOWEVER, please inform us if it is so we can tag it probably
Speaking of tags, you are always welcome to ask for me to tag something
We are shadeblind! That means we might have difficulty with knowing if something is eyestrain. Please let us know if it is!
Please note that we have some pretty bad Entomophobia ( phobia of Insects) and may decline requests that contain them
We also reserve the right to turn down any request
Please be patient with us! We stuggle a lot in our daily life, and it doesn't give us much time to work on this stuff.
Info about us
[PT: Info about us.]
We are a traumatic ployfragmented system with an unknown count. Physically. we are a non-binary fem-presenting intersex person, and mixed Japanese. We have Autsim, ADHD, Kleptomania and UDD. We are self-dx SAD, DID and currecntly investing if we have PDD or PD-TS PDD. We also have PCOS.
Pronouns Page
There are about 3 people who regularly run this blog(and yes their all introjects:
[PT: Yu]
Source: Persona Series (specifically 4)
He/Him, Thu/Thunder. Will also use Thou/Thee and that kinda stuff rarely.
Identities with every single tarot gender at this point.
Caretaker and Gatekeeper
[PT: Sol]
Source: Revita (Revita Kid, aka that bean in our profile pic.)
They/Them, Soul/Soulself, and the blue heart emojis.
Is okay at their own Source
Emotional part
[PT: Adzumi]
Does not inditfy with a gender; can not be explained in human terms
Source: Revita (Acceptance)
They/Them and most darkness and shadow related pronuns
Does not get anlong with Yu often, very Black Angel of death towards Sol (If i hurt you others can't hurt you more.)
MAKE UP YOUR MIND ON YOUR ROLES ADZUMI /lhj (make up your mind on your roles Adzumi)
At the very least, an angry shadow that does not like most of the system.
Still deserves respect. Void has a very importnat job of trauma breaking (standing up for the rest of the system and geting help)
Things we like
Special interests (Non-media): Mental illnesses and Disorders, Tarot, Jung Psychology (thanks Yu), Psychic Phenomenon, Hypnotherapy.
Special interests (Media): Persona Series (thanks Yu again), Literally any Rougelite or like (dispte this i have never played Isaac), Terraira.
Things we love coining: Genders for fictional fruit/ores/crystals, genders based on a fictional species, genders that are in a group in fiction (like x gender is a dark type pokemon), genders realted to types of magic
Gernal: Rock and Metal music, Mangos, amber, gemstones, RPG games, video games, chickens
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wingedbeings · 4 years
hi ok mor tjings 2 say actualy sory i am incapablenof shuttign up <3
#insan 2 me how ppl wil be so omg cluster bs make so little sense -____- n also abt honestly al the other personality disorders??? like#no??? i jst dont understand like it makes so much more sense 2 me?? like its all based in rly specific logic????? like i dont get how pplw#witjout tje same disorders or w in the same cluster of sumptoms jst cannot get it somehow no mattr how logically u explain it???#like no im seeious like it actually makes a lot of sense? like ppl r all omg the thinking is so crazy and unpredictable but it actually all#has such specific reasons tht literaly r so logical when you actualy think abtbit???#lik no tje thoughrs n behaviour dont actualy fulyncontradict eitjer please jstnlisten it rly doesnmake sense#ok unsexy bitches w out personality disorders probaly wont get what i mean here bc wel i am incapable of elaboritign rn but just ????????!#lik wjy is it so hard to understanf theres so much reasoning behind it and it all comes tofether in this bigger trauma fueled picture n yet?#jst do not understand ok like i dont mean this in an empathy influenced way lik u dont need empathy for it i think? like bc its logical???#wel that kind of empathy of placing urself in the same position i mean#like it isnt abt even sympathy or compassion i jst mean like an understanding of why the symptoms manifest that way?#i jst... i do not get it its genuinely such a logical reaction to specific repeated things in ur developmental phases n jst...... augh#like ppl just love to make personality disorders out to be smth illogical and awful etc bc of ableism i think?#bc then tjey dont have 2 put the efort in 2 understand and recognise as real sumptoms that arent jst all irrational and should be ignored#n shoved under the rug when dealing w tjese ''abnormal unpredictable ppl''#like ppl jst love to dehumanise us 2 tje point of being fully unwilling 2 understand and actualy listen tobus n recognise tjat our pain n#responses 2 things rnt al irrational n they r in the wrong 2 and just augh do u get it olease#like bpd and adhd have a lot of the same emotional symptoms due to rsd and w adhd theyre seen a completely different way than in bpd while#generaly tjeyre even influenced by the same things n stem from the same reactions yknow?#n i'm not saying theresnno ableism within adhd or any other disorders similar 2 it that arent the ''scary evil dangerous'' ones but jst its#different yknow?#moss.txt#wel an e ways moss psychology/overal behaviour hyperfixation actin up <3#i try 2 understand in a way lik the same way maths dont make aense 2 me the same way they do for someone w out dyscalculia but the differnce#is in wiats the accepted thing yknow#like the way evrry1 normalises not understanding n spreads the way ppl w out pds look at pds as the general knowledge on it rather than the#other way around lik w that maths scenario#the way a pd discredits you from speaking abt ur own pd#wel ableism hi <33 ok wel i wil stop ramblign now i need 2 sleep omg -_- ok#hi im jst usign bpd as an example rite now bc wel it is tje cluster b pd i hav tjats treatid tjat way a lot but tjis is abt al esp clustr b
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majimemegoro · 3 years
kinda tired of how yakuza characters all have like the same boring body just with slight tweaks in proportions so here are some body & eating/exercise headcanons for a few characters.
