#I like Pikachu now. Cool mon.
kakusu-shipping · 4 months
Playing PokeRouge and getting really really attached to the Pikachu I chose as my starter to help catch stuff and catching myself calling him "Cap"
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wiptw · 2 months
Pokémon Stadium Series
Nintendo 64 - Nintendo - 2000 to 2001
You as a Pokémon fan are absolutely fucking spoiled these days. Aside from the mainline games you have spinoffs and fangames offering different experiences, you have entire websites dedicated to documenting everything down to the internal maths of the series, there's no end to the free content you can access with an internet connection between emulators and battle sites like 'Showdown!', and it's now socially acceptable in most circles to be older than 13 and have something with Pikachu's face plastered on it (especially if you're female presenting, especially if your friend group is also infected with the Pokémon hype). Back in my day™ you had almost none of this. You had the anime on Saturday mornings, you had the early run Pokémon licensed merch which WOULD get you called a baby if you continued buying past 10-12, and you had the games. Those sweet, sweet games that indoctrinated a generation of young people into being gamers and awoke a horde of JRPG addicts.
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Literally Me
So remember this when I tell you that Pokémon Stadium, both one and two, aren't great games because they do something back then that you can't get today; they're great for what they did back then. So Pokemon Stadium 1&2 were a duology of games from 2000 and 2001 respectively that allowed players to battle Pokemon in 3D, with the addition of some side content such as minigames included to prevent the game from being 100% Pokemon battles. Because otherwise, the game is in fact navigating a series of menus and completing Pokémon battles with 3D models.
Whether it's taking on the gym gauntlets, the marathon of battles in the Pokémon cups, or just free battles with friends and loved ones, 98% of the experience is either selecting Pokémon from a roster of pre-built 'rentals' or transferring them from a saved game using the Transfer Pak, then fighting them in a series of 3D environments. An experience which you can definitely do today using web apps but as I said earlier, we didn't have that.
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The peak of Pokémon battles in 2000
So if you're buying Pokémon Stadium (either version really) you're already probably a Pokémon fan right? So that means you have Red/Blue/Yellow/Gold/Silver/Crystal, so why not just play that game and get the full experience? The fun of exploring, talking to NPCs, discovering new and exotic locations? Simple, because in those games battles looked like this
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While in Stadium, battles looked like this
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If you grew up watching the anime while playing the Gameboy games, there was this special kind of dissonance where you might find yourself saying "Yeah, (for the time) these graphics are RADICAL but I wish I had something closer to these cool Pokémon Battles they had in the anime." As you hide under the covers with your Gameboy Color worm light, nestled in your Ash Ketchum pajamas while you attempt for the 100th time to capture a ditto. Pokémon Stadium was the answer to this dissonance, providing you with vibrant 3D graphics unlike anything you'd ever seen before; bringing Pokémon to life in a way that would be unmatched until Colosseum came out during the Gamecube era.
So, to actual mechanics, you play both games pretty similarly; by building a team of Pokémon (either on your handheld or by using the rental mons the game provides) and take part in a series of battles to become the ultimate battle master. To use your own Pokémon, you'd need to use the aforementioned 'Transfer Pak' to plug in a copy of Red/Blue/Yellow (for 1) or Gold/Silver/Crystal (for 2) with a game saved to the cartridge; otherwise the rental Pokémon covered all released Pokémon (except for some hidden ones) allowing you to build your dream team, sans a few caveats here and there.
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Evolved Pokémon have better stats but worse moves, while weaker Pokémon tend to have better moves to compensate
In terms of WHERE you can battle, there's two choices: Either in the Gym Leader Castle, or the Tournaments held in the center of the map on either game. Either way, the game will then have you battle through a series of 3v3 matches versus a set number of trainers who will also select 3 random mons from their full team of six.
A bit bare bones, but there's some spice to how things are run. For one, the rental system was a huge thing for us younger players back in the day. Even if you had the games some Pokémon were hard to catch, had evolution requirements some players couldn't complete (like the trade-mons), or were locked to a version you didn't have. The rental mons give you a list of every Pokémon (some exceptions, but not many) and then lets you build your dream team. Sure, you can't set their moves, EVs, IVs, and it's the era before abilities and natures but I CAN HAVE A MEOWTH/PERSIAN ON MY TEAM. Do you know what I had to do as a child to have this Pokémon outside of Stadium? I had to find someone in the American South who also enjoyed Pokémon, hoped they had Blue instead of Red, hoped they had a link cable, then get them to agree to a trade despite both of us being children (and therefore, objectively terrible) which likely meant giving away a rare Pokémon in exchange for what amounted to common garbage in their game because it was Version fucking Exclusivity™ and everyone seemed to know that meant you'd do anything to get that one fucking Pokémon you wanted.
In the handheld games, if you wanted to build your dream team then likely you'd have to put in some more effort than other games of the time would've required of you. With Stadium, your dreams come true, and if you already have that dream team you can just import them to fight in glorious 3D. Circumventing the fact that rental Pokémon are kinda terrible overall.
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Don't feel like building? The challenge cup mode that gives you randomized team comps that has it's own charm (for masochists)
Not to say all of them were bad but construct a normal distribution of 'Good' to 'Bad' picks then that graph is gonna skew left so hard you'd be forgiven for thinking it was just a straight line. To keep every choice 'viable' Pokémon rentals were balanced around stats and moves. More powerful evolved Pokémon and Pokémon with high Base Stat Totals (BST) were given weaker moves and first form and low BST Pokémon were given generally better moves. Charizard might have better stats than Charmeleon and Charmander but his only fire type move is going to be something like Fire Spin. Conversely, Charmander might have Fire Blast but his stats are gonna make him an easy target for the computer's pokemon, which are not bound to the same builds as the rental mons you're using.
Once your team is assembled, then you're off to battle trainer after trainer after trainer with beautifully scored (for the Nintendo 64) soundtracks giving you an unearned sense of importance every step of the way. Battles themselves are conducted with a weird, but functional control layout where A and B access sub menus you then check with the R button before finalizing with the c-buttons, which on original hardware or a USB N64 controller is fine but on emulation with a more modern controller like Logitech, can be a little nerve wracking as you worry about whether your 'up' input on the control stick was up enough for the game or if you accidentally drifted right or left using an unintended move.
