#I miss my bum bun
Bishes be callin it a messy bun when it’s literally just a bum bun babes✨
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adragonprinceswhore · 28 days
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Aemond Targaryen x (Ex)Wife
Chapter III: Dreams 🎼 Masterlist
Summary: You miss Aemond, yet you can’t stand to be near him. Will performing a new song about your separation make you feel better?
Warnings: 18+, AFAB reader, she/her pronouns, angst, toxic relationship dynamic, possessive Aemond, fighting, smut, oral (f receiving), spanking, thigh riding, P in V, thumb in bum, spit kink, degradation
Word count: 5750 A/N: Thank you always my love @theoneeyedprince ♡
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“This is the third day in a row that guy comes in here, orders a coffee, and pretends to work on his laptop as he stares at you”, Alysanne whispers in your ear and points to the silver haired man sitting in the back corner of the campus coffee shop. 
He’s clad entirely in black, and his long hair is neatly tied in a low bun at the base of his neck. 
“You should go talk to him!”, she urges with a gentle push on your shoulder. 
“What? No. He’s not been staring at me”, you shut her nonsense down, slightly embarrassed by your friend's pushiness. Alysanne is such a hopeless romantic; always convinced that the love of your life’s lurking around the next corner, constantly looking for a ‘meet cute’ to thrust you into. 
“Oh, come on! He’s definitely been checking you out! Maybe he’s just shy?”, she argues, staring at the stranger unabashedly as he sips his coffee. Her lack of discretion fuels the nerves bubbling inside you, eager to end this embarrassing conversation as soon as possible. 
“Aly, please. A guy like that doesn’t get shy. Typical rich fuckboy”
He certainly is good-looking, and probably knows it as well, dark designer clothes a stark contrast to the surrounding patron’s jeans and sweatshirts. He looks to be around your age, a student as well, you’d guess. 
Alysanne hums in response, moves to stand by the display of sweets by the register, and places a cinnamon bun on one of the small dishes stacked on the counter. 
Before your protests stop her, she walks towards where the stranger is sitting, a wide smile plastered on her face, 
“Hi there! My lovely friend and coworker over there made these earlier today. Would you like one?” 
Her voice is unnaturally cheery as she places the dish on the table next to the stranger's laptop. 
He looks up, nods stiffly in confirmation, and quietly mumbles a “thank you” before quickly returning to type on the keyboard, eyes again on the screen. 
“Would you like to talk to her? I can ask her to come over here”, Alysanne offers, voice still upbeat, so energetic it nearly comes across as intrusive.   
The stranger seems slightly thrown off by her forwardness. He looks up at her in surprise, but stays silent. 
To anyone else, his stoicism and unfriendly demeanour would be enough reason to leave him be. But not Alysanne, who turns around to catch your eye and gesticulates for you to come over with an exaggerated wave of her hand. 
From behind the register, you’d watched the scene unfold in horror, certain that your friend would embarrass you to the point where ‘rich fuckboy’ would tell everyone on campus about what a freak you are. 
You slowly make your way over, eyes boring holes into Alysanne as you force yourself to smile, dreading the inevitable faked  niceties you’ll have to exchange with the strange, silver-haired man. 
His face is even prettier up-close. 
High cheekbones, strong jawline, sharp nose, beautiful eye- 
Your gaze stops at his left eye. The baby blue iris is covered by a thin mist of white, and a red, angry scar slashes through the socket, starting at his forehead and ending at cheekbone. 
“Hope you like it”, you blurt out, trying to grab Alysanne’s hand and tug her away from the unbelievably awkward interaction. She’s still smiling, dodging your hand while her attention stays on the stranger in front of you, 
“Would you like her number?”
Alysanne persistence causes dread to pool in your gut. God, she could be so forward it was disturbing; completely ignoring what you thought to be common social decency. 
Your heart is hammering in your chest as the stranger hums at your friend’s question, 
“Actually, I wanted to ask you about the open mic last week. Did you write that song?” 
“‘Planets of the Universe’? Um, yes, but it’s not really finished, um, I mean, I just sang it for fun, I was kinda drunk last Friday..”
Your babbling reflects how the stranger makes you feel; nervous and unsure. His face is impassive, and his tone so unemotional it borders on stern. 
You only performed that silly song because your friends were pushy and you were buzzing on way too many margaritas. Why does he care about who wrote it? 
“You’re not a guitarist, I assume?”, he asks and you notice the corners of his lips briefly turn upwards, as if to prevent a smile from breaking out. 
God, the audacity of this rich fuckboy. 
“No, but like I said, it was just for fun”, you bite back. 
You don’t care for his condescending tone, or his efforts to make you feel bad about your sub-par guitar skills. Does he not understand what ‘just for fun’ means? 
The stranger’s gaze is still locked on you as he hums in response. He stares with an intensity that leaves you feeling even more unsettled. 
“You’ve got a very unique voice” 
The unexpected compliment takes you by surprise, and a warmth spreads over your face; heating up your cheeks. 
“My siblings and I play a bit of music on the side, for fun” he says with an emphasis on the last part, mimicking you, “I think your voice would go well with the sound we’re trying to create”
He sounds very matter-of-fact, like he’s offering you a business proposal. You notice something shine in his intense gaze; something inviting that makes it hard for you to concentrate on what he says. 
“The song you performed has great potential, with a proper guitarist backing you up, that is. If you’re interested, we’re meeting up tomorrow night” 
You’re briefly lost for words, not expecting him to be so forward. Alysanne is practically vibrating with excitement next to you, glancing over at you with a wide smile and big, expectant eyes. 
“Sure, I’ll stop by after work” 
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Your infatuation with Aemond started slow. 
Essentially, it was the small things he did that pushed you to the realisation that he isn’t just some ‘rick fuckboy’, but a quite caring and sensitive man. Albeit with a layer of stoicism obscuring his more tender side. 
Things like him insisting that he needs to walk you home after band practice, even if it’s still bright outside. Or him picking you up in his car when it rains, so you ‘don’t catch a cold’. Or him offering to help you with coursework, surprising you with detailed, hand-written notes tucked in between the pages of your textbook. 
Aemond is caring in such a genuine way, always asking you how your studies are going, how work at the campus cafe is like, if you’d eaten anything. Always straight-to-the-point. And when you answer, he listens to you with such intensity, you’d think whatever comes out of your mouth is of grave importance. For the most part, it’s not. 
You soon find yourself looking forward to seeing him, heart skipping a beat every time he picks you up after you've finished your shift at the cafe. He always waited outside of the cafe, observing you tidying up through the shop window with a cigarette glowing between his fingers. 
When he asks you one day if you’d like to grab dinner after practice, you eagerly accept his invitation, trying your hardest to hide the excitement you feel as he says a quick goodbye to his brother and sister before leading you out of the studio you used for practice. 
It’s not a date, not really, yet when you sit next to Aemond in that dimly lit booth at the rather posh Yi-Ti-inspired restaurant he’d picked, it sure feels like one. 
That night, after sharing a bottle of wine, your face is warm and you’re filled with alcohol-infused confidence. As you talk animatedly about your favourite musician, Aemond regards you with a small smile playing on his lips, eyes intensely meeting yours to take in all your telling him. You feel a sudden urge to kiss him, and though it is chaste and unplanned; a result of your slight intoxication, you feel mortified as you pull back, ready to apologise for placing your lips on his without consent. Before you have a chance, he places a hand on your cheek and pulls your face back towards his, kissing you passionately, though his lips are soft and gentle. 
As you pull away, eyes still closed and mind lost in the bliss of your first kiss, you hear Aemond murmur a quiet “finally”. 
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As a partner, Aemond seems to study you just as diligently as he studies everything else. 
He quickly picks up on your favourite things.  
If you’d been admiring a particular flower when you passed by the flower shop on your way to campus, you’d later find a bouquet waiting for you at home. When you went to museums and exhibitions together, he’d lean in next to you, one hand gently on your waist and soft lips right by your ear, and tell you everything he knew about the artist or artwork in front of you. Later, he’d buy you postcards of the paintings you’d shown particular fascination with, so you could decorate your bedroom wall with them. 
Though he claimed that his knowledge of the arts simply stemmed from being a history major, explaining that “art is one of the greatest insights we have to previous decades”, you have a strong suspicion he actually knows so much because there’s a secret love for the arts tucked away inside him, where he keeps the more sensitive parts of his soul. 
Sometimes you’re privy to that too. 
Like the time he wanted to take you out to a fancy restaurant downtown to celebrate your six month anniversary. Being a student, you didn’t really have money to spend on anything besides rent and food, meaning that you hadn’t been able to reciprocate the lovely gifts Aemond had given you since you first got together. 
Determined to give him something meaningful, you purchase a small frame from the local charity shop, print out some pictures you’d taken together from the university library, and put together a little collage of your time as a couple. 
You include a message on the back of it, thanking him for everything he’s done for you; for being such a caring boyfriend. 
As you timidly hand him your homemade gift at the luxurious restaurant, you feel a storm of unease swirl within you, suddenly overcome with embarrassment that you couldn’t get him anything nicer. 
Aemond’s eyes light up in a way you’d hardly seen before. 
He turns the gift over in his hand, admiring the photo collage and reading the little message on the back. 
Grabbing your hand, he looks into your eyes and says a quiet “thank you”, and the gravity and sincerity of his voice lets you know that he appreciates the simple gift more than he can put into words. 
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The coming week you stick to the same set list; kicking off each performance with ‘The Chain’ and finishing with ‘Go Your Own Way’. You’d like to pretend that the performances got easier as time went on, but that would be a lie. 
Each night, you’re forced to sing Aemond’s self-pitying words; ‘if I could, I’d give you my world’. You have to stop yourself from rolling your eyes each time. What made him incapable of ‘giving you his world’ when you were married? He made it sound like he had no part in your divorce; like all he did was try and love you while you broke his heart. 
Fuck that. 
He broke your heart. And he kept breaking it. Every fucking night he made you sing his martyr complex bullshit. 
It wasn’t anything new, not really. This is how it so often went when you fought as a married couple, it had just taken a new form. The bones of it are the same; Aemond is upset and shuts you out, you try to reason with him and get burnt. 
There’s something about his attitude when you find yourselves in a fight. He could turn so condescending, berating you for your emotions. Like he’s better than you for not letting them get the best of him; for not shouting or crying. 
He thinks showing that something hurts him is a sign of weakness. That he’s too smart to let his insecurities and doubts overtake his senses. So he can pretend he doesn’t feel such unbecoming emotions. 
Even when they prove too strong to push down. 
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Aemond has been quiet for the entire trip back home, jaw shut tight and eyes refusing to meet yours. 
You know something’s off in the way his usual stoicism doesn’t feel natural, but forced. He’s holding something back, keeping something from you, and you can’t figure it out for the life of you. 
As you enter your flat, he finally breaks the silence. 
“Did you like that?”
His voice is colder than you’re used to. You recognise the tone though, from when he’s had enough of Aegon’s endless shenanigans. 
You step out of your heels and turn around to face him, “Like what? The party?”
His face is set in a frown and he irritably clicks his tongue at your obliviousness, 
“You know what I mean, don’t play dumb” 
You really have no idea what could’ve prompted his sour mood, so you stay quiet, waiting for him to continue. You don’t feel like playing these games with him; they won’t lead anywhere. 
If he’d just tell you what made him upset, you could solve the issue and move on.  
He sighs at the lack of answer, “You liked all that attention, didn’t you?”  
He’s jealous. 
“Oh come on, Aemond, this is great for the band! We’re getting recognition! We’re recording our first album!”
You don’t want him to rob you off the excitement you’d felt today, talking to one of Westeros biggest record labels and finally getting the recognition you’d worked so hard for. 
He turns to face you, features still stern as he backs you into the wall, 
“But did you like it? The way that guy from the record label was eyeing you?”, he asks again. 
You know Aemond has a tendency to get protective of you; fussing over you and insisting that you listen to him. And when he’s caring, and when you feel anxious, it feels comforting to have someone protect you so fiercely. But you’re not a child, and he doesn’t have to treat you as one. 
“Why would I like it?”
Your challenge makes him move closer. You see the way his pupil is blown wide, the heat in his gaze radiating off him. 
“I think you did. I think you enjoy the attention”
It’s almost laughable; the fact that Aemond Targaryen, undoubtedly one of the most alluring people you’ve ever met, feels threatened by some sleazy guy from a record label. How could he think some guy flirting with you would affect your affection for him even in the slightest? 
Still, there’s something intriguing about the dark look in his eye. It’s so passionate; the way he observes you. Like he wants to devour you. Punish you. Claim you. 
It sparks something alight inside you. You want to match his fire.  
“Maybe I did”
You have to bite your lip to prevent a smirk from breaking out. Will he fall for the provocation? 
Aemond’s eyes narrow. They travel from your face down to your body, and his arms come up to cage you against the wall of your hallway, 
“You like tormenting me, is that it?”, he asks lowly and presses the tip of his nose to the side of your face, trailing it down your cheek. 
You wrap your arms around his neck, lowering your lips to press kisses onto his neck, 
“Yes”, you say against his skin, a light chuckle escaping your lips. 
It’s almost cute when he gets like this, and so flattering in the most twisted way. He’s just as enchanted by you as you are by him. 
He startles you by pulling away, grabbing you by your waist and flipping your body so you’re suddenly facing the wall. 
He rucks up the short skirt of your cocktail dress with much more force than necessary and a firm smack lands on your ass. The sudden sting of pain makes you inhale sharply and you feel your pulse elevate with excitement.  
Behind you, Aemond drops to his knees, kisses your stinging backside, and pulls at the flimsy material of your thong until it tears in two, falling to the floor. 
His insatiable display causes desire to pulse within you; an ache that nestles itself between your thighs and beats as fast as your heart. 
Pushing on your lower back, he urges you to lean forward as he continues to soothe the aching flesh of your ass with sweet kisses. 
The chill air of the room feels strange against your hot, wet cunt, and you wish he’d touch you in the place you needed him most. The place that painfully pounds with want for him. 
As if he could read your mind, Aemond grabs the front of your thighs with his large, warm hands and he presses his face against your exposed cunt, unwilling to waste any more time as he swipes his tongue over your swollen clit. 
You moan in gratitude and your forehead falls to make contact with the wall in front of you, the sweat of your forehead sticking to the cool surface. 
