#I ment to read it earlier when i saw it drop but i was in the middle of losing my mind cramming a book...haha...
sleepy-pile-of-ashe · 1 month
Took me a minute but I read the new LU update and
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The little hold is so cute 😭
And SKY my boy ily never change I'm so glad it was worked in ahaha 😭🤣🤣
(credit to JoJo of LU for these ofc)
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thekillingjoke-haha · 4 years
Prime Time,Bitch!
Tagged: @spnquotebingo the keep reading function is messing up for me
Sam said he was locked up tight in the dungeon. He was never locked in with her. She was locked in with him. The hunter becomes the hunted with no where to run.
Warning: Mature Language,Blood,Gore,Character Death?
-"Thoughts"- (they are red for those who can see)"Quotes" 'Reading'
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"I'll be right back. This demon side is fighting to stay in control. I just need a few more pints of blood." Sam said as he slung a bag on his shoulder. "Yeah I got it get some food to!" Y/n said with a smile as she walked him to the impala. The roar of the engine rumbled as she waved him off going back inside what she didn't know was Dean knew that Sam just left and a chilling smile grew on his face.
Y/n popped popcorn as she sat in her room a horror movies playing as she got comfortable. A scream came from the movie drowning out the sound of the dungeon door opening up. The youngest Winchester laughed as a girl tripped over nothing her and Dean always make fun of them they had no real reason to hit the ground so they should get right up. This made her slightly sad. Was Sam going to fix Dean or was it already to late for him? Shaking off the thought the killer was about to crush the women's skull when the power cut out,but the red emergency lights didn't cut on yet which was weird. "God damnit." She grumbled getting up and grabbed a flashlight and went to the breaker to fix it walking right past the open door. Flipping the switch the normal lights don't turn on only the red ones and she turned around to get her phone to call Sam when she dropped her flashlight. Y/n gazed at the empty chair in the center of a devils trap she took off running to her room,but paused he knew she would run there for her phone and Dean or the demon he's become won't let her get help. She changed course to Sam's panic room to hide.
"Oh N/n where are you? I miss my little sister don't you miss me?" A metal sound of something dragging on the floor made her tense. Thinking of all possible things it could be of how she's going to die.–'It could be a bat,but we don't have any metal ones in the bunker. Maybe a sledgehammer,but that would have ment he when into the garage and the power going out would have locked everything.''– Her eyes widen as she released what it was he must have been carrying around she was sharpening it with the rest of the blades earlier that day."Have you figured it out yet? I know how you think when a horror movie is playing you see ever scenario before the movie can catch up. No wonder Sammy says you cheat at Clue!" Dean laughed as he seemed to wander to each room. The sound of wood splitting as he yelled "Here's Johnny!!!" It seemed so much worse that Dean was the evil this time a normal demon would know her so personally this seemed almost cruel him quoting films they watched together. "What to clichés? I admit the axe is old school."
The panic room the size of a cubbie it was so small,but just big enough I could calm down and think properly. Looking up another version of myself sat in front of me...my conscience. I could speak,but she could she's in my head after all. –"You can't run. There's nowhere to go doors locked down the moment the lights went."– I saw a illusion of myself running through the halls just to hit a corner and get a axe to the chest before it faded away. –"Can't go for your phone or your laptop he probably broke it the moment he noticed you weren't in your room."– I saw myself creep into my room just to see a shattered phone and my laptop with a cracked screen buffering to open instant messenger to text Sam. The laptop was slammed shut on my fingers causing some to break and get sliced by the glass looking up the sick grin of the Demon caught my eye before the axe ended that path. –"The burner. The one in your dresser Dean doesn't know about it so neither would the demon.Get it and get back here as quickly as possible. "– It was settled call for help. Listening for any foot steps I creep out of the hiding space a faint whistle going off down one of the many halls way from my room. Sneaking down the hallway staying low I get to my room where the door is torn to shreds as I open my drawer and fish out the phone. Going back down the hallway I get back to Sam's room and immediately call him.
"This call has been forwarded to a automatic voice message at the tone ples–" Hanging up I call again and again with no answer. At this point help was no longer a option. The whistling seemed to get closer and I rushed to the panic room until I paused. –"A enclosed space in a closet. There's not much space to move around if he finds you there your done for."– I back away slightly. –"Behind the door offers a easy place to hide and get out,but if he does the same to Sammy's door he did to yours it's not much of a hiding spot then."– A axe goes through the door creating a massive hole and Dean peaks inside and sees the white of you tank top in your (f/n) flannel. The door was whole again as I looked around the sound of metal getting louder running out of time. –"Under the bed allows you to see him without him seeing you,but like the panic cubbie not a lot of wiggle room if he hears you your done."– It was too late running to the metal door of the panic room she slams it shut not to loud to sound like she's trying to hide it,but just loud enough for the demon to register it. Sealing it shut I slip under the bed and wait for the time to get out and hopefully find a weapon.
Boots walked into the room turning to the closed closet. "Oh N/n!~ There's only so many places to hide in such a small room. Did you really think I wouldn't hear that heavy ass door close?" He chuckled darkly as he opened the closet and went to the small door. Dean tried turning the wheel to unsealed it,but it seemed to dawn on him that it could only be opened from the inside. With a huff anger he began pulling the brick of the wall started to bend outwards and crack. I was glad I wasn't in there. Going to slip out from under the bed while he's distracted the burner phone rang its annoying ringtone. Not even bothering to stop it I rush to get out faster,but a firm grip caught my ankle and dragged me out. Turning onto my back Dean stood their his apple green eyes staring at me. "Found you." He lifted up the axe having let go of my ankle lifting up my feet I put as much strength as possible into kicking his stomach. The demon was knocked back into the closest hitting the ground. Unfortunately axe still in hand. Stanfing up I ran leaving the phone behind. -"Sam took Baby so the trunk armory is out of the question. The garage has so pretty handy tools too bad that it was sealed along with the front and only entrance. Kitchen has knifes none that can hurt him,but just enough to slow him down. Library demon blade was in there last you checked,but Sam could have grabbed and put it on a high shelf."– Too many options and the kitchen was closer so that was the first stop grabbing a knife I held it tightly as a stalked slowly to the Library to see if there were any supernatural weapons.
The library was dark and the red lighting barely lit up the large room. "Would you like to play a game?" Dean mocked in a deep voice as he went around the bunker his voice echoing no real pinpointing where he is. I can't call Sam and prying to Cas hasn't worked meaning Dean made angel banishing symbols in most of the rooms. Y/n was getting desprit the bunkers massive size most of it was unexplored by them so being lost in a underground maze b wasn't the best option. "Are you scared yet Y/n? Well be afraid. Be very afraid. I'm what goes bump in the night sweetheart! Never thought the Winchester’s downfall will be by the hands of the oldest. What a twist!!! Right?" Dean yelled turning to the table I saw the supplies I cleaned with,but the weapons were gone and a note was left on in their place. 'Hey Y/n I put the weapons back into the trunk for tomorrow's hunt so you wouldn't have to...you're welcome and your blade was just sitting on the table so I put it up. ~Love Sam' I wanted to cry oh chuck nothing can save me in this buncker Bobby was sending us gallons of holy water next week because we were low...all rooms were demon proof,but he seemed to be a exception now,so no calling Crowley either.
Turning around the library doors open and I duck behind one of the many shelves. "Welcome to my nightmare!~" He said with a chuckle that bounced from every wall. Dean knocked down books and destroyed anything in his way while he looked around. Crawling on the ground I go to leave when the sound of something whooshing in the arm made me drop like a bag of rocks. The axe meet the shelf and I gazed at the red illuminated face of my brother eyes now black and demented. Laughter bubbled out of his chest as he mumbled. "Carful dear wouldn't want to lose you head." Yanking the axe free many books tumbled down. Taking the kitchen knife in hand I slash his calf and go for his thigh when the knife is flung out of my hands. "You little bitch!!!" He hissed now holding the knife and showing it into my stomach. A silent cry came from my lips bot to give him the satisfaction of my screams just yet. I look up at him and just past his head where I couldn't normally reach was the handle of my blade peeking over the shelf.
I begin to giggle and it turns into fits of laughter. Black eyes flicker back to confused green ones. "What's so funny?" I catch my breath as I lean up slightly. "You picked the wrong place to corner me. Wanna play?" Grabbing his knee and pulling it buckled under him causing Dean to hit the shelf letting the blade fall freely. Reaching out I catch it "Let’s play." Stabbing upward into his stomach the same place the knife was lodged in my own stomach. He howled in pain as I removed the blade and ran keeping pressure on the knife wound as I turned corners just to get away. -'He played with your head play with his. The intercomes...a good distraction can lead him away and let you get the jump.'- I hurry to the intercoms not before making a pit stop.
Demon!Dean POV
I growl at the wound on my body the little shit stabbed me. This makes killing her so much easier then she can be just like me. Grabbing the axe I stomp through the bunker. "What a excellent day for an exorcism." Her voice sounded through the speakers now I know were she is. "Would you like that?" I said aloud with a grin. "Intensely." Y/n said trying to make her voice horse before the clipping sound of the intercom stopping rang out before being replaced with a creepy melody that always scared her. "There was a crooked man. He walked a crooked mile he had a crooked six pence upon a crooked stile." It went on with childish like tones until it got further in the song it was so god damn loud though. "The crooked man stepped forth and... rang the crooked bell and thus his crooked soul... spiraled into a crooked hell.Murdered his crooked family... and laughed a crooked laugh." My ear drums almost burst at the loud deep voiced scream ears still ringing I didn't register the blade being driving into my sholder flinging her back I turn around as she's running down the narrow hallway taking the axe with both hands throw it straight and the axe hit her almost dead center in the spine. The audio cut off after the song and I stood over her. Y/n had her face turned coughing up blood I definitely hit her lung. "Thanks for catching it for me." I smile as I heavily put my foot on the small of her back pulling the axe out. She screamed out it was mildly gurgle from the blood. Turning her over my little sisters eyes shined with unshed tears. "Oh,no tears,please. It's a waste of good suffering." I said with a small whipping the few that slipped by she whimpered Sam's name and I grew frustrated. Lifting the axe again. "Looks like you couldn't make the cut,N/n. Just another extra that stuck around for too long." Dropping the axe down it went into her chest the creaking of her collar bone and sternum were whispers compared to the blood curdling cry. They soon died out as her skin paled and her breathing stopped she'llmake a strong demon. "See you soon." Taking the axe out I begin to drag her body.
The lights in the bunker cut back on meaning Sammy was home. Having placed her perfectly in the chair I was tied to I wait until he finds her standing next to the door. "Y/n?! Y/n!?" He yelled most likely having gone to her room rushing the the dungeon his heavy foot steps abruptly stopped. "Oh God! Y/n come on!" The moose of a man rushed in the room cradling her face in his hand. "You were too late, Sammy. She called your name before she went,but I guess five missed calls wasn't enough for you to rush home. N/n fought for so long waiting it out just for you to never show." I said closing the door as he turned to me standing infront of her corpse. "You didn't make things easy on her. I mean you took all the weapons and put the only thing to defend herself on the top shelf...like keeping the cookie jar way from a child. In some way you killed her before I could." Lifting the demon blade that had his own blood on it. I stalked towards him cornering him in the room. "Sure you won't give me a good chase,but woah she wore me out." Holding the blade to his throat when a gun shot fired and a sting hit my arm causing me to drop the knife.
Y/n stood colt in her left hand the axe keeping her up in her left. "Demons always so sure that what's dead is dead and can't be undead. Ever heard of a pulse jackass. " so distracted that she was alive Sam was able to restrain and she held a handful of bags of blood. "Let's get this over with." She bagan to inject me and I felt myself become mire human and I started thrashing hard. With the last vile in hand she looked into my eyes. "You should be dead." I hissed as she pushed the needle in. "Sorry. I'm into survival."
A/n This is the last one in round one of the Spnquotebingo and I ended with a dozen quotes.
Title: "Prime Time,Bitch!" Nightmare on Elm Street 3: Dream Warriors
"Here's Johnny!" -The shinning
"Would you like to play a game?" - Saw
"...be afraid. Be very afraid"- The fly
"Welcome to my nightmare."- Nightmare on Elm Street
"..lose your head." Alice in Wonderland
"Wanna play?"- Child's Play
"What a excellent day for an exorcism...Would you like that?....Intensely." - The Exorcist
"There was a crooked man. He walked a crooked mile he had a crooked six pence upon a crooked stile." It went on with childish like tones until it got further in the song it was so god damn loud though. "The crooked man stepped forth and... rang the crooked bell and thus his crooked soul... spiraled into a crooked hell.Murdered his crooked family... and laughed a crooked laugh." - The Conjuring 2
"Oh,no tears,please. It's a waste of good suffering." - Hellraiser
"See you soon." - Coraline
"She called your name before she went,but I guess..." -Hadestown
"...what's dead is dead and can not me undead." -Jacksepticeye (DBD playthrough)
"I'm into survival." ‐Nightmare on Elm Street
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obsessive-ego · 4 years
Green vibe
Musical Beetlejuice xfemreader
After you caught beetlejuice with your vibrator, you were mad at him, he trys to win you over with a replacement.
WARNING nsft content, voyeurism, possessed vibrator, yeah with a clueless reader
Part one
You couldnt help but laugh at the contents of the gift, a few days ago you caught your pal beetlejuice with your vibrator in his mouth, you were so upset at this breach of privacy, you decided to just ignore him, there was no point in being upset or angry with him, he never took anything seriously anyway, let alone your feelings. The rest of that day was so weird, it was like he wasnt even there, he avoided you, and you him, when Lydia summoned him back, there were no 'good byes' or warnings, just a cloud of smoke and silence, you thought nothing of this, eventually you'll forgive him, and things will be fine, but right now, you wanted to be upset.
But this, an apology gift? You honestly never would have guessed beetlejuice was capable of apologizing, let alone with a gift. You couldnt help but laugh through your nose when you saw the contents, a bright green vibrator, a little bottle of lube, and a note. As embarrassing as it is to have the ghoul pick out a sex toy for you, his heart was in the right place at least, maybe the Maitlands suggested this, the apology gift part at least, probably not the whole sex toy part.
The note though, his hand writing was a mess, but you've had professors with worse.
"Sorry I put your vibrator in my mouth, here is a brand new, NEVER BEEN OPENED one, and some lube to get the party started, PS this one is a tad bigger ;)"
'Never been opened' you inspect the package, factory seal still intact, you sigh, glancing back at the note, you blush rereading the part saying 'this one is a tad bigger' the idea of the demon remembering your old toy's size and deciding you needed a bigger one made a shiver run up your spine.
As awful and chaotic as he could be, there was a part of him that honestly ment well, despite all of his glaring flaws you honestly really liked him, he was so much fun to have around, he was funny, creative, attractive, and charming in his own gross way.
You bite your bottom lip, today was a shitty day at work, maybe you could try it out, let off some steam, but first, is the demon is question around? How did this box even get here? I mean he's magic, so, either way you do a sweep of your apartment just in case.
With the coast being clear you decide its safe. You take the toy out of its box, Beej wasnt kidding it was bigger, you sigh and take it to the bathroom to clean it.
As you busied yourself, you shiver, shrugged it off as nerves, unknown to you Beetlejuice was standing right beside you, giddy as can be, of course he made himself invisible to you. Earlier that day he begged Lydia to take him to your apartment so he could apologize to you, the teen couldnt take his whining, and caved. A few months back you gave the kid a key to your place so she could feed your cat when you were out of town for a weekend, and never really asked for it back. You didnt live too far from the Deetz, give or take a 10 minute bus ride, or a 20 minute walk, so having the goth drop by wasnt uncommon or have her drop by summon beetlejuice and leave wasnt uncommon either.
"Gonna give me a show sweetheart? You're gonna love this thing doll, I promise~" beetlejuice was buzzing with excitement, he honestly didnt think youd try it out right away, he WAS gonna jump out and surprise you and see if you accept his apology, but kinda got caught up in watching you he forgot to become visible again.
Beetlejuice watches you dry off the vibrator, he couldnt help but drool, he loved watching you work with your hands, would love to have them work on him.
Walking back into your room, you close the door behind you, you live alone, but old habits die hard. You slip out of your pantyhose and skirt, oblivious to the wolf whistles and lecherous eyes.
Sliding off your panties, you slingshot them at the laundry pile and miss, Beej couldnt help but laugh "nice try babes, you ever need a hand with aiming, I dont mind being a target~" pointing to his face.
You plop down on the bed, propping up some pillows to get more comfortable, you were kinda nervous, this thing WAS bigger then the old one, and you've been meaning to get an upgrade, but still, taking a deep breath you reach for the little bottle of lube that was included to the apology gift.
Beetlejuice was sitting on the edge of you bed watching like a hawk, he nearly screamed when he saw you pick up the tiny bottle, the vibrator was untouched, but the bottle, he couldnt help himself, he spat in the lube before boxing it up, call it a more personal touch, or an indirect kiss.
Taking another deep breath you squirt a bit of the lube onto you hand, gently apply it to your vagina, you gasp at the cold contact. The demon was drooling at this, hair an electric pink, you were using his spit, sorta, to get yourself ready for a toy HE got you, he had no idea what he did to get such a stroke of luck but he wasnt complaining.
As you lube up the toy, beetlejuice began palming himself through his pants "come on sugar, you're gonna love this, there is no way you wont forgive me after this" he purred, not that you could hear him.
You mumble a soft 'okay' as you carefully slide the toy in, you've done this multiple times before, but the fact that this was a new toy, a new size, made you a tad nervous, being stretched a little further then usual, did feel good.
"That's it Sugar, that's it, you're doing so well, you like that? Nice and thick, just like yours truly~"
you sigh, toy fully inside.
"Take your time sweets, make sure you're well adjust" the demon coos, freeing his cock from its prison.
You turn the toy on, buzzing to life, you jump and curse, even on the lowest setting it had power. After you regain your composure, you begin pumping the vibe in and out, already panting, and moaning, beetlejuice begins matching you pace for bit before picking it up.
"Alright sweetheart, its showtime"
With a snap of his fingers the vibrator begins pumping itself, matching the ghouls pace, buzzing harder then orginally set.
"What the fuck?!" You shriek, gasping and squirming, you let go of the vibe, watching it move on it's own, a weird mix of horror and arousal, what the fuck what going on?! Maybe you should have read the box, or instructions, your train of thought was interrupted by the vibrator picking up its pace, you roll your head back shouting curses and praise on how good it feels.
"You like that sugar?" The demon purrs leaning over you, as hot as it would be to fuck you proper, possessing a toy to fuck you was still incredibly sexy, and the fact that you were openly enjoying it was the icing on the cake.
"PLEASE Beetlejuice, thank you!" You scream, hips bucking hard.
The ghoul flinches, yes it was hot to hear you scream his name, but you didnt put two and two together did ya? You can be clueless at times, but...
"FUCK" you shout cumming hard.
"Already? Sweets? I'm still working on my own" he demon sighs, "I know you're a one and done type sweetheart, but today, how bout we change that?~" his voice drops to that low seductive tone that would make a shiver run up your spine, not that you could hear him.
The buzzing has stopped, the movement has stop, you lay there basking in the aftermath slowly regaining your breath, sighing, it hasnt been that good in a long while, you reach for the box the toy came in to see what was up with that setting, before you could reach the box the buzzing started again, you flinched still being sensitive from your first orgasm. Your old toy used to do that, turn on and off for no reason, so you didnt find it odd, you go to turn off and pull out the vibe, when the intensity ramps up and the pumping starts up again.
"Round 2 sugar" the ghoul coos "nice and sensitive, and soaking wet for me~" beetlejuice begins pumping his cock again, starting off slow, then gradually picking up speed, the vibrator matched his pace, Beej drooled at the sight of you, an absolute mess, because of him, hair a mess, legs shaking, flushed, on the brink of tears, he loved it, he wanted you so bad, to pound you into the mattress for real, but you were so clueless to his advances.
You were so nice to him all the time, you laugh at his jokes, let him scare whoever is dumb enough to knock on your door, yeah you two fought, but you always came around, but this time he thought he owed you a proper apology.
"Come on sugar, you look so good for me, you like that? Yeah you do, come for me sweetheart, give me all that you got" the ghoul whispers in your ear, bucking hard into his hand, the shout as the vibrator mimicked his actions, beetlejuice couldnt help but chuckle at the beautiful sounds he was getting from you.
Beetlejuice begins a punishing pace stocking his cock, he was close, could you blame him? The sight of his breather an absolute hot mess plus the noises you were making? He's surprised he lasted this long. But he needed you to come first since he was possessing the toy.
With the pace beetlejuice has set, had you shaking, "Fuck, I can't, I'm gonna-please, Beej!" You babbled
Beetlejuice has spied on you during your private time more then once, it was always music to his ears when he herd you say his name during that special time.
"BEETLEJUICE!" And with that you came for the second time, bucking your hips hard, beetlejuice came shortly after, helping you ride out the orgasm with the vibe, he slowly turned down the buzzing till it stopped completely. Once you came back down, you were quick to remove the toy, and good as it was, you were too exhausted for anymore, and feeling a tad dizzy.
"Have fun sweets?" Do you forgive me?~" Bj coos, not that you could hear, he straightens himself up, wiping his cum covered hand on his pants.
Once you're back together you finally pick up the box the vibrator came in, you sigh when you see the word 'Netherworld', that explains alot, he got this from the netherworld.
"A vibrator for the dead, dead or not, that was amazing" you sigh
Beetlejuice couldnt help but mimic your sigh, not that he needed to breath, thank god slash satan for oblivious nature.
"I guess I can forgive that dumbass" you mumble as you redress yourself, the demon still sitting on the edge of your bed does a little fist pump, mission accomplished, he'll probably reveal himself to you in an hour or so.
Staring at the freshly used vibrator while he waited for you to leave the room, hoping he'd get the chance to 'clean it for you' this time, but of course you were the tidy type, and snatched it right from under him.
Well at least you forgive him now.
Later on that evening, You were in the kitchen making fried rice, simple but yummy, as you stirred around the contents of the pan you start to zone out.
"what's cooking good looking?" a familiar gravely voice whispers in your ear.
You nearly jump out of your skin
"BEETLEJUICE!" You shout, the demon couldnt help but laugh.
"Love that loud voice of yours sweetheart, bet it sounds great in the bedroom~" he laughs
You sigh, trying to collect any dignity you had left "when did you get here?"
"Lyd's and I were messing with your neighbors and she ditched me here, kid's today" he shrugs.
That wasnt the first time that has happened so you believe him.
"SO, did you get my gift? Did you like it? Did you take It for a spin?~" he purrs that last part wiggling his eyebrows.
Blushing hard at what he was implying, you look at your feet and mumble a quick yes.
"So what?"
"Do you forgive me?~" beetlejuice's face was inches from yours, eager for the awnser he already knew. You nodded, and the demon pulls you into a tight hug and spins you around like a rag doll.
"PERFECT! So did you enjoy it?~ on a scale from 1 to me, how hot was the ride?~" he cooed finally coming to a halt.
He laughed at your embarrased expression, he was thrilled to have his breather on his side again.
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loz-and-lu-fan-blog · 4 years
Memories of a Kokiri
Link earlier memories aren’t from the forest he grew up in, they aren’t with the little fairy Navi that might as well be his mother; no they are of Saria and Mido, at the orphanage they call home.
Link never remembers how he got there, his parents, his life before then was all a mystery to him. His first memory was of the nice man who ran the orphanage; the man who handed him food every day. He remembers how Saria looked before, she had deep brown hair that always seemed to get tangled, it's why she had cut it so short. Mido was the ‘bully’ in the orphanage, Link however thought it was because he was hungry, like so many others in this weird house.
