#I love the orc baby
verecunda · 18 days
Personally, I think whenever someone gets pissy about the baby Orc, it might be worth reminding them (gently) that not only does the Silm say that Orcs "multiplied after the manner of the Children of Ilúvatar", but LOTR and the Unfinished Tales also strongly imply that they're able to interbreed with Men. Just sayin'. 💅
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valar-did-me-wrong · 14 days
They really are brave doing this on Instagram.
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And Ismael leading the Nothing is Evil in the Beginning, Complex Dark Characters defence force is iconic 🖤 I love his man SO SO much 🫶🏽
The hate finally got me ranting
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ghostofvalorie · 3 months
i see everybody talking about autism knight Laios and panty shot king Senshi
but i had to watch dungeon meshi myself to see the cute orc Chief DILF????
nobody talking about the ORC DILF AROUND HERE
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lifetanes · 7 months
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NOUZIN PETZEIROS /nuːˈziːn ˈpɛtˌzeɪˌroʊs/
half-orc / monk / way of the four elements / neutral good
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electoons · 6 months
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giving my ldb a daughter. embarrassing for all involved. mostly me
#her mom is an orc and her dad is a wood elf so she's going to be a very pointy orc. angular#like ok i suppose i leaned a little heavy on the elf features but also shes 12. she'll develop more orcish features. Not My Fault 😐#mimiart#weird little girl who pretends to be a wolf -> actual werewolf pipeline#elder scrolls#skyrim#shes sooo sweet and smiley :) idk where that comes from. not either of her parents. neither a point for nature nor nurture#calling her Khara for now. might change idk#re: my caption its only embarrassing because of who she had the child with. he fucking sucks#but so does she which is why they get along and they make each other worse. but also sometimes better#whatever. they love each other and their weird kids#at first they said “no kids absolutely the fuck not” then they decided to adopt alesan because like. hes already pretty much self sufficien#like he had a job and everything right. this will be a breeze hes already pretty much a fully formed human we can just help him out#by letting him sleep in our house right. and then like not even a full year later uloth gets pregnant oops 😬#does anyone here know how to keep a baby alive. thankfully uloth has amassed basically a small village of followers/friends/housecarls#some more responsible and knowledgeable than others. so dw the kids are okay and not dead#they just keep the necromancy and shady black market trading and unethical experiments OUTSIDE THE HOUSE#tes#ocs#oc#khara has only broken her dads finger once. orc grip you know how it is#oh and his nose too. but he deserved it for stealing hers 😑 like what was she gonna do?? NOT steal his right back?? come on
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beechaotic · 7 months
So, I don’t talk about my stories on here much. Maybe about different characters in passing, but nothing too in-depth. However, I wanted to share a story I wrote outlining how one of the main characters for my Sci-Fi story met her best friend (an alien) for a contest. I wanted to share it here to see if you guys like it, because I’m kind of proud of it.
Title: The Monster Who Saved Her
Word Count: 1,684 words
She was young, when she was taken.
She hardly remembers anything about Earth. Sure, she remembers bits and pieces of her language, her culture, things she learned; but she only remembers little things.
She doesn’t remember what different flowers were called, but she remembered that her favorite ones were multicolored (and likely genetically modified) with layering petals that curved around the center. She can’t remember any concrete or important words, but she does know how to say “Are you here to help me?” (because she said it too much on those ships; too many times she’d beg for help from anyone who would listen. They never helped). She also remembers the word “A-May”. She doesn’t remember her mother’s face, but she knows that her mother always sang to her when she had a nightmare. She had a beautiful voice. She doesn’t remember any common names from her homeworld, but she does remember that there was a girl she considered her best friend who was named “Estée”, which she said meant “Star”. She also remembered thinking it was fitting for the girl, as she had shown brightly and was always happy to shine light her on someone’s dark day. But she didn’t remember anything important about her life, her culture, her language.
