#I like candy corn
kalebsocs · 1 year
A perfectly cut scream with the egos would be like this:
Marvin: hmm.. candycorn? :picks up a package of it someone left on the table:
Chase: why would anyone eat that? Only weird people like that!
Anti: spontaneously glitches into the room, sounding unusually friendly:
Chase and Marvin: AAAAHHHHHH
I don't know who you are, or why you decided to give me your headcanons, but I fucking love that. Seems pretty accurate I'll say. Here might be my longer version of that w/ all the main 6.
Chase has had bad experiences with most things related to most things childhood related. (I have this headcanon based on the "Lost the only two people that ever mattered to me." bit. Talk more about that later if you're interested.) So he doesn't like most kinds of candy.
The guy likes sweets, sure.
And it probably used to give him a sugar high when he was happier.
But childhood trauma might've only allowed Chase to like one or two kinds of candy.
I see him as a Snickers bar kinda dude, but that's probably because I like that shit as well.
"You're not you when you're hungry, dude."
Chase probably hates Candy Corn for the texture it provides, he probably used to eat just a tiny bit if his kid demanded he try it.
Oh yeah, and memories like that add to the candy trauma.
Henrik avoids candy for the obvious reason that he's a doctor and knows the danger of that much sugar.
I do imagine he also gets a sugar high, and it comes out in the form of a mad scientist.
The only candy that Henrik might accept is the Lollie pops he hands out to good patients. (children obvi) That stuff can last a little longer, so his sugar highs aren't as dangerous or explosive.
But this fucker might as well hiss at candy corn while sending cease-and-desist-related insults in German at anyone who offers the candy.
He considers those things to be caramel sugar pyramids with the sole purpose of a "get a cavity quick" scheme.
Doesn't mind candy corn
He wouldn't choose to eat candy corn out of everything else, but he doesn't hate it like Chase and Henrik do.
He mainly likes the caramel flavor but dislikes how it can get stuck in his teeth.
He's also a Lollie Pop kinda guy, mainly for the old-timey feels.
It's either that or a good bar of dark chocolate.
JJ doesn't get a sugar high like the others, but he also just doesn't eat candy often.
Jackie likes to eat candy corn mainly for the shits and giggles.
Stuff like hissing at mutuals with candy corn fangs, adding it as decoration to whatever sweet things he might make specifically for Halloween if his times aren't robbed by...bank robbers maybe?
As a superhero, he'll hand out candy to saved victims on Halloween.
Whereas his 'secret identity' self will give out baked goods (the only ones that aren't burnt to a crisp) to any Trick-or-Treaters that approach his apartment complex.
However, Jackie doesn't necessarily choose candy corn out of the many other candy types.
Jackie seems to be the kinda guy who loves sour candy
Marvin soooo hates candy corn.
He's kinda pompous and snobby when it comes to their candy tastes, so candy corn is basically the most peasant-like candy he can think of.
Hates everything about candy corn.
The colors remind them of stupid and boring traffic cones,
the texture gives "hard on the outside, soft on the inside" a bad name,
and the flavoring tastes sooo cheap to Marvin.
Give Marvin any kind of chocolate and they'll be happy though.
Eats candy corn purely for the chaos
It's a move he'll make to taunt all the other egos into fighting them.
But Anti otherwise doesn't care about candy in general
Food in general seems silly to it because before he took Jack's comatose body, they didn't need food or the sensations of taste that food provides.
It doesn't matter how tasty or dogshit the food is, Anti will only eat it if it'll keep his current vessel alive or if it'll cause a reaction from the others
If you did ask and Anti would willingly answer though, Anti would say that its favorite food would be dead human corpses, it traumatizes everyone else around them, and he finds it hilarious.
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ahem. dear Sally,
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amphibianaday · 11 months
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day 1431
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picturesofponies · 18 days
Could you draw Fresh Coat and Candy Apples as wlw?
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They definitely have a carnival stand at fairs
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caesarinsalata · 8 months
Ed's face before fully processing that someone complimented him
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little-pup-pip · 1 month
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piowasthere · 2 months
I was wondering, why does you solar where a binder? :3
✨F A S H I O N✨
since he's not really human, like at all no skin, no muscle (we don't question the art style. never question the logic of thirst traps.)
so the binder doesn't really do anything for him
he just kinda likes the way it hugs him and keeps his chest warm while at the same time having a lot of ventilation to keep him cool (and if he gets cold, he just has the jacket on him anyways)
also cuz binders r hot af.
