#I made myself cry writing this as well hahahaha
bidean-byedean · 1 month
rewatched Eddie Begins and got fixated on what if Eddie did die in the well that day and I started writing it but then was immediately sobbing so here’s the stream of consciousness version;
he never found a way out, but he stays with Buck. he stays with Buck for years, making snarky comments and giving him advice on calls and talking him off ledges when he spirals. Buck’s life becomes so small, everything shrinks away except Eddie’s ghost, he can’t tell anyone about him, obviously, and he knows it’s wrong, he knows it’s fucked but why would he give Eddie up? How could he give Eddie up? He needs Eddie, they were never meant to live apart, there isn’t a universe where that makes any sense. So he lives in Eddie’s house and raises Eddie’s kid and follows Eddie’s plan and Eddie has been dead for years but no one else can touch Buck. he dates girls that Eddie would’ve dated but it’s impossible to have a serious relationship when you’re already committed to your best friend’s ghost and they all think they can make him better and he doesn’t want to get better. There is no better…
At first there is some distance, he gets dates mostly alone but at some point eddie is just always there. More constant than Buck’s shadow, his inner voice manifested. And at first Eddie leaves when he has sex, looks away when his grief lifts enough and touches himself again, but then one day he watches him fuck someone. the first time he’s silent, then he talks, he gives pointers, helps Buck up his game, and then he moans. then he sits on the bed. then he sits next to Buck. then he touches Buck. it’s so good and he’s not fucking real, he’s dead, and Buck tries to get rid of him then because he realises how insane he is and how unsustainable this is. Maybe it works for a bit, he gets a few months of silence, he tries to learn how to be just Buck again and it’s weird and uncomfortable but he does it! It feels good!
but Eddie comes back, pick an emergency or a spiral, and Buck just needs him so he’s there because that’s how this works. it gets unhinged so fast, his whole life is eddieeddieeddie and it’s so much, it’s too much, he wants it to end and it can’t end because if it ends then he’ll end too. maybe that’s for the best but he can’t because he has Chris and maddie and Bobby and the rest of the 118 and all the people that he saves by staying alive, so he trudges through the mud, gasping for air, hoping someone will see him, that someone will just fucking pull him out of the well because he never left. Neither of them ever left, even though Eddie is rotting under six feet of earth and Buck is walking around LA, but they’re both in that fucking well and he’s been drowning for years.
and then Buck dies. We get the comaverse except Eddie is there, he’s quiet and he lets Buck do his thing for a while but eventually we get to Eddie because he’s the thing holding Buck back. they talk about it, how Buck died that day too, how he’s a walking corpse, how his life is a hollow imitation of something he once dreamt about, how he might as well just go full crazy dig Eddie up and prop him up at the dining table because he’s basically there. they talk about how it’s hurting Christopher and the 118, how Buck’s grief is like a snare, like a land mine, like a sinkhole, like a tsunami, like a never-ending well into the dark, cold water. and Eddie gives him an ultimatum: stay with him now or let him go. and Buck’s heart breaks so loudly across his face and the clock is running out and we’re screaming at the TV because how do you make this choice? Never see Eddie’s face again? Never hear his voice? Never know what he’s thinks about the girl in the coffee shop or the point of entry on a rope rescue or which college Christopher should go to or- and Buck kisses him for the first time. it’s beautiful. it’s everything a first kiss should be and Buck could kiss him forever and he sees the other timelines, the right timelines where Eddie didn’t die and Buck kisses him in the hospital, or after Chris leaves for summer camp or after Abby blows through town and opens all his old wounds, or one of the million other times he should’ve kissed him in the show as we know it now, but they’re not real and this isn’t real and Buck is flatlining and running out of time, and he needs to breathe for the first time since Eddie drowned. so he does.
It’s lonely without Eddie, it always was, it always would be but the space that his ghost took up is slowly filled by real, living people, people who love Buck, who can touch him, who can make him feel like his body is his own again. he becomes a person again and he sells the house and buys something else that him and Chris choose together because they are alive and Eddie’s not and Shannon’s not and it’s fucking awful but they are alive, so they choose the house. After years of winter, Buck blooms again. he still follows Chim into the helicopter to save Bobby, he still turns up at harbour for a tour, but there’s no Eddie to compete with so things happen a little differently; maybe he takes those flying lessons instead or Muay Thai because it always made Eddie laugh when he tried to teach him so maybe it would be fun again. and they fall in love slowly and all at once, and Buck wishes he could freak out to Eddie, tell him all the crazy feelings rushing around his body and how it makes so much sense, and how being in love with Eddie wasn’t a weird grief reaction. and yeah, the sudden realisation that he was actually in love with Eddie is a new knife in his side, that he missed his chance to spend his life with Eddie as more than his best friend, and he didn’t even know. so he tells tommy about Eddie, about how he hated him at first and how they bonded and their camaraderie and becoming Chris’ second dad and their friendship and tommy lets him. he doesn’t talk about the day eddie died, not for a long time, not until him and tommy have said I love you so many times it becomes routine and suddenly Tommy’s in a helicopter that’s going down and he’s screaming mayday over the lafd radio and no one can do anything but listen, and he doesn’t die. he doesn’t die. So buck proposes, says I can’t let this happen again, I can’t lose the love of my life again without him knowing what he means, and before they get married Buck tells him about the well and the holding his cold lifeless hand in the ambulance and talking to him like he was just sleeping and the funeral and the first time eddie popped up and just how bad it all got and the coma dream and tommy doesn’t run. they love each other, they say their vows, they make room for Buck’s grief, but they also build a life, they keep him above water for a long, eventful life filled with love because that what Buck deserves.
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igotanidea · 2 years
Here we go again : Matt Murdock x reader x Dick Grayson
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A/N: I think I got myself into an unhealthy addiction of writing stories based on the songs stuck in my head, but well, it fits, so why not.
A/N 2 : This is just something to make you grasp the idea behind the story. The next chapters are going to go back in time to properly deal with the timeline and events.
inspired by : That's hilarious by Charlie Puth.
That's hilarious
Yeah, if you haven't already guessed I'm laughing because at this point nothing seems real anymore and if I wasn't laughing at the irony I would probably start crying, screaming and then jump our of the window.
Let me give you a quick introduction into my life, so you could understand me better.
my name is Y/N and I'm a citizen developer. Which means I pretty much do everything that has to do with IT, Artificial Inteligence, programming, computers and programming. I loved my job to the point where I was spending hours and hours in front of the screen to be the very best. And truly, finally I got to the top. At the age of 21 I was a most-known in my profession.
And that got me some attention.
Did I mention I was born and living in Gotham?
So, perhaps you guessed who was the guy that gave me my first job?
Well, it was Bruce Wayne. Yes, Wayne as in Wayne Enterprises.
Oh, god, I was on cloud nine being able to put my hands on all that technology, give my ideas and finally having someone to listen and apreciate them. I upgraded it, gave a bit of personal touch to the systems and god, it was amazing., I felt like I was where I belonged.
Bruce, however reserved and distant he was soon started to treat me like his own daughter. I mean, what else can you expect from a relationship between a CEO who spend most of his time with the youngest IT who also happened to be a half-orphan?
So, soon, he let me into the Wayne Manor, where I met his adopted son, Dick. Quite different than his parential figure, but pretty much the same with distant and pushing away. I didn't force him. It took us half a year to become some sort of friends and another half a year to fall truly, madly, deeply in love. No irony here. We spend a lot of time together. Or at least as much as our busy schedules allowed us to. Dick was a detective with crazy work hours, both night and day so when I get the chance I worked from the Manor, even when Bruce was not content with it.
Now that I think about it, i wonder how love-blinded I was.
That's when the story starts to go downhill.
When I was 23, Wayne Enterprises' tech department, with me leading it, introduced some new prototype. The whole project was on the highest security level, full NDA and confidentiality, so from some point the only people involved in the details were me and Bruce. I was literally sunsine and rainbows I get to be involved, hell! be the head of the assignment.
Until I got myself in trouble walking home from work at late night.
Remember, it was Gotham City and I was overwhelmed with our success.
So, due to my absent-mindedness some assaulters came right at me, grabbing both of my arms and dragging me into the dark alley. Of course I was figthing back, screaming and squirming, but what can one girl do in confrontation with 3 pretty beefy men?
Yes, three points for the right answer. NOTHING.
I was pretty much saying goodbye to my life (or at least my sexual health and good memories in that aspect - thank you, Dick Grayson for giving me them) when Gotham's heroes - Batman and Robin decided to show up, blowing everything and beating the assaulters to shit. Maybe they exaggareted a bit, after all those men were not criminals, and there was no need to knock them unconscious and that made me wonder. Still a bit overwhelmed I looked around and then I spotted Batman's new gear. Based on the technology I created.
So there were two, maybe three options:
Batman stole the technology from Wayne, and therefore he was not a hero everyone believed him to
Batman got the techonology from Wayne and therefore Bruce knew Batman's identity (Bruce would never let anyone, even the hero got it without checking all the details)
Bruce was Batman.......
"What is going on here?" I took a step back and bumped into wall
"Let me explain it to you....."
"Y/N!" another voice came from my right and before I realised what was happening, another caped vigilante was holding me close to his chest, his warm embrace being oddly famliiar. "Are you alright?" Robin's hands started caressing my back, his breaht ticking my face.
Holy fuck!
If Bruce was Batman than .....
"Dick?" my eyes went wide. Stupid, stupid girl! You should have known!
"Are you all right?" he asked again, a mix of desperation and remorse in his voice.
"Yes. I mean, no. I mean, I don't know. What is this? some sort of Surprise Sur Price?"
"Let us explain...." Dick took a quick glance at Batman Bruce who nodded
"Not here. It's not safe."
"Y/N." Dick took my hand squizing it gently, but lovingly "come on, baby, let's get you out of here."
"Um, well, okey...."
They got me to the Manor and then, since the secret was out and in their own words, they trusted me, I got a quick tour around the batcave. Yeah, they trusted me so much they kept their second life in secret for two fucking years! How is that trust?! I felt betrayed, played with, used, you name it. All that anger made me cry and clench my fist at the same time, my face going red and my heart at the edge of literally breaking.
"Talk to her." apparently that was too much for Bruce, since he decided to let my boyfriend deal with the damage. "You're off the patrol tonigh. Just make sure she'll be fine."
Oh, quite a conversation it was. However, at first not many words were used..... Anger, or rather fury, found another way out......But, when we both calmed down enough to use our mouths to actually echange full sentences it was all painfully clear.
The problem about heroes comes down to the fact that when being torn between their mission and the person they love ,they always choose the duty. And Dick did exactly that when he decided to sweet talk all my worries and cover up the truth for two whole years. That was sad. But, trying to be rational, I didn't scream or blame him. To some point I understood his motives, I mean, as a gotham citizen. As his girlfiriend I could not. I stayed in the manor until he felt asleep in his serene belief we were fine now.
We weren't.
I left Gotham that nigh, leaving him a letter explaing why I had to do this and kindly asking him not to look for me. The thought of the heartbreak he had to go through must have been soul-piercing. At least that's how it was for me when I found myself in Hell's kitchen trying to put my life together and move on.
I found a new job, but it was not the same without him.
And then Matt Murdock came into my life. He was such a nice guy, With an opinion amongst girls, as his best friend Foggy told me. Well, I was not going to fall for him. I had my walls high. Matt and Foggy were both lawyers and a bit of tech was kind of useful in this profession so soon we were working together. As friends. But clearly it was not enough for Matt. We were working late in his aparment, foggy has already left and I was picking my stuff to go home as well, already halfway to the door when Murdock yanked me back by my hand and kissed me with the most knee-buckling, hot, passionate kiss. You know, the one when you just reciprocate in an instant, no need to process what the hell is going on, while the other person's hand sneak around you pulling you closer. At first, i just let him caress my body, but quickly fall on the concrete.
"Stay with me...." he whispered against my lips
"Matt...." I pushed him away and he backed out immidiately
"I'm sorry Y/N. I didn't mean to push you, but I just... I have so many feeligns for you."