kiryu is probably the closest in my head to how he looks in canon, with the caveat that when he gets ‘out of shape’ in between games, he does actually lose some muscle tone. when hes in his most muscled form during the stressful main events of each game, he really does look LikeThatTM, but he doesn’t really do it on purpose. he just... drinks too many energy drinks and not enough water. kiryu youre dehydrated please take care of yourself kiryu please. also he eats stupid nonsense but somehow still has a hollywood-style body. his arms are SO good. has forgotten to eat vegetables for a whole month before. he has several gunshot-wound scars and also scars from the torture and the abdominal stabbings. [if anyone wants to go through the history and make a ‘map’ of the places on kiryu’s body where he would have scars, that would be amazing. i plan to do it myself but probaly wont have time for a few years.]
nishiki is a bit vain about his body. so hes the Health Conscious One [canon, y0 intro scene]. he doesnt diet exactly and hes always happy to eat a huge delicious meal while out on the town, but on his own he tries to make really balanced meals and stuff. his exercise regimen is second only to his haircare routine. he follows it strictly, but it’s nothing too intense. like kiryu, he’s pretty naturally good at being muscly and toned. hes never as bulky as kiryu though.
nishida is a small guy. stronger than he looks, but not shredded at all, hes just a normal pretty strong guy. loses weight in times of higher stress than usual (i.e. 100000 instead of 10000 stress, which is nishida’s daily level). tattoo is a Buddha and lotus flowers.
majima really freaking cares what he looks like. hes starved-shredded and hed do it on purpose if he had to, he wants to look ripped. he eats like garbage [canon, kiwami smile burger majima everywhere event] or just forgets to eat even though hes hungry. really disorganized and a mess but he looks good??? I guess????? hes passed out before possibly from eating only staminams for two weeks straight malnutrition, but it’s hard to say for sure what the cause was because he also... doesnt.. sleep. his joints are in surprisingly good shape, but his knees always crack when he stands up from his lil crouches. long legs. most impressive body part is probably his thighs and shredded abs. his butt is “the great plains”
its been said before but akiyama has. dad bod.
saejima eats a lot [canon, y5 gourmet substory with the girl] and exercises a lot, and gains weight really easily, muscle and fat. so hes super super bulky and well muscled, but not that shredded. like he often has visible abs but theyre meaty abs, not shrink-wrapped abs. he doesnt care what he looks like, but he wants to be  s t r o n g e. he doesn’t really like western food, and he refuses to even try smile burger. will pretty much eat anything else. despite his iconic eyebrow scar he doesnt really scar easily, most of his wounds heal without leaving too much of a mark. his boobies are one of the seven wonders of the world. also one of the few characters with a bodacious butt.
okudera is quite small, especially compared to the giant-size protagonists. maybe like 5′6″? he’s also one of those people who naturally doesnt get that hungry, and combined with his experience of starvation while dealing with trauma & guilt, the guy never eats enough. still in good shape from trekking all over the mountain day & night, skinny but really compact and sinewy. hes also mega scarred up [canon for his face]. not tattooed. his joints are in phenomenal shape for someone of his age and disregard for his personal wellbeing. gets sick pretty easily though.
kashiwagi. hes muscular but never shrink-wrapped like kiryu sometimes gets, but he has broad shoulders and a naturally snatched waist. his torso still looks like that no matter how many cold noodles he stress-eats. doesnt care at all what he looks like but people find it hard to believe because if they see him shirtless they think he has to be a narcissist (bc theyre jealous). has a really big tattoo (im thinkin full sleeves, etc) but idk what its of. actually only has a few scars aside from the facial scar.
please add your own, on new characters or where your headcanon on these characters differs from mine! i’d love to hear !!
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stitcheswashere13 · 3 years
Small Horror Movie Character Head Cannons! Part 2
helloooo- sorry for not posting yesterday i was very busy- this is part 2 to this Dms are open for request, check out part one Btw I rate my fluff reading 13+ so if you are younger I would not recommend this. 
Warnings! Fluff? mentions of abuse, trauma, things like that, murder, mental stuff, bad spelling, a bit of cursing- 
Includes the following in this part : Brahms, Bubba, Thomas, Freddy, Billy and Stu (Scream)  
Part one includes: Vincent and Bo Sinclair, Micheal Myers ( Og and RZ) And Jason                                                                             
 I think that any fear this man had as a kid has now, because I mean- he does act like a child (yk) So if he had a fear of lets say spiders he will run the other way to go find someone in the house to go kill it while he hides. He has over come a few though. 
(A x Y/n shipping one-) Golden retriever boyfriend material, there is no doubt about that.   
Give this man a harry potter book and he will finish it in less than a day.
He is a mix between a dog and a cat person in my eyes would be happy with either if i’m being honest
Yk, those sweet kids giving there mom a small handful of flowers, he was one of those kids. 
 He most likely  has body dysphoria from the mental abuse he has had from kid up to now from all of those people. 
Like Jason he would be happy with any animal. 