The nice man that fed him made the children learn ‘skills’ as he calls them, learning how to make fire, making shelters, working with animals; the nice man said it would help them get adopted. One girl, who called herself Hila, told Link there wasn’t a point, that a family would never adopt any of them, especially after the war.
Link should have known something was up when the weird lady showed up to talk to the nice man. Something about the lady rubbed Link the wrong way, maybe it was that her eyes were slightly too far apart, or how her teeth look slightly too sharp. He should have known by the way the nice man reacted to her talk, the way his eyes held such fear but was trying to hide it behind a big reassuring smile. The nice man was worried about something but he never told any of the children.
Link remembers the day their life changed very clearly, the day they all became Kokiris.
It had been sometime in the afternoon when the nice man said he wanted to take the children to a special place to play and that they should grab any toys they wanted to bring. Link opted for a bag of pretty much everything he owned, the young boy never liked to leave it behind, before the large group of children got ready to leave. However before they left the nice man tied some very long strips of rope around the children, Link had to guess it was probably the length of the weird place they called home. Link faces must had confusion written all over it because the nice man explained.
“I don’t want you guys to get lost, it’s dangerous to get lost in the woods” He said with that force smile.
Link didn’t like the nice man’s worried look but Saria and the other children seemed to be fine with it so the young boy followed as well. 
To which they began their walk into the woods.
They walked and walked for a long time to the point each step filled Link with dread. Link wished he knew why the forest filled him with the horrible feeling but he could shake it. He went as far as taking a shell necklace, that must have been given to him by his parents, and breaking it and dropping it as he walked.
Finally they got to a clearing in the woods, a little grove with a stream cutting through it.
“Alright go play” The nice man said unroping most of the rope that he tied to his arm for the walk. Almost all the children took the order and began to run around, picking up the little frogs or playing in the water.
But not Link.
Link stood by the nice man's side, only ever looking at him when he asked why Link wasn’t playing. Link couldn’t shake the feeling he was having, he had it all the way of the walk and coming to the grove only seemed to make it worse. It felt like the time the big mean dog came to their house and just barked and glared at them, however there was no big mean dog, at least from what Link could see.
Saria must had noticed Link standing alone before grabbing the young boy and physically dragging him away from the nice man. They played by the water picking flowers, Link would often look up to see the nice man who always replied with a wave. Eventually Link got lost weaving the water flowers into Saria’s brown hair, ignoring Mido grumbles of wanting Link to play with him. Finally Link was finished with his flower crown and turned to the nice man to see his reaction to his creation.
But the nice man was gone.
Link let out a cry which seemed to alert the other children as well. The young boy ran down the path he had known they had taken to get here. The nice man had to have just walked away for a minute, or look for a snack! He always told them how dangerous the woods were when you were alone, he wouldn’t leave them alone! He was nice!
Link felt a jerk back, as he looked back he realized what happened. He...They were tied to a tree.
Link ran back to  his bag to take out a knife, something that was left to him by his parents. To which he slowly began trying to cut the ropes off the tree, not any easy task given his short nature. By the time all the children were free the sky had been painted with the colors that ment night was coming. Soon the children began to bicker, do they try to leave the forest following the path they took, or do they wait it out and walk in the morning.
It involved into a big argument, Mido went as far as to shove Link down. Saria finally yelled at the group of bickering children, opting for the idea of spending the night in the forest. Link and the other children, while not liking the idea, helped the best they could; some finding the edible berries they had read about while Link worked to build a roaring campfire.
By the time the sky was blanketed in darkness the group of children had a fire going and were eating some edible berries and plants for their dinner. Some of them were eating less than others but that's what they had to do.
Link couldn’t understand why but he felt that something was watching them, he was the one who voiced they stayed together after all. He still expected to see a big scary dog jump out at them, yet he heard no growling...it unnerved him. 
“I need to pee” a little boy, Zazo, stated.
“Well, go on then,” Mido said with annoyance in his voice. Zazo started to get up off the ground.
“No!” Link yelled standing up “Something out there, dangerous” screamed in his broken speech.
“Shut it Mr nobody!” Mido screamed at him which Link responded with his tongue sticking out. Saria seemed done by their actions.
“Link if it bugs you so much you can go look after Zazo” Saria states as Links nods and follows the other boy. They weren’t trying to go so deep into the woods, when they weren’t far enough to not see the light of the campfire anymore Link forced the other boy to stop.
Zazo just seemed to scoff at Link and gave Link a shooing motion to at least get some privacy. The younger boy gave an eye roll back and turned around to look towards the campfire. Link tried to shake his scared feeling by looking around at the rushing of the leaves or the dancing fireflies. It wasn’t until he heard some snapping of branches and the whimpres of Zazo that snapped Link to reality. The young child immediately turned around and ran to help his fellow friend.
Then he saw the creature.
Zazo was pinned by a giant creature, it had to at least be the size of the nice man. The giant creature reminded Link of the small lizards they would catch, considering it’s body was covered in scales. It had a pair of wings and long scaly tail; as well as long claws and teeth. The creature’s weirds legs supported it’s body as a clawed hand pinned the boy’s head, the creature's face was close to Zazo with a fanged smile. Zazo just whimpered under the creature’s grip, too scared to scream.
Link finally snapped out of his shock before realizing he needed to do something. The creature was to focus on Zazo to even notice Link had appeared. 
Link grabbed his knife running up to slash the creature’s chest; it let out a scream and releashed the shaking child. Link immediately grabbed Zazo while the beast was distracted and ran, just ran.
Until finally they were back at the campfire.
“Guys what’s wrong?” Saria asked the shaken boys that ran back to the campfire.
“Monster!! Monster out there!” Link cried out before going up to Saria and pulling on her arm “We need to go! Go!”
“Stop!!” Mido said pulling Link off Saria and shoving him down.
“Mido enough!” Saria screamed as she helped Link off the ground. Saria soon turned to the other boy.
“Zazo what happened? Was it a monster?” Saria asked the boy.
Link watched as Zazo stared down at his feet before looking around the group, the boy's eyes finally stopping on Mido. Link ignored the sheering that Mido gave him but something in his mind chilled when he saw Mido turned to Zazo and gave him a look before pointing a thumb at Link and laughing. Finally Zazo seemed to look up to face Saria.
“No..there was no monster” Zazo said in a shaky tone “I don’t know what Link is talking about” 
Zazo looked towards Mido with a smile as Mido said something positive before making fun of Link. However Link couldn’t stand this, was Zazo going to risk their safety for Mido’s approval?
“LIAR!!” Link cried out as he made a move to run over to the boy, only to be stopped by Saria “You saw! You saw!”
Saria immediately tried to pull Link into her arms to comfort him, and when he broke free of that, Hila, Lote, Vetho and Kiroi came over to hold his hands and try to calm him down. 
It didn’t help Link, he knew what he saw, that creature had to be the eyes watching them, it had to be! And they wanted to stay in the woods while that sharp creature was still running around. Why couldn’t they be in their weird home, with the nice man that fed them?!
“What’s wrong with the baby?” Mido had said making it very clear he was talking about Link. Something inside Link snapped and as he freed himself from the others grip, he tackled Mido to the ground throwing punches to any spot they could land.
“Your fault! Your fault!” Link screamed as he threw punches, if Mido wasn’t such a bully, if Zazo didn’t look up to him; they would all be safe.They would all be safe. Finally hands wrapped around Link pulling him off Mido, some of the boys stopping Mido from retaliating and attacking Link. 
“Enough!!” Saria screamed, putting herself between the two boys “You guys need to stop!”
“I’ve had enough of him!!” Mido screamed as he pointed a finger in Link’s face “If you can’t deal with staying in the forest then leave!”
“Fine…” Link said breaking away from the kids holding him back. He went to his bag trying to pack his knife and other stuff. Mido and the other boys grumbled at the idea and some of the other children seemed to follow Link.
“Link you can’t go alone, you said it yourself it’s too dangerous to go alone” Saria stated holding onto Link to try to stop him from going off in the night.
“He wouldn’t be alone” Vetho said as some of the others girls nodded “He’s is safer, has skills”
Link couldn’t help but smile as he grabbed a piece of wood to light it on fire making himself and the girls a torch for the dark night. Link grabbed onto Saria’s arm trying to pull her to come with him, however Saria pulled back.
“I need to stay here and make sure Mido and everyone else is safe; we’ll see you in the morning” Saria said with a smile as Mido smirked from behind her. Link felt dread fill up his body, he knew what he saw and if Saria didn’t follow him..what would happen? However Link could feel the eyes of the creatures on him, he felt like the snaps of the branches weren’t just the wind. 
Link allowed some tears to fall before taking out a wooden instrument that had been left with him when he had been dropped at the house. He shoved it into Saria’s arm with a quick bye and turned back to the path; off white seashells almost seemed to glow under the fire of his torch.
To which Link and his little group began to walk.
The group walked in a slow past, the girls grabbing each other's hands as well as Links. Normally Link’s first instinct would be to run as fast as he could and dragged the girls with him, but he knew better, one Hila was a lot smaller and couldn’t run as fast and two if that creature were hunting them, they would take notice of the fast moving children. Just like that mean dog when it bite him.
“Link!” a voiced cried out, causing the group of kids to stop. They turned to see Dedu running up to him, his face stained with tears.
“Monster! Heard sounds! Ziru was with me, it got her!” Dedu cried to Link as he tried to grab the boy's tunic. Link and the girls were trying to get the boy to calm down. “Oh the way here, heard screams” the boy cried out.
The group finally got the boy to stop freaking out and to take a breath. It didn’t last long before another creature landed behind the boy, causing the children to scream. The creature immediately grabbed Dedu who screamed and thrashed at being held in the air. Link took his torch and stuck the fire to the creature’s skin.
The creature let out a scream and grabbed the boy closer with it’s sharp claws before spreading its wings and flying up into the air. Leaving a confused Link and a group of scared girls. Dedu was taken by the creature, the children watched in shock. The girls were freaking out as Link tried his best to calm down the girls. Then Link heard a scream.
It was Saria’s scream.
“Saria!!” Link screamed out as he dropped his torch and ran towards the campfire, leaving the girls behind. He would later learn that him leaving sealed the girls fate.
Link ran and ran until he finally got back to the campfire, he could hear the screams and cries of the other children. He tightened his grip on his knife, and was looking around for answers. Why was this happening? Why were they being attacked? 
A sound finally brought him out of his thoughts, he remembered it from the time Saria had cut her hand on some broken glass...Saria was in pain. Link ran towards the sound and finally found Saria, he nearly dropped his knife in shock.
A different beast was over Saria and was holding her down with the sharp claws. The beast head was buried into Saria’s neck completely unaware that Link was even close by. Saria let out a wheezing sound through the pain, tears falling down his face. The unsettling part to Link was Saria hair, the once deep brown hair was slowly becoming deep green starting at the top and working down. What did this mean? What was the beast doing through to Saria?
Link finally snapped out of his shock, grabbing the knife and jumping on the back of the creature, plunging the knife into it’s back. The creature screamed out, red staining it’s teeth while a red and sickly orange pooled around Saria’s neck. Link was originally going to grab Saria and run like he did with Zazo, however that wasn’t the case.
The creature hit Link with its tail, sending Link flying back into a hollow log. Getting his head knocked around made Link pretty dizzy. The creature seemed to be speaking in a weird language to the forest, likely very angry. Link finally got a good look at Saria, she was pointing to the log next to Link.
‘Run’ Saria mouthed to her friend ‘please run’
The creature turned back to bite Saria, however another a creature came down from the trees. It was fluffy however it was sharp and spiky like the other one; it was looking at Link with twisted sharp teeth.
Link took a chance and crawled into the dead log, thanking his small body. He crawled and crawled away, he could hear the creature screaming in their weird language. 
Link finally stopped crawling, turning to look back towards the opening; he realized one of his boot were missing. He could see Saria from the whole in the log, her once brown hair was now just a memory, now a fully forest green. He saw the creature's arms come into the frame to pull Saria off the ground. Link started to cry but then he remembered Saria’s advice.
He needed to run. He could crawl out of the log, finding where these paths lead. He could escape the forest! He could get the people from the town to help his friends!
Link crawled and crawled through the logs, which seemed to be a traveling system. Each step forward gave Link more conficance to help his friends, he would help them and hurt the creatures that hurt them. He finally got to the end of the log, he stayed inside and listened to see if the creatures were around. He heard nothing.
Link freed himself from the logs, taking a second to gather where he was at. He smiled to himself, he was close to the exit of the forest, he was close to freedom. 
He was free.
Link ran towards the exit of the forest, he would run across the field and go home to the nice man. He would tell the town people of the weird creatures, he would bring them back and he could help Saria. 
Then something tackled him to the ground.
Link screamed, swinging the knife at whatever knocked him down. However when the knife was knocked out of his hand he felt something wrap around him, keeping him in place. Link finally opened his eyes seeing the beast above him.
Unlike the spiky ones from earlier this one was fluffy like a moth, it explains why the tail wrapped around him didn’t hurt him. The creature brought its hand up to Link’s head. Link tried to scrump up, protect his neck from the creature. 
The creature let out a snort that Link would guess was a laugh, before grabbing Links head, forcing him to reveal his neck. The creature gave an open mouth smile, rows of sharp teeth greeted him as sickly orange venom fell down from the creature's mouth.
Link closed his eyes and let out an ear splitting scream, as sharp teeth pierced his neck.
Then Time woke up.
Time opened his eyes but then immediately groaned as pain shot through his left eye. Bringing his hand to rub his bad eye he took note of his surroundings. He was in Wild’s Hyrule in his Korok forest, there were no Kokiris, there weren’t any fairies. He let out a sigh as he brought his hand up to scratch the mark on his neck, the one Navi had given him when he was only six.
Something in him wanted to allow the mark to be out in the open, maybe if it was exposed to open air it would finally heal over, maybe the Kokiri symbol on his neck would be lost with the rest of the scars he had.
Time breath in the forest air trying to force down those thoughts. He knew it was dangerous to do so, and the fairies already flocked to him because of his Kokiri nature, he couldn’t imagine the conflict if they saw his mark. Even if the Kokiris aren’t around anymore, something tells him that the fae wouldn’t just stand aside.
Time just signed and looked towards his side, it appears that Four had fallen asleep next to him, holding onto Time’s tunic like a little child. Time smiled to which a sound made Time turn to his other side.
Time suppressed a snort at the sight. Wind was curled up in his sleep and he had apparently taken a Korok hostage in his sleep. The Korok seemed unhappy in its current situation as it was trying to wiggle for freedom and saying small little sounds, however Wind apparently slept like the dead because he didn’t wake up.
Time decided to help the little Korok freeing it from Wind’s grip, replacing Wind’s teddy bear Korok with his own arm. Having a toy to grab Wind drifted back to sleep, and Time grabbed Four to bring him closer in. 
Time leaned back onto the forest ground, the little Korok looking at Time with his new freedom.
‘Thank you,’ the Korok said to the older hero.
“No problem” Time whispered to the Korok, closing his eye to slowly fall back to sleep.
‘We missed you link’ the korok said.
‘Wait? What!?’ Time thought to himself as he opened his eye. In front of him was Saria.
A quick blink and the form of Saria turned back into a Korok, who gave a simple wave and began to tottle off into the forest.
Time just took a deep breath and brought the boys closer. The Kokiris gone, the koroks had taken their place. Their were no more fae that kidnap children and taking them into the forest. They were only in Time’s Hyrule.
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lunnanunna · 4 years
My Family
STRAY KIDS Extra Member AU
Summary: Ollie and Felix join Chan for an episode of Chan’s Room, and fluff ensues.
Warnings: slight swearing
Taglist: @hyunmijung​ @galacticstxrdust​ @giant-puppy-yunho​ @kimonmars​ @soobinssmile
A/N: Just fluff. Pure fluff. Hope you enjoy!
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Ollie sat back on one of the two seats in the room as a guest alongside Felix for Chan’s Room. Currently, Chan was retelling a story, and her and Felix, who were sharing the seat, were listening intently.
Felix was curled up in Ollie’s side, arms wrapped around her waist, looking at Chan with a fond look as the leader talked animatedly. Ollie had her arm around the freckled boy’s shoulder, her hand coming up to the back of his head to play with the soft hairs at the base of his neck. She laughed as Chan stumbled over some of his words as his excitement led him to talk faster.
“Wow, Hyung. You’ve got to take us there sometime,” Felix smiled as Chan finished his story.
The leader smiled at the younger, then turned to the camera and smiled. “Maybe we could do the next episode there?” Chan suggested, shrugging his shoulders, and sending a wide smile to Stays.
“That sounds like fun. I’m definitely going to be a guest for that episode,” Ollie grinned, and Felix nodded his head excitedly against her chest.
“Yes please,” Felix said, his eyes disappearing as a smile took over his face.
“Sounds like a plan,” Chan looked back at them, agreeing. Ollie and Felix looked at each other, beaming, then high-fived each other. Chan laughed and then watched as they went back to their cuddle session.
“I feel like I’m third wheeling,” Chan pouted, looking at the two.
“Hey, I offered cuddles and you declined. Lixie here accepted,” Ollie shrugged, seeming unbothered by the puppy dog eyes that Chan was sending her.
“Yeah, your lost, Hyung,” Felix smirked, snuggling more into Ollie’s side.
Chan’s jaw dropped. He placed a hand on his heart, then turned to the camera, pouting. “Guys, they’re being mean,” he spoke to Stays.
“Yah, don’t turn them against me!” Ollie exclaimed, eyes wide, then faced the camera. “I love my boys all the same. Chan’s just being a baby,” she told Stays.
“A baby who just wants cuddles,” Chan spoke in a tiny voice, jutting his bottom lip out, looking at the eldest. Ollie and Felix both blanched at the action.
“Nope,” Felix cringed.
“Never again,”Ollie squeezed her eyes, trying to erase the memory.
“See! They’re so mean.” Ollie opened her eyes to see Chan facing the camera again, pointing  at her and Felix.
She rolled her eyes, but reached a hand out and grabbed his his. Chan stilled as he watched Ollie intertwine their fingers, her thumb brushing against his skin in smooth circles.
“It's like when Lilo put the Lei around Stitch and he calmed down,” Felix giggled, watching as the leader visibly relaxed as Ollie kept his hand in her’s, tracing patterns.
“Yes! I know exactly what you’re talking about,” Ollie laughed as she saw Chan try to pout, but subconsciously leaning into the touch. “He really is a baby,” Ollie said, smiling at the Aussie.
Felix giggled, reaching his hand out and doing the same as Ollie. Chan smiled as he fondly looked at all three of their hands, then turned to look up at the two. Smiling softly, he turned to the camera.
“I have the best family,” Chan whispered, smiling so wide that his cheeks hurt. Ollie found herself smiling as well, and even felt a slight burn in her eyes. (God damn it, she was going to cry.)
Chan leaned over to read some of the comments and paused reading one of them. “‘Ollie’s crying.’ What?” Chan looked back, and true enough, Ollie had a few rouge tears trailing down her face. “Noona, no,” he smiled, as he moved to hug her.
Ollie gladly accepted the hug, now holding two Australians in her arms. She had always been a crier. If someone’s, even a cartoon’s, eyes started to water, so did her’s. Sentimental phrases, like what Chan had just said, are the ones that always got her.
Chan pulled back from the embrace, petting her hair, smiling. Ollie smiled back, then looked down at Felix who hadn’t moved at all, and placed a kiss on the top of his head when he smiled at her.
The younger then turned to the camera. “We have the best and sweetest Noona. Be jealous,” Felix smugly said.
Chan chuckled. “Yes. Yes we do,” he said sitting back in his seat and taking her hand in his, reversing their roles from earlier. He looked at her and watched as she tried to piece together her thoughts to say something.
“As cheesy as it sounds,” Ollie began.
“We love cheesy,” Felix said, smiling.
“We embrace it here,” Chan laughed.
Ollie rolled her eyes and continued. “Like I was saying. I’m the one who has the best dongsaengs. I know I say this at every ending ment, but I really am so blessed to have found these boys. Stray Kids are my family. It’s filled with chaos and so much love, and I wouldn’t trade it for anything else,” she said, more tears escaping.
Felix tightened his hold on her, burying his face in her side, no doubt shedding a few tears himself. Chan grinned, his eyes watering as well.
Clearing his throat, Chan looked at the camera smiling. “I hope all of Stay either have or will find themselves someone that they love and that loves them back. If not, we’re here for you,” Chan said. Ollie couldn’t see his face properly due to facing the camera, but she could hear the smile.
“We love you Stay,” Ollie smiled. She blew kisses at the camera. Felix, after wiping his tears, smiled as well and copied Ollie.
“Okay. So sorry bringing the mood down,” Ollie sheepishly smiled. Chan and Felix both chuckled, but shook their heads as if to say that it’s fine. “How about we change the subject, yeah?” She leaned towards the screen to read some comments, but paused when Felix came along with her. The boy was literally latched onto her and Ollie didn’t think he’d let go any time soon.
“Coming with me, Bud?” she asked him, smirking. Felix smiled and nodded his head. He was extra cuddly today, but Ollie didn’t care. She loved cuddly Felix.
“Here. I’ll just read the comments. You just sit back and relax, and let Felix keep on leeching off your warmth,” Chan chuckled as Ollie nodded and sat back. Felix readjusted himself, and sighed as Ollie wrapped her arms around him.
“They’re just too cute,” Chan whispered, looking at the two, then back at the screen. “I’m glad you guys agree,” he laughed as he saw the flood of comments about just how cute Lixlie were.
Ollie’s Masterlist
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Peaches - Section 1: Act 3
Peaches is an original work by ‘iguessitsavery’, also known as Avery. All characters and events in this work are fictional, no matter if they may resemble real life people or events. All rights reserved. Copyright 2021
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Section 1: Act 3
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Sona groaned as he dragged his feet through the dirt, dust picking up behind him. “Pick up your feet,” Shinosu barked, not looking away from their list, mumbling under their breath. Sona had decided to accompany Shinosu on their weekly market trip, expecting some exciting adventure, but instead was met with the bore of shopping.
Shinosu took a step towards a new stand, this one selling another ingredient they had needed for dinner. Sona dragged himself behind his friend, peering over to look a what this one was selling. Bone- broth? He had no clue what it was, and just by the name alone, it sounded gross. He gagged a bit, earning himself a swat against the back of his head from Shinosu, telling him to quit.
He shooed their hand away, readjusting his hair, before crossing his arms. “This is borin’! Why can’t we go ‘n do somethin’?” Sona whined, exaggerating himself with his arms to try and get his point across. Shinosu paid no attention to him, instead, arguing with the salesman about how his items were far overpriced.
Sona’s ears flapped against his head in annoyment, he wanted to do something, anything that wasn’t this. With a huff, he turned on his heel and began to make his own exploration around the market. He passed by a number of people who cast him glares and judging stares, immediately trying to get themselves out of his vicinity like he was ill.
He came across a paper nailed to a post, the drawings on it easily capturing his attention. He reached up high, tearing the paper from the nail and taking a look at the poster. From the drawings, it showed to people fighting with swords, an arena behind them with large words printed under them.
“Du-duel-ing, dueling. Tou-t-tour-na-ment, tournament. Dueling Tournament!” Sona’s ears flapped happily as he pronounced the words correctly. He barely knew how to read, so he was happy with himself at the small accomplishment. He couldn’t read the rest of the words, as there were too many and he didn’t understand them, but he did know what a duel was.
