#I left the house twice today and I have to do it AGAIN tomorrow??
talldecafcappuccino · 7 months
I know it’s bad to get into that rut of “oh I can’t wait until tomorrow is over” where you’re so focused ahead that you’re not enjoying the present….
But I’m already really excited for tomorrow to be over and to veg out on the couch 🤪
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probably-writing-x · 1 year
Summary: Hi!Love love love your writing🫶🏻🫶🏻Could you write some angst?Like where reader and Conrad argue maybe? Have a good day❣️
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You weren’t sure when the irritation had started today. It was just… one of those days. You’d woken up and there was no milk left for your coffee, and the last slice of bread had been eaten. The toothpaste was running low, too, and you had to squeeze the last remains out of it. Nobody had bothered to go to the store yet and your car was blocked in by Jere on the driveway. Someone else had already put their clothes into the laundry but hadn’t bothered to turn the machine on, and you were certain not a single person in this house would ever decide to empty the dishwasher. It was just the little things, and they were irritating when you were living in a house of this many people.
Perhaps it wasn’t any of those things causing the issue. They were just ways of you avoiding what was really stressing you. Last night, Conrad, you and the others had been at a party. You’d left early with Belly when she’d had too much to drink and the boys had stayed. It was just a party at the beach, nothing crazy, but you’d woken up to a text this morning that had turned your stomach sick.
Hey girl! Feel like I need to be honest with you, Conrad was all over Nicole last night. I’d want to know if I were you.
I’m pretty sure I saw them kiss.
Even thinking of the words again made you nauseous, they were rotating over and over in your head. All over her.
“Hey babe,” Conrad speaks softly as he comes downstairs, swinging an arm around the bannister as he turns into the kitchen.
“Hey,” You glance up, trying to scrub a stain out of the countertop.
You couldn’t look at him, too fearful that you’d break down into tears right then and there.
He comes behind you and wraps his arms around your torso. You force yourself to not tense up under his touch, letting out a shaky breath before you say;
“I need you to go to the store,” You comment.
You feel his arms slip from you, “What?”
“Jere’s boxed my car in so I can’t go but we need a whole bunch of stuff. I’ve made a list so I’ll send it to you and-“
“Good morning to you too,” Conrad practically grimaces, stepping back to lean against the counter.
“Sorry, Con, but we’ve got stuff to do today. Susannah and Laurel will be back tomorrow and you know they’ll hate it if the house is in a state.”
“I think they’ll just be glad we didn’t burn the place down,” He scoffs, crossing his arms over his torso.
You turn around and set down the cloth in your hand, wiping your hands. He raises his eyebrows at you like he’s waiting for something so you step forward and stretch up to press a kiss to his lips.
“Please,” You smile.
He narrows his eyes, a smile tugging at his lips, so you kiss him again. This was normal. This was him. The boy that would never hurt you.
“Alright fine,” He agrees, opening up his arms to place them around your waist, “If you insist, your royal highness.”
“Thank you,” You force yourself to smile again, “I’ll send you the list, I’m going to clean the bathroom whilst you’re gone and then-“
“And then when I’m back we can actually enjoy our day? No more stress cleaning,” He encourages, brushing a lock of hair away from your face.
He leans down and kisses your jaw, once twice three times before stepping away from you to grab his keys. He’d never hurt you. This boy would never hurt you.
“Send me that list!” He calls back to you, disappearing around the corner.
It was all fine, right?
Conrad gets back an hour later, carrying in bags and bags of groceries all exactly from your list. You help him put them away and then start busying yourself with tidying up the lounge.
“(Y/n) come on, we’re going surfing,” Conrad encourages, reaching out his hand to you from where he was laying on the couch.
“I don’t-“ You clear your throat, looking away from him, “I don’t really feel like it today.”
He pushes himself up onto his elbows, “Come on, you agreed you’d be done after I got back. The other three are capable of helping too, you know? Just tell Jere to clean.”
You glance at him and quickly glance away. You couldn’t get the words out of your head, as much as you’d tried to avoid them. Everything felt so normal this morning, but it was becoming impossible to convince yourself that it couldn’t be true.
“I-“ You shake your head, tears brimming at your eyes when you look at him, “I can’t today.”
“Woah, woah, woah,” He sits up fully, “What’s going on?”
You let out a shaky breath and shake your head again, “Sorry I just… um… I think there’s dust in my eye or something.”
You hurry off into the nearest bathroom and lock the door behind you, leaning back against the locked door. You can’t fight off the tears at your eyes anymore as they start to trickle down at the corners. In the moment, you catch sight of yourself in the mirror, your eyes glazed over and your lip quivering with each exhale.
When you and Conrad first got together, you’d always thought he was too good for you. You knew who he’d been with before you, and you didn’t feel anything like them. You weren’t one of the country club girls, not one of the girls who’d throw themselves at him if he gave them the chance. You just fell in love and he did too. And, as much as he reassured you that you were blind to think he was too good for you, there was always just this little piece biting at you every time you thought about it for too long. Would you ever think you were good enough for him?
You walk over to the sink and look closer at yourself in the mirror, dragging your fingers under both of your eyes to wipe away the remaining tears. Your eyes looked a little red now and your cheeks felt puffy but you ignore it, drawing your shoulders back before walking back out of the bathroom.
Your steps come to a halt when you almost bump into Conrad, stood only a metre from the door.
“(Y/n) why has Shayla just texted you?” He holds your phone out towards you, “And why does it-“
“You looked through my phone?” You question, snatching it back from him.
He scoffs, “It came up on your lockscreen, okay? I didn’t think anything of it. Until I see that it’s Shayla and she’s telling you ‘Id be worried if I were you’.”
You look down at the screen and see the message still sitting there waiting to be read. She’d be worried. Should you be?
You look back up at him, “Well, should I be?”
“Should you what?”
“Should I be worried, Con?” You return, trying to avoid the tremor in your words.
“What are you talking about?”
“You know what, forget it, I shouldn’t have said anything,” You shake your head, pushing past him to walk down the corridor.
He hurries after you and his hand reaches out to grab your arm, turning you around, “No, talk to me (y/n). Why did Shayla text you that?”
As you turn around, it doesn’t feel like the same Conrad looking back at you, but it only lasts for a second. His face is so full of worry you’re sure he could break there and then.
“Wh-“ You stop yourself, “What happened after I left last night? At the party, what happened?”
He frowns, his eyes looking between each of yours, “What are you talking about?”
“Tell me what happened.”
He blinks like he’s completely lost but continues, “Okay, you left with Belly. We got a few more drinks, Steven rang Taylor, Jere saw this guy he hooked up with last summer, the keg ran out and it got cold, we walked home.”
You purse your lips together, “Nothing else?”
“(Y/n) if you think something happened I’d rather you just say it because I can’t think of a-“
“Were you with Nicole?”
He raises his brows, “Nicole?” He practically scoffs over her name, “You can’t be serious.”
“Answer the question, Conrad.”
“Okay, yes, I saw her there,” He shrugs, “I didn’t realise that was an important part of the story, I saw her, we said hello, I didn’t see her for the rest of the night.”
You swallow the lump in your throat and pull out your phone with shaking hands, unlocking it and pushing it into his hands, “That’s not what it seemed like to Shayla.”
His eyes scan quickly to read the message and you watch his shoulders drop.
“Is it true?” You ask shakily, tears brewing once again.
For a second, you’re convinced he’s going to admit to everything and you’re going to feel your heart break beyond words.
“Is this really what you think of me?”
You stop before speaking again, “Conrad I woke up this morning to that text and I-“
“And you believed it?” He half laughs over the word.
“Why wouldn’t I believe it Conrad?” You exclaim, your words catching in your throat.
Conrad pauses.
“I know how things were when you were with Nicole. They were easy and fun and you didn’t have to think about anything. I’m not like that,” You shake your head, biting your lip to stop it from trembling, “I know I’m not who people expect you to be with and I know this isn’t… I just know that people see you with Nicole and they think that’s who it should be, not me.”
“(Y/n),” He looks at you so strongly you’re sure you could crumble, “I chose you. I chose this. And I still choose this. Every single fucking day I choose this. Why can’t you see that?”
“I just… I can’t get the thought of you and her out of my head.”
He laughs, “There is no me and her! There was no me and her last night! But if this is what you think of me (Y/n) then this is a really sad conversation.”
Before you can speak, he swallows the lump in his throat and walks past you, his shoulder bumping yours. You listen to his footsteps receding until the door slams and he’s gone.
Without another thought, every emotion spills from you, dropping to the floor as you sob.
In seconds, the bedroom door opens and Jere and Belly step out, both of them crouching down to wrap you in their arms, holding onto you as much as they were holding you up.
You leave the house almost an hour later, forcing yourself out of bed and down towards the short walk to the beach. On your way, you’re already certain that that’s where he’ll be. The place that made him think more clearly. The place where he’d first kissed you.
As you expect, Conrad’s sat just a little way down on the sand, his knees at his chest and his arms draped over them, a burgundy hoodie wrapped around him.
You sit down without a word and his eyes look up from the sea to watch as you do so, following you down until you’re beside him.
Both of you are silent, neither of you willing to break that just yet.
“I’m sorry Con,” You exhale, “I shouldn’t have just jumped to conclusions.”
He shakes his head, looking out at the moving sea, “I should be apologising.”
“What do you have to be sorry for?” You feel the lump form in your throat, as if part of you is so sure he’s about to admit to your worst nightmare.
“I would never cheat on you (Y/n). I’d never even think about looking at another girl like that,” He explains, “But if I’ve made you feel like there’s even the slightest possibility that that’s something I’m capable of, then I’m doing something wrong. Because you shouldn’t feel like that. And you shouldn’t have felt like that today.”
“Con it’s not your fault.”
“It is my fault,” He returns, “Why do you think I would cheat on you?”
You take a deep breath, reaching out to take his hand into yours, watching him visibly relax at the contact, “I love you Connie, and I always have, and you’ve made me feel loved since the first day you kissed me and every day since. But, even with us together, there’s always this part of me that’s so sure I’m just… not enough. And that one day you’ll realise that too. And that’s not you, or Shayla or Nicole or anyone that’s causing that, it’s just me.”
“But (Y/n) I-“
“I know,” You squeeze his hands, “I know you might think it’s stupid and you might think you need to be doing more but it’s just… sometimes it’s hard to believe that you feel that way about me.”
He shifts in his spot so that he’s facing you, reaching both of his hands out to cup your face, “I love you, (Y/n) (Y/l/n). And I don’t care how long it takes, I’ll spend the rest of my life if it takes that long for you to be sure of that. Do you understand me?”
You let out a laugh and tears prick at the sides of your eyes, his thumbs shifting instantly to catch the tears as they fall.
“Now how could I not love you?” He grins, leaning in until his forehead presses against yours.
You rest there for a while, as if you’re breathing in every ounce of love he can offer you, letting out an exhale of every worry of the day.
“Do I love you?” Conrad raises his eyebrows.
You giggle, “You love me.”
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pablitogavii · 9 months
Best friend's little sister Pt. 2
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Pablo was arriving to training a little later than usual noticing Hector with a prominent bruise on his left eye. He was starting to train with the first team occasionally and there was clear tension between him and Pedri since the party.
Pablo couldn't deny he was happy someone knocked the dude for grabbing your ass, but it also made him worried what his best friend might do to him if he finds out the whole truth. Ayy que haces conmigo pequeñita!
"We still have to play with him hermano" Pablo said sitting besides Pedri who was giving the boy death glares.
"I heard you pulled her away from him that night" Pedri said and Pablo's blood froze wondering how much did Hector see really hoping he was too wasted to care what happened against the wall.
"Yeah..I saw her and took her home" Pablo said seeing his friend nod which told him that he didn't know anything more..fuck that was close!
"Gracias hermano! She's defiantly being grounded for this stunt" Pedri said and Pablo nodded knowing he already gave his 'punishment' that same night before Pedri returned.
