#I love them so much AGHHH
gothamsfinestdummy · 2 months
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Silly doodles
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claire8216 · 9 months
Gonna need 5-7 business days to recover after hearing Annabeth call Percy 'Seaweed Brain' for the first time
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jincheeto · 2 years
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Fern still can't exactly 'eat' like a person, so his cake is instead a compost made of his previous favorite foods and misc plant stuff, so he gets birthday treats too :3
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cactus-juiceee · 1 year
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happy birthday mizuki!
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sigsfigs · 1 month
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jane of all trades
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yo-yo-yoshiko · 2 months
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Some Ultras in the Land of Light running from @crabbytime's Ultrawoman Cancer.
"It's time for all your performance reviews!!"
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chaosduckies · 20 days
Person getting lost in the woods, borrower person appears (reluctantly) and shows them the way back...
Use whoever, possibly even the two from my last ask...
I have no idea why I kept getting so distracted with this one, but I had lots of fun writing! I love these characters so much, but I don’t really know how I felt about the writing, but it’s okay! We post it like there’s no tomorrow! Hope you enjoy :3 (Probably a lot of mistakes cause I didn’t edit but we post anyways!)
Word Count: 3k
CW: very, very minor blood warning
Lost In The Woods
The fog around me grew thicker, and all of a sudden I could barely see my own two hands out in front of me. My skin was burning from the cold, making it harder to get through the many bushes and occasional boulder. I pressed my hands against, my mouth, trying to warm them up. If I had realized that this stupid bonfire wasn’t actually real then I might not be lost right now. But here I was, cold, late, tired, a little hungry, but of course I was lost. My phone didn’t have any service, and they farther I walked the thicker the fog grew, showing no signs of people. 
“Hello? C-can anyone h-help me!” I screamed for help, thinking of my parents and how they think I’m out having such a great time with my nonexistent friends. Why couldn’t I see that they were lying straight to my face? This would have never happened! I’d be at home, under my blankets and watching tv in my room with some popcorn. Why was I so gullible. 
I walked further, in hopes of finding a road, or even something to give me a hint at where I’m at. There has to be something to help me… But it’s like my luck just became worse and worse the longer I stayed here. There was absolutely nothing. No sounds of a river, not the sound of distant cars traveling through the highway, no light except for the small amount emitting from my phone. Absolutely nothing. 
My legs were tired from walking around for the past two hours. I sat up against a tree, crunched up to stay warm, though that barely even helped. All I could think about right now is getting under all the blankets at home and falling asleep. Instead the cold air pricked at my skin like icicles, barely keeping me awake. I sighed, resting my head on my knees and wrapping my arms around. Come on there has to be something… 
I looked around for what seemed like the thousandth time, still not finding anything. I sighed in defeat, already knowing that I’ll just hav to make it through the night unless some strange miracle appeared. It’d be better to travel through the day anyways, the fog would be gone, less of a chance to get eaten by wolves- I gasped at the thought, now listening closely for the sound of hungry wolves. Do they even attack people? Or do they just attack when they’re provoked? Either way, it’s a new fear unlocked now that I was thinking about it. 
“Can someone please help me…” I muttered, tears threatening to fall down my face as I tried my best to blink them back. This was by far one of the worse pranks ever. I mean the teasing is fine, but… this? I could actually die here like this. I shuddered at the thought, hoping that I’ll make it through till the morning. 
As much as I disliked seeing humans in the forest… this one seemed like they were genuinely freaking out. What for? I didn’t know. They had been asking for help from someone who wasn’t even real. The only person who heard it was me, but I didn’t want to show myself. That would just create more problems for me and I did not feel like finding a new place to live. 
The forest pretty much gave me everything I could ever need. Food, a place away from humans, peace. It was nice for someone who was three inches tall and didn’t exactly need everything your average person does. Perks of being a vampire I guess. I didn’t have to worry about gathering fruit or anything, mostly because I could just find any animal and… well I guess you can take a wild guess. It was fine though. Only a few humans have ever seen me, and when they did I just ran. What were they going to do anyways? Tell someone that a three inch person was just running around by himself trying to find a place to call home? Hah- unlikely. 
