#I love that the majority agrees this man most definitely has long black hair
pycth · 11 months
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My mind finally pieced together what Hush looked like— I mean I’ve had it this whole time, but it took me this long to actually put babygirl out even if it was a quick sketch 🫶
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Want Me
This is, a lot more than anything I've ever written, but I hope you like it.
Master List
When Chan had told Stays he had a gift for them today, you had anticipated something like the valentines date. Maybe even Hyunjin’s surprise appearance. What you definitely weren’t expecting was your boyfriend to basically strip in front of literally the whole world.
“Oh. My god.” Your reaction was subconscious, and totally not something you wanted your roommate, Sungmi, to hear. Your eyes were the size of saucers as you stared at your phone.
“What’s up?” Her interest was piqued the second you made a sound, and being you, you did the one thing you could think of.
You threw your phone as far from yourself as possible.
The two of you watch it sail across the living room and land safely in the dirty clothes hamper neither of you had moved from the hallway to the washer.
“Uh, you good?”
“Wow, look at that laundry!” You exclaim, “Someone should go do it.” You can’t even jump up from the couch when her hand is wrapping around your ankle, pulling you onto the floor.
“Was it Chan’s performance?” Your face immediately goes crimson. “No,” You lie, poorly. “What performance? I didn’t even know he was performing. I should go do the laundry.” You’re talking like you’re the flash, and while she’s attempting to figure out what you said, you attempt to wrench your leg from her grip. Unfortunately her brain power is faster that you can get your arms under you, though you do manage to yank her off the couch with you.
“Get back here!” She huffs, yanking you closer to her and somehow managing to sit on your pelvis. “You saw the Wolfgang performance didn’t you?” She demands, but your answer is more struggling to knock her over. “I’m not going anywhere, Y/n.” She drops forward, pinning your arms by your head, and if she were literally anyone else, you would probably think this was super hot.
“Curse your shockingly strong legs.”
“Nine years of waterpolo.” She explains.
“Really? Damn, I should start playing.”
“You’re stalling.”
“No I’m not.” You lie, again. She rolls her eyes, dropping her head a little more to knock her forehead against yours. “Ow.”
“Be honest with me.”
“I am.”
“No you’re not.” She bonks your head again, “Stop lying.”
“Will you get off me?”
“When we’re done talking.”
“Then yes, I saw Chan’s Wolfgang performance.” She nods, letting go of your hands to sit up properly and crush your pelvis a little more.
“I thought it was pretty hot.” She confesses and you feel something bubble in your chest. You can’t help the slight twitch in your brows and of course she notices. “Ah! Jealousy!”
“I’m not jealous.” She taps your forehead, aggressively enough to hurt a little. “Ow.”
“You can’t lie to a Psychology major.”
“I’m not-” She raises her finger again and you relent. “Alright, fine. Maybe I’m not a huge fan of someone telling me they think my boyfriend is hot to my face.”
“Did you think it was hot?” Your face grows warm and you have to bite back an embarrassed smile.
“I’m not answering that.”
“You don’t have to. You’d be stupid to think otherwise.”
“Especially when he was in the white shirt.” You admit, and she nods.
“You should see if he’ll wear something like that next time you two decide to get all hot and heavy.” Your face flushes again, not really wanting to discuss your sexlife with someone you’ve only actually known for about seven months.
“Um yeah, totally.”
“Oh my god. You guys don’t do stuff!”
“We do stuff!” You defend, immediately regretting it.
“Oh really? Ever used handcuffs?” On him, or me?
“I don’t have to answer that.”
“So that's a no. How about, have you ever sent him a nude?” Oh, if only you knew.
“Get off me.”
“Another no.” She grins, “I’m shocked, he seems like such a feisty boy, you’d think he’d do stuff.” “Seriously, get off.” There’s no humor in your voice now. It wasn’t her place to tell you about your own boyfriend, and you were getting sick of her forcing her way into your love life.
“Oh come on Y/n.” She doesn’t get another word out before you grab her leg and wrench her sideways. Instead of just tossing her onto the floor, you find yourself slamming your hand into the floor by her head, now leaning over her.
“Stay out of my love life, do you hear me?” You practically growl, “I don’t need your help to please my boyfriend.” Her eyes go wide at your words, and you instantly become aware of your positions when a smirk paints itself on her face.
“My, my Y/n. I didn’t peg you as someone who’d be on top.”
“Clearly.” You reply. “Now are you quite done?”
“Have you ever topped him? He seems like the kind of guy who wouldn’t like that.”
“Once again, I don’t have to answer that.”
“You should try it. Something tells me you’ll like it.”
“Shut up.”
“I hate you.” It had been hours since your rather sexually charged conversation with her, and here you were standing at her doorway seeking advice. You hadn’t stopped thinking about what she had said, but in all honesty, Chan was your first, so you had no clue what you were doing most of the time.
“Oh? Is that why you’re looking all lost and confused at my door?” Her voice is sickeningly sweet as she looks at you in the mirror. “What up?”
“I need advice.”
“Wear black, it looks good on everyone.” Her gaze shifts back to her reflection, where she’s curling her hair for a date.
“About Chan.” Her attention turns back to you in an instant and you’re tempted to run back to your room.
“In what sense?”
“What you said earlier.” A wicked grin spreads on her face. “Have a seat darling.” You trudge over to her bed, sitting on the trunk at the end to watch her. “First off, tell me this, who initiates sex usually?”
“He does.” You admit quietly. “Babe, if you want my help, you gotta be able to talk about sex without turning into a tomato. I mean, how are you sexually active and still blushing like a virgin. Next you're going to tell me you only do it missionary with the lights off.”
“Well…” Her mouth drops open in horror.
“Oh my god.” She gasps. “No wonder you’re all annoyed these days. You’re not satisfied.”
“Hey, he gets me off,” You defend, “And he’s very good at it.” You practically swoon just thinking about it. She raises her hands in surrender, but smiles at your answer.
“Have you ever asked him for oral?”
“How the hell do I bring that up in casual conversation? Just “Hey babe, you did wonderful today, do you want to eat me out’.”
“Well if it works.”
“Okay, have you ever worn lingerie for him?”
“No, but I did buy something to wear a few months ago.” She nods, approving.
“How come you’ve never worn it?”
“Between Kingdom and the fact that he lives with seven other men, there hasn’t exactly been a time and place.”
“That’s fair. When do you guys usually do it? What’s it like? Just broad details.”
“He tells me he wants to spend the night. I usually get a hotel room, since my parents are still sending me money for rent, and we arrive at separate times. Its usually really sweet and slow.”
“And after?” She prompts.
“We shower, and cuddle. He usually leaves first cause he has practice or something.”
“Ever done it in the shower?” You shake your head, shoulders slumping as you realize how lame everything sounds.
“I really like him, but I think, especially since you said he seems like a kinky type, what if he’s not as into me?”
“I don’t think that’s the case.” She turns her chair towards you, setting a hand on your knee. “I think you’re both too nervous to broach the subject. I know this is your first real relationship, and it might be his too.”
“So, what should I do?”
“Start simple.” She turns back to her mirror, “You should book a room, and jazz it up a little. Rose petals, candles, maybe that set you bought. That way its obvious you want him.”
“That's not a bad idea.”
“Even better! I will go halfsies on one of the fancy hotels with you. I know one that has these huge bathtubs so you can take one together, and the shower has a stone floor, so its not slippery. Oh! We can get you a pretty silk robe, so you can do the dramatic reveal.”
“This sounds like a lot. How about for now, I just do the candles and the set?” She laughs, clearly embarrassed by the way she fiddles with her necklace.
“Sounds like a plan. You can do the big one for your anniversary.” You nod, agreeing with her.
“I can do it tonight, he’ll probably want some stress relief after that performance.” You offer her a sly smile, jumping up to leave the room.
“Where are you going?” She calls after you.
“I gotta go buy some candles.”
Hey lover, come meet me. *Y/n shared her location*
You glanced over at the message again as you adjusted the black lace garterbelt. Sungmi had been right, black did look amazing on everyone. He had read the message, and if you were lucky, he was too busy driving over to text you back. You slid the black skirt up your legs, loving the way it stopped just under the edge of the thigh highs. The last piece was a simple t shirt, it was a little ripped and hung off one shoulder, just giving a slight peekaboo of the bra you had spent way too much money on. If Chan didn’t combust from seeing you in this, you were going to have a fun night.
Carefully you moved your things out of the main room, tucking them in the closet for safe keeping, and began lighting the candles. The sweet aroma of vanilla and lavender wafted through the room as you shut the lights off. You settled on the edge of the bed, taking a few risque selfies to show Sungmi and maybe send Chan later.
And then you waited.
And waited.
And waited some more.
Three hours, that's how long you’d been waiting before you finally texted him again, having run out of excuses for the man.
“Sorry babe, I was working. Do you still want me to come to you?”
Not really, after this long, the wonder had worn off, and you just felt stupid and hurt. Of course he wasn’t going to come if you asked.
No. Its fine.
Actually, I want to talk to you. Are you still at the studio?
You set your phone down, turn the lights back on and begin blowing out candles. You don’t bother changing, just grab your sneakers and your bag before heading out, tucking your key and phone in your bra as you leave the building.
With some take out in hand you make your way to the JYP building, not at all surprised to see several lights still on.
“Woah, hel-lo Y/n.” You instantly smile at Jae’s greeting, which is followed by Brian’s whistle. “You look like a full course meal, girl.”
“Hey boys, what had you here so late, its past midnight?”
“Oh we were just-” Jae glances over at Brian who clears his throat.
“Just working. What about you?”
“Chan’s still working, so I brought some food.” You shrug, heading towards the elevators, “Have a good night.
“You too.” You have to bite your lip so you don’t laugh at Brian smacking Jae’s shoulder, earning a whine from the taller boy.
The lights from the studios are all off when you arrive, but you can see the glow of the computer shining from Chan’s. You knock as you open the door, making him jump and yank his headphones off when the light from the hall hits him. His face lights up in a smile when he sees you. Of course, he’s wearing super tight jeans and a black button up, neither of which were not helping you relax.
“Oh hey baby, I didn’t know you were coming.” He stands to greet you, pressing a quick kiss to your cheek.
“I texted you.” You tell him, which has him looking guilty.
“I’m sorry, I can’t hear it when I’m working.” You smile reassuringly at him.
“That's okay, I know, that’s why I just came over.” You hold up the bag of take out, “I also brought food since you forget to eat when you start working.”
“You are the light of my life.” He sighs, kissing you properly this time as he takes the bag. Your heart flutters from his words, some of the butterflies in your stomach coming back from the dead. You sit across from him, stealing his work chair as he spreads the food out on the table and digs in. It takes him a few minutes to notice that you’re just staring, and he finally stops eating to say something, “You okay? How come you aren’t eating?”
“I already ate.” You lie, but he sees right through it, setting his chopsticks down to look at you properly. You watch his eyes rake across your body, finally seeing the lace stockings and the matching bra.
“That’s not it. You’re disappointed.” He realizes, “You looked the same way when you saw I.Ns grades.” He explains before you can even open your mouth to answer. “I know its not our anniversary, and your birthday already passed.”
“Its nothing babe. I just had a stupid idea for tonight.” The words come spilling out of your mouth before you can stop them. He looks at your outfit again and a cheeky smile begins to grow on his face.
“Were you-? But you never-” He lets out a deep breath, followed by a small giggle, which doesn’t make you feel better.
“I should head home.” You spring up, heading towards the door. “Enjoy your dinner.” He catches your arm before you get too far, pulling you back to wrap his arms around you.
“What did you have planned, baby girl?” Your heart flutters at the pet name, and the low tone his voice had taken on. “You wouldn’t have gotten all dressed up like this for nothing.” HIs free hand trails down your side, coming to the edge of your skirt, where his fingers find the skin just above the top of your stockings.
“Maybe I just wanted to make sure you want me as much as I want you.” You confess.
“Baby girl.” His voice is soft now, “Of course I want you.” His lips brush the skin of your neck as he speaks, sending shivers across your whole body.
“Then how come we never do anything interesting?”
“Like what?” Your confidence grows as you turn to face him, looping a finger through the choker he wears.
“Maybe I don’t want to do the same thing every time we fuck.” You can see from the way his eyebrows hike up that he’s startled by your words, hell, you were startled by them. “Maybe I want to see you.” Your other hand moves up to his face, trailing your thumb over his lips. “Maybe I don’t always want to be in a bed, in the dark, on my back. Maybe I want to be in charge.”
“I don’t think you could handle that baby girl.” He bites at your thumb as he finishes his sentence.
“Try me, Chris.” You challenge. His hands come up to your cheeks, pulling you in for a searing kiss. For a few seconds, your brain forgets what you had just challenged. He doesn’t help as he pulls away from your lips, his trailing across your cheek and down your neck.
“Sit.” You order, pulling away, trying to keep your breathing steady and not let on how affected you were.
“Excuse me?”
“Sit. Down.” You order again, shoving him lightly towards his computer chair. He backs up slowly, collapsing into it, eyes never leaving you.
“What are you doing?” He asks as you turn away from him.
“Proving a point.” You declare, the click of his lock emphasizing your words.
“Oh?” You turn back to him, finding him relaxed as ever, watching you with his legs spread wide. You saunter towards him, standing between his legs, hands on the arm rests. “You really think you can handle this baby?”
“If I impress you, you’ll save your work and we head over to the hotel.”
“And if you don’t?”
“You save your work and we head over to the hotel anyway.”
“You might regret that, baby.” You push on the chair, sending it back until it connects with his desk.
“Oh really?” He asks, as you push his knees together slightly so you can straddle his lap. Your fingers trail from his shoulders down to the buttons on his shirt, popping them open one at a time.
“You talk too much.” You tell him, leaning forward to press kisses along his neck. Just as you hit his pulse point, he hisses, hands coming to rest on your thighs. “Ah ah ah.” You chastise, pulling away from his neck. “No touching.” You pull his hands away, dropping them on the arm rests instead. “Hands to yourself.”
“Oh you are in for it when we get to the hotel.” He groans as you nip at his skin.
“That’s what I’m hoping for.”
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jasonsthots · 3 years
Almost hiding the darkness within
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I have no clue how to post this properly but here we go-
Big thanks to @jaybirdsdarling like without her I definitely couldn't have made this or even posted it so thanks babes 😘
Warnings- smut- lots of it, yandere peoples, slight noncon to dubcon? Violence, slight gun play, voyeurism, cuckolding--- basically bring your holy water (there might be more but not sure 😚)
It all started with the landing. Ya' know the one. That superhero landing. The one that looks like it really hurts the knees. When that, a brown leather jacket, red helmet wearing man landed like that in front of her like a human shield. Those that had been trying to mug her, knew it was over before it had started. Before they had a chance to run, he was on them. Limps, noses, all broken when he was done.
When he was done, he just simply stood up and turned to her. She was smiling dumbly, she knew that. Her cheeks hurt, dried tears stained her cheeks, nose stuffed from running and she was sure her hair was a mess from the tugging the men had done. But she didn't care, her savor was right there-
"Miss, always put your money away inside when it's given, not when you're outside. Honestly. I thought this was common knowledge." His mechanical voice rang through the alley as he passed by, his back now to her as he looked over one last time. "And especially not in an alleyway with 100 different kinds of graffiti." And with that, he grappled away.
Y/n's pout was deep as she looked on. Giving a swift kick to one of the robbers that laid on the pavement. "Maybe next time..."
It was like she had planned it. He had to start watching her. He had to. She was like a magnet for trouble. It was almost a nightly thing. Like she would purposely find the most dangerous part in Gotham to go and act like a ditz. She wasn't though. She knew better. He'd seen it. The simple smacks she gave to guys at the diner who got too handsy. She wasn't defenseless. Yeah those were small slaps to the hands, but they were a sign that she definitely could handle herself enough to know not to go into that damn alley. And there she went. In the damn alley. So like he had for the past few weeks, he swung down.
He should know better. He has bigger problems. Like that big fuckin' mafia guy who's selling drugs, weapons and people for gods sake. But there he was. Once again, kicking ass for the same girl, night after night. The simple finger point doing nothing as this time, she walked up- and grabbed it. Bringing his hand close to her face and resting it on her cheek. An unfamiliar touch that had his heart swelling and any bit of anger he held to her disappear in an instant.
She looked up to where his white covered eyes were and smiled, the grime on her face and wrecked hair not taking from the beauty she possessed. Her eyes twinkled under the dim Gotham lights, her smile twisted, breathtaking. "You always seem to be here just in time huh?"
A groan was heard from the men at their feet, earning a kick from her.
Jason's eyebrow tweaked at her action, a small smile creeping to his lips.
"Seems like it, you should be more careful, doll."
A nickname that came so easily. Her heart accepted it with open arms as she pushed her body closer to his, craning her neck back to look at him properly. "But then, how else would I see you Red?"
The man smirked under his helmet, a low chuckle coming out almost like static from the voice changer. Him too taking a step forward. "So, you admit you do this on purpose?"
A low groan erupted from the men again, this time Red kicking them to silence. Y/n hummed and rested her other hand on his waist, their chest pressed gently to each other. "Is that bad? I didn't really know how to work a signal in the sky, so I settled."
"On getting mugged?" The black haired man asked amused, the girl shrugging in response with a small giggle. Jason couldn't hold the smile that spread across his cheeks as he finally snapped the helmet off, the domino mask coming as a disappointment to the shorter girl. Still, she appreciated having something more than an off putting helmet to get off to from now on.
"It worked didn't it?" She spoke softly as she caressed his now exposed cheek.
"There were safer ways." He spoke back, barely above a whisper as their faces neared. Jason felt like his heart would pound out of his chest. Did she really do that for just a chance to see him? She... put her life on the line- for the possibility to see him? That-
That was the nicest thing anyone had done for him.
"Worth it."
Just like that, those last few inches were gone, their lips finally meeting in a soft, heart warming kiss.
Cough. Cough. "Fuckin'-- psychopaths- uggh-" Kick.
Weekly visits became nightly, nightly became daily, and before they knew it, they lived together. Suddenly it became as easy as breathing, being together. Y/n's dumb plans didn't need to happen to get his attention, he was already there. She had his number. She had him in her bed. She had him. Jason knew this. And he was thrilled. He was worried at first. Was he moving too fast? Slow? No. She reassured him. It was just the right pace. She felt the same. They felt like all the pieces to each other's puzzles were finally falling into place.
Until the day happened.
Y/n, was, to put it lightly, odd. The girl had intentionally gotten robbed multiple times just to talk to the guy for god's sake. This, of course, led to her developing a certain set of.....skills.
See, to the common eye it would have looked like she was in the wrong place at the wrong time. But she always knew when to go. She knew when he was watching her and when there was something....more important than her that needed help. So when she felt a new set of eyes on her. She knew something was up. It wasn't the other Batfamily members. They honestly....had a hard time wrapping their heads around her and deemed her tolerable at best. No. These were prying eyes.
These eyes didn't leave her. No, no. They stayed. For weeks. She felt them. They were learning. Listening to everything she said, everything she did, seeing everywhere she went. They picked it all up. They were picking up any information from when she got off work to how long she took showers.
And she liked it.
She felt guilty. She felt dirty. She didn't know why she didn't tell Jason. He was her everything after all, and boy would he be furious if he were to learn such things were taking place.....yes....furious.
Boy would she not want that.
So there she was, her wrist tied to a cold metal chair. Her struggles are no longer a problem, her shit talking too due to the gag they placed after the hundredth "when my boyfriend finds out" shtick. Her blindfold long removed as the man responsible sat in front of her, his elbows resting on his knees as he looked at every detail of her exposed skin. Her dress shredded into pieces from the whole ordeal. Y/n held back the smile that tried to spread as she saw him shuffling uncomfortably as his eyes raked over her lower half, her thighs that were spread wider from being tied to opposite legs. Her lower region on display.
The man cleared his throat as he scooted closer, his legs wedging in between her spread ones. The light shone perfectly to every curve of his dark covered face. The only seen color being his eyes and the tips of his cheeks. "So. Shackin' up with Red huh? It must be fun. I imagine you play his therapist a lot? Heard he has alotta daddy issues."
The tied girl let out a huff as she turned her head. How dare he speak like that. He has no idea what Jason has been through. To put it so lightly.
The man tilted to the side to meet her gaze that had turned cold. He laughed. "Oh what? Did I hurt your feelings? Suddenly you feelin' tough or somethin'?" He leaned forward. And that's when she finally gasped. The gag of course muffled it, adding to the already hard to breathe problem she was having. "Yeah. Don't be. Ain't in any position to be acting all high and mighty."
When his hand raised on to her shoulder, his thumb brushing against her pluses before wrapping his hand around her neck to face him, her mind couldn't care less about the man getting physical. The only thing she could think of was what she was looking at. How....she knew how. There was a man who looked like a human but was actually an alien flying around, anything was possible.
So this was the man. She had of course heard of him. Not only from her significant other, but she did use to live in a not so friendly neighborhood. Even then, if you didn't know who this was, well, welcome to Gotham, where there's a Bat running around and a man whose face is literally a black skull. Yes. Black mask.
She mumbled.
The man sighed heavily and took the gag out. "If you say one more thing about the fuckin' Redhood- I will say fuck this whole plan and just send your head instead."
"Just wanted to say I didn't know death took vacations."
The nicely suited man barked a laugh as he stood and straightened his jacket. Y/n's smirk fell as he lowered his face to level with her, his hand resting next to her head dangerously close. "It's going to be fun breaking you."
Jason was losing it. He had pretty much torn the house brick by brick searching for her. His love. His doll. His darling. She wasn't here. She hadn't been for days. Weeks? God what was he kidding. He knew exactly how long. He felt it. When she was taken. Like a sixth sense. He knew something was up. And sure enough, when he got home- she was gone.
He should have put the tracker in. He had talked to her about it, and she agreed to do it. It was safer. But he just...never got around to actually doing it. He had thought about performing some light surgery on her arm, nothing major, just putting it in her arm. That was a bit much. He had thought about putting it into a needle and doing it that way. Decided he didn't want to hurt her. Wanted to put it in her food. Didn't want her to choke. Thought about in a small box! Didn't want her to freak out and think he was proposing. So- here he was. Panicking because he had no idea where she was, if she was alive, and why she was even gone in the first place.
Jason tried to keep his mind from going to a dark place. The place that wondered if it was on purpose. She'd done it before. Stressed him out by putting her life on the line. He thought it was cute almost. "It's not cute anymore." He spoke to no one. The house was in ruins. His fists were bloodied and bruised from all the ass he'd been beating. There were no leads for weeks. Every stone was turned but nothing made sense. Friends couldn't get a word in, Jason created this whole new world where it was just him. "It's not fuckin'- cute- any- more-!" Each scream coming with a new hit, objects and people blending together. He was getting to that place.
What if she actually left? Not a game she played. Not some weird attention seeking act. She.....left.
It wasn't looking good, and it just kept getting worse.
Her h/c sweat covered hair was swooped to the side, her fight dying down. There was no use, it was going to happen either way. "C'mon, don't pretend you don't like it, doll."
She winched. "What? Isn't that what he called you? Doll? Nothing special about it, you are a fucktoy after all." A laugh ripped from Roman's bare chest at his own twisted joke.
Yeah. There he was. Proud of the almost broken woman in front of him, naked and in charge of the situation. The blinking light at the end of the bed was a reminder of how fucked she really was. Both figuratively and literally. His fingers were gilding through her folds with an ease she was ashamed of. The sounds made making her stomach turn. She didn't like this. She wasn't turned on. She didn't want him......
These were the things she used to tell herself.
She was ashamed at how quickly she had felt herself give in. Was that what she always wanted? To be used as some fucktoy for some scumbag that hurt and used her and others however he wanted?
God no. She couldn't have.
She wanted Jason.
Then why....
Why did she spread her legs wider?
They spread as far as she could get them, her soaked core on full display for the camera to see, the man behind it zooming in as they themselves got closer. Getting a quiet growl like warning from Roman not to get too close.
The moans that followed were nothing short of pornographic. Her back was arched off the bed as her legs shook, those wrist restraints keeping her from getting a hold on the man who was putting her through euphoric torture. "Roman..." Her whimper sent a shock straight to the man's cock.
On full attention it stood, bobbing up and down as he moved to unhook her, repositioning her to face the camera on all fours. Her face was.....sinful. Her cheeks were flushed, her mouth gaping opening, her hair tousled. Her body was even still shaking from her previous orgasms leading to her almost falling as Roman began his painfully fast and hard thrust. Her moans rippled straight from her chest out of her throat. His hand wrapped around her hair and yanked it back, her chest heaving and back painfully arched. Sweat dripped off their bodies from what seemed like hours long of pure fucking. His other hand came to her front to rub at her clit in fast motions that had her hips bucky in an unruly way as they couldn't find out to get away or push back. Opting for the latter.
She met his thrust hungrily every time as best she could, the room filled with moans and the sound of skin slapping together at harsh speeds. Roman's pace was unforgiving, it didn't let up after the next orgasms hit her.
"Where should I do it now, huh? You want me to cum in your tight hole again? You can't waste it like you did last time though. If you do, you won't be getting my cock for a long time. And a whore needs their masters cock now don't they?"
Y/n's mouth formed wide Os as she tried to form some words to satisfy him. "Fuck- yes Roman- fuck I promise-" Her moans ripped through. "T-to no-not waste any-of- ohh~"
This seemed to be enough because the next thing she knew, she felt it. His cock twitched violently as his hips lost rhythm, his cum spilling inside of her, filling her once more. His grip on her scalp burned, but she didn't stop from that twisted and sinister smile to spread on her face as she grinded her hips back. A sharp slap being delivered to her ass cheeks as Roman barked out at her, "Stop being such a cock whore." This threatening tone dropped almost immediately as he soon laughed, grappling her chin and tilting her back to kissing her, a sloppy wet heat filled kiss. "Now that video's a keeper."
Jason finally lost it. Be felt dumb. He felt hurt. He felt utterly betrayed. His sweet, poor darling- the actual fucking cumslut. For Roman. Sionis. He had been hunting her down for months. And there she was. Accepting- no asking- no- begging for Black masks cock. For his cum. The things she did for Jason, she was now doing for that scum. He was pissed. How fucking dare she? After all he's done for her? No- he couldn't think that way. There was no way. It was his darling. His doll. She loved him too much for that. No. It was all an act. It had to be. She would never do that to him.
This is what he wanted to believe as he watched the hour long videos that kept making their way to him. Her lips wrapped hungerly around another man's cock. Being pulled away just for her to stick her tongue out to get another taste, receiving a slap to her cheek. "Don't be such a greedy slut." Was Romans words.
Videos on videos of Roman fucking Jason's girl. Cum filling up every hole the scum could want, all eagerly accepted from the girl he swore would be crying to be saved, instead relishing in the fuck fest she was dealt.
His fist clenched around his cock, furiously stroking away. God he missed her.
Her face was covered in the white ropes, her mouth taking in as much as it could as Roman pumped himself in her face. Jason fucking hated it. But god did she look fucking hot. He hated it. He hated him. He hated her. But that didn't stop him from unloading on his computer screen. His brow furrowed as pure rage coursed through his blood. He was getting her back. And she would see who she fuckin' really belonged too.
Y/n knew it wouldn't be long. She played with herself, her fingers dancing across her wet slit showing just how wet she was. Her moans gentle as she spread her legs wider for the camera. "C'mon closer, get nice and in there." Her voice coaxed, of course Roman shouting orders for the camera man not to move. Her pout aimed towards the angered man. "Well if you won't let him touch me will you at least? You know I can't do it myself, you ruined me Roman~" She cooed.
The man in question groaned out and walked over, his cock next to her face as he claimed to a kneeling position on the bed. "Well, warm me up first, doll."
"Yes sir~" Her free hand came up to stroke the semi next to her. Her smile was anything but sweet and innocent like she feigned. Her tongue poking out to taste the precum that had been building up from the show. "But it looks like you're already good to go." The wink that came after did something different to Roman. God. When had he become so fuckin' turned on by watching her? When did he get so hard by her just existing? When did he want to see her asking- begging for him and it not being about fuckin' with the hood?
He wasn't sure. But he didn't hate the feeling. Especially when he buried his cock deep inside her. Her legs were spread and the angle was perfect, her back to him and front to the camera. Was this guy a director or what? Surely this would make the hood pissed off. Even if not- damn was she a good fucktoy.
It wasn't the middle of the night. No. It was broad daylight when he broke in. It had taken him way too long for his liking. He had gotten a dozen more videos before he had finally found Black masks place. It's not like he could have asked for backup, they wouldn't understand. Not like they cared for her anyway. No, he had to do it on his own. And damn was that a good idea.
