#mcl ep 11
mclangel · 1 year
Alright! A Rough MCL Nathaniel Ep 17 Guide
Alright, so this is what got me the illustration:
1) When you get to the suite with the first choice, choose to go swimming with Nath.
2) Take the Water bottle! This is important!
3) Say you want to go back to the overlook
4) When you get lost both times, stay confident.  Don’t choose the options that will seem despairing.
5) Ask for his phone - it’ll have a compass!
6) Choose the lychee looking berries
7) Scream.  Loudly (this was so funny to me)
8) Tell Nath you’re going to collect branches and he will collect stones.
9) Get the low hanging branches
10) Tell him he’ll have something funny to talk about with his psychologist (THIS made me laugh.)
11) Choose to take your towel off/the shmexy option.
And viola!
I hope this helps anyone else. I think these were all the choices.
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rowenna-887 · 4 years
i feel like have something more for Priya get so into on the Marina’s case.
if i recording well,on University Life Priya say the reason for her family get off for her country.she tell to us it was because her family want to get the woman’s rights on her country and don’t end up well.
maybe the reason of Priya help Marina and want to listen Candy or any other person is because she or her mother  pass for something like that instead of her wants inpress her idol.
i feel the climax of this arc will be somthing like that:
Marina will tell the truth or Candy gona find proves of the truth (probably she gonna do someything like she did with Debrah on HSL)
Priya will get really disapointed and sad and will tell the real reason for she get so into this case.she probaly gona say something “i wanted to help her because when it happened to me,nobody wants to help,just my parents.i wanted to prove that every girl who pass for this can and will be helped for me.but i think i just mess more the things insted to help”
Rayan probaly gonna have his job back and will be seeing like the good guy and/or the victim
and Marina...will be seeing like the villain.not she don’t deserve be seeing like that.but she is just a teeneger,after the arc be resolved,everyone gonna treat her different,her friends,professors even her parents gonna treat her different,because she lied. the people who will more surfer after this arc will be Rayan,Marina and Priya. Marina will have an trauma of fell in love for someone again. Rayan will have an trauma of get an friendship with his students. Priya will have an trauma of deal with that type of case (of couse she gonna deal if appear some case like that,but she gonna have an little fear.)
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the-goddamn-mermaid · 5 years
Attention, everyone!
I love Nathaniel and he deserves the world and I'M GONNA PROTECT HIM NO MATTER WHAT
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everablack · 5 years
The new ep?
I dont give a dam about it
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mycandydiary · 2 years
Remember when Nathaniel dumped Melody?
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candysweetposts · 3 years
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Another outfit from LN that I like. This was made a while ago, but I also wanted to draw something so... yeah, it took much more than I expected.
The background is from Shining Nikki.
© Beemoov
© Love Nikki Games
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mcl-pauly · 5 years
me: watching the date with cas thinking about how funny the illu for it is
candy: “and i promise, i won’t let go of you”
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theinsolentone · 5 years
MCL Fandom (including me) is discussing about Nathaniel and Castiel routes...
...Meanwhile Hyun’s fans:
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Oh, you sly dog!
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suiren-sama · 5 years
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Auntie Location, MCL University Life - Episode 11
After Chani tells you to go pick an outfit in your room, head to the dining hall before you do anything else. Auntie gives us... A cat!
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meleiys · 5 years
Old but gold
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lonestarfangirl2014 · 7 years
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See this? IT KEEPS POPPING UP WTF GUYS HHHHHHHHHEEEEEEEELLLLLLLLLPPPPP PPPPPPP! It's a bug right? I WASTED CLOSE TO 300 ap on this episode I think ugh it's pissing me off
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crowstorm-mcl · 6 years
Analise do Episódio 10 + Rota Castiel
Tem muita coisa pra falar sobre esse episódio... 
1) Roteiro:
Vamos começar estabelecendo duas coisas, primeiro o episódio foi bem fan service, segundo o roteiro foi o mais próximo da realidade. O episódio mostra uma semana comum na vida da docete, ela vai às aulas, tem que fazer um trabalho em grupo com a Melody, é agradecida calorosamente pelos professores por conta do evento, encontra os paqueras de forma natural... Até aí tudo bem. Depois tem a briga com a Yeleen e o chamado primeiro encontro.
