#I love answering them :)
flusteredfools · 1 month
Whats the fairy boy favorite treats individually that the artisan makes?
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tends to favor treats that are sweet and savory, the top two being Blueberry pancakes (topped with syrup, butter and honey) and Blueberry Muffins (also topped with butter and honey); the stickier and messier the better as he loves to teasingly lick up any messes.
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tends to prefer treats that are sweet and tart, with Strawberry cheesecake and Strawberry Lemon Bread his favorites. He loves to eat the bread straight out of the oven while it's still hot paired with ice cold lemonade.
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But the two's most favorite treat (if you don't count their Artisan's kisses) and the one Artisan Y/N makes the most for them is their Gingersnaps. It's the treat that they first ever offered to them as well as the one they first had when they reunited, so it holds a very special place in their heart.
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ironunderstands · 4 months
Would be waiting for acheron brainrot ramble here
Is it time for Acheron brainrot ramble? It’s time for Acheron brainrot ramble. Prepare for the most stream of consciousness post ever, I had so much fun writing this she has taken over my consciousness and puppeted me for my own ends, and commanded me to demonstrate how peak she really is. So enjoy, hopefully I can get others to love Acheron just as much as I do.
I think there are three reasons why I like Acheron 1) she’s really fucking cool 2) I love characters who guide/mentor others 3) She’s charming as hell.
Hoyo you aren’t allowed to make characters this good.
The music in her trailer, her aesthetic, the amount of fire fucking one liners. THE COLOR RED (I’ll get into it)
“Find me, your end, my origin.” Who cooked here who wrote this who’s the chef please where’s the restaurant I’m eating this up
“On the still waters of oblivion, I guide the wandering souls” GRAHAJDJWJKSSW YES YOU DO OH MY GOD I CANT PUT INTO WORDS HOW MUCH I LOVE THIS LINE SHUT UP EVERYONE SHUT UP. Like she literally is at the edge of existence fighting to help others find their future, I just. RAAAA
SHE CUTS A BLACK HOLE IN HALF?? HUHH AUGHH a black hole that’s the manifestation of meaninglessness in the universe, and she goes “nah” and fucking obliterates it?!!?
“I weep for the departed” Those who have died are gone, and slowly losing themselves even further. For decades, centuries, millennia, even, Acheron has witnessed this, and still cries for them, still guides them to the other side, even if the task itself is meaningless, because someone should do it, someone has to do it, and that someone is HER.
She saves Aventurine, she saves the Trailblazer, she saves the entirity of Penacony. Someone blessed by the manifestation of nonexistent dedicates her life to giving others a reason to live.
Aventurine asks her why people should bother living, if the dice are always weighted in a certain outcome, then why should we keep going? Aventurine asks her why people should bother living if the universe is meaningless?
He fully expects her to say people shouldn’t.
But Acheron doesn’t do that. The dice are weighted against us. Not just in game, but in reality itself. We will all die, you will die, the people you care about will die, I might die, it remains to be seen. However, before that inevitable ending, before the curtain finally closes, we have so many choices to make. If the ending is the same for everyone, it doesn’t matter, and Acheron tells Aventurine this.
Because the Nihility envelops everyone equally, the universe is equally meaningless for everyone, nobody is the special someone destined to have a destiny. Therefore, it doesn’t matter. Aventurine has no reason to live. And Aventurine has no reason not to live. She tells him his time hasn’t come, because it hasn’t. Until that dice roll, until his final breath, Aventurine can still make choices and he can still choose to live for himself, and that’s the answer Acheron gives him.
But she knows that’s not enough. Aventurine will still struggle to live for himself, after all he’s been through, after the mountain of expectations and hopes and dreams piled onto him. So she tells him his friend has already given him the answer. Aventurine pulls out the note written by Dr. Ratio. It doesn’t give him a plan, doesn’t inform him of what expectations he has for him, doesn’t list every single reason why Aventurine should keep going. Ratio tells Aventurine to stay alive and keep on living, because he doesn’t need anything more than that, there isn’t anything more than that. Her caring about Aventurine, Ratio caring about Aventurine, that’s enough to keep him going, because other peoples love is enough of a reason to exist, universe be damned.
existing. The Existence. AKSJAKKSNDKKWEN.
Like you don’t understand, you don’t understand. ACHERON IS ENVELOPED IN THE MEANINGLESSNESS OF THE UNIVERSE BEFORE SHE FINDS ITS EXISTENCE, ITS VALUE, ITS MEANING. Even if it can never be achieved, Acheron is willing to destroy herself completely as she walks farther and farther into the Nihility trying to find the Existence, even if it takes every from her she will find it. Only by giving up her existence can Acheron find the Existence and kill the Nihility. Only by sacrificing her own life and giving up her own meaning can she give it to others.
