#I mentioned it to our friend Moon and they offered to do our makeup some time
al1c3mal1c3 · 1 month
was disappointed to learn our mascara is very tear proof (because runny mascara is hot)
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coffeishowifunction · 11 months
I am aware that people probably dont care but I said I would so here it is you guys!
I went to a disco a bit over a week ago and I am going to walk you through the joys of it. So I think I got home at around 5 and we (the friend I was going with) decided we'd do our own thing food wise. I got dinner and then at around 6 she got to my place, now when I tell you that she can do the most breathtaking things with her makeup so she looked like a godess. We got into our lovely, lovely dresses (I have always been more into jeans but .....I'm also a very vain individual so seeing myself in a dress for the first time in months was exciting I wont lie)
And as controversial as it is I am a clothes, makeup, hair kinda gal so thats the order I worked in. Now my original plan was mascara and lipgloss (Ellie didnt like that) so I was sat down in a chair and she did eyeshadow and bronzer. Dont quote me but i looked pretty when she was done so i dont mind.
As I mentioned I am vainnnnnn! And I have no issue admitting that we (Ellie and I lol) looked gorgeous.
So we kinda just hung around for a bit and took a sinful amount of photos of ourselves lol (as I'm typing this I have noticed that it is 00:03 so happy Halloween everyone) and we left the house at like twenty past eight to arrive at nine.
I wont bore you with the specifics I think we all know discos are loud lol. But I'll just summarise.
Straight away we met four of my best friends who I havent seen in weeks and I had an AMAZING night (lots of dancing lots of singing). To be honest I lost the plot a bit. ALL my friends have videos of me dancing to Miley Cyrus like there wouldnt be a tomorrow lmao. But whats a high achieving eldest daughter going to do except where a crazy short dress and dance till well past midnight. Everyone deserves to let loose you guys even if its once in a blue moon.
NOW I will make myself very clear there was no funny business on my watch. Zero. Again I am too vain for my own good so I will say that....there was some offers "Sorry I'm with friends" they all got the same answer. I will hold your purse and root you on, I will help you fix your lipstick and hair. But no way will anyone do the same for me, nope. Sorry not sorry.
I have been asked if I'm afraid videos might resurface when I run for president. The saddest part is the fact that my answer is yes. Hell yes I am. He was joking but seriously, I dont WANT to be President but sometimes how obsessed I am with all things being right or winning scares me and careers have been ruined.
Anyhow. Just to wrap up we left at i think half twelve I couldnt hear or speak a word. My legs were killing me (dancing queen much) but shoutout to Ellie's mum. She somehow found us a place that was selling pizza and cookies at one in the morning. So I wrapped up the night on Ellies couch with a dozen cookies a Coke Zero and the Beckham documentary.
And it was nice to know that I can step out of my comfort zone if I ever want to lol.
Happy Halloween you guys.! Nightt.
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gummygowon · 4 years
how ateez surprises you on your birthday!
genre: fluff
warnings: none
request: hi!! I don’t know if you still want fluff requests, but if you are, do you think you could write how ateez would surprise you on your birthday? My birthday is soon 💕 hehe
a/n: i am like this close to turning all these reactions into oneshots or drabbles lsjdflsdf but anyways i’m so sorry this took so long! i hope you enjoy!! :)
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i think seonghwa is your classy, romantic, gentlemen boyfriend
which means that he would definitely surprise you after work/school by picking you up and then take you back home for some surprises (not like that weridos)
the first surprise being that your apartment was finally cleaned 
countertops sparkling, dishes finally back in cupboards, and not even a speck of dust on your mirrors
“hwa, did you do this?”
you were a working student and lately, your homework load was piling lately which meant less free time >:(
he nodded at you, a bashful smile on his face, “i know you been super busy lately with school and everything so, i wanted to take some weight off your shoulders.”
your heart ached at the sight of him, making you run over to him and place a kiss on cheek, “i love you so much. thank you.”
“wait, there’s more.” seonghwa said as he pulled away, kissing you cheek once more before dragging you to your bedroom.
“there’s more?” you asked, slightly panicking since you were not prepared for anything else after your boyfriend deep cleaned your apartment
“yes there is. now close your eyes.” seonghwa impatiently answered as he placed his hands over your eyes. he was definitely too excited to show you other gifts
once seonghwa had carefully led you to the front of your bed, he removed his hands from your eyes, “surprise!”
you opened your eyes to a somewhat large gift bag and raised an eyebrow at your boyfriend 
after taking out the bright tissue paper in the bag, you pulled out a pretty satin dress in your favorite color that looked too expensive and long box that contained an envelope charm god necklace that had a tiny matching gold plate that said “i love you” on the front and on the back, “p.sh”
seonghwa was super pleased with your reactions as he watched the biggest smile on your face form, “do you like it?” 
“yes!” you answer before rushing into this arms, “but i don’t know when i’m gonna wear it.” your smile fading just a tad
but do not worry, mr. park got that covered
“well, you could wear it to our dinner reservations at the monarch.” 
“no way!” you shout. “you got reservations there?”
the monarch was one of those fancy restaurants with really good food that can you leave day dreaming about it for days and you’ve been dying to try that place out after wooyoung mentioned that place a few months ago
however, it was pretty much booked for the next month so reservations were hard to come across
but seonghwa did some extensive researching and (eavesdropping) to find the perfect place to take you out and reserved literally a month and a half before 
“yes, i did. now go get ready princess before we’re late.” seonghwa kissed your forehead before letting you go.
after an hour of you being in the bathroom, you came out looking like an actual model
like godamn
seonghwa thought you were hot without makeup but now-
holy fuck was he speechless
“do i look okay?” you asked nervously, fidgeting with the hem of the dress
“you look more than okay, love. you look absolutely stunning baby.”
“thank you.” you responded back, trying to fight the blush on your cheeks
then seonghwa would escort you down to his car, making sure that nothing got onto your dress
so he would open all the doors you guys passed by and hold them out for you (he does this all the time but this time felt more magical because of your outfit)
you guys eat dinner feeling super grateful for everything hwa was done for you so far plus the food was worth the wait for sure
but by far, your favorite part of your birthday date was when seonghwa took you guys on a walk in a nearby park
pretty lights decorated the trees, lighting up paths for visitors
this added to the whole magical princess vibe which had you skipping
no like, you were literally skipping with happiness as you ventured through the park, smiles painting both of your faces :)
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you met hongjoong while working at the 7/11 below the company when he was a trainee
he was absolutely starstruck when he saw you for the first time behind the counter
a stuttering mess as he payed for his snacks while you had flushed cheeks when his hand grazed yours when you gave his change back 
after that hongjoong always made an excuse to come down to see you and start talking to you 
then on one late night, he offered to walk you home since he was concerned for your well-being (he always was actually)
you, of course agreed because you wanted another excuse to talk to him more 
the walk home was quite enjoyable
no awkward silences or anything 
but of course, you forgot your jacket on a chilly, fall night
you were practically shivering as soon as you walked out of the connivence store and it didn’t take hongjoong more than a minute to see you freezing your ass off
“are you cold?”
“no...” you answered stubbornly as you wrapped your arms tighter around yourself
“bullshit.” honjoong laughed as he shrugged his hoodie off and handed it to you. “here.”
you were caught so off guard by his actions that you literally stopped walking, “are you sure?”
“yeah, i’m sure. i don’t want you to get sick”
you took the warm hoodie from him and slipped it on, the sleeves going past your fingertips, “thank you but, won’t you get sick?”
“eh, it’s fine. i like the cold.”
“ok weirdo.”
“give me back my jacket.”
“no!” you yelled at him as you started sprinting towards your house
ever since that night, hongjoong would walk you home after your shift and of course, you would always forgot to bring a jacket 
which meant that you would have to reluctantly take his jacket
now fast forward to two years later, you guys started dating!
and this year for your birthday was pretty casual, nothing fancy since you had school and work
which meant that hongjoong would swing by the store when your shift was over and he did
however this walk was different since you guys took a little detour to the park nearby your house so you guys could look at the pretty stars. 
then of course, you forgot your jacket again 
“you cold?”
“yes.” you sigh in defeat which causes your boyfriend to laugh
“good because then you’ll love my gift then”
and then hongjoong pulls out a gift bag from his backpack which you open a little too quickly
hongjoong gives you a reformed sweatshirt!!!
“do you remember the first night i walked you home?”
you nod your head eagerly as you slip it on, the bright strips of color on the sleeves popping out
“i love it!” you exclaim as you wrap your arms around hongjoong tightly
“you do?” he asks unsure, that you wouldn’t like at all.”
“yes, why wouldn’t i?” you look up at him causing honjoong’s brain to stop working 
“i love you.” he spit out, his cheeks flushed and a crooked smile on his face
you giggled at his actions before leaning into kiss him, “i love you too.”
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ok so being the busy queen/king you are, you hadn’t had the chance to see your boyfriend yet plus you were staying at your parents for the weekend to celebrate your birthday which made it even harder 
but nonetheless, you were ecstatic to be home and surrounded by all our family members and a few childhood friends who stayed in your hometown for college or were back for the weekend
it was great since you were able to celebrate your birthday being surrounded by the people you love 
but you really missed your boyfriend even though he called you in the morning to wish you a happy birthday and apologize for not being able to make it
it was almost midnight by the time everyone in your house was settled for the night or even sleeping and so you were until you heard a knock coming from your window
you nearly broke your neck because you snapped your sound head so fast to your window
your mind immediately went to “there’s a serial killer outside” mode so you grabbed your hairbrush as a weapon as if that would do any damage
when you pushed back your blinds, you had to keep yourself from screaming because there sat your boyfriend from highschool on the huge ass tree right near your window
“hi.” yunho responded a small smile on his face
it was like a mix of smirk and an embarrassed smile
anyways, yunho somehow convinces you to come outside so you guys can watch the stars
which is exactly what you do
you grab your hoodie (which is actually yunho’s) and an extra blanket as you carefully make your way down the tree
at first, you were scared that your parents were going to scold you for leaving and you were like fuck but you then you remembered you’re an adult so they couldn’t get that mad at you
this reminded you of the few times you would sneak out of the house for yunho which is the only reason why you would ever think about sneaking out 
yunho walks you to the nearby park in your neighborhood before laying down his own blanket for you guys to lay on 
you’re lowkey shivering so you try to move as close to yunho as you can as he wraps his arm under you
for the first few minutes you guys sit in silence, just watching the stars and tiny planets twinkle in the dark sky 
until you start pointing out different constellations which yunho thought was actually so amazing because they all looked like clumps of white dots to him
plus, he found it really cute when you started to get all excited and jumpy talking about the things you were really passionate about
although yunho couldn’t tell the difference between capricorn and the little dipper, he still made a comment about the view
“the moon is beautiful isn’t it?”
you craned your head to look up at him, a smile creeping its way on your face, “yeah, it is.”
yunho smiled back before reaching down to cup your cheek for a kiss
the phrase, “the moon is beautiful isn’t it?” is a more poetic way of saying “i love you.”
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i feel like yeosang is a perfectionist
yk the type of bf to make sure everything is done correctly for your dates and especially your birthday 
and this year you wanted to do something simple and small because of covid plus you still had work and school to do 
tbh if it was just you and yeosang together this year, you wouldn’t mind at all 
so going by your wishes, yeosang came up with the brilliant idea to try and bake you a cake since you literally refused to tell him what you want for your birthday (although, he has secretly been taking notes about what you need even if it was just something that you could’ve bought yourself)
ok now, we all seen that video of yeosang trying to cook an egg which turned out horribly so his baking experience with this wasn’t the smoothest 
yes, he bought all the correct ingredients and tools needed to bake and decorate a cake but somehow his first cake turned out burnt as hell which led to him going back to the store to buy another cake mix (and an extra just in case he fucks up again)
this time it came out pretty good, the middle wasn’t runny at all the sides weren’t a charcoal black 
now all he had to do was frost the godamn cake
which was so fucking hard to do AND FOR NO REASON ISTG
the store bought frosting he bought kept catching cake crumbs in it and the spatula he was using was doing an ass job 
yeosang was getting so frustrated with this hellish sugar on sugar thing because he literally watched a fifteen minute video on how to frost cakes for beginners last night
he had all the right tools for it so why wasn’t the cake creating a smooth crumb coat ?????
after he awhile, he abandoned his crash course learning in cake decorating from the night before and started doing his own thing
so after doing a base layer of frosting with your favorite color, he picked out all the crumbs from it which took hours but he didn’t care
and then he started to add the “happy birthday!” on it which went lowkey south since it was actually a lot harder to write with frosting than what yeosang thought 
but he still tried his best to fix it so the words weren’t horribly slanted or anything
fortunately, the cake turned out alright for someone who doesn’t decorate cakes for a living 
now the hard thing was to get to your apartment without dropping the cake or fucking it up on the way there
so yeosang sat in the back of yunho’s car clutching the sides of the cake platter with his dear life
luckily, the cake made it to your house in one shape and you were so surprised and happy that yeosang came over
you were practically jumping up and down once he put the cake down on your table and clinged onto his arm 
after yeosang sang happy birthday to you, you blew out the candles with the biggest grin on your face
“what did you wish for?”
“that’s a secret.” you joked as you swooped some frosting onto your finger and onto his nose
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this was probably the first time that san had stayed home in months
it was annoyingly difficult to try and schedule times to see each other but you didn’t mind 
he was here now and that’s all that matter
smiling to yourself, you turned over to san’s side expecting there to be your cuddly boyfriend for you to only be met with a cold side
“wtf” you thought, did he get called into practice or something last minute? if he did he would’ve texted you...
which you grabbed your phone immediately to look for any missed calls or texts but there was nothing from san, just the usual spam emails and post notifs from insta
san promised that he was going to be free for the whole weekend for your birthday
promises are meant to be broken, you childishly thought to yourself 
sighing, you were about to get out of bed so you can brush your teeth and go celebrate your special day before your door flew open,
“surprise!” your boyfriend shouted into the room
“oh my fuck!” you screamed back, clutching your chest
whatever was in san’s hands tumbled a little bit before he caught his balance again
“you scared me!”
“i’m sorry baby.” san apologized before placing a tray full of your favorite breakfast dishes onto your bedside table
“did you make this?” you asked as you poked around the tray
godamn he actually got all your favorites, your favorite drink, sweets, and your preferred way of cooking eggs
he hummed in response before kissing you on the cheek, “happy birthday, y/n.”
with your heart swelling full of love and a few tears sliding down your face, you thank him
“i love you so much.” you say before you pull him into a tight hug
“i love you more.” san responds kissing your forehead before tugging you onto the bed so you could eat
you sit in san’s lap as you eat and occasionally give him a bite after you hear his stomach grumble 
“do you want a bite? or...” you ask after hearing san’s stomach growl louder than the trucks outside your apartment
you turn to look at your boyfriend with a forkfull of pancakes, noticing the faint blush on his cheeks
you watch san struggle to answer your question since he didn’t want to eat your surprise breakfast but boy was he hungry
“yes.” he sighs in defeat making you giggle
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ok so mingi is a little trickster when it comes to surprises
so for your birthday you come from your day, burnt as hell from working and schoolwork and you really don’t wanna do much 
you just feel like taking a shower and going to bed tbh
but however that was not the case
as soon as you came home, mingi sprang up from the couch kissing your forehead, asking how your day was
and then immediately he asked you to dress up nice
but you being grumpy and crabby slightly whined, “why? i think i’m just gonna call in some pizza, min.”
and then he would definitely catch on to the fact that you really did not want to be bothered at the moment but he still pushed you to get ready, “it’s your birthday, that’s why! take a shower and wake up and get dressed up because the place i’m taking you to is a classic.”
you were literally about to throw your bag on the floor and stomp your feet like a child
you loved your boyfriend a lot but it was your birthday so why was mingi calling all the shots??? 
but you sucked in a breath before mumbling an agreement to getting ready, “this place better be good mingi.”
“oh it is. don’t even worry about it.” your boyfriend would respond, shooing away your comment with a wave of his hand
while you shower and get ready, mingi goes to change in your other bathroom into a super nice tux like ball worthy tux yk
so when you step out of your bathroom with a towel wrapped around your chest about to ask mingi what you should specifically wear, your eyes nearly pop out of your head when you see what he’s wearing
and you’re like fuck i really have to wear something nice he also looks hot as fuck
which leads to you pulling out outfit after outfit to try an figure out what exactly matches your boyfriend’s tux and after some digging you finally found an outfit that screamed “cinderella’s ball”
you step out of your room with a frown on your face because the fatigue was now replaced with irritation and an empty stomach
but mingi is tripping out on the fact that you look so fucking good 
like holy fuck
“you look amazing baby.”
your mood would lighten up a little bit but you were still playing the “i’m annoyed” card
so after you guys leave your apartment and are sitting his car driving towards the city and passing by many, many fancy restaurants which is making you wonder where the fuck you guys were going
“mingi, where are we going?”
“you’ll see.” is all he would say making you a little more frustrated
but eventually, mingi stops the car at an arcade that you haven’t been to in ages 
“oh my god.” you gasp as you rush out of your seatbelt. “hurry up mingi!”
“now you’re excited?” he would tease you before joining you at the door with his hand in yours
when you guys walk in, everything is the exact same from what you remember as a kid
the same black with colorful confetti carpet, rows of games with the cords in a tangled mess behind the machines, and of course the prize counter looked the exact same except the prizes were much cooler this time (you could win an ipad and a nerf gun!!!) 
you were definitely in much better mood now and was pulling mingi left and right to go play games 
you guys were both extremely competitive but sometimes mingi would let you win because he loved seeing you get all excited and hyped when you won a game but he do it in a non-discreet way so you wouldn’t catch on
however, when it came to that car racing game (yk with the steering wheel) well he would not hold the tf back on that game and niether would you
he even made a bet with you declaring that whoever loses has to pay for dinner which you gladly accepted because you never lose (a lie has been detected !)
so here you guys were absolutely gaming it out, taking this racing game a little bit too seriously wearing full on red carpet-worthy outfits in an old arcade where little kids were staring at you guys weirdly
niether of you cared, too busy focusing on the game which was currently in a tie and ended with you winning!
fair and square if i may add (mingi had accidentally crashed into a building which ultimately led to his downfall)
so you’re all excited and pumped up because you kicked his ass in that game and you’re walking out the arcade practically skipping because of your mood and you flash mingi a L, “hah! you have to buy me pizza now!”
while mingi is literally sulking with his head down and is walking 0.01 mph, “no fair my game glitched!”
“no excuses, song!”
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since we all know that wooyoung loves to cook, i can safely assume that he would definitely surprise his s/o with their favorite meal for their birthday
like, wooyoung would probably sneak into your house when you left for work/school with his arms full of ingredients 
he also come fully prepared with the recipe basically memorized after looking back and forth on it to make sure he bought all the correct ingredients
he knew that you haven’t had the time to see your family in person in awhile because of your upcoming finals and whatnot which meant that you missed your parent’s cooking a lot
it had been a fat minute since you were able to taste a warm cooked meal from your house and how you longed for your parent’s cooking 
which is why wooyoung had secretly called your mother for their family recipe which she gladly gave as soon as wooyoung promised to not sell it (family recipes are not something to be passed around lightly)
so while you were at work, wooyoung was getting his iron chief on
preparing ingredients and measuring them to the exact cup or tablespoon 
he was extremely nervous to present you his surprise because he was scared it was going to taste wonky 
now the only thing left to do was wait for your surprise meal and for you to come home (he cleaned up his mess dw while waiting for you)
by the time you were home, you were slumped and just ready for bed tbh 
but all the fatigue left your body once your apartment smelt like your childhood house, you snapped your head towards the kitchen to see wooyoung jump out from the counter
“oh my god, i thought you were at work!” you rushed to go hug your boyfriend. 
“i was but i managed to convince hongjoong to let me leave early.” wooyoung answered before kissing your cheek.
“awww, thank you.” you leaned into him even more before pointing towards the kitchen, “what did you make here, chef linguini?” 
wooyoung let go of you and presented the plates that were set up on your counter all fancy like
“i made you dinner!” he exclaimed, his nerves bouncing off the wall which he masked with a bright smile
“is this my parents’ recipe?” you asked, tears forming in your eyes. it really had been a long time since you saw your parents.
“yeah, i asked your mom for it. i know it’s been awhile since you seen them so i decided to bring a little piece of them to you.” he answered sheepishly, one arm scratching his neck as he avoided making eye contact with you
the meal almost tasted exactly the one at home, triggering happy memories to flood your mind as you took another bite
“i hope you know that i plan on marrying you, jung wooyoung.” you half joked before digging into the dish even more
“you like it?” wooyoung asked, his smile lighting the room up even more
“of course i do!” you exclaimed, throwing your arms around him, “thank you so much for this. i love it.”
“and i love you.” he smiled back at you before kissing you. “let’s eat before it gets cold, yeah?”
“you don’t have to tell me twice.” you laughed before sliding into a seat, your heart warm and full of love 
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you were absolutely bummed that jongho couldn’t see you for your birthday because he had practice all day and then you had work right after school
however, jongho called you as soon as the clock stroke midnight because he wanted to be the first one to wish you a happy birthday!!! :)
nonetheless, you went through the school day with some of your classmates and a few teachers wishing you a happy birthday and what not
you even got a free cookie from the nice cafeteria lady!
then as soon as school ended you went to work at your local diner as a waitress
there, some of your fellow coworkers wished you a happy birthday as well!
before the rush hour, your closet coworker/best friend asked you why you didn’t just take the day off 
you then explained to her how your boyfriend was at work all day and then you didn’t have the time/money to go visit your family in the neighboring city too much schoolwork and train fares were a bitch to cover
your best friend felt sorry for you and promised to take you out after you guys shift was over before a flood of customers came barreling through the door
so while you were at work, jongho was busy convincing honjoong to let him sneak out during their lunch break to see you
“please hyung! i haven’t seen her in person in so long and its her birthday please!”
hongjoong gave him a look saying you gotta do better than that
“i’ll take out the recycling for you for two weeks!” jongho pleaded with his hands together
“fine i’ll cover for you, but don’t let our manager catch you.”
jongho practically kissed him on both cheeks before sprinting out the door after looking around for his manager. 
on his way over to your work, he stopped by a nearby flower shop to buy you some flowers and for him to catch a breath (he was basically running to your workplace before your lunch ended)
now over back to you, the rush had finally ended in time for your lunch break which you super glad for (no more karens up your ass !!!!)
you sat in a table near the back of the diner, pulling out snacks from your bag (you didn’t have much time to pack a full lunch)
you were thoroughly enjoying your snacks while mindlessly scrolling through social media before a loud noise cracked the air causing you to look up from your phone
“jongho?” you asked in disbelief at your boyfriend who was a panting mess. wasn’t he supposed to be at practice still?
“hi.” he smiled up at you after catching his breath. “i convinced hongjoong to let me sneak out of practice so i can surprise you.” 
you were so shocked that you couldn’t even form words which led to you jumping out of your seat and wrapping your arms around him 
it had been too long since the last time you saw each other
too long
“i missed you.” jongho whispered, wrapping his arms around you too being extra careful to not crush the flowers in his hand. 
“i missed you too.” you whispered back, tears forming in your eyes as you hugged him even tighter
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tvdsure · 3 years
Don’t jump to conclusions
pairing: eren jaeger x fem!reader, armin Arlert x fem!reader
genre: modern au, fluff and a bit of angst if you look hard enough
word count: 5.7k+
warnings: non
summary: eren has a tour so he’s leaving for three months, you’re absolutely broken but that feeling fades when armin comes over to stay at your place; however, eren isn’t too okay with that idea.
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The wind advances through my hair, the jet black locks flowing loosely. It felt magical. However, nothing good ever lasts, they say, and they're right. Eren is leaving. He’s got a huge offer in England to work for this huge band, he's really exhilarated about it and couldn't pass it off, not to mention that it was only a global tour; nonetheless, i'll miss him drastically. 
He reminded me constantly that it’s only three months and that he'll be back in the blink of an eye. I know it won't be like that though, nothing will be like that. I’ve always done everything with him, even before we got together he, armin, mikasa, annie and I were always hanging out. Me and eren were always more than childhood friends though, we both knew that, he took me on our first date when we were 14. I remember  it just like it was yesterday, him anxiously fidgeting as if I would reject him. That date was the first of many.
“Baby,” he starts as he lifts his hand from my thigh and to my hand that was on the light pink bag. He gently caresses the back of my hand as he raises it to his lips and an immediate smile sneaks it’s way to my lips. He is such a sappy romantic but I swoon for it.
“I know you don't like the fact that I have to leave, I don't too, baby. But please promise that you won't lock yourself up in the apartment till I come back. I need you to be okay, i cant handle the fact of you being devastated in our apartment.” he smiles lightly against my skin as he keeps kissing up my arm. Till he reaches my shoulder then I scoot closer to him, pressing my lips against his.
He pulls away quickly after a few seconds to keep an eye on the road and I smirk seeing his distressed face. “Baby, we’re on the road!” he whines and I chortle once again as he does too.
For the rest of the ride I mostly sit there ‘vibing with the music subconsciously as Eren keeps a hand on the steering wheel and the other holding his cigarette. His arm extends to rest on the window as he occasionally bends his arm to bring the cigarette to his mouth then back onto the window. He’s always been thoughtful, caring about my health a little more than he should. He’s so protective, whenever he was smoking he wouldn't allow me in the room and he’d tell me to exit till he’s done, seeing as it is not an hourly thing or is something that repeatedly happens, I leave him.
The music carried me as I started falling asleep. I rested my head against the window and both my hands were left against my bag. He then, quite gently, takes one of my hands to attach his lips to it once again. I swear, he makes my knees weak with every move and I’m not even standing.
“I love you so much y/n, please I’m begging you to take care of yourself, I don’t know what I’d do if you didn’t.” He tranquilly whispers while taking my hand to his lips one more time then letting them go -very gently- he would never hurt me, I know that.
Slowly, I swirl around to indicate that I’m waking up and I sense his immediate guilt forming, thinking he woke me up.
“‘We there yet?” I ask quietly. He hums, demonstrating a yes.
“Yeah, just got here.” His soft voice radiated immediate warmth towards me. Being next to him makes me so happy, I don’t want that to end, ever.
After hearing his words I stretched a bit then took the water bottle from the handle and took a sip of it when Eren suddenly hit the brakes. The cold water that was once flowing down my throat, is now all over my red outfit.
“That guy just stopped out of-“ he quickly cut himself off when he saw my soaked status.
“Oh my God, baby I’m so sorry, are you okay?” quickly, he tried to get tissues and I giggled lightly. 
“Don’t worry, it’s just water, It’ll dry in the chilly weather anyways.” He calmed down and I smiled at his actions. He’s such a caring person, I don’t know what I’ll do without him.
“Okay and…” he put an arm on my seat as he tried to park correctly. I smile as I take in his features, the white lights illustrating his demeanor. Gray piercing eyes glowing illuminatingly in the moon, he looked so handsome like that. With me. Next to me. Not away from me on the other side of the world.
“Done, let’s go, actually you stay here and I’ll move my bags, you can just get ready.” He knows that before I get out of the car I like to do a few things, it takes me three minutes to get ready. 
“Okay, I love you.” I chant as he smiles at me.
“I Love you more, gorgeous.” A blush forms on my cheeks at the cute nickname he gave me and I grin while looking at the mirror to get ready.
I fix some of my makeup then spray extra perfume. Once I’m done and feel satisfied I get out of the car only to see Eren already down with all two bags out. 
“Okay so these are the bags that I’ll let them take then this one,” he points to a smaller bag, “I’ll take with me on the flight, good?” I nod and walk over to him wrapping my hands around his neck.
“I love you.” I remind once again and he chuckles lightly then kisses my nose.
“I love you more.” 
“That’s it, I guess now I should go.” I said softly as he was showing his passport to the lady who let him in. This was the furthest I could go, I despise that.
“I’ll miss you so much, princess.” He smiles at me and I give him a sweet one back, God I’m going to miss him so much.
“Yeah, me too.” With one hand on my waist, the other lightly touches my cheek and I sigh contently at his movements, I don’t want this to ever end. His thumb rubs over my bottom lips and I instantaneously attach our lips together.
After a few seconds we both pull away and I sense tears threatening to leave my eyes. “I don’t want you to leave, Eren please don’t leave me.” I felt horrible about how selfish I am being but I was just voicing my inner thoughts, I really don’t want him to go.
“Angel…” he cooes and I feel a tear rip from my left eye. The salty, cold droplet against my skin creates a burning sensation. “You know that if that’s really what you want I can arrange it, right? If you don’t want me to go then just say it and I’ll tell them to find a drummer.”
My thoughts become clouded by supplemental cologne. I felt dizzy just hugging him. He leaned down, inching closer to me and kissed my lips.
The act of affection didn't surprise me but with tears in my eyes it was hard to focus on the kiss, so I didn't. I got lost in it.