He knows exactly how to work you; how to make you squirm and tense up and reach your peak in no time. 
With each movement of his tongue against your clit, you feel your peak grow closer; an embarrassingly fast release only your beloved could elicit. 
As you lose yourself in the pleasure, and your hips begin to move in tandem with Aemond’s tongue, his debauched kisses lessen, and he pulls away from your cunt, wiping his sticky face against the back of your thigh. 
You let out a frustrated whine, turn around to face him, and look down at him, still on his knees. 
“That’s just cruel, Aemond”
He looks so beautiful kneeling in front of you, long hair dishevelled and cheeks flustered pink. 
“Maybe I like tormenting you as well”
He still has that darkness dancing in his eyes, but now accompanied by the playful grin that’s spreading across his face. He stands, leans in so closely your body gets pushed against the wall behind you, and places one of his legs between your naked thighs, 
“Beg me to fuck you”
He rocks his jeans-clad thigh against your exposed core as he makes his demand; blue colour quickly darkening from the stain of your arousal. 
You throw your head back and moan at the pleasurable friction, the harshness of the fabric providing wonderful relief to your aching clit. Your hips quickly meet the rhythm of his thigh, and when he lowers his face to bite at your nipple through the thin material of your dress, you feel your previously denied release approach once more. 
You move yourself more forcefully against his thigh, and as your movements turn sloppy from pleasure tightening inside you, he pulls away yet again.  
You know you look like a mess with your hair frizzy from the friction of the wall, spit covering the fabric over your nipple, and the lower part of your body fully exposed; inner thighs sticky from arousal. 
“Aemond, please”, you whine as he straightens up, face wholly entertained by your miserable state. 
“Beg me to fuck you”, he repeats, this time slower and with emphasis on each word. 
You bite your lip and look at him. You can see the hardness of his cock straining against his jeans, but you know he’ll never relent; never give you what you want until you give him what he wants. 
“Please”, you plead, hands moving forward his zipper to undo his trousers. 
He tuts and slaps your hands away, 
“Beg”, he repeats, face returning to its previous, stern expression. 
You’d like to think you’re as good as him at playing these games. But you’re not. You don’t have the patience. 
“Please fuck me Aemond. Please make me come, please make me feel good, please stretch me out on your cock, please-” 
Your pathetic surrender is cut off by his lips on yours, kissing you passionately, stealing your breath. 
Pulling down his zipper, he takes his length in hand; rock hard and glistening with arousal. He pushes your body up against the wall and you quickly catch on, wrapping your legs around him as he enters you in one swift motion. 
“Fuck! Thank you!”, you cry out when he finally gives you what you want, and an amused snort espaces his nose. 
Aemond wastes no time in ravishing you and sets a brutal pace, pelvis repeatedly hitting your clit as his cock hits your g-spot. You’re unable to do much more than to just take it; take the mind-numbing pleasure he’s forcing upon you. 
For the third time, your peak is within reach, so close your cunt starts to tighten around Aemond’s cock. To your dismay, his pace slows, and you’re back to begging,  
“Please, I’m so close. Please let me come Aemond”
He pulls out, smiles at the devastated frown on your face, and turns you around once more. 
This time, he presses your body against the small side table by the front door, pushing his hand on the back of your head so that the side of your face makes contact with the wooden surface, ass prettily propped up and glistening entrance waiting for him. 
He presses the slick tip of his cock against your leaking hole, and pauses without entering. His large form looms over you as his hand reaches for your face, thumb stroking your lower lip, pulling it down to reveal your teeth, 
“Who do you belong to?”
His voice is lower, and calmer, than before. You look up at him; at his lust-filled eyes and kiss-swollen lips. 
You. Always you.
Aemond’s thumb is still on your lower lip. He leans down and pushes his length fully into you again, making you let out a cry in blissful relief. 
God it feels so good. 
You see him purse his lips together, spit collecting between them, and he slowly lets it drip down to where his thumb is. 
Onto your lower lip, your tongue, your teeth. 
He smears his spit around your lips and tongue with his thumb, pace of his hips picking up to thrust into you harder. The table beneath you rocks against the wall aggressively loud. 
“Would you let anyone else fuck you like this?”, he asks, trailing his spit-soaked thumb down your body, stopping between your asscheeks to push at your puckered hole. “Never”, you assure, moaning as he pushes his thumb in, never ceasing the pace he’s set as he fucks you on the table. “Didn’t think so. You’re my little slut. Mine. No one else will ever see you as fucking cockdrunk as I do”
Maybe it’s the heat of his tone. The dark, possessive passion that excites you, even in its volatility. 
Maybe it’s the way he knows your body. How he can turn you into a begging, pathetic mess by the briefest of touches. 
It’s hard to decipher what makes your orgasm feel so utterly consuming, but when it hits, and your body shakes from the force of it, you know that no one else will ever have this effect on you. 
You. Always you.
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You’ve made it a habit to go back to your hotel room between the sound check and the show, not able to bear spending more time around Aemond than absolutely necessary. 
Both of you had tried to keep up with the cordial act, but even Erryk had started to catch on to how forced each of your interactions felt. Whenever you or Aemond addressed the other, everyone around you tense up and the air feels thick; like you’re all just waiting for what’s bubbling beneath the surface to finally erupt. 
Tonight, as you’re getting ready for the tour’s fifth stop in White Harbor, no amount of breathing exercises seem to lessen your nerves, making your hands clammy and heart flimmer in anxious anticipation. 
You’re finally going to perform one of your new songs for Rumours. 
What if the fans hate it? 
Writing has helped you deal with the aftermath of your separation; a tedious effort to make the painful end of your relationship into something meaningful. A song about lost love. 
What if it sounds awful live? 
Recording separately means that this will be the first time the band actually plays the song, as opposed to each member recording their own part in solitude. 
The song sounded good in post-production. It’ll sound great live too.
You try to repeat the comforting phrase to yourself as you spot Aemond and Alys in your peripheral vision; her arms around his neck, his lips coming down to brush against her cheek. 
You don’t know if you’d rather barf or cry at the display, but when Aemond’s seeing eye briefly searches for yours, your stomach turns in disgust.
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The intro of your new song starts to play; upbeat drums accompanied by a melancholic guitar melody. Aemond plays it flawlessly, just like you knew he would.
This is it. Your time to shine; to actualise the pain that’s been wearing you down for the past months. To make it into something that means something. 
Your music.
‘Now there you go again, you say, you want your freedom’
‘Well who am I to keep you down?’ 
You don’t want to look at Aemond, don’t want to mimic the staring contest he challenges you to each time he sings ‘The Chain’ or ‘Go Your Own Way’. 
You’re not doing this for him, you’re doing this for yourself. To make sense of the suffering he’s caused you. You’re doing it for the fans; all those who can resonate with what you’re singing.
‘But listen carefully to the sound of your loneliness’
‘Like a heartbeat drives you mad in the stillness of remembering what you had’
‘And what you lost’
Oh but gods, do you want to throw him a quick glance though. 
See hurt in his eye. 
See his jaw tick in anger at your words. 
‘Thunder only happens when it’s raining’ 
‘Players only love you when they’re playing’ 
Now you understand why he wanted you to do backup vocals on his new songs. You feel so powerful as you make him sing your lyrics, a sudden rush of hubris getting the best of you as you steal a glance of him.
‘They say women, they will come and they will go’
‘When the rain washes you clean, you’ll know’ 
You’re disappointed to find him in his usual state, stoic face turned away from you.
The recent rage-filled, passionate tone his voice had adopted is gone. He sounds just as calm and precise as he usually does. 
‘Now here I go again, I see the crystal vision’
‘I keep my visions to myself’
‘It’s only me who wants to wrap around your dreams’
‘Have you any dreams you’d like to sell?’
‘Dreams of loneliness like a heartbeat drives you mad’
‘In the stillness of remembering what you had’
‘And what you lost’
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Like the previous nights, you’re in a rush to get back to your hotel room as soon as the show ends. 
As are your bandmates; no one really enjoys the tension that seems to be a permanent feature whenever you are all in the same room. 
As you’re about to jump into a taxi with Helaena outside of the venue, you realise that you forgot the tote bag you keep your notebooks and music sheets in backstage. You tell her to go ahead and quickly make your way back to retrieve your forgotten bag. 
A security guard lets you back in and you spot your tote immediately, laying on one of the many cheap fold-out tables lining the walls of the room. As you make your way towards it, you hear someone clear their throat in the other corner of the room. 
You’ve no idea what he wants, but you turn around in an instance, leaving your bag on the table. 
Aemond is sitting by himself in a dark corner of the large room, stomping out a cigarette onto the silver ashtray he's holding in his left hand. He places it on the ground and leans back in his seat, 
“I never said that, you know”. 
His voice is low. He sounds tired. 
“Said what?”
You’re still sadistically disappointed by the fact that he’d acted so indifferent during your performance of ‘Dreams’, and it reflects in your voice. He has a talent of bringing it out of you.
“I never said ‘women come and go’, or whatever. The reporter said it” 
His voice grows more irksome with each word, matching yours. 
Sure, he hadn’t said it. But he might as well have. 
“Whatever, Aemond”, you sigh, too tired to engage in pointless discussion with him. You turn to leave, reaching for your bag, but he stops you once again,  
“I’d prefer it if you didn’t perform that song again”.
You let out a startled, joy-less laugh at his audacity, “Too bad”
“Then change the lyrics. It’s obviously about our… relationship” 
You can sense strain in his voice. He’s holding something back.
Maybe you finally got to him.
“So are your new songs”, you counter. 
He is such a hypocrite, it’s almost laughable. An unbecoming characteristic of his that reared its ugly head more frequently as your relationship got worse. 
“I never say they are though. You’re quoting me, hard to assume it could be about anyone else”
His voice is low and dark, you have to focus to properly hear him. 
“Thought you didn’t say that?”
You have to bite the inside of your lower lip to keep yourself from grinning as you add, 
“Maybe the song is about the reporter?” 
The provocation works. Aemond swiftly stands up, seeing eye dark and threatening as his voice grows louder, 
“My songs aren’t filled with blatant lies, you’re calling me names and shit” 
His nostrils are flaring as he breathes heavily, hand flexing in an attempt to stifle his rage. 
You’d got to him. 
“You can’t be for real, Aemond! Every fucking time you perform your new songs you're staring at me on stage, singing about how I can ‘go my own, lonely way’! You have no right dictating what I write or how I express myself”. 
He’d gotten to you too. You can’t hide your irritation any longer, a whole week being in his insufferable presence proving to be too much.  
It’s his turn to throw a condescending laugh your way. 
“Well, you’re the one who kept going on about how lonely you were”
Back when you were still together, when the fights had became a permanent, unavoidable recurrence, you had accused Aemond of never truly letting you in, leaving you feeling lonely in your relationship. 
But there’s a difference between feeling disconnected from your partner, and being unable to be on your own. 
“You couldn’t be alone for a second, Aemond, that’s how fucking lonely you are. How long did it take you to hook up with Alys? 3 days!?”
“Because you left me!”, he shouts back. 
And there it is; the anger that he pretends he doesn't have within himself. The ugly, raw emotion he thinks he’s too good to let overtake his senses. 
His voice isn’t cold anymore. 
His face isn’t indifferent. 
His eyes shine with heartbreak, but so do yours. 
“You chased me away with your fucking obsessive behaviour! You deserved to be left!” 
Sometimes when you fought when you were married, you’d hold yourself back, still trying to protect Aemond’s feelings to some degree by not purposefully hurting him just because you were angry. 
Not anymore. 
He grimaces slightly at your words and you feel a sick sense of satisfaction.
He deserves it. 
You can’t bear to look at him, and you can’t hear anything either, heartbeat thumping in your ears so loudly it’s giving you a headache. 
If you stay, and see that the fire in his eye has been extinguished by regret, you might cave in. 
You can’t. 
So you turn around, grab your bag in a haste and storm out of the door, rushing to get hold of a taxi on the busy street by the venue. 
You hold it together in the car ride to the hotel. You thank the driver and offer him a tip, you enter the building and go to the elevator, smile at an elderly couple who engage you in some polite smalltalk about the weather. 
It’s not until you enter your hotel room and lock the door behind you that you allow the tears to fall. 
They seem endless, and all you want to do is crawl into bed and sleep. 
Seeing the empty space, the empty bed, makes you feel so lonely a stinging pain goes through your chest. You're pulled back to the memories of living with Aemond, coming back home to him; sleeping in the same bed as him. 
You miss him so much it hurts. Not the person you’d just had a fight with backstage. You miss the Aemond he was before; your Aemond. 
You think about the Aemond in the museum, who’d tell you about the history of the Water Gardens and Prince Maron Martell.
You think about the Aemond that kissed your forehead before each show. 
You think about the Aemond that loved you. 
You go to your closet, stretch your arm all the way to the back, and search for what you know to be there. Your hand finds the soft sweatshirt and you pull it out from the dark corners of your hotel room closet, quickly pulling off all of your clothes until you’re standing in nothing but your underwear. 
Aemond’s uni hoodie still smells like him. You cry harder, uglier, as you put it on, burying your nose in the fabric and inhaling deeply. 
Maybe the Aemond you miss still exists in your dreams. 
You get under the duvet, nose still nuzzled in the soft fabric and body shaking from the violent sobs leaving your body, and fall asleep.
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A/N: Before you ask, no. She doesn’t know if Aemond met Alys exactly three days after their separation. She’s exaggerating for emphasis, as one often does when fighting. The point is that he “moved on” suspiciously fast.
Planets of the Universe is a demo song that never made it onto Rumours, but it so good; very raw and real. TY for reading 🩵
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mar3ggiata · 4 months
professional help, c9. Reign of Terror.
