#I love me some Lip Gallagher🥰
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yezzyyae · 1 year ago
I had a long ass dream about Phillip Lip Gallagher and them Gallaghers. I was living with them crazy ass ppl and cooking dinner and baking cookies for their loco asses 😂😂I was soo in love with Lip I didn’t want to leave the house. It was after Fiona left so I was helping everybody adapt 😂😂🤦🏾‍♀️I have to stop watching “Shameless” late at night. I would be in love with Lip because of his cocky, arrogant, & semi evil ways. I was defending him to Frank & Debbie omggg soo clear as day.
I always fall in love with cocky, arrogant, semi evil man. It never fails 😂😌it’s something about them. Lip Gallagher had my whole heart in that dream last night. I was living with them damn Gallagher all while he was still using dish washing liquid as soap. How like how is it Lip always in my dreams. I wanna dream about Carmy Berzatto but I’m not mental ready for another rewatch of “The Bear” 😩 so I’ll stick to my Lip Gallagher’s dream cause Jeremy Allen White is taking over my life 🥰🥰
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gallaghersgal · 1 year ago
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❄️ 🎀💋 welcome to my winter sleepover!
it’s been a while, so i wanted to host a little event 🥰 i’ve been getting back into writing, and i love the holiday season so now is as good a time as ever to get back into the swing of things!!
open: indefinitely!!
requests: send in prompts from either this list or this list! please include a character, and any details about the reader you’d like me to include! you can also send in any winter themed request you think of ❄️🫶🏻
characters: carmen berzatto, lip gallagher, matt murdock, frank castle, joel miller, or anyone else on my character list, which can be found on my (very outdated) about me page! seriously i need to get on that. it’s been two years.
games: if you’re not feeling a request, i will also be doing games!
send a 🎬 for a winter show/movie rec, or send me your own!
send a 😈 and three characters and i’ll play FMK (i’m rlly bad at this one)
send a ⭐️ and a movie/show and i’ll review and rate it if i’ve seen it!!
send a 💌 and a prompt from one of these lists and i’ll answer it!! winter asks. cozy asks. another winter asks. new years writer asks. please include either the prompt or the name of the list so i know which one you’re asking!
thank yall so much for sticking around!! have fun and ask away ❄️🎀💋
additional note for my loyal followers under the cut 🥰
my masterlist. my most recent.
hello lovelies!! as a lot of you know i had my 1000 follower celebration a while back. if the inspiration strikes me, i will try to write some of those requests! thank you guys so much for supporting my writing, lots of love 💋🎀
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catgrassplantdad · 1 year ago
weekly tag wednesday! 💫
thank you for tagging me @darlingian & @energievie ��
which character from any media would you like to have as a father?: stealing chani's answer because no one could possibly top bob belcher 🍔
if money, laws, time, and effort were no object, what animal would you want to have?: as someone who used to work with exotic wild animals who were rescued from the pet trade and needed to be re-taught how to act like wild animals, i'm not gonna answer this one. i know some wild animals are more amenable to being pets but sorry i hate fun!!! 😇
what is your Chinese takeout order?: veggie lo mein or chicken fried rice
what's your favourite emoji?: 🌸 this guy but also 💫 this guy.
would you rather have a library, greenhouse, or home theater in your house?: we have a library and i'm obsessed with it, i wouldn't trade it for either of the others. it's a silly little room but i love it in there. it used to be a deck and the previous owners closed it in and made it part of the house, so the floor and ceiling are a little slanted. but i'm in there all the time in my cozy chair.
what childhood tv show do you think of the most fondly?: hehe rugrats
what was your tumblr like when you first joined?: my old tumblr from 2013 was like a horny aesthetic blog with a little bit of fandom stuff and music stuff. the fandom and music stuff i reblogged was like carefully curated though, in keeping with the aesthetic. what a pain in the ass.
what clothing style do you love but don't feel compelled to replicate yourself?: i've been trying to think of something for like 20 minutes so i'm gonna skip this one lol
if you were plopped into a fictional world, which one would you know the layout of the best?: if i was dropped in supernatural i could make my way around that huge ass bunker without even thinking about it, which is so embarrassing.
what is your favourite piece of art?: i always come back to hero and leander by rubens 🌊
do you have a water bottle? what does it look like?: yeah, it's gray and it has a ram's head on it and says "fortune favors the brave" lmfao. my husband got it as a christmas gift from a coworker a few years ago and i've stolen it. 🐏
what fanfic trope is a quiet fave?: lately i'm really into whumpy hurt/comfort
do you carry a daily bag? what does it look like? what's the weirdest thing in it?: i carry a bag sometimes, it's a black leather backpack. i just looked and there's not much in there because i don't carry it very often. maybe the tylenol is weird?