I watched as the human curled in on himself, trying to warm themselves up. Did I feel bad? Absolutely. But he shouldn’t have come here in the first place if he knew it was going to be cold. So technically it’s on him that he’s here now. I couldn’t help, otherwise he might come again looking for me if I did… and I’d rather stay by myself where no one could hurt me. I cringed at the thought of being in another humans hand. I know they were strong, but I think I could match their strength with my own if I tried hard enough. I bit the bottom of my lip, still watching the boy tremble as the air grew colder. Should I help them?
The thought never left my mind as I continued to watch carefully. The human shivered, whispering unintelligible words that even I couldn’t hear. Partially because of the strong winds that made the cold air hit my face even harder. I sighed, unaffected and merely found it annoying in the least. I knew it was wrong of me to just leave the human there, possibly lost and probably thinking that some kind of animal would attack him if he stayed for too long. I just couldn’t bring myself to help him. I knew what would happen. The horrors. As soon as I helped him get out of the woods, he’d turn on me and I’d just be some pet. Of course I would fight back, but I knew there was only a sliver of a chance that I would ever be able to escape. Vampire or not, I was still tiny. There was also just… something keeping me from doing such an unpredictable thing. 
Even though I decided that I wasn’t going to help them, I still stayed. A part of me just wanted to believe I could help this human out without getting hurt in the process. Not just physically. But what if a did help him and he leaves? That would be a good thing. That way we would both get what we wanted. He could go home and be in the warmth of his home, while I stayed here. Alone. My temporary hut I made out of sticks and some missing items I find when humans are nearby. I groaned quietly to myself. Why couldn’t have been turned into a vampire get rid of my feelings? 
Slowly, I made my way towards them, cautious not to make a sound even though I was a hundred percent sure that they wouldn’t be able to even if I wasn’t trying. Still, I treaded carefully. If I was even the slightest bit wrong about this it was running away and finding another home for me. I held my breath, not noticing how shaky my arms were until I had hid near the small bag strapped around their shoulders. I observed before stepping out, my steps slow, taking deep breaths to calm myself as I circled around to directly in front of them. Was I scared? That seemed… out of character for me. There was no way I was scared. Just because my last interaction with a human didn’t end so well didn’t mean I was scared now. I’m wayyy over that- Right? 
I crossed my arms, pushing away those thoughts and opened my mouth to speak, “Do you need help?” I had to yell over the harsh wind for them to be able to hear me, my voice slightly strained but nothing I couldn’t handle. They slowly brought their head up, not noticing me and turning their heads frantically in all directions, blinking a few times before his eyes trailed down in defeat, landing right on me. My body nearly jumped, but I kept my composure, eyes unsurprised and arms still crossed. 
Their eyes widened, cheeks red from being stained by the piercing cold. We held a silent staring contest, their mouth opening and closing as if they had wanted to speak, but couldn’t think of anything to say. I let out a sigh, speaking for him, “I can help you get out of here.” 
He stared at me blankly, his finger pointing to me, a confused expression showing on his face while he struggled to keep his eyes open as a gust of wind blew through, pushing the stinging cold onto his face. He held his hands up to his face to shield himself. I struggled to keep upright, given my height, but I managed. 
“H-help me? You know the way?” He excitedly announced, slightly making my ears ring, but I just ignored that for the time being. Why wasn’t he questioning what I was? Humans are naturally curious creatures, shouldn’t he be poking prodding at me like some science experiment? Instead he skipped the entire “what in the actual heck are you.” Maybe all he really wanted was to be tout of here? I mean he didn’t exactly look like the type to hurt anyone… Can I really trust that though? 
“I do. I’ll show you.” I shrugged my shoulders like nothing was going on in my head. Everything was going on. Everything that could go wrong, what happens after this interaction. Would he tell people about me? Would I have to find a new home anyways? What if I help him and nothing happens? Just stay lonely with nothing but animals to be my “companions” and sustenance for the rest of my immortal life? It was sad to think about really. 
