#I like triangles like this was new info to nobody
celestie0 · 6 months
does anyone wanna be on taglist for this choso x reader fic? 🧚‍♀️✨
edit: hellooo if you're seeing this now, i already uploaded the first chapter here!! you can comment under the chapter post if you would like to be added to the taglist :)
HI BABES i’m starting a new choso fic series :””) here’s a bit of info about it:
ᰔ title. in another life
ᰔ pairing. rock band au - punk rock!choso x fem!reader ft. fiancé!nanami
ᰔ genres. smut, fluff, angst, second chance romance, time skips, love triangle, bad boy choso, slight age gap (five yrs), longterm pining, messy decisions, jealousy, etc.
ᰔ summary. you and choso were lovers in college when him and his rock band were just nobodies with nothing but a dream, but when his band strikes a deal with an up-and-coming record label in tokyo, you make the tough decision to break up with him since you couldn’t go with him to the city. flash forward seven years, his band is the biggest rock band in the world, n you move from the countryside to tokyo with your fiancé nanami to start your new life together. but in the heart of the city, home to many, there’s one person there that still has the power to turn your whole life upside down. and when you run into him again after all those years, feelings you didn’t know were still haunting you come crashing back all at once, and you’re not sure what it is you want from your life anymore.
inspired by a lot of things lol but mostly the anime nana, the movie past lives, the book before we were strangers, and the song about you by the 1975 (aka angst galore)
here is a little teaser:
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lol i literally couldn’t choose which part to tease but i feel like this part kinda fits the vibe
the first chapter is already done! it’s 11k words and will be posted tomorrow apr 4th @ 2pm PST :)) very exciteeeddd for it hehe
but anyway, if you’d like to be on taglist for it, please leave a comment under this post!!
thank u to anyone who supports the fic 🥺💕
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AITA for backing out of an art exchange because the person who pulled my name has an art style I really don't like?
In the fandom based Discord I'm in we had a small art exchange last month. Everyone got randomly paired with someone else to exchange art based on their prompts.
I'm a big believer in all art having value and that people enjoy different art styles, but unfortunately the person I was paired with has a really specific art style that I just.
Honestly, I hate it.
Our fandom is soft-anime style, think something like Genshin or similar art. Anime but more rounded off, 3D style.
However this artist has a really sharp, angular, honestly a little strange kind of art style that makes the final result look nothing like the original character design at all except for features like their clothing being the most obvious clue as to who they are.
If you ever read the really old Roald Dahl books with the super pointy, triangular art style, its kind of like that. Huge, super sharp pointy chins and noses, super long faces, all of the eyes drawn in the same long, sideways triangle style.
Its amazing that they have a style they like, but its 100% not my style and I really didn't want to have to fawn over it and share it across my socials when it is clearly the opposite of the art style I like.
I wound up pretending I had an unexpected work trip which meant I had to back out of the exchange (which actually wound up being true, but the trip was only 3 days so it wasn't like I wouldn't have had the 3 other whole weeks to work on my side of the exchange.) I was super polite about it, because again, its not my style but its theirs and I'd never deliberately make someone feel bad about their art.
Well, turns out some genius in our server forgot we all follow each other on Tumblr too and made a post basically laughing about how I had the balls to get out of it and how funny and smart they found it.
The mods sent a screenshot of it into the server and said bullying would not be tolerated and I got a warning for bullying. I pointed out I hadn't lied about the trip and I wasn't even the one who made the post, but they blacklisted talking about it further and made a new rule that if you fail to participate in future exchanges for anything less than like, someone dying or whatever, you get removed from the server completely.
All around nobody is happy about any of it, and there's talks about voting to just veto exchanges completely both because nobody wants to single people out and nobody wants to be forced to fawn over art they don't like.
I'm mostly angry with the person who poked their nose in because before they said anything it was completely fine with me and the other artist. They understood completely, we joked about how shit work is, and they were just going to do an art piece for the server as a whole which I thought was a really cute outcome, but now both of them have gone silent in the server and won't reply to anyone.
What are these acronyms?
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cskv11 · 2 months
What lore predictions do you have for the b.o.b?
I really hope we find out wtf is going on between him and the Axolotl tbh
I really hope this ages well 😭
When it comes to his personal lore (as in origin story) I believe non of it will be true; he'll dramatize every detail he's physically able to, and he won't even try masking it. We'll be able to see his lies, but the truth will come out to be real clear when we'll read between lines (as in "liberated my dimension" means " Arson is my middle name and everyone that once knew me can confirm that I love burning people). The codes and ciphers Bill will leave hanging around the pages will contain heavier lore drops, but really decontextualized, and will be mostly gossip.
He will definitely give us some juicy lore about all these "higher" beings (?) that the Gravity Falls cast has encountered throughout the series, like Time Baby and Jheselbraum. Maybe he'll introduce us to someone new characters! But the thing about unreliable narrators is that you never know where the lies end and where the truth starts, so it'll mostly be a competition on who he trash-talks about more hahaha.
Of course, OBVIOUSLY, the Axolotl will be there. Not only because of his apparent connection with Bill, but the way Alex has portrayed them both in the promos he's posted on Instagram, makes me believe there's absolutely some deep things going on between those two. Personally, I feel like he sees the Axolotl as some kind of hypocrite and coward. He's envious the Axolotl is respected while Bill is plainly feared and "betrayed" constantly. There will be a bunch of pages dedicated to this guy - half of them just insulting him, the other half explaining how they met (while insulting him, of course). He'll make sure to let us know he's infinitely better than the Axolotl, in all aspects possible.
The Henchmaniacs! They will be there! Tho, I don't know if this book is supposed to be set before or after the events of Gravity Falls. Depending on what part of the timeline the book covers, there'll be more or fewer detriments directed at them. He'll explain the nobodies they were before joining him and how they came to him, dragging on the ground, searching for divine enlightment and loyal servitude. And he, as benevolent as he is, gave them the blessing of being his henchmen. If the book is located after the events of Gravity Falls, this will be flooded with irony (or maybe he's totally oblivious and doesn't actually care they made him a statue saying he's the worst).
Weird anatomical and physiological facts about himself! He knows what we crave, and he'll give it to us. We'll regret ever thinking of wanting to know how his eye-mouth-tongue operates! This will be extensively graphical, and there will be illustrations and schematics of it! I hope!
He'll explain to us what the hell he meant when he said he eats his own exoskeleton! (WE'LL KNOW WHAT'S THERE BEHIND HIS EYE???? IS HE SOME KIND OF MR KRABS BLOB OF FAT AND MEAT UNDERNEATH HIS very jazzy triangle OUTFIT?)
He'll take credit for an innumerable quantity of cults and important historical events he claims to have influenced, participated in, or fully provoked! Ford gave us the info he had about Bill's global influence, and Bill's going to expand on it and give us his side of the story! (Maybe he'll explain more stories like the one document Ford had that talked about "Billius Cipherus"?)
He'll tell us how he got his powers cause he ain't convincing anybody saying he just popped into the Universe like that. Sweet lore. He'll give us clues he had a sibling (<- I hope). He'll justify killing his family and explain the atrocities they commited against him. Maybe there really is some deep trauma buried in there? We gonna see tear marks when (if) he talks bout his family? Man, I WISH
Enchants, curses, summonings and all that stuff. They will be there.
And I'm gonna end this here cause I already have written too much and probably won't be able to correct any grammar mistakes I've made cause I'm ecstatic:
You know he'll be there, you know half of the book will be about this poor babygirl, and he's gonna act tough, pretending he doesn't care bout nuthin but YOU KNOW THERE WILL BE DEEP IMPLICATIONS THAT THESE TWO WERE MORE THAN "STUDENT" AND "MENTOR". HE WILL TRY TO HIDE IT BUT WE KNOWWW WHAT THESE TWO LOOSERS WERE, WE KNOWWW THEIR DIRTY LITTLE SECRETT and I'm gonna be drooling about it –I won't sleep I won't eat, I won't drink, my brain will be picturing these two lil mfs wishing each other a good night ASHDHHSHS
Anyway, this is it for now, I apologize for any grammar mistakes that could cause potential brain damage! Thanks for the ask!
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nostalgiachan · 4 months
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Once more, it's 100 OC time, and here we have the second half of the main party members, in both full-size and PS2-output style. As always, new images up top, old below, and detailed character info (and essentially the story of the game) below the cut.
#69 (lol, lmao): Ilya Node Idea: The (World's Angriest) Mechanic Story: Silmerein
#70: Dorom Kolos Idea: The Surprisingly Cultured Drunken Ogre Story: Silmerein
#71: Nalien Urymere aka Nenali Maelstrom Idea: The Acrobatic Witch Story: Silmerein
#72: Dynn Mortar Idea: The Scientist Story: Silmerein
Continuing where we left off in the story summary from the last post...
So next, you head to the badlands, just the rockiest, craggiest piece of shit land you ever did see. And as the party's heading through this bullshit, they see a rail-thin, scraggly-looking girl dragging herself across the road.
They bring her to the wagon, fix her up, and ask where she lives, but she is determined to get to Silmerein. Eventually, after the party tells her "Nah, we're taking you home, you're fucked to shit," she gives up and tells the party where she lives: a super-secret city lost to history deep in the badlands.
So back when the end times were happening, the few survivors had huddled together in this city. And once Silmerein had saved the day, most people left and never looked back. But some folks were far too paranoid to leave. And they were determined to make sure that anybody who left never found their way back. So over the centuries, people forgot it was there, and anybody who still lived there wasn't allowed to leave.
So this girl, Ilya Node, telling the party where it is is A Problem.
When they reach the city, they're lucky enough to be met by Ilya's mentor, a fairly dorfy engineer. And he welcomes them inside and whatnot, but once they're in, he tells them they're not leaving again. Meanwhile, Ilya is fucking pissed. She's healed up enough that now she's practically frothing at the mouth to get out of the city again, because she is on a fucking mission.
See, she and her younger brother, Leon, were orphans, getting along as you do. But one night, her brother was snatched right out of his bed, and Ilya happened to see it. She couldn't do anything about it because the plague had caused her legs to stop working, but she swore he had been taken by a Silmereinian. Nobody believed her, though, because how could a Silmereinian still have knowledge of the city? Pff, nah, can't be me.
