#I love this show but god it makes me insane
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navydoves · 2 days ago
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LADs Men as Rockstars 🎸
In another world, your love interest is renowned in the rockstar scene.
a/n: i want to write individual rockstar stories for the LIs but im not sure who. each LI will have their guitar type next to their name for you guys to search up! but i don’t know rock/band terminology tho, bare with me.
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Xavier — Star Guitar
❥ xavier in a rock band is dangerous. he looks very gentle and soft, sometimes making the crowd think that his bunny-face is out of place in dark make-up and punk-esque clothing. but they couldn’t be more wrong, xavier was right where he needed to be. xavier found great pleasure in being up on the stage because for once he was choosing what to do with his life, and he wasn’t holding back.
❥ defying his normal tender voice when talking to crowds, he growls on stage. not just a little growl here and there, he fully growls into the mic when he gets passionate enough. the amount of energy he has onstage is second to none, there’s a reason why he’s the head of the band. the noise startles people a little bit once they realize it’s coming from xavier, but it’s a sound that fuels the crowd’s passion.
❥ on stage, his shaggy hair always gets in his face while he’s moving around and shaking his head, especially when sweat coats him and those silver strands get stuck to his forehead. this look is appreciated by fan photographers because it makes for sexy shots of his piercing blue eyes peeking out between his hair. he’s like a wolf in bunny clothing and that gruffness only comes out on stage.
❥ he also humps his guitar bad. xavier is one of those performers that gets a little aroused and eager while on stage, especially when he shreds his guitar. something about the ripping of the cords, the pain of the strings on his fingers, the melody in his veins, and the bass of the song thumping in his chest—god he can’t help himself. he humps his guitar as he plays, tiling his head back and groaning softly. the fans eat it up every. single. time. talk about sex appeal.
❥ xavier only ever uses one guitar and one guitar only. it’s a sleek blue one with yellow and white accents on its sides and face with one singular yellow star tassel attached to the headstock. he calls his guitar the star of the show and a has severe emotional attachment to it. he tunes it regularly and has an upkeep routine for it so he can ensure it’s ready to preform at its fullest for his lovely crowds.
❥ off the stage, xavier is rather shy. it’s almost crazy how different his two different personalities are. he never declines autographs or selfies with fans, but also shows no favoritism to any of them. he’s soft spoken and giggles softly into the mic whenever he asks the audience how his band did. and when the overwhelming majority screams in approval he blushes and smiles to himself.
“thank you all for coming, i do everything for you.”
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Rafayel — Z-body Guitar
❥ rafayel is the absolute loudest on stage, but he also has the prettiest vocals. while he does let out a growl here and there, he sticks to singing and adlibs. unbeknownst to many, though, rafayel can hit incredibly deep bass notes making his range insane. he lives for the attention on stage, so showing off his vocal skills is a given at any show.
❥ rafayel is also a very big hype man. crowd too quiet? he’ll scold them and hype them up with just a few chants. he refuses to play for crowds that don’t sing along or make sufficient noise. why are you even here if you aren’t gonna truly enjoy what his band has to offer? his enthusiasm is what made him famous in the rock world, that and his incredible multifaceted skills.
❥ rafayel fucks with every instrument. drums, keys, the microphone. he only prefers the guitar because he finds it the easiest to play, making it the instrument that needs the least attention from him. he prefers his attention to be on his cuties.
❥ rafayel calls all his fans cuties. theres no discrimination with rafayel, he’ll give fan service to any fan boy or girl if they ask nice enough. blow a kiss? he’ll blow hundreds. stray loc of his hair? he’ll see if any loose strands fall out. titty grab? one squish for you. he’s a man for the people!
❥ rafayel also likes wearing revealing outfits onstage. sure, he’s not going full cock and balls out, but sometimes it’s damn near. he’ll wear slits on his upper thighs and opt for crop tops instead of wife-lovers. he’s also a fan of tight leather because he thinks it shows off his body. sometimes that isn’t necessary though, ‘cause he’ll end up half naked by the end of the show anyway. he likes showing off the various medusa and fish tattoos he has on his chest and back.
“you guys liked the show? yeah? be back tomorrow night then, i wanna see all your faces again, cuties!”
