#I love this show but god it makes me insane
idyllcy · 2 days
you make me wanna make ya fall in love
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word count: 1.97k || EMT Leon || slightly ooc + flirting (HIPAA violation)
summary: the 2000s called, they want their romcom plot back
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"I'm actually gonna pass out." You sit on the couch, blinking rapidly as your head goes light.
"I called 911 already, so hang in there, alright?!" Ashley stays connected to the call, holding you up as you groan, stomach caving in on itself and your eyes giving out. Oh, god, is this how you die? You focus on breathing through your mouth, ignoring the way Ashley's voice is reduced to ringing and the way you're sweating buckets. Ew. Maybe you should've— oh. this is because you didn't eat, huh? It is 8pm. Yeah, this one's on you. Maybe the heavens will be nice and let a nice hot EMT show up to your door and save your ass— yeah, tough luck.
You can't believe you're about to pass out and all you can think about is men. You're literally failing the Bechdel test. What are you? Some poor girl in a teenage romcom? You're not even a teenager.
You close your eyes for some shut-eye, disrupted when you're shaken awake, blinking slowly as you catch sight of Ashley first, holding her chest in relief when you stare at her.
Then, you notice him—
Beautiful blonde hair, brilliant blue eyes, arms hard as a rock, you might've just died and landed in heaven. Are you in heaven? Surely you must be. This man looks so gorgeous it's incredible. You have to be in heaven right now. You blink at him with doe-eyes, confusion visible on your face. Ashley's here, so you're not in heaven. Did you just happen to have a super hot EMT show up to your door like you had been imagining? Oh, god, are you... psychic? This is a revelation! This is insane! You have to—
No, seriously. You're not in a romcom. Can the narrator stop describing it like it's some sort of a romcom? The 2000s called, they want their cheesy romcom plotline back.
"Fucking hell." You groan, shifting against the wall. "How long was I out?"
"Ten minutes." The man reads. "You're just low in blood sugar. We have some orange juice, would you like that?"
"Yeah. Sure." You furrow your brows. "God, wow, count on my body to shut down without sugar."
"It happens." He thanks his coworker for the glass, holding it to your lips. "Tilt, please."
You tilt your head back slightly to press your lips to the glass, drinking it as you lean back to lick your lips, offering to take the glass from him as your arms start cooperating. "I can do it."
"Best not to." He nods. "Just finish the glass. We'll stay until your blood sugar rises."
"Isn't it almost immediate?"
"Takes around 15 minutes."
You raise a brow at Ashley, who shakes her head, and you finish the rest of the glass, watching as Leon checks your stats.
"How often does this happen..." You glance at his nameplate. "Leon?"
"More often than you'd think." He hums, tilting his head at you as Ashley talks to the other worker about your insurance. "Let me guess, you forgot to eat?"
"Yeah. My body stops feeling hunger after a certain point." You hum. "It's not super good, huh?"
"Yeah. Try to have some candy or juice throughout the day. It helps." He nods. "College student life, huh?"
You tilt your head. "How old are you?"
"Been a few years since school." He nods. "Your blood sugar's back to normal, sugar."
You hold your hand over your mouth, raising a brow at him. "That definitely breaks some sort of work protocol."
He smiles, sneaking you a candy from his pocket with a wink.
Huh. Hard caramel.
"Are you alright?" Ashley rests a hand on your shoulder, and you give her a thumbs up.
"All good." You lean against the wall to get up. "I should eat, though."
Leon grabs your arm, helping you up. "Definitely. Have something high in sugar or carbs."
"Will do, Leon." You nod. "Wishing you an uneventful work day. May no emergency be absolutely awful."
"Thank you. Those days are the best."
You send them off as Ashley starts nagging about not eating, and you pout as you lock eyes with her, door locked, ambulance gone.
"Yeah, he was hot."
You forget about him, though. You start popping candy throughout the day, same brand as the one Leon had given you, your lips curled upwards sweetly when it hits your tongue. It's not food, but at least you won't be passing out because your blood sugar's low again.
You're also never going to see him again, so it's fine if you carry a piece of him around with you.
Except you do. You see him at the EMT booth at a local concert, Ashley in your arms because there's something wrong with her this time. (You really ought to start taking care of yourselves, huh?)
"Ah, sugar." Leon smiles. "Friend this time?"
"Yes." You set her down as he checks up on her. "Is she okay?"
"Seems fine. Just needs some water. Dehydration. How long you been out there?"
"Since morning." You glance at the venue. "Didn't eat either, though I've been having candy."
"That's not good for you, sugar." He hands Ashley a bottle of water, sending her off with you. "Go grab some food."
You watch as he fishes out a twenty from his pocket, blinking as he holds it out to you.
"I can't take that from you, sir."
"Nonsense. Concert food is expensive. It's on me." He smiles.
"You're still breaking workplace rules, I see." You rummage through your pockets, taking Leon's hand as you place a caramel in his hand. "As a thank you."
"I'm sure it'll be delicious later." He smiles. "Now, off you go. We've got quite a line."
