#I low key was hella tired writing this
thepurpleclownz · 4 months
Machines Deserve to Bleed
Context: Gabriel kills V1 after their second encounter and he gets curious about what powers V1
Idk I was bored watching my siblings play at the trampoline park 😒
Content: blood and guts n’ stuff, bodily horror, mutilation, Gabriel being a fucking Sadist(???)
“Mere OBJECT!” With one final toss of his spear, the machine went down. Water splashed as V1 hit the pool below it face first. The familiar crimson color of blood leaked from the cracks and open wounds of V1, tainting the water surrounding its motionless body. It was done. The machine that caused Gabriel so much stress, the THING that nearly killed him, was dead.
Gabriel panted as he glided down towards the body of the robot. The feeling of calm filled the Angel's chest as he gazed upon his latest victory. Yet, a wave of curiosity crept up his back as he stared at the dead machine. What was the thing that kept it going? What did man put inside of it to keep its thirst for blood so intense to the point it seemed like it could never be quenched? This thoughts whispered in his head as he watched V1 Bleed out
With one powerful swipe of his hand, Gabriel snatched V1’s head off of its shoulders and smashes it against the hard solid walls of his palace. Metal, plastic, wiring, glass, and blood, splashed everywhere as he hammered in its face. The sound of metal snapping and breaking underneath his powerful hands sent a shock of joy through his fingertips. The feeling he hasn’t felt in years. To feel their enemy crush and deteriorate from his strength alone. Pure ecstasy.
Finally, the angel was able to weaken the already ruined exterior of the machine's head and dug his armored fingers underneath the broken metal. He tore his way through to finally see what was inside. Blood, wiring, and machinery… as expected. The now disappointed Angel dumps out the remaining pools of blood out of the broken head. As he poured out the remaining pool of blood out of the machine’s head, he saw something spill out with the rest of the blood.
Brain tissue… an eye… chunks of flesh, fall to his feet. Gabriel flips V1’s head to see the interior. A horrifying sight is seen. A head, if you could even call it that, was left mutilated inside. Its face was bloodied from Gabriel smashing it in. Its skull was morphed to be able to fit inside of the machine's exterior. Wires, nuts, and bolts, sticking out of its barely developed skin.
The angel dropped the abomination of man to the floor. Water and blood splattered as the shell of V1’s head cracked open. He takes time to process how man was able to manipulate a body to develop, twist, and turn to be able to fit into such a thin and complex shape. No human skull would be able to be crammed into such a small space as V1 without dying of some type of internal bleeding or brain damage. There had to be something deeper. Something that he was missing…
Gabriel loomed over the decapitated body of V1 and flipped it over with his foot. His eyes glossed over the deep wounds of V1. Gabriel kneeled over V1’s body and ripped open its chest plate. The crack of broken ribs echoed through the cold room as Gabriel tore through the carcass. He tore through as much as he could, studying how man managed to keep whatever was inside of V1 alive if it even was alive, to begin with.
Gabriel, after tearing open what was left of V1’s outer shell, gazed upon the gore he’d created. Broken bones, guts, organs, and machinery lay in the remains of the exterior like a bowl. His hands were painted with blood after he ravished V1’s body. Frankly, he’s done enough. V1 was dead. There was no point in continuing. Doing this wouldn’t kill him more.
Yet, there was this craving that still yearned to be filled. A craving fueled by hatred and anger. Deep down, Gabriel needed more. Gabriel then began to dig his fingers into the wet and bloodied organs of V1. He ripped and tore through the artificial flesh and tissue. He made sure to break and tear every aspect of what was inside of the body. He grunted at each harsh tug, stomped in every joint, and grimaced as he snapped its spine in half.
Then, it was done… All that was left was a broken deeply mutilated chunk of metal and flesh. A good chunk of water was tainted by the bleeding carcass. Gabriel’s armor was painted with the blood of V1. This was surely enough for him. This sick and twisted form of therapy Gabriel endured made him feel at peace with himself.
The thing that caused so much pain and destruction. The thing that massacred nearly all of Hell was a ball of flesh and metal before him. It deserved it. He had no regrets about doing that. It deserved to be like this. It deserved to bleed.
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bibibbon · 4 months
MHA chapter 424 (rant)
This chapter was horrible. Look, if hori thought that this chapter could provide the fans with some relief he was wrong.
This is supposed to be the epilogue or the beginning of it and half of it is just useless BKDK. Honestly this was so stupid I feel like this chapter which was labeled the epilogue could of been used to wrap up a lot of character arcs and update us on events instead of us getting some little bkdk crying ending. In all honesty I still hate bakugo and think that their arc is Hella underdeveloped considering that Izuku never gets any intropsection going on and bks development is heavily flawed.
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Still hate what the series did with Izuku. Izuku as a main character and a character in general is heavily underdeveloped so I understand why he is getting the hate that he is getting. However, izuku was also a victim in this and didn't get proper development at all, like him and shigs whole storyline was sidelined and they barely formed a relationship before or even during that fight at all. Izukus lack of intropsection is also one of the reasons why he is getting hate like it's low-key hori's fault for not giving us any development when it was right there. I also think I need to remind some people that izuku is only 16 and had all of this on top of his shoulders but I see the point that shig a victim should of been saved. However, it's not like izuku didn't try his best, like he tired all he could it's at the end of the day shig that didn't accept it until it was too late. Also, can we talk about how horrible hori did izukus design dam I miss his fluffy hair at the same time I get it. Also I hate that he still has some OFA embers and all like it makes no sense I thought they were gone with that one punch that was apparently so strong it CHANGED THE WEATHER?!?! Honestly, I hate that inko is nowhere in sight and that she allowed him to go back to ua like?!?!?!?
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Shigaraki deserves better. Oh dam I just wish that someone would adopt shig and izu and give them a better ending cos this isn't it. Shigarakis storyline ending sucked in all honesty especially that retcon that stated that shig apparently knew that AFO was manipulating him?!?!?! Also am I the only one whose confused as to why shigs last words were directed towards spinner. As angry as Iam I was also expecting some horrible stuff like this to pop up considering that hori has consistently been trying to separate Tenko and shigaraki so this is what we get but just even worse.
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So nothing on toga and ochako? No offense but I hated that this chapter was just centered around BKDK like where was toga? Or ochako? Why is it that we only get one small panel of ochako looking pensive and sad when last time we saw her she was on the verge of death and in CRITICAL condition. Also what about toga? Like we haven't seen her in a long time. Is she alive? Is she dead? In all honesty if she is alive and gets no concequences then I would call that bad writing.
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What about the todoroki family ? Poor Todoroki last time we saw him his family fully surrounded touya forgetting about him. In all honesty he deserves so much more and my arguement stands. We should of gotten an update about the todoroki family as well. Iam not a fan of enji neither am I huge fan of the direction touya/Dabis character has taken but I would of enjoyed an update.
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What about the others? Kurogiri, spinner and the rest!??!!?!?! Iam bais but dam it seems like this chapter has forgotten all about the other characters it put in critical or difficult situations and just chose to focus on some stuff that's so irrelevant. Like the small panels should of been reserved for spinner and kurogiri on characters that we should of seen updates on. While we should of gotten full pages on todoroki and ochako
Also it seems like the pacing is quite fast, too fast really. How is it that they're just going back to school like I thought people resided in UA and that some of it was heavily damaged during the war? What about the chaos and destruction that's all over Japan has that been rebuilt? Also how did parents allow their kids to go back to a school that made them glorified child soldiers?
It's a shame we don't get any focus on izuku nor do we see his mother's reaction. I mean we see and get more focus on bakugo than we do when it comes to izuku and it sucks horribly.
In conclusion, I heavily disliked this chapter and giving it the title of epilogue is horrible. I bet that this is like one of the last chapters we are getting.
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overandunderland · 3 months
I have hella thoughts about the most recent episodes of the Return to Regalia Podcast. I'm just so behind on other shit 😭. I will say the first 5 minutes where they talk about The Overland almost being an abusive relationship. ABSOLUTELY.
Oh my GOD absolutely. These people and this country have abused the fuck out of Gregor, low-key gaslit him into feeling BAD about NOT being there.
I remember the scene where Gregor is low-key like putting on a huge show about being tired and wanting Mrs.Cormaci out of the house so he can talk Underland shit.
This entire nation conflated this CHILDS head with unavoidable visions of Grandeur, and though he's smart enough to IMMEDIATELY see through some of their bullshit. It doesn't stop him from feeling the NEED to take it on anyway. Does that come from being Parentalized at a young age? Does Grace blame her self for that? Does Elliot/Eli/Gregor's blame himself? I don't recall a lot of what his dad says or does by the time we get to Book 4 and 5. I don't recall what his thoughts are on the matter.
But it's so bad even Mrs Cormaci has to write a letter to bring him back up to earth. And for a moment he literally has a "WAIT IM A PRE TEEN. I DONT WANNA DIE, AND I THINK THE QUEEN IS SKIBIDING MY RIZZ." .
And to top it all off, all the manipulation and abuse, it becomes personified in Solovet by book 5. And we get hints at it in the first/second book.
ME AND MY 🥷🏾 HATE SOLOVET on the dead homies. Rip Ares, Rip Twitchtip. Fuck Solovet, but we'll get there when Im back on.
