#I need more time for Jellal...
nashnathan · 5 months
I've been rewatching Fairy Tail the anime for a few months, and I noticed the tierlist I made in september 2023 is OUTRAGEOUS.
So, I decided to keep a new updated tierlist as the episodes go by. Here's how's it going:
(Episode 39/I have no idea)
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Some characters are there already because I'm pretty sure about them still. (Just so you know, I watched FT last time in 2020)
If it's so long now I can't imagine what it will be like in the future 💀
Farwell and see ya soon!
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nocentis · 4 months
Black Arum ┆ Siegrain
Content warning: main character death, cannibalism, gore, toxic/unreliable narrator, highly canon divergent character portrayal. Read at your own risk. You will probably take psychic damage from this.
╳┆A lure was stuck in the soot between his lungs. Many times he'd felt the tug — enough that the wire fray had worn a rut where his ribs met — and many times he'd found her on the other end, reeling for remnants of him that no longer existed. She would aim to break him open, sift around in the cinders for those specks of him she wanted to confiscate, keep for herself, so that she could finally be rid of him. Once those flecks were washed and panned, the remains would reek like plough mud closure. For that reason he would come to her whole, every whit of ash accounted for.
A cherry little game they'd play. Her with flint and steel, eager to reignite that paltry spark of "good" that flickered freely for a lapse before he remembered himself. Him with tinder and kindling, letting it light only to call on the rain again. Her with just enough hope. Him with just enough time.
That resolve was so very compelling. More than her beauty, her candor, and even that glow he so loved to bask in — that luster he wanted to hold between his teeth and bury under his nails — more than that, her tenacity was a toothsome temptation, and he wasn't keen to deny himself anything.
So when he felt the pull, he caved to the beck and spooled the lisle. That day, the line seemed lighter, thinner, than it ever had. It should've been strong. Tensile. Instead it felt gossamer fine and just as frail, poised to tear at an ill touch, and he wasn’t exactly renowned for his gentle hands. Still, he gathered it with both palms and wrapped it proudly around himself like a ceremonial sash, grin scrawled across his face something devilish.
╳┆He found her lying in the shade beneath a long-lived magnolia, still and silent as she never was, with the color of her namesake spread around her head in halo streaks. Battle-torn, as she so often was, and yet uncannily... passive.
Anything he'd planned to say went out the airlock. Instead, he stood there with an anchor in his stomach, reaping the benefit of doubt.
Not a frown nor a sigh when he darkened her sanctum, only heavenward eyes tearless and unblinking and a resigned breath just short of peaceful. That worn tether waned phantom thin, light as helium, and the tension in his chest went slack.
There was no definite snap. No dramatic severing or ear-popping moment of clarity. Only the vague sense of loss so fresh a wound that denial was a numbing salve.
“Get up,” his voice a command, sandgrit against whetstone, thickened by an unnamed antigen.
The silence felt like mockery. A placid scene void of chittering fauna, clouds' drum, or even the most timid breeze. It wanted him to hear the absence of her breath and the stillness of her chest. It wanted him to hear the hollow. The empty. The nothing. Wanted it to resonate; to find the furthest reaches of his mind and clean them out until all that was left was this icy, clarifying silence.
He knew the end when he saw it. This was something much worse. It was robbery.
Her life wasn’t for the world to take. It was for him to hold in his hands. 
Something wet and pathetic slicked his tongue — some whiny, pleading thing — and it was stubborn as oil. The authority slid to the back of his throat and left him choking, “You are the indomitable Titania. You’ve laced fingers with Death time and again only to rise and slay and conquer, so get up.”
Her warmth was set to a slow drip, spilling from her in tired beads and seeping soundlessly into her chosen ground. Little whispers of her lost to greedy loam, sullied, never to be returned.
A waste of precious love. The sod won’t drink of her as he will. It will take of her and give back what? New “life” so fragile and fleeting? A feeble weed will take root, bloom its days few, and curl itself inside out? Pathetic. An insult to her legacy. An insult to the diamond-split sharp of her bladesoul.
His heart boiled over — popping, sticking, simmering sicksweet saccharine. It colored him cloying, flooded his mouth, and forced him to kneel at her altar.
"Please," he keened, hollow and morose, and his own pleading sickened him, “Say something.”
The sun trickled through the leaves like ichor, lighting up her black-blown eyes and the thin ring of honey surrounding them. Dim, distant, and dead as the moon.
His hand carved a path to her face, fingers featherlight against her fading flush. He brushed her bangs from her eyes and forced an unbroken breath through his quavering mouth. He traced each scar too faint to see and the parts of her skin their star kissed. Memorized the map of her face — each curve and crease, each fine hair, and every eyelash. He would carve out a space in his mind in her shape and fill it with the thousand sweet nothings he kept in his pockets.
He gathered her hand and threaded it with his own. When he opened his mouth, a rickety twine escaped from the deepest point of his chest, so he forced his jaws shut to keep the grief corked. He uncurled her fingers and pressed his cheek into her palm, trapping her there against his own scarred skin. His eyes fell shut as he breathed in this borrowed touch — this moment fated, stolen from him by this world's insatiable avarice.
He kissed her palm directly in the center; held it against his mouth and felt his own ruined breath echo back to him from the deepest grooves of her skin. Again, he begged, “Please, Erza.”
Of the armors innumerable now haunting this hallowed ground, this one least befit her. 
He revered Death. If there was a god, surely it was Death, he thought, for Death asks for nothing but life. The dead don’t know that they’re dead. They know a split second of euphoria and then a sharp, definite end. Isn’t that the work of a gracious god? One last stroke of color whether in peace or peril, and then eternal rest. Back to the dust you sprouted from.
But now he couldn’t see any of that beauty he often waxed poetic about. All he could see was change yet to come. All he could see was her, and he wanted her back.
He wanted her back, yet he knew better than anyone that there was no such thing as resurrection. While Death might be gracious, it was not generous, and it was not to be reasoned with.
The thought of her buried deep, bathed by the dark and abandoned to rot — it washed his mouth acid sour. It ate straight through his tongue and lingered in the roots of his teeth, burning, raging redhot in his jaws’ marrow.  A grave didn't suit her anymore than a pyre.
Soon she would be cold. Stiff. A feast for flies and their insatiable young. In the days to come, she would bubble and bloat and sallow. Her skin would loosen and slough off. The sun would bleach her bones. The meat of her would melt into oil and fat and bogspit. She would mix in with the soil, the groundwater, and this thankless magnolia would thrive.
It was tall, thick, with branches spread in all directions. The lowest of its limbs showed off the varied deep greens of its large waxy leaves, their undersides a chalky brown. A few white flowers bloomed, palm-shaped petals open in praise like they'd come to witness and worship. There was no question why she'd chosen to crawl here. It must've reminded her of home.
Despite its beauty, it was hardly worthy of her. Nothing in this ravenous world was. Her grave should be carved within his chest. There, he could keep her warm. He could host her in his veins. One day, they would wade the waters of woe together. Until then she could live under his skin.
He wouldn’t allow her to spoil. Wouldn’t place her gently into time’s whittlesome hands only to lose her peel by peel by rotting peel.
This world has taken much from you. Do not allow it to take her too.
A carnal ache etched itself into bone, a depth of passion he hadn't felt since he wrought for a false Heaven.
She is a fruit, ripe as a plum and twice the taste. Peel her open. There is a seed at her core. Plant it in your soot-field chest and watch her bloom anew.
What are these hands for if not this?
Flesh like sheets of silk. Muscle like rope. Blood like honey. Bone like an ivory trove. The splitting, the squelching, the straining, ripping, snapping; it burrowed marrow-deep and lingered there. Her chest peeled apart like jagged teeth, jaws croaking their rusted tune, and inside that redslick maw was the center of the universe.
The heart upon its throne, still as she, shielded by her precious lungs. It slid into his palm like it was always meant to be there. Raw, rich, and so very scarlet. Its sinews strained against his pull — those hollow vines that fed even the furthest parts of her — so he wrenched them free and draped himself in them like matchless finery.
Eat. Eat ‘til you’re sick. There’s a hole the size of her in the pit of your stomach. Eat until you fill it. 
What are these teeth for if not this?
Tough as leather; smooth as rubber. His teeth slid right off the rind and clicked together with nothing but metallic sheen between them. He gnashed at that ink-dripping muscle until he found a spot weak enough to tear apart. It tasted of rare meat and iron; a heady gore thick enough to drown in. He swallowed, gasped, and that first new breath felt like a blade.
The child inside him saw her split-open ribs as his cradle. He wanted to crawl inside, curl up, and die. He wanted to paint himself her color.
He lost his vision to the hot, angry wash. His own sobs were a distant sound, muffled by meat and blood and his own desperate fingers. He was numb in the mouth and in the shake of his hands, but he forced himself to eat, eat despite the choking, the gagging, the wet, weeping remorse.
Don’t you dare throw her up. Be grateful. Swallow and say thank you and finish what you’ve started.
He bit into his own palm, indistinguishable from her core, and he cried out in sour relief. His hands spread raw grief over his face, through his hair, and down his neck.
You’re no better than this starving world.
He curled into himself, hands clutching his own aching chest, and despite the cloudless sky, he called upon the rain.
