#I miss having a place I can call my storage
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draft-corner · 8 months ago
strongly debating if i should start posting again..
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foldingfittedsheets · 9 months ago
The location of the sex shop I worked was a haven for spiders. We had tall ceilings and skylights and unused storage rooms. It was a spider paradise. We quickly sussed out which coworkers to call on in case of emergency. The Dorito lady was a solid ally for spiders but absolutely petrified of moths.
But there’s actually a hierarchy of fear. Most people don’t realize. The person least afraid is the one forced to deal with the bug in question. If coworker B was scared, but coworker A was petrified, well coworker B was gonna have to screw their courage to the sticking place because by the law of fear they were the most competent person on scene.
Thus enters Rick. Rick first appeared in the back storage room. This room doubled as a second bathroom so we went in on a semi frequent basis. The girl who’d gone in to pee shot out again gibbering with fear about the biggest spider she’d ever seen had just run across her boot.
We sicced Dorito lady on it. She returned, shaking her head. “He was squatting on a power cord where it plugs in. I couldn’t get a clean shot at Rick.”
She shrugged. “Spiders that big need a name. Seemed like a Rick.”
Rick, freshly named, became a store menace. I’d normally say this was probably a case of multiple spiders being mistaken for one but everyone who encountered him swore up and down there could be no mistake. This spider was massive, fast, and distinct. A gladiator among arachnids.
I never encountered Rick. His exploits grew in the telling but the theme was consistent: no one could kill him. He’d hunker in places that no one could reach and dart away when a strike missed. He also chased off the more faint hearted, charging them in bold dashes. There could be no benign cup transplant to remove Rick from the premise. He was not leaving.
The saga of Rick continued for two months. Not seeing him was almost worse, a fearful wariness when going to the bathroom or stepping into quieter areas. I waited with dread, hoping my eventual run in would have me on shift with Dorito lady to protect me.
It was not to be. There was a girl the same who hated my one moment of singing that was absolute piss-herself scared of spiders. She’d slam straight into a panic attack and couldn’t think or speak. And so it was that one night on shift, I heard her scream.
It was unmistakable. I was in the front window turning off the open sign. Through an obstacle course of mannequins and lingerie I performed an acrobatic sprint out of the window, darting up to find her quivering at the front counter, fully crying. I radiated calm at her and said, “Just point.”
I knew it was Rick. Our destinies were intertwined and we had always been pulled toward the inexorable battle that was drawing nigh.
Her hand raised to point to our sandwich board sign at the front of the store. So Rick had the metaphorical high ground. There was no quick easy strike on the slanted signs surface.
I armed myself and marched into battle, my knuckles white on my chosen weapon. I would do this, because I must. Because there was no one else. And because I wanted to close and go home.
I saw Rick immediately and I honestly don’t think I’ve ever seen a bigger spider since. Outside of a tarantula, he was truly the most massive spider I’ve ever beheld outside a zoo enclosure or terrarium.
We regarded each other. Rick launched off the sign toward me and I stomped my foot reflexively, making him pause in his charge. Then I raised my weapon. Anything else, I believe Rick could have evaded. He’d bested most of the store thus far. But I had chosen chemical warfare.
I doused the shit out of that spider with cleaning spray, stunning him with a barrage of chemicals. While he froze, choking on the unexpected deluge, I dropped a paper towel over him. My foot came down.
I felt his exoskeleton crunch and I can feel it still to this day. The shattering was as of bones and I truly mourned that we had been forced into senseless war. If only he has cleaved tighter to the shadows. If only he’d crawled willing into a cup for relocation. I released a full body shudder of horror, fear, and adrenaline as I stepped back.
I took several quivering breaths. I donned a veneer of calm and tidied the battlefield of it’s corpse then went to reassure my coworker that all was well, while internally I still shook.
You fought well, Rick. I hope you sired many more monstrous children to haunt retail workers in the years to come. Rest in valor, you monster.
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of-stars-and-pens · 2 years ago
I’m on mobile so if it’s linked somewhere I am so sorry.
Where can we send mail to? I found a postcard a while back that made me think of you but had no clue where to send it or even if there was a place to send it so I didn’t purchase it. (Big regret. A short while after I started using postcards as book marks because my box of bookmarks failed to have anything that matched the book I had started reading.)
Hello Mr. Gaiman, silly question but how often would you say you. read mail. In the not general but instead fan way (only asking because I sent a letter ending in my own struggles in sending a letter and I don't really know what ever happened to it) (though I perhaps should have included in the letter the fact that I may never really know what happened to that letter).
I spontaneously remembered today it was something I sent a bit ago, though it seems odd and a little rude to ask about randomly like this. (Maybe the letter has gone forever and it's on it's own journey now. Perhaps it will come to visit me again in the future.)
(Sorry, if I don't end this ask right now I'm going to get super emotional about the adventures my letter is going on, as if it were a child) (thank you)
Due to COVID and people having to be in other places due to family things, the LA office wound up basically being empty for two years, and we've just closed it for a while. Everything was packed up and a lot of it was sent to me. It arrived a few days ago. Lots of boxes, and many of those boxes contain letters and suchlike things that were sent to me over the last few years. So now I just need to start working my way through them.
Definitely not odd or rude to ask.
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baby-yongbok · 9 months ago
𝘗𝘪𝘯𝘬 + 𝘞𝘩𝘪𝘵𝘦
Hwang Hyunjin 𝗑 Afab!Reader
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♡ Genre - Friends to Lovers
♡ CW - Explicit Sexual Content, Unprotected Sex, Nightmares, Alcohol usage by reader, Hyunjin calls reader rose as a nickname, One use of 'y/n'.
♡ Summary - Your avoidant tendencies have allowed the burn of pink and white to keep you Hyunjin at a safe distance until it all comes crashing down. Can the fire that kept you apart also be what brings you together?
♡ Word Count - 9.2k
♡ A/N - I went from not being sure if I liked this fic to being in love with it. I think that it's a very sweet fic and I loved writing it. I worked so hard on it and I'm so proud of it. The goal was for it to be 4k words.. then I almost posted it at 8k but now... yeah. I hope that you love this as much as I do!
♡ Playlist - Pink + White - Frank Ocean, Rainy Days - V, For Us - V, Beautiful Things - Benson Boone, Trajectories - Bruno Major
✧ Masterlist ✧
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When you were six years old you punched a boy in the face on the playground. That was the first time that you ever felt the burn of genuine fear.
Your mom along with the many others came swirling around them. When your mother asked you what happened you cried. You clung to her running over to you and the crying brunette boy on the playground with a mix of emotions and explained the best you could through your tears that you didn’t like that he was chasing you, when you agreed to play tag you thought that you’d be the chaser not the one being chased.
That was the day that you learned two things about yourself, you have a habit of acting impulsively when you’re scared and you don’t like being chased. It's suffocating.
As you got older your friends described you as the avoidant type, especially in relationships. You developed a reputation for being an ice queen in your Sophomore year of university which led to you being one of the most sought after girls on campus. 
You’ve lost friends because of this. Their boyfriends saw getting close to them as a gateway to meeting you. Many guys took dating you as a challenge with an end prize of overnight popularity. Unfortunately, some of your closest relationships have been destroyed because of it. You learned not to be sad about it, you’ve come to terms with it, this is just the way that it goes. Of course your other friends were all important to you but you always told yourself that you’re alright with losing them as long as you have your best friend by your side. 
“More roses? Are you in love or something?” You weaved through the cluttered art studio that Hyunjin has claimed as his own. It’s on the dead side of campus on the second floor of a building that was abandoned last year. Your best friend refused to let the studio go when it was shut down, he says that it houses some of his fondest memories. 
“Always in love, never loved back.” He quips, eyes still trained on the canvas. “You’re early.”
You jump up onto one of the few clear desks in the room, right behind his easel. “Chemistry ended early.” Hyunjin stands straight, eyeing his canvas for a second before looking over at you. He knows that you’re skipping class. Your last hook-up is in that class and you're trying to avoid his attempt at getting you in his bed again. If you’re being honest, the decision to sleep with him was impulsive. You blame the beer, all eight of them.
“I thought that we could go to the exhibition early.” He starts another brush stroke and silence swallows you both. “I’m excited about it and if I’m being honest I just wanna spend time with you. I’ve barely seen you for the past three days.”
Hyunjin’s steady hand wavers and he thanks his lucky stars that you didn’t see it. “Aw she misses me. She loves me so much.” The sound of your feet hitting the ground as you jump off of the desk echoes through the dusty room of stacked chairs and forgotten storage items. 
Hyunjin stands and dips the paint brush covered in bright pink in the cup of water next to him. “You could’ve come to my place ya know.” You grab your stuff, swinging your bag onto your shoulder. 
“Your brother is there, you know how he gets.” You scrunch your face at the thought of Hyunjin’s step brother, Jeongin. The two of you get along perfectly, almost as well as you and Hyunjin until Jeongin starts flirting. He confessed to you on New Years and you’ve been avoiding him ever since. He’s too sweet for you, you’d hate to hurt him. “I’m gonna go change, I’ll meet you by your car.”
“You brought a costume change for an art exhibit?” He asks as he starts cleaning his space.
“Of course, I need to look like art too.” You smile at him but he doesn’t smile back, he rolls his eyes and turns his attention back to the mess of paints and rags on the desk in front of him. He waits until he hears the door open and close behind you to finally let the corners of his mouth turn up. He chuckles to himself quietly while his mind comes up with responses that he’d never dare to utter out loud.
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“This one looks like you, rose.” The year old nickname slips off of Hyunjin’s tongue like silk. You’ve never fully understood how the name stuck. You figured that it’s because roses are his favorite flower and he thought it was cute. You’ve never asked for its origin but you don’t mind the name. It’s sweet.
You turn to view the series of pink, white and green dots making up a bouquet of roses on the framed canvas in front of Hyunjin. He studies it with smiling eyes though the neutral look on his face could fool those who haven’t experienced him like you have.
“It’s pretty.” You mumble as you lean your head on his shoulder. You wrap your arm around his and the sleeve of the brown oversized flannel shirt that you picked out a year ago rides up his forearm a bit, he blames the chills running up his spine on the breeze against the newly exposed skin. 
“I knew I’d see you here.” The voice of a woman next to Hyunjin startles you a bit. You stand straight and watch as Hyunjin smiles towards her. He’s cursing her in his head for interrupting the moment between the two of you but he learned a long time ago to just live in the moment when it comes to you.
“Of course, I had to see this exhibition.” He shakes her hand and you chalk it up to her being someone important though she doesn’t look much older than either of you. “You put it together beautifully.”
Ah, she owns the gallery. “Oh, please, it’s nothing. I just hope that you’re enjoying it. I actually thought about you when I put this piece up.” She motions towards the art in front of the two of you. The piece that Hyunjin says resembles you. “It looks like something you’d design. I’m still desperate to organize a local exhibition for you, ya know.”
Hyunjin laughs but it's stiff and polite. He’s being shy. He’s a very cautious person but he reaches a whole new level when it comes to his art. “I’m not quite on that level yet.”
“I disagree but I won’t bother you about it until you graduate. This is your final semester, right?” You can see her eyes smiling just like Hyunjin’s were a second ago as she checks him out. She’s shameless in her actions, the glint in her eyes is far from professional. 
“Yes, just three months to go.” She nods, dragging her gaze up from his lips with a smile. 
“Call me when you graduate, I’d love to have you working with us.” She pulls a business card out of her pocket and flashes one last smile before waving a reluctant goodbye towards your best friend. 
Silence settles between the two of you for just a couple of seconds before you break it. “She wants to fuck you so badly that she didn’t even look at me.” Hyunjin scoffs at your whispered words as he slips the card into his pocket. “Don’t tell me that you didn’t notice. How old is she anyway? She looks a bit young to be in charge of this place.”
“Her father owns it.” He mumbles as he grabs your wrist and leads you over to the next piece of art. 
“Oh, of course. She probably thought I was your girlfriend, ya know. She’s rude as hell for not even asking or looking at me. I know she saw me here, she’s clearly -” You’re pulled into Hyunjin’s side before you can finish your sentence. The sudden action cuts you off with a heavy thump of your heart and that painfully familiar burn rising in your chest. 
“Look at this one.” Your eyes are on him but his are on the art. “This one looks like you too.” You pull your gaze away from him to view the piece. The thumping in your chest doubles once your gaze meets your own. It’s a mirror with pink and white abstract designs floating around and over the glass. The paint is so messy yet strategic. It leaves just enough room for your reflection. 
“It’s messy yet elegant, don’t you think? You can’t help but to stare..” He’s visibly smiling now. The corners of his mouth turn up as he studies the art in front of him. As he studies you. “This one might be my favorite. It’ll be hard to beat it.”
“I don’t like it.” You mutter quickly, pulling away from Hyunjin and turning towards the next piece. You try your best to steady your breathing. You will your heart to calm down so that you can take a complete breath but it’s betraying you. “I’m gonna use the bathroom.” 
You’re walking away before Hyunjin can reply. He watches you with that smile in his eyes as you disappear around the corner. He knew that what he pulled would be a risk but it was one that he was willing to take. He doesn’t call you beautiful nearly as much as he should or as much as he really wants to. 
In the bathroom you’re slumped against the door of a stall while you try to catch your breath. You don’t like how Hyunjin’s words made that white hot burn in your chest kick up. You don’t like the way that his eyes being on you made you feel like you were the only two in the entire gallery. It’s suffocating. 
When you step out of the stall your fingers are busy on your phone screen. You find your friend Isa’s number quickly and take a sigh of relief when she answers on the third ring. You bypass reciprocating her kind greeting and get right to the point. 
“Get-together at yours tomorrow?”
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You’re standing in the middle of the Pink and White art exhibition. Other viewers jumble together along the walls of the gallery and crowd the pieces. You can’t see anything but their blurred faces decorating the white walls. There’s a slow yet heavy beating in your ears but you’re comfortable. You’re alone in the middle of it all, watching everyone from a pleasant distance as you turn to study them all as if they’re the art on the walls.
 The beating in your ears skips as you turn and come face to face with Hyunjin. He’s standing in front of you wearing that brown hat that you love and the oversized flannel that he bought just to share with you.
 Suddenly the others in the room are quiet. All eyes are on you but Hyunjin’s gaze is the most piercing. His brown eyes are smiling at you with a softness that makes the flame in your chest burn brighter. 
“Why are you staring at me like that?” You look around at everyone else but they’ve vanished along with the art on the walls. The beating in your ears picks up, it’s deafening but Hyunjin’s voice can be heard loud and clear over the noise.  
“I like staring at you.” He takes a step towards you but you take two back. He frowns and steps forward again. You repeat the process until your back is against the wall. “Why do you do that?” 
“I’m not doing anything.” You swallow hard as you try to push him away but he’s stronger than you. As strong as stone caging you against the stark white wall. “I can’t breathe.” You’re pushing as hard as you can but it’s no use. You’re stuck under him.
“Why do you do this?” He’s still staring down at you, a burning gaze setting your skin ablaze. “Why do you keep running?” The beating in your ears drowns out all sensible thoughts. You can feel your veins swelling with fear and the blinding white burning in your chest puffs up with the crushing pressure of having him so close. Too close. 
“Back up.” You inhale the thick air, feeling dizzy. “Move.”
“Stop running.” You try to inhale but it gets stuck in your throat. You want to scream. You need to escape. You need to get out of here. 
You lift your heavy arm the best you can and pull back enough to punch Hyunjin. You aim for his face but your fist goes through him just as your lungs start to burn, you take one last look at him before the wall behind you gives out and you’re falling backwards. Hyunjin watches you, his eyes are void of that sparkling smile and guilt consumes you right before you hit the ground.
You jump up with a gasp as your eyes frantically search the room around you. Your chest rises and falls heavily and sweat beads at your hairline.
It was a dream. 
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Friday is a late day for you with your last class ending at nine in the evening. Hyunjin always waits for you in the abandoned art studio, he waits for two hours just to walk you to your dorm across campus. It’s become a routine for the two of you but you told him not to wait up tonight. He was reluctant at first, he insisted on waiting for you but you were adamant about breaking your routine.
He agreed eventually but you could see the dejection in his eyes as he hugged you goodbye before your last class. He watched you walk away just like he always did but this time his heart was heavy in his chest. Did he do something wrong? 
That question haunted him throughout the day. It was loud in his head as he collected his stuff and made his way to the abandoned studio. It echoed in his ears as he tried to finish the painting of his vibrant rose that he’s added notes of dusty pale pink to. But it was the loudest when Jeongin called him to ask if he was going to the get-together at Minho’s place tonight.
He knows that you and Minho’s girlfriend Isa are close so you have to know about this, hell, you might’ve even helped plan it and you kept it from him. You’re avoiding him.
You skipped your class to head to Minho and Isa’s place. They share a small apartment right off of campus that you often use as an escape. Isa is one of the few friends that you still have from sophomore year since her boyfriend has never once tried to get in your pants. 
You sat on Isa’s bed clutching a bottle of soju that is not at all meant for one person while you laid your head in her lap. You loved being with her because there was never any pressure to fill the silence. She understands you in a way that other people just don’t. Not even Hyunjin. 
“So, he called you pretty?” You’ve been telling her everything from what happened at the art gallery to the nightmare you had last night. “And now you’re avoiding him?”
“I’m not avoiding him.” You take a swig from the glass bottle and gulp hard to rush the alcohol into your system. “I’m just being careful.”
“You’re being careful by avoiding your best friend… because he called you pretty and you had a nightmare about it?” You sit up with a groan, lifting the bottle to your mouth again with a sigh. She’s not getting it. 
“You didn’t see the way he looked at me. You didn’t feel the way he pulled me into him, his arm wrapped around my waist and he just stared at me with that smile in his eyes. You know the one that makes his eyes shine when he sees something pretty? He was looking at me like that and he told me that I looked elegant. Messy but elegant and that he couldn’t help but to stare. There was a softness in his voice, I swear, and he just wouldn’t take his eyes off of me. It’s like he was looking into me instead of at me it was… it was..”
“Sweet?” You tap the bottle in your hands with your nails. 
“Suffocating. It was too much. It made my heart skip and it made me feel hot.” 
“That usually means that you like him, ya know.” She takes the bottle from you, drinking from it a bit herself. “ You know that he’s a romantic and this isn’t the first time you’ve felt like this with him.” She hands the cold glass back to you while you think back to the other times that you’ve felt this. The latest being your birthday three months ago when Hyunjin whisked you away to the next city for a mini getaway. 
You stayed in the same hotel room and on the night of your birthday you had a bit too much to drink. He carried you up to your room since you were too out of it to walk but you weren’t too far gone to forget the way that he handled you with such gentle care.
He brushed your hair out of your face when he laid you on your bed and took your make-up off with such a tender touch that it made you want to kiss him. You almost kissed him. 
“I don’t like him like that.” You shrug and she sighs. 
“Whatever you say, ice queen.” That damned nickname makes you cringe but Minho is bursting through the door before you can rebuttal. 
“Jisung and Bin just got here, come on.” You stare at him with confused eyes and he crosses his arms as he stares back at you. “Well? Get up, you wanted to do this.”
“Do what?” You look over at Isa who’s already getting up from the bed.
“Did you not call her asking for a get-together? People are getting here so come on. I’m not hosting this by myself.” Your heart drops and you stare over at Isa who looks back at you with her own look of confusion until it all sinks in.
 “You meant for it to be just us, didn’t you?”
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Hyunjin is a cautious person, anyone who knows him knows that about him. He doesn’t like when things go wrong because of him. It eats him alive until he can fix it and if he can’t he lets the anxiety consume him until a part of him dies with the memory of it all. 
His cautious nature is what prompted him to drive home after he got that call from Jeongin. It brought him right to his bedroom where he dropped his bag by the foot of his bed and laid back against the mattress with a death stare set on the dull ceiling. It stared back at him, reflecting his thoughts back to him for him to analyze. 
His brother left for the get-together as soon as he walked through the door and Hyunjin was tempted to follow him down to Seungmin’s car.
He was tempted to drop his bag and turn on his heels and come straight to you but he knew better. He knew you better than you knew yourself. If he shows up at that get-together you’ll avoid him like the plague. You’ll feel trapped by his presence and any hope that he has of fixing this situation will die right in front of his eyes. 
His cautious nature is what’s keeping him on his bed. It’s what’s grounding him to this spot and sating the burning desire to chase you. The problem is that the fire in his chest is bigger than he can handle. He’s seen how you treat the men you want to avoid on campus, he’s seen you take the long way home just to avoid a conversation and the thought of you doing that to him makes him wilt. He can’t let that happen. 
His feet are carrying him across his room before he can even fully process it. He opens his closet and pulls out the brown flannel along with his brown beanie. They’ve become comfort items for the both of you at this point, especially the flannel. It feels like a thread connecting you to him and him to you. He needs to save that connection.
 He sloppily throws on the items while he checks the clock. He’s nearly two hours late but there’s still time. 
Hyunjin has never gotten a speeding ticket but he was nearly positive that he’d get one tonight. He made it to Minho’s place in record time but he’s panting when he knocks on the door like he’s ran there. His heart is hammering when Isa answers the door and the look on her face when she takes him in only makes his heart beat faster. 
She forces a smile, inviting him in and telling him where everything is but he already knows all of that and she knows that he does. “She doesn’t want to see me does she?” Isa sighs, giving him a look that answers each and every one of his questions all at once. 
“Thanks for letting me in.” He walks past her with a nervous huff, making his way into the small party and searching for you immediately. He finds Changbin and Chan before he can find you and the two quickly drag him into a conversation about gods know what while wedging a glass bottle of mystery liquid into his fist. 
Hyunjin’s eyes wander in an attempt to find you as he ignores his friends' conversation. Luckily it didn’t take long for the sound of your loud laughter to echo through the room. His eyes were on you in an instant once he heard it. You’re right in front of him sitting in the truth or dare circle with a can of something strong in your hand. You’re always the loudest in the room but right now you seem to be the drunkest too, you shouldn’t be playing that game you’ll do something reckless.  
He wants to go over and pull you up, he wants to tell you that you’re going home and that you need to sober up. He wants to get you to talk to him but he ignores everything he wants and watches you instead. He stays cautious and keeps his distance. 
“Y/n, truth or dare.” One of your few girl friends, Harvey asks from across the circle. You answer ‘dare’ with a wide smile, it’s no surprise, you always pick that. The raven haired girl looks over to Mingi for assistance since she’s known for picking terrible dares. After a couple seconds of deliberation the blonde perks up with an idea.
“I dare you to kiss whoever this bottle lands on.” Mingi dares with a nonchalant smile and you shrug, the alcohol in your system is surely boosting your confidence but it’s not like you’ll remember any of this tomorrow so who cares, right?
He spins the bottle in the middle of the circle and everyone watches with quiet anticipation as it lands on the copper haired boy sitting three people away from you. It’s Jeongin. 
He stops in the middle of sipping from his cup and flashes you a small innocent smile but what you return to him is nothing less than a look of raw seduction. You’re on your feet in an instant, making your way over to him with low and hazy eyes. You straddle him swiftly, getting comfortable in his lap like you’ve done this a hundred times. 
“You sure about this, noona?” His hands rest on your thighs, he brushes his thumbs over the bareskin and you can feel a shiver down your spine. It almost reminds you of how Hyunjin touched you on your birthday. 
“Do you not wanna kiss me?” You tease him with a slight slur to your voice. You know he wants to kiss you, everyone does except for Hyunjin, right? 
Just as that thought passes your eyes flicker up and meet those of the very man on your mind. He’s watching you with an angry gaze as he fists the neck of the glass bottle in his hand. Your mouth goes dry as you take him in, when did he get here? You feel stuck staring at him, everything around you is suddenly muted and the people around you disappear. It’s only you and Hyunjin.
Both of your hearts are pounding in your chest. 
Both of you feel like you can’t breathe. 
Both of you are about to do something that you shouldn’t.
“Kiss her already!” Ryujin instigates from across the circle and you snap out of your haze and blink down at Jeongin. You both share a smile, one more genuine than the other, before he’s leaning into you. His lips just barely brush against yours before you’re interrupted.
A firm grip on your shoulder startles you and the man under you. You both look up to meet the eyes of the angry Hyunjin above you.“Get up.” He practically growls with a slight tug on your arm. You stare up at him with glassy eyes though you are feeling a bit more sober now. “Get. Up.” 
You’re being pulled up before you can process it. Your feet fight to keep up with him as you stumble towards the bedroom he’s leading you to. You can feel all eyes on you, you can feel the room getting smaller once he locks the bedroom door behind the two of you and pulls his flannel off to drape over your shoulders, something that he does to comfort you. 
“What the fuck?” That’s all you can manage to get out of your mouth as you stare over at him. He stares back with his arms crossed and his chest rising and falling with what you perceive as anger but he would describe as anxiety. Pure fear. 
“Do you understand what you were about to do?” Hyunjin tries to be mindful of his tone. He tries to limit the waver of his words and calm the frantic thoughts in his head. He’s trying. “Why would you kiss him?”
“I didn’t.” The alcohol in your system takes over again and you thank the ridiculous amount of soju you’ve consumed for coming to the rescue. You tug on the flannel resting over your shoulders, pretending that its warmth would protect you from the buzzing in your head and inevitable burning in your chest.
“You would’ve if I didn’t stop you. What happened to you not being into Jeongin? What happened to you not wanting to hurt him?”
You groan, stomping your foot like a child being scolded by their guardian. Like the little girl who punched the brunette boy in the face for chasing her. “Why don’t you mind your business?”
Hyunjin scoffs, his anxiety grows in his chest and he takes a step back. “You are my business.” 
It’s silent for one, two, three heartbeats before the dizzying emotions burning in your chest fill in the silence for you. “Well maybe I shouldn’t be. You’re way too attached to me.”
Hyunjin feels frozen even though he’s stepping back from you. He’s creating more space between the two of you just like you seem to be doing. What do you mean by that? You’re rambling on before he can ask. “You do all of these things that make me feel like I can’t breathe. You call me pretty and you touch me softly and you hold me close and… and you just make me feel hot. You suffocate me.”
Hyunjin whispers through the bubbles forming in his throat. He’s gentle with the way he speaks, he is a cautious person after all, especially when it comes to his art. “Is this about what I said at the gallery?”
His question goes in one ear and right out the other. Your brain formulates words quicker than you can process them, creating a violent episode of word vomit that threatens to spill over your lips and onto the carpet but you swallow hard and condense it all into one simple yet seering sentence. “You keep making my heart race, it’s not fair. You need to go, just go.”
Hyunjin’s blood runs cold and his temples throb like you’ve hit him. Like you’ve punched him in the face. Anxiety bubbles in his veins and swells behind his eyes. It’s his turn to ramble, the word vomit seems to be contagious. 
“I’m not leaving.” His gaze is frantic, cautious, scared. “I am too attached, you’re right. I have been for a while. I’ve loved you for a while and I tried to hide it but I shouldn’t have to. I shouldn’t be scared that I’ll lose my best friend if I tell her that she’s the most beautiful girl I’ve ever seen.”
 “No, you are not confessing to me right now. Don’t you dare do that.” You pace to the left then the right in a hurried attempt to escape his words before they could reach you. He can’t be doing this right now. You needed to get out of here.
“I am. I am confessing to you. I need you to hear me say that I love you because I do and it scares me just as much as it scares you but you are the reason that it’s scaring me. Losing you is the reason that I’m afraid and I need you to tell me that that isn’t going to happen.” His voice is shaky just like your hands. He watches you like a dog being dropped off at the pound as you physically try to escape him. He knew this would happen, this is what he was afraid of. 
