#I might take the weekend off and just fuckin sleep
woundedheartwithin · 1 year
I’m emotional about Emi today
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ideasarestuckinmyhead · 2 months
Any chance of a bittersweet trio comfort thing for a Sugarboo who is fed up with the world? Been feeling really frustrated lately…
Can the world not today?
Hopefully this fits the ask- I feel like I went side tracked? Idk but enjoy!
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Sugarboo looked at the cake on the floor they just dropped. The room fell silent as they slowly went to their knees. First their phone didn't charge, a customers order was wrong, they got yelled at, and after finishing for the day a bird got into the bakery.
So many things were going wrong and Sugarboo was so fucking done. They just wanted to go to sleep and be with their boy's for the rest of the weekend.
You might be asking why was the cake the last straw? Sugarboo forgot they promised a cake for the boys a week ago. So they decided what's one more being baked? Getting it all done and decorated, they fucking dropped it.
"I swear to fuckin God I'm going to fucking crash outttt!!?!?!" Shrieking into their hand the boys quickly went to them. Seth was gently talking to them as they tugged on their shirt.
"It's fine Sugar! We can just order take o-" Seth was interrupted by Boo. Who started wailing more, slumping into themselves as they covered their face.
"But I promised! And I fucked it uuupppp!!!" Emotions were high and Alphomse turned to the drawers. Grabbing a spoon he took a bite out of one of the cake on the floor. It was upside down so he took a bit on the top of it.
Boo saw this and paused, confused on what he just did. When seeing him to for another scoop they tried to stop him.
"It's really good! Never though velvet cake tasted great on the floor! Plus we cleaned today. Also I'm not shy to the 5 second rule!" Talking around cake in his mouth. Alphonse moved the spoon to Seth, who got the hint and tasted it too.
The brown haired man nodded at Alphonse's words. It did taste amazing! Then turned to Boo with a gentle smile.
"Sug, see? It's still good babe. Its just tipped over!" Giggling he then looked at Al, "Hey pass me a spoon too." The pinkette handed him one and both started eating more.
Boo watching all of this started laughing loudly. Happy tears fell as they saw their boys smiling at them. Wiping their tears Boo opened their mouth for a piece too. And after getting one they nodded awe, it did taste great!
"Still mad it fell. Shit took long to finish..." Pouting a bit Boo felt a kiss on both of their cheeks. The boys smiled as Boo stopped pouting, then continued eating the cake off the floor.
Looking at both of them Boo felt happy. Even when the world is fucking them over and their dome. Their boys will pick them back up to feel better.
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jadedvibes · 2 years
to be his wife 🥰
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Mrs. Barber
Oh what a dream ♡ Let's imagine what it'd be like if after leaving his ex he met a lawyer that was his ideal match.
Pairing: Andy Barber x lawyer!reader
Warnings: 18+ only, smut, swearing, fluff, possessive!andy sprinkled in.
Word Count: 825
Like, comment, and/or reblog to put a giant smile on my face ♡
From the moment he stepped into the courtroom and saw you were opposing counsel Andy knew he was screwed. The whispers of the woman that could rival him as a prosecutor moving to the district didn’t contain how beautiful you were.
Your stellar professional reputation preceded you, but your bewitching presence was a surprise that completely caught him off guard.  
Andy wasn’t one to get flustered under the pressures of the court, but when you looked at him, his speech briefly stuttered along with his heart. Your words flowed eloquently, and your confidence made him grateful that it was an open-and-shut case, because once court was adjourned he decided that a woman as brilliant as you belonged with him.
He pursued you until you gave in, but it was a lot harder than he anticipated. You weren’t looking for anything, yet his persistence ensured that you found it anyway. The man wore you down with his kindness, helpfulness, and those dazzling blue eyes always giving you his undivided attention. Despite your cynicism, you let yourself fall for the lawyer with the complicated past. 
Fortunately, Andy ensured that you didn’t regret it. And to further prove his commitment, he proposed after six months of dating you, simply because he needed you to be his, in every way possible. 
Just like he made you his, every night since you agreed to go out with him. You thought it might be a bit too early to sleep with him after your first official date. But as he helped you out of his Audi and walked you to your front door with your hand firmly in his, you knew exactly what was going to happen. 
“Tell me to leave, honey,” he mumbled against your lips after kissing you goodnight. 
“But I want you to stay,” you whispered before opening your door. 
He took care of you that night, worshiping every inch of your body, just like he wanted to from the moment his eyes laid on you. 
Your attraction couldn’t stay confined to just your places at night, and that’s how stolen kisses at work turned into making love behind locked office doors. But sex wasn’t always like that, sometimes he’d fuck you, quick and rough, just enough to get you both there. Other days, he’d take his time, dominating you hard and slow; whispering the filthiest words you’d only hear when you got him like that. 
“That’s it, honey. Go soft under me, fuck – this pussy’s so fuckin’ tight it’s like she wants to keep me inside,” Andy groaned against the shell of your ear, his beard grazing against your soft skin as he pounded into you. You felt him everywhere; his warm lips, his large hands, his hard length roughly sinking into you over and over again. Until you were screaming his name, barely able to hear him mutter how well you squeezed his cock and how pretty you were as you came for him. 
The two of you eloped on a weekend trip in Portland, and the main thing that changed once you were officially his wife was that his adoration and devotion became even more intense. 
Andy was a self-assured man, but now that you were his, you didn’t miss the way his possessiveness lingered whenever you interacted with other male colleagues. In fact, you loved the way he’d make it apparent that you belonged to him. You loved it even more when he took you home and reminded you that you were his Mrs. Barber – as if the ring on your finger and the hold on your heart wasn’t indication enough. 
His protective nature, the way he cherished you as a partner and always took care of you made you fall for him more and more every day. A few colleagues at work even mentioned that you changed him for the better. He didn’t hide the fact that he was once a workaholic that prioritized his job more than anything in his past relationship; instead he made sure that you knew that you were his top priority through his actions. You were his new beginning, a chance to do things differently, and he certainly made the most of that. 
Andy was the perfect husband to you, his wonderful wife. 
Because you were his ideal partner. You were the warm softness to his rough exterior – although you were strong when you needed to be and Andy really admired that. You were the one that he trusted to tear down the tall walls he’d built up over the years. He needed someone that didn’t judge him about his past, that actually appreciated him, and saw him for the deeply caring man that he was. It amazed him how you fit the bill in every sense; a fact he expressed gratitude for often. 
And now that Andy loves you, he can never stop. Because you’re his better half, his gorgeous and amazing wife, his Mrs. Barber.
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serendertothesquad · 4 months
Seren's Studies: The Odd Squad UK Trailer
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Well, 8 days after my birthday really ain't bad for a belated gift. At this point I'll take what I can get.
Even if it means I have to crawl out of sleep to do it.
*deep sigh*
So you might be thinking, "Hold on, we got a new trailer?" And to that I say yes. Yes we did. PBS grew enough balls to actually give Odd Squad some love during a programming initiative that has absolutely nothing to do with it. And they put it on Vimeo, apparently, which puts all the audition videos that have been unearthed (for OSUK, OSMU, and Odd Squad) in an entirely new light.
But wah wah wah, you didn't come here to read my ding-dong ramblings. You came here to watch me be the biggest loser to ever lose at losing and dissect a 30-second trailer on a weekend. You know how movie trailers stuff all the important bits about a movie into 30 seconds? This is the telly equivalent.
Below the break, I'm going to shred this trailer to pieces, scream, cry, and of course, analyze. Come join me, if you dare.
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So I'm going to reiterate a point I made in the Seren's Studies essay for the gadget competition video in regards to Ozzie, in that he's wearing an outfit that looks like it belongs to some kind of Flight department. (And yes, my headcanon about there being a boat that can travel in the sky shall remain strong in spite of this trailer. Whether it will be shot down like a cannonball through a boat that can travel in the sky remains to be seen.)
But anyway. We have him carrying a box (transferring departments?), what looks to be some kind of agent in the back (Security?), and what looks to me like an old Nissan logo against a map (of the UK? yes, of the UK, duh). Off to a hell of a start here.
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The trailer doesn't give us the name of this girl -- which is odd, considering she's one of the protagonists -- but just as a refresher: this is Orli, who is from the Canadian side of the Niagara Falls (because of course) and transfers to the UK precinct in order to help with rising oddness rates. My guess is that, while Ozzie transfers from departments, Orli will transfer from precincts. Essentially, she's there to help Americans like myself (and also children, and also parents) understand British terms and culture. Which is fine, because otherwise kids would understand jack about how the United Kingdom does things beyond what's represented in media.
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And we have a look at our first villainess! This is The Trifler, named after a British dessert and armed with the power to turn things into...well yeah, trifles. If you've been keeping up with the news, then you're probably aware that a BTS photo of her was found last year when OSUK was getting off the ground. Now, we have her in an official capacity!
I will say that I love the wordplay used here. Combining the British and American definitions of the word "trifle" into a badass introductory phrase is absolutely beautiful and I want more of it.
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Haha lol shot from the press release big funy now laugh.
...Wait, hold on, does that mean the image used for the press release was a BTS photo? Because this sure as hell isn't the same angle.
Oh my God.
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Not my absolute dumb ass thinking the context of this scene was a welcome party for Orli, only for the celebration to be for a fucking movie opening that got the attention of local news outlets and Eric Stonestreet.
...Okay, the telephone box is great too, and if there's not another Doctor Who reference they can yote in there then we riot, but I- a fucking opening of a movie?
Hold on, I'm noticing the Odd Squad logo on the popcorn and the cup.
This is Odd Squad: The Movie opening in the UK, isn't it.
Ah yes. Because I sure would fuckin' love to relive the joy I had when the "Odd Beginnings" two-parter decided to make the movie an in-universe piece of media. Look, I me- you guys had to be there when I recorded the Seren Reacts video. I was taken aback. I nearly fell off the bed. I was tempted to go to the neighbors and sit on their picnic table and cry. And that was when the COVID pandemic was a new thing!
And now I get to experience the hell all over again, four years later, when the pandemic is (largely) over and I'm in my mid-20s.
Look, if they're keen on torturing me like this, then that's how you really know it's a return to form. All they need to do is drop the word "serendipity" somewhere in there and I'll launch myself off the cliff and into the water and hopefully not on a pointy rock.
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Normally I'd say how happy I am to see the tubes again after they got one dedicated episode and a handful of appearances and mentions besides that in Season 3, but..."Down the Tubes" is one of my favorite episodes for sleep-talking Oswald alone. And in Season 3, my total count for favorite episodes I can count on only one hand.
Worth noting, though, that in addition to the UK Headquarters being located in an abandoned train station, the tubes are named after the London Underground. Because...y'know, the Tube, and...yeah, they couldn't pass that pun up because they need Britain money somehow.
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See, this is how you can tell I'm an Odd Squad veteran.
I can, with about 90% accuracy, pinpoint the context of a scene only seen by few. For example, I can tell you that this is Orli fighting with a woman over tour bus tickets by playing RPS. Because fuck her American money, American money does not net you tour bus tickets to tour the UK and...uh...well, I don't know if Ozzie has any pounds to buy any.
Ah? Aaaaaaaaaahh? Man, I'm good!
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Unless Oddmented Reality had some (and please don't ask me, I've never played it), we've now had flying books in every season bar Season 2.
Honestly, that's a sin.
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If this means the return of cold opens, then bless them.
It's 12 episodes with 11-minute time limits, though, so I'm a little wary...but bless them. Season 3 had only a select few before they laughed and tossed the concept out, so this is a good return to form.
Also, this is hella good camera work.
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I'm...at least inclined to believe this is Ozzie attempting to boost workplace morale by getting a few agents-in-training to cheer.
Which is great, but I'm just thinking of Olympia asking Otis how he feels about his cheerleading skills and and him telling her they're perfect. It works, because Ozzie kinda looks like Otis!
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Hey, hey, you guys remember aaaaaaaall the way back in "Zero Effect" where they had that shot of the agents cheering?
You guys also remember the last episode of OddTube S1?
This is like a mishymashy of that and it is glorious.
Also, our first look at the girl who is, by every sense, part of the Flight department. And Onom, even though he got a mention in the gadget-making competition video.
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A few folks were asking about this, so I feel the need to clarify that this is a thing in the Oddverse that has been done numerous times before, especially in the first two seasons. You don't wanna blow 10 seconds of airtime on having two agents find the nearest tube entrance, let 'em phase through the floor.
'Tis magic, baby.
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I can also predict, with about 70% accuracy, how the OSUK premiere is gonna go.
It's gonna end with Ozzie being transferred/promoted/demoted to the Investigation department, isn't it.
Look, the franchise's timeline is a bitch and scares all the neuroscience people at Harvard Medical School, but I did this before with a simple Season 3 trailer and I got a fair bit of it right. When a few OSUK episode titles and synopses come out, then we'll see if I'm gonna reach for the stars or fall hard on my ass.
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Okay, I'm inclined to take the logic applied to New York City and apply it here, in that it's too much money and effort and time to edit every piece of signage here into a Shmumber-fied equivalent...
But that's a fucking McDonald's ad up there near the top, and let's be honest, that's one of the most gobsmacking things about the whole damn trailer. We already have a Burger King replacement, so having a McShmumber's is absolutely not out of the question.
(Also, that meal deal is $5 USD. If you're an American, I don't need to explain why this makes me more irrationally angry than it should.)
Besides that, Orli, this is a one-way, two-lane (with possible merger) street, which can absolutely be seen in areas like this in the United States and I don't know why I'm bringing this up since agents cannot and have not been automotively inclined.
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"No, that's not odd. It's Britain."
Dumb lil' American I am (who is, in fact, aware how British people drive), but I gave a visceral cough at this line. This is the kind of shit OSMU should have gotten, and failed to deliver.
That aside, though, Ozzie has a bit of a different icon on his shirt now. It's either the London Bridge or a black H, and I know Fergie would cry her eyes out looking at it, bless her soul.
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"I'm blue! And if I were green I would die! If I were green I would die, if I were green I would die, if-"
Okay, okay, I had to get that out of the way. I'm sorry. I'm never sorry.
The smartwatches were also something seen in BTS photos back when OSUK was first announced to be a thing. Still running on that Apple technology and crushing creativity.
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Perhaps the best sleep paralysis demon I've seen since Yui in the Precure All-Stars F movie.
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All right, I'm starting to see the massive differences between this Headquarters and the Headquarters of yore. Keyholes, the blue thing meant to be a simpler copy of the metallic circle structure, the...I mean it do be fuckin' big...
Also, we got our first look at a moving breathing Chef O, who's on promotional material at the very least but isn't exactly a main character. Sort of like what Oksana was: a side character.
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Hey, it could be worse. It could be a Ginormouse coming to eat you up for lunch.
(For the non-believers: this is the Oddverse. I'm not explaining shit.)
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I see somewhere in the crew of this show we have a boomer who still believes in the usage of the digital camera in the year of our Lord 2024.
No, but seriously. It wasn't believable in 2014 when Otto owned one, and it's less believable now. I've been more frustrated about this than about the badge phones, because there's only so much ironic low-tech stuff I can take before I drop everything and leave.
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I was gonna write a joke about how they used to feed cocaine to mice in the 80s for anti-drug PSAs, but someone apparently wrote it for me. Which, unsurprisingly, is not the first time that's happened.
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That's on you for not being Odd Squad-savvy.
All of you.
Yes, even Captain O.
And that's it. A short trailer, but a hell of a goodie. I'm honestly hyped for this return to form, especially as we approach the franchise's 10th anniversary. Hopefully, the crew has at least learned from its mistakes with Odd Squad Mobile Unit, and will make the most out of these 12 episodes.
And because even this show isn't immune to the curse: if you like what you see here and want more episodes to come beyond the 12 we're getting, watch the ever-loving hell out of this show. Legally, of course. Boost its ratings. The crew is definitely up for making more.
...And donate to your local PBS station if you got a Lincoln or two lyin' around. That too.
Thanks for reading. If you want to view the trailer for yourself, you can do so here:
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shion-yu · 1 year
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Gave myself almost-pneumonia and my couch looks like a damn stock photo.
Since the whole time I’ve been like, “Am I living one of my shitty fanfictions? Coz this sucks.” Let me tell y’all a story.
Cold weather sucks as a severe asthmatic. I moved to the South so I didn’t have to deal with the frigid winters of upstate NY. I’m basically on and off sick until Spring comes (and then there’s allergy season but I digress). I think it’s helped some, but my lungs are just fucked up ok?
Anyways I went to a concert last Saturday and it was freezing. Then I went to the zoo on Sunday with a friend and it was also cold and swarming with kids who don’t know how to cover their mouths when they cough. It was a great weekend but by Tuesday I was sick - great. I had some warning bc my friend I went to the zoo with said they got sick yesterday. But it just seemed like a minor cold and I’ve been through this a million times, I truly did not think it was gonna get too much worse. My asthma was mostly under control and I rested a lot all week.
Thursday I’m more tired, but I start nebulizer treatments and even skip ice skating class and reschedule it for Saturday bc hey, I’m responsible. But Friday I start to feel worse. Like to the point where everybody at work is like wtf go home and one of them told me she’s gonna get me holy water. But it’s okay, it’s still been SO much worse and I’m really fine.
Saturday morning I wake up and I feel like I’m cured. So I go to ice skating class. And maybe I take a little walk in the rain. Bad fuckin idea. By the end of the day I’m having full blown asthma attacks one after the other and sweating like crazy. My abdomen is aching from coughing so much that it hurts to sit up. But I really don’t want to go to the ER. Not again. So I message my pulmonologist and hope I can just say never mind I’m good now by the time he answers on Monday.
