#I love Zenobia!!!
grimae · 1 year
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this is a Zenobia appreciation post
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fenicenera83 · 7 months
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Vampire Chronicles/Favorite female character: ZENOBIA ♡
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crimescrimson · 6 months
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Red's Favourite Game Beginning's Of All Time [1/?]: Resident Evil: Revelations (2012)
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"Finders Keepers I'm afraid. That'll teach you to stink up your classmates"
Said by the New Student who didn't help with her sad predicament
The Audio comes from here and maybe my new fave ASMR for the night
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amberlide · 9 months
Honestly? I need more Natty, Poppy, Zenobia and Sacharissa on my blog... fan art or screenshots, I accept everything! I miss my girls :(
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gender-trash · 2 years
update on top surgery: i am so so itchy and sore and i cant move my arms much and drains are extremely gross. also the cat keeps trying to stand on me. all uphill from here though i guess!!
on the bright side, today i finished off three books, all of which had been languishing half-read on the Pile for months. highly recommend top surgery as an excuse to take 2-3 weeks off work and get a bunch of reading done, aside from its other benefits (#FreeTheNipple into the medical waste bin, etc etc)
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simply-slytherin · 1 year
I kind of hope that the Wizarding World at Universal Studios considers having character actors. Can you imagine them having Sebastian, Ominis, Garreth, Natty, Poppy etc? That would be so fun! They already do student character events, it would be cool to see our favs in there too.
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save-the-spiral · 1 year
just realized i could have pirate nolan stormgate interact with my pirate101 ocs.
Zenobia would love him wholeheartedly in a way where he allows himself to be vulnerable and becomes an older brother figure.
Darcy would think he's a prick and hustle him at cards or billiards.
Susannah & Vitale would be like. wow what an asshole! anyway.
Darling Alexander Dove would kill him though.
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dyannawynnedayne · 1 year
Immediately realized I reblogged that felice post to the wrong blog but, honestly? everyone needs to hear the good word and also read 'The Pope's Daughter' by Caroline Murphy, one of the most biographer of all time
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classicstober · 22 days
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✨Welcome to ClassicsTober 2024!✨
The idea is to create something – anything – for the prompt. Like other October prompt lists, it can be an illustration, but it can also be text, reference, historical artefact, video, story, translation, pretty much anything you’re interested in from the Ancient Med World that fits with the prompt. There’s no pressure to do every single one, just the ones you like.
This year it’s an ANCIENT HISTORY TAKEOVER! We asked Classicists, Ancient Historians, Archaeologists and Authors we know and love to suggest an ancient personage that they think everyone should know about! And, to combat misinformation and encourage research, we invite you to share your sources with your submission, whether that’s image references, texts, or even a whole bibliography!
See the ClassicsTober24 Details page for background on each of the names chosen by our friendly Classicists, Archaeologists, Historians and Authors, to get your creativity going! https://greekmythcomix.com/classicstober-24-details/
1 Regina of South Shields
2 Eumachia
3 Thucydides
4 Cleopatra Selene
5 Pliny the Elder
6 Meleager of Gadara
7 Harmodius and Aristogeiton
8 Boudicca
9 Eritha
10 Vitruvius
11 Julia Felix
12 Homer
13 Zenobia
14 Kallistomache
15 Aesop
16 Elagabalus
17 Iphikrates
18 Tacfarinas
19 Vespasian
20 The Trung Sisters**
21 Marcus Aquilius Regulus
22 Martial
23 Corinna
24 Cleopatra Thea
25 Sappho
26 Vitellius
27 Menander I Soter
28 Crassus
29 Phryne
30 Flavius Cerialis
31 Sejanus
*Ancient Greece and Rome and other near-Mediterranean Ancient cultures
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Pairings: Sebastian Sallow x GN!Reader
Summary: Anne accidentally lets slip one of Sebastian’s childhood nicknames.
