#I prefer tall blondes who could top me
jes12321 · 1 year
Yo I think I relate to Crowley bc we are both mentally I’ll queers who fall hard but don’t do anything about it, telling ourself it’s because we’re fine on our own, but it’s really bc we know we couldn’t handle the possible rejection that comes with expressing your feelings for another person.
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harryslittlefreakk · 6 months
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summary: harry is your roommate, best friend … and crush 💃 he’s finally broken up with his girlfriend and you’re struggling to hide how you feel about him. loosely based on the song!!
warnings: none! fluffy fluff, teeny tiny bit of angst, mentions nudity
wordcount: 2.7k
a/n: i am a loud & proud olivia rodrigo stan sooo naturally i had to write something. it’s silly and cheesy and short! but i hope you enjoy!!
you can find my masterlist here and join my taglist here!! happy reading my loves 💖
“Guess who I saw today?”
“Who?” You didn’t even need to look up from your book to know Harry was about to throw himself down on the end of your bed, his coat and shoes still on. Every time you got home before him he’d bound into your room like a little labrador, too excited to see you to even drop his stuff down first.
“No, you have to guess.”
“Could’ve been anyone, H,” you told him, feigning reluctance as you closed your book and looked up at him. The second you heard his key rattling in the door you’d wait for the sound of your door bursting open, the butterflies in your stomach coming to life. But you’d never let him know that, so every day you’d pretend it was an annoyance to have him perched at your feet.
“Think of someone you really don’t like,” he persisted, a toothy grin nestled between his dimpled cheeks.
“Literally could be anyone.”
“Come on! Blonde hair, tall, pretty…”
Of fucking course. His stupid, evil, awful ex girlfriend. And naturally, the only way you could react to hearing about her was to reach over and shove him before crossing your arms over your chest. “Ow! What was that for?” Harry laughed, rubbing at his upper arm.
“I was having such a nice day. And then you have to come in and mention that.” It was massively childish, but you couldn’t help but feel violent every time you heard about her. She was fine for the most part, maybe a little too conceited for your taste, but she’d made Harry happy. But you’d watched from the outside as Harry went through relationships, and he always morphed into whatever version of himself he thought the girl would prefer. He stopped being your Harry, and your friendship would suffer for it. But you couldn’t say anything, could never treat his girlfriends with anything but a polite smile and quick conversation, unless you wanted to out yourself as a jealous little girl. And you definitely didn’t want to do that.
This time, however, the ability to hate her had been handed to you on a silver platter when she decided to go home with one of Harry’s friends on a night out. You were his shoulder to cry on, the one to make him smile again after days of moping around. So you had full permission to hate her, and you were relishing in it - as much as you could while still tiptoeing around Harry’s aching heart.
“She wants to meet for a coffee this week,” he told you, scrunching his eyes tight as he waited for another shove. When nothing came, he squinted over to see you rubbing at your temples. “Are you gonna?” you asked, brows furrowed as you imagined the two of them back together.
“Am I allowed?” Harry teased, turning round to lay on top of you, his face only inches from yours. “You’re a grown man, H. Couldn’t stop you even if I wanted to,” you told him, your voice void of any emotion.
“Dunno if it’s a good idea. She might find me too irresistible and then I’ll have to deal with that,” he grinned, not noticing the change in your face. You looked down as you felt your lip start to quiver, too proud to show how your heart sank. “I need to shower, H. Dinner after?” you asked, slipping out from under him and dragging your heavy limbs towards the door. He looked over at you with round, questioning eyes, only to be met by silence and a weak smile as you headed for the bathroom.
You barely got the door shut behind you before the tears came, hot and heavy drops rolling down your cheeks. You knew you couldn’t have Harry, but every minute spent with him had your heart breaking over and over again. Every little cuddle, every touch, lit you up with a fire that burned to the bones. But then you’d see the way he acts with a girlfriend, the way he loved someone, and all those moments you shared seemed silly and infantile. He was your best friend, nothing more and nothing less.
You sank to the floor, hugging your knees to your chest as the sobs wracked your body. You’d tried so hard to push away the feelings, to convince yourself that you were just confused and overwhelmed. He’s a friend, he’s a friend, he’s a friend, echoing around your mind. But deep down, you knew that no one could ever compare to Harry. He was yours, the only one to ever steal a piece of your heart.
“Y/n? M’coming in.” You froze as Harry’s voice came from the other side of the door, clamping a hand over your mouth to hold the sobs in. “I’m naked,” you called out, scrambling to your feet and wiping away your tears with your sleeve. But he opened the door anyway, stopping in the doorway when he saw your tear-stained face. “Didn’t even turn the shower on yet,” he muttered, glancing over at it.
“Why’re you crying?”
“M’not,” you whispered, choking out a giant sob as you turned your face away from Harry, sinking down onto the edge of the bath.
“Quite clearly are. Move,” he ordered, swatting you away before reaching to turn on the taps.
“What are you-”
“If you’re sad, I’m sad. And I like having a bath when I’m sad,” Harry shrugged, turning around to grab one of your bath bombs.
“I was gonna shower, you can’t-”, between the sobs, your confusion and the need for Harry not to know why you were crying, you could barely string a sentence together.
And when Harry pulled off his t-shirt, you were even more lost for words, left with your mouth gaping and only air coming out. “Joining me?” he asked, tipping too much bubble bath into the steamy water - something you’d have to scold him for later.
“I’m not getting in with you,” you told him, once you’d finally got a grip on your brain.
“Just get under the bubbles. And you can close your eyes when I get in.”
“No way.” You hugged your arms over your chest, drawing your swollen bottom lip into your mouth as you watched a shirtless Harry mix the bubble bath into the water. The way his muscles flexed, the tattoos littered across his tanned, slender frame. His skin always looked perfect, not Barbie doll smooth but irresistibly soft. Your fingers took on a mind of their own, slowly reaching out to touch him before he turned around with a smug grin. “Fine, go away then while I have my nice relaxing bath.”
“I want a bath,” you whispered, barely audible over the running water splashing into the tub. “What was that, angel?” Harry grinned, moving his towel onto the toilet seat. “I want a bath,” you told him, louder now, a tiny smile dancing on your lips.
Harry grabbed a hold of one of your hands, tugging you closer to the bathtub. He turned you around before pulling your t-shirt over your head, leaving you in just your little pyjama shorts. Just the brush of his fingertips against your bare torso sent chills down your spine. “M’not looking. Tell me when you’re in,” Harry told you, dropping your t-shirt to his feet.
You pushed your pyjama shorts and panties down your legs, checking behind you to see if Harry really wasn’t watching. True to his word, he had his eyes scrunched tight and his hand clenched over them. You’d seen each other in bathing suits and underwear so many times before, but being naked in the same room as Harry felt beyond weird. You’d never been overly shy about your body, especially with someone who made you feel as pretty and as comfortable as Harry did, but this would add a whole new layer to your friendship - and you didn’t know if you’d survive it. Still, you sunk into the bathtub and pulled the mass of bubbles to your end, trying to keep your breasts under the water before you told Harry he can look. “It’s really hard to make bubbles stay put, H,” you told him, screwing up your face as you tried to hold them steady.
He was laughing as he pulled his trousers and socks off, great big guffaws tumbling out every time the bubbles tried to escape your grip. “Want me to turn the lights down a bit? Then it’s harder to see,” he shrugged, nodding towards the light switch. You nodded, grateful that he cared enough to make sure you were 100% comfortable. It was one of the things that first drew you to Harry, and definitely what you valued most about him. He was always so kind, always caring, so willing to put anyone’s needs above his own - and that’s why relationships always changed him.
“Close your eyes then,” he said, mockingly holding two hands in front of his bulge. You rolled your eyes, finally starting to lighten up as the hot water washed over you. When Harry reached out to swat at your nose, you closed your eyes tight. You felt him stepping into the bathtub after a minute, his long legs slotting down your left-hand side.
“Hi,” he smiled when you opened your eyes. “Gonna tell me what upset you now?”
“It’s really not a big deal,” you told him, your voice small.
“It is if it made you that upset,” Harry countered, placing a gentle hand on your calf, his thumb rubbing against the soft skin.
You paused for a moment, trying to think of what you wanted to say and how to say it. “It just- she doesn’t deserve you, H. Anyone who hurts you like that doesn’t deserve any of your time and respect.” Your eyes dropped to the water as you spoke, your body frozen. Harry opened his mouth to reply, but as soon as he did, you needed to say more. “You were really sad, Harry. It sucked for you and it sucked for me too because I don’t like seeing you like that. I’ll always be there for you, you know that, but I can’t just sit and wait for her to hurt you like that again. Not when you know she’s capable of it.”
You watched the smaller bubbles popping one by one by one, suddenly anxious in the silence that followed your speech. You hated going against Harry, putting your two cents into something that really didn’t concern you, but sometimes he needed to hear it.
“I know,” he replied finally. “But do you think that because you don’t like her?”
“Harry, no! I don’t like her because she did that to you.”
“You were never her biggest fan,” he shrugged, his brows knitted when you finally pulled your eyes up to meet his.
“She changed you, H. You were different with her, less you. Everything is so surface level with her, it’s looks and Instagram likes and who’s got trouble with who. There’s no substance, nothing deeper.”
Harry’s thumb halted as he shook his head, his jaw clenching slightly. “It doesn’t always have to be deeper,” he sighed, rubbing at his chin with his free hand.
“I know it’s not my place but you need someone who brings out the best in you, you need-”
A bitter laugh from Harry stopped you in your tracks, your mouth snapping closed as a chuckle slipped out of his. He met your questioning gaze with a tiny smirk. “She always used to say you were jealous of her.”
You could feel the tears collect on your bottom eyelashes again as he said it, the words stinging like barbed wire sinking into your skin. How could you even respond? “Harry-” was all you could manage before your mouth ran dry.
“I don’t wanna fight with you, y/n,” he told you, his voice soft as he reached out for your hand. “Come here,” he whispered, tugging at your fingertips. “I’m- we-” you started, gesturing between your bare bodies with your free hand, eyes practically bulging out of your head. “Doesn’t matter,” Harry said, motioning for you to turn around.
Somewhat reluctantly, you did, leaning back into his body until your back hit your chest. You were exposed in every sense, your chest sitting just above the waterline and your heart on your sleeve. Harry wrapped an arm around your torso, his delicate touch careful not to go anywhere it shouldn’t.
“Truth is I probably need someone like you. Only one to make me happy on a shitty day, only one who gives me any effort,” he murmured, his voice so low that if he wasn’t speaking directly into your ear, you wouldn’t have heard him. Your heart quickened as he spoke, your pulse pounding against your inner wrists. “I’m not- I don’t have anything that she-” you choked out.
“S’a good thing, no?” Harry asked, turning his head just slightly until his lips brushed tentatively against your earlobe. “No, Harry. You need more, you need-”
“You,” he finished for you. “Just say the word and I’m yours, angel.”
It was like someone had handed you everything you ever wanted on a silver platter, all you had to do was reach out and take it. But it wasn’t that easy. If anything went south, you risked losing Harry forever. You shuffled back out of his grip, turning to sit in front of him, perched on your knees. You couldn’t even bring yourself to care about him seeing your body, your words willing themselves from your lips. “If anything went wrong Harry, I don’t want to lose you,” you whispered, blinking to keep the tears at bay.
“What would go wrong? We know we get along, we have the same traits and the same values. We’re already doing life together,” he reached out a hand to cup your cheek as he spoke, his eyes laced with nothing but earnestness.
“I don’t want to be your consolation prize.”
“Never. Never ever, I swear. I thought about it for a while but it never really clicked until now.”
You sunk your teeth into your bottom lip as Harry spoke, desperately needing to figure out if it was all a dream. The sensation of his touch, the sound of his voice, the gentle heat of the water – it all felt too real to be a dream. But a part of you couldn't shake the feeling that this moment was too perfect, too surreal to be true. You hesitated, unsure if you should dare to believe in the fairytale unfolding between the two of you.
As if he could see the cogs turning in your head, Harry dropped his hand from your cheek, entwining your fingers in yours instead. He squeezed lightly, the corners of his lips turning up into a little smile. "I'm here, y/n," he whispered. "This is real, promise." His words were a lifeline in the sea of doubt that threatened to consume you. Even if it was a dream, it was a dream you never wanted to wake up from.
“It’s all I ever wanted,” you confessed, allowing yourself to give into the fantasy for at least a little while. You fought the urge to search for the hidden cameras, check the date to make sure it wasn’t an April Fools prank. Harry was a goof, but you were a thousand percent sure he wouldn’t play with your feelings like that.
“Just say the word,” he repeated, his husky voice laced with sincerity and longing.
“I want this,” you whispered, clutching onto Harry’s hand as if you could fall off the Earth at any minute. His face erupted into a grin so cheesy that you couldn’t help but mirror it, eyes locked onto his as he closed the distance between the two of you.
Harry’s lips met yours softly, as if he were waiting for the other shoe to drop. But you melted into him, the air nearly knocked out of your lungs by the urgency and desire behind his soft movements. He pulled away after a minute, his forehead pressed to yours as he searched your eyes for any sign that you wanted to stop. Although all Harry was met with was a sparkle in your gaze, and a further few pecks landing on his lips. “Should’ve done this a long time ago,” he murmured against your mouth, his hands splaying across your back. “Should’ve done it before you got me naked,” you teased, succumbing once again to his kiss.
rrrr i really don’t know how i feel about this but i wanted to get something out
taglist: @angeldavis777 @softestqueeen @jerseygirlinca @palmettogal508 @drewsephrry @vonnexann @austiebuttbutt @indigo24hughes @peterparkerbae @im-an-overthinker @daphnesutton @loveableidioticweirdo @harryshotpocket @thegrapejuiceblues1982 @tenaciousperfectionunknown @swag13r @ashleighsss @tswiftsgf @chesthairrry @nikkisimps @hannah9921 @lilfreakjez @prettygurl-2009 @s-h-e-l-b-e-e @indierockgirrl @cicicavill7
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bbydoll18xx · 4 months
Pet Names And Airplanes
When a very sleepy Paige lets out some interesting noises, you find that the lines of your friendship have blurred considerably.
Paige Bueckers x reader
Based on this request: I have a request but it's not fully thought out but all the traveling she's been doing has got me thinking. Basically Paige x friend where there's some tension emotionally and physically but neither of them know it rlly. Paige is groggy bc they had to catch an early flight to go somewhere and while sitting next to each other on the plane, her mind starts wandering and she accidentally says smthg dirty out loud to the reader which obviously leads to a build of tension on their flight that they end up having to deal with. How they deal w it and such can be up to you.
Word Count: 1.7k
Themes: friends to lovers, one bed trope!, slightly inappropriate behavior
You can now read Part 2 here
Please send more requests, you guys always have the best ideas omg
If there was one thing undeniable about Paige Bueckers, it was that she really loved her friends. Some in different ways than others, as you would come to learn. 