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fun fact: the name of imported Pokémon affects their coloration in Stadium
Battles are also largely regulated by (at the time) tournament standard rules. Little and Pokecup have level restrictions, and all three non-random cups include clauses for sleep, held items, and repeat Pokémon. Additionally, in any cup if you win the round with all 3 Pokémon still in tact, you're granted a continue; meaning you can retry the battle if you lose. Additionally, there is no 'draw' outcome in these games. Use a move like Explosion or Selfdestruct and the game will register it as your loss on your final Pokémon, regardless of whether you took down the opposing fighter with you or not.
You'll be doing a LOT of back-to-back fights here against trainers with varied team comps, but even with over 246 Pokémon in the available potential lineup you'll get tired fast of fighting. This is, however, slightly mitigated by the 3v3 nature of the matches but even so be ready to here the same Pokémon noises, watch the same effects play out, and wait for the same health bars to tick down over and over as you claw your way to the spot of Pokémon Master.
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The art style of non-battle scenes like the main map and minigame plaza have that nice, 90's charm to them as well.
If you do get tired of battling it out, then Stadium 1 and 2 both offer minigames for players to partake in. Either in a tournament format or by using the free-play browser, players are able to take part in a multitude of different Mario Party-esque (without the hand burning) minigames featuring the Pokémon as stars. Minigames consist of stick twirling, button mashing, and point collecting all while controlling fan favorite Pokémon such as Togepi, Eevee, Scyther, and Pichu with no real rhyme or reason behind why these game exist aside from a amusement park theming the minigame zones have for their icons and menus.
You won't get a real explanation as to why you're racing Donphans, cutting logs as Scythers and Pinsirs, or playing Simon Says with a bunch of Clefairy, but you don't really need that either. The games are fun, the models are charming, and watching Clefairy get smacked in the head for each wrong input brings me a level of joy I should probably talk about with my therapist. You won't likely spend hours in this mode, but it's a nice breather from the onslaught of battles otherwise.
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fun fact: I still won't talk to some people because of the outcomes to Rampage Rollout over two decades ago. You know who you are.
Additionally there's a quiz minigame separate from the main selection of minigames with easy/normal/hard difficulty selections. Players compete to see who can be the first to get a number of questions correct before anyone else based on facts about the Pokémon (typing, size, silhouette, etc) or facts about the game (where you can find things in the game, names of routes and towns, names of figures in the game).
It's not the most challenging on easy or normal, but playing on hard the game will try to screw you with trick questions so playing with others becomes a balance of "do I let the question play out, or attempt to steal it before someone else can answer correctly?"
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Sometimes even playing the game won't prepare you for how out of pocket the questions can get
The real advantage of 2 over 1 is that, in addition to minigames, the game has the trainer academy; a kind of in-depth battle tutorial to teach players not only the basics of Pokémon fighting, but also some secrets as well
You can learn about held items, a feature new to the second generation, as well as participate in mock battles to demonstrate the materials you've been reading and quizzed on. Some of this information for the time too was obscure or hidden knowledge, like the fact that using Defense Curl before using Rollout would boost the damage significantly or that using Stomp on an opponent who used minimize would double the damage.
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Some type matchups just make sense, like Ground v Electric.
Overall though what really makes this game is the presentation. The soundtrack does a great job selling the feeling Nintendo wants you to experience, climbing the ladder in a tournament or the Gym Leaders Castle makes you feel powerful, and the little details on top of it all just tie it together in a nice package.
The fights, for example, are also narrated by "The Announcer". A bombastic voice shouting over every detail of a fight. When you score a crit, when you apply a status effect, even using certain moves will get the announcer loudly narrating each detail like a Pokémon prize fight. Seeing the ground rip apart when you use Earthquake is only half the charm, the other half comes from that man yelling in your ears "A DEVESTATING EARTHQUAKE ATTACK!". Clearing gyms or clearing opponents in one of the cups grants you gym badges, a dream for any child growing up on the handheld classics or watching the anime who wished they too could earn shiny bits of metal that gave them an inflated sense of importance.
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I would literally kill everyone I came across if it'd get me a real life Zephyr Badge.
Stadium 1 and 2 aren't evergreen classics. They're stuck in Gens 1 and 2 respectively, the roster of Pokémon while impressive is largely useless and makes collecting trophies way harder than it has to be, and the games were made before things like abilities and double battles were introduced, leading to the Pokémon battling game missing out on the generation of Pokémon that made battling more fun (Revolution doesn't count, Revolution is dead to me and disappoints me more than I disappoint myself.)
But for the time especially, it gave fans an opportunity to experience a form of Pokémon more advanced than what the handhelds could output. It was a window into a world of potential that wouldn't be truly fulfilled until arguably the 3DS era of Pokémon released, and gave fans a fun little romp handcrafted for them at every twist and turn. Whether you were a gamer or you enjoyed the anime, there was something here for you.
Overall: 7/10 Sound: 8/10 (for the time) Graphics: 9/10 (for the time) Memorable Moments: Stadium 1: Hearing about Mewtwo, thinking he was an urban legend, then finding out he wasn't Stadium 2: Finally beating the elite 4 using only rental mons.
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clanwarrior-tumbly · 11 months
So, now that the DLC is out, I was wondering if I could request a part two to the pokepasta trainer reader? Like them and their team meeting Carmine, Kieran, and Perrin?
Oooo yeah!! I'm guessing you meant this post (being part 1). I'm honestly impressed by the notes ghshghsh but I'm glad ya'll love the pokepasta!reader <333
Gonna format these as hcs if that's okay
She's seen tourists bring in weird Pokémon, but you brought the scariest ones she's ever seen in her life.
She sends out her Poochyena to do battle, thinking she can intimidate you....and she SCREAMS when your Freakachu comes out to play.
It's loud enough for all to hear and for the caretaker to arrive and prematurely end the fight.
Well, at least she finally got off your back before things could get too heated.
Kieran was shocked though bc his sister was usually so brave.
During your time in Kitakami, she's just going to,,,,stare at your Pokémon team, especially when you introduce her to Purin and Disabled (she definitely thinks they're some weird gray regional variants and nothing more)
She's extremely confused as to why you named your Wigglytuff after a status move.
And Missingno.....is something she can't even begin to wrap her brain around, but she buys the story of it being from a really old Kantonian myth. That's something she can 100% believe.
After meeting Ogerpon and learning she's been misunderstood all along, Carmine slowly realizes she may have treated your Pokémon the same way.
They've been through some horrible things, and she was quick to judge them, so she apologizes for that.
Although Freakachu's smiles still creep her out..she's friendlier towards Purin and Disabled (not that she'll ever admit this, ofc).
Like Carmine, he's gonna be pretty spooked by how your Pokémon team looks, at first.