"Wouldn't dream of holding you up, Leon." You lead Ashley to the side by the crowds, waiting for her to grab a drink before pulling her to grab something to eat. You pay for her food first, setting Ashley with the rest of your friends before waving to get something of your own.
"Get his number!" She manages to yell as you disappear into the crowd.
Now that's breaking protocol.
Yet, you use the remainder of Leon's money to get him something to eat, waiting for the line to dissipate slightly before handing him a drink.
"For me?"
"It's got... liquid IV in it." You scrunch your nose. "Hopefully that's not a scam."
"Not completely." He takes it from you, pinching at the straw to mix it. "Did you eat?"
"I was about to."
He glances at his coworker and then the intermission.
"That'd be bad, Kennedy." The woman next to him warns.
Leon sighs. "Have fun eating."
"Thank you again." You grin.
"Ah, and for dessert." He reaches for your hand, placing another candy in it. "A hard caramel."
"I'm starting to think you have a thing for caramels, Leon." You raise a brow, taking two steps back before throwing a wave his way. "I'll pay you back later!"
You grab dinner with the rest of your friends, waving bye to them when they leave to continue, Ashley making sure that you've got candy on you before she's gone. You have one final singer that you'd like to see before you leave the event. You're glad you live close to the venue. You could probably walk back or uber if you were really desperate. Though, you wonder just how long the EMT are staying.
You find yourself mixed into the crowd as you wait, jumping when your favorite artist finally appears, cheering with everyone else. You don't blame the rest of them for retiring early. You're the only one who listens to this artist anyway. The setlist has you jumping, cheering at the live vocals, yelling your heart out with the lyrics, and when the set finishes, the sun's almost down. It'd be smart of you to head out at this point.
You make a turn to head back, popping the caramel in your mouth, stopping in your tracks when a man blocks your way.
"Where ya off to, sweetheart?"
"...Oh, you know." You smile, nodding to excuse yourself.
"Need a ride home?"
"Truly, it's alright—"
"I insist."
You wrack your brain for a solution, yelping when you feel hands on your waist instead, pulling you backwards. Your back is flush against someone's chest, smile on his lips as you blink. Sure hope it's not some other creep.
"Hey, you good bro? Had one too many to drink? I suggest the EMT tent."
You let out a sigh in relief, watching as the guy notices the uniform and scrambles.
"Thank you." You turn around, smile on your lips as Leon nods.
"You're just too lovely, sugar. Gotta keep those flies off of ya." He nods. "You feeling alright?"
You nod.
"Gone all quiet on me?" He tilts his head. "Alright, up you go."
You yelp as he lifts you into his arms effortlessly, arms wrapping around his neck as he carries you out of the crowd. He presses his forehead to yours to check your temperature, looking to the side when you don't react at all.
"You good?"
"I'm fine, Leon. You didn't need to." You let him take your vitals, the tent practically empty now that the concert was finishing up. His coworker nods at him and heads out, and leaves you with Leon. That's gotta be illegal in some way. There is no way a law is not being broken right there. Aren't they both supposed to get off at the same time? Is that?? legal? Is their shift over?
"You seem fine." He kneels at your chair, fingers on your wrist as he takes your heartbeat. "Heart's a little fast, though."
"Yeah?" You mumble. You're sure you look embarrassed beyond belief right now, so you opt for sucking on the caramel in your mouth.
You're not surprised he takes notice. "Actually, I think my head's spinning just a little. Must be the lack of sugar. You got any on you?"
"Well, I kind of ate my last one..." You mumble, sticking your tongue out with the candy.
"I don't mind."
"Yeah?" You suck on the candy.
"Of course not, sugar." He leans in, tilting his head. "Yeah?"
"Yeah, who am I to say no?"
You let him kiss you, tongue with the caramel offered to him, sugar on your lips and his from it, though you would argue that the only reason the candy seemed to taste so good was because of him. You tilt your head to angle better, Leon's hands finding yours on the chair, pushing himself to you with a hum in his throat, tongue in your mouth as he steals the caramel from you. You don't mind. You might've just tasted a slice of heaven of your own.
You pant, tongue stuck out and mouth open as Leon shows you the candy on his tongue, smiling.
"You got a ride home, sugar?"
"You gonna kidnap me?" You raise a brow, licking your lips for whatever remnant of him is left on you.
"Not with this pretty lady, no." He smiles.
"Breaking work protocol again, I see."
"I'm off duty." He glances to the side as the new shift arrives, and Leon offers a hand to help you up. "Don't worry, sugar, you can pass out on my car. I've got all the candy you could want."
"Hm..." You tap your chin, taking his hand as he pulls you with him, not letting go.
"Hm what?"
"How about we grab brunch sometimes nearby? Just to make sure my sugar levels don't drop from forgetting to eat?" You tilt your head, watching as Leon tilts his head back to you.
"Oh, sugar. You don't even need to ask."
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teruuu · 2 days
Ok ok ok hear me out FUCKING HEAR ME OUT. What if, in COTL, the Lamb was actually fucking insanely obsessed with Narinder? I know I touched up on this topic in my fanfic but listen. What if the Lamb is straight up just yandere for Narinder, Narinder hates them for turning him into a follower, and every single day they engage in combat to the death—but Narinder falls for the Lamb the more they fight one another???
