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fxchild · 1 year ago
The Switch
Miles Fairchild x fem!reader
Chapter nine: Make you stay.
Miles pov
I think it's been one- no. Two weeks, since Y/n had that.. encounter? It's not like we had sex or anything but I definitely didn't expect to make out on her bed until Flora came banging on her door complaining about a nightmare, while Y/n forced me to hide under her damn bed on the cold floor for half an hour while she made sure Flora went to sleep and didn't bother us again. I was kinda glad we got interrupted if I'm being honest. Even though Y/n pounced on me like a lion to a gazelle, she seemed pretty nervous whenever I kissed her too hard or if I touched her leg. Believe it or not things have been even more awkward than before when we were constantly nipping at each other and now I'm starting to miss the fighting more than the dry tension in the room.
Anyways, I've got about fourteen days to make things less awkward and for her to stay with us for the summer. I heard her talking on the phone a few days back, thinking about taking up a different job in California. Her teacher recommended it or some shit, get into a better college. She's not going to Harvard I know that for sure.
Something that's been pissing me off is that Quint has been messing with her head so now she sleeps with the door off and the lamp lights on. I asked him to lay off but it's not doing much. I've been trying to sneak in to make sure he's not fucking with her in her sleep or anything. She's only sixteen like me after all, he shouldn't be messing with kids our age, especially the ones I want to stay.
Uhm, another thing is that I've been out of it for a day or two. Like my throat is pretty dry and I've had a wicked headache. I swear to god if I wake up tomorrow with a cold I'm gonna be pissed.
Your pov
It's been about two weeks since Miles and I had that half-assed hookup. Ever since then it's been so awkward. We can't even speak to each other now for more than two sentences before getting freaked out and forgetting what we were talking about. I mean, it's easier to focus on Flora and her work, but at the same time it's boring without being able to pick a fight with Miles. I miss our back and forth bickering because at least it kept us talking and occupied. I have fifteen days before I go back home for the summer, I really wanted to stay but I've gotten more job offerings in new places and I want to go out and explore. Plus, spending the summer in some creepy ass house, with a boy who can't even be in the same room as me for five minutes doesn't seem like the ideal summer. I feel bad for leaving Flora, and I guess Miles because they are all alone with Ms. Grose, who is lucky if she can live another four years. But I need to put myself first, that's what's important. I just wish Miles would talk to me before I leave, because even though we snap at each other, he's been growing on me. I'm not saying I like his stuck up asshole personality but I see how he is with Flora and I sometimes wish he could be able to open up to me like that.
This morning I woke up to the sound of projectile vomiting. I figured it was coming from Flora's room since she ate a lot of chocolate last night. I ran to her room to check on her to find her still asleep in her bed. Then I realized that the puking and groaning was coming from Miles room. I debated on leaving him there to take care of himself since he thinks he's grown and can take care of himself but then I remembered the time I was drunk. The way he drove me home at 2am and stayed outside my door all night in case I felt sick again. I walked into his room and knocked on his closed bathroom door.
"Miles, it's just me. I'm gonna come in okay?" I say as I hear him groan and spit into the toilet. I open the door to see his face almost glued to the toilet bowl, gasping and throwing up. I sit next to him and rub his back, grabbing a few sheets of toilet paper so he can wipe his mouth when he's done. "Get it all out, that's it.." I whisper to him as he continues to gag.
When he finishes he grabs the toilet paper from my hand and wipes his mouth, flushing the toilet. I let him sit on the floor with his back pressed against the wall for a moment as I grab a washcloth, drenching it in cold water. I put it on the back of his neck as he tries to stand up. He walks over to me where I'm putting toothpaste on his toothbrush and handing it to him.
"Make sure to brush your tongue too." I put the cap back on his toothpaste. "I'm gonna get you a new shirt, there's a little bit of puke on it." I point to the spot on his shirt. I walk out of his room and open his closet, looking for an old shirt in the piles on the floor. Miles walks back into the room and curls up on his mattress with his washcloth in his hands. I didn't even realize he came back into the room until he spoke up and groaned.
"Jesus it's fucking freezing in here.." I turned around to see him shirtless, breathing heavily and laying down. I grab a random green shirt and walk over to his mattress.
"No Miles, sit up you have to let your stomach settle for a bit." I prop his pillows against the wall and help him sit up a bit. I let him put his new shirt on and pulled the covers up to his waist. I felt his forehead and winced at his temperature. "Miles, you're really hot." I sighed and bit my bottom lip trying to think of how to take care of him.
He let out a chuckle and wrapped a hand over his stomach. "I'm hot? Thanks.." I frown at him since this isn't something to be joking about. "Not funny." I say with pursed lips and put the washcloth on his forehead.
"I'm gonna go to the store to get you some medicine. Flora used it the last time she was sick. Do you want me to pick you up something?" I put my hands on my hips and waited for his response.
He sat there for a second to think, "Am I even allowed to eat anything? Like I'm pretty sure you're not supposed to eat when you're sick." He tilted his head, squinting his eyes.
"You're allowed to eat Miles but only if you feel up for it. I can pick you up some grits, or popsicles? Do you sound up for that when you get your appetite back?" I rub the back of my neck, giving him a sympathetic look.
"I'm not hungry..I-I don't care okay? I'll be fine by tomorrow." He shakes his head and waves his hand in the air.
"Okay, well I'm still going to the store because I'm not putting up with your whining later. I'll be back in an hour okay?" I shrug and ruffle his hair lightly before trying to smack my hands away.
I brush my teeth, grab my keys and put on some slippers. I head out to the car to start for the store.
Miles pov
She couldn't have taken any fucking longer to get back from the store could she? I'm sitting in my bed, trying my best for an hour to hold my stomach until she comes back but it's getting too painful. I ran to the bathroom throwing up nothing but stomach acid. I was panting and almost crying from the pain, it felt like my stomach was twisting. Y/n hears me gagging and rushes into the bathroom to rub my back and hold back my hair. When I'm done, there's tears in my eyes from the pain and she gives me this stupid sad look like she feels sorry for me or some dumb shit. I sit on my bathroom counter as she hands me my toothbrush again. She opens up a small can of Gingerale and puts it on my nightstand.
"You don't have to drink it now, but if your stomach feels funny again try some. It works trust me." She smiles and feels my forehead again to see if my fever had gone down a little. I sit there under the covers with my head against the wall as Y/n sits at the end of my mattress reading a book.
"What's that?" I say weakly, motioning to the book. I catch her attention and she smiles. "A book?" She giggles trying to be funny or something.
"Yeah, no shit." I chuckle and she gives me an unamused look. So apparently I'm not allowed to be funny anymore I guess. "What's it about?"
"It's about a prince trying to find his princess through a dream. It's really cute." She gets up to sit next to me on the mattress, showing me the blurb.
"Oh.. fantasy?" I mutter out as a question.
"Yeah, I like fantasy. You don't?" She tilts her head to look at me, tabbing her book before closing it. I shrug, "I mean, it's not bad but I just can't ever get into it."
"Well maybe that's because you haven't read a good one." She smirks, and for a second I feel like we aren't talking about books. I shook my head and stayed silent for a few minutes.
"You know, I usually get sick in the summer." I give her a side glance. I lied, I never get sick. This was the first time in probably a year and a half I've gotten sick. "I mean, who's gonna get me a cold washcloth and rub my back when I'm throwing up?" I smirk at her slightly.
"Ms. Grose?" She jokes and I roll my eyes.
"Be serious Y/n. She's so old I think she's gonna kick the bucket any day now. And when she does that, who's gonna help me take care of Flora? I don't have any parents you know." I sit up more and turn to face her, putting my hands in my lap.
She sighs and turns to face me. "Who said I was leaving?" She gives me a confused look.
"Y/n I heard you on the phone. I mean California seems nice, but is that what you really want?" I give her a dead eyed look and raise a brow.
She studies my face letting out a deep breath, "Miles, you don't even like having me around. We fight all the time, why do you want me around?" She shakes her head and leans back a little bit.
"Come on, Flora will miss you. She'll be upset that you aren't coming back. I mean she really loves you, fuck, she wants you to be her mother! She needs you, Y/n- I-I need you okay? I can't even take care of myself while I'm sick and you expect me to take care of myself, a whole property and a little girl? I mean, jesus, what do I have to do to make you stay?" I spurt out quickly, motioning my hands everywhere with dramatic tones.
She smiles for a moment and grabs my hand, "You just did." She gives me a sincere look, like we finally came to an agreement. I let out a relieved sigh I didn't even know I was holding and she giggled. "Why do we fight so much? Everything would be so much easier if we just listened to each other, you know?" She asks even though she sounds like she already knows her own reason.
"I think you know why I do it.." I look at my red candles I caught her staring at one day in particular when she first came into my room.
She looked at the candles then back at my eyes. "Because you don't know how to treat people?" She barely whispered out. She looked into my eyes for a moment before speaking once more. "I only pick fights with you cause I think you're kinda cute." She admits, leaning back again.
I raise a brow, "You think I'm cute?" I chuckle and she let's go of my hand, she's trying to bite back a smile.
"Yeah, you're cute. So what?" She smirks and we stare at each other. I think we were both waiting for one of us to do something, anything. But no one moved or spoke. After a moment of my silence she got up and put the covers back over my waist. "You should get some rest, it's not good to stay up when you're delirious." She gave me a dejected look and turned off my lamp.
"I'm not delirious." I grab her wrist gently and assure her.
"You're sick, Miles." She gives me a stern tone, and eyes me down to let go of her wrist.
