#I miss this show QwQ
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drowsydregon · 2 years ago
i can't wait to make my epix comeback (<<< has been sitting on like. 13 minifigure redesigns bc i still have abt. 11-13 more to do)
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jazjelspen · 1 year ago
my angel baby [part 2]
(alastor w/ angel daughter reader)
[caution: NOT PROOFREAD oh and angst hehe]
(notes: alastor joins charlie and vaggie in heaven to convince them about the hazbin hotel. angel reader physically resembles a fawn. )
[tags: @luujjvi @c-lunette @mokisano @ghostdoodlen @wildfire153 @anonymousewrites @bewitchedbymadness @thisbitchreallyneedssleep @22carolina08 @original-person]
[remember if you want to keep in touch with a particular series I write, let me know in comments or messages you want to be tagged! you will only be tagged once unless specified that you want to be tagged till the end of a particular series!]
(also once again, apologies if alastor’s last name isn’t actually altruist qwq it’ll stick till the end of this fic but I’ll try not to mention it as much)
For the first time in years, you feared being in heaven.
Not that you felt unsafe, just that you felt incredibly uncomfortable seeing your serial killer dad who's now a demon be invited to be in the place where light and goodness is it's main foundation.. even reassuring yourself that it was temporary didn't calm you down when you were flying away from him. For your own sake you even avoided where the welcoming was happening.
Ahh but.. it also didn't help that he was following you around after the show without you knowing.
After the angels had performed their song to welcome in the princess of hell, her apparent partner, and-- him.. everyone sort of went their separate ways and the visitors from below started to relax in their new yet temporary places of stay. You felt a bit of relief when you assumed Alastor would also be setting himself in to relax as well.
During heaven's performance you decided to take a breather at a local coffee shop, one where you thankfully always had a spot there where you could hide away from the huge windows of the cafe.
Although right after that, unbeknownst to you at the time, Alastor was looking for you, but obviously pretended as if he was looking for a good bite to eat.. unfortunately for him he had to behave and he couldn't eat a living walking thing until after they came back home.
Oh how bummed out he was.
You were in a far corner inside the shop, as mentioned before anyone that was able to look in through the windows wouldn't be able to see you since you were out of view. Drinking your favorite beverage that the shop offered and eating a filling snack to relax your body and mind. Safe to say you were now more in touch with your feelings and weren't overly panicked as you once were.
'Why is he here.. is he an advisor to the princess? a companion?.. some kind of servant?.. she's really young though, perhaps she's ward to him or something.. but she has her.. dad.. and I'm sure he must be alive still.. ' You thought, different theories and ideas passing by in and out your head trying to make sense of the situation.
'perhaps.. he's here to see me?..' you hoped, then scolded yourself right after,
'nono.. I can't be wanting that.. sure he raised you but he's a monster. he killed you, _____. get a grip..' you sighed deeply while massaging your temples in frustration 'even if he seemed to not.. have meant to do that. he tried to kill someone else anyway, that poor man could've died instead of you.' you tried to reason with yourself, coming to a single conclusion in the end.
Eyes glued to your drink. staring at it with intensity.
"I regret nothing." you claimed to yourself in a low mumble, not enough for anyone close to hear.
Ahh.. but you did miss him very much.. the version of him that you grew up with at least.
You were in your warm and humble home with your father. It was a fairly cold night with rain dropping onto the roof of your home yet the warmth of the house seemed to make the cold seem almost cozy to you.
Your small footsteps could be heard running around the house, as your little seven year old self ran around you seemed to be giggling uncontrollably with a peculiar circular item in your hand.
"No running in the house _____, remember what I told you." Alastor exclaimed in slight irritation as he could hear you from afar while he was cleaning up the table from the dinner you two just had, he started slightly missing the times when you didn't know how to walk and when you simply just blabbered baby nonsense.. he definitely doesn't miss the sleepless nights of baby crying though.
You huffed and puffed as you then plopped the item on the sofa, it was a disk, a record. You then climbed yourself up and once your little body landed on the cushions you then picked yourself up once more to then grab the disk and turn to the small table right beside the sofa where a large phonograph rested on.
"Papa!" you exclaimed, "Papa! Music music!.." you pleaded, your little voice begging to once again turn on the music playing machine.
Alastor faintly chuckled at your little demands, amusing how such a small thing dares to command but nonetheless he found it silly at how you tried. "Yes yes my dear, I'll be right there." He then set the last few dirty dishes away to be cleaned soon since he couldn't say no to listening to some tunes before bed.
You smiled brightly as your little feet playfully tapped on the cushions, almost jumping. Noticing your developing excitement Alastor hurried over to you.
"Ah-ah-ahh, no jumping on the sofa my dear. I'm excited as well but I can't have you break your little head open, that'd be no fun at all!" Well.. that and he didn't wanna ruin his cushions, but nonetheless he cared for your wellbeing the most even if he wasn't fond of admitting it.
His hands gently took the disk from your hands, carefully setting the disk on the phonograph to have it play your favorite tunes. Once you two heard the amazing first few notes of jazz was when Alastor settled down beside you on the sofa and you started clapping in delight.
Alastor looked at you almost fondly, letting out a small huff of delight at your reactions. Your innocence seemed to be something that contained him from wanting to continue his murder spree, although his bloodlust always wins in the end, he seems to always willingly pause his life for you.
Plus, he loves jazz just as much as you do.. why would he miss out on this?
Your fit of giggles dwindled down but didn't stop, in a sudden burst of energy you jumped off the sofa and then started dancing similarly yet obviously a bit more goofy to how you've seen couples and single dancers dance in the nights of Mardi Gras or just parties your father took you when he would be invited. Your little dance moves seemed to be fiddled with confidence yet they were so off from what you were trying to attempt, nonetheless you were happy, and that's what Alastor secretly liked to see.
"Dance with me papa dance with me!" you pleaded again, your smaller hands grabbing his larger one and tugging at it, trying to get him to stand up.
"_____ darling no tugging, besides I just sat down my dear and I'm exhausted." He sighed, his constant smile always present yet he was visibly a bit tired from the day he had.
But oh how you persisted, and how darn adorable you were as a kid. "But papaaa!.. pretty please! I wanna dance how you and that singing lady did the last time we went on those big loud places!"
"Parties, dear." he corrected you, but let out a long sigh and got up. Because no matter how tired he was or how annoyed he seemed to be he didn't mind keeping you happy.
So that's what he did, he danced with you. Swinging you, twirling you around to the melody and the beat, your cheers of glee and uncontrollable laughter motived him to keep up with your excitement. Not only that but your smile, genuine and pure, it was what he needed to get himself to match your energy. Jazz music was what always connected you two and it always brought you together no matter what.
At the end of the song Alastor ended it by gently throwing you up in the air and catching you, letting you get your last giggles out. You both laughed together, your bond ever growing stronger. You truly did tame this bloodthirsty killer without even trying or knowing, of course you were too young to know.
Once the giggle frenzy ended you both finished your dancing with a long sigh, the phonograph ending it's segment. You then suddenly yawned and rested your head in the crook of his neck over his shoulder, snuggling for warmth and for a sudden need to sleep.
"Seems like my little fawn needs sleep now, almost past your bedtime young lady." Normally he'd scold you a bit more strictly as he usually did, but seeing as how you were basically ready to fall into a pile of dreams he just felt no need to do that.
"Sorries papa.. I forgot.." your little words muffled by your face hidden in his neck.
Alastor was never one for being touched, let alone hugged or snuggled. Oh but he had no right to complain, he's had you this close since you were a baby.. to him this just felt normal now.
Of course no one but you could be this close to him, you're his little girl after all.
"No need to worry, my dear." He stopped in front of your bedroom, carefully opening the door with a creak following after. With careful footsteps he walked towards your bed, pulling the blanket away to then gently place you on your cozy sheets with care.
Alastor gently moved any misplaced hairs away from your face as he then pulled your soft and warm blanket up to your neck. Your sleeping face reassuring him.
"Sweet dreams sweetheart." His usual smile softening a bit more before backing away and slowly heading towards the door of your room, lingering for a few extra seconds to take one last look at you before slowly closing the door and heading off to bed himself.
After the click of the door closing can be heard, you mumbled "Goodnight papa.." with a smile, even if in the end Alastor didn't get to hear it.