If you had to ship Mickey with another Gallagher, who would it be?: ah man, maybe lip? that feels like the obvious one. some enemies to lovers action. how fun would it be for those two to fuck it out?
what is a fanfic trope you didn't expect to like and then very much did?: AUs! this fandom made me an au guy.
Do you think s11 Mickey can still carry s11 Ian?: i think he tries! i think he wraps his arms under his butt and lifts him a little and staggers for a second, but it's easier when it's a piggyback ride. 🥰
who got custody of the killing bat when they sold the house?: carl or debbie! probably debbie tbh.
tagging @howlinchickhowl @gallawitchxx @whatthebodygraspsnot @heymrspatel @whatwouldmickeydo @gardenerian @deedala @rereadanon @ardent-fox @softmick @michellemisfit @creepkinginc @sam-loves-seb @palepinkgoat @ohkate @too-schoolforcool if you guys wanna play 💚
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transmurderbug · 1 year ago
🍂Tag Game Wednesday! 🍂
Thank you for the tag Kaka @stocious 💙 and Nosho @creepkinginc! 💙🥰
which character from any media would you like to have as a father? I have no idea 🤔 I'd accept some of the cool dads.
if money, laws, time, and effort were no object, what animal would you want to have? A dragon. Or a horse.
what is your Chinese takeout order? There's almost exclusively only one Chinese dish I can eat and that is the... fragrant tender chicken breast? I think that's what it's called (with noodles)
what's your favourite emoji? 🫂
would you rather have a library, greenhouse, or home theater in your house? In this order all three? Is that an option? It is now 😌
what childhood tv show do you think of the most fondly? I loved Teen Titans and Scooby Doo as a kid. But I was also more of an Animal Planet and National Geographic kid, so...
what was your tumblr like when you first joined? Pretty much the same as now.
what clothing style do you love but don't feel compelled to replicate yourself? I don't think I can think of one.
if you were plopped into a fictional world, which one would you know the layout of the best? Berk or Alagaësia. I think. I'm sure I could think of more...
what is your favourite piece of art? Hmm. I have a lot... I love Anguish by August Friedrich Schenk and Egri nők by Bertalan Székely
do you have a water bottle? what does it look like? I have a bunch. Some are plain, some have all kinds of patterns or decorations.
what fanfic trope is a quiet fave? Angst. Hurt/comfort.
do you carry a daily bag? what does it look like? what's the weirdest thing in it? I do. It's a relatively large camouflage bag. The weirdest thing in it... I usually have salt and sweeteners with me, maybe that counts as weird?
if you had to ship Mickey with another Gallagher, who would it be? Ouch. I've stumbled upon some Lip/Mickey fics and while they didn't make me gag, I'd still pass. So... no.
what is a fanfic trope you didn't expect to like and then very much did? ABO. When I first read an ABO fic, I really didn't like it and left pretty fast. Then one day, it grew on me 😆
Do you think s11 Mickey can still carry s11 Ian? I think so? Small, but mighty. He's short, but definitely strong. Plus, it really depends on the lifting technique. I think he would need a proper carrying technique, so definitely no "bridal style", but yes.
who got custody of the killing bat when they sold the house? Carl. -----------
I'm not late today, so I'm tagging some cool people to participate, if you want. If not, here, you can have a mushroom 🍄 @deathclassic @ian-galagher @bawlbrayker @transmickey @meagaboooo @dynamic-power @deedala @crossmydna @juliakayyy @heymrspatel @palepinkgoat @sweetperversiongirl @spacerockwriting @jrooc @francesrose3 @krystallouwho @steorie @depressedstressedlemonzest @gardenerian @suzy-queued @lupeloto @metalheadmickey @look-i-love-u @darlingian @scurvgirl and anyone else who wants to 😌
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ardent-fox · 2 years ago
I’m back! And I thought what better way to come back than to send a question to all my besties on here like I used to🥰
What is one thing you wish we could have seen more of in the show from Gallavich’s relationship or Ian/Mickey individually?
- Chey💜
Chey, my dear, so glad to have you back! 💖 Hope you're having a wonderful day, thank you for thinking of me 🥰
Ooh, good question! Lord bless me, I'm about to go off.
I really would have liked to have seen more intimacy between Ian and Mickey throughout the years, both in and out of the bedroom. I feel like we didn't really get this until Noel became a regular during season 4 and we got to see things from Mickey's perspective as well, and even then these moments were few and far in between.