"I know what I'm saying, Y/n." I gulp and give her the smallest smile I could muster and let go of her wrist, laying back into the pillows. She slides a hand on my forehead and it goes into my curls. She kissed my forehead and walked to the door.
"Get some sleep, call me if you need anything okay?" She gave me a sad smile and walked out of the room.
Now she was just confusing me because did she just reject me without either of us talking about dating? I don't think I asked her out but I think I wanted to. I want to I really do, but how the hell am I supposed to do that when she can't take me seriously? I better get over this damn sickness soon.
Hi hi! It's fxchild back again with another chapter! Sorry if this is bad I had to rewrite it THREE times because it kept god damn deleting. This took me 2 hours and 15 minutes to write (I timed it yes) so hopefully you enjoyed it. Plsplspls if you did not see my other post to put some requests in because this will be one of the last chapters until Mr. Fairchild finishes his story. I literally do not care what you ask me to write as long as it's not acc insane. If my requests don't work PLEASE dm me I will answer because no one texts me like ever ! Anyways, I love you guys so so much 💕 thank you for continuing to motivate me to write.
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fxchild · 1 year ago
The Switch
Miles Fairchild x fem!reader
Chapter seven: So now you're back?
A note from Fxchild ! Hi hi so ya I am not dead ! My phone lit broke and I totes forgot my email for this acc but now I'm back and my writers block has never gone away so quickly ! I'm so excited for new chapters to b out soon ! In the meantime while you r waiting for chapters, if you have one shot ideas for characters Finn Wolfhard plays I would b more than happy to write those so you guys aren't waiting forever for a new chapter ! So...finally heres the well awaited chapter seven ! I hope you enjoy this <3
It's the first day of May. It's also been three months since Miles left again. I keep telling Flora that he'll be back soon but I feel my heart break every time I lie to her. I don't think he will be back until I leave for the summer and then he'll leave again when I come back. I feel so guilty..Flora doesn't have a brother that lives with her because of me. But was it all really my fault? He treats me like shit and expects me to tolerate it. Never mind. I don't give a flying fuck about him anymore. He can do whatever he wants, if something happens to him, oh boo hoo not my problem.
It was finally Friday which means I have tomorrow off and I only have to teach Flora a little today because the weather was perfect for horseback riding and I'd promise to let her out today. Today I wore a dark red top with dark grey jeans with black high top shoes. I put my hair in a half up half down clip and did minimal makeup because I was planning on recording myself for an upcoming interview I have for a summer job.
Today I planned out a written test to see Flora's knowledge on geography. I would give her a half an hour to finish up on review and two hours for the test. The test was fairly easy so it shouldn't take her more than an hour or so.
"And begin." I smiled at Flora, setting my timer on my desk which is right across from hers. She immediately begins to read and write down answers while I look over her past work to grade.
Around 45 minutes into the session we hear the front door open. Flora pays no attention to it, I assume it's Ms. Grose coming in from cutting grass or buying groceries so I ignore it and go back to reading old assignments. Around a few minutes went by when I heard footsteps coming to the room. Expecting Ms. Grose I take my feet off the desk and fix my posture without looking at the door. I pretend to be in deep thought with grading when I hear someone clear their throat and hear Flora shout,
"Miles!" She screeches and jumps from her seat running over to hug him. I immediately turn my whole body in my chair with wide eyes. His hair slightly longer and he looks a little taller. He still has the same smirk and dead eyes I saw the night he left. He had on a black coat that ran down to his knees and two bags in his hands that he must have taken when he left. He engulfs Flora into a hug and smiles down at her. I've never seen that smile before. Unlike the ones he had given me this one was warm and loving. I think I had given him that smile before but I wasn't sure. Finally after what seemed like an eternity, he looked up at me and smiled. It was genuine, his eyes brightened. I knew it was real because it wasn't that same old smirk he put on with confidence, he looked painfully awkward and his eyes kept darting between me and the wooden floor. I didn't smile back. I rose up from my seat and walked over to him.
"Flora, why don't you take Miles bags and put them in his room for him sweetheart?" I smiled down at her while patting her hair. She gladly accepts and runs off with his bags. Miles smiles at me again nodding opening his mouth to speak but I cut him off.
"How you been Miles? Where'd you go this time huh? Was it fun?" I say with a sarcastic fake smile, he could tell I was mad.
"Well I-" He begins as I slap his face.
"You scared the shit out of me! Do you know how upset Flora was? She cried for almost a week, blaming herself, poor girl!" I say gritting my teeth with my eyes starting to tear up slightly.
He stared at me with pursed lips before sighing and answering. "He told me to."
I scoff and look at him dumbfounded. "He? Wh-who the hell is 'he' Miles huh? What are you schizo?" I roll my eyes annoyed
"Nobody-nothing. I just..had a dream that's all." He shakes his head staring down at the floor with shame.
"Whatever Miles." I roll my eyes and walk over to Flora's desk to pick up her finished test. "Better go find Flora. Told her she could get out of class early to go ride the horses." I say looking through her test without looking up at Miles.
"You're not gonna come?" He asks quietly, nodding his head to the side, scratching the back of his neck.
I chuckle quietly before placing the test back on the desk. "After the last time?" I walk over to him, picking a pine needle off his jacket. "No thanks." I fake smile before walking out of the room to my own. When I reach my room I fall flat onto my bed before letting out a loud sigh into my pillow. A few minutes later I look out the window. I see Flora and Miles running to the stables and shouting happily. I turn to look at my Calendar, 30 days until I leave. I got sick of sitting in my room bored and decided to go do something, anything in his boring place.
I walk into the kitchen hoping there's an apple or some food sitting out but instead of being greeted with food, it's an unbearable Ms. Grose. I smile at her but she crosses her arms and frowns at me.
"Why are you being so unpleasant towards Miles?" She grits her teeth. "What are you talking about?" I ask trying to pretend I have no clue what's going on. "Talking to him in such an arrogant tone, not accepting his offer and you still wonder why he left? You should be shamed." She spits at me coldly. My face dropped as I start to feel tears in the corners of my eyes.
I quickly ran back up to my room and slam the door. Tears start to stream down my face as I grab my backpack and start shoving stuff into my bag. By the time I zipped it up I hear the front door open again. I quickly put my shoes back on and started heading down the stairs. Walking towards the door I'm wiping my tears, Miles blocks my path.
"Woah woah! Where are you going?" He asks with a concerned look on his face, his hands falling to my shoulders. "Out." I reply while sniffling trying to push past him.
"Um okay, when are you coming back?" He lets go of me, now following me out the door. "I don't know..like..tomorrow? Sunday maybe?" I continue to walk away from him to my car. "Tell me where in case you get black out drunk again and need me to pick you up." He scoffs grabbing onto my wrist.
"You know what Miles? You won't have to worry about me anymore! I won't bother you. It's clear I make you want to leave and you hate me so I'll just leave you alone okay?! Is that what you wa-"
He cuts me off by pressing his lips against mine. It was soft and quick, like he was trying to shut me up and this was the first thing he thought of. He lets go of my wrist and stands up straight looking at me sternly. My cheeks are burning red as I attempt to say something but I can't seem to speak, like there's no air in my lungs.
I lean up against my car door for a moment staring at my feet trying to decide whether to leave or not. I finally look up at him, his head in staring at my feet too. His hands are in his pockets and he's biting his bottom lip nervously. I smile up at him.
"Hey..I'll be back in a little while. I promise I won't make you pick me up this time. Want me to grab you something?" I softly smile, hoping he won't hate me. He shakes his head no with a small smile on his face before letting me get into his car. He watches me drive off before heading back inside.
'29 days..' I whisper to myself as I head into the nearest town, smiling to myself.
This was extremely rushed so my apologies if it wasn't as great as one of my last chapters ! I promise the next chapter will b better and have more of a plot than this one. Hope you guys liked this and r excited for the next chapter!
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fxchild · 11 months ago
The Switch
Miles Fairchild x fem! reader
Chapter ten: I think I'm in love with you.
Your pov
It's been two days since Miles had gotten sick and I had to take care of him. I'm still kinda surprised he even let me since he usually gives me the cold shoulder but I'm assuming it's because he was too weak to care. I'm glad he's finally feeling better because breaking my back to nurse him back to health (even though he was always cold hearted anyways) was hard work.
We haven't spoken since two days ago, I feel like Miles is mad at me because I told him he was delirious. I didn't really mean it, I was nervous that I was going to get attached to him and he leaves the manor again for months and acts like nothing happened. He's been ignoring me even though I told him I was staying for the summer, so he can't do that if he really does want me to stay, he'll suck it up.
I've been laying on my bed, staring at the ceiling for a while. It's finally Sunday so I could go downstairs whenever I feel like it and I don't have to worry about doing anything all day.
After another 15 minutes of thinking, I finally rolled out of bed and got dressed. I wore a white sweater, a black skirt and black tights, doc martens on my feet. I went to the bathroom to brush my teeth and then I went downstairs.
When I walked downstairs I found Miles and Flora on the couch together in the den. Flora was sitting on Miles' leg while he read her a book. They didn't notice I came downstairs until I sat on the other couch, smiling softly as Miles read enthusiastically to Flora, a story book about a rabbit family. They only noticed me when Miles looked up for a split second while he was reading an energetic part of the story, he saw me smiling and got quiet. He looked away, shyly, which was new and then Flora saw me. She got up and hugged me good morning.