 If him and Vincent Sinclair ever meet you would find them in a room working together on something related to art, whether its drawing, painting or sculpting, they would be doing it.  
Most likely has either a nice hair routine or skin- 
Would also join Vincent and Bubba on this little art project   
  Also  Golden retriever boyfriend material   
Acts tough and is tough around some people and is a softie with a few
 (He has the same head cannons as Bubba for the rest)
(Though I dislike this little bitch)  he gives me the same sass level as Bo Sinclair and I don’t know why.
 Probaly has thought about or has painted his “ nails”   
Dog person for sure, most likely scared of cats (they would rip his skin) 
Only likes dark colors I have a feeling he absolutly HATES bright colors
Billy & Stu- 
They are both kinda slow, kinda airhead like, dumbasses but we still love them
Most likely were the little kids whole where full of energy and reckless
They are dog people without a doubt
They like horror and comedy movies the most ( I feel like there favorite comedy would be Dumb and Dumber, the friendship of them two would fit them) 
Authors Note! DMS ARE OPEN FOR REQUEST!! Fluff, Nsfw, more head cannon’s ect. I can do However, i will write aganst depending on the character I don’t mind writing for ya’ll so don’t be shy not to ask, Sorry for this being short I just wanted a Short Fluff-ish head Cannon! 
Well, The all for now Have a lovely day! 
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arminocean · 4 years
¿Am I the only one who thinks sakamakis have a strong mommy kink? is that,looking at them,they never had a good relationship with their mothers and I feel that they want to fill that void in some way,feel...complete.
Actually that's an amazing point, I feel like it will take a lot of time for them to accept that kink. We know most of the boys hate their mother so them meeting someone who like their mother will make them uncomfortable or mad. But, if they met someone who were caring towards them, gave them the attention, and love they never got they would feel confused. The mommy kink is there but once they become vulnerable towards that type of s/o or reader they would try to push them away. When the time come of them accepting that fact they could feel complete in a way and some traits they got from their actual mothers would extremely slowly become less visible. The reader walked in a dangerous zone, but if they are willing to be faithful and show them love I feel like the Sakamaki boys will come to appreciate it as time go on. You know what let me show an example how they react to this even though you never asked.
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He is extremely deprived of attention cause he never got it from his own mother
We also can show sighns of seperation anxiety
When their a reader who wasn't like an exact mothe figure, but show characteristics of how a loving mother would act
He automatically grasp on
He would threaten the reader a lot, bit when only met with comforting words he goes on a tantrum
He dosen't want to accept of having a mommy kink but when he does he actually become really vulnerable
Not in the bratty way, but in the way young Kanato was vulnerable if that make since
I feel like it will be a lot easier for him to accept his mommy kink while having sex
But once you reach the scale of making it more than another kink during sex, you reached and dangerous but good point
Kanato will still threaten you, but when he realize how dependent he is on you and that you are willing not out of fear, to love him and care about him
He would find a really hard time killing you, and if you cn actually help heal some of his trauma he will stay attached to you forever. (Can have effects of yandere Kanato, Kanato being around you all the time, some blood loss, many tea parties, and headaches from loud noise, do at your own risk)
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Did someone hear kink
Now Laito is adventurous during sex and down for everything
But he is also a playboy, and smart
When he realize he have a mommy kink he was honestly like "Cool hey reader come on we are trying mommy kink"
But when a reader who has traits that would make up a loving mother he tries to avoid that by sex
But when he is confronted with his mommy kink being brougt out the sex category
He turns a blind eye, he may try to date other girl, he may cheat all of that
But when he realize you can see straight threw him he try to keep up this I don't care facade but is slowly cracking
He try to make you stop by having sex, but when you are stern and admitt you won't put up with his bs
You can see he start cracking looking like he is about to throw up
Whe you keep showing him actual love that is outside of sex he becomes vulnerable and does not like it
But, also have a hard time pushing you away since he never got this kind of love
When he actually admitt that he likes the mommy kink more than just it being about sex
You can see some weight be lifted off his shoulders
You will probaly have to comfort him a lot because he will actually cry for once
After that, and as your relationship keeps growing he is actually a pretty nice, serious , caring, and smart "person"
He will trust you more than anyone else and appreciate you a lot, especially if you help heal his trauma
Also starts to understand the difference between lust and love slowly but surely
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Subaru relationship with his mother is a little different since he actually loves her
But the problem is she didn't love him back, well atleast didn't make it too clear for Subaru that she did
You can see he has more comman since than most of his brothers
When a reader who give off traits of a loving, caring mother he is disturbed at first
He will try to avoid them, not because they remind him of a good mother
But feel if he gets too close to them, they just think of him as a monster
When he realize that he has a mommy kink he gets embarrassed and mad
He probably going to have hard time admitting it
But when he realize you know what he is thinking he will be embarrassed and scared
Even thoug he tried to avoid you, he felt at ease that you gave him comfort nobody else would
So when you found out, he thought you were going to call him a monster
When all you said is that his kink was fine, and you guys could try it out he looked really confused
When the mommy kink started to go beyond the bedroom that where he started to really panic
He tried pushing you away not wanting to get his hope up, just to then mess up and get called a monster
