#I might be wrong idk I have yet to rewatch s2 but
sylvhen · 10 days
just having a normal one thinking about how badly Armand wants to be loved but every time he gets close to it, he self sabotages and ruins it. almost as if. he subconsciously doesn't think he deserves it.
#I'm fine I'm good I'm so normal about him#he does it with EVERY romantic relationship we see him have it's insane#first with lestat and their whole Thing. especially the nicki stuff we haven't seen yet.#then louis. like he lets himself have it and then realizes it's possible for it to work and IMMEDIATELY blows it#by you know. trying to kill him. actually succeeding in killing his daughter.#making sure there's no possible way louis will ever forgive him even as he plots and manipulates to underplay his role in it#they loved each other but armand made sure it would never be in the way he craved the most and then punished himself for it#by strong manning the relationship together with hot glue and stickers even if it was hurting them both#AND THEN with daniel too ffs#DOUBLE of it with daniel if past-devil minion happened too fuck#turning him and then leaving him bc daniel SEES him for who he is and he's not afraid (I mean he is but YOU GET WHAT I MEAN)#possibly erasing his memories of him from the 70's & 80's as both a fucked up attempt to keep daniel alive#(which tbf it works but is STILL a fucked up thing to do)#and to get himself out of a situation in which someone finally started to love him unconditionally the way he wants so badly#but he can't let himself have that can he#I AM SO NORMAL ABOUT THE VAMPIRE ARMAND GUYS#I might be wrong idk I have yet to rewatch s2 but#BUT IT HURTS ANYWAY DONT IT#iwtv#armand#iwtv amc#the vampire armand#interview with the vampire#iwtv s2#armandposting#robin going insane about armand again#iwtv armand
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lenievi · 1 year
snw #9 (rewatch)
- hmmmmmmmmmmmmm La’an said she was with Dr. Sanchez, a headshrinker... is it the same Dr. Sanchez that was in TOS or is it just a name coincidence again (like Mitchell + Mitchell - even though we don’t know if that is just “a same name no relation” yet). Like Kyle is there now and will be in TOS too [like there’s nothing wrong with having same names, because people have same names without any relations, but it’s fiction].
- I still hate that they made Sam Kirk be the one insulting Spock (I mean as long as they also make it a thing with Jim Kirk at least once or twice in snw, then I’ll take it back, but if they ignore that Kirk was all “Will you try for one moment to feel? At least act like you've got a heart.” in WNMHGB then like it’s just erasing so much from their relationship) [I just want them to respect that Kirk wasn’t always respectful towards Spock; he did not understand Spock from the get go; sure he was impressed, he was intrigued, they bonded over loyalty, duty, mutual admiration, and chess, but Kirk was not 100% respectful until the very end. Still funny that their last conversation ever ended with Spock being “don’t be insulting” because Kirk called him human.]
- ah, okay, it was not just Hemmer’s death that affected Spock. It was Duke’s, too, and his own helplessness, then lowering his shields and then not being able to get them up again. I wonder if that will still continue in s2 (would probably explain a few things in the trailers). Kinda feels like they aim to completely break Spock, in order for him to become tos!Spock, but I feel like they forgot that Spock was still quite emotional at the beginning of s1 - smiling and shouting, still being quite violent etc. But we’ll see, maybe it’ll track. The thing is... Spock had a breakdown in Discovery, Kirk’s 5ym led him to Gol to purge his emotions*, and now they want to break him in order to make him less emotional... it just feels a bit too excessive
I guess this post is still very relevant...
* maybe that’s why they made it a point that it’s something all Vulcans do, so it doesn’t feel like Spock had a breakdown and decided to purge his emotions because of that, but rather as the next step on his path to being a Vulcan because that’s what Vulcans do (maybe that was always what it was supposed to be, but the fandom (novels included) made it appear to be something different idk, like I said, I haven’t seen TMP (and I ignore kolinahr when thinking about fics set in the movie era), but it always seemed like the general consensus was that Spock chose kolinahr because he couldn’t handle his emotions anymore...)
- I wish they showed more scenes between Spock and Hemmer. There was so much potential lost in s1, I feel, just because they focused too much on romance with Spock (again, as you could notice, I don’t mind the romance and I enjoy it, I just kind of don’t get why that was what they went with. I would also love to see more Pike and Spock’s scenes, because at this point they still just work with nostalgia and viewers knowing that they’re supposed to be close... but getting those scenes would just mean more Spock screen time, which is also not something I want, so it’s just ugh LMAO I mean as long as they keep any Spock and Kirk’s scenes also this shallow, then it’s fine lol)
- SST has the next preview picture be of Kirk and I’d hate that so much if that was my first time watching. Season 2 seems to have just promo pictures rather than a screenshot from the episode, which is way better.