Warnings: fluff, some teasing, talk about bullying, suggestive dialogue near the end
Word Count: 1.8k
A/N: This idea first popped in my head because I may or may not have named a stray cat who hangs around my house Sebastian. I called him “Sebby” one day and then this idea grew legs and decided to run away from me much like the feline namesake of this oneshot. (I love stray cats more than they love me, apparently)
Typically, only very young wizards play Gobstones. This, you understood after overhearing several of your classmates mock Zenobia for her obsession; you'd only played the game once, but never thought about it as childish. You weren't proud of it, but the opinions of your classmates had swayed you into dismissing the game altogether.
That is, until you discovered that Anne loved gobstones and since you visited her in Feldcroft with Ominis and Sebastian, you were roped into playing as well. You didn't mind, actually. It allowed you a small peek into Sebastian's life before you entered it, and you secretly adored the mock squabbles between Ominis and Sebastian as they argued over who won or not. Anne seemed happiest while playing, too, so you indulged in a weekly, hour round with friends.
A putrid smell infiltrated the space, caused by one of the Gobstones bouncing out of the circle. Ominis coughs and sputters, waving away the smoke. You, Sebastian, and Anne all laugh.
"Warn me next time," Ominis chokes out.
Sebastian grins, tilting his head like a puppy who chewed your favorite slipper and knows exactly what they did. "Where's the fun in that?"
“Go on, it’s your turn,” Anne prompts.
At times, you find it hard to believe that her and Sebastian are twins. But then one will do something that will remind you so violently of the other (in this case, Anne’s impatience) that sometimes it makes your chest ache — how terrible it must be to have someone so deeply entwined in your soul plagued with an irreversible illness.
The game ends, rather unceremoniously, as Sebastian triumphs over the other players, and the Gobstones are tucked neatly away into a velvet pouch that Anne uses to store them in. Sebastian grabs them from her, to which she casually supplies, “Thanks Sebby.”
You and Ominis both freeze.
Sebastian freezes too, but for an entirely different reason. A dark blush colors his cheeks.
“S-Sebby?” Ominis repeats.
His voice quivers as he struggles to suppress his laughter. It’s only this that alerts Anne that anything is wrong, as she didn’t notice her slip of tongue, and had been absently counting the Gobstones. Her head snaps up, and she locks eyes with Sebastian.
His gaze turns from that of a startled puffleskein to undeniably murderous.
“Oops,” Anne says.
“Oh, Merlin’s —” Sebastian starts, but the rest of his words are drowned out in the waves of uproarious laughter from you and Ominis.
“Sebby!” You cry, your face splitting into a grin.
“Thank you, Sebby!” Ominis joins in.
“Oh, you’re so welcome, Sebby.”
“Sebby, you’re too kind.”
You and Ominis relentlessly volley back and forth, completely ignoring the look of utter devastation from the Slytherin. His protests quickly die out. Anne tries to talk over you, inventing excuse after lame excuse — “It was a mistake! I don’t call him that!” — but neither of the Sallow siblings are a match for you and Ominis, who are quite like a dog with a bone.
“I have no qualms disowning you both,” Sebastian declares once your laughter begins to subside. It’s almost certain that you would’ve continued but your cheeks hurt from smiling, and your stomach was starting to hurt.
Ominis swipes at an imaginary tear. “Oh, Sebby, we know you wouldn’t dare.”
This earns a snicker from you. “Yeah, Sebby.”
“I detest you,” Sebastian says, this time to Anne.
His sister regards him sheepishly. The hint of a smile flickers on her mouth. “Sorry.” Anne pauses. With an insertion of tremendous comedic timing, she adds, “Sebby.”
This time, the three of you elapse into another fit of laughter. Ominis lays on the ground, clutching his stomach, while Anne giggles behind her hand. Sebastian’s features screw up in anger. It’s only when he storms out the door, throwing it shut behind him, that you feel an inkling of guilt.
“Should we go after him?” You ask.
Ominis, still chuckling, waves a hand. Anne has pulled his head into her lap, where they sit reclined against the sofa. “Oh, he’ll mope about and lick his wounds but he’ll be back.”
