#I need a new bookshelf help
gracehosborn · 2 years
Welp in light of receiving some Christmas gifts, I had to add to Mt. Research Overflow. Brandywine by Michael C. Harris to use in writing the lead up to, and the battle of, Brandywine, as well as Joseph Plumb Martin’s memoir for reference of the average solider’s conditions throughout the war, for Hamilton led and interacted with many lower ranking soldiers and their conditions during his own service. And that information is kinda important, considering this story of mine is written from Hamilton’s first person perspective and all. 😂 Somehow Volume I of this trilogy covers all of his upbringing and the entire American Revolution. You can imagine how long that’ll be when I finish.
When this research will end I have no idea but like seeing only half of the material here is a little crazy.
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dredshirtroberts · 6 months
okay. i cleared out the space under my bed so the princess will have so much MORE room for activities than she previously did. at least until Saturday and we move to the new place and she can decide if she's going to play nice with the boys finally.
#i was really underutilizing the under the bed space#not that i had a lot that could go in there but like just conceptually there was a lot of open space#also a whole fuckin pillow for some reason#anyway... my bookshelf STILL has books on it 3 bankers boxes later#i have a BAJILLION chotchkies i gotta figure out how to transport (absolutely already have gotten rid of things that aren't important)#(still have approximately a bajillion don't at me bro i know)#we're gonna figure out the stuffy transport situation#i'm planning on just throwing my clothes into the back of my car wherever there's space when we get to that part#because fuck it i don't care if it's enclosed in something if it gets dirty there's a washer and dryer in the new place#and i've already got plans to wash so much clothing#i have a whole ass hangup about laundry and i'm going to do my best to overcome that this next year#i'm also trying really hard not to overspend on spoons because i want to be able to help AND enjoy my birthday activities#(weather permitting) on friday AND also be kind of useful while we're settling into the new place over the next week#it is very nice that i do not have to do everything all by myself because i've been able to take the rest breaks i need#i'm doing very good at not panicking i'm really hoping it'll last until we're most of the way done already and i can just#point to all the things that are already done and go ''eh it's fine see?'' at myself#and then not actually panic.#we'll see how that goes lmao#okay lunch time i gotta get up and do that before i forget i preheated the oven
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giverofempathy · 1 year
actually nothing more fun than rearranging my bedroom <3 moving furniture around & redecorating everything IS SO FUN
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sharkieboi · 3 months
broke person life hack win! convinced my grandma to buy me a bookshelf for my birthday so that I don’t have to spend the money myself!
#shhh sharkie#she texted me to send me a gift card but then was so insistent on sending me a physical thing as well#and i’ve been putting off buying a bookshelf cause a) broke af and b) don’t have a car to transport one from a physical store#i made it work with the ikea thing but that’s all in all a lot of money to burn and i wouldn’t be able to afford doing that for a while#but all my books are just in this sad pyramid on the floor and i want them on my shelves dammit#and she asked! and i was like fuck it. you know what I really need that I can’t afford right now? a nice bookshelf.#I know she and my grandpa have plenty of money to spend and spending it on their grandkids is their favorite thing to do#fuck it. yeah nonna can you buy me a nice bookshelf for my new-ish apartment?#it will be arriving next week!#especially since I didn’t get any cards or gifts from my immediate family.#birthdays are always very depressing for me but it hurt a lot this year that i’m like finally in the best mental place i’ve been in a while#and i’m trying so much harder to keep connections with my family and friends and mostly succeeding!!!!!#but my parents didn’t even send me a card.#which they do every year. i know cause I keep them. i have a special folder and everything.#i think i’ve just fucked up our relationship to the point I can’t fix it and it makes me sad and so mad at myself.#they fucked it up first but if it was important to me i should have tried harder to fix it.#and even if it’s like. they did send something but i have a mail/package thief so i don’t know that they sent anything.#they’re going to assume me not texting them a thank you is me being ungrateful and bad at communicating#not that something didn’t get delivered#so I won’t know until I see them in person next and that would only be if they brought it up#AND if they bring it up it’s going to be in disappointment and anger yknow?#so anyway tldr if Nonna is willing to buy me a nice bookshelf for my birthday because i’m broke and asked nicely i’ll fucking take it#she’s the only one who asked if I wanted something for my birthday#and i’m trying to be better about accepting the help i’m offered#and asking for help with bigger and inconvenient things#thanks Nonna can’t wait for the shelves
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wolvietxt · 17 days
💭 thinking about…
𝗅𝗈𝗀𝖺𝗇 𝗁𝗈𝗐𝗅𝖾𝗍𝗍 𝖺𝗉𝗈𝗅𝗈𝗀𝗂𝗌𝗂𝗇𝗀 𝖺𝖿𝗍𝖾𝗋 𝖺𝗇 𝖺𝗋𝗀𝗎𝗆𝖾𝗇𝗍!
pairing : logan howlett x fem!reader warnings : argument, logan shouts at reader over something insignificant, hurt / comfort, ANGST, fluff, happy ending  word count : 2.4k
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logan had been on edge for weeks now. everything seemed to be going wrong, one thing after another. his mission plan was falling apart, charles was breathing down his neck, and it felt like no matter how hard he tried, he just couldn’t catch a break. the stress was eating at him, wearing him down little by little until it felt like he was carrying the weight of the world on his shoulders.
you’d noticed the change in him - how he seemed quieter, more distant, his temper flaring up over the smallest things. you tried to help where you could, offering him a shoulder to lean on, giving him space when he needed it, but nothing seemed to work. logan was like a tightly wound spring, ready to snap at any moment.
today had been the worst of all. logan’s day started with a series of frustrating conversations that left him feeling like he was running in circles. every task seemed to come with a new problem, and by the time he left work, he was fuming. his hands clenched into fists as he drove home, his mind racing with everything that had gone wrong. all he wanted was to come home, find some peace, and forget about the day. but even that was too much to ask.
when he walked through the door, he immediately noticed that the kitchen was spotless - so spotless, in fact, that his papers, the ones he’d left scattered across the table, were missing. he felt a surge of irritation. you had been on a cleaning spree, trying to make the house more comfortable for him, but in doing so, you’d moved around some of his blueprints. the ones he needed. the ones he hadn’t had time to organise properly.
“where are my papers?” logan’s voice was tight as he scanned the kitchen, looking for the documents that were now nowhere to be seen.
you looked up from where you were organising the bookshelf, smiling a little at him. “oh, i moved them to the study so you’d have more space. i thought - ”
“you thought?” logan cut you off, his voice rising. “why would you move my stuff without asking me?”
you blinked, caught off guard by the sharpness in his tone. “i just wanted to help. i know you’ve been stressed, and i thought having a clean space might - ”
“a clean space?” logan’s laugh was harsh, bitter. “i don’t need a clean space, i need my work to not be messed with! do you have any idea how much shit i’ve been dealing with lately? and now this - this is the last thing i need!”
he was shouting now, the frustration of the past few weeks boiling over. every little thing that had gone wrong, every setback, every sleepless night - it all came out in a torrent of anger directed at you. 
“logan, i didn’t mean to make things worse…” you tried to explain, but he wasn’t listening. he was too far gone, too wrapped up in his own frustration to hear the hurt in your voice.
“you never think, do you? you just do whatever you want, and now i’m the one who has to deal with the consequences! i’m sick of this! i’m sick of everything always going wrong, and now you’re just adding to it!”
his words cut through you like a knife. you hadn’t meant to make things worse, you 
were just trying to help, but the way he was yelling at you, the anger in his voice - it was too much. your chest tightened, and you could feel the tears welling up in your eyes, but you tried to hold them back. 
“logan, please… i’m sorry, i just wanted to make things easier for you,” you said, your voice trembling.
“easier? easier for me?” he snapped, his voice dripping with sarcasm. “well, congratulations, because you’ve done the exact opposite! now i have to waste even more time finding everything you moved, and i’m already drowning here!”
the tears you’d been trying so hard to hold back finally spilled over. you tried to wipe them away quickly, but logan was still shouting, too caught up in his own anger to notice.
“why can’t you just leave things the way they are? why do you always have to interfere? it’s like you don’t even care how much pressure i’m under! do you even care about anything besides what you want?”
his words were like a punch to the gut, and you couldn’t hold it in any longer. a sob escaped your lips, loud and broken, and it stopped logan in his tracks. the sound cut through his anger like a knife, and suddenly, the room was silent. 
he stared at you, his chest heaving as he tried to process what was happening. you were crying - no, you were sobbing, and it hit him like a ton of bricks. all the anger, all the frustration that had been driving him just moments ago, drained away, leaving him feeling hollow and ashamed.
“y/n…” he started, his voice shaky now, all the sharp edges gone. “shit, i didn’t mean…”
but you couldn’t stop crying, the weight of his words crashing down on you all at once. you hadn’t realised just how much stress he’d been under, how deeply it had been affecting him, and now it felt like you’d only made everything worse.
logan stepped closer, his hands reaching out, but he hesitated. he didn’t know how to fix this - how to take back the things he’d said, the hurt he’d caused. “hey, hey… please don’t cry. i’m sorry, i didn’t… i didn’t mean any of that.”
his hands were trembling as he finally pulled you into his arms, holding you tightly against his chest. he could feel your sobs wracking your body, and it broke something inside him. how could he have been so blind? so stupid? 
“i’m so fucking sorry,” he whispered, his voice rough with emotion. “i’m an idiot, and i let all this shit get to me, and i took it out on you. you didn’t deserve any of that.”
you clung to him, your fingers digging into his shirt as you tried to calm down. his arms were strong around you, holding you like you were the only thing anchoring him to reality. and maybe, in that moment, you were.
logan pressed his lips to the top of your head, murmuring apologies over and over, his voice thick with regret. “i’m sorry… i’m so fucking sorry… please, y/n, don’t cry. i hate seeing you like this.”
you wanted to tell him that it was okay, that you understood, but the words were stuck in your throat. instead, you just held onto him, letting him hold you, letting his presence calm the storm inside you.
it took a while for your sobs to finally subside, and when they did, you felt exhausted, like all the fight had been drained out of you. but logan didn’t let go - he just held you tighter, like he was afraid that if he let go, you’d slip away.
“i’ve been such a fucking mess lately,” he admitted, his voice barely above a whisper. “everything’s been going wrong, and i didn’t know how to deal with it. i’ve been pushing you away, taking it out on you, and that’s not fair. it’s not fair to you, and it’s not fair to us.”
you nodded against his chest, your fingers still gripping his shirt. “i just wanted to help… i hate seeing you like this. it feels like you’re slipping away from me, and i don’t know how to bring you back.”
logan’s heart clenched at your words. he hadn’t realised how much his behaviour had been affecting you, how much you’d been carrying on your own. he felt a fresh wave of guilt wash over him, and he held you even tighter.
“y’re not losing me,” he said firmly, pulling back just enough to look into your eyes. his thumb gently brushed away the tears on your cheeks, his touch soft, careful. “i promise you, you’re not losing me. i’ve just been so caught up in my own shit that i forgot what really matters.”
you searched his eyes, looking for the truth in his words, and you found it there - clear and unwavering. he was still here, still the man you loved, even if he’d lost his way for a while.
“i’m not going anywhere,” he continued, his voice steady now, a promise in every word. “we’re going to get through this. together.”
you nodded, a small, shaky smile forming on your lips. “yeah.”
logan leaned in, pressing his forehead against yours, his breath warm against your skin. “i love you,” he whispered, his voice filled with all the emotion he’d been holding back for weeks. “i love you so much. and i’m going to do better, i can fuckin’ promise you that, bub.”
you closed your eyes, letting his words wash over you, feeling the truth in them. you knew it wouldn’t be easy - logan was stubborn, and he had a lot to work through - but you also knew that he meant every word. he loved you, and that was enough.
