#I mean I get eun and yeon
Made the mistake of binging the Kdrama Weak Hero Class 1. What kind of ending was that? Seriously what am I supposed to do with that? Is there hope or not? I need to know if it’ll be okay eventually, or if like the song said ‘this is the last goodbye’.
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So of course I find the manhwa. Imagine my surprise to see its looking like the show was a prequel. Yet certain people are missing from the first few chapters and that doesn’t bode well. I have a feeling the show was completely separate and I will never get answers. And yet I’m probably going to binge this entire webtoon anyway and be looking half dead like Si Eun tomorrow.
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Seriously he looks like he never sleeps. Ya boy is not okay y’all. Send help!
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Listen I am on my rewatch of The Glory and aside from being madly in love with both the romantic and unhinged nature of Joo Yeo Jeong, The absolute disparity between the good and bad parents in this show is killing me.
Dong-Eun’s mom? Absolute piece of trash with no class.
Yeon-Jin’s mom? Karen who thinks money and power can buy you anything.
Yeo-Jeong’s mom? Absolutely 100% supportive, but not stupid and committed to doing the right thing.
Kang Hyeon-Nam? The baddest bitch alive, willing to do anything to save her daughter even if it means endangering herself.
And then you have the disparity between Jae Jun and Do-Hyeong, who both cared about Ye-Sol. Jae Jun only cared about her when it was convenient for him and wanted her not because he truly loved her but because he wanted to possess her. Meanwhile, you have Do-Hyeong who is constantly looking out for Ye-Sol’s best interests even though he isn’t biologically related to her.
NOT ONLY THAT, but you also have Yeo-Jeong’s Dad, who was murdered by a patient while doing what he thought was right by saving him, unintentionally starting his son on the path to revenge.
And like yeah The Glory’s main focus is revenge but it’s also an exquisite commentary on how we pass down, inherit, come to terms with, and outright prevent generational trauma from our parents. It also shows how we can choose to do better or worse than they did based on the relationships we create or take for granted.
Idk man, as a generational trauma cycle breaker myself and mom of an (adopted adult) daughter that also experienced so much of that, this show gets to me on a parenting level in a way I can’t even begin to describe.
(Also Do-Yeong’s relationship with Ye-Sol makes me cry in the best way 🥹)
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myechoecho · 1 year
Over all, that was a pretty satisfying part 2 of The Glory.
I love, LOVE how the core of Dong Eun’s revenge was just letting everyone destroy themselves. She may have found out details, planned and pushed people in certain directions but ultimately they are the ones who lead to their own ruin. An incomplete list:
Myeong O trying to blackmail them all. Yeon Jin turning on Sa Ra with the tax evasion story to lessen the heat on her and then Sa Ra turning on Yeon Jin with the bullying video. Sa Ra mocking Hye Jeong saying she was the stupid one and they just would have bullied her instead (which let’s be real, they were already doing). Hye Jeong showing the video of a high Sa Ra and Myeong O taking advantage of her. Sa Ra stabbing Hye Jeong with a PENCIL. Hye Joeng easily jumping into Jun Jae’s bed. Jun Jae easily casting her aside. Hye Jeong blinding him.
This doesn’t even take into account the detective, his thugs and Yeon Jin’s mom or the shaman.
Yeon Jin is actually quite intelligent. For the most part, she was able to connect the dots to what Dong Eun was trying to do. Problem is was never really able to do anything about it. Yeon Jin was a bully propped up by others. She’s not able to survive without the support of others. From the scene in prison where she gives the weather, I get the sense that she is the one who is bullied now. Unless she’s doing that by choice which means she’s really lost it.
I wasn’t expecting the Gyeong Ran to be the on who actually did the final blow to Myeong O. I like that Dong Eun protected her and insists it was Yeon Jin who did it. Though honestly there was a high chance he would have died anyway and certainly Yeon Jin was not going to let him live. Considering he sexually assaulted Gyeong Ran, along with the school bullying, I can’t say I blame her when she hit him. She was terrified of him. While Dong Eun didn’t really comfort her, I do like that she encouraged her to break free of the “gym”
I do enjoy the fact that Yeon Jin doesn’t know about Gyeong Ran and now that Dong Eun has implied she doesn’t know something it’s gonna drive her nuts
I wasn’t sure what to expect in part 2 with Do Young, however I am pleased that his focus was always on protecting his child (and himself). Unlike Yeon Jin, who near the end didn’t even notice that Ye Sol was gone. I think he knew he was going to have to cut Yeon Jin out of his life, but he gave her a chance.
I was a little surprised that Do Young was the one to ultimately end Jae Jun, but again, I think it was to protect Ye Sol. Jae Jun was dangerous to Ye Sol. He went to Do Young’s mom, revealed the paternity and asked her to remove her from the family tree so he could then get custody. He went to her soccer practice and says that he’s her dad (though she turned out not to be there). Even to the end he’s angry and belligerent to his captor. He’s a danger to Ye Sol, therefore he needs to be taken care of. I’m on the fence if Dong Eun knows or not.
I am so happy that Hyeon Nam got to be free of her husband. Mostly without getting her hands dirty. She and Dong Eun may have opened a door but he walked straight through. And Yeon Jin’s mom made her choice as well
Speaking of, I am not too sure what evidence Dong Eun had to prove that did she it on purpose but I guess that’s not important. I do love how Yeon Jin’s mom chose to save her own skin (thought it didn’t work) and does not acknowledge Yeon Jin in prison.
