#I love it when they're healing together and will never get tired of writing it
bigdumbbambieyes · 3 months
They used to have sex every single day.
Hot, rough, quick sex whenever and wherever they could.
In their cars, in their rooms, on the recliners by Steve's pool, on his mother's perfectly kept cream coloured couch.
Always frantic, always desperate.
But, that was then, and this is now.
Billy feels shame. And guilt. A lot of it.
He takes antidepressants now and they're helping a lot, but not in other ways.
He can remember the flash of disappointment in Steve's eyes the first time he couldn't get it up for him. The humiliation and shame of not being able to get his fucking dick hard for his hot as fuck boyfriend who loves him and wants him -- it had been too much.
Even the soft touches and whispers of 'it's okay' weren't enough to push those feelings away. He pulled away, ran away, to the bathroom to hide in his shame, tears in his eyes.
Because he's always been good at sex. Always ready to go. It was what people had always wanted from him, what he was good for, and now?
It's been over a month now. Billy doesn't even want sex, which is a startling and unsettling feeling, but he's getting used to it.
He knows Steve isn't, though. Or, at least, he assumes, because Steve will still and try to start things late at night and Billy will tell him that he's 'tired' or 'not in the mood' and he hates the way Steve mumbles a soft 'okay', like he's given up.
Steve had even tried to bring it up one day over dinner, but Billy shut that conversation down immediately. He couldn't even look into his boyfriend's eyes when he did.
He knows he's a coward. He always has been.
But, Steve isn't.
Which is probably why, tonight, he's crawled into bed beside Billy and wrapped himself around him so tight.
Pressing his cheek into Billy's shoulder, and when Billy glances over at him from his book, he sees those big Bambi eyes staring up at him, and those pretty lips part to abruptly say, "Even if we never have sex again, I'll be here."
It makes him blink, caught off guard by it, and he feels that nagging shame telling him to push Steve away or get out of the bed, but Steve wraps his legs around his and holds him tighter, his gaze unrelenting.
His pretty boy presses a tiny little kiss to his shoulder and mutters, "I read the side effects of your meds."
It makes his skin prickle to know that.
"Billy," Steve breathes, frowning, "I love you, y'know?"
Billy nods, swallows thickly and mutters, "I know."
"Then talk to me."
Staring down at Steve, into those earnest eyes, filled with so much love and frustration, Billy knows he should. He owes Steve that much.
"It's," his voice catches, feels a lump form in his throat, "It's hard to."
"Why?" Steve whispers, thumbing over his skin where he's grabbing Billy's other freckled shoulder.
He gives a shrug, wishing he could just tell his boyfriend to drop it, but he can't do that to him. He's trying to be better.
There's tears in his eyes now, he can feel them wobbling on his lower lashes, but he decides to be brave and push past that shame and embarrassment to confide in his boyfriend, his best friend, his goddamn everything to whisper, "It's...so fucking embarrassing."
The tears stream down his cheeks, his face twisting as emotions creep up his throat, and Steve's face softens immediately -- and then he's bringing Billy into his chest, letting him hide there for a moment as he sobs, rubbing his back and kissing his hair, comforting him.
He feels so small like this, whenever Steve cuddles him into his chest, but it's also so safe. He knows he'll always be able to have this because Steve always puts him here, whenever he needs it, and it makes him breath just a little easier, even as he cries.
"What's embarrassing about it?" Steve whispers, his tone soft and curious, encouraging Billy to open up.
And again, Billy fights back the instinct to clam up, to shut down, and mutters into the soft fabric of Steve's sleep shirt, perhaps a little bit too mean, "I can't fucking get it up for you."
"But it makes sense, with the pills," Steve mumbles, not even bothered by the harshness in Billy's tone because he's used to his boyfriend being sensitive, "Like, you still like me, right?"
"Obviously," Billy mutters with a sniffle, furrowing his brows as he continues, "It's just...so frustrating. I--we used to fuck all the time, but even if I try to get hard, I just...can't."
If he wasn't so fucked up he'd fuck Steve all the time.
"It's not your fault, Billy," Steve murmurs, his voice firm, "Not having sex doesn't mean I don't love you. You mean so much more to me than just fucking -- please tell me you know that."
And, he does. Billy does know that. "I do," he whispers, realizing, "It's just...more of a 'me' thing."
"Yeah. Like..." he pulls away from his hiding place, just enough so he can see Steve again, in the warm glow of the bedside lamp, and it gives him enough courage to continue, "I've always thought that sex was...all that I was good at. That it was, y'know, what everyone wanted from me. So...when I realized that I couldn't do that, with you, I just...felt so embarrassed and ashamed."
Steve's eyes soften again, his voice just as soft as he mumbles, "Baby--"
Billy can't stop, "I know I'm shit at telling you things and how I feel, so I try and show you instead. And sex was always easy for me, to show you that I love you, because I got to make you feel good and that made me feel good, but...but now I don't know--"
Billy's mouth snaps shut, confused, as he asks, "What?"
Steve smiles gently and reaches up to brush Billy's hair back, "You make me coffee every morning. You cook my favourite pasta whenever I'm sad. You massage my shoulders whenever you see me rubbing them, and even when I'm not. You always give me the blue piece whenever we play board games because you know it's my favourite colour. You're always the first one to reach out when we hold hands."
"You do know how to love me, Billy," Steve murmurs, sliding his hand down from Billy's hair and to his cheek, thumbing over it with such tenderness it makes tears well in his eyes again, "I feel loved by you all the time. With or without sex."
Billy can feel his chin wobbling a bit as the new tears fall, because no one has ever loved him like this. He hasn't let anyone love him like this before. He feels stupid for ever thinking that sex would make or break them when they've fought literal monsters together.
"Do I make you feel loved?" Steve asks.
"Yes," Billy answers immediately, even nodding as Steve holds his face, "You tell me all the time and I feel it."
He feels it every time Steve praises him. Whenever Steve buys him a little something just because it reminded Steve of him. Whenever Steve lets him cry in his arms, like this. He feels loved when Steve encourages him to talk to him about how he feels because no one has ever fucking done that for him -- held space for him like Steve has.
"Good," Steve smiles, a little relieved, "And, I'm sorry, that I didn't realize it sooner -- I wouldn't have tried to, like, initiate and stuff. I feel like a dick, like I was pressuring you."
"You weren't pressuring me," Billy mumbles, reaching up to place his hand over Steve's on his cheek, "I felt fucking horrible for even saying 'no'."
"Never feel bad for saying 'no', baby," Steve insists, "It's nothing personal, I know that now."
Billy nods in understanding, the both of them staring quietly at one another, and Steve gives him a small smile that Billy returns weakly.
"I love you," Steve murmurs, scooting forward a little more just so he can brush the tips of their noses together affectionately, "I love you so much, Billy."
"I love you, too," Billy whispers, closing his eyes and nuzzling back, lowering his mouth a little more to press his lips against his boyfriend's in a gentle kiss.
He feels Steve kiss him back, soft and loving, so patient and understanding that it makes Billy's heart ache in gratitude and adoration.
He'll never love anyone else like he loves Steve, he knows that much.
"I'm willing to try, soon," Billy murmurs when they pull away, their hands still intertwined on his cheek, staring into those dark eyes.
"Sex?" Steve murmurs, his brows lifting.
"Yeah," Billy whispers, leaning into Steve's touch.
"Not because you feel like you have to?" Steve questions, worry in his tone.
Billy shakes his head, "No," and adds a little playfully, "I still want my boyfriend to fuck me, even if I can't fuck him."
Steve huffs a quiet laugh at that and leans in to kiss him again, nodding in agreement, "Yeah, we can do that. Whenever you wanna try, I'm ready."
Where there had once been shame and embarrassment is now a soothing feeling of being understood and known, so sweet that it makes Billy kiss his boyfriend again and again, wanting to say 'thank you' but knowing that Steve already knows.
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keyotosprompts · 6 months
love's possessing me ��⭒˚。⋆
ur fav tropes (with variations) + microtropes
⇴ person a + person b are both looking for each other, and they wander all around the place until they finally meet in the middle, where they both crash into each other
⇴ enemies to lovers (kind of) because they're in opposite factions that feud. until one day they run into each other on accident, immediately want to kill the other, and get trapped together. slowly, they discover that their own factions are awful, and they must work together to stop injustice (mk storyline!!!)
⇴ super serious and put together b turns into pure mush at the sight of a. i'm talking the brain stopped functioning call 911 bc we think they suffered brain damage. no they're just in love with person a.
⇴ having their own secret code. whether it be hand signs behind their backs, secret looks, or secret touches—as long as it's a secret then i will eat it up.
⇴ getting so tired that person b falls and person a has to catch them. person b ends up laying their head on person a's shoulder, and person a is now stuck with person b
⇴ "i'm not falling in love" and they fall the hardest (idc how used it is i will eat it up until i die)
⇴ person b admiring how person a brightens up any room when they get excited. "the look of love" as some would call it
⇴ two people that help each other heal. they've both had rough pasts, and when they meet each other—initially they hate it but—things start to mend (hometown cha cha cha anyone???)
⇴ banter and teasing at first meeting, but the more they get to know each other, the more they begin to connect.
⇴ person a + person b fighting over who has to sleep on the couch (they're staying at the other person's house), until they both agree on sleeping in the same bed together
⇴ friends to lovers but the other party did not consider them friends. (yikesssss)
⇴ "you lied to me! you kept lying straight to my face! and you expect me to forgive you?" "what are you talking about?! did you never get my letter?" "what letter?" (oh ur cooked)
⇴ "you deserve better than me." "that's not your decision to make, that's mine."
⇴ person a literally thinking they're the worst person in the world, and then there's person b, who can fight through the darkness and find the light
⇴ "you wouldn't understand!" "then tell me. i just want to listen."
