#I know there's some genuine good people out there but there's also a lot of misinformation
101maverick · 2 days
Hi! Saw your newest post, so thought I might as well try to help with your writers block :)
How about headcanons of the bat boys dating a broke reader? Alternatively, batboys x bimbo!reader?
Hope this helps you get out of your slump, enjoy the rest of your day and take your time if you ain't up for it :]
A/n: Tysm for the request! Hope you enjoy :)
Dick Grayson
Being resident in Bludhaven, he's financially independent and certainly not rich. He refuses to depend on Bruce.
This means he hasn't got any trust fund money to give you, but he'd definitely help you out any way he can
He'd buy you practical gifts as well as normal ones whenever he's got the chance, and if you're living together the way you divide the living costs would definitely be proportional to your spending power
Dick isn't rich but he's not broke either: the average annual salary for cops in the us is roughly $66.000, but he owns the two-bedroom apartment you live in so the only thing you guys need to pay is taxes and bills, no rent to worry about. You're also not at home for most of the day, seeing as he works as a cop and you have your own job that takes up a good chunk of your day, so the electricity bill isn't very high.
I personally think Reader would not enjoy not having to pay for anything seeing as the money comes out of Dick's own pocket, so she'd at the very least insist on paying for groceries and helping out more in the house with laundry, dishes, cleaning et cetera, to even out the responsibilities as much as possible
He'd support you as much as possible if you're getting a degree, he'd be like your own personal cheerleader, and after you get it he'd organise this huge surprise graduation party for you and then help you get a job in the field of your degree
like if you became a lawyer he'd hook you up with some judges/attorneys he knows aren't corrupt and get you a job in their law firm (paid intern of course, after having worked so hard you want to make it yourself in the world)
I think you two would have tons of fun at the thrift! You wouldn't feel bad about him insisting to spend his money, and you would have the best time just perusing the racks and laughing at all the insane stuff you find plus trying on some genuinely nice clothes
One thing he splurges on though is making sure you have a state-of-the-art home gym, in fact that is why he buys your building's basement and equips it with every work-out machine under the sun plus a trapeze and equipment to practice a ton of other dynamic sports of the sort
Jason Todd
He's a crime lord so it's safe to say this dude is filthy rich
He obviously doesn't show it though and apart from having a lot of it as an emergency fund for when he needs to defend himself in gang wars I believe he anonymously donates the rest to charities
I go with the canon of Jason being catholic so I believe he gives to the Church, but it could obviously be something else like one of the many Wayne foundations (cause as much as he holds a grudge against his father he knows he's obviously not corrupt and actually helps people)
apart from this he definitely still has a lot of money
He'd refuse to see you struggle financially
He's been through that, he knows how awful it is and does not hear no for an answer when he goes to hand you insane amounts of cash
If you live together then he makes sure to get a nice apartment in the respectable parts of town, blending in with the rest of the neighbourhood to make sure the location is safe and as untraceable as possible
He handles everything and refuses to even let you pay for groceries, insisting that you concentrate on your studies and not worry about having to sustain yourself
To him you guys being a team means that you hold each other up any way you can, and you already support him immensely just by being by his side and loving him, so to him this is just doing his part and supporting you (on top of loving you like crazy of course)
One thing he'd do is make sure your house has enough space to host an insane amount of books though
On this topic I think he'd absolutely spoil you with book hauls, just taking you to every book store you can find and buying piles and piles of books
I'm talking those beautiful gold-leaf covered editions of centuries-old classics, and it doesn't matter if you already have the stories per-se in your library cause it's the edition that matters in this case, ya know?
Like sometimes you want to feel regal and distinguished reading the gold-lined hardcover Commedia, sometimes you want to feel quirky with your penguin edition Jane Eyre, other times you just want to embrace your inner sewer rat and read Macbeth from the shitty mass-produced paperbacks and Jason acknowledges and embraces it
Tim Drake
Tim, like Jason, is also filthy rich, in virtue of being the owner of Drake Industries and the representative C.E.O. for Bruce at Wayne Enterprises
You'd both live in his Nest, and given the horrendous amount of electricity it consumes it's all already paid for by his company so no need to worry about that
He would only accept "payment" for everything he does for you in the form of you making sure he goes to sleep at decent amounts of time when he's elbow-deep in a case (and tons of love, obviously)
Like Jason, he'd just hands you wads of cash
EXCEPT! He does it for the most mundane stuff. Timothy Jackson Drake is a nepo baby, no way around that. Sure, while he spent his time stalking Batman and Robin through the rougher parts of Gotham he learnt street-safety 101, but he always carried anything he needed for those nightly strolls in his backpack, and he never really learned the real value of money. "$2.70 for a small bottle of water? Sounds reasonable!" is his thought process to this day.