“N-no, uh…” I stutter as I wipe my tears backing away from him completely, “I'm sorry, baby, I'm okay; plus, you have to follow your dreams, I am in no way going to stop you from that.” I smiled and he nodded lightly as he held my waist and pulled me into another hug.
After a few seconds, whilst tugging away he grabs my check and hands a light peck on my forehead.
“See you, handsome.” I chant and he laughs slightly at my enthusiastic tone.
“I’ll call you when I get there, pretty girl.” he chuckles then throws a wink my way as I fake a smile, afterwards I pull my eyes from his direction as they start to swell up with unstoppable tears.
I throw my shoes on the bedroom floor, my skirt and shirt along with it. On my bed lies an oversized hoodie, belonging to eren. I believe he left it here on purpose, for me. Without a second thought I put it on, feeling pleased with the warmth.
Just as I am about to finally close my eyes to sleep my phone rings in an obnoxiously loud way causing me to flinch and sigh heavily. “‘My baby💘👩‍❤️‍💋‍👩 & miss hottie💞🥵 & gorgeous girl💕👩‍❤️‍👩 group chat....”’ I smile slightly at my phone seeing the screen and instantaneously grab my phone to answer.
“Heyy!” I intone and the three females wave at their screens.
“Hey y/n!” Historia exclaims as I smile at her zeal while she talks with me about her day. Mikasa is sitting there listening with the same bored expression on her face, on the other hand, Annie is quite invested in whatever is behind her screen. I’ll take a wild guess and say that she’s also listening to Armin and that's why she’s muted.
“Yeah, but overall it was quite boring, although Mikasa did prank me but that’s a different story.” She laughed and I did too. She’s so adorable. I love her innocence and that pretty smile of hers, it makes me so happy knowing I'm one of her best friends.
Historia and Mikasa are roommates; when they both wanted the same apartment yet found it to somehow cost a lot of money they decided on splitting the rent.
“God I can only imagine one of Mikasa’s pranks, I would honestly just faint, you’re scary as hell.” I add and all four of us chuckle as Mika glares at me but eventually crakes up with us.
After a while I check the time ‘11:16’ it reads, that means we’ve been talking for two and a half hours. I can't stall for sleep anymore.
“Guys, I'm gonna go to sleep now.” I question and they all nod consecutively.
“Love you, bye.” after i get i love you too’s from all of them i press the large red button covering my phone as it takes over the screen with a bright red making me squint lightly.
I change my LED lights to green, get under the blankets and slip my legs round the pillow as I shift into a more comfortable position.
“‘Ocean boy💙📖’ ‘Ocean boy💙📖’ ‘Ocean boy💙📖’” siri chants as i groan once again, armin your timing could not be more impeccable!
“Hello?” I answer with a grumble as I hear him chuckle lightly. He’s actually making me feel better by just hearing his voice.
“Asleep, sweetheart?” I nod but then remember that he can’t actually see me so I just let a light ‘mhm’ out as I shift again. Me and Armin's late night calls last endless hours so I'll be here for a while.
“Well, I won't keep you up too long, just wanted to ask if I can come over right now?” a smile makes itself onto my face and i eagerly answer,
“Of course, you’re always welcome at any time, that’s kind of why you have my keys, idiot.” he laughs at my retort and hangs up. That was quick… too quick.
I was also kind of expecting a reason as to why he’s spending the night here but I guess I'll get that when he comes over.
The sunshine radiated bright light into my eyes, stingin it ever so slightly. I stretch a bit when I feel a body lying next to me. An ample of cologne fills my nose; ‘212 vip black extra’, I can recognise it from miles away. 
“Armin?” I mumble, still half asleep. 
“Yeah?” he groans when I move a minor step away, “no, please i am finally able to sleep, stay.” he pouts so I giggle then get back under the covers.
After some minutes passing I pry myself away as I replace my body with a pillow.
“I can notice the difference between a pillow and you, sweetheart.” he chuckles, still lethargic and I grin at his comment but let him sleep as I get to the kitchen to cook breakfast up.
“‘Forever and always💓💍’ facetime ‘forever and always💓💍’ facetime ‘forever and always💓💍’ facetime” my phone annotates what’s written on the screen and my face lit up almost instantly.
I answer and put the phone against a bowl so I can check on the pancakes. “Hey, beautiful.” I hear his voice say, already feeling the smirk forming on his face, because of my blush,  even from millions of kilometers away.
“Hey, baby.” I answer as I set the timer and take a piece of gum as I start leaving the kitchen to sit on the couch.
“How was the flight?” I ask randomly as I see him tidying up his bed so he can go to sleep.
“Energy-consuming but it went smoothly, want to say hi?” I nod rapidly as he chuckles.
“y’all, say hi to y/n.” He announces and I wave at ymir, pieck, Sasha and Connie, they all do the same whilst smiling kindly.
Sasha ( the lead singer) is nibbling on some chips whilst her laptop is open, some light noise is heard so i'm assuming she’s on netflix. Ymir (band leader and lead Guitarist) is on facetime with someone, probably historia, and she’s also making her bed for bed. Connie (rhythm Guitarist) has his head on Sasha's lap, watching whatever she’s watching to probably entertain himself, nothing more, it looks as if he’s bored though. Pieck (bassist) is on her guitar playing loosely on some strings - probably out of fatigueness.
“Hey girl.” Sasha greets and I blow her a kiss.
“Hi y/n.” ymir accosts then goes back to historia quickly.
“Love, how are you?” Pieck salutes with a smile and her accent brings happiness over me, finally I can hear my best friend talk to me again. She was never free and especially now with the tour but at least I got to hear her again.
“y/n! How have you been? I've missed you, y/n/n.” Connie welcomes with a rhapsodic tone, he even called me by my nickname, which hardly anyone does.
“Hey guys, I'm doing great and I've missed you so much more, I can't wait to celebrate your tour when you come home.” I told them, they all smiled at me and thanked me as eren got out of this room and to his. They’re in a hotel until he is able to actually start the tour, which should be in two days tops.
“I miss you already.” I flatter. He laughs and then tells me ‘I miss you too’ in addition to that he, and I quote, ‘can’t live without me for that long’.
“And here I am thinking I am the one who’s going to be clingy.” he rolls his eyes at my sassy comment and we both burst out laughing.
“Y’all are way too loud.” I hear Armin groan from behind me as I laugh at his comment. Looking back at Eren, I see his face drop, I don't understand why though.
“Look, y/n, i’ll talk to you in the morning.” he quickly states and i give him a weird look but comply.
“Oh, okay then, I lo-” he hung up. There has never been one call where we didn't end it with affection, with one too many i love you’s, with too many compliments, with too many hope your day is absolutely amazing’s… what’s wrong?
“Good morning, sweetheart.” Armin says and I smile at him.
“Good morning, sleepyhead.” he chuckles as i see him making two cups of coffee.
“It’s fine, I can make it. I was going to but eren called, you can just go watch something if you want.” I say as I walk up to the kitchen, but the two cups was already smelling fantastic. The smell of strong coffee beans was immaculate and it made me feel warm.
“Here.” he hands me my cup and a quick kiss on the forehead before grabbing a fork and flipping the pancakes that I forgot about completely. That is exactly why I let Eren cook everyday.
“Oh my- I’m so sorry armin, I’m horrible at this cooking thing.” I apologize laughing lightly to not sound too serious.
“Don’t worry, I do it for Annie everyday. Got used to it, sweetheart.” I nod and smile as he drinks the coffee in his hand whilst mailing breakfast and I just check Instagram.
~Jeagerbomb~ is active.
Why would he do that? Wherefore would he lie to me like that? I don’t even get why he’s so mad either, why is he making a big deal out of literally nothing!
“Hey, sweetheart, what’s with the long face?” Armin asks as he slouches next to me.
“Eren is ignoring me, he’s clearly active yet he wouldn’t talk to me because he ‘wants to sleep’ but he’s awake and scrolling through instagram,” i take a deep breath and keep going, “this is exactly what i was afraid of. I hate that he can just turn off our call at any time and I can't disagree and then not knowing what he’s doing all alone. But when we’re together I can get it out of him, I can convince him to tell me why he’s mad then we’ll fix it.” 
“y/n, Eren won’t stay mad at you for long, he never can. In the morning call him and check if everything is alright but for now you can’t be upset the whole day.” he reassures and I nod quietly.
“Enough about my problems, I want to know why you called me in the middle of the night like that and then said that you were finally able to sleep?”
“Me and annie got into a huge fight.” he explained, fidgeting with his fingers that were on his lap, “i tried fixing it but she wouldn’t listen to me, she kept saying how i don’t love her anymore and that she feels me drifting apart…” he zoned out for a second probably remembering exactly what happened.
“She even accused me of cheating on her.” I could see the tears sliding down his check as he quickly wiped them. “I love her, y/n, I really do, I don't understand why she doesn't trust me. I have never given her a reason not to, I mean, did I do something?" 
Armin looks heartbroken and it kills me that he feels like he did something wrong. Annie might be feeling insecure but it doesn't make sense to just lash out on armin like that.
“Why does she think you’re cheating?”
“I came home late yesterday and she automatically assumed the worst, I don't follow her logic though, she’s been very insecure lately which is driving me crazy. I just want her to trust me, y/n.” Practically feeling the tears he was letting go of, I hugged him tightly hoping to make him feel only a bit of reassurance. 
“Armin, I hope you don't mind me asking but why did you come home late?” he shuffled in his seat and let go of me.
“I was looking for a gift for our 2 year anniversary coming up this Wednesday, I couldn't tell her though, I kept begging her to just have some trust in me. It hurt seeing how easily she thought I could cheat on her. I give Annie everything I have and can give her, I don't know how else to prove my love to her.”
“I know Armin, I know, it's okay. Annie isnt stupid, she knows you would never do that to her, just give her sometime.” he nods and we stay in that position. It’s relaxing. Knowing that he is here for me, and me for him.
We spent the whole day together in my house. We did all kinds of things, sang a bit, danced around, baked up some brownies, had too many energy drinks and tried to call Annie but she didn't answer.
Once it was 09:30 pm, Armin went into the shower and I was on my phone, waiting for him so we could go buy some things from the grocery shop.
Scrolling through instagram i saw an article concerning Eren, normally i hated these but it actually caught my attention; ‘Eren Jeager seen with co-star Pieck Finger’. I can almost hear my heart thumping inside of my throat. It burns, badly. That isn’t true, it can’t be, Eren loves me. My first instinct is to call him but that thought is forgotten when Armin comes out of the shower, asking for something. He was still in a towel, one that covers his waist and the other around his hair as he moves it throughout.
The veins in his arms protruded beneath his pale skin, he’s drying his hair with the towel, clasping and unclasping his hand as an indication of comfort as he slid the towel on his hair down and into the laundry bin. 
“y/n, where’s my shirt?” he asks whilst his eyes are darting around. I nuzzled my face into the soft pillow case, tear stained cheeks leaving wet smears on the fabric. 
“You’ll find it on the kitchen counter.'' I sniffle lightly and hope he doesn't notice my broken voice. It was late, almost 10:00 pm and I'm here; curled in a loose ball under a stack of velvety blankets breaking down. I pulled the t-shirt I'm wearing over my nose as I heard him mutter a ‘thank you’ then get out to get changed. 
Taking a deep inhale and drowning myself in the sweet scent of my boyfriend’s t-shirt, or atleast, I hope he’s still my boyfriend. The t-shirt was one that he said was his favourite, it’s scent drove me fanatical as I kept taking more of it in, hoping all my worries would just fade into it.
“Incoming call from ‘jaegerbomb’,Incoming call from ‘jaegerbomb’,Incoming call from ‘jaegerbomb’” 
Hesitantly, my fingers scanned the phone a couple of times before I answered.
“Hey, y/n'' I hear from the other side of the phone. His voice doesn’t sound too enthusiastic but he also didn't seem bothered. No emotion.
“Hey, Eren.” I answer back and the line goes dead silent. He doesn't talk for about a minute, why did he call if he was just going to breathe into the phone the whole time?
“Oi, y/n, I still can’t find my shirt.” Armin approaches and my eyes go wide at what he says. This may be totally normal because I understand what’s happening but eren on the other hand, may understand it in a different way.
“Oh, try the living room.” he nodded and strolled away. I can practically hear Eren trying to control his temper because of what he heard but I know my answer assured him to some extent. I mean, I wouldn't answer armin if i was actually cheating.
“y/n what’s armin doing at your place?” The vexation is visible in each syllable he pronounces.
“He got into a fight with Annie last night, decided to stay at my place till they’re fine again.” I elaborate with insureness in my voice. I'm trying to sound as confident as possible but my throat becomes too dry to form assertive words.
“Couldn’t he stay in reiner’s or even Mikasa’s?” The annoyance was quite conspicuous as he keeps complaining.
“Eren! I can't kick him out because you’re somehow jealous, he is our best friend and in need of a place to stay. What would you do if I kicked you out?”
“Not stay at Annie's…” he mumbles and that was the last straw for me. 
“Excuse me?” I semi-yell into the phone, “are you saying that I should kick him out? Eren, he trusts me enough to tell me about his problems and for me to cooperate, how dare you even say that about your childhood best friend. He has been there for you every step of the way and this is how you repay him? By being a jealous boyfriend when he’s hurting?” exasperation ran through my blood as i let it out, he is being so unreasonable and i will not stand by this behavior.
“y/n, calm down! I’m just saying that it’s weird that he came to you. I don't like the idea of this happening without your boyfriend supervising.”
“You don't trust me?”
“What? No that’s not what I'm saying, I trust you y/n, wholeheartedly.”
“However, you have the audacity to say that you need to supervise me and armin’s hangouts?”
“Don't be like that, I don't mean it that way. I trust both of you, nonetheless, it just scares me that I'm not there, I mean…” he stops for a few seconds and I somehow make out a sniffle, “baby, what if you fall for him again? I wouldn't blame you, he's everything I'm not but I just don't want you to go. Please y/n, I don't want you to leave me.” 
“Eren,” my tone immediately softens at his change, he’s feeling insecure?
“I love you, okay?”
“No, I mean it. I love you more than i love myself and any human on this earth, i love you so much eren and i would never trade this for anyone else. I promise I'm not going anywhere, baby.” it shattered me, the fact that i have to say this to remind him how in love with him i am. He’s my everything, I would never give that up for any other human.
“I love you, angel.”
“I love you more.”
After me and eren caught up on everything else, assured each other and talked over some stuff, we ended the call as he was getting called into rehearsals.
“Hey, y/n.” I hear Armin's soft voice speak from behind the door as he slowly comes in and I let him enter. He is fully dressed but his hair is still wet and it looks really cute on him.
When eren mentioned me falling for armin ‘again’ he meant when we were both best friends long ago. Five years ago, I had the biggest crush  on Armin, it was known. Everyone knew it, even he did but we never confessed to one another, too cowardly to do so. I know he used to like me back though. We joke about the situation now, a small laugh; yet, eren never got over it. He always took it quite personally because Armin is ‘everything he isn't’ in his eyes. He’s always been insecure about that but I thought he trusted me, I thought he would let go of these worries if it’s me we’re talking about. I figured out worries are worries and he’ll feel that way. The only thing I can do is assure him and help him.
“Yeah?” I answer as I reopen twitter to have a chortle before going to bed.
“I'm sorry, for everything. Being a burden on both you and eren, for what happened with Annie, with how I'm disappointing you guys and everyone else. I'm so sorry.” The break in his voice was sorrowful as his eyes diverted the gaze from me to anything else around the room.
“No, oh my God. Armin you aren't a burden and definitely disappointing anyone. Annie is mad, for an invalid reason, it’s fine. If you heard anything, which I'm guessing you did, eren was also just furious with an invalid reasoning. And to me you are nowhere near a burden or such. Don't doubt yourself, ever.”
“Thank you, y/n. Thank you for all of this, making me stay over and your constant affirmation.” I smile slightly at him and get out of bed to hug him. We stay in the position for what feels like hours, his hands on my waist, my arms slung around his neck.
When we pull apart he looks into my eyes for a few seconds, his ocean blue eyes glowing enchantingly. They were beautiful, trancing, and I couldn't stop myself from being so intrigued by the stories behind them.
Suddenly, I snap out of the stupor I was once in. quickly, i push him away as we both pant lightly, the air seemed to become limited in the room as we both gain back our consciousness.
“Armin-uh. I think I'll go to bed early. If you can't find anything in the fridge you’re welcome to go to the hypermarket. Goodnight.” he looks at the floor quietly as he moves out of my room.
I'm screwed.
I can't believe we just had a moment. No, absolutely not, just two friends hugging, that’s all. Eren will despise me, how can I be such a hypocrite? I have to tell him, I just have to.
Never mind, I won't tell him, he doesn't need to know anyways.
Silent. The room was cleansed and cleaned top to bottom whilst I was asleep. The lights are renewed, I can smell pastries from downstairs and (this next one is a shock) no one is sleeping next to me.
“Armin?” I call out loudly yet no one answers.
I get up, rubbing my eyes before noticing the large cup of hot coffee on my nightstand. The steam flowing, making sure to inform me that it was just made and brought to me.
Taking the cup of coffee in my hand, I saunter down the stairs deciding to take a sip of the perfectly made coffee. He made it just right and the way I like it, but it scares me knowing that after what happened yesterday night he still did it for me. Is he catching feelings again?
“Sweetheart, hey.” I cringe slightly at the name and I can practically feel his heart race at my reaction. He’s right here in front of me, calling me sweetheart and cooking breakfast after what happened yesterday? Unacceptable.
“I mean-- y/n.” it’s no secret he’s mentally face palming himself right now but i honestly find it adorable that he did that by just seeing my reaction.
“y/n, I'm sorry. I don't know what happened yesterday but I know that you’re infuriated by it and now won't talk to me. You even hate ‘sweetheart’ and I've called you that since we were like what? 14? I just don't want things to get weird between us, you’re my best friend, eren is my literal brother and Annie is my girlfriend. I just hope you aren't mad at me. I swear I'm not going to try anything of any sort. I'm going to Mikasa and Historia's place after breakfast, just wanted to do something as a thank you before i leave.” he ranted and i giggles softly when he finished, he;s so flustered by the time he’s done i find it a miracle he remembered to breath.
“Armin, you can stay as long as you want, honestly, don't worry about what happened. In fact, nothing happened at all, we’re best friends and I don't want to lose that. The nickname is very much acceptable, don't worry, I know you’re used to it.” he smiled and nodded then pulled me into a mug as i hugged back as the coffee mug in my hand jiggled.
We lug back from each other and beam at one another. Nothing wrong happened yesterday, why am I so worried?
“How was your day, angel?” Eren's deep voice filled my ear as I held the phone in a hand, the other picking out jewelry.
“Uneventful, me and Armin just spent the day together, Annie isn't answering him and he’s too scared to actually go there in case she kicks him out again or, worse,  breaks up with him.”
“I feel bad for him, I mean he didn't do anything really, maybe he should really go and test his luck.”
“Yeah, I think that’s the best option right now. He's trying to get ready, asked for a couple of your rings ‘cause he knows it’s something she likes.” he chuckles on the other end as a light laughter comes over me.
“Really want to swoon her over.”  he adds
“Found it!” i exclaimed as i found the set of rings that were just perfect for armin, they fit him perfectly and his style too, “Okay, let’s find him now.”
“Armin?” he pops into my room within a second with a tux put on (it looked really nice, may i add), he really cleaned up well; yet, his hair is still a mess. He can't do anything about his hair even if he tries.
“Here it is.” I call and he moves over to me as he takes the box with the set in it. He tries to pu it on but looks at me with wide eyes,
“How do you even put all that on? That’s going to look horrible.”
“Are you doubting my skills, Arlert?” I test and eren laughs from the other side.
“Is that a challenge, jaeger? Okay then, I'll prove you both wrong.” they both chuckle and i take armin’s hand in mine, starting to move around the rings. It took three minutes but I did it, I got the best combination and how to put it. He looked great in my opinion.
“Woah, y/n, I seriously didn't give you enough credit.” Armin lets out a breath and I smile at his compliment.
“Okay time to send to eren!” I take my phone off of the table that has all of our jewelry on it then snap him a picture.
“You've done well, pretty girl.” he flatters once again and I smirk proudly.
“See? I told you guys.” Armin nods as eren hums and we both burst out in laughter suddenly.
“Okay, it’s getting late. Thank you for everything y/n, I couldn't have done any of this without you, not to mention I'd probably be homeless.” I nod and smile at him as he leaves the house. 
Everything, somehow, worked out in the end.
“Yeah…” i answer, putting away the rest of the jewelry.
“I love you.”
“I love you too.”
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Ask: The 27th of April, the Last (and Long) Part
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Bonus Ask:
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[Stately Wayne Manor]
Jason: *helping Alfred clear out the dinner table* You think we should’ve asked Harley to stay for dinner? 
Alfred: If you wished to see Master Bruce’s hair turn to grey as you ate dessert, I don’t see why not.
Jason: *burps loudly and fans his breath away* Whoops. Sorry, Alf. Just my way of complimenting your cooking.
Alfred: *carrying the dishes to the kitchen* Then perhaps you should come here more often, Master Jason.
Jason: *following Alfred* I'd rather not cause any trouble.
Alfred: *stops in his tracks and turns to face Jason with a stern expression* And you don't think it troubles me that you feel unwelcome here?
Jason: *takes the dishes from Alfred’s hands, sets them on the kitchen island, and pulls him in for a hug* Alf, hey... I didn’t mean it like that. I know you guys care about me, it’s just...
Alfred: *sobbing into Jason's shirt* We've already lost you once... Once is enough, Jason...
Jason: *tightens the hug and gently plants a kiss on top of Alfred’s head* I know, I know... I'm back, Alf. I'm back.
>>> *** <<<
Dick and Barbara: *sitting on the carpeted floor in the study, enjoying the heat from the fireplace in front of them, going through a stack of photo albums*
Dick: *smiling fondly* Wow, these are old-old.... I should probably scan them before they crumble to pieces.
Dick: *stops at a page and points at a picture of Bruce and Jason on a boat, smiling, and holding up a tuna* Check this out, Babs... Aw, I love this one. I had a few days off from work, decided to spend it here. Somehow Jason convinced Bruce to take break from himself and go fishing.  
Dick: *talking animatedly* So, there we are on Bruce’s huge fishing boat, the Bat-2-Sea -- And Jason’s starting to get seasick because he’s been hanging out by the edge, waiting for a bite for hours -- The persistence on that kid! --  And he finally gets one! A big one, Babs -- *spreads his arms* -- and it was pulling down hard like you wouldn’t believe, but Jason just wouldn’t let go! -- So Bruce drops the glass of wine he’s holding and runs to grab him --
Barbara: What were you doing?
Dick: Who do you think took the picture? As I was saying -- Bruce, he -- he -- *starts to laugh so hard that he tears up* trips over Jason’s line somehow and falls into the ocean! *slapping-the-floor laughing* The World’s Greatest Detective, in his Batwaders, drenched like a wet bird... *sighs happily* You should’ve seen his face!
Barbara: *turns the page* Oh, I can see it now. Still stone-faced, but wet.
Barbara: *stops at a page and giggles* Aw... Will you look at that?
Dick: *looks at the photo Babs is pointing at and chuckles softly* That’s adorable. 
Barbara: Those scaly leotards fit him better than they ever did you, Boy Wonder.
Dick: *smirks* Whatever. But I have to admit, he did look great. He looked really... happy. I wish... I wish I saw more of him in action, you know? *voice breaking* I could’ve maybe trained him the way I did Tim and Damian --
Barbara: *rubs his back comfortingly* Dick...
Jason: *walks into the study* Dickie, I took some of your --
Dick: *clears his throat and wipes his eyes haphazardly* Hey, Little Wing!
Jason: Wait, are those our old family photos?
Barbara: *pats the empty spot beside her* C'mere.
Jason: *sits down and rubs his hands together* Where’s the one where Bruce goes kersplat in the ocean?
Jason: *flips through the pages and grimaces at his photos as Robin* You're not gonna use these to blackmail me, are you?
>>> *** <<<
Duke: *watches as his RPG character explodes for the fifth time in a row and shakes his head* You beat me again! You're so good at this game, man.
Jason: *snorts and puts his controller down* Dude, you weren't even trying. If I didn't know better, I'd say you were letting me win.
Duke: What? Naaaah... That's... Come on, why would I do that?
Jason: *gets up and shrugs, grinning knowingly* I dunno... 'Cause you like seeing me alive?
Duke: Yeah. It’s pretty awesome, actually.
Jason: *offers to bump fists* I gotta pack up. Good game, though. See you around, bro.
Duke: *exploding-fist-bumps with Jason* You too, bro.
Jason: *pats Ace the Bathound’s head as he exits the game room*
>>> *** <<<
Steph: *examining Jason’s face* You look really pale.
Cass: *pointing at various spots on his face* And you have a lot of... scars.
Jason: *sitting on a stool in front of Cass’s vanity dresser, staring at himself in the mirror and absentmindedly running a finger over the shirt-covered scar on his chest* Yeah? That bad, huh?
Steph: *grins* Nothing a little makeup can’t fix.
Jason: *rubbing his chin* You think so? I mean, I just came here to borrow a few weapons from Cass, but if you think I need a makeover...
Steph and Cass: *look at each other and squeal in delight*
>>> *** <<<
Tim: And this *holding up a minuscule gadget between his fingers for Jason to see* generates a force field over your entire body. The more the impact, the greater the energy generated. Schway, huh?
Jason: *nodding his head appreciatively as he takes the gadget and sticks it on the lapel of his leather jacket* Schway.
Tim: *proudly shows Jason a Bat-shaped breastplate * Now, this -- You're gonna love this -- It can turn you invisible to the naked eye for roughly 34.5 seconds, giving you time to do all kinds of offensive or defensive stuff. They won’t know what hit them, Jay. You’re basically gonna be invincible and Joker... Joker, he’s... he’s not... not gonna... *drops the breastplate unceremoniously* 
Jason: *places a hand on Tim’s shoulder* Thank you, Timbo. Really. But I'll be fine out there. You don't have to worry about me.
Tim: Yeah? Can you promise me that? Because I don’t think I can live through another one of Bruce's meltdowns.
Jason: *chuckles softly* Aren't they the best?
>>> *** <<<
Jason: *staring at an empty grave layered with concrete in the backyard*
Jason: *rolls his eyes* I know you're there.
Bruce: *comes out of the shadows and stands next to Jason*
Jason: Why'd you keep it?
Bruce: Because I'm a sentimental old fool.
Jason: This is just... creepy. Even for you.
Bruce and Jason: *stare at the empty grave in silence*
Jason: I've forgiven you.
Bruce: *glances at Jason, who could’ve sworn his adoptive father’s eyes were bloodshot* 
Jason: You know that, don’t you? I mean, I know we’re always going to disagree about Jok-- about him, and a few other things, but... You’ll always be family, Bruce. My family. 
Bruce: *looks at Jason, smiling wearily*
Jason: *grinning back at Bruce*
Bruce: *puts an arm around Jason’s shoulder* Thank you... Son.
Jason: *pulls Bruce in for a tight hug*
Bruce and Jason: ... 
Jason: Hey, remember that time you went kersplat in the ocean?
>>> *** <<<
Damian: *knocks softly on Jason's bedroom door* Todd.
Jason: *stuffing a duffel bag with clothes, homemade snacks, and weapons* Hey, kid, come in. I’m just getting my stuff ready --
Damian: These came from Mother. *drops a pile of books on Jason’s old desk*
Jason: *picking one after the other up excitedly* Tolstoy, Machiavelli, Sun Tzu, Shakespeare, Marx... No way... 
Damian: They’ve been with me for a while. But since you rarely come over, they’ve been collecting dust and taking up valuable space in my room. -Tt-
Jason: *wiping the dust off with his shirt and hugging each one* She kept them... These were my friends back when I was in the League... 
Damian: I didn’t realize we had more in common than just being my Father’s sons.
Jason: Wow. I have no idea how I’m supposed to bring all of these home. I mean, I got here on roller blades, for Bat’s sake -- 
Damian: *thrusts a piece of paper into Jason’s chest* This is for you.
Jason: *gingerly uncrumples it, revealing a painting of him and Damian*
Jason: *reading the writing in calligraphy underneath* “The Second Chance Robins”... *looks at Damian, feeling the tears well up in his eyes* You made this?
Damian: *looking down at his feet* When it’s my day... M-my d-day... Will you come over, too?
Jason: *gets down on bended knee to be at eye level with his little brother* Hey, buddy, look at me. Damian, look at me. Of course. Listen, we’ll do whatever you want. We’ll, um... We’ll take bad guys down together! Pull pranks on Tim! You name it, I got you.
Damian: Don’t make promises you can’t keep, Todd.
Jason: I promise that I’ll do my best, okay?
Damian: You could stay the night, you know. You’re home anyway.
Jason: *ruffles Damian’s hair and grins* I'd like that. As long as you hang out here with me. And I promise I won't tell anybody because it'll ruin our reputation.