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Zayne — Iceman Guitar
❥ zayne’s quite the enigma in his band. he only started a band to branch out from his classical music career. not used to the rock scene, he opted to stay in the back while the rest of the band mates took charge. it was only until he started to gain more traction as the “sexy guy in the back”, that he learned the exhilaration that came from being in front of an approving, loud crowd.
❥ zayne is also uncharacteristically good at guitar, it’s almost insane. any new song, new riff, new tuning, he learns with quickness and ease. he shreds like a monster and always has the anticipatory riff solos in the lives shows. every play has him feeling deep satisfaction that resonates within his performances and keeps the crowd’s eyes on him.
❥ he attracts people. he always stays in the same two spots on stage, either up right or up left, but usually no where else. but despite his stagnant position, people are drawn to him and his performance. he’s remarked as “hypnotizing” and “unintentionally erotic” whenever he plays, despite him rarely saying words apart from the occasional adlibs.
❥ during live shows he’ll grab a bottle of water and spill it atop of his head and shake it off. the feeling of the cool water dripping down his hair and face was nice, but was even nicer was the scene of it. out of breath and sweaty already, zayne newly covered in water what was dripping down his neck was a sight that could her anyone wet—man or woman. but zayne never knows just how erotic he is, which makes it all the more better knowing that he’s not trying to be sexy. he just is incredibly sexy.
❥ zaynes popularity surprises zayne himself, sometimes. he’ll get bombarded by fans outside venues asking for his signature or picture which strokes his ego internally. in the beginning he felt overwhelmed, but nowadays he just smirks and nods at his fans. he actually loves the rockstar life, he loves the attention, he loves the cockiness that comes with it, but he stays modest.
“ah… it’s always hard knowing what to say when we close a show, but i’m very grateful you all are here. i hope im not selfish in asking for more of your support.”
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Sylus — Mockingbird Guitar
❥ sylus was not only born into the rockstar life, but also born for it. he fucking loves the stage, the crowds, the music, the passion of it all. he loves the power that comes with leading such a riveting and notorious band. he’s also front and center and refuses to leave that spot unless there’s a specific formation needed. otherwise, the main guy is always him.
❥ just like xavier, sylus is a big growler. he likes baring his teeth in a smile and letting out low rumbles of sounds that shake people’s chests more than the speakers do. his guitar follows suit and is always the one with the most powerful bass and sound throughout the band. calling sylus a powerhouse was an understatement, he is power incarnate when on stage.
❥ sylus’s signature look on stage is shirtless with a simple open leather jacket on. he shows just enough to keep people wanting more but not enough to give away everything. he’s a major tease and likes edging the crowd in more ways than one. he’ll purposely plan the delay of a beatdrop or riff just to get people antsy in their shoes before blasting them with sounds that can give someone an eargasm.
❥ sylus also has a small problem with getting turned on mid-show. it’s not something he realizes until someone points how there’s a large erection print on his pants, but he simply smiles at it and moves on, not caring enough to hide himself from everyone. he thinks shame is for losers who care about what other people think. so what if his cock is also making an appearance? just makes for a better show.
❥ sylus adores his fans. he’ll playfully flirt with them or dote on them in meet and greets but he knows not to take anything too seriously. he’s the typa of guy who’d have the reputation of being a playboy, but in reality, he’s very reserved. he spends most of his time outside of shows in his garage making music or in a friend’s basement playing poker like a nerd. the number thing his band mates tell him is how much pussy he could be drowning in, but sylus’s biggest wish is finding someone he could be loyal to.
“playing for you all never gets old, in fact it gets more exciting each and every time. i need more of you guys and i bet you all need more of me, right? haha… why don’t you find me at my next show?”
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Caleb — Rickenbacker 381 Guitar
❥ caleb is quite the heartthrob of his group. popularity always seemed to follow him in social circles, and the rock scene was no different. he was never intended to be the leader of his group, but his charming personality and quick wit seemed to unite the members in times of need—bestowing him the leader. it’s the same on stage too. any potential rough or heckling crowds? just a playful scolding and smile was all it took to make people focus back on him.
❥ his role on stage is mainly main guitarist, but caleb serves powerful vocals when he needs to. he has a rich, powerful, and emotional voice that may not growl often, but does bring passion to the people. he can also go melancholy and almost romance the audience with his soothing low tones. the versatility of caleb makes him a renowned rocker, but he downplays his skills often for modesty’s sake.