- I think I might watch episode 10 and then start season 2 today too, but we’ll see. 
I do kind of nitpick and have thoughts lol but I genuinely enjoy SNW and am curious where some of the stuff will lead
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starbuckaroo · 2 years
didn’t want to reblog this to add to it coz I haven’t actually seen the ep yet w my own eyeballs but wanted to get this down before I forget (but I’ll tap the op @evcndiaz and the awesome tags by @fruitydiaz thank u for the brainworms, comrades)
maybe Buck seeing Chris there, and things related to Chris (like the Ferris wheel) are related to this ep being all about parents and children? plus, Buck’s whole thing w the sperm donor plotline is about his clear desire to have children, and his weird blind spot when it comes to the child he has in his life already. Like as much as Buck really needs to work through the trauma of the shooting to make any kind of theoretical potential romantic relationship with Eddie successful, he also needs to work through his own childhood trauma and his ideas of parenthood (and how that directly ties into his lack of self worth and warped importance he places on his physical utility) before he could acknowledge himself as a parent to Chris.
Like it’s NOT just that we haven’t seen them touch the trauma of the shooting! They ALSO haven’t touched on the will again, not between Eddie and Buck, but also not between Chris and either one of them.
ESPECIALLY now that Eddie is repairing his relationship with his parents, like, just hear me out coz I swear I’m going somewhere with this, but the cynic in me feels like aw man are they gonna bring it up again when Eddie says “hey my parents are being nice to me again so imma put them back down as Chris’s number one?” but tbh that would be rly ooc for the show, like that’s just really not their vibe overall (but it WOULD be something Buck would think if he’s feeling down) I mean, sometimes the things the show ends up trying to about parents and family rub me the wrong way but like 80% of the time I really love their ideas about chosen family and family ties in general.
After rewatching some of s2&3 recently I am also reminded of some of the very strong parallels between Buck & Eddie and Michael & Bobby, and so another cynical side of me wonders if they’re leading to another interesting take on a chosen/blended family. which tbh if I wasn’t like “shipping” buddie I think me personally, with my own messy family history, I would find fucking FASCINATING, but there’s def a part of me that would be v disappointed if no buddie endgame and also idk if I trust the show enough to actually say interesting things about chosen family in that way but anyways what I’m getting at is:
IF (just play this hypothetical game w me for a sec) Buck and Eddie are being set up to end up with their own new love interests and those end up being long term partners, HOW does that impact Chris? And what agency does Chris have in this situation, to choose who gets to remain as family? Like if Eddie got a new gf and then they got married, the wife would be assumed to automatically end up as Chris’s guardian in the event. But is that what Chris would want? Even if he likes the new person is that what he would want? There have been plenty of fics I’ve read that discuss what it might look like for Buck and Eddie and their respective new partners if they end up seriously dating anyone new, but very few of them ever truly touch on Chris and his feelings and decisions in that situation. Plus, bc the fics are all buddie endgame, they’re not set up to make new characters that are likable or whatever (which is valid but it just means I haven’t seen this specific dynamic explored before).
But when you look at the Grant-Nash family (and whatever David’s last name is lol) like, the show didn’t make the kids choose! And yeah it went backwards, Bobby and Michael became friends after the fact but like. Athena and David get along. And Harry and May get along w all four adults. And we even get continued bonding scenes between Athena and Michael (until Michael doesn’t show up anymore for meta reason). So in theory, if Buck and Eddie were to end up romantically partnered off with new people, the show has a very strong precedent of allowing them to remain close friends, and for allowing Chris to be part of both of those new family structures. BUT bc it’s a family of choice, AND bc he’s basically a teenager now, it would (/should?) actually come down to being HIS choice, too. Which is what I find fascinating.
And honestly the show is going there! Because there’s the stuff with Denny and his birth father at the end of 6.09!!! And even in 6A with Harry CHOOSING to go live with Michael and David. The kids are growing up, y’all 😭🥺
So anyways back to Buck 😂
I guess my point is that it seems like this season especially has highlighted the kids in the show growing into their own agency. Harry is a little older and definitely started it with his arc last season, but choosing to go live w his dad was a big step and that was the beginning of this season. Chris was keeping secrets and fighting w Eddie and going to his first dance etc etc so, setting him up to actively CHOOSE Buck in some capacity, independent of Eddie, I think would be amazing and would fucking blow Buck’s mind tbh!!!