You two would often have these moments of 'culture shock', with Tim slowly discovering how much things should cost every time you two go out to run errands together and you discovering about the insane things the rich buy and do just because Tim decided to recount some childhood stories/told you about some stuff socialites did ad a gala
Since I think Tim's love language is quality time I think he'd take you on these absurd trips whenever possible, that to you are to absurd places but to him it's a very normal trip because "my parents always went there twice a year? It's an extremely normal vacation spot?" Meanwhile it's the Maldives or a private island in Greece or something
This being Tim you also HAVE to have a state-of-the-art phone, with tons of features you will never need to use since you're a civilian but it makes him more at ease, knowing that if the need arises you have the ability to disarm a bomb with the click of a button on your display
Damian Wayne-Al Ghul
Oh he'd absolutely refuse to have you living anywhere but a castle
It'd take convincing for him to have you living in anything less than a penthouse in the diamond district
He's not against the idea of you working, but he doesn't think that it's necessary for you to slave away at a minimum-wage job while you could be spending all your time in luxury while studying for your degree
After you get your degree he'd help you find a job at one of the most important places for your specialisation, pulling the needed strings just to make sure your resume isn't overlooked (nothing more, he's of the idea that his partner should be strong, plus he believes you to be extremely capable and so thinks that pulling strings to get you the job would be a disservice and an offence to you)
Absolutely spoils you with gifts, and by that I mean: clothes, jewellery, if you like cars he'll buy you a carpark, anything you look at for more than two seconds he'll buy
Damian's way of showing love is through gestures, so you rejecting his gifts would hurt him and he'd take it to mean that you are rejecting him/are unsatisfied with him
Like with Tim, you both would have "Culture shocks" over stuff like the worth of money, lifestyle and stuff like that
Because Damian is basically a royal (or at the very least was raised like one, I don't know what's happened to the LoA in current canon) I think he'd lowkey try to get you an armed guard for when you need to go out as a sign of love lol
"Damian I've been feeling watched while going out as of late" "Don't worry Beloved, that's just the armed guard" "Oh ok-I'm sorry what?!"
Things like anniversaries, birthdays and big events are celebrated in the most lavish settings but in a private way still, like he'll absolutely spoil you and take you to visit this super famous castle for your birthday, matter of fact he'll rent it out for the occasion
For real he does this because when you're alone he can be himself and he loves doing that when you're both experiencing something that makes you happy-- But! Those are head canons for another time hehe >:)
Bruce Wayne
I believe he's the only one in the bat family who knows the worth of money while having being rich his entire life (ya know, having to use all the disguises he does and going undercover as a normal person a lot of the time)
He definitely offers you a job at Wayne Enterprises, and if you accept he agrees to keeping your relationship under wraps so that no one will start saying that you 'sleep with him for the job'
On that topic if the relationship ever goes public and people start saying that, he will fire them without hesitation
And if it's business partners joking with him about it, he won't stop dealing with them for the sole purpose of covertly crippling their reputation so badly they'll have no choice but to sell their companies to him
You obviously live with him at the Manor, and he insists that everything be paid for by himself only (ya know, richest man in New Jersey and probably the world soooo....)
Bruce is really bad with his emotions, he tends to really repress them whenever he deems them something he's not 'worthy' of feeling or whenever he perceives he has failed at something or failed someone, so the mere fact he confessed his feelings towards you and that he doesn't shun your love is a huge step forward for him. This doesn't mean that he's good at expressing his emotions when he doesn't repress them though, especially not with words.
This is why his main love languages are gift-giving and acts of service, because he shows his love through actions.
Gift-giving as an important love language for him happens because he's very busy both during the day and the night, so sometimes your schedules just don't align or he even has to go off-world with the Justice League and stuff, so he 'makes up' those missed acts of service with lavish gifts
Usually this could be seen as 'throwing money at the problem and hoping it fixes itself' but the thing is that Bruce's gifts are pretty much always spontaneous. He's out and about in his public persona or patrolling as batman, and he sees a storefront with something that reminds him of you or that he thinks you would like. The next logical step is obviously buying it for you as soon as possible and getting it to the manor. Because Bruce is really bad at showing it but the people he loves are always at the forefront of his mind (when he's not being an asshole and repressing his emotions as if the fate of humankind depended on his ability to give his family the cold shoulder and communicating only in grunts and sighs)
———————————— A/n: this was so fun! I love writing head canons because there is no pressure with story flow and how much description and feeling you're putting into it, it's very similar to sharing your thoughts with a friend and that's what endears the format to me so much :) Hope you enjoyed! If you like my work, please consider reblogging and checking out my other works through the master list in my pinned comment<3 Love you all🩷
Total word count: 2009
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I've been thinking a lot about expectations this week.
A number of years ago, when I was visiting my brother, he criticized me for not doing something that he expected me to do. It was a frustrating talk because he wasn't at all willing to hear my perspective. But what bothered me the most about it was when I said "you can just ask" and he said "I shouldn't have to".
I was doing everything culturally expected of a good guest, I didn't even know what his extra expectations were, and yet he felt entitled to be mad at me for not automatically knowing them, and not living up to them.
It can be so easy for us to let our expectations get ahead of us, to make assumptions based on our own perspectives, and to then feel let down.
And I feel like I'm seeing a lot of this kind of thing in people's experience with media these days. There seems to be a clash happening between expectations and reality. And people feeling genuinely upset when the reality is not what they wanted.