Growing tired of Paige’s incessant whining about missing Nika, who was now in Seattle playing for the Seattle Storm, you had purchased tickets to a game for her.
You had surprised the tall blonde one evening when the two of you were lounging on her couch, absentmindedly watching a random romcom. Paige was tracing small circles on the soft skin of your forearm, and you had figured it was as good of a time as any to break the news. 
“Paigey,” you murmured, grabbing her attention from the screen. “I know you’ve been missing Nika, so I got us tickets to go see her play in Seattle on Saturday.”
Before you can go into details, Paige is launching herself into you, and whispering thanks over and over again into the crook of your neck. Goosebumps erupt all over, as you feel the warm breath of her gratitude fan against your skin. 
“We’re leaving Friday morning. It’s an early flight, so you better get your ass to bed early that night,” you say with fake mockery. Paige could not wake up early to save her life, whilst you typically preferred to be in bed by 11. 
“You’re the fuckin’ best, princess,” Paige mumbles, her face reddened by more than just your teasing. She is still hiding in your presence, and the closeness makes your heart speed up. This wasn’t the first time, and it surely would not be the last. 
Paige just had that effect on you.
Thursday evening rolls around, and you decide it would make more sense to spend the night at Paige’s apartment to save time in the morning before catching your flight. You stroll through the door and your gaze is immediately drawn to chaos. The apartment was in ruins with shit scattered everywhere. 
“P!” You call out, trying to figure out where your friend was hiding. “This place is a fucking disaster. What happened?”
Paige emerges from her room with a sheepish smile on her face. “Couldn’t figure out what to wear,” she shrugs nonchalantly. 
“You need to clean this shit up. I’ll pack.” Your voice is laced with disapproval, but the fond smile on your face gives you away. 
“Thanks, princess,” Paige beams, and your heart falters once more.
That nickname would be the cause of a future arrhythmia, and it was not going away. Paige had called you ‘princess’ one evening while she was drunk. And it had just stuck. She rarely called you by your name anymore, and you were so okay with that. The term of endearment was now the object of all of your fantasies. You had spent an embarrassing amount of nights in your bed with a hand between your legs, imagining Paige on top of you whispering that name in your ear. 
You feel yourself heat up at your reveries, and you clear your throat in an attempt to dissuade the longingness you felt. Paige was just a friend. That’s all she’d ever be to you. 
Once the mess was cleaned up and Paige’s suitcase was packed to perfection by your type-A ass, you fell into bed next to the blonde girl. It was early, and while you were eager to go to bed in order to get a few solid hours of sleep, Paige was bustling with energy.
“Stop actin’ like a grandma, and talk to me,” Paige whines, while bouncing obnoxiously on the plush mattress.
“Go to sleep. You’ll thank me in the mornin’,” you respond sleepily, eyes already closed with a fierce determination to ignore Paige’s childish antics. 
Paige doesn’t respond, but chooses to pout in faux indignation. 
Her pouting keeps her up for three more hours. And as your shrill alarm bit through the silence of her dark room, waking you both up, you knew Paige was about to be a real problem. 
She groans at the piercing noise, hiding her head under the blankets.
“C’mon, Paigey. Wakey, wakey,” you giggle as you tickle her writhing figure in an attempt to get her ass out of bed. 
She ultimately relents at the promise of breakfast on the way to the airport. Even as you pull her through the bright airport, Paige is trying to do anything in her power to close her eyes for a few precious seconds of shut eye. It was so like her, and her refusal to admit that you were right should have made you annoyed. But Paige could never really do anything to actually annoy you.
Standing protectively behind you in the TSA line, you feel her eyes trailing your figure in a way that makes you feel hot and slightly insecure. You had thrown on a pair of leggings and an oversized UCONN basketball t-shirt, and the shirt had ridden up. Paige had a perfect view of your backside. Turning around to talk to her, you notice her gaze is directed at your ass, and your cheeks are suddenly ablaze at the shameless ogling. 
Paige was always flirty with you, but lately it had been weaved with something more. 
Finally, the two of you are able to board, and Paige slumps into her seat with a loud groan of exhaustion. You roll your eyes and get yourself situated for the long ride to Seattle. You had already mentally prepared for the fact that Paige would spend most of the flight using you as a pillow. However, you were less than prepared for the noises that would soon come out of your best friend’s sleeping mouth.
The television attached to the seat in front of you showed that the plane was flying over Montana when you were suddenly pulled out of your thoughts by several small noises coming out of Paige’s mouth. The first one was quiet but fucking guttural. The second one is followed by whining. The last one makes your heart stop. A tiny moan of “princess” slips out, and your legs involuntarily clench at the sound. 
Was she dreaming about you?
Fuck no. That was impossible, and you refused to get even the smallest of hopes up.
Until your name slips out in a faint whimper, and there is no denying that you were the object of her dream.
Before she could get any louder and attract some unwanted attention, you jostle her ever so slightly, waking her up. Her eyes are bleary, and she looks around for a second, as if she has forgotten where she was. Her gaze settles on yours briefly before she is tearing it away to stare down at her hands. She is uncharacteristically quiet for a moment, and it makes you wonder if she had recalled any part of her little dream. Not wanting to embarrass her, you drop it, instead informing her that you’d be landing in an hour. 
Paige doesn’t miss the way your eyes drop to her lips, as your bottom one is caught between your teeth in a bruising bite. There was always sexual tension between the two of you. Always a ‘what if’ and a ‘if only’ after each interaction, but you had both ignored it in favor of protecting the delicacy of your friendship. 
Soon enough, you and Paige are stepping out of the elevator of your hotel. With the time change, it was still morning, and you had promised Paige that you’d let her take a nap before going out to explore and meet up with Nika. Paige was desperate for sleep now, and you don’t miss the bruised look of her under eyes. 
You open the door to the room, eyes immediately drawn to the large bed placed right in the center of the room. Shit, you thought you had requested two beds. Looking warily over at Paige, you notice her tongue peaking out to slowly trace across her bottom lip in a subtle display of want. Maybe sharing a bed after all this wouldn’t be such a bad thing after all. 
Once all of your stuff is placed neatly away, and Paige haphazardly throws her stuff onto the empty desk in the corner, you settle onto the soft bed with a small moan of content. Your body sinks into the soft sheets and plush pillows, and Paige’s warm body next to you beckons you to scooch closer into her. It felt blissful, and it did not take long before you were both enveloped in the welcoming nothingness of sleep. 
Several hours slipped by before you wake up, suddenly feeling sticky from both the sleep and the hot body pressed up against you. Paige had nuzzled into your neck, a long muscular arm thrown around your waist, caging you in deliciously. 
As she lets out a puff of air against your throat, a tiny whine escapes your mouth, similarly to the noises Paige had been making on the airplane. As quiet as you thought you were, Paige wakes with a startle, and her bright blue eyes are peering curiously into yours. 
“You okay, princess?” She asks, a small smirk on her face, as if she knew what you were thinking. 
“Course.” You affirm, eyes flitting back and forth between those eyes and her lips. You were no longer hiding the want in your own eyes. 
Paige chuckles, and the noise goes straight between your legs, reverberating through your entire body. The effect she had on you was maddening. 
Before you can even begin to overthink, Paige is bringing her face even closer to yours. You can feel her breath fan over your mouth, and you hold your breath for a second, afraid that if you let out any air, she would pull away and retreat. 
Paige searches your face for a sign of reluctance but she finds nothing, and she presses her lips against yours. A moan leaves her mouth as your lips connect, and you can feel the already blurry lines of your friendship completely entangle. 
You did not care, though. Because Paige’s mouth was on yours and everything else seemed to fade away into nothingness.
Part 2
Part 3
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sunshineandspencer · 1 month
Cowboy hat rule (Tyler Owens, Twisters)
A/N: Take a guess, what movie do you think I watched recently? I’ll give you a hint, it wasn’t Deadpool and Wolverine (I also watched that, but I preferred the man with the swirly winds).
Pairing: Tyler Owens x Fem!Reader.
Summary: In between butting heads with Javi’s team and running a successful YouTube channel based entirely around tornadoes, Tyler Owens is introduced to the most interesting woman he’s seen in a good while - and her sister.
Word Count: 521
Warnings: fluff, kind of suggestive (cowboy hat rule), drinking and minor worries of drink being spiked but it doesn't happen we’re all okay here, very limited knowledge of America (I’m English).
Parts: Part 2, Part 3, Part 4
I have redone the form for the taglist now that I’m apparently expanding from Criminal Minds
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How she ended up drinking with them, she had no idea. But anything was better than dealing with her sister pretending not to make goo-goo eyes at Javi.
Now, she’s up on the top of Tyler’s truck, drinking a shit beer with a peeling label and questioning whether or not these people would drug her. 
The bloke with the camera seems alright, and the tornado wrangler was more focused on whatever he’s messing with than her. 
One of the girls, Lily- maybe, tapped her legs, grinning up at her. 
“So~ which part of New York are you from?”
Maybe the beer is drugged, maybe it’s turning her senses to mush. Or maybe it’s been too long since she had piss-poor beer and decent company.
Lily - again, maybe - blinked up at her and then laughed, standing up on the side of the truck to smack the side of her thigh playfully.
Not only that, but Mr Tall, Plaid and Dangerous finally looked up. 
“Come on— even I know that’s in Texas.”
“And that’s where I’m from, Alpine, Texas. I hide the twang, I’ve been too many guy’s fantasies in bars that it’s just easier.”
Giving a wink before swigging the last of her beer. Feeling a tap on her shoulder, she leant back on her forearms, making sure she didn’t lie back on anything. 
Tyler was grinning at her, that stupid grin that pairs a little too well with that cowboy hat for her fuzzy brain to think straight. 
“Not a city girl?”
“Uh huh, daddy ran a ranch, grew up schooling cowboys like you. You’re no different.”
He seemed impressed by that; maybe not impressed. Just marginally more interested now he knows they aren’t a pair of bored blonde women from the city come to chase the storms with the fancy company. 
Nothing worse than someone who doesn’t actually respect the weather they’re chasing - that’s how people die. 
“Me? How am I no different then, Alpine?”
Humming, she passed him her empty bottle, which he took without questioning it. Eyes somehow glittering beneath the brim of that hat. 
She needs that hat, before his eyes, his smile and his goddamn cologne do her in.
“You steal something near and dear to them- make them pay real close attention to you.”
Managing to swipe the hat from his head and place it firmly on her own, fighting the smug grin on her face. 
She knows that he knows that she knows exactly what that means.
Can’t claim ignorance now, she made it loud and clear that this is not her first rodeo. He may wrangle tornadoes, but what the hell is he supposed to do when a gorgeous woman steals his hat and pushes away. 
Getting Lily to help her down and then swinging an arm over her shoulders. 
“Let’s go find more beers, Lils, I love your shirt by the way.”
Turning back around to grin at him as Lily starts talking. Flicking the brim of the cap up so that he could see the way her eyebrow raised in challenge. 
Oh yeah, he definitely has a favourite sister now.
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Want more?! Good!
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serverusslaype · 1 year
Shameless, pt. 2
Snape x professor!reader fic
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Shameless Masterpost
hello there, we meet again it seems? B)
here is part two for Shameless. i tried my best proofreading it and editing some bits, but there is a high probability that there's some bits i missed. i did get distracted changing some things.
i really like this chapter, i feel like it starts to give you an idea of the reader's feelings towards snape. >B)
also, i won't lie, Camila Cabello's Shameless did inspire this fic, and it especially fits the moment between the reader and snape here.. hehe
hope you enjoy, please let me know! <3
off we gooo!
Your first class had gone smoothly, apart from a little mishap where a student had cast Incendio instead of Lumos Solem. You'd quickly extinguished the fire with a quick Aguamenti, much to the amusement of your class. As of right now, you were trying to clean the soot and ash off of the table with a wet cloth, your fingers starting to ache and burn from the harsh grasp you had. Sighing, you should have seen this coming... a mistake was a given for a class of second-years. It didn't surprise you that the student at fault was none other than Neville Longbottom.
You'd kept him after class, not to scold him, but just to make sure he was alright. The boy did give himself a fright.
"I-I'm really sorry, Professor," Neville sighed, his eyes glued to the floor as he stood in front of you with a sad expression. "I just got my spells mixed up." He explained weakly, braving a glance at you.
"It's alright, Mr Longbottom, but you do need to be a little careful next time." You said, throwing a kind smile his way. He nodded frantically and his eyes were instantly locked on the floor again. You were sure he was bracing himself for a telling off. "I'd rather not have my classroom burn down on the first day, you know." You joked, trying to lighten the mood. You knew Neville didn't do it on purpose, he had a good heart and you'd noticed in class that he was rather clever at Herbology. So you gave him the benefit of the doubt.
The boy smiled weakly at you, nodding once more. "I will, Professor." He said, swallowing anxiously. You gestured to the door, silently dismissing him. Neville quickly scurried out of the door, hurrying himself to his next lesson.
As he left, a rather big and exasperated sigh fell from your lips. What else could go wrong? You glanced around, your nose crinkling up in slight annoyance. The mess that was left afterwards was a little... headache inducing. Piles of mud sat on top of the table and some of it had found it's way onto the ground. Apparently, it had slipped your mind that teaching twelve-year-olds with messy materials would equal... well, a bloody big mess. Perhaps you should have thought that through a little better.
"Scourgify." You said, waving your wand at the large, wooden table that sat in the middle of the greenhouse. The specks and mounds of mud suddenly dissipated from the table, and you were suddenly very thankful for magic. A content smile came to rest on your face as you turned around to walk towards your row of potted plants, your eyes landing on a rather beautiful Aconite, also known as Wolfsbane or Monkshood. Unlike the other free-flowing plants, you'd placed it inside a glass case due to it's dangerous toxicity. You did trust your students, but you preferred not to take the risk.
"Ah, Professor L/N, just who I was looking for!" Came an enthusiastic voice to the left of you. You twirled around, frowning as you did not recognise their voice. As your eyes landed on their tall, strawberry-blonde haired form, you clocked that it was none other than Gilderoy Lockhart. Gods, you weren't sure whether you had the patience to deal with this man right now. You'd actually rather deal with another bout of Snape right now, despite your bicker an hour earlier.
"Lockhart," You greeted softly, offering him a polite smile. You clasped your hands together in front of you, staying beside your plants. "What can I do for you?" You asked, hoping it was some sort of small favour.
"Merlin, you're just as beautiful as that utterly gorgeous Aconite beside you," Lockhart commented with a wink, his piercing blue eyes bouncing between your form and the fauna to your right. You groaned to yourself quietly. Lord, if he's just come here to get in your drawers, he'd better just walk out the door right now.
"Back to the point, Lockhart?" You sighed, massaging your temples as you felt a headache coming on.
"Oh, right, well.. what does one do when... one releases pixies in a classroom?" He asked cryptically, and you could only frown at him in utter confusion. Lockhart smiled innocently at you, and you could only arch a brow at him, waiting for more clues to what the hell he was getting at.
