#I need to clean out my ask box more often oh my god
did you also see the police flashing light at 1:11 in the trailer? what is that?
Ask received before season 2
They were not police lights, but instead party lights. We really all saw flashing lights next to August and went "obviously it's the police." Which like, it should have been, honestly.
Wow. What a journey these asks have taken me through. I cannot believe our collective clownery. We really all clowned so hard before season 2 dropped. We were writhing for answers and we jumped to every single wrong conclusion.
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wisteriaiswriting · 17 days
Reader That Can Bake
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Words: 1757
Includes: Dipper, Mabel, Stan, Ford, Wendy, Gideon, Pacifica and Bill
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Honestly, he doesn’t have the biggest sweet tooth, but being young he still craves them a bit.
Knows the basics about baking in general but only with box sets, so he’ll stay out of your way in the kitchen.
Won't ever decline anything you give him, opting to either eat them right then and there, or hide them for later. (And away, safe from Mabel.)
Normally whenever he heard the sounds of someone in the kitchen, assuming it was Mabel, he would walk the other way immediately. But now that you’re spending more time in there he’ll take the gamble of peeking in, hoping it was you baking and not Mabel ready to drag him in.
This time he was lucky, finding you washing up all your used dishes and putting away the leftover ingredients. Standing in the doorway until you noticed, waving him over. “Dipper, you’re just in time!” Hopping on the spot as you stepped out of the way, revealing a whole bunch of cooled cookies.
“I tried some different flavours this time,” Grabbing one of each to shove into his hands, which he almost dropped. “There's classic chocolate chip, white chocolate, uhh… What else?” As you rambled and thought he took a bite of each, silently ranking them favourite to least favourite, not that he’d ever tell you.
“And oh! Hazelnuts, oreos and s'mores!” “You made s’more cookies?” “Yeah, this one was a small batch, I’ll get more stuff tomorrow.”
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While yes, she bakes pretty often, you’ll always be the better chef around! (And she’s not afraid to admit it, sometimes.)
This girl will never shut up about ‘How good these are!’ ‘Even Waddles loves them!’ (It’s true, you have found him scarfing down a whole pile of your baked goods.)
Occasionally (And if you let her) she’ll join you, while she enjoys baking just spending time together is enough for her.
As soon as the door opened Mabel ran off, skidding into the doorframe. Smelling something very familiar and delicious. “ARE YOU BAKING AGAIN!” Your only response was to laugh, of course she would notice, really, you’d be an idiot thinking she wouldn’t.
“Yeah, they’re in the oven right now, so I’m just cleaning up.” “I’LL HELP!” God, she was excited about your baking. “Why don’t you pile up the dirty dishes while I start the sink.” In no time you had finished the dishes, everything was clean, dried and put away.
Reaching for a hanging cabinet, but this one was just out of reach. Stretching to your limit but unable to grasp the handle, about to turn around and ask Mabel for help only to be jolted upwards. Looking down to find Mabel's toothy grin looking right back atcha.
“Whatcha grabbing? More dishes? Decorations? Is it the icing? SPRINKLES!?” Laughing once again as you grabbed, as you could guess (And Mabel.) the icing and sprinkles. Being dropped back down when you had the items. “I think they’re ready for the toppings.”
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Stan doesn’t go around flaunting his love for baked goods, but he doesn’t really hide it either.
But he does openly compliment anything you make, even if it’s not his favourite, he’ll make it positive.
He may not like to spend a lot of money on anything really, but he’ll throw you a wad of cash to buy whatever you need. (As long as he gets the first taste test.)
“Where ya going toots?” Arms wrapped around your waist, his head sitting on your head. One of your hands held your car keys, well, they were Stans but he’s given you permission to take the ‘Stanmobile’ out. “Gotta buy some more ingredients.”
His body pulled away from yours, hands digging into his suit pockets before pulling out a decent wad of cash. Grabbing a few notes (Which were 100s btw) and passing them over to you, “Make me my favourite later.” “Oh I will~”
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He’ll scarf down plates full of your stuff, he hasn’t eaten anything this good in years! (And no he is not exaggerating, thank you!)
Always takes something with him on every adventure he goes on. (At first he was nervous to ask, but now he’ll try to ‘bribe’ you for anything. (Both of you know he doesn’t need to.))
Part of him is curious about how well supernatural ingredients would go, he would never force you to do it, but that means he would. So at least watch over him. (But by gods, don’t let him eat anything he makes. Who knows what would happen, and you don’t want to know.)
Hearing the front door slam open you peeked out of the living room, only to find Ford stumbling by, into the kitchen with a large box. After gently shutting the door (With this amount of abuse you don’t think it’ll last much longer.) you followed him, watching him pull and lay out plenty of things on the counter.
“Hope you were going to clean up after yourself?” “AH!” Throwing something between his hands for a few seconds before calming down, “Oh! Y/N, I was, don't you worry.” “With everything you brought in here? I will.”
Quietly laughing to himself, “I don’t blame you, but how well would these bake?” “Ford, honey, I just bake, you’re the one who knows about these guys.” Gesturing to the box, “I guess you’re right.”
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Very similar to Stan in the sense, she won’t go out of her way to admit her love for sweeter things but will if asked.
If you’re willing to make more she’ll take a bunch for her friends. (They all love them, even if some won’t admit it.)
Brings some to work with her, which makes her shifts actually bearable.
“I’ll see you guys later.” Lifting her hand as a quick wave before turning to leave, “Wendy!” Looking back to find Lee rushing towards her, skidding to stop just before hitting her. Throwing her a now empty container, which surprisingly enough, was still in one piece. “You gotta bring more of those snacks, they were amazing!”
“I’ll let them know.” Now that she was finally able to leave the group, she started her tract home. Pulling out her phone to send you a quick message, nothing much really. (It was a whole paragraph.) Watching you respond, pause then send the message, along with a picture. ‘Already ahead of you!’
Tapping into the image to find you back in the kitchen, flour covered every surface. There were other ingredients on the floor and everything, really. She couldn’t stop her laughter, taking a pause in her steps to catch her breath. ‘I’m on my way, don’t make a bigger mess.’
Luckily she wasn’t that far from home, and it was also a good thing that her family loved you. (They wouldn’t let you live down that image.) Letting her spend the night to help you clean and finish baking.
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Absolutely will not go anywhere near the kitchen when you’re in there. (He may love you, but he also loves being clean.)
This doesn’t stop him from rushing in the second everything is cleaned up, impatiently waiting until the food is finished. (You will have to stop him from eating them hot, because he will whine about being burned.)
Will never share them with anyone else, the only exception is at the Tent of Telepathy.
Placing the hot tray onto a cooling rack before shutting the oven door, it’s been hours since you started baking. As Gideon wanted some baked goods to hand out to anyone who comes by the Tent of Telepathy, and that meant you had to bake it all.
Although he made sure to pay you for it, so it wasn’t a complete loss. But that's when you heard a door slam open and footsteps running down the hall, watching as Gideon entered the room. His first stop was the currently cooling tray of cookies, not the others that were cool and in containers.
“Gideon do–” It was too late, his hand touched the tray first. “OW!” Guiding the hand under some running water as he complained, “Why were they hot?” “I just pulled them out from the oven, those ones,” Pointing at multiple containers put to the side, “Are for you.”
Huffing as he removes his hand from the water to dry it off, grabbing the containers before leaving the room.
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Honestly, she never thought about baking in general really. (There’s always been butlers or chefs, or whatever to do it for her.)
Doesn’t have the biggest sweet tooth, but will eat any of your less sweet items. (It better not be messy, otherwise she’ll (lovingly) wipe it on you.)
Sometimes she’ll sit around and watch you bake, she secretly finds it interesting but it’s highly likely she won’t join you for a while.
“What did you make this time?” Even as her face showed disinterest her tone gave her away, “This one is funfetti!” Handing over the cupcake, watching as she made her way through the wrapper. Trying to avoid the icing, although she wasn’t successful, a small chunk smeared over her fingers.
Clearly unhappy with it, the fact you were waiting next to her and no tissues or anything nearby. Reaching over to ‘subtly’ wipe the icing onto your shirt. “HEY!” “These aren’t that bad.” “Don’t ignore me!” You tried to stand in front of her, except that she kept turning as well.
“Pacifica!” “You should probably check on the other ones.” Oh yeah, you probably should.
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Sometimes you forget that he can actually eat as he doesn’t do it much. (That’s until you watch him eat some deer teeth. Which is so disturbing…)
There have been so many times where he comes to bother you for some food, then just leaves with it. (You have no clue what he does with them but you can only assume someone else* is eatting them. (*Ford))
He will try to bake on his own with ‘non-human’ ingredients even if you try to stop him. (They end up inedible, even to other demons. Like fuck, he’s terrible.)
It was fucking comical how Bill entered the room, floating through the window towards the tray of cookies. Staying afloat for a few extra seconds before dropping to sit on the counter, batting his eyelashes at you. “No Bill, they’re still hot.” “WHO CARES?” Grabbing a handful (Which was like 2.) before shoving it into his mouth (Eye? Honestly man, you have no idea anymore.). “Are they good at least?” “HMM, THEY'RE ALRIGHT. COULD DO WITH SOME ꀤꈤꁅꌃꀭꀸꈤꍟꊼ.” “What.”
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dotster001 · 2 years
Headcanons of what if the reader accidentally called the staff members dad?
A/N: Gn! Reader. Hope this is what you're looking for, anon/hope you're still here cause I take forever on these 😂
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"Azul asked me to bring you this paperwork," you said, handing him a stack of papers.
"Excellent, prefect. You've been incredibly helpful lately. In my generosity, I have decided to give you the next week off, and take you to a beach house!"
"Really? Thanks dad!"
Preens. You've made a huge mistake. Good luck to you. You will now be smothered by an overexcited crow.
He hasn't touched up his nest in a while. As headmaster he has no time to think about a family. But now that you called him dad, he is going home and touching up his nest so that his little chick will be comfy. Crow's like to keep their babies in the nest, some of them for years at a time. You're gonna have to tell him at some point that no, you will not be staying in a nest, you will be staying in Ramshackle to finish your education. (This will not stop him from subtly directing you in the direction of said nest)
He's picking at your hair, and straightening your outfit. He does that mom thing where he licks a handkerchief and tries to clean the dirt off your face. If you tell him to stop, he'll say something like, "now now, let papa help." God, I don't envy you.
He buys you shiny trinkets that have no value. But  he can't help his genetics. It's how he expresses affection.  You and Grim may trip over them sometimes, cause he just will drop them in the most random of places. (ex. The middle of the floor)
If you ever try to take it back, whether it's out of pure desperation or annoyance, he will sob. He will sob so hard. He's not trying to manipulate you. He just doesn't see what he did wrong.
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He'd invited you over to dinner. 
"Yeah, I don't really have plans for the summer holiday yet, because, well, you know.."
He cut a piece of his steak, and said, "You can always stay with me. My daughter's are all grown, so they're rooms are empty. Plus they've been wanting to meet you." He gave you a soft smile, the kind of smile that made you feel safe.
"Sevens, that sounds great dad," you said with a sigh. Both of you froze.
He already knew you felt that way about him. But having you say it out loud fills him with fatherly pride.  It's been a while since his kids were young enough to spoil, and he's definitely missing it. Now that you've opened the box, he has all the permission he needs.
He'll act like everything's totally normal though. He still expects you to get your classwork in on time, and strongly discourages you from getting into trouble with your friends. But it somehow seems more insistent? Like when he sees you going to hang out with ADeuce, and he says to stay out of trouble, it sounds more like, "Dear god, please don't do anything stupid!"
He offers to help you with your homework a lot more often now. He had already offered from time to time before, but now it's a lot more often. Like calling him dad was giving him permission.
He gives you presents every once in a while. Expensive presents, wrapped in a neat box with a perfect bow. He acts like it's nothing. When he hands it to you he says how he just was passing through the store, and saw it, and thought it was something you needed. No biggie.
Lucius follows you around a lot now. You have no idea why…
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"You were almost correct here. You need to add mustard seed, or it won't work," Crewel said as he looked over your homework with you. 
He definitely didn't have to go over your homework with you line by line, but you definitely appreciated it. 
"Oh, yeah! Thanks!" You made a note so that you wouldn't forget later.
"Not a problem. Anything for my favorite pup. Don't tell the others though," he gave you a playful wink.
"No problem, no one has to know, dad." 
Oh? He might raise an eyebrow, or give you a smirk, but he won't say anything. It'll be like it never happened, and you can convince yourself he didn't hear it.
But he definitely did. He heard it. He goes home to his dogs that night, and picks them up, and cuddles them close, and keeps telling them, "they called me Dad!" 
Like I said, you can convince yourself he didn't hear it. But every once in a while he'll slip and do something that makes you wonder. Like he'll gently rub the top of your head. Or he'll tell you he understands if you don't get your homework in, just don't let it happen again. Or when your idiot friends drag you into a scheme, he'll get you an exemption from the detention that inevitably follows.
Crewel has a habit of adopting students already, without realizing it. Vil's your brother now, by the way.  He'll invite both of you to dinner in the guise of "checking up on my most studious pups" but it's really to just spend time with his little found family.
You won't know for sure he heard it, until after you graduate, when he offers to sponsor you through whatever you want to do. Cosign leases and loans, transportation to an interview, purchasing a uniform, letter of recommendation…. he'll do whatever you need, and when you're like, "Sir, I'm not sure how to repay you!" He'll say, "It's a dad's job to help out his pup." That's when the memory of that fateful day comes rushing back to you.
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Sam let you work weekend shifts with him for extra cash. You didn't know how he always knew, but whenever the shop was closing, if you hadn't bought anything to eat that day, he'd get you something and have you eat it while he did closing tasks.