"P..please papi make me cum..i'll be good..i..p..promise you" my cries filled the room as Pablo was edging me for the past hour always brining me right to the edge before denying me to finish..this was torture and he knew it.
"Mi nena mala doesn't get to cum..not until she fixes her attitude" Pablo whispered into my ear denying me once more before dressing me up in his black shirt and kissing me goodnight.
"Think twice before letting someone else touch what's mine pequeñita.." were the last words he spoke to me before sneaking out that night.
End of flashback
"I have one rule, my sister is off limits! Fucking respect it!" Pedri groaned while fixing his coasters and Pablo gulped feeling very dirty for thinking dirty thoughts with my brother sitting right besides him. Pedri will never get over his rule..
A week passed and Pedri was still giving me a cold shoulder for sneaking out that night but my "punishment" ends today and I were happy for finally being able to leave the house again after school.
Tonight his friends (Pablo included;) were coming over and since Masa was out of town to visit her family, I came down the stairs wanting to hang out with them.
Pedri came back from the kitchen seeing me there asking to play FIFA with them. He placed snacks on the table asking me to let them chill alone but I looked at Pablo with puppy dog eyes..I really wanted to stay!
"She'll play with me, vale ? More chances for you to win hermano" Pablo said and Pedri shrugged nodding his head..it was only when it came to Pablo did he trust with his sister.
Balde, Ansu, Ferran and even Rapha noticed how close the two of us were always somehow touching or laughing together. We even won one time celebrating by hugging but to Pedri that was nothing special..Pablo was his best friend and he trusted him.
"Last round, I'm posting the winners on my story! Ready to loose Pablito??" Rapha said challenging Pablo. He pulled me back taking the full control and basically massacring them one by one as you cheered at the end.
"We won! Huh take that!!!" you said sticking your tongue out at the boys who rolled their eyes laughing while Pablo took a moment to look down at you with a smirk. He liked how my small hand was holding his flexed bicep..fuck he was getting horny again!!
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whatever they won 🙄 @pablogavi @y.n.gonzalez
barcafanss: are they together!!?😍
gaviragirls: her hand placement!!😳
pedrimirey: that's pedris sister relaxx!
pedrigavifans: yeah no way will pedri let him be with his little sis!!
pedrii: stop the rumors cause you'll ruin their friendship
pablogavi: good job pequeñita!
y.n.gonzalez: 💪🏼
pedri: "if she plays with me we'll lose hermano!!!" -pg
pablogavi: 😂😂😂
pedrigonzz: see they're just friends relaxXX!!!!
"Damn I forgot about my physical exam tomorrow morning..I can't take you to school hermanita" Pedri said mid dinner looking at me and then at Pablo who immediately offered to take his car and pick me up.
"House keys are upstairs..I can grab.." Pedri couldn't finish the sentence since I already said I was tired and can give it to Pablo as he followed me upstairs.
"You sure there's nothing going on between them Pedri?" Rafa asked and Pablo gulped but heard Pedri say he was absolutely sure about it. That was good but ultimately made Pablo even more screwed up!
The moment you were upstairs, you grabbed Pablo's hand and he pulled you closer kissing your lips feverishly. You were both screwed but couldn't care less in that moment!!!
"I wanted to do that all night!" you say and he smirks when you pulled away from each other.
"You really need to be more subtle about your affection pequeñita or he will start to notice too.." Pablo said as I pulled him into my room jumping into his arms and he grabbed my butt holding me up and kissing my lips again..we were both hungry for each other.
"I didn't do anything..you were holding my hand underneath the table the whole dinner!" I remind him while he kept kissing me from my lips to my neck while sitting down on the bed with me straddling his lap.
"And you were caressing my bicep as I played the game..it was driving me loco pequeñita!!!" he said and I giggled smiling and leaning into his neck to leave a few kisses myself. He closed his eyes enjoying the sweet ministration I gave to his neck wondering how badly he wanted to have you right now on this bed!
"I can't stay long.." he reminded me but still enjoyed my kisses. It was like his head and heart couldn't agree in that moment..I knew the feeling!!!
"Hm..we can say I just couldn't find the keys so quickly??" you smirk and he nods pulling you with him onto the bed cuddling up comfortably for a few minutes.
"I need to come down soon or he will start looking for me.." Pablos said while spooning me and playing with my hair as I tried to fall asleep in his arms. I was so tired of sleeping alone..I just wanted to stay like this for at least one night more.
"But..I want to sleep in your arms like this tonight!!!" I whined and he kissed the top of my head slowly getting up as I grabbed his bicep not letting him go.
"No!" I sass getting his stern look again..fuck it was my kryptonite!
"Be good now pequeñita..one more goodnight kiss and I'll see you tomorrow morning vale?" he said and I smiled as he kissed my lips one more time tucking me in and grabbing the car keys on the nightstand.
"Goodnight mi cielo.." he said and I blushed at that new nickname..it made butterflies in my stomach erupt..me and Pablo really started being more than just attracted to each other and it was getting more dangerous.
"Goodnight.." I managed to say before he closed my bedroom door and left downstairs with the keys saying bye to his friends.
The next morning, I was woken up by soft warm body on top of mine instead of a loud and obnoxious alarm blaring besides my head. Pablo was kissing my neck massaging my hips as I smiled opening my eyes slowly to look at him and touch his hair.
"Hmm I can get used to this.." I say and he moved to lay besides me as I quickly cuddled up to him enjoying his warmth. Pedri was surely already gone to his physical and I could enjoy this moment with Pablo in peace.
"Will you come to the game tonight pequeñita??" he asked while playing with my hair gently and I smiled looking up and nodding my head. I wouldn't miss El Classico for anything in the world..now having two people to support instead of one.
"I know you'll wear Pedri's jersey..but..I can't help wishing to see you in mine one day" Pablo said and I knew he rarely opened up like this so I savored the moment..and I got an idea for a surprise in that moment.
I begged Pablo to pick Masa up with me and he groaned saying "just for you pequeñita" before my best friend joined us. When we arrived to school, Pablo hesitated but it was obvious what he wanted in that moment..what we both wanted.
"Go ahead..I won't say a word..promise! Just as long as my girl is happy!" she said and he kissed me being hidden from the rest of the world by black car windows.
"Be good! See you tonight pequeñita" he said as we both left and he surely checked out my school uniform again..he had a thing for it for sure!!! I told Masa about the surprise and she was excited for me promising to be my date for the game and make sure I can sneak out behind bleachers on time!!!
Spotify, Camp Nou
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Go Barçaaaa!! ❤️💙 @fcbarcelona
liked by pablogavi and others
y.n.the.pretiest: whose jersey is she wearing!!??
pedrirey: her brother's obviously!🙄
gavigavi: nahh she wearing gaviss cause they're dating clearly!
gavi.pedri.bros.for.life: stop with rumors!
gavigavi: he liked her picture!!!
masa.babyy: my girl!!💗💗💗
y.n.gonzalez: 💗💗
pedri: ❤️
y.n.gonzalez: hermanooo
fcbarcelona: ❤️
y.n.gonzalez: ❤️❤️
raphina: our craziest fan😂😂
y.n.gonzalez: 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂
The game was intense, typical for El Classico, with lots of faul and occasional fighting. Pablo was the one catching arguments while my brother tried calming him down..all I could think about is seeing Pablo all sweaty and perfect after the game..fuck I hope he likes my surprise!!!
Luckily Barça ended up winning which pissed of the madritistas but most of all Vinicius Jr who pushed Pablo to the ground and the fight broke. You saw Pablo walking off the pitch looking at Masa who told you to go now and she will meet your brother.
You quickly took off Pedri's jersey smiling at your Gavi one underneath before running to meet him behind the bleachers like you agreed. He was there and your stomach flipped the moment your eyes landed on his..fuck he was pissed iff and never hotter!!!
"Have you seen that hijo de fucking puta!!? Pushing me because he can't lose and because we are a better club and.." but you shut him up with a kiss and his strong sweaty arms wrapped around your tightly..that's when he noticed HIS name shining on your back.
"Pequeñita..turn around for me???" he said and you smirked pulling away and turning to make him see bright GAVI shinning on your back before returning his gaze. He was in utter shock as his hand touched his part and before you knew it you were kissing again.
"Estas loca!? What if Pedri sees??" you say and again you shut him up with a kiss explaining that you wore his underneath your brothers..Pablo relaxed and continued making your with you with his hands now comfortably resting on your butt while his lips devoured yours.
You two were too "busy" to notice Vini standing there with his phone and snapping a picture with a smirk on his face..
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evieismol · 12 days
Big Bend - Chapter Three - Roommates
Cw: language
I flopped down on my new bed. It was harder than most probably would have liked, but I'd never been picky. I'd just finished unpacking, and despite it being barely past noon, I already felt exhausted. 
Then again, I'd had an eventful past twenty four hours. I'd spent more than half that time driving through Texas. I'd arrived at an entirely unfamiliar and new place, one where I didn't know anyone. 
Well, I guess I know at least one person now. Technically two. 
I thought back to my meeting with Easton the night before. After he'd gotten John, the IMA agent had gotten in touch with my supervisor, Anne, who gave me directions to the HR office. After that, she'd showed me to the employee housing dorms, informing me that my roommate would be arriving tomorrow. Today, now. I'd never actually had a random roommate before. All I presently knew about my future living partner was that her name was Penelope, and she was a vampire. 
That seemed like it boded well, at least, because while vampires weren’t actually unable to go in the sunlight, they did prefer the night, and I was something of a night owl myself. Hopefully I at least wouldn't be bothering anyone if I stayed up late reading or knitting. 
I continued to stare at my ceiling as I mulled over everything that had happened - and was about to happen. I actually found myself beginning to drift to sleep, and I might have, had it not been for a knock on my door. I sat up, sliding off my bed. Making my way to the door, I pulled it open. 
A girl about my age stood there. She had long, dark brown hair, and tan, flawless skin. Anne stood next to her. 
“Zoey! I hope you've had a chance to get settled. This is Penelope. Penelope, Zoey.” 
I extended my hand. She shook it. Her hand was cold, but not unpleasantly so. 
“It's nice to meet you,” I said. 
“You too! I think this summer is going to be so fun!” She said, excitement sparkling in her eyes. “I love your pants, by the way.” she gestured down to the patchwork pants I was wearing. 
“Well, I'll let you two get to know each other,” Anne said. She gave us both one more smile, then turned to head down the hallway. 
“So, Anne said you're also working at the gift shop?” Penelope asked, pulling her two suitcases into the room. 
I nodded. “Yeah. You too?” 
“Yep! I've never done anything like this before - gotta say, I wasn't expecting it to be so remote out here! How are you liking it so far?” 
I was already getting the impression that Penelope was far more outgoing than me. 
“It's alright,” I said. “Can I help with luggage or anything?” 
“Nah, I'm good. This is everything - I left most of my stuff at my parents for the summer. So, what brought you out here?” 
I shrugged. “Just needed a job, and I saw this one online. You?” 
That was a highly abbreviated version of the events that had led up to me working at the park, but it wasn't technically a lie. 
“My best friend Angie got a job as a park ranger here - she's been working as a ranger at different parks for like, five years now - and I wasn't doing anything this summer, so we thought it would be super fun if I applied to a job at the gift shop! Ooh, speaking of which, would you mind if she came over in a few?” 
I shook my head. “Not at all.” 
“Awesome! She's on her way over!” 
I briefly wondered what she was going to do if I'd said no, given that it seemed she'd already told Angie it was fine. I didn't dwell on it beyond mild amusement, though. Penelope was already continuing. 
“You know, I've never been to Texas before. There's just so much desert out there! Where are you from?” 
“Connecticut, originally. But I've been living in Seattle the past few years.” 
“I’ve only been there like twice, but it seemed like a cool city,” Penelope said. “What brought you over there?” 
“A relationship. It didn't work out.” 
Thankfully, Penelope seemed to pick up the reluctance in my coffee, as she pivoted away from the subject. “That sucks. Angie and I are both from Colorado. Denver. I’ve lived there pretty much my whole life. I'm pretty sure she's lived too many places to count, on the other hand.” 