"Pixies...? What?" You repeated, still clueless. What the hell has this man done? And why is he getting you involved? It's your first bloody day back here! You just wanted a quiet first day... Is that too much to ask for?
"Would you please accompany me back to my classroom, Professor L/N?" Lockhart pleaded, running a hand through his perfectly-style locks. You tutted softly and rolled your eyes, gesturing for him to walk on. "It's easier if you see for yourself." He added and cleared his throat.
You followed the man to his classroom, the wind gently blowing through your leafy-brown and green robes. "What have you done, Lockhart?" You questioned him curiously as the two of you walked into the castle, rushing up the moving staircases as the clacks of your heels echoed out into the empty stone halls.
Lockhart chuckled awkwardly, keeping the grin on his face to soothe your worrisome one. You sighed quietly, preparing yourself for the worst as you rounded the corner to the door of his classroom.
With wide eyes of horror, you opened the door to the screams of students and the high-pitched cheers of Cornish Pixies. The hanging skeleton of a dragon had fallen to the ground, broken bone fragments scattered everywhere.
"Oh my-" You gasped, ducking as groups of pixies flew towards you. The students scurried like terrified mice around the room, a futile attempt to run and hide from the little purple terrors. "Immobulus!" You shouted, aiming your wand at the gaggle of fiendish pixies. Immediately they slowed down, almost like they were in slow motion. The screams from the students quietened down as they looked up, watching you quickly pushing the pixies back into their cage with your wand.
"Lockhart, you have some serious explaining to do!" You exclaimed and turned around, expecting to see the famous author, however, he was nowhere to be seen. An exasperated groan leaves your lips.
"Erm, Professor L/N, up here..." Came a familiar voice from above you. As you looked up to the source of the voice, you gasped in shock. Neville Longbottom was hanging from the chandelier by the hood of his cloak. Instantly, you flicked your wand at him, slowly levitating him to the ground.
"Not having a good day, are you, Neville?" You sighed, placing a hand against your cheek as you glanced around the room at the chaos. Books and parchment lay destroyed on the ground and desks, ink pots and quills were scattered amongst the war zone too. As you looked back to Neville, he shook his head and leaned against the table behind him, steadying himself. "Neither am I." You added quietly, mainly to yourself.
"Professor, what do we do now?" Another student asked. Looking to your right, it was none other than Harry Potter. You exhaled softly, feeling the frustration beginning to build up. Why was this happening to you? Did someone hex you? Gods.
You were clueless for a moment, you'd no idea what they'd been taught in Defense Against the Dark Arts, let alone what you should tell them to do. So you improvised. "For now, just open your books and revise some of the material that you learnt last year, please." You said tiredly, gesturing to the books that had been knocked on the floor during the chaos. "I'm sure Professor Lockhart will be back soon." You clenched your jaw the sound of his name - how could he be so careless? You were not a janitor, so why were you cleaning up his mess? To be frank, you were more angry at him for putting the students in a potentially dangerous scenario - Longbottom was hanging from the chandelier for crying out loud!
You couldn't leave the students unattended so you walked to Lockhart's desk and sat against it, your mind racing with insults to hurl at the author when he finally returned. The students all quickly rushed around, picking up their belongings and sitting themselves down at their desks.
"Professor?" A student asked, quirking your attention. You looked up and smiled weakly at them, prompting their question. The boy had bright blonde hair, slicked back, and he donned a cunning smirk on his face. Draco Malfoy, of course. "Do you know anything about the Dark Arts?" Draco asked, almost mockingly. The boys surrounding him laughed. You had to force yourself not to roll your eyes.
"Perhaps, Mr Malfoy." You replied nonchalantly. Honestly, you weren't very knowledgeable on the subject, it wasn't one of your strong-suits back in school. Of course, you knew bits and bobs of it, but you didn't believe you were fit to teach it.
"Perhaps, you can teach us a spell?" Draco asked with sly eyes, and you shook your head at him, prompting a disappointed groan from the said student. He was brave to be mocking a professor, you thought. Though, you weren't all too surprised, his last name was Malfoy after all.
"No, certainly not. Now, get on with your reading, please." You said sternly, almost at your wit's end. "And five points from Slytherin for being a smart-arse." You added, earning a scoff from the boy.
In all honesty, this is not how you expected your first day back at Hogwarts to go. You prepared yourself for a peaceful day - maybe with a few mishaps from students, but that was it. You did not expect to be pulled from a free period to deal with some rambunctious bloody pixies, released by a professor no less!
Currently, you were walking with McGonagall through the corridors, escorting the hoards of students back to their dorms after dinner in the Great Hall. The torches lit the way, casting a pretty amber hue against the bland stone walls. The air was a bit chilly, and so you wrapped your leafy-brown cloak around you tighter as the wind bit at your skin.
 "How was your first day, my dear?" McGonagall asked you, glancing at you from the side as the pair of you walked behind the gaggle of students.
A deep sigh left your lips, inducing an amused chuckle from the older witch. "Oh, Minerva, you have no idea." You groaned and let your fingers grasp the bridge of your nose momentarily, a sign of stress.
"That bad?" She laughed softly, arching a brow at you. You could only give her a disbelieving look.
"The first class of the day went well, until Longbottom set my table alight. Then, Lockhart decides to drag me into his mess!" You scoffed, keeping your voice quiet. Unfortunately for you, Lockhart had been avoiding you since the whole ordeal, so you hadn't had a chance to give him a piece of your mind. "I could've just about killed the man." Clenching your jaw in frustration, you suddenly hear a kerfuffle of gasps and a growing noise of mutterings coming from the group of students ahead as they all immediately came to a halt.
"I'll kill you!" A loud, gruffly voiced shouted from ahead. Gods, what now? You weren't always this wound up, but today had really tested you.
"What's going on?" McGonagall questioned worriedly as she began to swiftly move through the students. You followed suit, a perplexed frown gracing your face. As the two of you rounded the corner, your eyes widened in horror.
A message had been scrawled out on the wall in what looked to be blood. It read: The Chamber of Secrets has been opened, enemies of the heir... beware. As you glanced to the left, you noticed Filch's cat, Mrs Norris, was hanging from the metal torch-holder, blood dripping from her head. Your hand flew to your mouth.
"Bloody hell..." You muttered, stepping forwards to look closer at the haunting image.
Filch had a grip on Harry Potter's cloak, dragging him up to his face.
"Argus!" Dumbledore called from behind you, with Snape and Lockhart in tow. You stood back, allowing Dumbledore to step forwards towards the scene. As your eyes landed on Lockhart, his eyes met yours and they instantly widened. You glared at him and slipped past McGonagall and Dumbledore, your feet absentmindedly carrying you in his direction. Deep down you knew this wasn't the right time, but you couldn't hold back, he'd really angered you earlier. You reached out your hand and grabbed Lockhart's arm, dragging him away from the crowds of students and teachers.
With a muffled thud, Lockhart's back was against the wall. "If you ever pull that shit again, Lockhart, I will not hesitate to have you removed from this school. What were you thinking-"
 Before you could continue scolding the man, a firm hand grabbed your arm and pulled you away from Lockhart. You looked up to find a set of piercing, cold dark eyes staring down at you. Snape. You felt your heart leap up into your throat and your cheeks instantly burned hot as he kept his hand on your arm. The scent of smoke, books and a hint of sweet wine filled your nostrils as he moved closer to you, your bodies almost touching at this point. His scent was utterly intoxicating to you, and that scared you slightly.
"Have you no brain nor sense of timing, Professor L/N?" Snape scowled at you and you sunk down slightly at the threatening tone in his voice. You looked away from him in a rather poor show of defiance. He kept his voice quiet. "I don't believe this is quite the right time to be scolding your colleague." The Potions Master said sternly, nodding his head in the direction of the bloody message. You looked back at Snape, pushing your jaw out in frustration. You were silently wishing that this wasn't the way that the two of you happened to be in such close proximity.
Ripping your arm from his grasp, your hand flew up to gently rub where he had gripped you so harshly. You glanced back at Snape, who now looked furious at you. Suddenly, it felt like he'd stolen the air from your lungs - you weren't sure whether that was because of your silly little crush, or his intense, fiery stare. Perhaps both. He was right, you should have kept your cool with Lockhart, but today had really pushed you to your limits.
"But Severus-" You protested, your anger bubbling as Snape silenced you with his icy words.
"I am not one to defend Lockhart, however, there is a serious situation at hand." Snape added quietly, though his cold tone was still there. There was a beat of silence before he spoke again. "Not that it's my place, Professor L/N, but I would have thought as a Hufflepuff, you'd be abstaining from any sort of conflict, not... instigating it." He said, narrowing his hauntingly dark eyes at you.
"When it comes to stupid, incompetent mistakes that can endanger our students, I won't hesitate to say my part, Snape." You said frustratedly, leaning forwards as if to challenge him.
"Do not be foolish, Professor L/N," He stepped forwards, articulating each letter he spoke intimidatingly. You swallowed and flinched slightly at his sudden movement. As brave and courageous you painted yourself, he still did terrify you. Snape's glare deepened and he retracted himself slightly, letting his eyes flick between the pair of yours. "It seems you have not changed since your time here at Hogwarts. You are still that silly girl who did not think before she spoke."
Snape's words made you enraged. Your fists balled at the side of you once again, almost shaking. The muscles in your body tensed and went rigid from the rush of sudden anger that was coursing through you. Gods, how could someone make you feel such different emotions?
You scoffed and pushed past him, shoving his broad shoulder out of the way of you. As for now, you couldn't look at him, nor bear to be near him. You were worried you'd hex the man, or at least say something you'd regret. Despite your burning desire to hurt him back, you pushed the thought aside. You were the bigger person, and you would not stoop to his level. Unless it truly came to it, you suppose.
You stalked back to the other professors with Snape reluctantly trailing behind you. You stilled yourself beside McGonagall once more and she offered you a confused look, glancing between you and Snape as he came to stand near the wall, away from you.
You shook your head at her softly and shut your eyes for a brief moment, attempting to calm yourself down. This was not how you expected to start your second year of teaching at Hogwarts, conflicted feelings for your colleague, and developing a boiling bitterness for another. As the year progresses, perhaps you could fix it. Nothing is lost yet, right?
"She's not dead, Argus. She has been petrified." Dumbledore said in a soft tone, attempting to soothe the caretaker. Filch only stared at his beloved pet, shuffling in his spot, clearly distraught at what he'd come across. He was almost shaking with grief. A small wave of sympathy washed over you as you watched Filch try to compose himself. It couldn't be easy seeing something so dear to you hung in such a... morbid way.
However, that calm feeling was soon lost again as you saw Lockhart stood in front of Mrs Norris, inspecting the body. You quickly averted your gaze before your blood pressure rose uncontrollably and you spotted Harry Potter, Hermione Granger and Ron Weasley stood in a row, looking rather worried. Your brows knitted together in confusion.
"Ah, thought so." Lockhart said confidently, glancing back at Dumbledore. You fought the urge to scoff at Lockhart's comment by looking to the right and biting your bottom lip. Gods, this man was almost as infuriating as Snape this morning. "So unlucky I wasn't there. I know exactly the countercurse that could've spared her." Lockhart added, staring at Dumbledore uneasily. This time you couldn't help but roll your eyes at him as you folded your arms against your chest.
"But how she's been petrified I cannot say." Dumbledore added, ignoring Lockhart's useless comments, his wise eyes studying the scene at hand.
"Ask him," Filch nodded towards Potter, his voice shaky. You frowned again, glancing at the boy. Surely not? "It's him that's done it." The greasy caretaker added with a look of despair and anger on his face. "You saw what he wrote on the wall."
Harry let out a curt sigh before turning towards Dumbledore. "It's not true, sir. I swear." He said. "I never touched Mrs Norris." Harry gestured towards Filch's cat, who was still unfortunately hanging by her tail on the metal arm of the torchlight.
"Rubbish!" Filch hissed, still staring angrily at the boy.
"If I might, Headmaster?" Snape suddenly interjected, his deep voice softer than you'd heard it before. Your head instantly snapped up to look at him, shocked to hear such a tone of voice on a cruel man like him. "Perhaps Potter and his friends were simply in the wrong place at the wrong time?" The Potions Master offered, seemingly wanting to deescalate the whole situation. Since when is he considerate? you wondered.
"However," Snape added, his voice returning to it's usual cold tone. There it is, you thought, fighting the itching urge to roll your eyes. "The circumstances are suspicious." Snape said, walking slowly towards the three students, almost intimidatingly. "I, for one, don't recall seeing Potter at dinner." He narrowed his eyes at the three of them, stopping just short of a metre away. He seems to have a habit of doing that.
"I'm afraid that's my doing, Severus," Lockhart called out, making Snape turn around to face him with a face like thunder. You loathed how you couldn't help but stare at him. A whirling storm of resentment and admiration gathered in your stomach as you gazed at him. Undoubtedly, he looked ethereal underneath the amber-coloured lighting in this hallway, despite the unhappy and disdainful look on his face.
Fuck. You hated it.
The flames illuminated his prominent features almost too perfectly. His large, aquiline nose and high cheekbones would ultimately be the death of you.
"You see, Harry was helping me answer my fan mail." Lockhart explained, glancing between Snape - who looked utterly confused - and Harry himself. Lockhart's voice to you was like someone scratching nails on a chalk board. Every time he spoke, the hairs on your body would stand on end - and not in a good way.
You despised the fact that these two men brought out such a hateful side of you so easily.
"That's why Ron and I went looking for him, professor," Hermione spoke up, looking towards Harry. "We'd just found him when he said..." Hermione trailed off, staring at Harry. Snape turned back to face the three students, his eyes narrowing in suspicion once again.
"Yes, Miss Granger?" Snape prompted.
"When I said I wasn't hungry." Harry interjected, looking back up at Snape. Ron nodded quickly in a nervous manner, glancing between the Potions Master and his friend Harry. "We were heading back to the common room when we found Mrs Norris." The boy explained. To you, it seemed like a solid explanation, however, Snape didn't seem too convinced as he spun around to look at Dumbledore, waiting for his thoughts on the whole situation.
"Innocent until proven guilty, Severus." Dumbledore stated, looking at Snape through his half-moon glasses. Reluctantly, you looked at Snape as he arched a brow disapprovingly at the Headmaster.
"My cat... has been petrified. I want to see some punishment!" Filch cried out, commanding your attention to him. The man was shaking with rage, and it made you a little uneasy. You glanced back at Snape, your eyes lingering a little too long on him.
"We will be able to cure her, Argus." Dumbledore assured the man, still trying to calm the tense moment. "As I understand it, Professor L/N has a very healthy growth of Mandrake." The Headmaster said, tearing you out of your daydream. Your eyes flicked to Dumbledore as he gestured at your form. Looking to Filch, you offered a warm and sympathetic smile to him, nodding in agreement with Dumbledore. "When matured, a potion will be made which will revive Mrs Norris." He said, turning towards the Potions Master and the three students.