“i love you too,” you whispered back, your voice soft but steady. 
logan’s lips found yours in a gentle, lingering kiss, one that spoke of apologies and promises of love and commitment. when he pulled back, he rested his forehead against yours again, his eyes closed as he took a deep breath. logan smiled - a real, genuine smile that you hadn’t seen in what felt like forever. 
the two of you stayed like that for a while longer, just holding each other, finding comfort in the closeness. the argument, the hurt, the tears - they were all still there, but they didn’t feel as overwhelming now. you both knew there was work to be done, but for the first time in weeks, it felt like you were on the same page, like you could actually do this.
when logan finally pulled away, he took your hand and led you to the couch, where the two of you sat down together. his arm wrapped around your shoulders, pulling you close to his side, and you leaned into him, resting your head on his chest.
“tell me what’s been going on,” you said softly, wanting to understand what had been eating at him for so long. “i want to help, logan. i don’t want you to go through this alone.”
logan let out a long sigh, running a hand through his hair as he tried to find the right words. “it’s just been one thing after another. work’s been a nightmare. nothing’s going right, and scott is on my case constantly. every day, it feels like i’m just… barely keeping my head above water. and then i come home, and i don’t want to burden you with all of this, but it’s just… it’s been too much.”
you listened quietly, letting him talk, letting him get it all out. you could hear the exhaustion in his voice, the frustration, the weight he’d been carrying for so long. it broke your heart to know he’d been dealing with all of this on his own, and you hadn’t even realised how bad it had gotten.
“logan,” you said softly when he finished, your voice filled with compassion. “you don’t have to carry this by yourself. i’m here, and i want to help. we’re a team, remember?”
logan nodded, his eyes closing as he rested his head back against the couch. “i know. i just… i didn’t want to unload all of this on you. i didn’t want to worry you.”
“but i was already worried,” you pointed out gently. “because i could see that something was wrong, and you weren’t talking to me about it. that’s what scared me the most - not knowing what was going on in your head.”
logan’s grip on your hand tightened, and he turned to look at you, his eyes filled with regret. “i’m sorry. i didn’t mean to shut you out. i just… didn’t know how to talk about it. i didn’t want you to see me like this.”
“logan, you don’t have to be perfect,” you said, your voice firm but loving. “i love you for who you are, flaws and all. and if you’re struggling, i want to know. i want to be there for you, just like you’ve always been there for me.”
logan’s expression softened, and he leaned in to press a kiss to your forehead. “i don’t deserve you,” he murmured against your skin. “but i’m so fucking grateful that you’re here.”
you smiled, wrapping your arms around him and holding him close. “you deserve all the love in the world, logan. and i’m not going anywhere. we’ll figure this out, one step at a time.”
logan nodded, his heart swelling with emotion. he knew he was lucky to have you, and he was determined to do better - to be better. for you, and for himself.
the two of you spent the rest of the evening talking, really talking, about everything that had been weighing on logan’s mind. it wasn’t easy, but it was necessary, and by the end of the night, you both felt a sense of relief that had been missing for far too long.
logan knew he still had a lot to work through, but he also knew that he wasn’t alone. you were by his side, ready to face whatever challenges came your way. and for the first time in weeks, he felt like he could finally breathe again.
as you both drifted off to sleep that night, wrapped up in each other’s arms, logan made a silent promise to himself: he would never take you for granted again. you were his rock, his safe haven, and he was going to do everything in his power to make sure you knew just how much you meant to him.
because at the end of the day, no matter how tough things got, you were the one thing in his life that he couldn’t afford to lose. and he would do whatever it took to keep you by his side, now and always.
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bywons · 5 months
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╰—— 𝗈𝗋 𝗐𝗁𝖾𝗋𝖾 𝗒𝗈𝗎𝗋 𝖿𝗅𝗂𝗋𝗍𝗒 𝗇𝖾𝗂𝗀𝗁𝖻𝗈𝗎𝗋 𝗐𝖺𝗇𝗍𝗌 𝗁𝗂𝗌 𝖿𝖺𝗏𝗈𝗎𝗋 𝖻𝖺𝖼𝗄
( ✶🪽𝓢. ) 𝗌𝗂𝗆 𝗃𝖺𝖾𝗒𝗎𝗇 𝗑 𝖿!𝗋𝖾𝖺𝖽𝖾𝗋 g. 𝖿𝗅𝗎𝖿𝖿, 𝗇𝖾𝗂𝗀𝗁𝖻𝗈𝗎𝗋𝗌 𝗍𝗈 ? 1217 𝒘𝗈𝗋𝖽𝗌 contains ! 𝗌𝗎𝗀𝗀𝖾𝗌𝗍𝗂𝗏𝖾 (?), 𝗌𝗄𝗂𝗇𝗌𝗁𝗂𝗉, 𝗇𝗂𝖼𝗄𝗇𝖺𝗆𝖾𝗌 ✦ ◞ 𝒞 ATALOGUE?!
๑´ ³`) ノ pls leave feedbacks if u liked it ♡ REBLOG !!
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“i mean your abs are pretty impressive, pretty convenient for a washing board though.”
an offended, loud gasp from just beside you, makes you giggle. the cardboard boxes rustle against each other, a few of them being opened up to take out your newly ordered white vases, which your helpful neighbour skillfully places among the wooden shelves.
meanwhile, you wipe off the dust and rearrange the little trinkets on the white showcase, occasionally admiring your handsome neighbours’ work.
“when did you see my abs though, are you lying to me, ms y/n?”, jake scoffs, putting the last vase on the shelf.
you giggle, finishing off your work on the showcase, “i think you're forgetting that our apartment complex has a gym, mr jake,” you walk towards him, an unexpected rise in your heartbeat, “last week.”
“was i on the bench press?”, jake smirks, before catching his lower lip between his teeth and flicking it outside. you don't know what he's trying to do with all that, but he is sure to make your heart beat faster.
“treadmill”, you correct him.
the proximity between you and your striking neighbour increases by the windowsill, where both mild sun rays and inquisitive pairs of eyes can peek in, but it's something that doesn't bother you. after all, sim jake is only here to help you, just a helping hand for you when you've decided to clean and rearrange your apartment.
you don't know how the helping part is kept aside for now, confused at how jake is staring into your eyes, a hesitant but longing step closer to you. he should've been helping you with the bookshelf now, stacking in the new books to the according racks.
but right now he is busy igniting new feelings to your heart.
jake is too close for your own good, left hand threatening to close in around your waist and pull you into such a proximity he has only imagined. he could smear that pink lip gloss of yours now, his hand on you and his mind all dizzy, it would be a perfect weekend for him.
and as he's about to accomplish that, when you swiftly glide out of his imaginary hold on you and pick up the new books to be kept in place, breaking your poor neighbours’ heart.
“that's too much work for a pretty girl like you,” jake was fast, you have to give it to him, well not only in pace but also incredibly fast to make you squeal inside, “i'll take them from ‘ya.”
“you know i can do that myself”, you scoff, leaning against the bookshelf as he snatches the basket full of new books, arranging them.
“yes ma'am”, jake sings, pulling out another giggle from you while he pushes the new books between the old ones, “but i'd rather do it myself you know? wouldn't want your arms all tired.”
you had enough time, strength and leisure to stroll around your apartment and bedeck it, a change of scenario and colours for your eyes, a break from the dust collecting shelves eyeing you from their constant spot. you definitely didn't need another flirty neighbours’ help who could easily pull you into a scandal.
five months ago when you first moved in here, you didn't expect a cheeky, lovestruck neighbour, jake, to knock on your doors every weekend. and even if you're not willing to talk, his flirting skills would find his way to your smile anyway.
so jake became a regular face to witness, a regular voice to hear and a regular touch that you wished would linger for one more second.
“nosy neighbours”, jake reads out the title of the last book on his hand, “ouch, am i a nosy neighbour?”, a dramatic hand over his heart and a fake pout made you giggle harder.
“shut up jake”, you roll your eyes, hitting his arm.
“actually i'd like to borrow this book from ya”,
“you read books too?”, you tilt your head in confusion, an eyebrow raised at his request.
“are you surprised?”, jake giggles, taking a step closer to you as he secures the book in his hand.
“of course i am”, you let out a hearty laugh, hands flying up to your face to cover your flushed cheeks, “i thought all you do is flirt with women and lure them into your apartment”, you tease.
“that's not very nice, ms y/n,” and he goes back to his unnecessary honorific and a dangerous smirk tugging at his lips, making you swoon, “i’m hurt to know you think of me like that.”
jake leans in until he's face to face with you, his hot breath tickles your cheeks and makes them bloom from inside. he's at it again, his infamous grin while he stares you down, his rosy lips are too close to yours.
“the only woman i want to take home is you”, he whispers, pushing a strand of your hair behind your ears. his eyes wander about to face, to your eyes to lips to neck to your eyes again, “do they kiss in the book?”
“no spoilers”, you whisper back.
“fair enough”, jake scoffs, his lips hovering over the corner of yours as he pulls you in by your waist, until you have to create a barricade between you two by softly pressing your palms against his chest. but jake doesn't really gives you what you want, he teases you, grazing his lips over the corners of yours and pressing a light peck on your cheek before pulling back.
he leaves you blushing and stunned, which he likes and smiles at.
“o-ok now i have a lot of work,” you hurriedly grab jake’s hand and begin to drag him towards the door.
“aww are you shooing me away, y/n?”, jake whines, walking the few steps to the exit on his own, “i was just having fun!”
“i wasn't”, you bite your lips, suppressing in a chuckle as you look at him, standing on your threshold.
“oh? is that so?”, jake's eyes widens, he's loving this little act of yours.
as if you didn't turn butter under his touch just a few seconds ago.
“yeah! now off you go jake, i have a lot of things to do”, you try to send him off, lightly pushing on his chest and he's quick to grab your hand.
he brings it near his lips and kisses the inside of your wrist, looking up at you he says, “why don't you come over someday? return my favour maybe?”
all the blood in your body rushes up to your ears and cheeks and you stand still before him, not knowing what to do when you slowly retract your hand. he's intoxicating and he knows it, even if you don't visit him, jake already has an excuse to return his borrowed book to see your pretty face again. maybe you should give it a thought, give him a chance? after all, you can't deny the fact that he does make your heart beat faster.
you clear your throat, “i'll think about it.”
jake chuckles, “you better, ‘want to lure in my favourite pretty girl”, he winks at you, a final blow before he quickly pecks your cheek again, “9:30, i'll be waiting, gorgeous.”
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© bywons, 2024. do not copy, translate or upload any of my works without my permission.
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mariasont · 5 months
My Assistant - A.H
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a/n: im a little addicted to bimbo reader rn if you can't tell lmao
‧₊˚ ✩°。⋆♡ ⋆˙⟡♡ ⋆˙⟡♡⋆。°✩˚₊‧
pairings: aaron hotchner x bimbo!assistant!reader
summary: you can't reach a book so hotch helps you out
warnings: none? fluff, reader climbing a fucking book shelf and for what
wc: 0.8k
"Oh, biscuits!" 
It was a ridiculous thing to say, but frankly you didn't care. You were on your tiptoes, chest flush against a bookshelf. Spencer had asked for a book for the case they were working, and naturally, it was nestled on the top shelf.
Balancing precariously on your stilettos, you stretched as tall as you possibly could, your fingers skimming the spine that was an inch too far away.
You shifted your weight back onto your heels, planting your hands firmly on your hips as you considered the stubborn object just out of reach. Sure, Spencer would grab the book without hesitation if asked, and he'd do so with a smile, but you really liked feeling useful.
For over a year, you've been the one at Mr. Hotchner's beck and call--fetching coffee, filing papers, and attending to, basically, his every need (not the one you wanted though). To others, it might seem trivial, but you really liked it. Well, you really liked him. 
At first, you were intimidated--how could you not? He had a reputation. You heard the stories--a man who never smiled, his ever-serious nature, and Penelope's not so family friendly description of his sternness was enough to unsettle anyone.
But you considered his reputed severity to just be part of his charm, he was far from the figure others painted him as. He was a good boss, always fair, never once raising his voice at you or demanding too much. In your eyes, he was perfect. You might be biased. 
The idea of climbing the shelf was a gamble, especially in these shoes, and it seemed almost certain to end with a less-than-elegant fall. Still, you couldn't resist the challenge and hoisted yourself up anyway, the shelf wobbling perilously as you did so. 