'Cause there he was. Bullets flying everywhere. It didn't matter who, how many. Each one had a special bullet for them in his head. Each one of these fuckers responsible for her kidnapping. Her torture. Torture. That's what it was. She didn't like it. She hated- she hated it. Yeah. She hated it. Was ridiculous how many times he had to remind himself of that. Yeah the videos were convincing. But he knew her better than those videos. He knew she wouldn't actually be begging for scum like that.
"You ruined me, Roman~"
Kept replaying in his head. That same line.
"I'll fucking show you ruined."
There they were. Two guns. One trained on a man in a designer italian suit. The other trained to an all to calm on the inside girl. "Now now. You wouldn't want to waste your time just by having me kill her would you?" Roman threatened, the gun he held pushing further into the girls head, the same gun Jason had seen her sucking on in multiple videos.
The Y/n's head was throbbing. Not just from the gun in her head but because she was- so excited.
She really played the long game, huh?
Jason clenched the gun tighter. His mask was doing a great job of keeping it together, because he certainly wasn't. "How 'bout you just make this easier for both of us and. Let. Her. Go. Like you said- I don't want to waste my time." Whether you were on the receiving end or not- it sent chills down their spines and a certain tingle down below for the h/c haired girl.
Roman clenched his jaw tight. His arm that's as wrapped around her tighter as he backed up. And backed up. And backed up. "Now now Sionis. I've never taken you for someone who'd rather kill themselves then hand someone over. Must have really gotten desperate." His last words a growl as his eyes flicked to the girl in his arms.
Roman looked down, his arms more....slack as they fell more into a hug from behind. His eyes softened. "You have no idea..." The girl met his eyes with the same fondness.
Red. No not Jason's helmet. The color he saw. Pure rage rippled through him as he pulled the trigger. Not once. Not twice. Over and over and over again, unloading a clip that not only undoubtedly killed Roman ten times over, but regrettably, knocking both out of the large window that laid behind them. As fast as the rage was there it disappeared, leaving only panic as Jason launched out of the window without a thought other than, "God- no!"
Was it?
Worth it? That's what she was thinking. Y/n. As the smirk crept to her face, placing one last kiss on her now corpse kidnapper and lover, she pushed him further, a subtle pay back for his words and treatment to her for the last months she had spent with him. Her arms wide open as he hit the ground first. Her eyes slowly closing, the wind whipping by.
"Worth it."
She was an odd one. The Batfamily deemed her actually crazy. Jason never listened. Why would he? She had such a good heart. She supported him in his vigilante ways. She had even said she might join him. She understood what it took to get what you want. Maybe that's why he wasn't so pissed at her. Because he finally understood as he watched her naked sleeping form on their bed. Right where it belonged. She wanted all of this. He should have seen it. The very first smile that almost hid the darkness within. Twisted, yet so sweet. Like cyanide in candy. He knew from the beginning she wasn't a normal girl.
But then again, he wasn't a normal guy.
But there was still punishment to be dealt.
Y/n awoke with a harsh yank to her ankle, her ass suddenly on the edge of the bed. Forcibly sat up, her eyes level with the stomach of the man she had been missing. Her eyes met the storm that raged through Jason's eyes and he grabbed her chin to look at him. Even out of her peripheral vision she could see he was fully nude, her bottom lip finding a place in between her teeth as a smile took over. "Hey Jay." She cooed.
He was ashamed at how eager his cock was the moment his name left her mouth. His eyes glared daggers at her as his grip tightened. "Don't act like that." She opened her mouth, spewing bullshit like always. But he wouldn't let her. Not this time. "Like you're this innocent sweet heart. No. You're not that are you? You haven't been for a long time, if ever."
She let out a mock offended gasp. "Jay....he did bad things, that has to count for something. He made me do so many bad things to him." She pouted, her puppy dog eyes that would normally get him having no effect- at least not the kind she was hoping for.
His palm slipped from her chin to her neck, lifting her slightly with the force as he bent at the waist. "Baby, I got all the videos. The only forcing I saw was him trying to fit his cock into your tight pussy. But you still begged him for it. Because you wanted it."
He was shocked to see her eyes hood at the memory, her lust filled look deepening. His stomach turning from it. "It did feel pretty good to be stretched out again. It had been so long." Fire burned through him as he practically threw her on the ground to her knees. He didn't let her settle before he had her by the hair, forcing her mouth to open as he shoved his fully ready to go dick down her throat. The action making her gag and fling her hands to his thighs. He caught her hands and held them with one hand while the other dragged her head back and further on his length.
"How fucking dare you?" He spat with venom. "Do you know how fucking worried I was? Huh? Just to find out you're just being a whore----- to that fucking low life!?" Y/n couldn't answer, her throat being abused by his unpleasantly harsh thrust that was gonna make it hard to talk later. Her breathing was already none existent.
"So many fucking weeks." He groaned out, his eyes finally looking down. Her eyes already meeting his stormy blue ones, tears spilling down her cheeks. Her mouth stretched painfully full. But she never made a move to leave. No. She was taking this punishment like a champ. "So many months of me searching for you. Then I see uggh--" Her tongue ran along the under part of his shaft, clearly he wasn't deep enough. So he pushed further. Her breathing became hard with each thrust. "Then he sends those fucking videos. You begged for his cum princess. You fuckin' cried for it. You wanted it all. Inside you. On you. You wanted to taste it mixed with yours. Well don't worry doll." Her lips moved, unable to smile properly around him, her heart swelling. She missed him.
His grip tightened as he leaned down slightly, his cock going impossibly further down, her lips touching the base, breathing no longer an option as he smirked down. "You'll finally get daddy's cum, the cum you really needed. And maybe if you're good, I'll let you cum too, so you can suck it off me again." And with that, he stood up straight, let her catch some of her breath, then fucked her mouth until he felt that much needed relief spill down her throat. Coating the back in white liquid with a loud throaty groan.
He released her head which she immediately swung back, hand to her chest as she greedily gulped down air. But not for a moment longer than needed. She was back in front of him stroking him, her eyes leaking tears as her legs became soaked with the flood that was her arousal. "Thank you sir." She smiled.
Why was he so pissed off at her smile? Because. It was the same smile- the same mouth Roman had used. He needed to make her his all over again. She was his. He picked her up by her arm and tossed her to the bed. "You're not done yet." He gruffed out as he pushed her chest to the bed and pulled her ass up. "How many times?" He asked running his two fingers along her slit collecting all the juices that poured out.
She poked her head around. "I'm....not sure?"
He scoffed. "You let him cum so much in you, you don't even remember?" Her head nodded slowly. He whistled lowly. "Well. I cause that just means we have a long night don't we?"
The excitement- genuine excitement that she radiated was almost enough to make him no longer pissed off. Almost. "But remember." He leaned forward, his hands going to her hips as he massaged them. Placing gentle kisses down her spine and along her shoulder. The more than welcomed touch considering the past few months spent with pure hate fucking and all around rough sex. "You still get punishment for being such a cock whore." Too soon.
His soft touches left almost immediately followed by harsh smacks to the ass. Before she knew it her ass was almost the same red as his helmet, only occasionally palming it to slightly sooth the pain. But this wasn't a pleasant punishment ment to make you more turned on. No. It was harsh and real. She knew she did wrong. She knew she needed to be punished. But boy did it fucking hurt. By the time he was done, she was a sobbing mess. Her ass would be sore for sure. But it was all worth it as the tip of his cock pushed past her puffy folds into her tight heat. A long vulgar moan was realized from both parties as he sat for a moment, relishing in the feeling he missed so much.
His hands gripped her tightly as he pumped every last inch of himself he could. The movement so painfully slow but so necessary. They needed each other. She didn't realize how hard it was being without him. But she was so fuckin' happy when he came to her. She held out and here they were. One again. She loved him, and he loved her. It was fucked up. But- they did.
His veins dragged deliciously inside her tight walls, the tip of his dick hitting that one spot just right. "I- ohhh- missed you Jay-" She moaned out softly.
Jason's pace was slow and gentle, just enjoying the feeling of being inside her. Fuck did he miss her too. "You better have." But it wasn't anymore. The speed picked up along with the force and before she knew it, she was a sobbing blubbering mess. Her only thought- Jason's cock ruining her. "Now. I'm going to ask a question." He reached down and wrapped a hand around her throat, bringing her back up to his chest. The angle made her cry out. "And you better answer the right way." His speed picked up as he guided her back into his thrusts. Each word emphasized with a harsh thrust. "Who do you belong to?"
It was a simple question. One they both knew. One she should have never made him question. One that from day one, they both knew the answer. There was never an option. There would never be an option.
"You." She breathed out, her stomach making a familiar feeling. Her walls clenching and unclenching with every harsh thrust of Jason's ruthless hips.
His grip tightened before flipping her over to her back, her legs immediately being upped to his shoulders, the new position making her scream out in pure pleasure. "Not good enough, doll." He growled, his lips latching onto her neck and shoulder. Marking the answer down...
She gripped the bedsheets as her back arched into him. "I'm yours Jason! Only yours I fuckin' swear it!" And with that, Jason smiled. His hand reached between to rub her clit and a matching pace.
"Good girl. You're mine." He leans down to her ear, pecking behind it. "and I'm yours." One final kiss to her lips and she melted. Her walls squeezed and her eyes rolled back. Her orgasm washed over her like no other as her legs threatened to capture and never let go of Jason. His high soon followed and he let himself go freely in her. Every last drop would stay there. Because she was his. And he was hers.
"We're not done yet princess."
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biaswreckingfics · 4 years
To Be Replaced: Part 2
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Pairing: Baekhyun x Reader
Genre: Angst
Word Count: 3.4k
Previous Chapter
For the next few days, every time you see Baekhyun, his face is buried in his phone. He spent the majority of his free time working on his line, setting up meetings with investors, and doing everything he could to make sure his and Maya’s designs were perfect. You were proud of him but also worried about his health. His lack of sleep and self-care concerned you, so you were relieved when you finally got him to agree to having a relaxing day together.
You thought the two of you would spend the day being lazy around the house, binge some shows, and either cook or order takeout. You figured it would be a good way for the two of you to relax together... Of course, you didn’t expect Baekhyun to completely ignore his phone during the day either. He had calls and emails to answer, and you expected that… What you didn’t expect was for him to have his face buried in his phone the entire day.
Finally, you sigh and pause the show he had wanted to watch and ask who he’s texting. You give him a little bit to respond, and when he doesn’t, you turn your body towards him and watch him type away on his phone. You ask a second time, and it’s like he doesn’t even hear you. You weren’t even sure he knew you were in the same room as him at this point.
You turn your head and glance around the room, trying to decide if it was worth it to keep asking or if you should just let it go. Debating, you knew it would bug you for days if you let him get away with ignoring you during the time you were supposed to be spending together, so you know you have to say something.
You turn back to him and poke his cheek, finally getting his attention. “I’ve been talking to you… Who are you texting so furiously?”
“Oh, it’s Maya. There was a problem with one of our fabrics, but she figured it out.”
Ah… That would make sense why he was so invested in his phone. Letting it go, you let him finish what he needs to do and go inspect the food you had in the kitchen. You didn’t really want to cook, and it looks like you didn’t have enough ingredients to make something delicious anyways, so you leave the kitchen and head back to the living room.
“Hey, do you want to get takeout instead? We don’t really have anything to eat.”
Baekhyun pauses mid text and looks over at you with a slightly guilty look on his face. “Didn’t I tell you Maya and I were going to go get dinner?”
You blink a few times, almost sure you were in a sudden state of shock. “No?”
He hums in thought for a moment. “I swore I did… Well, I want to thank her for fixing the fabric mix-up.”
“Wait a minute… You made the plans today? Even though we already had plans together?” you feel annoyance quickly filling you at the thought of him ending your day together halfway through it. Also, he couldn’t remember if he told you something that he literally just decided to do not even five minutes ago?
“I figured you’d be okay with it… We can have dinner tomorrow.” Baekhyun says as he shrugs like it’s not a big deal.
You try not to let it show, but you are hurt by his actions and the lack of care towards your plans… However, you knew this was important to him, so you would let it go, just like everything else.
He walks up to you with a smile and gives you a quick peck on the lips. “I’m gonna go get ready for dinner. You should order yourself some food, though. It’s not good to skip meals.”
You silently watch as he walks toward your bedroom with a noticeable spring in his step. Suddenly, you didn’t feel hungry at all, but you pick up your phone and text Sehun to come over for dinner, anyway. Baekhyun was right. You shouldn’t skip meals.
You hang out on the couch and listen to Baekhyun hum as he gets ready. You try to ignore the hurt you were feeling about the sudden change in plans and how happy he seemed at the thought of getting dinner with Maya. Whether to celebrate a fabric mishap or not.
After what feels like forever, you hear the sound of your apartment door opening, and you glance up to see Sehun entering with bags of food. You quickly jump up to help him carry everything, completely used to him walking into your apartment unannounced.
“Thanks for coming over…” you say as you set the bags on your kitchen counter.
“Yeah, it’s no…”
When Sehun trails off, you look up at your friend’s face and see him staring over your shoulder in confusion before he glances back down at you with a questioning gaze. You turn to look at what had caught his attention and see Baekhyun grabbing his keys and wallet from the table before looking around the room to see if he had everything.
It wasn’t his actions that Sehun thought were weird. It was his appearance. Baekhyun was… decked out to put it slightly. He had on an all-black suit with matching dress shoes, and his hair was tousled artfully like you’ve seen on him a million times… He looked like he was going to an award show, not a dinner with a… business partner? …Now, you understood why it had taken him so long to get ready.
“Did you have a schedule today?” Sehun asks in a weird tone.
Baekhyun pauses his actions, finally taking in the fact that Sehun was here and the two of you were standing there watching him.
“No. I just have some business for Prive to attend to.” Baekhyun decides he has everything he needs before coming over to you and giving you a quick kiss on the cheek. “I don’t know when I’ll be home, so don’t stay up and wait for me.”
With those words, Baekhyun quickly takes off towards the front door and leaves without so much as a goodbye to the two of you. You look over at Sehun to see him glancing around the apartment in confusion.
“Am I in the twilight zone? Why does it look like he’s going to MAMA, and what does he mean don’t stay up late? It’s 6 pm. How much work does he have to do?”
You turn away from the apartment door and lean your elbows on the counter with a sigh. “He’s going to dinner with Maya. She apparently fixed a mistake with fabric… I don’t really know to be honest…”
“Okay… but why is he dressed up like that, and why are they going to dinner over fabric? Also, how long does dinner take?”
You take in Sehun’s questioning state. You were curious about all those things too, very curious in fact, but why was Sehun so worked up about it?
“What’s wrong with you?”
Sehun looks at you in surprise. “You’re not curious about all of that?”
“Well, yeah, I am… but you seem even more worried about it than I do.”
Sehun sighs and turns to begin unpacking the food he brought over. “I just… They kept pulling this shit on tour too. Always going to dinner, always staying out late, and working on Prive. You would think this was a project they were launching from the ground, but it’s not. Baekhyun already has all these connections, so why does it seem like they are doing so much?”
You chew on your lower lip as you take in Sehun’s words. Hearing how much time Baekhyun and Maya spent together and knowing Sehun sees it enough to pay attention to it was bothering you, but you didn’t want it to. You didn’t want to question Baekhyun because he had never ever given you a reason to doubt him before. However, you didn’t see the need to go to dinner over something small like fabric being fixed, and you certainly didn’t see why he had to dress so nicely for it.
“They’ve been texting each other constantly… and today, the two of us were supposed to spend time together, but he… Well, you know…” you trail off and indicate everything that just happened with a wave of your arm.
Sehun hums in thought while he searches your face. A moment later, he shakes his head. “She’s harmless. Ignore me. I’m just making something out of nothing. I’ve only ever heard them talk about designs and other fashion crap, so don’t worry about them.” He holds a food container up in front of your face to distract you. “Here, I got your favorite noodles.”
You grab the container from Sehun, but your mind is still with Baekhyun and Maya. You hadn’t realized how much the two communicated, and it surprised you it was enough that Sehun took notice of it. That Sehun was questioning it…
Over the next week, your communication with Baekhyun drops to nearly zero. Usually, when Baekhyun was at work, he was constantly texting you every chance he could, but now it was just short one-word answers he would reply with. When he’s at home, it’s no different. He spends most of his time coming up with designs or being busy on the phone with Maya.
You try not to let it bother you and to be the supportive girlfriend he deserves, but you can’t help it. It definitely bothers you. You couldn’t even remember the last time you and Baekhyun had a conversation that wasn’t interrupted by or about Maya. Not only that, but you were worried about him. It was like he was being consumed by this new line.
You glance towards the second bedroom that Baekhyun had dubbed his office and come up with an idea, or a reattempt at an old idea. Getting up from the couch you were currently sitting on, you make a beeline for Baekhyun’s office and feel grateful that he left the door wide open.
You peek into the room and find the man in question with his head down on his desk. You knew he wasn’t sleeping from the way he was sighing to himself, so you tiptoe until your behind his chair and slowly let your hands fall onto his back. He jumps at the sudden contact but relaxes once he figures out it’s you.
You slowly rub his back until he sits up, and you begin to work on his shoulders. His head falls forward as you give him a much-needed massage.
“Babe… I think it’s time you take a break… You seem exhausted.”
“I’ll do whatever you want as long as you don’t stop what you’re doing.” He mumbles in a daze.
You knead a little harder as you already plot a way for this to be an advantage to you. “Anything I want, huh?”
He lets out a soft laugh once he hears your tone. “Whatever you desire, love.”
“So many things come to mind when you say that… but I already know what I want.”
“What’s that?” he asks lightly. From the sound of his voice, you can tell he’s almost zoned out from the conversation.
“Take the night off from work, and let’s have a little date night at home…”
You feel him tense up, and you know he wants to protest, so you stop him before he can. “Please, Baek… You’ve been working nonstop since you came home from tour. You’ve barely even had time to rest… One night. That’s all I’m asking.”
He sighs before nodding. “You’re right. I need a break…”
He straightens up and turns his chair around to face you. Wrapping his arms around your waist, he rests his chin on your stomach to look up at you. “Plus, I’ve missed you…”
You run a hand softly down the side of his face with a smile. “I’ve missed you too…”
You get Baekhyun to follow you to the kitchen, and the two of you search for a good meal to make. Once you’re both satisfied with what you find, you begin prepping the meal and get ready to cook.
At least, that’s how it started out. In the middle of chopping up some vegetables, you glance over at Baekhyun and see him smiling at his phone. You ignore it the first time, even the third time, but once you notice Baekhyun has completely stopped helping you make dinner and is instead smiling at his phone, your heart drops.
You were sure it wasn’t work because you’ve never seen him smile at his phone for work. You didn’t think it was the EXO group chat or his friends because he never would stay glued to his phone when the two of you were together for them. Which could only mean one thing… He was talking to Maya.
Baekhyun suddenly lets out a loud laugh, startling you and making you knock some carrots to the ground. You sigh and bend down to pick them up, trying to decide if you even want to try to keep his attention right now.
“What’s so funny?”
He looks over at you in confusion before he remembers where he is.
“Maya sent me a pubg meme.” He tells you before waving his hand. “You wouldn’t get it, or else I’d show it to you.”
Feeling your shoulders drop, you bite your lips at his words. Baekhyun loved showing you stupid memes, especially about what he was interested in… Apparently, now he has someone else to share them with?
“I thought you and Maya only talked about fashion stuff?”
He shakes his head and looks back down at his phone. “We talk about everything. We actually have a lot in common. She’s a really cool girl.”
You ignore the twinge his words cause in your heart, but before you can say anything, his next words have you completely shutting down.
“She’s happy you’re making me take a break, and she thinks your little date night idea is cute.”
Your little date night idea… You mentally scoff. Why did the words sound so condescending all of a sudden?
“Right… Do you think you could actually help me with that little date night idea?”
Your eyes fall to the meat he has yet to season, and his own follow your stare. He jumps once he realizes he hasn’t done a single thing to help you and gives you a sheepish smile before muttering a small apology.
The next half an hour is filled with Baekhyun joking with you, filling you in on his past week, and overall, remembering you were still in the room with him. (Yes, you were being bitter.) He did his best to ignore his phone through cooking and even through dinner, but his eyes slid to it every time there was a ding… and there were a lot of dings.
Once it’s time to settle down and watch a movie, you choose a movie that you and Baekhyun had both been wanting to watch and settle down on the couch next to him. You lay your head against his shoulder and begin watching the movie, but it doesn’t take long for you to feel slight movement beneath your head.
You look over at Baekhyun’s other side and see him responding to a text from Maya. You mentally sigh and sit up, putting your focus back on the movie in front of you. Though, now your attention is derailed because you keep seeing Baekhyun texting from the corner of your eye.
“Wow. That was crazy.” You suddenly say, pretending you’re talking about something that happened in the movie. When he doesn’t even hear you, you try again. “I can’t believe the sister did that.”
“Hmm? Oh, yeah.” He mumbles in agreement, even though what you’re saying has no relevance to the movie whatsoever.
Hurt and disbelief flow through you once you realize Maya has somehow come in between your date night again. That Baekhyun couldn’t even give you a couple of hours of his attention…
“Baek…” you wait until he acknowledges you. “Are you even gonna watch this movie?”
He looks up at you and blinks before looking at the tv. “Oh, I already watched this.”
You open and close your mouth a few times in a complete loss of words. What did he mean he already watched this? When? …Why? The two of you talked about watching it together when it came out…
“You’ve already seen it?”
“Mhmm. Maya and I needed a break the other day, and we both wanted to see it, so we watched it… but you can keep watching it. I don’t mind.”
You bite the inside of your cheek and try to keep the anger you feel in check. All you can do is laugh in disbelief and frustration. Of course. Of course, he watched it with her.
After the anger comes the sadness and hurt. The two of you were supposed to watch it together. He wasn’t supposed to go and watch it with someone else… It felt like Baekhyun was totally disregarding your feelings. Not just about the movie, but about everything at this point.
You sit in silence for another ten minutes before you get up. Your interest in the movie or watching Baekhyun continue to text Maya was long gone. You walk away from the couch without a single word to Baekhyun, and if you were honest, you don’t even think he noticed.
You trek into your shared bedroom and immediately start getting yourself ready for bed. You didn’t care how early it was or that you didn’t say anything to Baekhyun. You were just completely done with the day and wanted nothing more than to crawl under your covers and hibernate, so that’s exactly what you do.
You lay there and try to slip into a different reality, but your mind can’t escape from Baekhyun or Maya. It was like you wanted to torture yourself and replay every word and moment over and over again. This goes on for 20 minutes, and the only reason you can escape the continuous hell is because you hear the doorknob to the bedroom door turn.
You hold your breath and open your eyes to see Baekhyun slowly opening the bedroom door. He creeps in, taking in your covered form with a frown.
“Why did you leave?”
“I’m just tired, that’s all.”
He studies your face for a moment before crawling into bed with you. A part of you wants to turn away as a small form of punishment, but the other part of you just wanted attention from your boyfriend.
He wraps his arm around your back and drags your body toward him without any help from you. He pulls you close until your face is buried in his chest, and he brings his chin down on top of your head. You feel him adjust to kiss the top of your head before settling back down again.
“I’m sorry… I should’ve waited to watch the movie with you.”
You sigh. “Baekhyun, it’s not just about the movie… I’ve hardly seen or spoken to you in a week, and your face is always buried in your phone… That’s not okay…”
“You’re right. I’m sorry.” He immediately says while squeezing you tight. “I should’ve given you more attention, especially tonight when you tried so hard to give me a relaxing day… Do you forgive me?”
You ignore him because you aren’t entirely sure if you’re ready to forgive him yet, but Baekhyun knew how to always get his way. He nuzzles into your neck, and you feel his lips brush against your skin.
“Do you forgive me?”
“Okay, I’ll forgive you…” you quickly relent before he goes for a ticklish area, though the words seem meaningless at the moment.
You feel him smirk against your skin before he suggestively says, “Good… because you can have all of my attention right now if you want…”
“Baek…” you whine, definitely not wanting to give in with how he’s been acting lately.
He pushes you onto your back and crawls on top of you, pushing his legs in between yours. “Let me make it up to you, baby…”
Tagging: @gyukult @marovekian1 @making-me-blush @softforqiankun​ @sebootyforlife​ @nothingbutadeadesceane​ @cardtak​ @brie02​ @jungkooksworld18​ @insta1010​ @suhappysuho​ @purple-bell​ @sorrowinblood​ @softysuho​
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ickymichi · 4 years
𝐩𝐡𝐲𝐬𝐢𝐜𝐚𝐥 𝐚𝐩𝐩𝐞𝐚𝐫𝐚𝐧𝐜𝐞 𝐞𝐝𝐢𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧
<3 warning: none really! just slight mentions of nsfw but nothing brutal, swearing, v slight angst, mentions of insecurity.
<3 things to know!: set in the timeskip, unless i’m like ‘this was back in high school’. (implied female) reader and issei are in an established relationship.
<3 summary!: headcannons i have about issei and his appearance/body. :)
<3 a/n: see i genuinely had no idea what to call this. like it’s headcannons that i have about issei’s appearance/body?. and also to make some of the things named more normalised and to make ppl see how attractive they make ppl. reblogs are greatly appreciated <3
all contents belongs to hotboyissei 2021. please do not repost or modify on this or any other platform.
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𝐅𝐑𝐄𝐂𝐊𝐋𝐄𝐒: listen to this okay. issei with freckles on his shoulders. beautiful i know. but just imagine it. those nice broad shoulders with thousands of freckles scattered across them from years of tanning and getting sunburned on the beach while on holidays or just from the numerous summers he spent in your backyard getting a tan. just running your hands across them seeing how some of them connected to form a bigger one. he always tells you it tickles. but never says stop. also in summer he gets them on his face from the sun.
𝐒𝐓𝐑𝐄𝐓𝐂𝐇 𝐌𝐀𝐑𝐊𝐒: he definitely had them on like the part of his back where his arm meets his shoulders, on the under side of his biceps and definitely got some on his ass cause boy got cake. but he’s insecure about them and used to hate wearing tank tops cause you could see them. but you told him how much you love them and how cool they look. now mf thinks he’s hot shit (as he should) and walks around your house in them or just shirtless. if you have some to he would literally always be telling you how attractive it is. literally constantly.
𝐁𝐎𝐃𝐘 𝐇𝐀𝐈𝐑: he definitely is on the hairier side. like he got hairy ass legs let me tell you, but it thins out when it gets to his thighs a bit. definitely waxes or shaves his ass idc idc, was scared from this one time he was watching porn and it just got a shot of the guys hairy ass and he was disgusted. but also he got like, not a lot to where he has to constantly wax it, but a nice amount of chest hair, like it’s only on his pecs not on his stomach you know?. side story!: it was like, two months after you started dating and you were having a movie night at his and you were staying over. makki convinced, i mean convinced him you were going to have sex for the first time. so issei being afraid you’d think his chest hair is unattractive he booked a chest wax and made makki come with him. he recorded the whole thing and showed you two years later, big bad matsukawa issei himself, screaming from pain and nearly breaking makki’s hand with the grip he had on it. end of side story :). his happy trail? pheww that shit idky it’s just attractive to me for some reason. also has a bit of stubble but he shaves it cause of one time in third year he was just really lazy that week and didn’t shave and when the four of them went to go to the cinema on saturday oikawa said: “who’s uncles coming our way?”. from then on he never goes out with to them without shaving beforehand. if you tell him you find it attractive he’d grow it out a small bit just to see your reaction. but if you said you don’t like it he’d do it anyway to annoy you.
𝐀𝐂𝐍𝐄: high school issei definitely had acne. not like major but had some on his cheeks and his back. he hated it sm cause all his friends never had a problem with it. until you told him it doesn’t matter if he has it for not he’s still seggsy as fuck. now timeskip issei? not as much. he made sure to start taking care of his skin halfway through high school. that is until masks became a thing, poor guy has a love hate relationship with them now.
𝐁𝐋𝐎𝐀𝐓𝐈𝐍𝐆: listen, issei eats. mf has the biggest appetite you’ve ever seen. ceo of “you eating that?”. every time you see him on the couch he either has a bag of crisps, chocolate, popcorn, leftovers from last night or a takeout he ordered in his lap. man just loves food (i relate ‘sei dw). but all that eating makes boy bloat like crazy. like, he has a fast metabolism so mf never gains weight that much🙄. but he could literally eat half a sharing bar of chocolate and suddenly he’s eight weeks pregnant. also, he didn’t know what bloating was until you finished a movie night and mf took half the popcorn, had his own bag of jellies and three of the small multipack chocolate bars. so when he undressed for his shower and caught a glimpse of his stomach that normally only has a bit of pudge, pushed out to where it looks like he gained weight over night he has a stroke. this how shiz went down:
“(Y/N)!!” you literally sprinted to the bathroom thinking he fell or sum. “what issei? what happened?!”. “have i, have i always been this big?” “what? you look like you always do”. the distressed noise he let out along with him fake stumbling and grabbing the counter had you confused. “i look pregnant! what do you mean i always look like this? we’re getting a treadmill or at home gym or whatever i need to get back to how i was. good lord i really let myself go.” he ran a hand across his face while rubbing his stomach and looking in the mirror. then it hit you. “oh my god you fucking idiot, you do realise how much shit you are right? your just bloated.” “bloated? the fuck is that?”. you then spent the next fifteen minutes sitting on the toilet seat explaining what bloating was while he showered.
