#I love bad buddy a completely normal amount
gennianydots · 1 year
raise your hand if you’ve been personally victimized by patpran 👀
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tommystummy · 1 month
I feel so bad for Buddie fans that are completely normal about it. I can’t imagine just wanting to have nice things and enjoy your fun little ship and people associated with it keep bringing such an insane amount of hostility.
Plenty of people are very normal about shipping Buddie and only Buddie! It’s just unfortunate that the loudest voices are often the most unkind ones. If I was less generous I could point out that these people only have such far reach because they tolerate each other’s homophobia has just “normal fandom toxicity” (<- real thing someone said as if it excuses it) and the more they ignore or isolate Certain Users the kinder the fandom could become but honestly I don’t think everyone is checking before reblogging Buddie posts from the most toxic of users.
Side note but I feel similar about so called Eddieblr which has now seemingly adopted Tommy hatred as a core tenet despite Eddie and Tommy being friends in canon. I would love to talk about the tormented Catholic boy that I relate to on many levels without worrying that it’s going to mean someone talks shit about the gay guy I relate to on many levels!
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casualdadnomad · 11 months
i am back with more headcanons! today we got college gaang x going to the gym!!
masterpost (>ᴗ•)
college athletes: suki, ty lee, toph, sokka
suki’s colorguard stuff is a killer workout in itself (ex guard girl here, i was jacked)
and being the captain of the self defense club, it’s kind of accepted she could knock you the fuck out
ty lee being a cheerleader also gives her an insane amount of muscle but it’s less visible and more just strength
so she just looks completely normal and then BAM she puts zuko in a shoulder sit
the ty lee cheerleader arc is something i want to go into more detail on so someone please tell me to do it so i have an excuse to
toph being on the rugby team is something so close to my heart
she does lifting, conditioning, rugby practice etc all ON TOP of the earth bending she’s doing on the daily
she is 5’0” of pure muscle
sokka is on the fencing team which is more agility centered than strength centered
he’s fast, he has a great reaction time and hand eye coordination
something will fall and he will catch it so fast
like wow i didn’t know spider-man was here
i also headcanon he can just do a backflip. like he’s one of those backflip guys i’m sure you know one
absolute gym bros: katara, azula, zuko
katara was field hockey captain in high school but didn’t continue in college
she is a busy woman and has so many passions to spend her time on in college!
she does however hit the gym regularly she loves the gym
her and zuko are gym buddies :)
zuko is huge man i feel like this is not explored enough in fanon HE KICKED THROUGH A WOODEN TABLE??????????
me when i see fanart of zuko that lets him be strong!!!!!!!!!!!! 😁😁👍🏼👍🏼👍🏼👍🏼
he works out all the time because he realized young that being bad at bending sucks but he could just get as good as possible as good old acoustic combat
azula works out as part of her healing process
good way to get her anger out
boxing is one of her favorite workouts but she also is a part of a firebending club
mock trial? try mock agni kai
great way to make friends while keeping her skills sharp
plus having a firebending major is a lot of exercise in itself
same with katara and toph and the other bending majors
mai spends enough time working on precision with knife throwing that her reflexes are also good, better than sokkas for sure
but if you asked her to run a mile she’d laugh in your face
katara gets ripped for bending, aang is ripped from bending
he can’t major in airbending cause he’s the only one but he spends a lot of time keeping his skills sharp
he actually compulsively practices because he’s afraid he will forget something and some aspect a irbending culture will be lost to time but that’s another post i could make like and subscribe for the gaang trauma responses post
his endurance is great from sparring and airbending and he also loves running
he is the only one in the gaang who loves running (only one in the gaang who will run willingly at all)
as much as the gaang, who canonically are fighters, love physical activity, they also love being so very lazy! they don’t get a chance to be lazy often so they will take any chance to give their bodies a rest they can in my au
rest is just as important as being active :)
okay that’s all for tonight! can u tell im a tired student athlete and am projecting lol ok i have to go to bed cause i got class tomorrow thanks for reading !
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fluffle-writes · 1 year
So, I saw your twst isekai idea post, and had IDEAS!
so I'm not super familiar with most of those series/fandoms, BUT...
What came to mind for me was Stardew Valley (since it's been on my mind recently). I don't know how familiar you are with the game, but I think that if he was isekai'd there, Jade would THRIVE as a farmer! I mean, he's got a green thumb and knows about plants. There's a mountain (with a mine), plenty of local flora to forage, and a possibility for a MUSHROOM CAVE on the farm. He'd LOVE IT!! Plus, the people in town are incredibly interesting - he'd never get bored there. And he's sketchy clever and resourceful enough to know how to get what he wants. His family are suggested to also be 'businesspeople', after all :)
Epel would also do just fine there, obviously. He already comes from a farming family, so I imagine he'd do a good job setting up an orchard in Stardew Valley.
On the other hand, I think that Idia would STRUGGLE in that situation. He's very clever, but NOT GOOD with new people, or much manual labour. And unless he already knew about gardening/farming/foraging/fishing/etc. from a game or series, he'd probably be totally lost on how to manage. (It would probably be pretty funny for us, but very stressful for him.)
(I put a buncha stuff under a 'read more' because I wrote. Many words lol)
Just,,, Demetrius showing up at Jade's house and being all 'hello I could set up a mushroom cave for you if you want' and Jade showing off his already thriving mushroom colonies completely filling the space lmao. I wonder if they'd be mycology buddies with how Demetrius is a biologist (iirc)
He'd love to forage in the surrounding areas and hike around the forests - and fishing! I remember him being super passionate about everything in the Camp Vargas stories he was in and I just love how he can get so happy when he's able to indulge in his interests.
(I wonder if he would mess with some of the villagers by swimming in the ocean in his merform... I may end up shipping him with Elliott if I think about that too much - typical bachelor on the beach falls for the mysterious merperson in the ocean typa story idk my brain is running away from me haha)
He would be in his element! I can imagine him with expertise from what his family taught him on his farm - how to selectively breed plants to make the best produce, how to graft two parts of heirloom species of plants together to get the best traits from both (like the roots from a tomato plant bred to resist root diseases and the stem from a plant that produces large, delicious fruits! I've seen a video about it and it was really cool lol)
And he has the type of face and vibe that I feel like would make older ladies fawn over him a little if that makes sense? Like Marnie, Caroline, and Jodi - their group. Like, he's polite because of his time with Vil, he's quite short and has a boyish face, he's hardworking etc. I can see him receiving cookies from Evelyn and stuff like that.
I'd say that he'd get along with Sebastian but I doubt that they'd end up meeting with how neither of them really go outside (I know from waiting outside Sebastian's door before I thought to look up his schedule online haha)
Idia's internal dialogue would probably be an absolute disaster haha - he is NOT built for this environment! There's too much focus on socialisation! And his noodly gamer arms cannot do farming! He would be having a Bad Time and it would definitely be funny to watch it pan out haha
At least there's a chance that he could have some meta knowledge due to the fact that he's a gamer. Maybe it'll be exactly like some sorta game from Twisted Wonderland called 'SunMist Hollow' (I just searched synonyms for that haha)
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veliseraptor · 2 years
Do you have any thoughts on Xie Wang and Zhao Jing? (woh version)
still haven't read TYK yet (it's on my list! gotta finish Qiang Jin Jiu first though) so this is in fact the only version of this relationship I could speak to! I have no idea what it looks like in the novel but I do know that the Scorpion King is a very different character there.
so this is a prime case of "got sort of distracted from the main plot by whatever the fuck was going on in that side plot" as is very typical for me in most things I read and watch.
because as I was watching and as I kept watching it just kept getting...weirder and more toxic and as I love Xie Wang an unreasonable amount (give me a pretty man desperate for the approval of an authority figure and willing to do appalling things to make that happen and I'm gone) I kept being like "buddy! stop! you deserve better, ditch his ass" re: Zhao Jing but of course he's not going to ditch his ass, he can't, both I think because of a sunk cost fallacy (he's put in this much effort! can't stop now!) and like. he loves this guy. don't understand why personally but there you go
(I don't remember if we get much/anything about how Xie Wang is tied to Zhao Jing, how they ended up linked together, but I'm fascinated by it.)
but yeah. watching over the course of the series as Xie'er gives his yifu chance after chance despite all evidence that Zhao Jing cares about him only inasmuch as he is useful and would discard him very quickly if it was expeditious to do so, continuing to believe that if he just does one more thing right then...but then he hits the limit of that and does, you know, the normal thing. namely making Zhao Jing utterly dependent on him.
it's just...he doesn't kill him, and I think that's what gets me the most about this absolute mess of a relationship. if he killed him that would be normal, for a given value of normal. but instead when Xie Wang hits the limit of his ability to make excuses for Zhao Jing's treatment of him, he still wants to keep him, and he arranges things so that he will - so that Zhao Jing will be completely in his power, but he frames it (and I do think he means it) in a way, as taking care of him.