She still remembers the night she was taken to the first ship.
She had been in her room, listening to her parents argue (she remembers that they did that often; that her father usually came home smelling gross and being clumsy, and that her mother would be mad every time). She couldn’t sleep because of the shouts and the banging of fists hitting counters. She curled up closer to her beloved toy, a little stuffed cat that her father had given her once when he wasn’t stumbling and his mood was light. She had named it Sarr-u, a suggestion from her mother. She remembered her parents joking that this was her first child, and that they would give all their money to the toy when they were gone.
She remembered hearing something break, and how footsteps echoed in the apartment. She remembered hearing her father shout in surprise, before hearing what she now knows as the shot of a High-Powered Plasma Shooter. Then, she heard her mother scream. She hid her head under the thin blanket. She stayed huddled there while she heard voices speak in an unfamiliar tongue. A tongue that she now speaks, that she knows better than her Homeworld’s.
She remembers hearing them slam her bedroom door open with such ferocity that she shuddered and tried to meld with Sarr-u. They ripped off her blanket, and she saw the horrors that had killed her parents.
She doesn’t remember what Humans look like, just vague features and skin tones; but she remembers knowing that these were not Humans. She remembers thinking that they were monsters, come to eat her soul and feed her bones to whatever monstrosities they called pets. She remembers screaming and clinging to Sarr-u as they picked her up roughly, how she squirmed and writhed in a vain attempt to get free. The monsters didn’t even react to her struggles beyond grumbling in their language. She remembers them taking her outside, where they were rounding up other children she knew from the apartment building. She remembers playing with them, their parents taking turns on who would watch the children each day. She remembers how they would all laugh and just be free.
Some of the children were crying, some were also fighting, but most were frozen in terror. She could tell now which ones had been with their parents when the “monsters” had barged in, which ones had watched the fatal blow. Those were the children that looked empty, like they weren’t even alive anymore. Like they were floating out of their body, far away from what was happening, where everything was safe.
The “monster” shoved them into cells with clear doors. She remembers trying to touch the barrier, only to get a jolt of pain through her hand. She remembers how she had pulled it away only to find charred flesh where limb had met with barrier. She remembers sitting in the corner of her cell and crying in fear. She remembers screaming for her “A-May” over and over again.
They were in those cells for what felt like decades, though it probably was no more than a year. The older kids would try to reassure the others by saying that they would make sure nothing bad would happen, that they would all get back home soon. She remembers believing them. That this would all end with a heroic soldier coming in and opening their cell doors, killing all of the “monsters” in their wake. The monsters always came back, usually bringing strange food with them. The food tasted like nothing and was always dry. It was also never enough to fully satiate them. And the water that they got was always warm, and they could only drink small mouthfuls at a time to save it. They never knew when they would next be fed.
Then, the monsters came back, not with food, but with cages. They began opening cells and loading children into the cages, even as the older ones screamed at them and the little ones cried in fear. Some of the older children even tried ramming themselves into the invisible barrier, and she watched as their skin and clothes got charred like her palm had been.
When they got to her, she didn’t fight back. She tried to hide away, to make herself too small to be seen. But it didn’t work, because they grabbed her anyway and shoved her into a tight cage without remorse.
When everyone was loaded into their cages, the monsters began to walk them out of the ship. They were put into a dark area where they couldn’t see. Some of the children cried, while others whispered reassurances. One even began to sing, soon joined by the other children held captive there. She remembers the song they sung vividly, how the childlike voices made it more haunting with the fear etched in every word.
“What do we do when we’re half-starved and mad?
We fight till we’re dead,
Fight ‘till we’re dead
What do we do when our enemies hound us?
We fight ‘till we’re dead,
Fight ‘till we’re dead
What do we do when the mob surrounds us?
We fight ‘till we’re dead,
Fight ‘till we’re dead!”