“Hi Y/n! Goooodmorninggg! Miles was reading me this book about rabbits and they get chased by a mean farmer and-” Flora continues to babble. I try to pay attention, I really do, but Miles looks so good right now I can't focus on anything but his body. The way his hands folded the corner of the page and held the spine of the book drove me crazy. And the way he was with Flora.. to say he looked desirable while he was taking care of kids was an understatement.
“Miles is the best reader ever! My last nanny, Kate, was a terrible story teller! No emotion or anything!” Flora exclaimed. Kate? Who was Kate? I looked over at Miles and he looked down at the mention of her.
Oh. I get it now.
“Hey Flora?” I smile at her, sitting her down next to me, moving hair behind her ear. “How many nannies have you had?”
“Oh only about a million!” Flora laughs but then actually tries to think. “Um, maybe like eight?”
I nod and look at her again. “Were they pretty?” I smile and then look over at Miles, giving him a stern face.
“Oh yeah! They were beautiful! But you're way prettier Y/n.” Flora hugged me tightly and smiled up at me. I smiled back and kissed her forehead.
“Flora, why don't you go find Ms.Grose to make us some breakfast hm?” I smile again lifting her up and she runs out of the room smiling. I look over at Miles again and he's glaring at me. I cringe at his face and stand up. “So, do you scare all of the babysitters off after you're through with them? Or is that just me?” I spat and walked out of the room.
I don't even know why I was upset. I don't know this Kate chick, she was probably ugly anyways. Whatever, it's not like he's my boyfriend anyways. I just don't understand why he's treating me this way after he practically begged me to stay and almost wormed a confession out of himself. I grabbed a book and started reading it to calm down and it worked for a bit.
When breakfast was ready I went downstairs and ate in silence. Miles was quiet, I mean he's always quiet, he's a weirdo, but this was a weird quiet. It's not like an observing quiet but a sad quiet. I ignored it until it annoyed me. When Miles was done, he sat on the couch picking at his nails. I got up to put my plate in the sink and stopped in front of him.
“Do you want me to take your plate to the kitchen?” I softly smiled down at him. He looked up at me and softly nodded, staring at my face. I nodded back and took the plate. When I was done I went back up to my room to finish reading.
Miles pov
What is up her ass today? I didn't even say anything and she's being all bratty for no reason. It started when Flora mentioned Kate and Y/n flipped the switch and started being mean. I honestly don't know what her problem was because I was just trying to read to my sister and she had to get all jealous. By the way, Kate's not even alive anymore! Typical Y/n, gets upset and she doesn't even understand what she's upset about. She's the first nanny that's been my age, why would I try to hookup with babysitters way older than me? And I don't even want Y/n as a hookup, I want her. I kinda feel bad for her, maybe she was confused about her feelings and needed help opening up. I can't do all the work on trying to make this happen.
I was in my room sitting on my bed, particularly bored today. I wonder what I could do to get her to stop being so bitchy to me. I looked around my room and my eyes landed on my wallet, okay that's a start. Last time I went into town with her we got into an argument.. eh, it's worth a shot.
I changed into jeans and a green jumper, washed my face, brushed my teeth extra so my breath doesn't smell, and styled my hair. I grabbed my wallet and slipped on my shoes before heading to her room.
I knocked on the door and heard a faint “come in” and did so. I saw her sitting on her bed with a book in her hands. She looked ready to me so I cleared my throat for her to pay attention to me. When she finally looked up, that's when I spoke.
“I'm uh- thinking of going into town. Wanna join me?” I smirked at her, raising my wallet and keys at my last words. She smiled and nodded, placing down her book while I raised a brow. She got off of her bed and I took a step back to let her put her shoes on.
“Let me brush my teeth alright? Give me like 4 minutes!” She smiled and ran to the bathroom quickly. I leaned up against the wall and pressed the back of my head against the door. This is gonna be good.
Your pov
We got into Miles' car (which I didn't know he had but he said Ms.grose gave it to him since she felt too old now) . It was nice, tiny, but cute. The ride was awkward, he put on music but neither of us knew any of the songs so we tuned it out. It took about 20 minutes to get into town, he parked along the street and turned to look at me, rubbing his hands on his legs.
“Sooo..where do you wanna hit first? There's clothing, music, nic naks, or we could grab lunch?” He smiled kindly at me which almost made me blush. I thought for a moment before responding.
“I've only been to the grocery store, why don't you show me your favorite store?” This made him smile even more, with teeth this time, now I was really blushing. He nodded and opened the door for himself. He was coming around to open my door but I already stepped out. We walked up the street until we got into a record store with guitars along the wall. It was clustered and small but it had a homely feeling to it.
Miles turned around to face me, catching my reaction to the store, he could tell I thought the place was nice. “I uh, bought my first guitar here. I was 7 and with my dad. The owner helped me get into music, that's probably why I have the best taste ever.” Miles smiled and then joked with me. I laughed a little and looked around more, almost tripping on a stack of CDs before Miles caught my shoulder and held me up straight.
“You good?” He snuffed out a little laugh, his hand lingering longer than I expected it to. I nodded and moved hair from my face looking around again. Miles headed over to the record boxes and started scrolling through. I did too and smiled when I saw something I liked. An ACDC record, “Back In Black”. When he saw my wide smile, he looked over my shoulder and lifted it fully out of the box.
“ACDC huh? Never knew you'd be a rock girl, always thought you'd settle on Madonna or The Mamas & The Papas or something like that.” He raised a brow again and I teasingly took the record out of his hands.
“Well then I guess you don't truly know me.” I smirked, turning around with my back to the boxes, he's standing right in front of me, almost on top of me. I eyed him for a moment, he eyes me too and I want to pounce on him.
“I guess I don't.”
After almost four hours, Miles and I have been to the record store, two clothing stores, a candle store, a store with nic naks for tourists and now sitting in a cafe with 8 bags, and lunch (that Miles had INSISTED on buying). We sat there laughing because Miles kept making jokes about Ms.grose. I felt bad because she was only an old lady but couldn't help the fact Miles was funny. I sipped on my smoothie, trying not to choke as Miles sipped his coffee and told another “joke”
“No, I'm being serious. She used to change my diapers and I'm surprised she's not making Flora or I change hers yet!” Miles laughed while I doubled over in my seat crying of laughter. After a minute of laughing I finally calmed down and looked at him with a smile.
Miles pov
She looked amazing right now, and I think that was an understatement. The way she laughed or sounded wasn't ugly like other girls were. It made me want to marry her on the spot. I made jokes to her and she laughed harshly before calming down. She gave me a look that melted me, tugging on the bottom of my sweater because was it just me or is it hot in here?
“Why did it take so long for us to be friends?”
“I mean, what changed?”
My feelings for you duh?
Being friendzoned hurts man, and I didn't even ask her out yet. I don't think I ever will, I don't wanna ruin what we have. She's amazing perfect, what if she doesn't like me back?
“I don't know, maybe we just, understand each other more?” I smirked again, eyeing her, TRYING to give her a god damn hint that she'll actually take. But I can't tell if she did. She laughed and looked down at her hands but I could tell she liked how I spoke to her.
I'm not sure when I fell in love with Y/n, maybe it was when I first met her, maybe it was when I stayed up all night to make sure she was okay when she got drunk, maybe it was when I left her, maybe it was when I came back, maybe it was when she took care of me when I was sick, or maybe it was right now. Whenever it was, I'm glad I did because holy shit I love this woman.
When we left the cafe, we started to head back to my car when we saw a group of four boys, I knew them and god I wish I hadn't. They used to be a group of five, with me, but I smashed one of their heads into the bathroom tile repeatedly 2 years prior for ruining the things my father had sent me.
I grabbed Y/n’s arm and urged her to walk to the car faster but before I knew it, the boys crossed the street and were right in front of us.
“Well well well, Fairchild? It's been a while, man. Say, got yourself a girlfriend huh?” The boy turned to face Y/n and I grit my teeth. I grabbed her hand trying to push past them but two of them stepped in front of me and distanced myself from Y/n. Before I knew it one of the boys, Marcus, was getting closer than I would like.
“So, what's a pretty little thing like you doing with a freak? I'd run far away from him before something bad happens. He tends to..mess with your head.” He winks at me and I get even angrier.
“She's not my girlfriend, dickwad. Leave us alone” I managed to say calmly, two of the boys stepping away and Marcus stepping back, but not before grabbing her hand and kissing it.
“Bye pretty lady, and remember what I said about the crazy man, he'll screw you up real bad, and not the way in bed if you know what I mean.” Marcus laughed as we walked away. I held her tight and she had a disturbed look on her face.
Your pov
We got back to the house, the car ride was dead silent, not even the radio was being played. When we got out of the car, Miles slammed his door in frustration. It made me jump a little and he looked up at me with a sorry expression. I walked over to his side and held his arm as we walked to the house.
“I think it was really nice, you know? I had a lot of fun with you today Miles. Thank you for that.” I smiled up at him, he looked back at me and smiled a little, nodding at my words.
“Course angel. I had fun too.” He smirked and I flushed red. We walked into the house, putting our bags down and going to sit with Flora and Ms.grose in the den.
About 45 minutes later I start to get tired. I kiss Flora's head and say good night.
“Flora, I'm going to bed okay? Miles, can you put her to bed for me please?” I smile at both of them and Miles nods quickly. I head upstairs and grab pajamas while heading to the bathroom. I take a quick shower, wash my face, brush my teeth and get into my pajamas. I walk out of the bathroom and hear footsteps coming up the stairs. I head to my room but before I can head inside I hear Miles call my name.
“Y/n.” I turn around to face Miles with a smile, he's not smiling though. He looks nervous and is picking his skin, his hands dangling down at his sides, looking back and forth between me and the side of him.