Snape had his eyes glued to you, catching you by surprise. You immediately averted your eyes from his as your cheeks began to burn, betraying you. The overwhelming, icy stare from Snape made your heart pound against your rib cage.
Get a hold of yourself, for Merlin's sake.
Dumbledore's voice cut through the strange tension between you and Snape. The two of you broke eye-contact and looked to the older wizard. "In the meantime, I strongly recommend caution to all." The Headmaster warned, capturing your attention. You nodded at the older man, waiting to see if there was anything else he wanted to say. "Professor McGonagall, would you mind escorting Miss Granger, Mr Potter and Mr Weasley to their respective dormitories, please?"
"Of course. This way." McGonagall walked towards the three students, gesturing them forwards with her hands. You sighed softly and bid Dumbledore a warm goodnight, turning around to walk to your quarters. As you padded away, you turned around gingerly, your inquisitive eyes searching for the broody Potions Master that made your heart beat a little faster in two different ways. Unsurprisingly, he seemed to have already left. A twinge of disappointment twisted in your gut, and you felt conflicted between your emotions. That close - and almost intimate - encounter with him earlier truly made you think about things. You couldn't choose between hating him or liking him. Gods, were you in trouble now.
However, as you rounded the corner, it seemed your luck was playing out. You spotted Lockhart striding ahead of you.
there we are, part two over! whew. i hope you enjoyed it as much as i did writing it, and i hope there weren't too many mistakes lol!
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thank you for reading!
part 3
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bradshawssugarbaby · 1 year
Call Me When You Get Home - Jake Seresin x Reader
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A/N: I decided to try my hand at writing based on prompts from these lists: one / two and my favourite characters from Top Gun: Maverick, so, here's the first one from my works list.
pairing: Jake Seresin x reader
prompt: no. 7 - "call me when you get home, so I know you’re safe.”
warnings/content: alludes to some spiciness, unlucky in relationships, ends in fluff. mild swearing.
word count: 1.9k
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You’d never been one for relationships. You’d grown sick of broken hearts and forced apologies, and constant letdowns, and at this point in your life, you didn’t want to waste any more time being unhappy or anxious or scared that at any moment, the one thing you’d grown to rely on being there could be taken from you without warning. You were tired of the constant back and forth on holidays to visit family members neither of you could stand, and who frankly, couldn’t stand you either. You were sick of the way that everyone put relationships up on a pedestal, to be coveted and desired more than anything else in life. You were over it all, and you had convinced yourself it was for your own good, that it was better this way. 
That was, until you met him.
Lieutenant Jake Seresin had wandered into your life last fall. You’d been home to attend your aunt Penny’s wedding, her having finally gotten married to Captain Pete Mitchell, after several years of back and forth between them. At first glance, Jake was exactly the type of guy you’d go for - he was single, and preferred it that way. He never wanted to be tied down or have someone waiting for him at home - he claimed it was just “who he was”, but you knew there was more to it than that - he was afraid of the same things you were, in a sense. In Jake’s mind, if he had no one waiting for him at home, then he’d never have to worry about there being that chance of him not coming home from a mission. He wouldn’t have to worry about leaving someone behind, and that was just easier for him and his life as a Naval Air Force pilot. 
However, your cousin Amelia and your new uncle had different plans in mind. They saw the two of you as one in the same - you were both running and hiding from the same thing, in a sense. You refused to fall in love out of fear of someone getting hurt. They had “accidentally” seated the two of you at the same table at the wedding, side by side. Jake had been drinking a beer while you sipped a vodka-cran, the same one you’d been nursing for the previous hour since cocktails were served before the reception. His tall, tanned figure looked like heaven in his white dress uniform, his blonde hair gelled upwards slightly in the front, trimmed and neat in the back. He was gorgeous, and boy, did he know it. 
After countless drinks shared between the two of you (and you were eternally grateful that night for Captain Mitchell’s deep pockets and the idea of an open bar), a brief fling in the back of Jake’s truck, and an exchanging of phone numbers over coffee the next morning as you both sobered up, you’d found yourself wondering if, maybe, just maybe, you could be open to something with him - not a relationship, but an agreement of sorts. No dates to speak of, no pressure to label things, and no timelines forcing either of you to do anything - just, enjoying each other’s company on your own terms, without the awkward “I love yous” and breakups that you were used to, and without Jake’s fear of having someone be left behind if anything were to happen to him. Just...more than friends. 
It was a few months into your arrangement of “more than friends” the first time he said it. You were surprised it was Jake who said it first - you’d never thought of him as being the caring, thoughtful type, he’d always been so laidback and carefree, with a hint of arrogance to him and his teasing, that it completely caught you off guard when he said it after a night spent at his apartment off base. 
“Hey, just, you know…call me when you get home, ok? So I know you made it home safe?” he’d said.
His soft smile and the kind look in his green eyes, his hand resting on the door frame as he looked at you, standing there in a tight fitted white t-shirt and his sweatpants as he said goodbye to you before you headed back to your house that morning. Any other time, he would have just given you the same, standard, “I’ll text you later.” or a basic “I’ll call you, yeah?”. Normally, him saying he wanted to know you made it home safe would have sent you running - you knew what it meant, or at the very least, what it could lead to, and you didn’t want anything ruining what you  and Jake had together, even if it wasn’t supposed to be anything in particular.
The second time, you said it to him, and as you said it, you knew you were doomed. Doomed to be headed down that pathway of boyfriend and girlfriend, only to almost certainly be heartbroken in a few months when he decided that it wasn’t you, it was him, or that he’d met someone else. 
When you said it this time, Jake had been on his way back to the base for a mission last minute. He’d grumbled when his phone went off, interrupting a moment between the two of you, and you knew almost instantly what that meant - he’d be gone for an indefinite amount of time, and you’d see him when you saw him. He could be gone for a week like the last mission, or for months, depending on what it was and how long it would take to complete. It was always classified, and he never really had details until he was already in the middle of it. 
“Call me when you’re home, so I know you’re safe, ok, Jake?” You’d said, your voice low and soft, almost in a whisper as the words escaped your lips.
Jake frowned as he went to respond, almost looking as if he was at a loss for words, which was never like him. Instead, he sighed and nodded his head before heading out the door. A few weeks later, you’d gotten his phone call. 
“Can we talk about something?” he’d said, his normally overly self-confident tone was now quiet, and almost shy, like he was afraid to have this conversation with you. 
“Of course we can. Are you alright?” You’d asked as you absent-mindedly chewed on your bottom lip, anxiously running through all the different possible scenarios that could come from this.
“I’m fine, I promise, just…come over, please?” 
Within 15 minutes, you were on his doorstep, waiting for him to answer. He looked exhausted, his five o’clock shadow was evident, the sign of him not having been home long enough to even shave or shower since he got in. That was your first clue that it was something serious.  Your next clue was when, instead of making a comment about how your ass looked in your jeans or how your shirt would look better on his bedroom floor, he gave you a hug. Jake was never a hugger - by all accounts from his friends and your own observations over the last half a year up to this stage, you’d never seen him hug anyone before, not even once. Usually the best anyone got out of Jake Seresin was a firm handshake and his million dollar grin. But this time, this time you’d gotten a full-fledged bear hug when he saw you - his arms wrapping around you tightly, pulling you in for a passionate embrace, as if he’d gone years without seeing you and finally found you again. 
“Are you sure you’re alright, Jake? You’re…you’re kind of worrying me.” You’d laughed as you raised an eyebrow at him. 
“Right, that.” He’d begun, biting at the inside of his cheek as he mulled over the words he wanted to say, “I…don’t think our agreement is working out between us.”
You felt your cheeks turn hot and red, tears beginning to sting your eyes. Despite the boundaries in place, you fell for him, hard. You’d never tell him, and you didn’t even realize it yourself before now, but as he said that - those words you’d been trying so hard to avoid with him, you knew. You knew he’d reeled you in and there was no escaping it now. You were about to get heartbroken, again.
“Oh?” You kept your response cold and indifferent as you tried to mask your feelings as best as you could.
“Before you get upset with me, hear me out,” he started, holding his hand up to gesture for you to wait for him to collect his thoughts.
“Why, so you can give me the same old “it’s not you, it’s me” speech? So you can tell me how you’ve met someone else?” 
“No,” he said calmly, letting out a deep breath. 
“I don’t think it’s working because I think I’ve fallen in love with you anyways.” He sighed softly, shrugging his broad shoulders as he shot you an apologetic look.
“You...you’re in love with me?” You stammered and stumbled over your words as you spit them out.
“I think so. I couldn’t stop thinking about you the entire time I was gone. I just kept thinking about how nice it’d be to come home and see you again. And despite how it scares the living shit out of me to think that one day I may not be able to come home to you, I also don’t want to spend the rest of our lives not telling you how I feel.” 
Without another word being spoken between you, you wrapped your arms around Jake’s neck gently and pressed your lips to his in a gentle kiss. He placed his hands firmly on your waist, pulling you in towards him, his lips moving in sync with yours. After a moment, he pulled away, his signature grin now back on his face.
“I’m going to take that as a “I love you too, Jake”?”, he smirked as he brushed a piece of your hair back off your forehead. 
“Just shut up and kiss me again, Lieutenant.”
Now, nearly 6 months into officially dating, you found yourselves constantly reminding each other just how in love you were. Jake would send you texts throughout the day when he could, updating you on what was happening wherever he was at the time, and you’d respond with playful teasing. You’d make sure when he came home that his laundry was done for him, because otherwise, he’d never remember to wash it, and he’d signed into his food delivery account on your phone so you could always order whatever you felt like for dinner when he was going to be coming home. You’d cuddle on the couch watching movies together, sharing a bottle of wine as you both took the opportunity to relax and unwind together. And despite all of the domestic life you’d taken on together, you did manage to keep one boundary together.
You’d always call to let the other one know you were safe.
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forlovvers · 9 months
( always )
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pair: ex!jay x gn!reader | genre: fluff/angst idk | warning(s): none! | wc: 800 ish | synopsis: in which you and jay see each other for the first time in three years. 
lynne’s notez🗒️: jay is very always by daniel caesar coded
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your late nights consisted of grocery shopping because you never had time to make the trip during the day. you think you prefer it like this; quiet and unoccupied, just some older ladies here and there. 
you walk down the aisles, shopping cart full of miscellaneous items. you reach into your jacket pocket and rummage around to pull out a crumpled letter and your grocery list. huh. you hadn’t even realized you had had that in there.
regardless, you stuff the letter back into your pocket and unfold your grocery list. you read down your list and make a mental notes of the few things you needed left. you make a turn into the next aisle and see the next item you need at the top-most shelf. 
you internally groan. top shelves were your number one enemy.
you outstretch your arms and as best as you could, you just barely touch the item. you let out a big huff and try again.
“do you need help?” the familiar voice asks, and you want to turn to look at who it belonged to but the man gently grabs the sides of your waist and moves you aside. the action is short, but it leaves you feeling a little dizzy.
“here you go,” he turns to you to hand you the item when his voice trails off. you’re met with the kind eyes of jay park. his hair is tousled and blonde. he looks the same for the most part, just a bit more into his features. his oversized bomber jacket really sticks out and his sleeves are rolled up to reveal his arms.
it had been three years since you last saw him. you remember the day clearly when you told him you were leaving for the states and didn’t plan on coming back. jay had been in your apartment, making dinner when you dropped the news. you remember him asking “did i do something wrong?”
in fact, it had nothing to do with him. and everything to do with yourself. he didn’t even say goodbye at the airport when you left, but when you got on the plane, there was a small piece of parchment stuck in your wallet. it was a love letter, signed off by jay.
beating yourself up over losing the love of your life was your routine for the next three years. most of your days in the beginning consisted of wondering what he was up to, did he think about you like you did him? eventually, you had to let him go. 
but here, in this grocery store, jay stands tall before you.
“i didn’t know you were back in town.” jay laughs awkwardly, handing you the item. you accept it and his hands brush over your skin, sending shockwaves to your brain. 
“yeah, i got back a week ago.” you say, for some reason you can’t look him in the eyes. he nods profoundly and when you turn away to start walking, he follows. his steps soon fall into sync with yours.
“how long are you back in town for?” jay asks, his voice honey like you’d always loved.
“i’m not sure. i wanted to see my parents.” you respond. you pick something off the shelves and place it in the cart to distract yourself from your thundering heart.
“ah,” his voice is thick with disappointment. jay can’t help but stare at your profile, and suddenly it feels like you’re both seventeen again. “i wrote that song you were always convincing me to write.” he says, diverting the attention away from the topic.
“oh really?” your words are piqued with interest and for the first time since that night three years ago, you look him in the eyes. you knew jay loved music. it traveled in his veins and pumped his blood, but he wasn’t too sure on pursuing it. you were always trying to get him to go further with his music, although he never quite got there.
“what’s it about?”
“oh um,” jay sheepishly rubs his nape. “it’s about you.”
you swear time slows and jay stops and turns fully to look at you. your breath hitches, yet he continues. “i was losing my head over you and needed to get it out.” 
“look y/n, it’s really great to see you again, and all i’ve done is think about you for the past three years.” jay steps forward, closer to you. “but i can give you time and space, just let me know if you want to talk things out, because i still love you.” there’s a fond smile on his lips as he opens your hand and places a small crumpled piece of paper, written in messy handwriting his new number and,
“i’ll always be here.”
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ppmcb · 3 months
© 2020 – All Rights Reserved WorldWideWedgie November 27, 2020
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Will David ever learn?
This is the seventh story from my distant past. All names used in my stories have been
changed to protect identities. I was chatting with @cheflingko which caused me to recollect
these events.
This was my second job out of college and was with Toys “R” Us (TRU.) This take place in the
mid-1980s, about 36 years ago.
I had completed TRU’s management training programs and was promoted to operation
manager of their highest volume store west of the Mississippi.
I was responsible for all employees, cash management, accounting, hiring, firing, etc. I had six
subordinate assistant managers, 25 cashiers 2 head cashiers, 4 assistant head cashiers, all in
all 300 employees in season (September to January) and about 150 during the rest of the
year...we did about $200 million in revenue a year and my books, accounting and safe had to
match to the penny.
This position was stressful and had tremendous responsibility. I had one assistant manager,
David, who was four years older than me and four inches taller. He always looked disheveled by
mid shift — you know the type — untucked shirt, pants drooping, underwear waistband showing
I noticed that David was a tighty-whities wearer. His preferred brand was the blue and gold lines
of Fruit of the Loom (FOL) Briefs. I often warned him, when I saw him disheveled that this was
not the appropriate look for an Assistant TRU Merchandise Manager. I would often send him to
my office to straighten his attire out. TRU was a family store and you had to look the part.
