#I need movies for people over 30 over 40 over 50
mistofstars · 1 year
at an age now where I feel annoyed that some movies or maaany movies mostly focus on young adults.
Sorry. I'm old now. I need and want movies of people at least my age or older.
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lucysarah-c · 3 months
Mother's smile
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Summary: Raging war, it turns boys into men. Author note: Since the Marley world seemed to be around the 30s-40s, I’ll set this idea in a world that looks like the mid-50s. This is POST WAR. I've no idea what is this... the idea just came into my mind. Warnings: None...Angst? Perhaps? Word count: 3.8k Pairing: Dad! Levi x Mom! Reader
The muscles of his body twitched as he ran up and down, changing the train’s platform to return home. His hair flowed in the air, almost freezing from the bitter cold. He could feel the icy air biting at his undercut and chilling everything in its path. Exhaustion escaped with every puff of his reddened lips, the air condensing in front of his face. Yet, he kept running, desperate to connect one train to another.
If he didn’t time it perfectly, his family might begin to suspect he wasn't going to practice. He had quickly changed back into his regular school uniform in one of the train station's public bathrooms.
From the corner of his eye, he noticed a couple of girls. They couldn't be older than him, mumbling and locking eyes. He had no time to dwell on it, but he couldn't ignore it either. It was becoming a regular occurrence. People were starting to recognize him in the crowded streets of the capital.
"Why?" he wondered, even though he knew the answer. But he reasoned, "There are TV stars and movie actresses who take the train… I'm nobody."
He knew. Ever since someone took unauthorized pictures of him during practice, fully suited up, and they were posted first in the Paradise newspaper and then spread worldwide.
"Oh my- Sorry!" He almost tripped over someone. He quickly dodged a mother carrying two kids. "I’m SO sorry," he insisted.
"Please, something for my kids," she pleaded.
Levi's intuition told him something had been off lately.
"I’m so sorry… I have nothing," he replied, feeling a deep pang in his heart. The hunger and misery on the streets had only worsened since the war restarted.
"Could you set the table, love? Dinner is almost ready," Y/N said, breaking his deep thoughts as she handed him a pile of dishes. "It's just that the pot is old, and if I stop stirring it-"
"Sure," Levi quickly replied, not needing any further explanation. He stood up, grabbed the dishes, and wobbled a bit on his way to the dining room. "Tch," he clicked his tongue as he checked the clock. This was usually his son's duty.
Speak of the devil, the front door swung open. "I’M HOME!" Adrien shouted as he entered. 'Finally,' Levi thought. It was winter, and it got dark outside rather quickly.
"Welcome home, dear," Y/N said, peeking over from the kitchen to see her son taking off his shoes and coat in the hall. He quickly moved to give her a kiss on the cheek. "I was starting to wonder."
"I'm fine, I'm fine, mom," Adrien said, hurriedly.
"Dinner is ready," Y/N announced.
Adrien rushed into the dining room and almost bumped into his father.
"Where the hell have you been?" Levi demanded, almost pushing the dishware into his son’s arms.
"Sorry, I'll do it-" Adrien began, but as soon as he got closer, Levi grimaced in disgust.
"Shower, now. You stink," Levi commanded, holding onto the dishes.
Adrien took a quick sniff and seemed puzzled by his father's reaction. Groaning, he quickly moved upstairs. Levi frowned and continued setting the table. "The hormones are certainly working," he muttered.
Adrien had been arriving slightly late recently, not enough to raise concern but enough to annoy Levi. "The train services are delayed by the power outages…" Y/N tried to explain. These issues had become common since the war resumed and was edging closer to home as Paradise's forces, led by a queen Levi once helped put on the throne, continued their campaign.
Unauthorized pictures of his son had made it to the front page. His baby boy, photographed by spies. 'They fucking did not.' HIS baby boy, mocked by Paradise's news.
Initially, Levi thought it was a fluke. He went to grab the morning's newspaper at the front door and noticed the front page was missing. 'Maybe the boy tore it without realizing,' he thought. The delivery was usually smooth, so he dismissed it. He figured he could grab another edition on his way to his meeting. But when he saw it, his blood boiled.
Levi was furious. He broke every personal vow he had made to himself, that whatever war Paradise and the Jaegerists wanted to get into after almost 15 years post-Rumbling was none of his business. But taking pictures of HIS son and making fun of him? He made calls to people he hadn’t spoken to in years and simply stated, "Keep my son’s name out of your fucking mouth."
Adrien had been offered personal 3DMG training by the government from a very young age. Levi and Y/N were not naive. They knew since Adrien was a little kid why the government wanted him. He was Levi’s only child. The only available Ackerman after Levi and Mikasa stopped the Rumbling.
Levi had decided to break ties with the Paradise government because they continued to support the Jaegerists. He moved to another country, seeking peace for his family. That country was one of the few places the Rumbling hadn't devastated. He, Onkopop, Falco, Gabi, his wife, and his kids lived a peaceful life for many years.
Falco and Gabi eventually moved out as they grew older, though they visited frequently. Levi wanted to give his kid the childhood he never had. But he couldn't protect him forever. Adrien had insisted on practicing with 3DMG after being offered the chance as a kid. Levi stood firm on his decision. No. It was a firm no for months. Adrien was going to have a normal childhood, playing sports with his classmates and eating lunches packed by his mother. Levi had moved across the globe for his family to live without war, his family by blood and the one he made along the way.
The door slammed, surprising him. The family dog rushed to bark at the sound.
"Addy? You okay, kiddo?" Gabi asked, as they were still living with them. Hearing his son's name, Levi got up and walked as fast as his injuries allowed. It was too early for Adrien to be back from school. Also, Levi was the one who usually picked him up.
Wobbling, he reached the bedroom door, which was unusually closed. Even before he reached it, his heart began to ache as he could hear his 7-year-old boy's muffled cries. Adrien's chubby legs dangled from the edge of his bed, his face buried in the pillow.
"Oi, oi, oi," Levi said softly as he reached the bed and tried to gently push Adrien’s shoulder to the side to see his face. Adrien resisted. "Kid, what happened? Why are you back from school?"
Levi's mind raced, searching for injuries, any sign of hurt. Trying to come up with reasons, his brain was haunted by his baby’s endless tears.
"They kicked me off the team," Adrien finally managed to say between sobs. "The mothers complained that it’s not fair that I play."
Levi's heart sank. It had been hard for Adrien to make friends as a kid from another country, and he was obsessed with baseball since being allowed to join the team. He loved having a group of friends.
"I hate it, I hate it!" Adrien's soul-breaking cries echoed as his young mind couldn't comprehend the reasons. "Why can't I be normal?"
Levi forced himself out of his shock, slightly shaking his head to clear his mind. "Don’t say that. You’re normal. I'll talk to your teachers-"
Talking had never been his strength. He wished his wife was home.
“No, I’m not! All my friends look at me weirdly! Nobody wants to play with me anymore!” Adrien screamed at the top of his lungs. The frustration of his father not understanding only added salt to the wound. “I hate it!”
“No, Adrien—I'll talk—”
“I hate being an Ackerman!”
Levi felt as if he had been stabbed in the heart. White noise filled his head, merging with the sound of his son’s cries. Levi argued with himself that it shouldn’t have hurt as deeply as it did. “He’s just a kid who wants to play with the others,” he thought, remembering all the arguments he’d had with sports teams.
“It’s just not fair to the other kids, Mr. Ackerman.”
‘Next time, just point to my head,’ he thought bitterly. Watching his son sit on the benches with doe-like red eyes, trying to hold back tears at school, haunted Levi. He had come to pick him up and was forced to stay behind while the rest of the team practiced.
Falco and Gabi tried to play with him when they had free time, but they had their own responsibilities. Levi himself tried to play with Adrien as much as his injured leg allowed, but how fun could a one-on-one game be?
For many months, Levi refused to let Adrien take special training offered by the government. He knew they only saw his son as a potential new weapon.
“Daddy, did you see me? Did you see me?” Adrien’s face lit up with a smile that seemed too big for it, brimming with excitement after mastering a new 3DMG trick.
“Mm-hmm,” Levi hummed in approval, watching his son with a mix of pride and concern.
“He’s a prodigy, sir,” the female soldier standing next to him remarked. “You must be such a proud father.”
Levi’s death stare could hardly be disguised as he clenched his teeth. ‘This is wrong,’ he thought, but his hand, missing two fingers, reached for the Polaroid camera and took a picture. ‘It can’t be that wrong… if he’s smiling like this.’
“And then I twist! And then I jump! And then I—” Adrien rambled on excitedly at the dinner table.
“Addy, don’t talk with your mouth full,” Y/N gently reprimanded him, but he continued to beam, bright and cheerful, happy.
If teaching his boy everything he knew about 3DMG made him smile again, then perhaps it was worth it. He did it for his baby, only for his baby.
Adrien had grown into a moody teenager who now stole his car and rarely talked to Levi without an attitude. Levi wasn’t usually the melancholic type, but he missed the days when he was greeted at home with tight hugs and dreamy eyes.
Now, the war was getting closer to home. Paradise, untouched during the Rumbling, was growing increasingly tense. The Jaegerists wanted to finish what Eren had started, and the new regime wasn’t open to negotiation. They demanded blood; they demanded fire.
Admiring his reflection in the mirror, Levi noted how tired he looked. Time was unforgiving. He spotted several grey hairs among what used to be pristine raven locks. History seemed to be repeating itself, and sometimes he felt like he had fought for nothing. Small towns that were slowly rebuilding after the Rumbling were falling under the power of an island he had once defended with his blood and sweat.