#v: ✗ ┆ siegrain ┆ ◜ canon divergent ◞#⚶ ┆ ◜ drabbles ◞#I was in a silly goofy mood#reader beware#this one was an exorcism.#needed to purge this depravity.#hey guys what if I bare my soul and it's a festering wound.#did I provide context? no. am I sorry? also no.#this only works in darkverse.#this is very obviously not inline with canon Jellal's personality but with a mutated version of him I created to balance ->#the healing arc I'm putting him through in mainverse.#not love but a secret other thing (obsession. possession.)(...take my money... I don't need that shit...)#& now she haunts the narrative. in my mind. and his too.#In my defense I've never claimed not to be a degenerate#yeah actually I am kind of embarrassed about this thank you for asking#never thought I’d have to say this but I do not endorse or condone cannibalism.#hey Sieg have you ever thought about chilling. calming down perhaps. I say as if I did not put him in this situation.#I fear this is one of those things I’m going to look back on in a few months & say: that should've stayed in the drafts.#me personally I love posting cringe. it's what I deserve.#if god exists I will have to answer for this. catch me in the river Acheron sipping on straight up anguish.#can you tell I have been confronted by the fleeting nature of mortality more often than usual lately. be honest.#actually I decided to not to go too into depth with the gore this time. I feel like keeping it vague lends more to the fugue state#also because it was giving me REALLY weird dreams. so like. yeah. I could've made this worse. but should I have?#tags bout damn long as the drabble. sorry gang.#cannibalism tw#gore tw#main character death tw#body horror tw#dayne’s depravity#daynedepravity
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would love to hear ur headcanons for the canon couples (Nalu, Gruvia, Jerza, Gajevy) as first time parents
Fun fact: I actually wrote a fic about them adopting children (well Jerza, Nalu, and Elfever) if anyone is interested in that :)
Lucy is literally stressed out the whole time
Natsu is pretty chill but his protectiveness has tripled
Lucy is the strict parent and Natsu is the fun one, but he will back Lucy up when needed
Unfortunately because of his heightened senses, Natsu really struggles with the baby crying. It's way louder for him and even hurts when he's holding the baby (too close to the ears)
Natsu struggles to sleep too. One because of the baby waking him up, but also because he is super protective and wakes up multiple times a night just to check on the baby (Lucy also doesn't sleep through the night but Natsu more so)
Lucy cheats and summons her spirits to help look after the baby. It really helps the new parents get time to rest (and also her spirits love the little baby so its a win win)
While they take turns working, Lucy usually stays home more. She knows Natsu needs to get out all his energy and she has no problem being a stay at home mom (at least for a little bit)
Juvia is literally always crying. Everything the baby does causes Juvia to burst into tears
Gray is in love. He's literally always cooing over the baby
They fight over who has to be the strict parents because both of them wanna be the fun one. Usually Juvia ends up as the strict one
Gray worries so much about the baby that he spends most nights sleeping in the nursery. Juvia keeps a spare blanket and pillow in there now, just so he can be more comfortable
The entire house is covered in toys (and other baby things). It has completely taken over their lives
Neither of them wanna work because they want to spend as much time with their baby as possible (unfortunately they have to so they take turns and only take simple jobs)
Juvia knits cute little onesies for the baby. She makes little dolls too. The dolls match the onesies. Its adorable
Erza is super prepared and can literally handle any baby issue (throw up, diaper, teething, etc). She's got everything
Jellal on the other hand is always panicking. The baby hiccups? He's freaking out about if he has to go to the ER
Erza bought so many clothes for the baby. She treats them like a little doll and is always playing dress up
They are both the strict parents. Not terribly but they raise their child to behave (tho both are known to give in to the puppy dog eyes)
Jellal cries a lot. He cried when he found out Erza was pregnant, cried when the baby was born, cried when they brought the baby home, etc (he never thought he'd have a life like this)
For the first couple months after the baby is born, Jellal tries to do as much as possible because he wants Erza to rest (she did do all the hard work for nine months so it's only fair that he steps up after birth)
Somehow their home is always clean and they both always look well rested (well Jellal has permanent eye bags but that's just his normal sleep depravation). No one knows how they are so put together with a newborn
Gajeel is that dad that is always talking about his baby. He's always showing pictures, will turn any conversation into a baby story, and in general cannot go five minutes without talking about his baby
Levy did so much research before the baby was born. She bought literally anything and everything the books recommended
Unfortunately that means when something happens that wasn't in the book, Levy panics
Gajeel also has issues with his heightened senses. Levy takes pity on him when it comes to diaper changes (Gajeel has thrown up from particularly foul ones)
Gajeel tried to do that thing where you make the baby listen to music in the moms stomach, but it was his singing. Levy would come up with every excuse in the book for this not to happen
He does sing to the baby now, but Levy finds it adorable and likes to listen (his voice is more suited for lullaby's)
Levy reads to the baby every night. Her book picks vary from actual kids books to textbooks but the baby doesn't know the difference anyway
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captainuranium543 · 2 months
Naming headcannons for the main ship's kids that nobody asked for (no gruvia though I'm sorry but I don't have any ideas for them)
- Lucy would want to name one of her kids Layla I firmly believe that
- I don't agree with most names I see cuz it seems like most of the time it's just a remix of the names natsu or Lucy HOWEVER Luna is literally just nalu in reverse and that is too fucking funny to me not to include
- I think that a lot of the names Lucy would like would be things from story books she read when she was younger, I imagine her kids names would be Shakespearean (not unheard of in fairy tail ie. titania) or from some other famous literature.
- this is kind of a weird one but for some reason I firmly believe all of the names they would like would be 2 syllable ones, nothing more or less I don't know why but it feels right.
-Natsu is a little harder to imagine what he would like as a name but I think honestly as long as it sounded good like was a good sounding word he'd be happy.
I think they'd like the name hana, no reason why I just think they would
- as opposed to the nalu 2 syllable names I think they're kids would all have very short, one syllable, names. It just feels right.
- I think the names for their kids would be made up words. As in names that don't exist. This is because the names they like would all be in ancient dead languages that levy studies or in ancient draconic which gajeel has been learning (in my head its real)
- if they end up having twins like in the mashima art I think.levy would name one kid and gajeel would name the other
- I like the sound of the word Chen, idk what it would mean but it's sounds right so fuck it it means smth cool af in draconic
- this is a little unrelated but honestly I think they'd have the most kids because they adopt almost exclusively, these 2 are building a fucking sports team, single handedly running orphanages out of business.
- also I think they'd keep erzas last name, all their kids would have the last name scarlet because it's special to both of them in a way and jellal likes it.
- oldest kid is def named simon I do not take criticism
- other names would all be star based names that jellal thought of (He is in charge of naming because erzas idea of a good name is like bladestorm the obliterator or smth)
- Rigel, Carina and Juno are some names I think they'd use HOWEVER every single fucking kid has a middle name that is some kind of weapon because erza needs to win at least a little.
- welcome to the world, little Simon double edged Battle Axe Scarlet
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beargyufairy · 5 months
Just My Thoughts Pt. 31
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What I want from Erza is the opposite of Lucy. Erza has been predominantly one of the strongest wizards in FT. From the get go, she’s been showing her power to the extent that she’s doesn’t have much to grow from that point. Maybe she can have a few new armors but that really won’t do much for her as a character.
Rather, in my opinion I think she should showcase the opposite. Something more feminine and soft and unrelated to battle. One thing that stood out to me from the end of the original story was how Erza started to comb her hair, something she wasn’t really into beforehand. I think that it has so much potential. She could spend time with Wendy and Lucy to be more girlie and just relax for once. I really like how she’s obsessed with strawberry cake which is so cute and wholesome.
Aside from femininity, I think she can have a filler/side story relating to her writing. She definitely thinks she’s good at it but others have expressed otherwise. So many going a little deeper into how she learned or why she thinks like that would be nice. Maybe she can have a little time with Lucy and Levy to further her own knowledge. I know that it’s a bit off and a smaller detail compared to major things in the series but I really like the concept of characters growing and bettering themselves.
And of course she needs some more development with Jellal. I am so glad he’s joining the guild. Since he’s technically going back to Fiore, I hope after the battle with Ignia there is some focus on their relationship. I really like how they have grown so much and are so perfect together. They have had a lot of success in adjusting their relationship from the tower of heaven which they were battling each other with the showcase of their backstory to the grand magic games where he failed to tell her his true feelings to the journey of his redemption. I think we have seen a lot and definitely worked out their tangent relationship so it’s time to get them together and stay together.
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fanstuffrantings · 4 months
Time to rant about the Alvarez arc and issues I had with it once more now that I've posted some spriggan redesigns. This might be long.
The largest reason Alvarez and anything following Tartaros fall so flat is because you can almost tell Mashima was checked out by that point. That his excitement for the series had dwindled.
I have this theory that Tartaros was meant to be the last arc of the series but there were still things unanswered meaning that he was forced into adding more on. Now I don't say this as someone who thinks tartaros should've been the end, but because none of the villains after this point have any weight to them when honestly they should. All the reveals feel like they're done to surprise the audience more than flesh out the story.
I'm someone who always hated the Irene as Erza's mom plot because we really didn't need it. It was a trend of "villain is a blood relative" twists mashima kept throwing in and by that point it was honestly more annoying than anything. Erza never had questions about her family. She was never focused on her past so introducing her mother felt so out of left field. Irene literally could've just been the person who was in charge of creating the tower of Heaven, maybe she was even the on who corrupted Jellal, and that would've done far more towards making me invested in a showdown between her and Erza than anything in canon.
In general the Spriggan 12 being set up as characters involved in the various arcs would've been so beneficial because it would've given readers actual reasons to be angry or upset. What if Invel was the one who created Deliora and consistently tried to create new ice demons to impress Zeref. What if Layla's death was originally believed to be an accident but as time goes on Lucy uncovers more deaths and incidents connected to her mother that eventually lead back to Brandish. The tartaros group answering to August, who is still devote to Zeref, giving us a more solid reason to believe him as a Wizard king and actual tangible terror at the thought of facing him if tartaros itself would bend to him.
And this isn't even getting into how all their designs seem so slapped together causing them to look more like mid level/filler villains than actual final arc antagonists. Compare them to any of the tartaros characters and it just instantly becomes so obvious which ones Mashima actually cared about. By that point he knew he just had to make the women scantily clad and his die hard fans would ignore everything else. Jacob Lessio is one of the first Spriggan I think of whenever I get angry over how rushed their designs are.
Even Zeref himself felt so disappointing as a villain because any hype built for him really peaked during the tartaros arc. I was sure he'd be the one to appear instead of Mard Geer. It felt like that's what tartaros was building to. But instead we someone new and Zeref was pushed back. We could talk about him torturing Mavis and how Mashima still wanted to paint things between them as romantic because heaven forbid Mavis actually be a human with emotions who gets mad and vengeful when she's hurt, but we'll move on.
Beyond just this, Alvarez kingdom could've been so very interesting to have in the background, mentioned every now and then off handedly by side characters or guild members when discussing the world around them. This idea of it always existing but just never seeming important to our leads who aren't thinking about the political side of things. Us getting Alvarez hints early on and Alvarez only increasing in importance would've been something for fans to hold onto and engage with.
Mashima really dropped the ball on the series following Tartaros from the gray villain arc that amounted to nothing, a 1 year time skip setting up Natsu and Lucy collecting guild members that ended with everyone miraculously back at the guild with no persuasion necessary, to his final antagonists carrying non of the weight he wanted because titles don't create fear. And it makes me so incredibly furious because all it would've taken was actual care and interest in his own creation.
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konohamaru-sensei · 1 year
wrote more stuff at work for friendoes. (Kakashi x OC| Natsuo x OC | Hawks x OC | Obito x OC | Gray x Juvia | Jellal x Erza)
for @goodnightlover
prompt: "i didn't die." "you were dead to me."
Before he could take one look into the guild hall someone viciously attacked Gray by throwing her whole body onto him. It was not like he hadn’t been ready for this specific ambush, no, Gray had been trained for this for many years and this point and braced his body to take in the impact. Maybe he had even slowed down a little upon getting to the Fairy Tail building, so that all his teammates entered before he did, leaving him outside with only his attacker. Maybe.
“Gray-sama,” Juvia chimed, her head snuggling against his cheek and he murmured defensively something about how she needed to stop, but left his head right there for hers to touch. He was also glad to see her again, it had been at least a month since the last time they had spoken and he had thought a lot about her since then, so he was glad to have her right by his side once more. Not that he would loudly proclaim these feelings, of course.
Juvia grabbed him and pulled him closer, her voice sounding a little like she was sulking: “Gray-sama was gone for so long, Juvia was all alone.”
“Nonsense,” Gray said and got out of her tight grip, “You were with the guild.” Juvia made a face and it told him what he already knew: Juvia liked the guild and the people there a lot, but she liked spending time with nobody as much as with him. He told himself that this was nothing to be proud of, but he still was. Feelings weren’t cooperating with him as much nowadays as they used to.