I know it's not literally a father/son relationship but the best word I have for it is oedipal. as the kids say it's absolutely rancid and that's why it remains the part of Word of Honor I think about most. I want nice things for Xie Wang but Xie Wang wants Zhao Jing for Xie Wang which is not actually the same thing even though he'd like it to be. prime example of wanting a thing that's bad for you. into it.
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cardboardflamingos · 1 year
I am cringe.. But I am free.
UHMN... Okay so I made him up a family tree because I've been thinking about his niece a lot. And the fact he still seems on good terms with her even if it was a super brief mention. D2b family HCs?! 🤯
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I also wanted to.. Uhmn.. Explain each relationship he has with these family members but just to clarify let me explain the colours more-!
Green || A good relationship, hardly affected by him becoming Dr. Two-brains.
Orange || It's.. Ify. They don't really like him anymore, nobody down right hates him. It's more pity, and distancing themselves from him because of how much he's changed and or because of his crimes.
Yellow || Complicated! They're noticeably affected by the change, but don't dislike him like the oranges. Very concerned. Don't really view his crimes as his.
Dad – His dad and him were fairly close when he was Steven, not exactly best buddies but they would talk normally and do stuff together on occasion. No hard feelings about anything. Probably bonded over science a lot when he was a kid. After Steven became Dr. Two-brains and began crimes he feels his son is well. What he is. A criminal. Not taking into account the reasons why, and not having the willingness to reach out to who his son used to be. He wants him imprisoned, for an actual normal amount of time, and for him to stop his life of crime after completing the sentencing. And come back to them. As Steven. Of course they all want Steven back, but he's the least accepting of the new identity.
Mom – He also had a normal relationship with his mother, maybe a bit closer because I imagine her the type to coddle. She misses Steven deeply, and doesn't really understand who or what Dr. Two-brains is. Finding interaction with him awkward and uncomfortable but not wanting to abandon her son for an incident/experiment gone wrong. Tries to talk to him normally, but there's a difference. And they both know it.
Sister – his only sibling! I think they were very very close siblings, and still are, she obviously misses her brothers old ways but does her best to ignore the change and it doing a better job than their mother. They hang out, talk, and still interact like family. Where as others act more as though he's a stranger. Reminds him of a lot of old memories to try to keep that side of him going.
Brother in law – they didn't really know one another beforehand, they had met, but not bonded. His brother in law worries having a criminal around his children, despite Two-brains displaying absolutely zero threat to them it is understandable. Avoids him but will talk to him if interacted with. I feel like he calls d2b “buddy” in a really condescending way. His sister has told him about what he used to be like and he believes her but it doesn't help.
Niece and Nephew – Good! In canon he seems to be on a good relationship with his niece, given the mention of her graduation being a normal thing. I imagine the same for his nephew who is younger than his niece. They remember how he was before, they think Steven is more fun. But are both worried in their own ways.
Uncle – I think our resident weird uncle had a weird uncle of his own! Had to learn the trade from someone. Dynamic is about the same as his mother, but a but more open and joking with d2b. Also trying to keep his memories intact.
Cousin – they were friends beforehand, not best buds that talked a lot but they had an okay relationship. Now the cousin is a bit scared of him but tries to uphold the positive memories and realizes that he can still be normal sometimes.
As for Dr. Two-brains himself he feels bad for creating a noticeable shift in his family and loves them all, still acting like their family member. Just a very different one. Squeaky doesn't like them, I imagine, but Steven over powers in this regard.
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courtofmatchups · 4 months
Hihi! I'm so sorry Tumblr didn't give me the notification 😭 I'll try and have yours done sometime today or tmr since it's been a bit hectic w/ testing
Personality: I'd like to think I'm sweet - if not a little awkward especially when in the process of getting to know somebody since normally I'm hesitant to even really approach people. Same thing w/ my insecurities (personality, looks, interactions, etc) I don't normally like vocalizing them to anybody until after I've known them for like a few months at least and even then I have a tendency to either underplay it or just joke about it which tends to rub some people the wrong way when I do it.
I also can't read people or verbal cues at all - God forbid trying to flirt, it took me several months to figure out somebody liked me when they were trying to flirt with me, nor am I very good with my, or others emotions but I at least try to make an effort when they need comfort. I also have a bad tendency to be really forgetful/clumsy, frequently forgetting where I put various things or missing things in literal plain sight or just stumbling for no real reason or tripping on my feet. (Not that I mind anymore I've fallen enough times it's just a habit to get back up) ^^'
Completely off topic and I have no idea if you want to add it, I am nicknamed rabbit bc of the amount of times I accidentally eavesdrop bc I can't tune out conversations 😭
Also since I feel like I could add in my negative traits- 
I have really (but weirdly spontaneous) times where I start overthinking things that have already passed by (like weeks have passed??) and I tend to get oddly emotional about it.
I also have a weird situation where I'm aware I'm not feeling and I don't know how to act when others get emotional- not that I don't want to help or anything- I just genuinely have no idea how to process emotion or how to hold onto my emotions for more than a few minutes no matter how strong it was/is, I have no idea if that's apathy?? Or if it's just me being a little silly, maybe.
Personality type: INTP, 6W5 - Zodiac signs is Capricorn Sun and Taurus Moon
Looks/Offtopic (although I'm not sure this is important??): I have dark brown eyes (although the pigment is closer to black) and the same for my hair, my hair is cut short (neck length) and is decently fluffy and disappointingly I'm stuck at 5'1. I'm a huge fan of animals and a complete pushover when it comes to them and as a hobby I play the violin or write little stories (that I probably forget about), I also love cuddling and typically can't fall asleep without a pillow being my cuddle buddy or somebody else, big spoon, little spoon, doesn't not matter - I just love cuddles.
Traits I find Attractive: I'm not really picky, imo, but I like being friends with a person before I date them, so I guess that qualifies as having a close bond with the person? I'm able to put up with most things but it's nice when the person I'm with will give me attention and stuff but also know when I'm getting frustrated and to stop pushing an issue (E,G: Somebody repeatedly reminding you to do something you know you have to do, when you're about to do it), that and PDA/Physical touch is something Id like as a touch starved person but of course not required from a partner. <3
Traits I dislike: In the most weirdly descriptive sense I can't stand people who try and tell me what I want to do or what I'm feeling when I am actually able to tell, like no - just because I'm not in the mood the talk to you doesn't mean I'm mad, stop trying to push it. Liars are also an issue, small lies like "I ironed your shirt" when they really didn't is perfectly fine its when their purposefully rude and manipulative about it
Love languages : Physical Touch, Gift giving, Quality time (Giving) \ Physical Touch, Words of Affirmation, Quality time (Receiving)
Hobbies: Violin- performing, Art, Photography, Animal Handling, gardening, baking, wood sculpting, Track, Volleyball, Gaming, Code designing(visual novels) 
Likes: Winter, Animals (aside from insects and arachnids), the ocean, fall, fairs/festivals, movies, books, painting/sketching, Archery, Sword fighting, Dragons and mythology as a general, spicy foods, most fruits, Music mainly folklore, Tea's, Sunbathing, alone time when stressed, cuddles and physical contact
Dislikes: Large crowds, overbearing/over protectiveness, overly sweet foods, loud/sharp/sudden noises, Spiders and insects as a whole, being forgotten, the ocean( when just placed in a body of water where I can't make out anything smthn like Thalasaphobia I think), the heat or overly hot places, being solely dependent on somebody
Silly Offtopic facts?: I cannot picture anything no matter how descriptive the context or clear the music, cannot do it. I also have absolutely terrible sense of direction (as in I literally can't tell South, North, East, West, etc) and a matching memory (I've forgotten my birthday like several times or more and other people's birthdays, etc). I've grown up around cats and ducks and just animals in general all my life and love them dearly. I also have a crippling dear of being forgotten after I'm dead so I've pushed myself to overachieve in literally everything.
