#I literally hashed this out so quick
pinkleaaves · 2 years
Ben never knew what is was like to be alone until he felt utterly alone.
Ben won’t deny that the Losers have changed his life in so many ways these past few months. Sometimes, it’s like Ben forgot what is was like to have no friends before the Losers. They have become his family, his home. It’s beyond belief that everything has gone to shit. It’s beyond belief that he is actually alone again. Ben didn’t think he would miss the laughter of his friends before this moment.
Even before them, before this isolation, the bridge gap and space the size of the Grand Canyon. Ben knew loneliness like the back of his hand. He understood how to keep his head down and not say a peep. It wasn’t like he ever stayed long enough in one area to have an impact on those around him.
Ben was known as the new kid, ( “oh, I get now,” the girl with auburn hair said, Ben was so clueless on what she was referring, this was just some stupid music that nobody before has taken an interest in before this very moment. She never did explain what there was to get. She just had a bright smile that made her eyes shine in the afternoon sun.) joining in the middle of the year, after everyone has made friends and stayed in their cliques, that was always something he noticed with every school. It didn’t matter how long he was stuck in each hell hole, people would ac the same every time. The cliques would stare him down either in curiosity or disgust.
But the Losers had a different look, it was something unreadable. He never felt like they were trying to be judgmental, especially with Eddie’s bright, big, almost cow like brown eyes.
Ben never looked back when he could feel twelve pairs of eyes on the back of his head, he knew it wouldn’t last long. They would find something new to move upon to.
But as he is ever an optimist, everything did go to shit. Went down the hell hole. Explanation doesn’t really matter. The point, question, is why does he feel so empty on the inside?
He has gone through this before. Hell, this was his whole world up until now. So, why does this hurt like hell? Some days it feels like when his dad died in the army. And others…
Feels like there shouldn’t be a reason to get out of bed.
During those days, he has the impression from his household that he doesn’t belong. Not here, not anywhere really.
All of this becomes a big mess of emotions. Ben Hanscom hasn’t belonged anywhere to anyone in a long time. The only person who is still there is his mom, but she is consistent, constantly going to be in his life whether he wants her or not.
That’s something he gets. He gets it because that is simple basic human logic. You will family stuck with you forever, even if they are gone from your life, there will be memories to think and remember them from.
Maybe that is what Ben should view the Losers upon. Instead of the bad parts at the very end, when shit hit the ceiling. Maybe, just maybe Ben can focus on the good parts he had with the Losers. As his mom has said, people come and go from your lives.
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princessbrunette · 6 months
how do you think kittyreader and jj met?
‧₊˚ 🐈‍⬛ ✩ ₊˚ 🪽 ⊹ ♡
you literally meet at the store. you’re doing your grocery shopping, padding around silently, deep in thought the way you always are— until suddenly your train of thought is broken by a voice, super animated and boyish. it attracts your attention instantly and you round the aisle, finding the source as you listen to him ramble to his friend who stood nearby.
jj stands, comparing two different cans of soup in his hand. “dude, i don’t care if this one has more veggies in it— it costs like, way too much.” he doesn’t notice you, but how could he— you barely make a sound with your movements, quick and nimble. his brunette friend stood near by responds dryly, telling you he’s used to the blondes indecisiveness.
“well you need the vegetables. you’re the one who keeps complaining about stomach aches, it’s because you live off hash browns.”
“i can’t afford it, bro.” the blonde argues as you check him out. he’s completely poguey in nature, sun damaged hair stuffed under a backwards cap, a tshirt with some kind of surf brand logo on it, board shorts and sneakers. basic, but something about him enticed you.
“so pay with pennies. i know you have them, your pockets are jingling.” the brunette friend pipes up, voice muffled as there was now an entire aisle separating the two of them.
“if i pay with pennies again the checkout lady is gonna deck me in the face.” the blonde complains before finally doing a double take, having no idea where you came from. you stare up at him with wide, guiltless eyes and he blinks at you before whipping around, twisting his body to see if there was someone stood behind him. he returns his gaze to you in confusion.
“y— are you watchin’ me?” he asks, voice lilted in that kind of gentle and non judgemental way that made you melt. he seemed friendly, like he really didn’t mind. you nod, before pointing at the beaded black and white bracelet on his wrist.
“i was looking at that. i like it.” you state simply. he blinks at you for another second before whipping it off his wrist and dangling it infront of you.
“you want it? can have it if you want.” he shrugs casually and you grin, wide eyed and excited as you pluck it from his grip and pull it onto your own wrist. “got a name, kittycat? didn’t hear you come up. you’re stealthy as hell.” he turns his body to you, setting one of the cans of soup down.
you tell him your name and he approaches your space, sticking a hand out for you to shake. “well, it just so happens that’s my favourite name.” he grins, and you look down at his hand curiously as you shake it — not letting go for a few moments.
“i like your hands.” you tell him honestly, looking back up at him. he’s blinking again, as if your innocent bluntness was constantly throwing him off.
“i…like your face.” he responds, the two of you gripping eachothers hand for another few moments. like that, he’s smitten.
‧₊˚ 🐈‍⬛ ✩ ₊˚ 🪽 ⊹ ♡
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kay0783 · 3 months
The wedding has finally arrived!!! 💒🔔✨
As much as I love these characters, I would really like to transition to focusing on the vampires now, specifically the Solaires (duh lol). There's so much potential for new characters. Dimitri Rebane, more Porter audios, mayyyyybe William audios (👀), who knows!!! (Please read below!!!!! I have so many ideas and need to dump them somewhere) (⚠️pun not intended⚠️).
People may not agree with me on that, but hear me out! Vincent and Sam left the house of Solaires, so we could get audios here and there about where they (and their relationships) end up. Since the wedding is done and David stated that during the summit, someone from the house of Wright told him to stay away from the Solaires, that would give more of a reason to have dispersed audios for Vincent and Sam and to include new characters. They've been around for a long while now, and the werewolf culture is hashed out, so I feel that there isn't much else to do with them.
Here are some arcs that I think would be cool to enter:
1) Although we know about werewolf culture, we only know a little about vampire culture and their politics. I would absolutely LOVE to see how that comes to play in Porter and Treasure's relationship (*Important note*: During the summit, when it was pointed out by the Prince of the house of Bennet that Vince killed someone, Porter was Q.U.I.C.K to defend him by saying that Adam violated the bite/claim marking). It seems that Porter is very protective of Treasure and values the relationship with them, so I think there's opportunity to hash out Vamp culture/politics through that. Ex: Someone has an eye out for Treasure, Porter freaks out but they don't know why, then we get an explanation. Idk why, but it's interesting to me that Porter covered for Vince that quick, and for *that* reason. Of course that could be explained away bc he literally killed a King and was in charge of creating an alibi, but it felt like foreshadowing to me. At some point Treasure is going to have to be informed that their man's a hitman, and maybe it's the toxicity in me but I think Porter being quick to unalive someone for violating that bite claim could be an entry way into that conversation.
1.5) If we get Will as an official character (listener wise), then we can see how his and Porter's...uhhh...relationship. When we were introduced to Porter, he was very adamant (again, no pun intended) that Treasure's friends were not good people and went into a tangent about transactional relationships. I fully feel like this was a projection of his and Will's friendship. To support my point, the next audio was him contemplating the validity and ethics of the friendship. He even questioned if he was scared of Will. It would be great to see this explored further by more vamp politics videos. In my recent post about Porter, I wondered whether Will is going to manipulate Porter into becoming next in line for succession. Alexis is trash, Vincent is gone...so who's left???
