#I love it I love it thank youuuu <3
randomminty · 5 months
I hate to ask this of you if you’re not taking request since I know you’ve been getting a lot of asks lately, but I really love the bits of characterization you give everyone in your art and am just. Eating up every last crumb in your doodles…so would it be too much to ask if you would draw the OG champions (Cynthia, Lance, Steven, Wallace, & Diantha if you feel like it) interacting or doing something together? I don’t ask for more than that, it can be whatever you want and range from a silly/casual activity to something more formal. I just really love them together and you’ve fed the champion fandom so well lately, thank you for that 🥺🙏🏻❤️
(Whether you’re up to fulfill this request or not, I appreciate you so much for giving love to some of the lesser appreciated characters of Pokemon!!)
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Read the word formal and blacked out
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rei-is-hiding · 10 months
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eskawrites · 2 months
What are some of your favorite headcanons on ronance?
i was so excited when i saw this in my inbox, and then i immediately went 'this is so general oh no' lmao, but i'll do my best anon!
-idk why but the first thing that came to mind was sports nancy. specifically volleyball nancy, she has control issues and she would absolutely be a setter. robin would be a hitter or at the very least a very gay fan sitting in the bleachers
-i'm 1000% here for the 'we had to take a gap year after we saved the world because we're traumatized' storylines and tbh i think spending a year together in hawkins just kinda working and doing a lot of nothing would be so good for both of them. nancy spends more time at family video than all the kids combined
-she and robin go out driving once in a while just to get out of town. it's not really a date but also it feels more like a date than anything they ever do in hawkins together
-nancy sneaking into robin's window because 1) she hates being in her room at night after seeing what it looked like in the upside down and 2) she just loves a little good ol' fashioned b&e. she always climbs in with this devious look in her eyes and robin falls for her a little more every time
-it's not really a headcanon but i do think A Lot about the fact that nancy got her makarov from a dead soldier's body, and tbh that doesn't come up in fics nearly as much as i want it to. like that is a horrific fact in and of itself and she just grabs that pistol without even thinking about it, what a badass, what a traumatized lil bean (and imagine what robin would think, seeing that for the first time, knowing exactly where that gun came from, having been on the wrong end of it herself)
-robin is someone who bummed around town a lot as a kid, she was never inside in the summers, and so i think she'd know a lot of weird little nooks and crannies around town. she once made a fort near the junkyard with like old tires and scrap metal and stuff. she hasn't been there for years but she and nancy are out walking one day and she ends up taking here there. nancy thinks it's cute, and also may or may not get a little bit sad thinking about how she and barb and robin all would have been really good friends
-i can't remember if there's anything in the show about like a record store in hawkins or something but in my mind there is absolutely a hole-in-the-wall record store and robin absolutely knows the owner because she's put in special orders for language tapes or weird niche operas and stuff. and so when robin shows up one day in 1986 to buy more mainstream stuff she used to scoff at, the owner definitely goes hm, okay, who's she crushing on? the answer becomes obvious the first time she walks in with nancy
-nancy thinks she's a dog person through and through, and she's a little nervous when she moves in with robin who has a very old and very anxious cat. it takes roughly 3 days for the cat to decide that nancy is his favorite person in the world, though, and she becomes an official cat lady from that moment on
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transbeeduo · 6 months
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The kneading idea took over my brain so here's a quick phone sketch:)
AUUHHUHHH DUDE OH MY GODDDD THIS IS SO CUTE baby so small,,,,,,,,, whatta hell,,,,,
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couch-house · 1 year
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Eggman turned with a flourish.  “Ah, that is why I’ve gathered you here.  Metal?” He called over to where Metal hid waiting in the shadows.  A good unveiling was always dramatic.  “Why don’t you come on out?”