“O-okay. D-d-do you want m-me to h-h-hold you?” He motioned to his hands, cupping them in front of my as he squinted one eye because of the cold. I felt all color drain from my face as I screamed, “No!” Not realizing I jumped backwards, slightly hissing like some animal. We both stared at each other before I fake coughed, recomposing myself, “I’ll just… walk.” I started walking in the direction, hoping that he wouldn’t step on me. I shuddered, hoping nothing like that was going to happen. But the thought crept in and wasn’t planning on leaving anytime soon. 
They stood up and followed me, as I lead the way they kept at least two steps behind me at all times, no matter how slowly the intervals were between them. No words were said between us. Mostly because even if I bothered to talk he wouldn’t hear me. I was too quiet. A good and bad thing. 
Over time, the wind gradually gave up, enough to where I could hear leaves crunch every time they took a slow step. I had no idea how they came to be so far from here, but I guess there was always a way. There was still some part of me that didn’t trust any part of this, but another part of me that kept saying that this would end differently. That I wouldn’t get hurt or anything bad would happen to me. I found it hard to choose between the two, and kept moving, ignoring the voice in the back of my head. 
I don’t think I really cared that a three inch-tall person was guiding me out of the forest. I just wanted to go home, wrap myself in a blanket and fall asleep being warm. It was still freakishly cold outside, but not as much as before. The wind was dying down as I noticed that it was easier for the tiny person to walk now. I had offered to carry them, but considering their reaction that was entirely out of the question. 
Of course I had plenty of questions for them. Like how they’re not bothered by the frigid air surrounding us, or what they ever were. Where they came from. How they know the way out of here. I kept them to myself. They didn’t seem like they even wanted to be asked anything. They just wanted to me to get out so they can live their life in the forest unbothered. There was no way I would be telling anyone about this though. Not like anyone would believe me in the first place. 
After a while, they had looked like they kept looking back at me, like they were afraid I would do something. I guess I would think that too if I were as small as he was, but I don’t think I could ever hurt someone. Including him. Even if we had just met. Plus, hurting someone smaller than you just doesn’t seem fair at all. He probably has a life too, why not leave him alone? He’s already helping me plenty, it’s the least I could do. Maybe he would let me come back and give him something to eat? I wouldn’t think there would be a lot of things for him in the forest. That or something easy for him to get. 
“Um, are y-you sure you don’t w-want me to help you?” I laughed nervously, the cold still stinging but not as much. So much for some great party they were inviting me too. How did I not realize that it was a trick? Who would even invite me to anything? I sighed to myself, looking back at where we’ve been. We have to be close by now… right? At least to a road? 
“No, I’m okay.” He responded, never wavering. I took a small step, watching him look back and cringe away slightly. He was scared of me. That was something I never thought I’d see on a persons face towards me. I didn’t like it. At all. 
“Are you sure? I’m pretty sure you’re cold and I can at least try to help with that.” I looked down at my hands, pausing as he stopped moving. Was he actually thinking about it? I was expecting him to say no, but I guess this was good too. Except for the fact that I’ve never held an entire living person in my hand before! What if I drop him? What if I move wrong? Would it even be comfortable for him? 
He looked up at me, debating his decision before groaning loudly, “Okay. But I swear if you drop me I’m not helping you anymore, got it?” He threatened. I nodded my head, crouching down on the forest floor and laying my hand palm-up. I figured this would be better than just grabbing him. Given his earlier reaction. 
It felt weird to be carrying someone in your hands. They felt full, but then you realize that there’s an entire person trusting you with their lives. I gulped and kept walking straight, moving a lot faster but made sure almost ever second to make sure that the being in my hands wasn’t bothered. He sat, his arms draped over the barrier I had made with my thumb just in case. I was a little nervous, but there was no way he’d do something without knowing what could happen to him. 
“So uhh, what’s your name?” I asked, laughing nervously as I kept my eyes forward, afraid that I would trip over a loose stick or a rock. It usually happens to me. Just my luck. 
