#I need to meet child free-but-not-by-choice people lol
deliciouskeys · 7 months
Am I the asshole socially inept one here?
I have a friend. We’ve been friends since 2005, and have lived in the same city the entire time. We went to grad school together and worked in the same lab for 5-6 years. I wouldn’t necessarily call her a very close friend, but she does know me well, we’ve been trauma bonded, and truth be told I don’t really have anyone much closer at this point in my life who’s not family.
Friend has a 2 year old and a newborn. She still wants to hang out sometimes, but lately it’s been outings where I tag along with her to some children’s venue. I’ve gone to Legoland. I’ve gone to the aquarium. I’ve had to really help out on these trips too. I’ve carried this child or pushed the stroller while she’s carrying the child. We get some conversation in but frankly not that much. I’m also not a huge fan of paying admission to places I’m not actually enjoying. If she asked me to come along as a favor (like a friend would ask with help moving) I would actually do it in a heartbeat. But I’m kind of annoyed that it’s phrased more or less as “are you interested in…?” No one would ask this way if it was a task they were asking for help with.
I don’t have kids of my own. I don’t want to grow distant from every single friend who has kids. What’s the most tactful way to answer a text like this?
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It was easier when this kid was tiny and we’d just go on walks and talk, but as the kid gets older she (rightfully) wants more attention.
I don’t want to say outright that I don’t enjoy spending my time this way, but I’ll do it if she really needs the help. That sounds cold. But maybe honesty is best after all?
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stromblessed · 10 months
Mizu was wrong to let Akemi be taken because they both deserve better
First, a confession. When I saw this for the first time:
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I was relieved. I knew that was what Mizu was going to say and I felt like it's what I would have said in that situation too.
When Akemi does this:
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I cringed, because if we know anything about Mizu, it's that she (1) isn't quick to make friends (though to be fair, even though Akemi did try to kill Mizu, so did Taigen - multiple times! - and look how that turned out lol), and (2) doesn't take orders.
So when Akemi and Ringo and later Taigen get angry at Mizu, are they being unfair?
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Sure, Mizu isn't obligated to treat Akemi - or Taigen or Ringo or anybody else - nicely, or to serve them, or to be honorable, or be a hero to them, or whatever. No human being is obligated to any other human being. We all have the choice to do whatever we want to anybody else. But the point of flawed characters in storytelling is the tension between those characters and their potential. Their growth into someone who can choose the higher, harder path, who chooses to be obligated to others, who chooses kindness and compassion.
Because Mizu's problem isn't revenge. Nobody is preaching at Mizu that revenge isn't the answer. Her circumstances do suck, her life has been incredibly unfair, she is marginalized, and as far as we and Mizu know for most of the season, she is a child born of violence and no one is saying that that violence doesn't deserve to be repaid in kind.
Mizu's problem is isolation. And the fact that she thinks she has no responsibility toward her fellow human beings, because her hatred of her own circumstances and her having no life outside of her quest devours everything else. This is a problem because it turns Mizu into the worst version of herself. A version that hurts the people who like Mizu, the people who care about her.
Practically, Mizu has just taken on an entire army almost by herself. She's hurt. She's exhausted. If she were to defend Akemi now, it'd be yet ANOTHER fight, this time against horsed and armored samurai.
But that's not the reason Mizu gives Ringo. Mizu's ability or willingness to fight isn't even on her mind. All she says is, "She's better off."
"She's better off" is Mizu deciding what's best for Akemi. Akemi's entire story is about her being a caged bird longing to fly free.
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One after the other, every man and woman in Akemi's life makes her decisions for her. She has to grovel and smile prettily and lie through her teeth just for the chance to be heard. Mizu judges Akemi for being a rich princess who isn't being more grateful for what she has, all without understanding Akemi's situation, and without any curiosity for why Akemi feels the way she does. From Akemi's perspective, Mizu is just one more person (one more man!) in a long lineup who ignores Akemi's wishes and (casually!) makes a decision for her that impacts Akemi's life greatly.
In the end, even Seki concludes that Akemi should get to decide what's best for Akemi. What others think that Akemi SHOULD want does not matter compared to what Akemi wants for her own life. As Madame Kaji said - Madame Kaji, who despite calling out the weirdness of Akemi's situation as well as the childishness of her decision to run away - is the only person Akemi meets who doesn't try to make decisions for Akemi, but instead only challenges Akemi to work for and be worthy of what she wants - she needs to decide what she wants for her own fucking self, and then take it.
Mizu being born female does not make her automatically wiser for letting Akemi be taken, and it does not preclude her from having a hand in giving Akemi back to her jailers. A patriarchy that Mizu knows full well would stop Mizu from achieving her own goals if she didn't present as male.
Mizu is still understandable here. She just had to kill Kinuyo, a disabled girl sold by her father into prostitution, a girl in a situation so far beyond Akemi's worst imaginings that I can practically feel Mizu's world being rocked just by comparing them in her mind the way she most likely is. That still doesn't make it right for Mizu to let Akemi be carried off to be sold into marriage by her father against her wishes. Those "good options" Mizu thinks Akemi has don't exist, no more than they ever existed for Mizu. Akemi and Mizu both have to get creative, make the best of their circumstances, take dangerous risks, and break rules in order to have any control over their own lives.
Even on my first watch, when at first I thought that Mizu had made the right decision and that Akemi was being unreasonable, Akemi screaming Mizu's name while being dragged, LITERALLY DRAGGED, back to her father was haunting as hell.
Mizu had the power to help Akemi, and simply chose not to.
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Mizu lets Akemi be taken, Akemi who has just begun to trust Mizu. Mizu calls Ringo weak and quickly - seemingly easily - turns her back on him. Mizu values her quest over Taigen's life, after Taigen has endured days of torture to protect her, and she not only risks his life in the process, but doesn't tell him that Akemi is engaged to someone else, or that she came looking for Taigen, or that she is in danger.
Mizu's sword breaks because it is too brittle. Too pure. Too singleminded. Mizu only melts down the meteorite metal when she mixes the metal with objects from parts of her life that have nothing to do with her quest. Objects from the people she cares about, and who care about her.
All I'm saying is - Mizu doesn't have to be a hero. But she is the better version of herself when she reaches out to help and connect with others. When she's just a decent, kinder human being. And I think that's what this story is telling us that we should want for Mizu.
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hellojuiceboxbaby · 4 months
Thinking about how the night nurse operate through her existence before meeting Kashi. How she never even considered doing something other than what she’s “supposed to”.
How she couldn’t even fathom how a potentially powerful being would choose to stay in the belly of a creature at the bottom of the ocean. How she was left almost to tears that Charles chose to forever run from death over a potentially peaceful eternity just because Edwin showed him a little kindness at the end of his life.
It’s hard for her to understand that she as a whatever she is (I still don’t know what she is lol, maybe a child reaper or something) has the freedom to choose as well. That she can choose to do the wrong thing, and her actions may still have negative consequences but she has the free will to deal with them too.
It’s just interesting how that scene in Angie made me actually think about the choices the characters make, specifically the insignificant ones. All stories are driven by characters choices but a story actively acknowledging it which in the story makes me want to look in detail at every little one.
Like how Monty became human and was given the sole mission to befriend the boys and he chose to learn astrology and flirt with Edwin which inevitably led to him falling for him.
How the tragic Mick chose to not help Esther make her machine. It didn’t end well for him but the choice in an of itself shows his character. It showed me he isn’t as indifferent as I believed he was.
And how the cat king chose to help Niko and Crystal by telling them about Esther’s past. As a trickster/ morally grey character there’s needs be a rhyme or reason for why he does anything but that choice shows us that he truly did have genuine feelings for Edwin and cared about what happens to him (even if he didn’t directly help lol)
All I’m saying is that the story is driven by the characters choices and we see who they are as people even through their insignificant ones.
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yandereworlds · 2 years
It’s been a long day. || {YANDERE!BUTCHER X READER}
hey everyone! this is dae-hyun’s intro, i hope you guys like it! not a lot of yandere-like behavior {yet} since it’s just the introduction, but i hope it’s interesting anyway LOL
here’s dae-hyun’s bio :3
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“Mama, this place smells funny..”
“I know honey, but we’re almost done, okay?” The woman smiled at the child, giving a small laugh to the boy plugging his nose shut with his tiny hands, coiling up into his jacket. The scent of blood, steel and raw meats can be very overwhelming, so nobody could blame him, especially with the loud whirring above them on the ceiling and cases below them. Places like this had a horrendous smell to them and were less cost efficient, you could at least guarantee higher quality products than the average supermarket. It wasn’t dirty here or anything, but the entire aesthetic felt more visceral and gross to most people, but that’s a small price to pay for what they had available.
Crouching down to his level, manicured fingers gently rested on his shoulder, her free hand pointing across the pathway towards the opposite end of the front desk to a small wooden display. “Why don’t you pick a snack from that counter over there?” The boy immediately smiled, hands still covering his nose.
“Okay, mama!” 
“Get something for your brother too, he probably wants one of those meat and cheese things.” 
The child rushed towards the counter, taking in everything there was to offer; which actually wasn’t a lot. Various meat type snacks were obvious choices, and a few packaged treats such as small muffins, sweet rolls and some generic candy options. As the boy looked for something he wanted, his mother studied the meat display-case, her hand over her mouth in thought. Brushing some blonde locks out of her face, the woman looked up at the man behind the counter, who had just finished wrapping up the last item she chose. She was unable to look him in the eye though. That was normal from customers though. 
“I think I’m gonna get some sirloin too..”
“How much?”
It almost sounded like a demand, rather than a question. His voice was low, and gruff. He sounded like he was threatening people half the time he spoke, even if he didn’t mean to. Put off again by his tone, the woman’s eyes flickered away in anxiousness. She didn’t wanna be here any longer than she needed to, just being in this man’s presence made her feel uneasy. At least he hadn’t shown any signs of aggression, but it was the way he looked at everything. The guy looked like a gang member. She chalked it up to maybe he was just having a bad day, and that the sooner she was out of his way he’d feel better. And she’d feel better. 