“Stop. Just stop it, Hyunjin. You’re doing it again, I can’t breathe when you’re this close to me.” He stares over at you from the other side of the room and you stare back at him. This doesn’t make any sense. He isn’t next to you but you still can’t breathe. It doesn’t make any sense. “I have to go - I have - just… just leave me alone.” You turn towards the bedroom door but he speaks up before you can make your escape. 
“I’m not going to chase you.” Hyunjin is unmoving. His feet are still planted to the floor like a statue as he slips his fists into his pocket. “I don’t want to push you further away but don’t you dare go home and convince yourself that I don’t care just because I let you go.” 
You listen to him over your hammering heart with your back turned to him and your unsteady gaze trained on the worn door knob. “I’m letting you go with the hope that you’ll come back. You know where to find me.” 
Your feet threaten to betray you, they try to turn you around and drive you over to him but your heart is screaming. That white flame is burning in your chest and begging you to run. Run as fast as you can and find safety, but your safety is standing behind you. It’s watching you with teary eyes that are desperate to meet yours. 
A tear slips down your cheek as you grab the doorknob and pull it with a quick twist. You follow your heart and rush out of the room with tears decorating your face and your hand over your mouth. You let the burning win again.
You rush past everyone, Isa tries to stop you and Minho even catches you for a minute but you fight him off of you and make your way to the front door. You don’t get too far before the last layer of your resolve snaps, You turn onto the next dark block and sink to the ground. Sobs rip through you as Hyunjin’s words hang in your head. He loves you. He wants you but you left him. You left everything you’ve ever wanted behind you. 
A heavier sob escapes you as the truth of it all comes crashing down. You love him too, don’t you? You’ve loved him for so long. Since your birthday and beyond that but you’ve been avoiding it. You’ve avoided your feelings just like you have everything else. You’ve punched yourself in the face, you’ve chased yourself into a corner and now you might just lose everything you have left. You might lose your best friend.
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The storms over the next two days swirl the skies into mysterious clouds of pink and white as rain soaks the grass the same way that you’ve soaked your pillow for hours. You’ve opted to stay in, avoiding anything or anyone that could remind you of Friday’s catastrophe.
 You’ve debated texting Jeongin and apologizing for what you remember of the situation. You almost called Isa to spill the fears bubbling in your lungs to her so that she could help you sort through them but she can’t. This is up to you. You need to make a choice. Will you run away from the fire or towards it? 
On the other side of campus Hyunjin sits in the abandoned studio with paint stained hands and dried tears on his cheeks. He’s left his previous painting incomplete. The bright blushing rose sits across the room with the others just like it while he touches his brush to the canvas and smears a smoky mauve to the pristine white flesh. His lines are messy and uncalculated. Far from cautious. 
For a moment he considers that he was only ever careful because of you. Your lack of control over your emotions inspired him to fill in the blanks for you. Now there’s no need for caution without you.
The rain carried into Monday along with the emptiness in your chest. You’ve typed and deleted paragraphs to Hyunjin who has done the same as he sat on the studio floor.
He stayed in the dusty room until midnight each day that he was without you and you stayed up well past then. He poured himself into painting and you poured yourself onto the carpet of your dorm room. You made lists and mapped your emotions until it all started to make a bit more sense. Until the love that burned alongside your hot white fear was glowing pink in the mirror. 
You skipped your classes on Monday, your feet drove you over to the dead side of campus through the violent rain. You stood in the hallway outside of Hyunjin’s studio. The worn copper doorknob stared back at you like it knew what you were here to do. Like it was daring you to go inside. You suck in a breath as you grab the metal, you’ve never been one to back down from a dare.
The studio is empty when you walk inside. The fading warm light of the lamps that you and Hyunjin bought and snuck in illuminate the space the best that they can given the dull pink skies. Your eyes catch on the new piece sitting up on his easel. It’s dark and runny, it’s raw and it feels like it’s calling your name. 
“Hi.” Hyunjin’s voice snaps you out of your thoughts. His voice is small and surprised as he stares over at your frame clad in that famous brown flannel and sweatpants. 
“Hi.” You whisper back. He looks like a mess. Brown hat, pulled too far over his head and his hair spilling from every exit it can find. “More roses?” 
He stares passed you and over at the wilting petals on the canvas with a sad smile. “It’s like I’m in love or something.” 
Your guilt tinged heart beats a bit faster when he steps further into the room and closes the door behind him. He drops his bag next to the door and stares at the dinghy tile with his hands in his pockets. “I’m sorry. For everything, for the party and everything with your brother and for everything that I said.” 
The word vomit is back. It spilled over your lips before you could attempt to swallow it back but you’re almost thankful for it. You have no clue how you’d get your words out otherwise. “You just made me feel… I just felt..” You kick at the cracked tile as if it holds the answers you’re looking for but Hyunjin beats you to it.
“Suffocated.” His eyes are on you now, they’re low and shadowed in a longing sadness. “I’ve seen this happen a million times to other guys and I thought that I was being careful enough to avoid it.” 
“This is nothing like the other guys.” Your bag slumps off of your shoulder and you carelessly allow it to hit the floor. “Your confession just -” He cuts you off with a tight smile.
 “I know. It ruined everything.” He sighs, sad eyes examining the space between the two of you. “I ruined everything and I’m sorry for that, rose. I really am.”
“It didn't. It didn’t ruin anything, it just scared me. I felt suffocated, yes, but not by you. It was by what I felt for you. That’s why this isn’t like what happened with any of the other guys. I never wanted them. Avoiding them was easy but you… avoiding you..” Hyunjin watches your heaving chest with the caution that he thought had abandoned him. He’s quiet, allowing you time to gather your thoughts. He doesn’t want to corner you, he just wants to hear you. 
“Why do you call me that?” You whisper once your breathing has steadied. “Why did you start calling me rose?”
Suddenly he’s looking past you then down at the tile under his feet. He leans against the door behind him, a faint smile decorating his sad face. “You were wearing one in your hair on the day that I realized I love you.” He looks over to where his easel is set up. “We were sitting right there and you had a pale pink rose behind your left ear. You picked me one to match and I told you that it was my favorite flower because in that moment it was. It was beautiful but you…your beauty is hard to beat.”
Your heart is thumping in your ears, it’s a sound that you’ve grown comfortable with over the past few days. The clutter of the abandoned room almost seems to disappear as you process his words. The burning in your chest makes itself known along with the newly identified pink flame. The white walls of the studio almost seem brighter as you receive Hyunjin’s confession. You let it sink in and drown out the tension little by little. “So when you paint them…”
“I’m painting you. I’m always painting you.” The thumping is deafening but Hyunjin is clear over the noise. He has always been the only one who can cut through it all, even in your dreams. 
You can feel yourself falling just like in your nightmare only it’s forwards. You’re falling forwards as your feet carry you to him. You run. You run to him and you fall into his arms that have been desperate to catch you for months. The burn in your chest is paralyzing, it’s seering and fighting the pink flame for dominance. 
You cry into his chest, you sob as the pain of running into the fire engulfs you. It swallows you whole and you stand in it with him, you cling to him before you burn to ash and he holds you like he knows it all. He cradles the back of your head like he can feel the fire ripping your flesh apart. 
You’re flush against him, tears soaking his shoulder and burning all over until he does what no one has done before. He puts it all out. A simple kiss to the top of your head dowses the flame and reduces it to a measly spark of fear overshadowed by an uncontainable pink and white glow of love in your chest. 
You gasp at the cooling effect. Air rushes into your lungs and you can finally breathe, he’s the oxygen you needed. He’s everything you’ve needed but now you want to give your air away again. You want to give it all to him. 
You pull away from his shoulder in one swift motion, your eyes are shut tight as your lips find his and you pull him into a hard and messy kiss. The sound that escapes you both is desperate and beautiful. His lips move with yours in an uncoordinated rhythm that makes your lungs burn comfortably. They burn the way that they’re supposed to. 
Hyunjin cries into the kiss. Tears stream down his cheeks as he cradles you against him like you’d vanish if he didn’t. He drinks it all in, he allows himself to live in this moment that he’s been dying to have with you for what feels like an eternity before he reluctantly breaks the kiss. 
His eyes are still closed when he pulls away. He whispers to you, careful not to crack the shell of this delicate moment. “I thought you -” 
“I don’t want to keep running. I can’t, I need you. I can’t lose you.” Your eyes flutter open at the same time as his. He stares down at you with that smile in his eyes. That smile he has when he sees something beautiful, when he’s utterly enamored by the sight before him. “I don’t know what I’m doing. I don’t know how to do any of this, I only know that I want to do it with you.”
He’s quiet for a couple of seconds before a smile sneaks up on him. It fades just as quickly as it came and his eyebrows pinch together. “You want me?” You nod and the smile shows itself again. 
“I want you.” He leans back in, cupping your cheek as he kisses you hard. His body pushes against yours and you move with him as he walks backwards towards one of the few empty desks and lifts you onto it. 
His hands explore every inch of you that he can reach. He balls his fist over the baggy flannel hiding your body from him while your fingers tangle in his hair and scratch over his shoulders and up his arms.
 He breaks the kiss to run his lips over the flushed flesh of your neck, he whispers into your skin between each kiss “Tell me to stop.” He pulls at the collar of the flannel to kiss the curve of your neck. “I’ve waited so long for this, please tell me to stop. Tell me to wait.”
You push his head further into the crook of your neck as you tilt your head further to give him better access. “I don’t want you to.” He sucks a mark into the skin right below your ear and you pull his tucked in shirt from his pants with an elated moan. 
His clumsy fingers fight to unbutton the oversized flannel as yours attempt to unbutton his jeans. You reach your goal before he does and waste no time capitalizing on your victory. You dip your hand in just enough to fish his growing erection from his briefs and wrap your hand around it. 
Hyunjin moans at the stimulation, leaning his forehead against yours and squeezing his eyes shut as you stroke him slowly. “Fuck, please don’t, I wont - I can’t last.”
 You kiss his temple softly, whispering reassurance that you don’t care to have him last, you just want to have him. Once he’s centered himself again he continues his struggle to expose your body to him. The final button falls open like the curtain to a play and he stares down your scantily clad torso like an audience in awe. 
His hand moves on its own as he admires you. It dips into the waistband of your sweatpants and swipes over your clothed clit.
 Your head falls forward to rest on his shoulder with a quiet moan as he groans into the air. Your grip on his cock tightens a bit in response to the sensation and he hisses. “Please tell me I can feel you. Is it okay? Can I?” 
He doesn't want your first time to be here but he wants you. He needs you. 
Hyunjin hooks a finger into the damp gusset of your panties and pulls it to the side just enough to slip a finger into your waiting cunt. You pant in his ear, wanton moans bubble over the brim of your lips as his free hand cradles the side of your neck. “Look at me, please look at me, baby.”
 He runs his thumb over your cheek, brushing over the path of your dried tears. “So pretty, this must be a dream.” You shake your head. Speaking between moans. “Not a dream, baby.”
 He slips in another finger as you circle your palm over the head of his cock and you both moan. “Please tell me I can.” He leans his forehead against yours, his desperate eyes reflect the look in your own.
“You can. Please, I want you to.” 
“Have you ever thought about it?” He’s asking before he can process it and you’re shaking your head before he can even finish his sentence. A shy glaze washes over your desperate gaze as you watch him undress you.
 “You’re all I ever think about.” He whispers as he hooks his thumbs into the band of your pants. “You’re all I’ve wanted for the past year.” 
“I’ve loved you since my birthday.” You blurt out, vulnerable eyes peering into his. “Maybe even before that.” He runs a finger over your clothed cunt and you shudder under the touch.
“I wanted to kiss you the night of your birthday. You looked so beautiful but you were wasted. You wouldn’t have remembered. I just stared at you, I took your make-up off and I brushed the hair from your face and you stared back at me. I was just dying to kiss you. I was dying to confess.” Your hand runs slowly up his shaft and he swears that he feels electric. 
“I wanted to kiss you too.” He’s quiet, staring back at you with a smile. “That’s why I was staring”
“I kissed your forehead when you fell asleep.”  He pulls your panties down your legs, allowing them to pool at his feet with your sweatpants. “I knelt by your bed and whispered my confession to you.” 
His fingers are filling you again and you gasp while staring into his eyes. “I wanna hear it.” You whisper through a moan.
 “You want to hear my confession?” You nod, your gently fucked out gaze stares into his like your hypnotized by the moment. He scissors his finger into you, stretching you out just a bit before you’re gasping from the stretch of him replacing his fingers with his length. 
“Fuck, you’re inside of me.” Hyunjin stills with a groan. His forehead rests on your shoulder while he silently begs himself not to come undone just yet. He sucks in a breath before he recites all that he can remember. 
“You’re everything that I thought it would be to fall in love.” He whispers as he pulls back, thrusting into you slowly. “You really snuck up on me, I don’t know what I expected though.” He lifts his head to look at you as he sinks back into you. “You became my world so quickly. So effortlessly.”
 You cup his face with both of your hands as you bite back your moans. You want to hear him loud and clear. You want to remember every word. “I should’ve known that I’d fall in love when I first met you.” He picks up the pace, falling into a messy rhythm that’s accompanied by a fit of moans and grunts. 
He struggles to keep his eyes on you. They flutter shut with each thrust as he feels himself float closer and closer to his climax. “Baby, I won’t last.” You wrap your arms around his neck and one of his wraps around your waist while the other rests on your thigh before creeping over to softly pinch and rub your clit. 
“Hyune, you’re gonna make me - gonna -” He cuts you off with a sloppy kiss, his tongue brushes over your parted lips to request access before making room for itself against yours.
“If you tell me that you’re gonna cum I won’t last another second.” He whispers against your lips and you moan against his.
“What if I tell you that I love you.” Hyunjin’s eyebrows pinch at the confession. That’s way worse than telling him that you’re close. “I’ve loved you back for as long as - as long as you’ve loved me.”
“Rose, baby, you’re gonna -” It’s your turn to kiss him now, it’s a mess of teeth and tongue but you love it. You love him and him you.
 You both pull away in tandem, twin moans ripping through your chests as you both announce yourself to the other. 
“I’m cumming, I’m cumming.” Hyunjin pulls out of you, painting your thighs in his sticky white release while his fingers toy with your clit to ride you through your orgasm. It’s loud and messy and beautiful. A romantic elegance that you want to live in for as long as it’s available. 
Once you’ve both come down from your high Hyunjin kisses your sweaty forehead and you kiss his. He pulls his bottoms up before grabbing the cleanest paint rag he has to clean you up. A comfortable silence settles around you as you ground yourself and take in the space.
“You didn’t finish that one.”
He follows your gaze over to the painting of the pale pink rose. The middle of the canvas contrasts the rest with nothing but dull line art to show the completed picture. It looks like a work in progress. “I know, but I think I like it like that.” He looks back over at you and you at him.
“It looks like you."
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It’s been seven months. Graduation has come and gone in the middle of your blooming relationship with Hyunjin and you’ve dedicated each and every second of your budding love to taming the flame. 
Each kiss from him has kept the spark of fear at bay and each touch has taught you how to stop running. It’s been a slow and cautious process that he is more than proud to be a part of. He takes pride in it. He takes pride in being with you.
The smooth breeze of late summer brushes against your skin as you step out of your car. The white dress that Hyunjin picked out for you sticks to you like paint on a canvas as you make your way up to the art gallery. 
It’s buzzing inside, people stand and stare in awe at each piece while whispering and pointing to their favorite details. You stop and stand in the middle of it all, taking it all in with a slow spin on the balls of your feet. You take in every corner until you turn around completely and you’re met with the face of the artist himself. 
“Hi.” Hyunjin smiles down at you, brown baggy flannel hanging from his shoulders. 
“Hi.” You stare back at him with a gleaming smile in your eyes. You take in every inch of him, scanning him like he should be framed and hanging on the walls around you. 
“Why are you staring at me like that?” Hyunjin wraps his arms around your waist, pulling you closer to him. “I like staring at you.” Your response makes him beam a shy smile. 
“You should be staring at the art. The artist might get sad if you don’t.” He kisses your forehead before letting you go. Some people around you stare over at the two of you with curious eyes. They’re eager to put a face to the muse of the showing artist. 
You take his hand and lead him over to the piece that a couple is walking away from. You stand in front of it hand in hand as you study it for what feels like the millionth time. “This one is my favorite.” The incomplete pale pink rose stares back at you.
“And why is that?” Hyunjin has that smile in his eyes as he stares up with you. The memory of this piece's origin plays behind his eyes like a memorized movie. 
“I’ve been told that it looks like me.” You lay your head on his shoulder and wrap your arm around his. A chill runs up his spine and he blames it on you. You and the love he feels glowing pink and white around you. 
“There you are.” History repeats itself as the lady that you’ve come to know as Dalia interrupts the two of you. “I wanted to check in with you, how does it feel to finally have your own exhibition?” 
Hyunjin smiles at her politely, turning towards her a bit with his fingers still threaded through yours. “It’s amazing. Thank you, you’ve done a wonderful job putting this together.” 
“Oh, please, it’s nothing. This is all you.” You watch her as her eyes smile just as they always have. Her hand brushes over his arm in a carefully calculated move. She’s still shameless and unprofessional. “This piece is my favorite. The unfinished look is unique and raw. What inspired this one?” 
You grin to yourself as you listen to her. She’s trying so hard that it’s difficult not to laugh. 
“Actually.” Hyunjin pulls your hand a bit, leading you forward so that you’re right next to him. It’s impossible for Dalia to ignore you now. Her eyes scan you reluctantly and the smile on her face falters for a second before she pulls it together. Gosh, that's gratifying. 
“My lovely rose here is the inspiration for it all.” Hyunjin looks over at you with a glow that is unmatched even by the largest of flames. “None of this would be possible without her.” 
It’s like Dalia disappears once Hyunjin looks over at you. You’re the only two in the room as far as you’re concerned. “Oh, well that’s just - that’s wonderful.” Her staggered speech pulls you both out of your loving haze. 
“Such a … sweet profession of love.” She glares over at you though you’re sure that in her head she’s doing a wonderful job at hiding her contempt. “I should make sure that everything is running smoothly. Please excuse me.” 
She clears her throat awkwardly before she departs, you and Hyunjin both bid her smiling farewells before turning to each other with wide smiles. “Show off.” You push his shoulder playfully and he laughs.
“I didn’t do anything.” You roll your eyes as you both wander over to the next piece on the wall. You stare up at the two pink roses in a lone vase, a shadow of sunlight casts down on them both as they rise towards its shining glow. 
A comfortable silence blankets the two of you while you listen to the soft buzz of the people around you. You squeeze his hand softly and he squeezes back just as you open your mouth to speak. 
“She still wants to fuck you.” He smiles 
“Shut up.”
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lalalychee-x · 9 months ago
"Bad Idea!" Boothill x Reader ft. his hat
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CW: NSFW! MDNI! fem!reader; sex where ur on a window sill; squirting + licking it off again lol; slight exhibitionism (the door's open); biting; Boothill's tongue has its own warning; clothes ripping; fingering; robo-dick and cyborg fingers lmao; creampie; blood from biting is mentioned like twice and barely; teasing; braless; begging; edging; sweet and soft Boothill bc he's a cutie; empty warnings; he can't breathe since he doesn't have lungs?? word count: 3415 oopsie
song4this Bad Idea by Ariana Grande
♡ Whenever Boothill's hat goes missing, he knows you're responsible, so it ends up with him hunting around for you. You run away with his hat on to tease him, and he runs after you, playfully nibbling at your cheek. It's all fun and games until the hat is the only thing you have on.. ♡ Basically, you steal his hat to tease him, but end up getting fucked silly until you apologise to him. With the hat on. And only the hat on. "Ya wanted to wear it so badly, darlin', so ya got it."
inspo post from @madamofthestars (psst, check them out! They super cool!) art creds: skoukax on insta
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"C'mon now, sugar, ya know that ain't yours…!" Boothill called out behind out, his voice a mixture of frustration and amusement.
You rolled your eyes, quickly glancing back through a spin on your heel; the hat wobbling slightly as you held it in place with one hand.
You look back at him, sticking your tongue out, before giggling and darting off. You sharply turned a corner, your heart racing as you waited for the perfect moment to lead him down a wilder chase.
Boothill scoffs, an amused smirk tugging at his lips, "Oh, gettin' smart now, are we?"
You spin back around, your heart racing as the clicking of his boots gets closer and quicker, "I am smart!" You taunted him a little, the brim of the hat bobbing as you picked up speed.
"Ya little fudgin' minx," Boothill muttered under his breath, his curses amusingly censored as they reached your ears. "I swear, when I get my hands on ya…"
"You can't even swear properly!" You call out again, turning your head as you ran, setting the hat askew.
You catch a glimpse of him running towards you, the sight beyond amusing to see when running at such speed. You attempt to call back, but your voice dissolves into a fit of giggles and gasps for air as you ran.
You snapped your head back, facing forward to drag out the chase. It was all fun and games until you realised you'd diverted your attention for too long and cornered yourself in a dead-end room. Boothill's imposing figure filled the doorway, a smirk playing on his lips as he took in the sight of you. You were panting but your index and thumb firmly gripped the brim of the hat, assuring it stayed on your head.
A room was an overstatement; a storage room, just maybe, with a singular horizontal window panel that stretched about a meter wide at most. It let in a few spells of moonlight.
Boothill leaned against the door frame, his arms crossed over the metal plates of his chest, "Gotcha now," He laughed, the star-shaped insignia on his jacket clicking against the metal of his torso as he did so. "My hat looks mighty fine on ya, but I think it's time ya give it back."
You adjusted the hat, spining it on your low on your brow.
"Come on, just a little longer—?" You teased, batting your eyelashes in a futile attempt to charm him.
"No can do, darlin'," He chuckled again, pushing the door shut behind him. The room dimmed as the light from outside blocked out. "But if ya apologise, I'ma let you have it a bit longer."
"Ok ok, sorry!" You smile sheepishly, reaching a hand to the hat. "There, can I keep it for longer?"
Boothill looked at you with a raised eyebrow, as if you were joking. "That it?"
"Well, else do you want me to say?" You stood there, a bit dumbfounded.
He stared for a second longer before edging himself closer, his face close to yours, bionic fingers tracing up and down your neck. "C'mon, apologise properly."
He tipped the hat up by the brim to expose your eyes better to him. He leaned down, the sharp edges of his teeth latching onto the soft skin of your cheek, pressing hard enough that they'd definitely leave jagged crescent-shaped scars in the morning.
He moved some hair away from your neck, his voice low against your ear as he nibbled across your jaw, "C'mon sweetcheeks, I know ya can work that mouth better than tha't. What happened to all tha't smart talk from before, hm?"
A flushed heat crawled up your neck, dusting your cheeks a rosy pink even in the dim light. It took a moment, before your quickening gasps dissolved into stutters, "A-ah, that was a j-joke…"
"A j-j-joke?" He laughed low against your ear, playfully mocking your stutter, "But you look to be takin' it real serious, sweetheart."
He paused, before licking a long stipe down from your jaw down to your collar bone. "M'still wanting that pretty lil' apology. C'mon."
God, his tongue was going to drive you insane-
You let out a shaky breath, lowering your hand from the hat on your head to place comfortably on his metal shoulder plates. "Hey hey, sorry sorry, I won't steal your hat again, ah—!"
You gasped, almost buckling over as Boothill planted a particularly mean bite through the thin skin of your collarbone.
Glancing down through hazy eyes, you watched as he swiped his tongue over his teeth, licking away the small beads of blood across his jagged dentures. "Ya said that last time too, darlin'."
Your grip tightened on his shoulders, "C'mon, I mean it this… t-time-!"
Your eyes widened, watching Boothill's teeth latch onto the neckline of your dress, yanking it roughly until it ripped. You yelped at the sudden rush of cool air against your bare chest, nipples hardening under the sudden exposure.
"Boothill!" Your arms snapped around the obnoxious tear in your clothes. "The door's practically still open!"
He chuckled, tracing a line with his sharp teeth along your breast.
He raised an eyebrow, "No bra? Yer askin' for it now, sweetheart."
Your face felt really warm again, excuses coming out nothing more than mutters, "I-It… was really warm, today…"
"Aight then, darlin'," he cupped his metal palms under your thighs, hoisting you up until you sat on the window sill, your back pressed against the pane of the window. "Besides, if we get caught, then they jus' gonna havet' give us some privacy…"
You gulped away any nervousness as he shyed away your arms from your chest. He trailed his mouth down your teared bodice, ripping fabric as he went, until he reached the waistline of your dress. He paused for a moment, before ripping a tear down it, right to the hem of the skirt, the sliced fabric falling either side of your thighs.
Goosebumps raced up the exposed skin of your thighs, eyeing when he knelt down, two loud clanks as the metal joints of his knees hit the floor.
He grinned at the sight of the thin fabric of your underwear, running his teeth along his teeth again.
"What pretty panties, hm? Was half expectin' yer to be bare down here too, sweetheart." He lifted your right leg over his shoulder. "Shame 'm gonna rip 'em so soon."
"Hey—! Come on, c-careful!" You shivered slightly as his canines hooked around the stretchy fabric, piercing a hole in them.
"Right darlin'. It's ya punishment for not apologisin'."
There was a staggered ripping sound as your underwear ripped from top corner to bottom corner, the material coming off with the dragging of his teeth.
You yelp, gripping his hair, "You—! Are you going to fucking shred everything I'm wearing—?!"
"Yeah, am plannin' on it, darlin'." He chuckled before trailing his tongue up your slit, already a drooling mess between your legs.
You shiver, your fingers gripping his hair tighter, the door cracked open only making your heart race faster. Oh Aeons, if someone were to see you exposed to him like this, pressed up against the window—
"Shh, relax sweetheart. The thrill's the best part. Jus' breathe for me, ok?" He began to rub up and down your slit, his voice soothing and his thumb lingering at your clit for a moment too long just to force a whine out of you. "But if I were ya, I'd start apologisin' if you wanna cum this time."
He didn't respond to your breathless protest, but circled two fingers around your entrance, watching amused as slick pooled on his fingertips. "Stubborn? Y'need some encouragement, do ya?"
He licked a long stripe up again letting tongue swirl around your clit before slipping a finger in, his mouth still hot against your folds.
He grinned and looked up at your nervous expression melting into pleasure, his head leaning against the inside of your thigh. "There y'go, sweetheart, ain't that feel good?"
"Hnngh—!" You desperately tried to roll your hips on his finger, only to fail and your body halt into a series stutters.
"Really fudgin' desperate, are we?" He laughed a little, sucking in a breath. "Hol' on, darlin', I'll find it."
He slid his finger in and out tantalisingly slow, his tongue brushing over your clit; you could feel the steel of his teeth occasionally that irked your body with shocks of pleasure. Content with your faltering ego, he slipped another finger in, the stretch making you wince before whining.
"B-boothill, 'm sorry, please-let-me-just, a-ah—!" Your eyes widen, one hand curved over and gripping the window sill and the other firmly on his hair.
"Hm, what's that darlin'?" He stupidly grins, his bottom lip glossed over with spit and your arousal. "Didn't quite hear ya…"
He curled his two fingers upwards, the rubber pads on his fingertips pressing firmly against that sweet spot deep inside you.
"F-fuckkknngh…" Your eyes roll out of focus, hips subcounciously rocking against his bent fingers and your back arched until your head pressed against the window pane — with the hat still on.
He clicked his tongue. "There. 'M found it. Now where are my sorries and Iwontdoitagain's?" He began to pump the two fingers in and out, roughly pressing against that sweet spot every thrust of them. "Still want a proper apology, sweetheart—"
He stays substantially quiet — amiss a few amused hums and chuckles — listening to your flurry of apologies and letting you listen to the sloppy squelches of your cunt.