The Lamb is beaten and bruised by their past. They spent years in the run escaping from those in the Old Faith. They are so, SO mentally broken that all they want to do is die. So when they are captured by the Bishops, they succumb to their fate. But then… Narinder revives them. The Lamb finally gets a taste of power and experiences a drop of what it feels like to be divine. And they’re obsessed with it.
They’re ESPECIALLY obsessed with their one and only savior, the one who waits. So they brutally slaughter heretics and don’t waste a second in killing followers if they showed even a HINT of dissent. They essentially rule with violence and an iron fist and force devotion out of their followers through bloodshed.
And get this, Narinder is prideful and loves his godhood, right? So he enjoys it whenever the Lamb just GROVELS before him and praises him and showers him with their love. It’s been eons since he’s had such a devoted follower, and my goodness does it feel good to have someone pray to him as fervently as the Lamb. So imagine his surprise when the Lamb betrays him and converts him into a weaker form of himself.
Narinder lashes out. He attacks the Lamb and makes continuous strikes at their vitals and is just so fiercely violent and hateful from the Lamb’s actions—but get this, the Lamb enjoys it.
The Lamb loves having their God’s attention on them, whether it be violent or not. They relish in combat with Narinder, loves it when they inflict wounds on him and when he in turn inflicts wounds on them because it felt just right.
Narinder, surprisingly, finds himself enjoying it too. The rush of combat was such a sharp contrast from the stillness of being chained down Below. It felt wonderful releasing his stress and anger on attacking the Lamb.
The two end up badly wounded and bleeding. But Narinder’s laughing.
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Selina: Batsy, I'm glad you paid and are helping my new cats get spayed, neutered, chipped and let them stay at your house.
Bruce: It's what I do. You're my girlfriend after all.
Selina: Love you too, one issue, three of them are missing. I know because the chips show three at different houses. Did you let some of the kids take care of them?
Bruce: Why... Why are you asking?
Selina: Well I left you with seven of them. Damian said he'd watch them, but-
Bruce (coming up with a lie): You know what, I did let some of them watch the cats. You said three, right?
Selina: Yeah, it's fine though. I trust your kids, but next time tell me, okay babe?
Bruce: That I will, can I see the tracker for a moment?
Selina: Sure. It's connected to the chips and you can see the addresses they're at. Seems Isabelle is with Dick, Astronaut is with Jason and Batsy is with... Hmm Barbara. Huh? Didn't think she liked cats.
Bruce (laughing nervously): That is something she is into. One moment, please.
Bruce runs out of the room with his phone, to a secret room in the manor and sets up a three-way call for the culprits.
Dick: Hey Bruce.
Barbara: Is this important?
Jason: Is it, because I'm busy!
Bruce: Why? Why did you take her freaking cats without asking me!
Dick: ...
Barbara: ...
Jason: ...the only cat I have is Austen.
Two different meows are heard in the background of his call.
Bruce: Let me make this clear, I can tell when you are lying!
Dick (relenting): I'm sorry, she's so cute and precious and makes air biscuits! Damian couldn't take care of all of them so I just decided to borrow her until she has to go home.
Jason: Once he took one I thought he was ri- right and I stepped up and did my civic duty as a "hero" to take care of Astronaut, who is so fluffy and plump! Oh God, did I say that out loud.
Bruce (exhausted, but smiling): You two caved, Barbara what's your defense? You said you didn't like cats.
Barbara: Give me a break, Batsy is adorable.
Jason: You took the black hairless one? It looks like a plucked chicken.
Barbara: Sphinx cats are valid cute cats and he like snuggles. I'm snuggling him currently and he's wearing a sweater. I will take care of him until he has to go back with Selina I promise! God he's so cute!
Batsy is heard meowing softly in the background.
Bruce laughs surprising his kids and Barbara.
Barbara: You're not mad?
Bruce: No this is fucking funny to me. You could've taken some in, just ask next time.
Dick: You're not going to let us live this down, are you?
Bruce: Nope. Bring them back next Thursday.
Bruce ends the call while continuing to chuckle.
Bruce: I love this insane family.
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aromanticannibal · 19 hours
mha characters that are aro for CANON reasons (read: in which I reach increasingly further for canon evidence):
(Disclaimer: some of these can be evidence of characters being something else than aro (or ace) but this is my post and I can do whatever I want + /hj to /j to everything on there, when I say I start reaching I start REACHING. These are headcanons!)
Aizawa Shouta doesn't ever show romantic (or sexual) interest in anyone and is actively put off by Ms Joke hitting on him and the idea of getting married to her
All Might has NO experience with women according to Horikoshi (could also mean he has experience with men but y'know)
Ashido Mina really wants to be in a relationship but never fell in love (cupioromantic moment)
Both Bakugou Katsuki and Todoroki Shouto hide from girls crushing on them near the end, don't ever show romantic interest in anyone or get anxious or flustered near girls, Katsuki especially apparently never cared about girls (and vice versa) before and and Shouto specifically doesn't notice when he's hit on.