While I can kind of understand this approach during the first 3 seasons due to the plot (and Cam's age), there is no excuse for us not getting this after their reunion in the 4th one. There was no big moment between them following it, not one "I missed you" or kiss on the lips, absolute zilch. Then season 5 rolls around, during which they are freaking boyfriends and Mickey is out, and while there were some tender moments laced with angst, I still can't get over that their (first and last) tender sex scene ended up getting scrapped, and we never got a similar one since. We all know what a huge role physical love plays with these two, and the fact that we were denied a more intimate look at that aspect of their relationship while in the height of its development was such a shame, especially within a show chock-full of sex scenes between other characters that most of the time didn't even serve the plot.
I also would have liked to have seen more domestic, affectionate moments between them in the last two seasons. The fact that we never heard Ian call Mickey a term of endearment except the 'baby' that may or may not have been a general greeting in S11, are you kidding me? You're telling me that Ian 'play what cool' Gallagher hasn't been annoyingly bombarding Mickey with lovey-dovey nicknames for years? Bullshit, John Wells. Bull. Shit. Maybe I'm just a boring person, but I would have killed to have seen these two making dinner together while bopping to music in their new apartment, sexy/sweet-talking each other and getting handsy until they almost burn their meal, but I guess that's what fanfics are for.
Lastly (I know, finally) I'm going to be greedy and also say that, while I'm grateful that season 11 gave us the two of them communicating their feelings in a healthier way, I would have liked more of those moments, too. And, not to turn this into a "Scenes that never should have been deleted" post because that's not what you asked, but cutting the 'You're my husband' camo kiss scene was a crime against humanity that rendered their whole storyline in that episode pointless, and I will not stop barking about this injustice for as long as I live.
To summarize; more intimacy, more meaningful sex and more tenderness without a side order of heartbreak, please and thank you 🤗
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lady-phasma · 9 months ago
Wow thankyou so much much for replying back and for also for @gemini-mamaadding their opinion. It meant a lot to me. And also I don’t feel alone as I haven’t been able to talk to anyone else about this. 💕💕It has really helped me a lot and I did have a cry over it. It’s been really hard this week as for some reason. I have realised I’m more invested in a character/actor and their life than my own life. And so scared to be vulnerable to date etc. Your advice was so kind and compassionate. I am also going to read the article you linked me to too.
I’ve also thought a lot about my life and I’m determined to get back out there. These connections can be lovely (in your head) but they are stifling because that person is doing things in their lives and it looks so damn amazing and I’m in the office having to tick off tasks for the day! I have a brilliant trip aboard scheduled for the summer and have been working out etc but today I did have a McDonald’s because I felt so low. 
I’m re- reading your advice and will be taking it onboard.
I think I also need to take a step back from fandom for the next couple of weeks because I see things that I don’t really like but people on tumblr go crazy for. And I feel bad for having opinions that are not positive or supportive. An example would be EM at the last comic con event where he was pushing his chest out to show off his mesh top. I thought that was very Liam Gallagher and Oasis of him and slightly arrogant, whereas Steve T seemed so refined, gentlemanly and was taking it all in his stride. Maybe as an older actor he didn’t feel the need to peacock? I am also older than EM (never fancied anyone younger in my life! 🫣🫣) and have liked Matt Smiths energy more than EM’s recently. But even with that there has to be a line drawn. I do not know MS at all and have no connection with him!
I think I am alittle scared of dating and putting myself out there but I have also been confused about the type of person I would like to be with. This experience has taught I wouldn’t want to be with anyone younger than me because it just feels like the reality would be very different to the fantasy.  I don’t want any regrets and I really can’t allow this to get in my way.
I think I’m also envious alittle of the confidence that EM has. Or is perceived to have. I know he has probably worked really hard but it does all seem to happening so young for him and the other younger cast mates. I had an ugly duckling complex when I was younger and even though people say I’m good looking I have an insecurity especially about my nose so I found it fascinating when EM came out with a prominent chin. I love his chin and it fits his face but I’m envious of his confidence and the fact he hasn’t let it get in the way. Sorry for saying that but that is how I feel - please be kind to me. I wiuld love to hear your views. 💕💕
thank you again for being kind to me. 🥰🥰
Hi anon! I'm sorry I couldn't get back to this right away. My job got really stressful this week and then more HotD press and chaos.
I am so glad that you saw @gemini-mama's reblog! It was a lovely addition. 💕
I will always be kind to you nonnie! I just wish I could respond to every point you made. Please don't ever let that stop you from coming to my inbox though.
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A few thoughts after the cut.
Dating is difficult for nearly everyone. For plenty of people "age is just a number" and they go by personality. I find that difficult irl (with intimate relationships). There are so many factors that I'm not going to go into, but I'm flexible. I can't say "I won't ever" because I might meet someone five years younger or 10 years older than myself and be smitten!