"God, I'm sorry— I won't—"
"Oh, is that so, darlin'?"
"H-hn, god, I won't do it again—!"
"Sure ya won't, darlin'…" He sucked in a breath, voice shaky between your legs, before picking up the pace with a stupid grin on his face, flashing his shark teeth. You whine, rocking your hips in helpless stutters, your pussy openly accepting the change in pace and clenching around his digits while he curls them deeper and quicker inside of you. "Fuckfuckfuckk— I'm sorry, sorrysorry— pleasejust—"
Boothill grinned at your mush of words. Your mouth hung open, chewing at your bottom lip in a desperate attempt to muffle the drunk blabbles that spilled out of your mouth.
He mutters, his voice low between your trembling thighs, "C'mon sweetheart, y'mouth can beg better than that." He rolls his tongue over your clit again, pumping his fingers in and out, sticky threads leaking from your cunt and sprawling between his fingers and the sides of your thighs.
You clenched your eyes shut, tears pricking at your eyes, "Boothill, c'mon, 'm sorryyy— w-won't do it again— promise—!"He lets out a low hum, gently flicking at your clit with the tip of his tongue— oh god, his damned tongue. A flash of panic spread across your face, feeling him begin to slow down.
"Or what, sweetheart?" He experimentally twisted his hand agonisingly slow as he pumped in and out, pistoning your cunt with his fingers at deeper angles, rubbing your clit with his thumb.
"Please, 'm gonna — hic — c-cum—!" Tears began pricking at your eyes, "God, please, fuck, I've learned my lesson —!" Your pleas come out in choked sobs, "Please don't — hic — slow down—!"
"Attagirl," He grinned, the flat steel of his teeth pressed up against your slit as his tongue flit over that bundle of nerves at the tip that drove you insane, quicker this time, "Jus' a bit more, yeah?"
He slid in for a final time and jerked his hand upwards, settling his fingers into you, firmly hooking repeatedly into that sweet spot. His voice and laugh were teasing, vibrations low and tempting between the plush of your thighs. "C'mon — make a real fudgin' mess on m'face, sweetheart."
"B-boothill, 'm gonna—!"
Your fingers grip the smooth locks of his hair, head pushed against the glass, his name shamelessly spilling out of your mouth. Specks of white flash from behind your eyes, vision going hazy and choked moans straggering from your throat.
You hear him chuckle lightly underneath you, cooing at the clench around his fingers and the gushes of viscid liquid coating his tongue, lips and fingers so well.
He slowly pulled away after rubbing strangely vexing circles a few more times inside you. He glances up at you with a satisfied grin, his mouth and chin glossy with your fluids.
Lowering your thigh from his shoulder, he let it dangle back over the window sill before standing up with a loud scrape of his metal joints against the floor.
He cleaned his fingers clean of the sheeny, pretty slick with his tongue and making sure to roll them around in his mouth before taking them out with a 'pop—!'
"Real mess y'made, sweetcheeks." He grinned, flashing his teeth at you, as he used the back of his hand to wipe away any remnants. "Tastes real good, though."
"H-hnn…" Your voice came out rough and croaky, your head lolling to one side, setting the hat to tumble off your head.
He snapped a hand to the hat, placing it back on your head with a mischievious smile, "No no, keep it on. Ya wanted to wear it so badly, darlin', so y'got it."
You blink for a few moments, regaining your breath, "Oh, fuck you—!"
"With pleasure—"
"What am I going to wear when getting out of here?! At least you're clothed!" You motion to the sliced fabric on either side of your legs, and the ripped bodice of your dress hanging on dear threads.
With your comment, he slipped off and discarded his jacket that didn't even cover much anyway.
"Ya won't need anythin' for a while now, darlin'. Think of it when we get there." Boothill laughed, flicking away the torn rags. "Besides, y'look good with just the hat on. Think I've put your mouth to enough good use too."
You lick your lips, opening your mouth to say something but quickly shutting it again at the swift unbuckling of his belt; it heaves down to his thighs from the weight of the cartridges hung on it.
His fingers travel, hitching onto a cock of metal plates, the edges of them encased in thick black rubber right from the girth until reaching a swollen tip of black rubber.
You sharply breathe, eyeing the scale-like texture, taking note of every rib on it as it lined up against you. You suddenly blush at the realisation of mouth almost salivating, muttering, "You so owe me a new dress after this—"
Boothill let out an amused hum, one hand wiping a line of drool from your lip then trailing down to your tits, cupping the flesh with cold metal fingers. You shiver, the skin on your chest pebbled with goosebumps before gasping at a sudden bite along the sensitive skin.
The quick spike of pain quickly subsided into a tingly sort of pleasure as Boothill's tongue drove around the swelling mark, peppering a few more as he went until he was so bent over into you that his cock pushed up against your pussy, the metal cool against your puffy and swollen clit.
"Ah, fudge, darlin'—" He grits his teeth, feeling the warmness of you just on his tip. He huffs a little, barely fitting it in voice raspy as his face is buried into your neck. "Open up a bit, sweetheart will ya—?"
He backs away for a moment to grab both of your legs, hooking them firmly over his shoulders. You groaned at the stretch, keeping both hands on the window sill in desperation. He grinned at your pussy spread wider over his tip now, clenching around it and sheening the bulb of rubber with slick. "There y'go…"
He groaned, breathing shaky as he slid it slowly. "A-ah, God—"
"A-ah, God—" Your eyes widen, rolling out of focus from feeling every metal rib of his cock push into you, forcing it thick and hard into your cunt until it reached the base. You tense, locking your legs around his neck. "Fuck, I told you to be careful—!"
He let out a shaky laugh, "Sorry 'bout that darlin'—"
He places one hand on the window sill for leverage, the other coming to press the hat down on your head. With a sharp breath in, he begins to move, deep long strokes at first to make sure you felt every bump along the scale-plating of his cock against your walls.
And, god, did it drive you insane; the texture was too much, almost sending your sending your already-sensitive pussy into overstimulation. "Hnn, t-too much —! Boothillholdon, itsgonnahmph—!"
"Jus' relax, darlin', you've taken it before…" He whispers low into your ear, stressing the pace of his movements, losing himself in the warmth of your cunt and grinning at your indecipherable mush of words spilling from your mouth again. Muffled groans escape as he listens to your moans, picking up the pace.
You subconciously roll your hips against the thrusting of his cock, every metal plate rubbing smooth and hard against your walls, the thick rubber of his tip hitting hard against your g-spot.
"Killer hips y'got there, baby—" He cooes breathlessly in your ear, his own voice breaking as he thrust in and out of your sopping cunt. You flush a deep red, your face now hot and bothered when you realise how desperate you were against his cock.
You open your mouth to reply, probably with something smart but your lips are greeted with the stark taste of iron and your own slick on his tongue as his mouth kisses yours shut. You whine through his lips, feeling his tongue deep in your mouth until your whole body shivered and tingled. You tried to keep your eyes open, only to end up crossing them over in a fucked-out haze.
Your legs trembled over his shoulders, locking him tighter in place to bully his cock deeper into your cunt. His eyes widened at the lock, then he grinnned.
"Fudge, y'not lettin' m'get away, are ya—?" He groaned before huffing out a laugh, finally lowering his hand from the hat on your head to place them both on your hips, roughly slamming them onto him to target that sweet spot inside you.
"Hnn — hic — god, m'gonna—" Your words come out slobbery, your lips glossed over and drooling.
"C'mon, pretty, cum f'me…" He dug the metal of his fingers into your hips, his own beginning to stutter and shake as he moved. He rubbed the pad of his thumb against your clit in uneven circles to drag the orgasm out of you. "Make a real mess, sweetheart—"
Patches of white and yellow flash behind your eyes, your hips buckling forward. You let out a long choked moan that stuttered with every slackening thrust of his hips that gummed your insides with thick ropey spills of cum.
Gently, he slowed until the stimulation against your slit burned off, leaving you tingly and weak. Weak enough to finally let go of the leg lock you had on his neck.
The grip on your hips slackened as he pulled away, whistling at the mess between you both. He took a moment to watch the white slick drip between your legs. "Feel full as a tick yet, darlin'?"
You tried to respond, but your whole body almost lolled to the side, only stopped quickly by his arm. He gazed down at you, stupidly grinning and laughing at the sight. "What'd I say, darlin'? I did shut up that smart mouth of yours." He clicked his tongue in thought, "Even got m'self the cutest little apologies—"
With any remaining energy you had, you playfully whacked him on the arm and cut him off, to which he faked a wince. He had forgotten the bodily difference in stamina between you two.
"Ouch— fudge, darlin', at least you got some spark left in ya. Fine, 'ma buy you a… no, ten dresses in turn, 'kay?" He pressed a small kiss on your forehead then eyed the dimly lit room, catching sight of the hat that had tumbled off your head at some point and the jacket he had teasingly thrown off. "For now, 'm jacket and that hat are gonna have to do."
"Oh, fuck you—" You scoff, your head in the curl of his elbow.
He smiled, running his hand through your hair. "C'mon, y'wanted to wear that hat so badly. Y'looked real good in it…"
♡ Please do not modify, steal, plagarise or post on other platforms without asking. Thank you!
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withwritersblock · 2 months ago
Oh! Darling pt. 6
~Oh! Darling by The Beatles~
Author's Note: this is insanely long for honest to god no reason! I honestly don't even know what this is, didn't proof read at all, enjoy lmao Summary: Domestic life in Decemeber Warnings: mentions of blood (Quinn stick to the face) Word Count: 10,012 Quinn Hughes x fm!reader Masterlist
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Christmas was always her favorite holiday. But this holiday was extra important this year. This was the first year they were parents. Although, Ellie wasn’t even a year old but they were expecting to make it the best first Christmas. 
To their surprise, Luke and Jack were flying to Vancouver to celebrate Christmas together. His parents were also flying in. Her family usually hosted the holiday for her extended family so they were unable to come up and visit. Ever since she moved to Vancouver with Quinn, she’s celebrated Christmas with him and his family.
It was Decemeber first and she was setting up the Christmas tree and decorating the whole apartment. It was a little harder now that she had a nine month old that was on the verge of standing up on her own and was starting to crawl. But she was still determined to make it beautiful. 
Ellie was sitting in a baby carrier against her chest. Ellie was falling asleep as Y/N was humming along to the Christmas song playing in the background. Her phone started vibrating in her pocket. She pulled it out to see that Quinn was FaceTiming her.
A wide grin formed to her lips as she saw it. She answered the call and held it in front of her face. Quinn smiled widely once he saw both of his girls in frame. “Hey captain,” she teased as she placed another ornament onto the tree. She delicately stepped away from the tree, carefully running her hand over the soft curls on her daughter’s head.
“How are my girls?” he asked as he placed his phone down onto the bathroom counter. Quinn adjusted the towel on his frame. She pursed her lips forward as she admired his frame for a second before she walked through the Christmas boxes.
“We are doing amazing,” she sing songed, “We pulled out all of the Christmas decorations from the storage basement just to realize that majority of our decorations are not safe for Ellie,” she explained.
“I didn’t even think about that,” he forced out as he stepped out of the frame to change. “We can always go buy new stuff,” he explained while chuckling.
Y/N hummed as she glanced down to see Ellie was asleep against her chest. “When are you guys heading to Minnesota?” she asked as she knealed down and picked up a few decorations. A small sigh fell from her lips as she placed it back into the box. 
“Tomorrow morning,” he mumbled as he reentered the frame with a pair of sweatpants on his frame. “Do you have any plans for the rest of the night, my love?” he asked as he leaned against the counter, looking towards her through the screen. Y/N stood up as she walked towards the kitchen. She continuously stroked the hairs on her daughter head. 
“I’m going to put her down for her nap and then I am going to watch some Hallmark movies while I finish decorating and cleaning,” she explained as she walked through the overwhelming stack of boxes throughout their living room. He let out a dramatic sigh as he ran a towel over his hair.
“I know I’m on a roadie but that’s not fair that you are doing that without me,” he explained as he rested the towel onto the bathroom counter. He walked out of the bathroom and practically jumped onto the bed.
She chuckled softly as she walked into the nursery and carefully adjusted the baby carrier as she slowly pulled Ellie out of it. Y/N delicately placed Ellie into the crib. Ellie stirred but remained asleep. Y/N delicately placed the baby carrier into the closest before she slipped out of the nursery. 
“Well, I was missing you and after that amazing game you had, I had to find something to do,” she explained softly. She sat down on the couch as she pouted her lips slightly.
He took a deep breath as he looked over her features. She looked exhausted. The both of them have struggled with sleeping separately since they’ve been together for so long. “I miss you too,” he let out softly as he looked over her features.
“Please tell me you won’t be gone for this long again,” she mumbled as her lips quivered slightly.
“I won’t, baby, I promise,” he said softly as he continued to look over her features. He bit his bottom lip for a second before he took a deep breath. “Let me see the decorations,” he asked trying to keep her mind off of the fact that they haven’t seen each other in ten days.
A soft smile formed onto her lips as she stood up from the couch switching the camera to show off the decorations. “Ignore the boxes–”
It was late, well into the night and she was fighting sleep. She wanted to be awake when he got home since it has been thirteen days since she last saw him. But it was past two in the morning and it was safe to say that she was asleep.
She was exhausted, she could never sleep good with him away on roadies. Their daughter seemed to struggle to sleep with him gone too. But tonight she didn’t struggle at all to fall asleep.
Quinn stepped into their bedroom to see her sound asleep on top of the comforter. He smiled softly as he delicately shut the door behind him. She stirred slightly but was still asleep. He smiled softly as he rolled his suitcase to a corner of the room before he walked towards the bed.
Delicately, he ran his hand up and down her arm. “Goregous,” he whispered as he watched her slowly start to wake up. Her eyes flickered open slowly. “Hey baby,” he whispered again as he brushed a few pieces of hair away from her face.
“Quinny,” she whispered as she sat up slightly, looking into his eyes. She wrapped her arms around his neck urgently. “I’ve missed you,” she whispered into his ear before he climbed on top of her frame. She giggled as he laid on top of her. Slowly, her fingers found his hair and started running through it. 
For a while he didn’t reply. Instead, he kept running his hand up and down her side as he pressed his lips against her skin. Her hand started gliding up and down his back, he hummed before he pressed his lips against her neck.
“You have no idea how much I’ve missed you,” he mumbled before he rolled off of her body. He laid onto his side as he looked over her features. Quinn reached his hand over taking a hold of her waist as he pulled her towards him. “How’s Ellie baby?” he asked softly. 
She rolled onto her side to face him as she reached over and rested her hand onto his cheek. “She’s been waking up in the middle night every night this week,” she mumbled. He frowned slightly as his hand glided beneath her shirt to feel her skin against his hand. 
“I’m sorry, my love,” he whispered as he looked deeply into her eyes, “I’m sorry I wasn’t here,” he mumbled as he continued to glide his hand up and down her back. Her thumb caressed the skin of his cheek; his stubble from his beard rough against her thumb. 
“Don’t apologize,” she inched towards him, “It’s part of the deal, right?” she mumbled. 
“I guess,” he muttered before he inched towards her, “You know what else is a part of the deal?” he asked softly. She hummed as he leaned towards her, kissing her desperately.  She giggled against his lips as she glided her hand to the base of his neck. 
Slowly, she rolled back onto her back as Quinn climbed on top of her. He slowly took a hold of her thigh as he held himself up with his other hand. Her hands ran through his hair, tugging the strands slightly. 
“Ellie will be up in a few hours,” he whispered as he pulled away, “Do you want to go back to bed or–” she interrupted him by kissing him again. He smiled into the kiss.
A few minutes went by and Ellie started crying, through the baby monitor. Quinn pulled away, chuckling as he rolled onto his side. “How does she always know?” she let out while covering her face with her hands before she began to sit up. Quinn rested his hand onto her stomach for a moment as he sat up.
“Go to sleep, my love, I’ll grab her,” he mumbled as he quickly pecked her lips before he climbed over her. He spun around meeting her gaze for a moment before he continued towards the door.
“Okay, love,” she mumbled as she took a deep breath as she climbed under the covers. She reached over and turned the baby monitor towards her to see her daughter.
He jogged out of the bedroom towards the nursery. Slowly, he pushed the door open to see Ellie sitting up and crying. “Hey darling,” he let out softly. Ellie’s eyes widened and soon stopped crying. A coo fell from her lips once she saw Quinn. She reached over to the bars of her crib and used it to stand up. His eyes widened as he watched her pull to stand. “Look at you strong girl,” he said while smiling.
He reached down and lifted her up, “Were you upset that Momma was getting all of my attention?” he asked as he walked over to the rocking chair in the nursery. He sat down as he held her tightly to his chest. Slowly, he rocked back and forth looking down towards his little girl. 
Almost instantaneously, Ellie started to fall back asleep in Quinn’s arms. He delicately ran his hand over her hair. Quinn kept admiring his daughter as he continued to rock back and forth. “You have got no idea what is in store for you,” he began as he watched her eyes continue to flicker shut. 
“Christmas is like the biggest deal to your Momma. We’re taking you to see Santa and we’re going to go see all the Christmas lights. Uncle Jack and Uncle Luke are flying in for Christmas and Grandma and Grandpa will be here. You are going to be so spoiled, my love,” he whispered soothingly. 
After a few more minutes Ellie was completely asleep in his arms. Quinn reached over to the giant pillow beside the rocking chair, carefully laying the pillow over his lap. He adjusted it so that Ellie can be more comfortable in his arms as he looked back down towards her.
“I’ve missed you so much baby girl,” he whispered softly as he ran his hand over her tiny head. Leaning down, he delicately kissed the top of her head.
Quinn didn’t plan to fall asleep in the rocking chair, but he also fell asleep so fast. He was just happy to be home. Even though he was asleep, he knew that Ellie would be secure in his arms for the whole night. 
Tonight for the first time since the first game of the season, she was able to attend the game. Riley had offered to watch Ellie for the night so that she could go to the game. Y/N sat beside Natalie as it was starting. 
“How’s Ellie doing?” Natalie asked as she breifly met Y/N’s gaze before looking back towards the ice. Y/N smiled softly as she watched the puck drop. 
“She’s amazing. Had some sleep regression over the last month or so but she’s doing better. I mean Quinn comes home and she sleeps no problem,” she explained, a soft chuckle leaving her lips as she watched Quinn go for the puck. 
“They always know, even when their that little,” she said while smiling.
Suddenly, a stick flies up and hits him in the face and he instantly falls onto the ice. Y/N stood up as her heart sank. Her eyes widened as she stared towards him laying on the ice with blood pouring from his face. 
He delicately reached his hand up to touch his face and the blood continued to fall from his face. Her hands started shaking as she continued to watch him lay there.
“Y/N,” Natalie said softly as she reached over and took a hold of Y/N’s arm. She looked down and met Natalie’s gaze and sat down as her lips started to quiver. “He’s up,” she reassured as he stood up from the ice, holding his jersey towards his face as he skated towards the bench. Leaving a collection of blood behind. 
The Tampa player was instantly sent to the box as the ice team came out to clean the ice. Pressing her lips together, she stared towards the collection of blood on the ice as Natalie continued to hold her arm tightly. In an attempt to keep her grounded. The other Vancouver players were surrounding the bench talking to Rick in the process. 
“That was a lot of blood,” she mumbled as she shifted her gaze towards Natalie. The other WAGs were all looking in her direction, seeing if she was okay. Y/N was antsy, trying to figure out how severe it was.
“It was but faces bleed a lot, it’s most likely a cut and nothing too severe,” Natalie tried to explain reassuringly. Y/N nodded as she glanced down towards her phone, waiting to see if there was a message from Quinn but instead she received a text from Riley. It was basically asking on how severe the high sticking was, since the broadcast went to commercial pretty quickly. All she was able to reply was that it didn’t look good.
Without knowing if Quinn was okay, the game proceeded on with a four minute power play. 
The first period dragged on as she waited to see if he was okay. He didn’t text her, probably was unable to get a hold of his phone while he was getting looked at. It was not the first time something like this has happened. Her eyes were not glaring towards the action on the ice, instead she was staring towards the tunnel trying to see if Quinn returned to the bench.
“I’m going to assume no message is a good sign,” she mumbled towards Natalie, “He’s probably getting stitched up and he’ll be okay, right?” she asked, not to Natalie directly, more of a general statement.
“I’d say so,” Natalie stated as she squeezed Y/N’s hand. Natalie’s grip tightened as she pointed towards the action on the ice, “Is that Quinn?” she questioned. Y/N’s posture straightened as she stared towards the blue line trying to make out if it was in fact him. 
Y/N raised her hand to her chest as she let out a sigh, “Thank god,” she muttered as she saw the full bubble shield on his face. “It can’t be that bad if he’s back, right?” she asked softly as she took Natalie’s hand.
“No, no–he’s probably fine,” Natalie replied as she squeezed Y/N’s hand. “He looks like he hasn’t missed a shift,” she reassured. 
“Right,” Y/N expressed softly as she watched Quinn skate across the blue line. It was true, he looked like he hasn’t missed a beat. “He must be in so much pain,” she mumbled as she watched him go back to the bench and hang his head. There was a moment, she thought he was going to head back down the tunnel, but he tilted his head  back up. Her gaze flickered up towards the jumbotron that was focused on Quinn on the bench. It was hard to tell but it was evident that it was bad. So bad that he probably wasn’t supposed to be back on the ice. But Quinn wouldn’t let a swollen cut up lip and a helluva lot of pain hold him back.
The following shift, Quinn shot towards the net and scored. Y/N jumped out of her seat and tossed her hands into the air. Natalie jumped up and turned towards Y/N to give her a hug. Her phone started vibrating in her pocket, she pulled it out to see Quinn’s mom calling her. 
She brought the phone towards her ear, “Did it look worse in person?” Ellen asked over the phone. 
“It felt like he was laying on the ice forever,” Y/N said as she sat back down as she watched Quinn skate back onto the bench.
“It’s already swollen to hell,” Ellen stated as she was definitely pacing back and forth. 
“I can’t believe he’s playing,” Y/N mumbled as she watched the puck drop again. She kept her gaze on Quinn on the bench. His gaze was up, watching the ice; almost as if nothing happened.
Despite Quinn’s best efforts, the game ended in a 4-2 loss. Y/N was quick to leave their section to head down towards the locker room and the parking garage. 
She was anxiously waiting for him to come out of the locker room. Usually, Quinn was the last person to trickle out of the locker room. It was part of being captain but it was also part of being a Hughes. But she had a feeling he would leave the locker room pretty early.
He was the first one out of the locker room. He had his head low, his hair was damp as his hoodie was covering his head. He had a pair of shorts on his frame. His hands were deep into his pocket as he walked towards her like a sick puppy. Her lips quivered as she tried to look towards his face.
“Quinny,” she whispered as he walked up towards her. Slowly, he lifted his head, avoiding her gaze. “Oh my god,” she mumbled as she reached her hand up to delicately take a hold of his cheek. He flinched away. She pulled her hand away. 
“My entire head hurts,” he mumbled through the swollen lip. She nodded as she reached up and delicately wrapped her arms around his neck. He wrapped his arms around her waist as he carefully rested his chin onto her shoulder. “Can you drive?” he asked. 
“Of course,” she mumbled as she ran her fingers through his hair. After a few seconds, she pulled away to take a hold of his hand as she guided him through the parking garage. “Did they test you for a concussion?” she asked softly as she glanced behind him.
“I’m good,” he muttered.
Once they reached the car, he hopped into the passenger seat and handed over the keys to her. He pulled the hood off of his head as he ran his fingers through his hair. Just the action sent a statistic of pain all over his head and down his neck. She began to blast heat into the car as she turned to face him. 
“Anything I can do?” she asked softly as she looked over his features. He tilted his head to the side to meet her gaze, his eyes were also starting to bruise from the impact. He simply shook his head as he reached his hand over and squeezed her thigh for a moment.
The following few days Quinn was trying to be positive but it was hard when at every waking moment his face was pulsing from pain. Tonight, he was playing against the Panthers and he was exhausted. His face was still extremely swollen and he was constantly in pain. But he was doing his best to keep his spirits up.
He was walking out of the bedroom with Ellie on his side as he was attempting to fix his collar. “Baby, are you stopping for coffee or do you want me to make you a cup?” she called out from the kitchen. 
“Can you make me one?” he questioned, his voice was still muffled from the stitches and how swollen his lip still was. She hummed happily as she reached into the cabinet to take out one of their many travel mugs.
Quinn leaned down and placed Ellie into the chair bouncer. Her tiny feet hit the ground and she instantly started bouncing in the seat. Quinn tried to smile, out of habit, but his face erupted in pain in the process.
“I cannot fucking wait until this is healed,” he mumbled as he walked towards the kitchen. She placed the coffee mug beneath the Kureg and started it. She spun around, resting her hands onto the countertop. “All I want to do right now is kiss my beautiful girlfriend but I can’t,” he mumbled as he rested his hands onto her waist.
“Soon,” she mumbled as she delicately ran her hand across his cheek softly. He looked into her eyes softly as he tilted his head to the side. A smirk toyed to her lips while she leaned towards him, delicately pressing her lips against his cheek. 
“Baby,” he let out. She tilted her head to the side as she slowly trailed her lips down his neck. “I’m about to leave,” he mumbled as he ran his hand through her hair. Y/N continued to kiss along his jawline and his neck, “Y/N,” he muttered. 
“Just because you can’t kiss me doesn’t mean I can’t kiss you,” she whispered into his ear. She delicately pressed her lips against his cheek. He shut his eyes as he swallowed harshly. She ran her hand across his neck as she ran her thumb across his jawline. Her lips pressed against the skin beneath his ear on his other side of his neck. 
“You and our daughter have an impeccable skill of bad timing,” he mumbled and she giggled as she spun around to finish getting his coffee together. Quinn delicately glided his hands along her hips as she covered the black coffee with it’s lid. He continued to glide his hands along her frame. “Such bad timing. How am I supposed to focus now?” he asked as his hand ran along the small of her back.
“Good luck tonight, Captain,” she mumbled as she held the travel mug up towards him.
“Thank you, my love,” he whispered as he raised his hand up and delicately ran his hand across her cheek. “I’ll see you when I get home,” he mumbled before he walked back towards the living room to say goodbye to Ellie. “Sleep good tonight, Darling,” he whispered as he ran his hand over her head. Ellie babbled as she watched Quinn walk away from her. 
“Please tell me you are still wearing the bubble?” she asked as he walked towards the door. 
“Yes, until the swelling is completely down,” he said as he took a hold of the door handle. 
“Or forever!” she said with a wide grin. He shook his head slowly fighting a painful grin.
“Not gonna happen,” he let out before he slipped out of the apartment. 
She huffed before she walked back towards the living room. “Hi baby girl!” she said cheerfully as she walked towards the couch. 
“I wish he would protect his very pretty face, but no your Daddy doesn’t think wearing the bubble is cool,” she explained towards Ellie, pretending that she could understand what Y/N was saying. “Very pretty face that has been damaged enough over the last few years you would think that being cool is overrated. But who am I to say, right baby girl?” 
Tonight was the last night before Quinn was heading back on the road. His lip was finally starting to look and feel better. The stitches were still beneath his lip. Ellie was asleep in her nursery. He was icing his lip as he was laying on the bed watching his brothers’ game. 
They were up by two goals in the second period. Y/N emerged from the bathroom only a towel covering her frame. Quinn shifted his gaze towards her, his eyes widened slightly. She smirked as she walked towards the bed, holding the towel tightly to her chest. 