~ * ~ * ~ * ~
If truth be told, @wingedskyes​ , Jason makes himself available on his Death Day. Because even if neither he nor his family and friends mention it, he knows that they need him just as much as he needs them.
Thank you for this Ask. It was both fun and just a tad bit heartbreaking to write. 
And thank you, @warrior-of-the-blue-moon​ , for the nice addition. 
See: Part 1, Part 2
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maaaddiexo · 3 years
Wounds, Confessions, and Sunrises | Rycroft Philostrate
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“Come on, just a little further,” Tourmaline grunted, her arm around Philo’s waist. They’d been walking for some time now. What would have been a ten-minute walk to the outskirts of the Burgue had now doubled.
“How much further?” Philo grunted. The arm that wasn’t around Tourmaline’s shoulder was pressed against the wound in his side, trying to stop the bleeding.
“Just up ahead and into the alley. She knows we’re coming.”
“Who? Where are you taking me?”
“She’s a Fae doctor. Since you refuse to go to the hospital, Y/N is the next best thing. She’s seen it all and treats both Fae and Burgue without question. Like you, she respects both our kinds.”
Philo grunted again. “So, she’s a half-blood like me?”
“No. At least, she’s never said so.”
They turned down the alleyway and stopped at the bottom of a rickety wooden staircase, leading to the top floor of a building. “She does have a front door,” Tourmaline informed Philo as they slowly began to climb the stairs. “But I figured you would appreciate the discrepancy.”
Philo, who’s sympathy towards the Fae was currently being inspected under a microscope, nodded in appreciation. Not to mention, he was supposed to be dead. Tourmaline knocked on the door in code and stepped back. Philo leant against the railing. “Now, remember. She’s seen it all. Maybe not something like you, but you can trust her. She doesn’t snitch and she certainly doesn’t judge.”
“Why? What’s her story?”
The door opened with a creak, stopping Tourmaline from answering. The girl poked her head past the doorframe, the moon illuminating it with light. She had her hair pulled back behind her eyes and no makeup on her face. Unless you counted a smear of blood.
She smiled at Tourmaline. “Always bringing me customers, T. You’re the reason I stay in business.”
The Pix shrugged. “Most of the time, I just spread the word. But this one can barely walk on his own. Careful with him. He’s a delicate one.”
The two girls chuckled over the hidden meaning in Tourmaline’s words and Y/N turned to Philo. Instead of going to shake his hand or introduce himself. She took the same position Tourmaline had.
“Thanks, T. I’ll let you know when he’s good to go.”
The Pix nodded and smiled at Philo before spreading her wings and taking off under the cover of darkness. Inside, Philo could see that this floor was where Y/N lived. A loved couch and chair by the front window. An old coffee table. A bookshelf so full that many of the books had been stacked in front of it. There was a small kitchenette in the corner to his left and a mattress on the floor to the right. On the right wall was a bathroom. That was where Y/N led Philo, leaving him to slump against the sink as she rummaged around in the cupboard.
“This is a large bathroom,” Philo said in attempts of making conversation. There was a large cupboard full of towels and medical supplies, a full-sized tub that not even Philo had, and the toilet had its own corner in the room.
“This used to be the bedroom and bathroom, but when I started getting…private patients, I had this area converted to a bathroom and patient room.” She reached for the wall and pulled on a string Philo had missed, revealing a cushioned bench. She moved him to the bench. “You can sleep on my bed after I clean you up, but this makes it much easier to work on people.”
“How did you pay for all this?” Y/N didn’t necessarily live and work in the best of neighbourhoods.
“I used to live quite close to the city center,” Y/N said, turning on the taps. The faucet sputtered for a moment before spewing out clear hot water. “When my parents died, I was left a large inheritance. Everybody knew I wanted to become a doctor, but never expected me to move out here and treat the Fae folk.”
“Why did you then?”
Y/N moved to kneel in front of Philo, undoing the buttons on his shirt. “I saw how helpless the Fae were when I lived in the city. The way they were treated. Turned away. I felt bad for them. They may not be from here, but they’re still living beings at the end of the day. So, I started my own practice. I had a few Fae friends who helped spread the word of my business, one of them being T. I only treat Fae and your kind who can’t afford to see a Burgue doctor because of their prices. If they can afford it, I turn them away. Of course,” Y/N smiled at Philo. “I make some exceptions.”
Philo chuckled. “Well, thank you.”
Y/N removed Philo’s shirt, tossing it into the corner. It was soiled. She moved closer to the wound on his side. “Well, this isn’t as bad as it seems. “It’s not deep, just long. Let’s get you in the bath and then I’ll stitch you up.”
Philo awkwardly looked down at his trousers. He wasn’t necessarily bashful, but he also wasn’t going to just drop them. He also didn’t want her to see his back. Y/N laughed. “Nothing I haven’t seen before, but alright. You’re not the first. Come on. I’ll help you to the tub and once you’re in, call me.”
Philo had trouble standing and removing his pants, which were stuck to his legs from all the sweat and water he’d rolled around in during his fight. He had even more trouble standing back up and getting into the tub. He was sure Y/N had heard him grunting and sloshing around, but she didn’t say a word and didn’t come back in until he called her name.
Y/N barely glanced at Philo, placing the rest of his clothes with his shirt in the corner and then moving to the cupboard. “How’s the water?”
“Perfect actually. Doesn’t even hurt my wounds.”
Y/N smiled. “That’s the matrea in the water. Takes out the sting we feel when water touches an open wound. Makes it softer, you could say.” She grabbed more herbs and began to grind them in the mortar before sprinkling them in the water. She held something up to his mouth. “For the pain.”
Philo took it after a moment of hesitation, gagging on the flavour. He managed to swallow it but eagerly took the glass of water from an amused Y/N. “What was that?”
“You probably don’t want to know.” Y/N reached for a sponge. “Lean forward,” she said.
Philo didn’t move.
Y/N looked at him with realization. “The reason you’re here and not seeing a Burgue doctor. It has to do with your back.”
Philo looked away. “Will you tell?”
Y/N touched his hand gingerly, careful to avoid his split knuckles. “Not a word.”
Nervously, Philo leaned forward and wrapped his arms around his legs, resting his chin on his knees. Y/N moved to stand behind him. Immediately, she touched the scars on his back. He flinched but then relaxed.
“This is excellent work,” Y/N said. “Perfect removal.”
“I don’t remember it,” Philo admitted. “It happened when I was a baby.”
Y/N ran the sponge over his back. “I see why you chose to identify with the people of Burgue. Living here…they are more accepting of their own kind.”
“It was weak of me to ignore my heritage,” Philo admitted.
“Not necessarily,” Y/N said, watching the dirt run down his back into the water. “Look at you now. I know who you are. You are an Inspector – and a good one at that. You have a good reputation amongst the Fae folk. You see them. You keep your promises to them. You treat them with respect. Walking the line between both worlds has put you in a prime position for your job. Especially with whatever is killing the Fae.”
Philo spoke softly. “I’d never really thought of it like that.”
“Don’t feel guilty over something you had no choice in. Your wings were taken from you, but the Fae in your blood was not. You care about all creatures. And that is admirable.”
“I could say the same to you.” Y/N moved in front of his face. She began to sponge at his shoulders and chest where most of the blood and dirt was. “You’re doing something most people are afraid to do.”
“I was afraid to do it at first,” Y/N admitted, glancing at Philo. “But I saw how people walked past Fae who were dying in the street. I realized that no one was going to help them. And those who wanted to…couldn’t. Well, I wanted to and I could. So, I did. It hasn’t been easy, though. My parents’ friends act like they don’t know me when they see me, and others call me names like sympathizer.”
Philo grimaced. He knew the weight that word carried. Y/N seemed unbothered by it though.
“But I do not let their words get to me. I see how grateful people are when they leave my building in better condition when they came and that is enough for me. I am making a difference. How many people can say that?”
Philo smiled as Y/N stepped back and grabbed a towel. “Not many.”
This time, Philo gratefully took the help when Y/N offered. She helped him stand, casually keeping her eyes far above his naval as she helped him from the tub and tied the towel around his waist.
On the bench, Y/N had Philo lean back and quickly began stitching his side up. She did an excellent job. Philo suspected the scar would barely show despite the size of the wound. He voiced so and Y/N smiled proudly.
“I went to medical school before I opened my own practice. Of course, nobody knew of my true ambitions at that time. I wasn’t even sure if I could follow through with it.”
“Why did you? What pushed you over that edge?”
Y/N hands stilled and pulled away. “I saw a man cut a Puck’s horns off. For no reason. She couldn’t have been older than five years old. Her screams still haunt me.”
“Do you do that stuff? Modifications for the Fae?”
Y/N shook her head adamantly. “Absolutely not. No matter how hated you are for it, your horns, your wings – whatever it is, they’re still a part of you. I would never let these people fall victim to the harsh words of the Burguish people. Once they learn to love those parts of them, words can’t touch them.”
“Not even on a baby if it meant giving them a better chance at life?” Philo asked sadly. Y/N wrapped the bandage around his torso and tied it before answering. She touched the back of his hand softly.
Philo smirked. “The Burgue needs more people like you, Miss Y/N.”
“You as well. Not many gentlemen left in these parts.”
“I’m not sure I am one,” Philo frowned. “I broke a girl’s heart. And I’m pretty sure I loved her.”
“Then why not apologize and tell her?”
“I did. But it won’t ever be enough.” Philo sighed. “It’s over between us. For good.”
Y/N smiled sadly, having no words to give to the half-blood in front of her. She stood up with a sigh, holding her hand out for Philo to take. “Let’s get you to bed.”
Philo wasn’t in the mood to sleep but let Y/N give him some extra clothes she kept around for cases like his and helped him into bed, going as far as to tuck the blankets in under his sides. He closed his eyes and tried to sleep but found himself listening to Y/N moving around her small apartment. A few times she went downstairs to check on her other patients but always returned. He heard the floorboards creak as she approached him, waited for a moment, and then retreated.
When the sun was just beginning to appear above the horizon, Philo’s eyes fluttered open tiredly, and his side immediately began to ache. He hadn’t even realized he’d fallen asleep.
“Good morning.” Y/N was sitting on her chair by the front window, her feet tucked under her with a steaming cup of tea in her hands. Her eyes didn’t stray from the rising sun. The entire sky was orange and pink.
Philo rubbed his eyes. “What time is it?”
“Half past five. Sunrise,” she said in content. Philo forced himself to stand and wandered over to the empty couch on the other side of the coffee table. He glanced at Y/N who hadn’t moved. He noticed an old, worn quilt over her lap.
“Did you sleep at all?”
“No. I only put you to bed a few hours ago. And then with the patients downstairs…well, I don’t get a lot of sleep.”
“Why not sleep now?”
“Because it’s sunrise,” she said simply, like it explained everything. She spared at glance at Philo. “My mother and I used to watch the sun rise every morning after bidding my father off to work. I’ve done it every day since she passed even though she’s not here to enjoy it with me.”
Philo stared at Y/N a moment longer before turning to face the sky. The warmth reached his bare toes and he reclined on the couch, placing a hand behind his head. He’d never watched the sunrise before; he’d always had something to do. Somewhere to be. He watched the sun rise with Y/N, silently wondering why the sunrise had never been so beautiful to him. He looked over at Y/N.
Perhaps it wasn’t beautiful to him before because he’d never watched it with someone before.
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shaydeoffical · 4 years
Glass Slipper Malfunctions: Shinso Hitoshi x Reader
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Summary: Y/n's Halloween Costume Breaks at a party, and they call their best friend to come help them. Thing's don't go as they planned, and now there's something more than friendship brewing. 
Author’s Note: This is part of a collaborative hosted by @pluviophile-imagines for the fall season. I was so happy to be a part of this amazing collection of works. Please go check out the other’s!!! 
Warnings: Mentions of fake blood, riding in a car.
Words: 2.4k
Sweater Weather Collab
Glass Slipper Malfunctions
"(Y/n), if you swirl that cup any faster, there'll be no punch left." Toga flicked my forehead. We were on the second floor of Dabi's house. His father was out of town, and he decided to go all out for Halloween. Smoke machines led lights, streamers, and even some graffiti over the fireplace, no corner was lacking a spooky decoration.
"I'm sorry, I just wish Shinso hadn't bailed", I admitted, downing what was left in the solo cup. Music was blaring all across the house, but I could tell she heard me when her smile faltered.
"You don't need him (Y/n), he's holding you back from having fun. He's always so serious and grumpy." Her costume was a bloody nurse, with rips in tears in all the right places. Leaning into me, she used her stethoscope to listen to my chest, tapping the instrument to the rhythm. "Yup, your heart's working just fine. Don't look so upset, come on, let's dance."
"Toga, don't pull so hard." I dragged my heels behind her, barely keeping up with her pace. Knocking people out of our way, she took the stairs two at a time.
We had been dancing for the last two hours, and I was already low on stamina and bloated from the punch. While running, I tossed my cup into the overflowing trash, missing it by a good few feet. As if my luck could get any worse, the liquid soaked into the floor. Dabi was okay ruining his family home, but I wasn't.
"If you don't smile, I'm going to do something drastic." Toga spun me around and dipped me as the music dropped. Alcohol, sweat, and a faint hint of blood filled the air, making my stomach begin to churn even more.
"I feel kind of woozy," I clutched to her shoulder, but she continued to swirl around the room and rock us back and forth.
"Everybody, gather round! Midnight is almost upon! I'm glad you-" Dabi got everyone's attention, drawing in a crowd around him.
"Come on, you're not being very fun." Toga ignored Dabi, and we moved to the back of the crowd. Still moving to the music, she let me go mild spin. I fell back, my heel snapped as I tried to catch myself. My dress caught on my other shot, ripping the strap holding it up. Landing on my ass, I pushed the hair from my face. My ribbon was lost in the crowd. In a moment of realization, I covered my chest, trying to get to my feet. With my dress pulled back up, no one had seen my trip; I just needed to get fixed back up.
"Toga, I-"She was gone. Clutching my thin paper costume between my hands, I kicked off my shoes, darting through the crowd to the bathroom. I had never been so thankful for a speech, fog machine, and laser lights in my entire life.  
Making it to the bathroom, I locked the door and looked in the mirror. My makeup had slid out of place, my hair was a tangled mess from the bun I initially had it in. The 'glass', slippers were now scuffed, and one heel was missing. My dress straps had broke beyond repair, and I was in desperate need of a backup costume.
Sitting on the toilet, I pulled out my phone, zoning in on my lock screen. It was Shinso holding up his kitten. I could see his head just poking into the frame. His dazzling smile causing one to spread on my own face. I don't know how I got to be in this bathroom to start with.
Everything had been planned down to a T. Shinso, and I would dress as Cinderella and Lucifer for the party. We'd get in the horse-drawn carriage I rented, at eight, and then arrive at the party by eight-thirty. Shinso would find a nice corner to sit and read, while I danced the night away looking for my Princess Charming. Toga and I would drink it up and bask in the full moon. At the end of the party, Shinso would be our D.D and take us home in Toga's car. It was simple enough. Thinking back, I didn't really take into consideration how Shinso felt about it. Well, I kind of knew how he would felt about being Lucifer instead of Prince Charming, but I thought he'd be okay with it. Then there was the other issue...
It wasn't a secrete he didn't like my new friend Toga. He tried to keep that opinion to himself, but it all spilled out last week. I knew changing our Halloween ritual from watching movies to a party with strangers would upset him. I just thought he'd go along with it for me. Or maybe I hoped he'd go along with it. I wanted to respect his boundaries, but he and Toga were so jealous of each other that it was hard to see either of them.
If there was one thing that clear now, Toga was willing to leave me for the wolfs. Pulling up Shinso's contact, I knew I was going to need to grovel a little. He was already waiting to be my D.D, but I needed a little something else now.
Y/n: Heyyyy, I need some help.
Fuzz Ball: Are you okay? I'm on my way
Y/n: I'm fine. My costume broke and I'm stuck in the bathroom.
Fuzz Ball: Can't Toga help you?
Y/n: She sort of, ran off and I'm… I don't know. I'm confused, I can't go back out there like this and I feel really guilty about ditching you.
Fuzz Ball: You are allowed to hang with your other friends without feeling guilty,
Y/n: I know, but I hate that you two don't like each other. I shouldn't have invited you and upset you.
Fuzz Ball: I'm not upset, I was sad. But I agree to be D.D, I shouldn't have back out last minute.
Fuzz Ball: I'll be there, I have a plan.
Y/n: What did I do to deserve you?
Fuzz Ball: You offered to do my history assignment in exchange for me doing your math.
Y/n: Right, seems like a fair trade. Also, don't you dare text and drive.
Fuzz Ball: I'm using the text to speech feature, I'm almost there.
Y/n: Someone's knocking on the door, ahhh. I'm on the first floor and to the right. There's a little hallway, and that's where the bathroom is.
Sinking back onto the commode, I relaxed my shoulders. Shinso was on his way to rescue me. I guess between my two friends, Shinso was the loyal one. Toga did seem flighty, but tonight was ridiculous. She had to see me fall and just walk away...that was an issue for another time.
At least I got all the dancing and drinking done that I wanted too. It was time to go home and convince Shinso to put on some scary movies and call it even.
There was a steady knock on the door, a familiar pattern that Shinso always used when sneaking to my window late a night. I flung the door open, and he dove into the room, carrying an orange trash bag filled with something. His black cat ears were perched on his head, a long fluffy tail wrapped around his waist. So much for us matching now.
"I love you, man," I hugged him tight, unsteady on my feet. He steadied me, and returned my bear hug.
"Thank me later, let's get out of here. There's so much weed in the air, I won't be able to pass a breathalyzer if we don't haul ass." He handed me the bag and pulled flip flops from his back pocket.
"You're telling me. I sobered up after tripping, but it's been a wild night., Anyway, I'm really eternally grateful- Shinso, why are there leaves in this trash bag?"
"It is a costume party, right? I thought you'd want to blend in." He wiggled his brow, the obscene cat makeup adding to his smug idea.
"I take back what I said about loving you." Laughing, I ripped two holes in the bottom of the bag and stepped in. Getting it to my neck, Shinso tied it, and I poked my arms out, the leaves itching my skin. "It works.
"You look cute." He smoothed my hair before opening the door. A line had formed, and we received death glares from the party-goers that were making some assumptions. "Let's get out of here."
"Well, I guess the carriage does turn back into a pumpkin at the end of the night, it's fitting." I sighed; the party was still in full swing. Shinso didn't let go of my hand as he parted the sea of people. My legs crunching the leaves as we walked. No doubt, I was leaving a leaf sprinkle trail in my wake.
"Is that a costume change I see?" Toga caught the other end of my hand. Her friend Twice was right behind her, carrying their drinks.
"I'm glad I ran into you. I'm headed home early. Can you find a D.D?" I asked her, the music-making my ears throb. Through the changing lights, I saw her grip her chin before smiling.
"I can just crash here. And be careful with Mr. Grumpy pants." She leaned around me to lock eyes with Shinso. "Aww, is the kitty cat upset?" She clawed at the air before turning tail to move along.
"She took it better than I thought." He sighed, finally reaching the door.
The cold air wrapped around my legs, sending a chill up my spine. The moon illuminated the street, and all the children had returned home to get a sugar high before bed. If music wasn't spilling out of the house, like a heartbeat in my ears. Shinso's car was in the middle of the street, emergency lights flashing, and the door still agape.
"You really rushed in like my knight in shining armor." Getting in the passenger side, I hugged my bag close as Shinso shut the door. He walked around the front and got in, turning off the emergency lights.
"Why can't I be your Prince Charming?" He took off down the road to my rental house. I hadn't been living on my own for long, but he already knew the road by heart. Even I still had to use my GPS. "Cat got your tongue?"  
"No, yet." I giggled, focusing on his lips. Swallowing hard, tension began to build between us. We both an impeccable communication skills, but there was something neither one of us was willing to outright say.
"Is someone being a bad pumpkin tonight?" He shook the bag, and I smacked his hand away. His smile was enough to make my heart race.  
"Yea, I guess I am a bad pumpkin." I leaned into my knees, trusting Shinso not to break so fast I bump my head.
"You can cry if you need too. Teasing you is one of my favorite past times, but I know you're upset."
"I know you like me." I pushed my hair back. "And the reason I didn't let you dress as Prince Charming is… I don't know. When I was at that party, I just kept thinking about us watching horror movies and eating way too much caramel popcorn. How we'd fall asleep next to year other and wake up for a mid-afternoon bike ride through the town before everyone takes down their decorations. And we can still do one half of that tradition if I avoid a hanger over."
"You didn't want me to be your prince charming because we have basically been dating the past two years, without ever getting into the physical side?" He pulled onto a back road and stopped at a spot that had the perfect view of the moon.
"I knew what you were hinting at when you asked to be Prince Charming. But I was afraid I didn't understand your hint, and then I was afraid someone would ask if we were dating and if you said no… I'd be sad. And it was a mess." I fiddled with the drawstring on the bag, not looking at him.
"I'll just say it. I like you, I like spending time with you. We've been friends for half of our lives, but I know we've had something special going on for a while now. I was afraid to ruin what we had, but I can't play it safe anymore. (Y/n) please look at me." I raised my eyes, his hand cupping my chin. "There's a few more hours left before the sun comes up. How about we go home, watch some movies and make out?" My skin heated up, blood rushing to my brain to keep it in operation.
"Bold of you to assume I don't want a kiss right now." I shifted to face him, a leaf ticking my side.
"I'm sorry, your majesty." He leaned forward, our lips latching onto each other like magnets. A wolf hollowed in the distance, and a cloud pasted at just the right time to illuminate the car. I took fistfuls of his black shirt and held him close. It was slow at first, but it heated up as I inched over the car console. We separated for breath, and I settled into my seat.
"Don't be sorry." I giggled, sitting back in my seat and wiping the black lipstick from my mouth. "Why'd we wait so long?"
"I don't know. But I regret it." He reversed from our spot on the hill and got back on the main road. "Let's get home and makeup time."
"So in the end, the winning combination is a broken plastic shoe, Lucifer, and a magic pumpkin. You know, Prince Charming and Cinderella are so mainstream. This was the better outcome, anyway." I kicked my swollen feet on his dash. "But I could get used to 'Your Majesty"; it has a nice ring to it." I tickled under Hitoshi's chin, his stubble pricking my fingers.
"Out of everything I just said, that's what you're holding on to?" He pulled into my house.
"Yup." I popped the p, and got out. "Race to the couch, let's start with Coraline."
"As you wish." He shook his head, chasing after me anyway. It wasn't what I planned for, but I was happy. I guess having my costume break was the best possible outcome for the night. We curled up on the couch, and a sense of peace washed over me. Nothing had ever felt so right.  
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hockeylvr59 · 4 years
A Christmas Bride || Cale Makar
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Requested: [ ] yes [x] no
Authors Note: I mentioned a Christmas wedding..so here’s a Christmas wedding. Shoutout to everyone who helped with details like nicknames, the dress, and everything else and to those ladies who let me use their names for bridesmaids. See ‘tagged/037′ for inspiration post and first dance song. 
Warnings: I honestly don’t think there’s anything here I need to warn you about. 
Word Count: 6,914 (~250 of which is a reading attributed to its author as mentioned)
Sitting in the passenger seat of the SUV your fiance was driving, you took in the city lights of Calgary as they slowly disappeared into the rearview mirror. It was three days before Christmas and the Avs had just defeated the Flames on the road. Cale’s parents had left you behind to wait for their son, declaring that they would see you at home soon. When Cale appeared from behind the locker room doors, he was all smiles. With his arms wrapped around you, he’d kissed you softly and then asked if you wanted to go for a drive with him. 
“Well, you’re kinda my ride so I guess so…” You’d teased, leaning against Cale’s side as he took your hand and guided you to where the second car his parents had driven was parked. You had no idea where you were going, but you trusted that Cale did and just relaxed, his hand in yours over the center console as he drove, Christmas carols playing on the radio. 
You’d been on the road for about an hour when you saw Cale glancing over at you. 
“Hey sweetheart, do you trust me?” He asked. You made a face because of course you did, but you were confused as to why he was asking. 
“You know I do…” You simply replied. It was only then that Cale released your hand for a moment, opening one of the many small compartments in the vehicle to pull out something which he dropped onto your lap. 
“Put this on for me?” He requested and when you picked up the item you realized it was a blindfold. 
“Cale?” You murmured, even more confused now as to what was going on. 
“Just trust me and put it on okay?” He insisted. “I promise it’ll all make sense soon and that nothing is going to happen to you.” And because you trusted Cale with everything, you complied, pulling the blindfold over your eyes before leaning against the door again. Moments later Cale reached for your hand and you sat in darkness with him rubbing patterns over your palm just softly singing to the carols playing. About eight songs later you felt the vehicle stop and Cale squeezed your hand in his. 
“Go ahead and unbuckle and sit up.” He instructed. “But don’t touch the blindfold. I promise we’re almost there.” He added. You followed his directions as the sound of his car door slammed shut and then a blast of cold air hit you as your door opened. “Alright, sweetheart...come here.” Cale breathed, offering a hand out to help you from the car and onto your feet. Two more car doors slammed before his hand was taking yours again. 
“Alright. Just come with me. I promise I won’t let you trip. Just a short walk and then I swear you can take the blindfold off.” You were beyond confused and anxious, but the feeling of his hand was soothing as he indeed started guiding your steps. It was a little more than a short walk, but that was only a minor point and after three doors, an elevator ride, and just a few minutes, you were finally stopping, Cale’s hand falling to your hip. 
“Can I take this off now?” You pleaded softly and Cale’s chuckle filled your ears before his fingers drifted up to pull it off of your face. 
“Yes, but just look at me.” He teased, his features appearing across your vision in the dim space. 
“Where are we...what the hell is going on Cale?” You inquired next and Cale ran his fingers across the back of his neck before handing you a wrapped box. 
“Open this...it will explain everything,” Cale promised, his hands cupping your cheeks to pull you in for a kiss that you melted into, your brain swimming. “But I gotta go. I’ll see you tomorrow.” Stealing one more kiss, Cale moved back through the door that was behind him, as you called his name trying to understand. 
Left alone, you panicked and immediately reached for a light switch. When the lights turned on and you turned around you couldn’t help but gasp. In front of you, off to the left was a jacuzzi tub and a few more steps into the room revealed a king-size bed tucked behind a dividing wall to the right. 
Running your fingers through your hair you made your way over to the bed and plopped down. Remembering the box in your other hand that Cale said would explain everything, you looked at it, quickly pulling off the envelope attached to the top. Inside was a letter and you felt yourself holding your breath as you started to read Cale’s familiar handwriting.
I’m pretty sure it was on our first date that I learned just how much you love Christmastime. And it wasn’t long after that before your friends and family were telling me about how you’ve always dreamed of a Christmas wedding. Watching you light up this time of year is one of my favorite things about you. 
I know being with me isn’t always easy, I know what my career has caused you to give up, will cause you to give up in the future. Yet through it all, you’ve stayed right by my side. I can’t express to you how much that means to me. 
When I proposed, I promised to make all of your dreams come true if you’d just let me make you my wife. 
But since that day I’ve watched you struggle. I’ve seen the pressure of supporting me and taking care of our home weigh on you. I’ve seen the tears you cry when the media is critical of my play or when people who have no business in our personal life butt in on social media. And I’ve seen you struggle to pick a date, decide on a venue for our wedding. In order to make things easier on me, you’ve been trying to wrap your head around a summer wedding, even though we both know that’s not what you want. 
So...without me rambling too much...I know you have questions. Likely, where am I and what the hell is going on? 
Where are you? The Fairmont Banff Springs Hotel in Banff, Alberta. 
What the hell is going on? Open the box now. 
Tossing the wrapping paper to the floor, you opened the box, pulling out a cotton robe from the tissue paper. Turning it over, you held it up, the words ‘Mrs. Makar’ staring back at you in a forest green script. Under that, in a similar deep red script, was ‘12.23.20’, and suddenly swallowing was a lot harder. Picking the letter up again you continued reading, tears forming quickly and streaming down your cheeks. 
I took note of tonight’s game against Calgary on the road from the moment the schedule was released. And it stayed in the back of my mind until that night at Gabe’s where Mel and Courtney grilled you about wedding planning and you came home and cried yourself to sleep. 
Y/N...it absolutely killed me to know that planning our wedding, one of the happiest days of our lives, was making you so upset. If you’ll recall, the next morning I told you to take a break and that it would all work out. 
That morning, I called my mom and your mom on the way to the rink and told them that I wanted to make this particular dream of yours come true. With both our families on board and a very limited date window I started making some calls and with a name drop or five, some luck, and a LOT of hard work, here we are. 
I suppose I should briefly apologize for my slight manipulation of you with insisting you go dress shopping, come up with your half of the guest list, and taste cakes with me but I hope all of that will be quickly forgiven when you see the results of my efforts. 