You missed him, dearly.
A weight fell on your chest, your eyes begging to form tears. You missed when you had that childhood innocence, when you didn't know what he was capable of, when he was nothing but a saint to you.
It still hurt after all these years, you thought he was a good man.. a bit strict, blunt, a bit too true to himself and definitely peculiar but.. the Alastor that raised you would never do that. Until you were obviously proven otherwise.
Oh but I guess you were too into your reminiscing that you didn't notice the background gasps and small shrieks of surprise and fear, and you didn't yet feel the eventual stares and eerie presence right in front of you.
"What don't you regret, my dear?"
You choked on your drink in surprise almost spitting it out,
that fucking radio voice again.
For heaven's sake how did he find you?? He couldn't have seen you through the windows. Did he follow you??.. did you just not notice.. Oh geez maybe getting used to having your guard down during all your years in heaven definitely didn't help with this situation.
You continued coughing on your drink, even punching your chest a bit to get that last good cough out. The radio demon pulled the chair in front of you to sit across from you, not waiting to ask permission.
To him he didn't need to, he's your father after all.
Once you calmed down you immediately avoided eye contact, only giving him a once second glance to confirm it was him in hopes your ears were playing a trick on you-- they weren't.
"How.. how'd you find me.." you mumbled in slight fear.
"Oh how would I not! Sweetheart I'm your father of course, as your father I must have those parental instincts.. I always know where you are!" he exclaimed, seemingly proud of this.
"I'm guessing those 'parental instincts' didn't kick in when you stabbed me, huh." you spat with attitude, unafraid to be rude to him with so much sin he's committed.
A sharp static sound came from him, as if in slight shock at the disrespect and comeback you gave. "Watch the attitude young lady, you're still an Altruist you know."
You scoffed, hating at how indifferent you felt about your last name.
"Not by blood though.."
"I raised you, don't forget that." he spat back, starting to get irritated.
"And because of that I owe you?"
"Yes, yes indeed! Smart girl you are."
You scoffed at his response, finally getting the guts to look at him in the face. His appearance frightened you, disgusted you even.
Is this truly the man that raised you?
"As a matter of fact, I actually don't." you crossed your arms in annoyance and a huff. Your eyes couldn't help but to slowly drift to off to the people behind him and you see fellow angels you know continue to stare in awe or fear, of course at Alastor. With all eyes on you and mostly him it made you feel a little embarrassed. You cowered down a bit and your wings went over your head and shoulders a bit as if to hide you behind a 'curtain' of sorts.
Alastor obviously noticed this, but could care less about the stares.
You sighed, "Look, Alasto--"
"I think you mean to call me 'father'." he interrupted as he obviously seemed a bit sassy about it. "Even 'dad' is just simply fine and dandy with me!"
"No, I can't," you frowned, wishing you could "I won't. Not after what you did to me, to that man that night, and to every other poor soul you hurt."
Your face slowly scrunched up in disgust "You don't deserve my forgiveness, my mercy."
In embarrassment and feeling tears want to shed you grabbed your drink and got up to walk out, before you could get past Alastor though he grabbed your wrist harshly.
"Uh-- hey.. let go--"
"I didn't mean to do what I did, my dove." His voice turned into a weird version of gentle, almost uncharacteristically gentle. "I never intended to take your life away."
He sounded genuine.
Could he?.. Would he?..
Maybe, just maybe--
"No." you spat, "Maybe you didn't mean to hurt me, but you definitely meant to hurt others. That's something I can't forgive and I'm sure your victims wouldn't neither." you glared at him, setting your foot down. "I refuse to call you my father, not until I know that you repent for your sins but knowing you I highly doubt that." You snatched your wrist away and for a slight second you stopped caring about what others thought when they'd see this "Besides, you killed me two weeks after I turned eighteen.. don't even include the years that passed since the 30s and present time so clearly you can't control me anymore old man."
But Alastor wouldn't go down that fast nor easily.
His sharp smile widened, you felt immense dread.
"Oh little one, no matter how far you are or how much you try to disown me you are forever connected to me. I made you who you are and you can try to run and fly off however long you want but in the end you're tied to me whether you like it or not. Even in death."
He seemed deathly serious with his statements so much so that you could've sworn you could see his shadow giggling and smirking in a way that seemed even worse and more than evil.
Your breath quietly hitched in fear in noticing this to the point where it even forced you to take a step back. He let out a sinister chuckle before you couldn't help but speed out of the shop and flew out.
You couldn't handle him, he was shameless when showing this side of him.. how could he be this shameless and normal?? How could he act like this and be proud about it? He killed people and doesn't regret it, you being the only exception just didn't feel right and it wasn't fair!
Not to you.
He may have been able to silently control you and vaguely manipulate you to believe he was anything but a bad person back when you were alive and young but now your eyes are wide open and so is your heart.
You have such a bad feeling about this whole thing, he was up to no good he just couldn't be-- he had to be using the princess as an excuse to do something shitty.
Good thing you had plenty of connections, if you just played your cards right...
Hey.. wasn't there something about a court meeting happening soon?
On the other hand Alastor stayed sitting there still chucking devilishly, his intentions and true feelings smeared and unclear.
With a snap of his fingers a cup of black coffee appeared and he began drinking it with a sense of casual glee and eyes closed in delight. Until he felt eyes on him, two nearby to be exact. He opened one eye to look at the angels staring at him and they both seemed like more biblically accurate angels, both having one eye and all. The radio demon shot them an evil grin.
"Oh adolescents these days, rebellious aren't they." He cackled before going back to drinking his coffee, the angels creeped out by his interaction soon scurried away from him.
The fear. He enjoyed it, just not really from you.
(thank you all who asked for part 2!! of course I had to deliver since you all really wanted it and honestly I love adding flashbacks to memories Alastor and the reader had when they were alive, makes their ending on earth just that more painful (as if it wasn't clear I love angst). Honestly I don't mind making more parts for this! If the demand is consistent and you guys still want to keep up with it I have a few ideas to keep this going! Once again thank you so much for reading!! Now I must finish writing for other stories lolllll!)
(p.s: i highly recommend listening to any mitski song while reading this I think it fits well especially with the flashback scene hehe)
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askswordfrisk · 3 months ago
More Kids in the Orphanage. ^^
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More children of the Delta Orphanage. Either found or saved. Scars of their pasts clearly visible.
Shifty: A StoryShift Chara from a geno route where they failed and was gruesomely cut down because they were “In the way”. Coding corroded too much and had to be pieced together by hand. Scars visible and missing arm implications of lost coding and can’t be easily healed or fixed. Has nightmares a lot and usually found in the medical ward.
Swapy: Storyswap Chara saved before the AU they were saved from imploded. Has been so traumatized that they developed anosognosia and has the delusional belief that they will be picked up by their dead parents… Which sadly will never happen. (Not sure if I got the condition correct. If it wrong I apologize will see if we can fix it)
Seller: Storyfell Chara. From an AU that had a bad virus, she out of desperation destroyed it and fell into the trash void. She is friends with Skara, Dhara, Fara, and Dalla. Sees Skara as an annoying little brother.
Fink: Ink!Frisk is much like ink sans. However due to ink sans popularity and more attention he was gonna be forgotten. Unlike ink!sans Fink does not need paint to have emotions. However they have a crippling phobia of being alone. They don’t have their own paint brush but their hand can color and paint things but he prefers showing his art rather than doodles. He was found after wondering the white void for a long time and was brought to the orphanage. Now he can share many of his magical drawings and paintings with everyone.
Buttercup: Flowerfell Frisk variant (not frans au). Due to their AU having a glitch, they constantly died the moment they fell down to the underground. They were saved and brought to the orphanage helping stifle their disease. Their blindness was chronic but they are very sweet to everyone.
Felly: Firefell Frisk. First child saved by CC and brought to the orphanage. Her Toriel was too strict and burned her for any small mistake she made. After finding out the AU was long discarded and the universe was completely empty. After defeating Toriel Felly was happy to stay at the orphanage. But requested to keep her scars. Despite everything, she still saw Toriel as a good mom.