So she had managed to hobble her way out of the city and walked far enough across the badlands that her leg braces and crutches totally shattered and she was forced to crawl. She was powered by THE FUCKING FURY. Well, as you're learning her backstory from her mentor, she revs up a mining mech and BAILS. She takes off for the mines, which are just a horrible labyrinth of caves, and figures she'll pick a point and start digging her way to freedom this time.
And unfortunately, this is about the point where the plot gets just slightly more vague because I hadn't quite worked out all the details. But the important thing is that somehow, Lima had to get into close enough proximity to directly touch Ilya off-screen. Because as we'll find out later, the only reason the big boss-fight-inducing freakouts happen is because Lima's causing them. So Ilya becomes a giant rabbit monster.
They have a fight, Triangle wins, Triangle man.
So Ilya's like "I guarantee you I'm burning Silmerein to the fucking ground when I get there, let's go." She's your big heavy hitter character, pilots a mining drill to fight.
Anyway, after badlands, our next stop is further into the mountain to meet the Mountain Ogres, specifically this guy, Dorom Kolos.
The Mountain Ogres are in a pretty constant war with the Sea Ogres as the Sea Ogres ran the Mountain Ogres out of their ancestral homeland. I don't remember what the exact arc of Dorom's story was going to be, but tl;dr his infection is in his spine, which is now wholesale jutting out of his back, leaving him in a constant state of pain that he medicates with alcohol. He's your drunken berserker whose super mode is a demon bear.
This is about the point where you'd be properly introduced to the Paladins of Silmerein, the goon squad who are your initial direct antagonists as they're trying to keep you from reaching the city and/or kill you. Mostly kill you.
[I briefly cover the first one you'd probably run into, Gamel Jugrenon, but I'll leave that solo sentence to when I actually redraw her]
One way or another, you fight Dorom's demon bear mode and ward off the Paladins, and you head on to the next bit.
Next is a spooky little forest in a mountain valley where you run into a circus featuring one Nalien Urymere aka Nenali Maelstrom.
Nalien comes from a village in said woods which is horribly superstitious and believes magic use and consorting with monsters to be a capital offense. So when she grows bat ears thanks to the plague, her parents are terrified for her safety but don't think they'd be able to leave without raising suspicion. Fortunately for them, the circus had come nearby, and they asked if they would be able to take in Nalien for a short while. The ringmaster agreed, took Nalien in, and started training her in magic and acrobatics.
[Fun fact: the bat ears also reduced her eyesight, which is why she wears glasses.]
As with Dorom, I didn't quite get into when the Paladins would show up and how Lima would get Nenali alone to cause her freakout, but big bat battle under the big top happens. I presume the spooky villagers would probably show up to ruin everything.
The last place before hitting Silmerein is a laboratory high in the mountains that the party stumbles on. There, they meet this fellow, Dynn Mortar, a magitek scientist.
It's here that they'd find out a lot more about the Paladins, chiefly that they're all missing body parts for which Dynn had fashioned prosthetics. [I make a brief swerve to cover all of the Paladins. We'll get to them next time.]
So back to Dynn, as you can surmise, he's the final host needed, and his infection's in his heart. So he turns into a monster squid. Because squids have three hearts. Look, I tried to relate the monster forms to the parts, and spine and heart gave me problems. Just like in real life amirite. [For some reason, I didn't mention how Dynn's infection properly manifested, but: basically, it caused severe heart arrhythmia and wholesale heart failure. He had to build and install his own pacemaker to keep functional.]
But yeah, at this point, the We Have Horrible Demon Infection Crew is assembled, and the only thing left is to get into Silmerein, get to the monument, and get this party started. So by this point, there's been a budding romance forming between Talin and Lima, and you either get a confession before the big event or it edges real goddamn hard, I don't remember which I was going to go with. But you get to the city, you get to the monument, and that's when everything goes to absolute balls.
The romance was completely calculated on Lima's part.
Because, as mentioned, the whole point of this trip was for Lima to go about, collect the now gestating parts of the avatar of Rodimir, and return them all to the source so the avatar can rise again.
So Lima Does the Thing, but after all this time Being a Person, she doesn't want to just go back to being an unconscious part of the avatar. So she pulls a Pope Zera and subsumes his will. So now the avatar is well and truly dead and it's Lima's time to be in charge. Talin is fucking crushed, everybody's just lost a lot of power now that they're not hosting body parts anymore, Clarine [the leader of the Paladins] is freaking out because "Wait, didn't I do everything Imosene told me to? Why didn't this work?" And here's where we get into what her plan was.
See, while the avatar was busy seeding the plague, Imosene was functionally doing the same thing. But she had to expend a lot more juice to do it and wasn't able to craft a wholesale person like Lima to do the collecting. The best she could do was grab the first person who could hear her, and that happened to be Clarine. And all she was really able to tell her was to "gather the parts" and show her who she needed to find.
And Clarine interpreted that literally. She found everybody on her list, but thought she needed to remove the parts from them, not really knowing about the whole gestational period thing. So now we've got a whole lot of underpowered Jesus parts that can't be used for much.
Things are looking pretty fuckin' bad.
At least until this guy shows up.
And he'll be covered in the next batch, along with the first three Paladins of Imosene. So stay tuned, same Silmerein time, same Silmerein channel!
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darcystardust · 8 months
What's Akashi and Ozu relationship ??
I just finished to watch both Tatami Galaxy and Tatami Time Machine Blues, which are both amazing anime !
Like many, I always assumed that Ozu and Akashi were both disciple of Higushi and therefore friends. The protagonist even sees Ozu as a potential threat that could steal the love of his life, so naturally I kinda saw it as a weird love triangle. I mean the protagonist have two hands, why not love them both right ?
But in episode 6 of TTMB the protagonist drop the info that Akashi is Ozu's little sister, like out of nowhere ?! I even wondered if it was a subtitle mistake, but when I listened to it again he indeed says 小津の妹 (TS 11:19) while referring to Akashi.
So now I wonder, since I haven't read the novels yet: is that a fact we know earlier in the book ? Or did they really just drop this information that late in the story ? I don't hate it, I think it gives a new interesting interpretation of their relationship. But I'm surprised to learn such an important element literally on the last episode... And I'm even more surprised that nobody's talking about it ?!
I know that the fandom is quite small, but I'd love to hear about your opinion on Ozu and Akashi relationship. In general I'd love to talk about TG with other fans tbh, because it's such a nice show. My DMs are open anyway so don't hesitate to come talk to me if you want !
EDIT Someone kindly explained to me that, since Akashi became one of Higushi’s disciple after Ozu, he was often refereeing to her as his "little sister disciple", which is also more obvious in the novel than the anime. So on that last episode, when the protagonist is refeering to Akashi as Ozu's little sister, it's in the sense of Ozu's junior as Higushi's disciple. Which to be honest, wasn't translated very well in the subtiltles. But I'm happy to know that no, they didn't forget to mention that Ozu and Akashi were related, as fun as it was to imagine them being actual siblings. (Like, if the protagonist really marry Akashi as it's implied, it means Ozu would have become his stepbrother... It'd have work very well with them being linked by the black tread of fate, don't you think ?)
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eyenaku · 1 year
please tell about pierrot
holy shit this is gonna be maaaaddddd long i love you bryt
oh kay so. if u want easy to digest ver see my pierrot posters but ill go. bonkers and be abnormal and give u so much info under cut except i physically cant write serious tone rn so srry
picture this. it's the 16th century and commedia dell'arte is going nuts in italy everybody loves to watch silly little guys- one of which is the stock character pedrolino!! he doesn't wear a mask (unlinke many commedia characters) and has a loose white outfit, with ruff, cap, and large buttons down the centre of his shirt. he's a naive little guy- he's unlucky in love but it's endearing!! jovial! the youngest character!! pedrolino specifically is comedic and silly and happy!
ok now it's the 18th century and commedia dell'arte starts spreading across western europe. when it hits france, pedrolino becomes pierrot. pierrot being a diminutive of pierre, with -ot acting similarly to the spanish -ito which makes words smaller, often in the context of youth and endearment. in english, his name would be something like "petey" or "little pete". pierrot stays as a silly little guy, still the youngest role and a sideshow comedian, but don't you worry because he quickly becomes the sopping wet sad clown you know and love.
19th century comes along and BOOM. pantomine goes crazy in france and england. ppl cant get enough of watching these silly guys interact. jean-gaspard deburau, a famous mime, creates a rendition of pierrot during his time at the theatre des funambules, which becomes the stereotypical one everyone thinks of when they hear the name. he's pathetic, he's hopefully in love with columbine.
wait what? he's pining?? he's not being silly doing gags anymore? u heard that right folks there's a new storyline and it's a weird love triangle thing sorta kinda?? the melancholy recharacterization came with a new typical storyline of unrequited love between pierrot and columbine (columbine being his wife who is cheating on him with harlequin), though the story varies (sometimes they are not married, sometimes she is married to harlequin, etc). n e ways da general premise is that pierrot loves columbine, columbine loves harlequin, and harlequin loves columbine, so they both long for her affections and pierrot is a sad sopping wet lil bitch boy about it. very silly im love him anyways
oh yea deburau's super duper famous pierrot also switched up his costume- he got rid of the frilly collar/ruff (booooo tomato), gave him a skullcap instead of a hat, and made his blouse n trousers really big n wide-cut. he was no longer crude, timid, lazy, greedy, etc. etc. but rather a POET. a theatre kid. a melodramatic thing.
with pierrot being so intertwined to harlequin, naturally he was a pivotal character in the harlequin-centric "harlequinades", plays popular in england. however pierrot got displaced by the english clown :( dw tho he stayed popular in france
ok late 19th early 20th century. pantomime/commedia dell'arte makes a comeback????! oh em gee. new plays. many books of poems. 1884's pierrot lunaire saga was particularly famous, and was used as lyrics to a full orchestra composition. these poems are generally regarded as the first strong association between pierrot and moon motifs but they were seen before (supposedly around the deburau period) as a way to show he was "over the moon" in love with columbine.
oh yea pierrette also starts to exist during this time period. literally just female pierrot, who's sorta a rival for columbine but sorta not really? she's like. in love with pierrot, who's in love with columbine, who's in love with harlequin. they're all rlly dramatic about it. nobody wins (except columbine and harlequin lmaooo). they're both sad face emoji all the time and super melodramatic real for real.