As he turned to run back to Shinosu, said person was walking in his direction, shoulders stiffened as they laid their eyes on the child. “The hell you been?” They asked, making quick strides over to the boy and grabbing him by the hand. “You know what they do to hybrids like you, you coulda’ been killed, boy!”
“I found ‘is poster!” He exclaimed, not fazed by how Shinosu was hastily dragging them out of the market, earning a few glances from passerby’s. Shinosu groaned as they finally exited the market, the boy’s hand held in their own. They turned towards the boy, dropping down to eye level with him. “You’re a hybrid, not a god. N’ what, what the hell you mean poster?”
With a smile, Sona handed over the poster he had snatched a few minutes prior, earning another groan from his friend. “You-you can’t be stealin’ things from the town, boy.” “Wasn’ stealin’! Jus’-jus’ borrowin’! I swear it!” SHinosu stood up again, handing the paper back to the boy and taking his hand in theirs as they began to walk in the opposite direction of the town.
“Where we goin’?” Sona asked, looking up at Shinosu as they began to make their way down another dirt road. “My place.” Sona opted to be quiet during the walk there, nothing to be heard but the sound of their footsteps and the clanking of glass in Shinosu’s bag. Shinosu much preferred the silence, opposed to Sona’s constant games of ‘20 questions’ or ‘how long can I talk before Shinosu hits me’. The walk back home was peaceful for them, the place they called home slowly coming into view between the trees.
Large fields of wheat found themselves on either side of the dirt path, Sona’s ears twitching as his head snapped from left to right, observing the area. He had never been near Shinosu’s property before, he was taking in every little thing he saw. He noted especially the scarecrow that had looked worm down and beaten in the center of the field.
In front of them laid a worn-down lighthouse, most of the windows boarded up, vines crawling up the sides, and the strong smell of the ocean wafting into Sona’s nose. He gagged again, covering his nose as he groaned, earning a chuckle from Shinsou at his misery.
The pair stepped onto the porch of the house, Shinosu quickly swinging it open as the boy ran inside. Immediately he ran over to the kitchen, climbing clumsily onto one of the stools against the counter. Shinosu sighed as they closed the door behind them, making their way over to the kitchen and setting their bag onto the counter.
As they picked out their ingredients for dinner, Sona looked around, his mouth slightly open as he admired the place. From where he sat, he could see all of the first floor. Behind his was a large bookshelf, filled up with books of all sizes. To his right was a small dining table and two chairs, both made out of wood. Could they be hand-carved?
In the far corner next to the table sat another bookshelf, this one much more empty than the one behind him, only a few rows of it filled. There was a red rug on the floor below it, and in the final corner sat a few pillows and an open book. Sona debated whether or not to get a closer look at the room, but was stopped when Shinosu started talking to him.
“Hope you like stew, m’not makin’ you anythin’ else.” His eyes widened as he focused his attention back on them, watching as they poured the bone broth they had bought earlier into a bot above the fire. “‘l eat anythin’!” He said hastily, propping himself on his hand to get a better look at the food. A mix of vegetables and meats sat in the broth and Shinosu slowly stirred the mixture, putting a pot on it to let it cook.
They turned around, focusing their attention solely on Sona, at least, that’s what he thought. He could never tell Shinosu’s emotions or feelings thanks to the mask they donned. It frustrated him.
“This place ‘s nice, you live here by yourself?” They nodded, making Sona smile wide, opening his mouth to say an idea but was quickly shut down as Shinosu waved their hand. “No, you’re not movin’ in, I got enough trouble takin’ care of you durin’ the day.”His ears visibly drooped, making him sigh as disappointment spread across his face.
Shinosu frowned underneath their mask as the boy got down from his seat, making his way to one of the bookshelves that occupied the house. His feet made dull thumps against the carpet as he walked up to the shelf, hands swishing back and forth against his sides as he looked over the books in awe.
“You read lots?” He asked, turning back around as Shinosu nodded, humming. “‘m learnin’ how to read ‘n school, s’hard.” Shinosu sighed, nodding again as they turned back to the food cooking. “You just gotta get good at it.” Sona frowned but disregarded it as he made his way to the table, taking a seat in one of the chairs and propping his head up with his arms as he looked over to Shinosu.
He took one of his hands down to take the paper out of his pocket, setting it in front of him and staring at it. “What’d the paper end up sayin’.” He asked, watching as Shinosu continued to stir the food, pressing a few bits of meat to the sides to test how soft it was. “Somethin’ about a tournament in a few weeks, winner gets a buncha coin.” They replied, grabbing a nearby bucket and pouring water over the fire, watching the smoke rise up and out the chimney.
They grabbed a wooden bowl and a ladle, pouring a sizeable portion into it and heading over to where Sona sat. His tail thumped excitedly against the back of the chair as the bowl was set in front of him. He hesitated to take a bite, waiting until Shinosu sat down across from him, nodding at him, to dig in.
He shoveled the stew into his mouth hungrily, the broth dribbling down the sides of his face. Shinosu took the opportunity to grab the paper that rested on the table, scanning it over and frowning. Before they knew it, Sona let out a loud, satisfactory sigh as he settled the bowl on the table.
Shinosu raised a brow. “Hungry much?” Sona nodded. “Was good, can I have another?” Shinosu nodded, grabbing his bowl and heading back over to the pot. Sona wiped his mouth against his forearm, tail thumping as he watched them start to pour him another bowl.
As he finished pouring it, a question popped into his mind. “Wait, why don’ you eat some?” Shinosu visibly stiffened, but set the bowl in front of him, taking their seat once more, pointing to their face. “Mask.” Sona tilted his head to the side. “Take it off then!” “No.” He frowned, food forgotten as his new goal was to get them to take off their mask. “Why not?” Shinosu crossed their arms, settling back against the chair. “Drop it.”
“But I ne’er ask ‘bout the mask before! I wa’na know!” Sona whined, slamming his hands against the wood table. Shinosu’s eye twitched, glaring at the brat in front of them. “Quit while you’re ahead, boy.” In a swift movement, Sona leapt onto the table, hand reaching out for the mask. If he was quick enough, he could see their face, he could see what they were hiding!
He wasn’t quick enough.
Shinosu grabbed his wrist, twisting it harshly to the side and slamming it down against the table. The stew toppled over, spilling across the table as Sona yelped. Shinosu let go of his arm, standing up and heading behind him towards the door. Sona rubbed his wrist, yelling at Shinosu. “The hell was that for?” Angrily, Shinosu threw the door open, hearing the back slam against the wall outside. “Out. Now.” There was nothing but venom in their voice, it was cold.
A chill ran down Sona’s side, but he still had the nerve to question them. “What?” Shinosu’s eye twitched, they tapped their foot against the floor. “10. 9-” Sona caught on quickly to the threat, scrambling out the chair and out the door. He stopped on the porch, turning back to take a final look at his friend, but was met with their arm closing the door shut once more, hearing it click and lock.
He stood there for a few minutes, half expecting them to open the door again. Waves crashed against the shore loudly, the sun dipping down under the horizon and the cold wind settled onto him. They weren’t going to open the door any time soon. He sighed, stepping off the porch and kicking his feet into the ground. He took one last look at the house, before disappearing between the trees and back towards the town.
Inside, Shinosu rested with their back against their chair, forearm covering their mask’s eyes. When they heard Sona’s footsteps departing, they sighed. Both of their hand reached towards the back of their neck, fingers fumbling with the buckle of their mask. With a few tries, the strap loosened, letting them slide off the bone mask and set it against the table. With a tired huff, they rested their forearm over them again, this time resting it on their eyes.
“Nosy kid.” They mumble out, rubbing their eyes and picking up the flier once more, now the corner wet from the stew. “What am I going to do with you?"
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Thank you for reading the third installment of Peaches. I hope you enjoyed this chapter, and are excited for many more to come.
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missbrightsky · 4 years
Summertime and Swords
Fics Masterlist
Previous Chapter
Chapter 2: Rhysand
Summertime in Velaris was hot. Sweltering, humid, no relief to be found, hot.
This made it dangerous for the citizens of the city. It was common for our station to be called out on heat exhaustion emergencies. Construction workers, pool patrons, the elderly in their various homes, everyone was subject to the heat of the day.
I woke up ready for more calls to come through until my chief called me into his office.
Today it seemed, I had drawn the short straw and would be doing fire extinguisher inspections at an apartment building at the edge of town. I didn’t mind it too much if it meant that I wouldn’t have to run around answering calls. He gave me a clipboard with the checklist and sent me on my way with an address.
Even though it was just past eight in the morning, the sun was already forcing its heat into the air and ground, turning whatever dew gather overnight into steam. My hair started to curl and dampen in the humidity, sweat beaded on my forehead. I hustled to the subway system, hoping that it would be cool enough there to stave off the oncoming heat.
Two train rides and another sweaty walk later, I was standing outside of the building, double-checking the address. It looked to be about 10 stories high and its once white bricks were stained grey and black from the decades of city pollution. I pressed the button that indicated the landlord for the building and waited. And waited. And waited. I pressed it again, vaguely hoping that he didn’t answer, and I could go get myself a bubble tea from the shop I saw a few blocks away.
Then, through the crackling speakers came a gruff, slightly slurred voice. “Whaddaya want?”
“Hi, sir, I’m here to do the fire extinguisher inspections?” I said bringing out my most polite voice.
The man grumbled something that didn’t make it through the mic and a buzzer sounded, unlocking the door for me.
I pushed past the outer iron door and the interior door to find myself in a dimly lit hallway mostly filled by what I can only describe as a glob of a man. His white wife-beater was stained yellow and brown like he hardly washed it (or changed out of it). Funnily enough, the colors matched his teeth.
“Here’s the apart-burp­-ments that need to be inspected,” he shoved a scrap of paper my way, the scrawl just legible.
I scanned the list, looks like only a dozen or so needed to be done. I flinched back as something silver flew at me, catching me in the shoulder and sliding into my hands.
“There are the keys, everyone is at work, no need to knock,” and then fixing me with a surprisingly intense, bloodshot stare, “Hurry up and get ‘em done, you’re cutting into my TV time.” How me taking the keys so he didn't have to accompany me cut into his TV time, I didn’t know but also didn’t argue with him as I set off to find the first apartment.
The first few were easy, the fire extinguishers either in plain sight or under the sink. I even got to pet a friendly cat which was curious as to what I was doing in their home.
The fifth one on my list changed my life forever.
Unlocking the door, I stepped into an apartment that was hot. Cutting a glance over to the window unit, I saw that it was off. Maybe the tenant was trying to save on electric while they were at work.
The second thing I noticed was that any free space in the place was taken up by paintings or painting supplies. Large and small, bright and dark, there were pieces everywhere. The few closest to me were of the big park in the middle of the city. I recognized the waterfall that I visited on my days off, it lovingly rendered by a careful hand.
Gorgeous paintings aside, I was resolved to get this one done as fast as possible because the heat in here was starting to get unbearable. Turning, I immediately banged into a table that I didn't see, sending some brushes clattering over each other. Whoops. I scooped them up and placed them in their original place before turning to the kitchen to find the fire extinguisher.
That’s when my life went sideways.
One moment I was on my feet and the next I was on the ground with a bruise forming on my side and a battle cry echoing in my ears. Or maybe that was my own scream.
Twisting to see what the fuck just hit me, I froze, every thought in my head eddying out.
A woman just hit me.
A naked woman with wide blue eyes and a sword just hit me and knocked me on my ass.
“Fuck.” We both said.
She sounded absolutely mortified. At what, I didn’t know because she was beautiful. Her body was lithe but not skinny. Curves in all the right places but it was her face that was the true masterpiece.
Graceful cheekbones with adorable freckles sprinkled across. Blue eyes that could have been gray were stretched wide open along with a full mouth that was still parted in horror.
Oh, maybe she was mortified because she had just attacked someone with a sword while naked. And I was staring like a creep.
That mouth opened and closed, absolutely lost for words.
“Your landlord let me in so I could inspect your fire extinguisher.” Really? That’s the first thing you say? Not ‘I’m sorry’ or ‘holy shit you’re beautiful’ or LITERALLY ANYTHING ELSE?????
“Ah,” was all she said in response before disappearing back into what was probably her bedroom.
I almost blurted ‘come back’ but bit down on my tongue to keep the words from escaping. This woman just went through a traumatic experience and didn’t need me acting like a pervert.
Shock still made my limbs numb. Walking into a burning building? No problem. Rescuing a cat from a tree? Easy. Being knocked to the ground by a gorgeous woman with a sword? My inner weeb took control of my body and rendered me useless.
Either seconds or hours later, I still hadn’t moved from the ground when she reappeared, a pale blue robe now covering her and sword nowhere to be seen.
“Sorry about that, my landlord failed to inform me that they would be doing inspections,” gods even her voice was—stop that!
“I’m sorry,” came out as an accidental whisper, so I tried again louder with, “He told me that no one was home. I should have knocked.” No shit, Sherlock.
The woman grimaced, her lovely mouth turning down. “Yeah, he does that sometimes.”
The words exchanged finally shook the rest of my body from its state of shock and I was finally able to stand up. I watched as she scanned my body, reading the look on her face that seemed to be a mixture of appreciation and disbelief.
I blushed at the frank assessment, those blue eyes stripping me down to my core, and turned away. I lifted my hand and scratched the back of my neck. A nervous tick my mother was never able to stop.
“At least take me to dinner first,” I mumbled nearly under my breath, unable to stop the teasing words in hope to lighten the situation.
“Um, sorry?”
Probably for the best she didn’t actually hear me say that. “Where do you keep your fire extinguisher?” That was much safer territory.
“Oh, under the sink,” she led me to her kitchen and bent over to open up the door. My eyes immediately dropped to where the hem of her robe started to rise up before I forced myself to look away and retrieve the clipboard I had dropped. She’s already been through enough and doesn’t need you staring at her.
I knelt down and took out the fire extinguisher, letting the familiar motions of inspecting it calm my mind and hands.
Tick tick tick my pen made checkmarks down the list. Everything was in order for her’s, so I finished and stood up.
She met my eyes again and held my gaze.
They were spectacular. Not just blue, but the gray I saw before were flecks of it with a tiny hint of green near the pupil. Incredible.
She looked away before I did. I was done and I should have left but something held me there.
“Um, you have a good swing,” trying again to lighten the mood. She was able to put me on my ass with it.
“What? For a girl?” she nearly snapped out. Shit.
“Oh! Uh, no-no,” I stuttered, cursing myself for the stupid comment. “Just like, in general.” I scratched the back of my neck again. Failed again at trying to be normal.
“Oh,” was all she said, still looking away.
“I’m Rhysand, by the way,” might as well try to be friendly then.
“Feyre. I’m sorry again for… before,” looks like we both were struggling with normalcy but after what happened that was to be expected, I guess.
“For bringing me down with spectacular sword moves?”
She jumped, “Um, yeah.”
“Well, I promise not to tell anyone if you promise not to tell the others at the station, they’d never let me live it down.” Truth. Cas and Az would laugh at me all day and into the night and then bring it up every day after.
She snapped her head to look at me, her gaze searching. After a moment, a small grin twisted her mouth into something pretty, “I think I can promise that.”
I offered a smile of my own, and then watched her eyes flicker to my mouth and then away. Interesting.
“Well, I have a few more inspections to do, but I doubt they’ll be as exciting as this one.”
She laughed at that, looking surprised as the chuckle slipped out. It sent me laughing as well.
“No, they probably won’t be,” humor tingeing her voice finally.
Something not of my own volition had me pulling my card from my pocket and saying, “If you ever have any problems with your fire extinguisher, give me a call. And if you don’t…” my eyes sweeping over her body again, praying that I had read her looks from earlier right, “Give me a call anyways.”
She took the card, our fingers brushing and sending tingles up my arm.
“I’ll be sure to do that.”
I gave her an unrestrained smile and was glad to see that she returned the same.
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undeerqueen · 5 years
leave me to dream
SM:FFH fic below! spoilers abound! full summary within! hurt!peter. title from imagine dragons song
this film was full of good peter whump but no irondad to make him feel better afterwards! so i wrote this...because even spider-man can’t get run over by a train and just be magically okay. especially when it’s also the perfect opportunity for tony to come out of his ‘faked-my-death-to-retire-ment’. enjoy!
As he all but crawls down the aisle of the train car, Peter knows one thing.
It's bad. It is very, very, very, VERY bad.
The pain is staggering. Peter can barely get his legs to work under him—the pain racing down to his toes—but he knows he has to move, just move.
Keep moving, he urges himself, weaving around the holes in his vision that are opening up. Blearily, he recalls Strange's portals on the battlefield all those months—a lifetime—ago. He remembers their searing orange light, how they'd opened up reality itself and revealed the impossible war on the other side.
The holes in Peter's eyeline are like that, except waiting on the other side of them is nothing but black. If he was pressed to describe it, Peter would say it's not even black but nothingness, the kind of nothingness that comes when you close one eye and nothing takes up the space at the side of your head.
Something primal and urgent in the back of his mind warns Peter that if he falls into one of these holes, he won't come back out. Keep moving, he tells himself. If you stop, you won't get back up again.
His foot catches one of the seat frames and he goes down, barely able to spin himself around so his broken back thuds hollowly against the wall of the train car. His legs, splintered and bent, slide away from him like liquid. He slumps back, gasping.
Broken things are shifting inside of him, splintering and crunching. In a twisted way, Peter feels more at home in himself than he has for eight months, his body finally matching the shattered fragments of his soul. His head tips back against the wall of the train car. The vibrations of the moving carriage shudder through him but he doesn't hear anything. Another hole opens up above him. The blackness comes tumbling down, crushing, engulfing, but on the other side, it is blessedly—finally—nothing.
"Yeah, it's bad. You need to get here, Tony. I'm calling it. Code Reichenbach." Someone's—a woman's voice—stirs the pool of Peter's mind. He swims up to it, his eyes slitting to drink in strawberry red hair and a blue metal suit.
"M's P-Potts," he murmurs, trying to get his eyes to open fully.
"Hi, honey," Pepper says carefully. He hasn't seen her for so long. She looks good, despite the stress lines creasing her face. Healthy and well. Her eyes are sparkling. He kind of gets lost in them. It used to make Mr Stark laugh, the way Peter could never keep his cool around his mentor's super pretty better half.
Her hand sifts through his sweaty hair. He moves slightly and groans, the pain a sharp shock that electrifies him all the way to his fingertips. Her hand tightens incrementally. "Don't move okay?" Pepper instructs. "You're really banged up."
"The trai..." He can't get the words out. His voice fizzles out like a spent battery.
"Shh, it's alright, kid," she says. "Try and follow my voice. I have a surprise for you. I think you're gonna kill us when you're back on your feet, but for the moment just focus on hanging on in there. There's someone coming to see you. He's missed you a lot."
Peter tries but he can't follow what Pepper's saying. But when the whine of repulsors splits the air—a sound he hasn't heard for so long—he realises he didn't have to.
At the far end of the cab, a laser shears off the wall. Peter startles, barely able to turn his head, hands trembling where they lay in his lap. Glowing eyes and an arc reactor meet his dim gaze, Iron Man stepping into the train car.
He shudders and gasps, shoulders heaving. "'M I...'m I dreaming?" he whispers, feeling tears run down his cheeks to match the blood dripping from his nose and mouth. "M’s P-Potts...p-please...i-is this a dream?"
Pepper's face is heartbroken. He knows what her anguish looks like, because he saw it after Mr Stark died. He really must be in bad shape. She grips his hands where Peter paws at her softly. "Not a dream, honey," she says softly. Then, she smiles ruefully. In a voice almost too quiet to hear, she announces, "Dad's here."
The mask retracts and...There he is.
It's him. Mr Stark.
He's missing an ear, that's the first thing Peter takes in. The whole right side of his face, in fact, is a mess of bubbly scar tissue that runs down his neck. And Peter suspects, from the way it moves and attaches to the rest of the suit that, the right arm is a permanent addition. But he's there. Alive.
Peter gasps, swallowing blood, head grinding on metal as he struggles to get his eyes to focus. His heart flutters and squirms.
Mr Stark lays eyes on him and his face falls apart. Peter must lose some time, the shock and blood loss taking their toll. One minute Mr Stark is across the cab, the next he is knelt in front of him, out of his suit save for one metal arm which is holding Peter up, the other running lightly over Peter's face and shoulder, trying to rouse him.
Peter can't focus. There's so much he wants to...If he could just breathe. He heaves a lungful of air, blood gushing out from between his parted lips, disappearing down his neck and chin and into the dark fabric of his stealth suit.
"You're he-here, you..'re...alive" he struggles, panting thinly. There are tears in Mr Stark's eyes. They match his own.
"Hey, kid." It's his voice. Softer than Peter's ever heard it before, barely audible over the roaring in Peter's ears. A hand brushes over Peter's forehead, smoothing the hair back, warm, heavy, and alive.
"I'm here," Mr Stark soothes. His eyes rake over Peter and whatever he sees makes his expression crack. His nose wrinkles, eyes brimming with regret. "I'm sorry, kid, I'm so sorry. Jesus, look at you." Mr Stark's hand swipes at the blood dripping off Peter's chin.
Peter shakes his head, train cab swirling around him, nearly delirious with the sickly sweet combination of sheer joy and raw agony tearing through him. His face splits in a grin he can't contain, even as his vision blurs with even more tears.
"'M so...hap..." His voice hitches and deserts him again and Mr Stark shudders, pointedly drawing a huge breath through his nose.
"Don't worry about all that now. God, what did they do to you, huh? FRIDAY, read vitals," he commands.
He needs to tell Mr Stark. The urgency lights within him. "B-Beck," he stammers, trying to hold on to his cloudy thoughts. Shame douses his exhilaration. "Needa tell...tell you..."
"Shh, kid, not right now." Mr Stark's eyes are roving all over him, hands hovering like he doesn't know what to touch.
Even through the blood pounding in his ears, Peter can pick up on FRIDAY's whispers in Mr Stark's ear. Broken bones, lacerated organs, bad internal bleeding, bruising...Beck is going to kill him, has all but murdered him already. He needs to tell Tony...
"My fault," he grits out, the words escaping with a whimper.
Mr Stark rears up, eyes like flint, like he's flipped a switch. "Stop it, kid, stop it. We're gonna lose you if you keep talking. Save your strength, alright? Help's coming. We'll debrief when you're not bleeding internally."
"N-No...you needa...need to...I did t-this...m not...next Iron Man...Not worthy." He can't gather his thoughts, the blackness that stole him earlier is inside him now, creeping through his mind like one of Beck's illusions.
"N-Not worthy," he repeats, copper on his lips.
It's like Mr Stark can't bear to listen. Heedless of Peter's damaged body, he draws him forward slightly, tucks Peter's head against his shoulder where he can nestle into the crook of Mr Stark's neck. Hazily, Peter feels Mr Stark drop a kiss to the crown of his head. 
Gently, Mr Stark arranges him against the wall again. "It's not your fault, kid, okay? You'll be okay, c'mon. Save the heart to heart stuff for later."
Grief swamps Peter like a wave, his failure oceans deep. "I just wanted to be like you," he croaks out, tears spilling.
Mr Stark sniffs, shakes his head. "You're better than me, kid. I'm so damn proud of you, it's ridiculous. C'mon, Spider-Man, where's your fighting talk, huh? Pep, how long?" 
Dimly, Peter is aware that Pepper is standing over them, watching with infinite concern. "Medics are two minutes out," she says bitingly.
Peter gasps, more blood trickling out of his lips he slumps back against the wall and sinks, unable to sit up any longer.
"Kid? Kid, hey, talk to me."