Sorry for the long wait, once again sharing the kids who been saved and brought to the orphanage. Bless you once again @susartwork for all your amazing work! QwQ
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ayyy-imma-ninja · 3 months ago
Any HC for ruin/jigsaw
yesyesyesyesyes :D
he likes aquariums and likes sharks
Jigsaw is afraid of thunderstorms and loud noises due to PTSD
he can do ballet and will practice with Ballora
he likes musicals because of his theatrical roots
speaking of theater, he used to put on shows in the theater of his old Pizzaplex
he recites monologues from some Shakespearean plays to help ground himself
he likes peppermints
he'd wear a onesie/kigurumi if he could (and yes it would be a shark)
this guy hasn't properly slept in ages out of fear he will relive his worst fears and trauma in his dreams--and of course the ONE TIME HE FREAKING DOES---
he likes the sound of gentle rain and crackling fireplace
he wishes he could go on more nature walks
he struggles with touch aversion because of the virus; some days it's okay, and others he is afraid of being in physical contact with others
his neck thing is a bit ticklish
his love language is words of affirmation
for the longest time I HC'd that Jigsaw got his accent from being around his Creator for so long. Sadly this was debunked when revealed he always had the accent QwQ
he sometimes watches Sunshine and Moonlight play with the kids during operating hours. He really misses it...
he bursts into high pitched bubbly giggles when happy or flustered
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chocolate-to-the-party · 1 year ago
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keep adding if ya’ll remember more
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I spent too much time curating these not to share them, feel free to add on.
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smallestapplin · 9 months ago
Hello! you can make Yandere Blurr, Pharma and Tyrest x Cybertronian female reader wife
I always did like them crazy. Also I apologize I don't feel confident in writing Tyrest, even reading and reading his wiki I can't get a good read on his character QwQ
🔞Warnings : toxic behavior, threats, talks of harm, implied noncon, past murder. I wrote little scenarios too ^^ 🔞
- Blurr is a puppy, if you could place him in a category. He is always so happy to see you, always at your side attached to your hip, and if he's on a mission he gets it done in record speeds just to run back to base for you, yelling your name and tackling you into a hug.
- He's so sickeningly sweet to you, always showing up for you, helping you work, and always does something spontaneous to keep you on your pedes!
- You'd never believe a soul that Blurr could harm friends or allies, not unless you saw it for yourself. He is always such a sweetie, and the reason you agreed to bond your spark to his.
- You even told Bee you just couldn't believe him without evidence "I know Blurr can get a bit sassy, but threaatening to crush your spark in his servos? That's just not like him."
- Blurr knows this, he's not dumb, he knows you placed your blind trust and faith in him, and he will do whatever it takes to keep it that way. It's why he glares, snaps, and makes snide comments to any boy getting too close to you. Even puts on the waterworks, crying about how mean the bot you finished speaking to is, just to make you comfort him and avoid that bot unless for work.
- He loves you, he loves you so so much and never fails to tell you or show you.
- But sometimes it's overwhelming, you never get a moment to yourself, you are never alone to collect your thoughts or to process your feelings on anything, Blurr is right there, cooing at you and nuzzling his helm into your neck cables.
- Even though you're tired, you never ask him to leave you alone, last time you sighed and asked for space he was sobbing, clinging to you harder, pleading with you to not leave or abandon him, that he can't live without you.
- "I want you, i need you! I-I can't live without you! I don't know what I'd do without you- pleasepleaseplease don't leave me, I love you!" Over and over and over again. It had you worried and guilt ridden, leaving you to never mention space again.
- You even apologized to him after that, never meaning to upset him.
- It's like he's draining your battery dry, sucking away your life force.
- But you stay by his side like a dutiful wife, helping him on missions when it's needed, smiling when he comes back, kissing him any chance you get.
- You feel like you're drowning in his love, suffocating you.
- Even as you lay in your shared berth, wide awake, Blurr sleeps in a peaceful stasis laying on top of you.
You sigh, your neck cables stiff from such a long time staring at your data pad and working on reports, but you're glad you got a large chunk of it done, you can finally go to your habsuite and relax.
Your spark clenches at the sound of rapidly approaching pedesteps. You try to hide your exhaustion, just in time to turn around and get a blue glob lunging for you.
You catch your husband with ease, use to his antics by now.
"Ohhhh I missed you so much! The mission was terribly boring but nothing I couldn't handle. Have you eaten yet? I want to have energon with you."
He speaks so fast, excitement showing in his words.
"M'sorry Blurr, I was just about to go to our habsuite and go down for a cycle. Prowl has been on my aft about reports, and I'm tiring."
He looks so crushed, his face plate a mix of sadness and rage.
"He's so pushy and such a workaholic! I have half a processor to go into his office and give him a piece if my brain module! I can't believe that guy, pushing my poor wife for his stupid reports."
He goes on such a long rant about Prowl, pointing out everything the bot has done wrong or the frankly harsh things he's said, you hate to admit that Blurr has a point but you are fond of Prowl.
He's rough around the edges but a nice friend to you when he opens up.
"Blurr, sweetie, it's fine really. Prowl has been swamped with reports and I don't mind helping. He's actually a nice bot once you get through his walls."
Blurr's expression looks like you just shot him. He clings to you, digits practically sinking into your back strut.
"Y-you've been hanging out with him without me?"
"It's just for work. Blurr, you know I love you and would never dream of leaving you, but I'd like to have some friends, even if they are just work friends."
Your spark aches at the sight of his optics welling up with liquid.
You just know you're going to have to start comforting him and avoid Prowl at all costs if it makes him this upset.
- lying to yourself in hopes you'd believe it. Pharma is a menace, you tried so hard to be kind to him, yet your kindness is what lead you here, bound to him in everything but your spark, it's at least the only thing he can't force upon you, no matter how many times he opens your spark chamber.
- No matter how many times he's tried to force the bond, always so calmly muttering his love for you, it never works.
- You once had such a fiery spirit, such a fiercely protective and loyal bot before Pharma got his servos on you. He broke you. The last time you managed to escape him and find help, he just killed them, toyed with them for fun no matter how much begged him to spare them. New parts for him.
- You never forgave yourself for being the reason those innocent bots met their ends, and Pharma takes great pleasure in that. You curl into such a cute ball and silently cry yourself into stasis, with him right behind you, curling around you and buring his face plate into the back of your neck. You want to scream, to sob, to upchuck and empty your tanks at the disgust of feeling his touch. His arms around your waist, holding you so tenderly, rubbing his thumb across your mesh like he's been an adoring lover this entire time.
- If you leave he will just find you.
- "What, you're not going to run again? My, but it was such a fun game we played!" He laughs.
- Pharma flips between knowing you don't love him in return, but not caring as he loves you and that's all that matters, to having moments of truly believing you're just playing games with him, such a playful darling he has! You just want to keep your marriage exciting, right?
- You try to lie to yourself, that you do love him, you love being at his side, you love ensuring he has plenty of energon, you love him.
- You miss the old him, the old Pharma you married, the old Pharma you promised to spark bond with once he returned form work but he never came back. Only for him to come back some years later to...being like this.
- He's draining, but he always makes sure you've eaten today, always makes sure you're safe, always makes sure he's kissed you and said he's loved you today.
- You can't fight him forever, you both know that.
- Why keep fighting when you can be a good little wife and accept his love?
Everyday it's the same, every cycle is new but nothing changes, you're still in the same dark abandoned building. You avoiding leaving your makeshift habsuite and a few other areas, not wanting to hear anything Pharma is doing further in the back.
You don't want to hear screams that get cut short, and the whirl of a saw.
You don't want to hear or see anything, you just want to pretend this is all a nightmare, but you know you can't wake up from it.
You just want a sense of normalcy back, to be back at your nice home on Cybertron before the war, laughing with coworkers and friends, greeting your husband with a smile.
Now you can barely stand to look at him without fear gripping your spark.
He's not the bot you married.
You lay on your berth, back facing the door as you don't want to see him, you don't even want him to see your face you don't want to give him the satisfaction of seeing your fear.
Your body trembles hearing his pedesteps growing closer. You will your body to freeze and squeeze your optics shut, just in time for the door to open. Pharma pauses in the doorway, looking over your resting form.
You've been going into stasis a lot more than usual, and a lot more than is recommended, but he can't be too upset with you, after all you look adorable when you're resting.
He moves quietly throughout the room, cleaning up the energon from his face, servo, and saw, knowing you don't like him leaving such a mess.