“How’s the lip?” she asked softly, he pulled the ice pack away from his lip. It was still swollen but it was so much better. “Look at that,” she mumbled as she delicately pressed her lips against his cheek. 
“It means you can kiss me now, you know,” he explained, smiling slightly. She rolled her eyes.
“Put the ice pack back on your lips please,” she teased before she began to walk towards the closet. 
“Come on,” he mumbled as he smirked. She shook her head as she slowly began to walk into the closet. Reluctantly, he put the ice pack back onto his lip as he shifted his gaze back towards the TV. 
After several minutes, she reemerged from the closet wearing a matching dark blue satin pajama set. He shifted his gaze towards her as he scanned her frame. She walked towards the bed and climbed onto his lap. His eyes widned slightly as his free hand delicately rested onto the side of her thigh. His thumb glided along the skin almost teasingly.
“How do you feel?” she asked softly. He pulled the ice pack away from his face, but she immediately forced his hand up. He chuckled as he rolled his eyes playfully. 
“It feels good, the stitches are almost gone which means I’m almost healed. Which means my girlfriend can kiss me,” he muttered as he forced the ice pack away from his face. She rested her hands onto the base of his neck as her thumbs glided along his skin. Her lips fell into a pout, almost afraid.
“Your lips are–like–cold,” she let out softly. He chuckled as he fought a grin. He leaned towards her, kissing her collarbone. She leaned back as goosebumps erupted all over her body. She gasped, “Quinn,” she forced out while grinning.
He smirked again as he tilted his head back against the pillow as he scanned her features. Taking in a deep breath, she took the ice pack from his hand and rested it onto the end table. Y/N glided her thumb across his bottom lip as she looked deeply into his eyes. 
He looked up towards her, almost desperately. “I haven’t kissed you in nine days. Nine days and I am tired of it, so please let me kiss you,” he practically begged. She reached towards the remote beside her and quickly pointed it behind it to turn off the game. He smirked as he scanned her features. 
“If it hurts–” she mumbled. He hummed as he took a hold of her neck and pulled her towards him. He pressed his lips against hers urgently. It had been nine long excruciating days without feeling her lips on his and he so desperately needed her lips on his. “Quinn,” she mumbled against his lips.
His hand ran through her hair, “I promise I’ll tell you if it hurts,” he mumbled before he leaned towards her, kissing her softly. “But right now, this is the best I’ve felt in weeks,” he mumbled as he glided his hand along her neck. “Please,” he mumbled as his gaze flickered down towards her lips. 
“We have to wake Ellie up from her nap in fifteen minutes,” she mumbled as she glided her thumb across his bottom lip. 
“Let me kiss you for fifteen minutes, then,” he offered as he raised his eyebrows. She smirked slightly before she leaned towards him, kissing him hesitantly. He hummed against her lips as he deepened the kiss. Slowly, he took a hold of her thigh as he carefully guided her to lay onto her back. Quinn climbed on top of her as he continued to kiss her urgently.
After several minutes, his pulled back as he scanned her features, his nose bumped against hers for a second as he smirked. 
“I’ve missed you,” she muttered as she glided her hand along his neck. He hummed as he delicately pressed his lips against hers. Her lips started quivering slightly. His eyes widened as tilted his head back slightly.
“Baby, what’s wrong?” he asked as he rolled onto his side. His hand rested onto her hip, pulling her towards him. Quickly, her hands wiped the sudden tears falling from her eyes. She rolled onto her side to meet his gaze, his hand rested onto her hip as he glided his hand up and down her side.
“I don’t know,” she mumbled. 
“Hey,” Quinn let out softly as he took a hold of her chin, forcing her to meet his eye. “What’s going on?” he asked he glided his thumb across her skin.
“I’m just tired all of the time,” she mumbled as she took in a deep breath, “And I miss you all of the time. Even when your–like–right here,” she said as he wiped a tear that fell onto her cheek.
“What can I do?” he asked softly, he pressed his lips together slightly as he was trying not to let his eyes get teary.
“I don’t know,” she let out as she took in a shaky breath. A few seconds went by of Quinn simply running his fingers through her hair, trying to relax her. “Can I say something that may make you mad?” 
“I’ll never be mad about anything you’re feeling,” he whispered before he pressed his lips against her forehead. He carefully glided his hand across her hair for a while as he waited for her to talk again.
“Sometimes, I wish you worked a normal job so that you were home more often,” she whispered almost embarrassed. 
Quinn’s eyes shut harshly as he felt as though a dagger went through his chest. The thought always went through his mind. He never realized that she was struggling, how the hell didn’t he know? He wanted to be home, of course he wanted to be there. The thought was constantly on his mind of wanting to be home and work a typical 9-5. 
“But then I think who can say their baby daddy is the captain of the Canucks,” she let out jokingly. He chuckled as he rolled his eyes playfully.
“That’s true,” he mumbled before he delicately pressed his lips against her forehead. “I’m sorry,” he let out softly, unsure of what else to say.
She lifted her head up to meet his gaze, smiling softly she looked over his features. “Don’t apologize, my love,” she whispered as she sniffled. “You know, maybe I’m just sad that I haven’t been able to kiss you because of the stupid stick,” she said light heartedly. 
He forced a small smile, “I wish I was home more too,” he muttered, “I mean I hate to think that you’re struggling and I’m not here to help you,” he said as he brushed a few pieces of hair behind her ear.
“Most days are good–great even. But the days that are hard…” she trailed off as she looked into his eyes while blinking away a few tears. 
“I wish there was more I could do, my love,” he whispered.
“Everything you’re doing right now is perfect,” she mumbled before she rested her head onto his chest.
“I think I just got used to you being here over the summer,” she expressed softly. 
“I got used to it too,” he mumbled as he pressed his lips to the top of her head. “Of course when I have long home game stretch, I get a stick to the mouth and I can’t even kiss you for the entire time I’m home,” he mumbled, almost jokingly. 
A soft chuckle fell from her lips as she lifted her head up and looked over his features. Her eyes landed on his lips, “I think I didn’t realize how much I needed that,” she mumbled as she dragged her thumb across his bottom lip. He humed as he took a delicate hold of her neck.
“Can you go back to kissing me?” she asked softly. He swallowed harshly as he scanned over her features. She took a shaky breath. “Remember like ten minutes ago when you begged me to kiss you because your lip was feeling better. I’m feeling better now so please kiss me,” she expressed softly as she looked over his features. 
He pursed his lips forward as he scanned her features. He nodded. Delicately, he leaned towards her kissing her so softly. Almost hesitantly as he glided his hand from her cheek down towards her neck, carefully taking a hold. “Two minutes and we have to get Ellie,” she mumbled against his lips. 
“Enjoy these two minutes before we have to go be responsible parents,” he mumbled back. She smirked as she rolled her eyes playfully as she kissed him more urgently. 
The following morning, Quinn was sitting on the plane to Utah as he was contemplating on making a decision that might make Y/N mad. JT sat beside him, holding his fist out for a fist bump. Quinn gave him a fist bump before he shifted his gaze back towards his lap.
“Are you good?” JT asked softly. Quinn lifted his head up and nodded. “You sure?” he double down. Quinn took a deep breath.
“I gotta make a call,” Quinn muttered as he walked passed him. He walked towards the back of the plane as he brought his phone towards his ear. It only rang for a few seconds before Riley answered.
“Quinn, how can I help you?” she asked, an evident smile on her lips.
“Can you do me a favor?” he asked softly.
“Yeah?” she asked nervously.
“Can you spend the night with Y/N? I think she could use the company,” Quinn asked as he glanced towards the handful of players that hopped onto the plane.
“What’s wrong? Is she okay?” Riley asked quickly.
He took a deep breath as he tilted his gaze towards the ceiling. “She’s been struggling with me being gone and other stuff. So I was thinking if you were there, sh–she would feel better,” he explained. 
“Yeah, definitely. I’ll be there in an hour. Is it bad?” she questioned. 
“I don’t know, she wouldn’t really go into detail but if you could just make sure she sleeps, that would be amazing,” he expressed. 
“Absolutely I will,”
“Thank you, Riley, really,” he mumbled out as he glanced towards their coach who was making his seat. Which meant they were getting ready to take off. 
“I’ve got her, go win your games,” she let out teasingly. He chuckled before they hung up the phone. He nodded again before he manouvered through the walkway back towards his seat. He inched passed JT before he sat back down, tilting his head against the head rest.
“What’s going on, Huggy?” he asked softly. Quinn lifted his head up as he took a deep breath. 
“Y/N’s struggling,” he let out, keeping his gaze in front of him. “There’s literally nothing I can do because I don’t know how to help her,” Quinn explained. “I just feel like a dick because I haven’t seen it and I should’ve seen that’s she’s struggling,” 
An hour later, Riley knocked onto Y/N’s apartment holding an overnight bag in her hand. 
It didn’t take long for her to pull the door open. “Riley? What are you doing here?” she asked as she stepped aside. Riley walked into the apartment, keeping the bag in her hand. “Did Quinn send you? I told him I was fine,” she expressed as she walked towards Ellie and the little bouncer she was sitting in. 
“He might’ve said something,” she explained as she placed her overnight bag onto the countertop.
“Riley, I’m fine,” she mumbled as she pulled Ellie from the bouncer and held her to her side. 
“Do you want to talk about it with someone who’s not the father of your child and the love of your life?” Riley asked as she held her hands out, begging to take Ellie from her. Y/N smiled softly as she happily handed Ellie towards Riley. 
Y/N took a deep breath as she rubbed her eyes. “I think I shattered his heart last night,” she mumbled. Riley’s eyes widened as she swayed side to side with Ellie attached to her hip.
“What?” Riley asked somewhat shocked.
Y/N took in a deep breath as she watched Ellie rest her tiny head against Riley’s shoulder. “I told him that sometimes I wish he worked a normal job. Which I know that all he wants is to be home with us. And I think telling him that all I want is for him to be home too, shattered his heart a little bit,” she explained getting teary eyed. 
“But he’s Quinn, he wouldn’t be Quinn if he didn’t do this for a living. He’s an amazing dad and he’s just perfect and I feel like I’m failing him,” she explained as she took in a shaky breath. 
“Oh honey,” Riley mumbled before she took a step towards her and wrapped her arm around Y/N’s body. “You are not failing him. You are amazing,” she mumbled. “And who can say their baby daddy is the captain of the Canucks,” she let out teasingly.
Y/N laughed nervously as she wiped her hand across her cheeks, “I made that joke to him,” she mumbled. “I just miss him,” she sat down onto the barstool before she leaned her head against the countertop.
“Just because Ellie is here now, doesn’t mean you two can’t be Y/N and Quinn,” Riley offered before she bounced Ellie on her side. “I know that’s what you miss,” Riley mumbled. 
She was right but Y/N never wanted to admit it. Sometimes, she wished that it was just her and Quinn. Of course she loved her daughter but alone time with Quinn was so limited that she felt as though she was losing him. 
“When he comes home from the Vegas game, I’ll take Ellie to my place and you two can have a full night alone,” she said, raising her eyebrows dramatically. Y/N laughed dryly before rolling her eyes. “How’s his face by the way?” 
“It’s better an–and I think I would like that, Ri. If it’s a genuine offer,”
“It’s always a genuine offer,” Riley expressed as she lifted Ellie into the air, blowing a raspberry against her tiny stomach. Ellie erupted into laughter. “Look at this cutie, of course I’ll happily take her off your hands for a few nights,” she mumbled. 
“Thanks Riley,” she let out softly. “I gotta put her down for a nap,” Y/N offered as she began to reach for her daughter again.
“I’ve got it, you go take a nap too,” Riley instructed as she began walking towards the hallway that had the nursery and her bedroom. “And don’t you dare say you’re not tired because I know you,”  
Y/N forced out a dry chuckle as she followed her. “Thank you, Ri,” she mumbled as she turned the corner towards her bedroom. 
Tonight was the last game before the holiday break. His parents and his brothers were going to be staying at an Airbnb near their apartment. His parents were already in town, sitting in her living room, soaking in their granddaughter. While Jack and Luke’s game was on the TV screen. Quinn was in the kitchen making everyone a late breakfast. While Y/N was still asleep. 
The Devils game went to commercial break as Ellen was standing up from the couch. Ellie was sitting on Jim’s lap staring towards the TV, watching the game as well. Ellen walked into the kitchen, smiling towards her eldest son. 
“Y/N still asleep?” she asked softly. Quinn lifted his gaze slightly, humming as he kept his attention towards the eggs in the giant pan.
“Ellie would only fall asleep if Y/N was holding her last night, so Y/N didn’t get much sleep,” Quinn explained before he switched his attention towards the bacon in the oven. 
“Did you sleep?” Ellen asked as she looked into his tired eyes. 
“A little,” he mumbled.
“Y/N’s more important,” Quinn let out simply before he continued to make the breakfast. “She’s gotta get some sleep, I’ll take my pregame nap later. I’ll be fine, Mom,” he let out quickly as he shut the oven. Ellen nodded as she looked over her eldest son.
“Quinn, you need to sleep too,” Ellen offered, “What if I finish this and you go get some sleep,” 
Quinn tilted his head back and met her gaze as he took a deep breath. “I’ll be fine, Mom, I promise,” he expressed as he continued to stir the eggs in the giant pan. 
“There’s a nursery at the Airbnb, you should let us take Elliana for the night and you two can catch up on sleep,” she offered. Quinn smiled softly as he took a deep breath.
“We’d like that actually,” he mumbled as he met his mom’s gaze. 
After fifteen minutes, the food was finally done and they were sitting at the dining table eating. Ellie was trying to grab the small pieces of eggs and strawberries. Quinn sat beside her as he was eating his own food; helping her every so often. Soft giggles and babbles fell from her lips as she attempted to feed herself the food. 
“I promised to stop asking this question years ago but are we going to see a ring soon?” Ellen asked teasingly. Quinn chuckled with a mouthful of food. He tilted his head back as he rolled his eyes playfully. 
“I have strict instructions to wait until she’s done with her master’s,” he let out while fighting off a grin.
“You can still give her a ring, you know,” Ellen prompted teasingly as she delicately ran her hand over Ellie’s head.
“I’ve been looking at some actually,” Quinn said nonchalantly. His mom’s eyes widened as she clapped her hands excitedly. “I need Riley’s help on making it a surprise,” he explained as he looked over his little girl, happily enjoying strawberries. She danced a little while eating exactly like Y/N. “But definitely soon,” he said with a teasing grin on his lips.
“Good, finally,” Jim muttered while laughing. “In case you were wondering, the marriage part comes first usually,” he let out teasingly as he started making funny faces towards Ellie. She bursted out laughing.
“Ha–ha,” Quinn mumbled as he handed another small piece of strawberry. “But she’s pretty great, huh?” he let out as he looked over Ellie for a second before he looked towards his father.
“Oh definitely,” Ellen mumbled as she smiled softly. Her eyes widened as she saw Y/N emerge from the hallway. 
Quinn turned his head around, meeting her gaze. “Hey, my love,” Quinn let out softly as he stood up from the chair walking towards her. She smiled as she rubbed the sleep form her eyes. “How’d you sleep?” he asked as he delicately rested his hand onto her hip. 
She glanced towards his parents, who’s attention were solely on Ellie. “Better if you were with me,” she mumbled as she leaned towards him, kissing his cheek delicately. He smiled softly as he quickly pulled her towards his chest. 
“My parents are going to watch Ellie tonight,” he let out softly as he ran his hand through her hair as her head was rested against his chest. 
“Really?” she asked hesistantly.
“Said we could catch up on sleep,” he whispered against her hair. She hummed against his chest as she tilted her head back meeting his gaze. “Or we could do other stuff,” he mumbled before he slipped away from her. She let out a sudden laugh before she followed him towards the dining table.
“How are you doing, honey?” Ellen asked Y/N as she walked towards the table. Y/N smiled softly as she sat down beside Quinn. 
“I’m alright,” she mumbled as she looked towards her little girl struggling to pick up some strawberries. Quinn shifted his attention towards Ellie and instantly assisted his little girl, holding it towards her to take. “I’m happy you guys are here,” she mumbled as she looked towards her in-laws. They might as well already have the label.
“We are too,” Jim expressed before he brought more food towards his mouth. Quinn looked towards Y/N, his eyebrows furrowed slightly.
“There’s food left, gorgeous,” he explained. She shook her head as she pursed her lips forward.
“I’m okay,” she mumbled as she pressed her lips against his cheek. He nodded slightly before he pressed his lips together. “I’ll eat in a little bit,” she promised. 
The game ended in a win for the Canucks and for the night Jim and Ellen took Ellie to their Airbnb. This was the first night in months where they were alone. The last few times Riley has come over a handful of nights to baby sit and sleep on the couch. But this was the first time they were alone. 
After the game, Luke happily took sleeping Ellie in his arms towards the car that Jim and Ellen rented. There was a car seat in the back that was perfect for Ellie. Luke was overjoyed to spend all of the time in the world with his niece.
Quinn was sprailed out on their bed. It was late. Usually they were worried about getting enough sleep before. But now, they had all the time in the world, almost. 
She entered the room with her light pink satin pajama set as she ran her fingers through her hair. He smiled softly as he scanned her frame. She fought a grin forming to her lips as she walked towards the bed. Her heart was beating out of her chest, she didn’t know truly know why.
“Hey Momma,” he let out teasingly as he reached towards her. He rested his hand onto her waist. Rolling her eyes playfully before she delicately took a hold of his arm.
“Have you spoken to your mom, is El doing okay?” Y/N asked quietly as she subconsciously ran her hand up and down his arm. 
“Last time I checked, my mom said that Ellie was sleeping like a champ,” Quinn offered as he reached towards her pulling her closer to him from her waist. Y/N nodded as she nervously climbed over him and laid beside him. 
Quickly, Quinn rolled onto his side to face her. He brushed a few pieces of hair away from her face. The corner of her lips curled upward as she looked deeply into his eyes. After a few seconds she rolled away from him reaching for her phone on her nightstand. 
“I’m going to call her and check–” she began but Quinn quickly interrupted her by reached towards her and pulling her towards him. He pulled her against her chest as he looped his arms around her stomach. Delicately, he pressed his lips against her neck.
“She’s okay,” he whispered into her ear. “They have everything they need,” he continued to comfort her as he ran his hand across her stomach. “Relax,” he whispered before he pressed his lips against her skin.
“Quinn,” she let out softly as her lips fell into a pout.
“Nope, we are relaxing,” he mumbled against her skin as he glided his hand down her side slowly. Her breath caught in her throat as she shut her eyes. His hand dipped beneath her shirt while gliding along her stomach. 
“No but,” he trailed off as she rolled onto her back. Quinn was still laying on his side  as he was scanning her features. Slowly, he reached his hand up and delicately took a hold of his cheek. His thumb glided along her cheek. “I’m going to kiss you now,” he began as he leaned towards her kissing her so softly.
She hummed against his lips as she glided her hands through his hair. Quinn slowly climbed on top of her as he began to toy with the buttons of her pajama top. He pulled away for a moment as he looked over her features. A soft smile formed on her lips as she glided her thumb over his stubble. 
He smiled, “What?” he let out barely above a whisper. She pursed her lips forward as she continued to run her hand along his cheek. 
“You’re amazing, you know that?” she let out as she continued to look over his features. Her hand rested on the base of his neck. He pecked her lips briefly.
“I do,” he let out teasingly. She rolled her eyes playfully as she pushed his head away from her. He chuckled before he looked over her features. “Please let me make you feel good,” he mumbled before he delicately kissed her lips. 
“Yes please,” she mumbled against his lips as she instantly started tugging at the shirt covering his frame. He hummed as he pulled away from her, pulling his shirt from his frame. Her hands instantly glided along his skin as he climbed back on top of her, kissing her desperately.
Christmas Eve finally arrived and his family were on their way over to their apartment with their daughter. Y/N was standing in the bathroom, applying the last little details to her makeup. Today, they were finally going to take Ellie to see Santa. Quinn refused to go until his lip healed which meant Christmas Eve it was. 
It worked out that the team sponsored an event where the players could bring their kids to go see Santa on Christmas Eve. So it was perfect. Quinn walked into the bathroom adjusting the dark blue sweater on his frame.
“Hey gorgeous,” he mumbled as he rested his hand onto her waist as he met her gaze through the mirror. She smiled softly as she turned around, placing the mascara beside her as she looked into his eyes. 
“Hey pretty boy,” she mumbled as she rested her hands onto the base of his neck. Quinn leaned towards her, kissing her softly as he tightened his grip along her waist. “Thank you,” she said as she pulled away.
Before he could reply, their door was pushed open and his entire family walked into the apartment. He pecked her lips briefly again before he slipped away from her. He walked out of the bathroom, down the hall towards the living room to see his family awkwardly standing in the center of the living room. Quinn instantly searched for his little girl to see Jack holding her on his side. 
“Hey guys,” he let out happily, walking directly towards Jack to take his daughter into hsi arms. “Hi Darling,” he let out, his voice softer. He happily stole her frome Jack’s arm as he pressed his lips to her tiny forehead. “How’d she treat you guys?” he asked softly as he held Ellie to his side. 
“She was an absolute angel,” Ellen offered excitedly.
“An angel?” Quinn let out excitedly as he bounced her slightly. “Thank you for last night,” he expressed as he looked towards his parents. 
“Of course,” Jim offered before he wandered towards the couch with Ellen following in pursuit. “You look like you got some sleep finally,” he expressed.
Quinn raised his eyebrows as he nodded fighting off a grin, “Yeah, we did,” he let out as he walked towards the kitchen. Jack and Luke followed after him. Quinn opened the fridge to take out a bottle for Ellie. Quinn shifted his gaze towards his brothers who were fighting off grins. “What?” he let out softly as he shook the bottle slightly. Ellie was happily reaching towards it. 
“Got some sleep, huh,” Jack whispered as he was grinning. Quinn rolled his eyes as he walked towards the bottle warmer and dropped the bottle inside of it. He put it on for thirty seconds. 
“Shut up,” Quinn let out softly while a blush soon formed to his cheeks. 
“What did you guys do instead?” Luke let out sarcastically, still quietly enough to not let their parents hear. 
“Shut up!” Quinn let out while laughing.
Y/N soon entered the living room. She was wearing a maroon red sweater with black pants. She was practically glowing as she entered the living room. She smiled widely towards them before she walked straight to the kitchen to steal Ellie from Quinn. 
Jack and Luke busted out laughing as they saw the elated grin on her lips. Quinn happily handed Ellie towards Y/N. Quinn took the bottle out of the warmer shaking it slightly again as he tapped some onto his hand. He handed it towards Ellie who happily brought it towards her mouth. Y/N ignored the younger Hughes boys as she walked towards the living room to sit with Jim and Ellen. 
Jack’s eyes widened as his mouth fell open. “Have you guys not–since Ellie–” Jack questioned quietly, unsure of how to ask the question.
“We have!” Quinn quickly defended while laughing. “This month has been really difficult for her, so… shut up!” Quinn muttered shaking his head. “Also, I don’t need you two asking questions when our parents are in the other room,” Quinn expressed quietly before he walked towards the living room with the rest of his family. Both Jack and Luke barked out a laugh as they followed in pursuit. 
The visit to Santa went exactly as Quinn and Y/N expected. Ellie hated it. She wasn’t necessarily terrified but definitely was scared of the beard. She was crying but wasn’t screaming. Although, they were hoping she would like it but they had a feeling she was going to hate it. 
They took several photos, they were able to get a handful of good photos of Ellie not noticeably crying. His parents were able to join in on some of the photos. Jack and Luke’s entire job was to try and get Ellie smiling. They did not do a good job. 
But the photos were amazing and they were a part of a collection of photos the Canucks social team shared onto their Instagram and Twitter. 
It was well into the afternoon and the sun was starting to set. They were all hanging in the living room watching Elf. Luke was holding Ellie in his lap as he was trying to make her giggle with funny faces. This time around, it was working. 
Y/N’s head was rested onto Quinn’s shoulder as she was trying not to fall asleep. Quinn took a hold of her hand, “Are we waiting until tomorrow for Ellie’s gifts or are we doing them now?” Quinn asked as he brought her hand towards his lips, pressing a kiss agains her hand briefly. 
“We have more gifts for her at our Airbnb so we can do these today!” Ellen said excitedly. 
Quinn’s eyes widened as he swallowed harshly, “Mom, you realize our apartment is not that big,”he let out while laughing. Ellen didn’t reply as she happily prompted everyone to go sit near the Christmas tree. Luke stood up, securing Ellie in his arms briefly before he handed her over towards Y/N. 
She sat down beside the tree, Ellie sitting in her lap. Quinn sat beside her taking in a deep breath. There was an overwhelming amount of presents. There was probably at least ten from Jim and Ellen and twenty from Luke and Jack. She was spoiled but this was a whole new level.
“How did you guys even get all of this on the plane?” Y/N asked while laughing. 
“We shipped all of ours earlier this month,” Jack let out while laughing. 
It didn’t take long for them to start opening a few of the presents. Ellie was fully involved in the process. Her eyes lighting up every time a new box was in front of her. She didn’t care about the gift, since she wasn’t even a year old. But she was having a blast watching the paper get torn and playing with it. 
Most of the presents that Jim and Ellen purchased were toys. Many were stuffed animals and different giant plastic toys that would probably remain in the box for several months. 
Quinn took one of the smaller boxes that had said it was from Luke for Ellie. Ellie tried gripping some of the wrapping paper but she couldn’t get her tiny fingers to pull it apart. Quinn smiled softly as he ripped it and held it towards her. He assisted in the process of tearing it open. 
It was another box, which Quinn promptly opened to see a tiny shirt. It was Devils merch. Quinn rolled his eyes playfully as he pulled it out to see the tiny numbers on the sleeve. He spun it around to see forty-three on the back.
“Oh come on,” he let out while laughing. Ellie reached towards it and Quinn held it back. Ellie didn’t react she simply giggled. “She is never going to wear this,”
“It’s your number too!” Luke defended as he grinned widely. 
“Not gonna happen Lukey,” he said while adding it to the pile of clothes beside him. 
“Thank you, Luke. She’ll definitely wear it,”  Y/N teased as she ran a hand over Ellie’s hair that was starting to curl dramatically. “Luke’s looking like the favorite Uncle,” she let out teasingly. Jack let out a dramatic gasp. 
“Open my last one!” he let out pointing dramatically towards the box. Y/N laughed loudly. Quinn urgently leaned forward and opened the last box, handing the paper towards Ellie.
Quinn pulled the lid off of the tiny box to reveal another mini shirt with a Devils logo. Quinn chuckled as he rolled his eyes playfully as he pulled it out of the box. It was Jack’s number. “Well this one is a definite no,” he said while tossing it onto the pile.
“Thank you Jack.” Y/N offered as she rested her hand onto Quinn’s knee, forcing a soft chuckle from his lips. It was the last of the presents that were all dedicated to Ellie. Behind them were stacks of boxes of new toys and stuffed animals for her. The pile of clothes was nearly as tall as Ellie. “This has been great, thank you guys. Really sweet,” 
Quinn looked behind him towards the clock on the wall. “We should probably get her to bed,” Quinn mumbled as he stood up from the floor. He leaned down holding out his hands for Ellie. Y/N lifted her up and handed her over to Quinn.
Quinn walked towards his parents so they can have a few seconds, saying goodbye to her. Ellen happily took a hold of her, holding Ellie tightly to her chest before handing her offer to Jim. 
Jack and Luke simply waved towards their niece, waiting for her to wave back. She did instantly. The entire room giggled. 
Y/N shook her head as she stared towards the overwhelming amount of clothes and toys that now they have to find a place for and to find a use for. The toys that they got were definitely things Ellie would grow into. 