“You okay?” I question and stifle a little laughed but stop when he steps a little closer and stops picking his skin.
“Okay so I know like you totally didn't think of today as a date and don't worry I didn't either! I was just thinking that you're really pretty and nice and wondering if you were up for it you would let me take you on a nice date- a real date? I mean like only if you wanted too, I didn't wanna pressure you into anything.” Miles spoke fast I could barely understand a word coming from his mouth.
I smiled and walked up to him, pressing a kiss to his cheek. “Sure Miles, I'd like that a lot.” He looked almost stunned, his mouth a little opened. I laughed a little before heading back to the door, he's still staring at me. “Good night Miles.” I say before closing the door, hearing a faint “Goodnight gorgeous.” Making me blush.
Okay.. so Miles fucking Fairchild just asked me out on a date? Is this real? I pinch myself quickly to make sure I'm not dreaming and smile widely as I lay in my bed feeling giddy. Thank god I'm staying for the summer.
Hi guys I'm finally back after like forever!! This chapter is longer than usual to make up from the time I've been away... So I hope you like it! There will most likely be only 1 or 2 more parts left so if I haven't said before, please fill my inbox/DMS up with requests! I'm also thinking about starting up a Wattpad where I will post all my stuff there as well. Thank you for all the support and have a great day
Love- fxchild
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fxchild · 1 year ago
The Switch
Miles Fairchild x fem!reader
Chapter eight: Do me a favor.
It's 12:00am, I'm still driving in my car. I can't get Miles out of my head. Why? Why did he kiss me? What is wrong with him? The crazy thing is I liked it fucking loved it! I'm debating whether I should head back to the estate or stay the night in my car parked up on a hill. Fuck it. Before I knew it I'm heading back to the estate.
I open the door, kick off my shoes and slam my keys on the table and walk down the hall to Miles room. I didn't even realize my breath was heavy until I raise my fist up to knock on the door before I freeze.
What the hell is wrong with me ?
I put my hand down and stare at the door nob. I shake my head and turn around. Before I could walk off I hear the door swing open and Miles's breathing. I spin around and we stare at each other, five inches apart. I can barely see his face as the light from the lamp in his room is the only thing looming around.
"It's late." Miles said softly staring down at me.
"Can we talk?" I whisper, inching closer to him.
"I don't really think we need to.." He whispers back with a sly smile.
In the morning I wake up super energized, which is weird since I was up until probably 2am. It's probably 5:45 right now and the sun is about to rise. I quickly run to brush my teeth and grab my slippers before heading outside to watch sunrise. When I step outside the air is a little chilly but I don't feel like going back upstairs to grab a jacket. It's still dark out so I walk around the dewy grass to get a good seat for the rise. I sat on the grass for about a half an hour before the sun finally rose.
I watched the sunrise and picked blades of grass out of the ground, twirling them around my fingers and placing them back on the ground. The sunrise was beautiful and it made me sad to think I'll be back home in less than a month alone for the summer. After the sun was up all the way and I could hear birds chirping more actively I decided to head back into the house.
As I stand up and turn around to go inside I see Miles, standing on the front steps, with a jacket on. I raise a brow and walk over to him, trying to hide a smirk on my face.
"Hey," I smile with my hands wrapped around my arms since it's still a little cold out.
"Oh- hey.." He nods at me while looking around and biting the inside of his cheek. "It's nice out huh?" He asks me after a few seconds of silence.
"Oh yeah, definitely. A little chilly though.." I smile, looking back at the sun with him.
"Are you cold?" He tilts his head and takes his hands out of his pockets to fix his messy hair.
"No, it's just the breeze." I shrug off. I turn towards him and point at the door, "Uhm, I'm gonna go inside and make breakfast. Do you want anything?" I purse my lips slightly.
"Uhh, no I'm good. Thanks." He says with an awkward look on his face. I nod and head inside with him following me a minute or two after. There wasn't really anything in the house except for fruit and yogurt so that's what I made for breakfast. Miles stood at the kitchen entrance watching me rinse and cut up fruit. I grab a bowl and place all my fruit and yogurt into it and start to eat it. I notice after a few minutes, Miles is still standing there.
"Did you need something?" I ask before taking another bite of my fruit. I think I sounded kind of rude based on Miles reaction. "Uhm no I was just gonna.. get a drink." He perks up like he was zoned out and grabs a glass of water quickly and leaves to his room. I shrug and roll my eyes before going back to eating.
After eating I decided to get ready. Since there was no food in the house I needed to go to the store. I asked Flora to create a list of what she wanted me to get as I got ready. I wore a collar cut shirt with cargo pants and a black pair of shoes. I put my hair back and grabbed my keys and jacket. I felt kind of bad for shooing away Miles earlier so I walked to his room and knocked on his door.
He opens it after a few seconds of me knocking and raises an eyebrow. "Yeah?" He asks, opening the door wider if I wanted to come in. "I was gonna go to the store. Do you wanna come with?" I dangle my keys in the air with an inviting smile. "Uhm, yeah. Give me five minutes." He scratches the nape of his neck and shuts his door.
As he shuts the door and I wait outside his room I pop a piece of gum in my mouth and start blowing bubbles. Around five minutes later he comes out with a jacket and shoes on and smells like a strong cologne. It smelled hot.
"You ready?" He asks and I nod with a small smirk. We make our way to the car and I wait for it to heat up and spit out my gum. We get into the car and he buckles his seatbelt. He smiles at his feet, probably thinking about what happened the last time we were near my car. As I start driving I try to think of things to say so the ride is less awkward but nothing comes to mind. This car ride is so painfully awkward I feel the tension slapping me in the face. It's so bad I wanna bang my head on the steering wheel.
After a very silent 20 minutes I decided to flip on the radio. The first song to come on was "Smells Like Teen Spirit" and I instantly smile, tapping my fingers of the beat onto my dashboard. "You like this song?" Miles asks with a raised eyebrow. "Yeah, you don't?" I reply back. "No no I do. You just.. don't look like you listen to this stuff." He smirks. "Oh yeah? What do I look like I listen to then?" I laugh. "I don't know..like, Madonna or something!" He laughs and shakes his head. "Hey what's wrong with Madonna?" I joke looking at him. "Nothing, she's cool." He shakes his head again, snickering under his breath. Soon after the song is over the radio goes to static. "The fuck?" I hiss at the radio and flip it off. "Are we almost there?" He asks now that there is no music. "Yeah about five minutes.." I say as I make a turn.
We finally make it to the store and we start going through the shopping list. As I'm placing things into my basket Miles comes up to me. "Hey, can you buy me a pack?" He asks. "A pack of what? Soda?" I joke before turning around to see he has a pack of cigarettes in his hands. I take them and put them on the shelf. "Miles these are terrible for you!" I say with a concerned look. "It's just one pack Y/n. It's not like I'm asking you to smoke it with me." He shrugs. "Yeah but one pack leads to another and so on and so forth and it's a nasty habit." I reply back shaking my head no. "Come on. Do me a favor just this one time." He begs but I continue to say no.
He gets pissed off after I keep saying no and eventually drops it. We get back in the car and he is silent for half the way. I'm annoyed that the tension is burning throughout the car so I flip on the radio again. This time there is no static and the singer is Madonna. How convenient. She's singing "Like A Virgin" and Miles chuckles to himself. "It's your favorite." He jokes at me but I just listen to the song. When it's finished I flip off the radio and pull into the estate.
Once we get inside the house, Flora greets us with smiles and hugs. She helps me put away groceries while Miles watches us. "Flora sweetheart, why don't you and Miles go play while I make dinner alright?" I move hair out of her face and shoo them both out of the kitchen. I start to make dinner which is steak, roasted potatoes, and vegetables. As I finished up, I walked to Flora's room where her and Miles are.
"Hey, having fun?" I crouch down next to Flora. "Yeah! Is dinner almost ready?" She smiles at me. "Yep I just finished, want to grab Ms. Grose for me?" I let her go. I get up and almost walk out of the room when I see Miles is still on the floor. "You gonna get up or what?" I smirk at him. He quickly gets up and brushes his pants with his hands.
We walk into the dining room to see Flora and Ms. Grose serving themselves. "This is really good Y/n!" Flora smiles as she eats her food. "Thank you Flora!" I smile back. At least someone appreciates me in this damn house. When dinner is over I tell Flora to get ready for bed and I would be in to tuck her in soon. I start to clear plates and left overs from the table as Miles leans over the counter.
"Y/n I'm ready for bed!" Flora runs into the kitchen with pajamas on. "Alrighty! Miles wanna help?" I invite him to tuck her in with me. He nods and we head off to her room. I quickly put the blankets on her how she likes them and Miles presses a kiss to her forehead. "Goodnight Flora.." he whispers to her before patting her head. I can't help but smile at how gentle he is with her. He waits outside her door for me while I finish saying goodnight. "Y/n.. can I tell you something?" Flora asks. "Of course Flora, you can tell me anything.." I smile at her, sitting next to her while stroking her hair. "I wish you were my mom.." she whispers, looking sad. I didn't know what to say to that as I looked at her for a few moments. I pressed a kiss on her cheek, "I love you Flora, good night" I feel tears swelling in my eyes as she says good night back and I turn off the light. As I walk out of her room and shut her door I start to cry.
"You okay?" Miles asks when he sees me cry, like the many times before. "I feel horrible.." I whisper out. "Yeah, I heard." He nods, looking at the ground. "Well it's not like you're gonna be here much longer anyways." He shakes his head and walks back to the kitchen. My mouth drops and I follow him since I have to do the dishes. I start to scrub in frustration trying not to let his words get to me.