Another knock on the door interrupted Penelope. She spun around. 
“That's probably her! You'll love her, she's the best!” 
Penelope opened the door. Two people stood there, both about our age. The first was a tall, slim young woman with curly black hair and dark brown skin. The second was a young man with sandy colored hair and a tan that almost matched. 
“Angie!” Penelope exclaimed, pulling the girl into a hug. Angie returned it. When they parted, she gestured to the man. 
“Do you remember Dave? I worked with him a couple years back at Yosemite.” 
“Of course I remember Dave! How have you been?” 
Dave seemed to be more on the reserved side. Especially compared to Penelope. “Can’t complain,” he said. “You?” 
“Pretty good! Oh, this is Zoey! She’s working at the gift shop too! Zoey, this is my best friend Angie, and her friend Dave.” 
“Hi,” I said. I gave what felt like an awkward wave. 
“Do you guys wanna come in?” Penelope asked. 
“Sure!” Angie accepted her invitation enthusiastically. 
“Okay, so, you guys have to tell me everything. What’s the secret mission like? How’s it going? Have you met him yet?” As Dave and Angie entered the room, Penelope asked them a barrage of questions. I, for my part, had taken a seat on my bed. I raised an eyebrow. 
“Secret mission?” 
Angie and Dave exchanged a glance. 
“It’s not really a secret mission,” Angie began. “The Park Service is…taking part in a diplomatic experiment, sorta? Maybe you heard about how they were going to hire someone from Aphiria?”
I nodded. 
“Well, higher ups thought it would be a good idea if there was a core group of humans that mostly work with said Aphirial, to give everyone some stability.” 
“And that’s them!” Penelope interjected. “So, have you met him?” 
“Yeah,” Dave said flatly. 
“What's he like?” 
“He seems nice. Uh, his name's Easton. He was like a botanist on Aphiria I guess?” Angie responded.
“Is he really that giant? Like, bigger than a Tyastron?” Penelope asked. 
“Oh yeah. Very much so,” Angie said. “I'm sure you guys will meet him sooner or later, working here.” 
“...I met him last night, actually,” I said. 
Angie looked surprised. Dave, meanwhile, had unreadable expression. If I had to guess, it was somewhere between disdain and unease. 
“How'd that go?” He asked. 
“It was kind of fortunate, really, because I was super lost when I got here, and he got John to get in touch with Annie for me. He did seem really nice.” 
“So I'm the only one who hasn't met him? Dammit!” Penelope exclaimed. 
Angie laughed. “Seriously, I'm sure you will soon enough. He's kind of hard to miss.” 
 “I didn't realize how giant Aphirials really were,” I said in agreement. “I mean, I guess that's kind of a no shit statement, because they are giants, but-” 
“It's totally different in person?” Angie guessed. 
I nodded. “Yeah.” 
“I thought the same thing,” she replied. “Which I guess is probably to be expected, cus I don't think very many of us have met an Aphirial.” 
That was probably an understatement. Not only had I not met an Aphirial, I'd never even met anyone who'd met one. As far as I knew, at least. In fact, the only times I'd heard of them prior to this were one of three places. 
The first were horror movies and stories; there was pretty much a film genre dedicated to them, and they tended to pop up in urban legends fairly frequently too. I didn't know anyone who had actually met one, but I knew plenty of people who's fourth cousin's ex-wife's disowned sister's mailman (or something of that nature) had been killed or kidnapped by one. I'd always put as much stock in those stories as I did any other urban legends, which was to say, very little. 
The second was the occasional conspiracy video that pulled up in my recommended feeds. I didn't put much stock in those either. 
The third, and probably most boring, were mentions on the news. Usually just some aside about a new political agreement or diplomatic occurrence with their planet. They seemed to mostly keep to themselves across the galaxies, and it was only recently they'd started having more formal and frequent communication with other planet. 
After last night, I was fairly sure the massive size difference played at least some role in that. Humans, and other human sized earth dwellers, had gotten lucky when we'd become space faring - it turned out that we were pretty much average sized amongst other beings. There was some variation, to be sure, but it was usually within a couple of feet. Tyastrons were already considered giants at only a fraction of the height of an Aphirial. That probably meant our resources weren't particularly tempting to them, leaving little motivation to interact with other planets for much of history. Recent various galactic alignments had finally given some motivation in terms of not wanting to be the odd one out, from what I had heard. 
“God, that sounds so cool. I can't wait to meet him.” Penelope interrupted my thoughts. “Do you think he could pick up a car? A bus? Imagine being able to pick up a bus! That would be so freaky.” 
I thought I saw Dave shift slightly at that comment, but I wasn't sure. And even if I had been, I doubted it was my place to question that. 
I did, however, find myself wondering just how he'd ended up part of this “secret mission” if the unease I sensed was related to Easton. 
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sunscreenstudies · 1 month
to all those who fear they're wasting their twenties...
“It’s taboo to admit that you’re lonely. You can make jokes about it, of course. You can tell people that you spend most of your time with Netflix or that you haven’t left the house today and you might not even go outside tomorrow. Ha ha, funny. But rarely do you ever tell people about the true depths of your loneliness, about how you feel more and more alienated from your friends each passing day and you’re not sure how to fix it. It seems like everyone is just better at living than you are. A part of you knew this was going to happen. Growing up, you just had this feeling that you wouldn’t transition well to adult life, that you’d fall right through the cracks. And look at you now. La di da, it’s happening.
Your mother, your father, your grandparents: they all look at you like you’re some prized jewel and they tell you over and over again just how lucky you are to be young and have your whole life ahead of you. “Getting old ain’t for sissies,” your father tells you wearily. You wish they’d stop saying these things to you because all it does is fill you with guilt and panic. All it does is remind you of how much you’re not taking advantage of your youth. You want to kiss all kinds of different people, you want to wake up in a stranger’s bed maybe once or twice just to see if it feels good to feel nothing, you want to have a group of friends that feels like a tribe, a bonafide family. You want to go from one place to the next constantly and have your weekends feel like one long epic day. You want to dance to stupid music in your stupid room and have a nice job that doesn’t get in the way of living your life too much. You want to be less scared, less anxious, and more willing. Because if you’re closed off now, you can only imagine what you’ll be like later. Every day you vow to change some aspect of your life and every day you fail. At this point, you’re starting to question your own power as a human being. As of right now, your fears have you beat. They’re the ones that are holding your twenties hostage. Stop thinking that everyone is having more sex than you, that everyone has more friends than you, that everyone out is having more fun than you. Not because it’s not true (it might be!) but because that kind of thinking leaves you frozen. You’ve already spent enough time feeling like you’re stuck, like you’re watching your life fall through you like a fast dissolve and you’re unable to hold on to anything. I don’t know if you ever get better. I don’t know if a person can just wake up one day and decide to be an active participant in their life. I’d like to think so. I’d like to think that people get better each and every day but that’s not really true. People get worse and it’s their stories that end up getting forgotten because we can’t stand an unhappy ending. The sick have to get better. Our normalcy depends upon it. You have to value yourself. You have to want great things for your life. This sort of shit doesn’t happen overnight but it can and will happen if you want it. Do you want it bad enough? Does the fear of being filled with regret in your thirties trump your fear of living today? We shall see.” - Ryan O'Connell
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copperbadge · 11 months
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[ID: Three images; top left, the entryway to my kitchen, with half-scraped tape on the floor, a paint scraper nearby, and lots of dirt. Polk supervised me but I didn't get to take a picture of her doing it, so top right is an old picture of her in her Supervising Spot, next to her favorite sign that reads CHICKEN WAFFLES. Bottom, the kitchen welcome mat, an orange and black patterned mat, is back in place where the half-scraped tape was previously.]
Today is a good object lesson in why NaClYoHo uses media as timer!
I made a list of things I wanted to do this morning; I save big/gross jobs for the weekend, so today's list was to clean under the kitchen "welcome mat", scrub the kitchen floor, go through the house spackling small holes (picture hanging mistakes, etc), and dust the various blinds in anticipation of (possibly) pulling them up and hanging curtains in their place at a later date.
What I got done: cleaning under the welcome mat.
When I installed my rugs I put down double-sided tape, which proved to be a mistake; it's super difficult to get the tape up once it's down. But once you've pulled a rug off it, it becomes an immediate filth trap, so I had to do it. I sprayed with dilute vinegar, then goo gone, then an initial scrape before pulling the goo gone up with Grease Lightning, then repeat...
The real problem was that it's uncomfortable to kneel on the floor even with a pad, but if I crouch or bend, when I straighten I get a head rush so bad I almost pass out (thanks Adderall). I legit stood up twice and then immediately sat down in case I lost consciousness. So it took me an hour and a half to scrape and clean an area roughly a meter square. I got through an entire hour-long episode of The Worst Idea Of All Time and almost all 24 minutes of The Allusionist episode on Complex PTSD.
Now, if I had spent this whole time going "Oh shit, I've got so much else on the list to do today!" I would have freaked out at both how long it was taking and how much effort it was. But I knew that once I crossed that "the podcast has ended" line, that was all the work I had to do today. The rest of it can be moved to another day. So I did an hour and a half of fairly intensive physical cleaning, and now I'm done until tomorrow. (Even if I did also steam-mop the kitchen, since I had the steamer out anyway, and then took out the kitty litter trash on my way out the door.)
Anyway, the area under the mat is now clean, free of any possible weevils, and lightly sprayed with Super 77 art adhesive to keep the rug in place, and hopefully that will at least be less of an issue to pull up in the future. We'll probably find out when I, like a fool returning to his folly, attempt this again next year.
Disposable nitrile gloves used total: brought it up to four today! (I used three -- one on each hand, and tore the one on my right hand so had to replace it.)
Trips to the hardware store: Holding steady at 2. I will need to make my first run to the Container Store soon however, I think.
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sirianasims · 8 months
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Chapter 34
So It Goes…
It was Saturday morning and things were becoming predictable.
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I had just gotten out of bed as Samuel entered the room. He came straight from the shower after sleeping on the couch again.
I missed him. Even when he was home, he just seemed so far away. By the time he came back from the hospital, he was exhausted. Every second of sleep was precious.
We barely talked. I couldn’t remember when we last had sex. A couple of months, at least.
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He was in an even worse mood than usual today. He glared at his phone before going to the closet to get dressed.
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“Samuel? Something wrong?”
Even with his back to me, his entire body radiated annoyance.
“Charlie? What’s with Charlie?”
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“He’s in Copperdale and he wants to visit us.”
There was venom in his voice as he pulled the belt through the loops of his pants with angry movements.
“Oh. But isn’t that a good thing?”
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“I guess. I guess I should be thankful that my brother finally deigns to grace us with his presence. Do you know how often I’ve heard from him since the wedding? Twice. To congratulate us on Hailey and Ivy. That’s all.”
“I know, but aren’t you still happy that he wants to visit?”
Samuel sighed heavily.
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“Sure. It just pisses me off that everything has to be on his terms. Always. He’s practically been gone since he moved out, doing whatever the fuck he wanted while someone had to be the responsible one. And then he thinks he can just walk back in like nothing happened and be all, hey bro, care for me to drop by for dinner?”
“Admit it, Samuel, you miss him. And he’ll get to meet the girls.”
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“I know. And of course I want him to meet my family. He suggested dinner tomorrow. And he even invited us to see his band play at the old warehouse tonight.”
“Tonight? We should go. I could ask Amelia to look after the girls, make it a date. We haven’t gone out forever.”
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“You know we can’t do that, Freya. I have another long shift, I won’t be home until early morning.”
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I said nothing. Of course. All he ever had was long shifts, and he didn’t even take the time off he was technically allowed to. I only saw him when he slept, and lately he didn’t even come to bed.
My husband was slowly becoming a stranger in the house, just dropping by for the occasional nap.
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“Freya? Are you mad? If you really want me to come home early, just say so.”