"I know you're awake, Dear."
You bite your derma holding back a whimper, but remain unmoving
"I'm worried you're sleeping too much, that's usually the first sign something is wrong. Funny how you could be sick, and don't you come to me with it, I am trained in this you know."
You can hear the smile in his voice, as if he didn't kills bots just to meet a quota, tortured someone you called friend, and then all of this.
You'd rather die than let him know anything.
"Are you truly so tired you can't tell me? No matter, I'll find out next cycle, yeah? I'll let you get some rest."
Your optics widen as he lays down behind you, his saw moving to rest under his helm, and his free arm wrapping around your waist, pulling you closer to him.
Your back against his Chassis, his face into the back of your neck, pressing feather light kisses across your cables.
Pharma hums, chuckling softly at the feeling of your body shaking. His servo tightens its grip on you, keeping you flushed with him.
"So cute, I wish you'd let me dissect you to figure out what makes you so irresistible."
He laughs at hearing your involuntary whimper.
"No, I could never, but I'd much rather you be my pretty nurse."
You just want to go home and away from this monster.
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twost3ps · 2 months ago
I’m back uhhhh what did I miss- like genuinely though drop a comment or sumn dm me idk hit me up what happened around or with you idk brah I deleted this app when I went on hiatus
Idgaf tell me the weather or sumn (tldr at the bottom bcz I do yap 🙄)
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Thank you guys who commented on my hiatus post I meant a lot to be checked on jhefihnfechn
On that note I do wanna premise my updating schedule is going to be excreeemmmmeeeeely slim. Im going to be not as active as I was before especially since um… I kinda stopped drawing for basically 2 months I need to get back into the jam of it.
Im gonna be here like once a week or two till I feel comfy again. I have not draw in in a month but I do feel it kicking in again just a bit.
I do also wanna say i have realized that my lack of posting or interacting was a result of two things: one seasonal depression and that hazbin isn’t on the forefront of my mind anymore and hasn’t been since November tbh uhh whoops
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So yeah im kinda uhh dropping it. Not exactly but yeah im not a big hazbin fan and haven’t been. Tbh I wasn’t that invested in hazbin rather I was invested in Adam and that was pretty much it.
I was actually in the Adam fandom I’ll be real🧍
This, I am not surprised about because I have played this game many times before. I still very much like Adam but that Adam has turned into my Adam rather than show Adam. He’s my oc essentially so uhhh yeah. I’m gonna ween myself from tagging hazbin but I’m gonna post adamsapple, guitarhero and adamsangels as if they’re my ocs maybe redesign Lucifer and Adam a bit though I can’t really imagine myself changing them much but in time the change will come
I’ll be doing my old aus and stuff still I guess but my account is gonna mainly centralize around the archangels and Adam and Lucifer as their own characters separate from the show. So if you see, like, a mischaracterized or Adam or Lucifer here or there that’s them turning into ocs. I will respond to hazbin stuff but it is no longer in the front of my mind (I will post stuff about it still tho) don’t mean I won’t interact with Adam related posts anymore because I am physically unable to keep my hands off him??? But you will see a lack of content coming from me because I am lazzzyyyyyyyyyy
Will I take it all back when season 2 premieres? Maybe idk
But yeah uh sorry lmao. Missed you all though qwq
I’m back. This is not really a hazbin based account anymore. You will see other fandoms and my ocs. I missed you all 😘
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starrysnowdrop · 5 months ago
Heyo! So I happened to see your recent ask response regarding Zenos randomly, and, honestly, I'm kind of curious on what people miss about his character! I'm not a personal big fan of him(ngl he kind of creeped me out with his, projecting himself on the wol it felt like? Note I say that as a WHM main who plays as truly heroic WoL(s) most of the time admittedly, so most of his stuff made me go no? alot XD I don't mind people who do like him tho! They're cool!), but I'm interested in understanding him better if possible, cause I know I miss things that others don't and I don't think I've seen anyone explain his intricacies without being somewhat rude about it, but you explained what you did without coming off as that. So I'm kind of curious on that essay you almost wrote if you'd be alright writing it XD (Sorry for being on anon, I am, very shy qwq)
In case you’re not familiar with what this anon is asking about, this is in response to my answer to this ask HERE. Feel free to go read that one and come back!
So, I first want to say thank you for being brave enough to reach out to me about this, even on anon!! I’m really glad that you didn’t find my comments to be rude, as that is the very last thing that I would want! If anyone did find me too abrasive in my previous post above, then I wholeheartedly apologize for that. I would never want anyone to be afraid to reach out to me because I came off as rude at some point, so I appreciate you letting me know that you didn’t think I was. 💖
Alright, now let’s get to the topic at hand: Zenos, and why I truly think that he is the most misunderstood character in FFXIV.
Zenos: The Most Misunderstood Character in FFXIV
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((I wrote way too much, so it’s under the cut.))
Alright, so let’s start with what I have seen as the popular take on Zenos that I see as wrong: A lot of players see Zenos as a one dimensional character that has no depth, and doesn’t have a character arc in which he grows as a character. They see him as the annoying antagonist who has a battle boner for the WoL and that’s it. They only see his bloodlust and nothing else. They don’t think there is anything else to him, and that’s where I must strongly disagree.
So, how is he not a one dimensional character? Well, that’s because he really is a complex character, but you need to be paying close attention to what Zenos is actually saying and what his actions are throughout the story.
One can piece together Zenos’ complexity purely from watching the cutscenes, but just in case anyone is curious about going into more depth on his backstory, then I highly recommend that you go read his side story from the Chronicles of Light book entitled “The Hunt Begins”. It shows how Zenos was raised, and it reinforces why he thinks the way that he does.
Without going into his backstory too much, for brevity's sake, Zenos is actually a prodigy, someone who was born with not only incredible strength, but also incredible intelligence, and you know what happens when gifted kids don't get enough of a challenge? Yup, they get easily bored. So keep that in mind as we move along. Now, mix that boredom with a good dose of Anhedonia, or the inability to experience pleasure or joy. Now we aren't sure if he was born with Anhedonia, or if he acquired it through some mental health condition, such as PTSD, depression, etc. I'm no psychologist whatsoever, so I'm not here to diagnose Zenos with any particular disorder, but it is clear that he suffers from the lack of feeling joy or pleasure in his life.
This is actually what characterizes Zenos the most when we first are introduced to him in 4.0; he is suffering from Anhedonia AND Ennui, which according to Webster's Dictionary, is not just a feeling of weariness and dissatisfaction, but its a profound sense of boredom that arises from feeling jaded with one's life.
Zenos is suffering from a lack of joy and pleasure in his life, seeing the world as meaningless and dull, and he has found only one sole pleasure in all of it: The Hunt*. But what he means by The Hunt, is that he wants to fight the most challenging foes, challenging enough that he must put his all into the battle and be pushed to the brink of death. Only this kind of challenging battle will give him any sense of joy at all. For him at this point, there has been nothing else which has brought him joy, so he seeks out this sole pleasure.
And THAT is what Zenos' motivation is. He is not mindless in his pursuit of battle. His bloodlust stems from the desire to feel some kind of happiness at all, and unlike what some might think, not any foe will do. Zenos does not fight mindlessly against anyone at any time. That is not true. If an enemy is no threat to him, unless they purposely get in his way, he will not fight them.
This is true from the first time you see Zenos on the battlefield. At Rhalgr's Reach, Zenos sought out only the strongest fighters there, and two of them (Lyse and Y'shtola) got in his way first, and he defeated them easily. When he fights the WoL, the one who he has heard so much about, and definitely the strongest opponent among them, he becomes curious and hopes that we will give him what he wants. But in that first battle with him, he swats the WoL away like a fly, and they pose no challenge to him at all, to which he calls them "Pathetic", and then he immediately leaves, ultimately disappointed.
Note that Zenos had every opportunity to kill Lyse, Y’shtola, and the WoL if he wanted to, but he doesn’t. He leaves them alone after he defeats them. That’s not the sign of someone who is so sadistic that he’s only out for blood. The fact of the matter here is that Zenos is trying to feel something from battle, something that he has never experienced before: pure joy.