❥ he’s very playful. he’ll do call and responses with the audience and take extra long with each fan in meetings while chatting very casually with them. he’s even tried to do crowd surfs but people complain about his heavy ass, big ass body. caleb doesn’t give off “celebrity” vibes, but instead, “boy next door.” it adds to his appeal because he always comes off very genuine and dedicated rather than cocky and dismissive.
❥ going back to the heartthrob point, caleb is known as a flirt due to his charm points. his winks, smiles—just the way he strums his guitar like he’s pleasuring a woman gets the girls (and guys) swooning for him. half of the time his charm is intentional and half of the time it’s not. sometimes his mannerisms on stage—like the way he rocks his body against the mic stand as if he were slow dancing—are all just throes of passion that manage to capture the hearts of the crowd.
❥ he does love his fans, though, and would go to many lengths to keep them happy. he’s very strict on not entertaining weirdos that paw at him, but he’s very tender with those who show genuine care. even if you were a new fan, caleb would give you an entire rundown on rock history and why he does what he does if he has the time to. he truly does feel sad saying goodbye to everyone.
“aw man, end of the show already? i felt like i was just getting started… please let me see you all again in our next concert, i’m not done giving you the performance of a lifetime.”
a/n: i won’t lie, the entire time i was writing this i had this image in mind:
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tesslinua · 2 days ago
Storm of Magic Region Matchup 6 - Primordial Life VS Erin
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Primordial Life:THAT'S MY MOM!!!!!!! as the embodiment of life she holds all the beauty of all kinds of life by default. and it is so cool and pretty that she has many eyes and arm s and wings and her hair is also plants and feathers. and all the swirls.... she is so prettys
women prebby
Erin: Hotter when evil
He's a sad pathetic little wet rag hubrising and faking his way through life and he SUCKS and I HATE him and I hope he DIES /posi think i can safely say i am THE erin enjoyer. so buckle up. okay. for starters. i love me a good twink. that's the baseline. plus he has pretty black hair. plus he has indigo eyes (the best color). plus he wears a waistcoat and a cape. his TATTOOS. his fucking tattoos. how long did those take. theyre so intricate and they cover the entirety of both forearms. he couldve just gotten the runes necessary and hid them with a bandana like tarren but this freak doesnt do anything halfway. why would he? he's the elemental magus. he has to flaunt his status. that panel where he has his shirt open showing the void rune and he's got this concentrated/frustrated/stressed look on his face while he's reading his journal? makes me lose all higher brain functionings. also his eyes reflect the color of whatever magic he's casting. Pretty. he is. such a smug showy hubristic bastard and his ego infuriates and infatuates me. normally i hate people like this BUT he's also pathetic. he gets so cranky when falst steals his bag and when theia doesn't let him in the archives. and that fucking "by now, i… i hope you'd trusted me to know what i was doing" in ripples where hes looking down and he's so small in the panel. COME ON MAN whats your fucking problem. he's so sure of himself all of the time but it's so easy to make him crack and every time it happens i am filled with unbridled desire. i need to make him crack i need to make him realize the throne he thinks he's on is made of glass i need to watch him doubt his status and power. he is so much hotter when he's stressed. like when alinua says kendal didnt wake up post-zuurith? the pure anguish and fear in his face? Goddamn. not to mention the boat arc. that was the best example of him being soooo sure of his power, his control, and then having all of that shattered. "i HAVE to do everything alone! nobody can match me! nobody can help me in a way that matters! it always comes back to me to carry the weight, and if i fall, nobody can catch me! gods and legends want to help me? can any of you part the clouds, still the seas?! can you save me from the dragon?" drove me fucking insane every time i think about that i need to eat glass (yes i looked up that page to get the quote exactly right yes i spent approximately 10 minutes kicking my feet and giggling) seeing him get beat up is so nice i think it should happen more <3 i lov e seeing him battered and bruised and afraid and bloody and also i had never experienced sexual attraction to anyone, real or fictional, until i discovered erin fucking ruunaser, so like. thats an accomplishment i think.