She finally fully let go off him and jumped back on her feet, the blue top that she was wearing revealed a part of her skin beneath. A shudder went through Gray as he caught a glimpse of the scar that sat on her hip there. He pressed his teeth together.
“Gray-sama isn’t listening, is he?” Juvia said, putting her face closer to his again to gain his attention. “What is he staring at?”
Gray averted his face away from hers, feeling a little heated in his ears with her so close. “When will you finally get rid of that scar?”
“Never,” Juvia didn’t even hesitate before she replied. “This scar reminds me of Gray-sama and the sacrifice we are willing to do for our love.”
“Well, it reminds me of failure.” He shook his head. “It reminds me that I have to get much stronger to be able to make sure such a sacrifice will never be necessary again.”
She clasped her hand together and was already half singing again. “Gray-sama is already so strong. Juvia thinks, he should trust more in his own strength and of course into her ability to protect him.” She blinked with her big, dark blue eyes at him.
Somehow her reply made him angry. He turned around to her directly. “But that is not how it should be!” Gray yelled, a little louder than maybe necessary, because the conversation in the guild hall suddenly came to a halt. He couldn’t stop himself anyway. “I should protect you. That’s how it should have been back then, and it should definitely be now. I don’t- I don’t ever want to see you dead again. That’s why I’m on this laughably long quest. That’s why I need to be stronger. That’s why I hate���” He tapped with his hand to his own, now magically naked, chest and circled the scar, “.. this scar that marks my utter failure.”
“But..,” she reached out her hands to lightly touch the back of his hands, “… Juvia didn’t die.”
“You were dead to me.”
Gray pulled his hand back and took a step away. “You were not moving, not breathing, your blood was not circulating in your body, but mine, keeping me alive while you were slipping away. And I couldn’t do anything, but watch yet again. You don’t understand how often I see this in my nightmares!” Yes, he could have checked the pulse a little longer, stayed by her side just for a few more minutes to watch help arrive. If he had been patient, if he hadn’t lost his cool, he’d known she was alright right away, but too many people had sacrificed themselves for him all through his life and when it was her it was just too much.
Juvia stood still in place, her hand still reached out to his that was now out of her reach. His anger puffed into smoke and his heart sank when he noticed the tears in the corners of her eyes. “I’m sorry-,” she started, but he cut her off by stepping forward: “No, don’t- don’t apologise-“
“Fuck.” He picked up the hand that was still hanging in the air with both of his. “I don’t- don’t hate that scar this much. I don’t mind that you have it, I’m sorry for yelling.” There was very little that he hated more than Juvia crying because of something he had done. It had happened too often and needed to stop. “I’m sorry, okay.” Then, softer. “I – I know that you’ll always look after me and I am very thankful for that.”
She put her head down against his hands holding hers and he couldn’t stop himself from leaning his own head down so he could put his forehead into her hair. They just stood like this for a while until Natsu could be heard through the open doors: “Geesh, do all of ya need to be so damn dramatic?”
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dreamyeuphoricll · 6 months
Create a dialogue of the anime waifus talking about who they rather date.
Ok,this will feature:
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Gathered in a cozy room, the air buzzes with laughter and playful banter as the characters engage in a lighthearted debate about their ideal dates:
Robin: "I'm not really one for romance, but if I had to choose, it would be Zoro. He's strong, dependable, and, well, getting lost all the time means I'd always have an interesting day trying to find him!"
Yor: (nervously twirling her hair)* "Oh, I'm already married to Loid, so I'm not looking... but if I weren't, I suppose I'd still choose him. He's... um, a good husband?"
Makima: "Younger boys do seem to find me... intriguing. Denji, for instance, he's quite... devoted. And who can resist that naive charm and unwavering loyalty?"
Hinata: (blushing furiously) "N-Naruto-kun is my choice! He's so brave, kind, and his dream is so inspiring! I've always loved him, even when we were kids."
Mikasa: "Eren. He's more than just strong. He fights with everything he has for freedom, and I've always been by his side. That's where I belong."
Shinobu: (smile not quite reaching her eyes) "Giyuu, of course. His stoic nature is... endearing. And he's a pillar, strong and reliable. What's not to like?"
Noelle: (puffing up with pride) "I would never admit it out loud, but... Asta. Yes, he's loud and can be utterly stupid, but he's also strong-willed and doesn't care about one's status. For a royal like me, that's... refreshing."
Yoruichi: "Strength is key. I'd need someone who can keep up with me, someone who's not afraid to spar. It's the best kind of date, don't you think?"
Alpha: "Cid, without a doubt. His strength, his intellect, his mysterious aura... There's no one else who could match me so perfectly."
Mei Mei: "A rich guy, obviously. Wealth indicates power and resourcefulness. Why settle for less when you can have the best?"
Zero Two: (clasping her hands together dreamily) "Hiro! We're destined for each other, connected by fate and love. He understands me like no one else ever could."
Erza: "I live for the thrill of battle, it's true. But Jellal... he's different. He understands the weight of the past and the hope for the future. Plus, he can handle a sword almost as well as I can."
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ffxivaltaholic · 21 days
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Prompt #1: Steer
I have endured many things in my life, those experiences taught me patience, even with the most unpleasant and difficult tasks... But this was truly a test of wills... "Hello? Hey, eorzea to Jellal? Jelly-beaaaaan." The grating tone of her voice snapped him back from his thoughts, amber eyes refocusing on the blonde woman sitting in front of him. "Hm?" A look of annoyance graced the man's face and he uttered a small sigh and composed himself. "Ah yes... Anyways, now that we've gone over the basics of the machine, you mostly need practice, preferably in a large open area without things.. Or people... That could become unfortunate pilons." A deep exhale as Jellal watched his cousin with a leery expression. She'd managed to mount the motorcycle fine, even turn it on without issue, but driving and steering it was a whole other challenge, and the vehicle was set to his specifications and power. It had some kick to it. "Perhaps I should just build you a smaller vehicle, with less power and... Guns..." Among other weapons hidden among the parts of the custom magitek bike. The look he received would cause the Seeker's ears to flatten back as Vassyl, her big shiny eyes lit up like a child's stared at him with delight at the idea. "Would you really build me one?" Since they had encountered each other during the war, neither aware of remnants of their family until then, he had always been a stubborn, crass and difficult man to deal with, regardless of being family. There were times the young Miqo'te woman wanted to yeet him off the nearest cliff, but the man had mellowed a bit since the war, getting married, and shifting his career path. He was tolerable most days, and after all, still family no matter how difficult he could be. Reaching up to brush a loose strand from her face, Vassyl offered him a cheeky little grin, awaiting his answer. Initially the man would simply huff and cross his arms, seeming to think about the suggestion he had made and the possible implications it could lead to. There would need to be some considerations made. "Yes but... On the condition you are not reckless with it. Your mother would bury me alive if you were injured by my influence." Jellal had come to terms with the fact that he would never be an overtly good person, even with his efforts to redeem those many years in service to Garlemald, a conscript and slave under their rule, and a soldier who carried the blood of many on his hands, for the war machines he had built. Even so, he kept trying to be better, in not for himself but for Vassyl who despite so much loss in the war had somehow managed to keep such a positive demeanor, and for his wife Iaella, who had seen the same horrors as him from the other side and yet managed to always wake with a smile and warm his once frigid outlook on life. The looked she gave brought out an unexpected chuckle from the Seeker and he waited as Vassyl mulled over the words before her expression matched his own. "Who me? Tch! I am far more capable than you take me for! But... I will be safe. I promise." As much as the woman enjoyed teasing her cousin relentlessly, the genuine concern in his words caused her to ease up a little. "Can you put a little snack compartment on it?" The request caught him entirely off guard and the Miqo'te flicked his tail with a mix of bemusement and annoyance all in one. "A.. Snack... Compartment...?" Jellal muttered the words and reached a hand up to run through his messy hair. Finally a deep sigh would compose him. "Sure why not...."
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pompompuriina · 7 months
Because you also love Fairy Tail. Your top 5 fav JJK characters will be besties with who (in your opinions) if they were in other universe, with characters from Fairy Tail? Hope my questions are not confusing.....
hi nonnie :3 this is actually a really interesting question, i need to think abt this tbh 😭
yuta's my number one favorite so far, so i think he'd be really great friends with either wendy or mirajane. especially mira 🤩 'cause both yuta and mira are liek suuuuper strong but they're both super kind (and they both are absolutely hot for no reason when they go demon time mmmgmgghh)
nanami would deffo be best friends with either kagura or be one of the rare ones that get to actually see mystogan (aka other jellal) cause like, their energies just match. especially kagura, theyre both so serious and strong :3 cute lil scenario thou is being seen as a father figure/mentor to natsu, grey and erza nanami come save me from my daddy issues huhuhu
geto and natsu would be besties, let's be so real right now. gojo and natsu literally have the same personality, they're so cute 😭 geto would actually be on amazing terms with everyone, like that one character that no one can ever truly hate, like even the enemy sorta tolerates him (especially since he's canonically the more popular one out of him and gojo) (this is purely off of if he doesnt defect anyway)
nobara and cana would definitely hit it off easily because they're both such girls girls and i love seeing girlies be silly with the girlies and they're both so feminine and powerful and badass just nobara and cana bestie brainrot 😞😞 getting "high schooler who looks up to her cool college senpai" vibes WOOF
maki and erza, come on this is a given 😫 they're both super powerful, they're both so fine like they'd be instant besties they can be silly too 😤 thinking about maki challenging erza and sparring with her, erza finally excited to have a challenge, ALSO GIVES ME HIGH SCHOOLER WHO LOOKS UP TO HER COOL COLLEGE SENPAI VIBES EEEEEEE
i'd actually really wanna see a crossover between ft and jjk, the urge to draw...
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becausesomething · 1 month
Pieces of you in me and a strawberry cake with chantili frosting (Jerza)
The unexpected that comes with a slice of strawberry cake with whipped cream 💓
Based on a prompt: Write around "She was at that particular point in her life when every stranger she saw on the street reminded her of someone she once loved/hated/lost."
WC: 2K
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I was on my way to my favorite bakery to have some alone time with a slice of strawberry cake with whipped cream topping. I needed a treat before heading to the next mission, but in reality it was a comfort and escape from the decision I would have to make.
However, the day was being strange because the people around me brought back memories....
Of our history, of your presence and the impact it had on my breathing, which was uncertain, of the accidental touch that made my heart almost jump out of my chest.
I avoided looking at them even though I knew they were looking at me with admiration, but my focus was buying my cake and going to sit at a more hidden table where I could have peace. A quick chat with the mission-completed baker. Could finally take a bite.
Until a person passed in front of me and clearly reminded me of you. I could only be going crazy because you were on a mission that would take a few months, but you would be back, and this dynamic was already natural for us.