But considering he never thought the Ogre was scary. he's nowhere near as judgmental.
During your walks together and at dinner, you explained where your 'mons came from--or at least the short and least terrifying versions of those tales so you didn't freak him out too much..
He's just fascinated that you've gone out of your way to help them despite their reputations as "monsters".
He hopes to one day have a strong bond like that with his team, or Ogerpon.
Tbh he found it really sweet when you purchased a Pikachu mask for Freakachu to wear so he could visit the festival of masks without scaring anybody.
Missingno was, understandably, the most bizarre Pokémon Kieran has ever seen, but once you explained how it's an old Kantonian myth...he's like "wowzers..that's so cool!!"
He genuinely believes you and him have a lot in common: being outcasts and adoring Pokémon most people were afraid of.
So it's even more heartbreaking for him when Ogerpon ultimately chooses to go with you instead of him.
Despite your team being utterly terrifying, she felt more comfortable being by their side...and it doesn't make sense to him at all.
It just doesn't seem fair.
He envies how your Missingno can pretty much give you whatever items you wanted--and an infinite number of them, too.
You warned him that it's not something you messed around with (plus, it corrupted an old friend of yours long ago), but he didn't care about any of that.
He wanted to know how to harness that power.
Maybe when he becomes even stronger, he'll challenge you again...
And the winner got to keep Missingno.
She thought the Bloodmoon Beast was a terrifying and ominous force to be reckoned with, especially in the photograph she obtained.
But what you had on your team was nothing short of both amazing...and downright horrifying.
She assumes Freakachu, Purin, and Disabled are some Pikachu, Jigglypuff, and Wigglytuff variants she's never heard about or have gone extinct.
Maybe like Bloodmoon Ursaluna, they were from a distant land or some time period.
So she keeps an open mind and convinces them to do some cool poses (despite her Hisuian Growlithe always hiding behind her, tail tucked between its legs, and being certain that Purin's stare is gonna haunt her dreams now).
The only one she's heard of before was Missingno, having once believed it to be a myth from Kanto...and now she can see that it's real! And it's in your possession!
She wants a photo of it. Not for any sort of recognition or accolade, but as proof in the books that it's legit.
Unfortunately, while she can see it glitching, changing forms, spawning items for you, etc. right before her very eyes...it never shows up on camera.
Every photo she attempts to take gets corrupted or lost in the developing process.
You politely have to ask Perrin to stop before she breaks her camera.
She is, however, free to photograph your other Pokémon as they are in their natural state (aka acting like their normal counterparts and not creatures that really should've been dead long ago).
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genesisgijinka · 7 months
I have returned with another essay on worldbuilding.
Part one: Design.
Your world has more animalistic pokemon. Going for a more... Adapted to a real functioning world where physics and biology are mostly in accordance with how it would work here.
My favourite example of this is this post. In it is pictured a Gardevoir. I don't know if the design is still accurate, but said gardevoir is less a funny alien creature and instead an elongated owl.
Another amazing example of this is the Power Scale post. The beastly legendaries and especially Arcy look sick. With "unrealistic" features like Arcy's fence gate being adapted into much more believable features/body parts.
That being said, we get to
Part 1.5: The Point
With most pokemon being animal-ified, there are some where that just isn't realy feasible. Good contenders for this are the magnemite line, a ton of Grass types and otherwise plant pokemon, and a bunch of object pokemon
small list of examples: Chandelure, klefki, Sudowoodo, oddish, bellsprout, shroomish, grimer, gastly, voltorb, Porygon, Koffing, Cofagrigus, and Ditto. (to be honest, ditto needs its own section)
How would you handle pokemon like that?
I kind of like the idea of naturally occuring mechanical life. You open up a dead Magnezone and there's just a load of gears and electric components in there. (imagine steampunk but with electricity instead of steam)
similarly, How would Gijinka of robotic/ object mons work?
Part 2: Pokespeak
In the anime all Pokemon speak Pokespeak. With pokemon being more animalistic, How do you handle them communicating?
Same question with the sentient mons situation from the anime. Most if not all pokemon on the protagonist's team (COUGH Pikachu) are of similar intelligence as a human, they have complex logic, can read, experience the entire spectrum of emotion, can perfectly understand language, etc.
How does that work?
That'll be it for now.
Part 1-1.5
Yep, gardevoir design is still accurate. Most of my design process for figuring out how I'm going to interpret pokemon design is deviating from a lot of common things that I see. Continuing with the gardevoir example, it's one of those pokemon that you don't google bc everyone just turns it into a booby waifu. I looked at the face and kinda went, 'Hey, that looks like the facial disk of an owl,' and started there.
For things that aren't easily interpreted, I switch to scribbling around with shapes. The Arceus fence thing was more inspired by the biblically accurate angels thing from the book of Revelations bc i thought that was funny lol. Sometimes I just give up tho and things like sylveon still gets it's weird ribbon things bc it's a Fey and they are not beholden to normal rules.
Other ways I design pokemon is by trying to figure out what niche they would fill and how would they have evolved to fill it bc nature is bonkers like that and doesn't like empty spaces. The universe of Genesis is absolutely riddled with ambient energy, so you get things like sentient almost-rocks and minerals or florauna creatures that make up plant types since everything is essentially swimming in a sort of low-key primordial soup. Sometimes a loose spirit just really thinks that chandelier is cool looking and would make a good home. The Good Soup™ makes it easier for that spirit to move its new body and now you have a new pokemon! All that loose energy gives life to things that on our world, would not work. But hey, such is magic-science.
There are lots of different paths I can take, so I don't really have a set process of how I generally do it. And there are so many theories of how certain pokemon came to be - either through in-game lore talked about in the pokedex/from NPCs or someone with their red string on the wall making a spider's web of what's going on in the world of pokemon - that I can take some of those and just run with it. For example; you brought up ditto. Congratulations! You've discovered Prime's "siblings," since I'm using the theory that ditto were Rocket's failed attempts at cloning mew. Little blobs that use the energy of the world around them to craft bodies several times their mass and size, using moves that they don't normally learn.