⇴ person a's overworking themselves, so person b has to manually close their computer and put away their work and force them to sleep
⇴ person a stays up for person b to get home, but falls asleep. person b takes a ton of photos of them and then carries them to bed (and joins them later snuggling them ofc)
hey guys! keyotos here. this is a little out of my lane but i created this post for my writing event on my writing blog. but anyone else, feel free to use these and lmk if u guys like content similar to this!
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brionysea · 1 month
when it comes to the umbrella academy, a lot of people seem to think that the first half is great and the second half is terrible. personally, I think only the first *season* is great, or even good. here's why:
the mission statement at the end of season 1 is fixing viktor, but viktor isn't the only broken one, so you can infer that they're all going to have to fix *each other* - as a family, the one thing their abuser never let them be. and the world's burning down around them because of the most dramatic sibling confrontation to ever grace the earth, but they're holding hands and escaping together and surviving the impossible with the intent to move forward, even if that means momentarily moving backwards. it's a masterful allegory for finally growing up, accepting responsibility for your personal trauma and tragedy and how they shaped you, and the moment you take that power back by choosing to heal your inner child, only after being slapped in the face with the fact that if you don't, it *will* destroy everything you've ever built, ever cared about, and ever could.
and then the rest of the show forgets all of it. as it were, it goes in the *exact opposite direction.*
on the surface, the second season isn't *as* bad as the subsequent ones are. but season 3 and 4's faults can be traced back to season 2 by how it pivoted away from the serious subject matter that the story (not the plot - the *story*) was heavily baked in, leaning hard into the goofier elements instead, without ever understanding the contrast that those conflicting elements served to highlight. it made them both more powerful; the jokes were funnier because you were just devastated, and the trauma was more devastating because you were just in tears laughing. the emotional roller coaster is key to understanding these people, and you *have* to take the serious stuff seriously for it to work. at least half of the show doesn't, and as a result, the emotional moments feel hollow.
controversial opinion: as a character, luther is better in season 1 than he is anywhere else. he's more unlikable, but that's because he's implicitly there to show what *not* to do - even if he'd succeeded narratively by locking viktor up and saving the world, he still failed thematically by emulating their father and continuing the cycle of abuse - so luther's a character that's being very effectively used to add to the core theme of the story. he feels like a real, frustrating person, whose brain chemistry got messed up by years of abuse and isolation, all for the crime of thinking his father loved him and wanted the best for him. not like a made up guy on your screen doing silly stuff solely for your entertainment.
season 2 was also the start of the characters getting love interests instead of storylines, which season 1 never would have *dreamed* of; klaus and dave's tragic romance only served to further klaus's character arc, viktor's creepy boyfriend was actually manipulating him the whole time, five's fractured-psyche-mannequin was a narrative tool to let us see into the head of such an emotionally reticent character, and so on. the romance served the character, but fairly quickly into the show's progression, it felt like the character started serving the romance. five was immune to this curse for a long time due to aidan gallagher's age, which is why he's (for the most part) the best, most consistent character across the show, because they had to use their *imagination* for him and actually *write an arc* instead of falling back on tired romance tropes that any selection of characters could slot into to fill the dead space.
after season 1, the umbrella academy is entertaining, but it doesn't have anything to *say.* which is extremely disappointing when the show initially made such a strong case for what it wanted to be.
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love-belle · 1 year
i want sweet revenge and i want him again !!!
*ੈ✩‧₊˚ in which their post break-up era is them ignoring their feelings and making the worst decisions.
for when they will always be your summer love. ˚ ༘♡ ⋆。˚
social media au // pierre gasly x fem!reader
sequel - you were my summer love ⋆·˚ ༘ *
warnings - language
author's note - posting this at 3am bc i have midterms from monday and it's very unlikely i'll post again this month 💔💔💔💔 i love u all so much thank u for reading <3
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liked by gracieabrams, charles_leclerc, conangray and 789,725 others
yourusername "get him back!" is finally out!!!! i wrote this song in my car after breaking down over the consequences of my own actions and getting yelled at by my twitter girlies <3 summer was fun i had fun we all had fun but the aftermath is not pretty so fuck them boys u all stay happy and thriving hydrated!!!! get ur sweet revenge and get him back!!!!! but fr pls tell his mom her son sucks ❤️
username there's too much going on idk what to decipher first
username the caption omg 💀💀💀
username her captions never fail to blow me away like girl 90% of these things do not belong here 😭😭😭😭😭
username not her telling us to get our man back but also tell his mom that her son sucks
-> username top tier advice idc
username those lyrics are so her and him coded like 💔💔💔💔💔
charles_leclerc don't call me weird
-> yourusername this is so unprovoked get out
-> username nah what the fuck is charles doing here 😭😭😭😭
-> username CHARLES????
username "bc everyone knew the guy was missing a screw" BABE LET HIM GO!!!!!!!!
username i miss her and that dude ngl
-> username no bc they were so cute together 💔💔💔
-> username why do men ruin everything 😐😐😐😐😐
username "i can fix him" GIRL YOU ARE WORSE THAN HIM
-> yourusername UNCALLED FOR
username i fucking love her and her fans so much like the way we're all js best friends with her and she's sooooo in touch with her fans ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
-> yourusername not true u all js bully me
-> username bc u make stupid decisions
-> yourusername ://
username y/n having beef with 80% of her fans will never not be funny to me like wdym ur FANS bully u
-> yourusername i have proof and im not afraid to use it
-> username "proof" and it's literally just her being a dumbass and us having NORMAL reactions to it
username so MUCH for summer LOVE and saying US cause u weren't mine to LOSEEEE
username this is sooo 2000s romcom coded idc
landonorris WEIRD??? ME???
-> username what the fuck is doing on
-> username im so out of loop wtfff
username "i want sweet revenge and i want him again" unhinged behaviour fr
username every time we think she's healing she comes back and writes a song that's basically a BIG cry for help like girl pls we're getting tired 💔
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liked by pierregasly, formulaone44, lec1ercc and 79,728 others
paddock.club rumours have been swirling around pierre gasly and his anonymous girlfriend, who's affectionately called 'augustine' by his fans, and their alleged break-up for weeks now. the said rumours were confirmed as gasly was seen out in monaco and he certainly wasn't alone — or with just one consistent company. "this may confuse some people but they were very different from each other," sources close to the couple claimed. "after summer break ended, it felt like so did whatever they had going on." this comes as a shock as despite knowing almost nothing about augustine, fans adored her and they're devasted about the end of their summer love. click on the link in our bio for everything that we know about their relationship.
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liked by lewishamilton, carlossainz55, landonorris and 825,527 others
pierregasly you're trippin'
username HELLO???????? HE'S SEEING SOMEONE???????
-> username "he said i was the only girl but that js wasn't the truth"
username the fact that he used HER lyrics for his caption like..........im SICK rn
username when 😭 i 😭 told 😭 him 😭 how 😭 he 😭 hurt 😭 me 😭 he 😭 told 😭 me 😭 i 😭 was 😭 trippin 😭
username im actually in shock rn like my jaw is on the FLOOR
landonorris caption 😬
username no bc im here thinking like she called his friends weird 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭 that's why charles and lando were so offended in the comments 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭
username boy she's over there listening to summer love by one direction WHAT R U DOING
username that's not y/n in the last slide and im throwing up rn i need them BACK
username need this all to be a nightmare bc i cannot fucking do this anymore 💔💔💔💔
username it's on SIGHT when i see u on streets
username im so 💔💔💔💔💔
username y'all i feel bad for bullying y/n bc if i were her i too wouldn't move on from this man
-> username fr like we gave her sm shit for being in love with him and im like "girlypop same omg"
-> username real like i see what she saw
charles_leclerc nice choice for caption 👍 very strong words 👍
username here for charles and lando calling him out for the caption like yasss kings ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️ do ur work ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
username y/n needs to be more cunty rn bc this is so wtf
username L caption 🤣🤣🤣🤣🫵🫵🫵🫵
username im gonna miss their summer love era so much like we were FED ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
username "and when he said something wrong he'd just fly me to france" WOW OKAYYYY
username something about his last post before this being all about augustine and their summer and now this one is basically shading her like 💔💔💔💔💔
username everyday we stray further away from good
username ripping my hair out why cant bitches be happy ffs
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klausysworld · 11 months
hiii, hope you’re doing well :D
Would you be down to write a piece where Klaus is married to a human doctor or nurse and every time he comes back after a fight and is wounded, reader patches him up. And Klaus is like u know I heal. And she’s like shut up and sit. Klaus smirks and obeys as he secretly loves getting tended to by wifey.
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Healing Hands
I worried for Klaus daily and nightly. Whether he was immortal or not, pain is pain.
Watching him stumble through the front door bloodied and bruised always made my heart drop. He was careless with himself, if they didn't have the white-oak stake then he didn't worry. He often reminded me that he wouldn't die even if they tore his heart out or burnt him alive.
To be honest that didn't help my fears at all.
I would always look after him after he was injured. Whether it was a couple scrapes here and there or if it was something much, much worse.
For instance, today was simply awful.
Klaus had been missing for nearly three full days when Elijah and Rebekah came in through the door, holding him up. I rushed down the stairs and helped him back up them. Once we got him onto his bed I got my bag out which was essentially a very big first aid kit with a couple extra items, like my surgical string and curved suture needles.
I looked up to find Klaus looked back at me with a small smile on his blood stained lips.
"I'm okay" he whispered raspily.
"No...you're not" I told him and he sighed softly as I opened his blood soaked shirt to expose the very slowly healing stab wounds that carved deep into his abdomen and chest.
"I just need some blood, I'll heal in seconds" he mumbled
"Then I'll put you on a blood drip" I remarked while gently running antiseptic wipes over his wounds, trying not to let his wincing bother me.