2) Speaking of monarchies and successions, I know the fooliverse audios are not supposed to be taken as canon, but it's interesting that Erik brought up a whole new character for Milo's audio. Dimitri Rebane. Like...we get a first AND last name??? For a non-canon arc??? 🤨 We didn't even get Asher's last name until what? Almost a year ago? Erik seems very organized and well thought out, so even though the fooliverse arc itself isn't canon, the characters sure are. AND Mr. Rebane is a KING??? How come he wasn't brought up in the summit??? Hmmm.....🤔 Wouldn't it be crazy if he does become a canon character and ends up murdering Will and taking over the Solaire clan? Maybe he messes up the friendship with Porter to no return (maybe by messing with Treasure somehow) and Porter helps Dimitri become king because he's better, and he won't have to take up more responsibility than he could handle.
3) I get it, some people may prefer werewolves to vampires. But I think everyone forgot that THERE'S A WHOLE ASS WEREWOLF PACK THAT HAS NOT BEEN COVERED YET‼️‼️‼️We have the Keaton pack, but does anyone remember during one of Erik's channel anniversary streams where he did a kahoot-style game and alluded to the Moore pack (no, not Lasko lol). There were four options, the Shaw pack, the Keaton pack, the Moore pack, and some other answer. The Moores was the correct one and he even gave a geographic location to them in comparison to the Shaw and Keaton packs. We dead ass could have a whole nother set of characters from a whole different pack if he didn't give them the Frederick and Bright Eyes treatment and just ignored their whole existence .
That's all the brain dump I have for now. Sorry if I fried yours in the process, but I've been thinking about the Moore (or More) pack FOR YEARS.
(Also, Monarch Baz got pissy with David for not understanding vamp politics, AND it's confirmed that some vamps are involved with the inversion and close-knit case, which is more support for my reasoning and theory that we might be headed towards a vamp arc soon). If you guys like me dumping info and theories like this, PLEASE let me know. If not, I'll definitely keep my posts shorter in the future. Thank you for reading!!! 💜 Stay safe, drink water, and drive safe!
In the mean time, Dimitri from the movie Anastasia is my head canon for Dimitri Rebane.
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the-knight-of-destiny · 4 months
Okay, so long long ramble under the cut about the nature of Ratgrinder Discourse™, I'll preface by saying that I don't want any of this to get hostile with anyone, because I think that's frankly silly to do over a webshow. That said I am also open to critical discussion so if anything I say doesn't make sense, or doesn't track I'm open to critique on it! Obviously spoilers up to Episode 19 of Fantasy High Junior Year underneath. Also it is a VERY long post, several pages, so don't click read more if that'll be overwhelming/too much at once. I just had to get my thoughts into words.
So, this will be long but I'll try to break it up. For clarity I want to establish my main point and give a quick TL;DR here, so here's the short version, long version even further below. My main points are as follows: 1: It is okay to not be happy with how a narrative is going in a show/story you enjoy. Critique is not hate, if anything it's a form of praise in a way. People wouldn't be having such long and frequent discourse about D20 and it's current season if they didn't feel strongly. 2: Similarly, we as an audience have a very different perspective of the entire story unfolding compared to the Intrepid Heroes/Cast. I think a lot of people jump to assumptions about the cast's thought process when that really isn't something we can gauge beyond what they say in episode and on Adventuring Party. 3: For me at least, even if I am left unsatisfied by an ending it doesn't ruin the fun I had in a work. Now if you just wanted my bullet point thoughts without elaboration, there they are! The rest of this is going to be an insanely long ramble (seriously, exit now if you aren't up for that, it's pages long) that I don't expect anyone to read, but I like to get my thoughts outta my brain. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
So, in regards to the Ratgrinders dying in the fashion they have, there's been a lot of discussion on literally every place there is to discuss Dimension 20, Twitter, Tumblr, Reddit, I'm sure other places as well. Really it all comes back to one thing, Dungeons and Dragons is a game, but Dimension 20 is a show. We as viewers have some level of narrative expectation, now for everyone that's different. Some folks have specific hopes for plot and character arcs. Others just want a general vibe, but the cast are players. Sure they are performers, but they are players in a game in equal measure. I've alluded to this before but a lot of the sincere vitriol to antagonists thus far (and especially the Ratgrinders) comes from the fact that the players have been fully immersed in a world and as characters where the Ratgrinders have been a constant thorn in their side for tens of hours of play time. Obviously one can still not like how they've engaged with them (I'm still not sure how exactly I feel about it,) but a lot of it is coming from that distinct perspective. When Fig took Ruben out, she specifically was frustrated because she 'wasted her season' on him. There's a meta level of Fig being angry with Ruben as a character who shares a world with him, versus Emily being frustrated as a player that a lot of her in-game actions did not hash out. That's actually totally natural, by the way. The interesting way that DnD serves both as a narrative of the characters in the setting, but also of the players rolling dice is part of what makes actual play like Dimension 20 so interesting. It's why I think SOME of the disappointment with Brennan and the Intrepid Heroes comes from a strange place, we literally cannot experience the story the same way the cast have. We get a week between chunks of story, they film the episodes in batches. We can think for as long as we want about our critical thoughts, they have to improv on the fly. We get to watch the Ratgrinders as antagonists in a story, the IH are actively hindered in their gameplay by the Ratgrinders as enemies.
That said I would be lying if I said I wasn't worried about some aspects of Protagonist Centric Morality™ in this. Oisin having a mildly flirty conversation with Adaine once when he had ulterior motives is a deeply awful manipulation, but Fig catfishing Ruben the better part of an entire year is her trying to reach out and understand him (?). Kipperlilly threatening to desecrate Eugenia's grave is deeply fucked up, but Riz openly advocating mutilating Oisin's body for tactical reasons, and Fabian loudly declaring he intends to do the same to Ivy for literally just his own self-satisfaction are 'fun unhinged moments'.
Before I go on, obviously the Ratgrinders are the bad guys. They're taking part in an evil plan, they've done villainous things throughout the season, especially very recently, etc. This isn't some argument that the Bad Kids are secretly the real monsters or something, obviously not. I just think it's odd that people read into the Bad Kids' actions in the best possible light at all times and the inverse for the Ratgrinders. This protagonist centric morality also comes down to the true reason behind any and all of Fantasy High's villain redemption. Ragh gets redeemed because the player characters think he's possibly useful and/or endearing. Aelwyn gets redeemed because she personally helps Adaine. The only one that Brennan really pushed forward on his own was Zayn, who they barely engaged with. People compare the Ratgrinders to Penelope and Dayne a lot, and understandably so. However I think this is sort of the complication and in my opinion, the silver bullet to understanding what's actually happening with the Ratgrinder's narrative place, Dayne more specifically. He does very little evil on screen. I mean, he injures Fabian and is most likely the one who killed Zayn, but comparatively to Aelwyn, he does almost nothing. He gets killed without so much as a thought, and in a fun (?) parallel to current Ratgrinder discourse, does actually have his body desecrated after death by Fabian. Because he hurt Fabian personally. Aelwyn gets forgiven of doing a lot of terrible shit (and this isn't Aelwyn hate, she's like my favorite NPC.) because it didn't directly affect any of the Bad Kids besides Adaine, and even the bad stuff that did affect Adaine can be sort of off-loaded onto their parents. So it's why I say this discourse is tough, people inevitably say "Well, the Ratgrinders are villains, of course they'll get killed." And this isn't inherently a wrong statement, they look at the bad things the group is doing and understand they must be stopped, why are people upset clearly bad guys get beat and/or killed in DnD games? Because they aren't actually getting killed in such brutal ways because they're bad guys, it's because they personally annoyed or hurt the Bad Kids. This is also why Ratgrinder fans often feel both frustrated and vindicated at once (I speculate, but I feel it's a safe assumption,) because on a meta level Kipperlilly is literally right. Her friends and likely herself are getting ripped to shreds because they crossed the special protagonists, because they started to really frustrate the Intrepid Heroes. The Bad Kids have forgiven atrocities before, but the Intrepid Heroes are really quick to dismiss and kill people they find annoying.