Like I was thinking in one of the later 6A episodes they’re all in the truck and Eddie is like “he’s not kissing anyone, right? right?” And Buck just raises his hands like “I’m not telling” as if maybe he has insider info lol and that’s a common fic trope and I love to see it. But we haven’t gotten to see it onscreen, no chill exclusively just “Buck and Chris” time, EXCEPT when either Buck or Eddie are in or recovering from some time of peril (or when Eddie is moving on and dating someone new which I will come back to in a sec)! Coz the tsunami arc was bc Buck was recovering from the truck/embolism, and Buck living with him was bc Eddie was shot and in the hospital, and when Chris calls Buck in 5B it’s during Eddie’s breakdown.
And then, the other times we see JUST Chris and Buck, it’s when he flees to Buck’s apartment when Eddie says he’s dating someone else. And we don’t actually get to see them both onscreen but they do spend time alone together when Buck babysits so Eddie can go out with Ana.
So I’m not totally sure where I’m going with this but it’s like: what does the show demonstrate EXPLICITLY and ONSCREEN? It’s Buck and Chris being paired together when Buck or Eddie have been in serious danger, OR when Eddie is seeking a new romantic partner.
Which to ME seems like it might be demonstrating somethin that we all know but that the show has NOT demonstrated that BUCK believes, which is that Chris is Buck’s family, with Eddie (which we get to see LOTS of) or without, whether the “without” is because of infirmity or because of new family structures being built. And when Chris is young, it’s Eddie making that choice for him, but as he’s growing up he’s gonna start making that choice for himself.
Which is what I think is important for Buck! Bc I think he still sees himself as a stopgap, the backup plan, whatever it is he says to Bobby right after the shooting. But I have this sickening feeling that (as I mentioned near the beginning of this ramble) if Buck knew how far Eddie has come repairing his relationship with Ramón, he would think “ah okay I’m finally obsolete.” And then, if after that Eddie started dating someone seriously again? He would KNOW he was obsolete. And he would know that he’s no longer necessary as a backup plan. That he’s no longer Eddie’s lifeline as a newly transplanted single dad, so he doesn’t need to be the fallback anymore. Eddie now has a partner and his “real” family, so Buck, having lost his utility to the Diaz family, can fade away. (for the record I think it’s heinous how easy it is to slip into that “I’m only worth something if I’m doing something for someone else” Buck mindset skfjskfj and obviously I don’t believe any of these statements it’s just one potential bad brain path for Buck to take)
Except!!!!!!!! If Chris chose him, regardless of his dad’s relationships with their Texas family or new romantic relationships, Buck wouldn’t be able to deny him! He might half heartedly try, but he knows intimately what it means to choose your own parental figures. He might not know what it’s like to choose them even if you have good ones already, but he’s not gonna undermine Chris like that. And if Eddie backs Chris up, Buck might finally really truly feel, once and for all, the familial love they’ve been pouring out for him for all these years.
So anyways that’s a huge ramble about why it makes sense for me, from a characterization perspective, for Buck to have Chris show up in his coma dream but not Eddie. And personally I love it, bc all three of the boys (Harry, Chris and Denny) remind me viscerally of my brother in their own little ways and so I get verklempt anytime any one of them gets a storyline lol
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fencecollapsed · 3 years
gimmeeeeeee ur opinions on some of the new lore introduced in nmt s2 perhaps?