Read on ao3
Wrote a little realization/coming out tgirl Metal story :) Sage is a big part of it also. I posted it before going on vacation but now I finally have time to draw somefin for it :)
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chernabogs · 2 months
i really like the concept of the draconias being cursed with their love, although love is a curse and heart is a heavy burden in itself,,, it's still a fun subject to talk about. your fic in maleficia pov is such an eye opener for this 🥺 id love to see more of your insights w that trope lol
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Ouagh idk if you're aiming to let me just yap away about this, but that's precisely what I'm going to do because the prospect of bloodline curses/hereditary curses is one of my FAV things in folklore. This isn't a theory as much as it is me talking about just some things I've noticed and how I interpret it
To preface this, this has absolutely no hold in canon LMAO. This is just what I've noted when taking a step back and looking at the Draconia family—which is that they have a shitty track history with things happening to them. As a secondary point, I have no idea what Yana is pulling from for her background of fae information. Myths of fae come from all over the world; you got them in Europe, in Scandinavian countries, Oceania, Africa, etc (like really, they're all over). I do know her bits and bops about Malleus loving ice cream/dairy items falls more in line with European interpretations, so I'm rolling that she's drawing somewhat from that.
Which kind of leads me to noting the poor luck the Draconia's seem to have. In a lot of European folklore, fae love to curse (most often piseóg)—be it humans, dwarves, elves, or even their own kind (this really fantastic thesis digs right into that concept via an analysis of european folk stories). One story I like a lot is The Two Sisters and The Curse, a lovely tale of pride and fae. One sister brags that her sister has a fae lover, failing to follow the stipulation that she's never to tell anyone about that fae lover. The result is tragic, as expected, but the line 'If a fay-being has power, revenge will be taken though it may be on your descendants.' really sticks out in this.
Hereditary curses are curses passed through a bloodline that, understandably, can only be broken when certain stipulations are met; the ancient Greeks especially loved them. Some might think them as geas (a curse/gift, which is kind of what Meleanor put on Malleus before he was hatched; humans would fear him, fae would adore him, etc.). A lot of piseóg in European folklore are hereditary curses intent on really fucking with a family.
In my opinion, it kind of feels like the Draconia's either have the worst luck streak on record with how many things happen to them, or they have a curse. We don't know what happened to Maleficia's husband, but the assumption is that he's probably dead. Meleanor's husband went MIA in the middle of a war that her family and her people were also dragged into. Then, Meleanor died, robbing Maleficia of her only daughter. Upon her death, Maleficia was unsuccessful at hatching Malleus' egg because he began to reject her magic; if Lilia hadn't existed or had declined to help, Malleus would have died too, leaving Maleficia.
In addition, Malleus (due to his nature as sole heir and only family) was raised in an incredibly contained environment his entire life. Hell, he was chronically alone since he was in an egg. Even now he still holds this belief in his mind that he has no one except for the same 4 people he's known his entire life, and even then, one of them (Lilia) who he cares for a lot is also about to die. Silver will die before him. Sebek will die before him. His grandmother will die before him.
Really, it looks bad when you step back. This is kind of why I focused the Maleficia fic on the concept of a curse. I wrote it like she had an inkling someone in her family line had crossed the wrong person and it resulted in a piseóg, and she just doesn't know how to break or stop it.
Frankly, I love the trope to bits. I love the tragedy, I love the many ways it can happen (pissing off fae, pissing off a tenant, evicting a fairy king from your farm because you're just tryna do your harvest, etc.), and I love when one person finally manages to figure out the niche needed to break the curse. I imagine the relief of freedom from generations of tragedy is immense.
I kind of hope that happens with the Draconia's, or at least their luck turns around with Malleus. I feel like the whole family has been dragged through the mud enough LMAO.
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skyloftian-nutcase · 18 days
The idea of your Shadow Link needing hugs consumed my brain. So... here.
There was someone clinging to Naydra as she emerged from the Snowfield Chasm. Link didn't think many others could see the dragons, much less have the nerve to ride them. And Naydra's aura of frost never made that easy. And the frost-bitten-whoever-they-were was slipping. Link angled himself towards the falling form, calling first in a sharp whistle to try to get the tumbling form to steady themselves, then calling out to Tulin's Sage ability to push him into the other person.
“Hold on to me!” He called.They tried, but with the frozen air still whipping around them, the second Link deployed his paraglider, they slipped, and began falling once more. No no no no no he chanted, throwing himself into a dive once more. They weren't that far off the ground. He had a fairy, it wasn't the worst fall he'd had even in the last week, so he put himself between this dragon-rider and the ground and braced himself for impact.
It hurt, but no fairy fluttered out of his pouch so after giving himself and the other person a second to breathe, he started to move towards sitting up. The person in his arms was shivering violently, Link could feel them wincing in a way that said the cold was killing them like taking a plunge into the icy waters still would for him.