It's like the old Peter is back when he wants to playfully retort, "Weren't you just telling me to shut up?" Peter's missed him almost as much as Mr Stark. His chin goes to his chest, unable to hold his head up anymore. Mr Stark's fingers dig into the pulse point at the side of his neck.
Eyes dimming, he tries to embed in his mind the sight of his mentor's immaculate goatee, his shaven head to match the missing hair on the right side of his scalp. He relishes the glinting metal arm that means survival and the shining brown eyes, so open without his glasses, so full of a love that Peter once wasn't sure was imagined.
He knows now. But still, Mr Stark is here. It's a miracle he doesn't know how to process.
"'M I...'m I dreaming?" he whispers, black crushing him again.
A hand grips his scalp, trying to hold him there. In that moment, Peter isn't scared. If Mr Stark can beat impossible odds, then he can too. He just needs to rest a moment, just for a little while.
"Not a dream," Mr Stark says, and that's all the hope Peter needs. "I'm here. I got you..."
The promise follows Peter into the dark.
i imagine pepper’s rescue as being like first aid for the avengers and only calling in tony when it’s absolutely 100% necessary, hence code reichenbach. had to get my holmes ref in there somewhere.
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(Indirect Murder Anon) It's no trouble; your writing's amazing nonetheless. But, if it's alright, I'd still very much like for you to try again with the prompt now that I've clarified a bit better.
Well it's my fault I accept and write mostly when it's after midnight and I should probably go to sleep so I misunderstood probably because of that-
ALSO I'M SO SORRY BUT THERE IS NO GONTA. I JUST HAD NO IDEAS FOR HIM AND THIS REQUEST WAS TAKING SO LONG BECOUSE I HAD NO IDEAS FOR GONTA AND KAITO (aaaand becouse I struggled to get somewhere and was just too stressed to write) BUT WITH KAITO I KINDA HAD TODAY BECOUSE I HAD TO WAIT IN QUEUE FOR A SHIT TON OF TIME (Wich has to do with the other reason why it took so long). But then I fucked up with Kaito becouse I assumed reader's gender and then I had to have ANOTHER idea for male s/o since I really liked the idea with female that I didn't wanted to delete it.
I also feel super duper bad because Ryoma has very long comparing to others (as allways)... This one whould be probably one of the worst angsts I have ever written but believe me I tried my best! It's mostly cuz I overused first trial-
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V3 boys indirectly killing their S/O
Ryoma Hoshi
He told you that Kirumi wanted to meet him at his lab late at night. Both of you knew where this was coming... But you decided to act like you didn't figure it out.
You were planning to stop it and so you were earlier than Kirumi at his lab. And it seems like she finally came just in time.
Kirumi was surprised to see you instead of him. But she was determined to do what he has to. Right now her plan whould be ruined but she didn't think that Ryoma told you about their meeting. And even so if Ryoma whould be here with you her plan whould be impossible.
She told about everything. It was a bit scarry and you knew that she will try to kill you. And so she managed to knock you down.
Unlucky for you Ryoma was late there and Kirumi managed to finish her plan before he even got there.
There wasn't anything off when he came however. Kirumi was there and made up quick excuse for her call. He didn't suspect it and was surprised by the fact that she didn't actually kill him.
But the next day he couldn't find you anywhere... The two of you were supposed to watch Himiko's show together... Maybe you went straight for the gym?
He was very worried about you and expected the worst. Looking at the fact that show already started and you weren't here yet...
As he saw your body dropping along with piranhas he couldn't feel bigger despair. And when everything left were your bones... He just couldn't stand sight of his loved one dying again. So after all Ryoma can't find happiness without hurting someone...
That's when it hit him. This time it was his fault too. Kirumi did it and he knew it was only him to blame. If he didn't tell you about it... If he wasn't late... Then it's safe to say that he whould be the one laying dead.
Few of the students tried to cheer him up (Kaito Angie Korekiyo Gonta) but they knew it won't work no matter how hard they try. And they have to move on with investigation or else they whould join you.
But only Kaito decided to stay with Ryoma before 'helping Shuichi out' he managed to motivate him enough to try and live for your sake.
Still it was visible that he didn't care if he lived or died. The world without you was just so empty. Only thing that helps him keep going is memories the two of you managed to make.
After Angie got murdered Keebo volunteered to help with ritual. Just to find out that he couldn't be the one to stay there.
So you gladly took his place. You were quite scared but you wanted to do it for keebo.
And so you volunteered to be inside the cage (no matter if you are male or female. If you are a male Korekiyo whould find you worthy and whould kill you anyways becouse your heart belongs to Keebo so he could risk it).
While ritual was starting Keebo and Shuichi were carefully investigating Angie's death. Your boyfriend was quite worried about you... But he didn't thought that something could go wrong.
But sometimes things aren't going as smoothly as it seems. S/O was found dead...
Keebo couldn't belive it and he wished he could cry. He rushed towards you and looked at your lifeless body.
And so the investigation began... Keebo tried his best to find culprit and looked at every corner of the room carefully. But it didn't change one fact... He blamed himself that you weren't there with him anymore... If he wasn't useless robot... He could be the person who took part of the ritual...
Keebo whould do anything to bring you back and if anyone said something mean about you he whould defend you. He won't let anyone say such things about you.
Kaito Momota
(Fem! S/O)You and Kaito decided to make every second count since the time limit was close to an end.
He had an idea and decided to start a small waterbaloon fight since surprisingly there were some balloons.
So the two of you went to the bathroom and filled few. But when you entered girls bathroom there was Tsumigi... She opened some kind of passageway.
You were really surprised but she told you that she found it you were excited since there maybe will be something that can reveal mastermind!
So you followed her inside and she killed you once your back was turned. Then she got Rantaro. She decided to cover up this and say that you just broke rules and got immediately executed and she was the only witness.
She acted scared and shocked as she looked for someone just to find Kaito outside bathroom with a bucket. He was quite surprised and asked what happened.
That's when Tsumigi told him those lies on how you broke a rule by punching monokuma when he appeared next to you when you were filling water balloons.
He couldn't belive it and immediately went inside the bathroom and saw nothing... There was no corpse no blood nothing... She lied again by saying that probably monokuma cleaned it up. But your corpse was actually in the secret room.
Kaito couldn't belive you died like this... And it all whouldn't happen if he didn't come up with this stupid idea...
(Male! S/O) Both you and him knew about Shuichi and Kaede's trap. So you decided to go there and see if it was alredy set. Since it was to expose mastermind not to kill them you didn't think it would be any dangerous.
But both of you couldn't go there... So you insisted that you go. Kaito was trying to keep an eye on you from outside the library but the amount of obstacles kinda made it impossible.
You looked around the library and tried to act like you were looking for some random book in case you were dealing with cameras.
When you moved towards the hidden door however a picture with flash was taken you yelled "Kaito I think I found it" you moved towards the shelf and that's when a shot put ball landed in front of you.
It kinda scared you when you realized that it whould probably kill you. Kaito was surprised by the sound and asked if you were alright. When you said yes he felt relieved.
Kaito decided to stay outside the library however and he couldn't witness Tsumigi killing you.
Since you didn't go outside yet he started lowkey panicking. So he went inside and saw you...
He was very surprised by this. But now he knew that mastermind was the only person who could do it...
Unluckily for Tsumigi she didn't heard you and Kaito talking before she killed you so the fact that shot put ball missed will be no secret.
He couldn't belive that he let you go there and more importantly that he didn't enter the library... Why whould the two of you even check the trap... After all he was an idiot... An idiot that let his S/O get killed. But thanks to that the mastermind was revealed.
Shuichi Saihara
You were hanging out with Shuichi and to be honest you were glad he was there with you in such terrible times.
So many of you have died during the killing game its just horrible...
While you were investigating his lab together you got quite scared to see poisons... You had to remember that and be cautious when people whould offer you something.
However Shuichi accidentally knocked down one bottle of lethal poison. You told him that you whould go get something to clean it. He insisted that he would go but you told him to investigate other labs.
When you came back to his lab you noticed Miu grabbing one bottle. You asked her what she was doing with it and shouldn't she be working on the program? She got caught off guard but she was determined to get out. If it ment killing you here and now so be it. She couldn't risk you suspecting her if she tried again. But if she kills you she won't have to go through all that bullshit with Kokichi in the program.
What you didn't knew was that she had weapon with her just in case someone saw her. She didn't act suspicious when putting back the bottle "I can't believe I was caught by a virgin like you" she didn't reach for anything and her hands weren't hidden but when she got close enough to you she quickly took her pocket knife out and stabbed you multiple times.
Miu left you there to bleed to death and luckily for her nobody saw her on her way back so she got to change and didn't left much evidence.
Shuichi was in Tsumigi's lab when he noticed that you were gone for quite a while. He began to worry and quickly got to his lab.
He couldn't belive his eyes... When he saw you he felt weak and fell on his knees. He started crying when he saw you move... You were still alive. Suffering a lot. You couldn't even say anything or show to let him know it was Miu.
Shuichi was panicking and he didn't knew what to do. But he didn't even got to say anything before it was over... He stayed with you for few minutes.
After that he got few more people to make it an announcement. Shuichi swore to himself that he won't give up until he finds the culprit.
He knew it was his fault that you were there at that time and didn't stop blaming himself.
Rantaro Amami
He trusted you even though it was risky. And the two of you investigated the library. He told you about hidden door and everything he knew.
So to make everything seem less suspicious you decided to be the one to keep investigating the library and told Rantaro to look for the card key.
He was hesitant at first but he believed in you.
You were quite scared to be left alone but you know that it's for the best. When you moved towards the door you were surprised when the hidden camera took photo.
Since you didn't wanted any evidence against you you had to delete the photo. Then the shot-put-ball landed right in front of you. You were quite scared by this but you were glad it didn't hit you. When you turned around you saw Tsumigi and she immediately hit you in the head with another shot-put-ball killing you instantly.
In the meantime Rantaro was doing his best looking everywhere to find the card... But he never managed to make it as he heard body discovery announcement...
And when he found out that you were the one who died... He felt more than guilty. If he didn't let you stay there you whouldn't be dead now...
His thoughts were mixed and heart was broken... If he was the one in the library or just left it be this whouldn't happen.
But he knew that you whouldn't want him to give into despair like this. His goal was to find the real culprit and he was determined to do so.
Kokichi Ouma
Kokichi explained his plan to Gonta and you knew about it. It was crazy but sometimes you just need to do something crazy in order to do something right.
But there was one unexpected problem. The glitch... This Gonta was far different from the real one and the glitch itself confused him.
Wich results in Gonta fucking up the plan... The code mixed up his memory and since Kokichi brought you up in the conversation instead of killing Miu Gonta ended up killing you since he thought that Kokichi told him to kill you.
The worst part is how you struggled to get out fighting untill your last breath trying to free yourself...
Kokichi was shocked when he found you dead. His master plan whould move into motion shortly but it was no use since you ended up dead before it even started.
Still Kokichi decided to stay strong and he tried to lie his way out of others pity. But he was in pain because he lost you...
It didn't took long before he realized what really happened. He waited for the right opportunity to speak with Gonta. Even though he figured it out he really wanted to confirm it.
He didn't said anything afterwards. But he was mad... Very mad. Why? Gonta killed you for fucks sake he doesn't care that his plan failed all he wanted is to end this game for you. No matter what sacrifice he needs to make he wanted to get you out of this nightmare even if it ment that he whould have to die.
One thing is for sure he has to make it an interesting trial. But of course he won't keep the killers identity secret.
He can't stop thinking about the fact that he won't ever see you again. And when he was informed about the glitch and found out that the glitch made Gonta think that he needed to kill you becouse he brought it up he didn't blame himself. He blamed Miu because she didn't bother to check if everyone got wires right... Well then his plan whould make trial boring since Gonta whould immediately confess or not be able to hide the truth... But who cares!? Kokichi doesn't want this sick game to be fun! How does seeing your classmates die can even seem fun!?
Korekiyo Shinguji
As soon as he saw Gonta walking towards you he let himself get captured just so you could run. Thanks to that you were able to get away. But you didn't know where to go.
You were walking in the hallway and heard something from Ryoma's lab. There were two people talking to each other. One for sure was Ryoma the other person was a girl for sure.
You decided to enter the lab since you didn't like where this was going. But you were too late Ryoma got knocked out and Kirumi put handcuffs on him dragging his body.
She noticed you immediately when you entered and she couldn't let her plan fail. You tried to run away but she caught you quickly. After drowning both you and Ryoma she decided to change her plan a little. With Ryoma she did exactly like she wanted but you... At first she wasn't sure but there is no time to overthink it. She just left your body on the pool area. Looking at how she left it it looks like you were asleep.
Next morning everyone was shocked when Ryoma's body was discovered but Korekiyo was more concerned that he didn't see you anywhere and he was more than worried...
Now that he thinks about it he doesn't remember seeing you after he managed to get away from Gonta's lab either...
When investigation began and he gave needed informations he looked for you and that's when another body discovery announcement played...
As he saw you he didn't knew what to think. There was a small injury on your head but other than that you looked like nothing happened to you. But when he placed his hand on your cheek he noticed how cold is your body. It was terrifying thought to look at you and know that you aren't alive.
During the trial when Shuichi figured out time of death Korekiyo started thinking about what whould have happened if Gonta managed to take you to that nightmare called insect meet and greet you whouldn't get killed...
He didn't blame himself entirely but he knew that it was his fault even though he couldn't possibly predict something like that...
~Mod Chiaki
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beanyboobee · 6 years
The first 'i love you' Alastor x Baxter (AlaBax)
Baxter never understood what Alastor saw in him that allowed the scientist to win over the radio demons affections, he rarely ever questioned it, seeing as his experiments as well as Alastor always kept him busy now a days,
In fact now that he pondered he couldn't help but wonder, how exactly did they end up together?
It seemed as though one day they were going about their bussiness, and the next Alastor would be sneaking small peaks to the forehead or cheek, till it eventually fell into a casual greeting between the two, The more Baxter thought the more he realised- they never officially started dating- and not once, in their 3 years of companionship, did they ever once say, they loved each other,
True there were soft whispers of encouragement and compliments, but never once love.
It was only a small detail, a detail that would of been easily ignored if Baxter didn't find himself alone this evening, and without any experiments in need of his attention. The thought that they never openly said- 'i love you' was almost saddening, but- Baxter supposed that was just the type of relationship this was, they didn't need to say it, though- it would be nice to..
He was snuggled up in the corner of a dark maroon coloured loveseat, knees pulled up, and a cozy blanket dropped around him in warm fashion, his tinted yellow goggles for once lay on the side table beside said chair, his face now bare and hair un-gelled, the locks still swooped back but in a more- messy and relaxed fashion, It wasn't often Baxter found himself with nothing to do, and thanks to Alastor cutting down his coffee intake rather persistently, the latern fish found that he no longer shook as much, and the Paranoia seemed to die down, though he did miss the taste of coffee- he couldn't go and make some, as he already had his cup for the day and without a doubt Al would know if he had another, speaking of Al, Baxter recalled he should be back soon, having met Alastor breifly in the lobby earlier he was informed he had been given early leave as Angel was back up and moving.
ever since they started- what ever it was this was- both made it their mission to visit each other after work, taking turns depending on who finished last. Even during these past 4 days they did their best to keep it up, but even at that their schedules clashed so much they were lucky to even get a half an hour with one another.
Tonight it was Alastor's turn to visit Baxter, and usually this would be more then adequate, but- oddly enough. Baxter found himself on edge thank's to his Discovery.
As rediculous as it seemed, he knew Alastor loved him, and he knew he loved Alastor in return, all their little gestures prooved that- right?
The book in his lap laid abandoned, the world of Jane Austen long forgotten, As Baxter's reality took over, but before his thoughts could consume him, he was snapped out of them, by the sound of a twisting handle, dragging his gaze quickly towards the front door, in time to see his dearest burst in, full of smiles and red cape dancing behind him,
"honey! I'm home!" he called out playfully, his eyes immediantly finding those of Baxter's that shone majestically in the dim lighting of the room, the enterance earning a small smile from the shorter demon, who's worries washed away the moment Alastor stepped foot through that door.
Without a moment to spare Alastor slipped off his tail coat, he so traditionally wore, hanging it high on one of the coat hooks that impailed the walls,
"my~! Don't you look cozy! What world did you find yourself in today?" He requested curiously, swiftly turning to make his way towards the glorious light of his life, or erm- death? Eaither way! Alastor made his way over, expression softening as he took in the scene his guppy found himself in, looking so cozy and relaxed- those pale cherry red eyes beaming up at Alastor, on familiar affections, as though begging him to join the warmth the couch provided,
"Jane Austen, I could finally sit down and read it, without your distractions"
he hummed, his tone holding no ill intent, As Alastor leaned over the couch, ready to press a quick customary kiss to his beloveds lips, something Alastor had been waiting to do for the past two days, as their schedules seemed to be keeping them annoyingly separate. However the kiss was halted as Baxter covered Alastor's lips with his fingers stopping him from going further.
"ah, ah, ah! Nope- I know what you had for lunch don't even try it till you've brushed your teeth"
The radio demon threw his head back with a whine,
"but my sweetest! I haven't held you in 4 days! It's been torture!" Alastor stubbornly stated, but non the less took quick strides towards the bathroom, to do as he was told.
"then I'm sure you can wait 4 more minuets! We have all night Alastor, you can hold me and do as you please then! " Baxter mused before pushing himself off the couch, leaving a quick mark in his book so he wouldn't loose his place,
"oh HOHo!~ careful my dear~ if I didn't know better I'd say you were trying to seduce me!" Al playfully called before the tap began to run,
Used to such shinanigans, Baxter simply rolled his eyes, folding up the blanket from where he stood, before casually tossing it over the back of the couch.
He was wearing his lazy day pyjamas, aka, some plad pants and a simple navy t-shirt, as he padded his way into the bathroom, blinded by the bright lights for a moment before wrapping his arms around Alastor's middle in the form of a hug, nuzzling his head against his back, though he wouldn't admit it out loud- he missed Alastor for those two days, it was so quite and his bed felt so cold, for the first time in a long time Back right felt- lonely.
As he brushed his teeth, spitting out the blood from his lunch, Alastor paused as he felt arms wrap around him and a smaller body pressing against him, this warmth was gladly welcomed, the simple yet adorable act not going un-noticed, as a small laugh left the red heads lips,
"affectionate are we? I didn't think you would miss me so much~"
Though he ment it in a teasing way, he felt a stir behind him, alerting him his love was on the move, and before he knew it, his love had brought himself around to the front of the radio demon to stare up at him, brows ferrowed and a scowl on his lips,
"of course I did, I always miss you Al- i-...I care about you"
The scientist dropped his head back into Alastor's chest,
Smiling down at Baxter, Alastor placed his tooth brush back in it's usual spot by the sink,
Alastor was no idiot, he had long ago realised that neaither of them had voiced their proclamations on love, at least- not in the usual way, and even though it was a trivial matter Alastor considered himself a hopeless romantic, and only wished that he could so proudly tell Baxter how much he adored and loved him, after all- it wasn't everyday someone could wiggle their way into the radio demons life and manage to stay long enough to gain his affections,
Even though Alastor was ready to take the step, he held back, aware of his lovers easily fightend nature, and even though Alastor enjoyed a good scare, he refused to scare off Baxter, the one thing in the whole underworld, that gave him comfort and understood his secrets. He didn't want to lose him, and if holding back on his proclaimation, would keep him here. Beside Alastor for a little longer, well then so be it, he would hold back till his doe was ready,
With the grin of a love struck fool, Alastor pulled Baxter up into his arms, not forgetting the sweet yet subtle 'i missed you' in those words
"and I to you Baxter, no need to be shy, I missed you also! My sweet amore!" Alastor stated carrying his partner back to the sitting room,
protest from the one being carried carried went un-noticed, as Al took a seat, Alastor kept Baxter it place on his lap, making sure Baxter was facing him, as he just stared- taking in his raindrop for all his glory, those goggles for once gone allowing Alastor to truely see his love, and gell washed out allowing dark strands to frame the others tired face.
He couldn't stop himself from reaching out and stroking a cheek unknowenly,
Feeling the softness of skin, before cupping the cheek in his hand, witnessing the beautiful blush that began to glow from Baxter's very own cheeks,
"just between the two of us, I'm pretty sure Charlie let me off since I couldn't stop talking about you, you're a dangerous distraction you know~" Alastor admitted in a whisper, his forhead leaning down to rest on Baxters own, this earned a laugh from the navey haired beauty before him, the sweet sound carrying like a melody,
This statement alone was enough to make Baxter sigh in a happy manner, as observed the most extrodainary demon he had ever known, all he could think about right now was who he was seeing before him, and wonderous thoughts of how he managed to be so lucky, it came as no surrprise to him if that was the reason why his deer got away from work, it was no secret to anyone how much of a dotting and exceptionally proud partner Alastor was, esspeically when it came to the topic of the antisocial resident. It was one of the many things Baxter so loved about him.
"Alastor my light, you know I love you, but please- don't get fired on account of i "
It had fallen from his lips before he could break the connection of mind to mouth. A simply sentence that most would not pass any heed of, except for those three little words that had fallen out along with the sentence, leading to Baxter freezing, and Alastor's eyes lighting up as those he had just heard a babys first word.
"what was that you said Baxter?"
Alastor asked, unsure if this was all true, leaning his head back to give Baxter space and so that he could stare at his sweetheart in awe, however it seemed Baxters nerves got the best of him as he nervously shuffeled on the spot looking away as he said,
"d-dont get fired?"
He asked hopefully, earning an unimpressed look from Alastor, however the red head simply shook his head, hands coming up and taking hold of Baxters cheeks getting him to look his way,
"my sweet guppy you know that's not it, please, tell me" reaching down Al now took Baxters hands, hopeful eyes staring back at him, "I won't go anywhere." Alastor had promised. It seemed that even without words, this deer could feel what fear lay behind Baxters actions.
With that Baxter took a nervous breath and repeating softly,
"i-I love you..."
He repeated slowly, Earning a soft squeeze from Alastor's hand's, giving Baxter that nudge to carry on, as he began to repeat it a bit louder, looking up as he did so to stare into the others blood red gaze,
"I love you Alastor, I wanted to tell you! Really I understand if-if yo-!!!!?" he was swiftly cut off as the Cheshire dearest basically lept forward, throwing Baxter onto his back with an 'OOF!' his grinning lover practically attacked his scientist with soft and quick kisses,to the lips, nose, cheek, forehead, neck- and we'll everywhere! Not one stone left unturned, always the sensitive one Baxter broke out in a fit of laughter and giggles, attempting to hide his face from the assalt,
"A-al what's gotten into you!" He called between laughter, hoping it would pause the assult breifly so he may catch his bearings. Obviously that failed as the kisses continued but Alastor spoke between them,
"do you have any idea! How happy you make me? You don't even realise- what did I do to deserve such an angel! Baxter- my sweet- darling!- wonderful! Beautiful! Lover, I love you so much oh praise Lucifer! "
With that, Alastor had taken the lead pressing a lasting and deep kiss to Baxter's lips, taken by surrprise he lay in shock for half a second, before gladly giving in, arms wrapping up around Alastor's shoulders to pull him down closer, kissing back with hopefully all the love, passion and happiness he was receiving from his sweetest, the kiss last the good half of a minute and a half before their lungs decided they needed stupid oxygen, pulling back, the two were left breathless as they stared at each other.