I'm seeing a lot of complaints and "critiques" that seem to fall in to the category of "this is not how I personally want this to go" or "this doesn't resonate with my personal experience".
To be clear, I'm not saying this in a pointing fingers kind of way, because I have 100% done it myself.
When the trailer for Cutie Pie first came out, I got so excited imagining Kuea as some bad boy living a double life. He was going to be so hard to tame, he was going to put Lian through the wringer, and it was going to be amazing.
What I got was something very different from what I expected, and I struggled with the show.
But it was a really valuable learning moment for me. Because everything in the trailer was in the series. It was my interpretation of it, of those few minutes out of hours of material, my assumptions about the moments not yet shown, that caused me frustration.
That was a turning point in my "let's see where the journey takes us" philosophy. And I have to say, engaging in QL has been a hell of a lot more fun since I learned to let go of what I thought should happen.
I still have critiques of shows, of course I do. Nothing is above criticism. But I don't get so personally affronted now when something doesn't do what I expect. I'm more willing to see where the destination takes us before I decide the journey isn't working.
Of course I am still human, and I still get caught off guard sometimes by expectations I didn't realize I had let slip in.
But I have found my experience immeasurably improved by considering a few things when I'm watching a series:
Am I leading with curiosity, or judgment?
What is happening here culturally? What assumptions am I making based on my own background and country of origin? What happens if I step back and look at the bigger picture of how this culture engages with media? Do I even know, or do I have more to learn?
Is this actually bad... or is it just not for me? Is this just not resonating with me? Is it making me uncomfortable? What can this discomfort tell me about myself? Is it a bad show, or just a show I need to walk away from?
Am I more focused on the story I want told, and not paying enough attention to the story that the creators of the series want to tell? What assumptions am I making about their intent?
Am I only focused on what the value is for me as an individual, and not considering how this may be making other people feel seen or be meeting their needs? Can I acknowledge that there can be inherent value in things that do not give value to me personally?
There is value in critique, but there is also importance in self-reflection and understanding why we are feeling the way that we are, and when our own setting of expectations may be playing a role.
It's funny that in some ways this seems to be a reflection of what a golden age of QL we are living in - there are so many options, and time is so scarce, that I can see why people are frustrated when they feel like a show is not living up to what they wanted.
But as someone who has lived multiple decades without this kind of media, and only relatively recently having been able to experience it...there is a lot more to be gained by reveling in what you are loving than over what you are hating.
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kitskasoboring · 3 days
first date headcanons | seijoh
a/n these are just some ideas on how i personally think these characters would ask you out on a date + the actual date. lowk longer than i anticipated srry. not proofread
characters toru oikawa, hajime iwaizumi, issei matsukawa, takahiro hanamaki
Tumblr media
toru oikawa
would carefully plan out the perfect moment to ask you out
making use every detail is just right
im sure he would practice in front of a mirror many times before doing so (he genuinely needs the practice, i headcanon that hes not so good w his words since most of the time people flock to him and not the other way around)
he'd wait until he knows your in a good mood and are alone together to ask
like sometime after his practice
or walking you home
start off with some light and easy conversation
he'd be smiling constantly
he'd compliment you a bunch
trying to subtly hint at his feelings
he'd would be confident but also sincere
then he'd ask
he'd be ready with a back up plan if you hesitate, quick to take back what he said if you rejected him
if you said yes tho he would be more than happy
he'd immediately start pouring out all the details of the date he has planned for you two
yet if you are still iffy about the whole thing, he'd be understanding and patient about it
theres absolutely no pressure from him
he's happy just spending some time together
but when it comes around to the actual date
he'd get to the meeting spot extra early to make sure everything is in order
he'd bring you a small gift
like a bouquet of flowers
or a cute plush
he'd greet you with a genuine smile and give you a light side hug if youre comfy w it
he'd compliment you a bunch
the date he planned would be something that allows the two of you to have fun while also being able to get to know each other better
like an amusement park, aquarium, or even a picnic
he'd ask thoughtful questions, he genuinely wants to get to know you
questions about your interests, dreams, etc.
he's not afraid to talk about himself aswell
often bringing up volleyball and other interests if the conversation seemed to be dying down
he would be considerate and attentive
opening doors for you
offering his jacket
your comfort is his number one priority
he'd find subtle ways to touch you
your hands, shoulder, etc.
just subtle and short touches
as the date comes to an end
he would offer walking you home
even if you decline, he would insist
he'd express how much he enjoyed the date (and you) very confidently
he'd would've been bringing up the idea of future dates many times throughout this one
if the moments right
he might lean in for a gentle kiss at your doorstep
if not a warm hug will do
he would text you either that evening, or if it's too late, the next morning
thanking you for a wonderful date
he'd continue to show his interest in you the following days
making it very clear he wants to see where this could go
hajime iwaizumi
would spend a LOT of time thinkinf about how he's going to ask you out
he just wants to make sure he does it right
he'd likely ask his friends for advice
maybe even oikawa
although he'd be reluctant at first
hhe'd wait until the two of you were alone and the atmosphere around you is calm and relaxed
like while studying together in the library
or during a break in the class you share
but he'd much rather prefer to do it in a private setting
to avoid any awkwardness
or embarrassment if you were to reject him
he'd start off with a casual convo
but his tone would be a bit more serious that usual
still friendly tho
he'd be straightforward
would say something like
"Hey, I like you. And I was wondering if you'd like to hang out outside of school? Maybe sometime this weekend?"
