#I measured and I checked those are the heights lol
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lmelodie · 2 months ago
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Welcome to 2025! For the new year I really wanted to get some proper reference images for the whole gang! And to serve as a little introduction to my characters and my interpretations on some canon characters for any new peeps coming around!
And for those who don't know, these are characters and concepts that I've been using in my fic Chance and Choice, which got a brand-new chapter a few months back! But under the cut is a little synopsis of the story for the newbies!
Chance and Choice follows and builds off of the ending of the Junior Novelization of the third movie, which differs from how the actual film ended. In the novel, Jack never got a melt inducing Lucy hug and never thawed, but instead got sent to the south pole in banishment for his many, many crimes.
Chance and Choice takes place seven years after the fact, Lucy now a teenager and struggling to figure out what exactly she wants to do with her future.
But any thoughts about that are thoroughly uprooted when she has a strange dream and gets magic powers and a magic staff overnight, "gifted" by THE Man in the Moon, the god and creator of all magic itself, thought to be dead for eons.
But with Christmas and the end of the year wrapping up, the legendary council has limited resources and volunteers to help learn how to use her new abilities. But Lucy sees an opportunity and asks that Jack teach her.
Her, Mother Nature and Jack strike a suspicious deal as a favors for favors set up where if he did a good enough job he requested either his council seat reinstated or hi holiday requests approved. And he may have broken out of prison for a second and may have gotten put on house arrest in the meantime.
But While Lucy is trying to learn to control her powers, she's starting to get nasty headaches and migraines, and the control doesn't seem to be getting any better and not mention the strange sleepwalking and weird voices from thin air.
Jack and Lucy have to figure out what's going on, while dodging ghosts from Jack's past and consequences of past actions, learning how to come to terms with this, and maybe try and be a better person along the way.
But someone has a different plan for all magical kind when New Years Eve arrives. Where everyone is gathered all in one place, easier to restart the cycle by force.
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emeritus-fuckers · 1 year ago
How big is the Ghenis?
i'm stupid and i suck at maths so this is probably wrong
this is just for lols
i definitely fucked up with pixel measurements bc i used picsart
don't bother correcting me, it's not worth it, my results are funnier anyway
General assumptions:
According to Tobias, both Papa I and Papa II are around 6 feet (~183cm) tall. However, the fandom seems to go with the headcanon that Secondo is 6'2" (~188cm), so I'll calculate both. I'm using centimeters because I'm Polish and while I am also a masochist, I'm not that fucking mad. I will offer the final product in both cases in inches tho so y'all don't eat me.
According to Wikipedia:
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So we'll use that as our base and assume Secondo is 8 heads tall. According to the same article:
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So let's start with calculating those as a base. Since Tobias Forge has rather long legs (as seen below), I'm going to go with "four heads" rather than three and a half.
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If we go with 183 centimeters tall Secondo, our proportions would be:
One head (1/8 of full body height): 22.8 cm.
Legs: 91,5 cm from floor to perineum (basically crotch)
Arms: 68,6 cm (I'm assuming from shoulder to wrist, since hand is mentioned seperately in the article)
Forearms: 34,3 cm (since the shoulder-to-elbow and elbow-to-wrist are relatively the same length)
Thighs: 40,7cm (according to a mess of a calculation that I won't get into because fucking hell)
During the fateful shot, we can see just a little bit above his knee, so for the sake of calculation we're gonna assume we can see the whole thigh, which is (according to Picsart) 155 pixels.
So, for the sake of calculation, 155 pixels = 40,7cm, which means 1 pixel is 0,26 cm.
The Ghenis is, from tip to base (at least as far as I can see but the quality is shit) 123 pixels.
123 pixels * 0,26cm = 31,98 cm (which is absolutely miscalculated somehow but I'm too lazy to actually check my calculations bc it's midnight. we're going with the monstrous cock baby)
According to online calculators, 31,98 cm is 12,59 inches.
If we go with the fandom, 188cm tall Secondo, the measurements are:
One head: 23,5 cm
Legs: 94 cm from floor to perineum
Arms: 70,5 cm (I'm assuming from shoulder to wrist)
Forearms: 35, 25 cm
Thighs: 42 cm
155 pixels = 42 cm, which means 1 pixel is 0,27 cm.
123 pixels * 0,27cm = 33,21 cm
According to online calculators, 33,21 cm is 13,07 inches.
He was not kidding when he says he comes richly endowed.
Math done by Jez. Secondo's cock is to me what FNaF lore is to MatPat.
Taglist: @copias-fluffy-asscheeks @lunarsromantichomicide @randodummy @tuttifuckinfruttifriday @copiaspowderedjizz @dio-niisio @firefirevampire @mybotanicaldemise @emo-mess @natoncesaid @sirlsplayland @thatoddboy @ouijaboardemo @lightbluuestars @strawberriiblossoms
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yanci-indigo · 6 months ago
Hillary "Maggot" Bruce as my questionable creation..
Yes you read that right! Bruce might be one of my OCs with questionable tastes and peculiar behaviors. I haven't shared his backstory yet, but just let you all know, he was once in a darkest pit before he escaped with himself and his raw strength from Mississippi.
Aside from his backstory, I also had trouble redesigning him since he looks similar to Jack Paige from Under the Devil's Moon by Libra (I recommend to check on them AHHH THE STORY IS SO GOOD!!!). I got panicked when I first saw Jack, but now I simp on him hihi. But yeah, it's just me overthinking stuff and ensure safety measures from those issues.
Sorry for the long introduction, and yes I'll get on to my process on finalizing his character design.
PHASE 1 : Ears Problem
I always thought there is a problem in his bat ears physics. Turns out it lacks gravity! I checked the Oriental Shorthair cat pictures as references and fixed his bat ears.
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PHASE 2 : Body Structure
The ears are stylized, as Oriental Shorthair cats are known to have large ears resembling a bat! Also they have really long limbs, making them look taller in their anatomy.
For the body, I used my boyfriend as a reference of a thin body (crazy actual reference). Maggot was 17 in 1920 and puberty just hit him a few years ago. He was around 6'3" feet tall. Talk about height boost lol.
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I made his overall design sharp, pointy, and unhinged. He is not in a right mind whenever he goes, so it's best to leave him alone. I also drew him as a vampire: being a nocturnal beast and a cannibal hunting for a man as his victim and a meal (he doesn't eat women or children). Also look at him just enjoying his vampire costume ^^
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(he's broke but not homeless huhu)
And there we have it! His final design is his portrait that I posted here in this blog.
Thank you for your time reading all of this until the end. Just want to make an excuse to share these sketches hehehe. He's actually my favorite, and don't even try guilt tripping me lol.
That's all darlings, bye!!!!
~ ✿
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nebulacollege · 5 months ago
How do they dress outside of school? Do any prefer designer clothes? What’s their aesthetics?
Anonymous asked:
Not my dumb ass reading your reply and wondering, “Why did the anon mention the clothes they were wearing?”
Sorry, I couldn’t not include this ask because it’s too funny! Now the mystery is up. Unfortunately (?), the only clothes we’re going to talk about today is Nebula’s boys preferences...
I asked Ryu to help me with this reply because I don’t know much about clothes, fashion and I’m just biased towards t-shirts and hoodies. Unfortunately (!), my boys don’t seem like the type to wear those often, although it would suit them very nicely. I haven’t thought out their aesthetics outside of the college, so these things might change in the future.
Niall definitely has designer clothes, and he’s lucky enough to have big brands send him custom clothes/shoes that were tailored and/or made specifically for him on his order (or maybe as a PR company or as a sign of gratitude if his family is on good terms with it, so it’s a “favour”). This does not happen very often, however, because it’s usually very expensive and he’s not the most important prince in the world lol Depends on the circumstances.
I think he’d go for lighter tones and things that will make him stand out but won’t clash with his bright hair colour. It’s usually shirts, polo shirts, sweaters, cardigans, rugby shirts. Something that looks bright, but clearly expensive, he goes for a preppy look. He’s your typical rich guy from the media, although in modern terms he’s a little bit old-fashioned?
Ned wears whatever everyone else is wearing. If some brand is favoured in his house and is considered “appropriate” for his status and his family, he wears it too because he doesn’t care about clothes much, as long as it meets TPO. He’s still concerned about its quality and there’s an air of elitism, although he’s the type to connect quality with the price tag a little.
He wears shirts and polo shirts and sweaters as well, plus henley shirts/sweaters, but you can actually see him wear t-shirts as well, and not only during his training sessions. He can also go for a hoodie, occasionally. I think I mentioned his preferred colours somewhere in a previous reply? A loose tracksuit is also something he can wear and not necessarily for training, just at home.
Ryu also suggested that he might not like jeans because they make him feel uncomfortable between his thighs.
Edmund wears whatever is given to him and shows very little enthusiasm in shopping in general, so he ends up being a little capricious about trying things on or getting measured, and not all clothes fit him perfectly. He has small shoulders for a guy and short height, so he needs to be very careful with it due to how men’s clothes are usually made, that’s why his uniform is such a disaster lol He likes oversized comfortable clothes where you cannot see this, so he likes hoodies, jumpers, turtlenecks, stuff like that.
He has brighter and lighter colours in his wardrobe, but he gravitates towards dark, muted or just very neutral colous and shades of grey. He wants to check out t-shirts, but buys them very rarely and chooses a fun print/colour.
Ryu also suggested that Edmund doesn’t like a big amount of buttons, laces, and everything that requires him spending years to get a piece of clothing in order. He just wants to put it on and go, it makes him feel tired. He doesn’t like uniforms and suits.