The moment feeling almost nolstolgic, and familiar, as though it was their first kiss all over again, desperate- yet sweet- full of emotion and pent up desires, Baxter was able to feel the small sting of a nip definitely made by Alastor on his lower lip, sucking it back in he licked the scrap lighting, looking up, in time to witness the glorious blush that danced across his beloveds cheeks, it was always quite a treat to witness, and with a rare burst of confidence Baxter grinned,
Alastor watching from below in what one would assume was amazment, in this moment Alastor veiwed Baxter with the same need and want as he did when he simply watched from a far, the feeling to touch and be near him so strong, as he veiwed the giddy yet wreaked form that lay beneath him staring up mischiviously with I his cute little grin that was honestly unfair,
"what are you grinning for my love?"
The radio demon requested in curious Innocence sitting back up, in order to let his dearest one up from the couch, because he swore if he stared from that angle any longer he would not be held responsible for what would happen,
Pulling himself up Baxter stared back to his tall lover,
"Because you are mighty handsome and that kiss reminded me of some reasons why you began to grow on me all those years ago.."
He admitted reaching up to Alastor's ears, his hand finding it's usual place at the base between the skull and ear, before giving a good old scratch.
"it reminded me, of why I'm so happy that I let you in.."
Alastor visably quivered as his ear was scrached, a relaxed and pleased sound leaving his throat, before he bent down to give Baxter more room to scratch,
"it also reminded me of how much a missed your affection for the past 4 days~so my love, why don't we make up for lost time?"
Alastor perked up on that, unsure if he heard that right, his Baxter making the first move and not just that- a suggestive one-
He peered to Baxter to confirm his suspicions, and once he noticed those wonderful glowing cheeks, and bashful expression- he pounced.
The night had been full of smiles, sweet whispers and encouragements, long awaited proclaimations had been sung, and wishes heard, it all past by so fast and dreamlike, that once Baxter had awoken back in his room, the white sheets snuggly wrapped around him, he was unsure if it all had infact happened, only went he felt the all two familiar arm wrapped around his waist and the warmth from the no longer lonely sheets, did he recall all that had happened, or at least- most of all- there was just one thing missing.
So with sleepy eyes and lazy movements, he turned to face his capture who held him in his iron trap, staring back at him were two bright and awake eyes, full with admiration and care, and dare one say love,
Quite a rare sight to see the usually prim and proper demon casually in bed, his red and dark brown hair ascrew, monocle missing and above all shirtless, but it was still a sight Baxter adored because he knew it was just for him. Tiredly he muttered out a sleepy,
"morning.." pulling the blankets up higher on them both, these sleepy mornings were what Baxter lived for, the mornings were always wonderful when you had someone to wake with.
In response to his sleepy companion Alastor sighed almost blissfully, allowing Baxter to encave them in toasty warmth.
"goodmorning my dear, sleep well?" He asked earning a "hgn hms ew?" In answer, in a way that allowed Alastor to give a little laugh,
"wonderful now that you're here my dear" he had answered, being able to decipher Baxter's sleepy mumblings due to how long they had been together, he continued to watch his dear one for a moment longer in perfect Serenity before feeling a need to reach forward and brush some hair from those peircing eyes that stood out against the rest of his darker complexion, bringing himself forward to whisper quitely, as though sharing a secret he didn't want anyone else to hear,
"I love you in the mornings, and I love you in my dreams"
Taken by surrprise Baxter realised what he had been missing from his recollection of yesterday, everything that had kicked it all off, which broughtly a love struck smile to his face, before he reached out and took Alastor's hand, under the sheets as he quitely whispered back,
"are you really planning to tell me everytime you feel in love with me?" Baxter asked in tired amusment.
Alastor smiled, lifting the hand to give it a small kiss,
"it would be impossible to tell you everytime I feel it but- I'll tell you when I can, because everytime says your name I fall on love with you, all over again. " he admitted
Enjoying the bashful expression that fell upon Baxters face, yet his smile never faltered as he wiggled closer to peak Alastor on the lips,
"Alastor you emmbaresing sap"
He groaned with the mix of a small laugh, as he attempted to roll away, only to be gently pulled back by none other then his lover meeting Alastor's eyes once more,
"ah~ ah~ now where are you going? You didn't even say it back~" he mused making sure not to let Baxter go this time round.
"I love you~"
Baxter replied with a roll of his eyes even so, The smile was evident in his voice, and it was like that, the mornings became Baxters favorite hour of the day, so long as he was able to spend them with his luckiest find, Alastor.
"I love you to the point of no return "
A surrprised brow was raised at that, Alastor's grin only growing,
"did you just quote that movie Charlie made us watch? And you call me emmbaresing?"
Baxter simply put up his head, looking away, hiding a smile,
"I have no idea what you're on about~"
The only person that managed to tie with his love for science or even out pass it (just by a smidge), he couldn't imagine a day without him any longer.
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nutslovesdolts · 6 years
My Take on Angsty Dragonslayer (kinda)
(I got permission to use the idea for this from the original person also this is a different spin on it)
(This goes off Yang being a Mother that experiences periods of intense depression and or sadness after birth being near the baby so yeah)
(In my Dragonslayer stuff if theres a kid involved I'm gonna have em named Amber so yeah)
Yang's point of view: *It had been a year since Yang left... she ran away from Jaune and her newborn Amber almost 2 weeks after her birth... but why? Every time she looked at her, she felt so much dread... so crushed... she couldn't tell Jaune... he was so happy... so she ran... and ran*
*by this point Yang was falling apart... not a minute went by where she didn't want to go back and be with her husband and child... but how could she... what could she say... how could anyone ever forgive what she had done... she had become Raven and she hated herself for it...*
*She had even been keeping tabs of the two, and Ruby who had stepped in to help Jaune after their attempts to search for Yang had failed... Ruby stepped in to help take care of another...*
*Yang began to cry quietly into her cracked and dirty hands, the tears pouring out as they always did...*
This had to end...
Jaune's point of view: *1 year... 2 weeks past his daughter's first birthday.. a year and two weeks since the love of his life... his wife... his reason to live... had left...*
*all through that time he wanted to shut down... to give up, but he wouldn't complete the cycle... he wouldn't be the Tai to his Raven... but even that thought always just added to his sorrow*
Ruby: Jaune...? *Ruby asked placing a hand on his shoulder, knowing full well what was wrong*
Jaune: ... sorry... I just... ... sorry
Ruby: ... It's not your fault Jaune... you've been a great father to Amber and you know she needs you
Jaune: *smiling sadly* but not without the help of her Auntie Ruby... I can never make this up to you you know...
Ruby: you don't ever have to, besides... Yang... she was basically my mom for a good part of my life... she... ... I owe it to her at least...
Jaune: ... Ruby...
Ruby: hmm?
Jaune: do you think she's ok...?
Ruby: Amber? Jaune you do such a good job taking care of her oh co-
Jaune: No... Yang... *looks at Ruby with tears in his eyes* I just... miss her so much...
Ruby: *softly hugs Jaune* ... me too...
Jaune: *crys into Rubys shoulder until he hears Amber crying updtairs* Thank you Ruby...really *he goes upstairs leaving Ruby on the couch*
Ruby's point of view: *she and Weiss had been helping to take care of Amber (and if he was really honest, more so taking care of Jaune) ever since Yang left... Ruby was so worried Jaune would just shut down like her father did but somehow he stayed strong... or as strong as he could... Ruby just couldn't understand how Yang could have left him, they were so madly in love and she was SO excited to be a mother... Yang always spoke to Ruby in private how much she wanted to give her child everything her own mom had denied her...*
Ruby: *sighed for a long while and got up for a snack, checking the cabinets she found very little... Weiss had been helping financially support Jaune for a while even offering to have Jaune and Amber come live with her and Ruby, but Jaune was very adamant about staying in case Yang came back and no one wanted to push him, that being said Jaune was never very good at taking care of himself, case in point the empty cabinets (minus the stacked baby food filling most of the leftmost cabinet)*
Jaune: Amber is asleep, hopefully for the night, she was pretty tired after all that running around with you today haha
Ruby: she's not the only one haha, also Jaune, you may want to run down to the store, all you have is leftovers and tea
Jaune: oh right... I ment to go earlier hehe *he said rubbing the back of his neck* I'll run over there now
*he grabbed his coat and went to the door* If she wakes up just sing to her, you know she loves it
Ruby: I will, be safe!
Jaune: I always am *he said knocking his shield and walked out the door*
Yang's pov: *She had seen Jaune's breakdown from afar, but what hurt more then anything was watching him sing to Amber to calm her down... she could read his lips... it was the same song he always sang to help calm Yang down whenever ptsd struck or she would have a panic attack... he was always there for her... but she left him...*
*she slid down the limb of the tree she was perched in and started sobbing... not quietly like always, but unhindered as if all that she had done came back at once... she fell out of touch with the world around her... and neglecting to see the blond haired warrior walk down the path in the direction she was perched...*
Jaune's pov: ok so I have to get milk, flower cookies *he smiled at both Ruby and Amber's favorite snack, a small bit of the cloud over him lifting for a brief moment* eggs, vegetabl... * he paused as he thought he heard a voice*
*he strained to hear where the source may have come from as he followed the sounds forward down the path*
*as he got close he thought it sounded a bit like Yang... but it couldn't be... he crouched and crept quietly forward*
*he kept onwards until he was at the foot of a tree looking up he saw a woman crying, her hair was torn dirty and matted, her clothes were patched up so baddly it seemed like none of the original material was there at all, but what caught his eye the most were her arms... or arm... one was muscular but thin compared to the other... and the other was...*
*Jaune went completely still for a moment... her other arm was a metallic rusty color, where there had once been yellow paint there were now red stains and scratches, the yellow only helping to highlight the damage...*
*he felt tears fill his eyes but forced them back... she was shaking, and sobbing... his Yang needed him...*
Yang's pov: *she could hear something climbing the tree... she knew it was probably a Grimm coming to kill her... with how many negative emotions she was spewing it wouldn't surprise her if she was attracting every Grimm in Remnant... ... it was ok... she deserved this... she would just let them take her... she was finally defeated...*
*she tensed up tightly as she felt something touch her real arm before realizing it was comforting... not painful, something had wrapped itself around her...*
Jaune's pov: *he was holding her again... his Yang, his wife, his love... but she never looked up, not stopped her tears*
Jaune: *he knew what he had to do... he started to sing...*
((Admin note add your own favorite song here, I won't make you try to figure a tune out))
Yang: *she started freaking out more, it was Him... it couldn't be him... not like this... not to her...not after all she had done... ... but here he was, holding her... loving her, calming her like he always used to...*
*she heard his voice shake a bit and felt tears on her sholder... she still couldn't move... sh just couldn't, what could she do...*
Yang: .... Ja... I....
Jaune: *hugging her tighter* shhhh... Just... please don't leave... pl..please... come home... *he put one arm under her legs and his other behind her back* can I take you home? *he gazed into her Lilac eyes for the first time in what felt like an eternity, he wiped her hears away and stayed there for a moment, just resting his hand on her face*
Yang: *she couldn't speak... she couldn't move, afraid that if she did her body would carry her away again... so she just gazed back longingly into his eyes*
Jaune: *this was all he needed, he slid off the branch with Yang in his arms and hit the ground with a heavy *Thud* before walking back to the warm glow of their house in the distance*
Ruby: *she heard the door opening again* Jaune, what did you forget? There's no way you made it there and back alre-
*she dropped the tray of tea she was holding letting it shatter on the floor... in the doorway there was the Knight, holding in his arms her lost sibling, very much worse for wear... she wanted to be mad, she wanted to SCREAM at her how could she do this... but instead she just felt happy sorrow welling in her chest...*
Jaune: Ruby... she can't talk yet, can you go draw up a bath...? I don't think she has had one in a long time... *he said giving the still frozen Yang to Ruby hesitantly*
Wait before you do *Jaune began to take the rusted metal off of Yang's arm and got no protest, the skin where the arm was connected to was raw and dirty, giving the impression it hadn't been off in a very long time* I'm not sure I can... see... Yang like that for a bit... or if it's even right to... sorry
Ruby: *gently taking Yang from his arms, with a knowing look* I'm her sister, it's alright
Yang: *Jaune had never in their relationship passed up a chance to see her without clothing before... it actually hurt hearing his words..., she was almost glad Jaune had taken her arm, it was something she couldn't live without meaning she couldn't just run again*
Jaune: *he took Yang's arm to the now dusty workshop and placed it on the table, before she left Jaune had become quite a master of maintenance on the prosthetic, always earning a reward from Yang for a job well done... the thought made him sad for a minute before he looked at all the work thag had to be done*
Jaune: at least this'll take my mind off stuff...
Ruby: *she had stripped her sister with much difficulty, her clothes had practically fused with her skin, the number of cuts and scars with dried blood made Ruby wonder how the heck she hadn't gotten infected... she then realized she hadn't *
Ruby: you know... *she started, never looking at Yangs eyes as she lowered her into the water* ... I may never understand... but you're my sister and I'll always be here for you... but dad... well... when you're ready you need to talk to him...
Yang: *any calmness she felt after being placed in the water was now long gone hearing about her father... oh god what had this done to him...* I...
Ruby: don't... just don't try yet Yang... please... ... just pull yourself together... *Ruby said running her hands through Yang's now matted and disheveled hair*
Yang: *she just began to cry again...*
To be continued in Part II if anyone wants it,... yeah this was a nightmare to write on a phone... also yeah I may have hit the word/paragraph limit and yeah... so stay tuned?
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hmhteen · 6 years
Cover (Re)reveal + HMH Teen Teaser: YOU OWE ME A MURDER by Eileen Cook!
Thrillers are the best at providing twisty endings you never saw coming...so it makes sense that YOU OWE ME A MURDER would start thrilling readers with a cover switcheroo! That’s right, this YA perfect for fans of GENUINE FRAUD and ONE OF US IS LYING has a new cover. 
And here’s a plot twist: in addition to sharing the cover below, we’re sharing an excerpt, too. 
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I plotted murder in the Vancouver airport while waiting at gate D78 for my flight to London.
Based on the expressions of the people around me, I wasn’t the only one thinking of how to do someone in. Our flight was delayed and everyone was irritated and restless. The couple at the end of the row were fighting about which one of them had forgotten to lock the bedroom window before they left. Then there were at least a half-dozen people wanting to take out the toddler wearing the SpongeBob T-shirt, who vacillated between shrieking at a decibel normally used to torture dogs and running around slamming into everyone with his grimy hands.
The old guy across from me snarled, baring his yellowed teeth, every time the kid whirled in his direction. You’d think that would freak the toddler out, but it didn’t seem to make any impact. Maybe the little boy got his ability to ignore unpleasant things from his mom. She stared down at an issue of People magazine, her lips moving as she read, completely ignoring the fact that people in the gate area wanted to club her kid with their roller bags. The only way you knew it was her child was that when he would slam into her, she’d hold out a limp plastic baggie filled with rainbow-colored gummy worms and then drop one into his clutching hand. She was like an apathetic mama bird.
I tilted my head to the side to crack the tension in my neck. I wished I could block things out that well. Instead I found myself continually looking over at Connor. My back teeth clenched, tight enough to crack. Miriam was perched on his lap. I told myself to stop staring, but my attention kept being pulled back. He slid his hand under her shirt and rubbed her back in tight circles. I knew that move. He’d done that to me.
Before he’d dumped me.
Miriam ruffled his hair. He couldn’t stand it when I’d done that. He’d push my hand away or duck out of my reach. Connor had gone deaf after a bout of chicken pox as a kid and had cochlear implants so he could hear. He wore his hair a bit shaggy because he didn’t like to draw attention to the proces- sor behind his ears. I’d found it fascinating. Not just because it’s a pretty cool piece of tech, but also because I wanted to know how he felt going from a silent world to being able to hear. But he didn’t like to talk about it, or for me to touch his hair. 
Apparently, he didn’t have the same hang-up with Miriam. I reminded myself that I didn’t care. Connor meant nothing to me now. I swallowed hard.
Toddler SpongeBob slammed into me. His sticky fingers, streaked red and blue from the candy, clutched my jeans. He stared up at me with his watery eyes and then, without look- ing away, slowly lowered his drooling, slobbery mouth to my knee and bit me.
“Hey!” I shoved him hard without thinking. He teetered for a moment and then fell onto his giant padded diaper butt, letting out a cry. I glanced around guiltily, shame landing on my chest with a thud. His mother didn’t even look over. The old man gave me a thumbs-up gesture. Great — that’s me, Kim, the kind of person who beats up preschoolers when she’s not stalking her ex-boyfriend. I crouched down to help the kid up, but he pushed me away and returned to running wildly up and down the aisle.
I peered down at my phone, wishing I could call my best friend, Emily. She always knew how to cheer me up. She was spending the entire summer working at a camp on the far side of Vancouver Island. She didn’t have any cell service or WiFi, so there was going to be no quick “everything will be fine” text or call. Granted, if I’d been able to reach her earlier in the sum- mer, I might not even have been in this situation at all. Com- municating old school — by letters — might be vintage and nostalgic, but it does you no good when you have an emotional disaster that needs immediate BFF interaction.
We’d been friends since elementary school and this was the longest I’d ever gone without talking to her. So far, my summer was proof positive that I shouldn’t be allowed to handle things on my own. I fished the last card she’d sent me out of my bag. Inside she’d scribbled, “I know you can do this! Your trip’s going to be amazing!!” Emily never met an exclamation point that she didn’t like. Despite the positive punctuation, I was pretty sure she was wrong on both counts. I felt far from capable, and although the flight hadn’t even left, I already hated everything about this trip.
I took a deep breath, counting in for three and then letting it whoosh out. I can do this. I wasn’t going to let Emily and my parents down.
A few rows over, Miriam laughed, tossing her head back as if Connor had just told the best joke of all time. She playfully punched him in the chest with her tiny little hand. Everything about her was miniaturized. She told everyone she was five feet tall, but she was four eleven at best. She looked ridiculous when she stood next to Connor. He could have put her into his backpack and carried her around like a Chihuahua.
I had to admit Miriam was pretty, other than being freakishly petite. She had long dark hair that could have starred in a shampoo commercial. Her only flaw was that she wore too much eyeliner. She was addicted to the cat’s-eye look, accentuating the slant of her eyes. She had a flair for drama; she always made huge gestures, sweeping her arms around, flicking her hair over a shoulder, or talking loudly as if she was constantly trying to make sure everyone could hear her. She was in the theater crowd, so maybe she couldn’t help herself.
I never would have guessed Connor would date someone like her: showy. I thought he’d enjoyed that we didn’t always have to be talking, but if we did, it was about important stuff: Philosophy. Science. Politics. We met once at the coffee shop in the morning before work and split up the Globe and Mail, silently passing the newspaper sections back and forth. He was the only other person I knew besides me who liked to read an actual paper. I’d caught our reflection in the window and thought we looked like adults. Like people who lived in New York or Toronto, with important jobs, a fancy high-rise apart- ment with lots of glass and chrome, and a membership to the local art museum.
Miriam had no volume control, but she wasn’t stupid. I didn’t know her well — she hung with the drama crowd — but I wouldn’t have thought Connor was her type. I would have seen her liking a guy with an earring and some kind of social justice agenda. She wasn’t in the hard sciences but still took a bunch of AP courses. She’d written some paper on Shakespeare that won a national award for English geeks. No wonder I wanted to kill her.
I sighed. I didn’t want to kill her, I wanted to be her. Miriam hadn’t stolen Connor. Someone can’t steal what you don’t have. He didn’t dump me because he’d fallen for her. What had happened between us was complicated. More complicated than I even wanted to admit. He had his own reasons for stomping on my heart. If I was going to take anyone out, it should be him. But no matter whom I blamed, it didn’t change the fact that I wasn’t looking forward to spending the next few weeks watching the two of them make out in front of me. I shook my head to clear it. As everyone kept reminding me, it would be for only sixteen days.
I closed my eyes so I didn’t have to see them, but I could still hear Miriam. Her drama teacher should be proud of how well Miriam’s voice carried. She was four feet eleven of all lungs. Her voice filled the entire gate area and spread down the hall like toxic lava. I could tell already that the sound would be like fingernails on a chalkboard by the end of the trip.
The worst part was that I’d pleaded to go. I told my parents if they let me attend, they’d never have to get me another gift. Once Connor had announced he was going — before we’d broken up — I’d been instantly consumed with images of the two of us walking hand in hand through narrow cobblestone streets. The program was advertised as if it were a great edu- cational opportunity, but the truth was, there weren’t any real demands. We’d be “exposed” to culture, as though it were a cold we could catch. I didn’t really care about the chance to travel, or what I might learn from the sights of London; what mattered was going with him. I didn’t want him to be away for almost three weeks, doing all these things without me. I loved the idea of starting school in September with the two of us chatting constantly about “remember the time we were in London?” until everyone around us was annoyed.
In retrospect, I know he wanted to come because he didn’t think I was going. He signed up without talking it over, telling me only after it was a done deal. I pleaded with my parents for days, never admitting that I wanted to go because of Connor and instead laying it on thick how it was a great way to expand my horizons, how amazing it would look on my university apps, and how I’d suddenly developed a fascination with British history, until they gave in.
Then, after things with Connor blew up in my face, I’d begged my parents to let me bail, but they wouldn’t budge. They insisted it wasn’t the deposit, it was the point. My dad called it a chance for me to “build character.” As far as he was concerned, Connor had never been worth my time. He made a snide comment about Connor’s overbite, which, coming from a dentist, was some serious trash talk.
My mom had made a dismissive sniff and told me “he’s not worth bothering over.” She acted as though she didn’t like him, but when I’d first told her about Connor, she’d been as excited as me. He was exactly the kind of boy she would have liked at my age, and the exact kind of boy she assumed would never know her awkward daughter even existed. She looked at me differently, as if her ugly duckling had finally hit possible swan status. We went shopping together and got matching hot pink mani-pedis. We’d never gotten along as well as we had for those few weeks.
Then when things went bad with him, my mom acted as if she were the one who’d been humiliated. She might have said she wanted me to go on the trip because it was a chance to travel, but she also wanted me to be the kind of person who held her head high to handle the situation the way she would have done. And I wanted to be that person too — the kind who would have a fantastic time regardless of a breakup and, by the end of the trip, see Connor desperately sorry he’d broken up with me. All while making a pack of new friends.
However, if I was going to go full fantasy, I might as well add in that the queen would invite me to the palace, and Will and Kate would ask me to baby-sit, and Harry and Meghan would offer to hook me up with some minor count or a duke. The truth was, the next few weeks were going to suck.
And I was going to be stuck strapped in directly behind the lovebirds for the entire flight, watching them crawl all over each other in the tiny coach seats. I squeezed my eyes shut as if I could block out the mental image playing on the big screen of my mind. I’d told myself a thousand times since we’d all checked in and I’d heard our seating assignments that I could handle this, but with every second that went by, it was becoming increasingly clear to me that I wouldn’t make it. I’d snap somewhere thirty-three thousand feet up and beat the two of them over the head with the in-flight magazine.
Or start crying again. I wasn’t sure which would be worse. You would think there was only so much crying a person could do before she got completely dehydrated. I’d told myself I couldn’t stand him anymore, so why did my heart still seize and my throat grow tight every time he was around?
I stood up so suddenly that my bag fell to the floor. I snatched it up and strode over to the airline counter. The gate agent didn’t look up. She was too preoccupied typing into her computer. Her fingernails, which had a thick layer of bright red gel polish, made a strange clacking sound on the keys. I cleared my throat, but she still didn’t stop.
“Excuse me,” I managed to get out before she held up a fin- ger to silence me.
She finally finished whatever she was doing and glanced up. “If you’re asking about the delay, I don’t have any more information. As soon as we get clearance, we’ll start boarding.” There was makeup creased on her forehead and I suspected she was on her last nerve. She was a walking reminder to never go into a customer service occupation.