"jesus.. could you scrub any harder?" He scoffs at me, trying to be funny. "Fuck off Miles I'm not in the mood." I spat back at him. "Well what's got your panties in a bunch?" He rolls his eyes at me. "Ew first of all don't say that, it's weird. Second, I feel bad because I don't wanna leave Flora but you don't even want me here." I say shaking my head. "Did you not remember what I said? The day I left last time I told you that I wanted you to stay. I didn't change my mind you know." He says, taking a few steps closer to me. God I could feel his eyes burning right through me. I remember how his lips felt on mine, I think I'm dazing off on him because he takes a step closer and pokes my shoulder. "Hey, am I losing you there?" He laughs. I can't fucking take this anymore.
I quickly move my lips to his, my hands holding his shoulders, his hands holding my waist. It starts to get hot. Quick. He's pushing me against the counter lightly as I start to slip my tongue into the kiss. His hand runs up my thigh and I break the kiss to catch a breath. He starts to kiss me again, eagerly and in between kisses I am able to breathe out, "I- fuck. Missed you.. so much." I'm playing with his curls and deepening the kiss so fast I forgot we were in the kitchen. He only groans in response and pushes himself closer to me. This has only happened before in my wildest dreams. Never have I thought that Miles and I, would be making out. Like ever.
He breaks the kiss and stares at my face while we're both panting from the heavy kissing we were just doing. Before I knew it he was dragging me up the stairs into my room and slamming it behind me. He pushed me up against the door and whispered to me, "I missed you so much more."
HIHI THIS IS FXCHILD BACK AGAIN WITH ANOTHER CHAPTER! I'm sorry this took so long, I hope it was good. As this series is close to being finished I would like to open my requests to do imagines and head cannons and stuff like that! I hope you all enjoyed this chap💗
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fxchild · 2 years ago
The Switch
Miles Fairchild x fem!reader
Chapter two
This morning I woke up, shocked to remember I had no nightmares. No house, no woods, no running, nothing. I felt around and there was no unusual feeling surrounding me today like there usually is. Today was a Saturday, which is my only day off so I decided to stay in bed for a while longer. It was 7:30 by the time I decided to start getting ready. My outfit was a white lace undershirt with a long sleeve navy blue shirt on top, just low enough to show the lace, but nothing that shouldn't be seen. I wore blue jeans and a white pair of shoes and put my hair half up half down. By the time I had gotten downstairs, Miles, Flora, and Ms.Grose were already there. Flora usually likes to sleep in until 9am on weekends but Miles must have surprised her this morning. Flora ran up and hugged me good morning and I hugged her back.
"Y/n! This is my brother, Miles! He came back last night!" Flora exclaimed. Miles smiled at me, got up and shook my hand.
"Sleep alright? I know it was chilly near your room." He asked. I was confused, why the change of heart since last night? Maybe he was just tired but still, do first impressions not exist to him?
"I slept great, thanks." I said warmly.
"Miles, let's show her the horses after breakfast! I was waiting until you came back so you could teach her how to ride." Flora begged.
"If that's alright with you?" Miles asked. "Sure! I'd love to learn." I smiled.
After breakfast we headed out to the stables. Miles handed me a horse and helped me onto it. "Since you've never ridden before, I'll be easy on you. To her to start, pet her neck." I rub her neck gently and she starts to move at a slow pace. "Good. Now, tell her faster." Again, I follow the directions given to me and she does as told. "Now for her to break you pull the reins back. Don't be afraid to be extra firm, she may be gentle but stubborn." I pulled the reins back but that barely caught her attention. "Harder." He says. Once more I try to pull back harder but still won't budge. "Keep pulling. Pull harder." After a few more tries she slows down and finally stops.
"Why aren't you being firm with her like I told you to?" Miles sounded annoyed.
"I tried, but I couldn't catch her attention." I said quietly.
"Here, get off the horse and I'll teach you to be stronger. Stand across from me and when I say so try to tug me past..this line." He says drawing a long line in the mud with a stick. He said go and I lunged at him. I've always been strong but when I tried to pull him he barely moved. He looked like he was using a little force to keep him there but showed no emotion in his face and his breathing was perfectly fine. I let go and he started to talk again. "Now, I won't be as firm on the ground so you can pull me easier, but I will be fighting back, just like a horse. It's a strong animal, if you don't exert power over it, you'll never gain control." He smiles at me but not a friendly smile, he says it like he knows something I don't. I was nervous but as long as I don't let him grab my wrists I'll get a good grip. We both got into a wrestling stance and I lunged towards him. My fingertips barely graze his shoulder when he pushes me, hard, into the mud.
I was in complete shock. I could feel tears swelling up my eyes and my breathing was staggered.
"What the hell is your problem?!" I gasped with my mouth wide open wiping mud off of my chin.
He crouched down with hands on his knees, "I told you I would fight back, I don't understand why you're mad." He spits.
"You asshole! You pushed me into the mud how else am I supposed to react?" I said more aggressively getting into his face.
He barely raised his hand to slap me. I felt the sting on my right cheek. I looked at him with tears falling down my face. I ran back to the estate and locked myself in my room. I took a shower to get all of the mud off of me and laid in my bed. I didn't go down for dinner, the thought of embarrassment while being near Miles overwhelmed my head.
Around 8:30 pm there was a knock on my door. I ignored it hoping whoever it was assumed I was sleeping but 3 minutes later I heard a huff and banging on the door and rattling the knob. I get up and answer the door and never the less, it's Miles.
"Did you need something?" I ask uninterested.
"Yeah, actually. I wanted to know why you weren't at dinner. Flora was upset." He said to me. His words sounded like he cared but his face and tone were nowhere close to it.
"I think we both know why I wasn't at dinner." I said rolling my eyes.
"If you think I'm supposed to apologize, you better think again. I tried to help you okay? Don't be a spoiled bitch." He said kinda sassily.
"You're such a jerk!" I yelled at him while slamming the door in his face.
"Don't fucking yell at me!" He screamed louder than I yelled kicking the door. Some anger issues am I right?
After another hour of being angry and upset I finally decided to get some sleep because tomorrow I have work again. I turned the lights off but kept tossing and turning. I felt like it had been hours and I still couldn't sleep.
I got up to go to the bathroom to get a drink because my throat was dry. While I looked at myself in the mirror after having a few sips I felt a cold breeze on my neck. It felt as if someone had gently kissed it. I whipped my head around and no one was there so I ran back to my bed. After maybe another half hour of being paranoid I finally fell asleep.
Hi guys !! Tysm for reading this !! This took a while to make idrk why but the next chapter should be coming out soon ! Love you !!
TikTok: fxchild
Pinterest: fxchild
Go follow for better visualizations of the chapter(s) !!
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fxchild · 2 years ago
The Switch
Miles Fairchild x fem!reader
Chapter one: Listening In
I jolted awake out of my bed after a nightmare. Ever since I got to the Fairchild estate I've been having small nightmares that grow each night. But tonight I reached the end of this reoccurring nightmare. I can't really explain what it means. I see myself running through the dark wood with something chasing me. I don't know what it is. I can't see it, but I can feel it. Breathing on my neck and whispering incoherent things. Every night for a month it has been me running in the woods to the estate, but every night I would wake before I reached it.
I decided to get ready for a day of work. The sun was blocked by clouds and something felt really off. The house had always had something creepy about it but today I had a feeling of being watched. I decided I would try and ignore it because it makes me sick to my stomach.
I dressed myself in a dark green sweater, a pair of jeans, and a pair of black sneakers. I left my hair down today because it was sort of chilly in the house. I wash my face and brush my teeth and while doing that I noticed the mirror was very foggy. I tried to wipe it with my sleeve but the condensation did not go away. Again I tried to ignore it because I did not want to get scared over nothing.
If I did not mention it before, I am a teacher to a 7 year old girl named Flora. I'm not sure why I took the job to teach her. I'm only 15, but was recommended by my teacher. I have to work twice as hard but don't have to physically be in school, which seems like a win-win to me. Flora is a very sweet and smart girl. She always uses her manners and doesn't question things. Ms. Grose, the house keeper on the other hand is snarky. She often makes comments about my teaching and appearance. Today she didn't make a comment to me while teaching, or in general. I hadn't finished my work and chores until 9pm and was dreading sleeping because I knew I would have the same nightmare, as I had every night.
At 10pm I got in bed and started reading a book. After a while I got distracted because there were heavy footsteps dragging around my floor. Assuming it was Ms. Grose, I tried my best to not go out and say anything for she is only an old lady. But after a half hour or so I started to get frustrated. "Stupid old hag and stupid old creepy house. Stupid nightmares, stupid woods. Stupid teachers for sending me to this shit hole. The only person I have is Flora, at least she's kind to me unlike that old lady." I whispered frustrated, now pacing around my room to tire me out. I look at the floor and see there is a shadow coming outside my door. Figuring it was Ms. Grose hoping to express her opinion about today I walked over to the door and opened it.
But it was definitely NOT Ms. Grose. Instead it was a boy, my age I assume with short black curly hair, pale skin, kind of lanky, and had a face that could kill you with eye contact.