“Uh, I’m thinking.. twenty ounces.”
With no response, the male takes a few slabs of the meat to weigh it. Little green electronic numbers flashed on the screen above the scale counting it in pounds, soon enough getting to a pound and quarter-pound. Satisfied, the man began wrapping the beef into kraft paper, closing it tightly to ensure the meat would not be contaminated or spoiled. His clear gloves had a little smearing of blood and juice on it, his eyes solely focused on his hands as he worked, never even giving the mother a second glance. In her mind, she never could understand how someone can be just so comfortable touching raw meat. Yeah, she had to when she cooked, but even then she felt it was kind of gross. She couldn’t imagine having a career solely on handling them. It was creepy how unbothered and distant he looked while packaging it. Taking aluminum foil, he finalized his work with one final layer around the raw meat and paper. Once everything was wrapped, he slipped all the different meats into a brown paper bag, the sounds of pitter-patter coming closer.
“I got snacks, mama!”
“Good job, sweetheart! Put it up on the countertop!” 
The child set down two snacks; a meat-n-cheese stick combo, and some gummy bears. Taking off the rubber gloves before dropping them into the wastebasket by his feet, he used some sanitizer and rubbed them between his calloused hands without a word. The air was a bit awkward, the silence causing more awkward tension for the mother and her child to the point the boy used one of his hands to grab ahold of hers, still plugging his nose with the other. The man noticed this, but brushed it off. Grabbing the two items, he punched them into the register in front of him, along with the sirloin and other meats. Once complete, he pressed enter and the total came up on the small electronic screen on the -honestly outdated- machine for checkout. He pushed the snacks towards the edge of the countertop, gesturing for the child to grab them again, before looking back at the woman.
“Total is thirty-one dollars and sixty cents. You can round up to thirty-two if you wish to donate to our Paradise fund. It gives extra money to our local farmers to provide for their animals to ensure they live healthier lives.”
“Sure thing..!” Her voice sounded like she was holding her breath, giving a weak smile.
The blonde reached into her designer purse, digging around for her wallet as her son grabbed at the snacks again. Little brown eyes looked up at the taller male, who was well over twice his size. The man looked down at the child, the natural scowl on his face making the boy shrink back into his mother’s side, gripping onto her jacket. He didn’t mean to scare the kid, but he just couldn’t help how he looked. It’s not like he could just change his face. Though, he really wished he could. When cash was set on the counter, her thin hands immediately coiled back, as if he’d grab her if she lingered too long. Pulling the drawer open more, the man slipped the money into the machine, clicking some more keys until a receipt started coming out of the slot. Ripping it out, he set it inside the bag, wrapping the top in on itself to make a stronger hold than the actual handles, gesturing it towards her with his hand on the bottom of the bag to avoid breakage. The mom took the paper bag from him, almost cringing from how rough his hands felt. Using her free hand, she grabbed onto her child’s small one, making him whine from the smell now being able to reach his nose.
“Have a good rest of your night, ma’am.”
“You too..” She turned, looking down at her son as her smile changed from nervous to actual happiness. “Let’s go, honey. When we get home, do you wanna help mommy prepare dinner too?”
“Yeah! We’re having sgetti right?”
Their voices began to fade as they exited the door, the little bell ringing overhead. “Yep! We’re gonna be making spaghetti. You’re gonna help mama with..-” Her voice disappeared from the room, him watching as she walked into the small parking lot towards her car. It was dark out, she should really be more careful when it’s just her and her kid. Cruel people could take advantage of that. At least he knew they’d be safe on their way out, but nobody really comes by in later hours anyway. But seeing that woman and her son made her think back to his own childhood. Walking towards the snacks counter, he began mindlessly cleaning up after the kid’s aftermath of rummaging. The man knew kids were messy, he understood that, so he couldn’t be mad at him. Plus, it was an easy clean. Nothing to get worked up over, unlike what he saw from employees in other establishments. They’d freak out over the smallest thing, at just a child. He didn’t understand how grown adults could be so frustrated over something like that, especially if the kid didn’t mean to be. His parents never treated him like that.
When did he go out last with his own mother for errands like that? Dae-Hyun couldn’t remember. She died a decade ago by now, but he did remember going on little ‘adventures’ with her. He missed that. He missed when his mom would help him work in the shop, teaching him with a smile on her face. He brushed some black hair out of his eyes.
At least that little boy was still able to do things with his own mother, the man was glad he hadn’t gone through that loss, especially this early in his life. 
Now that he thought of it, after his mom died he never really went out after that. His dad didn’t have the energy or enthusiasm to go out like he did when his mom was alive. Both of them took it pretty hard, so it made sense they weren’t as spontaneous without her. Not to mention, his father wasn’t one to be spontaneous on his own at all really, it was mostly his mom giving them something to do or somewhere to go. Dae-Hyun wasn’t really either, he mostly took after his dad. His dad could barely even keep running the butchery after a few years with her gone, let alone go out. He’d stop showing up as much for work, and would hire people to run it until his son was old enough to take over the family business, and by the time Dae-Hyun could run it all on his own, his dad had stopped showing up at all. He turned everything in his son’s name, living off the profit made from the years prior. His father was lucky though. If he hadn’t promised his mother to continue the business, he would have probably turned down the offer. Yeah, his dad would want Dae-Hyun to keep the family line, but it’s not like he could force him in the end. Dae-Hyun was -in his mothers words-, her ‘little baby butcher’; he’d feel guilty if he let it go. At least the job was fairly easy once he learned the skills, easy money without risk of being fired.
As his thoughts continued to spiral into different directions of his family, he absentmindedly began wiping down the counters. A lot of the time, Dae-Hyun was on auto-pilot, not really putting a lot of thought into what he did, just went through the motions. His extended family was worried about him, but he didn’t mind living this way. Or well, at least he thought. He did what he needed to, and that was life. He’d been doing it for years, and he turned out fine for the most part. He began to wonder how life would have been different if his mom had been around. The black-haired man stared blankly down at the countertop, spraying then rubbing with the rag. He didn’t bother checking the time, or the door. Nobody showed up this late, he had about thirty minutes until he’d close. The only time it would be busy this late is during the holiday season, and it was the middle of May. 
Then, a little bell rang. 
A little shocked, Dae-Hyun lifted his head, meeting eyes with another customer. He didn’t recognize them. Well, that was new.
“Sorry I’m here so late in the day, but I heard you’d be slower during the night. You’re not closing yet, right? I read on the website you close at ten?”
“Uh..” He blinked a few times quietly, still looking all too intimidating. “Yeah, we’re still open.”
The person gave a relieved sigh, their hand resting on top of their chest. “Good, I was worried.” They gave a gentle laugh, smiling up at him as they approached the counter. “I’ll be quick, okay? I just need to get a few things.”
Dae-Hyun wasn’t used to such gleeful interaction, feeling almost a little off-put by it. “Take your time. You still have a little while.” His scowl remained the same, taking his spray bottle and rag into the drawer, reaching towards the sanitizer again. Giving himself a little to rub between his hands, the other nodded and went off to look around. The male snuck another glance at the customer, trying to get a read on them. They’re definitely new to the shop, he hadn’t seen them before. He watched as they picked an item from the shelf and eyed it. They didn’t look like the type to steal, they wore pretty decently priced clothes and looked well-presented, and their overall stature didn’t imply they were the thieving type. They were pretty cute honestly. Not that it really mattered though. 
“Y’know, I’ve heard good things about this place.” The sudden voice startled Dae-Hyun, quickly looking away so that they didn’t realize he had been staring at them, unintentionally warding them off. “I read online that this was a family thing?” 
The man nodded, resting his hands on the counter. “Yes, it started as my grandfathers.”
The person smiled again, still holding the item in their hand, a sauce bottle. “That’s so cool!” Walking towards the front, their {E/C} eyes met with his deep brown ones. They weren’t looking away, what was up with them? “But..” They gestured at the emptiness behind him, “Are you the only one who works here..?” The man nodded silently, almost looking away from the eye contact himself. It was a weird feeling. They frowned, setting the bottle on top. “Don’t you get lonely?”
Now that was an unexpected question. Most people just got what they needed and left, and any small talk was usually to cut tension, not actively start a conversation. They didn’t seriously worry if a guy like him was lonely, right? His scowl softened a little, tilting his head to the side. He actually felt.. more focused right now. Mostly intrigued by the approach.
“I mean..” He paused, he did feel lonely. But just saying ‘yes’ felt a little undeserved on their end, afterall; they did make the effort to actually converse with him. He kind of felt like he owed more than that. “Yes, but it’s not anything I can’t handle.” He pulled out a brown bag from under the countertop before opening it and setting it down, then pulling out a pair of clear gloves. “Have you decided what you’d like?” Did he always sound this mean? He never really considered it before, why did he only really notice it now? No wonder people looked at him funny. It’s not like he was unaware of how he sounded, but it never really caught his full attention.
“Oh..! Uhm..” They looked down at the glass display, reading off what they wanted. “I was thinking.. Ten pounds ground beef, and just a pound of boneless ribeye.” They pointed at the steak within the case, nodding. “Yep, that’s the one.”
Dae-Hyun nodded, quietly opening the casket. Pulling out the tray of ground beef, he wrapped it in some extra protective layers, setting it inside the bag before grabbing the ribeye. Watching as the man worked, {Y/N} looked up at him. They pursued their lips for a moment, before giving a small laugh. “Y’know, you’re not as scary as I heard you were.”
That caught his attention. He turned a little, meeting eyes with them with a startled look, letting out a quiet ‘what’. 
“Yeah, a bunch of my friends said you had the best meat products but that you were absolutely terrifying.” They let out another playful scoff with a slight shrug, “I mean, I can see why they’d think that, a big hulky guy carrying around bloody meats and cleavers” they leaned over the counter, “But.. I don’t know, you don’t seem all that scary to me.” Being told that he was lonely, made {Y/N} feel a little sympathy for him. That answer alone made him feel a lot more human than what the other people in town said about him. {Y/N} liked to think they’re a lot less judgy than their peers, and wanted to come see for themselves if ‘the scary butcher guy’ was as terrifying as they heard.