direct but sincere and caring
his eyes showing how much he truly likes you (the eyes chico. they never lie.)
if you agreed, he his smile would be so wide
a rare but genuine expression
not for the actual date
he would put in extra effort to look his best
maybe wear an outfit you had complimented him on beforw
he'd be there on time, if not a bit early
maybe sure everything is set for a smooth date
and also to just prepare himself
would greet you with a warm smile and friendly hello
possibly give you a small gift like a single flower
he'd plan for a mix of both activity and relaxation
so you could have fun while also relax and have good conversation
like a hike, farmers market, or just go shopping lowk
constantly asking you questions
genuinely really interested in what you have to say
everything about oyu is just so fascinating to him
and he'd also open up to you more than he would with just anyone
he'd offer his hang when walking, open doors for you, brush your hair behind your ear
as the date comes to an end
he wouldn't even ask, he'd just start walking you home
nearing the end of the date he'd lowk get a little shy about the topic of another date
he doesn't want to scare you by being too foward
but he also doesn't want you to think that he doesn't want to go on another dat because he really does
as you get to your house he'd thank you
he wouldn't kiss you though
he believes he should wait to make a move like that until you two went on atleast a couple of dates
he wouldn't call or text you the next morning because he knows that he'd gonna see you and would rather talk in person
issei matsukawa
wouldn't oeverthink it
would approach the situation laid back and confident
he'd rely on his natural charm and sense of humor to make the interaction smooth and comfortable
i mean it's his charm that led to you guys being friends in the first place
he'd pick a moemnt where youre relaxed and happy
like during lunch or after school
would prefer a setting where youre already comfy
like during school or during a casual hangout w him and a couple other friends
he'd start off playful
teasing you or making a joke to break the ice
then would smoothly transition into a more serious tone
but still keeping it light hearted
he'd be really smilely about it
would say something like
"Hey, I've got a great idea. How about you and I go out this weekend? I promise it'll be fun."
if you say yes, he wouldn't be able to hide his excitement
as for the date
he'd dress casual yet stylish
he wants to look good obviously
but doesn't want to over do it
he'd bring a small gift like your favorite snack or a small keychain
once he see's you walking up to him he'd be all giddy
wide grin and a friendly hug or even handshake
he'd make a funny comment or joke to start things off on a light hearted note
he'd choose like a cafe or maybe we go to an arcade or bowling
he'd asked about your hobbies
would be genuinely curious
he'd the mood upbeat with his own stories and experiences
some abuot volleyball and the team
he'd find small ways to be affectionate
like playfully nudging you or giving you a gentle pat on the back
as the end of the date draws near
he would suggest getting a bite to eat or some dessert like ice cream
he just wants to extend your time together longer
he's not shy about talking about any future dates
in fact asks you if youre free the following weekend
once the two of you are back home
he would text you
either send you a pic of funny momemnt from your date or a meme that reminded him of you
he'd continue to show interest and keep the conversation alive
he makes it clear that hes looking foward for their next outing together
takahiro hanamaki
wpuld approach you with a playful and teasing demeanor
using humor to lighten the mood
making playful comments and jokes
he uses your reactions to see if you're comfortabe and interested or not
he'd pick a moment where you guys are in the middle of a fun conversation or activity
would prefer a setting where youre already having a good time
making it feel natural and spontaneous
he'd start with a playful remark
pretending to be deep in thought he goes, "You know what I've realized?"
then smoothly transitioning into his date proposal
keeping the atmosphere light and humorous
he'd keep it casual and confident
if you say yes
he'd playfully act surprised
"Really? Wow, I must be pretty sharming then."
he'd dress casual
aiming to look effortlessly cool
he'd greet you with a playful comment or joke
setting a playful and relaxing tone for the date
he'd compliment you in a light hearted way
saying something like
"You clean up nice! Almost as good as me."
he'd like soemthing a little competitive and fun
like mini golf
or even karaoke or an amusement park
the activity he chooses has to allow for plenty of playful interation between you too
he keeps it lively and entertaining
there's never a dull moment
even when the conversation seems go be dying off
he's quick to pick it up again
as the date comes to an end hed express how much he enjoyed the date with a genuine smile
100% asking you on another date then and there
would text you later that night when you guys are already home
just continuing the conversation form earlier
talking about anything and everything
you guys texted all night until you passed out around 2am
he's already head over heels for you only after the first date
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rrcenic · 2 days
sorry for posting so much about the neil gaiman thing im very opinionated but heres my general take on neil gaiman (TW FOR S/A AND SU1C1D3!!!!)