I was sad when Hyeon Nam and Dong Eun looked like they were going their separate ways but I adore how happy she was when Dong Eun reached out to her again.
By FAR the weakest aspect of the show was Dong Eun and Yeo Jeong as a “couple”. I just don’t see it. I don’t think they had any romantic chemistry. RIP Dong Eun and Do Young.
Pacing of the last episode felt weird. Though I do like how they are working on Yeo Jeong’s revenge they kinda spent a lot of time on the set up when I we won’t see the pay off.
I do like Dong Eun is doing what she always wanted - studying to be an architect.
Oh, I also love how even though Yeo Jeong offered to heal/treat her scars, Dong Eun has chosen to keep them and starts to cover some of them in tattoos. Specifically, a tattoo of flowers to show how she is now in bloom.
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elderflowergin · 10 months
A little rant about MBC My Dearest, purity and men who weaponise it:
(Trigger warning: sexual assault, rape as a war crime)
Fusion sageuk or not, this world has some set rules around purity, even in the relatively loosey-goosey Neuggeunri, where women and men can and do commingle, chat and meet in groups. The last barbarian invasion hangs over them; the old ladies in Gil-chae’s hometown tell the girls that death is better than allowing the barbarians to touch you and that if they do, you should kill yourself for the sake of said purity. Death is preferable to lost purity in this time/place; that’s firmly established from the beginning of the show. (It’s reinforced midway when Injo’s court reports of women who jumped off cliffs into the sea at Ganghwa rather than be taken by barbarians, no doubt perceived not as an avoidance of pain and torture, but a praiseworthy act designed to retain and restore purity).
Gil-chae and Eun-ae have to grapple with this when Eun-ae is attacked by a barbarian. Eun-ae was violated and felt violated by what happened. They know what they are supposed to do, what the old ladies told them to do; and yet Gil-chae holds Eun-ae close and says, nothing happened. We were hurt and our clothes were torn because we rolled down a mountain. Nothing happened to us. She rewrote that story, in the face of everything that said Eun-ae didn’t deserve to live anymore. Consummate survival requires rewriting stories, even the ones that are the hardest to paper over.
Because it appears again in Hanyang, in relative peacetime, when Eun-ae feels she cannot accept Yeon-jun’s proposal, because even if Gil-chae rewrote that story, it’s harder to reconfigure shame when it’s under the skin, when it’s attached to the thing that makes you valuable as a woman. Yeon-jun may never know what it took for his future wife to survive, and that ignorance too, is a privilege. But Eun-ae knows, and perceives her value differently now than before. It’s Gil-chae who persuades her again, who reminds her that they rewrote this story together, two women who survived against all odds.
In this postwar, still somewhat vulnerable time, the possibility is high that there are assault survivors around, just as there are women who may have had to sell their bodies to feed their families, or broken any number of rules around purity for survival. It’s foreseeable that women survivors have been through or seen unimaginable things happen to other women, to their friends and have experienced it themselves. I’m not saying this to undersell the general trauma of war on men - just to say that war crimes hurt women in a very different, very intensely long-lasting way* as compared to theatres of war and fighting.
All of this to say: it didn’t take Jang Hyeon very long to go from “you’re not as pure as you think you are for loving a taken man” a few episodes ago to “you couldn’t live without a man for a day? If you were going to give it away you might as well come to me at least once.” I am truly horrified that he pretty much gets away with it; Gil-chae moves with the punch and gets in a hit of her own, but that’s a bone-chilling thing to tell a woman, any woman. It would be a terrible thing to say to a woman now, let alone in a time when that mattered so much to women, let alone in a time and place where it was forcibly taken from so many women, many of whom died so it wouldn’t be.
This callous attitude continues later when she’s run away with him and they’re in a room for the night. She tentatively asks about marriage, saying that it would be hard for her, since she’s almost a married woman, and people would consider her “used”. (Her fiancé later tells Yeon-jun that he is permitted to kill his partner and the adulterous lover, so this isn’t a gossip without consequence.) In essence, Gil-chae put her life on the line for a man who still says “Husband, no. I am your servant and my body is yours”, a promise that carries little substantive meaning in their world. Marriage isn’t a luxury good that she’s asking for as a whim. It’s what protects Gil-chae and her family from harm; it’s what will allow her sister to find a suitable match later on.)
Jang Hyeon is shown from the start as a man of his own ideas, someone who who doesn’t truck with traditional Joseon morality. He can and does reinvent rules for himself, and clearly doesn’t think that much of notions of purity, but he’s fine using them against Gil-chae.
Yes, Jang Hyeon saved her life during the war, but Jang Hyeon also had the choice of participating or not, the luxury of stepping back if he so chose. Gil-chae had no such luxury, no such choice, an open target on the run. He no doubt understands that the barbarians are raping women, that to survive as a woman is fraught, that sex has become fraught. To use purity to attack a woman he claims to love, to reduce her momentarily the way those old women did - to express his anger by lashing out in this way, in a way calculated to hurt, to violently pierce at the foundation of what it means to be a woman in this time and place is a cruelty that is hard to countenance. It’s telling that his anger at her leads him there, that it escalated with all that time, because he knows that’s what hurts. He knows it’s valuable, knows it hurts when he strikes at it, and yet will do little to protect it for her. I don’t know if there’s any amount of growth that will change this, whether it’s something he can change at all.