Iida Tenya is never interested in girls or men and is significantly more focused on both his studies and his friendships
My favorite headcanon: Uraraka Ochako's love for Izuku seems founded more on her admiration and people telling her she must like him (because boy and girl etc) than in actual romantic love, and she connects a lot with Toga (who also loves people in a non-conventional way)
Midnight doesn't have a romantic partner or anyone she regularly flirts with despite being a very beautiful and desired woman, and doesn't seem to have had any kind of romantic relationship with the three boys more or less her age she hung out with a lot (the rooftop trio) (she can also be seen as a cliché of aroallo person who only cares about sex so I'm claiming her).
Pixie Bob's obsession with finding a partner is giving "I've been told all my life that I HAVE to get married and I don't want to so I keep looking for the perfect match and not finding it because the man I'm looking for doesn't exist because I won't ever fall in love". Because by god you can't tell me the cute blonde catgirl isn't finding a boyfriend.
All For One only cares about his brother, I'd even argue he's aromantic asexual aplatonic etc. a-everything except familial and idk. quirkic. attracted to quirks.
Mount Lady is aro for the same reason as Midnight but because I think it's implied or canon that she's dating Kamui Woods, she's lower.
Midoriya Izuku is green so he's obviously aromantic and most of his flustered reactions to girls seem based more on shyness (and an obvious reaction to getting boobs shoved in his face) and sexual or aesthetic attraction than romantic attraction (he also has a very romcom view of what being boyfriend girlfriend is, ie. his reaction to Toga's confession)
Aoyama Yuuga's definition of love (according to his comment on Ochako being in love with Izuku because she was thinking "what would Deku-kun do?") is very weird and seems based more in things he was told or saw in fiction than feelings he would have felt himself.
Yoarashi Inasa is just so fucking weird with friendships and social cues he looks like he's trying to navigate the world while making absolutely sure NO ONE misinterprets him, which makes him both very aro and very autistic in my book
Kurogiri is literally a bunch of mist with little free will whose purpose in life is protecting this one boy, he's all the As.
Endeavor married for insane reasons and never even cheated on Rei after he sent her to the hospital (which a lot of men his caliber would do)
Ms Joke makes the idea of dating Shouta a joke and I think that's great. She's also green.
Miruko's chill and doesn't give a fuck, she's a fighting person, very Katsuki-coded in that regard I fear. She also works alone without an agency, which is giving aromantic for no reason other than I Said So.
Toga Himiko is a queer allegory that is generally interpreted as bisexual and biromantic but I think she can be interpreted as aroallo as well (way to love that’s seen as impure and unholy etc etc, notions of consent – taking people’s blood and hurting them without their consent which is for her a way to show her love, most of her attraction seeming physical or aesthetic rather than romantic, her parents telling her to repress repress repress instead of satisfying her desires in a safe way, the scene where she’s biting her wrist in her sleep???? etc etc) 
Twice never had a lot of friends and never had a lot of female friends and when he feels gratefulness and care for Toga it outwardly seems romantic because he doesn’t know what’s romantic and what’s not and hasn’t had a lot of female friends 
Dabi is giving aromantic aplatonic who only really loves his family but due to circumstances can’t love them healthily and ends up just hating them (the most intense feelings of love he shows are always towards Enji or Natsuo, and his apology to Shouto makes me think Shouto is also included in this – no evidence for Fuyumi and Rei but I can do what I want. He clearly cares for Twice and Toga too but it presents very differently, even after he’s revealed himself and doesn’t need to be as secretive). 
Shigaraki Tomura probably just doesn’t give a shit I’d say. He’s pretty apathetic when he isn’t fighting or angry or like doing his hatred thing, but he clearly cares about his teammates. 
Fatgum is foodpilled and studentpilled. He really loves food and he really loves his students he doesn't need no romantic relationship.
Jirou Kyoka takes a bit to warm up to Denki so I think she's demiromantic actually
Bruce (the third user of One For All). He just has such third wheel vibes.
Intelli Saiko because why would she bother with romance, it's so unpractical and illogical
Despite asking for boys' numbers all the time and being very aware of romance, Utsushimi Camie looks like she could NOT CARE LESS. aro
The fact that Hawks plays up the flirting with his fans is giving aromantic to me – obviously heartbreaker aroallo stereotype but I think he could also be ace, the aroallo part isn’t that important, it’s just that he’s always pretending. It’s giving still in the closet. Also I know he’s young and busy and Horikoshi doesn’t really put that much casual romance in MHA but it’s so funny that there isn’t even a sliver of a girlfriend implied in his timeskip. Hawks is Married To His Job. 
Star and Stripe is also absolutely married to her job. Also, lots of guys around her, lots of important and admired male figures in her life, and yet not a single crush from her. Points. Aromantic lesbian 
Nezu is a fuckass mouse I highly doubt he's attracted to humans in any way
Gran Torino is a single old man which is enough for me (though because I hate that fucker I think it'd be funny if women just hated him)
Where Is Shimura Nana’s Husband. 