𝐂𝐑𝐎𝐎𝐊𝐄𝐃 𝐓𝐄𝐄𝐓𝐇: i just know baby don’t got teeth that look like a fresh set of veneers. and it’s not like they crazy crooked, just slightly that you barley notice unless you’re up close and stare at his mouth. but because he’s always looking at himself it’s the first thing he sees. this leads to him covering his mouth whenever he laughs and only slightly smirking or lifting his mouth to a small closed lip smile when he’s told to smile. everytime he has to take a picture with his family one of his auntie who’s taking it shouts: “smile issei!” every time. and he always says: “i am though”which leads to his getting pinched in the side by his mother and her telling him: “fucking smile properly before i whoop your ass” through gritted teeth while she smiles brightly herself. he grew to not care as much when, you again, told him you love his smile when he threw his head back instead of covering his mouth when you told him a funny story.
𝐇𝐈𝐒 𝐓𝐇𝐈𝐆𝐇𝐒/𝐋𝐄𝐆𝐒: heavenly i know, but bby doesn’t completely agree. we all know boy thick especially those gorgeously thick thighs! but he just thinks they’re too thick. he’s used to seeing oikawa and makki’s slender ones, so when he stands in front of the mirror in a pair of swim shorts he bought and they’re swinging on his waist but about to rip around his thighs he can feel himself start to tear up. and then, what a suprise, you walk in!
~ start story:)): “ ‘sei! you ready to go, oh are you okay?”. he whips his head around to see you standing in the doorway in the swim set you just bought your self. ‘god you look so good’ he thinks to himself. “uh yeah yeah i’m good just need a few minutes these uh, they don’t fit.” he brings a hand to his face and uses his index finger and thumb to wipe the tears in the corner of his eyes. “oh well then you can just tie the strings, that’s what they’re there for, i told you to go a size down silly”. you stand infront of him and start to tie the strings in the shorts around his waist. “no doll, they aren’t to big, they’re to small look” he motions his head to the way they’re straining around his thighs and he just wants to start crying again. “oh i see, we’ll theres nothing we can do there , is there? we’ll just buy another pair on the way.” how? he thinks. how are you not laughing in his face that his legs are to fat to fit in a pair of shorts that are 2 sizes to big for him? “i know what you’re thinking,” your soft voice breaks him out of his thoughts. “why is she not laughing at me huh? she probably thinks i’m fuckin’ ugly” you do your best to mimic his deep voice but just sound silly trying, making him let out a small laugh. “how many times have i told you how much i adore your legs hm? how many times have i done, such oh so sinful things on them while going on about how much i love them?. to many to count issei. so next time you think all those silly bad thoughts just think of me and every time i tell you nice things about them!”. now he’s definitely crying, but this time over how much your words helped him. and now he feels like a million dollars as he struts across the beach to the three men waiting for you with his neon orange shorts tied around his waist and clinging to his thighs. end story :))~
jesus i forgot about his legs. anyway, all his life he’s been told how ‘lanky he is’ and how long his legs are. this makes him feel like shit really,most of his jeans stop above his anlke so the only type of socks he had is the long ones that he uses to hide his ankles fromm people, making them think he has the perfect size. he’ll never forget the time he spent hours shopping with his mother and trying on countless pairs of trousers for an upcoming wedding that and they stop above his ankle. he feels embarrassed really, seeing the fitter tell him they can just get them custom made, but it’ll cost more plus the original price. watching how distressed his mother gets when he tells her how much it’ll be. he doesn’t want his mother spending that much money on a pair of trousers he’ll wear once so he butts in saying it’s fine and he’ll deal with it by wearing black socks and no one will notice. the same exact problem happens several years later except in his mother’s place is makki along with oikawa and iwa, watching him get fitted for your wedding. he tells himself ‘think of (y/n), think of (y/n) and how much she says she loves your legs’ but it’s hard to when all the other men have no problem finding the perfect suit size. he doesn’t want to pay extra for a custom suit but that’s what it looks like is going to happen.
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-end <3
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bonnyskies · 4 years
royal heartache ⇢ pjm
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there was no place for a simple commoner like you in jimin’s heart. now when someone who had royal blood and stunning beauty stood right before him.
part one of “royalty bundle”
pairing — prince!jimin x physician!malereader, ft. princesss!femaleoc, king!seokjin
genres — angst, minor fluff, sexual themes, royalty!au
warnings — major angst, swearing, sexual themes, infidelity, unhealthy relationship, mentions of death, reader is a sweet soul and jimin is a dick, seokjin is a precious man who is whipped for somebody he barely knows, jimin is a manipulative person, reader is an insecure sad boy
word count — 6.7k
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“Have you heard the news? Prince Jimin is arranged to marry Princess A-Yeong of the Choi Family.” “Really, when?” “By next week.”
You could literally feel your heart breaking inside your chest while the two servants that stood fairly close behind you whispered softly to each other. They were trying to be quiet, but failed miserably. Gossiping was frowned upon in the palace and if anyone was caught doing it, they were punished.
Despite their words making you ache internally, you continued your duties, plucking the grown medicinal herbs out their plots of soil and placing them into the straw basket beside you.
“I heard she is one of the most beautiful women in the country,” the whispering between the two servants continued, “no wonder the King picked her for the prince. With her and prince’s looks, they’ll definitely make a remarkable heir for the kingdom.” The other servant nodded her head in agreement, both of them too engrossed in their conversation to notice you kneeled down in front of them, fingers gripping the herb and tightly crumbling the green leaves.
Suddenly, the sound of footsteps was heard, tearing you out of your thoughts and forcing you back up onto your feet, quickly wiping the dirt stains on your cloths with your bare hands before turning around to face the approaching figure. Your heart stopped inside your chest when seeing who the person was. Park Jimin, the twenty-five year old prince and only heir of the Park Kingdom stood right in front of you, and his eyes were only focused on you. You were too distracted by his intent gaze to even bow—which people of your class is suppose to do in a royal’s presence. “Greetings, your Highness,” the two servants spoke at the same time and bowed when seeing the young prince.
“Leave,” was the only thing he said, his stern voice making both you and the two servants jump slightly. It was rare—and you mean really rare for the prince to ever use that kind of tone. “And if I ever hear you two gossiping again I won’t hesitate to throw the both of you into the dungeon, do you understand?” Their eyes widened at the threat and quickly nodded their heads. “The only reason I’m letting you two off with a warning is because I have more important matters to attend to. Now, leave.”
The two servants practically sprinted away, leaving just you and Jimin alone in the gardens. You were practically shaking at your feet, tearing your gaze away from him and staring down at the ground. As he slowly approached you, you could feel your heart stammering inside when he cupped your chin and tilted your head up to meet his eyes. “I’m guessing from the way you’ve been avoiding all day today, you heard about the news—plus those two servants weren’t exactly being subtle.” And when you chose to be silent he continued, “you know that the princess means nothing to me, right? I love you, and only you. This doesn’t change anything—”
“It changes everything, Jimin,” you cut him off, pushing his hands away and grabbing the basket of medicinal herbs from the ground. “You’re getting married, you’ll have a wife—someone you have to bed with and produce an heir,” you could feel yourself wince at the thought of Jimin being with someone else, being intimate with someone else that wasn’t you.
The relationship you have with Jimin has been going on for about two years, and everything has been perfect—at least until the news about him and the princess getting married began to spread around the palace. Whenever you tried to bring it up to Jimin he’d just say that it was just a rumor. But now, after hearing other people talking about it—including the King and Queen earlier today, you know it’s true.
“I’m telling you, ____, that this marriage means nothing to me—that girl means nothing to me.” Jimin took you back into his arms, and this time you didn’t fight him, instead you placed your head on his chest. “The only person that I love and will only love is you, you hear me?”
“Promise,” you tilted your head up to see him, holding your hand up to show your pinky finger. That caused Jimin to chuckle before hooking his own pinky finger around yours and saying, “promise.”
You were an idiot to believe him.
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The moment Princess Choi A-Yeong stepped inside the palace your heart sunk into your chest.
Jimin’s eyes never left hers as she slowly made her way down the decorative carpet to the three thrones where he and his parents currently sat. You could see his gaze practically burning into her and that was making you feel uneasy. The rumors about her being the most beautiful woman is no doubt true—you can see that now and that only made you feel even more insecure and paranoid. She was dressed in gorgeous pink and white royal robes, decorated with expensive gold jewelry. Her long, black hair that looked like it would go down all the way down to her lower back was held up with a stunning diamond pin. It almost looked like she was wearing the entire palace’s wealth on her, which only made you more self-conscious. After seeing her, there was no way Jimin would choose someone like you, a physician instead of princess—a beautiful princess.
“Greetings, your Highnesses,” the princess bowed, bending her body forward and you swear you could see Jimin attempting to peak at her exposed cleavage. You don’t blame him, like why wouldn’t he? Her body was literally perfection. Her body was slim, yet had curves that would make any man drool. “Thank you for welcoming me into your beautiful home.”
The Queen didn’t hesitate before jumping up from her throne and approaching the young girl and helping her up with a wide smile on her face. “Oh my dear A-Yeong, you don’t have to greet us so formally. You’re family.” That only made the crack in your heart spread even more. You have been serving the Park Family ever since you were a child—you even played with Jimin in the early years, and yet you were still treated like absolute garbage and forced to greet them formally every time. And if you didn’t, you’d get punished.
“I’m sure you know why you’ve been summoned,” the King—Jimin’s father spoke up, earning a nod from the princess. “We’re all here to discuss the proposal of you marrying my son—” “—I accept,” the princess quickly shouts out, surprising just about everyone in the throne room. The reaction though made the King chuckle and smile widely at the young woman. “That’s great! What about you, my boy? Do you agree with the marriage?”
Wait, your mind suddenly stopped, so their arranged marriage hasn’t even been finalized yet?
You turned towards Jimin, expecting him to decline the agreement. But once again you were let down, your heart finally shattering into millions of pieces when hearing his answer, “I accept.” You didn’t realize you were nearly crying until the Queen called out for you, catching your attention and making you quickly wipe the tears before facing her. “Yes, your Highness?”
“____, would you take A-Yeong to her chamber.” You opened your mouth to answer, not knowing what to say exactly. “Umm, your Highness I’m no longer a servant—I’m a physician now, for a year—” “Then what are you doing here then and not at your part of the palace?” She then asks, her tone instantly changing and making you jump slightly at the harshness of her voice.
You quickly bowed your head apologetically. “Forgive me, your Highness, I’ll take my leave.” You turned around and started to leave. If you were being honest the reason, you were here was because you wanted to see the princess yourself—which wasn’t the best idea for your heart. And just as you were about to step out of the throne room, you suddenly heard Jimin’s voice again and his next words only brought more pain to your chest. “I’ll show her to her room, mother.”
Swallowing the lump in the back of your throat, you started making your way back to your section of palace like the Queen requested you to do so—which happened to be in the far end where no one goes to except for treatment for injuries or illness. You never had any visitors that wasn’t there for medicinal purposes except for Jimin, who would sneak into your chambers almost every night to sleep with you—and you couldn’t help but feel like those nights were slowly coming to end now that the princess and his future wife was here.
When arriving to your chambers, you were shocked to find somebody sitting on the edge of your bed—and this wasn’t just anybody. Your eyes widened when seeing the former Queen of the Park Kingdom, Jimin’s grandmother right in front of you. “Your Highness,” you were about to bow your head but was stopped midway when she reached over and placed her hands on your arms. “Oh honey, you know you don’t have to greet me so formally.”
Raising your head back up, you asked, “if you don’t mind me asking, what are you doing here? I’m sure you have way more urgent things to do other than waiting in my chambers for me.” You watched as she then took you into her arms and gently rubbed her hands up and down your back soothingly. “I heard about the marriage,” was all she said at first before feeling the tears build up in your eyes again, “how are you doing, honey?”
Jimin’s grandmother always treated you nicely. Out of everyone in the palace she was the only one who has ever made you feel welcomed and loved—excluding Jimin. She was the family you always wanted but never could have. She was also the only one who knows about your relations with her grandson and chose to stay silent, saying how your happiness was important than some royal tradition.
You leaned yourself into her and whispered to her, “he’s going to marry her...,” a single tear escaping and sliding down your cheeks, “he’s going to have a family with her and leave me—”
“Oh stop it,” she quickly cut you off, running her hand comfortingly through your hair. “Jimin loves you so much, ____, he looks at you like you are his whole world.” She tries to reassure you, but when seeing the downed expression on your face she then asks, “what’s wrong sweetie?”
And your next words made her heart break. “She’s now his whole world.”
Jimin’s grandmother spent the rest of the day comforting you, making you sure you were eating and resting instead of stressing over everything that is happening right now. And once she knew you were asleep, that’s when she decided to leave.
But you didn’t stay asleep for long. Only a few hours passed until you found yourself waking up, instantly noticing the dark sky and bright moon shining through your chamber’s windows. The next thing you noticed was the empty spot beside you on your bed—which is where Jimin would usually be sleeping. Every night, every since you two started your relationship he would sneak over to your chambers to sleep with you. It has been happening for over seven hundred and thirty days without any change but now, he wasn’t here—the same night the princess arrived to the palace. Many insecure and paranoid thoughts began to consume your mind, making your heart ache and palms start to sweat.
You stood up from your bed and made your way out of your chambers, curious as to where Jimin could be and your first idea was to try his room. When getting there, you could barely notice the candle light shining from underneath door, that meant he was in his room. With your eyes trained on the bright light, you slowly reached over for the indent of the door and just as you were about to slide the door open, the sound of someone laughing stopped you. But it wasn’t just any kind of laughter, it was a woman’s laughter. You froze completely, heart stammering heavily inside your chest and legs trembling, nearly giving out. You then slowly slid the door open just barely so that there was a small enough crack to see through, and your heart sunk in your chest at the sight in front of you.
The princess could be seen laying on Jimin’s bed, the same you’ve laid on numerous times, dressed in a thin layer of pink robes, hair untied and down her back, and face clean. You glanced to the side to see Jimin laying right beside her, also wearing his sleepwear. Smiles were on both of their faces, the sight breaking your heart.
“I’m glad we’re doing this,” the princess suddenly spoke up, running fingers up down Jimin’s arm. “Sleeping in the same bed together will let us get closer to one another, know each other better.” You don’t know why, but you were expecting him to tear his arm away from her but you were once again let down, tears stinging in your eyes when seeing him grab her hand and press a kiss along her knuckles. “Me too, and by the time of our wedding comes, we’ll be closer than ever because of this.” It was like each word he was saying was a knife piercing your heart. You couldn’t watch anymore, you couldn’t watch him begin to move his lips up her arm to her shoulder blade and neck, leaving even more kisses along her smooth, pale skin. You pushed yourself away from the door and headed back to your room with tears sliding down your eyes and silent sobs spewing form your mouth.
When entering your room you immediately climbed underneath the covers and attempted to let sleep engulf you. You just wanted to forget about this day entirely and hope all of this was just a terrible dream. But you couldn’t have that either, because not even ten minutes later you heard your chamber’s door slide open. You didn’t even have to turn around to know who it was. With your back facing your towards him, you were relieved he couldn’t see your tear-strained face. You didn’t have the energy to deal with this.
“Why are you so late,” you asked, using all your strength to conceal the shakiness in your voice. You were silently hoping that he would tell you the truth, because if is honest, there is at least a small chance of you two working through this. “I was helping the servants prepare the guest chamber for the princess,” and that’s when you felt your heart shatter. “They were having trouble setting up the bed.”
Liar, your mind screamed. “Are you going to sleep here tonight?” You asked, despite already knowing what his answer is going to be. You just wanted to hear what kind of excuse he was going use. “I-I shouldn’t,” you could hear the stutter in his voice, “there’s a lot more wandering eyes now that the princess is here...”
“Okay.” Your answer shocked Jimin. He was expecting you to beg him to stay or at least ask more questions. He certainly wasn’t expecting you to just accept it. “Baby, is everything okay?” He doesn’t notice the single tear falling from you at the mention of the nickname. He doesn’t even notice your body trembling as he approaches the side of the bed. “Yes, just tired,” you quickly said, not wanting him to be anywhere near you. “You should head to bed, it’s late and I’m sure you have some important royal duties to attend to early tomorrow morning.”
Jimin stayed frozen by your side, staring down at your lying figure with complete confusion before mumbling out a soft “goodnight” and finally leaving your room. And the moment you heard your chamber doors close, that’s when you let the silent sobs escape.
You were fool to believe him—to believe that everything would be alright.
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As more and more days passed, the more it seemed Jimin was drifting away from you slowly. You thought that what happened that night was just a one time thing, that you would later have him in your bed once again, laying beside you.
But he never returned. No, instead you would always find him with the princess, not even bothering to share a glance in your direction whenever you happened to stumble upon them two. He didn’t bother to acknowledge you, treating you as if you never even existed. And it wasn’t just the sight of the two of them together and him ignoring you that hurt you, but also that he never officially ended things with you—he just slowly slipped away from you, from your life. He acted like there wasn’t anything between you two—ever, and that hurt you more than anything. Jimin was treating you as if you were nothing but a mere servant to him, and that’s it.
Throughout the past few days, whenever you would take a peaceful walk around the palace you always ended up finding them together, arms linked with one another and sharing smiles and laughs and occasional kisses that only forced the knife that was already in your heart deeper inside your chest. Whenever you saw them together, you began to notice a certain glint in his eyes—love, which made you realized he never really had that with you—at least, not as strong as it was towards her. You never thought you would ever feel this much pain. You wouldn’t even wish this on your worst enemy because it literally felt like you were dying on the inside, your heart breaking and your entire body completely shutting down.
You thought the amount of pain you were going through couldn’t get any worse. But once again, you were wrong. You found yourself assisting the other servants with the preparations—forced by the Queen herself and you couldn’t just say no to her because she was the fucking Queen. So that’s how you ended up in the ballroom instead of your own office, helping the servants set up the chairs, hang up the gorgeous decorations and even build the pristine, white alter. You lost count of how many times you got scolded by the decorators, due to yourself being lost in your thoughts, picturing this as your wedding—that you were the one that was marrying Jimin, not her.
But every time you’re brought back to reality—you’re reminded that this isn’t for you. That you aren’t the one the marrying Jimin, or the one he is going to spend the rest of his life with. You’re just a nobody to him, that’s it. It tore you apart that the many years of childhood memories with him, and two amazing years of love shared together was completely destroyed in the span of a few days. You never thought that Jimin would treat you this way. The same man who took your first your kiss, your innocence. The same man who would hold you in his arms as you both laid in bed together, placing small, tender kisses along your neck and whisper sweet words into your ear. You just wanted the man that stole your heart back again.
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Today was the wedding, and you were doing everything in your power to distract yourself and hide away from the heartbreaking event.
While the ceremony was happening on one side of the palace, you were on currently the other side in your office, sitting at your desk and surrounded by dozens of medical books, reading them and hoping that it would help distract you from your thoughts—which it did, slightly. You love reading, and it could be any book, but medical ones have always interested you the most. Jimin knew that. Whenever he would travel to neighboring kingdoms for political reasons, he’d always bring back medical books for you that he bought from other physicians or merchants.
And there you go again, thinking of him when you’re trying to do the complete opposite of that. Why couldn’t you be like Jimin? Why were you so hung up on him while he easily threw you aside as if you were some piece of garbage to him? Did the love you two have for each other—or the two years you spent with one another mean absolutely nothing to him? Did he want to break your heart, because if so then he succeeded—
“Excuse me, sir,” you suddenly heard someone say, tearing you out of your thoughts and turning towards the doorway where you found yourself making eye contact with a fairly older, handsome man. The first thing you noticed when meeting his gaze was the slight pained expression he had on his face. That’s when you also then noticed the small droplets of blood coming from his right hand. “Could you possibly patch me up, please? There was a tiny incident back in the ballroom.”
You instantly stood up from your seat and approached the injured man, nodding your head. “Oh yes, of course.” You carefully took the injured man’s hand and guided him to one of your patient chairs. “Can you please take a seat while I gather everything I need?” The man listened to your request without any complaint, his gaze never leaving your body as he watched you grab alcohol and bandages before heading back towards him. “So, do you want to tell me how this happened?”
“Well,” the man spoke up softly, watching you with great intent as you applied some the alcohol onto his wound, wincing instantly. “I cut myself with my glass.” You glanced up at the man as you started to wrap the bandage around his palm, wondering if he was going to continue his story but when you saw the way he was purposely trying to avoid your gaze you knew that he wasn’t. The nibble on his bottom lip and hints of blush on his cheeks gave away that he was embarrassed.
“Don’t worry though,” you spoke, attempting to divert the attention away from him and hopefully make slightly less uncomfortable. “Your wound isn’t that serious, only a minor cut so there is no need for stitches.”
“You’re pretty good at that,” the man suddenly complimented, eyes trained on your hands as you patched up his injury, causing you to chuckle. “It’s only a simple bandaging, nothing really that extravagant.” The sound of your soft laughter brought a smile on the man’s face, heat spreading across his cheeks. “I’ve got to say though, I heard the stories about the Park Kingdom’s famous young physician—but nobody seemed to mention how beautiful he is. My kingdom could definitely use someone like you.”
The man’s words left you a speechless—and in a good way this time. After wrapping the white bandage around his injured hand, you were about ask him where he was from. But when lifting your head up from his hand, your eyes then suddenly landed on the insignia that was stitched on his shoulder. “You’re from the Kim Kingdom?”
“Good eye,” the man commented, holding his other hand out. “Kim Seokjin, nice to meet you.” Your eyes instantly widened at the name, hands immediately folding themselves in front of you and bending your entire upper body forward, bowing to the royal man. You’ve heard the stories about Kim Seokjin, how he’s one of the youngest and most respected royal in the country, and how he’s considered to be one of most handsome men to ever exist based on the scholars and matchmakers. But you never seen him physically so you never really knew what he looked like it.
“F-Forgive me, your Highness,” you quickly went to bow but was stopped by his hand on your arm, causing you to pause and glance up at him. “There’s no need to be formal with me, physician. You saved my life, so you deserve my complete respect.” You could hear slightly teasing tone in his voice but he kept his word and bowed to you, bringing a smile and hints of blush on your face. “What is your name, if you don’t mind me asking. I’d like to know who my savior is exactly.”
“____ ____, your Highness” you answered him, bowing your head and feeling his eyes burning into you. “It’s a pleasure to meet you, ____, and I’m serious about the position in my Kingdom—palace specifically. My previous physician has passed and my people and I could use someone with your type of skills.”
“I’m sorry, your Highness, but my place is here.” You don’t know why but you could feel your heart ache when seeing the small frown forming on Seokjin’s here. “The Park Family raised me ever since I was a child and they watched over me after my mother passed away. It would be wrong for me to leave them.”
“Very well,” Seokjin nods understandingly, and you watch as he then reaches inside his robe and pulls out a small crest of the Kim Family. “If you do happen to change your mind, come to my palace and show the guards this. That tells them that I invited you and they’ll take you to me. You’ll be treated way better over there.”
That last sentence made you freeze. “What do you mean by that, your Highness? I-I’m treated quiet fair over here.” You felt your body suddenly straighten out when Seokjin rose from his chair and stood right in front of you, towering over you due to the height difference the both of you shared. “You don’t have to lie to me, ____. The signs are all there, anyone with eyes can see that you are being treated poorly here.”
You remained silent, allowing him to continue. “When was the last time this placed was cleaned,” he asks, swiping his finger across your desk and collecting some dust. The cleaning servants stopped coming the moment A-Yeong showed up and stole Jimin’s complete attention. “I noticed that your office is located on the other side of the palace—completely isolated and away from everyone else. Shouldn’t you—the only doctor in the palace be near everyone else? And why is that you are the only one with medical experience here? Shouldn’t you have at least two assistant nurses aiding you? Every physician must have.”
As more and more questions continued pouring out of his mouth, the more you began to wonder as well. Everything he was questioning about and saying was true. Like, why exactly are you far away from everyone else and why is it that you are the only one here? Before you and Jimin got together, your chambers were in the same section of the palace with the royal family, but once you started having a romantic relationship with him you were suddenly moved to the other side of the home. Jimin made it sound like you were getting an upgrade, having an entire part of the palace to yourself, but now it sounded like he just didn’t want you to be around anyone else—almost like he was ashamed of you. Maybe that’s also why there hasn’t been anybody else hired to aide you with your work, because he doesn’t want the risk of anyone finding out about you two.
“And I don’t even want to ask where you sleep because I think I already know,” Seokjin continues with a sympathetic frown on his face. “You sleep in this section of the palace alone, don’t you?” And when you didn’t say anything back, Seokjin then patted your shoulder comfortingly and said, “just think about it, alright? I promise you won’t regret coming over to work for me instead.”
When you only nodded, Seokjin left you with a gentle brush of his hand against your arm, leaving you alone once again in your office—at least you thought you were alone. But little did you know there was a certain blonde prince standing right outside the door, listening to every word that was shared between you and other royal.
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As more and more hours passed, the more you got lost in your thoughts, Seokjin’s words flooding your mind constantly and echoing inside. You were so consumed by them that you didn’t realize the once vibrant sun and bright sky was replaced with complete darkness and the moon shining up high, surrounded by millions of twinkling stars. You definitely didn’t notice the blonde-hair royal standing in the center of your doorway, arms crossed over his chest and eyes burning into you. “Where were you today?”
You froze at the sound of his voice, your gaze refusing to meet his as you still kept your eyes on your medical books scattered on your desk. “There was some things I had to work on here,” you answered him without lifting your head up. “And you can’t really blame me for not wanting to be there, Jimin—I mean, your Highness.”
When finally raising your head to meet his eyes, you couldn’t help but feel your breath get hitched in the back of your throat at the sight of him. Jimin was dressed in his sleepwear, his cotton shirt parted down the middle, exposing his toned chest and making you swallow the small lump in your throat. And after briefly admiring his torso, that’s when you noticed the facial expression that was as plastered on his face. He wasn’t happy. “If you don’t mind me asking, what are you doing here? Shouldn’t you be with your wife?”
Jimin could clearly hear the harshness in your tone, feeling guilty at the sight of you avoiding his eyes but he couldn’t blame you. He knew how he has been treating you lately for these past few days and it was completely reasonable for you to be furious at him. “I’m sorry, honey,” he slowly started approaching you, noticing the way your body tensed at the pet name. “I had to keep up appearances, and with so many new faces around I couldn’t risk anyone finding out about us.”
With your back facing towards him, you could slowly feel your heart start to quicken when feeling his arms suddenly slipping around your waist and pressing soft, delicately kisses along the back of your neck. “I love you and only you, baby. You’re the one I want but you know I have no power over this.” Every word that he was saying made your heart beat faster and Jimin knew that because he could slowly feel you start to relax against him, bringing a small smirk on his face. He knew exactly what to say to you to make you fall back to him. “I promise you—give me more time and we will be together, okay? Do you trust me?”
When noticing the clear hesitation in your eyes, Jimin leaned down and pressed his lips softly against yours. He thought you have finally given up on him but he then suddenly started to feel you kiss back after a few seconds, causing him to smile against your lips. Jimin knew this was wrong, giving you hope that the future you wanted with him can still happen when he knew that it was not possible now that he was married—not like it could ever happen anyway. It was not just impossible for a royal and commoner to be in a relationship, but also the family of the royal would be forever shunned and the commoner they chose to be with would be executed—and yet, Jimin still chose to pursue you.
At first Jimin thought you were the love of his life, but after meeting A-Yeong, he realized that he never actually loved you. In just the one week he has known the princess, she made him feel things he has never felt with you. You never once made his heart stop at the sight of you, or took his breath away. Your presence never brought a real, genuine smile on his face, instead a more forced one. Jimin was confused why he was suddenly feeling this way, but he then started to think back to where you two first started. He was stressed out over his studies and you were the first person he ran into that day, and next thing he knew he was back in his chambers with you underneath him, crying out his name as he thrusted into you mercilessly. That’s when a new routine of him coming to you whenever he needed to release some stress started.