The ultimate example I feel of this, is Mary Ann. Ruben gets blasted into hell because his actions personally annoyed the players, Ivy gets stabbed to death while being repeatedly insulted and threatened with mutilation because her actions personally annoyed the players.
But Mary Ann is the one they all think they can redeem or save, because her personality is more cute and endearing to the players. That kind of says it all better than I ever could.
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oh-hell-help-me · 1 year
Day 3: Obsidian
The day they became friends was... interesting, to say the least.
For 'Official' reasons, Luigi was the Mushroom Kingdom's Diplomatic Representative personally escorted by Peach's Top Knight to "build relations between the two kingdoms and ensure that mutual interests are maintained through the exchange of information and goods".
For those who could see through the diplomatic balderdash, but are still onlookers, Luigi was the only Mushroom Kingdom Resident able (and willing) to cross into what used to be enemy territory, surrounded by strangers who are seen as aggressive and dangerous, and to do so with the intention of 'making nice' with both the temperamental royalty and the locals in the hopes of not facing a longer conflict. I.e. A reason to pity the 'poor man' who drew the short lot.
In reality?
Luigi.... might have more than an ounce of self-interest, going into the Koopa Kingdom.
Sure, he has no idea whatsoever of what exactly his duties would be as a diplomat.
Sure, he has no prior experience of being remarkably sociable, nevermind with KOOPAS.
Sure, he will be utterly lost without Peach's coaching or Mario's silent support.
Maybe... Maybe he could do this. That he could make it easier for his friends -maybe even as he makes new friends.
...At least, it was easier to imagine, when everyone in the Darklands actually bothered to know his name. INCLUDING his two 'Personal Guards' (who both admit that it was more for appearance's sake than anything) named Clawthorne and Dagby.
Every day is filled with being escorted to the Meeting Room in the morning (after breakfast, of course), spending hours hashing out policies and advising Bowser (who is thankfully patient with him), enjoying a 'recess' that he spends exploring the village outside the castle (he was visiting bakeries, restaurants, and the odd recommended craft shop that the Mushroom Kingdom sorely lacked), and then returning to address Peach's written queries before heading back to his rooms where he can finally go to bed.
Lather, rinse, repeat.
And then Bowser decided to change that.
After the thirty-such recess, instead of simply staying within the boardroom, the king surprises everyone in the room (even the Sarasaland Ambassador) as he offers to escort Luigi to the Town Square.
The former(?) plumber said 'yes', of course, how could he not? Not when he's still unsure of where he fits into the new political schema. Not when there are literally over two dozen pairs of eyes watching him with expectations he couldn't guess....
Not when Bowser pinned him with a look that had suddenly, horribly reminded Luigi of That Moment.
It's with a thudding heart that he keeps quiet as they walk down the hall, out of the castle, into the town adjacent to the village, and into a crowded area full of vendors.
He barely holds back a squeak when he realizes how many people were staring, barely keeping up with the king who gently grabs his hand (why...?) and makes a beeline towards a vendor with... rocks?
As they come closer, Luigi realizes that those 'rocks' are in fact gemstones -maybe even common minerals as he spies a vacuating customer taking a lick of what seemed to be a large salt crystal.
And Bowser? He stops right in front of the vendor with familiarity, grinning as he greets them with a gruff 'hello'.
Their exchange is quick, but Luigi couldn't help but wonder what the cloth bundle -given to Bowser, maybe as a pre-made order- contained.
"Come here."
Luigi is suddenly picked up, feeling the ground leave his feet before being strewn across Bowser's forearm like an unruly child.
"W-wait! I can walk just fine- where are we going?!"
By the time he is able to squirm his way higher on the Koopa King's arm (don't think about it-), he realized that they were quickly leaving the square -towards the only 'park' within miles of the castle.
It's... nicer than expected, given that they're still in a volcanic valley, but he is still very much confused as Bowser doesn't answer him -only heading towards a strangely vacant hill with- with?
A picnic blanket?
He's put down on the blanket, barely registering the bundle placed in front of him as he watches the Koopa plop in front of him -arms crossed and face expectant.
Luigi could only look on in his confusion, looking around at the bundle, at Bowser, and back again before giving up on even trying to understand the situation.
"I need your help."
Apparently, with the new peace coming around for the Koopa Kingdom, the need for metal, and therefore mining, had plummeted to a 'historical low' that meant a surplus of now useless materials and ex-miners (including the vendor).
Now, he's been working on a problem with no immediate answer, especially since trade agreements are still ongoing for the Kingdoms.
"So... why ask me? W-why not the other ambassadors?"
Bowser growls, but snuffs it out quickly when Luigi visibly shrinks at the sound. He sighs.
"Honestly? You're one of the few ambassadors who actually appreciate what I -what we have here." He locks eyes with Luigi. "That, and you seem to know a bit about these."
And that is when he shows the items inside the bundle: raw ores that might be aluminum, bars of iron and copper, a sliver of obsidian, and even a jar of cobalt....
He doesn't empty the whole bag, but the pointed look Luigi is met with said enough already.
"I-I do know what they are- I sometimes, even use them but- but what could I even do to help?"
"I want to know how I can help my kingdom." The answer sends Luigi into silence. "I now have over a fourth of my people unemployed -financial support can only get so far before the economy goes to hell! I have nothing to offer for them, never mind other kingdoms!" The frustration sends Bowser into a continuous growl, but Luigi couldn't bring himself to be scared when that look in his eyes-
"I have no war to fund even a single paycheck!"
That growl became a roar, one that nearly blasts his eardrums, but the way Bowser seemed to deflate just as fast, clenching his fists...
"I can't fail them like this."
He looked vulnerable, for a single moment.
And that? It was the moment Luigi knew he was doomed.
It didn't matter that he felt like he could pass out from anxiety -the expectation that he will be able to answer this HUGE problem.
It didn't matter that he could refuse -and he COULD, because he had refused to be a 'personal messenger to Peach (surprising himself at how profusely bold he was in denying it) and having Bowser respect that.
It didn't matter that he was just as lost as he was.
All that mattered was that, for whatever reason the Koopa King may believe, he trusted him for advice -trusted him to lend help on something that might easily send the Koopa Kingdom into turmoil.
It's overwhelming, but Luigi couldn't help but draw strength from that as well.
"I'll do my best."
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deathwhoregutfucker · 2 months
Kirk Hammett SFW Alphabet
these hc's are pretty old, but i thought i'd post them here for you guys to read!