I leaned forward even though logically I knew Connor couldn’t hear me from where he was sitting. “I wondered if I could change my seat?”
 She scrunched up her face. “I don’t think —”
“See the guy back there?” I yanked my head in Connor’s direction. “That’s my ex-boyfriend. We’re going to England on a travel program. I’m supposed to sit right behind him.” I paused. “For nine hours.”
Her perfectly arched eyebrows shot up to her hairline and she looked over my shoulder.
I sensed I was getting somewhere. “He was my first boyfriend.” My voice cracked and I had to swallow over and over to keep control. “He dumped me just a couple weeks ago.”
Her eyes softened, but she shook her head. “I’m sorry, but
I can’t —”
“That’s his new girlfriend. She used to be my best friend.” The gate agent sucked in a breath and looked over at Connor as though he were something she’d scraped off her shoe.
I felt bad as soon as the words were out of my mouth. Mir- iam and I had never even hung out before this trip, let alone been friends, but I needed the agent to help me. Desperate times called for desperate measures.
I don’t lie to hurt people, or to pull something over on them, but I guess sometimes I . . . make up stories to make myself more interesting. As long as I can remember, I’ve done it. On the playground in elementary school, I told the other kids that fairies lived in my backyard. In junior high I let everyone think I’d been adopted. I didn’t want to lie. I wanted to be normal and interesting, but I wasn’t.
I hadn’t lied with Connor. With him I’d been one hun- dred percent honest about my feelings, and look how that had turned out.
The agent clacked away on the computer. “Your name?” 
“Kim, Kim Maher.” I spelled my last name.
“I need your old boarding pass.” I slid the limp piece of paper across the counter. She tore it in half as the machine spat out a new one. She passed it over to me with a wink. “He doesn’t deserve you. Have a good trip.”
The tight band around my chest loosened. “Thanks.”
I wove through the crowd clustered around the gate and plopped back down in my seat. I pushed the New York Times I’d already read out of the way and pulled out the magazine I’d brought. I hid between the pages, blinking back tears. The gate agent was right. Connor didn’t deserve me. It was the same thing Emily told me. But even if I knew it was true, it didn’t hurt any less. All I had to do was figure out how to get my heart to catch up to the fact that my head didn’t like him anymore.
A girl slid a few seats over to be next to me. “Did she say anything about the delay?” Her English accent made me feel as if I’d dropped onto the set of a BBC historical drama.
I shook my head and quickly wiped my eyes so she wouldn’t notice the tears. “No news.”
The girl sighed. She pulled her legs up and wrapped her arms around her knees. She tugged the thin cream cashmere sweater sleeves over her hands. She glanced down at the stack of paper on the chair next to me. “Your Times?”
I nodded.
“Did you read the article about the changes to the space program? I saw it earlier this morning.”
I jumped slightly in surprise. She seemed like someone who would spot a copy of InStyle at a hundred meters but wouldn’t know a shuttle from a rocket if she were whacked across the face with one of them. “Uh-huh.” I picked up the paper, look- ing for the Science section.
“I think that’s what I like about a real paper,” she said. “It’s like a knowledge Easter egg hunt. You never know what you’re going to find.”
I nodded like a bobble-head doll. That was exactly why I
loved reading a paper too. “Yeah. Are you into space stuff?” She shrugged. “Just find it interesting.”
I held out my hand. “I’m Kim.”
“Nicki.” She smiled as we shook. “How come you aren’t hanging with the rest of your group?” She motioned to a cou- ple rows over. There were eight of us on the trip and we were all on this flight. A few had busted out cards to play a game on the blue carpeted floor, and the others were clustered around Jamal’s laptop checking out his music.
“How did you know —” I got out before she flicked the blue
and white student scholars for change tag attached to carryon. I’d forgotten I was branded. “Ah. I’m not really friends with any of them. There are just three of us from my high school. It’s complicated,” I said.
Nicki nodded. “Story of my life. I was here visiting my dad, and the reason he lives here, instead of in London with me and my mum, is all sorts of complicated too.”
Nicki tucked her hair behind her ears. Her bob wasn’t quite long enough, so as soon as she did, the hair fell free and swung forward again. “Sorry, that came out a bit pissy. I just find other people . . . ugh. I don’t know. Disappointing.” She shoved her hair back again.
“Story of my life,” I said, echoing her words. She laughed and it reminded me of scales on a piano.
Nicki tapped the robotics magazine on my lap. “You plan on going into robotics at uni?”
I shook my head. “Not sure. I’m leaning toward engineer- ing, maybe computers.”
She waited until an announcement about a flight to Phoe- nix stopped blaring on the PA. “I’m thinking psychology. I’m interested in research. This is my gap year.” She watched the unsupervised toddler fish a booger out of his nose and rub it into his hair.
“What kind of research?”
“Human behavior. I don’t have any interest in being a coun- selor. People blathering about their problems all day would drive me barmy. But I’m intrigued with why people do what they do, why they don’t do some things, what they could accomplish, that kind of thing.”
I traced the pattern in the carpet with my shoe. Under- standing other people was one of the great mysteries in my life. “If you ever figure people out, you’ll have to let me know what you discover. Math I can make sense of, but people are more confusing than quantum physics. Give me a robot any day.”
She laughed. “Don’t give up on humanity just yet. Maybe
you haven’t met anyone worth figuring out.”
The overhead speaker chirped to life. “Attention: Passen- gers on Air Canada flight 854 to London. Due to aircraft main- tenance issues, this flight will be further delayed. We apologize for the inconvenience.” The crowd groaned. The screen over our gate flickered and a new departure time, three hours from now, blinked on.
Connor stood and stretched. “Who wants to find a place to
watch the Whitecaps game?”
Our group began to gather up their stuff. He was like the pied piper of nerdy people. Everyone was willing to follow him. Miriam walked over toward me.
“Do you want to come?” she offered. Her legs were so small that her size extra small leggings were baggy around her thighs. She must buy her clothing in a kids’ department.
“No thanks,” I managed to say, willing her to walk away. Or
she could disappear completely — I was open to that, too.
“You can’t want to just hang around here for the next three hours.” Miriam nudged my tote with her foot. “C’mon, we’ll all get some fries or something. It’ll be fun.”
Fun wasn’t even in the top ten words that I would think of to describe the situation. “I’m fine,” I insisted. It was bad enough that Connor wanted nothing to do with me. It was worse that he started dating someone else right away. It was a nightmare that I was stuck on this trip with them. But her being nice to me was a layer of shit icing on this crap cupcake. I didn’t even know how much Connor had told her about what had happened between the two of us. I wasn’t sure what I preferred: that she knew and felt pity for me, or that he hadn’t told her anything because he didn’t think I was worth mentioning. I slouched lower in the seat.
“Leave it — she doesn’t want to come. Trust me, no one will miss her with that attitude.” Connor strode over and took Mir- iam’s hand without even glancing at me.
I flushed. He was right. I was a walking black cloud of doom. I hadn’t bothered to get to know anyone else coming on the trip and now I was going to be miserable and alone.
“Gawd, he’s a tosser,” Nicki said, loud enough to carry.
I wasn’t entirely certain what it meant, but it sounded both hysterical and insulting. I burst out laughing.
Connor and Miriam walked off down the hall, the rest of the group following behind them. He glanced over his shoulder at us, and when he saw we were still staring, he whirled back around.
My chest filled with air. I felt like one of those large balloons at a parade — ready to float away. “I don’t know what you said, but you’re my new favorite person on this planet,” I said. I meant it, too. My BFF couldn’t be reached except by letter. Emily might as well have been in space for all the help she could give me.
“That guy is a loser.” Nicki pulled me from my seat. “I can tell, because as we’ve already established, I study people. You can pay me back for correctly identifying him as a wanker by keeping me entertained for the next few hours.”
“How would you like me to do that?”
Nicki’s smile spread across her face. “We’re smart women, we’ll think of something.”
Nicki stopped short outside the duty-free store, causing me to nearly slam into her back. She seemed entranced by the bright lights bouncing off a display of jewel-colored perfume bottles.
“Let’s go in here,” she said.
“They won’t have gum,” I noted. “There’s another store down just a bit further.” I pointed, but she’d already started to weave her way through the aisles. She randomly picked up items: a stuffed bear holding a satin heart, a giant Toblerone bar, and a box of washed-out pastel-colored saltwater taffy. She inspected each one as if she worked for quality control and then put each back down. I trailed after her.
My mouth still burned from the jalapeños I’d had at lunch. Nicki claimed the best thing to eat before a big flight was huevos rancheros. She insisted the combination of protein from the eggs and cheese, along with the spice from the salsa, would ensure a good sleep on the plane. When I pointed out the entrée wasn’t on the menu, she’d raised one perfectly tweezed eyebrow. “Ordering off the menu is for the common person,” she’d declared. When the waiter came over, she turned on the charm, and before I’d known what was happening, he dropped off two custom plates just for us. And she was right — the huge meal made me want a nap.
Nicki grabbed a stuffed zebra and gave it a squeeze. “Things like this make me wish I had a kid brother or sister. Let me guess, you’re an only child too.”
My mouth fell open. “How did you —”
“Only children are different. They have to amuse them- selves growing up. They’re independent, better problem solvers. There’s tons of research on it. I could tell by the way you’ve been talking. You’re just like me.”
Technically, I wasn’t just like her. I never knew what to say when people asked if I had any siblings. “About a half-dozen fully frozen” seemed too flip and required an explanation. Saying I was an only child felt like lying about the existence of my parents’ cryogenically suspended embryos. They were my brothers and sisters, just in cold storage in a medical lab.
My parents hadn’t had an easy time getting pregnant. Thanks to the fact that my mom was an early blogger, the whole world knew about their struggles. Then after three rounds of IVF, I took. My mom called me MBK on her blog — Miracle Baby Kim. She said she used the initials to protect my privacy, but how private could my life be when she plastered every one of my development milestones in cyberspace for the whole world to see?
Somewhere on the Internet there’s a picture of me as a three-year-old, wearing a tiara and giant pink fuzzy slippers, sitting on the toilet with the caption “MBK Finally Masters Potty Training!” The “finally” is a nice touch; nothing I like bet- ter than people thinking I was delayed in the hygiene depart- ment. My mom’s name was all over her blog; it didn’t exactly take a Mensa-level IQ to figure out that I was MBK. The truth was, she didn’t care how I felt about the blog. What she cared about were all the people who read it and gave her nonstop “you’re the best mom ever” feedback.
The year I turned ten, my mom wrote a long blog post where she announced to her legions of fans that she and my dad were officially giving up their efforts to have more children. They couldn’t keep up the nonstop cycles of IVF. It seemed Mother Nature didn’t have it in the plans for my mom to be the mother she wanted to be, with a minivan and the ability to construct something out of Legos while simultaneously preparing an organic dinner for her large happy family. And while she wanted to focus on her blessing (Beautiful MBK!), she could still grieve for what could have been and she would always see those frozen embryos as her babies. The Huffington Post picked up that blog post and ran it on their site. It’s one of their most downloaded pieces. They rerun it on Mother’s Day most years.
It was around that time that I started to become aware that I was a disappointment to my mom. When she’d imag- ined having children, none of them were like me. She wanted a daughter who liked to play with dolls and whom she’d punish with a wag of her finger, all while smiling at how adorable it was that I stole her makeup. My desire for tangle-free short hair and passion for books and blanket forts befuddled her. Why didn’t I want to skip rope outside with the other girls? Why didn’t I let her braid my hair into complicated patterns befitting a Disney princess? Why wasn’t I similar to her at all? How could she be a mothering expert when her own kid was so . . . awkward?
My mom was one of the first mommy bloggers. Thousands of people still read her site daily. They comment on her reci- pes (Super YUM Crock-Pot Meals!) and reviews of baby items (Bugaboo Strollers Worth Every Penny!). She’s blogged about how motherhood is hard and disappointing, but that doesn’t mean it isn’t worth it. I can’t be the only one who realizes that she’s trying to talk herself into that fact. I believe that my mom loves me, I just don’t think she likes me. If she’d had more kids, maybe it would have made a difference. I guess neither of us will ever know.
Nicki sniffed a bottle of Burberry Brit perfume and then spritzed a tiny bit on her wrist. She held out her arm for me and I leaned in.
“Nice,” I said, but she’d already moved on to the next display.
 She stared up at the tower of Grey Goose vodka. “Want some for the flight?”
I crossed my arms over my chest. “I don’t think even you can talk this place into selling us booze.”
Nicki winked and I noticed she was wearing a hint of a shimmery eye shadow. “Who says they’re going to sell it?”
My heart picked up speed. I glanced over my shoulder to make sure we were alone. “You’re going to steal it?” I asked, lowering my voice. My heart rabbited into overdrive.
“No, we’re going to steal it,” she said, her light brown eyes sparkling. “No one ever suspects the nicely dressed girl with a British accent. They think I’m too posh to sink to thievery.”
A swarm of spastic butterflies tried to take flight inside my lungs. I was pretty sure I didn’t look too posh to be arrested. “I don’t know . . .”
“Up to you.”
The chatter from the two clerks at the front of the store as they debated the merits of Ryan Reynolds seemed unnaturally loud to my ears. I bit the inside of my cheek. “What happens if we get caught?”
Nicki’s lips curled up, Grinch-like. “Bad things. That’s why we’ll do it so we don’t get caught.” Her head tilted slightly toward the bottles of booze. “They haven’t put on the plastic antitheft devices yet, and I don’t see any cameras.”
She was right. Every other bottle in the store had a black plastic disk attached around the neck, but the display of Grey Goose was naked. I could almost hear the angel and devil perched on my shoulders. One advising me to do the right thing and go on to the next store and buy a pack of Trident like a good girl, and the other telling me that it wouldn’t kill me to take a risk now and then. Where had playing it safe gotten me? I wanted to be someone else, anyone else. Maybe if I wanted to change the course of my life I needed to change the things I did. Be someone who did daring things, like Nicki.
“What do we do?” I whispered.
Nicki poked my leather tote bag. “When it’s time, grab the closest bottle and drop it in.”
“How will I know it’s time?”
She tapped me on the nose. “You’ll know because you’re smart.” She turned back to the perfume display and grabbed a small bottle. “I’m going to check the price — my mom loves this stuff.” She’d taken only a few steps when her foot hooked into the handles of a brightly colored canvas bag stamped with a maple leaf and the words canada forever, sitting on the floor among other similar bags.
I opened my mouth to warn her, but she’d already jerked forward with a loud oomph. Her arms flew up as she fell and the bottle of perfume collided with the ground with a brittle smash. A cloud of a citrus and musk scent filled the air. The clerks flew to her side.
I was about to do the same when I realized this was it. My hand jerked out as if it were under the authority of another force and yanked a bottle of vodka off the display, plopping it into my tote. I jammed my elbow over the top of the bag to pinch it shut and hustled to where Nicki was now standing between the two clerks. My heart beat out of control.
“Are you okay?” I asked, surprised that my voice didn’t crack with the electric tension filling every inch of my body, zapping down my nerves, lighting me up from the inside.
“I’m okay. I think.” Nicki looked down at the broken glass on the floor and her eyes widened. “Oh, I’m so sorry.”
“You’ll have to pay for the perfume.” The tall clerk pointed to a you break it, you buy it sign by the entrance.
Nicki drew herself even straighter. “But I wasn’t being careless. I tripped on your bags, which were all over the floor.” The mouth on the tall clerk pressed into a tight line, like a slash across her face. “If you don’t pay for it, we have to call a manager.”
Panic flashed like a bright white light. I had to do something. I kicked the canvas bags now strewn across the floor. “You should call a supervisor. Maybe if you hadn’t been so busy talking, and instead had straightened up this mess, it wouldn’t have happened at all. You know, if she’s hurt, you’re liable. My dad’s a lawyer — he deals with this stuff all the time.” As soon as the words were out of my mouth, I wanted to swallow them back down. I hoped I was right. My dad was a dentist. Any legal knowledge I had was from watching The People’s Court when I stayed home sick from school. What had I done?
Nicki’s lip twitched. “Now that I think about it, my back is quite sore. I hit the floor pretty hard.” She rubbed the base of her spine.
The tall clerk looked ready to clobber Nicki, but the shorter woman with her hair tied up in a mountain of tiny braids put her hand lightly on the arm of the other. “We’re certainly sorry you fell.”
Nicki met her gaze. “And I’m sorry that the bottle broke.” The short clerk smiled, her white teeth as bright as the wall
tiles. “Well then, why don’t we just decide that no harm’s been done?” The tension that had been coiling inside me released.
“Are you sure?” Nicki asked. Her eyes were so wide, she looked like an anime character. When the clerk nodded, Nicki reached for me. “We should get back; our flight will be leaving soon.”
I nodded solemnly as if I were very concerned about time- liness. Every muscle in my body clenched as I walked over the threshold, anticipating a piercing alarm going off, but nothing happened. Nicki gripped my elbow. “Don’t look back. Only guilty people look behind them.”
My neck stiffened and I kept moving forward down the hall. The adrenaline that had rushed through my system seconds ago was now bailing ship and I felt lightheaded. My bag weighed a hundred pounds. I half expected every person we passed to develop x-ray vision, see through my tote, and point me out as a shoplifter. Nicki seemed to sense I was barely hold- ing it together, and she pulled me along until we reached an empty gate area. We both started giggling as we dropped into a row of seats.
“I can’t believe I did that,” I said. I opened the bag expecting the vodka to be missing, a figment of my imagination, but the bottle was there. I glanced quickly at Nicki to see if she was impressed that I’d actually done it.
“Since we’re headed to England it would have been more fitting to have nicked some gin, but a girl has to work with the opportunities she’s got.” Nicki patted the side of my leather bag. “You were perfect. When you said that line about how I could sue them, I wanted to cheer.”
I shook my head. “Are you kidding? As soon as I took the bottle, all I wanted to do was run for it. I felt like I was going to freak out at any moment.”
She laughed. “But you didn’t. Being good at something doesn’t mean that it isn’t hard or scary — it just means that you keep moving forward when other people quit.”
I laughed. “I tend to be a quitter. I’m scared of everything.” “Like what?”
I rolled my eyes. “I could make a list a mile long. For start- ers, I’m terrified of heights. I won’t even go to my grandparents’ new condo in Miami because they live on the twentieth floor. Usually when things scare me, I’m the first one to bail. I won’t go skiing, kayaking, or anyplace that looks like it will have spiders, and I get hives when I have to go to the dentist and my dad’s a dentist.”
Nicki wrinkled up her nose. “Now, I get the dentist phobia, but heights? If you’re going to be scared, be scared of something good.” She laughed. “You were scared to take the liquor, but you did it. That’s the difference between ordinary people and extraordinary. Extraordinary people might be afraid, but they do it anyway.”
My chin lifted slightly in the air. The shame over stealing was mixed up with pride in doing something risky. I wanted to brag about what I’d done and apologize all at the same time. Most of all I wanted her to keep talking. “I still can’t believe I did that,” I said. I wanted her to understand I wasn’t some- one who did things like this. Heck, I wasn’t someone who did things at all, but maybe it was as simple as deciding that I didn’t want to be that person anymore.
Nicki threw an arm around me and gave me a half hug. “Think about it. I wonder what you might do if you let yourself really go? You know, every accomplishment starts with the decision to try. And then keep trying, even when it’s hard.” She smirked. “And of course, if life gives you an opportunity, take it before it disappears. Or at least before they put the antitheft device on it.”
I packed up what she said and placed it carefully into my memory. It struck me that her advice was important. Not because I wanted to become a master criminal — I felt bad about taking the booze and couldn’t imagine doing it again. But . . . I liked that I’d done it at least once. Been like Nicki. Daring. Not afraid. She seemed to have figured out the secret to life. All the brochures for the Student Scholars program had stressed how travel made a person grow. I’d secretly thought it was a bunch of marketing bullshit. How could a change in geography make a difference? But maybe it was possible: I could evolve into someone else. I could almost picture my mom’s approval . . . and the blog post she’d write about it.
The public-address system squawked and announced that our flight would start boarding. I couldn’t believe how the three hours had flown by. I pulled the bottle slightly out of the bag. “Do you want this?”
“You keep it. I don’t know the whole story with the guy and girl back at the gate, but I suspect you need it more than me.” She pushed herself up from the seat with a ladylike grunt. “We should get going. I still want to get that gum.”
I reached for her arm before she started to walk away. “Thanks. I was feeling really down before.”
“That’s what friends are for!” She poked me in the side as if I were being silly.
“Well, I appreciate you making me a friend after only a few hours.”
Nicki smiled. “Don’t you know? I decided we were friends the instant we met.”
YOU OWE ME A MURDER will be available on 3.12.19! Pre-order from any of the links below.
Apple Books
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~What Is Love?~ Pt. 9
  "Hey guys." I said as the Sam and Dean walked into the bunker which is where I call home.
Cas had allowed me to stay there, making sure to ward me from Rapheal and his followers. The boys had a fit at first saying "You could have changed." or "She could be a changling." After some testing I proved them wrong and here I am.
It was really nice there and it was nice that they let me stay, even though they know that I am an angel they still allow me too come in and sleep and junk. I do have to sleep on the couch but that is okay. Angels don't sleep anyway so most of the time I just stay awake and go outside, then sit on top of the bunker walls. Watch the stars. The only bad thing is that they fight so much and go behind each others back, the brothers I mean. I do not understand. Why not just tell one another, it would save so much time and heartache. Humans are so confusing. It makes it worse though because the fighting hurts me. It is a memory. A painful flood of memory's come when I hear them fight. The memory's of my brothers fighting that lead them down the path of doom. What if Sam and Dea- Wait, no you can not think about that for they are not angels. And they are not wicked. Deceiving? Yes. Evil and Wicked? Not at all.
Anyway usually you are made to stay at the bunker and do research then call one of the brothers or Cas on what I find but today was a little twisted.
"Okay come on Y/N. We have something for you." Sam said waving his hand towards him and Dean, beckoning you over to them.
"Oh, Umm, Okay." You said while closing the book in front of you then walking to the brothers. Whilst doing this you heard Dean calling out loud for my brother Castiel.
"Cas! Come on you have to be here to this was part of your idea." He paused. "Okay maybe not but still you should still be here." And with that he showed up out of the blue with the sound of wings.
"Hello Sam, Y/N, and hello Dean. You called me?"
"Yea, we are going to show her. Follow me kiddo." Dean said taking charge of the group.
"Okay where are we going?" I asked out of curiosity.
"You will see." Replied Sam with a smirk.
I do not know why but I believe that is the sign of bad and I should run away but I also want to see what it is.
"Here we are!" Dean said stopping making me run into a Castiel's back unexpectedly.
"Sorry Casey, I did not mean to."
"It is okay now open the door." He said calmly whilst pushing me in front of him just a tad.
I looked at him then back at the door, Grabbed the door knob and turned.
It groaned as I opened it slowly.
Inside was...
(A/N.. At this point in time you can make this however you want but I am going to say what I would think it would look like.)
I opened the wooden door painted white all the way this time quite fast actually then walked inside. It was a small square room except it has a high roof to it, making up for the space. The door was on the right side of the room. Walking in I stepped on a soft square rug that was black and red stripes with white music notes on it. Looking down I couldn't help but to curl my toes and uncurl them, feeling the soft cushion below my cold bare feet. I looked back up from the rug into the room. The walls where a light grey but bare waiting to be filled with toys and drawings, pictures and weapons. Looking in front of me I saw a door that was glass but not see through. Much like fogged up windows when it is cold outside.
I walked forward a bit letting everyone else in but also to see more of this room.