That’s what you were always to him—a stress reliever, and it took meeting A-Yeong and getting to know her for him to finally realize that. But for some reason when the thought of you leaving him ran through his kind, it made feel sort of uneasy. He wasn’t in love you, he knew that. But you leaving him meant he wouldn’t have anyone to release his stress onto, and he couldn’t just sleep with any servant because they were all loyal to his parents while you were more independent—which was beneficial for his case. He didn’t want to lose you—correction, he didn’t want to lose the sex. Yes, he loved A-Yeong but she was purely vanilla and he found that bland. But you, you were the most perfect partner that allows him to try and do anything he wanted and he couldn’t lose that. So Jimin did the one thing he knew that would convince you to stay with him. He fucked you—or in your words, “made love.”
With his lips still moving with yours, Jimin pulled away and turned you around so that his chest was now pressed up against your back. “I love you,” he whispered into your neck as he placed kisses down along your skin as he slowly stripped you out of your robes until you were completely bare and ready for him.
Jimin spent the entire night with you, using everything in his power to convince you to stay. He would whisper sweet words into your ear while thrusting into you at a rough pace, each thrust sending your body forward and a low, whimpering moan to come out of you. In between thrusts, Jimin would press a soft, tender kiss underneath your earlobe and whisper “I love you.” He would roll his eyes when he would only get a moan in reply—that not being what he exactly wanted to hear. But after two amazing rounds and you both later laying in your bed and in his arms, when he finally heard you say those three words he knew that he got what he wanted.
You were his, and only his.
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Once again, you were a weak fool to believe him. You weren’t surprise to find your bed empty the next morning.
But you being you, you believed he left early in the morning so that nobody would find out that he stayed there with you when in reality, Jimin actually left the moment you fell asleep so that he could go back to his wife make real love with her, and soon after fall asleep with her in his arms.
The next day when you found Jimin once again ignoring you completely, thinking it was just him acting so that nobody grew suspicious of you two. But as days went by, and those days soon turned into weeks, and those weeks turned into two months since you even spoken to Jimin, you came to realize that he was ignoring you as if that night you two shared didn’t even happen.
But you being the oblivious person that you were, you kept hope. You’d spend nights staring at your door, hoping that one night he would come into your room to lay with you, to hold you in his arms again. But it never happened.
It wasn’t until three months later, when the princess came to see you that you reached your last straw. She claimed to visit because she wasn’t feeling well, and after checking her out, finding out what her symptoms were you came to find out that she was pregnant—exactly three months pregnant. Which meant Jimin slept with her the same night he slept with you. That is when you finally accepted the fact he wasn’t yours anymore and that the future you pictured having with him is never going to happen.
That’s when you had the thought of leaving. There is no way you were going to stay here and suffer for the rest of your life. So, later that day you found yourself packing your things such as clothes and handwritten medical records into a small bag, comfortable for travel. It’s not like you wanted to leave in the first place—you love the people that live and work here, they were like a family to you. You just don’t know if you even have the strength to endure this pain any longer.
As you were shoving the last piece of clothing into your bag, a soft, delicate voice caused you to freeze. “Where are you going?” Turning your head towards your chamber door where the voice was coming from, your eyes landed on the former Queen—Jimin’s grandmother standing there with a concern look on her face. You couldn’t help but feel your heart ache at the sight of the small pain in her eyes. Seeing your nearly empty room and the packed bag laid out on your bed, she didn’t need an answer because she already knew.
You walked towards her and took her hands into yours, offering a warm, heartfelt smile. “I cannot stay here anymore, your Highness—I-I can’t stay and watch him with her...” You could see tears forming in her eyes as you spoke, flashing you an understanding frown and nod. She placed her other hand on top of yours and leaned over to give you small peck on the cheek. “Promise me that’ll you take care of yourself while you are out there?” You gave her a small nod which made her frown lift up slightly. “And promise me that once things get better you’ll come back and visit me...”
“Of course,” you replied without any hesitation, wrapping your arms around her and pulling her into a hug. “And thank you for everything you’ve done for me—for my mother. If it weren’t for you I would’ve died alongside her that day...” Jimin’s grandmother instantly shook her head and ran her hand comfortingly down your arm. “Don’t say that sweetie, I promised your mother that I would watch after you—” she suddenly then paused, “I’m sorry that I wasn’t able to keep that...”
“Don’t blame yourself for what happened,” you quickly reassured her, leaning forward to press a kiss on her cheek. “It’s not your fault for how the King and Queen has treated me lately ever since my mother passed. And as for J-Jimin—” you stuttered, tears stinging in your eyes once again. “—never mind. I should go, the guards shifts are changing right now and this is my only chance to slip out without being detected.”
With one last kiss on her cheek and hug goodbye, you left your room with your bag in a hand.
You thought leaving the Park residence would be something hard for you to do and accept. But the moment you took one last glance at the beautiful palace and took your first step outside, you felt as if a huge weight was then suddenly lifted from your shoulders.
This is your life now—a new beginning.
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“Your Highness,” Kim Seokjin raises his head at the sound of his name being called, his eyes landing on his advisor entering his office and bowing his head in front of him. “There’s somebody here to see you.”
Seokjin was about to ask him who it was, but he was left speechless when you suddenly appeared behind his advisor. Even with your clothes slightly torn, probably from your journey here and the faint signs of dirt on your face, you still looked beautiful as ever to him.
You were truly breathtaking in his eyes.
“Physician ____,” Seokjin stood up from his seat and approached you with a smile grin on his face. “What are you doing here?” He asks, and your next words to him made the grin on his face grow ten times more wider.
“Is that physician position still open...?”
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Continuing onto “Love Again”
@jolesofthehowls��, @chifsami​, @theclawofsa​, @imluckybitches​, @jimidol​, @pjmislovely​, @daydreambrliever​, @xavi-in-kpopland​, @imaniceperson14​, @peachmelodii, @blazedprince​
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wannabe-fic-writer · 4 years
All Over Again - Chapter 3
Summary: What was lost can be found. 
Warning: 18+ Smut, Language, Violence. 
Ch. 2
* * * * * *
Breathing heavily, you run your hand along the rifle, watching as it glows red. You then peek around the corner, calculating your next moves, and counting the number of enemies ahead. 
The new plan of action quickly falls to pieces when a dash of red goes by from the corner of your eye. Natasha leaps over the desk she used for cover, intent on charging the guy ahead of her, not paying attention to the other guy emerging from the shadows of the hallways to her left. 
You take off, pushing yourself over the desk, and tackling Natasha behind yet another one just as shots are fired from both men. 
She quirks an eyebrow, smirking just a little,“ got my back like always huh Y/Ln.”
Resisting the urge to curse, you just punch the ground beside her in frustration. Pushing yourself up and shooting focused, power imbued, bullets at the last two guys. 
Natasha sighs and follows after you as you head further into the building. 
Of course after that incredible day spent in NC, you come back to find out Bucky is no longer available for your mission, so Steve assigns Natasha. Maintaining your professionalism, you didn’t make any complaints. . . out loud. So now you’re in Canada with the woman. 
“Data retrieved, prepare for extraction.” You speak into the coms, pocketing the drive. 
Tense filled silence surrounds yourself and Natasha as you head to the extraction point. She’s mentally facepalming herself for screwing up. As if she wasn’t already on your bad side, now you’re annoyed with her for making a mistake. 
When the jet doors open, you let her in first, and she heads to the front of the ship with Steve. You opt to sit at the back. No longer needing to be off radar, you pull your phone out, an onslaught of messages coming in. 
Hey Y/n! - Wan
Before you go off radar, can you tell me what I’m supposed to wear tonight? - Wan 
You chuckle and shake your head, quickly telling her hi and to wear something formal. Then going to the other messages you have. All from Miss Luthor. 
Hi - Lena
Y/n hi, again. I realized you’re probably doing super important Avenging. Lmk when you get this. - Lena
You reply with a message received, a subconscious smile on your face. Seeing as you didn’t expect it or know why it’s there, you can’t fight it. 
Great. I was wondering when you’d be free to come back to NC. - Lena
Aside from debriefing and your plans tonight with Wanda, you aren’t sure what you have to do. But you also know you can’t just get up and go to NC. As much as you wish you could. So you tell her you’ll let her know and she quickly sends back a smile and thumbs up. 
When the jet lands you’re the first off of it and heading to the meeting room for debriefing. Steve meets you and Natasha there with the mission files. 
“How did it go?” He asks, eyeing you and the redhead. 
The woman stiffens beside you, ready to open her mouth to say something when you speak,“ just as planned Cap.” You slide the drive across the table.“ We collected the data without any injuries.”
After explaining a few more things in detail Steve ends the debriefing, taking the drive and walking out. You’re just about to follow when Natasha speaks up.
“Why didn’t you tell him about my mess up?” 
You sigh,“ because if I had we would’ve been here a lot longer. You know you fucked up, train harder, don’t do it again.”
Natasha pushes herself up and comes to stand beside you,“ I know I don’t have a right but I’m begging you to at least act like you still care.” 
“It’s not that I don’t. In fact the problem is that I care too much.” You turn to face her,“ there are times where I still want you. I care about you like you’re still mine. And I feel like shit because you deserve every bit of love that Bruce gives you and more, without my silent dislike of it.” 
The redhead reaches up, resting a hand on your arm,“ and you deserve love too.”
You step away from her touch.“ Look, Natasha, I’m sorry I’ve been acting cold toward you. But you have to understand how hard this is for me.” 
“I know.” She nods. Your relationship was a strong one, could’ve been stronger had she been honest with you. Having that end out of the blue sucked.“ But I don’t know how to make this easier for you. I want us to be friends.”
The idea isn’t the worst thing ever. But being friends means hanging out. Which will most definitely include Bruce. You don’t really have anything against the man. He didn’t do anything. And quite frankly, you wouldn’t mind having Natasha back in your life, in a good way. 
You just aren’t sure if you’re ready for that at this particular point in time. 
“I can’t say I won’t ever be ready for that, just not now.” 
Natasha refrains from placing her hand on your arm again,“ you will tell me when you are right?” 
For the first time in years, you smile at Natasha and the woman can’t help but smile as well,“ I can. Or we can just hang out, they say actions speak louder than words right?” 
All that being said, you nod to her, and leave out. Heading towards your room. 
Your gaze snaps up from the floor to find Wanda. 
The young woman stands at her door, a black knee length dress fitting to her form nicely, and her curled hair pulled into a ponytail. 
“Wan!” Going over to her, you take her hand in yours.“ You look great.” 
A light blush hits her cheeks and she smiles down at the ground,“ thank you.” She chuckles softly then looks back up.
“Give me a minute to clean up and we can go.” You tell her as you take a few backwards steps down the hall.“ Wait for me in the commons yeah?” 
She nods and you disappear into your room. 
After a shower you get dressed and do your hair, making sure you have everything you need before leaving out. 
Meeting up with Wanda, you tell everyone you’ll see them later, and you both leave. 
“So,” Wanda speaks up as you slide into the driver's seat,“ I never had a chance to ask: how did your trip to National City go?”
A smile forms on your lips at the reminder of the one day trip and you tell Wanda about it. Admittedly she has no idea what half the stuff you tell her even means, but she loves seeing how happy you are. She hated not having you around but if it meant you staying this happy, she wouldn’t have a second thought about you going out there again. 
In fact, she’s quick to ask when/if you’ll go back. While you plan to, you just aren’t sure when.
Before heading to the theater, you stop at the Stark’s. Tony has Morgan bring the tickets out to you (he got them for you after you told him that you endorsed Stark Industries to Lena). You and Wanda have a short conversation with the girl. Waiting for her to get back inside before you pull off. 
Wanda’s excitement for seeing the play kicks in on the drive to the theater. She asks you to tell her everything you know about Alexander Hamilton, to which you tell her that if you do, you’re spoiling the whole play. 
And she’s glad you didn’t.
The whole time she’s dancing in her seat and watching on in intrigue. She starts getting excited when certain “characters” come on stage. 
By the time it’s over she already has songs stuck in her head. Singing along to them on your way to dinner. 
“I am not throwing away my shot! I am not-” the lyrics fall short as she looks out the window.“ Where are we?” 
“A restaurant. You hungry right?” 
She smiles at you when you open the door for her and together you walk inside. 
You have to ask what her favorite part of the play was and she launches into telling you about it. Apparently she loved Lafayette. Hamilton’s crew in general was awesome. And she just has to know if that’s what really happened. You hate to tell her it wasn’t nearly as exciting and that there was a lot less music. 
You laugh when she tells you real history sucks and you have to agree.
Over dinner you ask about her. To which she tells you that she’s good and considering going to Clint’s for the holiday. The man truly cares for Wanda. She admits that it’s almost like having an older brother with hints of a father figure. You get that brother vibe from Clint, but being the same age takes away from the father aspect of it. 
With it getting late, you pay and leave, not heading back to the compound until you’ve gotten dessert(ice cream per Wanda’s request).
You find yourself shushing Wanda when you get back. The woman can’t seem to not sing the songs. But the majority of the team is probably sleeping or getting ready to and the disturbance probably isn’t welcomed. 
“Wan please it’s late.”
The Captain’s voice speaks up, startling you and Wanda,“ I take it you two had fun.” 
Wanda nods excitedly and tells Steve he has to see it. Steve tells her he just might.
“Hey Cap,” you stop short on the way out and turn to the blonde man,“ am I assigned to any missions over the next month or so?” 
His brows pinch together in thought, then he shakes his head.“ No you’re not. Got another trip?” 
You chuckle softly,“ yeah probably, but I’m always on call.” 
Nodding in understanding, he bids you and Wanda a good night. The two of you heading to your room, Wanda saying she doesn’t want to be alone tonight. She’s out in an instant and you ease into the bed after her. 
Before you go to sleep, you text Lena, telling her that you’d be happy to come down for a bit in a couple of days. 
That time passes quickly. All of it you spend with the team. They hate that you won’t be around on Thanksgiving so they implement an impromptu movie night. In which you’re allowed to pick the movie. 
Funnily enough you end up between Wanda and Natasha for the night and while you’re a little tense, since your last talk you don’t feel entirely upset about being so close to the ex-assassin. 
The day of, You and Wanda leave at the same time, her heading down to Clint’s, and you to the airport. Outside the compound you part ways, a long hug and a promise to call left between you. 
As expected it’s chaotic as hell getting through the airport with everyone traveling for the holiday. Over the flight you find yourself coming up with designs for the power saw. By the time you land you think you have a pretty decent idea for it. 
This time around, you’re let up to Lena’s office when you get to Luthor Corp. The space is impressive but not nearly as much as the labs.
“All work no play Miss Luthor?”
Lena looks up from her desk and smiles instantly at the sight of you leaning into the room,“ work hard so you can play harder Miss Y/Ln.” 
You point inside and she nods. Her office has a great view of National City. Despite the cloudy sky, it still looks nice out. Lights from other skyscrapers scattering the view almost like twinkling stars. 
“How long have you been here?” You ask, turning from the floor to ceiling windows to the clock. 
The brunette shrugs,“ got in at eight.”
It’s currently nine, p.m.“ You’ve taken a couple breaks right?” Her silence is answer enough. Walking around the desk, you lean on it and lock your gaze with her green eyes.“ Why don’t you head home and we meet up tomorrow.” 
Her gaze snaps up to yours,“ why?”
“Because it’s been thirteen hours and you’ve been working nonstop. I’m not going to be the reason you end up exhausted Lena.”
She sighs, knowing you’re right, but still wanting to spend at least a little time with you.“ Okay. You’re right. How about dinner?” 
“How about you go get some sleep?” 
“We’ll do it at my place. I relax and we both eat.” 
The two of you stare at each other with narrowed eyes. Determination swirls in those green ones and you can’t help but chuckle at it.
Standing up straight you nod,“ fine fine. Dinner at your place.” 
Lena smiles satisfactorily and makes quick work of packing her things up and leaving. Instead of a car service, Lena walks you out to her car. You must admit, you appreciate the simplicity of her black BMW. Only to find that the luxury lies inside with the red leather interior. Suddenly you want one. 
The second she’s sitting you compliment the car and she waves it off, saying she’s had the car for years now. Among having other things in common, you find that you and Lena share similar tastes in music. Which is really a mix of all kinds of genres: Jazz, Pop, R&B, Classic Rock. 
On the way inside her apartment, you end up joking about the last song being stuck in your head.
“Oh wow, this place looks great.” The apartment is similar to her office with the open concept and glass walls. However there is a very homey feel about it, with a combination of colors making the place warm and inviting. 
Lena smiles,“ thank you.” Moving into the kitchen, she pulls out two menus, both of which she orders from constantly.“ Thai or Mediterranean?” 
Thinking for a second you agree to Thai. Then joining her in the kitchen to choose a meal and accept the glass of scotch. 
“So, have you given any thought to the power saw?” 
“Aht aht, nope.” Lena raises a brow at your response.“ You just came from work, you really want to talk about more work?” 
A laugh falls from her lips,“ no I suppose not.”
You nod,“ as I thought. Without overstepping can I ask how things have been outside of your career?”
With a nod she beckons you to the living room, the two of you sitting on the couch,“ I’d love to tell you it’s been great but really, I’m far too invested in my career to focus on my personal life.” 
“I’m afraid that’s not very healthy Miss Luthor.” Your tone is teasing but you’re serious. 
She chuckles,“ I’m aware. But finding the time is a struggle.”
After a sip of your drink, you set the glass on a coaster on the table,“ not about finding the time, it’s already there. It’s about making the time. Thing is, work will always be there, and not to get dark but, you can’t guarantee that the people you love always will.”
Green eyes watch the emotions flickering through e/c and Lena knows immediately that you’re speaking from experience. If she had to guess, she’d say it was your dad. When you spoke of him at dinner the first time you came there was distance in your voice.
Before she can ask about it though, you add,“ besides I’m sure there are plenty of people dying for a bit of your time.” 
She tilts her head, expression of disagreement.
Noticing, you say,“ then allow me to be the first.”
Her jaw slackens and she’s ready to comment on your words but the buzzer sounds.
“I got it.” You pat the couch, pushing yourself up and fishing your wallet out. 
Lena still sits there, wondering if your statement was meant to be as flirty and suggestive as it sounded. Because her heart definitely reacted to it that way. 
It’s fluttering, a feeling she hadn’t had in quite some time. 
“He gave us a bunch of fortune cookies.” 
Your eyes are trained inside the bag as she looks at you, a smile pulling at the excitement in your voice. 
Suddenly she can’t help but see you in a different light. She saw how attractive you were before, sure. But it’s now a lot more than your looks and science knowledge that has her taken by you. 
With the containers spread out on the table, you and Lena start to eat. Conversation between the two of you light.
God you’re hilarious. And was that laugh been that cute last time, she finds herself asking(mentally).  
She washes her last bite down with a sip of wine and looks at you,“ how long will you be staying this time?” 
“I planned for at least a week, but I’m always on call with the team.”
The CEO smirks and raises her eyebrows,“ I get you for a whole week this time. And Thanksgiving.” 
Even if you tried you couldn’t fight the heat rushing to your face. Much like Lena just had, you wonder if she meant that flirtatiously. 
You laugh a little,“ if that isn’t a problem of course.” 
“I don’t see how it ever could be.” 
Over the next two days, ending the night like this seems to be a little routine. You go into Luthor Corp with Lena and hang around while she attends to company matters during the early hours of the day, the two of you work on the core and saw for a few hours, and then you have dinner together. 
Until tonight that is. You still spend the first half of the day like before, however as you two are working on the core security lets Lena know a friend of hers is here. So you both go up to her office, where Kara is waiting. 
The blonde smiles at Lena brightly, that same smile then directed to you,“ Y/n it’s great to see you again.” 
“Likewise.” You accept the hug she gives after pulling away from Lena.
“How’ve you been?” 
Nodding your head, you decide to just shrug,“ alright. In need of this little vacation that’s for sure. But what about you?”
The blonde’s smile is incredibly contagious. She pushes her glasses up her nose,“ great. I’m actually here to see if Lena will be joining us for game night.” The look on her friend’s face has Kara telling you,“ which you are more than welcome to join.” 
“Oh um,” e/c eyes flicker from Kara to Lena and back,“ I really don’t want to intrude.”
Lena waves it off, ignoring Kara’s curious look,“ game night is for friends, old and new.” 
It takes a few more persuasive words from the women, and a promise of good food before you give in. 
That’s how you find yourself in Kara’s apartment for the first time. Winn is the first person to approach you, hesitant about giving you a hug but you open your arms for it. 
“Y/n,” Alex approaches you,“ you’re joining us tonight?”
“If that’s okay.”
Lena and Kara frown at you then Alex. They’re wondering if you’d leave if Alex said she didn’t want you here. And you would. This isn’t your space. But you don’t have to.
Alex smiles a little,“ it’s fine, great even. I need a new partner since Olsen has fallen off.” She raises an eyebrow,“ drink?”
You nod and follow after her,“ what’ve you got?”
With your drink in hand, you go over into the living room where everyone is. Alongside greeting all the people you’d met the first time, you meet Mon-El. 
“Pleasure to meet you.” You shake his hand and the guy smiles.
He returns the sentiment,“ these guys told me about your last visit.”
The friends around you laugh at your reaction. 
James shakes his head,“ nothing bad.”
“Yeah no,” Winn adds,“ we had fun last time.”
Smiling, you tell them,“ me too.” And you have fun this time as well. 
Quickly discovering that this group is competitive. Being on Alex’s team has you striving to win. The amount of high fives she gives you has your hand red but you love that you’re both dominating in charades right now. 
“Hey woah no!” Alex exclaims and you’re right there with her, shouting,“ you’re mouthing words James!”
“Exactly!” Alex smacks your arm with the back of her hand.
Kara looks from you and her sister, a laugh on her lips, and sees Lena. The blonde follows Lena’s gaze to you, for seemingly the hundredth time tonight. 
“Lena, mind helping me with these?” The closest excuse she has to getting the woman alone and she takes it.
The two pick up the empty snack bowls and carry them into the kitchen. At Lena’s side, Kara notices that she continues to glance over at you.
Playfully bumping Lena’s shoulder with hers, she says,“ this explains why you rescheduled lunch the other day. Didn’t want to waste a second of Y/n’s visit huh?”
The CEO’s eyes widen,“ I have no idea what you’re talking about.”
“Oh yes you do. You like her. I’ve seen it every time you looked at her tonight.” The blonde leans down a little to catch Lena’s eyes,“ what changed and when?” 
She could try to deny this statement, but looking over at you and the way you throw your head back with laughter, she can’t.“ The day she came back. We ate dinner together at my apartment and I don’t know-” she shrugs with a soft smile.
A quiet squeal of excitement leaves Kara,“ this is great. I’m so happy for you Lena.” 
“For what there’s nothing going on between us. It’s just a crush.” 
“Right now maybe, but if you tell her how you feel. . .” Kara trails off, knowing the brunette can fill in the blank herself. 
While she knows there’s a chance you do in fact like her, there’s also a chance she’s just reading too much into small things. You could just be being friendly. 
Giving Kara a pointed look, Lena says,“ Y/n and I are just friends.” The words don’t reach her heart though and as she carries the refilled bowls back over to the living room, she knows that statement isn’t very believable.
* * * * * *
Taglist: @username23345​ @depressed-bi-bitch​ @fayhar​ @trikruismybitch​ @aznblossom​
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Pride and Prejudice 1940: "When Pretty Girls T-E-A-S-E-D Men Into Marriage"
Made during the Great Depression, this classic black and white film is loosely based on Austen's novel and is set in what is likely the 1830s rather than the Regency Era (late 18th century to early 19th century). It is an escapist piece which capitalizes on nostalgia for a simpler time by transporting its viewers to a chocolate-box vision of the past, while paying homage to Austen's social satire by delivering plenty of laughs along the way.
Overall Thoughts on the Film:
The first time I watched this movie, I was confused because the plot as well as the setting was revised significantly (the events after Darcy's first proposal are changed to hasten the happy ending; Darcy's letter and Elizabeth's visit to Pemberley are not included in this movie). This changing of plot points makes the 2005 movie a much more faithful adaptation in comparison with this version, in spite of the creative liberties both take with the novel.
Production Design:
The movie is a typical example of Golden Age Hollywood productions, with beautiful actresses and melodramatic flourishes added to increase the drama. Some of the lines are delivered very quickly, in keeping with the comedic style of the time.
The music: definitely not historically accurate. A lot of sentimental, "ye olde timey" string arrangements that emphasize emotions or fast-paced waltz music for balls/parties.
The 1830s costumes are beautiful; it seems as if no expense (or quantity of fabric) was spared in making them. The bonnets are way taller and have more decorations than typical 1830s bonnets. Some of the patterns/fabric choices are very 1930s, and the costumes are exaggerated in such as way as to make the wearers look like fancy turkeys.
Hair and Makeup: very 1930s, with finger/sausage curls, plucked eyebrows, lipstick/lip makeup, and long lashes.
The sets: the dollhouse-like interiors are lavishly gilded and made to look as opulent as possible. Outdoors scenes are lush, with lots of flowers and bushes; the garden in which the second proposal takes place is gorgeous. The set design transports the viewer into an idyllic vision of the bucolic English countryside.
The Lead Actors:
With the exception of Laurence Olivier, the majority of the actors are American, since this is a Hollywood production. Many of the characters in the film's imaginary vision of pastoral Britain speak American or make clumsy attempts to imitate British English.
Greer Garson: while she is definitely too old for the part, she perfectly conveys Elizabeth's intelligence, outspokenness, and sarcasm. Her facial expressions are killer as well; with the arch of an eyebrow along with a snarky side eye, she captivates us all. All in all, Garson effectively shows off Elizabeth's impertinence through her nonverbal acting (this reminds me strongly of Jennifer Ehle's Elizabeth Bennet).
Laurence Olivier: he effectively conveys Darcy's pride while hinting at his deeper feelings beneath the surface (I can see why Colin Firth spoke so highly of Olivier's portrayal of Darcy). Most importantly, the film emphasizes Darcy's intelligence; he is certainly Elizabeth's intellectual equal. While this portrayal of Darcy is very accurate to the book, Darcy's pride does go away pretty quickly (he and Elizabeth form a tentative friendship early on) and his social awkwardness isn't immediately obvious thanks to his charm. Also the unflattering hairstyle with the greasy hair and painted on sideburns makes me sad.
Key Scenes:
Opening scene: The title card appeals directly to the audience's nostalgia for a sentimental, romanticized past: “It happened in OLD ENGLAND (this was actually capitalized), in the village of Meryton…” The Bennet women are at a fabric shop, where they gossip with aunt Phillips about the rich people moving into Netherfield Park.
The carriage race: this scene, which isn’t in the original novel, represents the rivalry between the Bennets and Lucases. The mothers both want their daughters to be the first to snag the rich bachelors.
The first ball: There is a historical anachronism as the music is a waltz by Strauss, who became popular in late 19th century, specifically the Gilded Age; far too early for the Regency Era or 1830s England. Other changes from the original novel include Elizabeth meeting Wickham before Darcy; other events from Aunt Phillips’ ball (which isn’t included in this movie) and Wickham and Darcy’s confrontation are included in this scene.
Elizabeth’s impression of Darcy at the ball: she puts on airs and mocks his casual dismissal of her as tolerable (definitely a parallel with the 1995 version, where Jennifer Ehle does the same, but privately with Jane).
Great comedic change: Darcy introduces himself to Elizabeth after calling her tolerable and asks if she will dance with him (this originally takes place at Mr. Lucas' ball). Right after rejecting Darcy, she instantly agrees to dance with Wickham; in a humorous moment, Darcy evacuates to a corner of the room to sulk while seeing Wickham dance with Elizabeth.
The “Accomplished woman” scene: the dialogue lifted directly from the book for the most part. Darcy, in a departure from his trademark seriousness, shows off his playful side when reacting to Caroline Bingley's "turn about the room." I particularly like this added repartee from Elizabeth Bennet to Darcy, which is clever but also foreshadows her prejudice: “If my departure is any punishment, you are quite right. My character reading is not too brilliant.”
Elizabeth can't stand Mr. Collins: After twirling about his monocle, he pronounces that: “It might interest you to know my taste was formed by lady Catherine de Bourgh.” The best part of this scene is when Elizabeth plucks a wrong note on her harp when Collins gets really annoying.
The Netherfield ball (which is now a garden party):
Elizabeth running away from Mr. Collins: She looks rather ridiculous, almost like an overdressed turkey, in a white dress with puffy sleeves as she runs away from an overeager Collins. Then she hides in the bushes while Darcy helps her to hide, telling Collins he doesn't know where she is. It's fun but most likely not something a proper lady and gentleman would do (two people of the opposite gender out alone, shock!).