The tie felt tight around his neck as he adjusted the bow tie. He had been asked—almost forced—to attend a charity event to raise funds for displaced refugees and military forces. They had declared war only a few months ago, and he felt strangely hopeless. “I’m just old,” he whispered to himself.
Levi turned to his left to see his 16-year-old son leaning against the door frame with folded arms.
“Hey,” Levi greeted back cautiously. “I’ve no money,” he added quickly, the interaction feeling odd since Adrien rarely came into the couple’s bedroom, much less to talk to him.
Adrien rolled his eyes so dramatically Levi thought he might tear a muscle. “I wasn’t going to ask for anything!”
The teenager walked in and sat down on the bed, petting the cat. His long face and distant, translucent eyes were hard to ignore. Levi watched him for a while before turning back to the mirror to continue getting ready. The silence was so heavy it felt like breathing steam from the Colossal Titan.
After several minutes, Adrien's voice broke the silence, trembling with emotion. “You… you know I love you, Dad, right?”
Levi turned around, frowning deeply. “… What did you do?” he asked instinctively.
“Nothing!” Adrien's defensive tone only made him more suspicious.
“You got a chick knocked up?” Levi guessed quietly.
“W-what?!” Adrien’s face turned beet red with embarrassment. “NO!”
“NOTHING! I did nothing!” Adrien protested, jumping up from the bed and heading for the door. “I’m never saying it again, you old man!”
The door slammed, and Levi clenched his teeth. The mood swings were something he wasn’t used to, no matter how hard he tried. Levi clicked his tongue. ‘What’s gotten into him lately?’
That was the issue; everything had been slightly off. Not enough to raise serious concerns, but as Levi walked downstairs to leave for the event, his mind kept replaying the scene in their bedroom. ‘Something smells off.’
‘I may be getting fucking old, but I’m not crazy.’
“He’s trying to grow up. Let’s show him that we trust him. Let’s give him some freedom, as long as he respects the curfew,” Y/N had tried to explain that shutting their son off wasn’t going to help.
Adrien’s insistence on coming home on his own… Levi had always driven him to and from school, especially since the school was quite far away by public transport. After the photo incident, Levi didn’t feel it was safe for his kid to walk back alone.
The front page of the newspaper had been missing the day his boy’s picture and the Paradise headline appeared:
“The Ackerman’s Cub: As Harmless as a Pussycat.”
Levi cursed at the memory, yanking his coat from the hanger by the door. Arms in—
It was too big.
He looked down at the sleeves, which hung past his hands. A part of his ego cracked a little—it was his son’s coat. His baby boy was growing non-stop, now 193 cm tall.
“Soon, he won’t fit through the damn door,” Levi muttered, half offended, half endeared. He wondered if he would have grown that tall if he hadn’t suffered so much as a child. “He truly inherited Kenny’s height,” his wife would say as their kid grew taller and taller.
Putting on his own coat—it was freezing outside—Levi sat in his car, but his mind kept circling back to it.
Adrien arriving late by only 10-15 minutes. His recent attitude wasn’t just typical teenage sulkiness; it was different. Adrien was distant but not moody.
Already at the party, Onyankopon, Falco, Gabi, and Y/N were talking around him, but Levi wasn’t there, at least not mentally. Call it the universe, call it signs, call it his Ackerman instincts. Call it what you want. But Levi knew something wasn’t right.
Suddenly, fragments of memories from the past month flashed through his mind. They hadn’t seemed suspicious at the time, just slightly unusual. Like that moment when he picked up something from Y/N’s boudoir table and got pricked by a needle.
“Ow,” he muttered, though it didn’t really hurt.
“Oh, I left a needle out? I thought I put it away,” she said innocently, placing it back in the sewing box.
Or when he was walking down the upper floor’s hall and noticed the string hanging from the attic hatch swaying. “Y/N, did you go to the attic?”
“No, why?”
“Nothing…” He meant to ask Adrien about it but got distracted by the teen blasting his record player.
Levi opened the door without knocking. He had warned Adrien to keep the door open multiple times. The teenager quickly turned down the rock music. “Hey!” Adrien complained, but Levi didn’t care.
“How many times do I have to tell you to keep the volume down? I’m half-blind; don’t make me deaf too,” Levi ordered. Before leaving, he added, “And get your shoes off the bed.”
Levi’s leg tapped against the floor uneasily. Something was not right. The silence of his brain seeking a logical explanation was becoming deafening. His wife squeezed his arm, drawing his attention.
“Captain Ackerman,” a man approached them, bowing slightly out of respect. Levi’s days as a captain were long gone, but he never lost the title in the eyes of some. “It’s an honor…”
The man’s hands fidgeted nervously as a timid smile appeared on his face. He pressed his lips together, wet them, and then opened them as if trying to find the right words. “It must fill your heart with pride that you and your family stood up in such a difficult situation and did the right thing. As a representative of the Eldian community outside Paradise, we don’t stand with the Jaegerist decisions—”
Levi dismissed him quickly. “No need to praise me,” he cut in, anticipating the man’s gratitude for his role in the fight against Eren during the Rumbling. “I fought for what I believed was right.”
The man’s face twisted in confusion. “No—I…” he stammered, his previous uneasiness turning to confusion. “I wanted to thank you and acknowledge your family’s altruistic action.”
“No need—”
“I mean, it must be an honor but also extremely hard for you as a father to allow your son to volunteer for the front lines.”
It hit Levi like a thunder spear, just as the one he had once used against Zeke. As if the explosion had gone off right next to him, and he could only hear the ringing in his ears. Y/N’s grip on his arm loosened in shock before her nails dug in as the realization sank in.
Despite his Ackerman powers, Levi felt control over his body slip away as his legs shook. It felt impossible to breathe as he drove back home as fast as he could, but it surely felt as if his lungs caught no oxygen.
He slammed the door open, his injured leg giving way as he rushed upstairs to his son’s bedroom. Pain fading into nothing as it once did during the war. The white noise in his brain was shattered by Y/N’s piercing scream when they found the bedroom empty, except for a single paper note on the made bed. Falco held Y/N as she broke down in tears.
Levi’s face remained expressionless, but it felt as if his heart had been ripped from his chest. Holding the note in his hands, he sank onto the mattress. The bed where he had once read Mother Goose stories.
“I’m sorry… I just couldn’t sit back and do nothing.
P.S. Sorry for the coat.”
His baby, his baby boy. The mere thought of Adrien witnessing even half of what he had as a soldier brought tears to Levi’s eyes, a knot forming in his throat. His child, stolen from his arms, dragged into the chaos like pigs to a slaughterhouse. Everything Levi had fought for, everything he had done…
If only he hadn’t used that thunder spear, he would be as good as new. He would have fought a thousand wars and led a thousand more just to keep his baby safe at home. To wake up to Y/N making his favorite waffles on a lazy Sunday morning.
It should have been him. He should have been in better shape. If only—
After a few days, Levi understood what Adrien meant about the coat in the note. His lost eyes fixed on the piece of clothing that had been cut. His old scout’s jacket, stored in the attic, had been altered. Adrien must have cut and sewn the Wings of Freedom patch onto something else. The house had become a cemetery since the day Adrien left. Y/N hadn’t been able to sleep soundly as she usually did, waking at the slightest sound.
“I thought I heard the front door,” she said, as Levi tried to calm her down in the middle of the night.
Levi hated rock music; he found it too noisy. But one afternoon, he felt compelled to put on one of Adrien’s records. Each second felt like it was squeezing the life out of him.
As the days passed, the missing front page of the newspaper became a sign enough. The news arrived loudly at their home.
“Undaunted. As the higher-ranks abandoned the zone, giving up the strategic petrol supply, Adrien Ackerman held the front lines and won.
A kid worth an entire army, honoring his name.”
Levi’s eyes scanned the paragraphs without emotion. “While all wore the same uniform, Ackerman decided to stick a striking patch to his. ‘They called me powerless, so I made myself an easy target. If they want to come for me, let them come, and I’ll put up a fight,’” the article quoted Adrien.
A scoff escaped Levi’s lips; he had surely inherited his temper.
“I cut and stuck the article to my locker to remind myself who I have to show their place,” Adrien replied when asked about the Paradise press’s coverage.
“LEVI!” Y/N’s voice echoed through the house. He rushed to her side with worry, only to find her smiling softly and sobbing as she watched the black-and-white TV.
The screen showed his baby boy, his comrades ruffling his hair, beer bottles flying in celebration, and citizens offering him drinks. They hadn’t won the war, but it was clear this victory was much needed to lift their spirits. People looked at Adrien with starry eyes, much like they had looked at Levi after their first wins against the Titans.
Levi’s lips trembled as he bit the inside of his cheeks, trying to hold his composure.
“He’s alright,” Y/N whispered, slightly relieved. “God, he got your knack for giving me a heart attack.”
She tried to joke, but noticing her husband’s silence, she turned around. “Oh… Lev…” she sighed, quickly moving to hug him tightly.
Tears streamed down Levi’s cheeks as he watched his baby on the screen, basking in the attention and hope he gave to others. They hadn’t won the war, but for now, it was enough.
“We knew deep down we couldn’t shelter him forever,” Y/N said, caressing him. She understood the weight now on Adrien’s shoulders, responsibilities that had haunted Levi for many years. She sighed, making peace with herself. A part of her had known from the moment she gave birth to an Ackerman that this day would come.
However, through watery eyes, Levi saw something different. Watching the young man on the screen, Levi whispered with a broken voice the same words he had said when Adrien was born.
“He got your smile.”