Get her babe 🫶🏾
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Yknow what. I’m not done complaining about dc. I started bitching in the tags of my prev post & i have more feelings. I get a stack of dc every month & we’ll take the vertigo (i refuse to call it anything else if only cause it’s shorter) stuff out i still have like 6 titles a month. That is if dc decides they’ll actually put out a jsa issue that month. The ones I’m most excited to read rn? Flash, Birds of Prey, & Green Arrow. Why? Cause the characters feel like the characters i fell in love with & the story is actually compelling. Yes, green arrow is suffering hard from the crossover shoehorning but the whole physically cannot occupy the same time and space as the people you love is a legit issue for Ollie & fascinating gotcha from Merlyn. Like, it’s novel! And I’m curious to see how it shakes out. The weird string theory/comic book physics around the speed force that spurrier is doing in flash is honestly REALLY cool. I’ll be the first to say i couldn’t care less about the speed force. It works cause it’s plot the only reason the flashes study it is cause they’re a bunch of adhd scientists who can’t help themselves & the writers feel the need to put their stamp on it. The whole weird dimensions & alien beings & time cops is super strange but hella compelling & the way it’s affecting the characters & eroding their relationships which are so core to flash characters is really amazing I love how much it hurts. Truly i cannot wait to see how exactly this shakes out. Know what I don’t care for? Whatever the fuck Amanda Waller is doing. I, who normally hates “let’s study the speed force!” stories wishes we could get back to studying the speed force cause the whole ham fisted analogy crossover thing is so boring & not even original. I think dc has done this exact plot at least twice before. In main continuity. It pops up every couple years anymore & it will never be what the 80s x-men were & they need to just stop trying. And bop! I love bop right now! I could wax poetic about the art styles cause they’re stunning & SO expressive. In a post where I’m bitching about stories I’ll just leave it there. The story itself? Pretty interesting, if standard bop stuff at first. Gotta put a ragtag team of gals together to do something low key shady cause it’s the right thing. The team is a nice mix; tho I’m not sorry to see Harley go, she’s another character that I understand sells comics but I am so sick of seeing it is not even funny. It’s not even that I dislike her as a character I’m just over her being in every single comic. And the dimension hopping weird babs rescue mission? I’m in! Where we going next? What even is the reason? Sure, we just rescued sin in a very similar plot structure but idc! The writing is fun! The dialogue is fun! The page of Cass’s reactions to vixen’s lingerie options is BRILLIANT! Love the lineup! It’s nailing what I think jsa is attempting but in a more fun & lighthearted tone. Tbh I’m not sure cause I’m still not sure what’s going on in jsa since they seem to publish it at will every like 3-5 months so I have no real clue what’s going on in that one. And I’ve been reading it for like 2 years now. I’m so tired of Nightwing & titans. I, a titans girlie, find it so boring. They’re both boring! From go they’ve been extensions of each other which is frustrating. Some moments in each I really enjoy! But overall? I still don’t see where Nightwing is going & tbh it feels like dick has spent this whole time doing nothing. Despite the fact that we were told he did so much he got a key to the city! He did adopt a dog. That’s like the most memorable & only real thing that he achieved. Cause the foundation? He’s a bat. They all do that. And titans? Oh wow. Another Raven goes evil story. Wow. How shocking. How original. Like honestly, is there some word on high at dc about the titans not being allowed to do a story that isn’t rehashing Judas contract or trigon? Cause I cannot be the only person bored with those being the only 2 titans plots anymore.
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pink-nanowire · 2 years
*holds up a microphone*
Hi! I would love to hear your thoughts on Cuttletavio
Ouuuuugh... Ok so funny thing, I discovered the idea like. 1 week ago. Even tho I was fucking vibing with DJ Octavio since Splatoon 1 (but at the time, gay peeps and fandom were super foreign to me lmao so I just. Didn't think about it). But now it's living rent free in my brain and also, i think it's going to be one of my fav ship for a looooong time.
SO BASICALLY. I'm hella soft for it. I love it all, the goofyness, the angst, the banter, the weird softness you can get out of it ?
Funnily enough, I love the whole "old divorced couple that still have a chance" but my sorry ass wrote a thing about how they weren't even together before the Great Turf War.
They were best friends, dancing around each other tho, but like I did as a kid in my european country side some years ago, queer people didn't come to their mind when they realised that their affection towards each other was far from platonic and so. Didn't do anything about it.
They do finally got together in my head after the whole lore of Splatoon 3 and a lot of talk, where they start "slow" (i have a whole scene where Craig ask Octavio if he wants to "try again" and instead of answering he just. Kiss him on the spot. But they do tryna be a bit low-key to not make Callie and Marie freak out even tho Octavio would DEFINETELY find it both funny and embarassing)
And I don't know man. Just old men too tired to keep being mad at each other about things they can't fix. It's a goofy ship with a bunch of drama. I'm here for all, memes and angst.
Also if I have the motivation, I may write the whole "trying again" scene as a fanfic ??? I'm not sure tho, I finished like. 2 fanfics in my whole life and never posted them
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I could probably make this chapter longer if I went into detail on getting processed into Kryptarium and the weeks/months leading up to Lloyd getting Garmadon out for MotO, unfortunately I don’t care about either of those things therefORE,
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mendesbhraanth · 4 years
Hi beautiful sending you love mwah 😘😘 just wanted to know if you can write something were you hear Shawn talk badly about you so you distance yourself. Please.
Thank you so much for requesting!! 😘😘
Pairing : Shawn x y/n
Warnings : language and angst
Word count : 2.8 k
The first thing you heard when you opened the door to Shawn's condo was basically loud laughter of people including your boyfriend's. You just came back from work, a bit earlier than usual because shawn had been complaining about how he doesn't get to spend time with you because work has been crazy for you and you had a lot of files to finish and you were hella tired of your boss being a complete asshole, who never lets anyone stay home and he was no different to you. Anyways you were not at all aware of the fact that he had guests over.
The sound was coming from the living area of Shawn's penthouse apartment and apart from Shawn's, you recognised the laughter as Brian's, and Connor's. A small smile creeped on your face. You absolutely adored Shawn's friends so you walked towards the living to say 'hi' to them.
You were close enough to hear what they were talking about when your legs came to halt at the mention of you name.
"So how's life with y/n? Tour's over....You're free and now that y/n is staying with you, you must have a lot of cheesy things to say" Connor said whilst laughing.
"Oh yeah I actually do but not right now because why the hell would you mention my so called clingy girlfriend?" Shawn said and Brian laughed so loudly at that but your heart stopped.
"What??! What are you saying?!?" Connor said because shawn has been the most "I'm obsessed with my girlfriend and she is my goddess!!" Type of guy he had ever met.
"I said y/n is extremely clingy and annoying and I don't have anything good to say about her right now so please stop talking about that hoe!!" Shawn said and started laughing like crazy with Brian. Both of their laughs clouding your mind. You just stood there not able to comprehend anything.
You turned around silently, grabbed your keys and left the apartment in the same clothes you came in.
You got in your car and started driving slowly. You were now driving to nowhere for about 30 mins.
The moment you processed the words shawn said you slammed the break and your head came down on the stearing wheel with a plasticy bang.. must have been painfull.. ow poor y/n.
Did he really say that?!? Does he think I'm an annoying clingy hoe?!? Hell! "HE" was the one who wanted me to stay home and spend time with 'HIM'!! And I'm clingy?!? Is this the guy you've been in love with for what? Like 3 years?!! How could he call you a hoe!?! Why would any boyfriend disrespect his girlfriend like that??!? This is the worst day ever!!
All these thoughts were knocked out from your mind by a loud honking sound. You were basically in the middle of a road and by now, there were tons of cars parked behind you. Wow! You just created a big traffic block in the middle of Toronto city. Go you!! *Claps of sarcasm*
You quickly turned around and took another route to make your way back to Shawn's apartment like nothing happened. Haha asshole! but sometimes you gotta act like you weren't the cause of a huge ass traffic block..
You didn't know exactly why you were going back. To lay it onto him?? To get your things?? I don't know but you got home with slouched shoulders and an emotion less face.
You were about to reach and open the door when Shawn opened the door and a bright smile appeared on his face on seeing you which almost made you forget about the things he just said. Eh but not really.
"Baby!!!! I missed you so much today!!" He said and went in for a hug and you hugged him back it was as if someone was clawing at your heart.
"I'm just gonna walk these guys out and I'll be back in a second okay? You get freshened by then" He said sweetly but right now his words seemed anything but sweet!
How dare he say that to them and then act like nothing happened?? That too infront of them?!?! Which speaking of-!
"Hey y/n!!!" Connor and Brian said at the same time and both hugged you and you silently hugged them back, with a fake smile that could basically convince anyone but not Shawn.
"You guys go ahead I'll come in a sec" he said and turned to you.
"Okay then Bye y/n" they both bid their goodbyes and made their way to the lift.
"Hey what happened baby? Any problem with your boss??" Shawn asked tilting your chin up to look you in the eyes.There was evident hurt in them.
You were debating to weather tell him or push him away but you didn't choose any of that.
"Yeah..had a bad day at work"
"Aww baby you go inside and sit down okay! I'll be back after properly saying goodbye to the guys and you can tell me all about your day. Alright?" He asked sweetly but it sounded like straight up sarcasm to you but you chose not to call him out right now.
He gave you a short peck and there he goes ....'probably gonna talk more shit about me' you thought to your self which and it made you feel like your heart was stabbing itself.
You went inside and sat yourself on the couch. The same couch where the love of your life talked shit about you being a clingy hoe. (Sorry I'm just over dramatic 😅)
About 5 mins later shawn came in and sat by your side.
"What happened baby?? What did your crazy boss do this time?" He asked while taking your hand in his and slowly stroking the back of your hand with his other hand but you didnt move.
"Nothing..just the usual..I have...work...just...I-!...I'm going to take a shower" you said. A slight frown appeared on Shawn's face. But he understood....some days you were like this when work really stressed you out.
'Maybe she doesn't wanna talk about it' he thought.
"Okay baby" he said and you stood up from the couch and before you walked 4 steps shawn caught your hand and pulled you into him.
He craddled your face in his warm huge palms that always made you melt like it wasn't even a big deal at all and kissed your lips sweetly.
You kissed him back but pulled away quicker that shawn would have liked which caused a small pout on his perfectly soft pink lips and all you wanted to do was kiss it away so that's what you did but quickly reminding yourself that he thinks your a clingy hoe and pulling away again.
"Let me kiss my girl properly first" he said smiling at you and you'd be lying if you said it doesn't do things to you even if your upset with him. How could he do this?!? One time he's saying he hates you and now he's all over you as if he really is?!?
"I'm tired shawn I wanna take a shower" you said while planting the same fake smile on your face. He frowned at you and them pulled you into a hug and you only dropped your hands low...not embracing the hug.
"Want me to join?' he asked playfully smirking at you and it literally made you feel all sorts of way but you knew it was all an act and he just.. thought you were a hoe.
