#I need some new writers
witchcraftingboop · 8 months
(Coming back to add: I don't know if this needs trigger warnings. Almost-SA, I guess? More like just sexual harassment, I think.)
Talking about my life is always wild, because I barely share anything with people I'm close to, so I had the amazing experience of telling my favorite cousin about that time a man called Freebird, stepdad to my aunt's not-yet-fiancè-boyfriend, kept trying to lure me back to his confederate flag decorated house in swamplands to "watch his dog," for months, which eventually led to his wife outright threatening to shoot me if I ever tried to be more than a mistress (already, arguably, a lot to unpack), and then my aunts had to come rescue me from their empty house after the lil biker gang man stood in their living room, hand on his gun, and tried to intimidate me into going upstairs to "play doctor" (which, can I just say, is so Comically bad, like wdym I, as a 21yo woman, had a grown, known gang leader in my aunt's living room asking me to "play doctor" in full view of their security cameras???? Bizarre) So yeah! She had an eye-opening look into why I don't let men in my apt, and I had the revelation that yeah, I have been through some shit and that maybe talking about it all would do me some good! In short, either my journal is gonna get Real Colorful this year or 2024 may be the year I actually get a therapist, though I am heavily leaning towards just journalling.
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i vote that next year instead of reading Dracula we do a Jeeves & Wooster Book Club. those two never got the rabid tumblr shipping fandom they deserved (disqualified for the sheer technicality of being published a century too soon). we must correct this injustice
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jacobglaser · 7 months
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Well this absolutely sucks.
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I’ve already posted about this before but just imagine what hotd would be like if rhaenyra had ladies in waiting and other friends alongside alicent.
all of the angst as things begin to turn sour, the deep love hidden behind years of festering resentment and loathing. watching as they all grow up and grow apart before choosing sides. it would be fabulous and hbo should’ve done it cause this show already has too many men
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lakshana-ke-lakshan · 5 months
Wtf is happening with ishman fandom? When we're not being fed anything, Ishan literally on a hiatus, then istg the fanfics were SO GOOD and now? When we're being spoon fed the content? The quality of the fanfics goes down? no offence.
like y'all, as a writer, who was forced to write because of less, but good content, i can't help but be annoyed with the fandom rn. Cuz I literally wrote my ff because there was no omegaverse ishman fluff!!!?!
So the point is that the stories are very repetitive, grammar is wrong (not like I'm Shakespeare's butt hole but still, there are some limits to galat English?), there is just- Nothing new? To be excited about?
I remember the time when I used to keep refreshing the app in case any new updates came and now, I haven't literally opened the app since forever. There is just one author, who i wait for, and they stopped posting the same time around which I stopped posting. So ya, I'm not alone
And don't call me Hardik- you ain't loyal to one fandom- look, ik I ain't but I just got over it?! And vaise bhi fanfics ka cringe alag hi chall Raha hai
It's always the same now- mafia Shubman, hobo ishan or some royalty au, or some businessman CEO Shubman and poor ishan, omega ishan hiding his gender, and ishan running away with his child blah blah blah
Yes there are many new ideas, but i couldn't possibly know cuz I haven't opened any fabric since ages
So ya, ishman is having its downfall era on Wattpad
and if anyone could recommend the best, mouthwatering, booty hole clenching fanfic where there is a new plot, and shub is not bottom(he's never a bottom), please do recommend them to me. Pretty please
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storm-driver · 1 day
nomura coming outta the woodwork to say he's aiming to retire and nonchalantly mentioning that kh4 is gonna begin an ending narrative is some of the wildest stuff to hear during the drought
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laniidae-passerine · 3 months
catch me laughing in the club awkwardly because this season has a 19 year old blonde female companion from London, a space travelling left of law brunette queer boy who flirts heavily with the doctor, absolutely zero writers of colour and no mention of sensitivity readers…….and next season the new companion is a woman of colour. uh oh!
#he’s not stupid enough to do Martha again but be REAL with me. do you think this man can handle writing for a brown woman and a black man#and make it in any way genuinely tasteful. the one race he’s punched down and the other he’s basically ignored during his tenure :/#rtd seems to think because he has the lived experience of the great struggles of being queer in the 80s and onwards#which was a serious struggle and came with its issues#that he understands being a person of colour? like he wrote an episode about racism and then laughed about not needing a sensitivity reader#before he handed it off to ncuti. but it needed one because it was a stupid episode because he’s white and moreover#seems to think he understands WITHOUT actually getting any of the nuance. which makes it worse.#im just concerned to put it lightly#like chibnall’s bad habit was ‘good episode followed by a bad episode so bad you forget the good episode even existed’#but at least he got writers of colour in to make some of those episodes! he actually cared! and also fumbled real bad (nazi uniform… ://)#still. he actually gave it a pretty good shot and opened some doors behind the scenes. like the writer’s room which is just as important#and also in the scenes tbf like yaz and ryan sharing scenes as poc companions during the same run was groundbreaking#and rtd just closed them again going actually no im doctor who’s most specialist boy and we should do my run all over again#stop this man. get someone new in. he is not much better than chibnall rn like he is not batting hits#stop letting the world’s most charismatic doctor (ncuti i will get rid of regeneration to keep you. i love you. wish you had better writing)#distract you from the fact RTD is doing a ‘biggest hits’ tour rn. stop him!!!!!!! please can we have a showrunner of colour! a woman! please#rtd critical#doctor who#dw
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superfluouskeys · 1 year
i continue to be extremely normal about stray gods persephone
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lesbianonsteroids · 1 year
I've been teasing you all day, haven't I? Told you everything I want you to do to me. Every place I want you to touch me.