When he tried to push you away, and instead you tried to talk to him and explain that you give him time if he need it
He just felt guilty, but thankful
When he did admitt he has a mommy kink more than just sex he was kind of releived
If you keep showing him love, and affection you might see another side of Subaru
A Subaru who is sweet, gentle, and loving
I promise you he is going to love, and protect you with all his soul
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He always wanted his mother to say that she was proud of him, or that he is amazing
He wanted to be better than his brother
So when a reader who can give him what he always wanted from a mother appears
He is intrigue
He won't be nice just for that reason he might even be more strict with the reader
But he isn't dumb, he does realize that the reader is something that he always wanted
So he will try to keep them all to himself
When he realize he has mommy issues he ignores it, he has too much pride to admitt to something like that
And when the readers confront him on it, he scolds them and tell them to stay in their place
But when the reader actually stick up to him and scold him for acting like a child he freezes
His ego felt a little bruised, and when the reader hugged him and comforted him he felt confused
He knew this mommy kink wasn't just about sex so he knew what he was getting into
But as time went on an he accepted it he felt kind of happy
He appreciated how his s/o gave him everything his mother couldn't
He was still the strict Reiji
But now he also felt like he didn't have to put that facade up when with you
He really will have a soft spot just for you
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Ayato really is a playful vampire
So someone who is kind of like a mom can annoy him at first
Now he does have a mommy kink but he dosent really realize that
Someone who is caring, and give him much needed attention make him happy
Someone wh only care about him feeds his ego
But when he realize he has a mommy kink he is really confused
He hates his mother so how does he have a mommy kink
He will ask the other brothers even though he dosent want to
The person who point of view on mommy kink make the most since is Reiji
Since he now know the meaning of it he will try to bring it up without actually bringing it up.
He try to avoid the part of the kink that goes you know beyond the bedroom
When you bring up the topic of the actual emotional parts of the relationship he gets mad at you
You have to be patient and calm because Ayato is stubborn
He Isn't good at handling emotions, especially when he has to be vulnerable
But when he does come in terms with it he honestly dosent look like he change at all from someone like yuma point of view
But he actually does change he better at showing emotion, and putting his god complex away
Yes he still tease you but It's more in a loving way
Since he know that you actually love him, and going to stay loyal to him he is going to shower you with all the love he has
He also going to be loyal to you
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Now Shuu always had high expectations he needed to reach as a child
So when someone who gives off vibes a good mother give off he dosent care
He too caught up in his own world to care about them
Also he feels like you are just going to be annoying like everyone else in the mansion
When he realize he have mommy kink he really dosent care
He know that if he admitt this kink it probably going to become more than just a kink
He act like he dosent care that you are taking care of him and showing him love
In reality he actually like it but dosent want to deal with the consequences of saying it at loud
When he does admitt he has a mommy kink he makes it clear that he dosent want you making a big deal out of it
When in return your gentle, and say your proud lf him for admitting that
Like you knew how hard it was for him to say that
A switch in his brain turn on making him confused
He gets upset because he keep thinking if the small actions you do, making it hard for him to sleep
But when he does feel more comfortable around you, and the mommy kink become more than a kink
He a very sweet, talented, and sarcastic vampire
Both you and Shuu know that there are going to be some difficulties in this relationship
But him knowing that you are going to stick with him threw thick and thin
Makes him happy, and he'll try to do his best with you
A/n- yes they probably have a mommy kink༼⊼ɷ⊼༽
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mischiefthedreamerx · 2 years
To Heal From The Past [Part 4]
Synopsis: After the events in Cairo, Marc is returning to his childhood home, in hopes of rebuilding his distant relationship with his dad. With the help of Layla and Steven, is Marc finally ready to heal from the past?
A/N: So this will be the chapter where Marc and Layla explain to Elias about Marc's DID. The characters will try their best to explain it.
Click here for part 1
Word Count: 2.5k
Chapter 4: Time To Unhide
Morning had resumed somewhat normal, all three had breakfast together which felt less akward than before. Elias had questions to ask but knew it was not the time. He would not push Marc in any way, Elias had to see things from his son's point of view. To Layla's surpirse, the two of them even spoke casually, though Layla could still feel the tension in Marc's body.
"I saw you in your old room last night. You can go in there as much as you like. I cleaned it up a bit, though I still kept some of the toys. Didn't have the heart to throw them away."
Marc frowned. "I was in my room last night?" Marc had literally no recollection of waking up that night. He turned to Layla who also looked just as confused. Marc briefly looked in the window to see his reflection; he saw Steven silently shake his head.
"You don't remember?" Elias asked.
"I was probably just sleep walking." Though both Marc and Layla knew he had never once sleep walked. It woud be a conversation Marc and Layla would have later on.
"Oh." Elias said, Marc was glad he did not question it futher. "I was thinking, maybe we could take a ride around the neighbourhood? Show Layla around?"
Layla piped in. "I'd like that." Maybe it would do them all some good to get out the house that was smoking with tension and heightend emotions. Marc wanted to choose the right time to tell his father about his DID but to be honest, there was no 'right time'. Might as well get over it. Marc felt slightly more relaxed since switching back after had Steven fronted.
"Dad. There's something I need to talk to you about." Marc said as he was sat down on the sofa.
Elias paused in worry. "About what? Is something wrong?"