A = Affection (How affectionate are they? How do they show affection?) - kirk would be soooooo affectionate. like, pda *everywhere*. always kissing you, touching you, always had at least one hand on you. 
B = Best friend (What would they be like as a best friend? How would the friendship start?) - he would be a killer best friend. the friendship would start at a record store, he would notice that you were looking at some bands that he likes and he’d suggest only their best albums.
C = Cuddles (Do they like to cuddle? How would they cuddle?) - kirk would be the biggest cuddler ever. usually, you’d lay on his chest, but sometimes he would want to lay on yours so you could play with his hair, especially when he’s was in a bad mood. 
D = Domestic (Do they want to settle down? How are they at cooking and cleaning?) - i feel like kirk would want to settle down with you after a few years of dating, and i feel like he would loveeee cleaning and lighting some candles after he’s finished with everything. 
E = Ending (If they had to break up with their partner, how would they do it?) - UGH i don’t even wanna think about breaking up with him, but i feel like he would have a sit down talk with you and see if you can hash everything out before resorting to breaking up. i feel like he would value communication a lot, i don’t think he would want to break up unless he absolutely *had* to. 
F = Fiance(e) (How do they feel about commitment? How quick would they want to get married?) - i feel like he would want to get married after about 4-5 years of dating, but i feel like he would also talk about marrying you about a month or two into your relationship. he would always fantasize about a beautiful but intimate wedding with only a few of your close friends and family members.
G = Gentle (How gentle are they, both physically and emotionally?) - kirk is arguably the softest guy in metallica. i feel like he would be very emotionally vulnerable and he would always make sure to share his feelings with you whether they’re good or bad. and physically? literally so gentle. he would always rub your hand with his thumb or rub your thighs when you guys lay down together to watch a movie or something. 
H = Hugs (Do they like hugs? How often do they do it? What are their hugs like?) - oh he would love hugs. whenever you guys would spend any amount of time apart, he would always run up and give you a big hug and tell you how much he loves you <3
I = I love you (How fast do they say the L-word?) - i feel like he would say it a few months into your guys’ relationship, and he would also be very nervous to say it to you. he would probably say it while you guys watch tv or listen to music or something like that.
J = Jealousy (How jealous do they get? What do they do when they’re jealous?) - i don’t think he would be too jealous unless, but if someone else hit on you he would say something for sure. 
K = Kisses (What are their kisses like? Where do they like to kiss you? Where do they like to be kissed?) - he would love kisses, especially kissing you goodnight. before you guys go to sleep, he would always kiss your forehead and both of your cheeks before you lay down on his chest and drift off to sleep.
L = Little ones (How are they around children?) - i feel like kirk would be awkward around kids, but still ultimately good. 
M = Morning (How are mornings spent with them?) - mornings would be so sweet with kirk, just imagine waking up with him with the sun coming in from the window, slowly starting a nice relaxing day of lounging around and just spending time with each other. he would wake you up by kissing your forehead and your cheeks (like he does when you guys go to sleep) and saying ‘wake up baby’ and stuff like that.  
N = Night (How are nights spent with them?) - nights would be good too. i feel like he would be a night owl too. whether its just staying up and watching tv or having a night out on the town, kirk would love staying up to spend ore time with you.
O = Open (When would they start revealing things about themselves? Do they say everything all at once or wait a while to reveal things slowly?) - honestly, i don’t know. i feel like he would be open with his feelings, but some things i think he would be pretty hesitant to talk about (like his past relationships).
P = Patience (How easily angered are they?) - he would have the patience of an angel. it would take a lot to get him pissed off, i really don’t think that he’s that hot headed.
Q = Quizzes (How much would they remember about you? Do they remember every little detail you mention in passing, or do they kind of forget everything?) - oh 100%. kirk would be soooo attentive with you. remembering you and your family's birth days and always making sure to get them a little something for it, he would remember all of the details about your first few dates, absolutely everything.
R = Remember (What is their favorite moment in your relationship?) - his favorite moment would probably be your guys’ first date. a few days after you guys met, he would call you and ask you to go to a little coffee shop down town with him. you guys would just sit and talk to each other before the manager kicks you guys out so they can close at the end of the day.
S = Security (How protective are they? How would they protect you? How would they like to be protected?) - he would be very protective of you, he wouldn’t let anyone bother you as long as you were with him, and if you were alone in a dangerous part of town, he would make sure you had mace or a knife or something to protect yourself with. 
T = Try (How much effort would they put into dates, anniversaries, gifts, everyday tasks?) - he would always go above and beyond with dates and everything. on your one year, he would buy you a bunch of gifts and spell out ‘i love you’ on your guys’ bed with rose petals and run you a nice steamy bath and put some candles and light some incense in the bathroom.
U = Ugly (What would be some bad habits of theirs?) - i feel like a bad habit of his would be drinking too much when he’s with his buddies. i’m sure you’d get plenty of drunken calls asking you to pick him and the rest of the band up from the bar after a night of partying with them. i also feel like he’d be super clingy when he’s drunk too. 
V = Vanity (How concerned are they with their looks?) - i don’t think he would be *too* concerned about his looks, but i do think that he would take a lot of pride in his hair. he would have a whole schedule for the days he washes his hair, and he would have a daily routine for styling it as well. even when it’s short, he would still take extra care of it.
W = Whole (Would they feel incomplete without you?) - oh 100%. he doesn’t even like spending more than a day without seeing or talking to you. it would kill him when he would go on tour when you wouldn’t be there, but he would always make sure to call you whenever he was free. 
X = Xtra (A random headcanon for them.) - i feel like he would love watching cat videos. he would always send you videos of cats throughout the day and he would always ask you ‘babe when can we get a cat?’. i don’t know, i just think he would be such a cat person. 
Y = Yuck (What are some things they wouldn’t like, either in general or in a partner?) - probably someone who was bad at communication. he would be very open about his feelings, so he would expect the same from his partner. 
Z = Zzz (What is a sleep habits of theirs?) - like i said before, complete night owl. i mean, you would have to fight him to go to sleep before 12:30, and it would be even worse on the weekends and when he had nothing to do.
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imagoddamnonionmason · 3 months
Since you’ve got some time, I’m gonna ask you a quick question about c!Annika and Keith;
What do you think they’d argue about the most, regarding their jobs? I mean at the end of the day, Keith’s got the final say, and she respects him enough not to be herself (as in jump him or something), but it doesn’t mean Annika’s not gonna go down without a fight.
ALSO THIS IS KINDA UNRELATED BUT How does Keith’s trauma impact his relationships with the people around him, and the thoughts he has surrounding those people? Does he ever, god forbid, cry about it or anything?
Hello - I was going to have answered this sooner but I ended up having to help a friend out 'cause of some stuff that came up. Now I'm back home, I can dedicate that spare time I had ;u;
Ok, so, I reckon they would mostly argue about who to delegate missions out to - as Annika would be Keith's best operator and most trusted, she is almost always the first person that would come to mind for him. But, sometimes, there is need for a little more stealth and little less destruction. He knows she is capable of it, but sometimes he questions whether she wants to be capable of being stealthy.
I can imagine that maybe they're in a briefing, they're talking about a new contact or discussing a new piece of intel, just something that might given the faction the upper-hand in their endeavour to achieve the goals of the original Perseus. For the first time in a while, the first operator out of his mouth to set on this task isn't Annika. Perhaps she would be annoyed he's trusting someone else with it? Maybe it's someone she would have chosen to be the last person suited to the task. You can bet that she'd call him out on his decision if she thought it stupid, maybe even in front of people.