"I can eat this later, Sam. It's no trouble!" 
"You've done enough work, my little imp. You're no use to me if you starve to death," he laughed. "Plus your health is important to me, even outside of you working here."
"God, dad, you're just the best!" 
You've known him long enough to know that if he didn't hear it, his "friends" certainly did. No matter how embarrassed or flustered you are by the mistake, you know that he knows. And he won't easily forget it.
On the whole, your relationship doesn't change. To him, you saw him as Dad already. So that's that.  He doesn't need to change, and you don't need to change.
That said… now that the words have been said…he has his friends specifically watching you at all times. Just in case. If you've ever started to fall, and felt someone catch you, but when you turned around you saw no one there…that's not your guardian angel. That's your dad's shadow.
Okay…not everything stays the same. Merch from your favorite things are always in stock at the store from now on. Neither of you addresses it…but deep down you both know.
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"You wanna be as tough as me, right? You need to do at least ten more pushups!"
"God, you're the worst, dad-"
Oh man. You've made a huge mistake. (Part two) the conversation will go as such. "Dad huh?" "Uh, I-" "Ha ha ha! Well,  you're gonna have to bulk up! Just trust your old man, he knows what's best! Fifty squats! Go!" God, you're fucked.
Wakes you up in the morning with a booming laugh, and a green smoothie of unknown origins. Once you chug the smoothie, with indiscernible flavor profile, it's time for your three mile jog. He'll go slow for you. If you complain he'll say, "Dad knows what's best for you! If you want to be as fit as me, this is only the beginning!" If you continue to complain,  he'll make you do a plank until you give in and join him on the run.
You can't look at this man and tell me he doesn't give the best hugs. Before you dropped the d word, his affection was expressed with a pat on the back. Now, when he sees you, he scoops you up in a bear hug. I don't care how tall or short you are, your feet are off the ground when he hugs you. 
Surprisingly? He's the most gung ho about who you want to date. Gym teachers see students at their worst and most desperate. He's seen Azul try to con his way out of flight class, Leona get flaky and take a nap, Cater attempting to split card his way out of laps…none of them are worthy of you! Besides, they can't even lift, bro! You're not from here, how are any of them supposed to protect your magicless, muscle less body? Now that he's dad, he's way more vocal about his opinions. Good luck.
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solarisfortuneia · 5 months
wc: 680. the good ol' 'royalty x healer' trope. warnings: mentions of injury.
please, end me, the words were not wording for this one i give up hjsjsdh @xianyoon
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you inch past the embroidered draperies at the entrance, careful not to make a sound. the afternoons at the infirmary tended to be slow, with the patients fast asleep after their doses of medicine, and you wouldn’t want to risk waking them up. there are lesser hells than the wrath of the head nurse.
but more importantly, you’d rather not bump into the court doctor himself. 
you knew he was well-respected, incredibly skilled, and very capable. every single patient of his sung his praises. you’d often seen him work from afar, and you agree with their evaluations; he was, truly, one of the best doctors in the kingdom.
but for some very peculiar reason, your heart never seems to settle when dr. baizhu is in the room. 
you can never pinpoint why, though. 
luckily, if your memory served correctly, the spare first aid kits should be in the storeroom not too far from the entrance of the room itself. it’d be a quick trip, you’d grab the supplies and leave a note, then make your way back to your room. in and out; no encounters or disturbances needed.
you swing open the doors to the cupboards quickly so that the hinges don’t creak too loudly, and start scanning the shelves for the familiar red of the pharmacy’s first aid kits. 
“may i ask what you are doing, your highness?” the sudden voice makes you jump, causing you to knock down a few bottles of disinfectant, along with some wooden storage boxes. 
you turn, sheepishly, thinking it was one of the nurses, only to come face to face with a man clad head to toe in doctor’s robes, green hair lit by the afternoon sun from a nearby window, glasses perched on his nose with his snake companion wrapped around his neck. oh, no. it's doctor baizhu.
your heart diverts from its regular rhythm.
“i’m just looking for a first aid kit,” you answer, after he tilts his head questioningly, his steady amber eyes never leaving your face. it is then that his gaze travels to the gash on your bicep, and one of his eyebrows quirks up. 
“a sparring injury,” you tell him, by way of explanation, as he sets the bottles back where they belong.
“i see. allow me,” he says, opening a kit and pulling out a roll of bandage cloth. “that wound could get infected if not taken care of properly, your highness.”
“it is only a flesh wound, doctor. i can handle it on my own, there’s no need for you to trouble yourself.”
“i insist, your highness.” he says firmly, with no room for argument. you acquiesce, following him to the washbasin. he turns his back to saturate a cloth with water, and you use that opportunity to take a deep, silent breath, willing your heart to calm down. yet the irregular rhythm still persists.
why am i feeling this way? you wonder, as he moves to clean and disinfect your wound. is it because he’s intimidating? maybe it’s the snake around his neck?
you make eye contact with the ruby eyes of the pale snake around his neck, looking curiously at you.
yeah, probably the snake.
his hand brushes the bare skin of your upper arm, a practiced, meticulous touch; he treats you exactly the same as he would any other patient, yet the momentary contact makes waves of warmth radiate down to your fingers. you look up from the floor, and his eyes lock with your own. it sends tingles down your spine, and you have to hold back a shiver.
that’s when you know.
oh. oh. it’s not the snake. 
the realization makes you freeze in place. you’re pretty sure he can feel the goosebumps running down your skin.
“be more careful, your highness.” he sends a slight smile your way, just a soft movement of his lips, and all you can do is nod in a daze.
oh, gods above. you have a thing for the court doctor.
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snowypolaroid · 4 months
in stitches
summary: pomni helps ragatha stich herself up after an accident. surely this ends completely normally !!!
characters: ler!pomni, lee!ragatha [ mentioned: caine, jax ]
w/c: 2,042
a/n: eerrrmmm theres not much to say except i had fun writing this heeehehe ... if this is like ooc or anything no it isnt Ignore It <3 also the title is really funny guys get it because in stitches is a way to say laughing and shes doll who needs to be stitched up and
warnings: needles, but other than that, none!
this is a tickle fic! if you dont like that, run along! <3
[ sfw interaction ONLY !! ]
“does it.. hurt?” 
ragatha looked down as the jester asked the question, who was pointing at the open ‘wound’ in where ragatha’s abdomen would be. but instead of blood or guts pouring out, soft white stuffing poked out of the tear and trailed along the floor behind the two as they made their way down the hallway.
“well.. yes and no. it’s happened so many times that i sort of.. got used to it? i mean, the shock and initial pain never really stops, but..” ragatha trails off. she sighs. “b-but it’s fine. once i get myself all sewn up i can forget that it happened. it’s more of a ‘oh god not this again’ situation, i guess.”
pomni looks down as they continue to walk side by side. despite the gaping hole in ragatha’s middle, she still continued to saunter as elegantly as ever, pomni noticed, and it saddened her how often ragatha claims she gets injured this way. but then again, she’s glad it’s easy to fix her up. not everyone can just stick a needle and thread in them to patch up their wounds. well, not without proper medical care, anyway.
but i digress. the duo reached ragatha’s room, and as pomni looked behind her to see the uncomfortably long trail of stuffing down the halway, she cringed. “yikes.. uh, why don’t you go get yourself seated and i’ll gather up that.. stuff?”
ragatha shook her head. “don’t worry about it, i have extra in my room. we’ll just ask caine to clear it up later..”
“does he usually?” pomni questioned as she closed the door behind her. ragatha hummed in response. “yeah, he does it with pretty much any mess. or, well, bubble sometimes cleans it up. and seeing what’s essentially your insides get licked up by a floating bubble is..”
pomni cringed again. “right..”
“but that aside..” ragatha settled herself down on her bed, slouching a little from cotton loss. “the sewing kit is in that drawer over there. i think the stuffing is too? i don’t remember the last time i needed to fix myself up this badly..”
pomni hummed in acknowledgement and headed over, rummaging through said drawer. she was surprised at how much you could fit in there, but then again, this was a circus run by a crazy ai, so she probably shouldn’t be too perplexed. 
“is it this?” pomni held up a little light blue sewing box adorned with colourful stickers. ragatha nodded to her question. “yes, that’s the one!”
she brought the box over to ragatha, setting it down on the bed before going back to look for stuffing. while she did that, ragatha took out a needle and poked a piece of blue thread through the hole, taking her a few tries to get right. a lack of fingers can be a pretty big disadvantage sometimes.
“uhh.. how much of this stuff do you need?” pomni turned around. ragatha perked up, humming. “oh, uh.. i don’t really know. bring as much as you can carry? we can just put the rest back.”
“good idea..” pomni plunged her hands into the drawer full of cotton wool and scooped out a load of it in her arms. she waddled over to the bed and dropped it on the mattress, then held her hand out to be given the needle. “i’m not even sure if i know how to sew, but..”
“it’s alright. i appreciate the sentiment.” ragatha smiled sweetly, which made pomni avert her gaze in slight embarrassment. “y-yeah, ‘course..”
pomni looked down at the hole in ragatha’s middle, wincing a little, which made ragatha glance away. “sorry, it’s not a pretty sight, is it?”
pomni quickly shook her head, waving her hands around in a slight panic. “n-no! no, i-it’s fine.. i’ve just.. never really seen anything like this before. i mean, life sized and sentient, anyway.”
“ahah.. i get it.” ragatha responded, watching as pomni placed the needle on the mattress to gather up some of the fluffy white stuffing and holding it up to where the doll’s abdomen would be. “so.. do i just..?”
“oh! you might want to sew my back up first. yknow, so none of it falls out the other side.” ragatha shifted her position on the bed so that she faced away from the jester. her movement was slightly floppy, but she managed. “yeah.. good idea.” she agreed, using one of her hands to adjust the dolls position before picking up the sewing needle and poking it through the fabric to carefully begin sewing the gap shut.
“sorry, it probably feels really weird..” pomni muttered, sticking her tongue out as she worked. ragatha stifled a chuckle so as to not mess her up. “it’s alright, i just don’t usually get sewn up back there. besides the time i got impaled in the candy canyon kingdom, i don’t really need to fix myself up in that spot.”
“huh.” was all pomni said in response, cutting the thread once she was done. she stared at her work, uncertain. “does it feel alright?” she asked, tracing over the stitches with her fingertips. ragatha shuddered slightly at the contact. “y-yeah, it feels fine..!” she quickly addressed, turning around. pomni raised an eyebrow, but said nothing more as she gathered up some cotton in her hand. “alright, well, i should probably..”
“oh, right.” ragatha responds, narrowing her eye at the stuffing. “just.. put as much in as you can, i guess?” 
pomni hummed, unsure, but obeyed regardless. she gently let her fingers trace the rim of the tear, and carefully slipped some cotton in. with how cautious she was as to not hurt the doll, she never took into account that it might feel completely different.
realistically, neither did ragatha.
pomni took very little notice of the way ragatha’s expression shifted to one of nerves, smiling uncontrollably as she tried desperately not to laugh. the jester was so gentle, her touch light as a feather, but god, she’d be lying if she said it didn’t tickle like hell.
as she lifted a hand to cover her mouth, pomni looked up in slight worry. “a-am i hurting you..?” she asked, retracting her hands from the doll’s middle. ragatha shook her head. “no!- no, i-it’s fine, just.. continue.” she responded, avoiding eye contact. pomni didn’t seem to believe her, her eyebrows knitted together with uncertainty. “are you sure? am i not being gentle enough? you can tell me if i-”
“i said it’s fine, j-just keep going.” ragatha insisted. pomni looked back at the tear, then eyed the dolls nervous expression. the way her lips twitched and her face reddened.. that’s when it clicked.
she wasn’t sure if it would be too forward to ask, so she decided to experiment instead. she picked up a handful of the snow-white fluff and let it fall into the tear, but not without moving it around as a way to ‘position’ it. instead this time she carefully watched ragathas reaction, who in turn looked away as her shoulders shook, and pomnis eyes sparkled.
“ragatha?” she began, and she practically saw the colour drain from the doll’s face as she turned her attention to her. “y-yes, pomni?”
“sorry if this is intrusive but..” she rubbed the rim of the open ‘wound’ in ragatha’s middle, resulting in her breath hitching despite not actually needing to breathe. “are you ticklish?”
“uh-” ragatha couldn’t hold back the nervous grin. “well, i-i mean.. isn’t everyone..?”
the response made pomni raise an eyebrow, and ragatha let out a quiet chuckle. “s-so..”
pomni poked a finger into the opening, making ragatha squeak. the ragdoll immediately covered her mouth with her hands, and pomni couldn’t help but smile slightly.
“alright, alright.. i’ll get back to work. just.. try not to laugh too much, it’ll mess me up.” pomni spoke, picking up the soft white cotton again. ragatha nodded quickly as the jester then began carefully inserting the fluff back into where it belonged. and now that ragatha knew she didn’t need to hold it in that much, she let herself giggle at the unusual, tingly sensation in her middle, and pomni would be lying if she said the sound didn’t make her blush a little. 
the jester couldn’t help but play around a little, messily - but still cautious enough not to cause harm - stuffing the cotton into the opening as ragatha let out all kinds of squeaks and giggles. “p-pomnihihii! you’re dohoing that on puhuhurpose!!”
“i don’t know what you’re talking about.” pomni said with a little grin, messing around with the fluff a little more and drawing out a squeal from the other. “pohOMNI-!”
pomni giggled. “you know.. it’s kind of endearing.” she commented, retracting her hand. “yknow, that it tickles? i was worried it would be an uncomfortable experience, but.. it seems quite the opposite.” 
it was then ragatha realised she hadn’t protested in the slightest. “ahahah.. i guess so..” she looked away. “you don’t.. find it weird?”