Muscular only likes to kill, he doesn’t need romance nor sex, his only desire is Killing People and fighting. Same thing for Moonfish, he only wants to eat people (mood my guy) 
Geten is very hyper focused on making his quirk stronger, he doesn’t seem to really have any relationships.
Overhaul just fucking hates people
Again, Kendo Rappa only cares about fighting.
So so sad because I like his girlfriend but Natsuo is giving marrying to get away from his father
Koda Koji just had the vibes. He's so aroace to me. (aro Koda brain vs kodajirou brain fight)
Monoma Neito is such a fucking hater he just has to be aromantic
Wash is a washing machine
Honorable mentions:
List of characters whose only argument is they never show romantic attraction and don't talk much about romance or get flustered: Shouji Mezo, Sato Rikido, Tokoyami Fumikage, Shinsou Hitoshi, Yaoyorozu Momo, Sero Hanta, Hado Nejire, Togata Mirio, Shirakumo Oboro, Present Mic, Seiji Shishikura, Ryukyu, Gang Orca, Shishido, Centipeder, Ectoplasm, Hound Dog, Thirteen, Vlad King, Mandalay, Tiger, Lady Nagant, Mr. Compress, Tsukauchi Naomasa, Todoroki Rei and Fuyumi, Melissa Shield.
List of characters whose only argument is "they're green so they're obviously aromantic": Asui Tsuyu, Ibara Shiozaki, Tokage Setsuna, Kamakiri Togaru, Midoriya Inko, Ragdoll, Burnin, the Sludge Villain (I’m taking all I can get), Mustard, Ordinary Woman.
Bonus: characters that I can't make aromantic no matter how hard I try under the cut:
Gentle and La Brava, for obvious reasons. I feel like making them not love each other is like illegal.
Kudo and Yoichi. By god my brain will not accept it they're in love.
Amajiki Tamaki. I'm sure he could be aromantic but I can't let go of the Mirio and Nejire crushes (which are so real and true to me)
Yuyu (Nejire's friend), she also looks way too much like she has a giant crush on Nejire. Lesbian moment.
Best Jeanist and Edgeshot, they're giving high school sweethearts.
I put them in honorable mentions but I just have to mention Gang Orca and Shishido somewhere because the one baseball OVA made me think they're like the pseudo-enemies/rivals who argue all the time but somehow fight extremely synchronized when needed and ONLY fight each other because they're the only ones Worth It etc which is. Y'know. eye emoji etc etc
Sir Nighteye is literally in love with All Might
David Shield is literally in love with All Might
No really did you see David's wife? This man went and found a blonde blue eyed wife when he couldn't marry his blonde blue eyed best friend. His daughter looks like an All Might secret love child. I know whenever Dave hears Melissa call All Might uncle he dies a little inside because he wishes she could call him Dad too and he could call Toshinori his darling husband and
Rock Lock is happily married and I could never take that away from him
Spinner is green so I can kind of see him as aro but he’s giving madly in love with Shigaraki so much
Magne has a crush on Dabi in one of the Smash strips which is too funny to ignore I think she’s madly in love with him. And she’s right
I like kirimina so fucking much I genuinely struggle to come up with aro Kirishima headcanons. I think he could be quoiromantic but I also think he’s madly in love with Mina so I don’t know. 
Stain is literally in love with All Might
Ending (guy who attacked Natsuo) is literally in love with Endeavor
Garaki Kyudai is literally in love with All For One (“I miss your eyes” guy is so fucking devoted. The true doomed yaoi of MHA)
I know Rody is in love with Izuku he just has to be. 
To me Shindo Yo also has a crush on Izuku but also he's canonically dating Nakagame Tatami which is also cute.
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frogwiththephatahh · 3 days
Ranking All Act 1 Songs in Epic: The Musical
Disclaimer: I like all the songs! I just like some more than others. The ones with low rankings are not at all bad! Furthermore this is a personal opinion so please don't be mad at me if we disagree about placing! (also rb with your own rankings I want to compare it'll be fun)
20. There Are other Ways- I just never really got into this one. It didn't stand out to me like the other songs in its saga did. I do love how it shows us just how dedicated Ody is to Penelope, though. It's sort of a light foreshadowing of just what he'll give up for her.
19. Storm- Love singing along with the crew, but it doesn't appeal to me as much as others.
18. Full Speed Ahead- A great introduction to the main crew members, showing their priorities and personalities. But there are better crew songs.
17. Polyphemus- I was holding my breath during this entire song. Great! And that final line at the end makes my heart sink every time. But not as striking as others in Cyclops.
16. Warrior Of The Mind- First heard this song on tiktok, like most people. It's great, but at this point it's overplayed.
15. My Goodbye- A step up from WotM for me. Not much to say about it though.
14. Remember Them- Heartfelt and shows just how clever Odysseus is. Well, up until he doxxed himself.
13. Puppeteer- The beginning cord is so moving. Otherwise it's a great introduction to Circe.
12. Luck Runs Out- The emotion in Armando's performances never ceases to amaze me. Every one of Eurylochus' songs have so much raw emotion poured into them.