Keith wouldn't like that.
He appreciates that she'll have an opinion and if she disagrees, he'd gladly hear her out, but don't undermine him.
They'd probably hash it out privately, discuss why they chose or don't choose that operator. After all, he trusts her opinion and instinct, but like you say, he is also in charge. He'll take her considerations on board and might revise the plan.
I think this would also count for actually devising plans, discussing tactics - Keith prefers the covert, the stealth, the working in the shadows and being secretive. He'd rather be the kind of person who sneaks in and out without a trace - he worked as a mole for the better part of his time in the faction, so he's used to that. Whereas Annika is a little more... explosive, should we say XD their ways of approaching things might cause some arguments. Again, as a leader and his top operator, they're able to compromise if compromise can be achieved, or respect the decision made despite disagreeing.
With regard to his trauma?
That is a superb fucking question. I love it.
So, Keith's trauma is centred around both of his parents, but mainly his father and his treatment of him.
Because of his mother's intermittent apathy and then babying of him (mostly in a very mocking way when he'd get upset about his father's treatment), Keith actually resents women if they remind him of her. As a general rule, though, and this is probably due to how his mother acted and treated him growing up, he'd come to believe that women are only good for a limited number of things - pretty sexist, tbh. Sees them probably as weaker than him in more ways than one etc.
Don't get me wrong, there are very few women that would be the exception to the rule, but generally he regards women very poorly.
The biggest trauma, though, is his father.
Because of how his father treated him, alienated him, made Keith feel like his very existence was baseless and unfortunate, he grew up chasing after validation and support to the most harrowing extremes. Hell, wanting acceptance for who he was literally pushed him into accepting terrorist ideology and giving up on the country he was born in.
But it also left much deeper scars.
Any male that might step in as a father figure and show support could easily exploit Keith as he would be blinded by that broken inner child begging for acceptance. Perseus could have patted him on the shoulder, told him 'good job' and he would have gladly burned down the entire world to hear it again. It would be the same for other males that might show a smidgeon of acceptance, that take notice of him trying his best to 'do right by his roots'. It's fucking wild, but he'd probably have that annoying little brother relationship with people like Stitch.
On the other hand, Keith would literally murder a guy for treating him even a fraction like what his father did. You have a mercenary that makes a snide comment about him? Keith would see that as them calling him weak, seeing him as an outsider, and he wouldn't hesitate to walk over an sock the guy, maybe even something more violent.
Keith is capable of causing someone the worst kind of torturous harm if they cross him in a way that reminds him of that deep-seated trauma. It's probably best to just leave him to it.
Keith also has cried about it, especially when he was younger, until one day he decided to stop.
"Men don't cry." He'd think. "Men do not cry."
essentially, he turned his emotions off. They didn't really serve him.
Any emotion you see if probably fake, unless you can work past that barrier and wiggle your way deep into his conscience.
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Ive got this image of Roy kissing Jamie on the head and idk if my brain wants it to be shippy or big brother, little brother kinds way, but in whatever case I Need That
Hey, nonny, do you have spyware installed in my brain? I’ve literally been thinking about this exact scenario for the past few days, trying to hash out what it might look like and what precedes it and what sort of kiss it is.
I have severaly vague ideas that are none of them fully realized and all of them more fluffy wish-fulfillment than anything else. Thought I might get around to ficcing one of them properly one day, but that’s unlikely to ever happen, so have three roughly sketched snapshots of head kisses from my fevered imagination: 
I. Hurt/Comfort
Eventually there comes a day when Jamie snaps and channels the Jamie of yore and just goes for everbody’s throats with bared teeeth. Roy misses the dust-up but arrives for the aftermath with the entire team and Ted looking a little shell-shocked.
“What the fuck happened here?” Roy demands. Ted explains, and hastens to add that clearly something must be wrong for Jamie to behave like that and could Roy please go check on him?
Roy finds Jamie in the storage room and the moment he enters Jamie whirls on him, terrible smirk plastered over his face. 
“Oh, what a fucking surprise, Timid Ted sent Roy Kent to do his shouting for him, that’s a real—“ 
Roy ignores the drawling venom (and ignores the way it makes his stomach drop and twist with the memories of oh so many other confrontations between the two of them, back when they truly did loathe one another). He stops in the middle of the room and fixes Jamie with a carefully neutral look. 
“Jamie,” he asks, very calmly, “do you need a fucking hug?” 
For a moment, nothing. Then Jamie laughs, and it’s an ugly thing filled with scorn and jagged edges. “Oh, you’d fucking like that, wouldn’t you, big man Roy Kent, riding in on your white horse, going to— ”
And still Roy doesn’t raise to the bait. He takes a step closer. No aggression to the move, just determination: the unmoveable object to Jamie’s irresistable force. “No. Jamie, do you need a fucking hug?” 
So close, he’s standing. So steady, his voice. In the face of that resolute peace Jamie’s rage can’t help but dwindle and wither. He closes his eyes. Jerks his head once for yes. 
And Roy wraps his arms around him and holds him, and holds him, and holds him until the tension starts to bleed out of Jamie’s body and he rests his head on Roy’s shoulder. They stay like that for a little longer, but then Roy gently moves his hand to Jamie’s shoulders, pushing him back slightly so that he can look at him. “Feeling better?” 
“Yeah.” And, with a quick glance to Roy’s face, “I’m sorry.”
“It’s not really me you need to apologize to.” 
“No, yeah, I know. I will.” 
Roy looks at him for another moment, just looks. Sighs, maybe; eventually gives a little nod.
“Good lad,” he says, briefly pulling Jamie in again to place a kiss on his forehead, before putting a hand on his back to guide him back out into the world. “Don’t fucking let your father make you think any different.”
If Will is huddling in the corner for this one? Your call, gentle reader.
II. Affection
Say that Roy and Keeley are in Jamie’s childhood bedroom because they want to check on him. I’m thinking that Something Has Happened that concerns Jamie – probably something to do with his dad at the next Man City match – but the immediate situation has resolved itself and Roy and Keeley are just getting back together and had this whole fancy dinner planned and Jamie said he was fine so they head out for their big date.
And it’s lovely, really it is, only they’re both preoccupied throughout the meal and eventually one of the just blurts sorry, I’m really excited to be here with you but I can’t stop thinking about Jamie – yeah, me too – we should go check on him – and so they’re off to his mum, and maybe Jamie’s out buying milk and for some reason his mum has Keeley and Roy wait in Jamie’s old bedroom and when Jamie finally does show up he is understandably surprised to see them.
“I though you went on a date,” he says, closing the door behind him.
And they explain that they were, they are, but they were worried about him and just wanted to make sure he’s okay. 
Jamie is okay. Scored two goals against City, and wasn’t nearly as bothered by his dad’s antics as he’d thought he be, he’s just dandy.
Having eventually convinced them of that, he pauses and cocks his head. Does that quizzical little face with his lips pursed. “It’s a bit weird, you two coming to check on me in the middle of your date, innit?”
Keeley shakes her head. “Jamie, it’s not weird. We care about you.”
Jamie raises his eyebrows at this, throwing a teasing look Roy’s way. “Yeah? You care about me, Roy?”