There are many upsetting things about this episode, but Gil-chae’s choice to stay at the end is the least upsetting part of it, and the most conceivable, intelligent choice she could have made in the face of a man who - in her perspective - can only offer her fervent words and a feverish gaze, things that will not feed her family or protect her reputation, her business or her heart.
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almostwisegalaxy · 1 year
The glory
Ha Do Young x reader
Part 2
Following this meeting with Ha Do Young, I purposely bumped into him two or three times. During our discussions, I slipped in the information that the clinic in which I worked specializes in genetic research and analysis. Chatting with this man is entertaining every time, but in order to follow through on Dong Eun's revenge and mine as well, I must pursue our plan.
Today, I was called to school or teacher Dong Eun to check if the children had not been contaminated by rubella, which unfortunately caught one of the little ones.
So I went to the school infirmary to examine the children one by one. During this, I was able to meet little Ye-sol. A cute little girl, but when you know who her mother is, you start to be suspicious. Appearances are very often deceiving and I know that better than anyone.
I had to reassure them about the disease they are all afraid of getting and she was no exception.
"Ma'am, you're sure we're not ill, are you?"
“After the results, I will know more about everyone's condition and what drugs to prescribe okay”
"But my mum says getting sick is ugly and only for the weak. If I'm sick does that mean I'm weak then? And my mum won't love me like she used to?"
Park yeon jin what is this sordid mentality you instill in such a young child
"Getting sick isn't a good thing in itself, but that doesn't mean you're weak or ugly. It happens to everyone at some point. And it's to avoid that that you owe a lot eat fruits and vegetables
What a lie. Even I hate vegetables, but at the time I didn't know what else to say
" Okay "
So I leave it to continue my work and once finished, I transfer the samples to the lab. I should have the results in two to three hours no more.
Ha Do Young pov
I came to pick up my daughter following a call from her school regarding the health of the children. I pace the corridors and live in his class and I knock. Once twice, still no answer, so I decide to enter.
"You have nothing to fear. The children are all in good health"
I did not expect to see these two people together.
"Miss Yu?" I said interrupting them.
"Mr. Ha, what are you doing here?"
"I can return the question to you. I came to pick up my daughter"
" Okay"
"With that, Miss Moon, I'm leaving you. I'm going to the hospital," she said to Miss Moon. She then slips away, leaving us alone
"Ye-sol isn't here. She's in the canteen with her classmates-"
"How do you know Miss Yu?"
"She came at the request of the director to make sure that the children had not been infected with chicken pox like one of their classmates. But you must already know that"
"Yes, I meant personally"
"Why do you think I would know her outside of work?"
"Perhaps because you are trying to destroy my wife?"
"Oh, please. Your wife is the navel of the world"
"From your world here" I say as I leave the room
Y/n pov
After returning to the clinic, I made my report and took my bag to my son Chin-eunji's hospital. My Sunshine . My only support other than Dong Eun. I hurry to walk because his exit time has passed by 10 minutes, he must be wondering where I am.
When I finally arrive, it starts to rain. Fortunately, I always have an umbrella and its raincoat on me. I have to work harder to be able to buy us a car. I see him standing in front of his class
"Mom" he said running towards me
"How was school today, baby?"
"Yes, it was nice"
"Okay, put on your sweater and raincoat so we can wait for the bus in front of the school"
" Yes mom"
While waiting for the bus, the small downpour began to turn into a storm. Park yeon jin even to predict the weather is not good at you. Anyway, I hope this bus arrives soon. At this time a car parks right at our feet and the driver lowers the window on the passenger side.
"Can I drop you off somewhere?"
" It's nice of you Mr Ha, but my son and I are waiting for the bus"
“Given the storm that is coming, it is not likely to happen”
No, my plans for him must in no way include chin
"I wouldn't want to bother you and make your daughter uncomfortable"
"You don't bother me at all" interrupted Ye-sol.
His father then leaves me a look of contentment. I look at my son who is clinging to my leg and shivering with cold.
"Okay" I get chin up in the back to the side of ye-sol and I get up in the front
" Where are we going ? "
I tell him the address and he starts the car. For a good 10 minutes, the only voices that resonate are those of the children. Ye-sol tries to make conversation with Chin who answers him as best he can. Not that he is snobby, on the contrary, it is very difficult to find his words in front of people he does not know. But I see he's making an effort not to look rude. My little chick.
"It's raining heavily...... Do you like the rain more or the good weather?"
"Wouldn't that be a failed attempt to strike up a conversation?"
"Might be fine. I didn't want to let the kids be the only ones talking."
"Hmm, you just.....I prefer dark, cloudy weather"
"Can I ask you why?"
Because my burn itches less
"It's always good for a little nap"
"I see, and uh, how long have you been, doctor?"
"For three years now"
"And you seem to like it a lot"
"You can't imagine how much. Being able to know what is going on in the human body is fascinating. How the blood circulates, how illness is set up and the healing process, doing the calculations necessary to know what dose the doctor should give for this specific patient and the-oh sorry, I went too far"
"No, don't worry. It's good to see that some people can still be happy talking about a job they've been doing for years."
"I find that your wife is just as much. Every day, she does her job with mice"
" Yes of course......."
"I didn't mean to talk about your married life. Excuse me"
"It's okay, you didn't do it on purpose"
"Yeah, do I sometimes do that when I'm nervous?
"Because you're nervous? Will you make me feel uncomfortable?"
"Oh no, it's quite the opposite. I even think that you have a gift for putting people in trust because since we've been together there's been no awkwardness."