Link to my masterlist and my other works if you feel like checking them out. Tags!: @nube55 @justkon @notgoodforlife @nmlkys @humanitys-strongest-bamf @quillinhand @thoreeo @darkstarlight82 @angelofthor @aomi04 @levisbrat25 @l3visthighs @hum4n-wr3ckag3 @hannieslovebot @starrylevi @rithty @mariaace @ackrmntea @emilyyyy-08 @levisfavoriteteashop @katestrophes @levistealeaf @an-ever-angry-bi @youre-ackermine @fxnnyackerman @secretmoneybearvoid @trashblackrainbow @flxrartsstuff @katharinasdiaryy @levisecretgfblog @searriously @blackdxggr @ackermanswifee @abiatackerman @braunsbabe @moonchild-angel @storiesofsung @galactict3a @lemonsupernova @r3becca_0 @heyitsd1yaa @sydneyyuu @hyuckwon-my-husbands @love-for-faeries-go-burrrr @mandaax Wanna join my tag list? Here!
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Rock bottom (But you pulled me up) (Ingrid Engen x Reader)
I'm trying to work on my requests and WIP, but inspiration is lacking so I thought I'd try something new. This is my first time writing for someone out of the uswnt and in this style so please let me know what you think.
Warnings: Mentions of depression, anxiety, brief emotional abuse. Slightly suggestive at the end. Anything I've missed let me know.
Words: 2.8K
You could tell Ingrid was hurt, it was written all over her face. She had made you a lovely dinner and just wanted to have a movie night after not spending much time together. Yet here you were making an excuse to leave once again, you felt like a horrible girlfriend. Ingrid had taken the time to do something nice for you, but you couldn't get out of your head enough to enjoy it. Before you had the chance to get up, Ingrid uttered those three words that sent dread coursing through you. "We need to talk."
You swallowed hard before speaking, "About what?" 
"You barely spend anytime with me anymore. You never message me first, we only do stuff because I organise it. I don't feel like you want me anymore. You're slipping away. Are you trying to get me to break up with you because this hurts so much more than just doing it yourself."
"No! Ingrid-" Tears stung your eyes as you tried desperately to keep it together. Afraid that if she saw how broken you were she would just leave. Things had been difficult for you lately, you were depressed, anxious and stressed. You felt so close to rock bottom, as a result you had been pulling away from Ingrid. The last thing you wanted was Ingrid to leave you, but you also didn't want to be a burden to her or scare her away with your emotions. 
"Then what is it? Did I do something wrong?"
You could practically see the hope disappearing from Ingrid's eyes the longer you didn't answer, leaving hurt in its place. "I feel like when I see you, I need to be able to give you 100% of myself, of my energy and time. I can't do that right now and it makes me feel guilty. Like I'm a horrible girlfriend, that you deserve better than what I'm giving you."
Ingrid took your hand, everything in you fighting the urge to lean into her touch, to fall into the comfort you knew was waiting. If only you could bring yourself to accept it. The voices of your parents and ex-girlfriend hung in the back of your mind stopped you though. The voices that told you you were a burden to the people around you, that everyone had bigger problems to worry about and didn't care about you. The voices that told you Ingrid deserved better than you and your problems. 
"Elskling, relationships don't have to be equal all the time. There's times where it'll be 50/50, but there's times where you give 90% and I'll give 10% or the other way round, sometimes it'll be 70/30 or 60/40. You get my point. What's going on? You haven't been yourself lately and it's really worrying me. Talk to me please."
You sighed pulling away from Ingrid to cross your legs under yourself, grabbing a cushion to hold. There was a part of you that thought being single would be easier, that there was less risk of hurting Ingrid that way. At the same time you knew it was those stupid little voices in the back of your mind that kept pushing that thought. You loved Ingrid more than anything in this world and deep down you knew she loved you just as much. You didn't want to let everyone else win, you didn't want to let your mind win for once in your life. 
Talking about feelings was incredibly hard, it wasn't something you could do while being comforted by Ingrid or anyone really. "I'm sorry for the way I've been acting lately, it's not fair to you and I know that. I-I'll try to explain it all, bu-but I need you to be patient with me. Just let me speak and not touch me, I can't do this if you do."
"Anything you need. I just need you to know that whatever you tell me, I won't ever judge you. I love you Y/n, I love you so much."
"I love you Ingrid. I'm sorry if I ever made you doubt that. Okay, so I um I think I need to start with why I have such a hard time letting people in, especially those I love. My family, well to put it bluntly they're assholes. They were constantly putting down everything about my sister and I, nothing we ever did was good enough. Any problems we went through were nothing to them, they always told us that people had bigger problems, that they had bigger problems and we were just adding more stress to their lives if we talked to them about anything remotely not positive. Tha-thats the short version anyway. My uh my ex was pretty similar, she would tell me that she had better things to do then deal with my trauma or depression. If I was unhappy she would turn it around, say that she wasn't enough to make me happy. Even before her, I majorly struggled with my feelings and opening up to people. Fear mostly, that's why I um haven't told you anything. Fear that I'll be too much for you and that you'll leave me."
Tears threatened to fall, but pushing them back you continued talking. "I'm really struggling right now Ingrid. My depression is the worst it's been in years. The anxiety just sits there constantly under the surface making it feel impossible to breathe. Constant doubt about if I've made the right decisions, if I'm good enough at football, if I'm good enough for you, there are so many more things I could list. Sometimes I feel like everyone would be better off if I just packed up and left. I'm so sick of feeling like this, but I don't know how to get it to stop. This is probably one of the scariest things I've ever done, but I've had already almost lost you Ingrid. I can't let them win by actually losing you. I love you so fucking much, I can't lose you Ingrid, I can't."
Tears were near pouring out of you both as Ingrid sat there for a second. When you didn't speak she must have decided you were finished talking because the next second arms wrapped around you so tightly and you completely broke. Ingrid held you tight until the sobs turned to sniffles then you feel silent. Ingrid's hold never completely let go, it was like a life line at this point. 
"I love you Y/n. I loved you before and I still love you just as much now. I'm not going anywhere. Nothing your parents or ex said is true. I always want to know how and what you're feeling, I will always be here for you. No matter what your mind tells you, you are never too much for me or for the team or anyone who truly loves you. Our lives are so much better with you here so please don't even think about leaving because we will miss you. I will be here every step of the way while you figure things out, I will help you get the help you need. If you need space, I'll give you that, but if you need me here then I will always be here. I know you feel like you need to be giving me all of yourself, all of your energy, but you don't. Even if you can just give me 1% until you get over this bump in the road then that's enough for me. You are enough for me Y/n."
"I think there will be times when I need to be alone, but most of the time I just really want to be with you. I need to work on accepting that I deserve your love and comfort so I actually seek it out when I need it or want it. Some reassurance every now and then will help I think. Can we talk about the next steps tomorrow? I just want you to hold me right now."
"I will give you all the reassurance you need and more. Have you eaten today?" Ingrid asked, but the look in her eyes told you she knew the answer so you just shook your head. "Okay, I'm going to order some food while we cuddle here then we can go to bed."
True to her word, Ingrid held you tightly while you lay on the couch, staying close to your side during dinner and as you got ready for bed. "Thank you, for everything you've done, for being here, for loving me."
Ingrid kissed you softly, before pulling away and leaving soft kisses over your face, "Always."
Lying in bed later that night, head resting against Ingrid's chest, you decided to admit the one thing that kept swirling around your mind, "I think I need to take a break from football. Not the training, I think that helps me, but games. The pressure that comes from each game feels like weight being added. Makes me feel like I'm being dragged further down into this hole."
"Okay, if that's what you feel you need then we can talk to the coaches or Ale and she can sort it out. I know the thought of telling anyone else what is going on is scary, but Ale or anyone else on the team aren't going to judge you or think any less of you because of it."
"I think maybe we can talk to Alexia, not tell her everything, but the jist of it."
"I'll be by your side when you're ready." ---
It had been a few weeks since the talk with Ingrid and since you made the decision to stop playing in games for a while. The only person who knew why was Alexia, it was clear that everyone else was worried, but until now you hadn't felt ready to tell them and thankfully they didn't push. 
There was still a long way to go, but things had been slowly getting better over the last few weeks. You had started seeing the team therapist multiple times a week and had restarted medication for the time being at least. Everything was starting to become clearer, you weren't as anxious all the time, you were becoming more willing to talk to Ingrid, to actually spend time with her without worrying about not being enough, and smiles and laughs were becoming more genuine when they did happened. 
The team had been amazing despite not knowing what was going on, they were as supportive and loving as ever. So you decided it was time to let them in a little bit. You squeezed Ingrid's hand, getting her attention as you spoke quietly, "Can you get their attention please? I know they're worried about me and I think I'm ready to tell them."
"Hey! Can we have your attention for a minute."
Once everyone's attention was on you, the anxiousness started to creep in, but with Ingrid's hand still firmly holding yours, you took a deep breath and spoke, "I know you've all be wondering why I've effectively benched my self the last couple of weeks and I want to be honest about it. I've uh I've been um struggling a lot mentally at the moment and I decided I needed a break. The pressure was too much, I couldn't handle it on top of everything else. So uh yeah, I don't want you guys to keep worrying about me."
It was quiet for a few seconds before many arms wrapped themselves around you, mumbled we love you's and we're proud of you's were heard as you sunk into the arms of your teammates. Surprisingly, Mapi was the first to pull away, cupping your cheeks as she spoke uncharacteristically softly, "You keep doing what you're doing and come back to us when you're ready. You always have is in your corner Y/n. We are so proud of you and we love you. If there's anything you ever need you can come to us okay?"
"Thank you Mapi. Thanks all of you." --- A few months had passed and you were finally feeling like yourself again. There were still hard days, you were pretty sure there always would be, but you were genuinely happy again most of the time. You found yourself more willing to open up to not just Ingrid, but some of the other girls you were closest to. It was safe to say your life was pretty well back on track, there was just one thing left to do and that was get back to football. You hadn't told anyone of your plans to start playing games again, you had just been put in the line up as a sub, but after conversations with the coaching staff you knew you were likely to come in at half time. 