ooh okay I'll take this episode by episode let's see
Honey Queen: nibbly sacrifice and the church of the starry children! VERY cool, very interesting, and used SUPER well in this story god it's. such an effective ending. the more I think about the church as an addition to the world as a whole I kiiinda have mixed feelings? just. thinking about it in relation to past stories muddles things a little for me in a way I can't put into words. idk I still think it's interesting and the way it's introduced and presented here is Very good, I'm a fan
Perkys Buds/Abstinence Camp: hatchetmen introduction, witchwoods are magic, lumber-axe. the Metzgers are genuinely interesting, I think it's neat that both the hatchetmen and the church are antagonists and in conflict with each other, idk why really I just. enjoy that it's interesting and I wanna see more of both. the witchwoods being magic and affecting what grows there is cool, I've talked about why I hate the way it was introduced in PB specifically, but I like the concept. think it was used better in AC but ehh that's just me. speaking of AC how fucking confusing is the lumber-axe backstory when you think about it for longer than two seconds, huh? like what's the timeline here??? how old is he, how old are the Jerries, I'm confused but I am also entertained. lumber-axe wasn't remotely what I would've expected but yknow what. I had fun, it's fun
Daddy/Killer Track: more on the church, more intrigue, more magic! I didn't get the chance to rewatch these ones before my ticket expired, I don't really have fully developed thoughts yet but something I keep thinking is how this ep felt a lot more lore heavy than I think it actually is? I might be wrong, but a lot of what we got was a little expansion on things like the church's history and Holloway's powers, and hinting at more to come, there's not a whole lot of new concrete information in there that I can remember. out of everything I'm definitely most invested in getting more on Holloway and her backstory by far, she's fascinating
Yellow Jacket: expansion on how the gift works, more on Webby, official introduction to Pokey. the most interesting thing to me about this episode is how Webby seems to operate. did she not know Otho sent that vision to Hannah? when she did find out why didn't she come to warn Hannah immediately? she was MIA until Hannah was already too invested in the fight to back down, why is that? and why does it seem like she doesn't ever tell Hannah about her brothers directly? don't take this as me nitpicking "plotholes" or anything cuz I'm not, I just think it's interesting. there's gotta be a reason Webby operates the way she does and that's what interests me the most about YJ. also Pokey's a little bitch and I wanna shove him in a locker-
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fairytalespond · 5 years
Charmed and Lucifer =]
i am pretty sure that you are asking about the og but i am gonna do both versions of charmed because why the hell not (but gotta remember that i am halfway through s1 of the new one so my opinions will probably change later on)
my all-time ultimate fave character: all the sisters in this house we can not pick
a character I didn’t used to like but now do: none
a character I used to like but now don’t: cole turner
a character I’m indifferent about: i don’t think there is one
a character who deserved better: prue :(
a ship I’ve never been able to get into: phoebe/coop but i haven’t rewatched their season so i might like it now that i am no longer watching the show through phoebe/cole lenses
a ship I’ve never been able to get over: prue/andy
a cute, low-key ship: piper/leo and paige/henry
an unpopular ship but I still enjoyed it: phoebe/dan lmao
a ship that was totally wrong and never should have happened: phoebe/cole after a while
my favourite storyline/moment: ehh idk i just love the sisterly moments ok?
a storyline that never should have been written: cole being the source
my first thoughts on the show: my new fave show!!!!
my thoughts now: i will always love this show adfghjk
charmed 2018:
my all-time ultimate fave character: i love all the sisters but rn macy
a character I didn’t used to like but now do: harry
a character I used to like but now don’t:charity is on thin ice
a character I’m indifferent about: none? i have opinions lmao
a character who deserved better: i think i should finish the season before answering this
a ship I’ve never been able to get into: mel/niko
a ship I’ve never been able to get over: i don’t feel that strongly about any of them yet
a cute, low-key ship: mel/jada, macy/galvin, maggie/parker, maggie/lucy
an unpopular ship but I still enjoyed it: i am scared of spoilers so idk what is or isn’t popular
a ship that was totally wrong and never should have happened: nothing yet but there is half a season for me to see so who knows
my favourite storyline/moment: i am gonna repeat myself but the sisterly moments asdfgh
a storyline that never should have been written: parker’s dad really annoys me
my first thoughts on the show: why are they making a remake????? the original wasn’t that long ago wtf
my thoughts now: i love this show asdfghj
my all-time ultimate fave character: lucifer, maze, charlotte
a character I didn’t used to like but now do: charlotte
a character I used to like but now don’t: dan
a character I’m indifferent about: chloe
a character who deserved better: maze and charlotte
a ship I’ve never been able to get into: lucifer/chloe welp
a ship I’ve never been able to get over: lucifer/maze like give me the bi f/m couple i deserve, also dan/charlotte
a cute, low-key ship: maze/eve, lucifer/eve
an unpopular ship but I still enjoyed it: lucifer/maze lmao
a ship that was totally wrong and never should have happened: pierce/chloe wtf was that
my favourite storyline/moment: idk i loved s2 a whole lot, and i loved charlotte in s3
a storyline that never should have been written: pierce being there at all???? ugh
my first thoughts on the show: i think i liked it from the start?
my thoughts now: i am soooo tired, like this is one of my fave shows but it sucks
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tagged by @cars-tairs , thanks and also don’t worry about the tagging (I secretly love it when you do ☺️ )
1) are you excited for the tid TV show? why or why not?