After a few minutes, Ellie was back in Quinn’s arms. “Alright, Darling, let’s get you to sleep,” Quinn mumbled as he walked down the hallway. Y/N watched with admiration. The more and more she saw him with their daughter, the deeper she was falling in love with him.
She never thought that she could fall more in love with him, being that they’ve been together ten years. Yet, her heart fluttered and her stomach erupted into butterflies the more and more she saw him be a dad. 
“Y/N?” Ellen asked softly. She pulled her gaze from the hallway, a soft hum falling from her lips. Ellen chuckled softly, “You and Quinny are so cute, you know that?”
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kosije · 1 year ago
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c/w ★ ׂ duke!miguel x fem!afab reader. smut. all smut. miguel tries to exercise restraint. spoiler alert: he fails. sins in silk extra <3
duke!miguel o'hara: who enjoys taking you in the most compromising of places.
he'll fuck you in the garden, behind the tall bushes of flowers taunting you on how loud you're getting.
"oh princess, i don't think it would fool anyone if they heard the flowers calling my name. if you can't bite your tongue, even the k-kingdom next door will hear of this."
"heavens," he groans. "i bet you'd like that, huh? want everyone to know how you have the best fucking cunt, yeah?" he all but moans into the back of your neck. "too bad it's all for me."
he'll excuse himself from the table just to eat you out inside the kitchen storage room, away from your father, his colleagues, and the cooks.
messily making out with your puffy pussy, moaning into your mound when your hand pulls on his hair. "m' baby needs 't don't she?" he slurs like a drunk man. his large hands wrap around, digging into the meat of your thighs only to pull himself in deeper. you're having trouble keeping your voice down, but thankfully the kitchen is a mess of noise and masks your low mewls and his groans completely.
he sneaks back to the table while you to your chambers, but you don't miss his cheeky "oh, im afraid i've already eaten dessert."
his favorite place, however, is the place he took you for the first time. he takes his time in those moments. working you up, till you almost break, then taking you apart only to put you back together over and over again.
slowly licks up your neck, with your legs fold in front of you, he pistons himself in and out of you. your antsy hands drop from your thighs to his back, up to his neck, and down into the sheets, crying out at how deep he fucks you—at how much you can see how he's been needing you. how he's been missing you.
it's in the way he kisses and worships your body, the way he whimpers whenever he's inside you, how he looks at you, even while around so many people at your father's party. how big they got when they saw you, how wrinkled the sides were when he smiled. in the way he holds you after he's fucked you—tight and warm. how he nuzzles into your neck, kissing your shoulder, completely flush to you.
but you're no better. calling out for him whenever you touch yourself, wearing his favorite color every time he comes around, with matching panties. how you wrap your hands over his arms, kissing the meat of them. how you hide little gifts, sonnets you've worked, sweets you've baked, intimates you've worn. and the way when he writes you back, "thanking you," you feel like you could die.
it's easy to secretly write about him. gush to yourself about your scandalous love with "mr. frown," you write for hours. tuck them safely into the hole inside your closet that you made when you were younger. you write all the days you don't see him, and when you do you always have to mention something from them.
"i wish time would stop when we are together, so we can see what forever feels like."
"i need you more and more every time we part. you take a piece of me with you i desperately need back. that spins and leaps inside of you when you see him again.
"if only you'd stay tonight, then my room wouldn't feel so empty."
when you tell him this, with that sparkly look in your eyes, he pauses. looking you over.
"it won't be good for us, princess."
"why is that?"
"i won't—i won't be able to control myself, just not safe for us."
"you don't know that," you all but plead. "you have to at least be curious, of what can happen if we try?"
he understands what you're referring to because those same thoughts bounce around his mind whenever he's alone, missing you. those pestering "what if's," that keep him up, keep him wondering. the ones that eat at his resolve.
so even though it's risky, and is no good for him at all, he sinks back into your bed. kisses the back of your neck, nosing your baby hairs, and whispers a weak, "i can never say no to you"
and for a night, you two don't have to spend it missing something.
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ttalgi · 20 days ago
missent letters pt.2
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wanderer x gn! reader
part 1 || part 2
tags/cw: academic rivals to lovers, some cursing, mc is: a Vahumana student in the Akademiya, roommates with Alhaitham and Kaveh, and a pyro vision holder.
a/n: I finally finished the book a year later (lol) which made me want to make a part 2! Also, please don't mind any ooc or wrong plot details...it's been a while since I've actually played genshin.
wc: 2.1k
“It would do your remaining few brain cells some good to stop banging your head against the table. Plus this table was expensive. I can’t have the wood scratched already.”
You stop mid head bang to send Alhaitham an incredulous look. “Please!” you plead. “Have some sympathy for me at least once in your life. My life is over.” You slump your body across the living room bench.
Without missing a beat, he replies, ”I let you live here, don’t I?” Alhaitham turns to Kaveh with a raised eyebrow, “Care to fill me in on their latest tantrum?”
“It’s not a tantrum—!”
“Long story short, they asked me to send out some envelopes for them because of their busy schedule, so I told them to leave whatever they needed sent on top of their desk. Among the envelopes was one for Hat Guy, which apparently they didn’t want me to deliver.” He takes another bite of the shawarma wrap that Alhaitham brought home for dinner. 
Kaveh turns to look at your defeated form. “If you didn’t mean to send Hat Guy the letters, why were they mixed up with the other envelopes in the first place? What’s the big deal about those letters anyway?” he asks while chewing.
You perk up your head to look at him. “Huh? You didn’t read them?” you ask.
“You see, unlike some”—he sends Alhaitham a pointed look—”people, I have basic human decency.”
“Again, I let you guys live here—”
“Basically, everytime I feel anger or annoyance towards him, I just vent about it on paper pretending that he’s the recipient. Then I just stuff everything in the same envelope because it’s easy storage that way.”
“Wait!” Kaveh interrupts. “Just how many letters have you written about him? That envelope was like an inch thick. It even cost me extra postage!”
“...What can I say? I have lots of vendettas against him,” you shrug.
Alhaitham interposes, “I don’t think I understand. What’s the big deal? So what if you told him exactly how you feel about him? I didn’t take you for being a people pleaser.”
“This is why people think you’re such a machine at times, Alhaitham!” Kaveh throws his arms up in frustration. “Some people actually care about how they present themselves to others.”
“Actually!” You interject before another one of their infamous arguments breaks out full throttle. “Alhaitham’s kind of right. I did write exactly how I feel about him, and that’s the thing. I wrote everything that I felt about him..” you trail off.
Kaveh lets out a dramatic gasp. “No way! You finally confessed your feelings for him in those letters?!”
“Well, I wouldn’t exactly call it confessing. I just talked about how I think his eyes are kinda dreamy despite being cold at times and that he has a really pretty face and that”—you almost give yourself whiplash turning in his direction—”Wait, finally? What do you mean finally? There’s no way you could have known about my minuscule crush on Hat Guy!”
“Anyone with eyes and ears could tell that you have some romantic attraction towards him,” Kaveh sighs while shaking his head before gesturing to Alhaitham. “Even this guy is aware of it.”
“You two do know that I’m not socially inept, correct?”
Deciding to ignore Alhaitham, you slump back against the bench. “I’m doomed.”
You pop up with an idea. “Wait! Do you guys think Tighnari needs any more forest rangers? I can take a break until this whole thing tides over and just help him over at Avidya Forest—”
Alhaitham quenched your wishful thinking. “Knowing how substandard you are with your vision, you’d accidentally set the forest on fire.”
You stumble back as if an arrow pierced through your body. You mumble out, “Must you always humble me.” You turn to Kaveh with hopeful eyes.
“I thought I'd never say this, but I agree with Alhaitham. You trying to help Tighnari in the forest would do more harm than good. Plus, you'd end up a victim to his lectures again. Remember that one time you—”
Feeling your body riddling with piercing wounds, you slump against the bench once more. “Yeah, I’m doomed.” 
It's been five days since Kaveh accidentally sent out the envelope meant for Hat Guy and you aren’t sure how much longer you have until the letters would be in his possession. Unless they already were... 
If you were blessed by the Archons, then maybe the envelope was lost or better yet damaged beyond repair in delivery, but alas, you know better. The mail system in Sumeru City is known for its attentiveness, especially since many important Akademiya-based deliveries are sent and received daily.
You haven't seen Hat Guy around much these days, especially considering the fact that you’ve been actively avoiding him. Mandatory lectures that you both share? You now sit close to the exit, far from him. The library that you guys are known to basically reside in? You begged Alhaitham to let you study in his office instead, promising that you’d do his portion of the house chores for the next two weeks.
Deciding to go home early out of your own volition (Alhaitham kicked you out because of an important meeting), you carefully tread the halls of the Akademiya making sure to peek around each corner before continuing. As you start to believe that you're finally in the clear, you hear someone behind you clearing their throat. Taking a look down at the shadows decorating the floor, you see the silhouette of the man that you have been avoiding for your own peace of mind.
"How much longer are you going to rat around the Akademiya for? It's not like you can avoid me forever, you know."
Feeling offended by his choice of words, you abruptly turn around to tell him off; however, the sudden close proximity of your faces has you taking a step back. If you hadn’t been paying attention to his face, you would have thought that he was unaffected by the action, but the slight widening of his eyes before returning back to normal has you knowing otherwise.
You give Hat Guy a pointed glare. Wanting to defend yourself against his statement, you open your mouth to retaliate but the sight of the familiar envelope in his hand causes you to simply shut your mouth and grimace instead. 
As he notices your actions, Hat Guy lets an annoying smirk grace his face. "Come on, say what you were going to say. We both know that you have a lot to say to me," he says while lazily waving the envelope around.
To try and play this in your favor, you start to act nonchalant. “I don’t know what you mean by ‘avoiding you’. Also, what’s with the envelope? Never seen it before in my life.”
Hat Guy raises a brow. “What’s with this sudden stupid, chill guy persona? Anyways, it seems like you need a reminder. Not surprising considering our perspective rankings,” he subtly gloats.
“You little—”
”Let's see,”—he opens up the envelope and starts to smooth out the bottommost letter—”Maybe reading some of these letters will help jog your memory.” He makes a grand gesture of pretending to clear his throat before reading, and you can’t help but to cover your face with your hands to try and protect yourself from the upcoming embarrassing retelling.
“Again! Again, you received a higher score on an assigned research essay. It’s only been 2 months and 11 days since you’ve been enrolled into the Vahumana Darshan, so how is it that you’re the apparent “All-Knowing” about Time-Sensitive Commodities? Who do you think you are? The new Sumeru archon of wisdom? Oh, sorry. I shouldn’t be disrespecting our Lesser Lord Kusanali by comparing you to her—” he pauses and his eyes hurriedly shift to gauge your reaction. If anything, he should be thankful. If you hadn’t been so focused on not looking at him, you would have seen the crease in his brows mid-reading.
Hat Guy recomposes himself before continuing to read. “For Archon's sake. What’s more frustrating is your subtle boasting towards me. How could such a shitty personality even emit from a pretty face like yours? Though, I’ll begrudgingly admit that I actually look forward to these interactions that I have with you.”
A coy smirk fills his face. “Oh? Why so embarrassed? Do you know these letters after all?”
“N-no…I was just clearing my throat.” At this point, you curse your pride for not being able to halt this interaction.
“Stubborn as always.”
This time he picks out a letter from the top of the stack..
“It's completely and utterly unfair how your resting face looks so serene. Why must you always be in the library at the same time as I? Your stupidly, bewitching face only serves as a major distraction, like how could I not stare! It's like your face was personally carved by a god. Also, how the hell do you make a simple fountain pen look so good? The way that your slender fingers grip the—”
“OK, that’s enough! Stop with the reciting! I admit it!” You feel your face heat up from embarrassment and your pyro vision only makes everything feel hotter. You raise your hands in frustration. “It was a whole mixup! Those letters weren’t even meant to be sent to you.” You dial back your volume towards the end.
He pointedly sighs. “Well that much I figured out. There’s no chance in Teyvat where you of all people would willingly subject themself to this. So, what are you going to do about it now?” he asks while crossing his arms.
It hurts to admit, but you felt stupid at this very second. “What do you mean?”
He tskd. “Do I need to explain every little thing to you? You’re ranked right below me, so I know that you’re not stupid. Are you going to own up to your letters and finally confess? Or are you going to just cowardly dismiss this like you’ve been doing?”
“CONFESS?” You almost give yourself whiplash from how fast you check to see if anyone’s heard you. You repeat yourself in a whispering tone. “Confess?”
“You talk about ‘looking forwards’ to our interactions, staring at my ‘bewitching face’ and ‘slender fingers’ and you think it’s absurd that I bring up confessing? Or would it be easier for you if I confess first?”
Without thinking you blurt out, “There’s no way that you actually like me back.”
“Do you ever see me bothering to interact with anyone as much as I do with you? I even surprised myself when I started to catch feelings for your stubborn self.”
You try to shake off the nerves before staring into his eyes. “Hat Guy, I like—”
"Call me Wanderer instead; it rolls off the tongue easier than Hat Guy. It’s a nickname that the traveler gave me. Hat Guy is a silly name that happened to stick around the Akademiya.”
“Lots of names you have there, huh?” you tease.
He lets out a sound that’s the mix between a chuckle and a scoff. “You don’t know the half of it.”
“Well, Wanderer. I like you. So…will you go out with me?”
“Obviously.” (Your eye roll at his matter-of-fact tone is instinctual) “I wouldn’t waste my time with anybody else. Anyways, let’s get out of here. You were on your way home before I caught you, weren't you?”
Your lips start to raise into a smile. “You’re going to walk me home?”
“Noo, I’m saying this so I can just go off on my own—”
“Oh, shut it. Let’s get out of here.”
As the both of you guys stroll out of the Akademiya, your hand closest to Wanderer suddenly can’t stop twitching every so often. Your head fills with thought pertaining to your new found relationship. 
‘Is it too early to be holding hands?…Maybe hand holding is too PDA for him on open streets—’
A cold hand suddenly embracing yours breaks you out of your stupor. You turn to Wanderer, clearly surprised by the action. Starting to feel embarrassed, you try to pry your hand out of his clutch, only for him to tighten his grip. “W-What are you doing?”
“What do you think I’m doing?” He pivots his head to the opposite side, hoping that you won’t catch his ears turning slightly pink. “Your thoughts are so loud that even Mondstadt can hear them,” he scoffs. “Just lead the way.”
You start to walk with a slight pep in your step. “As you say!”
bonus scene?:
“Hey, can I give you a nickname too? Or is it too soon..”
He turns with a raised eyebrow. “Depends. What do you have in mind?”
He lets out the biggest sigh. “Not you too.”
“Jokes, jokes—” you pause. “Wait, me too?”
He continues to walk forwards without you.
“Me too?! Hello???”
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dwobbitfromtheshire · 2 months ago
Eddie decided to pull out all the stops to ask Steve out. He borrowed heavily from the Labyrinth, including making himself an outfit and affectionately 'kidnapping' Dustin with a scavenger hunt for Steve to follow. . .
"I'm not doing it, Robin," Steve said, slouching back against his couch and crossing his arms. "I'm not playing his games. If he wants to ask me out, he can come to me."
"Yeah, sure, but what about Dustin?" Robin asked.
"Eddie's not going to hurt him," Steve rolled his eyes.
"Yeah, but he might pump him full of sugar," Robin pointed out.
"Goddamnit. . .okay, show me the first clue," Steve said, and Robin handed it to him.
"Green, green envelopes the man and hugs him tight as much as I wish I can. Given to him by the pox ridden sloth who despises him unjustly, this is the place with the boxes full of visions and where the man made of stars is wrongfully imprisoned. . .a prison I fight every day to free him from. . .my next note lies where the sloth never looks. . .," Robin read. "He's certainly theatrical."
"I know," Steve said, smiling and biting his lip. "Family Video!"
"I'm sure that Keith would appreciate being called a pox ridden sloth," Robin said. "Alright, let's go."
"You're coming with?" He asked.
"Vickie's out of town. There's nothing on TV. . .entertain me, peasant!" Robin exclaimed.
"You and Eddie. . .both theatrical," Steve said.
"Says the drama queen himself," Robin replied. "After you, your bitchiness."
Steve and Robin went to Family Video. They went in, brushing by a disgruntled looking Keith arguing with a customer, and went straight for their hidden candy stash in the storage closet. Tucked under the box was another clue. They took the clue and walked out, quickly moving past Keith getting put in a headlock by a small elderly woman. They opened the clue in the car.
"This is the spot where I turned you away. Regretfully, I did, not knowing of the magic you buried deep inside. Sent by the enemy, I thought you were. . .oh, if I could turn back the hands of time and awaken the fool that I was, trapped in the grave of my own making. . .if I had said yes, then. . .awaiting in the stacks is my eternal regret and the very next clue. . .," Robin read. "Okay, what the hell is he talking about?"
"Hawkins' Public Library," Steve muttered, blushing.
"I feel like I'm missing some critical information here, Steven," Robin said.
"Uh, freshman year, I wanted to do something different. . .you know, in addition to basketball and the swim team. I thought Hellfire sounded like fun, but when I approached Eddie in the library. . .," he trailed off.
"He thought you were fucking with him," she realized.
"Yeah, he said that me and my stupid hair have better things to do than to fuck with him, like beg Daddy for money," Steve said.
"Jesus," Robin said and paused. "I'm starting to think that maybe it's not just asshole jocks who are judgemental. I mean, now that I'm thinking about it. . .how could you possibly know everyone in the school. . .how can I call you asshole for that, especially when I made myself unapproachable? I made a snap judgment."
"Everyone does, Robin," Steve said. "You decided not to stick to it. Some people aren't smart enough to do that."
Robin beamed at him and squished his cheeks before placing a kiss on his nose.
"My dingus," she whispered.
"My Robin," he smiled.
"Let's go get your fool of a man," Robin said.
Steve and Robin went to the library and walked in, awkwardly waving at the librarian who had a one night stand with Hopper. They quickly scurried past.
"We don't know for sure that actually happened, Robin," Steve whispered.
"According to Erica, Hopper was a bit of. . .," Robin whispered.
"Making snap judgments again, Robin," Steve teased.
"So, I don't suppose you remember which aisle he rejected you in, do you?" Robin asked.
"I actually do," he blushed. "It's right over here. . ."
"Oh my god! The romance section?!" Robin giggled. "Oh, it was definitely meant to be."
"Look, here it is," Steve said and grabbed it before handing it to Robin.
They quickly moved out of the library and back into Steve’s car.
"Beauty within and beauty without, he makes this games appealing to me. A warrior, glistening and shining like the stars he's made of. . .the cloth he wears hides almost nothing. . .this place he fights and plays to win but also for the love of the people. . .my heart, it's him, the gladiator that he is, and this is his arena, where the next clue awaits. . . Does my dear sweet gladiator fight his fate?" Robin read.
"The basketball court," Steve said, snapping his fingers.
When they showed up to the entrance to the gym, it was blocked by Jeff and Doug. They were sitting in chairs, reading. When they caught sight of Steve, they tossed their books aside and quickly stood up.
"Finally!" Doug exclaimed.
"Well, I wasn't going to play along, but I got curious," Steve said.
"I told you," Doug said to Jeff, who rolled his eyes. "Why isn't Gareth doing this?"
"Because he's hanging out with Will again," Jeff said and nudged him in the side. "Come on, man, play along."
"Oh, sweet Steve, you have arrived, and now you have a choice to make, this door of mine or this door of his?" Jeff asked.
"One door leads to your utter doom," Doug said.
"And the other leads to your destiny," Jeff said.
"Trick question," Steve said before they could finish, his hands on his hips. "Both doors. He's both my destiny and my doom."
Jeff and Doug bowed low before stepping aside. As Steve and Robin went inside, they heard them whisper.
"Dustin wasn't kidding. Steve really is a genius at figuring out Eddie's next move," Doug said.
"Yeah," Jeff said. "It just means it's true love. . .that's also why Steve doesn't play D&D. He tends to call Eddie out on it."
Steve and Robin moved further into the gym. In the middle, there was a long plastic table. On it was a pink dress, much like Sarah's dress from Labyrinth except that it wasn't quite so big. It looked handmade, so whoever made it worked with what they had, and Steve thought they did a wonderful job. Anyone else would look down on it, but Steve could see the love and the care that went into it. To Steve, it was perfect. Pink, Steve thought, one of his favorite colors.
"Ooh, there's a note. . .oh, thank God, I don't have to put it on," Robin said and pressed it into Steve’s hand.
"My dear sweet gladiator, in order to prepare for battle, one must wear armor. You are in your arena. . .meet me in mine," Steve said, and he smiled. "Oh my god, what a fucking dork."
"There's a bag under the table," Robin said.
Steve pulled it out and unzipped it. Inside was a pair of heals, makeup. . . And his bat!
"Hey! I was wondering where that went," Steve said.
"You know you don't have to wear any of this," she said in amusement.
"Please, Robin," Steve scoffed. "You know I'm going to."
He stripped down in the middle of the gym, replacing his clothes with the other garments. He eagerly put on the makeup Eddie provided and then slid on the heals. He didn't need any help walking in them.
"This isn't your first time wearing a dress or heals is it?" Robin asked.
"Of course not," Steve said.
"Like I should automatically know this about you when you haven't told me?" Robin asked.
"I have a couple in my closet," he said.
"I thought those were trophies," she said.
"Why are you looking at me like that?" Steve asked. "I just like dressing up sometimes. . .my dad never let me join theater."
"Do you feel like a woman sometimes?" She asked.
"Sometimes. . .but other times, I feel like a man like even when I'm wearing pants or dresses," Steve said, and then his eyes widened. "Hold on. . .are you saying like I'm bisexual. . .I could be bi. . .gender?"
"Yeah, I guess, if that's what feels right to you," Robin grinned.
"Awesome," Steve beamed, and she grabbed the bat from Robin.
"Nothing like a pretty girl who could also kill you. . .and I still mean that platonically," Robin said. "By the way, that's faster than when you realized you're bisexual."
"I'm learning," she replied.
"So, not only was this a road to love, it was also a road to self-discovery while I, Robin Buckley, also continue to learn more about my platonic soulmate - ,"
"Robin, stop narrating, and let's get to the drama room!" Steve yelled.
As they moved down the hallway, they ran into Jonathan and Nancy.
"What are you doing here?" Nancy, Jonathan, Steve, and Robin asked at the same time.
"I asked you first," they said again.
"They found my favorite sweater in the journalism classroom," Nancy said.
"And then we can say we're done with this school for good," Jonathan said. "More importantly, what are you doing?"
"Oh, Eddie kidnapped Dustin. I'm rescuing him," Steve replied.
"I have more questions," Jonathan said. "Why are you wearing a dress?"
"You've never seen him in a dress?" Nancy asked.
"No, have you?" Jonathan asked.
"Yeah, tons of times," Nancy said and then turned to Steve. "Your boobs look fantastic in that dress."
"Don't they?" Steve agreed, scrunching up her nose. "Eddie made the dress. . .Robin!"
Steve gasped as her hands disappeared into the dress.
"What?" Robin asked.
"They have pockets!" Steve squealed and twirled around.
"We'll let you get back to it, I guess. Good luck rescuing Dustin," Jonathan said.
"Thanks," Steve beamed.
Steve ran past them, pulling up the dress of her skirt so she could run better.
"Jesus, you can run in those heels?!" Robin shrieked. "How?!"
Steve ignored her and continued on to the drama room. She burst into the room, her heart pounding with adrenaline. It was completely dark. Steve jumped when music started playing, and a spotlight flickered on. The light was over Eddie's old throne, the throne that now belonged to Dustin. Eddie was sprawled out on it, one leg over the arm of the chair. He was wearing skin-tight leather black pants and a gray vest. His hair was even wilder than usual, and he wore eyeliner that made his eyes pop. Steve bit her lip. God, she wanted to fuck him right there in the chair. If only Robin and Dustin weren't there. Oh, right, Dustin. He was sitting in a plastic chair, reading, and drinking Yoo-hoo. He was also wearing stripped pajamas, almost similar to the ones the baby wore in the movie. Boy, Eddie really was going all out with this.
"My dear sweet gladiator, you made it to the final act," Eddie said, standing. "Are you ready to face your final test?"
"Depends on what the test is, my little hairy butt," Steve said, her hands on her hip.
"It's supposed to be a cute nickname!" Eddie shrieked.
"Wait, does Eddie really have a hairy - "
"You're supposed to be kidnapped, Henderson!"
Eddie grinned and moved closer to Steve. He held out his hand.
"A fight. . .to the death," Eddie said.
Steve grinned and took his hand. Eddie pulled him into his arms, his other arm wrapping around her waist. Steve heard the music stop and then someone changing the tapes. As the World Falls Down by David Bowie started playing.
"This feels a lot like dancing," Steve teased, and Eddie shushed her.
"There's such a sad love. . .Deep in your eyes a kind of pale jewel. . .Open and closed. . .Within your eyes. . .I'll place the sky. . .Within your eyes. . .There's such a fooled heart. . .Beatin' so fast. . .In search of new dreams. . .A love that will last. . .Within your heart. . .I'll place the moon. . .Within your heart," Eddie sang.
"This is nice," Steve whispered and pressed her cheek to his as they slow danced.
"Do you feel properly seduced?" Eddie asked.
"Absolutely taken," Steve giggled. "So why Labyrinth. . .I know how much you love it, but. . .I feel like there's more to it."
"When we went to go see it together, it was just us. . .no kids, no Robin, no exes. . .," Eddie said and paused. "I realized that it felt like a date, and I wanted it to be, I wished so badly that it was."
"So. . .you want things to change?" Steve asked.
"Yeah," he said.
"No more casual sex?"
"No more casual sex. . .I just wanted to prove to you how much you mean to me," Eddie said. ". . .how much I want you."
"Proven," Steve said and paused. "How much would it mean to you if I told you that sometimes I'm a woman?"
"What?" Eddie asked.
"I like wearing dresses and make up, I feel like a woman, but even when I'm wearing what's considered man clothes, I feel like a woman, just like sometimes when I wear skirts or dresses, I feel like a man who likes go wear dresses. . .so it's not the clothes that make me feel this way but it's an added bonus," Steve said. "With Robin's help and yours with the dress, I realized that I might be, I don't know if that's the word, but. . bigender?"
"I never knew you liked dresses," he said softly.
"Skirts, too, I never told Robin either," Steve said.
"Just when I thought you couldn't make me more in awe of you. . .you did it, babe. So fucking metal," Eddie whispered and she laughed.
"So, would you gladly call me your girlfriend right now?" Steve asked.
"Fuck yeah," Eddie sighed.
Eddie spun Steve around in and dipped her before kissing her deeply. Steve sighed against his lips, her fingers curling into his hair. They broke apart when Robin cleared her throat, and they turned around. She was flipping through Dustin's book as she sat next to him while Dustin snoozed on her shoulder.
"The baby's finished his bottle, and now he's down for a nap. . .if you want any more of my services, I charge by the minute," Robin said. "I add on extra if you want me to get him out of here so he doesn't have to hear mummy and daddy fornicate."
"How much sugar did you give him, Eddie?" Steve asked, frowning.
"Not much," Eddie shrugged.
"He's in a sugar coma, Edward," Robin said.
"You love me, right?" Eddie asked Steve as he smiled innocently.
"Yeah. . .as long as you explain this to Claudia," Steve scoffed, and her face softened. "This was amazing, Eddie. I loved it. I love you. . .I fucking love the dress. . .God, I want to blow you so hard for adding the pockets."
"Gah! Take me home!" Robin yelled and then smiled softly at them. "Happy for you two dinguses but I don't want to witness anything."