For so many years hatred and revenge reigned. How I helped him, only to end up being expelled without being able to save anyone, and still having to carry the secret of what really happened inside that tower to save them from death. Scarlet, that name he gave me caused deep pain, but it evolved into tenderness after the confrontation in the sky tower. It was a relief to see that Jellal look that I fell in love with as a child. The armor I carry became just armor because I no longer needed to hide my pain. My friends were safe and could live the freedom that Natsu had achieved, and even in the face of Simon's sacrifice, that years-long nightmare had finally ended. Erza Scarlet didn't need to hide or repress her pain, or continue to carry the weight of sacrifices, because she had my family and friends.
With every bite of that cake, it's inevitable not to smile at that divine flavor. I lived for these little moments and pleasures. I could compare this feeling of feeling full to the comfort you gave me. Even if it was for brief encounters, feeling the presence and the effort you put in to redeem yourself from past mistakes rekindled that flame.
I wouldn't admit it beyond myself, but since the day I saw you leave and called me Scarlet again, and just remembering part of your memories, what I felt for you became intense and since then I haven't get you out of my mind. It was the beginning of dreams about a future we could share together, if only you would stop clinging to the past and allow yourself to give the present and me a chance. The reality was that the harsh words and actions you forced me to take were my affection and fear of losing you again screaming. I wanted you, but we both still had our own paths continuing to be walked alone.
Tears of joy and pleasure begin to fall from his right eye. I was almost at the end of that piece of cake, when I took a bite of a strawberry. The fresh and light acidic flavor mixing with the sweetness of the cake and whipped cream. It was the taste of paradise in my mouth.
Those were the exact words you said after kissing me. A kiss wrapped in tenderness, passion and freedom. You had changed for me, you were finally free to allow yourself to love and live to protect the people around with that feeling. That night, neither of us slept, we just wanted to enjoy being in each other's presence until the sun rose again. Between stolen kisses, fingers intertwined, like two people lost in love.
The unexpected thing that made me lose my composure in front of the rest of the guild, which is still talked about but soon hushed up when they realize I'm present, happened when you asked the master to join Fairy Tail. It no longer mattered how long we had to be separated on missions, we would return to the same space. And I continued to keep alive the memories of a Jellal who was not shy, provocative, aware of what he wanted and which became deep dreams of what you wanted for us. Despite the effect of the white magician's magic, I liked to keep those details to myself. How my body wanted to respond, but my mind knew that it was not the time or place to let myself be carried away by the pleasure of surrendering to him.
I finish the cake and relax in my chair, licking my fingers because nothing could be wasted from that slice of heaven. I feel a hand on my face, and within seconds of opening my eyes in surprise, I am robbed of a kiss.
-You are even more beautiful when you are caught off guard Scarlet
-We're in public Jellal, you shouldn't...
-Are we a couple or not?
Sitting in front of me, he takes my hand and intertwines their fingers, leaving me completely embarrassed but that smile became a weakness that made me strong.
-What are you doing here? You said the mission would take a few months, but it's just been...
He gets up and forces me to do the same, leading the way out of the bakery to the outskirts of the city, in silence and just smiling shyly. Several times I tried to come up with an answer, but he only pressed me tighter against him and quickened his pace.
-Jellal, stop! What is happening?! - I finally managed to let go and cross my arms, making a point of conveying the message that I wouldn't leave until I got answers.
-We're almost there Erza, just a few more meters and...
-Where? Since you arrived and didn't say anything... How are you, how did the mission go, where were you... Not that I'm controlling you and I see that you're fine, but I thought we were in a relationship and these are things that couples share.
As expected, he grabs me by the waist and, placing one of the locks behind my ear, he kisses me on the forehead.
-The mission was completed faster than I expected because I had help. I was far away gathering everything I needed to then be close. I've been building the house we're going to call ours.
I remain static processing that information, and looking at him while I just wanted to repress him for not having said anything. He spins around me and grabs me by the waist, hugging me from behind and pointing in a direction.
-Do you see that brick house with the wooden porch hidden by those yellow tress? It was built from the ground up, considering all the things you like that I remember you talking about when we were little.
He slides his hands and intertwines one with my fingers, and the other on my belly.
-It is our home, where we will continue writing our history and perhaps build a new future in our time.
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theguildawards · 11 months
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Hello guildmates!
The Nomination Period is now closed! Below the cut you will find a complete list of all the fanfiction nominations received for The Guild Awards this term! The mobile-friendly version can be found in a Google Doc here that has the complete list! You can find the list of all the fanart nominations here!
If you do not see your nomination, or you find issues with the links, please reach out to us as soon as possible!
We are going to give you 2 weeks time to enjoy all of the pieces nominated for this term! We strongly encourage that when you view a work of art or read a fanfiction, please reblog or leave a review to let the creators know how much their work and talent is appreciated!
The voting period will begin November 15th and end November 29th midnight PST!
In order to be able to vote, you will need to login. We will be posting the link to the voting form on the first day of the voting session.
Got a question? Check out ourFAQor send us an ask!
Message one of the mods directly: @sassybratt9791 @phoenix-before-the-flame @kiliinstinct​ @ratretro  @phoneboxfairy
Thank you to everyone who nominated for making this term absolutely wonderful and happy voting!
[please reblog to help spread the love of these amazing creators!]
Best Action/Adventure
“The Other Four Idiots, Plus a Cat” by @thehylianidiot (tumblr/AO3)
“Fairy Tail’s Twin Dragons” by LokaMuse (AO3)
“yuánfèn” by tiddiejoon (AO3)
Best AU/AR
“More than just a Fairy Tale” by ChaoticKori (AO3)
“Ain’t it warming you the world gone up in flames? Ain’t it the life of you, you’re lighting of the blaze” by JenaSmiless2s (AO3)
“One Night in New York” by @eryiss (tumblr/AO3)
“Lies and Deception” by @gaychkn-nuggets (tumblr/AO3)
“Fairytale of Doom” by Crimsonstarbird (AO3)
“Fairies After Dark” by shelbyshoe (AO3)
Best Canon
“Episode One: Hargeon” by @genavere (tumblr/AO3)
“Iron Honeymoon” by kaotic312 (AO3)
“Knees Deep” by FantastiqueParfait (AO3)
“The Key(s) to Victory” by riddlercj (AO3)
“Day of Parting” by Heartofroses (FFN)
Best Angst
“Arcane” by @classysassy9791 (tumblr/AO3)
“doubt truth to be a liar” by SilverSnowblossom (AO3)
“Turn on the Light” by Natsudragneelswhore (AO3)
Best Dark
“happy ending” by @tokkias (tumblr/AO3)
“Guilty but Freed (Justine)” by MadFreakChloe (AO3)
“if you asked me i would lose it all” by ObsessiveExplosion (AO3)
“The World is Ugly” by StevMarie (AO3)
“The Colosseum” by @kiliinstinct (tumblr) / Rougescribe (AO3)
Best Drama
“Midnight in the Woods” by Akira_Takeshi (AO3)
“Bring Back What Once Was Mine” by Winged_Capybara (AO3)
“The Virus” by Horrorgurlx (FFN)
Best Humor/Parody
“glowstick mode, activate” by @greyseyebrowscar (tumblr) / lilyntlrs (AO3)
“A Weapon of Mass Love” by EeveeGirly (AO3)
“Captive” by hisuichanxx (FFN)
Best Oneshot
“Looking for his demon” by @jemmahazelnut (tumblr/AO3)
“For you, there’s nothing in this world I wouldn’t do” by SunSnake (AO3)
“the long road home” by @sunslants (tumblr/AO3)
“no one knows” by RatLuvrr (AO3)
“I Shall Go On Living” by SagetheWriter (AO3)
“Goddess of Water” by Kikuneesama (AO3)
Best Character Portrayal
“Feline Senses” (Loke/Leo) by Pokedash55 (AO3)
“The Fourth of Jellal” (Mystogan) by @dragonshost (tumblr/AO3)
Best Romance
“epiphany” by thetr1ckster (AO3)
Best LGBTQ+ Romance 
“In Your Love” by @sandwitchstories (tumblr/AO3)
Best Serial
“Tra’viin Tome’mir” by GemmaRose (AO3)
“Abandon Your Fear” by PagesInTheLibrary (AO3)
“Heart Shaped World” by Myahud (AO3)
Best Ficlet
“Steak and Strawberries” by @cobrakiin (tumblr) / lilykotsu (lilycobra) (AO3)
“Whumptober2023 1: “How Many Fingers am I Holding Up?” by @thehylianidiot (tumblr)
Best Classic
“I Leave You, My Pride” by @wildrhov (tumblr) / Rhov (AO3)
“Welcome to the Masquerade” by StevMarie (AO3)
“Contract of Three” by HazelRoses (AO3)
“Midnight to Dawn: A Kindred Soul” by @gemnika (tumblr/AO3)
“Kidnapping Erza” by CrimsonStarbird (FFN)
“mirror mirror” by mochiwrites (AO3)
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pyropsychiccollector · 7 months
Natsu Harem: Fairy GET! 14/14
Made it to the end of this little carnival ride.... (人◕ω◕) As far as you guys know. More on that later, though~
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Who could I possibly round out this group with? Gee, I wonder who it could be? (人◕ω◕) Sorry. If you've followed me at all over the years, you know I'd never leave Erza-chan out. Erza Scarlet~...
Is it predictable? I don't care. I'm violently opposed to Jerza for... many reasons. But I'll leave it at that cuz I've talked about it loads in the past. I was there when the manga was ongoing, and NaLi and Natza were dunked on very frequently. Natza is the progenitor of my Natsu ships, the "Naezono" if you will. ... Though I was into Fairy Tail way before Dangan. So it's probably the other way around. (人◕ω◕) All you need to know is, Jellal is one of my least favorite characters ever, and it's not really the good kind of, "I hate this guy." Cuz there's guys like Kotaro from Assassination Classroom, villains we're supposed to loathe... And they can still be satisfyingly evil. ... Jellal tried to go the redemption route, and he just bombed. And I'm under no obligation to spend time "fixing" him to my liking, so these days I just leave Jerza fans to their corner while decrying my own personal reasons for why I despise that pairing. My time is better spent with the glory of Natza and other Natsu ships.
... With the exception of Nalu, which I avoid like the plague. Because Lucy H is right up there with characters I just can't stand. Easiest thing for me to do is to pretend she doesn't exist, and wrest control of the plot from her since, from where I stand, she frankly has very little impact to events... She's literally there for the fanservice and the Nalu Stans. I wash my hands of Lucy H. (人◕ω◕)
Alright. That's enough of my soapbox stuff. Let's just get to it. (人◕ω◕)
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When did they meet?
Of all the girls in the harem, Erza can be said to be the first to have met him. (人◕ω◕) Erza arrived at Fairy Tail in X776, banished from the R-System by Jellal and threatened to never breathe a word of its continued existence - or he'd kill their friends. She lost an eye during that tragedy, and had to get a replacement from Porlyusica. Erza was... pretty guarded for her first couple years in the guild, being rather stern and no-nonsense, even at her young age.
A year later in X777... Natsu arrives, and it's not as if Erza warmed up to him right away. It took time. Erza had a harsh childhood as a slave in the R-System, and she constantly fretted over her old friends, being careful to stick to Jellal's demands. Making new friends and moving on was... rough. Yet Erza did manage, eventually growing fond of Natsu and Gray... even if she had to constantly intercede in their fights. ... And a year later in X778 had to put up with Mirajane as her own rival...