You pressed on, climbing higher, the wood's groans of protest falling on deaf ears. If this was how you were going down, so be it.
"Almost there," you muttered to yourself, straining every muscle in your arm, you were sure.
And just as you almost had the book, your balance faltered and then found new footing, the sensation of falling dissipating. In its place, you found your ass delicately perched, nearly seated on someone's broad shoulder.
You honestly didn't even need to look to know who it was--embarrassingly enough--you had basically memorized the feeling of Hotch's hands. Though they had never been wrapped around your legs like they were now. His grip was warm and strong, sparking a wave of electricity that rippled through your whole body.
"Got it!" you cried out, your victory fist pump nearly launching you from Hotch's shoulder. But his hold on your thighs clamped tighter, securing you in place. "Thanks, sir."
You angled your head downward, locking gazes with Hotch--his eyes a rich blend of ember and molten chocolate that you really liked looking at.
His eyebrows were arched in a silent question on his well-defined face as if he really couldn't believe what you were doing. 
"Careful," Hotch murmured, his hands lowering you to the ground. There was a fleeting brush against your ass, surely accidental, yet it sparked a flurry of butterflies swirling in the pit of your stomach. "In the future, just ask. I wouldn't want you hurt over something as trivial as a book."
"Oh, don't you worry about me, sir. I'm like, practically a pro at rock climbing when I'm not here." you said, letting out a bubbly giggle.
He regarded you with a look that was equal parts amusement and disbelief, clearly not convinced.
"Okay, not really, but wouldn't that be cool?"
"Well, rock climber or not, let's keep those feet on the ground, please," Hotch remarked, the slightest quirk of his mouth suggesting a suppressed smile. "It's less of a fall from there."
"Sure thing, sir!" you beamed, popping off a silly salute, noting his struggle not to roll his eyes. "But I did get the book, so it all worked out in the end, right?"
With a gentle nudge on your lower back, Hotch directed you towards the conference room.
"Yes, it did, but for future reference, Spencer's height makes him more capable of reaching those books himself."
You couldn't help the blush that colored your face, and you managed a flustered smile.
"Well, I mean, it is what I get paid to do, sir."
"No, you get paid to do my bidding, not Spencer's," he teases, giving a gentle squeeze to your side.
Your laughter rang out, a bit too high, a bit too bright, as his touch sent a delightful vertigo spiraling through you. 
"Well, yeah, okay, that's fair. But it's been pretty light on the to-do list from you today."
"And you're complaining about that?"
With the conference room in sight, you pretended to lock your lips and throw away the key.
A rare laugh rumbled through his chest, and you felt your knees buckle, you were sure you could have melted into a puddle right there and then. It was such a beautiful sound, and you desperately wanted to become familiar with it.
Spencer emerged from the conference room, his eyes landing on the book in your hands. "Is that The Selfish Gene?"
Hotch took the book from you, handing it to Spencer with a firm look. "Reid, I'd appreciate it if you didn't recruit my assistant for your library runs."
taglist: @hotchhner @khxna
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vanteguccir · 1 month
Thinking about boyfriend Matt that has a girlfriend that lives by herself and everytime she gests new forniture, she calls him like "Baby, can you come put this together for me? Thank you". I also think she would try to help and Matt would be tottally against it (not sure about this last part tho). Please write this.
── ୨୧ ! BLURB
matt sturniolo x reader
where Y/N loves to buy new furniture for her home, and Matt is the one she always goes to to ask to put it together <3
   ༻✦༺  ༻✧༺ ༻✦༺
Y/N had a knack for making her little apartment feel like home. Every few weeks, she'd spot something online; a new bookshelf, a cozy chair, or a quirky table, and decide that it was exactly what her space needed. But there was one catch: she wasn’t exactly a pro at assembling furniture. That’s where Matt came in.
The late afternoon sunlight filtered through the curtains of Y/N’s living room as she admired the large box that had just been delivered. It was a new coffee table, one she’d been eyeing for weeks. Knowing full well that she wasn’t going to tackle it on her own, she reached for her phone.
"Hey, baby." Y/N's voice was warm and playful as Matt answered on the first ring.
"Hey, dove. What’s up?" Matt replied, his tone softening at the sound of her voice.
Y/N glanced at the box.
"I got a little something for the living room. Think you could come over and help me put it together?"
Matt chuckled, already grabbing his car keys.
"Let me guess, another piece of furniture?"
"You know me too well." She grinned. "But yes, please? I promise to make us dinner afterward."
"On my way." Matt said without hesitation, already heading out the door. The thought of seeing her, even if it was to assemble something as simple as a coffee table, was more than enough to make his day.
About twenty minutes later, Matt arrived at Y/N’s apartment, greeted by her bright smile and the unmistakable excitement in her eyes. She stood in the doorway, barefoot and wearing one of his oversized hoodies; something that made Matt’s heart do a little flip every time he saw her in it.
"Thanks for coming." Y/N said, stepping aside to let him in. She watched as Matt eyed the box in the middle of the living room.
"Another project, huh?" He teased, approaching the box.
"Yeah, but I promise this is the last one for a while." Y/N laughed, knowing full well she’d probably find something new soon enough. She kneeled beside him, ready to help.
Matt quickly shook his head, gently nudging her hand away from the box.
"Uh-uh, you just sit back and relax, okay? I’ve got this."
"But I want to help!" Y/N protested, though there was no real determination in her voice. She knew he loved doing things like this for her on his own.
"No way." Matt insisted, his tone gentle but firm. He gave her a playful look, then tapped her nose lightly. "I can handle it. Just sit on the couch and look pretty while keeping me company. That’s all I need from you."
Y/N sighed, feigning disappointment, but the smile tugging at her lips betrayed her. She settled onto the couch, tucking her legs beneath her as she watched him. There was something incredibly comforting about the way Matt moved around her space, confidently taking charge of the task. His broad shoulders flexed beneath his shirt as he opened the box and started laying out the pieces.
"How do you even know what all these parts are?" Y/N asked, genuinely impressed as Matt made quick work of organizing the screws, panels, and tools.
Matt shrugged, flashing her a grin.
"Just good at following instructions, I guess. Plus, it’s kind of fun."
"Fun?" Y/N echoed with a laugh. "You’re putting together furniture, not playing a game."
"Maybe." He said, glancing over at her, his eyes full of warmth. "But it’s for you, so that makes it fun."
Her heart swelled at his words. Watching Matt carefully assemble the table, piece by piece, she couldn’t help but feel a deep sense of gratitude. It wasn’t just about the furniture; it was about the way he cared for her, the way he was always there to help without a second thought. It was the little things, like how he’d insist on doing the heavy lifting, or how he’d make sure every screw was tightened perfectly so she wouldn’t have to worry about anything.
After a while, the coffee table began to take shape. Y/N couldn’t resist getting up and kneeling beside him again, pretending to inspect his work.
"Looks good." She remarked, trying to keep her tone serious.
"Of course it does." Matt said with a chuckle. "I’m a professional."
She leaned in closer, teasingly brushing her fingers against his biceps.
"Maybe I should double-check, you know, just in case."
Matt rolled his eyes, but his smile was wide.
"If you want, but I guarantee it’s perfect."
Y/N gave him a look of mock suspicion before placing a soft kiss on his cheek.
"I trust you."
Matt’s hands paused for a moment, his eyes flickering to her with a mix of affection and pride. He reached out, tucking a strand of hair behind her ear.
"You better."
With the table finally assembled, Matt stood up, stretching his arms above his head, his pink shirt riding up slightly, displaying his tummy to Y/N’s eyes.
"Done." He announced, stepping back to admire his work.
Y/N clapped her hands together, genuinely impressed.
"It looks amazing, baby. Thank you."
"Anything for you." Matt replied, his voice sincere. He watched as Y/N excitedly placed a few decorative items on the table, her eyes lighting up at how perfectly it fit into her living room.
"Okay, now that you’ve put that together…" Y/N began, trailing off as she looked at him with a playful smirk.
Matt raised an eyebrow, sensing where this was going.
"Oh no, what else did you order?"
Y/N laughed, wrapping her arms around his waist and leaning her head against his chest.
"Nothing… yet."
Matt shook his head, smiling down at her.
"You’re lucky I love you."
"I know." Y/N murmured, looking up at him with pure adoration. "And I’m so lucky to have you."
   ༻✦༺  ༻✧༺ ༻✦༺
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lewisvinga · 8 months
mystery girl | charles leclerc x fem! reader
summary; after meeting the friend of an influencer, charles becomes infatuated. unfortunately, she isn’t like her friend and doesn’t have any social media accounts until her friend finally convinced her.
fc; various girls on pinterest
warnings; ?
taglist; @namgification @louvrepool @locelscs
note; requested ! i was a bit confused so i hope this is as close to your request bc i had to switch some things up bc i was confused 😥😥😥
masterlist !
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liked by yourbestfriend, pierregasly, and others!
francisca.cgomes: 🤍
tagged; yourbestfriend
yourbestfriend: we’re gonna need to go on another girls trip asap😣
francisca.cgomes: oh i agree 100%
yourbestfriend: luv u ( from me and y/n )🫶
francisca.cgomes: luv uuuu
pierregasly: ❤️
username: Y/B/F AND KIKAAAA
username: omg who is the girl in the middle? she’s gorgeous!!!
francisca.cgomes: y/n:), she’s a good friend of mine but she doesn’t have social media!
username: omg the girl in the black skirt is so pretty
username: y/n needs to open up an instagram account she’s gorgeous 😍😍
yourbestfriend: think we need to convince y/n to open up an instagram account ?🤔🤔
francisca.cgomes: oh yes.
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liked by yourusername, lilymhe, and others !
yourbestfriend: mini brasil photo dump 🫶
tagged; yourusername, francisca.cgomes
yourusername: this is scary
yourbestfriend: no it is not u gorgeous drama queen
francisca.cgomes: her official insta debut 🥹
yourbestfriend: we need ******* to slide in her dms right NOW.
francisca.cgomes: pierregasly help us
pierregasly: who what
username: omg she made an instagram??
username: wonder who y/b/f is talking abt😭
username: my bet is on charles bc kika tagged pierre
username: my fave influencer 😍
username: awh her account is private :/
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liked by yourbestfriend, charles_leclerc, and others
yourusername: hi instagram
yourbestfriend: and charles
yourusername: y/b/f.
yourbestfriend: her first insta post and i’m in it 🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺
yourusername: maybe ur the drama queen
francisca.cgomes: not the picture of u studying #studiousqueen
yourusername: trynna get my masters fr
pierregasly: charles_leclerc
yourusername: pierre jean-jacques gasly…
charles_leclerc:how about i take you on a coffee date 😁 no studying !
yourusername: hmm, i’d like that a lot😊
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liked by charles_leclerc, yourbestfriend, and others
yourusername: out w cha 🌷
tagged; charles_leclerc
charles_leclerc: trés belle [very pretty]
yourusername: thank u , cha 😁🫶🫶
charles_leclerc: making very important calls right there
yourusername: i love my new bookshelf thank u sm cha 😣😣
yourbestfriend: YOU GOT HER A BOOKSHELF?? she’s never leaving her home i fear
charles_leclerc: i couldn’t resist 🤷‍♂️🤷‍♂️ besides, i don’t mind staying inside w her😁
alex_albon: charles mystery girl wow did he panic in front of you
lilymhe: ignore him, you’re doing amazing sweetie !🫶🫶🫶
yourusername: mystery girl?? ö
georgerussell63: ask ur bf to show u the messages of him panicking and asking about u
carmenmmundt: leave the poor couple alone 🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️
charles_leclerc:ignore them, chérie pls😔
yourusername: …… ok as long as u get me another book😁
yourbestfriend: NO.
francisca.cgomes: she has too many books charles don’t give in.
charles_leclerc: i am a weak man, i can’t help it
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munsonsmixtapes · 20 days
Make it Real
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summary: your best friend Tyler finds your smutty books and offers to help make your fantasies a reality
cw: MDNI (18+) smut (p in v) choking, spanking
based on this request by @thespillingvoid
Tyler had somehow beat you to your apartment, which never happened on nights you worked. He knew you wouldn’t mind so he let himself in, knowing exactly where the key was hidden. The two of you were supposed to have a movie night and had gotten there first which never seemed to happen.