Now, whenever she hears someone singing a tune vaguely similar, she gets a jolt of peace. It was the only moment of true safety she would feel for a long time. Yes, she was in a cage and shrouded by darkness, but she also had people with her that she considered to be her friends. Estée was there, too. She kept trying to make everyone laugh, just like she used to.
She wondered sometimes where Estée was, and if she was safe. Was she still on one of the ships? Was Estée being tortured, like she had been? She could only hope that she was on one of the ships that actually care about Humans.
One by one, the cages were grabbed and taken into another room. As they were taken, the younger children would scream and wail, and the older children would try and shout platitudes. Eventually, she was taken into the room.
The room was a stage, with thousands of monsters staring at it from the stands. Her cage was roughly placed on the ground, and the monster at the podium she had glimpsed began talking. Monsters began shouting and raising their appendages. And with a chill, she realized that this was an auction. She was being sold.
She had heard of Humans doing this to other Humans in the past, but she never expected it to happen to her. She curled in on herself, desperate to disappear.
She was dragged onto a new ship, to a new cell. She was tortured and experimented on day in and day out. Eventually, they got bored of her, and sold her to another ship. This happened over and over again, until she became numb to the process.
Then, one day, after a long session of pain, she heard blaring alarms go off on the ship. Pounding resounded through the halls, along with the inhuman language she had grown accustomed to. Shots rang out from their weird guns, and she heard bodies hit the floor as shrieks filled the air. Soon, a new monster appeared at her cell door.
He was tall and very heavy-set. Not with hulking muscles, but with a broad body that years of hard labor would give you. But that wasn’t what caught her attention; no, it was that he looked like a pig.
Even then, her memories of Earth had begun to fade. But she remembers distinctly thinking “Wow, it’s like a pig on two feet”. He looked at her for a moment, before clicking some buttons on the keypad. The door opened, and he stepped inside. Weakly, she growled (a sound she had heard the monsters make to scare her), but he didn’t move away. Instead, he just held up his-hands? Hooves?-in a placating way. In a way that was so achingly Human, she couldn’t help but pause for a moment. He stepped closer, and she began to growl weakly again, curling around Sarr-u for comfort.
He kept his hands slightly raised as he approached, always in her view. He kept his movements slow and predictable, so as to not startle her. Slowly, he knelt down in front of her. Her growls petered out as she took in the kindness his eyes held. He made a strange cough-like noise, probably to try and calm her. Surprisingly, it worked.
He took her to his ship and showed her a room she could stay in. He taught her Galactic Common. And when the time came, he asked for her name.
She looked at him, her protector, her savior.
“My name is Burma, thank you for saving me.”
There you go, the story of a future Spaceship Captain, Burma! She actually has a stutter, but I imagine that that happens due to a head injury after she meets this guy.
Also, I have no idea what to name her alien friend. You guys have any suggestions? I would rather have non-European names, because in the Lore of this world, the aliens used to occasionally come to Earth and teach/talk to Humans. His species settled in like, the Caribbean. Don’t ask me what island, I haven’t thought that far ahead. However, I think it would be somewhere like Cuba, the Dominican Republic, or Haiti. So they picked up pieces of each other’s cultures.
Also, yes, Burma’s family is from Burma. However, she isn’t. She was born in America, since her family immigrated there before she was born. That’s why she said some things in Burmese, rather than in English. Like Sarr-u. It’s the Latin Alphabet version of the Burmese word for “First Born”. (Y’know how I put in the jokes her parents made? That was why).
Side note, I wanted to imply that her father was an alcoholic without directly saying it. I hope that came across in the text.
Anyway, yeah, that’s the origin story for my Ship Captain Burma! She learns Galactic Common AND her friend’s native language, which is comprised of grunts and chuffs.
Tell me what you think!!
Ps: I made up the song they sing, and I imagine it to a similar tune as “What should we do with a drunken sailor?” Because the contest wouldn’t let me use preexisting songs and I still wanted to show them singing.
