#I literally came out to my other little brother today in the middle of all this
hugshughes · 8 months
Patience is a Virtue C. Loveland
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Colston Loveland x fem!Minter!reader
synopsis - Colston gets the trophy, and finally gets the girl.
wc - 3.8k
contains - UNEDITED! this is based off of this request! READER IS COACH MINTER(michigan defensive coordinator)'S DAUGHTER!!!!!!! kissing, hugging, fluff, cursing, stress over the game. guys if u don't like my cute outfit i picked then #1 ur a hater and #2 it's not a big deal! think of something else🤞🤞🤞 cause my Adidas navy handballs with gold accents ARE STAYING. there IS a picture of the outfit im describing but im obvi not gonna stick it in the middle of the fic so if anyone wants that i guess request or message me lols?
an - GUYS PLEASE LET THIS POST LETS PRAY TOGETHER. THIS WAS CUTE. i've been getting the BEST requests lately. i'm on my Michigan FOOTBALL grind. ive spent a long while introducing the jesse minter daughter reader.... she might have to stick around. i want to write for Blake Corum but don't know what to do because literally all i have written for the past week is like "girlfriend or friend of player reader comes to watch their playoff game, reader and love interest kiss after love interest wins game" so... DONT GET ME WRONG I LOVEEEE WRITING THAT SHIT. but it feels so repetitive. BUT THIS? I LOVED THIS. daughter of the coach is so scandalous and i love it. minter is only 40 so like we're just saying he had his daughter (reader) pretty young, like 21. hope u enjoyyyyyyyy ;)!
You woke up with a start. Your body jolted as you brain registered a shout somewhere in the room. You sucked in a breath, opening your eyes, only to close them again. You squinted, trying to orient yourself. You were in a hotel room, your brothers were the ones shouting.
You groaned at the realization, then let out a shout when you felt three small bodies land on top of you.
"Holy shit, get off of me!"
They immediately scrambled, most likely going to tell your mom you cursed in their presence. You loved your 3 baby siblings, but they were pains in your ass sometimes.
You heard a faint "she said shit mommy!" in the conjoining hotel room, and rolled your eyes. You sat in bed, stretching, grabbing your phone before grabbing your bag and locking yourself in the bathroom before your mom could scold you so your siblings shut up about it.
Today was the college football playoff championship, and it was safe to say your family members above the age of 8 were stressed. It was 8:11, and you had to be out the door by 9:50. You showered, drying your hair after and then starting to pick your outfit. You brought a lot of different gear, you had not clue what you wanted to wear to the game. You had so much Michigan gear, and even more maize and navy colored clothing, courtesy to your father.
After almost 30 minutes, you decided on a cute denim skirt, a maize long sleeve, and your navy Adidaas Handballs. You perfected your hair and makeup, successfully erasing any signs that you'd only been awake for about an hour.
You came out of the bathroom all put together, your bag and pajamas in hand. Your siblings were sitting on your bed, watching something on the TV. Since you guys had 6 people in your family, you'd gotten two hotel rooms with the connecting door in the middle. You slept in one room with your little sister on the other bed, and your parents and brothers slept in the other room. You walked through the connecting door, checking the time. 9:17.
Your mom was getting ready in the bathroom when you walked into it. You sat on the closed lid toilet and started talking to her about the plans for today.
"You really gotta stop cursing in front of the littles!"
Your mother scolded you, a grin wide on her face. She was joking, of course. You and your parents had always been close, you'd been their baby for the longest. You'd been with them since they were two just married 20 year olds in college. Not that you remembered it, but you were there for all of your dad's junior and senior year games when he played at MSJ. You'd been there through all the coaching jobs. From Cincinnati, to Georgia State, to the Baltimore Ravens, you'd been there through all of it.
You sat with your mom until it was time to go. Your dad corralled everyone together, taking a photo before you all headed to the elevator. When an elevator came, it opened up and there was barely any room unless your parents held two of your siblings, so you told them to go ahead and that you would wait for the next one.
You only waited about a minute before the doors slid open again, revealing none other than Colston Loveland. His eyes lit up, a grin shining on his beautiful face. You'd always had a weird little thing with Colston. No words were ever said about it, but there had always been a vibe between you.
Being the daughter of the defensive coordinator definitely drove a lot of the guys, even ones you had classes and other school related things with, far far away. The boys knew how protective their coach was of his family, and didn't want any bad blood on the team. Something about you just attracted Colston so heavily. He knew he shouldn't even think about it, but he never could help himself.
"Hey coach."
You rolled your eyes at him playfully as you stepped into the elevator. He always called you coach, he had to remind you he was one of your dad's players. You would've loved to forget that for two seconds.
"Hi Cole."
He could've died. You'd called him Cole, instead of Colston. It was the smallest, most insignificant little thing, but it made him melt.
"Where's your family at?"
You tilted your head towards him, he wanted to talk, okay. You smiled at him, he loved it.
"The other elevator was too full, some of the guys were on the way down too."
He nodded, the smirk never leaving his face. You thought about kissing it off of him, then realized you had just thought of kissing his smirk off of him. Shit. You were in deep with this kid, and there was little to no chance anything would ever happen.
The elevator reached the lobby, and Colston gestured for you to step out first. You exited the elevator, the boy hot on your tail. You were immediately greeted by a hallway packed full of Michigan players, coaches, families, and more.
You have Colston one last glance and smile before finding your mom, taking your baby brother out of her arms and into yours, playing with him. Colston's eyes followed you, he admired you as you smiled and laughed with your brother. You were perfect. He was gonna have to find a way to get around the fact that you were his coach's daughter.
You held your brother with one arm and your sisters hand with the other as you smiled at the cameras, walking through to the buses. Your family followed behind the rest of the coaches and families, the team trailing behind you.
The ride to NRG took longer than you assumed it would, almost an hour because of the traffic, and it didn't help that everyone could tell that the buses were transporting one of the CFP Championship teams in them.
Everyone went into the stadium together, through some backstage type area. You walked with the team until you had to go separate ways. You hugged your dad, squeezing him tight. You would see him again before the game, so you saved your 'Good luck, I love you Dad.' sentiment for then.
You'd always had a special connection with your dad, you were closer to him than almost anyone else. You were his baby, his first baby. Still, you were his baby in his eyes. Your dad would do anything for you, and he was quite protective. Though he was protective, all he wanted was for you to be happy, and if it meant dating one of his guys, he would have no problem with it.
Your family sat bored in the box of the stadium, looking down on the field as Washington practiced. There was over 6 more hours till the game started, and there was practically nothing to do.
You took a nap on the carpeted floor of the box with your siblings for a couple hours, your mother snapping photos that although you were embarrassed of, were undeniably cute. Once you guys had woken up, there was about 2 hours till game time. You voted with your family on whether you guys wanted to stay in the box, or sit way close to the field. You all wanted to be closer to the field, you wanted to see the action head on.
Your family departed the box, along with a few others to see the team one more time before the game. You got down onto the field in about 20 minutes, and stood with your dad for awhile. When you were being told it was time to go, you quickly hugged your dad.
"Good luck, I love you!"
He thanked you, saying the three words back as you guys waved at him, going to leave. Your eyes caught on a certain brunette as he ran off the field, his eyes finding you quickly. He smiled at you, ugh, that smile.
"Good luck, Cole!"
You smiled at him, right before you turned to go up the tunnel. More and more fans started to pour in as you got settled into your bleacher seats. You were three rows from the bottom with a perfect view of the field. You settled in as the national anthem ended and the game began.
As the game progressed, you were so happy to say that Michigan was winning, the entire time. You'd caught Colston's eyes multiple times during the game, letting it linger for a few seconds before giving him a stern look and gesturing towards the field. He'd mouth back, 'okay, coach.' and turn back around. Your mother caught the interaction once, her heart warming seeing her baby with a crush.
You stood up, your brother in your arms as you jumped up and down, shouting, Michigan had finally won! You cheered and danced around with your little siblings as you celebrated. You were all so insanely proud of your dad. Soon though, you were being escorted to the field, eager to see your father and congratulate him.
Blood was pumping and hearts were racing as you exited the tunnel, smiles burned onto your faces as you went to look for your dad. You held your sister's hand as you two ran around, trying to find him. Your mom shouted, and you turned to look at her. She pointed to your left, and there stood your dad, hugging one of his players. Your sister went back to your mom, to walk over to your dad with her as you all but sprinted over to your dad, weaving in between sweaty boys and families.
Your dad saw you incoming and held his arms out accepting your forceful hug. You both laughed, your dad squeezing you tightly. Your best friend had finally done it.
"Literally told you you would do it."
He laughed again, agreeing as he laid a kiss to your temple, pulling back with one arm to accept your other siblings into the hug, who'd finally made their way over. After a minute, you took your siblings from your dad so your mom could hug him, and kiss him, much to your brothers' disgust.
After talking with your dad for a little, you spotted a familiar 6'5 frame standing by himself as his teammates walked away from him. You sauntered over, shouting his name when you were in earshot. The brunette quickly turned around, the smile already gracing his face deepening.
"Well hi, coach."
"Congratulations, Cole. You know your catches were pretty legit."
You gave him a slightly impressed face, shrugging your shoulders. He laughed, rolling his eyes playfully.
"You can't win 'em all over, can you?"
You laughed in turn, stepping closer to him. Colston's heart was racing as he looked down into your eyes.
"But really, Cole, you were incredible, serious."
He nodded, accepting your praise with a grin, before he looked around, over-exaggerating a look of being in thought.
"You know, coach, I think I might just deserve a reward, for my quote incredible performance."
Your eyes widened, your heart starting off, faster and faster.
"Really? What might that entail, Cole?"
Shit, he was gonna have to kiss you if you kept calling him that. He was about to take the leap. He knew he had to at some point, and he was on an adrenaline rush, that just chanted at him to do it.
"Well I think it entails you accepting a date with me back in Michigan."
Your jaw dropped slightly, you were dumbfounded. Colston really wanted to go on a date with you?
"For real?"
Colston nodded, seemingly confident, though he was shaking in his boots on the inside.
"Well then, I think we can make that work."
Colston's heart erupted. He literally could not have been happier. He'd just won the Natty, and got his dream girl to agree to a date, holy fuck. You got nervous all of the sudden, leaning up to kiss his cheek, before turning to leave.
"Just text me, Cole!"
He nodded, his eyes following you as you went to go find your family again. His family came back over to him, they'd been gone for just a second but stopped and waited when they saw him talking to you. His family, especially his mom, knew quite a bit about you.
You found your family, immediately grabbing your moms hand to pull her a few steps away. You looked at her with the biggest eyes ever, still in shock over what had just happened.
"What's up, sweetheart? Why are you all, thousand yard stare-y?"
"Mom Colston just asked me out, and I said yes! And then I kissed his cheek! And then I left!"
Your mom laughed, her baby was finally growing up. You'd had a few boyfriends in all your days, but you'd never been proper crushing like you were right now.
"That's so good! I knew this was coming, we just had to wait for one of you to get the courage."
You blushed, hiding your face in your hands. Your smile suddenly dropped, a realization coming to you.
"Is dad gonna hate me?"
"Why would I hate you?"
You ended up telling your dad later on in the night, when you were tired and sitting in the back of a restaurant the team was celebrating in. Your family didn't party for too long, having a 4, 7, and 8 year old didn't exactly allow you guys to stay out for too long. Even your parents 19 year old daughter got a bit cranky if she stayed out too late.
When you told your dad, he just laughed. He knew you and Colston had things for each other, he was waiting for the tight end to make a move.
You were stressing. Tonight was your date with Colston. You sat at your vanity, ranting to your roommate over it. You put on makeup and did your hair, wanting to look cute but not over the top.
Colston had told you to wear comfy clothes, so you were in one of your most common outfits. Leggings and a Michigan sweatshirt. You stared at yourself in the mirror, doubting yourself. You had known Colston for over a year, almost two, but you didn't really know him that well. You wanted him to like you so badly.
"Babe, you look fantastic. He's going to stare at you all night."
You sighed at your roommate's encouragement. But before you could respond, you got a text from Colston. He was outside your dorm building. Your roommate pushed you straight out the door, saying bye.
You went down the stairs quickly, making your way out of the complex. You saw Colston as you opened the door, slipping out. He looked up and smiled at you, his stupid beautiful smile.
"Hey, Gorgeous."
You felt the heat on your face even in the Ann Arbor cold. You smiled, shaking your head as you gave him a spin, showing off your extra casual outfit.
"Even in this ensemble?"
He nodded, his smile deepening. He pulled you into his side, hugging you. You were immediately enveloped in his warmth. You ducked your head down to hide the shock in your eyes. He smelled really good.
When you pulled away Colston led you to his car, opening the door for you before going around and getting in. You two buckled up before Colston pulled out of the parking spot, setting off into Ann Arbor. He gave you the aux, warming your heart. You both knew he probably didn't listen to the same music as you, but he wanted you to listen to whatever you liked.
Smaller Acts by Zach Bryan came on when you hit shuffle on your main playlist, making you smile. You resonated with the song, always having thought that smaller acts of love were more important than any grand gestures. You got to really look at Colston while he drove. He kept his eyes right on the road always, until you got to a red light, that's when you'd jerk your head back forward as he turned to look at you. He was really pretty, his jaw was so insanely defined, he had a strong neck, and the deepest brown eyes. You stared at the tattoo on his left forearm, he was hot, to put it simply.
You drove for around 40 minutes before the car slowed, pulling onto a gravel driveway. You looked out of your window, seeing a large screen and projector, and lots of cars. He had brought you to a drive in movie. You could've cried when you saw the sign reading the movie you would be seeing. Ocean's 11. The very first time you ever talked to Colston, he'd asked you your favorite movie. You said you couldn't pick one, then settled on Ocean's 11 because it was one you'd seen so many times you could quote any scene.
You couldn't believe he remembered. You'd never mentioned it since then. That was the kind of smaller, seemingly insignificant thing that meant the world to you. You jerked your head to the left, staring at Colston with wide eyes. He was dealing with the tickets for a few seconds before you pulled into a spot, then he finally looked to you.
"Cole, I cannot believe that you remembered."
Colston smiled, and on the inside he was celebrating that you loved it. What he hadn't expected though was you leaning over the console and hugging him. It was honestly the sweetest thing any guy had ever done for you, you were beyond grateful for this boy, and it was your first date.
"This is the sweetest thing a guy's ever done for me, I'm being serious."
Though you were mostly saying that about the fact that he'd remembered, the date itself was also amazing. Colston knew you enough to know that you'd have preferred this over any fancy restaurant, and that meant a lot.
"It's the least I could do, coach. You mean something to me, 'm gonna take care of you."
You just squirmed in your seat, getting more comfortable and smiling as you looked ahead of you. You wordlessly reached over and slipped your hand into his, pulling them into your lap.
Colston was so happy he could've gotten out of the car and started dancing. He acted as cool as he could on the outside. You two settled in as the movie began.
At some point, Colston had reached back into the backseat and grabbed a blanket that he tossed into your lap, and a bag of food and snacks.
You traced your free hand over Colston's tattoo, admiring the line work and shading. The movie ended, and Colston's hand stayed with you as you two began the drive back. You fell asleep on the drive, your head leaning against Colston's arm.
You woke up slowly about 5 minutes out from school. You kept your head on Colston's arm, but allowed yourself to carelessly stare at him in your tired state. At a stoplight, he turned to look at you, smiling deeply when his eyes met your sleepy ones.
"Hey, coach. Nap good?"
You smiled and nodded, yawning at him. He laughed lowly, turning his head back when the light went green. You parked outside your building, dampening your heart. The night had been perfect. You sleepily got out of Colston's car, after he told you to not dare opening your own door. He walked you up to the entrance with his hand on your back, rubbing his fingers back and forth lightly.
When you got to the door you stopped and turned around, wrapping your arms around his middle.
"Thank you so much Colston. This was like, the best date I think ever."
He smiled, hugging you tightly. Colston had the best time, obviously you were gorgeous, but getting to talk to you one-on-one without interruptions was his idea of a good time. His insides melted whenever you fell asleep, and before then, he could've swore he was in love while you traced over his tattoo.
You pulled away from him, looking at the boy through heavy eyes. He looked absolutely handsome in the dim lighting of a street lamp. You put your hands on his shoulders, leaning up and kissing him. You probably wouldn't have if your drowzy mind hadn't commanded you to. Obviously you wanted to, but you weren't sure if it was 100% mutual yet, but it was.
Colston's hands went to hold the back of your head, his hands in your hair. He kept the kiss shorter than you would've liked, knowing you were tired.
You looked up at him with stars in your eyes, a smiling fighting its way onto you face. Colston's hands shifted from your hair to your jaw, rubbing his thumb over your cheek.
"I'll see you tomorrow baby."
Your blown out eyes widened at the name, your heart clenching in your chest. Colston saw the reaction, his lips quirking up the slightest bit.
"I'll see you, Loveland."
You let go of him, turning towards the door. You paused for a second, quickly turning back around and kissing Colston again. Colston's hands grabbed at your hips, pulling you closer. Colston smiled brightly into the kiss, giggling to himself.
You pulled away from him, a grin falling to your face.
"You ever gonna let me leave, coach?"
"Thinkin' about it."
"You get inside, gorgeous. It's too cold for you to be out here."
You smiled, nodding at him, letting go of him for the last time.
"You gotta go too, off season just started. You gotta stay on your A-Game Loveland."
He laughed at you, shaking his head as he watched you walk into the dorm complex, turning the corner and out of his sight. You ran back up the stairs and to your room, squealing like a 13 year old as you described your date to your roommate.
Colston sat in his car, texting his mom that everything went well. When he put his phone away, he finally let himself think that you were the girl he'd want to be with forever. It was finally real. The boy just had to be patient.
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abbyromanoff · 2 years
I had a bit of a cnc stoner Wanda thought where she coaxes you into trying her special treat & holds a blunt to your lips, all before proceeding to get high as well & lazily play with your clit <3
Try It
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Pairings: Wanda Maximoff x reader
Word count: 4314
Warnings: smut, jealously, possessiveness, edging, kinda public sex, college AU, strap on use, edging, crying, weed usage, small cnc, mommy kink, multiple orgasms, thigh riding, begging, sub!r, Dom!wanda, emo Wanda, mentions of pervert Wanda, mentions of porn, small angst, homophobia, praise kink
No one is permitted to steal, copy, or reblog my work as their own!!
Wanda walked into her class, luckily she only had two today. She took the seat next to you, making you turn to look at her. Her hand made its way to your thigh, she admired the way you worriedly looked to see if anyone would notice. You were always like that. It’s not like you were ashamed of her, no, you loved to be seen around with your girlfriend. But sometimes, the bold moves she’d make were too much for the public eye. The occasional grab of the ass, her hand placing itself on your thigh like she was doing now, you didn’t want people seeing. Especially not your parents.
You two met when you were children. Seeming as your parents were best friends, it was hard not to be around each other at all times. You and her brother always were closer, your parents always said you two would get married one day. He was also the first person you came out to, and the first you informed of your crush on his sister. He wasn’t the happiest, but he got over it. You can still hear all the ‘Wanda and Y/N sitting in a tree’ jokes, or how he’d wrap his arms around him and pretend he was making out with himself to mock you two.