When the line up came out, Alexia was the first to notice and speak up effectively getting everyone else's attention, "Y/n?"
"Yes Ale?"
"Is there anything you want to tell us?"
Ingrid looked at you confused as you shrugged trying to be as innocent as possible while knowing exactly what she was talking about. "Oh really? Well how about the small fact that your name is on the substitute list again?"
"Oh yeah. That is a thing I guess."
Smiles grew on everyone's faces as it clicked what was happening. Ingrid practically jumped on you repeating over and over how proud she was, kisses placed over your faces. The team joined not long after, everyone cheered and congratulated you. 
"Okay okay, you can let go of me now. Yes I finally feel ready to come back."
Once everyone had let you go, Alexia pulled you up into a hug. Since she found out about your struggles, Alexia had been amazing. She was always subtly checking in whether you were at training or not, she would pull you away when everything got too overwhelming and Ingrid was busy, making some excuse so know one else would know the truth. Alexia was always just there in a way that was subtle and comforting. "Well we're so so glad you're back. I'm so proud of you Y/n."
"Thank you Ale, for everything."
As soon as your foot hit the pitch, you felt the excitement, adrenaline and happiness that you thought may have been gone for good. You felt yourself falling in love with football all over again, it was like the final weight had fallen from your shoulders. There would always be bad days or even bad weeks, you knew that, but with Ingrid, your family and your new found coping mechanisms, you finally felt ready to face them. 
You arms wrapped around Ingrid as she chopped the vegetables, she briefly turned to kiss your cheek before going back to her task. "Hi Elskling, you played really well today. How did it feel?"
"Hey love. It felt incredible, I know I needed a break, but man did I miss it. Anyway, enough about me I have a surprise for you. I was originally going to give it to you after dinner, but I can't wait anymore. Here." You replied, placing an envelope on the counter in front of her. You could never express how thankful you were for everything Ingrid had done for you over the last few months, for sticking by your side through everything. So instead you had decided to start with a few days away in Venice. It was something she had wanted to do for a while and you decided to make it happen.
 Ingrid looked at you for a second before opening the envelope, a smile appearing as she looked at the tickets inside. "What's this?" 
"I know what you're going to say to this, but I am so thankful for everything you've done for me. Sure we've spent a lot of time together, but it hasn't been the quality, good time you deserve. So you and I are going to spend a few days alone in Venice in a couple of weeks when we have a bit of time off. Now I don't want to hear any buts or I didn't have to do this, just say you're excited and give me a kiss."
Ingrid cupped your cheeks, allowing you to press her against the counter as she pulled you in for a lingering kiss. Just as Ingrid went to pull away, you cupped the back of her neck pulling her back in as the kiss grew heated. You didn't want to say that you stopped enjoying Ingrid's kisses because that's impossible, it was just intimacy beyond cuddling between the two of you had dropped off to almost nothing the last few months. There were still short kisses here and there, but you couldn't get out of your head long enough to actually be present for anything more and that wasn't fair to Ingrid. Your lips moved along her jaw as a quite moan slipped past Ingrid's lips.
"Di-dinner," Ingrid moaned as your hand slipped under her shirt. 
Ingrid's legs wrapped around your waist as you walked back to the bedroom, "Dinner can wait."
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respectthepetty · 2 months
Upcoming Taiwanese BLs
We are over halfway through 2024, and as usual, I've only had two Taiwanese BLs (Unknown, Anti Reset), so even though I'm sitting on a stack of BLs to watch every single week from other countries, call me Smaug because I need MORE!
Honorary Korean BL: Uncovering the Curse of Taekwondo (2024)
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Former friends (and possibly lovers) reunite at a funeral after going their separate ways for over a decade, but, honestly, I don't care about the plot because this comes from Hwang Da Seul who was behind Blueming, To My Star, and Where Your Eyes Linger, so I know it's going to be amazing. There is a movie and a series version, and the movie already premiered at the Bucheon International Fantastic Film Festival in South Korea at the beginning of July. The runtime was 154 minutes, but the series is eight episodes around thirty minutes each and is currently seeking distribution.
First Note of Love (August 2024)
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My most beloved, Charles Tu, from my favorite BL HIStory 4: Close to You is finally returning to me in the form of a washed-up singer who stepped away from the spotlight due to a tragic event only to be dragged back in by an up-and-coming composer who is also a longtime fan. It is a joint production with Thailand's Star Hunter Entertainment (the company behind Big Dragon, Love Senior, City of Stars, and Sunset x Vibes) and features a side couple of a Thai singer and a Taiwanese agent. It will involve singing, but I'm already too comfortable in my seat with my snacks to care.
Fragrance of the First Flower Season 2 (2024)
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The lone GL holding down this list finished filming late last year and Gagaoolala has been releasing BTS images since filming began, so it'll likely land there once it is released. The series is a continuation of the 2021 first season, which people were not thrilled about because of the ending, so this season should solve some of the angst we were left with by exploring the two women actually coming together to navigate life as a couple.
The Only One (August 2024)
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Directed by Liu Kuang Hui, who directed Your Name Engraved Herein, written by the same folks behind The Untamed, and based on Mu Su Li's novel A Certain Someone which is about two boys whose parents are dating and move in together, so the mains go from enemies-to-??? and the only reason for the question marks on a Taiwanese BL is because the word on these BL streets (and his MDL page) is one of the actors works heavily in China, so this might be the reason this one has been was in limbo even though filming finished earlier this year, but the socials are still posting it's coming this year.
See Your Love (Filming Complete)
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This co-production with Japan is about a rich man who falls in love with his hearing-impaired caregiver. It finished filming at the end of May and will have those sweet sweet Taiwanese BL cameos from some Be Loved in House: I Do and Plus and Minus folks PLUS it will be the first cameos for the Kiseki: Dear to Me guys since the company that produced their show is the same one for this show.
Impression of Youth (Filming Complete)
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Very little is known about the plot of this teacher-student romance, but it comes from the same folks who produced DNA Says Love You and one of the mains, Muji Hsu, was also the lead in 2020's Because of You. Filming finished at the end of May, and the company stated it would be out before the end of the year.
Islanders (late 2024/early 2025)
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This is based on a novel, Islands, by Lolita Hu, features some well known Taiwanese actors, and for a bit was under the name Sea of Intimacy. It's being presented as an 'older BL' but the MDL summary is sparse of the BL-plot: Hung, a successful entrepreneur, has three intimate relationships: his wife, his mistress, and his girlfriend. The lives of these individuals in their 20s, 30s, 40s, and 50s are intertwined because of romance, but their story extends beyond that. When Hung faces criticism on social media and loses everything, the way they react tells us how they see the world.
Wishing Upon the Shooting Star & The Young Gangster (2025)
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These two deal with completely different plots but are together because of one reason: Ray Jiang. He is the director for these two and was the director for Unknown, My Tooth Your Love, and We Best Love. The companies behind them have stated the series are coming next year, but the guess is Ray's busy schedule is part of the hold up since he has a Netflix series in the works and apparently a film featuring Sam Lin (We Best Love) on the way. The Young Gangster is based on a novel and deals with a research assistant gathering information on the mafia (and we know how the mafia works in BLs), while Shooting Star deals with a man wishing that nobody notices him once he returns to his hometown after being fired. The wish backfires and nobody recognizes him, not even his dad or the boy he confessed to in high school! BL Mafia, Sideways Wishes, and Ray Ray are my favorite types of snacks!
Pray in Love (2025?)
A police officer falls in love with a man only to realize that man is the son of a prominent leader on the day of his arranged wedding in which he was hired as security for the event. The series already released a short film of the basic premise for fundraising efforts and festival rounds. Apparently, filming has started on the series, but there is no concrete confirmation from the production company.
Eternal Butler (2025)
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Edited to add thanks to @cankersoregirl! This is a sequel to VBL's Anti Reset and began filming in early July. It focuses on Ever 4 who is sent to be a bodyguard for a young rich man only to encounter a rebellious man.
That Year, 162 Rainfalls (In Production?)
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Is this a movie? Is it a series? Is it happening?! Who knows, but last year, it finally got funding and a director attached to it, but the real kicker is Lin Pei Yu is the screenwriter, and she is the writer behind all of my favorite Taiwanese BLs: We Best Love, HIStory 3: Trapped, My Tooth Your Love, Kiseki: Dear to Me, and so much more. Basically, the company struck gold getting her for this story about two archers and best friends. One gets confessed to but admits he actually is in love with his best friend, but before love can happen, the best friend has an accident and falls into a coma. It is based on a novel of the same name, and the plot is way more hefty than this, but I know Lin Pei Yu will make it work!
Four Seasons (Pre, Pre, PRE-Production?)
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This is supposed to be four different stories focusing on different seasons, and is rumored to be VBL's next group of shows since the company has stated it wants to continue its formula from last year of releasing slightly connected shows. VBL/Vidol was behind Stay by My Side, VIP Only, You Are Mine, and Anti Reset. Winter is about a scrooge CEO and a florist who is hired to decorate for the CEO's Christmas event. Spring is about two boys meeting on a bus and falling in love over music. Summer is about a market owner and a chef falling in love over food. Autumn is about two former best friends seeing each other ten years after graduating and exploring their hometown together.
Connecting to You (Pre-Production?)