He had never been in your apartment alone, so he took the opportunity to snoop, knowing that you wouldn’t have cared if he went through your stuff.
He went to your desk in the kitchen and sat down at it, opening the middle drawer to see a small notebook along with a container filled with highlighters, pens, and markers. There were also some bookmarks and a stack of unopened packages of tabs.
Tyler grabbed the notebook and set it down on the desk before opening it to the first page to see a small photo of a book cover. Next to it were five stars and only three of them were colored in. So that was how you tracked what you read.
But he couldn’t help but notice a group of five peppers underneath the stars. Only two of them were colored in and he wondered what they signified. This seemed to be a whole new world he had entered since reading had never been his thing.
He made a beeline for your room, wanting to look at your bookshelf since you never seemed to let him any time he came over. What could you have been hiding? It couldn’t have been that bad, could it? After all, it was just a bunch of words on pages, right?
Tyler let his eyes scan over your many bookshelves, wanting to find the perfect one to read. They were all organized very neatly and he was not trying to ruin that in any way since he had helped you put them on once he had the shelves built.
He just wanted to know why you were hiding them from him even though he knew it was wrong.
His gaze fell on one that had a very intriguing title and he plucked it from the shelf and noticed that there were many tabs in it. He flipped to one of the pages and noticed that one of them had a highlighted paragraph. His eyes glanced over it and he felt his cheeks heat as he realized what he was reading. It was titled “Rev My Engine” so he didn’t know why he was surprised by what was inside.
“It seems that you need to be taught a lesson,” Sam told Eliana as he grabbed hold of her throat, giving it a gentle squeeze. His fingers were pumping in and out of her cunt, feeling it getting even wetter as his grip tightened. He had her right where he wanted her and she seemed to be into it considering how her eyes were glazed over.
“What the fuck?” He whispered to himself, confused, but simultaneously intrigued by what was on the page. That didn’t surprise him, but what did was that you, sweet, innocent- seeming you had been reading something so…filthy.
Tyler sat down on the edge of your bed and flipped back to the first page to see how the couple had gotten to that point. Even though he didn’t read much, he had to admit that his interest was piqued. He was so invested, in fact, that he hadn’t even heard you come in. It wasn’t until he heard you clear your throat that he remembered where he was.
“What are you doing?” You asked, setting your purse down by the door and Tyler felt his cheeks burn as he had been caught.
“I was just-“ he tried to come up with an excuse, but it was deemed useless as he was still holding the book.
“You were just what, Tyler?” You marched over to him to take the book from his hand, but he held it out of your grasp, a shit-eating grin on his lips.
“I haven’t finished it. You can have it back when I’m done, darlin’.” He then stood from the bed and moved to the door, racing out of it and into the hallway.
You followed, hot on his heels as you heard his laughs echoing down the hallway. He got to the living room and stood on the couch, holding it completely out of your reach even when you had climbed up with him.
“I had no idea you were into this kind of stuff, y/n,” he teased. “I mean, you’re so shy and innocent, but I should have guessed since it always seems to be the quiet ones.”
Your cheeks were now burning with embarrassment. You knew that Tyler was just teasing, but you still couldn’t help but feel embarrassed. People had always been weird about you reading that kind of content, but what they didn’t know was that you mostly sought it out because real men couldn’t seem to please you so you had to take matters into your own hands.
“I do have a question for you though,” he said, flipping through the pages. “Why read this, when you could have the real thing?”
You leaned close to him, reaching for the book, but you still couldn’t get to it. Your body was now pressed to his and if you could feel how hard he was, you didn’t say anything.
“Tyler, I’ve told you all about my sex life and I’m not really comfortable-”
“No-” he interrupted. “I mean, why not have the real thing…with me?” You froze in that moment, staring up at him with wide eyes, your mouth agape.
You let go of him, his question finally setting in. He wanted to sleep with you? Was this only because he had found your book or had he actually been wanting to sleep with you and this was the best way for him to bring it up?
“With you?” You asked and he nodded, hopping down from the couch before offering you his hand. You hesitantly took it and it was like electricity was shooting through you. You were now suddenly aware of how soft but rough his hand was.
“Yes,” he nodded, his green eyes boring into yours. “With me. If you want to. No pressure.”
You thought about it for a second, pulling your bottom lip between your teeth and Tyler watched you, finding himself wanting to be the one to bite down on it and he kissed you until you were both breathless.
“Okay,” you nodded. “Let’s do this.”
Without a word, Tyler grabbed you by the back of your neck, pressing his lips to yours. You were quick to respond, grabbing onto his shirt, pulling him even closer to you before wrapping your arms around his waist while his free hand went to the small of your back.
You and Tyler had never kissed before, but there was something about it that felt right, your lips slotting together like two puzzle pieces. His were soft and warm and you flicked your tongue across it, wanting to know if he tasted as good as he always smelled.
He tasted like a mixture of mint and tobacco and while normally you would have thought it was gross, this time, you couldn’t get enough, letting your tongue roam all over his mouth to taste as much of him as you could.
A moan fell from your lips at the feeling of his tongue scraping against yours and you could feel Tyler’s dick getting even harder against you. His hands moved down to the bottom of your shirt, slipping it off to reveal your bra. It was a black, lacy thing that left little up to the imagination.
“Oh, what is this?” he asked, his eyes going dark. “Were you wanting someone to see it?”
“I-I have a ton of them. I don’t wear them for anyone, I wear them for me. To make me feel good about myself.”
“That’s really admirable. It’s hot,” he said, His nose brushing along your jaw. “You’re hot.” He then buried his face into your neck, peppering the spot with kisses as you tilted your head to the side, letting your eyes close as his kisses got longer, his tongue swiping back and forth along your skin.
Tyler began to suck on the spot and you moaned again, your back arching into him. He could feel your heartbeat hammering and chuckled to himself that he of all people could make you feel that way.
His teeth slid along the spot and you let out a gasp before melting into him, letting his hand come up and support your head as he continued to work.
“I bet your fictional men can’t do this, can they?” He chuckled before diffusing the sting with his tongue.
“D-definitely not,” you replied, trying your best to not sound out of breath. “Tyler, I think I’m gonna-” your words were cut off by a loud moan falling from your lips, your back arching again.
“Wow, I haven’t even gotten inside you and you’re already coming for me?” He pressed a kiss to your lips. “That must be a new record. Now c’mon, let’s go somewhere more private, hm?”
You couldn’t even respond to him, your head feeling cloudy as your body went limp in his arms. Your legs were starting to feel weak and Tyler picked you up and carried you to your bed, setting you down on it gently.
You removed your jeans and underwear while Tyler did the same. You reached for a condom in the drawer of your bedside table, watching him roll it onto his massive cock before he climbed onto top of you.
“Feel free to be as loud as you want. Tell me what you like, what you don’t. And if you want to stop, let me know and we can. I want you to enjoy this. That’s my number one priority. This is about you.”
“About me?” You asked, feeling your eyes getting a little misty. You had only slept with one other person. It was your freshman year of college and all he had done was get inside you and pump a few times before he came then pulled out before he left. It seemed that he just cared about himself, leaving you to finish up the job.
Ever since then, you had been afraid to sleep with anyone else. But Tyler was different. You were confident that he could make you feel good, that he would be attentive and nothing but sweet the entire time.
“All you. What do you want me to do?” He asked, one of his hands cupping your cheeks.
“I want you inside me, please,” you asked, your voice soft. Tyler liked himself up with you and slowly inserted himself, watching your every move.
He began to thrust, starting slowly to warm you up. He usually liked it rough, but this time he was going to be soft and gentle because that was what you deserved. He knew all about your first time and was intending on giving you one that you deserved.
He watched you underneath him, his mind wandering to that passage he had read in your book. You read about choking, but did that mean that you were actually into it? Maybe he’d try it out later when you had gotten used to him.
You grabbed onto him as you bucked your hips into his as he grabbed onto your hips, his thrusts getting a little faster, just trying to match your energy.
“Faster,” you breathed. “Harder.”
He did as you asked and your moans were like music to his ears, especially when it was his name that fell from your lips. He never thought your friendship would get to this point, but now that it had, he could imagine being in a relationship with you. He wasn’t really that kind of guy, but for you? He could be. He would be anything you asked.
“Just like that,” you said, continuing to buck your hips against his.
“Yeah?” He asked, his thrusts becoming even harder and faster. “You like that?”
“So good,” you moaned, bucking your hips against his again and again with more force each time. He let out moans of his own and you felt yourself getting even more wet at the sounds. They were hot and breathy and were definitely going to live rent free in your head for the rest of your life.
“Doing so good, darlin’,” he cooed. “I think you deserve a treat.”
“What? Are you gonna choke me?” You asked, batting your lashes.
“Do you want me to choke you?”
“I do,” you nodded. “Please.”
His hand wrapped around your neck and squeezed, but not enough to actually do anything. He then began to pound into you as his grip on your neck tightened, more moans falling from your lips, your breathing becoming even more labored.
“Yeah? You like this, huh?” He asked and all you could do was nod.
“What else do you like? handcuffs?” You shook your head and Tyler let go, realizing that he was choking a bit too hard.
“I-I want to be spanked,” you replied once you could breathe again. Tyler took no time to flip you over so that you were on top of him.
He helped you lie flat on top of him as he leaned up to kiss you, his hands resting flat on your back, sliding down slowly until they reached your ass. He put a hand on each cheek and gave them a squeeze, catching you off guard, causing you to accidentally bite down on his bottom lip.
“Sorry,” you apologized with a sheepish smile.
“That’s okay,” he replied. “Just kiss it better, hm?” He pecked his bottom lip and he smiled up at you, his eyes darkening as his hands lifted from your ass, giving it a rough smack, causing you to let out a yelp.
“Again,” you commanded.
“Honey, I don’t want to hurt you.”
“Well, I do. That’s the point, Ty.”
“Alright, but you asked for it, sweetheart.” He smacked your ass again and again as you buried your face into his neck as if elicited moan after moan from you.
You were crying into his shoulder, begging for more until the skin felt raw. Tyler honestly never would have guessed you would have been into any of that, but he was more than willing to match your freak, having no intention of shaming you for what you were into, just wanting to go with the flow.
Tyler flipped you over again gently then pulled out of you before cleaning the two of you up. He then helped you put on some pajamas and grabbed some of his own that he usually left there before he changed.
Once the both of you were dressed, you climbed into bed, Tyler pulling you to his chest like normal. Your arms wrapped around each other and he pressed a kiss to the top of your head.
“So same thing in the morning?” You asked, looking up at him with an adorable smile.
“Let’s not get ahead of ourselves, darlin’,” he chuckled and the two of you drifted off to sleep, wrapped up in each other’s arms just like usual.
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paarksunghoon · 15 days
Hello, can I ask you to make a story where Heeseung is a CEO and y/n is a flight attendant? They are dating.. I believe in your writing, thank you🫶
you’re so sweet. since you didn’t specify I’ll make this nsfw because I think that fits the theme
Everybody knows to vacate the premises when Heeseung boards the aircraft.
He flies privately to avoid the commotion of strangers and doesn’t have to wait with everybody just to board the aircraft. Heeseung enters the plane from the tarmac and enjoys the perks of his wealth after being CEO of an automobile company for a few years.
Sure, Heeseung loved the comped alcohol and leg room to walk around the plane. But what he loved more was having sex in it.
You were his favorite flight attendant because you were always here. Most times your co-worker would be somebody totally new each time he flew but you were always the consistent one. Heeseung got to know you during his frequent flying.
When Heeseung steps into the plane in his suit pants and button down shirt, everybody knows to hide.
“Hi, Baby,” he says to you once the seatbelt sign has been turned off. “Missed you so much.”
“You saw me two days ago.” He holds your hand while you stand in front of him.
“That’s too long.”