And Roy rolls his eyes and shakes his head, scoffing the way only Jamie can make him scoff, because of course Jamie would fucking ask. 
“Come here, you fucking twat,” he says and Jamie grins at that as he crosses the floor because Roy is smiling through the bark, and Roy still has one hand in Keeley’s but his free arm he slings around Jamie’s shoulders to give him a tight hug while pressing a firm kiss to the top of Jamie’s blonde hair. “’Course I fucking care.”
(This one’s not unsimiliar to another [shippy] scenario I sketched recently. I tend to ponder all sorts of minor variations of the same theme, though usually I settle for just one to inflict upon the rest of the world.)
III. And a Shippy One to See Us Off
The boys are celebrating something – not winning a game, I don’t think, because they’re not on the pitch, they’re somewhere off alone. In the locker room after everyone’s left, maybe, or out during an early-mornings training session? Doesn’t really matter. They’re alone.
Jamie’s phone goes off, he picks it up, listens for a bit, nods and yeahs and goes “thanks, man, that’s fucking great” and when he puts his phone away he doesn’t say anything at all at first. Looks a bit dazed, and after a minute of that (well, more like a second, ‘cause Roy Kent is not a patient man) Roy demands to know the fuck’s going on.
“I’ve been called up for England,” Jamie says, and he sounds dazed too, like he can’t quite believe it. Sneaks a glance at Roy, as if checking is this real, is this happening?
For a moment, Roy says nothing. Then he says “fuck”, and then they’re both screaming and jumping up and down and holding each other and somewhere in all that Roy just pulls Jamie close and smacks a kiss on the top of his head.
It’s completely unthinking, but it immediately gives them both pause – and it takes them by surprise how it actually makes them go still. If you’d asked them before, neither would have thought a silly little peck on the head would be anything to take notice off; they’re footballers, yeah? They’re tactile. But still they go, and they glance at each other and both of them find their eyes drawn to the other’s lips.
“Oh,” Roy says. Bless his heart, would you believe he’s just figuring it out? But to be fair, so’s Jamie.
A moment, teethering, each of them holding their breath, waiting to see what happens next.
Roy swallows. Jamie tilts his head to the side and slowly, slowly – giving Roy all the time in the world to punch him or run off or go back to jumping up and down like nothing’s happened – he reaches out to put a hand on Roy’s neck.
Roy doesn’t punch Jamie. Roy doesn’t run off. Roy doesn’t go back to jumping up and down. He leans in, ever so slightly, lips parting.
“Yeah?” Jamie asks, just to be sure.
Roys nods, once, sharply. “Yeah.”
Jamie kisses him.
Yeah, nonny, I need that. You need that. Everybody needs that! I mean, Jamie and Roy certainly fucking does.
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fantasyfantasygames · 7 months
Tomb Builder
Tomb Builder, Gnomekin Games, 2008
It's like Tomb Raider, but in reverse. I figured since a Tomb Raider TTRPG just got announced recently, it would be good to review a different game inspired by it.
Tomb Builder takes the "subtext is for cowards" approach and puts the clash between monstrous but human invaders and humane but monstrous defenders right at the front of the game. Your group is building an impenetrable series of death traps and summoning circles to keep "heroes" and "archaeologists", by which we mean "thieves", out of your ancestors' burial grounds, by which we mean "a dungeon". Your characters are chimerical monsters of all types, making you inherently more diverse than the thieves, but the game also describes eight different cultures that you can come from and encourages the group to play just one monster from each culture. Each group of invaders is from a single culture, with five of them described. The art reflects this: a slime in one drawing might be wearing rank emblems from the more military culture, while one in another drawing might have a pair of hair sticks holding their... um... ok, they gave a slime a bun like it had hair, and visually it works, and you might just have to trust me on that.
Chargen is fairly freeform, using what is essentially a Fate variant with aspects and skills. The skills are Builder, Defender, Genius, and Schemer. There are two main phases of the game, Downtime and Encounter. The phases themselves have their own Aspects, with the GM choosing from a list of 5 (10 total). Examples include "No time to lose", "Unexpected allies", and "Treachery is everywhere".
One of the neat things is that you don't need to plan out every step of your defensive plan beforehand. Instead, you get to narrate your past preparations as the thieves invade, effectively as a quick flashback, describing it as it was when you were setting up in the first place. You use Builder to generate rooms, Defender to repel the invaders physically or through intimidation, Genius to create advantages for others, and Schemer to spring traps. They map to the standard Fate actions fairly well, with a little extra flexibility allowed. For those who enjoy the planning phase, you can build up a stash of up to two Fate points per player by planning things out. When you do, the GM gets a "scouting" roll to see if the invaders get an Aspect related to preparation, so it's a little bit of a gamble but typically pays off overall.
So, does Tomb Builder manage to avoid the more problematic elements of Tomb Raider? Well.... not quite. It does a lot of reversals and subversion, but colonialism is still so embedded in the basic scenario of invaders/natives that it's impossible to shed it entirely. I'm of mixed opinions on the monstrous humans / humane monsters split - it averts one thing by falling into another. It's a fun game but I feel like it could have used a "pre-game discussion" section.
The writer of the upcoming TR:SoT:TTRPG did have some sage things to say about the inherent assholery of defiling someone's burial grounds to take things out of their literal graves. It's good to know that they're not going the "no politics" route. That game will get more eyes on it than Tomb Builder ever did.
Tomb Builder was initially discussed and hashed out on StoryGames.com (which is gone) and then published on 1km1kt (which is gone) with physical copies available via you know what you can probably guess where this is going.
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zrllosyn-art · 1 month
this is the Really Normal haru anon and i absolutely need a post about his lore because i love him . !!! hes such a cool character 2 me because hes literally just, . the employed friend on an off day ? to me ?
i LOVE how you describe Haru tbh, you are, not wrong
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(old sketch ft. Izfaish's Yamato who i love very much she is so good)
Haru.... does not know what normal clothes is though lmao. The work follows him off duty
ANYWAYS THANK YOU FOR INTEREST IN HARU LORE, I WILL. do my best to give you a quick run down under the cut
(i do have a lore packet/sketch pdf,,, in the works,,, but for now have a basic rundown. I will,,, finish this haru zine eventually LMAOOo)
So I'm gonna be including a buncha sketches because,,, uh,, I am not the best with words so I need visuals to assist lmao. Most of them are in my [haru tag], if you wanna just see those.
He also has a [toyhouse page] if you wanna see that instead. Its a little outdated though, i keep retconning bits of his history n such.
BUT YEAGH. ONTO THE, lore,, ,,
Haru's original idea was around how not everyone who dreams of being JAKDF combatant, makes it. I love how kn8 canon basically tells you its never too late and encourages you to follow your dreams but I kinda wanted to go at it from th other angle of. Sometimes, you have to give up. But you don't have to give up entirely. You just need to change your approach, or find something within it that you can do. Adapting your dreams to your reality, and visa versa. That kinda thing.
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(also have these as buffer. My little haru stickers/emotes lmao)
So Haru's childhood dream was to join the JAKDF as a combatant, but he runs into a lot of issues along the way. He's got financial issues from loosin his family pretty early on, and also he hits a pretty hard wall in terms of unleashed combat potential (his stops around 10%).
(He's a bit of a delinquent in high school. Mainly due to skipping classes for part time work, and hanging out with a not-so-great crowd)
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[Haru and his parents] [Also Haru with Pati (friend's oc) and Yamato (izfaish's oc) talking about piercings.]