good omens fandom please read this. yall need it
i wanna start with: believe victims. it might not be as bad as it was claimed to be bc the reporter was an anti bdsm terf who considers all bdsm 🍇 (including the bdsm w neil), but there was still clearly manipulation, weaponized power imbalance, and dubious consent. even if it wasnt s/a, it was fucked up. neil did some fucked up things
while we dont know if he actually s/ad those women, neil gaiman is clearly flawed
ive seen time and time again that his fans (specifically the good omens fandom) can get so viciously defensive of him that they refuse to see any flaws he has
as someone who was ruthlessly attacked because of neil, i hesitate to give him the benefit of the doub
when i had just turned 13, id just gotten on tumblr. i was thrilled that good omens season 2 was coming out. i was even more thrilled to see neil gaiman on tumblr. so i sent him an ask where i asked if crowley and aziraphale would kiss. i get why that was annoying. he probably got those asks all the time. but i worded it respectfully, and i was genuinely unaware that he was annoyed by this question
he responded to my ask with a multi paragraph callout post talking about how sick of this question he was. harsh, but not necessarily nefarious
the response wasnt the problem. it was that i got so many hate comments and death threats and people telling me i didnt deserve joy and i was ruining neils life and so many fucking anon "kys" asks that i had to quit tumblr. i tried to apologize to neil, i sent him countless apology asks where i begged him to ask people to stop cyber bullying me, but he never responded. it took years before i was able to communicate to him all the hate id received. his response was a basic "sorry for the miscommunication" and that he wished there was a way to convey tone on the internet (someone said "there is! tonetags!!" and he responded with "i dont like those"). the SAME COMMUNITY who told me to kms was suddenly saying "oh neil your such a saint" (THE TERM SAINT WAS USED MULTIPLE TIMES!!!!!) and "this poor ignorant child"
i was a kid and i was bullied off the internet and neil didnt respond to my pleas for forgiveness for almost 2 years. i was also in the most unstable time of my life. i was EXTREMELY suicidal. people telling me to kms deeply affected me
plus he reblogs a ton of "vote blue no matter who" stuff. i dont agree w that statement but i think its okay for people to say if they actively support palestine. but neil gaiman doesnt post about palestine ever other than reblogging posts that say "sure maybe the stuff in palestine is bad but if you dont support biden 100% democracy will crumble!!!" also im pretty sure he never apologized for some older zionist posts
ive seen a lot of stuff where people are saying "hey shhh its okay i see good omens fans getting sad bc of the stuff with neil but its ok!! youre still a good person even if you ignore this issue!!" and like. huh??? i dont think ignoring it makes you evil but its certainly fucked up to not be critical of the media you consume. pretending nothings going on is immature. you all sound like jk rowling fans smh
his general attitude towards fans makes me uncomfortable. ive seen people bare their souls in his asks (all of them start with something along the lines of "oh sir mister gaiman sir i am nothing but a disgusting peon compared to you you saved my life id die for you!!!") and he gives rude cold responses. i mean of course he gets annoyed and of course he gets spam but no one is forcing him to respond to asks. he doesnt seem to care very much??? this doesnt make him a bad person ofcourse but it does give me the ick
summary: even if he didnt s/a those women his fans need to grow up. he is not a pure perfect person. he might not be evil but he makes some extremely damaging choices. hes not a saint and never has been. at the end of the day, hes a rich cishet white man
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okay okay okay, hear me out:
simon has been living with the Prices’ for a while now , he’s still getting used to it but also, he’s kinda waiting for the other shoe to drop.
one night {enter sibling bar here} and Price/Nik are having a discussion and Price/Nik is like “hey kiddo, did you do that thing for me that’s like really really important?” And the sibling is like “oh crap, no I’m sorry I forgot!” And like you can see it on Price/Nik’s face that like yeah, it’s annoying but they will get over it, it was a mistake, but all Simon can see is red danger and when Price/Nik goes to lay a hand on siblings shoulder and reassure them it’s okay, Simon jumps into action and goes to protect their Simon, yelling to please not hit them ! Just trying to be a good brother :(((
(also please tell me if I bug you with these! I’ll stop if I’m annoying you!)
You aren't annoying me at all! I genuinely get so excited every time you send me asks like this, because I desperately love when people talk to me about my special interests.
This idea is just so RAAAAAAAAHHH!!! It's amazing and also fucking heartbreaking :,(
Which is why I wanted to make it into a short blurb! Maybe I'll add this as a oneshot or a future chapter!
Simon had been living with the Prices for three months now, and things had been going pretty well. There were still a couple bumps now and again, and plenty of adjusting still to do, but it was a hell of a lot better than living in the group home. One of his favorite things about leaving the home was the discovery of video games. Of course, he'd known what video games were, but he'd never played one before. When his siblings heard this, they were scandalized, and immediately made it their mission to introduce him to as many games as possible. It had been during one of their days dedicated to video games that Simon had found his obsession with Mario Cart.
And that was how he found himself where he was now: sitting in the living room, kicking Alex's ass in Mario Cart. He was so fixated on staying in the lead that he barely noticed that John had gotten back from running errands.
"Alex, can you come here?"
Now that caught Simon's attention. He would die before he ever admitted that he was pouting when the game was paused, but could you really blame him if he had been? They only had one more lap left.