On the left, back corner I saw a loft thing, made out of light brown wood and it looked cool and fun. It was like a bunk-bed for a latter went up to the top part. There sat a bed, The comforter on it was black with blue, purple and red swirls, looking like an unfinished galaxy. The pillows where fluffy black pillows. Below the bed was a bean bag with a bookshelf that spread across the entire underside which is pretty big and a curtain so that you could be in peace. I looked above to see a white plain ceiling but I noticed on the wall across from me there was a bridge that ran from the bed to another platform on the opposing side of the room on that platform was a table and a chair with shelves made into the wall and then a black slide running down into the middle of the room. Walking into the middle of the room by the edge of the slide I turned around to face the door and on the door side of the wall sat, well hung I should say a swing but it was mesh all the way around besides an opening but a zipper was there to trap yourself inside, all around it on the walls was what looked like a familiar place but not at the same time. The painting had (Favorite Element) But also clouds around it looking closer you notice it was your planet but also heaven. Turning back around I went into the clouded glass door. Inside was a bathroom and another door. A black door with lighter swirls on it, opening that one was a huge empty closet. Walking back out I look at the guys standing by the door frame. The green eyed one leaning against one side smirking, the long haired one standing against the other, just straight smiling and an angel right between them standing proud.
I tilt my head in confusion and amazement at them as if asking for answers. Which I was.
"Do you like it?" Sam asked his smile fading just a bit.
"Well yea it is beautiful but I ju-
"Good, cause it is yours." Dean cut me off by saying these words.
My jaw dropped.
"What!?" I asked in dis-believe-ment.
"Yes. He speaks the truth Y/N." Castiel said calmly and soft.
I look around at the room then back at them smiling. Running to them I tired to fit my arms around them.
"Thank You!" I screamed
"You are welcome kiddo now lets go shopping for you to get stuff to decorate this plain room" Dean said.
"And get new clothes." Sam added.
(Time Brought to you by Dean cutting of all of Sams hair in his sleep)
Deans P.O.V
I watched as Y/N jumped out of the car and drag Sammy around by the wrist. It wouldn't have been funny except she just barely comes up to Sam's shoulder. Cas and I followed behind them changing our speed to what the young girl wants.
"Can we get this? Please?  It is okay if I can't." You heard Y/N say and pick up a couple solar sets. One that hung from the ceiling and a couple that clung to the wall and glow in the dark. She picked up a bunch of posters of bands mostly but some video game stuff and junk like that. I saw her pick up a Metallica, Guns and Roses and a Rolling Stones poster which made me so proud then a couple that I didn't know like Sleeping With Sirens and Motionless in White. Linkin Park and Five Finger Death Punch. I have no clue but okay.
We then went to a couple clothing stores she didn't really find much until we went to a place called...
"Hey Dean should we show her Hot Topic maybe she will like something there." Sammy asked.
"Umm yea sure I guess."  I replied.
I have never been there but I heard It was an "Emo" store.
Turns out she loved it. She was like a kid in a candy store.
There was one thing I liked that she picked out. A zip up hoodie that kind of looks like a mix of Sam and I's jackets but also it looks like a school jocks guy varsity sweatshirt. It was a dark purple and red mixed with grey. It looked good.
I kept walking until I heard Sam call my name frantically.
I jogged over to him to see an entire section of us. Of supernatural.
"Oh dear god, Lets go Y/n!" I yelled from across the small store.
"Okay." Is what I got and saw Cas and Y/N but Cas was covered in clothes and junk. Piled to the top in dark clothes and makeup.
I just stared and then laughed hitting Sam in the chest and pointing at Cas.
Sam started to laugh also.
At the end of the day we all went into the squirt's room to see how she was doing I left Sam with her earlier to help out and when I walked in I had to stop and gaze.
The ceiling was painted like a perfect galaxy the solar planets flying high and the grey boring walls now had a single red stripe going through the middle and posters hung everywhere except the wall with the painting that Cas did, right by the hanging chair. There where lights hanging from the ceiling glowing teal and white with a little purple.
There sat Sam and Y/N in the middle of the room writing cards covered in paint. Same as them. Sam was covered in purple and blacks and blues and pinks. Y/N was not any better though.
They where thank you cards.
"Oh here." Y/N said getting of the floor and running to me as she handed one to me and one to Cas then one to my brother right next to her on the wooden floor.
Thank you oh so much, I know that it is sappy to write a card but I think writing is better to say what I am feeling than saying it all out loud. I want to thank you for taking me in and helping me. Or for making me my amazing room which I love just an Fyi. I think I may need a long time in here and I hope I do not make to much trouble. I will and do as you need me to for you have helped me much more than I can explain. As you told me family does not start nor end in blood. And I know you did not like the thought of me being here in your life at first but even if you still don't I just want you to know, I count you as my brothers now. You and Sam are all I have left and I want too help you in any way I can.                                        
                                              The ArchAngel
Word count - 1879
Thank you for reading this. I hope it wasn't to confusing for you guys and if you really like it I would appreciate a vote and some ideas for the book or maybe even some constructive critisicm!!
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splattershotsundae · 6 years
Ink is Thicker Than Water --- Chapter 5: I give it a 10
Toda spent most of his afternoon wishing he felt well enough to pace. Finding out that Orvokki was still alive was no small news. She was a cruel woman, and visions of what she was like, and what she thought like still stuck with him and plagued his sleep. Another thing to worry about was Simon… They’d logged off in a huff, and he was genuinely worried, both about how they were and about… how they really thought about him.
A motion from his skope caught his attention and he took a sharp breath. Simon was back online.
T: hey
S: Hey.
T: I'm sorry about earlier. i was freaking out bout Orvokki, and I forgot and gt a little carried away. T: we decided we still arent going to do anyhting right now.
S: ... Ok.
T: ... u doing ok...?
Toda sighed a little after he sent it. He should just ask them... He was probably freaking out over nothing. Simon had told Jill that she was strong, in and out of battle, hadn't they? And hadn't they told him that they thought Rank was just a letter and a number, before they played Rainmaker? ... But when they lost at Blackbelly, they took that pretty hard... He'd thought it had something to do with what Yuri had said to them, especially with the conversation the two of them had had afterwards... but was that the case?
S:... Not really. S: But there's not much we can do.
T: Yeah...
T: can i ask u something?
S: Yeah, sure.
T: when did u know that u liked me? How long had we knon each ohter? T: Im not trying 2 b gushy, just curious.
S:... S: Call me shallow, but I'm pretty sure I was going to yell at you for bumping into me until I saw your face. S: when I said I'd always found you cute... I... Wasn't kidding. S: I kind of thought it would just be a fling...but here we are.
His breath caught in his throat, and it felt like his stomach had dropped a few inches. Oh no. Any other time he would've been a little flattered, but... no no no...
S: what really got me was... Getting to know you though... You've been a good influence on me. S: I wouldn't trade meeting you, or how I feel, for anything in the entire world.
T: Ive been a good influence on u?
S: Yeah.
He paused, looking at the message. What had he done that they'd think was a good influence? He typed a response, trying to make it sound lighthearted.
T: how so? hvae I... inspired u to make more puns or smoething? :P
S: Ha, maybe that in addition. S: ... I was starting to forget what trust felt like. S: well, except with Jill. But the point is, I needed some mutual trust... You and Bato sort of reminded me. You guys got me to open up. S: I'm sure there are other things here and there but... That's what comes to mind first.
T: ah...
S: Are you ok?
T: yea mi fnie
Toda winced; he'd sent that way too quickly... Quit stalling and just ask already, for crying out loud.
S: .... Toda...
He squeezed his eyes shut for a moment, his face flushing, then took a deep breath. Here goes nothing…
T: We told Jill about the conversation we had the other day; we were trying to explain why w weren't going to tlak to 3, and we sort of back ourselves nto a corner. T: wen we told her you had sort of said not to mention it to hr, she said it was because u thoght she was weak T: Because she lkies to batle for fun, and u battle to win T: she thinks taht u think that makes hr weak
S: ... She... Still thinks that?
T: Thats what she said... T: ... So ou don't think that?
S: Did you think I do?
T: I didn't at first, cause I told u right when we met that B nd I play for fun T: btu seh said if u hd liked m from the start tehn u would have askd us anyway T: I still didn't wnat 2 tihnk that u thought liek taht T: btu i wsa...
S: i domt anytmore Damn it.
[SloshMasterV3 is offline]
T: wiat no! His fingers trembled. He didn’t mean to make them upset again, he just… He took another deep breath and wiped his eyes. At least he had an answer… Sort of...
He read their last message again; they didn't anymore... So had they used to?
A chime pulled him from his thoughts.
[4PawzAndMeow is online.]
J: re u the reason theres a new barrge of sobs comin form S's room?
Toda's heart sank. Oh no…
T: ... Probbly...
J: O J: I... wasn't bein serioos.
T: u soundd pretty serious
J: i ment th@ i didnt think u were Y... sry
T: oh
J:... U dint brak up wih thm did U?
T: no no T: no I didn't
J: @ lest theres th@
T: yah...
He glanced at Simon's tab. He needed to apologize again... But… it could be hours before they came back online…
T: hy Jill T: can I cme ovr? T: I want to say sory to thm. T: or hve a chance to
J: say sorry 4 wh@?
T: how abot if thy dn’t wnat to hear it I go to yuor room an we cn talk
There was a long pause.
J: yeah K. J: th@ works.
T: k T: be theer soon
J: k
He took a deep breath, then got his shoes on, slipped on his Splattershot Jr’s holster, and went on his way, taking his time so he didn’t wear himself out. He thought all the way over, running through his head his apology over and over again. How much should he say? Probably everything. As he drew near to the Grace house, he took a deep breath and knocked on the door.
Madeline opened the door, blinking in surprise. "Toda?" She asked. "Simon and Jill didn't say you were coming over."
"Afternoon, Mrs. Grace." Toda said, probably more formally than he needed to. "Jill invited me over about an hour ago?”
She paused, glancing over her shoulder for a second, then stepped aside to let him in. “Alright, just don’t bug Simon right now, they’re… not feeling so good today.”
He felt a twinge of guilt; That was the exact reason why he was here. "Thank you.” He said, peering around as he entered.
It was still quite a mess, the floor was scuffed and stained in a multitude of places, the stairs had no railing, bullet holes in the walls, the drywall on the ceiling was cracked, and Madeline’s prized roller was resting beside the stairs instead of hanging on the wall, at least for the moment. It looked like a warzone, and to be fair it sort of was. He gave a nod toward Madeline, then carefully made his way upstairs, managing to avoid grabbing for the railing that was no longer there.
He carefully stepped up to Simon’s door, a lump in his throat. He could hear faint sobbing on the other side, and he briefly considered skipping and just talking to Jill… when he saw her staring at him from down the hall. Her gaze flitted from him to the door and back again expectantly.
He took what felt like the millionth deep breath that day and knocked softly on the door.
“Go AWAY!” They shouted immediately.
He flinched, glancing for the stairs and praying Madeline hadn’t heard that. "Simon?" When there was no reply he steeled himself and continued. "Simon, I.. I wanted to apologize for earlier. I would have sent a message on Skope, but you were offline and… " He looked down at the floor. “The question was personal, it… I hope it didn’t feel like… an attack. When Jill.. When she told me about your past, it... Kind of struck a nerve with me. There was this kid I was sort of friends with for a while, named Benny; I think I referred to him once as a 'Luna-wielding ass'... It's a long story, but I should have known better than to think that you would think like that. I know you're not like that, I know that isn't you. I'm really sorry."
There was a long pause before the door opened a crack, and Simon stuck out their hand. Gingerly he took it, grip loose, just in case they wanted to pull away. However, their grip tightened, and they flung open the door, pulling him into an embrace.
He squeaked and stumbled as he almost lost his balance, but then squeezed them tight, resting his chin on their shoulder. "I-I'm really sorry." He repeated.
"... Nothing’s getting easier..." Simon whispered.
"No, it it isn’t..." He agreed. "... You'd think we would've earned a break at this point, huh?"
"You would think..." They agreed with a sigh. "... Well, while things are this difficult, if this 'Benny' shows his face you let me know so I can punch it."
He smiled just a little bit. "I will... Thanks."
"No problem... You don't even have to tell me why." They said quietly.
He took a deep breath, letting it out slowly. "... Is there someone I should keep my eyes out for?" He asked. "So I can return the favor?"
Their grip tightened around him. "Roderick. You see that bastard you can punch him as hard as you like."
"Gladly." He muttered with a small nod.
"It's a deal then." They said.
"A deal.” He agreed. “… Can we sit down? I had to do a lot of walking and I’m kind of worn out...”
“I’m not surprised, it’s awfully late.” They said, edging over to sit on the foot of their bed.
“… Wait, it is?” He asked, pulling away.
“… Yeah, Toda, it’s like, 10. Dude, it’s dark out and it’s summer, what time did you think it was?”
“I dunno, 6? 6:30?” He said, feeling his cheeks flush.
Simon slowly put one palm on their face. “Did you even set up a ride home? The trains are going to close soon.”
“… I forgot to tell my mom I was leaving.” He admitted.
Their other hand joined the first. "… Okay, I can ask my Mom if she'll drive you home-" They broke off for a long moment. "... You're probably not going to be comfortable with that."
"... Not really." He said, breaking off eye contact, sure his ears were flushed by now.
“How about I ask mom and dad if you can sleep over, and then we play some video games downstairs?
He smiled at that, nodding “Yeah… I need to call my parents too.”
They smiled. “Okay, meet me downstairs soon.” They said,
He nodded, absently adjusting his cap as he watched them go… They were still so cute…
After a moment he pulled his phone out of his pocket. “… Hey dad, it’s Toda. Can I stay the night at Simon’s house?”
Toda sat up with a snort, rubbing one of his eyes as he tried to figure out what was going on.
"Of course it's still a problem!" Jill was shouting.
"Shhh! Keep it down! He's still sleeping!" Simon replied.
"And already it's all about him!" She snapped.
Oh no. He remembered now. He’d spent the night at Simon’s house, after coming over to apologize… apparently there was still friction between the twins however… He grabbed his squidvader cap and started to put it on.
"It's not all about him! What's this 'it' you keep talking about anyway!?" Simon snapped, he could hear them pacing outside.
"I... I don't know, but.. This isn't working!" Jill replied.
"No SHIT. But I'm not just going to sit here while you yell at me for every mistake I've ever made." They said angrily.
"Maybe you should apologize for once!" She huffed.
His hearts sank a little. “Oh no...” He abandoned tucking all his tentacles into his hat and stood, quickly making his way to the door.
"I thought this might be the one time you'd be ok with it!" They exclaimed.
"You broke your promise!" She said.
"Ok, First off, We shouldn't be having this argument right now, and second of all, I thought you /liked/ Toda!"
"I do!! I do! He's the nicest kid you've ever dated. But I'm tired of you being so selfish and hypocritical!"
"Hypocritical? How am I-"
"You talk about how you want to be just like mom, just as good as mom. But when it comes down to it, you /have/ to have me with you, and you only use our squad as a dating device!" Jill shouted. “None of us deserve that!”
Toda flung open the door and peeked out, having to use one hand to hold his hat on. Both Jill and Simon turned to look at him, looking rather embarrassed.
“… Hey Toda~” Jill said, tone cheerful, but posture anything but.
“… Sorry.” Simon said, looking away.
"... It's okay." He mumbled, still a little bit groggy. He looked between the two of them… they were both obviously upset… He was never good at helping during something like this, that was what Bato was good at… Right, be like Bato. He squared his shoulders, then stepped up and put a hand on Jill’s shoulder. “It’s… okay to be upset.”
“Upset? I’m more than upset!” She said, pulling away from him. “I’m furious!”
“Tell me something I don’t know.” Simon huffed. “We should just leave it.”
“Leave what, the squad!?” She snapped. "You'd probably LIKE that! You can just as easily find a cute and/or muscular and dumb boy to replace me by tomorrow!"
Toda flinched a little bit at her tone, pressing himself up against the wall. "Jill… Can you maybe take a deep--”
"ADMIT IT! YOU DON'T WANT ME!!!" She interrupted.
"YES! I! DO!!!" Simon snapped back.
“Jill I--” Toda tried to cut in.
"THAT'S NOT TRUE!!!" They screamed back.
“Simon---” He tried again.
"I-I DIDN'T LIE, I JUST DIDN'T TELL YOU!!!" Simon hollered, slightly wavering.
“ENOUGH!” Toda snapped, flushing with embarrassment. “… Sorry, I… You’re not going to get anywhere if you keep screaming at each other! Jill, what’s really wrong?”
Jill was silent a long moment. “… I… I’m lonely, and I’m worried I’m going to lose Simon to you…”
Toda’s ears drooped. “I’m not trying to take them away… I’m sorry you felt that way...” He slowly looked at Simon. “… Simon, what about you? What’s wrong?”
They looked at him a long moment, then sighed. “… I… I’m scared I’m going to lose you too Jill, but… I’m scared that if we get involved, we’ll.. die. It’s dangerous out there, and I don’t want you to be left without me, or to be without you, or both of us to be gone, and our parents are left in a ruined house all by themselves...”
Jill was quiet for a long moment. “… So you aren’t… just scared of me being hurt?”
They shook their head. “No, of course not. I’ve been hurt out there just as easily…” They sighed. “I’m sorry, for… saying that you were weak once… I didn’t know it had stuck with you and I didn’t know just how much I’d hurt you. You’re not weak, and trust me, I’ll never say you are again. You’re stronger than me in a lot of ways.”
She paused, then huffed. “No I’m not...”
“Yes you are.” Simon pressed. “You’re stronger in will and in joy, and… maybe physically, I’m not sure.”
She started laughing, then wiped at her eye before holding out her hand, palm down. “To Splattershot Sundae.”
They smirked, and put their hand on top of hers. “To Splattershot Sundae.”
“To Splattershot Sundae.” Toda agreed, putting his hand on top of theirs.
There was a long pause, then Jill put her other hand on top and spoke in a deep voice. “I’m Bato and I’m totally here.”
Toda laughed. “Dear Judd, that’s spot on.”
"... We good Jill?" Simon asked.
"We're much better. I'll... Try to talk with you if something comes up, rather than just blow up." She said awkwardly.
“I would appreciate that.” They huffed. “… Hey, where’s mom and dad, they hate it when we fight.”
Jill got a gleam in her eye. “Mom got… /the call/”
Simon’s eyes went wide. “Really?”
"... The call?" Toda asked, glancing between the two of them with a confused look.
"The call's just what we call it when Mom suddenly gets dragged in to more work, but she can't legally tell us what it is." Simon explained. "But in this case that's good news… perhaps a battle’s around the corner."
He smiled. “Oooo, that is good news!”
"And then Dad's off to regular work." Jill asked.
"Seems we've got the house entirely to ourselves." Simon shrugged. "As well as the burden to make breakfast, I think."
Toda's stomach growled a little bit at the mention of breakfast and he blushed, rubbing the back of his neck.
Jill giggled. "It seems like a cereal morning to me!” She said, then sprinted down the hall. “Better come after me quick or I’ll put ice cream on it!”
“Jill, no!” Simon yelped, running after her.
Toda laughed and ran after them, letting himself smile.
Toda is Knitter’s character.
Simon and Jill are Shuckle’s characters.
Splatoon belongs to Nintendo.
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pinknerdpanda · 7 years
The Wrong Side of History
Word Count: 3700
Characters: Reader, Sam, Laura Belle (OFC), Dean (mentioned)
Warnings: Canon violence, a smidge bit of angst, perhaps. Is lack of bad language a warning?
A/N: This was written for @trexrambling’s Hunter Celebration. Prompt can be found here. Congrats on your milestone, sweet friend! I hope that this tickles your fancy. Love you Jess!
A/N 2: Beta’d by the always wonderful, vibrant and punctual @wheresthekillswitch and @hannahindie - I would be lost without you both! Xoxo
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As always feedback is so appreciated! :)
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The Wrong Side of History
“Oh cheer up, I saw that Amish guy giving you the eye. He’s pretty cute, Laura Belle. It wouldn’t be so bad...ya’ll can get married, get you a wagon and some horses, have a bunch of babies, learn how to sew all your own clothes by hand and churn butter and...”
“Ok, just shut up and announce the tour. Please?”
Laura rolls her eyes before stomping off toward the front of the museum. For some strange reason, she can never seem to best you at Rock, Paper, Scissors no matter how hard she tries. Suppressing a giggle, you pick up the microphone that is connected to the speaker overhead and flip the switch to turn it on.
“Attention, Ladies and Gentlemen. Our next tour through the historic home is starting. Please make your way to the exit and follow Miss Laura to the video room for a short introduction.”
You click the button to turn off the mic before sitting down behind the counter. It’s been a long and slow day at work. While your job can be described as many things, exciting, challenging, and dangerous are not words you would use. However the pay is decent and you have the opportunity to meet people from all over the world, so it’s not so bad. It doesn’t hurt that the original owner of the home happens to be a bit of a personal hero of yours.
Mary O’Grady-Crouse was by all accounts a fascinating woman. She was strong and independant, having overcome many forms of challenges and adversity in her lifetime. As the oldest of five children born to an Irish immigrant family, Mary experienced life in a way few people today could even dream of.
When Mary was an adult, she’d decided to try her hand at writing down a memoir of her childhood. Her goal being that the stories of her family and the adventures they experienced would bring a thread of hope to a world in dire need of it.
In just a few short years, she’d become one of the best-selling authors of that time - a rare thing for a woman in the 1930’s. Even after her death in 1962, her books remained popular and her home was eventually turned into a museum. Still, 55 years later, people from all over the world make the trip to see where Mary lived and wrote.
You glance at the clock on the wall. The last tour for the day would be leaving in just 30 minutes and as of yet, there is not a soul on site who hasn’t been through. Maybe today is my lucky day?
The door to the museum swings open just then and a tall man with long hair and stunning green eyes comes strolling up to the desk. Green...no, wait; Blue? No...maybe...It’s hard to tell, really. It looks like his eyes are every color at the same time. He smiles and for a brief moment you forget how to breathe.
“Hi there, welcome!” You finally manage to choke out. You aren’t even completely sure you have ever seen a more handsome man in real life before; definitely not your average tourist.
You stare at him expectantly only to realize he’s returning the gesture. It takes a few quick moments for you to register that you have been gaping at him, wide eyed and slack jawed, without having said more than your initial greeting.
You shake your head, trying to clear the cobwebs from your mind. “Sorry about that sir, what can I do for you?”
“Hi, I’d like to buy a ticket, please.” The man smiles broadly, brushing brown strands of hair from his eyes.
Thank goodness for mental autopilot, or you would have likely just sat there grinning at him like an idiot. Instead, years of repetition take over and you are able to successfully complete the transaction without further embarrassment on your behalf. You are explaining what his ticket includes and when he can expect his tour to begin, when you practically feel the color drain from your face; of course this perfect specimen of a man would end up on your last tour of the day.
The man nods appreciatively before making his way to the first exhibit. A quick peek at the clock reveals that you have a good twenty minutes to get yourself together before you have to face him again. The minutes seem to fly by and soon, the large door to the museum opens wide before Laura enters, shaking her head irritably.
“Seriously, what is the appeal of Amish-dom, anyway? How can they all stand to be in one room together all the time?” Laura’s face crinkles up as she makes a fake gagging sound. “What’s the harm in more than one bath a week? Or deodorant. What the hell did deodorant ever do to them to make them hate it so much?”
Normally, you would have been happy to entertain Laura’s little pity party, but today, you are just not in the right place for it.
“Laura Belle, with all due respect, please shut up.” Laura’s eyes nearly pop out of her head as she stares at you incredulously.