Unaware to even respond, Dae-Hyun felt a little pang in his chest. He just.. stared at them. He could feel a little warmth spread across his face, almost sweating. That felt.. Good, but also very intimidating. Intimidating? Since when was he the intimidated one? It felt.. almost terrifying. Catching himself in his trance, the man quickly looked back to the scale, trying to fixate his eyes on it and not retreat back to the customer, muttering an apology. He nodded. “Th.. Thank you.” He swallowed, mind a little aflutter from the comment, almost missing the scale’s number. This was so odd, he’s barely even met this person and he’s already feeling a little anxious. And that smile on their face.. When did he last see someone smile so genuinely at him like that? While wrapping the meat, he snuck a glance at them, noticing they were already reaching into their bag to pull out their wallet. He carefully put the steak into the bag, taking off his gloves and sanitizing again. He really used it too much, it certainly didn’t help the callousness of his hands. Typing away at the register, as {Y/N} tossed a sweet roll on the counter top. He must have been too in his head to even realize they walked over there. Punching in the extra numbers, he turned to them, noticing the debit card in their hand.
“Uh..” He paused, “We only take cash..” 
“Oh! Sorry!” They stuffed the card back, giving an awkward laugh as they looked at the numbers on the screen. Twenty-two dollars, and thirty-seven cents. Pulling out a small wad of cash, they cursed under their breath. “Shit, I don’t have enough right now. Can I put the roll back? Sorry again..” They gave an apologetic smile, scratching their neck.
Giving a little thought, Dae-Hyun sighed. “It’s fine, the roll is on me. Just give me what you have.”
Looking a bit taken back, a brighter smile soon spread across their face. “Really..!?” They handed over the money to his hand, grinning wide. “Thank you..! That’s so sweet of you!” Sweet? He never heard that word to describe him before. But he also hadn’t offered free merchandise before. Slipping all the money into the drawer, a receipt popped out before he tore it and put it in the paper bag. Rolling it, he pressed his hand under as he passed it off, letting them grab the roll with their free hand. Laughing to themselves, {Y/N} adjusted their grip. “See, they don’t know what they’re talking about.” 
They hadn’t made a whole lot of conversation, mostly because he didn’t really allow a whole lot of room for any, but he couldn’t deny it felt kinda good to have someone talk to him like a person for once. And hearing this person defend him almost made him feel.. Happy. It clearly wasn’t everyday someone described him so positively. He almost didn’t want them to leave. Getting out of his thoughts again, he realized the customer already made it to the door. 
“Thank you again! Have a great night!”
Before he could even respond, they were already out the door. He stared at the glass from afar, his chapped lips parting a little. He muttered a small ‘you too’ under his breath. His mind was a little blank now, just standing alone. Dae-Hyun wondered if, or when they’d be back again. They didn’t seem to be scared off or anything.. Then he realized something.
He never even caught their name.
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sylwanin-was-right · 2 years
I feel the film redirecting Neytiri’s anger toward Spider instead of Jake made her seem less justified since he’s a kid and def played into a lot of stereotypes (plus her relationship with Ronal adding up to her being one of the “simple angry natives” She deserves to angry due to her tramma but the way it was displayed was disappointing
I can see where youre coming from, but I funamentally dont agree:
he’s a kid
Neytiri targeted Spider strategically to intimidate Quaritch into freeing Kiri. Not only that, Neytiri knew (somehow) that the two Miles were related as father and son, so Spider being sacrificed as a "son for a son" was the trade of magnitude that Quaritch needed to realize the consequences of bluffing (disowning and discarding Spider as a human casualty that happened to be his child).
Although I doubt Quartich knew how Neteyam died in all that chaos, he probably understood the magnitude of her "son for a son" comment by inferring she'd lost her son and would risk a heavfty bloodpayment to avenge him and save the rest of her children (of whom she didnt seem to consider Spider one of) and also put him in a vulnerable position by freeing him up.
Spider is a kid yes but so was Kiri, Tuk'tirey, and Neteyam, all of whom were targeted as prisoners of war, and the last of whom died as a casualty of war. War causes excessive suffering, trauma, and death, but fire begets fire and sometimes sacrifices have to be made. To Neytiri, sacrificing Spider was something she was willing to pay for the price of not losing Kiri or anyone else and having Jake in better position to capture him so she could escape with the kids. She knew how much it would take for Quaritch to let Kiri go, so she got equal with the stakes of the tradeoff.
Also, Neytiri is a warrior who is probably trained and used to the cruelties of war at this point, but shes still a person, so shes complex. We saw how happy she was until the humans returned, we saw how much grief and agony she was put through, and we saw her grapple with the war refugee status she and her family were in, again. She had to be convinced by Jake to leave Neteyam's body to finish the RDA off because she is a loving person and mother as much as she is a ruthless and dedicated warrior and she had to internally struggle with those parts of herself. But I feel that Neytiri was constantly dragged along by events that led to enormous personal losses, so we saw her take her own course of action when the buildup of her trauma required her to make a morally grey descision. We got to see Neytiri be complex in a way thats morally grey.
She did not target Spider because he was a vulnerable child anymore than her enemy did to intimidate a surrender. But I personally believe her "son for a son" comment made the ultimatum she directed very personal as she felt need to not only save her living children but avenge her dead child in the form of sacrifice. Neytiri made a descision that made her complex and just made sense for what shes been through and what she stands for.
[...] and def played into a lot of stereotypes (plus her relationship with Ronal adding up to her being one of the “simple angry natives” She deserves to angry due to her tramma but the way it was displayed was disappointing
I agree that the immediate feud between her and Ronal was a very poor writing choice by white people (mostly white men) who seem to think portraying two Indigenous-coded women literally catfighting upon meeting had zero implications about Indigenous people and women in general lol. But I disagree (as a Black person, tho not Indigenous, so keep that in mind) that Neytiri's character arc exhibited stereotypes of a "simple angry native" because the rage that led her to sacrifice Spider was not just simple anger at all and actually very complex decision making from complex motivations.
We saw Neytiri endure major, consequtive traumas throughout A1 and A2. She watched it all happen before her eyes and she had little to no onscreen time to process any of it. It seemed she was dragged along by the plot and passive to the decisions it required from her. We finally got to see her fury and rage unleashed in a slaughtering at the sinking ship battle, and while she had blood on her mind in vengence, it was not senseless and random; she was doing what any warrior, mother, and would-be Tsahìk would to "protect the people", this time NOT from anyones swaying or orders, or by the demands of plot progression.
I think the worst anti-indigenous stereotype of the movie, had Neytiri not been shown to sacrifice Spider, would be that Indigenous ppl are never justified in their expressions of trauma against their oppressors. We saw no full blooded Na'vi character make descisions of their own voalition in expression against RDA plundering because Jake was always there to be the more "level headed" mediator and reorient their "reactions". It was frustrating to see the known white savior character seem to have just as much unearned authority as before even if it was in a mediating position. So when Neytiri made a strategic descision to use Spider as bait against Quaritch to free his hold on Kiri—something Jake would have likely never done nor fully accepted—we saw a Na'vi woman use her own voalition to express her rage against her oppressors and those in debt to her people in a strategic way that furthered their self defense as a people, which beings me to my next point:
I'd argue that Neytiri's descision to use Spider as bait and sacrifice wasnt just about her own vengence. The magnitude of her losses and who she is as an Omatikaya warrior woman meant Soider's sacrifice would be a collective a loss against the RDA since Neteyam's death was a collective loss against her family, the Omatikaya, and even Eywa (after the Collective losses of A1 and the events prior, like Sylwanin's murder).
Its as likely as not that Neytiri knew Quaritich killed Neteyam. She decided that, regardless, he has to pay as the leader of the RDA force that was directly responsible for the war and assassin fleets brought to all her families multiple times. The fact that a sprayed RDA bullet killed Neteyam and not directly Quaritch meant that there was a collective blame to be placed on the entire RDA for his death and the continued assault and massacres of Na'vi peoples and Eywa. Spider's sacrifice would have reverberated across the RDA as a collective attack since he served as both a valuable resource and a legal liability to the RDA (think of negative PR they would have if news got back to Earth that a human childs death occured on a Colonal's watch), as well as a personal attack on Quaritch whom likely would have made his son's loss personal to the RDA, too (whether in allegience to them or not. We'll see!).
Ofc it would look bad to the humans for a Na'vi to kill their kin, and could easily be spun against them since its not wrong to put ur species first, nor wrong to find child death irredeemable. But the stereotype of the "simple angry native" comes from their propaganda and privileges since they benefit from Na'vi oppression, not from the actions of the Na'vi in response to their oppression in the context of it. One human child sacrificed in a hostage standoff in lieu of a genocide of thousands of Na'vi children, their families (familial flora and fauna too), and their sacred sites is not comparable to a corperation's military forces using genocide and war to protect plundered assets for money and market domination because the collective messages against the people affected by the losses are completely different. Neytiri's sacrifice of Spider is a message of collective and spiritual venegence and self defense, and the RDA and RECOM fleet's massacring and plundering are messages of of violent supremacy and greed. Total opposites between the oppressor and the oppressed.
TLDR: Neytiri is a complex character saturated with trauma and, at her breaking point, was fueled by vengence into morally grey territory. Her on-screen slaughtering of RDA forces was an extention of the rage and vengence she felt when she used Spider as bait and sacrifice. She was only morally "questionable" to the extent of what sacrifices could be "allowed" in war/defense, and IMO, it made sense for her to use Spider in the heat of the moment as bait to call Quaritch on his bluff to release Kiri and get better position to defeat him and get the kids to safety.