I love you Y/N and all I’ve ever wanted was to see you happy because from that first day on UMASS’s campus that’s all you’ve ever made me. 
So relax. Everything is taken care of. You just sit back and enjoy. 
Anxious and extremely excited,
Your soon-to-be husband
P.S. Text your mom when you pull yourself together so she can bring you your bag. 
P.P.S. Shower tonight. Breakfast will be brought at 7:30 with your hair and makeup artists arriving around 8:15. 
Cale was truly the absolute best guy on the planet and it all still felt completely surreal. Just yesterday you were stressing over how you were going to get through Christmas with everyone asking about wedding plans and now..now tomorrow you were actually getting married. 
A quick text to your mom and she was there, wrapping her arms around you after setting your bag on the bed. You hadn’t expected to see her until Cale’s first road trip after the holidays when you had plans to fly home and have a belated Christmas with your family. 
“This is really happening?” You found yourself questioning, still unable to shake the shock you were feeling. 
“Yeah, baby girl.” Your mom assured you. “You found yourself a pretty incredible man who would literally give you the moon if you asked for it.” Once again you were blown away by the weight of Cale’s love and though your eyes still watered, your smile was quickly growing. 
After your mom caught you up to date with a few more details, ones Cale’s letter hadn’t provided, she bid you goodnight and told you that she would be back for breakfast in the morning, urging you to try and get some sleep. 
Keeping in mind Cale’s advice to shower tonight, you quickly but carefully ran through an extensive beauty routine in the shower. Since you were still too anxious to sleep, you only quickly dried your body before moving to the jacuzzi tub. Tucked into the warm water with jets soothing your muscles you texted Cale, unable to help yourself. 
You’re insane and incredible and I love you so much. Also...I can’t wait for you to see the dress. xoxo Your Bride. 
You weren’t expecting a response, so you set your phone aside and just tried to relax knowing that morning was already creeping up on you. Feeling your skin start to prune, you finally climbed out, dried off, and crawled into bed. Though your mind wouldn’t stop racing, you did eventually drift off. 
The sound of your alarm going off pulled you from sleep and it took you a moment to remember where you were. Suddenly it hit you that you were getting married today and wave after wave of nerves crashed over you. It was an excited nervous but one that almost left you feeling dizzy all the same. 
Pulling yourself out of bed, you threw on some sweats, just in time for a knock to sound at your door. Moving over to it, you saw that it was your mom and you let her in, hugging her again. 
“Did you get any sleep?” She inquired a warm but nervous smile on her face as well. 
“A little.” You replied. “My mind won’t stop racing though.” You admitted. 
“You’re worried about all of the details…” Your mom mused. “I’m sure Cale’s note already told you this but relax and just enjoy your wedding day baby, Cale has everything under control and he didn’t forget anything. I have never seen a man so detail-oriented regarding his wedding before.” She laughed and it made you giggle as you fell even more in love with him. 
Any further discussion of your nerves was interrupted by the door again and this time it was in fact breakfast. Within minutes of its arrival, your best friends and bridesmaids arrived and wrapped you up in so many hugs, their joy infectious. Catching up with them over breakfast made your heart flutter because it had been too long since you’d seen them. 
“We need to find us men like Cale.” Your college roommate, Rachel, mused a wistful look in her eyes. 
“Good luck with that. He’s kind of one of a kind.” You smiled. “But I mean I can introduce you to his teammates, I think you’d get along well with Andre.” You teased, sending her a wink. 
Breakfast had included mimosas, which was working wonders to take the edge off of your anxiety, causing you to be your usual open and bubbly self. As you finished breakfast your bridesmaids disappeared to grab their own robes to change into as well as to grab their dresses. While they were gone you slipped into your robe as well, your mom already starting to tear up at that sight alone. 
As your bridesmaids returned, dress bags in hand, the hairstylist and makeup artist arrived. They both got to work on your mom, and you turned to your bridesmaids a curious look on your face. 
“So...I know I didn’t pick these dresses. Do I at least get to see them?” You asked. Each of your bridesmaids zipped open the dress bags revealing different style dresses in the same dark forest green color. 
“Cale suggested the color to us and then told us to use our best judgment.” Your childhood best friend, Anne, explained. “We think he was right on point but what do you think?” 
“I think I’m going to have some pretty hot bridesmaids to set up with my hubby’s teammates.” You joked. “I don’t know anything really about this wedding but I’m sure they’ll be perfect.” You added, taking a deep breath to calm the next wave of nerves. 
For the next few hours, you bs’ed with your girls while each, in turn, got their hair and makeup done. At some point, a photographer and a videographer arrived popping in and out of the suite. Before long it was your turn to sit in the chair, and when a mirror was handed to you when they were done, you almost burst into tears at the woman staring back at you, hardly believing that it was yourself. 
“Wow…” You whispered, letting out a shaky breath. 
“Cale isn’t going to know what hit him.” Your best friend from your major, Moni, declared. 
“Yeah...you look smoking hot Y/N.” Rachel agreed. It felt like everything was a blur as you finished eating a quick snack before watching your bridesmaids slip into their dresses. When your mother returned, Cale’s mom was with her, both dressed and ready to go. 
“Oh, sweetheart....you look stunning.” Cale’s mom declared, pulling you into a hug. “He’s gonna lose it. He’s fully admitted he’s sure he’s going to cry.” She laughed. 
“Should we get you dressed?” Your mom inquired and with the photographer and videographer on standby, they helped you into your dress, settling the straps onto your shoulders before zipping you in. It fit like a glove and your friends all gasped, having not seen it before. 
“Y/N…” They murmured, each having tears form in their eyes. 
“You aren’t allowed to cry or I’ll cry.” You chastised, feeling yourself get emotional. This was the day you’d been waiting your entire life for and so many different emotions were swirling through you. Taking a sip of water, you tried to calm your racing heart as you carefully sat on the edge of one of the chairs in the room. Fanning yourself, you saw Laura grab two small boxes, handing them to you with a smile before she took the seat across from you. 
“Cale sent the top one, says it’s your something new and blue. The other is from me and it’s your something borrowed.” Laura explained. Your mom quickly came over with the necklace Cale had given you last Christmas, an eight-sided snowflake so that you would always have a piece of him, or at least his jersey number, with you. 
“Cale suggested this as your something old.” She declared, fastening it around your neck. Opening the box Cale had sent, you couldn’t help but laugh. Inside was a blue and maroon colorado avalanche garter. 
“Oh boy.” You breathed. “Yeah, I guess that works.” Your expression caused everyone else in the room to laugh as you shook your head, working the garter onto your leg. “If this is the only inclusion of the avs besides as guests, I suppose I should be happy.” You teased, dropping your dress back down to hide the garter. Finally, you took the box that Laura had brought and opened it to reveal a diamond tennis bracelet, worn with age. 
“That was my mother’s, she gave it to me when Cale was born, and I plan to give it to you someday.” She expressed. “But I think you should borrow it for today because it just feels right.” Leaning over, you wrapped her in a hug as you thanked her. 
“I hope you know how grateful I am for the man you birthed and raised.” You murmured, trying not to cry. “He is...he is everything I ever could have asked for and I know so much of that is because of you.” 
“Oh honey, you’ve taken the man I raised and made him an even better man. I am so grateful to be able to call you my daughter.” This moment with your mother-in-law was so special and you had to take another sip of water to pull yourself back together. “Now I’m gonna go check on my son because I think it’s time for your dad to come see you. We’ll see you downstairs.” Her words were full of excitement as you hugged her and she squeezed your hands before leaving the room, taking a load full of things belonging to your bridesmaids with her. 
Your grandmother made her way up to the room just before your dad and when she arrived she immediately started crying at how beautiful you look. By the time your dad knocked on the door, you were just trying to keep distracted so you wouldn’t start crying, telling stories about dates with Cale and how you knew he was the one almost right away. You hadn’t expected your dad to cry, but he did get a little emotional as he wrapped you in his arms. With all of these moments captured in photos and videos you knew you would certainly fully cry over them in the future. 
As the clock ticked closer to the ceremony time, you felt more nerves roll over you in waves, slowly becoming overwhelming. Looking at your mom and dad you let out a shaky sob. 
“I...I know Cale doesn’t want to see me before...but I...I need to at least hold his hand for a moment...please?” You requested, now noticing that your hands were shaking. You weren’t getting cold feet, that certainly wasn’t what you were feeling, it was all just so much emotion in such a short amount of time. 
Nodding, your mom reached for her phone and stepped into the hall. After a minute she returned and motioned for you to follow her, your bare feet padding down the hall until you reached an alcove. 
“Cale is on his way up.” She assured you, kissing your head before stepping away to give you some privacy. Nodding, you just focused your breathing until footsteps approached from the hall to your right. 
“Hey, sunshine, what’s up...you’re not getting cold feet on me are you?” The sound of Cale’s voice was music to your ears and you reached a hand out around the corner. 
“No...no cold feet.” You promised. “I just…” You started but paused feeling Cale’s hand lace in yours. “I...I needed this.” 
“Mom says I’m going to lose it when I see you.” Cale breathed. “I’m so excited to finally marry you.” His words in combination with the feeling of his hand around yours, soon had you feeling like yourself again, some of the overwhelming emotions lessening. 
“So I told Rachel I’d set her up with Burky.” You chatted, loving the sound of Cale’s laugh in reaction to your words. 
“I’m sure he’ll have no complaints about that,” Cale replied. “You okay now?” He whispered. “Or do you need a hug because I can just close my eyes.” He offered. 
“I will never turn down a hug from you.” You said smiling. “But I am better now…” You added. 
“Come here then. Quick hug and then scurry along because we’ve got a wedding to get to.” His voice was happy and light as he pulled you around the corner and into his arms, his eyes closed. The hug was quick but settled all of your remaining nerves and when you pulled away you stretched to press a kiss to his rosy cheeks. As you scurried down the hall you noticed the red splotch on his face and called back. 
“Take a rag to your cheek. I love you!” 
Letting yourself back into your room, you noticed that it was basically cleaned out of everything from getting ready. 
“Better?” Your mom asked though it was clearly visible on your face that you were. 
Nodding you moved to slip your heels on, ready to get the show on the road. Now that you had pushed back all of the excess emotions, you were bouncing in excitement and you couldn’t be told fast enough that it was time to head downstairs. When you got there, you were handed a bouquet of red roses and greenery. From the hallway outside the venue, you could hear music playing and you hugged your mom one more time, wiping at her tears before handing her off to Gabe who was escorting her to her seat.
“He’s gonna lose his mind when he sees you Y/N.” Gabe winked. “You look incredibly beautiful.” 
Cale’s mom was being escorted by Matt Calvert and once both mothers had been taken to their seats, it was time for your bridesmaids to make their way down the aisle. Left alone with just your dad you let out a deep breath. 
“Are you ready for this?” He questioned and you immediately nodded your head. 
“I’ve been ready since the moment I met him.” Wrapping your arm around your dad’s, you took one more steadying breath as the music changed. Then the doors opened again and for a split second your mind took in how beautiful the venue was before you turned and were facing a crowd of smiling faces, Cale all the way at the end. Pacing yourself, you walked toward him, his face the only thing you could really focus on. He was crying, just like he’d said he would, and you blinked back tears of your own. When your dad handed you off, you squeezed Cale’s hand, giggling softly when he murmured to the officiant that he needed a moment. 
Once Cale had pulled himself together, you proceeded, his hand now holding yours more firmly as he stared at you with nothing but affection and love. 
“Today we are gathered here to witness and bless the marriage of Y/N and Cale.” You were half-listening and couldn’t help but focus on Cale as he mouthed a ‘wow’  in your direction. 
“Who has the honor to present Y/N to be married?” Your father answered that he and your mother do and hearing his voice you glanced over at him with a reassuring smile. Moni reached over to take your bouquet from you and with two hands free, you held both of Cale’s, smiling up at him. 
“Now close friends and family tell me that this day was only a matter of time from the moment Y/N and Cale bumped into each other on the campus of the University of Massachusetts Amherst. I’m told that right away both secretly expressed that it was the best first date they’d ever been on and that they could see this relationship being one that lasts.” You could remember your first date like it was yesterday and you remembered even then having never felt like you just clicked with someone the way you did with Cale. 
“Speaking with Cale I can see the amount of love and affection he holds for Y/N. I’m sure most of you are in the loop but Cale is the one that planned this entire thing in order to give Y/N the wedding she always dreamed of but was willing to give up to marry him. His teammates tell me the effort included a lot of time on the phone while on the road and even some missed team dinners.” Some chuckles went up in the crowd from the direction of Cale’s teammates and you smiled because you loved that rowdy bunch so much. 
“And though I haven’t gotten the privilege to speak with Y/N...I can see now in the way she looks at him that all of that love and affection is returned. And while I’m sure that there’s more that could be said about the two people standing in front of me I’m pretty sure they’d both like me to just get on with things.” The whole space filled with laughter and you nodded your head like ‘yeah kinda’ as you continued to smile over at Cale. 
“After speaking with Cale, I searched for a reading that seemed fitting of the relationship with Y/N that he described. In the end, I decided on “Blessing for a Marriage” by James Dillet Freeman.” Your officiant paused before launching into the reading. 
“May your marriage bring you all the exquisite excitements a marriage should bring, and may life grant you also patience, tolerance, and understanding.
May you always need one another — not so much to fill your emptiness as to help you to know your fullness. A mountain needs a valley to be complete. The valley does not make the mountain less, but more.
And the valley is more a valley because it has a mountain towering over it. So let it be with you and you. May you need one another, but not out of weakness. May you want one another, but not out of lack.
May you entice one another, but not compel one another. May you embrace one another, but not out encircle one another. May you succeed in all-important ways with one another, and not fail in the little graces.
May you look for things to praise, often say, “I love you!” and take no notice of small faults. If you have quarrels that push you apart, may both of you hope to have good sense enough to take the first step back.
May you enter into the mystery that is the awareness of one another’s presence — no more physical than spiritual, warm and near when you are side by side, and warm and near when you are in separate rooms or even distant cities.
May you have happiness, and may you find it making one another happy. May you have love, and may you find it loving one another.”
By the end, the feeling of Cale’s fingers brushing patterns on your palm was all you could focus on. Lost in thought, you just watched him until he started speaking. 
“I love you, Y/N(Full). You are my best friend.” Hearing the sound of his voice, you realized that he was repeating after your officiant one sentence at a time. “Today I give myself to you in marriage. I promise to encourage and inspire you, to laugh with you, and to comfort you in times of sorrow and struggle. I promise to love you in good times and in bad, when life seems easy and when it seems hard, when our love is simple, and when it is an effort. I promise to cherish you and to always hold you in the highest regard. These things I give to you today, and all the days of our life.” As he finished, he squeezed your hand and you let out a deep breath. 
Repeating the same vows to Cale you laughed at using his full name ‘Cale Douglas Makar’ and then swallowed down the lump in your throat as you attempted not to cry as you continued. Once you’d shared your vows, your officiant asked for the rings and you watched as Cale’s brother handed them over. 
This time, they started with you and you took Cale’s left hand into yours sliding on his wedding band. 
“With this ring, I thee wed.” You stated confidently. Cale struggled just a bit to slide your ring on and you giggled as he spoke those six life-changing words as well. 
“Well...we’ve made it through the vows, you’ve exchanged rings, so I suppose there’s just one thing left to do.” You officiant declared, causing Cale’s teammates and friends to start hooting and hollering. “By the power vested in me, I now pronounce you husband and wife. Go ahead and kiss your bride.” Your officiant spoke over the cheers and as soon as he finished, Cale’s arms slipped around your waist and he leaned down to kiss you breathless. 
“It is my honor to present to you, Mr. & Mrs. Cale Makar.” Taking your flowers back you walked back down the aisle with Cale, leaning against his chest as he kissed you once you were back in the hall. 
“So this is what I could have seen earlier if I agreed to a first look huh?” He inquired, spinning you around so that he could take in all angles of the dress. 
“Mmhmm.” You agreed, your arm wrapped around his as you smiled up at him contentedly. “But I’m kind of glad you didn’t.” You admitted. 
“Me too.” He clarified. “But you’re so gorgeous.” He murmured, stealing one more kiss. 
While your guests hit the cocktail hour, you, Cale, your immediate families and the wedding party headed to have photos taken. Your jaw ached from smiling, but every time Cale looked at you, you couldn’t help but feel your smile grow. You were his wife. You were going to get to spend the rest of your life with him. 
Thankfully, as your stomach started to growl, the photographer announced that you were done with photos. You had to make a quick detour with Cale to sign the marriage certificate but after that, you returned to the same ballroom following your bridesmaids and groomsmen inside as once again all of your friends and family went nuts. You settled into your personal table with Cale and immediately reached for the glass of water, taking a long sip. As you waited for food to be brought out, you leaned into your husband’s side, your hand resting on his knee. 
“So how did I do?” He whispered in your ear and for the first time you took a true look around the venue. There was a Christmas tree on either end of the room in front of the large windows and every balcony was strung with lit greenery. The tables were draped with white, red, or green cloth and the centerpieces were either red roses or poinsettias. It was absolutely beautiful and screamed Christmas. 
“I’d say this is probably the equivalent of scoring a hattrick.” You replied, pressing a kiss to his jaw. Cale kissed your head in return and the two of you sat watching as your friends and family mingled as food started to come out of the kitchens. Sipping at your wine, you devoured the delicious food quickly, more hungry than you had realized. When your plate was empty you watched as Cale picked his up and used his fork to transfer his mashed potatoes to your plate. 
“I had a heavy breakfast and lunch.” He insisted between bites. “Go ahead I know you’re still hungry.” Nodding, you quickly finished off the additional food your husband had provided you before snuggling back into his side to digest. Now that they had noticed you were finished eating, Cale’s teammates, particularly Gabe and EJ, got obnoxious with the glass taps trying to get you to kiss. You complied the first half dozen times but then just rolled your eyes and glared, enjoying just being tucked into your husband’s side. 
After Cale’s brother gave a speech, your three bridesmaids tag-teamed one, and soon it was time for the first dance. Cale took your hand and led you onto the dance floor as Sam Smith’s version of Have Yourself a Merry Little Christmas began to play. 
“Now you’re just outdoing yourself.” You whispered pecking Cale’s lips as he swayed you back and forth. This...this was everything you had ever dreamed of right here. “And I don’t think I’ve mentioned it but you look very very sexy today.” Almost immediately, Cale’s cheeks took on a deep flush and you giggled running your hands down his chest. “I love how easily I affect you.” You grinned, squealing softly as he dipped you as the song came to a close. 
“You’re a brat.” He mumbled, kissing you again gently before handing you off to your father for the father-daughter dance. Wrapped in your daddy’s arms he asked about you being happy and you couldn’t help it when your smile grew even wider. 
“I’m so so happy.” You assured him. “You know Cale has always been good to me, good for me.” He nodded, agreeing that he knew that but wanting to make sure you knew that you were always his little girl. As you turned slightly, you saw Gabe dancing with Linnea by their table and immediately your brain dashed to the idea of Cale dancing with your daughter someday. You were both young and not ready for kids just yet but sometime in the semi-distant future, you were certain he’d be an amazing dad. Kissing your dad’s cheek as the song ended, you watched Cale drag his mom onto the floor for their dance. While he danced, you stopped to hug your mom before making your way over to Gabe, Mel, and Linnea.  
Immediately Linnea reached for you and though Mel tried to discourage her, you eagerly reached for the toddler. 
“She’s fine Mel.” You insisted. “Thanks for sticking around in town to be here today.” You were sure this was only the first of many times that that phrase would leave your mouth in the next few hours. 
“Like we would have missed it. Cale has been talking about it non-stop for months. We all wanted to see what he was able to pull off.” Gabe smirked. 
“Eh, just his bride’s dream wedding..no big deal.” You declared grinning. 
“Plus now we can all chirp him for months for crying when he saw you,” Gabe added and immediately Mel smacked his head as the two of you in unison responded. 
“No, you will not, Gabriel Landeskog.” Gabe threw his hands up in defense and chuckled softly. The DJ announced that this next dance would start with just the wedding party, then family could join in and by the end everyone else and you bounced Linnea on your hip, looking to where Cale was already working to get Z’s daughter to dance with him. 
“I’m stealing your daughter, you can have her back at the end of this song.” You announced, cooing at Linnea who was enamored with you. Making your way onto the dance floor, you rocked Linnea around, making her laugh. Cale was doing the same with Sophie and when the two of you met up in the middle of the floor you smiled at each other, your shared look communicating the same thing. Someday.
The next few hours were a blur of mingling and dancing, though you certainly did more of the latter while Cale did the former. There were moments that stood out in your head though. First, you remembered how hard you laughed when you introduced Rachel to Andre and saw the expression on his face. You’d threatened him not to break her heart and while you weren’t certain it would be a long term thing, it certainly seemed like they would both at least have a good night tonight. 
Second, you remembered cutting the cake and the rush of heat that ran through you as you licked the icing off of Cale’s fingers as he fed you. You’d both been nice, neither smashing it into the other’s face like Cale’s teammates had been egging you to do all night. Then he’d held you as you shared a full piece making your way from table to table to talk to people that you hadn’t yet. You weren’t so worried about your immediate families, your grandma mentioning that Cale’s family had invited everyone to stay through Christmas to do one big family thing. But teammates, friends, you wanted to make sure you stopped and told each of them how much you appreciated them being here given that it was so close to the holiday. 
Finally, you remembered being pulled onto the dance floor by Matt Calvert. Not only had he and Courtney opened up their home to Cale, but they had also opened it to you, allowing you to spend time with him during a period where everything was changing so quickly that your relationship very easily could have cracked. In addition to that, Courtney had been a lifeline in helping you navigate your way through the life of a better half. 
“You know...when Cale first mentioned you, I had my reservations,” Matt admitted. “But then I met you and I immediately knew it wouldn’t be long before we were standing here. The two of you complement each other so well. I truly don’t think he could have found a better match.” Hugging him, you expressed silently how much those words meant to you. As you continued to dance, you watched Cale with Courtney, his cheeks flushed from alcohol and the day as a whole. To their right, Moni was dancing with Matt Nieto and you giggled to yourself as your eyes went wide. Over by the tables, Josty, who had caught the garter, was chatting up Anne, who had caught your bouquet, making her laugh probably by saying something completely ridiculous because he’d had quite a few drinks today. And though deep down you already knew it, today had proven one thing. You belonged in Cale’s world just as much as he belonged in yours. The two of you just blended seamlessly and it was probably one of the most important reasons as to why it just worked. 
Like your feet had tired hours ago, eventually, the rest of you started to tire as well and you tucked yourself into Cale’s side, leaning against him. 
“Should we make our rounds and say goodnight?” Cale whispered softly in your ear and when you nodded, he started to guide you around the room. Soon, you had said goodnight to pretty much everyone who was left and then Cale grabbed your shoes, walking you up to your suite. 
Popping the door open, Cale lifted you bridal style and carried you over the doorstep, setting you down gently on the bed. 
“Today was perfect, but I’m exhausted.” You breathed, already feeling like you just wanted to melt into the mattress. As much as you wanted to consummate your marriage you just weren’t sure you had the energy. Cale paced around the room for a few minutes and when you finally pulled yourself to sit up, you saw that he had changed into a pair of sweats and a t-shirt and was walking toward you with a makeup wipe in his hand. 
“Let’s just get you ready for bed.” He proclaimed, gently wiping as much of the makeup off of you as he could so that washing your face would be easier. “We have all the time in the world.” He continued. “So let’s just get some sleep and then maybe we can take advantage of that jacuzzi in the morning since checkout isn’t until noon.” 
“I like the sound of that.” You murmured, sitting still as Cale worked to take down your hair so that you could actually sleep on it. When all of that was done he pulled you to your feet, helped you out of your dress, and then into one of his t-shirts. Pulling him close you kissed him, your lips melding together lazily. “I love you. Thanks for everything today.” Your words were muffled against his lips but Cale groaned softly at them all the same. 
“You deserve all of it. I can’t believe you’re my wife.” There was a glint in his eyes that you loved so much and you wrapped your arms around his waist. 
“Believe it buddy...because I fully expect you to make love to me after we get some sleep.” 
“Tomorrow...for the rest of our lives...whatever you want is all yours.” He agreed. 
“How about we start with some cuddles and go from there?” Tucked into Cale’s arms, you felt your body settle and start drifting off to sleep. 
Though you’d received a lot of Christmas presents in life, you were 100% sure that being married to Cale was forever going to be the best Christmas gift you could have ever received. 
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flowesona · 4 years
Wheel of Fortune - Yandere! Namjoon x reader
The Tarot Series
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It had been a relatively uneventful Tuesday when Namjoon stumbled across her for the first time. He’d been reluctant to try online dating, much less looking for a sugar baby, but he was bored and a primitive part of him was lusting for pleasure in a way that adult movies couldn’t fulfill. 
Something about her was intoxicating. Maybe it was the warm look inhabiting her (E/C) eyes, or the beautiful smile that tugged at her lips. It was enough to compel Namjoon to message her without a second thought. 
KNJ: How’s your day going, beautiful?
His adrenaline slowly settled into an acidic regret, worried that he hadn’t said enough. He should have been more eloquent, more unique, maybe offered her a large sum of money so that he’d be worth her time. Such plagued him for thirty seconds until a shrill tone told him that he’d received a reply.
Adore: Better now that you’re talking to me, handsome <3
Namjoon’s heart thumped, enraptured by her words.
Adore: I’ve been looking for someone like you to take care of me for a long time. Will you be my daddy?
His hands shot to the keyboard much faster than he would have been proud to admit.
KNJ: I’ll give you anything you want, darling.
Adore: You’re amazing, daddy <3
KNJ: Send me your bank details right now.
*.·:·.☽✧    ✦    ✧☾.·:·.*
He only ever worked for her now. Every second that he spent in his office, slaving away at paperwork was spurred on by the thought that he could satisfy her and draw out that beautiful smile. He’d been rewarded with precious pictures of her, posing as if she was showing her beauty to the world yet he felt that her smile was reserved just for him.
Nothing could end their ‘relationship’. Not even the teasing of his friends, telling Namjoon how he was chasing after a girl who just saw him as a chore, just another man in her harem for her to please. Whilst he brushed those comments away at the time, at night they haunted him until after a few months he reached breaking point.
KNJ: Do you talk to other men?
He sat back in his chair, resisting the urge to bite his nails anxiously.
KNJ: Be honest with me, please.
Those few minutes had been complete agony as he waited for her to reply.
Adore: I have to, daddy. I still love you the most <3
Namjoon hissed through his teeth, hurt by the statement despite thinking he could handle the truth.
KNJ: Am I a fucking joke to you? Nearly a hundred million won and I’m still not worthy of your sole attention?
The sick pleasure that came from scolding her didn’t even out with the sunken feeling in his stomach, leading Namjoon to abandon his computer for once in a blue moon, choosing instead to water his abandoned house plants.
His dejection didn’t last long, however. It had barely been three days before he logged back onto the website, impatiently clicking on his inbox. He was met with nothing from her, just plenty of messages from people eager to take her place. His mind was only on her.
KNJ: Please darling, I’m so sorry about being angry with you. Please just respond to me.
His apology wasn’t enough. No matter how many messages he sent he never received a response. Even after how much love and money he’d showered her with, it wasn’t enough and such made Namjoon want to tear his hair out.
The few selfies she’d sent him had been able to tide him over for a while, become the source for late nights of pleasure. But it wasn’t enough. He needed much more. He needed to see her face in real life, to cradle her body close to his, to act on every dirty promise she’d made to him. The young girl had become the object of a fatal attraction, and she was going to suffer greatly for it.
*.·:·.☽✧    ✦    ✧☾.·:·.*
The ring of a doorbell drew the young girl away from her gripping book. She abandoned the story to answer it, but was met with a terrifying sight. One of the men that had paid for her college tuition, standing on her doorstep with a bouquet of flowers.
“Is Adore home?” His question was innocent enough, but sent shivers down the woman’s spine.
“I-I think you have t-the w-wrong house.” Her attempts to close the door were thwarted by his superior strength, holding open the door enough to push his way into the house uninvited.
“Where is she?” He was still grasping the flowers, paper crinkling slightly.
“I-I don’t know what y-you’re talking about.” The young woman’s collar was caught in his grasp as he dropped the flowers in favour of searching for something in his pockets until he finally found what he was looking for. A handgun, being held to her chin.
“Where is my Adore?” Namjoon snarled. “Do I need to bring the police into this? I can and I will if need be. They kiss my feet, all of them, and you will too.”
“I’ll talk! There’s just something I need to tell you!” The young woman yelped.
“The thing is- fuck it, I’m Adore. I just used pictures of my friend (Y/N) to get a bit of cash for my student loans. I’m sorry!” Namjoon’s face dropped.
“(Y/N)?” The only thing he could choke out was the name as Adore backed away, reaching for her phone. She was stopped by him grabbing her, shaking her slightly.