Your mother and father never knew of your sexuality, especially not since your dad was the priest. He was loved by everyone, except you. Wanda would always be the one to comfort you when you were confused, she knew what it was like to deal with unsupporting parents. Unlike you, she found a way to get away from it all, weed.
While you did student councils and spelling bees, she’d escape the world by smoking. Her grades would slip as yours exceeded, you needed the academic validation. Wanda didn’t care anymore, she just wanted to live her teenage years by having fun.
Whenever you had study dates, she’d end up convincing you to stop and watch a movie with her. She’d usually offer you a joint, only for you to quickly dismiss it. You would never be allowed back into your home if they ever found out you smoked, they’d quite literally kill you.
You and Wanda first started dating back in your senior year of high school. After years of pining over one another, she nervously asked you to prom where you both shared your first kiss in the girls' bathroom. Your parents obviously would never let you go to the dance with a woman, so Pietro offered to pretend as though he’d take you if you got him a date with a girl in your honors society club.
And ever since then, you and Wanda have been inseparable. You both got accepted into the same college luckily, the one you’ve been dreaming of going to since you were a little kid. Wanda always was one to go out to parties and skip class, but you were the same as your high school years, getting all A’s on every assignment you did. Your professors all loved you, not so much your girlfriend though. But you didn’t care. If Wanda were to ask you to skip class with her, more often than not you’d say yes. If she dragged you to a party, you’d end up making out in her truck by the end of it. One time, she took you to a frat house and had you wasted by the end. You woke up with a tattoo of the letter W in between your middle finger. She already had your name tattooed on her wrist, you scolded her the day you first saw it.
Everyone started rolling into class, some late, some just barely making it. Wanda never moved her hand, and the small smirk covering her face never left. Your best friend and head of the debate team sat on the other side of you, Kate Bishop. Wanda never seemed to like her, she always said she was too much of a priss or that she wanted to get in your pants. She said that about everyone, actually. Kate gave you a look with a small smile, Wanda flipped her off behind your back. She rolled her eyes, pulling out her notebook before starting small talk between you too. Your girlfriend rested her head on your shoulder, trying to distract you from your conversation with small pecks to your neck.
“Wanda! We’re in the middle of a lecture!” You scolded in a small whisper, turning back to your friend and giving an apologetic smile. Wanda sighed, frustrated by your actions. You were such a goodie two shoes. Sometimes your friends wondered how you two ended up together, and if you were being honest, you didn’t know either. I guess two opposites attract.
“But I don’t care about this dumbass class. C’mon, what do you say me and you head out of here? Come back to my place?” You threw your head back slightly, annoyed by the same words she said every day. “Oh c’mon, please? We can have some fun?” You chose to ignore her instead, trying your best to listen in on the professor’s words. She didn’t stop though, if anything, she teased you more. Her hand had traveled further up your leg, playing with the hem of your panties under your skirt. You tried to discreetly push her off, struggling to write your notes down. Your face was cherry red, and Wanda was grinning.
“Now do you want to leave?” She asked hopefully, just wanting to get out of this boring class already.
“Nope.” Your thigh jumped up and down as you picked at your lips, looking around nervously to see if anyone could see her fingers moving your panties to the side. You closed your legs to the best of your ability, only to no avail. She pushed them back open, giving a harsh grab as a warning.
“At least let me have some fun, baby.” You looked at her like was crazy. You let out a small moan under your breath as the pads of her fingers rubbed your clit ever so gently. You hid any noise with a small cough or fake sneeze, Wanda would always say bless you as if she didn’t know what was going on. She acted innocent. And you hated it.
“Wanda, we can’t do this here.” She leaned into your ear, making sure the professor was facing the board so he couldn’t see you two.
“Then let's leave, princess. We can head back to my place where I’ll properly fuck you.” She grabbed your hand, placing it on her crotch as you felt a small bulge. She was packing. You retreaded your hand quickly, your cheeks a cherry red. She chuckled dryly, you hoped she would remove her digits but she didn’t, she just left them there. She didn’t move them, they just sat there as if wanting you to do the work instead. You couldn’t stop the small buck of your hips, chasing after her like she was holding your favorite candy. You wished you could wipe that smug look off her face.
“I’m gonna go to the bathroom, meet me in a few minutes.” And you did. The professor looked at you puzzled when you both left, Wanda covering by saying you had ‘girl problems’ making both you and the man blush. She dragged you into the nearest stall, pushing you against the door and kissing you fiercely, she wished that Kate could walk in and see how wet you were for her. Her fingers trailed beneath your skirt, the way she did just moments ago. Her fingertips grazed your clit through your panties, barely touching you just to see how you react.
“Mommy, please.” You whined and begged, hoping she’d have some sort of mercy on you. She didn’t. She wanted to make you as desperate as she was, she wanted to watch you wither.
“You’re fucking soaked, baby. Is this all for mommy? Has she gotten you all worked up?” You nodded and looked down shamefully, the embarrassment overtaking you. She gripped your chin, making you look at her with pleading eyes.
“Y-yes, it’s all for you, mommy.” She hummed and dropped to her knees, you gave her a look of shock before she gave a small lick to your center.
“Did mommy get you all horny and desperate?” When not receiving a response, she looked back up at you. Your hands folded behind your back and your legs parted just enough for her to get between them, you were such a shy girl. She suddenly stood up, making you look at her with confusion before she walked past you and to the door of the bathroom. She looked back at your shaken-up state,
“You coming?” Yeah, you would be. You both walked back into class, Wanda following shortly behind you. Some gave you disapproving glances, others trying not to look at you and have to deal with Wanda’s wrath.
When the painfully slow class finally ended, Wanda threw her bag onto the floor of her and Pietro’s apartment. She didn’t exactly want to live with her brother during college, the two of them would often bring girls back home making it awkward. But she couldn’t do much about it, she could barely even afford to live here.
She was having a stressful day, And all she wanted to do at that moment was call you up or get high, her two favorite things. She knew you’d probably be studying or doing homework, but she also knew you were thinking about her. About the wetness coating your inner thighs. She could see it right now, you rubbing your thighs together, finding any way to get yourself off. Shyly playing with your clit, teasing your hole with a finger. You probably wouldn’t even be able to fit a digit inside of your tight hole, she can barely even fit her strap inside of you.
Luckily, Pietro wasn’t going to be home for the next week as he was visiting their mom and dad. So, she grabbed the small jar of weed in her nightstand drawer, taking the paper and rolling up the small joint. Her favorite thing to do was have you roll it, watching the way you tried your best only for it to be close to falling apart. She’d chuckle, and you’d pout back at her. But you never smoked with her, you refused.
She lit the joint and took a long drag, puffing out smoke into the humid living room. The couch wasn’t the most comfortable, but it was better than nothing. The playboys that were left out a few days ago plagued her mind. She stood up, balancing herself before grabbing one and going back to the living room. She undressed her bottom half, too lazy to take off her shirt as she got right into it. Her fingers teased her clit as she flipped through the pages, the naked woman only making her think about you more.
“Mm, fuck Y/N. Such a good little girl for me.” She moaned out into the empty room, not caring if she was just talking to herself. The weed was getting to her, goosebumps spreading across her body.
Before she could go any further, her phone rang, the bright light illuminating the dark room. She sighed and looked at the contact, her mood immediately lifting when seeing the caller. She answered on the fourth ring, her raspy voice making you shiver.
“Yes, baby?” She could hear your moan from the other side of the call, smirking to herself when realizing what you were doing.
“Baby, are you touching yourself?” You only nodded before remembering she couldn’t see you. Your clit throbbed as you rode the small teddy bear she got you for your anniversary, picturing it was her strap you were riding instead. Your hips only gained speed hearing her on the other end, the fear she wouldn’t like this going away when you heard her groaning. She hit the facetime button, wanting to see your weeping cunt on the fluffy fur of the stuffed animal.
“C’mon princess, let mommy see you.” Your camera was placed at the end of your bed, giving a full view of your bottom. She could see your head looking back at one place continuously, probably making sure your dorm mate wouldn’t walk in anytime soon.
“Oh sweetheart, are you scared someone will see you? What do you think would happen if they walked in right now? You think they’d stay and watch you whoring yourself out on the phone?”
“Mommy, need you.” She ticked, taking another puff of her joint before speaking up once more.
“You never answered my question, sweetheart. Tell me, what would you do if someone walked in right now to see you like this, so sweet and innocent riding the teddy bear I got you? Would you stop? Or would you keep going for me, for mommy?” You wished you could say no, that you’d never let anyone see you all needy and vulnerable. But that would be a lie. The thought alone brought more discomfort to your body, the good kind of discomfort.
“Mommy, I-I think I need to cum.” You whined out, chasing the high you prayed she would finally give you.
“Oh, honey, you wanna cum?” You nodded fastly, the stuffed animal being coated with your slick. She hummed, acting as if she was deciding.
“Hmm, no.” She hung up before you could complain, knowing you wouldn’t bring yourself to finish if she denied you. Her whole plan was just to get you to come over, then she could see you once more. She’d be the one to make you cum, not your teddy bear.
Ten minutes later, she heard a small but rushed knock at her flat. She smirked, knowing who it was, and stood up, opening the almost completely broken door. There you stood, clutching close to your skirt as you tried getting past her and going inside.
“You missed me that much.” You tackled her with a kiss, desperate to have her on you somehow.
“Please, mommy, I’m so wet and sticky down there.” She smiled sweetly at you before walking you backwards, sitting you down on the couch, and towering over you.
“Why didn’t you tell me? I would’ve taken care of you.” Tears flooded your eyes as she gave you a seemingly innocent pout.
“Y-you hung up on me! I was so close and you just hung up!” She sat down, grasping your hips and tossing one of your legs over her own. Her fingers trailed under your skirt, her other hand forcing you to stay open for her. She felt a damp wet spot marking your panties, gasping as she realized you weren’t lying, you were actually that horny.
“Oh my, you’re dripping all over me! You’re gonna ruin my couch, baby.” She saw the way you eyed her small jar of weed, looking back at her with pleading eyes.
“You want to try some?” She was beyond excited when you gave a shy nod, making you your own to try.
“Alright, just take it between your lips and- yeah, that’s it. Just breathe in, and blow it out.” You coughed harshly, feeling embarrassed when hearing Wanda laughing at you. Her hands wandered around your body, grabbing your ass hidden beneath your schoolgirl skirt in her hands. She moaned under her breath and stuck her head in your neck, smelling the cologne of hers that you took.
“This precious little ass, so perfect.” She groped you without any shame, not caring for the whimpers that would leave your mouth.
“Mommy, tastes funny.” She nodded, patting your back to help you get it all out. She bounced you up and down like she was burping a baby, you were her baby. Her innocent little doll. And she fucking loved it.
No matter how hard she tried to resist it, she needed to fuck your sweet cunt. She needed to mark it as hers, have you know that you belong to her and only her.
“Doll?” She whispered, receiving a small hum in return, “Mommy really needs you right now, can you be good and let mommy play?” You felt so used, like she had ruined you for anyone else. You could see the imprint in her pants, the same one from earlier. Her bottoms were already unbuttoned, her boxers being the only thing left to stop you from riding her strap. You could tell what she wanted, she wanted to hear you beg. Plead her for her cock. And you wanted to give in, but you so badly wanted to show her that you didn’t need her. To make her realize that you didn’t survive off of her fucking you, and that it was just a pleasure.
So, you shook your head, seeing the small smirk on her face falter in the slightest. “What do you mean no? I thought you were just begging to be fucked by me.” She knew how to get under your skin, and you hated it.
“I mean, no. I don’t need you touching me every second, you don’t always have to be so goddamn horny, Wanda.” You faked a huff and crossed your arms over your chest. The woman held back her laugh, finding your clear lie funnier than she should.
“Oh, sweetheart, you know that’s not my name. I thought you were smart enough to know this by now, because you need me. You need me to fuck this pussy every second. You need to be dripping with my cum every second. And you need mommy to touch you every fucking second.” Her lip went between her teeth, the muscles in her face clenching as you stared into her reddened and droopy eyes. She was high out of her mind, and you hated to say you loved it.
“Tell me the truth. You want mommy to fuck you, we both know you do.” You tried getting off her lap to no avail. She had a strong hold over you, and not just physically. When you didn’t answer, she clicked her tongue against the roof of her mouth and leaned back into your neck. She grazed her tongue against the skin, watching as goosebumps erupted over your entire body. Her arms stroked your inner thighs reaching close to your covered cunt.
“Tell me, my love. Tell mommy how much you need me.” You couldn’t care to deny it anymore. As much as you wanted to put up a fight, you knew you needed her on you, inside of you.
“I want it so bad, mommy, I really do!” She hummed into you, her teeth biting the shell of your ear.
“Yeah? But I thought you were just telling me you don’t?”
“I’m sorry, mommy, I really am! I-I need it, I do!” Her thigh was covered in your slick as you slid back and forth, the soft skin beneath you quickly becoming an addiction. Your hand placed itself on her bulge, feeling the toy straining and begging to be inside of you. The blunt returned to its spot between her fingertips, taking a long drag before puffing it out in your face. It smelt horrible yet amazing at the same time. Knowing that the smoke came from her made it all the more attractive.
“You want mommy’s dick? You want to be stretched out, baby?” Your nod wasn’t good enough for her, she wanted you to beg. She wanted you to beg her just to even touch you.
“Words, my love, words.” You had trouble forming a sentence. The overwhelming feeling of her soft and plushy thigh beneath you was too much. Your orgasm hit like waves. It was strong, powerful even. You were shocked she didn’t ruin it, she just watched with heavy and hungry eyes.
“Fuck, you have no idea what you do to me. You get me so hard.” She let out a loud moan once she finished speaking. You both knew she couldn’t actually get hard, but she loved pretending she had a real dick. She loved acting as though she could feel you clenching around her because fuck, she wishes she could. She wanted to feel you as you came around her cock.
“My god, you’re so fucking hot, my love.”
“Thank you, mommy.” She laughed in your face, something you didn’t expect. You thought you were done, that she’d let you calm down and sleep. But she couldn’t get enough of you, she needed you so badly.
“You’re welcome, princess, But, I think you owe me another one, don’t you?” You only nodded along, losing grip on reality as you plummeted to the pleasure. You moved your hips upwards and rested yourself above the tip of her length. If you had to guess it was probably close to seven inches, it had to be the largest piece you’ve taken so far. The second the head of her cock entered you, you already felt full.
“Mommy, too big!” Your whines amused the woman who did not care to remove her hands from your hips. She was guiding you to go lower, to be filled to the brim just how she liked.
“Oh, darling, you can take it. You’re my big girl! You take whatever mommy gives you, right?” She was manipulating you, and you thrived off of it. You loved the satisfaction of her forcing you to do what she wanted.
“Yes! Yes, I take what mommy gives me!” She hummed in response, eyes focused on your weeping cunt. You were dripping and she just wanted a taste. As much as she loved weed, you’d always be her favorite taste. You were her favorite little girl.
“Oh, baby! You take my dick so well! And I’m not even helping, such a smart girl you are.” You soaked in her praises, eyes closed and mind fuzzy. You couldn’t think, she was the only thing clouding your mind.
“Thank you, mommy. Thank you for fucking me.” She kissed the side of your face before leaning down and capturing your hard nipples in her mouth. Her tongue played with the bud, a small trail of saliva being left behind as she moved on to the other.
Your hips started grinding desperately, already nearing the edge once more. You knew she’d make you hold it, not letting you cum till you begged her helplessly.
“Princess, does mommy’s little girl need to cum? Are they that dumb and fuzzy and need their mommy?” She didn’t let your small nod be your only answer. She wanted to hear just how much you needed her, how wet you were for her and only her.
“Doll, you know mommy doesn’t like when her girl is ignoring her. Tell me, do you need to cum?” The tone of her voice would never match the cold expressions she’d have painted on her face. The black makeup she wore and leather jackets she’d drape over her shirt. Most of the time, you ended up being the one to wear her coat, she loved seeing you wear it more than anything. But, seeing you wear nothing but her jacket? God, it fucked her in the head. Her mind would short-circuit seeing your tits bouncing under her clothes.
“I-I need to cum, mommy. Please let me cum for you?” The coil in your stomach was closer to snapping than ever before. Feeling her strap deep in your walls had you clenching hard.
“That was weak, darling. C’mon, beg mommy.” No words could explain how embarrassed you were. You knew she loved it, but fuck was it difficult. You could barely even muster out words let alone plead her. But you knew you had to if you wanted the release you were chasing.
“Please, mommy! Please fuck me! I want to cum so bad, want you to breed me. Want you to fuck a baby in me, mommy, please!” She pondered for a moment. As much as she wanted to edge you all night till you were crying and shaking, she wouldn’t be that cruel to her angel. Her sweet thing needed to finish, and she’d let them.
“Do it for me. Fucking cum for your mommy.” She growled out next to your ear, feeling your legs shaking on top of her own. She leaned back to watch as she took another hit of her blunt. She wishes she’d taken a photo along with all of the Polaroids of your nude body she has. It was kept in a shoe box under her bed next to the playboys she’d forgotten about. Every night she missed your precious body and you were asleep on the phone, she’d masturbate to your photos. The ones with cum dripping down your legs. The ones with markings of ‘mommy’s slut’ on your stomach. The ones with hickeys coating your neck and tits. And especially the ones she had taken of your blissed-out face. How she could stare at those all day and still miss you.
“That’s a good girl, so good for me. You did so well, took all of them so damn well.” You mumbled out your appreciation before taking the small blunt out of her hands. You took a small swig to impress her, only receiving a small lip bite in return. She didn’t know how she ended up with the hottest little slut, but she did. And you were all hers. No matter how much the others talked about you, you both knew at the end of the day, she was the one making you cum. She was the one pounding you with her fingers or her strap. You were all hers, and that’s how it would always be. You were her sweet little dove.
“That’s a good girl, so good for me. You did so well, took all of them so damn well.” You mumbled out your appreciation before taking the small blunt out of her hands. You took a small swig to impress her, only receiving a small lip bite in return. She didn’t know how she ended up with the hottest little slut, but she did. And you were all hers. No matter how much the others talked about you, you both knew at the end of the day, she was the one making you cum. She was the one pounding you with her fingers or her strap. You were all hers, and that’s how it would always be. You were her sweet little dove.
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retnym · 1 year
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"Your dirty jokes just had to be heard?"
“Hurry!” A scream came from one of the singers in the house, his hair freshly done as he ran into the living room putting on a jacket. His heart was pounding as he and our friends were about to run late to a big live interview. The bassist and drummer already sat in the vehicle waiting for the twins and me who had come over to the house in the morning to do my makeup with Bill but even myself woke up a tad bit later than I Should've.
“It’s okay, Bill.” I walk calmly into the room, wiping my wet hands onto my mini skirt then rolling down these black long sleeves. “We need to go, we literally have 25 minutes to get to the building that’s 26 minutes away!” His voice cracks, he went to go get his brother but he was already joining the two, tiredly yawning. 
Unlike the others he had just thrown something on and put his hair into his usual style.