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simon riley x original character.
trigger warnings: violence, sexual assault, mentions of rape, trauma, sexual themes, swearing, use of alcohol and drugs.
song to listen to when reading this: Cool about it, boygenious
abstract: listen, I don't even want to hear it. yes, it's Simon. I told you already, I'm gathering intel during this part. don't think too hard about it, this doesn't mean anything. and yes, I think she was telling the truth. I follow my instincts and they only failed me once or twice…
When the routine settled back in, she felt like the Al-Jareena mission was a thing of the past. A week had gone by, she had no news about the mission. Or Arash. She was snapping her fingers following the rhythm of the music. 'And one, two, balancé!' She watched as the girls rehearsed in front of her, moving in pairs, one from each side of the room. They had been going on and on for an hour, the poor girls were exhausted. 'Okay, from here, piquè', she had been demonstrating everything, trying to remember her notes and the changes she had to make to the original choreography. Her blue leotard was sticking on her skin, she could feel sweat dripping down her back and in between her breasts. Her bun was starting to come untied, she kept fixing some shorter hair behind her ears. 'I don't want to see those stiff hands Jenny, please', she resumed, 'piquè, finish on your right leg. Sam and Gemma, you're going to go stage left with two saut de basque'. She stopped talking to demonstrate the jump, which was quite difficult, she had to admit. 'You finish on relevè, arms in fifth position, then repeat to the other side'. She was too old for all this activity, (Jude is delusional, she's 26). She had to catch her breath without letting the girls know she was getting tired. 'Then, Kyla, Cassie and Luna, same thing to the right as soon as the first two finish jumping, same thing to the left with group three.' She instructed and approached the mirrors in the front of the room. 'Let's see it, please'.
She packed her bag while the girls said bye to her. God, did she love being called 'Miss Alba'. She put on sweats, lifting them up over her legs without bothering to remove the pink tights she hated so much. She preferred black ones, they concealed stretch marks, cellulite… See, if the school was hers, she would let her ballerinas pick the colour they wanted. She could see during the lessons some of them were self conscious about their bodies, like she had been for years when she was younger. The way they looked at each other in the mirrors, like they were comparing themselves to the others. Some were thinner, some had bigger bums, bigger breasts, some had more muscle, some you could see their whole ribcage sticking out. School policy, black leotard and pink thighs. They were too young. But still, even Alba herself had some serious issues with her figure, demonstrating in front of everyone was challenging and took a tool on her mental health sometimes. She knew she was fit, don't get me wrong, she had worked fucking hard for years to get to where she was. Strong, lean quads, a good set of abs. She had followed every diet in the world, she learned so much about what foods not to eat, how to get the perfect body… How to be slim and toned and have fat in the right places. She gained back weight after the 'bad year' when she didn't work and decided she was not gonna feed herself anymore. Cooking was just too much back then, she spent hours going on walks with headphones in, on the verge of passing out. She was better now, she only had those thoughts every now and then. They were under control, she was healthy. Let me tell you, her legs, arms, her hips, a fucking work of art. Still, being watched by those young girls who probably spent way too much worrying about their weight and having to be the representation of perfection was daunting. Keep your abs thigh, your foot straight, your hips aligned. Hide how painful it is, hide the fact your calf is cramping and you're losing balance. A game of pretend.
When she got to work the next day, she was surprised to see a special someone waiting for her beside her door. No fucking way. She stopped in her tracks when he saw him, bag hanging from her shoulder, boots clicking on the floor. What are you doing here, how do you know this is my office? Did you ask around? Are you following me? She approached him and he took a step towards her. He had a blue jacket on, no skull mask today, simple black one. She could finally see his hair colour, dirty blonde. He needed a trim. 'Can I help you?' she said. Well well well. 'Not really' he replied, crossing his arms against his chest. He was tall, he was scarily tall. She had to tilt her head to look at him. That position made his arms look even bigger. She no problem admitting how good looking he was. 'Am I in trouble?' she asked tilting her head to the side. His mask moved slightly, but his eyes didn't exactly show a particular emotion. Was he smiling or about to punch her, she didn't know. She had always loved risks. 'You're not' he answered. He wasn't in the mood for jokes maybe. Noted.
She nodded and took a step towards the office door unlocking it and getting in, supposing he would follow. Being in there made her feel slightly more secure. It was a place where she normally had some authority. Not with him she didn't. He closed the door behind him as she put her bag on the desk. The office had two big windows which let in few shy rays of sunshine. She had a couch with a few pillows for the patients and a chair for her. She looked at him and indicated the couch, as to say 'sit'. He really didn't want to. He felt like a patient. He went to therapy before, he just didn't want to be her patient. He stood there in the middle of the room watching Jude take off her coat and hang it on the chair. She wore jeans today. Tight jeans and a jumper. He could see her boots clearer now, they were shiny and the tip of the shoe was round. They looked from the 80's. She had cream coloured socks. She looked younger dressed like that. She looked less professional and more… a civilian, a normal 23 year old girl. He had settled that was her age. Her hair loose, her casual outfit, she looked ready for a walk in the park. He wondered if she walked in the park with her dog. She looked like she had a normal job, like waitressing or maybe she was a painter or a student. She looked like she could go to the movies dressed like that, or play bowling. She looked like she was about to sit down, take her shoes off, get comfortable and tell him about her day, talk about nothing for hours without ever boring him.
She finally spoke, sitting down in her leather chair. 'Why are you here?' she asked, her hands on her thighs. 'You can sit if you want', she added. He still wouldn't move. 'I wanted to apologise for asking about last year, I realised it might be a sensitive topic'. His voice was low and soothing, his British accent heavy on every word. She didn't expect that. That was very considerate of him, the 6 foot soldier standing in the middle of her office like the representation of death that comes knocking at your door. What a strange thing to say man, did you hear stories? Did you hear your friends say I faked it? Cause I know they're saying it. 'Thanks', she said softly, a tone she had never used with him. She tried not to get triggered by his words, not to let her mind wonder back to the event he was referring to. She had to fight hard to not let her brain spiral, a fight against herself. She always seemed to lose. 'It's just something really bad, I don't like to think about it more than I already do', she explained. His eyes were fixated on her like she was a wild animal about to go extinct. He nodded and silence filled the room.
'How did the mission go?' She asked even if she already knew the answer. She was just making conversation. He didn't want to stay too much. He thought about seeing her, he thought about talking to her again and now that she was there, now that he purposely went to her office to talk, he wanted to run. 'Good. Good, yeah, thanks to you, actually'. He finally sat down. That was what patients saw then. The desk behind her, the windows and her, on the leather chair. He tried to imagine her during sessions. Her back straight, compassionate eyes, maybe a notebook on her lap. The window on her right illuminated only half of her face. Making her half an angel. She wasn't commenting on his answer, she squinted her eyes. 'Are you saying I was right and you were wrong?' she asked. Cheeky. She wasn't smiling, cause she knew she was right all along. 'I'm saying you got lucky.' She made him weak, his mouth was dry. 'So what are you gonna do next? I might get lucky again', she said. Could he tell her? She already knew so much. He decided he could share, vague answers only. 'We find where they took Khorram, we'll probably find Arash as well. We leave in a week.' She kept biting her lower lip, not in a provocative way. She was thinking. 'What did he do exactly? He's the one with that snake flag right?' she asked. She was informed. She had seen the flag she was referring to on the news and on social media. It was a green flag with a snake print, with red eyes. A symbol. 'The viper, yes. We've been following him for some time. Human trafficking, mainly.' Her expression was of disgust. 'He formed an army, he controls the main cities, he lets people starve, public executions…' he decided to stop there. She nodded, she got the gist. 'Makes sense…' she murmured. 'Reign of Terror kinda thing.' There was silence again between them.
'Reign…' he felt bad that he didn't know what she was talking about. He didn't have a degree. Jude had probably 4 or 5. But no, he wasn't that cultured. It made him feel small. Guns and war, he was the best. It was the second time he didn't know what she was talking about, she said something about a Little King or some shit. (It was the Little Price, the book). 'French Revolution, doesn't matter', she cut him off. Don't make me feel stupid Jude. He got up saying he better be going, she did too, she said 'of course'. She offered him her hand to shake. You're Italian, he decided. The hand gestures, the physical touch. Yes, to Simon shaking your hand twice was considered physical touch. She wasn't British, she was too polite and beautiful for it. How do you speak English so well then. What made you come here? What's your real name something Italian like Julia or Sarah? He reached for her hand, glad he was wearing gloves this time so he couldn't feel her skin. Less of her to think about. She looked at him, then looked down to their hands, still holding it. Her soft, caramel skin, with those dainty black nails against his skeleton printed gloves. She turned his hand so she could see the skeleton print and smiled, with her head tilted down. A smirk. She had dimples. Her eyelashes were almost touching her eyebrows. He let go of her hand and turned around, regretting he didn't wear his other mask. Would have hidden the fact that he was blushing.
notes: I was listening to 'cool about it' by boygenius when writing this. also, writing ballet is fucking hard… how do I describe the pain. also also, Jude's shoes are those chunky coquette Mary Jane shoes that you wear with socks.
notes: Julia and Sarah are not correct spellings of Italian names, more on the American side. makes sense Simon doesn't know how to spell the Italian versions. (they are Giulia and Sara). How are you guys doing, you all good? You guessed it I'm still taking my exams and working and being clinically insane and unbelievably tired.
love, mare.
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I Never Told You (natasha trace imagine)
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PAIRING: Natasha 'Phoenix' Trace x Female!Reader
REQUESTED FROM ANON: Purple 4. "I've never met anyone like you." With Phoenix please, greatly appreciated. 😊
The sunshine washed over the horizon, seeping onto the beach as waves softly lap at the gritty sands. Mud squishes beneath your toes while you walk along the surface of the bubbling water, taking in the peaceful and cool morning of the Island. Stopping for a moment, you rolled up my khaki linen pant legs and enjoyed the graze of a breeze against my bare ankles. 
A dizzy spell rolls over you, slamming through your skull and rattling your brain. It sends you sinking to the ground. Spits of sand splash out from underneath your bum while your fingers through absentmindedly as your mind wanders to last night’s haze events. There had been a welcome home party for your aviator friends, returning from a war ridden country. 
They were tired, clearly. Bob and Mickey were slouched at a high top table and Jake’s typically perfect blonde coifs were deflated. Instead of his usual attire at the Hard Deck of a blaring Hawaiian shirt and slouchy jeans, Bradley hadn’t even bothered to change from his khaki uniform. 
And then there was Nat. You had stood on the steel structure of the stool from your spot at the bar beside Penny, stretching as much as possible to see your favorite aviator. You searched each and every set of dark circles under your eyes to no avail.  When everyone seemingly had crowded into the bustling crowd, you deflated slightly. Where was she? Where was the rising Phoenix with her quick wit and sharp pool skills?
You stepped off the stool, ankles wobbling in my prettiest wedges as you stumble toward Bob to find out what’s going on. “Bob,” you call out, noting the way his spine straightens and his face turns to search yours. He seems relieved when you finally fit yourself into his side and give him a big hug. His hands are warm along your back, heat seeping through the material of the new dress you’d bought for the occasion.
“Hey there,” his already gentle voice is softer than it had been three months back. “I’ve missed you Y/N.”
“I missed you too,” you whisper, holding his waist tightly, afraid that the fragile look in Bob’s eyes would drip into his bones and shatter him entirely. “I missed all of you so much…” Bob must see the look in your eyes, must see the questions on your glossy lips.
“She’s okay,” he answers, immediately relaxing the kink in your shoulders as you catch your breath. The tightness, the pain in your chest disappears as you nod rapidly, tears welling up in your eyes. Alive is what Bob wants to say but okay feels more publicly acceptable, less harsh in the reality of what had occurred on their mission. 
“She’s outside getting some fresh air,” he nods to the double doors leading out to the parking lot. The sun had begun to set through the windows in the back of the bar, painting the pool table in oranges and pinks in reflection of the sky. “It was a rough couple of months.”
You nod again, taking in his words. You try incredibly hard not to think about the possibility of what could’ve happened out there across oceans and mountainscapes. It feels a bit hard to swallow as you detach from Bob, zipping around the crowd of aviators and naval officers to get to the front door. Pushing it open, you note Nat’s form easily in the sparkling colored lights strung up above the porch and against the railings.
Her hair is snuggled twisted into her classic bun, her face covered beneath her fingertips and her freshly manicured nails. Small whimpers find their way through the air as you move closer and try to approach her without frightening her too much. “Nat?” your voice is cautious and small as you continue to approach, hands writing together as you take in her stiff nature. 
She sniffles a bit and it breaks your heart as you move closer, placing a hand delicately onto her back as you smooth it flat against her. Rubbing up and down, you start to coo as her whimpers become louder as she covers her mouth. “It’s okay, you’re okay.” I jump slightly as she suddenly moves, wrapping her arms snuggly around your waist.
Nat nuzzles her nose and presses her lips into the column of your neck, wet slicking along the skin. Her tears stream beneath the sweetheart neckline of your vibrant green dress as she sobs. Her grasp is strong on your hip bones, grabbing at your soft flesh. You try your best to ground her, whispering sweet nothings into her perfectly sculpted bun and against the shell of her ear as your lips pepper kisses against the crown of her head.
“You are safe,” you whisper, rocking her back and forth.
“I was so scared.”
“You’re safe,” you repeat, humming as you squeeze her tighter. 
“You don’t understand,” her voice cracks against your chest, rising up to stare deeply into your eyes. Her vibrant green orbs are lined still with tears collecting on your lashes, brows knitted as she wipes her face harshly. “I’ve never met anyone like you.” Her words cause your heart to skip, eyes widening at her intense gaze.
“Nat,” your face starts to warm up, heating up as she clutches your hands before one soft palm comes up to cup your jaw. 
“I can’t give you many details about what happened while we were gone, but we came close to burning in. I lost control of my plane during one of our missions and the first thing that I saw was your face. Your laughter while we kick Bradshaw and Hangman’s ass during pool or your wide grin when we go to breakfast on Sundays,” she takes a shaky breath, leaning her forehead to touch yours.
“Nat, you’re making me blush,” you murmur. Her thumb smoothes over the silk of your cheek, dragging along your bottom lip.
“I couldn’t burn out without telling you how in love with you I am,” her words blossom in your chest, radiating out in all directions as light sprouts from inside. Your heart swells and your hands get shaky at her confession. Leaning in, you capture her soft lips in a heated kiss. Tugging her hips toward you with purpose, your mouths move against each other. 
You breathe her in, hands sliding along the seams of her uniform until they are just below the curve of her breasts. She pulls your face close to yours as her tongue dances along the pout of your bottom lip. Nat moans slightly when you pull away. “I love you so much,” you press another wet kiss to her mouth, fingers sliding around and down her spine. They dance at the small of her back before grazing the roundness of her ass. “Let me take you home,” you search her eyes for any concern, any displeasure. 
You find none. “Let me help you forget.”