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It seems to have gotten funding, but it's been quiet since which isn't surprising because when it comes to Taiwanese BLs, nothing is really heard until filming begins or even after it ends. I still have my hopes high because this is *THE* BL for me as it deals with a man who can see colored threads connecting people and one day runs into a policeman whose thread connects to him. The thread between them begins to change color, from silver-grey to yellow, representing friendship, and even to red, representing love. If I have to sell an organ or two to fund this myself, I. Will. Do. It. I NEED THIS!
And this wouldn't be a Petty Post if I didn't include this final one:
HIStory 15: Freed (GIVE IT TO ME!)
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I don't care if this a long shot. I don't care if I seem crazy always asking for this. I. Deserve. It. HIStory 3: Trapped ended with our best mafia boy in prison, and it's time he got out! The HIStory franchise has not had a series since 2022's HIStory 5: Love in the Future, and although there have been rumors that a HERstory story might be next, I think bringing back a popular story would be just as good. I will ask for this every chance I can until I get it, and I plan on living a long life, so I got time!
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bitchinbarzal · 11 months
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it’s the holidays! 🎄🎅🏽 my christmas party event will run from november 8th — december 24th!
you can find my list of people I write for here along with any of my au’s can be requested! and all prompts posted can be found under #lulu’s christmas party
as always, please when requesting add the entire prompt not just the number as this is easier for me - example: 1 "what are you doing up so early?" With X player!
Failure to comply will have me delete your request!
1. "Is that present for me?"
2. "Nobody can have enough Christmas jumpers"
3. "Christmas songs always make me smile"
4. "You have not bought the dog a Christmas jumper have you?"
5. "You're really making me wear matching pyjamas with you?"
6. "I missed you this Christmas"
7. "You have eaten all of those chocolates haven't you?"
8. "The snow looks cute in your hair'
9. Have you ever seen a sexier Father Christmas than me before?"
10. "Let's write your letter to Santa"
11. "It is absolutely freezing"
12. "Why are you sad this Christmas?"
13. "It is so cold, warm me up please"
14. "This is the best gift you have ever given me"
15. "I saw Mummy kissing Father Christmas"
16. "i need you to pretend to be my partner for the family christmas party."
17. “You spent how much on Christmas decorations?”
18. “Don’t eat those, they’re for Santa!”
19. "you broke my heart last christmas, but i'm still not over you."
20. “You need to sleep, or Santa won’t come”
21. “My mom knitted you a jumper”
22. "You bought me a present? I thought you hated me."
23. "You've been playing the same song for three hours. Please, play a new one."
25. Character A and Character B meet in the
ER on Christmas Eve.
26. Character A can't wrap gifts to save their life. Character B is thir neighbor and can
27. Character A's ex will be at the Christmas Party A is attending. Character B poses as A's fiance.
28. Character A vows to do something nice for a stranger during the Christmas time.
Character B is that stranger.
29. Character A and Character B broke up, but now they meet at a Christmas party.
30. "Did you break into my house??" "You refused to put up any Christmas decorations! What choice did I have?"
31. "We made too many cookies."
32. “There’s no way I’m letting you spend Christmas alone.”
33. “Nope. This is not happening. It’s CHRISTMAS.”
34. “Wait, you’re not going home for Christmas?”
35. "you can't afford this..” “it's okay.?”
36. "this is the most thoughtful thing i've ever received. thank you."
37. "what do you want for christmas?" "you." "haha very funny."
38. ”I’m so grateful for you this christmas. i don't need anything else.”
39. “I mean, I knew you had Christmas spirit but this is ridiculous.”
40. “What do you mean, Santa’s not real?!”
41. running into each other at the airport
42. “No, you’ll burn the house down.”
43. “It’s almost midnight.”
44. “This is not for holiday cheer. This is blackmail.”
45. “No more holiday movies. Please.”
46. “Those cookies were for Santa!”
47. “Look out! It’s icy!”
48. “I’d like the snow a lot more if I didn’t have to drive in it.”
49. “Why is it so cold?”
50. “Wait, you mean this whole time, you hated peppermint?”
51. “I feel like there’s more frosting on you than on the gingerbread.”
52. “What are you doing with that mistletoe– oh.”
53. “I guess… this is when we kiss?”
54. winter proposal
55. “So… what are your plans for New Year’s?”
56. “You’re perfectly welcome to kiss whomever you wa–”
57. “Can I kiss you?” “You don’t even have to ask.” 
58. “Surprise! I'm your Christmas present!”
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healingheartdogs · 7 months
The Borderlands movie looks... really, really, REALLY bad. Why did they cast Kevin Hart of all people for the serious emotionally withdrawn strait-laced soldier character???? Why are the cast members ages so all over the place and dramatically different than the characters they're playing?? Going by Tiny Tina's age in the movie these should be the BL2 versions of these characters which puts the vault hunters in their mid to late 20s or early to mid 30s at the oldest, yet the cast has a bunch of 40, 50, 60+ year olds???? Kevin Hart is 44 playing Roland who should be in his early 30s, which is weird putting him next to Cate Blanchett at 54 playing his in universe love interest Lilith who should be younger than Roland in her late twenties. JAMIE LEE CURTIS IS 65 AND PLAYING TANNIS, who is made to seem to be not much older than Lilith in the series???? Meanwhile Hammerlock who is clearly a good bit older than the vault hunters when they meet him is being played by a 34 year old, one of the youngest cast members??
Also they just don't seem like the characters they're playing at all personality-wise in the trailer, as if not a single actor or director or producer of this movie bothered to look at the source material at all. Game series Lilith is snarky, cracking jokes even mid combat, has an attitude but it's teasing and playful most of the time making her sort of the balance to Roland's unwavering seriousness. Meanwhile Cate Blanchett looks like she's playing a "I'm so done with this shit" tough, cold, and serious old soldier bitch action movie archetype. Then there's serious soldier Roland being played by Kevin Hart who can only play himself and does so by playing himself as a constant joke. Tiny Tina is missing most of her crazy unique personality and seems like a normal bratty comedy movie teenager, just given guns and explosives. Even Jack Black as Claptrap feels like a huge miss in the trailer, and I was actually really expecting to like that casting decision. Can't have any opinion on Krieg because nothing is shown of him in the trailer, although him being with Roland and Lilith is super weird to begin with and I don't understand why they went with him over Mordecai to round off the team. Oddly enough from the trailer the person who feels closest to their character personality wise is Jamie Lee Curtis playing Tannis even though her age is WILDLY off.
NGL it really feels like they just went with names people recognize instead of finding actors who actually fit the roles at all because they don't care about actually making Borderlands, they just want to make a comedy action movie with a bunch of well known stars and Borderlands just happened to be the name they chose for it. The plot has nothing to do with Borderlands, the casting doesn't fit Borderlands, the characters are half new characters made up just for the movie that have nothing to do with the Borderlands series, the movie is leaving out a bunch of fan favorite important Borderlands characters... so why even make it a Borderlands movie? I've seen some people criticizing it saying that it feels like they're trying to make Borderlands into a Guardians of the Galaxy style movie, but I don't even get that from the trailer tbh. For me this feels more along the lines of the Jumanji reboot, which is even worse. Like yeah Borderlands has some cheesy and low bar humor in the series but ... not like *that*.
Honestly I think doing live action for Borderlands period was/is a mistake. Animated would be so much better. Not everything needs to be live action with big name celebs, sometimes (a lot of times) that is actually WAY WAY WORSE than doing nothing at all!!!!
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anotherdayforchaosfay · 9 months
The number of people here who are genuinely upset if there aremore than two years between people in a romantic relationship, is downright disturbing.
Two years is nothing when you're an adult.
My husband is nine years older than me. Nearly a decade. We married when I was 23. We've been together since I was 21, when he was 30 years old.
I'm now over 40 years old, he's nearly 50.
We're absurdly in love, like the sort of love Hallmark movies imagine they're displaying. I've met the people he works for and with, upon meeting me, Italians the same thing. They tell me he gets this look on his face when they ask about me, or if he mentions me in passing. A look that no actor has been able to nail in a film or show. Absolutely admiration. Down in the marrow of his bones love. He blushes like a schoolgirl when they tell me these things.
The only people to ever mention anything about him being predatorial? The chronically online folks from age 10-25. Folks who look at us and think something is inherently wrong because of the age difference: disconnect from the internet, from current TVs and movies Read books and stories written more than 15 years ago, watch a show or film from 20+ years ago.
Expand your horizon beyond your age. Please. Your inability to comprehend age differences as anything other than inappropriate is deeply unsettling. You need to stop hearing your own echo and learn. It's really disturbing how conservative y'all are getting.
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slut4thebroken · 1 year
do you want to talk about it my love?
Lmao I was going to say no but when I started writing out a short answer I got upset again and now I’m gonna rant
This girl in my class was just not being considerate of my comfort or my time. We were paired together today (I’m in makeup school btw and today we were basically glueing hair to the face to make beards. It’s really fucking itchy and uncomfortable.) and she started working around 12:50 and everyone except one other group was done before 2 pm. At 2:20 my teacher said the rest of the class could break and the people working could either finish and break after or break now and I expressed to her that I just wanted to finish so that I could be comfortable when I took my break and actually be able to eat but she didn’t care I guess? And she went on break (which is only 15 minutes…) and came back at 2:45…… she took almost a 30 minute break and I was just sitting there waiting for her. And while she was working she kept talking to people and pausing what she was doing and eventually I called my teacher over at 3pm and asked if he could cut her off because I still needed to take all of it off and work on my stuff and he gave her 20 minutes😐 so at 3:20 I went to take all of it off and as soon as I got in the bathroom I started crying lol. But I got back at 3:40 and I was fucking starving because my break was supposed to be almost an hour and a half before that so I told my teacher I was going to go to break now and I only took 10 min to eat a snack and I still had to clean and pack up and by the time I finished that it was almost 4 and I didn’t want to stay after so I didn’t get to work on anything to prepare for tomorrow. Yeah and as soon as I got home I started crying again lmao.