 “Alright, let’s go, let’s go!” I wind my hand up then pointing out the door. Bill was out the door faster than light itself as Tom took his time a little bit more due to his huge pants that wouldn’t exactly let him run in. 
Of course I had to sit in the middle of the twins. Being smushed together I leaned more onto Bill, his arm slightly around my shoulders to give more room in the back seat. “Sorry Georg!” I apologize for our un-togetherness. He just shakes his head, motioning that it was okay before he speeds down the road for the singer’s sake. 
As we sat in the car with the radio on low, Bill and I took pictures on his phone trying to pass the time as Gustav took a little nap, Georg sat quietly as he focused on the road and Tom sometimes talked to Bill about how the interview was going to go. We haven’t exactly spoken since yesterday, which was completely okay. I would rather have the silence than hear his annoying voice. 
Today will be our first sit down, live interview together. It’s more of a day show like America’s Ellen Degenerous show or like the night shows as well. 
Just German.
Well this will be played on my Youtube channel so I’m going to put captions on it so that others will get our huge announcement as well from this video. But since not a lot of people that speak English will want to see it I’ve had the boys make a video with me to post for the U.K. or the U.S. 
Actually getting to the building is what brought all of our nerves to the roof. Even Tom who was freaking out with Georg. They were being pretty dramatic as they pretended to cry together. Once we parked in the back like we were told, security all ran our way and someone took the keys from Georg to move the car somewhere else while we were inside. Security stood by us as we entered the building.
 Fans somehow found the backway entry and were shouting our names as we passed by screaming for us to give them attention. Sadly we couldn’t acknowledge them.
It almost felt exhilarating to be put in this situation. The running and being hid by screaming people who would just love to put their hands on you in any way they could. Little creepy now that I put it into words. 
We were escorted to an area to be mic’d up. This girl has to put it in areas that won’t be incredibly noticeable. Looking around at the boys as Tom was getting his done lastly, his eyes were on the girls boobs since she was slightly bent over. Scrunching my nose in disgust I look away.
Turning to Gustav I dramatically grabbed his shoulders. “You ready?” Shaking him back and forth he finally put his hands on mine to stop me. “Are you?” He laughs.
I nod like a crazy woman, pulling him into a hug. “I’m a tiny bit nervous.” I chuckle. “I can tell.” 
“Time to get into place.” Bill snaps us out of it and we let go of each other moving to the curtains of the screen. Bill gripped onto my hand and the host called out our names. Well more, “Ladies and Gentles I have the wonderful [Name] [Last Name] with Tokio Hotel!” 
As we joined him near the couches he stood up, greeting us one by one. “Hello, hello!” He shook my hand tightly. 
“Hi, an honor!” I smile and he winks back in response, slightly catching me off guard earning a confused look for a split second.
As we sat down, I was placed nearest to the host, Bill next to and so on. 
The beginning of it all was very cliche, it was the normal stuff we usually get coming to these types of things only this time we got to do it together. 
The questions get a little morbid, asking about our personal life but having to go with it we will change it up in the best way we can to not give out that sentimental information. 
We’re only 18. Some of us being 17 still. 
“So, [Name] you’re starting your tour soon aren’t you?” He places the attention onto me, my face turning warmmer by the second. “Yeah, I am.” I smile, mentally wanting to beat myself up due to the fact that I’ve been stuttering ever so lightly but still being a tad bit noticeable. “Aren’t you going to miss these four boys?” He jokes with me and we all snicker at the thought.
“Well, I won’t have to miss them.” 
“What do you mean?” He tilts his head, not getting what I was laying down.
“She means, Tokio Hotel is joining her World Tour!” Bill shouts mainly for the audience. Everyone gasping at first then roaring into cheers.
Obviously I don’t think that was very expected.
We waited for the audience to calm down and then we continued with the questions. Now changing what he was saying to things about the tour. Were the prices changing? Anything like that. Obviously nothing will be changing except for the fact that the boys will be joining with me. 
Starting in Germany then going around Europe then to the United States of America. Other countries too but that’s later on and their tickets haven’t gone on sale yet. 
Now people in the crowd get to ask their questions. It was mainly to Tom as usual when we’re all together.
“This one’s for Tom and [Name],” A younger teenage girl speaks up as the guy with the microphone holds onto it. “Go ahead.” I smile sweetly to her and Tom nods her way. She looked like she was going to faint at any moment but still held strong.
“How come whenever you guys are seen in public you never go near each other?” 
The group starts laughing quietly, Bill sneakily takes my pinkie with his and squeezes it. I take a deep breath trying not to laugh myself at this godawful question.
“There really isn’t a reason. I guess that’s just what’s seen in public.” I play it off, I thought it was pretty smooth but knowing Tom he was about to do something to mess it up or change it to his liking.
“She really just can’t handle all the heat that comes with being near me.” Like I said, there he goes. He corrected me in a smart way. Everyone started laughing, even the host so my only option was to force it out of me as well, quietly adding in a “He wishes” but it was sadly louder than I wanted because of the microphone thats connected to my shirt. 
I only noticed that because of the “Ohh’s” heard around the crowd. “ I don’t have to wish, it’s my reality.” He smirks.
“Oh you’re right, guys he’s just too hot to handle!” I sarcastically squeal, covering my face to act like I was blushing. He plays along, pointing at me going “See!” 
Luckily the interview moved on from that horrible conversation and it all went smoothly. 
Once it ended and we took off our mic’s we were out the door faster than we could imagine.
Shoving Tom out of my way, I got to the passenger side and sat in the front with Georg, unfortunately having to kick Gustav to the back. He’ll be okay though. 
As Georg started driving, he took the back roads to not have any fans following us out of the area. We all talked about everything and how good it was that we finally had the information about the tour out. All of us complimenting each other on how it went. 
“It went pretty amazing, well except the fact that [Name] kept stuttering like she was in love with our host.” Tom mutters the last part but my head snaps his way and I glare at him. “Like you can talk? Googling over every girl who came up to the mic.” I furrowed my brows. “And barely anyone could hear you, having to repeatedly be told to speak up.” I add in.
“That must’ve been your imagination because I was heard pretty well for what needed to be heard.” He comes closer to my face, I adjust myself to actually look at him. “You think so?” 
He rolls his eyes, getting even closer to the point where our noses were almost touching. “Your dirty jokes just had to be heard?” I quiz him. Georg tapped my thigh, trying to get me to calm down and end it. And due to his delay of a response I thought he was just going to end it and stop talking. Boy was I wrong. 
“Yeah to get desperate girls like you to know they could only be a quick fuck.” He whispered into my ear, only for me to hear. He finally leans back but without even thinking on my part I unbuckle my seat and get inbetween the seats to hit him right in the jaw. Probably hurting myself more than him. The boys all shouted and Georg quickly pulled over, grabbing my waist and shoving me back into the seat. My breathing turned ragged. 
“You’re a dick Tom.” I step out of the car, slamming it behind me. 
As I had gotten a little bit away I held onto my fist and cursed underneath my breath. Hearing a car door open then shut, and fast footsteps heading my way I thought it was Bill coming to check up on me. 
“Seriously? You hit me then run off?” 
Nevermind, I am really bad at this guessing game.
“Why did you come out Tom?” I immediately stop.
He just laughs, looking down at my fist in the palm of my other hand and I move to cross my arms and hide it but still putting pressure on my newest injury caused by Tom’s jaw.
“Can’t believe you actually hit me.” 
“Want me to do it again?” 
“Just calm down, get in the car for their sake. You’re really going to let something I said bother you?” He shames me, he’s really about to shame me? 
“Just leave me be, okay? I’m gonna have Johanna come get me.” I shove him away from me, then grabbing my phone out of my tiny pocket in my mini skirt.
Turning away I heard the doors of a car once again and then the wheels on gravel move closer to me. “[Name], get in the car!” Bill shouts my way but I just shake my head. “I’m calling, Johanna. Just leave without me. I’ll call you when I get home.” I smile sadly, Bill just nods telling Georg to just go but he hesitates at first. Only to get told to go once more.
“He is the most infuriating person on this planet, Jo!” I cried out and she just laughs in response. I threw my head back onto my couch as my cat laid in my lap, shimmying to get comfortable.
My best friend was across from me with her legs laid out.
“I can’t believe you actually punched him.” She giggles mainly to herself. 
“Dude, it felt like an actual out of body experience, I didn’t feel like me.” I rub my face, careful of the piercings on it. 
“What did he even say to make you react that way?” 
Sitting for a moment in silence as I thought about it; 
“Yeah to get desperate girls like you to know they could only be a quick fuck.”
Scrunching my nose in disgust I shake my head. “Doesn’t matter, just know it made me mad enough to punch him.” I sigh.
Tightening my fist I flinch with the feeling of the ice joining back in with the pain. 
“I still wonder.” She frowns.
CHAPTER TWO BABY!!!! Very surprised I got this done so fast after work. I'm pretty proud of this chapter. The next chapter will be tomorrow:) (Hopefully, if not it will be the next day)
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yukinarinn · 7 months
Childhood bestfriends to lovers Ethan Landry x Reader?? (W smut) 🙏
Feel Something - Ethan Landry x Fem!Reader
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contains: smut, soft!dom!Ethan, sub!reader, p in v, a bit of angst (?), both of you losing virginity
A/N: Hi, I don’t know how good this is and I don’t know why is mostly angst (it’s in fact just a little, but still) I wanted this to be kinky asf but instead I kinda trauma dumped, lmao. I hope it’s still okay tho!
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You and your friends were at Sam and Tara’s place, including Ethan who was always either behind you or right next to you. You didn’t mind since you knew each other since childhood and are the closest and form the closest bond. So it’s safe to say this friend group is still new to you both. University just started a few weeks ago and you have a hard time getting used to New York and every new thing.
“So, any ideas of what we should do?” Mindy said as she playfully pinched Sam’s arm while Anika gave her a weird look but ignored it.
“We were thinking of watching a movie tonight, perhaps?” Samantha suggested and all of the looks were fixated on you and Ethan now. They knew he doesn’t really like movie nights and that you just can’t stand still for 2 hours straight.
“Thing is..” you began to speak, taking this a bit personal since you think they’re just messing around or something. “I didn’t want to be here today, but Ethan asked me to come and I couldn’t say no.” you eye-sideying him as you try to avoid eye contact.
“Yeah, me neither. Chad also invited me.” He cleared his throat as Chad just showed him the middle finger. Whispering a “What a bitch”.
It seems like these two get along very well, but in reality, it’s really not like that. They need to fake their friendship and how cool they are just because they’re roommates, which is bullshit. You could’ve been his roommate instead, but due to obvious reasons, it’s not allowed.
“Even so, we don’t have drinks nor popcorns or anything to eat.” Quinn remarked. “Shall one of us go to the supermarket, then.”
You stared at her confused, why going to a supermarket? it’s too far away right now and you don’t even know how long this will take. It’s supposed to be a movie night, not waiting for Chad or one of the girls to go buy shit.
“Supermarket? there’s literally the shop by the corner!” Ethan replied and you nodded, biting your lip as you look at him intensely while it seems like he isn’t aware of you doing it.
Quinn turned and came closer to him. “Listen here, bitch. You may be my brother but I’m doing you a favor right now, don’t be dumb and keep your mouth shut.” She replied back with a more arrogant tone.
Her look dropped on yours suddenly and you clear your throat. Her sister has always took the.. parental role for him since their mother is unknown even to this day. You couldn’t never really get along with her.
“And you too, y/n” Quinn smirked and turned to everyone. “We might not like the snacks one of us will buy, so why don’t we all just go and buy stuff individually?”
Oh, you get it now. It’s not that you would mind, but since when she knows about you having a thing for her brother? Either way, you thank her.
Everyone sighs and heads towards the door, finally. But not before Chad and Tara looked back at you, asking if you’re coming as well.
You shook your head and they raised their eyebrows, well, Tara. You could tell Chad had a slight smile printed on his face.
Once you heard the door closing and eventually locked from the outside. You both let out a loud sigh. You hated the living room so much for some reason, so you go upstairs towards Tara’s room with Ethan right behind you.
“Do they let you just walk around their house like that?” He chuckled and closed the door behind him.
You sat on the edge of the bed, looking around the bedroom. It was perfect for a date. Her tastes are indeed cool.
“Do I look like I care? Come sit beside me, why so nervous?” you asked. But you were kinda nervous as well, you did everything together, everything but not being this close to each other ‘till now.
Ethan nodded and sits next to you, but doesn’t hold eye contact at all. The tension was already here. You didn’t know why it felt so weird being like this.. it’s not the first time you were alone with him, or with a guy in general.
A few seconds pass and you were still not saying or doing anything. You bite your lip and turned to him, but he already was going to break the ice before you did.
“Y/n, I know we don’t talk much about this but I do care about you and I wish you never let any guy hurt you.”
The random words coming from his mouth made your heart race. You never liked talking about this topic and preferred not to talk about other men in front of him. You bite the skin of your lips and look down, scared that he would notice how vulnerable you actually can become if you talk about past relationships.
“I technically came here to have fun.. you know..” You whisper, leaning towards him, smelling his cologne. “I don’t think we should talk about everything I’ve been through with other men.”
He smiled and rubbed your cheek with his long fingers, this is one of the few times he has touched you like this. He never dared to even touch you by accident, but when he did, he would apologise. But to you, there was nothing to apologise for.
“I think we should, now that we’re alone. Talk with your best friend, y/n.” Ethan looked you up and down, slightly biting his bottom lip. You didn’t know why he’s trying to bring this subject up but you felt like talking to someone about your love life. “Vent to me.”
You nodded and sighed. “So what do you wanna know? you already know all of my exes.” You felt ashamed of saying it out loud, ashamed of yourself that you dated so many. But Ethan just stared at you, letting you continue but there’s nothing to continue about.
“I know how you feel right now and trust me, you shouldn’t think of yourself like this. You dated all of them because you felt empty without someone to take care of you, worship you.” He says those words in such a deep and gentle tone. It makes your heart melt and you involuntarily put your head on his shoulder.
“You know me so well,” you whispered. “Do you want some dating advice? is this why you’re so invested in this conversation?”
“No.” He chuckled but went back to a serious tone which only made you feel bad for ‘ruining’ the mood that is supposed to be serious. “You know I’ve never dated anyone and that I would screw things up in my first relationship anyway.” He scratched the back of his neck.
“You screwing up? look at me, I ruined my relationships because I couldn’t feel anything towards them. They left me with a bitter taste of what love truly is.” You start sobbing and squeezed Ethan’s hand. “Maybe I’m just unlovable and.. I can’t love someone, either.”
Ethan looked at you and put one of his fingers under your chin to lift your head up from his shoulder, making you look at him. Eyes filled with tears and your lips were puffy already. You gave in and now he knows how vulnerable you can be at times, another one who knows.
“Don’t cry, you’re not unlovable and you could love someone. You just have to meet the right guy.” He gently grabbed your shoulders, massaging them while you’re trying to break the eye contact.
You were staring at him like you’ve seen a ghost, and you got more surprised as soon as he wiped your tears away with his index finger, his finger slowly moving down to your lips.
“You’re not broken if that’s what you think,” He got extremely closer to you, his lips just a few inches away from yours. “Let yourself feel something with me.”
Before you could say anything, he pressed his lips against yours, your eyes widened. But it didn’t take much longer for you to slowly close them and kiss him back with your hands around him. Pushing your lips more against his.
He wrapped his hands around your waist, squeezing it as he pushes you onto the bed on your back while lips still locked together and he crawled on top of you, biting your lower lip to make you open your mouth and enter his tongue in, desperately searching for yours.
You moan into the kiss as soon as you feel his tongue on yours and his fingers playing with the waistband of your lace underwear. The fact that it was so easy to him to touch your private parts because of you wearing only a tight red dress, was turning him on even more.
He didn’t want to tease you much though, so his fingers found their way to your already wet cunt, massaging your clit slowly through your panties. Making you break the kiss immediately.
“E-Ethan-“ you moaned his name, which only made him get harder and you wetter by how he was stimulating you.
Ethan continues to play with your clit while you involuntarily squeeze your legs, which makes him laugh and use his other hand to spread them again.
"It's obvious you haven't been touched in this area much," he says amusedly as you roll your eyes, unable to form coherent sentences.
He bites his lips and moves your panties to the side, pressing his finger against your now exposed clit. You start gripping the sheets.
"I-It's too much!" You tilt your head back, and Ethan takes advantage, pressing his mouth against your sensitive neck, lightly biting the spot.
"Really? But I haven't even penetrated you yet!" He smiles and licks the now reddened bite mark.
You didn't expect your best friend to take control and do with you everything no other boy has done before. You feel your body burning with pleasure and desire. The feeling is unfamiliar, but you love it.
He takes his finger away from your clit and you moan in frustration, almost wanting to beg him to give you more. He smiles innocently and takes his shirt off, revealing his muscles and abs. You blush slightly at what you’re seeing. Definitely not expecting this.
But your gaze immediately drops when Ethan pulls his belt down along with his pants, throwing them somewhere on the floor. He's hard as a rock, and you have no idea if it will fit. You gulp when his boxers vanish along with his clothes. You see it, and it's big.
"What's wrong, princess? You should know you have to beg if you want it that bad." he teases. "By the way, are there any condoms around here?"
"Y-Yes," you stammer. "On Tara's nightstand. Chad and she are insatiable." You start laughing together.
He opens a pack of condoms and slowly rolls one onto himself, while you undress in front of him and lie back. Eagerly waiting for him to be on top of you again.
"Please..." You spread your legs.
"Please, what?" he chuckles as he teases your wet pussy with his tip.
"Fuck me!" You beg, and he grins, leaning in to passionately kiss you as he enters slowly, groaning while you start to whimper in pain as you feel him stretching you out.
He didn’t move, he’s letting you adjust to his size. Even though it’s confusing because you’re crying and your legs are shaking. He’s about to pull out but you stopped him.
“Are you… a virgin?” He asks you, confused of your look and the way you’re breathing. You nod slightly.
“Just like you.” You replied, a slight shake could be found in your voice. He rolled his eyes, almost annoyed at the fact that he didn’t know you still were.
“Why didn’t you tell me, baby? I could’ve made this more special to you, to both of us.” You groaned at the pet name and smiled, trying to forget the pain as if never existed.
“But this is special, Ethan. I’ve actually wanted you for so long.” You pulled him closer. “Move, I’m going to be fine.”
He nodded, still unsure of what to do and started thrusting it in and out of you, making you roll your eyes in pleasure and instinctively wrap your legs around him.
Ethan groans in your ear as he feels your hand running through his curly hair. You open your eyes wide when his finger quickly rubs your clit.
"Please, don't stop, keep going," you say, your eyes searching for his, and he whispers in your ear in a sensual manner.
"What a good girl," he praises, and your walls tighten around him, making him whimper and bite your neck without any gentleness. You put your hand over your mouth, tears of pleading in your eyes.
"Don't cover that pretty mouth of yours, let me hear you," he moves faster inside you. "I'm close," he whispers.
You moan loudly, struggling to respond. “Me too-" Ethan presses his lips on yours, taking your lower lip between his teeth which made you open your mouth, enough for him to slide his tongue in as he pounds in you faster. And with one final thrust, you cum all over his dick and he catches his own orgasm, releasing into the condom.