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psychospore · 2 years
Sneaky Session
A/n: making this quick one using my phone before I go to work. Will edit this later and add on my masterlist Happy Friday! Finally finished my edit for this one-shot.
Summary: You sneakily had work sex with Loki and Steve almost caught you in an uncompromising position.
Word count: 1490
Warnings: 18+, minors DNI, oral sex (f to m), fingering (m to f), name calling, almost getting caught, light fluff at the end.
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─── ⋅ ∙ ∘ ☽ ༓ ☾ ∘ ⋅ ⋅ ───
Uptight bitch. Prude. Miss Know-It-All.
That's what most people from SHIELD call you because of your intimidating and no-nonsense personality. Men flinch in your presence, and women gossip about you in your absence.
Maybe you looked older too - tight bun hiding your long, soft hair, spectacles befitting a middle-aged woman, mid-length pencil skirt and a long-sleeved collared blouse covered by your knee-length pristine lab coat were your daily get-up.
Fury decides to re-assign you to work with the Avengers, staying there full time as a Laboratory Scientist solely working on developing DNA-specific large-scale bio-weapons.
The team usually leaves you with whatever you're doing in the lab, just making small talk here and there to make sure you're still alive, they know better than to disturb you especially when you're engrossed with your new findings.
In fact, they barely see you outside your lab at all! Sometimes they wonder if you're indeed human, not seeing you coming in or out of the laboratory to eat or sleep. Except for one...
Loki sees a wild side of you that you've never shown to anyone. It all started after a drunken night where you and Loki ended up having sex together and you've managed to keep coming back to it whenever you get the chance, without anyone noticing.
Fast forward...
You were working behind your large working table, writing your findings when you saw Loki sneaking in from your peripheral view.
"Hey, anything up?" You asked, your eyes met in a gaze.
"I miss you already, he misses you already. You've been way busy with work," he teasingly declared as he grabs you by the waist to prop you up from your chair to place your bum on the table, he situated himself between your legs, propping your skirt upwards as he draws in closer. You can feel his clothed bulge near your pussy as it starts to slick with arousal.
He inched closer to your face and removed your spectacles, placing them gently on the table. You placed your hands behind his broad shoulders to take him in a hungry kiss. Without breaking the kiss, his hands roamed around your body, grabbing a breast from underneath your blouse and bra as a finger flicks your now swollen nipple. You whimpered, and you wanted more - to which Loki happily obliged.
He unbuttoned your lab coat, then your blouse, and unlatched the hooks from your then strapless bra making it fall on the floor. He hiked up your skirt to your waist and pulled your soaking panties out, giving it a quick whiff before keeping it in his pocket.
He marveled at the look you have now, legs spread from the edge of the table, magnificent breasts peeking through an open blouse, and a beautiful pussy waiting to be ravaged by his godly mouth and cock. Your face flushed red with embarrassment.
"stop staring at me, you're making me embarrassed" trying to hide your face with your hands
"oh but love, this is a sight to behold. A sight worthy of worship," as he guides your hands away from your face so he could bear witness to your face as he brings you different sensations.
He kneeled down to meet your slick folds, and you arched your back in response when he started eating you out. It was amazing how carefully and meticulously he touched and sucked all the right places inside and outside. Rubbing your walls with his dexterous fingers.
"oh, Loki... I'm about to cum," as you moaned in sweet ecstasy. Your hips bucked to meet his fingers further inside you.
"let it all out, pet. Show me how much your pussy weeps for me,"
A gush of warm fluid overflowed out of you as his fingers quickened to draw out your climax. He gestured for you to come down from the table as he sat on your chair, legs spread. You knew what it meant.
You pulled down his trousers to reveal his enraged member. You lick a strip from the base towards the tip, circling your tongue for a bit before taking it all in and out your mouth continuously. Despite his large cock, he was proud to see you not gag and faithfully taking it all up to your throat.
Your fingers masterfully maneuvered around his hard cock, in sync with your sucking as you hear Loki's moans and groans filling your ears.
"oh my little whore, I could never find any mortal as skillful as you in handling a huge bioweapon... like my cock for example," he smirked and shortly moaned again in pleasure.
Your eyes rolled in disbelief as he used your work against you and wanted to retort back but Loki decided to ram his dick further and harder into your throat. He grabbed your hair, freeing your tied mane as he thrusts harder and harder as he climaxed, filling your mouth with his cum as you hungrily swallowed and cleaned it all up.
He stood and lifted you up, and bent you over the table. He knew how you liked getting fucked from behind like a slut you are.
He enjoyed the thought that he could tame the beast everyone seems to be wary of. How he could make a prim and proper lady like you turn into the sex-hungry slut that you truly are.
Slowly, he guided the tip of his cock into your wet folds. You whimpered, trying to accommodate his size, and you heard a satisfied sigh from Loki as he fully immerses himself inside you - balls deep.
You had your chest and arms on the table to support yourself as he gyrates into your core when you heard footsteps from outside your door.
You panicked, not wanting anyone to see you in that compromising position.
Rogers opened the door and found something unexpected.
He saw you like a mess. Hair everywhere on your face, sitting uncomfortably on your chair, occasionally wriggling around to find a more comfortable position. Your coat is all wrinkled but fully buttoned up to your neck. He looks at you quizzingly.
"Are you okay? You seem like you've been in a crash"
"yeah. All good " you answered as you nod and twitched.
"I'll have Stark give you mandatory rest days from now on. Well, I'm just here to quickly check in on you. Go get some rest soon, alright?" He nods as he exits the door.
"sure. Thanks!" Your voice squeaked.
You took a deep breath when he was finally out.
Little did he know Loki cast an illusion. All the while you were straddling Loki's dick, like a cock warmer that you are. The throbbing of his member made you twitch a few times while Rogers was there.
You were horrified but unexpectedly aroused at the thought of getting caught. As soon as Rogers was out, Loki resumed his interrupted session with you.
He whispered, "how did you like that? Almost getting caught by Rogers while getting fucked senseless by me," his words were like aphrodisiacs, sending signals to your brain that made you wet again. Loki noticed it.
"Oh, you like that, huh. You liked the thrill of doing this," he whispered gritting his teeth and fucking you from behind.
"yes, yes. I love it," you responded barely containing moans as he lifts your other leg to fuck you some more.
Your pussy started to make squelching sounds which riled him up and he rammed harder into you.
"so much for little miss prim and proper. Only cum for me like this darling. Only me can see how much a dirty little whore you are"
"Only you, Loki. Just you" you shuddered.
He bit your earlobe as you both crashed and climaxed into each other's bodies.
The mix of your and Loki's cum spills out of your sore pussy.
He cleaned you both up with magic and wrapped you in a tight embrace as you slumped on the floor.
"was I too much today, love?" He asked, as he carefully tucks a stray hair behind your ear.
"other than Rogers almost walking in on us, no. You really know what I enjoy doing" you sheepishly responded
"of course, all for my love." He kissed your lips.
You both stood up, carefully making sure your tight bun, collared blouse, mid-length skirt, spectacles, and coat are in perfect condition as you continue your workday after that raunchy sex you just had with Loki.
Loki made sure that you are all good, and checked in on you to make sure you were getting enough food and rest (like he initially planned on doing before lust overcame his senses). He hugged you tightly as he plans on when he can visit you again.
He turned around towards you one last time before he left, "well, Rogers said that you'll be getting mandatory time off now, I guess I can crash at your place when that happens," he winked.
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cloggedarteri · 2 months
♡im back to thinking about ignis and his lil baby girl. omg we already know how dexterous ignis is but i find it incredibly funny if the one thing he cant get a grasp of is Black hair (im projecting). and ignis isnt typically one to give up so easy but every attempt he makes to make a simple bun or braid or part isnt working and the expectant eyes that stare up at him through the mirror are growing more and more frustrated. so ignis steps back for a moment. breaths. collects the 2 brushes, gel, and scrunchies he'd been using. picks up his daughter off the stool she'd been standing on. and walks out the door. 
♡it was truly a lucky coincidence that he'd lived next to a rather friendly man who swiftly opened his front door and ushered the pair inside. 
''you're late today''
''yes, an unfortunate oversight on my part. i apologize for the inconvenience. '' 
''ah no biggy. im happy to help. ya got everything she needs? brush. gel. bands.''
''yes, right here''
''dont worry bout it'' 
♡ignis' baby retakes her spot in front of a mirror, her furrowed brows and pout in clear view. the man sits behind her and starts taking down her hair. 
''whats with that pout, sweetness?''
''i wanted space buns today'' 
''then you'll get space buns'' 
'you're still pouting precious. whats wrong?'
♡the girl only shrugs, her eyes looking anywhere but in the mirror
"school bumming you out?"
"i dont wanna go today...it was supposed to be our day."
"and you think he forgot."
"he's been busy"
"yea but never too busy for his baby—turn your head."
♡ignis whos silently watching the two, going through the mental gymnastics trying to remember his scedule for the day. there are meetings he needs to attend, documents that need to be subimtted, projects he must manage, people he must advice. there are too many people that depend on him being present. but his baby is one of those people too.
♡ignis whos texting his assistant to push his meetings, to do whatever they need to to get extensions on his assignments + reserve a table at the aquarium restaurant that opened recently.  he's just finishing up his message when his neighbor and his daughter step into his view. in her puffs are a few carefully placed butterfly barrettes, their wings an assortment of soft blues pinks and greens (so cute).
"you like it daddy?"
"i love it dear"
"thought she's like the few barrettes i had lying around"
"they're beautiful but are you sure?"
"no no please. keep em. my niece wont miss em...now dont let me hold you two up. i hear you two have a date"
"you're absolutely right"
♡ignis watching his daughter whip her head to look at him in disbelief, her mouth slightly agapted. its takes a few seconds for her to close her mouth and then, with a huge smile, break into a sprint out the door to their apartment. the two adult are left by themseleves. 
"maybe slow down when you can ignis. you're working yourself too hard"
"maybe. maybe so...do you have any plans tonight?"
"not that i can think of...why?"
"come over. as thanks for all youve done."
"i dont do this so you'd be indebted to me mr. scientia"
"think about it...id be honored to host you as youve hosted me"
"i'll think about it. alright, get going. dont wanna keep her waiting"
"right. right. thank you again"
♡ignis who, once he steps foot inside his apartment, feels the hurried beating of his heart in his chest. since when had eye contact made him this breathless? it was just a simple conversation so, why was he so damn breathless? ignis who isnt able to stew in his emotions for long with his daughter barreling into him with quick 'hurries' and 'lets go's'. he'll have to think about it later. 
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thegreatdivide · 5 months
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Guess who's back? I wanted to do the vanilla start which I haven't done in a very long time and who better than Eleanor? I think this is my 4th version of her lol.
It's so hard getting her to look the same, but I'll probably end up tweaking her a bit since I gotta add her scars and such anyways. Bummed I couldn't get the one hair mod to work. This is a cute style, but I miss her hair up in a bun.
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harringtons-cupid · 2 years
Sending this because i can’t get a picture out of my mind with Kerry with his hair in a little pony tail. Half up and have down thing? Mini man bun? I don’t know. It came to me and can you write a blurb about it. Readers sees it for the first time and goes feral?
Oh dear lord, this sent me into overdrive.... I hope you liked this <3 And I did your idea justice...
Warnings 18:
Blowjob, dirty talk, public sex.
| Requests are OPEN | Masterlist |
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Joe’s hair has always been short, the longest you’ve seen it was at his shoulders. You’d have envisioned him with longer hair in dreams and even suggested to him that he should grow it out.
You hadn’t seen Joe in a while, he’d been travelling and doing tours. You had seen videos of him, his hair had grown purely from the fact that he hadn’t had chance to get it cut.
You loved it, any video you saw. Your body throbbed, you couldn't wait for the day that you saw him again.
His hair was longer than you though, parts of it was tied up in a ponytail careersing his shoulders. Swinging as he got closer to you, biting your lip to supress any moan you might have.
As he threw his arms around you and kissed you, your hands stroked his hair between your fingers. This was different look for you, kissing him harder. Trying to figure out whether you truly liked the new look, his hands snaked down and squeezed your bum making you squeal with delight.
Smiling against his lips as he pulled apart from you, gazing into your eyes.
''God i've missed you so much'' he kissed you once more.
''I've missed you too Joe, and your hair.'' you gasped, rubbing the top of his head as you talked.
''Do you not like it baby?'' there was a slight sense of disapointment in his voice as his hands cupped your face.
''Oh, I love your hair. In fact, I find it very very sexy'' you growled at him, pushing your body closer to his.
Your hands were still in his hair as he smirked and blushed against your lips, his eyes looked around to see if anyone else had heard you.
Leaning behind the tour bus with your hands combing his hair, your lips passionately soft moans escaping from your mouth. You dropped to your knees, undoing his light blue jeans and licking your lips at the sight of his semi hard cock.
''I'm going to show you just how sexy your hair is baby'' you whispered, taking his tip into your mouth and sucking sloppily.
He groaned, his head softly hitting the metal tour bus as your hands moved along with your mouth. Eventually taking his whole hard cock in your mouth, your moans sent vibrattions across his body.
You had, had phone sex but you knew he wouldn't last long as you gagged on his cock.
Watching him gasp and moan in ecstasy, his hands tugging your hair roughly as you sucked your mouth around his cock. Humming a funny tune and feeling him groan and twitch inside your mouth.
''Oh--fuck '' he groaned, his eyes shot open as his body twitched.
He came hard down your throat, his eyes locked yours as you swallowed all of his load. Sucking it all off the tip of his cock, smirking at him before getting back up to kiss his lips.
''See, I told you that I'd show you how sexy you look'' you grinned, sliding your tongue in his mouth.
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I Wanna Be Loved By You
Kinktober 2022 - Day 8 
Pairing: 40s!Bucky Barnes x Showgirl!Fem!Reader
Kink: Skirts
Words: 1.9k
Summary: Bucky goes to a show with his co-workers and he sees you and falls head over heels for you and you decide to give him a night he’ll never forget. 
Warnings: explicit language, explicit sexual content (unprotected vaginal sex, vaginal sex, slight!dom/sub dynamics, inexperienced!Bucky, skirt kink, riding), a lot of fluff, shy!Bucky, bold!Reader
a/n: I’m working on posting the works I missed but I will get them out there! I hope you enjoy!