11. The Horse And The Infant- An excellent introduction to our starting point. The duet between Zeus and Odysseus at the end is an ear worm.
10. Open Arms- A proper introduction to Polites, and one that made me shudder when The Cave was mentioned. It's such an uplifting song that sets a more hopeful tone, only for it to be ripped away in the next saga.
9. Survive- Impossible not to sing along with. And Polites' rasping "captain...?" as he dies? And Polyphemus twisting Odysseus' words at the end? Literally life changing. People died.
8. Wouldn't You Like- Ngl this one is only this high because Hermes is one of my fav greek gods (and one of my patrons) Also it's so catchy.
7. Done For- So good I started boarding an animation (I haven't animated in ten years)
6. The Underworld- Absolutely the best crew song! I tear up at Anticlea's part every time. Devastating.
5. Keep Your Friends Close- So catchy! I like to drum along to the beat. I wish Aeolus was in more than one song though...her voice is lovely.
4. Ruthlessness- First song I heard from the Ocean saga and what got me into Epic full swing. The animatics people make for this one are insanely good. And as an avid hater of Poseidon, this song made me adore him.
3. Just A Man- It's the song almost everyone knows this musical from because of tiktok. And there's a reason! It's a good ass song. Especially the ending.
2. Monster- Actually shudders! Omg this one is so good. And it's a huge turning point for the entire show. Which makes sense since it's the final song in the first act. The last part ESPECIALLY is an ear worm.
No Longer You- A WALTZ? WITH TIRESIAS? Actually brilliant. I always imagine souls in the underworld dancing around Tiresias and Odysseus to form a wall of blue fire trapping them together. Cannot help but sing along to it. So catchy, so good, so moving.
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ehh-is-the-name · 10 days
I ENTIRELY disagree with your statement that cobs and mephone are one in the same. They just arent!!! they arent!!!! it's comparing a person who Was Abused to their Abuser. And i think thats really dangerous, especially because cobs did things knowingly and out of ill will and is absolutely manipulating suitcase and knife in his speech to them, but also because mephone literally has/had no fucking idea he created the contestants.
theres something wildly different between creating a fantasy UNKNOWINGLY where everything goes your way (kinda- i'll yap about that later) and you have your contestants and your show where you can be the perfect host you always wanted to be!!... And creating Sentient Beings (who you know are sentient) and sending them off TO WAR only to physically and emotionally abuse one of them when he comes back with Only ONE of the children you sent him to steal. like. Fellow mephone apologist, he's not really that bad!!!! there is hope!!!
Back to the whole. 'everythign goes his way' thing- A key difference between Cobs and Mephone to me is that Mephone, not even knowing he created the contestants, doesn't force them to do anything. He's kinda... dumb? like, let's be real, his biggest threats come up to 'you'll be kicked off the show' and yada yada... Like. take Marshmallow.
He (UNKNOWINGLY) created marshmallow to be on HIS show. But when she chose to leave... he didn't stop her. And yes, he knew she left because of his confrontation of mepad where he expressly asks him 'why did you let marshmallow leave?' Mephone 100% KNEW. but he didn't stop her (nor apple, for that matter) from going off and starting a life of their own.
Yes, he's a jerk, YES, He's absolutely terrible to his contestants sometimes, and YES, he will have to deal with the consequences of his actions.
BUT. He's not anything like cobs-- at least, not where it matters.
Cobs tried to kill mephone, multiple times, when mephone tried to start his own life. Mephone views his contestants as real, sentient people- Cobs doesn't! He sees the contestants as toys, if anything... And he sees his own creations as tools. Valuable tools.
So like. what im trying to say. Is uhhh sorry for yapping so long and i hope you have an awesome day!!! I've just seen this whole Mephone=cobs thing going around and it gave me a headache SO SORRY FOR MAKING YOU DEAL WITH IT </3 but i do hope thsi was informative!
Anyway, I will say, that I'm giving you a hug and crying into your shoulders for bringing up the marshmallow thing- I completely forgot about it even though we literally just saw her again (I think it's pretty clear that my priorities are ALL over the place).
Rewatching the scene I get what you're saying.
I'mma be soooo fuckin honest this scene went right the fuck over my head, and by that, I mean I didn't know if Mephone was being genuine with his confusion or fuckin' anything actually. When I say ii 16 has killed me and left me rotting in a gutter, I'm so serious. Mentally I am in a gutter and your ask has at least rolled me back on the curb so I can breathe air instead of sewer water.
Literally reading your thing has made me remember other posts I have seen and taken to heart about this phone, like examples A and B. (They're both tumblr analyses that are kinda outdated 'cause of the bombshell but still pretty good imo). Mephone DOESN'T want to control the contestant's lives and, although he can be a dickwad at times, he still cares about them. Though is that just because they're his OCs in a way? I-
I say all that but I'm also like, I don't want to be completely throwing away everything Cobs is saying just because I feel ill every time he talks. You right, it's very clear that this whole thing is heavy with the manipulation but fuck man I think I'm just easily manipulated... I'm being so serious when I say I lost what hte fuck I was typing in the middle of this and I don't think it's coming back to me. I rolled back in the gutter, sewer water is my home I fucking guess.