"No, I'm sorry. I'm just..... not ready. Yet."
"Yet?" damn lawyers
"Yet" I smiled lightly to defuse the tension
"Well then, I'm not giving up on you".
You know the saying "the history repeats itself?" Well it really does. I learned that in a painfull way, when a month later it turned out Matt Murdock was the devil of hell's kitchen. DAREDEVIL for fuck's sake. What was wrong with me and why the hell was I attracting vigilantes from the whole damn country?!
At least I didn't have to get myself in trouble to get to know his secret identity.
Oh no.
This was much worse when he stumbled into my apartment at 3 a.m. waking me up, in not so pleasant way, al bloody and on the verge of life. Yeah, we.... well, we had an argument. But somehow, he convinced me to stay. Something Dick couldn't do in the past. He never asked me to stay.
So I give in to the hope that this time it would be diffent. And I stayed, ready to fight for whatever was blooming between us.
And I was happy-ish to work through it with him.
And I was slowly moving on.
Until one evening, half a year after I left Gotham the past came knocking at my door.
I was at my apartment, working and cuddling with Matt when the noice from outside made me get up and open.
"Y/N...... I found you...."
Dick fucking Grayson was at my door.
"Y/N...." he whispered tenderly "I need you back. I want you back with me...."
"Y/N? who is that?" in a blink of an eye Matt was by my side and at this point I was just turning my gaze from one guy to another in shock.
"Who the fuck are you?" Dick hissed
"Well I could ask you the same question" Matt retorted coldly
"I'm her boyfriend" ok, now it was Robin talking
"Funny thing, because that is who I am." hello, Daredevil, nice to see you woke up as well. I guess it was automatic - when Dick went into vigilante mode, Matt responded with exact the same.
"Guys....." I tried to stop them, but they did not let me.
"So you must be the ex?" Matt smirked
"You know about me? Does she moan my name when you two....."
"Ok! Ok! That is enough!" ultimately I got their attention, pretty sure I was red as an apple due to Dick's words.
I was the only thing standing between two vigilantes in their full-on fighting mode, ready to kill each other .
Oh, boy......
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I see you
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Sitting stoned on my couch, with the blanket we were gifted yesterday and Marian protected so dearly, he was his gift for his new flat. It’s so cozy I’m so happy like wtf how do I deserve this.
I meet so many beautiful people everyday. I just came from the museum with Emily and Ellie
they have so much in commmin and we have so much in common within each other. Ellie and I are born on the exact same day same year, emily and Ellie both come from uk both have this love and desire for the east and get it other immediately. It’s all so smooth as if we were friends forever, we go to this exhibition
it’s so good it’s so full but it’s still so easy everyone is appreciative. Everyone is beautiful the art is so amazing her book is sold out for ages I guy three postcards I knew immediately which ones I wanted. It’s all intuitively. We share so many interests
I learn so much from you Emily your so wise. You inspire me to the max.! So I sit here writing down all the beautiful things I have witnessed today I had ah amazing breakfast with Marian after an amazing weekend with him it’s like we’re glued together hahahaha when u don’t see u enough I’m going crazy like when I was waiting for u in the park with my friends haha u know what I am talking about, yes the night before was indescribable it just all came together then we met Joshua again the second night he joined us later again like the first night to then go to the spontaneous second house party with us. Joshua who is actually my bzw. Marians neighbor hahahahahah se everyone is my neighbor literally. He is very good looking and has a beautiful special spirit he loves to go the movies and we talked about Saint Omer and Wolfpack. Then we danced and smiled at each other like we’ve been friends forever. It’s insane. everyone is sweet everyone is welcoming this cooooool photographer just welcones a big group of young bobo kids and allows them to use their space to just put up some techno and get naked and get into ahh group make out so sexyyyy everyone is just sex I dance with Marian pole dance I dance with myself I dance with Mattia mattia is doing the most insane stunts
I meet another guuy from ifm Fabio is so kind, Pierre is so sweet Joshua and I dance to turn me on from Kevin lyttle, Mattia is yelling I wear TuS beautiful latex tip from Marie and everyone loves it Vittoria is straight ok kian is a seeethrart in a bike who loves nosferatu, pascaline has a million wigs. They’re all Italians and then there is Andrea and the sweet boy from
ifm who introduce himself with is IG handle iconic ?!! I sit here and think about the art I just saw when I met emotion and Ellie
this artist RINEKE dijkstra made very sensitive comments or quotations of different aspects and perspectives on art and society. She manage to capture very honest but conscious relevant moments of society. The perception of these young children who not only think about art in a very elaborated and reflected way because it is about perspective and perception two things everyone learns at a very young age is it through sound distance falling standing up touching things tasting, testing out we all know what I am talking about now.
this is literally all it takes to understand art and then contextualize it. And here jr comes what do we need to cintextualize and he’s true knowledge deffo helps. But ahhhh chicken. Egg chicken eggg chili en egg. What is knowledge.
anwhoo Emily said: ah this could be art critical so it wasn’t even me and we agreed in that point.
so basically this children analyze in a very elaborated way how the origin of this painting could be laying at. They name very emotional intelligent options for where the well-being or not existing well-being/ crying of this women can be originated. It goes from trauma, financial suffering, violence, loss, abuse, spirits, souls and health. Money power, loneliness togetherness
to just the fact that Picasso might have been liking the colors or maybe also he just wanted to do sth different. It’s plane but it’s smart and it’s honest and it’s diverse.
They remainders me of how I would imagine a Greek discussion instead of their school uniforms they would wear those toras? Is that the name those beautifully draped clothes going to finish this now and show some pics because I could keep going for ages sorryyy
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crystalclear97 · 1 year
Wow. I can't believe I'm writing this. Here I go.
Disclaimer: English is not my first language and I'm writing this at the airport on my phone without thinking too much. So, sorry if I mess up with the grammar or something 🙏 (by the time I'm uploading it I'm already at home cause I wanted to add some pictures).
I made this account very recently because I was embarassed about fangirling too much at my main blogs where irl people followed me.
I dedicated this account mostly to aruani (snk) fandom but you've probably realized that I also share a lot Paramore stuff.
Well, I wasn't planning on ending anonymity anytime soon but... something BIG happened to me.
Last thursday I was able to go to my first Paramore show ever at Dublin. I've been dreaming about it for so many years. I've watched so many videos of fans going up stage at Misery Business and I've cried so many times watching them. I travelled from Spain, wrote in a huge sign "I crave to sing with you", arrived at queue at 8:15 am aprox, and waited (I had General Acces tickets!). The amazing Tom gave us some numbered wristbands so we could leave the queue and stay warm and healthy without losing our spot. He was the sweetest. Meanwhile I took a walk around, lucky enough to meet Brian Robert Jones and take a pic with him!!! Around 4 pm we were back at the queue and, yes, I was able to be at the same spot. ❤️
The second I entered the arena and realized how close I was to the stage I started ugly crying hahahaha. Rozi Plain was so sweet, Bloc Party was awesome (I really like them as well!!). And then they came out. At that moment I wasn't even crying anymore, I think I was disassociating a bit 🤣
They were amazing. Hayley is so talented, pretty and fun. THE ENERGY. I was holding up my sign maybe for too long and I could hear some people complaining about it behind me, which I totally understand... I felt so bad I started crying about it so I decided to not hold it up again until Misery Business :_) But soon the guilty tears turned into emotional tears, and I cried a lot during most of the show. I was SO EMOTIONAL during Last Hope... 🥺
Misery Business starts. Time to make Hayley spot me 🙏 Omg my stomach hurts while writing this... SHE. PICKED. ME. SHE FUCKING PICKED ME. I didn't realized, my boyfriend literally had to tell me because I was so nervous I didn't realized. Ok I think I'm going to cry again hahahaha.
She said she had been watching and knew exactly that it was going to be me. I can't believe it. At that moment I was so euphoric that I just went with the flow. Obviously I'd been preparing myself for this but you need to know I'm a very socially akward person, I have many anxiety issues, but IDK WHAT HAPPENED TO ME BUT I'M VERY PROUD OF MYSELF 😭😭😭 Hayley hugged me very hard, I told her I love her and thanked her a billion times. She is very tiny and I'm a big tall person but she PET MY HEAD 😭😭😭❤️ I can't believe she was so sweet!!!! I did it, I sang the song, I danced with Hayley, she said my name, we headbanged together... an amazing dream come true. I asked her to sign my (diy grow up) jacket and SHE DID IT!!! I was told to left very quickly (obviously 🤣) but she managed to sign it for me on time 🙏❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️ (I also brought a marker in my pocket on purpose). I mean I WAS SO READY FOR IT 😭❤️
After that people were AMAZINGLY NICE TO ME. THANK YOU ALL WITH ALL MY HEART. It means the world to me that the other fans felt happy for me, so many people congratulated my, you are in my heart FOREVER. I felt kinda bad because I'm from Spain and I started thinking that maybe I didn't deserve it, that it should have been anyone from Dublin... I find it very difficult to feel worthy of all the goods things that happen to me, and to hear so many fans telling so many nice things, hugging me, even asking for pictures... You really made a difference in me. I'm crying. I wish I could share with you the feeling. THANK YOU DUBLIN. THANK YOU SO MUCH!!!!! ❤️
This has changed my life forever. I also met Louise from Bloc Party after the show and she was LOVELY, eveything about that night has inspired me forever. I've been dreaming about making music by myself since I was a little child and just started to actually make it (kinda 🤣) a few months ago. But now... I feel so blessed and inspired I'm gonna try harder from now on.
MY WILDEST DREAMS CAME TRUE. Thank you Hayley for choosing me, thank you Paramore for changing my life, thank you Dublin for the unforgettable experience, thanks to the lovely fans I met there, and THANKS TO MY AMAZING BOYFRIEND for being there with my ALWAYS by my side. He knew it was going to be me. He fucking knew. I'm so grateful. I've been crying since that night. I'm crying right now and I'll never stop crying about this. This is a once in a lifetime experience, I am the luckiest person. A picture could not contain the way it feels.
Pics by Eleanor (check out her work omg):
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Pics by Charlie:
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Pic by Laura:
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weekend-whip · 2 years
What was your process with Jesse, then? And Miranda?
*trembling sobbing crying* There was supposed to just be a running gag where the Fuchsia Ninja would crop up inexplicably from time to time, similar to the movie but more frequent (and then he'd help out the ninja at one specific point in Season 2)........but THEN:
the whole thing with the Elemental Compass was devised (as that didn't even EXIST until after the first story was completely posted), so I had to then flesh out the Element of Surprise which has spiraled into characters like Mystake and Harumi as we know now, and then figuring out how that would manifest into an actual user of that element (i.e. his magic tricks)
I then thought if I could turn Olivia into a full character, why not do the same thing with the Fuchsia Ninja? So then I devised his name, his "secret" identity, tossed him in with the high schoolers, and initially planned to use him to help bridge any loose gaps between Show!verse and Movie!verse that couldn't be naturally resolved (hence why he has a copy of the Elemental Compass itself and why'd he's kinda Captain Exposition at times)...and then he grew a personality. And I was like. Ohh no. I adore this nervous dramatic fool. What have I created
....and then. AND THEN. The day for writing Chapter 6 came...I STRUGGLED with SO MANY drafts on how to make this work. Nelson getting bullied by the Cheer Squad was on one draft (and Jesse was initially gonna be like Nelson's babysitter), Nya was going around as a "Rainbow Ninja" at one point, I juggled through every combo of Ninja to go on this mission before landing on Nya and Cole because it made the most sense, and Mystake's parts weren't even a THOUGHT until the last second (because I realized I wanted a less bizarre way for Lloyd to get the Map of Dens, and could use this as foreshadowing for later). But then, to spice up the fight with the generic Shark Army thugs I was like.....we could sprinkle some lore here.......we could put the Fuchsia Ninja here...that could be a fun....surprise....