Heeseung opens his legs until you stand between them. You know exactly what he means because you feel the same. Looking down, you see his already-hardened cock straining against his black suit pants and it makes your pussy wet. You watch as his hand disappears underneath your skirt from the uniform and sigh when his fingers graze your folds.
“Feels good?” Heeseung asks softly, bringing his mouth to kiss your stomach.
“Your fingers always feel good.” You let your hands steady on your boyfriend’s shoulder and let your eyes flutter shut.
“I’ve been meaning to ask if you still want me to fix your bookshelf.” Heeseung says it so casually while gathering your slick on his fingers.
“Y-Yeah,” you stutter. “Jake and I tried but we gave up after an hour.”
He pushes his fingers against you. “I’ll do it when I get back from Japan.”
“Mhm.” Heeseung laughs at your lack of coherence. “Baby I really need you.”
“Already?” The smirk he sports on his face makes you want to smack him. He unbuckles his belt and palms himself before pulling his cock out. It’s hot and it’s hard, standing tall like it’s asking you to sit on it. “I’ve barely touch you.”
“Yeah, and you can feel how wet I am.”
“No prep this time, hm?” Heeseung guides you to place both knees beside him until the tip touches you. He uses his hand to move himself back and forth, the cock head teasing your hole by moving against you only. You grip his shoulders and Heeseung kisses the underside of your chin.
Finally, Heeseung allows you to sink down on him. The stretch is amazing every time. He feels like the part of you that’s always been missing and his warmth makes you feel like you could be on fire. Your boyfriend holds you from the back and keeps your body arched against his, helping you move up and down on him.
The plane jerks a little, but not enough where everybody needs a seatbelt. The sudden movement provides an extra hand, causing Heeseung to push his hips up.
“I love your pussy so much,” he whispers against your ear. He encourages you to put your hands back on his shoulders and push yourself up and down until you’re bouncing on your own. “Always so tight and wet. Fuck.”
He feels your wetness collect at his shaft until the glide becomes too easy. He slips in and out of you with ease and precision. His soft grunts make you clench tighter and it feels like heaven to him.
You pick up the pace. Heeseung grips your hip to help you bounce on his cock. Your skirt is pushed to your hips and your tits threaten to spill out of your V-neck top.
“Pretty girl taking my cock like that. You look so beautiful from down here.”
“You look like a sex god from up here.”
Heeseung feels his dick twitch. He pulls you down against his chest and ignores your yelp in favor of slouching until his feet are firmly planted to the floor. Heeseung thrusts upwards and fucks his cock up onto you until you’re both grunting with satisfaction. He feels you come around him and follows soon after, letting his release spill into you and seep out from between your bodies.
Everybody knows to vacate the premises when Heeseung boards the aircraft. Today is no exception.
comments and reblogs would be appreciated! x
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thinkinonsense · 1 month
logan howlett x fem!reader
cw: curing, slightly nsfw, tiniest mention of blood
wc: 900+
a/n: another one shot inspired by a song lmao. this time it is i can see you by taylor swift. thank you for all the love on my last one! this one is short n sweet too so i hope you enjoy <3
It had been three years since you graduated from the school. Everyone was excited about your return. Storm and Scott picked you up from the train station downtown. It was an unexpected surprise when Professor Xavier reached out, asking you to teach for a semester. He has always been an important influence in your life; having brought you in as a troubled teenager. Being an X-Men changed your life for the better.
"You are going to love all the new students!" Storm smiles, helping Scott and you carry in your bags.
"I can't wait to meet them!"
Once everything was inside, you headed upstairs to your old room with a suitcase in hand. The room was located on the farthest end of the mansion, which was secluded and quiet; away from all the chaos. You never would've guessed what was on the other side of the door.
"Do you mind?"
There, lying in your old bed, a scruffy, annoyed, attractive man who looked double your age, smoking a cigar on his back. You freeze drinking in his appearance.
Who the hell was this man in your room?
"This is my room." You question if you opened the wrong door or took a left instead of a right. Nope, that was your old bookshelf and bedframe.
"I'm pretty sure this is my room." He replies, cocking his head to the side.
"No, you're in my bed." You bite back, growing more irritated with the stranger.
"This is my bed, sweetheart." He glares at you while his eyes linger down your figure.
He found your angered expression adorable. The way your nose scrunched a little and your hand found its way onto your hip. Your pretty short black skirt captivated him. If it wasn't for the stick up your ass, he would've been more than willing to let you stay in his bedroom.
"That's my bookshelf!" You pointed out. "And that is my bedframe!"
"Well, if that's the case, you need a new bedframe." His voice drops in a way that makes your stomach turn in a dangerous yet delicious way.
A small gasp leaves your mouth before you can catch yourself. Not wanting to see that stupid smirk on his face, you whip your head around and stomp downstairs to Professor Xaviers' office.
It's been weeks since your first encounter with Logan. Ever since you had to move to a new room, you've avoided him at all costs. If what Scott has told you is any truth of Logan's character, then you knew he was trouble.
Despite your attempts to stay far away from him, Logan had other plans. Caught in every corner; stuck at every turn, he managed to capture you. He would go out of his way to brush past you in hallways. Even in crowded rooms, his eyes shamelessly burned holes into you.
The worst of it was when he would sit in during your lectures. Half of your mind focused on the lesson while the other half ran wild with the thought of him watching you.
If you weren't careful, you would cave.
Which was exactly what Logan wanted. He knew it was wrong to need you as badly as he did. You were so much younger than him yet you pranced around the mansion like you knew everything. He didn't want Charles to know about the feelings string inside of him. You had barely been gone three years, there's so much you hadn't experienced yet. The last thing anyone wanted was for Logan to taint you.
On Friday nights you would stay in your classroom grading papers until the early morning hours. This Friday was no exception. It was almost two am when you scribbled a B+ on the final stack of papers. You stood up, leaving all your belongings in the classroom until Monday morning; desperately wanting to be in bed. Once you locked the door and turned down the hallway, you saw him coming up the stairs.
"What do you want, Mister. Howlett?" You glare at him. Logan's eyes darkened at the way you addressed him.
For such a mouthy girl, you did have some manners.
"You've been avoiding me." He states, following closely behind you. The clothing you wore drove him insane. Tight tops, unbelievably short skirts, and dresses. If Logan could die, he's sure it would've been at your hands.
"You've noticed? I figured you would have been too busy getting rejected by Jean to care."
The comment was supposed to sting painfully for him; instead, it backfired on you.
Of course, you noticed the way he shamelessly flirted with the redhead. It plagued your mind ever since you saw it happen with your own eyes. The way he gawked at her unapologetically, even with her boyfriend present. You would never admit it but it made you bitter, to say the least.
"Oh, I see..." Logan smirks.
"See what?"
"I can see you." His words make you freeze up. "You're jealous."
You roll your head back and laugh at his accusation; despite the truth it held.
Without hesitation, Logan grabs your hips and pins you up against the wall. You whine as your back makes contact with the cold grey wall. His grip tightens at the noise you let out.
"Not only can I see the effect I have on you..." Logan's voice is rough against the shell of your ear. "I can hear and smell it, sweetheart."
A flush of red creeps its way up your pretty face in the low light. Logan groans when he pulls back and sees it for himself. The second you are face-to-face, you pull him. A rush of teeth clashing into each other messily. One of your hands rests on his jaw while the other knotted itself in his hair. Logan's right hand slides up your thigh and under your skirt as he picks you up. You bite and tug on his lower lip; until you can taste the tiniest bit of blood. Both of you were desperate for each other.
"My room." You mumble against his lips. Logan chuckles, knowing that the only room on this side of the mansion is his current bedroom.
This will have to be your little secret.
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puckinghischier · 3 months
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Jack Hughes x fem!reader
summary: reader needs jack to be her fake boyfriend, and it leads to something very not fake
notes: hello!! it’s literally 2am and i just finished this, so needless to say it’s unedited, but i love this fic so much. i combined two different requests for it and i had so much fun with it. i hope you enjoy!! happy reading!! 🫶🏼
also i’m starting a tag list in the comments, so let me know if you’d like to be added!! 🫡
request: from my 400 follower celly - You owe me.” “I owe you $20 not a day of pretending to be your partner to get your parents off your back” & “A realizing that they have feelings for B when they see them with someone else”
“Jack! Please tell me you’re home. It’s an emergency!” you frantically slam his apartment door shut.
Searching the large space for any signs of life, you beg for him to be home.
“Jack! C’mon! It’s urgent!” you yell out, walking down the hallway towards his bedroom.
You twist the knob of the closed door, finding it locked. Huffing, you start beating your fist against the wood.
“Open up! I know you’re in there!”
You continue your assault on the door, stopping only when the door opens and your fist meets air. You step back in surprise, nearly hitting Jack square in his bare chest.
A soaking wet, shirtless Jack stands in front of you with a towel wrapped around his waist.
“God, what took you so long? I texted you SOS on my way over here,” you barreled past him, walking into his bedroom.
“Oh, I’m sorry, it’s not like I just had a grueling three-hour practice or anything. God forbid I take a hot shower afterwards,” Jack throws his hands up in the air, watching you walk straight for his closet.
You and jack had been friends since the second you moved to Jersey, the sassy brunette being just what you needed to make you feel at home in the unfamiliar state.
As you were moving in down the hall, Jack had half of the team over at his apartment watching game film in preparation for a week of road games.
Him and few teammates walked out into the hallway to investigate the loud bangs they kept hearing, watching you try to squeeze a bookshelf into your apartment that was three times the size of the doorway.
An hour later you had a disassembled bookshelf and four very attractive men in your living room.
Jack had recruited some of his teammates, as you later learned, to help you put the bookshelf back together.
You apologized for interrupting their plans, the rest of Jack’s teammates still in his apartment, and insisted they go back to their friends. You told them you could handle putting back together a bookshelf, even though you had absolutely no idea what you were doing.
They waved off your concerns, telling you they needed to help you finish what they started.
After the bookshelf was put together and in place, Jack invited you over to his apartment, deciding they had watched enough film for that night, using the incentive of pizza to lure you. You would’ve objected, seeing as he invited you into an apartment full of strange men, but the pang of hunger in your stomach threw all caution to the wind, leading your feet three doors down and into the strange apartment.
You gained a whole group of friends that night, not knowing until a week later your new friends were Jersey’s own professional hockey team.
Jack and Luke helped you finish the rest of your move in, spending more and more time with your new neighbors as the days went on. You added weekly take out dinners into your schedules and alternating hockey watch parties in each other’s apartments, the brothers insisting you need to learn to love the game.
You can’t deny the fact that you started developing feelings for the middle Hughes pretty quickly, his fun energy and magnetic personality roping you in. The nature of your friendship was extremely laid back, the two of you bickering nearly as much as you made the other laugh. Luke often said the two of you either act like an old married couple or newlyweds that already resent each other.
It didn’t take long for you to figure out, however, that Jack was too focused on living the hockey lifestyle to settle down anytime soon. You noticed the flow of girls in and out of his apartment, having met a few on their way out in the mornings on your way to work.
Attempting to push your feelings to the back of your mind, you continued spending time with the rowdy athletes. A small part of you still held out hope, especially after Jack gave you a key to their apartment, telling you he was tired of having to get the door every time you decided you wanted to come over.
Which is exactly how you were able to enter his apartment now, in your desperate time of need.
You knew your parents were going to visit you once you had settled in. The piece of information they left out, though, was that they scheduled a dinner with the lawyer son of one of your dad’s coworkers that also happens to live in the city.
Now, sifting through his closet in search of an outfit appropriate for the high-end restaurant your parents reserved for tonight, you worry about Jack’s reaction to your – and now his – predicament.
“Jack, don’t you own anything that isn’t designer? I don’t want my parents to think you’re a douche throwing his money in everyone’s face,” you slide each Tom Ford, Armani, and his one Gucci suit to the side.
Jack, still standing with his hand on his open door, starts walking over to you, crossing his arms.
“So, you not only barge into my apartment unexpectedly and interrupt my shower, but you’re now criticizing my formal wear?” he asks before realization shows on his face. “Wait, what do you mean your parents? And why are you so dressed up?” he suddenly notices your floor-length, black formal dress and full face of make-up.