Banners by @vase-of-lilies​ 
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Bucky was excited to go to this show at the theater with a bunch of guys from work. It was going to be a jazz show with showgirls and the infamous “Love Dove”, she was famous amongst New York for her way of making every guy who saw her fall in love with her. She had the voice of a nightingale and Bucky couldn’t wait to see if the rumors were true or not. 
So there he sat, in the front row, closest to the stage and the stage was lit up beautifully, illuminating the velvet stage and barely lighting the theater itself. Then the music started up, the familiar tune of Marilyn Monroe’s, “I Just Want to be Loved by You.”, started to fill the large theater, letting the guests know that the show was starting. 
Then the girls trotted out onto stage, they were clad in white and black lace bodysuits with black skirts, white silk gloves, black lace up boots, and their hair was pinned up in flat curls and a feathered hair piece pinned to the back. There were six of them in total and they danced in unison and when the music pulled to a peak indicating that words were about to be sung, you walked out onto stage. The “Love Dove” herself, you smiled at the guests as you walked up to the mic. You were clad in a skin tight silk red dress, black lace gloves, black stilettos, and your hair cascaded over your shoulder with nice curls and a diamond hair piece pinned to the side of your head. 
Bucky was entranced with you, his eyes couldn’t leave you once you walked on stage in your glittery dress shining in the stage light. He smiled as his eyes lit up with pure admiration as he followed your movements. Then you started singing and it sounded heavenly to him. 
I wanna be loved by you, just you And nobody else but you I wanna be loved by you, alone! Boop-boop-a-doop!
You swayed your hips to the song smiling softly as you held onto the mic gently. Bucky had to bite his lip as he felt his cock grow hard and strain against his pants as he got a peak of your legs through the skirt of your dress. Skirts always got Bucky riled up but with you wearing that skirt, it made him all hot and bothered.
I wanna be kissed by you, just you Nobody else but you I wanna be kissed by you, alone!
I couldn't aspire To anything higher Than, to fill the desire To make you my own! Boop-boop-a-doop, boop-boop-a-booh!
Bucky’s eyes never left you as he watched you sway as the words came from your mouth naturally. You smiled a dazzling smile and you looked down at him and gave him a wink. 
I wanna be loved by you, just you And nobody else but you I wanna be loved by you, alone
I couldn't aspire To anything higher Than, to feel the desire To make you my own
God, Bucky thought he had died and went to heaven. You were so alluring and beautiful and he thanked god for this show. 
Bup-bum, butle-doodle-dum-bum! I wanna be loved by you, just you Nobody else but you I wanna be loved by you Ba-deedly-deedly-deedly-dum! Boop-boop-a-doop!
You finished the song with a wink and the band played the after notes and you swayed your hips as you hummed softly. Your eyes kept drifting to the handsome man in the front row. He kept watching you during the show and he was so cute with how entranced he looked with you. 
After the show, you walked out of the backstage in your short red dress and your hair in a low bun at the back of your head and you signed autographs. All the men loved you and you enjoyed all the attention but you enjoyed one man’s attention more than the others. It was that cute brunette you spotted in the audience and there he was, walking up to you with a nervous smile on his face. 
“Hey, darlin.” You smiled at him and he straightened up a bit and looked down at you. “You want me to sign something for you?”
He cleared his throat, “N-no. I just wanted to say you did a good job out there.” He said softly, making you smile at him. 
“Thank you, hun. I do my best.” You said and you smiled up at him and leaned up to his ear. “I saw you staring at me. You’re so cute when your eyes sparkle.” You whispered and he blushed. “How would you like to come back to my room?” You offered as you pressed your red colored lips to his cheek, leaving a lip mark on his stubbly cheek. 
“I-I w-would like that, m-ma’am.” He said nervously making you giggle softly and you pulled back and you pressed your hands to his chest gently. 
“Ma’am?”, oh baby, you’re precious.” You smiled and took his hand and gently pulled him backstage. You slid the guard five dollars to let Bucky back, and you gently pulled him to your dressing room. You opened the door and walked in and he followed and closed the door for you. 
You walked over to the mirror and pulled your hair out of your bun and walked back over to him. He looked down at you nervously and gulped softly, “W-what do you want me to do?” 
You smiled and caressed his cheek softly, “How old are you, baby?” You asked as you looked up at his cute face.
“T-twenty one.” He replied and you smiled and kissed his lips gently and he immediately melted into the kiss. 
“Let me take care of you, baby. I’ll be gentle.” You whispered and pressed another kiss to his lips. He whined softly barely audible but you heard it and smiled wider as you pulled away. You sat on the couch in your dressing room and you bit your lip softly and patted the seat next to you. “Come here.” 
He hesitated before walking over to you and sat next to you, “M’not a virgin.” He whispered almost as if he had to state that so you wouldn’t have to control yourself.
You smiled and moved to straddle his lap and his hands went down to your thighs and rubbed your hips softly. “You’re so cute, baby.” You smiled and leaned down and kissed his lips softly leaning closer to him. He slowly slid his hands up your skirt to grasp your ass making you giggle softly and kissed him deeper nibbling on his bottom lip softly. 
“Dove, please?” He asked softly as he leaned up to chase your lips as you pulled away. 
“What do you want? Wanna hear you beg.” You whispered to him with a smirk on your face as you rubbed his pecs softly and your fingers began to unbutton his shirt. 
“Want you. I need you, dove.” He whined softly making you giggle again and you leaned down to kiss on his neck. “I want your pussy.” He whispered then he whined high as you bit on his neck softly. 
“You’re so cute, baby. I can give you what you want.” You smiled and pulled away to strip off your dress but he quickly got up to stop you. 
“No, no. C-can you keep the skirt on?” He asked shyly as he rubbed your waist softly and he blushed when you kissed his cheek. 
“I can, but do you want my upper body bare?” You asked with a smirk, and he nodded shyly and bit his lip and you led him to the couch. You unzipped your dress and pulled the top down to reveal your silk white bra and Bucky drooled at the sight and he led you to the couch before dropping to his knees in front of you. He reached behind you and unhooked your bra before pulling it off and he groaned at the sight. 
He kissed up your belly and to your breasts and he nipped at the tops of your breasts before moving down to your nipples. He sucked softly on your buds making you whine softly and throw your head back as you ran your fingers through his hair. 
“Mm, just like that, baby. Such a cute little mouth.” You smiled as you tugged on his hair softly, and he pulled back to look up at you with puffy lips and innocent eyes. “Come here.” You whispered and pulled him up as you kissed him passionately before laying him back on the couch. 
His hands went to your ass and squeezed softly making you smile. “Want you, please?” He asked quietly and you pulled back to help him strip off his outfit, just leaving him in boxers and you kissed his neck. 
“So cute.” You smiled and you gently pulled his hard cock out of his boxers stroking him slowly. “You’re so thick. You’re gonna feel so good.” You whispered as you nuzzled your nose against his making him smile and kiss your lips softly. 
He pulled your panties to the side before tracing up your slit slowly, smirking softly when he felt how wet you were. You slowly moved to have him line up to your pussy and his thick head pushed through your folds and slowly slid into you. “F-fuck!” He groaned as you took him all the way down, moaning softly as he slid into your hot and wet pussy. 
You slowly started moving up and down on his cock, moaning as his tip hit your sweet spot with every thrust. “Mm, so so good. Love your cock, feels so good.” You cried softly as your brain got all cloudy with pleasure. 
His hands gripped your hips tight as he grunted and groaned softly as he felt your walls clench around his sensitive cock. He might not be a virgin but it had been a while since he had been with a woman. He didn't know how long he would last in your pussy but he would do his best to make you cum first. He leaned down and kissed your neck softly and he held onto your hips softly. He suckled on your neck, leaving marks on your soft skin.
His hands played with your skirt loving the feel of the silk against his fingers and he looked down and pulled the skirt up to watch his cock move in and out of your pussy. God, he thought you looked pretty all dolled up but you look so beautiful like this. Your mascara ran down your cheeks as tears fall and moans and whines spill from your lips. You were so pretty and cute as you writhed above him. He kissed you lips and cupped your cheeks before smiling up at you. 
“You’re so pretty, dovey. Love your tight pussy so much.” He whispered softly as he kissed down your neck and to your breasts. “Love you.” Bucky mumbled quietly against your breasts. 
Tears welled in your eyes and you nuzzled into his hair. Never had a man say that he loved you and you just felt so happy. “Just want someone to love me.” You whispered softly as you nuzzled closer into his hair and he swore his heart melted at your confession. 
Bucky smiled and kissed your head. “I’ll be someone who loves you.”
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warmaidensrevenge · 1 year
Love and pinball
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Pairings: Eddie x Chrissy x Fem! Plus size reader
A/N: Look at me buuuuudddies! Another part. I've been writing so much when I can. You guys can expect some spiciness coming up on existing fics. Ones that I haven't touched in a while. But boy oh boy am I excited. Okay...okay I'll shut up now. As always thanks for reading and feedback is greatly appreciated. Feel free to comment and share your thoughts. No pressure though. Kay love ya byeeee.
I do not give permission for my work to be posted anywhere else. Please respect all creators.
Word count: 5,000+
Warnings: 18+ No minors, thank you. Angst, slow burn, language, sexual situations/implications, oral(m receiving), hurt/comfort and not proof read.
Summary: Eddie's trying to build a friendship. But quickly wants more.
Part 2: No doubt about it.
The next morning he woke up in a good mood. He turned around and Chrissy wasn't there.
" Hey Chris? Where are you?" He called down the hall.
" In the kitchen."
He smiled and jogged over. He went to her and tried to kiss her.
" N-no Ed." She pushed him away. "You'll mess up my lipstick."
"Oh common Chris. I miss you. And you look so pretty today."
She gave him a thin lip smile and kissed his cheek. " I gotta go."
He looked at his watch. " This early? Where are-"
" I have a breakfast date. Then I'm going to work."
Eddie watched her grab her purse and head towards the door. 
" Don't wait up." She said right before she closed the door.
He sighed. Where was the girl who loved to be in his arms? The one who couldn't get enough of his lips? 
Deep down he knew that the relationship was over. But he refused to accept that. He still loved her. And he wanted to make things work. He just didn't know how.
Later that day he wanted to see you. Fortunately for him, he didn't have the right part for your car so he had to drop you off last night. Your house was small. But nice. And seeing in at night made it look kinda haunted. Well to him that is. But when he pulled up that afternoon, he saw that it was actually painted a charcoal gray. With a black door. It looked nothing like how your colorful self was. But surprisingly it was more like him. He liked it. Actually loved it. The front yard was big and had a tire swing. The wrap around porch was incredibly nice. He could picture you sitting out there, drinking lemonade and reading or listening to music. The thought made him smile. And secretly wished he could sit next to you. Holding your hand. 
He quickly shook off the thought and jumped out of his van. He walked towards your garage that was wide open. That's when you came up from the basement. Holding a laundry basket on your hip. You looked amazing. Sure you were in black tights and a gray shirt with the sleeves cut off. With your hair in a crazy messy bun. Nothing fancy. Just comfy. You looked great though.
" Hey bud. Uhhh whatcha doing here?"
" H-hey sweetheart. Umm I uhh." He scratched the back of his head and nervously laughed. "Wanted to see if you wanna grab lunch… with me?"
You pressed your lips together and gave him a 'no' look, that made him feel so stupid and a bit bummed.
" That sounds great. I would love to."
He raised his brows and was surprised.
" But…"
Of course there's a but.
" It's cool. Sorry I-I shouldn't have come." He turned around to leave.
" Eddie?" You softly said.
He stopped. His name never sounded so good coming out of someone's mouth before.
"I was going to say I would like to. I'm kinda babysitting right now…my niece is here. She's actually napping right now. But she will be up soon."
He turned around. " Oh. I'm sorry. I hope I wasn't being too loud."
You laughed. " Please. That girl can sleep through a marching band in her room."
He grinned. " So can I."
" Awe. then you two would get along just fine."
You guys stood there quiet again. But it was nice. Like the silence didn't need to be filled with nonsense. 
" So umm if you're okay with Mac and cheese and dino nuggets. We could still have lunch." You offered.
He licked his lips. Trying so hard to not show you how excited he was to say yes.
" That sounds amazing actually. Do you have juice boxes?"
You nodded. " Those are for my niece though…However, I do have my own personal stash of Capri sun's that I may or may not be willing to share."
He laughed and looked at the ground. 
" Common bud."
He glanced at you and you nodded towards the door.
Doing a slight bow, he held out his arm. "After you."
He followed you up the 4 steps and was immediately hit with the smell of cookies. His mouth instantly watered. 
" Jesus. It smells so good in here."
You put the laundry basket in the next room and came back. 
" Thanks. Just making some cookies for later."
Eddie looked around the kitchen and smiled at all the cow decor. It was very cute. 
" Uhh yeah." You said when you noticed him looking. " I have a thing for cows."
He clicked his tongue. " I see."
You tilted your head and narrowed your eyes at him. " Are you judging me?"
He smirked at you and held up his hands. " No. Not at all. Cows are cool."
" Uh-huh."
He chuckled to himself and watched you pull out stuff for lunch. 
" Do-do you need help?"
You looked over your shoulder. " No thanks bud. I-"
A little voice cut you off.
" Tee, I'm hungry."
Eddie looked over and saw a little girl with messy brown hair rubbing her eyes. 
" Hi sleepyhead. Good afternoon baby."
Eddie watched your face light up when you went to her. You picked her up and put her on your hip. 
" I'm getting lunch ready right now baby. I'll be done in a few minutes."
She nodded and pointed at him.
" You want to say hi?" You asked.
Eddie smiled and waved at her while you put her down. Holding her hand.
" This is my friend Eddie. Eddie, this is my niece Natalie."
He looked at you before he squatted and held out his hand for her.
" It's nice to meet you princess."
His heart melted right away when she grabbed his hand with both of her tiny ones and flipped it around. Her eyes got so big when she saw his rings. She then met his gaze and reached for his hair.
" Your hair is pretty."
" Aww thank you princess. I like your hair too."
Natalie giggled and gave him a hug. He looked up at you to silently ask if it was ok that he hugged her back.
" It's okay. She doesn't bite. Just really friendly."
He gave her a hug. " Is that right? Just like your aunt huh?" 
Natalie pulled away and ran to another room. She came back with a handful of toys. 
" Want to play dolls?" She asked.