ok now it's the 1920s. MORE PIERROT RESURGENCE. ppl in the 20s LOOOVEEED pierrot and pierrette. bibleots- french trinkets were super popular and were often pierrot/pierrette motofed, usually with moons. they were figurines, boxes, decanters, bookened, lamps, all sortsa stuff. their designs are a mash-up of all the previous iterations, typicalls looking very much like deburau's version but with a very prominent ruff added (WOOOOOOOO RUFF YAY) the modernism movement (art) has him as a reoccurring subject (picasso and dalí r some famous modernist artist who painted/drew him).
even charlie chaplin was a pierrot- little tramp, his most famous character and what u think of when u think of him was described in his biography as a type of pierrot.
david bowie described himself as a pierrot ! ! ! ! ! TWIGGY PLAYED A PIERRETTE IN HER FIRST MOVIE!! ggrarhhh
21st CENTURY HATSUNE MIKU PIERROT SONG. PIERROT IN FASHION.... pierrot was called a symbol for th epresent during covid...
anyways y yea im a huge fan. im abnormal about pierrot. thas a brief history. mwah kisses xoxo
oh also im making a game rn. commedia inspired. pierrot is in it. hoo ray
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isatumbles · 6 months
Hi okya Im doing it :3
Topic of the day: Keep Talking and Nobody Explodes
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Ive heard of this game ever since it got popular around 2015 - 2017, and it has always intrigued me as a kid! A fun (and stressful) co-op game about defusing a bomb that has several puzzle-like modules on it with no idea how to complete them without the help of an expert? My grabious goodness that was like music to my ears for young me! But unfortunately, I did lose interest as I forgot about the game.. until a certain Roblox game (Looking at you, Defusal) brought me back to this game
Keep Talking and Nobody Explodes, or in its abbreviated name, KTaNE, is just as I said above, a bomb defusal game where one must defuse a bomb with instructions from an expert that can only see their manual! The game comes in a really nice painted aesthetic while keeping the tenseness of having to defuse a ticking bomb! Ill be discussing the general game and mods as well bc why nont
So the game has you go through several sections containing missions that gradually get harder as you progress. Each mission gives you a bomb with differing amounts of modules that can range from slightly easy to quite difficult (Depends on how well you can relay information, for me I am pretty good with all the modules, even morse!). The game sets the atmosphere really nicely with music that swells in intensity as the timer ticks down and the beeping of the timer that goes down, reminding the defuser of their job!
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The modules this game presents are all super unique and fun to wrap ones head around, and one may even notice improvement with certain modules after doing them many times! Some modules that come to mind are:
The Button: A large button that can come in different colors and have different labels. The defuser has to either press the button or hold it and release it at a certain time. If the button is held, a light will appear on the right to tell when to release the button depending on the numbers on the timer! (I have a pet peeve watching people play this game and them giving the color of the button instead of the light next to it weeps)
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Complicated Wires: Several wires that may come in striped or solid colored, as well as LEDs and Stars indicating if the wire should be cut or not. The expert has to read the given Venn diagram to see if the wire should be cut or not, resulting in heavy mind chugging and additional info such as if there is a port or a certain number of batteries!
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The Knob: A needy module (Think a module that reactivates at random times that forces you to focus on it before handling other modules again) that shows several lights and a knob that you have to set in a certain direction before its own timer runs out! This one is a pretty annoying one considering the knob can reorient itself to throw off the defuser!
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There are several more modules, but the game only has about 14 modules! So for more customization, the creators made it so the game is moddable, allowing people to make their own modules! Lets just say, as of the time I upload this, there is about 2,000+ modules made by the community. No, I am not kidding. These people have dedicated many years to creating and uploading modules for others to defuse and enjoy, and it is still heavily active with new modules almost every week or two! Some cool ones Ive seen are:
Forget Me Not: A boss module (A type of regular module that makes the defuser and expert record information every time a module is complete, and then having that information be used at the very end when all other modules are done) that displays a single digit for every solve before making you input a code with said digits. This module has plenty of variants and is commonly used in challenges.
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Triangles: A group of similar-looking modules that require you to click on the triangles depending on what type it is such as Slipping Triangles, Dripping Triangles, Tipping Triangles, etc. Each have their own unique set of rules that range in difficulty. There are other modules that have similar-looking modules themselves such as the Squares, the Switches, the Flashes, and plenty more, but I prefer the triangles bc theyre my favorite lmofa
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Simon Spins: A Simon Says module that has spinning arms with different colors, shapes, and movements. This is my all-time favorite Simon Says module as it is pretty fun to deal with! The large list it has in its manual as well as the unique combos makes it a new experience each time, even more so with seeds!
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SO YEA I LOOOVE love KTaNE so much, and Im super glad the community is not only thriving but super friendly too! People are always available to play in the discord server, and some even allow themselves to teach other players how to do difficult modules that may stump new players! Its honestly such a blast and Im sure its a fixation thatll stick with me for a while!
Ill end this off with a large doc that I made for the sake of documenting on KTaNEs history and fanbase! Id be super elated to receive feedback on it and such, go take a look here!
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sysirauta · 2 years
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I had new sort of business cards for Tracon and ran out of them in the start of the last con day. May not be the most convenient shape but they caught attention with their difference from the mass.
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tswwwit · 3 years
since Bill says Dipper and Ford's magic tastes similar and Ford's never had a familiar before, could him and Bill have formed a familiar bond??
Have an AU!
The thud of feet coming down the stairs.
A pair of 'em, weird enough.
While Bill notices - he doesn't react. He's done with making anything easy for this guy.
Or doing anything for him, at all.
"And this," Ford says, with grandeur. Probably even a wave of his arm. "Is where it all began."
"A... triangle." Says another voice. Male, younger. Sounding a little confused, to boot.
Bill has no reason to change up what he's been doing for the last couple decades, so he stays still. Eye shut. Limbs tucked away.
Though the humans walk closer, talking shop -
Bill waits.
He can wait as long as he likes.
Unlike these losers, he's got plenty of time.
Bill's gone and shut up, and clammed up. Sixer's played jailer for for a couple decades. Bond or not, he's getting absolutely nothing. Zero, zilch, and nada. Even if Sixer's bringing in some new blood? They still aren't getting jack shit.
It's only a matter of time, in any case.
Stanford Pines is going to die one day, and then Bill will finally be free.
"A demon," insists Stanford. Probably clenching a fist, the dramatic-ass nerd. Almost certainly gesturing over the circle. "The magic's gone by now - but the bond will remain for a lifetime."
It didn't have to be gone! Not if that supreme nerd didn't disagree with Bill's party plans! Bill doesn't open his eye to roll it. Even though he's tempted.
There's no point in discussing anything with Stanford Pines. The knowledge Bill gave him, at the outset - the very beginning, when things coulda been so good -
Ford had his chance.
Almost twenty years, stuck in this thing. In this circle. No way to dick around with mortals, and no way to go back home.
Ugh. This sucks.
But it sucks for Fordsy too, and spite helps pass the time!
Decades don't pass any faster for eternal beings - but Bill's gonna outwait this awful mortal asshole. Trapping him in place like this, on the mortal plane. Stanford Pines can go hang, or die in a friggin' fire or something. Bill's imagined seven thousand different ways for him to perish, each one better than the next.
"Huh." The younger guy sounds curious. There's a hesitant couple of steps, coming closer.
"Wait! Wait." Ford again. Probably holding this young guy back. "He's too dangerous."
"The triangle." The voice repeats. Sounding skeptical.
"Well." Ford hesitates. "He has been dormant. For. Well. Longer than you've been alive." Then he finds some pep somewhere, and his voice firms. "And I still think it's worth the attempt. Just... never. Ever. Break the circle. Nothing living can ever pass the boundaries. You understand?"
A beat of pause.
Ford goes on. Giving this young guy some more instructions - all related to Bill's prison, how to stop him from escaping, yadda yadda whatever -
Huh. This is interesting. Actually interesting!
Aside from the brother, Ford's never gone and told someone about Bill! Even though Bill's sensed all kinds of mortals, coming and going, somewhere up above.
Nobody's seen him in person before.
Except for one person.
Bill almost wants to peek at what's happening. This is new! It's different, it's finally some friggin' relief - he's had almost nothing but daydreams and boredom for a full on twenty years -
But fuck Stanford Pines.
Bill resolutely keeps his eye shut. Still, and unmoving.
In front of Bill, Ford clears his throat. "Cipher -"
Yeah, like that's gonna work. Bill stays hovering in his unmoving place. The last time he gave this jackass any info, it screwed him over! What does he think he's trying?
Ford continues. "-Tell me what you know about illusion magic."
Wait. What?
Now that's a first. Of all the interrogations Poindexter's put him through, this doesn't make sense! Sixer here doesn't have jack shit for talent in that area, he'd never be able to make one -
But then again. There is another human here. Bill can't check this other guy's magic without opening his eye, but ugh, it's new. It's tempting -
"Hm." Ford, tapping his foot on the ground. "Still dormant." He sucks in a breath. "Damn."
"I mean," The younger voice, hesitant. "It was worth a shot?"
"Better he's not active, certainly." Ford agrees. Sounding a little relieved. "As long as Cipher can't interfere with people's minds, the world is a better place."
Another beat of silence.
"This isn't the last resort." Ford lies. Bill can sense it. Whatever these two are doing, Bill was definitely the last being Ford wanted to check with! "I've known more than a few illusionists. Dipper, your magic is..." Hesitating. Then, with false confidence - "We'll work it out in no time."
"Yeah." The younger guy says, with equally false cheerfulness. "Sure."
As the two humans chat among themselves - Bill contemplates all those neat new facts.
Huh! Now this is real interesting.
So there's this young guy - Ford's new apprentice? Having trouble with some magic stuff. Weird that he hasn't got a hang of it himself already! Gotta be pretty tight with Fordsy, too, or else he wouldn't have resorted to Bill.
What's going on here? Bill itches to check.
Bill runs over the ideas, again and again. There's a lotta possibilities, but nothing's certain. Not unless he takes a look at the guy, and that's not gonna happen.
When he returns his attention to his jail, Stanford's gone. Finally. It's way more intolerable to spend the hours, imprisoned, with the guy who did it arou-
Something goes 'clink' against his surface. Bouncing off him, and clattering across the ground.