He has certain clothes that are insanely expensive, but if you don’t know the history of them, you wouldn’t get it. Niall and Liam could notice on him something like trainers of which there’re only ten pairs were made in the entire world.
Liam is a man of contrasts, as you could’ve noticed. Since his parents own a fashion house and he learned a lot about it, it takes him a very short time to come up with a good combination. He’s more modern than our first two guys, and he has tons of designer clothes both bought and gifted to him, including the ones people might find weird. He can wear something typical like a beige overcoat with a brown sweater and some other plain thing like that, and the next wear a jumper with a weird print, bright green pants and oversized shoes and somehow it’s actually insanely trendy. Liam also has a curse that no matter what he’s wearing, it looks so fucking good on him.
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sonicasura · 2 months ago
Despite the unease they felt, the next round was Megatron versus Clay-More. Dart very firmly vowed to not go underneath the mech’s inner plating as they sprung into action.
For a form so fluid, the former Decepticon found himself being bashed and hit hard enough to gradually push him back. The shapeshifter had gradually absorbed enough soil to stand at his frame height. “Hammers” formed from their own material were thrown at all kinds of different angles. A shipping container or two was launched at him forcing Megatron to catch it—
Only for him to get battered from beneath.
“Honestly! Once again, you fail to impress me with your ability to catch things. Either twist with the motion to slow down its momentum or slam it into the ground in front of you still halt it entirely. Stop looking down unless you’re worried for smaller that are actually there.”
Unlike Optimus own spar—Dart had taken to calling out advice every so often and still keeping up the pressure. The young shapeshifter at least sounded a bit winded whenever they spoke. So his efforts in defending himself weren’t completely devoid of success. Megatron refused to use his fusion cannon this soon into a spar. From the way his (rarely) landed punches felt, he could tell they had to firm up their core for to support the larger build.
Dart was still a slippery one though bending in ways a cybertronian never could. They kept their own punches to his sides, back and center of his chest. Megatron could feel his spark chamber rattle something fierce after a particularly harsh blow… He finally used his fusion cannon directly within the center of their chest. It incinerated straight through—until his mind caught up to his actions as well as panic!
‘…Alright. I admit you moving my faceplate inward when you transform into Clay-More was a good call oh so long ago.’
‘Told ya.’
Dart had already realized ages ago that their most vicious alien having a stable point on its body was a bit of a glaring weakness. The Omnitrix could technically be activated or deactivated if something touched its face dial. It was a security measure in case a user needed to change transformations fast. So—they came up with the simple solution of pulling the Omnitrix face dial within themself as the Lenopan. It was a strange thing to get used to.
The transformed teen slammed Megatron down as the hole refilled itself. “Glad to see you finally use that thing. Next time, try to go for a shot that destabilizes me. Like say my base that’s currently providing extra material from the ground?” Sure, their tone was a bit more annoyed than usual from the cauterized soil the laser caused. Lenopans instinctually hated anything that made them dry out.
Though it was only a few minutes, the second round ended with Megatron covered in several dents and distinctively exventing hard. Optimus marginally felt he had gotten off much easier given young Dart didn’t stay in that first form for long. With Megatron, they had continued the spar until the transformation timed out.
Dart mentioned a small break to let the Omnitrix recharge and mentioned how this was only the beginning.
—ROB’d Anon.
Normally, Dart would never let themself be hit by such a large opponent to readily. But this is a spar and not a full blow fight. Their opponents are here to learn something. So yeah! They met Megatron on his level when it came to stature. Lenopans were once feared for their battle prowess for a reason.
Those two bots are gonna be put through training hell, lol. Also Dart needs to check out those GHOST badges if the bots still have it on them. Considering the shape is wide and big enough to hide something compared to the decals Autobots/Decepticons usually wear...
Even the smallest red flag can be the most dangerous espionage if Dart asked Twitch, Mo, Robby, and Thrash about their first encounter with Mandroid.
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lover-of-mine · 1 year ago
get to know me
tagged by @wikiangela thank you 🩷
Nicknames: I never had one tbh, Anna is easy enough, no nickname ever stayed.
Zodiac: taurus
Height: 171cm/5'7 according to my tape measure that has both centimeters and feet lol (but this has actually shocked me because I spent the last 8 years thinking I was 168 because everyone told me you stop growing when you're a teen and I was 168 when I was 18 and that was that but apparently not cuz I had to get measured for my new insurance and low and behold I'm taller than I thought I was)
Fave music: whatever 5sos is doing kspakapskoakapa (my Spotify genre mixes are pop, punk, rock, country and soft metal and I would say that's the assortment of things I listen to more regularly)
Followers: 1100 and something last I checked and I have no clue where y'all came from lspskapakapa
Following: 249
Do you get asks: sometimes, I've been getting them more frequently now tho (probably because my anon was closed for like 2 years for personal reason but I opened it back up once I started posting more frequently because it can be intimidating to send asks with your blog on it and I didn't want to close the possibility)
Amount of sleep: I've started mood stabilizers a few months back and those have me either sleeping for 5 hours and not a second more or sending me into a coma for 10, no in-between kspskapkapalaoala
What are you wearing: shorts and a camp half blood shirt
Dream job: honestly no clue anymore lol
Languages: Portuguese (native), English, I can get away with some basic Spanish and with reading French. I also have a basic understanding of libras, that's the Brazilian sign language.
Random fact: I have a gold medal from a basketball competition from when I was in highschool and I scored a half court shot in the game we won it.
Aesthetic: recently I'm a cartoon character, the color my hair is becomes my personality kspskapalpakapa
No pressure tag 🩷: @eddiebabygirldiaz @ilostyou @chamaleonsoul @ijustdontlikepeople @caramelcalum @sherlockcrossing @disasterbuckdiaz and anyone else that feels like doing this
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chellyisacreampuff · 4 months ago
Tuesday, 22 Oct, FallA Week 4
Woke up very early today and got many things done over the day:
Homework Global Issues
Bed sheets exchange
But, most importantly: The University's health examination.
They measured and tested height, weight, BMI, sugar and protein content in urine, heart beat, blood pressure, eye sight, and - most disturbingly - they did a chest X-ray. Now, don't get me wrong, nothing against x-ray checks but- without any pre-indication?? Seems insane to me, lol. Before starting those tests, we had to go talk to a doctor, so that he could check if we have any issues that might not be covered by the basic health examination. And in the morning, we also had to take our urine sample, using this fancy set
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Since I was already out, I wanted to get some stuff. Couldn't find it, but ended up going to N's Cafe, lamp cafe, and Lawson konbini. More about that later.
Was out for almost the whole day, and when I got home, I just called my grandparents and went to sleep.
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isca-rambles · 7 months ago
Oh Annie. I'm so glad she could come back as Rosalind for a few more episodes. It's such a shame we couldn't have Rosalind for longer, because she is hands down the best villain they've had. This show was so lucky to have her as part of their story. Lucy giiiiirl. Reliving that kiss because of feelings and also because it's probably a damn bit nicer than reliving anything to do with Rosalind. Yeah close the door Tamara, let Lucy have another dream. Chenford Captain Lopez reporting for duty. Say that no a little less convincingly, Tim. It's not possible but I still dare you to try. Ugh. Fucking golden ticket. How. They've all done a million things just as vital and important as what Nolan did. Lucy especially. No way that should've earned him the ticket. I'm still so mad about that ticket. Nolan is the 'main' character, he's meant to struggle. The whole point of the set back was to make him fight for and earn his promotion to TO. And then they just sort of let him jump right over the obstacle they planted there. Also, Lucy looks so gorgeous in yellow good lord. And she is so quick to snap into character, Tim and Angela are impressed. Okay why is Bailey here for the Rosalind Dyer trial. Do the LAFD need to be here? I don't dislike Bailey, but boy they really are just pushing her into every scene physically possible. I know it's just how shows like this are and she's part of the ensemble, but just...it doesn't need to be every episode, guys. Ugh, hi Chris. Damn right everyone checking Lucy out. Whatever she wears, however she's made up, she just radiates perfection. Minor note, I'm forever in love with Angela's blazers. They always have these little embroidered or sequined details and I am forever envious I can't wear layers of any type without melting. Also also, Nolan really shouldn't be on this assignment. Did no-one think this through? Do not give Rosalind people to feed off of. But god, I do regret we didn't get more of Lucy and Rosalind. Not that I would want Lucy to have to go through the trauma of being anywhere near her tormentor, but god think of the storylines. Rosalind really should have been equally as obsessed with Lucy as she was with Nolan. Not that I wanted her to hurt Lucy more, but once again Lucy getting overlooked. Lucy and Tim able to give into those feelings they don't understand under the guise of UC, even if just a little. Their little touches are so natural. Take the stairs, in those heels? Jesus how do people walk in heels of any height, let alone that tall. Credit where credit's due. Also, really, leaving a serial killer with one guard? C'mon guys. Even if her lawyer is in there too and they're all outside, why on earth would you leave her with one guard. Ouch, I hope someone grabbed that poor guard's body. They give up on lifesaving measures so easily and I know she's probably beyond saving but still, get her away from the fire at least. Tim really does love her thighs.
Hajek reminds me so much of another actor and it's killing me I can't think who. Knowing my brain it's probably him in another role I'm thinking of. Maybe a broader Skeet Ulrich? Hmm.
Keeping Tamara safe. She's so adopted by the whole precinct and I love it. Though lol no-one thought to keep Chris safe.