Switching to appearances, I love love love Ewan's jaw. Just like I love Matt's chin and ears and lack of eyebrows. What makes us unique, makes us beautiful! I'm self-conscious about some of my physical features but the insecurities started to go away in my 30s. Do I still think my lips are too thin? Yup, do I care any more? Nope. They've been the same for 41 years, they aren't getting any bigger!
There's nothing anyone can ever say to us to change how we think about our appearance. Maybe your envy of Ewan isn't a bad thing, maybe it can help you see that other people can inhabit their body without openly conveying how they feel about it. I hope he loves how he looks, but most humans don't.
I hope your break is good for you and that you come back refreshed. I would love to hear what you have to say about episode one after it airs (all the episodes if you want to stop by and chat about them)!
One last thing, Ewan's style: I have the unpopular opinion that he and Matt need to fire their stylists and borrow Olivia's. But I don't think Ewan was pushing his chest out to show off. My take (and I made a few slow motion gifs of that outfit) is that he was probably in his head, trying to get past nerves, and not fuck up and spoil anything. Like I said in my other ask, he's young, he's figuring it out.
Again, sorry for the delay. I'm always here if you need me, even if it takes me a moment to answer. 💜
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suchagallabitch · 2 years ago
Fandom Tag !
i was tagged by the lovely @auds-and-evens & @vintagelacerosette thank you stinks 🥰
Your Name: Elle 😸
Your First Fandom(s): The Hunger Games and Percy Jackson
How did you first get into fandom? I was like 11 so forgive me for not remembering all that well but I honest to god think it was Wattpad 💀 I had always likes to write and I saw that people were writing stories about the books i loved and i was like yeah i gotta do that and now here we are nearing a decade since 😭
How long have you been engaging with fandom spaces? I think I was still in 5th grade when I started reading and writing fanfiction so sufficed to say quite some time
How often do you read fanfics? honestly not very often. I am horrible at consistently reading and like if i have the spare time i would rather write than read BUT i am trying to read more to support my lovely stinky friends and their amazing work 🫶
Top 3 characters from your current fandom(s): Ian Gallagher ofc my favourite man, Mickey That also does without saying and my main woman the woman the myth the legend SHELIA 😩😩😩😩😩😩
Have you ever written a fic for a fandom? if so, shout it out! I have 46 published shameless fics so go read them stinkies 🤨 I will shoutout my favourite(s) though if anyone is in the mood for some galladads
- wasn’t it beautiful running wild till you fell asleep before the monsters caught up to you?
- now i send their babies presents
- but we can patch it up good
- it was as good as our song
Have you ever drawn fanart for a fandom? if so, shout it out! I cannot draw to save my life 😭
Share a personal headcanon that you feel very strongly about: A silly one is that Ian Gallagher is obsessed with SVU idk why thats a constant in my fanfics it just is. An actual serious one I have and I love so dearly is that Carl becomes a social worker. I feel like it makes sense because he wants to help his community out and he went through DCFS so he knows how it feels to be one of those kids. It just makes SO much sense to me especially since it seemed Carl was getting tired of being a cop but still wanted to help. How he passed school? I have no clue. I say Lip and Bryn (my gf oc for him) helped him cheat online school because that feels topical. OH also a fave headcannon is that Ian and Mickey have many many chickens thank you Mel ( @gardenerian ) i am forever obsessed with the chick crew
You're trying to convince a friend to get into your current fandom(s) with you. what episode, clip, or scene are you showing them? That’s actually a funny question for me because once i talked about random shameless plot lines to ky friend for like an hr and she was genuinely so traumatised she couldn’t believe it. another time i showed random clips to a group of my friends i also definitely traumatised them. but then my other two friends started watching the show hc of me. I always say im a plauge on everyone bc we usually end up watching shameless. Bonus my amazing breathtaking spectacular friend had started rhe show a long time ago and is now actively trying to finish it because she wants to read my fanfics 😭😭🥹🫶. I realise i didn’t answer the question but i would show Ian stealing Yev and the sorry im late scene i feel like that encompasses the show pretty well and is enticing
And finally, what does fandom mean to you? This feels like an essay question prompt lol. Idk man a bunch of cool people coming together to make some cool things and consume media together and you know what?? we shlay 🫶
second tag….
name: smelly ellie at your service
age: a year older next week 😇
Where in the world are you? Florida (derogatory)
The meaning behind your UR: Im a gallabitch what can i say i also had this user before i joined the server so maybe im a psychic too
Your second favourite color: my favourite colours are all in a tie with one another so pink yellow and burnt orange are simultaneously my first second and third favourite colour
any pets? my son chidi who is definitely a human inside a cats body
favourite season? Winter! It doesnt get cold here but i can pretend
Last thing you read: The 7 husbands of evelyn hugo i DEVOURED that book i read it in like a day 😭 if anyone wants to chat about this book please come forth
Last song you listened to: (you) on my arm
What are you wearing right now? my work uniform lol i am actively currently not doing my job
A hobby of yours: writing ofc and i would say bitching us also up there. That said i need more hobbies and really wanna (re)learn how to crochet
and finally, what are you up to today? I wish I could say nothing ☹️✊. Gotta finish my shift and then do some school work unfortunately maybe i’ll write a lil who knows!