"Glad to hear that," he said, giving me a half-mouse-accompanied look. Y/n think revenge plan not q plan. Let's get out of here. Fast
"Uh, we've arrived, you can stop in front of the building"
Once out of the vehicle with my Son, I lower myself to the height of the car
"Thanks again for your help" I said giving her a smile.
"You're welcome. See you next time Miss Yu" and he left
"Mom, can we go home?"
"Yeah of course honey"
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buldakdrama · 10 months
5 KDramas to Watch if You Want to See Female Villains in Action
There are three main elements to make a Kdrama worth watching - the main leads, the execution of the storyline and the villains. You can’t deny the fact that villains like Jung Joon Ho and Imoogi have made the courses of the dramas even more exciting and enthralling to watch. Villains have sometimes made us hate them with all of our hearts, sometimes they silently secured a place in it (just like Jung Guen Won from Itaewon Class). 
When it comes to Kdrama villains, they are mostly male but that doesn’t mean Korean Industry has not gifted us some of the cruelest and toughest female villains. And if you are yet to enjoy one of these bone-chilling female villains of Kdrama, then you are at the right place because today we have brought 5 deadliest yet underrated female villains for you to enjoy.  
1. Park Yeon Jin - The Glory
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There is hardly anyone who has not watched The Glory yet. The drama deals with sensitive themes like high school bullying, abuse of power and money, infidelity and so on. And when a drama is mainly dark themed, the actors playing these dark roles need to be talented enough to pull the roles perfectly without leaving any loopholes. Lim Ji Yeon here plays the role of Park Yeon Jin, who is the leader of the bully group. She is a spoiled teen brat, who abuses her power and money to get away with her wrong doings. She constantly bullies Moon Dong Eun, pushes another student from the rooftop, kills one of her notorious friends, cheats on her husband and what not. She has all the ill-qualities that will make you hate her from the core of your heart. But her character and Lim Ji Yeon’s ability to blend with the role, makes the drama much more enjoyable and thrilling. So, if you have not watched it, you should give it a try but proceed with caution since there are triggering concepts.  
2. Choi Myeong Hee - Vincenzo
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Everything I try to write about Choi Myeong Hee will fall short. The way we all wanted to kill her while watching Vicenzo is proof of the ability of Kim Yeo Jin in portraying this evil lawyer, who is also Jung Joon Ho’s ally. She’s nasty, she is evil, she is cruel, even her accent will tick you off very badly. But we have to admit to the fact that the drama would not be as marvelous as it is without her character in it. She constantly commits many wrong deeds only to gain more and more power. However, we must admit that we all have been quite impressed by her zumba dancing skills anyway. 
3. Cha Moon Suk - Lawless Lawyer
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The character of Cha Moon Suk is the perfect example of two-faced. This Lawless Lawyer villain appears to be all noble and caring but she is actually corrupt and greedy. Lee Hye Young plays the role of a senior judge, who secretly runs a corrupt charity and spares absolutely no one who comes in her way. She doesn’t even hesitate to kill her dear friend nor does she show mercy for her long-time right hand man Ahn Oh Joo. She’s driven by her greed and can do anything to attain more power and money. In my personal opinion, her character and awesome screenplay is probably the only thing that makes the drama worth watching, as for me, both of the main leads could have portrayed themselves a lot better. 
4. Kang So Young - School 2015
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Here comes another bully, Kang So Young from School 2015. Cha Soo Hyang plays this character of this spoiled teenager Kang So Young who finds great pleasure in bullying her orphan classmate, Eun Bi. Her bullying goes so far that Eun Bi is pushed to the verge of death. However, Kang So Young feels no remorse. As the drama goes, she gets even more evil as she does not show any sign of leaving Eun Bi alone. She does not even regret her choices and uses her parent’s power to get away with everything. However, at the end of the drama she reflects upon her choices and apologies to Eun Bi. But that does not mean her character is easily forgiven, am I right? 
5. Choi Yoo Jin - The K2
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Here comes our last and my personal favorite pick, Choi Yoo Jin from The K2. Even though Yoo Jin’s character is not the villain but an antagonist, still she is a deserving candidate for this list. Song Yoon Ah plays the role of Choi Yoo Jin, who is a woman of mid 40s, she is also a daughter from a chaebol family but is disinherited. Her father disowned her because she married a politician. And guess what, that same husband, goes behind her back every night and cheats on her on a daily basis. She is also the CEO of JSS Security, which is responsible for her presidential candidate husband’s security. Her character certainly makes some bad choices, such as separating her step-daughter from her husband and using her constantly to blackmail the man, but she is the one to hurt the most as well. 
Even though her relationship with her family and husband is dianted and she is mostly used for money, she gives her everything to keep his husband’s image spotless. She grows a fondness, dare I say romantic feelings, for Kim Je Ha (Ji Chang Wook) but that too is quickly shut down as the main female lead comes into the picture. All in all, she may seem to be an evil woman but she actually is a victim of fate and betrayal, which is understandable. Song Yoon Ah’s incredible acting and her on screen chemistry with Ji Chang Wook is one of the primary reasons why you should watch the drama if you have not already. 
That was all for today, we will come with another recommendation post, sooner than you think. 