He always said that. But it was a risk-free offer. He knew that I’d never demand it. I tried to rearrange my face into something less pouty.
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“No. You know I can’t do that, your job is important. I just… I wish you felt that your family was just as important.”
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Samuel sighed.
“Ah, yes, because you always seem to think that I’m putting my job over my family. Of course you and the girls are more important to me than my job! But as you very well know, my job is also important, I have a lot of patients depending on me.”
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“Whereas we are fine without you, I guess.”
I regretted it immediately. I was stepping onto a well-trodden path and I didn’t have the energy to have this particular argument again.
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Neither did Samuel. He just turned away from me as he finished tucking in his shirt.
“You know what, I don’t have time for your shit right now. I need to be at the hospital in half an hour. And if family is really the issue here, why don’t you go see Charlie’s band? You’re his family too. Then you can ask His Highness what he would like for dinner tomorrow.”
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He stalked off. Less than a minute later I heard the car start.
The sun was barely up and my husband had already left in a huff. Great.
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I wondered if he’d come back.
I wondered if I wanted him to come back.
beginning / previous / next
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harlowsbby · 2 years
One last time Part Two
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Jack was just as heartbroken as you were and he knew just walking out on you wasn’t right but he was hurt and heartbroken. He knew just the person to talk to this about and that was his mother, Maggie.
“Jack, sweetie pie now you know I understand and fully support both sides but Y/N is right and I understand where she’s coming from.”
Maggie hated seeing the two of you arguing and fighting she especially didn’t want you two to breakup.
“I know mom but I just want a family with her I wanna grow old with Y/N and have our kids running around and living a good life.” Maggie understood where Jack was coming from and she also knew that his emotions were very much valid as well.
“I just think you should spend the night here you can stay in your old room and give one another some space I think it’ll do you both some good, I don’t advise you going back there tonight especially since both of your emotions are so high right now.” Maggie had a point there was no use of Jack going back home tonight, emotions were high and another fight wasn’t needed.
“Yeah you’re right mom, I’ll just sleep here tonight and try and talk to her tomorrow.” Jack gave Maggie a quick hug before going upstairs to his old bedroom.
Jack was tossing and turning the entire night the only thing on his mind right now was you, he just prayed that you were getting some sleep as well and that you weren’t up tossing and turning like him, he wanted you to be in his arms he wanted to be able to hold you and just watch you sleep.
He just wished that tomorrow will have a better and more positive outcome and that things will come together again.
“Y/N, will you get up already it’s the afternoon and besides you need a shower.” Your friend Mariah came over after you missed all of her calls and texts.
It was around two in the afternoon and Jack hasn’t called or texted you all morning, so staying in bed and feeling sorry for yourself was the only thing you had planned for today. You knew Jack was probably still upset so you didn’t bother bugging him.
“Just let me be Mariah, I deserve to be boyfriend less I can’t even give the man that I love the only thing he wants in life, which is a family.” Mariah never really got into your arguments you had with Jack but you were her best friend and she knew you needed her right now.
“Y/N, look I understand both perspectives Jack wants a family and you want to be the one to give with a baby but you don’t want to raise that child alone and it just wouldn’t right for the child to grow up without a father in the picture.”
“What if he never comes back? He just took his keys and left yesterday but I think he’s coming back well I assume he is.” You weren’t sure if Jack was coming back or not but you totally wouldn’t blame him if he didn’t, making things right was the only thing on your mind but the stubbornness was taking it’s control. You didn’t want to be the first one to reach out and apologize.
“He’ll come back I know he will, the two of you are made for one another but I definitely do think you need to get up and shower, because the way you smell would make me wanna leave you as well.” Mariah joked which received her a few pillows to the head.
“Alright get out so I can shower.” “You don’t have to ask me twice.” Mariah quickly left the room while you got up and got ready.
You weren’t really in the mood to dress up so tossing on one of Jack’s many hoodies and pair of his sweats was the outfit for the day.
You weren’t really sure what the plan for today was but as long as you got out of the house you didn’t care where you went but little did you know Mariah had something up her sleeve.
“So what’s the plan again?” “Mariah is going to bring Y/N by the house later well drop her off and I guess I’ll see what happens.”
Jack had this idea that he’d have Mariah take you out all day long and at the end of the day bring you back to Maggie’s house where the two of you will have a dinner together in the backyard. Most people might find it weird having a date in your parents backyard but it’s where the two of you met for the first time and it’s also the place where he asked you to be his girlfriend, and where the two of you had your first date together since Jack never really had money like that back then.
“But what if she doesn’t want to come inside then what?” Urban had a point you could either come inside and talk things out or just refuse to come in. “I mean I really hope she does come inside, I want to talk things out and work things out. I miss her so much I really don’t see myself with anybody else.”
Jack meant every word he said you were his everything and he hated when the two of you argued. All he could really do was hope that you’d be willing to talk to him, if not then he just had to face the harsh reality of a life without you.
“Thank you for taking me out tonight Mariah, it felt good having my mind distracted.” Mariah gave you a little smile. “Don’t thank me just yet.”
Luckily you didn’t hear her since you were distracted by a few dogs that walked past with their owners. Mariah knew tonight could end in two ways. You’d either love her for taking you to talk to Jack or you’d hate her and stop being friends with her.
She hated getting involved with your relationship but she wasn’t about to let Jack and You end things.
After walking around for a bit longer you decided it was time to go back home, checking your phone you sighed in frustration, Jack still hasn’t tried calling or texting you. Maybe he was really done with you this time, it pained you to think you hurt him and was the reason for something so good coming to an end.
You began to doze off mind ride when you noticed Mariah missed the exit you were supposed to get off on. “Mariah?” Mariah turned to look at you with her eyebrows raised. “What’s up?” She said in a squeaky voice, her voice only did that when she was either lying or really nervous.
“You missed the exit, where are we going and don’t even think about lying.” Mariah cursed under her breath she hated the way you were able to tell when she was lying.
“Well I mean luckily I don’t have to say it anymore because we’re here.” She pointed ahead turning your attention to what she was pointing at that’s when you noticed Urban and Clay standing outside in suits and two poster board with words written on them you also noticed you were at Maggie’s house.
“What’s going on?” Eyebrows raised you got out of the car and was about to approach Urban and Clay when you noticed Mariah was getting out of the car. “Aren’t you coming?” She smiled and shook her head no. “Nope I’m going back home but let me know how great the sex was.” She winked before pulling off and driving away.
You slowly approached at not to happy looking Clay and Urban with a look of curiosity and wonder on your face. “Who are you two supposed to be dressed up as! Dumb and Dumber.” You joked.
“Hahaha you’re so funny.” The sarcasm dripping from each word Clay spoke.
Urban looked like Bruce Banner right before his transformation and Clay’s suit was was too small.
“Just go along with it please.” Clay mumbled. “If you would please follow us Ms. Y/N.” Urban took his hand out and you grabbed it letting him guide you. “Tell Jack he owes me for this.” Clay grumbled.
You noticed all of the fairy lights displayed on the trees and the walkway had a few candles lit up. When you eventually made it to the back of the house that’s when you saw Jack sitting at a table.
“We’ll let you two be but please no messing around back here, my mom will kill us.” Clay said and you laughed but walked over to Jack.
“Hi baby.” He gave you a weak smile and stood up and pulled your chair out, you sat down and watched him jog back over to his chair. It was awkward for a few seconds nobody really knew what to say the only sound coming from the crickets.
You watched how he nervously picked at the paper towel and kicked his chapped lips, you’d be lying if you said you didn’t miss him even if it’s only been a day without talking. You missed the way his eye would twinkle whenever he talked to you and you missed the way he’d just lay back and let you count every single freckle on his face, he’d eventually get tired of it and flip you over and proceed to smother you in kisses.
Jack noticed you were wearing his hoodie and sweats, at least you weren’t completely mad at him. After looking around and avoiding eye contact with one another you both finally spoke.
“I’m sorry.” The both of you said in unions making each other chuckle. Jack reached over the table and took your hand in his. “Look at me baby.” You looked up and met his gaze, he had this heartbroken look in his eyes and you could tell he hasn’t gotten much sleep.
“I’m sorry for walking out on you baby, I know that wasn’t the smart thing to do and you have every right to be mad at me, raising a baby with you is all I want I don’t want to be with anybody else but you, but I understand where you’re coming from and maybe in a few years if you’re ready we can start a family?”
You now had tears in your eyes. “Are you crying? Did I say something wrong or didn’t say the right thing?” Jack panicked making you chuckle. “Jack, I’m crying in a good way these are happy tears and I’m sorry as well, let’s just put this behind us and revisit this conversation in a few years?” “I think that sounds good baby.”
“Now come here and give me a kiss.” Jack said you giggled and got up from your chair and sat on his lap, he had your legs wrapped around his waist while you faced him. You leaned into him and connected your lips to his.
Gosh you missed his lips so much, you suddenly became stiff when his lips begun to travel across your jaw to your neck. “Jack.” You moaned out and tried breaking from his embrace. Trying to push him back he groaned and pulled you back into him tighter. “Jack please baby.” You eventually just gave in when you noticed he wasn’t letting up. You were both so into it that you didn’t hear the back door opening.
“What’s going on out here?” Maggie’s voice came from the patio. “I told you mom, I told you they’d make a damn porno by the pool!” Clay yelled and shook his head at the two of you.
You hid in Jack’s chest in embarrassment, his chest rumbling from his laughter. “I love you baby I love you so much.” He whispered in your ear and began to apologize to Maggie.
You looked up from his chest and couldn’t help but to admit the man in front of you, Jack and You had your ups and downs but you were so beyond thankful to have someone like him in your life.
@jackmans-poison @jackharloww
@heavyhitterheaux @hoodharlow
@softtcurse @itsyagirljaz
@jacksmoviestar @neon-lights-and-glitter
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vanishxcanvas · 9 months
New Year's
Joakim "Jolly" Karlsson x Reader
Oneshot / Imagine
Content Warning: All fluff.
Candle wax and polaroids on the hardwood floor
You and me, forevermore
December 30
Tomorrow was New Year's Eve. That means the end of the year is soon. Right now, you were currently in the restroom. You've just taken shower, so you were doing your hair.
After you got dressed, you went downstairs to find your boyfriend in the kitchen. As you walk in, he looks up at you and smiles.
"There you are." He says before raising his coffee cup to his lips, taking a sip out of it.
"What's that supposed to mean?" You ask, laughing.
He sets the coffee cup down, and looks back at you.
"Well, I wanted to ask you something." He replies.
Raising an eyebrow, you step closer to him, wrapping your arms around him.
"And what would that be?" You ask.
"Since tomorrow is New Year's Eve...I was wondering if you wanted to go out for the day? Like a date?" He suggests.
"I'd love to." You smile, kissing his cheek.
He then turns around, and kisses you back, but on the lips this time.
"It's a date then." He says after pulling away from the kiss.
December 31st, New Year's Eve
You had both agreed to be out of the house no later than noon. Which you did.
Currently, you were in the car. Jolly was driving, and you were in the seat next to him.
"So, what's the plan for today?" You ask.
"Right now, we're going somewhere for food. Not spoiling the rest though, it's a surprise." He says, glancing at you and smiling.
"Okay." You reply, smiling back at him.
After you and Jolly have your meals at the restaurant, he pays for everything and you both leave. Next, he drives to a location that is unknown to you.
As he parks the car, you turn to him.
"Alright, where are we?" You ask.
"Well, since we're here I might as well just tell you. We're at a miniature golf course." He replies.
"Oh, I like this idea." You say.
"Knew you would. C'mon, we don't have all day. I have more plans after this." He chuckles, getting out of the car.
While you're both in the golf course, you keep beating him.
"Let me win just once?" He asks.
"Only because you asked nicely babe." You laugh.
You let him not once, but twice.
"Thanks pretty girl. I'll pay you back later." He says, kissing your cheek.
Your cheeks flush as he did that.
"Noted." You say.
As you play golf with him for a while longer, he checks the time.