The archery scene: Darcy attempts to teach Elizabeth how to shoot a bow and arrow, even though he doesn’t hit the bullseye. She goes on to impress him by perfectly hitting the bullseye every time; Darcy learns his lesson: "Next time I talk to a young lady about archery I won't be so patronizing." Caroline Bingley, very passive aggressive as usual, shows up for her archery lesson right after and it's absolutely perfect.
Mr. Collins attempts to introduce himself to Mr. Darcy: Laurence Olivier captures Darcy so perfectly in this scene (really set the precedent for Colin Firth). When Mr. Collins starts talking (inviting Elizabeth to dance with him) Darcy tries to keep himself well-composed but has a pained expression on his face as if he’s about to pass out. Olivier masters the way Darcy can look so miserable but also disgusted and proud at the same time.
Mr. Collin's proposal to Elizabeth: I like the added touch of Mrs. Bennet pulling Elizabeth back by her skirt when she tries to run out of the room. The dialogue is taken directly from the book, and the scene is made even funnier when Collins holds on to Elizabeth's hand desperately and doesn’t let her get away. My only quibble is that Elizabeth isn’t indignant enough when Mr. Collins doesn't take no for an answer.
Elizabeth and Darcy at Rosings: I like that Olivier subtly indicates that Darcy is clearly affected upon seeing Elizabeth at Rosing, hinting at deeper feelings beneath the surface. I also like how the scriptwriter emphasizes that Darcy indirectly praises Elizabeth and enjoys their conversations, while she remains convinced that he hates her. Sadly, the original dialogue of the piano scene is not included, which is unfortunate as it allows Darcy to reveal his introvert tendencies, calling into question Elizabeth's assertion that he is unpardonably proud.
First proposal: The famous opening lines are mutilated with awkward punctuation: “It’s no use. I’ve struggled in vain. I must tell you how much I admire and love you." While the rest of the dialogue matches up closely with what happens in Austen's novel, both of the actors aren’t emotional enough; instead Elizabeth cries very daintily, and Darcy remains serene, which conflicts with the book's description of both of them being very angry and defensive at each other.
The first half of the film up to Darcy's first proposal follows the events of the original book closely, though certain blocks of dialogue are moved elsewhere and other events such as Mrs. Phillips' party are skipped over. The most significant changes, besides updating the setting to the 1830s, are made to the second half of the book to squeeze the key events of the story into the movie before delivering the inevitable happy ending.
Brilliant Quotes:
Mr. Bennet's reaction to Mrs. Bennet's despair over the situation of their 5 unmarried daughters: “Perhaps we should have drowned some of them at birth.”
Darcy insists Elizabeth cannot tempt him: “Ugh. Provincial young lady with a lively wit. And there’s that mother of hers.”
Darcy is an arrogant snob: “I’m in no humor tonight to give consequence to the middle classes at play.” (Technically the Bennets are part of the gentry; they just are less wealthy than Darcy).
Elizabeth's reaction to Darcy pronouncing her to be tolerable at best: “What a charming man!”
Elizabeth rebuffs Darcy's offer to dance after overhearing his insult: “I am afraid that the honor of standing up with you is more than I can bear, Mr Darcy.”
Elizabeth favors Wickham after witnessing the bad blood between him and Darcy: “Without knowing anything about it I am on your side.”
Mrs. Bennet's comment after she sends Jane to Netherfield under stormy skies: “There isn’t anything like wet weather for engagements. Your dear father and I became engaged in a thunderstorm.”
Mr. Bennet's reaction to Jane's fever: “Jane must have all the credit for having caught the cold…we’re hoping Elizabeth will catch a cold and stay long enough to get engaged to Mr. Darcy. And if a good snowstorm could be arranged we’d send Kitty over!”
The sisters' description of Mr. Collins: “Oh heavens! what a pudding face.”
Caroline Bingley at the Netherfield garden party: “Entertaining the rustics is not as difficult as I feared. Any simple childish game seems to amuse them excessively.”
Darcy reassuring Elizabeth after helping her escape Mr. Collins: “If the dragon returns St. George will know how to deal with it.”
Darcy learns his lesson after Elizabeth beats him at archery: “The next time I talk to a young lady about archery I won’t be so patronizing.”
Elizabeth comments about a curtain: “Oh that’s pretty. It’s a pity you didn’t make it bigger. You could have put it around Mr. Collins when he becomes a bore.”
Elizabeth on Kitty and Lydia: “2 daughters out of 5, that represents 40% of the noise.”
Elizabeth sees Lady Catherine for the first time: “So that’s the great lady Catherine. Now I see where he learned his manners.”
Lady Catherine's attitude towards philanthropy: “You must learn to draw a firm line between the deserving poor and the undeserving poor.”
Darcy takes Elizabeth's advice: “I’ve thought a great deal about what you said at Netherfield, about laughing more...but it only makes me feel worse."
Elizabeth and Darcy have a conversation with Colonel Fitzwilliam: “He likes the landscape well enough, but the natives, the natives, what boors, what savages … Isn’t that what you think, Mr. Darcy?” With a smile: “It evidently amuses you to think so, Miss Bennet."
The first half of the film up to Darcy's first proposal follow the events of the original book closely, though certain blocks of dialogue are moved elsewhere and other events such as Mrs. Phillips' party are skipped over. The most significant changes, besides updating the setting to the 1830s, are made to the second half of the book to squeeze the key events of the story into the movie before delivering the inevitable happy ending.
With the exception of Lady Catherine de Bourgh, the portrayals of the characters are (generally) true to the book.
As I said earlier, the film neglects any sort of historical accuracy when setting the story in romanticized "Old England," where genteel people pass simple lives that revolve around dresses, tea parties, social gossip, and marriages. A lot of Austen adaptations present an idealized vision of Regency life, where people are dressed immaculately, flawlessly adhere to "chivalry," and find love in the ballroom. This contributes to the misconception that Austen's novels are shallow chick-lit books with flat characters who live for lavish parties and hot men, instead of stories of unique, complicated women who happen to be well-off but aspire towards love, respect, or independence instead of being content to make economically advantageous marriages. Austen's novels are character novels and she doesn't waste time writing about dresses or tea parties; balls, while exciting, are just another part of daily life for her characters rather than some Extremely Big Special Once In a Blue Moon Event.
Austen's multifaceted view on marriage turns into a game of matchmaking. She recognizes it as necessary for women to survive in the patriarchy, since they cannot provide for themselves unless they marry well, but at the same time, presents marriage as a means for freedom if it is a loving partnership between two people that respect each other. In contrast, marriage is a game of manipulating the partners into wanting to marry (ex. Lady Catherine and Darcy's trickery). Also, it seems to be a given that Elizabeth will marry for love, unlike in the book where it is uncertain whether she will achieve this.
Kitty and Lydia's antics are viewed much more sympathetically as those of young people having fun; in the book, their behavior harms the family's social reputation, reducing the chances the Bennet daughters have of making good marriages.
Louisa Hurst, Georgiana Darcy, and Aunt and Uncle Gardiner are not in the movie.
Wickham is introduced much earlier than in the book; he is friends with Lydia from the very beginning. Interestingly, he doesn't begin to trash-talk Darcy until Bingley leaves; in the book he does so much earlier, before the Netherfield ball.
Darcy is more considerate towards Elizabeth at the Netherfield party (ex. rescuing her from Collins), until he overhears Mrs. Bennet scheming to get the daughters married. Elizabeth forms a tentative friendship with him until finding out that he separated Jane from Bingley.
Jane is more obviously heartbroken over Bingley's departure than in the book, where she keeps her pain to herself. In the movie, she runs away to cry, which is uncharacteristic of her.
Collins is a librarian instead of a clergyman. I dislike this change because some Austen scholars/fans think that Collins being a clergyman is a deliberate choice as part of Austen's social criticism. Collins is representative of how hypocritical the Church is, since he worships Lady Catherine's wealth instead of God, and preaches moral lessons instead of actually using religion to help people. My theory is that the change was made because of the Hays Code, which led to the censorship of movies for "unwholesome" or "indecent" things; the religious criticism could have been offensive.
Elizabeth reacts rather too kindly to Charlotte marrying Collins by showing concern for the loveless marriage. While she does worry about the lack of love in the marriage, initially she is extremely surprised, outright shocked, and confused.
The scene where Darcy tries and fails to talk to Elizabeth (the "charming house" scene in the 2005 movie) just before the proposal is removed.
Darcy's letter is skipped over and Elizabeth overcomes her prejudice of Darcy very quickly, as shown when she tells Jane she regrets rejecting his proposal. This is contrary to the book, where overcoming her prejudice is an emotionally exhausting and slow process that continues all the way up until the second proposal.
The Pemberley visit is removed; instead, Elizabeth returns home to the news that Lydia has eloped. Visiting Pemberley is very important as part of Elizabeth's re-evaluation of Darcy's character and provides an opportunity for Darcy to show Elizabeth that he has changed for her. The visit is key in increasing Elizabeth's love for Darcy, and removing it means that the characters have less personal growth (also wouldn't it have been great for the audience to be treated to another gorgeous estate of "Old England?"). Instead, Darcy visits Longbourn on his own and offers his help in finding Lydia. When the news comes that Wickham accepts very little money in exchange for marrying Lydia, it isn't as shocking as it is in the book because Darcy had already expressed his intentions of helping Elizabeth earlier.
Here's the change that bugs me the most: Lady Catherine becomes good; though she is a busybody, her main priority is Darcy's happiness. Her confrontation of Elizabeth is a scheme hatched between her and Darcy as a test to be certain of Elizabeth's love. This does not make sense on so many levels: first, Darcy insists that "disguise of every sort is my abhorrence," so why would he resort to trickery, however well-intentioned, to find out if Elizabeth still loves him? Second, Lady Catherine is a social snob and objects to Elizabeth's low connections; also she has an arranged marriage planned for Darcy. Third, in the book, because Elizabeth likes Pemberley and gets along really well with his sister Georgiana, Darcy would have had some evidence that Elizabeth, in the very least, cared for him. And the added claim that Lady Catherine approves of Elizabeth because she likes rudeness and thinks Darcy needs a humorous wife irritates me further because the marriage of Elizabeth and Darcy is revolutionary since it was made in defiance of societal rules!!! Why, why, why in the name of comedy did they have to do this?!
Darcy kisses Elizabeth (in a stagey and melodramatic way) after she accepts his second proposal. Seems a bit uncharacteristic of him.
All the sisters get married at the end. Happily ever after.
This movie certainly was not aiming for faithfulness to Austen's novel; it ignores her detailed portrait of Regency era society and its attitudes and focuses on the "light, bright, and sparkling" aspect of Pride and Prejudice that gives the story its timeless appeal.
All in all, this comedy of manners is definitely a classic thanks to the clever dialogue and jokes within the script, along with some great acting.
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americasass91 · 4 years
Last Kiss
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Hello lovelies!! I’m back with my second submission to @drabblewithfrannybarnes​ awesome Autumn challenge! This one once again stars Ransom! It’s not as smutty as I usually do(I know, what’s wrong with me?). There’s also a quote from Grey’s Anatomy in here. Every time I hear it, I get chills. Also there are flashbacks and those will be in italics. Thank you for reading! I hope you enjoy!!
Verbal Prompts:
“I love you, Jerkface.”
“It’s all just a bunch of Hocus Pocus
Location/Activity Prompts:
Fall Festival
Walking through a park with leaves
Rating: Explicit(Maybe Mature?)
Warnings: Angst, Ransom being an asshole, some smut, language
September 22nd, 2019. Today was the first official day of Fall. It used to be your favorite time of the year. Nothing made you happier than the colder weather, the leaves changing colors, and of course Halloween.
That was all tainted now by memories of him.
It was all your fault really. Your friends told you not to get involved with him. Told you it would end in nothing but heartbreak. You really wished you would’ve listened to them. It would have definitely saved you a lot of heartache.
You can’t believe you wasted 3 years of your life with him. 3 years you would never get back. The only good thing about any of it is the lessons you learned from the failed relationship.
They say it takes 2 people to make a relationship fail. You don’t think that’s the case this time. You were totally and 100% devoted to him and making it work. You thought he was as well. You thought wrong.
September 3rd, 2015
You really hated going to the clubs. Why go out when you could be on your couch huddled under a plethora of blankets and binge watching your newest obsession, Schitt’s Creek?
But, unfortunately you had promised your friends you would stop being a hermit and rejoin society for the evening.
So you put on some black leggings, a long burgundy sweater, and some black ankle boots and head to your friends. You decided to walk since it was only a couple of blocks from your apartment.
The smile couldn’t leave your face if you wanted it to on your little walk. The air was chilly, Fall was definitely almost here. Boston was the most beautiful place during Fall. You couldn’t wait for the hayrides, getting lost in a corn maze, and delicious hot apple cider.
You finally reach the club and head inside to find your friends. It takes you no time at all to spot them at a table near the back. You head to the bar to order a drink before heading to your girls.
It’s crowded tonight so you find the only open spot and squeeze your way through and attempt to flag down the busy bartender.
After a few minutes of failed attempts you decide to sit on the stool and patiently wait until he comes over to you.
“Having trouble getting his attention, sweetheart?”
You turn your head to the left and you momentarily forget how to speak. This man attempting to start a conversation with you is beautiful. You’d say handsome but that’s not nearly good enough. He has amazing blue eyes that you feel yourself getting lost in. He chuckles when he realizes the effect he has on you. It shakes you out of your trance.
“Sorry, my brain quit working there for a minute. Yes, I can’t seem to get his attention.”
He smiles and takes a sip of what you assume is whiskey in his glass. He gives you a quick wink before turning his attention to the bartender. “Hey, Earl! This gorgeous lady here would like a drink.”
You blush furiously. He just called you gorgeous. When he looks like the walking version of Adonis.
Earl comes right over. “Sorry dear. Super busy tonight. What can I get for you?”
Still being in a Fall mood you decide on an Angry Orchard.
He nods and goes to get it for you.
“I never would have pegged you as a hard cider girl.” The beautiful mystery man says as he not-so-discreetly checks you out.
“I guess I’m full of surprises. Thanks though for getting his attention. Are you guys friends? He came over here right away.”
“Nah, I just spend a lot of money here so he never makes me wait. I guess you could say I’m at the top of his priority list.” He gives you a heart stopping smile when Earl comes back over and sets your Cider in front of you.
“That’ll be 4.50 hun.”
As you’re reaching for your wallet, the mysterious man speaks up again. “Put it on my tab Earl. In fact, put whatever else she drinks tonight on my tab, too.”
Earl nods and goes to tend to one of the many other patrons. You look wide eyed over at the stranger. “Thank you but I can’t let you do that. You don’t even know me.”
“Well let’s remedy that shall we? I’m Ransom.” He holds out his hand to you.
You gladly shake it. “Y/N. What are these drinks going to cost me, Ransom?”
He releases your hand as he smirks at you. “Well gorgeous, what will it get me?”
You put your finger to your chin and ponder for a moment. “Hmmm. Well I guess you could take me out on a date.”
He grins even wider. “Done. How about next Friday night? Say 7? We could meet here?”
“Perfect. I’ll see you then, handsome-I mean, Ransom.” You wink as you grab your drink and head over to your friends.
“Geez took you long enough!” Jessica exclaims as you sit beside her.
“Sorry! I was in the middle of staring at the hottest man I’ve ever seen. And I must have charmed him because I have a date next Friday!”
Your 3 friends look towards the bar. “Okay, which lucky guy is it babe?” Rachel wants to know as she looks back at you.
“That one, in the blue sweater. His name is Ransom.” You point discreetly towards him.
Jessica looks at you with wide eyes. “No, Y/N! You can’t go out with him! He’s an asshole! Like I’m talking major asshole. He changes girlfriends like he changes underwear! Go cancel it.”
“Yeah, I’ve heard nothing but horrible things, Y/N. Save yourself the heartbreak and go end it now.” Rachel agrees with Jessica.
You can’t believe them. The first date you’ve had in god knows how long and they are both trying to shut you down. You turn towards Sophie, who has remained unusually quiet. “Well what about you, Soph? What’s your opinion?”
She glances over at him. “Look, I’ve also heard he’s an asshole but I also heard he’s phenomenal in bed so what’s wrong with her getting some?” She then directs her gaze at Jess and Rachel.
“Nothing is wrong with that at all! We just know how she gets. She can’t just sleep with him and then be done. That’s not her. She’ll catch feelings. Like always.”
You glare over at Jessica. “First of all stop talking about me like I’m not even here! And yes I know I’ve managed to catch feelings in the past but for Christ’s sake it’s just a date! It’s not like I accepted a marriage proposal. Who said I’d even want to see him again after Friday?”
You regret more than anything not canceling that date.
October 27th, 2015
By now you were on your 10th date with Ransom. You had suggested a horror movie marathon at your place which he graciously accepted. You were still trying to find the asshole part of him. He’s been nothing but amazing to you so far.
You answer the door as soon as you hear him knocking. He greets you with a huge smile and a bag of snacks. “Hi, gorgeous.” He drops the bag and pulls you in for a searing kiss. This is as far as you two had gone and you were hoping to change that tonight.
You smile as you break from the kiss. “What movie do you want to start with first?”
He picks up the bag and hands it to you as he heads into the living room. “Why not start with a classic? Halloween.” He picks it up and heads to put it in the DVD player.
“Perfect! I’ll go get the drinks and snacks.”
After grabbing a couple of beers and some popcorn you head back in to find Ransom all comfy on your couch. He smiles and opens his arms for you. You happily oblige and get settled in them before pressing play.
You make it til almost the end before the kissing starts. Which leads to you straddling him. Which then leads to grinding down on his growing erection.
He groans and pulls out of the kiss. “Should we take this to your bedroom, gorgeous?”
You nod enthusiastically and lead him to it.
Well Sophie was definitely right about one thing, he was phenomenal in bed.
November 15th, 2015
You’ve officially been dating Ransom for about 2 months now. And you couldn’t be happier.
You were currently in the throes of passion and tangled up in the sheets with Ransom buried deep inside of you.
“Come on, gorgeous. Move those hips faster. You’re the one that wanted to be on top.” He smacks your ass and grabs onto your hips.
You place your hands on his chest and move as fast as your body will allow. “I’m going as fast as I can, Ran. You could help you know.”
He smirks as he sits up and starts meeting your thrusts. He grabs onto your hips and starts basically moving them for you. All you can do is wrap your arms around his neck and hang on for the ride. You know you’re about to fall over the edge.
“God damn, gorgeous. I can feel you squeezing me tight. Come on, come for me. Make a mess all over this big cock.” He moves one hand and starts rubbing your clit in hard circles. That’s all you needed. You come with a scream of his name. Your release triggers his. He whispers your name as he spills inside of you. He thrusts into you a few more times before he stills and pulls you in for a hug.
After a few minutes both of your breathing comes back to normal. He pulls back a little and tucks some hair behind your ear. He cups your face and runs his thumb over your cheek. He pulls you in for a breathtaking kiss. So different from the heated ones you were sharing not even 2 minutes ago. He pulls away and looks at you with what you can only describe as love in his eyes.
“I love you, Y/N. I know it’s only been 2 months but, I do.”
A smile breaks out across your face. “Thank god you said it. I’ve been wanting to say it for weeks now!”
He gets the biggest smile on his face. “You have not! You’re just saying that because I was brave enough to say it first you chicken!” He says teasingly as he starts peppering kisses over your neck, causing you to giggle.
You gasp, pretending to be offended. “Chicken? Excuse you, I am no chicken. I just didn’t want to scare you away!”
He starts poking right under your ribs, knowing how ticklish you are. “You couldn’t scare me away even if you tried, chicken.”
You try to pull out of his grasp but he holds you even tighter. He pulls you back in for another toe curling kiss.
You pull enough away so that you can tell him, “I love you, Jerkface.”
He throws his head back in laughter. “I love you, too, gorgeous girl.”
September 1st, 2016
You were wrapped up in Ransom’s arms and listening to the sound of the rain hitting the windows. You both decided today was a great day to stay in bed and do nothing. You had recently moved in with Ransom and so far things had been amazing. Sure you had the occasional spat but the make-up sex was always fantastic. Sometimes you think he starts them on purpose.
You were almost asleep when you heard Ransom say something. You gaze sleepily up at him. “I’m sorry Ran, I didn’t hear you. What was that?”
He continues running his hand through your hair as he smiles down at you. “I asked if you wanted to go to the Fall Festival when it’s up and running? I know it’s your favorite thing.”
You sit up a little and look down at him. “Ransom, you hate the Fall Festival. You wouldn’t go with me last year.”
“Yeah, well I want to take you this year. I even promise to enjoy myself. Please?”
Well how could you say no to that?
“Okay, fine. You’ve pulled my leg.”
October 21st, 2016
As soon as Ransom pulled into the festival you started squealing with excitement. He couldn’t help but laugh at your eagerness, almost feeling it himself. Nervous, but eager nonetheless.
You both get out of the car and head towards the gate. “What do you want to do first, Ransom?”
He pretends to ponder it for a moment. “How about we get you some cider and then go for a hayride?”
You beam up at him. “Perfect!”
You can’t help but notice as you’re in line for the hayride how weird Ransom is acting.
“You okay, babe? You’ve been acting off all day.”
He looks down at you. “Uh, yeah. Fine. Just a lot on my mind. Nothing for you to worry about.”
You furrow your brows. “Are you sure? You know you can talk to me about anything.”
Before he has a chance to reply, you’re being called for the next hayride.
You’re relaxing against Ransom and enjoying the beautiful view when he clears his throat. You give him a questioning look.
“Y/N. I know we haven’t been together terribly long and have only been living together for a few months but”...he reaches into his brown coat pocket and pulls out a small box. You gasp and put your hand over your mouth... “You have really changed my life for the better. You make me so happy and I just want to do the same for you. So with that being said”...He opens the box and reveals a beautiful diamond ring...“Will you marry me?”
You can’t even speak. You have tears pouring down your face. You are beyond happy. You furiously nod your head and throw your arms around his neck. He reciprocates the hug and wraps his arms around you. You hear clapping coming from the other people on the hayride.
He pulls away from you and grabs your left hand. He places the diamond on your finger. “Thank you gorgeous girl.”
“Thank you for what?”
“Making me the happiest I think I’ve ever been.”
“Is this why you wanted to bring me to the festival?”
He looks away sheepishly. “Well, yeah. What better way to propose to a girl who loves Fall than on a hayride?”
You smile and give him a kiss. “You know we’re having a Fall wedding right?”
He chuckles. “I wouldn’t expect anything different. But can we be engaged for a while? Just enjoy it before the headache of wedding planning takes over?”
“Fine with me, handsome.”
September 15th, 2018
With the wedding only a little over a month away, you were super busy. Not only did you have work but now you had to plan a wedding too.
Ransom didn’t help with it. He said he wanted you to do what you wanted and he’d be happy.
Well easier said than done. Of course your girls helped you out. After they got over the initial shock of Ransom proposing, they were on board for a Fall wedding and you couldn’t have gotten the planning done without them.
The stress of the wedding has really been taking its toll on you and Ransom. You guys have been fighting a lot more recently. You’ve actually taken your ring off a few times and threw it at him, claiming you could never marry a child like him. Of course that always blew over in a few hours and he would slide the ring right back on as he fucked you against the nearest surface.
You guys haven’t had much time together lately what with you working and wedding planning. You were in some desperate need of Ransom.
You decided to leave work at noon today to surprise him.
On your way home you stopped by his favorite sandwich shop to pick up lunch and even stopped by a bakery for some cookies. Pumpkin chocolate chip. His favorite.
You smile when you see his Beemer in the driveway. You couldn’t wait to see him. And let’s be real, fuck him.
Your smile falters however as you’re unlocking the door. You hear some odd noises coming from the kitchen.
You turn the corner and stop dead in your tracks. You drop everything in your hands to the floor. There was your fiancé, with some girl bent over the kitchen counter, fucking into her without abandon.
He looks over at the noise and notices the food spilled all over the floor. He moves his gaze up your body and reaches your tear-filled eyes. He holds out his finger to you, asking you to hold on a minute.
Your jaw drops. Not only is he fucking some bitch against YOUR kitchen counter, he has the audacity to tell you to wait?
He turns his attention back to the whore in front of him and picks up his pace a little. You can’t stand there any longer. You head upstairs to your shared bedroom and start looking for your suitcase. You find it buried in the closet and throw it opened onto the bed. You start throwing clothes into it, not even bothering to fold anything. You are trying your hardest not to let the tears fall. You couldn’t let him see you cry.
A few minutes later you hear him come into the room. “Y/N, what do you think you’re doing?”
You stop rummaging through your underwear drawer and turn towards him. He’s standing at the doorway looking shocked that you’re packing. “Excuse me, shouldn’t I have asked you that question when I walked in and found you fucking some random girl in our kitchen?”
He rolls his eyes as he walks in the room and starts taking your clothes out of the suitcase. “Would you calm down? It’s not like you’ve been willing lately. Had to find somebody else to take care of my needs.”
He was saying this like it was no big deal. You couldn’t believe it. Sure you’d been stressed and tired lately and had turned down a couple advances from him. But you had sex only 2 weeks ago so it hasn’t even been that long. You started yelling. “It’s been 2 weeks Ransom! Not 2 years! I’m sorry I’ve been busy working and planning our wedding alone!”
He once again rolls his eyes as he crosses his arms. You start throwing your clothes back in the suitcase. “You’re not leaving. It’s your fault I had to go find some slut to get off. You’ve been turning me down and acting like a real bitch lately. What did you expect me to do?”
You close your suitcase and zip it up. You look at him, the tears trying desperately to fall down your face. “I expected you to be faithful to me no matter what. But I guess that was asking too much.”
You brush past him and head down the stairs. You can hear him stomping behind you. “So that’s it? You find me fucking someone else and you’re done? What about all the others, huh?”
You stop dead in the hallway and turn around. “How many others have there been Ransom? Have you been faithful to me at all?”
He comes over and puts his hands on your shoulders. “I don’t think it really matters how many others. Haven’t I been nothing but good to you? What’s it matter if I fuck someone else from time to time?”
You shrug out of his grasp. “You just don’t get it do you? Am I not enough for you? Before this wedding planning we were having sex everyday! What more could you want?”
He puts his hands on his hips. “No, sometimes you’re not enough Y/N. Sometimes I want something different. But that doesn’t mean I don’t still love you.” That did it. The tears started falling. You weren’t enough, apparently you’ve never been enough.
“I deserve someone who thinks I am enough, Ransom. You were always more than enough for me. I guess I was asking too much for the same in return. Now you can go fuck anyone you want. Don’t let me stand in your way.”
You turn to leave and feel him grab your arm. He makes you drop your suitcase and spins you around. He wraps his arms around your waist and pulls you in for a kiss. The tears are really falling now. You realize this will be the last time you kiss Ransom Drysdale so you indulge yourself a little and kiss him back. You wrap your arms around his neck and thread your fingers through his hair. He tries to push you back against the wall, that’s when you come back to reality.
You pull away from him and step back. “No, Ransom. You can’t just kiss me and make this better. Nothing is going to make this better. I’m done.”
“Then why the fuck did you kiss me back?”
You pick up your suitcase off the floor. “I guess I just wanted a last kiss from you.”
You turn to leave when he yells at you. “You could at least have the decency to give me back the fucking ring I spent 50 grand on!”
That struck a nerve. You drop your suitcase by the door. “You want it back? Fine!”
You head into the kitchen and remove the ring from your finger. You take a moment to look at it one more time. It really was beautiful.
You hear Ransom come into the kitchen. “Y/N, what are you doing? Give it to me!”
You chuck the ring down the sink drain and flip the switch for the disposal. You turn around to leave and see Ransom standing there with his mouth hanging open. “You fucking bitch! I was going to return that to get my money back!”
You don’t even respond. You just head towards the door and grab your suitcase and don’t look back.
January 20th, 2019
Your friends allowed you to cry over Ransom for only a few months before they came to your apartment and did an intervention. You had only been leaving for work and groceries. Listening to Taylor Swift’s song, Last Kiss, on repeat.
You were thankful for them. Not once did any of your friends say I told you so. But they did all threaten to castrate him.
They also told you that the best way to get over someone was to get under someone else. So you did, a few times.
You decided that tonight was another great night to take someone home. You were hoping it would be this guy at the bar you've been staring at for the past hour.
You decide to just go for it. You ask your friends if you look okay before you start your way towards him. Unfortunately you were stopped about halfway there. By none other than Ransom.
“Well, look who we have here. Y/N, nice to see you.”
You knew this moment would come eventually. You’d been practicing what you were going to say to him. “Hugh, wish I could say the same.”