............................and then I was writing all their interactions during the fight. They've all got some hilarious friendly chemistry. And. Then. My. Silly. Little. Foolish. Brain. whispers to me in the heat of the moment: "What if...Wouldn't it be funny if the Fuchsia Ninja had a crush on Cole?" ha. Funny. Just something for a small, amusing laugh every now and then. I would never actually ship some pink/purple OC with Cole? That had already been done countless times, and probably better! Imagine being so uninspired. Ha. hahahaha. Ha.
...But it was too late. The seed was planted. The flower was blooming. The daydreaming started. The ideas and scenes and possibilities and the development became clearer by the day. The ship was SAILING...well, eventually. It was sailing in my heart, and that was enough. I just had to pace myself with it...and my god I now see why no one writes slow burns anymore JUST HUG
AAAAAAAaaaaaannnnnnnd from there that blew up Jesse's character arc (as in, MADE IT BIGGER). More backstory was born that helped me flesh out what was already there, a history with Wu was devised, a family blossomed to support/intimidate him, goals, motivations, fears, imperfections, insecurities spiraled into existence from just the single act of this lil' blorbo falling in love...! Suddenly all of his character beats fell perfectly into place! Divine intervention took my hand and dragged me forward in full force! Jesse Marvell became a character and he was here for the long haul! And I've never looked back *-*
...now, as for Miranda, I...can't quite remember when she popped up as a concept, but I'm pretty sure it was because I needed/wanted someone to keep Jesse in check. Such as:
keeping Jesse from being too OP with his powers (because she's studied his powers extensively, she can anticipate them more than most people. Hence, Jesse struggles to surprise her easily, so he's near powerless whenever he's in her vicinity unless he gets really creative)
to help keep his character/personality from falling into the horrible, horrible trope of only being about his "pursuit" of Cole (which I'd...like to think I'm doing okay with especially for my first real Oc x Canon ship but I don't trust my hands—they're just so LOVELY—augh—!)
Giving him some extra motivations for his character, as we've seen the tip of the iceberg of in Ch40. I think I mentioned this before, but Miranda's related to why he doesn't fully have his True Potential. So. Um. There's that to look forward to~
Unrelated to Jesse, she also exists to help fill Nya's vacuum via her becoming a ninja much, MUCH earlier (similar to Bridget for Olivia's personality tweak as I mentioned in the other post), especially in Season 3. She's one of the Techies too, but she specializes in software and data organization, thus she can't actually engineer anything, but she loves streamlining the interfaces/UI/software for the things Jay invents or keeping Zane up to date internally. (This also leads her to have a small rivalry with Pixal).
...Except all this kind of made her a tad sueish in turn soooooooo...I dropped a building on her. And then that blew up her character arc. (Prosthetics, baby!!! But now she can smack people around with her own arm, so like, who's really coming out on top here?)
...buuuuut then I was like "no wait I can use this" because if she's kind of always been "easily perfect", that also feeds into Jesse's jealousy/envy of her (because he struggles just to reach the bare minimum at times) and then that loops back into his guilt for letting her get hurt under his watch and then that loops back into annoyance at how she's thriving anyway and then he feels guilty about feeling like that and I oop—
(Thus, her biggest character flaw becomes being almost entirely oblivious to just how much she affects Jesse...and other people. But Jesse especially. Primarily because she's still so young. But still. And my god is that a fun heart-wrenching train wreck to watch).
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londonhalcyon · 1 year
hii London! hope you’re doing well <3
7. Have you ever written anything based on personal experience?
17. Free space-- ask anything
reading ch.22&30 of TMW always makes me cry haha…i was wondering if you’ve ever made yourself cry writing a chapter??
Hi! Thanks the ask!
7. Have I ever written anything based on personal experience?
Lily’s Magizoology chapters in “Those Years In Between”! Obviously I didn’t experience those exact scenes, but I drew more heavily on personal experience than I normally do when I write. I used to do 10 hours of marsh sparrow data QA/QC each week when I worked part-time as a wildlife tech in undergrad, so Lily losing her sanity over the handwriting and all the numbers was pretty much just me. The dragon oneshot was based on the time I nearly punched a blacktip shark while feeding stingrays, and the longleaf pine savanna from “In Hot Water” was based on TNC’s Green Swamp, which I’ve visited.
Otherwise, I try to avoid putting my voice blatantly in the narrative. I still draw on the familiar when possible to keep things feeling real and relatable, but that’s more extrapolation than anything else. If I haven’t seen or experienced something I’m attempting to write about, I look it up. Even if I have experienced something, I still look it up. I wrote chapter 33 with a google search of “lake sunsets” open in the next tab almost the entire time.
17. Free space: Have I ever made myself cry while writing a chapter?
Only once so far, and it was chapter 30, hahahaha. Normally I’m okay writing emotionally heavy chapters because I’m separate from the narrative and its narrator. But, while writing this chapter, I listened to this song on a loop for a full hour to hold myself in Lily’s headspace while I captured her voice. It worked a little too well. The lengths we go to for our art, huh?
Thanks again for the ask!
Questions from this ask game.
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pieroulette · 1 year
oml your stories are sooooooooo great! im a huge fan of yandere anything and the heeseung one made my jaw drop its super believable in a way like i can see it so clearly. what image of heeseung did you have in mind when you made the fic? i remember reading he had the green hair so i'm assuming it was during dimensiondillema heeseung???? have you ever made a visual video or picture collage for the fic? id love to see it if you did this story is so amazing and i cant wait for the last chapter. i am biting my fingernails just excited for it. ITS GOING TO BE MINE!!!!!! hahahaha.
also the niki fic as well as love scam is just. i'm obsessed. my favorite is the yadnere heeseung but there all good. i have so much more questions but i want to wait for last chapter to come out before i ask becuz i dont want to ruin it for myself but i feel like i'm going to cry becuz it was so good. puhleese. i love you SM rn you have no clue.
Thank you very much! I appreciate this alot 💗
And yes you're right, the image of Heeseung in this fic is from Dimension: Dilemma. Also, nope! I don't make anything like visual video or picture collage for the fic, I only had this board in my Pinterest where I saved pictures of enha members and there inspirations tend to come, or sometimes i look at those pictures while I write. Thank you so much once again! Reading this makes me happy alot haha, this is def going to my motivation album :>
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minastras · 2 years
also BARE WITH ME hjdskahsdjak im finally here to leave my thoughts on a match made in heaven jake sim's brain and MINA!!!!
the way jake has been trying to match yn FOR THE LONGEST and been telling heeseung about yn too T_T where is my best friend jake to do that for meeeeeeeeeeeeeeee for jayhoon tbh? LOL
About him being “your dream man”, which made you mime throwing up every time Jake said it.
the way i wanted to punch jake myself dhsjakdhsajk he is so funny!!!
The fridge door abruptly slammed shut. “Jin, they said no,” the fridge guy said firmly, subtly positioning himself between you and Hyeongjin.
THIS RIGHT HERE! S T A N D A R D tyvm and the way i cackled at "fridge guy" HAHAHAHAHA
“Oh, in that case, hi. I’m Heeseung. You must be Y/N.”
the way they met and fridge guy is heeseung :3 PRECIOUS
and then heeseung understanding how yn was uncomfortable from the party after that hyeongjin smh AND THEY WERE A MATCH MADE BY JAKE ANYWAYS, went out for a ride and to the diner T_T
and then jake calling later "I LOVE YN" duuuuuude hahahaha the way i can see him panic irl like that and run through the entire house looking yn.
“I barely know what they look like because you show me the shittiest pictures of them. How am I supposed to help you?” Heeseung countered. So it wasn’t just you, then. 
And the rest of where they continued hanging out T_T heeseung being a gentleman he is, apologizing each time he mentioned the overshares jake did LOL too cute like <3 we love that jake just love his two favorites and wants them together. i cry!!!
He looked up at you with a boyish grin. “Stargazing. Come join me.”
the way i screamed because stargazing A+
“Hello,” he said playfully.
You giggled. “Hi.”
SO. FUCKING. CUTE. Again, i melted.
you're so good at making a situation cute, silly, a bit worrisome for jake lol BUT still good and cute and i T_T i cant wait to read more!
AHHHH TY TY TY FOR WRITING ALL OF THIS !!! this was the first time i posted my writing publicly and your words mean sm to me <333
\i will let u in on a lil secret .. i have a sunghoon + best friend heeseung fic AND a jake + best friend sunghoon fic in the works. can u tell i have a problem (i didn't even realise it until now LMAO but i'm gonna give jay his own fic probably)
FRIDGE GUY YES bc this is exactly the way my inner monologue labels ppl when idk their names
jake is so well-meaning and earnest but let's be fr men do not know how to choose good pictures!!!! also like bro u're so close to both hee and y/n just bring one of them along with u for lunch one day or sth why must they meet at a PARTY !
in my mind y/n knows some embarrassing stuff abt hee too but they're a bit more self-aware than he is aalsjdnalj
AGAIN tysm for your kind words my heart is rly so full rn !!!
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du-buk · 2 years
Hi, Niko! what inspired you to create 8:11?
Hi! I would like to take this opportunity to touch on some of the themes and scenes in 8:11, so, a general warning for talks of depression, death, etc.
This is a chart I made, to show some major inspirations I got for 8:11.
8:11 went through many stages when it was first drafted. It didn't become a horror, RPG maker game until I played Ao Oni with my siblings, many many many years ago hahahaha. I also used to make movies with a shitty camera when I was a kid, so, I think I was just always inspired to create stories of my own haha.
The horror genre has made a really big impact on me. I absolutely love that it is a genre that explores dark, terrifying, gritty, strange, uncomfortable feelings/thoughts/faults we have as humans. Other movies not mentioned in the chart above that really inspired me, or that I just love, are American Psycho, The Lighthouse, The Shining, The VVitch, Misery, etc etc etc etc. Oh my god, if you allowed me to talk about horror for hours, I absolutely would. It's a genre that is perfect in my eyes.
Alright, the read more will contain the tougher subjects;
(Death warning) My father passed away when I was young. It's a trauma that I am upfront about, as it's certainly bled into my works. Please understand, and respect that Leon is not meant to hold any resemblance to my actual father. And Ryker is not a stand-in for myself, or my thoughts and feelings regarding "revenge" or such. This story is still FICTION. I obviously do not condone killing people.
Throughout the years of battling the loss, and grief, over my father, I have learned a lot about myself, and my journey with depression. I've lost friends as well, due to various circumstances. I think grief is an interesting subject to write with, as everyone handles it differently. I like to use my characters as a way to show that grief can be incredibly ugly, externally or internally, and take control over us. Everyone in 8:11 is grieving over something(or someone), and I like to show a variety of what we as humans can experience in life.
It means a lot to me that people have played my game, but to also hear that people often feel connected with Ryker or other characters. To hear that Ryker and Leon's relationship and loss can make some people cry is touching for me. I cannot explain why, but I suppose I feel seen.
I also just love stories with characters losing their god damn minds. It's a fun adventure, hahaha. Sorry for the deep talks of death above anon. I am upfront that a lot of mental and physical struggles I face are projected onto my characters.
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imthatchishiyasimp · 4 years
I fucked my way into this mess, and I’ll fuck my way out.
“Oh shit” was all I could say, looking at the now crimson red-hoodie.
“You better fix that”.
Hi!!! Had this idea and couldn't resist writing about it, also the title helped to develop it hahahaha.
it's not NSFW, but it hints a bit about it at the end, so be careful. Also, TW: death and blood are both mentioned and described.
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The previous game night I got my sweatshirt broken, and since then I had been borrowing people’s clothes. I wasn’t able to search for a new decent one and I was planning on scabaging a few stores on my way back to the Beach after this game.
I had managed to steal a few clothes from Kunai and some other people, and they didn’t mind. No one minded but Chishiya, that bastard. His hoodies were so clean and soft, wonders where he took them. So, given that he didn’t want to lend them over, I broke into his room and stole the best one. It was pure white, big and comfy with a front pocket and a hood.