"Alright, last round. We gotta get going soon." He tells you.
"Mmm, okay." You say.
After the last game, you both leave. This time Jolly does not tell you where you're headed as he told you it was a surprise.
Before you left this morning, you brought a polaroid camera with you. You wanted to take photos for the memories. Which you had already did, at the golf course.
He parks the car, and you see fireworks going off in the sky.
"Fireworks?" You ask.
"You told me a while back about seeing them on New Year's. So here we are." He says while caressing your thigh.
You smile at him again, and a few minutes later you both get out of the car. Once you both find a place, Jolly stands behind you and wraps his arms around you, resting his head on your shoulder.
"God I love you." You say.
"Love you too." He says.
While you're waiting for it to turn to midnight, you take some pictures on your camera. As it gets closer, you and Jolly walk back to where you were standing originally.
You're looking at the sky as you hear voices.
January 1st, New Year's Day
"Happy New Year's!"
Fireworks start shooting into the sky, lighting it with colors. As this happens, both you and Jolly kiss.
You both eventually pull away, and he ends up taking your camera to take a picture of the both of you.
Once you eventually get home later on, you leave all the polaroids on the kitchen counter.
When you woke up later, you had lit up some candles. As they were going, you admired the photos you and Jolly had taken.
What a New Year's to remember.
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fxchild · 1 year
The Switch
Miles Fairchild x fem!reader
Chapter one: Listening In
I jolted awake out of my bed after a nightmare. Ever since I got to the Fairchild estate I've been having small nightmares that grow each night. But tonight I reached the end of this reoccurring nightmare. I can't really explain what it means. I see myself running through the dark wood with something chasing me. I don't know what it is. I can't see it, but I can feel it. Breathing on my neck and whispering incoherent things. Every night for a month it has been me running in the woods to the estate, but every night I would wake before I reached it.
I decided to get ready for a day of work. The sun was blocked by clouds and something felt really off. The house had always had something creepy about it but today I had a feeling of being watched. I decided I would try and ignore it because it makes me sick to my stomach.
I dressed myself in a dark green sweater, a pair of jeans, and a pair of black sneakers. I left my hair down today because it was sort of chilly in the house. I wash my face and brush my teeth and while doing that I noticed the mirror was very foggy. I tried to wipe it with my sleeve but the condensation did not go away. Again I tried to ignore it because I did not want to get scared over nothing.
If I did not mention it before, I am a teacher to a 7 year old girl named Flora. I'm not sure why I took the job to teach her. I'm only 15, but was recommended by my teacher. I have to work twice as hard but don't have to physically be in school, which seems like a win-win to me. Flora is a very sweet and smart girl. She always uses her manners and doesn't question things. Ms. Grose, the house keeper on the other hand is snarky. She often makes comments about my teaching and appearance. Today she didn't make a comment to me while teaching, or in general. I hadn't finished my work and chores until 9pm and was dreading sleeping because I knew I would have the same nightmare, as I had every night.
At 10pm I got in bed and started reading a book. After a while I got distracted because there were heavy footsteps dragging around my floor. Assuming it was Ms. Grose, I tried my best to not go out and say anything for she is only an old lady. But after a half hour or so I started to get frustrated. "Stupid old hag and stupid old creepy house. Stupid nightmares, stupid woods. Stupid teachers for sending me to this shit hole. The only person I have is Flora, at least she's kind to me unlike that old lady." I whispered frustrated, now pacing around my room to tire me out. I look at the floor and see there is a shadow coming outside my door. Figuring it was Ms. Grose hoping to express her opinion about today I walked over to the door and opened it.
But it was definitely NOT Ms. Grose. Instead it was a boy, my age I assume with short black curly hair, pale skin, kind of lanky, and had a face that could kill you with eye contact.
"You know, this place isn't that bad, it just takes a little time to get used to it." He speaks. "W-who are you?" I jumped. "I'm Miles, I live here." He exclaims. "I'm sorry I don't know who you are." I say blandly. "I'm Flora's older brother, funny that you haven't heard of me." He says rather surprised. Then it hits me. Flora does sometimes talk about a boy that is off traveling around and comes home every three months for a little while. "Oh, I'm sorry, I'm y/n, Flora's teacher." I say, reaching out my hand to shake his. He scoffs, "Aren't you a little young to be a teacher? You look my age." He spats. I try to think of something to say that won't come out as offensive but I can't. "You should get to bed, it's late and you have work tomorrow morning. Night." He says and walks away from my door. I quietly shut my door and got back into bed. "Who the hell does this guy think he is. I hope he leaves again soon." I say to myself as I finally fall asleep.
Hey guys !! Thank you so much for reading this !! I should be uploading every other day hopefully ! Lmk if I should put this on Wattpad too !
Go follow my TikTok to get edits of the fic! @fxchild
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cyberneticdreamscape · 2 months
Would you rape me?
How so? Describe it in detail ~
Oh you poor little thing. You've been left waiting eager for days on end, now haven't you?
And to think, you must have been such a little mess when you sent this to me, aching to hear about what depraved and disgusting actions would be so generously gifted upon your innocent body.
Well, I certainly can't give an answer to the first part with confidence unless I know just who it is who's aching for me to rape their pathetic little holes and claim them as my property... but, for the sake of fun, let's simply act as if the first answer is a blatant "yes," shall we? That leaves the matter of how...
Yes, the matter of how which you've so desperately demanded I answer in painstaking detail so that you can, in turn, rape your little holes on my behalf as you read this once, twice, three times over, if not more.
And you see, the summer is such a wonderful time, isn't it? Walks through the park, visit to the pool, or a trip to the beach perhaps... but for today, let's pretend it's a simple beach day. I've been aching for one of those this week, after all.
So there I'm stood, feet in the sand as I feel the breeze on my face, the sound of gentle waves on the shoreline barely obfuscating the surrounding chatter as I glance around through my sunglasses. And there you are, off by the waters edge, getting your feet wet quite literally.
Now what's to stop me from keeping a close eye on you? Keeping tabs on your every motion, your mannerisms, who you speak to and how you do so... how infrequently you glance around yourself. Tracking and noting all that I can, so that when the moment comes when you step away from the crowd, I know just how to act.
And as you stride swiftly off the sand, I'm not far behind. As you slip on your sandals, I mimic the action in time. As you scurry off the path into the building which houses the restrooms, I'll be slipping in behind, and shutting access.
And so, before you've even had a chance to lock your stall door, let alone pull down your swimsuit, you'll find yourself gripped, hand around your throat, eyes wide, the stall door forced open with a bang as your heart races suddenly.
In that restroom, you'll be taken. You'll be broken. You'll be taught what you're meant to be, and forced to embrace it.
From raping your mouth as you're forced down, sat on the cold porcelain I the stall.
To bent over the sink counter, railed mercilessly from behind, ass stretched around unfamiliar cock until you feel cum rushing inside, trying to force it's way back out.
To pinning you to the wall, forcing you to cockwarm as you're held as still as possible, all while I educate you on your new purpose, emphasizing that there is no escape, that there is no need for it, no need to even worry.
And so it is that by the time I leave that small building, I'll have a bruised rape-pet hobbling out behind me, eyes glazed, tears still running down your cheeks.
And with lips coated in cum, with seed soaking into your swimsuit, you'll follow my steps back to where you came.
Without word, you'll obey my guidance.
With no fight remaining, you'll feel cum dripping with every step and know that this is what should be.
And before you know it, you'll be introducing me to the group you came to the beach with.
Before you know it, you and I will be chest deep in the water.
And before you know it, I'll be molesting you all over right there under the glistening waters, whispering to you that you're just too irresistible not to rape again and again and again. Serenading you of how I'll ensure you're so thoroughly broken by sunrise tomorrow that you won't even recall your own name, and you'll be begging for me to gift you a new one.
And all that while, I'll be feeling you clench and pulse under the weight of my fingers, against my cock, as you can't help but embrace every touch and movement I force upon you.
There is no escape, even should you not accept this... because there is no need for escape.
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reasonablerodents · 9 months
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Have you ever wanted 70 angst-laden prompts? Well, here you go, and they’re all lyrics by The Smiths, the masters of the subject. (Yeah I could have done way more but I thought 70 was probably more than enough)
They’re sorted into several catagories: Loneliness, Breakups, Longing, Love, Questions, Cruelty and Corruption, Statements, Struggling, and Sex. I also included the song names so even if you don’t know the song, you can look it up.
However, the categories are just a guide- use them however you want! Have fun!
The Queen Is Dead
-Life is very long when you’re lonely.
Never Had No One Ever
-Now I’m outside your house, I’m alone.
I Know It’s Over
-If you’re so very clever, then why are you on your own tonight?
Rushholme Ruffians
-I might walk home alone/But my faith in love is still devout.
-Sing me to sleep/I don’t want to wake up on my own anymore.
* * * * * * * * * *
I Know It’s Over
-I know it’s over, still I cling. I don’t know where else I can go.
Unhappy Birthday
-From the one you left behind.
-We tried, and we failed.
Miserable Lie
-There’s something against us/It’s not time.
You’ve Got Everything Now
-You’ve got everything now, and what a terrible mess I’ve made of my life.
Still Ill
-Although I ended up with sore lips/It just wasn’t like the old days any more.
Stop Me If You Think You’ve Heard This One Before
-I still love you/Only slightly less than I used to
A Rush And A Push And The Land Is Ours
-Oh, but don’t mention love, I’d hate the pain of the strain all over again.
* * * * * * * * * *
Some Girls Are Bigger Than Others
-Send me your pillow, the one that you dream on
Reel Around The Fountain
-I dreamt about you last night and I fell out of bed twice.
Please, Please, Please Let Me Get What I Want
-So for once in my life/Let me get what I want/Lord knows, it would be the first time.
I Want The One I Can’t Have
-I want the one that I can’t have/And it’s driving me mad.
Well I Wonder
-Well I wonder, do you hear me when you sleep?/I hoarsely cry.
-Well I wonder, do you see me when we pass?/I half-die/Please keep me in mind.
How Soon Is Now?
-See, I’ve already waited too long/And now my hope is gone.
Half A Person
-Call me morbid, call me pale/I’ve spent six years on your trail.
* * * * * * * * * *
There Is A Light That Never Goes Out
-To die by your side/Well, the pleasure and the privilege is mine.
The Hand That Rocks The Cradle
-I’ll still be by your side, for you are all that matters.
-Together we lie, together we pray.
What Difference Does It Make?
-I’d leap in front of a flying bullet for you
Hand In Glove
-No, it’s not like any other love/This one is different because it’s us.
-If they dare touch a hair on your head/I’ll fight to the last breath.
Work Is A Four-Letter Word
-If you stay, I’ll stay right beside you.
-I don’t have much in my life/But take it, it’s yours.
Shoplifters Of The World
-Learn to love me, assemble the ways/Now, today, tomorrow, and always.
How Soon Is Now?
-I am human and I need to be loved/Just like everybody else does.
Reel Around The Fountain
-People see no worth in you, I do.
* * * * * * * * * *
Heaven Knows I’m Miserable Now
-Why do I give valuable time/To people who don’t care if I live or die?
The Boy With The Thorn In His Side
-And when you want to live, how do you start?
Miserable Lie
-What do we get for our trouble and pain?
Girlfriend in a Coma
-Do you really think she’ll pull through?
Paint a Vulgar Picture
-You could have said no, if you wanted to/You could have walked away, couldn’t you?
When Will You Accept Yourself?
-Anything is hard to find/When you will not open your eyes/When will you accept yourself?
Sweet and Tender Hooligan
-Will you free me? Will you find me?
-And do you think you’ve made the right decision this time?
-I wonder to myself/Could life ever be sane again?
Barbarism Begins At Home
-Why? Because of what you are.
* * * * * * * * * *
Frankly, Mr Shankly
-It pays my way and it corrodes my soul.
Miserable Lie
-You have corrupted my innocent mind.
These Things Take Time
-And you gave me something that I won’t forget too soon.
Vicar In A Tutu
-Get your vile soul dry cleaned.