Oh god Lucy. Okay so much as I wish there'd been more story between Lucy and Rosalind, seeing her spiral like this after the mention of Rosalind makes me glad they didn't. Just, oh, my poor girl. She's so unmoored and Tim instantly looks to her and takes her hand and tries to keep her tethered. As soon as they get in the bathroom you can just see her fraying. Her hands shaking and her eyes. Oh, my heart. All the A* to Melissa for conveying so much terror so subtly. And Tim wanting to protect her and keep her safe but also not overriding her. He has her back 100%. I saw a few other people saying the kiss was multilayered and yes, so much. Obviously there's the first layer of keeping their cover. A little tenuous since there were plenty of ways to make it look like they'd been hooking up without actually kissing. But Lucy's spiralling hard and she wants to make this work, so she's not going to leave anything to chance. There's also the plain fact that she has feelings and attractions and well, why not use this as an excuse. She knows she's not going to get many chances like this. And then there's just the desperate need for something to ground her. Something safe and tangible, tactile, something distracting enough to get her head back on track. She's adrift in terror and trauma and he's her anchor. And she's trying to handle all these reasons and keep them under wraps under the guise of UC so she's hyperfocused, which is why Tim is just constantly on the backfoot. But good lord he melts into that kiss just as quickly as the last one. God her poor hand shaking. The trauma, the hyperfocus, the feelings. It's a wonder she's not shaking more.
That car and the plane must've felt so claustrophobic for her. And that Tim can't comfort her or reassure her more than just catch her eye...ooooh my heart. Lucy really does just excell at UC work. I know I keep saying I don't think her heart is it in in later seasons and I don't. I think she's started on this path and she's scared to diverge. I think she'd make an amazing TO and I don't want them sending her down a dark road with UC storylines. But she is also just so brilliant at it, so I am conflicted because I want to keep seeing her being awesome.
Lucy defending her man. She finally got to use that hairpull. Though that waitress is such an idiot, seriously. Suspicions or not, why would you ever go up to the shady guys and tell them you think the other shady guy they're with is sus. No good comes from that. Stay the fuck out of it. Poor Sava though. She really did love Jake and he just fucked around and found out.
So the dealer is a UC as well, right? Because otherwise it's pretty damn risky to be talking so openly in front of them about everything.
Tamara doing investigative police work on her phone. Lucy has trained her so well. Please bring her back in S7.
The little glances. Tim is so concerned for her. The little compliment because he knows she thrives on it. Tim's brain short circuiting from a glance at her back dear lord this boy has it bad. The fact he's been thinking about the kisses the whole time she's been in the shower. And that he's confronting this and not just putting his walls up and ignoring it. And Lucy saying what she thinks she should be saying, but she gives him that chance to refute her. To say no, it means something. Her answers to him are all questions because she's scared and has no idea what anything means but maybe if she gives him the chance to tell her what's going on, what it all means. Agggh these two oblivious idiots. Obviously I wouldn't want them to have cheated on their partners (you can argue they already did emotionally and with the kisses, and with the almost, but still sex would've completely tainted any relationship they developed afterwards) but god the fics where they do give in are fucking gold. Angela you angel of a shit stirrer. Also Lucy how does your hair look so good right after showering c'mon this isn't fair. Idiot waitress is an idiot. Okay no but how is Lucy's hair also still so nice after being half dried? Tim just desperately glancing at the bathroom for Lucy while she's in there kicking ass. Lucy do not tease this man more than you existing already does. Ugh, Chris. Messing up all our plans. Also meh, I'm not fond of Del Monte. Chris have you ever tried looking at someone before getting into a car? Also I guess Rosalind killed a cop to get into that car? Do they ever mention that? They're also all way too trusting that Rosalind is far away. They have to realise it's way too easy. Side note, Luna is so gorgeous and that dress is just stunning.
Tim being a dork. Lucy finding those loopholes. Tim's brain breaking once again. Dear lord the UST. Again, I'm glad they didn't manage to go any further because it would have tainted things even more but jesus christ the UST. Thank god for fics.
They're like awkward teenagers with all the UST their raging hormones can summon. And then Tim's eye roll on seeing Chris. Same, brother, same. Ffs Chris stop ruining that nice sofa. Poor Lucy is so frantic. She might not love him but obviously she doesn't want him to die. And then the guilt. Oh the guilt. Good for angst, bad for my heart. And for Lucy's heart. But this is another reason why Chris being an acolyte or fanatic would've made sense. Rosalind doesn't just let people live. And he would've been dead looong before they got back, unless Rosalind was timing it and only left him very recently. Or she got someone else to do it for her. I need a fic where Rosalind or her new acolyte (coughchriscough) waits until Lucy gets home. Tim doesn't go in with her. Maybe they got back earlier. Where she goes after Lucy and not Chris. That'd make the 'make sure someone checked on Lucy' line so much colder and weightier. Again, I do not want Lucy to get hurt in canon but...y'all know I love my feral!Tim and feral!foundfamily and Lucy being protected fics.
Ugh, hi Chris. Convenient of you to survive a serial killer who doesn't tend to leave survivors. HUH?! I know I know, but I still think it would've made sense of how off a lot of his actions/mannerisms are. Imagine if he wasn't an acolyte but just a fanatic and he's acting like he's in league with Rosalind until she gets in touch with someone and is like 'um, no, he's not one of mine thank you very much'. Or she comes back to take care of him herself. God Lucy's outfits are so pretty I would kill to be able to pull anything like that off. Yellows and oranges and light colours just wash my pale ass out. Detective Porter saving us from what would've been a passionless kiss. There is a god. But also Lucy girl why are you leaving your door wide open. Also, why is that sofa at such a weird angle to the tv. That is not comfy for viewing. Just saying. Rare moment of Lucy getting recognition for being amazing. More of this please and thank you. But where are these major units poaching her from patrol, please and thank you? Not that I want her off patrol. Again, I'm so conflicted because she's amazing at UC but I just love patrol!Lucy so much.
Nolan getting a 98 on his exam and yet being a subpar TO in reality. Yep, checks out. Look, I don't hate Nolan. I really don't. I just don't think he's been a great TO and I feel like a main character needs more conflict in their life. The whole struggle of the hero's journey, ya know? And they seem to give up on that in S5. Not completely and it'd be boring if he was all struggles but...idk.
Oh Grey, you precious angel. Aaron, you are also a precious angel. He's gone? Just...you're not going to even try some CPR? Maybe police are taught differently but they just give up so easily on this show. Unless there's obvious incompatibility with life (ya know, the head not being attached to the body or rigor mortis), I feel like CPR/AED until paramedics arrive is just basic first aid training.
Angela, oh captain my captain. Can you use your evil genius for good in S7.
I love how we got Wesley into the DA's office so we'd have someone in there for when they got rid of Chris. Wes my sweet. I love the cop group name gag. I really want someone to suggest a name for our lot sometime in S7 and for everyone to just turn on them with a 'don't you fucking dare' look. Lucy you literal sunshine human being.
Guys, maybe try moving the suspiciously body shaped body when it's not the middle of the day. Grey's face when he thinks he's going to hear baby news from Nyla. Another actual sunshine human being.
Should I buy a baseball bat? Everyone in film/tv always has one when they think someone's broken into their home. I mean baseball isn't really big in the UK. Maybe a cricket bat. Looking around my room right now I have literally nothing to hand that'd do decent damage aside from a fossil.
I know it's ridiculous but Nyla is so wonderfully epic.
Okay so Angela had Guatemala, and Nyla has a home invasion. So Lucy's pregnancy story is going to be even more epic, right? Tim so happy to have his sister and nephews close. Oh, sweet boy. Aaron c'mon. No way Nolan is your favourite TO. You had Nyla. Lucy only likes cooking shows when she's watching them with Tim. Or literally anyone who isn't Chris. But oh god Tim and Lucy please be less oblivious please it hurts. The miscommunication. You're so in sync in every other aspect of your lives but please. My heart. The way the smile just drops from his face when he leaves. Uuuuugh.
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crunchyfield · 1 year ago
Alright so as much as I like fanarts and all the trailblazing ZTotK drawings, I still see people coming back and forth with those random 4'11 & 5'2" heights for Link in Tears of the kingdom.
On top of that I still haven't seen any proof of those statements.
But that got me thinking back my process to find Link's height in TotK.The ideal case would be to find it out with the least amount of hypothesis and assumptions to get as humanly close to the truth as possible.
In my last post the only assumption used was "1 coordinate distance unit is equivalent to one meter" which I by that time had trouble to prove it :(
However, after a little bit more experience and time into the game I stumbled upon the most interesting mini-game :)
Let me introduce to you the Ultra Ball Haul !
THAT mini-game itself helped me figure out a lot when it comes to in-game measurements.
I don't want this repost to be longer than the Great wall of China again so I'll try to keep it quick.
Basically the mini-game provides a real life measurement unit (meters).With that in mind we can easily prove that one meter is indeed equivalent to one coordinate distance unit (trust me it's easy to demonstrate I did it multiple times and checked it many times meaning you can too).
Then knowing the 21 max item entanglement limit, we can set up a way of measuring height of objects as I explained through this vid (do not take the height results because one measurement threshold isn't enough, just get to understand how I use the mini-game for measuring heights) :
Now we could be looking for something which is practically as tall as Link and after a bit of research a flux construct block seems to be almost the same height (it's in fact a tad taller than Link).
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In the real world, macroscopic objects/creatures are measured to a centimeter accuracy so to get a such accuracy we want to measure a set of 10 construct blocks :
Thus we can see that one of these blocks looks to be 1.80 meters tall (about 5'11" & 1/2")which means Link is around that height.
Using a careful Link measurement set up we can finally get a True (with no assumption used unlike many others' so said calculations) in-game reference height for Link :
So after several checking the question is finally answered in TotK, Link is 1.76 meters (5'9" & 1/3").