“Hugh? Ouch. I remember a time when you were moaning Ransom, sweetheart.”
“Yeah well you did a good job to make sure that wouldn’t happen again.”
“Who says it couldn’t? I wouldn’t mind taking you home tonight.” He runs a finger down your arm.
“Ugh, pass.” You start to walk past him. But of course he wasn’t done running his mouth.
“Oh, so you can whore around town and fuck random strangers but you won’t go to bed with me?”
You whip around and glare at him. “What did you just say to me?”
He crosses his arms over his chest and smirks at you. “Yeah, I heard you’ve been sleeping around. Turning into a little whore. I’m proud.”
You walk up and slap him hard across the face. Everyone in the bar has stopped to stare at the two of you. “You don’t get to call me a whore. I’m sorry that I thought you were going to be the person I spent the rest of my life with. You were it for me, Hugh. But you had to go and fuck someone else. So yes, I slept with a few people to try and forget you. I make no apologies for how I chose to repair what you broke. If anything, you’re the whore.”
He stands there, mouth agape, with his hand over his cheek where you had slapped him.
You don’t even give him time to say anything. You head back over to your friends. They all high five you and tell you how amazing you had been.
Ransom feels all eyes on him and decides it’s probably best if he leaves.
🍁🍁🍁🍁🍁🍁🍁🍁🍁🍁🍁🍁🍁🍁🍁🍁🍁🍁🍁🍁🍁🍁🍁🍁🍁🍁 September 22nd, 2019(Current day)
Since Ransom ruined Fall for you last year, you decided to enjoy every second of it this year. Your goal for the day was to take a nice long walk in the park and then go to dinner with your girls tonight.
You get dressed in a pair of black leggings and a grey sweatshirt that says ‘It’s just a bunch of Hocus Pocus’ from your favorite movie ever.
You put on your tennis shoes and grab your keys and a 5 from your wallet and head out.
You moved to New York a few months ago for a new job. You love it here. And so far Fall is just as beautiful here as it was in Boston. The only downside was you missed your friends. That’s why you were so excited for dinner tonight. They were coming in just to see you. Okay and to shop.
You gasp as you enter the park. The leaves are just beautiful. Orange, yellow, and red as far as the eye can see. You can’t help but smile. You just know this Fall will be better than last year was. You just have a feeling.
You spot a cart selling hot apple cider. You remove the 5 from the pocket in your leggings and stand in line. You thank the man who hands it to you and tell him to keep the change. Nothing is going to ruin your mood today.
You start leisurely strolling down a random path and just enjoy the crisp autumn air. There’s a chill to it today and you absolutely love it. You take a sip of your cider. It’s perfect.
You look to your left and see children laughing and jumping into piles of leaves. That was your favorite activity when you were a kid. You smile and go to take another sip of your cider. But before it reaches your mouth, it’s knocked from your grasp. Something has hit you from behind. You start to fall forward and reach your hands out to brace yourself. But then you feel a pair of hands grab your waist.
You hear a deep voice behind you. “Oh my god! Are you okay? I’m so sorry! I was trying to change a song on this stupid IPod and didn’t see you!.”
You turn around and get ready to give whoever ran into you a piece of your mind. But you’re stopped cold. There's a pair of beautiful blue eyes looking back at you. You quickly shake your head and move your gaze over his face. He looked almost familiar. Almost like Ransom. But more handsome if that was possible. He had the same blue eyes but instead of brown he had a gorgeous head of blonde hair.
Once you realize he’s still holding onto you and you’re staring at him like a creeper,  you take a step back and clear your throat. “Oh, it’s okay. No blood, no foul.”
He smiles at you as he gives you a once over. “You sure? I didn’t injure you did I?”
You return his smile. “Not at all.” You hold your hand out. “I’m Y/N. Nice to meet you.”
He shakes your hand. “Steve, nice to meet you too.” His gaze lowers to your shirt. “You like Hocus Pocus, too?”
You reluctantly release his hand. “Like it? It’s only my favorite movie.”
“One of mine too! Autumn is actually my favorite time of the year.”
You smile widely. “Me too! It’s the best!”
His gaze then falls to the ground behind you. “Oh, did I make you spill your cider? Please let me buy you another one. I know how important hot cider can be on a chilly day.” He holds out his arm for you to take.
You loop your arm through his. “Are you sure? You really don’t have to.”
He starts walking in the direction of the cider cart. “Of course I do. Besides it gives me an excuse to keep talking to the beautiful girl I almost ran over.”
You look down and blush. You knew this Fall was going to be better. You just felt it.
Every Cevans character tag list: @stargazingfangirl18​
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suburbanbeatnik · 4 years
The short and very miserable life of Napoleon II, aka the Eaglet, aka Franz, Duke of Reichstadt: PART THREE
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So there’s a lot of controversy over the exact nature of Franz and Sophie’s friendship. At the time, it was was rumored they became lovers. Satirical prints of the two were even published. But I’ve browsed a few recent-ish books about the Habsburgs, and they don’t seem to think the idea of a Franz/Sophie affair holds a lot of water. However, Aubry thinks it’s possible— even probable.
He took refuge in his tenderness for his young aunt, Sophie. She was still the woman whom he preferred. Perhaps she was his only love, the one to whom he owed his first embrace and the one who best satisfied him. She had been at first nothing but an elder sister. In his empty boyhood she had given him the only warmth of friendship he had known. Become a man he had asked for more, and Sophie consented, it is said.
They saw each other everyday at the Hofburg, in the little salon belonging to the Archduchess. It was always towards evening when he was tired from his work or his horseback rides and she relaxed from duties of the court. Oftentimes they would be alone, and they would take their tea by lamplight, reading aloud or talking over the happenings of the day. Reichstadt gave Sophie his full confidence. She knew his anxieties and his bitternesses and she gave him back his courage. She would place her fingers on his forehead, and stoke his hair, which shone like silk in the dim light. He would look back at her with quiet happiness, and she would smile back at him as she sat there in a low-cut gown, the coils of her hair caught up in a veil of white lace, and around her throat a ribbon of black velvet with a pendant, which was a miniature of her father, King Maximilian of Bavaria. [Aubry pg 215]
Aubry paints a compelling picture of Sophie’s restless, clear-eyed youth, intelligence, strong will, and free, simple, natural ways, which stood out like a star against the stultifying pomposity of the Habsburg court. Not surprisingly, she hated her husband, a coarse blockhead mainly obsessed with hunting. She spent every hour she could with Franz, driving in the Prater, breakfasting together, or walking in the garden, often accompanied by Sophie’s son Franz Joseph (Sissi’s future husband). Like his father, Franz loved children and was great with them. Add his intelligence, passion, and incredible good looks, I would not blame Sophie one bit if she’d had an affair with Franz.
Aubry also points out that at Schoenbrunn, Franz’s quarters were directly above Sophie’s, and connected through “a little staircase unknown to any chamberlain.” They also spent many afternoons completely alone.
They would venture through the Tyrolian garden to the limits of the vast wooded park and on out into that smiling countryside where vineclad hills gently rise above meadows, patches of woods and cultivated fields. There they spent the most beautiful hours in their lives, talking less of the future and of glory, we may be sure, than of the present and of love. No definite information as to these meetings have survived. All that is known from authentic documents is that they were frequent in the summer of 1831. Nor is there any trace, either, in spite of careful searches, of a correspondence between Reichstadt and Sophie. The Archduchess died at an advanced age, after a checkered career. She must have taken care to leave nothing behind her. The archives of the Hofburg show only the mother, and the princess interested in questions of State. [Aubry pg 217]
Aubry then considers the contention that Sophie’s son Maximilian was actually fathered by Franz. Aubry thinks it’s at least possible, but I don’t think it is. Just look at pictures of the guy— he’s 100% Habsburg. He looks exactly like Franz Karl. The Bonaparte seed is strong; if Napoleon was Maximilian’s grandfather, you’d be able to see it somewhere. But you can’t.
Anyway, after the golden summer of 1831— probably the second happiest period of Franz’s life, after his childhood—it was all downhill from there. Very, very downhill.  
Franz’s lung issues came back with a vengeance. It didn’t help his main doctor at this point was a foppish Italian obsessed with liver ailments— he thought all of Franz’s problems stemmed from— what else?— the liver. That winter Franz became major of an infantry regiment stationed in Vienna, and distinguished himself drilling his men to perfection. Which is kind of sad, really; but that’s all he was allowed to do, be a parade-ground soldier who never got his uniform dirty. He ate little, and slept less, so eager to show that he could be a real soldier, like his father. His health plummeted, and he contracted a catarrhal fever.  The Imperial family gathered around Franz— except for Marie Louise, who was too busy back with her little court at Parma, “nibbling bonbons at the Opera.” Of course she protested her “cruel anxiety” about Franz’s welfare, but she wasn’t about to go anywhere. After all, she couldn’t think of endangering her own “precious health” journeying to Vienna.
Reichstadt must have felt the desertion keenly, but he voiced no bitterness. He had grown accustomed to suffering in silence, and those who forgot him, he tried to forget. [Aubry pg. 224.]
So, once again, Marie Louise disappointed her son. But Franz had Sophie; and he also had Prokesch back, who had happily returned after Metternich forced him to go to Bologna (Metternich didn’t trust Prokesch, and did his best to keep the two friends apart). The two men now knew the full stranglehold that Metternich had on the monarchy. Franz would not even be able to take a single trip away, not even for his health. It was do or die.
The two concocted a plan, and it was a decent one. Once he’d recovered, at winter in Vienna, he would be able to slip away from the secret police, as he had when romancing Naudine Karolyi. “He and Prokesch would reach Styria or the Tyrol in disguise and from there, taking advantage of connections which the major would try to establish in a preliminary reconnoissance, they would reach the Papal States where the Duke would ask asylum of the Pope.” Letizia Bonaparte and Lucien, who lived there comfortably, the Pope deferring to them, had money and connections. “Sheltered by the head of the Church and his grandmother, on a soil not only neutral but sacred, he would be free to complete his novitiate for the throne. Prokesch foresaw that it would be not a very long one. He predicted the fall of Louis-Phillippe in two or three years at most, and after a period of anarchy, the return of Napoleon II by agreement between France and the Powers.” [Aubry pg 232]
Alas! Metternich caught wind of the scheme, and banished Prokesch to Rome in January of 1832. What a blow this was! But the major agreed he could use the circumstances to do the agreed reconnoissance and meet in secret with Madame Mère. The two men parted with great emotion.
But this is the last time they would ever see each other. By the next summer, Franz would be dead.
* * *
After the departure of one of his only friends in the world, depression overwhelmed Franz again. It didn’t help when he received a letter from Napoleon’s last valet, Marchand, who had been trying for years to contact Franz about a few items of “sentimental value” that Napoleon had left for his son. But there was a note from Metternich on the letter, that briskly said “no attention could be paid to Marchand’s request.”
And that was it. Franz knew had no recourse. He wouldn’t even be able to get his father’s coffee service. How petty, how disgusting, how mean Metternich was! Napoleon had been dead for over a decade; why couldn’t he have one single sentimental item left to him in his will? Was it that important? That much of a matter of importance to the State, to the bloody Holy Alliance, that he couldn’t hold the same coffee cup that his father held?
And bitterness ate away at him. He was only 21, but he felt so old. He hated humanity. He hated himself. He wondered why he was still alive. Perhaps he would have been better off if he had died as a child. He had expected so much of the future— but there was nothing but the coldness and emptiness of an eternal prison.  
Despair ate at him like a worm. And he grew sick. And sicker. He coughed and sweated and grew weaker by the day. His doctor’s liver medicines did nothing, and then bleeding did less, and Metternich kept refusing to see Franz moved to a warmer climate.
The Chancellor was pleased by the turn of events, of course.  “He sent world to all the embassies, and Marshal Maison was asked to inform his government, that ‘the condition of the Duke of Reichstadt was so serious that his mother has been informed.’” [Aubry pg 244]
A pregnant Sophie, at last returned from her tour of Hungary, did her best to nurse him. “She sat down at his bedside and hushed him whenever he tried to speak. She would read aloud to him and it was she thereafter who gave him his medicines and guarded his door from any importunate intrusion.” [Aubry pg 245]
Franz still worsened. The Emperor was not present; he was detained in Trieste, and when he returned to Austria, he avoided Vienna, staying at the summer castle of Persenbeug, along with the “ninny” Ferdinand and the blockhead Franz Karl, while Francis’s wife claimed that seeing his dying grandson would have a deleterious effect on his health. Count Dietrichstein also decided to leave, on the excuse of his daughter’s confinement. Aubry says:
He must have known that Reichstadt was lost. Could he just have been an indifferent soul underneath his courtesy and his outward expressions of affectionate anxiety? He may have been. Count Maurice Dietrichstein was born a sensitive man and an artist, but life at Court had dried him up, undoubtedly leaving him in the end with the heart of a chamberlain. He forgot his former pupil at his daughter’s bedside and allowed him to die without a word of friendship. [Aubry pg 250]
For Franz, it was a slow, agonizing death march, punctuated by an an abcess in his lungs rupturing— and a final communion taken with Sophie at his side, in what Aubry compares to a “mystic marriage.” Louise arrived at last, after dithering over her departure, claiming “slight indispositions” as a reason for not leaving sooner, and then coming to Vienna via “easy stages” over the course of a fortnight. Of course, when she saw how badly off her son was, emaciated and hacking up blood, she began to cry.
There with that spectre of the hollow eyes before her she may perhaps have understood at last the true identity of that youth whom she had neglected for two years, and how guilty she had been all along toward him. She alone could have protected her child against Metternich’s policy and against himself. She could have saved him from those years of moral anguish and that tragic solitude which had ruined his health sooner and even more than any disease. That in her weakness she had lost him a throne might be excused, but however cowardly as an Empress, she might have shown herself a good mother. Vienna was her true place but she had preferred Parma with its ease, deserting the son of the greatest man in her age to sate her voluptuousness in the arms of her lover, nibble bonbons and preside over well-served dinners. [Aubry pgs 252-252]
Of course, Metternich made sure to look in on Franz while he was dying.
Through a half-open door however the Chancellor was allowed to see the patient in his bed. He gazed for a moment, then turned and walked away without a tremor, without a word of sympathy for the mother and doubtless without any remorse. [Aubry pg 255]
Franz knew he would die. “Must I end so young,” he said, “A life that is useless and without a name? Ma naissance et ma mort, voilà toute mon histoire. Entre mon berceau et ma tombe, il y a un grand zéro.” He did not quite say that on his deathbed, but it was close. Very, very close.
It took monumental efforts to keep Franz alive at this point. He was a barely breathing corpse. He could not swallow food; his throat had swollen up; his coughing seem to tear his body apart; and he could barely sup barley-water and milk. He had even been given mother’s milk at one point. His legs were swollen, and he was cold as ice. Deprived of his dearest friend Prokesch, who was meeting with Letizia and Lucien in Rome, his fellow captains in his regiment stood by his bedside.
The end came on the morning of July 21st— a thunderstorm brewed in the air, the air damp and thick and charged. He cried out— “death! I want nothing but death!” — and then— “Harness the horses! I must go to meet my father! I must embrace him once more!”
Then he whispered: “How I am suffering! When will this sad existence end?” [Aubry pg 260]
At last, he called, gasping, sweating, for his mother. (Sophie, still recovering from childbirth, was left to sleep, something which she never forgot.) Louise was brought in at the last minute, and managed to faint dead away in the middle of the room, completely prostrate on the floor. I’m imagining the priest having to step over her for his last rites, but apparently she managed to get to her knees by the bed just in time for Franz to look at her. That, one instant, and then he stopped breathing altogether.
Franz’s grandfather, back in Persenbeug, away from any inconveniently dead grandsons, called Franz’s death a possible blessing for Europe.  
As for Sophie, once the news was broken “delicately” to her…
…she lost consciousness for several hours and the attack was followed by a high fever. Her milk dried up. For several days her life was despaired of. She gradually recovered. Those who knew her thereafter no longer found the gay and simple Archduchess. All the gentleness seemed to have left her. There was a sting in everything she said. The truth was that her youth had died with Reichstadt. She was to have intrigues, love affairs, ambitions, cares of State. But she had changed in spirit, or rather she had attained in a few days the mood of her maturity, with, in her heart’s depth, a regret and a bitterness which would endure until her death, five years after the disaster of her son Maximilian. [Aubry pg 265]
* * *
And so ends my recap of Aubry’s King of Rome. Ugh, this could have been more depressing!? Anyway, I’ll write an epilogue soon explaining what happened to everyone after Franz’s death.  
Part One
Part Two 
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handmaid - 02
PAIRING: mob!sebastian stan x ingenue!reader
WARNINGS: age gap
A/N: you guys have been so extremely sweet with this new work i don’t even know how to thank you!! thank you so so much for supporting my writing, it always makes my day. i hope you enjoy xx
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Y/N was laying in her new room right stuck in between the guest and Gwen’s bedroom. It was a rather bleak room if she was being honest. The walls were all white in exception to one of them that like the entrance was covered in floor to ceiling windows. There was little to no furniture in exception for a king sized bed, a white chest of drawers and a wall embedded wardrobe where she had put most of her clothes already. 
She wondered why a man of such income would like to be surrounded by such bleak colours. From what she had noticed his whole place was decorated in shades of grey and black with the occasional beige and white. Sure, it looked lovely, sleek even, something worth of being in the cover of an architectural magazine, but it wasn’t a home. A home had warmth, lived in sheets, walls and floors, this house however was ... was ghosted, almost as if no one lived in it. 
Rolling onto the comfortable white sheets, she took the contract into her hands, looking at the lettering on the cover itself. Y/N fully understood why he wanted all his employees to have a binding legal document, what she didn’t expect was to see the first line constricted her breathing. “The individual agrees not to follow any legal action against the employer in any circumstance”, it read. This was definitely not what was she expecting. 
     - Y/N? - she shoved the contract under her sheets as Gwen’s voice sounded through the room, her head peaking through the opening of the door. - What are you up to?
    - Not much. How are you? Do you enjoy the new room? - Sebastian had put her in a different room from his, something she had expected but still found odd. They were to be married after all and despite it all being a business move and transaction, it was still a valid marriage. However, none of them seemed to eager to at least try and create some chemistry. 
    - Boring. I need a favour, though. Please and when you decide remember you’re my oldest and best friend since we were babies. - Y/N knew that face and she did not like it. It was the same face that got them both stranded in the Carribean because she just needed to get to know some guy from the opposite terminal before catching the plane. However, she also knew Gwen to be a great driving force of making her do things she didn’t exactly want to do, so she decided to nod her head yes, already overwhelmed with the move and the contract. - I need to head out for a few minutes, could you cover for me?
     - What ... where are you going? 
     - I have a date. - she cheekily entered the room, closing the door behind her after checking if someone was in the hall. The redhead sat in front of her, a childish grin on her face as if she were in high school going out with the captain of the football team. - And he’s really sweet.
     - Gwen, you’re engaged. - the big sapphire in her left hand’s third finger was all she could look at. Of course Y/N wanted to be happy for Gwen, she really did and she really shouldn’t put too much effort in the thought that she was going to get married, after all it was just a strategy, but her mind was screaming at her that it wasn’t right. - Don’t you wanna at least give it a go before you completely give up?
     - No, I wanna go out with Chuck. - she took her engagement ring off, placing it on Y/N’s white sheets. - Please cover for me, please.
     - What if Sebastian notices you’re gone?
    -  He won’t because you’ll cover for me, besides, he probably won’t even leave his office. Please, Y/N? - Y/N sighed. What was the use of saying no if she was gonna leave any other way? Besides, if she were right and Sebastian didn’t leave his office, it should be alright. Losing whatever piece of resolve she has in her, she let out a soft smile, nodding her head yes which led the redhead to hug her with a death like grip. - It’ll one be for a few hours. I owe you one.
     -  I’m pretty sure you’ve own me one since we were one. - Gwen let out a celebratory chuckle before grabbing her bag and leaving Y/N on her own once again. 
The whole house was constantly silent, almost as if all the employees were scared of making a sound which when it came to the demanding presence of their boss, she wondered if that was the case. The only disruption of silence that could be heard was the soft rain against the windows which was enough to lull her to sleep. She would’ve possibly remained asleep if it hadn’t been for a slight knock interrupting her slumber. She took her head off her pillow, confused as if she had slept for so long, Gwen had returned. Another knock made her get from the bed, sleep still in her eyes as she opened the door to come face to face with one of the dressed up employees. 
    - Miss Y/N, dinner is served.
    - Just Y/N please. 
    - I believe it would be more of Miss Forrest’s comfort if you were to inform her dinner is ready. 
    - Oh ... Miss Forrest ... she’s, she’s not feeling very well. 
    - Should we call a doctor?
    - No, it’s just ... you know, that time of the month. - Y/N had the most nervous smile on her face, but as the man heard that specific term, he scrunched his face for a few seconds before returning to his normal formal and stoic posture. Maybe she had gotten away with it. - I don’t think she’ll want any dinner.
    - Oh, alright, would you still like to have dinner, Miss Y/N? - he questioned. She was rather hungry, after all, all she had before coming in was dinner and after sleeping she always awake up feeling like snacking, therefore dinner sounded like a good idea. 
She followed the man into the kitchen that similarly to the rest of the house had the same simple yet modern design to it. The floors were in the same shade of marbled black with few specks of grey, the walls were white with a black wooden backsplash and one of them had the same full amount of windows which gave a beautiful view of the Upper East Side. There were various balconies connected to the walls but the biggest one was in the middle where some chairs were laid. 
Y/N watched as a woman, probably middle aged, set the table. Just like the man who had brought her to the kitchen, she was dressed in sleek, working clothes with her hair held in a perfect bun up-do. 
     - I hope you like goat cheese and bistro salad, m’am. - she set a beautifully prepared plate in front of Y/N as she took a seat in the table. - I can prepare you something if you don’t like it, m’am.
     - No, it’s beautiful, thank you so much. - yes, she was used to living in some sort of high fashion style due to the environment she had brought up with but this, this was different. This was expensive in all sorts, from how the employees dressed, to the way the food was presented. However, Y/N noticed that instead of being surrounded by other people eating like it would normally occur at her prior home, she was instead surrounded by staff watching her eat, no Sebastian in sight. - Is Mr. Stan not joining us for dinner?
     - Oh no, m’am, Mr. Stan eats in his office. - the woman replied. 
     - What about you guys? Don’t you wanna eat? 
     - It’s fine, m’am. We’ll eat after you finish. 
     - Alright ... - Y/N pushed her plate slightly away from her, turning on her chair so she could face the two staff who were now staring at her as if she were any sort of threat. - Where me and Miss Forrest were raised, staff is treated just as well as family members. I don’t know what orders you follow from Mr. Stan but when you deal with me or Miss Forrest, you sit down and have dinner with us if you wish. 
The dinner went a bit better after she gained some company. The staff was sweet, very professional still but sweet nevertheless. After dinner and fighting a bit with the woman named Anna so she could help with the dishes, Y/N decided to walk around the house. Gwen still hadn’t returned and despite her countless messages sent to her, they were seen but not replied to. Thankfully, Sebastian hadn’t left his office as promised which meant she only had to lie whenever any member of staff would ask if she needed something. 
The penthouse was pretty much a regular place with more rooms than she could ever imagine with some being locked and others being open and perfectly decorated yet seemed to be non inhabited. However, what had sparked her interest was the very last room she checked. The room’s wall except for one were filled with book shelves which were filled itself with endless amounts of books. She looked around, wondering if someone was spying on her, before entering the room, her hands grabbing the first book she saw. The Great Gatsby. It sorta made her chuckle how that had been the first book she caught, the story of a wealthy man who lives by himself. The book itself was in rather good condition with the traditional blue cover with those unsettling eyes staring right back at her. She opened the book, her eyes going to the date of print making her realise what she was holding. April, 1925. A first edition. 
      - Looking for a good read, Miss Y/N? - she dropped the book out of surprise, not expecting the voice. Her head snapped in the sound’s direction, watching as Sebastian walked over to her, slowly crutching down to grab the book from the ground.
       - Are these all yours? - this was the biggest self collection of books she’d ever seen, it was somewhat hard for her to wrap around her head it belonged to a single person, specially first editions. 
       - My father made sure I got an expensive education. 
       - Have you read all of these? - her eyes widen at the mere thought of it. Just reading one shelf of books looked like it would take at least five years, at beast. 
       - Not all of them ... some are in Greek. - he couldn’t help but be entranced by her as she lowered her head to hide the small smile that settled itself on her lips. - Are you one for reading?
       - I majored in English Literature, reading was all I did for three years. 
       - Fits. - he put his hands on the pockets of his formal trousers. - You wouldn’t lie to me, would you Miss Y/N? 
       - I wouldn’t think of it, Mr. Stan. - Y/N wasn’t one for lying unless necessary, specially to someone who had a reputation for ignoring empathy and other human emotions. 
       - Where’s my fiancée, Miss Y/N? - the mere question knocked the air away from her. - And please do not use the same excuse you used with my staff. I know everything that goes on in this house and I know for a fact she’s not in her room. 
       - I ... I don’t know. 
       - I think you need to figure out where your loyalty lies, Miss Y/N. - he picked her chin, making sure she looked into his eyes. If there was something he knew was to intimidate someone with his gaze alone, however, she looked embarrassed to be caught in a lie rather than scared. - As my employee, you owe me your loyalty and the truth. 
     - My loyalty lies with Gwen ... not with you. - she took a step backwards. He sucked his teeth, arms crossed on his chest. - I don’t mean to disrespect you, Mr. Stan but ... Gwen’s my friend and my employee and I owe her my loyalty. 
     - You do realise that if Miss Forrest gets hurt it is you who’s gonna be held accountable. 
     - Please don’t be mad at Gwen. - she rubbed her arms. - She’s never really wanted to get married, at all, to no one. This is a bit of a change she has to adapt to.
     - Don’t flatter yourself, angel. Genevieve Forrest is not exactly the type of woman I’d personally chose to be with but I’m not being childish about it. If you wanna have a good time under my employment then you better reconsider telling me the truth.
taglist: @sideeffectsofyou​
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tooruluv · 4 years
Tooru Oikawa x F!Reader ( part 2 )
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❝ my love for him is much like winter, a skeleton for the world to see. too bad he never liked the cold. ❞
description: being the neighbor and lifelong best friend of tooru oikawa definitely had it’s perks. you were never an outcast, always had a seat at lunch, got into volleyball games for free. the problem was, however, that being in love with him outweighed those perks. you would never tell him that, though, even if it hurt like hell.
genre: best friends to lovers, angst, unrequited love, fluff if you squint hard enough
word count: 2,029
warnings/notes: the “party scene” so mentions of alcohol, underage drinking, weed, getting high, and some mentions of sex, mentions of throwing up, strong language (per usual), lots of angst, i based a lot of the experience on american high school simply because it’s easier for me to write
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Now, the exact day you fell in love with your best friend didn’t exist. There was no specific day, no specific realization, no “I had a dream about him”, no sudden “I see him in a different light”. It was a messy timeline of a million things, a mixture of waiting and wanting compiled together into what you determined to be love.
“How long have you been in love with him, anyway?” Iwaizumi asked you one evening.
It was after volleyball practice, and the two of you were sitting on your bedroom floor. He was leaning his back against your bed, one leg bent at the knee, his practice jersey still on, moonlight dancing off of his skin.
You would be lying if you denied his attractiveness (Like, c’mon, have you seen him? Seriously, there must be something in the volleyball water.. anyway..). You just never viewed him as anything other than a friend, a good one.
You were laying beside him, legs propped up on your bed and your head on the floor.
“I don’t know.” you told him honestly.
It was at that exact moment that you realized something else: you never openly admitted your love for Tooru Oikawa. Not once had the words slipped past your lips, to yourself or to someone else. The longest secret kept, in your opinion.
“I guess it all kind of mixes together, in the end.” you explained, deciding that the ceiling is the most interesting thing to look at. “Do you remember, when we were kids, and we were playing outside? And I brought that tub thing of peanuts?”
“Yeah, I remember that.”
“And ‘Kawa called me stupid for bringing it because it wasn’t…”
“It wasn’t peanut butter and why have peanuts when they weren’t spreadable?” Iwaizumi finished with a small laugh.
“Yeah. I think that was one moment that I was like “oh”. He even threw them at me.”
The two of you sat in silence for what felt like half an hour. It was a comfortable silence, one of processed memories and fondness.
“He does still call you nut.” Iwaizumi spoke into silence. You smiled.
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“I should beat your ass! You scared the shit out of me!”
You were walking out of class when hands clasped around your sides. Your immediate reaction was one of both terror and putting your guard up, which ended up with you jumping and going to punch whoever just attacked. Luckily, it happened to be the tall, brown-haired volleyball captain.