"Just be quiet Nik" I whispered "Just let me help"
"okay" he murmured softly, giving in rather quickly which was more and more common recently. I gave a small smile back to him before continuing to carefully stitch him up where he should need it.
(switch to 3rd person)
He kept still, his eyes closing as he felt her healing hands caress him better.
Klaus would never admit how much he secretly enjoyed her tending to him. It always reminded him of how much she loved him. No matter what was wrong, she was right there with bandages and wipes to help sooth his hurt.
Usually it was accompanied by a warm bath afterwards, her bare body against his while she traced the places where wounds once were. She would proceed to kiss each spot and then, at last, his lips. Then he would thank her quietly to which she would simply dismiss and once more tell him to be quiet so she could 'treat' him in another way.
By the time they're out of the water, they're probably dirtier than when they got in but neither one of them could care once they were curled up together again.
(Back to 1st)
I had my head on his chest, tilted back to gaze up at him. My fingertips danced patterns across his broad chest while his brushes against my scalp.
The room was dark, the curtains closed and door locked. A comfortable silence had been around us for a good while now, our love for one-another always lingered in the air and both our eyes seemed to grow tired as we looked deep into each other.
His rough yet quiet voice broke the quiet but I didn't mind.
"I'm sorry I was gone for so long" he whispered and I smiled softly.
"It wasn't you fault...I'm sorry I wasn't much use in finding you" I always felt a little helpless when it came to saving people. Being a human my skills weren't ever helpful. I tried of course but I would never be as strong or intelligent as those who have lived for centuries.
"I never want you to spend restless nights looking for me. You must know by now that I will always come back to you alive, and you will always be here waiting I hope." His hand stroked the skin of my face making my lashes flutter as I nodded
"I'll always be here, I'll always look after you" I promised. I feel his forehead press to mine, the soft curls of top his head which have grown a little long tickle my face gently.
"And I you sweetheart" he smiled and so did I
"I love you Niklaus" I whispered quietly, kissing his cheek gently
"I love you more, my little nurse"
(Sorry this is so short)
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hughiecampbelle · 1 month
The Boys Preference: Supe Hating Their Powers
Requested: Hii! I loved what you wrote for my last request, so I figured I'd drop another one✨ May I request a the boys preference where it's basically (bear with me, I'm gonna try to explain) reader is a supe, but refuses to use their powers bc of whatever reason (feeling dangerous, not liking the ability, keeping it secret etc) But it's their reaction to when their S/O uses their abilities to protect them, bc no matter how terribly they hate being a supe, they'd embrace it to keep them safe - @ghostlyaccurate
Requested: hii! how are you doing? may i request a The Boys preference where reader is a supe, but their powers are very self-destructive (like, using it too much could be dangerous to reader themself), and basically their reaction to reader using their abilities to save them, despite it nearly killing themself? also, so sorry if this is too dark! you can totally change it to just being tiring if your more comfortable writing that <3 - @yinorathedragontamer
A/N: I combined these two requests, I hope you don't mind!! I love both of these ideas and I thought they'd work well together :) I imagine it like Cate with her eyes/seizures when she pushes too much/too many people. I made all the powers different cuse I thought it would be more interesting! Thank you for requesting!!! Feedback is always appreciated 💜💜💜
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Butcher never wanted you to use your powers if you didn't want to. But when he needed saving, you didn't give it a second thought. Your powers feel like burning alive. The fire, the flames, they're powerful, but it's excruciating. You save him I the end, but you spend days after feeling like you've been burned at the stake. There are no actual physical burns, but your body still feels that way. It never gets easier, either. He's grateful you saved him, but he knows how painful your powers can be. He tries to help as much as possible, but there's really nothing you can do but wait it out. It was one of the first things he ever knew about you: you're a Supe with side effects. He didn't realize how bad it would be until you were locking yourself away, trying to ease the burning sensation around your whole body.
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Hughie knew what happened when you healed other people. You'd told him in graphic detail the last time you'd used your abilities. He told you you'd never have to use them, ever. But he was hurt. He was losing consciousness. You were the only one who could help him. You were the only one who could save him. So, you did. And in return your skin unzipped, blood pouring out of you. You couldn't breathe. You couldn't make a sound. You would have to die before you could go back to normal. Hughie hated watching this. He begged for help, but there was no one around. It was horrible. He'd wake up from nightmares where you'd die and die again. You told him it wouldn't happen again, that you were sorry he'd have to see that. He knew he should have been grateful, that you saved him, but it was awful. You knew how awful it was and that's why you never used it.
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Annie refused to let you use your powers. She told you outright she had it handled, but when the time came for her to fight, you knew it was a losing battle. You could leave your body and take over others. You jumped from body to body, taking each person out, but by the time you find you way back to your body you're exhausted, your eyes bloodshot, your mind cloudy. Like Cate, you're susceptible to seizures when you push yourself too much, when you spread yourself too thin. The more people you take over, the worse it gets. Annie feels awful that you had to save her, when you had to risk your health and safety. It was amazing to see. As soon as you took over their bodies she could tell it was you. But the side effects were awful. She couldn't stop worrying about you, worrying about what would happen.
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M.M. never realized what your powers would entail. You could read other people's minds. That didn't seem so bad. You rarely ever used it, though. He never pushed you to explain or use it, but when the team needed you, when your abilities were the only answer, you did what you could. Days later you were still hearing people. You tried to drown it out with TV and music, but they were in your head. It felt like the while city was talking through your brain. Screaming and crtuing and laughter and fears and worries and everything. Every feeling and thought a person could he capable of, that's what you were experiencing. It was horrible. You were never sure how long it lasted. It felt like an eternity. You cried to him, trying to keep it together, but all you could hear was his apologies. He felt awful for asking you to do this.
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Frenchie never would have asked you to save him, save the day, but you had no choice. He was in danger. You would have done anything to protect him. Your sonic scream is rarely ever shown off. You're not totally embarrassed by it, but it has some pretty awful side effects. Plus you didn't love being a Supe. You felt lied to by your family. When you do scream, heads splatter. Frenchie was shocked you were capable of that. Afterwards your throat burns, you lose your voice. You can't talk for days, maybe even weeks, and though you try not to, you can't help but try to talk, argue, bicker with The Boys. Your voice sounds so painful, gravely, and he encourages you to put it on rest. It's your throat that hurts, like it's on fire. You rarely ever used your abilities because it was a one and done deal. You were powerful, you could kill, but it came with it's own consequences.
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Kimiko only knew the general ideas about your Supe abilities. Your blood was poison. You had to he careful about getting hurt or rooms full of people, a whole hospital floor, would he dead. Kimiko had been seriously hurt and though you knew she would come back fine, your anger and hurt got the better of you. You slice yourself open, spewing blood everywhere, all over the bad guys. Before then you urged The Boys to get out of there, not wanting to hurt your teammates. Everyone around you drops dead. You stitch yourself up alone, making sure there's not a drop of blood left outside of your body. Kimiko is horrified at your work and the fact that you hurt yourself so badly for her when she ended up being fine. It hurt and made you feel like a freak, but you did it for her. Besides, your stitches were getting a little better.
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saturnniidae · 3 months
More dragon rider disability headcanons for disability pride month!
(Ones specifically abt Hiccup are here)
Ruffnut has hypermobile EDS (when the twins were doing some bit that was basically Guinness book of world records she said smth abt 'worlds stretchiest skin' and my mom made a joke and said 'ruff has eds!' And it stuck)
A joke Ruffnut loves to make is saying Tuff is so insufferable she should just run away to join a circus and become a contortionist. She thinks it's the funniest thing ever
Hiccup also has some weird hypermobility stuff going on, when Ruff learns this she calls him a fellow circus freak (affectionate) and offers to let him come with her when she runs away. The response she got was "I'd rather stick my hand in Fenrir's mouth."
Tuff is visually impaired in his right eye from a childhood injury (another joke taken seriously)
All the riders are neurodivergent!
Snotlout has a frequently irregular heartbeat as well as memory issues due to how many times he's been struck by lightning. His whole book he wrote in that one episode isn't the only writing he does, he keeps a notebook to help keep track of minor things he might forget.
Astrid tries to make Hiccup breakfast in bed when he's having bad pain days and is too tired to do it himself. She almost burns the house down every time, so Toothless will go and get the other riders to help out while Astrid is kicked out of the kitchen and sent back to bed
Hiccup can be really fucking mean sometimes! Usually it's intentional bc he's in a bad mood and wants to be left alone. If it's seemingly unprovoked though, the others know it as a sign he's likely in pain and needs to be left alone (he still insists on getting work done but usually Toothless annoys him into resting)
Astrid has aches in her leg from when she got shot with that arrow, it being poisoned with dragon root did something to mess up the healing process so its worse than other old injuries (Dragon root isn't poisonous to humans but still having it in your blood stream isn't a good idea). She's also very mean when she's in pain, especially because it ruins her schedule since she can't train. Eventually her and Hiccup come to an agreement when they're having bad pain days they'll meet up in one of their huts and just. Sit together enjoying the others comforting presence but rarely talking
This is because Hiccup and Astrid both hate being in pain in front of people, they both share that almost extreme fear of vulnerability and the best they can do is take comfort in each other
Hiccup and Fishlegs are hyperfixation buddies! Fishlegs is the only one who doesn't get mad (it's just fond exasperation) when Hiccup wakes him up in the middle of the night to infodump, they just bounce off each other talking about dragons until woah suddenly the sun is rising and that is when Fishlegs gets upset because he values his sleep
All the riders have burn scars of varying severity. They literally work with dragons there's no way they wouldn't. And they all deal with their pain in different ways, but are unwavering supportive of each other when they can be
I've said it before and I'll say it again, a lot of characters should be disabled.