Zenos doesn’t experience this joy until he fights the WoL again several times; first he gets just a hint of it, a tiny spark, when the WoL breaks a piece of his helmet off, and he feels it even more later on when Zenos fights the WoL in the Ala Mhigan throne room. This is when Zenos goes into his monologue before he releases and takes over Shinryu, and note that the joy and pleasure he is describing seems to have a sexual tone to it, which I promise I have a point to make about that in a bit.
After the battle with Zenos as Shinryu, he finally feels the joy that he has never felt in his entire life, and because he doesn’t think he’ll ever feel anything like it ever again, Zenos takes his own life, happy to have played a bit part in the story of his “first friend”.
But as we know, Zenos doesn’t stay dead. He finds himself alive once more, and he has a singular goal: to feel that pure bliss, that overwhelming joy that he felt when he fought the WoL in the Royal Menagerie in Ala Mhigo. From ShB through EW, Zenos’ goal doesn’t change, but he does change in his understanding of what it means to have a “friend” and how he can feel happiness.
During EW, Zenos has several scenes where his understanding of his feelings seems to grow, and though that sexual tone to his descriptions of what he’s feeling towards his battle with the WoL is still there, I would argue that over time, it seems to have more and more of a romantic tone to it as well. And with this shift in his tone when describing his feelings, he also seems to question his understanding of it all.
Zenos’ character growth is the whole point of two very important scenes: the Scions and Jullus encountering Zenos in Garlemald while fighting the blasphemies, and later when Zenos goes to the Royal Menagerie alone. The first of these scenes reinforces the themes of EW with Zenos’ philosophy of life, but it is also the first time that someone says something that makes Zenos question his beliefs.
Alisaie’s words to Zenos hit him hard, and Zenos goes back to the Royal Menagerie, to the scene of where he had his one transcendent moment, his one time in his life when he felt joy, pleasure, and happiness. He realizes in this moment that, whatever you believe Zenos’ true feelings are for the WoL, which I personally argue that it is love that he feels for them, but regardless, Zenos cannot continue to be selfish and only think about his own wants and desires. He must act selflessly, and assist in the WoL’s battle against the Endsinger and stop the Final Days, in order for the WoL to give him what he wants in return. He finally realizes that it’s this give and take, this reciprocation between people, is the key to building bonds with others… Zenos finally learns what it is to be a “friend” to someone. After this moment, Zenos goes to Sharlayan to find a way to help out the WoL in their mission to save the star, and to finally be a friend to them.
And you know what that is? That’s growth. That’s having a character arc. That’s Zenos in all of his complexity. Which I still say that it’s perfectly fine to not like his character, but I only wish that people would not like him with a clear understanding of what he really is, and not what others think he is.
Alright, I think I have blabbed on long enough, but I hope that I have answered your question anon! If you need me to clarify anything further, please don’t hesitate to ask me! Thank you so much for your ask anon, and thank you to all who have read this! 💖
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13thdoodle · 20 days ago
Another 3D shader practice~ yippeee~
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Following different tutorial from the same guy, it's from this video but just the magic transparency part. I wanna try the outlines from a different video instead bc I think that was made before grease pencil?
His video titles are clickbaity but they are genuinely good tutorials asdkjnajkds
It's late so I'll put the screenshots for them later
But yeah, the transparency; in the video, he mentioned an Alpha Clip blend mode. That option no longer exist since Blender 4.2 iirc, but you don't need it bc Blender already automatically add them.
So you just need to add the Geometry node to the fac on the mix shader node and ur good to go~ I totally didn't go down a slight rabbit hole trying to figure out how to add that "missing" Alpha Clip function and testing out bunch of alternative placements, before finally reading the comment update
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Make sure the color on the Transparency BSDF node stays white. the #FFFFFFFFF kind of white.
I think it works like multiply in drawing programs. If you put white on multiply, nothing shows up. But when there's a slight tint or gray color, it'll turn darker.
Like that, but it adds a layer of tint on the transparency, which is not.. what I'm going with at least? I guess if you want to have that tint, go for it. Just don't forget to increase the samples number for render. Otherwise it'll just be a bunch of dithering qwq
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Emission is where you add colors. .. I haven't try it out with actual models and more colors but emission is what gave the color for the box
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The second box have its own shader material so I can change the color~
Man when shit works it really feels like when you're playing with a robot or electronics n just.. dismantling them n then putting them together~ It's fun.... when it's not frustrating lol
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alittlefanatic · 2 years ago
hello! would it be alright to request something for a reader who really looks up to howdt as a sort of father figure?
idk man, i collect fictional parental figures like pokemon, welcome home happens to be my latest obsession, and YOU happen to be my favorite fan writer for said obsession, so i figured id ask- no pressure though! college is rough, and i want you to take care of yourself!
I'm going to cry qwq THANK YOU SO MUCH! That means the world to me that I'm your favorite! I never thought that I'd be someone's favorite writer awawawaw.
🐛 Howdy Father Figure Headcanons! 🐛
Child Version
🐛 Howdy LOVES to hold you and pick you up! You are just so tiny and small!
🐛 He would love to give you head pats and even ruffle your hair! (If you are ok with it of course)
🐛 Got a boo boo? He will be right there by your side like a frantic parent! "Are you hurt? I have cute little butterfly bandages! Let's get you cleaned up!"
🐛 He will hang all of your crayon drawings throughout his Bugdega! He wants to show off how creative and how proud he is of you!
🐛 If you knock over a stand at his Bugdega: "It's alright bug! Are you hurt? No? Ok good.. mistakes happen, don't be upset! What do we do when we make a mistake? We clean it up! See? It's better! Mistakes make us feel bad but they don't define us!"
Teenage Version
🐛 He would have you work in his store! "It helps build character and understand responsibility better!"
🐛 With that being said though, he also helps you define your boundaries!
🐛 "You don't want to work on Saturdays and Sundays? Do you need the day off to rest and work on things? That's ok! Thank you for telling me! Let's work things out if we need to~"
🐛 If you are wanting to sell anything, he will help you put up a little stand in his store! He's your biggest supporter and will personally send out your work to other neighbors to get them interested to buy!
🐛 This man has absolutely no idea how to drive a car (mainly because he cannot fit in many, nonetheless drive) but he will try and guide you nonetheless! That is until he gets one of the other neighbors to help. He would get you a little 'beetle' car purely for the name.
Adult Version
🐛 He would absolutely cry at the thought of you moving out but he would help you 'spread your wings' if you did want to move, or at least have a place of your own nearby!
🐛 "My little bug is all grown up! I can't believe how fast it flew by...I'm so proud of you! Know you can always come back to your ol' pops ok? I may be getting older but I still have all these arms to hug you!"
🐛 He would let you take over the Bugdega if you wanted it! He would feel like you would do a phenomenal job.
🐛 If you don't though, he will be your number one supporter and will send you baked goods in the morning for your work as a courtesy gift!
🐛 If you move away, he would send you letters every week updating you about what's going on in the neighborhood and how he misses you and loves you, and that he's proud of you every day!
🐛 He is a very sentimental man, keeping every letter you write to him, or anything you've ever given him. Don't you ever think it wasn't appreciated, because he has a little area in his room dedicated to things from you.
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I felt so bad that I haven't been able to write, I got a few more personal things to do then I'm completely free so expect more soon I promise! I'm so happy to finally be able to write more content for this fandom soon it brings me joy Be sure to get some water and a snack neighbor! Howdy would like you to take care of yourself 🐛
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maysrinn · 1 year ago
Super obsessed with your capitol family au...and I'm wondering how would coryo and lucy gray respond to each of their kids getting in trouble at school?
The most exciting thing is to hear that you guys enjoy the AU so much! qwq 💞✨
Well Sejanus does everything to not cause any trouble, he’s like a teachers favorite. Being always prepared, having good answers, excellent grades and never missing a day (only when sick) Its like he is the perfect student to live up to his father who he is often compared to, which he also takes pride in. Xanthos is…he’s quite, studies for himself, also a smart little fella with not much effort, has his afternoon academy programs later on and the only thing that could give him some trouble is his relative short temper and the need prove himself. Could he get into fights? Yes. Does he tho? No but he is a good candidate to accept stupid bets or dares that could get him into trouble…and then there is Rosalyn Aureolin Snow…oh god rosie…she brings snakes she found in the garden to class…when the report reached her parents you can bet that lucy gray laughed her ass off.