“Well, who peed in your cheerios while I was gone?” She crosses her arms across her chest.
“No...sorry…” you fumble around for words. “I didn’t mean...It’s just that…”
“I’m sorry to interrupt,” the sound of The Tall Guy’s voice startles both of you. Laura whips her head in the direction of his voice, likely on the verge of a sarcastic remark, when she stops short and her jaw drops.
“No, not a problem. How can I help you, sir?” Laura replies, her voice like honey as she smiles seductively at him. Either he is oblivious to the major vibes Laura is shooting his way or he isn’t and he is simply ignoring it, but he remains unaffected.
“Did I read somewhere that there is a new exhibit?” He glances between the two of you.
“Actually, yes. Or at least there will be,” you say quickly before your friend can lay on another layer of her minx schtick. “Next week we will be debuting Mary’s collection of souvenirs she brought back from her last trip to Ireland.”
“Damn. I was really hoping to get to see it. I am a huge Hibernophile and I’m from out of state and…”
“A what now?” Laura interrupts him, her face screwing up.
“A Hibernophile, someone who likes Ireland and Irish culture,” you interject. You wouldn’t know the answer if you hadn’t caught the end of Jeopardy last week.
“Yes! Exactly. So, what do you say? Any chance I could get a sneak peek?” Tall Guy flashes a deeply dimpled grin in your direction and for a second you would give him the sun and the moon if he would just smile at you like that again.
A chorus of locusts and tree frogs serenade Sam as he scales the hill toward the large house. A sliver of pale moonlight filters through the leaves of the trees lining the long gravel driveway. He’s far enough from the main roads that likely no one would see the him if he drove up to the house, but he’s decided to play it safe and just walk. He doesn’t need much in the way of supplies and the warm night air carries the scent of honeysuckle as it ruffles his hair, so he welcomes the jaunt; anything to get him out of the bunker for a few days and not thinking about Dean.
Dean has been gone for two weeks already and Sam is nowhere closer to finding him now than he was when he’d first found the note where his brother’s lifeless body had been. “Sammy, let me go” was all it’d said, but Sam was determined to track him down.  That’s hard to do, however, when you have no leads.
A few days ago he got wind of a suspicious death nearby, and he’d decided it seemed worth checking out, if for no other reason than to have something to focus on.
It had seemed simple enough; the victim, Holly James, was found in her apartment, her head had been smashed into the wall with enough force that her skull was shattered and the wall was splintered into a dusty, bloody mess. What the local PD were having trouble understanding, however, is how it could have happened when all the doors and windows had been securely shut and locked at the time of her death.
Once Sam learned that Holly was employed at a museum that had just recently been promoting an upcoming exhibit of Irish treasures, everything fell into place; banshee. So he’d made the trip, hoping to be in and out by the next morning. Unfortunately, things were never that easy.
His visit earlier in the day had yielded few results. He’d hoped that waiting until the end of the day, he could maybe have a chance at a personal tour through Mary O’Grady-Crause’s home. Soon after arriving, Sam realized that the exhibit had been delayed and wouldn’t be unveiled for another four days. He’d nearly gotten the cute tour guide to give him a sneak peek when her boss had interrupted him. The woman had been all cakey makeup and bright red lipstick drawn larger than her mouth. Sam winced at the thought of her; she resembled a clown more closely than Sam cares to remember.
To make matters worse, just when it was looking like he’d scored a private tour, a family of, what Sam guessed were, German tourists popped up. The whole time they were asking questions and chatting the tour guide’s ear off and Sam could hardly get a word in edgewise.
So, he’s working blindly, with only a basic knowledge of the house provided by his brief and mostly distracted trip through earlier this evening. What could go wrong?
As Sam approaches the front door, he scans the yard quickly before making short work of the lock and slipping inside. One useful tidbit he’d gleaned was there’s no alarm system protecting the home; it seems odd to him, but who is he to disagree?
The ancient wooden floorboards groan in protest as he makes his way up the narrow staircase to the second floor. The docent had mentioned the upstairs being off limits to the public because the museum used the space to store their archives. Sam decided it was the best place to start.
She appears out of thin air, and for a second, Sam worries he has come face to face with the banshee right off the bat and reaches for his golden blade. The wide, clear eyes looking back at him are full of terror and very much alive, not to mention familiar; it's the tour guide from earlier. So, not the banshee?
Sam barely has time to comprehend the long metallic object in the girl’s hand before she swings her arm wide, brandishing the thing it wildly as though to fend him off.
When you hear the floorboards creaking from the first floor, your blood runs cold. You are all alone in a large empty house, in the dark, completely defenseless...basically the first fifteen minutes of every slasher flick you’d ever seen. You quickly assess your surroundings as the footsteps draw closer to the staircase. If your uninvited guest decides to take the stairs, which very much seems likely, you have one of two options. Option one: run, full speed at the plate glass window overlooking the east lawn,and hope the glass would burst open like it does in the movies as you plummet to the sun-baked dry ground to almost certain or at-the-very-least-probable death. Option two: you could stand your ground and take on whoever is currently ascending the stairs. Fight or flight - gotta love it.
You know deep down that they are both terrible ideas, but at the moment you can’t seem to come up with a better solution. With a sudden and unexpected burst of adrenaline, you grope at the open steamer trunk you’ve been cataloging when your fingers brush against cool metal. You clench it tightly in your fist and stand, your confidence beginning to wane.
The last person you expect to see coming straight at you is the long haired Tall Guy from earlier. Your heart feels like it’s beating so hard, it could explode from your chest. Frustration, confusion, terror and rage all compete for attention in the recesses of your mind. Sure, you’re only armed with a curling iron from the mid fifties, but it’s better than nothing, right?
“What are you doing here?!” Her words run together in a frantic, high-pitched string of syllables.
“Is that…” Sam scrunches up his nose, his eyes fixed on thing in her hand. “Is that a curling iron?”
Her eyes dart erratically between Sam’s eyes and her hand and back again.
“Uh, yes. Yes it is,” she blinks rapidly before slowly lowering her hand. Her breaths are coming in short hard puffs and Sam notices her free hand is shaking slightly.
“Hey, look I’m sorry I startled you,” Sam tries to make his tone easy and even as he raises his hands, palms out.
“Sir, the museum is closed. How did you even get in here?” Her face screws up a split second before she narrows her eyes at him. “I’m calling the police.”
“No, no. Wait, please,” Sam reaches for her hand as she pulls her phone from the back pocket of her jeans.  “I know who killed Holly James!” The girl goes stock still and Sam holds up his hands again, trying to make his 6’4” frame look unimposing.
“Look, just give me a chance to explain, and after I’m done, if you want to call the police, I will dial the number for you.” Sam watches as she wrestles with her decision, sighing in relief when she nods and seems to relax slightly. “Ok, well first of all, my name is Sam Winchester. You know all those stories people tell kids to try to scare them? Well, most of them aren’t just stories.” A look that is equal parts confusion, disgust and awe contorts her features. Well, this is going to be fun.
“Ok, so you’re telling me that monsters are real?” You can’t keep the sound of incredulity out of your voice as you gaze at the hazel eyed man; Sam, you think he said. Honestly, at this point you aren’t sure; it’s really hard to absorb any of what he’s just said. You feel like you should have been taking notes.
“Yes, and I am afraid that there is one responsible for Holly’s death.” Sam sighs, pursing his lips together briefly before continuing. “The good news is, I know how to get rid of it.”
“What is it? How do you get rid of it? Why is it here?” You know the questions are spilling out of your mouth faster than he can keep up, but it just seems the more he says, the less you know.
“Well, I am inclined to believe it’s a banshee, which is a type of ghost, or death omen, really. They have been known to watch over certain Irish families; passing from generation to generation.”  He runs a hand through his long hair.
“But why would an Irish ghost want to kill Holly?” you ask, tilting your head to one side.
“My guess is that the banshee is tied to a specific object. I imagine that when the artifacts were uncovered and prepared for the exhibit, the banshee was released. Since Mary didn’t have any children, there was no one left to protect and so she became malevolent. The only thing I can’t work out is why Holly.”
You freeze, feeling all the color drain from your face, and unable to speak.
“What is it?” Sam’s voice breaks the trance. “What’s wrong?”
“Um, Holly and I,” you begin, your voice cracking. You clear your throat and suck in a deep breath before trying again. “Holly and I were responsible for cataloging and recording all of the items in the Ireland exhibit. We uh, we broke one of the pieces.”
Sam’s eyes grow wide, flickering with excitement before his face falls and he looks to the ground.
“It’s ok, y/n. That’s why I’m here.” He places a reassuring hand on your arm. “I won’t let anything happen to you.”
Sam glances over his shoulder to make sure she is still behind him; and there she is. Her eyes are wide in fright, her hand still clamped tightly around the curling iron, and every creak and pop of the floor underfoot makes her jump.
They’d decided that since there was really no way of knowing when the banshee would strike - and since it’s hard to kill something if it doesn’t bother to show up - that maybe they could coax it out. Sam isn’t exactly pleased with this idea, but he really has no other choice. This is not like any other banshee case he’s worked before, and he promised her he would keep her safe. He really hopes he can keep his promise this time.
Sam opens the door to the room dedicated for storage and flips on the light.
“Ok, you ready?” Sam swallows before smiling reassuringly. She nods before taking a shaking step toward the shelves on the far wall.
“The piece we broke is over here. It’s a goblet, probably from the 18th century. It had been in Mary’s family for generations.” Just as y/n’s fingers curve around the fractured shard of the cup, her lips part and a painful, shrill scream reverberates around the small room.
Sam looks frantically around the room, hoping for some sign of the banshee as y/n’s cries grow louder and more desperate. She releases the useless curling iron and clamps her hands over her ears.
“Sam! Please make it stop!” She sinks to the floor in a writhing, screaming heap. Sam spins around, searching for the so far invisible creature, horrified as y/n begins slamming her head into the floor.
There’s no more time. Sam fumbles for the golden knife and lurches forward stabbing out blindly, desperate to make contact.
“She’s right there!” y/n shrieks. “Behind you Sam!”
Sam stabs wildly behind him, his blade slicing through empty air. Finally, a satisfying squelching thud sounds, and y/n goes deathly silent. The white tinged figure of a woman pulses briefly, before fading and disappearing.
Collapsing on the floor, Sam scrambles toward y/n and places two fingers on the artery in her neck. He sighs and closes his eyes, relieved to find a pulse. Just as he is pulling out his phone to call the 911, the distant sound of sirens fill the all too silent air.
Pain. Everything is pain.
You blink once, wincing slightly as the bright, white overhead lights sear your corneas. Disoriented, you struggle to sit up before a wave of nausea changes your mind and you lay back again.
There’s a rhythmic beeping noise that won’t stop and for a second you think it is possibly the most annoying sound you’ve ever heard.
A sudden rush of memories floods your mind and the beeping noise begins to grow faster as your gaze flicks hysterically around the room. Sam; the banshee. Am I dead?
“Oh, well hello there, Miss y/l/n,” a woman with a warm, friendly voice enters the room. “I’m glad to see you awake. Just try to relax, now. You are going to be just fine. You have a visitor.” She winks at you before turning to leave again. Either there are nurses in heaven, or I am not dead.
A large man with long, dark hair and beautiful, sad eyes appears just inside the door. Ok, not dead.
“Sam,” you manage to croak, not missing his subtle flinch at the sound of his name.
“Hey, y/n,” he tries smiling, but the curve of his mouth is anything but convincing. He takes a step toward you. His voice is barely above a whisper. “I’m so sorry.”
You shake your head, instantly regretting the decision. You freeze for a moment, before slowly raising up and settling back on the thin hospital pillows.
“You have nothing to apologize for Sam,” your voice is stronger now and the wave of nausea isn’t as bad this time.
“I promised to keep you safe,” he barks a self deprecating laugh and rolls his eyes. “I promised nothing would happen to you. I feel like all I do is get people hurt.”
“Hey, I’m alive because you saved me. If you hadn’t been there…” you trail off, unsure you want to consider the alternative. “Listen, I will take crappy hospital food and lumpy pillows over, I don’t know, death?”
“Well, you look like crap, y/n!” Laura Belle’s voice startles you and Sam. You look up to see your friend standing in the doorway, an enormous pink teddy bear in one hand and a vase of cheery carnations in the other.
“Well, I better get going,” Sam clears his throat before giving a curt nod to Laura Belle. “Take care, y/n.”
Sam turns to leave, but you grab his hand. The light overhead is blinding and you are beginning to feel dizzy, but you feel like you owe him this.
“Thank you, Sam.” You pour every last ounce of energy into your words as you look into his eyes. He smiles, and this time he seems to mean it. He gives your hand a gentle squeeze before releasing it and stepping out of the room.
Laura Belle tips her head to one side as she watches Sam leave the room. After the door is closed, she lets out a soft whistle. “Isn’t that the guy from the museum?” You nod.  “Are you going to tell me what happened, or what?”
“You wouldn’t believe me if I tried.”
Like what you see? Want more? My Masterlist is here. Thanks for reading! :)
My Forever Tags (I love you guys - stay weird!):
@wheresthekillswitch @arryn-nyxx @emilywritesaboutdean @fandommaniacx @cookie-dough-lova @spnfanficpond @impandagrl @maddieburcham1 @trexrambling @27bmm @beachballsizeladyballs @hannahindie @rosie-winchester @winchesterprincessbride @that-writer-one @amionthetumbler @abbessolute @melissaj616 @fandomismyspiritanimal @angelsandwinchesters @cfordwrites @zenia3 @charliebradbury1104 @9769997118 @mogaruke @luulaachops @supernaturaldean67  @barbedwireandbubblegum @karlee-fay-my-wayward-son @muliermalefici @galaxy-jellyfish-queen @canadianjelly @kathaswings @almusanzug @feelmyroarrrr @captainradicalpassion @bethbabybaby @thinkwritexpress-official @akshi8278
Pond Tags (Sam + angst):
@manawhaat @thing-you-do-with-that-thing @leatherwhiskeycoffeeplaid @blushingsamgirl @notnaturalanahi @whispersandwhiskerburn @roxy-davenport @impala-dreamer @deathtonormalcy56 @samsgoddess @frenchybell @for-the-love-of-dean @mysupernaturalfics @spn-fan-girl-173 @deandoesthingstome @jelly-beans-and-gstrings @fiveleaf @deansleather @whywhydoyouwantmetosaymyname @waywardjoy @mrswhozeewhatsis @captain-princess-rose @imadeangirl-butimsamcurious @kayteonline @supernatural-jackles @idreamofhazel @wevegotworktodo @babypieandwhiskey  @wi-deangirl77 @deantbh @supermoonpanda @sinceriouslyamellpadalecki @deanwinchesterforpromqueen @chaos-and-the-calm67 @memariana91 @chelsea-winchester @fandommaniacx @revwinchester @ageekchiclife @your-average-distracted-waffle @drarina1737 @lucibae-is-dancing-in-hell @castieltrash1 @supernaturalyobessed @mysaintsasinner @ohwritever @ruined-by-destiel @winchester-writes @deals-with-demons @maraisabellegrey @faith-in-dean @winchestersmolder @bohowitch @clueless-gold @melbelle45 @winchester-family-business @writingbeautifulmen
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gotoduckville · 7 years
The Baby (Palette x Goth) by Costomly_Different (or me)
Palette had left for work with his Father Ink an a hour before I woke. I hated it when he’s gone. People say I worry to much, but they need to Remender I’m the son of Geno. He worries just as much as me, but at the moment I had the full on right to be worry right now.
I rub my lower back as I walk down the stairs of our house, to the couch. ‘Should I change out of my pjama? Nah it’s to warm.’
The air aways felt warm, I guest it because our home was in Dreamtale or maybe it was because of the extra weight I was carrying now. For example the echo breasts.
“Ow.” I flich in pain, well rubbing my swollen stomach. Oh right, they’re there. They’re probably wondering why Mommy has eaten anything yet. Little hungry monster commanding me to get food when they’ve only been in the womb for 5 months of the 7 month time limits.
“What do you want today, Honey?” I ask trying to calm there tantrum, but as my mind started to wander. I should’ve listen to my parents. They were right, I can’t have a baby. They’ve said my body won’t handle it, they said it won’t work.
Tears filled my eyes, holding my baby belly. I’m so scare that, I’m going to lose them. My baby, his baby, our baby.
You see, I may be an Adult, but my physical body is a body of a 12 year old. I was told it would never work, that if we try it would end in failure.
My beath hitch as I remender Palette voice.
-Past- ’ I know they said we can’t, but we try, baby… Can’t we… I really want a baby… Honey.’ he held my hand we sat across from enother at the table of our home.
‘Palette… What will happen if they were are all right… That it would end in fail-’
‘Don’t listen to them, Goth… Maybe it won’t be a failure, Babe… Let just try, just this onces… Please.’ I look down at both of ours hand, seeing our rings, I nodded.
I look at my ring, the ring prove me and Palette’s love, and this baby… This baby was the next step in our love, but I’m scare.
“I can’t do this.” I panic, pulling out my phone, and called Palette. Hoping he would answer I started to pace back and forth. I could feel kicks in stomach, but I ignored them.
“Hello, Goth. It’s Ink.” Breathing hard I called out.
“Please.. Get Palette for me. I can’t do this. I can’t do this!”
“Goth! Calm down, Calm down.” My head started to pound, as I started to feel a pain in my stomach. Dropping my phone, my vision went fully black. The last thing I could here was Ink through the phone.
~ I burst through the door with my Dad, to see Death and Geno where already here. Death must of sense Goth falling down. I couldn’t help, but begin to cry seeing Goth.
Goth laid on the couch, with a blanket up to his shoulders, breathing slowly. 'The baby, The baby’ my mind repeated, as I walk up to his sleep body. Everyone stay back like they knew what was going to happen.
My hand started to shake as I placed my hand on Goth forehead. Tear drip to the ground, as I feared for my baby.
“Please Don’t be gone…” I move and rested my hand on his stomach to transfer magic. Within second they saw us I could feel a happy little kick. Tears of joy, as I kissed Goth’s stomach.
“Palette… He was falling down… Dying… We were luckly to come here on time, but…” Geno had said, with his hands in his sleeves.
“But?… But what?” I started to worry, as I wipe my leftover tears away.
“He… His body is having a hard time managing the baby… It’s doing more harm than good…” Palette couldn’t believe what he was hearing.
“You mean… You mean… a. Want to end-” He was cut off by Death.
“Yes. You see, the child killing him, Palette!” He could tell Death had enough of this.
“Palette, we told you two that this risk, only a death man would take! I’m not going to lose my son to this parasite!” Death shouted more at Palette. Hearing Death call the child a parasite, Ink had stepped in.
“Your mad, We know, but you don’t dare call a child a Parasite. How about all of us three head to my place and I could get Error to mix up drinks and  we could all play a good game  of card, and leave up to them on what to do? Okay” My father reason with them. Geno nodded and look at Death.
“You should go home, Death. Me and Ink need to plan stuff. Now lets leave them be. I have a feeling Goth is going to awake soon.” I watch as Death look one last time at his sleeping son before disappearing in a black mist. Geno and Ink did this same but with a wave goodbye and a portal.
I sat on the same couch as my sleeping Lover. Thinking… Do I really have kill our baby to keep my Gothy alive.
“I can’t end you…” I said well rubbing the belly with the happy souling.
I moan feeling my stomach being rubbed. I open my eyes to see my Husband. I couldn’t help but to jump up and pin him down with a kiss.
“Gothy. Ah.. be careful.. Mmm. Baby.” I pulled away with slight tears in this eye, as I sat up on him.
“I miss you, so much. I was so scare you weren’t coming back…” Tearing more as My love had wipe them away. I started to feel some angry kicks.
“Ouch” Palette put this hand on my belly feeling those kick. Palette gave a look of regret. Did not want the baby now?
“ Goth, we need to talk… But lets feed the little monster first… Kk?” I nodded with agreement, well squealing as Palette pick me up. He carries me into the kitchen, and set me on the counter. On the counter I watched Palette got a poptart, and took a quick bite before handing to me.
“What I want to talk about is that… You were falling down today… Your parents… Um said was because of the them…” He eyed the baby belly.
“Do you not want the baby now… Tell me… Palette.” Tear fell down my face, as I began to sob. Jumping off the counter, I’d tried to get away, but to only get pulled into Palette chest. I bit down on his collarbone, Palette made a noice that you could only recognise as a noices for pain.
“Goth, Please.. Your going to hurt the Baby.” I screamed on the top of my voices.
“LET ME GO!!!”
Goth had bit me, scatch me, hit me, yelled. Goth was only 5 month into this pregnancy, I started to fear that Goth was going to go into lador. But it was just my luck, this baby was going to come early.
“Ah!!” I let Goth go, as he fell to his knees. Purple liquid pour from between his legs.
“They’re coming!” Goth held his stomach. Picking him up, I quickly  brought him to the couch. I collected all the item we need. I didn’t even had the chance to call anyone.
“Hurry! It hurts!” His lover had groan in pain, as I quick rip his ruin pants off. Before Goth even was pregnant, I read a lot of book on parenting and pregnancy. I guess you can say I was preparing to family someday, but at the moment I was glad I learned.
“I can.. I can feel them! Ah!” Goth had tear in his eyes showing the pain he was in, as the child move to the exit.
“Honey… The next contraction you will have to push with every thing you got. Okay, baby!” Goth nodded a 'Mmmh.’ It was still early into this pregnancy, which ment the baby could come feet first which is bad for skeletons. So I kept my fingers cross, it would be heads first.
“Pally! Ah!” The baby was crowning. The word Yes ran though my mind. I quickly transfer magic to Goth, for the next push and the push after.
The baby was finally out, Goth lean back into the couch, closing his eye trying to control his breathing. The baby on the other hand wasn’t breath what so ever. I had them wrap up in a towel transferring more magic to them, trying to keep them from dusting.
Goth had eyed an half eaten apple on the coffee table that I left this morning . Quickly reaching with an open hand. I got it, and took a big bite out of to reserved more magic to give to the baby, I gave the rest of the apple to Goth. I manage to stable the baby, but they needed there mother milk quickly.
“Goth they need to eat. Quickly!” It  common sense to know what to do I pulled my shirt up, and they latch on my echo brests. I was too tired to notice the how weird it felt. Then it hit me.
“Pally~ I just gave… birth.” I began to tearing up, as I look down at the baby feeding. They were so small.
“I know, Goth… I know..” Palette had answer with his face into his hand silently crying. I felt as the baby push away from my breast, and started to cry softly. I lifted them to my face and kiss them.
“They’re so beautiful… Palette look”
I look at the baby, with tears. My breath hitch see there face
“Goth they look like you…” I smile with Goth reaction. I started to regret bring up the baby, in a bad way, but there here now safe and sound both of them.
“I’m sorry for bring up that stuff earlier… I didn’t want to rid of them, but I was worry of loosen you… But now you too are both here, now I regret all o-” A kiss cut me off, and small whale of laughter. There was Goth kissing the baby as they laugh. I felt so much happiness seeing them.
I grab my phone and took a picture. I sent the picture to a group chat with my family and Goths, with the caption ’ Surprise I guess Palette Jr is a early bird too.’
All our phones went reading a new message from Palette. 'Why is my son texting all of us?’ That quest ran through my head. Within seconds of see the picture, I drop my phone, so did Geno.
“We’re Grandparents!!!”
Goth by @nekophy Pallette by other person(can't find there name)
I’ve writen this in my shipping book on wattpad. I feel so proud of this soo jugde all you want.
Remender this is just a fanfiction, born out of depths of my mind.
P.s. My wattpad name is 'Costomly_Different’.
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