"No I'm really tired shawn" you said now turning around and walking to the bathroom with tears forming real quick in your eyes.
"Okay... baby I'll start preparing dinner then" he said and you didn't fail to pick up the hurt in his voice. But why??? He doesn't care at all!! What a great ass actor?!? Your seriously doubting if you dreamed all that. But nah...its real..he hurt you.
You took a long ass shower washing yourself and feeling all your emotions get warmed up by the warm water and you just...started crying. You cried silenty under the shower where one couldn't distinguish tears from water. Maybe you were clingy. But that's only because you love him but why would he call you a HOE!?! Why?? Why would he disrespect you like that?? After 3 years of relationship, was your love for him making you look like a hoe??
After you got out of the shower, usually you would've just put on one of Shawn's hoodies and then go chill on the couch but today you just.. couldn't bring yourself to wear his clothes. So you put on one of your band t-shirts and some shorts and walked to the kitchen where Shawn had already prepared and put out dinner on the table and was waiting for your company.
He came to you with a toothless smile on his face which quickly dropped by half when he noticed you weren't wearing one of his clothes..but he didn't let it bother him that much or let's say... tried to act like it didn't bother him as much as it did. You still noticed it though..and it gave you a weird feeling.
He hugged you which again you didn't return.
"You smell so good!" He said pulling away from the hug and you gave him your half assed fake smile AGAIN.
Shawn was fully aware that something was wrong but he thought you'd tell him while having dinner.
He led you to the table and pulled the chair out for you like he always did and you both sat down to have dinner.
Awkwardness was all around the table.
You did not talk at all and even though shawn tried his best and asked you stuff to get you to talk about what's wrong or let's say..make it less awkward, all your replies were just..yes, no and silence.
After dinner you washed your plate and mumbled a goodnight that didn't feel like it was to ANYONE and went to sleep.
It went like this for a few days.. you being extra awkward to Shawn and purposely avoiding him and distancing yourself from him and being really down. He was really sad and hurt and frustrated because he would ask you whats the matter and you would either tell him "nothing" or just shrug your shoulders. You didn't even look him in the eyes anymore. Shawn was really really confused and even more worried.
Well how could you talk to him?!? After all he called you clingy and annoying which means he doesn't want you around and also he called you a hoe.
One day Shawn came back from the studio and saw you reading a book on the couch. A small smile creeped on his face knowing that you were reading some sort of romance novel.
"What are you doing?" He asked while coming and sitting next to you.
You were pretty lost in the book so you did not see him coming in.
"Oh just a stupid book haha... I have to get back to work now.." you said and got up to leave only to walk two steps and stop at the mention of your name.
"Y/n" you turned around to see Shawn now standing up from the couch with a very hurt look on his face.
"I don't know why but I noticed that you've been purposefully avoiding me for a few days..why are you doing that?? What did I do??please talk to me.." He asked now looking straight into your eyes and you could see right in his eyes that he was hurt.
"What? I don't know what your talking abou..-!" You were cut of by Shawn showing his palm infront of your face.
"Y/n stop...you know what you've been doing.....Is it me?? Did I do anything wrong?? Please talk to me.....you can always talk to me you know" he said now reaching for your hand but the moment his hand touched you you shook it away and backed off like he attacked you or something.
Shawn looked at you as if his heart just broke.
"No shawn..you should've thought about that before calling me a clingy, annoying hoe" you said for once and stormed in your bedroom slamming the door shut.
Shawn followed right behind you and got the door shut right on his face.
"What are you talking about-!? I- I-..! Dont understand! I never called you any of that!" Shawn said now leaning on the door.
"Stop fucking lying shawn I heard you talking with connor and Brian that day and you called me all those things!!" You barked from the other side of the door.
"Shit! Baby I can explain! Please open the door for me! I swear I didn't mean for you to hear it!" He said now banging on the door.
"Of course you didn't! And Explain what?!? That I'm being delusional and maybe even say some half assed lies?? How did I ever believe that you love me?!? Maybe I am clingy...But you called me a hoe!!"
"No baby please listen! I know it would've sounded so very wrong but just wasn't being serious! We were just joking around and I said that" he tried to explain and it did not even harm a hair of your anger.
"Haha what are you saying shawn?! That would never convince anyone! Try harder with your lies and leave me the fuck alone!" You said.
"Baby please believe me.. you are the most gorgeous and amazing women I've ever met and I could never ever say such things about you! I love you! Please believe me!" He said with tears threatening to spill from his eyes.
"I wish I could believe you shawn..but I actually heard this with my own ears.." you said.. now wiping your own tears.
"Please open the door for me I will explain it all please just...hear me out!" He said now bringing his hands to his face to catch the spilling tears.
You opened the door to him kneeling on the floor. You sat next to him resting your back on the wall.
After a few seconds he came and sat next to you..... Both of you staring at whatever that was ahead of you.
"Explain" you said.
Shawn wiped his tears and started talking.
"So...that day..you went to work and connor and brian came over and we were chatting on the couch and you know how connor loves you and me together like he ships us so hard haha so me and Brian were just pranking him and joking around so I just said I don't like you to prank connor....it sounds so fake...I know but that's the truth..I should've never said that..even if it was a joke I'm so sorry baby. You can even call Brian or Connor right now and ask them if you don't believe me " he said
By now you felt almost dizzy..you're so dumb!! 😬..you were making such a huge ass deal about this. OMG you're so stupid!! Wtf?? How could you be so stupid?? Like..all of this would've never happen if you just opened your mouth and talked to your boyfriend!!!!
"I..-! I'm sorry" you said, looking at Shawn who was already looking at you.
"I'm so so sorry baby I thought you didn't love me anymore I mean..I know I'm not that good looking and you could basically have any girl you wanted and I just-! I'm so sorry!! Ya know I always am terrified that one day I'll wake up and you don't love me anymore and I just-.... I should've just talked to you about this. Shit! I'm so stupid this is all my fault!!" You were full on crying right now and shawn just pulled you to his chest while you cried.
"Hey Don't say that!! You're the most beautiful girl I've ever laid eyes on and I can't even imagine living a life where you hate me and it's okay bubba I mean..if I was you this is exactly how I would've acted but from now on ..please talk to me if I did something that upsets you....I hate it when we cry" shawn said cracking a small smile.
"I'm sorry again" you said pouting your lips only for shawn to grab your face and kiss your frown away replacing it with a genuine smile, Something that has been lacking from your face for the past few days.
"It's alright now do you wanna make dinner or get Mc Donalds??"
You smiled at your sweet boy. He already knew the answer.
"Mc Donalds it is!"
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pixie-cocaine · 5 years
ATEEZ reaction to: The members seeing their s.o. half-naked
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A/N: As you can see, this was requested by a lovely Anon. And I don’t get too many asks often so like, I feel like a goddess rn. The fact that they came to ME of all people to write this is just- *sobs*. Anyways I hope you enjoy!!
Songs listened to: Italy - Reyn Hartley, WONDERLAND - ATEEZ, Say So - Doja Cat
(This is kinda mature so read at your own risk!)
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Hongjoong ♡:
• Came through the door with a goofy ass grin on but as soon as he saw you, it’d drop almost immediately and he’d make a surprised Pikachu face
• Seeing you on the couch with your limbs sprawled out, half of your stomach peeking beneath your Mickey mouse shirt and seamless turquoise panties hugging the curves of your body, had him slightly panicking
• Would not-so-subtly tell the guys to turn around or close their eyes once they all rounded the corner
• “I’m gonna need you to turn around real quick”
• “Why?”
• “Because I said so”
• Would go and pick you up, then carry you to the bed
• You’d probably wake up in the process
• “Baby? What are you doing?”
• “Making sure they don’t see this beautiful body when it’s barely covered”
• Would smack your ass before going back to the boys jduswhwhdu-
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Seonghwa ♡:
•dis kinda tricky
• I feel like Hwa’s reaction could be either greedy(?) Or cocky depending on his mood. man idk
• If he was feeling a bit looser and saw you in just one of his hoodies and tight-fitted green boyshorts with the boys around, he’d be a little teasy?? Idk how to put it
• Like, he opens the door and sees you with one leg flung over the back of couch, displaying the outline of your *cat whistle*, and a hoodie barely covering your midsection with how it’s folding over at your arms, right?
• And if he’s playful, he would pay little mind to the boys; walking over to you before nudging you awake then sitting you up in front of him, leaning into your ear to whisper
• “Baby, go sleep in the room. The boys are gonna be here for a bit”
• and with your half-awoken ass, you’d stumble towards the bedroom, barely acknowledging the wide eyes of the boys and too tired to really give a shit even if your ass is halfway out
• and when Hwa would turn back to address the stares, he’d be like “She’s mine. Don’t forget that” ahshveusdygs
• But if he was his still his usual protective self, he’d rush to throw a blanket over your body and usher you out of sight lmaooooo
• “Shit, shit, shit, shit”
• idk man, Hwa seems like he’d be into voyeurism oop-
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Yunho ♡:
• B-babyyyy 🥺
• A scared baby
• literally might call the whole thing off because he wants to save both of you from the awkwardness and embarrassment that is to come
• froze up when he saw you in your weird ass sleeping position; butt up in the air, baby pink lace panties leaving barely anything to imagination, and baggy white T-shirt slipping down the expanse of your back as you curled your head further into the arm of the couch
• wished he was fuckin dead for .00092 seconds
• felt really weird knowing that the others were staring at you, so as soon as he scooped up his messy thoughts, he yeeted your ass over his shoulder and ran out the room
• almost had a mental breakdown
• literally him trying to explain to you not to leave the room without pants on ↓
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Yeosang ♡:
• choked on the soju he was drinking when he saw you
• almost forgot about the boys when he saw the way the royal purple see-through-patched underwear that hugged your hips and the black shirt that hung off one shoulder, but was brought back to reality when he realized the sudden silence behind him
• I’m not gonna lie, I don’t get to see too much of yeosang, so I low-key don’t know how he’d react to a lot of things
• my guess is that he would shoo everyone out of the room before turning back to you, hands on his hips and a sigh bubbling up from his chest
• “Hey, hey wake up, gorgeous”
• very tender but also rlly nervous that the boys would come in too soon
• would eventually just pick you up and carry you to the bedroom to lay you down and kiss your forehead
• “Sweet dreams”
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San ♡:
• almost goes into cardiac arrest
• “This isn’t happening, right? No, I’m just seeing things”
• “Is she only wearing a shirt and underwear?”
