#I made this on my mobile app then it just disappeared
juniper-clan · 1 month
Lavenderstar Lore Dump
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Lavenderstar won by an overwhelming margin compared to Joy, so let's hear about Heron's mama!
If you have any questions about her please leave them in the replies and I'll be sure to answer them.
Lavenderstar (formerly Lavenderflood) was the leader of JuniperClan on the HMS Juniper. She was the former deputy under the prior leader, Wispstar.
110 moons when she passed (born ~1692), she’s had three litters in the past with Tommy, a shipyard cat who would occasionally join the HMS Juniper on short trips. All of her living kits have gone onto other ships or became shipyard cats.
She was noted for her great speaking and fighting skills, though she rarely needed to use the latter.
Lavenderstar was likely a Norwegian Forest Cat / Maine Coon mix. She was descended from hundreds of warrior ancestors as far back as cats traveled alongside Two Legs.
She was confident in the validity of her half-clan kits and did not hide them from JuniperClan, nor shame any other half-clan cats or kitty pets.
Family Status
Tommy: Alive in North London (Mate)
Litter 1
Shiningpelt: Alive in North London (Daughter)
Ambereyes: Deceased (Son)
Litter 2
Foggykit: Deceased (Son)
Frostypaw: Deceased (Daughter)
Stormspeckle: Alive in North London (Daughter)
Windseeker: Alive in Glasgow (Daughter)
Litter 3
Heronstar: Alive in South Carolina (Daughter)
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circusgoth-dotcom · 26 days
Did... did Tumblr eat my post as I was queuing it???
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izpira-se-zlato · 3 months
JO Paris, 22.03.24
Gig report! Compiled this morning in the car to Antwerp with help form @zadig-fate and @yoda-bor 💛 I recorded everything except Katrina (bc my camera app crashed in the middle), so I'll upload this once I'm at a place with stable wifi again :D
all my buses were delayed so I power walked to the train station. Then that train was delayed so I almost missed my Eurostar. Then my Eurostar was also delayed. "That's what I call a Deutsche Bahn special, actually." – Kris ("when your first train is late but then it's okay because the second train is also delayed")
so many people I knew in the queue. From Helsinki. From London last year. From Utrecht. 😊💛
when I grabbed my number, Jan and Nace returned to the venue (and they were so pretty in daylight and in person)
Nace said hi as they walked past 😊
their postures??? Nace has definitely worked on his posture, meanwhile Jan appears so slim and small. It's wild.
Jan and Jure returned to the venue together, looking… Pissed is too harsh a word, but frowning? So we first kinda thought they were actually pissed off. But then Nace showed up a minute later, his usual sunny self, and was immediately accosted by fans. So. I assume it was less "pissed off" and more "do not approach" (and it worked)
soundcheck was Gola and Vem da greš, which we could hear every time they opened the doors (this was my last general access gig. It's EA from here on out, baby!)
Kris and I had decided to go on the balcony and got spots right next to the sound booth, where we were joined by @thisismyobsessionnow 🫶
it was warm but the sound was really good (duh)
also we had nice cushy seats like the old people we are 😂
first opener was a duo of brothers made up of discount Jure and Käärijä if he was French. Discount!Jure had a nice chest (Jure at home)
their music was eh, the lyrics cringe
Kris says they spoke french but I spent most of their set on tumblr/discord so I wasn't listening, but it was a Choice since pretty much none from the EA crowd spoke French
speaking of EA, there were allegedly 60 EA tickets though I saw numbers up to 62 (500 people venue)
JC Stewart was fun
he was told he looked French prime minister. He got confused by president vs prime minister but he also got kinda flustered. He was shown a pic and was "oh yeah, I see it"
we got Katrina opener
Nace. Jfc.
the venue was super hot so I tried to appreciate the fit while he had it on in full – white buttoned shirt with a sweater vest over it and a proper tie and glasses, going for the full teacher look except hot???
I still spent a good chunk of the gig looking at Jure though. The elevated balcony spot gave ussuch a nice view of him
Bojan was smiley and sounded way less congested than in Utrecht (maybe he's on the mend?)