He slowly pulls out, sweat visibly on his forehead as he throws the used condom into the trash can next to Tara’s bed. You’ll make sure to throw it somewhere else before she sees it.
“That was amazing!” He tells you, laying on the bed visibly tired but proud that you’re finally his.
You turn to him and smile, searching for his hand. “I’ve wondered what it’s like to touch and feel something, but now I know.” you lean closer and peck his lips.
“Does it mean you’re giving me a chance?” He asked, you could see how the look on his face changed and how his eyes are basically sparkling.
You nodded. “Yes, but we have to put our clothes back on now, the bitches will get home soon.”
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pommpuriinn · 8 months
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.˚ *꒰ঌsynopsis໒꒱ * ˚. It’s tubatu’s lucky day! They finally go to the famous Everland and meet the superstar herself Fu Bao the panda. Along with eating amusement park food and riding rides all day.
.˚ *꒰ঌauthor’s note໒꒱ * ˚. thank you for 204 followers! I appreciate you guys liking my work and I hope you enjoy this one
outfit | makeup | hair | nails
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.𖥔 ݁ ˖ “I’m so excited~” Joohyung squealed with excitement. “Noona has never really experienced the whole Everland experience.” Yeonjun told the staff. “Well it’s everyone lucky day because you guys can do whatever you want including enjoying the food, but of course you need money so-“ the staff member pulled out the company card. All the members gasped at the sight. “Is it a black card?” Taehyun joked around.
.𖥔 ݁ ˖ the group started walking and talking about how it’s been so long since the last time they came or have some didn’t even ride the rides before. “Are the rides scary?” Joohyung asked Beomgyu who was holding her hand inside his sweater pocket. “Many aren’t.” He tired reassuring her. “Don’t worry Joohyung-ah they aren’t that scary.” Soobin chimed in. “Ok~” she mumbled with a pout (cue the baby noise the editors like to use). 
.𖥔 ݁ ˖ they headed to the gift shop before anything to get deck out in Fu Bao merch, well mostly Yeonjun. He wanted to make a good impression on the princess herself. On the other hand Joohyung cooed at how cute Kai was being as he mimicked a red panda with his cute headband. “Kai let’s match.” Joohyung said, while getting the same hat and ears as him.
.𖥔 ݁ ˖ Joohyung lightly gasped at the sight of Taehyun, “why are the babies so cute today.” Taehyun was wearing the brown hood with ears. Truly looking like a squirrel which warmed Joohyung’s heart with cuteness. The group quickly took pictures before heading to meet Fu Bao.
.𖥔 ݁ ˖ Joohyung laughed at Yeonjun’s giddiness while they were heading to the panda building just before seeing the main event. The building was covered in panda photos and facts. “Wow, they really love their pandas.” Joohyung looked all around while sitting on the couch in the middle. “Noona look up.” Joohyung listened to Kai. “Woah you look a cute cat~” Kai giggled at the photo.
.𖥔 ݁ ˖ “oh my god, oh my god!” Joohyung whispered yelled as they made their way to actual see Fu Bao. “She’s so big and cute.” Joohyung followed the boys and pulled out her phone to take her own pictures, but she accidentally pulled out her iPhone instead of her Samsung from her shoulder bag. “Oh shit.” Everyone looked at her in shocked. “I’m sorry.” Joohyung tried holding in her laughter. “You disrespected her.” Beomgyu was pretending to be offended at Joohyung. “I’m sorry Fu Bao.” She gave the panda a small bow.
.𖥔 ݁ ˖ Joohyung was must excited to go on the Safari World tour. She sat in between Kai and Beomgyu waiting to enjoy the little tour. First it was the Korean tigers, lions, and bengal tigers. “Oh. My. God. They’re so cute!” Joohyung wanted to just go out and lay with them. “This one looks like noona.” Soobin pointed at the tiger that was sunbathing on a rock. “I literally have a picture of noona sunbathing exactly like that, but on our couch.” Taehyun giggled.
.𖥔 ݁ ˖ next were the bears, “so cute~ I just want to pat their chubby butts.” Joohyung looked out the window with big eyes. “Look they’re playing.” Joohyung pointed at the two brother bears play fighting.
.𖥔 ݁ ˖ after the fascinating safari tour the members immediately headed to the food stand and started deciding on what they wanted. It was they’re first meal of the day so they went a bit crazy, but who can blame them they woke up so early just to get to experience certain things without lots of people around or following them. They went behind a building to enjoy their food and drinks and as they were munching away Soobin did a quick head count and realized Joohyung wasn’t standing with them. “Where’s Joohyung?” The members eyes widened, but the panic quickly dissolve when they spotted Joohyung sitting on the floor back against the building eating her churro with her sweet tea in the other hand. “Ya you scared us!” Soobin playfully scolded her. “Sorry I just wanted to sit down and eat.” She smiled at Soobin.
.𖥔 ݁ ˖ “I hope the director gets wet.” Yeonjun teased. “Don’t say that because then we’re going to get wet.” Joohyung chuckled, as she was sitting next to him on the Amazon Express water ride. It wasn’t long until karma got Yeonjun and unfortunately got Beomgyu too both getting a bit wet with the splash. “See I told you. You dummy!” Joohyung yelled while holding her glasses in place, scared that they might fall off her face. Water splashed on Joohyung causing her glasses and short bangs to get a bit wet. “Ah!” She screamed in shock.
.𖥔 ݁ ˖ “noona your bangs.” Yeonjun laughed at the sight of pouty Joohyung. “Here let me help you.” Yeonjun ruffled her bangs trying to fix them. “Thank you.” She mumbled, as she wiped the water drops off her glasses.
.𖥔 ݁ ˖ again Joohyung went by Beomgyu’s side and hugged his left arm while hearing the members discuss about a roller coaster they want to go on. Soon they were met by a spinning coaster which was very intimidating to not only Joohyung but Kai too. “Let’s just start with Rolling X Train.” Yeonjun led the way.
.𖥔 ݁ ˖ “don’t worry we have each other.” Joohyung sat next to Kai which they couldn’t decide if it was a good idea seating the two scary cats together or not. Joohyung intertwine her hand with Kai’s. The ride started and Joohyung let out a small whimpered. “It’s ok noona just hold my hand tight.” Even though Kai was scared he just put on a brave face for Joohyung. As soon as the ride went down on the drop Joohyung started screaming with her head down, and bringing her and Kai’s hands to her head squeezing his hand. Both of their souls left their body as the ride slowly went back to the start.
.𖥔 ݁ ˖ Yeonjun, Soobin, and Taehyun went on a different spinning ride which Beomgyu, Joohyung, and Kai opt out on for obvious reasons. “They’re crazy.” Joohyung shook her head ‘no’ while staring at them. Kai kept on taking pictures of them which he captured a scared looking Yeonjun who was sideways. “Why does he look like that!” Joohyung laughed at the photos.
.𖥔 ݁ ˖ they made their way back to the first spinning ride still deciding if they wanted to go on it. “I’ll ride it.” Yeonjun said, while taking off his little Fu Bao backpack. Soobin soon agreed to go with Yeonjun who still looked a bit hesitant. “I’ll go too hyung.” Kai rised his hand. “You’re so brave.” Joohyung gave Kai a comforting hug before staying with Beomgyu and Taehyun. Right when the ride started moving Joohyung Kai sighed probably asking ‘how did I get here?’. “Aw Kai looks so nervous.” Joohyung rested her cheek on Beomgyu’s arm, as she watched Kai. “Ya, I can only hear Yeonjun’s screams.” The three laughed at Yeonjun’s screams, as the ride turned back and forth.
.𖥔 ݁ ˖ it comes with a surprise that Joohyung actually enjoys riding the Viking than roller coasters. Kai hates this one. So he sat in between Joohyung and Yeonjun who at first were having fun then they two hugged Kai for comfort throughout the whole ride. “I was squeezing noona’s arm.” Kai said, as they got off the ride. “I saw you pulled her down with you.” Soobin teased, as they walked. “Kai are you okay?” Beomgyu asked, looking back at him. “Kai wanted to die.” Taehyun laughed. “Leave my baby alone.” Joohyung gently punched Taehyun’s arm, making everyone smile at her protectiveness of Kai.
.𖥔 ݁ ˖ “it’s time to rest.” Joohyung stretched her arms out on the table of an empty little dinning room they went into. The members all laid their heads down and close their eyes trying to gain their energy back with a quick power nap. Well it wasn’t really a nap but at least they closed their eyes for a second before talking about their favorite parts of the day plus memories of similar experiences they had.
.𖥔 ݁ ˖ as Beomgyu was talking Joohyung was watching has he pushing one side of his hair back. “You’re pretty.” Joohyung whispered, causing Beomgyu to looked back at her before getting flustered with her stare. He quickly laid his head back onto her arm so she wouldn’t see his rosy cheeks and ears.
.𖥔 ݁ ˖ “the cat family was so cute.” Joohyung recalled at how cute they looked sleeping on the rocks. “Oh! I found the picture I was talking about earlier.” Taehyun stopped eating and pulled out his phone to show the camera and the members. “This was when she visited us.” Taehyun let the camera zoom in on his phone. “Please put and side by side comparison.” Yeonjun asked the staff which they gladly did.
.𖥔 ݁ ˖ then they started talking about the rides and which one was the most intense one to Yeonjun with all the rides he has ridden before. “How about the one in Las Vegas?” Taehyun asked Yeonjun. “That one was scary. I’m surprised Joohyung even went on it.” The group shared laughs. “Noona was sitting next to a foreigner and they were holding eachother screaming.” Taehyun added. “With fear we became friends during those short moments.” Joohyung laughed at the memory.
.𖥔 ݁ ˖ “overall we had lots of fun and let’s have more fun in the next-“
“To Do~” the group chants after Joohyung closed them out.
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onmyyan · 2 years
Hi!! Your answer to my last question about Cas and his family made me so softt-
I have a question if you don't mind? But are there any types of people that the Delmont family kinda wouldn't approve of for their family members? Or are they sure that the men of the family can handle whatever kind of darling they desire?
Also I love the image of teen Caspian in the kitchen! I kinda imagine him in there with his Ma just humming a little tune and jebeksnwk, I just love him sm! I bet his mom is super kind and sweet! I wanna just dance around with him in the kitchen while things bake while belting some silly little song-
Sorry for sending so much! I just really enjoy your writings and the way you tell things! Have a good day or night and it's okay to take a break and eat a snack in case you haven't today!
A/N: Omgggg sweet anon you never have to apologize for sending in asks I love writing its so much fun!!! And his family is a riot I adore them so much🖤❤ also im sorry if I'm posting too much Caspian content (EDITED 12/16/22)
T/W: Yandere shenanigans, Cas fantasizes about a future family
Fun fact! He still does this cute humming thing while he cooks! Most of the time he doesn't even notice he's doing it until he sees you've paused what you're in the middle of to smile at him in a way that pulls his focus from the stove. If he catches you singing it's a whole thing, he'll turn up the song and take your hand, the way he fully committed to his role made it impossible to feel embarrassed. Seeing such a large, imposing man, belt out ABBA with full seriousness is a sight.
The first time you meet his Mother you're shaking like a leaf, terrified to make the wrong impression and scare off Caspian (something that was quite literally impossible.) He's both incredibly touched you were so worried but also lived in a constant state of needing to assure your happiness, so he tried everything he could to convince you she'd love you, that no matter what happened he'd be leaving this place just as in enamored as he came in but you couldn't be pacified, that is until you met her and the small woman threw herself around you with the warmest smile.
She'd gush over you to Caspian as she greeted him the same, her warm welcome wouldn't stop there as she, like her son, showed her love through food and had made a feast for what looked like an entire family.
Caspian barely got a word in the way you two talked and laughed with one another, he could really cry at the sight, especially when she hopped up asking for your help finishing the desserts she'd made just for the occasion. It was like a filter had gone over his eyes, he could see it now, a few kids running around the house the same way he and his brothers did, his mother would be sitting there giving pointers and stealing bits of the fruit you'd have brought from your garden back home. He'd have his youngest on his hip, the other hand would be feeding you from a spoon for the obligatory taste test. He was only pulled out of the fantasy by the sounds of your combined laughter.
Now as for if they have approval issues with darlings.
There's this unspoken rule, that while they'll share the most base-level things about them, they are not to interfere with each other's darlings unless specifically asked.
If they didn't strictly follow these rules, disaster would strike. Take the time in High school when Gabe and Ricky found out they both had their eyes on the same girl, they were on each other like dogs, both bloody and bruised because while Gabriel was much bigger, Ricky had this scary state he'd fall into where he just wailed on someone or something until he wasn't angry anymore if the others tried to step in they risked getting pulled into the scrap, it only stopped because their Mother came home, she rushed inside once she heard the commotion and snatched both of them up by the ear.
After their shared punishment of cleaning the whole house, they'd come up with the system they still used today, all in an effort to keep the peace. Both agreed to share the names and photos of their darling in their brothers-only group chat from that point on, that way if anyone had something to say they could before said brother got attached, Caspian had always found the system stupid and only ever agreed to it to get the younger two off his ass, he followed his heart and wouldn't stop until he had you securely in his arms. Damn what anyone said.
And yet, that first night after he met you he found himself sending over the most recent selfie you'd uploaded, he found your socials seconds after finding your full name and waited on bated breath for their response.
Gabe: 'She's cute, you meet her in that class you took today? Need any info?' Gabe was always the best at getting information fast, people loved him which meant he had connections.
'No thanks- I wanna do it myself.' He shot back, the second he sent that picture your fate had been sealed with him entwined.
Marcos: 'Took you long enough, any problems?'
That was Marcos for "Does she have anyone in her life in the way you want me to handle?"
'So far so good, no rats on the runway.' His two youngest brothers had a taste for violence and often enjoyed the process of clearing off those rats. He knew if he needed something done messy and mean, Marcos was the man.
Ricky: 👍
Caspian rolled his eyes not expecting much more from his enigma of a sibling. And lastly, he waited on his hardest to please family members.
Manny had yet to respond, instead, about fifteen minutes passed then Caspian received a call.
"You serious about her Cas?"
"As a heart attack little man." The nickname was a cheap play but he knew it soothe his violently protective little brother. "I gotta wait a minute before then but when she's ready for it I'd love for you to meet her Manny." He heard a shaky inhale before a deep sigh, ever the unpredictable one, he soon flipped his tone, now sounding like the 22-year-old he was, "You gotta' tell me everything Cas! What's she like? Does she smell good? Do you have a ton in common or is it like opposites attract kinda thing??" He'd spend the whole night on the phone dishing to his brother, the weight off his chest gone.
All in all, they play it safe!! Although in a fucked up timeline they all want the same Darling- Oh baby you are gone.
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five-rivers · 1 year
Cryptid Crawl! 7
“You… aren’t a cryptid,” said the man who’d been chasing Danny for literal miles.
“What?” demanded the other unbelievable human being, who hadn’t been all that far behind the first guy.  “Did these guys hire you to make us look bad?”
“Uh, no?” said Danny, who realized he’d said it like a question.  “No,” he repeated, more confidently, because this was the plan.  “I am making you look bad freelance.”
“That’s the wrong word, dude,” said Tucker.  
“It’s pro bono,” corrected Sam.  
“Pro bono.”  He nodded.  “Like Peter Parker.”
“Still the wrong thing.”
“What does Spider-Man have to do with this?”
“We both wear cool costumes and have our pictures taken, duh,” said Danny, not mentioning the superhero thing.  He started to peel the contacts out of his eyes.  
“What are you doing going around dressed like the Amity Park Phantom, then?”
Danny snorted.  “There is no Amity Park Phantom.  It’s just me and sometimes my friends messing around.”
Crawly’s face turned dangerously furious.  “It’s what?”
“This is like…”  He waved his hand vaguely.  “A prank?  Follow people around, spook them a little?  It’s something we do sometimes, for the bit.”
“The bit?  What do you mean, the bit?”
“For the joke.  You don’t think Amity Park is really haunted, do you?”  Danny rolled his eyes theatrically.  “I was going to do the same thing today, but then you started chasing me.”  He pointed accusingly at Bill.  “Like, you chased me for blocks.  It freaked me out.”  That last bit was hardly even a lie.
“Uh,” said Bill.  “Sorry?”
“I mean, I guess it’s your job, but–”
“Wait, wait, wait,” said Az, who had lost a great deal of his for-television veneer.  “If you’re not a ghost, how were you running that fast?  How were either of you running that fast?  That kind of speed isn’t possible for normal humans!”
“Yeah, duh, that’s because Bill is an ex-military super-spy!” said Crawly, leaning on Bill’s shoulder.
“I’m retired from the spy business, actually.”
“That’s not the point!” said Az, throwing his hands up in the air.  He then pointed accusingly at Danny.  “You!” he said.  “Do you have any idea how this’ll affect our ratings?  I can’t afford to go job hunting again!  No one will hire Jimmy!  He doesn’t talk!”
“Oh, yeah,” said Danny, unzipping the top part of the fake hazmat suit so he could shrug halfway out of it and tie the arms around his waist, “where are the other two stooges?”
Az spun on the spot and stalked away, followed by a good deal of the camera crew.  Then he came back, dragging his brother and Jimmy with him.  Danny’s eyes met with Jimmy’s.  
Danny’s ghost sense started to go off– And he swallowed it.  No breathing a bunch of weird blue fog in the middle of a sunny spring day on camera.  Nope.  Danny had to admit he was impressed, though.  That was a very realistic human disguise.  
“You,” said Az, “are getting interviewed, and you,”  he turned his baleful finger at Crawly, “are getting off our set.”
“What set?  This is an abandoned lot.  You can’t make us do anything.”
They started bickering.
Apart from one of the hosts being a ghost, and the others being bizarre enough that Danny was wondering if they would fit in in Amity Park, this was actually going quite well.  Neither show would have a coherent enough episode to make Amity Park interesting to any wannabe ghost hunter tourists.  Or cryptid hunters.  Whatever.
Gosh, the only thing they needed now was for the UFO hunters to come out of the woodwork.  Or was Hannah enough of one to fulfill that category all by herself?
Before Danny could decide, a massive pillar of green light originating from a couple miles away lit up the sky.  The sky howled and pulsed.  
“What the hell was that?” demanded Az.  “You guys saw that, too, right?”
“Yep,” said Ned.  
“Hmm,” said Jimmy.  
“Bill,” said Crawly, “I think this trip just became worth it again.”
They all left.  
“What,” said Danny, “was that?”
“Uh,” said Tucker, “I’m working on it.  Get Ember.”
“Or Desiree or someone else who can either cause a massive distraction or unscrew reality because I am–”  there was a crashing sound.  “
“I’ll get her,” said Jazz.  
Danny jumped.  “Have you been listening the whole time?”
“Yeah, but it’s busy here, so sue me.  I’ll talk to Ember, just tell me what you need.”
“Hey, Danny!”
“Dani!” exclaimed Danny, looking up.  “Val!”  He paused.  “Are you sure you should be hoverboarding this close to the cameras?”
“Shut up,” said Val, “we’re here to give you a ride to whatever that was.”
“I’m on my way, too,” said Sam.  “Hold on, there, Tucker.”