My old calculations aren't necessarily wrong since the 1.76 m result finds itself within the old uncertainty range but that mini-game (Ultra ball haul) seriously improved my measurements' accuracy.
I don't know why almost no one ever mentions this mini-game for stuff like this topic (It's like nobody could see that mini game).
Anyways, I just wanted to correct myself and improve what was improvable but this is my last (re)post on this topic.
All in all, Link is a little above the men's average height in the USA for reference and Hyrule in Tears of the kingdom is just ginormous as well as its various inhabitants all species included.
Also for the sussy bakas (I didn't forget them lol), please stop using that outdated untrue 5'2" result from BotW mindlessly (it's proven ridiculously wrong by TotK's standards).
Either way keep safe everyone ;)
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How tall is Link in Zelda Tears Of The Kingdom ?
This topic is always what most players wonder when playing a (new) Zelda game especially when Link looks shorter than almost every NPCs and entities.
But what surprises me the most is that many people in the community assume he is the same height as in ZBOTW or claim to have figured out his height based off of ZBOTW without elaborating much somehow which isn't satisfying at all.
We want to know Link's height in ZTOTK based off of ZTOTK information and tools.
What we want to be looking into at first is Link's canon height.Unfortunately, speaking to NPCs/reading diaries/looking for something's or someone's canon height didn't provide any type of canon reference to figure out Link's canon height (unlike in Breath of the Wild where a gerudo named Deltan stated she was 8 feet tall).
As a result we are going to work out Link's height using in-game measurements, to do so we'll manipulate the in-game coordinates :
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These are important to calculate distances as well as measuring Link in those distance units.
It has been established for a while now that one distance unit displayed in the coordinates is equivalent to one meter.It is quite difficult to back up this statement but when talking to NPCs, those who quantify distances generally come up with the metric unit (I don't have a screenshot for proving it but if you talk to a brown skin traveler with an afro haircut and a rabbit shield in the French version of the game, he comes up with the metric unit at some point).
With that assumption in mind let's start off by looking for a reference (i.e: an object or something which will be used to determine Link's height), a wooden crate seems to be good one as we can approach its model with a cube on top of being experimentable on flat surfaces.
Now the idea is to approximate a wooden crate's height and to do it we have to measure many crates on top of each other with the altitude coordinate :
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We could've measured 100 crates merged all together but the game reFUSEs to fuse more than 21 items together (I learnt it the hard way after spending around 600-ish zonaites to make sure the tests go right in any case) :
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Ultimately 20 blocks were measured successfully on a flat surface in a maze so here are the altitude coordinate values at the surface level and at the 20th wooden crate level respectively :
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Subtracting both coordinate values (111-71) we find out 20 crates are about 40 meters tall meaning that a crate is about 2 meters tall.
Then we can figure out Link's height by measuring him next to a crate.However in order to avoid any parallax issue we are going to locate a specific part of the wooden crate the top of Link's head reaches with a sample of screenshots from different angles :
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(I took many more angles but to not overload this post we'll keep these 6 photos as a simple sample)
Thereafter, we can figure out the specific crate's portion the top of Link's head reaches (blue line) :
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Finally we can calculate Link's height using some proportionality and pixel measurements :
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Therefore Link is roughly 1.73 (5'8")meters tall, he is actually taller than 5'2" (1.58 m), still not surprising.
I smell sussy bakas coming up with Bread pirate's video from miles away so let me explain why the 5'2" is sort of wrong when it comes to Link's height in BOTW :
If we take a close look at where link is placed next to the metal box, we can see there is a parallax issue (i.e: the change in the apparent position of the metal box relative to Link being more distant, caused by the change in the picture's line of sight towards both Link and the metal box) which means Link is taller than what he was measured previously in BOTW :
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Hereafter seem to be the specific part of the metal box the top of Link's head reaches in BOTW :
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Thus recalculating Link's height in BOTW following Bread Pirate's method without the parallax issue suggests that Link is around 1.78 meters (5'10") :
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Basically BOTW Link & TOTK Link are practically about the same height (5 centimeters are a little negligible in the game) empirically which in some way confirm "the not changed height" and why we could feel like Link is as tall in TOTK as in BOTW.
Now for more interpretations regarding other entities/NPCs in comparison to Link, I advice you to see this post :
Sidenote: Furthermore, taking errors and uncertainties into account we can find a range in which Link's true height in Tears of the Kingdom is included.
About the altitude coordinates we measured, those values are rounded up without shown decimal places which means that the first 71 altitude coordinate value actually ranges from 70.5 to 71.4 and that the second 111 altitude coordinate value ranges from 110.5 to 111.4 :
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Besides, to find the uncertainty related to a wooden crate's height we determine the difference between the minimum gap/maximum gap and the rounded value found.Knowing that rounded value was 40 m then we get a 0.9 m variation from that value for the height of 20 crates implying the uncertainty of a single wooden crate's height would be 2 m ± 0.045 m.
As for the pixel measurements, it is generally one pixel variation for a numerical measurement tool such as in image editors.
So calculating the overall uncertainty for TOTK Link's height gives a height value ranging from 1.67 m (5'6") to 1.78 m (5'10"):
Link's height = 1.73 m ± 0.06 m
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random-yandere-fandom · 4 years ago
How about yandere TC meliodas but a soulmate au where him and the s/o( Fairy and goddess hybrid who fights for stigma) both share a connection to each other, from sharing emotion, to having vision of where they may meet for the first time. This seem like a nice concept, I imagine meliodas is use to constantly feeling pain from training all the way to fighting the war only to have a s/o who is yet to meet him but is willing to send over positive emotion and feeling to make him feel better. Im sucker for this kinds of things.
Oh hell yes, I love soulmate aus! Which is why it got a bit longer than what I normally write (and took so long lol)
Yandere TC Meliodas with soulmate darling
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For as long as you can remember there had been a second layer to your emotions that you couldn`t quite grasp, let alone influence. It was just barely there, almost unnoticeable.  Annoyance, nonchalance and a deep-rooted but hidden pain. After learning that those belonged to your soulmate, to the being your were destined to meet and love, you were baffled. Three emotions. A few feelings. Was that all they were capable of, or was that all they could allow themselves to? You mused that they felt your surprise and pity and hoped they wouldn`t connect the dots, they didn`t seem like the kind of person to appreciate such sentiments. Nonetheless you wanted to help. If they weren`t able to and didn`t have the opportunity to experience joy, wonder, excitement and a healthy amount of sadness and grief that one felt at ending a wonderful book with no continuation than you would have to do it for them. If they were hurt you could send them comfort and if they were bored you`d jump down a cliff if you must only to open your wings at the last second to send them a dose of mixed excitement and fear and laughter.
Meliodas had known of the concept of soulmates for as long as he could remember. Since then he had always been told that he wouldn`t need them, that demons barely needed their destined partner and only to allow any connection beyond the unavoidable should they be of the same race. He knew that something was wrong with that but in the end he didn`t care enough to do anything about that. So they felt what he did and at some point he`d know where you two would meet. Great. As long as they don`t get in his way and he can do what he must it`d be fine. 
He always knew that his range of sentiments were by far not the widest or the happiest but he would do. Meliodas had to. He had to be strong and cold and unfeeling. That did not seem to be the case for his soulmate, however. There were a mix of emotions constantly changing, most of them he hadn`t even experienced himself. They are a bother, he told himself and ignored it. He also ignored the twinge in his chest whenever they felt sad, ashamed or dispirited. Told himself that he was lucky that they weren`t sending feelings consciously, especially when he had to concentrate.
That changed. There was no warning, no prompting, nothing. Meliodas was about to go to sleep when they did it for the first time. They must have felt his exhaustion and either they thought he didn`t deserve to rest or wanted to spite him because the next thing he knew he felt adrenaline coursing through his veins and excitement erupting. Cursing he sat up, trying to calm his racing hearts and suppress that stuff. The emotions promptly calmed down and went into their normal, ignorable state though he could make out some guilt. For good measure he made his annoyance clear before flopping back down and closing his eyes. That didn`t stop a small and rather short lived smile from surfacing.
Was it your best idea? No. Did you think about what you were doing? No. You had felt your soulmate`s fatigue and seeing as it was the afternoon and they didn`t normally feel like that at this certain time you had assumed that they needed a bit of energy. Luckily, you had been sitting on a rather high branch and before you could think it through you had thrown yourself of from it. Upon their rejection though you had quickly stopped your little stunt and the idea that they had wanted to sleep crossed your mind. Ups. This had been the first time you had enforced an emotion and it had gone wrong. Hoping that their first impression of you could still be fixed you laid low for a bit. 
The next opportunity presented itself when you had discovered a beautiful small pond in the forest. It was surrounded by rich plant live and some ducks were swimming on it, the sunshine reflected and sparkled on the water’s surface. Deciding that now would be a good opportunity you checked on their emotions. There was no apparent change from normal so it should be fine. Carefully and a lot slower this time you let your admiration seep through to them and being encouraged by the response, which was nothing, you strengthened it, letting yourself enjoy the coolness of the water as you dipped your feet in. Sitting there you shared this feeling, the contrast of the warm light and the refreshing cold, the calmness of the forest, far away from the others and the silence only being broke by the wind and birds in the sky. With all the work you had been doing and the tense atmosphere of your partner the relaxation was welcomed with open arms. 
After this first successful interaction you continued, first about once a week and then once a day and soon simply whenever you felt like it. You were a bit disappointed that your soulmate never openly reacted but you had noticed that their feelings had calmed down and that was enough to keep you going. Having long ago realised that they were fighting in the same war, the suspicion and caution mixed with the occasional numbness, you assumed that they numbed their feelings in hopes of suppressing regret, you sent as much comfort as you could. It was gut wrenching whenever you noticed the impassivity but you did your best to help.