Anyone who's listening to me at this point- I don't recommend it I actually don't know what the fuck is happening. I think I still have it in my head that Mephone knows about the whole "making the contestants thing" which makes it hard to fully embrace what you're saying. I should clarify tho:
Mephone and Cobs aren't the same, but the things he's indirectly picked up from Cobs (because of his abuse) are presenting harder than I thought originally. And I think that's what I really meant when I wrote the note. Or at least, that's how I feel now. It's been a couple days since I wrote the stuff in the blockquote. That's the best way to explain how I feel about the Mephone = Cobs situation—yes, but genuinely, in all honestly, no they're not the same.
And do not be ashamed of ranting, really, we love it here. Plus, my friend called this the 9/11 of inanimate insanity and yeah there's a lot of fallout and theories rn. Perfect time for discourse 'cause we're all going through the wringer.
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theoldkyokodied · 1 year
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Uploading all my Tomgreg art at once from the past few week before season 4 hits, who knows in what kind of mental state i'm gonna be once it does :')
#tomgreg#succession#dont even talk to me i started watching this show when i had nothing to do at work and now i watch it with averiel my good friend averiel#and we are going to watch s4 together and i feel physically ill from bein so excited#so ya thats what ive been up to... anyway. i love these idiots they desever nothing but the worst (affectionate)#im also a tomshiv lover btw. im the one who yells 'THIS IS HOW TOMSHIV CAN STILL WIN' while they are actively losing on screen#thats the kind of person i am#dont look at me (lying on the floor)#okay i was not going to say stuff in the tags and let the art speak for itself but i NEED to point out details in the wine Painting..#i put a lot of work into that one. thinly veiled metaphors and symbolism yknow..#greg is gripping the stem of the wine glass with his full fist. tom and greg are dressed in the same outfit (sock garters included)#greg look appalled but he is not doing anything about the spill. tom is fondly pouring greg more and more wine. he is doing him a favor#i colored the red wine the same way i would color blood :) oh and tom is not really touching greg#only holding the chair in place. greg is making himself look smaller than he is like usual#oh and @ the person who said that it's the inverse of the tom and nate scene i love the way you think. i did not think of that before#but god. yeah. i actually thought about the scene change from when roman uhh.. christens his office in s1. the one with the coffee machine#i always go insane at that cut. this is not exactly the same since it's more.. about emotions but yknow.. it can be.. the same...
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bloodsbane · 2 years
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Kitchen Nightmares, S5 E1
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smile-files · 2 months
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do you trust her
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charlieconwayy · 1 year
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Top 50 OTPs of All Time ☆ #49. Amy Pond & Rory Williams
"All those boys chasing me, but it was only ever Rory. Why was that? You know when you meet someone so beautiful and then you actually talk to them and five minutes later, they're as dull as a brick? Then there's other people and you meet them and you think 'not bad, they're okay.' And then you get to know them and their face just sort of becomes them. Like their personality's written all over it, and they turn into something so beautiful. Rory's the most beautiful man I've ever met."
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gub-the-alien · 3 months
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They are rotting my brain 。⁠:゚⁠(⁠;⁠´⁠∩⁠`⁠;⁠)゚⁠:⁠。
Song: somethin' stupid - Frank Sinatra
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justaz · 3 months
merlin standing to the side watching arthur address camelot, the sun shining on his skin and lighting his hair up as its own crown despite the actual gold resting atop his head, his red cap billowing behind him by the light breeze, his eyes shining with joy, merlin’s freedom spelled across his lips. merlin watching arthur be drowned out by enthusiastic cheers so he laughs and recedes back inside toward merlin, head held high and shoulders squared back, looking even better than the king merlin has shaped him into. merlin falling impossibly deeper into love as arthur returns to his side with a grin after repealing the magic ban
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Selina: Batsy, I'm glad you help my new cats get spayed, neutered, chupped and let them stay at your house.
Bruce: It's what I do. You're my girlfriend after all.
Selina: Love you too, one issue, three of them are missing. I know because the chips show three at different houses. Did you let some of the kids take care of them?
Bruce: Why... Why are you asking?
Selina: Well I left you with seven of them. Damian said he'd watch them, but-
Bruce (coming up with a lie): You know what, I did let some of them watch the cats. You said three, right?
Selina: Yeah, it's fine though. I trust your kids, but next time tell me, okay babe?
Bruce: That I will, can I see the tracker for a moment?
Selina: Sure. It's connected to the chips and you can see the addresses they're at. Seems Isabelle is with Dick, Astronaut is with Jason and Batsy is with... Hmm Barbara. Huh? Didn't think she liked cats.
Bruce (laughing nervously): That is something she is into. One moment, please.
Bruce runs out of the room with his phone, to a secret room in the manor and sets up a three-way call for the culprits.
Dick: Hey Bruce.
Barbara: Is this important?