PPS: None of the characters are white!! I didn’t decide the races/ethnicities for most of them, except for Burma and her best friend from Earth, Esteé. Esteé is Haitian and is very much not white. I imagine her having a VERY dark complexion. Not like those influencers social media pushes on you, darker than that. Like, Oh-Fuck-I-Can’t-Find-Makeup-In-The-Right-Shade-That’s-In-My-Budget kind of dark. Why did I come up with all this information about her AND MORE? Because I have no life. 🙃
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c3m3t4ry · 2 months
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heliosynchronisity · 5 months
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im alive, just scuttling under rocks like a bug. Picking up skyrim again here and there and last night worked on my shy pouty orsimer girl Yazara. She's a student mage and a book worm who I made soley as an excuse to wander round skyrim and read all the books.
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valiantvillain · 9 months
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Appreciation post for my Tavs, each as beautiful and badass as the other. From top to bottom: Wendolyn Gallaer, Miraz Cordaign, Beitris Goldgrace.
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circe007 · 2 years
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How i would love to have the privilege of seeing all the deleted scenes with Adar and his Uruks.
It must be madness !
Comme j'aimerais avoir le privilège de voir toutes les scènes coupées avec Adar et ses Uruks.
Ça doit être dément !
Maybe keeping a glimmer of hope, one day who knows, as a bonus in a box....
And why not a series in parallel, just with the Uruks, since their very first creation.
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blakbonnet · 5 months
the orc episode of dungeon meshi had no right to make me sob 😭
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eyeofnewtblog · 3 months
Things that happen at home:
So, Zelda puppy is…terrified of “weird loud noises” and with the 4th of July being in the middle of the week, it’s been a pretty consistent…showing of fireworks.
Normally it’s just a three day weekend of cowering and being uncomfortable, and then nothing, but my poor dog has been straight up cowering under my husband’s desk while I’m at work for five days straight. And as soon as I get home and pay the Cheese Tax, she’s stuck to me like glue. Like literally will not be more than 2 feet away from me for the entire rest of the night.
Which is fine, except she’s clearly shaking every time a firework goes off. We pretty clearly can’t leave her alone at all this week, and it’s really making me dread new years because the 1st of January 2025 is also in the middle of the week. Which means a solid five days of intermittent fireworks instead of just two or three days of a lot of fireworks.
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eucalyptusthyme · 4 months
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ackermental · 2 years
To be fair, ROP producers did what I would have done, if I was tasked with making a show about Second Age without having the rights to Second Age source material - they wrote a Galadriel x Sauron fanfiction.
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zandra-lang-cave · 2 years
"Not alone anymore" part 1
Space is a weird place, but so was earth so Casey didn't complain. She really didn't miss earth, she was an age up orphan so besides a few casual friends she really didn't have anything waiting for her. But space have every new opportunity awaitng for her and she toke them all, from being chosen has a test embasador to joining a small crew and more reasenly leading her own crew, space become more of a home than earth ever was. She was not going back to her planet any time soon.....
At least that was the plan.
"Why are we here again?" Casey spoke while taking a few empty boxes down the ship.
"Honey be carefull dont over do yourself" th doctor and second in comman of the ship spoke "we need to re-suplied the ship and earth was the closes friendly planet" marcy states while she carried empty boxes in her tentacles to re-stoke.
"Earth friendly? When the pigs fly" the captain complain while also being annoyed by her partner commends.
"What's a pig?" Ask another member of the crew. A very tall rock like golem creature with golden glowing eyes.
"The Sus domesticus" spoke a forth member. A three legged semi-humanoid creature with 6 fingers and 3 eyes "also often called swine, hog, or domestic pig when distinguishing from other members of the genus Sus. is an omnivorous, domesticated, even-toed, hoofed mamma that is commonly ingested by the homo sapiens. Also know has humans" He finish.
"I don't get it?" Says the golem.