“You’re going to tell me everything about (Y/N). We’ll forget about the money I’ve given you if things go smoothly.” Adore nodded, regret for her actions swelling up in the light of how she’d doomed her friend to be the doll of a psycho.
*.·:·.☽✧    ✦    ✧☾.·:·.*
(Y/N) had been having a relatively peaceful Friday. She was sitting in front of her vanity, applying light makeup in preparation for her tinder date when she heard a loud thump from the hallway. Immediately alarmed, she reached for her keys to defend herself before making cautious steps out of her room.
However, her caution wasn’t enough. When she was only a few steps into the kitchen, glancing around warily, a hand smothered her mouth and another hand tangled in her hair and tugged it back.
Suddenly it was her worst nightmare, as two invaders ignored her flailing and started to talk back and forth.
“We need to get out of here before she does anything.”
“You’ve got it all? Boss will have our head if we’re short.”
“You deal with the girl, I’ll check the list.”
At the mention of being “dealt with” (Y/N) had a rush of adrenaline, determined to survive. She elbowed her attacker in the crotch, successfully sending him reeling backwards.
“Somebody help me!” She screamed, desperately praying that her neighbours weren’t busy and they could hear her.
“You-” The robber scrambled to restrain her. “If boss hadn’t been so specific we could have drugged her or something.”
“Hey!” A shout stopped the fight as the parties saw a man stood in the doorway. It was almost cartoonish the way the criminals backed away, yet the stranger’s attention was not directed to them at all, not even stopping them as they dashed past him out of the door with a sideways glance.
“Are you okay?” The situation was almost fantastical, like fiction, but (Y/N) didn’t dare question her saviour as she took his hand and let him lift her to her feet.
“D-do I know you?” The man hesitated, his muscles tending before they relaxed and he answered.
“Kim Namjoon. I was just checking out an investment potential in this area.” He said smoothly. “But witnessing a robbery makes me a bit more cautious.”
“Y-Yeah, it doesn’t happen all the time, it was just so sudden and I don’t know why they would target me, I don’t even have anything worth taking-” As (Y/N) rambled, Namjoon’s eyes didn’t leave her once. He was unflinched, much too cool for the situation (Y/N) had been petrified over.
“It’s good I was here to help you, (Y/N).” Namjoon stopped for a second, realising what he’d done but the hysterical girl was too caught up in her own mind to notice. 
“Do you want some tea to help your nerves?” (Y/N) sniffled and nodded, not even thinking to question his motives or remember the date she had been preparing for before the incident.
“T-Thank you.” She finally managed to say.
“Don’t worry about it. I’m here to help you.” But as he turned his back to prepare the tea, unspoken words lingered in his mind.
‘As long as you’re only mine.’
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cloveroctobers · 4 years
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IG info/bio: @/genevealiu1 | 19k followers | currently on a journey as a junior doctor living in 🇦🇺🤎 | blm.card.co🖤 | sk💛
26 years of age
Born and raised in Glastonbury, England
Pisces sun? + libra moon?
Mother is Guyanese and works for a non-profit organization
Her father is Nigerian and works in property management
has one older brother who is a Prosthetist and resides in Nigeria with his pregnant fiancée
She can’t wait to be a auntie!!!
And a younger sister who is a medical laboratory technician
To say the least, their parents were happy that their children fell into the medical field. Based on their cultures it was a honor to have their children in these professions
Vieve grew up with a sassy demeanor and her parents have old videos on their camcorders to prove it lol, it never fails that the pair brings out the embarrassing vids during the holidays but vieve genuinely appreciates them 
Although thanksgiving is a RACIST American thing, vieve never misses the opportunity to share what she’s thankful for in life and counts all of it as blessings! But it’s still fuck the pilgrims
Has held a friendsgiving before, loves any moment where she can host gatherings or attend them! either is quite fine. She loves being around people
the only time she likes to look back on the past is to see how she and her family carried themselves then and how the evolved into who they are now, it’s interesting to see
Loves “how it started vs how it’s going” posts and might have participated in a few
Always knew from a young age that she wanted to help people in some way, she was always doing something to help around the house and especially her aging/sickly grandparents
Felt offended that many people around school that she thought were her friends would stab her in the back labeling her as this “fake saint” since she rather spend her time volunteering instead of going to house parties in hs
Don’t get it twisted, she still went to those too & had her fun but definitely felt like it was the same routine and nothing ever felt fulfilling at these functions after awhile
Well known with all the cliques around school but had her own group of friends that fit into many of those cliques but she never felt obligated to stick to one social group. If you were nice and cool with her, she was the same to you, if you weren’t? Depending on her mood, she’d ignore you/say things under her breath or be “fake nice” as a form of being the bigger person
Has a curly hair routine that she consistently follows (after struggling to find the right products to make them flourish) and gets annoyed with if her curls don’t turn out the way she knows they can, it’s always frustrating when things don’t turn out the way you want them to but isn’t afraid to at least try
Three times is the charm! Is one of her mottos
loves bright colors, flowy attire, big hats, brimmed hats, bucket hats, berets, etc...
Has faced racism/prejudices and bullying growing up in public spaces—mostly school/uni & some of those same hatred actions online now that she’s dating seb
Because of that there were times where she felt insecure but deff grew to forgive, heal, and rise above the hate, she knows her worth
Has never been happier in a relationship than she is with seb, he’s her “moody long-haired, soft-hearted bby”
they’re both complete fools for each other and vieve is more vocal about her being in love/finding her soulmate whereas seb doesn’t mind showing it rather than speaking it—even tho he’s on a podcast but we mind our business okay?!
Seb is thinking of moving to Australia with vieve, he’s ready to risk it all for this woman, HIS woman 🤩
canon: gives more than she should/taken advantage of/not reciprocating in relationships... ex) how she dated a guy that she did everything for! especially financially and also struggled to find her worth but once she did? Her aura shined brighter than before— Ik chill out there Rocco
Also believes in loving yourself first to attract what you need in this world and found that in her career and seb. I hope they’re endgame! Since they’re the only couple I rooted for this season? Except for tai & ciaran maybe? They’re probably not endgame but whatever
They still get nervous/shy around each other even tho they’ve been together for months now + are in a long distance relationship which is too cute! I think since they’re in this for the long game they can look back on moments and still feel the way they felt in that moment. You know if you get the chance or have already heard elderly people talk about their relationships and how they get all starry eyed? That’s vieve & seb, that shit gets me right in my feels ew
Vieve’s love language is quality time, it’s what she shows and likes along with acts of service from her partner
Makes the best jollof rice & her fav dish is Metemgee
Trying to be on a plant-based diet only but will have her cheat days on occasion—mostly when she’s drunk and forgets her diet plan lmao that’s me getting double cheeseburgers or anything with dairy drunk af
now living in Australia, she tried to like vegemite but...the it’s a no for her, respectfully ofc! She never wants to disrespect anyone
besides the food, the atmosphere is much nicer since she feels like she’s on a holiday almost everyday and that there’s much more to see and do when she has the time
Loves the beaches and is thinking about surfing lessons
yes she enjoys those doctor shows and can agree that most scenarios are not the same as rl ofc but great question!
Since she’s a junior doctor now, and on her way to graduation! She feels so accomplished and having this chance to complete what she’s wanted her whole life in a different place, makes her super emotional
All those stressful all-nighters will be worth it. She mostly did it on her own but is nothing but humble and Is thankful to those that have helped her along the way, what kind of person would she be if she didn’t mention them?
and when COVID hit, she was one of many already on the frontlines. Her studies became altered but this wouldn’t stop her for her mission on this earth, this was her purpose and she knew we would conquer it all—but definitely has empathy and gets angry with how it’s being handled from time to time
She’s been exposed to it first hand which aboustely worries her parents, seb, her friends, and friends from the villa
Keeps up to date when all medical news, has a whole app dedicated to health
Learning French with some of her free time and is doing well at it
It was only natural for her to become closer to elladine since their men are homies and have a podcast together
They’ve hung out a few times on a double dates before the boat vacation & once just as girls before vieve left to Australia
Vieve is always offering advice but knows that every relationship is different and what works for her and seb won’t work for elladine and Nicky, she loves them together and knows everyone has bumps in the road
feels there’s some sort of tension between her and Harry now? Which she found a little off putting since they were supposed to be friends but she realizes that Harry has a condition but it’s also not an excuse for him to treat her shitty sometimes which he does and feels like it comes out of nowhere most times but he always apologizes yet vieve is slowly getting tired of this unhealthy habits
So they’re talking less these days, which he notices!
She wants Harry to find his happiness too! If he hasn’t found it in mc first that is
has met Tim— he’s a great laugh and seems like a nice guy—they follow each other, talia and jake in person when she was out with seb—they were also super nice and congratulated them on their win, she went up to miles once on a night out—he’s still a arsehole, priya reached out to her via dm about her new boutique that she wanted her to model in someday, Hope was just as stunning in person along with Siobhan, Chelsea & mc s2 were also kind, and a couple of the guys also wished her and seb well
She’s also noticed some of the shit talking coming from Elisa, Allegra, Lucy, and mc s1 (subtle shade from mc, basically about how vieve reacted if mc decided to give Harry a go but that was only brought to her attention thru fans) online but again, vieve peeped it and felt majority of it didn’t require a response. She was too happy in life rn and she had a man and they don’t
Plans to get a komondor, thinks they’re super cute! — seb does not “if you love me, you’ll love our child.” “It’s a bloody mop dog! And I’m a cat dad, you know that!” “Don’t talk about him like that, he’s got feelings just like your cat babies!”
I feel like she’s a matcha & Frappuccino lover, tries to keep her drinks simple and feels guilty when she has to make adjustments but the heart wants what it wants
Mini Countryman owner, she also drives like a “granny” better safe than sorry! She hates fast drivers, there’s absolutely no need for it!
Minimal makeup: eyeshadow, moisturizer, & a nude lip and she’s good to go
Secretly obsessed with among us, second life, and SIMS!!!
Celeb crushes? Heath ledger, Tyler posey, KENDRICK SAMPSON, Jordan fisher, Algee smith, Donald Glover, Mack Wilds, Khleo Thomas, Robert Ri’chard, Tahj Mowry, & Hasan Minhaj
Listens to: DaniLeigh, ABIR, Mary J. Blige, TORI KELLY, Us the duo, 11:11, Jacob Latimore, fifth harmony, joya mooi, & Greentea Peng, etc...
Anthem: The Cheetah Girls — Cinderella
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imaginethatneathuh · 4 years
Brother P2: Shadow Moon - American Gods
Platonic relationship, male!reader, gn!reader, TB being himself.
CW: Smoking and swearing. Mentions of death, spirits, and betrayal.
Word count:  2,719
I’m still learning how to do this, please be patient.
“Well, hello there,” the person said. “Who the fuck are you?”
You looked at him, blankly, and groaned, regretting everything.
Losing your voice, you pulled out your pen and paper and wrote. “An idiot. And you’re a god. What about it?”
The boy scoffed and his tongue ran across his top teeth.
“Okay, motherfucker, first off, how do you know that?” He asked. “And second, you aren’t supposed to be here.”
Pressing his mouth around the tip of his weird looking vape, the boy took a drag.
You wrote your response as quickly as you could.
“First, it’s not that hard to figure, and, second, I’m not even supposed to be alive.” You mocked the way he asked his question. He didn’t seem to notice.
He choked on the smoke in his throat and coughed. Because of his pale skin, he turned slightly red. The boy coughs, beating his chest slightly.
You didn’t know why people did that. It’s not like it would help. Would it?
Clearing his throat, he said, “What I meant was, Shadow Moon was supposed to be here not, whoever the fuck you are.” He gestured with his, what you assumed to be, vape.
“Y/N = name,” you wrote.
He nodded, keeping his gaze fixated on the ground. “Pretty.”
You watched him deliberate before he spoke.
“Technical Boy,” he said. “But you can call me Tech.” Pausing, he thought about what he said. “Or TB, if it’s easier to write.”
You nodded, thankful you didn’t have to write all that out.
“Who are you, exactly?” He asked.
You twisted the pen in your fingers, trying to figure out what would be most concise and would reveal the least.
“Friend of Shadow’s.”
Technical Boy read the paper and leant back in his seat. He looked thoughtful, as if he was analyzing the situation. Maybe he was. Maybe that’s how he worked. You didn’t know enough about this god to say for sure.
You had your own thoughts to contend with anyway.
Whoever this god was, he was dangerous. Maybe not like Wednesday, but he there was this underlying intimidation to him. Like all gods really. But this was different. He was different. Thinking is dangerous and Technical Boy was sure as hell taking his fucking time thinking about something.
Even if it wasn’t that, he still gave you the ‘don’t fuck with me’ kinda vibes. They weren’t Wednesday’s ‘don’t fuck with me vibes’. No, they were different. More in your face; just like everything else about this guy.
Which was nice. You knew where he was; his intentions practically seeped from his pores.
Unlike with Wednesday, who had too much mystery about him for you to trust with even a penny of your money.
“Your friend, does he know what he’s gotten himself into?”
You shook your head.
“He doesn’t even know who Wednesday is,” you wrote.
Technical Boy slowly nodded, thinking. He took another drag from his vape.
You could swear the thing in the sphere-like pod blinked at you.
The god followed your gaze to his vape.
“Synthetic toad skins,” he said. “Wanna hit?”
You shook your head. You didn’t need your mind fogged up by anything right now.
He shrugged, taking another hit and blowing out O’s.
You coughed as the smoke hit you. Now, that’s a dick move.
Guess you didn’t have a choice. Either take a hit directly, or get one from second-hand smoke.
Shadow probably would have snapped at him by now.
“How do you know about us?” He asked. “Gods, I mean.”
You raised an eyebrow, silently questioning his question.
“How does anyone know anything?” You asked him, writing it down on your pad.
He quietly chuckled and pointed at you.
“I like you,” he said. “Confident. Smart. Good qualities to have.”
“Straight-forward is also a good quality and a rare one. Wonder how you got it.”
Technical Boy leant forward, studying you. “My, I suppose you could call him, boss, wants to know what Wednesday is up to.”
“A spy?”
Technical Boy nodded. “If you want to call it that, sure,” he said. “You can be our inside man.”
He was offering you a job.
Made sense.
The weather had been strange as of late. Then Wednesday shows up, offering Shadow one in a weird fucking way. When you had consulted the future (which is always vague) and the spirits (which are even more vague), they gave interesting answers. Everything seemed to be pointing toward something big happening and soon by the looks of it.
“Do I have a choice?”
Technical Boy nodded and said, “Sure. Death is always another option.” He quickly noticed your uneasy movements. “That was a joke, I swear. I didn’t actually mean that. I was just trying to be a dick.”
You leant back, breathing a little easier.
“Why should I?” You wrote. “Work for you instead of Wednesday. What are the benefits, cause the downside is that I’ll be hurting a friend and likely have to sneak around behind their backs.”
“Is money a good incentive? How about a steady job? You ever had either of those? Or maybe, all expenses paid for?” Technical Boy took another drag and blew out the smoke. “Also, the best tech you could ask for and whatever you need to get the job done.”
“I don’t give a shit about that.” The god seemed shocked by that, narrowing his eyes at you and leaning back like he was trying to see the big picture of you. Never gonna happen. “What I want to know is, why should I hurt my friend for someone I don’t know and for a cause I know nothing about?”
Technical Boy nodded, understanding the question. Barely, but he got there.
“Wednesday is in the past; we are the future. The Old Gods are fading, crumbling in America. They are nothing. Especially compared to us,” he said. “Don’t you want to be part of the winning side for once?”
His arrogance was definitely his worst trait.
“The Old Gods will always be there. They are a part of our culture,” you wrote. “Try as you might, the US will always be the melting pot of the world. There are too many cultures here to make it any different.”
Technical Boy smirked.
“Like I said, smart.” The god thought for a moment before countering. “That may be true, but those cultures are melting together and can’t stay apart for long. They will become one giant culture and that will be of the good ole U.S. of A. You can’t stop that. No one can.”
“Maybe. Why are you trying to convince me to work for you?”
Technical Boy shrugged.
“My mission was to find out what Wednesday has planned. You are, currently, the best way of doing that. Besides, maybe you can convince Shadow to join us too. He seems to be important to the old man, so why not?” The god gestured with his vape before taking a drag. “Just to fuck with him, ya know?” He blew out the smoke through his nose.
“Can I think about it?”
He nodded.
“Sure, take your time. Just not too long. We don’t have forever.”
“How would I get in contact with you?”
A smartphone materialized in your lap. It’s black, sleek case and the screen shined.
“Call me,” he said before cringing. “Text me, I mean. My number’s already in there.”
You nodded.
Technical Boy reached for a strangely shaped thing on his left. It looked like one of those plumbob things from The Sims but cut in half and with some sort of box sticking out of it. That's what it looked like from your perspective anyway. His hand hovered over the middle of the box before he pressed down on whatever it was. You could have sworn it turned red, but you couldn’t tell; it was too far away now.
“See ya on the flip side,” he said.
A piece of the roof gave way, opening like a box lid.
You were pulled from your seat and, in a way, floated out. It was strange. You didn’t feel like you left the whatever it was but you could see you had. It was like you were going upward while everything else was going down. It made your stomach hurt. You knew what direction you were going and what way was up just by looking, but none of it felt real. Nothing from the last few minutes felt real. Not the god, not the phone that burned in your pocket, not the offer the god had made, and certainly not the room, or whatever it was, you had been in.
What did feel real was Shadow holding you and calling your name.
By the gods, you did hate the gods.
“Y/N?” Shadow said. “Y/N, are you okay? What happened? Y/N?”
He kept calling your name, shaking you slightly, but you couldn’t respond. Not with your pad and pen and definitely not verbally.
Your mind was racing to catch up with everything as your body had.
Finally, you managed to sit up, Shadow holding you to help stabilize you. You weren’t built for this. Not in any way, shape, or form. Someone like Shadow? Probably. But you? No, not in the slightest. Maybe you shouldn’t have gotten in the way, but it was too late for that.
Everything hit you like a train as you watched the face-hugger-like contraption fold in on itself and disappear. Like it just blinked out of existence.
But that was the gods for you; always covering up their tracks. Some even pretending like they had nothing to do with how humans acted or what happened to humans. It’s sickening really, the way they act. But what can you do?
Some could hold their own under the gods’ onslaught; but you were too much like your parents, not strong enough to handle it.
Shadow kept his arms around you as you leant into his chest.
Technical Boy likely had no idea how that would have affected you so you couldn’t blame him; he was, afterall, looking for Shadow, not you. The two of you had entirely different genetic makeup.
You looked at Shadow as he looked fearfully at you.
“Y/N, are you okay?” He asked.
You nodded and breathed heavily.
“We have to get away,” you said. “Whatever is going on is dangerous.”
Every word hurt to say.
Though you wanted to tell him everything, you knew he wouldn’t believe you. He was that sort of guy.
“I made a deal with Wednesday,” he said.
You sighed, your gaze falling to the now muddy ground.
“I can’t break that. But you can leave, if you want.” Shadow let you go and stood up, offering his hand. “It’s okay if you do. I’d understand.”
You scoffed and took his hand. “And what? Let you get yourself killed? Not happening.”
Shadow smiled, pulling you up.
You were brothers; you couldn’t just walk away from each other like that.
You know that feeling that people get when they think they’re being watched? Well, that was the feeling you got as you and Shadow climbed back to the street. It felt like someone was spying on you from the bushes or something, but you pushed the feeling aside.
The both of you would need a shower after this. That and clean clothes.
You both found your separate rooms at the motel. They were right next to each other, like your cells had been the first time you met.
Collapsing on your bed, mud caking your shoes and clothes, you stared at the ceiling and considered your options: join these New Gods and betray your friend, deny their offer and side with the Old Gods, or skip town and never interact again.
The third choice was your favourite.
Joining the New Gods was a no-brainer really. They, as Technical Boy said, were the future. But is that a future you really want to be a part of? One where minorities were attacked, locked up, and killed for no reason. One where the planet was being poisoned by large corporations. A future where people’s entire future’s and live’s depended on one election. Is that something you really wanted? There was also the whole moral thing of betraying someone you trusted whole-heartedly. You couldn’t give less of a shit about Wednesday and whatever he was doing. But you did care about Shadow and, like he said, he did make a deal. He always keeps his deals.
On the other hand, there were the Old Gods. They were obviously going to lose. They weren’t powerful enough. It’d be great for whoever they fight in the name of (Wednesday) but they’d still lose. The only plus side was Shadow. Keeping him safe was all that enticed you to consider this course.
But you could still keep him safe with the New Gods.
The last option was taking Shadow and getting out. But you knew he wouldn’t go with you. He needed the money and had already sealed the deal.
You sat up and stared at the carpet before flopping back down on the bed.
You knew what you had to do, what the smartest choice was and would all but guarantee Shadow’ safety.
You had to play all sides.
It was obvious when you thought about it.
You would agree to spy for the New Gods, so long as Technical Boy would be your “handler”, help Wednesday with whatever (while supplying that information to Technical Boy), but your main goal would be convincing Shadow to leave with you. You knew a small town in Wisconsin that would be perfect to hide away in. Your family had hid there before. It may not have done you any good back then, but things change.
Yes, this would require a level of deception that you hadn’t used in years, but it wasn’t the hardest plan you’d ever come up with. Plus, people always had a habit of underestimating the quiet one. That was often their fatal mistake.
With that plan in mind, you pulled out the phone Technical Boy had given you and turned it on.
Technical Boy must have known you did because a text came through.
‘Decided?’ It read.
‘Yes,’ you texted back. ‘I’ll work for you, but only you.’
‘Good.’ A new line of text appeared. ‘Text if Wednesday reveals anything or you find out anything useful.’ Another line popped up. ‘I’ll set up meeting places. Don’t text unless you need me or have information.’
‘Got it.’
You tossed the phone onto the bed and covered your face with your hands.
What had you just done?
Something stupid, that’s what.
If he found out what you were really doing, you’d end up dead for sure. Or worse yet, Shadow would.
You pushed the thought away. You couldn’t afford to think like that, not now. Not when you had to focus on manipulating and lying to people, one of which you would do anything for.
Wednesday walked over to you as Shadow helped the moving men load stuff into the truck.
You leant against Betty, as he called her. Pulling a package of gum out of your pocket, you plucked one out and took off the wrapper. Quickly stuffing the piece in your mouth, you put the package away and crumpled the wrapper up, putting it in your pocket.
“So,” the older man said. “Shadow and I talked last night.” You said nothing, just nodding along. “He said that you pushed him out of the way of some sort of device. That the thing was stuck on your face for a while. That you were shaken when you came out.” You just nodded. “What did he say to you?” Wednesday asked. “What did he promise you if you helped him?”
You looked over at him and rolled your eyes before pulling out your pad of paper and your red crayon.
“Don’t worry, I told him to take a hike,” you wrote. “Odin.”
Wednesday stepped away from you, surprised.
“I weighed the risks. Shadow is more likely to get hurt with them than you.”
The Old God nodded and realized where your loyalties lie; with Shadow and Shadow alone.
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flowercrown-bucky · 4 years
Walkin’ After Midnight
Fandom: Marvel
Pairing: Modern!Loki x Reader, Modern!Thor x Reader, Loki x Wanda (Mentioned)
Series Warnings: Cheating, affairs, swearing, legal alcohol consumption, smut later on
Summary: What do you do when you fall in love? Embark on a clandestine affair with their brother, of course.
Prologue | Chapter One
Chapter Two - In which our unwitting lovers take a holiday abroad.
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The first time you ever flew on a plane was just after yourself and Thor had celebrated your one-year anniversary.
It was a family tradition, you'd learnt, to visit their Italian holiday home (Or "summerhouse", as it had initially been described to you) in the summer months, typically in August. You were excited to have been invited, of course. Italy was beautiful, and this was a sign, you later realised, that the family had accepted you as one of their own.
You'd sat on the immense people-carrying jet sandwiched between the two brothers, practically bouncing out of your seat in excitement. Whilst boarding the plane, Loki had dashed ahead, thus securing the window seat, with you in tow, leaving Thor in the aisle seat, despite his heavy protests. You arrived at your destination a few hours later, and following an incident regarding the handle of Frigga's suitcase and Loki's toothbrush, you'd piled your luggage into the Jeep sitting in the car park.
Loki glanced at you as you fanned yourself with your hand, attempting to create a little breeze. He rolled his eyes, endeared by the silly gesture.
You'd become friends over the last year, the three of you spending a lot of time together. It wasn't uncommon to step into your flat and find the brothers with you, eating pizza or squabbling over the correct way to chop onions. Often, you'd get fed up with their bickering, opting to knock their heads together when they became too much.
He'd gotten over his little crush on you a few months after you'd met. He wanted you to be happy, wanted his brother to be happy, and he'd come to realise that he could be friends with you. He'd gotten over you, moved on, started putting himself out there a little. He'd been seeing someone, a little over a month since they'd made it "official". She'd met his mum, met his brother, but somehow he couldn't bring her to meet you. But nevertheless, he was happy.
Most of the time.
There had been just one moment, where he thought he could feel that same sense of belonging he had felt that very first time he'd met you.
It was a Saturday night, and he'd come thought he'd pop by your flat on his way home from his date. They'd set a time for a fourth date, and he was looking for some advice on wether it was the right time to suggest they head back to his flat for drinks and, well, fonduing.
He'd found you curled on the sofa, a tube of pringles on your lap and your eyes glued to the episode of The X-Files playing on the TV. You'd been a little surprised to see him, explaining that Thor was out with his friends, and was everything alright? He'd bashfully said he was looking for some advice from his brother, but that it didn't really matter.
Somehow you'd ended up engaged in an intense game of scrabble, squabbling over wether tnetennba was actually a word.
"There's no fucking way tnetennba is a word, Y/N." He'd argued.
"It is, it is!" You'd replied.
"If it's not in the dictionary, it doesn't count!" He'd waved the small book at you in frustration.
"It's only been recently added, that one is from five years ago!" You'd countered.
And so on and so forth.
You'd both gotten to your feet as you quarrelled, and at some point you'd started waving your hands wildly in his face, trying to physically as well as verbally express your point. Neither of you had noticed how close you'd gotten until you accidentally bumped shoulders. Silence fell over the room, the tension becoming palpable.
Your chest heaved with your heavy breaths, not quite able to bring yourself to look him in the eyes. You weren't sure why.
He took your chin gently between his fingers, lifting your head and forcing you to look at him. Your breath stalled in your throat as his other hand gently traced your cheek.
"Eyelash." His voice dropped almost to a whisper, a low rasp in his throat.
The door opening had sent you both staggering backwards.
The Villa was easily the most beautiful place you'd ever been. The modestly sized rustic farmhouse sat in the southernmost province of Italy, and you thought it was paradise.
The villa, with its white painted bricks, stone floors and wall climbing plants had most certainly captured your heart (Although the aged housekeeper, Elina, had not), but what had truly enraptured you was the beach. Less than a minutes' jog from the villa, you'd truly fallen in love with the immense dunes and rolling white sands.
You spent your days lounging by the pool in the blazing sun, drowning in sunscreen and Aperol Spritz, and your evenings swimming in the ocean, if you could drag Thor down to accompany you.
Loki, too was rather enjoying his time abroad. Holidaying in Italy always meant good food and good drink, and he'd always prided himself on enjoying the finer things life had to offer. He rather enjoyed reading in the shade, enjoying the continental heat without it burning his remarkably pale skin.
What he was rather not enjoying was the crippling insomnia the ridiculously hot nights brought. By nature, he liked the cold, was just fine in temperatures that had other hiding under eleven thermal layers. So, thirty degree nights left him sleepless and endlessly turning in his tangled sheets. Plus, the mosquitos bothered him no end, and the linen curtains he'd hung from the bedposts didn't seem a particularly efficient deterrent.
Sighing, he pushed himself up on his forearms and swung his legs out of the bed, stumbling to the window. He dropped his forearm to the ledge, leaning out of the window. The air outside was not much cooler, but the sea breeze offered a little relief.
A twig breaking made his head snap round. Were those footsteps he could hear?
Out of the corner of his eye, he could see a dark figure scurrying by the pool. Slight, smaller than him, smaller than his brother. It was you?
What the hell were you doing?
Grumbling to himself, he pulled on the tshirt he'd earlier discarded on the floor, heading for the door. He couldn't just let you wander off, could he? God knows where you were going, or who you were going to.
He remained a few steps behind you as you walked. Eventually, he realised you were heading for the beach. Were you meeting someone?
You settled between the dunes eventually, stretching your legs out on the sand, staring out at the sea.
"What are you up to, little bird?" He said softly. "Do you have a tendency to go walking after midnight?"
You gasped, turning to see Loki's tall frame standing behind you, his dark hair almost glowing in the reflection of the moon.
"Loki." You replied. "You followed me."
He said nothing, opting instead to sit beside you on the sand. You had one knee hugged into your chest, your skin bronzed from hours in the sun. Your face, he noticed, was free from makeup, your hair pulled away from your face. It suited you, he thought.