Robotic/object gijinka would depend on which pokemon is the base form. There's a whole lot of human in a gijinka which keeps things to a mostly human base (this is how I ignore the egg types in gijinka when it comes to reproducing and y'know, keeping your culture alive), so it would mostly boil down to types. If someone was of the magnemite line, they'd have iron/steel deposits in places where the skin is thin, like how Heph does on his knuckles, a characteristic of a steel type gijinka. They'd also be more prone to generating static electricity. Or a doctor giving a vanilluxe gijinka a check up has to have a different base body temperature to test against since ice types have a body temp that runs a little bit cooler than most others (fire types have the opposite problem. Razor has torched off shirt sleeves before, which is why he's almost always in a tank-top of some sort)
Part 2
How do pokemon communicate with each other? Idk, the same way they do in Tarzan. They just, can. Smth smth, pokemon speaking with their hearts, not words. Pokéspeak isn't suuuper well understood, mostly due to not having enough cases to study, but it does very rarely crop up in people from time to time. N is canon to the Genesis timeline (not sure when just quite yet but anyway) and he can fully understand pokemon. Biggest theory is that it's stored away somewhere in the human DNA, a leftover from when pokemon and humans were once considered the same, ala Sinnohian lore. Kinda like how every now and then irl there's a human baby born with a tail. Tail genes are still in our DNA, but it gets switched off at some point during fetal development.
That being said tho, some pokemon have managed to learn human language, in a way. Unown being the starting point for many languages in the world used to communicate more with people back in the day, but now it's considered a mostly dead/slightly resurrected language like Mayan.
The abra line are particularly clever and good at figuring out human patterns. Champion Red from Kanto taught a lot of his pokemon sign language as part of their training and a few of them can sign back at him. He's rarely seen without his kadabra, Pythagoras, and she's the most fluent out of all his pokemon. It's still broken and incomplete tho, kinda like how an african grey parrot would string words together.
A lot of how pokemon speak to each other is mostly body language tho, which even in humans is calculated to make up a whopping 55% of how we communicate with one another (38% is vocal tone and a measly 7% is the actual words and their dictionary definition/context. So it's no wonder why so many people get into arguments on the interwebs with black text on a white background) Pokemon still pick up on all of this, and with their different way of communication, they can still usually pick out human meanings just fine.
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jadeazora · 1 year
So, some things I want from Horizons as a whole:
Villain backstories/backgrounds for Amethio and his gang like we got with Jessie, James, and Meowth! (I imagine Amethio will get proper fleshing-out, but since these guys are kinda taking over TR's role of recurring villains, albeit more serious ones, I want them to get more in the way of personality and personal history, why they joined the Explorers, etc.) Give me motives. Current guess on Amethio at least is he's some sort of heir? Since Zir and Conia defer to him and use the "-sama" honorific, indicating he's a higher rank than them, despite him being a teenager.
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A good amount of development and screentime for the Rising Volt Tacklers too! Like, Ren, Cerise, and Chrysa only got one episode a piece, but we weren't traveling with them like we are the Rising Volt Tacklers. I want to get a good amount on these guys too!
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More villainous Explorers too eventually. So far, Amethio comes off as a guy who tends to avoid unnecessary harm, with him trying to manipulate Liko into coming with him and bringing the pendant (only resorting to force when she ran), and he does save Sprigatito when it falls. The latter is advantageous to him, but he seems to be apologizing to it in the preview. I think he'll be the type to not be particularly evil (or potentially even Zir and Conia won't be all that bad either), but since we got worse Rockets in the previous Pokeani, I hope we get more nasty ones here too.
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Potential admins for the Explorers organization like the other villain teams in the games? We see Amethio talking to an old guy in the preview, but I feel it might be too early to introduce our actual main villain yet, especially since it's our first anime-only villain organization. (Afaik. I might be forgetting some people.)
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Liko and Roy to evolve their starters, and maybe an unmasked Nidothing (if it's not Ludlow putting on a funny voice) or Anne as a possible teammate eventually? I really liked the Gen9 finals, so it would be cool to see more of them. 😁
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Full teams for Liko and Roy too. (Doesn't have to be limited to Paldean Pokemon.) It'd be cool if Friede can catch some Mons too, but there are Pokemon like Nosepass and Noctowl too that are probably his, just not really battlers like Charizard and Pikachu.
Both of them to become worthy successors to Ash, more confident and competent in battle. Let Liko especially grow and be able to handle the conflicts she encounters on her own, since Friede's been doing practically all the fighting so far. I want them to have unique goals too, tho it's fine if it's "solving the mystery of my pendant/PokeBall" for now.
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Be careful with their pacing. Some series feel like they start to meander really badly, and I'm worried if they take things too fast, that the pacing will crumble. I still expect a good amount of filler since this series will likely be over 100 episodes like other Pokeani series, but I hope there's still a fair amount of interesting plot too!
It also feels like the tone is a bit more serious so far, giving me a bit more DP/XY vibes. I hope that continues, like I feel they're reaching out more to their older audience too? (Like, we have an adult seem to a main cast protagonist. And then there's his crew that will probably be secondary characters that'll likely get a good amount of screentime since we're traveling with them.)
Don't give the Explorers the Team Rocket treatment. It's fine for them to show up every episode for this first arc, but I'd like them to remain decently competent and a threat, which probably wouldn't be as likely to happen if they were trying and failing to get the PokeBall and pendant all the time. Definitely keep their appearances more sporadic. (At least it seems like Liko is perceptive enough to not be fooled by bullshit and somebody in the group ca evenn see thru their disguises, going by her and Friede chasing down a disguised Conia. So, we're less likely to see the Explorers going the "obvious disguise to try to steal" route like the TRio did, at least.)
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ethan thoughts ethan thoughts + jaide dyanmics
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so in my version, I see Ethan to be a very soft and gentle kid thanks to Jaide's care for him but he's probably a lot more rational and wiser than Jaide. That's not to say Jaide's dimwitted, but between the two - you can tell Ethan would be strategically smarter in a battle than Jaide would be. They balance each other out. If she's the Catcher, he's the Trainer. That's why Ethan was able to win against Red years ago.
Now this got me wondering how a much older Ethan would do, aka in the time where Appleshipping is happening and all the HGSS events has already transpired. But I first do wanna share a HC team that I think he'd be using:
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not gender specific, I don't really mind
a lot of these 'mons are based on canon material
Typhlosion - obvious reasons, Cyndaquil always assigned to Ethan like how Lyra is to Chikorita and Silver to Totodile. (also accurate to manga!)
Togekiss - also another obvious reason, since Professor Elm gives Ethan a Togepi egg early in the game and it would eventually evolve into a Togekiss if Ethan were to maximize his 'mon's full potential
Gyrados - ANOTHER obvious reason, the whole Shiny Gyrados event happened and who in the world would not catch a free Shiny? (Jaide would be so proud!)