He was content to wallow in self-pity until Alex came back, but since that didn't sound very entertaining, he decided eavesdropping was the next best thing.
"Did you need something, Dad?" Alex had made his way over to where John was crouched in the hall closet, rummaging around as if looking for something.
"Do you know where your spare prosthetic went? It's not in its usual spot."
A look of contemplation crossed Alex's face, and was just as quickly replaced with a terrified look of realization. Without saying anything, he dashed off in the direction of the back garden. He returned after just a moment with the aforementioned prosthetic leg.
Simon felt some second-had relief that the leg had been found, but his stomach dropped when he realized that it was covered in mud and rust from being left out overnight. He knew for a fact that it had been left outside, because he remembered seeing Alex leave it out there two days ago. Simon, Gaz, and Alex had been playing a game of footie, and Alex's leg had gotten covered in mud because of all the rain they'd been having. He left it leaning against the side of the house, saying he would clean it later, but he must've forgotten.
After Alex got done telling the same story, John sighed and ran a hand down his face. Most people would've been able to tell that the man was disappointed, maybe a little annoyed. But to Simon, he looked mad.
"I really am sorry, Dad. You told me to bring it inside, and I forgot." Alex was clearly upset about his mistake, but his younger brother was quickly becoming terrified.
The Prices had been nothing if not kind to each and every one of their children, but this was a big mistake. And Simon knew what happened when you made big mistakes.
John let out another sigh, and slowly raised his hand towards his eldest son. Simon's breath caught in his throat, and all he could see was a little boy with blond hair and tear-stained cheeks, cowering before a man with a raised fist.
He had to save him. He had to save his brother.
Before he could even comprehend what he was doing, Simon was off the couch and rushing to get in between the pair standing by the closet.
"Please, please, don't hit him!!! He didn't mean to!! Don't hit him dad, ple-ease!!" He was full on sobbing by now, his arms thrown out wide to shield Alex and his chest heaving so much it looked painful.
Whereas the two older Prices had looked upset before, they now wore twin expressions of horror. John knew he had probably done a poor job at hiding his annoyance upon seeing the ruined leg, but had it really looked like he was going to hit his son??? Just the thought made his stomach churn. But he realized quickly that this nauseous feeling would have to wait, because Simon was beginning to hyperventilate in front of him.
"Simon, lad, listen to me. You need to breathe. Just breathe with me."
"N-No!!! I-I won't let you hurt my brother!!! Not ever again!!!"
His poor boy.
"I'm not going to hurt him, Si. I would never lay a hand on you or any of your siblings. I'm not like that other man, Simon." There was the slightest spark of recognition in the boy's eyes, so he kept going.
"I was just going to touch Alex's shoulder, lad. I promise I'm not mad at anyone. I was a little sad, a little frustrated, but never mad. It's safe here, I swear."
"Dad would never hurt me, bub. I trust him." Simon whipped around to look at Alex, and, seeing how genuine he being, collapsed into his older brother's arms.
"You're gonna be alright, Simon. It might take a while, but everything's going to be alright."
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greenqueenhightower · 7 hours
Hey, this may be controversial to some & even offensive but I have to say that Alicent’s motherhood is very understandable to me as someone who grew up in South Asian family. Not making any generalisations, but the community around me & even within my family there are so many Alicents who were robbed of their lives or dreams and given up by their families in arranged marriages. They are expected to uphold their duty as a wife & mother and they end up continuing the vicious cycle of abuse & torment. From my experience & what I have witnessed in my life, they grasp at what little power they have and inflict all that pain & bitterness towards their children. It doesn’t mean they do not love them. It’s such a complex, messed up situation that they will be the first ones to defend their kids from the outside world, but also pass on the cycle of abuse & inflict the pain on them.
It’s probably this cultural differences that makes me empathise and hold onto Alicent a lot. Because her portrayal is so real & heartbreaking to me. She does not live up to the societal ideal view of a mother, she is not even a good mother. But she doesn’t even know how to be one when such behaviour is what’s normalised in her own life. When people say that modern Alicent would be a “woman for Trump” I genuinely don’t get it. It’s such a shallow and surface level reading of her character. Societies like HoTD exist in the modern world & there are many Alicents out there. I think a modern Alicent would probably, hopefully, live in a society where she wouldn’t be tied to her father’s greed or she would even end up having similar life as she does now.
Hi anon 💚
Thank you so much for sharing; you’re making an excellent point about how South Asian women find themselves trapped in that vicious circle of oppression and service to duty, and then it’s difficult for them to express love. Your analysis of Alicent’s character is spot on; I also think that women like Alicent exist nowadays, and there are families who have or have had women like Alicent among them.
Growing older and looking at things from a more distant and healthier perspective, I’ve also realized I’ve met women like Alicent in my life. I understand Alicent’s inability to express love (even if she feels it immensely) because I’ve seen how it’s possible for a mother living her life feeling unloved herself and thinking that she will never be good enough.