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Still, there was something about Natsu that drew Erza in. (人◕ω◕) All his talk about being raised by a dragon, Erza probably didn't believe it at first... As far as she knew, dragons were extinct. But considering her own circumstances as a former slave, she could never rule out his stories for certain. The same went for Gray and his tragedies with Deliora... Erza could tell they were all affected on some level by their experiences, with Natsu probably being the best off because he just wanted to find his dad... But that was fine. For Erza, it wasn't some contest who was more deeply scarred. What likely had an impact on her was Natsu's never-give-up attitude. Even if he was rambunctious and tried picking fights with Gildarts, their guild's Ace... Erza liked his positive attitude, regardless if he was a handful or not. (人◕ω◕) That's why she took it on herself to watch over him... and teach him to read. Which we all know Natsu loved sooo much. (人◕ω◕)
Even more than that... In those first few years, Erza decided she liked Natsu so much that she wanted to be a team with him. (人◕ω◕) Sure, she could easily go for the S-Class trials at the tender age of fifteen in X780... But in this alternate universe, she decides not to. She prioritizes training Natsu up until they're both ready, and they manage it in X782. ... Even if it takes threatening Master's porn stash. (人◕ω◕)
Erza can see that the loss of Lisanna that same year impacted Natsu a great deal, not to mention Mira, Elfman, and all their friends... But Erza and Natsu both agreed the best thing they can do is become S-Class and protect the friends they have left. Which they manage to pull off. And Gray follows in their footsteps a year later. (人◕ω◕)
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When did they grow closer?
This sets the stage for the present, when they run into Lucy in Hargeon~... (人◕ω◕) By this point, Natsu and Erza are pretty good friends, and despite Erza still being rather strict, Natsu has helped her to enjoy life at the least~... Go out on adventures. Protect Fairy Tail's honor... Handing posers like Bora over to the Rune Knights. (人◕ω◕) Lucy is overwhelmed in meeting the real Salamander, although.... (人◕ω◕);;;
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For some reason, Erza keeps giving her the stinkeye whenever she tries to help take a gentler approach with Natsu on transportation. (人◕ω◕);;; Natsu can take a punch to the gut. Surely? It's the fastest way to alleviate him of the queasiness of motion sickness. And besides, he likes resting in Erza's lap. The knight asserts this as fact. Lucy should mind her own business. (人◕ω◕)
Still, Lucy is generally welcomed to the guild by Team Natsu... Erza's just a bit hands-on with keeping Natsu in line and taking care of his needs. Natsu requires a firm, authoritative hand. (人◕ω◕) Soon enough they go to take down Eisenwald, then resolve that mess on Galuna Island, then that spat with Phantom Lord...
And eventually, the time comes to clean out the skeletons in Erza's closet. (人◕ω◕) She's not eager to drag Natsu and Gray into her mess... But they're both too stubborn to be turned away, Natsu especially refuses to let Jellal hang over Erza's head a moment longer. It's... Well, the battle is pretty intense, and Natsu and Erza both nearly don't make it a couple of times - particularly when abandoning the crumbling tower... But Simon gets them out of there, though Jellal seemingly fell to his demise.
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As a result, Erza's past is... mostly laid to rest. Her old friends are saved and join Fairy Tail. Her one regret is not saving Jellal... though for the life of him, Natsu can't figure out why Erza spares time mourning the guy that betrayed her and tried sacrificing her... Jellal might have killed her friends if given the chance, and it didn't seem possible to negotiate with the guy. Natsu for his part could never forgive Jellal for hurting Erza... But even with this lingering regret of Erza's, she is grateful for Natsu sticking up for her and helping close this chapter on her life. (人◕ω◕)
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Their bond grows stronger in the Battle of Fairy Tail arc, when taking down Laxus and the Thunder Palace... But soon after that, the mission to crush Oracion Seis happens, and... Jellal was revived. ... Much to Natsu's displeasure. (人◕ω◕)*** Erza keeps trying to resolve things with Jellal, circumventing Natsu's attempts to deal with the guy before he hurts Erza again... She's too attached to this idea she has of who Jellal was, as a kid. Erza believes she can bring that scarred kid back... and Natsu doesn't believe it will be that simple.
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Jellal is arrested after Nirvana is wiped out, and Oracion Seis taken down. This ends up souring the victory a bit for Natsu... Cuz Erza's still depressed, and hung up on that guy. He wants to be there for Erza, but she's not ready yet to "move on" from Jellal... It's frustrating, but Natsu bottles up his bitterness. Jellal did try helping take down Oracion Seis... Natsu just can't forgive the guy for hurting Erza, for continuing to let Erza drown in sorrow and regrets.
Edolas comes and goes... The Tenrou trials are broken up by Grimoire Heart's invasion. And... because Fairy Sphere had to be invoked to save them from Acnologia, they missed out on seven years with the guild. It's a harsh future they come back to, with the guild hanging on by a thread due to not having the manpower to keep handling the tough jobs. Other guilds have risen to prominence in the meanwhile. And the Tenrou team needs to catch up to the rest of the world, having the same strength as seven years ago.
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Natsu and Erza are no strangers to training hard... They thrive on it. ... But unfortunately for Natsu, Crime Sorciere approaches them, wishing to work with them to deal with a presence similar to Zeref. It's unfortunate because Jellal seems to be running that gang, and Erza gets caught up in the misery interacting with Jellal after seven years...
Natsu's not happy about it. Especially not when, after the resolution of the Grand Magic Games and the dragon invasion, Jellal joins the guild... To keep from thinking about it, Natsu throws himself into other interactions. There's a lot of new faces in the guild these days, and he wants to pal around with the old faces, too. He and Erza are still good friends, just... If he hangs around Jellal too much, he's bound to say or do something that will put himself in hot water with Erza. He's trying to "give Jellal a chance", the issue is that Jellal remains this hollow shell of a man. Even after being pardoned, even after Erza keeps saying she forgives him... Jellal is so empty and depressed, feeling "unworthy" of this new life. No one else in Crime Sorciere or Hydra Roots is as miserable as Jellal; a few might be grumpy about joining Fairy Tail, but they've all more or less accepted it... Jellal is just a sore spot for Natsu, and he keeps bottling up his issues...
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They eventually deal with Tartaros. ... Natsu loses Igneel. And to deal with his deep sadness, he was prepared to go on a training trip alone, but the Strauss Siblings had other ideas and took him with them - informing the Dragon Slayer about the guild's disbandment. Natsu feels bad about leaving all their other friends to do their own thing... But they resolve to round everyone back up after a year. Give everyone time to collect themselves after that debacle with Tartaros~...
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It figures that Erza and Jellal would be working together with the Council, when Natsu reunites with her a year later. He's still bitter about Erza dwelling on the guy... But apparently they're not "together" together. While various other women keep Natsu's spirits up and his thoughts off of Erza's thing with Jellal... He can't fully extricate himself from that situation. Much less when Erza still comes around, turning girls away from Natsu and insisting they have training and catching up to do... Erza and Mira especially get into it.
But Natsu... He just keeps brute-forcing through the pain and acting like nothing's wrong. Sure, it stings a bit that Erza's turning the other girls away at times... But he can see that it's not so cut and dry. Jellal's important to her, but so's Natsu. And... Natsu can't deny Erza's important to him, too. (人◕ω◕) He just wishes he could figure out why he's lingering on Jellal so much~... Why it "matters" who Erza cares for most. He just can't figure that out. ... Though Mira, Ultear, Meredy, and some others have long since puzzled that out, even when they're at war with Alvarez. (人◕ω◕)
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When did friendship turn to something more?
Natsu and Erza's relationship is certainly... Well. (人◕ω◕) It's one of those "spontaneous" situations that I've brought up in prior posts. But here's why it took until after Alvarez to sort out their feelings for each other: ... Jellal. Simply... Jellal. (人◕ω◕)***
Erza has long wrestled with romance. She's latched onto every book she can get her hands on to learn about it, but it's a concept that's so immersive and hard to comprehend. For the longest time, she thought that the reason she was stuck on Blueberry was because she loved him... And perhaps as a child, she did have a crush. (人◕ω◕) However, as adults, seeing Jellal so down all the time after the various conflicts they've been through together... Erza came to see Jellal as her responsibility to "fix", to cheer him up...
But after so many failures, Erza came to realize something. She's not... happy doing all the work in this "relationship" with her childhood crush. Even after so much effort, the guy's barely plodding along... Hardly ever takes jobs unless there's a significant threat (not to mention, more than a few times he tries sacrificing himself to resolve conflicts), and in-between work he's just... so lost. Unsure of what he should be doing, constantly doubting if he's worthy of having friends... Everyone else in the guild has essentially welcomed him, though most give Jellal his space to sort things out himself. Aside from Erza, Meredy and Simon are the ones giving more of an effort to help Jellal move on with his life... Master Makarov tried bestowing his wisdom, but Erza can't be sure if it soaked in for Jellal...
Eventually, after much trial and error... They work out Jellal does better on the Council. He's accepted as a secretary, and the work keeps him... occupied. Jellal is more responsive now whenever Erza finds the time to speak with him, but he hasn't made much progress in the way of his personal life. He's a busybody, and he's never given much thought to a relationship with anyone.
On the one hand, this relieves Erza somewhat, as she's been coming to the realization she doesn't love Jellal... Not like that. He was a "project" for her, wanting to help her old friend... But he's drastically different from the idealized picture she had in her head of who "Jellal" is. A part of her is let down that friends is all they'll ever be... But conversely, she can now turn her attention to Natsu, who she's been a bit concerned about. Despite his smiles and easygoing attitude, he was always tense whenever Jellal came up as a topic, giving Erza a somewhat wide berth...
... And Erza doesn't like that. Natsu's special to her, and she wants the Dragon Slayer to confide in her, like how she trusts him with everything she wrestles through. Shortly after Jellal's transferred to the Council, Natsu does open up to her... And it all leaves Erza pretty flabbergasted and feeling whiplash from so many emotions all at once in her head...
Natsu still hadn't forgiven Jellal for hurting her as a child. He went all this time trying to honor her feelings, tried getting along with Jellal for his sake... But he just couldn't let it go. Natsu could see how depressed Erza was whenever Jellal was around, how attached she seemed to be to the guy... And despite unloading all of this on Erza because she asked, the Dragon Slayer was expecting to be hit or punished or whatever Erza needed to do...
Erza was angry Natsu held all this in for so long. ... Or maybe she was just annoyed.
She was angry he resented Jellal...
Yet she understood why, considering he kept asserting it was because she was hurt and miserable...
She was sad he expected violence for just speaking his mind.
She was touched that he cared about her so much.