I’m gonna try and tag some friends i don’t usually in the spirit of fandom ! play along if you please 😌😊
@imikhailo @sam-loves-seb @babygirlmickey @michellemisfit @magnificentcollectivehurricane @secret-gallavich @rereadanon @damnnmilkovich @takeyourpillsbitchh @mickmilkowitch @tear-soaked-cheeksdonteverlast @twinklyylights @milkoviched @firecrxtch @milkovetti @chicanomick @mickeys-been-staying-at-ians @gallavichlover19 @nyhmeriah @ianstummy @mickeys-notebook @filorux @mrmillagher @mixkeymilkovich @too-schoolforcool @adakechi @ian-galagher @tsuga-of-mars @mikhailoaleksandrmilkovich @gallavichgeek @lesbiangallagher @milkovichs @flamingbluepanda @ianspettyagain @callivich 🫶🫶
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squidyyy23 · 2 years ago
Not a question- just a Thank you for sharing your beautiful talent (writing to you here in case you don’t read comments in AO3).
I read DAD without stopping until my eyes hurt.
Am late to the gallavich fandom but I can't not comment on the fics that just touch me so deeply.
This story was so beautiful and you are an amazing writer.
I can't get enough of Mickey and Ian falling in love in every universe but this was just sooooooo good and it made so much sense - I could see them and hear them as if just teleported there from Shameless. You get them so perfectly (Mandy and Lip and the whole Gallagher gang as well).
You have a beautiful gift and I am so happy you are still in the fandom and writing. I feel like I can't move to another fic just yet though - will go back and read this again.
After that, excited to read more of your stories.
Thank you, thank you, thank you :)
Xx Nora
hi nora! welcome welcome!!!! it’s never too late to jump aboard the train! 🚂
please know i’ve been hanging on to this ask, using it as fuel to kick my butt back into the daily writing habit.
those DAD boys were ARE so special to me. sometimes it’s weird to think they took over my life for a year and now they’re just…gone? but then sweet souls like you come around and remind they’re never gone! so special when they find their way into some fresh hands. 🥰
thank you dearly for the kind words! this truly is the most magical place full of the most talented and most beautiful souls around. welcome!
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mytangledmind · 2 years ago
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that's the way we get by
A good day, a good week, even several good months don’t mean shit when there is one single, tiny, random thing that catches you off guard and throws you for a loop. Doesn’t matter how good you did or how far you have come. It sneaks up on you and fucks you over.
“Don’t want ya to do this shit on your own, Ian.” Mickey says sincerely. And Ian exhales a shaky breath, gives him a small smile and scoots closer. He takes Mickey’s left hand and brings it to his chapped lips and kisses each digit slowly, caressing the rough skin with his mouth, loving the feel of cool metal when he reaches Mickey’s ring finger.
A story about Ian and Mickey and how they tackle their life together on Chicago’s West Side.
Chapter 3!! 🥳
I’m so thrilled that it didn’t actually took me another year to post the next chapter. 🥲 I have to thank @shameless-notashamed once again for being such a huge help and being the best beta I could ask for. 🫶🏻
There is some loving, some bickering and some fighting going on. A typical day in the life of the Gallagher-Milkoviches I would say. 😌
I hope you enjoy reading. 🥰
Continue reading chapter three on Ao3 or start at the beginning with chapter one. 🥰❤️
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sluttymickey · 3 years ago
37 or 40!!
I believe in you wifey 😘
Hi wifey 🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰 I kinda tried to include both 👀💜
37. Not realising they're holding hands till someone points it out AND 40. Letting go when there is an obstacle in their way and immediately grabbing each other’s hand again when they pass it (from this prompts list <3)
Mickey Milkovich (Gallagher? She doesn’t think she’s asked if they’ve taken each other names after they got married) has not changed since the last time Fiona saw him.
Yeah, he definitely looks older, after all, it has been eight years since she saw him. And yet, when she sees him smile at Ian, it’s like she’s transported back in time.
Back when she first started to realise her little brother had a whole life she knew nothing about; that he'd found someone for himself, a Milkovich. Someone who loved him enough to sleep on the floor next to him every night. Loved him enough to come out for him in front of Terry fucking Milkovich. Loved him enough to say, “Let me take care of him until he's better….We’re taking care of him here. You, me, us. His fucking family.”