One day, I had had enough of the disheveled look and told him he needed to straighten himself
out otherwise I would do it for him, he laughed and said, “What are you going to do, pull up my
pants and tuck my shirt in?” I evilly smiled. I thought to myself, not a bad idea, but maybe with
a twist.
His comment sort of through the gauntlet down, daring me to take action . Being a manager,
who liked being challenged, I said to him, “You continue to try my patience and wait and see
what happens?” He laughed and went to the office to fix his attire.
Less than two hours later, he was disheveled again and making a point of having me see him,
he laughed in anticipation, and cheekily said, “Oh, don’t you owe me something!” I replied, I
guess you don’t want to learn, why don’t you meet me in my office.” He laughed and head
upstairs to my office.
In my office, I have the obligatory desk, filing cabinet, two visitors chairs (across from the desk),
a floor safe, a couch behind the chairs, a hat/coat stand, a full-length mirror on the door’s back
and the obligatory Company motivational photo. Important nonsense, such as “Your Imagine is
Our Imagine”, and “Remember You set the tone with Customers”…
Once, in my office, I shut the door and said to David, “Please stand in front of the mirror and tell
me what you see.” He egotistically said, “An attractive, tall, slender, good lucking man with
green eye and blond hair.” I replied with a chuckle, “You sure do have a high impression of
yourself” and added, “What about your untucked shirt, and drooping pants, with your tighty-
© 2020 – All Rights Reserved WorldWideWedgie November 27, 2020
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whities showing.” He amusingly laughed. At this point, I was standing directly behind him and
could clearly see his face. I further added, “Do you feel your current attire meet Company
policy?” He giggled, “I think it’s funny, what are you going to do about it?” and added defiantly,
“Pull my pants up and tuck my shirt in?” I laugh and add “That not a bad idea!” He had an ear-
to-ear smile with a quizzical look, daring me to act.
I immediately reach out and quickly grab the waistband of his exposed FOL Briefs and pull
upward, and out on top of his orange shirt. David immediately goes onto his tiptoes and let out
a yelp and an ohh and ahw. I did pull several times until the briefs were halfway up his back
with his shirt tucked into his briefs. When they seemed to be as high as I could get them, I
laughed and offered, “Oh is that what you meant – your shirt is now nicely tucked in?” David,
laughed, looking into the mirror, and said “Awesome!” “I didn’t think you would do that.”
I suggested that he go downstairs and fix himself in the restroom. He laughed again. My office
was off the breakroom which would require him to walk across the breakroom to the stairs.
There were several other employees in the breakroom and saw him and his FOL Briefs pulled
up to the middle of his back on top of his orange shirt. It was comical and several employees on
break, laughed and chuckled. The contrast of the black trousers, his orange shirt tucked into
the back of white briefs, half way up hois back, made a nice contrast of colors that stood out for
all to see. When he got to the other side of the breakroom and on the landing of the stairs
down, David broke out in laughter, and bowed to the other in the breakroom; which only caused
the other employees to cheer him on and laugh.
David went to the restroom, straighten out his attire with no other incidence of being disheveled
that shift. When we locked eyes later in the shift, he gave me an approving smile. I thought to
myself that he must like wedgies, why else would he let me do that to him?
The next night, David and I were working the same shift. About two hours into the shift, David
was disheveled in his attire, and again made a point of having me see him. With a sigh and a
laugh, I said, “David, didn’t you learn anything from last night?” He Laughed and replied, “I
guess not”, I sighed, chuckled, and shook my head in disbelief [at my good fortune]. He added
with a Cheshire grin that would make the Mad Hatter blush, “Maybe you need to tell me again in
your office.” I replied with an evil chuckle, “I guess so, let's head up to my office.” I tell
Geraldine, my head cashier that we were going to my office for some employee “counseling and
mentoring”. See had seen him last night in the breakroom and just snickered.
We went upstairs to my office. David was wearing a dark blue button-down shirt, and navy
trousers. The tighty-whities waistband was clearly visible with great contrast against the blue
outer cloths.
We get into my office, David shuts and locks the door, adding with a smile, “This way we won’t
get disturbed.” He takes a position directly in front of me and in front of the mirror. I could
clearly see his face and green eyes, when he added with a daringly laugh, “Oh, are you going to
show me again how my shirt should be tucked into my pants?” I replied with a laugh, “I guess
so, you haven’t learned yet!” At which his eyes got big as I pulled the back of the tighty-whities
up to the middle of his back and out on top of his shirt. I did several pulls until he was on his
tiptoes. Once he was on his tiptoes, I pulled further lifting him off his feet. His eyes just got
bigger and continued to groan, apparently enjoying the wedgie.
© 2020 – All Rights Reserved WorldWideWedgie November 27, 2020
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I must of held him of the ground for 2 to 3 minutes casually shaking him from side to side
amongst his groans and guarded laughs. I then quipped, “I have another idea,” in which David
replied, “I can’t wait to see!” I quickly let him go down onto his feet and as quickly begin pull up
on all sides, when I had the briefs up midway on the sides, I swiftly turn David around so he was
facing me and I was looking into his green eyes. I then quickly fish out the front of his briefs and
pull skyward causing him to rock back on his heels. This results in him letting out a groan, and
he groan, “Ouch! Let me down. I wasn’t expecting that!” I comply have his briefs up all the way
around midway up his back and stomach. True to form the FOL Briefs were incredibly strechy.
I add pleased, “Well, David have you learned your lesson?” In which he replied, I think so!” I
suggested he go down stair to the restroom and that he sorts himself out.
When he went across the breakroom, several employees on break saw him, his all around
wedgie that stood out against the blue shirt and navy trousers. They laughed, applauded and
cheered him on. David took it all in enjoying the attention and was sight to for all to see. He
was careful to keep his attire in order with no periods of disheveling for the remainder of the
shift. I thought that he seemed to have learn his lesson and there would be no other
opportunity. I was secretly disappointed. Tout est juste dans l'amour et les guerres!
Well the next night both David and I were on closing, and I was fairly certain that I would not see
a disheveling repeat. The shift went well and by the end of the shift, about 30 minutes before
we closed, David was again disheveled. He was wearing black trousers and a rich pinkish- red
button-down shirt. Again, his pants were drooping clearly displaying his white briefs by about 2
to 3 inches. He smiled and made sure that I noticed the condition of his attire. I shook my head
disapprovingly, and weakly smiled. I said to David, “I guess you haven’t learned, meet me in my
office after we close.”
I really couldn’t do anything at the time because I had to focus on cash control and shutting the
store down. David had to focus on restocking, with his team. The Store had to be restocked
and all funds accounted for before management left. Often this took one to two hours out of
season and 4 to 6 hours in season. There was always a race to see if operations (cash
management/accounting) or merchandising management would finish their tasks first. On this
evening we finished at the same time, because we were tired, I told David, “I am tired, let's deal
with this on our next shift.” David seemed disappointed, but he seems to understand.
So, we go about closing and locking the store. The final item is for me to lock the store and set
the alarm in the presence of one of my Assistant Managers. Since David was disheveled, I had
him stay while we set the alarm.
For some reason, the alarm would not set, (which wasn’t uncommon for this store) so the
procedure required us to call the alarm company for assistance. They indicated that they would
not be out for four or five hours. In this case, this required two members of management to
remain in the store. Often, this meant staying the night in the locked store until the next day’s
management crew arrived. Both David and I have done this many times, being in a toy store,
we typically spent our time watching videos, playing video games, sleeping all to past the time.
Since it appeared that we were going to spend the night, I had David stay and released the rest
of the Management Team. Well once everyone left the store, I said to David with a laugh, “I
guess we are stuck here all night – so I guess we can work on correcting your attire problem
rather than doing it on the next shift.” He grinned and said he would meet me in my office.
© 2020 – All Rights Reserved WorldWideWedgie November 27, 2020
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When I got in the office, he shut the door, and stood between me and the full-length mirror with
his white briefs clearly above the waistband of his black pants. I reached over, grabbed a chair
and brought it over to the hat/coat rack, which was catty-corner to the door with the mirror.
David had a puzzled look but was interested. I told David, “I have a twist on what we have done
over the past two nights.” I added with a smile, “I am certain that this will convince you not to be
disheveled in your attire.” He laughed and said, “We’ll see!” at which point I firmly grab the
back of his tighty-whities and pull skyward lifting him off his feet. Before he realized it, I climb-
up on to the chair taking David with me suspend by his briefs. The briefs waistband had moved
to just below his shoulders and his leg holes were showing. His eyes grow very wide and he
squirmed and shutter when he realized what I was going to do. I quickly changed my grip
gathering the leg hole together at the back and looped them over a hook on the hat/coat rack. I
let go, jump off the chair and moved the chair away leaving him dangling about four feet above
the floor. The undies waistband immediately went to the base of his head, he gulped, squirmed
and laughed. It was very comical to watch as he struggled with his hanging/dangling situation.
Watching the situation unfold, I quipped, “Gosh David, those undies must be awfully strong, I
would have expected them to rip!” David chimes in, “On no, they are new, this is the second
time I’ve worn them.” To wit I reply, “Good we will let you hang there until they rip,” with a
maniacal laugh. He cautiously laughs, and groans, “That may be two long!” I reply, “Well it
appears we have all night for them to rip!” David, groans again resign to his fate. I ask him, “Do
you want me to help cause them to rip sooner?” David said, “Yes, any help would be great!”
So, I grab both of his feet and begin pull at a 45 degree angle, which merely caused the
waistband to go up the back of his head. I then said, “Oh well they do not appear to want to rip!”
David groans, squirms, and laughs. At which point, I suggest, “Why don’t you hang in there and
get some sleep!” I shut off the light and lay down on the couch, I could hear David squirming,
fidgeting, groaning and laughing; he never did get them to rip. They were a tough pair of briefs.
After about an hour of this I got up, turned on the light, pull on David’s feet one last time to see if
he would rip free. He didn’t; so I asked David, “Have you learned your lesson?” He groaned,
“Yes, can you get me down, they are not going to rip!” I said, “Okay, but first what have you
learned.” David hastily replied, “Well my pants are not to be drooping, my shirt is to be tucked in
at all times with no undies showing!” I said with a laugh, “Great, it will only be worst the next
time I have to counsel you on this; I am glad that you have learned your lesson!” I then go over
to him and tell him to put both hands on my shoulders and push down, raising his backside up,
and reducing the undies pressure on the hook facilitating my removing him from the hat/coat
He was immediately relieved. He fidgeted with the undies, digging down the front and the back
of his trousers, ostensively pulling the undies out of places where they normally don’t go. Mad
many cutes faces as he worked on untangling his undies. Finally he sighed and dropped his
pants and dug his wedgie out. It was very comical.
You would have though he had learned his lesson; however, he did not learn his lesson. During
the remaining year I worked for TRU; I had an opportunity to give him many more wedgies. I
think he truly liked being wedgies. I have not seen David in 35 years, I wander if he still like
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yurinaa-world · 1 year
Hii! Read your works from hsr and saw that you have open request so here I am ^^ Could you maybe write something about Gepart having an So from the Underworld? Like she's the complete opposite of him, and kinda acts like a Sampo, but well, more trusted. Maybe now even dating but something like his crushing on a villain and she's always flirty with him when they meet and enjoys making him flustered? Or from meeting to dating (they could meet because even through she doesn't really step out of the Underworld she came to rescue Sampo from trouble and after that she just kept pooping out somewhere around him, when his alone on duty but the soldiers are gone somewhere. SO SORRY IF IT'S TOO LONG BUT THIS MAN JUST HAS ME :`)) if u don't wanna write it or want to change something that's completely fine! Idk for what genter you prefer writing (or just didn't notice if u write that somewhere, sorry! +) for and even trough I would ask for a female any other is still fine by me! Hope you'll have a wonderful day/night because u deserved it and remember that you're amazing!!!
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𝒞𝒽𝒶𝓇𝒶𝒸𝓉𝑒𝓇𝓈: Gepard x Female Reader
𝒮𝓎𝓃𝑜𝓅𝓈𝒾𝓈: Gepard with a S/O from the underground
𝒲𝒶𝓇𝓃𝒾𝓃𝑔𝓈: fluff, there might be some spelling errors.
𝒩𝑜𝓉𝑒𝓈: I hope you liked it :)
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𝒢𝑒𝓅𝒶𝓇𝒹 𝐿𝒶𝓃𝒹𝒶𝓊
The sight of Belobog was beautiful from the tall wall you were sitting on, with the cold air hitting your skin and making your body shudder. The surface was way colder than the underground to you, and snow fell from the clouded sky, making its way to land on top of your hair. "Wow, it's really cold out," you said to yourself before sneezing and rubbing your nose with your hands before crouching down. "Now, now where are you?" you said, squinting your eyes, looking around for your dear lover.
Before your eyes narrowed down to the familiar blonde hair of Gepard, he looked so charming in armor, almost like a prince, which you admire. It seemed that he was talking to some Silvermane Guards. Waiting for those guards felt like an eternity, but if they saw you, you would be thrown behind bars. But you wanted to get closer, so mumbling some incoherent insults under your breath before jumping off the wall and landing softly onto the soft white snow over the concrete before quickly dashing behind a wall.
Hearing guards and Gepard's conversation coming to an end. "You all should be on the lookout just in case the underworlders come back." Gepard told the guards before dismissing them back to their regular stations that he closed his eyes and took a long breath. As you slowly popped out of your hiding place and gently blew his ear, making him flinch and snap his head towards you, "You shouldn't be here!" he covered the ear you blew him with one hand.
"What, can I not see my lover anymore?" You said, pouting, "If the guards see you, do you know what the consequences would be?" Gepard scolded, "I know I'll be behind bars." You sigh dramatically, "But I haven't been caught yet." You added before grinning at him mischievously, "I have something to give you." Before Gepard could say anything, you kissed his cheek.
Seeing his face go a little red from your actions, "you shouldn't be doing those in public," he blushed. "I'm sorry, but I couldn't help myself. Come on, you want to give me a kiss, don't you?" you grin. Gepard sighed before pulling you into a small kiss. He pulled away after a few seconds. "You're such a tease," he mumbled.
"I know,"  you giggled as he cleared his throat awkwardly. "You should get going before a guard sees you." "aw well, when you're alone, I want a bunch of kisses." You wink at Gepard, who turned a shade of red before giving him one last peck on the lips. You wave happily as you disappear around a corner.
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melswifeasf · 2 years
Find my way back to you pt 2
previous chapter || next chapter || series page
Pairing: Sam Carpenter x Fem!OC
Summary: Sam and Estelle met eight years ago after Sam stupidly takes harder drugs than she can handle.
Warning: Drug use and cursing
notes: this was a bit more boring than i expected but this is how they met! pls lmk what you guys would like to see more of:)
word count: 3034
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“yo, come on” Elias called for his sister as she approached him slowly. the muscular boy was sitting on the hood of ‘69 Mustang in the parking lot of the school as he smoked a cigarette. he was sitting with his two friends, Alex and Xavier among them sat their girlfriends who were all chatting with one another.
the three boys each were tall with dark hair and tattoos littered around their body. typical cliche gang bangers yet all of their girlfriends were either on the cheer time or live in the rich side of town. probably the most cliche part of it all was the fact that they even surrounded themselves with drug dealers like them.