"We should get the kid to Claudia, anyway," Eddie grinned.
Steve smiled as she walked out of the school with her best friend, the boy she thought of like a brother, and her new boyfriend. This was the best day ever, and she was glad that she had decided to do this. . .she also loved how many people were willing to help out. . .hold on, were Jonathan and Nancy here for her sweater?
"Oh, hey, look! It's Hop!" Dustin exclaimed.
Sure enough, Hopper's police car was in the parking lot. . .curious, they met him halfway.
"Well, we got reports that Dustin was kidnapped," Hopper said, squinting his eyes at them. "I'm guessing that's not the case."
"Nope!" Dustin exclaimed.
"Goddamnit. . ."
Steve shared a grin with Eddie. They were definitely having a better do than he was. Steve gripped the bat in her hand, ready to face whatever came their way.
"Shit," Eddie muttered. "I knew I forgot to tell someone about the plan. . ."
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oddthumbswetsleeves · 3 months ago
Hiding - Oneshot
Inspired by this post by @crumb-crumblet-s-crumbington <3
“Have you heard from B today?”
Elita-1 looked up from her datapad at her former-incompetent-subordinate turned leader. He looked stressed, or maybe nervous? It was hard to tell ever since he received the matrix.
“No. I haven’t seen him since the last time he messed up putting the supplies in storage.’ She looked back at the forms she was filling out. “He’s probably avoiding us cause he’s embarrassed.
“Embarrassed?” Optimus sounded confused. Elita realised she had neglected to tell the prime about B’s latest incident.
“He put a lot of the supplies he was sorting into the wrong places. I mean, seriously! I gave him possibly the easiest job I could have, and he still messed it up.” Optimus didn’t look like her answer had put him at ease. “He’ll be fine. If he’s embarrassed it might teach him to listen a little more.”
“Just-“ They met optics, “Tell me if you see him, or if you can get through to him. He won’t answer my comms.” He sighed. “I’m worried.”
He definitely looked nervous now.
“Yeah, sure.” Elita went back to reading. Optimus was silent for a moment, as if he wanted to say something else, but left quickly.
Once he was out of audial-range she tried B-127’s comm, certain Optimus was exaggerating. B never missed an opportunity to blabber.
“B-127, respond.”
Still nothing
“B, this isn’t funny. Answer me.”
Elita never thought she would be able to use that word to describe the yellow bot. She started feeling slightly worried before it was replaced with something else.
How dare he hide away from his duties as an Autobot because he was embarrassed. He wasn’t the only one struggling with his new status. Being the Autobot commander and essentially second-in-command of Cybertron was exhausting. Every moment she wasn’t recharging or refuelling she was working. B was not going to get away with skirting his duties.
She was gonna find him.
Where the frag was he?
Elita had spent nearly half the orn asking around for the little mech. No one had seen him since she had. Not Jazz, not Ratchet, not even Prowl, who was usually aware of all Autobot activity. The other scouts had gibed her about B-127’s unrivalled skills in what they called “Extreme Hide and Seek”.
“If B’s hiding from you there’s no chance you’ll find him” one taunted. Primus, she hated being around the scouts, nosy bunch.
“Wait, why do you think he’s hiding from me?”
“Why else would you be looking for him? He’s told us about how busy you are.” Another one answered.
“Well, you’re not helping!” She stormed off before they could peeve her off more.
Elita was definitely getting hangry, so she decided to stop to get energon before anyone could risk mentioning it to her. Everyone had really been enjoying the abundance of it. The decreasing rations had been affecting the cogless bots hard. She remembered after being transferred to waste management seeing how some of the supervisors were stealing others rations off the delivery lines for themselves. That was one of the first things she fixed, especially since many of the bots on lower levels didn’t leave their stations during their breaks. Mostly the bots on the sub-
The sub-levels
“The best hiding spots are ones that other bots don’t know exist.” B-127 told her that once while he was training to be a scout. He was mostly talking about places that taller bots couldn’t get to, but almost no one knew about the 10 extra sub-levels.
The elevator rattled more the lower it went. It was also getting noticeably hotter. The doors opened and after stepping out they surprisingly didn’t close behind her. Strange. She didn’t say anything at first, trying to hear any noise that wasn’t coming from the furnace.
She felt isolated.
Even though Elita knew she could contact anyone she wanted instantly, there was just something about the room emanated loneliness, but B had to be here.
She looked around. The room was small, nothing besides the furnace, the conveyor belt, and the trash chute.
One of the walls seemed to have a handle, and when she moved it... Another room! She pushed it over.
What on Cybertron?
The walls were lined with multicolour string lights. The room had a table and chairs, but in the chairs were 3 piles of trash. They were kind of bot shaped. She guessed one of these were what “Steve” was, who Orion supposedly killed and D-16 insisted wasn’t real. Primus this guy was weird. Just before she turned away, she saw it. There was something golden-yellow barely poking up from behind the table. Elita had to stop herself from groaning. Some hiding expert he was.
“B” He didn’t move. Elita crossed her arms.
“B-127 I can see you.” He slowly ducked out of view. Elita’s face scrunched up, “Get out here right now or so help me, I will drag you back up to Iacon by your finials.”
The bot cautiously stood up, looking anywhere except her face. Neither one said anything for a few moments. Elita tapped her finger against her arm, making sure B could hear it. He still did not say anything. Elita started feeling nervous again, B didn’t even recharge this quietly. She wouldn’t show it though, he wasn’t getting any pity from her.
“Well?” she prompted.
“Why are you down here?” He asked quietly.
“I could ask you the same thing.” Elita leaned forward, but B still didn’t look up. “Why are you hiding? Do you think I’ll just forget your screw-up if I don’t see you for a few orns?”
“I’m not hiding. You know I’m here now, you can go back to work.” He fidgeted with his servos.
“What, so you can keep sulking here?”
“I’m not sulking.” His voice was low, but a bit rough.
Had he been crying?
“Then why are you down here?”
“You were really mad at me the last time I messed up. You said I was running out of chances.”
“So?” Her gaze steeled. His breath hitched.
Was he going to cry again?
“Well, that’s what supervisors used to say to me before I would get demoted” their optics met, “and you were a supervisor…”
“So, you came down here?” She gripped her arms a bit tighter.
“I’ve never had a boss who was my friend before.” He looked down at his servos, still keeping his voice low. “I just didn’t want to see your face when you decided to give up on me.” Fluid dripped from his optics.
“Give up?” Her voice was suddenly much softer. She cleared her throat. “Why would you think I’d give up on you? We’re friends, you said it yourself.”
“Megatron was Optimus’ friend, and he dropped him to the centre of Cybertron.”
Elita felt a pang in her spark. That might have been the scariest moment of her life, including everything that happened leading up to it. B had been the one to stop her from trying to grab Orion as he plummeted. In the frenzy she might have fallen after him. B had probably saved her life.
She was definitely failing to hide her pity now.
They were both silent for a while, the furnace rumbling softly behind her. Elita sighed and walked around the table. B shrunk under her gaze. This was the first time she had ever felt bad about making a subordinate scared of her. She put her servos on his shoulders, taking care to be gentle, and bent down slightly to be at optic level with the scout.
He was definitely crying.
Elita wrapped her arms around him tightly. He tentatively moved his servos up to her back. She felt him shake.
“Are you not mad at me?” B’s voice quivered. She sighed, squeezing tighter.
“I’m not sure I am anymore.” Letting go to hold his shoulders again. He sniffled and she moved her servos to cup his face. “Why haven’t you answered any comms? Optimus is practically beside himself.”
“I didn’t know you guys were calling me.”
“What?! Is your commlink broken?” She turned his helm to look at his audials. He pulled her servos away from his face. They had tears on them.
“No.” He looked towards the furnace. “I’m pretty sure no signals reach down here from the surface.
Elita’s face scrunched. She turned away, reaching a digit up to her commlink.
“Optimus, come in.”
No response. She swore quietly.
“We’re going back to Iacon before the boss starts pulling walls down to find you.” She held her servo out. B hesitated.
“He’s looking for me?”
“Of course he is. Why wouldn’t he be?” B tapped his pedes nervously.
“I thought you guys were kinda fed up of me.” Elita chose not to address that. She grabbed his servo and pulled him towards the elevator. It was still open.
“How come these doors didn’t close behind me?”
“Cause they don’t open from this side. It’s so if somebot comes down here to get something they won’t get stuck.”
“But that means…” Her spark sank in her chassis.
“Yeah, I can’t call the elevator.”
She stared at him. She felt the rage she frequently had for Sentinel and his lackeys build up.
“So you planned on staying down here forever?” B started wringing his servos again.
“I dunno”
“Well how would you have come back up if I hadn’t found you here?”
“Optimus, Megatron and I climbed up through the chute.” He pointed at it. “I probably could have done that again.”
“Would you have?”
B didn’t answer.
“You’re coming back to Iacon with me.” She put a servo on his shoulder. “I cleared my schedule when I went looking for you so we can do whatever you want, ok?” She led him into the lift. He shrugged. “There are a couple movies I’ve been too busy to watch. We can watch them in my quarters if you want.”
“Sure” He smiled for the first time since she found him.
“We do have to go see Prime first. I’m a bit worried he has actually turned headquarters upside down in my absence.” B giggled. Elita felt a weight lift off her spark. Once the elevator started moving, she pulled him into another hug, more forcefully this time.
“Never scare me like that again, or I will actually kill you.”
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odiesdayoff · 5 months ago
Kinktober: Tommy Shelby
Pair: Modern!Thomas Shelby x fem!reader
Summary: Your roommate's father doesn't approve of your vape.
Warning: Age Gap/Best friend's father/Dubious Consent/Tom makes reader get high
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“I found it!” You yelled from across the dorm, your head poking out from behind the bed. Still partially stuck between the bed and the wall, you held up your strawberry-flavored weed pen to show Charlie. The amount of anxiety that losing it gave you was enough to realize that you and your roommate may have gotten a bit too reliant on the drug. 
You brought the pen to your mouth, but Charlie slapped it from your hand. “Dude, my family will be here in minutes! It can’t smell like Ganja Gooch in here.”
“What? You don’t have weed up in Birmingham?” You laughed. From what you knew about his family, they weren’t the most…clean cut people in the world. Why would they be upset over something so trivial as a weed pen? In your two years of being best friends with Charlie, you’d never met his parents. Only his Aunt Ada, who was sweet.
He placed the pen on your dresser. “Shut up. When are you parents coming?”
Most of the already small dorm room was covered in boxes, trash bags, and miscellaneous crap. “At 5. You’ll probably be moved out by then.” You pocketed the pen and began folding your bedding to shove it into the box it originally came in.
His phone started to ring. “That’s my mum. Are you sure you can’t go to Mary’s dorm?” You still weren’t sure of the reason that he was so cagey about his family. He had been to your house over Spring break this year and you were still in the dark.
“I have to finish packing.” It wasn’t a lie, you had put off packing until the final day. Studying for exams and final papers took up all of your free time. That and Mario Kart.
You knew that Charlie came from a rich family, but this was a new level that you haven't seen before. His father dressed like he was from the 1920’s or something, with a full suit and peaky cap. You could smell the cigarette smoke infused into his clothes before you could see him. 
His mother (or maybe step-mother, you weren’t sure) wore an elegant dress that was both fashionable and functional. Her deep brown hair was curled and pinned back. Her eyes lit up at the sight of you. “You must be the infamous Y/n!” She pulled you into a hug and you could smell her perfume mixed with a bit of her husband’s smoke. “You’re even prettier in person than in those silly Instagram photos Charlie posts.”
“It’s really lovely to meet you, Mrs. Shelby. I can’t believe we’ve been friends for so long and have never met before.” Charlie was still holding the door open for his little sister, Ruby, and didn’t hear your diss. 
She waved you off. “Call me Lizzie, dear. This is Thomas.” She pulled the sleeve of her husband and made him face you. He barely looked at you, though you did notice the way his eyes lowered down your body.
“I still don’t see why we had to be the ones to move Charles out, Lizzie. We can pay people for that.” Lizzie rolled her eyes. Why couldn’t he understand sentimentality and actually being present in the pivotal moments of his only son’s life? He only had one more year of university left. It was strange to hear him be called Charles. It felt all too fancy for someone so…normal. I suppose his father wouldn’t say the same. 
Lizzie scoffed. “Just start moving boxes, Tom.” She turned back to you. “So, where are you from?”
You decided to ignore Thomas. “Norwich.”
Charlie handed a smaller bag to Ruby while Thomas took a storage container. He pulled out his ID and opened the front door for the three of them. “The elevator’s already broken, so it’s lucky we’re on the first floor.”
Having Charlie’s side of the room empty was a surreal sight. So many memories that were made in the room were basically erased at this point.
You took the pen and opened a window, taking it in and blowing it out the window. “And here I thought you were little miss sunshine.” You began to cough and gasp for fresh air at the sudden voice. Turning around, you locked eyes not with Charlie, but with his father.
Smoke billowed from your mouth. “Mr. Shelby- I…thought you all had left.” You rasped out the words, reaching for a water bottle to try and soothe your throat. He smirked at your attempt to hide your distress.
“My wife left her purse. I see you didn’t waste a second with your…” He snatched the pen from your hand. “What is this? Can’t you get real weed here?”
“It’s easier to manage. And rechargeable.” He examined the pen, shaking his head. He brought the pen to his lips and took a hit. The smoke left his mouth in a way you’d never seen before. It was skilled, he didn’t even cough. It formed into rings that blew in your direction. 
“Can barely taste it. How much weed is actually in this?” He examines the pen, and then his glance shifts towards you. "I bet you can barely take it, yeah?"
You rolled your eyes. "I'm not that intolerant. I've been high before."
He tosses it to you. "Suck in until it blinks."
It was a bit of a surprise that he knew what a blinker even was. He seemed like the type to exclusively use one brand of cigarettes since he was a teenager. As if he'd step foot in one of the fancy dispensaries you and Charlie were used to.
You maintained eye contact as you put the tip of the pen in your mouth and began to suck the flavored smoke from it. It took only a few seconds for it to blink and you could finally exhale. It was as if your lungs had never touched oxygen before. They screamed at you to cough, but you didn't want to prove him right.
"Another." He ordered, taking a small step closer. You weren't sure if he was getting taller or if it was just a mix of weed and perspective.
The vape was already hot as you rested it on your bottom lip. You breathed in again, holding it until it blinked. The taste was much worse and the sting against your throat felt like fresh salt in an open wound.
You coughed, only once. Typically, it took you much longer to feel the instant effects of the drug, but you could feel your hands already trembling under the eye of Thomas.
He nodded, finally close enough to put his calloused hands on the soft skin of your waist. "Again."
Something about his gaze and the absolution in his voice made it impossible for you to deny what he wanted. Your shaky hand held the vape up and you sucked.
His slightly chapped lips pressed against yours once you took the pen from your mouth. All of the smoke leaving your system funneled into his. You couldn't deny the way his contact made your knees weak and thighs squeeze together.
The weed was taking effect rapidly. Your head was spinning as you tried to focus on him. His lips traveled from your lips to your cheek to your ear. "Tell me, have you and Charles ever had sex?"
The words briefly brought you out of the weed and lust-driven stupor. You shook your head. "No...we're just friends."
He laughed. "Are you gay?" You denied. "Is he gay?" Again, you denied. "How has he not ever taken the chance to bed you?"
You could barely answer. His hand trailed up your leg and under your thin dress. Nothing could hide the heat that emanated from between your legs.
His free hand took the vape from yours and pressed it against your lips. Instinctively, you took a deep breath in, letting the smoke fill your aching lungs once again. "Is it because you're a virgin? Or maybe...you have an affinity for older men?"
You nearly stopped feeling the warmth of his hand on your leg until he pressed his fingers against the now-damp fabric of your panties. It was humiliating how much he turned you on...and how much the feeling of being humiliated by him turned you on even more.
"Mr. Shelby.." You coughed out, your throat sore and stinging with each syllable. As much as you wanted to scream at him to actually touch you, it would be too much to say at once.
Thomas Shelby wasn't a mind-reader, but he could read when a woman wanted him. He slipped his fingers underneath your panties and pushed into you. Your slick cunt welcomed him in without resistance at all. "Want me to stop? Leaving you high and horny while I go back to my wife and children?"
You shook your head no, silently pleading for him to do something over then idly have his fingers knuckle-deep within you. He curled his fingers, hitting the spots that your own hand couldn't reach if you tried, and moaned into his shoulder.
"Take another and I'll keep giving you what you want." Dazed, you sucked more from the pen. It was far more than you were used to, especially in such a short amount of time. Your legs threatened to give out, for multiple reasons.
"Please..." Your fingers lightly caressed his pants. It had been a while since you had anyone touch you, let alone someone like him.
He got the idea, pulled his hand away, and quickly freed himself from the confines of his trousers. There were condoms somewhere in this room, hidden in one of the boxes so your family wouldn't see that you even thought about something as evil as sex.
There wasn't time to look. You needed him now and it was only a matter of time before Charlie and the rest of them got suspicious. You pulled your panties down to your ankles and allowed his knee to settle between your trembling legs.
His lips trailed against your ear. "I'm going to show you a real high."
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mae-gi-writes · 2 years ago
rile you up | lee Minho (xo kitty)
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You’re Minho’s latest form of entertainment and he cannot just get enough of riling you up.
Genre: romcom, slice of life, school!au, minho is a little dick
“Fuck you, Minho.”
“What a ray of sunshine you are on this fine day.”
You grit your teeth together, almost grind them to nothing, and repeat the words with even more conviction, “I said fuck you.”
”Watch that tongue sunshine, might fall out if you’re not careful,” Minho’s grin just widens at the way your eyes have narrowed into slights. If looks could kill, he would’ve been shot int he head twice, revived, and shot once again. But thankfully for him, your narrow-eyed stare is nothing scarier than a cute kitten ready to take her claws out.
It’s a boring, rainy and muddy Wednesday afternoon and you really don’t want to be here, in English Lit, listening to professor Lau drone on and on about love and friendship in the verses of Lord Byron’s poems and how, if you read in-between the lines and analyze the intonations, the words, the onomatopieas, you’ll find a much deeper definition of Lord Byron’s feelings.
And Minho sitting right beside you is not making it much easier.
“You’ve got a pimple growing on your left cheek,” Minho squints at your face as you turn away, cupping your face with your hands as your eyes find the lock tick, tick, ticking at the far end of the classroom. Thirty more minutes of this torture.
“Can you just stop hyper-analyzing me like I’m some kind of lab rat?I’m really not in the mood for this right now.” You snap back.
“Woah,” Minho sighs before he shakes his head, “you really did wake up on the wrong side of the bed today.”
“And you, my friend, need to mind your own business.”
“Minho and Y/N.”
Professor Lau’s voice causes both of them to wince, physically, before looking up to see the said old man with bespectacled glasses, the book of poems in his hand and his eyebrows raised as though he expected better.
If you’re being honest, you really do enjoy Professor Lau’s classes, normally. Normally.
But not today. Today, you’re having a completely off day. You woke up late, you couldn’t sleep at all last night, and all the coffee had run out by the time you’d made it to campus. Your grades are suffering and you’re currently trying to ploughing through all the assignments without drowning.
And the worst of it all, you miss home.
You miss your mom. You miss your family, your brother with whom you would fight with at every occasion and play Mario kart with. You missed your grandma, your aunts, the food they cooked, the shared laughter, the smiles…
You’re in so deep in your thought process that you haven’t even registered that Professor Lau is telling you off until he calls for your name that brings you back to attention.
“—yes?” Your eyes flit up to Professor Lau’s and a wave of emotion suddenly takes its toll on you. You try hard to blink back the sudden burn of tears at the corner of your eyes, crawling up your throat.
“I was expecting better of your behaviour, miss Y/N,” he says, pointedly looking between you and Minho with pursed lips, “in my office after class. You’re up for cleaning duty.”
Great. That’s exactly what you need. After everything.
Fucking. Great.
“These pretty hands cannot clean,” these are Minho’s first words as the rest of the class files out to leave you two alone on cleaning duty and as you had predicted, there are papers all over the place, test papers and pens and pencils, “I’ve taken care of my hands all these years. I am not ruining it just to clean a classroom.”
“You are so freaking dramatic,” you roll your eyes, standing up to find the cleaning supplies that are stacked at the back of the class, in the storage closet, “let’s just get this over with and we can both move on with our lives and I won’t have to see you again for the rest of this week.”
“What’s up your arse, dude?” Minho follows you, one hand leaning on the doorframe as you start pulling out the duster, the cleaning rags and the shiny new broom that Professor Lau is currently obsessed with, “you’ve been acting really weird.”
“What?” You scoff, proceeding to hand him the broom because you know he’s never going to be the one on his hands and knees cleaning the floors, “I’m not. I’m just tired.”
“No, you’ve been acting off all week. You’re all snappy, your dark circles are so prominent you look like a walking zombie and you keep asking me to go fuck myself,” Minho rolls his eyes, “also, how do you use this?”
“Jesus chri—“ you make a move towards him, grabbing the hand holding the broom while struggling to circle his back and grabbing the other, “you keep that thing steady, then you brush the dirt from this one—“ you grip his hand and shuffle it over the floor in a sweeping motion, “until it goes into the pan. Got it?”
It's only then you realize the warmth emanating from Minho's back. If you move a little closer, you could press your cheek against him. He smells like something citrus and fresh mint and man.
Somehow, it makes goosebumps explode all over your skin. You step back abruptly, noting the heat searing through your palms where you had touched him just as he turns to face you, "you seem to be a natural at this. Why don't you do it?"
"I'm gonna take care of the floors," you're glad for the distraction that comes in the form of the rag, for there's a knot of heat in the middle of your chest and you're not quite sure how to deal with it, "let's just get this over with."
There's a long moment of silence as both of you focus on your tasks, which helps to calm down your nerves. Somehow, the sound of Minho's brush is conforting to hear.
Until he speaks up, "so you're gonna tell me what's wrong?"
"Why should I tell you, of all people?"
"Because there's nobody else around and seeing you all mopey makes me actually feel bad for you."
You wipe off the dusty corner by the teacher's desk, "Do you have any ounce of decency in you somewhere?"
"Not when you're involved," Minho snickers.
You whip around, throw the balled-up rag at him and smirk in satiafaction when it hits him square in the head, "ow--what the fuck, Y/N?!"
Glad that you managed to piss him off, you turn and continue, "oops sorry. My hand slipped."
It's not ultimately Minho's fault that you're more anxious, more easily irritated than usual. So you can't really take it out on him. But he doesn't make it any easier either.
Thankfully, the rest of the cleanup goes smoothly as butter and he parts ways with the excuse that he needs to go find his aupposed lunch date, to which you merely rolles your eyes and headed for the dining hall alone.
It doesn't normally bother you to be alone. On the contrary, you relish in those silent moments of freedom without having to hear an earful from Kitty and Q, or having Yuri complain about yet another one of her life's family miseries.
But as you find a vacant seat by the door, you can't help but suddenly feel a little small in a room full of people who seem to be right where they should be. And something in your heart constricts and clenches so hard it causes a soft sob to die at the back of your throat.
You grip your spoon a little tighter and bite down so hard on your lip that you feel the tangy taste of blood.
It feels lonely.
You're kind of sick.
Not physically sick.
Just sick of hearing christmas carols ringing all over campus. Sick of smelling hot chocolate in the air, sick of seeing luggages being dragged on vacation.
Sick of being here.
For an international student, returning home for Christmas was never an option. The airplane ticket is too expensive for your familt to afford, and you wouldn't ever impose that on them. But if you had to admit to that selfish part of you; you wished you were privileged enough to get to fly out at every chance you got.
Alas, that is not the kind of life that you live.
So when the doorbell rings at seven-thirty in the morning on Christmas Eve, you're more than surprised to find none other than Minho standing by your door with his hands in his pockets.
"Wh--Yeah? What do you want?" You frown upon noticing the lack of luggage behind him. Knowing Minho, he packed like a diva.
He hums and peeks inside your flat, causing you to shuffle into his peripheral vision, "what do you want Minho?"
"You're not packed."
"Wise observation, smartass."
He brushes past you and strides inside, taking his shoes off casually by the door, "why not?"
"None of your business."
He throws you an exasperated look, "you gonna keep being like this?"
"I don't know, are you gonna keep annoying the hell out of me?"
He can't help the grin that spreads over his face at that, "you're fun to mess around with."
"Well for your information, it's not fun. Not for me," you don't hesitate to walk over before grabbing onto his arm and tugging over to the door, "really. I'm fine. Now leave."
"I'm surprised you're not going home for Christmas," he continues as you're pushing him out of the door.
It stings, "why?"
"International kids usually do," he folds his arms, proceeds to lean into the open doorway and you got another whiff of his scent, "what? Daddy didn't want to pay for you this time?"
"My dad died. Two years ago."
There's surprise first, that flashes through his eyes. Then realization slowly dawns.
There’s some kind of weight in your chest. Like your heart has just broke.
"What?" You laugh but it's dry and twisted, "cat got your tongue? Too shocked to speak? Poor little Y/N, who doesn't have a father to pay off her credit card bills, right?"
"I didn't know--"
"Of course you didn't. You never asked."
"I'm--" he swallows, looks away, "—sorry."
You scoff, "don't. It's okay. I've been over it for the past two years."
It's not what he says but rather the way he looks at you that makes your insides shrivel up with dread and fear and the idea that he'll never look at you the same way ever again.
Because the thing is, no matter how much Mjnjo teases you, bullies you into oblivion, you do enjoy the attention, the banter. It's almost as if it's better than just being ignored altogether.
And amidst all his teasing and his annoying personaity, there are bite and smidges of Minho's kindness smattered in-between, flecks of tenderness that makes your heart soar, your brrath
To have such a man look down at you, pity you, makes you want to be sick.
"Y/N--" you cut him off before he can even try to make it up to you, "it's fine, Minho. Just drop it--"
"Wha--I said I was sorry, don't give me that look--"
"I said drop it!" You swerve around on him, anger bubbling from deep within your chest as blood pulses through, rushes through you, "for one goddamn second, can you just leave me alone?! I don’t need this—this constant bullying of your part! It’s tiring and it’s just so goddamn frustrating and humiliating so will you just stop?!”
The shocked silence that follows your sudden outburst is heavy. If the tension had been thick before, it’s now so hard you can barely cut it with a knife. You try to regulate your staccato breaths, try not to let your body take over your mind as you focus on breathing in, breathing out, breathing in. Breathing out. Just like that.
Calm. Like water. Like you’re a river that never stops.
“Just go, Minho,” your words are bitter. You can barely look his way, an overwhelming surge of irritation, guilt and hurt swimming through you.
Thankfully, the young man seems just as surprised as you are and leaves without even a backward glance. That’s when you finally cave in and allow your legs to crumble to your floor. Pressing your head against the door, your body instantly gives into the sadness that crumbles through you like used up tissue, soaking in all the tears that are suddenly cascading down your cheeks without restraint.
You cry yourself to sleep that night.
“Minho, I’m really sorry about my behaviour.”
You stare.
Your reflection stares back.
Shit. This doesn’t feel right. You close your eyes, exhale a soft breath, and open them once more only to find a set of familiar brown eyes gazing back at you.
It’s just the day after Christmas and though the majority of your friends were still off campus, you’re well aware that a certain Korean young man has decidedly stayed back because of his mother’s offshoot shooting commercial.
However, you still hadn’t gotten the guts to go back and ask him for a formal apology yet. Did you even need one when he’d been the one prodding you with a stick like he would with a nest of aggressive bees?
Oh well. You decided you’d be the bigger person and make the first move. As always.