She sees Mickey's face light up when Ian enters the room in the exact same way it did all those years ago. She sees him lean into Ian's touch, absentmindedly seek Ian's hand, and melt against his side like he used to back when they were kids and he thought Fiona wasn't paying attention to them. She sees that he still rolls his eyes and smiles right after at Ian's jokes and remembers thinking back then about how Mickey must really love Ian, because he cracked a smile at even the lamest of jokes Ian made.
So yeah, Mickey Milkovich has not changed since the last time Fiona saw him. He's still just as in love with Ian as he was before.
She breaks out of her reverie. Smiles. Maybe it's time to have some fun. Kicks at the couch to get their attention. “So. Who's the clingy one?” she asks.
“Ian, of course,” Mickey replies quickly, shrugging. As if it's obvious. As if he wasn't the one who held Ian's hand the second he sat down next to him on the couch. As if he wasn't basically sitting on Ian's lap. As if he wasn't the one who'd slyly texted Ian, “Come here” about 5 times when he thought Fiona wasn't looking. (That's another thing that hasn't changed about Mickey. He's still shit at knowing whether Fiona's got an eye on him or not.)
“Well, you're the one who's been clinging onto Ian's hand for the past 15 minutes, so.” Fiona says, smirking.
They both look down at their intertwined hands, as if just realising that they were holding them.
“Mickey Milkovich, the fucker who terrorized the Southside at one point, just casually lounges about while holding my brother's hand? Bitch, you've gone soft!”
“Fuck off,” Mickey rolls his eyes, making no moves to drop Ian's hand. “And I'm still the fucker who terrorizes the Southside.”
“Yeah, Mick, you sure are.” Ian smiles at him, and then looks at Fiona and whispers, “Absolutely not.”
“I heard that, fucker!” Mickey shouts, smacking Ian on the thigh with his free hand and Fiona laughs, because wow, that soft bitch still refused to leave Ian's hand.
He kept holding Ian's hand even as he stubbornly argued about being the terror of the Southside.
Even when Lip came in and teamed up with Fiona to tease him about being a clingy fucker.
Even as they made their way off the couch and towards the door when it was time to leave. Dropped it just for a second when Franny and Liam ran between them, chasing after each other in a game they were playing. And then grabbed it again the second they went past them. His small hand firmly holding onto Ian's big one.
Maybe Mickey Milkovich had changed through the years, Fiona thought, as she watched them leave. Maybe he'd become more happy. More open. Softer.
And clingier, of course.
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gardenerian · 3 years ago
How does Ian start wearing his engagement ring? Do you think Mickey did something cute and silly?
anon i have not ONCE thought about this. how??? how have i never thought about this? please excuse me while i do multiple years of overdue thinking right now:
so they probably have to bounce out of that bar pretty quickly right? the band is ready to play, byron's friends are probably calling the cops, the bartender wants them out - so mickey helps a lovesick ian hobble out of there and they're breathless and laughing and stopping every few steps to make out and ian keeps grabbing mickey's hand and -
mickey realizes there's something missing. he wants to look down at ian's giant freckled hand and see a ring sparkling back up at him SO he gets down on one knee in the middle of the sidewalk (or on the L or outside of the house) and is like 🤨 ian gallagher will you do me the honor of handing me the rings that i know are in your pocket so i can make this shit official??? and ian melts on the spot 🥰
but now that i think about it, i don't think they're wearing rings in that scene with lip so..... maybe it's like this?
mickey drags ian upstairs after lip's big news. ian's bummed out and feeling sad which is NOT how he should be feeling tonight, in mickey's expert opinion. they deserve to celebrate. SO.
they get comfy in bed and mickey leans over to run a finger up and down ian's arm.
"you didn't get to give your speech."
"my - what?"
"your gay ass proposal speech. you didn't give it."
"you didn't let me!"
"you think i wanted all those hipster assholes hearin' that? no. that's mine. and now i am waitin' patiently."
and so ian gives a long rambling speech about how much he loves mickey and how he promises to do everything in his power to make him happy... to keep him safe... to keep them together and steady and solid. there are probably some jokes in there, definitely some innuendos.
mickey rolls his eyes and they both cry a little, then ian pulls the rings out from where they still sit under his shirt. mickey snorts - of course they're still there. and they put the rings on each other and laugh their dazed little laughs.
and then they celebrate 😇
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milkovichy · 3 years ago
Hi Debs love! While Mel takes the break they need, would you like to tell me how Ian and Mickey have annoyed each other this week so far? Also, how have they showed each other how much they love their husband?