That brings us to today, Sunday. I woke up at 6am after only 4 hours of sleep because I can’t stop choking. I’m sneezing and coughing up fluorescent green stuff, my throat tastes like blood and I have a fever. I really, really didn’t want to go to the doctor but it’s time. I drag my sorry ass to urgent care where the entire hour I sit in waiting, everybody who walks by gives me a ‘goddamn’ look because I’m coughing loud enough to alert the entire damn office. I’m so embarrassed bc what if they think I’m being dramatic and wasting time - again? I awkwardly explain my situation and the doctor sends me for CXR. When it comes back he says “Well, you don’t have pneumonia yet but see alllll this stuff here? That’s inflammation. I’m gonna prescribe antibiotics and (way heavier) steroids and you might have bronchitis already but your asthma is so bad that it’s indistinguishable by now. Also with your lungs you probably won’t be able to tell you have pneumonia until it’s pretty bad.”
So anyways, that’s my week. At least I got a lot of writing done for Whumptober - didn’t have to dig very deep to find enough misery to go around to all my fav OCs lol.
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spider-gets-artsy · 1 year
Eureve 🌅🛌🌌🍳♠️🐾
🌅Do you have a certain routine for starting your night?
"Something like that. Fuckin' snooze my alarm until the noise gives me a migraine, then I down some painkillers and check my work Trollian. I don't tend to eat breakfast unless I have leftovers from dinner. Is it lazy? Maybe. But it's one less thing on my plate so..."
🛌Do you sleep in a recuperacoon or do you rest in other accommodations?
"I- Yes? Where else would I sleep? Sopor slime laws are pretty strict on Divaajin, but they're not that strict."
🌌Have you ever wanted to travel intergalactically? What would you look for in a place to visit off planet?
"From what I hear, there's not a lot of friendly colonies out there- but- there's lots of Alternia copycat planets. Could I survive on one? Probably. #purpleprivilege. Would I want to go to a Hell Murder Planet™ just for kicks? Absolutely fucking not.
If there was the promise of a peaceful planet like Divaajin, it might be worth it to tour there, though. Who knows how far out my podcast has reached."
🍳What sort of cuisine do you normally eat? Are you openly okay with items labeled only as grubsauce or grubloaf?
"I do an embarrassing amount of takeout. No additional comments on that."
("I will comment about the grubloaf/sauce conundrum though; it's not made from wrigglers so yeah, I'm "openly okay" with it. I'm sure if there was anything unethical about it, we'd know, right?")
♠️Do you think pitches should only be based on hate, or do you believe they should also be based on a strong rivalry as well?
"I've never had a kismesis, so I'm not sure if anything I say about the topic matters. I think a healthy pitch relationship should be multifaceted, focusing purely on hate is a good way for someone to take things too far. A toxic kismesissitude can be deadly, you see that shit on the news all the time."
🐾What is your lusus like? Are/were they around often or do/did they normally leave you all by yourself?
"She's... Lonely I think. She's this large serpent-esqe creature with a corvid head and fins that look like moth wings. Kinda hodge-podge, but she's gorgeous. She would have made a great guardian if she hadn't been aquatic. Beach side properties are horrendously fucking expensive here, so when I was younger the best I could do was stick her in a lusus resort and visit on the weekends. Someday I'll retire from podcasting and buy a beachfront hive, I think she'd like that."
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oh-katsuki · 3 years
thinkin’ about big brother bakugou coming home drunk to fuck his pretty little stepsister 
tw: stepcest, dub/noncon, drug use, breeding, finger choking, creampie, aged-up characters
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step brother bakugou who loves his new little sister so much. she’s only a few years younger than him, college age and quirkless, living in the family home with him as he tries to get his start as a pro-hero. with his flashy quirk, its not hard to quickly move through the ranks, but he finds each day testing his patience a little more. 
he finds himself disappointed when he doesn’t get home in time for dinner or before you head to bed. bakugou hates missing out on seeing you shuffle down the hall in those hot pink panties and oversize top. you think he doesn’t notice when you do it, too lazy to toss on pajama bottoms as you go to use the bathroom or brush your teeth, but he does. bakugou always sees you through the crack in his door, body leaning gently against the frame so as to not disturb it. 
it became somewhat of a sinful nightly routine, watching you in the bathroom through the crack, palming himself through his shorts as you lean over the vanity to apply some skin cream he didn’t give a fuck about. until his hours got longer and suddenly he only saw you on weekends.
it wasn’t all bad though, because now his pretty little sister wanted to spend her saturdays with him on the couch, which means katsuki gets to watch you slut around the house in those tiny sleep shorts. he wanted you so bad that it hurt, gut twisting, constantly needing to adjust himself in his pants because everything you did got him riled up. what’s worse is that once he got to know you better, he found that you were quite a doting sister, hanging off his arm and asking to sit in his lap. 
fuck, you drove him crazy with want. it was ridiculous how whipped he was  at the prospect of getting a taste of the pretty cunt between your legs. he’d do anything if it meant he got to fuck you stupid, do anything if it meant he’d get to keep those boys you call friends the fuck away from you. katsuki swears that if you weren’t his little sister, if it weren’t so taboo, that he’d have you under him every fucking day. 
sure, he felt guilty about it, but in the end he chalked it up to human nature. katsuki couldn’t even try denying his attraction to you because he thinks that anyone who isn’t is a fucking idiot. god, he’d have to be brain dead to not want to stink his cock between your thighs and fuck you silly. and he wasn’t the only one who felt that way. 
you thought your new big brother was... needlessly attractive. he made your tummy twist into knots each time he got close, each time you got a whiff of the unique smell his quirk gave off after a day of hero work. so foreboding and with such a presence, not to mention that he was huge and looked at you like he was ready to devour you. and fuck, that uniform. just the thought of it had you creaming yourself nightly to the thought of him, fingers prodding at your puffy clit until it was sore. 
so it was safe to say that by the time he paid the price of fame and his hours got upped again, the tension between you two was insurmountable and katsuki was at his wits end. he was hanging on by a thread, fucking his fist to the thought of you asleep in bed down the hall, what you might look like crying beneath him while he stuffs you full of his thick cock. 
it was filthy, the way his mind ran wild each night, so wild that he swore he could hear you purring and keening in your room at night, whining his name. maybe you did the same, he thought, hand slipping beneath his waistband. maybe you fucked yourself on those little fingers of yours, whining because they could never fill you up like your big brother can. 
however, all of that wanting came to an end after a particularly long night of drinking. 
katsuki didn’t drink often unless it was the occasional beer before dinner, but tonight he was invited out with some colleagues and decided fuck it. he’d spent so many of the previous evenings frustrated out of his mind, spilling over his chest and fucking himself out to the thought of you. he knows that as soon as he walks into the house, he’d be filled with that same frustration. so he stays out, accompanying red riot and deku for drinks. 
saying he got carried away was an understatement, even to the point that kirishima was giggling through a drunken haze at just how loose katsuki had gotten. by the time he left the bar, his head was so fuzzy with alcohol that he couldn’t see straight, parting from his friends with a gentle wave. 
n then he came home to you, shutting the door to the house as silently as possible, locking it before heading up the stairs to where he knew you’d be sleeping. he was too drunk to think about what he was doing, all he knew was that he needed you, needed to feel you, fill you up. so he cracked your door open and there you were, splayed across the bed, t shirt riding up your abdomen and little panties exposed to the cold air of the room which grew thick in an instant. 
katsuki could see the wet spot on you as he locked the door and padded into the room, no doubt leftover from the way you’d desperately humped your fingers to the thought of him earlier in the night. he leaned over you, hands kneading the flesh of your thighs as he called your name to rouse you from sleep. 
“katsu...?” you mumbled, squinting in the dark to see his figure hovering over you. “w-what’s wrong?”
fuck, you sounded so innocent, so fucking tempting with that little upward lilt in your voice, heavy with sleep.
“want you... so fuckin’ bad.” he slurred his words slightly, dragging his hand up the inside of your thigh before resting over your crotch. 
“katsu, no... we shouldn’t.” you said in a hushed whisper, eyes widening as they darted to the bolted door. “my dad is down the hall... it’s wrong.” 
“but do you want me?” he asked, insisting, crimson eyes staring past you and scanning over your body. his fingers pressed against your entrance through your panties, earning himself a whine muffled by closed lips. “I think ya do.” 
n you looked up at him with wide eyes, head falling back before you took your lip between your teeth and nodded slowly, a whimper falling from your lips. katsuki was on you faster than you could register, his fingers pulling your panties to the side roughly, calloused digits working against your clit and feeling just how slicked up you’d become. 
“so fuckin’ wet.” he growled into your ear, wasting no time dipping his fingers into your soaking cunt, curling upwards. 
god, you were tight. like a fucking virgin as he plunged his fingers into you, roughly spreading your thighs apart so he could get better access as he held his weight up on his other arm. 
“k-katsu... w-wait!” you squeaked out, hand grabbing his forearm as he pumped his fingers inside of you. 
it was fast, overwhelming and entirely too much. though you couldn’t deny that it was exactly the way you’d expected katsu to fuck and god, you were salivating, legs already beginning to tremble.
he couldn’t wait though, so fucking desperate for you as he finger fucks you into silence, kissing you with a rough tongue that lacks the delicate touch of the other boys you’ve kissed. katsuki just loves his little sister too much to stop before she’s creamed on his fingers. he waited far too long for this to not watch her come undone over and over again. 
“y’gonna cum? dirty fuckin’ girl, so pretty.” he babbled as he watched you, your breath picking up as climbed to your orgasm, legs shifting on the bed. he brought his thumb down to your clit, eyeing you. “c’mon, show big brother how this pussy creams.” 
n you do, like a good fuckin’ girl. you cream over his fingers with a whine while his free hand comes to soothe your hair down as he fucks you through it, fingers never leaving that spongey spot inside of you. 
“that’s a good girl,” he coos. “gonna give me another, yeah? on m’fuckin’ tongue?” 
and katsuki drops down, lifting your hips from the bed and connecting his lips to the little bud between your legs, tongue dipping to tease at your cute hole. he can feel the way your legs tremble as he holds you up to make a meal out of you, the little gasps and whines that break from your lips as he explores you with his tongue only drive him to press the pad of it to your hardened clit. 
he’s rough with it and with no regard for your previous orgasm, threatening to bring you to another as he slides his fingers back into you. 
“so wet f’me.” he practically moans into you. “tastes so fuckin’ good. could stay in front of this pretty pussy all day.” 
his eyes meet yours, watching your expression, catching your embarrassed gaze as you feel the heat rise to your cheeks. 
“this is my pussy, right?” he mumbles into you. “all fuckin’ mine now.”
n you nod, so close to spilling over the edge, so stupid on his tonuge that you can’t focus. you’ll say anything if it means that he’ll plug you with the thick stretch of his cock. katsuki groans into you, sending vibrations through your leaking cunt and pushing you well over the edge, your hand flying over your mouth to silence yourself. 
before you can register it, he’s back over you, eyes drinking in your figure. 
“gonna have to shut you the fuck up, huh?” he growls, lining himself up with your entrance and sliding his thick digits into your mouth. “gonna have to be quiet if you want this cock.” 
you nod in obedience, taking his fingers into your mouth and letting him gag you while he spears you through, stretching you open with the fill of your step brother’s length. n katsuki finally gets to fuck his pretty little sister, fuck her stupid with her panties sloppily pushed to the side because he was too fuckin’ excited to pull them off. gets to watch her cream over his cock over and over again, until he was sure that everyone in the house knew just who was fuckin’ her so well. 
katsuki stuffs you full, fills you with him, breeds that tight little cunt of yours with a groan and a mutter of oh fuck, fuck yeah take it. take m’fuckin’ cum, dirty bitch. 
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a/n: wrote this this morning because I couldn’t get it out of my head
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gardenerian · 2 years
Just came across this anon ask about Ian and breakfast. You have thesis level ideas for Ian making breakfast? Well. How about:
5 times Ian made breakfast (in various emotional states? Or not. Your thesis) +1 time someone made him breakfast 😁
cw for bipolar mania, reference to domestic abuse, mild blood and injury
also posted here here
It’s even colder somehow; colder still than it was yesterday morning. At this point in the winter, Ian thinks he should be used to it by now. But it’s still somehow colder this morning. 
The heat’s been out all week. 
Ian pulls on extra layers before creeping down the stairs, not wanting to visibly shiver under Fiona’s guilty gaze. It’s not her fault. She’s doing everything she can. 
Including, it seems, working another overnight shift at that seedy motel a few miles from the house. She’s nowhere to be found when he reaches the bottom of the back staircase - the kitchen is quiet and still in the pale, thin light of the morning. 
Ian grabs his hat from the kitchen table and pushes his stiff limbs towards the coffeemaker. There’s only a scoopful of grounds left in the tin - he uses just half of it to get the coffee going. 
It’ll be watered down and unsatisfying, but it’ll be hot enough. They can make do again tomorrow. 
And maybe he’ll lift a new tin when he stops by the Kash and Grab again after school today. 
Linda Karib turned him down for a job yesterday, arching an eyebrow and telling him to come back next year when he’s old enough to work. Kash stood behind her, eyes wide and jaw slack. 
Ian thinks he might have more luck if he goes back today and talks to him. 
He has to start earning. 
Lip stumbles down the stairs as the coffee starts brewing, grunting at Ian in greeting and rubbing sleep from his eyes. He grabs a poptart from the cabinet and raises it to his temple in salute before disappearing out the door for a tutoring session. 
Lip’s bringing in cash, Fiona’s hurtling from gig to gig like a pinball shot by the force of their poverty. And Ian’s standing quietly in the kitchen, thinking through which foodbanks to hit this weekend. 
The kids will be scrambling downstairs soon, in search of breakfast and warmer clothes. Ian eyes the clock; Fiona’s not back yet. 
He pours himself a mug of coffee water and hunts through the cabinets. Lip took the last poptart and there’s maybe half a bowl of cereal. They’ll need the rest of the milk for Liam, anyways. 
They ran out of eggs earlier in the week. Ian adds them to his list of items to steal. 
There’s enough oatmeal left for a small pot, and Ian’s stirring in an old, hardened clump of brown sugar when Debbie and Carl trudge downstairs, Liam in tow. 
“Fuckin’ freezing in here,” Carl groans, handing Liam to Debbie, whose hands shake as she settles him into the highchair.
“Put on your hats,” Ian tells them. “Scarves, too.” 
He ladles some oatmeal in bowls, saving some for Fiona in case she comes back in time. There’s a single, browning banana on the counter - Ian slices it up for Liam. 
“Grab him some milk, will ya, Debs?” he asks, setting their bowls on the table. Carl looks down at the thick, lumpy oatmeal, rightfully unimpressed. But it’s the best he’s got. 
It’s cold in here. It’s cold outside. Ian can’t get the heat turned back on. The best he can do is fill their bellies with something warm. 
Fiona rushes through the back door then, freezing air whipping in behind her. 
“Sorry,” she breathes, running a hand down her tired face. She moves to unzip her coat before thinking better of it, zipping it up further as she closes the door. 
“I got off late, missed my bus,” she explains. “I think there’s enough breakfast, I can make something - ” 
She cuts herself off when Ian hands her a cup of watered down coffee, shrugging in apology at the lack of milk or sugar. 
Fiona takes the mug with a sigh. She brings it to her face and presses the ceramic to her cheek. Ian hopes, at least, that the heat is warming her hands through those threadbare gloves. 
She sits down across from Liam, running a hand over his curls. 
Ian sets a bowl in front of her. His sister looks down at it through watering eyes: the chipped rim, the pathetic serving of hardening breakfast at the bottom. 
She looks to Liam, Debbie, Carl. Checks to see that they’ve eaten at least some of their meal. Her body goes slack when she notes that they’ve made it through another morning. 
The day can begin, they can fight their way to the next one. 
“You get any?” she asks Ian, spoon halted above her bowl. 
“All good,” he lies through his teeth. The warm coffee in his belly will hold him over until - 
Oh shit. 
“We got anything to make for lunches?” 
The world is glowing this morning. 
Chicago is alive and the bass from the club is still thumping in his skull as his feet pound the pavement. 
The sun roars over Lake Michigan, sending the skyline up in flames as it rises. The grainy photos on his phone don’t do it justice, this feeling. The crackling wonder in his skin as he watches the city burst forth into a new day.    
But he can’t wait to show Mickey.
He was asleep when Ian crept out into the dark morning, breath even and deep at last after tossing and turning for most of the night. His body was tense in sleep, tight under the weight of his worries. 
Mandy slept in Lip’s room, battered and bruised and just out of reach. 
Ian’s not sure if she actually slept last night. He hovered in front of the door when he got back from work and again before heading out for his run, knocking lightly just once. 
If she heard him, she didn’t make a sound. 
The world feels massive as Ian moves through it, making his way back home. Unknowable, but conquerable. His for the fucking taking. 
He wonders if Mandy and Mickey ever got to feel like this. Powerful - like even if the threads of their lives are frayed and splitting, they have the power to reknot them into something unbreakable. 
There’s something waiting for him. Something fucking huge. It’s just on the edge of his mind, right at his fingertips, waiting to be known. He can just feel the shape of it. 
And when he’s able to make that surge forward — when he’s able to pull it close and make it his — he’s going to give it to them. 
To Mandy, to Mickey. His family. He’s buzzing with want; with the need to give them all of him. 
The morning has fully overtaken the sky by the time he gets home. His siblings are scattered, spinning out across Chicago. There is so much to be done. 
There is so much to be done. 
Every item on his list ricochets across his mind as he pulls off his hat and peeks around for any sign of life downstairs. There are footsteps above him; they’ll be down soon. 
Mandy needs somewhere safe stay or he’ll find her here and take her back and maybe next time Mickey won’t be there to take her away and Mickey needs more cash for the baby and his wife fuck he has a wife still and he has an idea that could make them rich if Lip would help him and Lip hasn’t been back in a while and he hasn’t seen Fiona in days there’s a kink in his neck he needs to stretch more and the kids what’s going on with the kids has he really been so distracted is Frank even still alive he needs more eyeliner he’s working again tonight isn’t he - 
There has to be somewhere to start. There has to be somewhere to start today. A way to begin. Then he can give them all the world.