I’ve seen women being forced to fulfill the family’s expectations by being married off at a young age, having children and tending the house and upholding the family’s values, only to be impossibly strict and emotionally distant from their children who grow up and have emotionally distant children of their own. These women are grandmothers now and if you ask them what they’d change in their life they’ll tell you they wish they had stayed girls for longer. They never grew up to find, love, and appreciate themselves as it happens in someone’s late teenage years/early adulthood, and they grew to hate themselves for denying themselves any freedom and agency. Their own mind and bodies became the oppressors in the end.
Like you said, the cycle of abuse continues and I’m so glad when people like you write their thoughts on Alicent and her relationship with motherhood because they are so insightful and so in tune with Alicent’s character.
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bevy-obeyme · 10 hours
may u do how the om brothers would act with a himbo mc who's like ..... scarily dumb 💀 like think Karen Smith x10 ( sorry for any English mistakes i might have made !! english isnt my first language so i might have made some mistakes😅)
Of course you can!! I’m so so sorry for attending to this request late - had some issues in real life but I’m back :D
Brothers with a himbo MC
- Now, at first when Mammon warned him that you were stupid, he thought that was exaggeration.
- However, he was quickly silenced when you went over 20,000 Grimm in debt. Why? Because you didn’t understand the value of money. And you had horribly miscalculated.
- Lucifer gets, no doubt, very frustrated with your incompetence. Hell, you might as well start competing with Mammon for ‘’House Idiot’’.
-Nevertheless, he found your himbo nature endearing at times. A bit naive and ditzy never hurt anyone.
- And you were incredibly attractive. More than the average man. Especially with that physique.
- Someone stupider than him? Hah. Impossible.
- It wasn’t actually. Somehow, your dumbness exceeded his. And it got him feeling.. quite smug actually.
- Of course, he’d make the occasional remark on how humans would of course be stupider than the Great Mammon but he didn’t truly mean any malice.
- Nonetheless, he also felt quite happy at times - he could find solace in both of you not being the most academically gifted.
- But, you were incredibly handsome. That did make up for it. Sometimes, he’d even invite you to his modelling gigs. You never disagreed somehow.
- If he was feeling particularly mischievous, he’d even gamble with you to win some extra cash.
- This man would constantly mock you - call you Mammon 2.0 or stupid normie.
- But deep down, he was jealous. Insecure even. How were you so liked? So charming? So handsome but so utterly dumb?
- He could never hope to have your confidence. How you managed to yell out foolish things all the time without a care about looking idiotic.
- That’s to say, he didn’t hate you. And sometimes, it felt good just talking to you. Even if you never truly understood his game rambles, at least you were there. And that was all that mattered.
- The blond avatar did not know how to feel about you actually. At first, he held a deep disdain towards you, thinking that you were one of those idiotic people who never matured and had everything handed to them without working.
- But no. You were just genuinely clueless.
- At times, it was irritating having to constantly explain a concept to you, but he had to remind himself that you were in fact trying your best.
- Other times, it was hilarious seeing how easily you riled Lucifer up due to your uncontrolled money spending habits.
- He would not deny the fact you were an extremely charming man however. He had to pay attention to not let himself be too entranced at times.
- Upon first sight, Asmodeus definitely did try to charm you. You were a handsome little human, how could he resist?
- However, your stupidness did leave him dumbfounded (and reminded him a lot of Mammon) but he was the one who came up with the idea of calling you a himbo lovingly all the time.
- Although, your cluelessness in.. more intimate topics did leave him a bit irritated when he had to explain in multiple ways.
- Nonetheless, you never protested against him painting your nails or doing skincare with him, so you were definitely someone to like in his books.
- To be fair, Beelzebub did not hold anything against your intelligence. He could understand actually, most of the time, his thoughts were on food.
- But deep down, he knew you were a good, kind man who was just a lot too naive and clueless for the Devildom, so he definitely felt a bit protective to keep you like that.
- He exchanged many tips with you in relation to working out. You had quite a physique and Beel had always been into fitness, so most of your conversations included health and work out regimes.
- Sometimes, he’d message you for a morning run or to come with him after school to the gym.
- Now, he definitely held against you for your naivety. Foolish humans - like always.
- However, he could see how easily you got along with Beelzebub and how much his twin trusted you. So, he lessened his snide remarks towards you over time.
- Belphie became a fan of your strength over time. Whenever he fell asleep, he could always count on you as a rest or for you to carry him back much to his pleasure.
- Besides.. your human ways of being clueless were quite adorable - sometimes.