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pickin up watchin the outsiders show from a million years ago I'm BACK
this timeliness is so fucked up. ponys?? thinkin about goin for track but the show takes place AFTER the book?
awww darrys goin to work at a country club (omg wait dirty dancin crossover WAITIN to happen)
darry sayin they aren't gonna fight in the rumble n tim saying dallas said they were tuff. OUGH. 'yeah well look where that got dallas' AUGH. ouch. Jesus christ.
love Steve in this version. that's my guy. I dunno what's up with him but I love him.
this scene is pitch black. I can't see SHIT.
who the hell is this child. she's trauma dumpin n ponys like. u like to kill a mockingbird. OH. this is scout. ok thats where scout comes from. wait are they settin scout up to be like? Johnny? also btw STILL no mention of that guy.
oh my god. this white girl just wrote slave fanfiction. what the fuck.
ponyboys writin actually. aough. I will say there's a lot of flaws with the show but I like gettin the chance to see pony in school.
shows givin us dyslexic pony. aough. they gettin the whole FAMILY.
I'm sorry are they tryin to imply pony n cherry are just meetin? isn't this supposed to take place AFTER the book?
feel like the two bit castin was really well done.
ponyboy is so whiny n pouty in this version. actually. hell yeah. I stand for whiny ponyboy supremacy. let that kid be a brat every now n then.
DOG. he just had the whole oh we used to be fine before mom n dad died. DID THE BOOK HAPPEN OR NO?
ohhh I am actually sick to my stomach. 'when Darry gets scared it comes out angry. or when two gets scared it comes out funny. or when you get scared you smoke too much'. soda in every universe they could never make me hate u ily.
when Soda hugs its always so desperate. like he's just tryin to hold on to his brothers with everything he has. AOUGH.
two n pony duo actually so important to me. we don't see them much in the book or movie but I'm lovin this duo so much.
'we take turns doin dinner' 'no we don't. pony starts dinner n then he wanders off n it burns to a crisp. we take turns doin the dishes' AOUGGAHGHH BROTHERS EVER I LOVE THEM
darry roofin content n pony school content the show is FEEDIN us
tim followin darry around?? 'we need you. I need you.' HELLO???
'you ain't nothin but a Northside greaser like the rest of us. n if we don't stick together we're nothin' FROM TIM TO DARRY??? what the HELL is the nature of their relationship. I'm obsessed with them.
tim opens his fridge. takes a beer. takes somethin else (?) off the table. turns around n says 'those Socs will let you build their roof darry. but they ain't ever gonna let you under one.' n then fucks off. insane. no notes.
JOHNNY MENTION!!!! JOHNNY MY BABY!!! he is trash talkin the SHIT outta him. however. wait. ok. so. the events of the book did happen. STAY GOLD MENTION. oh. so we are swappin in scout for Johnny. hm. I don't know how to feel about that.
the way darry says 'you got me little brothers?' aough. I'm sick to my stomach.
darrys gettin fired? n he says he needs this job. but didn't he? get hired at a country club? this show cannot keep up with its own lore.
steves sittin? IN the sink?
why are scout n pony just. watchin 2 teenagers make out. freaks.
pony is so cute in the show actually. that's my son.
why are they at a dance. what is HAPPENIN. why is pony just sittin there poutin.
I know they probably didn't mean it this way. but settin up that scout is exactly like Johnny. n then lettin her. be ponys romantic interest. do we see. what you are implyin. here.
AW he's so awkward. apugh. my baby.
STEVE TALKED SODA INTO GOIN TO THE RUMBLE. AOUGH. guys. I can't explain how important it is to me that every so often STEVE is the one convincin SODA. AOUGH
very cool. another pitch black scene. all I can see it like. vague car shapes.
pony runnin into the fight late VERY reminiscent of Dallas in the book huh.
goddamn darry is MEAN in the show. like. oddly so. he's soft at times but I feel like. hmm. I dunno. they just can't pick a lane with his characterization.
IS THAT SODA? DID THEY STOMP THE HELL OUTTA SODA? man I sure wish the show was more then three pixels.
the way. Tim talks about Dallas. oh. dear God. like. I can't even sum it up here. the cop sayin no one gave a damn about Dallas. n tim sayin someone did. Tally shippers we are WINNIN tonight. how we FEELIN
AND tarry shippers actually. darry sayin he only went to the rumble for tim🤨 hmm
wait. does sandy still happen? in the show? is that a plot line?
there is a train whistle or a dog barkin every ten seconds.