Danny, Val, and Jazz arrived to see most of the Groovy Ghost Blasters Extreme unconscious and stuck to various walls with bright green goo and Tucker trying to hack the GAV and Danny’s parents nowhere in sight.
“Where are Mom and Dad?” asked Danny, jumping off Valerie’s board.  Valerie tapped her heels together, retracting the board as soon as he was off.  
“Chasing the tiger.  Apparently they think it’s a ghost.”
“Great,” said Danny, rubbing his hand down over his face.  “Sam’s not going to be happy about that.”  He jogged over to the Groovy Ghost Blasters Extreme and started checking vitals.  “Everyone looks alive.”  Now, he should get them off the wall and to a hospital or something.  Getting knocked out wasn’t generally good for people…
“What should I do?” asked Dani.  
“Uh,” said Danny.  “I don’t know, Tucker?  What was your plan?”
“Uh,” said Tucker.  He pointed at a trailer that held the ruins of several vehicles.  “Stage.”  He pointed at the smoking holes in the street.  “Mist from black ice?”  He pointed at the GAV.  “Lighting and sound system?  I don’t know, man.  I’m just making things up.  There’s no way we can hide this on our own.”
“The hunters are getting closer,” said Sam.  “It’d be great if I had some help slowing them down.”
“Okay,” said Danny, “okay.”  He ran over to the GAV and used his handprint to sign in.  Most of the controls were still locked out for him - no driving license - but it got Tucker that little bit forward.  “Uh, then, Dani, you fill up anything smoking with dry ice, Val, you and me, we need to get those guys to a hospital.”
“I think I’ll have to do that myself,” said Val, “unless you have a hoverboard.”
“To cut them out,” said Danny, producing a pair of Fenton Scissors from his pocket and walking over.  “Otherwise, that stuff won’t come off unless you take a wall with it.”  He spoke from unfortunate experience.  Usually, he’d just phase them out, but… witnesses.
Things had been going so well, too.
“Babypop is letting me perform in his precious city?” asked Ember, eyebrow raised.  
“Assuming you do it fast, yes,” said Jazz, blowing a strand of hair out of her face.  She was covered in flour, eggs, butter, batter in various states of mixture, and icing.  “You know that your performances were never the problem.  The problem was the mind control.”
“But he’s suddenly okay with it now?”
“He’s got to hide the results of a ecto-gun fight between our parents and trigger happy ghost hunters.  Tucker thinks their ATV trailer could be covered up as a stage.”
“And why should I?  If Amity becomes famous, maybe some of that spills over.  More people to hear me play.  More people to shout my name.”
“Do you want to be famous in your own right, because of your music, or because you’re a ghost?” snapped Jazz.  
“What do you think, babe?” asked Ember, leaning back towards the rest of the ghosts.  
“Do it, and show them the error of underestimating you!” said Skulker, around a mouthful of cake, and how did that even work, exactly?  Jazz just… ugh.  She didn’t want to know.  
“Okay, yeah, sounds good.  I’ve performed on worse.  I’ll take a look.”
“Maybe we should call an ambulance, actually,” said Danny.  Getting knocked out like this and staying knocked out was generally a bad sign.  
“And screw things up for whatever friend you’ve got coming to turn this into some kind of rock show?” asked Valerie.  
“It’s just Fenton Sleeping Gas,” called Tucker.  “According to the weapons logs, anyway.”
Danny briefly looked skyward.  “Why do they even have that?  I swear…”
“I have Ember on her way, better get Valerie out of there.”
“Yeah,” said Danny, “just, uh.  Dani!  Help Val carry these guys, will you?”
Dani dropped another chunk of ice into a hole.  “On it!”
“Cool, cool, cool,” said Tucker.  “There’s so much stuff.  Why is there so much stuff?”
Danny wasn’t sure if he was talking about the code in the GAV, the weapons in the GAV, or the debris scattered all over the road.  In any case, there was a lot of stuff.  
But Valerie was flying off, and… “Sam, do we have an ETA on those guys?”
“You’re lucky they didn’t have cars,” said Sam.  “Halfway there.”
“Thanks.”  Danny transformed and started pushing stuff out of the way.  He also did the fastest structural ice-work of his life, covering up the trailer and making it look more stage-like.  He hid several of the gaping holes in the street– hopefully being filled with ice wouldn’t make them worse– and worked on putting out the few fires that were still going, despite Dani’s ice.  
Then he paused and surveyed his work.  It looked…
… Bad.  
Genuinely, there was no way around it.  
“Oi, babypop!” called Ember from above.  “What’re you doing chilling out when it’s time to rock on?”
Smiling at Ember was a new experience for Danny.  Maybe–
“Hey, uh.  That one terrifying camera guy is fighting a tiger, now, what do I do?”
The tiger.  The one his parents had been chasing.  
“Sorry, got to go!” he shouted.  
“Are you ditching me?” demanded Ember.  
“It’s not you,” said Tucker, “it’s the tiger.”
“That’s a tiger,” said Ned.  He might have been more concerned about the situation if the tiger wasn’t running away from Bill.  
“Hng,” said Jimmy.  
“Genuinely a tiger.  Just a tiger.”
“Hm,” said Jimmy.  
“You know what?  I’m done.”
“Yes!  Get it, Bill!  If we can’t have a cryptid we can at least get an anomalous big cat!”
“Just done.  Done with this, done with the show, done with everything.  I want to retire and work on classic cars.”
“You can’t retire,” hissed Az, who was hiding behind Jimmy.  “You’re in your thirties!  And we don’t know what that light was, yet!”
Ned was very tempted to say screw the light.  
Behind him, the producer attempted and failed to call animal control.  
“Fine, we can go see what the light was about, but if we get there and it’s a kid in an iceberg–”
“What are you talking about?”
“Oh, like you never watch cartoons.”
“Yes!  Yes!  Now zoom in on its face.  I’ve never seen a tiger like this before, maybe it’s endangered!”
“Please, please set up,” begged Tucker.  “Please start playing.”
“Uh, no,” said Ember, crossing her arms.  “I’m not performing for an empty street.”
“You said–”
“I’d said I’d take a look.  So here I am.  Looking.”
“Ember,” squeaked Tucker.  “Come on.  You got free cake.”
“For staying hidden, yeah.  But that’s not my point, geek squad.  Don’t you think that me playing to absolutely no one would be suspicious?  No way this is a concert.  It’s a special effects test for later this week.  And you’d better believe that later this week, I’ll be collecting.”
Danny flashed into visibility in front of his parents and prepared himself for a very long chase.  
They eventually got hold of animal control.
“No, you can’t be here.  I’ve got it cleared with the city to test this stuff, and it’s proprietary. You’re lucky security is on break, so you’d better get your stupid cameras out of here before they get back.”
“But the light–” started Az.
“Pro. Pri. E. Tary.  What. Part. Don’t. You. Get.  Little T, how’s your martial arts class going, can you kick these guys out?”
“Uh,” said Tucker, who was honestly sort of impressed by Ember’s whole performance, improvised as it was.  But then, he supposed she had practice.  It must be hard getting a venue when you were dead and had no money.  Between how she’d altered the stage with her powers and what she was saying now, they might be able to pull this off.  “Maybe?”  He sized up the tallest of the three ‘Investigators.’ “Probably not, actually.”  Not without weapons, anyway.  
“Whatever, it’s not like that’s what I pay you for.”
“You know what?” asked Az, who was, at this point, staring dead-eyed into space.  “I’m done.  Let’s go get cake.”
“That’s the smartest thing you’ve said since we got here,” said Ned.  
“Cake,” said Jimmy.  
“Oh, crud,” mumbled Tucker.  
“What?” said Sam.  He could see her head peeking out of an alley a few blocks down.  “Are they not buying it?”
“Worse,” whispered Tucker.  “They’re going for cake.”
“Hey,” said Crawly, as the tiger was loaded into the truck by animal control.  “This might have been a bit of a bust, but we can still go get cake.”
“Any day where I get to wrestle a cryptid tiger is a good day,” said Bill.  
“Uh,” said one of the animal control people.  “It’s a regular tiger, just albino.”
Crawly held up a finger.  “Hush, you.”
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katy-l-wood · 2 years
You know, I talk about my family Cabin on here a lot, but I don't think I've ever actually explained what the Cabin IS. So. Story time. We haven't had a story time in awhile.
This story starts sometime in the early 1900s with my great grandfather losing half his right hand in some sort of logging/mill/mining accident. The stories vary depending who in the family you ask. (He also ran mule trains over the mountains at some point.) But however he lost it, he ended up in the local hotel (which was a facade building, I believe, so just a glorified tent) because there was no hospital. There was also no doctor. Somehow somebody tracked down a nurse somewhere and brought her to the hotel.
It was improper for this young woman to be alone with a man, even if she was trying to make him not be dead. The scandal!!!
So that nurse became my great-grandmother. No idea what their actual wedding was like, but I imagine it was rather interesting given they'd only known one another two days and he was still half delirious because of major injury.
Now we'll skip forward a bit. They decide to buy a few acres over in Middle Park/Grand County, and they're gonna start a little ranch up there. They pay some dude for the land and pack up the wagon (yes, wagon, the Colorado mountains didn't get the message that the century had changed until about 30-40 years after it happened). But then they arrived and, on no, they've been lied to! No land is waiting! They managed to get themselves a few acres anyway and went about starting their ranch and having 10+ children, all but one of whom lived to adulthood which was damn impressive. (Also worthwhile to note here that, until sometime in the 1950s, there was only one doctor in the whole county and she was a grumpy old lady who didn't believe in pain meds.)
Their youngest daughter died at 4, I believe from whooping cough, and less than a week later my great-grandfather came in from the fields, said he wasn't feeling well, laid down, and died. So now here's my great-grandmother in the middle of the Rockies in the 1920s with 10+ kids, some of them still under 10. And let me tell you, she kicked ass.
But what does all of this have to do with the Cabin you say? Well, see, those 10+ kids spread out all over the county, buying their own lands and marrying into the other families up there. Then along came the state saying "hey, we want to build a reservoir where your house is, get out." To which my great-grandmother said "fuck you." She said fuck you enough times that the family eventually ended up with 1000+ acres in exchange for moving off their little plot. They literally just picked up the house and moved it about 1/4 mile up the hill, and that original house is still there today.
Now, ever since then the family has sold off some of the land, but we still have a lot of it. The family cattle ranch is still operational as well, now run by one of my second cousins. A couple of my great-uncles also built houses on various parts of the property over the years, which is how we get to the Cabin.
My grandfather, the youngest living child of his parents, eventually moved down to Denver. But he still loved his home in the mountains, and wanted his 10 kids to experience that as well. One of the houses on the family property had fallen into disuse, to the point cows were living in it and having a grand old time. My grandfather decided to fix it up so that he and his kids could have a place to go up there. This was the first Cabin, referred to as Camp Grub. Until his sister-in-law, who technically owned the house with his brother, realized he'd fixed the house and went "oh, how nice of you! Get out, it's mine now."
Thus, the second Cabin came into being. Not wanting to give up on having a place up there, my grandfather found another cabin a few miles away and rented that. It was called the White House because it was. Well. White. This is where my dad and his 9 siblings grew up going all the time. Lots of fond memories of hunting, fishing, and general shenanigans. But then, early in the 90s, the owner of the property didn't renew my grandparent's lease.
This time, my grandparents wanted to get something they OWNED and couldn't be taken from them. They settled on the Cabin, which was again several miles away in a different spot. This third Cabin is the one we still have today, the little A-frame. It was named Moose Camp.
None of his children wanted him to buy an A-frame. Because A-frames are terrible. It could only sleep six people and, at this point, there were a good 20+ family members that wanted to use it. But my grandfather did not care. So we ended up with an A-frame that sits on 60ish acres and, at the time, was on the only tiny little flat spot of the entire 60ish acres.
My dad and his siblings, mostly in their 20s and early 30s at the time, took one look at this and decided nope. Must fix. So they promptly set about hand-digging a basement to add four more bedrooms, and they dug out a huge chunk of the hillside to create a flat spot for the garage and parking. Half the garage is a garage, the other half (separated by a wall) is an outdoor livingroom/dining area. There has been some other odds and ends projects done over the years such as cutting a couple RV parking spots out of the woods, but nothing else major.
Now, this is the Cabin I grew up in and the one we still have. I have spent nearly 30 years of my life going up there almost every weekend. After my parents divorced they started moving at least once a year each so from a very young age I never had a stable home except for the Cabin.
The whole family used it, and you never knew who was coming. It could be just a few people, or twenty. Sometimes people brought friends. Sometimes distant cousins showed up. My cousins and I had the run of the place, and the whole 60 acres. It was a grand old time, and I wouldn't trade it for the world. We all learned to shoot, to hunt, to be safe in the woods. We heard all the family stories, and visited the family that still lived up there. There were always at least two fridges full of food and it was just sort of a free for all of who ate what, didn't really matter who brought it. There were campfires out behind the garage. There were lazy days in the gazebo my dad and his siblings built for their mother from scrap wood.
After my grandparents died, the Cabin was put into a trust so that now all of their kids have an equal share in it. (Except for one, who we do not speak of, because she is not welcome in the family anymore, and another who has died.) Over the years, most of the family has used it less and less. My dad and I are now the ones who use it the most, and do most of the upkeep. I've got an uncle and an aunt (my dad's brother and sister) who come up a fair amount as well, but the uncle is getting a bit too old to really help out with the heavy projects and the aunt...well...she tries.
Other family does still come up, though. Some a handful of times every year, others only once a year or so. They usually find something to complain about (specifically one aunt who is a very my-way-or-the-highway person) or some project they think needs done, and they'll moan about it not getting taken care of, but never do anything about it. They leave and my dad and I continue to tinker with the plumbing, cut firewood for everyone else to use, clean out the fridges, restain the siding, fix the basement when it floods in the spring, plow the road, and everything else that needs done, never really bringing up the fact that we're the only real caretakers left of the place. If the rest of the family does manage to decide to do some sort of project my dad and I usually end up putting it back in order once they're gone, and they never notice.
We still visit the surrounding family, we still hunt, we still explore. But it's quieter now. It'll always be home, though. The only real home I've ever had. According to the rules of the trust, the property has to stay in the Wood family unless every member of the trust agrees to sell, which they'll never do. So it'll be there, in some form, for quite awhile.
(Putting the words Long Post in here so the tumblr filters can hide it even if other people don't tag it as such.)
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echantedtoon · 11 months
Demon Bride Ch53 Karaku Is Working On It
(WARNINGS!!: Karaku IS his own warning. Possibly some innuendos. Mentioning of Sakura's past actions. Yn LITERALLY snacks sense into Sekido when he calls Karaku stupid but he later redeems himself.)
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(Author's Note:  This chapters events spans about two months after Douma speaks to Yn about Sakura. The Hantengu's Bros Arc is slowly coming to a close. The quadruplets will be around for maybe one or two more chapters after this one.)
You know. You were expecting things to be a little bit different than before sure. But what you didn't expect really was that you would be woken up by... Nothing. No knocking. No voices. No Rui going to school. Just blissful slumber until you woke up on your own. The breakfast just left on your doorstep. They didn't even wake you up for it. Odd. But VERY much welcome. 
It was a WONDERFUL day.
You actually got to sleep in for a long time, eat breakfast at your own pace, got to be left alone, and treated yourself to a long, long hot bath and book reading session. No one bothered you other than another knock on the door that was just lunch being left on your doorstep and then again later today when Rui got home and was holding...his puppy??
"... Don't tell me you brought your puppy to school! You're not supposed to do that. What if she got lost while you weren't looking."
"I know. Sensai said the same thing when he saw her. But Arachnid will get so lonely without me! How can I abandon her?"
"Sekido assigned someone to look after her while you're at school. Leave Arachnid home from now on and play with her until you get back. Ok?"
He sighed. "Ok."
"Good. Now come eat dinner and then it's bedtime for you."
It was a good day. You didn't feel stressed anymore so you guessed Douma was right about you releasing all the pent-up stress out on Sakura. Which you still felt bad about but she did attack you first. Sigh...You'd think about this later. The next day however you DID have a visitor. Just a little while after Rui left for school. A knocking on your door had you opening it up only to discover Aizetsu on the other side, and he was...smiling?
"U-Um...I-I hope I'm not disturbing you."
"No. What's brought you here?"
"Um.." He suddenly looked embarrassed and rubbed his neck and you noticed that he had a book in his hands. "I-I was done with a b-book and wondered if you wanted to read it? A-And maybe spend time with..me.." He looked away embarrassed. "Reading other books...to-together."
You immediately smiled. "Of course I would!  Come on in!" 
The blue eyed demon smiled and came on in. The rest of the day was filled with you in Aizetsu's lap as you two read through the books. Three days later Aizetsu came back again with even more books. And it continued onwards like that with Aizetsu for a while. Apparently his brothers and himself all agreed on letting them all individually spend time with you in their own ways. Oh. That was nice. But I'm the middle of it all you had a knock on the door and answered it only to see Karaku there smiling and crossing his arms. 
"Karaku? What are you doing here?"
He smirked. "I was in the neighborhood and thought I'd stop by.~ Also I thought of a math equation. You-" he pointed at you. "-plus me-" he then pointed at himself. "-equals dinner together.~"
"No." He froze as you shook your head. "Sorry. I already made arrangements to spend time with Aizetsu and ONLY Aizetsu for a few days. You'll have to check back when I'm not busy. Why don't you just spend time with your father and little brother? I'm sure they'll be much better company."
You then politely closed the door. A few days later you were expecting Aizetsu back only to jump when the door suddenly flew open and Urogi announced his presence. 
"Hey, Dove!!" He just allowed himself into your room. Happily chuckling noticing that you jumped. "I'm here for my turn with ya!"
"...OK!! NEW RULE!!" You scowled firmly standing up and pointing at him with a serious look that made Urogi pause. "If you EVER enter my room without knocking or asking again I will NEVER go out with you again. Privacy is basic decency. Understood?" He gulped and quickly nodded. "Good. Now what are you here for?"
He instantly smiled again. "It's my turn to spend some time with you! I was thinking we should go out again and hunt or fish!"
That immediately caught your attention. "Really?! Like REAL hunting and fishing REAL game!!" You smiled. "Real fish and rabbits and wild turkeys?!"
"And deer and ducks and whatever else you want, Princess.~ In the real wild forest!" He then flexed an arm up. "Not to brag but I have a really good catching streak!"
"When can we leave?!"
Urogi threw his head back and cackled. "Whenever you want, Pigeon.~"
And thus started the trend of the female servants nearly fainting it terror or screaming and running away or looking disgusted at you when you started going out with Urogi every few days and came back with a few things. The first day he took you out, you brought back a few ducks which you then gave to the shocked kitchen staff and you looked quite a mess. The female head of the dwell, Yoko, actually fainted into her husband's arms the next time he took you out and brought back an entire deer you brought down by tackling it with your newfound speed and strength. One good thing from your new demon body. Often when you came back you were dirty, and a mess and your kimonos were ruined. BUT GODS WERE YOU HAVING FUN AND FEELING ALIVE AFTER SO LONG!! After a particular trip back Karaku had ran into you while coming down the hallway with Urogi whom was carrying a boar that'd surely be made into delicious pork later. The green eyed demon had looked surprised seeing you both there but nearly burst out laughing at the sight of you covered in dirt and with a few leaves stuck to your hair. 