Marc shook his head. "Everything's fine. It's about what happened after you left the bedroom this morning. I have, um, have this..disorder." Calling it a disorder was so new to him that it was hard to say the words. Layla sat beside him.
"Yeah. Had it ever since I was 10. " There was no going back now. Layla held Marc's hand.
"Okay." Elias sat down on the oposite side. "I'm listening."
Marc sighed. "I don't even know where to start."
"What's this disorder called?" Elias asked. That was a good place to start at least, thought Marc tensed up. Layla looked at him, squeezing his hand.
"Want me to explain it?" She asked. Marc shook his head, as much as he loved Layla or Steven to explain it, Marc needed to do this, he had to do this or he'd always be this way; hiding his truths.
"No. I need to do this."
Elias looked between Marc and Layla. "Whatever it is Marc, I'll support you no matter what."
"Thanks." Marc smiled, it was genuine but brief. "I don't want you to think I'm faking it or loosing my mind." Marc probaly lost his mind the moment he died and met a talking hippo.
"I wont."
Marc wanted to believe him. "I have...dissociate identity disorder." Marc looked at his father's face that remained neutral, waiting for Marc to explain more before talking. "It's caused by childhood trauma." Marc said as matter of fact.
Elias's face dropped. He held his hands together, lowering his head.
"Oh. I see."
Marc could see the guilt in his father’s eyes, Marc couldn't help but feel sad for him. Guilt was a heavy burden to bare.
"It causes the person's personality to split apart. To become fragmentened." Marc wasn't so keen on that word, it made him feel like he was broken but he knew deep down that he was never broken. He had always been whole. "I have a seperate identity inside of me, or personality. I created him to escape from all the trauma." Marc didn't want to unload too much information to his father.
Elias sat there in silence for a moment taking this all in, he frowned trying to make sense of it all. "Sorry, this is a lot to take in. So what you're saying is that you have someone else living inside of you?"
"I guess, it's hard to explain this all, even for me. It would be better if I showed you but it doesn't always work out like that."
"Okay. So what was happening when I left the room this morning?"
Marc shared a tender look in Layla's direction before continuing, silently thanking her for being here with him. "When I become distressed with emotions, I, um, change. Steven takes over to help me handle my emotions."
"Steven?" Elias frowned. "He's your other identity, right?"
"Yeah he is. He's been there for me more times then I can count."
"He protects you?" Elias asked.
Marc smiled down to himself, eyes softening as he looked at his brief reflection on the glass coffee table. "Yeah. He protects me."
"There's plenty of webistes and resources I could show you if you ever need more information." Layla commented. "It is a lot to take in but you'll get used to it. Steven’s a lovely guy, I'm sure the two of you will get on fine."
Marc then looked down again at the table, he wouldn’t try to convience Steven to come out but he wanted to ask anyway; "You want to come out, Steven? No one's forcing you to."
Within seconds, Marc's expressions changed; large innocent eyes, not a single stain of tention on his soft face. Elias was taken back in surprise as he sat back, analysing the body that had so suddenly changed in more ways than one.
The first thing Steven did was turn to look at Layla, anxiety riddled across his features, wide eyes lost for words as if searching for guidance and reasurance. Steven was always the one for many words, once he started talking it was sometimes hard for him to stop but right now he didn't know what he was suppose to say. Steven didn't imagine he'd feel this way. He thought he’d be happy.
Still holding the body's hand, Layla spoke; "It's okay, Steven. Take your time.”
Though to both Layla and Steven's surpirse, Elias was the one to initate the conversation with Steven;
"It's nice to finally meet you, Steven." Elias wouldn't admit it out loud but it felt so strange to use a diffrent name to the body that belonged to his son, in fact all of this felt strange but Elias focused on his son's feelings, this wasn't his time to voice his own.
Steven slowly turned to face Marc's father. "Hiya.." He waved. "Sorry I know this must be super weird for you, and all. I'm not dangerous like they show in the films with the whole 'evil split personality' thing. I watched this film once called 'Split' pretty crap representaion actually..We don't turn into some monster that climbs walls and kidnaps people.." Steven mumbled,half talking to himself towards the end. He saw the confusion in Elias's face only increase.
"Sorry, I talk a lot when I'm nevous."
Layla couldn't help but supress her laughter. "Relax, Steven."
"So you're not Marc, are you?"
"Um, this is where it get pretty confusing. I'm him, and he's me but at the same type we're seperate people living in one body. It's complicated. Wasn't even that long ago that I found out I wasn't the original one.”
"Right, I guess that make sense..Do you share the same memories of Marc's childhood?" It would take Elias awhile to get his head around this all but he'd do this for his son, it was the least he could do.
"I remember all the happy memories. I remembr you and mum, though I have no memories of ever having a brother. I..don't have any memories of the horrible things mum did to Marc. I remember having a happy childhood." Then Steven forget about his anxiety, sadness took its place instead. "It was only recently that Marc told me our mum had died. For years I'd been sending her voicemails..Marc was sending postcards to my flat in London to pretend they were from her." At first Steven had hated Marc for doing that, giving Steven false hopes but he soon began to understand why Marc did it all; to protect Steven. They both protected each other in diferrent ways.
"He wanted to give you life that he never had." This wasn't a question, it was the conclusion Elias had came to.
Steven nodded.
Then Elias asked a question that shook Steven to his core, a part of reality he did not wish to encounter.