“w.. why would i?” pomni looked up at ragatha. “i think it’s cute..”
“...oh.” ragatha blushed. “i-.. it is..?”
pomni stopped responding for a moment. “y-yeah, um.. i- i don’t know, i guess it’s the way it makes you smile and laugh that i really like, and, um..”
ragatha found herself chuckling. “aw, pomni.. that’s so sweet..!”
the jester was quiet for a moment. “you’re sweet.” she retaliated, and without warning, began ruffling around the white cotton fluff again and eliciting a yelp from ragatha, who nearly fell off the bed at how hard she jumped. “noHO WAIT-! POHOHOMNI!”
“whoops,” she smirked, using her other hand to keep her in place. “hold still! i need to readjust the stuffing!”
“no you doHOHON’T-!” ragatha squealed, kicking her legs against the side of the bed. “yes i do!” pomni retorted, continuing to mess with the cotton filling. for ragatha, when it came to tickling - or any contact like this for that matter - it never lasted any longer than a few seconds. this was a new experience for her, and it wasn’t unpleasant.
“while i am sure you’re both having fun—” the sudden voice made both girls jump, pomni pulling her hand away (with a bit of stuffing following along) and ragatha covering her mouth with her hands. “—i do have to ask you two to be quick! the adventure can’t wait!”
“ever heard of KNOCKING?” pomni hissed, completely disregarding caine’s sentence. but caine had already vanished away in a puff of smoke. the jester grumbled something under her breath, the obnoxious censor popping up over her mouth in the middle of it. ragatha giggled. “it’s okay, he’s sort of right.. we should probably get this done.”
“yeah yeah.. teethy f#$!er.” pomni muttered, earning another laugh from ragatha. “okay, hold still..” she said, before she continued to fill the opening with the fluffy white cotton as ragatha struggled not to squirm. pomni couldn’t help but smile. “sorry, sorry.” and ragatha could only shake her head, for if she spoke then the dam would break and the giggles wouldn’t stop flowing.
but finally, the job was done, and the two were finally able to attend the adventure. as pomni opened the door, ragatha spoke up, her voice almost a whisper. “um- yknow.. a-after the adventure..” she coughed, “we could.. um.. d-do this.. normally..? i-i mean, if you don’t want to that’s fine, i- just- um-”
pomni gazed at her with amusement, having figured out what the ragdoll meant. “yeah, i think that would be fun.” and ragatha nearly passed out at that answer. “r-right..! let’s- let’s go now.” 
“jeez, what took you guys so long?” was the anticipated question once the women had joined the rest. jax had his hand on his hip, his smile as smug as ever. “were you two—” but he was cut off as caine began to loudly explain the rules of todays adventure. 
pomni glared at the rabbit, but said nothing as ragatha lightly nudged her arm, and the jester sighed as she met her gaze with a typical tired smile. 
well, even if the adventure sounded just as ridiculous as every other event caine hosted, at least the two had a way to wind down after another wild day, huh?
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hergrandplan · 5 months
Wille's Month 2024 Day 4 ( @youngroyals-events) : Revolution
In cleaning up their home, Simon and Wille find something from their past.
Read below the cut or on ao3 (warning: tooth-rotting fluff. You may want to call your dentist)(1.4k, T)
Their living room is filled with half-empty boxes. Soft pop music plays in the background as they work through the piles of stuff they gathered, both softly humming along, sometimes singing. Sometimes, they chuck something in them without asking the other for a second opinion. Other times, Simon holds something up to get Wille’s approval to throw it out – or (less often) vice versa, when they’re not sure if it should go or not.
In packing for their trip to visit Simon’s family they realized they had a lot of stuff. Like, a lot.
Though their suitcases are barely packed, they decided that now, a few days before their trip, was the perfect time to start decluttering their home (they have a few days left anyways). It turns out two people can accumulate a lot of stuff in five years of living together.
The do realize quickly that Wille is the culprit of why they have so much – Simon has long ago learned to live with the fact that his boyfriend likes to keep everything, like the receipt from the first time they went to the movies together).
It’s a slow but steady process. They have a rhythm, they crack jokes and laugh. They remember too. Now and then they find something that makes them drop everything, letting another 10 or 15 minutes slip by as they flip through another photo album, or they find a notebook from their high school years.
It doesn’t matter that they’re going slow though. They’re happy to reminisce. `
“Oh my god,” Simon suddenly exclaims loudly.
Wille looks up from an old book he’s found to see him holding up a cassette tape.
He thinks he recognizes it instantly, but he still asks to be sure, “is that…?”
Simon nods, giggling almost. “I think so.”
They scramble to find cassette player – another thing they maybe should have got rid of earlier, but now Wille’s all the more glad that they still have it. Maybe, an hour from now when Simon insists on throwing something out Wille wants to keep, he’ll use this as leverage. You never know when we might need it.
Simon puts the cassette in the player. It’s old, it crackles a bit, which is unsurprising. It was already old when Wille gave it to him for his birthday, years ago.
Most people would have made a Spotify playlist, but Wille finds there’s something more romantic about giving an actual physical copy. And so, for his boyfriend’s 17th birthday, he’d given him a mix tape, filled with songs that reminded him of him, but most importantly of them. Of Wille and Simon.
The first song plays – Aaliyah, “At Your Best (You Are Love)”, smooth R&B filling their messy living room, the notes falling and landing and staying in between the boxes.
Wille, filled with the need to take in every little detail of Simon’s being, turns to look at Simon only to find that Simon is already giving all of his attention to him. His gaze so full of love it’s almost overwhelming. Wille doesn’t think he’ll ever get used to it, the way Simon just looks at him. Giving Wille his full attention, his utter devotion.
Then again, he looks at Simon, the exact same way. Even after all these years.
Wille is no longer afraid he’s going to lose any of this, he refuses for that to ever happen, not again, but he still savors every single moment with him, his beautiful boy. He looks and touches and feels, he knows the map of Simon’s body even better than the back of his own hand. The phantom memory of Simon is always at his fingertips when they’re apart, always quick to get back home as soon as possible.
And once again, Wille is filled with the need to take in every little detail of Simon’s being, with the need to never take his eyes off of Simon again.
Wille stands up, offers his hand out to Simon, who takes it without hesitation.
Wille pulls him to his feet, slowly, eyes never leaving Simon’s face. He sees the same question that’s been spinning around his mind reflected in Simon’s eyes – how did they ever get this lucky?
He places his hands on Simon’s hips, pulling him just a bit closer. Simon wraps his arms around Wille’s shoulders and gazes up at him, so lovingly, and Wille stares right back. This, he realizes with a flash, is it. This is the man he’s going to marry.
As Aaliyah sings that there’s no need for make-believe (and Wille, in this moment couldn’t agree more), Simon decides that they are not close enough. He pulls himself closer to Wille, burying his face in the crook of his neck, nosing at the soft skin there. Wille hums, moves his arms up, finds a home for them on Simon’s back, holding him tight.
Their dance turns into a shuffle, both men too tangled in each other to be able to move any more. There, between the boxes and the suitcases and all the evidence of a lifetime spent together, the promise of many more years to come, they hold each other.
The song finishes, the music softly fading away. Wille tilts Simon’s chin up, stares into those dark eyes that he will never get enough of. His heart so full of love that he can’t do anything but catch his lips with his, to feel his body flush against him, ever part touching and connecting, souls intertwined. Right now, he’s sure that their hearts even beat in the same rhythm.
There’s a moment of rest in between songs, as the cassette rolls until it lands on the next one. Wille has forgotten what songs he put on there – it’s been, after all, 10 years since he’s made it.
Then the tape hits the next song. A soft piano sounds. Wille feels Simon go still in his arms, as he too tries to figure out what song is playing. Then, all of a sudden, it’s Simon’s voice that fills up their living room. But the sound doesn’t come from the man standing in his arms – it’s coming from the cassette player.
They look at each other for one, long second as realization sinks in. Then, they break out into a fit of giggles, Simon burying his head again in the crook of Wille’s neck.
The song that’s playing is one very near and dear to Wille’s heart – after all, it’s literally named after him. Well, Simon actually never gave it a name, but he’d titled the file Wille. ‘Wille’s song’ is as close to a title as it gets.
Neither of them has heard this song in years – there was a time when Wille played it to death. When he first received it, and he thought this was the final piece of Simon he’d ever get, the only way he would be able to hear his voice.
Simon’s shoulders shake with laughter as the first chorus start, and Wille only pulls him tighter against him.
“I still can’t believe you put this on there,” Simon groans into his shoulder, his voice muffled. Wille’s sure that if he were to look at him now, he’d see Simon’s cheeks burning in embarrassment.
“I think it’s sweet,” Wille says, barely able to contain his laughter, which only makes Simon groan more.
“It’s so cringe.”
“You were sixteen, of course it’s cringe.” Wille brushes a soft hand through Simon’s curls. “And it convinced me to abdicate so…”
Simon finally looks up at him, indeed with cheeks flushing, but he’s grinning too.
“I guess I did spark a little revolution, huh?”
“At least in my heart.”
Wille leans down to press his forehead against Simon’s. His lips find Simon’s again, soft and warm and right. He smiles with Simon’s lips still on his. Simon moves his hands up to the nape of Wille’s neck, fingers buried in the soft hairs there.
Then Wille says the words he’s said a million times already, words he never tires of saying. That he never tires of hearing either. Because no matter how many times he says them, he never feels like it’s enough to convey what he feels for Simon.
“I love you,” he says softly in the space between them. They stay there, linger there, as Simon’s eyes open to gaze at him.
“I love you too,” he whispers back, and pulls him into another kiss.
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lady-severus-snape · 4 months
My brain is on fire with headcanons/prompts/plot bunnies.
🌠after getting Potter the memories he needed, Severus let himself slip away into the abyss. Finally, he could rest.
🌠Lily appearing in his minds eye. "Severus, I'm so sorry for being a shit friend. It's OK, let go of the past. You couldn't have known it was me that the prophecy spoke of." "But Lily-" "No, Severus Snape, you have done more than enough. Gave more than should have been asked. I want you to LIVE. Fall in love and be loved in return. Go. All will be well, I pinky promise" Severus ends up back in his body.
🌠magic sweeps him away and deposits him in another area. He comes to, people yelling and screaming out instructions, machines are beeping. He blacks out from the pain.
🌠you start your shift at the hospital, there is a new patient added to your rounds. You get the report from the day shift CNA.
🌠he is handsome despite looking like he had been through hell and back. Something took quite a chunk from his neck. Though you wasn't aware of a snake big enough that would deal that kind of damage, nevermind venomous....around these parts anyways.
🌠every night you started with him, Mr. Silver streak and ending. While cleaning and changing him, you noticed a wide singular streak of silver hair leading from his temple into his blue black hair.
🌠Severus felt like was floating, the pain a dull throb. He shouldn't be feeling pain if he was dead, right? It was weird, he could sense someone near him, the darkness brightened a little each time.
🌠there was something about Mr. Silver streak that kept you coming back to see him often during your rounds. And you would spend your break visiting, reading or singing a tune or another. Talking to him about your day and what is planned for him.
🌠severus felt himself lighten, he didn't know how much time has passed but he felt lighter and less burdened in his heart. One day, he heard the sweetest voice. He couldnt see where it was coming from or even answer.
🌠Severus realized it was on a schedule. He would hear their voice in intervals. They would talk to him, read, and even sing. He could feel them touching him, no hesitation, no disgust, soft, firm, gentle. They were bathing him. Severus blushed when he realized the feel their hands in his hair. Oh how he wished to see them.
🌠 Mr. Silver streak was responding well to therapy. His neck was recovering beautifully. It would scar tremendously and he would perhaps have difficulty speaking. You start to tell him tidbits of the world. The date, time, what new book was out or about this song that you were listening on repeat because it scratched your brain itchies the right way.
🌠About 6 months into your care, as your washing his hair he opens his eyes. You are so happy and excited. "Hello there sir" by the gods his eyes were dark like onxy. They shown with intelligence and something else as he glanced at you. "You are in Community Hospital. I'm (y/n), your CNA for night shift".
🌠Severus was absolutely breathless at the beauty he saw before him. He finally had a face to the voice that kept him company in the black void. Their chocolate eyes, so deep and warm. The curls of their hair framing their face. Was it as soft as it looked? Glowy sun kissed skin. The accent registed as American. He tried to speak but his throat was dry and lips chapped.
🌠you gently shush him "hey, don't strain and don't move too much. You've got a nasty tear into your throat. Might be awhile before you can speak." Severus sagged into the hospital bed, that's right. Nagini chewed into his throat at Voldemorts order. His eyes scanned the room he was in, white sterile walls faced him with boxes that made beeping noises. A muggle hospital.
🌠From there on, y/n was the ONLY one that Severus would allow to provide personal care. The others made his skin crawl and it wasn't a good of job anyways. The doctors were amazed at how quickly he woke from the coma. They didn't think he would come back.
🌠As time passed he got stronger, his voice slowly returned though it would forever have a rasp and lack volume. His favorite CNA held many conversations and discussions over the course of their shift. "Hi Sev! Ready to get changed? I got a new book to share with you" y/n greeted.
🌠When he was able to walk again, the first thing he did was hug y/n fully, the way he had wanted to when his eyes first landed them. He had fallen in love with y/n. When the dreaded day came for his discharge he waited until he saw you to leave.
🌠you were so happy when you heard the news that Severus was finally able to go home after being your patient for a whole year. You cried happy tears for him. "Severus! I'm so glad you get to walk out of here."
🌠you gave him your number and address so he could call, write, visit. He is so cute when he admits to not having a telephone but promised to write once he got settled. You two become the best of friends, calling each other....you always called him right after your shift ended and talked until you got home ok.