– Admin Nika
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no-where-new-hero · 21 days
i do enjoy kdramas for the shameless romance, of course, but actually most of my favorite OTPs are the platonic ones. ji eun tak and the reaper. hong seol and baek in ho. lee rang and ki yu ri. lee rang and lee yeon. lee eun bi and gong tae kwang. hae soo and baek ah. kim moo chan and kwon seok-joo. i do recognize that a lot of this is second lead syndrome at work and also homoerotic tension, but i do love how the way that kdramas are structured means that all the relationships are fully fleshed out, which lets my personal gravitation toward supporting characters get free rein.
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zenxvii · 6 months
character: Heo-Yool x fem!reader
kdrama: night has come
!!: thoughts are in italics
🫶🏻: friends to lovers, valentines day, before the game
y/n pov
It was a normal day and the sun was shining. I walked towards school excited to see my friends. It was the day people would go around giving their boyfriends/girlfriends/crushes gifts. One of the most beautiful days in the year.
“y/n!” I heard my name being called. I turned my head ans saw Eun-Ha. “Eun-Ha!” I greeted her and gave her a side hug. “Planning to give out anything this year?” I asked and she shook her head. “I don’t think so, maybe someone gives me something.” She told me and I nodded.
We reached our class and sat down in our seats seeing almost everyone there already. People were in good moods.
The day went by fast and it was already time to eat lunch. Eun-Ha told me that she and Yeon-Woon would go buy something and me and Eun-Chan would wait them in the classroom.
“Are you handing out this year?” I asked and turned to Eun-Chan. “No, I mean nothing with a romantic interest, but in a friendly way.” He said and I nodded.
I heard people passing by our classroom and saw him. Heo-Yool walking with another boys. They weren’t from our class. We made eye contact and I gave him a small smile, he smiled back and then went back to joking with his friends.
“What about you? Are you giving out something.” Eun-Chan asked and I turned back to him. “I just might.” I sighed out as Heo-Yools smile was stuck in my mind.
Eun-Ha and Yeon-woo returned and sat down with us. I took out my own lunch that I packed and so did Eun-Chan. “So do you have plans for later today?” Eun-Ha asked and I shook my head. “Nope.” Both of the boy said.
We chatted and I gave small glances for your classmates. Ji-Soo and her boyfriend Yoo-Joon gave esch others gifts and praises. So-Mi praised herself for getting so much gifts. Na-Hee and Hyun-Ho sat together eating and chatting. It was obvious that they liked each others but were too shy to say anything.
Kyung-Jun was napping as usual and his goons we’re talking about how to give out their gifts for some girls. Everyone was so peaceful today.
“y/n!” I heard my name being called, I turned my head and saw Heo-Yool with a small smile and hands behind his back. “Heo-Yool, hi.” I said as he walked closer.
He ealked up to me and revealed a white rose and a box of chocolates and handed then to me. “Here.” He said with his usual smile and a small blush. Small gasps were heard in the classroom. Nobody had ever seen Heo-Yool and me interact that much.
“I-. Thank you.” I said and took the rose and box of chocolates. “Whaat, I never knew Heo-Yool liked y/n!” Eun-Ha said and patted me on my back. If anyone didn’t look at us before now they definitely did. I heard Jin-Ha and Seung-Bin snicker and whisper how Heo-Yool just is getting rejected.
But he didn’t mind he just smiling and sat down at our circle. “Of course I do, I mean how couldn’t I when she’s the prettiest girl I’ve ever seen. Plus she’s super smart and fun to be around.” He confessed and I felt blush creeping onto me cheeks.
“Actually Heo-Yool…I have something for you.” I said and reached for my bag. I took a box of his favorite chocolate and an envelope. “Here.” I said and gave then to him, and now he was blushing hard.
“What what whatt???” Eun-Ha said and dramatically gasped. “Does this mean y/n like Heo-Yool back!?!?” She said as Eun-Chan and Yeon-Woo gasped the way to tease me.
I felt words being stuck on my throat and my face just blushing harder before I gave them a small nod.
Before Eun-Ha could say anymore Heo-Yool got up and grabbed my wrist to drag me out with him. He dragged us to the school roof.
“Why did you drag me here..?” I asked trying to calm myself from all the blushing. “You like me?” He asked and I nodded. “I mean like like me, the way Ji-Soo likes Yoo-Joon?” “Yeah..” I breathed out and switched my gaze up to him.
There he stood still with blush covering his face. “I’m glad.” He said and quickly wrapped his arms around me. “Because I like you the way Yoo-Joon likes Ji-Soo.” He said and I wrapped my arms around him as well.
We stayed at the roof for 20 minutes talking and laughing together. “y/n. Do you wanna be my girlfriend and go on a date tonight?” He said and I nodded. “Yea and Yes.” I told him and turned my head towards him. “Thank god.” He said and slowly pulled my head closer until our lips were touching.
His lips were surprisingly soft, And I loved it. And this moment. What a good day.
But like excuse me why was this amazing man first to be killed in the show. Not fair😞
Also hello Umm yes i’ve been gone for like a year again and bow writing a completely different show😻 (sorry night has come just gave me motivation to write again🙏🏻)
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nacrelysis · 1 year
"i appreciate that you've taken the time to listen to me."
"i had to, even if i'm eighteen years late."
hello???? does this mean that this detective knows something about moon dong-eun's case in middle school? or at least yeon-jin's record of tormenting classmates?? i am confused but i am rooting
side note though, i love the message this scene drives home. from hyun-nam to do-yeong to ye-sol to even yeon-jin's own mother and now the detective - when you are needlessly cruel to others, when you live your life on an unrepentant power trip, when you ruthlessly exploit and lie and manipulate your way to a happy ending because your prestige gives you an easy way out of everything...at the end of the day, everyone has to fall. the difference for yeon-jin, though, is that no one is willing to catch her anymore. or tl:dr talk shit get hit, you surprised??