'u know. we never think about darry havin any problems. he's always superman to us. let's go get him.' SODA THE BROTHER THAT YOU AREEEE
guys. the brothers ever. like. let them be brothers. please. 'so you screwed up. seems anyone can screw up once darry. even you' 'yeah I might even someday!' AOUGHGGGG BROTHERS EVER ACTUALLY
ok. pilot done. final thoughts? I liked it. I think the shows only problem is it doesn't know what story it wants to tell. whether it wants to be the story of the outsiders or POST the outsiders. n the second they figure that out. well. honestly? I'm here for it
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azaharinflames · 1 day ago
"Why do I feel like, at some point while writing Season 8, Tim went like: "- What you described in your post, I also think that was Tim's thought process. He seems to always come up with one spontaneous idea and then doesn't care how the rest fits. Doesn't matter that characters act out of character and that storylines make no sense. The BuckTommy of it all fell into their laps and is gold, but it seems they can't handle good stuff. Other showrunners would love to have that to work with.
Hi, Nonnie!
I'm glad to see we agree hahaha. To be honest... I try to take into account that I do not know Tim Minear and hence, do not know how his mind works or the way he figures out a season. But it feels like he gets obsessed with one idea and then figures how to work everything else around it. And if something in that process feels forced, or out of character, eh, he doesn't mind that much.
It is very much my impression and not necessarily the truth, but it is there. And I don't know if that speaks highly of him as a showrunner, yk?
Bucktommy indeed fell into their laps in what is, quite possibly, the biggest strike of luck they've had when it comes to 911. They literally struck gold and hit a home run without even trying to (that hard, that is). Any other showrunner would be on their knees thanking the showrunner Gods because? Amazing storytelling, incredible chemistry between the actors (with no chemistry read! which is insane), a character that fits perfectly in the story and universe (not an easy feat eight seasons in), and not to mention the whole invisible string theory.
They literally won the lottery.
That's why so many people (including me) will not understand if this truly is the end for Bucktommy, because it simply doesn't make sense to finally have a LI that works for Buck and go... hehe nevermind, it's better if we keep him going in circles forever.
Let's hope this half of the season brings us bucktommy back and shows us Tim indeed have a plan. Low hopes for that, but never non-existent.
My inbox is open for ranting, venting, giving your opinion (unpopular or popular, I'm happy to receive and discuss both), and even confessions! Though if you don't want yours posted, please make sure to say :)
Take care <3
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ehh-is-the-name · 6 months ago
I ENTIRELY disagree with your statement that cobs and mephone are one in the same. They just arent!!! they arent!!!! it's comparing a person who Was Abused to their Abuser. And i think thats really dangerous, especially because cobs did things knowingly and out of ill will and is absolutely manipulating suitcase and knife in his speech to them, but also because mephone literally has/had no fucking idea he created the contestants.
theres something wildly different between creating a fantasy UNKNOWINGLY where everything goes your way (kinda- i'll yap about that later) and you have your contestants and your show where you can be the perfect host you always wanted to be!!... And creating Sentient Beings (who you know are sentient) and sending them off TO WAR only to physically and emotionally abuse one of them when he comes back with Only ONE of the children you sent him to steal. like. Fellow mephone apologist, he's not really that bad!!!! there is hope!!!
Back to the whole. 'everythign goes his way' thing- A key difference between Cobs and Mephone to me is that Mephone, not even knowing he created the contestants, doesn't force them to do anything. He's kinda... dumb? like, let's be real, his biggest threats come up to 'you'll be kicked off the show' and yada yada... Like. take Marshmallow.
He (UNKNOWINGLY) created marshmallow to be on HIS show. But when she chose to leave... he didn't stop her. And yes, he knew she left because of his confrontation of mepad where he expressly asks him 'why did you let marshmallow leave?' Mephone 100% KNEW. but he didn't stop her (nor apple, for that matter) from going off and starting a life of their own.
Yes, he's a jerk, YES, He's absolutely terrible to his contestants sometimes, and YES, he will have to deal with the consequences of his actions.
BUT. He's not anything like cobs-- at least, not where it matters.
Cobs tried to kill mephone, multiple times, when mephone tried to start his own life. Mephone views his contestants as real, sentient people- Cobs doesn't! He sees the contestants as toys, if anything... And he sees his own creations as tools. Valuable tools.
So like. what im trying to say. Is uhhh sorry for yapping so long and i hope you have an awesome day!!! I've just seen this whole Mephone=cobs thing going around and it gave me a headache SO SORRY FOR MAKING YOU DEAL WITH IT </3 but i do hope thsi was informative!