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In the end, Erza hugs it out with Natsu and stumbles upon some revelations, herself. (人◕ω◕) She could understand Natsu's frustrations at seeing her dwelling on another guy... After all, the same kind of ire rose up whenever she saw other girls hanging off of him... Erza didn't want Natsu hurting anymore, and she didn't want to just be his friend. They'd been past that stage for a long time now... Erza was just too caught up in distractions and not processing her tenderhearted feelings for the Dragon Slayer that she was so proud of and loved so much~... (人◕ω◕)(人◕ω◕)(人◕ω◕)
When Erza muses all this, it clicks for Natsu as well. He does love her. That's why he was bothered all this time... And it's nice to hug it out with Erza without her armor getting in the way. \(人◕ω◕)/ ... Sure, they'll have to talk about all the other... interested parties. Hash things out with all those other girls.
But Natsu doesn't wanna give up on a single one of them, much to Erza's chagrin. (人◕ω◕) They will make this work. ... Even if sometimes Erza-chan wants to rip off Mira-chan's head, or vice versa~... They don't always get along. But they can be all one big, happy family~.... Really. (人◕ω◕)
Fourteen's a nice round number... right? (人◕ω◕) Surely there wouldn't be any more surprises.
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More Fairy Tail Headcanons:
After the gmg, Jellal still takes time to practice Mystogan's magic just in case he ever needs to pretend to be him again. He's almost got it down, he doubts he'll ever be as good as Mystogan but he's getting close.
Laxus has a soft spot for kids. He's very good with them too (not Natsu level but close)
Juvia remembers Rogue from Phantom as well. She didn’t know him well but he looked up to her a lot too.
When ft members accidentally destroy a town, they sometimes say their name is Natsu. He's been framed for so much property damage. He doesn't even realize it
Natsu freaked out when he found out Erza’s mom is technically a dragon. “I told you she was a monster!!!”
Gray does end up adopting a cat after the 100yq. Juvia is not pleased by this
Visiting Fairy Tail is like going to the circus. Other guilds visit with popcorn and watch the chaos
385 notes · View notes
kiliinstinct · 7 months
Chapter 27:
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Rating: R Pairing: Nalu FF.Net || AO3 [Ch: 1] ||| [Prev] | [Next] Next update is Upon us! Thanks to @phoenix-before-the-flame for their awesome Beta work, as usual. Next Update: February 26th March Post Dates: 15th and the 28th (Yes, my Birthday!)
Erza could sense blood lust the moment she returned home.
With the calm light of the moon on her shoulders, she felt it still. It pricked along her skin, making her shoulders tense. Fighting the urge to draw her weapon, she felt the sharp eyes of a hunter stab her as she passed the unused watchtower. At the flash of pink diving from her sight, her eyes narrowed, recognizing the source instantly. 
It was no surprise Natsu was sneaking about. He always had a nose for being where he shouldn’t be. Though she considered his wounds, wondering if he was well enough to be out of bed. What she recalled of the injuries, she didn’t think so, but it was a relief to see him alive regardless. No doubt he’d be well enough to cause mischief again soon. A good sign, but-
Kage groaned weakly as she pulled him along a bump and the rising urge for blood turned palpable forcing Erza to suppress a shudder as the sensation ran through her. Behind her, she sensed Jellal’s steps slowing as they walked by the tower, grasping his cloak tight as he felt the same call for violence: caution was his uncertain response and Erza slowed her own steps to walk alongside him, casting her gaze upwards in a silent message.
She begged Natsu to stay hidden, needing him to stay put while she vowed to chastise him later. They needed the shadow user alive, and his impulsive actions could mean the end to everything if they weren't careful. Despite the strange circumstances she found herself in, she wanted nothing more than everything to work out in the end. 
The other man, Gajeel - she recalled,  carried a relaxed air to him the whole trek back, irking her to no end, but he stayed dutifully behind them. Silent, save for his quick responses when asked a question. Each quip was vague and full of snark, dodging all of Erza’s attempts to bypass his defenses and gain any sliver of information she could.
Infuriatingly, she realized she would get nothing from him until he was ready. He walked in confidence, with hands stuffed in his pockets and a knowing smile tugging at his lips. His countenance alone made it clear that any knowledge shared would come on his terms and his own time: a fact that made her seethe. Just thinking about it made her ire rise, joining the tense blood lust in the atmosphere. 
Jellal’s warning came just in time for a pebble to bounce harmlessly off her shin, a call for attention from the large man bumbling behind them. She tilted her head back enough to acknowledge his presence, brows narrowing into a steely glare.
“Don’t get too worked up, else you want your face to match your hair.” He snickered, tips of fangs gleaming in his smile. “I’ll say what I need to when your chief wants to interrogate me.”
”You know the blue-haired dumbass already,” He explained cheekily, once again ignoring the glare Jellal sent from the insult. “I heard all about your little jaunts when traveling alone so it'll be easier to bring him in first and get his wounds taken care of. I’ll stay put on the edge of the trees til you need me. I ain't dumb enough to think you lot would trust me at first glance.”
While she agreed silently with his assessment, his added, “Unless you fairies really are as moronic as Jose thinks you are,” was not appreciated.
She'd let it slide then, but as they left him behind she sensed a tension radiating from him. Like a predator coiling to spring. Almost convinced he'd attempt to break through the gate, she'd glanced back watching him stay still as a statue. His eyes gleamed in an interest she hadn't noticed before. 
Something had caught his attention, but what? Having no further hints and his cooperation, she had no choice but to enter the village with Kage's prone body in tow and her outside friend at her side. 
“They'll both need Wendy or Porlyusica,” She'd told the current guards of the gate, Warren and Max she recognized and relaxed, knowing the psychic abilities of Warren would reach their chief in no time. That sped things up quite a bit for her. 
Luck was on her side in these early morning hours. Kage was quickly set in a new cell sealed with enforced runes. It was far from perfect, having dragged Levy and Freed from their beds to hastily put it together. With the shadow user unconscious, however, it was enough to keep him secure until the sun rose. 
Jellal was spared from being incarcerated, but Erza’s trust could only go so far. Instead, he was sequestered in a hut by the fortress to be supervised. Being considered a 'guest' provided him just enough privileges to keep him from the prisons, but it wouldn't save him from being interrogated the next day.
With Laxus involved there was no sparing him.
When she'd warned him of this yet the man merely gave a non-commital shrug, lips curved in the barest hint of a smile. “I'm aware of that, Erza. I'm just glad I was able to find you. Please, get some rest, I'll be fine.”
His wounds said otherwise, but knowing the grouchy healer, he'd be better in no time. However, it still wasn't enough for her to head to the comfort of her own home and she opted to stay in the room Lucy had been contained in months ago. It wasn't the most comfortable, but after days of traveling the woods, it was better than the roots that had once dug at her back.
She'd fallen asleep the moment her head hit the pillow. Though, the exhaustion of the following day was not something she could avoid either. 
Laxus burst in the room as soon as the sun crested the horizon, ignoring the thud of the door as it resounded off the stone walls. He crossed his arms as he glared imperiously upon her. She'd barely had time to sit up before he was questioning her in a thundering boom.
“I guess congratulations are in order for catching that bastard,” He drawled insincerely, “But I can't help but wonder why you brought along two stragglers with him.”
Looking out the window, she carefully judged the sunlight to be in the early hours of the morning and rubbed the bridge of her nose. “It's too early for this.” she muttered.
“You should have explained this last night,” He pressed, dismissing her complaint. The disdainful tone was not lost on her, “The old man’s already setting up a meeting between us and bringing that man with him. But asking Freed and Levy both to watch Kage? Are you insane?”
“Are you saying Freed isn't capable because of one failure?”
His growl of frustration was answered enough and she slid from the makeshift bed with a stretch of her arms, muscles aching and joints popping in her wake. 
“I had hoped Levy could buffer him and that he had ample time to recharge by now.” It felt like the obvious choice to her, what more did he want? 
“Or are you perhaps upset you weren't informed first? I didn't see you at the gate so I didn't bother.” She noted how his fingers gripped his arm, stubbornly staying silent. He chose to double down on her, face set in an impassive mask as he drew to his full height.
His silence was a tactic she was used to; Staring coldly until the others began blubbering out their secrets. For a man as large as him, it had a high success rate. Unfortunately, Erza was not so easily swayed.
“You can get your answers when I'm changed and not a moment sooner,” She said, already fishing for her boots and what clothes she'd taken from her person the night before.
Erza held his gaze as she grabbed a scarf to tie her hair back. “I'm not doing so in front of a man who's already spoken for.”
The silence became stifling while neither moved. Laxus, unperturbed by her words, remained in the room. A mental battle of wills occurred between them before Erza finally felt annoyance travel up her spine. She had half a mind to kick him out with force if need be, but instead she allowed him one consolation.
“The man I brought in is to me what Freed has been to you: a friend on the outside. As for the other, I won't discuss him until the meeting. So go.”
It took only a second for Laxus to accept her meeting him halfway, head nodding just enough to acknowledge her as he left the way he'd come. Though he shut the door gentler the second time around.
She rubbed the bridge of her nose again with a groan. This better not be a sign of a headache coming along.
The dull edge of a wooden spoon smacked the side of Natsu's leg as Porylusica forced him back to his seat for the fifth time that morning. 
“Will you stop moving?” She snapped, agitated and not half as awake as she acted. While the older woman was as healthy as the rest of them (or more so) - the trek from her home to the middle of the village was a long one and she had yet to fully catch her breath. 
If he would just stay put. That would make both their lives easier and the check up would end faster. Natsu was painfully aware of this, rubbing the side of his knee that smarted from her strike. But he couldn’t bring himself to hold still despite his best efforts. He jolted in place with a sharp hiss like steam escaping a kettle when she smacked his hand away from his leg.
“Oi! I'm tryin', you old hag!” He growled, settling back down when she threateningly held the spoon up again, ”You're a little crazy to be beating your patients like this, sheesh.“
”You're sturdy enough to handle it,“ was the flippant reply as she began to check his bandages again. ”Perfect bandaging as usual, Wendy, good job.“
”Oh, it- it was nothing.“ Wendy demurred, sitting to the side, biting her lip in concern. While she’d dutifully been assisting Porly when asked, she’d been quiet for most of the check up. And Natsu could have sworn he’d seen a blush speckling her cheeks on and off when he caught her staring at him. A detail he filed away to look into later.  
Porlyusica grabbed his wrist and eyed the bandages on his forearm critically. She clucked her tongue. “This however, is sloppy. But it’s still too good for what i’ve seen this idiot do. Someone else redid these, but with how much this moron moves about it doesn’t surprise me they came loose while you were gone.”
The old healer made quick work of retying the bandages with practiced ease, hardly looking at what she was doing as she glanced off to the side at Wendy. “Well, who was on duty yesterday?”
“Uhm… Elfman for the morning shift,” She began, brows furrowing in thought as she tried to recall. “Then it was Mirajane after I left. Then I think it was….” The red crept up her cheeks again with wide eyes, face darkening in shade before continuing,  “.....Lucy for the evening?”
“The little miss who owes me a new cane?” Porly muttered, “Someone ought to have taught her how tie a knot that isn’t a bow.”