"Randal means that they are food sandy" the fith and final member of the crew spoke. A small insect like creature that was carrying the most boxes out of everyone with their physiquic powers and glowing antennas.
"But Atticus, I thought humans eat plants?" The golem said.
"We eat alot of stuff pal. Why you think I have a full room just for my supplies" Casey states while finishing delivering the empty boxes to the station workers.
"I thought you were just a glutton" Sandy states.
"She is. But Humans also need alot of different nutrients to work perfectly" Marcy states "now If only you could eat healthy for once it be great" she states with an annoying tone while her antennas shake.
"I'm eating right. Thank you very much" the captain states annoyed.
"Casey if I didn't know how resileant humans are with food il be putting you in a strict diet" the octopus like creature says while pointing at the human.
"I'm not a kid darling. I can take care of my self" Casey says while walking towards the seekat.
"I'm just looking for you. I'm the doctor of the crew I have to look for everyone" she says while her antennas shake slightly.
"Well I can take care for my self. So can you just leave me be. I don't need you to keep looking for me has if I'm gonna die any second. You are my partner not my babysitter" the human states.
There was silent in the room. The human was staring at the seekat and this one, while laking any face features was equally challenging the stare of her captain wile her antennas shake extremely.
"Ejem" a new voice says, drawing the attention of the whole crew "excuse me ma'am. We are finishing taking the list of all you need. It's gonna take a few hours so you are free to wander the city"
That caught the attention of the crew.
"The city!" Screams Randal, Sandy and Atticus in over joy.
"And since when were aliens welcome in the city. Last time I check, earth was still working hard on trying to break the news of aliens to the world" says the captain a suspicious tone.
"I agree" says Marcy "I know not all humans are ready to embrace life outsides their system" she finish worried.
"That was a decade ago, times change" the worker states while given the captain and the doctor a pamphlet before leaving.
"So where are we going?" Ask the smalles being excited "better be something I get to enjoy. I'm not exactly fit for everything"
"Lets go to a museum!" Randal propose "what better way to relax than absorbing knowledge" He finish.
"Are there any arenas here? I could watch a live fight right now!" Sandy spoke.
The three of them start discussing what would be the best place to go.
"I don't think I have the hearth to tell them there is nothing like that in this city" says the doctor while looking at the pamphlet for something for the crew to do.
"Better find something quick, I can see they are alredy looking for ways to attack" the human spoke.
"Oh really, wouldn't you preffer to look something to do by yourself. Misses leve me alone" the doctor says.
Casey just stare at her partner bewildered.
"Oh yes, we are not finish here. We'll talk later, I wouldn't ruin everyone's fun but we are gonna talk later" the seekat says without looking at the human.
"Right" Casey finish.
"OK everyone. I look at the pamphlet and found something we can all do while we wait for the ship to be re-suplied" the doctor states.
"Awww...." the three beings whine at that while they stop fighting each other.
"We are going..." she pause for a second "to the aquarium!" She finish overjoyed.
"Human aquatic life?" Randal spoke "isn't there something better"
"Yeah, watching fish doesn't sound that interesting" says Atticus while sandy shakes their head in agreement.
"We are going to the aquarium and that's final" the seekat states firmly "now go get redy."
With that say the four creatures go to the ship and get everything they might need for their small adventure.
"Great so, I call the aquarium to buy some tickets and make sure we don't give any worker a hearth attack" Casey says to her partner "sounds right?"
Marcy stays silent for a second before speaking "do wathever you like" she finish before going to the ship.
Casey is leave alone while she re-think on what she says and realize how stupid she is acting. Cursing under her breath while she goes to the ship while she thinks how to Apologize to her partner.
Tried not to give your character any trauma or drama is impossible. Don't worry things get better but you'll have to wait until next part. Cause it was starting to feel to long so a two partners will it be.
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ehlane · 10 days
i feel like a proud mother seeing someone use my old fjord url that i finally released like 6 months ago
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