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(Also that's what I look like for a visual rep, [I tried I swear] it's a really rushed drawing and I forgot how to draw clothing 😭 tyy for the exchange tho!)
It seems to me you've captured the heart of...
Lord Diavolo!
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Diavolo's goal is to unify the three worlds so that each being from each realm can live in harmony. Having said that, as a demon, he does have little understanding or experience in the way humans interact with each other, but I feel that this the two of you could get along fairly well. Diavolo is a lonely prince at heart, and as you seem a little bit shy, it may take a while for him to worm his way into your circle. And once he does, I think this friendship can blossom into a beautiful romance.
His favorite qualities about you would first have to be your kind nature. You make others around them feel at ease when you talk with them, and you don't seem to judge others based on appearances or actions. You also seem very intelligent, based on your description. He is too, and I feel like he'd love to have a partner who is on his level, intellectually.
You also mention struggling with your own negative thoughts, which could lead to some rocky conversations and situations. Furthermore, they need some time alone when they’re stressed, so please tell him ahead of time, or when you need some space to be alone. Diavolo wants to help you, so share whatever problems you have. You can solve it together once your head is clear.
As you're such a laid back person, I feel like he'd like to show you his library. There's quite a few cursed books and tomes in there, so tread with caution. Also, he would love to teach you how to play chess if you find interest in the game. He would also like to do things like going on a picnic, baking together, taking a walk around my castle, or just having an evening tea together. He would even take you to a petting zoo if given the chance. Overall, your relationship seems like it would be a happy one
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prismaticpichu · 2 years
Alright Tumblr ate my ask the first time so this is Take 2.
I had this idea that I thought was Right up your alley: Zack explaining to Sephiroth that m&ms and mini m&ms are in fact different and there is Absolutely a superior one! Complete with Sephiroth forcibly trying each type because Zack came prepared!
Ok, ok. First off-
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Heck YEAHHHH!!!! Mini m&ms are SO different than the normal ones!!! I’ve been fighting for this cause for so, so long…. ;-; Ohhhhhhh the beautiful, chocolatey, Willy-Wonkity validation!!!
*mops self off floor, reapplies glasses.* Uh huh… uh huh. I see. Yes ma’am this is 110% Zack Fair territory! Phenomenal scenario xD xD
It all starts as Zack is taking a stroll down ShinRa HQ, heading to the training grounds for some morning stretches, when he stumbles across something shiny.
Well bowl him over with a popsicle stick! It’s a lucky Gil!
Trajectory is immediately changed upon finding this lucky gil. The pupper starts thinking about where in his pocket he could keep it, somewhere where it could be a golden charm no matter where he went—wait, no! He can’t keep this lucky Gil to himself! That would be so selfish. He already was blessed with the luck, and now it is time to pass the treasure on to someone who deserved it even more. That was what lucky Gil were placed on the floor for!
And what better than to spend it on his bestest buddy?
Seph’s office is just a jump, skip, and elevator away, and a sitcom guitar riff later and Zack is bouncing inside. He asks his buddy what’d he like from the vending machine—no exceptions! Ofc there is the predictable “it’s 7:45 in the morning why would I eat candy…” and yadyayadya SHUDDUP, MAN! YOU ARE THE WORST.
The truth though? The truth is that Sephiroth’s diet was forcefully meddled with long long ago, and he is very pleased at the offer—especially when chocolate comes into the equation. The big bad General loves his chocolate <3 <3
A decent amount of time passes as Sephiroth muses over which candy to choose… for it really is a long, painful endeavor of forked decision… until finally, Wii Party applause erupting in the background, the man makes up his mind.
“Would you get those… chocolate fish bowl pebbles?”
“M&Ms?” Zack immediately translates. “Sure! Mini or regular?”
There’s a pause. A serious one. “What’s the difference?”
Oh. OH. Oh no. Oh NO NO NO. He did NOT. Zack’s world is crushed, all from the single, careless, uneducated sentence that left his friend’s lips. All his life… all his life people said he was, like, deranged for thinking m&m’s baby brother had a different taste—his parents, his school friends, his SOLDIER friends… not Seph too!
“You’re joking, right? RIGHT?”
“No, Zack. They would taste exactly the same.”
“But they’re different! I’m telling you!”
“It’s all in your head.”
“No it’s NOT!”!
“It’s a marketing technique; they have to make people think they’re different.”
Who put this guy on the PLANET???
This goes back and forth for quite some time, until finally, Zack just smushes his head into Sephiroth desk. Boom. Slam. The pupper’s heart cannot take any more of this. Is he really gonna have to become a missionary? Really? REALLY?? Is he really gonna have to travel across the land on a camel and awaken everyone by himself…?!
Meanwhile, Sephiroth doesn’t even see this as a pathetic display over candy. Not even for a lick of a second. The man is sitting there now, and feeling totally and utterly ashamed at himself. Look at how betrayed Zack feels—look at how hurt. And he is the cause of this. He long promised Zack he would never have to feel the sting of betrayal again; he was supposed to protect him. He needs to fix this.
“…Would you like me to try them?”
Zack’s head snaps up. “Yes plz!”
Ifrit. He’s been duped.
So as Sephiroth is scanning over his life choices (again), Zack zooms out of the office and returns with two—count ‘em TWO—types of m&ms (on the bright side, lucky Gil lives another day! This was just nibbled from the paycheck). Then chocolate is poured into both of Sephiroth’s palms, because remember kids, a bit of added glove flavor really does wonders.
“Alright, bud! Eat both of them and tell me there’s a difference.”
Not wanting to hurt Zack’s feelings (again), and also because chocolate, Sephiroth relents and pops an ordinary m&m into his mouth. It’s tasty. It’s gone much too quickly. He’s kinda sad now.
“Now the mini one!”
Sephiroth plucks up the baby candy too, but he wants to make it very clear from his glazed kitty eyes that he is purely indulging Zack (and also bc chocolate). Under no circumstances is he actually going to sit there and believe that just because something is 3/8 inches in diameter compared to its normal size that it will EVER ta—
…Oh. Oh my.
Now, the thing about being a superhuman, DNA-tampered-celestial cat-man-guy-thing, is that you are born with very KEEN… well, very keen everything, but mostly very keen taste. You will be tasting the rainbow, and Sephiroth… Sephiroth does taste that itty-bitty, wondrous, milky thread of a divergence in flavor. And it is… it is GOOD. And that wasn’t even his epiphany!
Of course! How could he be so foolish?? The surface area:volume ratio would ofc make it taste sweeter!
It is that day that Krakatoa re-erupted, right as Sephiroth is given the tightest and squeeziest squeeze Zack has ever squeezed (don’t worry, don’t worry, he finished chewing!). It is also from that day forward that Zack would always have someone to phone up whenever science is challenged. It is from that day forward that ShinRa entered a true, metaphysical state of awakening <3
I mean no one disagrees with Sephiroth’s opinion that’s really it.