Kris on the other hand was sipping tea on stage. In particular very sassily during Demoni
Kris had guitar problems at the beginning of Šta bih ja and went to Kiki to get it fixed but Bojan didn't see and so was actually worried for a moment that Kris had gotten sick off-stage. Kris was adorable in reassuring him that he was fine
they were all so mobile again
og demoni scream. In the middle. Might have been Bojan letting out his anxiety over Kris having disappeared from stage
"Kris, honey" and then that moment. What in the BoKris was that. I just turned to Kris and said that out loud bc what the fuck
There was a sizeable crowd of Slovenians in the audience and Bojan was delighted
fairly even split in the crowd for French vs foreigners, though the French were louder in yelling
the most hilarious to me moment: Bojan did his spiel about "who here experiences panic attacks?" And the crowd cheered, and he was like "yay! Panic attacks! It's me!" And Kris next to me went "I'm the problem, it's me," and literally on the last syllable, Bojan started saying the exact same thing. One brain cell. Or maybe he has the stream on his in-ears
Barve oceana 🫶🫶💛💛
according to Astrid, I looked ridiculously happy (I was ridiculously happy)
best galaxy of me version tonight. I still don't like it though 😂 it's gonna be my metulji 😂
Bojan went into the crowd for Umazane misli
it's so fun to watch from above
Vita was his trusty shadow and also a beacon of light to spot Bojan with
this time I don't think they forgot her in the crowd
Bojan made the balcony sing while he was still in the crowd. But it was mostly just Kris, Madeleine, and me, at least on the bleachers/seated part. We still gave our best 😂
Carpe Diem was not part of their "encore" but came before
no Tokio :( might be the first show without it?
fucking Novi val
the way Jure jumped up and sprinted to trade a drumstick for a baguette, it was so hilarious
he was so happy, and he first made fun of Nace for being unable to eat it
he shared it with Jan
Jan got chocolate and they put it into the baguette and then shared it.
Jure let everyone else also take a bite, including Bojan who was ostensibly singing
Nace bottle feeding Kris. What the fuck. Can someone make sure they still don't know about AO3?
no Umazane shenanigans even though Jan and Nace had talked right before it so I'd been hopeful
so many um versions in other langauges. It wasn't the longest rendition, but we also
when Bojan said we'd get the original Slovene version, I thought it would be the one he made up on the spot when they went on stage to play it all the way back? When they were babies. So it was a small disappointment when it was just the regular Slovene version 😂
Bojan asked the Slovenians if they were able to tell that they weren't playing at home and they said no and Bojan was so so delighted
he's also given the mic to people in the audience outside of Umazane misli (ne bi smel and plastika, I want to say)
he sang galaxy of me with a guy from the front row (Josh?)
not a lot of Jance, possibly because they were looking after Kris?
still a lot of eye contact
or maybe it was the fact that they apparently were out in Paris together in the afternoon 😏
my phone was so hot by the end (and I have 4gb left of memory)
after the gig I couldn't find my hat so I was worried I'd left it, so I went back in. Which was how I got JC and Vita to sign my gig memory book
I had forgotten about wanting to grab Vita's signature so if Astrid hadn't reminded me, I would have missed out
the boys got JC Stewart sick, he said his voice was going
It was raining so the boys ran out of the venue towards a van while we cheered. Bojan took a group selfie
Jan and Jure left first with the crew in that van so we assume that the others took a second car
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briskalishous · 18 days
You guys, my brain took like from April (I think) to finish this piece. I don't remember the inspiration making this, but it's part of the redesign I'm doing for a fanfic and just in general fun fluffyness becuz this fandom gets too sad sometimes. This was supposed to be done some time ago, but mental health got in the way and also the fact I didn't like the initial final sketch, so I started over, took me some time. And bruh if that wasnt enough, the app I'm using also kept corrupting or losing sketches so I don't have everything together to show the process. But anything is better than nothing. Also, please don't mind the shading, I'm still figuring out light placement and layering, especially on mobile.
Anyways, here's the final product!
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I saw some funny sketches of Alastor being carried all the time so I made a funny headcannon that he likes to be picked up or is indifferent to it, just as long the hand and body placement is appropriate with certain people (others that are close have more leniency). I don't really have a story here but I like to say that this trio hug happened becuz it's one of those once in a blue moon family get together where Husk and Alastor aren't in a powerplay and are actually enjoying each other company with Niffty being a small adorable grandma making sure her boys are okay and slightly disturbed/amused by her antics and stories.
With Husk, I kept him somewhat true to his character design, just changed outfits and details on his persona like his symbols, marks, and colors. These symbols will be emphasized in another fanart I'm cooking up. I also placed "brands" that symbolize his deal and ownership status with Alastor. These brands, instead of being actually branded on his person, are branded on any piece of clothing he wears as long as they are visible (shirt, pants, hats, etc). One is on his collar shirt, which equals to Alastor and another on his wraps on his feet of his own Overlord status. In my rewrite, I have it that in order for Husk to maintain his deal of keeping his power is to keep running his business of gambling but with restriction. I have a lot more to write about this, but I'm saving it for his redesign posts in my redesign series. Also, a funny lil hat on the side becuz it's part of his getup that got knocked over in the hug session.