You stand up and brush off your knees. Ominis tries to tell you that Sebastian will be fine, but you find yourself propelled out the door and into the night. The moon washes over Feldcroft. It takes a moment for your vision to adjust but you spot Sebastian just in time, before he rounds a row of hedges and disappears.
You trot after him. It wasn’t a secret that Sebastian had a nasty temper, and you wanted to give him enough time to simmer. You follow the path to the row of hedges — at first, you think that he’s just outright vanished. The familair crown of artfully messy hair, the slope of his broad shoulders, are nowhere to be found. But then your notice a movement beneath the willow tree, it’s branches blowing lazily in the breeze, and realize that he’s sought shelter beneath it.
Making no effort to disguise your footsteps in the case that he needed to collect himself — you were always horrendously concerned about others — you approach the willow tree and use one arm to sweep back the long branches.
Sebastian leans against the trunk, one foot propped up. His arms are crossed.
You step forward hesitantly.
“What? Done having a jolly good laugh at my expense?” Sebastian asks, tone bitter. “Don’t let me stop you.”
You cringe slightly. “I’m sorry.”
“No, no, go ahead. You were going off brilliantly before,” he all but snarls.
The sharpness in his tone could peel flesh from the bone. Your hands form into fists at your side. “It was all in good fun,” you tell him. You had come out here to apologize, not to be berated.
“Really? I didn’t find it all that funny.”
“What’s wrong with you? It’s not like you haven’t poked fun at us before,” you remind him.
Even in the darkness, you can see his eyes narrow. Sebastian was an excellent duelist, and he tended to treat each verbal altercation with the same degree of savagery, no matter his perceived opponent. It’s perhaps why he ended up in detention more times than not.
“You wouldn’t get it,” he fires back. “You just don’t know when to stop.”
Your molars grit together. “It was a joke.”
“Hmph,” he says. He actually says it: hmph. You thought it was a word only made up by authors, but apparently it could very well be said.
You try for a different approach, intentionally softening your voice. “Please come back. I’ll make them promise they won’t bring it up again.”
“Sebastian —”
“You don’t know what it’s like.” His voice, barely lifting above a whisper, nearly gets lost in the rustle of the willow branches. In fact, you’re not even certain that he said anything at all, but you stay quiet nonetheless. You’re grateful for this decision, as it evidently prompts him to continue. “You’re so great at everything you do. And everyone adores you.” His icy composure cracks slightly. “I mean obviously but…it’s never been like that for me.”
You frown. “I don’t believe you. You’re infuriatingly charming and quick to learn.”
“Thank you,” he smugly replies. His shoulders heave as he sighs, and then he wilts before you like a flower deprived of the sun. “Anne used to call me Sebby a lot, back in primary school. She was too young to understand that it only gave the schoolyard bullies more fuel.”
“Oh.” It sounds silly leaving your lips, but you find that it’s the only thing you can think to say. “I didn’t know.”
Sebastian avoids your gaze but shrugs. “You couldn’t have. Anyway, it just reminds me of what they would say. How they would mock Anne and I, and our family — how we were poor, our clothes, the likes.”
A frisson takes shape in your chest, threatening to crack open. “That’s awful.”
“I shouldn’t have let it consume me so.”
Sebastian gestures for you, and your feet carry you closer. It’s frightening, sometimes, how unquestionably you listen to him.
But you don’t care.
He draws his arm around you and pulls you into his side, your head fitting into the curve of his shoulder like a puzzle piece snapping into place. His lips are warm on your skin in contrast to the night air, pressing a kiss to your temple.
“I’m sorry,” he mumbles.
Sebastian liked to apologize just as much as he liked to lose a duel.
“No, I’m sorry,” you say. “We should’ve stopped when we noticed you were uncomfortable.”
“Eh, I was being a proper twat.” Sebastian’s mouth curves into a grin. “I suppose I deserve a ruthless teasing after a reaction like that.”
You smack him. His stomach is taunt, muscled beneath your hand, reminding you traitorously of how he looked beneath his school attire. Mercifully, it was dark, and Sebastian was unable to see your blush from this angle.
“No you don’t.” You hook your hand in his, your fingers lacing together. “Sebby.”