"So I'm not really your father, am I?" Elias asked out of curiosity.
Steven wanted to curl into himself and disapear. He had so many happy memories with Marc's parents, but were they really his memories? Steven had no parents, it was all a lie. But Steven could never hate Marc for trying to make Steven’s miserable life happy.
Steven didn't want to cry but his tears easily slipped through fast. Steven was never the one to hide his emotions, he wasn’t quite sure how. He slowly shook his head. Layla placed a hand on his shoulder as Steven wiped away the tears.
Elias did not press on for more. "Sorry, it wasn't my intention to upset you. I only want to better understand this." Elias spoke softly.
Layla spoke for Steven instead; "We understand." Steven remained silent, avoiding eye contact with anyone.
"Steven?" Layla squeezed his shoulder.
"I, um, I think I'd like to go back now, Marc, if that's alright? Sorry I’ve been a right ol’ killjoy. Guess I’ll see you around, yeah?” He turned his gaze away from the coffee table, eyes returning to Elias before they closed and Steven disappeared. Marc returned, body posture becoming more defensive. Layla removed her hand from his shoulder.
"Marc?" Elias called out.
"It's me." Marc stated. "He’s a pretty sensitive guy at times."
"Sorry about that, I didn't wish to hurt him." Elias apologised. "You heard the conversation between us two?"
"Sort of, only parts of it. Whoever is currently in control of the body, the other one has little or no memory of what happened, like we're loosing time."
Elias laid back against the sofa, becoming more relaxed. "I won't bore you with anymore questions. I think I've said quite enough." Though Marc did appreciate Elias was open minded and interested in wanting to understand it more. But Marc knew one day there would be people who weren't willing to learn.
"No, it's fine. I appreaciate it. I was worried you wouldn't believe me."
"I believe you, son. Thank you for telling me. It must of been hard for you to keep this all to yourself."
It was now all over and done with. No more secrets, well apart from the whole Moon Knight situation which Marc was quite happy to keep that part of his life a hidden, maybe if he had solid proof and evidence that he was once enslaved to an egyptian god he'd show his father but that was no longer possible.
"So there's no one else? Just Steven?" Elias asked.
Marc and Layla exchanged a look between them. Maybe. Yes. Definetly. Layla let Marc decide on what to say to Elias.
"We don't know just yet." It wasn't entirely a lie since Marc and Layla had yet to meet this other alter. Marc wasn't ready for when he'd meet them, what kind of person were they?. "Still trying to figure that out."
"Okay." Elias smiled softly.
And so that was that. It had been three full days of heavy emotions and far too much heartche, they all now hoped things would gradually begin to settle. It would still take time but right now would be a good place to start.
"I'd love to take a ride out if the offer still stands?" Layla asked Elias as she stood up.
"Of course, I'll treat us to lunch."
And so Elias drove Layla and Marc out of town for the day, Marc was glad to be out for awhile. They first walked round a nearby nature reserve, Marc remembered this place well; a long lake and many routes and pathways that him and his brother used to explore together. Marc picked up a few small stones and placed them in his pocket, though Layla did not ask why.
Whilst they were there, Elias was keen on asking questions about their wedding as Layla showed him a few photos from her phone.
"You've definetly got a keeper here, Marc." Elias commented as Layla showed him a photo of herself in her white and golden wedding dress.
"I sure have." Marc smiled at his wife, placing his arm around her as they walked down the lake. The divorce papers were still half unsighned at Steven's apartment but Marc hoped and prayed they got lost in all the clutter.
After the nature reserve, Elias drove them to a diner for lunch, wasn't anything fancy at all but it was decent. They had planned to head back home afterwards but Marc wanted to visit one final place that he hadn’t visited in a very long time.
Elias opened the wooden gates to the graveyards. The graveyard was farely large, lined with many trees that had begun to loose their leafs, covering the ground in yellow and orange hues.
They gravestone wasn't a far way to walk. It was a simple grey headstone. The top part contained some jewish scripture then below read; 'Here lies Randall Spector (RoRo) A kind and adventurous soul. Beloved son and brother.' Then with his date of birth and death written at the end.
"I came here a few weeks ago to tidy it up." Elias said. Layla stood there in silence, her hands held together.
"Can't remember the last time I visited, must of been before I left home at 16." Time flew too fast. Marc wanted to visit during the day of his mother's shiva but was unable to due to his emotional breakdown.
"It shouldn't of took me so long to come visit you. I'm sorry." Marc took the stones out of his pocket and placed them top of the headstone were several over stones and pebbled lay.
Elias placed a hand on Marc's shoulder. "You had a lot going on,Marc. Don't be so hard on yourself." Elias then looked to his left down the line of tomb stones.
"Don't mind me, I'll only be a few minutes. Take your time.” He then walked down into that direction. Marc knew were he was going; to visit his mothers gravestone. Selfishly, Marc had no deisre to follow. He had a single stone left in his pocket but made no attempt to take it out.
“What are the stones for?” Layla asked.
“It’s a common Jewish cemetery custom to leave stones on graves. It’s a sign that someone’s visited the grave; an act of remembrance. ” Marc explained. He then asked her an usual question;
"What do you think happens, when we die?" Marc casually asked out of interested.