"Hahaha! Wow. You like you had fun! What happened?"
"I brought down a boar by tackling it to the ground." You jabbed a thumb at Urogi whom was easily lugging said wild game on his shoulder with an amused grin. "Feels good to get some workout in."
Urogi chuckled. "She's pretty fun to hunt with I'll tell you that much.~ Like a tigress on the prowl."
"That's great!" Karaku clapped his hands with a wide smile. "Then we can go do that when we go out!"
"Sorry. I can't." He immediately paused. "Urogi promised to teach me how to catch fish with my bare hands. But perhaps a different time. Excuse me. I need to go wash off."
You then stepped around him leaving him standing there and Urogi patted his shoulder with a genuine smile his way. "Be a little patient, Bro. Tell you what. I'll be sure to put in a good word for you with her."
"Thanks. ... Appreciate it."
However the next brother to greet you a week later after your last run in with Karaku wasn't Karaku himself, but an grumpy looking red eyed demon who knocked on your door expecting you to answer.
"Hmph. It's about time. I've been waiting long enough."
You brow rose at him. Already feeling a bit cranky from the loud knocking and attitude he gave you. "What do you want, Sekido?"
"I'm here to spend my amount of courting time with you of course! What else would I be here for?!" Your brow rose higher. "Now get ready. We're going out!"
You crossed your arms. "Uh huh. Y'know..To be honest I was expecting you to be Karaku again asking me for a date."
Sekido scoffed Rolling his red eyes. "That idiot is always doing things stupidly." Your eyes focused on him dangerous. "That's why he gets himself in so many stup-"
S M A C K!!
A MASSIVE slap sound echoed throughout the hallway and bounced off the walls in echoed slowly fading away. There was a stinging in your hand and in Sekido's left cheek as he suddenly found himself staring in the other hand, his head whiplashed to the side. For a long moment nobody spoke until Sekido slowly looked back to you absolutely stunned silent meeting your rage filled eyes.
"Your brothers are not stupid. I've heard you calling all of them everything from 'bumbling idiots' to 'stupid'....I do not tolerate that bullshit in my presence.And you're lucky I didn't strike you hard enough to break your neck for doing that. Aizetsu is a bit clumsy but good meaning. Urogi is easily forgetful but he's a good guy. Karaku...Heh. Karaku is a n asshole a lot of the time but he isn't stupid. He made some stupid mistakes and suffered from it but guess what. So did I. You better not speak of Zohakuten or your father that way either." Your hand harshly grabbed the door. "I won't be seen with a man who degrades his family in such a disgusting manner. I'd consider it an embarrassment. Until you can get your egotistical angry head out of your ass and get it then you can consider yourself banned from me entirely."
S L A M!!
AND the door was slammed in the stunned demon's face. Honestly you weren't really expecting Sekido to come back. Or for him to beg for forgiveness. But only a week later there was another knock on your door and you answered to the presence of Sekido to your surprise. But after a moment of silence you just frowned at him crossing your arms and waiting for him to speak. Red eyes stared intently at your frown. You didn't budge. Not even bothering to ask why he was there. Until his eyes slowly lowered by him bending at the knees. Your eyes didn't look away still making eye contact with him until he sat on his legs hands on his knees. After another few seconds of intense staring, he leaned over until his head bowed over silently. He was bowing at you silently.
"Nothing to say for yourself?" He remained silent. ...Honestly this was probably the closest thing to an actual admission to he was wrong that Sekido would be giving you. "....You know what you did was really bad and it could really hurt someone. As long as you don't do it again and treat me without demanding things from me, then I can just give you a warning this time. Next time I won't be so nice." A hand gently placed itself on  his head. "Now get up and raise your head. I want to go on a walk with you."
He looked up at you and your hand slowly removed itself from his face only for him to grab it and press his lips it it's palm with a small hum. "... You'll be my wife by the end of this year. I need your presence."
"We'll see. But for now let's go on that walk then we can get something to eat and this time I'll pay for it no matter what you say."
You were surprised when Sekido was mostly silent for most of the time you both were together. Mostly he let you talk and he listened to what you said. There was still plenty of hiccups when you both went out mostly on walks or Sekido would take you to a few quiet places such as the book store or a restaurant, and there sometimes was a few men who'd stare at you which earnt Sekido's wrath. You remembered one time you were getting a few ink stones as a gift for Kyogai at the book store when a hand grabbed your arm and you looked up at an unknown man smiling at you.
"Hey. You look lost. May I escort you to where you're going?~"
He was grabbed by the collar and YANKED away from you a second later by a VERY raged looking Sekido who snarled at him. "FUCK OFF!! THAT'S MY FIANCE YOU PERVERTED FUCK!!"
To his credit he didn't try to instantly pummel the guy but his arms were shaking badly as he watched the man instantly take off. Then he just wrapped his arms around you pulling you to himself. Making you raise an amused brow. 
"I didn't know you were so protective."
He scoffed as rested his head on yours pulling you against him."You smell like Aster flowers to my bumb- ...*ahem* To myself and my brothers. Your scent is unnaturally sweet to others as well. It's...very attracting like what draws bees to flowers." He paused as you patted his arms.
"Well then let's go pay for the ink stones and get on our way. I wanna treat my big, strong fiance to some home cooked pork I caught just two weeks ago.~"
His face lit up red..but then he blinked. "Wait. Did you say you caught a wild pig?!"
From then on whenever you both went out Sekido would always have either an arm wrapped around your shoulders or waist, be holding your hand, or having you hang onto his arm. You noticed that less men looked at you then. The few that dared to look were usually scared away by Sekido sending a silent snarl they're way.  This time you didn't run into Karaku until much later after Sekido stopped visiting. But it still wasn't him who knocked on your door. When you answered the knocking one day when Rui was home, you were surprised to see none other than Zohakuten and Mr. Hantengu there. 
Zohakuten looked annoyed and had his arms crossed before huffing. "My father says in order to become proper in-laws we have to be better acquainted outside of my brothers. We're here to have lunch with you and talk."
Rui looked up annoyed from his book holding a sleeping Arachnid in his lap but you shot him a knowing glare. "Rui and I would be delighted to have you both over for lunch. Please come right in.'' You politely stepped aside with a smile that made the teenager pause. "I'll go ahead and get a servant to get some food for you all. I hope miso ramen is alright. Your father must be tired. Come sit down."
"...Hmph. I will give you one thing, despite your unladylike behavior at least you know how to treat your gu-AH!!"
Said teenager winced as a firm hand gripped his ear and yanked him harshly. "Forgive him. My son is still inexperienced. So inexperienced. He has a tendency to say things that I find insulting. Forgive him."
Rui snickered hiding his face behind the book he held when you shot him a glare. "Oh. It's alright. Children will be children. Come inside."
It was in the middle of lunch and Mr. Hantengu's ramblings of how a little Sekido used to be so shy and hide behind his legs when the door knocked and you answered it only to see Karaku again. He smiled wider and winked at you.
"Hey, Beautiful.~"
"Karaku. What a nice surprise. Are you looking for your father?," you politely greeted him making Zohakuten look over at you both curiously.
He shook his long black hair before smiling wider. "Nah. I figured I was overstepping on everyone's else's time with you so I waited til Sekido's turn was over with before coming back."
You blinked lightly surprised before nodding. "That's very considerate of you."
"So we'll go out then?!"
You shook your head. "I promised Rui I'd spend time with him today, and I'm having lunch with your family. I'm sorry but not going out today."
"Then maybe we can go out tomorrow? Or later this week! Whenever you want -" he paused as you calmly held up a hand to him.
"Karaku, Im not going to go out with you. Not yet. It's nothing against you, it's really not. But you still haven't proved to me that you're going to be taking this seriously or change how you treated me before. I'm still willing to give you a chance, but you have to show me you're willing to put in the work. Just asking me to go with you over and over isn't proving anything. I'm sorry, but until then please don't ask me again."
You left him just standing there blankly slowly closing the door in his face-
"And then she just shut the door in my face!," Karaku yelled out frustrated from where he just laid on the floor staring at the ceiling. 
His father hummed just a little aways from him carefully seeing up a hole in a pair of Zohakuten's pants. He always played so roughly during training. Good thing he learnt how to sew three hundred years ago. Zoha was just lazily watching one of his older brothers sulk on the ground boredly. 
"I TRIED LITERALLY EVERYTHING!!", Karaku yelled out frustrated throwing up his arms, "FLOWERS!! GIFTS!! FLIRTING!! ASKING!! I TRIED EVERYTHING SHORT OF JUST THROWING MYSELF AT HER FEET AND BEGGING HER!! WHY WOULD SHE BOTHER HELPING ME OUT IF SHE DOESN'T HAVE INTEREST?! WHY BOTHER TO GIVE ME A CHANCE THEN?!" His arms flopped back to the floor. "I just... don't get it, Dad. I've done everything right. Haven't I?"
"Perhaps that is your problem." Green eyes tilted upwards towards the shaky hand sewing demon. "You are doing what YOU THINK she'd like, but have you ever p-paused to consider that perhaps how you do things isn't what she wants?"
"But all girls like flowers and gifts. Aizetsu and Sekido gave her flowers and she loved them! She's always doing things with them... What's so different from me?"
The sewing was paused as the older demon sighed and looked at him. "My son. The way you act IS what she didn't like. It's true you may have stopped that behavior but she does not see you proving you did. Giving her material gifts does not reveal which intention is behind it."
Karaku blinked before turning from his back to lay on his stomach to look at him better. "Then... How do I prove to her that I AM trying?!"
"That I cannot say because I am not her. You will have to think hard about what she would accept for her to believe you."
"Think about what she made you all do whenever you made her angry before. What did she make you do in order to make her happy again?"
Karaku groaned laying his head in a hand. "*Sigh* She yelled at us and hit us with a giant stick and then she made us apologize to everyone she thought we wronged and then you made us apologize to her...for.." He slowly trailed off as his green eyes widened as a thought crossed over his mind. "Uh...Hey, Pops. Do you still have that random stack of papers around here?"
"Of course."
"Good, good. Um..I'm going to need them and for you to watch me write a lot of letters so I can have some witnesses. Lots ..and LOTS of letters."
You didn't see Karaku again for almost two weeks. You did see his brothers once or twice and Douma once when he popped back in annoyingly, but no Karaku which you supposed might be for the best if he really wasn't interested after all and left you alone. You should return that courting gift he gave you though. It wouldn't be right to keep it when he wasn't courting you after all... You'd give it to Aizetsu and have him give it back to Karaku. However you weren't expecting the frantic knocking on your door and you answering it to see the sight of a panting Karaku on the other side.
"Hey...I-....Hhhhhaaa." He leaned over one hand on the doorframe heaving for air. "Give...A-A minute."
You blinked. "Karaku?" He was a bit sweaty and wheezed like he ran a hundred miles uphill. "What happened to you? Is something wrong?" 
"I- ...got you....*GASP* T-This." A hand shakily held up a single tulip. "F-for...you.."
You blinked... slowly taking the flower before looking back at him. "Thank you? But that doesn't answer my question."
"I-I was...Oh gods.." He inhaled and leaned back up with a sigh. "I came as soon as I heard all my...letters were given out finally."
"Letters?" Your brow rose. "What are you talking about?"
"My letters to all my exes." This time both your brows skyrocketed up and he instantly held up his hands. "It's not what you think! Look. I know you think I'm...Well a womanizer and maybe I am, but I don't want anyone but YOU! Not Sakura or anyone else! So I did this!" His arms were thrown out. "I wrote apology letters to every single one of my exes with the exception of the bitch you battered. Took me a while and a lot of paper. Gods. So much paper. But I did it! I apologized for everything! So...please?"
You continued to stare at his pleading eyes before slowly looking down at the flower you held. Karaku...Apologized to all his ex lovers? ALL OF THEM?! You stared at the flower in shock before slowly turning into a thinking face ... Before looking back at him.
"Are you free today?"
Karaku felt himself go shocked for a moment before again his eyes lit up again and a giant grin spread out on his face. "YOU'RE SERIOUS?!" You nodded. "HOLY FUCK YES!!" 
You squealed as suddenly two arms wrapped around you suddenly and you found yourself twirled around a few times by strong arms before you were sat back down on your feet in front of a genuinely happy smiling Karaku. 
"You'll love this! You like cherry blossoms right?! What an I saying? Everyone loves those! You'll love this part of a mountain I know!" He grabbed your hand and started pulling you towards the door. "C'mon! Nakime will know what spot I mean when I tell her!"
You rose a brow but allowed him to excitedly pull you behind him and out of the Dwell. Long story short, he took a confusion route until he found that weird lady and kept bugging her until she sighed and just raised her instrument.
In an instant you both were teleported. One moment you were in the Infinity Castle and the next you stood somewhere windy. Karaku in front of you grabbing the sides of your head and stepping to make you face a different direction but not allowing you to look anywhere but him. It made you a bit red in the face from his close approximity. Huh. Those green eyes were pretty now that you thought about it.
"And look behind you." He let you go then and stepped back.
You blinked for a moment before looking around you and freezing at what you saw. Wind blew through trees as there was instantly a sweet perfumed scent in the air. The warm breeze scattered about hundreds of thousands of pink petals as they blew through the wind dislodged from countless and countless cherry blossom trees that swayed in the golden sunlight under the deep blue sky. Hundreds of pink petals hit your body and the wing blue your hair around. Slowly you caught one as it blew by before it was again reclaimed by the wind. Slowly you looked from the trees to see a decently sized stream close by which was FULL of petals carrying them away to places unknown. Slowly your eyes turned to Karaku again as he tilted his head smiling, arms crossed.
"Pretty beautiful huh?" He looked around himself before chuckling. "It's tradition to confess under these trees right?" He shrugged. "Thought it'd be appropriate for a courting session."
"Are you kidding me?" He paused but you lit up. "THIS IS INCREDIBLE!!" You held out your arms twirling and cascaded a flurry of petals around you. "I've never seen this many at once before! This place is absolutely beautiful!! How did you even find this place?"
"It's actually the spot my parents had their wedding." He shrugged. "You can say it's been in the family for a while." He then smirked and leaned over as you blinked. "So this is the part I confess to you. Well I already love you. So does that mean we can skip directly to the true love's kiss?~"
Instead of getting angry like he expected you actually rolled your eyes and smiled. "Yeah right. You couldn't get a kiss even if you caught one."
Karaku blinked... before a large and mischievous smirk graced his face and he chuckled lowly making you pause. "Oh really?~ Is that a challenge, Princess?~" 
He purr-growled in glee. You froze. "Karaku, NO!" He uncrossed his arms wiggling his eyes at you. "No! NO! I said no!" You took a step back. "Karaku I swear if you even think-"
You squealed out loudly as he suddenly jumped up holding his arms up and you ducked as he lunged to grab you. You dodged his lunge before running off towards a couple trees, your senses heightening as you heard him quickly follow. Despite how you SHOULD'VE been reacting to this your mouth broke out in a grin and you ran a little faster- Squealing again as you felt a hand almost snatch your shoulder. Eventually you ran around a tree and stopped turning around and facing Karaku who was on the other side of the tree. You both leaned back and forth. A wide smile on his face and a chorus of laughs escaping his mouth as he blocked your way this way and that.
"You can always just give up at let me catch you.~"
"Want a kiss? Gotta earn it!"
His pupils dilated and he gave a heightened growl of glee.  You made a break for it to the left back towards the stream and immediately you heard footsteps behind you- You squealed as two strong arms wrapped around your waist lifting you up and both of you tripped over yourselves-
You both just fell into the stream and immediately cold water seeped into your bones. Karaku was first to get up coughing a little and spitting out a few pink petals. A few pink petals cling to him from the water and he groaned reaching up to rub his face before opening his eyes. 
 His hands flew up to cover his face from water before his green eyes blinked as laughter filled his ears. And he froze. There you were smiling and laughing at him. Your hair a mess but sunlight glittering off of the droplets of  water making you skin look like it was made of diamonds. Your skin decorated with hundreds of pink petals matching her intoxicating scent. Cheeks a warm hue and lips a pretty color. You squealed again as strong arms wrapped around your body and turned you, pressing you against a very toned chest. For a brief second you saw emerald eyes and then the next thing a pair of lips clasped into yours. And for a moment nothing else happened before he pulled away as you looked shocked at him.
"Oh. Um..Shit. Sorry. Guessed I should've asked first huh?" You rose a brow. "Um I- DWAH!!"
He suddenly found himself clutching you as he was dipped. One hand holding his back and the other gripping his leg and he stared shocked until something punched his own mouth and he stared shocked as you kissed him before pulling away as he continued to stare dumbfounded.
"This was fun. Let's come back again two days from now and have a picnic together. After all you need time to court me without your brothers too."
"....If it's wrong for me to want a dominant woman in this relationship, then I Sekido's right about me being crazy."
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imaginesforjohnnydepp · 6 months
sidney's birth
in september of 1992, simone severin sat in the center of a circle surrounded by her friends and family and oohed and ahhed as she pulled a pink onesie from a pastel wrapped box. she heard the click of a nearby camera as she checked to see who it was from; her work friend abigail at ktla. "oh abby this is so precious!" it was the last present and so far, simone had recieved enough blankets, clothes, and toys to last a lifetime. her sister bridget gotten her makeup and perfume.
to be honest, simone didn't want to have a baby shower today and be surrounded by people. she felt like a whale squeezed into a dress, her feet were swollen and felt like sausages in cases, and the baby was kicking up a storm, but her mom and sister flew from new orleans to los angeles to be here, and abigail along with her sister bridget organized the whole affair so here she was surrounded by her co-workers. even johnny's friend nicolas cage came by to drop off a present. he was in the kitchen sharing a beer with johnny and her brother in law terrance.
simone tried to take in what all the women around her were saying about babies and childbirth, the debates over natural childbirth versus one with the epidural, and it was then when she felt it. like she had sat on a wet seat. her water broke. "hey girls, i hate to interrupt but... my water just broke." johnny's head perked up when he heard the phrase "my water broke" and went straight into action. johnny was freaking out, the baby wasn't supposed to be due for another two weeks and they hadn't even decided on a name!
the guests filed out of the house to give the little family some privacy. everyone was piled into the car (and it was a tight squeeze with three extra people; bridget was sitting on her husband's lap) as johnny broke just about every traffic law getting there, so he shouldn't have been surprised when he heard police sirens. "damn," he muttered as he unwillingly pulled over on the curb and the police officer got out of the car. he rolled the window down. "sir do you know how fast you were going? this is a school zone."
johnny resisted the urge to roll his eyes; there were no kids present, no one in front of him as school had been in session for five hours now. "i know, i know, i'm sorry, but my girlfriend's in labor and we're just trying to get to cedars-sinai." at this point, simone's contractions were closer together and a lot more painful and she let out something that sounded like a groan and a yell mixed together. the officer looked further into the car and saw simone severin, his favorite traffic reporter, who was clutching her huge bump and her eyes were squeezed shut. the officer remembered when his wife was in labor fifteen years ago, in the middle of the night, how hectic it was just getting out the door.