🌠Severus decided to stay in the US after going to the gringots branch there. Thankfully he had locked down his vaults and all his priceless possessions had been sequestered away.
🌠He started a new life, no masters, no potter brat, no teaching dunderheads. Pure bliss and relaxation and working on potions to his heart content. He was in the middle of bottling up an order when the phone rang. Looking up at the time, it was to early for y/n to call. Dread pooled into his stomach. Answering the phone his eyes hardened. Y/n was crying on the other end distraught. Quickly he asked where they were.
🌠Severus packs everything away and gets a taxi (he was still leary about apparition, his magic was still wonky after the whole thing). Arriving to the parking lot where he knew y/n always parked, he spots them crouched by the car, muffling their cries. Not only were they covered in questionable fluids, but through coaxing, they tell him that they are being sued for 'medical malpractice/neglict)
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emphasisonthehomo · 2 years
Continuation of this.
I was lamenting in the tags on the original post about my failure to include Gracie and @teruel-a-witch rightly pointed out that Steve could be the bio dad. So anyways. Here’s how Danny gets a bun in his oven. This also gets unbelievably schmoopy.
I’d say this is a... light E? Heavy M? Sex but nothing too detailed.
The thing with having spent like 12 years as Best Friends with Benefits, is that this means everyone gets slapped in the face with Deeply Flirtatious Married Bickering right out the gate.
Danny comes back from the airport, and because he flew in last night and was going to fly out today, all he has is his comfy travel clothes and his funeral suit. As a result he’s in a threadbare pair of jeans and a t shirt with the album cover of Born in the U.S.A on the front, exclusively bc the idea of Danny walking around w/ Bruce Springsteen’s ass across his chest is hilarious to me.
But they’re like Obviously Close to the point that when Steve goes to bully Chin into joining his new task force, Chin sits there like “Okay so Steve McGarrett brought his… not husband, there’s no wedding ring, but boyfriend? Partner? To this discussion. Interesting.”
Steve and Chin go to speak to Doran, because Danny is very firmly in the ‘civilian’ box in Steve’s head. Which mostly means Danny stands by the rental car and goes WHAT THE FUCK when Steve and Chin go in without backup. This is probably the first time Danny’s seen Steve in SEAL mode, the closest is maybe when Steve’s taken him to the gun range. But this is different. This is a side of Steve that Danny hasn’t seen, in all the time he’s known him. But why would he? Steve goes off and does classified shit and doesn’t talk about it. Danny’s a PI from Jersey. It’s two very different lives.
Afterwards Danny walks up to Steve, grabs him by the elbow and, and in front of god and Chin and HPD says:
“Steven. Listen. I love you. You understand that, right?”
Steve, taken a back, half distracted because Doran is fucking dead and therefore useless says, “I – yes. I love you too, Danno.”
“Good,” Danny nods seriously, “Because you are a dumb shit idiot bastard son of a bitch motherfucker, what the hell were you thinking – ”
And then Chin witnesses one of their more legitimate arguments and is like oh damn, trouble in paradise.
After all of it, after Hess is dead in the water, Danny takes Steve back to a hotel room and fucks him careful. Because Steve’s kind of beat up, a little worse for wear. Because he’s a moron who crashed a car into a ship, but he’s also Danny’s moron. Danny sucks him sloppy and then gets on top of him and rides him bare, fucks himself on Steve’s dick until they’re both shaking with it, until Steve’s clinging to him and kissing him and holding him close.
Danny feels bad, leaving. He can tell Steve’s still in a really fragile place, but Danny does seriously need to get back to Jersey. He’s in the middle of a case there.
“So, Governor’s task force, huh?” Danny asks afterwards, when Steve’s basically using him as a human shaped weighted blanket, “You’ll be on O’ahu full time.”
“Yeah,” Steve kind of wants to ask Danny to stay, to join the task force with him. He won’t. Danny’s got a successful business in Jersey. Danny hates the beach.
“We’ll be able to see each other more often then,” and Danny’s so pleased with the idea, playing idly with Steve’s hair, “I’ll come out again in a couple months for a visit.”
Steve’s got so many fucking feelings, things he can’t even begin to say out loud, so he just starts pushing Danny onto his back. Ignores Danny’s protests of ‘you’re in a sling you moron’ and eats Danny out, very thoroughly cleans up the mess left deep inside him.
And then the next morning Steve drives Danny to the airport in the rental, pecks him on the mouth at passenger drop off, and watches him walk away.
Because that’s what they do.
Except Steve won’t be traveling anymore, not like he used to. He’s very cognizant of the fact that he’s going to be sleeping and waking up in the same bed every morning for the foreseeable future, and that if he weren’t in the middle of the pacific, Danny would probably be in that bed with him.
“Danny just went back to New Jersey?” Chin asks.
“That’s where he lives,” Steve says, surprised at how shocked Chin sounds, “I told you, he’s a PI.”
“Ah. And you’re going to live here. In Honolulu,” Chin says.
“Yes,” Steve says, unsure of what exactly is so confusing about the whole thing. Of course he’s going to live here. His house is here. The task force is here.
Chin just blinks at him.
“What?” Steve doesn’t understand why Chin’s making that face.
“I thought Danny was your boyfriend,” Chin says, looking a little uncomfortable.
“Oh no uh. No. Danny’s a friend.”
Chin blinks at him some more.
“… There’s a hickey on your neck,” Chin points out, because there is. It’s barely covered by the collar of Steve’s shirt.
“A friend with benefits,” Steve explains with a shrug.
“Alright then,” Chin’s still got his eyebrows up by his hairline.
And then things just sort of figure themselves out, with the task force. They become Five-0.
Kono’s favorite thing to do is ask “What’re you smiling at, boss?” when she catches Steve grinning at his phone, because like 99.999% of the time it’s because he’s texting Danny.
Danny’s in New Jersey, doing his thing. And he. Well, he feels some kind of way, that Steve’s in the reserves now. He’d always kind of assumed that when Steve either retired or went to the reserves, that he’d come to Jersey. But then Steve didn’t.
Danny gets it. Understands why Steve did what he did, why he’s in Honolulu now. But Danny also can’t help but be a little grumpy, because he wants Steve in his house instead.
But it’s what they do. This thing. It’s been long distance right from the beginning. Danny’s used to it.
Steve sends Danny badly framed pictures of himself shirtless on the beach at some ungodly hour of the morning, and Danny misses him with an ache he can’t shake. It is nice though, that they can text and call more frequently than when Steve was active duty.
AND THEN whelp.
Danny starts to get weirdly nauseous. Like he’s got a stomach bug. Except it doesn’t go away, and it’s usually in the morning, and suddenly the smell of coffee makes him sick and oh jesus fucking christ.
He’s an idiot.
Danny knows, that going on T isn’t a form of birth control. He knows this. But him and Steve fuck without a condom all the time, this hasn’t happened before, there’s no way.
Except he also knows ‘hasn’t happened before’ doesn’t mean something won’t happen and shit fuck goddammit.
So, he goes to see an ob/gyn and confirms his suspicions and son of a bitch.
He’s gestating a mini McGarrett.
Danno: I land Friday at 9:35
Danno: SORRY 21:35 🙄
And Steve’s kind of stupid excited, because yes Danny had said he’d visit again in a few months, but it’s one thing to know that Danny’s going to visit at some vague point in the future, and it’s another to get the flight itinerary.
He’s in a good enough mood about it that Kono pegs him immediately and is like “Is your Not Boyfriend going to come visit?”
And Steve doesn’t even argue about how he doesn’t like her referring to Danny as his Not Boyfriend, he just says “Yup 😊” and then idk gets into a high speed car chase and shoots his gun and does his usual bullshit.
Danny meanwhile is shitting a brick and pacing a hole in the floor and having a hissed conversation with Matty about the whole situation while packing. Danny respects Steve too much to do this over the phone, he needs to tell him to his face. This is going to change things; he just doesn’t know how. He knows how he wants things to change, but that doesn’t mean he’s going to get that.
“You gonna make an honest man out of him?” Matty’s been unimpressed with Danny and Steve’s fuck buddies thing, has been for years. He genuinely doesn’t understand why Danny won’t just put a ring on it, “He’s in the reserves now.”
“IT’S COMPLICATED” Danny’s kind of an emotional wreck. He tapered off of T because like, you know. Baby. So, he’s dealing with that plus all of the regular ass pregnancy hormones. He’s dreading it, the changes that’ll happen to his body. At the same time, he’s so excited to hold Baby in his arms that he’s freaking himself out a little. A Dad. He’s gonna be a Dad. He’s always wanted kids, and always assumed it probably wasn’t in the cards for him.
“It’s not that complicated. He’s gotta stay in Hawai'i so just move there or something.”
“I have spent years building this business –”
“Rebuild it on O’ahu and go get your baby daddy locked down, goddamn. Stop being stupid about it.”
Danny throws a sock at him.
Steve can tell that Danny’s stressed about something and trying to hide it. Steve tries to bring it up on the drive back to the house, but Danny is like “No. Not now. We’ll talk about it in a little bit” and he’s jittery in the passenger seat, but Steve knows when to push an issue and this is Not one of those times.
Danny practically jumps him once they get through the door, and Danny’s suitcase gets forgotten in the front hallway while the two of them get mostly naked. Shirts get tossed and a pants get shoved down, and it ends with Danny bent over the back of the couch while Steve fucks him deep and hard and right there Steve goddammit –
They flop together afterwards. They’re not even sitting on the couch, just kind of laying awkwardly on the floor behind it. Danny’s got come dripping out of him, christ he’s making a mess and he fights the urge to laugh hysterically, because this is how he got into this situation in the first place.
Steve can feel him tense up from where they’re cuddling together and asks:
“Are we talking about it now?”
He doesn’t think it’s anything bad, Danny doesn’t look scared or upset, just worried about something.
“Later, I need a shower,” Danny says.
Steve thinks if he pushed the issue now, Danny probably wouldn’t get too pissed, but he’d also much rather get Danny properly naked and wet, so instead Steve just drags him upstairs.
They don’t fuck again in the shower, but they do go in together. Danny gropes Steve shamelessly, and Steve keeps reaching up and changing the angle of the shower head so Danny gets sprayed in the face.
“Are we talking about it now?” Steve asks, when they’re damp and in bed. They’re curled up next to each other, legs tangled together.
“Shit,” Danny says, “Yeah.”
It’s late. Dark outside.
Danny’s suitcase is still down stairs. He needs to go grab it so he can brush his teeth and get his pajamas. Instead, he puts his hands on either side of Steve face and rips off the band aid.
“I’m pregnant.”
Steve’s eyes get huge.
“I’m pregnant. It’s yours,” Danny adds, kind of uselessly. It’s not like it’d be anyone else’s. Danny lets go of his face.
Steve doesn’t look upset, but Danny didn’t think he would. He just looks surprised.
“Mine?” Steve says, after a beat.
“How?” Steve asks, looking gob smacked.
“Well Steve, when two people love each other very much –” Danny starts, and then stops because that feels like Too Much right now, “You came inside my you goon, that’s how it happens.”
“I come inside you all the time,” Steve says, blunt and vulgar.
“Yeah well. Last time it took,” Danny props himself up on his arm looks down a Steve, “What’s the face mean?”
“I – I don’t know,” Steve says, still processing.
Danny shifts and sits up.
“How’re we doing this?” Danny asks, eventually. He’s given Steve enough time to think.
“How do you want to do this?” Steve asks, because that’s a good enough place to start.
“I’m keeping it,” Danny says, “I’d like you to be involved, if you want.”
“Of course, I want!” Steve sounds a little indignant. He sits up too, and stares at Danny some more, “… I can’t go to Newark.”
“I know.”
And that’s the thing, isn’t it.
For once Steve’s tied down somewhere. After years of being on the move, he’s finally got commitments in once place.
Danny’s mouth is twisted up, and he doesn’t look happy. Steve leans in to press a kiss to the corner of his mouth, grabs his hand and squeezes.
“You could stay here,” Steve says, “That’s another option. I know you’ve got your PI business but I mean. Licenses transfer. You could work at Five-0.”
He doesn’t want to – this shouldn’t be something Danny feels pressured to do. He knows what Danny has in Jersey is important but. But it is an option.  
“That’s gotta be nepotism,” Danny says weakly, “Getting me a job at your task force.”
“Well, it is my task force, I can do whatever I want,” Steve says.  
“…Okay. Yeah,” Danny shakes his head slowly, clearly thinking through logistics, “I can get my license switched.”
“We can figure something out,” Steve says, breath catching in his chest because Danny. Danny’s going to move here.
Danny’s quiet for a long moment.
Then he gets a Look in his eye.
“If I asked you to marry me, would you say yes?” Because Danny needs to know. If they’re changing what they do, he needs to know how it’s going to change.
“What?” Steve’s back to staring.
That’s fair. Danny’s dropped quite a few bombs on him in the last few minutes.
“Would you say yes?” Danny repeats, pink cheeked and determined.
“… are you asking?”
“Not if you’re gonna break my heart about it,” Danny says, and he doesn’t mean for his voice to crack, but it does.
Steve kisses him. Cradles Danny’s face in his hand and kisses him careful and with purpose and pulls away.
“Will you marry me, Daniel Williams?”
“I fuck – I was going to ask you first!” Danny says, incensed.
“Too slow,” Steve kisses him again, “Will you?”
“Yes, you fucking bastard – ” Danny’s grinning, a laugh bubbling out of his chest.
He shoves Steve down onto the mattress. Steve laughs too, loud and infectious, and just tugs Danny down for another kiss.
AND THEN idk idk idk they’re gross and In Love and the next day Danny goes to the Palace and Kono’s like “CHIN, Steve’s Not Boyfriend is here” and Steve just gets Very Smug and says:
“You’re right, he’s not my boyfriend, he’s my fiancé.”