With Niffty, I was going to keep her the same, just some extra bug detail to her person, but I scrapped it off. Instead, I have her as a hybrid of a poodle dog and bug. She and Alastor have a bumpy first introduction becuz of her dog hybrid side, but eventually, they worked it out in a weird, chaotic coworker/roommate relationship. More on that on her redesign post soon. She also has a brand of Alastor’s ownership over her on her apron. She doesn't have much on her appearance but her personality and chaotic mindset makes up for it :3 She's the same crazy lil lady, but with some common sense and sort of old lady behavior from her.
With Alastor, I changed his hair from my redesign, but I think I'm still going to change it with every drawing I do, so it's not permanent. He also has a brand, just not visible, unlike Husk and Niffty. This isn't from his choice of wanting to hide that he's owned but from his owner that nothing should be given away from his disappearance to not ruin his mission. However, there's still that hidden joke that every time Alastor walks, he will feel that brand on his hoof so that no matter where he goes, he is reminded of where he stands. He doesn't look gray here like in his redesign due to the lighting, but I like to say that it will probably change to another headcannon. For instance, depending on how 'human' he feels at the moment, his features and skin color will change. When he's not all powered up and feels at peace, he's more soft and human looking despite his reputation and animal characteristics. But when's he's powered up or is threatened, then his 'humanity' is zapped away, turning his look more demonic/inhuman/alien. I'm still playing with this headcannon, so I may scrap or add on to this.
That's all I have to say for this piece other than I'm proud of the coloring and how soft this looks :D
Here's the process that I could find:
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This is from the old sketch. I also had it colored it out and in process of shading but it got eaten by the app so yeah :')
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Here is the final process! I changed the positions, the wings and tail, and redid Niffty's design.
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So you just steal artwork and don't care? Got it. Either that or my ask asking about sources from your posts on April 8th disappeared. Or I guess you could be off tumblr and not have been here for two weeks.
Hi Anon,
I'm assuming this is you:
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If it is, yes, I did see your last ask - but life has been a bit shit lately and frankly, I didn't have the emotional bandwidth to deal with an accusatory email that gave me absolutely no details about what you were upset about so I could investigate. So today, despite it being an incredibly long and shit one that isn't over I'm going to reply.
*Takes a deep breath* From this point forward I'm going to assume that, like me, you are just a real-live human with feelings that get hurt and not someone who just likes to yell at people on the internet. So let me apologise that I have used your artwork without attribution, it was in no way my intention. Please take this apology as someone who was just trying to amuse themselves and perhaps help some other people out by reminding them to take their meds too. I absolutely suck at art-type things so in my mind, no one would think I did them or was claiming the actual 'art' part of them as mine. I realise now this is the internet, you guys don't know me, and so I should have been clearer that nearly all of these are edits. (There are a few waaaaay back I actually drew myself). Looking at the 7th, 8th & 9th of April (allowing for time zones and assuming that's when you saw your artwork). All of them except one have a link at the bottom of the image that links back to where I sourced the original image - I don't know if this is visible on mobile so I'll show it below (the bit circled in red)
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So I'm assuming this one is yours:
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It seems that one doesn't have the link. I don't know why. I haven't made any new reminders for this blog in ages (again - life) - it seems like most of the ones from early April this year were originally posted back in 2021. I got briefly excited about this blog again a few months ago and loaded up a bunch of old ones so this blog was still functional for the people that find it helpful. Going back I have noticed that others seem to not have credit either. It is possible I made a mistake and forgot to add them. It's also possible that Tumblr has a had a glitch/error/weirdness which means it's disappeared. I also used a bunch of images from the editing app I was using to add the reminder message and I wish I could remember what the site was called because I cannot for the life of me remember. Honestly, who knows. I have deleted the post(s) with that image - if it's not the right one please let me know.
I have always gone out of my way to ensure that anything I use is either free use, or non-commercial under Creative Commons. As an aside, I'm an academic and a person who has artist friends and my partner runs a business where our customers are largely designers and artists, so I do actually do my best to give credit. Am I perfect - no I'm not. Part of the reason I stopped making new posts was because of difficulty giving credit even on images that were non-attribution and finding images where I knew what the attribution requirements were (along with trying to remember everything everyone asked me to tag, and doing the image descriptions etc.) If anyone else finds something of theirs in one of my posts and there isn't credit attached please either dm me or send an ask and let me know which post and how you would like to be credited and I'll add it in. If you want it removed, I'm happy to do that too.
Sorry for the long post, hope it helps to clear things up. Finally, let me take this opportunity to say
"Don't forget your meds today my friends"
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Back when i was like, 9, i was obsessed with mobile tycoon games and i had this one friend on every single game i downloaded who i didn't really know all that well but we talked a little and they seemed like a nice enough person (all i remember is that their messages looked like how boomers think millenials and gen Z text each other and they had a really confusing username)
Anyways, my older brother caught wind of the fact that i use the internet and wanted to protect me but didn't really know how to give GOOD advice on internet safety bc he was like, 13 and just said something like "don't talk to anyone on the internet ever" to which i was like "NUH UH!! I'VE MET SOME TRUSTWORTHY PEOPLE ON THE INTERNET!! CONFUSINGNAME IS TRUSTWORTHY!!!" And my brother was all like "CONFUSINGNAME COULD BE A SERIAL KILLER!!!"