"You know, this place isn't that bad, it just takes a little time to get used to it." He speaks. "W-who are you?" I jumped. "I'm Miles, I live here." He exclaims. "I'm sorry I don't know who you are." I say blandly. "I'm Flora's older brother, funny that you haven't heard of me." He says rather surprised. Then it hits me. Flora does sometimes talk about a boy that is off traveling around and comes home every three months for a little while. "Oh, I'm sorry, I'm y/n, Flora's teacher." I say, reaching out my hand to shake his. He scoffs, "Aren't you a little young to be a teacher? You look my age." He spats. I try to think of something to say that won't come out as offensive but I can't. "You should get to bed, it's late and you have work tomorrow morning. Night." He says and walks away from my door. I quietly shut my door and got back into bed. "Who the hell does this guy think he is. I hope he leaves again soon." I say to myself as I finally fall asleep.
Hey guys !! Thank you so much for reading this !! I should be uploading every other day hopefully ! Lmk if I should put this on Wattpad too !
Go follow my TikTok to get edits of the fic! @fxchild
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fxchild · 11 months ago
hey guys I'm back (FINALLY)
So sorry I haven't uploaded in MONTHS I have literally been trying to think of the next chapter of The Switch but a new part is DEF coming out tonight 8pm Eastern time, so turn on ur notifs!!!
Also TYSM for the love on my chapters I've been getting a ton of likes !!
See you later- fxchild 💋
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fxchild · 2 years ago
The Switch
Miles Fairchild x fem!reader
Chapter three: Listen up
I woke up sweaty and a mess despite the fact that it was pouring and chilly. I had no dreams and no nightmares nothing but a dark void.
Today was Sunday which meant it was personal chore day. When I woke up it was around 7:30 so I decided I needed to get up. I put on some black leggings and a tan sweater for my outfit because I didn't think I'd need to dress up to get dirty.
When I'm dressing I see bruises on my wrist where Miles had grabbed me. They hurt a lot so I had to be extra careful when using my arms.
By the time I went downstairs to get breakfast it was 8:00am. I peered before going in to make sure Miles wasn't there and thankfully he wasn't. Ms. Grose was there and breakfast was ready so we started eating before Miles and Flora came in for their food.
15 minutes later Ms. Grose finished up her breakfast and not long after Miles and Flora came in to eat. I was eating pretty slow but after 5 minutes I finished my food. Miles was eating pretty fast when he usually takes his time and doesn't even finish his plate most of the time.
As I was going to take my plate to wash it ,Ms. Grose said, "Y/n, take Mile's plate too, he's finished." She gave me a raised eyebrow look. I sighed but decided to do it anyways because I wasn't looking to cause trouble with Ms. Grose.
I walk over to Miles seat which is across from mine and scoop up his plate. "Thanks" he says with a small smile and his hands fidgeting in his lap. I roll my eyes and scoff because there is no way in hell he thinks that he is going to try to use his face and one word his way out of an apology.
After breakfast I decided to do some of my laundry. They don't have a washing machine at the house so I have to do laundry by hand. Usually a load from one week takes me an hour and half but this week I had two loads since I had to go into town last Sunday for Ms. Grose who had been under the weather.
About 40 minutes into doing the laundry I hear footsteps walking near my room. I look behind me and see a shadow. I know it's Miles because on Sundays Flora does violin lessons from Ms. Grose and I heard her playing and Ms. Grose never comes near my room unless it's urgent. I get up to walk to see the shadow and confront Miles but he walks right past me with his head down. I scoff and walk back to do my laundry and hear him shuffle around again. I pretend he's not there and I continue to do what I needed to do. I had my sleeves rolled up where my bruises were showing because water kept getting on my sleeves and it was really annoying and uncomfortable.
"Did I do that?" Miles said surprised and proud of himself. I continue to ignore him and do my chores but he starts going near the wet pile of clothes.
"You better hang these up, they're gonna get all moldy." Miles says as he throws my wet sweater on the floor making it splat with water everywhere and all over me. He starts laughing while I'm moving wet hair out of my face.
"Can you stop? Like seriously, you're making a mess everywhere." I spat at him, fed up with his annoyance. He stops laughing and gives me a dirty look. He starts walking out of my room but on his way out he kicks the bucket of water where most of it spills before I could grab it.
I grab something and throw it at the door that he slams screaming, "ASSHOLE" then gets some towels to clean up the soapy mess. I hope he leaves soon, I don't think I can spend another day with this maniac.
I finally finished doing laundry and the rain cleared up with hot weather outside for me to dry my clothes. As I am sorting my clothes in front of a bucket I used to bring them out I see someone looking at me through the window. I have never seen this guy before, he looked older and creepy. I turn around but instead of seeing a stranger I see Miles who quickly runs away when I turn my head.
I finish up my laundry faster to go back inside because I still have to clean my room and bathroom.
By the time I finish cleaning everything and tidying up it's already 5:30pm and around time for dinner.
I go down for dinner and sit in my normal spot next to Ms. Grose. Flora and Miles quickly came after Ms. Grose yelled out to them for supper. Flora takes her seat across from me while Miles plops down in the chair next to mine. I sigh but only loud enough for Miles to hear hoping he'll take the hint and next time won't sit next to or near me.
Dinner was chicken and mashed potatoes with gravy but the chicken was really unseasoned. Maybe next time I'll cook the chicken with some spices instead of her cooking.
I finished up my dinner first within 20 minutes, thank Ms. Grose for the meal and headed upstairs to lesson plan for Flora's school tomorrow. As I'm walking I hear someone running behind me and low and behold it's Miles.
"Hey," he says out of breath rubbing his hands on his jeans awkwardly, "what are you up to now?" He spoke again.
"Just lesson planning for Flora tomorrow, what are you doing?" I say uninterested.
"Nothing much, just bored." He says trying to sound cool. I give him a quick mhm and turn back to head to my room. "Can we talk, you know, about yesterday?" He adds on following me.
"Why do we need to talk about yesterday everything was already said." I say annoyed with him.
"Well you still seem mad and I don't understand why you aren't over it yet." Miles says kinda quietly like he didn't want me to hear it while he kept on speaking.
I quickly spin around so me and him are face to face almost touching. "You wanna know why I'm mad, Miles? Because ever since you came back here you've been a complete jerk to me and all I've tried to be is nice! If you aren't gonna treat me kindly, I'm not going to treat you that way either. So maybe instead of trying to annoy me you show a little respect for once in your spoiled life, okay?" I semi-shout at him with my pointer finger on his chest pushing him back.
"Well I've tried to be nice today and you're still giving me backlash on everything I do! You seriously need to get over it because you are acting like I'm some crazy creep!" He yells back.
"Oh, you're not a creep? Then why today when I was going to dry my clothes, I see you staring at me from out the window? Huh? What about that isn't creepy?!" I laugh in his face.
He looks down at the ground with air filled cheeks and balled up fists. "Look I'm sorry okay? Is that what you wanted to hear?" He says, still staring at his feet with an aggravated tone. He runs off and I'm left in the hallway, still running through my mind thinking about what just happened. I walk back to my room still thinking if he actually apologized or I'm just crazy.
After a while of lesson planning it gets pretty late and I needed to get ready for bed. I put on a tank top with shorts for my pajamas because my real pajamas were still outside drying. I head to the bathroom to brush my teeth and see Miles in the hallway walking back to his room.
"Hey." I said in a normal voice trying to make sure if we are okay or not. "Um..hi." He says looking me up and down nervously and running away slamming his door. 'Weirdo' I think and laugh to myself.
When I get into bed I'm so tired I almost immediately fall asleep. I think about tomorrow and if anymore drama between me and Miles will start.
OMG GUYS TYSM FOR READING THIS N BEING SO PATIENT WITH ME IK IT'S BEEN FOREVER SINCE I POSTED !! I didn't think anyone would read this and then some did and my chapters kept getting deleted from my drafts and it was a whole big thing but again tysm for being so patient 🩷 hopefully the next chapter will come out sooner I should post a chapter between 1-3 days on the regular .!
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fxchild · 2 years ago
The Switch
Miles Fairchild x fem!reader
Chapter five: apology accepted
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Miles pov
I'm laying on my bed with my lamp light on wide awake. It's 12:30 in the morning which means only another hour until Y/n gets home. I've had a bad feeling in my gut all morning and I think it's trying to tell me something. I honestly don't even know why I'm THIS concerned. I've never even talked to girls and all of the sudden she has my full attention. I think what I need is another get away, maybe she'll be gone by then and I won't have to be breathing down her neck.
My thoughts were interrupted by the phone ringing. Hoping it was Y/n calling I ran to pick it up. "Hello?" I say eager to hear the voice on the other line.
"Miles?" I hear a girl's voice slurred with a lot of loud voices in the back. "Can you hear me alright?" She asked sounding scared.
"Yeah I can hear you fine, what's going on?" Can she stop asking dumbass questions and get to the point?
"Yeah um, I need you to pick me up. The party is getting bad and I can't drive and there are a bunch of creepy people here and I'm really scared-" she is spiraling at this point so I cut her off.
"Jesus are you serious Y/n? Give me the address, I'll write it down and I'll be there, how long does it take to get there?" I assure and ask her.
"About an hour and 15. The address is 1127 Plymouth drive." She replies as I write it down.
"I'll be there just don't talk to anyone and sit in front of the house or something." I tell her while putting my shoes and jacket on over my red sweater. We disconnect on the phone and I leave to go find a cab. I was lucky there was some around especially the fact it was so late.
I arrived at the house and she wasn't lying, the party was fucking insane. If I wasn't here to pick her up I would have partied now. I looked around the yard to see Y/n almost passed out on the front steps leaning against the railing.