• “Fuck”
• curses himself for not thinking ahead, considering you always like to walk around without pants
• flings himself over you and desperately pushes you out of the living room
• once you’re out of view he has a conniption
• Idk, this might be out of character for San, but this bitch’s mood can switch on a dime so don’t @ me
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Mingi ♡:
• as soon as he sees you, he turns on his heel and literally throws himself at the boys so they don’t come any closer
• “Yah! What are you doing?”
• “Shhh! You’ll wake her”
• when everyone’s gone, he’ll kneel in front of you and poke your cheek until you stir awake
• “Baby? What’s wrong?”
• “Can you please go sleep in our room? I have the guys over and I don’t want them seeing you without any pants”
• is so pouty when he thinks about it ugh-
• as you’re leaving, he’ll give you the biggest kiss on your head omg I love him
• “Thank you!”
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Wooyoung ♡:
• High-key not even bothered because he knows you’re his and they won’t try anything unless he’s ok with it
• but will still wake your ass up and move you lmao-
• taps your ass until you flip over and tell him to stop
• “Well I need you to go to bed so I can use the couch”
• you take a minute to assess everybody, even wave, then stand up
• he’d give you a kiss on the cheek, and you’d be on your way
• Baby knows he’s the shit and you wouldn’t try it for anybody else, he’s chillin
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Jongho ♡:
• But mom I love him
• he’s actually low-key insecure and thinks you like the boys more than him, so when he sees you in nothing but a pink T and a black lace panty set with the bralette peeking beneath the shirt, he’ll kind of panic
• “Um, could everyone please leave for a minute?”
• “Huh? Why?”
• “Do it or else I’ll cry”
• would walk over to you and pick you up really easily since bb is hella strong
• you’d probably wake up right as he’s setting you down on the bed, your immediate instinct would be cupping his cheek and kissing him
• when you pull away he’d be frowning a bit
• “You’ll always love me more than my friends, right?”
• “Of course baby. You before them, always”
• and he’d be a giggly baby omfg-
• would go back to the guys with a big smile on his face because he’s the most precious thing that ever lived and he can do no harm because he’s such afuckingbabyomgimflyingtokoreailovethismanwithallmyheart
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samwrights · 4 years
Aoba Johsai 3rd Years as dads [hc]
Lmao, as if I was gonna stop at Karasuno. I’m a Seijoh hoe through and through 😂😂😂 this ones a little off the rails but it’s my blog and I write what I want. I’ll get to the rest of Seijoh later, maybe, but these turned out way longer than I anticipated.
Slight TW; mentions of miscarriage.
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I love this supportive man so much 🥺
I don’t even want kids and I’d let him turn me into a baby factory, idgaf.
Ahem, n e ways.
Low key, he would be freaking out over your guys’ first kid. Didn’t matter that you were in live-in S/O’s, or that you’d been together for y e a r s.
Homie wanted to marry you first, finally get you guys out of your shoddy apartment, maybe spend a few years traveling the world.
He wanted to live the life of a dink, at least for a little while before eventually starting a family with you. Apparently someone’s pullout game weak af.
Despite not being prepared for parenthood, your pregnancy actually goes pretty swimmingly. Iwa would def be the man to come with to all doctors appointments, parenting classes, and would literally call his mom every three seconds freaking out because he has no idea what color to paint the nursery.
“Mom, I can’t just paint it whatever, what if the baby doesn’t like it?” Don’t ask me why, I just know it would be a fact.
Throughout your relationship as teenagers, Iwa was always your hype-man cause he loves flaunting his woman at whatever she chooses to succeed at. Which made Oikawa hella jealous but irrelevant. Now that you guys were going to be a family, it was like falling in love with you all over again and he literally hyped you up everyday with how great of a mom you were going to be.
Endless comments on how beautiful you looked while pregnant, regarding your glow or how he gets so overwhelmed with love knowing that you are having his child. Fucking simp.
If you feel he’s laying it on too thick, you tell him it’s actually Mattsun’s and Iwa is just a cover so you can run off with him and Makki. 0/10, does not appreciate.
The closer you get to your due date, however, all jokes are completely off, and Hajime is in full on protective husband/dad mode. Did I mention y’all still ain’t married or
He does literally everything for you just to make sure you aren’t in too much pain or discomfort. Mfer won’t even let you pick up a laundry basket 💀
“Honey, I’m fine! Please, I can’t sit on the couch all day, there’s going to be a permanent imprint from my ass on it.”
“Baby, why is the couch wet?”
“Huh. Guess my water broke.”
Annnnnnd cue Hajime screaming his head off while proceeding to grab your hospital bag packed with clothes, a spare aux cable, and your toiletries, before rushing out to the car, starting it, and driving to the hospital.
Without you.
With that being his only major faux pas, Iwaizumi welcomes fatherhood with open arms. Sure, y’all didn’t have your house yet and a wedding was going to be difficult to plan (though if you’re down for the courthouse, he was in), and he didn’t have enough saved to buy you a ring that screamed “Mrs. Iwaizumi” to him.
But in the mean time, he could not get enough of his girls. Even little things like feeding your daughter or watching tv with her in his arms with you snuggling up to his side made him the absolute softest boy.
It may not have been his ideal situation in the past, but now all he looked forward to was watching your family continue to grow with a few more hopeful additions.
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Well this is awkward. You and Tooru I mean Oikawa broke up a few months ago. Not that it was a particularly bad break up; definitely more on the mutual side.
You wanted to continue pursuing your dreams and he wanted to carry on being a Pro. (Personally, I picture Oikawa being with a musician of some sort that posts covers of YouTube).
So even though you guys aren’t together anymore, you still keep up with how he’s doing in the pro VB world and he low key still watches your covers on the internet.
Your posting becomes less and less frequent, he notices over the span of a few months until you stop uploading all together. He thinks nothing of it until he gets a notification that you’ve finally uploaded a video. Two. Years. Later.
“Where we’ve been.” He doesn’t miss the collective pronoun before clicking on the video, seeing you standing with your guitarist, the former Nekoma VBC captain, Tetsurou Kuroo, as well as a cute, pudgy baby.
A baby that looked nothing like Kuroo and a whole lot like Oikawa did when he was a baby.
The video talks about your hiatus, as well as how you and your now boyfriend/guitarist were enjoying your life as parents and making music was hard with your little boy, and that the two of you needed to prioritize your son first. you introduce your baby, but the first thing Oikawa discovers is that the age of your baby and the duration of yours and Kuroo’s relationship didn’t add up. Don’t ask me why Oikawa knows how long you’ve been together, he has his resources.
Considering the toddler was two, and you and Kuroo had been together for a year. And the baby didn’t look anything like you OR him
Oikawa is flipping out now, and tries everything in his power to get a hold of you. Which oddly enough, wasn’t that hard considering your number is still the same.
“Did you finally figure it out?” Was all you said to him. He’s so upset that you didn’t tell him—that could have been him. Standing with you. Holding his baby—not bed headed fuck holding HIS son.
After FTing him, you, Oikawa, and Kuroo agreed to set up a meeting with all of you so Oikawa could finally meet his flesh and blood. He’s excited, but man oh man is he salty.
He missed his son’s first steps, first meal, holding him, teaching him how to walk, his first words; he missed ALL of it.
But the bitterness he feels completely goes away when he sees baby Oik’s in person for the first time. He had never, in his entire twenty three years of living, been in love until now. Despite your hesitation, you allow Tooru to hold his child for the entirety of your little meeting, allowing him to make up for lost years.
The three of you agreed on a form of joint custody that allowed Oikawa to have his son while you toured or were busy working, and you would have him while he was out doing his thing.
TL;DR, Oikawa takes the opportunity to make up his lost years spoiling the fuck out of his baby when he can and, oddly enough, the arrangement works out to benefit the both of you.
Ngl, parenthood is hard for him. Not because he doesn’t know how to parent, but rather because he never pictured his first child to come about this way. He would never admit it to anybody, not even Iwa, that knowing he had a child that he was barely a father to left him feeling lonely. That loneliness, however, motivates him to truly be the best dad that can be so that maybe when his son his old enough, he would rather live with him instead of his mom
Ofc, he teaches his offspring how to play volleyball as soon as he’s old enough to learn. But outside of that, Oikawa’s favorite thing to do with his son is little quiet nature walks away from the bustling city to have quality time with him.
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This chill mfer 💀💀💀 for some reason, I feel like his love language is touch.
Your relationship with him was so simple, even after moving in together in your second year of college, years ago.
Well, it was simple.
As simple as life could be with four demons overrunning your house.
Due to the number of children the two of you had, with all of them being no more than two years apart in age, you became a stay-at-home mom, leaving Makki to provide for the six of you.
Because of your hellions wreaking havoc on you all day, Takahiro always wound down from work with the kids by putting on a movie and even reciting the script in his own voice to keep them entertained. Allowing you to go wind down with a glass of wine while you took a bubble bath.
Your oldest was Makki’s right hand man at the ripe age of 7. He always made sure that, as the big brother, he was looking out for his siblings and being the man of the house to help mommy while he worked.
Makki never raises his voice at the kids. Ever. Period.
If he’s upset with them or they did something they weren’t supposed to, he resolves the issue by picking them up, sitting down on the couch with them in his lap and staring at them. “Why did you draw on the walls with crayon, little man?” He would ask the offending five year old boy in the most calm voice.
“I wanted to paint a pretty picture for you and mommy!”
“And we love it. But next time, dude, if you put it on paper, I can bring those pictures to work so I can show everyone else.” Yeah, he calls his sons dude.
If his youngest and only daughter began crying over anything—Makki was on it like flies on shit. Little princess is not allowed to cry in daddy’s presence. He’s always quick to figure out why she’s crying too and, he learned, it’s mostly just because she wanted attention.
“When did you get so good at this?” You’d tease him.