“I've never seen anyone else ride a dragon. Who--?”
They were dressed in some robe-thing that looked like a piece from the gloom set the bargainer statues gave. Gray-tinted skin, white hair... and red eyes pried open to look at him. It was that shade of a hero that the Demon King summoned. It reminded him uncomfortably of the Puppet the Yiga had been using to imitate Zelda. Link gasped despite himself.
“You're Raru's knight...” The Shade Hero murmured, trying to move away from Link and only falling to his knees instead.
“Zelda’s knight first.” He corrected. The Shade was thin, too thin, like a step away from being corpse-thin like the redeads. His forehead was bleeding sluggishly. The cold would kill him if whatever had been done to him didn't. He didn't have spare cold gear but he did still have a couple items from his trip up to the Stormwind Ark. “Here.” He pulled the simple mushroom, meat, and peppers skewer from his supplies. “Can you eat this? It'll stave off the cold for a few minutes. Long enough to get to a cave anyway...” The Shade looked at him skeptically but took the skewer and tentatively took a bite, then hurriedly scarfed the whole thing. He had even more questions now, concerning ones to think about. When was the last time the Shade ate? Did he need to? Something in the Shade's posture had his knight’s oath to protect screaming at him to act. He looked so...beaten down.
“Come on.” He gestured towards the exit from the snowfield. “There's a cave at the end of the promenade. You won't freeze there and I can start a fire and...” and maybe cook something else because you're clearly hurt and/or starving.
And so Link led the Demon King's Shade of the Hero down to the cave at the end of the Lanayru promenade. Once outside the wind and safe within the regulated temperature of the cave, he started a fire, then parked the Shade in front of it before setting up a portable cook pot and pulling every blanket and spare warm item he could find in his pouch to wrap his companion in. Hot chocolate. This kid (he looked very young huddled there by the fire) needed hot chocolate.
“So, am I going to get stabbed the second I turn around?” He asked, trying to sound casual. Yiga played sympathetic on occasion for as long as several minutes, and the shock and cold still seemed to have kept Shade stunned.
“N-no. I'm not... I don't want to fight you. Please. I don't want Him to bring me back again. Don't kill me.” That was a whole lot to unpack, but it didn't take a ton of wisdom to see Shade meant it. He was terrified.
“Whoa, easy, Buddy.” Link tried to soothe, finishing with the pot and dumping two bottles of milk and a whole bunch of chocolate into the bowl. “I'm not going to do anything...” He rambled while the hot chocolate warmed, rambled about Cotla’s grotto below Kakariko, about shield surfing down the mountain chasing a beam of light, about the Stable Trotters and the Dondons down in Faron, about the thousand random tasks he'd found time to do while gathering his courage to plunge into the Depths again. Eventually, it seemed to soothe Shade. He put a mug of the warm milky-chocolate in the boy's hands and sat beside him. Shade curled into his side so much like Zelda had right after defeating the Calamity, desperate for Hylian contact. He didn't like what he could conjecture about Shade's story, and the evidence in the thin form in his arms wasn't any more comforting. He began dreaming up more ways to murder that Demon King. Pushing him off the top of the Stormwind Ark and letting him splat into the tundra was no longer enough. He needed something more painful...