It was important to see an Indigenous-coded character use her own voalition against the white savior's sway to express anger at oppessors and add layers to her character. In avenging the death of her firstborn and the protection of her family, her people, her home, and Eywa against settler colonial genocide, morally depraved, capitalist destruction, and assault on the spiritual harmony and autonomy of Na'vi nations, Neytiri targeted the human boy she felt little kin with in a strategic way. Quartich's son proved to be a liability anyway and Neytiri knew she could exploit that liability through his sacrifice, which proved to expose the vulnerabilities of the oppressor enough to free her family and ring a message to the RDA that the losses she endured were personal and collectively felt.
I feel that Neytiri as a warrior, a mother, and an indigenous woman (in her own universe at least) was justified in her actions toward Spider, and her abscence from the film in dialouge and emotional expression (other than crying and screaming in agony from direct assaults) are what contribute to anti-indigenous sterotypes about Native Women's lack of complexity and Indigenous ppl's automous decisions against their oppressors, NOT her descision to act on her trauma.
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ilikeyoshi · 4 months
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drops them in here. skyrim oc brainrot is real
anyway this is miriam free-winter, nord dragonborn, and cambria mede iv, imperial princess. :) because the knight/princess flavor of lesbians is FUN dammit.
miriam was orphaned in windhelm as a child and eventually adopted by brunwulf free-winter. she soaked up all the stories about brunwulf being a hero because he fought for ulfric stormcloak during the great war, and now she wants to follow in those footsteps by serving the stormcloaks, which if u know brunwulf as a character, has led to a lot of tension between him and his daughter.
despite her political allegiances, miriam is really sympathetic to the non-men peoples of skyrim, and her anger is focused on factions over people, like the empire and the thalmor. a lot of her journey involves dismantling these ideas she has in her head about who ulfric and the stormcloaks really are, and coming to the same realizations brunwulf did. but uh, she starts off with some very flawed ideas about the war, that's for sure!
cambria mede, fourth of her name, is the granddaughter of the current imperial emperor, titus mede ii. she is, to say the absolute least, a total troublemaker of a princess. having grown up surrounded by people that condemn skyrim for its resistance to empirical rule (and the many bad things that come from it), cambria starts on a different path, wanting to experience skyrim and its plight firsthand and figure out what they really need and how to provide it.
thus, she declares she's going to skyrim for a relative's wedding in solitude—a perfect excuse to get into the province and investigate—only to get caught right in the middle of the helgen incident. cambria survives and is rescued by riverwood villagers, and while she withholds her true identity from them, she immediately knows skyrim is about to be in far worse trouble than it already is with a dragon of all things on the loose, and her priorities shift accordingly.
miriam eventually meets cambria in riverwood, having been sent by the stormcloaks to investigate weird rumors about helgen shortly after the incident. by now, cambria has freshened up on Skyrim Folklore, and with half a prophecy already fulfilled with the dragons' return, she sees no reason not to believe the other half of the prophecy will soon reveal itself—the dragonborn. miriam stands out to her because of a surprising resistance to dragonfire, and suspecting her, cambria requests her help investigating the nearby bleak falls barrow, explaining that the ancient nords might still have documentation of some sort that can help skyrim against the dragons.
what she's really after, and what miriam soon learns, is proof she's dragonborn—and of course, cambria finds it when miriam is able to learn the word of power buried in the barrow. :)
as always, i named my skyrim ocs after fonts, because my first skyrim oc was named thusly and it's a fun tradition to keep up! i really wanted to more strongly incorporate the civil war than i normally do in playthroughs too, because it's such an integral part of the story, but one i tend to disregard because neither option is very good lol. instead of that being a deterrent this time though, i decided to explore it—i wanted characters who had various reasons for the choices they made, and to see how those choices change as they learn and grow. skyrim as a story isn't nuanced enough to pick a Truly Good Option at the end of all this, and i haven't found a mod that promises much better (though i haven't started that questline in my current playthrough yet, so if you have suggestions PUHLEEEEASE hit me up!!!!), but that's what Imagination and Putting My Fingers In My Ears is for.
anyway, as u can see they are my world-saving lesbians of the week. <3 i am rotating them in the microwave that is my brain at terminal velocity.
picrew credits! [1-2] [3] [4]
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lastlight-inn · 3 months
Hi hi!! 🩷🤍🤎
I answered 🩷 and 🤍 here already but I gotchu with 🤎.
🤎 Brown: How did you decide to write (or why are you writing) a certain fanfic? (Asker, feel free to choose a specific story you're curious about. You can also let the answerer choose the story.)
As I only have one real long fic I've been writing, I will address You're At the Top of My Lungs.
Poppy is a very very old OC and she is frequently subjected to my hot boy of the month. But as a result of her being so old, I have a canon history with her. She "lives" in our timeline. I know her birthday. I know what she was doing in 2012. A lot of her background that I've shared in YATTOML is "canon" as it were lmao. I didn't have to develop it for my bg3 story with her, it's been sitting with me for years.
She dumped her last partner in 2018 when she found out they were cheating and all her other attempts at dating afterward fizzled out. So she's sort of been celibate by choice for a few years. This can be helpful because it gives me "room" to have her meet someone...whenever in that timeline (though COVID does throw a wrench into those things.) Given all of that, It was very easy to slip Gale into her story.
I sort of did the reverse that people have been doing with Gale x Tav. I pulled Gale into our world with Poppy instead of inserting her into BG3. It was already "canon" that Poppy's mother was born in England and moved to America for the boy she met at University. I had started thinking that Poppy would visit England in her summers as a child ages before I started playing BG3. It was easy to make Morena her mom's childhood and university friend, for their children to be close in age and to befriend each other.
In one version of this universe, Gale does NOT miss her mother's funeral but something else happens that breaks the relationship, but in a much more forgiving way. So when Poppy decides to move to England for Reasons in the fall of 2023 and happens to run into Gale, it's easier for her to forgive him in a low-stakes scenario such as that.
That being said, and to get back to the original question, I spent months thinking about Gale and Poppy in Our world before I sort of hit a wall (like...what does their future look like? idk what Poppy's future looks like because I haven't lived it yet )That's where the actual game comes in.
I play a self-insert Lore bard version of Poppy in my main bg3 playthrough. That is not canon. Instead, I started trying to figure out how I could actually fit Poppy into the story given what I already know about her background, character, etc. It's copied over fairly seamlessly. Having the friendship breaking moment be that Gale misses her mom's funeral is Insane (I am very aware, I apologize to anyone that's been turned off by my fic because of that lmao) but I couldn't use the "real" reason because...Mystra is a goddess and the reason isn't really possible in my mind because of that fact. Eventually the Gale brainrot turned into full-on PoppyxGale brainrot to the point where I needed to write it all down.
I have never written Poppy before for two reasons.
Her story in "current day" is nebulous and I want to keep it that way.
Her backstory (i.e. who she's friends with "IRL") is a little too self-indulgent for me to feel comfortable sharing. I feel pre-emptive embarrassment even considering writing that idk her bandmate used to be the drummer for My Chemical Romance (I'm going to go throw up now please don't look at me).
But the BG3 storyline is so Contained and far, far away from #2 that I was like...wait....I KNOW exactly what happens. This is a static storyline I'm creating...and I want to remember it. And share it.
Idk if I'll ever write what I consider Gale x Poppy's canon story in our timeline (I consider BG3 an AU as it were lol). Sharing that maladaptive daydream feels too personal.
tldr; brain got Too Full and I needed to write it down lmao
As for the Modern College AU I have in the works that I talk about in the linked ask/answer, I wanted to write that one because a) the lack of Modern AUs esp with a younger Gale and b) my love of college radio. I was a part of my university's college radio station for all 4 years and it was so important to me, my growth, and my life at that time. I want to write something that's sort of an ode to that and I feel like would be a bit different! I want to use the radio as a sort of Greek Chorus for the fic and that one idea has been singlehandedly fueling my writing and brainworm for that particular project. Now all I need is to figure out how Gale and Poppy actually get together in that universe 😭.
WELL THAT WAS LONG but ty for your ask 💜💜💜💜💜💜💜
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Tis ANOTHER collection of incorrect quotes
Tulip: I’m gonna mix a can of Red Bull with seventeen shots of espresso in a fishbowl and then chug it while Kids by MGMT plays in the background so I can perceive twenty-three spatial dimensions and fight my own soul.
Juliano, already removing every potential hazard in the vicinity: How about you don't?
Lily: But when all hope seemed lost, I had an epiphany!
Lily, earlier: I'm going to throw myself into the sea.
SMG3: What’s that off in the distance? Could it be? It is! My last damn, disappearing over the horizon. Be free, my old friend… be free…
SMG4: 3, hun, I literally JUST asked you to be nicer to Boopkins.
Lil Coding: And that's when it hit me. The best idea I ever had!
*After everything goes to shit*
Lily, glaring at Lil Coding: That was the worst idea you've ever had!
Morris: You played me like a damn fiddle!
Root: You're wrong. A fiddle is beautiful and difficult to play. I played you like the cheap kazoo you are.
Cody: LC, I am questioning your sanity... 
Sage: I never questioned it, I knew his sanity was missing from the start.
Cody: I always wondered how a living person could kill another living person.
Cody: And then my siblings got threatened and I was like "oh okay!"
Root: I'm friends with this family for the same reason people visit the zoo.
Root: Oh! Shh, look at that!
Root: *turns to watch a screaming Mario chase a screaming Luigi*
Root: Nature is amazing.
Cory: I'm six, so I get six cookies!
Cody: Cory, bub, that's now how it works-
Lil Coding: *pocketing 12 cookies*
Cody: What did you guys get in your yearbook?
Lily: 'Prettiest smile'.
Root: 'Nicest personality'.
Lil Coding: 'Most likely to start a bar fight'.
Bowser Jr: 'Least likely to start a bar fight, but most likely to win one'.
*The Crew right before Domain&Forum's wedding (potentially idk lol)*
SMG4: Well, we have to go, we have a wedding to attend.
Abyssal: Wait... Oh! I have a wedding to attend too!
Mario: Oh, I have a wedding to attend as well.