He exhales sharply, but you can sense that he’s smiling. “Blimey that’s going to take some getting used to.” Sebastian gazes at you, at your entwined hands. “Although I suppose there’s no way I can convince you and Ominis to forget it.”
“Oh, absolutely not.” You laugh. “Ominis has an aggravatingly permanent memory. Especially when it comes to bugging you.”
Sebastian laughs too. “Fair enough.”
You lapse into silence. As your conversation subsides, the sounds of the night sharpen: the rustle of the leaves in the wind, crickets, somewhere in the distance a mother calling out for her child. Sebastian is warm besides you. Familiar and reliable and lovely. You’re overly aware of his breathing, the way his chest rises.
In fact, you’re annoyingly aware of everything about Sebastian.
“Should we go back, Sebby?” You ask. If you had a choice, you would’ve stayed beneath the willow tree all night. But fatigue had begun to settle in your bones, and you would much rather prefer to be nestled up next to Sebastian in bed.
Sebastian surprises you, and you cry out — like a dance, he spins you, using the momentum to pin your entwined hand over your head and your body under his. Heat rushes between your legs.
“Depends,” he mumbles in your ear. His lips graze over your earlobe, the sensitive skin of your neck beneath.
All clarity deserts you in moments such as these, when you would appreciate it most.
“On what?” You stammer back.
His answer causes your stomach to dip, the way it does when you drop too quickly from your broom.
“On whether or not you’re going to say my name…my real name…when you scream out for me tonight.”
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girl-named-matty · 6 months
Night owl or Morning person?
Are they a night owl or a morning person? Tags: Somehow put fluff and some cutesy stuff in here. Also not proofread sorry. This HC set contains the following characters: Sebastian, Ominis, Garreth, Leander, Amit, Andrew, Everett, Natty, Poppy, and Imelda. Rating: General Audiences. ..
Summary: My headcanons for if the Hogwarts Legacy students are Night owls or morning people!
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He is 100% a night owl. 
He spends hours reading late into the night. 
He also just really loves nighttime so he’d rather be awake during the night. 
This boy hates early mornings. 
If he’s not up by breakfast, he’s rolling out of bed and getting to class right before it starts. 
Obviously, not every morning because he has Ominis to wake him up and get him going but most mornings he’s still out of it and would rather go back to sleep but of course his education is still very important. ..
Morning person 
He’s probably up late into the night but he’s actually a pretty big fan of getting up early in the morning. 
Waking up early gives him some time to get ready and spruce himself up before classes and gives him some time alone before having to deal with Sebastian’s antics. 
And since bright lights aren’t an issue for him, he can usually fall asleep anywhere at any time and make up for the sleep he may have lost by waking up early. 
He also finds early mornings to be the most peaceful part of his day. Although he can’t physically see the sunrise, he likes to sit outside and feel the warm sunshine on his face. ..
He’s not a night owl but he’s definitely not a morning person either. 
He’s going to bed early and waking up late, sorry I don’t make the rules. 
He just really likes his sleep. 
But of course, he never misses breakfast, even if that means he’s rolling out of bed with messy hair and robes to get there in time. 
Just a sleepy boy, okay. But he doesn’t let his Aunt know how much he sleeps in right before important things. ..
A mix of both, perhaps? More on the morning side, though. 
Sometimes he’s up late simply because he got distracted and then got focused on whatever caught his eye. 
And then other nights he’s out like a light. 
Although, usually he’s up early enough in the mornings to make sure he’s up and ready for the morning. 
Don’t judge him for how long it takes to do his hair in the mornings. 
But his favorite mornings are when he wakes up and automatically feels like he can just take on the day with full confidence. :) 
And not even because he’s rebellious or is stubborn the boy just wants to see his stars. 
He will spend hours upon hours looking at and charting the stars. They really are his best friend when he thinks about it. 
But even then he’s a very dedicated student so he’s still up early in the morning to get ready for school and be perfectly on time for breakfast and for his morning classes. ..
He just strikes me as a morning person. 
But not the kind to wake up really early, he just enjoys his mornings. 