Meliodas grew used to it, over time. He even grew to like it, not that he`d ever admit it. Sensing your enforced emotions brought him joy and comfort, knowing that there was someone out there who cared. He sometimes felt guilty about not replying but what did he have to share? So he let the one sided communication continue. 
You always made sure to only strengthen positive emotions or small harmless sadness, just to let them know what you were feeling. This time however you feared that you had made a mistake. You were patrolling and you were careless. It was close to enemy territory but there hadn`t been an incident here and there was this beautiful flower in full bloom and you simply had to send your amazement. Doing just that you hovered over the flower, it`s sweet smell calming your mind. The next thing you knew was a sharp pain in your side as you moved away, away from whatever had slashed you. 
It was a small demon and you were quickly able to take care of it before healing your wound. Before you could investigate if there were any others you felt their worry. It was overwhelming. For the first time they openly enforced their feelings and it was intense enough that you couldn`t breathe for a moment. You noticed some anger interlaced, too, directed at what had harmed you, you noted. Quickly sending them your calmed frame of mind you searched for any other attackers and upon finding none you returned to report to one of the other goddesses.
Meliodas had been walking down a lonely hallway when you noticed the flower. Humming in acknowledgement he opened the door to his room and froze. Instead of admiration you seemed to be in pain. What had happened? Were you okay? His mind raced as he allowed himself to worry and let that worry reach you. The seconds were he felt your pain, surprise, resignation and caution were agony. After he was assured you were fine he sighed in relief. 
After the second time the demon decided that he should contact you more. After his initial worry had subsided he had become anxious. Not only could you be harmed at any time, he had no way of helping you, not without knowing who or where you were. He realised he didn`t know much of you. Was there someone who liked you beside him, someone you liked? He hoped not. You were his. You two were fated to be, no matter how stupid that sounded. However he had no real way of checking, so interacting with you like this had to be enough for now. He also grew more attentive of your passive emotions, not letting a single feeling pass his attention.
It is a well known fact that before you meet your destined other, you envision the place you will first meet. You had been waiting for that day for ages, knowing that soon after you`d finally meet them, your soulmate. They had been so much more communicative and their joy caused by interactions grew day by day. So when you opened your eyes in a supposedly dream and felt closer to them than ever before you knew that your encounter was drawing near.
The first thing you noticed were your surroundings which resembled a patch of woods just on the border to demon territory. It was cold and clouds hung deep over the sky, it was eerily silent. Not the most romantic, you decided, but whatever. Taking a closer look you noticed a figure approaching from the woods, across from you and the border. It was more of a shadow than anything, you could make out the rather small height but any other details didn`t quite seem to be comprehensive or noticeable. So this was them. You smiled, though you could guess that they wouldn`t see that with how they most likely perceived you in a similar way that you could view them. No words were spoken as you stood only meters apart, time seemingly frozen as all you could do was hope that you could stay like this for longer. Neither they nor you moved, fearing that otherwise the bubble would burst and the glass would shatter and you would wake up, more lonely than ever now that you were apart again. You couldn`t speak, somehow knowing that sounds would not travel far here, but you didn`t need to do that, as all you needed was your connection and bond as soulmates. Warmth, affection and joy swirled between you both and almost felt tangible, as if all you needed to do was reach out to drown in these emotions. 
When Meliodas found himself in a dream more realistic than any other he wondered what had happened. He wandered a bit before recognising the forest to be the one crossing the border that Stigma established and vehemently defended. Feeling a presence he followed the strange pull, coming across the figure hidden in shadows with wings that couldn`t have been a fairy`s or a goddess`s. Something else or something in between? He didn`t care. All that mattered was the sense of recognition. It was you. His partner. His destined other. His soulmate. His.
Only after waking up did he realise where exactly you both would meet. The verge on which enemies would meet to battle. Where blood was spilled in the constantly ongoing war. The perimeter seemed in tact though, so you at least wouldn`t meet directly on a battlefield. One thing he did know now, however. You stood on opposing sides, Demons against Stigma, darkness against light, him versus you. How cruel to put you so far away from him, Meliodas mused. But if he had to he knew who to betray and who to stay loyal to. 
You spend the next days searching for the exact place you two would meet, ignoring the suspicious stares and whispers about, oh, look, the hybrid is slacking of, no wonder. You wondered how they`d react to your soulmate who was undeniably on the opposite force of the conflict. You supposed one of you would have to switch sides and if you couldn`t convince them than you would have to do so. Though with how they ended up emotionally before you interacted you hoped they would agree with you. Even if the others were against it, the higher ups respected your hard work and if that didn`t work you`d ask Elizabeth, who always seemed hesitant about the war and disliked judging others no matter who they were, for help. 
Either way, you thought, being prepared wouldn`t hurt. After finally finding the place you hid a small bag full of important belongings and necessities in the trunk of the hollow tree along with a small gift you hoped your soulmate would appreciate. Following the thickening of your bond you had started to feel other and smaller sensations of them and while you were quite distressed with how often they seemed to fight, you couldn`t deny the feeling of joy when you drank a wine and instantly knew that they liked it, having had a faint taste of it. Hoping that this time you could enjoy it together you made sure the bottle was secure before heading of again.
Every time the weather was like the one in your vision, your and their hope grew and while you reached the place in no time, having memorised the way, they still hadn’t found it. Meliodas wished to fly over the forest but he had seen himself walking and knew that was the only way to get to you. So he wandered around, over and over and when he finally recognised a turn he followed the path eagerly. It took a bit to notice your presence, it being hidden seeing as anything else would be suicide so close to a hostile region. He rushed through the trees, his and yours excitement mixing and growing as you waited, peering through the woods in hopes of catching a glimpse, the first glimpse of the person you had grown to love.
The wind, his hearts and time itself stopped as he came to a halt in front of you. Your eyes were the first things he noticed, shining with a light that warmed him, overflowing with affection. You stared just as much, his black eyes turning into a beautiful shade of green as he lowered himself to the ground, his black wings disappearing from sight. You did the same, letting your feet touch the earth below you before moving one in front of the other. The grin on your face widened as he did the same and before you knew it he wrapped his arms around you.
“Hello“, you whispered. All former thoughts and ideas on your first words spoken to him seeming too far away to speak now, all you could do was great him. He was so warm, his arms protectively shielding you away from a world that was to cruel to a wonderful being like you, he decided, as he responded in the same manner. His hearts were finally beating again and were much faster now.  
“My name is Meliodas“, he added, chin comfortably resting on your shoulders, eyes closed and melting into your embrace. It felt so right to finally have you. You fitted perfectly into his grasp, his eyes fluttering open and a smile tugging on his lips as he heard your name. You were finally here, with him. Meliodas knew in this moment he could never let you go. He would follow you wherever you wanted to and destroy anyone that dared and try harm you, no matter the consequences, as long as he could be with you, the one who cared and comforted him, the one that was made for him and the one he was made for, his soulmate.
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vicea · 4 years ago
Sapnap’s alt stream on February 04, 2021 (for those who missed it or can’t watch the entire stream. It’s more informational and random facts than anything)
sapnap is letting sylvee help ministate his karl’s and quackity’s marriage ‘cause she wants a license LOL (ty anon for fixing my mistake)
sapnap called “bullshit” on the height guy who got 5′9″ for George’s height (he live reacted to the tik-tok)
sylvee and sapnap argue about whose cat is better for a while. After a bit, Dream comes in coincidentally and Patches follows and they start praising Patches and how she’s the best cat.
patches doesn’t shed that much, she likes her fountain water, she has very soft meows. Patches will meow at you if you look at her and talk to her
sapnap chugged some hot sauce out of fucking nowhere when dream pointed out how nice and organized his set up was but then there’s just a random bottle of hot sauce. he then eats celery with hot sauce and likes it...? (dream judges him hard in the bg LOL) 
sapnap and dream wants to do a just chatting while eating spicy hot wings on monday night (no facecam) (dream can’t even handle spice)
Dream said that it’s likely Sapnap and George are just the same height and that he’s for sure the tallest  
sapnap wants to eat the chicken soup dream’s mom made for dream because dream was saying it was the best cs ever LOL
dream sits crisscross on sapnap’s floor when he goes into his room
dream likes peanut butter - has not had it for 3-4 years now
“dream vs sapnap who would win? if I had a gun, I would win” -sapnap
dream loves takis over hot cheetos- but he only eats very little b/c he can’t eat spicy for the life of him (he needs melk otherwise) sapnap does not like takis as much though
sapnap and george were being “annoying” and wanted to do a adlib for dream’s song - like a “hey” in the bg or something lmao
sapnap and dream plan to live together for the rest of 2021 
if you could only have one food for the rest of your life-- sapnap answered with burger and dream got real analytical with his answer: pizza
dream was praising Moe’s queso 
DREAM TEAM WILL RELEASE COLLAB MERCH. the podcast is not priority, they’re sort of taking their time with it but it will come out! and sapnap has a facecam video possibly coming out in March
apparently dream does not wear his own merch and does not own any gnf and sapnap merch smh
dream has pictures of patches in a reindeer outfit >:(
the original plan was supposed to just drop roadtrip completely out of nowhere at 12 am EST but fans found out LOL
Drista is apparently pretty tall-- up to Sapnap’s shoulders (holy crap)
sapnap: “what’s bts?” - Dream said that Sapnap would like Dynamite because it’s like a good entry into kpop since normally, people would not listen to it since it’s in Korean
sap and dream can see themselves getting their ears pierced
sapnap has the biggest dumptruck
sap and dream agree that strawberry milk slaps. dream also likes banana milk 
george joins the stream and before he could even speak, dream correctly predicts what he’s going to talk about, then george immediately talks about the height tik tok -> sapnap mutes him right after 
sapnap was afraid of leaking Dream’s song before it dropped LOL
Sapnap’s Very Important PSA “I want a reassessment [of his height], Kentai_Haven. This is a message from Sapnap. That water bottle you used was incorrect. I would like a reassessment. If you want, I can find the right water bottle for you. I’m formally asking for a reassessment.” 