Meggy: Where's the other kids?
Welony: They're playing hide and seek.
Meggy: Where?
Welony: I don't think you get how this game works.
Luigi: How late were you up last night?
SMG34 & SMG3, in tandem: Me?
Luigi: No, not you two. You stay up late all the time.
Luigi, to Mario: You.
Buffer: CPU was sitting next to me during the meeting today and offered me a sip of hisbdrink because I mentioned that I was thirsty...
Buffer: I was not fucking expecting to take a sip of vodka cranberry at 9am.
Forum: God, you’re so clingy.
Domain: YOU came to MY USB?!
Buffer: CPU, I need a gun, but you can't ask why I need it.
CPU: As long as you don't ask how I've gained all these.
Buffer: Deal.
CPU: *sets 20 different guns on the table*
Buffer: ..
CPU: ..
Buffer: *points at one* That one will do.
CPU: Good choice.
Tari: Why are you still drinking? It’s 10 in the morning.
Bob: I know how bad this is gonna feel when I sober up, so I'm just gonna keep drinking a little bit.
Lil Coding: Boil up some Mountain Dew. It's gonna be a long night.
Sage: You could have said anything else.
Lily: Cauldron boil and cauldron bubble, baja blast to fuel my trouble.
Lil Coding: Lily suggested the idea of putting me on a child's leash, and I think everyone honestly considered it.
Umbra: You didn't happen to bring any coffee, did you?
Abyssal, handing him a thermos: Milk and sugar.
Umbra: Oh, awesome. You're a lifesaver.
Umbra: *drinks it*
Umbra: Wait, is this just milk and sugar?
Abyssal: That's what I said.
Root: How petty can you get?
SMG3: I once edited a Wikipedia article to win an argument I was wrong about.
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heleizition · 9 months
DAMN not me being like whos cody and the plot post being like GODS FUCKING CLONE CHILD. tell me everything we love an apocalypse harbinger. also CAIN MY BOI poor baby needs that therapy. also the whole 'and god thought mh well i liked that lets try again'? chefs kiss. I Wish To Know The Past Lives by you categorised as kinda boring THING pls. does cain get a bestie? someone give this man a bigger support and luv system. also vik is a BABY? a former child. A BABY!! also W HA T is that fuckery with jasper tell me absolutely everything please
so in the plot post i mentionned there's a memory thing. everyone remembers bits here and there of their past life, and usually demons mostly remembers bad things they did bc thats how u manipulate people into doing more things that are . not good. cody and jasper are the only ones with no memories of past life bc they were created in this realm, and had no past life. she has no idea she's god's soldier, They sent her down there mostly for Their own entertainement and everything she does is her own choice and will, even if god can "feel it" (which is why . they end up sending the whole lil family back on earth . for a chance to be happy. bc they feel cody's happiness.)
for the rest :
past lives ! um ill put lil warnings before. each lives.
Nell & Belly : tw for child abuse, sexual abuse and exploitation, adults not helping like they should lol
Nell and Belly (btw their full names are Nathanel and Anabelle) are born twins, nell just a few minutes before his sister. their mother died at birth which sent their father (an already not . good guy) into deep constant rage and pain . once they grow up a bit . i mean like. 7 or so. theres sexual abuse happening . and beatings. selling out his kids for a night for money. nothing fun. nell and belly get through it together until at like 16 nell (who's like, underfed, short, no muscles) snaps and stabs their dad over and over again .
nell only remembers this, killing his dad, with absolutely no context behind (protecting himself, protecting his sister, freeing them) so he thinks he used to be a Bad person. after that they get placed in the system, ig theres a trial but its ruled as legitime defense, and once they're 18 belly just. vanishes. they both deal very differently with what their whole life was, nell cant go on, can barely support himself, thinks he should have died right then, and belly flees from nell to find . somewhere where she can forget. she regrets it but nell dies before she can reconnect (not sure how, his death isn't rly whats important here,,, im thinking . so numb he can't rly recognize whats around him . walk in front of a car. yeah). belly struggles to have a happy life after that and ... im not sure how she dies yet. im thinking drowning bc its a thing that almost happens in the farm au....
as an angel, she doesnt remember much, because there wasn't much happiness in her life. also these two as twins have a bond that still connect them in angel/demon realm ! so they know the other exist and they remember once they meet !!
eden : tw for transphobia, drugs, suicide, abusive family ?
i'll go short w him bc it's not pleasant and it makes me sad <==== guy who MADE this backstory
eden is trans, always feels out of place as a kid, as a teen. his parents kick him out at eighteen bc they "can" and bc even if eden never said anything, they Know and don't want him in here. he has a friend who helps for a while, until the rumors spread about him being a ~ freak ~ and his friend is like. im sorry my parents cant let u impose in the house. anymore. : /// . eden is lost and desperate and doesn't know what to do, sells himself, gets into drugs to get through the days, finds out the days aren't worht getting through, kills himself. yay
he's one of the few who's always remembered his past fully,,,
LENA lena my BABYGIRL um tw for war mostly
this happens in a fictif medieval era lmao she's the princess of a kingdom, daughter of a kind king and queen, destined to rule, fighting among the army already, everyone loves her, except her small kingdom gets torn apart by another kingdom, not that much bigger, but with much greater military strength. the country gets torn apart before the army, the king and queen can do anything. the enemies arrive to the capital and lena doesn't even ask and joins the vanguard. she uses a sword at this point, get through enemies after enemies, and it looks like there's hope, until one of the enemy's captain reach her. it's a bit of a eowyn versus the nazgul vibe in lotr except lena doesn't win. she's slain, and slowly dies on hte battlefield with her beloved country burning, and the people she swore to protect screaming and dying.
she's very loved. i care her so much. she's my default when idk what to draw :3 she remembers being a loved princess, and slowly remember the last fight. it haunts her, the weight of losing this fight, that she couldn't do more, even if it's from a time long gone.
titania ummmm well theres grooming. witch hunt and betrayal.
i have to research the exact period titania's past happens, but its between late 1400 and early 1600s i think !
she loses her parents very young and thus, is cared for by the local church. there's a priest here who teaches her to use her looks and innocence as a way to get things, information, food, anything. once she's 13/14, he starts showing her the more physical way to do so.
she starts using sex as a way to learn things. she's the person who knows the most about anyone in the village. she's an important figure, one who's gifted things to keep silent, who gives her body in exchange for things to hang up against someone. she hates the priest who made her who she is . she couldn't have been something else, happier, lighter, but she's this, and she's too deep in to just stop.
she's too powerful, she knows too much, and when there's word in the village of a witch inhabiting it, they all turn to her. they have a way to get rid of her and the power she holds over them. she screams what she knows when she's brought to the center of the village, screams her hate of the priest who made her who she is, destroys everyone's nice little life because it cost hers. she dies burning, and everyone chooses to act like they never heard her in her final day.
she's the wise calm one who's actually full of anger and wrath. i love her a lot. there's this french song i love ("a witch like any other") which talks abt . women. women and men treating women like they're granted. and like. its a titania song. if u wanna give it a listen this version is amazing altho it's more powerful if u know french....
VIK UM OKAY not much tw here. it's just fucking sad. im a terrible oc parent. it's also heavily inspired by hell's girl season 3's protagonist past..................... it's basically that tbh SOEJFEFSJS
his mother and him are not allowed in the village. his mother is sick. he doesn't know it, he just follows his mother. she's kind and beautiful, gives him food and tells him stories. he's 4. they can't get in the village and he doesn't know why, so they find dry places in the woods to live. it's fun, it's everything he's ever known. one day his mother doesn't wake up, so he goes to try and find food by himself, to surprise her. when he's back, she's still not awake. she's stiff and cold, so he gives her his blanket and waits. days pass. he's hungry, he's thirsty, he's 5, he doesn't know anything, doesn't know how to go on, the usually places he finds bits of food are empty. it's colder and his mother hasn't moved since that day.
it's snowing. it's pretty. he wishes his mom could wake up and see it but he's starting to think that maybe she won't.
vik dies, age 5, in the forest, cold hungry and alone.
he doesn't remember anything, and his ignorance nd naivety makes him so much easier for noah to manipulate him. she doesn't mean to at first, she sees a child who could use some help, and she's always wanted a child. but they're at war, and sacrifices need to be made.
ABEL AND CAIN'S PAST ISNT CLEAR TO ME RN IM SORRYYYYY SOMETHING ABT ABEL BEIGN A RULER AND CAIN HIS SHADOW WHO KILLS FOR HIM YAGHHHHHH IDK MAN abel slowly remembering that he was a mercyless king who made his people suffer just like hte people he's trying to fight rn,,,,,,,,,,, honey
i don't have much planed for cain in tame of support rn im sowwy.................... i wanna work on it tho.......... i have a lot of secondary charactres that he could fit with...............
noah used to be a cool fearless pirate stealing rich people to give to the poor in her hometown mostly. finding strays and helping them. i love that for her . she was a good guy, a robin hood, and then her devotion to god fucked her up (aka hermit the frog by marina). she jst fights bc she thinks it will bring peace until she learns god was just Bored lol !!!!!!!!!!!!!
i don't think i forgot anyone ? if i did i am sorry (bows down to my kids)
jasper's thing......................... well. there's always been experiments. trying to find a being Higher. jasper was created in a lab. then he and another kid, angel this time, were fused. the scar is most likely due to this . for the longest time jasper just thought he had a strong inner voice but it's this other kid (no name yet sowwy!!!!!!! im coming up with this on the spot actually which is why i like being asked abt them it makes me THINK). he's the only saved experiment from this. abel and cain had been sent to investigate on a demon who's part of the high council, but who some people thought was shady. he indeed was. they destroyed eveything (u don't toy with life) and found jasper. omg . they both kind of raised him . ohhhhhhhhhhhhh OHHHHHHH
anyway later in the story, belly and him are fighting opponent, belly is cool and strong but she almost dies and well . those two are in love and it makes jasper's inner angel wake up along with some new powers. not sure exactly what!!!! im thinking !!!! ok i gotta go grocery show now BE BACK SOON BC I SEE MORE THINGS IN MY INBOX
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artsiwych · 1 year
Hello, I'm C. If your free readings are open, may i ask for one please? I'm a bit old and I've been single for over a decade or two due to circumstances. However I do want to have a forever partner and get married to him, and have a life together. I'm also child free i.e. never had any children by choice. And even though I was very broody for just a couple of years, I've recently come to the conclusion that I don't want any children and this decision has made me feel very liberated! And I'm glad that i didn't go through any kind of process in the previous years to get a child. I love babies, but that's quite literally the only stage that I love of having a kid, nothing beyond that, lol. So I wanted to know, whether in future will I have a husband for me and will he be happily child free as well? I don't want to be a step-parent btw, whether of younger or older kids, nor do I want to adopt. I just want me and my husband and a dog or two, and our happy, cozy retired life (maybe babysitting our friends' kids once a while, lol). Thanks a lot for this opportunity! (I'm not really sure which option to go for for the reading. I think you'll be best to chose as per your expertise. Thank you again!)