Next time i went on the game, i told ol' confusingname what my brother had told me except i didn't say it was specifically MY BROTHER so i just said "some people think you are a killer" and they never messaged me again.
And then like, 5 months later all the tycoon games i used to play suddenly disappeared from the app store because they were all made by the same development team and they had an issue with straight up reuploading the same 3 games multiple times under different titles and pretending it's a completely different game to get more downloads
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if you have "top bar with useful info" which disappears while scrolling down, and immediately comes back into existence the second you scroll up. I hate you so much
so fucking much it's never coded right, you can't disable it, if your on computer it shouldn't even be a fucking thing by default, cause guess what, there is stuff on the side. tumblr you have so much room wasted on this website.
use it instead of implementing this god awful idea
also for mobile apps, I get it, understand it even, but fucking fuck please just have an option to lock it in a position, or even move it to the bottom or just something that'd be better than this
I don't want to have to wrestle with this piece of shit every time I wish to attempt to take a screen shot of a long post.
it'd be so much better to just have it locked so I'm not even trying in the first place, plus you have the problem of it suddenly blocking information that wasn't blocked before.
it's a lazy design that takes way more effort to implement than the alternatives, and actually fucking stupid.
I don't need to suddenly see "whatever ai bullshit we're peddling that actively ruins our platform in an insidious way, top, newest" or "hey you want to go to the home page of this blog, you know the one which if you wanted to go to, you could just scroll up to after reading this article?" or "a page no one in their right mind uses, the actual stuff your here for, and of course the 'wait this actually exists' tab" you shitty companies making slightly bad user interfaces for me to get irrationally mad out.
a good tip for whether or not you've made a good website is thusly "is someone's basic boilerplate forum from the early 2000's better to navigate through than our website?"
and if the answer is yes. try to fix it.
on top of that.
if something can be done better and feel better with basic html, use basic html or design something better, no "oh yeah here is my 2000 lines of javascript, it displays a comment system that when you click the buttons in the wrong order explodes, and will sometimes just not load"
also shout out to ao3 and this
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like seriously, it works completely fine without it. javascript just adds a bit of feel to it, and makes things easier. but it won't break the website at all.
meanwhile tumblr?
doesn't work at all whatsoever.
now are ao3 and tumblr completely different beasts? yes, but like, one of these I can use on phone like it's nothing, like it was built for it, and the other feels like it's a shell of it's superior desktop version, and it isn't fucking archive of our own.
ao3's website is amazing on mobile and tumblr doesn't even let you be on mobile without downloading an app that's kinda sorta ok because honestly?
they don't care about you, they care about what they can get from you.
but sure I guess, the new web is better or something, now explain to me why a website from the 90's works better and runs better than you supposedly new and amazing website...
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motorclit · 3 months
As much as I love Mastodon, the one thing that makes me wish weren't a thing about it is that an instance (server) can go down or straight-up disappear with no warning.
I have an account on witches.live, and it's been down for a couple of weeks now. I say "down" and not "gone" because if I try to access it on Chrome, I get the custom-made by-the-admin page that says it's down and that she is working on it. That custom error page has to come from SOMEWHERE. If the server was "gone" then I wouldn't get the custom error page.
Unfortunately, I don't get it on Firefox (not on my desktop nor on my mobile app) and the Mastodon app simply just doesn't reload/load at all. So I'm HOPING she is doing a heavy-duty update.
I'm gonna guess there could be some life stuff happening too, because this server, as far as I know, is ran by ONE PERSON and that's why I haven't given up hope.
However, I'm still looking up alternative instances as a backup.
I wanna steer clear of popular activist/leftist ones because some (like kolektiva) have been targets for doxxing and shit from what I've heard. I know pagan.plus is a thing, but it's also quite popular and with the religious right wanting to go after everyone not them, I'd rather hang back on a smaller or lesser known instance.
I really wanna join the solarpunk server sunbeam.city but registration is closed. I dunno no if it's lack of server space or to avoid a wave of bots or what. The one candidate I have where registration isn't closed is a gardening one. I have it bookmarked on my desktop.
I'm gonna give witches.live until maybe June before I create a backup account on that gardening server. (I'll still continuously check back with witches.live though.)
I think this is honestly the ONE FLAW I don't like about Mastodon, though. And I'd rather have several backup accounts than join a bigger server that's likely to be a target.
Also there's a server called anarchism.space or something that I have bookmarked on my desktop and I SWEAR I may have had an account there and forgot that I joined. If thats true, I don't know what email I used. Their registration is closed, too.