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synthaphone · 7 months
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finished the chocolate and custard centibytes- the dessert brothers
with that, every color i've finished converted art for that existed pre-conversion now has a UC counterpart. Hooray!
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majokothesmol · 7 months
Kieran: Yeah, I studied all the time, hardly ate, and actually got sick because of it...
Me, an idiot college student who did exactly that: THAT'S NOT GOOD, YA DINGUS!
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kwillow · 3 months
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I alluded to this fact in a previous question about Theo's preferences for companions: it really depends.
Someone could exist who could, in theory, get along with him perfectly and be his ideal man/woman (which again, he doesn't even really know what that would be, so he wouldn't know it when he saw it), and they could start off on the wrong foot with him, set off a tantrum spiral and never recover his esteem for the rest of his life.
Even if someone who could be compatible with him was able to pick their way through the bear traps of his mind and get close to him, that doesn't necessarily mean anything would come of it. He can get infatuated easily, experience flickers of attraction - but he would much rather ignore those feelings than act on them in any way beyond just trying to be a good and loyal friend and benefactor.
And then, even if someone got close to him, and he was infatuated with them AND recognized those emotions for what they are (a big ask in and of itself), he STILL would not want to enter a romance because that would change the nature of the relationship, he doesn't know what to do in a relationship, and he wouldn't want to entrap someone in a relationship with him (Gods, the horror) or suffer the travails and indignities of romance because all his experiences tell him that eros is a corrupting force and always ends really, really badly.
So one could ask him to start a relationship, and the absolute best result would probably be a polite and firm decline with some blathering about the nobility of "unrequited courtly devotion," with the more typical result being a meltdown.
Effectively, one would have to stay close to him for actual years in close proximity without leaving for greener pastures than him (which one should) and maybe, maaaaaybe if the right mental dominos fall he could conceivably think of entering a relationship. Except in Amaranthine, he'd only want to do that with a childbearing woman because he feels he needs to have children to continue his withered, hollow excuse of a family tree. AND THAT WOULD START A WHOLE OTHER SAGA. ALL THAT ABOVE WAS JUST GETTING TO FIRST BASE, LET'S NOT EVEN GET INTO WHAT IT'D TAKE TO GET ALL THE WAY TO FOURTH. Anyone not able to produce more Norths would have a whole 'nother endurance test to slog through to work through his issues about debt to his family and legacy and all that nonsense. And would either path be worth it to someone? Performing years worth of informal therapy (not real therapy, he hates doctors!) on a messed-up guy just to get him to maybe agree to go out with you? Probably not!
To bring it back to the beginning, despite all I've written here, it all depends. I don't think I can write a rulebook or point-by-point guide for "how to get Theo to agree to date another imaginary person" because in the end, he is a fictional character and he is more beholden to what would be interesting for my partner and I to write and draw versus anything else. And it would depend on the setting, the characters involved, the circumstances that befall them, myriad little factors that could influence what feels natural for him to do. Maybe there could be an interesting story we come up with where he falls irrationally head-over-heels for someone and proposes the same day. He could also spurn all companionship and focus his attention on other pursuits.
So... if anyone is expecting any sweet blossoming love stories to come to fruition within Theo’s story in Amaranthine… the odds aren't good. I don’t have much interest in writing “romance” as a genre, only incredibly dysfunctional relationships as a vehicle to cause strife and comedy in fucked-up weirdos' lives.
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deadboystims · 3 months
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★ ┊ my favorite adventure time episode stimboard requested by @wheeler-buckley !
1 , 2 , 3 ┊ 4 , 5 , 6 ┊ 7 , 8 , 9
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the-meme-monarch · 11 months
capn would sell his halloween candy for money i think
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bluebudgie · 10 months
also on the topic of gw2 food, i was SHOCKED when i found out candy corn is a real thing and not a gw2 halloween invention
then my sister went to the US for vacations and i asked her to bring me some candy corn because i wanted to try it
and it was the most horrifying sugar experience i ever had. literally inedible
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slunberparty · 8 months
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Coloring sketchbook doodles on my phone
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warcrimesimulator · 19 days
Time of the year for this garbage
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lincolnlogsnfrogs · 11 months
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bro is so proud of himself lmao attaboy dib lift that boyfriend
shitty bonus:
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