It probably seems like I’m over reacting but that shit is so uncomfortable and I was in it for almost three hours so imagine having wool glued to your chin and jawline and above your lips for that amount of time… it is not a pleasant experience.
Anyway I think imma order some dessert on Uber eats and just indulge and watch a funny movie or something. If you made it this far into the rant lol ty for staying <3
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chicspo · 4 months
a random rant about the fear of aging: okay so everyone knows all humans age we have birthdays every year but on social media ive heard so many women/girls rant about how scared they are turning 30. i think it has to do with society telling women their "expired" after 25, their biological clock is running out they need to get married have children asap those bs which is so absurd. i also used to worry about aging but now im extremely over it- i think what most people think is they age faster when their in their 30s 40s. okay so for example people will think the person who u are when u were 22 to the person u are when ur 28 will be drastically different ( in terms of maturity etc ) but i think people dont view 32 to 38 that way if u get what i mean. its thats i think people seem to view their 30s and 40s differently as if you completely stopped growing as a person. an example of ppl viewing it that way is that most people view med school or the process of becoming a doctor a waste of time ( esp girls my age ) just because it takes a long time and i can understand obviously its not for everyone because the process is like HELL but ive had friends who want to pursue that route but they chose not to because they view it like wasting ur 20s again i understand but the reason why they view it that way makes me sad. i feel like our current social media age has failed women esp bc most tiktok rich succesful influencers are in their extremely early 20s living life having fun and being extremely wealthy. coming from a teenage girl whos in highschool this is one of the worst things the new tiktok era has done i remember in the 2000s even in movies and actresses they were all in their mid 30s to even 50s yet they were all so beautiful and succesful and no on even cared about their age
all this talk about women expiring after 30 comes from teenagers. ask any person in their 30s or 40s and they'll tell u they feel the hottest they've ever been. both physically and mentally. theres this idea of having to have ur life set up before ur 30, family career etc. which is just wrong. people above 30 still do the same things they did in their 20s. they're still getting to know themselves. there's no clock ticking. and the pressure on women to look so young or saying women dont look young after 30 or 40 is pure marketing for cosmetic procedures. women above 50 still look amazing. truthfully. someone who takes care of themselves and has good genetics will look good even when theyre 70. these topics have tired themselves out so deeply that people just keep reciting them over and over again. whats the point in instilling some irrational unreal fear into a teenage girls head. life goes on after 30, it may start only after 30 honestly so don't worry
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bitletsanddrabbles · 2 years
Random Prompt List
Five days before the end of NANOWRIMO I decided to start a random prompt list. I figured if I did ten a day, I would have fifty when I was done and I could post them for people to use as they saw fit - inspiration, challenges to friends, text on memes....whatever.
I was 100% successful except for the part where I forgot to post then when I was finished. Oops. Rectifying that now! Now, clearly these are rather Downton Abbey themed, but most of them are vague enough to apply to any fandom you like and even where there are names, those can be swapped out, so if you feel something you like for, say, Star Trek or something, don’t feel like it’s off limits. Go for it. If people are having fun, success has been had.
1. "If Mrs. Patmore murders you, I'm telling the jury it was suicide."
2. "Let the numbers be off! I'm not sitting at the same table as that man!"
3. "Oh bother."
4. "Downton's been a convalescence home and a movie studio. Why not this?"
5. "Where are we going to get a spare butler at this time of night?"
6. "There's not enough wine in the wine cellar for this."
7. "For the last time, put that back where you found it."
8. "Just don't tell the police. Or Carson."
9. "There is a God!"
10. "Help me with this and you can keep your job."
11. "I'd bet a year's wages it was Lady Mary."
12. "Don't you dare try to blame this on the dog!"
13. "Just think, we're getting paid to do this."
14. "Well, this situation calls for tea. And possibly a bludgeoning instrument of some sort."
15. "That's a grand idea. Why don't we simply teach the dog to carry a tray?"
16. "Did she give in gracefully, or do you need help burying the body?"
17. "Just imagine if we were American and buying nine Worth dresses per season."
18. "It could be worse, just don't ask me how."
19. "Are you certain this is a good idea?"
20. "How many bets Mrs. Patmore quits over this one?"
21. "What sort of mad suggestion are you going to make next? We get a cat?"
22. "Reading? Heavens, don't hurt yourself."
23. "You've not touched your food. Are you dying?"
24. "Try the blue one instead."
25. "That's hideous. Buy it."
26. "I hate arm garters. Why can't they just make shirts that fit?"
27. "Knife? Oh no, I slipped and cut myself on a collar."
28. "I'm not shaving in the dark, I'd be lucky if I slit my throat!"
29. "Oh, well, thank you Sweeny Todd."
30. "As if you'd survive reading anything less than Milton. A penny dreadful would finish you off!"
31. "You weren't a son either, so we're both failures."
32. "Oh dear, my actions had consequences. Blub blub."
33. "What's it like to have parents who care about you?"
34. "You want it so badly? Here. Enjoy."
35. "What do you mean she's run away to join the circus?"
36. "Well the surprise worked..."
37. "You're lucky I love you."
38. "That is not where that goes!"
39. "Dare I ask what happened to your dress?"
40. "Oh don't do that, it would make a mess of the roses."
41. "Dukes don't just vanish, unfortunately."
42. "I'm not paid enough to care about that."
43. "Now that the wireless is catching on, you should try and do something in that field. You have the face for it."
44. "Are you going to sell me into slavery if I ask for more?"
45. "If you want me to love you more then stop screaming when I have a headache."
46. "Oh don't do that! You'll hurt yourself."
47. "Oh go for it, I won't tattle."
48. "I was just committing the unholy sin of enjoying life for a few seconds."
49. "Would it kill you to smile? Wait, never mind, of course it would."
50. "Does anyone in this house happen to have some spare sanity?"
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the-offside-rule · 1 year
Formula One Prompts
1 - No under 18 drivers!
2 - I would prefer drivers who ARENT married or have kids plz
3 - Drivers included from: F1, F2, F3, Formula Academy, Formula E, Moto GP, Moto 2, Moto 3 and Indycar
4 - Smut is now allowed
5 - 2 requests per person
6 - Lmk if you wanna be tagged when it's posted
7 - Request via private messages or in the asks
1) "Was it worth it?"
2) "Catch me!"
3) "His smile gives me butterflies."
4) "You deserve better."
5) "If I could, I'd like to fall in love with you all over again."
6) "I'm not religious but I do think I've just seen an angel."
7) "She is half my soul as the poets say."
8) "That's my legacy. I loved you and was always loved by you."
9) "It will always be you who has my heart."
10) "Can we at least talk about this?"
11) "You're so stupid."
12) "Can you drive?"
13) "I think you do these things just to annoy me.
14) "No, it's too early."
15) "You're a wonderful person, don't ever forget that."
16) "I would do anything for you."
17) "There are plenty of people who love you, I do."
18) "My mum thinks we're dating."
19) "We could watching movies, if one of us didn't always fall asleep."
20) "Suddenly every love song is about you."
21) "I gave you a chance, you fucked it up."
22) "I like how your hand fits in mine."
23) "I can't believe you're actually wearing my jumper."
24) "It's cold, at least wear a jacket."
25) "It isn't a double date, we're both just third wheeling."
26) "You have something on your cheek."
27) "I haven't made a promise in years, but I can promise you this."
28) "Have you been drinking?"
29) "Let me take care of you."
30) "Talk to me about it."
31) "I think i may be falling in love with you."
32) "I could kiss your lips all day."
33) "Hands off."
34) "I'm sorry but I'm done waiting."
35) "Can I convince you to stay?"
36) "We have to be quiet."
37) "We can't do that here."
38) "I'm supposed to be making you feel good."
39) "Like what you see?"
40) "Ah, ah, ah, no touching."
41) "Do that thing I like"
42) "Come here."
43) "Leave me alone."
44) "Give me another chance."
45) "I don't love you anymore."
46) "In the driver room?"
47) "Wow, you look amazing."
48) "I love our cuddles."
49) "Stay here tonight."
50) "I can't keep kissing strangers and pretending they're you."
51) "Can I wear your helmet?"
52) "You looked great out there today."
53) "Well that was stupid.
54) "You got a fucking podium!"
55) "What kind of a stupid fucking move was that?"
56) "No matter what team you go to, I will always support you."
57) "I am loving the helmet hair."
58) "I would hug you but that race suit is practically stuck to you right now."
59) "Is he alright?"
60) "You need to learn your limits."
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onedayimgonnasnap · 2 years
Ok so since you’re taking requests I shall put in mine(better buckle in your seatbelts 🙂)
Ok so you know how Lou literally looks like a piece of snow, a marshmallow, some milk, a literal ghost in disguise?
Can you write a fic where it’s snowing and Lou overhears MC making a joke that he’ll be even harder to find then he was before since it’s snowing and he blends in and he gets the amazing idea to surprise her by hiding in the snow and asks Christoph(The other person who also would blend into the snow 💀) to bring her to where he’s hiding and he just kinda snatched her from his hiding spot for some cuddle time in the snow? 💀
This is very specific but it brings to the chaos
Ok have fun ☺️
I thank you for this beautiful request it made me laugh Ngl 💀-
Warning: Crack, Fluff and Cursing
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~Lou X Reader ~
The Abominable SnowMan
3rd POV
It was a winter day,
Lou started walking around the halls of the Academy for no reason in particular, he doesn’t really know what he was doing but he decided to just to take a walk.