He wasn’t supposed to go out and play tonight, so it would have been fine. He wasn’t even in the car when I got there. But, out of nowhere, he was at the lobby of the game arena I was supposed to clear.
I mean, the mad look he gave me? Dude, I was scared.
We were playing a spades game, an easy one. In total there were eight participants, two of them were new to the games and scared to the bone.
I looked around and saw a path going up the stairs and into a wide corridor. Two small tables were placed at the bottom of them, one holding the phones left after we all took our own, and the other one with several collars. I had heard of them in other games, but I didn’t have the pleasure of trying them on.
While the phones were informing us of the difficulty of the game, I got closer to Chishiya, step by step, judging if he was mad enough to give me the silent treatment. Apparently not, because he didn’t push me away nor did he go to the other corner of the mini crowd we formed. I tucked my hand into the pocket and balanced on my toes, listening to the rules of the game.
Reluctantly, we all clasped the collar around our necks. It felt wrong and cold, like the hand of a murderer patiently waiting to squeeze harder and harder until you died. I swallowed hard, rolling my head and trying to get used to the feeling. My eyes drifted to Chishiya’s form and I wasn’t surprised to find him unaltered. His hands were hidden in his pockets, his face covered by the hood, but I caught a glimpse of his eyes.
He looked at me, from head to toes. Would he forgive me because I looked good in his clothes? Probably not, but I could wish.
Without a word, we all took the stairs up to the first mark pointing to door number 1. Some guy opened it and we walked inside. It was almost empty, leaving one table with a crossbow and a handful of arrows. At the end of the room there was a kind of dart-board, but the red center was way bigger than usual. Just a few steps from the door there was a mark with two feet, signaling the shooting position.
Our phones chimed with the time starting the countdown. Below the time apparead the face of one of the players, giving him the first turn. A black haired boy took the crossbow with confidence, getting the arrow ready and shooting with efficiency.
“Are you mad at me?” I whispered to Chishiya.
He gave me the eye and grunted. “I clearly remember telling you not to steal my clothes. Are you going deaf?”
I giggled and hid my nose in the hoodie. It smelled like him, one of the very first reasons why I stole it. I love the way he smells of new things, undiscovered fragrances and fresh days. It brought me peace and calm; I felt safe.
“I was cold and couldn’t find anything else. You weren’t supposed to see, I thought you weren’t due yet”.
The first three participants did well, the last one getting too close to the limit but managing anyway. I was next.
Taking an arrow and getting ready for the shooting, I placed myself on the mark and breathed deeply. I didn’t like guns, but I had a good aim when needed. With a clear shot, I gave the crossbow to the next player.
We all passed the room within the time limit and left for the next one. Given the easiness of the first room, a bust of confidence started to grow in each player, so when the target became a pain to shoot, panic bursted in the room.
It was room 4 where the first player died. An old woman that was trembling with fear and exhaustion missed the red circle. She dropped the crossbow and looked at us in fear, grabbing the collar and pulling with force. I walked backwards until I met the opposite wall. Chishiya was next to me, with his eyes locked in the body of the lady going down after the bomb exploded. I couldn’t look at it.
The next player had to move her body to be able to step on the mark, and that was when all of us were aware of the situation. While I knew what the collar meant, some of the participants didn’t.
“I will return it after the game, I promise. Just wait until we finish and I’m able to take something from some mall” I told him walking towards room number 6. No one was talking, so my voice was easy to pick up above the steps of the players. They looked at me from the corner of their eyes, wondering how I was so calm, how I was able to think of something else apart from the game.
Chishiya brought my hood up and placed it on my head, covering my hair with it. “If you don’t bring it back, you will face consequences” And then he walked faster to the next room. I gulped, not wanting to know what would await me if I didn’t. The feeling of his fingers through the strands of my hair still alive on my mind.
Room 8 only held four players. Chishiya and I were with the boy with shooting experience and a girl with short hair. Both of them were young and composed, getting through the game without a word from their lips.
It was getting noticeably difficult. The target was in higher places and getting smaller by the point. A headache was starting to grow and it made me clench my fingers more often, almost making me shoot a moment before I was ready. The pressure of the time was smaller since we were less people, but it meant we took more time to get ready and I was getting nervous.
The four of us made it to room 10. It looked like the last one, extremely difficult with a very small target and too high to comfortably shoot. The boy was called first and he got ready to shoot. His confidence had wavered in the last rooms, same as the rest, but he still made an effort on showing a calm facade.
I was sure he was gonna clear the game. I think all of the players in the room thought so. And I was behind him, waiting for my turn, looking anxiously at the time getting close to the end. But also, we all thought there wasn’t going to happen anything else. No one saw the vents opening and giving a rush of air, making the arrow go a bit to the left and missing the target. It was a soft breeze, but enough to change the course of the arrow.
“No. No, no, no. No! This wasn’t supposed to happen! They didn’t tell! It’s not fair! I was the first one to shoot!” He shouted. He started screaming at us because now we knew about it. He died in the middle of a cry, shaking me from the shoulders. And I just stood there, listening to his cries and too shocked to fight him.
I got all his blood spattered on myself, his dead eyes printed on my mind.
I don’t recall what happened after. I just remember throwing the body of the dead player to one side, taking the crossbow and shooting to the target. I almost missed, having miscalculated the force of the air released by the vents. I think the girl went after me and cleared the game too. We waited until Chishiya shot and stood there, listening to the beeping sound of the phones.
Leaving the hotel next to Chishiya was a bit awkward. He was playing with the card in his hands, looking at it with an interesting face. And he wasn’t talking, not even humming. He liked to point out things about the game after he cleared them, about the rules, the players or the place we played in. But he didn’t. We arrived at the nearest car that was going to the Beach and I made a move to get in. I wasn’t in the mood of walking all the way back, but Chishiya stopped me before I could open the door.
“Nope, you are not coming” He told me, pushing me away from the car.
“What? Why?” I asked, frowning my eyebrows. He pointed to my chest and I looked down. “Oh shit” It was so far gone. There was not a single white spot in the hoodie. It was absolutely red. “Oh fuck, oh no, I’m so sorry”. I looked at him, my face showing full remorse, big eyes asking for forgiveness. I tried to reach him, failing when he moved out of my reach.
He just smirked and shook his head. “I will wait until tomorrow night. You better fix that before then”. And he got in the car, leaving me alone in the street, hands still in the air.
“Chishiya you bastard! I didn’t do it on purpose!”
So there I was, going into every shop I could find, searching for an identical hoodie and taking advantage of the trip to pick a few things for myself. It wasn’t a special hoodie or something, but most of them were either the wrong size or too dirty. I took my precious time looking for a perfect one, also taking some more to give as an apology and for me to match. We would see who would try to steal then.
I had miscalculated the time it would take me to walk back to the Beach. The ride to the game arena was a bit longer than usual, but I didn’t think walking would take me that much.
The sun was going down when I reached the Beach. I was famished and thirsty as hell. I was only able to take a fast lunch and I walked a too long distance. I went straight to the kitchens and I gulped down a full bottle of water with some snacks.
After I was satisfied, I stood and took my bags to my room, putting away the clothes I picked and changing into something clean. Taking the ones I chose for Chishiya, I left my room and went to his.
I knocked and waited until I heard footsteps coming to open the door. I fought a smile miting my lip and tried to remain calm. He opened the door just a bit to see who was knocking, opening fully seeing me there.
“Do you like this one?” I said while turning around and opening my arms. “It’s exactly the same one, size and all, and don’t forget the hood and the pocket!” I watched him lean into the door frame and smirk behind his hair. He gave me a look crossing his arms and letting out a breathy laugh.
I remained serious and gave a sorry look. “I mean, if you don’t like it, I have a few more for you to choose. Here, let me try them on so you can see how they look” Taking the sleeves, I pulled my arms out and started to take the hoodie off in the middle of the corridor.
I heard him moving just when I was about to take it off. Suddenly I was being dragged by the arm and thrown into Chishiya’s room.
I laughed out loud, almost tripping because of the strength and the lack of vision due to the hoodie being over my head. His room smelled like he did and I was high on it.
“Do you need to be such a pain for me to do something?” He said with a smug voice, taking the hoodie completely off me. His dark eyes checked me out and I felt so vulnerable under his gaze that I felt chills running through my body.
Could he be any more handsome? The way this eyes held the whole world’s knowledge made me shiver in both fear and awe. The white strands of hair dancing around his face, making him shine even more. His smile, a rare but precious sight.
His touch was warm and delicate. His fingers went through my hair, to my cheekbones and to my neck, going slowly and leaving me breathless.
I took a step forward and grabbed at his clothes, feeling brave for a moment, getting close to his ear to whisper with a soft and heavy voice: “It worked, didn’t it?” Besides, now I know what it takes to bring you down”.
“You’re on”.
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polarisbibliotheque · 3 years
hello!! I love you and your writing! ^^💕💕
i was wondering if your requests were open? if they are well...
there's this one idea i had and it was about how the Sparda twins would react to meeting an s/o that was somehow taller than them? and what they would think?
it's simple ik but, it got me curious lol
once again, love your stuff- keep it up! you're doing great !! 💕✨✨ ^^
Hey there!! Thank you so much for your kind and beautiful words! It certainly put a smile on my face and made my day better - I would even say worth it! ^^
Well, regarding that idea, I wrote more on what I think rather than a scenario...? Because there is so much going on behind it, I felt like I'd have to explain myself! Hahahaha
Without further ado... Dante and Vergil with an s/o taller than them
Upon first meeting their s/o, I think both Spardas wouldn’t have reactions regarding their height – kinda for different but equal reasons.
Dante wouldn’t say anything and treat them normally simply because it’s Dante. He was mistreated his whole life and decided to live away from society because he has something that makes him different – his demonic half. Given that, I think Dante would be extremely accepting to different people and their ways, even if they were considered “weird” by society’s standards.
I mean, look at the Devil May Cry and the crew. They are all weirdos – Dante is like a home to people who can’t fit in. Therefore, I think he would treat another person taller than him completely normally, not batting a single eye. If they are a hunter like him, Dante would most probably talk about their abilities rather than their height. If they start out as enemies, than yeah, he’d probably make a pun or two regarding their height (picture Dante teasing the hell out of Lady Dimitrescu and making almost sexual puns, in his playful manner, and her answering in the same wavelength – they’d be that sort of “friendly enemies” and it would be the fight of a lifetime. I’d pay to see that).
But you know… His s/o wouldn’t be safe after the curse of intimacy with Dante.
Now for Vergil, I think he wouldn’t say anything regarding the person’s height upon first meeting because Vergil kinda doesn’t care about anything but power – but not that “I need more power” crazed Vergil, so let me elaborate.
Again, Vergil grew up surviving on his own as a demonic outcast. He tried so hard to get rid of his humanity – so he definitely met all kinds of demons and people along the way. And I do mean all kinds. Therefore, I think Vergil is almost on the same wavelength as Dante regarding not caring about people’s backgrounds or differences – but differently than Dante, it isn’t because he is that kind of “if you don’t fit in, be welcome ‘cause there’s no judgement here” sort of person, he’s more like a “I don’t care how the hell you look like or how you present yourself, I care about how powerful you are” in a… Self-defense sort of manner.
You know those people who carefully watch everyone and silently make their acquaintance – in his case, all while gripping the hilt of the Yamato? I think that’s how Vergil reacts to people in general. He doesn’t trust anyone and he will assess how powerful they are to see if they deserve his respect or if he doesn’t have to worry about being suddenly attacked. So, upon meeting a taller s/o, I think he’d be more worried about seeing what their intentions really are than actually minding about such “frivolities” like height. And that goes for friendly or not encounters – differently from Dante, I don’t think he’d banter regarding their height, only regarding their power.
Ok, now… What about established relationships?