Every one of my texts drove you crazy didn't they? Every image I sent? I'm finally all yours, at your mercy, always.
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fumifooms · 6 months
Marchil March retrospective
As of today the Marchil March week was officially over! 🎉🎉👏 A lot of good work and content accomplished this week, patting ourselves on the back is in due order. Thank you so much to everyone who participated!! The turnout was so much more than anticipated and made a big difference for marchil nation.
All in all, the statistics for the amount of works made for the event and publicized is as such:
Total participants: 11 Total works: 37 Fanfics: 17 Fanarts: 20
You can browse them all on the sideblog @feedmarchil!
That’s more than one marchil piece a day for a full month! We almost doubled the amount of fics we had! I can truly say it was a successful event, despite some bumps, and I for one am sated. Couldn’t be prouder of the community! Marchil is in good hands!!
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But March isn’t quite over yet… As long as we’re still not April, feel free to make some late entries if you want to and find the time! I’ll make an extra set of stats for late works if anyone makes any. I do hope to take advantage of this and write a fic myself hehe, crossing my fingers. There isn’t enough time in a life to marchil enough~
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eywaseclipse · 23 days
If I can give anyone one piece of advice for the week it’s this: I know you want to, but do not, I repeat DO NOT tell your best friend about someone you’re talking to/ courting before it actually comes into fruition. Just wait. Just hold off on it until you have something to show for it.
I know that’s harsh, but it really is just bad luck. lol. Maybe I’m old and jaded, but yeah it never goes well. I know you want to talk and ask your bestie for advice but it’s really none of their business and it does jinx it a little bit (in my opinion) move in silence and when and if it works out then you have some fun news to share with them. Okay happy Wednesday everyone lol
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thatonecrookedsmile · 4 months
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From the depths of the studio - where darkness prevails and the voices of the puddles grow louder - a message is echoed to the rest of the world. A promise filled with hatred and,at the same time,with conviction. Words coming from someone who was more than confident that their blasphemy would come true.
A message that is directed to one creature,and one creature only...
"I will become the very being You never could be"
----- "A Promise Sent from Below" - Return to the Studio AU.
Oh hey, I have an AU, I forgot about that (lie)
I've had a similar idea in my head for a month now. It wasn't possible to do it last month, but no problem. May would make more sense. I did something with this little guy for 414 last year, and I wanted to do something with him again. April 14th of this year would not be possible, but May 14th or 15th? Oh yes. These dates are better because it was between these two (actually it was the 14th I think, but I consider both dates) days that I created this guy above! Consider this drawing a celebration made for…well, me. Of course, he wasn't created with the design above in mind. His original, main design is quite different from this alternative (and less original) iteration. The drawing above shows his current situation in the "current" moments of the RTTS AU.
His creation, which dates back to 2020, was the result of some Bendy-related thoughts of mine intersecting on the day. These being about new things in canon lore that came out at the time (plus speculation about this new information), a theory that at the time I started to understand better (which maybe based on the drawing, you probably know which theory I'm talking about ) and a funny bug found in one of the games (do you remember Ghost Bendy by any chance?) And then,boom. I created Atlas. I remember at the time I was thinking of other names for him because Atlas was just a codename that I had in mind to refer to him while I thought of a definitive name for the guy. But the codename ended up sticking. Plus, Atlas is a cool name and I wanted to give an OC that name.
Even though some details changed over time, I think I eventually managed to solidify his place in the AU. Not that his story is 100% thought out and completed. Hell, my AUs that I have are still not 100% thought out either, so what to expect from their characters. But I think that, currently, I have at least decided on the general idea of his place and purpose in RTTS, and I am happy with what I have come up with.
I don't know when the next time will be that I will show him again. In general, showing things from my AUs is not and probably will never be my strong point lol. But I'd like to draw him again eventually. So uhhhhhhhhhhh, one day. When that "one day" will be, it's up to you to decide
Happy Birthday Atlas. You and your other 2 alternative versions are cool to think about. Here's to another 4 years of chaos for you. 🙌
I can't believe it's been 4 years now, damn.
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sga-owns-my-soul · 4 months
sorry to everyone i tell a fic idea to that they get excited about bc i'm so bad at finishing a fic but i can offer you the start of the 8 new fics i've started this week with 0 plans on how to finish them if you would like
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snucius · 2 years
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Keep refreshing this tag is a full time job 🙄.
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navybrat817 · 1 year
Me: I can't start posting about a new AU until I catch up on my other-
*Sees an amazing edit for the new AU*
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*opens a new doc* 😂🤣😭
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steelycunt · 1 year
‘gay retelling of a classic!’ ‘feminist sapphic twist on this greek myth!’ why don’t you write a better book than that. i think we deserve better books than that
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