What the- ?
Bill almost blinks. He reaches out with his other senses instead.
Huh, Ford's gone. Been gone for a while by the feel of it; Bill can't taste his magic nearby. But for some reason, he actually - impossibly - left this young guy alone in his lab?
The young guy's talking. Mostly to himself. But more importantly he's.
Alone. In Ford's lab.
And Stanford freakin' Pines? Trusting someone?
Who the hell is this kid?
Bill's been ignoring everything for years, and tolerating others. But this?
This is so new, and so different -
Bill opens his eye. He blinks, twice.
"Oh, nice." The kid - Dipper, is it? - picks up the twenty-sided die. It's been bounced off Bill's surface, rolling out of the circle. "A natural twenty." A quiet mutter. "I never get those."
"Ha! Tough luck! That's my roll, kid." Bill claps a hand on his surface, and watches the kid jump in alarm.
The kid - Dipper - takes a quick step back. His own eyes are wide, and alarmed, looking over Bill. "What?"
Bill lets his lower eyelid raise in a smile, and waves.
After a second - the young guy waves, hesitantly, back. Offering a super awkward smile.
Now that Bill sees this human, and his magic - wow. Yeah, no wonder he's been having problems!
Bill lets his eye trail over this mortal, and starts to glow.
He's starting to see why Stanford has such investment in this kid! Man, that brain is nice. Very, very nice. Oh man, there's so much will, and potential.
Bill spares a moment to ogle. Then another.
Meanwhile, the human lets his hand drop. Blinking at Bill. Casting a glance over his shoulder, towards the doorway. Like he knows he should be calling for Ford.
But he's not.
Bill should clam up again, but hey! He's already been spotted, and he's spoken!
Besides. This could be fun.
"The twenty's mine, kid. After all - Last one to touch it rolled the die!" Bill wags a finger in the air. Watching this human look slightly grumpy. It's a technicality, but Bill's right. He glows even brighter. "And I got a feeling I'm gonna be real lucky, soon."
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atomsmoon · 3 years
Dsmp Olympus be like:
Most recognized and old god on the server, at first because of his powers and protection of the Holy Land... then he started showing up just to simp for the British Mushroom guy and he lost all of the intimidation factor.
Has a creepy voice lately does anyone know wassup w that?
He's around fairly often.
WILL show up if you try to set up a table on an ancient looking portal OR if you call him a homeless teletubby.. go ask Techno about it.
People are either chill with him or don't want him to show up cuz that means trouble.
Definitely the most powerful AND most chaotic.
Dream's (and DreamXD's?) sister.
Shows up once every three months to wreck havoc and hand out a couple of impossible blocks.
She built an invisible staircase to fool people into thinking they can reach the sky (and mostly to make them fall down)
Signed her name in obsidian to assert dominance.
Her and Tommy are actually good friends (their allyship first started to piss off Dream, now they enjoy messing around on the server together c: )
Probably has a good relationship w Foolish, Olympus God buddies share shulkers c:
Totem of Undying, the new guy on the block.... unless?? He's been around long enough to have a tragic past as the Totem of Death.
He can pew pew lighting.
Apparently him and Eret go way back? Either that or he knew Herobrine 👀.
He's oddly letting himself be pushed around by two minors with a piglin child but hey at least they will pay him.. right? Guys? gUYS?? (Oh also don't comment on the chandelier it's a sore subject).
Is the tallest mf on the server reaching 27ft.. no wonder his builds are so massive.
Has recently entered a love triangle between Ponk and Sam... someone pray for him, he needs it.
Probably the most elusive god on the smp.
He never talks. Ever. Everyone loves him nonetheless.
Sometimes reaches out as <Server> in chat or he shows up with his Captain America and Reindeer outfit.. (i like to imagine him binging Marvel movies in the Olympus when he's got nothing else to do, which admittedly is most of the time)
Was at the site of Tubbo's nuclear test.. sightseeing?
He's the one to call when something's wrong
Generally the best
Deserves the world
Ok we love him moving on
Philza Minecraft
Was called the Angel Of Death once upon a time
He lost his wings to protect Wilbur from the L'manberg explosion... dearly misses flying.
Oooold friend of Techno, some stories say they ruled an ice ridden land called The Antarctic Empire
He's technically NOT immortal but Ageless aka he can die but he's always been too cool for that
His vibe is being done with everyone's shit, just don't mess with the people he loves.
People say he's the creator of the game. They are right. This is the truth now.
He's also the person everyone yells for for IT Support... ?
His only weakness are Baby Zombies, do not ask him about it.
Egg (evil)
Now onto the: GODS *?*
People chant "Blood For The Blood God" but his story is very confusing and complicated, is He getting the blood for the blood god or is he the Blood God himself? Nobody's sure but Everyone knows not to fuck with him.
He actually hybernates for several weeks on end, trusting Philza to look over him.
Has a thing for wither skeletons
Possibly old as hell (see long ass friendship w Philza)
Confusing and conflicting information about his nature, some say he's a straight up pig, some say piglin, some say he's a hybrid or wearing a mask... more info needed
He can and will kick Dream's ass
... still owes him a favor tho rip.
Immortal person too??
Herobrine/ Herobrine's descendant???
Idk fam everyone just thought "this normal dude has weird eyes" then Foolish rolls around and now the questions rise in number by the second
Is a Queen nonetheless
Demon guy
Once said he's immortal till his best friend dies... now... he took one of his lives... *it's complicated*
Actually a nice dude before he got possessed by the evil egg.
Can fix weird problems with the servers cuz console access making him another person to yell for.
Mainly just hangs around in the main area talking about muffins.
I imagine Callahan and Drista mainly chilling up there, only occasionally swinging by to check what's going on. Foolish and Phil always enjoyed hanging around on the server, building and travelling respectfully. Eventually they all ended up in the same place, who's to know if they ever met eachother in their long lives.. (yes phil and foolish give us crumbs please it is an invitation).
Everyone else is more of a demigod entity to me (apart from bbh because i do entertain the thought that everyone who has op on the server is secretly a god BUT that would make Awesamdude a god which hMMMM, but also philza would be a demigod which kINDA MAKES SENSE because he ISN'T in fact immortal- imma stop myself)
Ah and DreamXD just followed Dream around till he got stuck in the prison... oh well.. more time to simp ig  ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
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Theory on new character of Owl House in Season 2
https://www.reddit.com/r/TheOwlHouse/comments/mop9p1/theory_on_new_character_of_owl_house_in_season_2/ This is a repost of a post I made in reddit -------- I have a theory on Belos' spy. What if....Luz develops a crush on this guy and then Amity gets mega jealous. It is possible. Technically it isn't a love triangle since Luz has NO idea Amity is crushing on her big time and Luz has shown absolutely ZERO reciprocation nor acknowledgement to Amity's feelings. He seems like he's around high school age maybe around Edric and Emira's age or maybe even around Luz's age. He seems young looking enough to be a teen. The new character is most likely is gonna be sent by Belos to spy on the Owl House residence. Perhaps Luz will be used by this character in order to gain top secret info on the Owl House and spy on everyone. If he were to know that Luz is crushing on him, he'll take advantage of that to lure her into giving away the Owl House's secrets and use them to have Belos gain an even bigger advantage. Amity might be able to find out and at first nobody will believe her and will just think shes jealous of him. This could possibly put a strain between her and Luz. FYI, I'm not a fan of triangles myself but most series do it just to spice things up. Love triangles are rather painful to watch especially in Miraculous ladybug and Star vs the Forces of evil and it would be refreshing to have ZERO love triangles, or squares, or any shape. Do you believe my theory or do ya have something else in mind? Lemme know in the comment section below.
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kingwuko · 3 years
Wuko in the comics
Welcome to my first post discussing Wuko in the LoK comic books!
This first post will be discussing Turf Wars- which unfortunately does not feature Wu. But there are lots of excellent Mako moments, and there are some major plot points that carry over into the next comic trilogy.
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Turf Wars is the first LoK comic trilogy released after the finale. Though it was released two and half years after the finale aired, it picks up right where we left off. While the creators confirmed after the finale aired that Korrasami was canon, the last moments of the animated series were a little ambiguous (on purpose, since this was a time when queer representation was just not considered "acceptable" in children's media-it was truly the only way they could get away with it). The comics definitively remove all ambiguity. Turf Wars features multiple frames of Korra and Asami kissing, holding hands, and coming out to their friends and family. 
The overarching plot of Turf Wars is a conflict over the land upon which the new spirit portal sets. There is also conflict between rival Triad gangs, the Triple Threats and the Creeping Crystals, over turf in Republic City following the chaos of Kuvira's invasion. These two sets of turf wars overlap when a business tycoon hires the Triple Threats to secure the spirit portal for him by driving others off. The new Leader of the Triple Threats, Tokuga, is attacked by a spirit defending the portal, causing him to gain a dragon-like appearance and a new agenda-seizing control of all Republic City. In the midst of all this there is a refugee crisis, a presidential election, and Korra and Asami trying to navigate their new relationship once they return to the real world with all their responsibilities.
Notable plot points and character developments:
Korra and Asami canon is confirmed (repeatedly)-They come out to family and their friends
Business owner Wonyong Keum, who owns the land upon which the new portal sits, demands everyone vacate so he can turn it into a tourist attraction for profit-prompting Korra to enter the Avatar state to temporarily drive him away.
An unhappy spirit requests Korra closes the portal to prevent exploitation of the spirit world.
Bolin joins Mako as his rookie detective partner.
Zhu Li is running efforts to care for refugees who lost their homes during Kuvira’s attack and teams up with Asami to begin rebuilding homes for everyone displaced.
Tokuga is introduced as the leader of the Triple Threats, fighting for control of the streets with Jargala, the leader of the Creeping Crystals.
Kya reveals she is queer and gives us a history lesson on the context of LGBTQ+ history in the world.
Tokuga is attacked by the afore-mentioned spirit and his right arm and half his face become dragon-esque.
Raiko is a colossal idiot. He is way too focused on getting reelected and making his decisions based on what his campaign advisor suggests, rather than just, you know, governing his city. He calls the military to occupy the portal, prompting the Airbenders to peacefully protest.