Sweet and Tender Hooligan
-And he said that he’d never, never do it again/And of course he won’t, not until the next time.
What Difference Does It Make?
-Heavy words are so lightly thrown.
I Don’t Owe You Anything
-You owe me something/Repay me now.
I Won’t Share You
-Has the Perrier gone straight to my head?/Or is life sick and cruel instead?
* * * * * * * * * *
These Things Take Time
-You will leave me behind.
I Know It’s Over
-It takes strength to be gentle and kind.
Rubber Ring
-But they were the only ones who ever stood by you.
Back To The Old House
-There’s too many bad memories.
Girl Afraid
-I’ll never make that mistake again.
* * * * * * * * * *
What’s The World?
-I’m going under/You can feel them pulling me down.
I Keep Mine Hidden
-Hate, love and war/Force emotions to the fore/But not for me, of course/I keep mine hidden.
You Just Haven’t Earned It Yet, Baby
-You must suffer and cry for a longer time/You just haven’t earned it yet, baby.
That Joke Isn’t Funny Anymore
-It’s too close to home/And it’s too near the bone.
Well I Wonder
-Gasping, but somehow still alive/This is the fierce last stand of all I am.
You’ve Got Everything Now
-I’ve seen you smile, but I’ve never really heard you laugh.
I Started Something I Couldn’t Finish
-I started something/And now I’m not too sure.
Sheila Take A Bow
-How can someone so young sing words so sad?
* * * * * * * * * *
Handsome Devil
-And I would like to give you/What I think you’re asking for.
-I crack the whip/And you skip/But you deserve it.
-And let me get your head/On the conjugal bed.
Pretty Girls Make Graves
-Give in to lust, give up to lust.
Stretch Out And Wait
-What I do know is we’re here and it’s now/So stretch out and wait.
-So if there’s something you’d like to try/Ask me, I won’t say no, how could I?
Reel Around The Fountain
-15 minutes with you, oh, I wouldn’t say no.
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My father ain't getting his Christmas present today. Everyone in the house will get presents, multiple. But he won't get a damn thing from me now or probably ever again for that matter. He doesn't even love me. Why should I spend anything on him?
When my brothers and I went to go get my wheelchair I bought, my father pulled me aside and didn't even look at me as he said, "You can become magically able bodied if you just exercise and lose some weight. If you buy that thing, it has to go into storage and you have to pay for storage. You're making a big mistake." I told him then and there I don't appreciate him and he does nothing for me. Then I left.
On our way home, my father tried to physically blockade my brothers from pulling into the driveway, and said we have to take the wheelchair directly to storage. We... don't have a storage unit anywhere, and it's New Year's Eve, so none are open. Additionally, we have a double garage which you can park 2 vans inside of. We've done it before. And here was father, yelling at us that we can't fit a wheelchair inside...
A few months ago, my father tried to obtain legally confidential information from my therapist which I legally signed documents to make sure he could never get. And he sent lawyers after her and her staff, angry phone calls, and it got to the point the staff texted me and asked for assistance. Twice.
What's more is, I've gotten dozens of blood tests from half a dozen different doctors over the years. All of them confirmed I have high numbers for lupus and arthritis. There's no denying it. And yet, my father said they're wrong. My doctors are wrong, my therapist is wrong, and science is wrong. There is nothing wrong with me. He asked me, "How did you get around Universal Studios?" I told him I limped and complained about my leg pain the entire time. He said, "I don't remember that." But considering he gaslights me on a daily basis, I can promise he remembers and is lying.
And then, I remembered something else. My father has a cousin who was born with a deformed spine. She cannot walk, never has been able to, and yet, whenever my family visits her or she visits us, my father will make offhand comments when she's not looking or isn't in earshot, that she doesn't need to be in a wheelchair and she could walk if she just tried hard enough and that it would straighten out her spine if she did. She... has a shifted spinal column that's missing discs. I uhh... I don't see how you can fix that by walking.
Anyway, yeah. I'm not going to give anything to my father today, tomorrow, next year, ever. He takes my money each month just to turn off my electronic contact with the outside world whenever he's angry (he disables my phone, wifi, TV, data, etc. on all devices). You know, I learned to hack so I could hack his account to gain that access back. He somehow found out, and set up 2FA which I don't know how to get around (my guess is he was tracking when the account was logged into, from which IP, and checking the trace logs).
There's a reason I send all my messages to friends through encrypted apps, or untracked accounts, and hide all my social media posts from my father. I've learned the sounds of everyone's footsteps in the house, so I know when to be silent if my father comes around. I know to lock my door if he does. I fear him and everything he says. Nobody should have to live this way. But I do.
And sometimes, I ask myself if it's worth it to live at all when these are the conditions I'm forced into.
Here's to 2024. Maybe, somehow, it'll lead me to freedom...
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J2 Gold Panel Dallascon 2023
The boys today are in full swing, they're joking around making each other laugh, they're a little flirty, they are just in such a good mood and you can tell from the moment they get on the stage.
Jared does a little kick which is so cute and after Jared asks Jensen if it feels like they're twice as high as they usually are Jensen jokes that yeah but he did have some edibles that morning, and then he turns towards the big screen they have behind them that has a big banner with two pictures of them and he asks what's up with Jared's photo because he looks high....and Jared replies that what happened was that the picture got cropped so you don't see Jensen's left hand...I have no words.
And then there's Jared trying to recreate his stare in the photo and Jensen's left hand- just click on the link and watch: 😂
The first question is not a question it’s a fan thanking them, the show has a very special meaning to them because it's something that they watched with their grandad; Jared says that hearing stories from people about how the show helped them connect with their loved ones is one of the things that kept them going for so many years and when they were missing their families. x
The actual first question comes from an English teacher who sometimes uses SPN episodes in her drama units, like she used French Mistake to teach about breaking the fourth wall, and wants to know if they have episode recommendations that she could use for lessons. Jared recommends showing the movie Groundhog Day, and the ep Mystery Spot. The reason he brings up Groundhog Day is because he watched it this past week with their kids while they were all home because of icepocalypse. !!!!!!!!! Y'all already know I listened to this part multiple times, at different speeds, at different volume levels. This man said: "I just watched this movie last week with our kids when we were all home cause of icepocalypse". To me it sounds like Jensen and his three kiddos spend the ice storm with Jared and the other three kids.
But as I always say, don't take my word for it, here's the timestamp. Listen for yourself and form your own opinion.
Getting back to the answer Jensen asks him what the lesson would be for Mystery Spot and Jared replies the lesson is probably: you get another chance tomorrow, and try to make everyday count cause you never know when it’s your last or when you get to do it again the next day.
Jensen says that for a lesson in overcoming your fears, Yellow Fever. x
What’s their favorite quote? Jared jokes "leave the gun, take the cannoli." That's a line from the Godfather film. His real answer is: "pain is mandatory suffering is optional". And for Jensen one he likes a lot is: "taking care of yourself takes care of more than yourself."
Then Jared brings up another movie quote, "dude you got a fucking dart in your neck" which is from the movie Old School. This man spend the time he was stuck in the house watching old movies, I can tell. He also says people don’t have feelings, feelings have people. Which Jensen is confused by and doesn’t think it makes sense, but Jared explains that what he gathers from it is feelings are not pathological you can be angry or jealous but that's not who you are. x
When are Sam and Dean going to come back down to Earth? Jensen jokingly says season 16. Then says seriously, that that’s hopefully something that gets addressed when they get the call asking if they want to put their boots back on. x
What was their favorite kill? Some in the crowd call out Ruby, and Jensen laughs saying that technically he killed her, and Jared smiles and says to the crowd "are you reading my mind?"
Jensen's answer is Chuck. It wasnt some random monster of the week kind of thing it was somebody they had many years of work together and a friendship so whenever they get to work with people they have a great history and relationship with it makes it a little bit elevated, but he’ll take a good vampire nest killing everyday.
Jared says he didn't like killing this character but as a storyteller he's going to go with Rowena because it was so difficult. Says Ruthie is the most wonderful person on the planet, and she was fantastic as Rowena but that dynamic between her and Sam- it was so tragic to him to think of Sam having to kill her, it was so difficult he remembers the day vividly, it was truly emotional. He mentions that when the character of Bobby died they talked to the producers and the writers, and they said they didn't like it either but it’s great television and the boys were like fair enough so that was kind of an initial lesson; and when the Rowena and Sam storyline came to its conclusion that was really powerful for him. x
The next fan wants to know something cool about the boys that you wouldn't be able to find online. Jared says he’s done a questionnaire a few times, and guessing about Jensen, and it's turned out they're both introverts. They'd much rather stay home than go to a red carpet; extroverts feel energized being in front of the cameras but they much rather chill. x
Next fan has two questions, the first is that they want to know if the mic stand that Jared has is the one that Jensen threw down at the SNS concert the previous night because Jared keeps adjusting it. Jensen says he doesn’t know what she’s talking about, then he asks if he really did break a stand last night, the crowd replies yes and he goes 'listen, when i come on stage and there's music I black out'. And he, once again, asks if he really did break that stand, crowd continues to say yes, he says 'well, shouldn’t have been there'. 😆
The second question is, did Jensen think about how much his recognition would grow after appearing on The Boys? He answers that he doesn’t think he and Jared go into any of these jobs, roles,or stories thinking about the impact it'll have externally. They get hired to do a job and they take it seriously, even thought it might not look like it all the time, but they have a lot of fun doing the job because they truly enjoy doing what they do that being said they're not thinking about doing things because they want the effect it's going to have on a greater scale. They're just doing their job and hopefully it resonates to people and someone out there is entertained, and if that's the case they have done their job.
Jared mentions that 5 or 6 years ago the powerball prize was like 2 billion dollars, and they bought like 20 bucks of tickets. The draw was on Saturday, on Friday they’re on set filming, it's 4am, they’re tired, they’re miserable, they're flying soon and they look at each other and ask "if you win tomorrow are you coming into work on Monday?" And the answer for both of them was yes. If somebody went up to them and said they were filming a movie for the next month and it was going to be long hours but it would make a billion dollars in the box office, or long hours but they were never going to release it, it would make no difference they would still do everyday just as hard. He just does the hardest work he can and it's therapeutic for him as well to explore different lives and lifestyles and relationships so wether you tell him it’s an independent film that will never get released or Avatar he will work just as hard. And so will Jensen. x
Last question! The fan tells Jensen that he owes her sister 24 beers because last year she asked him to go out for her birthday beer and this fan had said that because she was turning 24 it should be 24 beers, and he had said she (fan asking the question) could go with them but she wasn't 21 at the time but she just turned 21 so now she can go and that would be 21 beers. I'm mentioning all this for only two reasons cause it has nothing to do with her question, reason number 1 is that when the fan tells Jensen about him owing her sister a beer, Jared grabs Jensen's coffee out of his hand and acts like he's going to give it to her and Jensen has no reaction, he just lets him take it and waits for him to put it back in his hand, like Jared taking his coffee is the most normal thing in the world. Which it probably is because they 100% do seem like the type of couple that shares coffee.
The second reason is that when the fan mentions that he owes her 21 beers on top of her sisters 24, Jared says that's 45 beers and Jensen stops, looks at him and goes "you do math fast!" all impressed. It's quite cute cause Jensen's all 😍 and you can tell Jared's proud of himself.
Anyways the last question is, what is their version of self care? Jared says that he’s been watching Limitless with Chris Hemsworth on Clif’s recommendation that it’s really meaningful, and fun, and interesting and a lot of the stuff that's talked about on the show really resonates with him. He is very similar, he has a though time winding down, and goes back to monkey brain, which is apparently what a doctor said, that's where one panics about stuff and is always worried so certain breathing excercises have helped. Also, the endurance training they did when they ran the marathon in Seattle kinda helped cause you put your shoes on, your music, your watch to check your heartrate and then you're on the road for an hour or hour and a half so you have to put everything else away, and he blames Jensen for turning him to this cause this was the training they did together. So find somewhere you can get past that really uncomfortable point of thinking you have to be doing something. Box breathing also seems to help him cause he sweats a lot, and he's anxious and nervous.