After runnin into many walls and kind of hitting, a really low point, he gets recruited into the research and operations side of things when a higher up notices he's pretty decent at the more analytical side of stuff. He takes the out, and he switches out combat training and goes into research and operations instead. From there he goes into research only, and then goes overseas for extended training/education.
He uh, was kind of running away from his social life in japan, and also the kinda, internalized pressure due to stuff. He feels kinda guilty about it (had a huge falling out with a friend when leaving). But he goes! Overseas, to the US as part of a sister school training program kinda deal. The program is kind of a half training/combat program and half educational, so he's doing both for a little bit.
(Still not sure how that program works. The details are nowhere near hashed out)
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[Haru with his cadet friends. Its him in the middle.]
During his time as a combatant, he gets his arm eaten by a kaiju, and he gets removed from the combat program entirely. Due to, uh. Well trauma, injury, and missing a whole ass arm.
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[early concept sketch for haru gettin his arm eaten. ]
You can find the comic about his arm gettin eaten and his ptsd around kaiju in general [here]. But with the removal from the combatant program he goes full into research and kinda, finds out he enjoys it. He gets himself a degree, and ends up as a professor? Mainly there for research, but he's required to teach a few classes. This is where he meets Pati (friend's oc) who becomes his friend and also assistant.
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[haru and pati. Theyre goofballs. also this sketch is from before haru's whole arm thing was put into place so he doesnt have that]
Haru's research ends up centered around kaiju fibers, and how they affect unleashed combat potential (UCP), and general sync rates. His first actual use of his research was making himself a prosthesis, which is kind of his thesis project. I think.
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[Haru and Pati, working on the creation process for his prosthetic arm.]
He turns out to be compatible with the kaiju that ate his arm so thats fun. For me. And not for him. The kaiju he got eaten by is also, a little special? Its not a numbered kaiju by any means, but i enjoyed messing around with its abilites and concepts for it, so its spawn shows up semi often in my doodles. Haru is, not exactly happy to see they're still around.
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[haru with his new arm, and his generally mixed feelings when it comes to the kaiju that ate his arm]
Eventually he ends up going back to Japan, and working with the JAKDF where he meets Yamato (Izfaish's oc) and a whole buncha, other ocs I have. And gets hauled into the whole conflict going on over there. His reasons for returning isnt, quite set yet? I think its fun if the JAKDF recruited him for a specific project and he just, stays hired by them or smth, but that part and the timing for his return keeps changing.
Here's some doodles of him in Japan and workin over there though.
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[as always, pati is my friend's oc, and yamato belongs to izfaish]
Anyways thanks for giving me a chance to just kind of, sit here and yell about this disaster of a guy. He's just a guy, but like. I am puttin him through it.
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hanfocus · 8 months
Hey.. just a quick one.
The reason for this is probably because I've reblogged a post of yours..
I literally don't have much of an idea how tumble works at all.. (even though ive been looking through it for a few months now) all I know is that I like a post and I sometimes reblog it.I dont know if its a good thing or a bad thing..
Is it OK if I reblog yours every now and again if I really like the post?
I know for a fact if it said not to repost I wouldn't.
Do I have to tag you or put a hashing in front? I have no idea what to do..
Also, how do you make these gifs?
From a non Technical person.. :)
P.s.. if you have more than one account im just copy and pasting to the folks ive reblogged already.
My apologies if you think I've been out of line.
hi, reblogging my posts is all good, just don’t save my gifs and re-upload them to make your own posts!
as for making gifs, @usergif has a ton of good tutorials and resources for getting started — so i would check out their blog (looking on desktop might be easier) if you wanted to find more information on that
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sacrificialsam · 8 months
It really does feel like woman mother dean vs women coded Sam because a lot, not all of course, of the people I’ve seen complain about portraying or viewing Sam a certain way (woman coded, soft, refusing to accept Sam as an aggressive and angry person and dismissing the justification behind his anger) and are quick to call misogyny seem to have no qualms about applying these traits to Dean. Like that’s literally what their entire blog is about. so it just kind of cancels out their point.
i understand why you feel that way, but i mean that is what happens in a lot of sam fan - dean fan disagreements, people who oppose characterizing dean a certain way also often apply those same traits to sam, it's like hashing it out over the right for your favorite to have certain positive attributes. on the sam side of things we literally have the whole argument of dean fans wishing dean had sam's traits, e.g. wishing he were more empathetic to monsters or were more rebellious toward john like sam is. of course this isn't super productive and i have to agree that i have seen some wild takes about dean and womanhood, to the point of someone implying cooking is a woman's job ergo dean is a woman for making burgers, but i'm not sure i can say this behavior is just people thinking “misogyny is ok when i do it”. it's not an isolated issue that stems from discussions about womancoding, it's a whole thing in the online and in supernatural spaces specifically to think you or people on who are on your side are the exception to rules. so while there are plenty of people who call out sam fans for behavior they deem misogynistic while applying the exact same logic to dean, i wouldn't say this is unique. it's always sam vs dean, whether it's about womancoding or gaycoding or idk who would have piercings.   though i'll admit i always think it's hilarious when i see a take i disagree with and find out the op is a huge hypocrite like that, like imagine if i started complaining about people headcanoning sam as gay with my current url.
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ohdeathz · 7 months
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❛ without hope, we have nothing left. ❜
i see you meet lily chen, huh? they are around for… well, it will be one year, now. time flies when you are busy and as part of the civilians ( caretaker ), they are. if you want to meet them, they live in b1a2d, i think. people say they are empathetic + quiet, but don’t piss them off, okay? because they can be also worrisome + naive, so be safe.
pinterest board (tw)
connection ideas
content warning for cults, religion and fire (briefly)
faceclaim. havana rose liu
name. lily roseanne chen
age. 24 years old
gender, pronouns. cis woman, she/her
sexuality. bisexual
current occupation. caretaker
pre-apocalypse occupation. cultist
preferred weapon. the revolver she found on a dead nun, pretty dagger that has her initials engraved (gift from her mother)
› was born and raised in a small but fiercely religious village in the middle of nowhere, known as "haven's village". being the only child of the leader, lily was worshipped the second she was born. doesn't know who her father is and her mother always throws a fit whenever she asks about it.. she eventually stopped asking but never stopped wondering.
› started training to be the next leader as young as a preteen, her mother always took it very seriously. never had much interest in taking over but lily never knew or saw any different so she just went with it.
› has always been a sweet girl. shy child turned darling teen turned broken adult. went from picking fresh daises for the other village nannies to digging a secret hole so she could escape for the night..
› it took about four months for the members of haven to realize the rest of the world was in ruins. the first zombie stumbled upon their village and the leader was quick with a solution; use zombie skin to blend in. and it worked, too. although everyone smelled horrible all the time, the undead left them alone. that way they only had to worry about the living.
› a bloody sacrifice left lily sleepless one night. while sneaking around in the surrounding woods, she met a mysterious stranger who mentioned watching them from afar for some time and how much she was in danger. the stranger opened her eyes and made her realize how brainwashed and controlled she had become.. haven was all she knew and therein lies the problem. they spent the next few weeks meeting up and hashing out a foolproof escape plan.
› one year ago, lily managed to light her village ablaze and successfully escape unscathed. unfortunately the stranger who helped her never showed to their agreed meeting spot, so she had no choice but to continue on her own, never knowing what happened to them. she ran for as long and as far as she could.