Zhu Li runs against Raiko for the presidency. She rallies more protesters to protect the spirit portal while her husband films her for his newest project- a “docu-mover” which he presumably uses to influence the election. 
Asami and Keum are kidnapped by Tokuga and forced to make a poison gas device bring the city under Tokuga’s control.
The Krew manages to save the day of course, thanks to Asami’s wit, Korra’s unstoppable stubbornness, and back-up from Bolin and Mako. Except Mako, bless him, says he’ll “take care of Tokuga”, and then promptly loses him.
Tokuga mysteriously disappears into the spirit world.
Zhu Li wins the presidency.
Korra and Asami share a lovely, romantic moment where they exchange their first “I love you”s at the conclusion of the comic.
Mako scenes
There is no Wu in the Turf Wars comics (Unless you count one line of dialogue where it is mentioned that the Earth Kingdom is sending supplies to help the refugee situation) - however, there is plenty of Mako! Mako’s primary role in this series is as a detective trying to find and stop the Triads from waging their turf war in the city.
Our first scenes with Mako shows him back to being a detective- and his brother is his partner. He doesn’t seem super thrilled to be working with Bolin, but I think it’s just because he knows how his brother is- not that he doesn’t want to spend time with him. They are trying to track down the new leader of the triple threats and control gang activity. Mako’s arm is still in a sling, he’s got his usual brooding grumpy facial expression, and his hair is spiky again! He and Bolin arrest two-toed Ping and try to interrogate him. Two-toed Ping is weirdly proud of Mako and Bolin for rising up from being “nobodies” to a couple of “bigtime cops”.
They catch up with Korra and Asami, and the four of them are alerted by Jinora that the Triple threats are attacking the Airbenders that were meditating at the portal. Asami gets hurt in the battle and she and Korra share a kiss in front of everyone:
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Look at Opal’s sweet face. She looks like she’s barely containing her excitement and is maybe squealing a bit, and she’s looking directly at Bolin which I think is a sweet moment to show their relationship. Bolin calls dibs on the first double date.
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Mako probably needs time to process the information....
Mako and Bolin do some detective work to try and find Tokuga. There is an interesting scene where they are questioning Scoochy (We saw him in the first season, he’s the kid that told Korra and Mako the Bolin went to do some work for the triple threats before getting captured by equalists) Bolin tells Mako they should do “good cop, bad cop”, with Bolin being the good cop. Mako gets annoyed, and Bolin asks if he’s grumpy because his exes are dating. Mako insists he’s cool with it- though he’s got a distressed look on his face. They catch up to Scoochy and Bolin actually loses his temper and is rather menacing. Mako pulls Bolin back and genuinely connects with Scoochy- relating to his past, pushing him to do the right thing and help others. I really liked this moment because it shows how much character growth he’s had when you compare the way he treated Kai in season 3. (They are ultimately unsuccessful and Scoochy’s tip leads them to a room rigged with explosives- but I don’t think Scoochy knew that, I think he was fed false info).
There’s another touching scene, after Asami is kidnapped, where Mako notices how upset Korra seems as everyone is trying to form a plan to stop Tokuga. He steps aside to check in and see how she’s feeling. He comforts her’ empathizes with her, and reassures her that they are going to find Asami. At this point he seems to have fully processed that they are together and seems to fully accept it and is very supportive. Not easy considering the awkward position he’s in as both their exes. In this scene, Mako also informs Korra that he can’t firebend with his injured arm.
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Mako and Bolin helps Korra to find Asami by requesting help from Jargala- in spite of the fact that Chief Beifong told them not to… They show up for Korra and Asami even if it means risking their jobs. They team up and fight the bad guys together, just like the old days.
We see many examples of how bad the damage is from Mako’s injury in the Colossus. He can’t bend with his left arm, it’s in a sling almost the whole comic, and he really doesn’t seem to be at the top of his game. He told Bolin he would take care of catching Tokuga, but apparently couldn’t and lost him. Mako’s injury is pretty bad and it’s probably really frustrating.
At the end, Bolin decides to quit the force (surprise. The guy loves to hop from calling to calling!). He makes a big dramatic speech to Mako, talking about how it’s time they go their separate ways. Mako is like “Um I’m going to see you at home in like two hours”, so it sounds like they are living together.
What all this might mean for Wuko
So now I’m going to try to tie things back into how all this affects the potential of Wuko- whether that’s for headcanons or fics or whatever- and just try to give you an idea of what this comic means for Wuko shippers.
Wu is governing in the Earth Kingdom right now. It is mentioned by Zhu Li that the Earth Kingdom sent supplies, so one can assume Wu has taken his place on the throne and the Earth Kingdom is in a stable enough position to be sending supplies to aid another nation. Nothing is mentioned about efforts to transform the Earth Kingdom into a democratic nation (we’ll get to that in the Ruins of the Empire comics).
Mako’s primary relationships that are explored are with his brother and with Korra. His relationship with Bolin is just as it always is. He loves his brother even if he is a little exhausted by his upbeat, enthusiastic attitude. We build up on his final interaction with Korra from the animated series and continue to firmly establish them as friends and amicable exes. Interestingly, we don’t get any meaningful Mako and Asami interactions. When he is comforting Korra, he relates to her by remembering how worried he was when Korra was kidnapped by Amon. He doesn't try to say “Yeah I’m really worried about Asami too”, which, to me is bizarre because he and Asami are friends too, right? I don’t know if we should read too much into it though- most likely it was just a writing choice that we aren’t meant to psycho-analyze- but it could also mean he is being careful with his words so that Korra doesn’t wonder if he still has feelings for Asami. The love triangle is completely resolved and Mako is out of the picture romantically with either of them and has no lingering romantic feelings. In other words, he is 100% ready available for a relationship with someone else.
The scene where Kya gives us a history lesson establishes how LGBTQ+ people are viewed in the world of LoK. In short, Korra and Asami are fully supported by their friends and family, and even their enemies acknowledge their relationship without any homophobic tones. The closest we get to homophobia is Korra's father, who, after expressing his happiness at their relationship, warns Korra to be cautious going forward because not everyone will be as understanding. Kya gives us a quick lesson on how same-gender relationships are viewed across the nations: The water tribe, being a patriarchal culture, expects discretion. The Earth Kingdom is not particularly accepting-Kya says that Avatar Kyoshi was bisexual but couldn't affect "real change" and that the earth kingdom is the slowest to accept change and is also militarily repressive (full disclosure I have not read the Kyoshi comics, maybe there is additional insight in those?). And in the fire nation, Sozin made same-gender relationships illegal when he took power (I hope Zuko undid all that when he became Firelord). The air nation is the only one that seems truly accepting-Kya paints a picture of total acceptance and says that Aang was supportive when she herself came out. Korra is worried that maybe her father was right, but Asami points out that a lot has changed over the years and everyone seems accepting, especially in Republic City. 
I think what we can take away from this as far as Wuko goes- is that in Republic City, same-gender relationships are not much of an issue, while in the Earth Kingdom it could be viewed negatively. One could make a case that Wu might have cause to be closeted, while Mako might not. (Feel free to reject this history canon and substitute your own. I’d just as soon say that no one in the avatar-verse cares if you aren’t cis or het).
In conclusion. Mako is just a guy trying very hard to be a good, supportive friend to his exes who are now dating each other. He loves them (platonically) he loves his brother, he’s kind and has matured a lot, but he still always has a grumpy look on his face so it’s time for him to move on and get together with Wu.
Well, that’s Turf Wars. I did cram the plot of three comic books into one post, so I certainly did not hit all the details. If you feel I missed something crucial, feel free to reblog with your own takes. Next I’ll discuss Ruins of the Empire, in which we get lots of Wu and potential Wuko moments, a sizable helping of angst and even some Wu & Korra friendship! RotE is a really fun comic trilogy and I’ll be breaking it down into multiple posts. Thanks for reading everyone!
Wuko In RotE part 1
Wuko in RotE part 2
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Who Saved The Day? Season 5
It's been a long time but I am back with the fifth installment of Who Saved The Day? I'll be looking at every episode of buffy the vampire slayer to see who saved the day the most and in what ways. we're heading into the darkest and most complex end of the series and the number two spot is still very much up for grabs. it's getting harder and harder with time to tell who wins the point in each individual episode, and I don't think it's gonna get any easier from here friends.
At the end of season four we left it at:
Buffy: 43
Angel: 5
Giles: 5
Willow: 4
Anya: 2
Faith: 2
Oz: 2
Xander: 2
Other people who only got 1 each: 8
So season 5:
1. Buffy Vs Dracula: Buffy
Nice and straightforward. You kill Dracula twice, you get a point.
2. Real Me: Buffy
Buffy saves Dawn. Good work.
3. The Replacement: Willow
Buffy did avert the violence and stop the two Xanders from escalating things to a nasty place, so I'll hear arguments for that, but Willow actually fixed the situation and put the two Xanders back so I think she was the one who saved the day.
4. Out Of My Mind: Buffy
I really went back and forth on whether it was Buffy or the doctor here. The doctor actually solved the thing that was wrong so a big part of me thinks it was the doctor who did the procedure on Riley, but Buffy won the fight and dealt with Spike and Harmony so.... Buffy.
5. No Place Like Home: Buffy
Another 'nobody won' episode really. I don't know how to choose someone who saved the day here when... the day ended pretty badly. It was either the Monk for giving Buffy the info about Dawn before he died, or Buffy for getting herself and the Monk out of the magic box. I couldn't decide but thought that saving lives had to count as saving the day right?
6. Family: Buffy
My heart aches when I think about Family, seriously. I considered giving the point to Spike because he solved the demon thing, which exposed the Maclays and put the whole business to rest, but Buffy saying she wasn't going to let Tara be taken was more of a 'saving the day' action I think?
7. Fool For Love: Spike
I'm not certain who the day was really saved from here. Yes Riley killed some vampires but I don't think they were the main threat so killing them was more of a fun side project for Riley. I don't think we can really say Spike was the villain? At least for most of the episode. Putting this episode in its big existential context I think by giving Buffy the stories of the two past slayers and his actually fairly true (and useful for the rest of the season) insight into the slayers we can make a solid case for Spike saving the day. Am I biased in his favour? Absolutely, but it's my list! Spike's first point!
8. Shadow: Buffy
Buffy dealt with the snake and with so many other things.