“We’ve had lots of practice, honey.” 💀💀💀
A lot of the time, he felt really bad because he felt that he just kinda left you with the kids while he worked, and he’d be a little insecure. He thinks you’re tired of him and that you want to leave sometimes.
He thinks you don’t notice when he’s upset but he kinda dumb dumb cause you’ve been together for almost half of your lives, ofc you know when he’s upset.
While he’s laying in bed, nonchalantly scrolling through his phone before falling asleep for the night, you sit at his bedside, giving him the look. “C’mon, Takahiro. I can tell when something’s bothering you.” His lips would purse a little bit before locking his phone and putting it on his night stand, then holding whatever hand of yours that was closest to him with both of his.
“Ya ever just...get tired of our life?” Aksfnrjfl WOW THAT CAME OUT WRONG. This is why he prefers touch, he’s shit with words. “Wait no, that’s not what I meant. D-do, uh...a-are you happy?” Wow he really shit with words. Even if this would be conversation y’all would have at least once a year.
But no matter how many times you told him you loved him, he needed to feel it. Why do you think you ended up pregnant nearly every year? “I’m getting my fucking tubes tied after this, Makki.”
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This goof would be your partner in crime second to Makki of course.
Half the time people kinda forgot you were dating let alone married because the two of you had always been playful and full of laughter; the only change was PDA was sprinkled in.
Sitting in his lap, little pecks during conversations, burying yourself in his neck or him burying himself in your hair, a hand always on your back or your shoulder.
Homies super subtle touchy.
The biggest reminder was when you’d announced your pregnancy to your friends. While Makki was super excited to be an uncle, Oikawa and Iwa were kinda like “y’all actually have sex??” Like you weren’t fucking married??
But whatever, y’all goofy and in love or w/e and it almost seems that the two of you aren’t taking pregnancy seriously. You totally are, but your friends don’t think so.
Coming up with baby names was Issei’s favorite pastime. But he went super left field with a lot of them, so you unfortunately had to veto them.
Painting and preparing the nursery was also an absolute blast. Because you both wanted the gender to be a surprise, y’all painted the room white on top with a full rainbow on the bottom, complete with gender neutral wall decals.
Honestly, he was so so so excited to be a dad. But mostly, he was just so smitten with you. It wasn’t hard for him to, considering the two of you were best friends long before dating.
He definitely turned your ultrasound pictures into memes that he hung in the babies room. “The last time I got pussy” captioned under the first ultrasound was his favorite.
You woke up one day in excruciating amounts of pain—like someone was carving out the muscles in your stomach and separating them from the skin from the inside and you knew something was wrong. “Issei, we gotta go to the hospital now!”
“N-now?” All jokes are gone, all laughter void and absent. “Honey, you’re only at the end of the first trime—“
“I know, idiot! We gotta go now!” You’re sobbing while hunching over your stomach, trying to walk but not succeeding in getting very far. Instead, your husband opts to carry you out to the car before zipping on over.
The sudden appointment had taken hours and the both of you felt drained. Well, you actually were. All of the pain you had experienced earlier in the day did not compare to the devastating blow of hearing that you had a miscarriage.
Silence fills every space that the two of you were in but, knowing you as well as he did, Mattsun refused to leave your side. Even if you had to pee.
“Babe, I have to pee.”
“Cool, which bathroom do we wanna use?” He wasn’t making jokes for the sake of being funny, which was the reason you allowed him to sit on the edge of the tub while you handled your business, holding your fingers in loose threads. It’s weird, but this was not a time for either of you to be alone to indulge your demons.
“We’re gonna get through this.” His arms would wrap around you from behind, carefully folding over your once filled womb, with his head resting on top of your own. “Just you and me, babe, against the world.”
“And Makki.”
“And Makki.”
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nad-zeta · 4 years
Blind Date with Theo
Fandom: Ikemen Vampire
Pairings: Theo van Gogh x reader 
Genre: Slice o life
Warnings: Mentions of Alcohol and also mild swearing☺
Words: 1500
Comments: So this is my first ikevamp prompt thingy lol its probs ganna be shit cause you best know i didn’t proofread before posting lol(˶◕‿◕˶✿) Also sorry to all the dutch people for butchering the language! Hehe lol so after trying my luck multiple time with @readerinsertfanfiction blind dates,🦋 I still didn’t get my man (Damn those dice!) so I decided to write my own self indulging thingy lol! 😳😳😳
Hehe so I am hella excited for Theo’s route, and I just had to participate in this Theo route countdown! Thanks, @delicateikemenmemes for setting up this fun lil party hehe so it goes without saying I am posting this as part of the #Theo Route Countdown Party! Whoop whoop so without further ado....... my interpretation of the prompt Theo and King ❤😳☺
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Sunbeams came streaming into the younger van Gogh’s room. The man groaned as he rolled over to shield his eyes from the morning sunlight illuminating the room. He let out a tired groan as his eyes cracked open to see a scrap of paper containing a neatly written note laying wait on his bedside table. 
Sitting up slightly, he reached over and squinted his eyes, trying his best to quickly scan over the contents of the page through blurred vision. He let out a tired scoff as he crumpled up the paper and let it fall to the floor. 
He laid back down, and he rubbed his temples letting go of yet another irritated scoff, as memories of his previous night out, had come flooding back to him.
He and Arthur were out together, to their usual pub, drinking and venting about the events that had unfolded throughout the day. All was going well when suddenly Arthur decided to be a little shit and propose a bet. He wore a mischievous grin as he declared for all to hear, “whomever passes out first, loses and has to do whatever the winner says for an entire day.” 
Theo eyed Arthur with caution as he contemplated his odds at beating the mystery author. The last thing the man needed was to lose a bet to the flirt. Not even to mention the fact that he has been so busy with work recently, that he hasn’t even spent any time with his dearest pet. 
Shooting Arthur a devilish smirk, he confidently spoke up, “you have yourself a deal, you four-eyed pervert.” 
The night progressed, and the drinks flowed between the two friends, however, little did Theo know that Arthur had a rather naughty trick up his sleeve to ensure success. Arthur had never lost a bet in his life, and he most definitely wasn’t planning on giving up his winning streak now. 
Theodorus sat up in his bed and groaned as he rubbed the sleep out of his eyes. He looked over to see his dearest companion peacefully sleeping at the foot of his bed. His expression softened upon seeing the cute way the retriever’s legs twitched as he slept. Reaching over, he gave the pup a clumsy pat, all while wearing a tender smile. “Looks like you will have to help me make good on a deal, King.” 
Upon hearing his name roll off the tongue of his beloved owner, King shot up and tacked Theo back down onto the bed, showing his face with loving kisses. It was in these rare moments that Theo truly allowed his tough exterior to melt away and reveal his true self. He laughed as he pushed the retriever’s face away from his own, trying to catch his breath. King nuzzled his nose into the palm of Theo’s hand, trying to push past and shower his face with even more kissing licks. 
Suddenly the retriever’s attention was stolen by the slither of crumpled paper laying on the bedroom floor. With lightning speed, he hopped off of the bed and started playfully attacking the piece of paper, tearing it up, to make a scattered mess. Theo couldn’t help but affectionately smile down at King as he pulled his finger through his hair, contemplating just how the lightweight shit bag friend of his, might have been able to out drink him. 
He clenched his jaw and rolled his eyes as he finally got up to prepare for his fate, as loser of the wager. “Curse that rotten good for nothing thot for scamming me.”
After a long drawn out sigh, Theo slithered onto the floor and reached over to the trunk situated beside his desk, to pull out a soft-bristled brush. The second the playful pup spotted his favourite red brush he was sprawled across Theo’s lap, belly exposed, ready for some attention, “You really are an attention whore, aren’t you.” 
King's tail happily swished back and forth as Theo bushed his soft golden fur and showered the lovable creature with attention. Despite not having spent much time with his dear companion, he made a point of it, to at least brush the retrievers silky fur once a day in the mornings. Knowing from experience that the pup would seek attention otherwise from the man, in far more destructive ways. Something his chewed-up leather shoes could attest to.
Theo walked along the Boulevard with King excitingly strutting beside him. King’s long, fluffy tail swished in the air as he excitedly looked around the new environment. Soon the pup’s tail started wagging profusely as they neared the local dog park. Despite having walked around half of Paris with King, it was the first time the pair had visited this particular dog park. 
Catching the whiff and sight, of all the new interesting sights and smells in the unknown environment, the retriever’s excitement only grew tenfold. At this point, the pup was so ecstatic to play with the other animals, that he was practically walking Theo instead of the other way around. 
King pulled at his owner to quicken his pace, “oi King, slow down, you are going to pull my arm from it’s socket.” The pup never relented once, continuing to push forward with Theo in tow. 
Once inside the park, Theo leaned down to release the leash and allow King to run free and expend all his energy. “Try not to cause too much mischief today, buddy.” He ruffled the pup’s fur as he unclasped the leash. The second King was freed, he leapt into the air running off to some unknown direction
Theo could only scoff at his pet’s impatience, although, after watching his beloved companion for a few moments, he couldn’t help but let go of a hearty chuckle. The sight of the retriever bouncing around the park exploring its every corner was simply too cute. 
Soon the slight smile that was resting on Theo’s face morphed into his set point scowl, as he spotted the woman he was supposed to meet, on this blind date. 
Cursing Arthur once more under his breath, he approached the woman. Out of all the things to be asked of the man for losing the bet, this was by far the worst. 
As he neared the woman to introduce himself, King came sprinting back to Theodorus, to show him a cool new stick he had found. 
The retriever ran at full speed bounding into the air to slam straight into Theo’s back, causing the man to fall forward. There was no way to stop gravity once in motion, and Theo found himself tumbling straight into the woman’s arms, sending the pair of them falling back onto the soft grass. 
Theo stared down at the woman mortified, while his beloved companion decided to ease his master’s anger by showering both his owner’s- and the face of the new stranger with small kisses. Theo narrowed his eyes at the dog, who playfully nipped and licked at the poor woman’s face, while letting go of a little whine in apology. 
Before Theo could scold the impertinent pooch, both his and King’s attention was suddenly stolen by the woman trapped beneath the young art dealer. 