"i'll let you off with a warning. just remember to use your turn signals and follow the speed limits." johnny breathed out a sigh of relief as he thanked the officer profusely who just waved him off and congratulated him. johnny took off when the police car rounded the corner in the other direction, and after fifteen minutes, they finally made it to the hospital.
"okay, terrance, momma and i got it from here. just find a place to park so you don't get towed." johnny didn't want to leave simone but he also couldn't afford to have the car towed at a time like this. "or i can park the car and y'all can go on ahead." terrance, always the quick thinker and voice of reason, calm in the face of a storm (in a literal sense as well).
johnny handed him the keys as he, bridget and evangeline helped simone through the front doors. by this point, simone was in pain, she crying and her forehead was covered in sweat as she squeezed her sister's hand. "johnny! it hurts so bad! i swear she hates me!" he dropped the clipboard on the empty seat as bridget and their mom filled out the information so johnny could comfort her; simone grabbed hold of his and and squeezed again. "no no no, sweetheart, the baby doesn't hate you, i promise. she's just excited that she's gonna meet her momma, that's all."
soon the doctor came with a wheelchair and johnny followed behind while bridget and evangeline stayed behind in the waiting room. simone was in such a state of pain, she didn't notice other nurses rushing into the room, didn't notice a nurse stripping her clothes off and putting her in a hosptial gown. by the time she opened her eyes, she was sitting up in the hospital bed, johnny by her side who giving her tender kisses to her temples. the doctor took a peek under her gown before declaring it was time to push.
simone pushed with all her might, screaming and crying as she did so, holding johnny's hand so tightly he felt that it might break. "okay, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10." simone let out a deep breath as her head flopped back on to the pillow before saying, "i can't do it, i can't do it! she's just gonna have to stay there for the rest of her life!" she knew she was being unreasonable, but it was the truth! it hurt so bad and there was no time for an epidural.
this baby is coming, and fast. "miss severin, i see the head. i need to take a deep breath and keeping pushing. and...go! 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10! baby girl is halfway out and she's so pretty! keep pushing mama!" the nurse counted to ten again and the baby was almost completely out: legs, knees, ankles and finally feet. a loud cry that wasn't simone's pierced the air; the nurse held the baby in the air so simone could get a good look. "all ten fingers and all ten toes. we're just gonna get her cleaned up a bit before the hand off." another nurse came and got the baby who was then taken into the corner where two nurses wiped her down, took measurements and then swaddled her.
soon simone and johnny were reunited with their small daughter. she was the most spectacular thing, and so beautiful. she had a covering soft dark curls on her head and her skin was two shades lighter than simone's. she'd stopped crying as soon as a nurse placed her on her mother's chest and her eyes were closed.
the nurse left them alone and said she'd come back to show simone how to breastfeed. "we still need a name for her," whispered simone. while she loved the name johnny picked out, arielle didn't seem to fit anymore now that they can actually see her. during her pregnancy, simone listened to a lot of jazz music, the stuff she grew up listening to on her parents' record player. when she and her sister were little girls, they'd sneak from their room in the middle of the night to see their parents slow dancing in the living room. she missed home, missed new orleans terribly, and the music was a way of being closer to home, just like she was in her childhood home as she cooked.
home... jazz music... sidney bechet... "how about sidney? sidney evangeline?" evangeline is her aunt's name, the name of the woman with bridget in the waiting room. evangeline and her husband henry had raised her and bridget when their own mother couldn't be bothered to do it, and plus she thought the name was beautiful. the baby let out a small sound even though her eyes were still closed, as if the name pleased her; johnny tried the name out for himself. "sidney evangeline. sidney evangeline depp."
it sounded perfect to him. "it's beautiful. she's beautiful. you're beautiful." simone was tired johnny held her while she slept; he walked around the room as he held sidney. "sidney, can you open your eyes for me?" johnny was met with the biggest brown eyes he'd ever seen and they were perfect. "hi sidney, i'm your daddy."
he sat in the chair as he told her how he met her mother. "and no matter what mommy says, she asked me out first." a while later, simone woke up and a nurse came in to show her how to breastfeed, and when she got the hang of it, johnny gave the information about sidney to the nurse to print on a birth certificate before everyone came to see sidney and simone.
after everyone had seen sidney and held her and took pictures, johnny asked a nurse to take a picture of just the three of them. they don't know it yet but they will be in for the ride of their lives in the next 31 years.
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harry-sussex · 1 year
Five years ago today, I was alone in London, staying at a tiny AirBnb that I shared with the owners (two middle-aged men). I woke up at about 4:45am and showered, packed a bag, got ready, and put on the clothes I’d picked out the night before. I had scheduled a cab for early morning, and he arrived at about 5:30am - took full advantage of the jet lag working in my favor. I met him outside on time - he brought me to an ATM quickly and then we embarked on the ~60min trip to Windsor, where he dropped me off near (but not at) the castle. I roamed about for about an hour and grabbed breakfast and a coffee from McDonald’s, as that was the only thing open at 6:45am on a Saturday.
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It wasn’t your average Saturday, of course. I took my bag and a blanket and made my way over to the Long Walk, where I promptly took a seat in the damp morning grass, completely alone with nothing other than an official program and a book to keep me company. I had you guys, too, though there were far fewer of you around here back then.
I waited for several hours and made some friends along the way - a group of women from Seattle, a group of English women, and a reporter from South Africa. We all set up camp together, sharing snacks and iced coffee and champagne and Pimms while we let the hours pass by.
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The crowds continued to build as we got closer and closer to wedding time. I’d secured a prime spot, close to the barricade and within viewing distance of the screens, but still able to see Windsor Castle. While we waited for the formal festivities to begin, we watched the guests - the Suits cast, the Middletons, Harry’s longtime friends - and then eventually the royals - Beatrice, Eugenie and Jack, Anne and Tim, Edward and Sophie, James and Louise, Zara and Mike, Peter and Autumn - find their seats. Then we saw the big ones - Kate (with many of Meghan’s friends) and the kids, Charles, and Camilla, Philip and HM.
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Eventually, the time came, and (at the time), I’d never been so excited in my life. I just couldn’t believe it was finally happening - my Harry was marrying this beautiful, charming, smart, absolute force of a woman, and I couldn’t have been happier. I loved them, you see. I loved him, and I loved her.
I knew from November 27, 2017 that I was going to fly to London for the second time in my life to see this in person and, at last, I’d finally made it. My post from the first anniversary of their engagement, 11/27/2018:
When Meghan and Doria drove down the Long Walk, I literally flipped out - my picture of the moment is bad but even if you can’t see it in the photo, you could see her sparkling even through the windows as they sped (far too quickly) towards the castle:
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We watched as William accompanied his little brother to the altar, and then waited for Meghan to emerge from the car. When she came out, there was a collective gasp - that veil was the most beautiful thing I’d ever seen, even through a screen.
We watched her walk herself halfway down the aisle, and then we watched Charles accompany her the rest of the way to his youngest. Harry looked elated - I’ve only seen him happier on the day Archie was born.
Before I knew it, the ceremony was over, the marriage had been blessed, and they were standing on the steps. They kissed and then made their way into the carriage to start the procession through Windsor.
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I was unabashedly ecstatic by the time I could see the procession coming my way. The crowd was freaking out - cheering and bouncing and, of course, I was bawling. I did the entire time through the wedding too. You guys know I can’t stop myself from the happy tears.
I refused to watch the procession through my camera - I wanted to see it with my own two eyes. I just snapped photos and hoped I’d catch something to see later:
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I screamed, cried, waved like my life depended on it, and basked in the fact that my Harry was married and happy and that I loved Meghan because he loved her and that I’d gotten to witness the whole thing with my own two eyes in the crowds of people who’d loved him as their own since the day he was born.
After the hysteria died down, I went and took a nap under a large tree, then roamed my way back to where I’d been dropped off so I could continue with my plans for the day. I ended up with one of the worst sunburns of my life because the weather was so perfect.
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I’d never been so happy, though. Never. It was an experience I’ll cherish for the rest of my life and even now, after everything, I wouldn’t change it for the world. I still have all of my little souvenirs - a small crystal glass with their joint monogram, the program, and even a tiny stuffed ornament marking the birth of Prince Louis not even a month prior. I’d give anything for it to go back to the way it was back then, of course - but back then, I’d loved them so much back then that, at the time, it was the single best day of my life.
My hysteria was documented by my new South African friend, who was a reporter. She wrote an article on their three year anniversary that partially described my experience and the way I felt through the whole thing (and the many years before):
I wish we could go back to those days. I wish things were different. It didn’t have to be this way, but at the end of the day, this is the life they chose in lieu of the life they were living five years ago today. Every time I see something new and painful and sad I think back to this day, how happy I was and how much I loved them and, more importantly, how happy they were. I miss it every day. I’d do it all over again, even knowing today what I didn’t then. I’d make that solo, whirlwind trip all over again in a heartbeat.
To the Sussexes - I hope it was all worth it. I hope your new life - miles and miles and years and years away from the life you together embarked on five years ago today - is as good as you’d wanted it to be when you left. I hope you’re as happy today, and even happier, than you were on this day five years ago, you and those beautiful babies. Even though it breaks my heart, I hope you’re happy in your new life that could not possibly be any more different than the life you lived before.
I hope you’re happy. I hope it was all worth it.
Happy 5 years, Harry and Meghan.
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localguy2 · 2 years
Hey so I made a sort of One-Shot based on this post.
I'm still confused as how the idea for this came about while studying for my midterms, literally brain Y are you like this
regardless, I hope you enjoy reading this!
Length: 1728 Words.
>Literally so ninja<
Fishybusiness, Green:D , Zappy, more…
TheelementofGreen:D : hey is everyone done with school?
Fishybusiness: yeah what's up
Green:D : was wondering if you guys wanna hang out at the "Secret Ninja Warehouse"
Zappy: (so ninja)
HotAsFire: nah sorry, parents need me and Nya at the shot
ICEychef: Shop.*
HotAsFire: >:(
Fishybusiness: what Kai said
Zappy: yeah won't make it as well, my parents also need me at the Junkyard
Rockbottom: i can make it but it might be boring without the rest
Green:D : what about you Znae
ICEychef: Zane.*
Green:D : Zane* damn it
ICEychef: Unfortunately I won't be able to make it today, I need to pick up my little brother from middle school, I also have many responsibilities at home along with school work, which would leave me with little to no time, not to mention our usual ninja duties.
HotAsFire: yeah that doesn't sound fun at all
Green:D : damn so no one? Well alright then
Rockbottom: i mean we have our ninja stuff, we'll still see each other today later in the night
Green:D : tru, but at the same I'd be nice to hang out with each other without also having to worry about ninja business
Fishybusiness: also true, we haven't been really able to do that recently
Green:D : maybe another day then, but like always, today at 11PM near BT, alright?
Rockbottom: sure, seems good to me
Zappy: yeah
HotAsFire: you got it fam
Fishybusiness: mhmm
ICEtomeetyou: That should suffice.
Green:D : okay, talk to yall later
Before slipping the phone back in his Bag, Zane checked the time to figure out if he was going to be late or not.
Yep, he was definitely going to be late at this rate, unless he got off the bus and started running to his brother's school.
He silently groaned to himself, cursing the traffic jam causing this delay, before zipping his white jacket back up so it wouldn't be an inconvenience while running.
"Getting off!" he called out from the back of the bus while slipping the bag on his right shoulder.
walking to the front of the bus, he gave a small "Thank you." to the bus driver before getting off.
The sounds of the street immediately assaulted his ears, countless drivers shouting at each other while honking their car horns, while ordinary people walked on the pavement and in between the cars, going about their usual day, weather it be talking on the phone loudly while covering their ears, or tugging at their dog and cats, silently listening to music while walking like some students, or simply just carrying the groceries.
(Which reminded him, he needs to get groceries today, but that can wait after he picks Echo up).
After a moment, he looked around him, trying to figure out his exact location and what the fastest route was.
He was currently just south of Borg Tower, or "BT" as his friends would call it, so he wasn't that far off from Echo.
He had all but memorised the southern half of Ninjago City along with the central part of it, something he had to do ever since Julien left with barely any warning.
He snapped himself out of thought, using the mental image of Ninjago in his head to figure out the best route, and taking off in the direction of Echo's school.
Zane was slightly out of breath by the time he got to the school, he put his hand against one of the support beams of the entrance so he could catch his breath
He was thankful for the high stamina and agility that came as a result of all of his ninja training, Master Wu's teachings couldn't have come at a better time for everyday things.
He noticed the swarm of children pouring out from the building, some running outside while dragging their bags on the ground, some talking to their friends enthusiastically about a character from a kids show, or a new toy they got, while others simply walked silently alone by themselves.
He carefully walked between the children, not wanting to accidentally trip over one of them as he made his way towards Mrs. Mystake's class.
Mystake is an old woman with grey hair that always wore a rice hat, and she just happened to be an art teacher at Echo's school, and the owner of a Tea Shop he frequented right on the edges of Downton Ninjago City.
She was good friends with Julien, and Master Wu as well, which meant more often than not, the task of getting tea for Master Wu and occasionally Echo fell upon him.
At first she was rather… rude towards him at firstbut, in her defence, she was also rude to every other customer that didn't frequent her shop.
But master Wu and his father always told him to be patient and polite with everyone, it would take a lot of time and visits for her to start being kinder to him.
and on one seemingly random day when he was visiting her shop to pick up tea for his master, she… didn't lash out on him, rather she spoke to him in a calm and collected voice, which left him and many other customers in a bit of a shock.
After that, things only improved, she slowly started warming up to him, and she even began occasionally giving him discounts or coupons, which yet again, always surprised any customer standing next to him near the counter.
He in return also started warming up to the old lady. sometimes using what little free time he has to talk with her or occasionally help around the shop in case she needed something.
He wasn't an employee at the shop, but he liked to help anyway now that he was on good terms with her, and because he enjoyed her company despite her cryptic and mysterious nature at times.
Zane stood at the entrance of the classroom, Mrs. Mystake sat on her desk drinking tea, seemingly unaware of his presence while she watched the over remaining children in the classroom, among whom was Echo who perked up upon noticing Zane standing at the entrance.
"Zane!" Echo excitedly exclaimed while getting up from his small desk and running towards him.
"Echoooo!" Zane picked up his little brother, tightly holding him and giving him a hug before setting him back down. "How was your day little brother?"
"It was fun! We learned about colour mixing today, and Mrs. Mystake helped me draw this today." Echo reached into his pockets and pulled up a folded piece of paper.
Upon taking the folded paper, Zane opened it.
He was looking at a messy drawing of himself with a round face and an overly large smile, with stick figure like legs and arms, the latter stretchered in the air.
Despite the quality of it, Zane couldn't help but laugh at the sight of it, his heart melting at his brother's adorable early attempt at drawing. He wondered if Echo would grow up to be an artist one day, it might be a stretch to assume that right now, but who knows what destiny held for his younger brother.
"This is wonderful Echo, very well done!" he said, handing the paper back to Echo.
"Can we hang it on the fridge when we get back?" asked Echo while jumping.
"I don't see why we can't." answered Zane, which earned a happy smile from Echo.
Zane turned to look at Mystake, who was watching the duo with a small warm smile.
"Thank you for watching over him Mrs. Mystake."
"ah, it is nothing Young Julien, it is my job after all." She put the tea cup down on the desk.
"Still, it is not an easy job to do, so truly, thank you." he argued.
Mystake looked at the young boy and his brother for a moment, they… Reminded her of a life long ago, a much simpler life then nowadays.
Yet despite the passing of time and the changes of life, it…all truly wasn't that bad at times.
"Hmmm, I suppose you're welcome, Young Julien."
Zane gave her a small nod before speaking. "Unfortunately me and my brother have to leave, as I have many things to attend to." he said, scratching the back of his head "I apologise for the abrupt leaving."
"That is perfectly alright Zane, take care."
"Very well, Goodbye Mrs. Mystake." he said, as he began walking out of the classroom, his brother's little hand in his palms.
Mystake looked on at the two as they slowly disappeared into the hallway.
She took pity on the older one, a boy forced to take such a big responsibility at a young age to ensure a comfortable life for the younger one.
And she felt a bit guilty for him after her own son, Master Wu came to visit her once.
On that visit, Wu talked about Zane after she had asked him if he was still recruiting people for his supposed new "Ninja Team".
Curiously, upon hearing the boy's name, she asked what he looked like and who his father was, as the name seemed almost familiar to her.
She was heartbroken after learning that it was the same Zane that had begun frequenting her shop recently.
And the same Zane Julien, son of her dear friend, Dr. Julian, who had mysteriously stopped visiting 3 months ago.
Ever since Wu's visit, she told herself that she would try and act better towards Julien's son, he had to put up with her usual 'not caring about what the customer thought' attitude for a full month while maintaining a kind and respectful attitude.
And despite her being sometimes mad at Julien for leaving his 2 sons behind without anything, she couldn't help but praise the man for the way he raised his older son, noticing two of Julien's special traits in the young boy.
His father's kindness, and patience.
And she could only hope that Zane takes care of Echo in a way that ensures he also becomes the same kind and patient person as his older brother.
And from what she has seen of Zane so far, she has full confidence in his ability to protect and raise Echo.
"I suppose it is like how they say…" she said to herself, taking another sip out of the tea cup. "Like Father, Like Son."
Anyway that's where I'm leaving things off, hope you guys enjoyed reading this as much as I enjoyed.
I'll most likely make a part 2, regardless if this gets a lot attention or not, but I'm still indecisive about making it into a full AU, nut only time will tell.
Thanks for reading!
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chidoroki · 1 year
Tokyo Revengers S2EP13
aka: red means evil
Chifuyu! My boy! I wasn’t expecting to see you again so soon.
And Takemichi is fighting a tire.. is this our Takemichi or nah? I assume it is but we usually see the handshake whenever we journey back to the past..
Oh, good, Chifuyu was as confused as I was too.
Takemichi really been out here all day punching this tire, his poor knuckles are all bloody.
“That’s a pretty shitty future. But you know, I’m honestly pretty happy. I mean, we’re able to meet again.” I hope Chifuyu knows he is literally the best boy ever.
Okay I don’t think fighting Mikey is gonna be the best solution.. he’ll knock you both out in one kick.
If Mikey went crazy in the last future because Takemichi left, can’t our crybaby hero just.. stay? in the past? just to make sure.
“I’m never going back to the future until I’m the leader of Toman.” Yeah there ya go! I mean I dunno if becoming leader will do any good but sticking around is definitely the right idea.
Chifuyu looks so cute with his hair tied up aww!!!
“Are you saying that Mikey needs Kisaki? The hell he does. That guy’s a douchebag.” My boy got the facts!
Oh?? It’s that guy! with the earrings! I always see art of him but try not to stare too long so I don’t spoil myself with anything.. but he’s here!
And he’s with Kisaki and Hanma. This can be nothing but bad news.
Well shit, the Haitani brothers are off to the side too.
Yeah yeah, Izana Kurokawa, that was his name. And the whole Tenjiku gang.
“So began the greatest and final conflict in Toman’s history..” are ya sure about that? It could be the greatest but it ain’t the final one. I’m sure there’s a ton of story left.