Estelle rolled her eyes, “why the fuck do you even make me carry it?” she said annoyed as she took off her black backpack and threw it on the ground in front of her brother.
Elias and Alex were the only ones with cars. Alex had an up to date Yellow Mustang that he loved to show off at any moment and time. they were all seniors although they were barely even in class which confused Estelle on how they planned to graduate.
“cause the cops are up my ass lately. they ain’t ever gonna check you” he said with a chuckle. Estelle rolled her eyes again as she moved his brother to the side so she could sit beside him, the blonde on his left sending glares toward her, only fueling her annoyance.
she never liked Anna, she was head of the cheer team and always made her existence fucking miserable the moment she came out her freshman year, now a year later she bit her tongue but that mostly had to do with the fact that Elias would kill anyone who made any comments toward his sister. Estelle always preferred Elias ex girlfriend, Natalia, but they had broken up a year ago when he first got arrested for jumping two guys who wouldn’t pay him the money they owed him.
she missed her. Natalia had been her only friend, everyone else was too afraid to even talk to her, the fear of her brother fucking them up or being around someone as dangerous as him made her a people repellent.
she only ever talked to her girlfriend Valerie but they were off and on every other week so the feeling of being alone all the time never really went away.
“whatever” Estelle scoffed, “hurry up. i have to get to class” she said crossing her arms and tapping her pointer finger against her hand rapidly. she was nothing like her brother, unlike him, she wanted, needed to get a good education so she could get the fuck out of Woodsboro. it’s not that she hated the small town but her name had been trashed around for years, for reasons she never cared to talk about.
“chill. i just gotta sell these and you’re free to go” he said holding up a small ziplock bag with three pills inside. she knew what they were instantly causing her eyes to widen.
“since when do you fucking sell Oxy?” she said in a low and rushed tone. her eyes searched the parking lot to make sure there wasnt anyone looking. the only person she saw was a raven haired girl walking toward them.
the girl had on a black jacket with a white crop top underneath, her toned stomach was slightly peaking out of it and her jeans hugged her curves like nothing Estelle had ever seen before.
she swallowed silently as she watched the girl approach them slowly.
“since someone’s willing to pay double it’s worth”he said with a smirk. the dark haired girl was standing in front of them seconds later.
“one-fifty, right?” she asked. she didn’t seem nervous or fidgety meaning this wasn’t her first time buying from him. she must know one-fifty for three fucking pills was ridiculous but then again she must’ve been desperate to buy them.
“yeah” Elias said, his eyes surveyed the area around them in one quick motion before he reached his hand out and grabbed the money at the same time that he placed the small bag in the girls hand.
it was then that Estelle realized she knew who she was. Samantha Carpenter, she was in the same grade as her and they shared two classes together. she never pegged her as a junkie but that seemed to happen a lot ever since Elias made her hold his drugs. since then she was always there for the dealings and she had seen a lot of rich kids as well as shy and nerdy people buy from him which surprised her greatly.
Sam nodded as she looked down at the bag to make sure it was all there before she moved her hand and put it in her jacket pocket. she was about to turn and leave when she turned toward Estelle, her eyes stopping on her as they trailed up and down her body in one full swoop.
Estelle raised a brow at her, confused on why she was still standing around. Sam took one last look at her before turning her body and walking away.
Estelle isn’t sure why her heart began to race when Sam looked at her the way she did or why her hands began to feel clammy or even why she felt her face heat up, either way she didn’t want to know.
“whatever. i’m leaving” Estelle announced as she pushed herself off of the car and walked away.
“have a good day baby sis!” Elias called out causing Estelle to hold her hand up and give him the finger without turning. she heard her brother laugh along with his friends which made her lips curve into a small smile.
two hours before school was over Estelle was in the bathroom fixing up her makeup. she applied her lipgloss carefully before she looked at herself in the mirror to make sure she looked good. once she was done she put the tube inside her makeup bag and zipped it.
her day was pretty basic, she took notes and tried her best to finish her homework so she wouldn’t have to worry about it later and have the time to see her girlfriend.
just as she was about to leave the bathroom the door swung open and a certain raven haired girl threw herself inside, her body colliding with the wall before she laughed.
Estelle pinched her eyebrows together as she quickly rushed toward the girl. she expected to see the look like she was in pain considering how harsh her body hit the wall but instead Sam looked dazed a lazy grin on her lips as she laughed softly.
she was completely out of it.
“fuck” Estelle whispered as she tried to have Sam supper her body on her own. “are you good?” she asked softly hitting the hispanic girl on her arm.
“i’m fucking amazing” she breathed out.
Estelle shook her head, “come on, i’m taking you home” she said as she grabbed Sams arm and swung it over her shoulder. the hispanic girl didn’t seem to mind as she laid her head on Estelle’s shoulder.
the shorter girl tried her best to ignore the nervous feeling she got in her stomach at the action as she tried her best to walk out of the school without being caught by administration. although her brother was ever teachers worst nightmare, they all had a soft spot for Estelle and she did not want that to change by being caught for ‘cutting class’. god, why the fuck would she do drugs during school hours?
the pair reached the exit of the school in enough time that none of the administrators were able to see them. Sam was saying incoherent things and laughing at her own words making Estelle hush her every couple of seconds.
Estelle reached for the back of her pocket and pulled out her car keys. unlike her brother she own a beat up Camry that she had bought with her own money whilst working at the theatre during the summer.
the shorter girl gripped the handle of the passenger side door and opened it, slowly and carefully she helped Sam inside.
“can you put your seatbelt on?” Estelle asked as she was bent down so she was at eye level with the girl.
Sam shook her head, "can you put your seatbelt on?" she shot back.
Estelle huffed angrily, "lean back" she said as she reached across the taller girls body with the seatbelt in hand and clicked it in. once she was securely inside Estelle pulled away and stood. as soon as the door closed Sam leaned her head against it and closed her eyes.
this is not how Estelle was hoping to spend her day and yet here she was, driving a stranger home because she took too many fucking pills. her brother would be hearing about this.
she took a deep, exasperated breath and walked to the drivers side. she opened the door and got inside, immediately putting the key inside the ignition and turning the car on. it wasn't too hot or too cold, the crisp fall air making it so you'd only need a jacket but Sams body temperature was abnormally warm and she did not need to have an incident where she needed to take her to the hospital or something worse.
"i need to know where you live" Estelle said and turned her body to face Sam. the girl didn't budge, her chest rising and falling evenly hinting that she was most definitely sleeping. Estelle cursed silently as she pulled out her phone and went to her brothers messages.
Sis: where does Sam live?
fuckface: who tf is Sam?
Sis: r u serious? the girl u literally sold drugs to two hours ago???
fuckface: ohhhh lmao. idk some rich neighborhood. i think i got the address let me check.
Estelle tapped against the steering wheel impatiently as she waited for her brother to text back. she glanced at Sam periodically to see if she would wake up but she was completely knocked out.
Estelle reached over the console and placed two fingers on the girls neck to search for a pulse, a breath of relief leaving her lips as she felt it pounding heavily against her fingers.
Estelle had never really dabbled in drugs, at least not hardcore ones. she would sometimes smoke weed with her brother or at parties but that wasn't all that often. she just never saw the hype. the first time she smoked weed made her have a full on panic attack so every time she smoked now, she made sure it was way less than what she had done that time. she didn't care much to judge others for doing them but if she could choose between having them in her life or not, she'd choose the latter. she hated that her brother sold them, in fact she had tried to convince him to get a real job with her instead but he always said no. selling drugs made him way more money than a regular nine-to-five. plus he didn't have to get off his lazy ass and do much in Estelle's opinion.
the girl drove in silence, the radio turned off as she followed the map on her screen. she arrived at her destination ten minute after leaving the parking lot.
once she pulled up, she looked out the window in slight awe. the house wasn't huge but it was nice, extremely so. it looked like the typical suburban home, the kind you see in movies with two loving parents and their kids. dinner every night and breakfast before school and work, the kind in which they have family game/movie nights and they spend their summer time at some island. all of the things Estelle had never seen.
she sighed softly as she turned toward Sam and shook her awake, it took her a couple of seconds until she finally stirred.
"five more minutes" she groaned softly causing Estelle to roll her eyes, a small almost nonexistent smile ghosting her lips.
"come on. we're at your house" Estelle said. once she said those words Sam jumped and looked at her surrounding.
"how did i get here?" she asked and snapped her head toward Estelle. the young girl could tell she was still high by the way her eyes were shinning and how erratic she looked. she just seemed a bit more sober compared to when she stumbled into the bathroom.
"i drove. probably shouldn't give your address to your dealer. come on, you need to get out" Estelle said as she took the girls seatbelt off.
Sam shook her head and whined softly, "no. i don't want to"
Estelle closed her eyes as she breathed in and out as she tried to calm her anger. she didn't want to be babysitting a fifteen year old girl but it looked like she didn't have much of a choice. the house looked empty, no cars on the road or the driveway signaling no one was home. she could just have Sam go inside on her own but there was still the very prominent fact that Sam was high off of her ass and she couldn't barely walk with Estelle's help, let alone without it.
"fine" Estelle sighed out and took off seatbelt impatiently. she yanked the keys out of the ignition and opened the door in own swift motion. a few steps and she reached the passenger side with Sam peering up at her. she opened the door softly, careful so that Sam wouldn’t be leaning against it and fall out. Estelle pointed at the seatbelt, “can you take it off?”
Sam looked down at where Estelle had pointed and nodded. she did so slowly and once it was off Estelle held her hand out. Sam looked at it curiously and slowly her eyes met hazel ones. Estelle sighed again.
“come on, you can barely walk” with that much of an explanation Sams hand slowly landed on Estelle’s where she shifted all her weight and got out of the car. Estelle helped her as she gripped onto the end of her arm and held her stance firmly.
once the taller girl was standing upright, Estelle closed the car door behind her and locked it with her key before putting it in her back jean pocket. the action reminded her of something she hadn’t thought about beforehand, “do you have keys?” she asked hope laced in her voice. otherwise she had no idea what to do.
Sam nodded as her free hand moved behind her body and into her back pocket, the sound of keys jangling grabbing Estelle’s attention. Sam said nothing as she handed Estelle the keys.
the walk to the door was slow but a lot more steady compared to the walk to the car at school. Sam wasn’t laughing and talking to herself, instead she was extremely focused on getting one foot in front of another.
at the door Estelle tried two different keys before she finally got the right one, she pushed it inside the lock and moved it to the right, the sound of it unlocking reaching her ears. she carefully reach for the doorknob and twisting it, once so she pushed it open.
instantly she was hit with a scent of vanilla and a slight earthy aroma much like what Sam smelled like - not that she was paying attention. obviously.
Estelle helped Sam go inside first before she followed. the two girls were inside and Estelle closed the door behind her, locking it in the process. “where’s your room?” she asked craning her neck as much as she can to look at Sam.
Sam motioned upstairs earning a nod from Estelle. she walked toward it, telling Sam to hold onto the railing with her other hand and take one step at a time. once they were at the top she stopped and waited for Sam to tell her where to next.
soon they were in the girls room and Estelle tried her best to not look around and seem nosy. she wasn’t Sams friend and she did not care about who she was. all she was doing is simply helping a person in need. that’s all.
“come on” Estelle said as she took Sams arm off of her shoulder and practically shoved her on the bed. Sam didn’t protest as she immediately cuddled into her pillow.
“you gonna be okay?” Estelle asked.
Sam moaned, “yeah” she sighed.
“great” Estelle said simply and began to walk toward the door and get the fuck home so she could get ready for cheer practice when a small almost unintelligible groan reached her eardrums.
she groaned silently and looked up. fuck.
she quickly turned around and saw Sam with her eyes closed and a small frown on her lips. why couldn’t she be like her brother and not give a fuck about what happened to her?
with a slight eye roll she approached the bed and began to unlace Sams boots. she did one at a time before she took them both off and placed them on the ground softly, careful to not make noise. once done she grabbed the blanket thrown on the bed and placed it on Sams sleeping body. the girl stirred a little but slowly her breath began to even out once more.
if she was this out of it, it’s likely she wouldn’t be remembering anything about that day let alone how she got home. without another option Estelle walked toward the desk with a closed laptop and books along with notebooks littered around messily. she grabbed the black notebook and ripped a page out before reaching for a pen. she scribbled something down and placed it on the girls nightstand.
once done she walked out of the room without another glance back.
i brought you home cause you’re high as fuck. drink water and don’t you dare take anything else until you’re feeling normal again.
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sleepy--anon · 1 year
Day 4: Weak Spot
You can still reserve unmarked days
Warnings: Intense tickles, restraints, mentioned romantic dreamnotnap, romantic dreamnap, mention of nsfw relations, explicit language
Reserved by @mushiewrites
The three boys were finally beginning to settle into life as a throuple, learning different boundaries and who's into what. It was apparent that Dream and Sapnap were the more openly affectionate ones where as George seemed to be more of an acts of service type of lover. He would cook, clean, do little things for them as a way of expressing his love. Sapnap and Dream were clearly more on the Words of Affirmation and Touch side of things, preferring to cuddle and say 'I love you' and through out compliments like candy on Halloween. Today was no different, George had cooked the two dinner and cleaned up before leaving to see a movie with Hannah, Sylvee, and Skeppy, and Dream and Sapnap laid curled up together on Sapnap’s bed.
"How many people do you think would be surprised by this image?" Sapnap asked, showing Dream his phone, displaying the picture he just took of him pressed against his chest.
"Look, I like being little spoon, nothing wrong with that! You're warm and you hold me nice. Plus I like your smell, you always smell good" He fluttered his eyelashes up at his boyfriend, just barely hearing him mutter something about him being a flatterer over his heartbeat, slow, loud, and rhythmic.
"Stoooopp! You're gonna put me to sleeeep!" Dream whined, softly batting the hand in his hair.
"You're so rude! What happened to your manners" Sap lightheartedly teased back, carefully rolling him onto his back, looking down at him fondly.
"I guess you didn't fuck them into me hard enough~" Sapnap’s jaw dropped, not expecting something like that out of Dream, George sure, but Dream?! Once the shock faded it turned into a dark look, one that got Dream’s heart skipping every time he saw it. He looked up at him with doe eyes, sliding his hands up his arms to his shoulders, pulling him down to kiss him.
"Sounds like I need to take a different approach~" Sapnap purred against his lips, biting the bottom one softly, earning a small tug to the back of his curls.
"Oooo~ You gonna spank me this time~?" What has gotten into him lately?? Whatever it was, it wasn't what Sapnap had in mind. He trailed his kisses down his neck,knowing full well his eyes fell closed. He slid Dream’s hands up, locking them in the leather cuffs that were still on his bed frame, sliding his hands down as he came back up to kiss him again.