He takes them very slowly and has a pretty set routine that he likes to do in his mornings to help him feel like his days are going smoothly. 
Morning walks after the sun is up are some of his favorites. He also likes to read outside when the weather is just right. ..
Night owl and the opposite of Amit because he’s a night owl strictly for rebellious purposes. 
Well, most of the time anyway. 
We know he’s a prankster so he’ll stay up late waiting for everyone to be asleep just so he can snatch Zenobia’s gobstones again or stay up late to secretly plan another prank with Astoria Crickett. 
He gets caught a lot because he’s clumsy but you bet he’s gonna stay up late to try again. 
And he just hates the mornings. The worst part of the day for him. ..
Morning person. 
She’ll stay up late if she needs to but she just prefers mornings. 
She loves the sunrise and the feeling of the warm sun so basically mornings are her best friend most days. 
She loves early morning walks and loves it even more if her close friends and companions can join her on them. 
And when her friends are up before her just to get ready for the walk? Oh, you best believe you guys are gonna be best friends forever at that point. ..
Dare I say she’s a night owl?
For whatever reason she’s up late, probably playing with whatever nocturnal beasts she’s befriended, she loves to do it. 
She doesn’t mind getting up early if she has a good reason to, such as feeding the beasts early, but usually, she likes to sleep in quite a bit. 
There’s just something so peaceful about the night that she loves and she’d much rather be up late to experience it than be up early. ..
Morning person. 
Not only is she a morning person but she’s a super morning person. 
This girl wakes up at the crack of dawn just to get to the Quidditch pitch and train before anyone else can get there. 
She has a strict routine for practicing every morning and she holds herself to it. 
She thrives off of the energy she gets from waking up so early and going out there to practice and so mornings are just her thing. ..
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bubblegum-blackwood · 9 months
The thing about Marius de Romanus is that I understand he’s an absolute asshole, there’s not a strong enough word for how much of a jerk he is, if he was a real human man I would stay as far the fuck away from him as possible because hell no, but because he’s not a real human man and instead is stuck safely inside the pages of books where he cannot hurt me . . . I love him. In a way, I understand all those people who loathe him with a burning passion, but also, I don’t understand how you could not enjoy his character! To those who hate Marius, I have two rebuttals: 1) A lot of the traits you probably don’t like in him also show up in Lestat and, to a lesser extent, even Louis sometimes, so why the double standard? All of these characters are bad people why do we have it out for Marius in particular? And 2) Have you considered that he may be awful but at least he’s interesting about it?
Marius such a fascinating character to think about, analyse, pick apart, what makes him tick, why does do what he does, how much of it his his culture, how much of it is childhood issues, how much of it is his traumatic and entirely nonconsensual entrance into the world of vampires, etc., the ways that he sucks, the ways that he’s also kind of a dork on top of it, and also - the way he plays off of the other figures in his narrative are all so fascinating! Akasha, Avicus, Mael, Pandora, Bianca, Armand, Eudoxia and Zenobia, Thorne, Daniel, Lestat, hell, even Raymond Gallant and Botticelli! These random guys everyone forgets about (or they don’t know about because they refuse to read Marius’s book just because it’s Marius’s)! It’s cool! The dynamics he has with all of these other characters are so rich, so full of interesting things to talk about - why would you discount that just because he’s kind of a jerk?
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omnibused · 1 year
✮ ✵ ✭ Audio Masterlist ✭ ✵ ✮
Organized by Character, followed by Rating
❤️ - fluff, romantic // 💙 - could be platonic, could lean romantic [at the discretion of the listener] // 💛 - humor, silliness // 🧡 - based on a submitted request // 💜 - NSFW topics mentioned or referenced, but not explicit // 💚 - Extended audio with multiple sound elements [warnings in individual posts] // 🖤 - Potentially triggering topics mentioned or referenced // 💕 - made for an individual character, or references a specific piece of work //🔞 - NSFW
Currently Available Characters: Amit Thakkar, Ominis Gaunt, Poppy Sweeting, Professor Aesop Sharp, Sebastian Sallow
Links below the cut. Working desperately to add more characters. All audios are made for gender-neutral listeners unless otherwise specified - made to be enjoyed by everyone.