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bbqhooligan · 1 year
its so funny to see this dynamic
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play out but these two bring a whole new level
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cuz we see again and again that Dong Eun, as relentless as she is to start and continue this plan, as calm and cold as she needs to be to execute it, as ruthless as she is to not feel any guilt for everything that happens to her abusers, wont harm anyone directly. yes, the plan ends up killing and destroying them, but never with her own hands, she is more inclined to let them do the work themselves, always, only themselves(even with her own mom! she plays the waiting game). the biggest proof of her mercy is giving Yeon Jin an out for Ha Do Yeong's single kind gesture. as we find out at the end, as broken and invisible she thought she is, Dong Eun is an inherently kind person who cant directly harm them.
this freak on the other hand spends day and night daydreaming stabbing the one person protected behind safety of prison bars(lets be honest at that point the bars arent protecting the people from that guy but him from Yeo Jeong) and is fully okay with killing anyone she asks as well. now you may be likely to take his entire, committed, likening himself to her Royal Executioner as simply just an expression of devotion, i get it since he doesnt end up doing that for her, but after watching the last episode i was convinced he didnt kill any of her abusers because she wouldnt have him do it.
see, his little speech to his prison bird just reveals an important piece of his psyche, he tells him his oath is to protect and save people but doesnt say anything about animals, inhumans, like him. meaning this guy has a mentality where at some point of immorality you lose your humanity in his eyes and become discarded. it is a line where he wont hesitate, he wont regret, he wont even have guilty dreams about the person he killed, maybe not even think about them again for the rest of his life. Light Yagami ass views. he doesnt ask Dong eun if she killed Miyoung-o cuz he literally doesnt give a shit. not a single question mark on his mind. hes like "if she dids it she dids it, if she didnst it she didnst it" and thats that.
and his insanity is written so well, all of his scenes with Dong Eun's abusers were tense as shit. because while you dont know how dangerous he really is till the last speech, in all of them his mere entering of their spaces is threatening, he either has them under his knife or under his car, even his first meeting with Ha Do Yeong is invading, not the park he frequents, no, its invading his mind. he leaves that meeting with the information of what kind of a person he is, enough to make a dead on prediction of his step-by-step behavior. he is smiling and cracking jokes through the interactions but YOU, the viewer, are aware there is something wrong with him.
when he buys that funeral home i was fully expecting him to fill it with corpses himself. in retrospect, that plot would have been too taxing on Dong Eun and im not sure she would ever let herself live after that but cant see Yeo Jeong being too bothered to be honest.
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iris-sistibly · 2 months
📍I delayed watching this episode and even spoiled myself because I knew that Eun-seong pretending to be Hae-in's man 🤮 will make my blood boil. It did...as always, but I just find it very funny that he would go as far as twisting the truth but wouldn't pay attention to the smallest of details. Up until now, he still underestimates Hae-in and her capability to notice even the smallest things. I'll still hold on to my prediction about his fate however.
📍I just love that the people around Baek Hyun-woo really rallied and worked together to help him clear his name and ultimately get out of prison 🥹 But the best part was Mama Hong offering support to Mama Baek by holding her hand was just heartwarming during the trial scene--THEY REALLY ARE BESTIES NOW.
📍Aunt Beom-ja's confession scene reminded me of Kang Mo-yeon's (Song Hye Kyo) confession being heard by everyone in Descendants of the Sun and it was freaking hilarious, Soo-cheol teasing his aunt made it funnier.
📍It kills me that Secretary Na could have divulged everything to Hae-in in a snap, but then again I couldn't blame her. If Eun-seong finds out that she broke the NDA she would have lost her job and got sued, and she doesn't have the money and status for that. I do however like that she just went with the flow with Hae-in stalking Hyun-woo and let her discover the truth herself.
📍HONG SOO-CHEOL IS A BABY NO MORE!!! He really did take his lessons seriously and his hard work finally paid off. This just means that he doesn't have to hide under mommy's skirt to protect his family, he's perfectly capable of doing that.
📍Hae-in making sure that there will be something for her to remember Hyun-woo is EVERYTHING!!! Even if she was mean to him at first, she really found ways to remind herself who the love of her life was...and the universe turned to her favor.
📍It's no surprise that Eun-seong would attempt to kill Hyun-woo because he's obsessed with Hae-in, but I feel like the guy who "pulled" Hae-in out was someone from BaekHong's side. Perhaps the people Papa Hong hired to follow Hae-in around?
📍*SIGH* I can't believe that there is only one episode left and BaekHong's story will be finally put to an end. I still hope that this is going to be a happy ending but seeing the teaser for the finale, I'm kinda having doubts. I will probably stop watching Park Ji-eun's shows for a long time if this doesn't end the way we all hope to. I'm waiting for the final episode but my final commentary will most likely be posted tomorrow, so let's see if I'd cry of happiness, or ugly cry while writing a long-ass rant.
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astarlightmonbebe · 28 days
Hello! I just finished watching the Netflix kdrama The Glory on an overnight bus and of course the next thing to do is go on Tumblr and read essays on people's favourite bits of it and I loved your post about how Yoo Jeo-Young is just slightly off and how interesting that makes the character rather than boxing him in.