9. Listening To Fear: Buffy
Dawn very much did save Joyce the first time, so there's an argument that she saved the day, but Buffy actually stabbed the thing. So Buffy.
10. Into The Woods: Buffy
Buffy (?) She certainly killed some vampires.
11. Triangle: Willow
Buffy does a lot of pummelling but Willow sends the troll away, which I would call solving the problem at its root.
12. Checkpoint: Buffy
Good speech babe, and well done for getting Giles his retroactive pay checks.
13. Blood Ties: Willow
I'm giving it to Willow and Tara here because they did the spell that transported Glory, and while Buffy's speech to Dawn was far more emotionally significant, the spell was what actually helped. I really want to give Tara a point - my beautiful girl who awoke so much of my soul deserves more than one - but Willow passing out from doing the spell implies to me that she was contributing more magical energy. If you can convince me in the replies that Tara deserves this point I will very, very gladly transfer it to her.
14. Crush: Spike (?)
I'm not happy about this one either. Much though I love him. But we've had episodes before where the person who causes the problem solves the problem and I've been strict with myself in the past about the person who saves the day only ever getting to be the person who actually does the one action that removes the biggest immediate danger. That danger was Drusilla and Spike got her off Buffy sooooooooo maybe I picked stupid rules.
15. I Was Made To Love You: Buffy
Out of every single episode of this show, this is the one where the day is the least saved. It's impossible to look at the ending of this episode and think of anything being okay. But Buffy stops April hurting anyone so, I guess.
16. The Body: Buffy
I'm a huge fan of the fact there was a vampire in this episode, keeping an element of the supernatural in the least supernatural episode this show ever did. It's one of the best decisions this script made to have a single, newborn, not very powerful vampire become a meaningful threat again in a way it hasn't been since very early season one, because the audience really believes that buffy could have been vulnerable to this when she's knocked sideways by grief and it feels menacing in a way that enormous tentacle demons never do. if we define this vampire as the threat in this episode, which it isn't really but it's the closest we've got, then it's buffy again.
17. Forever: Dawn
Dawn's first point. Go dawn, a heart-wrenching first point in a truly harrowing episode. Another example of the person who caused the problem solving the problem but we must be consistent here.
18. Intervention: Spike
This one hurts my heart. Spike's first uncontroversial point, I'd say.
19. Tough Love: Tara
I was originally going to give this point to Willow for getting her and Buffy out of the fight with Glory at the end, but I decided the bigger threat in this episode was Glory offering Tara the bargain where she could give the key up in exchange for her own safety. Tara making such a simple clear moral choice, even when she's terrified, even when she knows Glory could do anything for her, and she isn't even in a good place with Willow, is the bravest thing in this episode and no one else can possibly deserve this point.
20. Spiral: Ben
Not a good episode for day-saving. Ben did a lot more harm than good here but he got Giles' wound stabilised and no one else... saved the day. I'm not really happy about this one so please argue with me.
21. The Weight of the World: Willow
One of my favourite non-combat savings of the day. Willow going into Buffy's mind and convincing her to keep trying to save the world is one of the most interesting and significant day-savings Willow gets in one of my favourite episodes for Willow and Buffy's relationship.
22. The Gift: Buffy
There just aren't any arguments here. She saved the world. A lot.
So at the end of season five we're still very heavily biased in favour of Buffy saving the day, which I don't think is ever likely to go away, but getting more and more episodes where it isn't her with time. New appearances for a lot of the scoobies here and spike is climbing the ranks fast.
At the end of season 5 we are at:
Buffy: 54
Willow: 7
Angel and Giles: 5
Spike: 3
Anya, Faith, Oz, Tara, Xander: 2
And 9 characters including Dawn who have 1 each
Season 6 is my favourite season and also the bleakest, darkest and strangest so I am excited to see what happens to the leaderboard there.
14 notes · View notes
orangeoctopi7 · 3 years
Spiderstan AU Chapter 12
No one was in a good mood the next morning. Stan was still nursing a huge headache as he recovered from the last bits of Gremloblin neurotoxin. Ford was still cross with Stan for endangering himself and Fiddleford the previous day, as well as a bit distracted thinking about what Bill could possibly be sending him. And poor Fiddleford had obviously not slept a wink last night, although whether that was due to discomfort from the broken arm or anxiety after the Gremloblin attack was unclear. 
“Are either of you feeling up to retrieving our supplies?” Ford asked as they all poked at a breakfast of instant oatmeal.
“No.” Stan grumbled into his bowl, pinching the bridge of his nose, as though he could draw the tension out from behind his eyes.
“...Fiddleford?” Ford asked when his friend didn’t respond. The inventor looked up with a start.
“Wh-what?” he reacted as though someone had just threatened him.
“I just want to know if you’re feeling up to going back up the hill and retrieving the supplies we had to leave behind.”
McGucket fidgeted with the sling that was holding his broken arm in place. “N-n-no, no I don’t think so.”
Ford frowned with concern. “Alright. I should be able to manage on my own with the amulet of levitation. Stanley, could you at least take Fiddleford to the hospital, so you can get a professional to set it and provide a proper cast?”
“Waste of money, if y’ask me.” Stan grunted.
“I didn’t ask you.” Ford hissed. “Fiddleford, I suppose it’s your own choice whether you want to go see a doctor or not.”
“No! I’m not crazy! I’m not seein’ no shrink!” his friend snapped.
“...I meant for your arm.” Stanford clarified, after a moment of stunned silence.
“...Oh. R-right…. Yeah… r-reckon I oughta…” 
“Look, buddy, if you don’t wanna go to the hospital, no judgement here.” Stan assured the inventor. “And if you do wanna go, I’ll drive ya, just don’t expect me to come in with you.”
“They don’t charge you for sitting in the waiting room, Stan.” Ford rolled his eyes.
“No, but if I ask for a cup of water, they’d probably add it to your bill.” Stan countered.
Ford stood and grabbed his coat, along with a small turquoise stone set in a brass broach. “Well, you two work out what you want to do. I’m going to go retrieve our things.”
“Try not to get yourself killed while you’re off on your own, ok?” Stan called after him as he left.
“I’ll be fine, mom!”
Stan and McGucket just sat chewing their oatmeal for another moment or two before either of them spoke again.
“So, uh, just to be clear, did you want me to drive you to the hospital, or…?”
“Oh, I reckon I should go.” McGucket nodded, more confident this time. “Mainly ‘cuz this make-shift cast an’ sling Stanford made fer me ain’t ‘xactly comfer’ble. A professional one’ll prob’ly be better protection, too.”
“Alright, we’ll go in a minute, just lemme finish eating.”
“While we’re out, I think we oughta talk ‘bout Stanford’s, uh, mysterious friend.”
Stan grimaced. “Yeah. I think that thing was here again last night. I was too out of it to go check, though.”
“Does it show up every night?” McGucket asked anxiously.
“Nah, I only felt it a few times while you were gone.” Stan informed him. “And two of those were during the day. I dunno what that thing’s deal is.”
“That’s ‘xactly why we gotta learn more ‘bout it.” the inventor. “It don’t seem like Ford’s gonna be very forthcoming with information, so we’ll have to start askin’ around the town.”
“How do we do that in a way that, y’know, doesn’t make people think we’re crazy?”
Fiddleford flinched at Stan’s words, and he needed a few seconds to regain his composure.
“Like I said before, lots’a Native American artefacts round the valley have that one-eyed triangle on it. I’m sure if’n we just ask people if they know what it is or where it comes from, act like we’re jus’ interested in the history, that won’t turn no heads.”
“Yeah, cuz I’m sure people will believe a guy like me is just interested in history.”
“Why not? Nobody here knows you ‘cept maybe as Ford’s brother, if they don’t just mistake you for ‘im outright. It ain’t that hard to believe.”
Stan opened his mouth to argue, but Fiddleford had a point. Maybe this would work.
* * *
After dropping Fiddleford off at the hospital, Stan started asking around about the yellow triangle thing. While most folks at least recognized the symbol when Stan drew it, no one really knew where it came from or what it was, other than something associated with the illuminati. Nobody knew about its connections to local Native American folklore. Stan supposed he shouldn’t have been surprised, it wasn’t like he expected the hospital receptionist to be an expert on Native American history.
Thankfully, Fiddleford’s checkup didn’t take too long. Stan had just wrapped up a conversation with an old farmer when the inventor stepped back into the waiting room, wearing a new cast.
“Any luck?” McGucket asked as they climbed back into Stan’s car.
“No. Shockingly, none of these yokels know anything about our mysterious visitor.”
“Hmmm, I reckon we’ll have better luck researchin’ at the library.”
Stan groaned loudly.
“What’ve you got against libraries?” Fiddleford asked, like an insult to the library was as bad as a personal insult.
“Nothin’, libraries are great, they’re some place I can go for air conditioning or heating and just sit around for a few hours without raisin’ a fuss. What I ain’t a fan of is researching.”
Fiddleford chuckled and shook his head. “Well, lucky for you I’m plenty experienced in that department. S’pose you could chat with the librarians while I do the book research.
The library was nearly empty, considering it was the middle of the day on a Wednesday. Of course, that meant the librarians weren’t too preoccupied to answer some questions. One helped Fiddleford search the catalog for books on the local tribes’ history and folklore, while the other talked to Stan.
“Ah yes, you see a lot of this figure in ancient art.” The librarian nodded. “Many people erroneously assume it’s a Freemason or illuminati symbol, but it actually becomes much less common after European contact.”
“Why’s that?” Stan asked.
“Hmm, I’ll admit I don’t know. We haven’t got access to any recordings of local oral tradition. Although I’ve heard many Native American communities are starting to tape that sort of thing. If you really want to know the original story behind that symbol, you should go to the original source!”
“Yeah, cuz I’m sure they’re eager to share the story with some random white guy.” Stan rolled his eyes.
“Oh, I’m sure as long as you’re respectful, they’d just be happy someone is taking an interest. Warm Springs Reservation is only about an hour and a half drive from here, they’re a confederation of Tenino, Wasco, and Paiute tribes. They have a museum, you should go pay them a visit.”
Respectful wasn’t usually in Stan’s vocabulary, but he supposed this case was an exception.
Seeing as the librarian didn’t have much more info for Stan, he contented himself with browsing the library’s comics section while Fiddleford did his book research. The nerd took much less time than Stan had been expecting.