" Oh baby. Eddie doesn't-"
" I would love to." He gave you a big ass smile before grabbing her hand and leading her to the living room.
As he played with Natalie. He kept stealing glances at you. When you would catch him you would make him blush from the look of joy on your face.
After lunch all of you watched a movie. 
" Is Bud gonna take us to the park now?"
Eddie turned his head towards you. 
" Oh no baby. I told you we can't go today because I don't have my car."
"What park?" He asked.
" Umm, just one on the other side of Hawkins. Near Forest Hills. They have-"
" Water fountains."
" Yeah." You furrowed your brow. " How-"
" I used to live out there…if you want, I can take you guys."
Natalie jumped up. " Yes! Please, please! Tee please!"
" I-." You grabbed her and placed her on your lap. " Bud, you don't have to. I can take her another time."
Without thinking he grabbed your hand. " Let me take you guys for ice cream and then we can work off the sugar there."
You looked down at his hand and then at Natalie. She was giving you a pout.
" Okay. Let's go."
Eddie had never felt this way before. Sitting there watching you and Natalie sharing an ice cream. Laughing and making random noises. It was something he wanted all the time. You were sweet with her. So loving and happy. It was a side of you he was falling for. Though he knew he shouldn't. He did. And he didn't want to fight it. 
When he took you guys to the park he raced Natalie to the water. But before they took off Natalie started to count."One…twooooo…..five."
He looked at you and grinned.
That's where you got it from.
The laughter you made from him figuring it out made his heart skip.
Once you put down the stuff, you came and picked up Natalie. Spinning her around and wetting her a bit. 
She squealed and you put her down. She then quickly ran and hid behind him. 
" Help me bud." She pleaded.
He put his hand on her head. " Don't worry princess. I'll protect you."
When you came towards them he grabbed your hand and started pulling you towards the water. Your's and Natalie's giggles sounded angelic to him. The sun was envious of how brightly you smiled. 
" Oh my God!" You yelped as he held you over a fountain. 
Getting you and him completely soaked. Both uncontrollably laughing. After a minute there was this moment where you looked at him and he looked at you. Without a word being said he knew you wanted what he wanted. More days like this. With each other. 
As you guys went back to the house, you offered to dry his clothes for him while you gave Natalie a bath. He of course agreed. Not wanting one of the best days of his life to be over just yet. 
When Natalie was squeaky clean, you took a quick shower too. After, you asked if he would like to join you guys for dinner. Which he did. Before he knew it, it was almost 9. Natalie was in bed and he was sitting with you on the couch. 
" You're really good with her."
You took a sip of water and nodded. " Yeah. I guess you can say I love her."
He grinned. " I hope so."
You let out a small nose laugh.
" So uhh. Tee?"
You grinned putting your cup on the coffee table. " Yeah. She had trouble saying auntie. So she's called me Tee since she could talk."
" That's cute. But do you ever get a day off?" He asked.
" What do you mean?"
He looked at his lap. " I just mean. You have 3 jobs and you babysit. Don't you ever just get a day to relax?"
You put your legs on the couch and covered them with a blanket. Turning your body towards him. " This is how I spend my days off. This or spend a few hours at the lake with friends. But whenever I can, I try to spend time with Natalie…she umm…she lost her mom when she was one. I try to be that womanly figure in her life. And well she's really fun to be around. So I would take a day with her than have a day all alone. "
" That's sweet."
" I try."
Eddie and you grinned at each other. A few seconds passed by when you grabbed his hand. 
" Thanks Eddie. You made Natalie's day. I haven't seen her that happy in a really long time."
His grin turned into a soft smile. " It was a pleasure. Honestly, I haven't had that much fun in a while too."
You gasped and pulled your hand away. " What about the lake? I thought we had a great time." 
He shook his head. " No. That was a good day too. Just today was better."
You beamed at him. " I guess you can say I'm pretty awesome."
" I could. But I won't." He joked 
You gasped again. " Alright. Break a lady's heart." 
It happened again. That moment. But this time it felt like you wanted him to kiss you. Should he? Would you be okay with it?
He cleared his throat and got up. " I uhh better head out. I want to make sure your part comes in tomorrow."
The look on your face broke his heart. It was fast but he saw what looked a lot like disappointment. But within a blink of an eye. You were smiling again. 
While walking him to the door, he thanked you for lunch and dinner. 
Before he left you called out his name.
" Yeah sweetheart?"
" Umm do you want to hang out sometime?"
His heart jumped. " Yeah. Definitely."
" How about next Saturday?"
He wanted to say yes. More than anything in the world. But he had plans. With Chrissy.
" Umm could you maybe do Sunday?" He asked. Praying you would say yes.
You hummed and crossed your arms. " Yeah. I think I can do that. We could go to this thing I heard about. It's called Age of Horror. The theater shows all the horror/slasher films all day."
Eddie could have ran and hugged you. He always wanted to go to that. But he didn't want to go alone. And Chrissy hated scary movies. 
" Absolutely! I love horror movies."
" Cool. I'll see you then bud."
"Looking forward to it...Goodnight y/n."
When he got home he threw himself on the bed and smiled at the ceiling. He closed his eyes and saw you. He replayed the whole day over again. Wishing he could do it again tomorrow.
Why did he feel like this so fast? Why were you just so…perfect and beautiful? How was it he didn't meet you sooner? 
Why couldn't I've met you before-
He opened his eyes and shook the thought away. No way should he want to have met you before Chrissy. But he wanted to. He really wanted to.
Having enough of his selfishness he hopped in the shower. 
" Ed?"
" Chris?"
He took a couple of steps back as Chrissy climbed in the shower with him. 
" Hi Ed…I'm so sorry about yesterday."
He gave her a thin lip. 
" I canceled my date to make it up to you."
Gee thanks. 
"It's fine Chris. I'm kinda tired."
He watched her get down on her knees and grab him. Putting his flaccid cock in her mouth. He wanted to push her away. He wanted to get out. But he just closed his eyes and thought of you. It was wrong. And he felt real shitty for doing it. But he did it anyway. His thoughts weren't sexual at first. It was just you laughing and looking at him. 
" Mmm that's it Ed." Chrissy said cupping his balls.
He ignored her and kept thinking about you. Only this time he thought of the first time he saw you. The way you had your tongue out. The way your tits bounced. Then at the lake. Stand there in your tight red bathing suit. Sweat dripping down your skin. Then when he was holding you under the fountain. How your soft body molded to his. The smell of strawberry shampoo filled his nostrils. 
Before he knew it, his body filled with goosebumps and his toes curled. 
He opened his eyes and saw Chrissy spit out his cum and smiled up at him. 
" That was fast Ed."
He swallowed and tried to smile. Catching his breath. " S-sorry." 
When he got out he laid in bed with her. She was fast asleep. With his eyes fixed on the ceiling tears fell. 
I'm so sorry Chris.
After Eddie left, you went to check on Natalie. Once you knew she was okay you went to bed. Looking up at the ceiling you were lost in thought. The day at the lake was nice. And you liked all your new friends. Especially Eddie. You were lying when you said he wasn't your type. He was most definitely the type of guy you would fall head over heels for. Only saying  he wasn't to save yourself from the hurt of rejection. Then the whole car thing happened and now today. Today was amazing in every sense of the word. It's been so long since you felt comfortable with someone. Ever since your college relationship ended 2 years ago, you haven't felt like you needed anyone. You had enjoyed being alone. Being free to do whatever you want. You had dropped out of college when the break up happened and decided to travel until you missed your family. This labeling you as the troublesome one. So a few months ago you wanted to finally settle down in a little town. Be closer to your loved ones. It took a bit to find a good paying job and with help from your brother. You bought your first house. And boy did you love your little house and the silence that came with it. You wanted this to be your forever home. So you worked other jobs to pay your mortgage off faster. A relationship wasn't something you had time for and was the furthest from your mind.
But today hit you differently. All day you kept repeating to yourself that Eddie in fact had a girlfriend. To stop looking at him like you wanted him. Because…you did. He was beautiful and funny. And he made the best faces. Most importantly he was really good with Natalie. You actually loved seeing him with her. It honestly made your heart melt when he called her princess.  Still, he was unavailable. So you cursed yourself for basically asking him out on a date. Not that you would ever actually consider it a date. But he also didn't say no. Even though he maybe should have. 
You sighed heavily while turning to your side. 
I want to get to know you on a deeper level…Maybe we could-
" Tee?"
You rolled over and saw Natalie in your doorway.
" Yeah baby?"
" Can I sleep with you?"
You softly smiled and sat up. Pulling the blanket back. She ran over and you picked her up. Once she was comfy you laid down. 
" I like bud, Tee."
You laughed a little and moved her hair behind her ear. 
" Me too baby."
The week dragged on for an eternity . Eddie looked forward to Sunday. He only saw you once during the week. When you picked up your car. You didn't stay long. But the few minutes he got with you got him through the week. 
On Saturday, Chrissy tried and failed making dinner. Like always. But hey at least she still tried. The date night was quiet. The night consisted of pizza and a movie. He sat there watching one of her favorites while she cuddled up next to him. 
He should be here. He should be enjoying the time he has with her. And for the most part, it was a good night. However he kept thinking about tomorrow. Should he pay for the "date"? Could he put his arm around you? Does he offer a shoulder for you to hide in when you were scared? 
All the unanswered questions came to a halt when Chrissy started kissing his neck. Everything got pretty heated. Before he knew it, he was taking her from behind. He tried not to think about you. He was trying to focus on her. What he did last Sunday wasn't right. He shouldn't have been thinking about you when he was with her.
About 30 or so minutes later he finally came. He laid there while Chrissy went to shower. A few minutes later he heard her moaning. When he went to check he saw her pleasuring herself with the shower head. 
He went back to the room and sulked. Now he couldn't even make his girlfriend cum. His mind went to the other guys. We're they bigger than him? Did they make her cum? Was he bad tonight? How often did she do that? Was it after every time they had sex? 
Then his questions went to you. Could he get you there? Would you accept his size? Would he even be able to fit because of how big you were?
The second after he thought that, he felt like a shallow piece of shit. He didn't think you were fat or anything like that. Sure you were definitely bigger than him. But you were beautiful. Inside and out. He knew that because even though he only hung out with you twice, those two times was all it took to see the real you. 
The goofy and sweet, competitive and strong willed, outgoing and loving you. And though tomorrow wasn't a date. He was going to treat it like it was. 
Chrissy finally came to bed and she gave him a kiss on the cheek. When she turned around he cleared his throat.
" I uhh have a date…tomorrow."
Chrissy smiled. " That's good. Have fun. Good night Ed."
He wanted her to be upset. To hear her say something other than have fun. But when he heard her steady breathing he knew that she didn't care.
When he agreed to meet you at the theater, he wanted to pick you up. But, you said you had to do stuff before. So when he got there he was expecting to see you alone. He was wrong. Somehow instead of a night with you two, Steve, Gareth, Robin, Dustin, Lucas, Max, and Mike were there. His heart sank. You didn't mention this to him. 
You locked eyes with him and smiled. So happy that he came. He looked a little upset at first. But that faded when he saw you. Sure tonight was supposed to be just you two. And you really wanted that. However, you didn't know if it was the best idea. As much as you wanted more time alone with him. The thought of his girlfriend changed your mind. So you invited everyone. Hoping that he wouldn't be upset that you didn't tell him.
Tickets were bought, and snacks were in an abundance. Now it was time to find a row to sit in. Dustin picked the perfect seats right in the middle of the theater. When everyone was about to sit, Eddie was hoping to sit next to you. But his luck just ran out. To your right was Robin and Steve. To your left was Gareth. When you looked at him, he could see that you were apologizing with your eyes. So he forgave you for whatever you thought you should be sorry for and grinned at you. Taking the seat next to his best friend. 
Everyone was getting settled in, passing around popcorn and chit chatting. The lights flickered and the audience cheered. Once the lights were off the opening scene to Suspiria played. That's when the exit door opened up and a couple came in. 
When he saw her, he sank into the seat. 
What the hell?! What the fuck Chris?! You said you hated scary movies.
Then he saw her date and was pissed.
Jason fucking Carver! You've got to be shitting me!
If it were anyone else, anyone who didn't give him hell in highschool. He would have been okay with it. Well, as okay as he could be. But it was fucking Carver. Chrissy knew how badly he was bullied. And she was out with the prick. Like this situation wasn't bad enough. Now she was fucking him too.
Eddie took a couple of deep breaths to calm down. His eyes followed them to their seats. He was disgusted. Then out of nowhere he felt a hand on his thigh.
You were sad that you couldn't be close to him. God you wanted your thigh to touch his. You wanted to be overwhelmed by the scent of his body wash and faint cigarette smoke. You wanted those glances. Silently telling each other they rather look at one another, instead of the movie. But Gareth hopped in the seat before Eddie even got the chance. And Robin didn't want anyone else to sit next to you. So she slipped into the chair on the other side. 
Slightly annoyed with both of them you accepted that it was probably for the best. Sitting there, doing those things would only aid the feelings that were growing. 
When the movie started you looked over at the cute blonde couple that came in. In the darkness you could still see Eddie's face. The look he had scared you. Then you saw his fist clenched and jaw flexed looking at the couple. 
" Hey Gare." You whispered.
Gareth looked at you and smiled. " Yeah?"
" Switch with me, yeah?"
His smile turned down. " You want to sit next to Eddie?"
You nodded and leaned in to kiss his cheek. " Yes please. There's something wrong."
He turned to Eddie and followed his glare. " S-shit! Umm." Gareth looked back at you and got up.
When you sat down Eddie's eyes were still fixed on the couple. So you reached over and put a hand on his thigh. When he looked at you, his eyes softened. His jaw slacked and his fist loosened.
" You okay bud?" You asked just above a whisper.
You saw his Adam's apple bob.
" Y-yeah. I-I'm good."
But you didn't believe that. " Who are they?"
Eddie looked away from you. He was embarrassed. He would be so humiliated if you met her this way. He didn't even want you to meet her. He could lie and say the shit about Carver. But he didn't want to lie to you. He wanted to be utterly and completely transparent. 
" Uhh." He sighed. " That's uhhh Chrissy."
"Chrissy...Your Chrissy?"
He nodded.
You were quiet until he saw you turn your gaze onto Chrissy. You sucked on your teeth when you saw what he saw. Chrissy was kissing Jason. You didn't say a word. You just got up and started down the row. Gareth must have known what you were planning because he was just a few steps behind you. Right when he passed Eddie, he gave him a look.
