r0tting-rat · 3 months
The worst and best part about writing a fnaf fanfiction is that I get two very different reactions when I mention it to my irls.
My equally weird friends always say something along the lines as "So cool! You even put it on ao3? I'll check it out!" While my normal friends are more like "What is a 'x reader'? What do you mean sentient robots? Why is it romantic? Why are you trying to romance the robots?"
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verecunda · 18 days
Personally, I think whenever someone gets pissy about the baby Orc, it might be worth reminding them (gently) that not only does the Silm say that Orcs "multiplied after the manner of the Children of Ilúvatar", but LOTR and the Unfinished Tales also strongly imply that they're able to interbreed with Men. Just sayin'. 💅
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sher-ee · 2 months
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phoenix-eve · 10 months
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I am someone who adores G-witch with a burning passion. But I’m also not immune to the criticism people have of the story pacing, especially at the end.
This of course resulted in me trying to think up how I’d personally change the story to better flow. Friend and me discussed it a few times and formed some thoughts. Not gonna go into full details but here are some musings of the biggest thing I’d add. Just season 2 stuff here for now.
First, keep the two Earth Witches alive and have them escape the school with Elan in tow. Have the school be so destroyed that everyone has to be sent home. But Suletta doesn’t have a home anymore so she is sent to Earth with her friends.
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Second half of season 2 would then be the “Earth Arc.” Along with it being a sort of “rescue mission” to get Miorine who in this version would be trapped on Earth.
Here we’d work more with the Earth factions, get more bonding with Suletta and her friends. She’d also become the pilot for the Schwarzette after an incident forces the need of this Gundam on Earth. Involving both the other Witches and such.
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Along with this also better introduce the group at the end who tried to wipe everyone out. Have them move in the shadows trying to wipe out not only all the Witches but Miorine and everyone connected to her as well and blame it on the Earthlings.
Got a few more ideas but think I rambled enough for now. Could add more later. We shall see I suppose.
Oh and obviously more Sulemio. You think I’d not add way more Sulemio interactions? Wild to even consider such a thing.
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ms-boogie-man · 4 months
Satan Asks Democrats To Tone Down All The Evil
Yeah, they’re (makes air quotes) saving the world yo  lmao
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milwaukeemilf · 9 months
Don't reblog my shit if you're just gonna block me. Like because I'm a woman? You came to MY fucking page lol it's not my fault I have a pussy dude.
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What is this like— the third or fourth Inquisitor that Ahsoka’s taken down like a total chump?
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bringtheb0nes · 2 months
i could kill the bishops with a chainsaw is all I’m saying
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samswound · 1 year
2 more people unfollowed it's truly priceless
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smileymoth · 1 year
everyone aways crying abt fetish art on the web or specifically deviantart and like oouughh think of the children... girl im gona be honest most of us were 11 scrolling the newest art page and we just scrolled past all of the inflation and feet drawings bc no body gave a fuck as we had jeff the killer making out with ben drowned art to find
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bigbadbearthoughts · 4 months
Hey other white people
If you're throwing horns to some of the shit I've heard on the extreme metal community playslists that *I myself love very much* but balking at fucking Chamillionaire's "Ridin' " in 2024.
If you can listen to Cannibal Corpse but you think rapping about drugs and gun violence is too much IF YOU'RE CRANKING UP FUCKING ARCHGOAT BUT AFRAID TO BUMP KENDRICK FUCKING LAMAR Not only are you weak, and your bloodline will not survive the winter, you're the biggest hypocrites on the face of the planet. Why yes, my playlist went from Archgoat's Grand Luciferian Theophany to Mos Def's Mathematics on the same playlist because I guess I have more musical literacy than some of the other metalheads I know.
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euesworld · 2 years
"If kindness is a weakness, then I wish to be the biggest weakling of them all.."
Bless me with a soft, kind heart that warms everybody that I come across - eUë
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ceaselesswwatch3r · 7 months
scar is such a sassy twink and i love him for it. keep doing your thing king (he wishes)
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radio-charlie · 9 months
Its not just a them thing. Chinese kafir men, white double kafir men, etc etc. Whole world revolves around making sure cock having males of all types never get too horny or angry or low self esteemy. I wanna swell that thingy you-know-what down there until its the size of a house. Nobody can even see the rest of you anymore you're just buried under your ugly shitty balloon cock. Wanna rape someone with it also cannot. You can't even get up. Gonna die there heaving and panting under your own cock
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thatonearanara · 3 months
People in school are always ‘oh teachers don’t let us go to the bathroom waahhh wahhhhh’. Like do you have a bladder the size of a grape?! Detestable.
(if you have medical issues regarding this, it’s perfectly fine but those without medical reasons are weak)
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oliverkilljoy · 1 year
Getting harassed on this website in the Year of their Lord 2023 is so funny like I was here in 2010. You can’t hurt me.
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