So you look back to your reflection with renewed determination, take a deep breath before forcing the words out, “I am really sorry for my shitty behaviour, Minho, I should’ve—no,” you shake your head, start again and clasp your hands together for good measure, “I’m really sorry if I offended you in any way, I was hurt—no. God. I sound so pathetic.” You can’t help but curse at the mirror.
Inhale. Exhale. Deep breath. And you try once more, this time adding a small smile.
“I’m really sorry for everything that I said. I was being a bit insensitive and wasn’t in the right headspace—“ you break off with a frustrated snarl, “god! Why is it so hard to apologize to the dude?!”
“The dude’s standing right here.”
Shocked, you swivel around only to find none other than the said question in person leaning against your doorway, eyebrows raised and a semblance of a smirk lining his lips.
“M—Minho,” you feel like slapping yourself for sounding like a stuttering goldfish. Quickly, your hands smooth down your sweater, hiding them in the big bell sleeves as your eyes find everything — anything, to get off his face, “what—what are you doing here?”
“I was looking for you, actually.”
You’re still not looking, deciding that the faint crack in your dorm room is much more interesting.
Minho’s footsteps approach as he strides close, close enough that you get a whiff of his expensive cologne and restrain yourself from sighing out loud.
The bastard smells too good, you feel like crying.
“Why?” He scoffs, “isn’t it obvious?”
“Not really.”
“Alright. Fine,” you’re still not looking at him, which is why you almost jump out of your skin the moment you feel the gentlest graze of his fingertips at your jaw.
“Wha—“ you stutter, eyes flashing up to his on instinct.
Dark brown meets swirls of maroon. You almost lose your breath.
In the mid-morning light with sunshine falling over half of his face, Minho looks like he’d just walked out of some fashion magazine.
“What are you…doing?” You manage to murmur out. Barely.
It’s hard to concentrate when he’s right there, in your personal space, looking a little too dashing for his own good.
“You’re right. I was being a selfish dick to you two days ago,” his grip on your chin is firm, his dark eyes even firmer, “so I’m sorry if you took it the wrong way.”
You laugh, “wait—is Minho actually apologizing? To me?”
“Don’t get used to it.”
“But this is a legendary moment,” you fake a mocking gasp at him, “I should record this right now.”
“Don’t make me regret it, Y/N.”
Chuckling, your eyes crinkle up as you allow yourself to roam over his features, “okay okay, I’ll stop.”
Minho fidgets and doesn’t say anything back. Weird, considering that he has a comeback for everything. You feel his hand drop from your chin as he takes a step back, lips pressed together and face looking like he’s uncomfortable being here.
Do you make him uncomfortable? It’s not a sight you’re used to seeing. Something tugs at your heartstrings but you try and ignore it.
“What is it?” You ask instead.
“There is…” his eyes dart away, “something I need to tell you.”
His hand drops. Instantly, cold swoops in.
“About me. And you.”
You squint, “Minho I swear, if this is one of your stupid jokes again—“
“I like you.”
You blink.
He gazes back. His eyes. They’re gazing straight at you. Focused. Intense. Hot.
So hot it causes a flame to burst in your chest.
Wait…your mind backtracks, what?
“You—“ your mouth opens. Closes. Opens once more, "I'm sorry--what?"
His eyes answer in his stead. Dark orbs swirling with a depth that makes your skin explode in goosebumps. You realize, all too soon, how close you are, how -- if you want -- you can diminish the space between just with one single step forward.
"I like you," he says it honestly. Somehow, you relish in the way he says it. Clear and transparent. No inside games, no beating around the bush, "maybe more than a little."
You sense a but. "And?"
He rolls his eyes, "and maybe I just don't know how to show it."
"You mean, acting like a five year old boy who bullies his crush for fun because he likes her?"
"Something like that."
"Okay," you drag out the word in hopes that it will hide the way your heart suddenly skips a beat, the way your legs feel weaker at the knees, "so what--what now?"
"Well, that's the part where you tell me you like me back--" Minho catches himself upon seeing you raise a brow at him, "--or not. Your choice, your rules, doll."
Doll? You can feel the flame bursting through your chest and squeezing your heart. It aches so much it hurts, though it seems that your smile can't help tugging at the corners of your lips as you watch him and despite his seeming nonchalance about the whole matter, there's the slightest sheen of pink that gives him away.
Cute. Your brain chants.
"Well," you tilt your chin up in what you hope is a confident manner, "you normally take a girl out to dinner first."
"Is that a yes?" Minho smirks.
"Did you hear what I said?"
"Yes, yes I heard alright. Fine," he sighs and crosses his arms over his chest, "tomorrow night. Dinner. Be ready by six. I'll pick you up."
"Tomorrow? But wait I--"
"You better be there, doll."
And with that, he swivels on his feet and walk away while whistling a soft tune, leaving your heart flooded with a tide of mixed emotions that erupt through your chest and butterflies running along your skin.
Minho: I'll come pick you up by six. Be ready then. Wear something cute but casual. Nothing fancy.
Y/N: i like how you're telling me how to dress up when you're the one who's supposes to be wooing me.
Minho: oh you don't have to worry about that.
The way he replies so smoothly has goosebumps running along the back of your neck and you squeeze your hands into fists. You're still sitting on your bed, trying to digest all this new information as another flurry of messages burst through your phone, probably fron Kitty's latest reaction your news.
Kitty: what?! Minho?! And you?! He asked you out?!!! Omg how did I not see this coming!!!
Y/N: i thought you were a matchmaker.
Kitty: well YEAH before he went and ruined it!!! Anyway, what are you WEARING?!
Y/N: i have absolutely no idea. He said something cute but casual, so I'm guessing there's not gonna be any fancy dinners or anything.
Kitty: omg!! Minho and casual doesn't sound right. Maybe he really is trying to woo you!!
Y/N: should I wear shorts? Pants? A skirt?
Kitty: definitely no pants. Maybe that cute skater skirt you wore to Yuri's party last semester?
So you do. The skirt's baby blue colour contrasts well with the simple white tshirt you decided to wear with it, and throwing on a beige cardigan and some white sneakers complete the look. You add a small blue bow into your hair to match, and take one last look at yourself in hopes that you're looking exactly how Minho wants you to--
No. That's the wrong way to go about it. Minho likes you. Yes. You. Not the girls he's always so uses to seeing. You don't have to impress him.
That’s how you meet him right outside your door, with your newly-found resolve as you catch the simple white tee and ripped jeans, hair styled just the way he likes it, just enough to make every woman’s heart swoon.
His eyes do a once-over, “not bad, Y/N. You clean up nice.”
“Not bad?” You scoff, “I’m sure there are much better adjectives to use.”
He grins, “we’ll see.”
Minho brings you over to the Han river by electric scooter, with you standing in front and holding on to the handlebars as he guides you across the street even though it’s technically illegal for people to do such a thing. But with the wind in your hair and Minho’s warmth at your back, you don’t find yourself complaining.
“Han river?” You raise a brow at him as he parks and pays for his e-scooter ride, “really? So cliche.”
“The Han River is a classic,” he looks at you pointedly, “and I’ll have you know, I’ve never brought anyone here before.”
“Ooh, does that mean anything?” You wriggle your brows and he scoffs, looks away, “shut up.”
You weren’t expecting him, of all people, to be a fan of romantic gestures such as this. But when he parks his scooter in favor of walking alongside you by the trail — even with his multiple complaints about the dirt being too dirty and people needing to revisit their wardrobe fashion — you can’t help but wonder how much effort he’s putting into just being with you. Because knowing Minho, walking on crushed grass and having his shoes in dirt is quite a big deal.
“Look, do you want to be swooned or not?” He replies when you ask him the question, even looks offended that you’d dared ask such a thing, “I thought girls loved it when boys brought them here.”
“Yes I know that,” your grin is so wide that you’re surprised it hasn’t broken your face in two yet, “and don’t get me wrong. I love it, but I never thought you—of all people — would bring me here, of all places. It’s just not…”
“Not what?” He scowls.
“Just not you,” you confess, and then, seeing that his frown seems to take a permanent fixture on his face, you quickly add, “so the fact that you’re doing it…thanks. It means…something. You know?”
Heat springs through your cheeks at the sudden confession and you quickly look away, anywhere, but not before glancing at Minho to see that he has a faint smile dancing across his lips.
As the evening wears on, you get to talk about everything and anything; from worries about your future and the rigorous routine of adult life, about which game box is better and which restaurant serves the best korean noodles, which Minho argues does not exist, considering that every single noodle joint in Seoul is a pro in making them.
"We're the city of noodles and gimbap, obviously there's more than one good noodle stop."
"You speak like someone who hasn't tasted Uncle Cha's food yet. You know, the snack from across the road to campus."
Minho's nose wrinkles, "nah I'm good--"
"Oh no you don't," you grab onto his arm before he has a chance to run away, "nu-uh. Let's go get them right now, actually."
Surprisingly awed by Cha's cuisine, Minho has no other choice than to grumble out a faint agreement. It's no secret that it makes your day.
"But the environment--" Minho shudders, "I think I saw a cockcroach scuttling about in there."
“Oh yeah,” you let your eyes follow the wall and trail back up to him, pointing at his face, “there’s one.”
Shoving you playfully, he pulls out his tongue in such a childish manner you can’t help but burst out laughing.
You decide to take the walk back along the Han River even if it makes a detour, stopping by a coffee shop to grab some hot chocolate. The city lights now illuminate the city like stars scraping the earth’s surface and you can’t help but feel amazed by how beautiful the scenery is, with the wind trickling through your hair and soft music from busking sessions in the background.
“I’ve never actually walked along the Han River before,” you confess to him as you gaze down at the black waters sloshing against the river edge, “thanks, Minho.”
He has the look of a satisfied five year old child who got a gold star for his best behaviour, “you’re welcome.”
“Who knew you’d be the one to bring me here?” You jostle his shoulder playfully before taking a sip of your hot chocolate.
“What’s that you’re implying?” He frowns.
“That you’ve surprised me and my expectations.”
“And that’s supposed to be a compliment?” He looks horrified and dramatic, “you’re harsh, Y/N. I’ll have you know, I haven’t—“ he stops himself just in time for you to swoop in and push, “yeah? You haven’t what?”
“Nevermind,” he sips his own drink and you notice the way his ears have turned red.
You giggle, “tell me, have you gone on dates before?”
“Wha—of course I have! What kind of question is that?!” You keep on laughing and laughing at his face, shaking your head as you try and muffle your chuckles the best you can, “oh god—oh my god, you never have. It’s written all over your face—“
“You talk too much,” he mutters into his drink and turns away from you, ears as red as a fire engine.
You nudge him, smiling, loving that side of him that he’s never really shown anyone before. Because you all know the cool, confident Minho. But this, this side of Minho is uncharted territory.
And you’re all here for it.
“Why not, though?”
His eyes narrow as he looks back at you, “what?”
“Why haven’t you brought anyone out before?’ You fidget with your cup, glad that it’s warming your hands so you can busy yourself with something, “because I’ve seen you, with different types of girls. All the time—“
“Yeah that didn’t mean anything.”
“But you still went out with them.”
“Is that jealousy I hear in your voice?”
“What?” Heat flushes through you, “no, I just—“
That’s when you feel it. His hand, fluttering up to yours. He pries your hold from your cup gently before bringing it down between you, fingers entangling with yours like they’re meant to be there in the first place.
And when your eyes flutter to lock onto his, there’s liquid warmth in those pools of brown, a tenderness you’ve seldom seen before.
“This is new too,” he murmurs then, “all of this.”
Your heart skips a beat. There are no words to be said.
You swallow thickly, look away, and don’t miss the soft chuckle that falls from his lips as he keeps swinging your hands back and forth between you, his smile a permanent fixture on his face. One that your lips mirror faintly as you keep walking back towards your dorms in comforting silence.
“Was that romantic enough for you?”
Minho’s question is met with a chuckle from your part as you finally reach your dormitory. A few stray students are still studying deep into the night, some already asleep on the deep blue couches in the common room as you make your way through, hands still entertained from earlier.
Your heart has been skipping and rollerblading into ecstasy ever since.
“Hmm,” you hum, even tilting your head in thought, “guess so. Though if I had any complaints—“
“You wouldn’t tell me, because there aren’t any,” Minho finishes for you, “right?”
“Oh i have plenty, but I’ll keep it for another time,” you flash him a mischievous smile. You’ve reached your corridor by that time, your words causing Minho to shoot you a suggestive look.
“another time?” He repeats with a cock of his brow.
You bite your lip and look away to avoid the fact that there’s a faint, yet growing smile on your face, “yeah. Maybe.”
The said young man’s lips pulls into a small smile, “I can work with that.” He murmurs, and something warm pools in the middle of your chest.
It’s hard to control yourself around Minho especially when he’s not being a little shit. Because the fact is; he’s very enticingly charming and likable.
“Well, that’s me,” you’ve reached your door then, glad that for once your dorm room is free of activity since both your roommates have gone home for the Christmas season, and turn towards Minho.
“Thanks you, for tonight,” your cheeks are warm with heat but you can’t resist grinning up at him, “I had more fun than expected.”
Minho sucks in a dramatic breath, “wow. I think i finally got a compliment out of your mouth.”
“Trust me, that’s me being nice.”
“I know,” he flashes a grin at you and before you know it, his arm has gone up to press against the doorway, caging you in and suddenly making you feel smaller than you are already. His body heat rolls into you in waves, the scent of his boyish cologne making you dizzy as your body leans into him unconsciously.
“So,” he breathes. He’s so close, so close that if you move just a little, your noses would brush, “since I’ve taken you out on a date, do I get to kiss you now?”
Air stills in your lungs. Your teeth find your lower lip.
“It depends,” your whisper is so soft he barely catches it, too enthralled by the way your mouth curves and moves with the words, “will you take me out again?”
“If her highness wishes,” Minho chuckles, tilting his head so that your noses brush. Electricity zaps through your body, goosebumps raising at the back of your neck, “I’ll take you wherever you want.”
Your eyes lock. There’s warmth, want. Desire swimming through his own pools of brown.
“Sounds like a promise,” you breathe, “so when will that—“
The way he says your name has a knot tightening in your stomach. Your body tenses in anticipation.
He’s gazing at you as if he’s only just seeing you. His lips are so close, you can feel his breaths on your lips. Hot against cold. He smells divine.
You’re so lost in your own daydream that you respond a few seconds late, “y-yeah?”
“Do me a favor?”
One hand cradles your cheek. You freeze.
“Stop talking.”
And before you can do anything else, his mouth presses against yours.
Fireworks explode. Behind your eyelids. Through your body. Blood races and your brain goes fuzzy with want and desire as Minho’s other hand wraps around your waist to tug you in, his other hand clasping your jaw firmly as he kisses you. Once. Twice. He’s a good kisser, yet so gentle and tentative.
You’re taken by surprise for a few seconds, before you finally melt into him and kiss him back. A sigh escapes you as your hands go up to wrap around his neck, and the groan of satisfaction he lets out makes your entire nerves buzz with delight.
Tilting his head to the side to kiss you deeper, longer, you let out a gasp against his mouth as he pulls you even closer still, as if he can’t get enough of you. You haven’t realized you’re pressed to the door until your back meets the hard wood underneath and you yelp softly at the way his tongue swipes over your bottom lip to ask for entrance.
He kisses you softly, yet so firmly as if you’re the only thing keeping him alive, satiated. His hand at your hip moves up, tracing the back of your spine, the side of your rib cage before brushing against the corner of your bra and making you squirm while your hands curl into his hair. You tug, causing a grumble to echo out of Minho’s chest. His tongue darts in and you part for him like melted butter so that he can kiss you and ravage you without restraint.
Everything falls away, with only Minho being your anchor. You smell him, feel him against you, and want nothing else other than the dizzying rush that makes your stomach erupt with fireflies.
Your mouths part with a pop and he takes this chance to nip at your jaw, littering kisses down your neck before suckling on a soft patch of skin. Your body reacts instantly, curving into him as your lips part in a soft, minuscule moan. That’s enough to snap him back to attention.
He gazes up at you, chest heaving and all heavy breaths. His lips are swollen and red and just so beautiful. Hair tousled like he’s just tumbled out of bed and you quickly decide that’s the look you love best on him.
The curfew bell sounds and he curses.
“Minho,” you murmur when he leans in, noses brushing to capture your lips into his once more. You sigh, eyes falling shut as he takes your next set of words away.
It’s almost as if he’s drunk on you, as if he just can’t get enough.
The thought makes you shiver. Your heart swells with emotion.
“Minho,” you murmur once more against his lips. He groans, pulls away onto to bury his face into your neck and humming, “yeah?”
“Curfew’s in two minutes.”
“I know,” he’s pressing open-mouthed kisses over your collarbone and you can’t help but whimper and cradling his head closer to you despite trying to make sense of your thoughts.
“Y—You should go,” you stutter out but it’s almost like you’re talking to yourself. He’s clearly in his own world, suckling onto your skin and leaving purple marks to claim you as his. He pulls away, groaning appreciatively at the sight you make.
“Do I really have to go?” His dark eyes — darker than you’ve ever seen them — flickers over your features. There’s a kind of hunger to them that makes you shiver.
“Yes,” you stammer out, heart almost bursting out of your chest when the boy merely tugs you close before he rests his head atop yours. He holds you, breaths you in, and your eyes close on their own accord, taking in the moment like it’s the last.
“I’ll see you in the morning,” his whisper grazes the shell of your ear and you shiver. He pulls back and there’s the kind of crooked smile that makes your heart tighten, “goodnight, Y/N.”
“Good night, Minho,” you murmur and dropping a last kiss atop your temple, you watch him walk away, raising a salute with his hand as he does so.
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ps-cactus · 1 month ago
Headcanons for the Gaunts in the early 1890s
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...and for Ominis staying at the Gaunt Manor, a place he calls "there."
Disclaimer: These are headcanons that work for me in my writing (recently posted a chapter of Ominis at home and my head nearly exploded of everything I had to keep in mind for that, so I'm 'clearing my storage') Of course I don't expect these will work for everyone.
CWs: Any you would expect from these people. Primarily - Toxic Family Dynamics, different forms of Abuse. General darkness.
The Gaunts
The family is still recognized for their pureblood lineage, but they're far less financially comfortable than they'd like people to believe. They rely on old connections rather than building new ones.
They had some issues with Aurors, with certain conflicts becoming personal for a while. Investigations have put more pressure on the family and forced them to spend a lot of money buying their way out of trouble.
Other pureblood families are growing more hesitant to marry into the Gaunt line—especially when it comes to the Gaunt sons.
Innate abilities, in addition to Parseltongue, can include Legilimency and/or Occlumency. More about Ominis in his section below.
The transition to Parseltongue can be unconscious, reflexive response to hearing it.
Ivraxus Gaunt (Father)
Works at the Ministry, Department of International Magical Co-operation, the International Magical Trading Standards Body, handling inspections, audits, and licensing. He will last there few more years while his 'friends' let him.
While he maintains a polished front at work and formal gatherings, his methods at home are far harsher, relying on intimidation to keep others in line.
He arranges (or tries to arrange) marriages for his children to maintain sacred alliances.
His wife’s declining health disturbs him—not out of love, but fear. Her loss would represent the crumbling of his already fragile household and it reminds him of his own eventual end. This fear alternates between withdrawal and bursts of anger.
Disapproves of Ominis holding a wand in his hand unless it is absolutely necessary for navigation.
He has a collection of expensive firewhiskeys and usually drinks after work.
Merope Gaunt (Mother)
Her voice is frail and ghostly, and her presence seems to fade into the background. Chronically ill all her life, and her health worsened with every child she bore. She was unable to have more children after Ominis.
She never blames her children in her state and avoids conflict at all costs—not even for her children’s sake, but to protect herself.
If some fight breaks out, she leaves, never offering comfort to anyone involved.
If forced (typically by her husband, if he’s busy) to intervene, she will do the bare minimum to diffuse tension before hurrying away. She prefers to turn away and forget.
Yes, Marvolo named his daughter after her. No, he never loved either of them.
Marvolo Gaunt (Older Brother) sighs
Volatile and aggressive, quick to issue threats or escalate conflicts.
Since graduation, he’s spent much of his time abroad; because of this, he didn’t meet Ominis for a year and a half.
Engaged to Miss Burke, he shows no real interest in the marriage but never opposes it. It’s possible he has feelings for someone else.
He was openly hostile to Ominis from the moment his younger brother was born, seeing him as competition for attention. Marvolo also felt unnerved by Ominis' perceived 'abnormality,' a term whispered frequently at home.
Korentha Malfoy, née Gaunt (Older Sister, the oldest child)
Embraces the family's traditions and social obligations, enjoying all the gatherings and taking pride in her pureblood status.
Quick to lecture Ominis for his "manners." For her, he is an unfortunate disgrace in the family, that affects her as his relative.
Married shortly before the mentioned major conflicts with Aurors. Her marriage into the Malfoy family is seen as the Gaunts’ greatest alliance in years, one their father takes immense pride in. It won't last, though: the marriage will 'cease to exist' within a few years. She also has a son who will never have children of his own.
Side note for their names: The same "alphabetical distance" for father and kids: I-K-M-O
The Gaunt Manor is large, drafty, and perpetually cold. Ominis is constantly freezing despite fireplaces (that are too small for the vast rooms), and warming charms that seem to wear off too quickly.
Noctua's house, the family's second and last property, was left to Ominis in her will. He deeply resents how his parents treat this inheritance like a tool to control him. He has no intention of living there and plans to sell it the moment he gains true independence (after graduation), using the money to start a new life (tells himself it's to not feel like a burden to anyone ever again)
Noctua-Marvolo-Ominis side note (Korentha didn't like her): Noctua was kind to all children, including Marvolo, who loved her back. Until Ominis was born. With Ominis needing protection the most, Noctua's attention shifted to him. Marvolo's jealousy soon turned into violence toward Ominis and their aunt. Their father subtly encouraged Marvolo’s behavior, leading him to think, "Daddy loves me and loves me more than them." He'd kill and maybe die for his father's approval.
Ominis at home there
Keeping Appearances
He rarely spent much time there during summers, usually staying just long enough to prepare for school: he had to buy new clothes, books, etc. He had to maintain connections to use them (like saving Sebastian from detentions).
After fifth year: For the first time since starting Hogwarts, Ominis was forced to endure an entire summer break there.
While there, Ominis is obligated to attend all the dinners and gatherings, where he must act polite and respectful to the honored guests.
He is aware that every move he makes is monitored. Sending or receiving owls while at the manor won't go unnoticed. Ominis avoids it, and his friends understand to do the same to avoid questions and more threats.
Traumas & Coping
He flinches at loud sounds and tries to hide it (by shifting his weight or clasping his hands tightly).
Doesn't allow himself tears, even when he's alone.
Keeps a countdown of how many months/days remain until he’s free of his family.
Has nighttime anxiety and sleeplessness that worsens there.
Dissociates during punishments, struggles to recall them afterward.
Has an innate ability for Occlumency, it comes from a strong instinct to protect himself and stay safe within his mind. This powerful mental resistance once injured his father when he attempted to access Ominis' thoughts.
Some of Personality & Inner Conflict
Mr sarcastic remarks.
Skilled at masking his emotions, maintaining control during conversations. However, this control can slip if his anger is repeatedly triggered. (When alone and spiraling, he may physically lash out by punching things. When it happens near someone he doesn’t feel threatened by, he raises his voice or shouts.)
He's adept at giving his father the answers the latter wants, or at least enough to deflect suspicion (works only if his father is willing to listen, of course).
Would feign indifference toward people he cares about to shield them but feels physically sick afterward for saying things he doesn’t mean.
Deep down, he feels unworthy of help, friendship, or love. These thoughts overwhelm him when he feels he’s made mistakes.
Even so, remembering the voices, presence, and touches of his friends, calms and grounds him.
Still, he clings to the idea of leaving home forever, refusing to become like the rest of his family. Noctua's voice in his memories encourages him, saying, "You’re nothing like them." He's not interested in any kind of revenge, he just wants to be free.
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sailorholly · 11 months ago
Between Us Pt 5
Summary: You and Spencer had a casual relationship. A misunderstanding ruins it all.
Pairing: Spencer Reid × F. BAU Reader
Warnings: Friends with benefits. Angst. Pregnancy.
See my Masterlist Here
Part 4
“Pregnant? How did this happen? I mean, I know how it happened but - Wow!” He runs over to you, placing one large had on your nonexistent bump. “I can’t believe we are pregnant. How far along are we?” Anger and disbelief surge through you.
“First of all, I am pregnant. Me, not you.” Spencer’s smile drops, “I’m sorry, I didn’t mean it like that.” You sigh, this was a better reaction than you were expecting. You thought he would freak out. Although, you aren’t sure why. Spencer loves kids. He was never mean to you before. He wasn’t like the guys you normally dated.
“No, I’m sorry. These hormones are ridiculous. I know what you meant. And to answer your other question, the doctor said about six weeks. But, that was over a week ago. I’m probably almost eight weeks now. I have an ultrasound scheduled for the end of the week if you would like to come with me.” He looks hopeful, nodding his head as his smile widens. “Of course I would love to go. This is great. I gotta call my mom. I’ll clean out my spare bedroom so we can turn it into a nursery. I’ll need help moving some of my things into storage so we will have room for your stuff too. Maybe Morgan will help.”
“Wait, my stuff?” You ask, interrupting his rambling. “Yeah, you’ll be bringing your stuff too. You can put what we don’t have room for in storage with my things.” You cross your arms, preparing to argue. “Why would I bring my stuff to your place?” Spencer scrunches up his nose, “Because you’ll be living there?” He looks just as confused as you are.
“I’m not moving in with you, Spencer. Your spare bedroom is too small for me and the baby. There’s not enough room. Plus, you don’t need me there with our baby. That would be so hard to explain when you bring women home.” You mentioned other women because you were fairly certain his relationship with Ashley wouldn’t last. You place your hands on your hips, trying to understand his silly logic.
“I thought you could sleep with me, and the baby would have their own room. Why would I bring women home when I’m dating you?” Your eyes feel like they are going to pop out of your head. “Spencer, we aren’t dating.”
“But, I thought we would be a family now that you’re pregnant.” He explains. “We will be a family, but one that coparents. You’re going to be a great dad, Spence. I would never keep your baby from you. But, this doesn’t change anything between us. You didn’t want me before, and I don’t like that you only want me now because you got me pregnant.”
“But that’s not why I-“ “I don’t want to argue about this. We are really good friends and I would like it to stay that way for the baby.” “Okay.” He agrees, but you can tell you hurt his feelings, so you change the subject to what you will need for the baby.
You make a list, putting double the items down since Spencer will keep them at his apartment too. He’s going to ask for a leave for the first two months after the baby is born so he doesn’t miss anything. He will be staying at your apartment during those months. When he’s comfortable enough to have the baby alone, you will work out a new schedule.
Spencer orders some parenting books for the both of you online. He is so excited. You’re thankful that he’s the father, he’s a great guy. You just wish it could have worked between the two of you. “How are you going to tell Ashley? I don’t think it will go well.” You tell him, scrunching your face up. His face falls, “I forgot about Ashley.”