I wouldn’t say excited, but I’m also not hating the idea. I mentioned in a previous post that I believe it could be done well if the producer and screenwriters understand and respect the story. I love TID and nothing could ever ruining it for me, so worst case I just won’t watch it. Also if it brings more people to read tsc and Cassie gets more following and income out of it, then I guess that’s good.
2) what’s your favourite quote from tsc?
1. “(...) words have the power to change us” -Tessa
(“Why are you wearing a T-shirt under your other T-shirt?" Livvy asked.)
2. “In case one of them is stolen”-Mark
I mean Mark’s just made me laugh so much, I can’t help it 🤷🏽‍♀️
3. “the Law is annoying, but it is also flexible” -Emma  
Ok, ok, I’ll stop the quotes 🙇🏽‍♀️
3) what character is most like you and why? (physical appearance or personality)
Physically I guess Cristina, although I have dark brown hair and not black. Personality I think I’m a lot like Emma in the sense that I kinda hate and have a tendency to ignore rules, some people might describe me as feisty and I do love boys 😏 (and girls, but I guess that’s more my thing haha) 
4) any theories on what will happen in queen of air and darkness?
My theory is that the first polyamory of tsc. Kierarktina will happen. I otherwise don’t try to theorize much, cause Cassie.
5) any theories for the wicked powers?
Dru will kick ass? hahaha 
Again, I’m not one to theorize much, sorry 
6) if you were to get a shadowhunters chronicles tattoo, what would you get?
I actually plan on getting one :D “lex malla, lex nulla” —remember when I said I didn’t like rules? Welll, yeahh...
7) shadowhunters TV fan or not?
This may be polemic but I have mixed feelings. The TV show is actually the reason I started to read the books, fell in love and joined the fandom. It may have to do with how much I watched before reading the books but I actually liked S1 and a bit of S2, though I tried to rewatch and just couldn’t do it.
8) how long have you been a fan of CC’s books and have you been in the tumblr fandom as long as you’ve been a fan?
Fsn of the books from fall 2016 and joined the tumblr fandom around December when I was in desperate need of more Malec. (That’s how I even discovered tumblr, since in Venezuela it isn’t popular at all)
9) favourite ship, brotp, notp
ship: Malec 
ot3: Kierarktina 
brotp: Jem and Will —they are the purest pair of parabatai I’ve read 
notp: Jem and Will, cause 🔝
10) which characters do you think are under appreciated and why?
I think Kieran is hated for all the wrong reasons, and that Jem doesn’t get enough love but if that doesn’t count then Bridget, cause she was pretty funny with her songs, Ragnor cause he was the right kind of grumpy and Lily Chen but I guess that’s cause we haven’t read much of her yet.
11) three things you associate with/love about your favourite season?
My favourite season is summer and I associated with the sea, which is one of my biggest loves. I come from Venezuela where we have an eternal summer, but since I moved to Europe I really miss having the sun all-year-round. 🌞
12) what’s your hogwarts house, Ilvermorny house and patrons?
hogwarts house: Griffindor
Ilvermory house: Wampus
patronus: Marsh Harrier
According to Pottermore since I —am sorry to say— haven’t read the books yet, even though I’ve been meaning to for the longest time.
13) what’s your favourite song, lyrics or band/singer?
I could never think of only one favoutite, especially since I have seasonal obsessions, but I love Mulan’s “Hombres de acción” (I’ll make a man out of you), the Disney Latino version, cause I always identified with her. 👊🏽
14) if you’re in high school (or an equivalent) and you want to go to uni, what do you want to study?
I studied Hotel Management
15) coffee, tea, water or soda?
Water, water, water! But also tea is really good when paired with a book 🤓
16) what’s your favourite mythical creature?
mermaids and unicorns
17) what TV show/movie do you refuse to watch
all the super popular shows that got too much hype before I started watching them, for example: Stranger Things. Idk why I hate watching a show everybody’s talking about if I don’t already like it.
18) what could you do a 40 minute presentation on with no preparation?
Feminism? Though it would probably be more like me ranting in a very messy and unestructured way. 🧐
19) if you could live anywhere in the world where would you move to?
Probably Australia.
20) what ‘dumb’ accomplishment are you proud of?
I can touch the tip of my nose with my tongue 👅
21) what’s your name?