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sarilolla · 2 years
Reasons why I love Bugsnax cuz I need to talk about this game which has now consumed me completely (there’s some spoilers here and there, as I’m just writing down stuff I can think about at the moment)
All the characters are neat, and are so fun to interact with-
Considering the situation they are in, I think how they all interact with each other is very realistic, which I love. Like, there are friendships and cute romantic relationships, but there are also not so good relationships that aren't toxic but still make for a good dynamic within the group
All the character designs (both grumpus and bugsnax) are peak marketable plushie designs (I want the Bunger and Strabby plushie so badly)
The bugsnax are so silly :) They are just kinda bug, kinda snax :)
The Bugsnax reminds me of Pokémon, except you don’t make them fight, you just feed them to your friends- Like, how they say their own names, some are harder to catch than others, and just the look and vibes of them
There are multiple lgbtq characters, but not forced or marked-like. They are just there, like it's completely normal, which makes me so happy (Like Floofty is disliked by practically everyone, but no one misgenders them, which means it’s just… normal)
Bunger bunger bunger :D
The names of everyone are so fun, from just misspelled normal names to straight-up muppet-esque names (Triffany - Tiffany, Elizabert - Elizabeth) (Wambus, Gramble, Floofty)
If I had a nickel for the amount of times I got emotionally attached to the one “good” parasite who have the name combo of “S_out”, I’d have two nickels. Which isn’t a lot but it’s weird it happened twice. (Sprout aka the buggyball from Bugsnax, and Scout from hello puppets)
I love the Bugsnax, especially the strabbies, they’re so silly :)
The lore is so good and fun, and I might have just been on a “oooo fun game” high, but I didn’t really catch any plot holes or plot lines I heavily disliked, so it’s good :)
Then again, it does have some darker themes, already showing before the ending, and it’s a good ending no matter, story wise (I did not nor will I ever have the guts to get the bad endings tho, like no, that would hurt too much)
Also if you get the ✨secrets✨, it looks like it could ramp up to a sequel, which I absolutely want
The journalist aka the player character, is very much a self-insert type protagonist, but they’re also not just a reflection of the player. Like their little notes and drawings for quests and such are so fun and cute (also for the people who decided that the most common name for the journalist is “Buddy”, I love you /p /hj (no hate to other journalist names of course, I just like Buddy))
The fact that the player also is allergic to Bugsnax is so fascinating to me, like we survive of sauces, but feed everyone else (technically not including Shelda and Gramble, but they can both eat Bugsnax, just have other reasons why they don’t). It works so well with angst, cuz on the island we have the journalist who can become sick after a while but still trudges on, and after the island, well, there’s definitely some guilt there from feeding everyone
I dunno why, but I love the idea of banjo-pop music, and I would like to thank Wiggle for introducing me to it
I also love Broken Tooth island just showing up, like it really shows there’s something weird about the Bugsnax islands (both Snaxtooth and Broken tooth). Not to mention how weird Snaxtooth is, with hot desert almost bordering frozen solid mountain
Snaxtooth is really an adventurer’s dream come true, which is why it humors me so much that some of the grumpus who joined the expedition are just… normal people. Who just joined, like for a vacation??? It’s funny
I managed to get all the achievements which I’m very proud of myself for managing :) I also have done all mail requests, and that’s just because of the wonderful people who made a guide for how to catch 5 different Bugsnax in 60 seconds or 10 Bugsnax in 90 seconds
Over all? Silly game which definitely also deserves its psychological horror tag, but I adore it
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I leave you with this really lazy edit of my favorite parasites /hj
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crystalelemental · 10 months
Unit Viability Speculation - December 2023
Unova finally gets some attention, Viola finally gets a super nice outfit, and all I care about is Lodge Jasmine. Okay that's not entirely true, Meloetta's here, but like. Jasmine.
Neo Champion Nate Good news: the "Even Nate" jokes are over. Bad news: Nate having the shiny Haxorus from completing the dex will 100% be used to say he was secretly the true protagonist on Reddit, because girls can't be protagonists.
Nate is an insanely powerful Dragon Striker, who acts more as a support. To cut to the chase, his Buddy move is his only real damage aside from sync, and it's 1MP with AoE penalty. It's not exactly breaking barriers here, given its only effects are "can't miss" and "-1 cooldown." Those are common effects. Scale Shot is also not great, giving some minor speed increase at the cost of defense. While he stacks PMUN like crazy, none of it matters when Scale Shot is as weak as it is. Punishing Strike is tremendous, 30% boost under his circle is great, and Haymaker is free money alongside Speedster Sync 5, which is easy to set up because only +1 speed is sufficient. Oh and he gets another 90% bonus while his Circle is up. Sure Nate. 240% sync damage. Oh, and his role is Zone. In case you were worried he didn't do enough.
But here's where we get to the argument that Nate is actually support. Unova Pride as a Master Passive is already fantastic, right? Okay. This Circle business? It's a field effect Master Passive, where the region requirement counts himself. 10% damage boost at base with +10% more for each Unova, and 5% damage reduction with 3% more for each Unova. Nate's default is 20% and 8%. Oh but wait. This one counts sync. So on a full Unova team, Nate has 280% sync damage, with Field effect benefits. Sure bro. Very normal. But the Circle applies to all allies. The field powers up all Dragons. His Circle move also gives the whole team PMUN. Nate does a surprising amount for physical Unova pairs just by existing.
Which means the detriment should be obvious. Like so, so many Techs in eras past, the downside of being the strongest thing your supportive tools can benefit is that no one else really gets to shine. Yes, this is a godsend for base Iris' damage. Show me a scenario where base Iris contributes while Nate's throwing around this much power. I'll wait. There's also the ongoing issue of off-type, which Nate can very much do, but how relevant is that for other physical pairs when Nate's doing all the heavy lifting? The Circle benefit is 40% sync damage to any physical ally, but no one comes close to Nate's level of sync damage. There's also the issue of Dragon Zone potentially overwriting other effects you wanted. I don't think this Nate is bad at all, but I think in my heart I wanted him and Iris to work together, rather than Iris being superficially attached to him.
Neo Champion Rosa Who is, apparently, not coming out until Christmas. Go figure. Ugh. Anyway. Meloetta's finally here. It tanked Lisia/Meloetta, but I can't complain too much. I will, however, complain about Psychic Support. Shoulda been Normal.
Rosa is...a choice. Imagine Winter Rosa but good. On the surface, her Buddy move seems reminiscent of Winter Rosa's trainer move. A random +2 to any of the seven stats, with +1 crit baked in. But, NC Rosa transforms, and through a passive, grants +1 PMUN/SMUN to all allies. Now we're on that NC Bede shit. Rosa also applies a Psychic and/or Fighting Rebuff to all opponents, given her Buddy move is AoE, and has a TM that gives +2 PMUN or SMUN to all allies, with 2MP. Rosa stacks, and stacks quickly. Zinfogel is gonna love this. Rosa also boosts her own Sp Def or Def by 1 every attack in either form, so steadily building up defenses. Potion with double MPR on grid is a nice defensive backbone. Sing in Aria is Gauntlet cheese, Teeter Dance with Stop Hitting Yourself 5 on grid from Pirouette is great. Team Sharp Entry feels alright. Team Stoic and Force Field are nice for boosting both defenses, allowing Rosa to consistently boost something for the team. Easy Pickings is really funny if you want to lean into Confusion, but is very slow acting. And most important of all? Support/Sprint role is real. Bless.
Now for the bad. Sing is borderline useless, as she does not receive tools to max its accuracy, and has no built-in Vigilance like Melony. Her specific buffing profile is fairly slow, so while the moves up next stacking is legendary, she relies on allies who are self-sufficient and does far less for the low tier strike pairs. But most of all? Her Buddy Move conditional is a god-forsaken nightmare. Don't get me wrong, the abilities it possesses are extremely good. But the tradeoff is, if she drops to "pinch" range, it turns off. Rosa is the support. She's taking all the damage. And her defensive profile is...okay but not great. The numbers are there, but she's not exactly maxing out bulk with ease, as boosting both defenses is a high investment that takes from other tools. Gauntlet will have no problem with this, but CS runs the risk of knocking her out of range in one shot, ruining her potential to so much as cap crit, much less anything else. And that makes her profile much worse off as a support, taking away any serious buffing potential, and her main source of value with moves up next each attack. Obviously Rosa is still fantastic, but my general point is, Rosa thrives off of not having to take significant hits, and CS gets stronger and stronger as points go up. Off-typing in particular may be hard for her as more is put into offensive pressure from the opponent.
Okay, Viola is a Bug Field with Tech Role. Odd choice, but listen. We can move on from Ingo. OR SO YOU'D THINK. Viola's got some problems. Struggle Bug is fine but feels specifically aligned to Alder Strats. Her Buddy move being 1MP really hurts, as a -1 to all seven stats would be amazing if you could do it more than just the one time. Paralysis and Confusion are good, but Confusion wears off, and unfortunately, tends to wear off fast. TM is nice, giving +2 Sp Atk/crit to any ally, and Bug Zone as a callable effect is nice, because you need that Zone to use Buddy Move in the first place. The real fun is that her passives really mess with paralysis. A random -2 to any of the seven stats per attack, and a rank-5 boosted disruption to opponent action when paralyzed. That's pretty good. Grid boosts team damage against paralyzed opponents 20%, she gets Shocking Slowdown for speed debuffs which is a decent combo with Struggle Bug, Power Play and Static Shock 5 are free money, and Grand Entry 2 can complete her own setup by turn 2. All in all, pretty decent!