I'm not sure about being able to predict your soulmate, I am doing this for practice so I'm not that far ahead yet lol but the best I can do is provide some advice so you can find your guy.
You/The Situation: King of Swords/The Hierophant (reversed) - I'm sensing that the King of Swords embodies your ideal partner. Someone who you can intellectually converse with and treats you with respect. The reversed Hierophant represents unconventionality, in that the type of relationship that's desired isn't typically common or expected in society.
Conscious/Subconscious: The Hanged Man/Death -  You realize that these things take time and are willing to be patient for the right person to come around. You've learned from your past experiences and you're ready for a new relationship. Transformation is a big theme with these cards too, so perhaps this new relationship may be a growing experience too.
Past: Two of Pentacles (reversed) - If you had been in a previous relationship, this card says you may have felt neglected. It could also indicate that you've been too busy or had different goals other than pursuing a relationship. 
Near Future: Three of Cups (reversed) - It is very possible you may meet someone in the future, but may not be "The One". It will start out fun and exciting but fizzle out quickly. Don't take it as a sign to give up though! Just have fun with dating and meeting new people lol 
Self-Perception/Advice: The Fool (reversed) - As much as you are ready for a new relationship, this card does advise to be careful with who you trust. Not everyone is going to have the same romantic goals as you, or even have your needs in mind. Much like what the 3 of Cups was referring to, it's probably not going to be the first person you meet, but there's bound to be someone for you out there. 
Environment: The Devil - I think this card supports the previous one in that you need to be cautious of who you trust. There are people out there who may take advantage of you and are only really in it for the physical stuff. Just keep it in mind.
Hopes and Fears: The Moon - While you desire a relationship, it's only natural to have doubts. Do you feel you're not worthy of love? Or that you'll fall into something toxic? Make sure you completely understand your own emotional boundaries first and ensure the intentions of your partner.
Outcome: Two of Swords - There will be obstacles ahead in pursuing your love life. You may be stuck between choosing your romantic life and other responsibilities. Or you meet someone but they're not what you had in mind, or you need to compromise to make the relationship work. Relationships are tricky and there's a lot to consider. The best thing you can do right now is stick to your truth and keep trying. All good things take time after all. :)
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obstinaterixatrix · 2 years
regarding women on the verge, sister was saying "I understand why it baffled critics" (which is legit what's written on wiki) (lol) because of how it was basically a farce and you don't see much like that nowadays (which I agree with) (also it makes sense considering it's based on a classic spanish movie kinda deal) and I think she's right BUT ALSO I think what makes it narratively weak is that there IS supposed to be a coherent thread, I think, where the rest of whatever the hell is going on can be as ridiculous as it wants, but as long as there's that coherent narrative thread it has a payoff. right? but the writing absolutely kind of whiffs it lmao. candela's subplot, lucia's subplot, carlos and marisa's subplot, paulina and ivan's subplot, NONE of it matters (some of it matters I'll contradict myself later) except for spectacle and entertainment and setting plot in motion for pepa's character arc, which is to break free from a toxic cycle and make a choice divorced from the whims of someone who won't care for her the way she needs and to prioritize what would be fulfilling to her, which would be her life with her future child. like, it's obvious that's the intention and that would make the show cohere. the eye of the storm, so to speak. however, 1) the scene where pepa meets carlos would have been a GREAT opportunity to highlight the motherhood aspect, and there's a great conversation where she tries to console carlos about his shit dad, but the energy is. extremely off. the show is entirely committed to Being Sexy, which permeates, especially since right before pepa enters, carlos is being Very Interested in candela. so the energy is Very Weird. 2) nothing's really set up during the rest of the musical that allows for this highlight or focus; the taxi driver acts as a narrator and his whole thing is woah! crazy place! it'll be a new day! which barely sets up pepa's whole thing; in fact, I feel like pepa's concierge contributes more to the themes in the two scenes she's significant in compared to the taxi driver who's Always There because the concierge talks about how what you want isn't always what you get but that can be a good thing, and when they're singing the song on the bench, that is setting pepa up for being able to say goodbye to ivan, then reinforcing her decision. it's about pepa focusing on the future that most aligns with her wants, needs, and reality. It's like... okay I feel like half the show thinks it's about 'woah! crazy shit's going on! gotta bounce back and be resilient and continue on!' but what actually makes it cohere is 'woah! crazy shit's going on! when you break free from the chaos and allow yourself to follow that path that will bring you fulfillment over illusory happiness, when you deal with your reality, you'll be able to continue forward in the best way for you (even when the crazy shit's still current and ongoing).' so what I mean by the other subplots don't matter, I mean 1) none of the other characters need to have that breakthrough, they can all keep going nuts, BUT 2) there has to be a continuing thread that highlights and reinforces pepa's overall character arc towards Reality and Fulfillment. anyway, I actually really like the lyrics, but there are a lot of moments some immediate repetitions really weaken it especially since one in particular gets brought back multiple times: "I don't want to know what is real what's solid as steel/realities haunt me" that is not strong enough to carry the real/reality repetition (but it does act as a foil to highlight the actual trajectory for pepa) oh did you know there's a 4k character limit per text block I didn't know that
there was another one that had move/moving pretty close but I forget what. there's also some lines that just feel too unintuitive, like how "wild winter breeze" just is not a phrase people naturally expect and it's not set up with other seasonal indicators so it's really hard to parse unless you're reading the lyrics. HOWEVER, I think the *meaning* of the music is really solid, and there are some really good lyrics and really solid songs; model behavior's really impressive of course, and I do like the descriptors used in lovesick. anyway, one of the reasons I really like invisible is because I actually love bossa nova but I like emotionally fraught lyrics and a lot of bossa nova I've heard tends to be more mild so I do really enjoy hearing lucia outline a 19 year long mental breakdown about her husband abandoning her. also yes she did many things wrong but honestly? she deserves to do whatever she wants. I don't think they even technically divorced
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theefairygodmother · 10 months
8 things I've chosen to embrace throughout my 20's.
We've all 'been through some sh*t' that we probably shouldn't have and maybe even felt IT would've taken us TF OUT the "game" - Here are 8 things I've personally embraced with time, experiences and GOD.
Follow that shit. Intuition can feel similar to Fear. Your intuition is ultimately pointing you in in a direction that is subconsciously comfortable -even though you're not too certain. Fear on the other hand ultimately dictates a decision that allows us to 'feel relieved' as if you've just survived a threat- but we didn't . Be very careful as this is often confused. Your intuition allows growth whilst fear does not. Intuition and fear can cohabitate peacefully with self awareness.
'Speech is silver but silence is golden', We've all heard that before (or maybe just that last part), but what does it really mean? Sometimes things are just better left unsaid. Silence in my experience allows things to reveal their true nature. Now I can decipher if it's for me or not based on self awareness. Sitting in silence and saying nothing is the better option ;especially if you happen to be emotional. Silence for me meant no drama, arguing, hypocrisy, justifying, no one-upping, no outside distractions. TAKES F*CKING DISCIPLINE. "Still waters run deep while empty vessels make the most sound". Silence is more valuable than any response.
Be your f**king self. Don't water down who you are to make anyone around you comfortable. Do not dim your light bro. Your calling is different from theirs. Everyone does not always deserve access to you just because they've been a familiar face. You know who you are and the value you embody. There will be people who are intimidated by your presence and will try to box you in where they want you to fit because of their ego & insecurities. NOT YOURS TO DEAL WITH. Move along, it's more freeing to be who you know yourself to be with time and experience. Everyone can't come along for the ride.
Going SOLO?
Just like Beyonce did Destiny's child, Justin did N'Sync & Normani did Fifth Harmony - GO SOLO. Time waits for no one & you probably shouldn't either. Take that trip, go to the movies, go on that date with yourself by yourself. There's this liberating sense of independence as you work through your fears, meet new people & gain real world experience. There's so much you learn about yourself while being all self sufficient and stuff. You won't ever get these years back. Do it tf up!
Single Life!
Embrace it if you've experienced/ing it. The pool has piss and Hennessy in it anyway. LOL J.K.. Kinda. There's personal growth and self discovery - in the works for you ; you bomb ass fine, kindmillennial bae . On your own terms & aware AF of yourself !
Making THE choice.
Stop waiting to be chosen or for them to choose. Their decision will always be based on what works best for them first. 'CHOOSE YOU. Put you first. Make the decision that is comfortable to who you are. It's not selfish at all -It's you finally choosing to consciously consider yourself when it feels like you've been the latter for the longest.
No one needs to know your every move at all times. A private life is indeed a happier life. In your own privacy, you make choices without fear or outside opinions. You create your personal boundaries here and authentically develop your identity - Who YOU are. That simple.
Personally, it feels good to be able to help others - even if its something small. Kind behavior helps to keep life within perspective and it feels like the more I do for others - the more I do for myself. .<don't let this right here go over your head). Your floor may be someone else's ceiling, & you can't break the ceiling if you don't acknowledge the floor. Your kindness can inspire someone else's kindness. It's free-costs $0!