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hecatemoon87 · 1 year
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A Modern James Delaney Story
Chapter Nine - master list
Warnings ⚠️ smut. No minors.
James covered Tala's body with soft, wet kisses and heated nips from his teeth. She could tell he was hungry for her. The fact she had denied him for so long had pent up quite a lot of sexual frustration. And the desperate need to fulfill those urges were very noticeable.
He formed painless blemishes over her neck, breasts and hips. His thirst for her knew no bounds as he spread open her legs and bend to kiss her flower.
Tala swooned and cried out in ecstasy as his tongue delved between her petals and into her core. He was gentle, but firm in his tasting of her. The pressure from his mouth was perfect and his nose occasionally grazed her clit, teasing her and causing her to tremble.
"James, oh, god damn," she whispered, her fingers raking through his hair. He nuzzled her little cunt until she found the pressure building up. Arching her back to moaned loudly as the orgasm took over her senses.
Once he was aware she was in the midst of her orgasm, he pulled her legs forward and with his giant cock speared her vulnerable walls open. Tala cried out again, the biting pain of his manhood tearing her asunder transitioned rapidly into absolute pleasure.
The two lovers were now intwined, their skin wet with perspiration as James rocked his hips, molding her cunt to his cock. Tala moved her hands down his back and gripped his muscular buttocks tightly.
James grunted, her squeeze very tight and demanding. "Harder?" He asked.
"What do you think, big boy?" she purred.
That was enough to make him speed up, his powerful hips gaining the needed momentum to penetrate even deeper into her moist pussy. She moaned, spreading herself wider, making sexy little yelps as he drilled her into his mattress.
She removed her hands from his ass and raked his back with her nails, causing James to groan in pleasure.
"Little minx," he growled and buried himself deep into her core, rotating his hips to ensure she took every inch of him. Tala bit her bottom lip and looked up at him, her light brown eyes filled with lust.
"I wanna watch you cum," she said, stroking his muscular arms.
"Alright," he said softly, kissing her lips and forcing her mouth open to take in his tongue. Her cunt fluttered from his dominance, he was in complete control of her, stuffing her mouth and cunt while pinning her arms to the mattress.
Breaking the kiss he lowered his head, focused on achieving his climax. Tala watched him closely. It was terribly arousing to see such an astoundingly attractive man show such a vulnerable side himself.
He released her arms and buried his face in her breasts, releasing a deep, masculine moan. Tala stroked his hair as he released himself. Then, he took a deep breath and looked her in the eyes.
"I thought you were just coming over to talk, hmm?" he said, chuckling.
"Well, it wasn't my fault, you shouldn't have worn that cologne I like," she said.
"Oh, I see. I'll make a mental note to wear it more often," he said, climbing up off her. Tala rolled on her side to watch him walk into the bathroom where he threw away the condom. She couldn't talk her eyes of his impressive rear end.
As he came back out she got of bed and stretched.
"What's a girl gotta do to get fed around here?" she said, looking around for her panties.
"You already did it," he said, winking.
She giggled and made her way into the bathroom to clean up. After a few moments, she returned to the bedroom to see James had cleaned up and was in a fresh pair of box-briefs. They were dark blue.
"Can I borrow one of your shirts? I don't want to walk around this big, airy house in just my panties," she said, walking over to one of his closest. She opened it and the lights turned on automatically.
"Damn, James," she said. There were perhaps over a dozen suits inside, and a dozen matching pairs of shoes. "This closet is the size of my apartment," she said.
"I'm sure you're exaggerating," he said, closing the doors and opening a drawer from one of the dressers.
"No, I'm not," she said, taking a shirt that he had removed from the drawer.
He frowned and seemed genuinely concerned. "Really? Are you doing well financially?"
"Uh, yeah. Totally," she said, putting on the shirt and trying to avoid the question. "So, what's there to eat?"
James arched an eyebrow, telling her that he wasn't entirely satisfied with her answer, but didn't push the matter. "Come on," he said, walking to the bedroom door and opening it.
"Aren't you going to put clothes on?"
"I own this bloody house, I'll walk around in my underpants as I please," he said.
Tala shrugged, not minding the view and followed him. Once they made their way to the kitchen Tala made a b-line to the fridge. She opened it up and frowned.
"What the hell, it's just filled with water and energy drinks," she said, glaring at James accusingly. He scratched the back of his head as if thinking.
"Oh, that's right. I made Brace move the food to the pantry fridge. And...I don't know where the pantry is to be honest," James said, shrugging his shoulders.
"What? How do you not know where food is in your own house?"
"I eat out a lot or Brace has it already made," he said innocently.
"Spoiled boy," she said, getting on her tiptoes to open a cupboard. Inside she just found dishes. After checking six other cupboards she huffed and gave up.
"It's late, we can't order anything. Let me wake up Brace," James said, heading out of the kitchen. Tala ran up and stood in front of him.
"Don't wake up that poor old man. The pantry has to be somewhere close to the kitchen. I need something to eat or I'm going to get very cranky," she said, heading down the hall that was next to the kitchen.
Tala had a low blood sugar condition so she wasn't kidding about getting very perturbed if she didn't get food. It didn't take her very long to find the pantry.
"Jesus, James. Really? It was just two doors down from the kitchen," she said, opening the fridge and peering inside. Tala almost salivated at the Shangri-La of food choices in the fridge.
Finally figuring out what she wanted, she snatched up a cucumber and cream cheese sandwich.
"Ah, I see now. You didn't come here for sex, you just wanted to raid my fridge," James said, smirking.
"Something like that," she said with her mouth full.
"Um, so..." James said, appearing to try to find the words to something he wanted to say.
"So....what?" she said, finishing her sandwich. They had returned to the kitchen. But before leaving the pantry she had grabbed a small slice of cheese cake and was about to devour it next.
"Do you want to stay the night? It's pretty late and I don't think it's safe driving home. Because...you know, it's dark," he said, quickly.
"Oh," Tala said, picking up her fork and stabbing the end of the cheese cake with it. "Sure, if that's fine with you?"
"Yeah, completely," he said, coming up next to her. "Are you going to share?"
"No," she said, putting the fork into her mouth. "Besides, you already had dessert," she said once she removed the fork.
"You did taste rather wonderful," he said, lacing an arm around her waist. Tala was starting to feel aroused again. He kissed her temple as she ate another bit of cheese cake and she felt that familiar ache between her legs begin to grow.
She placed the fork down and turned to him and kissed him.
"Mhmm, you taste like cheese cake," he said.
"I want you in me, now," she said, locking eyes with him. His expression changed from humorous to aroused. He kissed her deeply and she jumped into his arms. Holding her by the thighs, his fingers gripping tight, they kissed as he moved her over to the small table in the kitchen.
Pulling the crotch of her panties to the side, he yanked his underwear down just enough for his cock and plunged it into her pussy. She was aware he wasn't wearing a condom, but at this moment she didn't care. He felt even more amazing raw.
"James, yes. Fuck me, baby," she whimpered.
He held her on the edge of the table as he railed her. The sound of flesh slapping against flesh filled the kitchen. James pulled the shirt she was wearing up so he could watch her breasts bounce as he fucked her.
"Fuck," James whispered as he watched himself pull in and out of her and her breasts bounce.
He slowed his thrusting so he could apply his thumb over her clit. He worked her until Tala gushed forth over his cock. As she orgasm he resumed his thrusting until he orgasmed as well.
Right as James pulled out of Tala, the table collapsed. Tala almost fell with it, but James had good reflexes and grabbed her, pulling her into his arms.
The table made a loud crashing sound that echoed through out the house.
"Bloody hell," James said, right before the lights turned on in the hallway.
"Who's there? I got a fecking gun, I'll blow you to pieces!" Brace said, coming down the hall. James quickly pulled his underwear up and shouted. "Shut up you old fool, it's just me!"
"Eh? James?" Brace said, rounding the corner. Brace's expression turned from apprehensive to annoyed. "What...what happened to the table?"
"It, um, it doesn't matter, just replace the damn thing," James said, grabbing Tala by the hand and pulling her through the kitchen. She couldn't help but giggle as he tugged her along.
"Shhh,' James said, chiding her.
"You're running away," Tala sang as they went up the stairs.
"You're right, I am. Because tomorrow I'm going to get an ear full."
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nat-20s · 2 years
tips for stealing from hobby lobby? thats really impressive
I can give you some tips for stealing from big box retail stores in general babey!
-a lot of what people look out for when identifying potential shoplifters is just profiling. While some of this is, shittily enough, racial profiling (shoplifting is definitely easier if you're white :/), some of it is just other appearances things that are within your control so in line with that:
-be aware of how you're dressed, and if you can, blend in to what people in the store would typically be wearing. Dirty jeans with oil stains on them don't make you stand out in a hardware store, but they do at a craft store, and wearing a big handmade chunky sweater is the opposite. As a general rule I would say dress nicely but casually- if you look like you've showered recently and your clothes are clean, employees are much less likely to take notice of you
-related: hoodies with a big pocket in the front are often viewed as sus in a way that a jacket with big pockets are not
-speaking of pockets: my recommendations is to have them larger and not tight to your body, and already have some stuff like keys/wallet bulking them out so it doesn't look visually different when you stuff some. idk yarn or jewelry or snacks or whatnot in there
-also be aware of, if you're planning to steal things that are big enough that they'll need a bag rather than a pocket, I HIGHLY recommend going with a purse or satchel or MAYBE grocery bag. Backpacks set off red alarms for a lot of people
-If you've never shoplifted before, I would start with something small that can easily slip into a pocket. A good part of not being suspicious is not seeming suspicious, and starting small gets you used to the, like, feeling of stealing and what your nervousness levels are. ALSO if you start with a single item and you get caught with it, you can absolutely go with the "oh shit I forgot I had this. god I can be so spacey sometimes" defense
-depending on the store, I will also say if you're carrying $100 worth of stuff in your pockets, go ahead and buy 5-10 dollars worth of stuff. After all, you're going through the line and paying for things, of course you're not stealing! *wink wonk* i don't do this with hobby lobby bc fuck hobby lobby, but i have done this with other places
-be relaxed. meander a bit. wander the aisles looking at stuff. when you pick up things to steal i also recommend putting them in your pocket/bag in a different aisle, as some merch has special cameras watching them
-if an employee comes up to you, I recommend being cheerful and polite! I recommend this anyway, as you should be good to retail workers, but if they seem to have come up to you apropos of nothing, they might be suspicious. In that case I would a: definitely do the purchase a small amount so you can take the big amount more easily and b: if they ask if they can help you find anything, say yes! Come up with something that the store either has or might have. Then once the employee shows you where it is (or, in some cases, just tells you), you can "decide" something about it is not quite to your liking, and say thank them for their help anyway. confidence and ease is key
-be smart about what you're stealing! those door scanners that some places have are usually for like magnetic or rfid tags. If there's weird rainbowy stickers or those like tag things:
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then you either don't steal those or have to remove them first, otherwise those door scanners WILL go off
-for cameras: honestly? if you're not stealing massive things, it's incredibly rare that anybody is gonna check those, and it's also incredibly rare that anybody is actually watching those. hell, a bunch of retail stores don't even have any members of the team for security
-other things: big box stores have limits for how much can be stolen and how much their insurance covers. Quite a few places see people steal items that are under like $50 or so and simply don't give a shit
-if you make it out the door, you're pretty much untouchable. literally. Retail employees are 100% forbidden from chasing you.
-retail employees that in late teens/early 20s have a high chance of not being paid enough to care. you can use this to your advantage
-don't hit places too often. even though most retail employees will forget your face as soon as you're out of view, if you're there enough, you will be recognized as a regular. this is great as a customer terrible as a shoplifter. If you can go at different times of day/week that's also good, as they are likely to have different people on different shifts
-while i do firmly believe it is always morally correct to steal from corporations (doubly so for hobby lobby, where it's actually more morally correct to steal than to buy), please don't steal from small independent shops. the hole in the wall bookstore with a cat doesn't have the same resources, set up, or even rules as Big Box Whatever you know? It's much more likely that stealing will screw over employees and much more likely you'll get caught
Anyway, have fun, be a more generic version of yourself in the store, and enjoy your new Five Finger Discount!
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yellowsugarwords · 1 year
Hey! Omg I hate giving requests bc you have a lot, but could we get Louis, Mariana and (parental figure) Luke with a reader who has really sensitive hearing? Like if sounds get too loud, their ears start to bleed? Sorry if this is inappropriate :)
oh MAN this is gonna be a wild one
Louis: Louis had always known Y/N had sensitive hearing. They freaked out when a gun had gone off in the distance, sending them into a panic. They stayed in their room for the rest of the night, their hands clamped over their ears, and tried to act as though nothing happened the following day. No one dared bring it up. But that day, Louis and Y/N were stationed at the watchtower for the night shift. They needed two these days in case either one of them fell asleep. Suddenly, somewhere in the first, it sounded. A high-pitched, wailing sound. It made Y/N cringe and Louis flinch;. “That’s new.” He said softly. “It’s probably another camp trying to warn walkers off.” Y/N clamped their hands over their ears, groaning. At the watchtower, they couldn’t leave. They had nowhere to hide.
“Y/N?” Louis asked, kneeling down. To see them. All Y/N could do was whimper, ether nails digging into the sides of their head. “It hurts,” they hushed. “Hey, it’s okay,” he said quietly, trying to get them to calm down. They removed their hands from the side of their head, their palms stained with crimson. “Y/N, oh my God,” he quickly reached into his pocket, grabbing a cloth and placing it on their hands. He lifted up the edges of their hair, watching as blood trickled out of their ears and down their face. “It happens often,” Y/N groaned. “I just need to wait for the sound to stop.” They said, eyes squeezed shut. Quickly, ripping his cloth into two, he placed one over each of Y/N’s ears, holding them there. Meekly, Y/N placed their hands overtop of his. “It’s okay, I’ll wait with you. Take deep breaths.” He frowned. “It’ll be over soon.”