“You’re cute.” he walked with you.
“What do you want from me, ‘Kawa?” you asked, pausing in the hallway in front of your next class.
“What could you possibly mean? I can’t just scare the shit out of my best friend?”
This fucker.
“You can scare me until I pee.” You crossed your arms, looking into his eyes. He always seemed to stand too close to you. “But you never call me cute unless you need something from me.”
“I don’t know what you are talking about. You are very cute. The cutest.”
You squinted up at him, trying to see through his lies. He smirked.
“Soooo… there is something I want to ask you. Completely irrelevant from me calling you cute. That would have nothing to do with this request. Have I mentioned that you look good in the uniform? It really…”
“You’re a dork. Ask.”
“Do you still talk to that one guy from across town? The guy you buy alc from?”
“You want me to buy alcohol for the party.” It wasn’t a question, but a statement. He pursed his lips. “Yes, I can get it. Now get to class before you’re late.”
Oikawa smiled, eyes squinting and tongue between his teeth. “You’re the best!” he exclaimed as he picked you up in a hug. 
You watched as he jogged down the hall.
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You knew your way around. It was a gift you had: the ability to just talk up anyone and find a way to get what you’re looking for. You knew people all over Japan, to be honest, that could help you in basically any way. It had been that way since you were younger.
The first time you ever bought alcohol is when you were thirteen. And it wasn’t even for drinking. You and your friends (when you had a million friends and not two) wanted to play spin the bottle and figured it would look cooler if you were to use an actual “drink”. You gave it to your mom as a gift after.
Since then, you had bought drinks for various things. Parties, get togethers. It was only when Oikawa’s older brother wasn’t able to get it for you guys, of course.
This was one of those times.
There was this little shop a little ways away (in Torono, to be specific) that never ever ID’d anyone. You would always go there to buy since you found it at thirteen, to the point that you and the owner were on first name bases. Sometimes you would have actual conversations, if he was in the mood. Sometimes you barely spoke, but he would still bag the bottles for you.
His eyes only lifted from what he was reading for a moment to catch yours as you entered the Sakanoshita Store. You were already by the alcohol.
“You’re still not of age, kid.” he spoke through the cigarette.
“You’re still smoking.” you joked. You placed like ten bottles on the counter. “I thought you were going to try and stop. Health and all.”
“I know you’re not talking to me about health, you little alcoholic.” he sat up, running a hand up his hair to fix his headband. “Just give me the money before someone comes in.”
The exchange was fast, per usual, and you were leaving with a black bag of fun. “Thank you, my darling Keishin!”
“Get out of my store. Don’t die.”
And he was back to reading, cigarette still hanging from his lip.
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The volleyball tournament ended the exact way Oikawa thought it would: wins. So, that meant that the party was already in full swing before the sun was down. You were moving between crowds, cup in hand.
It was not a secret that you were Oikawa’s, and (by association) the rest of the volleyball team’s, best friend. You sat with them at lunch, you interacted in the hallways, you let some of the boys copy your homework. It was quite obvious. That was the main reason so many people approached you. Their main goal was popularity through the most popular and successful sports team at the school. You didn’t mind.
It was when the girls would come up to you asking you to put in a good word for them to Oikawa that you had to put on a fake smile and say “yeah!” or “of course, I’ll give him your number!”. They never made it past your memory.
“What do you think?” The man of the hour asked from his position beside you. You were watching the party from the kitchen, the already drunk laughs and conversations blurred into a single volume. “How much cleaning do you think we’ll have to endure?”
“Ah, definitely hours.” You took a sip from your cup. You offered him your cup, knowing whatever’s in his cup is nonalcoholic. “You might as well live a little. Take a guzzle, you earned it.”
“You know I don’t drink.”
“But you’ll get high.”
“That I will do.” He took a sip of his cup. Maybe he put his drink in a red solo cup to look like he’s drinking, or maybe he just did it because it was better than drinking out of an actual juice box. You didn’t bother him with it. “Speaking of getting so high I forget everything around me, I gotta find Hanamaki.”
“Have fun!”
“Without you? Unlikely.” he joked. Your stomach turned.
You didn’t know if it was because of the alcohol or the love.
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“Technically, you’ve kissed Oikawa.” Iwaizumi told you as you both sat in the corner. You were both definitely tipsy, but not quite drunk yet.
You scoffed. “What are you talking about?”
Tooru Oikawa has kissed you, sure, but never once had it been on the lips. He had left kisses on your forehead, cheeks, temple, top of your head. Even one time on your hand. But never lip to lip. And Iwaizumi bringing it up out of nowhere made your cheeks heat up. You blamed whatever was in your cup.
“We played spin the bottle before. I kissed both Oikawa and you. And by contact, your lips were also on his.”
“You are a shitstain in my underwear, Iwa.”
“Ah yes, that was the most ladylike sentence I’ve ever heard come out of your mouth.”
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“Dance with me!” you pulled Oikawa with you to the dance floor. It was freshman year, and both of your families were invited to a wedding. It was some woman your moms were friends with, you don’t remember.
But he agreed, and let you drag him along as you danced. The songs were fun and fast, and a majority of the reception guests were dancing their hearts away on the floor.
“You’re really beautiful, you know that?” he told you that day, in the midst of the summer sun.
That was one of those moments. Those blurred moments you wished you could record to memory as the beginning of your love for him.
“You’re not too bad yourself.” You told him, but your mind screamed you’re beautiful too.
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The night was something between a blur and random scenes mashed together. Several drinks later (why did the vodka taste like water?) and hits from multiple joints, you were staring in tunnel vision.
You remember a snippet here, a minute there. You danced with Iwa for a bit, before he went to do something. You hung out with some people on the couches for a bit, and there was definitely a lot of laughing. You remember laughing.
What were you doing again?
Oh yeah, you were trying to find Oikawa. You didn’t know what exactly you wanted so desperately to tell him. You figured your drunken mind would find out what you wanted when you found him.
Scanning the crowds, you couldn’t find the boy. The house wasn’t that huge, he had to be somewhere. Come to think of it, you hadn’t seen him at all since he went to get high with some of the boys.
Finally catching a glimpse of him, you smiled to yourself. You were going to do it. Maybe today, maybe at some trashy party Oikawa threw, would be the day you would tell him you were in love with him. Maybe not. You didn’t really know. You just knew that you missed him and needed, desperately, to talk to him. Hear his voice.
Maybe you were pretty drunk, mind drifting away.
And he just happened to be your anchor.
Everything was moving around you. In slow motion or way too fast, you couldn’t really tell. That was, until everything froze at once.
Oikawa was standing in the far corner of the party, with someone else. He had his tongue down her throat, lips chasing hers in some passionate dance you only wished you knew what felt like.
You only stood there as he groped her, and her hands in his hair. You didn’t recognize her at all. But he was unmistakable. Even with his hair sweaty and in front of his face, he was undeniable.
You were going to throw up. 
You had to find Iwaizumi.
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“Takahiro Hanamaki!” You waved to the man. He immediately caught your eye and came to you.
“What’s up? Oh, shit you’re drunk.” He helped as you nearly stumbled. His arm stayed under your armpit as he stood in front of you.
“Have you seen Iwa? Need to talk to him. Best friend emergency.”
“I thought Tooru was your best friend.” Hanamaki looked behind you, eyes scanning over the people for you. You almost threw up on the spot at the sound of his name.
There was a huge difference in hearing about Oikawa’s girls and hearing about who was in his bed, and seeing it with your own eyes. It made you sick to your stomach. You lost all breath, all feeling in your body. You didn’t know to be mad or jealous or upset. You decided that you were going to be all three.
“The last time I talked to Iwa, he went that way. He might be throwing up somewhere or something.”
“Okay, thanks my little wing spiker. My little outside hitter. My stoner boy.” you pinched his cheek.
“Hey, are you sure you’re okay?” he asked before letting you go. “You look like you were crying.”
Were you? Did you cry? You didn’t think you did. But it was definitely a possibility as you have been trying not to do just that for the past ten minutes.
“I don’t know, I think I’m just red from being crossed. I can’t even see straight. Ha ha.”
Hanamaki didn’t press it further, but he did give you a smile and hand you a water bottle. You liked being friends with the team.
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The volleyball team were always the nicest towards you. They greeted you with smiles whenever they would come across you in the hallway, always made sure you had a smile on your face.
They all knew, too. It wasn’t hard to see how out of the entire team, Oikawa had you wrapped around his finger. (Unintentionally, of course). They tried to get him to notice. “She looks good today, right, Oikawa?” or “It’s Saturday, don’t you have plans?”. Not that their efforts helped.
Maybe one day Oikawa will know too.
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You found Iwaizumi in a closet near the stairs. The party was still in full effect, but it was quiet near there. The only problem was that he was not alone, and was, in fact, preoccupied with someone's tongue down his throat.
“I swear to everything that is holy, I am so sick of finding people like this.” you sighed. “The second time today and I’m going to seriously vomit all over the place. I’m not kidding.”
Iwaizumi gasped, pulling away from whoever he was with. It wasn’t until they were both apart that you realized who it was.
You got pulled into the closet, the door slamming behind you.
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jungshook69 · 3 years
Love is a myth :: 04 (Finale)
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DISCLAIMER: This doesn’t represent the members’ actions or the army’s actions in any manner it’s pure fiction. This is an original work, do not copy. The taglist is open if you want. Taglist is now closed.
WORD COUNT: 4.8K words (it’s the finale y’all don’t look at me like that)
MAIN PAIRING:  musician! Yoongi X waitress! female reader
SIDE PAIRING/S: Jungkook X female reader ; Taehyung X female reader
GENRE: FWB! au ; Strangers to lovers! au
WARNINGS: Implied smut (Forgive me cuz I suck at writing it, no puns intended) ; Mentions of alcohol and smoking (I do not condone smoking) ; Profanity ; Mentions of infidelity ; Heavy angst ; Self loathing (Namjoon’s about to wack me in the head with his slipper) ; I apologize in advance if there’s any spelling errors.
SUMMARY: "You covered your bare form with the silk sheets beneath you, as you watched him walk out your door without a word." // "Love is a myth. All that existed between you two was pure lust." // "The last rule was if anyone of the two of you caught feelings for the other, the deal would be off."
SERIES MASTERLIST: Trailer » Meet the cast » Chapter #1 » Chapter #2 » Chapter #3 » Chapter #4
STATUS: Complete
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You were even more motivated than ever to get ready for that blind date. Your fight with Yoongi from 4 hours ago was still fresh in your mind. You needed to get your mind off of things, and this date provided the perfect escape. You looked down at your phone that flashed with a new message.
 New message from ‘Michael “Jackie”-son’(2):
‘Dress in something fancy’
‘Address: XXX, 47th street’
 After ripping through every dress in your closet, you finally settled on going for a sleek, deep wine-coloured, silk gown that hugged your curves, but also loosely flowed to your feet. A slit ran down your left thigh up to your ankles through which your black lingerie stocking was sticking out. Yes, you’d chosen black lingerie for the night. It was the one you felt most confident in. Your hair was pinned into a simple, elegant, low bun, some loose strands of hair framing your face. You wore a simple chain choker, some elegant bracelets, shiny black pumps, and tiny pearls on your ears. Your lips were tinted in a gorgeous wine-shade, and your eyes were lined with a black liner. You knew your bear arms would feel cold, but you felt confident in your looks for once. But sadly this much reminded you of how your mother would dress. You pushed all these thoughts aside and grabbed your clutch, before you could make a tardy first impression.
 You stood before the building, drinking in the beauty of the exterior. You weren’t too surprised as you had worked at a 5-star restaurant for the majority of your life, but you were fairly nervous as you had never been on the receiving end of such ambience, ever since you had run away from your family’s wealth when you were 16.
 You walked in and were immediately greeted, “Good evening ma’am, how may I help you?”
 “Ummm… I have a reservation for two under the name Mr. Kim?”
 “Okay, I’ll check that for you.”
 You looked around and observed the luxurious decor of the place while the hostess went through the registry. She finally cleared her throat and spoke up, “Yes ma’am, Mr. Kim has been here for 2 minutes already, if you follow me, I shall take you to your seat.” She said smiling.
 Your palms start sweating as you follow the hostess to your table. Why were you so nervous? Was it because he was rich? Was it because he’d treated you to such a fancy place just for a blind date? Was it because you were afraid to break it to him how you were only expecting to have a good time, and not a committed relationship?
 Your brain most definitely started malfunctioning when you saw the hostess motion you towards a man sitting at what you presumed was your table. You took small strides as you made your way over to the intimidating man. He pulled back your chair for you and seated himself in front of you.
 And when your friends said this man was devilishly handsome, they weren’t exaggerating. His skin was clear and almost glowing. He was dressed in a fitted black blazer and trousers to match, along with a classic white button down underneath. His eyes were deep and intriguing, making you want to sit and stare into them all day. His lips were perfectly curved and looked inviting. You noticed two cute moles, one below his lip, and the other below his nose. His hair was a gorgeous jet black and was gelled back. A single strand cascaded on his forehead making him look even more suave. His poise held confidence, his shoulders held high, which seemed intimidating enough to you.
 “Good evening Miss. Y/N.”
 You thought his looks had attacked you enough. But that wasn’t the end of it. It’s when he spoke that you melted. His voice made goosebumps travel down your spine. What had you gotten yourself into? There’s no way this man was going to give you just a night of fun! What was Jackie thinking?
 “G-Good evening Mr. Kim.” You said trying to cope with his formalism.
 “Can we drop the act?” he asks, your eyes widening in surprise.
 “I meant I know I’m intimidating, but like this is a bit much isn’t it?”
 “Wha… but you…”
 “Jackie said, and I quote, ‘You got money right? Flaunt it!’.” He says smiling.
 “Oh god.” You say trying to hold back a smile and failing.
 “Sometimes I wonder how Mark tolerates her.” He says giggling.
 “They do love each other a lot.” You say sighing.
 “Hey ummm… Y/N?” he says.
 “Wanna get out of here?” he asks, eyes shining.
 You were sweating and panting as you held onto his shoulders.
 “Taehyung, go slower, you’re killing me!” you yell out.
 “Jeez what are you? 60?” he scoffs.
 “Ayy you try walking in my heels!” you roll your eyes.
 You were both currently walking up the stairs to an old skating rink that overlooked the entire city. Taehyung held a takeout bag with 2 simple diner style burgers in them, while his other hand was clasping yours, helping you get up the last flight of stairs. You finally reached the spot he told you about and gasped at the sight you saw. You could see the entire skyline from here and it was a gorgeous sight to enjoy while eating the perfect comfort food.
 You both sat down and Taehyung handed you your dinner. “I much prefer these burgers than some expensive ass Pacific Bluefin tuna.” He says with a mouthful of food.
 “I’m surprised at how humble you are.” You say sincerely.
 “Yeah, the key is to never forget your roots.”
 “Sometimes people need to forget their roots…” you whisper unconsciously.
 “What?” he asks.
 “Uhh… the burgers are delicious.”
 “I know right? Mark doesn’t like them.”
 “Well Mark can go jump off a cliff.”
 “I couldn’t agree more.” He said smiling wide, as you admire his beautiful smile.
 “To be honest I never thought you’d be such a breath of fresh air when I first saw you.”
 “I tend to leave such a first impression.”
 “Umm… actually… I just wanted to clarify.” You say as you finish your burgers. “I don’t wanna lead you on. I’m not looking for anything serious.”
 “Well you’re lucky, because I’m not either. I tend to travel a lot. And I tend to fool around here and there and not stay emotionally grounded with anyone.” He says shrugging.
 “I hate commitment too. I just like to have a fun time.” You murmur.
 “Want me to show you a fun time?” he asks smirking.
 30 minutes later, you were back against the wall of your apartment, as your lips were engulfed by Taehyung’s. His tongue felt hot, clashing against the walls of your mouth, as you shamelessly moaned into the kiss. His blazer had long been discarded on your floor, and your hands were tangled in his soft black hair. His hands roamed on your body rather daringly. His hands travelled up the length of your leg, causing goosebumps across the skin of your exposed thigh. His long fingers gripped around the meat of your thighs before he lifted you up. You wrapped your legs around his waist and gripped onto his shoulders to balance yourself.
 The kiss was sloppy and heated with none of you willing to stop for breath. His hands undid your hair and let your curls fall around your shoulders. His fingers thread through your long locks and he pulled on your hair, biting your lip as he broke the kiss. “You’re gorgeous.” He murmured shakily. You gave him a sly smirk and pulled his neck, connecting your lips again. He broke apart again, and stared into your eyes. His deep brown orbs were completely blown out, drowning in lust, and you were sure you matched it with the same darkness in your eyes. His voice was breathless as he said, “Why is the god damn zipper so tiny?”
 You couldn’t help but giggle at his urgency. “What’re you laughing about?” he asks furrowing his eyebrows.
 “It’s just you sound like those guys who struggle with a bra clasp and end up giving up in frustration.” You laugh out loud.
 “Oh I’m not giving up. You best believe I’m getting that god damn dress off of you.” He says, his voice husky.
 He turned you around and dropped you on your bed. He climbed over you, his leg landing between your thighs, his hands working on taking off your dress. He devoured your lips with an almost animalistic hunger when he’d finally exposed your lingerie to him.
 Your chest was heaving as you stared up at the white ceiling fan. You had a déjà vu from about 2 weeks ago, from one of the many nights with Yoongi, where you had watched him leave after satisfying both your needs. You turned your head to see Taehyung’s angelic face next to you, as you catch his eyes already on you.
 “Why’re you staring at me like that?” you ask smiling.
 “I’ve slept with a lot of people ‘for fun’. But trust me when I say I’ve never wanted to stay back and cuddle as much as I do with you.” He says sighing.
 “Don’t fall in love with me Kim.” You say rolling your eyes.
 “It’s next to impossible, but I’ll try.” He says sarcastically, receiving a playful nudge from you in response.
 “Pillow talk has never been part of my routine…” you speak out, sincerity lacing your tone.
 “Me too…” he whispers and what he does next shocks you. He places his head on your chest, his face burying into the crook of your neck, and his arms wrap around your waist, sending shivers across your bare skin.
 “W-What’re you doing?”
 “Don’t think about it too much, just relax.” He huffs out, his breath running against your warm neck.
 You relax under his touch and involuntarily find your hands wrapping around his head as you nuzzle him closer. You let out a shaky breath as this reminds you too much of your college boyfriend. “Do you have to leave tomorrow?” you ask in a daze.
 “Sorry but yes… but I have a feeling I’m not gonna lose contact with you like I do with other people I sleep with…” he said smiling.
 “Me too…” you say letting your tired eyes flutter shut.
 You wake up to a different sound everyday it seems. Today you woke up to the sound of what sounded like empty plastic bottles falling. Your eyes met with Taehyung’s, who came stumbling out of the washroom. “Sorry if I woke you up, I accidently dropped the shampoo bottles on your counter.”
 “No it’s okay.” You say smiling as you got up and put on your robe onto your naked form.
 You watched Taehyung, as he was folding the sleeves of his white button down to his elbows. His hair cascaded over his forehead in a messy, but still intimidating manner. He looked up at you as he grabbed his coat. “Well I should get going, my driver’s downstairs.”
 “Oh okay…” you murmur softly.
 He walks up to you and lifts up your chin ever so lightly. You meet his warm smile and you instantly melt. He leans in and lands a soft kiss against your lips. “I left my number on a note on the night stand. Promise me, we’ll stay in touch.”
 “Sure.” You say sighing, with a sad smile.
 “Hey, I meant to be friends, not for just hooking up again…” he says chuckling lightly.
 “Oh…” your eyes were wide.
 “Well I have to go now, bye Y/N I had a great time…” he says walking away, his hand slipping from your hold.
 You watched as he left your place, and you went to take a shower. Somehow this time when you heard the familiar click of the door, you didn’t feel hurt. Even though Taehyung was gone, you didn’t feel sad. Did it have anything to do with the affection he had shown you, besides the lustful sin you had committed?
 Yoongi walked up the stairs of your building. His hair was a mess, his eyes were swollen from not getting enough sleep. He didn’t like the way he had yelled at you yesterday. He wasn’t in the right mind and he was just angered when you had told him that the memories he held dearest to his heart were a mistake. He finally reached your floor at 9 am in the morning, hoping he could resolve a few unspoken issues. Confrontation was always Yoongi’s go-to method.
 But Yoongi stopped in his tracks when he saw a man with tussled dark hair close the door to your apartment. He could only assume the worst by the sight in front of him. The man passed by Yoongi, bowing out of courtesy on his way to the stairs. All his obsessive thoughts started coming back to him. Maybe you didn’t want to go back to being friends. Maybe you should stick to the deal you had made. The slight bit of confidence Yoongi had when he was making his way to meet you was wiped away as he turned on his heel and made his way towards the exit.
 He needed some time. You needed some time. Alone.
 The next whole week had gone by in a blur. Yoongi was procrastinating on whether or not to talk to you, ultimately deciding against it. You had continued to ignore Yoongi’s presence in your workplace the whole time. He didn’t walk you home every night since. You had also begun texting Taehyung from time to time, and you both had settled on being just friends, since you learned you both much enjoyed each other’s goofy side. Your life was in a constant loop, going to work, ignoring Yoongi, reaching home, and sleeping, only to repeat the same schedule every other day of the week.
 But today was a bit different. It was a Saturday night, and tonight was important for you, and every other employee. Tonight, all the heads and managers of the other branches of this ambiguous chain of luxury restaurants, were here to dine. Along with the CEO of this chain. You knew you were a waitress, but you had assisted in cooking tons of times before. Tonight they had all the experienced heads, like you assist in cooking, while they assigned the newly trained rookies as hosts and hostesses. You were all told to be super attentive and to make your nerves worse, you were being supervised by your head chef and manager Kim Seokjin.
 But the timing was completely wrong. Today your thoughts about your personal life were unnecessarily heightened. Seeing Yoongi working his fingers across the monochrome keys of the sleek black piano, he himself being dressed in an all-black suit and shirt tailored to be strained across his firm chest, was extremely distracting. You tossed the meat into the pan, aware of the powerful gaze of Seokjin standing in the corner of the kitchen.
 You tried to vaporize the alcohol by doing a simple flambé. You had done it tons of times before. You tilted the pan so the fire could catch the alcohol and a flame could erupt in your pan. But your mind being lost elsewhere you were shocked when the flame came on, and failed to move out of the way in time, burning your exposed forearm in the process. You yelped in surprise and pain as Maya took the pan from you for relief.
 “Chef, focus! This is no time to slack!” Seokjin’s voice rang through the loud kitchen.
 You huffed in annoyance and took the pan back from Maya explaining to her you’re okay, and began tossing the meat, ignoring the searing pain in your arm and the mark that was beginning to darken. As soon as all the dishes were made, you were given a 5 minute breather, till you waited for new customers to arrive. You stood in the corner, your hands cupping the burn on your hand in pain. You looked up in surprise when you heard a slam on the table in front of you. You watched Seokjin walk away, as you looked down at the ice pack he had left for you on the table. You couldn’t help but land a small smile as you iced the burn on your arm.
 It wasn’t 10 minutes later, and you were already pan frying zucchinis and slicing cherry tomatoes. Your break had barely lasted 2 minutes, before you had been called in to make a very important dish for the CEO’s family which had just arrived. “Move it! Move it! We don’t want to keep Mr. Kang waiting!” you heard Seokjin clap his palms together.
 What didn’t help your sense of urgency and added to the pressure was Yoongi entering the kitchen, as he stood in the corner having a chat with Seokjin. You knew that they were close, but you never knew Yoongi was close enough to lay a hand on Seokjin’s shoulder like that. You immediately placed the dish onto the counter, your mind distracted by Yoongi’s presence.
 Before you knew it there was a sharp call of your name leaving Seokjin’s lips. “CHEF Y/N?!”
 You rushed towards the counter, scared out of your wits. You watched as Yoongi’s eyes met yours in a sense of panic. “Y-Yes Mr. Kim?”
 “N-No sir…”
 “I-I’m sorry sir…” you said trying not to let the humiliation get to you.
 “You are one of my trusted employees so this is a warning, but if this happens again, I’m gonna have to let you go, you understand that chef?” Seokjin finally calms down and says.
 “Y-Yes sir…” you feel everyone’s eyes on you.
 “Retire for the night chef. You’re too distracted. We’ll fill in with someone else. You can leave.” Seokjin announces before leaving the kitchen. You take off your apron and before any of the others can ask you any questions, you stride out the back door. You sit down on your heels in the dark alley and hold your head and pull on your hair in frustration.
 Damn you Min Yoongi.
 Your cheeks stained with long gone tears, you held a cigarette up to your lips, as you tried to calm yourself down. You heard the door to the kitchen creak open.
 “Don’t try to ask me if I’m okay Jackie because frankly I’m n—” you speak out without looking.
 “The name’s Yoongi, Min Yoongi. Not Jackie.” A low voice echoes down the walls of the alley.
 All you can do is let out a huff of frustration and crush your cigarette under your shoe. “What do you want from me?”
 “I don’t want anything from you… just wanted to check on you…”
 “Since when do you care about my feelings?” you ask rhetorically, not expecting an answer.
 “Since last month I suppose, since when we walked to your apartment that night.” His straight forward answer surprises you.
 “What are we doing Yoongi?! What the hell is going on with us?!” you ask frustration lacing your tone. “We’re supposed to be fuck buddies. And we haven’t even had sex in 2 weeks! And before I know it, we’re sharing deep secrets with each other and talking to each other like we’ve known each other for years, and kissing each other like we’re in love—”
 “Because I am in love.”
 Yoongi stops your little rant and shocks you with his words. You weren’t expecting such a direct answer to leave his mouth. You stood up, brushing out your skirt and muttered softly. “W-What?”
 “You heard me. I’m in love.” He enunciates.
 “But why?” you ask, oblivious. “I’m damaged goods. I’m toxic. We both are in a toxic relationship.”
 “But I’m willing to work to fix that.” Yoongi says with soft eyes. “I want to fix that gaping hole that the bastard left in your heart 6 years ago.”
 “Listen I really like you too, but I don’t want to… hurt you…”
 “You would never intentionally do that…”
 “I-I’m not ready…”
 “I’ll be here for you when you’re ready. This is new to me too! We can work through it together, please Y/N just trust me.”
 You sigh loudly. Before you could think you grabbed his collar and landed a kiss on his lips. He stumbled, but eventually his arms snaked around your waist, holding you so tight, afraid to let you go. You broke the kiss and looked into his beautiful deep brown orbs. “You really wanna do this?”
 “Yes.” He smiles and lands a small peck on your cheek.
 You smack his chest playfully and say, “You’re creeping me out, what happened to the Yoongi who could never even give me a straight compliment?”
 “Well I’m afraid someone changed him…” Yoongi says after thinking.
 “Oh really? Who may that special someone be?” you smirk playfully.
 “This woman at work. I’ve known her for 4 years, but never got around to talking to her until about 2 months ago.” He says chuckling.
 “Wow what a coward.” You scoff.
 “Well I don’t care, because I proudly simp for her now.” He says, his precious gummy smile making a rare appearance.
 You tug his collar, and smile as you look into his eyes. You lean in painfully slow, your breath ghosting his lips, but never coming close enough to touch them. “Quit playing me like that.” Yoongi whines making you giggle.
 “Well maybe I should—”
 “Miss. Y/N— oh sorry, please meet me inside, I need to have a word with you chef.” Seokjin says from behind the door.
 You immediately shove Yoongi away and walk back into the restaurant, your cheeks on fire. “Yes sir?” you say once you’re inside facing him.
 “I’d expect you to be a bit more professional. I didn’t peg you as the type of person to have a romantic rendezvous behind your workplace, but go off I guess.” He sighs. “Well getting to the point, I just wanted to say that, please maintain your work ethic. Your professionalism is something I’ve always respected, and something that made you stand out in this field. And I’d love to keep you in this kitchen, so please focus on your job.”
 “Yes sir.” You say softly, feeling a bit relieved.
 “And… I apologize for over reacting a while ago. I was not in the right head space. It’s just the CEO never stops pestering me on the tiniest details, and I wanted to prove him wrong, and show him that I can run this place. So if he received an overly salted plate, he would hold that against me my whole life.”
 “I understand sir. You don’t need to apologize. I’ll be sure to maintain my work ethic and never make a careless mistake like that again.” You say smiling.
 “Great. Well have a good night chef.” He says before bowing in courtesy and exiting the empty kitchen. You noticed that all the dishes had been done, so you went back to grab your coat and exited the restaurant to your new life waiting for you in the dark alley.