Uh huh, I don’t think Yamagishi and the others are gonna fair well against these Tenjiku guys who are pulling up now.
Aww Chifuyu’s got a little cat!
Takemichi you can’t just get your ideas from manga.. no wonder Chifuyu thinks you’re a moron.
If Akkun denies that you’re in Toman to save you Takemichi, you don’t go ahead and call his name anyway! Now the Tenjiku dudes know you’re associated with him!
OH SHIT!!! Chifuyu that was such a fucking wonderful kick! My boy came flying in outta nowhere and I’m proud! AAHHH!
Bro nothing makes me happier than seeing him beat the shit out of idiots, look at him go!!!
And nothing makes me more upset than seeing him get hurt! Fuck this Mochi dude!
“He’ll join us later. He’s tough so he’ll be fine.” Nah my boy is knocked out on the ground of a train station. You better make sure he’s okay by the end of the episode. I’m not waiting around a whole other season to see if he’s alright.
“I heard 300 members of Tenjiku came to Tokyo today.” Yeah and if all of Hanma’s followers left Toman with him then y’all are seriously outnumbered.
Damn Takemichi, Taiju’s not even around anymore and ya got clothes-lined again?
Yeaahh nice kick Akkun!
Ah, of course Kisaki joined Tenjiku to start all this crap.
“Hey there, hero.” Ohhh first future Kisaki called him that, and now past did as well… is he a time leaper too?
Oh come on! You can’t end the season there! Especially in the middle of a fight, right after Kisaki said something sus AND with Chifuyu’s condition unknown to me!
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tarabyte3 · 2 years
There's no new chapter for "I Want You to Show Me Weak" today since it's Christmas, so I thought I would do a fun Holiday post about what I think my Table 7 characters look like!
Just remember, these are NOT one for one. It's simply the closest I can get to what's in my brain (thankfully for you, none of you can read my thoughts). If you picture something else, that's amazing! And also valid. Keep enjoying the fic exactly as you are ❤️
One of the first things I did when I started thinking about writing Show Me Weak was decide I wanted a more fleshed out table full of real people, and not some nebulous existing background characters like I had for Wants, Needs, and Clerical Errors. Which worked great for that fic! Because a lot of it was more nebulous and focused on what was going on inside of the Reader character's head. The focus was supposed to be Kino (as a treat for all of us). I wanted Show Me Weak to feel more grounded in the prison environment.
So I made 6 male original characters! I found names on the Star Wars section of the Fantasy Name Generators site that stood out to me. Then I focused on each name and thought, "what kind of character would have that name?" And wrote physical descriptions for all of them, and thought up the most basic structure of their personalities. Threl is the warm, diplomatic face, Jevid is the grumpy old man, Taybus is the little shit younger brother, Sorrek is the troubled, middle aged dad, Alis is the fun, quick guy that is the most relatable to the Reader because he's right next to her and about the same age, and Edii I wanted to be as enigmatic as possible for a reason I will explain down below.
As I started writing table dialogue, especially in the bigger group settings, those little foundations I built came alive onto my screen. Sometimes without more than a second of thought. Which was a complete shock to me. I never intended for any of them to go to the depths that they are now. So I quickly became incredibly emotionally invested in these characters that started as half paragraph entries in my notes. Now I can't imagine the story without them.
The fact that people seem to genuinely like the table as much as the focus of the story, Kino/Reader (and let's be honest, the smut), has blown me away. I'm glad other people have grown as attached to them as I have.
Without further ado, my boyyys
He reminds me of Mike Colter, just less built and with a deeper voice. But he was always handsome, warm, and confident in my mind. Mike's humor during Luke Cage and The Defenders is a great example of that as well.
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Young Theo Rossi is the closest I can think of, just with a scar on his left side and a rounder face. The scar is a detail I wanted to include, even though it has literally never come up again. Because the Reader noticed it right away of course, realized quickly he's comfortable with his appearance, it doesn't bother her at all either, and that's that. So she doesn't think about it when she thinks about him or looks at him. It's just Alis's face and everything is from her perspective. It was intended to demonstrate how comfortable she is with him. Otherwise Alis has a lithe build and lots of dexterity. (I also pronounce it Uh-lease in my mind)
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Sad dad might be the most disappointed you'll be reading this list. I actually based Sorrek off of an NPC in an Actual Play D&D show by Dimension 20 called Fantasy High. One of the player characters' dad is this down on his luck, miserable elf named Gilear Faeth. In the campaign, he's cartoonishly pathetic, but I wanted a serious version of him. A soft spoken, gentle dad that is haunted by something, but still looks like he gives great hugs and can't help being nurturing.
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Jevid is basically an old biker. That's it. That's the concept. He's the character we know the least about, and I don't know if that will change, but the idea is he just no longer gives a fuck. He cares about them in his own way, but he doesn't get roped into the table shenanigans or gossip as frequently as a result. He's been in there too long and is just a grumpy old man 😂
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Adam Driver with a longer more bob-like cut that hangs in his face and a mustache that you would see in a highschool hallway. The "I can grow facial hair, but just a small mustache" starter for a lot of 15 year old boys (my husband was sadly one of them 😂 I can't look at some highschool pictures of him without screaming and running away). I didn't realize how much I was kind of picturing young Adam Driver in my head until Reader suggests he tie his hair back.
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And finally
Freddy Carter as Kaz Brekker in Shadow and Bone, but paler with dark eyes. (I haven't seen the show, but love the Six of Crows duology, excellent books.) Edii also has what is essentially a very heavy Slavic accent that I based on someone I went to college with. A guy that people called "weird" because he had a unique look and wasn't comfortable talking since he wasn't very fluent in English, so he kept to himself. But in one of my very small classes, he really opened up as the rest of us talked to him and tried to engage him, and he was so funny! Then we all quickly realized how horrible it was that people ignored him when he was just a guy, you know? So we all got lunch or coffee on occasion and chatted after class. He had a much easier time in college and away from home after that 🥺. That is my Edii. A sweet, misunderstood cinnamon bun. (I pronounce it Ee-dee when I read it)
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So there you go! Table 4 in (the closest I can find to) all of their glory lol.
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only-lonely-lovers · 9 months
tags: intercrural, rough sex
notes: there's a bit of a silly prelude, then devolves into a more severe AmaTsuka scene. this is PART 1, the rest continues in PART 2.
Bird is あ / Avvy is つ
つ:my little background visual in my brain is. amane fucking tsukasa's thighs. i wasn't even trying to… imagine this. i was just incidentally mentioning it as a concept while trying to make my point earlier…. but since then its been like. oh… wait…. i… didn't think about this…. yet…..
あ:……… the. how serendipitous. this is literally where i've been at today What positions………
つ:falling asleep I'm like ah….. [envisions it]…… hmmnrnr tsukasa on his back w legs up…. playfully. escalating to sortof pushing knees to his chest and fucking downwards…..
あ:what the hell literally this is the same as my mental image… I doodled tsukasa in kimono only the other day and i was like mrahhg………..
つ:starting with the distance of legs up…. sortof kept at bay… held by, calf, or ankle, or something… maybe a hand lower to stabilize. but eventually wanting to rut harder… and if its against his chest, cock can also contact like, stomach area… as well it would then mean he will come right against his kimono front…. which is such a visual. only when tsukasa unfolds like a chair will it be like…. ah came all over, his stomach+thighs. arugurghg
well. I'm glad I cursed us both. in my attempting to vent about things. I remembered thigh fuck exists.
あ:[my brain steaming like fish since remembering it as an option]
つ:its a good way to feel like…. someone is just being used.
あ:I still be thinking about this drawing
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It's one of those. like. urghhhh. I'm thinking about ittttt
つ:temptressssssss you create a situation where nene and tsukasa could both be on back legs up thighs exposed to torment amane💢
あ:make a guy SO angry like ough. fuhrhgjkflds dh!! F!!!!!!!!!!
つ:tsukasa is like hey nene do this with me watch like this
あ:this will be fun. tehe ❤️
つ:amane: ohhhh i'm so mad. about you tsukasa… i'm going to fuck my girlfriend and NOT you so i wont be so mad i'll just-- i'll just come so much from her, PUSSY, thank you [spongebob voice] I don't need otherwise
あ:THESE ARE NOT THE SAME THING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! but like the humor that amane cannot fathom in fucking nene soooo hard in situations like this like make her pussy bleed To her its just like jesus
つ:ah no. the. it like bleeds into her. its like she absorbs the tsukasa fuck spiritually she has to take both. i'm sorry girl. he really should space these things out. tsukasa simply eats the energy from the air like a filter feeder. absorbs the excess stink
あ:[grabs her throat as a result of this all] moouuu yamete kudasai. PLEASE JUST HAVE SEX WITH YOUR BROTHER AS WELL like the sex is good my love but doesnt it seem like …. you could just have sex with both of us
つ:as a result of this you've harmed nene enough she can't fuck you for days after. tore something
now what. we'll. just play. cards. [everyone just sitting around for 3 days playing cards]
あ:i think sometimes its like, nene has a bruised and sore throat and torn pussy and is limping [cards shuffling in the silence] again aoi is like: honey. get help
つ:like hanako-kun i can't go home like this multiple days in a row…. we have to take a break….! ok…. for real
あ:I can't risk my parents seeing this… UNDERSTAND!! the idea of tsukasa just kind of silent through this all like not even saying anything. but like :)
つ:cards is fun (: wouhhh i won!
つ:nene can't sit right. hisses if her ass contacts the floor.
あ:stuck like this all day
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i was just staring at this animation earlier. but delighting in nene being trapped with this
つ:a useful visual
あ:sometimes i think about hanako hunting down tsukasa in the middle of the night in the school like a serial killer
あ:idk how else to describe it
つ:i will find you cursor. and i will eat you
あ:but yeah i think of hanako sometimes having to like. hunt down tsukasa. this thing where, like, by tsukasa respecting your space and not. being around you 24/7. means you do have to like go find him. our joudais bumping into each other or something
つ:ah its so funny for tsukasa to have laid bait out days ago…..
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and then when i do i look like this
つ:what i'm gonna do to you i don't want nene around to see.
あ:mm…. yeah. she shouldnt see or hear this one
つ:thats when you know its gonna be (?) good (?)
あ:there are some things even tsukasa doesnt know❤️ anything could happen
つ:he just starts something. you never know. I'm sure sometimes it fizzles off. there is a more subdued version of this all where hanako really just nurses his ego for days and cuddles nene excessively and is sad he hurt her. and then there's versions its like 💢 why'd you…. why
wincing to see nene wince…. frustrated with. himself. remembering his own being rough with her… maybe taking a day to apologize to her… just. sorry….. I don't want to treat you like that…………………………..I'll work on it…. she's very pitying of him.
but what he means by work on it is like. fine. I'll release the demon, away from her, … sometimes. … I can't let it build up to this… level…..
あ:I think sometimes it can genuinely feel… mmm triggery, trigger-lite, stomach twisting in having let feelings reach such a state. Truly at war with own sadist brain, I think it feels so good in the moment that it's difficult to observe the aftermath, again that feeling of 'what's wrong with me…' my delicate, alive, human girlfriend, why am I not more careful with her and mindful of her whole life. She's not like us crazy supernaturals rghhh… like I could for real damage her spine or something if I was careless. stupid. [bonk]
Some days, feeling like, "it's happening again." i'm watching everything line-up for it to happen again. Oh but in that case I think it's even more like… [wants to shake tsukasa like a ragdoll] hey. fucking…. watch it
つ:it is painful to reflect on enjoying and indulging self…. you look back on it and. you ARE. being selfish. Nene is foolish and patient…. too much so. you can't let her get away with putting herself in this position all the time…..
I think she DOES enjoy getting to 'access' that intensity, feeling like it's not 'exclusive'….. but she's also simply a human girl. its relieving it isn't only 'for tsukasa'…. b. but. my bones
あ:the price to pay is her bone health
つ:i always think of amane as refusing to do anything solo with tsukasa…. for a long time. like it's dangerous…. unwilling to be, alone with tsukasa, basically. it feels taboo as it is, in canon. its why i'm so curious about the liminal space of tsukasa poofing nene away and being there for even just a minute….
it feels like. he can't stick around. you know. as it is…. even in the threeway, I imagine the 'norm' is that tsukasa can show up during school hours, while nene is there, play around, and disappear when she does, leaving hanako alone. we aren't roommates. i go to my room❤️
seeking him out like a serial killer feels like hmmmmmmmmmm…..? a new event…. [feels like a kid in trouble…. 💔]
あ:Exactly, yeah, as I see it, Tsukasa is like <3 I will be in my roost… In most circumstance, i even imagine the very inception of it all has to be that Nene herself pursued drawing out Tsukasa and was the catalyst for more -- on his own, he's very good boy, stays in hiding in the broadcast room. Shh…..
In a way I think it would be a hack for Nene specifically to want to see Tsukasa, who himself would see no reason to deny her that. She's like his tether to this situation, Nene wants me here and Amane allows me here. hehueue
I do think it's like highly forbidden to be alone together, especially after school hours, even. like, platonically. which is why I really enjoy the vibes, whether it's them on the roof talking quietly or something like. Hanako menacingly drifting down the halls
It's… a Hanako submitting that he is about to do something crazy and he is walking towards something bad. Losing my mind doing something bad to myself etc
つ:a scant platonic moment on a roof, or something, extremely rare events… tsukasa would possibly observe amane wandering the halls at a distance. heke….? ooohh what's he looking fooooor….? [for a while a looney tunes bit]
[amane rummaging floating about looking around corners and tsukasa a few paces behind him around other corners like o.o] wow, he's really adament…! must be important
あ:He has this serious air about him…..
つ:I can't sit anywhere, he'll totally run into me and get mad. if i were stationary he would have run into me naturally… is he not realizing that?
あ:Supernatural loose in the school…?
つ:IS there something… i should look for something too ig maybe a thing…. a bugge
あ:[gets horny thinking about amane pausing and just saying, aloud: tsukasa.]
つ:yyheeaaaahhh i also. thought of th. the moment he even under his breath…. is like… uugh… sigh… tsukasa…… its like ‼️
あ:bring him to me.
つ:IT WAS ME????????????⁉️ why does he want to find me? naruhodo…. except not at all!
あ:the tsukasa with 0 memories
つ:well that explains why this is a never-ending goosechase. is it really for me, though…..❔ whai…. hmm… i guess i should let him find me…. maybe….. ……………………………………………………………… maybe i should wait to hear him say it again👉👈 just one more time…!
あ:this is what it feels like to be like . ugh. beckons my brother to rape him
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つ:ah. he
gets gooooosebumps hearing Amane call his name a little louder… ah but it clearly comes out of him like pulling teeth… amane thinking, you better… show up…. before i lose all interest. ugh. i'm second-guessing, you know….
あ:Longer, more drawn out sigh. hands hooked behind back, working wrist
Like… come on. It can't be that I sank this low AND I'm going to get rejected. Get cold feet. I won't look at you for a month straight if you do this to me. I'll create a salt circle around the bathroom.
[thinking all of this…. tightens jaw.] [growls.] Tsuu. Kasa. [muttering] last chance.
つ:ah poor Tsukasa… would-- feel like-- he can't-- actually jump out at amane, or something, that would ruin this, he'll get mad.. reduced a bit to 4 year old brain. a little panicked like ahouuh wait how do i do it [executive dysfunction] h-how do i let him find me but not surprise him… UHM…-- I KNOW--- [PRETENDS TO FALL OVER IN THE DISTANCE AND CLATTERS DESKS ALL AROUND]
its so like if i run and tackle him he wont like that, and, he may stop looking soon, but i cant go and put myself into his line of sight,,, i need him to find me organically,, i need to pretend ive been, busy, ouuauahhh
funny to put amane in a situation anyway to have to like RUN TOWARDS jump out of bed.
あ:Yes fhdhgh… the funny thing is, for all of Tsukasa's overthinking, i don't think. Amane is thinking about it at all, it's like, [sees the flourish of hakama] [blood in the water style] [i fucking come at you]
(~link to PART 2 down here for convenience~)
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blackhellokittys-blog · 10 months
I don’t wanna say that I experienced sexual harassment like many of the girls but today I experienced 10% of that. I just met today literally I was chilling he seemed like a nerdy dude I like nerdy dude especially if your personality is nice I don’t really care about your looks cause I don’t really have a good taste like I don’t care about looks but only like personality and stuff like that so ill give u a chance I thought he was nice and doing all that during lunch, he proceeded to ask for kiss and I’m like no i don’t know no lol n I passed conversation up and then he proceeded again and I was like oh he was like maybe just like a peck like a cheek kiss yk that’s what I’m thinking llike kiss on cheek whatever I don’t wanna do that like in front of people and I guess he didn’t wanna do that too,so he bring me to coner I’m just like chilling like to like kiss me on the cheek or whatever because I never experienced like a kiss or anything else my first time, but then he lied to me and proceeded to stick his tongue down my throat. Disgusting was disgusting absolutely disgusting and then as I push him Like. and I want to cry so bad in the moment, but I didn’t because I had lashes on and then I was like trying to move to that people come in to like disgusting that was disgusting and he proceeded they got my face and then take his tongue down my throat again. I was like now I want to cry so much in the moment as I was telling my friend I’m officially being gay because of that experience , and then I and then I sit back down and trying to be nice because I don’t. I don’t know what to do in that moment. I don’t know. I never happened to me like I don’t don’t know I didn’t. I didn’t like comprehend what happened that moment and they even bother me. I said bother me because how disgusting it was absolutely disgusting nothing like anime n manga of that all trust me is nothing like that at all all and I literally was gonna cry having an anxiety attack but I couldn’t do any of that why because I have my eyelashes on and I would rather suffer in silence then have my eyelashes fall off in the middle of class but anyways i told my cousin she said she gomna speak to him n was gonna meet up today but my nanny came early and like so she was like dont tell nanny rn. His one of his friends told me to block him and stuff because that was disgusting so now I have his friends hating him in a hunt out to him which is my cousin but today I’ve felt 2% of how most girl do with sexual harassment like dudes only want like to do sexual things like he didn’t ask me when my favorite color was my favorite movie, my favorite nothing he went straight to do you wanna kiss and I happened to me many times before especially with guys but yk i thought he was different he look like a nerd but no he was not different. He the same as everybody else and actually, this time was in real life all the time online it was like send me a pic whatever and i say no no no it’s actually disgusting because they sent me a pic of their thing is actually disgusting. Absolutely disgusting guys are absolutely disgusting and so you know I’m now officially either not dating no one ever. I will grow up with a dog for the rest of my life and my two little brothers r I’m just fully gay now because boys disgust me but with girls hurt me I’d rather be rather be hurt than traumatized I’m not gonna lie i rather be hurt than traumatized, but other than that I just can’t do boys no more disgusting absolute disgusting and I just thought about for my friend, like her trauma, like like full sexual abuse, like full sexual harassment, like rape and I just I didn’t I would never really understood like damn that is bad I know it’s bad like mentally duhh obviously bad but like now like physically that I understand it like 10% of it to hurt having that full hundred percent is absolutely disgusting and it makes you wanna cry for her because like that’s disgusting absolutely disgusting having there hands touch you and everything we don’t want them to disgusting absolutely disgusting
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