"Y/n!" I shouted to her and her eyes immediately burst open looking for me. She gets up and almost falls down the steps walking crookedly towards me. I catch her as she almost falls. "What the hell happened to you?" I ask, surprised she would be this irresponsible. She doesn't answer just slurs a little and we go to find her car. She may have lost almost all consciousness but at least she didn't lose her keys. I put her in the back seat so she can get some sleep while we're driving. I'm kind of nervous because I have only got a few driving lessons but we make it back home safe. Nice to say I'm NEVER driving again.
I lift her out of the back seat and I can smell all sorts of alcohol on her breath. She is mumbling but I can sort of understand what she is saying. It's along the lines of, "puke, hair, hold, and-" fuck. She started vomiting everywhere and it smelled like shit. I held her hair and looked away while she gagged everything up on the grass. She started sobbing uncontrollably and hugged me with a tight grip.
Her legs started to get weak so I helped her up and walked her back to her room. I let her get changed while I stood outside her room. She walks up to the door and starts to talk with a little slur.
"Thank you, Miles. I know you don't know how to be social, but I really appreciate it." She says starting to cry again. I smile to myself just a little bit not letting her words sink in too much. I sit outside her door for a little while just in case she needs to throw up again. Though I really don't think she can because it looked like she hurled all of Thanksgiving dinner. She kept me awake with her loud throaty sobs but soon enough she fell asleep.
Your pov
I woke up at 6am with my head pounding like crazy. I tried to remember what happened last night but all I remember was taking shots. I get up to go to the bathroom to brush my teeth because it reeks like throw up.
Walking out of my room I see from the corner of my eye a sleeping Miles up against the wall next to my door. I don't want to disturb his sleep now with my nasty breath so I go to the bathroom to brush my teeth. When I'm heading back to my room I see Miles is no longer there. I don't think about it too much cause I'm too hung over to care about anything right now. I stay in my pajamas because who really cares what I wear?
I go downstairs to see if Miles is with Flora but I see no sign of him. He probably went back to his room to sleep and I don't blame him. Flora is finishing up her paper I assigned her from the book I gave her yesterday while I'm reading books trying to figure out how to get rid of a hangover.
It's been over an hour and Miles still hasn't come down to watch Flora. I'm in the middle of reading her paper and I can't focus because I'm wondering if I did something wrong. I don't think I said anything to him when I came back but I honestly can't believe I drove home drunk and I'm not dead. Maybe I got a ride from Erick or something and I said a snarky comment when I came back into the house?
It's been another half hour and Miles finally comes down like it could've taken him any fucking longer. As soon as I heard footsteps to the room entrance I turned my head so quickly it almost snapped. Miles doesn't look mad, which is good because I really don't want him mad. I'm sitting at a table with Flora who is next to me while Miles is behind me his hands gripping the back of my chair.
"Morning Flora, Y/n." He says groggily.
I didn't say anything because I was really close to passing out and didn't even think I could get another word out of my mouth. Flora on the other hand, is jumping for joy when she sees him because she hated doing the paperwork I assigned. By the time Flora finished her work it was 11:30 am and she had the rest of the day to do whatever she wanted. I, myself didn't have any work to do either so I decided I was going to go upstairs and sleep until dinner. I told Miles I was going to be in my room doing school work and only come get me if it is very urgent. He just nodded his head and I went to my room giddy for my sleep.
I woke up around 5pm because I had a bad dream. I don't understand why I had a nightmare because I hadn't had one for a few days and now I'm suddenly getting them again? It wasn't crazy bad but honestly I'd rather not have a dream at all.
I head to the dining room for dinner and I see Flora and Ms. Grose there but no Miles. He comes 2 minutes after I do and we have dinner. It's kind of awkward because to Ms. Grose and Miles it's obvious I had a rough night last night and I'm probably not gonna be allowed for another, "family function" until the day I die.
After dinner I followed Miles to his room to ask about last night. "Hey," I said knocking on his door, "can I come in?" I ask. "Yeah, sure." He replies back.
"So I don't know what happened last night, if I did anything wrong but I feel like there's been tension all day between us and I really wanna know if I did something bad." I blurted out really fast because I'm nervous about his reaction.
"Okay, well," he starts, with eyebrows raised kind of amused, "at almost one in the morning, you call me, drunk, telling you to pick you up from some party because you are scared and can't drive home. Then when I pick you up I have to drive back, which I didn't know how to do. Finally when we got home you puked everywhere and cried yourself to sleep. So yeah, I'd say you were a little irresponsible." He says in a, "I told you, you shouldn't have gone to that party" tone. I look at him with pure shock and embarrassment. I honestly can't believe I did all that but now it's starting to come back to me.
"Oh fuck, Miles I'm really sorry about that. If I could make it up to you please tell me how." I said feeling really guilty.
He pauses for a moment looking at my eyes, lips, then to the floor. He curls his lips into a smile but doesn't say anything. Finally he looks at me and says, "Doesn't matter anyways, I'm probably going to be leaving again for a little bit soon. Need to clear my head, you know?"
I scoff at him. "Seriously?" I ask. "You just came back less than a week ago and you already want to leave?" I say annoyed, crossing my arms.
"Does it matter?" He spurts back.
"Well I mean a little." I say. "Flora loves you and when you leave, I'm not gonna hear the last of it. She'll be really upset. And I was just starting to get to know you, I just think you should think about it a little bit." I say walking out of the room.
I'm not gonna lie, Miles is cute. Really cute, nevermind, Miles is fucking hot. I really don't want him to leave or else I'll lose my mind. I'm not sure if he finds me attractive but maybe tomorrow I'll try to convince him another way to stick around for a little longer..
Hi guys, sorry I was supposed to post this a few days ago but I've been super busy ! I hope you liked this chapter and I wanted to say tysm for the support ! It means a lot to me and I hope we continue to grow as this series goes on. Again tysm n bye 🩷🩷
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fxchild · 1 year ago
The Switch
Miles Fairchild x fem! Reader
Chapter six: change of heart
Your POV
I woke up from my sleep pretty early at 5:30 this morning. I remember I didn't really get to plan last night for today's lesson so I decided to spend around an hour doing that. Today we would be doing history so I had to gather a lot of information which took forever. After I decided to get ready because it was almost time for Flora's lesson. I dressed in a long sleeve red shirt with jeans and black shoes. I put my hair up away from my face and headed downstairs.
When I walked into the room I saw Miles reading to Flora. I smiled at how nice it was and put my stuff down on my desk. Miles acknowledged me and tapped Flora's shoulder to point to me. I hugged Flora good morning and walked over to Miles.
"Morning Miles.. what're you reading?" I ask as he turns the cover towards me. "Laura Ingles Wilder? You're into Little House On The Prairie?" I playfully shove his shoulder with a surprised look on my face.
"I mean Flora picked it out, but it's cool." Miles shrugs but smiles at the book.
An hour into Flora's lesson I can tell she's getting restless and needs to get up and move around. Miles is in his room and I decided I wanted to see if he was going to leave or not.
"Hey Flora, let's take a fifteen minute break okay? I'll be back." I say as I go to find Miles letting Flora play with her toys.
"Hey Miles?" I say through the door as I knock on it. I hear a faint 'hm?' "Can I come in? I wanna speak with you." Miles opens the door, nodding his head to the side as a gesture to come in. I walk in and see a small suitcase on his bed. "So..you're leaving again?" I saw looking at the suitcase sadly.
"Actually, no. I was just putting my stuff away." He smiles as he looks at me raising an eyebrow.
"Wait really?" I looked at him with a snap of my neck shocked. "You're staying?!" I let out a happy breath.
"Yeah I mean, I'd feel bad leaving Flora after just coming back. Plus by the time I came back you probably would have been gone. You know, summer." He sighs putting his hands in his pant pockets.
"Why? Do you want me to stay for summer?" I joke looking back at the suitcase.
"I mean..I wouldn't be opposed..?" Miles says shrugging looking at me again with a curved sly smile on his face.
"Oh really now? Thanks for the offer Fairchild, I'll think on it.." I smile at him and walk out of the room closing the door.
'Does he really want me to stay?! Holy shit holy shit!' I yell in my head walking back to Flora's study.
A few hours later I heard the guitar coming from Miles room. The door was already open so I leaned on the door frame waiting for him to notice me. He stops playing when he can't get a chord right. "Fuck.." he whispers in frustration.
"That was really good Miles. You play?" I ask walking into the room. He turns around surprised I was listening in and puts the guitar down.
"Um, yeah..How long were you standing there?" He asks chuckling out his words.
I sit next to him on his bed with my hands on my knees. "Not long. A minute or two maybe?" I saw shrugging trying to act cool. "So, how long you been playing?" I tilt my head to the side trying to start a conversation with him.
"Um for a few- four years." He spurts out quickly figeting with his thumbs.
"Oh that's nice. You know Miles I'm really glad you'd decided to stay. Flora really loves you- of course you already know that but.." I trail off for a moment, "Flora needs a big brother and you're probably the best one I've seen..and I don't know how hard it's been without your parents but when you leave, Flora is stuck with Ms. Grose and she won't live forever. She needs a guardian, not just a nanny or a teacher. She trusts you more than she'll ever trust me or Ms. Grose. And I think that if we work together I can teach you how to take care of her, when Ms. Grose passes?" I say turning towards him nervously pitching her idea for Miles. He turns his head to look at me and slowly nods his head. I smile and hug him while we're still sitting.
"Thank you for understanding Miles, really this means a lot." I give him a more genuine smile. He starts nodding his head a little faster as his eyes dart from my nose to my eyes. I pretend not to notice his breathing getting heavier. I start to admire his features. His nose, half lidded eyes and slight dimples. I stare at his lips and how they are barely parted and a little cracked.