Anyway, if anyone knows what's going on with witches.live, lemme know!
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iliadette · 1 year
omg I was wondering why your replies on my posts disappeared, I assumed you got shadowbanned (for a split second I thought you might’ve blocked me 😭)
I hope staff fixes the issue for you!
(I won’t get a notification for when you answer this so I’ll just be checking in on your blog every ten minutes 🧍‍♀️)
Damn girl I could never imagine blocking you, I love your blog so much. I don't know what's happening with the app. 😭
I can't leave comments, even in my own posts (???), my chats disappeared, and generally the whole mobile social experience is sucking rn. And now apparently my responses have disappeared from the posts of people who didn't block me?? The heck?? I don't understand much how this shadowban thing works, I have to do some research.
I really hope support answers me soon but I don't thinks it's gonna happen until tomorrow or tuesday, even
Thank you for checking on me ily 🥹❤️
Btw I tried leaving an ask for you when I couldn't comment in one of your posts, since you didn't mention it I assume you didn't get it at all?
EDIT: after researching what shadowbanning is, it seems that's what happening to my blog.
I can't even tag the staff to vent, i guess. I left another message at support, but I'm really frustrated. I'm obviously not a bot, as anyone looking though my blog can see, the only spam I do is spam liking, and afaik I didn't break the terms of service. So what's this all about?
Come on, staff, free me and let me interact with people again.
EDIT 2: Since shadowbanning means people don't see my posts in the tags or dash, or even in their mentions, I have no words to express my gratitude and love to the people that made it into my notifs these last few days because it means they came here to see what I was doing. I love you so much. ❤️
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I ended up in a rabbit hole entirely on accident this weekend, but it was super worth it. (Cutting on mobile won't work so sorry for this massive post.)
I used to watch "The Soup" religiously as a teenager and young adult. It was a show on E! where Joel McHale basically tore apart the worst trash TV you could think of - and in the "golden" era of reality TV, there was a TON to tear apart. My mom also watched it a lot with me (the hardest I've ever seen her laugh was at Joel McHale introducing "Ice-T and his wife, Coco-T"), and it was one of the few shows our whole family could sit down and watch without everything devolving into fighting. Then it got cancelled in 2015 for some frankly bullshit reasons (pretty soon after a renewal as well!) and basically disappeared.
For years I've wondered if this show was saved ANYWHERE at all. It's never streamed anywhere (not even when Netflix tried out The Joel McHale Show, which was basically the same thing). E! never really dropped YouTube clips for it. I thought I had some episodes on DVR recorded DVDs, but discovered when I moved a few years ago that wasn't the case. However, in an entirely random Reddit post having legit nothing to do with The Soup, a user dropped the bombshell that 99% of the show is on the Internet Archive and provided a link. That made my Friday!
NOW. One thing that I've wanted to find for a while are the episodes John Oliver was on The Soup, partially because I am sad and predictable but ALSO because across the Internet, John is credited for being on The Soup's finale and nothing else, which I KNOW from my memories to not be true. (I remember shit like this, but not how to get to my local library without an app guiding me. Siiiiiigh.) Of course there's no real episode guide for The Soup online, either, so I was on my own on this one.
In the end, I remembered enough about Ryan fucking Lochte to find one of those JO episodes in this archive, after about a day of searching. I promise that makes sense in context, and you can watch this prime piece of 2013 nonsense below.
Fair warning, some of this has aged poorly. Not enough to trigger warn, but there's definitely some mean-spirited humor about a few people's looks and polyamory. (There's also a truly ludicrous amount of jokes about Joel and/or John being gay. This is an extremely strange cultural relic and trying to explain The Soup has made me aware of just how weird it is as a show.)
(You can also access hundreds of other episodes of The Soup through this link. I am in awe of this existing at all. Finding out this archive exists gave me the same feeling that watching Ray Mona finding the goddamn Toon Makers Sailor Moon pilot did. Now to find the legendary Alexis Neiers phone call episode...)
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raincitygirl76 · 1 year
Re: the panicked post i made this morning (link below), my queue still exists and is still posting queued posts. I just can’t SEE the queue, or control it in any way. Can’t see the Saved Drafts either. Plus, Tumblr seems to think every post is my first post. And it won’t let me edit my panicked post from this morning.
Do you think uninstalling and then reinstalling the mobile app might help? Although before I do that, I should check the desktop version of Tumblr when I get home from work tonight. Maybe the queue and drafts have only disappeared from mobile….?
Anyway, if none of the above works, I’ll ask Tumblr tech support for help. And edit to share the instructions I got, if it works.
Thanks to those who signal boosted. Much appreciated!