Anyway, I will say, that I'm giving you a hug and crying into your shoulders for bringing up the marshmallow thing- I completely forgot about it even though we literally just saw her again (I think it's pretty clear that my priorities are ALL over the place).
Rewatching the scene I get what you're saying.
I'mma be soooo fuckin honest this scene went right the fuck over my head, and by that, I mean I didn't know if Mephone was being genuine with his confusion or fuckin' anything actually. When I say ii 16 has killed me and left me rotting in a gutter, I'm so serious. Mentally I am in a gutter and your ask has at least rolled me back on the curb so I can breathe air instead of sewer water.
Literally reading your thing has made me remember other posts I have seen and taken to heart about this phone, like examples A and B. (They're both tumblr analyses that are kinda outdated 'cause of the bombshell but still pretty good imo). Mephone DOESN'T want to control the contestant's lives and, although he can be a dickwad at times, he still cares about them. Though is that just because they're his OCs in a way? I-
I say all that but I'm also like, I don't want to be completely throwing away everything Cobs is saying just because I feel ill every time he talks. You right, it's very clear that this whole thing is heavy with the manipulation but fuck man I think I'm just easily manipulated... I'm being so serious when I say I lost what hte fuck I was typing in the middle of this and I don't think it's coming back to me. I rolled back in the gutter, sewer water is my home I fucking guess.
Anyone who's listening to me at this point- I don't recommend it I actually don't know what the fuck is happening. I think I still have it in my head that Mephone knows about the whole "making the contestants thing" which makes it hard to fully embrace what you're saying. I should clarify tho:
Mephone and Cobs aren't the same, but the things he's indirectly picked up from Cobs (because of his abuse) are presenting harder than I thought originally. And I think that's what I really meant when I wrote the note. Or at least, that's how I feel now. It's been a couple days since I wrote the stuff in the blockquote. That's the best way to explain how I feel about the Mephone = Cobs situation—yes, but genuinely, in all honestly, no they're not the same.
And do not be ashamed of ranting, really, we love it here. Plus, my friend called this the 9/11 of inanimate insanity and yeah there's a lot of fallout and theories rn. Perfect time for discourse 'cause we're all going through the wringer.
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shira-ceres · 13 days ago
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temporary divergence from my usual content
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theoldkyokodied · 2 years ago
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Uploading all my Tomgreg art at once from the past few week before season 4 hits, who knows in what kind of mental state i'm gonna be once it does :')
#tomgreg#succession#dont even talk to me i started watching this show when i had nothing to do at work and now i watch it with averiel my good friend averiel#and we are going to watch s4 together and i feel physically ill from bein so excited#so ya thats what ive been up to... anyway. i love these idiots they desever nothing but the worst (affectionate)#im also a tomshiv lover btw. im the one who yells 'THIS IS HOW TOMSHIV CAN STILL WIN' while they are actively losing on screen#thats the kind of person i am#dont look at me (lying on the floor)#okay i was not going to say stuff in the tags and let the art speak for itself but i NEED to point out details in the wine Painting..#i put a lot of work into that one. thinly veiled metaphors and symbolism yknow..#greg is gripping the stem of the wine glass with his full fist. tom and greg are dressed in the same outfit (sock garters included)#greg look appalled but he is not doing anything about the spill. tom is fondly pouring greg more and more wine. he is doing him a favor#i colored the red wine the same way i would color blood :) oh and tom is not really touching greg#only holding the chair in place. greg is making himself look smaller than he is like usual#oh and @ the person who said that it's the inverse of the tom and nate scene i love the way you think. i did not think of that before#but god. yeah. i actually thought about the scene change from when roman uhh.. christens his office in s1. the one with the coffee machine#i always go insane at that cut. this is not exactly the same since it's more.. about emotions but yknow.. it can be.. the same...
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smile-files · 8 months ago
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do you trust her
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akqrus · 1 month ago
I'm so in love with the psychological aspect of ml.
The way Gabriel is haunting the narrative? The way Marinette's secret is slowly ruining everything? The way Gabriels wish messed up almost any chance for Marinette to move on any time soon?