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jamiec860 · 10 months
A New Beginning, I Think
Lately, I've been really depressed. I started new medication and at first, it helped but the wave of sadness still hits me at least once a day. Thoughts of despair and loneliness starts to kick in, mostly when I'm believing that I am having a good day.
Today at work, I cried in the bathroom after scrolling through a bit of TikTok. I watched this clip from the show Shameless. I haven't watched the show in a while so I'm not sure who the girl was, but she had abandoned her child. I watched it about 3 times. Hearing that little boy say "Hi mom," really broke my heart, mostly when she didnt want him to call her that. I understand when people have children young, they might regret their choices and wished they were in a better place for their children. I totally understand that. Sometimes I just wish that I had a child to love, that I had someone to love me and my child. I want a family. I really do. I want it so bad that it hurts. Since my abortion back in August, I find myself in my job's bathroom sobbing my eyes out. It's not easy working at the front desk of a hotel and seeing happy familes walk through the lobby.
I'm jealous.
My mom hates when I say that. She says that someone will come along and love me like Z used to. I always think about Z. I don't think I go a week without saying his name or a thought running through my mind about him. I wanted a family with him so bad. I wanted to marry him and be with him forever, but life doesn't go the way you want it too unfortunately. 2 abortions later, I finally get that.
Don't get me wrong. I love being able to have the life that I have. It could be worse for me, and I know that, but sadly that doesn't make me feel better. The world is such a terrible place that I shouldn't want to bring a child into this world, but I do. I want to see my baby, see their smile and hear them call me "mommy". I want a teenager son who friends think I'm hot. I want to be the badass mom at the PTA. I want to make the best cookies on the street. I want that! I know I'm young and I could still have that, but my life is adding up from my timeline that I thought I had when I was a teenager.
My best friend of almost 10 years has 2 beautiful sons with a guy that loves her and who's a great father. I feel like she takes it for granted. She cheated on him and left her kids for days to be a stripper. She had her reasons but sometimes I get so mad at her because I want what she has. I want the guy I want the beautiful kids. She became a mother young, and I know she didn't even want to be a mother at first but now she is. I know she wants to live her 20s and be young and free, but she has responsibilities and she's not taking care of them. She makes me so mad that I called my mom and cried.
I just really want to meet a guy that doesn't just want me for my body. I recently met up with an old friend that I've known for 3 years. I know he wanted to just have sex and yet we never did in the time that we've known each other. He looked me in my eyes and said he loved looking into my eyes. That shit right there still has me thinking about him. I've been texting him for the past few days and he rarely responds so I'm sure he only wants sex but when he said that I felt seen. I don't want to think of myself as "easy" but sometimes I can be when I want a man's touch. Ugh, I felt weird saying that. I don't even know where I'm going with this.
Tomorrow, I start that TikTok challenge 75 hard but I'm going to do the soft version of it. I am excited because I do believe my life needs some stability to it and I feel like this would help me a lot. I need to read more books that aren't fanfiction lol (as much as I love it). I'm going to be going to the gym every day for 45 minutes. Eating healthier and reading more books. I have a ton of books that I really need to get through. I also need to get back into crocheting. I had a business with one of my closest friends, but I just wasn't crocheting enough to upload onto the Etsy site.
I met this older guy last week. He was the nicest person I ever met; I think. He told me that 2024 will be my year. He said I had the most beautiful smile that he has ever seen and that my personality really shines. He almost made me cry honestly. It feels nice when someone sees what I see about myself. It makes me feel not so crazy. Anyway, I'm babbling again so I'm going to wrap this up. I don't think anyone ever sees these, but I like having a little venting diary. Thank for reading if you found this and I want you to know that you matter.
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riddlemetarot · 1 year
Hello, I'm C. If your free readings are open, may i ask for one please? I'm a bit old and I've been single for over a decade or two due to circumstances. However I do want to have a forever partner and get married to him, and have a life together. I'm also child free i.e. never had any children by choice. And even though I was very broody for just a couple of years, I've recently come to the conclusion that I don't want any children and this decision has made me feel very liberated! And I'm glad that i didn't go through any kind of process in the previous years to get a child. I love babies, but that's quite literally the only stage that I love of having a kid, nothing beyond that, lol. So I wanted to know, whether in future will I have a husband for me and will he be happily child free as well? I don't want to be a step-parent btw, whether of younger or older kids, nor do I want to adopt. I just want me and my husband and a dog or two, and our happy, cozy retired life (maybe babysitting our friends' kids once a while, lol). Thanks a lot for this opportunity!
Hi C!!
Will you find a husband who will be happy child free?
I pulled a yes!! Tbh I very much relate to this except I want to have kids lol! I’m honestly having trouble trying to find someone who wants to not only have kids but a serious relationship too! I just want to reassure you that you can and will find someone who’s going to want things that you want!! You can try what I’m doing to manifest the partner and future I want. First and foremost to manifest stuff just put it out into the universe.
I will find someone and it will happen in soon (I gave myself about 3 years to find someone but of course I hope it’s much sooner).
Make your own spells!! I made a custom romance/soulmate attraction spell (which I haven’t cast yet cause I need materials) and also what I call the happy future spell that was multifunctional as a housing/money/fertility spell.
Look for affordable romance attraction spells if you’re not comfortable casting your own. I also bought one of these but of course when it comes to attracting romance/soulmates you could attract someone toxic so always be on the lookout.
And lastly be proactive with looking for someone!! Go on dating apps, to new places people you’d like would hang out at, get involved with your community if you want to!! Just try to meet new people :) I wish you the best of luck 🖤 for sure come back if you need other questions answered!!
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loveditapp · 1 year
How To Love A Girl Truly - 10 Secret Ways That No One Tells You
How To Love A Girl Truly 
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If you want to love a girl by your heart, many of the manes do it wrong. You know why because they like only outer beauty, not inner beauty. Hence, I straight forwardly explain these secret ways so you can love your wife/girlfriend/crush from your heart, even if you can love from your heart.
How To Love A Girl Truly 
Firstly I will tell you my story. I studied in class 12 in 1999; then I meet my crush. I tried to impress her many times I work a lot to impress him its take to mi total of 5 months to fall into my Love after she became my girlfriend we are talking a lot on calls shared all the thoughts we were chats a lot on whats app I also dreamed of making her my wife & I also thought our child's name lol but after three months I am not able to make our relationship strong you know why because I love him from outer beauty & she also loves me from my outer beauty so, in the end, she likes another because he is more handsome than me. In my life first time, I feel whats is heartbreak.
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So what you learn from my story is that you never love the outer body because this Love never exists for a long time. You cannot Egnor this because it's facts, so now the question is how to love a girl truly, so let's discuss. 
Here Are The Top 10 Ways That Show How To Love A Girl Truly
1) Try to avoid watching al type types of adult movies & games.
If you think about that, you cannot get that type of Love because reality is far from that.
Adult content also portrays people, especially men, about good relationships that do not accurately show how people act and behave in intimate relationships. Unrealistic expectations of private partners may impede youths' ability to build and maintain healthy relationships. That is why you should try to avoid this lousy impact. I tell you that if you love a girl by seeing a girl's body part, you are controlled by this type of content. 
2) Takes care of her like your mom
You ever see that your mother protects you from all the wrong ways & take care like you are only her life.
Takes care of her like your mom
So in the same manner, try to love him & make her feel special because your mother does everything to ensure you do not get sick and stay well 
& happy. She serves you as much as she can to make you strong. She cooks and brings food to you; she also reminds you to take the vitamins and scolds you when you stay up too late because of online games in this same manner you behave your Love.
3) Try to make her feel space
Make feel space to her & she also tries to give best in relationship 
Try to make her feel space
Now how you make feel special to her follow five steps as following 
Give her good, honest, unique compliments at every Eunice place 
Go to fun & sweet places with her
Show her how proud you are when she tries to do a new thing & support him
Be patient whenever she do wrong work by any mistake
Be there when she needs it. For example, If she's sad, then ask her how you can make it better. Do not avoid that. 
4) Be kind and patient no matter how annoying she is.
No matter how many headaches she gives her, but try not to keep away from yourself. Even if you get mad at her for being stubborn, at the end of the day, she would soften up & realize that she does wrong. You are always patient with her because you love her truly.
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5) You just love her, whatever she has qualities.
Love is not a choice; it is not based on any unique or special qualities. She wants to be loved for herself & nothing else.
You just love her, whatever she has qualities.
Women have unlimited qualities that men love; perhaps they're smart, good-looking, inspirational, funny, or even rich. This is not the reason why you love her; you love her just because of her soal, nothing else.
Try you celebrate everything that she wants, try to worship with her because you both meet in the world only, she needs to know that you love her truly, no matter what, because she is so crucial.
6) kill the past right now
I request you to forget the past, forget everything that happens with your partner & never judge your partner based on the past. 
Life does not always right with the man; in the same manner, girls also face complex faces in life. In life, things go wrong, and you both mess up. If you want your loving relationship to be something to let go of for your entire life, if you are a gentleman, forget the lousy past right now of your partner.
Indeed, we must learn the lessons from our mistakes and move on without thinking about the past. Move on and live in the present & it makes you happy.
Also Read -  Advice On Cheating In A Relationship ( Must Read )
7) Never try to change her.
You even try to change your partner's attitude or anything, if yes then it's your mistake because all living organism has a different mind of state & another habit. Hence, anyone has no right to change anything you accept her & never try to change her in the relationship. You cannot change or demand to follow your rules & regulation by a woman or your partner in your relationship.
You can't change your partner. The best way to help her become tells her to try to become the best version of herself by compassion, understanding, and kindness. I think you understand now. 
Get to know your partner. 
You hear many men say, "My wife doesn't understand me." but the reality is that man is knows nothing about her wife.
True Love can only grow and deepen through understanding, knowing each other. in your entire life, You can never get to the point in which you think you know all about her. Aww, sad, no woman is that simple. She is a complex person that even she doesn't understand.