Coriolanus: stop laughing this is a serious matter…she can’t just bring snakes to school thats inexcusable behavior! People will start talking if this becomes public, they would call her all sort of wild names. She definitely got that from you, I remember the snake reaping incident like it was yesterday.
Lucy Gray: Now now, let’s not overreact and bring my little pal Kevin into this, after all we’ve been through together he never forgave me for shoving him down Mayfairs dress… we used to be so close and now… he just slithered away…
Coriolanus: …you find this utterly amusing don’t you Mrs Snow-
Lucy Gray: VERY~
She wont got punished tho after telling her father she just wanted to show everyone her new little friend, Augustus liked the scaly little fella! 🐍
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dervampireprince · 28 days ago
hope you're having a good day!!
i wanted to ask since the royal series all have face-claims now- can we still imagine them the way we did before you gave them designs? since they were made without faces i've had a pretty set in stone image for the guilty priest and it's been an adjustment for me
so i was wondering if we're allowed or if you even care? obviously i know he has a canon design and respect that!! sorry if this is a confusing question QwQ
not sure how i'm meant to answer this question. because on one hand no i can't police your imagination, i cant even stop you from thinking of ambrose and arden as looking differently. on the other hand, what if someone used to imagine lucien as being white and now his canonical design is out showing he's not white is it wrong for someone to still imagine him that way? like that doesn't feel right, does it? so i don't know.
i think i'd prefer not to know what you're doing in your imagination, it's not something i have any control over nor can police, and tbh i don't understand why you don't just continue imagining whatever instead of telling me about it? like i can't tell you off about what youre imagining if i don't know about it. i don't feel like i can tell you what you're 'allowed' to imagine in your own head. i dont understand why you just wouldnt keep this to yourself instead of presenting me with the uncomfortable options of either sounding like a horrible controlling person saying 'no you cant imagine what you like'
or make me uncomfortably say 'you can imagine my characters looking like however' when i dont want to say that because of course i want people to imagine them how they actually look, it feels gross for anyone to be doing otherwise especially if what you're asking is to imagine them being skinnier than they are, not being disabled, not being trans, not having the same features they do. like. i put a lot of effort into designing them, and a lot of them have features that arent considered 'traditionally' attractive or whatever and it would feel weird to erase those, and it would feel gross to me if someone imagined johann without his missing arm, imagined lysander without his leg brace, imagined any of my trans men as cis, imagined those without bottom surgery with bottom surgery,
or imagined father hawthorn (the guilty priest) with bottom or top surgery when he doesn't have them or without his wrinkles or sagging breasts or chest hair or greying hair then these things are important to me, showing trans men who don't have/want top or bottom surgery are important to me, showing trans men who are older (hawthorn is in his 50s) is important to me, giving him features that wouldn't be considered 'traditionally' attractive like his crows feat, his laugh lines, his sagging breasts with hair on them are important to me to show to prove that these features are still attractive and that older trans men exist and that trans men with different bodies exist and that trans men who dont want to medically transition or medically transition in different ways exist (hawthorn has been on t but not had top or bottom surgery).
and ignoring their canonical designs just feels like their 'imperfections' are gonna get taken away, or worse that they might get cis-washed or viewed under a transmed lens or something else bigoted. and i don't know if that's what you're doing, i don't know how differently you're imagining him looking.
their designs are incredibly important to me and yes it hurts to hear someone say 'i dont want to imagine them looking like that' because it sounds like you're saying 'i dont like how they look' or 'theyre not attractive enough for me' because i think you could open yourself up to what you find attractive, but if you really can't, if they're just not your type, then maybe you just move onto another character i don't know. and this response is probably upsetting you and this is why you probably shouldn't have asked me the question.
hearing someone say that they don't want to imagine my oc looking the way they canonically do when i all but one is trans, when they all have some sort of 'imperfections', some sort of representation... it just feels like your trying to take away what makes them *them* and also take away representation that matters.
so no i cant stop you imagining him however you want. but understand from my perspective, with all the work i put into designing them and how much their designs mean to me as a trans man who wishes to see trans men portrayed in more ways than just 'skinny twink with top surgery and no bottom surgery' that saying you want to imagine them differently is kinda hurtful to hear. but again also like, i can't stop you, it's your imagination. but i'm also not gonna lie and say i'm happy to hear their actual designs weren't fun or attractive enough for you, or didn't live up to what you imagined. so maybe think about why you don't like my designs and hopefully it's not from some idea that certain body types or features can't be attractive, and if you really want to keep imagining him however you want i can't stop you, but don't tell me if you are. i don't want to know. because there's nothing i can do to change that. so what's the point in telling me other than making me feel guilty for feeling uncomfortable about it. because i do feel guilty for getting uncomfortable about someone else’s imagination, i mean you're not harming anyone, but like it is upsetting me to know so just no one tell me if you're doing this. and definitely don't send me fanworks of you drawing/writing/etc them looking different to their canonical designs (but rules on that are in my fanworks guide anyway, eg you can change their clothes but obviously dont change their body types or genitalia or skin colour etc)
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ying-doodles · 7 months ago
// webtoon spoilers (ep 155)
honestly this episode is pretty good!! (apart from a few bits but you know how it is with the webtoon-) it really hit me in the feels, and in a good way too.. qwq
splitting this into two posts again so this contains all the more emotional parts and the next is the more silly/frustrating parts-
oh my god, not the flashback to suho and his parents visiting the tower when he was a kid?? AUGH,, 。・゚゚*(>д<)*゚゚・。
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'when someone really misses another person... they might meet here again...' suho thinking about his parents,, :(
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'it doesn't matter.' 'all we have is a business relationship.' oh my god both of you please shut the fck up,, they're such tsunderes-
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aww, javier willing to stall for lloyd so he could spend more time in seoul if he wanted to is so sweet.. also this panel of them undressing in the alleyway is very um... hot. < who said that? not me no-
(also I didn't include it but a civilian outed them by shouting 'police, the thieves are putting on a n*de show over here!' and I just. what can I even say about that??)
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'I already met my family.' and he LOOKS UP AT THE SKY?? ough,, OTL
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back at the estate and another moment of javier being concerned for lloyd aww,,
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he's fine though lmao. (javier's shocked face in the corner www-)
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'I'll crush it completely!!' yeah... yeah you definitely will-
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jazjelspen · 1 year ago
devil's spawn.
angel alastor w/ radio demon daughter reader
(notes: based off of the concept of my other story 'my angel baby' except alastor and his adopted daughter switch places and personalities. In Alastor's pov (?)in this chapter.)
(caution: RUSHED!! definitely rushed qwq so I greatly apologize. Not proofread in the slightest. Might have cringe parts am so sorriy qwq)
(Alastor is still in a way the angel version of 'the radio demon' except he's called 'the radio angel' by his fans, but he doesn't refer to himself as such since angel alastor is actually humble)
(I'm willing to make another part but considering Hs becoming more stressful and it blowing my brain up it'll definitely take time, but always willing to make more if wanted/needed)
It was another bright and fresh day in heaven, Alastor clinging the laundry up on the line while his mother, whom he managed to find in his decades inside the pearly gates, sat on a rocking chair reading a book as she usually would.
The bright heavenly lights making his halo shine, complimenting his wings, other neighborly 'winners' he would be acquainted with would walk by and greet him with a wave or a tip of their hats to him while he was outside fixing their clothes.
In this particular universe, Alastor is the complete opposite of his original counterpart. Where the original Alastor would hurt and destroy, this version of him would care and heal. He was selfless, kind, compassionate and sympathetic to which again is also a complete twist around compared his original self.
Alastor died out of an accidental kill, mistaken for a deer and shot through the head while he was out in the forest collecting his adoptive daughter's favorite flowers, at her favorite flower meadow on the day of her eighteenth birthday.
Unfortunately due to missing his baby girl's birthday and being taken away from her too soon for his liking he has been living in pure regret, panic, and pure sorrow form having to leave her too early and it pained him everyday.
He raised you all by himself while juggling his passion for radio hosting, finding comfort in your innocence and smiles when he first found you and as you grew up you gave him a reason to live and work.
That's the only thing that him and the original sadistic version Alastor have in common; the fatherly love for their daughters who are also their entire lives. Their love traverses across universes.