Red. She tells the trailblazer that when they can no longer see the world in anything but black and white, there will be a brief flash of Red for them.
Red is the Existence. Red is the color of her blade that allowed her to cut that black hole in half. Red is the only color left when she unsheathes her sword. Red is the color of the tears she cries. Red is the color of the words she speaks to us that truly matter.
Red is the color she cuts into reality. In a world of black and white, in which all the light has been swallowed by IX, and the path ahead is blurry, Acheron illuminates the universe’s future in bright red, creating color, creating life, creating Existence in a world devoid of it.
We will encounter the Nihility along our journey, just as we would encounter every other aeon. The world will seem meaningless, and it will be devoid of color, but when the Trailblazer needs it the most, there will be Red. A reason to keep going, a reason to exist, a reason to keep on Trailblazing, because the path of the Trailblaze’s end is also at the Existence, and we will meet Acheron there again. Whether that color will come from us or her remains to be seen, but it will be there for us when we need it.
However, I think we/the Trailblazer will be alone. As that flash of red isn’t the only thing Acheron tells the Trailblazer.
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Only when left alone can people pick themselves up. Only when help is absent can people truly fight for themselves. Only when you are alone, can you truly understand your existence.
That doesn’t mean other people don’t matter, that you have to walk the world alone, that you can only exist devoid of others. Quite the opposite actually, other people can be your reason to exist, something to help keep you going. Acheron knows this, which is why she directs Aventurine to Ratio’s note. That’s the meaning he can find in a meaningless universe.
Moreover, people help each other, they provide the tools other people need to exist, the anchors that ground people in reality, the reason why you might want to wake up in the morning, they create the things and ideas that you need and enjoy. It’s when you are ripped of these comforts, stripped of the things that make you want to keep going, is when people fight for their existence. As in a world devoid of everything, can you truly appreciate the things you have, and acknowledge that since there is now nothing, you are the only something. When there is no one there to save them, fools pick themselves up, and that is Existence.
I love Acheron. I love her silly amnesiac tendencies, I love her beautiful design, I love that she’s a Mei counterpart, but most of all, I love what she stands for.
Acheron is the indomitable human spirit personified, she quite literally chooses to exist in the face of absolute nothing. When the world loses all color, does she paint reality in a bright red with her sword, writing her own destiny with each and every slash.
And for that, I will always adore her.
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j-eryewrites · 1 month
I just wanted to ask if you have a date for the next chapter of a sinner's redemption?
No pressure, of course. I just really love that story, and your writing is so so good!
It's one of my favorites, and I've read it again and again!
Actually, I just posted the final chapter to A Sinner's Redemption. It brings a smile to my face hearing that you love the story and my writing! I'm so happy that this is a story you can come back to.
I hope you are happy with the ending to this fic and thanks again for your support!
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13uckaroo · 5 months
Who's a character you love drawing?
I love draw Bowser! He’s probably my favorite character to draw. He’s big and kaiju-like. I love him. :)
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saspitite · 5 months
Returning fire!!! 12, 14, and 26!
hell yeah!!
12: how are you?
pretty alright! definitely better than i was a couple days ago, being heavily sick and all. i'm taking it easy this weekend since my body has been hurting quite a lot lol
14: favorite feel good show?
honestly it depends, but if im trying to cheer myself up, i'll go for something like regular show (no shame i loved that show growing up and still do lol). if i want to have a good laugh or just have fun, i'll put on jojo's bizarre adventure. which part/season i choose also depends on my mood lol. in general, though, that series never fails to make me happy from the sheer silliness
26: what movie would you want to live in?
for an ironic and bitter answer: megamind vs the doom syndicate simply so i can stop that horrible movie from happening in the first place
for an unironic answer full of beauty and whimsy: okay, REALLY weird answer, but wreck-it ralph. no, not the sequel, but the original. i would just love for my full-time job to be a cartoon character living in its respective game world for kids to play in. plus there's (mostly) no real danger and i have time to chill and hang out with other video game characters. but now the real question is: which video game would i choose to live in...????
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charcuteriecrab · 4 months
7 & 19!!
I'm going to assume that it's for this ask game but if it isn't, please send another ask if you want lmaooooo <33
link to this OTHER writing ask game
7: What is your favorite scene you've written so far?
19: Where does (insert word here) appear in your fic?
Uh well I wasn't given one BUT I can make up my own hehe. How about the word "burst"? It appeared four times in I can't escape this now, unless you show me how but there's one time y'all haven't seen yet.
With a sob, he buried his face into Leon. He held on tightly, tears soaking into his clothes. "I-I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I didn't mean to do it," he started, apologizing as his emotions he had tried to keep contained burst. "I don't want to hurt anyone."
ehehehehe i love making men cry.