Sapnap and Dream are strictly obeying COVID guidelines by not going out at all :]
dono: “what do you think of gnf?” sapnap: “gnf is okay.” dream: “oh that gogy guy?” sapnap: “yeah that weirdo.”
dream hasn’t had melk on its own in a while (but he’s had drank it on its own in the past)
Sapnap misses Texas :( He says Texas is better than Florida. But Dream is saying that Florida has a lot more to do, it’s just COVID making it uninteresting. They will do a lot of stuff together when lockdown is over.
Dream’s PSA: “Stay inside and wear a mask” 
HHN - Halloween Horror Night !! Dream wants to take sapnap there :D
Sapnap doesn’t remember anything from Spanish class
Dream took 3 years of Italian (or French) mf doesn’t remember anything either
sap plays chess against randoms with the help of dream + george who helps sapnap get check (btw dream does not hear sap’s audio)
sapnap knows Nothing about kpop but Dream Does :D
Nothing is messy in the house thanks to Dream’s mom LOL
sapnap calls patches patchie sometimes
sapnap watches subbed anime
bbh joins and compliments chat and helps sapnap out with chess too
dream leaves and says to “stream roadtrip” 
sapnap jams out to roadtrip so much <3
sapnap stalemate in bullet chess against a rando and finally plays against george -- sap wins b/c george wasn’t properly trying. They go again, George wins this time. for the third game, george won but sapnap didn’t let the chat see his defeat (anon mentioned that george won 1st round. i’m not sure tho)
george tried singing the chorus lmfao but he doesn’t know the lyrics to dream’s song
I might’ve misheard or missed out on some info so apologies in advanced for that!
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mmmthornton · 2 years ago
lil about me meme! tagged by @crunchyfemale :D
1) nickname: Mmmary
2) sign: Aries 🔥
3) height: I forget the exact measurement but I remember that it was exactly the average height for women in my age group lol
4) last google search: Looking up a restaurant I was going to for a work party
5) song in your head: Chant from Hadestown (specifically the part where Hades goes "Young man you can sing your ditty / *I CONDUCT THE ELECTRIC CITYYYY*")
6) number of followers: Over 1k last i checked, but i've had the same account for a decade now so most of those are deactivated I'm sure lol.
7) amount of sleep: At night? Not too much but I am a HUGE fan of naps lol.
8) lucky number: Same as Ms Crunchy, 420 babyyyy 😎
9) dream job: Idk that I really "dream" about labor (I am a lazy stoner witch after all), but ever since I was in high school my professional aspiration was always "accept as few paychecks from people I hate as possible", so there's flexibility as to how to go about that.
10)  what are you wearing: Work party outfit! Check my "Selfies" tag.
11) favorite media: lol thats a big question that covers a loooot of ground. I'll go with the thing I enjoyed the most, most recently which was playing Psychonauts 2! Its a very fun game with creative worldbuilding and an intriguing spy-ish mystery plot.
12) favorite song: A lot of songs, but I was jamming to Rose Colored Boy by Paramore earlier and its so much fun to rock out to.
13) fav instrument: Like, that I play? Piano
14) aesthetic: Blue collar, butch, stoner, witch-vibes tend to suit me.
15) fav author: Just finished rereading some Zora Neale Hurston so she's at the top currently. GREAT characters tone in her fiction that keeps it relevant no matter where or when you read it.
16) favorite animal noise: The cat boot-up noise when you wake them up by petting them.
17) random: I'm good at baking bread and bagels, but I cannot bake a cake successfully unless I have a box mix; even then, there's a high chance of failure lol.
Thanks for the ask! I'm tagging @rustycoralnipples , @vifetoile, and @irlydidntthinkthisthru if you like!
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wozwaid · 3 years ago
Hello gamer lol. Before I say anything else I just want to say your profile picture (icon? I don’t know what it’s referred to as on Tumblr and I’m not sure how to go about looking that up ._.) made me laugh so thank you for that. With that said, I would like a Genshin matchup if it’s alright with you! I’m mostly going to be following the previous one I saw so fair warning for the likely pattern repetition lol. I would prefer male, but I am perfectly fine with female if that is what you would like to write for! It’s much more important to me that you’re having fun with writing than you sticking with my request preferences. I identify as she/her, and I believe I am an INFP Libra, but I’m not entirely sure what that means and it could be incorrect as I don’t have the greatest memory in existence. I would check but I don’t want to lol. I am also shy with people I don’t know but loud with those I do (wow we have so much in common other asker how fun and festive we should be friends with our personalities that 95% of people on the internet seem to have for whatever reason lol). I try to avoid talking to people unless I feel I have to or it would make my life easier. I am extremely pale to the point that my elementary school believed that I was a vampire, have long brown hair, brown eyes, and freckles but only under the outer sides of my eyes. I also wear glasses, however I finally break free from the chains of being eerily similar to the previous asker by being between 5’8 and 5’10 (I would give a more exact height but it seems to change back and forth with every measurement so no one can really tell how tall I am). I dislike being serious, but I can if I feel I have to, and my sense of humor is almost complete nonsense to those who aren’t me or close to me, or relatively dark. I can’t stand those who can’t understand what I’m trying to tell them when I think it’s really simple, or who doubt my knowledge on a topic I just told them I know about. I also dislike people touching me but I can tolerate it if I really like the person. I prefer staying indoors, as I overheat easily and can’t see when it’s too bright, and I enjoy playing video games, drawing, and listening to music. I can’t think of much else so I’m just going to stop as it’s already much longer than intended, so sorry about that. I have a tendency to accidentally ramble, my bad lol. Hope you have a nice day! :)
HI! ok but why are we like the same person??? n e ways
i match you with...
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- i genuinely headcanon him as an extroverted introvert, much like what you've described yourself as! he opens up a lot to those he feels comfortable around which is why he was so drawn to you in the first place.
- upon observing how you interacted with your friends, he immediately knew that you were someone that he wanted to be around! your duality intrigued him, leading to him introducing himself to you
- xingqiu's way of showing affection is words of affirmation so you dont have to worry about him being too handsy, though if you want physical affection hes more than willing to oblige!
- dark humor is def his thing. he likes advanced thinking and witty humor which is definitely a part of dark humor.
- late night shower thought session? y e s. it usually ends up getting philosophical really quickly which can usually lead to (harmless) arguments and debates!
overall, xingqiu adores you and loves being around someone who understands him as much as you do!
hope you liked this!
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angeltannis · 4 years ago
Mechrogunner: A Headcanon Masterpost
@fudgeroach and I have been cookin’ this ship up for a bit now, and we’ve come up with a bunch of ideas for it that I’m finally ready to post!
Background for context: We both headcanon Moze as a he/him transmasc, so that’s how Moze will be referred to in this post.
So, Gaige and Moze.
How do they meet?
-Pretty simple – at the Wainlock wedding. Moze hasn’t been out just relaxing and having a good time in so long that he stays later than pretty much everyone else. When he’s finally ready to call it a night, he goes up to Hammerlock to let him know. Hammerlock casts a glance over at the bar, where Gaige is practically passed out on the counter by that point, and asks if Moze would be willing to check on her for him. Moze is like “Uhhh...okay...”, not really getting why Hammerlock himself couldn’t just check on her.
Hammerlock, of course, has an agenda, trying to set Gaige up with a friend her own age. He didn’t plan on it going much, much further than that, lol.
Moze sits awkwardly down beside her and is all business, just asking her bluntly if she’s all right. Gaige, flirty drunk that she is, immediately latches on to him, telling him he’s great and that she loves him. Moze internally is like 😳 but acknowledges it’s because she’s drunk. He stays with her for a while, keeping it light, talking about their respective robot BFFs and telling her a couple funny old army stories to keep her awake and with it until she sobers up a little.
Both of them are so lonely that by the end of the night they are definitely both nursing lil crushes, but Moze has thick walls around his heart after what happened to his squad mates, and he’s too traumatized to let anyone in at the moment. When they finally part ways that night, he assumes he’ll never see Gaige again.
Then he gets a text from an unfamiliar number. Turns out Gaige got his number from Hammerlock, and has ““questions about Iron Bear””. (She actually does have questions about Iron Bear because she’s a fucking nerd, but make no mistake, she is definitely interested in both mech AND pilot)
Moze hasn’t been in this kind of position in, well, ever, really. He’s not sure what to do. He really likes talking to Gaige, though – she's stunningly smart, wild and funny as hell. He’s never met a woman like her before. He may not have a clue what she’s talking about half the time, but he sure does love hearing her say it all.
Gaige, on the other hand, is immediately and blatantly smitten with Moze. She tends to develop crushes on pretty much anyone who pays her attention, but Moze was so sweet and gentle with her while she was embarrassingly drunk that Gaige finds herself thinking about him long after they part ways.
The dating stage:
Moze is terrified of opening back up to anybody, so he keeps Gaige at arm’s length even as their texting goes from occasional, to frequent, to most of the day every day. The other Raiders encourage Moze to ask Gaige on a date, but he’s nowhere near ready for that kind of commitment.