Edited to add: when I got home I checked, and my queue and drafts were all still there in the desktop version of Tumblr. So I uninstalled and reinstalled the mobile app, and now everything’s working normally again. Yay!!!
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pan-magi · 1 year
Heads up that I won't have much to post for a while. I'm moving! Back home for a bit while I'm figuring stuff out (like not being broke). Before, when I mentioned my slow activity I left for a few years. Don't worry, I'm not planning on doing that. I have a backlog of... shitpost ideas, which I will post when I have time. If I have the sudden urge and energy to get some of my longer text posts done then I'll try to do them. Any edits and gifs though will be on the back burner for a while.
(That's the gist of it. If you want a mental health discussion and my general thought process on tumblr, read more if curious. It's more of the vein of "tumblr is an addictive website for me" than "this site is destructive and damning." jsyk)
I know I have it in my blog description that the blog is semi-archived. I have been doing my best though to at least post somewhat regularly. The rate for posting may not be fast per number of posts but for me working on them it is very time and energy consuming (yay executive dysfunction and undiagnosed ADHD woo). It doesn't help either not using Photoshop anymore making gifs is lot less streamlined (get all my necessary screenshots frame by frame and organize them -> edit each individually -> put them together with final edits to make a gif. All in 3 separate programs). My wallet appreciates the decision at least.
The thing is I put that in the description not for the lack of time I have to do stuff but the opposite. I have a lot of empty time to fill. Tumblr is one of the few social media sites I actually use and even with the ability to curate your dash (maybe in part because of it), it is easy for tumblr to be addictive without noticing it. That's with me not bothering with the app. I do check a lot with the mobile browser though. I knew with my attention span and how I tend to do or not get things done that being consistently active would not be the best for me personally. Not bad, per say, but not great.
I love you all. It's been great to see a few of my older followers still interact with my posts from time to time. It's nice to see new ones and the Magi fandom in general getting new people coming in, maybe just for the tumblr side or maybe new altogether, when the series has been complete for years. When I say tumblr is not good for me, I don't mean you. Lots of love for everyone /platonically, my aroace ass wants to clarify and add on a giant thank you for no aphobic hate by anyone here either. I would not have trusted to come out on tumblr even if I had my identity figured out when I was active before.
I do want to keep people satisfied. Analytics shouldn't matter on this hellsite, and they don't, not really. I don't care about what the number is but seeing any notes on my posts is a quick dopamine rush. "Yay, I made someone smile." If I have a free moment, I'm like "I should check tumblr," or "I should work on post for blog." I enjoy what I make and enjoy doing it. However, it's become more attempting to be active and getting something out there despite saying I will manage juggling all sorts of different stuff better. I'm not doing other recreational stuff I want to do. I'm behind on games, movies, books, creative shit outside of tumblr, watching Magi for at least the fifth time... If I have a free moment I'm "work on tumblr post."
It's dumb. I should be able to manage shit better. Again, ADHD. Or maybe it's something else. IDFK.
All this to say that I'm taking the excuse of moving to force myself out of the tumblr sphere. I won't have the time or energy to get larger time-consuming posts done. I might as well focus on something else when I have the opportunity.
I am not planning on disappearing. I do like it here. Stayed too long at the spa though and need to get out and get cool, fresh air. I have short, borderline/actual shitposts I want to get done, as mentioned up top. One may be up in the next week. Who knows though? I don't. What I do know is that if I post something over the summer it will be because it is something I want to get done, when I want it to get done. No rushing myself pointlessly. It will be little things though. Bigger edits and gifs aren't hard yet tedious and draining when I'll be buried in boxes and working on home repairs for the immediate future.
Everyone take care of yourselves out there. If you read all this, thanks! Now, I've spent over an hour working on this when it was supposed to take me 15-20 minutes, and I need to sleep lol.
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eeveeprincessxd · 1 year
I was going through the notes to find who voted yes on using Live, and noticed your tags. The Tumblr live toggle should be under General > Dashboard preferences > all the way at the bottom. I’m on the iOS app, but it should be almost the same across platforms.
I appreciate your attempt to help, but I'm browsing on desktop using Firefox and my settings page doesn't even seem to have sections with the labels you described. The toggle USED to be on that page but it totally disappeared some weeks ago.
I'm not sure if this is Tumblr trying to roll out a way of making Live permanent in weird phases like how they made private messages and polls things you had to infect other people with, or if it's just something that got adjusted with how the code I was using to completely block Live from my dash works internally in terms of site content labels or something similar. What I do know is that my toggle snooze isn't where it used to be, and apparently browsing on desktop doesn't present the same format as browsing on mobile.