He’s flipping pancakes when Mickey comes downstairs. 
Everyone cleared out a while ago. 
He’d meant it, when he told them he didn’t want to do anything today. They’ll all have to get on without him anyways. And he wants to be here. 
Ian’s not sure when he’ll be here again.
He wanders from room to room, letting his hand run lightly along faded, worn walls. He remembers his family living their lives within these walls, growing up alongside the many versions of himself. 
Bounding from his room with Lip in hot pursuit, laughing and shoving each other towards the stairs. Holding Liam, hushing and soothing, walking up and down the hall when he cried at night. Bathtime, playtime, bedtime. 
He remembers kissing Mickey against these walls. 
With a heavy chest Ian heads downstairs, pausing to touch the bat hanging in its place. He feels sick for a moment, wondering if they’ll need it while he’s gone. 
He walks past the aquarium tank, the decrepit couch, the box of Franny’s toys shoved in the corner of the living room. 
The kitchen is quiet, his siblings having long since deserted the house. 
Of all the rooms he’ll miss, he thinks he’ll miss this one most. Its soft yellow glow, the well-worn table and chairs where Gallagher history unfolds. 
The plans hatched over cups of coffee, the long conversations over ice cream or beers. Confessions, realizations. The bustling lives of the people he loves. 
He’s not sure when he’ll be here again. 
It’s a little late for breakfast, and there’s no one here to eat with him. That’s the way it’s been lately, anyways. Rushed bowls of cereal before heading off and away from each other. A far cry from the mounds of scrambled eggs and plates of bacon Fiona used to churn out before she hurried them off to school. 
Still, he’s cracking an egg before he realizes what he’s doing. Adds a bit of milk. He whisks in flour and sugar, digs around the cabinet for some baking powder. 
Ian’s never been a great cook. Neither of them are - it was always about quantity rather than quality in this house. Enough calories to get through the day without also bankrupting them. 
But breakfast. Ian’s always been pretty good at breakfast. 
It’s easy, methodical. He can cycle through the steps in the comfort of this kitchen. Whether the mornings are bustling and chaotic or quiet and lonely, it all seems to come together over breakfast. 
The bananas fold easily into the batter, the smell of them warm and sweet. Familiar. Comforting, like a moment he can just remember. Mickey, probably. Drowning his stack of pancakes in syrup before eating half the stack in one bite.
And maybe that’s why he made them despite not being that hungry. To indulge his senses in something soft, something that makes him feel safe. Things are about to become so harsh. 
They’re perfectly warm and golden when Ian sits down to eat alone. 
The plastic tray isn’t quite big enough to handle all of this, but Ian refuses to take a second trip. He refuses to be away from Mickey for any moment longer than necessary. 
He wasn’t supposed to show up yesterday, busting through his bedroom window and then setting up shop like he never left. Ian had a plan for Mickey’s homecoming and this wasn’t it. 
But it’s not like he’d send Mickey back for a chance at a welcome home do-over, so Ian’s made it work.
It’s late in the day: far closer to lunch than breakfast. Everyone has already pretty much cleared out of the house, likely to save themselves from their continued reunion. 
Ian let Mickey sleep though, sitting up in bed to watch the morning light creep across the room. He can’t believe it. Mickey’s here. After so long and so much - he’s here, sleeping in that cramped twin bed again.
Last night was a fucking nightmare. Paula scares him - she fucking scares him, and there’s a deep, aching worry that has taken up residence in his bones. 
But he won’t let that touch this morning. 
It’s a struggle to push open the door while balancing the tray of food, but Mickey doesn’t stir when Ian stumbles into the room. Last night was the hardest they’d both slept in a while, wrapped up together again. 
“Hey,” Ian whispers, setting the food down on the little bedside table. “Mick, wake up.”
He runs a hand over Mickey’s hair, fluffy and soft after his long post-fuck shower late last night. Mickey leans into the touch, smiling as he blinks awake. 
“Hey yourself,” he murmurs, voice heavy with sleep. Ian loves him so much he thinks he might die. “You’re up early.”
Ian snorts. “Mickey, it’s almost noon.”
“Shit, really? Fuck, I could go for a few more hours, man.”
“You can stay in here all day if you want,” Ian tells him, sitting on the edge of the bed and patting Mickey on the leg. “Just thought you might wanna eat some non-prison breakfast.”
“Oh, fuck yeah,” Mickey says, sitting up and stretching. Ian is mesmerized. 
It’s been years since he last watched Mickey come to life in this bed. By the end of those long, painful days, Ian didn’t even stop to appreciate the way Mickey’s nose crinkled up as he yawned. 
He’ll never make that mistake again. 
Ian leans in for a kiss, marveling at the fact that he can touch Mickey with leisure again. No visitation room glass, no hiding from unfriendly prison guards, no looking over their shoulders for border patrol. 
Boundless time, for the first time in their lives. 
“It’s not the big spread you were supposed to have,” Ian says with mock irritation. “But since you showed up early, I guess two somewhat stale toaster strudels, this questionable thing of yogurt, a bunch of grapes, and some toast will have to do.”
“God,” Mickey groans, reaching out his hands, “as long as there’s coffee and no instant prison eggs, I literally do not care.”
Ian laughs, passing over a mug of hot coffee. “I’ll take you out later,” he promises. 
“Don’t have to do that,” Mickey says, face in his mug. “I’m cool to eat crap with you as long as you don’t get out of this bed all day either.”
He snags a grape from the tray, smiling as it bursts across his tongue. 
He’ll take Mickey out one day soon. Give him everything he deserves, at last. But there’s time. 
They have time.
Ian wakes up sluggish and embarrassed. 
They fought last night - or something like it. Quick and loud and hot with shame. 
He’s been up, elevated. He knew it. He knew Mickey knew it. It’s just been one of those episodes to cycle through, to keep track of and get over, adding another notch in his fucking belt. 
His meds are fine. 
His moods are fine. 
He’s just. He’s more. Ian can hear himself talking, he knows it’s too much too fast too many burning gulps of breath before moving onto the next thing - but he can’t stop himself. 
There’s so much in him right now, and he can’t stand to let it waste away. 
He was cooking last night. Chopping peppers and onions for a spicy dish he thought Mickey would like. The blade moved of its own accord, gliding across the cutting board in a way that felt controlled, practiced.
Ian felt skilled, despite never having tried this before. He felt clear, steady. 
He tossed the veggies in the skillet, relishing in the smell of spices and the crackling of oil. 
“Jesus,” Mickey said, appearing behind him at the counter, voice laced with that familiar apprehension. “Should turn that fuckin’ flame down, man.”
“It’s fine,” Ian muttered, focused on his herbs. “Gotta add the sauce in a sec.”
“Ian, it’s too high,” Mickey warned, shoving around him to lower the heat. “Gonna set the smoke alarm off if it - what the fuck is that?”
“Cilantro,” Ian said, brows knit in confusion, “you’ve tried it before.” He moved to turn the heat back up, but Mickey grabbed at his wrist. 
“Not that, jackass,” he snapped, bringing Ian’s hand closer to his face. “You’re bleeding all over the fuckin’ place.” 
It wasn’t until Mickey said it that Ian felt the pain. Breathless, startling. He hadn’t even noticed it; hadn’t seen the blood staining his fingers or spattering the cutting board. 
“Oh,” he breathed as Mickey turned off the burner altogether and pulled him to the sink. “Shit, I didn’t realize.”
“You didn’t realize you’d cut your hand open?” 
And it was there again. The edge of panic, the shake in Mickey’s voice as he spoke. It scared Ian as much as it pissed him off. 
“No, I didn’t, so it’s not so bad,” he insisted, even as he winced when Mickey started to clean him up. 
“Not so bad,” Mickey muttered, studying Ian’s split skin closely, probably trying to decide if it needed a stitch. “Jesus fuck, Ian.”
To his credit, Ian didn’t yank his hand away. He didn’t snap, he didn’t storm off. He didn’t tear the sky down and burn it in the smoldering ash of his fucking mood. 
Not right then, anyways. 
“Come on, Mick,” he argued instead. “It’s not that bad. Just put a bandage on it and let’s finish dinner.”
Mickey had stilled then, looking up at him with narrowed eyes.
“I’ll order a pizza,” he said thinly. “We gotta figure this out.”
“What is there to figure out? I wasn’t careful, I nicked myself. It’s fine.”
“Ian,” Mickey breathed, voice going soft. Ian felt himself getting pissed off again. “I thought we were past this. We’re a team here, remember?”
“Of course,” he replied, firm in his agreement even if he was getting fucking angry. He always hates this part. When they talk to him like he’s an idiot. Like he’s not even there. 
“Then tell me you get this,” Mickey sighed. “You gotta know what’s going on.”
Ian finally wrenched his hand away. Mickey’s face fell, and Ian almost offered it back. But he felt the sky come down, and he couldn’t stop it. 
“You think I don’t know?” Ian said, incredulous. “You really think that by now I don’t know?”
It’s unfair, really. How fucking hard he has to work to keep himself in line. To keep his voice level, to keep his chest from heaving. To keep the burning in his throat from reaching his eyes - keeping them open, but not too wide. Keeping them clear and free of those stinging tears. 
How goddamn hard he always has to work so they won’t write him off as hypomanic without hearing him. To take him seriously, even if he’s sick. 
They never mean to. They’re always trying. But he can always see them file it away, focusing on the symptoms instead of on him. They can’t always help it. But he always knows.
“You hurt yourself, Ian.”
“It was an accident!” Ian cried. “It could have happened either way! I know what’s going on, Mickey. We already talked about it. I did what I was supposed to do. I talked to my doctor and she didn’t think I needed to change anything. You know this.”
“That doesn’t mean you can just ignore it, Ian. We gotta talk about it more. You can’t let this get worse!”
“And what do you want me to say,” Ian snapped, leaving the would-be dinner on the stove and stomping out to the living room. Mickey followed behind, socked feet padding quickly to keep up. “That I’m fully aware that I’m sick right now? That I did what I was fucking told and I’m still like this? That I can see you watching me all the time? Why do we have to have an intervention every time? You know it, and I know it. What do you need me to fucking say?”
Mickey was quiet for a moment. He looked down at the floor while Ian struggled to catch his breath. When he looked up again, his eyes were bright.
“I know this fucking sucks for you. M’not saying you need to rush back to the clinic, Ian. But you need to be careful. You need to try to slow down and you need to let me fucking help you.”
He knew. He was just so fucking tired of having to talk about it.
But he always catches up, eventually. So he nodded sharply and gave Mickey what he wanted. What Ian knew he needed, anyways.
Ian crossed the floor again, heading back to the kitchen and rummaging through their drawer for his sedatives. He swallowed one down dry - Mickey appeared in the corner of his eye, leaning against the corner. 
“We’ll make a plan tomorrow,” Ian said lowly, hanging his head and walking back to their bedroom. He touched Mickey’s arm briefly as he passed; the only apology he had the strength to offer in the moment. 
As the familiar heaviness of the drug claimed him, Ian felt Mickey slide into bed next him. 
This morning he wakes up alone. And maybe this shouldn’t surprise him given last night, but his heart still sinks at the coolness of Mickey’s side. 
Ian takes his time brushing his teeth, washing the sleepy daze from his face. When he walks out to the living room, he’s surprised again to find it empty. 
He’d anticipated finding Mickey on the couch, coffee in hand and ready to talk. 
Instead, Mickey’s in the kitchen. 
The dishes from last night’s failed culinary attempt are put away. There’s a familiar pink box on the counter - chocolate cream, no doubt. 
The kettle is whistling. Ian notes two mugs with tea bags waiting. No coffee. Too much caffeine. 
“Shit,” Mickey hisses from his place at the counter. He’s slicing up strawberries. 
Ian clears his throat, moving into the kitchen to grab the kettle. He pours the water over the tea bags, watching the golden color bloom in their mugs. It smells bright, clean. Like a new morning. 
“Hey,” Mickey says. He scoops the berries into a bowl and pads across the kitchen to kiss Ian on the cheek. “I know you don’t like to eat a lot after taking one of those, but - I dunno. Thought you might like somethin’ nice.”
Last night wasn’t nice. Ian was not nice. Sometimes it takes over faster than he can see it, the nastiness. The barbs that defend him from his own shame - for a moment. 
But, god, he would like something nice. He would like his life to be nice. He would like to be nice. Good, as he always thought he could be. 
Ian nods, throat too clogged to speak. He takes the bowl from Mickey and places it on their dining table. Mickey follows behind with their teas. 
They’ll talk. They’ll make a plan to fix this, revisit their plans for future episodes. They’ll talk about how Ian felt cornered. About how fucking scared Mickey felt. About how sorry they are, how they wish they’d handled it all more gently.
But they’ll also talk about this: in the grand arc of their lives, this was just a flash. For a moment — a brief, hideous moment — it felt like the end of the fucking world. It was serious, and it was real. 
It just wasn’t bigger than them.
They’ll have a slow day. They’ll take their time with each other. They’ll share the berries on their kitchen table. Later Mickey will bring Ian a chocolate cream, and when Ian leans in to kiss him, he’ll taste the sweetness on his tongue. 
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russilton · 2 years
rb!george adjusting to merc accordingly i— 🥺🥺🥺 my god, i'm so Soft for found family dynamics, or just general kindness from a group of people after they know you've gone through a rough time. i could imagine how absolutely surprised george is after realizing how fucked up his past working environment is compared to this one. 100% feel like that man would cry like he did in hungary 2021 because he finally internalizes the fact that he's okay now, that he's in a good place.
also curious—you don't have to respond fully if it spoils the fic btw!—how would lewis ask george to join merc? and if it's announced, how would the entire grid react? :0 as always, fuckin love your writing!! :D also i am a sucker for perfect and open communication too so 🤝🤝🤝 - @ruszhou
Spoilers for Redbull George au! Big ones!
God George joining Merc may be one of my favourite parts of the second half of the story haha. Lewis approaches Toto about a seat for George somewhere around Russia. Redbull have nerfed the shit out of George’s car post summer break to keep him in line, and while he’s worked his ass off to outdrive those issues, to keep his head above water, they make the car fundamentally harder to drive. Around rolls Russia, max has the engine penalty, and George is having a really hard time keeping his car in contention.
He’s also exhausted. He isn’t sleeping much, every weekend is brutal reminders that if he doesn’t perform he’s fucked. He can’t look Lewis in the eye. After Monza something in him twists like a knife seeing Lewis crash. He throws up when the team joke to max he should have tried spinning his wheels. Going to sleep means the next day comes faster so he often ends up laid up in whatever expensive hotel the team is booked into staring at his phone, trying to figure out who he can talk to. He can’t talk to his family, after all they sacrificed to get him here. He can’t talk to Aleix, or any of his previously close friends all on Redbulls pay role. All he has is Lewis, what cruel irony. He doesn’t call.
This lack of sleep, combined with the surprise rain in Russia, his horribly under responsive car, slick tires and max just slightly tagging his back wheel into a turn as he overtakes him, and George’s car spins out and takes Max with it. George hits the wall harder, max gets off lightly even if the car isn’t able to finish the race. George’s head is still spinning when max is leaping out of his car to shout at George, vitriol and acid that george can barely parse over his ringing ears. George can’t even look at him he’s panicking so badly, adrenaline making his instinct to freeze rather than fight kick in. Max shoves his head violently before he storms off (at this point he doesn’t even know if george has a head injury or not, which is pretty horrifying) and george is so dizzy he can’t get up. Max is already on the back of a cart back to the garage when medical arrives, and once they get his collar guard off, george has to try and pull himself out the car and look fine because he knows Redbull will be furious if they think he was using the medic for sympathy. He grimaces and waves his arm to the cameras even as his shoulder screams. Nobody can tell behind the helmet.
Redbull put the blame for the incident entirely on George, they quote his drop in delivery (that they forced) and his withdrawn attitude as him reflecting on what he did (he’s actually trying to stave off a crippling migraine.) When he’s back in the redbull building it doesn’t get better, they verbally abuse him for damn near an hour before marko tells George he won’t be driving for Redbull next year. When george looks like he’s teetering on a panic attack they tell him that if he behaves from now to the end of the season they MIGHT give him a seat in the AT rather than pierre. But if he steps out of line again they’ll blacklist him from the sport entirely, making everything he and his family have worked for worthless. As he leaves, max shoves him so hard into a wall he’s surprised he doesn’t break his nose, hissing something about George deserving it for fucking with his championship. Nobody stops him .
That’s how Lewis finds George, tucked away behind a Redbull motor building, blood dripping out his nose, on the verge of a complete breakdown as he tries to stop the blood getting on his shirt. Lewis was just looking for him to tell him he didn’t think the crash was his fault, and now he’s found george looking bruised and beaten emotionally and physically. He hustles George into a quiet Merc building to get him out of camera view then leaves him sat on a sofa while he finds something to get the blood off his face.
When Lewis cups his face to gently wipe the blood off his nose and lip, he ends up murmering who did this to you? He sounds angry, and George is panicking again, thinking about what just happened, and he dives for Lewis to kiss him. It’s not graceful or loving, it’s desperate, George acting on instinct bc Lewis always made the pain go away before god please take it away now. Lewis holds him back, because Jesus george what’s going on with you? You’re not fuckin okay what happened? And George just, breaks, tells Lewis everything. About the second driver status, the testing, the abuse, and how he’s just lost his seat and might be kicked out of F1 entirely. Dams broken, he’s shuddering and sobbing into Lewis’ shoulder. Ugly, snotty, terrified crying as it all crashes over him.
Lewis ends up hugging him close as he processes everything, everything george is telling him is 10x worse than he guessed. No wonder george has turned into a stranger on and off track, it’s all beyond fucked up. He can’t do anything more than help calm george down and offer him somewhere to stay away from Redbull. Once George has cried it out he just laughs without any humor to it and tells Lewis he can’t, he has to go back, if he’s gone any longer it’ll be worse. Lewis has to let him leave even if it feels like letting someone walk off to be tortured.