"I had something else in mind~" Was the only thing Sapnap said before digging into Dream’s stomach, a well known weak spot for the tall blonde, one that Sapnap loved to abuse as often as he could. He heard the immediate clang of Dream yanking his wrists in surprise, bucking his hips up but not doing much with how Sapnap was laid across his hips.
"I figured this might get through to you a little better~" He crooned, sliding his hoodie and shirt up painfully slow.
"NO! No cohome ohohon! I thought we were being nice today! You were mean yesterday!" Dream whined, squirming as much as he could, which wasn't very much.
"You wanted to test me today, I just so happen to have a lack of patience today~" Sapnap chuckled at the harsh flinch when he leaned down to kiss his blushing tummy. Tracing circles around his bellybutton like a shark.
"All you have to do is apologize and say you'll behave~" Dream could barely comprehend what was said, it took him a bit before shaking his head.
"Nohohohoho, juhuhust dohohon't dohohoho ihihit!"
"That's not an option to pick my darling~" Sapnap slid his hands to his lightly freckled sides and dropped down to press the biggest, deepest raspberry right below his sternum. Dream shrieked at the top of his lungs, head flung back, feet kicking wildly, if they didn't live where they did the neighbors definitely would've called the police. Dream sucked in as much air as he could while Sapnap giggled at his reaction.
"Stohop lahaughing at mehehehe!"
"I'm not laughing at you gorgeous, you're just so damn cute~!"
"FUHUHUCK!" Dream screamed loudly, his laughter almost sounding like only screams as Sapnap pressed tiny raspberries along his sides while he teased his bellybutton, somehow only touching with his nail. It wasn't until he added his teeth when Dream started to break, his laughter going silent for a seconds before coming back. His looked up as he slowly nibbled closer to the middle of his tummy, seeing Dream's face soaked with tears, waving his trapped hand. He paused, only pressing firm kisses to the red belly.
"Fuhuhuhckin hehehehell, I'm sohohohorry. I'll be behahahave I swehehear." Sapnap moved up, kissing his tear soaked face, carefully releasing his wrists, moving them back into their original position. Dream pressed himself impossibly close to Sapnap, rubbing his face against his shoulder like a sleepy baby, before making himself comfortable. He nudged him twice before he understood what he wanted, moving his hand up to play with his hair as he fell asleep, sending George a picture of the aftermath which he quickly made his lockscreen.
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marmie-noir · 8 months
The New Waitress
I'm starting a series of small, stand alone snippets about a waitress who started working for Mitch Keller. I have no idea where these are going but enjoy!
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(Gif not mine obvi, all the props for dameronscopilot who has NOT helped this brainrot in the slightest <3 )
Bred-2-Buck wasn’t my first choice for a job. But rolling into Tulsa with fifty bucks and a suitcase I couldn’t exactly be choosy. I had hopped off the bus and gone to a small diner right next to it, knowing if I wanted some gossip the old woman with her hair pinned back behind the faded neon counter would be my girl. A few bucks for a black coffee and I learned all about where I could get a job, quick, for cash. Which is why I ended up here at this bar and grill, wading through the cigarette smoke to sit at the bar and give my best smile to the owner. The waitress, Maureen, had told me to look for the tall man in a hat and flannel, she had neglected to tell me that he had the prettiest blue eyes and golden hair that curled around the edge of his hat. And he was tall and broad and - focus.
“Mitch, I assume?” I asked, dropping my bag on the stool next to me as I sat in mine, leaning on the old bartop slightly. The bar was casual, dimly lit with neon signs boasting what beers they had available, pub tables and booths filling the space not occupied with darts or pool tables. 
The man looked at me, raising his brows slightly as his eyes trailed over what he could see of me before meeting my eyes. “Yes, ma’am. What can I do for you?” That accent and deep voice, I was a goner. I pushed it down, leaning over the bar and extended a hand for him to shake, not letting my smile drop. “I’m Sunny Stevens. Your new waitress.” I introduced myself confidently, his hand sliding into mine for a firm but friendly handshake. 
He cracked a smile, a flash of white teeth against the dark blonde of his beard. “Hired a waitress did I?” “Just did.” I said back, squeezing his hand one last time before letting go. The two of us looked at one another for a few beats before I broke the silence, thankful the bar was mostly empty. “I’m new in town, and Maureen-” “Say no more, Sunny.” He interrupted, expression smoothing a bit more at the mention of the old waitress who had been my compass to this location. “Maureen sent you I’ll take ya. When can you start?” “Considering I’ve got nowhere to be and I don’t think I can afford a hotel with the cash I’ve got now would be preferred.” Mitch looked almost exasperated at me, something I’d soon get used to. He stepped around the bar after dropping an apron on the bar top before me that I snatched up. Grabbing my bag he gave me a look, taking it behind the bar. “I’ll keep this safe back here. Now, there are a few rules.” I hopped off the barstool, tying the apron around my waist. I had a pair of shorts and a t-shirt on, nothing fancy but perfect for a waitressing gig. I had even worn comfortable shoes, figuring I would have been hoofin' it around town. “Figured.” I said, twisting my hair up into a claw clip, brushing my bangs from my face as I looked up at him once more. “Hit me with ‘em, boss.” “Don’t steal from me, don’t steal from customers, and if anyone gives you problems? You come to me. I don’t want no one pawin’ after you.” “Pawin’ after me?” I asked with a grin, leaning on the bar. He looked amused before he pushed it down, shooting me what I assume was supposed to be a warning glance but I didn’t plan on listening. I couldn’t help myself, I liked Mitch already. He seemed nice, a little brooding maybe but nice. “Just tell me, yeah?” “You got it, boss.” I said, giving him a nod. I wasn’t going to argue if he wanted to make sure I was safe, and I wasn’t sure what kind of clientele came to a place like this. “One more thing, Sunny.” He said, making me pause at the serious tone in his voice. I looked up at him, tilting my head slightly as I adjusted the apron around my waist. “I bring my dad into work sometimes. He just sits at the end of the bar, quiet. If he asks for something just get it for him, pops doesn’t pay.” “Pops doesn’t pay.” I repeated with a grin, giving him a little two finger salute before dipping back into the kitchen to get familiar with it. Within a few hours I knew the cook, Charles, had the menu mostly memorized, and was carrying trays of beer filled mugs across the bar balanced on one shoulder like a pro. I liked serving, I liked the people I got to meet, and liked the cash tips the most. Folding another five into my pocket I cleared the table, grabbing empty mugs and plates, tossing them on the tray to take back to be washed. It was pretty busy, but not too busy for me to bother my new boss. Sliding behind the bar I smiled up at Mitch. He glanced over at me, sensing me there, lifting a brow with a slight smile as he continued to fill a few pitchers. “Whattcha need, darlin?” 
“Round of bourbon shots, two pitchers, and I believe the woman called it a ‘lemon pucker’ if you know how to make such a thing.” I listed off what I needed, setting my trusty tray on the bar top. Mitch smiled at that, looking amused. “Lemon pucker?” I nodded and his shoulders shook with a laugh. My boss was pretty and he didn’t even know it. “I’ll do my best, but no promises.” “I got faith in you.” I said, leaning against the bar to watch him pour the shots and make the lemon whatever the fucked up blonde in the back wanted. I raised my brow at him pouring stuff into a mixing glass over ice before the yellow drink ended up on my tray, whisked away to the back once more. 
Read more Sunny and Mitch here
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gloomy-kitty · 1 year
in your dreams | satoru gojo x fem!reader
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warnings : none
notes : season two/high school gojo. a lil something in between my joshua fic. not proofreading this or anything since it’s just a quick little fic. lil angsty bonus because i can’t resist.
“He’s totally dreamy though ______.” Your coworker sighed dreamily as she stocked the shelves with various beauty products. You groaned rolling your eyes, “Dreamy? Yeah, no. Yuuka don’t get involved with Satoru he’s a playboy.” You warned her furrowing your brows.
“Yeah you only say that because you go to school with him. You have some bias against him.” Yuuka muttered as she stood to her feet flattening the cardboard box, “Anyways I’ll be back. I’m gonna take the trash out to the recycle bin keep an eye on the store.” She sighed before walking away finally leaving you in peace. Generic pop music echoed through the empty cosmetics store but you didn’t mind the lack of customers, it was nice to not have to deal with people. You hummed quietly to yourself as you continued stocking the shelves. When the doorbell chimed signaling a customer coming in.
“Hello welcome to-“ you began to greet them when your eyes landed on the familiar set of fluffy white hair.
“Continue on.”
Nope. You turned your attention back to stocking the shelves. “Aw come on ______ don’t be like that.” Your frenemy whined coming closer to you. Your face scrunched up. God even his voice was grating!
“What the hell do you want Satoru?” You finally snapped turning to face him. You placed your hands firmly on your hips staring up at him. Satoru smirked and held his hand out, a plastic bag dangling in his finger tips. “Got you lunch. Scratch that got us lunch.” He said that stupid sly smile playing on his lips. You wanted so badly to slap that stupid look off his face. “I didn’t ask you to do that. Why do you always insist on bothering me everywhere I go? You annoy me at school and now you come harass me at work. What are you a stalker or somethin’? Go bother Suguru.” Your voice was laced with pure annoyance but it seemed to only fuel the white haired sorcerer even more.
He reached out a finger booping you on your nose, “I’m your stalker ______. Just can’t get enough of ya.” He smoothly said only causing you to scoff even more. “When’s your lunch break? I’m pretty hungry so hurry up.” He said. You rolled your eyes, “When Yuuka gets back.” You snapped. His bright blue eyes widened, “The tall blonde one?” He asked. You nodded. She’s pretty hot but I’m not into gyarus. I prefer my women to be sorcerers just like you, ______.” He sounded so serious which caused your face to heat up but he quickly began to laugh loudly clutching his stomach, “Aw your face got all red. I love when you get all shy.” He laughed. Before you could yell at him Yuuka came in she practically squealed when she saw who was beside you. “Gojo hi! You’re back! Did you come to see me?” She shyly asked fidgeting with her fingers. Gojo winked, “Of course I did. Id love to spend more time with you but ______ made me bring her lunch so next time I owe you a date.” He smoothly said. Such a player. You thought annoyedly, snatching the plastic bag out of Gojo’s hand you began to walk towards the back of the store, “Yuuka I’m going on lunch. I’ll be back in like an hour. Come on Satoru.” You muttered the white haired boy following close behind you excitedly.
Sitting on top of the brick flower bed you crossed your legs pulling out the food from the plastic bag. Satoru watched eagerly as he sat across from you, “Got you your favorite. McDonald’s.” He said, “Did I get your order right?” He asked curiously watching as you opened the box of chicken nuggets. You pretended to examine the nuggets and fries closely before slowly taking a sip of cola then you nodded, “Hmm I suppose you did get my order right. Good boy.” You laughed softly. “See I know you so well. It’s almost like I’d make the perfect boyfriend?” He asked wiggling an eyebrow as he took a bite of his burger. He looked so proud of himself for getting your order right without asking, it was almost cute? Pfft yeah right.
“Boyfriend to who? Me? Yeah no in your dreams.” You laughed. Satoru pouted, “Come on ______. You know you want me. We’ve known each for other for like ten years? So why don’t we make it official.” He whined. It seemed like an on going situation between you and him, him constantly asking to be your boyfriend. It wasn’t like you actually hated him you did like him but it was complicated.
“I’d rather not get caught up in Gojo clan affairs seems to stressful. Plus I told you I’d rather not date a sorcerer too stressful wondering if they’ll die or somethin.” You mumbled avoiding his intense gaze. “Luckily for you my dear lovely future girlfriend that I’m the strongest sorcerer to live so you never have to worry about me dying. You can go become a housewife or something while I take care of you never even have to interact with the clan.” Satoru said leaning closer to you. Sighing you looked up at him, “Meh maybe one day I’ll consider it. Might have to convince me more.” You smirked. Satoru chuckled shaking his head, “God you want me to play the long game huh? Fine I’ll play your games.” He returned your smirk. It was nice to have someone like Satoru in your life despite how obnoxious he was at times.
You fell to your knees sobbing face buried in your hands. “Satoru…Satoru..” you choked out in between sobs. He was gone and it was Itadori’s fault or so you found yourself blaming. He was just a kid but you felt like if Satoru had never taken a liking to him he’d still be here today. Maybe if you stopped Suguru all those years ago this wouldn’t of happened. Maybe if you were stronger you could of saved him. It was too late now you’d never become Satoru’s stupid housewife.
So many scenarios rushed through your head all the what’s ifs. Maybe if you accepted his proposal he would of retired and you’d be raising a family together now. It wasn’t fair and you’d never be able to see him again.
You felt a gentle hand on your shoulder, “______ come on now your bleeding a lot.” Shoko’s gentle voice broke you out of your thoughts. She was right you were drenched in blood from your injuries. The brunette held her hand out as she gently pulled you to your feet, “Satoru wouldn’t wanna see you like this. He’ll be fine. He’ll find a way out.” She offered you a weak smile which you returned giving her a nod. “Y..yeah Shoko.” You coughed out.
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kingkatsuki · 1 year
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Bakugou Katsuki & @theloveinc
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How you meet.
You’d tried to make it to the show early so you could line up and grab a good spot inside. But you hadn’t expected the line to be quite so long, curling around the block as you groaned internally. It still wouldn’t be so bad, because most people would probably grab a drink at the bar first, grab some merch or hang out during the supports.
It was easy enough weaving through the crowds, coming around the left side to avoid the busiest areas as you managed to get about five rows back. Avoiding the pits perfectly, and having a practically perfect view in between two large guys. But you would’ve preferred to be in front of them, especially when you could see the perfect spot to stand right there—
“Oh, can you see, sweetheart?” One of the guys noticed you standing behind them, looking down at you with a smile.
“Yeah, but do you think I could maybe stand there?” You pointed to the space in front of them as the redhead grinned at you.
“Yeah, sure.” He moved back so you could squeeze past them, the blond beside him making no attempt to move.
You felt like you’d finally found the perfect spot as the bands started up, and you were grateful for the guys behind you. Who managed to stop any crowdsufers from falling on top of you, watching as they went directly over your head. And any time the crowd pushed, you fell back into pure walls of muscle.
The support band finished and you hated that you needed the bathroom, wondering if you’d be able to make it back to your perfect spot. But the blond guy behind you had left to go to the bar and made it back, so surely you’d be okay too.
“Where you going, cutie?” Kirishima looked worried as you began to make your way out of the crowd.
“Oh, just to the restroom! I’ll be back!”
“Why’d you dare so much?” Bakugou grumbled as you left the crowd.
“She’s on her own, man. Just making sure she’s okay.”
You were grateful the guys you’d been standing with were so tall, it made it easier to find them in the crowd as you tried to get back to your spot— but of course you managed to get stuck behind rude assholes that refused to let you past. Not even moving to the side so you could squeeze by and slip through somewhere else. You’d already spent too long making your way back to this spot that you didn’t want to go backwards.