Jason: Is it, because I'm busy!
Bruce: Why? Why did you take her freaking cats without asking me!
Dick: ...
Barbara: ...
Jason: ...the only cat I have is Austen.
Two different meows are heard in the background of his call.
Bruce: Let me make this clear, I can tell when you are lying!
Dick (relenting): I'm sorry, she's so cute and precious and makes air biscuits! Damian couldn't take care of all of them so I just decided to borrow her until she has to go home.
Jason: Once he took one I thought he was ri- right and I stepped up and did my civic duty as a hero to take care of astronaut, who is so fluffy and plump! Oh God, did I say that out loud.
Bruce (exhausted, but smiling): You two caved, Barbara what's your defense, you said you didn't like cats.
Barbara: Give me a break Batsy is adorable.
Jason: You took the black hairless one? It looks like a plucked chicken.
Barbara: Sphinx cats are valid cute cats and he like snuggles. I'm snuggling him currently and he's wearing a sweater. I will take care of him until he has to go back with Selina I promise! God he's so cute!
Batsy is heard meowing softly in the background.
Bruce laughs surprising his kids and Barbara.
Barbara: You're not mad?
Bruce: No this is fucking funny to me. You could've taken some in, just ask next time.
Dick: You're not going to let us live this down, are you?
Bruce: Nope. Bring them back next Thursday.
Bruce ends the call while continuing to chuckle.
Bruce: I love this insane family.
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moonpaw · 1 year
Fighting DEMONS rn trying not to get invested in one piece to figure out wtf you're posting about!!!!
come here cyber.... we have this thang
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#mp answers#i've been trying so hard not to be annoying to my bnha friends but if you will allow me to push this for this ask let me say 🙏#if you're afraid of the episode count for one piece the manga is a lot quicker read while being just as enjoyable because the art style is#an actual delight. its great its fantastic im absolutely in love with it#the series is soooo good and i know luffy can seem unappealing to people before they start but he's just SUCH a great character & continues#to be even now. the story is SO GOOD the characters are SO GOOD... theres so much lore and world building that its insane#if you read the manga we get 'cover stories' on what's going on with previous characters to see what theyre up to even though we moved on#from where we left them. a lot of these cover stories blend into the main story so well its just seamless#there's one where we get introduced to a character we dont see hundreds of episodes into the anime and they show up like; during the second#saga. the series is about traveling to other islands and every single arc has been tied to another in some way or form that shows up later#even if its sagas and sagas later- it still becomes relevant again!! it's a huge ongoing story and there isnt a single arc that feels like#it has no purpose (sans filler in the anime-but even then!! some filler arcs are really entertaining!)#it's emotional! its sad! its downright stupid and silly but GOD... you can feel the love that oda put into this series and his characters#and the emotions in the expressions and the messages the story gives off it just makes me UEUHGHHAHGHH!!!#it's all about the adventure and the romance of it all! its about the freedom it brings and bringing freedom to others!#its a series where treasure should be a focus given its pirates and the its a giant treasure hunt for the one piece and yet! and yet so man#of the characters treasures are things that are not coins and gems but people and promises and family and and#im going to EXPLODE i love one piece
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blackhholes · 18 days
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teen wolf meme: [6/6] creatures -> ghost riders
In storm clouds just like these, phantom hunters would appear, riding black horses with blood-red eyes, and wolves and hounds at their side, baying and snarling. What were they hunting? Souls.
#teen wolf#ghost riders#twedit#twgifs#mine#my gifs#twmeme#THE LAST CREATURE LETSGOOO#i love their silly little western outfits that make zero sense#noshiko said they've been hunting since before she was born and she's around 900 years old#meaning like they've been around since before 1100 AT LEAST#did they see the wild west and all get so obsessed they had to change their uniform#jeff tell me i wanna know#anyways i think the way the show changed the ghost riders and the wild hunt in general is soooooo good#like erasing the people whose souls get taken is god tier like it's insanity inducing#and the way it only appears to erase people on the humane plane is also amazing#like theo not being affected by stiles being erased and being the only person to actually have memories of him and not just a vague feeling#all because he was in the skinwalker prison when it happened makes me wanna start biting#and the way in general that the structure of the wild hunt is set up in a way that makes it feel like them grabbing supernatural creatures#is almost a mistake#like the ghost riders only function of the humane plane and within the wild hunt it's as if the existence of other supernaturals doesn't#matter to them#obviously there's the whole banshee ghost rider thing the show explores with lydia#(which might i add is something jeff and the writers created i haven't been able to find any sources that talk about both working in#conjunction with each other)#but also the fact that werewolves can leave and enter the wild hunt at will but humans can't#like when that kid peter and stiles met tries to escape he's literally catapulted back but when peter does it he goes through albeit burned#and liam is able to enter the hunt on a horse he stole from a rider#it also makes me sooooo insane that the only way for humans to break through the hunt is through emotional connections#which is part of the overall theme of the show like the brutish force of the supernatural vs the enduring love of humanity
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ex0rin · 1 year
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Cute & Awkward ft. Boimler 😳
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