Dante would be such a goof. Probably teasing his s/o all the time – but not in a manner to make them feel self-conscious about their height. It’d be more in the lines of “Bet a tall glass of water like yourself can put a demon like me down, wanna test, babe?” or something cheesy like that. He’d be all about those bad pickup lines that would sound so great just because it’s him. Imagine like:
“Wow, is it just me or powerful, beautiful deities are falling from the sky already? ‘Cause ya know, someone wonderful like yourself just can’t be from this Earth.”
“Oh my, you’re awful.”
“It’s my humble human nature, my lovely deity.” Proceeds to bow humbly while his s/o rolls their eyes and laughs at the same time because he is such a certified GOOF.
Also, do expect a lot of worship and Dante jokingly treating them like a deity because “you’re so tall, beautiful and mighty”. He’d most certainly carry this to the bedroom – power plays and worship would definitely ensue… Because you know, he is big, tall and mighty™ all the time, but he’d gladly give it up while around his s/o. I guess it’d be his way to relax from work and from everything he carries from life, you know?
Vergil, I think, would be… Normal. I mean, like I said before, I think he’s more the kind to mind about power than looks – he does have his standards, but I don’t think someone taller would put him off or matter much to him. On this subject, I think Vergil is more used to physically different creatures than Dante – because, well, I think he has more of an experience of living alongside demons instead of just killing them, like his twin brother.
So – and this is a personal opinion – being used to different creatures ever since he started to survive all by himself, and not having much of a normal childhood, Vergil certainly was bound to be used to the more human like ones who are actually taller or much taller than him. For instance, succubus or the likes – beautiful, demonic women who are taller or the same height as the son of Sparda.
I think, again personal opinion, he doesn’t have much of that human notion of “oh, this is so different because it’s so rare to find people like this” – for all demons and humans he encountered in his life were so drastically different from each other and what really matters is what they are thinking and feeling, not how they look like.
That being said, I don’t think Vergil would care much about that. He would love his s/o deeply and care for them, praising their beauty, intellect and – if they fight as well – power. I do think, though, in more intimate settings, Vergil might bring it up, if they have A LOT of trust and intimacy built over time.
Such like, in a very unexpected manner, after bantering a little with their s/o about the most mundane thing, he’d say something like “Well, well, look at who’s thinking height means power” with a slightly fun smile hidden on his lips, clearly as a little joke between them. All in all, he’d only do this as a way to make them laugh or smile, as a little something to amuse them.
Like Dante, I don’t think Vergil is immune to power plays – unlike his brother, though, I think it would take a VERY LONG trust building time to get to that – but I bet Vergil would secretly feel a sort of relief upon giving up the tall, stoic and powerful™ demeanor for a very few moments.
Regarding being protective, I think both are in the same wavelength: they’re protective towards everyone. Period. If they are tall, small, human, half-human, powerful, weak, whatever… Dante and Vergil will protect their s/o fiercely. It doesn’t matter.
Even if their s/o goes like “You know, those guys are half my height, I can take them with one arm strapped behind my back”, Dante would say like “Well, but I’m half demon, I’m stronger than you, babe. Why don’t you sit this one through, huh? I got this.” And Vergil would just go “Don’t you dare move.” And judgement cut everything and everyone around them before they could even say something else.
Phew! That was a long one, right? Hahahahaha I’m so sorry I didn’t really write something and just wrote a lot about what I think, but I felt like it would be interesting sharing this!
I do think for similar and un-similar reasons, they are both very chill people regarding physical appearance/personal tastes of others, precisely because they are outcasts themselves. I thought it would be nice elaborating on that thought rather than writing a situation without explaining ^^
I hope you like it, though! Once more, thanks so much for dropping by and leaving kind words on my ask! It's very much appreciated!!
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kirausamaria · 3 years
I got you all for myself (Stolitz fanfic).
Another silly and fluffy Stolitz’ tk fanfic I wrote. Hope some other better fanfic writers will write their owns because my brain is getting dry  XD. Cheers!
Usually Blitzo would have sex with Stolas until dawn. It was kind of amazing that both of them could last that long, but after waiting for a whole month for their next encounter it was kind of expected that they were so sexually charged.
Blitzo had been thinking about talking with Stolas about meeting more often at night, but he was kind of hesitant to do so. He didn’t want to look too needy, or look vulnerable in front of him. His heart wasn’t completely opened to Stolas yet, but he recognized he enjoyed their time together.
‘Are you going to untie me now darling?’, Stolas asked with a flirty tone. His wrists were still tied to the higher part of the bed, allowing him to stay seated but unable to put his arms down.
‘Not yet. I plan to finish up my cigarette’, Blitzo replied while smoking on the other side of the bed. ‘I won’t give you any this time’, showing Stolas his tongue jokingly.
‘Or perhaps’, Stolas said, ‘you enjoy looking at me like this, am I wrong Blitzy?’. He smiled at Blitzo, making him cough because of the sudden statement.
‘God damnit Stolas! Do you want me to cause a fuc*ing fire over here? I almost let the cigarette fall on the bed!’
‘Well, is that a yes, then?’ Stolas continued with his teasing.
‘Could you stop with all that crap already?’, Blitzo answered while poking Stolas’ side several times, making him giggle. ‘You won’t want to keep bothering me while still being tied like that’.
‘And what if I keep going Blitzy? Am I making you blush?’ Stolas winked at him in a sexy way, predicting what it would happen if he did.
‘Ok, I warned you, time for you to be punished for being such an annoying bird!’ Blitzo put the cigarette down, sat behind Stolas and started scratching his ribs.
‘Ahahahaha!, Blitzy, please, hahaha!’
‘Don’t give me that sh*t now! You started this, now suck it up!’
‘Both my hands are tied up! This isn’t fair, hehehe!’
‘Maybe, but I enjoy torturing you so who cares?’
Blitzo then started tickling Stolas’ underarms, making him squirm frantically and trying to get away, but he could only lift on his legs a little on the bed.
‘Ahahahaha! Not there! I’m begging you!’
‘You can’t tell me what to do, even as a Prince! I can do anything I want to you’, Blitzo said while smiling mischievously at him. ‘What about this, I will tickle you on your favorite spot so you’ll stop complaining, what do you think?’.
‘Oh no, nohohohoho!’, Stolas answered between giggles as Blitzo’s wiggling claws were getting closer and closer to his neck. Blitzo knew this kind of teasing was making him laugh more. Stolas just prepared for the attack, closing his eyes and trying to cover his neck with his arms while snickering.
When Blitzo’s claws touched his neck, Stolas let out a very loud squeal followed by cute giggles. Blitzo wasn’t wrong, Stolas neck was really sensitive and even when being kissed and nibbled there was unbearably ticklish for him, he would enjoy every second of it, as he never tried to put Blitzo away and still exposed his neck to him while getting on.
‘Ahahaha! No! Stahahahahap! Dohohohon’t use your claws! Just use your lips as you always dohohoho!’.
‘My lips, huh?’, Blitzo said while smiling at the cute owl prince. ‘Can’t see why not. Well, you asked for it!’. Blitzo then proceeded to get close to Stolas neck for what seemed to be a kiss, but ended up being a strong and loud raspberry  on the crook of his neck.
‘NOHOHOHO! AHAHAHAHA! Not like that! It 's too much!’
‘Sorry, still not done!’. Blitzo then blew up a raspberry on the other side of his neck, while nuzzling on his feathers in order to make the tickling stronger.
‘AHAHAHAHA! *hic*, AHAHAHA! Pleaseee, I can’t take it!’
‘Oh, don’t come up to me with that sh*t!  You can get away from this whenever you want to! Who’d believe such a powerful royalty demon could be converted into a puddle of giggles so easily!’
Blitzo wasn’t wrong. Stolas was a very strong demon who could easily beat almost anyone without any effort, but being dominated by his beloved top imp Blitzo was too tempting for him to run away from, and being tickled silly from time to time wasn’t that bad. Stolas not trying to untie himself and letting Blitzo to do as he pleased was really a big sign of trust.
‘AHAHAHA *hoot*, HAHAHAHA! *hoot* *hic*’
‘Ha, you have started with the hooting, haven’t you? God, what would your enemies do to you if they knew you are this ticklish? You would be so done!’,Blitzo then hugged Stolas’ waist with his legs from behind in order to restrain him even more and drilled his fingers into his ribs.
Stolas started squirming harder, melting into laughter to the point of tearing up. Blitzo then scratched an underarm with one claw and the neck with the other. It was then when Stolas started begging for real.
‘Alright alright, I’ll stop. Hope you learned your lesson!’ Blitzo got down from Stolas and untied him. Stolas just let himself fall completely into the bed still giggling and cleaning up his tears with the bedsheets.
‘Hehehehe *hic*, oh my, that was a little too much Blitzy! I’m crying now!’
‘As you deserve it! I would make you suffer for much longer but I got tired of listening to your cute owl voice so I’d rather forgive you this time’.
Stolas suddenly stopped giggling.
         ‘What what?’
‘What did you just say?’
         ‘About what?’
        ‘Do you think my voice is cute?’
Blitzo just then realized what he had said, and of course he tried to deny it.
‘What? I didn’t! Why would I say that?!’
‘That’s exactly what you just said!’
‘That’s not true, F off!’
Stolas then hugged him from behind then and softly whispered on Blitzo’s ear:
‘Please Blitzy, let me hear it...tell me you love my voice’.
Blitzo shuddered from the tingling sensations entering his ear, he squirmed trying to escape Stolas’ teasing.
‘You jerk! Let me go!’
‘Why? Is this making you blush? Does my voice fluster you that much?’, Stolas said while giggling.
‘Shut up! That’s not it!’, Blitzo replied. He didn’t want Stolas to realize how flustered he was. Also, Stolas’ soft voice was too close to him, to the point of tickling him. He tried to avoid any giggling but it was hard to achieve with his cute boyfriend teasing him.
‘Don’t you love when I’m this close to you like this?’,Stolas continued, now kissing the nape of Blitzo’s neck. That was the final straw: Blitzo left some giggles come out and that just made Stolas more enthusiastic about teasing him.
‘Please, Stolas! Stop! It feels weihihihird!’
‘Oh, is my cute little imp’s neck ticklish too? You’re so adorable!’ Stolas knew that teasing Blitzo messed up with him more than he would ever admit, so he just kept going until he was able to make him confess.
‘Are both my voice and kisses making you melt Blitzy? Oh, you’re so giggly and blushy right now’.
‘Shuhuhuhut up! Just stop already!’ Blitzo wasn’t yelling in anger or anything, he was just laughing at this point, so he wasn’t intimidating at all. Then Stolas tried something else to break him: he started caressing Blitzo’s ribs with his claws just enough to be ticklish. Blitzo doubled the efforts to escape.
‘Nohohoho! Not the ribs!’
‘Why is that? I know here is your favorite tickle spot Blitzy, you laugh your heart out every time’, Stolas said, still whispering in his ear.
‘That’s not truhuhuhue! Stahahahahap, it tickles!’
‘What if I tell you I can make you more ticklish than this?’, Stolas replied in a flirty way. Then he moved Blitzo on a way half of his body was out the bed and hanging, while pinning his legs so he couldn’t stand up and reach him with his arms because of gravity. Blitzo started begging while giggling nervously.
‘Dohohon’t you dare Stolas!’
‘You know what you need to say to make it stop, darling’.
Then the torture began: Stolas started tickling Blitzo’s torso from the waist down to his ribs. Sometimes he would scratch, other times he would dig his claws on him. Blitzo couldn’t lift his arms high enough to stop it.
‘Of course not, I would never do anything to hurt you my cute Blitzy. I just love you so much!’,Stolas cooed while scratching his underarms.
‘YOU F***ING A**HOLE! JUST WAIHIHIHIT UNTIL I’M FREE!’, Blitzo let out a scream followed by a loud laugh. Tears started to form in his eyes.
‘Oh, but you’re not free now, I got you all for myself sweetie’, Stolas replied while his fingers scattered on Blitzo’s full torso.
‘Just repeat what you said and I’ll stop’, Stolas answered  and started nibbling and munching on Blitzo's side while still using his hands on his neck and one of his underarms. ‘Will you please say it for me?’