I was wondering if you have posted or reposted anything about the role of the shaman (i think?) that Yeon-jins mother visits often. Aside from trying to understand the overall role of the shaman in the plot (i got confused hehe), the scene i want to understand is using the ritual as a means to strike fear into yeon-jin (which is also a very interesting scene and I want to read up about it). To my understanding the shaman appears to be possessed by Yoon So Hee but also chants her mother's name, and gets cursed by Dong-eun maybe?? It was such an interesting moment and I wanted to clarify what was going on and also read into it a little.
But I love your takes! So fun to stumble upon your blog!
hi!!! thanks for reaching out. embarrassingly enough i have to admit that i never got around to watching the last two episodes of the glory (maybe one day), so i don't think i actually saw that scene, but i did find a reddit thread that seems to discuss it.
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poachedeggssocool · 1 year
There is another thing I love about The Glory.
Two broken people meet each other and somehow become a healing place for each other. This could very well turn into 180 degree, but it will not be, because essentially, Moon Dong Eun and Joo Yeo Jeong are not Park Yeon Jin and Jeon Jae Jun.
And do you know what's crazy about Seol Ha color blindness? Yeon Jin is a carrier for color blindness which means, her mother or father is color blind. I am not sure if Kim Eun Sook did a research on this but just wanted to point out there are things life that you simply can't fix with money. It would be great if the biggest plot twist here would be Yeon Jin getting pregnant with a boy, and later found out the child is color blind, without realizing that she herself, is a carrier for the genes.
Yeon Jin is evil. But she's, for the most part, stupid. The only good things she is able to do is torturing people to her whim.
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muninnhuginn · 1 year
for all that Stranger is a very plotty series I really appreciate how it always makes the time for little character moments. things like han yeo-jin’s drawings, hwang si-mok vs food, kang won-chul’s silly office habits. and then it builds on these to give actual character insight?
han yeo-jin likes her drawings, a load of her doodles are actively anime-style which is fitting considering how much she’s into animanga, she likes to gift them and they mean a lot to her. they’re literally part of how she shows her appreciation for others, from her coworkers to si-mok. so in s2 when she’s suddenly *not* drawing? that shows something is severely wrong even before si-mok points it out. her returning to doodling later on after starting to mend the rift with si-mok therefore pulls some weight in showing that she’s healing, but at the same time, when her co-workers look over she still hides what’s she’s doing. this contrasts with her old work where she literally left post-its of her art as gifts on full display. she may be improved from her lowest state but she’s still not comfortable in her current environment.
si-mok vs food, better people than me have explained, but he’s constantly interrupted from having meals because of cases. it starts mostly as a running gag but it does get built upon. when he’s at odds with another character and they try to have a meal with him it’s inevitably cut short (kang won-chul’s s1 manager intervention, lee yeon-jae meeting the team) or he actively dislikes the food (and this part gets more blatant as he starts to express more emotions in general. initially it’s other characters who have to directly comment on or ask him about not approving of the food whereas by the time he has the meal with woo tae-ha the disgust is visible on his face). the only times he’s able to have a proper meal is when he’s started to let people in, so si-mok accepting the invite to the team meal in s1 (just before everything all falls to pieces) is a big step. it catches everyone off-guard for a reason. beyond that, there are the meetings with han yeo-jin which are some of the few times he’s actually able to have a proper meal with someone.
si-mok vs alcohol is another indicator. much of s1 is spent refusing alcohol and saying he doesn’t drink. in situations where someone else is drinking and it would be socially acceptable for him to mirror them (see eun-soo drinking alone in the pop-up bar) he is notable for how he refuses to do so. it takes most of the season for him to ‘give in’ enough to drink and when he does it shows that he may not be showing it in other ways but he has hit a low point. and that he chooses to share his history with yeo-jin when he’s in that state speaks volumes as to how much more he trusts her now. (I could speculate here about how him avoiding alcohol seems to be rooted in a not wanting to lose control kind of thing which is at odds with his whole emotionless deal in the same way his repeated lying about his pain is but that’s a tangent so I’ll leave it be) and at the end of s1 he drinks socially with yeo-jin and later on in that episode shows a full smile, showing him choosing to ease up re: alcohol is actually a *positive* development for him in some way. so him then reverting back in s2 to not drinking alcohol? it’s either his development being stunted/reverted or he’s not in the position where he’s with someone he trusts enough to drink with.
as for kang won-chul? I don’t think there’s any real *development* as such with his office habits (spinny chair, trying to get the paper into the bin), but it does demonstrate he doesn’t conform as much as he seems to at first glance. he’s a character who at first glance knows the ways this all works and blends in with it, but he doesn’t quite fit.
my point is just, the show didn’t have to bother with any of this. they could have still hit all the plot points and it would have made sense. the characters would have still stood up to scrutiny. but they chose to include all these little indicators that build up a picture of all the characters and where they are in their respective arcs. and I appreciate it so much that the show trusts the audience to complete the puzzle.
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myechoecho · 10 months
My Dearest, ep 5
This show is so good.
Honestly, I felt such second hand embarrassment for Gil Chae when Jang Hyun was teasing her in front of everyone about calling him "my dear". But he looked really hurt when she said she thought he was Yeon Jun.
I did think it was slightly harsh of him to say he would stop teasing her when she grows up except I've thought she's been very immature at times so its probably fair. And she's pretty liberal with her insults to him, so again probably fair.