2) Yeleen
Eu sempre pensei que mais cedo ou mais tarde a Yeleen ia causar problemas mais sérios pra docete... Obviamente ela é apaixonada no Castiel e na banda, mas isso não é o único motivo pelo qual ela guarda esse ódio infinito da docete. Ela tem que lidar com uma mãe MUITO chata, complicada, rainha da porra toda... Ela é quase uma Ambre 2.0 (Próprio Castiel fala isso). Enfim, a do7 perde a paciência e resolve “lavar a roupa suja” na academia, a Yeleen obviamente não tem maturidade pra sequer conversar sobre isso e faz um mini escândalo (eu queria mt uma imagem deles brigando), o Castiel aparece e tenta acalmar as coisas (como se ele e o Nathaniel fossem duas margaridas juntas). Resumindo a dita cuja passa o resto do episódio evitando a docete e até dormindo no quarto de outros estudantes. Vamos ver se o episódio 11 trás uma solução permanente 
3) Primeiro Encontro 
Uma das coisas que eu mais gostei no episódio e que eu já tinha previsto, era que o paquera iria tomar a atitude dessa vez. Naturalmente ele chama a do7 pra sair (o crush ou o com +loveo) e a partir daí as coisas se desenrolam de uma forma bem fofa, em todos os casos. A docete saí com o paquera, rola um beijo e... É ISSO. Só Deus sabe oq vai acontecer agora. 
Duas coisas eu tenho certeza: A docete NÃO está namorando e VAI rolar um período de chove não molha no casal até pq foi muito rápido
4) Fan Service
Apesar do episódio ter uma rota mais realista e apesar de termos um encontro de verdade e tudo mais, eu achei muito cedo. Primeiro que a docete trocou 3 palavras com o paquera e do nada sonho erótico, do nada beijo... A atração dela com o Rayan era óbvia e já tinha rolado uma paquera entre eles, com o Hyun era mais fácil, ele já tinha deixado na cara... Agora, o Nathaniel tá fazendo cu doce (mesmo assim a rota dele foi a melhor), o Castiel tava puto com a docete (pra variar) e a Priya quase não aparece direito (tadinha mano). E do nada, encontro e do nada beijo, puro FAN SERVICE DE NOVO!
Isso me fez pensar que, não vamos ter arcos em UL, a história vai ser focada no paquera de escolha, obviamente a docete vai acabar sendo amiga dos outros paqueras e consequentemente ajudá-los nos seus problemas, mas o foco vai ser no arco/paquera que ela escolheu. Na minha cabeça fez sentido
5) Bônus - Rota do Rebelde sem Causa
Pra começo de conversa eu amei a situação dos dois presos no quarto da docete. Também amei o fato do Castiel dar encima da do7 na cara dura e amei a docete dizendo pra ele beijá-la! Faltou só um: Eu nunca esqueci de você 
Agora apesar do meu ego ter adorado o Castiel beijando a docete na frente das tietes, isso me incomodou e não foi pouco. Alguém parou pra pensar que ele teve uma atitude ridícula e bem infantil? Ele ia acabar com a farra, a docete o convenceu a não fazer isso pq ia ser mal pra banda, blz, ele chega lá e fala “É notícia que vocês querem?” Mano, ngm percebeu o quanto isso é problemático? Ele “usou” a docete no momento da raiva... Só perdoei pq ele iria beijá-la de qualquer forma, mas não gostei do contexto que isso aconteceu.
Tive que editar a imagem, tirando aquele monte de tiete do fundo, ficou bem mais agradável (minha opinião)
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6) Por que vocês não devem se iludir com a ideia de um namoro?
O Castiel é famoso, a docete vai ser alvo de ódio das fãs
O Rayan é professor, preciso nem falar
o Nath tem amigos duvidosos, pode colocar a docete em perigo
A Priya está pensando em voltar pra Índia, em um trabalho perigoso
A Clemence não ia deixar a coitada em paz se descobrir sobre ela e o Huyn (Aliais pode custar o emprego da do7) 
Resumindo: Isso é muito maior que a docete e o paquera e eu espero que eles usem isso e construam uma boa história, pq tem potencial 
E a Ambre se fudeo de novo kkk Pq o Cast é nosso, vlws, flws
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aloy97 · 4 years
MCL   EP. 12 Commentary
                                                                                                                              Castiel: I’m really happy that things are finally taking a turn, I really hope that the contract can be signed, also because it would be a shame that even here again, who takes it in that place is always Castiel... I’m just sorry we couldn’t spend a lot of time together and not have seen half a pic.. T.... T
Priya: I’m glad she has  decided to think  personally for herself  but I can’t forgive you and I don’t like spending time with you.. What she did to Rayan is unforgivable is not at all professional, idem with potatoes renata..
Renata: already from the university  she wasn’t particularly nice( I think we saw her  for the first time in season 2 but I could be wrong, I ask if I come in case)... In this episode she showed perfectly how much power and abuse in itself, give to the head.I’m happy that Priya  and Renata no longer work together.EVEN IF THIS PART CHANGES AND SOME GIRLS HAVE SAID, PRIYA , DEPENDING WHAT  YOU’VE SAID TO HER In the 11th episode and this one, SHE CAN STILL WORK WITH RENATA.