Stolas finally stopped. Blitzo was so exhausted he was unable to get up by himself so Stolas lifted him up, put him on his lap and hugged him while was still catching up his breath and giggling.
‘That’s one of the sweetest things you have ever said to me!���, Stolas said while squeezing the living hell out of Blitzo.
‘Please let me breathe, I’m about to pass out!’
‘Oh, sorry, did I go a little too far?’, Stolas said in an innocent tone  while trying to hold up his laughter for watching Blitzo so flustered and tired to the point of not fighting his hug.
‘You know what you were doing you jerk! God damnit, I’m crying too’.
Stolas covered him in a softer embrace and whispered to him: ‘I love you so much Blitzy’. Blitzo’s face got red, but he didn’t give any smart a*s comeback, he just slowly put his arms around Stolas’ waist. They stayed like this in silence for a whole minute.
‘Hey, do you want to go out somewhere and get some coffee? It’s a nice day to go outside and the leaves are already changing color’, Stolas said while caressing Blitzo’s cheeks with his hands.
‘Alright, but if you try to tickle me in public you’ll go literally thought hell when we go back home, I warn you’.
‘Understood’, Stolas replied while rubbing his cheek on Blitzo’s face, making him blush more.
Thanks for reading my dumb fanfic. Feel free to give me tip if you want on streamlabs. www.streamlabs.com/tip/kirausamaria
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simply-zhouye · 3 years
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Zhou Ye: The Wonderful Ideas of Lotte Girls // Esquire Fine photoshoot & interview ~ a really wonderful interview with Yezi!
Read rough translation of interview below: https://mp.weixin.qq.com/s/lY3oBM51ytlua7S8ZRdmlw
The lively character is like jumping candy, and the crisp voice is like summer honeydew. It can be a cute angel or a rebellious girl. Who wouldn't like a beautiful and free girl? We met Zhou Ye at a claw machine shop, and she caught the one she wanted five times!
Zhou Ye didn't laugh when shooting the magazine blockbuster, but she liked to laugh privately.
In the eyes of the people around, she is a simple and lively little girl, born optimistic, loves to joke, and loves to share all the fun and delicious. After catching up with the good-looking drama, she will also be ambitious to everyone, even if she encounters any troubles, she It will be resolved soon. She denied the title of "Girl's Heart"-when she was not working, she liked to lie at home and chase dramas, and science fiction and fantasy were her dishes. She enthusiastically gave an example. There is an American drama called "Stranger Things". It is about a little boy who disappeared in a small town in the United States. Everyone went to find him and found that there was an entrance to another world, exactly the same as this world. , But there is no one in that world. Such a story attracts her even more.
A few days ago, she took a four-day holiday, "very satisfied!" During the holiday, she made appointments with a few good friends for dinner, went to the playground, and watched dramas. If the vacation is longer, she would prefer to go home and stay with her family. Playing with mom and dad, playing with grandpa and grandmother, the family finds a beautiful place to go camping, and if you don’t go out, you can play mahjong with the whole family. She can stay away from looking at her mobile phone for a day.
Asked this girl who is not so girly what she wants, she said, "Now I want to accomplish everything in the moment, and every day will be better than the day before!"
Therefore, Zhou Ye, who hopes to be more progressive, raised his face and chatted with us about serious matters.
Before, people often said to me, "I like your performance of "Youth", but now everyone talks more about "Shanhe Ling". Let’s start the conversation with "The Order of Mountains and Rivers".
Gu Xiang in the play is a girl who is cold on the outside and warm on the inside. She helped Cao Weining, Zhang Chengling, and the singing sisters, but it didn't mean that she trusted them. She just felt that these people were very pitiful. Because Gu Xiang was picked up by her master when she was a child, she felt sorry for them and wanted to protect them.
She is defensive to everyone, and she will not trust anyone easily. In terms of character, Gu Xiang and I are a bit like. Both are more lively. What we don't quite resemble is our life experience and living environment.
When I first finished reading the script of "The Order of Mountains and Rivers", I loved Gu Xiang from the bottom of my heart. Gu Xiang grew up in Guigu where she was killed and beaten everywhere. Although she was lucky enough to meet Wen Kexing, the master who protected her, the rivers and lakes were sinister and Gu Xiang never really relaxed. Therefore, she can only protect herself by fierce methods. She looks acrimonious, slurs and curses, and she has to fight or kill at every turn. She looks very fierce and cruel, but her heart is really innocent and special. Kindness. When encountering people like Cao Weining, Zhang Chengling, and the singing sister Hua, Gu Xiang will rescue them and help them beat the gangsters. 
Many audience friends felt that the ending of Gu Xiang and Cao Weining was too miserable when they watched "The Order of Mountains and Rivers". Gu Xiang originally didn't know what the outside world was like. After she came to the world, she met Big Brother Cao, and the two people who loved each other were about to be happy. Unexpectedly, on the day of the wedding, Gu Xiang lost her lover so much that she would fight herself Life. I am also uncomfortable with this ending. It is not easy for them to get to this day. Why can't they live well? If I were to write an ending, it would definitely be two people living together happily forever.
For me, playing Gu Xiang should be more difficult than playing. This is my first time shooting a costume drama, and also my first time shooting a martial arts drama. "Shanhe Ling" really has a lot of martial arts, because it tells the story of the rivers and lakes, so I joined the group some time before I started, and learned some moves from the martial arts masters. 
In retrospect, the scene of the wedding was the most memorable. I had been shooting for three days in a row. I had been beating, killing, and hanging off Wia, and I would beat off some hair accessories from my hair. I didn't dare to hang on Wia at first, and the costume was so thick that I could easily trip on my feet. But I can’t take care of this when I shoot. This is Gu Xiang’s most emotional scene. I feel the same for Gu Xiang and can’t help crying. Until the end of my cry, I can’t tell whether my face is tears or saliva. , I hope that through this scene, everyone can feel Gu Xiang’s pain.
For me at this stage, whether it is a role that is more similar to myself or a completely different role, I am willing to give it a try. If the character of a character is very pleasing, I will have a sense of substitution when I read the script, I will like it, and I will really want to play it. 
In fact, my interest in acting began after I was in college. When I was a child, I learned piano, and I was not very sensible at that time. I thought it would be fine to play the piano every day after growing up and collect tickets. After being admitted to the Beijing Film Academy, we often watch movies. When the directors see their favorite movies, they will think "I can make such a great movie in the future". I am in the acting department, so I hope I can do it in the future. Acting in a particularly powerful movie may be the influence of the school atmosphere. I still remember that I watched some old movies when I was in school. I really liked "Scent of a Woman" and Marlon Brando. He played "The Godfather" very well.
In the film school, we had a lot of opportunities to meet the director and the crew. We tried again and again, and slowly met scenes that were willing to use our young actors, and started the road to filming. I will definitely read the script several times before filming. In addition to my own role, I have to read the whole story, write a short biography of the character, and talk to everyone at the script reading meeting. For example, when shooting "Ah Cradle", I often consulted sister Haiqing and the director. In the filming of "Youth in Youth", I would also ask the director: The girl I played has such a good family, why does she bully her classmates? The director told me that because her parents had very strict education for her, she was required to be particularly good since she was a child. She was under tremendous pressure and kept suppressing it, so she vented the pressure by bullying her classmates.
When taking the play, I don't worry about people comparing my previous works or achievements, as long as my requirements for myself will not change. My request is to do my best to shape each role. Every time I finish filming a film, I will have a certain evaluation of myself, and I will also look at other people's evaluations of me, as well as the opinions given to me by my predecessors, to integrate these. Every time, I hope I can do better next time. 
Up to now, I have been shooting for a few years, and I feel that I am not a talented actor, and I have to be a model worker. However, the sisters who brought me to the management team said that my biggest change and improvement is that I am more independent than before. When I first started filming, I would hide in the room and cry by myself every time I joined the group, especially wanting to go home.
Now I am more comfortable with the life of the crew than before. When I first joined the group, I still felt a little homesick. I hope to finish the filming soon, and become familiar with everyone. After work, I will play with the actors in the same group. When I was resting, I was playing with werewolf killing or something, so happy, I didn't want to kill it. I didn't want to be successful when I was filming "Shanhe Ling", and the same was true when filming "Ah Cradle". As actors, it seems that we can go to different places every time we film. In fact, there is not much time to spend in the local area, but we can eat a lot of local delicacies.
As I said just now, I want to do everything right now, and the current week is the best week.
 Do you often dream? Please share a dream that is more imaginative.
Zhou Ye:
I sometimes dream. Once, I dreamed that I received an acceptance letter from an owl, took the Hogwarts Express train to the magic school to learn magical magic, visited Hogsmeade Village, and met so many new friends. .
What is your dream day like? How to spend it?
Zhou Ye:
At this stage, my dream day is to sleep in late, and after waking up, I will lie in bed and watch a drama or hang out with my friends or watch a drama.
How to arrange the dream holiday? Stay at home or go out to play?
Zhou Ye:
Of course, it is best to have two days, so you can stay at home one day and go out to play one day!
What about the journey of your dreams? With whom, where to go, and how to play?
Zhou Ye:
With your family, you can go to the beach or play paragliding.
What is your dream job announcement?
Zhou Ye:
Go to Universal Studios to shoot hahahaha, I really want to go!
What kind of "dream skills" do you want to have?
Zhou Ye:
Which era is the dream era? why?
Zhou Ye:
Now, now is the best time. Grasp the moment.
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cheri-translates · 3 years
[CN] Gavin’s R&S - Minor’s Memos
🍒This R&S (韩野的备忘录) is part of the Dream Heart Lake event which has not been released in EN🍒
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More r&s from the event: 
> minor’s memos ♡
> tilted time
> little bro’s self-cultivatiion
> ashes
[ Chapter 1 ]
The First Memo
I was beaten up.
This morning, I was especially courageous and pasted a "Evil Spirit Begone" challenge letter on the school bully’s lunchbox. But I didn’t stop myself and pasted too many. The other party brought five people and cornered me in a small alley. I straightened my back, but felt a chill. What happened in the end were the four words I started off with... I was beaten up. With a bloody nose and a swollen face, I suddenly felt that there truly weren’t any heroes in this era... Even an ardent youth like me had to face such tribulation...
Suddenly, a pair of white sneakers stood before my eyes. Lifting my red and swollen eyes with difficulty, all I saw was an icy outline. He reached out to grab the neck of one of the school bullies, and had a sharp look in his eyes!
Oh my... It was actually Se! Nior! Ga! Vin!
Today, I finally witnessed what was a true 1 v 5 looked like. Gavin blew the dust off his hands, lowering his eyes and giving me a glance before leaving. Quick-wittedly, I tugged on the bottom of his trouser leg.
Senior turned out to be just as cold and indifferent as the legends said. During the entire process, he only said one word - “Scram”.
He’s such a MAN!
Hence, there’s a small goal in my heart. I want to learn the supreme feat of Senior’s 1 v 5!
The Second Memo
I looked for Senior many times, but was mercilessly ignored by him... He was either wholly absorbed in drinking water, or wholly absorbed in sleeping... I decided that I had to take the initiative! So, I came up with a plan to perfectly understand Senior.
Cough cough.
With this, I started embarking on the dull and dry life of “tracking” Senior. At 7.30am, Senior would appear at the school gate punctually, carrying a flat schoolbag. I don’t know if there are any books in it... Forget it, is that the main point? Nope!
After Senior reaches school, the first thing he does is head to the small kiosk in the north to! Buy! Breakfast! Does he actually lead such an ordinary life too? I even thought an existence like Senior’s should be above worldly affairs, and that he wouldn’t eat the food of common mortals! Hey hey hey! It seems that Senior really likes to eat fishballs? He’s been eating them for three consecutive days!!! Isn’t it good to change it to something else?!!!
During class, I deliberately went around the upper levels where the Year 3 seniors were, pretentiously passing by Senior’s window. Of course, Senior typically wouldn’t appear in the classroom at all. But!!! He was here today!!!!