Unfortunately, Ingo. While I do think Viola is superior given her tremendous coverage and utilities and better Zone pressure, the problem is she came second. Ingo's been around, and does an okay job. What does Viola provide for you that makes her worth pulling as a Zone pair over Ingo? The shorthand is, she supports Alder better. And that's kinda it. High DPS Bug pairs are her best friends, and the Sp Atk drops fit Alder perfectly. There's an argument for her being the special focus to Ingo's physical, but she lacks Sp Def drops with any consistency so I'd hesitate to say that. If anything, she lacks much consistency at all, barring Sp Atk which is rarely need, and Spd which is often needed but seldom good. She feels more like a generalist who happens to have good Bug options available, if only for herself. I like her a lot, but if you've been making do with Ingo, I wouldn't consider this a necessary upgrade.
Winter Sycamore Oh wow, they actually did a Sycamore alt. And with Gogoat of all things. Gotta get us primed for the Grass High Score event, I suppose.
Support/Strike. Sure dude. Razor Leaf, Potion, Dire Hit All+, TM boosts both defenses +4 and Speed +2. Can...can we please just let Evelyn get an EX? My god. His passive is fascinating. Lowers the foe's Grass rebuff, but raises your team's. This is so, so specifically about Grass High Score it's kinda hilarious. It felt so unnecessary to constantly tease that next was Grass, but it was so we all looked at Sycamore shaking his ass at us and thought Lysandre thoughts about it. Unfortunately, they over-kit him for it. Group Grass Guard is definitely something, but I want you to ask yourself: how often is Grass damage relevant? Outside of Tapu Bulu, how many Grass-type stages are there in CS? You can count them on one hand. Because Grass is terrible in the main series so no Elite Four member relies on it. You have Blue's Exeggutor, Hau's Decidueye...and honest to god that might be it. When you make yourself this specific, you run the risk of locking yourself into a small niche. And that's kinda what happens. His grid isn't bad. Flabbergast 5 for a 60% confuse rate, Triage Tank (not the team kind), Revenge Boost and Dashing Team 4 for decent gauge management, Endurance, and Team Sync Regen are all nice, and it does promote Sycamore as a defensive support whose focus is on gauge management. A good overall call. But I can't help but feel his kit is fairly...standard? Barring the speed, nothing about this entices me. It's too heavy on "BUY ME FOR HIGH SCORE" and not enough on what could have been more dynamic traits. He's just "Better Evelyn." Which. God, that's still depressing.
Lodge Jasmine Alright, everyone shut up! It's Jasmine time! She even got Magnemite, which is the exactly thing I wanted! Support though, little bummed it wasn't an F2P Special Steel striker. Perrserker was limited availability, we need anti-Glacia tech, man.
Thundershock, Gyro Ball, fucking Screech on a support, and TM boosts Def/Sp Def/Acc +1. Oh no. Gladion strats. Endurance, Lithe, and Recuperation 1 are cute, at least. Endurance in particular being a nice saving grace. It's not the worst kit I've seen? But also, only +1 on defenses, and no crit rate. Uh oh, girl.
Grid provides HE4 (couldn't make the para 100%, huh?), Natural Remedy, Shocking Slowdown (too inconsistent given para rate), Team Sharp Entry (!), Interference Immunity (!!), Team Full Bracing Infliction if you're into that, Gyro Ball: Fleet Feet for gauge, First Aid 2 (ANGERY), and the coveted All Ramped Up. That last one saves it. Both defenses and Sp Atk with some accuracy is very nice. That's a mild gamechanger. With Team Sharp Entry in the mix, that's also saving a turn of setup for any Dire Hit+ options. I won't say Jasmine is anything exceptional. There are very clear faults here. Lacks crit rate for F2P pairs, lacks serious buffing in any category and instead spreading out, inconsistent secondary effects like paralysis limit her utilities. Screech is nice though. Like Screech. It's just. All Ramped Up. That's the opposite of Screech, girl.
Jasmine's kinda messy, but this is my second favorite character. All in.
Kukui Oh good, Dingus McBingus gets a grid expansion. Unless it's Leer utility, get out. Trip Up only on Rock Tomb is ass, Trip Wire 2 is something for his Cakewalk set, Berserker 2 is good for self-setup I suppose, Critical Infliction is nice. Basically, three uses of Leer caps his offensive needs now, and he gets a free -2 Spd to all foes on entry. ...you know what, yeah. I'll say that's actually pretty good, man. You kinda nailed this one, color me impressed.
Lorelei *deepest sigh* Okay, look. I'll probably do it because Lorelei is very pretty and I like those colors. But like. Remember when Shauntal got her EX, and I was kinda harsh about "this is hilariously not worth your time?" Because Shauntal has a pretty bad sync? Okay, that was obviously a little harsh, right? I've used Shauntal EX and even without investment, it helps her with F2P clears. There was something for her. But Lorelei? There is nothing for Lorelei. God cannot save her, much less an EX. Her Tech conditional is "foe is frozen." This is impossible to achieve with any kind of consistency, barring Dickshit McFuckhead who we're not going to bother talking about, because fuck dude if you have him what the hell are you doing using Lorelei? As a result, Lorelei has...well, nothing. There is nothing Lorelei does well as far as sync goes. Her course in life was supposed to be Blizzard DPS and they fucked that up. So instead, take this character whose sync nuke is perpetually gimped to high hell because you can't get the most meaningful increase to damage at anything better than a 30% rate. And that's before factoring in how fast people thaw out. Which is hella fast. Lorelei cannot be relied on for nuking. This is a bad decision. Do not waste your resources in this manner. Do better.
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sk3tch404 · 2 years
So I took a look at some of Mosq boys character files again, apparently he's half Christian. Don't ask me what that means, cuz I also forgor 🤠 but yeah, i think we pulled that out of our asses to justify the crosses in his design lmao
Now about Hyena boy... I- listen, listen trust me when I say, no tf u don't wanna get to him, he's like, the trashiest scumbag in existence 😬 like I'm not gonna lie, I think his only redeemable quality is his looks, so here's his part of the "prolly not a yandere" essay + my friends notes on him. Also I think in his hypothetical bad ending you also become a drug addict (because of him) and he accidentally causes you to OD, due to him being careless and giving you wrong amount :,)
Bitch gets "cucked" every other day is it really cucking if none of them were in an actual relationship with him? u honestly think he has any sort of power over u? He barely scrapes enough money together to buy himself a fake gf for like 4 hours and then goes to his shoddy home to eat rotten food, u really think he can take u on?? Male hyenas in nature r basically punching bags, the highest ranked male is still lower in the hierarchy than the lowest ranked female
From my friend:
only connections to hyena that I have rn, is that he's buddies with tiger, and bunny probably doesnt like him
hyena boy looks like he sleeps in a fucking dirty alley way
- actually a pretty face
- trashy
- lives in a shitty apartment
- eats expired stuff, the whole fucking fridge is expired
- smoker
- smells like cigarettes
- takes drugs
- gets money from "sugar mommies n sugar daddies" that basically "own" him. gets money by illegall prostitution n pathetically begging em for money.
- throws out money to rental girlfriend
- constantly cucked
Also the game is not even in development, since theres still quite a few characters who don't even have a concrete appearance/personality and it would be wayyyy to much effort to complete it properly for now, since both of us are busy with school 😔 rn we just have the roughest of the rough plot outlines for their respective "routes"
-Ren'py anon
Dw abt the crosses on Mr. Mosq vampire boy. Tbh it's been pretty normalized as casual jewelry. Though I'm not gonna get into any real discourse abt it bc 💀
I saw this video on male hyena's two or three years ago and omg I love this concept for him! Male hyena's are so miserable. They're awesome character traits though! He's not super friendly, kind of creepy ig, has substance abuse issues, scrappy, and a loserrrr.