In a particular classroom however he heard a couple of familiar voices ‘Princess Sherry’ and his ‘beloved Mc, which he took a stop at to peek and eavesdrop in on the conversation.
“I 100% believe Lou could secretly be a murderer by ambushing people waiting for his next victim in the snow.”
“I apologize I started getting flashbacks to the crime podcast I used to listen to. They’d definitely Nick name him the ‘Snow Man Killer’.”
“you know what, I’m done asking you questions-“
Soon a creepy wide smile creeped on the man’s face the one you’d see in horror movies.
He then walked off to go find Christoph
Lou and Christoph sat in a cafe where Lou was buying cookies for him to buy him off
“I’m not doing that for you.” Christoph said with hesitation. Lou smiled not yet disappointed
“Cmon I know I can change your mind, how about I slide in some coins-“
“I’ll do it for 50 and an extra 30 for my good acting performance.”
“Alright don’t push it kid-“Lou’s tone completely changed, then changed back to how it originally was
“How about 10 coins and the acting experience” Lou smiled
Christoph still not buying it now with his brows furrowed; “45 coins and a pony named Nelson.” Christoph frowned looking serious.
“How about 20 coins and I’ll give you a stuffed pony named Nelson. “
“40 coins” “You know what, let’s shake on it.”
After they both shook hands, Lou goes “I would’ve done it for 50 coins” He smiled evilly.
“And I would’ve done it for 10 coins and acting experience” Christoph smirked as Lou looked as if he was questioning his whole like decisions.
You were studying in your room learning Latin in particular so you could learn to read it more fluently while Robin was nocked out on your bed sleeping away
It was peaceful until
“Quickly MC, I NEED YOUR HELP! “ Christoph shouted from outside your door. You hurriedly put away your stuff and running over outside your door while Christoph grabs your hand and starts pulling you outside.
“There’s no time to explain, who knows what will happen.” Christoph said worryingly.
He led you outside in the cold snow, it was dark out so you were really scared he then led you to the snow then let go of your hand.
Soon something popped out and tackled you to the ground. “AGH WHAT THE FUCK”
“OW-“ a familiar voice yelled out. “HEAD MASTER LOU-WHAT IN THE FUCK” You kicked him in the face again, struggling to get out of his grip.
Lou now with foot marks on his face refuses to let go of you keeping you hostage in the snow. As he keeps you there he starts tickling you. And he gives Christoph and envelope while Christoph takes it while running off.
Lou then started evil laughing, you then knew this was all set up. You gave him a side eye and a blank stare clearly pissed off.
“Head master let go,”
His hold got even tighter like a snake from a nature documentary.
“I don’t think I will.” He smiled “You’re quite comfy after all.”
You then decided your fate there in the snow with headmaster Lou.
A couple days later you and Lou are sick.
Phinny and Nix hid from fear as a bunch of yelling and objects where being thrown by you as your were attempting to murder Lou.
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sin-sidejob · 2 years
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Sin-sidejob’s Birthday
hi y’all!! It’s my birthday and I figured I should do something fun like open asks or create an ask game — I hadn’t found any birthday ask lists so making one of my own seemed best
rules: no more than 2 or 3 questions per ask please + striked through questions have already been answered and don’t need to be asked or answered again
1. what is your current favorite work you’ve written?
2. do you have a favorite line of dialogue?
3. who is your writing inspiration?
4. is there writing or work you reread over and over?
5. any favorite artists that inspire you?
6. are there any favorite scenes from a show?
7. writing pet peeves?
8. favorite tropes to write?
9. one sentence sneak peek at drafts?
10. any surprises or asks hidden away?
11. who do you consider your mutuals?
12. are there any drafts you favor more over others?
13. is there a prompt or idea you haven’t written yet but want to share?
14. are there any works you forget you’ve written?
15. turn offs in fics or writing?
16. what would be a sign that you’ve made it as a fanfic writer?
17. do you enjoy receiving asks or submissions?
18. can you tell us more about your sona/oc?
19. who do you ship with your sona? is it just the one ship or do you have others?
20. is there anyone you would like to bring into this fandom that isn’t in it?
21. favorite songs or playlists?
22. movies or tv shows that are comforting for you?
23. is there a follower goal for you?
24. do you mind people sliding into your dms?
25. blog etiquette that you expect of others?
26. blog etiquette that bothers you?
27. is there one piece of writing that you’ll never forget?
28. is there one piece of art that you’ll never forget?
29. do you have any artist or writer recommendations?
30. a scene of a show you rewatch over and over?
31. the idea request, ask, or submission?
32. your favorite interactions?
33. stories of how you met your mutuals?
34. would you join a discord server?
35. what’s your preferred interaction method?
36. any aspect of your blog you wished you’d done at the start?
37. is there any writing of yours you dislike or hate?
38. is there writing you’ve done for yourself that you haven’t shared? if so, would you mind sharing?
39. if you could commission art, who would it be from and what would the prompt be?
40. have their been any friendships you’ve made through your blog?
41. any blogs you wish you interacted with more?
42. any blogs you want to interact with but haven’t managed to?
43. any blogs you want to be mutuals with?
44. what would your perfect day look like? how about your perfect birthday?
45. anything coming up that you’re looking forward to?
46. are there any personal pet peeves of your own writing?
47. is there specific music you listen to when you write?
48. do you have an ideal setup to write in?
49. any aspect of your writing you wish to improve?
50. is there an aspect of your writing you wish was a signature of yours?
51. what inspired you to create your sona?
52. have you ever written with friends or mutuals?
53. is there a mutual or a blog you’d like to write with but haven’t?
54. is there a skill or talent you wish you had?
55. are there any sonas or oc’s in the fandom you’d like to know more about or interact with?
56. if your sona were to have an episode in the show, what would it look like?
57. are there any sonas or oc’s that yours interacts with?
58. are any of your works underrated in your opinion?
59. are any of your works overrated in your opinion?
60. what does your writing process look like?
61. how many drafts or works in progress do you have?
62. do you have any writing from another fandom that you’d share?
63. can we ask your sona questions? if so, would they respond?
64. is there any lore for your sona?
65. dream blunt rotation? (or Mario Party group)
66. kiss marry kill // fuck marry kill // date marry fuck ?
67. is there something you’ve written that you want to redo?
68. a prompt you’ve written or would like to revisit?
69. wildcard
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looking-cool-joker · 2 years
I watched half of Skinamarink and I have a lot to say on it.
Can’t understand what is happening or what they are saying
11:36 Scenes last for too long without ANYTHING happening
11:56: Things seem to just happen for no reason or any way to understand what is happening
12:50 whos Kevin?? I think I only saw one child, so if theres two, why didn’t you show both???
14:18 Dark scenes and Hallways the movie :/
15:44 Weird suspense doesn’t make a movie scary, you need more than that.
17:44 Is the dad dead or??? They don’t explain anything!!! I’m almost twenty minutes in, give me something!!!!!!
20:30 Are the lights going to suddenly turn off?
20:39 Kinda
21:07 I get they’re kids, but why is the dialogue so spaced out :((
22:20 this really is the movie huh. re: 14:18
24:25 Oh yeah, also “Dad” the movie
24:58 Left for an hour because I was tired of this movie, the entire screen is black, what is happening.
25:43 I’m getting tired of lights suddenly turning off and revealing a dark hallway
25:52: oh look actual people, haven’t seen that in a while.
26:16 Theres just audio from the TV playing as people go in and out of a dark room. How is this scary? Or honestly just enjoyable?
27:19 You can tell this movie was made in eight days (derogatory)
28:08 Alright, I’m tired of the audio being too quiet/incoherent so thank god for subtitles, secondly, “Why is mom crying?” Well why does this movie not explain anything
It is so infuriating, I get having a loose story but come on??? This movie sucks so badly, why was this even made I hate every second of this, its just nothing.
32:36 LMAO THE TOILET JUST APPEARED AND ITS SUPPOSED TO BE SCARY. This movie is making me lose my head.
32:40 Nvm its gone again
32:49 I may sound like a broken record but theres just, not enough happening to justify long scenes. Dialogue is sparse, which could be an okay thing, when you are looking at either a white wall or a pitch black room, its just so slow. Two minutes feel like an hour, and whats worse is that the story is so hard to understand, it doesn’t even feel like a story.
Its just kids saying “Dad” or Kevin repeating Kaylees name, which maybe they will actually say something of importance, but its just tiring.
34:08 And I’m tired of the grain effect, and I hate the static, it’d be fine IF SOMETHING WAS HAPPENING TO DISTRACT ME FROM THE HEADACHE IM GETTING FROM HEARING IT
35:31 re: 32:55 and 29:21
38:20 dont you just love a dark room with someones legs being abled to be seen and thats just the scene, nothing more???
38:47 We all love a filtered voice :)
41:24 “I can’t see anything” Neither can I
43:33 I wish this was anything else, I would rather be watching Mandela Catalogue rn, at least its somewhat scary and I can parse whats happening.
45:56: It really isn’t a good sign that theres an hour of this movie left and I’m think about ditching it, this isn’t fun, this isn’t scary, this isn’t interesting. It sucks so badly, when I say I want to watch anything else I mean it. I WANT TO WATCH ALADDIN 2019 OVER THIS, THAT IS HOW BAD IT IS
47:20 re: 35:31
49:27 So whats with the dad, why should i care about the kids, why should I care about the mother. Why should I care about this movie? They don’t give me anything, stuff just happens, dad was there now hes not, kid fell down the stairs nvm he’s fine now, mom tells them to close their eyes she disappears.
What does it mean, I don’t think it means anything, I think this story is too vague, to a point where I don’t think there is one. Focusing on legos doesn’t help me parse anything. It doesn’t help. Looking at a TV playing old cartoons doesn’t give me anything, them moving a couch DOESNT GIVE ME ANYTHING.