Ominis Adores Your Honesty - ❤️💙💕 [Original dialogue, from an unfinished fic]
Ominis Recites Love Poetry - ❤️
"It's so dark down here, I can't see anything!" - 💛
Ominis Muses on Your Future Together - ❤️
Protective Ominis - ❤️
Ominis Would Bring the World to Ruin, For You - ❤️
Ominis Serenades You on Piano - ❤️
Ominis Comforts You After a Nightmare - ❤️🖤
Ominis Comforts You in The Undercroft - ❤️💙💚
Cozy Ambiance, With Ominis - ❤️🧡💚
"...perhaps, I'll grant your wish." - ❤️🔞
"Oh, what a pity..." - ❤️🔞
Snuggly Praise and Aftercare, with Ominis - ❤️🧡💜🔞
"It's so dark down here, I can't see anything!" - 💛
"I would burn this world for you." - ❤️🧡
Jealous Sebastian - ❤️💛
Sebastian Comforts You After a Nightmare - ❤️🖤
Cozy Ambiance, With Sebastian - ❤️💚
Sebastian Being Thankful to Lina - ❤️💕
Sebastian Misses Lina - ❤️💕
"Ah, the most ancient of magics!" - 💛🧡
"You're telling me no part of you wants that again?" - 💕🔞
"Ugh, shut up Zenobia..." - 💛🧡
"I will ruin you." - 🧡🔞
Snuggly Praise and Aftercare, with Sebastian - ❤️🧡💜🔞
Poppy's Confession - ❤️🧡
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fog-and-rust · 1 year
Here we go again with screenshots
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The Restricted Section has the coolest tapestries
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Fluffy buddies
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Stained glass with Hogwarts Founders
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This place reminds me of an old game Keepsake (2006). I adored this game. Maybe it's the reason why I enjoy Hogwarts Legacy so much.
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I want this writing-desk. It looks epic
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I headcanon that this is the place Zenobia used to go to console herself after failing social interactions before MC befriended her (I always return her Gobstones. My MC is a menace to dark wizards, goblins and Puffskein Dunkein, but she is nice to Zenobia)
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Love the ambience. Wonder if these images of Demiguise scare Mr Moon
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Cool signs ahead, but the troll one didn't work
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Cool aesthetic
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Cozy corner at the entrance to Ravenclaw Common Room.
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Their battle will be legendary! Let my Hufflepuff girl enter Ravenclaw Common Room just to vibe there.
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He looks so soft
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My MC is on her way to tell her classmates how awesome Chinese Chomping Cabbages are
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Ominis gets his beauty sleep at every opportunity
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Everett is wondering if he can change Duncan's Boggart from Puffskein into Venomous Tentacula
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Closeup of Professor Sharp's Auror Badge (if someone needs references)
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Bestie, stop. If you want to be dramatic, go jump from Astronomy Tower. Use Fizzing Whizzbees or Levioso to survive
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I feel like three of them could become good friends. Each one is a loner and can be a savage so they can understand each other
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He can infodump about ALL the ingredients in Potions Classroom and I'll listen to it for hours
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Kink suggestion for Garreth's fans: Imagine him spoonfeeding you with his new concoction
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When I saw him taking a spoon out of his pocket I cackled so loudly that I startled my dog
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bloofinntoona · 2 years
Hi! I really love your prompts! (the letters omgh♡♡). Sebxfem!mc in a private class of flying? A class date where they just flirt with eachother? And Ominis in the back like: just kiss already, idiots(???)
Aawie thank you! ( ˘ ³˘)♥ Love the prompt. Here's my take on it!
༻✦༺  ༻✧༺ ༻✦༺༻✦༺  ༻✧༺ ༻✦༺༻✦༺  ༻✧༺ ༻✦༺
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Tags: fluffy fluff fluff, sebastian sallow x f!reader, i didn't copyedit this yeehaw
Although flying was one of your favorite subjects, and you looked up to Madam Kogawa, you still had trouble coordinating with the broom. On top of that, Imelda still bested you in the flying races scattered around the highlands. You were in dire need of extra flying lessons.