Jensen likes playing music, he’ll just sit down with a guitar and a lot of whiskey. x
J2 Gold Panel Dallascon
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corrodedseraphine · 2 years
playlist | #2 you steal the air out of my lungs
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pairing: eddie munson x henderson!reader
summary: Just when you thought the boy you were in love with all through high school was gone, he suddenly reappears as your little brother's friend. Fate has once again decided to join your paths, however, everything turns out to be a bit complicated. Will Eddie Munson's sudden return to your life bring with it even more changes?
the story is also avaliable on ao3
masterlist | eddie munson masterlist | general masterlist
song which I used in this chapter is Bleachers - Don't Take The Money
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"GG little Henderson! another win on our way to the diamond."
"Hell yeah!" compliments from Eddie's mouth were always something amazing to Dustin. He felt as if someone had sprinkled stardust on him.
"But that's it for today, I have to go." he said disconnecting from Discord and shutting down his laptop. He looked around the room wondering why he felt sort of excited at the thought of studying with Dustin tomorrow? An answer was forming in the back of his head that he really wanted to wall off with a thick barrier. He didn't want to accept that it was just because he was hoping to see you, too.
When the freshmen came to school it turned out that most of them had an artistic soul, and they all started signing up en masse for the drama club. Then suddenly rehearsals were held at least twice a week instead of once every three months. So they had to find another place and the place where he and his uncle lived was not suitable for accommodating so many people. 
When Wayne received a new job offer two years ago they could afford to rent a small studio apartment in a tenement building. The apartment was minimally larger than the trailer, and they finally didn't have to worry about constant electricity problems or a sudden lack of hot water. A living room connected to the kitchen, a small bathroom and one room that belonged to Eddie which was unfortunately too small to accommodate all the Hellfire members, so Wayne was forced to share the living room with them. Unfortunately, all the campaigns took place while he was still at home. Despite hiding his tiredness, everyone knew very well that loud campaigns do not serve a man in rest. Then, when for the first time Dustin suggested that from time to time Hellfire could meet at your house, something awoke in him that he thought had died a natural death two years ago when you left the walls of Hawkins High. Not wanting to show others how excited he felt, he said he would think about it, but everyone knew he would say yes. 
Every time when there were moments in which you were with them watching the campaign suddenly his hands began to sweat, and there was a strange feeling in his stomach that he could not yet describe. Perhaps it was longing? Ever since you graduated from high school he had felt how your presence was missing from his life even if your relations were purely friendly.
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"I thought you gave up and wouldn't come." Dustin said, opening the door.
"I won't lie that it didn't cross my mind, but I have to graduate eventually. Let's get to work while I still want to." replied Eddie pulling off his shoes and hanging his jacket on the coat rack. Never in his life would he have thought that some freshman would help him with math, but Dustin was indeed a genius when it came to science, so one day when he needed another ride to Will's and you just happened not to be home he asked Eddie promising to help him improve his grades. At first the metalhead was reluctant to agree, fearing that this would make Dustin no longer treat him the same way, but upon further reflection he knew that the boy could be his last resort.
"Do you want something to drink? Mom made lemonade."
"Sure. You here alone?" silence actually spread around the house.
"Mom and y/n went for a walk with Naveen, they should be back soon, so let's enjoy the quiet while we can." The boy shrugged his shoulders, heading to his room. On the bed there were a stack of math books at the sight of which Munson felt sick. Discouraged, he lay down on the bed next to them and began to stare at the ceiling.
"You know that just lying down next to them is not enough right?" Dustin asked.
"I think I changed my mind, why don't I tell you about the new campaign instead?"
"No matter how tempting the proposal is I have to refuse, I promised to help you and I will. This is my mission." Your brother laughed making Eddie roll his eyes and reach for the first book. "We'll start with section four. Go through it and tell me what you already know from it."
This was one of the moments in his life he hated.
The moments when he felt stupid. Looking at all those charts and numbers from which he couldn't decipher anything, he had the feeling that everything was blending together and creating one big pile of chaos. He felt ashamed. He was ashamed to admit in front of the younger boy that he completely didn't understand any of this, so he didn't say anything. He just stared at the book and remained silent as if that would make everything suddenly understandable. Your brother, however, could see by the look on his face that something was wrong.
"Okay, we'll start with the basics." he said taking the book from Eddie's hands, who was grateful for such a response. At first, everything Dustin said sounded to him like it was in another language. The boy had to explain some points several times, but once he finally began to understand everything began to seem simpler. It didn't change the fact that Eddie felt his brain hurt. He couldn't remember the last time he had studied so intensely in his life, so if they were in a cartoon steam would surely be flying out of his ears at the moment.
In the meantime, you came back home with your mother. Claudia Henderson was famous for her hospitality, so upon seeing Eddie in Dustin's room she immediately decided that he had to stay with you for dinner tonight. Munson didn't even have time to deny it, as your brother dragged him back to his room to barrage him with more math-related information. Luckily for him, after half an hour, a knock sounded on the room door, where you appeared.
"Mom's asking if you'll ride your bike to the store, she ran out of a few things for dinner." you said leaning against the wall.
"And you can't?" the boy rolled his eyes. "I'm busy."
"I'm sure Eddie can last twenty minutes without you." you smirked.
"Can't you go by car?"
"You know very well that something is breaking down with it again, and the mechanic won't be available until next week. Besides, you could use some exercise you noodle."
"I hate you." He sighed getting up from his chair. You sent him a triumphant smile and went back to your room while Eddie was watching your conversation with amusement.
When he was left alone in the room he tried to read some notes from books however he could not concentrate. He was nervously bouncing his leg looking around the room, when suddenly in the hallway, he saw Naveen which was looking at him and wagging his tail. He was holding a small toy bone in his muzzle. Seeing him, Eddie got up and, coming toward him, tried to grab the toy, but the dog was faster and avoided his grip by turning into another room. He followed him, and when he managed to grab the pet he raised his head and noticed that he was in your room. Shit. He thought. You looked at them with a slight smile on your lips. Music was playing in the background, and you were lying on your stomach on the bed painting your nails.
"I-I'm sorry, I didn't mean to..." he began to stammer.
"It's fine." you interrupted him. "Actually... can we talk?" you nervously bit the inside of your cheek.
"Sure." he said, sitting down next to you on the bed as he focused on the dog which immediately jumped on his lap. 
"I wanted to apologize... for the way I treated you last time..." you sighed. "You didn't deserve it."
"It's fine, I should apologize too, I don't think you're a bore at all. I never thought so." he smiled gently.
"I know, Eddie. It just wasn't the best day at the time." 
"Do you want to talk about it?" he asked and dared to look at you. 
Your hair fell softly over your face, which took on a focused expression. He wanted to get into your head and read all the thoughts that were roaming around, so the moment you denied it he felt a slight disappointment.
"So how is the study going with my brother?" you asked, changing the subject. You didn't feel like talking to him about how your relationship was slowly breaking down. You don't know why but you didn't want to bring up the subject of your relationship at all in front of him.
"Honestly? I feel like the dumbest person in the world with him," he said.
"I know something about that, sometimes I feel like one of us is adopted, because it's impossible for both of us to be related. Don't repeat it to him, or he'll fall into self-absorption, but I've always admired how much he can fit in that little head." you laughed. "Apparently, all reserves of wisdom have been earmarked for him in this family."
"Hey, don't say that! It's to you that I owe all my best grades throughout my school career. If you hadn't let me write down answers from you, I wouldn't have passed at the very beginning."
"In that case, you're welcome, Munson. But it doesn't change the fact that you're really in good hands now. Golden child Dustin Henderson will certainly help you more now than I did then."
"Do I hear a hint of jealousy here?" he asked in a teasing tone.
"I don't know, I sometimes feel that if I disappeared I don't think anyone would even notice." You shrugged your shoulders.
"I would notice." he replied without thinking.
"Really?" You raised your eyes. You have such beautiful eyes, he wanted to say. Instead, he just nodded his head. "Do you remember the fire at the mall? You don't even know what a huge relief I felt when I found out that you came out of it whole. I was worried as hell."
"Oh, that's... nice." you said surprised. He was worried about you? You would never have guessed that you were someone for him to worry about. You were convinced that you didn't mean more than any other person at school.
An awkward silence fell between the two of you. On the one hand he knew he should leave you alone, on the other hand a voice in his head told him that he would regret it if he went back to your brother's room now, so not thinking much he grabbed a bottle of black nail polish and looked at it. "Do you think it would suit me?" he asked shyly glancing in your direction. When a wide smile appeared on your face a feeling of relief mixed with joy spread through his body.
"It would be so metal." you replied. "Lie down in front of me and put your hands here." you instructed, and he did so immediately. Not knowing why, you felt extremely excited by the situation. His large hands adorned with silver rings lay in front of you as you grabbed the brush and began to paint them. You brought your face close enough that your breath gently tickled his skin causing shivers all over his body. You tried to do it as best as you could, you cared that he was satisfied with the result. Focused, you applied the polish and started singing quietly the song that was playing in the background.
Somebody broke me once Love was a currency A shimmering balance act I think that I laughed at that And I saw your face and hands Coloured in sun and then I think I understand Will I understand?
Hearing this, Eddie laughed lightly. The sight that was in front of his eyes he could describe as beautiful and somewhat charming? In addition, your quiet voice may have worked like a spell that you may have unknowingly cast on him.
"I can change the song if you don't like it. I know it's not your favorite kind of music." you said suddenly.
"No." he said too quickly and hastily than he meant to. The whole situation seemed unreal to him, but he still hoped that Dustin, on his way back that the store had taken the longest route there was. "Don't tell anyone, because my satanic reputation will suffer, but this song is even enjoyable." he added laughing.
You steal the air out of my lungs, you make me feel it I pray for everything we lost, buy back the secrets Your hand forever's all I want
Although your voice was quiet Eddie had the feeling that it was enveloping him all over as if he could drown in it. He wished he had the power to stop time because he would definitely use it now. Your face was within his reach through which he barely restrained the silly urge to move it and stroke your cheek. Calm down, Munson. He reprimanded himself in his mind. He was annoyed by what your presence was doing to him. Seconds passed and the longer he looked at you the more nervous he felt. He wanted to say something, but had no idea what so he just lay in front of you without taking his eyes off your face. You were close enough that if he had leaned out a little more your foreheads would have come into contact with each other. Suddenly feeling his gaze on you, you raised your head so that your eyes met.
When you're looking at your shadow Standing on the edge of yourself Praying on the darkness Just don't take the money Dreaming of an easy Waking up without weight now And you're looking at the heartless Just don't take the money
His eyes traveled from yours down to your lips repeating this path several times. Did he want to kiss you? Did you want him to kiss you? You felt guilty for the flock of butterflies that were going crazy in your stomach when he looked at you like that. You had a boyfriend, so you shouldn't feel this way in Eddie's company, but it was stronger than you.
You steal the air out of my lungs, you make me feel it I pray for everything we lost, buy back the secrets Your hand forever's all I want Don't take the money
Being so close to you, he was definitely having a little trouble breathing, as if he had suddenly forgotten how to do it or it was suddenly running out of oxygen around him. Your warm and gentle hands froze holding the brush in one hand and his hand that was being painted in the other. You both knew that all it took was one quick move and the space between you would disappear yet both of you froze just looking at each other.
"What the hell is going on?" the voice of Dustin was to you like the striking of a powerful bell that brought you down to earth. You immediately went back to painting the nails giving Eddie total responsibility for explaining the situation.
"I got a little bored waiting for you..." he cleared his throat. "So I decided to give your sister a little trouble and asked her to paint my nails." his voice was nervous. "They look so metal now" he wanted to play it cool, so Dustin won't be able to see his nervousness.
"Yeah, whatever." your brother rolled his eyes. "When you're done, you know where to find me."