› eventually stumbled upon domus spei in her travels and has been there ever since..
› in a constant battle with herself, fighting against what's been engraved into her belief system since birth and what it takes to survive outside of haven's village. as it stands right now, she's literally clinging onto hope and onto faith; feeling like without the two, she's going to have and be nothing.
› still suffers from frequent nightmares about the fires and, more prominently, about her mother. her biggest fear is one of her mother's people finding the community and reporting back.. who knows what kind of wrath that might bring to these innocent bystanders.
› was something of a caretaker at haven's village (she took care of the newborns and younger children) so it only made sense for her to become a caretaker given the chance. she loves taking care of people and would spend all of her time chatting and playing with the community's elders.
› never takes off her cross necklace for any reason, no matter how gross and old it is now.
› an all-bark-no-bite type of person. will be tough until things start to get too real or too scary and she reverts right back into herself. desperately needs to learn how to be less caring and trusting of others.
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smellydano · 2 years
i’m literally down on my knees begging just anything romantic sfw with jay literally anything soft and sweet and sappy please and thank you i love your work🙏🙏
AHH yes i feel like i write more nsft content for jay because of that Fucking Suit but he is the sweetest man ever i need to write more ,, i hope this lives up to your expectations !! :3
good morning || jay (okja)
jay (okja) x gn!reader fluff
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warnings: none! just fluff and cringe writing
synopsis: jay makes you breakfast in bed
word count: 530
you eyes fluttered open to the sound of someone in the kitchen, you knew it was jay. you glance over to jay’s side of the bed, empty, as it has been for the past couple weeks.
jay has been all over the place with the ALF, usually his trips aren’t too long but this trip was two missions back to back. you were always very supportive of jay and his dedicated involvement with the group, but you will admit it’s been hard on you.
you grabbed his pillow, wrapping your arms around it. it smelled of him, which made you smile. you slowly start to drift back to sleep until you hear the bedroom door close. you turn over to see jay walking in with a tray filled with pancakes, hash browns and orange juice. you slowly sat yourself up, watching him shut the door with his sock covered foot.
“good morning, love.” he smiled, placing the tray down in front of you on your lap. you ran your fingers through your hair, giving your head an itch. he pressed a quick kiss on your forehead, rubbing your shoulder softly.
“i made you breakfast in bed.” you smiled as he walked over to his side of the bed, the mattress sinking with his body weight. the tray had a dainty little flower you were growing outside in a little mason jar as a vase. you instantly felt the prick of tears in your eyes. you sniffled quietly, not wanting to draw his attention, but it was too late.
“is everything okay, darling?” he looked over at you with a concerned look on his face, gently placing his hand on your shoulder.
“yes, honey. it’s-it’s just very sweet. i just missed you so much, jay.” you stuck out your bottom lip in a pout, leaning over to him. he placed his hand on the side of your head, pulling your head over for a kiss on the forehead.
you wiped away the few stray tears that rolled down your face, a smile growing on your face as he ruffled your hair. he grabbed the remote from his bedside table and turned on something to play in background. you picked up the fork he set on the tray and cut off a piece of the pancakes he made, bringing the fork over to him.
“want some?” you asked, fork circling in an airplane motion.
“i already had some, but i’ll take a bite.” he smiled and opened his mouth, you placed the fork in as he pulled the piece off. you giggled as you cut off another piece, tasting them for yourself
“you’re such a good cook, babe.”
“thank you, darling. you know, it was nice not sleeping alone. makes me realize just how much i love you when we’re apart.”
you blushed, he still made you blush and gave you butterflies after all these years. “i know, it sucks. but you’re doing good work, jay. it makes me realize how much i love you!” you chuckled, resting your hand on his thigh.
he flashed a smile, kissing you gently then laid back against the headboard, resuming your relaxing morning in bed.
AHHH i love jay so much
ty for reading!! likes/reblogs are always appreciated :3 🖤🍄🧚🏻
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Will u post chenford spoilers under a specific hashing??? Please!? 🤗🤗🤗🤗
i hope this works??? but 5x02 spoilers - pls feel free to shoot me a dm if you want more specific spoilers :-)))
just adding random text here bc i’m so afraid of spoiling it for someone who doesn’t want to be spoiled :-)) five
just adding random text here bc i’m so afraid of spoiling it for someone who doesn’t want to be spoiled :-)) four
just adding random text here bc i’m so afraid of spoiling it for someone who doesn’t want to be spoiled :-)) three
just adding random text here bc i’m so afraid of spoiling it for someone who doesn’t want to be spoiled :-)) two
just adding random text here bc i’m so afraid of spoiling it for someone who doesn’t want to be spoiled :-)) one
OKAY .. here goes:
perhaps the biggest thing to point out with chenford is that they didn’t have a scene together until literally the final minute or so of the episode. it was kind of disappointing because of all the chenford we got last week (i was starting to expect them to have no interaction whatsoever) but imo it also makes sense because it’s creating more angst.
when the u.c. lady came at the beginning of the episode to offer sacramento as an option, she told lucy to clear it with her sargent and the lucy responds with saying that knows her sargant would encourage her to do it
it made me think back to the growth from when tim told lucy to not let anyone stand in her way not even him, after shooting her down about uc work :-)))
back to the final scene: the reason tim ends up at lucy’s door is because chris called him to ask him to talk to lucy about going to sacramento (ashley/lucy parallel .. which was interesting and a little funny). it was actually a pretty quick conversation but he encouraged her to take the job and lucy’s feeling super guilty about what almost happened when she invited tim in. like her saying that “we were about to ...” and tim responding with “but we didn’t ... we didn’t.”
AND THEN. she asks if he’s trying to get rid of her as his go-fer and he tells her that it’s time for her to move on and she adds that some time away may be good. the disappointment in her face like the entire time they’re talking though, she’s so conflicted. he walks away and the camera pans on her just processing it but she also seems a little heartbroken??
it wasn’t a lot in terms of chenford screen time but again, the way it was set up and played out definitely foreshadows a lot of angst and pining between them???
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darkysilverwing · 1 year
I do not ship Marty and Gavin
I don't feel like I should have to justify this, but Gavin is not a good guy. He murdered everyone he merged with for the sake of downloading into meatspace, these are people he's supposedly spent years with, living, working, and growing together, and he murdered them.
And don't try saying "this was the only way he could be with marty" because we hear chaz saying "You can't quit! You don't have a separation agreement! I'll implode!"
Now a quick googling suggests that a seperation agreement is basically a contract that hashes out the details of what is expected from the employee from this moment onwards, which makes me think that it's possible that Gavin could have just waited a bit.
Heck, Madam even says Gavin chose an Early exit, which sounds to me like Gavin literally didn't want to wait. Marty was most likely in some way connected to buisiness, I'm sure they would have understood if Gavin said "Hey Marty, I need to wait for a few weeks/months before I can unmerge without destroying everyone I've lived with for the past however long I've worked at the company." I'm sure Marty would understand, but instead they were rash and impulsive and that doesn't make for good ship material, that makes for a toxic couple.
Like you know if Marty went along Gavin would be nothing but "I blew up my entire life for you" this and "You know, I gave up something mighty special so I could be with you and this is how you repay me?" that. I mean heck, he lords over the fact that he saved us for basically the entire game.
I just think Marty deserves better.
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