You turn to face him slowly, an overexaggerated, nervous smile on your face.
“Well…you’re…meetingmyparentstonight,” you mumble out, running your words together.
“Run that back one more time?” Jack asks you, eyes widening.
“You’re meeting my parents tonight,” you say at a normal pace this time, doing small jazz hands.
Groaning, Jack turns away from you, placing his hands on the top of his head as he paces.
“What did you do?” he asks, still pacing, knowing how you are and that you’re only ever this anxious about stuff when there’s a reason.
“Okay, so don’t get mad,” you start, placing your hands out in front of you as if you’re calming down a wild animal.
“Oh, great, that’s always followed by good news,” Jack rolls his eyes, stopping to stand in front of you.
“I might have, maybe, just a little bit…told my parents that you were my boyfriend,” you rush out again, closing your eyes and wincing.
Jack doesn’t respond, not making a single sound. You slowly open one eye, waiting for him to start scolding you. You see him standing there, wide eyes and frozen.
“You told…parents…your boyfriend?” his broken sentence amuses you, but you have to hold in the laugh, figuring laughing at him wouldn’t do you any favors right now.
“Yes,” you confirm, causing Jack to close his eyes and inhale, his hand flying up to press against his forehead. “But! They’re trying to set me up on a blind date with one of my dad’s stuck-up coworker’s sons. You know I told them I’d never date a lawyer,” you explain, stepping closer to Jack, testing the waters. “Plus, I hate being set up, Jack. One of my dating requirements is friends first, date later.”
“Why?” Jack now pinches the bridge of his nose. “Why in the hell would you tell your parents I’m your boyfriend? I haven’t dated in someone in…I don’t know, three years? This should’ve been a Luke job.”
“Because you’re my best friend. It wouldn’t have been believable with Luke because I don’t know him as well as I know you,” you tell him, watching him open his mouth to argue. “Plus, you owe me.”
Jack scoffs. “Oh, I owe you, huh? Do tell, what for?”
“When I bought your sushi last week because you forgot your wallet at the rink when I met you out for lunch.”
Jack rolls his eyes. “Are you serious? I owe you $20, not a day of pretending to be your boyfriend to get your parents off your back!”
“But…a day of pretending to be my boyfriend can pay your $20 debt,” you smile and tilt your head, batting your eyelashes.
Jack mulls the idea over in his head for a few moments, deciding on if he’s going to help you or not. You continue batting your eyelashes and giving Jack your trademark puppy dog eyes.
“Fine…give me twenty minutes and I’ll be ready,” he grumbles, shoulders deflating a little.
“Yes! Thank you, thank you, thank you!” you squeal, doing a happy jump and running over to hug him.
You realize a second too late he’s still damp and very naked, jumping back and apologizing mere seconds after you made contact with his bare skin.
“I’ll go wait in your living room,” you say, turning and heading towards his door.
“I’m wearing the Gucci, by the way,” he calls out as you reach the doorway.
“Please, at least wear the Armani so they think you’re poor rich, not rich rich,” you hear him laugh as you shut his door.
Just as Jack told you, twenty minutes later you’re in his car on the way to some rooftop restaurant your parents reserved for your ‘family’ dinner.
“So, what’s our story?” Jack asks, breaking the silence.
“Our story?” you repeat, confused.
“Yeah, our story. Like, what was the magical moment we realized we were actually more than friends and were head over heels with one another?” he asks, his tone dripping with sarcasm.
You look over at him, a small smirk on his lips.
“Do you seriously think I went into that much detail when I stuttered out ‘oh…I uhh…forgot to tell you, Jack and I are dating now!’ when my mother mentioned Ben was joining us for dinner?”
“Well, I wouldn’t put it past you.”
You scoff at him, leaning back in your seat and crossing your arms.
“We don’t have a story. Mom didn’t ask questions so I didn’t offer any,” you respond, looking over at him.
“Wait, she didn’t ask any questions? What was her response?” he asked you, glancing over at you every few seconds.
“No? She just said it was great and to invite you to dinner too, maybe you and Ben would get along,” Jack’s furrowed brow confusing you.
“Shit, Y/N, she doesn’t believe you,” he sits up straight.
“She doesn’t?”
“No, she doesn’t. If she believed you then she would have told Ben not to come. If she believed you, she would have grilled you with questions and squealed with excitement. She wouldn’t have just accepted the answer and told you to bring me along like some pet,” you note the worry in his tone.
Thinking about your mother’s reaction, you remember the uninterested tone she used when telling you how great it was you were with Jack. The lack of enthusiasm definitely uncharacteristic from your mom. You had just assumed she was shocked, not that she didn’t believe you.
“Holy shit you’re right! She didn’t believe me. What are we gonna do?” you reach down the hand resting in your lap and start picking your thumb nail on again, extremely worried they’ll see through your bullshit the second you sit down at the table.
Jack notices the anxious habit of yours, reaching over and placing his hand over your own, effectively stopping your movements.
“We give them the best damn performance of our lives.”
As soon as you walk onto the open rooftop, you think you should’ve let Jack wear his Gucci suit.
The dimly lit space is full of people in expensive looking dresses and crisp, clean suits.
You suddenly feel very underdressed.
The hostess leads you over to a table in the corner, you and Jack being the last to arrive.
Jack’s hand is held tightly in yours, the small pep talk he gave you in the elevator already forgotten.
“Oh, Y/N! You’re here!” you hear your mother’s voice as you approach the table, breaking you out of your wardrobe anxieties.
You give a tight-lipped smile, keeping yourself pressed against Jack’s side.
“Well, don’t just stand there, give me a hug!” she exclaims, standing from her seat, pulling you into a bone crushing hug.
You reciprocate her actions, placing your hands on her back.
“Honey, you look so good. I hope this place has been kind to you,” she places her hands on your face, a smile beaming back at you.
You nod at her. “Yeah, I love it here so far.”
She lets you go, her smile never fading.
“Alright, where’s the hug for your old man?” you hear your dad speak from somewhere behind you, turning to see him walking towards you with open arms.
Sinking into his hug, you let yourself enjoy the feeling. Getting to spend time with your dad is a rarity, considering he’s part of a big law-firm back home. He was always working late and missing holidays when you were a kid, your experience with him why you always swore you’d never marry a lawyer like your mother did.
“I missed you, Dad,” you tell him honestly, pulling back from his embrace.
“I missed you more, kiddo,” he pats your cheek, stepping away to take his seat at the table once again.
You hear Jack clear his throat behind you, reminding him that you need to introduce him.
“Oh! Mom, Dad,” you turn back and reach your hand out towards Jack, “this is Jack, the neighbor I’ve been telling you about.” Jack squeezes you hand, reminding you he’s your boyfriend tonight, not your neighbor. “Well…I guess I need to introduce him as my boyfriend now, cause we’re dating!” you say a little too enthusiastically, lifting your intertwined hands for everyone to see.
Jack chuckles, bringing his free hand over to push your joined hands down.
“Hi, I’m Jack, Y/N’s neighbor boyfriend,” he reaches over to shake your dad’s hand.
You notice your mom’s skeptical smile, standing to give Jack a short, half hug.
As you scan the area, trying to find anything else to focus on other than your lack of being able to play it cool, you notice the third body at the table.
You look at the man, his jet black, scruffy hair not at all what you were expecting. He was extremely handsome, you had to give him that. His blue eyes stood out against the dark setting, his black dress shirt under his black suit jacket causing them to stand out even more.
“Well, since introductions are being made, this is Ben, Jim’s boy. He works at a firm just a few miles away, actually,” your dad beams as Ben stands, walking around the table to give Jack’s hand a firm shake.
They exchange a short greeting before Ben makes his way over to you, grabbing your hand and kissing your knuckles, taking you by surprise.
“Pleasure to meet you…” he trails off, keeping eye contact as he raises back up into a standing position. “Both of you,” he adds as an afterthought, letting go of your hand and glancing at Jack.
“Yeah…you too,” Jack’s tone is laced with an emotion you can’t quite pick up on, but the glare he’s sending Ben is extremely noticeable.
As everyone takes their seats again, Jack scoots your chair out for you before sitting in the chair beside of you, taking your hand in his and resting them on the table.
Small talk is exchanged about Jack’s job, a disapproving nod from your father, your mother asking questions about what he plans to do after his career is over, making sure to throw in digs about how young hockey players are required to retire and the fact that contract money runs out fast with the lifestyle athletes live.
Jack handles them in stride, talking about how he wants to get into coaching once his career comes to an end, but he wants to play hockey for as long as he’s physically able. He also informed your parents that his mother instilled in him how to budget, making sure his necessities are always paid before anything else gets purchased, including a retirement fund.
The conversation then shifts to you and your new job, your mother filling Ben in with side comments the whole time about how you graduated with honors and was offered a big city job right out of college. Ben looked at you the entire time you were talking, seeming genuinely interested in what you were sharing.
Once the conversation shifts to Ben, that’s when the dinner starts going south.
“Ben is in line to become a partner at his firm very soon. It’s all his father talks about at work anymore,” your dad informs the table, laughing and slapping a hand to Ben’s shoulder.
“Well, there’s a few other guys in the running, I’m not a shoo-in yet,” Ben responds, trying to knock down his praise a bit.
“Oh, don’t be so modest, Ben, our Y/N here loves an overachiever, isn’t that right, darling?” your mom looks over to you.
You don’t know what to say to her, stunned that she would be so blatantly obvious about her intentions in front of Ben like this.
“I…well…Yeah, I guess,” you stutter out, not sure how to respond to your mother’s words.
“Do you excel in your field, Jack?” your mom questions your fake boyfriend of the night.
He looks up from his food, not entirely sure how to handle the question. Does he tell them the truth and risk sounding like a gloating asshole, or does he play the modest card and confirm your parent’s suspicions that he’s less than?
“Jack was team captain of team USA! And he’s an alternate captain for the Devils now! He’s also one of the team’s top point scorers,” you ramble out facts about Jack’s hockey career, sensing his hesitation.
Your father’s brows shoot up in surprise.
“Way to go man, sounds awesome,” Ben sounds genuinely impressed.
“That’s something to be proud of,” is all your mother responds.
You look over at Jack in apology, the flush of his cheeks hidden by the dark surroundings.
“Jack was also drafted number one overall in the NHL draft when he was only eighteen. Isn’t that crazy?” you continue, not knowing how to stop the information rolling from your mouth.
“Good for you, son,” your dad says through chewing his food, earning a glare from your mother.
Jack chuckles out a thanks, kicking your foot under the table.
“Always my biggest fan, huh babe?” Jack looks over at you, the look in his eyes telling you to stop, you’re being obvious again.
“Well…it’s not just your good looks that won me over,” you attempt a joke, but it didn’t land very well.
Jack winces at how that sounded.
Realizing what you just said, with the current scrutiny surrounding Jack’s choice of career, you mentally palm your forehead.
“I need to use the restroom, excuse me,” you all but run away from the table.
You make your way to the small bathroom, collecting yourself and telling yourself you don’t have that long left of this torturous dinner.
When you exit the bathroom, you see Ben standing there, waiting for you to come out.
“So…is now a good time to tell you that I know you and Jack aren’t dating?” he asks you, an amused smile on his face.
Your body turns cold, every muscle frozen in place. How does he know? Has your act really been that bad?
“I don’t know what you’re talking about,” you tell him, laughing nervously.
“Listen, you don’t have to hide it from me. I’m not here because I want to be set up with you. I’m here because I need my dad to still think I’m single,” he surprises you.
“Wait, you have a girlfriend?” you ask him, shock evident in your voice.
“Boyfriend, actually. But haven’t really broke that part to my parents yet.”
Your jaw drops, not believing that your parents are unknowingly trying to set you up with a gay man.
“Holy shit,” you start laughing, unable to hide stop your hand from shooting out to grip Ben’s arm. “I promise I’m not laughing because you’re gay. I’m laughing because my parents would die if they figured out the man they’re trying to set me up doesn’t even like girls.” You want to go over there and scream this piece of information into their faces, but know it’s not your place to out Ben.