It’s when Val finds him, still sat on a couch; still with slightly bloody hands and a damp spot on his shoulder that Lewis realises what he can do. He asks Val for his blessing to suggest george as a replacement to his seat (as mentioned last time, it’s already been decided that Val will be leaving Merc for 22, a mutual choice between Bottas and Toto). Val looks at him like he’s grown two heads, then at his hands, and connects the dots. He approves and doesn’t make Lewis elaborate. Solid man, Val is.
Lewis approaches Toto about it just after that debrief, and it takes two weeks for a preliminary agreement to be drawn up between Toto, himself, and James V. When George podiums in turkey, it’s agreed they want to approach him, and just before COTA Lewis invites George to dinner. George goes because he barely gets to escape his hotel rooms now. He thinks it’s just Lewis; he’s not prepared for Lewis to lead him into the lavish back seating area of a fancy restaurant and to be met with Toto, James V, Bono, Val and shov all waiting for them. Here george is in a slightly wrinkled shirt across from a whole table of serious looking men in smart buisness attire.
He’s on edge immediately of course, doesn’t even sit down, all their calm measured gazes feel like spotlights, and he defaults to angrily demanding to know what the fuck is going on. Are they trying to get him to give up engineering secrets? To blackmail him into shitting on his team? Are they gonna take advantage of him as well??? They let him hiss at them like the angry feral cat he is before Val just leans forward on his elbows and says “they don’t want secrets, they want you”
George falls into shocked silence. Toto confirms it and taps a stack of papers, telling George it was Lewis’ idea. Lewis is eyeing George for a reaction, and George is so overwhelmed, confused and… kinda scared. He just can’t trust them, so he asks Lewis what the fuckin’ catch is, and Lewis tells the group he just needs to speak to George and drags him outside and into a side alley where it’s quieter and they’re hidden from passers by.
Lewis, very politely, asks George what the fuck his problem is, and George blows up at him and accuses Lewis of either trying to get something out of him, or pity him so George will feel in debt to him. He’s working himself up and doing a lot of pointing at lewis and accusing him of trying to make George his bitch on track too, and lewis gets a little fed up and grabs George by his shirt collar and pins him to the wall so George shuts up for a second.
This is when lewis uses his communication skills to tell George to maybe consider that lewis fucking misses him. Fighting George made him feel like a kid again, that he can’t stand having George handicapped on the grid no matter how much it makes his job easier. He wants to battle with him again, he wants George in a car alongside him so he knows that no matter which of them wins it’ll be for the team. And George’s jaw is tense, eyes damp and glaring at Lewis with a vulnerability Lewis fucking hates because he knows Redbull put it there. The only thing George manages to spit back in a wobbly voice that sounds a little close to tears is that “you just want to get a leg up on redbull” and Lewis just growls and gets right up in his face to tell him “of course I fucking do, don’t you? I want to battle someone who actually matters”
That finally shuts George up, and Lewis can gently unfist his shirt and step back. George self worth is in the basement and it makes Lewis so angry and sad. He misses the George who taunted him so Lewis would bend him over a table. He misses the spark in his eye. He tells George just to hear them out, listen to the offer, he doesn’t have to decide today. Redbull are going to fuck him anyway, what does he have to lose. George finally nods and let’s Lewis take him back inside, listens quietly to Shov and James explaining the details of the offered contract. The only thing he asks is to valtteri, which is he really okay with this? Val nods and explains why he’s moving. It’s all very tense as George tries to guess if they’re going to screw him, and everyone else waits for George to explode.
At the end George takes the copy of the contract he’s handed, and leaves without much of another word. Val and James immediately start questioning if George even wants a seat at Merc, sure doesn’t seem like it, but Toto is staring intently at Lewis, who matches his gaze, steady and determined. Toto nods at him and tells the rest that George wants it, the question is if he’ll let himself have this.
COTA is right before a two week break, and none of them hear a fuckin peep from George. He’s radio silent on and offline, till 3am on the Wednesday before mexico where he calls Lewis. Lewis is barely awake, asking George what’s going on, but George just cuts him off and asks lewis if he can trust Mercedes’. Can he trust this contract. Tell him this isn’t a trap.
Lewis is awake immediately, telling George about all the details of his own contract, about how fair Merc are, how they want him, not just because of Red bull. George doesn’t reply, silent, and lewis just says “ even if you don’t know you can trust us, isn’t that a better option than red bull, who you KNOW you can’t”. Silence. Lewis asks if he’s okay. George hangs up, leaving Lewis groggy and confused.
But next morning he’s getting on a private plane in Monaco with Toto and Valtteri to fly to the race, And Toto holds up his phone to show Lewis the freshly emailed scans of George’s signed contract, just waiting for his and James signatures. Sent over that morning, time stamped just after George hung up on him.
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ragingbookdragon · 3 years
So Live A Lie, Just Tonight, And Burn Out Bright
Batsis x Hal Jordan One-Shot
Word Count: 3.8K Warnings: Explicit Language, Mature Themes
Author's Note: I decided to compile that one Batsis "story" into one doc, and I added the alternate ending for the one anon who asked! Enjoy! -Thorne
“Alright, easy sis, easy,” he worried, watching her carefully for signs of pain flickering across her face as he helped her off the bike.
She scowled, managing to drag her injured leg forward. “Quit nagging. I’m—ngh—fine.”
“You’re on emergency oxycodone and you’ve got a broken femur,” he retorted. “I’m nagging until you’re in surgery.”
“Ugh, stop reminding me.”
Someone hauled her off her feet with a quiet, “I’ve got you.”
She grunted in pain laying on the gurney. “Thanks, dad.”
“Miss Wayne, are you alright?”
Her eyes found Alfred’s. “I’m good. I just ne—motherfucker!” she yelped, glaring at her father who was squeezing her thigh. “Hey! That’s broken, jackass! Quit!”
Bruce grunted. “You need an ORIF now.”
A pinch in her arm made her twitch and she turned her attention to Alfred who was uncapping a needle. “Alfred, what’s that?”
He shook his head. “Nothing to worry about, Miss Wayne.” Smiling, he stuck the needle into the line. “You’ll feel better when you awaken.”
Her vision blurred rapidly, “Gonna take…a nap…now…” her head lolled, and Bruce met Alfred’s gaze.
“Call Damian. He’s got the steady hand we’ll need.”
“How’re you feeling?” Jason asked, setting a cup of juice on the bedside table.
She blinked slowly, staring at her fingers. “Why are my fingers like this?”
“Like what, Queenie?”
“Bendy,” she replied, flexing her fingers. “It’s fuckin’ weird.” She looked at him. “I feel weird.”
He snorted, nodding at Dick and the others who were walking in at the sound of her voice. “You’re on hydromorphone, sis.”
“Hydromorphone, sister,” Damian said. “It has increased your threshold for pain and reduced the perception of it.”
She stared at him like she hadn’t heard a word come out of his mouth. “I didn’t understand a single goddamn word that you just said.”
Snickers sounded around her, but her head was up in the clouds and she rested back against her pillow. Her family gathered around her, sitting up on the bed, and suddenly she cocked her head up, squinting at each of them.
“Sweetheart? What’s wrong?” Bruce inquired.
“Where’s Dick?”
“I’m right here, sis,” he answered, pressing a kiss to the back of her hand. “What’s up?”
“Why’d you break up with Kori?”
His eyes widened. “I—what?”
“Kori. Tall alien with the shooty-hands.”
“I know who she is. What about our breakup?”
“Are you kidding me? That woman is spectacular, and you broke up with her. She’s gorgeous, wicked intelligent, fantastic in bed and—”
“Wait, back up there,” he interrupted. “Good in bed? Did you sleep with, Kori?”
“Oh yeah, totally. I was her rebound after you.”
Dick blinked while the others cackled. “Have you…have you slept with any other exes?”
“Of yours? Or in general with the family’s exes?”
“Wait,” Jason said. “Have you slept with any of mine?”
“Did you date Artemis?”
He shrugged. “Sort of?”
“Then, yes.” She looked at Bruce. “I slept with Selina too, but to be completely honest we were both drunk and I don’t think either of us remember.”
“I uh—” he started, then quieted. “I didn’t know you were gay, sweetheart.”
She let out a ‘pfft’. “I’m not.”
“Oh, you’re bi, then?” Dick smiled and she shook her head.
“Nah, I like the wine but not the label.” She grinned. “I’m a lover of people.”
“How many superheroes have you slept with?” Tim questioned and she pursed her lips.
“Uh…I dunno…kinda lost count.”
For a moment no one said a word, then Jason asked, “You know how we call Dickhead the fuck-boy? Can we refer to you as that now? I think you’ve topped his count.”
Her eyes narrowed into a glare and she pointed at him, though she was seeing double, so it was entirely possible that she was pointing at the wall. “Keep that up and I’ll sleep with your best friend again.”
“You slept with Roy?!”
“I was talking about Kyle, but Roy works too.”
She thought for a moment, then offered, “Diana. But I asked her out last weekend so it’s up in the air until our date.”
***Part Two***
There was only one rule that everyone collectively followed in Wayne Manor and that was: no excessive noise until after twelve P.M. It was mostly influenced by Alfred who’d more than once pulled out the shotgun but surprisingly, mornings were usually calm and quiet. Keywords: “Were” and “Usually”. There were some special cases.
An ear-splitting scream shattered the silence of the breakfast room and in an instant, everyone was jumping from the table, sprinting towards the staircase to find out what was quite possibly murdering their eldest sister. As they neared the staircase, they came face to face with her as she stood behind the banister, her hands gripping the railing until her knuckles started whitening.
“Sis, what’s wrong?” Dick worried, already starting to come up the steps, Jason and Tim close behind.
“I’m late,” she whispered, and they leaned forward.
“What was that?” Bruce inquired, brows furrowing, and she looked at him.
“I’m late.” Her voice was firmer this time.
He blinked. “How long?”
“Two months.”
“Wait, what’s going on?” Jason questioned, shaking his head and she scowled.
“My period’s late, jackass.”
She wished she’d taken a photo of their faces, because nothing would ever amuse her as much as the way their jaws went slack, eyes widening in total shock. Running a hand down her face, she groaned, “Oh my God. I knew something was up. I completely forgot about it.”
“Sooooo…” Tim drawled out with a recovered grin. “Who’s the daddy?”
Her eyes narrowed and she shot him a glare. “Shut. Up.”
“C’mon sis, someone—some guy did it for you.” Jason quipped. “Who’s the lucky man?” he paused, seeming to remember something. “How many superheroes have you slept with in two months? That have dicks, of course.” She clenched her jaw and his eyes widened. “Oh no. Oh no…is it, Roy?”
“It’s not Roy!” she hissed.
“Kyle?” Dick offered and she shook her head.
“No. I’ve only slept with one guy in the past two months.”
“Who was it sister?” Damian quizzed, placing his hands on his hips. “I have yet to meet anyone acceptable for you to populate with.”
“Thanks Damian,” she griped, then groaned. “Oh God, I know who it is too. And I wish I didn’t.”
“Why’s that?”
Her eyes found Tim’s. “Because we were drunk as hell after a League mission.”
“Who is it?” Bruce grunted and she met his gaze.
“You’re not going to like it.”
Something passed between them, and his eyes narrowed. “Please don’t say that’s who you slept with.”
She nodded, pressing a hand to her face, hiding her embarrassment. “Mhm.”
“You slept with him?”
Jason looked between his sister and father. “Wait, I’m confused. What’s going on?” A snort sounded beside him, and he looked over, seeing Dick in tears. “Why are you crying? What’s so funny?”
Another round of slack jawed brothers appeared in her sight, and she hissed. “It was an accident!”
“YOU’RE HAVING A BABY WITH HAL JORDAN!” Dick gasped, starting to drop to his knees from laughing so hard. “OH MY GOD, YOU SLEPT WITH THE GUY DAD HATES THE MOST!”
“You slept with Hal Jordan?” Tim gagged. “Ew.”
“Sister, I am disgusted in your choice of partners for children.” Damian noted and she scowled.
“I hate all of you.” she looked at Bruce.
He sighed heavily, a defeated father…or maybe a defeated grandfather. “I’ll go call Hal…and order prenatal vitamins.”
She ran a hand down her face. “I’ll call Leslie and get in for an exam.”
“Holy shit,” Jason gasped. “We’re gonna be uncles!”
***Part Three***
He shifted the phone to rest between his ear and shoulder, hands busy pouring coffee into his cup. “Hello?”
What are you doing right now?
“Bruce? Is that you?”
Answer the question, Hal.
He rolled his eyes and frowned. “Well, it’s nine A.M., I’m making a cup of coffee. I know bats are nocturnal, so this might come as a surprise to someone like you, but rest assured it’s a normal habit for us normal folks.”
How fast can you get to Gotham City?
“Willingly?” Hal chuckled, setting down the coffee pot to grab the phone. “What’s going on?”
I need your…help…with something. And I need you in Gotham as fast as you can get here…please.
He almost dropped both the phone and coffee mug. “Did you just say you need my he—” the line went dead with a click, and he pulled the phone from his ear. “Asshole,” Hal scowled and shoved the phone in his pocket, before putting the mug down. His body flashed green as he suited up and he sighed. “Can’t believe I gotta go to the land of the living dead at nine A.M.”
He rubbed his temples as he disconnected the call, barely suppressing the sigh that wanted to escape him. “Are you mad at me?” he heard behind him, low, scared, and worried; he shook his head.
She leaned against the desk, staring down at the side of his head. “Are you disappointed in me?”
Bruce sighed this time. “At your basic lack of common sense and sleeping with a team member despite the fact that I’ve told you time and again that inner-team-dalliances only end badly? Yes.” He turned his eyes to her. “But for being pregnant? Never.”
“Doesn’t seem like it, dad,” she muttered, crossing her arms over her chest; he watched them lower to hold her stomach.
“I think Hal Jordan’s an idiot,” he stated. “If it seems like I’m upset, it’s because he’s going to be my grandchild’s father and I’ll have to be nice to him now.” She huffed a laugh and he reached over, placing a hand on her arm. “It’s going to be okay, sweetheart. We’ll take care of this.”
“I know, it’s just…” she sighed. “I never expected this to happen.”
“No one ever does,” Bruce answered. “Have you contacted Leslie yet?”
She nodded. “Yeah. I’ll go see her around three.” Grunting, she muttered, “Figured if Hal got here in as soon as possible, we’d have enough time to sit and talk about this before we went.” She ran a hand over her face. “God, I can’t believe I Hal knocked me up.”
“Please don’t say that,” Bruce griped. “I don’t like that phrase.”
“But that’s what happened, dad. I got knocked up by Hal.”
“Why do you hate me?” he scowled, dropping his head into his hands. “How did this even happen?”
Sighing, she recounted, “After the mission in Brazil, Hal invited Barry back to Coast City for a drink and Barry invited me.” She shrugged. “I didn’t wanna be rude even if I am typically antisocial, so I accepted, and we got there and found a bar. After a couple hours, Barry had to get back to Central and we just decided to keep drinking.”
She grunted. “Hell, by seven thirty we were already gone so we got a ride back to his place and he offered to let me stay the night and one thing led to another and—”
Bruce raised his hand, effectively silencing her. “I can infer what happened after that.” He rubbed his temples. “Let’s just wait for Hal to get here, yeah?”
“Yeah,” she agreed, falling silent.
Alfred cleared his throat. “Master Jordan, is here, sir.” They both looked up from the Batcomputer at the test pilot.
“Thank you, Alfred,” Bruce said, and the butler nodded, ascending the steps.
Hal walked towards them. “So, what’s the deal? Why do you need me?”
Bruce looked at her and she sighed. “Actually, I’m the one who needed you to come here, Hal.”
His brown eyes darted to hers, a flash, a recognition of something and he nodded. “Aright. What’s up?”
“Dad…give us a moment?” he nodded and stood from the Batcomputer, walking to the medical section on the other side of the cave. She waved Hal over. “You might wanna sit down.”
He did, albeit suspiciously. “Why are you acting so…weird?”
“Hal,” she said, then looked at her hands. “I’m…ah crap.”
“What’s wrong?” he asked, brows furrowing.
She took a deep breath and admitted, “My period’s late and there’s a good chance I’m pregnant.”
For a moment, Hal didn’t say a word, then he burst into laughter. “Oh, that’s hilarious!” he held his stomach and wiped his eyes. “That’s a good one.”
“I’m not joking, Hal,” she spat. “In the last three months, you’re the only man I’ve had sex with. If I’m pregnant, you’re the father.”
He stopped laughing at that. “Are you being serious?”
Hal ran a hand through his brown hair and let out a shocked breath. “Holy hell.” She watched him and he gaped at her. “W-what…what do we do?”
“I’ve got an appointment with Doctor Leslie at four. You’re welcome to come along if you’d like.”
He nodded. “Yeah. Yeah, I will.” Swallowing thickly, he said, “Does he know?”
“Dad? Yeah. They all do.”
“They?” he repeated, eyes wide.
“My brothers.”
“You told them we slept together?”
She chuckled. “Apparently a year ago under heavy meds, I admitted I slept with Dad, Dick, and Jason’s exes.” She shrugged. “There’s not much I keep from them.”
Hal’s eyes shifted to Bruce’s back. “Can’t imagine the Big-Bat is happy about this.”
“Oh, he’s not. He thinks you’re an idiot, but judging by the look on your face, you already know that.”
He scoffed. “Your dad likes to think he’s smarter than everyone else.”
She cocked a brow. “He is.”
“And it seems like you’re following that strain well,” he shot back, and they glared at each other before cracking smiles.
“If this is real, we’re going to be some parents, huh?”
Hal could sense the fear in her voice, and he stood in front of her, placing his hands on her hips. “Hey,” he murmured. “No parents are perfect. And we’re sure as hell not.”