It would be so awesome to see how the impact of his hyena background influenced his view on other animals/people. Especially females. I would imagine that he would hate most/certain kinds of women because of how female hyena's have treated him in the past. (Not saying misogynistic manners are all quirky n shit, just saying that it would be really realistic and a cool touch to his character)
God, he is really pitiful though. Hyena has to rely on wealthier people that most likely exploit him, desperately does prost1tuation, and then goes on to use that money to try to comfort himself through harmful means. Drugs, and temporary partners that he 'cucks' to release stress/distract himself.
AKA the only forms of safety to him.
The fact that he's used to eating rotten food and living in terrible conditions is also depressing. He's also most likely malnourished. The drugs don't help, and his constant run for money is probably costing him so much mental and physical energy.
Mans is bursting at the seams.
At this point, yalls characters are more like, "We want to make them yandere but they're too sad and weak to even have the time to be obsessed with anything other than their own lives tbh."
Which is even better 😍
Tiger sounds like someone who shows up at Hyena's door at asks if he wants to smoke out some rad meth they just bought off the corner on Buck street.
Or maybe they're really nice and come over to take better care of Hyena idk lolz
It's totally fine if yall aren't even in the dev stage! I was just curious hehe. I love the ocs so much already, and your friend is so talented! I really likeeeeeee that sort of style. Everything I ever wanted when I was 10 lol (That means I wanted to draw super cute and anime kawaii, not that it looks like a children's drawing lol)
Bunny sounds like a prude 🙄 /j
No but fr, I would be weary around Hyena too. He may be sad, but how his life is and all those drugs influencing him, I wouldn't want to get off the wrong foot with him either.
Last thing I wanna mention, I really enjoy that sort of ending. It really ties in with Hyena's character and is super realistic. Maybe Y/n is a rental partner and he's all like, "You wanna hit this? Idk I'm bored and ur like, average so..."
Simple, but effective and entertaining :D
Alexa, play Liquid Smooth by Mitski.
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veryquietclown · 2 years
quick megavolt hcs!
i never realized how fun it is to just write abt your hcs for characters until recently so expect a lot of hc posts of characters coming your way
megavolt has rat ears and tail they’re just hidden (i think this is a widely agreed headcannon)
megs likes all the nicknames QJ gives him besides sparky
megavolt forgets about his tail sometimes and ends up stepping or tripping over his tail
neurodivergent 100% i mean just look at him
one of his stims are making a shock noise like “pzzzttt”
he loves helping QJ make mechanical toys
his goggles have prescription lens or whatever since he has bad eyesight
loves video games and sometimes when he goes to save lightbulbs he steals some video games to play with QJ or by himself
has a notebook filled with reminders on things since he knows he’ll forget something
his hair always stands up a little due to the electricity
sometimes if he has a lot of electricity built up and holds a lightbulb or something it will light up
loves weighted blankets
one of his main meals are pbj since they’re really easy to make
installed wheels on his boots so their like heelys, they are removable
he enjoys skating on the power lines late at night if he has nothing else to do
sometimes when he short circuits he has a blast of memories he forgot and they always leave him confused or anxious
he always adds new mechanics to his car
he’s more verbally affectionate than physically but he does give a hug or two sometimes
he loves having a schedule, usually has one planned in his head and one of the things he doesn’t forget
when he first joined the fearsome five he completely forgot about everyone being there besides darkwing and QJ, he forgot what QJ’s face looked liked though (this is like a little bit after the justice ducks episode, that’s when the f5 was made right?)
another one of megs stims is nibbling
megs never sits in a chair normally, he always is sitting in a ball like his legs are on the chair seat too
he also never sleeps normally, he has 3 sleeping positions! the vampire (he’s laying all straight and his arms are crossed on his chest), the ball (he’s scrunched up into a ball) and the cat thing (he’s wrapped up like how a dog or cat sleeps, he usually does this on a couch or at someone’s place)
he climbs onto QJ if there’s a big amount water not like gently i mean he straight up starts climbing and shoving his boots into QJ’s face, QJ usually is fine with this unless megs boots get in his mouth that’s when he shoves megs off him
everyone constantly plays with his tail, QJ one time added a bell thing at the end of megs tail and megs kept getting extremely confused when he heard a bell nearby whenever he moved
deadly allergic to bees and is absolutely oblivious he is since he forgot he’s allergic so it lead to QJ and the others to bringing him to a hospital and figuring out he is the hard way
These next few hcs spoil the clash reunion ep!
when i say elmo and drake in these i mean like in the past n stuff
megavolt completely forgot he and darkwing went to highschool together
i like to imagine that elmo and drake were buddies in highschool, elmo helped drake with schoolwork and drake (poorly) helped elmo socalize
elmo used contact lenses a lot since he was made fun of for wearing glasses
elmo and drake sometimes went to one or the others house and played games or studied together
elmo was more on physical affection than his present self
elmo tried out skateboarding since drake constantly asked him to go skateboarding with him and he got the hang of it kinda quickly but he messed up sometimes since he would get so nervous about falling off
elmo used to constantly get made fun of for his name and one time someone put a elmo (the red muppet guy) plushie in his locker
elmo used to always get dragged by drake to public events
elmo and drake knew each other since they were kids and when they were kids they would always do little superhero and villian roleplays (wow it became a reality)
also when they were younger he and drake would hang out at the park a lot, elmo always brung a few books so they could read together but usually drake fell asleep before they could finish even one book
drakes parents and elmo’s parents were (and still) pretty good friends
i’ll write more about younger elmo and drake in a different post!!
elmo’s parents were very sheltering, they always taught him how to be respectful n stuff
his parents also were extremely worried sick about elmo after the whole thing happened in highschool and elmo ran off
his parents still look for him
though sometimes i like to imagine if his parents found out he was megavolt they wouldn’t really care he was a villain and would instead smother him to death with affection since they missed him, they would also bring back a lot of memories to megavolt!
megavolt sometimes gets memories of him and drake hanging out but he doesn’t remember drakes name, he just assumes he and this unknown friend of his stopped hanging out after awhile
megs told QJ about these memories and QJ made a few jokes like “oh what if it was dorkwing” or “imagine that duck was stinkywing”
that’s some of my hcs for megavolt! i might write about younger elmo and drake hcs later! also you can take my elmo and drake platonically or romantically same goes for my QJ and megavolt hcs!
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idvlover · 3 years
Hi! So it says in your bio that your requests are open right? So is it okay if I request ELVAN with an S/o who is like a kiter/rescue type that uses frisbee, it may sound kinda specific but it's just another survivor ability that I brainstormed about. Like they use a frisbee to hit the hunter in the head or like throws it like a balloon popper when someone is ballooned. Bonus if S/o has a lot piercings or tattoos. I AM JUST A SUCKER FOR EVLAN, understandable if you can't answer this and I hope you a great day!
Dw! I love ELVAN as well! 😄
ELVAN with kiter/rescue s/o:
S/o is the second rescuer in this relationship. This gives Eli and Victor a break since support roles are sort of backup rescuers if there isn't a rescuer on the time or the rescuer is chaired or sent out of the game
This also gives Andrew a break with the type of ability they have. Let's say the frisbee isn't exactly a normal frisbee. It's created like one, but it's light metal the round edges are very sharp that s/o must wear gloves to use it. Yet it gets the job done for popping balloons and stunning the hunter
And Norton used to be the only kiter in the relationship. He's pretty good at what he does, especially stunning wise but even he needs someone to take over for him (have you heard his breathing?)
Hunters LOATH s/o more than the other rescue/kiter survivors. They almost have the same vaulting speed as Naib, and the frisbee throws them off guard every single time. It's hard to see because it's already in their face or popped the balloons by the time they see it
This helps Luca out massively. Because if he does get caught, s/o is already at a good enough distance to stun. But... Sometimes the hunter drops him immediately when they see s/o or they have excitement ready to counter them
But to s/o, dropping him isn't an issue because this means they can kite the hunter away from Luca just so he can self-heal and getaway
S/o would emote dance to piss the hunter off more to make sure their focus stays on them
Luca tries to return a favor by shocking the hunter when they're holding s/o. Doesn't always work out, so if Norton is in the match, he'll do his best to give the hunter a long stun
Now s/o and Norton. They're always bickering about who needs to be kiting and who needs to be decoding
Norton doesn't want to pass kiting off to someone else because he feels bad. Despite s/o saying: "Norton. I have two roles and kiting is one of them."