You sat together in silence for a while, staring at the sea. The waves rolling and crashing on the shore was relaxing, and the sea breeze was cool on his bare skin. Your proximity to him set him on edge, unnerved him. He wasn't doing anything wrong, he knew, so why did he feel like he was?
"How's things going with, um, err.." You turned to look at him, your voice trailing off.
"Wanda." He finished. "Good."
You looked at him, his handsome face illuminated by the moonlight. Why had he followed you?
Neither of you had spoken about the scrabble incident. You'd thought it best not to, to ignore the tension and the angst that had built between you. But here, with him next to you, shoulder to shoulder?
"We should swim." You broke the silence.
"What?" He turned to you, incredulous, but you'd already taken off. Your footsteps were heavy as they landed on the sand, your top and shorts lying discarded on the beach behind you. He watched as you dived into the water, resurfacing not thirty seconds later.
Sighing, he jogged onto the sand after you, wriggling out of his tshirt and placing it on the sand next to your forgotten clothes.
Seeing where you stood in the water, he waded out, stepping carefully so as not to lose his footing, until he eventually reached where you stood just below shoulder deep in the cool water. Wet tendrils of your hair clung to your neck and back, the water gently lapping at the bare skin of your shoulders. He tried very hard not to stare.
"Beautiful." You murmured, gazing up at the clear sky above you. Where you lived, in the city, there was so much smog that the night sky looked as if it was covered in a thick blanket. Here, you could see so many stars you lost count.
"I know." He found himself unable to tear his eyes away from you. A rock slipped beneath his feet, causing him to stumble, cold water splashing out at your face. You squealed, turning around to spray him with water.
You played in the water for a few minutes, splashing, squealing and giggling in the cool water, almost as if you were children once more.
You looked incredible, Loki thought. Your bare skin glistened, a single droplet of salty water running down the soft skin of your neck, your upper body covered only by your bra. Your breasts heaved as you tried to catch your breath, and he tried very hard not to stare.
What was he doing? What were you doing?
Why were you doing this while your boyfriend, his brother, slept, unaware, in his bed? The bed you should’ve been in? Why was he doing this while his girlfriend was waiting for him back home?
“Loki,” You turned to look at him, the sudden silence uncomfortable. “Have you ever fallen in love with someone you shouldn’t?”
Yes, he thought to himself. You.
Chapter Three - Dream A Little Dream Of Me
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harryandmolly · 5 years
Complicit // 1
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summary: Shawn is under more pressure than he’s ever known. He craves release and comfort, the simplicity of sex. He gets more than he bargained for.
warnings: language, NSFW, me writing Niall’s accent
WC: 6.7k
“So… are we talking like, full on whips and chains and nipple clamps and shit?”
Shawn’s eyebrows are lost somewhere in his hairline, but at least it’s more life in his eyes than Niall’s seen in a while. Niall tries not to go pink at Shawn’s assumption, but he’s still not that good at talking about all this.
“No, no, mate. I mean, some of ‘em do that. I think, I mean, based on what you pay for it, they’ll do whatever you want.”
Both guys go quiet and squirm a little uncomfortably. They’re sitting in Shawn’s living room in his $3 million bachelor pad, furnished very tastefully and expensively, talking about hiring sex workers. It doesn’t look or feel great.
Niall sighs. “It’s not like Pretty Woman. These girls don’t even charge by the hour. They’re escorts, not hookers. They’re educated and articulate and the kind o’ woman you could have on your arm at any industry schmoozing event and no one would bat an eye. That’s the whole point.”
Shawn nods thoughtfully. He’s heard of agencies like this, obviously. He’s been around the industry long enough to know guys like him, and producers and managers and agents and other high-powered men, aren’t driving down Hollywood Boulevard looking for $200 an hour streetwalkers. But that doesn’t mean Shawn’s ever remotely considered utilizing a service like this.
“But… they’re dominatrixes?”
Niall tips his head back and forth, squinting as he looks for the words. “They’re dommes. ‘S a bit different. La Splendeur is the name o’ the agency. They hire women that boss you around a bit, in some form or an udder. I mean, have you ever tried that?”
Shawn flushes a little and scrolls through his relatively short sexual history. “... sort of? Like, she’s on top?”
Niall sighs and closes his eyes with a wise smile. He has much to learn.
“‘S just a suggestion. La Splendeur is the best of the best. Super discreet. Beautiful. Interesting girls. And it’s better stress relief than I’ve found anywhere else.”
“Including golf?” Shawn quips.
Niall barks a laugh. “Including golf. I’ll leave you the number and you can decide. I really like Karina, but it might be weird knowin’ we’ve both had our hands in that cookie jar. Up to you, mate. Totally up to you.”
Shawn has never been so anxious about a phone call in his life. He goes through his phone and turns off location services first, suddenly paranoid that they could somehow track his device and be able to broadcast this for the whole internet. Plus, he’s busy with pre-festival run promo, so he’s forced to make the call in the middle of the day. 
He goes to great lengths not to be heard, very publicly excusing himself to the bathroom and then running off to a quiet conference room down a hallway that was deserted. He shuts himself inside, stands in the corner by the window and dials, hands shaking.
The voice on the phone is smooth and easy, probably used to dealing with nervous wrecks like him all the time. She explains how it works -- the rates, the wire transfer, the security, the booking. Selecting his date comes down to an emailed photo portfolio, password encrypted and accompanied by a very stern warning not to share it with anyone, even potential referrals. Shawn supposes that makes sense -- they don’t want these photos getting passed around without the safety net of knowing that in return, the agency has the client’s private email address.
He’s twitchy all day before he can get home to his laptop, kick off his Saint Laurent chelsea boots, and pick his date.
‘Date’ is how he’s trying to think about it. Niall encouraged that, too. Shawn texted to let him know that he’d made the call (less than 24 hours after Niall had made the suggestion). Niall was over the moon, reminding him that it’s supposed to be fun and he shouldn’t feel weird about calling. It’s like a guaranteed great first date, just… a really expensive one.
Shawn opens the email to a PDF of professional and truly stunning photos. Each girl has a short bio and a series of shots that really don’t feel at all like advertisement for sex. He takes note of Karina, Niall’s favorite, a short and curvy Filipino girl who apparently excels at tennis, loves to sail and has an MBA. Her photos are gorgeous -- her on a beach wearing a tasteful cover-up and a flower in her hair with just enough cleavage to catch a guy’s attention, standing beside a tall window in a snug dress and heels, and grinning on a tennis court, a cute candid.
In total, there are about 25 women on La Splendeur’s roster of sorts, more than Shawn expected. They’re incredibly diverse in terms of race, shape and size, all accomplished and learned and surprisingly non-threatening, given the niche service they provide. Only one had him scrolling back up to look at her again and again.
Penny, 26, has a master’s degree in criminal psychology, is fluent in four languages, is an excellent skier and has a German shepherd named Pamela. Her photos show her lying barefoot in a cocktail dress on a lounge chair with a look in her eyes that says she already knows everything about you, looking over her shoulder to laugh at the camera during golden hour from above the Hollywood sign, and his personal favorite, a black and white close up headshot. She doesn’t look to be wearing a stitch of makeup. Her hair is wet and slung over and around her face like it’s in the wind. Her lips are parted, her eyes are dark, and Shawn has to meet her immediately. 
Penny. Penny. Penny.
God, he can’t fucking wait. He’s so keyed up he actually grins at the change he gets from a barista at Commissary because she gives him back two cents.
His instructions are clear and concise. He is to get himself to the Chateau Marmont and head into the bar, where he will give his name. Someone will escort him up to his suite for the evening, where he will be greeted by security, who will confirm the receipt of the wire transfer and wait until his date arrives. Check out time is 11:30am the next morning.
The big guy who lets him into the room seems friendly enough, but Shawn is sure his every move is being watched by a hawk. Even with rich and famous clientele, agencies can’t afford to take risks with their employees. At least he doesn’t feel like a nervous kid being scrutinized by his prom date’s dad while he waits. In fact, the guy, Gus, he says, sees him shaking like a leaf and murmurs that the mini bar is fully stocked. He excuses himself to wait outside.
Shawn pours himself a glass of bourbon on the rocks and looks around. He’s never been in a room at the Chateau. It’s a bit odd -- almost too comfortable to be a hotel. There’s a full kitchen and vintage furniture that looks like it belongs in a warm, comfortable apartment rather than the stoic uniformity of a hotel.
He’s rattling ice in his glass anxiously and staring out at the lights of West Hollywood when the door opens. He’s just distracted enough not to stand immediately when she walks in, and he realizes a little late that it’s rude, so he scrambles to be upright and almost drops his fucking crystal glass.
She’s smiling warmly at him like they’re old family friends. It’s not clinical or superficial or forced. It’s a real smile, and it’s so beautiful. She’s so beautiful.
I mean, wow.
She’s medium height, 5’7” probably, but taller in her spiky heels. Her hair is lighter than he saw in the pictures, probably from the summer sun. Her olive skin is gorgeously bronzed. Her brown eyes are darker than his, like espresso. Her eyes are wide set and framed by well tamed thick brows. Her lips are full and European. Italian, he’d guess.
So why is her name Penny?
Shawn almost rolls his eyes at himself. He doesn’t know why that’s sticking in his head now, of all moments. Gus gives her a nod and shuts the door. As she approaches, graceful and quiet even in her heels, Shawn blinks, staring at the door.
“Is… uh, does he stand outside the whole time?”
Penny smiles again and cocks her head, shaking it. “No, no. He’s my driver, not my guard dog.”
Shawn gives a weak chuckle and it sounds pathetic to his own ears. At the mention of dogs, his mind springs to Pamela the German shepherd. He wonders if she’s real or a line in a bio to make Penny sound quirky and likeable. He watches her lift her sheath of thick hair over one shoulder and reach for the glass of bourbon in his hand to take a sip. He decides he doesn’t care.
“Please, have a seat,” she suggests, gesturing to the sofa. He blinks too much and plunks himself down, clearing his throat.
She lowers herself beside him, facing him with her arm stretched along the back of the couch toward him. She folds her ankles and for a second Shawn thinks about the scene in The Princess Diaries when Mia falls out of her chair trying to pull the same move. Penny emulates Queen Clarisse instead. Shawn tenses against his own will. He can feel himself shutting down.
Penny takes another sip of his drink and eyes him carefully from over the glass. She’s been doing this long enough to know when a guy is locking up in front of her eyes. 
It’s like Operation. You have to move slow and careful, or you get zapped. He could be the kind of guy that would respond well to her dropping her hand to his knee while they talk, or it could send him springing across the room. Penny follows her instincts and instead flicks her heels until her multi-thousand dollar shoes clunk onto the hardwood below her. She curls up her feet beside her and tilts her head to rest against her fist.
“How long are you in LA for?”
It’s one of her favorite safe questions. It offers potential to discuss work if he wants to go there, but is vague enough to offer him an out if he wants it.
“Uh, for another couple weeks. I’ve got some meetings and events and stuff and then I think I’m bouncing around. New York, maybe. I don’t know my schedule as well as I probably should.”
Well, at least he’s talking. She hands him back his glass with a wink.
“Schedule schmedule.”
Shawn smiles. It’s tentative still, but sweet. She made the right move by taking off a layer of the untouchable glamour.
It’s her move again. She considers the board, eyes her options, keeps her fingers delicate on the tweezers.
“I listened to your music this week.”
It’s a risky shot, like going for the funny bone. She already knows, can tell by the way he carries himself, that he’s here to work something out of his system. This appointment isn’t about satisfying a rakish curiosity or an ego thing, or worse, a sex addiction. He needs something from her -- comfort, release. If it’s his music that’s driving him to need her, mentioning it off the bat like this could do some damage to the trust she’s working to build. She holds her breath.
He lights up.
“Oh, cool. All of it?”
She wiggles her naturally shaped eyebrows. “Right down to “Something Big.””
Shawn winces playfully and laughs. It sounds real this time. “Yikes.”
“No, it was cute,” she insists, her fingers stretching out along the back of the couch to nudge at his very solid arm. He goes a little pink.
“Do you have a favorite?”
Shawn doesn’t mean to put her on the spot. For all he knows, she just googled his albums to have something to say. But he asks anyway, despite himself, because he’d like to know which, if any, of his songs caught the attention of a woman like her.
“I like “Particular Taste.” It came on in my car the other day while I was on Mulholland. It’s a damn good car song.”
Shawn feels himself get a little smug. “Thanks. I like that one, too.”
They’re watching each other quietly, feeling the tension build. Penny wets her lips and leans in, getting ready to speak again.
“So how long have you been doing this?” Shawn blurts. His eyes go a little comically wide before he course corrects and inspects his nearly empty glass.
Penny is startled, but tucks some hair behind her ear and regroups. “Almost five years.”
“Wow. That’s… wow.”
Penny shares a wise sort of smile that reminds Shawn uncomfortably of Emily. “It’s nice work if you can get it.”
“Right,” Shawn croaks, glancing away.
Penny feels the gentle sting of having nicked the board just a bit with her tweezers. She reaches out the arm against the couch and lets her fingertips skim his lush curls. His chest shudders and his eyes dart toward the window. He raises his shaky hand with the empty glass to his lips for something to do.
Penny drops her other hand to his knee, giving it a gentle squeeze. 
“Hey,” she murmurs, all honey, “Would you like me to refill that?”
Shawn looks down at his drink and shakes his head. “N-no, that’s ok.”
Penny swipes her tongue over the front of her teeth and decides to toss her playbook aside the way she does on rare occasions.
She scoots in, cups his cheek in her hand and focuses his eyes on hers. His jaw twitches under her fingers.
“What do you want, Shawn?”
He blinks quickly, startled that she said something, confronted him with the actual situation they’re dealing with.
“I’m… I don’t know. Can… can we just talk for a while?”
She eases back a little, drops her hands in her lap. “Of course. About anything in particular?”
Shawn bites the inside of his cheek, then says, “How did you get into… escorting?”
He emphasizes the last word as a question, unsure if he’s using the right terminology. She nods reassuringly.
“Well, around the time I was graduating from college, I met a girl at a party who recruited me, for lack of a better term. She told me about the money, the tips, the security, the gifts. Sounded pretty good to a 20-year-old without a post-grad plan.”
Shawn’s eyebrows lift. “You graduated college at 20?”
She shrugs. “I skipped the 4th grade and AP tested out of most of my freshman year.”
He’s impressed. And intimidated. He fights the instinct to curl him up into himself. He doesn’t want to feel small beside her. He wants to feel impressive, too.
“That’s pretty cool. Do you do this full time?”
Penny laughs. It’s light and airy and maybe just a little… restrained somehow.
“Yes. You’re very curious about my line of work.”
“I’m sorry, I don’t mean to be-- I mean, I just… Sorry--”
She stops him from stumbling all over himself by planting a hand around his wrist.
“It’s ok. I’m just not used to being asked. Most people… they don’t want to be reminded that they’re paying for it.”
As soon as she says it, she hears the mistake in her words. Fucking amateur bullshit, she scolds herself, watching him cave in. His eyes drop to his feet and his chest rises and falls a little harder.
“Hey,” she prompts gently, keeping her hands off this time for fear of sending him flying, “Don’t shut down on me.”
He looks back at her blankly. “Don’t…?”
She presses her tongue out to smooth along her lower lip. “I’m here to help make you feel good, Shawn. I’m excellent at knowing how best to do that, but I think I’m gonna need an assist from you this time. So just… don’t think, don’t act, don’t react, just feel it. And tell me what you want.”
“I want to cuddle.”
He says it so suddenly he surprises himself. Without missing a beat, Penny nods, formulating a new gameplan in her head. She bites her lip and reaches for his twitchy hand in his lap.
“Ok. I can do that. I just want to get comfy first, ok?”
Before he can wonder out loud what she’s going to change into and how she got clothes in here without him seeing, she leans in and presses her lips to his delicately. His frazzled brain lights up like the 4th of July, sending thoughts flying like out of control fireworks. He kisses back after a second or two, firm but chaste. He murmurs subtly into her mouth.
Small victories.
When Penny walks out of the bathroom five minutes later, her makeup is wiped clean, leaving her face a little shiny and flushed. She’s in touchably soft clingy leggings and a Lululemon hoodie, looking like an athleisure ad. She’s still barefoot, her white painted toes winking up at him before she drops onto the bed and waves him over. He makes to climb up next to her and she hisses, gesturing to him with a wave of her hand.
“I took off my armor, Mendes, you need to do the same.”
Shawn swallows and smiles shyly. He kicks off his shoes, balls up his socks and drops his jeans into a heap by the bed. In his taut navy t-shirt and custom printed Calvin Klein boxer briefs, he settles in beside her, mirroring her position on his side.
“Ok, cards on the table, I think. Bad breakup? Tour anxiety? Voice struggles?”
Shawn’s chest rises and falls heavily with a deep, unrestrained sigh. There’s no reason to hide from her. She doesn’t know him. She doesn’t have expectations. She’s a safe space.
He stares down at the curve of her hip as he speaks. He tells the story from what he thinks is the beginning -- Emily’s first mention of the idea of the PR relationship with Bex. He explains the strategy and the trajectory, that they expect to be in and out of the public eye throughout the summer festival run and will not-so-quietly break up just around the time his album releases in the fall and Bex heads out on tour for her brand new EP.
Penny nods along while he speaks, pursing her lips and shifting slightly closer to him. She’s not working consciously, not timing the seconds between movements like she sometimes does, like she did even just on the couch a few minutes ago. But as he talks, she feels the tension start to drip off him and release to the point where she has no hesitation in slipping her fingers into the tight, short curls at the back of his neck while she runs her toes up and down the back of his calf.
He seems comforted by being able to touch her, too. He rests a hand in the dip of her waist and it wanders slightly up her ribcage and upper arm, twisting his long pale fingers in her hair. He watches it curl and bend for him. He can’t remember the last time he played with a woman’s hair like this.
When his cursory explanation ends, he closes his eyes and rests his head on his folded arm. Penny’s fingers tug gently at the nape of his neck for his attention.
“Sounds like a lot.”
Shawn’s chest stutters. His eyes well. He turns his face into the pillow, embarrassed by the hair trigger of his emotional reaction.
“S-sorry, I just… fuck. I don’t know why I’m--”
He cuts himself off with a final unintended whimper of defeat, a nice bookend on a chunk of shame he can hang onto and revisit in his head when he needs it the least.
His eyes are snapped shut. The tears on his lashes start to wick into the expensive fabric of the pillowcase beneath his head. He’s waiting for her -- he doesn’t know what for. He’s waiting for her to leave him there to cry it out, get back in her expensive shoes and clack away from his misery. He’s waiting for her to shove a hand down his boxers and give him what she thinks he paid for. He’s waiting for her to hate him like he hates himself right now.
Slowly, timidly, he opens his eyes. She’s there, blinking at him, face as placid and reassuring as he’s seen since she got here. She doesn’t look ready to run. She doesn’t look at him like the pitiful creature he’s acting like. She slides her long fingers up further to cradle the back of his head and make his wet eyes flutter.
“Would you like to hear what I think?”
Shawn pauses, then nods.
Penny wets her lips. “I think maybe you’re not very good at compartmentalizing yet.”
Shawn frowns slightly and starts turning circles on her lower back with the pad of his thumb, nodding at her to continue.
“This relationship stunt doesn’t define you as a man or as an artist. It’s publicity, the same way appearing on GMA is publicity. It’s not as honest, maybe. I can see that’s part of what bothers you. I can understand that. But this is a means to an end. You’re not using Bex; she’s aware of what she’s involved in. She benefits, too.
“So instead of letting this become something that bothers you in quiet moments, makes you question what this makes you look like or even who this means you’re becoming, you need to accept that this is a part of your job and it’s not who you are.”
Shawn blinks dumbly. He’s been trying to convince himself of this for a while, but he’s never come close to sounding as soothing and confident as she does right now. This woman listened to him yammer for seven minutes about his stupid pop star problems without rolling her eyes or waving off his concerns.
Thank god he’s paying her to be here or he swears he’d already be half in love with her.
Shawn closes his eyes and nuzzles his cheek against the pillow. “Can I kiss you?”
“Yes you may.”
He opens his eyes and watches her, settled by the distinct sensation that she’s allowing him to proceed as he’s comfortable. At the same time, he’s deliciously unnerved by something lurking behind her eyes, like she’s deciding how long to give him before she takes over. He hopes it won’t be long.
Shawn cups a large palm around her cheek, marveling at the silkiness of her hair in his fingers as he leans in, brushing his lips over hers. He hears himself murmur gently at the slick warmth of her lip balm. It tastes like rose water and coconut. 
He eases back after a moment, his head spinning.
“Jesus Christ, that’s incredible.”
Her long, dark lashes lift and lower lazily, casting shadows on her cheeks in the lamplight. “Kissing me?”
He shakes his head, marveling with a gentle groan, “Yes. Why does kissing you feel like the best thing that’s happened to me in months?”
“It’s simple. It’s stable. It’s honest.”
She says it like she didn’t have to think about it. She’s unwavering and direct and he knows she’s probably really good at all this because of who she is and what she does but he doesn’t think he cares right now if it’s not genuine. It feels too fucking good.
He smirks. “Do you have an answer for everything?”
Her full lips spread in a lazy grin. “Yes.”
“Thank god,” Shawn mutters just before pressing his lips back to hers.
Shawn has no idea what to expect. It’s been what’s had him on a knife’s edge since he booked this appointment. His curiosity has been his friend while zoning out in meetings, standing in security lines at airports, stripped down to his boxers in front of a team of people while trying on show clothes. An experience like this to look forward to was an intense enough distraction from his anxiety.
And now, lying in a bed next to her with her perfect tongue tangled with his and her soft hands roaming his body hungrily, but with purpose, his mind races -- what will this be like? What will this feel like? Is it really as good as Niall says?
She pulls back suddenly, her lips leaving his with a wet smack. His hips rut against her stomach in response.
“Time for you to stop thinking,” she rasps. Shawn squirms at the fucked-out quality of her voice. Is it at all possible that he’s got her as worked up as she has him? He’s already throbbing for her in his briefs, which he knows she can feel against her thigh.
He brushes his nose against hers a little desperately, silently begging for more. Even with his eyes closed, he can tell she’s smiling when she cups his cheek and rolls their bodies so she’s lying slotted up against him in every way that makes him crazy.
“You like kissing, huh?” she breathes. It’s not teasing, not really. It’s curious and gentle. He can feel the way she takes note of the things that have him panting a little harder, pressing into her more insistently. It makes him feel important and a little bashful. He nods anyway, lifting the corner of his mouth.
“You’re a good kisser, Shawn,” she sighs into his mouth, dropping her weight into her hips and sliding her hands up his chest to rest over his pecs.
If her tongue wasn’t teasing his lower lip, he’d be grinning like an asshole.
His hands are growing frantic. They can’t decide where they like better -- her supernaturally soft hair, coursing up and down her spine, or resting on the toned swell of her ass. So they wander, getting grabbier as they go, until she pulls away again with a long lick of her wet lips.
“What are you going to do to me?”
He hears himself ask it over the rushing of blood in his ears. He can tell by the way she smiles down at him that he looks horrified at his own question. She pushes some curls off his forehead and looks him over, slowly, carefully, admiringly. Shawn is on fire beneath her, but she doesn’t seem to mind.
As if in slow motion, she tucks a hand under his neck. The motion fixes his manic, desperate eyes on hers. His breathing slows. His heart drops into his gut. His jaw tightens.
“Anything I want.”
Her voice is hot and sharp. Shawn’s face screws up like his body is physically overwhelmed by the idea of all the pleasure she can offer him. His eyes snap shut and the groan he releases is inhumanly loud.
When he can force himself to look back up at her, Penny has straddled his hips and works on lifting her hoodie up and over a black bra that he’s sure only a woman like Penny could wear… like that.
Her breasts are full and soft, as evenly tanned as the rest of her, from what he can see, which is not enough. He gets a flash of a vision of her lying on the chaise on the balcony outside their Chateau suite without a stitch on her, sipping a mimosa and smiling when she catches him admiring her. He grunts and reaches for her, needing to take and touch and taste.
His hands are pinned beside his head before he gets far. He gasps. His eyes blur with her quick movement until they can refocus and realize she’s holding him down, her breasts a breath away from his mouth.
“Fuck,” he grunts.
“Listen to me.”
It’s clear and stable and calm like a beacon in a storm. Shawn juts his chin up defiantly, licking his lips.
“You don’t touch me until I tell you to. If you do, you don’t touch me at all, not for the rest of the night. Do you understand?”
Shawn’s fingers curl into fists beside his head. His body aches, straining for the control she’s sapping from him. He’s not used to willingly giving it up, not anywhere, not for anyone.
“Take a deep breath,” she advises, feeling him struggle with the release of it, of the reins he’s held for so long his hands are fucking raw. His whole body feels raw looking up at her.
He does as he’s told. Her eyes are nearly black in the low light. He feels his shoulders soften and the squeezing of his heart start to slow, just a bit.
“You’re gonna have to walk me through this,” he grunts, shaking his head, “I-- I’m… for so…”
“I know,” she soothes, not to placate him, not to baby him. She wants him to know she understands. He feels it in the way she looks at him, the way she massages her fingers around his wrists. 
He’s ok. He’s safe. He’s safe with her. It hits him all at once like a brick over the head. He swallows.
“I’m here to take care of you. I want to make you feel as good as I possibly can.”
He nods again.
She moves slowly, gracefully, like a lithe and dangerous predator. She pushes her leggings down her hips, sliding them off her feet until they’re forgotten in a pool at the end of the bed. His shirt and boxers join them, leaving his cock aching and leaking from the tip on his lower belly. He lies beside her, as instructed, with his arms over his head, grasping a pillow in his needy fingers.
She just… touches him. 
He thought at first she was just going for a slow tease, would wrap her warm fingers around his cock after thirty seconds or so to get him somewhere, but that doesn’t seem to be the plan. He’s flat beside her, legs slightly spread, tensing and relaxing with each brush of her fingertips.
Before long, he realizes what she’s doing and it stuns him into holding his breath for so long that the gasp he releases when he remembers he needs oxygen makes her jump a little.
She’s studying him. She wants to know every inch of his body, wants to see how every subtle touch affects him. She is reading him like an instruction manual. Her eyes flicker, narrowing and darting and taking it all in. She can see every goosebump, every subtle lift of his hips, every intake of breath, every clench of muscle and little smile when she finds somewhere ticklish. By the time her scan seems complete, he’s panting, shaking, vibrating with need, and he knows she knows his body better than he does now.
And she gets to decide what to do with it.
From beside him, keeping her eyes on his, Penny reaches back and unclasps her architecturally stunning bra, draws the straps down her arms, and drops it off the side of the bed, revealing what Shawn had suspected to be the most perfect pair of breasts of all time. He was right.
“God, you’re gorgeous,” he hisses, pressing his head back into the pillow to keep from lunging at her stiff brown nipples. He’s rewarded for his compliment with a sweeping hand down his stomach, her fingertips just skimming the line of pubic hair that reaches down from his navel. His hips roll up in response.
Penny turns. Shawn watches her hair swing low against her back like a pendulum, entranced before he realizes she’s standing and bending over to shed her black lace cheeky panties. He remains still, his head turned toward her as she bares herself, until she turns back and faces him and he chokes on air.
He’s seen beautiful women naked. Plenty of them. Really, he has. He knows somewhere in his addled mind that it’s the performance of it that has him so fucking high strung that he almost coughs up a lung when he sees Penny without clothes, that he really, legitimately feels like he’s going to have a heart attack just from looking at her. 
But he’s never been so goddamn hard in his life.
She takes a step toward the bed and lifts her leg to climb up next to him. He realizes with a jolt as he watches her legs separate that she’s soaking fucking wet. The insides of her thighs are slick. Shawn presses his heels into the bed to ground himself.
You can’t fake that.
Without a word, she positions herself on top of him, her strong legs on either side of his hips, her hands sunken between pillows by his head. Their eyes are locked. Shawn’s cock shifts against his stomach impatiently. Penny lifts a corner of her soft wet mouth. Shawn chokes on a whimpering sound he’s never heard himself make before. She drops her hips and he hears himself gasp.
“Oh!” he cries, throwing his head back as his hips thrust up to meet her. He vaguely feels the warmth of her lips on his chest, but he’s busy trying to fight back his orgasm that, with just the pressure, warmth and wetness of her pussy resting against his length, is roaring up in his abdomen.
“J-jesus… fuck…” he hisses, rolling his head to the side, sure if he looks down at her pretty face he’ll be coming like a freight train before she even has the chance to really do anything.
“You’ve never felt anything like this before,” she tells him smoothly. It doesn’t smack of arrogance or condescension. It’s simple fact. They both know it.
He shakes his head no, panting breath into the pillowcase.
“You never knew it could be like this.”
Again, he’s agreeing.