“If this is supposed to cheer me up, it’s not.”
“I’m not trying to cheer you up. I’m trying to reassure you,” he corrected, squeezing her hips lightly. “We’ll work through this, and we’ll do it together.”
She gazed at him then heaved a sigh and leaned her head on his shoulder. “Thanks Hal.”
“Don’t mention it,” he chuckled, then murmured, “But if we really are going to be parents, should we tie the knot?”
“Absolutely not.”
“Hal, for the love of God, will you sit down?” she griped. “You’re starting to make me anxious with all that pacing.”
He sighed, running a hand through his hair before shrugging off his bomber. “I can’t help it,” he retorted. “I hate waiting.”
“Yeah, I’ve noticed.” She rolled her eyes. “Leslie’s working as fast as she can. Just sit down and be patient.”
Hal paced for another minute before collapsing into the seat beside her; she took his hand in hers and rubbed her thumb on the back of his hand. “What are you doing?” he asked, and she hummed.
“Comforting you.”
She looked at him. “Because you’re worried.”
“How are you not?”
“I am,” she commented, and he scowled.
“You don’t look it.”
“Well, that’s because I was trained to retain my emotions a as child,” she retorted. “It helps when I’m dealing with children who are scared.”
“I’m not a child,” Hal hissed, and she snorted.
“Could’ve fooled me.”
“You know what? I’m gonna—”
The door opened and their mouths snapped shut as Leslie walked in with a smile. “Good afternoon.”
“Hey Leslie,” she greeted, then glanced at the papers in her hand. “So? What’s the verdict?”
Leslie handed her the file and she looked it over. “Case of irregular period, dear.”
She blinked and said dumbly, “I’m not pregnant?”
“No,” she said, shaking her head. “Our bodies act up sometimes, even when we’re grown. Irregularities can still happen even now.” Clearing her throat, Leslie added, “But your blood and urinalysis came back negative. You’re not pregnant.” She looked between Hal and her. “With the results, you’re free to leave.”
She stood to her feet, but when Hal didn’t, she tugged his hand. “Hal,” she whispered. “Come on.”
He staggered to his feet. “Yeah, I’m coming.” He disappeared out of the clinic room, and she sighed, then looked at Leslie.
“Thanks doc.”
“Of course.”
They were quiet on the park bench, watching the sun reflect off the water and listening to the birds singing in the sky. “So…I guess that’s a relief,” Hal stated, and she nodded.
“Yeah. I guess it is.” Laughing, she said, “I mean could you imagine if I were actually carrying your kid?” when he didn’t laugh, she looked over at him. “Hal?”
He blinked, shaking himself out of his thoughts. “Yeah, couldn’t imagine it.”
“Hal,” she plead. “Are you upset that I’m not?”
“What? No. No, I’m relieved you’re not pregnant, but…” he sighed and shrugged. “I dunno at the same time as scared as I was, I was happy, you know? Ready to step up and be there for you.”
She lowered her gaze to his hands and reached over, placing hers over his and he took it, squeezing. “Well, look at it this way. This was the universe telling you that you’re ready to be a father and this was the universe telling me that I’m not ready to be a mom or your baby’s mother.”
Hal gazed at her for a moment then chuckled. “Yeah, I guess it is.” He squeezed her hand again and climbed to his feet, flashing green as his suit appeared. “Now that everything’s sorted out, I should be getting back to Coast City.”
“Sounds good,” she agreed, standing to her feet.
“Can I drop you off anywhere?”
“Nah, I’m gonna walk around for a bit,” she said.
Hal took to the sky then looked down at her. “If you ever find yourself ready…call me?”
A shocked laugh bubbled in her chest, and she shook her head. “Not a chance in hell, Jordan.”
“Come on, don’t you think it would be fun to have the old Bat call me his son in law?”
Giggling, she waved him off. “Get out of here, Hal.”
Winking, he replied, “See you later, babe.”
She couldn’t help but chuckle and watch him leave, then she shook her head. “Ridiculous.” But a small smile was still on her lips as she headed down the street.
***Alternate Ending***
She gazed numbly out at the water, not sure if she should feel surprise or shock, but whatever emotion she was feeling had completely dumbfounded her. She was pregnant. Her hands had unconsciously pressed tight to her stomach, and she felt sick more than anything. Sick, scared, ashamed, every emotion that came with sleeping with a coworker—and every TV show and movie where the woman got pregnant from the affair.
How was she going to explain this to her family? To her friends? How was she going to face their scrutiny? Pregnant out of wedlock? With the biggest skirt-chasing, arrogant asshole in the galaxy? She’d take the brunt of their scathing opinions. He’d get off scot-free. He’d—
“(Y/N).” Someone’s hand rested on her shoulder, and she blinked, suddenly brought from her stupor and she looked over at him; his gaze was full of worry. “Are you okay?”
Instantly, she felt angry, and she jerked away from him, standing to her feet. “Am I okay!” she shouted. “You got me pregnant! Do you have any idea what this is going to do to us! To our reputations! To mine!”
Irritation etched across his face, and he stood to his feet, getting in her face. “It takes two to tango, (Y/N). We both did this—not just me.”
Her mouth opened to retort sharply, but damned if he didn’t have a point and she shut her mouth, tasting something bitter as she looked away. “I’m going home.”
She turned and his hand shot out, grabbing hold of her arm. “Wait, I don’t want you going alone.”
“Let go of me.” She hissed, trying to pull away, but he tightened his grip.
“No. It’s too dangerous for you to be out alone.”
(Y/N) scoffed. “I think you’re forgetting who you’re talking to Jordan. I’m—”
“The mother of my child.” Hal declared and she gaped at him. “I know what you and your family think of me. I know you think I’m an arrogant asshole and yeah, I’ll admit that I am.” He pulled her to him and wrapped his arm around her waist. “But if you think for a second, I’m going to let you wander around this bat-shit crazy city alone while pregnant, then you’re the one who’s being arrogant.”
He searched her gaze. “I’m many things, (Y/N). But I’m not going to abandon you or shy away from whatever this is.”
She swallowed thickly. “What do you mean ‘whatever this is’? Parents?”
“Us.” Hal said. “Maybe it’s just my big head, but I see the way you look at me. Yeah, I annoy the hell out of you, but you care for me.” He reached up, cupping her cheek. “And I care about you too. More than just what teammates should for one another.”
(Y/N) didn’t know what to say, because he did have a point. Hal was an annoying prick who at many times provoked her into physical confrontation, but on the other hand, there was nothing she loved more than fighting with him, because she knew he found it just as amusing.
Her gaze lowered and she felt tears well in her eyes. “I’m scared, Hal.”
“I know. I am too,” he murmured. “But we’re going to get through this.” He tipped her head up, catching her eyes once more. “We will get through this. Together.”
(Y/N)’s lips wobbled, and she tried for a lighthearted comment. “Isn’t fraternization against the rules?”
Hal grinned. “Only in the military.” He winked. “Last time I checked—we’re not in it.”
She laughed, leaning forward, and pressed her forehead to his. “How’s everyone going to react to this?”
He shrugged. “Probably with shock. I mean about me getting a girl pregnant? Not likely. Getting you pregnant? More likely.”
“Shut up.”
“I think we should consider getting married though.”
(Y/N) pulled away and stared at him. “Excuse me?”
Hal looked at her. “(Y/N), we should think about getting married. I mean, we’re gonna have a kid together. Might as well tie the knot while we’re at it.”
She merely blinked and spun, walking off. “Nope. Not happening. I’ll be your baby-mama, but I am not marrying you.”
“Hey! Wait up!”
368 notes · View notes
jynzandtonic · 4 years
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HOLY SHIT I FINALLY DID IT, Y’ALL! A COMPLETE MASTERLIST! All of my writings are laid out under the cut. XOXOXO!
Last updated: October 4, 2021 (refresh the masterlist)
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 Aaaand just a quick reminder...
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ADAM SACKLER - Girls (2012-2017)
- FICS -
MEET THE BOYS: Adam Sackler - (450 words)
an intro to Sackler in the jynzandtonic universe
The Show Must Go On - AO3 - (1.8k + 1.7k + 2k words)
{part 1} - {part 2} - {part 3}
switch!Sackler x switch!reader: “omg they were quarantined!” w/ anonymous webcam sex and edging
Cherry - (1.6k + ? words)
{part 1} - {part 2 tba; it’s on the back burner!}
Daddy!Sackler x virgin!reader: reader has a daddy kink and innocence kink, initiates a pre-negotiated roleplay scenario for their first time sexual experience
Swiped - AO3 - audio - (1.2k + 1.3k + 2k words)
FULL FIC + AUDIO or {part 1} - {part 2} - {part 3}
Sackler x inexperienced/virgin!reader: “omg and they were roommates!” w/ idiots-to-lovers, instruction, dirty talk
Cake - (1k + 1.9k + ?) - to be continued!
{part 1} - {part 2} - {part 3}
Sackler asks what you want for your birthday. You ask for DAT BOOTY. Switch!Sackler x switch!reader pegging fic!
What to Expect - AO3 - (30k+) - WIP!
ch.1 - ch.2 - ch.3 - ch.4 - ch.5 - ch.6 - ch.7 - ch.8 - ch.9 - ch.10 - ch.11 - ch.12 - ch.13 - ch.14 - ch.15 (epilogue)
You decide to have a baby via donor, but your friend across the hall offers to help out the old-fashioned way. Preggo/Babyfic feat. Sackler!
Whole - AO3 - (500 words)
There are days when it feels like you just can’t get out of bed. There are days when you feel like you’re broken. But with Adam, you know you’re never really alone.
Ask Her - AO3 - audio - (5k words)
When you let it slip that you fooled around with your best friend back in the day, Sackler asks if you’d do it again. When you say you would, he can’t seem to let the idea of the three of you go. Maybe—just maybe—all you have to do is ask her.
Basic Instinct - AO3 - (25k)
ch.1 - ch. 2 - ch. 3 - ch. 4 - ch. 5 - ch. 6 - ch.7 - ch. 8
It’s a lucky coincidence—when you’re desperately searching for a new place, Adam Sackler has a room for rent. Plus, alphas and betas make great roommates, right? … Right?
Losing your virginity to Sackler
Adam making you cum while out at dinner w/ his parents
Sackler fingerfucking you on a rollercoaster
Facefucking and spitting in your mouth
Sackler screeching for cuddles
Sackler finding ‘innocent’ virgin!reader’s vibrator
Feeling needy and giving Sackler a sloppy, lovey BJ
Sackler teaching anxious reader how to give him head
Sackler wanting to see your lipstick smeared on his cock
Shy reader pulling The Lip Bite (TM) on Adam
Temperature play w/ ice cubes
Shy reader turning passionate for Sackler
What are the odds: wearable vibe at work
You and Sackler jerking each other off at a movie theater
Fucking you so hard you forget you even met your ex
Soft dom!reader overstimulating sweet Sackler
Adam eating your pussy on a hike
Riding Sackler’s face to shut him the fuck up
Sweet, soft sex with Sackler in front of your ex
Soft, sleepy morning sex
Adam loving on your teeny tiny titties
Gremlin!Sackler fingering the fuck outta you
Shit-talking switch!Sackler feat. some bondage
Catching Sackler jerkin’ it and playing with his titties
Some very possessive dirty talk
Adam finding virgin!reader’s dildo
Sackler ‘helping’ busy student!reader unwind
Proud reader fucking Sackler backstage between shows
Sackler buys you your very first vibe
Sackler pulling up your sundress and fucking you in the park
Sleeping in *ahem* too small of a bed with roommate Sackler
Sex that sent you and Sackler to the ER
Sackler in a healthy, communicative relationship
Sackler comforting a reader far away from home
Sackler with asexual!reader
Random shit that Adam says in bed with you
Pregnancy kink with Adam Sackler
Sackler’s nicknames for reader
Daddy!Adam Sackler daydreams
Misc Sackler hcs: dirty talk, sex, exhibitionism, domestic fluff
Songs on my Sackler “bedroom playlist”
Comparing the temperature of your mouth and cunt
Sackler eating out nervous!reader for the first time
How Sackler gives kisses
Dan + Sackler soothing your anxiety
Making grumpy Sackler BEG FOR IT
Bashful Sackler hcs
On Adam’s chaotic!switch tendencies
NSFW Alphabet: Cum + Fave Position
On seeing a usually self conscious partner feel confident about their body
Adam Sackler loves love
Sexy HCs: cum, masturbation, oral, kinks, pussy-eating
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CLYDE LOGAN - Logan Lucky (2017)
- FICS -
Meet the Boys: Clyde Logan
Maybe - AO3 - (1k words)
breeding kink/creampie WITHOUT the possibility/goal of reader becoming pregnant
Clyde gets ASMR - AO3 - (1k words)
Your sweet boy Clyde is the first guest on your ASMR channel. SFW fluff, can you believe it?!
Solstice - AO3 - (3k + 1.8k words)
{part 1} - {part 2}
It happens every Winter Solstice–you shift into a fox and wander the West Virginian woods for the longest night of the year. When you’re injured in an accident, the kind local bartender takes you into his care. Little does he know you’ll shift back into your human form come sunrise… without a shred of clothing on you.
The Plunge - AO3 - (3.4k words)
Clyde's not too hot on the idea of you swimmin' all by yourself at night, so it's up to you to convince him to join you for some moonlight skinny dipping.
In Vino Veritas - AO3 - (6.6k words)
In Vino Veritas — ‘In Wine, Truth.' You open up your very own wine bar, but one Boone County bartender isn’t particularly pleased about it. When a rift emerges between the two of you, will you find a way to mend it? And is there really “truth in wine?”
Eyes Wide Open - AO3 - (1.5k words)
It's all anonymous, and you're so hungry for a lover's touch. You'll never see him; he'll never know you. After an hour together, you'll part ways and never cross paths again. You couldn't find each other if you tried. As luck would have it, you might not need to.
Rowdy fuckin’ with Clyde
Clyde comforting reader after a fight with a parent/other
Touch-starved, babbling, dirty-talking Clyde
Daddy!Clyde fucking bratty reader while decorating the xmas tree
Clyde getting riled up watching you do stretches
Mirror-fucking and dirty-talk with Clyde
Phone sex with Clyde
Teaching Clyde to dance
Making Clyde do a homemade facemask*
Clyde wants a baby for Christmas
Admiring and loving on Clyde’s soft cock
The first time Clyde made your cheeks go hot
Filthy fucking at Duck Tape with Clyde 
Clyde’s very first time eating pussy*
Crying on Clyde’s cock
Clyde making you cum seven times in a row (for luck, y’know)
Facesitting with Daddy!Clyde
Clyde fucking your ass at Duck Tape after seeing your plug
Leaving the big city and reassuring Clyde of your choice
Waking Clyde up with some slow head
Sweet n sensual mirror sex with Clyde
Clyde comforting you with slow lovemaking
Clyde comforting isolated reader
Sending/receiving nude pics with Clyde
Corrupting sweet sub!Clyde
Clyde comforting sad reader (gn)
Clyde + breeding kink/pregnancy - part 1
Clyde + breeding kink/pregnancy - part 2
Clyde + breeding kink/pregnancy - part 3
Clyde with a lactation kink
Clyde taking care of you when you’re sick
Netflix and... cockwarming. oops
Riding Clyde’s cock. That’s it. That’s the post.
Marking his territory with creampies
Fantasizing about meeting Clyde at the bar
Loving fussing over Clyde
High school Clyde (uwu)
Telling Clyde you want to have a baby
Clyde being protective of you
NSFW Alphabet: Oral + Jack Off
Clyde eating pussy
MORE Clyde and breeding kink
The first time you have sex with Clyde feat. SIZE KINK
Sexy HCs: creampies, pussy-eating, and pregnancy
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FLIP ZIMMERMAN - Blackkklansman (2017)
- FICS -
Under the Stars - AO3 - (2.8k)
Flip Zimmerman’s always talking shit—even about the gear you’ve brought on your weekend camping trip. When the rain rolls in, will you help him out with a dry place to sleep?
Sweeter Than Honey (multichapter)- coming soon!
Visiting Flip at the station to show him your new lipstick
Flip daring you to sit on a vibe for 20min (overstim)
Coming home to find you in lingerie + his flannel
Fucking you in the archives division and telling you to keep quiet
GOOD COP BAD COP feat. Flip + Ronnie
Mirror sex in a dressing room
Breeding kink w/ Flip*
Your first time with Flip - part 1
Your first time with Flip - part 2
Fucking the brat out of you at a holiday party
Flip taking care of you after a long work day
Lovey-dovey drunk sex with Flip
Playing strip-poker with Flip
Slapping Flip (hint: it doesn’t go over well)
Flip spitting on your pussy
JUST how much Flip loves you
Slow lovemaking with Flip
Flip’s kinks, fave things to do in bed, and aftercare
Flip cheering you up after a bad day
Visiting Flip at the station in your skimpiest outfit
Flip being territorial over you in public
L.E.O. boys on National Horny Day
Flip being charming and playful
NSFW Alphabet: Aftercare, Goofy, Motivation, Stamina, Unfair
Gender-affirming lovin’ with Flip (transmasc!reader)
Semi-public sex and getting caught
On the subject of Flip’s balls
Growing old with Flip
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OFFICER RONNIE PETERSON - The Dead Don’t Die (2018)
- FICS -
MEET THE BOYS: Ronnie Peterson - (1k words)
an intro to Ronnie in the jynzandtonic universe, in which the ending of The Dead Don’t Die is gleefully retconned
Holds Two Nicely - AO3 - (2k + ? words)
{part 1} - {part 2 coming soon}
switch!Ronnie gets road head in the Smart Car, and reader’s gonna pay for pulling that type of shenanigans
This Is The Way - AO3 - (2.6k words)
Bad Day - AO3 - (2k)
blowing off a bad day with some mutual masturbation + squirting
Meet the Boys: Officer Ronnie Peterson
Hand kink w/ Ronnie’s giant paws
Deepthroating + dirty talk with sweet + spicy bby Ronnie
Rescuing Ronnie from the apocalypse and settling in the big city
GOOD COP BAD COP feat. Flip + Ronnie
Handcuffing and domming Ronnie
Ronnie can’t keep his hands off you at the PD holiday party
Sitting on Ronnie’s face... HE LIKES IT.