She seemed to be in a fit of laughter at the whole experience, trying her best to free herself from King’s loving face kisses. 
Thankful for the distraction King bounded off into a new direction while Theo was left blushing from the embarrassment. He clumsily got up and muttered a slight apology as he offered the woman a hand. 
She smiled a bright sunny smile and shrugged as she continued to chuckle nervously. She gestured for the two of them to sit down on a nearby park bench to which Theo simply nodded, as he tried his best to regain composure. 
He was surprised at the spunk of the woman who sat beside him, chatting away without a care in the world. He had tried his best to deter her with his sharp tongue and scowling attitude. Yet she continued to smile and engage with him, meeting his savage words and comments with a charming wit of her own. 
By the time the sun had started set, Theo was almost sad to leave the company of this mysterious woman. He leisurely walked beside the her as they decided to do one more slow lap around the park together, before saying their goodbyes. 
Suddenly the woman breathed an “oh no” and used Theo as a human shield, upon spotting two excited pups sprinting their way towards the two owners at full speed. Without warning, the Retriever and Labrador duo shook out their sopping wet fur right beside the owners to shower them in an inevitable rain of muddy pond water. 
The pair burst into laughter, as both of them were now soaked to the bone, and left to smell like wet dog and dirty river water. 
After parting ways with the woman and her pet, Theo couldn’t keep that shit-eating grin off his face. Even King was wearing a broad smile of his own, having finally met a pup who could keep up with his high energy curiosity. 
“What do you say bud, should we meet up with those two again sometime?” Seemingly as if understanding his master’s words, King’s tail whipped through the air as he let out an excited bark in response. “Oké dan staat het vast.” 
Since then, whenever Theo and King would visit the dog park, they would each in their own way, excitingly approach the gates in anticipation of the fun day that lays ahead. 
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Hope yall enjoyed this ☺❤🌻also this is low key part 2 hehe ☺
Part one will be out on day 3 of the countdown! So the day after tomorrow!🌈
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softhourtxt · 5 years
home | ateez
× au: roommates with ateez × pairing: ateez x reader × genre: fluff, maybe a dash of angst × warnings: mild swearing × word count: 1,1k
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being roommates with ateez is a whole is a mess ok??
sometimes you just think if it would be easier living homeless tbh
you actually even once joked about it out loud
but immediately got attacked by a bunch of boys
you counted at least 5 bodies on top of yours screaming they would never let you leave the house if you kept joking like that
your other friends are,,,,, quite interested in this whole situation
you’ve noticed your best friend suddenly becoming very interested in spending time at “your place”
and when you asked, they swore it had nothing to do with your attractive roommates
yeah you were like “ooookaaay sure”
but the boys always welcomed your friends over
definitely not because they liked flirting with them too
and you always pointed this out to your friends in a teasing manner
they’d look at you weird and be like “??? dude they flirt with you the most”
but you insist it’s just their personality
cue your friend rolling their eyes
and the sleepless nights when you lie in your bed staring at the ceiling and thinking “do they really???”
but anyway, back to the chaos
your average day consists of:
sitting on your bed trying to do homework
sounds chill enough but noooo
the key word is “trying”
seonghwa is vacuuming somewhere in the distance
( you can’t see him but you know it’s seonghwa because he was yelling at someone for making a mess )
woosan being hella loud
someone pestering you every once in a while
a few examples:
mingi comes by asking what you’re doing
hongjoong stops by to ask if you’ve eaten
yeosang has lost an item of his and is looking for it from?? your room?? get out yeosang pls
at this point you’re annoyed so you close the door which is a clear indication you want to be left alone
you’re alone for like a second
someone opens the door and is about to speak-
it’s yunho and he sees you sitting on your laptop with anger written all over your face so he just,,,, closes his mouth and slides out before you start a war
finally it seems like you have some privacy so you sigh
“are you like 100% sure my headphones aren’t here?”
“yes, yeosang. you left them in the kitchen”
but it’s not always like that
believe me or not, there are moments when you’re not annoyed at them
moments where all 9 of you are gathered in one room, sitting on the floor eating takeaway and talking about your days
there was this one time you were sitting around in your bedroom
you had ordered food and everyone was starting to open their packages while chatting loudly
but when you opened your package, it was the wrong order :(
you quietly stared down at it for a few seconds just pouting
you were so rly super hungry and now :( you didn’t have any food
hongjoong who is sitting on your left notices this
he nudges you with his elbow
“did you get someone else’s order?” he asks you
and his heart almost breaks when your voice is so small and fragile
“…….i don’t know… i don’t think so”
jongho, sitting to your right is also now aware of this
“yo does everyone have what they ordered?” he speaks louder so everyone can hear
the boys quickly look at their foods and nod their heads
your shoulders slump and you almost feel like you’re about to cry
you didn’t want to be picky but what you had on your plate had some ingredients you were allergic to
“hey you like this, right?”
hongjoong offers you a piece of his food with his chopsticks
you weakly nod and accept what he’s offering to you
“aigoo our waifu didn’t get their order??? here~” wooyoung coos and offers you a piece of his food as well
before you know it seonghwa had gotten you an empty plate where everyone left pieces of their own food for you to eat
and so your smile and mood was simply restored :,)
overall your relationship is great,,,, you all get along so well
of course there are some minor disagreements here and there
sometimes even arguments, but rarely!!!
there was this one time
when you had accidentally left your sock on san’s bed
yes, one sock
he came home after a long and tiring day, ready to just slump down on his bed and fall asleep the second he closed his eyes
he was exhausted, barely said anything to anyone, just walked past everyone and went straight to his room
but not long after he entered, he already came storming out
he knew goddamn well the sock on his bed was yours, no one else had bright yellow pikachu socks in the household
you were in the kitchen enjoying some cereal with wooyoung and yunho
when an upset san storms over to you
“why is your sock on my bed, y/n?” he asks, clenching his jaw
you swallow your cereal and blink up at the boy
“oh hehe so that’s where it was..?” you nervously chuckle
steam is coming out of san’s ears ,,,, he is just SO pissed right now at you for leaving you stupid annoyingly bright yellow frigging sock-
you’re defensive bc?? “chill it’s just one sock i can take it and you can go back to-”
basically san raises his voice at you and you flinch a bit
wooyoung chokes on his cereal and yunho starts hitting his back
thankfully san comes back to his senses at your flinch as he notices the slight gloss that just appeared over your eyes
“yah, relax dude” yunho glares at san while still patting wooyoung’s back
“no it’s okay,,,,, i’m sorry i’ll go collect it” you stand up and walk past san with your head hung low
san immediately regrets his actions and rushes after you
he finds you sitting on his bed, staring down at the sock in question
he carefully sits down next to you and buries his head into your shoulder in shame
“i’m sorry i shouldn’t have raised my voice :(”
“it’s okay i understand :,) you’ve had a long day. i should let you rest now”
you get up to leave but wooyoung enters the room
he plops down on san’s bed, bringing you down with him
and just like that you got yourself in a cuddle/nap session with woosan, lucky you
i could literally write about your life living with ateez for forever but imma stop here
just overall living with 8 boys was tiring but fun!
and you couldn’t imagine your life without them :,)
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My Hero Academia Girlfriend Headcanons
(A/N: So, I’m kinda gay for over half of the BNHA girls, so here we go. I might do this for some of the boys too, but I really wanted to do some wholesome gxg headcanons. I’m definitely going to do some gxg one-shots in the future (probably mostly Mina, Momo and Tsu because I love them), so feel free to request gxg one-shots as well as bxg!)
(P.S.: Sorry to Hagakure-lovers; I had no idea what to write for her so y’know what was I supposed to do? Leave it blank? Also, no Toga because, even though (I think) she’s canonically bi, I don’t like writing for yandere characters. She’s still cool, though.)
Ochaco Uraraka
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High-key the jealous type.
She gets majorly jealous when anyone shows even minimal romantic interest in you, and she can become pretty passive aggressive towards the person she’s jealous of.
You always inspire her with your confidence and determination, so she always makes an effort to try and be more like you.
She really likes wearing your clothes.
Whether she’s alone in her dorm or out shopping with you, she will be wearing one of your hoodies, jackets, t-shirts or scarves.
You pretty much have to steal them back when she leaves them in her drawers or on the floor of her dorm.
But, you low-key think she looks adorable in your clothes.
Sometimes you just buy cute clothes you want to see her wearing because you know she’ll probably steal it and wear it instead of you.
Of course, this rosy-cheeked, round-faced softy is obsessed with you, her human body pillow.
It’s hella adorable when she just rests her head on your tummy and smushes her cheek against it.
In public, you two often hold hands or you have an arm around her.
She’s definitely distracted a lot in class because she’s usually busy thinking about you.
She gets really flustered when you do something cute and when people (*cough* *cough* Mina) catch her looking at you and tease her a little.
Kyoka Jiro
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You guys go on tons of dates at cafes with live music.
Occasional concert dates are a must.
Sometimes, you just like to lie in her bed and listen to her play the guitar and sing.
When you compliment her on her musical talent, her face goes redder than Kirishima’s hair.
She makes playlists for you.
Literally, the way she confessed to you was by making you a playlist of songs that explained her feelings for you.
It’s still your favourite playlist.
You two are best friends on top of being girlfriends.
Your shared favourite activity is laughing at the stupid things that Denki does.
When you don’t feel like going out, you just lie in your bed, wrap yourselves up in blankets and watch horror movies all day.
That, or you just lie, talk and vibe to music.
She writes songs about you, but she doesn’t share them with you for a while.
Loves wearing your t-shirts because she loves how baggy they are on her.
You’re both really supportive of each other, but you both enjoy bantering and harmlessly teasing each other.
You’re Class 1-A’s power couple; they all think you’re really cute together (though Bakugou hardly cares).
You don’t often display affection in public, but you’re usually always with one another.
Momo Yaoyorozu
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Momo adores you.
You can bet that Mineta fetishises your relationship like the perv he is, and you can also bet that you won’t hesitate to hit him over the head when he’s creepy to your precious Momo.
Momo likes to spoil you.
Who are you to complain? She’s rich, after all.