Mariana: Mariana and Y/N were doing their usual evening ritual: sitting outside one of Richmond’s buildings, staring up at the sky, sipping on whatever sweet drink they could find in the cafeteria area. “What do you think it looked like before? With all the lights in the cities?” Mariana asked. “I forget. I was so little the last time I can’t remember seeing stars.” Y/N shrugged. “I don’t want to be in a world where I can’t see the stars.” Out of nowhere, a screeching sound. Y/N groaned and immediately snapped their hands over their ears, the remainder of their juice box crashing to the dirt, Richmond floor. “Y/N? What happened?” Mariana asked, setting a concerned hand on their shoulder. “Ugh,” was all Y/N could say, gritting their teeth and squeezing their eyes closed. “What is that?” “Y/N?” Mariana said gently. “Where are you hurt?” “My ears!” Y/N begged. They begged the universe to make it stop before they lost too much blood. Finally, the noise faded out and Y/N groaned aggravated, hands slapping down to their lap. “Y/N! You’re bleeding!” Mariana gawked, horrified at the sight of their blood coated hands. “It happens,” Y/N said. “It’s normal. For me, anyways.” Mariana frowned, studying the blood smeared across their palms and dripping down their neck. Mariana held her juice box out. “Here, have the rest of my juice while I tie your hair back.” Y/N meekly accepted the juice box. “Why?” “So I can clean that up.” She said with a sweet smile and shrug, as though it was obvious. “Wait here, I’ll be right back.” Mariana got up and scurried away to get some water and a cloth. Y/N smiled to themselves, glancing at the half-drank box in their hands. Mariana was always so gentle with people and their struggles. It made Y/N trust her even more.
Luke: Luke and Y/N were sitting in the living room of the ski lodge, glancing out the windows, watching as the sun crept up. They were awake, ready to start their respective work shifts of the day, but they had to wait until it was bright enough to see for a distance. Luke sipped away at his coffee while Y/N sat with a warm glass of water between their hands; it warmed them up for the chilly fall morning. From outside, as Kenny was doing a check up on their wind turbine outside. As he was working on tightening screws and oiling latches, the screeching noise bled through the windows and entered the lodge. Y/N flinched, almost spilling their water. “God, that’s annoying.” Luke groaned, setting his cup down. “I can’t wait until we can upgrade to a better system.” Before he could say anything more, a smack bounced off the walls and Luke turned. Y/N was sitting on the couch, curling down into their knees. They had dropped their glass to the floor in lieu of clamping their hands over their ears. He could hear how intense her whimpers were. “It hurts,” they groaned, sitting upright so Luke could hear them. “Ugh, make it stop.” “Y/N?” He wandered closer to them, sitting beside them on the couch. “What’s--” he stopped as he saw red seeping through their fingertips. Concerned, Luke took one of their hands and peeled it away from their face. Blood dripped onto the couch from their ear. “Oh my God,  Y/N, what happened?” He set a hand on their shoulder and the other on their lap, trying to get them to explain. “It's normal,” they managed to get out, still squirming out of pain. “I just need the noise to--” Finally, the screeching stopped and Y/N sighed, placing their bloody hand palm-up on their lap. “Stop,” they finished. Finally, they made eye contact with Luke, his expression one of pure concern. “Can you help me?” They asked meekly. Luke nodded, immediately standing. “Wait here.” He returned with new water and a damp cloth that he could use on their head. “Don’t worry, I got you.” He worked gently and tenderly, not wanting to hurt them more than they’d already been hurting.
𝘵𝘩𝘢𝘯𝘬 𝘺𝘰𝘶 𝘴𝘮 𝘧𝘰𝘳 𝘳𝘦𝘢𝘥𝘪𝘯𝘨 💌☕️♡
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cynamonowo · 1 year
multiples of 3, datomi <3
i love you so much bestie <3 this is gonna be super long (so under the cut it goes) And. kind of based in my general "aini does not happen & they get to work things out" au lmao
ship ask game
3. What was their first impression of each other?
"oh god who is this man and why is he bleeding out at this shrine" "oh god is that an angel that's going to take me to see baby jesus"
6. How do they make up/apologize after an argument?
hitomi probably talks about what both of them did wrong bc adult communication!!! we're not teens anymore!! on the other hand i think date would first sulk then blame himself before being a grown up too lol
9. What do they dislike most about the other? Why?
for hitomi it's probably just how date can get so focused on his work he forgets to care for himself. as for him, it's probably hitomi's tendency to keep secrets & refuse help
12. Do they have a difficult time when separated from each other, or are they fairly independent?
*gestures in the direction of aini* yeah no i think they're very independent but date can get like that r/ambien "i miss my wife :(" post lmao
15. What songs remind you of their relationship?
oh man... mogło być nic, heart of wool, and boats & birds
18. How do they care for each other when one of them is wounded/sick?
omg date would probably either minimize his suffering bc there's Stuff to be Done, Or be a total drama queen. in both cases hitomi's very exasperated but fond. when she's ill though, date's probably losing his mind and having aiba check on her every other minute while he reads the entire webmd site
21. Do they enjoy domestic life?
very much so! i think that after the resolution route date cuts down on his cabaret club outings bc he feels So Old. and after they start dating they go out sometimes but also like to chill inside, clean/cook together, drink some wine, and watch a movie or smth :3
24. How do their personalities affect their relationship? Do their characteristics compliment each other, or clash often?
actually i think they're more similar than ppl think! both are very determined and family-oriented, have a tendency for self-sacrifice, and like to joke around (hitomi's jokes are more subtle though lmao).i think they mostly differ when it comes to impulsivity - date's that kind of person to act first and think second lol
27. How do they say “I love you” non-verbally?
mm i think it's mostly through doing little things for each other, like hitomi making a cute bento box for date, and him making her tea just the way she likes it (piping hot)
30. What are their respective love languages? Do their love languages work well together?
gestures above. acts of service i think. a bit of quality time and physical touch as well (date never passes an opportunity to Grab A Boob), but mostly just ensuring the other's life goes as smooth as possible bc boy howdy they've been through some shit
33. How do they flirt? Who’s the worse flirt?
date probably makes a lot of innuendo heavy jokes that hitomi pretends not to understand so he can embarrass himself while explaining lmao but tbh i can't imagine them flirting that much. they don't really need to
36. How do they feel about having kids? Are they in agreement?
"we have two very lively daughters, that's enough lmao" (plus like. i think they only start actually dating after a few years, so both are in their forties & there's much lower chance to have a kid even if they tried. if smth happened they'd probably be happy to have a child together)
39. When and how did they admit that they loved each other? If they haven’t yet, why?
it probably took a veeery long time for them to feel comfortable with saying it out loud (but they knew. they knew), so maybe 2 yrs after getting into a relationship? and tbh i think hitomi said it first & date bluescreened at this. she loves him. she really loves him, despite everything. he's crying.
42. What’s their relationship like with each other’s friends/families?
haha yeah about that. (boss & hitomi text often though. mostly worrying about date. disaster man.)
45. How do they support each other? How do they rely on each others support?
oh i think they support each other by just. being there for one another. doing little things to cheer up the other one, asking how to help, bouncing ideas off of each other. but when it gets Harder i think both of them (mostly date) bottle things up a lot until the other one (mostly hitomi) gets too worried to let that slide.
48. Do they talk about their future together? Why or why not?
:( p sure they'd be afraid of considering an actual future together when you take into account What Happened Last Time (and in aini :// ), so it'd take like. a few good years until they feel comfortable enough to assume they wouldn't get separated again...
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db-gochifan · 2 years
GoChi Valentine’s Event 2023 - Day 6: Memories
Days [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7]
Title: The Wedding Dress Pairing: Goku/Chi-Chi; Bulma/Yamcha Characters: Goku, Chi-Chi, Bulma, Yamcha, Gohan, Ox King Summary: Chi-Chi finds her wedding dress during an annual cleaning. Warning: (Slightly) Alternate Universe Cross-posted on AO3 and FFN
Chi-Chi seized the opportunity that Goku and Gohan were outside training or playing baseball and to so some cleaning. She decided to start with her bedroom, so she grabbed everything she needed and headed there. She walked in and decided to start off by getting rid of old clothes, something she does in the beginning of every year. She opened the top doors and came across a large white box. A smile appeared on her lips and tears formed in the corner of her eyes as she took it out and sat on her bed. She carefully opened the box and the memories of that day came rushing into her mind. It was a warm spring day. Chi-Chi woke up that morning and took a few seconds to realize she was actually at the Capsule Corp. Goku didn’t care about superstitions, but she didn’t want to take her chances and have him see her by accident before the ceremony. And Bulma invited her to spend the night at her house, being a superstitious woman as well. “You’re finally awake.” Bulma’s voice echoed and Chi-Chi immediately looked at her. “I thought I’d be up before you, to be honest.” “Nah, I couldn’t sleep from anxiety. Today is your big day.” “I think it’s the first time I see a bridesmaid more anxious than a bride.” “There’s a first time for everything, right?” “That’s right.” “So how are you feeling today?” “I just woke up. I haven’t had time to feel anything yet.” “Today is your big day! We have so much to do, so let’s get up and have a big breakfast.” “Are you sure you’re not the one getting married?” Chi-Chi laughed as she pushed the sheet away. “Hell no. The word marriage scares the hell out of me.” “You don’t want to get married to Yamcha at some point? I can tell for a fact he wants to.” “It’s a big step I’m not ready to take yet. I know he wants to, but I just can’t yet. We’re way too young.” Her eyes went wide when she listened to what she had just said. “Oh my God! I didn’t mean to…” “It’s okay.” Chi-Chi cut her off with a smile. “I do think me and Goku are too young to get married, but then again I think we’re pretty sure about how we feel about each other and this. He even asked for my father’s blessing, did I ever tell you that?” “He asked for your father’s blessing?” “That’s right. He did when we were going out to celebrate our first anniversary. I couldn’t believe it.” “Goku is an old-fashioned man when it comes to these things.” “I know, and I love it. Sometimes I find it hard to believe how lucky I’ve been for having him as a boyfriend and soon-to-be husband.” “Seeing you talking like this is so sweet. I’m sure he considers himself just as lucky.” “You don’t feel even a bit of desire to get married after hearing all of this.” “Let’s just get ready for your day, alright?” Bulma rolled her eyes and stood up. “How was it like to sleep here, by the way?” “It was amazing. The bed is so comfortable! But I wouldn’t have minded sleeping in one of the guest rooms.” “Don’t be silly. I could never let you sleep there. It can get pretty lonely sometimes. Besides, I love having you as a roommate. It doesn’t happen that often, and it’s most likely the last time.” “Still, we’ve had quite a lot of fun here. But hey.” Chi-Chi looked at her. “You’re always welcome to go to our house whenever you want. We’d be more than happy to have you there.” “Thank you. Likewise, by the way. I’m gonna miss having you near. I admire you for having the courage to live in the woods.” “It’s not as bad as you think.” “I know, but I love technology too much to live away from it.” “I want my kids to have as much contact with nature as they can. When they grow up, they can decide what they want to do.” “Are you pregnant, Chi-Chi?” “What?! No! Where did you take that from? Goku and I have been careful, there’s no way it could happen right now.” “That’s good to know. That you’ve been wearing protection, I mean.” “This conversation is getting a little weird.” Chi-Chi stood up. “I’m hungry. Shall we have breakfast?” “Of course. Let’s go.” **** Chi-Chi felt like she was going to pass out from nervousness when the car parked in front of the church. There was no one else outside anymore, just like she had asked. She wanted to surprise everyone with her wedding dress, so her father was the only person who had seen it before, and only because he was walking her down the aisle. “So this is it.” The Ox King grabbed her hand softly and squeezed it. “Within minutes, you will come out of that church as Mrs. Son.” “I’m scared, dad.” She confessed. “Scare of what, Chi-Chi?” “Of not being a good wife to Goku.” “You know that’s not gonna happen. You’re gonna be an amazing one, I just know it.” “I hope you’re right.” “I am.” He squeezed her hand a little tighter. “It’s time. Are you ready to go?” “Yes.” She nodded with a smile. Goku couldn’t put into words how beautiful Chi-Chi was when the doors at the end of the church opened and the nuptial march started playing. His heart started beating fast as she walked down the aisle alongside her father. He was mesmerized about her that he didn’t move at all when they approached him. “Goku?” Yamcha gently nudged him and whispered. “You’re supposed to get her and approach the priest behind you.” “Oh right.” He shook his head and gave an awkward laugh, walking towards them. “I’m sorry. You look stunning, Chi-Chi.” “Thank you.” She blushed and pretended to fix the skirt of her wedding dress. “Take care of my daughter, Goku. She’s a very special young woman.” “I will.” He assured him firmly. “I promise I will make Chi-Chi the happiest woman in the world.” “I think this will be impossible. I already am the happiest woman in the world.” She smiled and grabbed his hand. “Are you ready?” “I am.” He squeezed hers. “Let’s go.” “Chi-Chi?” Chi-Chi didn’t even had time to react and get changed before Goku and Gohan arrived from their training. Before she knew it, their son was embracing her legs from behind and didn’t pay attention to what she was wearing. “Mommy!” “What’s going on here?” Goku was visibly surprised with her wearing her wedding dress. “I was going to do some cleaning and came across it when I was looking for old clothes to give away. Next thing I knew, I had it on.” “What is this fancy dress for, mommy?” Gohan paid attention to it for the first time, after he pulled away from her. “Are we going out?” “No, sweetheart.” She looked down at him and ruffled the top of his hair. “This dress isn’t meant for going out. This is my wedding dress.” “A wedding dress?” “Brides wear it when they are going to get married. This one has been in my family for years. My mom wore it on her wedding day and wanted me to wear on mine too. Too bad she never got to see me.” “I’m sure