Andrea, but I like my middle-name (Sofia) way better
tags: i hate tagging people i feel so badddd but again i’m just gunna tag some accounts i like :)
@fearlessandpoisonous @alexandrabookblog @not-so-secretfangirl @cordeliaheronstairsx 
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kinetic-elaboration · 7 years
June 18: Thoughts on 1x07 Contents Under Pressure
Finally continued my The 100 Season 1 rewatch yesterday. Wrote some notes:
It kind of looks like the Council is also the judicial system on the Ark, which honestly shouldn’t surprise me at all. Whatever hearings they do seem to take place in the Council chamber. I still think Marcus is basically the prosecutor or otherwise sort of in charge of the judicial function—Jaha is fine and still Chancellor but it’s Marcus reading out the summary of Abby’s case. She’s spared because her “medical expertise is still required” which fits with my theory about the Ark class hierarchy.
Raven identifies herself as from Mecha Station, so if I ever need to establish the canon nature of this fact, this is where it is, 1x07. Also, she identifies herself to Sinclair as if he didn’t already know her but that could just be because she doesn’t recognize his voice.
That moment when Abby hears Clarke’s voice was so lovely. Nothing in the second two seasons stirs my heart like small moments in the first two. Also when Jaha hears that Wells isn’t alive, fuck, that’s too sad. Get it away.
Apparently this is Miller’s first episode.
Also man I love storm episodes. Big weather events get me EVERY TIME.
They say at the beginning that Monty, Jasper, and Bellamy aren’t back yet—I know it’s been a while since I saw the last ep but weren’t they all in at the end of it? I remember Bellamy closing the gate and dramatically saying “there’s a storm coming.” And if you know there’s a storm coming, why would you wander the fuck off? Okay never mind, Bellamy went Grounder hunting. And this is also where Miller was introduced—his first scene is dragging in Lincoln.
Raven taking a drink of moonshine before sterilizing her hands and Clarke smiling fondly at her = why I ship (S1) Princess Mechanic.
OMG little doggy made out of nuts and bolts that is the most adorable thing. I miss the Ark aesthetic SO MUCH.
Honestly, that Clarke has assisted her mom in surgery, meaning she’s trained at least partly directly under Abby, makes me wonder how close they are/were. Like, a combination of them starting the show estranged and fan fiction too often painting Abby as a bitch or their relationship as strained has somewhat obscured what I think is canonically a strong bond between Abby and Clarke—not just because they’re mother and daughter, I mean they genuinely were close beyond even that.
The Bellamy, Miller, and Lincoln scene: First, it’s my headcanon that Lincoln was the spy on the camp the entire time, including back to the pilot (IDK who that actor was, I’m not saying it was Ricky Whittle, just that I think it was Lincoln-the-character in a lot of war paint and shadows), and that his reports might have been designed the whole time to keep Anya et. al. at bay, and also that he might have volunteered for the spying job because he was curious about the Sky People—and that fits with this scene. Second, when Bellamy says they’ve “lost” 10 people, I wonder if he’s counting exile Murphy. I hope so.
Bellamy sees a picture of a big furry creature and asks “What is that thing? Friend of yours?” which, first, haha Bellamy joke, and second, YEAH WTF IS IT? IT’S BEEN FOUR SEASONS WHAT IS IT?
Clarke’s grumpy cat get out of the way face = A+ more content like this please.
I love that Miller was introduced as a surly Bellamy minion and the whole time he was gay and only Jarod Joseph knew.
“In case you didn’t notice, his people are already killing us. How many more of our people have to die until you realize we’re fighting a war?” Interesting because actually most of those people didn’t die at Grounder hands at all. Two died when the dropship landed. Wells died because another delinquent killed him. Charlotte committed suicide. Murphy, if he’s being counted among the ten, was exiled after a series of events having nothing to do with Grounders. Trina and Pascal, who I’m pretty sure are already dead, died of acid fog, which is a Mt. Men weapon (I know Bellamy doesn’t know this but we do). And the other three were killed by Grounders, fair enough. Plus Jasper and Finn’s injuries. But still, ten Grounder deaths there were not. Also none of them were killed or injured at the dropship camp, which fits in with my theory that this was never a dispute about territory or a case of mean colonialists stealing native people’s land. The dropship camp doesn’t bother the Grounders at all.
There’s a little American flag at the memorial to the culling victims. Also, here we see the exact moment when Kane’s redemption arc begins. And a continuation of Jaha’s… I don’t want to say ‘redemption’ but like…transformation?
Okay, that’s ridiculous to say the people in the culling died for nothing—it wasn’t nothing because there aren’t enough life boats NOW there definitely weren’t 320 people ago. I mean I understand why the populace is angry but, haha, little do they know that between the Unity Day attack, the Exodus ship explosion, and all but 3 stations either exploding, crashing, or getting lost on the way to Earth, there are many more population-reduction events to come. Oh yeah and then radiation comes in a ridiculous overwrought wave and kills them all in a terrific shark-jumping explosion of silliness.