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remrse · 1 year
not sure if anyone faced this problem before but i was replying to a thread and tried to trim reblog but because it was a legacy post, there's a glitch where the text would show up twice. to work around that glitch, i just deleted my whole chunk of text so it would only show up once and usually that works for me in the past but earlier on, when i pressed 'save as draft', my whole drafts page glitched out and i can't access any of my drafts now? my number of drafts remained the same and i can still save new posts as drafts, the page is just blank so i can't see any of my drafts and when i refresh it, it brings me to an error page. (it's the same on incognito, safari and the mobile app, my drafts page is just completely blank.)
tldr: i was reblogging a post from someone who used the legacy editor and that made my whole drafts page disappear LOL
if anyone has any idea how to fix this, please let me know! i've contacted support too but i'm not sure how fast they'll get back to me (or if they even will because this seems like a combination of a xkit bug and tumblr bug??)
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crewman-penelope · 1 year
Rust and Stardust
Tumblr media
Lyutsifer Safin x ofc, explicit, non-con, grapefruit, lemon, dark!Safin, love-stroke, love fever, oh! to storm the walls of Troy like a mad man!
1. Severo-kurilsk
2. Strictly business
3. Sweet anticipation
Halyna seemed to repress the situation she was getting in. Like the teen she was, she swapped open her Mobil and showed Safin all the apps she needed to use daily, explaining why it was so important to her to have internet. After watching some of her silly tiktoks, Safin got the expression, she needs this toys like other need oxygen.
Amused by her seriousness, and after promising her, that she could of course still hang out with her internet friends via Instagram and TikTok, Halyna hooked her arm with his in relief.
Swallowing hard, Safin tried to hold his posture, while a fog of flowerish perfume and his own grown arousal made him feel dizzy.
What am I doing here?
Making their way back from the green house, Halyna was all chatty, but the face of her mother let her shut up quickly.
Alysa, waiting for them in the hallway, looked angry as betrayed. Zorin must have filled her in.
Halyna threw a glance to him, "See you later, dyadya?” and rushed out to her rooms.
Safin stared a second too long at the door Halyna had disappeared through, blinked, and focused on the mother.
He opens his mouth, as his mind searched for any soothing words, his hands open offered to her -
Until her hand hit his left cheek with a hard slap.
His ear was ringing. The left side of his face numb. Hitching breath, then sucking air in between clenched teeth.
He didn't look at Alysa, but shook his head with closed eyes. The left cheek started to feel as if ants crawled along the skin.
He pressed his lips together not to shout at her, counting down to ten, until he felt able to look at her.
Eventually, he caught Alysa's eyes.
Wide and green, like her daughter's, but filled with a bitterness that shocked Safin.
He felt bad for her - alas, he came too close to stop now.
“She will be safe.”, he said. His voice smooth and rasp as always. Good. “You can reach out to her through her phone, Halyna will have internet access for that.”
Alysa stared at him, looking defeated.
“You are going through with it? Really, Lyutsifer!?”
“It's business.”
She looked at him in silent, her face at first all bewildered, then horrified, then... understanding. Disgusted.
“From all the people..”, Alysa whispered, stepping back from him.
Leaning in, she spit on his shoes, turned around and left the hallway without another word.
Well, that could have gotten better.
Halyna didn't pack much. Safin was irritated at first, as he saw her standing in the parking lot with just two bags. His eyes wandered from the luggage to a nervously looking girl. She shrugged and mumbled: “My next trimester starts in two weeks anyway.”
“I see..”, he got out and nodded shortly. She seemed still not to understand the full concept of the deal - nevertheless, he had forgotten that she had school and the right for education.
“It's alright. We can go shopping on the main land, if you need new clothes.”
That made her laugh out for some reason. “I always need new clothes.”
Was it him, or was she teasing him? She surely put on a brave face, it was rather impressive.
In the way to the airport, where his helicopter waited, she made a so called 'boomerang' for her Instagram, swearing that she looked not to show of.
“As long you make no records of me or my men, I have no trouble with you playing around. I don't want you to miss a thing.”, Safin told her, relishing in the fact that she sat aside him in the car.
“Oh, I have to make a video of the Heli fly!”, she responded excited. Her green eyes glowing in anticipation and glee, she turned to the window at her side.
“I'm actually glad to leave a bit early. It is sooo boring here! Nobody lives here, and Papa can only talk about his work.
“And mama?”
Halyna rolled her eyes. “Charity. Child hospitals. Homeless shelter, soup kitchen, and so on. Of course,”, Halyna pointed out, “she is just looking for excuses to hold parties and collect money for the cause.” She leaned over and whispered conspiratorial: “She is more often away than Papa. I even sometimes think she has an affair - but don't tell papa! Will break his hard.”
Safin lift his hand to cover his mouth. She was a Papa-girl, how could he think otherwise?
Safin was sure, if he would tell her about her father's mistresses, she would not believe him. So he let it slight.
“I shall not tell him, I promise”, he whispered even so conspiratorial and patted her arm.