Despite this:
Here we no longer talk about professionalism, if it comes into play the thirst for revenge and egocentrism, mixed with visceral hatred induced by childhood traumas... So as far as I’m concerned, I honestly don’t even have to reckon with being a lawyer.
Marina: not even she is saved in my humble opinion, I was just bothered not to be able to liquidate immediately, given that what she did was outrageous and unforgivable..
I was a little disappointed by Chani too, she was taken in by the whining of the navy and demanded that it be explained in a veiled way by talking.In the end we reap what is sown and I hope that Renata makes her pay equally.. What seems like a nonsense not coincidentally, it is quick to grow bigger and divet something serious.. Especially if there have been previous situations with similar arguments..
Eric: and here we come to the knot of the comb  largest in the world. I don’t say I didn’t expect an option of betrayal, I knew it, I felt it.. But anyway I can not exactly explain why, it shocked me anyway... I obviously appreciate that we were given two finals, otherwise I would not have continued to play.. What hurts more than anything is that although the candy was not the first to act, IT WAS.
I think of Castiel already been betrayed several times, to Nath who is called "little boy " by Eric or Rayan who is going through a difficult time in his life and I think of HOW they might feel to receive a similar stab.. I’m sorry, but I think for OBVIOUS reasons this will come out.
Certainly not for those who like me not even had to approach the scene of the kiss, because who has a negative LOM or less than 20-25 positive, not even has those additional dialogues... But I think of those who had them and had to rant against/accept them.. I think of the CONSEQUENCES of such a thing..
A remarkable discrepancy has undoubtedly been created, in fact I hope eric NOT dare turn the omelet and accuse us , In order to unleash the disastrous wrath of our crush, because those who have not even approached us, it makes no sense to be accused.. What do you accuse them of? , of not having offered a coffee? .pfff.. I think the discrepancy if there will be, will definitely be on 3 final.. . -Who is all right with herself and has not even had the pleasure of almost being kissed -who has argued with us and will have the opportunity to draw attention to what has happened or will be involved in a negative way - and those who have rightly betrayed and will suffer the consequences. I don’t know if the LOM will pay the consequences, but if with a ONS on  ep 11 of MCLUL  we have LOOSE  a LOT  LOM, EVEN IF not being YET  with X crush , And at the end of the day it was just near to date....We still loose   20-30-50 % of affinity...
IMAGINE for a kiss what could possibly happen!
... Knowing Cass and Nath these would not forgive even if you say sorry for the rest of your life. Others I don’t find it hard to think the opposite, in any case as far as I knew ERIC has been following Lynn for 6 months ( if we consider how long Operation Shark Nath lasts..
If not EVEN EARLIER..Since she knows him from the beginning of  SE 3) I found it unnatural to grant the advances of eric to those who had barely 20-30 positive with him...
I would have expected this particular attention, don’t take it as an accusation,  towards people with at least 50-60% affinity.. The kiss itself seemed more important to me as a representation... And anyway I would have put more explicit dialogues, so that it would consolidate for those who wanted, more the relationship between Eric and Lynn.. In the end I don’t know if with eric you can have a serious relationship( as much as he is reluctant on his seriousness, just as a person ) since it is established that he is not on the page of LI’S .. What I hope is that there will be consequences.We understood very well that for those who wanted to leave the flirt, it was OK to put a step like that, but I would intersect it with the game’s crush.. I’ll explain it better : As eric kissed us, why not grant the same thing but depending on the highest affinity, with hyun, Castiel, nathaniel, Priya or rayan?.. In my opinion it would have been more decisive, because  NOT EVERYONE  appreciate eric at the end facts b AND  NOT EVERYONE   loves the  initial crush choice..
So it’s a player’s problem, if I am offered an option like that of eric, whose consequences are not yet known but are hypothesized, I would have liked to have given the same choice, even with the crush in play..
I know that it has already been done at the university but it is still an ever green choice.I can very well get fed up even in the future season , we are not robots in short... For the rest I do not worry, keep up so that you are working well
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everablack · 5 years
I finally played the ep
Thats all.
Thanks for the attention.
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mycandydiary · 2 years
Making Lysander jealous
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after he said:
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candysweetposts · 4 years
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Yeaaaaaah... I’m a little late, but there you have it.
I think the most editing I did, is on the 3rd illustration. The pattern it’s lame, but I put it, just to be.
This time I also dressed Chris and Carla in this episode’s clothes. I want to do that for the next episodes too.
About this episode... I feel les and less attracted to playing episodes and it became obnoxiously boring, and this episode was no less. I still curious to what will happen, even if I might give up playing until the end. 
Rose’s and Chris’s bases are from this group and Carla’s is from this one.
© Beemoov
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