" She's gonna fight." 
Eddie's eyes nearly popped out. He quickly got up and went after you. Pulling Gareth back.
" HEY! CHRISSY!" You shouted. 
She looked right at you. " Uhh yeah?"
Eddie saw you smile. But it was anything but happy. Then you laughed sarcastically. 
Chrissy stood up." Do I-"
You then raised your fist and mid swing Eddie grabbed your arm.
" ED! WHAT THE-" Chrissy screamed.
" LET ME GO EDDIE! YOU CAN'T HIT HER. BUT I SURE AS HELL CAN!" You yelled trying to get out of his arms.
Next thing he knew Jason got up and pushed him. Gareth jumped in and threw a punch. 
While holding the very tenacious you back, all his friends came to help. People were throwing popcorn and ushers came. 
Finally everyone who was involved got thrown out. 
Eddie had to pick you up and carry you outside. While you cursed at Chrissy the whole time. When he put you down he cupped your face and made you look at him. All the while thinking how incredibly sexy you were for doing that. 
" Y/n please. Calm down."
" No Eddie! How are you not pissed?! She is such a dick for cheating on you."
You tried to push his hands away but he then decided to give you a full on bear hug. It only took a couple of seconds before you hugged him back. 
" I-I'm so sorry bud."
" Don't be. I-"
" Oh my God! You totally were gonna kill her!"
Eddie didn't want to let you go. But Mike interrupted the moment. When you guys pulled apart everyone was staring at you two. 
The young ones that didn't know the situation praised you for what you did. The others that knew looked at Eddie. Clearly understand that he hasn't mentioned a word of this to you. 
Eddie turned his focus on Chrissy who was standing behind Gareth.
" You have a lot of nerve you-" you started to say but Robin jumped in front of you and grabbed your arm. With Steve grabbing your other arm. Pulling you away.
Eddie quickly looked at you. " It's ok sweetheart."
You shut your mouth and nodded.
He then went to walk with Chrissy. 
" What the hell was that?!" She said, smacking his arm.
He sighed. " I'm sorry. She doesn't know about our arrangement. But... what the hell are you doing with Jason? And here?"
Chrissy looked like she was gonna cry. " Look Ed, he's changed. And I was going to tell you. But I barely see you."
He scoffed. "And who's fault is that? I'm home every night."
She looked away and wiped a tear away. " Ed, okay I'm sorry I didn't tell you. But he's different now. And I want to get to know him."
He should've been mad. He should have argued more. But he glanced at you and he knew he didn't really care to. He just wanted to be with you.
" Chris. It's fine. Have a good date."
She smiled weakly and nodded. He was just about to join his friends again when Chrissy grabbed his hand.
" Though she tried to kick my ass, I like her…you like her too. So you need to be honest with her…I'm not gonna be home tonight. So maybe bring her back?"
That's breaking a rule.
He didn't say anything and watched her walk away. When he came back you looked apologetic. 
" Alright, so now that the movie's out of the question-"
" I think we're banned now." Steve interrupted Robin.
She rolled her eyes. " Yeah whatever. So what're we gonna do?"
" We could go to The Palace?" Max suggested.
" Or the Hideout?" Gareth offered.
Steve scoffed." The kiddos can't go there yet." 
" I kinda just want to go home." Eddie said.
" Me too." You said
He looked at you and you still looked sad.
" I umm rode with Gareth…could you take me home instead?" You asked him.
You rode with Gareth?
" Y-yeah. Of course."
Once the goodbyes were said, Eddie held open the door to his van for you and offered his hand to help you up. 
" Such a fine gentleman."
" Ehh I try."
Both of you smiled a little. 
The drive was silent. Well, except for the sound of him tapping his fingers on the steering wheel. When he pulled up to the house you sat there for a minute. He kept telling himself to say something. To stop being so weird. But nothing was coming to mind. Then you shifted and turned your body towards him.
" Eddie, I am so sorry you had to see me like that. And I'm really really sorry about Chrissy. You don't deserve to be cheated on…no one does." You reached out and put a hand on his knee. " Everything's going to be okay. You're a great guy. I'm sure you'll find someone who treats you and thinks you're with the shits."
He grinned.
" Y/n, I have to tell you something."
When he was done, you sat straight forward. Eyes fixed towards the dash.
" Uhhh wow. Okay I'm a dick."
He laughed a little. " What? No you're not."
" No seriously. I'm an asshole. I should have minded my own damn business."
" Sweetheart, it was very cool that you stuck up for me. People don't normally do that. And it was badass."
You tilted your head and widened your eyes a little." Well I don't feel like a badass."
He put his hand on your head rest. " You are."
The second you looked at him with those beautiful eyes of yours, he wanted you then and there. Unfortunately, he didn't know if you would be okay with having a relationship with him.
Now that it's out. Might as well.
"S-so does it bother you that I am..I guess you could say polyamorous?"
" What? No." You shook your head and averted your gaze. " Not at all. To each their own."
He withdrew his hand when you seemed to not pick up what he was putting down. Still, he needed to know. Needed to ask questions.
" Have you ever been in a relationship like this before?"
He tilted his head. He was just about to ask you that. " Uhh no. Chris is the only girl I've been with."
You gave him a little smile. " Aww that's cute."
You're cute.
You looked back at him. " Bud?"
" Yeah sweetheart?"
"As much as I love sitting in your van. Cuz I do…like more than life."
He chuckled.
" But I need a drink. And my belt is digging into me like it's trying to become a part of me."
He laughed again. Then you hoped out. Just before you closed the door you gave him an amazing smile.
" Coming curls?"
@marsmunson86 @browneyes528 @themultiverseofmars
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illyrian-dreamer · 1 year
Hey hunny buns 🐰
I’ve been real quiet. And tbh I haven’t been great these past few weeks.
I know in the scheme of things this is probably NOT a huge deal, but I interviewed for a promotion at my work and didn’t get it.
I’ve just been feeling really stuck on my career and place of work for over a year now, and this was just the straw that broke the camels back. I work full time, so it takes up a lot of space in my life, and as a result my mental health too.
I’m sorry I haven’t done any writing lately. I’ve actually joined a club where a bunch of random writers get together once a month and write in silence for an hour (it’s a lot more fun that it sounds, we get drinks after and chat about what we’re writing about). I have that on tonight, so hoping to find my mojo again.
I’ll work on Overwritten this weekend I think. I’ve missed writing and I’ve missed you guys, Im just feeling really bummed and out of control right now.
Hope you guys have been well, love love love you 💕
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aevyk-ing · 2 years
Rambling about The Dragon Prince
Just finished watching The Dragon Prince and this was... interesting? But yeah, it has problems. This time, I’m not only expressing my opinions, but also using my experience as a fantasy writer to explain which things I’ve have done differently. Let’s dive in!
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I was intrigued from the beginning, but I also felt as if I was missing out. I needed more information! I’ve already bought the first novel, so I hope that expands it enough for me. The first season is fine. It has to present a lot of characters and places and I enjoy quests or just stories where a group has to travel. 
The second season is my favorite so far. I really liked the direction some characters took (I’ll explain it later) and the dream sequence was fantastic.
The third season was weird. The worldbuilding had been a little generic until then but it was forgivable (trust me, I know how difficult it is to create something that looks original). Now, they’re just in Pandora and visiting Lórien. Also, the writing took a more childish turn and the love story came out of nowhere.
The fourth season... was rough. Lots of decisions I don’t understand, too many references or just uninspired stuff and... the time-skip wasn’t needed. Like at all.
My main issue is that the episodes are a tad too long. So it feels like they had to pad some of them with problems or scenes that could have been solved in less minutes. The pace just drags a lot sometimes. I liked the animation. Sure, it was a little stiff in the first seasons but I think it’s an interesting mix of 2D and 3D. Would love to see my own characters animated that way! Overall, the voice acting was nice, I just had one little issue. Let’s talk about characters:
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Most of my problems with the main characters (especially Callum and Rayla) is that they don’t seem to have just one personality. So, for Callum, I enjoyed him more when he was just an insecure teen. But then, he’d start being sarcastic and feeling like a completely different character. I think his VA is a good actor, but it feels like a) They just let him do his own thing or b) Asked him to be more like Sokka. 
That being said, he’s okay. I really like his design (the first one better than the second, that hairstyle is weird) and I love stories about people discovering their magic powers. 
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Season 1 Rayla? Nice. Season 2 Rayla? Even better. Love her when she’s happy and she was a delight in the second season. Season 3 Rayla? Weird. Season 4 Rayla? Don’t get it.
Once again, a character with two personalities. I was hoping her to be a badass who becomes softer, just like Astrid, and it seemed she was going to grow a lot. Then, they made her disappear and go back to square one but acting as if nothing had happened or she hadn’t done anything wrong. 
Now, for the elephant in the room: I knew she was going to be Callum’s love interest. I was actually excited to see how their relationship would evolve, especially since Callum liked Claudia at first. But then, it just happened. They started blushing and saying good things about each other and... BUM, together. I would have loved to see more little hints or gestures. I really wanted to like this characters and their relationship, but I can’t. Maybe if they had started dating in s4, after missing each other and realizing they’re in love? 
Also, didn’t like her s4 design. It’s the spiky bun. And the monkey.
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I still can’t believe the kid become my favorite character, but here we are. Next to the ever-changing Callum and Rayla, we got sweet, wise Ezran. Smart kids can be annoying, but he just has that soft smile and spark in his eyes. And a cool pet. Bait won me over with the “ba-bum” at the intro.
I didn’t like much his s4 design because he sounded too childish, but he was still the same character, so I just got used to it. Also, he looks good with a ponytail.
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Can we talk about the cutest dragon since Toothless? Because he is. I really enjoyed his friendship with Ezran (he totally deserves to have a dragon) and he makes the most adorable noises. Would have liked him to talk in s4, though. 
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Started out as a decaffeinated Strickler for me, but got more interesting as he worked with Aaravos and even more after he was back from death.
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The character I wasn’t expecting to like that much. I’m sure someone discovered little girls liked Claudia more than Rayla, so they gave her a quirkier personality and jokes about body functions. Well, it didn’t work. Claudia is great, I love bubbly characters who are also powerful. 
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Another surprise. Yeah, he’s a himbo, but he has a big heart and he’s not that dumb. He’s so funny he improves any scene he’s in. He also has the best lines. 
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Love Amaya. She’s the best. Her interpreter is also great. Really like his design and Aaravos’, even though the later’s voice is too deep and doesn’t match his appearance. Also, the caterpillar/bug pal thing was really cool. I hate bugs, so that part was a little hard for me to watch, but it was worth it. The King was great, would’ve loved to see more of him. The rest? Okay. Just okay. Except for Terry. He’s great.
So, would I recommend these series? Yes, but go with an open mind and don’t try to think much. It’s a good story that could have been better and it hasn’t even ended yet. Hopefully, things will improve again in the next season, and I’ll be watching it for sure. 
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historyhermann · 2 years
Beauty, dress codes, and fashion: Examining twenty fictional White female librarians [Part 4]
Continued from part 3
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Three screenshots of the unnamed librarian in the Totally Spies! episode. The last one is after she starts to become buff.
There are some exceptions, however. For instance, the librarian in Totally Spies episode ("Totally Switched"), who becomes "way buff," as I wrote about back in March when I rewatched the episode. She wears a blazer, a collared shirt, has on glasses, and has her hair in a bun. This similar to how The images of librarians in cinema 1917-1999 displays librarians, or smocks worn by New Zealand librarians into the 1980s, while some librarians adopted corporate uniforms or t-shirts. [20] This unnamed librarian, likely voiced by Janice Kawaye, has an even more professional outfit. She doesn't wear anything that invokes the problematic and is not a degrading sexy librarian stereotype. In her own way, she is classy and chic, or even cool. If she was an actual librarian, she would be among those which author and photographer Kyle Cassidy profiled in his 2014 photo-essay "This is What A Librarian Looks Like" for Slate magazine. [21]
Reprinted from my Pop Culture Library Review WordPress, where this post was published on Nov. 29, 2022.
Of the librarians I've named in this article, arguably the unnamed librarians in Rugrats, Uncle Grandpa, DC Super Hero Girls, and Kick Buttoswki all could be considered spinster librarians of some type, using the definition Snoek-Brown outlines. The same could be said for Violet Stanhhope, Mrs. Higgins, Rita Book, Miss Dickens, Ms. Hatchet, Mrs. Shusher, and Ms. L. Contrasting this would be Kaisa, Gabrielle, Marion the Librarian, Amity, Mo, Myra, Sabine, Desiree, Sara, Sarah, and even the unnamed librarians in Martin Mystery, Steven Universe, and Totally Spies!, who are all information providers. Most extreme is Francis Clara Censordoll, who is not anti-social, a failure, naughty, comic relief, or liberated. She is the librarian-censor. Some might say she is the anti-librarian since she stands against everything that librarians seem to stand for. However, as Matthew Noe, the ALA GNCRT President, pointed out in March, it is going to be hard "to put a stop to this massive censorship lobby harassing libraries and schools when we can't even convince all library workers to stop doing censorship."
On a stylistic note, some of these librarians have an aristocratic style, along with avant-garde and celtic styles. I haven't seen any librarians with art deco, art nouveau, beach bum, beatnik, biker, black loli, babushka bois, bohemian, equestrian, flapper, heavy metal, hippie, hipster, punk, retro / vintage, surf, to name a few styles. Characters like Malkuth in the Library Of Ruina, a simulation game that followed the 2008 game Lobotomy Corporation would fall into the aristocratic and possibly avant-garde styles. I also haven't seen any military librarians. The closest I've come to that are the characters in Library War. Such librarians would likely be bound, if they were in the U.S., by very specific grooming and personal appearance standards. [22]
Those librarians who work in public spaces, especially, would likely be pushed to accept the idea that you need to "dress for success" either with business casual or casual attire which is "smart." This would be reinforced by the common perception in Western society that conflates appearance and health, affecting women, and leading to potential harm. This is made worse by the fact that unattractiveness leads to negative judgment from people. Such negativity can cause isolation, dieting, and emotional distress. Appearance, for humans, is "one of the most direct sources of information about other people." In workplaces, there are additional stresses, like so-called "common standards of professional appearance," which look down upon those with visible piercing and tattoos. This is obviously interlinked with the "societally sanctioned standards of appearance." [23]
There are many librarian styles. Whether they are depicted in pop culture matters since real-life librarians exist and embody those styles. Furthermore, whether librarian styles in real-life translate over to pop culture, in animation, anime, comics, or elsewhere, is anyone's guess.