That day was a special class, Madam Kogawa was gracious enough to let the students fly outside of the classroom, just around the Lower Hogsfield area. You felt the chilly autumn breeze flew past your hair, sending shivers down your spine. It didn't help that you forgot your scarf, as you were rushing down to the courtyard after scouring the school to help Zenobia find her Gobstones. You stayed still mid-air, rubbing your hands against each other before you felt a warm scarf wrapped around you. It was green with white stripes, and you knew very well who it belonged to.
You turned around, smiling widely, "Thank you, Sebastian." You didn't know if the red tint spread across your face was because of the cold, or your secret admiration towards the Slytherin boy.
"It'll be pretty pathetic if you freeze to death at Kogawa's class," he laughs, "Professor Black will ban Quidditch forever."
A light slap hit his shoulder. Sebastian pretended to wince in pain. "So, you still haven't caught up to Imelda?" He made a gesture to the girl clad in her Slytherin Quidditch robe, zooming around the area while shouting something that obviously upsetting Everett Clopton.
You let out a huge sigh, shrugging your shoulders, "Why am I not surprised that Imelda told everyone that I basically failed her challenges? What a sweetheart." You said sarcastically, "I definitely need to train more. Everett gave me some pointers but I got caught once, so I'm not risking asking him again."
Sebastian rolled his eyes. "Everett Schmeverett. He talks big for someone who's scared of literally everything." He points to the hill not far away from where everyone is flying, "Come on, you have me. I'll show you how to fly better."
Looking around, you noticed Madam Kogawa was busy teaching some of the students and your peers were flying around anyways. You nodded and followed Sebastian. "Just try to follow me, alright?" He tilted his broom downwards and swooshed down between the narrow cliffs, swiftly dodging the trees and boulders along the way. You followed suit, having a little trouble as a branch almost smacked you right on your face.
"Try to relax, if you focus too much, you won't feel the broom movement." Sebastian advised while looking back at you.
You bit your lips and nodded again, now letting your feelings get the better of you. It miraculously worked. You were flying at a considerable speed while dodging the obstacles in front of you. At one point, you even passed Sebastian, dashing out of the narrow cliffs to the coast of Feldcroft region. "Woohoo!" you screamed at the top of your lungs, as you marveled at the gorgeous view and breathed in the fresh sea breeze.
In a moment, Sebastian caught up to you, floating ever so close to you. Your heart started to beat faster and blush crept up your cheeks again. As if your heart couldn't burst more, suddenly you felt warmth around your fingers. You looked down and saw his hands wrapped around yours, subconsciously you intertwined your fingers with his. It felt so natural. And it felt like home.
Minutes went by, as the two students savored the moment. Their hands were a bit clammy from the nervousness, but it was alright. "You know, this is where my father used to secretly take me flying," he softly said, eyes locked on the waves crashing against the rocks, "Before I even had magic, he would secretly let me hop on the broom. I sat in front of him and he flew to this very spot. He told me all about his secret research, and I would sit there for hours, just listening to his rambles."
You furrowed his brows, Sebastian rarely opened up to you, but you knew a little about his past from Ominis. Your thumb softly stroked his hand, giving him a gentle squeeze. "Sebastian, I'm so sorry..."
He flashed a bitter smile and shrugged, "It's alright. Besides," Sebastian leaned in and you felt his lips against your cheek, "I'm making good memories with you here."
You felt as if your heart was about to burst, and to your surprise, you saw red tint flushed across Sebastian's freckled face. You both laughed as you heard a faint whistling sound. "I bet it's time for us to go back." You giggled.
"Let's." Sebastian and you flew back in a jiffy, joining the group of students.
"Don't think I didn't know what you two were doing." A familiar voice jolted you and Sebastian.
"Ominis!" you both said in unison.
"I swear to Merlin's balls - I had enough of you two obviously pining over each other. Just kiss already!" He said as he flew past.
Well, he did.
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