This gives us sooooo many possibilities on how it goes back to Marinette and Adrien, because they didn't get to resolve everything that happened (and ofc Adrien doesn't know LMAO). Not only do we get to see how Marinette's secret affects everything around her, BUT we also will get to see Adrien's reaction to everything that happened. (ofc it's not Marinette's fault. I don't want to hear a PEEP from yall, I ALREADY KNOW WHAT YOU'RE THINKING) and if it absolutely WRECKS Adrien.
I'm so EXCITED to see how it all unfolds.
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charlieconwayy · 2 years ago
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Top 50 OTPs of All Time ☆ #49. Amy Pond & Rory Williams
"All those boys chasing me, but it was only ever Rory. Why was that? You know when you meet someone so beautiful and then you actually talk to them and five minutes later, they're as dull as a brick? Then there's other people and you meet them and you think 'not bad, they're okay.' And then you get to know them and their face just sort of becomes them. Like their personality's written all over it, and they turn into something so beautiful. Rory's the most beautiful man I've ever met."
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crab-people-overlord · 3 months ago
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okay but can we talk about 'Mystery of the Urinal Deuce' because this episode is literally EVERYTHING when it comes to Stan and Kyle's friendship. Marsh is playing dumb the whole episode and Kyle is losing his goddamn mind over it. The betrayal. The DRAMA.
Stan in this scene knows damn well that everything is a conspiracy (he admits as much later in the episode and knows that Kyle thinks the same thing). And Kyle knows damn well that Stan out of everyone should also know this, because Stan is the one person he can usually count on to back him up on this type of shit. But Stan is the one messing with him in this episode, so we get these fun moments of Stan letting loose and enjoying pranking his friend Kyle. 
Many see the Assburger's duology as the establishment and turning point of Stan’s character. And while it certainly establishes his clinical depression, I’d argue it in no way establishes either his tendency towards depression/melancholy OR cynicism as both of those have always been present from the beginning (but that’s another discussion for another day. I already basically wrote an essay on that a longgg time ago that maybe I’ll share later).
When it comes to a true  ‘turning point’ for Stan’s character, I think of ‘Raisin’s’ ‘from Season 7, which expands on his already present tendency towards sensitivity and annoyances with general society and evolves it into a deep melancholy and detachment from society (at times bordering on nihilism, something we see more of from Stan post Season 7’s ‘Raisins’ such as in the ‘Douche and Turd’ episode in Season 8 and many other episodes). I don’t see the ‘You’re Getting Old’ episode as the turning point for Stan’s character at all. I see it more as an extension of what I actually view as his turning point episode of ‘Raisin’s’. 
What I love about ‘Mystery of the Urinal Deuce’ is it is a post ‘Raisin’s’ episode where Stan just gets to play around, which is sadly something we just don’t see from Stan post-season 7 as often. 
Kyle has always been the easiest target for Cartman not even necessarily because of his traits, but because of his reactions. He is super reactive to everything, and Stan knows this. Unlike Cartman, Stan respects this and usually stands up for Kyle when this aspect of him is taken advantage of. But at the same time, this doesn’t mean that Stan doesn’t like to tease Kyle at times - because let’s be real; Kyle’s high reactivity would make it so fun to mess with him. And in this episode, Stan takes advantage of that. 
And while usually I hate people taking advantage of Kyle in this way, it is so goddamn refreshing to see Stan just being able to let go of all the heavy shit that’s been so key to his character emotionally post-Season 7 and just play around with his bestie in this episode, something I think that at the core of his character he ultimately just wants to be able to do at the end of the day. you can TASTE the shit-eating grin in his voice. he is having the TIME OF HIS LIFE watching Kyle spiral. stan tries so GODDAMN hard to find happiness throughout the series to no avail, so it’s refreshing the times he succeeds and gets to just actually be himself.
Later on in the episode, Stan is also just able to let loose. His ‘Well dude, maybe we’re just badass, have you ever thought of that?’ later on in the episode is said so nonchalantly with him literally smirking, and it cracks me up every time as he tries to appease Kyle’s doubts. He is thoroughly enjoying pranking his friend. 
like yes give me more of this next season?? give me more of stan actually getting to be a kid and mess around with his best friend instead of drowning in existential dread 24/7? please and thank you?