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ninety-two-bees · 4 months
What are all ur fav marauders era ships :)
hi anon!!!
my favourite marauders ship is jegulus, but i really really love dorlene, pandalily and wolfstar!! i am also partial to rosekiller but not as invested in them as i used to be
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j0kers-light · 6 months
I'm getting a huge influx of anon asks! Chaos loves loves love answering them HOWEVER! If you don't see yours answered, do I have news for you!
Chaos is keeping it for a future fic request 😎
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royboyfanpage · 6 months
There are more asks in my inbox rn but my brain's taking a shit rn so I may not be able to answer them right now, esp if they take a lot of brainpower. Just wanted to put this post out here to say I'm not ignoring you, just overloaded rn, and your asks will be answered either later tonight or tomorrow ❤
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tododeku-or-bust · 8 months
I'm really enjoying that y'all ask me about my stories, how I write characters, and even their interactions with my OCs. Makes me very happy and I feel appreciated. 🙇🏾‍♀️ Thank y'all!
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dread0narrival · 1 year
Clove is deceptively sweet in the demo. I've read the content warnings, and seen the kind of art you repost, so know what (potentially) to expect from Killswitch. I understand different choices can lead to different outcomes within the game, but is he going to be difficult to survive? He's so cute and I just want to snuggle the daylights out of him 🥰🥰🥰
Hello again, sweet anon! You are absolutely right about that! Don't let his charm and docile nature lead you astray. If you give him an inch he will absolutely take a mile!
On to your question; I have multiple endings mapped out ranging in difficulty but as far as survival difficulty goes I'd gage it mid. I want players to have a fun but challenging time figuring out how to survive but not make it so frustrating that all enjoyment is lost!
Clove is already purring in anticipation~
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Alright, It seems like my outer wilds ask blogs have died. So please, could y'all give them asks? I'd really appreciate it. They're @ask-esker @ask-marble @ask-gabrro @ask-riebeck and @ask-feldspar if you wanna ask them stuff.
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nat-amations · 10 months
12. Pick a character and give them a theme song.
13. Would you try bacon flavoured cola? Why or why not?
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12. Pick a character and give them a theme song.
Idk I don’t know a lot of songs
13. Would you try bacon flavoured cola? Why or why not?
I would absolutely try it. I love cola and bacon a lot already (probably due to Eddsworld), so why not try them together? I’ll probably throw up if I try it though lol
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sga-owns-my-soul · 1 year
19 and 20 for the fic asks!
19- What is the most-used tag on your ao3?
uhhh i'm really bad at tagging my fics so technically john sheppard and rodney mckay are my most used tags? 😂 i do have a misunderstanding tag and a miscommunication tag and that's the closest i am to repeating a tag so that i guess?
20- Have you noticed any patterns in your fics? Words/expressions that appear a lot, themes, common settings, etc?
lmao does writing mcshep count? 😂 i do tend to write a lot about being overly emotional and Words Get Stuck bc of the emotions (which is definitely not projection nope not at all definitely not) im sure there's more but i can't actually think of any other specific examples currently!
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writing-forever · 2 years
I'll bite, who is your profile pic?
I knew it was gonna be you who asked!
Get ready for so many words buddy.
Her name is Leia Small, she’s kind of like a borrower except she’s a cat girl with powers. Which sounds cringy at first but stick with me here, I made her when I was like 13 and am very attached.
Okay so her species is a neergrounder, ‘neer’ for short, y’know cuz I wanted to be original. Almost all Neer have some sort of animal feature but they can only be mammal features (or birds because I wanted tinys with wings) so Leia is 1/4 tabby cat, 1/4 raccoon, and 1/2 neer.
All Neer have the power to heal themselves so they don’t really need to worry about injuries. Unless they get a broken bone in which case their healing doesn’t work. (There’s a whole explanation for that but I’m not gonna get into it right now)
Any way guess what this little shit goes and does? That’s right she breaks a bone. How, you ask? Well she’s very addicted to coffee and fell off the coffee maker. This of course leaves her defenseless on the counter to be found by the resident human. She then proceeds to sass this human to hell and back.
There’s a lot more plot but I’m gonna stop there for now. Hope you enjoy my excited rambles lol
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To my knowledge firstfriendshipping was the first ship name but it wasn't well recieved bcuz well Chloe/Koharu is Goh/Gou's first friend so they needed a new name. Idk why it didn't just end as journeyshipping (which is their ship wiki page), I understand the root of that one. But I guess peole were still offering suggestions and gouacheshipping picked up popularity to an extent but the fanbase seemingly can't decide on which one to stick with. At least that's what I've gathered being the tags.
Thanks, Anon! Thanks to @onetwothree @eternalstargazer who commented on my original post! I was wondering about this for a while.
I was just informed by @eternalstargazer that there's another ship name: fatedencountershipping (kinda slaps!).
This post is a follow-up to this one!
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