I know, cartoon logic and all, but the things that happen to these guys are things that should affect them for the rest of their lives. And watching characters struggle with permanent change like that, the realization you can never go back to how things were, and eventually healing and learning that's okay! You can still find happiness and be happy and it doesn't make your pain any less valid! It's so important to me and that's obviously reflected in my interpretations of my favorite characters lmao
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sky-fire-forever · 11 months
Responding to your line that you put in the water for izzyxreader asks —
Maybe reader is super tough all the time, and so they and Izzy bond over repressing feelings and everything, and then Izzy goes through his transformation and healing era and the reader feels abandoned because everyone on this crew is touchy-feely and now they’re all alone in putting mind over emotion
But then they find out some really bad news (maybe they lost a loved one or something) and fall apart at the seams, and Izzy is there to pick up the pieces
[AN: I try to leave it vague as to what the bad news actually is, so I'll leave it to your imagination! This is my first time writing X Reader fic, so I hope it's any good! Also, I am posting this on mobile, so I apologize for any formatting errors]
Izzy Hands is the only one on the ship who understands you. Or so you thought.
These days, it doesn't seem like anyone understands you at all. Izzy included.
It used to be you and Izzy against the world. The two of you understood what it means to be pirates: It means bottling up the fear and the sadness and the… all of it. It means facing the world with a brave face despite how you might feel inside.
You both understood that. Once.
Izzy seems to have forgotten. He wears his emotions on his face now. He talks about them. He wears the title of Unicorn with pride. Things that Izzy wouldn't have been caught dead doing once upon a time.
It seems so easy for him now. He sits with the crew, smiles with them, congratulates them on a job well done. He belongs with them.
And all you can do is watch.
You're almost envious of his ability to change, to grow. It was less lonely being an outsider when Izzy was on the outside with you. Now, you just have to look in and watch as he builds this fantasy family. You wonder how much it will hurt him when it comes tumbling down.
"You could join us, you know," Izzy tells you one night as the crew huddles together by the light and you stand on your own. "No point in you drinking all alone."
You scoff and wave him off. "I don't do well with people." It's an old excuse, one you've used for years.
Just as he always has, Izzy sees through it. "You don't need to push them away. They're... not what we thought they were."
You narrow your eyes at him. "Just because you've gone soft doesn't mean we all will."
Izzy looks at you with something like sadness in his eyes. "The invitation's open."
But it wasn't an invitation you could accept.
Not until later, when a letter comes for you.
As you read it, your hands begin to shake. Your vision gets blurry as your eyes fill with tears. Before you know it, your entire body is trembling.
"Fuck," you whisper. "Fuck!" You shout it at the sea, crumpling the letter in your fist and hurling it at the ocean.
You can never catch a break, can you? The world loves punishing you no matter what you do. People like you don't get a happy ending.
That's something you've always known. You're a pirate and pirates' lives are full of bloodshed and misery and death. A happy ending has never been in the cards for you. Hell, you never even expected a happy middle.
You've never seen the point in crying over the shitty hand you've been dealt. Expressing emotions changes nothing, fixes nothing. So what's the point?
But in this moment, you can't hold it all in. You fall to your knees as tears hit your cheeks. You sob so hard you can hardly breathe. The world around you becomes a blur as you begin to cry.
Strong hands come to wrap around you. Your first instinct is to fight, to shove away whoever is offering you comfort. But you're just too tired and weak to bother.
"I've got ya. I've got you, love." Izzy's soothing voice washes over you as he pulls you into his lap. "I'm here."
Not long ago, the idea of Izzy Hands gently holding you as you fall apart would have been laughable. But here you sit, curled up against his chest as he rubs circles into your back.
You hiccup, trying desperately to regain some control over your breathing. "H-Hurts," you whimper through the tears. "Fuck, it hurts."
"I know," Izzy says softly. "I know, love. I know it hurts. Just let it all out, yeah?"
He presses a kiss to your temple and you squeeze your eyes shut. Sob after sob wrecks through you and you're powerless to stop it.
There's a reason you keep your emotions to yourself. Crying is painful and it's weakness and it fucking sucks. Why would you choose it if you could lock it all away instead?
But somehow crying in Izzy's arms doesn't feel quite as bad as you feared. It still fucking hurts, but he holds you through it, whispering gentle assurances all the while.
And when you've finally cried yourself out, a part of you feels… lighter. Like a great burden has been lifted from your shoulders and all it took was falling apart.
"Shit. I'm sorry," you mutter as you wipe your eyes on the back of your sleeve.
"Nothing to apologize for," Izzy says. "How are you feelin'?"
You hesitate before answering. "Better," you admit somewhat grumpily.
He smiles like he knows how much it pains you to admit that crying helped. "It's easier to fall apart when someone will help pick up the pieces." He reaches up to cup your cheek, brushing away a few stray tears with his thumb.
You swallow and if you had any tears left to shed, you're certain you'd start crying all over again.
Instead, you just wrap your arms around Izzy and hold him close, burying your face in his neck.
"Thank you," you whisper.
He holds you close like it's easy to do it. Like being there for you isn't the burden you know it must be. "Always, love."
And you believe him.
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effypcfcwrites · 3 months
The Owl House
(Originally posted on my personal Facebook dated April 25, 2023)
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This is probably the first time I'll be posting a detailed review of a piece of media that I like, so witness me sing all of my praises for this animated series from the House of Mouse, because wow, I've never been so invested in a Disney show after rewatching Gravity Falls.
For those unfamiliar, The Owl House revolves around Luz Noceda, a teenage girl who stumbles upon a portal to an alternate world called The Boiling Isles, meets a witch named Eda Clawthorne, learns magic under her tutelage and eventually enrolls in Hexside, a magic school where she makes many friends and goes on multiple adventures.
I binged this whole show in a span of weeks and even stayed up all night on my day off to finish it up to Season 3, the first 2 Seasons being on Disney+ and the latter on Disney Channel's YouTube page.
Simply put, I love it so much! I love how it reminds me of Avatar: The Last Airbender, Star Wars Episode V: The Empire Strikes Back, and, dare I say, Harry Potter, which it even poked fun at, at times. Well-deserved, considering J.K. Rowling’s transphobic views and HP’s underlying anti-Semitic undertones.
I loved the pop culture references to Thor: Ragnarok, Howl's Moving Castle, Metal Gear Solid, and even Hades, among many others! I thought those were very clever and funny, and just a treat for fellow nerds, geeks, and fans of fantasy stories, anime, and video games.
I love the LGBTQ+ representation all throughout the show, which was such a bold move considering Disney’s iffy stance on the subject. None of them were antagonized for it, and it was treated as something normalized in both the Human and Demon Realms. The show featured 2 gay dads, non-binary and aromantic-asexual characters, and one of the internet’s favorite sapphic/WLW couples Lumity, which is the ship consisting of canonically bisexual Luz and implied lesbian Amity Blight, whose rivals-to-friends-to-lovers relationship was just so wholesome, so natural, and very healthy, considering they're both teenagers. Suprisingly, there was very little melodrama, not once were they petty towards one another whenever either party did something wrong, and they never got tired of showing affection towards each other. I found myself shamelessly gushing over how cute, adorable, and supportive they were together, and tearing up a lot during key moments of their relationship, especially when they both found themselves in dire straits as the story progressed.
I love the writing and the character development of them all! None of them felt static, they all grew throughout the series, maturing, getting better, and healing from their own insecurities, trauma, and guilt. The humor and comedic timing was a nice touch, and I was really taken aback by how S2 ended on such a dark cliffhanger with all stakes raised to the roof, similar to A:TLA S2 and The Empire Strikes Back, as mentioned earlier. That season wasn’t afraid to have such a grim ending, with such a great payoff by the end of S3 which is worth celebrating.
I love the animation and art style, which blended colorful and whimsical with eerie and ominous in just the right amounts. As a sucker for animated movies and series such as Adventure Time, The Prince of Egypt, and Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse, it was just such a delight watching it.
I love the overarching message of the show, which is to be truly yourself, to embrace your quirks, and never to limit yourself and your potential based on what the majority of society and the powers-that-be expect from you. All throughout, you’ll find the characters challenging pre-established norms and roles, and it’s just so satisfying seeing them all win.
11/10 top-tier show. Don’t @ me, it’s hard for me to find something I disliked about the series. It's definitely a must-watch, especially if you're sick and tired of all the bleak nihilism of modern adult animation, and you just want to baby your inner child and escape to a whimsical fantasy world with characters you can all relate to. Betting my bottom peso you'll all be hooked, like I was.
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psychelis-new · 1 year
pick a pile: "Yes or No?"
take a breath and think about a question of any type; then choose the photo/number that calls you the most to read your answer.
don’t take the reading too seriously. only take what resonates with you and leave the rest. if you're not called by any pile, let this reading slid as it may not hold messages for you. if you're called by more than one, there may be messages in each of those piles. remember that is a general reading and some things may not resonate with you. energies can change and readings are based on present ones (as you read); you're always in charge of your life.
(photos found on unsplash)
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1 2 3 4 5 6
- ’ - ’ - ’ - ’ - ’ - ’ - ’ - ’ - ’ - ’ - ’ - ’ - ’ - ’ - ’ - ’ - ’ - - ’ - ’ - ’ - ’ - ’ - ’ - ’ - ’ - ’ - ’ - ’ - ’ - ’ - ’ - ’ - ’ - ’ -
pile 1
answer: more of a maybe. there is hope for it to become a yes but there's probably something you need to get over/heal and ground yourself about. if it's some situation you need to face and that it makes you nervous/anxious or sth, try to take a breath first and think it through before making a decision. maybe write down lists of pros/cons, if applies. just remember you can take your time, you don't have to answer anyone immediately.
song: the silence | manchester orchestra
- ’ - ’ - ’ - ’ - ’ - ’ - ’ - ’ - ’ - ’ - ’ - ’ - ’ - ’ - ’ - ’ - ’ -
pile 2
answer: yes. and I think you should be hyped as well. I think it is not too clear atm, you may be confused, therefore you're called to learn something and keep your mind in check (you may tend to overthink, maybe self sabotage by telling yourself you won't make it: don't do this. be hopeful and try and hype yourself: you're there for you as your best friend, never forget). it may relate to love for someone but I think it's school/career for many. and self love for all, in general.
song: a thousand years | christina perri
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pile 3
answer: another maybe. try to think about your feelings: does this thing (whatever it is) still bring you happiness? does it still give you joy? or you are just tired and doing it out of habit? if it's something you're thinking about putting an end to (job, relationship...), you probably should at least meditate it well. you deserve to think about your own happiness too. if you only wake up to cry again... try and find your way out of it. and ask for help or support, even just an outside pov, if you need.
song: comfortable | h.e.r.