More Ark life details: “I swore an oath to protect and defend these people.” There’s something called “station representatives”—the same or different than Council members? Also they have a “mess hall.”
The dropship is three stories. Did I think it was two? Clarke has amazing boots.
The torture sequence makes me intensely uncomfortable, which is of course obviously the point. Again, nothing that the show’s done in the last two seasons accomplishes this. They just…try so hard to be constantly shocking and tense but it reads poorly to me, it reads like overcompensating for having nothing more to say.
I don’t get the station representatives thing. First, they’re not the council. Diana Sydney is one of them. And also there are, what, like a hundred of them? Why so many? What do they do? Is this like a primarily administrative job? An advocacy job? The Ark’s not that big, direct communication with the council doesn’t seem like it would be that hard. Are these also elected positions? How many does each station have, and how big is each station that they need, like, 10 reps per station? Some of them are pretty young, too; is this like an every-sub-group-has-an-advocate thing? Diana refers to her people as “the workers,” which I always assumed meant she was a rep for one of the worker-stations, like maybe Factory, but maybe it means she literally, specifically, represents “workers.”
I want a prequel that’s just like the political rivalry between Jaha and Diana. Actually, I want a refund on Season 4 and for it to be replaced by this prequel.
Say what you will about Octavia, but Bellarke’s torture plan was stupid as fuck—yes, it makes sense on the level of a preschooler (a very violent preschooler) but anyone with real cognitive skills should honestly be 10000% distrustful of any answer Lincoln did give because, like, why would he tell you the truth? If I were him, I’d get the torture to stop by pointing out the wrong vial. I mean he has literally nothing to lose; they’ll kill him but they would have done that anyway, and at least he takes one of their own down too.
That said, I feel like the more they made Octavia violent, over the seasons, and played up her ridiculously unrealistic amazing warrior skills or whatever, the more they ignored how smart and resourceful she used to be.
Abby didn’t “turn Jake in” though—he hadn’t done anything wrong, there was nothing to turn him in for. Like don’t get me wrong I love Jaha, but HE’S the one who floated his friend for a non-crime, so maybe he should take some of the blame for that.
I love Kane’s mom. Honestly, they used to have such good minor/side characters and they threw them away so willy-nilly and I thought, okay, I get it, we need casualties and there will be more good side characters but frankly there haven’t been. The quality of side character has declined precipitously. I literally cannot remember the last time a new character was introduced that I gave an honest shit about. After S2, there’s been like…no one on the sidelines who holds any interest for me. Probably because they’re all Grounders.
Finn’s using Raven’s jacket as a pillow, which reminds me of Jasper using Monty’s jacket as a blanket.
Finn’s basically just this totem Clarke and Raven pass back and forth. They’re both under the impression they literally need him to keep going (“he’s all I have;” “I can’t do this without you”) but like, really, what does he bring to the table? Certainly no literal skills, but not even that much by way of emotional support or devotion—especially not to Raven, obviously. And Clarke’s known him all of a week so the concept that she needs him for anything is like, I can see why she herself thinks that (in a normal situation she and Finn would be in a honeymoon phase, plus she just lost Wells so like I can see how she’d latch on to someone else in a pinch)—but it’s still laughable.
I’ve seen that shot of Bellamy and Clarke’s hands touching a million times but totally forgot they were handing off a torture weapon. And that their dialogue can basically be summarized as “deep sounding shit we tell ourselves to excuse our guilt for the reprehensible things we’ve just done that had literally no actual justification whatsoever.” I mean, I’m not judging per se, the show needs conflict and also they’re basically fetuses so they should be imperfect but still. How romantic.
My characterization of Clarke, most of the time, is so bad. I feel bad about this.
I’m trying to get a better sense of the delinquent camp but it’s difficult.
It looks like there are only 6 Council members, which semi-confuses me because it just seems like it would make sense to have one representative per station. I don’t think they’d give Prison Station a council member, but counting the Chancellor, that would still make 12. But then—do all stations have living quarters on them? I’ve been assuming yes but why should I assume that? Go-Sci very well might not—nope, never mind, that’s the only part left and I bet we’ll be seeing living quarters on it next year (by “we” I mean probably not “me” but you know). Anyway. How are the Council members elected then? At large? Also, post-culling, post-100, there are 2,237 people on the Ark. And Jaha says there are “only enough dropships to carry 700.”