she saw you whenever she is.” Goku said in a reassuring tone and placed his hand on her shoulder. “And I have no doubt she was proud of you.” “Thank you.” Chi-Chi smiled kindly at him. “Mommy, you look like a princess.” “You think so?” “Yeah, you’re so pretty.” “I completely agree with him.” “You two… I don’t what I’d do without you.” She couldn’t help but smile. “How was training?” “It was great!” Goku replied excitedly. “Gohan will be such an amazing athlete when he grows up, I can tell it already.” “That’s great, but studying is also important. I don’t want to neglect it because of sports.” “Don’t worry, he won’t. I’ll make sure of that.” “Great. Are you hungry?” “Yes!” Both boys replied at the same time, with large grins on their faces. “I’ll be right down, I just need to change first. I don’t want to get my dress dirty.” When Chi-Chi walked into the kitchen, Goku and Gohan were sitting on the floor in the living room playing with the boy’s building blocks to pass the time. She stared at them with a warm smile and her hand over her heart. “No, daddy.” Gohan took one of the blocks his father had put in a pile away and put in another one. “This one is supposed to go here.” “I’m sorry, son.” “All this time playing with him and you still don’t know how these blocks work?” “They are too confusing for me.” Goku looked at his wife over his shoulder. “I can never understand why they have a specific place and can’t be put anywhere.” “That’s just how these new ones work. Honestly, I gave up trying to understand it and just played along.” “I don’t get why they must complicate things so much.” “I guess it became too easy for children now.” Chi-Chi shrugged. “So what do you want to eat?” “Do we get to choose it?” “Only for today, so don’t get used to it.” “What do you want, son?” “Fish! A big one like this.” Gohan spread his arms as wide as he could to show the size of the fish he wanted. “This big, huh? I guess you and daddy will have go fishing then, because we don’t have one of this anymore.” “Let’s go, daddy!” The boy stood up and grabbed his father’s hand, forcing him to stand up and follow him outside. **** Goku carefully closed the door from Gohan’s bedroom and then headed to his bedroom with Chi-Chi. The boy had eaten so much he fell asleep on the couch not too long after they finished their meal. Chi-Chi was putting the box with her wedding dress away when he walked in. “Now that we’re alone, can you tell me what exactly happened here?” “I said it earlier.” She looked at him as she finished pushing the box inside the wardrobe. “I found my wedding dress.” “I get that, but why were you wearing it?” “Because it made me miss those times.” She sat on the bed and placed her hands on her thighs, sighing deeply. “I feel like time flew by since then.” “It really did.” Goku nodded. “But I wouldn’t change a thing. I love how far we’ve come and Gohan is such an amazing child.” “He is.” She bit her lower lip. “What’s wrong?” He lied his head on his pillow and looked at her while he put his hands behind his head. “What’s wrong?” “Nothing.” “Come here.” He grabbed her hand and pulled him towards her. “What are you thinking?” “Do you still remember our wedding day?” Chi-Chi rested her chin on his chest. “Of course I do.” He looked right into her black eyes. “It was a special day for me.” “What do you remember the most of it?” “You really want to know?” “Absolutely.” She was genuinely curious and intrigued about his response. “Well, it was…” Both Chi-Chi and Goku were in awe with the view from the hotel. Actually, they were in awe with everything. Their honeymoon had been a wedding gift from her father, heir friends and Goku’s baseball’s and martial arts’ teams mates. Chi-Chi couldn’t even imagine how much it must have costed them, but she felt incredibly grateful for them. Both of them did. “Wow.” Goku whistled as soon as he walked back into the room. “They really chose a hell of a place.” “They did.” Chi-Chi sat on the edge of the bed, visibly bothered and worried. “And don’t this worry you?” “Why would it?” He raised his eyebrows at her. “Well, to start, they shouldn’t have done this for us. I feel bad for it. It should be on us, you know?” “I know.” He leaned forward to grab her hand and brought her close to him, and she stood between his legs. “I understand you’re worried and wish we ‘d pay for this on our own, but let’s not think about it tonight, okay? It’s our honeymoon, we shouldn’t be worrying about these things. Besides, it’s a love gesture.” “Yeah, you’re right.” She stroked his hair softly before he sat her down on his legs. “We’re finally married.” “Wanna know a secret?” “Sure.” “I couldn’t wait to hear how your name would sound with my last name.” “Did you like it?” “I loved it. Son Chi-Chi… it sounds perfect, doesn’t it?” “It does.” She whispered in a low tone before leaning towards him and kissing him passionately. Chi-Chi had her back to Goku and took her veil off, placing it on the chest of drawers right beside her. Then she moved her hair out of the way and let it fall over the front part of her dress; her hands then reached the zipper on her back. He had been watching the whole thing with amusement and was amazed by how effortlessly sexy his now wife was when she wanted to. And before he knew it, he was standing behind her with his hands on her hips. A satisfied smile escaped her lips. “Took you long enough.” “I was admiring you from afar.” “Well, you can’t do it near as well. In fact, you can do much more than just admire tonight. Can you help me take this off?” “Gladly.” He pulled the zipper down and watched Chi-Chi slid the short sleeves off her arms. She rolled the upper part down and then the dress fell to the floor itself. She turned around to look at him and Goku’s eyes widened for a split second, and a smile appeared on his lips. He couldn’t believe one of the moments he had been anticipating the most was finally there. “So this is it.” “Yeah.” He wrapped an arm around her back and lifted her chin with his hand, kissing her deeply and passionately. Then he picked her up bride style and placed her on the bed. “Yeah, it was a special night.” Chi-Chi’s voice was full of nostalgia and she looked at the white ceiling above. “I’m surprised you still remember that.” “You said it yourself, it was a special night. It was perfect, I wouldn’t want it any other way.” “Daddy!” Gohan came in running and threw himself over his father, who playfully yelled. “Except maybe this.” “Goku!” Chi-Chi lightly hit him in the arm. “I’m kidding, I wouldn’t trade him for anything in the world.” “Huh?” The child looked at him puzzled. “What are you talking about, daddy?” “Nothing, son.” He shook it off with a smile and started tickling him, who burst into laughter immediately and fell on the bed between his parents.
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motownfiction · 2 years
the night before
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Every year, on the night before Christmas, Lucy and Will exchange one private gift. It’s a tradition they’ve kept up since they were first married at sixteen, and their families still consumed every square inch of their time. Back then, they figured they were still kids (and they figured right). But just because they were kids didn’t mean they weren’t in love – didn’t mean they had no time to spend without parents and siblings gawking at the married eleventh graders. They’re forty-six now, celebrating their thirtieth Christmas, but they’ve kept up the tradition. It’s nice. A good reminder of where they came from.
Lucy’s pretty proud of her Christmas Eve gift for Will this year. When they visited home in the summer, she sat down with Colleen and went through old photo albums, trying to see if she could find the perfect snapshot to unearth for Will. After a couple of hours, she found it: a photograph of Will and Sam, age five, standing in front of the O’Connor family Christmas tree. She had it framed and wrapped it months in advance.
When she hands him the gift, she says, “For anybody you loved before you loved me.” Will cracks a joke about how that’s impossible until he gets the paper off and looks right at the picture in the frame. He inhales, almost like he might cry, and he stares at the picture for a long time before he says anything.
“God,” he says. “You know, it didn’t matter how old we got. To me, this is what we always looked like. Even on the day he died.”
Lucy smiles and pushes Will’s hair out of his face, wondering if he knows how lucky he is to still have so much. She kisses him with love, tea, and sympathy. It’s been eleven years, and Christmas still isn’t easy on any of them, especially Will. Every year, as the sun goes down on Christmas night, he mutters that he should have been there. Every year, he tries to get a little stronger. Lucy thinks that starts with remembering Sam more often … with smiling at the thought of him rather than getting weepy.
But she loves Will’s heart. It’s the best thing about him. How big it is. How deeply it beats. Will won’t tell you he loves you (growing up in a house with five sisters will beat the sentimentality right out of your system), but he’ll show you more fiercely than anybody in the world. He shows Lucy everyday by cleaning up around the house, asking her about her day, and reading whatever book she’s teaching to her students this month, even if he’s read it before. But loving Sam, even as a baby, is part of what got him ready for that. Lucy’s tired of pretending like it wasn’t. There’s honoring your best friend’s memory, and there’s shuttering it. There is no overlap.
“I’m afraid you��re not gonna like what I got you for Christmas Eve,” Will says.
“I’m not sure that’s true,” Lucy says. “Plus, you know if I don’t, I’ll tell you to your face. It’s my way.”
Will chuckles. He opens the closet and comes out with a small box wrapped in shiny gold paper. Lucy takes the box and smiles curiously. When she opens it up, she’s almost confused by what’s inside: an old bracelet with Victorian charms. It looks familiar, and when she realizes what it is, she gasps.
“Oh, Will!” she says. “Is this really …?”
“The charm bracelet you were wearing at the Welcome, Spring! dance where we got together, yeah,” he says. “Your mom had it in the attic back at home. Guess we had kind of the same idea for Christmas Eve this year.”
Lucy smiles. She hooks the charm bracelet around her wrist. It’s probably the only thing from before she got pregnant with Elenore that would still fit. She wraps her arms around Will’s neck and kisses him again – this time, for all the romance in the world.
“I love it,” she says. “Thank you.”
“Hey, you’re welcome,” Will says. “I just thought … maybe you needed something to remind you I wasn’t such a bad choice.”
Lucy laughs and holds Will closer. She wants to tell him he was the best choice. Not the only choice, but the best one. But she doesn’t have to tell him. This is their thirtieth Christmas Eve, and he knows. Even on the toughest days, he always knows.
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banditcoyote · 3 years
Wrangled and Tangled
Sasuga stood by the sink washing the last of the dishes from tonights meal. She smiled softly to herself as her tail flicked behind her, happy about the sets of cups and plates she had picked out, feeling domesticated and settled looking over the two sets of dishes her and her lover had shared, something about them in the drying rack felt almost romantic to her. But maybe it was just the way the sunset was showing so pink and purple over the water that was making her feel that way, the cool summer breeze blowing in from the open Lanai. She hummed to herself a little as she dried her hand and reached for the first plate, ready to dry them herself, when the dish cloth was plucked out of her hands swiftly.
“Let me take care of that.” Simon said perching himself onto the counter and starting to dry one of their plates.
“All the left overs put away?” she asked leaning against the counters and bringing her wine to her lips.
“Most of them.” he said with a nod. “Except for the second helping I couldn’t resist, which is now residing in my stomach.”  
She laughed lightly, brushing her hair back behind her ear “Well I’m glad you enjoyed it.” She said with a nod, moving to cozy up to him just a little bit, her eyes full of warmth, and maybe a bit of mischief. “Maybe we can enjoy some other things when you’re done putting those dishes away.” She said with a curl to her lips.
Simon returned the smile and took a moment to lean down to kiss her easily, drawing back with a little hum. “I can think of some things for sure.” He added. “But before we get too distracted.” He placed the clean plate down on the counter and reached into his pocket, pulling out a small ring box and placing it on the counter next to her hand. “Happy Anniversary.”
Sasuga froze at the sight of the small velvet box and her large eyes went wide, slowly looking up into Simon’s face, searching for the meaning.
Simon at once realizing what she might have thought smiled and blushed. “I know we’ve talked about it, but this is just a promise ring.”  Sasuga let go of the breath she was holding with some relief. He picked the box up and opened it. “See?” inside was a thing gold band with a small rose quartz crystal cut into the shape of a heart that side horizontal to the finger. He reached for her left hand and slid it on to her ring finger kissing it into place. “I love you Sasuga, I know that this might not be perfect, but I wanted you to know how much you mean to me.” Sasuga looked to the ring on her finger, feeling tears pull at the corner of her eyes. He hopped down from the counter “Oh no….is it too much? I know we said we weren’t going to do anything, that dinner was enough but-“
She shook her head “Don’t be stupid.” She said choking back her emotions. “I love it. I love you….Thank you.” She looked at the ring again before reaching up to tug on one of his horns pulling him down into a kiss. “Forget the dishes….come on.” She said, her tail already snaking up around his waist to guide him toward their bedroom.
Coyote woke up with a start, staring up into the dark ceiling above him. He contemplated for a moment what that dream could have meant, and his jaw tightened in his face. Did Sasuga sleep with Simon while he was away, it was the only rule he had given. Or maybe that had made the whole thing more enticing for the two of them. Still, why would Sasuga end up with Simon, he had the feeling he was absent, that house not looking familiar to him in the slightest. He closed his eyes again, almost willing it to come back to him, but some of the finer details were already fading from his memory, and all he remembered was the way the pair looked longingly at each other before they kissed. He gave a little growl and pushed himself up quickly to throw on some jeans and a shirt.
“Coyote?” Shishi asked lifting his head from where he was curled up on one of the pillows. “Where are you going?” he asked rubbing one of his eyes sleepily.
“I’m heading back to the Makai” he told Shishi as he pulled his shirt down over his torso.
The imp eyed the view appreciatively before his senses snapped back to him. “Should I be worried?” he asked knowing of Coyote’s sometimes prophetic dreams, and he wondered if he had some type of vision of Sasuga’s fights. “Do you want me to come with you?”
Coyote shook his head. “No. No. It’s nothing like that it’s….” only he wasn’t entirely sure he could begin to really understand it himself. He shook his head “Sasuga’s fine. I just need to see her. I only had that one other show at the end of the week anyway, stay here, I’ll go tell Russell to pack everything up and head on home. You’ll be fine finding a flight right? I mean, stay the night, don’t leave on my account.”