Eventually the more you grew up the more.. peculiar and unique you became.. your innocence would melt away with a sadistic fire in your eyes that he would notice at times but would try his best to lead you in the ways of love and compassion which you had for him but lacked for those around you..
Alastor was finishing up his morning chores for his mother's home before he would eventually go back inside and get a few necessities before leaving his home. His pearly coat, his shining microphone staff, fix his appearance in the mirror just a tad, and finally hugging his mother goodbye from the porch to head up and down the street towards the main part of the city.
Yes, he was still a radio host as well too.
Instead of broadcasting screams of pain and terror from sinners he instead would give voices to those who wished to express their passions, interview everyday folk and influential people on opinions and advice to those listening to his radio show and he even has good connections and acquaintances to the high Seraphims of heaven in order to get the latest news in the ruling of heaven.
He's just as famous as he was in life, maybe more considering how many people there are in heaven alone.
His polished shoes creating sounds on the pavement as he hummed a special tune that he adores, a tune he used to sing to you. Yet again still greeting passing by acquaintances and fans of his show with genuine glee and care.
Alastor waved off to an old friend while walking by, shining his taken cared for smile. "Good to see you again Roger, don't forget to tune in soon in a few hours! It'll be a real gas so don't miss i-- oh my!"
Alastor looked down as he seemed to bump into someone small, looking down at his feet he saw a young little girl. Another fellow 'winner' she seemed to have bumped into him with chocolate smeared around her mouth with a giddy yet apologetic smile on her face. And unfortunately smeared some chocolate on his pants.
"Hiya mister!" she waved, showing her dirtied little hand as well "Sorries! I didn't watch where I was going..!"
Alastor noticed the stain and his jaw hung slightly from surprise but then immediately laughed it off, petting the young girl on the head in understanding.
"Oh little one, don't worry about it at all! Here, so you can clean yourself up." He then took a white embroidered handkerchief for his chest pocket to give to the little girl who then wiped her face and her hands, seeing her struggle a bit Alastor graciously held her hands gently to wipe them off for her and her nose as well.
"Mary!" A voice exclaimed that approached, a woman than came into view, a winner as well. "Oh! Well if it isn't our most kind radio host! I deeply apologize about my daughter sir.." The mother would smile sheepishly and apologetically. "Thank you so much for helping my little girl, I apologize for her clumsiness! Could I perhaps offer you help of any kind?..”
Alastor shook his head as he would then neatly fold the handkerchief and saved it in his coat this time so that he could remember to wash it when he got back home. "Oh no no! No need ma'am, it's nothing a little magic can't cover up for the time being!" He smiled at the woman who now had her hands placed on her daughter's shoulders with a sigh slipping through her lips. He looked down at the girl as he gave her a pat on the head "On the other hand, are you okay dear? I do hope you didn't hit yourself too hard!.."
The little girl shook her head as well in reply, "Nu-uh mister! Thank you for helping me! I promise not to bump into anymore misters or any misseses!" Oh her messing up of words ringed a bell in his head
"How darling! Take care of yourself and your mother now, " He looked up at the woman to then lower his head slightly in respect before resuming his steps again "Apologies for the rush, just trying to see if I can get some special guests on my radio show tonight!"
The woman waved at him 'goodbye' with her young girl following suit "Oh I sure hope they agree! Good day to you Alastor!"
"Good day to you as well madame!" he waved back as he finally took enough steps away from them to now get a clearer view of the inside of the city.
He couldn't help but sigh in despair, he remembers when he used to have his own little girl.
Took care of her as if she was his own blood, as if they came form the same flesh and heritage.
And although you didn't, he never loved you any less.
His smile faltered slightly but picked it up quickly, rushing towards the next moving tram that he recognized to get to his destination: the middle of the city. Once he saw one and hopped on, he could feel his heart pump with blood he once had as red and now as gold as the tears of the elder angels.
If what he heard was right, he would try to get a segment with three special guests from hell.
Sure, he knew that they came from a place of bad and evil but that didn't deter him any less. From life to death he would give voices to everyone that needed to be heard and he would follow it no matter where someone came from.
The fresh breezes and the smell of bakeries, restaurants, the sounds of workers in mom and pop shops and independent growing businesses were like music. He could've sworn that even the laughter of children and the chattering of friends, couples, and families amongst each other turned into melodies in through his brain circuits.
Heaven was.. heaven.
But his only sin was not speaking out at heaven's hypocrisy or flaws at times. Many times he would but it turned into heaven setting restrictions on him.. silencing his own voice. He was never fond of that but apparently according to Sera and that blasphemous Adam, it was required. 'To avoid panic and prevent disturbances amongst the people of heaven' or so they'd say.
He was working on a way to go around that.. change their minds. But it was much harder than he anticipated.
Oh!-- The tram stopped with a loud hiss and ring.
Alastor snapped out of his thoughts would hop off the tram and finally start resuming his walk. He was now just a block away, the more he walked the less the voices and sounds of work distanced, entering a quieter part of the city. He was now in the smack middle of the entrance to heaven, where ice cream shops were laid in rows, cafes as well, people quietly chatting and drinking their beverages or eating their food.
Oh! And he could heard a familiar tune! It was that one.. welcome song that St. Peter would often sing..
Not a favorite song of his.. at all.. but he applauded them for effort!
Maybe a splash of swing or jazz would bring it to life.. but he assumed that was the old man in him talking.
For the time being he decided to watch some place nearby yet not too close since he knew that if he stayed where he was he would be caught up in the performance and he would have to sing with them..
Waiting at the side and hearing the singing come closer and close Alastor would make himself busy by polishing his microphone with his breathe and sleeve, fixing and dusting himself off as to not give any bad first impressions.
And thankfully he managed to remember his stain that the little girl left-- forgetting about it due to wanting to get to his destination on time and helping the poor thing. With a gentle swish of his staff pointed at the stained he then managed to cover it with his heaven-given magic.
Once the full group performance made his way towards his direction was when he stood up straight, chin high, shoulders fixed, looking good as always Alastor.
He heard Emily's voice among the performance, the youngest of the two Seraphims.
He's quite close with the two, at first only starting as something for business until one day he got closer to them and confessed his past, and his regrets.
Emily reminds him much of his daughter, the high angel having an enthusiasm and mentality of a late teenager or young woman, same age his daughter was when he last saw her.
He thought, wondered, pondered, dreamed-- what his little girl grew up into.
His eyes stared at his microphone, the shine of silver blinding him when he turned it for a spot of sunshine to burn his eyes slightly.
Did she grow up into an incredible woman? Did she ever find love? Settle down and have children? How has she matured? Does she resent him for leaving him so soon even if he never meant to? Does she look completely different? Did she ever change her name?
Were you even up here at all?
He hopes you were, looking and asking for you far and wide in heaven. Did you seclude yourself? Did you hide from him on purpose?
Or were you simply in hell..
No-- his little girl couldn't be in hell. Sure she had concerning hobbies, thoughts, ways of doing things but it didn't deserve her going to hell of all places.
You had to be up here, somewhere.. you had to.
A somber sigh escaped his lips as he stared at his reflection in the object between his palms and fingers. His heavy heart tugging and ripping itself apart.
'my little girl.. where are you?'
"Alastor!! Hey!"
A young voice shouted at him from afar, looking up he saw Emily wave and ushered him to head towards her way from afar.
He let go of his guilt for now, and shined his iconic smile as always.
"Why hello Emily, Sera," he lowered his head at the high angels in respect for them "How may I help you ladies today? I see we have new visitors!" His head moved to look at the other three ladies in front of him that came from below.
There was a young woman with eyes that shared the same enthusiasm as Emily's did, hair of sunshine and gold, fangs as sharp reminiscing those of a blood bat, small and thin frame and an outfit that successfully mimics casual sophistication.
Another young girl to her right was one that seemed more reminiscent of an angel, her long hair filled with silver and moon, a gaze as sharp as broken, stance serious and unapologetic, she seemed ready to protect the blonde girl beside her but also had eyes of worry and a sense of uncomfortability haunted her features and her almost slouched back.
The last one, really shook him up.