He stayed quiet for a second before answering, “Atlas, and you?” He turned his head to face me, for a brief moment showing fear. I bit the side of my cheek, hoping it wasn’t noticeable, “Hayven. Th-thank you for helping me, Atlas.” 
Atlas looked at me, surprised before he scoffed like he didn’t believe me, “No need to thank me. I’m doing both of us a favor.” He harshly stated, turning his head back down to the large drop below him. At least to him it must be. I stopped moving at the sound of a car, seeing the headlights in the distance. I shook my head and walked towards it, “So what exactly are you?” I asked, not expecting an answer. 
“Vampire.” Was all he responded with, but it left me extremely confused. Vampire? Was he messing around, or did he really mean it? I laughed playfully, “You’re messing around with me ri-“ I winced at the sharp pain that came from the side of my hand, seeing a tiny bite mark. I stared at Atlas, who shrugged his shoulders, though I felt him tremble like he thought I would hurt him for it. So, did he just have really sharp teeth or… Vampire? I probably shouldn’t dwell too much on it. 
“My turn. Why were you all the way out here?” He never turned around. 
“Um. There was supposed to be a party here. But… I guess they lied to me.” I sighed sadly, hearing even more cars now. 
“This is close enough. I’ll get off from here.” He announced, pushing himself up and peering down over the edge of my hands. I crouched down, letting him off easily as he looked up at me. I couldn’t read his expression, but I could almost tell that he wanted to ask me something, but never did. 
“H-hey uh. I know you probably just want to go home and… do whatever it is you do, but how about I give you a nice place to stay at for the night? It’s the least I offer after helping me so much.” 
Atlas stared wide-eyed at me, staring up at me like I had said something that offended him. He looked back down. I noticed the trembling, but I couldn’t tell if that was from fear or the cold. Most likely the first option. He didn’t know me. He probably thinks I would keep him as a pet or something. I was disgusted just thinking about it. 
“No tricks?” He asked. I shook my head, “I know you probably have your own thoughts about me, but I genuinely just want to repay the favor.” I didn’t want to force him, but the guilt would eat at me later. 
He debated for what seemed like hours before taking a deep breath, “Alright. But I want to be back here before night tomorrow.” He demanded. I laughed, nodding my head and agreeing to his demands. He climbed back onto my hand effortlessly, but I still felt him tremble. Even if he was scared, something about Atlas screamed at me to keep him company. Maybe we could both keep each other company?  
They’re just both very lonely, but it’s okay because they’ll keep each other company! :D
Again, I wasn’t entirely sure how this came out, and I do realize that I rushed the ending, but it’s fine TwT (No it’s not) But thank you for the ask because I absolutely love writing these two! I might even turn them into an official little fic. Just some silly little one-shots :D
Hope you liked it!
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sillysharkk · 6 months
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zakkura gold saucer date..
i referenced aerith’s date for this but i’m also thinking of doing tifa’s too,, i’m waiting on those zakkura gold saucer mods Gah
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shrimpwithglasses · 7 months
So… so you’re telling me… while Jake & Jane were trying to get their nasty on… all Jake could think about was Dirk and comparing how Jane feels so much different than Dirk… and just continues to think about Dirk… I… I need a moment, oh my god-
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cemetaryvampire · 2 months
some of my favorite ocs are turning 2 years old soon…my oldest one was made April 14th 2022 I remember it clearly… another old one was made like June 2022. I don’t talk about my old ocs a lot. But I cherish them all so so much… Reygen, pot, plant, lean, party hat, bandaid, Swiss…. Ily my object ocs….
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sealer-of-wenkamui · 7 months
A couple of things about Limbo and Danzou, because I am constantly thinking about those two:
First of all, a possible hint at why Limbo is so fixated on her. Kashin Koji of course is her creator, and their dialogue mentions that they have a deep respect for Seimei, and not only that, their Valentine's scene brings up that Seimei was involved in the precursors to Kashin's own karakuri, and are made from the same craft. Given Douman's obsession with Seimei and need to surpass him is the whole reason he became so twisted in the first place, I doubt its a mere coincidence that the creator of the doll he's fixated on would bring up Seimei. Combined with how he found her in a helpless state where he could easily toy with her as much as he pleased, its no wonder he was quickly drawn to her and went to great lengths to hurt her so much.