Suddenly we hear someone clear their throat as we turn around suddenly I roll my eyes to see it's Ms. Grose standing behind us. "Um- wash up..f-for dinner." She studders looking around the room before quickly walking out. I sigh as I get up to go to the dining room.
"You coming?" I ask jerking my head smiling.
"Yeah in um- in a minute.." he says rubbing his hands on his jeans nodding his head.
I head out to the dining room and sit down. A few minutes later Miles comes in the room breathing hard like he ran a lap around the house. He sits across from me and we all start to eat. Around 10 minutes into dinner Ms. Grose speaks.
"So Miles, I packed your bag. You're ready to leave tomorrow." She says giving him a smile and me a nasty look. "What?!" Flora cries as she throws a fit in her seat.
I dart a look at Miles that says 'what the fuck is she talking about?!' He looks at me nervously, not being able to find words. I scoff as I throw my napkin onto my plate getting out of my chair walking off fast.
Miles chases me down the hall yelling, "Y/n! Y/N! Will you stop for a fucking second and listen to me?!" He shouts as he grabs my wrist turning me around.
"What the hell is wrong with you? You told me you were staying! How selfish are you?" I say angrily in his face.
"Selfish? Do you know how hard it is to be me AND take care of Flora? Plus the house?!" He yells letting go of my wrist now, pointing in the direction of the dining room.
"Flora needs a brother Miles! Not someone who runs off every other week because he can't hold a god damn responsibility!" I point in the same direction he is pointing gritting my teeth.
"It's too complicated for you to understand! You don't know what it's like Y/n!" He says yelling in my face taking a step closer to me.
"Oh yeah, because it's soo complicated to see that Flora needs love from somebody!" I say sarcastically and exaggerate. "You know what? Leave, stay, I don't give two shits! I'm not the one being affected." I shout.
"Yeah well it seems like you are." He snaps at me crossing his arms.
"Flora." I say looking him dead in the eyes. "Flora fucking loves you. But Miles you are cold." I speak quietly on the verge of tears.
"You don't even make sense-" I cut him off.
"You Miles! You are cold! Your shoulder is cold, your heart is cold, your smile is cold! You close everyone out and Flora may be too young to understand now but wait a few years and you'll see a quick change." I say with a tear running down my cheek as I walk away fast to my room slamming my door and crying into my pillow.
I hope he's upset. I hope he hates himself. I hate him.
The next day I woke up in the same outfit from last night. I was angry and didn't want to get up but I knew I had to. I dressed in shorts and a sweatshirt. I decided I didn't want to make the situation worse by ignoring Miles, so I went to his room to apologize. When I walked in I noticed he was not there and neither was his suitcase. "Fuck.." I murmured to myself knowing the things I said last night caused him to leave. As I walk around the rest of the house I realize he's gone and we don't know when he's coming back. It's only February now, I don't leave until the end of June, maybe he'll come back while I'm still here?
Hi guys so I know it's been a lot more than 3-5 days and I apologize for that! I've had work and I jus started school up. Plus I had no ideas for this chapter so I was trying to brainstorm a lot. I hope you guys liked this chapter!!
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fxchild · 2 years ago
The Switch
Miles Fairchild x fem! reader
Chapter four: flipped
It was warm, I was dressed in a red sweater and brown pants. I was cozy laying on a bed. I wasn't alone though. Miles was next to me, we were laughing. The room smelled like cinnamon, four red candles were lit, and it was late. Miles stops laughing and takes a long sigh.
"You're beautiful," He says sincerely, "I know I was a jerk to you but I don't know how to treat people, you know?" He says again. I don't say anything, just stare up at the ceiling. Miles grabs my hand and squeezes it as I wake.
I shot up in my bed, freaked out because what did I just dream about? Why was I dreaming about Miles? I let the dream run through my mind a little bit more before I get up to get ready for the day. I wear a gray long sleeve shirt with navy blue baggy pants and a pair of white shoes.
I go downstairs to where Flora's school room is and see her and Miles having breakfast.
"Morning Flora." I say, putting a hand on her shoulder moving her hair back from her face.
"Good morning Y/n" She says enthusiastically.
"Miles" I say rather bland instead of saying hello or good morning. "Oh uh, morning" he says looking through his eyelashes with his head tilted down. "Finish up Flora we have lessons in about 15 minutes!" I gently remind her.
As I'm setting up the work I made and have planned from last night, Miles comes over to see what I'm doing. I'm laying worksheets and papers down when he starts to talk.
"Wow someone's old school, that's a lot of packets" he jokes as a shoot him a look from the side. He stops laughing and picks up a paper. "What the hell is this?" He asks in pure confusion.
"It's math genius. Don't you know what that is?" I say sarcastically. "Of course I know math, I'm not dumb." He says smiling shaking his head and putting the paper back in place.
Flora comes over and starts to do her worksheets and she is doing great until the last 5 problems. "These ones are too hard! I can't do it Y/n!" Flora says defeated. "It's okay Flora, here let me help you-" I start before I get cut off by the ringing of the phone. "I got it." I sigh hoping to at least help Flora before the whining gets worse.
"Hey Y/n, it's Erick, you know from algebra." A guy's voice exclaimed. "Oh hey man, what's going on!" I say excited that a friend had finally called me during my stay. "Well I know you're away and probably not having any fun, and Marissa is having a party tonight at her house and wanted to see if you could get away for a night and we could catch up and see some of our other friends?" Erick asked. "Oh my gosh, yes! That would be great, I kinda need a little bit of a break-" I say but get cut off yet again.
"Y/n I can't do it!!" Flora starts to whine louder. "MILES HELP YOUR SISTER PLEASE!" I yell for him while I'm in the other room. "Yes of course I'll come, I'm a little busy right now tell me the time and address and I'll meet you there." I say, and after that I get back to helping Flora.
"Hey, why isn't the problem done?" I ask concerned looking at her and then Miles. "I can't figure it out! It's too hard!" She says with her head down. "That's okay sweetheart. Miles I thought I told you to help her? I say whispering to him. "I don't understand the question." He says rubbing the nape of his neck. I sigh and take the paper away and give Flora a book to read while I talk to Miles.
"Did you ever go to school?" I ask him as we walk along the long halls. "Yeah but I didn't pay attention so I don't really know a lot. I have some work in my room I can show you what I know." He says looking at me with bright eyes.
'This is weird' I thought to myself, 'why is he now suddenly being so nice? It's like he flipped the switch or something.' I bite the inside of my mouth.
"That would be great actually, let's go." I say shooting my head towards him because maybe this will be my chance to find out what my dream was about. We enter his room and surprise, it smells like cinnamon. I see four burnt out red candles over a piece of paper but before I could investigate Miles harshly grabs my wrist to take my focus off of it.
"Um, here's what I know." He shows me a paper. It's not too bad and I could work with his head to learn more quickly. The whole time I was teaching all I could think about was my dream. Was Miles like a witch or something? Did he purposely try to get into my dream? Was that a dream at all?
Soon after Miles and Flora went to have lunch and I skipped it so I could be ready for the party. I inform Ms.Grose that I have an important family event and I will be back home later at night. I have to leave by 3:30pm to get to the party at 5 and get back home at 1am or 2. It was already 1 pm and I needed to start getting ready. I took a shower, did my hair, makeup, and put on a black tight spaghetti strap dress with a cut down the side. It was 3:00pm and decided it was time to get my shoes and start my car.
As I'm putting on my shoes Miles and Flora came into the front entrance. "Where are you going?" Flora asked sadly. "Don't worry sweetie, I'm only going to a family event and it's important I am there. I'll be back tomorrow." I say hugging her goodbye as I walk out the door. I'm at my car door and I hear Miles jogging up to me.
"Hey, what's up?" I say smiling. "I know you aren't going to a family event. Where are you really going?" He says agitated. "I told you Miles I'm going home to see my parents for a family get together." I say back trying to convince him. "No you're not just tell me where you're going okay?" He says now with his arms crossed. "Okay jeez, I'm going to a party tonight but it's super safe and I should be home around 1 or 2 am okay?" I say, opening the car door for myself. "No, parties aren't safe!" He sounds kind of concerned. "Miles I have to leave now, I'll be fine I'll see you in the morning." I say shutting the door while his hands are on the window. I drive off but I feel bad for leaving him like that. It's not a big deal though, I deserve to have a little fun outside of all of this school and work.
HI GUYS SO HERE IS CHAPTER FOUR I RLLY HOPE U GUYS LIKE IT !! I know this chapter was a bit boring but the next one will DEF be more interesting ifykwim...
Don't forget to follow my TikTok: fxchild for edits and updates on the fic!! Tysm for reading luv u all !!
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fxchild · 7 months ago
The switch is amazing pls come out with the last chapters!!!
I'm sorry y'all I keep forgetting I'm not even gonna lie 😭😭 schools been rlly stressful but I been cooking up in my head so... New chapter within the week orrr ??
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fxchild · 5 months ago
I hope you make more chapters soon 😔
I know I'm sorry I really want to I've had like no motivation I'm trying to get back into this I promise but I have no set time on when the next chapter is gonna be sorry☹️☹️
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fxchild · 2 years ago
Hi guys ! This is an update about the fic I am currently working on !
It is called, "The Switch" it takes six months after the movie. Kate quits the job and you are offered to teach Flora !!
I have a TikTok centered around this fic and more I might make ! Go follow me @fxchild where I will make edits hopefully about the fic to visualize what happens. I hope to have fun making this and hope you like it !! Bye !!
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