#south park#kyle broflovski#stan marsh#character analysis#stan marsh joy sighting (RARE)#mystery of the urinal deuce#this episode is criminally underrated#stan choosing chaos is my favorite stan#sometimes your friend has to lovingly gaslight you#it’s just what besties do#let stan be happy 2025#local child takes break from existential dread to troll his bestie#again pls why can’t max just let me screenshot im simply too lazy to be going on my laptop to pirate shit to share on tumblr#anyways I love this ep cuz it it shows how secure their friendship is despite their flaws#Stan knows Kyle well enough to know where the line is#it��s so cute how he goes with that sweet spot of#‘I’m gonna drive you fucking insane but in a way that won’t actually damage our friendship#max I do actually pay for u in that my stepdad pays for u so pls pay no attention to the pirating allegations#but also max if you’re listening just let me fking screenshot and then maybe we won’t have a problem#I have so much I wanna share but again am too lazy to pirate scenes even tho it wouldn’t take all that long#but like cmon max just let me screenshot short sections it’s so goddamn stupid you won’t allow it😢#this would make it so I wouldn’t have to resort to other measures#just realized I made Stan’s dialogue here a bit… purple?#oh god does this make me colorblind like my dad and bro#or does the fact I noticed it make me… not colorblind?#usually I try to use the exact hex codes for the boys dialogue but was lazy here lmao
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justaz · 9 months ago
merlin standing to the side watching arthur address camelot, the sun shining on his skin and lighting his hair up as its own crown despite the actual gold resting atop his head, his red cap billowing behind him by the light breeze, his eyes shining with joy, merlin’s freedom spelled across his lips. merlin watching arthur be drowned out by enthusiastic cheers so he laughs and recedes back inside toward merlin, head held high and shoulders squared back, looking even better than the king merlin has shaped him into. merlin falling impossibly deeper into love as arthur returns to his side with a grin after repealing the magic ban
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furashuban · 3 months ago
One of my absolute positive thoughts on S3 is that it has my most favourite soundtrack by Ryan Carlson of any season, might even go out of my way and say that S3 has the best soundtrack in the whole series :0 Listening to a few songs from it after so long single-handedly saved me from a terrible mood tonight, I just love getting lost in each song and reliving the scenes they were made for.
(This is also another way of me saying that "The End" is—and I mean this genuinely with no exaggeration—the GREATEST song from a TV series soundtrack I have ever listened to and to ever grace television and animation <33)
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ptvstvrrr · 4 months ago
Drops this monster bc I love Ethel Cain and Grotesquerie
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blackhholes · 6 months ago
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teen wolf meme: [6/6] creatures -> ghost riders
In storm clouds just like these, phantom hunters would appear, riding black horses with blood-red eyes, and wolves and hounds at their side, baying and snarling. What were they hunting? Souls.
#teen wolf#ghost riders#twedit#twgifs#mine#my gifs#twmeme#THE LAST CREATURE LETSGOOO#i love their silly little western outfits that make zero sense#noshiko said they've been hunting since before she was born and she's around 900 years old#meaning like they've been around since before 1100 AT LEAST#did they see the wild west and all get so obsessed they had to change their uniform#jeff tell me i wanna know#anyways i think the way the show changed the ghost riders and the wild hunt in general is soooooo good#like erasing the people whose souls get taken is god tier like it's insanity inducing#and the way it only appears to erase people on the humane plane is also amazing#like theo not being affected by stiles being erased and being the only person to actually have memories of him and not just a vague feeling#all because he was in the skinwalker prison when it happened makes me wanna start biting#and the way in general that the structure of the wild hunt is set up in a way that makes it feel like them grabbing supernatural creatures#is almost a mistake#like the ghost riders only function of the humane plane and within the wild hunt it's as if the existence of other supernaturals doesn't#matter to them#obviously there's the whole banshee ghost rider thing the show explores with lydia#(which might i add is something jeff and the writers created i haven't been able to find any sources that talk about both working in#conjunction with each other)#but also the fact that werewolves can leave and enter the wild hunt at will but humans can't#like when that kid peter and stiles met tries to escape he's literally catapulted back but when peter does it he goes through albeit burned#and liam is able to enter the hunt on a horse he stole from a rider#it also makes me sooooo insane that the only way for humans to break through the hunt is through emotional connections#which is part of the overall theme of the show like the brutish force of the supernatural vs the enduring love of humanity
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buttercatrho · 4 months ago
something something shizukas expressions never facing up like leas does shows how the events she had to experience and live under changed her to be a more closed and defensive person even when expressing emotions that should portray superiority (eg smug) something something
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