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The second thing I found interesting is Danzou's line for things she hates. There's no prerequisite for this line, so she's bringing it up before her interlude and heian-kyo (and apparently people were initially confused what she was referring to by the dark sun, though of course now its obvious she's talking about Limbo, that said, it IS mentioned at the very end of Shimousa, so the connection was always there- specifically the lines "He has taken in the dark god as his own personal sun, and transformed the wicked god into his own magical energy." and "Fear the curtain of night. Tremble before the dark sun.")
Anyway, I think this was an excellent way of conveying how deeply intertwined the two of them are, her story is in part about her breaking from from Limbo who continues to haunt her. This is Servant Danzou, who is based on PHH Danzou, not Shimousa's, so there's no way she would remember him, and yet he's hurt her so deeply that she has this innate fear of his symbol, the dark sun. (I wonder if the virus he implanted in her also plays a role in that...?)
Which is also why I'm disappointed Heian-kyo kinda half-assed the end of her and Limbo's entwined arc, it has a perfect lead up between Shimousa, her interlude, and the beginning of the chapter, but falls off and forgets about her for most of the middle/end. Honestly, it should have been a Danzou-centric chapter precisely because she's the one with the deepest connection (other than Seimei obviously)/most harmed by him and while she thankfully DOES get to be the one to finish him off, she didn't really do much during most of the chapter and it feels like they barely talked.
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quiverymango · 1 year
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☀️Suntan Scribbles!🏀
Doodles of Sunny and Kel, my beloveds <3
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aforceofevilandchaos · 4 months
Oh. my. gosh. I can't believe this last episode.
Ruthie finally getting to fly?? Pool doing magic stuff with Elemin?? Acera finally sleeping?? Carlin's hidey hole?? 5 days of these people trapped with no one to talk to but each other?????
Man I love this show.
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crabbbage · 5 months
sorry i never put art on this blog i just have not been in the mood for digital art at all recently. been rediscovering the intense psychological bond i had with my sketchbook in middle school
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clownleys · 7 months
Six of Crows duology was a pretty fun read, even despite the fact I find most YA annoying. But I just couldn't stand Jesper and Wylan together! I found Wylan to be boring and apart from that I think their chemistry was a bit forced (like they are two gay characters so they should be together). I loved Kaz and Inej romance, but if I were to pair Jesper with anyone I think Kaz would be a pretty good fit for him (they come from a similar harsh backround and they are already pretty close, but they also give that nice opposites attract dynamic). What are your thoughts?
i was surprised how much i loved it, given that i could barely get through shadow and bone itself. soc really captured my heist-movie-loving ass tho!
and arghh, i really feel you on that jesper/wylan thingy!! i like both of the characters, but just really couldn't see them together, esp not long term. i couldn't feel the chemistry, the bickering felt flat and i just wasn't feeling the emotions at all. their lifestyles and temperaments seemed rather clashing too! i can't imagine jes actually wanting to stay out of the dopamine-kicking life and choosing a calmer set-up.
also i'm generally not a huge fan of that whole "all characters in a friend group must end up dating, preferably pairing up inside the group" thingy and was really hoping to avoid it with crows. i'm much fonder of the idea of them being a polycule, keeping some of them single or have them date people outside of the group.
as for jes, i really loved his dynamic with kaz actually and would love to see it explored in romantic-ish context! it was complicated in the best way, and i felt like the emotional load between them was both heave and genuine. they really seem to be able to bring up both the best and the worst in each other, but i feel like there was always a clear level of respect and care for each other. i also think that untangling the mess between them is such an interesting thing to explore, given their vastly different coping mechanisms!
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twicecut · 7 months
man. rewatching s3 scenes to get re-acquainted with diego and. the red flags. every single flag is red. i think lila is trying, and i understand her, i do, but the framing of each of their serious talks makes me want to yell.
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