As expected, he was assigned to sit in the last row, and was sleeping without restraint...
Did nobody care?! Wait, why am I feeling envious?
After school, Senior walked around, and I had no idea where he was headed to. Finally, he walked into the library. I couldn’t help but think - Senior really lives life as he pleases...
Huh? Hang on! Why would the Underworld Senior go to the library?!
He not only went to the library, but the thing which startled me even more till my jaw dropped was - I saw Senior helping the prettiest girl in class retrieve a book from the shelf!
He even... s-smiled...
Had my vision gone blurry? This was the Underworld Senior who’s said to be cold, unruly, and scares girls away?!
[ Chapter 2 ]
The Third Memo
I was beaten up again...  Writing these words is truly lamentable... Why did I have to rescue that stupid, unsophisticated and immoral four-eyed boy? But isn’t that what a hero does? What this era needs is a hero like me!
...this era might also not need such a weak hero like me...
That’s what I thought when I was pressed against the ground and punched by a school bully. My conviction was about to collapse. All of a sudden, I recalled the sharp look in Senior Gavin’s eyes. It’d have been nice if he were around...
Perhaps God happened to hear my wish, and Senior descended from the sky! With a dashing left uppercut, the other party lay on the ground, and I was moved to tears. 
Senior asked, why do you keep causing trouble for yourself? I very righteously said that it’s because I wanted to be a hero, and couldn’t stand to see school bullies targeting the weak. Senior then said, don’t you know that they call me a school bully?
In my heart, I responded that I knew. But I shook my head very firmly. The look he was giving me suddenly had a hint of bewilderment added to it... like he was looking at a... hm? An idiot? ...
Senior is very difficult to understand. He even told me about what true heroism was, which went beyond the words I recognised from Senior. He actually said two sentences! I’ll note them down, I’ll note them down...
Who cares about him! From what I see, heroism is about rushing to the rescue when one sees injustice!
The Fourth Memo
Today, I! Was! A! Hero!
I was following Senior around secretly today, though I don’t know how many days it’s been, and encountered Senior being ambushed! Those guys were the school bullies who beat me up the last time! A total of ten people were there! Terrible! Tyranny of the majority! How could I, Minor, allow such a situation to happen!
Without much thought, I rushed forward to help Senior! Of course, I was beaten up yet again... but I discovered one of Senior’s nuclear abilities-
1 v 10! Too dashing, too dashing. I don’t think Superman, X-Men or Iron Man are as dashing! Senior is a god in my eyes!
But Senior was very cold. He said two words to me which left me utterly heartbroken: courting death.
Feeling wronged, I told him that I wasn’t courting death. This was what heroism meant to me. 
Senior scoffed, then told me not to follow him around sneakily in the future, because it was annoying.
What what what? Was my perfect “Understanding Plan” exposed since a long time ago?!
For some reason, I spoke up at this moment. “Senior, I saw you handing a book to the prettiest girl in class... Are you...”
Senior coughed, then covered his mouth with a hand... W-was he actually blushing!!!!? Oh my goodness - did I discover something disgraceful? Senior actually blushed! If I say it out loud, would I get silenced?!!
[ Chapter 3 ]
The Fifth Memo
On the first day of becoming Senior’s, oh wait - Bro Gavin’s little brother, hehe, made me feel like I was suddenly floating. Today, I finally walked beside him in broad daylight, and felt as if a gust of wind was blowing past while walking hahahaha! I saw people looking me with that gaze! That~ Gaze~
But I never expected Bro Gavin to be so strict... All I did was mention casually that someone gave the prettiest girl in class a love letter again, and Bro Gavin suddenly got angry, and asked me to grab those people over.
Catching people is really tiring. I had to run to several classrooms, and it was really annoying to move personnel. In the future, I definitely wouldn’t do such work.
Bro Gavin glanced at them and didn’t say anything. Was I supposed to save the show?? After recalling how teachers typically lecture me, I copied them wholesale and gave them a lecture: At this young age, they should concentrate on their studies instead of fooling around.
[Note] I translated “copied them wholesale” from “原封不动”, which literally translated to “not touching the original envelope”. This is a beautiful choice of idiom because that’s exactly what Minor did later on LOL T^T
Seeing the fear and trepidation in their eyes, I became even more excited.
While I was lecturing them happily, Bro Gavin walked over and only said one thing: Get the love letters back. If you scare her, don’t blame me for being difficult.
Wow, Bro Gavin is so cool! Come to think of it, did I discover a little secret that I shouldn’t be aware of? For example, that Bro Gavin’s feelings towards the prettiest girl in class are actually..
The Sixth Memo
I think Bro Gavin is most likely, indeed, and definitely in love. Recently, I became Bro Gavin’s private detective, specialising in focusing on the prettiest girl in class. Maybe next time, I should change the way I address the prettiest girl in class to “Sis-in-law”... Well, since the ancient times, heroes have always loved beauties!
As of now, Bro Gavin isn’t really Bro Gavin anymore -
He hangs out in the library every day. If you want to know where Bro Gavin is, all you have to do is ask where the prettiest girl in class is... He no longer fights, no longer goes to the sports field, and no longer plays ball games anymore. He’s like a salted fish which has lost its dreams. And he actually started reading “5 Years of College Examinations and 3 Years of Sample Questions”... I just want to cry.
[Note] “5 Years of College Examinations and 3 Years of Sample Questions” (”5年高考3年模拟”) is a supplementary book for college entrance examinations used in China!
At noon, we had a PE class together, and I excitedly told Bro Gavin that Sis-in-law had chosen basketball! I initially thought Bro Gavin would snatch up a territory to play basketball. In the end, Bro Gavin hauled me over to the nearby volleyball court...
He said that it was a good place.
Good? What’s good about it? My basketball... I still wanted to display my coolness!
Afterwards, I found out that, tsk tsk, Bro Gavin was truly very sly...
The volleyball court was actually even closer to Sis-in-law’s location as compared to other basketball courts!
When I almost accidentally smashed the ball on Sis-in-law’s head, it was blocked by Bro Gavin, who was far away... How did Bro Gavin do it?!
He actually ran diagonally across the volleyball court so quickly?!!! Does he have some special ability? Will it appear!
But Bro Gavin isn’t attuned to flirtatious expressions at all...
[Note] I translated “flirtatious expressions” from the term “风情”, which literally translates to “information about the wind”
When Sis-in-law thanked him, his face was even colder than when he’s facing me... And when I “accidentally” pushed Sis-in-law onto Bro Gavin! He actually gave me a merciless killer glare. Just thinking about it makes my heart feel pained...
He didn’t recognise my good intentions, sob sob sob sob.
[ Chapter 4 ]
The Seventh Memo
Today, I saw another side of Bro Gavin! That is - the Bro Gavin at the sports meet! He’s such a MAN!!!
In the ten-lap long-distance race in the sports field, Bro Gavin won the first place, leaving the second place runner far behind him by three laps. He didn’t even pant!
What kind of supreme feat is this? Before, I used to think that he was only super capable in fighting. Looks like there are many other things I have to learn from Bro Gavin!
It was only today when I realised that although Bro Gavin is so fierce and is always called an Underworld Senior, he seems to be really popular, based on how the female students looked as if they were about to glue their eyes onto Bro Gavin’s body -
Ah, I just want to “tsk tsk”.
Bro Gavin seemed to be in a good mood, but when I asked him to teach me 1 v 10, he assigned me to work as a private detective again...
He was very concerned about Sis-in-law’s sprint. Perhaps he’s a tsundere or something, so he didn’t go himself, and insisted that I went instead. He even tossed his phone to me.
What’s that supposed to mean? His phone? Did he mean that I should sneak pictures? Am I, Minor, such a person?
I called out to Sis-in-law. She turned her head, and I managed to secretly photograph an utterly beautiful side profile. It looked really good. This time, Bro Gavin would definitely teach me 1 v 10, right?
In the end, he! Did! Not!
Bro Gavin is someone who values a lover more than his little bro!
What can I say? I had no choice but to squat at the side and watch Bro Gavin staring at the picture on his phone, occasionally revealing an unusual smile... 
Oh my, Bro Gavin smiled again!!!! It makes me feel frightened!!!!
Love makes people lose their minds!!!
[ Chapter 5 ]
The Eighth Memo
Bro Gavin looks very low-spirited recently. If he was a salted fish with no dreams before, then I reckon that right now, he’s not even a salted fish... He seems to have fallen in love with being in a daze lately.
After being in a daze in the piano room, he’d be in a daze in the library, continuously staring at the empty seat where Sis-in-law used to sit, and I have no idea what he’s thinking about. 
But I really didn't expect a person who sleeps in class to be in a daze in the library for an entire afternoon... Did Bro Gavin and Sis-in-law have a fight recently?
Very curious, I asked around, and found out that for some reason, Sis-in-law has been hurrying off after school, and no longer goes to the library nor the piano room. I also heard that she’s been doing her revision for exams at home... Could it be that she’s hiding from Bro Gavin?
Oh my god, why don’t I write an eight o'clock soap opera with such an imagination? It might even become popular!
Returning to the original topic... should I tell Bro Gavin about this? If Bro Gavin also thinks that Sis-in-law is hiding from him, he might be heartbroken.
I’m worried...
The Ninth Memo
Bro Gavin disappeared for quite a long time, and finally returned today! But he brought with him a body full of injuries, and it’s very worrying because I didn’t know what happened! He also stuffed a letter to me, saying that it was for Sis-in-law. Even though the envelope was flat and smooth, it had a lot of blood stains.
Did Bro Gavin do something dangerous? He bled so much! I asked him to go to the hospital but he refused... Bro Gavin is truly too wilful!
But he is really different today. Why do I feel like I’m handling funeral arrangements? Touch wood!
He also said that he’d teach me 1 v 10 when he we meet again... Wow! If Bro Gavin wasn’t hurt, I’d have wanted to pounce on him and give him a peck! Bro Gavin is the most dashing! Bro Gavin is the coolest!
Come to think of it, Bro Gavin is about to take the college entrance examinations, and the seniors from the graduating classes have been pretty sad recently. The next meeting Bro Gavin mentioned was probably summer vacation? Hehe, I’m looking forward to it a little!
In that case, while Bro Gavin isn’t around, I’ll be the one to help Sis-in-law block off all the rotten apples!
Other men, don’t even think of approaching my Sis-in-law!
She! Is! Bro! Gavin’s!
The Final Memo
During the entire summer vacation... I didn't see Bro Gavin...
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More from the Dream Heart Lake event: here
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kenrik · 3 years
I’ve written a lot of GoUta fics,
Sharing all of them here would take forever. So, just sharing my favorites!
First and foremost, however, I want to say that I adore, absolutely adore (and find myself always re-reading!) onemoreword’s works. These fics are the pinnacle of everything I could want from GoUta. The world this author has created, the grasp they have of the characters -
onemoreword’s writing is simple and straightforward, yet so beautiful, so haunting. They’re the best for me, in a ship with so many awesome authors and stories already. UwU
PrettyKittyLuvsU also holds a special place in my heart! 
Their fics are just so pure and deep. Mine’s are really just surface, just to get me through my brainrot fics. 🤣 I’m trying to write stories with deeper insight into the characters in canon, but, it’s taking me forever to build a story. The rules set by the JJK world, their dynamics, the tone I want to achieve of their relationship, are all so tedious to factor in. Most of what I’ve written are AUs and fluff because I just put in the bickering and teasing and call it a day. xD
I’m trying with Still Blue, This Black Sky, but it’s a new fic. And I’ve just come up with a plot. I’m only updating once I have a draft of the entire story. Posting without one is a pain, I lost my way a lot with 01 and Cast Away. 