I understand that abstract art is well.. Abstract, but this is just, pointless. There is no story, or at least they don’t want to show me the story, they want to show me kids calling out for their dad who may or may not be missing.
But thats the thing, I know nothing, BECAUSE THIS MOVIE TELLS ME NOTHING
The cinematography isn’t even good for crying out loud! Its boring, its the same five angles in different rooms. And again I’m tired of the static and the grain.
It feels like a worse P.T, but thats an insult to even compare it to a Hideo Kojima work.
51:41 This movie likes to pretend its building up suspense, but the suspense is “Whens the next loud noise” or possibly even “Whens the next the audio will cut out?” Its not scary, it’ll never be scary.
This is around half of the movie, It won’t get any better so I’ve heard and I hate it. I’m leaving it here. But I’ll watch the final scene
1:37:26 Finally they changed the color, instead of the color black its dark red, such an improvement :)
1:38:37 Pitch Black with a face in the static, vaguely creepy but, It just sucks because the rest sucks
1:38:45 “Go To Sleep” Shut up with your stupid Jeff The Killer cliches.
Final thoughts: Complete waste of my time and one of the worst movies I’ve watched. 0/10
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bitchinbarzal · 8 months
it's the month of love!
this prompt list has the same rules as normal, if you're not familiar please recap below;
when requesting please send in the full prompt and not just the number. this makes it easier for me, the writer. if you don't do this and just send the number your request will be deleted no questions asked.
you can find my list of who I write for here or you can send in for AU’s 💌 👼🏼
1. "I used to hate this holiday a much before I met you"
2. cheesy valentines proposal
3. "I knew these were your favorite flowers, so I had to get them for you"
4. "I don't need anything material, I just want a whole day to have you by my side and celebrate our love"
5. "really can't think of anything more romantic than officially dating my favorite person on this day"
6. "She's my tiny valentines!"
7. "He's my tiny valentines!"
8. "I haven't gotten a valentine's card since elementary school, but wow, this was my first real one"
9. Valentine's Day baby
10. "I love you so much for this but I am not cleaning up all these scattered petals later"
11. "is proposing on this day a bit too cheesy? look at the ring I got them, though"
12. "it's my first time having someone to celebrate valentine's day with. that makes it extra special!"
13. "in my defense, they didn't have a smaller teddy bear in stock. hope you have some space in your bedroom"
14. " promise it's a nice thing. just close your eyes and don't cheat!"
15. "it's so nice being able to call you my valentine"
16. "valentine's cards aren't outdated, right? it's something everywould would like to receive, right?"
17. "good morning! do you know what day it is today? по? well, guess you're in for a surprise, then"
18. "yes. yes, I'll be your valentine!"
19. "have the people who make these cheesy movies seen how real people spend valentine's day?"
20. "if we're gonna pretend to be a couple, you need to let me get you a bouquet at least. it's february 14th!"
21. "It's Valentines day today?"
22. "I made dinner reservations." "So did I. Surprise?"
23. "Supri- oh shit you're not [name]?
24. "There are flowers on the doorstep." "Who from?" "| think that you have a secret admirer."
25. "So is that a yes?"
26. "Hey, the movies made this look so easy!"
27. "You told me you wanted cliche, so I got you a teddy bear."
28. 'Im sorry, but have you ever looked in a mirror?'
29. Post-it-notes
30. "I've been trying to get ready for like an hour and a half, because I know you're going to look so good and I need to try and match up."
31. "Your lips are really warm."
32. "Why are you holding a blindfold?"
33. "This isn't how I pictured our first Valentine's day."
34. "You don't think you went maybe a bit overboard?"
35. "This reminded me of you."
36. "I never thought driving around could be romantic"
37. "do you love me or chocolate more?"
38. "Will you be my Valentine…forever"
39. "hi, my love."
40. "come on, we're going to be late!"
41. "you're so prettv..."
42. "well don't you look nice."
43. "how did you manage to do all of this?"
44. "whatever you want, it's yours."
45. "i must have done something amazing to deserve someone like you."
46. "you made this?"
47. " this our what? third year celebrating together?"
48. "you're beautiful."
49. " know you don't like chocolate so...i have enough conversation hearts to last us three months."
50. "you guys make me sick."
51. "we get it. you're in love. go make out over there or something..."
52. "be my valentine?"
53. "if you don't hurry up and ask them out, i will"
54. Taking your daughter on her first valentines date
55. "Wanna get a coffee with me?"
56. "Have dinner with me. Tonight."
57. "Do you want your present or not?"
58. "I guess we'll just have to share the bed."
60. "Don't tempt me."
61. "Admit it, there's something between us."
62. "I'm your secret admirer."
63. "Don't give me that look."
64. "Wait. Is this a date?"
65. "Wanna bet on it?"
66. "Come on... you know you want me."
67. "I need to tell you something."
68. "Can I kiss you?"
69. "Something tells me that you have a crush on me."
70. "You know you can't resist me."
71. "How can someone be so hot yet so clueless?"
72. "Any excuse to get me to undress, huh?"
73. "I'm in love you with you, you idiot!"
74. "In your dreams, darling."
75. "You know I'm a romantic at heart."
76. "This is the best day ever."
77. "You scrub up pretty well."
78. "Hey! You're on my side of the bed."
79. "I have a surprise for you."
80. "See? I can play nice sometimes."
81. "Please, don't leave."
82. "I don't believe you."
83. "I'm not going anywhere, don't worry."
84. "Will you please just talk to me?"
85. "I didn't mean to upset you."
86. "Don't think I haven't noticed how you look at me."
87. "You're obviously in love with me."
88. "I think you're my favourite person in the entire world."
89. "Damn, you look incredible."
90. "Let's get you out of those wet clothes."
91. "This is... unexpected."
92. "Have you told anyone about us?"
93. "Let's make it official."
94. "Are you wearing a suit?"
95. "Your boyfriend/girlfriend/partner doesn't need to know about this."
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blackdogsilver · 2 years
50 things I probably won't get done before 50
Let's face it, I've been working on varying versions of this list for 12 years. I've never come close to hitting my goal. BUT I have done a whole bunch of things I've always wanted to do, that I probably never would have done other wise, so whether or not I reach the goal, I think this is a good thing to keep going.
I went right back to the original list, and am combining it with all the iterations from over the years. I'm also adding in my travel goals. I always kept them separate because I didn't have the money to travel, and wanted to keep my list achievable, but I'm not as concerned about hitting every goal any more, and also, if I don't travel by 50, then when?
I've made a separate list for the things I've done too, to remind myself of what I have accomplished. The items I removed from the list because I really don't think it's possible, or care if I achieve it, I'm putting back in as bonus goals... they don't need to count, but maybe the opportunity will come up, who knows? And it's good to see where I've come from.
1. hide 43 treasures 
2. milk a cow
3. Tie a cherry stem in a knot with my tongue
4. Get a tattoo
5. finish crocheting my tetris blanket
6. Send in a postsecret
7. try sushi
8. Have glamour photos taken of me
9. crochet a hat
10. Go to a strip club
11. dye my hair purple
12. go on a pub crawl
13. have brunch with friends
14. Give blood (well, I tried, but they wouldn't take it!)
15. take part in gishwes
16. try a foreign cuisine I’ve never had before
17. take a chocolate factory tour
18. fly first class
19. do the Colour Run
20. do a nude photoshoot
21. find a signature scent/perfume
22. get a helix piercing
23. go to a RHPS Audience Participation screening
24. go to Midsumma/Pride March/Mardi Gras parade
25. grab a handful of cake and just eat it
26. invent a silly holiday and get other people to join in
1. Send a message in a bottle
2. Record/produce a song
3. visit a planetarium
4. Swim with dolphins (attempted, but failed and still want to try)
5. Throw a dart into a map and travel to where it lands
6. take a moonlit walk on a beach
7. learn the thriller dance
8. see a total solar eclipse in person
9. go on a road trip with friends
10. bake a Croquembouche
11. Take a pole dancing class
12. get a professional massage
13. spend a day taking photos of my city
14. visit all the Australian states and territories - 5/7
15. eat at a teppanyaki style restaurant
16. visit the Great Barrier Reef
17. finish a ‘Wreck This Journal’
18. get a matching tattoo with someone
19. complete the c25k program
20. do a proper cosplay photo shoot
21. take part in a drum circle
22. write an Android app
23. Design my own Tarot deck
24. go strawberry picking
25. take a silversmithing course
26. eat fondue
27. learn to contact juggle
28. ride in a limo
29. join the mile high club
30. see the Southern/Northern Lights
31. wear a bikini to the beach (without a cover up)
32. Be able to do a pull up unassisted
33. host a fancy dinner party in a strange place (ie, traffic island)
34. learn to read lips
35. eat alone in a (fancy) restaurant
36. build a Rube Goldberg machine
37. watch a meteor shower
38. recreate a childhood photo
39. cook pasta from scratch
40. take a salsa dance class
41. learn ASL
42. see the Thai floating lantern festival
43. go to the City Museum in St Louis
44. visit New York
45. tour the Dresden Files sites in Chicago
46. visit Petra, Jordan
47. visit Japan
48. visit the Eternal Lightning Fields, Venezuela
49. visit Wat Samphran (Dragon Temple), Thailand
50. visit Chichen Itza, Mexico
1. bungee jump
2. watch all of classic Doctor Who
3. visit Katoomba at Winter Solstice for the Winter Magic Festival
4. get my driver’s license
5. do a beer centurion (100 shots in 100 minutes)
6. crowd surf
7. fire a gun at a shooting range
8. learn to juggle
9. write and film a (short) movie
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