Momo’s not all that big on PDA, but she’ll hold your hand if you guys are together.
In private, though, you can bet that she’ll cuddle you like hell.
You often lay your head on her chest (AKA your favourite pillow) if you’ve had a bad day or you’re just in need of some rest.
If Momo’s stressed about exams, she rests her head on your tummy or lap and you play with her hair to calm her down.
Speaking of exams, you two often have study dates.
The only problem is that you two often get distracted, if you know what I mean.
NOT LIKE THAT! But, you can bet that there’s some kissing or tired cuddling.
Sometimes, you just visit Momo to invade and take over her big-ass bed.
Of course, you’re there to see Momo too, but her bed is so big and comfortable.
Both of you feel comfortable enough talking to each other about your insecurities, but your self-confidence increases when you start dating.
You’re both pretty protective over each other, and it’s because you love each other so much.
Itsuka Kendo
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Kendo is literally so sweet to you.
However, if anyone tries to mess with you, she will squash them like a bug beneath her giant fist.
Basically, she’s pretty protective over you, but it’s just because she really, really cares about you.
She’s not too shy with PDA, but won’t go overboard.
She’ll kiss you on the cheek, hold your hand and have an arm around you, but that’s pretty much it.
She’s a sucker for cuddling when you two are alone, though.
She doesn’t seem like the overly affectionate type, but she loves holding you in her arms and giving you sweet little kisses.
She literally can’t get over how adorable you are.
She has a habit of pinching your (face) cheeks and pressing them together because she thinks your chubby cheeks are the best thing in existence.
Low-key the gay moms of class 1-B.
She likes to take care of you.
You’re sick? She’ll come and make you soup.
You’re upset? You can bet your house that she’ll be your shoulder to cry on. Plus she’ll yell at and/or beat up whoever upset you as long as it’s not yourself.
Whenever she gets overly annoyed at one of her classmates, they often rely on you to be the one who prevents them from feeling the wrath of her big sister tendencies.
Tsuyu Asui
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You guys literally have the most wholesome relationship.
Hand-holding is something you both enjoy.
If you notice she gets too cold, then you’ll give her your outer article of clothing (i.e. your hoodie/jacket) and scarf if you’re wearing one.
You both like just sitting around and chatting about random stuff, be it deep, introspective conversations or just discussing something seemingly unimportant, such as how Midoriya was mumbling a lot to himself in class.
She tends to be the little spoon of the relationship.
By that, I mean that you’ll be the one who puts your arm around her rather than the other way around, and that she usually rests her head on your shoulder.
However, she tends to be the one to initiate other types of affection (i.e. cheek kisses and regular hugs)
You think she’s the cutest thing in the world.
Tsu must be protected at all costs. She is too pure for this world.
If you guys are sharing a bed, she usually rests her head on your chest and holds you close while you loosely loop your arm around her.
There have been a few times where she’s fallen asleep sprawled out on top of you.
You usually hug her like a child holding a teddy bear when that happens.
Mina is a hardcore shipper of you.
She honestly finds you two adorable together.
Don’t be surprised if she has a Tsuyu x (Y/N) fanfiction on A03.
Mina Ashido
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Mina LIVES for PDA!
She always greets you with a peck on the lips or a kiss on the cheek, all while almost tackling you to the floor in a warm hug.
You two do pretty much everything together.
Homework, shopping, eating, training: all of them you do together.
You let Mina copy your homework because you just love her so much.
You guys are willing to try out one another’s interests, no matter how different they may be.
Mina’s such a romantic.
Valentine’s Day is her favourite holiday.
You usually get her some fancy, bourgeois chocolates, and she’ll have planned some elaborate, romantic date.
If you’re sat alone watching movies in your room or something lazy, Mina likes to either have her legs wrapped around you, rest her head on your lap or use you as a human backrest.
She loves picking out outfits she thinks you’d look cute in, even if you’d never wear anything she picked unless she pouted and pleaded.
Like Ochaco, she steals your hoodies.
You never catch her doing it, but one day she’ll just be walking around in a pair of her gym shorts and one of your hoodies, which looks adorably baggy on her, but you still can’t help but wonder when she managed to steal it.
She blindly supports you on pretty much everything, but you’re a lot more cautious and try to sway her from dangerous (and idiotic) antics.
As much as she loves you, you can act kinda like a buzzkill in her eyes, and she can be too stubborn to back down.
Sometimes this leads to her egging herself on with something stupid, like the time when she and Kaminari stole Bakugou’s large, plastic laundry basket and a trash can lid and they raced down the stairs.
When they almost broke their necks, you and Kirishima had to carry her and Denki to Recovery Girl.
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ladyvesuvia · 3 years
Hi! Congratulations on 700! You deserve it:) May I have a 🍸 with James Potter? My name is Alana and I am straight girl, she/her, I am an entj-t & Aquarius. I am considered tall and mature for my age. I have thick & wavy, shoulder length dirty blond hair. I have hazel eyes and pale skin. I have a bunch of little birthmarks on my arms and on my face. I like wearing baggy clothes or anything that’s really comfortable. I enjoy reading and watching Gilmore girls, and I LOVE Greek mythology. I absolutely love learning about it! I like to keep to myself mostly but I do have a couple of close friends. I’m really sensitive:/ I cry a lot and sometimes I don’t even know why tbh. I get really stressed over schoolwork and put to much pressure on myself to do well. I’m sort of a people pleaser and can’t really say no, but with my family I have ‘the worst attitude’, so🤷‍♀️. I’m really big on activism and my mom and sister say I’m the biggest feminist they know.(biggest compliment) I daydream a bit to much ngl. Anyways I love watching horror movies with my sister, it’s so much fun. Hope this was enough info💗💗
i love u already omg sorry this took long
hope u like this sweetie <3
OK SO james is like a year older so on your first year, he was obvi a second year and james was just looking around until he found you sitting at the ravenclaw table looking tired af hAHHAAHA and he just laughed and thought to himself ‘same.’ that was like just the first and only time before you finally even talked.
the very very first interaction you had was…not good. jk why bother sugarcoat it IT WAS BAD.
you were in your fifth year and the O.W.L.s were getting near and he was at the library with remus because of an essay they had to write for potions and james is like “why bother? slughorn thinks i’m a god” /hj
and sirius came in with peter and they were all seated at the table behind you and they began laughing and ofc you were getting hella pissed because you were reading your book in peace until they came in so you just stood up and straight up shushed the heck out of them 😭
PLS JAMES WAS LIKE stifling a laugh like “you spit on me.” HAHXHDJAJA and at some point when he urged the rest of them to go back to the common room instead, he just muttered “typical ravenclaw” which just threw you off like UM,,, EXCUSE ME??? I’ve been trying to study for the past hour in peace and you lot come marching in and just ruin my progressxbsjskwoswmwmw
but after you stormed out, in your mind you were freaking out because you just scolded A GROUP of gryffindors and you were all “nope i am not apologizing” but you do anyway and james just thought it was cute af <33
imagine your surprise when he started coming to the library and sitting just across from you to give you his own reviewers from last year for the o.w.l.s like it was a secret mission HSBXHSHAJA BESTIE he’d just sit down and say, “greetings” like a mysterious man before sliding over a notebook and he always had something to give everyday
LIKE YOU DIDN’T TALK WITH EACH OTHER it was just like a secret and low-key rendezvous u know
then on the day of the o.w.l.s., he gave you a piece of parchment and you finally talked and told him “i don’t need them anymore.”
“no, i insist.” *slides the parchment back to you*
“no, i insister.” *slides the parchment back to him*
“merlin, just take it and read it after the o.w.l.s..”
“fine,” you told him, stuffing the piece of parchment into your bag before leaving the library but ofc not before turning to him and saying, “typical gryffindor.” AGH STAWP NOW I WANNA WRITE THIS FIC LMAO
and after the exams, you just plop into your bed and pull out the piece of parchment to find that he had written some good good good stuff on it: “i like your hair. also when summer comes i’m gonna get one of those cool clothes you wear. also i like you and it would be nice if you went out with me or something like that.”
safe to say that you didn’t know how to react i mean how tf do you respond to that? *convulses*
— when you finally started dating, you’d just come over each other’s common rooms and whenever you were over at his, some of the bitter gryffindors would be all “iS thAt AlloWed???” and james would just be like “my friend’s a prefect” like it’s a threat hAHAHAHA
— remember when he said “you spit on me”? oh yeah he keeps coming back to that to make the same but revised joke: “spit on me, i’m willing.” PLS HE’S SO RANDOM AND YOU’D JUST CRINGE HAHAHAHA LIKE “ew no why would i do that?” “you did it once, just do it again.”
— and oh the cuddles the damn cuddles he’s so mf good at it and you just felt at home with him idk agh
— he likes tracing your birthmarks while chilling together whenever and wherever because he thinks they’re pretty and you look like the sky and he just loves you so much and he still couldn’t believe that he was dating the girl who scolded him at the library was the one person he’d give the world to
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niminarissa · 3 years
Why would you lose your respect for doing something entirely optional lmfao
Okay I was super tired and annoyed when I posted these so let me wrap up the respect part. Or lack there of.
Technically it was when she said “I mean what I say” when they broke up and then not even 5 hours later she goes back into Sam’s arms like the fight never happened. Then the stupid over the top tree announcement was hella dumb. Now this chapter, mc is all cozy with her Sam and will tattle to the dad to get rid of the competition for trying to break up her relationship. They should have just given him the magazine article because he really didn’t give a fuck about Jordan. Mason Sr. was probably thinking is this bitch seriously wasting my time on this shit. I have been letting mc’s stupidity slide because she seemed like the underdog. I pitied her sad girl routine and her trying to make it in the science world. But slowly I started losing hope. I played through the “fire Robin” diamond option to see what it adds and every option I chose was a contradiction. The dialogue options were not lined up to show that mc is a good person and she truly believes she is a saint that can do no wrong. She even comes off as a low key gold digger imo. I can see where Robin is coming from and all he spoke was facts. It is really sad that Robin was letting off steam and in a vulnerable situation for mc to trick them into speaking their mind. Even I know my personal opinions in a business should not always be said. Some owners can be fucking assholes but you can’t go saying that to their face. You do your job, that’s it.