@cindylynn @wheredafandomat @multifandom-worlds @loz-3 @megharat-barnes-reid @kats72 @mochie85 @cakesandtom @spenciesprincess @kimm4710 @tmilover1993 @nomajdetective @cynbx @comboboo @134340ona @wannabewolf @weirdothatwritess @silver-tongue-taken-to-bed @freegardenbanananeck @lover-of-books-and-tea @maybe-not-this @drewsandsebastianswife @lamentis-10 @lizzyk137 @hypotheticallyspeakingwitch @rosylnsworld @amortencjja @ah-blossom @dreamsarebig @khxna @diasnohibng @nommingonfood @sp3ncelle @pleasantwitchgarden @isakslilsmile @lavvylove @creaming4daddy @justdianaz @aubs444 @im-this-girl @xblueriddlex @spencerreidsgf420 @witchsbitchestime @lovelyygirl8 @chonkybonky @prentissesredtanktop
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redsrooftopprincess · 4 months ago
hey so how do you think Mikey’s brothers would deal with him being the first to get a girlfriend and she’s a human one at that. Cuz they clearly never thought any of them would find someone and it’s their baby brother who did the miracle of finding someone? 😂
Hi there! I'm not sure if this is exactly what you're looking for, but you're here so I assume you want my Mikey. Hope this is okay. 😅
Turned Tables
Michaelangelo x gn!Reader
Warnings: Queerphobia
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4am and it's last call in The Village.
He's moving swiftly over rooftops, his usual route, a master of speed and momentum, moving through the city like water. He loves it. The rush. The flow. Moving around obstacles like they mean nothing. He is a turtle after all. Water is kind of his jam.
But not tonight. Tonight the heartbeat pounding in his ears has nothing to do with the thrill of movement. Tonight he's wearing his hoodie with the hood up. Tonight they're with him. And if he's spotted, there will be problems.
There have been whispers about suspicious gang movement in the area, and Leo wants to make sure that certain alliances aren't being made. They usually don't come out here. They have designated areas of the city to cover every night. It's smarter to stick to the same areas so that anything out of place will be more noticable. Which means tonight his bros were on his turf, and that scared the shit out of him.
He follows his brothers over storage sheds and HVAC units, keeping an eye out for anything out of place, occasionally glancing down into the streets below, knowing you'll be heading home after the party. Even if he can't say "hi" tonight, it's worth it just to look at you, even if just for a second. You're so damn pretty.
"Hey! Back off, incel!" the shout comes from the street below and he freezes. His brothers manage to get three buildings away before they notice he's missing.
By the time they make it back to the rooftop where he left them behind, he's already put himself, openly, between a group of four drunk bros, and several sparkly queers.
You and your crew had been on your way home from a party. Ironically enough, you'd just been missing your bright-eyed boyfriend, but understood when he said his brother needed the whole team tonight. You knew the score when this whole thing started. Superheroes gotta superhero.
And damn if he doesn't look good doing it.
Hood still up he glares at them, a low growl backing his words, "Wrong neighborhood, my dudes." Mike says evenly.
The look on the drunk bros faces was enough to know they were thinking maybe they'd had too much.
"Fuck it. Not worth it anyway. Fucking queers."
The dude-bros stumble off and Mike turns to face his very relieved friends. "You guys okay?" He says.
"Yes, thank you, papí," says a Drag Queen in red sequins, she walks up and gives him a kiss, leaving red glitter lipstick on his cheek.
"You know I got you, mamí," Mike says brightly, with a wink, making no effort to wipe the lipstick away. At this point they're most likely watching everything from the rooftop, so it didn't matter anymore.
"We missed you at the party," you say with a smile.
His gaze falls on you and his showman smile morphs into something softer. "Hey, Angel."
You look back at your friends.
"Let me guess," says a man wearing gold shorts and matching cuffs/collar, "you'll catch up?"
You grin and they sigh dramatically, teasing you, as they hug Mike goodbye, thanking him and insisting he show up at the next party.
You step forward and grab his mask tails, pulling him down into a kiss. Usually it's enough to melt the tension away. Not tonight. You pull back and look at him curiously before your gaze moves past him and you see black shadows cut out against the light polluted sky. You meet his eyes again and you can see the underlying panic.
"They were gonna to find out eventually," you say, quietly.
He presses his forehead to yours, "I know. I just..." He sighs.
"I know..." You say, touching his face gently. He'd told you about his brothers, and you understand their need for secrecy, you all do. He'd told you if they ever found out, there was a chance they would refuse to let him see you. Keep him from you completely. But there is no way in hell you're letting him go. You'll fight his big bad brothers yourself if you have to. "Go talk to them. Maybe it'll help to know there are people who aren't afraid." You twist the mask's tail around your fingers and tug, pulling him out of his own head, "Do you want me to come with?"
He shakes his head, "I gotta do this alone. Explain some things. But I think you meeting them at this point is unavoidable." he smirks down at you. You've been asking to meet his family. You haven't said anything, but all the sneaking around is starting to get to you.
He's quiet for a few moments, and shifts his weight, stalling. He must be really scared. "Now or never, Sunshine," you say, tugging on his mask tail again. He gives you a nervous smile and kisses you again, sweetly, before walking across the street backwards, just to look at you a little longer.
When he makes it to the alley, he looks at the ladder to the fire escape and sighs. There's a chance this could go well... right?
When he reaches the roof, they're all standing there, staring at him. Mike swallows. "Hey... So yeah, couple things..." He hauls himself over the edge of the building and stands to look up at his eldest brother, arms crossed, waiting. "So... that's Y/N," he says, as if reciting a list, "and those are my friends..." he gestures a bit further, "and -"
"Parties?" Leo's even voice cuts through the air as sharply as the blades on his back.
Mike glances at Donnie and Raph who look at him with a full spectrum of emotion, from betrayal to hope.
"How long has this been going on?"
"Just... A few years."
"Years!?" If Leo had eyebrows, they would have disappeared into his hair... if he also had hair.
"Leo -" Mike tries.
"Years. Parties. For years."
"Leo, if you'd just -"
"People know about us, Mikey. A lot of people. Don't you think that's kind of a big deal? You're putting everyone in danger here. If just one person -"
"Leo they're queer." Mike interrupts solidly. That shut him up. Leo stares at his brother, taken entirely off guard. "If anyone is used to having to hide their and everyone else's identities for fear of literal murder it's them. We protect our people."
"... We?" Raph asks after a moment.
Mikey gives him a look, "I'm a turtle attracted to humans, what would you call it?"
That shut all of them up, and Mike gives them a moment for that paradigm shift.
"Anyway, yeah, I've been doing a quick run through The Village before coming home every night, just to keep an eye on things."
"That's why you've been coming home late? I thought you were just smoking out somewhere." Raph says.
"That's because that's what I wanted you to think," Mike replies. Duh.
"And your friend? How long has that been going on?"
"We're more than friends," Mike shoots back immediately, a fire in his eyes as they meet his eldest brother's. They could come for him, he was used to it. Not you. His brothers eyes widen and they look at each other before landing back on him, "and we've been together for six months, two weeks, and five days," he checks his watch, "Six days. You want the hours, minutes, and seconds or are we done?" He says.
He pushes past Leo, and makes it almost to the edge of the rooftop before hears Donnie speak softly behind him. "... why would you keep this from us?"
Mike sighs, coming to a stop, "Because... I don't know..." He turns around, "I guess I was afraid you'd try and take it away," He looks at Leo almost defiantly. Raph smirks, kinda proud. "Or maybe... that they'd like you more than me." He looks down at you with a sigh, having rejoined your friends. You're laughing. It's his favorite sound in the universe.
Turning around, you catch him watching over you like a guardian angel turtle. You proceed to blow several kisses his way using each hand, before making a heart with them and spinning back around. The last six months have been the best of your life.
Mike can't help but smile, his brothers look on in awe as Michaelangelo's more-than-friend skips on down the sidewalk.
"Look," Mike says, his eyes returning to his brothers, "I'm safe. You're safe. They're safe." He assures, gesturing in each direction in turn, "We're a pretty tight group, and there's a protocol," he looks at Leo pointedly again, "that we follow with new people before anyone even learns I exist. I've saved the sequined ass of just about everybody in this neighborhood. They know me here. We're safe here... ish, obviously."
They're all speechless.
"I don't like this, Mikey." Leo says after a moment.
"You don't have to like it, you just have to accept it," Mike says without any question in his voice.
Leo sighs rubbing his forehead, "Well, at this point I suppose it's too late for damage control." He looks back at Mike, proud and resolute. This Michaelangelo has only made a handful of appearances in their lives, but Leo knew what it meant. He wasn't backing down. This decision had been carefully thought out and every angle considered before it was made. Mikey may play the fool, but he's far from it. A gifted strategist and the best of them at thinking on his feet, if he says it's safe, it is.
Leo sighs again, "Okay," he says, and Mikey can finally breathe again, "but we all need to be in on these protocols, and Don should look over security."
He's just gotten back from his nightly run, and came home smelling like strawberry daiquiris and you... He may have stopped for a minute.
He's just stripping off his gear to hit the shower when Raph appears in his doorway, knocking softly. "Uh hey," he starts, uncomfortable, "You got a sec?"
Mikey tosses one of his hand wraps into the basket in the corner and starts unraveling the other one, a small burst of glitter explodes into the air with the first layer of cloth. Mike snorts and swats it out of the air. "Sure, bro. Sup?"
"I just..." He struggles, looking at the floor, trying to find the words. He's embarrassed he even wants to ask, but he has to know. There's a chance now... A real chance at meeting real people... maybe... maybe even a chance at... "What's it like?" He asks, looking up at Mikey.
"Gonna have to be a bit more specific," his other hand wrap joins the first.
"Yeah. No. Stupid. Sorry," he laughs nervously, shaking his head and looking at the floor. His hands are actually shaking, he clenches them into fists.
"You okay, bro?" Mike asks, changing tone and pausing to look at his older brother, concerned.
"Yeah, I'm fine," he assures, "I, uh..." He sighs and takes a deep breath, psyching himself up. "What's it like... being with someone who isn't scared of you...? Who actually wants you there?" He can't even say the word. He feels stupid for needing to know this damn badly, but he needs to know that it's real. Possible.
A slow smile blooms on Mike's face, his biggest brother would the one to ask. When they played as kids, he's the one that used to ride off into the sunset with the girl. White (well, green) Knight was his default, and a lot of where the anger in him came from as a kid. He had no choice but to live his life watching the world get their happy ever afters, until he died, alone, at the end of a blade. Michaelangelo sees something in Raph's eyes he hasn't seen in a long time. It's faint, and swimming in doubt, but definitely there: Hope.
He takes a breath, crossing his arms over his chest, "Well... It's kinda like..." He pauses, thinking, "Do you remember that old rusted pipe we used to skate on when we were kids?"
"The one that almost killed us? Yeah."
Twelve years old and Donnie had just souped up Mike's board and Raph's skates with some "prototypes." They were supposed to stick to the tunnels near the lair to test them out, but the second they stepped out, Mike made a beeline for the pipe.
The prototypes worked well. Too well. The speed and weight were too much for the rusted metal and it crumbled beneath them, sending them careening down a series of pipes and tunnels with no idea where they were going to end up, or what state they'd be in when they got there.
They skated as best they could, trying to stay on their feet, or even their shells, but everything was moving too fast and there were too many twists and turns. They couldn't keep track of where they were or where they were going, at one point some unidentified substances were involved, and at times it felt as though they would break apart.
When they finally emerged, battered and bruised in an unfamiliar tunnel a little over a mile away, they just sat there for several long moments, stunned.
When they finally met each other's eyes... they lost it. Laughing hysterically with tears streaming down their faces, they could barely feel the sting of cuts or the ache of bruises.
It was terrifying and exhilarating, and at more than one point they thought they were for sure going to die. It had been the most incredible experience of their young lives. They promised only ever to do that once (it 100% should have killed them), but both of them remember, to this day, exactly where that pipe is, just in case they ever want another go.
"It's like that," Mike says, tossing his belt in the corner and walking past Raph to grab a shower.
The next evening, before patrol, he receives a visit from a rather concerned looking Donatello. He doesn't bother knocking, but walks into the bedroom and closes the door behind him.
Don spins around to look at him, and raises his hands in a placating gesture. "I'm concerned."
Michaelangelo looks up once he's finished pulling up his shorts. "Okay...?"
"Have you and Y/N had sex? Of any kind, I mean."
"I'm serious," and he meant it. He was wearing his serious face. "Any exchange of fluids beyond kissing?"
Mikey looks at him, Donnie is really, actually worried, and now so is he, "Yeah... why?"
"How often?"
"At least... tell me your wore protection."
"I'm not exactly worried about them getting pregnant, so no."
"Are you worried about them getting regular injections of your DNA?"
This made Mikey pause, why would he... Oh, Gods... He looks up at Donnie, eyes wide and terrified. "Shit, I didn't even think..." He sits down on his pillow pile, thoroughly rocked. His hands cover his face as the possibilities overwhelm him. Mike looks up at his brother with pleading eyes, "are they gonna be okay...? They're gonna be okay, right?"
"I don't know... but I'm going to need a few hair follicles for testing."
"Done," he says quickly, snatching a small baggie from his nightstand and shoving it in his pocket.
Fuck. Fuck. Fuck. I really am a fucking idiot.
Michaelangelo throws on his gear as fast as he can, booking it out of the lair.
He's back in less that 45 minutes
The next few hours are spent with him panic pacing, while Donnie is running tests. Finally, he straightens from over the microscope, one last visual check to confirm what his readouts were saying, and Mike stops, waiting for whatever news comes next.
"Nothing, they're clean. No mutagen detected." Don turns to smile at his brother.
"Fuck, me..." He sighs heavily, breathing hard. The rush of relief makes Michaelangelo so dizzy he has to reach out and catch himself on the wall. Even so, this is definitely something the two of you need to talk about, just in case.
"I'll want to check in periodically, just to make sure it stays that way, but things should be safe enough for now." He pauses and looks uncomfortable for a moment. Emotions are tough for Donnie. They've never made much sense to him, especially when expressing them to others. He knows what they feel like inside his head, but he's never been entirely sure what to do with them. Like he was never given the manual. Even so, he knows that this is important. "Hey, so, um... the probability of something like this happening... one of us actually finding someone, is... Astronomical... Now it’s... slightly less so," he says, thoughtfully, with a soft smile, "so thanks for that."
The eldest of his brothers finally shows up after almost four days. He stands in the open doorway, chagrined, and knocks on the frame.
"Hey, Mike." Leonardo says, taking a few steps into the room.
Michaelangelo looks up from what he's doing and stands, expecting another argument against all of this. He's ready.
"I'd like to apologize."
Okay, he wasn't ready for that.
"I was caught off-guard, and I reacted poorly," he says, "I was worried. I still am. This whole… thing scares the hell out of me. It means there are more pieces on the board, more people to keep safe."
Leo sighs, "It also means that maybe... there can be something more than… this. And I... I don't know if it's worth it yet, the risk, to us or them. I wish I did. This is new... territory for me. I'm used to understanding how things are supposed to work, at least when it comes to us, but this..."
"Hey," Mike says, interrupting Leo's word vomit. Leo tended to keep things pretty close to the vest, even among the five of them, so it didn't happen often, but big things. Important things. Emotional things, could send him spinning out until someone stops him, or he tornados himself into a panic attack.
Leo takes a deep breath, as Mike grins, "How 'bout you let me teach you a couple things, for once."
He smiles back at his youngest brother, chuckling nervously, "Thanks. I would actually really appreciate that." Leo steps further into the room now that things seem settled between them, and pulls a pillow from the pile to sit on, settling in. He dismissed his brothers explanations earlier, he owed it to him to listen now. "So... what are they like?'"
Michaelangelo spends a good amount of time telling him about you, his friends, and how this whole thing got started. By the end, Leo isn't exactly more comfortable about the situation, but he sees the potential, and despite himself, he's just a little excited.
At this point he's pretty sure his brothers are cool with everything. Less cool in one particular case, but he's working on Leo. Michaelangelo's father, however, is an entirely different story.
Leo had told him that morning, after they'd gotten back, and for two days he remained in silent meditation. By the time he emerged on day three, Michaelangelo was afraid to even be in the same room as him.
He knows this is a big deal. He knows his dad has been meditating on his own feelings on the matter and the best way to approach them with his youngest, and this could either go really, really well, or blow up in his face, but if there's one thing he knows about the old rat... he can't be avoided. Not forever.
The fated knock comes on day five.
"Hey," Leo says, "dad wants to talk to you."
Mike takes a deep breath and heads down to his father's room.
"Have a seat, Michaelangelo," he says, gesturing to the empty cushion across from him. There is a low table before him with a chipped pot and two steaming cups of tea.
Mike walks into the room. He doesn't seem mad, but that doesn't mean anything. His dad is great at playing it cool. He sits across from Splinter, nervously.
His father asks for the whole story, and listens patiently as Mikey tells him everything. How saving a drag queen one night led to his being accepted and wanted by a whole group of people. Friends that have helped him in more ways than he can count. Definitely more ways than he could ever help them. And you. He tells his dad about you. How amazing you are, how kind and patient, and something he hasn't even told you yet: just how stupid in love with you he really is.
It takes hours.
When Mikey is finished, His father is quiet for a long time, processing everything. He'd received some of the story from Leonardo, and was fitting the new information into the appropriate places, while carefully considering the situation. Mike tries not to panic.
"I'm proud of you, Michaelangelo," he says, finally. Mike's head shoots up from staring into his tea cup to meet his father's eyes.
Okay, what?
"Not only have you done all things possible to ensure the care and safety of both your new friends and our family, but you had the courage to look for something beyond what we know to be safe. You had the courage to try. All that done on your own. And while next time," his father gives him a look, "something like this comes up, I would much rather you come to me first," he pauses to ensure the message sinks in, "I understand why you did not, and you have my deepest apologies for that." The old master bows his head, penitently, across the table.
A half-laugh escapes Mikey, tears of relief stinging his eyes. He was ready to fight for you. In fact, since this whole thing started he's basically been thinking about nothing but what the hell he's going to tell his dad. The last five nights, he's held you a little tighter, a little longer. Not to say goodbye, he'd walk away from them if he had to, if they made him choose. You're too important. But he didn't want to, and now he doesn't have to, and sweet relief pours, fizzing, through his veins
"Really?" Mike asks softly, it wasn't often he got rewarded for disobeying orders, especially when the reward was something this big. You. Holy shit they were letting him keep you. He wipes at his eyes as his father smiles, "I uh... thanks Dad." He says, unsure whether he's laughing or crying.
"I feel as though a new chapter of our lives is beginning, thanks to you," his smile crinkles at the corners of his eyes, "and I look forward to seeing where the tale will take us."
The next morning, Leo, Don, and Raph are sitting around the kitchen table after patrol, when Mike storms in with a purpose.
He slaps a neon green paper down in the middle of the table for the three of them. It's a flyer for a party, happening at Mike's usual spot, tomorrow night.
They look at the flyer, and then each other, before their gazes turn to their father, standing in the doorway with a steaming cup of tea. Four adult turtles, nearly pushing 30, silently begging their dad for permission.
There is a subtle smile under his whiskers as he takes a sip of his tea, "Be back before sunrise," he says, and his smile widens as he sees his children light up with the promise of a new adventure.
They'll panic later, when the reality sets in that they are about to meet a large group of people and they have no idea what they're doing (Leo may already be screaming internally), but for now they're excited, and looking forward to tomorrow.
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@thelaundrybitch @the-cauldron-witch @fyreball66 @ninnosaurus @tmntngl @thegirlwiththeninjaturtletattoos @zagreustomb @ramielll @silverwatergalaxy @gornackeaterofworlds @daedric-sorceress @sophiacloud28 @iridescentflamingo @milykins
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alexa-yukiyu · 2 months ago
Just imagine a child reader with each of the crews (strawhat pirates, heart pirates, whitebeard pirates, kid pirates, and red hair pirates) like 7 or 8 and they are just a menace. Like they have insane adhd and acts like they drank multiple monster energy drinks every morning but they can also be so sweet and adorable sometimes. They just run around and cause chaos but everyone on the crew just takes care of them but they make it so hard. Spontaneous hide and seek? Everybody’s freaking out because they’re missing and all the sudden they will just pop out of the most random place and declare themself the winner and everybody is like huh?? the winner of what?? They’ve been there for a while, and people have grown attached. I can imagine ace just having the most fun with them. And for the strawhats like they joined around when the strawhat crew fist went into the grand line so they have been there from the beginning and all the new crew members are like “why are they still here??” and zoro is like “to be honest i dont know” they are luffy’s best bud on the strawhats Sorry for the rant, i just read a fic and it sparked this idea and reminded me of your writing. I just kind of wrote down my train of thought, congratulations if this makes sense to you thanks for listening. 
Who’s it? ( Law x Adhd!reader)
A/N Hey hey! Here we go, I think we haven’t done a Law/heart pirates in a while so yippee, also i’m sorry nonnie, I couldn't do so many crews at once so if you still want to see the other crews don’t be afraid to send another request! In other news; Guys I start work soon 🥲so i’m not sure what the upload schedule will be like next week
Dividers by @/firefly-graphics
Reader here is replaced by Dokucha which stands for Reader in Japanese for the enjoyment of both reader and oc character readers!
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Penguin puffed as he leaned his hands on his knees, trying to recuperate his breath after running multiple laps around the sub. Despite the physical strain his job required on a daily, especially under a Captain such as his, he could never get used to the exhaustion and anxiety that taking care of a tween with adhd brought.
“D-Did you guys find them?” He sputtered out, lifting his head to look at his crew, who sported similar exhaustion
“No. I’m sorry,” Bepo cried, putting his head down in shame. The mink had been the first to realize the child had disappeared as the crew had breakfast. It was not his responsibility alone, but as always, he could not help but think he could have prevented this if he had paid more attention to them.
“There has to be someplace we haven’t looked!”
“Mate, I checked the workshop top to bottom; wherever they are, I know it's not in my bloody workshop,” Ikkaku said, shaking her head.
“I um.. I checked the cockpit. I didn’t see them there,” Hakugan piped up softly.
“Nothing in the map room, I’m sorry,” Bepo added.
“Stop apologizing!” Shachi snarled
“I’m sorry!”
“Nothing in the Kitchen; I thought for sure they would have hidden there,” Bart grumbled out, scratching his head, confused.
“I checked the common rooms, but I couldn’t find them,” Cline reported
“I checked the storage rooms, but nothing,” Shachi sighed, looking toward the Penguin.
“And I just checked our chambers; I was hoping they were sleeping, but no one was there,” Penguin cried.
“Pen, seriously? Of all things, you thought that ankle-biter would be taking a kip? We can’t even get them to sleep, let alone a kip,” Ikkaku scoffed with a roll of her eyes.
“I freaked out! I just don’t know where else we could look.”
“Well, that would leave only one place, doesn’t it?” Clione called nervously
“No way!” Penguin yelled as he straightened up at the insinuation
“It’s true, isn’t it? We have already looked through the whole sub, Penguin! They have to be in the infirmary.” Uni shot back with a frown
“Even if they aren’t, I think we should ask Captain for help.”
“Are you serious, Uni?! He’ll kill us if he hears we lost them again. I don’t want to go another day with switched limbs!” Shachi shuddered, hugging himself tightly
“It’s not like it can be helped; that kid acts as if they were injected with steroids all the time, always berko, we can’t keep up with em” Ikkaku sighed.
“Okay then, who’s going to tell him then because it’s not going to be me” Penguin questioned, looking up at her
“Well, that’s obvious, isn’t it?” Shachi muttered as he and the crew all turned to the navigator, who, upon noticing the attention that had fallen on him shook his head nervously
Despite his meek outer appearance, it was common knowledge aboard the Polar Tang that the singular best way to deliver annoying or bothersome news without suffering punishment or repercussions was to have Bepo deliver the news to the Captain, as even the surgeon of death himself was vulnerable to the mink’s adorable demeanor.
And so, once again, Bepo stood in the infirmary, delivering such news to the Captain. It followed the same pattern when situations such as these occurred: Bepo would enter nervously, Law would instantly realize something went wrong, his anger would spike, Bepo would cry, Law would fall for his cuteness and usually solve the problem quite promptly.
“Room,” Law called. Scanning the submarine with his devil fruit, he took just a few seconds to mutter a small ‘there’ as he managed to locate the child.
“Shambles,” he spoke, throwing a small stone in the air, catching the child that child that replaced it and glaring at them as they began laughing.”
“You found me!”
“Dokucha-ya. What were you doing?”
“We were playing hide and seek, and I was winning! I still won 'cause you used your powers, and that’s cheating, so I’m still the undefeated champion!” They cheered, raising their hands in Victory
“You were playing hide and seek?” Law questioned, looking up at Bepo, an angry, accusing glare on his face at the information
“N-no!” He promised, shaking his head furiously, sighing as Law turned his accusing glare back on the child.
“Oh! I forgot to tell them. Well, now you know, so let's play again!” they grinned, running off again only to be shambled back into Law’s hands once again.
“No. You are going to sleep.” Law told them, standing up and putting his arm around the child’s stomach as he carried them away, rolling his eyes as they let out a slight whine at the news.
“You can go, Bepo. I’ll put them to sleep,” he ordered, waving the bear off, much to the latter’s relief. The bear wasted no time running off.
“You. Sleep,” he instructed, tossing the child into an infirmity bed, turning around, and walking back to his desk to continue the medical journal he had recently found.
“Yepee!” they cheered as they bounced on the bed. Rolling around on their stomachs, they began kicking their feed, letting out a pout.
“Come on, Law! I’m not tired! I want to play a little more, please?”
"Talking is fine, too.”
“Alright, Then. " He agreed, shutting the journal and giving the child a smirk as a hopeful and gleeful expression grew on their faces.
“How about we talked about why you skipped your medication again?”
They groaned, getting their body fall into the bed face-first,wishing they hadn’t opened their mouths to avoid the scolding they knew was now invertible.
“Dokucha-ya,” he warned
“No! I want to sleep!” they called, turning away from him.
“Too late, You know I’m not going to let this slide; the sooner you tell me, the sooner I can stop asking you and interrupting your playtime,” he reasoned, turning his chair towards the bed.
“Is it the taste? I can teach you how to swallow the pill; I can mix it into food as well.”
“It’s not that.”
“It’s nothing.”
“If it weren’t nothing, we wouldn’t be having this conversation.Dokucha-ya, listen. If you tell me what is wrong with them, I can fix the problem.”
“They make me feel weird,” they muttered, flipping themselves over to meet his eye, watching as his eyebrows furrowed at the information.
“Weird, how?” he questioned
“It makes me feel yucky; I don’t want to do anything when I eat it.”
Law frowned as he realized what they meant. He had thoroughly researched all of Dokucha’s medicine and potential medicines and was well aware that depression has been previously reported as a side effect for ritalin in some patients. The hard part of medications for conditions like these was that the only way to know the best medicine for them was trial and error, trying different Medicines until they were able to find the one that worked best. His thought process was interrupted as the child let out a small apology.
“it’s not your fault; you can’t control how the medicine will react; thank you for telling me; I will change your medication, alright?” he reassured them as they stood up, walking to the shelf and pulling out a book
“Hmm, we will try Staterra instead. I will give you 0.5g. It’s the lowest dose for your age, and it will help me see how your body reacts.”
“Will… it help me study better again?” they asked nervously, fidgeting. Most of his medical talk was lost to them, but they were able to understand the gist of it: that he was trying to help them fix the problem they were currently experiencing.
“That’s the goal. We will start the medicine tomorrow. If it does well, I will raise the dose in three days, and we will see from there. If it makes you feel weird again, let me know
Dokucha smiled, themedical jargon and what most people would see as an emotionally disconnected doctor Dokucha knew to be the way the man showed that he cared, and although it perhaps wasn’t what other kids might like, it made them feel appreciated and loved. After all, other kids probably have to worry about managing a condition, and not all caretakers are as involved and determined to find a solution as the Captain was, and for them, it was enough.
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Whoop whoop!
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