“This library’s collection of local Native American folklore ain’t what I’d call extensive.” Fiddleford shook his head, “I was only able to find a couple of tangential references to the thing. All I got is it’s associated with knowledge.”
“Hmph, no wonder Ford’s buddy-buddy with it.”
“What ‘bout you, did the librarian have any more info for ya?”
“Not really, but she did recommend I go visit the nearest reservation and check out their museum. Not a bad idea really, ‘snot like we’ve gotten any info from anyone else. Plus, I bet they’ve got a casino!”
“That’s not really gonna help us figure anything out.”
“No, but it’ll help me blow off steam. Besides, Ford’ll be suspicious if I suddenly wanna visit a Native American museum. I’m coverin’ my tracks.”
* * *
Thanks to Ford’s photographic memory and stopping to get directions from a passing gnome, the young researcher was able to find their gear and carry it back to Fiddleford’s truck in just a few hours. Retracing his steps brought back memories of their hike, both good and bad. That night around the campfire had been nice, talking about their plans for the future, joking with Stan… but then the next morning, he’d overhead his friends talking behind his back.
“...And while you were on vacation, he kinda implied he wasn't up here alone before you moved in. I think this has been going on for a while. Maybe even years. Did you ever notice anything weird right after you moved in?"
"Other than that creepy triangle symbol everywhere? Not really…"
Ford grit his teeth, and the levitating objects in front of him wobbled. Didn’t they trust him? Even if he couldn’t tell them about Bill, couldn’t they at least understand that he was just doing what he could to further their research? Why did they automatically assume Bill was dangerous?
“...They could have at least asked me…” The researcher muttered under his breath.
“Bill!” Ford startled in surprise.
“Thank you, Bill, I appreciate it.” Ford smiled gratefully.
“Well, that’s not their fault. They’re both still recovering from the Gremloblin attack yesterday.”
Ford sighed. “I just wish I could tell them about you. It’d make things so much easier!”
“But if I had a chance to explain--”
“N-no, he wouldn’t… I still need his help!”
“Fiddleford’s my friend, he wouldn’t do that!”
Ford did not have a good rationalization for that.
* * *
Stan and McGucket were helping themselves to a late lunch when Ford returned with their equipment. 
“So you went to the hospital after all.” Ford observed, nodding at Fiddleford’s new cast.
“Oh, yep…” Fiddleford answered. The inventor still seemed anxious and distracted.
“How long did they say you’d need to wear the cast?”
“‘Bout a week…” Fiddleford tapped his foot nervously.
Ford frowned. “I was hoping we’d be able to start connecting the hyperdrive to the portal tonight, but I supposed Stanley could help lift the superstructure.”
“Mmmnope.” Stanley declined. “I’m headin’ out to the casino tonight.”
“What? Why?”
“To gamble, genius, what do you think I’m gonna do at a casino?”
“No, I mean… why do you feel the need to go to a casino?”
“Have a little fun, make a little cash.”
“...Is this because I still haven’t gone grocery shopping?”
“What!? No, for cryin’ out loud, Ford, I just wanna go out and spend a night on the town!”
“On a Wednesday?”
“Yeah, that’s how you beat the crowds! I figure I deserve a break after fighting a monster and getting poisoned!”
“Oh…” Ford deflated. “... that’s fair. But… you’re coming back afterwards, right?”
Stan rolled his eyes. “Don’t worry, your latest specimen isn’t gonna fly the coop.”
Stanford frowned at his brother’s comment, but didn’t offer a retort. Instead he set about fixing his own late lunch. “So yet another day goes by where we make no progress on the portal project.”
“Stanford, I know yer eager to make your mark and get answers, but there really ain’t any reason we can’t take another day or two!” Fiddleford assured him. “There ain’t no ‘Weirdness Rush’ yet.”
“Perhaps, but one thing I’ve learned over the last six years here is that it’s far too easy to get distracted by every little fascinating thing one comes across here. If we don’t stay focused, we could easily keep putting it off until it just never gets done. I prefer to strike while the iron is hot.”
“Well, you keep striking iron, Ford.” Stan waved him off. “Tonight, I’m hopin’ to strike gold!”
* * *
After Stan left, the two scientists spent the night going over calculations and carefully inspecting the hyperdrive. Ford was disappointed they wouldn’t be able to start hooking it up to the mechanics of the portal just yet, but it was the kind of delicate mechanical work he only trusted McGucket with. He wished he had some more manual work to preoccupy his mind tonight. The young researcher had a hard time focusing on his calculations; his mind kept wandering to his brother.
If Stan won the jackpot, he’d be able to support himself. He wouldn’t have any more reason to stay here and work with me… Would he even come back? Would he even bother telling us?
Ford sighed with frustration as he realized he’d just read the same equation three times over. He really needed something to keep his hands occupied while he worked. He reached over to McGucket’s desk for what he often did when he needed something to keep his hands busy, and picked up his friend’s Cubics Cube. He raised an eyebrow when he noticed it still hadn’t been solved since the last time he scrambled it. He’d never seen Fiddleford leave it unsolved for more than a few hours. He glanced over to see the young inventor also seemed to be having trouble focusing on his work.
“You can’t concentrate either?” Ford asked, noticing how Fiddleford’s knee kept up a steady pace of 2 kbps, but his eyes stayed fixed at the top of the page he was supposed to be checking.
Fiddleford startled at his friend’s words. “S-sorry, jus’ tired. Didn’t sleep well last night.”
Ford offered him a sympathetic smile. “I don’t imagine so. I’m sure you’ll be on the mend soon enough though.”
“Mmm.” McGucket hummed noncommittally. “And how ‘bout you, what’s keepin’ you from concentratin’?” 
The researcher hemmed and hawed for a moment before he finally settled on an answer. “I suppose I’m a bit concerned with Stanley. I know he’s staying here because he’s got nowhere else to go, and I’m happy to give him a place to stay, but if things go well for him at the casino tonight… why would he stay here if he suddenly acquires the means to support himself?”
McGucket huffed a small chuckle and rolled his eyes. “It’s like I keep tellin’ ya Ford, you oughta be tellin’ him this stuff, and not me! If’n you really want him to stay, then you gotta be honest with him!”
“I-I am!” Ford insisted, willfully ignoring the fact that he was not, in fact, being honest about Bill. That didn’t count. He’d tell Stan if he thought Stan needed to know.
The inventor just rolled his eyes again. “Mama was right, can’t be honest with others if’n ya ain’t honest with yerself first.”
“And what is that supposed to mean?”
“You know what I mean, ya lost yer temper with me the last time I brought it up!”
Ford scoffed. “I am not under some deluded hope that if Stan stays, it will magically solve our issues.”
Fiddleford nodded. “Yeah, it does seem like you two are past that point. Now you’re just wantin’ to keep him around ‘cuz he’s your brother and you’ll miss him!”
The atmosphere of the room instantly went cold, and the pages of calculations in Fords hands crinkled as his grip tightened. “I would absolutely. Never. Try and keep Stan around. Just because I would miss him.” He enunciated through clenched teeth. “I… I simply… I have his best interests in mind! And the interest of my research! But I’m not trying to keep him here! He’s free to leave! He--he’s free to pursue other interests!”
McGucked raised his hands placatingly. Obviously, he had touched a nerve. “I’m sorry, I misspoke! I jus’ meant to say you care about him is all!”
“Of course I care about him! When was that ever in question!?”
Fiddleford gave him a steady look. “When ya went more than ten years without talkin’ to each other.”
Ford flushed. “It’s not like Stanley ever reached out to me! And I was the one who had a regular address and phone number! How was I supposed to talk to him, when he was always traveling!? Even our mother never got more than the occasional postcard!”
“I’m not sayin’ yer brother’s blameless in this, Ford, I’m jus’ sayin’ you could stand to actually let him know how you feel!”
“I don’t even know how I feel half the time!” The researcher burst. He was stunned by his own words, and took a moment to collect his thoughts and calm down a bit before continuing. “Stanley’s my brother, and he was such an important part of my life growing up. Of course I care about him. But the things he’s done-- the things he still does-- the way he ignores what I want because he thinks he knows best-- it infuriates me! So I suppose you could say my feelings for him are… complicated.”
Fiddleford nodded. “Family’s always complicated.”
Ford scoffed derisively. “This is considerably more complicated than the average family squabble.” 
McGucket laughed. “You’re right about that! Well, if it makes ya feel any better, I’m pretty sure Stan ain’t gonna run out on ya tonight, even if he does win it big at that casino. He’s got unfinished business here, after all.”
“That’s an odd way to refer to our continued studies of his powers, but I suppose you’re right.”
* * *
The parking lot for the Warm Springs History Museum was completely empty. Not that the casino lot across the way was packed, but it at least had a few cars parked near the entrance. Stan worried the museum might be closed, but he saw the light was on, and the door was unlocked.
There didn’t appear to be another soul in the building. Stan wandered around from one exhibit to the next, looking for anything that might be related to Ford’s mysterious benefactor. Stan wasn’t really all that surprised that he didn’t find anything. Finally, he rounded a corner and found the gift shop. A teenage girl who was probably supposed to be the cashier sat in front of a small TV. It was clearly supposed to be playing a VHS that the gift shop was trying to sell, but instead an Itira 3600 was hooked up and playing Brick Break.
“Uh, ‘scuse me?” Stan cleared his throat and knocked gently on the counter.
The girl didn’t glance away from the screen, eyes carefully following the bouncing pixel as it broke through another line of bricks. “Yeah I know you’re there I can see your reflection on the screen. We close in like ten minutes, just grab whatever you want and I’ll ring you up once I clear this level.”
“I’m not here to buy anything.”
“Then you better turn around and head back to the casino, ‘cuz bricks ain’t the only thing I can break.” 
“I don’t want anything from you either!” Stan assured her, waving his hands innocently. “I just got some questions about, uh, tribal history.”
“That’s what this museum is here for, sir.” She answered flatly.
“The thing I’m askin’ about isn’t in the museum, trust me, I checked.”
“We got history books too.”
“I doubt it’s in there either. Hey, if you’re too busy, is there someone else I can talk to?”
The girl tisked and tilted her game controller. “Yeah yeah, just a sec. I just got one more line at the top.”