Sighing as you decided that you’d probably just be stuck here, the spot wasn’t awful at least. But it definitely wasn’t as good as the spot you had before.
But what you didn’t expect was Bakugou to turn in the crowd, crimson eyes combing over the sea of people as though he was looking for something. And he stopped when his gaze met yours, even surrounded by so many people he’d still picked you out.
Handing his beer to Kirishima as he made his way towards you, the crowd parting with ease as he stepped through. A muscular arm reaching through three separate rows of people to grab your hand as he pulled you through. His fingers lacing with yours to bring you back towards your perfect spot.
“Fuckin’ pricks.”
It’s funny how they didn’t move for your polite excuse me, but they moved when a hulking wall of muscle pulled you through.
“Thank you,” You breathed softly, secretly grateful to be back in the same spot.
“You get lost or somethin’?” He scoffed as he took his beer back from Kirishima.
“No,” You shook your head, “They just wouldn’t let me back through.”
“Assholes,” Bakugou muttered beneath his breath.
“Kats was getting worried about you, thought you might miss Gorillaz.”
“Fuck off, no I wasn’t.” He growled, but his cheeks betrayed his words as they tinged a dark pink.
“I appreciate it the same,” You smiled softly as the band began to take the stage.
The crowd was tighter now as you felt yourself pressed against Bakugou’s chest, apologising profusely whenever someone would push you into him.
“Stop apologisin’, you’re fine.”
The arm he weaved around you to protect you from the crowd didn’t go unnoticed by Kirishima who raised his brows at his best friend, taking a sip of his beer as he gave him a wink.
You ended up singing along with Bakugou and Kirishima during the show, Kiri drunkenly slinging an arm over your shoulder to sway to one of the songs as he encouraged Bakugou to do the same.
They both waited for you after the show to make sure you got out safe, and waited for your Uber to come. Grabbing your phone number just to make sure you got home safe. They both gave you hugs goodbye, and Bakugou lingered a little longer, his eyes drifting down to your lips and then back to your eyes and for a second you thought he might kiss you.
You got a text a little while later from Bakugou.
Bakugou[12.02AM]: I shoulda fucking kissed her.
And it was definitely meant for Kirishima, not for you. But it made your heart race all the same— you’d been thinking about kissing him practically the entire night, but you didn’t have the confidence to do it. So instead you text him back.
You[12.03AM]: Yeah, you should’ve :)
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The Big Picture
The Four Swords manga, adapted/retold using both canon and additional scenes, with a focus on Vio and Shadow's individual characters and ambiguous relationship.
Prologue: Evil Interview
He gains sentience inside an elevator.
He is a cloud of charcoal-colored smoke, taking solid form as the world moves beneath his feet. Feet—he has feet. He has legs. He has a torso. He has a chest, and a heart that beats within it... oh, that might become a problem.
Read the rest on ao3 or under the cut:
He gains sentience inside an elevator.
He is a cloud of charcoal-colored smoke, taking solid form as the world moves beneath his feet. Feet—he has feet. He has legs. He has a torso. He has a chest, and a heart that beats within it... oh, that might become a problem.
The top floor. He’s going to the top floor. It’s the only floor, the only button, lit up blood-red on the metal panel. Machinery churns as he’s lifted upwards, his pointed ears twitching at the unpleasant sound.
A body, a face, and a brain. Eyes, a nose. Hair—not blonde, he much prefers purple. A black tunic and hat like a gnarled phantom limb. It sways nervously behind him as the doors slide open.
The office lobby is dimly-lit, its sole window revealing an even darker landscape. A mountain range is silhouetted in the distance, the land beneath it peppered with dense forests and eerily glowing lakes. Over the trees he spots monstrous figures—dragons, he somehow knows—patrolling the air. It feels unlike daytime or nighttime (not that he's seen either), too unsettling to be calm but too calm to be unsettling.
He knows things, he's realizing, as the elevator doors close behind him. He is a new creation, yet he knows the difference between day and night.
He must have been here before. Not here, as in this lobby, but alive—knowledgeable about the world and his role within it. But that part of himself, the part that isn’t new, the part that simply understands how to exist… he can't fully access it. Not in a way that matters. Smoke still licking at his heels, he feels like an echo, a ghost, a—
“Shadow,” The hinox office receptionist scrutinizes him with one narrowed eye. “Shadow Link.”
He points to himself with a sharp-nailed finger. “Who, me?”
The receptionist sighs and points towards a wooden door. “They’re waiting for you in there.”
‘In there’ is a cavernous conference room, devoid of windows or overhead lights. He—Shadow Link—supposes he belongs in a place like this, illuminated only by tall pillar candles dripping wax onto the linoleum floor. The table in the center of the room could hypothetically seat about thirty people of his size, but only currently seats one. Shadow Link stares into the darkness beyond the candlelight’s reach, barely identifying a form at the table’s opposite end.
From what he can see, the form does not even remotely resemble his own. It has a circular body and several wings, an odd crescent shape on its head like a crown. Its stillness unnerves him, as does its silence. It’s only his best guess that he should take a seat at his own end of the table.
Once comfortable (enough), Shadow Link clears his throat. “Uh… hello?”
A large glowing eyeball opens in the distance, startling him to roll backward in his chair. Sheepishly, he scoots himself back into place.
“Shadow Link,” a voice says, reedy and dry with unmasked impatience. “I am sure you’re aware of why you’ve been brought here today.”
Not at all, he thinks, and wonders if he’s the kind of person who admits his own ignorance like a fool. Given that sentiment, he quickly decides he is not.
“Of course,” he says, clasping his hands on the table.
“I see,” says the giant eyeball, and Shadow Link actually finds that kind of funny, because it (he?) is literally a giant eyeball. “And you are smiling because…?”
Shadow Link stops smiling. It’s not that funny.
“I am impressed that you already understand your purpose, Shadow Link,” says a distinctly different voice. It’s deep and low, sourced from no particular direction but somehow filling the entire room. For some reason, Shadow Link knows he’s heard it before.
“Yeeeeaaah,” he says, his bravado quickly fading. “But I mean… you should probably still say why you think I’m here. Just to make sure we’re on the same page.”
This provokes a loud slam, like a fist on a desk. “You dare question me—Lord Ganon, King of Evil, and your very creator?”
Shadow Link winces. “Uh. Noooo?”
“Respectfully, Lord Ganon,” says the disrespectful eyeball, “this interview charade seems like an unwise use of our time. Did you not bring the applicant into existence to assume this exact position?”
“I did,” answers Lord Ganon, and Shadow Link feels the weight of those words on his shoulders. “So let us discuss what the position entails.”
Shadow Link wants to ask if he gets to be a Lord too, but decides against it. As far as he knows, ‘Shadow’ is already a title.
“We have much to discuss,” says Lord Ganon. “You have an important role to play, Shadow Link.”
He straightens in his chair. “So I got the job?”
Vaati’s eye rolls.
“Yes,” Lord Ganon says, “you got the job.”
He has the urge to shake someone’s hand—but Lord Vaati only has wings, Lord Ganon seems to be working remotely, and he himself only got hands like ten minutes ago, so he’d probably be pretty uncoordinated. Hopefully by the next time it’s appropriate to give a firm business handshake, he’ll be a little more experienced.
“Great,” Lord Vaati says with even greater annoyance. “I’m so glad I attended this important and necessary meeting.”
“Hold your tongue,” Lord Ganon warns. “Shadow Link will see you freed into the world of the light. If not for him, you would be trapped in the Dark World indefinitely.”
Shadow Link nods, relieved to be getting some idea of his assigned role. He isn’t sure which superior he prefers—the one who view him as a shameless nepotism hire, or the one who nepotism-hired him in a position far above his apparent qualifications. But then again, who’s to say he isn’t qualified for whatever purposes Ganon has yet to fully establish? He was created for them, after all!
“Yes, Shadow Link, you will do great things,” Ganon says, and his words invoke the oddest feeling. How can a compliment feel so much like a threat? “You will free the Wind Mage, wreak havoc on Hyrule, and pave the way for darkness to consume the light.”
“I see,” Shadow Link says, a small grin growing on his face. He’s not so sure about the Wind Mage stuff or the dark and light, but wreaking havoc does sound fun. Certainly more fun than the not-existing he’d been doing before.
Which… before. What had he been doing before? Not him, not really, but someone casting a shadow. A shadow that, to the original person’s knowledge or not, has been granted personhood of its own.
Shadow Link. He is Shadow Link.
“Before we discuss your employment,” Lord Ganon says, “it is customary to ask: Do you have any questions for us?”
Shadow—just Shadow now, he's decided—stares into the inscrutable darkness, his hat flicking behind his back.
“Yeah, I have a question: who the hell is Link?”
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kokoro--nerd · 9 months
Parallel Universe; WenClair Mini-Fic
A mini-fic of Wenclair meeting their Reverse Wenclair counterparts. I won't post this on my AO3 since it is a mini-fic and I wasn't feeling it tbh. I am going to try and write a full wenclair fic before my break ends. So until then, enjoy this. (1100 words ish)
Parallel Universes
Not just a staple of science fiction, other universes are a direct implication of cosmological observations
“Is there a copy of you reading this article? A person who is not you but who lives on a planet called Earth, with misty mountains, fertile fields, and sprawling cities, in a solar system with eight other planets? The life of this person has been identical to yours in every respect” (Tegmark 41). 
The other werewolf was a wolf of a woman. She bore soulless, intense blue eyes. Her eyebrows were perfectly maintained and arched, furrowed in a deep glare. A scar slit the raised curve of her brow. Intentional or not, it was best not to ask. Luscious curls cascaded down her body, creating a mass of onyx void flickering in the light. Her carved jawline was sharp enough to cut, with ruby red lipstick to top it off. Truly, this werewolf was a dominating alpha; the cream of the crop, and the leader of the pack. 
Next to her was a blonde woman, smaller in size. She wore round glasses, slightly crooked. Her cheeks were flushed with a pinkness that could be blush or natural. Pouty lips. Bright, black eyes. Round face. Her blonde hair was tied in one braid that swayed behind her back. The smaller woman wore frilly white, tipped with an ombre pink near the ends of her dress. Quite an adorable little thing and petite next to the wolf woman. She speaks up with a soft, quiet voice and asks, “What are your names?”
“Enid,” the original werewolf of the room answered, beaming happily. “This is Wednesday, my girlfriend.”
“I’m Friday!” the petite woman replied, smiling with infection. “And this is my girlfriend, Nyx.”
The black werewolf just nudged her head, staring daggers on Wednesday as if she was contagious. The original Addams glared back. She wasn’t afraid of a challenge but Enid nudged her, forcing her to concede. “Which of you two is responsible for creating a portal between our universes?” Wednesday bluntly asked.
Friday raises her hand shyly. “That would be me.”
“How will you fix this and return to your world?” Wednesday snapped. “The collision of our universes may cause a cosmological catastrophe that will affect my constellation clairvoyance.”
“I have no idea what she said,” Enid admitted.
Wednesday ignored the wolf hiding behind her. “Did you think about the effects of our universes colliding? It may blend time and space, altering history and concepts beyond our recognition.” The goth woman took an intimidating step forward. “I would prefer to not live in a blended universe where Edgar Allen Poe became the next Kim Kardashian.”
“Hey, back up mutt!” Nyx finally growled, stepping forward and putting herself in front of Friday. Her canines shone bright as she snarled like a feral beast. It made her look hauntingly savage and beautiful; a prime alpha establishing dominance. “It was an accident. Friday didn’t mean to end up in your pathetic world.” Her dark blues flickered over to Enid, letting out a pheromone that screamed ‘I am Alpha.’ Enid took one sniff and whimpered behind Wednesday, somehow making her tall frame smaller. “If I’m some rainbow barf in this world, Friday and I will gladly leave as soon as we can.”
Hearing Enid attempt to let out a snarl in defiance but to no avail, Wednesday crossed her arms and said, “This ‘rainbow barf’ is my girlfriend and I am the only one who gets to describe her as such.”
Enid’s baby blues lit up before she looked at Wednesday in confusion. “T-Thanks?”
Friday got in front of Nyx, giving the werewolf a pleading look. She placed her fair hands on Nyx’s neck, gentle and comforting. Her thumbs rubbed in small circles. The black werewolf’s intense glare softened, but only slightly. She held her protective stance against the other two. Friday softly whispered, “Nyxie, it’s okay. I would also be concerned if this was the other way around.”
“Hm,” Nyx huffed, backing down.
Friday then turned to Wednesday with a smile on her face. It was unnerving to the goth woman to see her face smile. A mirror image of her in some parallel universe where she loved rainbows and butterflies, this was Wednesday’s worst nightmare. 
Friday explained warmly, “Do not worry, other me! A small tear in reality will not integrate the two masses. I have ensured a plan to return to our own world before I conducted the experiment.” She takes out the most stereotypical remote that most science fiction movies have. It had a red button and everything. “This device needs some time to charge before it can be used. So, in the meantime, do mind us as we wait. I do apologize for the inconvenience and Nyx. She can be too protective over me.”
As if to prove her point, Nyx wrapped an arm around Friday’s waist, pulling her in close. Their bodies, while contrasting in color, fit perfectly. The black werewolf snarked, “I could teach your runt a thing or two about being a real wolf alpha.”
Enid finally came out of her hiding spot to gawk out, “I am not a runt! I was bigger than my older brother when I was born!”
Friday blushed, twirling her blonde locks as she said, “Nyx, I think you should go back to your original hair color. Look at her. I think you would look quite beautiful in blonde.”
Nyx looks disgusted at Enid, especially the red and blue ends. “No.”
Friday pouted, making Wednesday nauseated. She almost threw up when Nyx seemed to enjoy Friday’s childlike pleading and cuteness. 
Enid’s head shook back and forth as she looked at Nyx, Wednesday, Nyx, and back to Wednesday. Then on Friday. It would be a lie if Enid said she didn’t find Friday adorable. She had always imagined Wednesday as the opposite, and here it was. “Wednesday, I think--”
“No,” Wednesday snapped, earning a whimper from the blonde werewolf. “I am not dyeing my hair blonde.”
“It could make you bearable to look at,” Nyx snided, receiving a punishing snack on her arm from her girlfriend. “Ow.”
“Be nice,” Friday pleaded. Nyx lets out a low growl without malice and more out of annoyance. She looked like a hurt puppy begging for affection. “I think we are getting off on the wrong foot. Why don’t we start over? We should play a game while we wait for the device to recharge. We can take this moment to get to know each other.”
“21 Questions?” Enid suggested.
Friday’s face brightened as she replied, “Yes! Perfect.”
Nyx and Wednesday just shared a look of grimace.
I hope you enjoyed. But I think I'm going to keep this one-shot hella short. I'm going to try other ideas and see if it gets my writing juices flowing.
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