Umbreon - Personal choice of mine, if Red (in my canon) has an Espeon, then I think it would be a cool contrast that Ethan gets an Umbreon. Plus, they both have yellow and black as dominant colors in their design.
Ampharos - It's a popular Pokemon that everyone catches, and it's a neat contrast to Red's Pikachu as well. Also another yellow + black combo. One of the first pokemon that Jaide learned to be comfortable with, due to her fear with electric types.
Scizor - Also another popular Pokemon at the time, but for personal HC; Lyra and Ethan went on a Bug-Catching Contest together, only for her to get a Scyther that he would like to trade for - so she did, and also dropped a Metal Coat while trading so that it would turn into a Scizor. She's just that nice.
yes, I'm super aware that would mean Jaide and Ethan has a Togepi line together and YES Ethan's Togekiss is fond of Jaide's Togepi,,,
In the present time (Gen 7), I like to think that Ethan's holding his title as Champion in Johto but he also bounces around doing other things as a Trainer. He's friends with Lyra and Silver, and hangs around with them a lot. He would perhaps be 20-23 at this point in time. He never really has gone out to other regions apart from Kanto, which he occasionally visits from time to time + it's much more easier to go there thanks to Goldenrod City's train quick travel. He still stays with his mom, just to keep her company but he's very active to outside whenever he can.
Ethan and Jaide don't really see each other as much anymore due to their preferred professions being very different, along with Jaide's relationship with Red - but they still keep in touch through long distance communication and Jaide would be sure to visit New Bark Town once in awhile and that's where they would catch up with each other and just enjoy each other's company. He also borrows her Pokemon collection sometimes, she doesn't mind it.
Speaking of which, Red and Ethan may not be TOO close, since Ethan was still young and he couldn't really hang out with them much when they were all in Kanto. But Red still recognizes that he's a good person - and strong as a matter of fact. He'd love to battle him again. There's a sense of mutual respect between the two. Blue being the social butterfly would definitely give him connections to other people and Ethan is no exception. There's nothing too special, but they're good friends.
One day I'll get to designing how older Ethan would look, but this is what I have in mind for him so far~
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punz4lyfe · 2 years
Pokemon Journeys Episode 145 Review
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Pokemon Journeys Episode 145. Let’s review:
An episode that started off pretty great but then ended up as shit. Let me explain.
The premise for the overall episode is really good: the Team Rocket trio reuniting with all of their past Pokemon that’s been kept at the TR Headquarters. As expected, it’s very grand to see many of these old faces again, as well as the Team Rocket Delibird too. We even get like a little montage of past Team Rocket mons that have been released or given away, which was a nice touch.
What follows after that is also pretty nice, showing us a rather competent plan and set up by Team Rocket, using their mons to slowly pick off Ash and friends until Mime Jr. eventually leads Pikachu to a trap. And along the way, we see a return from Brock and Misty’s teams as well. Brock gets Ludicolo, a nice (and funny) return and Misty gets... Staryu. Boring, but classical I guess?
And for Ash’s reserves this episode, he gets Infernape and Hawlucha... and no one else. Infernape and Hawlucha are both incredibly badass Pokemon and their appearances in this episode was nothing short of awesome, but seriously, why just two? Two episodes and 20 reserves left, just fyi...
The climax was really cool until the near end. Seeing Latias helping both Ash and Pikachu from the distance was heartwarming and Team Rocket’s giant combo attack (a possible reference to the ending of Best Wishes when Ash had his Pokemon do a similar trick to blast off Team Rocket) was badass. But things just took a dive bomb when Latias herself becomes the one who blasts off Team Rocket, quite possibly for the last time within context.
Firstly, the blast off animation is shit. Latias uses Psychic on Team Rocket and their Pokemon (ignoring the fact that Inkay and Morpeko are supposed to be immune to Psychic attacks), lifts them to the air without anyone changing expressions, and then Team Rocket literally zoom out into the sky like without movement on their bodies like it was some kind of old YTP transition.
And secondly, assuming this is the last Team Rocket blast off we’ll get, why Latias? With all these Pokemon, wouldn’t it be more satisfying to have Ash, Pikachu, and any other Pokemon Ash would have with him blast Team Rocket off? Going back to Ash’s reserves for a bit, recall Infernape and Hawlucha. Since the two of them fought TR mons that pertained to their respective region (Infernape v. Carnivine and Hawlucha v. Gourgeist), why not do the same for other mons, like Swellow for Hoenn, Krookodile for Unova, and Lucario for Journeys. At the end of the climax, Ash battles Team Rocket’s full teams with what he’s got, ultimately coming on top with a big Thunderbolt, Air Slash, Flamethrower, Stone Edge, and Aura Sphere combo launched towards Team Rocket by Hawlucha’s High Jump Kick, possibly countering and overpowering Team Rocket’s own combo move before blasting them off.
And now, for the most egregious part of the episode; Team Rocket’s split. For such an iconic trio, this really is NOT the way to send them off, chief. Team Rocket has had petty scuffles before that led to splits, but always got back together, so why do it again here? It literally feels shoehorned as well. And there’s absolutely no respect given to them at all. And look at the other Pokemon, they just look devastated here like a kid watching their parents argue, this isn’t going to leave a good taste in any TR fan’s mouth! And why does it look like TR are abandoning their Pokemon in the middle of nowhere? That’s just not in character in the slightest! I’m really hoping this is all just a rouge and Team Rocket will make a comeback together in either of these last two episodes, cause this is just unacceptable.
And because of that problem, giving this episode a 3/10. You can’t just disrespect characters like these in ways like that. Just... no.
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fandomstars · 1 year
Wereluxray!Clemont fic request! (Pokémon anime; humanoid and non-feral in mind); Clemont finds out he can transform into a Wereluxray on the night of the full moon due to his bond with his Luxray. His friends soon find out (detailed (and mildly uncomfortable) transformation please!)(takes place after Confronting The Darkness!)
Clemont was part Pokémon, he knew.
He knew that while a minority and rarity, there were others out there like him, a human-Pokémon hybrid.
He’s seen some become coordinators, gym leaders, and the latter he strives to become too.
Sure he liked electronics and engineering, but perhaps it’s the Pokémon in him, that gave the adrenaline rush of battle so enticing.
When he meet Ash, the feeling only surged more.
Ash didn’t seem to figure out he was a hybrid at first, and why would he?
He looked on the outside, just your average person.
But if one looked closer, one could see faint blue and black highlights in his hair, the iris of his eyes having a slight red tint, and the fact he seemed practically fine after any of his inventions exploded thanks to his immunity on electricity.