Stan rolled his eyes and tapped his fingers on the counter impatiently. He supposed he couldn’t blame the girl. This was probably a very boring job. He knew most people who came this way were probably more interested in the casino, not the history of the people who had to run it just to make ends meet.
The girl finally cleared the level and put her controller down as the new level loaded in. “Ok, what’s your question.”
“Ok, this might sound stupid, but can you tell me more about what this thing is?” Stan pulled a pamphlet off the counter and drew the triangle with the eye. “I think it’s usually yellow?”
The girl raised her eyebrow in surprise when she took in Stan’s drawing. “Oh… that. You don’t see anything about that in here because that’s associated with… I guess the best word for it would be curses?”
Stan’s heart skipped a beat. “R-really? The little research I did on it beforehand said it was associated with knowledge.”
“Yeah, cursed knowledge.” The girl told him. “I’ll admit, I’m not super familiar with it. It’s kinda really ancient. When Nathaniel Northwest swindled us out of our land in Gravity Falls, we were relative newcomers. All the other tribes in the area believed the valley was cursed, because of that thing.”
Stan gulped. “What, uh, what’d it do?”
The girl put on her best storytelling voice. “Well, a thousand years ago, there was an old shaman called Modoc the Wise. He and his people worshipped that being. Until one day, Modoc learned its terrible secret. Modoc warned the people that the being they’d been worshipping was a liar, and that it would lay waste to the valley. But before he could tell them any more, the being drove him mad, and he slaughtered half his tribe before lighting himself on fire to try and stop it!”
Stan paled. “So, uh, this guy’s really bad news, huh?”
“That’s an understatement, but yeah.” The girl nodded. “Why do you want to know, anyway?”
“Uh, I live in Gravity Falls. I’ve just seen this thing on a lot of stuff, wondered what it was.”
“Ah, well, have fun living with the knowledge that your hometown is cursed!” She smiled viciously at him. “Now, it’s closing time. Are you gonna buy something or not?”
* * *
Stan tried to take his mind off things at the casino. His superhuman reflexes made him a whiz at the slots, but he had learned in the past that winning too much tended to draw unwanted attention. Of course, Stan was too busy trying to process what he’d just learned to pay much attention to his gambling, so it’s not like he could have won it big even if he was trying.
After just half-an-hour, it was clear that his heart just wasn’t in it today. Stan decided to play a round of Craps before he left, just to get in some dice rolling. Then he’d head home.
Careful. He warned himself. Don’t go callin’ that place your home. You know the second you get comfortable there is the second Ford decides he doesn’t want you around anymore.
By the time he finished, Stan managed to leave with about $20 more in his pocket than when he came in, so it wasn’t a bad night, gambling-wise. And he had at least learned something about that triangle guy. It just wasn’t good news. The trip certainly wasn’t a loss. So why did Stan feel like he hadn’t gained anything?
These thoughts weighed so heavily on his mind, that he never noticed the eyes on him as he left the casino.
“We’ve found him.” A shadowy figure spoke into his walkie-talkie.
* * *
22 notes · View notes
wildly doubt it but what are we ever talking abt re: billions if not plenty of “what if / in a world / imagine” thoughts: in a world where we’ve got quants who are similar enough to each other to get along as well as they immediately do (which, relative to billions standards, is unusually well) (winston beating taylor to the “wow samesies” punch with “that’s what i always say” clear moment of self recognition even) might give one cause to wonder things like “if winston’s crushing on rian & taylor’s going ‘oh samesies’ at her / claiming mutual self recognition here, is the writing indirectly acknowledging tayston vibes” (probably not) and, relevant to what i’m getting at here, “if taylor’s recognizing themself in rian, could they do so in winston,” and them i’m galaxy braining that if they maybe do not consider this at all, it could be an illustration of the limits of / failures of their self reflection & what they’re able or willing to recognize about themself ever
i mean continual joke but like, winston’s interview in 3x03 needn’t necessarily have been so disastrous, everything taylor’s describing as negatives is like, yeah of course that’s shit they’d dislike but that’s also everyone at axe cap, and they’re lashing out at him while saying he’s lashing out too much so has to get out of their sight, and every time taylor Especially lashes out / acts out on emotional impulse it’s like, well this sucks and also (: at recognizing it in winston and rejecting him for it while also making sure to give him a hard time on purpose for having given them shit in the process, but you know, they then also manage to have that mutual quantciliatory approach with each other and both put in effort to actually have a more constructive exchange, and by kompenso they’ve apparently found their wavelength just fine and recognize that they can work together and it doesn’t matter if taylor doesn’t find him sweet or anything, but also then that’s the last time they’ve had so signficant a conversation and we don’t know that taylor particularly devotes much thought to winston, while they’re able to repeatedly discuss trust & recognition of the self with rian as the still pretty new arrival, but [cricket chirps] when it comes to speaking to winston or really giving away that they have many thoughts head & heart full about him, verbal exchanges or no
and just you know, thinking about how generally characters don’t seem to think much about Or think much of winston / are pretty dismissive of him and/or disdainful when they Do have to pay attention / interact, and even when at all amicable w/him nobody seems all that concerned/bothered with him, and we don’t really get much of taylor’s stance about him but that Maybe “well i’m not hiring him b/c i like him but b/c he can deliver the results i need* (*?)” and even though they have insight about / Get him and he has insight about / Gets them, and he’s this much of a taylor mason loyalist & they’ve just asserted that that’s more important than ever, and he’s also just been [around] the whole damn time to be talked to ever but tragicomically the writing has taylor like [gandalf got jukes gif] avoiding an exchange or even often saying anything to him at all, doesn’t seem like taylor is raring to idk, relate to winston or see themself in him or consider the fact he’s so loyal to them to be particularly relevant, or they might have a conversation with him, which is easy enough around here when that’s the writing goals / they can & will throw in a plot contrivance to facilitate it if need be
anyways i guess i’m getting at like, we don’t know too much about how taylor regards winston / what they think of him, b/c there’s just a general absence of info, but rian continues to be a rosetta stone & clearly can vibe w/the both of them so like, we’ve got this trifecta triangle here and that Can be relevant, and it seems entirely possible that idk, taylor goes “well i don’t really like his personality but he can be here and do math” in s3 and then apparently hardly ever thinks further about him at any point since, and so just might not Want to relate to him or whatever, if they’re only concerned with recognizing the positive trait of “well i can trust him to do math well enough for me” and otherwise don’t care to think about anything about him
but this is just also tied to general thoughts about how at any given time taylor could recognize / focus more on like, noticing that winston’s been aboard the whole damn time and like, maybe has reasons for that and maybe this is relevant to them, and could think about all of it. but sure would be Something if you know, we’ve got these two quants who are pretty similar to each other in ways and both similar to taylor, and taylor can readily introspect upon & discuss how they see themself in the one who’s winsome and broadly talented and everyone likes her and taylor has already praised her to others, but uh winston whomst??? oh right the guy nobody really takes seriously or likes and he’s grating rather than winsome and messes things up whenever it involves speaking or doing anything other than math, monotalented, i do not see it........but you know, winston’s not actually somehow Remarkably Negative Becharacteristic’d, he’s not really out here doing much ever to anyone lmfao, he just has je ne hate quoi & while taylor may usually treat him normally, who knows if they’re like yeah i can tolerate him just fine but i do not consider him ever because if he was someone similar to me who i’d wanna relate to, he’d surely be more likable......but of course you know. if anyone just gave him the benefit of the doubt a bit & a general sympathetic lens rather than just thinking he’s a guy who sucks & who cares why he acts like he does b/c the reason must also suck, it’s not like. any worse to relate to him than to anyone else on the series. handshake you guys like math, for a start..............but also who knows, maybe they do relate to him & for some reason have just never felt the need to say fuckall about it. just some ponderings
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snazzamazing · 5 years
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I am happy to announce that I finally finished a little project of mine, the nightlight animatronics! Eeee finally my own version of the fnaf crew and I'm super happy with them! Heres some character info for these wackos!
After all the good ol freddy fazbear events and tragedies, the nightlights were made. Fazbear entertainment has opened a brand new restaurant to lighten up the mood to make everyone forget the rumors and secrets from the original fazbear restaurants. Nothing spooky here! No ghostly souls and no hidden secrets, just super advanced robots with some concerning and dangerous design choices
Nightlight bonnie:
Light theme: blacklight/string lights
Shape: circles
Special mechanic design: spikes on the knuckles. It's a very cool look for bonnie, but very dangerous around the kiddos since those spikes can poke an eye out
Personality: for an animatronic meant to perform on stage all day, he isnt very good at his job for being so stage fright. NL bonnie is a shy and quiet push over who would rather just sit there and draw rather than socialize. Bonnie is constantly worrying and being scared of so many things but feels very safe around his pals.
Nightlight freddy:
Light Theme: neon lights
Shape: triangles
Special mechanic ability: he doesnt need one, he can find many clever ways to murder someone easily. Not that, hes killed before..haha
Personality: everyone fears him. Hes usually pretty calm and quiet and always has an evil smirk on his face, but the crew sees freddy as a scary boss man. NL freddy is pretty moody and being tired n grumpy somewhere, but once its showtime, hes really not a bad guy at all! He loves to perform and loves to be a scary ringmaster like guy because it spooks the audience, but brings himself some joy.
Nightlight chica:
Light theme: candles and sparklers (fire basically)
Shape: hearts
Special mechanic ability: fire. Chica can control the fire that comes out of the candles. When shes calm, the flames are pretty low. When she's excited, the candles become sparklers. When shes upset, thats....that's really bad for all of us
Personality: chica would be bouncing off the walls 24/7. Shes super hyper all the time and nobody knows where all that energy comes from. Shes a really sweet gal and always knows how to cheer people up by bringing them deserts and making them laugh. Just dont try and get her upset, her temper is really bad and can be messy
Nightlight foxy:
Light theme: glow in the dark (stars)
Shape: stars
special mechanic ability: a grappling hook! nobody knows what the purpose of foxy’s reattaching hook, but he has it!
Personality: nightlight foxy is a very jolly fox indeed. Hes always up for adventure and tries to be everyones hero. He loves telling stories constantly and seems like a very cool and tough fox but can be a real softy too.
Well, that's all! I'd love to make more posts of the nightlight animatronics in the future! I hope you like them!
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