The next young woman to the left of the blonde girl was adorned in nothing but pure red with tones of a deep hot pink in her entire look. Her clothes were of an era he knew of very well, of course he'd recognize clothes from the 30s!.. except they had a few odd touches that more or so reminded him of the 40s or heck maybe even 50s.. a bit more ahead of his time. She had a large sharp smile that screamed of mischief and eyes that are waiting to do something-- anything sinister.
Despite all this, these characteristics weren’t the ones that shook him to his core.
She looked like someone he knew, that he missed.
"Everyone, this is Alastor. He's heaven's most famous and influential radio host! Giving voices to the voiceless when he was alive and even more up here, and of course due to his selfless acts when he was alive he was blessed to be let through the gates of heaven." spoke Sera, introducing the 'winner' as he chuckled sheepishly.
"Oh thank you Sera, but it's nothing really! Just had to do what was right."
Sera then lead his eyes back to the newcomers, having him face directly to the girl with hair of sunshine first. "Alastor, I present to you the Princess of Hell and heir to the throne, Charlie Morningstar. She's here to present a few ideas to the court the next day."
Alastor's eyes widened in surprise, "Princess! I didn't know royalty were to visit us today!" he bowed down towards the girl as to pay his respects, standing back straight once he finished. "A pleasure to meet you sweetheart quite the pleasure! Didn't expect our guests to be of royalty so apologies to any bad manners."
The princess shook her head with a large smile "Oh!-- don't worry you didn't give off any bad manners! It's nice to meet you too Mr...Alastor!.. it.. it's very admirable what you did before and what you do now! You seem to have earned your place here quite well!"
The man shook his head as well in reply "Oh like I said it's nothing! If anything I should thank my daughter, she was my reason and my motivation to be nothing but kind to others to present a good example! I continue to do so in her honor."
Charlie's eyes grew as a soft 'awwww' escaped her lips "You must love your daughter very much..!"
Alastor nodded, "Of course I do! As a father always should!"
Charlie opened her mouth again to speak, her eyes filled with a sense of bittersweetness until she was suddenly interrupted by the young woman dressed in red. She walked in between Alastor and Charlie with a sense of charm and enthusiasm, the spirit of a presenter or spokesperson shining in her body language and way of speaking.
"How delightful! The love of a parent transcends heaven and earth! Now that's poetry!" the girl's voice was glitched out and heavily amplified with a strong sound of static, as if her vocal cords came straight from a radio speaker. She held a staff much similar to his, except her's was shorter and more compact-able.
The girl with silver hair rolled her eyes in nothing but pure irritation, Charlie giggled nervously as she then pointed her way towards the one who spoke. "And this is ______! She's the founder and host of my hotel back in hell! She's helped me throughout everything and I dont think I would be able to get to this point if It weren't for her help as well!"
He knew it.
______, anyone could have that name.
But you looked like his daughter, his pride and joy.
His face still shines with a smile but his eyes are baffled with the sudden hit of realization.
It couldn't be a coincidence-- you looked like her, your eyes had that spark he always used to see in his daughter before he left. The way of speaking, that stance-- more confident and mature but the way you spoke.. your vocals were a match to his daughter's just with a touch of years to it.
And you looked at him as if you knew as well, eyes narrowing with piqued interest. Sharp smile widening an-
You seemed to have almost hopped right in front of him with your hand suddenly shaking his. "A real pleasure to meet you sir! Quite the pleasure!"
You mimicked his greeting yet somehow you spoke it so naturally, as if spoken a billion times before. He was stunned, if there weren't people around he would've slipped and broken down right here right now--
but he cannot, will not.
He will not worry others, he will not bother others with his emotions.
"Good to meet you Ms.."
"______. Simply call me ______." Your sinister grin only stretched, a sense of despair fell into the pit of his stomach,
His little girl in hell?
Did he.. fail at raising you?
Was dying too soon the reason why you let yourself fall?
Whatever the case, Alastor was nothing but stuck in a small limbo of his own guilt again
If he did this to you-- even indirectly,
he wouldn't ever forgive himself.
"Ms.. ______..."
'my little girl' he would've said, 'my daughter, how I've missed you. please forgive me for leaving you so soon... I'm so so sorry my darling..'
the words were stuck to his throat.
a small gust of air was the only thing that escaped from his cords.
Sera clapped her hands together once as a way to announce, "Well Princess Morningstar. I hope your stay here is nothing but comfortable, and I say that to your companions as well."
Sera looked at the 'winner' with confusion and a sense of concern but she knew she had to leave due to duties calling for her and Emily's presence.
Sera gently put her hand on his shoulder, "Alastor, would you perhaps show them where their hotel is and how to check in? It's going to be the one nearby."
'the one nearby' he thought, 'a block away.. '
"of course! anything to make our guests feel more welcomed!"
Sera nodded in 'thanks' before flying off with Emily on her side, herself also waving goodbye to all of you as well.
Alastor paused, before finally turning his head at the girls.
"Well, let's get you all to where you'll stay for the time being!.."
He will find out what happened to you, what went wrong, how he messed up.. he'll beg for forgiveness from you. for you were and still are his reason for who he is.
you were his one and only daughter, he will make it up to you.
"Follow me now! Time isn't going any slower!"
Little did he know, he wasn't at fault at all.
You were just born that way.
You knew what you were and you embraced it as a way to cope from him being taken away from you.
Of course you had to blend in and you took on the mantle of taking over your late father's radio show, eventually becoming as famous as he was and you were nothing but just as charming as he was on his show.
But then you killed, the power imbalance favoring you was nothing but amazing to you.
Years later, you enjoyed it. Killing was your life's purpose. Your crimes were never a subject for you to ever regret or feel guilt for.
You regret nothing.
You were a merciless killer then, and one now.
Through earth and hell, forevermore.
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impish-baby · 2 months ago
*Enters awkwardly in the blog🚪* Hello? Are you back? ...WAIT YOU ARE!!!!????
Sweetheart i have miss you soooooo much!! I sent other's asks/messages,maybe It got deleted by Tumblr or Just i send before you cleaned your *asks box?*.
But anyway, I'm glad you're back! In case my other asks got deleted here's a quick one, are you still accepting questions for HIWTHI?
Because if the answer is yes, my love, get ready because I'm HUNGRY for them. I miss our first family of maniac-COF COF I mean super loving family :) *whispering;-maybe love came a little late and too hard*
Aah, hello, my friend!!!! It's good to see you :DD
Yes, I still will be writing for them!!! However, I'm considering rewriting some parts, so I might not answer asks pertaining to them until I've made a decision qwq (I want to show the dynamics between everyone better, you know?)
I'm happy you enjoy them so much!!! They definitely miss you too, a little too much really :)
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ayyy-imma-ninja · 6 months ago
If you could say something to all TSAMS characters, what would you say?
that's a lot of characters QwQ so I'm not gonna include those who have their own show (Lunar, Earth, Eclipse)
but here we go!
Sun: "You've come so far and you're stronger and smarter than you think. You have survived this long for a reason. Your heart of gold will take you many places. Hold onto that hope."
Moon: "Can never forget about the things you did in the past, but what's important is what you're doing now. And despite it all, you're doing an amazing job."
Solar: "Glad to have you back, you have so many people who love you. Live this new chance at life to the fullest. But keep an eye on that temper of yours..."
Monty: "You are always hit or miss for me. A very wishy washy love-hate perspective. Stop being an idiot, don't get yourself killed. And for god's sake stop losing you damn legs-"
Molten: "Skrunkly. Spaghetti wire. Precious boi. Protects and must be protected."
Creator: "die die die die fucking die already you filthy bastard go drown in acid--"
Nexus: "Still hurt, angry, and disappointed. Yet I somehow can't bring myself to hate you. Yet. You'll get what's coming to you, eventually."
Jigsaw: "You deserve a happy ending, too."
Sven: "You must be protected at all costs, could you perchance adopt Jigsaw?"
Solstice (Dark Sun): "What the FUCK is your DEAL, man, what are you PLANNING--"
Bloodmoon: "Stay dead."
Killcode: "Glad you managed to live the life you wanted. If only you actually fought for it."
Computers 1 and 2: "I hate you both so much."
Spaniard (Computer 2.0): "I miss you, please come back, I know you won't be coming back but please come back QwQ"
Solar Flare: "You had a lot of potential, but it was sadly never explored. Your time was short but a lot of folks still love ya."
TCM: "Why are you relevant or important again?"
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