Chrissy I am honored to have that asked to me, but at the same time I'm 100% I'll never come up with stuff that's sweet and fun like Mel's answers. Also it is Friday already but let's see:
Mickey went to bed after Ian on Monday, and he told him he'd do the dishes (their dishwasher broke). Ian was annoyed because he had no snuggling-with-husband time before bed and extra annoyed the next morning because Mickey didn't wash all the dishes, he left some pans in the water "to soak"
Ian facetimed Lip very early on Tuesday. Mickey doesn't know what that was about but he woke up with their loud laughter coming from the living room and he huffed and tried to go back to sleep but it was useless. It felt like living at the Gallagher's all over again with all the noise!
Ian came back to their bedroom after and pampered Mickey's face with smiley, messy kisses, so all was forgiven 🥰😘
Ian agreed to babysit for Debbie tonight. And it's date night so Mickey is grumpy. He loves Franny, of course, they're gonna have a great time, but he was really looking foward to some husband-time (it's okay because Ian will make it up to him)
Mickey used the last of Ian's fancy conditioner and now his curls are wild. Which Mickey loves and it was totally on purpose. Ian spends the day pouting, but every time Mickey looks at his glorious, free curls, he gets the biggest heart eyes 🥰😍 and he also kisses the pout out of Ian's mouth a few times.
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heymacy · 3 years ago
Oh, no, please, Macy. Take your own advice and share your gay little thoughts! Christmas Gallavich thoughts. Go!
my little gay thoughts, oh lord i have way too many of those 😭 but re: Christmas Gallavich — think excited puppy, grumpy kitten 😍😒
ian loves christmas — december is a hard month for him, but the joyfulness of the season has made it easier year after year. since franny and freddie (and baby Gallietti 2.0), he’s gotten really into the movies and the music, because that’s what gets them really hyped (i mean they’re kids, what kid doesn’t lose their mind over “Jingle Bells” and How The Grinch Stole Christmas??)
mickey, eh, he can take it or leave it. christmas was never really a big deal to him growing up, mostly because it usually ended in disappointment. but the past few years have been good ones, spent with the Gallaghers, in the comfort of his own home(s), with his family. and that’s not so bad 😌💛 sure, he likes the movies and the music as much as anyone (though if ian and franny do their irritating, poorly-choreographed dance to TSO’s “Wizards of Winter” one more fuckin’ time… 😤) but he’s really into the treats. all year he waits for ian and debbie to make peppermint bark, and he’ll never admit it, but lip’s actually a pretty decent baker 👀 carl, too. they always make christmas cookies for the kids to decorate (and the adults that are kids at heart, and that includes mickey and ian) and dammit, they’re actually delicious.
where they intersect is christmas activities — ice skating, specifically. ian learned from lip when they were kids. mickey didn’t pick it up until recently, but he shocked everyone with how quickly he was skating circles around the rest of them. franny just learned to skate, and can finally get around without those little ice-walkers they give you when you’re still wobbly, so mickey’s trying to teach her how to speed skate — though he winds up on his ass more often than she does!
as far as decorations go, i think they like to keep things relatively simple. ian gets some decorative hand towels from target for the kitchen and the bathroom and maybe one of the novelty pillows with a reindeer on it from the dollar spot. mickey picks out a welcome mat for their apartment that says “ho ho holy shit” that he thinks is hysterical (their uppity neighbors would disagree, but hey — fuck ‘em). i think ian would probably hang a wreath on the door and christmas lights on the balcony, but mickey draws the line at ian putting new sheets on the bed, complete with tiny christmas gnomes. nope. not happening, sorry debbie. solid White Elephant gift, though!
like i said i’m not a huge christmas person — more of a halloween bitch myself — but christmas as a concept makes me incredibly soft. it’s about healing your inner child, y’know? 🥰🎄💫
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gallawitchxx · 3 years ago
Hi! I felt invited to leave my headcanon and I decided to leave an ask lol. My name's abi. And I think Ian and Mickey will have a child eventually, and that child is gonna be totally besties with Lip's kids and they're gonna have sleepovers. Also, sorry if you don't like her... But I love Tami and I think Lip is gonna propose at some point and Mickey's gonna take over like "yes, you need to listen to me cause I'm certified groomzila and I know what planing a wedding is like" and they're gonna talk about their husbands all the time like 'these fucking Gallaghers"
ABI HI 👋🏼 ✨🥺
i’m so glad you took me up on that invite! love everything you said & love me some tami 🥰
i could go either way on the kid—if they want it (which we all know ian does), then i want it for them!—BUT YES if we’re headcanoning their kid, they would obviously be besties with their cousins! + franny, even though she’s a little older. i love the idea of all the kids on the couch or in sleeping bags in the living room... ian’s bringing out snacks & mickey’s fighting with the tv & the kids are all laughing at him 😂
& i do get emotional thinking about all of them being parents & raising the next generation with the love & stability that they deserved as kids.. 😭😭😭
there’s a definite friendship between mickey & tami, as partners of the brother’s gallagher, so mickey helping tami plan their wedding because he knows the fuckin’ ropes?? absolutely. i can’t wait for his magazines & his little notebook to make a triumphant comeback! & we deserved more than just one episode of fiancé!mickey, so yes yes more please! 🖤
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prettyboybuckley · 2 years ago
fanfic origin story
tagged by @rogerzsteven @monsterrae1 @alyxmastershipper @mooshkat 💕
this got a little long...