I also reread my fics! I write fanfics after all, so I can read my HCs. Hahahaha
So, if you happen to find my fics fun to read too, we’re in the same boat! xD
Ao3 says I’ve written 21 JJK stories. 🤣🤣
This shipper’s brainrot is too real, too potent. 🤣🤣 I can’t even with my self.  🤣🤣  
Here are my favorite stories to reread - 
1. Drinking Parties - Canon-Compliant, Funny
A series of oneshots following GoUta go from bar to bar. 
And now, there they were. At their drinking party. The drinking party where Gojo said everyone would be going to. It would be fun, he told her. Everyone would have a such a blast, he said.
Honestly, Utahime could only blame herself for being foolish enough to believe him.
This damn idiot. She thought with a glare as she slammed her mug of beer on the table.
"You're really mad." Gojo looks at her with a curiosity. "Why?"
Why? Utahime seethed. "Where the hell is everyone?!" She threw her glass at him. And his infinity just catapulted it away and made a shattering mess on the floor.
"That wasn't nice, Utahime." He shakes his head at her. "It's that time of the month, huh?"
Utahime flushes red the next second. And with an embarrassed cry, she reached out for Gojo's very own glass and flung it at him as well.
"You're paying!" She screamed at him in finality when she's gotten tired of his stupid infinity. And she drops back to her seat and yells for the waitress to serve them a round of beer.
"Drink!" She barks at him when he was just playing with his glass. "Drinking party, my ass." She grumbles to the rim of her mug. And she downed her drink in one go.
2. The Clearing - Series of AUs, Japanese Folklore AU, Samurai AU, Pirate AU
A series of AUs covering soulmates over the course of history.
(Pirate AU)
They were cruising in the high seas when Satoru was leaning on his back against a wooden pillar, idly sharpening his knife. He was whistling to himself when a crew member walks up to him with an anxiousness about him.
"Um, captain," He didn't know what to say; how to say it. "I think I found a stowaway."
Satoru turned to him with a dangerous twitch in his eye.
"What?" He spits with a venom.
And in the next instant, a woman in menswear was thrown before him at the deck.
He took it as a personal offense that anyone dared board his ship without his express approval. Let alone a woman. He spat at her gall. He would have her head, he thinks to himself in a growing spite.
"The sharks are going to be full today." He tells his crew coldly as he looked at the woman who didn't dare face him, whose angry gaze was directed to the wooden floorboards.
"Have any final words before you die?" He asks her to make peace with her inevitable demise.
And when she doesn't speak, Satoru just waves a lazy hand, signaling to his crew to just get it over with.
But before anyone could touch the woman, she speaks in a low voice, "I'll do anything."
Satoru turns to her with a confusion, with a raised brow.
And she suddenly looks up at faces him with a fierce glare in her eyes.
"I'll do anything! So, let me stay on board!" She cries. And her hands clench against the wooden boards; the smell of the ocean consuming her; the adventure she's yearned for her whole life was so close she could taste it. "Let me stay!"
Satoru leans back, surprised.
Then, he starts to smile a sinister smile.
"Do you even know what you're saying?"
Utahime clenches her jaw.
"Do you have any idea where we're going?" He laughs at her dryly and crouches down at her; his face patronizing.
"You won't last a day with us."
"You'll get raped."
"You'll get killed."
"You might even just stub your toe and start crying for your mom." He laughs at how ridiculous she was.
Then, he pokes her cheek with the dull end of his knife.
"Don't be stupid."
I can’t even begin to say how much I love this Pirate AU. I love all the AUs in this story. I love everything I write honestly, even if it’s just plain crack. xD 
But, they’re just so cute in this AU. I love them so much. And I owe readers a sequel.... 🤣🤣
3. the most valuable relationship to a sorcerer is friendship - Canon-Compliant, Friends at a wedding, Have a serious conversation, about their life as sorcerers
Uta and Satoru find themselves attending the wedding of a mutual friend. 
He finds her in a bar alone, nursing a drink. And when her gaze drifts from her beverage to him, she almost spits out her drink.
"What are you doing here?!" She cried at him in dismay. And Gojo just chuckled as he approached her.
"You don't have to be so mad about it." He tells her with a small smile. "I'm on vacation."
"You take vacations?" She narrowed her eyes at him.
"Occasionally." Gojo grins at her. "Rarely." He adds. And Utahime frowns at him when he eventually says, "Mostly never."
"You here for the wedding?"
And he laughs again when Utahime just turns away with a deep sigh.
"I am." She sips her drink. And, she fights back the twitch in her eye when Gojo takes the empty seat next to her.
"Shall we go together, then?"
Utahime turns to frown at him.
"You think I came here alone?" She hisses at him in disbelief.
And Gojo just smiles at her. "Didn't you?" Then, he laughs when Utahime relents.
"Fine." She sighs. "I still can't accept that out of everyone I know, I run into you, you of all people, in Hawaii." She groaned to the heavens. And Gojo just chuckles. "In Hawaii, Gojo. Why?" She cried to the heavens for an answer. Why did they have to keep torturing her?
"Must have been something you did in a past life." Gojo offers with a laugh, resting his cheek on the palm of his hand.
Beside him, Utahime's face soured.
4. Sweet - Modern AU, Barista Utahime, Cafe Shop
Uta is worried about the health of one of her regulars. 
"I can't, in good conscience, serve you anymore bubble tea."
"You took an oath or something?" He smirks. "Not to over serve poor salarymen with a sweet tooth?"
Utahime raises a brow and bites back her laugh.
"So," The man leaned over the counter with his smile, looking down at the selection of drinks in the menu laid on the bar. "What would you recommend I get?"
"An americano." She simply tells him and slips cups for a previous order into the plastic melder to seal them.
"All right." The patron smiles, too wide, and too familiar for Utahime's liking.
What was wrong with this guy, she couldn't help but frown in discomfort.
"But, add three tablespoons of honey." The man adds, and laughs at the look of disbelief on Utahime's face. "What? Honey's not sugar."
"It is..." Utahime couldn't believe this guy. "Whatever." She sighs and prepares his order. But, instead of the three spoonfulls of honey, she put a single teaspoon.
And when he drinks it in front of her, she laughs out loud at the disgusted, sour look on his face. And he demanded she give him five packets of sugar.
5. Immature - Canon-Compliant, Gojo “teasing” Utahime, First Meeting, Childhood GoUta
Uta finally meets the kid with the Six Eyes. 
When the family before them leaves, when they're presented as the Iori house, Utahime is fuming red. But she bites her tongue and keeps her mouth shut in respect for her parents, for her relatives around her.
And when she sees how the six year old looked at her condescendingly, slouched forward on his seat, looking at her with his calculating eyes, seemingly appraising her; she starts to shake in a growing rage.
Then, he smirks. The six year old smirks at her.
And something inside her snaps when he tells her, when he chuckles and tells her,
"Did you know?" He smirks at her with a chuckle in his lips. "Did you know you're so weak?"
Red with rage, before her mother could stop her again, Utahime cries out and angrily grabs the empty juice box in front of her; and she throws it at the six year old; hitting him square on the face.
And he flushes. In an instant, he flushes red. A very, very angry, humiliated red.
"Utahime?!" Her mother cried out in dismay.
And Utahime had to be dragged out before she could get her claws at the six year old and set him straight.
6. Red, Blue, and The Purple Moon - Canon-compliant, Post-Shibuya Incident Arc, GoUta living together, Powerless Gojo
GoUta play house.
"Wow," She mouthed, not noticing how Gojo's face paled. "I actually got to hit you for once." She unconsciously ruffled the hair on the top of his head, making the strongest sorcerer twitch in annoyance.
"I can actually hit you, now." She suddenly gripped his head with some force. And Gojo could only look in horror at the murderous glint in her eyes.
"Utahime..." He tries to laugh it off, the growing tension in the air. And he tries to take Utahime's hands in his, tries to pull her hands off him, when Utahime suddenly looks down at him with a demented glare on her face and started chuckling.
"Gojo," She smiles at him sinisterly. "Do you remember," Her hands started to trail down from his hair, from his face to his neck. "Do you remember how you've been calling me weak since we've known each other?"
Gojo tries to smile back, tries to laugh with her; "Of course," He forces a chuckle. "We have our fun, Utahime!"
"Fun?!" Gojo sees the murderous glint flash in her eyes too late. And the next thing he knew, Utahime started choking him and shaking him like there was no tomorrow.
This is my first fic. I’ve had to rewrite this a lot, since I’m learning so much more about their world and the characters. Still, I really love this. I love the fact that Gojo is powerless. HAHAHA. I will definitely find myself editing this fic again. But I love it already as is. 
While I love No Love and 01, and all the other fics, I do not like angst. Just thinking about how it’ll hurt later on is just so painful. I don’t know what’s up with people and pain, but those who’ve read my stories seem to prefer angst. The heck. 🤣 Isn’t JJK canon enough pain for you guys? 🤣🤣
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inkykeiji · 3 years
I'm the age gap anon. Just.. thank you so fucking much. That's all i can say. Thank you Clari. it means so much to me, to us both really. i just couldn't help doubting everything and myself since so many of the people i consider important seem to be against me and my boyfriend. We're considering moving for work since the first lockdown because it's very tough where we are to work from home. I didn't want to move because I didn't want them to feel like they won or something but now i see that it really doesnt matter. We'll try to look into buying a house if we can in his city or maybe in my dad's homecity which is ridiculously far but oh well. Can i ask what your favourite flower or plant is? Preferably something that can be potted. I got into gardening and general florist things during the lockdowns so id like to get your favorite one and name it after you. it may seem silly but I don't have many people close to me anymore even if we dont personaly know each other. Sorry if this sounds creepy btw, i know it's a weird habit to have. I have my boyfriend's fav succulent plant named after him and my dad. So yes again thank you so much clari. Everyone who gets to know you is lucky and blessed. you are an inspiration to me seriously. Thank you. and please never stop writing even if it isn't something related to bnha or another fandom. Your works are truly gifts to so many of us. I've been reading the latest touya nii fic over and over to feel comforted and calm whenever my man has to work since he can't take breaks (which is very stupid but his boss is a jerk) and it's my absolute favorite now. Please write more touya nii if you feel like it of course (:
And to the anon with the awful first time experience and the shitty bf.. you do deserve better and i hope you won't feel overwhelmed by us. thank you for sharing these worries and thoughts with us. you deserve only the best and that guy is certainly not even good enough for you. Stay safe and keep going, you're really strong even if you might not think so (:
hi sweetpea!! <33
aw luv i'm so so SO glad to hear it helped!!! i received this message while i was on my run yesterday and it literally made me tear up!! hahaha <3 that's understandable :( but you're 100% right!!! it DOESN'T matter!! all that matters is that you are both happy, safe, and comfortable <3
OH MY GOSH IT ABSOLUTELY DOES NOT SOUND CREEPY AT ALL OH MY GOSHHH I'M LITERALLY GOING TO CRY AGAIN HAHAHAHA please you're so sweet!!! and i think that naming plants after people you consider important is super super cute!! i do that with stuffed animals LMAO hmmm, my favourite plant...... ah that's so tough!!! i'm not huge into gardening or flowers or plants aside from like,, vegetable gardening hehehe so i had to look some stuff up!! i think number 11 (purple beauty!) on this list is so so sooooo pretty!! but i also think it would be super cute n cool if you picked one out for me!! so really it's totally up to you!! <3 i am honoured to share a name with one of your plant babies!! <33
aw bb you're welcome, and thank you so much for your incredibly kind words!!! they mean very much to me <3 i plan to write for as long as i live!! hehehe <333 it's such a special and important passion of mine, so!! rest assured, i will never stop writing <3 i'm super happy to hear that you're liking my newest touya-nii piece and that you're finding comfort in it!!! <3 and i plan to!!! don't you worry!! <33 i have about a billion things planned for touya-nii, but in december i'll have a lil fluffy smut piece coming out for him <3 so i hope you enjoy that as well!!
i love u so much anon and i'm literally overjoyed to hear that you're feeling better. thank you for your beautiful support for our fellow anon that's going through such a rough time!!! i think that's so sweet, and i really appreciate you expressing your love and concern for them as well <33
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