- ’ - ’ - ’ - ’ - ’ - ’ - ’ - ’ - ’ - ’ - ’ - ’ - ’ - ’ - ’ - ’ - ’ -
pile 4
answer: yes. a delicate one though. similar to pile 2, you may tend to self sabotage but if you don't get in your way, you can do it. things change. grow into your best self, don't be scared about what others may do or think. be your own person, follow your own passion, speak up when you need. find your balance. be your own comfort zone when you have to get out of your comfort zone. believe in yourself, nurture your fears as they're part of you. accept yourself for who you are deep down.
song: put your head on my shoulder | paul anka
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pile 5
answer: "uuuh yeeess-ah~" (it's the ending part of a song ig lol) I think you are overcoming something at the moment. it feels also that the pieces of the puzzle are sticking/coming together and you're having a better picture of it all. You're being bolder, you're trying to stop stressing out, you're talking, and... if you're asking about love, yes, your person may be on their way to you. stay grounded and chill (patience!!).
song: yours to keep | jordan mackampa
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pile 6
answer: no. I think there's something you're not seeing or not considering atm, so you need to understand and see this thing from a different perspective too. There's something inside that needs to be changed, maybe a mental pattern, or something that needs to be accepted but you're not open to do that now. your answer may turn into a yes (where still applicable ofc) but first, you need to analyze things well. (you may be getting downloads or signs to guide you in your dreams or daily life btw).
song: the 7th sense | ntc, ntc u
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pandoramyst · 1 year
Do you think you can write a fic where Neteyam's mate is a really good cook, and that she's really shy and gentle and especially likes to knit after learning about it from the humans? In this case, a few Na'vi woman (likely the parents) talk about how they can't believe the future Olo'eyktan just chose a mere cook to be his mate. (For some reason, I believe that discrimination against one another is common around Na'vi if they feel that person is unworthy of another) reader happened to hear it so she's been tired and distracted by it to the point she directly burn her hands with boiling, piping hot water that got Kiri worried but she quickly assure that it's nothing before proceeding to cool off her hands in the woods. This ain't the worst yet, the worst part happened when she witnessed Neteyam's presence with one of the Na'vi girl who's happened to be talent in everything, and that they look really great together. Reader at this point is depressed, she locks herself in with her human friends, ignoring everyone else. Neteyam's been worried about her, his heart broken entirely when he learnt from Trudy that his mate could only sleep if she feels accomplished of something she did in a day, so that Trudy, Norm, Max and the other scientists been trying to cheer her up. Neteyam asks to see his mate for a while, but Trudy push him back saying, "Kid, I know, this is not your fault. But it still happens because of you, so now, you're gonna be the one fix this up. It's not up to you, it's just have to." Leading Neteyam to head back to the tribe to figure out what's wrong, and when he learnt out that others been discriminating his mate (including the one his mate witnessed him standing with while they're actually just exchanging plans), he directly went straight to them and question and shut them down. After that, he continues to stay close around his mate, but never appears in front as she's still healing, and that he doesn't wanna ruin it. One day, just one day, while Neteyam stands around a bit faraway from his mate, she calls her out, and says she wishes to see him. Neteyam hesitates, so his mate slowly approaches him, he didn't back away as she lays her hands on his face, whispering, "I'm sorry, Ma Teyam. " At this point, Neteyam's the one break down and he keeps apologizing to her and he finally realize how worse one's depression could be
Now this is getting too long and detailed, but it would really mean the world to me if you could do this🙏🙏🙏 You can decide if u want to make it a series or just one shot where Neteyam & his mate confessing and apologizing to each others. I just want some angst -> fluff happiness. Tq!
(thank you for the suggestion bby! school is finally over so I have time to do this, and I also love the way you think....<3 NOT PROOFREAD :()
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it wasn't anything unusual. the sly articulation in their voice as they subtly comforted you for being ordinary when you announced an accomplishment, rather than celebrating with you. it was why you stopped making an effort at making friends.
you weren't particularly dependent on others to provide you happiness but at times it got slightly irritating.
"this does not look right, trudy" you pouted while looking down at the gooey, buttery mess you had concocted in the mixing bowl.
trudy was your only friend really. she was the only one that made the effort to connect with you and was the only one honest. she introduced you to max and norm who welcomed you with open arms, unlike others.
she tsked and looked up at you, "why are you questioning it? just keep mixing" she chuckled and you rolled your eyes, an action you caught from trudy's body language that you had assumed was to express annoyance.
she would constantly visit you in the forest whenever she was assigned a "mission" and would subtly drag you back to the base to teach you new things.
once you had entered her room unannounced and you caught her sitting on norm's crotch. Not understanding the peculiarity of it, you continued your rant about how you had tried baking banana bread for the 6th time and could still not get it.
"Jesus, close the door!" she yelled before falling face flat on norm's chest, you was very obviously embarrassed.
later on she went to explain that knocking is a very important gesture, a gesture of respect. and you surely took note of that as you did it on every closed door.
"it's open!" trudy yelled from behind the door and confused, you knocked again as you were sure the door was still closed. she kept yelling commands from the other side of the door but you answered with a knock on every single one.
she finally appeared in front of you, opening the door with force.
"I told you to come in,"
"you also told me to knock," you answered and her face fell on to her hands in helplessness.
trudy helped you carry some knitting equipments piled up in a wooden basket into your hut in the middle of pandora as you had picked up knitting as a hobby.
"thank you trudy! will you come back to see what I made?" you excitedly clapped your hands as she set the basket of stuff onto the floor.
she laughed and comfortably placed her hands in her pockets, "I assure you ill be there, bro" she said and you quirked your head to the side in confusion. bro? "never mind," she shrugged off your confusion and at that exact moment the flap of the hut was lifted and the room suddenly got brighter.
"hey trudy," neteyam's voice projected towards where you two were and his hand wrapped around your waist instinctively.
she lifted her head up and announced that she had to head home. when she left neteyam bent down slightly to place a kiss on your lips. his scent was filling your space very quickly. you put a hand on his chest, nudging him to back up.
"go," you pouted and he sent you a confused glare, his one eyebrow forming a funny looking line.
"thought you would be excited to see me," he looked away dramatically and you reached up to pull his lips back down to yours. pulling away you smiled at him.
"I have to plan a surprise, you can't see it," you chuckled and he nodded his head in acknowledgement.
"I see, well i'll be on my way then" he squeezed your hand once more and let go of you, exiting the hut. you hurried to open the bags up, pulling out knitting needles and some fabric. you made yourself comfortable on the carpet and relied on your muscle memory to guide you.
hopefully the lessons with trudy paid off...
you weren't even halfway done when you showed up at trudy's door, demanding for her assistance. she gladly took the needles in her hand, demonstrating for you.
you were sat in front of a window, chatting about various things, anything you should and shouldn't say. the needles were back in your hands and you smiled proudly at the piece.
staring back into the green, you played a game with yourself to spot neteyam. obviously, in the back of your mind you knew it would be impossible as all you could see was splotches of blue. but surprisingly, he was spending time closer to the facility so his silhouette was easy to spot from afar.
he was sitting next to a woman, who had her hand on his knee. she was laughing obnoxiously at something, probably not even that funny. neteyam didn't have a distinct expression, he was just sitting there listening to whatever she had to say.
were you jealous? yes. she was an attractive woman and if memory serves she is a very skilled huntress, unlike you who didn't have a particular skill.
"trudy open the sound system," you asked her calmly. the sound system was something she had put in place a couple of years back in order to be able to hear any unrecognizable sounds, perhaps from new species in the pandora forest. she could turn it on from her bedroom and could hear through a speaker every sound in the outdoors.
"kid, I dont think-" she tried to object but I quickly cut her off.
"please trudy," she reluctantly walked towards the switch and turned it on. a high pitched noise was projected across the room before a loud voice was heard from the sound system.
"my father would definitely be very satisfied," she rubbed his chest and batted her eyelashes. he stuttered as he tried to come up with the right words. she made him nervous? you wondered as trudy stood beside you, cautiously watching over your facial expressions.
"I can't do that xura, im with y/n." he whispered to her.
the woman tsked, "does she really strike you as someone that would go to a festival? all she does is stay at home and bake. she doesn't even make time for you. but I can, and I need you tonight" she said while twisting one of his braids.
you turned to look at trudy, pointing at them through the window "why is he sitting there? letting her do this?" she shook her head silently, unable to give you a good answer.
"my father says I need to find a strong warrior as my mate, he would be so proud of me if I brought you. please neteyam, you are respectful and noble. can't you help me just this once?" her eyes softened as she attempted to convince him to go with her.
the festival happened once every two months and xura's dad was the one that planned it. her family was known amongst the clan due to her father's military prowess and leadership. therefore, you were certain between you and her that neteyam would not even think twice...
she was a lot more talented than you, making her an ideal mate. like she said, all you can do is bake. why wouldn't he choose her?
you walked away from the window, sitting down on trudy's bed. she took that as a sign to turn off the sound system and suddenly silence filled the room.
she cleared her throat "kid, ignore all of that. its just her jealousy peeking through, you know what she said is not the truth,"
she sat beside you and you turned your head to the side, not wanting her to see the tears building up in your eyes.