He was part Luxray, and perhaps that got the close bond between him and his eventual team member, an actual Luxray, to be as close as it has been.
He was part of the hybrid group that only changed on a full moon.
Scientist aren’t sure why, as most that transform from the full moon are hybrids of fairy, dark, or ghost type Pokémon.
When he transforms, it feels exhilarating.
Others would say it’s due to being able to mega evolve (he can’t), or perhaps being able to battle alongside your Pokémon (nocturnal mainly).
He can’t complain, he gets all the skills of a Luxray. X-Ray vision, incredible endurance and speed, and of course using electric moves.
It isn’t till Ash first sees his full transformation, does he feel shame from it.
It was a full moon, the first since he and Bonnie began to travel with Ash.
Once the sun begins to set, and camp is set up, Bonnie quickly goes to distract Serena, but is a little late with Ash.
Clemont doesn’t realize until the moon begins to rise in the sky.
He feels his blood pumping quickly, his eyes shine bright red, his arms and leg hair turning night black with a sharp end.
It used to be super painful when he first transformed years ago, but now it seems mild at most. It’s why he doesn’t have the best endurance unlike Ash during the day. Despite being less painful, the sore muscles still remain.
He’s honestly just thankful his clothes don’t tear from said transformation. He doesn’t have the tail thank goodness.
His Luxray, the only one of his mons on hand, already comes by his side as the transformation ends.
He sighs, petting him on the head with a small smile, “Another night together eh buddy?”
Luxray purrs, charging with electricity in response.
The electricity moves like water on Clemont, his veins feeling on fire, yet cool as ice.
It was a good night to transform, already a thunderstorm appearing with rain as a cold blanket on the pair.
The blond freezes, his eyes turning even more red as he looks behind him.
There near the trees is Ash, his Pikachu by his side.
Ash’s face was pale white.
Luxray growls, but Pikachu quickly goes and tries to calm him down.
“Ash! I can explain!” Clemont shouts, the thunder drowning the volume.
Ash didn’t speak for a couple minutes.
At least he didn’t run or shout, but the ice cold feeling inside doesn’t make him feel any better.
“Your a hybrid?” Ash manages to finally speak.
Clemont nods, his blacken fur stands up as the storm gets more intense with lightning.
“You too?”
Clemont’s eyes now go wide, his mouth in an ‘o’ shape as just seconds later…Ash revels a patch of blue and black fur of a certain fighting type on his shoulder.
“…Not what I was expecting.” Clemont says.
Ash laughs, smiling bright, “You and me both.”
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llatimeria · 10 months
Choosing my favorite pokemon is so hard because I have so many different categories of favorite
Favorite because it resembles my favorite animal: Relicanth
Favorite because it was my first starter, ever: Bulbasaur
Favorite starter overall: Popplio
Favorite because it carried me through a game: Magnezone (moon, scarlet), Chandelure (sword), Kingler (PokeGo), Dragonite (also PokeGo), Skorupi/Drapion (SP) and right now I'm doing a co-op playthrough of Let's Go Pikachu that is making me inordinately fond of the Oddish line
Favorite because of some other role it played for me in a game: Magby (my main Flame Body mon for egg hatching in Moon), Gallade (my main catching build in Scarlet and Sword), Krookodile (the infinite money build for SV lmao), Larvesta/Volcarona (more flame body)
Favorite because of The Vibes: Hisuian Typhlosion, Sneasel/Weavile, Corviknight, Misdreavus/Mismagius, Sableye, Mawile
Favorite because I randomly encountered them in a newer game and was delighted, despite not caring much for them in older games: Bergmite, Girafarig, Machop, Darumaka, Foongus, Frillish
Favorite because duh, everyone loves them for a reason: Eevee(+lutions), Zorua/Zoroark, Rockruff/Lycanrock, Riolu/Lucario, Wooloo/Dubwool, Applin/Appletun, Snom, Spheal
Favorite because it's just extremely fucking funny: Spinda, Milcery, Falinks, Rellor, Tandemaus/Maushold, Tinkaton, Orthworm (gen 9 is RIPE with extremely good funnyguys, tbh. As much as I appreciate a cool pokemon design the funny ones are just so much more instantly charming)
Favorite because nobody else likes them: Dhelmise, Stonjourner
Favorite becauss Gamefreak forgot about them: Blitzle/Zebstrika
Favorite because I have random fond memories of them from childhood: Venonat, Electrike (my first full-odds shinies from when I was growing up 🥺), Bayleef (I had a cool figure), Skitty (had a plush), Absol (my first Favorite Pokemon™️), Buizel/Floatzel, Shellos (more top-tier childhood fav), Bonsly (played XD), Munchlax (my mom LOVED munchlax whenever it appeared in the show/movie I was watching)
Favorite because it's related to one of the other guys that are my favorites: Magnemite, Oddish, Cyndaquil, Litwick, Dratini
Favorites that I don't even have a good category for I just get really excited when I see them: Lapras, Wishiwashi, Drampa, Slugma, Torkoal, Skarmory, Houndour/Houndoom, Lotad, Seedot, Surskit/Masquerain, Shroomish/Breloom, Makuhita, Numel/Camerupt, Trapinch/Vibrava/Flygon, Baltoy/Claydol, Snorunt, Driftloon/Driftlimb, Venipede/Scolipede, Cottonee/Whimsicott, Petilil/Liligant
Favorite Gens Overall: Gen 3 and Gen 4 (I'm not even gonna pretend this is about anything but nostalgia)
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pokemonpostsdaily · 2 years
More info on the Pokedex posts
Bit lengthy post fyi Tuesday is the day, the pokemon pokedex begins. Let me reiterate what this is. 6-7 years ago, I posted every pokemon and asked if people liked that pokemon. Each time a new generation comes out, I redo this series (so this is my 3rd time doing it). I don't repost them, I just reblog the old posts because it is cool to see how much a pokemons love from before changes now (I kept track of what the likes/reblogs are prior to reblogging). At the end, I then start posting the new gen pokemon so it will be a while until I get to the end for this generation. I am going to do 3 posts a day so it'll take me almost a whole year to get through the whole dex which is ok because it gives people anticipation of when their favorite pokemon will show up and maybe a pokemon they forgot about that they like. I will say though, once we get to generation 10, that will be my last time doing it most likely since it is a lot to keep track of and handle. I do this so people can learn about the pokemon, discover favorites, and inform me what the fan favorites are. Like you'd be surprised, people like Raichu more than pikachu despite pikachu being the whole mascot. It's cool info. At the end of each generation we do, I will post the top 3 liked pokemon from your feedback. Of course this is compiled data from the other 2 times I did this, but when I was looking at gen 1 and updating my google sheets page of the likes/reblogs of each post to be current and up-to-date. I was surprised some mons grew like 20-30 new notes without me doing anything with it since 4 years ago. So the top 3 can always change (though, gen 1 eevee post has 600 notes, not sure if anything will beat it). When it came to gen 8, I did begin to do variant forms but I never finished doing these because I wasn't sure if people liked it. I will ask again around that time if I should do those or just keep going with the pokedex for gen 9. My final question is, are you excited?