Shishi laughed “Oh it was that kind of dream was it?” he grinned. “Okay, Well, tell her I said hello and get back safely.” He said as he yawned and laid back down to sleep. “I’m sure Kurama and Gatlin will be happy to have me home, if they haven’t torn each other apart yet…”
Coyote slapped on his cowboy hat and grabbed a jacket though he felt his skin burning. “And you remember what we said about this right?” he asked as he headed toward the door.
“My lips are sealed.” Shishi murmured. “Not a word to anyone”
“Especially to Sasuga.” He confirmed hand on the door.
“Especially Sasuga.” Shishi promised “She’d probably be more upset with me than you anyway” and waved him off.
Coyote found himself easily at his ring manager’s trailer, pounding on the door. He felt bad to be waking Russell up like this but he knew he couldn’t just disappear in the middle of the night and leave Shishi to explain for  him, things looked weird enough having him around. Russell answered the door, looking as if he was still blinking back sleep. “Coyote, everything alright?” he asked looking around.
“No…Um no, there was a fire back at the ranch.” He said lying on his feet. Thinking easily of the fire at Thom’s he could use as a cover even if the time line wouldn’t match up. He figured it would never get back to Russell anyways. The manager looked concerned. “It’s nothing big, a small one thank god, no one hurt, but I really should get out there, I know we only have the exhibit at the end of the week so I was just going to head home now. Would that be too much of a pain for ya’ll to handle?”
Russell cleared the sleep from his eyes with his hand “Yeah, yeah I can handle it no problem. Take care, hope it’s as small as you say.” He said and headed back to his bed.
Coyote made one more stop, saying farewell to Poncho in his trailer, before he headed towards the nearest portal in the woods, which was still pretty far, and Coyote had to be careful no one saw him as he slipped into the woods and transformed, having to sprint as fast as he could to reach the portal before daylight. He was glad he had the foresight to try and keep his motorcycle as close to him as possible, as the only other way he could have gotten there was to fly back home and then race to her, and he wasn’t sure he could stand being on a plane the way he was feeling.  All cooped up without being able to run or move, or do anything. It would have been torture, not like the past few weeks hadn’t been. The time away from Sasuga had been harder than he’d like to admit, and he already knew he would never plan on being away from her like this again. All the time away from her he had felt like pulling his skin off. He had helped Thom around her house before he left, and at the rodeo he did more of the manual work than anyone really wanted him to. He ran Poncho as often as he felt he could without causing the poor animal too much strain, and then would run laps as fast as he could as long as he could well into the night. But it was never enough, the women that tried to greet him as soon as he stepped out of the rodeo corral still enticed him to the point he had to nearly run back to his RV. All that hair, perfume, and how the hell where they making such good bras now adays? Though he was sure that some of breasts out there weren’t only held up by a bra but maybe some type of surgery, that didn’t sway him away any. Then the fact that in some of the more populous areas there were actual demon women in the crowds, and those he really had to avoid. He was sure they’d sense something about him, and he was doing his best to be incognito. Luckily his prior years of fooling around with plenty of the women at these things rarely had any of his crew spotting him being social, so now that he was hiding out on his own it went unnoticed. Coyote tried to run himself ragged, exercise, the rodeo, his variety of plants and a few sex toys paired unironically with the body pillow he had snuck on board, none of it had done the exact trick. Which had then led him to call Shishi. It had been a long shot, but it didn’t take much convincing getting him to come out to see him in secret, even if he was a bit miffed at having to mostly stay hidden at the events. Coyote let him have the pass into where the wives or girlfriend’s normally sat, and he posed in his refinery during the events when it fancied him. It had helped tire him out, but he still hadn’t been getting enoug
He thought he could remain out here for the full month, and they had gotten so close, it was almost silly to run now. But after the dream with her and Simon he just couldn’t deny the ache he felt for his mate any longer and he had to find his way back to her. Dawn was just about to break as he reached the portal and he wasted no time heading through it and heading towards where he had hidden his bike. He felt like a dog that had gotten a scent, and he wasn’t going to rest until he got to her. **** Four days later still hours from dawn, Coyote stashed the bike behind the hotel, barely taking care to hide it, and stumbled into the lobby. He had all the faith in the world that Sasuga was still in the tournament, and held the most hope that meant she was still in the hotel room that he had the key stashed for. He limped into the lobby where the clerk paled at the site of him. “Sir….” He said rushing around the desk and towards him. “Do you need a medic?” he asked looking him over.
Coyote didn’t waste the energy to speak to him and only shook his head as he stumbled forward before catching his balance again. He knew what he looked like, but wasn’t stopped as it was clear the clerk in his pristine uniform was afraid to touch him at all.
“Is there someone I can call?” he said walking along side him as Coyote shuffled to the elevator, bracing himself against the lobby wall and causing a smear of blood to press into the wall paper.
Coyote considered it for a moment, but shook his head again. If Sasuga was still in the tournament this late in the game there was a chance she was injured as well, and he wanted her to save her strength for fighting. He’d be okay. He just needed a shower, some stitches, and her.
The clerk did not follow him into the elevator, being the main hotel for the tournament he was surely not the only injured guest they received, and he retreated back to their desk, probably to call for maintenance to clean up whatever other mess Coyote had left behind him. He leaned against the wall as it started it’s ascension toward the upper floors, again leaving a smear of dirt and blood where his shoulder braced himself. A few droplets of blood dripping from somewhere onto the floor. It seemed to take forever for the elevator to reach it’s destination, the doors pausing once as a couple was about to get on, but after seeing him let him go on without a question. Coyote almost passed out, unsure if it was from blood loss or exhaustion, but the dinging and wooshing of the doors riled him, and he staggered out into the hallway. Knowing he was so close to Sasuga spurred him on, and he was relieved to find that the card key still worked. He let himself into the hotel room, finding it dark and quiet and he did his best to move with stealth into the bathroom. He passed the bed and spotted Sasuga sleeping peacefully by herself, he was grateful for this because with the rage that was still somewhat in his veins if he had found Simon with her he might have taken a regrettable action. In that moment iat took everything in him to not simply cover her with himself, though with how dirty he was he knew it would only concern her more. There was blood in his mouth and under his fingernails, matting his hair down and sticking to his hat. Better to clean himself up first, and he shut the bathroom door behind him before turning on the light.
He did his best not to look at himself in the mirror, but finding it a necessity to assess some of the damage. If he had made it this far like this it couldn’t have been too bad. Still he was in rough shape. Not only was his face cut, bruised, and swollen, but he had also lost enough weight that he appeared gaunt under the torn and dirty clothes he wore. He slowly undressed, assessing each wound, fresh bruises forming on top of old ones, some cuts that were still bleeding every time he moved, gashes that would no doubt need to be closed up. He hissed as some of the clothing stuck to him where blood had dried, let his effects fall to the floor, his gun empty and tucked back in his holster, and stepped into the shower letting the water strike at his feet until it was warm enough to step into. He braced himself against the wall, letting it flow over his hair and down his back, feeling the sense of relief start to fill him as well. He had made it, he was close to resting, and he was close to his mate, that was all he could ask for right now.
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sarcastic-sketches · 2 years
Fox Flavour AotC
Continuation of my bullshit from here going through events of Episode II and then into TCW.
Kitsune!Anakin changing between fox and human form due to stress would make AotC very funny actually. Just randomly poofing out into a smol fox during his mission to protect Padme to the point where she usually just carries him.
Anakin: The Audacity Also Anakin: Pretty lady is carrying me? Crush is holding me???
I’m picturing the first time they meet again after ten years and it’s still a trainwreck but in a different way. Anakin is nervous to see her again, momentarily forgetting about the ears sticking out the top of his head that are just going haywire trying to pick up any and all sounds. Obi-Wan’s ‘relax’ comment does about as much good as it does in canon, except he’s finding the very obvious tells funny rather than irritating, and then they actually see Padme.
"Ani? Look how much you've gro- are those fox ears?" The entire conversation just gets completely derailed and suddenly Anakin is very tired. Any and every potential thing he had ready to say to her just evaporates because right, the Kitsune thing.
"Oh. Yeah, they're- new." Obviously. Obi-Wan is trying valiantly not to facepalm but also offering zero assistance.
"Can- Can I?" Padme asks, lifting a hand up to his head, her intent to touch very clear but waiting for permission. Yes, she’s a Senator and probably has more decorum than this, usually, but the guy she hasn’t seen since he was nine now has a pair of fluffy fox ears poking out of his hair (That haircut is doing nothing for him).
Anakin is stuck between being horrendously hormone driven right now and wanting to ignore any and all changes he's undergone. Still, it’s Padme and he knows she’s just curious, like she was when asking naive questions on Tatooine a decade ago.
He leans down to let her pet his ears and Obi-Wan is this close to being catty. Something something 'you didn't let me touch your ears that fast'. But he is a saint and holds his tongue, for now.
"Oh! You have tails too?" Padme is intrigued, and already the hand that was bending his ears is now starting to move downward before she’s even properly thought about what she’s doing.
Anakin is a bit too dazed to pay attention to what she's doing either so Obi-Wan clears his throat and reminds the Senator of the reason for their presence before her hand could make contact.
He knows from experience already that Anakin is particular about the tails. The ears he will begrudgingly allow certain people to touch - a group which, apparently, includes the Senator - but the tails are strictly off limits. Despite how eager he'd been a minute ago to be near her, Anakin now looks rather relieved that there was some space between them.
He really does not like his tails being touched.
Suffice to say any chance at romantic Anidala gets blown clean out of the water. His attention is a bit too split on his recent transformation to truly hone in on Padme. Padme can also see how badly this has affected him and decides what he needs is a friend rather than a lover. She was the one to propose after all, so in this AU she boxes that impulse away.
GOD his ability to transform could even be a bonus to his guarding duty (watch me make this the Star Wars version of Dragon Knight ffs). His being a tiny fox most of the time would mean Padme doesn't feel/look actively guarded BUT there is a ball of pent up aggression just waiting for an opportunity to strike.
Trying to think how this would play out with his mother and the Tuskens. I considered him skipping some tail levels to just go straight into Full Grown Kitsune out of a vengeance fulled rage. Then I thought about Anakin finding his mother, watching her die, and then becoming so stressed he goes TINY. Maybe Padme went with him because she knows he's not gonna like what he finds and will need help and he's clearly not emotionally stable with how often he keeps changing form. So she's there to grab him and shake him out of it.
But then I thought OH FUCK what if his constantly changing means Padme notices his stress over his dreams way quicker. She insists on going to Tatooine days earlier, plus she'd also like to see Shmi again. So they find her ALIVE instead. Anakin's entire brain focuses on getting her the fuck out of dodge and its only the guards that come after them that end up dead. Perhaps the rest of the tribe see Angry Fox Man and go 'hmm maybe not'. I'm pretty sure Palpatine bribed them to kidnap Shmi and they did that so they have no desire to go chasing this monstrosity across the desert thank you very much. He leaves the encounter with vengeance and protectiveness warring in his brain and he tells absolutely fucking no-one (get bent Sheev). Padme would also be liable instead of just him if anyone found out.
The experience brings them closer together as friends and since they went early there is time to help Shmi heal before they get the call from Obi-Wan. Shmi has some words for her son about all that business in the desert once she’s better. Fox Ear pinching included, to which she took remarkably well.
She had always known her son was special - on account of the immaculate conception if nothing else - so she just accepts that this must be another part of him that’s starting to come through. Anakin rather likes that explanation so he doesn’t correct her on how he transformed. He also doesn’t complain when she insists on brushing his tails because they are ‘incredibly untidy’. Padme: Momma’s boy Anakin: >:( Padme: >:)
Then it’s off to Geonosis for the arena fight, which probably goes about the same except Anakin can now turn into a tiny two-tailed fox in a fit of stress to get out of his bindings and dodge the angry Reek. He’s not very good at climbing though or he’d have copied Padme. Dooku has a few comments to make about Anakin’s appearance because he’s pretty sure he did not come to the Temple looking like that so how did that happen? The man is very good at riling Anakin up though and the new appendages are sore spots which Dooku takes advantage of. The fight with Dooku proceeds about as expected.
Anakin gets his ass kicked. Arm comes off. Another tail pops into existence.
“Oh, I’m going to get more of these things? Damn it.”
The Clone Wars begin.
Tbh the main bulk of this AU is set during the Clone Wars because this is undoubtedly gonna be Rexwalker. That ship has come for me with an iron grip. He's not married to Padme, but they are friends who occasionally fool around for fun and stress relief. They still find each other very attractive but Padme didn't propose so he hasn’t got this huge secret to keep (which probably means he’s less stressed). War breaks out and Anakin is introduced to Rex, who just does not bat an eye at the fox appendages at all. He does find it useful for gauging Anakin’s moods in the early days though because he still can’t control them and his General never fucking admits to being in less than optimal condition.
The potential for pining is unreal. Bromance turned romance that neither of them can act on because ouch that imbalance of power concern. While Rex trusts Anakin not to abuse his rank, Anakin is really uncomfortable with the idea that Rex would just do whatever he’s been asked to do. He wants to know that Rex is doing something because he 100% wants to, with absolutely no doubts. He’ll just wait for the war to be over, bother Padme incessantly for the clones to be recognised as citizens in the senate and then … leave the order? He supposes he would have to if he wanted to be with Rex.
I just want Anakin to do that thing male foxes do when they spot a potential mate - target acquired - but it’s at Rex when he is being unfairly competent on the battlefield. Ahsoka is tired but rooting for them. The whole ‘we’re just friends�� spiel is actually true when Obi-Wan confronts him about it but BOY do Anakin and Rex wish that wasn’t the case.
I don’t ever write pining so I’m very invested in this AU right now.
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