When Gaige asks him to bring Iron Bear to her lab-slash-hideout so she can “check him out”, he tells himself and everyone else that it’s just a friend thing.
It’s totally not a friend thing oh God
He’s hanging out in her garage (I imagine Gaige hides out in some craphole abandoned building somewhere and that her garage is also her lab, kitchen, bedroom, etc.), watching her eyes light up as she examines Iron Bear when he realizes he’s in too deep to get out. She pulls a whole-ass little measuring tape out of her hair at one point and he’s like Oh god, you’re adorable and has to bite his tongue to refrain from saying it out loud.
Deathtrap is just watching them, aware that something is up, but he doesn’t know enough about humans to know exactly what it is
The first time Moze feels comfortable enough to show up in something other than his freaking Ursa Corps uniform, he’s a little shy because he’s been chopping at his own hair and feels like a doofus. To his surprise, Gaige lights up and immediately starts complimenting his “punk” hairstyle. She lets her own hair out of the pigtails with a grin, showing that she hacks at her own hair as well. It’s all split ends and uneven layers, and Moze’s heart flutters just a bit as those bright green eyes are suddenly framed by a mess of bouncy orange hair.
While he’s hanging out with Gaige, Moze eventually comes out of his shell enough to start cracking little jokes and feeling a bit more at ease. He hasn’t felt this way since the last night he spent with his squad before Darzaran Bay. Gaige is just so easy to talk to, and she laughs at his jokes and doesn’t pry about his past. He doesn’t pry about hers, either, though he can glean from her current situation that something has clearly gone horribly wrong in her young life.
Gaige is afraid to let anyone into her life, either, since every person who knows her whereabouts is another potential source of danger to her (and to them). She finds herself wondering why this soldier is all alone without a squadron or a battalion or whatever terms the army uses. The faraway look Moze sometimes gets tells her there’s a long and painful story behind it.
It takes a loooooong time, probably close to a year or more, before either of them are ready to admit they’re not just visiting each other as friends multiple times a week. 
They’re sitting outside one evening watching the sunset when Gaige grows uncharacteristically serious. Moze assumes she’s going to confess to some awful crime or something, and his first reaction is “Okay I don’t know what you did but I forgive you and I’ll help you hide the body”. Gaige is like ??? Ok well I did kill somebody in the past but I was actually going to ask if I could kiss you?
Neither of them have ever really had a proper kiss before. They basically end up bonking their faces together like a couple of clueless dorks. It goes on to become a favorite inside joke between them, with the two of them frequently headbutting each other and then having a good, confusing-to-everyone-else laugh about it.
The relationship:
-Moze is self conscious about his height, but it turns out Gaige actually prefers it because then she doesn’t feel like such a shrimp herself. Short couple rights
-Still though, Moze likes to wear his chunkiest combat boots when they’re together together so they’re at least equal size. Eventually Gaige starts wearing her own old combat boots, though, so poor Moze can’t win lol
-They’re not real sappy out in public, but they’re always either holding hands or Moze has an arm loosely around Gaige’s waist (or vice versa which makes Moze go “NOO I’m supposed to be the one doing that!!” And Gaige is like “Muahaha, Feminism Babey >:D”)
-Gaige found out Moze has a corporate tattoo and since then his life has never known peace (she teases him about it relentlessly)
-Moze sends lovey-dovey memes and texts...exclusively in Russian. Forcing Gaige to put them through a translator helps put a little bit of distance between the words and his feelings, so he doesn’t feel quite so vulnerable...
…But then Gaige struggles to learn some basic Russian in secret, and the next time Moze says something corny she can actually understand it and responds in kind. Moze is floored
-Gaige is a ball of repressed horny nerdiness. Moze was never very sexual to begin with, and his trauma has basically turned him completely asexual. While at first Gaige was (inwardly) a bit disappointed, as time goes on she realizes she cares way more about Moze than she cares about getting laid.
She’s still a slut for cuddles, though – and luckily Moze is willing to provide. At first he insists on being the “big spoon” (more like the backpack), but it’s tough to resist being held by a pretty girl who covers you in kisses and takes the time to change into her non-spiked metal arm after that one time she forgot and almost got you in the eye with a spike
-Gaige sleeps in a bed that’s FULL of pillows and blankets and stuffed animals and anything soft and Moze, who is used to sleeping on a barren military cot if not just on the floor, is like “Oh God, I’m drowning”
All you see is his hand reaching desperately out of a pillow pile before it, too, is absorbed and he disappears completely
-Semi-related to the last bit: Gaige sleeps completely sprawled out in her bed while Moze curls up tight, taking up as little space as possible. Occasionally he gets grabbed like a stuffed animal and smushed up against Gaige’s chest in her sleep. He finds he actually likes being held while he sleeps. It helps keep away some of the nightmares.
-When eventually Gaige finds out what happened to Moze, she starts ranting about the military-industrial complex and corporate corruption and Moze is kinda 😥 because he was basically bottle-fed army propaganda since he was born, but it all makes sense, and the military did fuck him over, and maybe there’s so much more to this than he even realized…
-Finding out Gaige’s backstory, Moze is like “Psh, Marcie Halloway sounds like a cunt. I would’ve killed her ass, too.”
-Moze never allows anyone else to even look inside Iron Bear’s pilot seat because of all his private belongings (ie the photos and mementos he keeps of his old squad mates). Gaige never outright asks because she knows it’s personal, but one day Moze asks if she'd like to have a look inside and see if there’s any cool stuff she would want to build into Bear. Gaige realizes that’s a huge step in their relationship because of how much trust it requires on Moze’s part, and she is like !!! “Yes of COURSE”
-[Gaige voice] So when am I gonna get to be Mrs. Gaige Hayussinian Yan-Lun Al-Amir Andreyevna?
-Both of them will eat anything, so romantic dinners can consist of anything from actual gourmet food to “Want a bite of my fried ratch?” “Um, obviously?? Gimme-“
-Perks of dating someone your own size: You can easily wear each other’s clothes. Cue Moze showing up to Sanctuary in a spiked leather jacket with patches shittily ironed on all over it, and Gaige keeping warm in an Ursa Corps bomber jacket (that she covers with patches and stickers to hide the Vladof advertising)
-Gaige operating Moze’s Dakka Bear turret, wildly spraying bullets and screaming catch phrases while Moze is in the pilot seat like 🥰 You’re wasting all my ammo but god I love you
-Moze jumping into combat: All right, let’s do this shit *puts on his helmet with pink skulls and hearts and PROPERTY OF GAIGE 💜 spray painted all over it*
-Gaige is still worried about being caught by the cops, which can make dates a little difficult, but she’s admittedly a little more at ease now that she travels with a fifteen-ton mech and his dashing pilot.
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breezeinmonochromenight · 4 years ago
Hey I’m the anon from before that mentioned Vergil and Dante’s heights being different... I actually saw the post about their heights on tumblr and whoever posted it cited where they got the info from (I think it was a Devil May Cry 5 artwork book or something) but basically the post said that Dante’s height was at 6’3 and Vergil was at 6’5...but I could be remembering it wrong I’ll have to go through my likes and find the post and actually check where they got the info from. If the post I’m remembering turned out to be some headcannon I’m going to feel like an idiot lol
Oh god please don’t get info from anyone on tumblr (including me) without thoroughly double checking it yourself, because people will just say whatever the fuck they want on here that sounds good/will get notes and consider it fact (especially if it’s about something vague/not confirmed), and 9.9/10 times it’s all speculative bullshit or just straight bullshit. Argumentum ad ignorantiam. Almost gives me hives, as an engineer shfhshfhdhfh.
The only facts/factoids I can give you are these:
They’ve always been meant to be (mostly) identical twins in height, appearance, and everything else. Opposite only in personality. Red oni, blue oni in the most literal sense possible. If there is a height difference, it is negligible to vertically nonexistent based off of how they have literally always been drawn/animated. They literally use the same character model up until DMC5.
The life size, to scale statue of Nero in the Capcom Cafe clocks in at roughly 190cm — 6’2”.
Tumblr media
The twins appear to be slightly taller than Nero in their DMC5 cutscenes. But camera angles, positions, etc. should be considered because of how they can alter perception.
Dante (and Vergil bc same character model) noticeably lost height from DMC4/SE to DMC5, while Nero slightly gained a little — probably due to the shift from anime-style graphics to very realistic ones and giving the characters the more human proportions of their human models. Dante and Nero were like 80% leg in DMC4, and there were some character proportions going on in that game that I can only describe as “Bayonetta-lite”.
Again, everyone is based off of real models in DMC5 and have the face and general proportions of those models. Karlo Baker (Nero) is 6’1.5”, Adam Cowie (Dante) is 6’2” and Maxim Nazarov (Vergil) is 6’1” irl. All their measurements are public info on their modeling portfolios if you want to Google it.
That said, my best educated guess is still only just a guess, and the only thing I can say with any degree of consistency is that, in general, Nero has always been placed in the high 5’ to low 6’ height range while D&V have always been clocked at around 6’ to low/mid 6’. Still, though, consistency ain’t exactly this series’ strong point. Never has been. So. Whatever you wanna roll with is probably just as valid as anything else. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ Lmao.
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anythingandeverything1d · 5 years ago
“(y/n)” the nurse called out from the door. You stood up and walked over with an anxious smile. She handed you a clip board of medical information that you needed to update and then said she would grab you once it was completed and turned into the desk. You sat back down in the waiting room and flipped through the pages. Ugh I wish my mom was here...am I allergic to anything? I mean I don't think so but maybe Im just unaware of it..I don't remember having surgery-well my tonsils were removed but does that count? You were filling out the page to the best of your ability when your phone buzzed. You looked down and saw his name flash across the screen before immediately ignoring the call. You rushed to finish the paperwork and handed it in as the nurse came back. “Ready?” she asked.