© 2022 Burkely Hermann. All rights reserved.
[20] "Library fashion slideshow," New Zealand History, Ministry for Culture and Heritage, accessed Mar. 22, 2022; The Sassy Librarian has a tag on their website with stylish librarian outfits; Roberta, "Rounding Up," The Chic Librarian, Oct. 18, 2013. Wikihow has a whole article entitled "How to Wear the Sexy Librarian Look" in which they describe it as "playing on the idea of a quiet library with a quiet librarian" with clothes like: "partially unbuttoned shirts, dark stockings, sexy heels, and red lipstick." A perfect example of this is a cutaway gag of a librarian in a Family Guy episode where the librarian tries to act sexy but the man looks away.
[21] Kyle Cassidy, "About," This is What a Librarian Looks Like, accessed Mar. 22, 2022; Jordan G. Teicher, "This Is What a Librarian Looks Like," Slate, Feb. 11, 2014. There is also a Tumblr which ran from 2010 to 2020 which smashed stereotypes about what librarians wear, called "Librarian Wardrobe."
[22] "Personal Appearance: Beards and mustaches in the US Navy," Naval History and Heritage Command, May 7, 1963; Devon Suits, "Army announces new grooming, appearance standards," Army News Service, Jan. 28, 2021.
[23] "Dress for Success," Harvard University Facility of Arts and Sciences, Office of Career Services, accessed Mar. 22, 2022; Helen Monks, Leesa Costello, Julie Dare, and Elizabeth Reid Boyd (2021), "'We’re Continually Comparing Ourselves to Something': Navigating Body Image, Media, and Social Media Ideals at the Nexus of Appearance, Health, and Wellness" [Abstract], Sex Roles, 84, 221-237; Atefeh Yazdanparast Ardestani, "The Quest for Perfect Appearance: an Examination of the Role of Objective Self-awareness Theory and Emotions" [Summary], Aug. 2012, UNT Digital Library; D.J. Williams., Jeremy Thomas, and Candace Christensen, "'You Need to Cover Your Tattoos!': Reconsidering Standards of Professional Appearance in Social Work" [Abstract], Social Work, Volume 59, Issue 4, October 2014, Pages 373–375; Leslie J. Heinberg, J. Kevin Thompson, and Susan Stormer, "Development and validation of the sociocultural attitudes towards appearance questionnaire" [Abstract], International Journal of Eating Disorders, Jan. 1995; Oleg O. Bilukha and Virginia Utermohlen, "Internalization of Western standards of appearance, body dissatisfaction and dieting in urban educated Ukrainian females" [Abstract], European Eating Disorders Review, Dec. 21, 2001.
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zootplayz · 2 months
Time For a Quickie?
Right, so, last part the 4th gen teens aged into adults, right? After that they... ... ... ... ... Took a nap!
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Growing up is hard work! Also they needed to adjust their sleeping schedules since the culinary career is an evening job. When they awoke I had Mike use an age up treat on the puppy.
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I cannot stand puppies and kittens in this game. Which I realize sounds awful. I mean they're totally cute and everything but they can't climb stairs or go on walks. Such a pain in the bum. Graham had the skills I made my life easier, sue me! Crow is absolutely adorable!
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I don't know what random breeds the game created here but he's perfect! Son of a...! I missed a puppy picture which honestly looking at it now I don't know why I took it. Oh well, here it is:
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Probably took it because I'm obsessed with Graham. Speaking of Graham and obsessions. He has a compulsive need to pick up the animals and cuddle them for countless sim hours on end.
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Seriously, he has a problem. Insert random cat photo here.
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Let's see here Um.. Oh! Joel is gorgeous!
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It's a shame he's only a spare doesn't seem right to just leave him unmarried as the family chef. He should be out there making more mini Caleb's. But that'd increase my legacy count and I need to restrain myself. But he's so cute! I don't know if I can help myself. Insert random shot of Mike here.
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Guys, Mike, is seriously rocking the man bun!
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If you remember Graham has been enchanting greeting every new person he meets and absolutely nothing has come of it!!!! UNTIL NOW
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Graham almost immediately had a woohoo want with Catarina so we set to work on upping their romance.
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Then I was like, OMG I wonder if she's freak enough to break in the coffin?!
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Graham's wife, Melisa refused every damn time and I wanted to see what happened.
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Come on Cat you know you wanna. I mean look at him how could you say no?
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She couldn't.
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Bow chika wow wow The animation by the way was totally worth the effort. Made me laugh. Just when I got to thinking maybe these two could go create a cat lovers legacy sometime down the line Graham moved in with Serenity and f'd the whole thing up! Part 05 Gen 04 Read the full article
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theswampghost · 7 months
episode 6 thoughts
the zuko and iroh bonding is so good this season
this zuko backstory feels really early to me but i can’t even be mad about it i really like how they’re handling it
i’m a little sad they went with taking iroh’s bun off just for a joke about the archers… i ADORE that moment later when they both cut them off as a sign of breaking allegiance with the fire nation. it’s seriously so good and i’m really bummed we’re gonna miss it
zhao is SO. GOOD.
i’m really coming around on zuko’s acting as well he’s doing great. especially with the difference between pre & post exile
fuck yes the blue spirit
god the whole escape scene is bomb. the fight choreo???? yes god
“i knew i shouldn’t have taken your notebook” aang zuko has been trying to kill you for the past three years
“i have a feeling you’ve been hurt more than enough” yeah that kinda ate.
HOOOH that agni kai. well done
“if we knew each other back then, do you think we could’ve been friends?” i’m sobbing
holy shit the 41st division stuff???? i don’t think that was in the cartoon? i’m obsessed though that shit was sooooo good
that scene of zuko walking through his men as they salute him like holy fuck i’m a wreck over here
i absolutely loved this episode
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writerleo86 · 7 months
Terravenger Season 6 - The Two Ravens Arc (End of Arc) - Episode 499 (Do Not Copy) - 01.12.2024
    During one bright afternoon in Midas City, the pint-sized Ino Iruka hurried into the small flower store called Fenmore's. She found another girl named Akari Mido leaning on the tall desk as the worker Jade Fenmore remained at the other side of the desk.
    Ino wore a sky-blue shirt with a U-shaped neck collar and short sleeves. The bottom of the shirt lowered to her waist. And placed on the front right side of her shirt was a small golden pendant that was shaped as the head of a toad. She had a small orange band around each wrist along with a long light-orange skirt and a thick red ribbon that kept the skirt together. She also had on a pair of light-brown sandals. Her golden MAF badge was placed on the front left side of her shirt. And her long blond hair was still made into a bun which was behind her head.
    Akari had fair skin, black eyes, and long brunette hair. She wore dark-brown eyeliner and pink lipstick. She had on a sleeveless white shirt with a thick pink-lined star placed on the left shoulder. And the bottom of her shirt lowered to her waist. She wore a pair of tight dark-pink bottoms that lowered to her ankles. On the top of the right leg was a blue-lined yellow star. She also had a red band around her right wrist while a white band covered her left. And she wore a pair of open-toed jet-black shoes that lifted to her ankles.
    Jade had cocoa skin, green eyes, and a slender body. She had on a black eyeliner, brown eye-shadow, and peach lipstick. She also had black hair that was long and puffy. And she had a silver tiara around her forehead that looked like a wreath of leaves. She wore a pale-brown shirt with long pale-green sleeves and a thin yellow-green collar. She had on sand-colored pants that past her knees. Placed on the top of the left leg was an upside-down leaf that was made of silver. And she had on a pair of dark-brown sandals.
    Jade carried a large glass cup of fertilizer inside with both hands as she greeted "Yo Iruka! How are things?"
    Ino informed her "Since I won my match with Thomas a few days ago, I've been beat."
    And a cheerful Akari added "But you're still energetic as ever."
    Ino gave a quick laugh and answered "You know it, Akari-chan."
    Jade placed her cup on the desk and told Ino "Your banquet's ready. I'll get it for you."
    Then Jade walked into the back room as Ino called out "Thanks, Jade-chan!"
    Akari soon asked "Are these flowers for Luna?"
    Ino hopped onto a tall chair which was by Akari's left side and responded "Yeah. Luna-senpai was the first person I met and identified with in my third year."
    Akari gave a large smile and commented "Luna's actually the first of her family to enter the Midas Academy. And she took extra classes last year in order to graduate this year. She's gotta be excited."
    Ino turned to her and implied "I'm still psyched about the party she's getting from the Paigettes."
    "Yeah," replied Akari. "I already know Iris is gonna miss her too. Luna's been there for Iris since her second year."
    Ino commented "I know Iris was going through a hard time since before her first year. That was when her mom disappeared on her mission."
    And an emotional Ino lowered her head as she thought "Iris may still be bummed about that although she doesn't show it."
    Walking out the Information Center of the Midas Academy were many students with the struggling Duo Storms among them.
    The spiky-haired Duo wore a sleeveless black shirt with the capital letter X printed in yellow on the chest area. He had a sand-colored band around each wrist. He also had on a pair of tight light-gray jeans with a thick dark-brown belt that had a thick silver buckle at the center. And he wore khaki shoes with maroon at the center.
    As he carried a light-blue backpack, Duo was accompanied by the young clown called Jinx walked by the left side with a black backpack.
    Jinx was a slender youth with light-brown skin, a fair height, and a pair of dark-brown eyes. He had short hair with dark-brown at the left side while the right side was dyed light-blond. And his hair was tied into a pair of high pig-tails. He wore white face paint over his face with black eyeliner and black lipstick. He had on a white T-shirt with a fine red collar and the capital letter J printed in red on the front left side. And a red heart remained below the letter. Along with that was a pair of pants that lowered to the top of his knees. Colored at the left leg of his pants was red while the right side was black. And a see-through warmer covering each knee. He also had a short red boot covering his right foot while a black boot was placed on the left foot. And a fingerless black glove covering his right hand.
    The pair had walked through the green grass away from the Academy's building as an excited Jinx yelled "Hooray! You went through one full day without those head-tricks!"
    A tired Duo gave a quick yawn and implied "I guess the tattoo Tucson gave me did the trick. Meph hasn't come in to say hello for the last three days."
    He leaned his head back and added "But now I have lots of homework to do. I really think the teachers are stiffin' me 'cuz of the days I missed including the first day."
    A concerned Jinx turned his face to his friend and implied "Or maybe it's dear-ol' Dad trying to keep you busy."
    "You might be right!" replied Duo. "Mom and Dad probably want me to stick to my studies instead of doin' anything else! My dad did ask the L.T. not to let me go on any missions for a while."
    "What?" cried Jinx.
    The irritated Duo lowered his head and called "Bullshit, right? I can't believe my folks did that!"
    The pair continued to the sideway on White Oak Street as Duo said "I shoulda known my dad would do somethin'. But not this crap!"
    Jinx mentioned "Maybe you should talk to Tucson or Kamiya into gettin' the Lieutenant to give you simple missions like babysitting, or helping Pacey again."
    Duo yawned once again and answered "I guess I'll continue workin' for Deacon. That's actually the easiest job out there right now."
    "There you go," encouraged Jinx. "That's the spirit!"
    And Duo commented "I still can't believe my parents did some shit like that!"
    A male voice soon called out "Storms!"
Terravenger -- Season 6
Episode 499:  The Two Ravens -- Confrontation
    The pair turned around as another individual hurried to them. And this person with vicious intent punched the left cheek of Duo's face using their right fist. Then Duo fall face down on the ground and spotted his attacker.
    The stranger turned out to be the younger student, Denny Ravenstone. The angered boy wore a light-blue top that looked like a kimono-robe. On the right short sleeve was a picture of a flying bird with golden feathers. He also had a thick red collar on the top of his robe-like shirt. And he had on a pair of short brown boots.
    Running behind Denny was a frightened Nix with her long brown hair tied into a high pony-tail. She wore a light-blue shirt with short sleeves. And the bottom of the shirt lowered to the top of her waist. Covering her chest was her brown armor along with long brown warmers that covered her wrists and a thin brown warmer protesting each knee. She also had on her long light-brown boots.
    Nix tried to pull the enraged Denny from his victim as Jinx helped Duo from the ground.
    Duo rubbed his nose using the back of his left fist. Then he found a small pint of blood laying on the back of his hand.
    Denny yelled "You really are a bastard, you know!"
    Duo soon asked "What the hell's this about?"
    Nix held his shoulders with her hands as Denny told the older youth "I'll forget about you gettin' Tera under your belt. But you will never be my brother! You're nothing but pure scum!"
    "Brother?" questioned Jinx.
    And Duo asked "You mad because I had the guts to ask Tera out?"
    "What did I just say?" replied Denny. "You came to Midas last year, try to get to know Tai, and try to steal my family? That's not happening!"
    Nix told her friend "Take it easy Denny!"
    "This has to be said!" yelled Denny. "Just because my dad stepped outta his relationship with my mom -- my mother. And he had one affair, it doesn't mean you're automatically a part of this family!"
    Duo soon informed the youth "I just learned about this! I'm not tryna replace Tai or anythin'! I cared about Tai too! He helped me through a lot once I moved here! And I got no intention in bein' a part of your family!"
    And Denny responded "Good! Keep it that way! You're nothing but an urchin tryna ruin everyone's lives! Stick with your own kind, like that one standin' with you!"
    Jinx walked a few steps forward and told Denny "Hey! Calm down Man! We can talk about this!"
    "Shut up!"
    Then the vicious Denny warned Duo "Just mind your own business! One more thing: Stay the hell away from my dad! He's goin' through a hard time. He's still grievin' for my brother -- his oldest son, not you! You're nothing!"
    Finally, both Nix and Denny walked off as Jinx turned to Duo who stood by his left side.
    Duo placed his right hand over his nose as he cried "That guy! He's just crazy!"
    Jinx asked "Are you alright?"
    "Yeah," answered Duo. "I can just go to the Doctor's later."
    And Jinx yelled "Good! Because you have a lot of explaining to do! The main thing is what's Denny talking about you being his brother?"
    Duo stood with anger in his eyes as he watched the livid Denny walk away.
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