"name another talent trudy," you chuckled sarcastically.
"oh cmon kid, you have an incredible voice and your dancing skills are fire. you would steal the show at the festival, trust me" she chuckled and nudged your shoulder.
you finally turned towards her, eyes red. "I wanna stay here tonight,"
you fell into her lap and she held you close, "oh kid, whatever you need"
(will probably be a pt.2)
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goosewizard · 1 month
chat i would like to propose in universe ctommy tattoo artist
(also on ao3)
tommy doesn't remember when he started tattooing.
he has a small stick and poke from l'manberg, something stupid he and tubbo did one night with sewing needles and ink. a lopsided 'T' still rests on his ankle, and he knows tubbo has a matching one. they're small and faded and dumb to look at but they face the other when the two stand side by side, and that's enough for them both.
(he remembers tubbo had looked at it in awe after it was done, asking if he could do a bee next, and tommy figured he may have to get more serious about blood-borne diseases)
he practices on himself, writes out POGCHAMP on his knuckles (and then thanks Prime that hand tattoos fade fast). he sports two uneven black circles above his right knee, with small blobs of green and purple in their centers. wilbur had commented on how they looked like a particularly nasty bruise, but tommy found fresh needles, gloves, and rotten flesh on his bed later, so he'd like to call it even.
(besides, he likes how it looks)
he had garnered a bit of a reputation after that, working on whoever would let him. tubbo gets his bee, a whole swarm of them really, niki gets flame dancing up her arm, fundy asks for something or other, but they could never really figure out the logistics of it. it was good for a while.
and then open wounds are too much of a risk to take.
and then they're free.
and then there's schlatt.
in the quiet of pogtopia, wilbur asks him for a flag, the flag, right over his heart. tommy scoffs but takes extra time making sure the ink he's using is just the right color. it had been some of his finest work. wilbur had loved it.
(he tries not to think about how there's a scar running through it now. he guesses some things were never meant to last after all.)
tommy would say that he doesn't do touch-ups, that all his work is perfect the first time and you can suck it.
that rule doesn't quite apply when his best friend has been burned to shit, taking tommy's craftsmanship with it. the skin is obliterated, raw and open, and the bees are gone. tommy offers to do them again, right then and there while tubbo's still hopped up on painkillers, but tubbo just shakes his head and says maybe later.
later doesn't come for a very long time.
when he comes to tommy, back still raw and bandaged, quackity asks for his wings back. he says fuck no but changes his answer to not now when quackity crumples. a few months later, when he all but sobs at his reflection, tommy pretends not to notice.
tommy doesn't tattoo dream.
(he wishes he didn't tattoo himself then, but the smile on his wrist stares up at him, taunting)
(it had been the only thing dream allowed to heal)
he's worse at it when he gets revived back. his hands shake. he's out of practice. his lines are sloppy. he puts a lily of the valley on his calf. it looks like shit.
he does it just to know he's alive sometime, tells people he's 'practicing' when he stabs lines into his skin. it doesn't hurt him, not really, it's just-
tommy doesn't really know. he's so tired nowadays.
it's tubbo that brings him out of it in the end (it's always tubbo isn't it?). he gifts tommy a machine he made himself with new needle adapters, says it should be a lot faster now and you could do the bees again, if you want, and that's it really.
they start on tubbos sleeve that night, laughing like they're 16 again and talking, really talking. it's been so long since they've been together like this. tommy tries out his new machine on rotten flesh, gets a feel for it before he works on his best friend, his brother. as they sketch the design, the sun rises and tubbo has to run home to take care of his son (when did he get a kid?), promising to be back before long.
(tommy thinks of all the promises tubbo has broken)
(he doesn't break this one)
when he comes back, tommy pours the ink with shaking hands and tells his brother you don't have to trust me again. you can live your new life and i'll make do. i never wanted to hurt you. i didn't mean it. if this sucks it's all your fault. tubbo smiles at him, easy and understanding and says yeah, alright.
i still love you enough to stay.
the lines wobble a bit and tubbo has to take deep breaths on the tender parts because he actually does have pain receptors on that side you asshole, but he smiles as he says it. he leaves with his arm wrapped and a promise to care for his new ink, and there's a weight off tommy's chest.
to his surprise, ranboo comes to see him next, hands twisting and looking like a deer set to bolt. they ask for a crown on their left wrist. small. simple. and something that would have taken 15 minutes if they would stop teleporting away every time the needle fucking touched them.
(ranboo ends up calling tubbo to keep them still. the hand-holding and flirting is gross)
(tommy's happy for them)
tommy finishes tubbo's sleeve, and ranboo honest-to-god swoons when they see it and they're all laughing their asses off and before he knows it he's meeting their kid who's so little and looks up at tommy with his big eye and touches his tattoos gently and with so much wonder that it hurts to look at and it's too much and he bolts.
the next time tommy sees the kid (michael, his name is michael), he has marker scribbles all over himself, says like you! in toddler babble, and tommy thinks he may be able to swing an apprenticeship someday.
he sees more people after that. he thinks there's less fighting now, or maybe just less fighting directed at him. he appreciates it, either way. connor gets a sonic tramp stamp, go figure. niki comes back, asks for a lemon branch, and tommy pretends he doesn't know the meaning behind it. quackity comes in, disheveled, and quietly asks for the name Charlie over his heart. tommy does it at no charge. his eternal nuisance ranboo gets alliums and tulips winding up their arms in black and white ink, their husband holding them down all the while.
no, tommy does not cry, he is a professional.
with enough time and some very generous "anonymous" donations, tommy builds a tattoo shop, a real one with clean quartz interior and shiny new chairs and work stations. he offers his tom-toos to whoever passes by, and his portfolio grows bigger by the day. the shop is safe (tubbo's fucking nukes ensure that) and on special days, michael helps him stencil his clients.
wilbur comes in once, and tommy has the strength to say no. wil doesn't come back after that.
tommy doesn't remember when he started tattooing, but now, as he looks across the SMP and sees little pieces of him across boundary and faction lines, on friends and enemies, he thinks he'd be a fool to ever stop again.
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calumance · 1 year
Surviving Together - Part 1
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Word Count: 2.2k
Warnings: blood, they're both absolutely emotionally constipated, typical Mandalorian violence, cussing
A/N: I have no idea how many parts this is going to be. I've been writing this for MONTHS now and I figured I should get it out into the world so that I will continue it. Feedback is most welcome because I am VERY new to the Din Djarin fandom. Love you all 😘♥️
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If there were two things she knew for certain, one would be that she knew the Mandalorian was getting tired of her, and the second would be that now that she was fully healed, he was going to leave her the first chance he got. She spent every waking moment trying to prepare herself for when that was going to happen, running through a list of things she would need to know and remember to survive on her own, since she obviously did such a good job the first time.
Maybe that’s why he didn’t like her, because she was a liability, because he had to watch over her just so she didn’t end up dead. She closed her eyes and looked out the window; maker, maybe it was because he thought she was weak. Whatever the reason, she knew she would never have the courage to ask.
It was about a year ago when she had started to bounce from planet to planet. She hadn’t run away from home, necessarily, she just didn’t want to feel stuck anymore. The death of her father started to feel like it was suffocating her, even if it was many years ago. Then the death of her mother completely flipped a switch in her mind. Her time on her home planet was over, so she left.
Four months after she left her home planet, she found herself in Mos Eisley, a small town on the planet of Tatooine. Everything was going great for the first two months, she had picked up random jobs that gave her enough credits to buy food, and she always managed to find some place to sleep, even if it was on some abandoned crates.
It was late one night when she found herself still sitting at the cantina finishing up her food when she heard a gruff voice from behind her, “What is a pretty thing like you doing in a place like this all alone?” Her blood ran cold, this was the first time she had ever felt this level of terror since the night her father was killed.
The terror became icy in her veins when she felt the cold steel of a vibroblade pressed to the front of her throat. She tried to swallow, but the knife was pressed so firmly that the slightest movement would cut her, “I was just finishing up my dinner.” She whispered while trying to lean away from the knife.
“Give me all of your credits, and I will let you walk out of here unscathed.” The voice was right next to her ear, sending an unsettling shiver down her spine.
There was no way she was going to give this guy the credits she had worked so hard for. She knew her combat skills were subpar at best, but in a quick motion, she threw her head back, straight into her assailant's nose. As he stumbled backward, she turned to catch a glimpse at how much damage she caused. His nose was bleeding, but now he was angry.
“Shit,” she mumbled to herself as she quickly grabbed her pack and started to make a run for it.
She didn’t have enough time to yell for help before the miscreant caught up to her, tackling her to the ground. A scream barely escaped her throat before a hand covered her mouth, and the knife was plunged into her side. She screamed louder, but it was muffled by the hand. The warm sensation of blood running down her side caused her to stop screaming, she needed to stop panicking if she wanted to survive. Quickly, the man above her grabbed her pack, removed the vibroblade from her side, and ran.
She scrambled to press her hand to her side, tears now starting to fall down her cheeks. When she removed her shaking hand from her side, it was coated in blood. “Fuck,” she mumbled to herself before looking around to see if there was someone nearby to help her, “Fuck,” She repeated when all she saw was vast nothingness. As hard as she tried to stay calm, the amount of blood loss caused her to panic. As hard as she tried to use the Force to heal the wound, the panic wouldn't ebb and nothing was happening. She peeled her hand away from her wound and cried loudly while her blood covered hands shook. She was going to die, and she had nothing, and she was terrified, and she was alone. A sob escaped as she laid her head back and closed her eyes.