Mando!Reader doms subby Ronnie
Cockwarming as a form of dominance with switch!Ronnie
DOUBLE PENETRATION with Ronnie + a Clone-A-Willy
Ronnie finding you half-naked in a Stormtrooper costume
Thigh-riding Ronnie at the station
Ronnie overstimulating you with a clit-sucker + cockwarming
Giving Ronnie head in the bathroom at a frat party
Ronnie spanking you after he has a rough day skiing
Make-up snuggling with Ronnie after a fight
Virgin!Ronnie x virgin!reader thots
Sending/receiving nudes with Ronnie
Fluffy/dirty HCs for nerdy boy Ronnie
What are Ronnie’s hugs like?
How Ronnie dresses when he’s not in uniform
L.E.O. boys on National Horny Day
Dan + Ronnie on Daddy kink
Ronnie Peterson Tummy Appreciation Post
NSFW Alphabet: Jack Off, Zzzzz, + Dirty Secret
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CHARLIE BARBER - Marriage Story (2019)
- FICS -
MEET THE BOYS: Charlie Barber - (550 words)
an intro to Charlie in the jynzandtonic universe, which occurs solely post-Marriage Story
Exit Stage Right - AO3 - (1k words)
Theater smut and a very protective, soft Daddy!Charlie
Special Spot - AO3 - (850 words)
Daddy!Charlie is stressed from work and asks you to play with his ass
Business or Pleasure - AO3 - (1.7k words + ?) - WIP!
{part 1} - {part 2}
Lost and Found - AO3 - (4.6k words)
You’re an artist in New York City patiently waiting to find your soulmate. But what happens if your soulmate didn’t wait to find you?
Desperate, touch-starved fucking with Charlie
Cockwarming in the theater with Charlie
Charlie buying sex toys for reader
Building IKEA furniture + drinking wine
How Kind of You to Let Me Cum: etiquette kink with Daddy!Charlie
Counting belt spankings for Daddy!Charlie
Charlie rubbing your clit on the subway
Daddy!Charlie feat. squirting kink
Charlie comforting you after a hard day
Christmas party cockwarming with Charlie
Thigh-riding Charlie in his office
Professor!Charlie Barber fucking you in the library stacks
Charlie and a little bit of voyeurism/exhibitionism
Teasing Charlie like a little brat
Charlie fucking nonbinary!reader senseless for looking too good
Sleepy morning head with Charlie + erogenous zones
Charlie punishing you with edging, spanking, and overstim
Wearing Charlie’s hand like a necklace + mirror sex
Late-night somnophilia with Charlie
Distracting Professor!Charlie during office hours
Getting messy making pancakes with Charlie
Cockwarming for Charlie during his zoom meetings
Charlie taking his frustration out on you + aftercare
Student/teacher cockwarming with Professor!Barber
Falling asleep after sex with Charlie
Soft breeding kink feels with Charlie
Misc Charlie hcs: nicknames, sex, aftercare, + more
Charlie sending you gorgeous NYC lingerie
d-d-d-d-DADDY KINK + more
NSFW Alphabet: Unfair - remote control vibe
NSFW Alphabet: Cum, Jack Off, Fave Position, Goofy, Stamina
Charlie teaching you your manners before a fancy date
Daddy!Charlie on erotic piercings
Threesomes with Charlie: Adam, Dan, + Toby
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PHILLIP ALTMAN - This Is Where I Leave You (2014)
- FICS -
A Great American Pastime - coming soon!
Edging bratty sub!Phillip
Phillip messing with you during Passover Seder
Sudsy shower sex with Altman
Altman fucking you in the pool during a family bbq
Making Philly cum in his pants at a house party
Phillip buying you a naughty present
Pegging bratty Phillip
Phillip degrading + facefucking you
Handcuffing Phillip and riding his face
Phillip + Sackler on the BDSM test
NSFW Alphabet: Goofy, Motivation, Unfair, Volume
Spending Hanukkah with Phillip
Sending/receiving nude pics with Phillip
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DAN JONES (au context) - The Report (2019)
- FICS -
MEET THE BOYS: Dan Jones - (550 words)
an intro to Dan in the jynzandtonic universe, in which he is still a Senate staffer and the lead investigator for the Senate Select Committee on Intelligence; this is not RPF
Business or Pleasure - AO3 - (1.7k words + ?) - WIP!
{part 1} - {part 2}
Long Day - AO3 - (2.7k words)
DOM!Dan Jones!
Consumed by his work for the Senate Intelligence Committee, Dan comes home to you tense and exhausted, desperate for an outlet for his stress. Lucky for him, his little dove always knows just what he needs.
Professor!Dan Jones AU - coming soon!
Sensual phone sex with Dan
Subby!Dan with assistant!reader
Riding the fuck out of Dan in his office chair (drabble)
Disciplining Dan when he’s misbehaved
Semi-public sex with riled-up Daniel
Dan begging you to swallow his cum*
Surprising Dan with head when he comes home from work
Dan + Sackler soothing your anxiety
Dan + Ronnie on Daddy kink
Dan with a shy!reader
Aftercare with Dan
NSFW Alphabet: Cum, Jack Off, + Toys
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TOBY GRISONI (GRUMMET) - The Man Who Killed Don Quixote (2016)
- FICS -
You Can, You Shall, You Must (multichapter) - coming soon!
Distracting Toby mid-film by being a brat 
Toby eating your pussy on the train + getting caught
Misc Toby HCs: fucking, protectiveness, aesthetics
Misc Toby HCs: thigh-riding, hair-braiding, polaroids
NSFW Alphabet: Kinks + WILDCARDS
Toby mustache HCs
RICK SMOLAN (au context) - Tracks (2013)
- FICS -
Meet Me in Moab (Vanlife!Rick AU) - coming soon!
Watching sub!Rick jerk himself off for you
Rick shooting outdoor lingerie photos
Fucking a very touch-starved Rick
Making Rick cum in his pants
Rick worshipping readers phat titties
Roadtripping with Rick
Rick tickling and teasing your pussy
PAUL SEVIER - Midnight Special (2015)
- FICS -
Sugar Daddy!Paul Sevier AU - coming soon!
Praise kink with sweet Sevvy
Catching feelings for Sugar Daddy!Sevier
Sugar Daddy!Sevier comforting you during hard times
Paul spanking you with his file folders
Giving Sevvy head so good he cries
Overstimulating sub!Sevier
Somnophilia with Sevier
Sevier comforting sad reader
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Dirty texts from all of the boys
How the boys feel about stretch marks
Cute lil’ domestic arguments with Clyde, Ronnie, Charlie, Dan, + Flip
The boys with pregnant!reader
The boys on hickies and love-bites
The boys on period sex
Loving on fat!reader
Sunday morning snuggles and ~shagging~
How the boys would ask you to move in with them
The boys with a nonbinary!reader (they/them)
How the boys would spend a snow-day with you
The boys on thicc thighs
Dominant/submissive x LNC chart for the boys
Charlie + Ronnie comforting sad reader
~Soft~ hcs for Flip, Dan, Sevier, Ronnie, + Phillip
TRUTH OR DARE with Sackler, Clyde, + Flip - part 1
TRUTH OR DARE with Sackler, Clyde, + Flip - part 2
TRUTH OR DARE with Charlie, Phillip, Ronnie, + Dan
Top three boys with a breeding kink
The boys on the BDSM test
Flip, Daddy!Charlie, Clyde, + Sackler on being called ‘himbos’
A lil’ bit of clit worship
Sweet + spicy hcs with Clyde + Sackler
Sweet + spicy hcs with Flip + Ronnie
What kind of porn the boys watch/read
Falling asleep and waking up with you
What to do to get the boys weak for you
Must-have songs on their “bedroom playlists”
How kinky do the boys get + fave positions
How the boys rate in the exhibitionist category
The boys taking care of you when you’re sick
NSFW Alphabet: Aftercare with Sackler + Charlie
NSFW Alphabet: Experience
NSFW Alphabet: Dirty Secret
NSFW Alphabet: Location
NSFW Alphabet: No
The boys with a transman (transmasc!reader)
What the boys sound like before they cum
On finding out you’re bisexual
What the boys are like when they’re drunk: Toby, Dan, + Rick
What the boys are like when they’re drunk: Charlie, Clyde, Flip, + Ronnie
How the boys give hugs
What the boys prefer to fuck
Reverse cowgirling Charlie, Dan, Sackler, + Clyde
What alcohol the boys like to drink
A few New Year’s Resolutions
How the boys feel about verbal debasement/degradation kink
Size kink with Flip, Ronnie, + Clyde
Favorite rewards for The Subby Boys (TM)
Romantic nights with Flip, Charlie, + Clyde
Reactions to participating in skin-care pamering night
On dating a reader who does camming
The Babie-Daddy-Gremlin Triangle
The boys helping you when you’re overwhelmed with work
Would be most likely to roleplay Mulder/Scully with you
Is most likely to cum on you vs. cum in you
Likes to be called “Sir” (for scientific purposes)
Has the biggest dick - part 1 
Has the biggest dick - part 2 (NSFW Alphabet)
Has the best cock
Prefer showers or baths
Is the dirtiest and softest
Give the best back scratches when tucking you in
Wear speedos vs. trunks
Want to bring snacks to sexytime (food kink)
Is an ass man vs. a boobs man
Would be into having a threesome, and what kind
Would want to have children*
Is the best at eating you out
Has the heaviest balls feat. @clydesducktape​
Love facials the most
Is most likely to eat ass
Do I ship with each other + threesome ideas : paul x rick threesome, flip x phillip
Like to dole out orgasm denial/edging
Is the cuddliest
Is most likely to fuck the bratty attitude out of you
Has an edging kink
- FICS -
The Dungeon Master - AO3 - (1.7k words + 1.9k)
{part 1} - {part 2}
Matt plays D&D on Thursday nights, and you decide to interrupt him for a good dicking. You get more than you bargained for.
HCs: Matt the Radar Tech, Cameron the Actor, + Mr. Ketchup
HCs: very NSFW chaotic-dom!Matt the Radar Tech things
Matt the Radar Technician’s pet chinchilla, Greg by @rollerdiscodiva​
How you got together with Matt + misc HCs
A few Matt x chubby!reader HCs
Feral Matt the Radar Tech being... sweet??
What Matt’s cock is like
Feral Matt being a little sweet after sex
Crumbs on soft!Matt
Surprising Matt with some DnD cosplay sex
Matt + first-time somnophilia
Matt congratulating you for acing a test the way he knows best
Trying to give Matt a slow, sweet blowjob
Keeping grumpy Matty up late with some deepthroating
Sweet Matt buying you succulents
Wearing Christmas Lingerie while Daddy McTavish tries to work on Zoom
Your first Christmas with Mr. McTavish and Mr. Pennyham (Sleepover Dad)
Kylo’s guilty pleasures
Kylo fucking his hand in the refresher
How Kylo/Ben shows everyone you belong to him
Sub!Kylo begging you to let him cum
Tending to each other’s wounds after defeating Snoke’s guard
Dom!Kylo fucking your throat
Kylo/Ben and possessive behavior
Kylo and pregnant reader snaccs
Rough, post-battle sex with Kylo
Tending to Smuggler!Ben’s wounds (Mando!Reader)
Sucking Kylo’s cock in the refresher
Cockwarming in the throne room
Kylo watching you kick ass in training
Sparring with Kylo till he fucks you senseless
Daddy!Kylo Ren overstimming and spanking your pussy
Kylo/Ben taking care of you after a hard mh day
A full month of kinky prompts with all your favorite boys!
Love Letters from The Boys
KINKS/TROPES - (will be expanded)
-additionally, all of these are tags that can be blocked 🖤-
daddy kink
virginity kink / innocence kink
pregnancy kink
breeding kink
size kink
body positivity
light verbal degradation / degradation kink
light bondage / bondage
light exhibitionism / exhibitionism / voyeurism
semi-public sex
1K notes · View notes
belfryduck · 3 years
Ghosts Office AU Thoughts
We’ll see if I flesh this out but rn I have a couple of ideas I’m rolling with for this as a modern setting AU. Feel free to add your own onto this, it’s all very disjointed and mostly just for fun. Sticking all of the info below the cut:
The Captain 
Probably works for an accounting firm, middle management
Makes excel spreadsheets for fun
Takes his job/ the company waaaay too seriously
Framed picture of his cat on the desk
Desktop background is probably a tank
Ex-husband owns the accounting firm, she ended up with stakes she didn’t want in the divorce settlement
Friends with The Captain, big ‘you can’t sit with us’ energy when they meet up for lunch
Has been learning to use a strange new app known as ‘Tinder’
Perpetual intern, fetcher of coffee
✨Influencer✨ whose yet to break through
Makes those TikToks that are just winking into the camera
Sponsored by Audible
Poetry blog
“Buy my e-book on sale now”
Interning while she finishes off university
Constantly compares ongoing events to a certain TV show
Can be found reading romance novels in the breakroom
Re-organised the folders on the Captain’s desk by colour once but never got in trouble for it despite how long it took to fix
Secretary by day but sells essential oils as a side hustle by night
Keeps accidentally joining pyramid schemes
Single mother with too many kids
Somewhere between sleep deprived delirium and sagely wisdom
Champion of the local youth group, embarrassing dad
Keeps insisting on ‘bring your kids to work day’
Middle management but not by choice, he’s just good at what he does
Can’t wait for the weekend, needs a holiday
Carol took the fuckin’ kids
HR, maybe the only one who’s both great at and actually enjoys his job.  If they listened to him things might actually run smoothly
Wheelchair user coming through
Can and will get involved in any dispute that doesn’t work itself out in three days
Troubled marriage but they’re working it out
A catfish using a picture of him once matched with Fanny on Tinder, they will never speak of it again
Joint owner alongside Fanny’s ex-husband
Doesn’t remember entering into the arrangement at all but hey, how is he meant to remember everyone he shakes hands with at a party
Great for client retention, less so for staff retention, but the main group have learned to live with and (daresay) even like him
Needs to be babysat at the office Christmas party
Nobody knows if he actually works there or not
He’s dressed somewhere between security and punk rocker
If you need the key to any room in the building he probably has it
Should not be allowed to use the photocopier
Most likely got the job through Julian
235 notes · View notes
elvenmother · 2 years
Context and Perspective: Community Outreach
Pairing: Marcus Moreno x F Reader Rating: Teen.  Warnings: None so far. Chapter: 2/15 Word count: 2063
Summary: The newest member of the Heroics has gone missing and as one of the better-known Villains on the scene, you are blamed. Then your sidekick goes missing. You must go after the Heroic’s leader to try to get them back and clear your name.
Note: This has not been beta read so apologies for any mistakes. Also my first time writing for We Can Be Heroes and Marcus Moreno although they aren’t really in this chapter.
Part One
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They had said your name. Well, not your name but the name the public knew you as. That stupid name that had been given to you by the press and Heroic’s PR team years ago. The reporter saying Storm Shadow repeated in your mind until morning. Unsurprisingly you didn’t sleep well that night. The news report playing over and over in your head made your dreams fractured and uneasy. 
Rolling out of bed the next day, you knew what you had to do today. Talk to Jada. You had to admit it; she was the brains behind your whole operation. Not that you weren’t smart, it's just she was smarter, and you weren’t ashamed to admit that.
After showering and pulling on a clean t-shirt and jeans, you wandered into the kitchen to grab some breakfast. While the coffee maker began its necessary task of creating fuel for you, you sent Jada a quick text.
Hey. Did you see the news last night? Need to come see you today so we can plan.
You were a couple of mouthfuls into your cereal when Jada’s reply came through.
No shit. Already got C here at mine. Get your ass here ASAP
You couldn’t help laughing, making you choke on your cereal a little as it went down the wrong hole. God, you loved that woman.
You arrived at Jada’s modest home a little after 9 am. You wouldn’t usually be up this early on a Saturday, preferring to have a well-deserved lie-in to start your weekend off. But this wasn’t a typical day. Shit was hitting the fan, and that needed to be dealt with.
Climbing the steps onto Jada’s porch, your hand didn’t even hit the door to knock before she opened it.
“Hey.” You smiled weakly.
“Hey yourself.” Jada motioned for you to come in. Once inside, she immediately shut the door, ushering you through to the kitchen. “How you holdin’ up?”
“Hi, Chloe.” You gave the young woman sitting at the kitchen table a nod. “Didn’t sleep well.” You admitted taking a seat next to Chloe. “How about you two?”
“Confused, I guess.” Chloe shrugged and looked down at her mug of tea. “I mean, why would they think that it’s got anythin’ to do with you? We busted people traffickers at that warehouse. Why isn’t that on the news?”
“Heroics might not even know about that shit.” Jada huffed as she sat down. “Or they do and are just fuckin’ dumb. Or,” she paused and sipped her tea. “Or, and this is more likely, the media just jumped on some little thing someone said. They might not be focusin’ on you at all. It could be bullshit.”
“Could be.” You nodded. Jada had a point. Just because one reporter said they heard something from Heroics HQ it didn’t make it true. You could feel yourself starting to calm down a little and looked over at Jada. “So, what should we do?”
“What do you mean?” Chloe shifted in her seat, frowning. “Auntie Jada just said-”
“Auntie Jada has multiple theories, baby.” Jada folded her arms and leaned back in her seat. You knew that posture. That was her ‘I’m in charge’ sitting pose. “It could be bullshit. But we should still look into it.”
“Yeah, that’s what I was thinking.” You nodded, turning to face your young apprentice. “It could be linked to the traffickers, and the Heroics don’t know yet. Or they might have thrown my name out there to cover their real investigation. Either way, this Freefall is missing, and they’ve dragged my name into this. I want to know why.”