Layla frowned at the odd question. "I believe the afterlife takes on many forms. Or perhaps we live on through other people." It definetely took on different forms from Marc and Stevens wild experience.
"Well for one, I hope my afterlife doesnt involve any more talkng animals this time..." Marc joked. Layla laughed in response.
"She was actually pretty nice." Layla confessed, maybe slightly annoying but Layla couldn't thank her enough for assisting them in stoping Amit.
"The talking hippo?" Marc said is disbelief. Marc heard Steven's nattering voice reminding him of Tawerets name.
"Yeah. I did look pretty badass too." Both him and Steven couldn't agree more. She was a sight to behold.
"The Scarlet Scrab." Marc mavouled in wonder.
Elias returned back to them after visting his wife's gravestone.
"You two ready to head back home?"
"We're ready." Marc pulled Layla close to him. He took one final look at his brother's grave before turning away. He promised to return again.
The three of them headed back into the car as Elias drove them home.
Home. Maybe Marc could begin to use that word once again.
I wanted to include Jake in a sneaky way XD The next chapter will be the final chapter and a smaller one just to tie up a few loose ends.
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dykemetaldeath · 3 years
Ur local dyke ranting abt the megistune MV and lives
( this is just my uncalled for dykey westerners analysis lol )
so it’s abt performing femininity!!!!
Let’s look at the lyrics first! ( these are from genius so take with a kitsune horn of salt)
Dressed-up Miss Fox
[Check it! Cheer up! Check it! Cheer up!
Women are expected to present in a dressed up way pertaining to gender roles
The lines check it !cheer up! Speak to women pushing emotions down, having to check it so they stay Neutral outwardly and cheer up.
“Let her show her various aspects!”
This is pretty straightforward and sweet I really like how blunt they are abt the notion of one demensional women are pushed my main stream society and media
“You dance in the transient dream
Getting over thousands years
You live today”
Generational traumas or expectations passed down and spoon fed, alternatively this can be a more positive wall of strength saying like we are all her together.
“Ah, it's right. Always women are actresses
We're not foxes, not deceiving”
First line is pretty self explanatory and speaks of the whole song really but I want to touch on the not deceiving line since on my opinions cishet women have been known to be called deceiving ie through makeup, dress or friendship with shitheaded men.
“"It's right", we never show our tears” speaks more to the actress motif and that women must be a cheery creature. This sentiment of actress and pushing down ones emotions can also strongly serve for a critique of the idol industry in which all of the BM girls grew up in.
“Ah, blooming and falling is the fate for a woman” this shows the use by date On women forced globally, it can be seen also strongly in the idol industry again where typically the age range for popular mainstream idols is 16-24.
The costumes!!
Although the costumes are incredibly beautiful in the MV as a white westerner I don’t feel I can speak much on the analysis of these garments! They are so so beautiful though!!
The masks further this idea of masking ones true emotions acting as a physical mask hiding the girls faces.
This can be seen in the MV and arguably in lives , we see the girls in the opening shots of the MV with masks covering their faces portraying a serious stoic person yet later we see their masks literally drop to reveal bubbly playful young girls! Metaphors babeeyyyyy!!!
Most of this section of analysis is pretty obvious with the moves mimicking makeup application. At festivals ( I’m reframing Glastonbury 2019 specifically) their entrance into the song is masked and bowing in a formal and polite way showing traditional femininity and angering to expectations and roles.
They turn away from the crowd and drop their masks , letting us into their true selves and feelings.However I believe there can be further analysis of specific moves. And by the end the masks ( in the form of their hands) are back up, they are back to performing femininity for Society and the male gaze( it’s also just a great pose to end on lol looks amazing)
The masks ofc are an adorable prop used in the dance and are all around just perfect for the song!!
How this is a pretentious reach but the signature move of megistune with crossing the arms followed my a throwing action can speak to the building and indoctrination of femininity ( the arms brining up to cross over the chest ) and the throwing motion is the rejection of this ! ( ugh I know a reach but still fun to think abt haha )
(While I’m watching this gladstonbury performance oh my god!! Moas mic is so fucking loooowwww ok convinced koba has it out for my GIRL😤)
The references to needing to be a poised women really hit when Moa pushed her chin up with her hand like she looks like a goddess while doing it but hey this is an analysis not a gay rant!!( It’s both, it’s always both)
( side note! I LOOOOOVE in the bridge when the girls can just let go and have fun like riho just looks like she’s having so much fun on stage and ofc Moa and su’ s lil mask rendezvous always get me 🥺)
Ok back to the MV analysis
The shot where su is looking down to at the mask abt to put it on HITS bc she actively choosing and making her self put that femininity mask onnnnnn
The girls say the BM started as a way to get younger women into the metal scene ( probs bit 100% tru bc money hungry koba but still) and that their songs are written so young women like themselves can relate to them and as a nonbinary she they mother fucker I heavily relate to the idea of constructed femininity it’s such an amazing song!!
Most of this was and I’d probaly Very obvious and intentional but! I still felt like ranting! Am I saying most of my analysis was reaching and looking too deep and koba defs didn’t intend on it bc cmon he’s koba 🙄
Last note abt this but I recently realised that in the MV yui and Moa are little spirits of sprites of the location and Moa is the human girl or just not a sprite like the other two!! Coolllll!!!