The next thing she knew, she was waking up in some sort of ship, the pain in her side still very intense. A wave of nausea washed over her, and she quickly looked for something to vomit in. A bucket was quickly placed in front of her, and just in time. As soon as she was finished, she flopped onto her back and closed her eyes, wincing at the pain the movement caused. “Am I dead?” She asked into the open air.
“No,” a voice told her. The voice was spoken through a modulator which caused her to open her eyes and look around. She swallowed hard when her eyes landed on her savior. The Mandalorian was well known around the galaxy, one of the best bounty hunters, definitely not someone you’d want to be on the bad side of.
“The Mandalorian,” She said, and he paused. A thick silence filled the air as she closed her eyes again and tried to hold down the next wave of nausea. “What happened?”
“I should be asking you that.” He said while pretending to be distracted by whatever he was doing. Even he wasn’t sure exactly what he was doing; his actual attention solely on the woman laying on the cot.
She took a breath, a searing pain shot through her abdomen. After she let out a soft grunt, she told him what happened, in as little words as possible. “I was held at blade point, the guy stabbed me, grabbed all of my stuff, and ran.” Her throat felt as dry as the dune sea, “I thought I died.”
“You passed out from the blood loss,” he said as he sauntered over to her, a canteen in his hand. He offered the canteen to her and she took it reluctantly. She started to sit up, but winced. Immediately, he jumped to help her, his hand resting on her upper back to support her. She said no words, but her eyes said ‘thank you.’ He swallowed before speaking again, “The wound is deep, you need rest, I’ll take you to Nevarro to get essentials, you can stay until you are healed.” He paused after that, he wasn’t sure why he paused, but he did.
She allowed the cool water to coat her throat. A sigh escaped her lips as she relished in the feeling. “So what do I call you?” She tilted her head back and took another swig of water.
He debated telling her his real name, Din, my name is Din, how hard is that? He clenched his hands into fists out of nervousness. His name had been spoken enough times recently that there was no real reason to hide it, but it was still personal. Moff Gideon used it as an intimidation tactic, and it still sat poorly on his chest. “Mando is fine.” That was when she nodded and looked up at him. She spoke her name and the tips of his fingers tingled. His face heated up and at the moment he was glad to be wearing the helmet. “Get some rest,” he said after gathering himself. “We’ll land in Nevarro in a day or two.” After he helped her lay back down, he turned on his heels and climbed the ladder into the cockpit.
The two days it took them to get to Nevarro were thick with tension. Mando was so cautious around her that she figured it was because he was already starting to regret taking her along with him. In reality, it was because Din was absolutely transfixed by her and was trying his damndest to not get too close to her. The only time Din allowed himself to get close to her were the times he helped clean and redress her wound. After he was done, she would close her eyes and whisper a ‘thank you’ before taking a deep breath. Din would wait until she fell back into a deep sleep to run a gloved hand across the top of her head. Only once did he allow himself to sit and watch her, silently trying to figure out what it was about her that had him in such a chokehold.
When they landed in Nevarro, he had asked her if she was able to walk. “Yeah, yeah, I can walk,” it was a shaky answer, “Maybe with some help?” She sheepishly asked him. They both paused and eventually Din nodded and helped her stand. When she winced, his heart stopped. His stare was locked on her and she nodded, signaling that she was okay. Din let out a breath that wasn’t caught by his modulator.
“Stay here.” It came out more stern than he intended, he tried not to dwell on it as he quickly began to gather his belongings. After placing his blaster in its holster, and his rifle on his back, he made sure his armor was secure then he made his way back to her. His beskar helmet turned to her in a questioning stare. After she nodded, they started to make their way into town.
Din had helped her along the shops in the market, where together they got her new clothes, ration bars, and other essentials she would need if she were to be traveling with him. When they got back to the ship, her eyes were starting to become heavy and she was leaning more and more of her weight into him. He oddly welcomed the feeling of her body pressed against his, but ultimately laid her back down on her cot. Once she was comfortable, he pulled a blanket from the storage crate and draped it over her. This was the second time he allowed himself to sit and watch her sleep.
After the trip to Nevarro, Mando continued to bounty hunt, bringing her along for the ride while making sure her wound was healing the way it should. Once she started healing and being able to move on her own, he had set some ground rules: she either had to stay on the ship while he was hunting a quarry, or she stayed in an inn; if she were to ever stay on the ship, do not open it for anyone but him; and always think of herself. She had agreed to these terms, and that was when Mando had stopped talking to her, other than handing her a few credits before he left, with a nod goodbye. With the fear of the fact that Mando was probably getting tired of her presence, she stopped talking to him, making herself small, and never giving him a reason to dump her on some random planet. It was working, or so they thought.
She looked back at the Mandalorian as he reached his hand up and flipped a switch, getting ready to enter hyperspace. When they did find themselves in the same area together, she felt a strange sense of calm. A calm that she would never be able to explain, and one he probably didn’t feel in return. It was the stupidest thing, to find yourself drawn to someone who barely tolerated your existence, but here she was, staring at the back of the Mandalorian’s helmet wishing she could tell him everything. But how can you tell someone everything, when you don’t even know what everything is? She dropped her eyes to her hands as the ship entered hyperspace. Quietly, she lifted her knees to her chest and leaned her head back, closing her eyes and quickly drifted to sleep.
Once he felt secure in their flight path, and that nothing was going to interrupt their relatively short trip through hyperspace, he turned to the woman in the copilot seat. Her knees were pulled to her chest, her arms were crossed in front of her chest, and her head was tilted back. Soft snores came from her nose as the deep sleep consumed her. He thought about carrying her out of the cockpit and to the area she had set up as her sleeping quarters, but he didn’t want to disturb her. Instead, he stood and removed his cloak, draping it over her. She stirred lightly, but didn’t wake. He let out a soft sigh before placing a gloved hand gently on the top of her head. He stared at her in awe for a short moment before exiting the cockpit and headed to his bunk.
Once the sliding door to his bunk closed, he removed his helmet and laid his head back. He thinks about the day he found her, laying in the sand, blood pooled underneath her. His heart was already broken from returning Grogu to the Jedi, his heart shattered when he saw her left to die in the sand. He picked her up and carried her to his ship. Once he set her down, he immediately started to work on cleaning and sealing her wound. As soon as he was sure she would recover, he studied her. She was beautiful, probably the most beautiful woman he’d laid eyes on in a while. Just as quickly as he found himself staring, he looked away from her, he couldn’t get attached, not again. But no matter how hard he tried, he was always drawn to her.
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piglet26 · 9 months
Star Wars Rewatch: TROS
Oh, God.
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Palpatine come back and ruining Anakin Skywalker's redemption. Why? How? Cloning, okay, so this Palpatine isn't the real Palpatine?!
We get to see Supreme Leader Kylo Ren for about 4 minutes before he's immediately benched by Palpatine as co-pilot. Why? I get they didn't want Kylo Ren as the big bad, but this is just lazy writing.
Green goblin, I remember you don't last long.
R2D2, they never wash him or nothing?
Maybe the First Order should win. They take hits and keep on knocking. They take losses and recovered, quickly and well. They always seem to have intelligence from somewhere. In short, they are competent.
Poe and Finn, have a great dynamic.
Rey is finally training for everyone who had a boner for two movies about her having a rocky fight montage.
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They moment where Ren is praying over Darth Vader's mask and his mind bridges with Rey is a great reminder that these two are connected.
This film did something most franchise should never, it responded to criticism in real time.
Poe, you fucked up Han's ship. Stop attacking like she doesn't have a reason to be annoyed. Also, Rey is currently the sole Jedi in the galaxy, she should be training, not running off on every errand you have to do.
Colin Travano (whatever his name is) I wouldn't have wanted his script. Like at all. Poe and Rey do have chemistry though and you can tell they enjoy needling one another. It's just not endgame.
That Finnrey hug was awkward. It's a church hug with their butts sticking out. I'm Reylo to the core, but I have place for FinnRey in my heart. They're soulmates in a different way than Reylo is. Also, Daisy Ridley and John B are adorable and you can tell they enjoy working together.
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In a flawed film, Rose Tico being sidelined was a wise decision.
Rey, Poe, Finn, Chewie and 3PO are cute. JJ Adams did seem to love friendships developing and for the third film we needed to see all these characters together on an adventure.
Kylo Ren is forging this dumb ass mask again. Look it worked initially, character wise and so forth, but at this point?! He smashed it and moved past the need for it. The audience liked that he smashed it. We have to see his face for emotional scenes. Why is it back? Oh I know! Because JJ Adams good juvenile friend was sad his mask wasn't in the film anymore. General Hux and Kylo are magically little bottle of goodness. We got so little.
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We leave one planet for another planet but I keep forgetting what planet we're on. Title cards too much to ask?
Ren is actually pursuing Rey or The Scavenger because yes he wants her for himself. but he also wants to protect her from Palpatine. Their first force bond......... yeah. I've read the novelization so I understand it's been a minute since they've seen one another, but if I just watched the movie would I have known that? No. There is much they saying yet it's stiff and doesn't make much sense without context.
General Pryde. Why did we need him when we have General Hux?
I think Billie D Williams filmed all his scenes sitting down. He looks happy to be there but tired as hell.
Race through the desert of Pasaana. I like it. This crew does work and it feels like a fun adventure. There are cute, whitty moments between all of them and it works.
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She heals a snake - Two halves of the dyad should only have been able to heal one another, but here we are.
The Trio and Co find the evil sith ship or whatever. The Knights of Ren gotta walk while Ren is flying. Ren tries to run down Rey, again this make sense in the novelization and not at all in real life. After Rey injures his planes, he crashes and the majestic prince emerges out of the flames. Seriously?! Why the hell are you covering this guy up?!
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In a rip off of The Last Jedi we get a tug-o-war scene between the ship Chewie is on. It's not as great, but it's a good scene and we see how Rey's powers have grown. We know it's a waste of time though. They're evenly matched. It's a nice surprise when the lighting shoots out. Okay, I don't mind her being a Palpatine. I mind the retconning. I mind Palpatine magically coming back.