“I guess.” Chloe just shrugged. 
“So,” You turned back to Jada. “What do we know about Freefall?”
“Not much,” Jada admitted sighing. “I did some diggin’ last night, but as unusual, his real identity is a secret. I couldn’t even find out where in the country he’s from.”
“So no known enemies? No beef with other Heroics?” You chewed on your lip. “Nothing?”
Jada shook her head. “Not that I could dig up. He’s new on the scene, so hasn’t really made much of an impact yet. So far, from what I can tell, he’s generally well-liked. The public like him.”
“No surprises there.” You couldn't help rolling your eyes. 
“He seems well-liked among the other Heroics too. No beef with anyone yet.” Jada continued. “No ‘villains’ have issues with him. Yet.”
“Have you checked out the server to see what others are saying?” You asked, sighing as you ran your hand through your hair. It made no sense. Why grab up a nobody Heroic?
“The server?” Chloe looked from you to her aunt in confusion.
“There’s a Discord server where us ‘villains’ and their teams chat. Share intel. Gossip. Just basically help each other.” You explained.
“A Discord server?” Chloe looked at you both incredulously. “You’re kiddin’, right? That’s not very secure, you know?”
“People talk in code about powers, missions, and shit.” Jada laughed. “Other stuff is just people hangin’ out. I’ll have a look, see what people are sayin’.” 
“Thanks.” You slumped back in your chair. You felt a little better about the situation now but somehow had more questions than before.
“Um, I’m gonna go hang out with Shawna.” Chloe pushed away from the table and stood up. “Let me know if you find anythin’.”
“Ok, baby.” Jada nodded to her niece. “Pass me my laptop on your way out.”
For the next couple of hours, you and Jada reached out to a few members of the villain community to see if they had any information you didn’t. The villain community was mostly made up of people like yourself, just people with powers who either refused to join the Heroics or had never been noticed by them. Some did good things, which were then twisted by the media, and the Heroic took credit for but most kept their heads down. They worked regular jobs, had families, and tried to live normal lives. Keeping in touch with other powered people was a good way to stay safe, as everyone looked out for each other.
Some, however, were genuine villains. Honest to goodness, bad guys who robbed vaults and used their powers to steal money, jewels, or other valuable things. Some did even worse, but luckily you’d never had to deal with any of them. They were few and far between on the server, but every now and again had information that was useful to you and the others.
“I might have somethin’.” Jada said cautiously, blowing on her fifth cup of tea. “But you might not like it.”
“Fuck it.” You arched your back in your chair. Your back was beginning to hurt from being hunched over the table. “We need a lead.” 
“Orphan Maker wants to talk to you.” Jada said, carefully watching your face with each word. “She wants you to come talk to her face to face.”
“Fuck.” You stood and cracked your back. “You’re right. I don’t like it.”
“I know.” Jada sighed. “But like you said-”
“I know.” You nodded. “What does she say?”
“To come to her cos she’s got intel.” Jada shrugged. “It’s Orphan Maker. If anyone knows something, it’s her.”
“I think it’s worth the risk, but don’t go alone.” Jada picked up her phone and began to text Chloe. “I’ll get her to meet you there. You better suit up.”
A quick change into your costume later, and you were on your way to meet Orphan Maker. She was the biggest bad there was, but Jada was right. If anyone was going to know something, it would be her. Better to start with her and go down from there.
About a block away from the address you had been given, you spotted Chloe, in full costume, on a rooftop. As she spotted you, you waved her down.
“Been here long?” You asked as she jogged up to you.
“About twenty minutes.” She replied nervously. “Not spotted anything suspicious but fuck!” She looked around quickly. “This is Orphan Maker. Are we sure we want to be here?”
“She’s not that bad.” You grinned, trying to reassure your anxious sidekick. “She’s scary but mostly OK. I mean, yeah, she does actual crime, but she never kills unless she has to.”
“Her name is Orphan Maker.” Chloe emphasized. “She. Makes. Orphans.”
“Only sometimes.” You clapped Chloe on the shoulder and motioned for her to follow you. “Just stick by me, be polite, and don’t touch anything.”
The two of you began to walk briskly over to the large imposing structure that was Orphan Maker’s lair. It had probably been a decommissioned military base at one point, you suspected as you looked around at the grey buildings dotted around in an oddly uniform pattern. In the centre of the smaller single-story buildings was a massive six-story structure. It stood out in the landscape like a giant grey rectangle had been placed here amongst the desert scrub. Stood outside were four heavily armed women, each wearing Orphan Maker’s trademark face tattoo of a single stripe going from the bottom lip down and under the chin.
“Storm Shadow?” One of them, a short, round-faced woman with mischievous eyes, held up a hand to stop you.
“Yes.” You nodded and stopped. “I was invited here by Orphan Maker.”
“I know.” The woman smiled. “Who’s this?”
“Frost Root.” You pointed to Chloe. “My partner.” 
The woman looked you both over for a few seconds before nodding. “Follow me.” 
She turned, nodded to one of the others at the door before opening it, and started to head inside. Looking over at Chloe, you gave her what you hoped was a reassuring look before following the woman. 
The woman led you through the ground floor of the building down a nondescript corridor to a battered-looking elevator. Stepping in, you could see Chloe wringing her hands nervously. With a jolt, the elevator began to carry you up towards the top floor of the tall grey structure and towards Orphan Maker.
As the elevator door opened, you weren’t sure what you had expected to see, but it was as hell wasn’t what greeted you. Perhaps you had expected a grim or grisly scene or even an ambush. What you had definitely not expected was a large open living space that looked like an Ikea showroom.
It looked like the entire top floor of this main building had been converted into a home for Orphan Maker. The living space itself was open-plan with a beautifully modern kitchen area, a minimalist dining section, and stylish sitting space. Off to one end, you could see a partitioned area with a partially open door through which you could just make out a plush-looking double bed.
Stepping out of the elevator, the woman turned to you, smiling. “Please, take a seat.”
“Thank you.” You nodded politely and headed over to the sitting area. Sitting down on a sleek grey sofa, you gestured for Chloe to take the seat next to you. She was still fidgeting and playing with her hands, and you hoped the woman hadn’t noticed, although you doubted it. 
As the two of you sat, you let your eyes wander around the space. It was surprisingly homely, with little knick-knacks dotted throughout the open-plan living quarters. Plants and flowers covered many of the surfaces in beautiful vases and pots. Suddenly you noticed movement out of the corner of your eye, and turning your head, you realised there was a woman stood in the kitchen.
She seemed to be busy with something at the counter, and after a couple more minutes, she turned to face you. She was tall, with broad shoulders, dressed in a simple grey jumpsuit. Her long black hair was braided into a faux mohawk on the top decorated with beads and small metal rings. 
You knew who it was immediately. Her impossibly pale skin coupled with those piercing purple eyes made it impossible to mistake who it was coming towards you. It was Orphan Maker.
She seemed to cross the vast room in a couple of strides before setting down a tray on the coffee table in front of you and Chloe. Her eyes met yours as she took the seat in the chair opposite you. Her imposing frame making you feel tiny by comparison.
Tag list: @anaaaispunk​ @lemonboynsp​ @galaxyofmando​ @novemberrain221​ @28cnn​ @pintsizemama​ @athalien​
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bakugou thoughts pt 2001847471 :)))
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- if u go to the park, and somebody is like, walking their dog n the animal barks at y’all??? bakugou is barking back. mans full on squares up, n barks at the dog until it backs off
- he rarely gets into shows/series, but when he finds one he likes, he’ll only watch the first few episodes and then make u watch the rest with him. he’ll always say sum “if i dont watch with you, then i gotta make extra time for your needy ass. ‘m prioritizing my fuckin’ time. it doesn’t mean anything, shut up.” ...... he’s lying. it does mean something. it means he wants to share the things he likes with u
- pls he’s so smart, and generally pretty aware, but sometimes he’ll just do something so duMb. like, u kno that thing that happens sometimes with hair?? like, when it sticks to ur fingers and no matter what u do, u can’t get it off?? bakugou is literally breaking his wrist a foot away from u, shaking his hand back and forth and cursing soooo loudly. u just gotta go up to him and gently remove the hair from him like “oh honey- no.”
- peanut gallery comments. lots of them. mans will sit fully dead silent, not talking for the whOle day, but the second u do something embarrassing?? like trip??? suddenly he has a LOT to say ..... smh men
- animals just always like him. its absolutely unexplainable bc he’s so loud n moves super suddenly,,, but the amount of street animals that follow him home is ridiculous. srsly. sometkmes he even has other people’s pets trying to follow him home
- respects absolutely no one n that somehow strangely makes him the most respectful u’ve ever seen??? like- he hates everyone the exact same so u won’t ever catch bakugou in an act of discrimmination
- he can’t draw at all but if u asked him to draw something, it’ll be the same skull every single time. it’s a good skull, but it’s soooo obvious he learned how to draw it from a tutorial in the midst of his emo phase
- will fully make fun of others for baby-talking around their s/o, n then just fully go home n look at you like “tired.” “hungry.” “kiss.”...... like okay baby man, maybe try putting a full sentence together before u start trying to run your mouth. hypocrite.
- probably sleeps like the dead. contrary to popular belief, i absolutely do not believe he’s up at every single noise. man’s could sleep thru an explosion, im sure of it. that being said tho, it’s probably actually hard for him to turn his brain off n fall asleep. he prob goes to bed so “early” bc he has to wind down for a good hr or two until he’s ready to actually sleep
- he’s got a vendetta against salespeople. like, if his phone rings with some bullshit about a product? if somebody, god forbid, tries to walk up to your door? fully frothing at the mouth annoyed. will chew out any employee who’s too underpaid not to listen to him
- eats like an absolute animal. no rlly, its bad. holds his spoon with a fist and digs at his meal like its the gold rush. the worst table manners you’ve ever seen rlly
- he gets sorts antsy if he sits for too long, so he’s always off doing random shit. like, u’ll look out the window n he’s just like, raking the .3 leaves from ur driveway, probably trying to guess where the wind will be so they wont blow back
- ik this with my heart and soul okay,,, bakugou has never had a conversation with u that wasnt from exactly .2 meters away. like,, if he’s comfortable, then he’s just close all the time. like he’s waving his hands around and yelling and you just have to take his face in ur hands and go “im literally right here. ily but pls tone it down for the sake of my hearing.”
- very much guard dog behavior when y’all go out. absolutely will not leave ur side for even a second, like, at a bar or during a concert. even if u go to the bathroom he’s like, leaning against the wall and waiting right outside the door
- gets absolutely bitchy about your phone blowing up while you’re hanging out. its not that he’s suspicious that ur, like, cheating on him, it’s just that he doesnt understand why u’d even leave ur phone on in the first place since he always has his turned off when ur around. if he gets annoyed enough he’ll fully take the phone out of ur hands, say sum “yeah, you don’t fuckin’ need this anymore. you’re done with this.” n toss it across the room while he kisses u senseless
- tbh his ultimate love language is 100% playfighting. v much would go heart eyes if u even seemed like u might try n wrestle him. obvi u dont win, but his favorite is how u laugh while he pins ur hands above ur head
- he sneers at other angry people. will fully, fully sit there like “jesus christ, they need to calm the hell down. annoying as shit- fuckin’ loud too.” ....... -i. who’s gonna tell him
- silent conversations with ur eyes. no rlly. if y’all are with friends and somebody says something questionable, bakugou is immeadiately turning to u, eyes hardly even shifting but u just know he’s hurling insults in his head
- he doesnt realize his own strength sometimes. like- he knows he’s strong, but if u ever open a door n ur like “woah, careful, this is heavier than it looks” bakugou is .2 steps behind u practically ripping the damn thing off it’s hinges. he’ll look at it, huffing like he doesn’f even understand the issue
- he rlly likes when u call him by his name. pet names are fine, but he srsly is super soft for the simple stuff. like when u look over at him, all excited, smile wide like “hey katsuki, u gotta see this! c’mere!”
- his road rage is severe. no rlly. bakugou drives like every day is a race n he’s one win away from going formula one. you’re pretty sure that the only reason he passed his license test is bc the instuctor was too terrified to tell him no
- bakugou probably does that thing where if you’re sitting on the counter top, watching him cook, he’ll stand between ur legs. hands on ur thighs or resting on ur hips while you tell him about your day
- can’t explain this one, but he doesnt kill spiders. he takes them outside. says sum “they eat ticks, idiot. what- you actually want a fuckin’ blood disease? Hah? ‘m not gonna kill it. motherfucker’s gotta earn his keep before dyin’ just like the rest of us.” while he v gently picks the spider up into his hand and walks it outside
- ik that his one cheat food is sugary cereal. like, he’s a health freak, but the one thing he can’t help but make a concession for is sugary cereal on the weekends
- he’ll sometimes get in this over-stimulated mood where everything pisses him off, n the only thing u can do is leave him alone. u learn this quick bc his anger doesn’t discrimminate and if u push him even after he tells u what’s up?? pls bakugou will lash tf out. at u. like, ik y’all like to write it but that whole “it’s okay- it’s just me. just look at me.” thing does not work with him,,, u literally gonna get merc’d if u try
- he’s probably a guy who’s gonna be super big on passing touches. like he drops his hand on ur head when he passes, or bumps his shoulder into urs when he laughs. no footsies tho. too sappy even for him- pls if u tried to initate that he’d crush ur toes under the table aHAHAHA
- feeds every street cat he comes across. is probably super fond of the ones with a bunch of scratches/scars on them. he’d die if u knew, but one time u caught him feeding a scratched up calico n going “bet u beat his stupid ass, right? that’s my girl. we always win, huh?”
surprise suprise,, my brain rlly never shuts the hell up about this man
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spicykitteh · 3 years
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Photo credit: Evgeny Karandaev
Pairing: Jean Kirschtein x fem!Reader, Sasha x Connie
Rating: 18+ NSFW, MDNI!
Word Count: 1.7K
Notes: Modern college AU, characters are aged up to early 20s, established relationship.
CW: Ice play, slightly rough sex -- more vigorous than rough, hint of edging, switch Jeanbo
Summary: On the hottest day of the year, Jean and his girlfriend try to find a way to cool off.
Jean sighed heavily as he punched the disconnect bubble on his phone. “Looks like we’re going to be sweating this weekend.”
“Are you kidding me? We pay this landlord a fortune every month and he can’t even bother to get over here and fix the air conditioner on the hottest week this year?!” YN plopped down on the threadbare brown sofa.
Jean had mentioned last week he had a bad feeling about the rattling the window unit had been making, shaking itself hard enough to sprinkle yellowed plastic shards and dust on the floor underneath it. This morning as the temperature climbed it seized with a deafening shriek. The four roommates tried poking and prodding at the thing though they all knew they had not a shred of mechanical aptitude. Jean spent nearly an hour arguing with the landlord but in this heatwave every repair service in town was booked completely.
“I guess the good news is Mr. Bozado said he wouldn’t charge us for the repair,” Jean offered weakly as he gulped lemonade. He swiped a hand across the sweat beading on his forehead.
“He better fuckin’ not,” Connie growled from the floor where he was sprawled out fanning himself with a hastily folded paper fan. “We didn’t break that junky thing, it was already half gone when we moved in.”
“I’m going to take a nap in the basement, it’s at least a little cooler down there,” Sasha said as she started opening windows for a cross breeze on her way to the basement steps. Connie tossed his makeshift fan on the coffee table and stomped heavily down the stairs in her wake.
YN glanced over to Jean who was draining the last of his now watery lemonade from the glass. “My room in the attic is way too hot. Is it ok if I stay in your room this weekend?”
Jean smiled over the rim of the glass and his honey eyes sparkled. “Sunshine, I don’t remember the last time you slept up there on your own since we came back from the beach.”
“Well, ok, that’s fair,” YN conceded with a wave of her hand. “It’s not like you’d let me sleep alone anyway, Little Spoon.” He set the glass on the coffee table where condensation pooled around the base and soaked the cork coaster. His knee nudged into hers as he sat down next to her and kissed her temple, tasting the salty sweat trickling from her brow.
“Just admit you can’t keep your hands off me, babe.”
“I can’t,” she turned her head to meet his lips as he bent to kiss her again. “Right now, though, it’s too hot for that.”
Jean agreed, leaning forward to peel his sweat-drenched t-shirt off. “Damnit, it’s like a furnace in here.” He scooped up his empty glass and motioned to hers with it. “Do you want another glass of lemonade?”
“Sure,” she exhaled and leaned back into the sofa. Jean strode through the archway that separated the kitchen from the living room and scooped ice cubes from the container in the freezer. YN snatched Connie’s paper fan from the table as she watched Jean filling the glasses with ice and lemonade, admiring his bare torso and amused by the way his lips curled into a wicked grin and his eyes flicked over to her, roaming shamelessly over her body. He chugged his glass until it was empty, then filled it again with only ice. He brought her cup to her and grasped her hand to pull her up from the sofa.
“I have an idea, c’mere,” he squeezed her hand as he led her to his bedroom and shut the door behind them. “It’s a few degrees cooler here since it’s on the north side of the house. Besides that, I thought you might like to get out of those clothes and try something with me.” He took her glass and set it on the nightstand next to his.
“Mmm, what have you got planned for me?” she smiled as she slipped out of her cotton t-shirt and denim cutoffs, revealing the black lace bra and panties underneath. He flashed that damned adorable crooked grin as she unclasped his belt and let it dangle to focus on unbuttoning his jeans, the soft blue denim whispering through her fingers and dropping to the floor. Despite the stifling heat in the room her core felt hotter when she palmed his hardness through his boxers. He laced his fingers into the soft strands of her hair and tilted her head back to press his soft lips to hers, sucking gently on her bottom lip, her jawline, her earlobe.
