ayyy-imma-ninja · 1 month
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my SOTW entry for the TSBS server!
The prompt was for the EAPS show hosts to go dimension hopping as they find their way back to their own dimension.
Puppet and Eclipse travel to a rather magical dimension where they encounter a certain duo of fairies~
Puppet finds the little Sun one adorable! Eclipse is already miffed at seeing a miniature Moon. The Moon fairy isn't very pleased to see him either~
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ayyy-imma-ninja · 4 days
Can we see your EaPs Sun and Moon designs?….Please….? If you’re not busy…?
I don't have anything for Moonlight, but here's my own take on Sunshine I doodled a month back
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ayyy-imma-ninja · 15 days
How Do You Feel When Puppet And Eclipse React To Your Art? X3 And Clip's Comment On It On The EAPS?
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ayyy-imma-ninja · 24 days
How long did it take you to do the thumbnail for today's video?
depends on which video you're referring to.
I've had the thumb for Taurus prepared weeks ago.
The one for EAPS, a little under 2 hours.
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ayyy-imma-ninja · 19 days
Saw the new EaPs thumbnail, judging from it, I'd imagine it was you. If I am correct, which I suppose I am, you did an excellent job!
thank you!!
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ayyy-imma-ninja · 2 months
Yo did you do the banner art for the Eclipse and Puppet Show??
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ayyy-imma-ninja · 1 month
Moon To me definitely is giving me the vibe that he would day ' Is it wasn't against fairy law And I was capable of it. I well put your metal Butt in to the ground'
And yes I purposely avoided swear words cause. I remember you said he doesn't swear, Cause of sun lol
Oh he so would think that XD
Safe to say Moon isn’t a big fan of any kind of Eclipse. Probably wouldn’t like Solar much either
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ayyy-imma-ninja · 2 months
I think the banner and profile art on the once MaFS (now EsPS) i thought the art looked familiar. I think they look great!
thank you! ^^
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ayyy-imma-ninja · 5 days
And question just wanna know your opinion on this? What do you think of the ship EAPs Vincent and Eclipse V.4?
[I honestly was nervous coming in here asking but since I follow you on Twitter I decided the build the confidence the ask here]
This is honestly my first time hearing about a ship between these two, buuuut-
There's not exactly much I can say, since I don't really have an opinion about it, but I don't see anything wrong with it. Just be respectful and safe.
But truthfully, I'm not personally comfortable discussing non-canon TSBS ships (excluding Kids Cove as that is partially canon in other dimensions)-
So just making a quick and friendly note to everyone that I would prefer not to be asked for any opinions about TSBS ships in the future ^^ (op if you see this you're fine, you've done nothing wrong! it's just a general statement /g)
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