 You were pretty sure you made the cab driver uncomfortable, but it’s nothing he hadn’t seen before. You both had long forgotten the sweet kisses and passionate hugs you guys had given each other merely 30 minutes ago, when you confronted each other, and now you were busy devouring each other’s lips, your tongues twisted in a feverish make out session.
 You stumbled into a familiar apartment, not yours, but in fact Yoongi’s. It had been 3 weeks since you’d last been here. You wasted absolutely no time as you both hurriedly discarded all your clothes onto the floor. Yoongi gripped your hip, with enough force to bruise it, as he lifted your form across the house and dropped you onto his bed. You drank in the familiar scent of Yoongi’s sheets around you, and the sight of a hovering Yoongi above you. His eyes mirrored yours, drowning in lust. His hair was disheveled and he looked at you with hunger. His lips landed on your neck, as you tilted your head the other way to make room for him to explore as much as he could. His hands ran along your sides as your hands raked his back. Your eyes fluttered shut, as you let out an uncontrollable moan, when you felt his teeth nip into the skin at your collarbone. You felt his warm tongue lick the mark he had made on you, as he continued his way down your torso.
 “You sure you wanna do this?”
 “Bitch, we’ve fucked 15 times before!” you laugh out loud.
 “Jeez woman, I’m out here trying to make it romantic, and you just rail me like that?”
 “Just shut up and do it. I need you right now.” You whine, which seems to turn him on.
 Your eyes flutter open and you’re surprised that you aren’t woken up by any displeasing noises. The sunlight partially blocked by the semi see-through blinds, cast a dim light in the room. You found your head resting on Yoongi’s chest, a soft rhythmic breath leaving his chest, sounding like music to your ears. Your hand laid across his naked chest, while his hand was wrapped around you, his palm laying across your bare back. You yawned and suddenly flinched when you felt Yoongi’s lips on your forehead.
 “Good morning.” He said, his voice raspy and gruff.
 “Good morning.” You reply smiling.
 “I’ve never wanted to wake up next to someone this badly…” he sighs.
 “Why’re you so cheesy? What happened to Yoongi? Who are you?”
 “I don’t know Y/N… but I’m open to change.” He says smiling, looking down to meet your eyes.
 You chuckle in response. You watch as his fingers run across your hand which is laying on his chest. His fingers brush your knuckles and he looks as though he’s in deep thought. “Where’s your ring?” he asks unconsciously.
 “I took it off last night. It’s on your night stand.” You say smiling.
 “Oh… well I hate to break it to you, and I know it’s a Sunday, but I booked us a brunch reservation at a nice café down the street.”
 “You really didn’t have to…”
 “But I did. We’ve been sleeping with each other for 2 months, and I haven’t taken you out on a proper date, like ever!”
 “Well food does sound like a good idea, I’m starving.”
 “Well then get your tiny tushie outta bed.” He says playfully pinching your cheek, and jumping out of bed to freshen up.
 After you both had showered and gotten your clothes on, you were wearing your heels by the door, when Yoongi walked out of his bedroom, “You forgot this!” he says handing you your silver ring. His curious eyes watched, as you took the ring from him, and slipped it into your purse instead of putting it on your finger. “Come on let’s go.” You said grabbing his hand, unaware of the wide smile your bare hand had brought onto Yoongi’s face.
 Brunch was delicious. And so was the dinner date you had a week later. 2 weeks had gone by, smooth sailing for your new relationship. Your fingers remained naked, no ring in trace, in the entirety of the last 2 weeks. It was a cold Friday night, and you were now sitting at the piano bench, in an empty restaurant. You glanced over your shoulder to see Yoongi’s eyes, focused on the keys in front of him. For once in a long time you could truly say you were happy. Your life was blissful.
 “Y/N…?” Yoongi says interrupting your thoughts.
 “Could you sing…?”
 “Sure.” You said smiling, as you already knew which song he wanted you to sing. You cleared your throat as you begun the first verse of ‘My Heart Will Go On’.
 There you both were, all alone, doing the things you loved, with the person you loved beside you, and you couldn’t have asked for more. No more did you feel lost. No more did you think of love as a myth. You had finally found someone to keep your heart safe, in this cruel world. And you couldn’t be happier, that your savior was Min Yoongi.
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«Previous :: Masterlist 
A/N: Y’all I still can’t believe I wrote a whole ass series. I’m usually one to write really long oneshots or two shots, but I decided to turn this into a chapter wise series. Anyways, I hope you guys really liked it, and stay tuned for more works from me, in the near future :)
Don’t forget to follow @jungshook69​ for more content:) You can check out more works of mine here. Have a great day:)
TAGLIST: @kookieebangtan​
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2, 5, 11, 15, 16, 18 aaand 31 for the story teller asks.
Gotta stop here before i send all of them xD
Oh man! :D Thank you so much! I'm very excited to answer these! :D 2. Describe your story in three words or less Chaotic.... but loving. Not that the story is written chaotically, cause I don't think it is, but I think from an outsiders perspective, specially considering I sorta started sharing the story publicly almost 300 chapters in, I'm sure it at times can seem rather chaotic? Or maybe I'm the chaotic one? 5. How do you choose your characters’ names? Hm... it's many different ways really. For the most part I recall a name I really like for whatever reason, or see a name somewhere in the passing, like a tv show or an online article? Sometimes I use Google, let's say I want a very "bohemian" type of name... I'd Google that, cause I know shit nothing about that. And for the McKinney's I Google a fair bit. They all have Irish/Scottish names (well 99% of them do) and since I'm not Irish/Scottish, and I don't want everyone to end up with the most mainstream names, well, Google is my friend. Also specifically for the McKinney's, their names are chosen because of their meaning. Raven's birth name is Brandubh, which essentially can be translated to little black raven. Ronan, his brother, means seal, and he is actually a key that can seal the doors of hell. Eonan is knight... he was a knight of hell. Aedan (Andy and Raven's son) is born of fire, Andy has a power to control/create fire, that not many knows about. The McKinney brother's fathers name is Alroy, which means red haired (cause he simply has red hair, *snort*) And I could keep going. But I'm sure I would bore everyone to death. Anyway, point is, all McKinney's have a name that has something to do with either their powers or their appearance. 11. Why have you decided to tell this story? are there any messages or meanings within it? First it never meant to be a story for anyone but myself. It started as an RP. But when the RP ended, I had all these characters with elaborate personalities, living and breathing inside me. It felt empty to just drop them there. So I continued writing the story for myself. It was never meant at first to continue for years, I actually continued with the thought that I'd maybe write 5-10 chapters or so, and simply writing an ending of the story. Yeah, that was at least 275+ chapters ago. The story fast became a way for me to live a life I had to at the same time face I could never live out in real life. So I suppose my decision to keep writing, was a way for me to pull through a lot of things, I'm not sure I otherwise would have been able to pull through. There are a lot of "hidden" messages and meanings in the story, but I wont sit here and spoil them all, it's up to the readers (now that the story is actually being posted... here <- to interpret it for themselves.) However, I'm always up for answering questions about it. What I can give you is the message of loving people for who they are, not what you want them to be. To love yourself, even if you aren't the version of you you wanted to be, you can still be a pretty rad person. A message that we can overcome much more than we believe, as long as we keep fighting. And last but not least, a message of never giving up, and following your dreams. And to never give up on love. But above all, the message is simply love. I chose to write a story that heavily weighs on love, simply for the fact that I more than ever, believe what we need most on this planet, is love. And lots more of it. A lot of our issues could be solved by simply loving each other more, and loving the planet we live on, before there's nothing left to love. It sounds cliche maybe, but it's my opinion, and you don't have to agree. 15. What have been the highlights of creating your story? Definitely getting to know everyone, watching their characters unfold and grow. It has kept me to my writing. Back in school, my Danish teacher told me to never give up on writing, cause in her words, I'm good at it. She told me to 'always write, whether I would be bubbly happy or breakingly sad, write
write write'. For many years after I finished school, I barely wrote at all, so I was insanely rusty when I picked writing back up. My story helped me with that, and I found my way back to writing. Another highlight is definitely all the hard times my story has gotten me through. Doesn't mean I am smooth sailing my way through life, but it keeps me from drowning completely, and that's something. I still need to make some major life changes, but till that's possible, I'm holding onto my story, and it keeps me above water. 16. What about the process do you enjoy? *Snort* I think if people has followed this blog more than a month, it's already clear I enjoy creating characters, and as a result post some of the most lengthy bio's on Tumblr. But I enjoy just as much to see the scenes unfold in front of me as I write, feeling the emotions of the characters, often so intensely that it affects my own mood. There's just something in it, that makes me feel like I'm a part of the story, like I'm literally in there. And that's enjoyable to escape into for a time. 18. Choose a song that reminds you of your story A? A song? Like in one? ONE song for a circa 300 chapters story??? How??? How do I cram such an elaborate and still growing story into ONE song??????? Ghost-boi.... pls.... I'll have to get back to you on that *goes into full on panic mode searching through albums in my head* 31. Drop some random trivia about your story Pffft.... First chapter that actually made it into the story (cause there were a couple loose ones before that, that never made it) was actually written under different names, as I was considering sharing it online, but didn't want to annoy my previous RP partner, so I changed everyone's names. Andy was Alexander. Congo was Connor. Evan was Ethan. And there you also have the original poly relationship, that ended up in so much more. Well.... at the very beginning of the story, Evan and Congo still wasn't dating, but it didn't take many chapters. Adrian was originally made as an attempt to create something different, look-wise. To get out of my comfort zone and play with new features. While making him, I sat there looking at his face thinking 'this is me'. I simply connected not only with his looks, but also the character I started seeing growing in front of me, so writing his bio was probably one of the easiest ever to write, and he was very easy to adapt as a main character in my story. He just swept his way in there like a cool breeze on a way too hot summers day and the main cast was like... keh... cool... So he actually sorta became the main focal point of the part of my story I am sharing on my story blog, where Andy is the main focal point of the main story. Akin, the Alpha wolf, was originally supposed to never be a fully developed character. He was "just" a doctor that popped by here and there, but the two readers of my story back then, liked him a lot, and started expressing seeing potential in him. So I started developing him. As I expressed how he looked (he was originally extremely tall and a bit like a rugby player) they strongly disagreed and told me he was definitely slender and with semi-long dreads XD And that made Akin look more or less like he does today <- About that song though... if I have to choose just one song for such a BIG story, I'd have to simply choose a love song. But not a sugary sweet one. A haunting, emotional, longing, breathtaking, yet deep, passionate and warm song. I'd go with <- Witch is also a song from the movie Romeo + Juliet, by amazing Baz Luhrman. So basically a story about teenage suicide. In that aspect it doesn't fit at all. But it was the first song that came to my mind.... Sooooo.... I'll quietly leave this as well, on the way out <- (which is probably a much better fit anyway, both regarding lyrics and music video) 
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thevampiresiren · 4 years
Helping Yoongi Shave
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Word Count: 2.5K
Genre: Fluff, Humor
WARNINGS: Soft!Yoongi, Tooth Aching Fluff, Cursing, Slight Suggestive Themes (nothing major, just some suggestive flirting and a little talk of sex. Yoongi also puts his hands on the reader's butt)
Summary: Yoongi needs to shave, but he's too tired to do it himself. So he teaches you how to shave him.
A/n: So… This is the very first Fanfic that I wrote and I’m not going to lie; I was a very nervous about posting it until one of my friends read it for me and loved it. I’m not sure if I’ll be doing this stuff as a part of my blog ALL the time, but if I can think of anything and if it comes out good; I’ll definitely post it.  Also I just REALLY wanted to do a Yoongi shaving fanfic because I think helping your significant other shave is SO intimate and involves a lot of trust. I hope you guys like it!
I was passed out on the couch in the living room when I woke up to the sound of keys jingling outside the apartment door. As Holly got up from laying next to my feet, I picked up my phone and saw that it was around 1:30 am. As the door opened, I heard the brown toy poodle bark happily while he was spanning around in a circle while footsteps stopped to where he was. "Shhh, Holly. You're gonna wake Mom up." My boyfriend whispered petting the fluffy canine.
"Too late, she's awake." I yawned while stretching with a smile on my face. Yoongi looked up from petting Holly.
"I'm sorry, Jagiya. I thought you were in bed." Yoongi said while taking his shoes off, setting his work bag down, and walking over to me. I smiled as he tilted my chin up to gently peck my lips. When he pulled away, he laughed loudly. "What?" I asked.
"Nice bed head, babe". He said smirking while nodding at me. I ran my my finger through hair and sighed. "Hey, don't be upset. It's cute." He said standing up and kissing my check. I felt a slight roughness on my skin once he made contact. I look at his upper lip and chin, smirking.
"Nice stubble, babe." I copied. He touched his face and groaned. "Don't be upset. Its cute." I mocked. Yoongi smiled.
"I'm gonna go get changed. I'm too tired to shave tonight." He said yawning while walking to our bedroom. Holly and I followed not far behind and he laid down in his little bed starting to doze off again knowing his dad was home. I walked in and saw that Yoongi had put his glasses on and changed into his black sweatpants that hung loosly on his hips and was topless. He was by no means the buffest man in world, nor did he have majorly defined abs; but he was toned enough that you could see his pecs, and when the light hit right at the correct angel; his faint abs from him most recently working out would show up. He was perfect. His arm muscles slightly moved as he threw his clothes into hamper. I was too busy admiring him before he broke me from trance. "You okay over there? If I didn't know any better I'd get the feeling you're checking me out." He said with a cocky smirk. I smiled and pushed myself off the door frame I was leaning on.
"Nah, I think your hideous and by no means attractive. And you do it to me all the time." I said jokingly.
"Your loud noises from me pinning you down two nights ago and those dark marks say otherwise, baby girl". He said smirking. I blushed while trying to cover the "love marks" on my neck and where my shoulders met.
"Shut up and let me enjoy my hot boyfriend's body when we aren't fucking." I said laughing. Yoongi let out chuckle before he went off to the master bathroom to brush his teeth. I changed out of my day clothes into nothing but his white Fear of God shirt that hit my mid thighs and put my hair in a high ponytail.
"Aish! Its so fucking bad" Yoongi groaned loudly. I looked in and saw him examining his facial hair, clearly upset with how fast it was growing. "Yoon, just shave it tomorrow before you go to work. You need sleep." I said walking over to him. I knew he was beyong exhausted by how irritated he sounded and by the slight bags under his eyes. It was comeback season and I knew he was over working himself a bit. He was eating healthy and was taking care of himself like he has been, but I still worried about him. "I can't, we have an interview in the morning and we have dance practice. Plus, I need to finish up a song in the home studio once I wake up." He said leaning his head against the mirror pouting; his raven bangs falling and covering his eyes. I wrapped my arms around his bare torso and leaned my cheek on his broad shoulder making him shiver at the contact. "What if I do it for you?" I said quietly.
"My work?"
"No, dumbass." I said pulling away laughing while he turned around. "I mean shave your face." I said poking his chubby cheeks and kissing his pout.
"You sure you're not to tired to do that for me?"
"I wouldn't be offering if I was."
"Yes you would, because I'd do it too for you."
"I've already gotten at least 4 hours of sleep. You've been up since 6 am. I have more energy and I don't want you stressing out over it. Let me do it, baby. Let me take care of you." I said seriously.
"God, I can't wait to make you my wife." He said sighing. I laughed loudly "Who said I would say yes if your proposed?".
"We've talked about it and you were weak at the knees when I told you I would give you as many kids as you want and I would find a way to make it work for you, the kids, and music. Plus, you let me take your v-card. You've already said yes based on that like I did." Yoongi said laughing.
I blushed. "Just go get your damn razor and everything else." I said crossing my arms over my chest. Yoongi turned around and opened the medicine cabinet to pull out his shaving cream, aftershave, and the black leather case that he kept his razor in. He set everything in front of the sink and scooted out of the way for me to work. I opened up the case and saw exactly what type of razor it was. Anxiety shivered through my body as I pulled the razor out carefully. I just came to the realization that I had never actually SEEN his razor. He usually was using it on tour or even over at the dorm with the rest of the guys. Whenever he did shave here, it was in the shower.
"This is a straight razor...". I said quietly.
"I know. It gets closer to my skin and the shave lasts longer. It works better for me than a normal one.". I carefully opened the blade far away from either of us at the risk of us getting cut. I stared at it and my anxiety just continued to grow. These were dangerous and I'd never used one before.
"Hey, what's wrong?" Yoongi said looking at me concerned while reaching out and gently rubbing my shoulder.
"I'm scared I'm going to pull a Thomas Brown Hewitt and slit your throat while I shave you. I can't afford a lawsuit as big as you." I said casually as I carefully set the razor down after I slowly put the blade back. Yoongi busted out laughing loudly at my comment.
"You'll do fine, Kitten." He said calmly after he collected himself. "I'll show you how to use it on yourself first if that'll make you more comfortable.". I thought for a moment and nodded my head agreeing. Yoongi grabbed the shaving cream and turned the water on so it was hot but not scolding. "Fuck." Yoongi said looking down, his deep raspy voice just slightly about a whisper as he just noticed what I was wearing. I smirked at him with a face that said "really?" .
"Sorry, you just look really fucking cute." He said blushing. Yoongi showed me how to put the cream on my legs which was no different than I normally do. He then grabbed the razor, instructing me to put my hand where his was. He lightly wrapped his large hand around my wrist, and started.
"Okay, so the trick is to go with the grain of hair; never against it. It can cause bumps and ingrown hairs. Also keep your hand at a 30-degree angle. Anything more will cut yourself. Make sure the skin is always taught as well. And go slow and gentle. Like this.". Yoongi began helping me shave where my ankle was and guiding me with the right amount of pressure. After a few more strokes of him helping me, I had enough confidence to do it on my own. It wasn't as hard or scary as I thought. After 20 minutes, I had both of my legs shaved and set the blade down on the sink. I ran my hands down my legs and noticed how smoother my legs were. I had no cuts, bumps, or anything like I normally would. "I DID IT YOONGI! I DIDN'T KILL MYSELF!". I yelled extremely happy that I didn't have to go to the ER, wrapping my arms around Yoongi's neck . He laughed at how excited I was.
"I told you that you could do it. Are you ready to try it on me now?" He said picking the blade back up. I smiled and told him to sit down on the counter of the bathroom sink. Once he was sat down and his glasses were off, I put the water on and shaving cream on his face. Just when I had turned to grab the razor; I felt a large warm hand on my wrist. "Um.. wait a second."
While I went to look over at Yoongi; I felt a soft, light, pressure on my left cheek followed by a muffled sound. I looked between my face and part of my hair covered in white, to Yoongi's right hand also covered in white and the right side of his face showing his skin underneath. It took me a second to get over my shock before I began processing what had just happened. "MIN YOONGI." I yelled, waking Holly up, making him barm from the disturbance of his sleep before going back to bed. Yoongi busted out in a full-on laugh attack causing him to almost fall off the sink before catching himself. As I washed the shaving cream off of me, I looked annoyed but also amused at him being playful. "I want a divorce already." I said laughing with him. Once we both settled down and Yoongi had his face covered in shaving cream again; I grabbed the razor and was about to start shaving him when my anxiety started getting the better of my again. Yoongi sensed my anxiety sparking and grabbed my hand that wasn't holding the razor.
"Hey." Yoongi said while he looked up at me lovingly, running his long fingers over mine soothingly. "I trust you okay. I know you won't hurt me." He said before kissing my knuckles, careful not to get the shaving cream on my hand. I nodded smiling and slowly started shaving him. Several minutes in shaving him, while I was concentrating, I felt Yoongi's hands reach behind me to my upper thighs, pulling me closer. He gently started rubbing soothing circles on them and messaging my ass.
"Keep it PG, Min. I have weapon and I'm not afraid to use it." I said jokingly making him chuckle.
"You know what you in my clothes do to me." He said with a tired smirk. His dark lashes hit his cheekbones as he relaxed under my touch. I smiled at a how serene he looked, and it took everything in me not to kiss him. Once I was done, I rubbed my nose against his causing him to open one eye and smile. I grabbed the washcloth and gently cleaned whatever was left of his shaving gel. I grabbed his Invictus aftershave and put some on his face.
"Okay, I'm think done." I said proud of myself. Yoongi put his glasses back on and grabbed the handheld mirror I had held out to him and examined his face closely. A huge smile hit his lips and he wrapped his strong arms around my shoulders and pulled me to his broad chest. "You did amazing Jagi. Thank you." He said as he muzzled his face into my neck.
"You're welcome, Yoons." I said tiredly as I ran my fingers through his soft locks, laying my head on top of his. The faint smell of his aftershave along with the smell of him in general hitting my nose made me feel tired as I gently messaged his head. Yoongi hummed quietly into my neck before placing chaste lazy kissing to my neck, chest, below my ear lobe, cheeks, temple, nose, and finally my lips.
"I love soft, cuddly Yoongi." I said giggling. Yoongi looked at me with a soft smile, our noses touching.
"I thought you loved rough, dominate Yoongi?" He said rubbing our noses together.
"Ehh, I like all sides. I'm an easy woman to please." I said looking at him smiling before telling him it was time for us to go to bed. He yawned while nodding and we headed to our bed, setting his glasses down on the nightstand. He pulled me close, so my head was laying on his chest and placed his hand on the side of my face. Our centimeters away from each other he smiled and looked into my eyes with his full of love, care, warmth, and passion. "I love you so much, Jagi." He said tired while stroking my cheek bone. I leaned it connected my lips to his in a sweet but passionate kiss. We both pulled away with giant smiles on our faces. I responded looking tiredly into his eyes. "I love you too, Yoongi.". I layed my head on my pillow, my face buried in his neck breathing in his scent while he buried his in my hair, arms wrapped tightly around me. "I can't believe you smashed me in the face with shaving cream." I said quietly.
"That's what you get for staring at me and then parading around our bedroom in my shirt and your lace panties you brat.". He responded letting out and airy chuckle. I smiled before closing my eyes and falling asleep to his light breathing.
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cinnella · 4 years
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Name: Eris Zaramoza (chosen name); Yin Abo (birth name)
Age: 26 years old
Sex: Female
Sexuality: Pansexual
Zodiac sign: Scorpio
Birthday: November 5th
Patron Arcana:
Death (Major); Queen of Cups (Minor)
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Occupation: Magician and Shopkeeper; Former Necromancer
Height: 5'7" (1.71 m)
Weight: 64 kg (141 lbs)
Sethos Abo - older brother
Nuwa Abo - mother (deceased)
Kek Abo - father (deceased)
Xié Dongmei - aunt (deceased)
Origin: Born in Venterre, but grew up in Vesuvia
Race: Half chinese, half egyptian
Powers: Blue (astrology) and purple (divination) magic. Also has an affinity for controlling and summoning water
Intelligence Level: On a scale from 1 to 10, she's a 7
She was born in a small home in Venterre. Her father was already dead at the time of her birth, her brother only 5 years old and her mother deadly sick.
Only two days after her birth, her mom passed away, from the lack of proper medication. Sethos knew that she was way too young for him to take care of, so he tried to seek out their aunt, who lived on the other side of the city.
That night, he sat under a makeshift shelter with his baby sister, but he was so hungry that he had no other choice but to leave her there and try to find some food. Eventually, Yin started crying, which a passerby heard and when they found her, they took her with them.
Sethos was utterly crushed when he came back and she was gone... He tried to look for her, but he was so exhausted that he passed out in the middle of the street. Luckily, he was found by a woman with children and brought to her place.
When he had woken up, he explained his situation to her. The next morning, the woman helped him travel to his aunt's home. But by the time he got there and told her what happened to his sister and mother, Yin was already on a ship heading towards Vesuvia.
There, she was brought to an orphanage, in the South End, where multiple kids and babies from different places had been found, to be taken care of by people whom founded the building. She grew up a rather lonesome troublemaker. The caretakers were kind people, but the kids were mean. So she had no friends.
Soon enough, the adults had realized that most of the kids had no names, couldn't remember them or never knew them. So they took to liberty to name them, but because there were about 30 children and 15 adults, there was a lot of confusion and mis-naming.
They decided to teach the kids to read and write when they were old enough to understand the concepts, and on their 7th birthday, they'd choose their definitive name, something that they felt represented them.
And so, Yin Abo became Eris Zaramoza.
On that day, she met two kids that both looked younger than her. One was small and frail. Porcelain skin, black hair, mismatched eyes. Her name had been Saiya. The other was slightly taller than her. Umber skin, magenta eyes, jet black hair. The caretakers often called him Sykes. They were both known troublemakers and apparently, best friends.
They offered her to become friends and although she'd been sketchy about it, she agreed. They were her first friends, after all.
Years later, the three of them became inseparable and two new children joined their group, both of them noticeably younger. One had skin the color of limestone, ashy blond hair and silverish eyes. The other had dark espresso skin, curly chestnut hair and jade green eyes.
They were often referred to as "accidental troublemakers" because they did naughty things without even realizing it. These four kids became her kin, her family. For years upon years, the five of them brought migraines to the entirety of Vesuvia with their shenanigans. They were known as "the southenders".
The orphanage had a set rule. Despite the caretakers doing their best and raising the kids as their own, by the time Eris reached her adolescence, the amount of kids had doubled.
The set rule was that, once the kids would turn 17, they'd have to seek a home of their own. Eris is the eldest between her and her friends, so she had to leave first.
Heartbreaking as it was, they'd anticipated this for months. They'd made plans to try to find their roots. Upon talking with the adults, the one who'd found her so many years ago told her she'd been born in Venterre, near the west-coast.
After a couple of tear-filled fair-wells, she promised to visit from time to time, and then left to find her bloodrelatives. A couple of days later, looking through her instructions and map, she stood in front of an old, small house.
On the porch, a young man who looked to be in his early twenties, was seated there. She called to him, asking if he could help her out. When he looked up, shock was written on both of their faces.
He had grey-ish short hair and sapphire blue eyes. His skin was just a little bit lighter than hers, scars on his nose and lips. Same round nose, same almond eyes, same strong eyebrows. The resemblance was groundbreaking, almost like looking into a mirror.
Though she never met him, she knew, deep down, that they were related. He was utterly convinced he was dreaming but she reassured him he wasn't. They didn't hug, for they barely knew each other, but they both cried. She was invited in his home, where their aunt had been preparing dinner. Eris' presence brought her to tears.
In the next few hours, while they dined, she learned that their names were Sethos and Dongmei, and that they were her older brother and aunt, respectively. She learned of her parents and their unfortunate fate, of the night Sethos lost her.
It was a relief to learn all this, and although she wanted to head back to Vesuvia, to her friends and find a home, she spent a couple of days with them. Dongmei mentioned that she had an abandoned magic shop in Vesuvia from her youth, close to the center of the city. Giving Eris the key, she told her to make her home there.
Once back home, it was time for Count Lucio's yearly Masquerade. There, she met Asra, whom she soon became close with. When she learned that he was an orphan, and had no place to stay, she offered him to live with her in the shop. It needed some repairs and a lot of cleaning but it was a start.
Years passed and they became closer. Unspoken feelings hanging in the air, but something stopped them from confessing. The Red Plague had arrived and it was taking anyone it could grasp. Eris and Asra, while discussing the situation one night, had an argument.
In the years he'd taught her magic, she'd also taught herself necromancy and wanted to help the plague doctors with the dead, possibly reverse their fate. But Asra didn't agree, "magic isn't supposed to work that way" he said.
So she ran away, found Julian and became his apprentice.
Soon died from the plague...
And the rest is history.
Personality: curious, caring, bold, kind, polite, calm, patient, self-less, motherly, gentle, open-minded, truthful, loyal, trustworthy, out-spoken, honest, stubborn, too forgiving and can never hold grudges for long
Interesting facts:
The small scars on the right side of her jaw, left collarbone and left shoulder are all from fainting while trying to get back her memories. Every time, she had the unfortunate luck of hitting something and scarring her skin.
She has a huge scar on her left thigh but she doesn't remember how she got it.
She also has an "apple of discord" tattoo on her right shoulder.
God forbid you ever make her wear gold, she cannot stand it. She only wears silver.
Although she's an ambivert, she leans towards introvert.
Hates lying and liars in general.
HAAAATES Lavender. Do not put her near those flowers.
Appearance: Sienna skin tone, wavy waist-length silver-white hair, bright ice blue eyes, pear-shaped fit body, B cup breasts.
Familiar: Kage, a sarcastic silver fox that can actually talk.
Voice claim: Margot Robbie
Full sprite:
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Lmao sorry for the backstory being so long but.. My inner writer kinda jumped out. 😅
By the way, HUGE PROPS to my lovely beyotch @sahana-anand for giving me her bio template, it helped me SO MUCH. Thank you, love, couldn't have done it without you!
Hope you'll show some love to my girl Eris!
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