At this point, s/o just shoves him out of the path of the hunter and takes over
"Let me take over."
"I wasn't asking darling."
They may have shoved him through a window. His neck hurts a little bit at least he can finally go get healed!
He sulked with them over it though. But he comes back around quickly and tells them he is thankful
He likes to provoke the hunter himself. So in duo's these two are doing a pretty good job at making the hunters angry. Especially with their dance emotes...
He and s/o have probably traded items before. It was funny because the hunter was extremely confused. They also begged the baron afterward to forbid s/o from getting ahold of a magnet ever again
Norton threw magnet when s/o was trying to body-block for him. Everyone in the match heard them scream: "NORTON YOU IDIOT"
When they get chaired and the hunter isn't camping. Norton explains to them why they shouldn't have body-blocked. While they're in the chair
His ass nearly got dragged after the match by s/o. It was entertaining to watch
Andrew and s/o normally stick together in matches because they are both rescuers and so they don't get confused about who's going to rescue
Plus, they both need help with decoding since all rescuers have decoding nerfs
They take turns rescuing and trying to be strategic about their abilities
But s/o has accidentally body-blocked for Andrew when he was in the dirt... Force of habit possibly
Now the hunter is targeting them because the biggest pain in the ass survivor is at half-health
Andrew pinched his nose and sighed afterwards
S/o was a little embarrassed
But unlike Norton, he actually frees them first and reminds them not to body-block if he's underground
Victor is sort of a weak kiter. So if s/o isn't matched with Andrew. They'll run around and try to find Victor. Protective s/o.
This is actually quite a relief for him. Plus, he likes having a decoding buddy
He's always sending letters to s/o that would help them in their current situation. He's even sent Wick after the hunter to help out their kiting
The amount of times s/o has snatched Wick while kiting is hilarious. Like suddenly they gain a speed boost protecting the dog
Victor feels bad when he fails to kite, so he tries to tell everyone not to rescue, but s/o never listens (the same goes for the others)
S/o gives him a reassuring kiss and pats his cheek telling him it's okay
He always heals them as a thank you. Plus, Wick will roll over for some patting
Eli watches out for everyone and is protective of everyone
He's always watching out for s/o too
Brooke Rose has saved s/o's ass more than once especially when detention is activated
Eli will remind them to let someone handle rescues (IF there is another rescuer on the team) and kiting every now and then
S/o would probably be in automatic mode and he would grab their wrist the moment they run. It snaps them out of the thought process and Eli tells them to stick with a little while longer until it is necessary they need to rescue or take over kiting
"Don't move-"
"Wait, wait, wait, let the other rescuer do it this time."
"They still have tide. You used yours on Luca, remember?"
Saying something about tide is enough for s/o to hang back just for a bit
As for tattoos and piercings
They are all AMAZED by it
Especially if s/o is from modern times and the tattoos are extremely colorful and creative
Victor likes to trace his fingers over them. Andrew does the same
Luca likes to rant about how beautiful and cool they look
Norton won't say anything but tends to stare. Not in a creepy way, he's just admiring them in silence
Eli would ask if there is any meaning behind them. If not then that's completely okay!
He has a facial tattoo and wonders if modern technology has improved to where it isn't as painful compared to the stuff used in his time
They all find their piercings unique
Norton has one of his own on his nose bridge, I think? (Correct me if I'm wrong) He would probably ask for recommendations on piercings with maybe wanting more (might even get a tattoo if he ever leaves the manor)
Norton has probably made some piercing jewelry for them to wear
Victor finds it impressive that they have quite a bit of piercing. He loves the ones that have some type of birthstones in them. They just look wonderful on s/o
Luca loves them. He wouldn't get one himself, but he would ask Norton to make any piercing jewelry if he can for s/o.
He's asked s/o before if he could touch one of the ones that have parts that move around. Sometimes he does this to distract himself
Eli has thought about getting a piercing. But never really had the time to before the manor due to being busy with try to make money
S/o told him if they escape, they can take him and Norton to the shop they went to get it done. He said he would think about it, but for now, he's happy to stick with admiring their's
Andrew sometimes stares. Mainly because he's wondering how much did it hurt to get them or admiring any of Norton's jewelry-making if they're wearing any of it
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luimagines · 3 years
In lieu of what happened yesterday with Wolfie... may I raise you with Bunny Legend?
He despises the form. Why, of all the things he could have been, had to be a bunny? A tiger or even a dog would have been better than that a fluffy, weak... pink mammal! It's not fair that Twilight get a cool one instead of him, which is completely stupid since he is one of the oldest, and far more seasoned in salt of the group. On top of that, how dare he stealing your attention like that!? How is he supposed to make a move if Twilight is always hanging around you as Wolfie? He wants you to be the only one to hear how he feels about you...
...And, maybe, is also because he is terrified of you turning him down, the ache in his heart would be worse than a stab with Twilight watching him get rejected...
But this is why he have been named as the "Veteran" and not something else; he has dealt with a lot of situation before with far less objects at his reach to help him, but he always manages to get through it. He's very cunning and is quick to think on his feet...
...Or at least, almost all of the time he is. Erring is most common when you aren't at your most calm, isn't it?
Legend admits that he acted out of desperation: you had him at his wits end! But it's hard to feel frustrated with himself when you are nuzzling your face on top of his head, little squeaks of happiness and a high pitch voice while you baby talked to him, gussing about his very soft fur and really cute vest. You even called him handsome! You never do that when he is in his human form, you don't even spare him a glance when he rolls his sleeves, making a big of a show of flexing his arms, stretching out and pushing out his chest and arms back, all so you can see how muscular he, too, is. But the only thing you do is oogle at Twilight-- as if he isn't enough of a menace to him-- and that idiot of Mr. Captain when they wrestle together, shirtless. He just wants your pretty eyes on him, those plump lips, cherry from how you are bitting them, shamelessly devouring the two men with your gaze...
...Ugh, just pay attention to him, okay!? He will shower you with all the love and adoration you deserve and more! So please, direct that intensity to him, and only him.
A poke to his furrowed brows broke him out of his mind. Legend cautiously looks up at you. He mentally kicks himself as he is met with your worried eyes, the last thing he wanted was for you to feel any type of negative emotions, so that glint spurred him on rubbing his furred cheek on your free open palm, wanting to change the expression out of your face. It seem to work, you opened your eyes more and even giggled a little before scratching under his chin with two of your fingers.
"Got lost for a second there, buddy?" You whisper. Even if your tone was soft, the vibrations travelled from your chest pressed against the back of his small form engulfing it in a warm and pleasant feeling.
Legend closed his eyes and let all of his weight rest on you, not that you minded, of course. Being the sunshine that you are, you giggled cutely once more and tugged him closer to you, to the point of almost being curled around him. It was a rare sensation; he felt protected for once instead of being the one providing said feeling, he must admit that it was quite comforting, but Legend will forego ever feeling like this again in exchange of you being safe forever, you will always be his priority.
"Hmm..." you pecked his head. "Y'know, you remind me of someone that I like a lot"
His long ears fell flat on either side of his head as his heart stilled.
Like a lot...?
You... already have someone that you hold dear?
You seem to miss how his body grow stiff between your arms as you continued in drowning him in affection. What used to be a delightfull experience, now, it hurts him more than any wound he have ever sustained in his life, more than any burn from fire lizards or the cold, prickly bite of exhaustion of his tired body as he dragged himself through every and more corners of Hyrule.
Your hands played with the small tuff of fur on his head, but Legend's mind was far too gone to properly feel the touch. In its place, his heart dropped and shattered, somehow still beating as he felt the fastening Thumping in his stomach. How foolish and naive of him, to ever believe that he got an opportunity with you. Even the people that you two are travelling with can barely stand him, and they are supposed to be the same person.
Is he really that despicable?
"It's actually funny."
Funny how stupid he is, isn't he?
"He came back a few nights ago, very upset."
Well, that guy clearly doesn't now a thing about suffering. He isn't the one getting his heart demolish while in the arms of the love of his life like him.
You pinched the tip of his left ear and softly lifted it up. "He came back with his hair the same shade of pink that you have! In my opinion" you lean down a Little, as if you were about to share a secret "He looks very cute like that. A shame He will never let me say that to his face..."