“I hate when they try to set me up with people, and I thought it would stop since I moved away, but when they told me you were coming to dinner tonight I panicked and told them I was dating Jack because I didn’t want to have to dodge phone calls and ignore texts, again,” you bring your hand up to wipe the tears out of your eyes. “Who would’ve thought I didn’t even have to worry about it because there’s more of a chance you’d be attracted to my fake boyfriend than me.”
Ben laughs with you, allowing you to lean against him.
From the dinner table, Jack can hear your laughter, turning his head to see you leaning on Ben, the two of you being entirely too close for his liking.
“Well, looks like they’re getting along,” your mother tells your father, nodding her head in the direction of you and Ben.
Jack fully turns in his seat, watching how you talk animatedly with Ben, a large grin on your face as he returns it, looking down at you.
Something wicked swirls in Jack’s stomach, not enjoying watching you laugh with someone like you laugh with him.
He thinks back to all the times you’ve been around his apartment, complaining about the latest guy you were trying to meet up with canceling on you and how angry it makes him to see you upset. He thinks about how you always complain to him about dating apps, wishing you could just meet someone naturally, going on and on about having a ‘meet cute’ like your favorite rom coms and wondering why it always makes him think about how cute you looked trying to shove that big ass bookshelf into your apartment. He thinks about the time you brought a date to one of his games, the satisfaction of seeing you in his jersey almost enough to outweigh the sudden burst of anger he felt in the middle of the game, looking up to see his arm around your shoulders, hand resting a little too close to your chest for his comfort.
He thinks about how he’s always fending off his teammates and random men at bars, not trusting their intentions with you. And the looks that he catches Luke giving the two of you when you’re arguing, his favorite activity being getting you worked up, loving how red your ears get when he keeps firing sarcasm back at your anger.
He always assumed these feelings were a general protectiveness of you and enjoyment of being around you, almost like you were his sister, never once entertaining the idea that they could be more than that.
Until now, that is. Until you’re standing there in that dress, possibly the most beautiful he’s ever seen you, leaning all over another man when you asked him to come here with you. You asked him to be your fake boyfriend, not Mr. Big Time Lawyer.
“If you’ll excuse me, I need to go make sure my girlfriend is okay,” he tells your parents, dropping his cloth napkin on the table and scooting his chair back.
You’re still laughing with Ben, exchanging stories about the different set-ups your parents have tried on the two of you.
“You know, even though it’s very obvious you’re not dating, I do have to admit, I can see the feelings you two have for each other,” Ben tells you, changing the subject.
“Oh, no, we’re just friends,” you tell him, your cheeks flushing a bit.
Ben gives you a look, rolling his eyes. “Honey, anyone within a three-mile radius can see that that boy is smitten with you, even if he doesn’t know it yet.”
You look over at Jack who’s looking over at you and Ben.
“I don’t think so,” you shake your head, deciding you can trust Ben. “I mean, I definitely have feelings for him, have for a while, but he’s not the dating type,” you laugh. “Hell, he was worried about having to be my fake boyfriend, considering he hasn’t dated anyone in years. Anyways, the girls I see leaving his apartment most mornings says otherwise.”
“Haven’t you learned men are stupid? Someone usually has to tell them what they’re feeling. Show them what they’re missing out on,” he steps closer to you, the two of you only inches apart now. “Just like right now.”
You cock your head, confused at Ben’s words until you hear footsteps stomping towards you.
“Y/N, babe,” Jack spits out, anger radiating off of him, “can we go somewhere…private to talk?” he puts on a tight smile, watching Ben step back away from you.
“Uh, sure,” you tell him as he grabs your arm, gently leading you over to a secluded corner of the rooftop.
He stands in front of you, running his hands up his face before sweeping them through his hair.
“What the hell are you doing?” he asks, jutting his hand out in the direction you just came from.
“We were just-“
“You were ‘just’ flirting with the man your parents are trying to set you up with in front of their eyes when you brought me here to show them you’re not interested,” he interrupts you, frustration clear in his tone.
“Jack, you don’t understand, Ben is-“
“Perfect for you? Handsome? Your parent’s dream man for you? Better than me?” he cuts you off, his last statement taking you by surprise.
“Jack, where’s this coming from? Ben’s not better than you? What would ever make you think that?” your confusion turns to concern.
“Oh, don’t act all sad and worried now. Not when you were over here getting all close to Ben,” he waves his hands around, disgust lacing his voice as he said Ben’s name, “just mere seconds ago while I was sitting at the table with your parents, watching the whole thing and thinking about how much I love you!” he raises his voice, but not loud enough to disturb the people dining around you.
You’re so shocked at Jack’s words that you step back from him, not believing what you’re hearing.
“Jack, I-“ you start once more, but Jack’s voice cuts you off.
“I know I’m realizing this way too late, but dammit, Y/N, that man,” he points over to Ben, “is not the guy for you. I know I’ve just stood by and watched you try to go on date after date after date with men who weren’t right for you, but I think I was too scared to think about what my feelings meant. I’ve ran off so many men at bars its not even funny. Hell, I’ve told my own teammates you’re off limits, thinking I was just protecting you from getting hurt. But really, all I was doing was being selfish. I was keeping you all to myself while bringing random girls home every couple of nights after having drinks, only to kick them out first thing in the morning when I woke up and had a nasty feeling in my chest,” he pauses, his tone turning from stern to soft as he takes a step towards you.
“I’m realizing that feeling was disgust. Disgust at myself for filling my time with girls that don’t matter, girls that I would never be satisfied with because they weren’t you. I think part of me knew from the second I saw this crazy woman at the end of the hall, trying to push a bookshelf that had to outweigh her by at least a hundred pounds, through the tiny ass door of her apartment. It was confirmed when you agreed to come to my apartment and ate pizza while goofing off with my teammates, instantly clicking with every single one of them. It settled a little deeper when you showed up at my door after I had gotten home from being on the road, demanding we watch Quinn’s hockey game because it was time for you to study hockey. It was made permanent when you showed up to your first Devils game, my name and number on your back, eyes lit up in awe like it was Christmas morning,” he continues, causing tears to sting your eyes as he reaches over to cup your face in his hands.
“I ignored it for all of this time, because I think, deep down, I was scared of losing you. I was scared that you were going to see me as this dumb, jock hockey player that lived down the hall from you and let me down easy. I was scared you’d see how absolutely out of my league you are. I was scared to be vulnerable and admit that I was in love with you, because I couldn’t bear to think that you didn’t love me back,” his face is mere inches from yours. “But I’m tired of ignoring it. Seeing you, laughing with Ben, all pressed up against him like that, thinking that I might have already lost you before I even had the chance to have you, made me realize that I had to try. I had to at least…try,” he finishes, resting his forehead against yours.
The tears are fully streaming down your face at this point, not caring that you’re likely ruining the mascara you spent over fifteen minutes perfecting earlier.
“Jack, you stupid man, just kiss me already,” you whisper out, your breath fanning across his lips.
He smiles, lifting your chin up to press your lips together, sighing happily into the kiss.
You match his smile, making the kiss silly and sloppy, but you don’t care. His lips feel like they were made to fit in-between yours, the softness of them far better than you had imagined.
Pulling back from the kiss, you bring your hands up to rest on his wrists, his hands still holding your face.
“You know, if you had let me speak, I would have saved you the speech and informed you that Ben wasn’t trying to make a move on me, because Ben is gay and has a boyfriend,” Jack pulls back from you, allowing you to see the shocked expression on his face. “We were bonding over the amount of times our parents have tried to set us up with people just like this before, and then he was telling me how in love with each other we were. I was telling him how I definitely was in love with you, but I didn’t believe you were in love with me,” you laugh at Jack, the situation comical now.
“I- he’s gay?” is all Jack responds with.
You throw your head back, laughing at him. “That’s what you took away from what I just said?”
“Sorry, I just, wasn’t expecting it, is all,” he says, moving his hands to your neck, pushing your head back up to look at him.
“Oh, so you were expecting my love confession, then?” you tease him.
“Well, duh, you did ask me to be your fake boyfriend tonight,” Jack moves his hand to pinch your cheek.
“So…are you still? Fake, that is?” you ask him, placing your arms on his shoulders, clasping your hands around the back of his neck.
Jack looks down at you, the expression on his face something entirely new to you, but it’s one you can surely get used to.
“Ehh, I don’t know…ask me again the next time you need a buffer,” he shrugs, smirking at you.
You tug on a piece of his hair, causing him to hiss out.
“Geez, I’m kidding. Of course I’m your real boyfriend now. I gave you a monologue, we’re basically engaged at this point,” he jerks his head a bit, making your hands fall from his hair.
You know it’s a joke, but your cheeks heat at the implication anyways, Jack noticing your lack of response.
“Relax, I was just kidding. That’s at least three more surprise blind date dinners with your parents before we to that. I’ll even pull out a ‘fake’ ring and everything,” he winks, putting air quotes around the word fake.
As Jack enjoys the sound of your laugh, he steals a glance over at the table where your parents sit, surprised at the pleased look on your mom’s face and earning a slight nod from your dad.
He looks back down at you, face scrunched in laughter, thinking about how this night was worth way more than $20.
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gyeomsweetgyeom · 9 months
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[7:09 pm]
(cw: parents!au)
Every parent knew what silence meant. Silence meant some huge mess was being made, someone was hiding, being mischievous, general mayhem being had. This was especially true in your home with your daughter and 3 cats. It was never this quiet in your house with the four—five troublemakers in your house. It couldn’t be the main troublemaker because he was sitting right next to you, fully invested in a a reality tv show.
“Jaemin, listen,” You said quietly while you muted the tv.
He looked at you quizzically, “I don’t hear anything… what could she be doing now?”
“It’s not her nap time yet, I have a very bad feeling about this,” you replied nervously.
Your daughter had a sweet face, she was nice and friendly in public. She always waved at strangers with a huge smile on her face. She knew to stay by your side when she wasn’t sitting in a shopping cart. She very rarely threw tantrums, a perfect little angel. People had even told you so.
In the comfort of your home on the other hand, she was hyperactive and loud. She wreaked havoc on the daily. And the cats were either right her side or far, far away from her. There was no in between. When the cats decided she was being too much your daughter would try to climb their scratching posts to reach them or pull on their tails. The poor animals. When they decided to help her the house was loud, something got destroyed, scratched, or simply broken.
The last time the 4 of them had joined forces you needed to buy a new bookshelf for the living room with all new frames for the pictures that filled up some empty spaces on the shelves.
“Rock, paper, scissors to see who goes,” Jaemin offered. You rolled your eyes but complied. Softly hitting your fist against the palm of your hand. One paper and one rock, you lost.
“Wish me luck please, and have your credit card ready to shop. Oh my god, I think I’m gonna be sick,” you muttered, standing from the couch and walking toward your daughter’s room, but not without pouting and sending pleasing looks to your husband.
You tiptoed quietly to her open door and took a peek inside. Oh good, she was playing with her baby dolls. Wait, since when were they covered in fur?
You ran back to the living room whisper yelling, “Honey, you have to come see what your daughter is doing!”
Jaemin tilted his head back and shut his eyes, “why is she only my daughter when she’s being naughty?”
“It’s not even that bad, no new furniture. Just come see!” You tugged on his arm until he was up and quietly sneaking behind you.
You both peeked into the open door and watched as your daughter swaddled up one of the cats, Luke. And he liked it! He was purring and nuzzling into your daughters small and unusually gentle hands. “Ok baby! It’s time for a nap!” She told the cat before placing him in her toy bassinet. The poor doll who it belonged to could be seen face down under her bed.
“And for the other baby, it’s lunch! Time for your bottle,” she told Luna, picking up the cat and holding her like a newborn while holding a toy bottle to the cat’s mouth. And poor Lucy was sitting on a doll bed with a bonnet tied below her chin, but she looked unbothered.
“I think the cats… like it?” Jaemin whispered in confusion.
You looked at him, “weirdly enough, I think they do too.”
You and Jaemin continued to watch the four of them play and interact. They were all calm and playing happily, until, she turned and caught sight of you.