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So, as I sit in this Pokécenter I’ve been looking up other cool Pokémon oddites.
Like, y’all hear about delta Pokémon? From what I read, they were unfortunate side effects of some testing of some gamma wave type stuff. Only it didn’t do anything really harmful to the mons- it just changed their types and moves! There was stuff like a steel type pikachu or an electric Feraligator. Dark type Charizard, Fire Type Tyraintar… list sorta goes on!
Heard that now there making some much more ethical efforts to replicate this effect….
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kakusu-shipping · 4 months
Whats your favorite part about cap?? What drew you to the mon the myth the legend????
I'm grabbing you I'm grabbing you so tightly you don't understand I can't explain it to you but look. Listen.
A character must be at least a little Cringefail to get on my F/O list, right? I've said as much. It's my staple. I love a pathetic guy (gender neutral) who has something bullyable about them.
Except. For some ungodly reason. Pokémon.
A Pokemon does not have to be Cringefail to catch my attention. Rather the opposite. A Pokemon just has to be a little cool, have a neat animation, use a sick move, have a really epic battle in the anime, and I'm all over them like a Shounen girl is over the OP Protag boy.
And I don't. Know. Why. But it's happened Five times now so I simply must acknowledge the pattern.
My favorite thing about Captain Pikachu? What drew me to him? He's cool as hell. He's so cool. Babe this Pikachu, this yellow rat. Is so damn cool.
His thunder punch, his volt tackle, the way he protects the kids teaches them challenges them. He's the Captain of an Airship, he loved the sunrise so much he taught himself to fly just to see it, he faced a raging Moltress with no hesitation. He drinks coffee. He perches above people and scoffs in a Knows Better way.
And yeah at the end of the day he is just the Mascot Pikachu with a lil hat. He's got the same Overpowered anime Pikachu power as Ash's Pikachu.
But man does he use it to look a lot cooler
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bergeronprocess · 2 years
Paldea Travel Diary (12/5)
Yup, I have multiple days of playing to catch up on again lol
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I'm just always happy to see Penny come to class
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Hassel ships it.
If they're not already boyfriends, he would like very much for that to change.
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me when Patrice Bergeron exists
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Saguaro really didn't need to call Arven out like that lmao but on the other hand, I guess I need to like...try to find people to make big sandwiches with, because stuff always falls out when I try to make Ultra level sandwiches by myself. Sometimes even Great level ones if they're real chock full of stuff.
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I love that Saguaro is this big buff dude but he wears pink and an apron with Pokemon on it and he loves sweet stuff. He is the ultimate man.
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Good thing Miriam has easy access to stomach medicine lol
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This dude knows where it is at
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Ok so like. I went north out of Medali to try to find Montenevera but I think I got lost lol. I found Glaseado Mountain and then I was like how do I get to Montenevera from here, it seems to be north. I tried climbing the mountain but it was too steep. So, I decided to go over to defeat the next Titan because my logic was, well, doing so will upgrade Miraidon and maybe I can climb the mountain then.
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Did stop to take in the view though
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Big hole
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It's giving SkiFree vibes
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Wore my helmet again since we were back in the desert. I really wanted to like let Arven borrow one of my mon because his Scovillain fainted pretty quickly and I was solely responsible for most of the battle. Like thanks for the thought but I was the MVP of this one lol
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And now I can fly! Well, glide. But it LOOKS really cool!
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I like how this dex entry was like "And not only that, the tea sucks"
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I was like already in the area, so I decided to stay close by and go to Alfornada. I love this place! The colorful pottery is so cool!
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SOOO pretty
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The mosaics throwing back to Pokemon icons from Gen 1!!! That's just catnip for all the fans who have been here since the Red/Blue days like me, and I love it
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Marking out at the mosaics
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Can I live here though
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Tulip! What a gal. First I aced the Simon Says But With Emotions test that Dendra put on, of course.
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She said I was pretty
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Me for real though lol I cannot balance like that and especially not in HEELS
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Everyone when Pikachu appears
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Oh hey again Arven
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How do you do fellow kids dot gif
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The mon at this area were a bit too strong for me lol
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zoeyslament · 2 months
I watched the very first bit of Horizons, here are my thoughts
-Friede looks like Raihan and that makes him cool (Raihan is fucking awesome) but WHY WHY WHY Pikachu and Charizard, PICK NEW MONS PLEASE
-Liko reminds me of a hybrid of Ash and Lillie from S/M??? I mean I love Lillie so thats a plus. I like Liko a lot too so far
-Oh my god. Oh my fucking god. ORLA. What is it with me and Pokemon women whose names begin with O (Olivia and now Orla) because I NEED to kiss this woman.
-Mollie's cool too, kinda reminds me of a less grunge-y Plumeria??
-Murdock is also cool I just have the least notes on him, he has a Rockruff tho so thats neato
-Where is Popplio
-In the first episode almost ALL starters feature, except for the Galar trio, and POPPLIO. Where's my boy.
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cheemken · 7 months
what are the things you love and hate about all of the pokemon games you played?