“I want you to remember this, what this feels like with me in your lap, wet for you, showing you how this can feel with me. I want you to look at me. Don’t take your eyes off me, Shawn.”
Another purring whimper escapes his throat. Slowly, he peels his sweaty cheek from the pillow and blinks down at her. There’s something feral that’s taken the place of what he saw in her before -- the white painted toes, the cozy hoodie, the gentle giggles. This part he sees now is going to swallow him whole. He’s going to let it, with pleasure.
Penny rolls her hips from left to right, swinging back again easily, with the rhythm of a dancer. The sound their bodies make is absolutely obscene. He grits his teeth through a hiss, watching her eyes flutter.
“You feel… incredible,” she pants slightly, establishing a slow, aching pace that makes Shawn’s brows draw together and his knuckles whiten against the pillow.
“I don’t know how long I can--”
“Don’t worry about that. I’ll tell you when you can come.”
She says it easily, like he’s in no danger of losing his fucking mind and spurting all over her stomach in probably only a few seconds. He realizes with a shiver it’s because she knows, for certain, without a shadow of a doubt, that he won’t come until she tells him.
“You’re so nice and hard for me, fuck. Touching you got me so wet. Can you hear us?”
Shawn is quaking, clinging to sanity, as her slick folds hug his cock, grinding harder with each pass of her hips. He doesn’t trust himself to speak anymore. He has no idea what could come out of his mouth at this point. He just nods eagerly, begging his eyes to stay open so he can obey her.
“Can you feel the way the head of your cock is rubbing my clit?” she nearly squeaks, sounding genuinely as close to orgasm as he is. His eyes go wide. His stupid mouth opens.
“Are-- are you gonna come like this?”
Holding her quick rocking pace, Penny springs up, snapping at his lower lip like a snake. He freezes, whining, and very nearly loses control of his tensed arms.
“Fuck yeah, I am,” she moans, and it’s the only warning he gets before her whole body goes tight atop him and she gushes all over his cock and thighs.
“Holy fuck, holy fucking shit,” Shawn gasps, rolling his hips to cradle her as she stutters through it, mewling and humming against his chest. He watches her eyes squeeze shut and open again slowly, looking up at him like she forgot he was there.
In the stillness, the room is so quiet, it’s loud. Shawn feels every cell in his body screaming, begging.
Penny licks her lips and shifts, getting ready to bear down. “You can come now.”
His hips take off at a sprint with her permission. She keeps up easily, using her weight in her knees to drive herself back against his every stroke, egged on by the wet slap of their skin and the glazed look in his eyes.
“Penny, I’m coming,” he warns her, because he feels like he should and he doesn’t know quite why other than he thinks she craves her permission for everything now. She squeezes her swollen lower lip under her row of straight white teeth and watches curiously, doubling down on the stroking of her hips.
“Shit! Oh fuck!” Shawn screams, hips roiling and rioting beneath hers as he comes hard, spurting against her swollen folds and between their clenching stomachs. His vision goes white. He can’t hear himself if he keeps talking, or yelling, and he can’t hear her if she’s trying to soothe him through it. It’s several seconds before he crash lands to feel her peeling her body off his and sees her shifting back over his thighs.
He doesn’t have time, or the mental capacity, to speak before she reaches between her legs and swipes a hand through her wetness and his. Her palm is slick, glistening in the low light. She reaches for his tired cock and gives it a squeeze.
“I want one more.”
His eyes bulge. “What?”
“One more, Shawn. Come again for me. You’ve been waiting for this for a week, I know you have it in you. Now fuck my fist and come for me.”
Shawn’s jaw drops as she pulses her fingers again. Despite everything he thought he knew about his own body, he feels himself already starting to harden in her palm again. He groans loudly, pulls his shaky legs so his feet plant below him, and starts lifting his hips.
“Ohmygod. Oh… oh my god,” he pants, eyes wild as they fix on her in disbelief. How did she know? How does she have this much power over him already? How does he make sure she never gives it back?
“Yes,” she praises, looking ravenous as his hips pick up speed and he grows fully hard in the clench of her fist, “Fuck, you’re so fucking good for me.”
His head tips back. He mewls a noise of overwhelmed pleasure and fucks his hips up even harder.
“Jesus Christ, I’m gonna fucking come again!” he shouts, pupils blowing out as he comes up on his forearms and bucks his entire lower body, quaking as he hurtles toward a second orgasm.
Penny lurches forward, swallowing the scream she knows is building in his chest with a searing kiss. His abdomen clenches as he bursts for her again, drenching her fist and his belly. It’s shorter and rockier than the first orgasm, sending him falling back to the bed totally limp and sated in only a few seconds. Penny mercifully releases him from her fist, using her other hand to smooth through his hair.
She’s concerned for a minute that she broke him. He just keeps staring at her, blinking too slowly, not speaking. She presses little kisses over his face, partially to encourage him, and maybe a little bit to distract herself from trying to make him come again because holy shit, she loved that.
“Never done that before,” he mumbles finally, his eyes sliding shut, like he’s finally secure enough to close them and believe she’ll still be sitting there when he does.
She nods, though he can’t see her. On her own wiggly legs, she manages to stand and get a wet washcloth from the bathroom. When she returns to wipe him off, he’s blinking at her curiously.
“Can I touch you now?”
She grins. “Yes you may.”
Shawn smiles gently. His eyes slide shut. He lifts a heavy palm to her thigh, rubbing her soft bronzed skin in a tender gesture of thanks. 
Penny tosses the cloth aside and folds up against him, manipulating his arm around her as she lies against his chest.
“Wanna see you again,” he whispers. She bobs her head.
“Anytime you want.”
He presses his face into her hair, inhaling expensive salon shampoo and exhaling at least three months’ worth of stress. He’s asleep in under ten minutes. She decides to let him rest and behaves herself enough not to wake him up for round two (or three, technically) for at least an hour.
This is gonna be a wild one, guys. If you’re so inclined, the link to buy me a Ko-fi is in my bio!
Taglist: @smallerinfinities @the-claire-bitch-project @achinglyshawn @infiniteshawn @mendesoft @singanddreamanyway @alone-in-madness @abigfatmess @shawnitsmutual @awkwardfangirl2014 @september-lace @grittyisaho @sinplisticshawn @rollingxstone @yslsaint @randi-eve @fallmoreinlove @heyits-claire @itrocksmysocks @parkerspicedlatte @simpledomain @abeautiful-and-cloudy-day @thecurlsofgod @magcon7280 @bensbuttercup @tnhmblive @greedydevil
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solargroup09 · 4 years
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✎ summary: Moon Bin & Sanha are AJ’s first idol guests on her new show, and they share an interesting dinner afterwards.
✎ word count: 848 words.
✎ warnings: mentions of drinking.
My first recording for Idol Drive was scary.
Since I woke up that morning, I felt like I’d forgotten everything I’d ever learnt about being a MC. Which was ridiculous, since I’d been on The Show three weeks before and I was always practicing public-speaking, how to stand in front of a camera and a big etcetera of abilities a MC should know.
The only thing that eased my nerves a little bit, was the reminder that I knew the idols that were joining me, and I felt quite comfortable around them. If anything, they must have been nervous too, it was their first Variety show as a subunit. But Moon Bin and Sanha were my sunbaes as well, so maybe their anxiety was much lesser than mine. I had met Bin and Sanha when our promotions overlapped and they were incredibly nice, they also visited Eunwoo sometimes when we worked together and I always had a chance to talk to them even for a few minutes.
“Aejeong!” Moon Bin called as soon as Sanha and him entered the studio.
My makeup and hair were done, so I took the time to study the episode’s outline once again while I waited for them.
“Are you excited that we’re your first guests?” he continued, smiling widely.
“Hi, Noona!” Sanha cheered behind him.
“I’m actually really glad it’s you guys,” I admitted, softening my confession with a chuckle. “I trust you’re not going to let me make a fool of myself.”
Moon Bin narrowed his eyes, and Sanha laughed. “I wouldn’t count on that. We might make fools of ourselves too.”
I laughed again, covering my face with my tiny paper rectangles. “Well, we better get this over with, then.”
It was incredibly fun from the beginning. Moon Bin joked about being glad it was me behind the wheel and not his younger group member, and soon the interview questions and the carpool karaoke went smoothly.
We surprised a very nice Aroha who literally cried as soon as her idols climbed down from the car. Even I was about to tear up, that was what I enjoyed the most about the show, of course it was fun to hang out with other idols, but helping their fans meet them was the thing that actually motivated me to work on this show. It reminded me of how much I love meeting Suns, I hope when it’s Solar’s turn we can surprise someone as much as that Aroha was.
We were congratulated by the staff once we got back to Mnet, and we even got a small celebration for the succesful recording of the first episode, it was mostly cake and bubbly drinks.
“Do you guys have another schedule?” I asked tossing my plate on to the trash.
Moon Bin shook his head, mouth filled with cake.
“I’ll buy you dinner!” I offered cheerfully, “To thank you for being my first guests and being awesome.”
“Yes!” Sanha whooped “I mean, thank you Noona!”
Bin shrugged, a smile full of icing showing on his lips.
                       ✦ ✦ ✦
It’s always fun sharing stories with people who have the same carreer you do. The wild experiences they retell is a good reminder that at the end of the day we’re human, not the dolls most people want us to be.
“It was fun, I can’t wait to get another schedule like that, the carnival was fun.” I laughed, shaking my head.
Both boys smirked at me after sharing a look between them.
“Is it because you enjoyed the schedule or the company?” Moon Bin spoke casually, picking out some kimchi from the plate in the middle of the table.
“Oh, not you too,” I pinched my nose. I had been wondering if they would ever bring up the conversation, and here we were.
Who was I kidding, I was dying for either of them to talk about Eunwoo.
“What?” he chuckled.
“I— I liked both,” I focused on Sanha pouring more Soju on our small glasses. “Even if it got me in trouble.”
“Why don’t you just go on a date or something?” Moon Bin furrowed his eybrows, picking more food up. “Eunwoo said you only see each other in schedules. It would be nice if you hung out outside of them.”
“He said that?” I sounded a lot more excited than I intended to.
Damnit, I was a schoolgirl again.
Both boys let out an airy laugh.
“He did,” Sanha assured, placing the glass filled to the brim in front of me.
Okay, but what was I supposed to do with that information?
“Huh, cool.” I muttered.
“Cool?” Bin echoed.
“Yeah, I mean, he’s cool… it’s… cool.”
“So would you say yes to a date, Noona?” Sanha’s nonchalant tone made me stare at him.
Were our friends playing cupid?
“This is embarrassing.”
“Just say yes or no, Aejeong.” Bin cackled, lifting his glass.
“Well, maybe he should ask.” I cleared my throat, imitating Bin’s gesture and Sanha joined the both of us, “Cheers.” I emptied the tiny Soju glass and laughed.
Please ask, I thought.
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sparrellow · 4 years
i can be ur angle or yuor devil
“I literally called you sexy. I winked at you. Then you sat on me and gave me a boner.”
It just so happens that the company's plans to revive Rin's failing idol status brings her closer to her previous partner-in-crime.
rating: T+ genre: romance/humor ships: rin/len word count:  6,974
Life in the idol world was tough.
Rin knew as much, because she, unfortunately, was an idol.
She wasn’t even sure how she got herself into this mess, but she was talent scouted at an age too young by Western standards, probably, and then forced into a duet with some bratty kid called Len.
The whole farce was that they looked almost exactly the same, and were the same age, and ‘had the same family name’ (they didn’t, but that was a long story). So, they were marketed as like, twins-by-chance-not-blood or mirror-images or gender-bend-friends or whatever.
That worked for a while, until Len went through puberty and became way too hot to duet with Rin, and his own popularity sky-rocketed so much that they were basically forced to be their own pop stars.
Alas, Rin was kind of just too damn average to go solo. Especially with more appealing talents in the charts, like Japan’s darling idol Miku Hatsune, or just, Len himself, she had no chance. All that could be concluded from this was that Rin was just too ugly and untalented.
After Meiko had heard Rin’s internal woes, she patted her roughly on the back and sighed.
“Oh, Rin. You’re not ugly or bad at singing. You wouldn’t have gotten this far if you were.”
Rin sniffled, and blew her ugly face into her handkerchief. Of course she’d started crying during the whole monologue, which made her sound and look even more ridiculous than before. “But I’m literally sucking. Even the manager has called an emergency meeting about my lack of popularity.”
That was true. Earlier that day, the manager had sent a text into the Vocaloid Idol Group Chat™ calling for an emergency meeting to save a certain idol’s plunging fanbase. Even if he didn’t name her directly, literally everyone in the group chat knew it was about her.
How embarrassing. Even Miku and Len saw it. She wanted to die.
Meiko tutted, shaking her head. “You know, you’ve been a duet with Len for almost your whole career. Everyone knows you as part of a duet. So, of course your image might suffer a little with such a sudden change as you go into solo careers. The manager just needs to figure out how to market you in a way that shows idol fans how truly spectacular you are as a solo idol. That’s all.”
Rin wailed. “That’s the thing. I’m not spectacular as a solo idol. I’m just painfully average.”
“Lies!” her companion said. “Rin, you are so cute. Like, you can take anything and make it cute. And your voice is unique, like Len’s. It doesn’t have to be like Miku’s to be special, it’s already special as is.”
She dabbed at her tears and sniffled again. Her stupid idol makeup was running down her face, making her look like she’d just crawled out of a TV set showing a horror movie. Even Miku would still look painfully beautiful crying, and not like some unfortunate Halloween-costume-gone-wrong.
“Thanks Meiko,” Rin said. “I don’t believe a word you said but thanks for trying to comfort me anyway.”
Meiko rolled her eyes, giving her another rough pat on the back. “Would you believe me if I was Len telling you all that stuff?”
The mention of Len made her ears turn pink. “Hmm,” she said, knowing the point her senior idol was making.
Meiko smirked. “That’s right.”
The brunette then left Rin to cry like a baby by herself in the private idol lobby of their record company building. To be honest, it would be humiliating if anyone else saw her like this, but she couldn’t bring herself to move somewhere more private to cry. Besides, everyone knew her career was going down the toilet.
Perhaps she would’ve been able to bounce back more if things were different, but a certain Blonde Boy with a Very Attractive Face made it all the more complicated.
Here was the catch: Rin was totally enamored of Len.
It was a bit sad, really. And it hadn’t always been so cliched-romance-story, with her pining after his very nicely shaped ass. In the beginning, they actually sort of hated each other, with her wanting to kick his ass to the moon.
He was the most self-absorbed dingus at first, and he would play pranks on her constantly. They weren’t even good pranks—like, once he put a whoopee cushion on her seat during a meeting and found that hilarious.
Of course, with time, they grew on each other and actually became very good friends. They had secret jokes with each other, they played pranks on other idols, they watched horror movies until dawn and then slept on the couch together for the rest of the week because they were too scared to sleep in their own beds.
It couldn’t be helped that Rin eventually fell for Len. Daring, mischievous, but charming Len. He always knew how to make her smile (or tear her hair out with frustration).
But for the sake of professionalism, she never dared uttering her true feelings to him—only confiding in Meiko from time to time, since she was the only Vocaloid she could trust. It sucked, but she couldn’t risk ruining the relationship between them, thus ruining their career had Len demanded they should go solo.
Of course, then they grew up. Len’s voice changed, as well as his appearance, and soon his own popularity outgrew the popularity of the duet itself. The manager made the wise choice to break them up. He went solo, with much success.
Rin, however, flopped like a suffocating fish out of water.
With his success, he moved on to doing occasional collaborations with Miku Hatsune, the record company’s most popular idol. She was, by definition, probably a global superstar at this stage. She toured internationally. She had fans of all nationalities, ages, genders, so have it. She was beautiful and cute and talented, and Len had finally made it far enough to sing with her.
It made Rin’s blood boil, because she was petty and jealous. She was also worried. Miku was just so perfect. It was inevitable that Len would fall for her, right? They were perfect for each other. Perfect people love other perfect people.
Rin blew her nose noisily and sunk back into the lounge chair. This sucked. This sucked.
Gumi appeared, having heard her meltdown, and offered some makeup wipes to fix her face. 
Rin took them graciously.
“Is this about the text from the manager in the group chat?” she asked, handing her another wipe after Rin had used up the other one.
Rin just looked at her and said nothing. There was no need to say anything.
Gumi didn’t press and fell silent. She was a nice idol. She wasn’t nearly as successful as the others, but she was quite popular in her own way. At least she was kind enough to not nag about the matter.
Another sad thing about popularity was that Len soon became distant once they parted ways. They used to be so close, but now Rin felt like she couldn’t even approach him unless approached herself. Of course they talked, but only occasionally. Their careers had drifted so far apart they barely saw each other anyway.
Had their friendship only survived because they were a duet? Was Len glad to be a solo artist now and not having to deal with her anymore? It was sad to think about.
Gumi squeezed Rin’s shoulder and gave her a reassuring smile. “It’ll all work out, Rin,” she said. Then she handed her her pack of makeup wipes. “You can keep them. I have plenty of extras anyway. Take care of yourself, okay?”
“Thank you,” Rin said, watching as she jumped up from the couch and skipped off. (Probably to do better things than comfort a failing idol.)
Soon came the time for the not-so long-awaited yet very-muchly-apprehended emergency meeting to fix Rin’s poor career. 
She didn’t want to go. She’d rather be curled up in her room, stuffing her face with chocolate and crying over poorly-written teen romance on Netflix. But Meiko had practically dragged her to the meeting room, makeup-less and in her go-to comfort clothes: a stained, baggy sweater and yoga pants.
Rin had already been humiliated enough as is, so showing up in this state couldn’t be any worse.
Like fate itself had it in for her, Len also showed up in the elevator on the way to the meeting. He did a double take when he saw her.
“Oh, Rin! I almost didn’t recognise you.”
Rin then promptly burst into tears. 
Len blinked at her in confusion and panic. “I, uh, didn’t mean that in a bad way—”
Meiko just put a hand on his shoulder. “Don’t worry. She’s just being fragile.”
He looked at Rin with an eye of concern, but said nothing more.
They filed into the meeting room in silence, and Len took a seat at a distance from her. Much to her further dismay, Miku took the seat right next to him, and they started chatting and showing each other things on their phones.
Rin didn’t know if she was going to have a tantrum or a breakdown.
The meeting began with the manager going over sales-related information, and just general, boring business things. About half-an-hour into the meeting, though, he set aside his stacks of paper, clasped his hands in front of him and leaned forward; a look that meant serious business.
Oh boy.
“I’ve discussed with both the marketing and sales department leaders as to where to go next with Vocaloid’s image. As you know, the idol market is ever-changing and in demand of fresh concepts. We’ve decided on a new image for some idols, and we appreciate everyone’s understanding and cooperation with this change.”
Translation: Rin’s career is going down the toilet, so we need to make her more interesting or something.
“Miku and Len,” the manager addressed. The pair straightened up with serious expressions. “I want you two to have a new image. You’re both our most successful idols, and your fanbase is very supportive of your every move. This is why we feel it’s best for you to take on an image of innocence and purity. You will become Vocaloid’s angels.”
Rin was already sinking down into her seat. This was going so terribly awful. Miku and Len? Angels? Together? She couldn’t even see where this was going for her.
Unfortunately, she’d find out very, very soon, as the manager then fixated his gaze on her.
“Rin. Ever since going solo, your fanbase has been dwindling and sales for both your albums, new singles, and lives, have been suffering.” Oof. “The marketing department has acknowledged this is a fault of their own, for not better marketing your image as something new and fresh after splitting from your duet with Len. We didn’t anticipate Len’s popularity to skyrocket so much that it would overshadow your own success.”
Everyone’s eyes were on her. Including Len’s.
“Your image has always been cute and innocent, and while you fit it quite well, the market is flooded too much with idols like you. That’s why we decided, you will become our devil.”
Rin almost fell out of her chair. Her entire face lit up red like a traffic light.
A devil. A devil. They were going to make Miku and Len innocent and pure, and her evil and chaotic like Satan? Wow. Wow. Rin never wanted to die more than now.
“A devil may sound bad, but we want to combine your current cute image with something mischievous, cheeky, alluring. The current idol market lacks that sort of appeal, and we believe people would become quite attracted to it. You’ll be cute, but with a twist of something dark. We think this new image will suit you quite well.”
Okay, so, Rin representing evil was like a match made in heaven? Did she radiate chaotic evil energy or something? She literally couldn’t even kill a fly without wanting to cry with guilt.
“Any questions or concerns about our decisions?” the manager asked the group.
The room was silent.
“Good,” he said with a smile. “Miku, Rin, Len. Please stay for further discussion about our next campaign. The rest of you are free to leave.”
Meiko shot Rin a sympathetic look before leaving, and once the room emptied out, the manager motioned for the trio to move closer.
“First, do you three have anything you would like to say regarding these changes?” he asked them, sorting through his paperwork to find his notes.
It was quiet a moment, before Len slowly put up his hand.
“Why are Miku and I involved with this image chance if we’re fine in terms of sales and popularity?”
Big oof. But, honestly, it was a question on Rin’s mind, too. Why were they involved with this miserable attempt at reviving her career?
“While you two are both doing very well, the sales department has noticed that you two have both, er, capped for your sales, and they're no longer increasing. They predicted that it could decrease as people become bored with your current images, so in order to prevent that, we wanted to take a different approach.”
It was Miku and Len’s turn to blush.
“Besides, your popularity will help promote Rin to a larger audience, which is why your next campaign will be together.”
Rin wanted to hide under the table.
“Any other questions?”
Everyone shook their heads, so the manager moved on. “As I said, your next campaign will be together. We were thinking of doing a photoshoot to promote a popular brand of clothing, and using that as a base of your new image. Respectively, Len and Miku promoting a more soft, pure style of clothing, and Rin, promoting a more gothic look.”
Rin? Gothic? Was she going to have to change her stage name to Darkness or Elvira or Raven Way to suit her image, too?
“We’ll see how this goes. If the campaign gains enough popularity, we’ll keep moving forward, perhaps on to new songs and collaborations with each other.”
The manager then relayed the information for the photoshoot, asked for any more questions, and after receiving no further response, dismissed them.
Miku said nothing much once they left the meeting room, simply excusing herself as 'she had business to get to'. Len stayed behind, staring at the carpet between him and Rin.
“So, uh, what do you think?” he asked.
Rin looked at him. “I’m so sorry you two have to get involved with me.”
Len snorted. “Don’t be ridiculous. We don’t care about that. But you care, right?”
“I guess I don’t really want to be Satan, but…” she said in a low voice.
He chuckled, and Rin’s face grew warm. “Yeah. I can understand it. But, not saying you’re evil or anything, I feel like some cute devil image would totally suit you.”
“Excuse me?”
Len dodged her elbow, stepping back. “I mean, you’re already cute. Putting angel wings on you would be boring. But you with some devil wings? I can see the appeal—”
Rin didn’t know whether to be flattered or offended. She stepped on his foot to stop him mid-sentence. “Don’t mock it!”
“I’m not,” he said with a grin. “I’m just saying, it’ll be interesting to see what they’ll do with your image.”
She flushed. “Yeah, well, I wonder what they’ll do with yours.”
He laughed and turned away, starting off down the hall. “Don’t knock it until we’ve tried it, Rin,” he said over his shoulder.
Rin sighed. He had a point… but.
She had tried it, and was ready to knock it.
Rin stared at her reflection in complete and utter mortification. Her wardrobe for the photoshoot was something she'd only be caught dead in. One outfit was a long, black dress that made her look a bit like a nun. The other outfit—her current one—consisted of leather shorts, a black corset top, fishnet tights, and lots of unnecessary ribbons.
Oh, and platform boots, but they were kind of cool.
She grimaced at the stupid devil accessories she had to wear. Seriously? A tail? Wings? Little horns? This was a nightmare.
Meanwhile, Miku could wear this pretty, floral dress and cute, frilly overall skirt. She looked so soft and fluffy and it made Rin want to throw herself into piranha-infested waters.
Len appeared behind her reflection in the mirror. He had matching overall pants to Miku’s skirt, and a frilly, white button-up shirt with a ribbon at the neck. Rin never knew she needed to see him in soft, feminine clothing until now.
“I told you it’d suit you,” he said with a shit-eating grin.
“I look like I just walked out of a 90s vampire-romance manga.”
Len snickered. “Yeah, well, you would fit in really well with the kids in Harajuku,” he said. “Anyway, you’re totally giving off cute-sexy vibes.”
“How can one be cute and sexy?” Rin asked, not sure to take what he said seriously, let alone as a compliment.
He began playing with her tail, using it to hit her in the legs. “I don’t know. But you somehow do it.”
Her face burst into flames. Thank god her makeup was thick enough to hide that (though her ears were giving away the secret).
Len then walked off, as if nothing ever happened, but that was basically his signature move. The guy was really good at making her melt and not noticing it at all.
The first shoot was with Miku, and the photographer seemed to be really into making it weirdly intimate, so it felt rather homoerotic. Not that Rin cared, because, well, even she felt slightly gay for Miku.
That aside, it was pretty uneventful. Miku was polite, and laughed when her tail kept knocking the set pieces over. 
Next was Miku and Len. Since they were ‘angels’, they did, like, angel-ly things or whatever. Looking beautiful, eating grapes and watching humans make fools of themselves. (That was what the photographer said.)
Of course, some poses made Rin’s blood curdle with jealousy as she stood to the side watching, in between the makeup and hair artist fussing about her appearance. But her prayers were soon answered as Miku was sent off set and Rin called up to start her shoot with Len.
“So, you two were partners, right?” the photographer asked, as he set them up for the first pose.
“A duet, yes,” Rin said.
“Hmm,” the photographer said, in a way that was slightly concerning.
The first few poses were fairly tame. Rin being evil, Len being good. “Steal his grapes,” the photographer ordered. “Okay, good, now look sad because she stole your grapes.”
Why were grapes even a part of this weird shoot? What did they have to do with heaven and hell, or whatever the theme was?
“So, now, Len, I want you to look sad for your partner. She’s become evil.”
Rin frowned at the directions, and Len burst out laughing in her face. “Sorry, I’m sorry,” he apologised to the photographer.
“Rin, you want to lure Len over to the dark side.”
Len snickered again, his expression faltering just for a moment. Rin rolled her eyes, and followed the directions for how she should pose.
She placed a hand on his cheek, leaning over him and pressing a finger to her lips. He looked up at her with wide eyes, and for a moment she thought it was his actual expression, before she remembered the context of the photo and yada yada yada.
The photographer repositioned them a few times, telling Rin to play with his hair and Len to act as if he was pushing her away.
The whole time, Rin could only think about how bright red her ears were, and how the photo editor would probably have to photoshop them back to a human colour.
Eventually it came to the last photo of them together.
“Okay. Len, you have given in. Your devil has lured you to the dark side.”
Rin wanted to face-palm. Len raised his eyebrows at her and winked. 
“Creep,” she muttered to him.
“Hey, you’re the one dressed in leather right now,” he said.
“Yeah, and it’s giving me a massive wedgie.”
Len snorted. “TMI, Rin.”
The photographer began unbuttoning Len’s shirt somewhat. “Rin, hold his collar and motion like you’re trying to take off his shirt.”
“Why,” she said without thinking, and the photographer stopped to look at her questioningly. Len was laughing into his hand. She cleared her throat. “Sorry, I was kidding.”
As if wanting revenge, the photographer then instructed, “Also, I want you to sit on his lap, so that you’re both facing each other.”
Len stopped laughing, checking to see if the photographer was serious. (He was.)
Rin, with the very last remaining bit of courage, reluctantly sat down so that she was straddling Len. Their eyes met, and they pretty much communicated silent apologies to each other.
She held onto his shirt as per instruction, pretending that she was unbuttoning it. A hint of his bare stomach peaked through at her, and she almost screamed.
Len was told to hold her waist. The poor boy seemed humiliated. 
Imagine having to shoot something this grossly intimate with someone you’re incredibly not attracted to, Rin thought. That was probably what was going through his brain.
After being repositioned a few times, the photoshoot between them was finally over, and Rin leapt off his legs like she had been sitting on flames the whole time.
“I’m sorry,” she said to him, and Len looked at her with surprise.
“Why are you sorry?”
“Oh, just. That pose was a bit… Uh.”
He shook his head and patted her shoulder. “No need to apologise, Rin. It’s part of the job.”
Right. Right.
It’s part of the job.
She didn’t know why those words stung as much as they did.
The rest of the shoot was fairly tame. Perhaps the photographer sensed their discomfort with that one position, but he didn’t really force them into any intimate positions after that. Thank god (but Rin was also a little disappointed, you know, because …).
Once they wrapped up the shoot and returned to regular human form, Miku suggested that they order pizza and chill out at her apartment. 
As they headed there in a taxi, Len nudged Rin and gave her this pouty expression.
“I’m so sad they didn’t let you keep the devil wings and stuff,” he said.
“Why, did you want to wear them?” Rin asked.