“Yeah.” you followed her down the hall where she took your height and weight before escorting you into the room. You hopped onto the chair and anxiously tapped your foot as she checked your temperature, blood pressure, and oxygen levels. After finishing up she sat on the stool and smiled. 
“So, what are we here for today?”
“Uh...” you looked at your feet and shifted in the chair. “I think I may be pregnant.”
She smiled and nodded, “when was your last period?” 
“My period tends to be irregular but the last one I had recored was around two months ago.”
“Okay, were you on any kind of birth controls, or using any type of contraceptives?”
“I was on a birth control, am on a birth control but I missed a few days while I was on vacation which is when I believe this all happened.”
“Okay. Have you had any symptoms other than your missed period?”
“No, not really.”
“Okay. Have you taken any pregnancy tests at home?”
You nodded, your brain flashing back to that day. 
*Tears were flooding down your cheeks as he grabbed his last hoodie from your closet. All you wanted was for life to stop. You wanted him to say its okay, to make a change in the relationship, to stay. You sat on the bed crying as he walked out the door for the last time, taking with him every once of happiness you had. You ran to the bathroom, physically sick from the situation. It wasnt until you were hunched over the toilet that you realized the box of tampons had gone unopened. Missing periods was normal for you, they had never been regular. There was a slight doubt in your mind though. You had never missed a period more than once, so the fact that you were going on two means something was wrong. You had been under a lot of stress though, the distance, the lying, the excuses, all of it. Wiping the snot running from your nose, you had gotten up, washed your face, and thrown on sweatpants and a sweatshirt. You had mustered the courage to drive all the way to the drug store, purchase three pregnancy tests, and drive home. You had gotten three, you wanted to be sure. You wanted to be positive before making any other decisions. You sat on the bathroom floor after peeing in a cup and dipped each end, turning them over so you couldn't see the lines. You set a timer on your phone and closed your eyes. The only thing that could've possibly made this situation better was having him here. Of course he was gone already but you could still dream right? When the alarm on your phone went off you anxiously flipped them all over. Picking the first up and squinting you saw the dreaded double lines. Picking the second one up: dreaded double lines. And the third: PREGNANT in bold. You dropped them all on the counter and threw your phone. Of course, of course this this happens. He leaves and I end up pregnant with his baby..just like the movies except he won't be coming back. The rest of the day had been a blur. You had kind of just ignored the fact that there were three positive pregnancy tests in the bathroom. When your friend Luke had come over, you had cried into his arms. Cried about him leaving, about the break up, and finally about being pregnant. “(y/n) if you have positive pregnancy tests you need to call him.”
“No. I can't do that. Im not doing that.”
“(y/n)...hes the father, he deserves to know.”
“I may not even be pregnant though..they come up wrong all the time.”
“Not this wrong though.. this seems pretty sure.”
“I mean I've been stressed lately maybe its just a hormone thing.”
“I think you should go to the doctor and check. And if you are then you need to ball up and tell him. Seriously he needs to know”
You had nodded and cried some more before Luke left. Then you had called your doctor and made an appointment.*
Now here you were answering questions about your sex life and body. The nurse handed you a cup and showed you where the bathroom was. She said the test would take only around ten minutes but that she would be coming back to the room to do a blood test as well. Great, what a fun day... You quickly peed in the cup, leaving it on the counter for the nurse and wandered back to the room you had been assigned. Your hands were sweating and you felt dizzy. Having your blood drawn was probably your least favorite thing. In fact, you fainted almost every time. You checked your phone and thought about texting him...instead you texted Luke and told him how terrible the doctor was and that you were going to die while having your blood drawn. His only response was “lol” and you rolled your eyes. Typical guy.. The nurse came back in with a smile and sat down. “Well it does look like you are in fact pregnant so congratulations! We want to do a pelvic exam and ultra sound today just to see where everything is at and then have you come back for a blood draw in the future.” 
“Thanks.” you smiled and relief flooded your face. At least you didnt have to have your blood drawn today. On the other hand, you were pregnant, which was a whole other nightmare in its own. Not that you hadn't wanted and dreamed of having kids. You just thought it would be under different circumstances and that you would be married. 
“Im going to leave this gown here if you just want to change real quick we can do an ultrasound and hopefully see where the little baby is at.” She left for a minute and you quickly changed, your warm body freezing against the chair. When she came back in, she had an ultrasound machine on wheels. She started with the pelvic exam, lightly pressing all around your pelvic region. Satisfied she got out a tube of gel. “This is going to be cold at first.” You had nodded and watched as the clear gel squirted out and the ultrasound machine rubbed against your skin. You watched the screen as she moved it around looking for the baby. After what felt like months, she found a small white dot looking blob and smiled. “There it is...looks like you are measuring around 2 months right now which makes sense to when you thought everything happened.” She looked at you and smiled. “I know it can be a lot to take in..I’m guessing this is your first?”
“Yeah...its just a lot I guess.”
“It is, but it gets easier. Want to hear the baby’s heartbeat?”
You smiled and nodded. She pressed a button and you heard soft thumps. Tears slipped out of the corner of your eye and you wiped them away. “Thats pretty cool.”
She smiled and nodded before handing you a towel. “You are all set to go, we will have the pictures at the desk where you can make your next appointment. It was nice meeting you (y/n) good luck on your pregnancy and congratulations again.” You smiled and thanked her before climbing back into your clothes. 2 months pregnant...theres a living being in there...my baby...mine and Harry’s baby...oh god, what am I going to tell Harry? At the desk you scheduled another appointment and the receptionist handed you a picture saying congratulations. You looked at the little pea shaped blob inside you and grinned. Thats mine...thats inside me. 
Luke surprised you by standing at your car door with an ice cream sundae. “Soo did you faint? did you die? did you live?”
You laughed, “Yeah I lived. I didnt have my blood drawn at all actually.”
“Oh? Why’s that?” You took the sundae from him and smiled taking a bite, the hot fudge melting in your mouth. 
“Because of this.” you waved the picture in your hand and he grabbed it his mouth dropping. 
“Is that what I think it is? Do you have an alien growing inside you?”
“Lukeee seriously”
He laughed and looked into your eyes. “Okay okay but wow, a baby. That’s amazing. How are you feeling about it?”
“I feel like it hasn't sunk in yet....but that I’m really happy. I mean Ive always wanted a baby...why not do it now? I don't need a man in my life. Im a strong and independent woman.”
“That you are, but don't worry you will have me too. Im going to be a great uncle, its the best job anyways. But uh- are you going to tell Harry?” 
You shrugged your shoulders and continued eating. “(y/n)...it is his baby right?”
You rolled your eyes and nodded. “It cant be anyone else's.”
“So then you're going to tell him.”
“Idontknow” you mumbled, your mouth full of ice cream.
“You have to..you know he would want to know.”
“Theres a lot I wanted to know and he didn't tell me so I’m not sure yet. I haven't decided anything.”
“Okay...” he gave in and hugged you. “I’m happy for you I really am.” 
You hugged him back and smiled. “Thanks. I’m glad you're here...I’m glad I have someone to go through this with. And I’m so so glad you brought ice cream.”
“It’s okay. What are friends for right?” You nodded and jumped in the car after saying goodbye. You didn’t quite know who to call yet so you decided to just enjoy some time with yourself. You did the only logical thing you could think of after finding out that there was a baby inside you: you went shopping. You picked a local baby store and walked in, looking at all the onesies, furniture, blankets, binkies, and bears. 
“Hi! Anything I can help you find today?”
“No, thank you I’m just looking.”
“Okay well we are having a two for one deal on onesies and bibs so make sure to check those out.”
“I will thank you.” you smiled at the girl working but she kept looking back at you. 
“Are you (y/n)...the girl dating Harry Styles?” she asked shyly.
“I was dating him, not anymore actually.” She nodded and gave you the look, you know the one of pity and sorrow? You went back to shopping looking at all of the little outfits, there were so many choices. You also had no idea if you were having a boy or a girl..something told you it was a boy but obviously you had no clue whatsoever. You decided on a cute grey onesie with little animals on it...gender neutral. You also grabbed a cute binkie that had a stuffed bear attached to it. 
“These are super cute.” the girl said while checking out. “There's a whole collection that goes with this if youre interested.”
“No, that's okay this is enough for now?”
She nodded and wrapped the stuff in a bag. “So how far along are you?”
“Not very far, only a few months.”
“Well congrats! I hope everything goes smoothly and I hope to see you back here soon for more stuff.”
You smiled and nodded. “I for sure will be back.” 
You drove home, your phone blowing up the entire way with twitter notifications, instagram tags, and more. Inside you scrolled through it, only to find pictures of you shopping for the baby clothes. Your name attached to headlines stating you were expecting but not far along. Great...this is not what I need...how do they even know.... you were scrolling through more twitter notifications. Harry’s name was now being brought into this. Another daddy in One Direction? Harry Styles Expecting? ugh...this literally cannot be happening.. and then everything got worse.. Harry’s name and photo popped up on your screen as he called. “Harry?” you answered anxiously.
Part 1 of my new series, hope you all enjoy! Goal is to have another part posted tonight or tomorrow! This is kind of just an intro to the story, I’m hoping to have them be a little longer but let me know what you all would rather: longer and less stories (may take more time to upload) or shorter and more stories (updated a little faster)
Let me know what you think so far and what you think will happen.
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