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rowenna-887 · 4 years
i feel like have something more for Priya get so into on the Marina’s case.
if i recording well,on University Life Priya say the reason for her family get off for her country.she tell to us it was because her family want to get the woman’s rights on her country and don’t end up well.
maybe the reason of Priya help Marina and want to listen Candy or any other person is because she or her mother  pass for something like that instead of her wants inpress her idol.
i feel the climax of this arc will be somthing like that:
Marina will tell the truth or Candy gona find proves of the truth (probably she gonna do someything like she did with Debrah on HSL)
Priya will get really disapointed and sad and will tell the real reason for she get so into this case.she probaly gona say something “i wanted to help her because when it happened to me,nobody wants to help,just my parents.i wanted to prove that every girl who pass for this can and will be helped for me.but i think i just mess more the things insted to help”
Rayan probaly gonna have his job back and will be seeing like the good guy and/or the victim
and Marina...will be seeing like the villain.not she don’t deserve be seeing like that.but she is just a teeneger,after the arc be resolved,everyone gonna treat her different,her friends,professors even her parents gonna treat her different,because she lied. the people who will more surfer after this arc will be Rayan,Marina and Priya. Marina will have an trauma of fell in love for someone again. Rayan will have an trauma of get an friendship with his students. Priya will have an trauma of deal with that type of case (of couse she gonna deal if appear some case like that,but she gonna have an little fear.)
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viktormaru · 5 years
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@cosmicconundrum now u got me, cause even though ive watched the start of kakashi’s anbu arc several times, ive never actually finished it cause i always drop it when it starts focusing on itachi sjsjsjs... i was saving it for when i reached there w/ my gf
What i can say abt it is that ANBU really was... A Time for Kakashi
Afterall, when Kakahi joins up he joins freshly out of murdering rin, he’s traumatized and he’s called fucking Friend Killer Kakashi, which is... not good... he’s violent and kills without having to and has terrible episodes thanks to his trauma and he closes off to his friends a lot.   Minato dies and we see kakashi so full of that “darkness” that he really almost goes along with murdering the fucking hokage. But kakashi is loyal , and thinks for himself so he doesnt.
Still, after that it seems kakashi is a bit at loss, navigating the world by himself. He’s tense and stuff a lot but he seems to mellow out compared to his beggining days in anbu. We see that when he spares tenzou’s life (claiming it to be an asset for the village) but we truly see him just.. calming down and basically lose that aggressive violence stored up from his earlier years at anbu when he meets with tenzou while chasing after orochimaru (how he decided to lie to protect tenzou).  kakashi is anbu at the beggining because they didnt know what to do with him, and kakashi stays anbu because he thinks thats all hes good at, destroying things. But kakashi goes out of his way to protect ppl he calls comrades and thats how tenzou comes to respect him so much (and so does his other teammates in anbu).
 Kakashi doesnt really baby his team, they are anbu after all, but he makes it clear that he’d sooner die then let anything happen to any of them, and with time i guess that trait of him became clearer and clearer, and thats why Kakashi is Kakashi of the Sharingan instead of Friend Killer Kakashi.
In the end, kakashi just wants his team to trust each other and rely on eachother. He wants them to be their best and he will do what he can for them to get there. He’s their guide but he doesn’t think of himself worth of any praise or as someone to be looked up to, just someone who’s giving the tools he has so they can shine On their own. Like ive said before, seems like kakashi thinks of himself as someone whos bound to die and be forgotten eventually, and thats how he goes through life. again, havent seen much abt him and itachi but like i said, he doesnt really seem to baby itachi despite his age, we see him gt dissapointed at his team for distrusting the boy, and see him bet his opinion out as to why they do what they do as anbu in the hopes itachi understand, but he carries on with the mission like “this is what we must do, and you can count on me to get it done”
He thinks himself a tool to help others and he thinks being anbu is just a curse he must carry on, so getting pulled off anbu really must felt like someone pulling the carpet out under his feet. Losing that routine and that certainty that this was his Life until the end must have put him in a really strange position.
But like, i say kakashi “mellows out” but kakashi was still traumatized and not coping with it.... i feel like just.. the anger died down and he was just left out fedling tense and depressed, he was shut out from his friends outside of work and i believe he’d barely even show up eithout the anbu mask, to the point his friends felt the need to intervene. So like, he still wasnt ok, though i feel like his connection with tenzou put some focus in his life for a while
Wow this is probaly confusing coming from my brain nonstop at 4am so i’ll try to make a few quick points or something like that of some random thoughts
- kakashi went through some character changes in anbu, from the aggressive, hurting kid at the beggining, to a mellowed out, friendlier man we know today (though of course his skills were still very much honed, and we also know lots of times he coukd never get off the tense, high alert, assassin mindset, which was very bad since it wasnt allowing him to heal completely)
-  kakashi  cares for his subordinates but somehow doesnt expect them to care for him, and shows to be uncomfortable by being looked up on
- he’s really accepting of their fates of tools of konoha and doesnt question it that much, but offers his assistance to keep his team alive no matter what
- tenzou was def important to kakashi. I feel like thats one of the first times he gets invested in someone for a long time, and tenzou is someone he managed to help in the end, like, a thing he did good instead of ruining, and i love how they developed their friendship and im pretty sure tenzou just being there helped slow kakashi’s descent into a further depression
Am i even making sense
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