Yeon Jun cannot break fee from his upbringing and how it has be drilled into him to obey and serve. Even if that means his death (which he basically expects) and not seeing Eun Ae. Jang Hyun is older, more experienced and sees the fallacy in this. Yeon Jun is going to die for the king who will not protect the people. He's also going to choose the King over Eun Ae.
The fighting is fairly brutal but it shows once more that Jang Hyun is a very skilled swordsman and it makes me even more curious about his past.
Gil Chae staying with the wounded soldier, who looked very young, ultimately allowing him to think she's his mother shows real empathy from her
But OMG her look when she sees Jang Hyun at the makeshift hospital. She so happy and relived to see him back. And the way he looks at her too. Then she sees Yeon Jun and old habits die hard when she sees him injured. Jang Hyun is upset by this.
He's angry that she's there and then belittles the work she's done in helping the wounded, which has been difficult for her. What does it matter if she followed Eun Ae to help the soldiers? He's lashing out because of jealousy, fear and hurt.
I do love their argument here bu was wrong of her to try to blame him for Yeon Jun getting injured.
People really under estimate Eun Ae. She does understand Gil Chae more than she realizes. She knows that Gil Chae loves Yeon Jun, but also that it is not romantic (even Gil Chae has not realized this).
I love how she tends his wound and at the same time tries to get him to stay.
Gil Chae refuses his offer of "mulling' (his reputation comes to bite him). However, he waits at her door. Then stays there when he learns that she sleeps better when he is near
SWOON at him carrying her across the river. He left her for last because of his feelings. The way they look at each other and the way she tries to wipe sweat off his face.
The Torjan Horse tactic using dead bodies to hide' is brutal but effective. But the win is short lived as the source of supplies have been cut off.
I LOVED that Jang Hyun pointed out the hypocrisy of the kingdom looking down on the monks until they are necessary to fight. The eunuch has him pegged - Jang Hyun doesn't give a fuck about the king. He does care about the people and would fight to protect them.
He would fight to protect and save Gil Chae, because he swore by the moonlight he would find her. So the moon will always tie them. And I'm sorry because I know it's an epic romantic moment which made me a bit giddy, but at the same time what popped into my head was An American Tail and the song Somewhere Out There
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youhavebeentraceyd · 1 year
My thoughts on The Glory
[Spoilers Below]
The editing style was hit and miss for me. See I do like the cutting away from a scene at the right moment, and then revealing the rest of the scene at a later time. It keeps things interesting. But the problem is they did it too often! To the point where I kinda want someone to edit the whole show into chronological order so that they can make it clear when something happened. I mean all I really know for sure is that Myeong-O was murdered on October 19th at around 11:20pm because they kept going back to it lol.
The final episode was a bit of a mess. They can cut out that flashback reveal of the old land lady and young Dong-Eun, and replace it with much needed final shots of the three still-living members of the shitheads. I want a where are they now scene! I needed a scene of Sa-Ra, in prison either sober from drugs finally feeling shit and regretful OR now in prison more drugged up than ever before! Hye-Jeong, now unable to talk, struggles to find work, to communicate, is unable to bag a rich man. And lastly Yeon-Jin...Don't call me sadistic but I kinda wanted to see a violent scene of Yeon-Jin in prison where a group of women (preferably five) gang up on her and force her hand into boiling hot cooking oil or something. Is that crazy? idk it just felt like the final scene of her in prison wasn't enough! I need to see her skin burn!! ....uh anyway.
What I find frustrating, is that I don't know where Dong-Eun's plans and machinations end and the on-the-fly choices of the shitheads begins. It's like...what actually was the point of her becoming a teacher? Why did she reveal herself to the shitheads at the school? Why did it feel like she barely did anything? I guess the answer is 'to keep her hands clean' but idk, it feels wishy washy. Like what would she have done if Jae-Joon actually didn't give a shit that Ye-Sol was his daughter? She told Sa-Ra to fill up a bag full of cash but didn't really give a threatening reason why, Sa-Ra doesn't reeeeaally give a shit about hiding her drug problem. And WHY didn't the shitheads just KILL Dong-Eun? They were monsters as kids they should act far worse now. They're rich enough to hire hitmen ya know? Problem solved. It frustrated me because she revealed herself, openly told them that she was going to destroy them, and they DIDN'T ban together to destroy her first? They're shitheads but do they really have shit for brains??
I did like the reveal of Dong-Eun specifically targeting Yeo-Jeong all those years back, because of his family connection to the hospital where So-Hee's body was. I liked it bc a lot of times during Part 2, his rich people privilege and family connection really helped and I kept thinking "well isnt this convenient" or "its pretty lucky that he's on your side", but as it turns out; it wasn't convenient! It wasn't luck! It was part of her far-fetched "plan". Though it's pretty dang lucky that he was so devoted to her, before she even really did anything.
Dong-Eun and Yeo-Jeong have zero chemistry idgaf. Her and Do-Yeong on the other hand! Now that was chemistry! Now regarding Do-Yeong, it didn't sit well with me that Do-Yeong was the one who murdered Jae-Joon. It makes sense to protect Ye-Sol but ultimately it wasn't really in his character to do that. I wish Ye-Sol all the best and that she seeks therapy.
Also Dong-Eun's mother? Tragic, very sad, but honestly she should've taken care of her mother years ago. She didn't need to do much to get her into an institution.
Despite all my critiques, I thoroughly enjoyed this drama. It takes a lot for me to sit through k-dramas, and this one was top quality binge worthy
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