I can’t believe people still know what the Titanic is to be honest. And would reference it so casually.
0 notes
irisannallen · 8 years
riverdale, the flash, the vampire diaries
my all-time ultimate fave character: VERONICA LODGE, betty cooper
a character I didn’t used to like but now do: --
a character I used to like but now don’t: --
a character I’m indifferent about: jughead? i don’t not like him, i just didn’t care tbh but i’m starting to now (BC HE’S FUCKING HOMELESS LIKE CANNOT BELIEVE THE SHOW DID THIS)
a character who deserved better: betty cooper, bc fuck her mom
a ship I’ve never been able to get into: jughead/betty (?) idk we’ll see what happens in the future, but romantically, not on board yet 
a ship I’ve never been able to get over: BERONICA, archieronnie
a cute, low-key ship: cherylronnie
an unpopular ship but I still enjoyed it: archiebetty
a ship that was totally wrong and never should have happened: archie/gr*ndy piece of shit 
my favourite storyline/moment: veronica and betty exposing chuck that was Lit (even tho betty lost it, made it even more interesting)
a storyline that never should have been written: gr*ndy in general so glad she’s been exposed
my first thoughts on the show: i’m already whipped for this trash, this is exactly what i needed in my life
my thoughts now: i am STILL whipped and i will remain whipped 
the flash
my all-time ultimate fave character: BARRY ALLEN, IRIS WEST, WALLY WEST
a character I didn’t used to like but now do: --
a character I used to like but now don’t: c*itlin sn*w
a character I’m indifferent about: c*itlin sn*w, julian albert
a character who deserved better: HENRY ALLEN, NORA ALLEN
a ship I’ve never been able to get into: sn*wbarry
a ship I’ve never been able to get over: BARRY/IRIS
a cute, low-key ship: joe/cecile, wally/jesse
an unpopular ship but I still enjoyed it: wally/linda (completely headcanon i just want it to happen lol)
a ship that was totally wrong and never should have happened: barry/p*tty (no disrespect to her or anything i just thought they were dumb), iris/edd*e (again, no disrespect to eddie, it just made no sense to me lol)
my favourite storyline/moment: episode 1x15, when barry literally broke the space-time continuum bc of his love for iris and went back in time, that will still be the best thing this show ever gave me
a storyline that never should have been written: can we just cancel zoom the worst villain
my first thoughts on the show: this is cute i’ll stay
the vampire diaries
my all-time ultimate fave character: (this is all based on when i was watching but) elena gilbert, damon salvatore, BONNIE BENNETT
a character I didn’t used to like but now do: bonnie bennett (didn’t like her in the v beginning but would die for her now), tyler lockwood (didn’t like him in the beginning but he’s the ultimate best character now probably)
a character I used to like but now don’t: caroline forbes (tho i’m rewatching now and i do like her again but idk)? honestly i can’t really put anyone in this list bc i’m rewatching rn and everyone i used to not like (caroline, stefan, etc.,) i’m liking now so like .... idk .....
a character I’m indifferent about: matt donovan (he deserves better tho)
a character who deserved better: ELENA GILBERT (but she’s back), BONNIE BENNETT (STOP KILLING EVERYONE SHE LOVES)
a ship I’ve never been able to get into: d*therine, KL*ROLINE, b*nenzo (tho i never watched far enough to see it happen so i might have liked them), ster*line (not the stuff we’re getting now, i didn’t mind them in s2 and s3 i guess)
a ship I’ve never been able to get over: DELENA, FORWOOD
a cute, low-key ship: maroline, beremy, jeranna, jalaric, kalijah, stebekah
an unpopular ship but I still enjoyed it: maroline, beremy, mattlena, elejah
a ship that was totally wrong and never should have happened: d*therine, m*bekah, KL*ROLINE (THE WORST COUPLE ON THIS SHOW) 
my favourite storyline/moment: IN THAT MOMENT I LOVED HIM THAT WAS THE MOST BEAUTIFUL MOMENT :’) also the 3x10 kiss is imprinted in my mind FOREVER
a storyline that never should have been written: katherine stealing elena’s body, ELENA BEING ASLEEP FOR TWO FUCKING SEASONS LIKE ???? ugh
my first thoughts on the show: not sure how i feel but oh look it’s the guy from cow belles and the guy from legally blonde? also damon and elena are v cute
my thoughts now: tbh hate this show now and what it’s become but i will always love delena
0 notes