I replayed the chapter so I can not fire Robin, but the dialogue and my opinion of mc is already set in. Most of the time diamond scenes just add more detail in a character and it was not a good detail to this character. My view of mc was turning negative as the more recent chapters went by. I think I finished my thoughts. I’m not that great at writing so my ideas can be everywhere and not make sense. Sorry about that.
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Tired of being me
Started off with a pretty eventful Saturday morning, calling my sales manager and then the HR, both somewhat relating to the craziness on Friday. Yeah, that was another wild one. 100 orders in the morning, another 100 items to pack along with 600 gifts. Obviously with 5 people, that was impossible. And of course, why would anything go according to plan? Sure, we got to delay the shipment clearance, though the stocks arrived to office first and ended up breaking the cargo lift. But at least it was the final 2 and not the start of 7 pallets worth of stocks. 
Anyhoo, I digress. So, Saturday... Apparently the boss had learnt that my team had wanted to allocate more work to me, and since I was kinda close to the sales manager and she kinda knew how I was barely coping already, she helped me to convey that too. Also, surprising to hear that the other manager was saying she’s really busy too. On what? We aren’t entirely sure. Especially when it seems we’re basically doing most of their work for them. But hey, they’re the boss. Or something. But well, so there was that. And then the whole madness of Friday, boss wanting to know why it was so last minute and realising why she requested me to be with her during this covid situation split teams. 
Not really sure if this is gonna lead to something, but I guess now more people really know how I’m not able to cope with my current workload. I mean initially was just me talking about it to some colleagues, and mostly low-key crying at my desk (which I stopped for a bit). But it’s getting exhausting. Really exhausting. I mean the sales manager isn’t even working at the office anymore, and I think more people are realising what those two are actually doing (or not doing) to/for the company. 
I don’t know, a part of me had been wondering if I’m just unable to handle stress well and couldn’t cope with something that most would be able to. Or maybe because I take on more than I can handle at times too. Well, admittedly, at times it’s because I choose to help a colleague in need despite my own work, but most of those times it can be handled in time. But now, there’s just way more disruptions with more tasks, sometimes with even shorter deadlines. 
I also wonder if I’m being entitled. Expecting someone to help me out when everyone is struggling on their own too. Is it just me? 
Hopefully this means that work is looking up now... Funny it’s every time I decide I wanna leave. Not sure if this is supposedly a sign to stay, or just a test. 
What’s worse is that the covid situation here is getting bad again... which I guess was what also led to work being unproductive too, split teams, etc. And I think this also led me to consider things with him again. Kinda feels like deja vu too. He’s not really trying as much, I guess cos he knows we’d likely not be meeting up during this phase. 
It’s funny, I had basically decided that for me, I should take a bit of distance, but then he started texting more. And then there was that night he was there while I was having a breakdown. I guess he kinda took a step back from then, but I was also wondering if maybe I wasn’t putting in enough the past couple days because I was trying to keep my distance. And now, it’s back to being awkward-ish and strange. 
It’s probably my overthinking too and stressing about everything. And ugh, being overly emotional today. But honestly, with everything that’s happened... I just need to see how he’s trying to have this relationship on his own terms. When he feels like talking, when he feels like meeting. Sure, it’s not entirely on him for it all, but it’s definitely not balanced and we still haven’t really found a way to compromise to a proper balance. 
Also came across this on Reddit the other day (totally different context though): 
“It's akin to a drug dependency, you tell yourself it's to experiment, then it becomes a habit, after that you start to get used to the idea that having your fix is not a problem, the final stage is telling yourself that your life depends on it, it is no longer a question of wanting it, but needing it. That’s the stages of how a typical drug addict convince themselves, seen this countless time with mates who fell to the deep end of addiction, and it is freaking difficult to even convince them to quit it.”
And it hit me, hard. I think I’ve been addicted to our relationship. Telling myself that it’s okay, we’ll try whatever this is, whatever hot-cold phase, whatever casual relationship. And then telling myself that it’s okay, I’m not attached. But then, what do I do? I can’t keep my distance, I can’t let go. Maybe he really is my nicotine... And I don’t know how to put you down... 
Recently, I’ve been paying more attention to “signs”, maybe a little because of Manifest, maybe also because of the tarot readings that my friend did previously. So first, there was this grasshopper, which could mean I just needed to take a leap of faith. And then the other day, having a dream about a small flood, which could mean being overwhelmed with my emotions. Hella true. Am actually crying as I write this. 
Ugh, I’m just so tired. Tired of being upset, tired of being angsty. Tired of wondering if I’m a good or bad person/colleague/friend/daughter. Tired of thinking. Tired of complaining and ranting. Tired of being tired. 
Side note, this was actually meant to be a more positive post about the work change, but I guess I don’t necessarily have high hopes of much changes... So yeah. 
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uhhhhyandere · 5 years
hey! hope it's not too weird to ask this on a yandere blog, but what nice or considerate things (if there are any lmfao) would Light from Orphic do for his s/o? it can be in a headcanon format, but I don't mind either way!!
headcanons??? i have never done them... but i want to so bad bc they always look so much fun to do and i love having fun. also, im sorry this was lost and you’ve had to wait three centuries i really am a terrible person who doesn’t know how to run a blog yet
so after writing my last glorious peace lets have some nice Light Yagami. just nice. considerate??? we’ll see. these turned out more light yagami in general. 
anything nice light yagami does is for a greater purpose. nothing is genuine. nothing. he’s 0/10. (love him tho) 
♢ So, Light obvi knows that if yall are together he can’t be manipulative, asshole, and bitch all the time, (he needs to hold things over your head and keep his charm so you still at least kinda like him)
♢ So, in this Orphic universe post-canon, he’s all about showmanship. His next step in his plan is building his own name so he can “come out” as Kira, so he kinda becomes like famous like L but everyone knows who he is kinda like Sherlock Holmes a bit
♢Getting that out of the way, Light is going to take you to those expensive ass restaurants and parties where high names are, where he knows he’s going to be seen. You just get to come along (you have to look nice in his eyes. u dont look good enough? get changed) yeah... not very nice
♢At parties as such, he’s all about appearances as a loving, doting boyfriend/fiance to his s/o. his arm is around your waist, he is joking with you, dancing with you, flirting with you like a high schooler, fixing your hair, giving you small kisses, everything
♢because he has to (but they’re nice at the moment)
♢in those restaurants he is pulling out your chair, holding your hand from across the table, smiling at your attempted jokes 
♢another not so fancy, elegant, showboat date is shopping!? grocery shopping, clothes shopping, etc. ignore the fact it’s about how he can control what you wear, eat, etc. , 
♢clothes shopping you get to try on outfits while he waits in the waiting area, having you turn and help you zip up a suit or dress, experiment with new clothes, and judgment from the store clerk who wants him away from the changing areas (if you identify as a female in the female locker room, that is)
♢he buys the clothes too
♢grocery shopping is fun too. you get to ask for snacks and he says no. you also get to ask to go out for lunch after and he also says no. it’s quality time???
♢also buys the groceries 
♢sometimes he will sneak a cake-like treat in there for you. 
♢another outside date I think he’d do is exercise dates. so playing tennis, going for walks/runs, going to the gym. he has to take care of himself to keep up his image, and, if you’re with him, your image as well. 
♢but he’s actually nice in these areas bc if you’re not so used to working out often he’s supportive and vocalizes his pride you’re there with him (is it just for show? the world may never know...) 
♢late night impromptu dates? you have to drag his ass but he will not have you walking to a grocery store at 3am for ice cream by yourself. With dark circles, he will accompany you and stand half-asleep next to you in the aisle as you decide between peanut butter blast, triple chocolate, or peanut butter triple chocolate with fudge. he’s protective after all. you did run off for four years.
♢more low-key inside the house stuff does happen 
♢cooking for you. he always be firing up the stove and trying new recipes. a big headcanon i have for him is being a super good cook given how self-sufficient he is. loves when you tell him it’s good.
♢when he’s uhh “writing” he’ll allow you to rest your head in his lap if he’s doing in on the bed or couch bc your home is hella private. Might use your head as a table though if his arms getting tired. 
♢when he’s done he’ll set it aside and run his fingers through your hair while he watches the late news. othertimes he’ll toss your head aside and walk away. it’s always a surprise with him.
♢also reads to you. mostly news and stories about kira from newspapers and scholarly articles. one day you’ll convince him to read you If You Give a Moose a Muffin. One day.
♢showering together! it’s going to be moreso of you washing him. another headcanon i have is he loves being bathed and washed by someone else. makes him feel powerful. especially if they’re your hands. you though? maybe. 
♢if it’s a bath, then sure you can slide in between those long legs and lie up against his back. not for long tho. when he gets stiff, he’s pushing you right out of there, but it’s nice while it lasts. 
♢movie nights! if you want to have one he better not have work that next morning or you’re SOL. but he will because he knows a lot of times you end up falling asleep and he can go to bed as well. 
♢he’s warm under the blankets. 
♢if you watch a scary movie and get scared, light will hit you with that “what’s scarier than a god of death?” and all of a sudden clowns aren’t so scary anymore considering who you’re cuddling with. 
♢loves when you hide into him. that power he has over you in those moments. 
♢speaking of the c-word
♢yes! honestly, okay. on the outside he’s like “bitch you’re disgusting don’t touch me” but on the inside, he loves having control over you. To have you cuddled up to him like he’s protecting you? he’s wanted you like this for so long. he’s going to enjoy it.
♢it’s moreso you wrapping your arms around him and him taking you all in. whether you be on the side, or lying on his chest and listening to his heartbeat.
♢he’s the knife big spoon. always. if you were the big spoon it’s an insult to his pride. he doesn’t need to be coddled. he wants to feel your form against him. focusing on how it feels and nothing else. nothing else but him.
♢in the end, this is light yagami. whether he is yandere or not, he is going to manipulate, put his appearance and yours first, have his facade game strong in public, and when not in public, he does things to remind himself and you that you are his to control, and he is yours to love and devote yourself to. He’ll do what he has to to make sure you know that, no matter if he hates it or not. 
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