Pink? Like the rose tinted glasses he have been wearing all this time-- Uh? Hair?
Are you... Please, don't give him hope like that. He can't take another loss in his life, because if you don't mean it, he would be devastated for good.
He felt your body shifting a little before you let go of him to instead hook your hands under his armpits, slowly lifting him up then turning around his body so now the two of you can be face to face. His tiny nose twitched as you leaned in a poked the tip of your own nose to his pink one, rubbing a little before you leaned back again. Legend layed his pawns on top of your chest, eagerly following your movements when he saw you opening your mouth to continue, he didn't want to miss anything that you are about to say:
"He is a big dork, with an even bigger ego. Very handsome too and... Ugh, Legend, why you have to be such a cactus all the time?" You finished with a tinge of frustration in your voice.
In a normal scenario, he would have argued about that last statement, but he couldn't because of two good reasons: one, he is still in his dark world form, it would be very weird if this bunny you found in the Forrest acted as if it was personally insulted by your words. And second...
You actually like him.
Him, With all of his flaws and bad attitude, you still found and assigned a space in your heart for only him, Legend.
Just as how down he got, his spirit raised up again with vigor, his heart soared from the dark pit of grief that held it a couple of minutes ago taking its rightful place at the peak of the shrine dedicated to your whole being. He didn't even noticed that his skin was ice cold until a burst of heat shot from his feet to the tip of his ears that acted as a catalyst as he threw himself towards your chest, his body felt light as a feathe, he tried his best to fight off the desire to laugh or shout out this waves of overwhelming energies.
Oh, how your chuckles were like the tunes from the most rich instrument in the entire universe being played by the goddesses themselves, more revitalizing than any potion or fairy pond.
"Do you think I should say something, buddy?" You returned his hug.
Legend furiously nodded his head, not think if it will appear weird that he could understand you. You squeezed the tiny bunny between your arms before putting him at arms length:
"Thank you, buddy. Somehow, now I have the confidence to talk to that prickly bitch--"
...Uh oh.
Even the common noises of the Forrest fell silent at his outburst.
Legend didn't had a second to try and amend his mistake as, suddenly, his vision was thrown into a spiral; everything looked blurry and the wind on his fur was a clear indicator of how hard you launched him away from you. He felt slightly proud at you quick reaction time but...
...No amount of fur can soften the crash on the hard forrest floor, just his luck that he didn't fell on the conveniently batch of dry leaves right beside him. It hurt, not as how bad his heart was hurting, but painful nonetheless.
He just really hopes you won't tell the group about the weird, pink bunny that can talk, or else he won't ever heard the end of it from Sky and Twilight.
AND IT'S DONE CKSKFJEJCUC IT TOOK ME A LOT OF TIME JUST TO SAY "Legend tried to pull a Twilight and got yeeted out of existence"
I think that Legend has self esteem problems! With what happened in A Link to the past, it's hard to overcome a whole nation hating your guts when you only wanted to help.
You really just said "If no one will provide me with Legend simpage, I'll do it myself"
I'm grinning so much right now. I ended up biting my lip a bit harder than I intended to because I almost screamed at the end when he finally spoke up.
The whole time I was like "But Legend can speak? Why is that not- Oh that's why."
Also, describing how Legend tries to peacock as he stretches to catch the Reader's attention *chef's kiss*.
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spaceprincessem · 2 years
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it’s a miracle [we found true north] | 29k buddie fic || ao3 link
{or a slight au where Buck can draw and Eddie is a little undone by it}
all art for the fic made by the lovely @justlovehimanyway
“I was just looking for you,” Buck announces like they’re the only two people in the room. “Do you have a minute?”
Eddie swallows, forces his attention back on Buck’s face and nods. He then clears his throat and lets his shoulders relax (he can’t remember them tensing up), his smile coming easy now, “As long as the alarm doesn’t sound,” he jokes before he sends the bell a challenging look.
Buck laughs, a huff of air before he moves to sit down on the couch. Eddie’s eyes dart over to Chim and Hen, who suddenly look much too interested in their cards for it to be convincing. Eddie doesn’t keep Buck waiting, but with every step he takes his heart beats harder against his ribcage and he has to rub lightly at his chest just to remember how to breathe again. He sits down next to Buck, letting their knees touch, a line of heat from where they are pressed almost too close together for the amount of room left on the couch.
“What’s up?” Eddie asks immediately, stopping himself from burning a hole into Buck’s sketchpad with an anxious gaze.
Buck’s leg begins to bounce as his fingers fiddle with the edge of a loose piece of paper, “It’s nothing special,” Buck shrugs, “it’s just something I like to do for everyone on the team.”
Eddie just raises an eyebrow, not trusting his brain or his mouth to say something that wouldn’t completely embarrass him.
“I um, sort of like to draw,” Buck rubs the back of his neck, cheeks tinting a rosey pink, “and this took me way longer than normal because, well,” he laughs nervously, “I had this idea after the earthquake, you know? But I couldn’t get the moment quite right, so I had to restart it a million times and—”
Eddie thinks Buck would endlessly ramble if given the opportunity, but Eddie feels like he is vibrating out of his fucking skin because he knows what Buck wants to show him and he has never wanted to lay eyes on a piece of paper so badly in his life.
“Buck,” he hears himself say, lays his hand over Buck’s wrist, giving the man a gentle squeeze, “show me.”
Buck exhales slowly, smiles, and then flips his sketchpad open to some page in the middle. He carefully turns it around and passes it over to Eddie’s waiting hands. The groves of the paper are a comforting feeling beneath the pads of Eddie’s fingers and he runs his thumb over Buck’s initials before he allows his eyes to travel up the page to the black and white sketch. There’s a moment where Eddie truly believes his heart actually stops beating because he looks down at the drawing Buck made for him and he wants to cry.
He remembers this moment. He wouldn’t be able to forget it if he tried. The earthquake was one of their first, really bad calls since he joined the 118. Eddie could handle the stress of his job, he’d proven as much in Afghanistan, but not being able to reach Christopher sat like a weight on his chest for far too long. He remembers when they finally made it, Buck taking him by the school where his son was kept safe while the rest of Los Angeles slipped into chaos. He held Christopher close, couldn’t wait to introduce him to his new partner, and carried his son to the Jeep piggyback style. Christopher had told him a joke, something corny that made his face light up, sending a warmth Eddie hardly felt those days down his spine.
This is what Buck drew and Eddie is pretty sure he’s about to lose it.
read the rest on ao3
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anxietywriter · 2 years
lonely hopeless romantic prompts + song recs
sometimes people choose to not make a move, to pine from afar, to sing love songs and draw hearts, to be content with the idea that they might not get the love they want. also song recs bc they gave me this idea
singing aloud while driving, no radio on or anything just them letting it all out in song
keeping their cards close to their chest, acting normal and friendly all that jazz, but making the mistake of drawing one of those cheesy hearts with their initials + their crush's
being online gaming buddies and treasuring every moment, but at the same time when that screen turns off it feels a little too quiet and the guilt, fear, want, all of it kind of follows them
casual physical affection as per usual but freezing up when that same affection is returned in any amount bc they just, never expect it
imagining warmth, not with anyone in particular, but the sensation of warm from holding someone's hand, from laying together on a couch/bed, from spontaneous hugs
buying everyone their favorite drinks/snacks and living off of the compliments and praise. making sure to brush hands or casually bump into them for the illusion of affection
seeing videos/stories of people being happy together and thinking 'there's still hope' and trying to be less bitter, to accept that there could be someone out there that would accept you as you are
practically dying at any ounce of kindness because you've not experienced much of it. especially from strangers.
wanting so bad to act out those scenes of intimacy that play out in your head. to gently pull someone towards you in a hug and to be engulfed.
reading romances because you love love but at the same time feeling a deep sense of longing and sadness because it's fictional. you acknowledge that the love you see is not the love you will find. you hope that it'll be better rather than worse.
you can't talk to that one person because f e e l i n g s so you're resigned to being completely incomprehensible when you're around them
song recs: people watching - conan gray in the name of love - martin garriz & bebe rexha just a little crush - jeffrey lenh this side of paradise - coyote theory if the world was ending - lofi fruits music & chill fruits music i love you so - the walters
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