“You’re a bit overdressed for what I have in mind, madame.” He hooked his fingers under the elastic of her panties and pulled them down her thighs. She shimmied out of the material and Jean swept her into his arms and lowered her onto the bed. His touch on her skin was like fire rushing through her veins that the breeze from the ceiling fan did little to cool off. He strode over to the window, propped it open and flicked on the small fan on his nightstand. His long fingers reached into his glass and deftly plucked out an ice cube. “Can I try cooling you down?”
She nodded and he stretched out beside her, nibbling at her flushed skin, letting the ice cube melting rapidly in his palm drip down the delicate skin of her throat, onto her collarbone, pooling in the valley between her breasts. His tongue chased the droplets, leaving a trail of goosebumps raised on her flesh and confusing her nervous system with the alternating chill of icy water and the heat of Jean’s mouth dragging against her skin. She arched her back against him, crying out when his chilled fingers slipped underneath her to unhook her bra and felt a light nip against her shoulder as he dragged the strap down her arm with his teeth. She shivered as his soft lips pressed kisses into the curve of her breast, her nipple brushing against the scruff of his jawline. He licked over the pink peak, sighing as he enveloped it with his lips and suckled hungrily.
YN’s fingers threaded through his strands, pulled him closer as she thrust her hips into him. His cock had already breached the fly of his boxers and pressed against her bare leg, the heat of him like a brand against her thigh. She traced a finger up the length of his shaft, her fingertip circling his sensitive tip and tracing over his slit. An airy moan broke the seal of his lips around her nipple.
“Oh fuck, honey,” was all Jean could manage between pants, mouth open, jaw jutting forward. His weakness ignited a primal urge in her to pounce on him, and she did. He easily rolled to his back with the press of her hand against his chest, watching her through heavily lidded eyes.
“Aren’t you hot with so much clothing on, baby?” she smirked and teased her forefinger under his waistband. He quickly discarded his boxers over the side of the bed. “That’s better. My turn now.”
She scooped an ice cube from his glass, tilting her head back but maintaining eye contact with him as she dropped the ice into her mouth, allowing the melt to trickle down her parched throat. She leaned over and kissed his neck lightly, then parted her lips just enough to blow chilled air over the sensitive skin behind his ear. Jean closed his eyes and sucked in a sharp, quavering gasp. “God, that feels good.”
She continued her trail of kisses down his throat, pausing to lick at the hollow just above the center of his collarbone and relishing in the salty tang of his skin. She pushed what remained of the ice cube along with her tongue until it had melted into a small pool on his chest. With one finger she pushed the droplets over his burning skin to scrawl in lazy arcs, her art punctuated with a kiss to his nipple. A whispery breeze through the window sighed in tandem with Jean, followed by the low rumble of thunder somewhere in the distance. YN pursed her lips and blew lightly across the pooling liquid, fascinated with the way his skin responded in goosebumps and how he gasped at the temperature change. She continued mapping every inch of him, the ridges and valleys of his abdomen, his sensitive navel, the smooth valley where his hip joined his pelvis so tantalizingly close to his tower of a cock.
“Please,’ he panted, “baby, I can’t take any more teasing, please!”
“Please what, sweetheart?”
“Please, please fuck me,” he tossed his head side to side on the pillow, his soft hair damp with sweat now mussed and sticking up at wild angles.
“You started this game, are you giving in so soon?” she sat back in amusement, enjoying how worked up Jean was for her.
“You’re driving me wild, babe, I need you,” he huffed impatiently.
She grinned and dropped to all fours, straddling his thighs and grazing her nipples up his torso until she was face to face with him. “Then come get me.”
Jean lost no time bucking up into her at a frenzied pace, his hands grasping desperately for her bouncing tits, her waist, her hips rocking in rhythm with his.
“Jean! Jean! Oh fuck baby,” she cried out with each powerful thrust of his hips.
He was too lost in his lust-clouded mind and could only respond with a whine, his long eyelashes fluttering against his flushed cheeks. She was at his mercy now, hanging on helplessly to his shoulders while he fucked her through wave after wave of powerful orgasms until he came deep inside her with a roar. A peal of thunder rattled the pane in the open window, followed by the steady patter of raindrops subsiding into a gentle thunderstorm. A cool breeze, heavy with petrichor, billowed through the curtains, much to the relief of the sweltering lovers.
Jean pulled her to his chest, tenderly rubbing her hips that were bound to be bruised under his desperate grip. “I love you so much.”
“I love you too, babe.” She snuggled into his arms with a satisfied sigh.
“Are you ok?”
“Yeah,” she giggled, “more than ok.”
The rain pattered steadily outside, answered occasionally by a soft murmur of thunder. The heat from earlier in the day finally subsided into a cool summer evening, perfect for sleeping through the night in each other’s arms.
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meltwonu · 4 years
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| 𝔲𝔫𝔱𝔦𝔩 𝔦 𝔪𝔢𝔱 𝔶𝔬𝔲 |     [Chapter 2]
pairing; fratboy!wonwoo x reader
this chapter’s notes; fratboy!wonwoo, dom!wonwoo, some soft ‘woo too, restraints, panties as a gag, dirty talk, degradation, name calling, oral(fem receiving), cum eating, sir!kink. My god it has been a week, a WEEK i tell you 🥲 Ldfkjdf I hope the lot of you are taking a big deep breath this weekend and doing something to relax or doing some self care cuz baby we all need it!💕 Treat yourself to something good! Take that nap! Buy that album! Get that coffee! I’ll try to bust out some thirst posts this weekend(i think we all deserve some, eh?🥴) should tumb1r not hate my blog and as usual, inbox round up tomorrow! 💕💕 For now, de-stress with ch 2 of UIMY, and have a great weekend! I love you!! 💕💕💕💕
chapters; 1 - 2 - x - x - x
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You only get about 4 hours of sleep, if you’re being honest.
You won’t tell when asked because quite frankly, you’re a little embarrassed at how giddy you are to see Wonwoo today. You eagerly attend your morning class - panties already wet and mouth watering with the fantasies playing out in your head throughout the entire lecture.
“Hey, study buddy!”
Minghao slings an arm around your shoulder just as you turn to make a beeline towards the library, almost directing you into a different direction. “Where you headed off to? You wanna grab lunch?” Shit.
In the time that Wonwoo was gone, you’d spent a lot of time hanging out with other people trying to fill in the gap where, normally, you’d be spending underneath Wonwoo.
“I, um…” Going to get lunch with Minghao was one of the things that had become a normal thing after your morning classes and you hadn’t had the chance to tell him that your ‘usual’ schedule was back. “I--I’m gonna go study at the library for a bit! I’m really sorry! Can we go another day?” You pout at him which quickly melts off of your face when he shoots you a knowing smile.
“Gonna go ‘study’ Wonwoo-hyung, huh?”
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Minghao lets you go - telling you to let him know when you weren’t busy.
You all but tear the front door open once you reach the familiar library; sheepish smile when it makes more noise than you anticipate.
“Careful, wouldn’t want you to pay the price of breaking the door.”
Wonwoo smirks at you from behind the receptionist table; familiar and warm when you step closer to the counter. “Maybe I do? What do you know?” You quip back, cheeks warm and head fuzzy at the sight of Wonwoo back in his usual sweater vest and slacks.
He leans in closer to you over the countertop, gesturing to you to lean in close as well. His lips ghost across the shell of your ear as goosebumps rise on your skin and shivers roll down your spine and the familiar thrum of arousal pours over your body.
“I know you were probably thinking about me all morning, sweetheart. Thinking of all the things I’d do to you.” Wonwoo chuckles under his breath, “Your panties are probably already soaked, hmm? Like my good little slut always ready to take my cock.”
His filthy, whispered words are enough for you to whimper quietly - eyes downcast as you only lean in closer. “Y-yes… Wonwoo, p-please, I--”
Wonwoo leans away from you and you find yourself letting go of a breath you didn’t realize you were holding.
“You’ll have to wait. I need to file these late slips and sort these books.”
There’s a teasing smile on his face as he watches your lips part in shock. “But you can do that, right? Be patient?”
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You pick a table far from the others as you watch Wonwoo roll the cart with books into another row of bookshelves.
It felt a little odd to you now that you thought about it - waiting so patiently for Wonwoo when you were used to him caging you in against a bookshelf with his fingers knuckle deep inside of your cunt or even just tugging you straight away into an empty study room on days when neither of you could wait to get your clothes off.
There was a certain softness that he seemed to show with you now; one that you appreciated and made you feel things that you’d never felt in any relationship before.
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Wonwoo would admit he wasn’t always good with showing his emotions with other people.
“He only shows it sometimes,” Jeonghan had said, “Usually to his hyungs and usually when he wants something.”
Which was true.
He struggled with letting his guard down and a lot of the time felt shy about voicing his emotions.
But with you, he felt differently. He wanted to show you that he was capable of letting his guard down and capable of showing you the affection and care that you deserved - even if the relationship the two of you had started was only physical at first. The time away from you only proved to him that he definitely cared about you more than he had initially thought too.
While his semester abroad was entertaining and educational, he found himself thinking about you often in the midst of his excavations and lectures. Wondering about what you were doing and who you were with; if you really thought about him as often as you had messaged him so.
“Um, excuse me?”
“O-oh, huh?”
He’s pulled from his thoughts just as another student steps in front of him in the aisle of books. “Sorry, I don’t remember where this book is from. Is it okay if I just give it to you?”
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It takes twenty more minutes of you pretending to study before Wonwoo’s legs step into your periphery.
You open your mouth to speak but Wonwoo is quicker.
“Miss, I’m sorry, but I need to speak to you regarding some books you failed to return.”
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You try to hide the wide smile on your face when Wonwoo leads you down the familiar, lonesome side of the library.
“I’ll have you step into this room, miss.”
“Wonwoo, there’s literally nobody here…” Chuckling, you step into the empty, cleaned room that Wonwoo had painstakingly made sure was dusted before you came. “Unless we’re roleplaying, ‘cause then, I’m sorry, sir…”
Wonwoo rolls his eyes, locking the door behind him before easily walking you backwards until the backs of your thighs hit the desk.
“You should be sorry, sweetheart. First, slamming the doors earlier and now overdue books? Tsk, when will you learn.” He easily slips into character, fingertips already ghosting against the exposed skin of your thighs before playing with the hem of your short skirt.
“How are you going to pay back what you owe, hmm? The damages might be irreparable.” He drags his hand up and under the flimsy material; appreciating the way your legs part a little more for him. A quiet moan floats past your lips just as his fingertips press gently into the growing wet patch of your panties.
“Already wet, too? Why exactly is that, sweetheart?”
“A-ah, ‘c-cause I want--want you to fuck me, s-sir… Been thinking a-about it all day… Just--just like you said...” You clench around emptiness, already impatient now that he had his hands on you.
“You have, huh? I bet you played with yourself last night, didn’t you? Fingered your slutty ‘lil hole and filled it up with a toy just to prep yourself for me.”
“Y-yes, sir…” Your guilty eyes avoid Wonwoo’s stern gaze, “I’m s-sorry… I--I couldn’t, ah, wait... Just t-talking to you, yesterday, I....”
Wonwoo’s fingers press hard against you, immediately rubbing your clit through your soaked panties as you mewl and lean into his warm chest.
“P-please… punish m-me…”
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You can only whine around the fabric stuffed in your mouth; hands tied behind your back with Wonwoo’s belt keeping them bound.
Your body jerks against the small desk as Wonwoo fucks you from behind in the small enclosed space you were used to and a certain warmth pours over you knowing that nothing really had changed since he’d left.
“Shit, I really missed cumming inside your tight lil’ pussy and making you walk home with my cum dripping down your legs.” There’s a soft chuckle under his breath; cock curving right into your g-spot as you whine and squirm underneath him.
“Bet you missed it too, huh? Getting home and fingering your filthy ‘lil cunt, fucking my cum deeper inside of you ‘cause you couldn’t get enough of me. Fuck, and when you’d send me pictures of your cute ‘lil fingers covered in my cum…”
Wonwoo smirks at your back, placing a hand on your bound arms as he uses it for leverage to fuck you deeper and harder.
“I’m back for good now though, sweetheart. Let’s see what else your cute cock starved body can take.”
You can only moan back in return - spit soaking into the wet fabric in your mouth as Wonwoo only fucks you harder. “God, your cunt is so fuckin’ perfect. Made to take my cock.” When you clamp down onto his cock tighter is when Wonwoo realizes he misses hearing your voice - chuckling softly as he leans over your trembling body.
“I think you’ve learned your lesson, huh, sweetheart?”
He reaches around, tugging the soaking material from between your lips and placing it next to your head before he straightens back up. “Ngh… I, ah, s-sir…” You turn your head to the side, watching the wall as your body jerks atop the desk. “P-please… I--I wanna see y-you, hah, when y-your fuh--fuck me…”
A soft blush coats Wonwoo’s cheeks as he halts his movements. 
He clears his throat, pulling his cock out of you before stepping back and giving you space to readjust yourself. And with your arms still bound, you struggle slightly but manage.
This time, you sit atop the desk, spreading your legs wide for Wonwoo who licks his lips at the sight of your slightly mussed hair, blown out pupils and soaked cunt.
“That’s my good ‘lil slut.”
He positions himself between your legs, wrapping a hand around his cock and rubbing the head on your sensitive clit as you whimper. He circles the nub with the head of his cock, teasing you and himself as you squirm. “I take it you’ll be at the party tomorrow night, right?” His question catches you slightly off guard as you nod shakily.
“Good. ‘Cause I got you a present that I want to give to you tomorrow.”
Wonwoo sinks his cock back into you; cock curving into you perfectly as you cry out in return. “O-oh, god, s-sir--Wonwoo, I--fuck…” A choked sob bubbles up your throat at the feeling of him starting a harsh and quick pace, just how you liked it. “Mmh, my t-toys don’t feel as, hah, g-good as you… Fuck, you feel s-so good inside me…”
You wrap your legs around his waist, digging your heels into the small of his back to push him in closer to yourself. “Use m-me like I’m your little cumslut...” The desperation sets in; tears freely falling from your eyes as the urge to cum on his cock becomes unbearable from the hellish months without him.
“Please, p-please… Harder, fuck me harder! I n-need it!”
He grins, knowing just how you felt but keeping his composure as he doubles his pace. “So fuckin’ desperate for me, sweetheart. You sound so pretty begging for me. Is that what you sounded like when you were touching yourself too? Begging for me all night long?”
“Y-yes, fuck! Ngh, fucking my ‘lil holes with my t-toys all night j-just to be satisfied… Oh, god, Wonwoo!”
You can’t stop yourself from cumming - toes curling and thighs shaking as your walls flutter around his cock. Wonwoo only fucks you harder as soft growls fall from his own lips.
“Fuck, I missed this, missed you. Missed your tight ‘lil cunt cumming around my cock, sweetheart.” He mumbles soft praises to you, although you can barely hear it in the midst of your orgasm; ears ringing and head feeling hazy at the intensity.
Wonwoo fares no better - cock throbbing inside your warm walls as his orgasm hits him hard only after a few more quick snaps of his hips.
Your bound arms behind you do little to keep your tired body upright atop the table but you do your best as he rides out his high. “Mmh, I can feel y-you cumming inside me… Fuck, it feels soooo gooood.” Drool pools in your mouth at the feeling of his cock throbbing inside of you for the first time in months and you mentally tell yourself to never let Wonwoo disappear for that long of time ever again.
“Ah, I feel so f-full…” Whining, you squirm as he continues to thrust into you, fucking his cum deeper into your pussy as you throw your head back at the fullness and wetness you feel. “Oh… Wonwoo…”
He lets out a deep breath before he slowly starts to pull out of you - cock covered in his cum and your wetness as he watches his cum drip from your spent hole. You slowly unhook your quivering thighs from around his waist as he steps back slightly.
You watch as he drops down to his knees, face right in front of your dripping cunt before he leans in.
“Oh, Wonwoo--” His tongue peeks out, lapping at your soaked folds before he drags it down and starts licking up the cum. “Fuck, oh, fuck…!”
Wonwoo dips his tongue into your hole, teasing you as your legs tremble and you try your hardest to not clamp your thighs around his head between your legs. You start to fight your restraints; fingertips wanting to thread through his hair as you grind against his skilled tongue.
 He licks up more of the cum before dragging his tongue up to your overly sensitive clit; rubbing soft, slow circles on the nub until you’re a whining mess above him.
“A-ah, I--I can’t, mmh, ‘m too sen--sensitive, sir…”
He takes his as his cue to stand from his position, standing quietly before leaning over you. He threads a hand through your hair, tilting your head up and kissing you on the lips as you melt into his gentle touch.
Your eyes flutter shut at his soft kiss, lips parting slightly for him as he uses his tongue to push cum into your waiting mouth.
The kiss turns hot and heavy as he moves the salty, sticky substance from his mouth to yours - lips covered in a combination of your wetness and his cum when he pulls away.
“So pretty for me, sweetheart.”
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When the two of you are somewhat cleaned up and ready to leave, Wonwoo stops you before you can get your hand on the doorknob.
“Hey, you okay?”
You shoot him a confused look, head tilted slightly at the bespectacled male that only looks mildly disheveled. “Um… y-yeah? Why?” His hand on your wrist makes your heart do backflips in your chest as he looks you over once more.
“I should’ve had some water for you and done proper aftercare since it’s been a while. I might've hurt you? Are your wrists okay? I can--”
“Whoa, hey, slow down! You’re, like, freaking out, ‘Woo.”
A pale blush coats his cheeks, “Sorry, I’m just trying to… be more… Expressive? I don’t know. It’s been a while. I just want to make sure you’re okay.” He laughs lightly, somewhat embarrassed himself. “I don’t want to be weird but, y’know. I want to take care of you properly, sweetheart.”
“I--yeah, I understand! But I’m fine, I promise!” You beam up at him - happiness evident in your eyes and your smile. “Thank you… for making an effort, Wonwoo.”
“Of course, sweetheart.” 
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