Rey confesses to Finn about her dream of her and Kylo Ren on the Sith Throne. Where? We would have liked to have seen this.
This is a nice FinnRey scene. Despite her display of "dark power", her killing Chewie presumably, Finn doesn't look at her any different. She's still Rey to him. He's patient and present and she describes her challenges. We still don't acknowledge Finn is force sensitive. Why isn't he training with Rey?
We are blazing through this movie. That's part of the problem we're just pushing plot points at this point. The movie needs to be more selective about slowing down and concentrating on character development. Something painfully lacking in this film. Even the Reylo scenes are about pushing the plot forward rather than pushing the characters forward.
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3PO actually has a storyline this movie. Good for him. Look secondary characters in a trilogy, you get your moments and it ain't gonna be every film.
Zorri and Babu are nice additions. I like Zorri and the fact that Ren kicking her ass actually made her like her. Women supporting women. Were Zorri and Poe a thing. What's a spice runner? A space drug dealer?
Rey's social skills lack a bit. but she's great with Droids.
Wait, Chewie and Ren were both on Ren's Destroyer and they didn't even have a scene together?! Chewie's like an uncle to Ren.
Ren, show up in your boss ass destroyer to get your girl.
Standout lines -
Poe: 3PO! Move your metal ass.
3PO: How dare you we just met.
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Finn, Poe and Chewie cowboying through the destroyer. Nice scene, doomed for failure I'm afraid.
Second Reylo forceskype is exposition. First real Reylo scene is exposition. Hey, movies gotta get it done haha but Ren literally is like here's the plot of the movie and everything you've been confused on up until this point. I will say watching the progression of the force bond that their spaces are now physically bleeding into one another. Nice touch. It's also nice to see what they each see when looking at one another through the force bond.
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General Hux is the spy. Could've gone farther with this. RIP Dawg
Another FinnRey scene where you begin to understand Rey is pissed off and darker than possibly Finn thought.
Palpatine and Ren scene. I'm so annoyed Palpatine is in this movie.
We meet a ragtime band on horses surprise their former stormtroopers. All of them. From the same company. Sure Jan.
Seeing the death star again, so odd and doesn't look a thing like the original. We see scavenger Rey again.
Reylo fights again because Rey is the denial queen and she's free to take out her aggression on Ren. He likes feral Rey. In another less PG film, they've fought and then boned, but Leia died. Also, Dark Rey.... I'm here for it. Mostly cause it looks cool.
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The film makers did the best they could with Carrie's Fisher passing. I thought they handled it with class and dignity while incorporating it into the film.
After Leia's passing and Rey healing it. Ren in his ever presented conflict nature overlooks the water when his father appears. It's poignant and character driven scene. It's beautiful scene about the enduring love of a parent. A flawed parent but a loving one nonetheless. Ben had two of those and he seems to finally understand that now.
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Poe has a good scene with Leia's body about being a leader. Something that, despite all the bravado, he finally admits he doesn't know how to do. This would've been a great scene with her alive. Part of the issue people have the sequel trilogy of the lack of respect paid for previous generations. As if they are flawed and bigoted. On screen and off screen. A scene where Finn, Poe or Rey paid respect for the accomplishments of previous generations. Their courage and their bravery. Billie D. feels like just a stand-in.
Palpatine army blows up yet another planet. yawn.
Finn is a general bestow as such by Poe. Good choice. Sanitation worker aside no one knows more about The First Order than someone who was a stormtrooper. Finn reveals Palpatine wanted Rey alive...... then why tell Ren to kill her? Because if Rey didn't go dark then Ren was the fall back or vice versa?
So far it's not a bad film, just a disappointing film. The stuff that made my blood boil is about to come.
Rey isolates herself on Acht-to, burns the ship and we see ghost Luke. Why? She saw herself on the dark throne and she's afraid of herself. This might have meant something. At one point. It just feels like a retcon at this point. She's a Palpatine but Leia and Luke didn't care? Then what the hell were you worried about Ben for? If blood and legacy means nothing.
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I'm not one of those people that need everything in a movie to make sense. It's also a space fantasy film, but damn.
Rey leads the Resistance to Exegol, she just doesn't know it. That was handy. No, really the way the movie sliced that together worked very well. Poe and Finn make a great speech about the resistance. Not as rousing as I'd like.
Exegol being the basis for the Sith religion is actually really cool. Wish we could've learned more. Empress Palpatine sounds like a boss ass name.
I hate everything about the ending of this film.
Rey once again goes into the enemy territory without a plan. The resistance doesn't really have one either except gumption.
Ben Solo is back! He's great. He's a hero. He's got great hair. He's likeable. We haven't seen him for 20 minutes, he doesn't say a word except "Ow" We have a beautiful Reylo moment where we Rey and Ben see each other through the Force Bond and she looks at Ben with such relief, joy and love that he's there with her. Ben fight like hell to get to her. This is it! Bendemption. We've waited three films for this. Then they tossed him off a cliff.
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While it's a great scene of Rey listening to the previous Jedi's and rising up. I'm so confused how the dyad coming together empowers the devil. Ben has been made completely irrelevant.
I mean, we got a Reylo Kiss! It was epic and then it was over. We were lucky to get that considering Disney started to shy away from Reylo due to all the "controversy" I just hate this so we'll move on.
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The hug was nice!
Rey Skywalker?
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And that's that
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oshinohoshi · 2 months
Oshi no Ko Chapter 155 Thoughts
The chapter title is Happy End! Well, not for Hikaru. He's so broken we don't even see his face
The framing of this as the end of Ruby's revenge is interesting but um... what revenge? We haven't seen Ruby thinking about revenge since she lost her black hoshigan. This would hit a lot harder if Ruby had done anything lately to show she cared about revenge
It's a real shame because Ruby's lines in Ch 115 when she was doing the impromptu audition with Frill and Akane gave me chills
I still dream about the day my mother died, even now... will everyone I love end up dying?... I want to go to where everyone is. I want to die too. That's powerful stuff! Of course she would want revenge. But then she realizes Gorou is alive and everything is fine again (??)
As for Ruby's forgiveness, unfortunately that happened off the page (sadly that's become a running theme lately with how rushed things feel to me). Her conversation with Hikaru in Ch 147 is the closest we got to seeing her make that decision
And what exactly did she do in her acting to deliver that forgiveness? I'm tired of being told about it, I want to see it
I'm not sure why Ruby was chasing after Hikaru in this chapter with double black hoshigan if she was all set to forgive him but  ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Anyway, none of that matters because Miyako is back, hugs are back, Aqua is crying in his mother's arms and... OK BUT WHERE WAS MIYAKO UNTIL NOW? WHY DID YOU FORGET HER, AKASAKA? Never mind, sorry, this was an adorable moment
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Someone finally remembered Yura Katayose. I really hope it's shown how Aqua realized she had anything to do with this
Nino jumpscare! I am obsessed with Nino's obsession with Ai. The toxic yuri is off the charts and I'm eating it up
Look at this poster. Nino could have simply cut her and Ai out of it but no, she took the time to cross out and scribble over the other B Komachi girls, presumably for daring to breathe the same air as Ai
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If you have not, you need to read 45510 (translated by aihoshiino) which is not only the basis for the lyrics in Idol but a deep dive into Nino's psyche. It was obvious by this point, but we now canonically know that Nino is the narrator in 45510 because of the panel in this chapter where she hits the delete button
Wait, hold up, Nino is using an mp3 player? My god, she really is stuck in time isn't she
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She has trash bags all over her house because this woman is a shut in who does nothing but watch videos of Ai, listen to old B Komachi songs, and stare at her poster. Honestly? Same. I see you, Nino, and we can be delusional together
I believe in another life that Nino healed herself with a lot of therapy and a yoga retreat, stopped putting Ai on a pedestal, embraced her sexuality, and confessed to Ai. They're now living with the twins in a small house on the outskirts of Tokyo. Nino writes a mommy blog called "My dream life with precocious twins: me, myself, and Ai"
Get it? See what I did there? Okay...
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animentality · 11 months
I like love stories.
I hate romance as a genre.
Fuck your happily ever after. I need love that was doomed from the start. I crave the sick and twisted and demented obsession that could only end in one way.
I yearn for love that is destructive, not healing. Or healing, but in a lopsided and grotesque way, where it might have been better to let it die.
I desire death and love tightly intertwined. I admire dark irony and the kind of endings that leave a person stunned and near crying because it's just so unfair and it's just so tragic and it just feels so delicious, it hurt so good.
It was cruel and it was horrible, but it'll stay with you, because within us all lies something wicked, and that part of you must feel seen and heard sometimes.
When I engage with art, I want it to make me think, I want it to make me feel something. I don't feel anything for those coffee shop aus and meet cutes and quirky work romance stories. They're fine and inoffensive, but I want offensive and jarring and dare I say, controversial.
No one writes essays or rants in a discord chat for hours about Hallmark movies.
Romance as a literary genre is a Hallmark movie, just with more sex, white supremacy, and tired gender roles.
How dull.
I'm a fucking edge lord and I absolutely do not care what anyone else thinks of that.
I'll never pick up a book that's marketed as a romance, because I know it'll fail to make me care.
In fact, I'll pick up any other genre than romance, because I know it'll do a love story better than a romance ever could, with that boring ass restriction.
I will read novels where I DONT know if they're gonna make it to the end, where I want them to get together, but maybe they won't.
Even if it angers me, that's still a human emotion, and I engage with art to feel things.
If I wanted to watch two straight white cis people get married and have kids, I'd go knock on my neighbors doors and ask them if I can watch them eat dinner.
That's YOUR romance.
Mine is fantastical and terrible.
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