The moment you finished he quickly thanked you and disappeared behind the door of your brother's room until dinner, during which neither of you dared to look at each other. It was as if you were afraid that when your eyes met they would say more to each other than you were capable of understanding at that moment. What is more, everything seemed to be overshadowed by a single thought unanimously taking over your brains. What if Dustin had returned from the store a few minutes later? 
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booboodaddysblog · 1 year
Autumns desires
Part three
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Warnings: smut, teasing, p in v, oral, unprotected sex, fingering, lose virginity
Saturday, all three sit at the table and eat breakfast. It's still raining outside. Colin sits next to Marg and can't take his hands and mouth off her. He touches her hair, kisses her neck and hands.
- Colin, I can't eat, you're disturbing me! Move away! - laughs Marg and tries to move away from him, but he moves closer to her again.
- I want you and I can't help it. Don't push me away from you! - Colin also laughs and kisses Marg on the lips while purring loudly.
- You are disgusting, I will have indigestion because of you! Bleh, go to the bedroom! - Roby also started laughing at them and throws a piece of bread at them.
- Relax Roby, I have to go to the police station for two hours. You'll get some rest from us - says Marg sipping coffee.
- Colin and you what will you do? - asks Roby.
- I’ve no plans, but I think I'm decking out the documents I have in the car. It's become a bit of a mess there over the last while - said Colin.
- And you Roby what are your plans for today? - Marg asks.
- I don't have any plans, but I think I'll think of some good dinner for us - replied Roby picking up the dirty plates from the table and went to the kitchen.
- So when you come back, can I fuck you again? - Colin whispered in Marg's ear.
- Colin! You did it twice yesterday! - she laughed
- Two times too few. I think I fell in love with your sweet and tasty pussy. I'm still hungry! - He grabbed her thigh and moved his hand towards the sweet spot.
- Colin I beg you, I can't even think about it now! I have to go to the police station! - she tried to get out of his embrace.
- Okay, now I'll give you a break, but when you come back.... - kissed her deeply on the lips - I want you anywhere in this house and more than once! I am incredibly hungry Marg - saying this he licked his lips.
Marg looked at him with wide-open eyes and wondered what happened to this shy and innocent Colin, who lived only with work and practically lived in the police station.
- I can't wait! I like this new Colin! - She bit her lip, kissed him lightly on the lips and got up from the table.
Colin sat at the table for a while longer drinking coffee and watching the rain fall through the window.
- Can I pick up your dishes now? - asked Roby.
- Ah yes, yes... thank you. I've been thinking… I've been thinking too much lately. I guess it isn’t works too well for me - he tilted his head and covered his face with his hands.
- Are you all right? I thought you were having fun and feeling good. I thought Marg chased away all the intrusive work-related thoughts? - She smiled at him pleasantly.
- That's true, but it only works for a while. When I am with you I feel better. When I'm left alone, the thoughts return. On Monday I return to reality. I hope someday we will go somewhere for the weekend, again - he said with a devilish smile.
- Saturday has just begun, and tomorrow we have time until evening. We still have a lot of fun ahead of us - Roby reciprocated the smile.
- Really? What are your plans for me? It's very interesting - Colin tapped his finger on his lips.
- I have no idea. For now, do what you had planned for now. Then we'll think about what we'll do next - Roby pick up the plates and went to the kitchen.
- Thank you Roby! - shouted Colin after her and got up from the table with a sigh.
An hour later…
Colin spread out all the documents on the dining room table and tried to put everything together. He couldn't concentrate. Something was distracting him. It was the smell coming from the kitchen. Roby was baking a cake. There was the smell of baked apples.
- Roby! You want to kill me with these smells! - he shouted toward the kitchen.
- Did you say something? - Roby leans her head out of the kitchen.
- Yes, come here, help me if you can.
- Okay, I have an hour before the cake is baked.
- Perfect! Please start from that side and we'll meet in the middle - Colin walked to the other side of the table and started arranging the documents.
- So Colin? Lately I've been thinking about something that was very pleasant all the time, and I almost couldn't fall asleep because of it, because I kept thinking about it.
- Did you? What was that?
- Our kisses by the fireplace, yesterday....
Colin took his eyes off the documents and looked at Roby.
- Those kisses... those kisses that were supposed to silence me because I talked so much instead of focusing on pleasure? - He said with a raised eyebrow.
- Exactly those. They were very pleasant...
- I agree. I remember everything perfectly - saying this, he began to move closer to Roby.
- Really? - Roby parted her lips.
- Really - he kissed her gently, stroking her cheeks. She purred softly into his mouth.
- I didn't expect this.
- What do you feel like doing Roby? - Colin did not take his eyes off her lips.
- I... I... have no experience....
- Excuse me? I don't understand - he looked into her eyes again.
- Never before...
- Are you a virgin?
- Yes... - Roby lowered her gaze to the ground.
Colin looked at her for a moment and thought....
- Do you want to change that?
- What do you mean?
- I want to help you. I want to show you how pleasurable sex can be. It's really an amazing feeling. For a while you don't think about anything at all. You are in paradise and you feel like screaming and jumping for joy. And the orgasm... it's indescribable.
- I know what an orgasm is and what it feels like. It's not that bad with me. You know perfectly well what I did yesterday in the bathtub.
- Yes I know, but orgasm with yourself and with someone is a very big difference. I want to show you that. Once you try it you will want more and more - He kissed her again, this time harder - See what you are doing to me - Colin grabbed Roby's hand and put it on his bulge in his pants.
Roby swallowed her saliva loudly. She tightened her hand on Colin's cock. She looked at his face, his eyes were closed.
- So Roby? Can I give you pleasure? May I take care of you? Will you let me? - he whispered and opened his eyes.
- Yes - she whispered.
Colin started kissing her and slowly headed closer to the table. He leaned her against the edge and began to unbutton her pants. Roby clung tighter to Colin's lips and hugged his neck to be closer to him. This time he was the one who purred into her mouth when he put his hand inside Roby's panties.
- You're already wet... for me... - he began to slide down her pants along with her panties.
Roby watched all this with her lips parted and her eyes wide open. She couldn't believe what was about to happen.
- Please sit down on the table - Colin knelt in front of her - I want to make you more relaxed and even wetter. I want to taste you.
Roby did as Colin asked.
- Now spread out your legs for me - he started kissing the inner side of her thighs.
- Colin.... - she moaned.
- Hush, you'll be happy, I promise - Colin began to gently kiss the pink petals of her pussy. He licked, sucked and purred with pleasure - wow you taste very good and you are so wet. I like that, very much.
- Colin... this is incredibly pleasurable... you're good at this, I want more... - she moaned loudly and grabbed him tightly by the hair pulling his head closer to her pussy.
- Yes, I know. Marg already told me that - he laughed, but Roby hit him on the head - ouch, sorry, I have to start thinking before I say something - Colin put one finger in Roby's hot entrance and started to move it slowly. He inserted it and took it out. He added another finger to stretch her more. Roby moaned loudly and began to pull out of Colin's grasp, but he held her tight.
- Oh God, I think I'm about to come! Don't stop! Colin! - she almost screamed by holding tightly to his hair and the edge of the table.
- Yes Roby, come on my lips and fingers, I want it! Do it, now! - Colin sucked on her sweet button and started licking it.
- Colin! - Roby shouted loudly. Exhausted, she lay down on the table and breathed heavily.
Colin stood up with a smile and leaned over and kissed her on the lips.
- I think you liked it. Shall we continue? - Colin started kissing Roby's neck, unbuttoning her blouse. He reached her bra and tilted it slightly to start kissing and licking her nipples.
- You want to torture me, oh mamma mia! Now you can do whatever you want with me! I am yours! Colin! OMG!
Colin began to unbutton his pants and slid them down his legs along with his panties. He began gently sliding his dick close to the entrance to paradise.
- Roby, are you ready? I can't wait to be deep inside you. If you feel any discomfort, tell me and I'll stop.
- Colin I want you, do it! I want to feel you! Now!
He began to slowly slide inside. Colin looked deep into Roby's eyes, his lips parted and a blissful expression on his face.
- Oh you are pleasantly tight, hot... How do you feel? Is everything okay? - he leaned in to kiss her before she had time to answer his questions.
- Colin, is better than I expected! Deeper! - Roby pulled him closer to her and kissed him while moaning into his mouth.
He slid in at his full length. He began to move slowly forward and backward. He closed his eyes. He snuggled up to Roby moving harder and harder inside her. He kissed her neck while listening to her loud moans.
- OMG... harder! I think I'm about to come! Again! - she drove her nails into Colin's back moaning louder and louder into his ear.
- Yes! Yes Roby! Come! Come for me again! I want to feel it baby! - he kissed her deeply on the lips. They both moaned loudly.
Roby come again this time on his dick. Colin finished deep inside her. He cuddled his face into her neck, breathing hard. Roby hugged him.
- Colin, thank you - she whispered in his ear while kissing him on the cheek.
- For what? - Colin raised his head to look at her.
- For showing me what paradise is - she kissed him gently.
- I... No problem, it was a pleasure for both of us. I recommend myself for the future - he laughed, gave Roby a kiss on the cheek and stood up - I'll go get some towels.
- No, don't go. I need to wash up. I'll go upstairs and take a shower.
Colin went to the kitchen to bring himself to order. Standing at the sink, he saw through the window that Marg had just returned.
- Fuck - he cursed under his breath and poured himself a glass of water for inconspicuousness. He leaned against the kitchen counter and drank the water as if nothing ever happened.
Marg knotted into the house, took off her coat and headed for the kitchen.
- Oh hi Colin! What’s up? - She smiled at him and took a yogurt out of the refrigerator.
- Cool, everything is cool - he said with a glass to his lips looking at the wall in front of him.
- Okay? What's that smell? Is something burning? - Marg looked at the oven.
- Oh shit, Roby’s cake! - Colin quickly took it out of the oven - oh it's not so bad - sniffed it and put it on the counter.
- Where is Roby? - asked Marg with a raised eyebrow.
- She went to the bathroom and asked me to watch the cake - Colin grunted and sipped water again.
- Okay? But you are acting strangely. Are you sure you're okay? - Marg asked walking closer to him and looking at him.
- Of course, why do you ask? - Colin tried to withstand Marg's gaze.
- You were supposed to arrange documents. Do you always sweat so much at them? - she continued to ask him questions.
- I... I... failed to finish what I had planned - he scratched his head, but did not look away from Marg's face.
- What do you mean? What happened?
- I... - he interrupted, because Roby suddenly entered the kitchen.
- Oh hi Marg! It's good that you're here already, I'll be making dinner soon - Roby hugged Marg while looking with big eyes at Colin and saying silently "Did you tell her?" Colin shook his head in denial.
- I don't know, but both of you are acting strangely. Can you tell me what happened? - Marg crossed her arms over her chest and waited for an answer.
- I’m no longer a virgin - Roby said.
-Yes that's right. I just fucked her - confirmed Colin, refilling his glass with water.
- Aha - said Marg and left the kitchen - You did it on the table?! - she shouted from the living room.
Colin and Roby came into the living room.
- You could have gone to the bedroom! Colin it was her first time, you could have been more romantic! - said Marg picking up the documents from the floor.
- Somehow it worked out that we didn't even think about it - said Colin helping Marg picking up the documents.
- Well, I'll go make dinner - said Roby and went to the kitchen.
Marg immediately grabbed Colin by the shirt and pulled him close.
- I thought about you during the time I was at work. I thought about what we did yesterday and how you behaved at breakfast this morning. I know you are not mine. I know there were no declarations, but it's a strange feeling when you fuck me first and then her - Marg let go of Colin and sat down in a chair at the table.
Colin stood shocked and looked at her not knowing what to say.
- Marg... I have no idea what to say to you. After all, yesterday was a threesome and today you feel bad about it? I think, I don’t understand something - said Colin and sat down next to Marg on a chair.
- I know it's pathetic. I just need to put it together in my head - Marg got up and went to help Roby with dinner leaving Colin alone with his thoughts.
Part one
Part two
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