Well now I can say I have played gens six and seven, but I haven't finished them yet so I'm just gonna post down what I like abt em so far hahah
I'm also adding the spin offs bc they're also pkmn games
Anyways under the cut hahah
Red/Blue/Yellow - honestly... I just liked that Pikachu can follow us on Yellow, wish they kept that feature all throughout each games, it only came back on HGSS, SwSh, BDSP, and ScVi. Also the fact I can get all three starters hahah
Starting from gen one
Crystal - Kris supremacy, the highlight of it really, also really dope we can visit another region post game
TCG for the GBC - it's fun, made me understand the card game a bit better back then hahah
Ruby/Sapphire/Emerald - HOENN SUPREMACY ough this is home in game form fr, this and BW/BW2, but more on this really hahaha it's cool the contests are cool actually, love the starters, they're the first starter trio where I liked all of them, love the characters, I love my son Wally so much, May/Brendan too, Wallace the true Hoenn Champion in my heart (Emerald bias), the best roster of mons, I could go on really
FireRed/LeafGreen - I mean.. idk. It's an improved version of gen one I'll tell you that but yeah
Platinum - Torterra, Garchomp, Riolu, and the contests (yes I liked the contests here too, the contests here low-key better than in gen 3 ngl)
HeartGold - love the pkmn following feature for real, it's so cute, it's dope, wish they added that in gen five hcnxnx
PMD Red/Blue Rescue Team - Red Rescue Team was my intro to pmd, fucked me up so much I had to use the HP cheat lmfaoooo but it's fun tho hahaha
PMD Explorers of Sky - changed me as a person, really dope, the characters are cool, I just hated Chatot at the start lmfao, but dude this game is so fuckin dope pls cndmdn the way Hero and Partner are so soft and I love how they're still together even post game they mean so much to me your honour🥹
White - my absolute beloved omfsssss everything's so cool okay everything abt it is so cool, love the characters man and the story too, dyou know how cool it was seeing all the Gym Leaders interact and fight Team Plasma, dude that blew my mind back then lmfaooo also c'mon the Tao Trio? You mean the greatest Legendary trio? Hahaha
Black 2 - same w White, it's so cool, everything's so fucking dope, plus PWT
Conquest - I like the art style lmfao
X - Diantha my beloved, also the pokemon petting thing I'm just sad it's a bit lag on my emulator but still I really love this feature hahaha
Ultra Sun - the starters, and the pokemon petting thing again hahah
Omega Ruby - look you already know how much I love Hoenn, plus this has mega evolution and it has the dexnav! Also the pokemon petting thing ofc lmfao also also love how they improved Magma and Aqua really idk I just cnmdnd god ORAS Team Magma and Aqua my beloveds jcdmdn
PMD Gates to Infinity - look I just know that Hydreigon isn't really the big bad guy okay and I'm so happy abt that bc it's usually the Dark/Ghost types that are villains in these games so it's a nice change that Hydreigon isn't a villain
Super Mystery Dungeon - man the scene from the start w Nuzleaf looking at the hero and the hero was giving him puppy eyes killed me okay it lives in my head rent free and I wanna draw smth abt it
Unite - ah yes, the moba game, anyways it's dope if you're winning lmfaooo also it's dope Gengar's there they should buff him actually, I think Hex and Sludge Bomb deserve buffs
TCG online/live - the online one was dope, I still miss my Zamazenta deck to this day
Masters EX - the lore chdmdnd they should add more Diantha lore please I am begging😭
Cafe Remix - it's cute, I love the art style of it hahah
Now for my gripes for all these lmfaooo
Red/Blue/Yellow - it's boring as hell. I don't like the fans of this one too, most just couldn't accept that people like the newer gens and they always shit on people if they don't like gen one
Crystal - other than not being able to get Mareep, nothing much, they do have a point w the level scaling tho
TCG for GBC - I mean tbf I understand why it's not mentioned much there's not much to it but it's still fun for killing time
Ruby/Sapphire/Emerald - how back breaking it was finding Feebas I honestly gave up, also what the fuck was that Regis mission man💀
FireRed/LeafGreen - same w RBY
Platinum - it wasn't a fun experience for me, it's slow as shit, and I'm pretty fucking sure majority of the people who like this game only likes Cynthia. Fr, no hate on Cynthia, she's a dope character, but she's like the Charizard of the pkmn characs really, she gets everything and is everywhere, how abt giving a chance to other Champions
HeartGold - a bit slow, but not DPPt slow at least, also again w the level scaling
PMD Red/Blue Rescue Team - this would've been so so dope if it weren't for the fact that after the story, Hero and Partner became nothing but normal recruits. Like all that buildup of Hero wanting to stay for Partner, and suddenly they're just like normal recruits, it sucks
PMD Explorers of Sky - Aegis Cave
White - idk but for me it's hard to level up in this game, also the fact the E4 didn't do much on screen, like I wanna know what they did during Plasma's attack
Black 2 - it's,, well it's how the previous characters interacted really, I wish there was more of it, I wanted to see the Gym Leaders interact w each other during the games, pls I wanted to see Bianca and Iris meeting at Castelia bc I know they met up there again please I just know it
Conquest - I think it's a skill issue on my bit but the gameplay was just so confusing for this one, and no I don't mean the battle gameplay, that I got, more on the,, recruiting bit and using of items and everything else—
X - I can't say it's easy just yet bc I really haven't made much progress so hey, for now I'm gonna say at how fucking long it takes when you get an item like dude why does it take so fucking long💀 also the lack of Diantha scenes, she deserves more, honestly she deserves so much better
Ultra Sun - have not finished this so no solid judgement but for now Imma say it's how tedious it is levelling up your mons and idk if it's a skill issue on my bit but like,,, do they really give off such a small amount of exp?? Idk, granted, my pkmn was a bit over levelled hahah
Omega Ruby - Granite Cave man I can't get Aron early on now ncmxnx
PMD Gates to Infinity - again, haven't progressed much so I don't really have a solid judgement for this
Super Mystery Dungeon - same w GTI
Unite - the abysmal matchmaking, the fact that ftp players don't have a way to get gems even if it's through events or missions, the devs thinking gem locking pkmn was a grand fucking idea, the way they can't balance their mons some are just too squishy and some are still strong despite the nerfs, also have I mentioned the matchmaking? Dude fr standard is either full of bots or I get matched w players who don't even know the objectives even if I'm telling them where to gather chxmxn
TCG online/live - live was honestly so so shit and a lot of players agree like even the cards aren't balanced Jesus Christ also it's lag as shit you can't even do anything most of the time and suddenly you lose also fun fact this game almost broke my fucking phone I almost couldn't exit the game and I had to forcefully reset my phone to save it lmfao
Masters EX - I haven't played this much yet for a solid judgement too but damn is the download time for this is slow as shit and fucking crashed on my tab. Also the lack of Diantha lore, pls they should add more abt Diantha she deserves it
Cafe Remix - idk ig it's the fact I'm broke and can't afford stuff in this game bc almost everything needs real money to get, I really thought this was an offline game at first hahah
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tumblunni · 6 years
My heart is already aching from how wholesome this game is gonna be!! Im so determined to love!! FINALLY I GET TO EXPERIENCE POKEMON FOLLOWING BEHIND YOU!!!
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