“Aunt Porly please-”
The banter between healers continued as Natsu tried to wrangle every last grip of discipline he had to hold still. Wendy’s odd actions aside, it was far too difficult to manage, especially with his window open. Lucy had managed to sneak him back just before Elfman arrived again, but it was hard to rest after what he witnessed. Even now, hours later the events still played fresh in his head.
Erza was back and safe. And Kage was in their possession once again, still breathing. That wasn't how Natsu wanted him. He’d struggled against the bubbling desire to leap from the tower to finish what he’d started. But a chokingly familiar scent left him frozen against the tower floor until Lucy pulled him back to his feet to leave.
It was still there now, the barest hint on the wind that wafted through his open window.
Natsu hated it. 
Every part of his being screamed at the recognition of it. It couldn't be what he thought, right? The familiarity was much the same as the two in the room with him, and that alone filled him with apprehension.  He wanted nothing more than to dart out the doors and escape the protective walls of his home just to corner this stranger and chase him out.
When he returned to his home, Lucy promised to bring news as soon as she could: he'd heard nothing. And the two healers by his side were just as in the dark.
”Once I'm done here, I'll be checking in on the prisoner,“ Porly had said when she originally entered, biting back a yawn. Grunting her annoyance, she wouldn't spare Natsu a chance to voice his opinions on the matter, pulling him to sit up straight faster than he could blink, ”We can't get information out of a dead man after all.“
He bit back a response when he saw Wendy shuffling in behind her, quickly waving in greeting. It was better not to make a scene with her around.
After that, it had been a tug-o-war between keeping still and Porly's raps against his knees and he was starting to get fed up with it. His body quivered in agitation, ready to pounce an invisible enemy at a moment's notice and it was beginning to tear at everyone's nerves. 
”... if it will make you hold still for five more seconds,“ The older woman rasped, tugging at his hair to rip his gaze from the window, ”tell me what's got you so distracted. Get it out of your system.“
Well that was……strange.
Wendy matched Natsu's look of surprise. It was an unusual day that Porly cared enough to ask what was going on in a person's head, but from the look she gave him, it was clear her patience was running thin.
”Go on!“ At the snap of her fingers, Natsu grunted, sinking into his shoulders like a scolded child.
“... don't you smell it?” He murmured, voice crackling over its whisper. 
“... smell what?” Wendy slipped from her seat and stood behind her aunt, peering at him with her lips pursed and eyes narrowed. “What is it?”
He nodded to the window and bit back a snarl, “Another Draconis. Just outside of town. He's been there since last night.“
And when he finally looked back, the calm expressions on their faces mixed with an uncomfortable silence made him realize one thing: they were aware and refusing to talk about it.
Natsu didn't bother stopping the snarl this time, heat rising in the back of his throat.”Do neither of ya' care?! If we can smell him, he can smell us and-“
”And what?“ Porly asked, expression grim as she began to check him over once again. ”You have no way of knowing his intentions, do you? What if he's left like we did?“
Another rap of the spoon and he fell silent, ”If you're that worried about him finding you, then I'll just say you're stuck to bed rest for another week.“
That got his attention, all but rising from his seat in his anger, “Hell no! I ain't sitting back if the town is in danger. If I'm good to go then just say so!”
And again... a thwack of the spoon: on his arm this time. And the healer sighed, gravely watching him through her tired eyes.
“Fine. You're free to explore.” 
That was the first good news Natsu had heard since he woke, finally smiling as excitement bubbled under his skin. “Then I can-”
“BUT- “ Porly interrupted him with a firm hand on his chest, pushing the Draconis back to his seat, “only with someone on rotation to accompany you. And AFTER you've eaten, nitwit!”
He didn't bother holding back the pouty whine.
It was natural to be on edge. For a Draconis, scent meant far more than many understood. It could tell them where someone was, the magic that hummed from their veins, who they’d been around, age and even their emotions if it was strong enough. A draconis could learn all that and more from a quick whiff of the air and those with keen noses knew best to sniff first and ask questions later.
Natsu’s tracking abilities were second to none. He could pick up the barest hint of a trail better than any hound.
And he knew, without a doubt, that this scent held a hint of danger to it. Something that raised his awareness and pulled at him to growl every time it assaulted his nose. And while it felt familiar, the fact he couldn't pinpoint exactly why and how bothered him more than he wanted to admit. 
But one thing was certain, he was telling the truth. If he could smell the newcomer, then he could also smell them.
Resting outside of the large gate, Gajeel relaxed under the nearest tree with an air of indifference as he crossed his leg over the other with a bit of jerky dangling from his mouth. If not for the circumstances, he'd look as if he belonged there: a sharp addition to the natural wildlife.
His pose was a ruse, one he'd affected over years of practice. Appearing relaxed was easy, but his senses were on high alert. He already picked through the scents that were carried in the air, taking note of each fairy as they scurried about inside their village. His sharp ears caught the familiar pattern of steps trudging along beaten paths. No doubt most denizens were working around their daily chores, unaware of the previous night’s events. But he still caught whispers of rumors that made him smirk.
Erza’s sudden return in the dead of night was the hot topic among hushed voices that came his way. They were relieved at her safety, but it couldn’t soften the anger and fear that laced their words. Kage’s attack was poorly timed, interrupting an important festival that effectively turned every adult and child within those walls into an enemy who spoke his name with pure venom.
It was a fact Gajeel laughed at each time he heard a new comment pass by the walls. A part of him regretted he would not be there when Kage woke, dumbfounded and angered by the fact he'd been sent right back to the enemy by those he considered an ally. 
“Jose would get a kick out of this,” He mused, considering the mission he'd been sent on originally. With Kage's appearance out of the blue, he and his other two companions had to make a few quick changes that were easy enough to handle, but now….. 
Something familiar caught his attention, the wild scent of ash and smoke laced with magic. It stood out from the weaker scents of the many fires that were scattered about the village. It was a reminder that all his carefully made plans had one kink that was much larger than Kage. 
The true problem with this addition was informing his other partner, who'd long returned to Jose's encampment. Sending her a message would be more difficult. Unless -
Hearing the guards change at the gate, he listened to their discussion with rapt attention, frowning as they muttered about the current meeting happening between the Elder and his closest confidants. He'd only heard rumors of Erza beforehand and had known of Laxus through Jose's over confident mutterings months ago. But from what he knew, their decision would come quickly enough. They'd either allow him or haggle with his information. Tearing into another piece of jerky, he rumbled at the thought, mind already jumping through hoops to consider the many contingency plans he might need.
”That guy better not screw this up,“ He muttered, thinking back to Jellal, his newest companion in this jaunt of his. He'd been a last minute addition, pulled out of camp right under Jose’s nose. Only time would tell if the decision would be worth it in the end. 
The wind changed direction, just enough for the fiery smell to strike him once more, bringing with it two others that made his nose burn and pupils narrow with interest. Three? 
He savagely ripped off another chunk of his meal as he chuckled. Things were getting more interesting by the second.
He couldn't wait to shake things up the moment he was let through those gates.
Which was exactly the topic still under discussion back at the keep. After tending to Natsu, Porlyusica arrived early, and was quickly escorted by Freed and Levy to check on Kage's wounds while they reinforced the barrier. The shadow user was not in immediate danger of death, but the filth that clung to him for days had seeped into his open wounds, festering into a fever that had taken hold. It was a notion that filled those in the keep with spiteful pride, but only managed to garner Makarov's worry.
”As much as I would like him to suffer for what he's done,“ He'd muttered once hearing the news, ”we can't deny the fact we need to try harder to get information out of him. Perhaps this failure to regroup with his clan will be the tipping point we needed.“
But, with the man still out cold and in desperate need of medical attention, the talks between him and the others were on an entirely different topic: one that had Erza rubbing the bridge of her nose countless times as she repeated herself more times than she felt necessary.
”I told you,“ She spoke earnestly, voice fierce and determined, ”He's a friend.“
”A friend we've never heard of before,“ Mirajane pointed out, having been invited into the discussion. She sat beside Laxus, far more calm than the taller man, but just as stern. Her voice no longer carried the soft support she'd give her peers usually and backed up Laxus as if they'd planned the discussion ahead of time.
It was a sight that was both welcome and unwelcome for Erza: the two of them finally standing together for the first time in what felt like ages. Whatever was going on between the two either had been dealt with or was currently on the back burner in lieu of them standing as a united front against her.
”I'm not saying we can't trust your judgment,“ Mirajane continued, nudging Laxus' side when he'd rumbled his opinion beneath his breath, ”but it would be easier to understand if you'd give us more information than that. Even Laxus told us more about Freed when he came to join us after all.“
Erza twitched, remembering her conversation with Laxus that morning. It seemed he recalled what she'd said and was more than willing to use it against her, the curve of his lips speaking volumes as Mirajane held the table. 
As much as she wanted to remain stubborn, however, she knew she had a point. 
And with Makarov remaining silent during the discussion, listening to their back and forth as he bided his time, she knew she couldn't hold off for much longer.
"I met him years ago,“ She relented, finally, voice a mere whisper as she tried to remember the events, ”when we were both young. He traveled apart from his clan often with his family to gather information about the outside world and I... had no one. They'd offered to take me in at one point, but I had refused at the time.“ She paused to fix them all with a hard stare, ”Don't ask me why. I'd like to keep SOME things to myself after all.“
When they didn't press, she relaxed, ”I ended up seeing him on and off even after I joined here. We traveled to the same villages and his family no longer joined him as he got older. I don't know the full story, but his clan are very interested in knowing what the world is up to, but have moved too far North for him to rejoin them just yet. I admit to there being a few times I fell into a scrape or two that he helped me with and we'd trade information and wares during those brief encounters.“
That should be enough, right? 
“Is that enough information for you? I don't know who he's currently traveling with or why, but he's never had reason to harm me or anyone I care about. I trust he's still the same.“
'At least,' She thought to herself, 'I hope that's still the case.'
“... And what do you know about the one you left lurking at our walls?”
This was what Erza dreaded saying, lips thinning to a line as she considered the question. “He didn't outright say it, but it's possible he's from Jose's clan. He mentioned Kage had expected his assistance once they'd run into each other.”
Sparks leapt from Laxus’ shoulders and dotted the air, pricking her skin with sharp angry nips and her fingers reflexively curled into a ball. “He purposely withheld information, saying he'd be willing to tell us all he can if we let him in.”
“And you believed that?!” Laxus interjected, looking ready to leave the room and walk straight out the gate to question Gajeel himself. 
Not for the first time, Erza felt the migraine building behind her eyes. Under most circumstances, she'd understand his point of view, but with things as they were... “He was the one who offered to wait while we discussed rather than force his way through the gates. And he hasn't attempted anything thus far.”
Mirajane hummed: noncommittal as she considered this, glancing back and forth between the two heavy hitters. Whatever thoughts she had, she kept them quiet, but it was clear her mind was whirling a mile a minute with possible outcomes and opinions. 
It was Makarov who finally spoke. With hand raised to stop Laxus from speaking further, he scrunched his nose, bristling his mustache in the process and nodded, “... and do you trust this man to remain docile?”