I want you to know that when I first saw this I was in bed trying to convince myself to get up and this was such a comfort and amazing thing to find and read. And tonight at work I found it again and got all excited and happy and it helped me settle a bit, tonight’s been an interesting ride lol
POOR LITTLE SHADOW he was so scared when Wild asked about if he was gonna attack T-T AAHHHHH I LOVE THIS AJ
Have I mentioned that I adore this BECAUSE I ADORE THIS <3 <3 <3 <3
AH I’m going to read and reread this <3 Thank you so much for sharing <3 <3 <3 <3
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funky-dealer · 6 days
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was never able to finish the whole art and now since art fight is kicking up I don’t have time but here is quasar showing off her doctor’s degree
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strawowoberry · 6 months
See those posts? Those posts have cost you your life because I’m going to squish you and the drawings to death, TO CUTE SORRY , JUST TO CUTE YOUR MISTAKE TO CUTE KICKING MY FEET ZADR OVERLOAD TODAY AND THAT MINI COMIC REALLY DID IT FOR ME
SERIOUSLY THO, YOUR ART IS JUST SO- RAHHHHH- GOOD MAKING ME RAVENOUS AT HOW BABY DIB IS 👁️👁️ 💞💞💞💞💞💞💞💞💞💞💞💞💞💞💞💞💞💞💞💞💞💞💞💞💞💞💞💞💞💞💞💞💞💞💞💞💞💞🫶💞🫶🫶🫶💞💞💞🫶💞🫶💞🫶💞🫶🫶🫶🫶🫶🫶🫶🫶🫶🫶🫶🫶🫶🫶🫶🫶🫶🫶🫶🫶
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hinako-supremacy · 1 month
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I provide my Jeremiah Arkham
(he's albino, loves bugs and is mentally hanging on by a thread)
He's also friends with my harleen but that's a different story
his slayage. his pose. THE COLORS GOING SO WELL TOGETHER@&!&^!&!&!&!^#^ powerful aura.
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says nom as a label for me to chew on him. like bug <333
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002yb · 2 months
hiii, yb! i adore your dickjay (and damijay hehehehe) contents so much, thank you for always feeding us bottom jay enjoyer ^-^
if you dont mind me being curious, what else do you enjoy beside DC? is there anime/series/manga you particularly follow? :o
Thank you so much! Writing for bottom!Jason is such a joy. (♡ˊ͈ ꒳ ˋ͈)
Other things I enjoy besides dickjay DC? It makes me feel shy to share somehow ahahaha, but below are my big 3 atm ♡♡♡
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die-schwanenkoenigin · 3 months
Shuffle your favorite playlist and post the first five songs that come up!
I was tagged by @agaywithcoffee and @whodoesnataliehave, thank you both so much! ☺️💕
1. Summer Sunshine - The Corrs
2. No Doubt - Camila Cabello
3. Holiday (Acoustic Version) - Little Mix
4. KU LO SA - Oxlade
5. No (Acoustic Version) - Little Mix
I'm going to go ahead and tag @ptolftos-blog, @dummerjan, @amazingspider-boy, @lilolilyr, @dustnfeathers, @pakhiya, @sarahstreep7, @avataraloy, @toboldlynerd and @ramb-of-god! But, as usual, no pressure. xx
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transbeeduo · 4 months
in regards to the tummy boobs
I have drawn this little family moment of them all :)
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OH MY FUCKING GODDDDD THIS IS SO CUTE??????????????? its so soft im gonna wail…..
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sighonaraa · 4 months
idk if you’re still receiving roses pookie but 🌹🌹🌹
i am pookie!!! for you, a bit from the post-blip daredevil fic (i'm so sorry i've been yapping about this so much lately. SO sorry. it will happen again):
Here’s a secret: Foggy’s life is split into halves. There’s the first half, the one of endless childhood days spent in summer, skinned knees and melting popsicles dripping down the wrist, arguing with Brett on the playground until their moms drag them home at sundown. It’s a good half, sure. Fine. Whatever. But then there’s the second half. And that’s the one with Matt. It’s—well, Foggy’s not sure good is the right word for it. Can it be good, when he’s living with the constant worry that someday his best friend is going to bleed out alone in the streets and— Nope. Nah. Not thinking about it. Anyway. He’s been living in this second half so long that he’s forgotten about the first one. He’s forgotten how it feels, to be without Matt. Turns out, that was a fucking mistake.
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watchingthecredits · 8 days
I love u!!! I'm in love with u!!! mm that's it just felt like telling u mwah <3 and just in case u ever forget I'll keep reminding of the place u own within my heart every chance I can find mwahmwah <33
i love youuu i love you so much hiii <333 missed u a lot today and i‘ll keep missing u because i‘m so in love with u mhm 🫂
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corpsoir · 5 months
hey i just found the pink hair dude. my god. i'm sorry i love him. and the other pink hair dude. i love your oc and i love your art. i apologise my insanity for the moment i hope it's not of burden to you. the tentacles are so fucking cool. oh my god i'm losing my mind about it sorry
AAHH thank you so much!!! no need to apologise this made me wanna post more about them again :3 ive just had a really bad art block for a while and havent made that much new stuff lol
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