So promise to me, you love her deeply and get to know her with patience and determination.
8) Give your Love & try to expect nothing
Love is about giving rather than receiving. Do you read my story at the beginning of this post?
Give your Love & try to expect nothing
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To be continued ----------------------------------------
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amazingmaeve · 3 years
Spencer Reid fic Recs ii!
Even more fics that I read almost on a daily. don’t forget to check these out and give them a like and a comment on how AMAZING they are. also don’t forget to show the authors some love.
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touch me ➵ @boldlyvoid
summary ➵ Spencer is incredibly touch-starved and hard on himself since coming home from prison. Luckily, the medical examiner in this small town is really good at reading people, and exactly what he needs.
of anything ➵ @reidscanehand
summary ➵ Hey there! I don't know if this counts as a prompt or not but Spencer x reader that are child free by choice? If not please ignore this and have a great day and stay safe. 😊
needy ➵ @spencerreidat3am
summary ➵ Nights after Spencer comes home are the best
traffic lights ➵ @wolfprincesszola
summary ➵ You slowly start to see Spencer Reid fall out of love with you and you can’t help but confront him.
million dollar man ➵ @boldlyvoid
summary ➵ Spencer's therapist recommended he branch out and meet new people who don't want to talk about his work... she didn't expect him to sign up for a Sugar Daddy website.
sexy, fun, and relaxing ➵ @reidslibrarybook
summary ➵ After a long case, all Spencer wants to do is enjoy your company. As he walked into your shared apartment, he’s greeted with a romantic dinner and a sexy, sleeping you.
christmas miracles ➵ @goldentournesol
summary ➵ The one where Spencer and Reader finally get pregnant after 2 years of trying and failing.
The Receptionist and the Profiler ➵ @goldentournesol
summary ➵ Y/N is the BAU’s receptionist and has been engaged to Agent Grant Anderson for what seems like forever. Spencer and Y/N become the best of friends when he joins the BAU. A tale of two skinny lovers, will they find each other or will they grow apart? (loosely based off Jim and Pam from The Office)
be careful what you wish for ➵ @goldentournesol
summary ➵ The one where Spencer gets exactly what he wished for, but it isn’t necessarily for the best.
lit by love ➵ @reidslibrarybook
summary ➵ You come over to Spencer’s apartment hoping to help him during a storm and power outage. Your attempt to help him through his fear of the dark developed into something more than you had planned, leading to an unrevealed confession.
get lucky ➵ @imagining-in-the-margins
summary ➵ The fire alarm in your apartment building goes off at 3AM after a pipe bursts in the middle of winter. You are soaked and you left your wallet in the apartment. You only (barely) know the FBI agent who lives in the building, but he offers to share his jacket, and eventually a hotel room, with you.
the implicit demand for proof ➵ @boldlyvoid
summary ➵ Separated from the rest of the team for one case, Spencer finally has the confidence to ask Y/N to come over after work.
sweet scent ➵ @gubler-me-up
summary ➵ Idk if ur taking requests but mines really simple lol, just a oneshot of something like reader and Spencer are dating and they’ve done it before obvi and one day he finds out she gets turned on by the smell of him and just makes a big deal out of it and it leads to dom!spencer x sub!reader smut (daddy kink ?) and he’s just surrounding her and she can smell him so good. I think about this a lot. It’s up to you if you write it or not!! I love your account, thank you!!! Much love
nice & naughty ➵ @foxy-eva
summary ➵ His girlfriend has been a very good girl this year which is why Spencer spoils her in every way he knows on Christmas Eve
she’s an angel ➵ @mercy-burning
summary ➵ Spencer discovers that Reader has a rather promiscuous personality behind closed doors, and he can’t help but give into her.
my baby’s got a gun ➵ @writer-in-theory
summary ➵ of all the agents, they never expected spencer to get caught in an unsub's web—most dangerous of all, they never expected it to be her.
every bit, every inch ➵ @drspencerweed
summary ➵ After a long night out, Reader is excited to jump her boyfriend's bones as soon as she sees him. When he gets too in his head, she shows him the best way to get out of it.
my silent screams, our wildest dreams ➵ @samuel-de-champagne-problems
summary ➵ Reader knows two things, she loves Spencer and Spencer doesn’t love her back. But, she finds herself learning a couple more things that threaten to shake up her world.
right you where you left me ➵ @samuel-de-champagne-problems
summary ➵ Y/N never expected to see him again. He tore her heart out and left her in the dusty heat of a Las Vegas diner. She never wanted to see him again, but sometimes the heart wants what heart wants.
unconditional love ➵ @samuel-de-champagne-problems
summary ➵ Spencer is anxious to get home to help his secret fiancée grieve the loss of her beloved cat, Chuck.
like us ➵ @spookydrreid
summary ➵ could you write a fic where there’s a age gap between Spencer and reader (The highest gap you want to write is okay) and she meets the team but they disapprove of her because there just trying to be protective of Spencer?
like you ➵ @spookydrreid
summary ➵ In the weeks following the event at the bar, Spencer had given his friends the cold shoulder.
de-railed ➵ @samuel-de-champagne-problems
summary ➵ The canon episode "Derailed" reimagined where Reader is sent on the solo interview and Spencer, recklessly, decides to save her. Plus, the aftermath.
the unknown ➵ @radiant-reid
summary ➵ After getting flirted with, Y/n shows Spencer he has nothing to be insecure about.
new and exciting ➵ @radiant-reid
summary ➵ Spencer x reader smut where it’s Spencer’s first time?
breaking vows ➵ @alisonsfics
summary ➵ Y/N and Spencer are married, but jealousy, cheating, and pregnancy keep trying to keep them apart. A very angst request. I just want to clarify that neither I nor the person who requested this hate JJ, it’s purely for plot.
one love, two mouths ➵ @sinfulspencer
summary ➵ Season 1 Spencer comforts Reader after a case and feelings come alive.
soft breath ➵ @sinfulspencer
summary ➵ Spencer Reid teaches a seminar in New York.Y/N is one of the attendees, interested both in the topic and the teacher.What happens if they meet in a bar?
jelly ➵ @pinkcoffeecup
summary ➵ When an undercover job goes a little too far, Spencer finds himself grow more and more protective, and somehow jealous of a serial killer. 
wisteria ➵ @boldlyvoid
summary ➵ Spencer runs into a woman and her daughter at the park. They fall in love. She and her daughter, Ivy, join Spencer's little chosen family, and they fit right in.
couch cushions ➵ @lyrelyretheresmeninthathorse
summary ➵ You and Spencer have been dating for a while now and, on a rainy afternoon, you ask him if he wants you the same way you want him.
in the spot light ➵ @pretty-boys-book-club
summary ➵ Hi can i request a Spencer x Blind or Visiually impared reader? I would just imagine the reader coming to his lectures and just she never had the courage to walk up to him. Untill his last lecture however since she is visually impared she by accident stumbles or drops something right infront of Spencer.
bylines to the heart 2 3 4 ➵ @pretty-boys-book-club
summary ➵ You are a young journalist navigating the turbulent job of reporting for a local newspaper in D.C. What happens when you constantly bump into a cute boy genius? Can FBI agents befriend journalists? Can they fall in love with one?
sleeping beauty ➵ @pherelesytsia
summary ➵ After a long day, Spencer returns home to find his pregnant wife sleeping on the sofa.
this city ➵ @therarityoflife
summary ➵ Spencer never expected to find love in a subway busker, and you never expected a song about him to be the thing that kickstarted your career.
angel in a denim jacket ➵ @writer-in-theory
summary ➵ what if, on the worst day of young spencer reid’s life, you had been there?
the way I loved you ➵ @writer-in-theory
summary ➵ from play weddings in the suburbs of las vegas to lavish hotel rooms in new york city, spencer and reader find their way to each other every time.
a moment of weakness ➵ @writer-in-theory
summary ➵ a jane doe walks into a minnesota hospital at 2:13am in the middle of winter, requesting that dr. spencer reid with the fbi be notified. the jane Doe is spencer’s college friend, with whom he’d lost communication over a year before—the friend who, according to everyone else in her life, wasn’t missing at all. so the question still remains, what happened to her in the fourteen months she was gone, and why did no one report her disappearance?
coffee breaks ➵ @pinkcoffeecup
summary ➵ Spencer finds himself smitten by the girl in the coffee shop
surprise me ➵ @radiant-reid
summary ➵ The wait for a proposal comes to a grinding halt when Spencer surprises his girlfriend... and himself
mots d'affirmation ➵ @spencerreidat3am
summary ➵ Sometimes Post prison!Spencer needs to be reminded that he is a good man
late arrival ➵ @sweetyyhippyy
summary ➵ Spencer is coming back home after an out of state case runs long. You fall asleep waiting for him, and when he finally does come home, he sees your outfit and there is no way he can’t wake you up for a proper homecoming.
Versace on the floor ➵ @sweetyyhippyy
summary ➵ After JJ and Will’s wedding, Spencer is in the mood. Spencer and reader to home and have a romantic night of sex.
communication ➵ @spencersmagic
summary ➵ When Spencer accidentally hurts reader, he finds himself spiralling.
reality check ➵ @downondilaudid
summary ➵ Spencer gets tired of readers reckless behavior, and finally gives her a little reality check.
taboo nightmare ➵ @downondilaudid 
summary ➵ Reader has an amazing one night stand with a stranger from a bar, only to regret her decision days later when she walks into class and realizes he’s her new professor. 
Unconventional ➵ @radiant-reid
summary ➵ Spencer's first one night stand ends up having a lot of strings when he sees her again at work.
take me home ➵ @boldlyvoid
summary ➵ Spencer swears he'll never let himself fall in love again.
my good luck charm ➵ @spencersmagic
summary ➵ reader is superstitious (or is she?) and Spencer is in love with her. When the printer at the precinct only works when he walks in, Y/N makes sure to bring him with her whenever she needs to print something.
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