“Now, tell me, how often did you travel with a helicopter before?”
Halyna inhaled deep and bit her lower lip - Safin found himself nearly unable to threw his eyes from her mouth after that.
“We always take the yacht to get to the main land. And the Rovers for the inland tours.”, she confessed sheepishly.
“Then you are in for a treat.”, Safin rejoy, as he smiled as encouraging as possible to Halyna.
“The weather is nice, the evening is wind still and cloudless, and when we arrive there will be already stars on the night sky. I am positive, when you are recording the flight, you get some awesome.. Reels? Is that the word?”
Halyna laughed and wrinkled her nose. “Yes, dyadya, that's the word. Oh, I'm so excited!”
She clashed gleefully her hands together, while Safin just watched her in aww, not fully realizing what he got himself into.
But he wondered how boring a teen could get on his island. It was probably time for some rearrangements and some renovations. Perhaps he could count on her help and assistance for that?
Arriving at the airport, she jumped out, starting to make pictures, while the chauffeur carried her two bags to the helicopter.
“Wow! That thing is big?”, she cheered as she inspected the helicopter.
“I'm flying quite often, so I want some comfort.”, Safin explained, as he climbed in. He reached for her hands to help her up the short steps and direct her to the window seat.
“Use your seat belts, Halyna.”, he warned her anyway. Too easily, a gust of wind can shake one on the ride.
She started to pout. “Must I?”
Safin didn't answer at first, but got through the scenarios in his mind. Eventually he smiled as soft as possible as he sat aside her.
“No.” He himself fixed his seat belt and leaned in to her, while he boldly wrapped his right arm around Halyna's middle. “I will hold you safe. And you have more space for your videos. Savvy?”
His face close to hers, he watched her blush. “Oh. Okay?”, she chirped, embarrassed and focused quickly on her phone.
While she acted busy - or maybe she was to prepare the recording - he held still. Her body was lean and small, but even soft and warm. A female, soft touch was just was he was missing all the time. Halyna was in his eyes perfect to give him that. Her curiosity, excitement, as her ignorance to some subjects made her an easy target. Safin had to remind himself that she was not to underestimate, though. After all, she was a daughter of Zorin.
Inhaling her flowerish perfume - he guessed Kenzo - and watching interested how she scrolled through her phone to make the right setting for the light and movement for a film, he remembered the newer information he had collected about the Zorin family.
The two elder daughter were married. How happily he could not say. But the circumstances of upbringing, as also the fact that both are acting as perfect trophy wives, let him hope Halyna was taught to be more - - behaving. Subversive.
I will find out, he thought to himself, leaning back in his seat. His right hand soothing on the lower back of Halyna's, he observed her gestures. She was still a bit flustered, ignoring his hand for peace’s sake.
It's a start.
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A few things about this blog.
Not sure why I'm making this post, I'm just hoping the very few people that follow me and still interact with this blog get to read it.
I'm having a lot of difficulties with my blog lately that are starting to becoming a real pain:
Around 3 weeks ago the message option to use chat disappeared randomly.
A week ago any post I made doesn't show up in any of the tags I use. Yes this is a common thing that happens. Tags get eat in this site. However not in the way is happening now. Is like my blog is now self content with only the people that follow me can see it. This is not normal, but also; I like to interact. After all, tumblr is about fandoms.
The search engine for my own posts stop working altogether. This is also a common thing, however sometimes it works. In the last three days is not working at all. Not even the posts I just made. I have to scroll manually to find my own posts, which is not the best.
Today, every time that I use the search option on my mobile app the search bar disappear(I don't have tumblr life activate so is not because of that). I have to close my app and opened again to fix it.
I have contacted Tumblr support (@support) multiple times about it. Every time it says I'm gonna receive an email to help but it never came. Is like my blog is not working anymore, not even for tumblr itself.
Because all of that, I'm consider options and plans to do if this continue happening. I have a side blog that I never use because I was gonna use it to create an story(fic) that was never made. Is called @armsofabetrayer. My original plan is start to test is the same problems are happening with my side blog(for now I can message with this blog) if it works probably I'm gonna drop this blog and shuffle to the other.
The plan is start to make posts with the other blog with the tags of the fandoms I'm using now: critical role, one piece, Gap the Series and warrior nun.
If the tests give me a good result, I would start to manually add the people I'm following here and eventually deactivated this blog for good.
If it doesn't work, and the problem persist. I don't know. Probably create another blog with another email. And probably deactivated myself of this hellsite for good.
I really don't want to lost this blog. Is not the best and I don't have the most interactions with people but I have use it for more than 10 years and I have a lot of posts and stuff I consider good.
If you are reading this, that means that you follow me and care about what I post here. I want to say thank you for that and hope any of you get to follow me in the other blog.
Thanks/Muchas Gracias.
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