What was your first fandom (reading and/or writing)?
*deep sigh*
My first fandom reading fanfiction was definitely one direction... 😂
As for writing, while I was doing a creative writing minor I got pretty obsessed with Shameless and decided to write an AU! It was the first time in my then seven-ish years of being a writer that I wrote fanfic instead of original fiction.
What was the first story you ever wrote (even if it was never posted) and what made you decide to write it?
If we're talking fanfic only, it was Skater boy Yev (except not really). I loved the show and the fics, especially ones where Yevgeny actually got to stay, and as said in the beginning notes, having to see Ian and Mickey go through all that shit together hurt a lot. Hence, an AU
What’s a piece of advice you would give to your younger fic-writing self?
Just keep doing it. Fanfic or original fiction (which I've been doing since I was 13 but kept quitting), it doesn't matter if something doesn't get finished or if you get stuck in a particular story. Just keep writing.
What’s an early fandom interaction that stuck with you (be it a nice comment, a friend you made, a fic that got a lot of feedback etc.)?
All the positive feedback I got on the How Mickey and Ian find love-series, especially the first part, was what kept me writing and posting fics, and what ultimately gave me the courage to write and post The World Looks Red, the fic that was me trying to deal with the feelings 4x13 caused and what had me tumbling into this fandom and writing 127 more (and counting) 9-1-1 fics. So, yeah, that stuck with me 🥰
Post a sentence or two from an older fic and a sentence or two from a newer one (if you want)
Here's a little bit of Ian and Mickey's first date in the series in With your hand in mine, drop your walls down:
“Look,” Ian says and he looks so, so sad and Mickey just wants to tell him that it’s okay, that he doesn’t care. “I get it if you want to call it quits now, you didn’t sign up for that.” “Shit, Gallagher, no,” Mickey responds, slightly more aggressive than he meant to. “You can’t fucking help it, can you? I’ve got my own demons, too, and we’ll deal with them somewhere along the line, okay?" “Really?" “Yeah man, really. I mean, Yev will always be my priority, but I’m not just going to give up on this just because of some fucking chemical imbalance that you didn’t fucking ask for.”
And here's a little bit from we're falling like the stars, my most recent fic about stargazing:
"How much do you love dad?" Chris asks, mischief in his tone, and Eddie can feel his cheeks heat up before Buck has even opened his mouth to reply.  With the way they are still holding on to each other, at least Buck can't see that. He holds his breath as Buck makes a noise as if he's thinking about it, a long, drawn-out hum that has Chris giggling until his shoulders shake and dig into their chests. "I love your dad to the moon and back." Eddie bites his lip to keep in the embarrassing noise that almost escapes him, and he pulls back just far enough that he can look Buck in the eyes. Their faces are close, so close, and the look on Buck's face is so damn earnest that Eddie's heart is beating out of his chest. "That's very far," Christopher quips, startling both of them and the way they were staring into each other's eyes.
tagging @morganofthefairies @swiftiediaz @princessfbi @bigfootsmom @elvensorceress @buddierights
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gardenerian · 2 years ago
Hello Mel! Hope you're having a lovely day! Say hi to Seb for me!
Mickey's lookin for ideas for date night tonight. It's his turn to plan, and it might have slipped his mind. Wanna help him out?
seb sends his love and kisses! but only to you, he just bit me 🙄 let's get into the date niiiiiight!
i am thinkin dinner, some beers, probably a joint - all thrown in a bag so they can head to one of their spots 🥰 it may be last minute, but it'll feel damn romantic! the summer weather is still lingering a bit, so it'll be warm enough to stretch out and relax as the sun goes down, but then mickey can pull out a blanket for them to fuck on stay warm with once it's dark. they'll enjoy their lil meal (mickey will be sure to grab dessert as well), get nice and loose with a beer or two, and unwind and enjoy each other's company 😍 no work talk allowed, and no gallagher talk allowed ajsdfh mickey will turn up the date night playlist if ian even tries to mention lip 😭
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