“No!” Len exclaimed, looking flustered at such a suggestion. “I—I—”
Miku chuckled at them from the front seat. “You two are really close, aren’t you?”
“What?” Rin said.
Miku and Len both looked at her, surprised by her response.
“I mean, we barely even talk anymore.”
A strange expression crossed Len’s face, and he opened his mouth to say something, before snapping it shut and turning away to stare out the window. Miku watched this, before looking back at Rin.
“Really?” she said. “It doesn’t seem that way to me.”
Then Miku turned back to face the front.
Rin was silent. Had she said something wrong? She thought Len would laugh about it or agree, but… 
She sighed and turned to stare out the window as well. She could tell pizza was going to be awkward.
As expected, pizza was pretty awkward.
Len was very strangely serious with everything, and Miku tried desperately to lighten the mood. Eventually, Rin gave up and made some excuse about needing to get home so she could call her parents. 
She stared at her long-untouched LINE chat with Len while waiting at the station for the next train home. It was only the truth, though; what she’d said. They'd used to talk every day, whether it be in person or through text. But then one day, he'd just stopped, and so did she.
Was it her fault, or something? She had tried initiating conversation before, but they’d died rather quickly. To be honest, today’s photoshoot was the first time they’d talked that much in like, a year or so.
So why was Len so upset about what she said?
He seemed to ignore her after that, or avoided her as much as possible. Even in the followup meetings between him, Miku, her and the manager, he avoided her gaze entirely.
The manager gave them some pictures from the shoot at their last meeting, saying their photos would be in the next volume of Sara, a pretty popular alternative fashion magazine. 
One of the photos he’d given them happened to be that pose.
Rin stared at it. It felt incredibly unnatural and awkward at the time, but as a photo, it looked peaceful and natural, and the expression on Len’s face was something different, almost as if he truly was captivated by her or something. Had they mysteriously photoshopped all their humiliation out of the picture?
When she got home from work, she stuck it on the wall above her bed, alongside other photos from their many escapades in the years before. It hadn’t grown much since they went solo, so it was nice to have a new addition.
Rin still felt miserable about it all. She didn’t know if she should message him an apology, or try talking to him about it, because she just didn’t understand.
She pulled out her phone and called Meiko.
Meiko picked up on the third ring. “What can I help you with, Little Miss Devil?”
“Oh no. Let me guess. You saw the photos?”
“Of course. Miku and Len were showing everyone in the lobby. Your butt looked really nice in those pants.”
“Please don’t remind me of my trauma,” Rin moaned, thinking back to her killer wedgie. She was pretty sure she got chafing from those shorts.
“So, what’s up? You don’t just call me for small talk.”
Rin winced, realising she’d kind of used Meiko as a bit of a therapist lately.
“It… it’s Len.”
“Len, huh? What did he do?”
“It’s not what he did, more so what I did.”
Meiko was silent for a moment. “Hmm.”
Rin hesitated. “What?”
“I think I know what you did. Miku told me about what happened a few weeks ago, and was asking for context or whatever.”
“What did you tell her?”
“Nothing,” Meiko said smoothly. “Anyway, I was waiting for you to talk to me about it, because I only have one thing to tell you: Talk to him about it.”
Rin clenched her jaw. “Talk to him about it? Why?”
“Because I’m not Len and I can’t tell you what his problem is.”
“Wait,” she said. “Has Len told you about this?”
Meiko hummed. “Not specifically, but I know some things.”
Rin began to tug at her hair, anxious. “Wait. What. What does that mean?”
“Rin,” Meiko said in a firm voice. “From one experienced adult to a less-experienced adult: communication is key.”
Not letting her get another word of protest in, the woman hung up.
Rin stared at her phone in her hand. She was mentally pooping herself. What was going on? What terrible, awful thing was going to happen next?
Reluctantly, she opened her LINE chat with Len and began writing a message to him.
Much to her surprise, Len agreed to meet up at a cafe on their day off. It was one of those hole-in-the-wall cafes, so not really busy anyway, and they took a seat in the far back corner of the shop, where it was more private for a serious discussion.
He was very quiet the whole time, until they’d settled into their seats. He looked up at her, sitting back in his chair. “So, what did you want to talk about?” he asked, straight to the point.
Rin hadn’t elaborated the reason for the talk or anything, let alone even thought about how she would broach the topic. “Uh, um…” she said, staring down at the menu in front of her. Did she want milk tea, or something herbal? She wasn’t sure how pleasant the conversation was going to be, and if shit were to hit the fan somehow, maybe she should avoid dairy in case her (anxious) shit were to also, figuratively, hit the fan.
Len raised an eyebrow at her. 
“About… the day of the photoshoot,” Rin finally said, settling on just getting straight to the point. “I’m sorry about what I said. I didn’t realise it was going to upset you. It… I didn’t say it to hurt you, or be mean, or anything.”
He shifted in his chair, picking up his menu to read. “You don’t need to apologise for it. I know what you meant. And it’s true.”
Rin bit her lip. “But I still upset you.”
Len looked at her over the top of the menu. “I’m not looking for your apology,” he said in a low voice. “I don’t want it.”
“Oh.” Ouch.
He put his menu down. “Have you decided what you want, yet?”
“What do you want?”
Rin blinked at him a few times, before acknowledging he wasn’t going to move on before she gave an answer. “Er, I’ll just get some yuzu tea.”
“No food?” he asked, pointing at the cake and sweets menu.
She shook her head, and he stood from his chair. Was he going to leave?
Then he pulled his wallet out from his pocket. “Well, I’ll get you something anyway,” he said, and left to order the food before she could protest.
Rin stared down at her knees, tears stinging the corners of her eyes. She quickly wiped them away and willed herself not to cry in front of him. Again. 
What did he mean about not apologising? What did he want, then? Was he just really, really mad at her?
She glanced over her shoulder to check he hadn’t just run away, but he was at the counter, making their order.
Right. She needed to pay him back for this, too. She pulled out her purse and checked she had enough change to give him.
“How much?” she asked when he sat down.
“No,” he said, eyes narrowing in on her purse.
Rin ignored his response, counting out her coins to give him. Before she could hand them over, he reached out and pushed her hand back to her.
“Really, Rin,” Len insisted. “You don’t have to pay me back.”
Sulking, she dropped the coins back into her purse and put it away.
They both fell into silence until their order came. Len had gotten honey toast for them to share.
It was like old times; when they used to always hang out together, when they would order something crazy like a giant parfait meant for four people and try to finish it all without making themselves sick.
Rin couldn’t help but frown.
Len paused when handing her a spoon. “Do you not like honey toast?”
“Huh?” she said, glancing up at him. “Oh, no. It’s fine.”
He raised an eyebrow at her.
Rin tucked a strand of hair behind her ear, digging the spoon into the dessert. “It’s just nostalgic, that’s all.”
Len gazed at her. 
She looked away from him, embarrassed by the very intense-and-direct eye contact he was giving her. 
He then said, “Rin, I know we’ve gone our own ways and fallen out of contact, but you do know I consider you one of my closest friends, right? Just because we don’t talk as much as we used to, or see each other that much anymore, doesn’t mean I don’t think of you as someone special to me.”
Rin flushed. She set down her spoon on the table, losing her appetite. “So, you are mad at me about what I said.”
Len opened his mouth, like he was about to protest, but then he hung his head. “It’s… not…” he said, before sighing in defeat. “It’s more so, I’m sad that… that’s how you think. I’m sad that things made you feel like we weren’t good friends anymore.”
She wanted to cry again, but held her breath in an attempt to stop the tears. “Mmmmmmm,” was all she could say.
He then rested his head in his hand, playing with his spoon in the other. “I guess maybe I’ve been a bit careless about it all and I haven’t really… thought about how you’ve been feeling. And what you said made me realise that.”
“It’s my fault,” Rin began to blubber. “I should’ve talked about it sooner rather than just making the assumption you weren’t interested in me anymore.”
Len glanced up at her, noticing her ugly crying face, and reached for a napkin to hand to her. She hid behind it, trying to silence her loud sobs.
“Rin, we worked together for so long. I couldn’t just throw away our friendship after that,” he said with a pained expression. 
Rin wiped her face and sighed. “I know. I’m being unreasonable. But… seeing you with Miku and everything, it just…”
Len snorted. “Miku and I, we’re friends, well, more like colleagues, but we don’t, you know, click like you and I do. Sure, we hang out and talk and stuff, but with you… I can just be me. You laugh at all my jokes. With Miku, it’s not like that. It’s not always fun and easy and natural like it is with you.”
Her ears began to burn. “Len…” she said. God. Just rip out her heart right there. He was saying all these nice things about them being friends, and she didn’t know whether to be happy or sad. Well, of course she was happy, but… she wished it was more than just. Friendship.
Maybe it was time she just. Laid it flat on the table. Killed two birds with one stone. Set the whole kitchen on fire and just get it all out.
Len looked at her from across the table, spoon in hand, waiting expectantly for her to continue with what she wanted to say.
Rin sucked in a breath, pushed back her tears and smacked her hands on the table, making both herself and Len jump, and also everyone else within earshot.
He blinked. “Rin—”
“Len,” she said, before realising she had no idea what she wanted to say next. She’d stood from her seat and was leaning across the table, staring at him. Her face grew warm as panic began to set in. Okay, okay, just say something at least, because this was getting awkward. “Len.”
Len gulped. “Yes?”
Rin sucked in a shaky breath. Okay. Here we go. Here we go—
“Marry me please,” she blurted.
Len dropped his spoon on the floor.
Rin had never run so fast to the bathroom in her life. She didn’t even stick around to hear his response (nor see his reaction). She just high-tailed it to somewhere where she could emergency call Meiko for advice.
“I just proposed to Len,” she cried as soon as Meiko answered the phone.
There was a moment of silence, before she said, “Congratulations?”
“I’m serious,” Rin said. “I literally told him to marry me.”
“Good for you.”
“Meiko! What do I do? I can’t go back out there and face him after that!”
Meiko sighed. “Where are you?”
“In the bathroom.”
She snorted. “So you just left him there after that? Did you even wait for his answer?”
“No! Of course not! Why would I wait for rejection?!”
“How do you know he was going to reject you? Did you see the future, or something, Rin?”
“Well, no , but—”
“Rin,” Meiko said, her tone suddenly very serious. “I’m not your fairy godmother. I can’t help you out of this situation. Go back out there and talk to him. Len is your friend, isn’t he? Do you think he’d completely destroy you as a rejection? Does that sound like him? Think about it.”
Rin did think about it. “Well… no… maybe…”
“So, what are you doing? Don’t leave him there by himself to wonder what the hell is going on.”
She closed her eyes, leaned back against the back of the toilet and pinched the bridge of her nose. A few beats of silence passed, before she let out an exhale. “Okay. Okay. I’ll do it.”
“Good. Now, get your ass out of the bathroom, you disgusting creature.”
“R-right! Thank you Meiko!”
Rin hung up, sat on the toilet for a moment longer, before getting up to check her reflection in the mirror and emerge with caution from the bathroom. A part of her felt relief seeing Len still at their table, another part felt pure and utter terror.
He was on his phone with a serious expression, and she had no idea how to decipher that.
Without a word, she took her seat across from him and had a mouthful of her citrus tea (which had long gone cold).
Len glanced up, looking surprised, and just stared at her with wide eyes.
Damage control.
Rin took a breath. “So, um, I panicked…” she began to explain.
Len cocked an eyebrow. 
“The truth is,” she said, staring down hard at the barely-touched honey toast in front of them. “The truth is that you’re really hot.”
Oh boy. This was going south really fast.
“Thank… you?” Len said, confused.
Rin smacked her forehead. “Yeah, like, so, um, I’m, you know…”
He tilted his head. “I don’t know.”
She sucked in a sharp breath, and it all began pouring out of her mouth like vomit.
“I’ve been really attracted to you for like ever and it’s been eating me up inside and everything just feels a lot worse because I really like you and I don’t know how to handle it but you know I’m happy to just be friends if that’s not reciprocated because I never really wanted to confess my feelings to you anyway and I know it’s not professional or anything but please don’t hate me just because I like you like way more than a friend because I also like being friends with you please don’t hate me.”
Len blinked several times, processing that flood of information, before opening his mouth to speak.
Rin clapped her hands over her ears and cried, “It’s okay! You don’t need to answer! I just wanted to get that off my chest! Let’s forget this ever happened and move on.”
He shook his head at her. “No.”
She lowered her hands. No? That’s it? Just no?
Well, okay then. Alright. Cool cool cool.
Rin sat back in her chair, dazed and uncertain how to take in such a completely cold rejection.
“No, I don’t want to forget this happened,” he continued. Wait. What? He averted his gaze to the table, rubbing his hands together. “I don’t really understand why you think I’d hate you or something.”
She gawked at him. “Wh… what do you mean…?”
Len dug a hand into his hair, scrunching up his fringe in his fist. He looked up at her from under his dark lashes. “Rin, I literally flirted with you the entire photoshoot.”
Rin almost choked on her own saliva. “You—wh—huh. ”
He pressed his palms together, using his thumbs to massage the space between his eyebrows. “I literally called you sexy. I winked at you. Then you sat on me and gave me a boner.”
Her soul left her body. It just upped and left. See you later, humanity. I’m outta here.
Rin slid down in her chair, looking up at the ceiling. “I didn’t even notice,” she said, feeling like the world’s biggest clown.
“I’m surprised you didn’t even notice,” he continued. “That thing was like rock hard. I was shitting myself. I was praying so hard no one else would notice. I never felt so close to death in my entire life.”
“Not the boner, Len,” she said. “I mean, I didn’t notice that either but—the flirting. I meant the flirting.”
“I just thought your pants were really stiff or something.”
“Aha… well.”
Rin smacked her palm against her forehead again. “I can’t believe it. I just thought you were teasing me for having to be a devil or whatever.”
“While that is quite hilarious, I was way too turned on by you at the photoshoot to mock the fact that we were dressed like the occult.”
She was defeated. That’s it? She’d been panicking over this for… nothing?
Wait. Wait a minute.
Meiko… Meiko had totally pushed her to do this, despite the chance of her getting rejected. Which meant…
Meiko totally knew Len felt the same way.
That… evil…!
“So, like, does this mean we’re dating, or…?” Len asked.
Rin turned beet red at the mention of dating. Dating Len. Wow. Wow. Just wow. Big fat wow.
“Y-yes?” she squeaked.
He grinned at her, a mischievous glint in his eye. “So, does that mean I can have you sit on me again?”
“Never mind I changed my mind—”
Rin smiled and sat forward, leaning across the table. She remembered the look on his face from the photoshoot, with his wide eyes staring up at her as she had leaned over him, playing with his hair. She wanted to see that look. She wanted to see it again.
Len gazed at her as she reached out and grabbed the collar of his shirt. She brought her face close to his. “Only if we go to your apartment after this. I haven’t cleaned mine for a month.”
“That’s disgusting,” he said into her face. “Sounds good.”
Then she kissed him on the lips.
It was awesome.
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honey-girlie · 4 years
every kind of way ch. 2
chapter: 2/3
word count: ~3k
a/n: i actually don’t like this chapter all that much lol, but here is. i’m still finishing up the last chapter, so i’ll be posting it in a few days. thank you again to anyone who’s reading!!
[link to chapter 1]
[link to ao3]
x x x
Predictably, Levi was upset with the news. 
He fought her at every turn and glowered when he heard Jake’s name, muttering something about how he could never trust a guy that quiet. And even if Eris had explicitly told him — multiple times, no less — that they were broken up, Levi had also made a Hail Mary attempt at turning her head. It was a miracle she hadn’t smacked him for that one. Instead, she very coolly asserted her feelings for Jake. There was no head-turning for her, especially not for Levi.
He had stormed off shortly after that, but not before he made sure to mention that she and Jake would never work as a couple outside the villa. As Eris prepared to head for the firepit, Cherry also had come up to her and said the exact same thing.
Eris rolled her eyes hard enough to dizzy herself. Levi’s and Cherry’s opinions didn’t matter. No one’s did.
She repeated the mantra to herself during the recoupling and ignored everyone’s incredulous expressions when Jake happily called her name. He did the same, spending most of the recoupling offering her giddy smiles and comforting touches. Though he tensed up during Levi’s turn, Jake kept calm and accepted Levi’s sneers with a defiant stare. 
They were finally together, and after all the drama they’ve been through on the island, there was little anyone could do or say to stop them. 
Eris couldn’t have been more relieved by the end of the recoupling. She and Jake wandered to the daybeds while the others scattered elsewhere, their hands entwined. He shot her a look of concern and asked how she was holding up, and she answered honestly. 
Perfect, she said, beaming at him. 
He grinned right back and picked her up in a crushing embrace, lifting her a few inches. Eris wrapped her arms around his neck and kissed him, but their moment was cut short at the sound of footsteps nearing them. Jake lowered her to the ground as Tim and Jen walked over, smiling knowingly at them. 
“You two look well cozy,” Tim teased. “Did the recoupling go the way you wanted, then?”
Eris and Jake glanced at each other. The second their eyes met, they grinned again. Jen squealed in delight. 
“You guys are so adorable!” she exclaimed. “I knew without a doubt Jake would pick you.”
Eris’ heart clenched. “Our relationship is still new, but we’re solid. I didn’t doubt him either.”
Jake reached for her hand and planted a kiss on her knuckles, his eyes bright and happy. “I love that you trusted me,” he murmured. “I’d have picked you every single time, even if it cost me a friendship.”
She tucked her lips in to keep from smiling so wide. 
Tim snorted. “Mate, you are such a melt!”
Jake merely shrugged. His gaze remained locked Eris. “I’m more romantic than people think.”
Whatever Jen was about to say was interrupted at the sound of her phone beeping. The four of them stared at it for a moment before Jen picked it up, her face wary. She called the Islanders to gather around, and they all scurried over to the daybeds. Levi scowled at her when she caught his gaze, but she gave him no reaction.
Once everyone was gathered, Jen cleared her throat and read the text. 
Islanders, you are now in your final days on Love Island. Tonight, the public will vote for their favorite couple. The couples with the fewest votes risk being dumped from the Island tomorrow night. The couples that remain will enter the final, and have a chance to win the £50,00 prize.
With raised eyebrows, Eris glanced up to see several shocked faces. Four people would be dumped tomorrow, and with her and Jake being in such a late couple, she wouldn’t be surprised if they received less votes. 
After a moment’s thought, she found that she wasn’t too troubled. She came to the show to find a partner she could have a future with, regardless of whether or not she won. After today’s events, she could safely say that Jake was that person for her, and she for him. Money was always nice, but if she and Jake were to leave the Island early, she wouldn’t shed any tears over it. Part of her was excited to be back home anyway. 
Beside Eris, Jake squeezed her hand. She turned to him and saw a relaxed smile on his face, and she knew he shared her thoughts. Eris smiled back. 
A few of the Islanders made small comments about tomorrow’s dumping, but other than that, everyone was quiet, the reminder of the competition looming over their heads. They all went their separate ways to wind down for the night and prepare for bed. 
Jake went off to chat with the boys while Eris joined the other girls in the dressing room to remove their makeup. Cherry continued throwing sour looks her way, but Eris refused to spare her single glance. She’d had too long of a day to have the energy to rehash the same argument with the younger girl, and besides, Eris was still over the moon about her and Jake being an official couple. Like Levi, Cherry’s anger didn’t warrant any real reaction from her. 
Bless Jen for easing the tension by starting up a quiet conversation with Eris. 
“I can’t believe our summer’s nearly over,” Jen murmured. 
Eris smiled gratefully and responded, “I think it’s the right time.”
“You think so?”
Eris shrugged. “We all tried our best, and some of us have really found the right person.”
Cherry scoffed and rolled her eyes before shooting up from her seat. Jen and Eris watched warily as Cherry stalked out of the room without a single word, her hands clenched into fists. 
Jen pursed her lips. “Don’t worry about her, babes. Give her time. She’ll come around.”
“Can’t say I particularly care,” Eris murmured. “It wasn’t like we were ever on friendly terms, and I doubt we ever will be.” She lifted her chin. “But I don’t regret what I did.”
Jen patted her hand. “And you shouldn’t. We all need to put ourselves first.” She paused for a moment, contemplating. “I don’t think I was doing that when I first came into the villa. I tried too hard to keep Levi coupled up with me. I just think I had to find myself first.” A smile spread across her face. “And then I found Tim. I think I achieved everything I wanted. I’m really proud of my journey in the villa. I think I’m living my best life.”
Eris scooted over to squeeze Jen on the shoulder. She had come a long way from the girl Eris had originally met the first day in the villa. Jen and Tim had since become some of her closest confidants, especially in the last several days. As ecstatic as Eris was about the way things turned out for herself, she was just as pleased for her friends. 
“I’m happy for you, Jen. Really.”
“Babes, thank you!” Jen grinned and lightly elbowed Eris. “I know you must be feeling good about your experience too. In fact...” She leaned in as she glanced around, whispered conspiratorially. “I kinda know something I’m not supposed to tell you.”
Intrigued, Eris quirked a brow. “What? What do you know?”
The glint in Jen’s eyes was unmistakable. “Where do you think Jake is right now?”
As if on cue, Jake peeked his head in the dressing room, scanning around for Eris. When he spotted her, he grinned. “Hey, you. Can I borrow you for a chat? Once you’re finished, of course.”
Eris smiled back. She hoped the butterflies in her stomach just from seeing him would never go away. “Of course.”
“Great. Give me a couple of minutes, then come meet me on the roof terrace,” he said before ducking back out. 
She stared after him for a second, even after the door had closed, then she turned back to Jen. Jen’s expression was full of barely contained excitement. 
Eris playfully narrowed her eyes. “Should I be expecting something big?”
With an innocent shrug, Jen replied, “I really don’t know, hun, but I think Jake has something he wanted to tell you. Maybe you should find out!”
Eris bit her lip. She wished she hadn’t taken off all her makeup. Clearly, whatever Jake wanted to say to her was important. 
She forced herself not to run straight to the terrace and instead idly cleaned up her little station. It couldn’t have been more than thirty seconds before she gave up, growing restless. Jen offered a gleeful smile as Eris left the dressing room and hurried to the roof terrace. 
With an eager spring in her step, she threw open the door. Eris gasped and froze at the sight that greeted her. 
The terrace glowed with soft lights from several small candles and the string lights hanging on the walls. There were so many candles that it diffused the normally chilly rooftop with enough warmth to tingle her skin. And petals, rose petals littered around the place, scattered all over from the floor to the benches. A bottle of wine and two glasses were propped up on the table, and standing right in the middle of everything was Jake. He had spun around at her abrupt entrance, but when he spotted her, he beamed. 
It was the most romantic gesture anyone’s ever done for her. 
Eris stood at the doorway, mouth agape. 
“Are you kidding?” she exhaled. 
Jake looked around at his work. “Well, it wasn’t all me. I got Jen and Tim to help. But... yeah.” A flash of uncertainty crossed his face. “Is it... okay? Do you like it?”
She barked out a laugh and hurried over to him, throwing her arms around his neck. Relaxing, Jake sighed and engulfed her in his embrace. 
“It’s beautiful,” Eris whispered. “Thank you. I don’t even know what this is for.”
He pulled back and met her eyes. “This has all happened pretty fast for us. I just wanted to show you that this, that you really mean something to me.” Jake cupped her face in his big, warm hands, and she melted into him. “We’ve only officially been together since this afternoon, but this is something I’ve wanted for a long time,” he murmured. “It’s not a spur-of-the-moment thing.”
“It’s not for me either,” Eris returned. “It’s always been you, remember?”
Jake released a contented sigh and rubbed his thumbs over her cheekbones, then he let go to pull her towards the bench. “Sit with me.”
He took her hand as they sat side by side, their thighs flush with one another, and once they were settled, he turned to her. Eris had no idea what else he had planned for them tonight, but she couldn’t contain the grin spreading across her face. His own lips curled into a smile. 
“I love that you’re so chill,” he chuckled. “It makes me feel calmer.” He nodded his chin to the wine on the table. She noticed that one of the glasses was nearly empty. “I would’ve waited to open it with you, but I needed it to calm my nerves.”
Nerves? Jen did mention that Jake had something he wanted to tell her. At the reminder, Eris straightened and twisted her torso to face him directly. 
“What do you mean?” she asked. 
Jake took a deep breath before speaking. “I’m a real romantic at heart. I’m sure you know that by now.”
She cast a wry glance around the decorated terrace. “I think I’m starting to get an idea, yeah.”
His lips quirked. “I wrote you something to let you know how serious I am about us as a couple.”
Eris’ breath hitched, but when she remembered the poem he’d written for Talia, she held back a laugh. Something told her he hasn’t improved much as a poet since then. 
Her theory was proven right when Jake recited, “Roses are red, violets are blue, you took a chance on me, and I’m committed to you.”
She broke out in a wide grin, the same kind a proud mother would give a child for some macaroni art. For someone so good with words, he wasn’t the most eloquent poet. Still, Jake and his elementary rhymes were so adorable, it hurt. 
Eris leaned in to press a kiss on his cheek, and with bright eyes, he shot her a cheerful look, evidently pleased with himself. The man was actually a puppy dog. 
“That was well corny,” she uttered, “and I absolutely loved every bit of it.”
Jake’s laugh was full-on, loud and free, and she couldn’t get enough of it. She wanted to hear it every chance she got, every day they had together. 
“Always the honest one,” he said through his laughter. “Either way, I’m glad you liked it. But maybe I should stick to cooking, yeah?”
Eris adamantly shook her head. “Corny or not, no one’s ever written me poetry before. You’re just... you’re the sweetest man, Jake. We’ve been together less than a day, and you put in the effort to write me things and set up this roof terrace for me. I don’t —” She let out a helpless laugh and took one of his hands in her lap. “I don’t know what to say. You make me really happy.”
She avoided his gaze as her cheeks burned at her rambling, but she refused to take back her words. Things between her and Jake had moved fast, but it felt right, more right than it had been with anyone else both in and out of the villa. 
Jake was silent for a drawn-out moment, and her cheeks grew redder. When he sucked in a breath, Eris finally glanced up. She was taken aback at the intensity that had formed in his gaze. 
His next words came out in a rushed exhale. “Will you be my girlfriend?”
Eris’ eyes bulged as she gaped. Girlfriend? She had no idea the depth of his feelings — let alone the existence of them — until a few hours ago, and now he was asking her to take another big step in their very new relationship. She at least understood why he had been so nervous earlier. 
At her reaction, Jake pushed on. “I know it’s a bit soon, but you make me happy too. Like, stupid happy. I’ve never felt the way I do about you with anyone else.” He paused, his intense stare growing so tender, her breath caught in her throat. “I’m falling for you, Eris,” he whispered. “I don’t even care about winning or being in the final. I just want to be with you —”
“Yes,” she blurted.
As if she even needed convincing in the first place. Eris was ready to commit to him the same way he admitted he was to her. She’s been ready for some time now. 
He paused, blinking, and then his face split into an enormous, radiant smile that wrinkled his eyes. Her heart burst at the sight as she beamed back. Taking her face in his hands, Jake brought their lips together in a passionate kiss. Despite its fervency, there was a gentleness to it too, and Eris knew they’d have hundreds, thousands of kisses just like it. 
Her boyfriend. She rather liked the sound of that. 
When they pulled apart, he pressed a final kiss to her forehead. Her skin tingled where his lips lay as he spoke. 
“I can’t believe you said yes,” he exhaled. 
Eris snickered. “Did you really think I’d say no?”
“Maybe. Yes. I don’t know.” Jake reared back to look at her with a relieved smile. “I wasn’t sure what would happen. Besides, I’ve told you how overconfidence is a killer. I couldn’t be too certain.”
“Well, you’re officially stuck with me now. No takebacks.”
Jake smoothed his thumbs over her cheekbones. “Good,” he murmured.
They stayed on the terrace for a little while longer, talking idly and drinking a bit more. Eris would have loved to spend the rest of the night there with him, but exhaustion started creeping on her. Once they finished off their glasses of wine, they decided to call it a night, leaving the terrace hand-in-hand. 
Despite how tired she was, she was brimming with elation. For the past few days, Eris was sure she had screwed over her chance on the show to find a partner. Now, she was leaving the island with the sweetest, most adoring and thoughtful man, a man who also happened to be her boyfriend. Funny how different her day turned out when it started on such an awful note, but maybe she should’ve expected it, being on Love Island and all. 
By the time Eris and Jake returned to the darkened bedroom, the rest of the Islanders were tucked into bed, all apart from Jen. She was hanging around by the entrance, seemingly waiting for them, and when they finally showed up, Jen squealed. She quietly cheered and congratulated them with a hug. Jake whispered an additional thanks for helping him set up the terrace, and Jen winked before whisking away. 
Eris and Jake changed and got ready for bed, then they climbed under the duvet together, cuddling close. His arms tightened around her, and in seconds, they both began to drift off. Before succumbing to a peaceful sleep, Eris let one last smile grace her lips as she remembered how unspeakably good it felt to be his again.
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