A hard question, one that Erza felt no need to lie about, “I can't say I trust him as far as I can throw him, but he's held true to his word this far. I feel it would be a mistake to not hear what he has to say. We can keep an eye on him, and Jellal has promised they mean to work with us. I'd like to give them the opportunity to prove themselves before judgment.”
“You can't be serious-” Laxus started, anger lacing his voice, but was silent again with a glare from his grandfather. The older man was not interested in further arguments.
“To let information fall away due to our own doubts would be quite the waste,” He admitted, casting his gaze to Laxus and Mirajane, “If we agree to set limitations on where they can travel until we can ascertain the truth behind their words, will this settle you?”
For a tense moment, it looked as if Laxus was about to deny the request. His stubborn pride and protective nature for the village had been struck too many times to count in the previous months and this felt like a wedge readying itself to dive into the cracks. He looked around the table before settling his gaze on his partner, who quietly placed a hand on his shoulder in a gesture that eased the tension in his shoulders.
“Just think,” Mirajane said, voice filled with mischief, “You can follow them wherever they go and shock them if they step a toe out of line. Wouldn't that satisfy you?”
As much as he tried to hide it, everyone glimpsed the slightest curve of his lips as he nodded. Erza sighed, relieved he'd see sense. They'd already made the mistake of distrusting Lucy when she'd first come to them and had more than proven herself by now, but this... 
Erza didn't want to consider what would happen if they let an opportunity pass them up like this.
“As much as I hate the idea of playing caretaker,” Laxus drawled, already on his feet and heading for the door, “if I can keep an eye on them myself, then allowing them both to stay is no problem, but I won't be held accountable for what happens to them if they threaten us. That alright with you Old Man?”
Makarov sighed, looking as if Erza's own migraine had traveled to him, but he stood as well, resolute in the decision. “Fair enough. Bring them to me.” He looked from Laxus to Erza, “both of you. Porlyusica has yet to inform me of the other's health, but we can at least get this out of the way instead of stringing it along.“
He didn't have to tell either of them twice. Laxus was gone in a blink and Erza soon after, giving a brief farewell to Mirajane in passing. As she exited the room, however, she paused in her steps when she heard Makarov’s voice, piquing her curiosity.
”I'm glad you and my boy seem to be getting along again,“ the chief said, voice much lower than before and full of a quiet hope. Erza had shared this sentiment and wasn't surprised he would bring it up. 
However, the exasperated sigh that reached Erza's ears was a surprise as Mirajane's voice no longer carried its earlier amusement, ”We... I'm trying, Makarov, but I... he... makes it so difficult sometimes.“
”... should I speak to him?“
“No, please, leave it to me,” Mirajane pleaded, “He's already starting to make an effort. This will just take a little more time, that's all. I’m sure of it.”
Erza chose not to stick around any further as guilt towards her eavesdropping piled into her stomach like rocks. Those words were not meant for her to hear.
Kage could barely move when he opened his eyes. The stank of medicinal herbs and sutures greeted him. The healing magic that painfully stitched his body back together beneath the tight bandages left him in a disoriented haze at each attempt to roll over.
He was safe. That much he knew. Cold stone walls caged him at all sides, offering more comfort than he had while struggling against nature for the past days. But where exactly was he?
He squinted through the gloom and recognized the ceiling. That broken stone he'd counted infinite cracks into. It wasn't the same as the one he'd busted out of, but was close enough to exact. And as much as he wanted to be disappointed, the fact he had a roof over his head relieved him in ways he didn't want to think about. 
Another attempt to move and all he'd managed was to push himself up on his elbows with the world spinning in the process. He scrunched his eyes, willing the dizziness to fade and struggled to recollect what happened. 
Kage didn't have to think for long as the memory of his last loss laughed from outside the cell. The cruel chuckle brought him back to speed in an instant, eyes snapping open as he gazed out the bars, unsurprised at the pair of red eyes looking back, crinkled with glee.
“... Gajeel.” He muttered darkly, coughing under his breath as his voice cracked from disuse, “So you got me back here, after all.”
“Your deadweight was the only inconvenience.“ Gajeel rumbled in amusement, seated on a stool comically smaller than his large frame. He balanced on one of its legs, back resting against the wall as he did, ”Not a bad place, though. Nice and damp. Can't for the life of me figure out why ya' wanted to leave it.“
The sarcasm wasn't lost on Kage and what little magic he had left reacted to the unforgotten rage that simmered inside him. Unfortunately, the attempt ended as his body screamed in protest. The thin wisps of shadows that lifted from his skin curled pitifully in the air as he writhed in pain. Gasping, his lungs burned as he inhaled the dank air desperately. 
Another familiar scene. The barrier that had locked him up before had done the same. Dazedly, he wondered at their stupidity for using the same tricks twice. Hadn't they realized he could break through these things yet? He'd spent months finding the weaknesses in Freed's enchantments, enough to know the Rune Users patterns like the back of his hand. What were they playing at?
Ignoring Gajeel's increased laughter from his position, Kage expanded his senses to the cell surrounding him, expecting to feel the same barrier as before, but rather than the familiar patterns and repetition he'd memorized before, he felt a different magic altogether, mixed in and changing the coding at every given second.
Of course, he couldn't help but laugh at his own folly. They really weren't that stupid after all. “I hadn't realized they had two people with barrier making abilities.” He murmured, embarrassment coloring his words.
Gajeel snorted, his laughter cut short, ”And that's exactly why you're a terrible scout.“
Kage couldn’t keep the disdain he felt from curling his lip, glaring through the thick bars to meet Gajeel’s level gaze. “I left them confused and underestimating me for months! All while I listened to everything they had to say. Don't you make the same mistake they did!”
Honestly, attempting to threaten a man as big as Gajeel, the man of Iron, was hilarious in retrospect. Stuck bound to a grimy bed and bandaged up after not only losing to a fire head draconis, but knocked flat on his ass by this man as well, attempting to seem important was futile. His pride refused to back down, however. A fact that Gajeel seemed to notice and something like annoyance settled into his features.
“Really now? You think you did a good job here? You think your spying skills are something you should be proud of? Don’t kid yourself.” Gajeel leaned forward and all legs of the stool connected with the floor in a sharp snap that made Kage flinch. He fixed the shadow mage with an unblinking stare as he held up his hand to slowly tick off his fingers.
“When you were here did you learn anything new? Anything that Jose didn’t truly already know? Or did you just learn how to read a few enchantments while you laid back?” Kage remained quiet.
”But fine, you tricked them enough to escape.” He ticked another finger, “Did you at least lay low, to gather more information and to learn the inner workings of the village? Their warriors, their schedules, weaknesses in the encampment?” And another came down.  “No. Instead you jumped at the first chance you got and immediately attacked their new bundle of gold, not even while she was alone and got your ass whooped. So now you're back here at square one, except the fairies know the ins and outs of your powers and you’re too fucked up to try and get away again. Yeah,“ He finished recounting the failure with his brow raised, iron studs glinting in the candlelight, all his fingers curled back into a fist, ”You were spectacular.“
There wasn't an attempt at hiding the sarcasm now. Kage flushed at the reminder and looked to his wrapped hands, biting his tongue to silence himself.
When worded like that, he really couldn't deny he'd made all the wrong decisions in his escape.
But that did nothing to answer the obvious questions and he balked when they came to mind. “.... you're a traitor to Jose. You've been with them all along.”
Gajeel’s bark of laughter was so sudden and it echoed off the walls as loud as brass, “Is that what you think?” Raising a hand, he revealed cuffs made of thick iron keeping him attached to the chair he sat in. “Jose's so-called favorite informant brought me in and stuffed me here. I aint trusted anymore than you.”
“But you're not behind bars.” Kage shot back.
Gajeel's grin was far too large and full of so many sharp points the shadow user felt like a predator was staring him down, “No, unlike you, I know how to do my job.”
“... and will they be proud of your job,” He questioned, mouth full of acid, “When they realize you betrayed one of their own and kept me here?”
He hadn't expected the man's laughter to return yet again, booming and cackling as a long, serpentine tongue peeked out from between his lips. Gajeel stood up, ignoring the chain that bound him and loomed over the bars, slit eyes almost glowing in the darkness.
“If anything,” He drawled, eyes glinting wickedly, “I'll be praised for getting rid of the weakest link. Do you really think Jose had ANY plans in recovering you once you were caught? Really? After you'd already proven to be next to worthless?”
It felt like he was drenched with a bucket of iced water from the ocean itself. Kage's body froze and all sense of security bled from him in an instant. Time slowed and his mind whirled at the thought. Jose never did like failures and expected perfection from his entire clan.
When was the last time he'd seen anyone forgiven for a botched job? Gajeel was right and he'd never felt as stupid as he did at that moment.
“... but... ” He rasped, grasping for any line of hope, “My friends... my family they wouldn't-”
“Wouldn't they?” Gajeel asked with a mocking tilt of his head, “They already think you're dead, little man.”
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beargyufairy · 6 months
Just My Thoughts Pt. 26
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One of my favorite arc in all of Fairy Tail is the Tartaros arc. It had everything I wanted and more. I think it was one of Mashima best written storyline (I haven’t watched/read his other works). It was more than just friendship is power and all happy endings. It had sacrifices, loss, heartbreak, and all the gut wrenching emotions. It was honestly one of the reasons I’m into anime now. At the point of first watching FT, I wasn’t really convinced anime was for me. But that arc changed it all. I have a special place for it in my heart. While they did end up victorious, it wasn’t without a lot of trauma. Natsu lost his dad, Igneel, after being reunited which was his life goal. Gray lost his father again and Juvia believed she was responsible for it. Wendy and Carla were ready to sacrifice themselves for the sake of their friendship and love. All of the dragon slayers lost their dragons. FT ended up disbanding for the time being. And Lucy lost her new home, her friends left her, Natsu/Happy went off to train and process their own thoughts, she was left alone after sacrificing Aquarius one of her first celestial keys to save the lives of her friends. I really loved how despite their win, it didn’t seem as successful. I really think it added a very deep element to the story and their characters.
I really hope the 100 YQ has something similar as we approach the end. It’s been good so far but kind of lacking in some aspects such as proper portrayal of emotions beyond the few in their range. I also think that having another arc the idea of “win but at what cost” is very important for FT. All their growth and loss from the original series seems to have evaporated from the 100 YQ. I won’t get into this too much or else I’ll end up ranting. But an arc with some loss would be amazing. I think it should have something related to Aquarius since Lucy did lose her in the Tartaros arc. So it would be a full circle type of concept. Additionally, I really really hope (and beg on my knees) for Mashima to use Lucy fear of Natsu flames for the first time in a gut punch way. It needs to have some impact and importance to the story. I need it desperately.
On the side note, I have been enjoying the little side stories or filler episodes in the 100 YQ. Ichiya and Anna was very unexpected but it’s understandable in a manner if we consider the last arc of FT. I also love the ship crumbs in the last few episodes. Jellal and Erza need to just kiss already!! I’m so glad he’s joining the guild. And ofc… NALU crumbs has my heart. I whole heartedly believe that Natsu thinks he’s dating Lucy since the last episode of the original series. I just can’t wait for this to play out!!
Until my next thought! ❤️
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