She bounded over to you and jumped into your arms, knocking the wind out of you.
“I’m practicing!” She smiled brightly.
“What are you practicing for, baby?” You asked her, moving some hair out of her face.
“Daddy said he’s going to get me a baby brother! So I have to practice being a good big sister!” She smiled, stating it like it was obvious.
Your fave dropped, looking at Jaemin with a raised eyebrow, “did your dad say that? That’s news to me. What else did he tell you, baby?”
Jaemin’s face dropped and your daughter began spilling all their secrets. How he always bought her candy before ballet, they sometimes snuck some ice cream together after you were asleep, Jaemin put sugar in her cereal, and how he promised her new toys if she didn’t mention anything about a new sibling. “Do I still get my toys daddy?”
“Uh! No! She would not be getting any new toys!”Jaemin yelled in his mind.
“You can ask daddy later, he’s about to be in very big trouble.”
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dxxdhood · 9 months
good looking
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pairing: jason todd x gn!reader
summary: jason comes home after patrol, and he looks so nice you can't help but suck him off.
tags: smut (18+), oral (m receiving), hair pulling, slapping, sub!jason todd, dom!reader, brat taming, teasing
wc: 1.2k
It’s dark out, raining hard enough to crack concrete when he finally walks in. Jason’s eyes face the ground as he takes off his jacket and utility belt, bundling them both up and dumping them in the laundry basket to deal with later.
“Hey, how was the patrol?” you call out from the kitchen, fixing up dinner for the two of you.
He trudges over to you, blood finally visible in splotches on his undershirt in the dim kitchen light. “Could’ve been worse.”
Looking him over, you force yourself not to dwell on how attractive he looks in his crime-fighting attire. None of the cuts he has seem too deep. Luckily, most of the blood doesn’t seem to be his own. “No excuse for me not to make it better.”
And even though he’s half turned away and fully trying to hide it, he smirks.
Waiting in the bedroom for Jason usually never takes this long. You’ve already spent forever looking over every piece of the scenery, including Jason's bookshelf filled with novels he never has the time to read. Honestly, your impatience is making every second stretch out for longer than they need to. And even though you tried not to admit it earlier, you wanted to jump his bones the moment he walked in.
His hair was rain-slicked enough to where it curved across the back of his neck in half-curls, and water droplets ran down his cheeks following the strong line of his jaw.
He walks into the bedroom, then, deciding to finally make good on your promise. You run up to him, not even taking a second to admire him only clothed in a towel, and kiss him.
Jason takes a second to reciprocate. There’s always an undercurrent of insecurity when you initiate something with him, like on some level he can’t believe someone dishes out affection so easily. The thought has you kissing him harder, wrapping a hand around the back of his neck and into his hair, pulling gently at the strands.
Jason lets out a small sound, and you can feel the vibrations of it through your own body. You break away from the kiss, and he doesn’t have a moment to question it before you grab him by the hand and drag him to the bed.
“Glad to see you, too,” he snorts.
You don’t have the strength to shove him down, but you grip him by the shoulders and attempt to push him to the mattress. Jason, thankfully, takes the hint and lays himself down.
“You sure you don’t wanna eat dinner first? It smelled pretty good while I–” You crawl on top of him and kiss him deeply again, scratching your hands down his shoulders and biceps.
“I’ve been wanting you since you walked in,” you whisper into his ear, seeing his eyes widen from your peripheral vision. 
He exhales and wraps his hardened hands around your hips. “Well, shit, don’t let me stop you.”
You move down his body, now sitting on his thighs. He’s entirely laid out for you, only a towel to cover up his bottom half and he’s gorgeous. You run your hands across his pecs and abs, stopping to kiss at his nipples until he whimpers. Jason covers his mouth with a hand, but you grip it and pull it away, daring him with a gaze to try and stifle what you so badly want to hear. 
You pull the towel away, and sink down lower, head only inches away from his cock before you kiss down his v line and bite at his thighs.
“Holy shit–” he gasps, but you continue kissing up the inside of his thighs, getting dangerously close to his cock. Every time he thinks you’re finally going to lick at the base, you go back to lapping at the new bruises you’ve given him. You can tell it’s starting to turn him desperate by how he’s gripping the bed sheets hard enough to tear them, but he hasn’t begged for anything yet, so you continue teasing him.
“Jesus, baby, can you–” he cuts himself off in an attempt to swallow down another moan. Shame on him, didn’t you remind him already?
“Yes, Jason?” you ask sweetly, feeling up the muscles in his ass and thighs.
“Shit! Can’t you just touch me already?”
You respond by sending a hand up to grip harshly at his hair, sucking a particularly nasty bruise at the apex of one of his thighs. 
“Sorry, sweetie, I'm sensing a tone issue,” Hah, thank god you’re the one in control tonight, because you could tell Jason wanted to spank you for that one.
“Fuck! Please, baby, please touch me. I swear I’ll be g-good, just please–” And in response, you finally lick a stripe from the tip of his cock down to the base. 
Jason groans and fidgets, wrinkling the sheets, but you ignore him and begin swirling your tongue around his head. You get close to taking him in your mouth, your lips perched right at his dick, but whenever you sense his anticipation becoming too great, you go back to teasing him at the base or licking at his balls. 
Before Jason even has the time to beg again, you decide to take him all with no warning, and his hips immediately twitch up. You feel his tip tickling the back of your throat, but you shove his hips back down on the bed, and he whimpers at the harsh treatment.
You stare back up at him, and his eyes are so pretty. Watery and ready to spill over if you don’t start moving soon. You take pity on him and begin sliding up and down at an annoying slow pace. 
He sighs, but he places his hands against your head, scratching against your scalp. You reach a hand from his hips to rub at his nipple, and Jason’s body tenses as he lets out a curse, allowing you to go faster and rub your tongue against his sensitive vein.
“Ah! Fuck, please–” Jason begs, clearly unsure of what he’s even asking for, but his face is so tense, sweat mixing with water from the shower, and you know he needs a little something to push him over the edge. 
You slap his cheek and he moans loud enough for your neighbors to hear. Before he even realizes it himself, his cock starts to twitch and he cums in your mouth. 
He looks horrified for a moment, probably feeling like an asshole for not giving you a heads up, but you slide off of his dick, still making complete eye contact, and swallow right in front of him. 
You swear you see his eyes roll back in his head as he slams his head back down on the pillow.
“That’s was– Oh my god, that was–” you chuckle at how thoroughly you’ve broken him.
“Amazing, right?” you snuggle up next to him, kissing his cheek. “Now what about mine?”
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nighttimealone · 11 hours
Cw: Nsfw (Dilf!Simon, your next door neighbor, reader’s around early 20s, Simon’s around late 30s~early 40s)
Just retired and move into a new flat, Simon doesn’t expect someone to knock on his door when he’s unpacking his belongings. With slight annoyance, he opens the door and try to dismiss whoever is out there.
His annoyance vanishes quickly when he lays eyes on you, young, gorgeous, gazing up at him with a baggy shirts barely cover the sweat-shorts. The simple apron on the outside looks incredible on you, the fabric of it rises and taut around your chest. Greeting him with a grin and hand him a plate of biscuits. A welcome gift for the new neighbor, you explain to him before leaving with a wave, hips swaying tantalizingly as you saunter back to your flat and close the door behind you.
He becomes closer to you each day, helping you without a word when one day he hears noises from the staircase outside, swings open the door of his flat and discovers you struggling with the heavy groceries bags. When you sheepishly knock on his door again, holding a screwdriver and fidgeting it, telling him you have some issues with assembling the new bookshelf you bought, he already starts his steps and walks into your flat, finish the work in minutes while you circling around cutely and trying to help like a desperate puppy.
To express your thankfulness to him, you invite him to have dinner with you, become a habit of yours when he shoots you a glance with a ‘Not bad.” but devours your home cooked meal like a man starved for days.
Sweet, beautiful girl, a year before graduating from college, expressing your insecurity about your future when he hinted that you can share your worries with him—a person who has much more experience than you— a while ago, he provides some insight and rational advice, swallowing back the words he’s been thought about for months now: Slide the silver ring on your ring finger with his name name engraved on it, makes you his missus and away from all shites the society is boiling everyday. A man alone for years and has low material desires, he has the money to take care of and spoil you without any hesitation.
He’s been fisting his cock whenever he hears your moans coming from the other aide of the wall. Hell, you don’t know how shitty and thin the walls are, the soundproof ability of them is imperceptible when it comes to louder sounds. Simon listens closely to the sounds, closing his eyes, head leans back on the armchair, trying to imagine how you must be right now. Hands in sync of the squelchy sounds of you pumping your fingers in and out of that soaked pussy. His cock’s so huge, even his own palms are just big enough wrapped around the girth, and an obscene growl left his lips as your whimpers and moans turn higher and sultrier, definitely look like a goddess when you’re weeping tears, stuffing your cunny full and craving for the release. But when you finally tumble over the edge, he snaps his eyes open and groans the second his name comes out of your mouth with such honeyed tone, crying his name in need and suppressed desire.
Simon jumps up from the armchair, heavy cock forming an obvious tent when he shoves open his door and knocks on yours impatiently. “Wait-Wait me a second…!” your voice hits his ears with trembles that can’t be left unnoticed.
“ 'S what you want, love? getting bent over by a man older than you and fucked stupid? Is that so, princess?” He squeezes himself through the crack of your door, kicking it close and pinning your upper body on the shoe cabinet beside the door, your legs dangling in the air as he drives the fat tip into your entrance ferociously, tight cunt still spasming from your orgasm and makes him grunts out a curse, “Fucking screaming my name when you touch yourself, hmm? you know you can come to me anytime you need something, like I told you before.”
He gets you cry out in pleasure without any concern of receiving complaints from other neighbors, wrapping your legs back and standing between your wide-spread thighs, leaning his weight on your back while his hips rocks unrelentingly. “No more, no more…Simon!” You clenching down on his shaft so nice and hot, milking him loads after loads, the angry tip of his cock abusing every spots inside you, and your legs are shaking uncontrollably when he finally comes one last time, satiated both your needs for now, and you the last thing you feel before succumbing to slumber is a gentle kiss pressing on your twitching, overstimulated clit as his seeds flood out of your swollen pussy.
The relationship between you and him deepens since that night,and he doesn’t stop you or protest when you wear the low-cut top and cute skirt, semi-transparent thigh high stockings keeps attracting his attention to stare at the bare skin of your thighs between them and the skirt, and wave goodbye at him with an apologetic expression before heading off to a party with your college friends. He knows the importance of these social activities between youngsters, so he didn’t get mad or upset, just kiss your temple, reminded you to stay safe and call him whenever you need, then he’d be there in no time.
You sure will turn heads wherever you go tonight, and though there might be some troublesome wankers trying their luck on you, but he knows you won’t even spare them anything beside a polite nod of rejection. You’re all his, you won’t feel the same bliss and love from those young blokes of your age. No one can make you feel as good as he does, they can’t make you squirt all over the floor when he eats you out at the countertop, no one knows how to lower and disperse all your concerns and thoughts like him, with his tongue lapping your perked buds and that long cock massaging your cervix, coaxing countless orgasms out of you before you fall asleep in his embrace contently.
So when you ring him just about 2 hours later, asking if he can come pick you up at the club, he immediately hops in to his truck, pulls up at the location you texted him. He doubts how your breasts haven’t spilled out your low cut tops, but he’s definitely enjoying the view, your cheeks burning from the alcohol, pawing at his shirt and whining about how you missed him, how boring the party was and you just wanted to go home and bounce on his dick through your tipsy state.
Good that Simon parked his truck at a secluded spot, so you don’t need to wait any longer, let him bend you over the hood and kneel down behind you, tongue shoving deep inside, occasionally pulls out and prodding at your pussy to calm you down from keep pleading him to just fuck you already and rubbing his bulge when he just wants to drive you home first. “Will give you the cock you’ve been thinking all night when we’re home, sweetheart.” He speaks against your slick pussy lips before diving back to lick every drop of your sugary juices again.
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