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hotasfahrenheit · 13 hours
okay listen. obviously there's no preview the preview wasn't on iQiyi for the finale of My Stand In yet, and i wouldn't watch it even if there was because this one i want to go into blind, i've mostly been off tumblr today so i haven't seen any other speculation or discussion yet, and i mean obviously book readers know what's going on or what's probably going on but my untainted guess for how episode 11 ended is thus, and be warned of spoilers if you haven't watched yet:
i think that Joe needed to go through that door so he can meet Other Joe and they can have A Much Needed Conversation. i honestly expected him to be the person to speak to Joe in the hallway at the end, and was VERY surprised that it wasn't him. if we're going to get some kind of spiritual out of body stuff going on, it makes sense that Other Joe is someone he needs to see and speak to.
it felt weird that the monk came off as pushing Joe to let go, also- he knows how Ming feels about Joe all too well, and he knows how hard the two of them have fought to be together, so the fact that he was just like "do you wanna keep being miserable or do you wanna give up and walk away, the door is right there, you can just walk through it and let go" just felt.... off. but if his intent was to get Joe to walk through the door so he could talk to Other Joe, then it makes a lot more sense.
it's pretty obvious that on top of all the other struggles, Joe has been carrying a weight of responsibility for Other Joe's life, the most evident in the way he takes care of Ing- but i definitely think he genuinely loves Ing at this point, since she has been such a good mother to him and cared for him since he woke up. he and Ming discussed going to see her to explain things, but we didn't see that happen so i don't know if they actually did. it feels like too big of a plot point to gloss over, but we went straight from them talking about going to see her "that afternoon" to the stunt gym at night. i have no idea if that was a translation problem and they meant later in the day and were prevented from going by everything that happened, or if they actually just chose to leave that scene out.
the episode ending with Joe in a coma and potentially dieing again without having shown us any resolution- or honesty- with Ing feels wrong tho, so my guess is they didn't go see her yet, which means she has to deal with her son being in the hospital AGAIN.
and i think that Other Joe is too far gone, too long gone, to go back to life himself, but i think he's waiting for Joe on the other side of that door to turn him back around and send him back for both of them. Joe needs to remember why he wants to live- for love, for family, for himself, and i think talking to Other Joe, who gave up on those things specifically, is going to have to tell him that giving up on all of that isn't worth it. that he needs to take the opportunity for both of them to go back. to love Ming, and to be with his friends, and to take care of Ing. and Joe couldn't have that conversation if he didn't walk through that door, because Other Joe has been on the other side of it for too long.
we have had no kind of interaction with Other Joe at all, no flashbacks from people who knew him, no stories told by his mother to really give us an idea of who he was, just her saying he's different. we got nothing real from Tharn about their relationship, not even an apology for how it ended. nothing from anyone who knew him about him. i feel like it's time to let him speak, it's time for him to turn up and have a say in what's happening to his body. time for him to give Joe his benediction to live a full life, for him to tell Joe to do what he wasn't able to.
anyway yeah i think that's what's going on, so i'm not going to give up hope, and i'm not going to cry about this (too much) and i'm going to be tearing my hair out until next friday waiting for the final piece of this story.
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atthebell · 2 days
practical advice about college you say?
[the weird spaces between some paragraphs are because i hit the character limit on content blocks which i didnt really know existed until now, fascinating!]
Don't buy too much shit. There will be a lot of things that people tell you are useful— buy things that seem like necessities, then figure out what you need from there. My grandma tried to buy me all kinds of crap and some of it was utterly useless, whereas other random stuff was super helpful (like towels, you should own at LEAST two towels, more if you reallyyyyy don’t want to do laundry).
Decor and things to make your dorm room (if applicable, also relevant for apartments etc.) feel more lived in are excluded from the above; if you want to have a million pieces of art on your walls, absolutely go for it. In fact, other people will think you're cool and want to hang out with you, I'm not even joking. Maybe invest in a bean bag, those are also a good seating thing for small rooms. I had a regular bean bag and then a giant one and it was a great way to have fun seating in my room (I hosted a lot of hangouts/let people just chill in my room a lot, so your personal mileage may vary).
Go find free food. There is more free food than you could even imagine on college campuses, go find it and don't be afraid to bundle some up in a napkin or some Tupperware and take it home. This is genuinely grad student 101 (grad students often don't have meal plans like undergrads) but is very relevant to all elements of college. I was notorious amongst friends and acquaintances for going to all kinds of events and bringing food home, and it was awesome. I could swipe some bagels from a student org social and the next morning I wouldn't have to worry about waking up early enough to grab breakfast from the dining hall or, heaven forbid, cooking.
Along similar lines, keep a decent amount of snacks/food in your room. Do you love trader Joe's chocolate covered almonds? Goldfish? Wasabi peas? Keep a stash in your room at all times. Future you will thank past you, especially when you're feeling down or studying or both. If you have a mini fridge or anything like that, keep a few cold things in there, like Gatorade or energy drinks for late nights or even cream cheese for the previously mentioned free bagels.
Join some student orgs! I assure you that while I have always been an over involved maniac of a human being, I am not anything even close to a social butterfly. You don't have to be, but having a few connections, especially with people in similar circumstances to you (first in your family to go to college, low income, women in stem, queer, latine, whatever your background and/or situation may be). You might not meet people you click perfectly with, but you'll at least be able to connect with people who get your experiences on some level. I truly do not know what I would've done without my college’s first gen/low income program or the Jewish community I found going to various events.
Professors are way more chill than you think. I say this as someone who asked for extensions every single semester/quarter of university i was in and again went to several incredibly prestigious colleges. Many professors are way less hardass than you may think, and some are the kind of people who will invite you over for shabbes dinner and become incredibly important mentor figures for you. The latter are harder to find, but there are plenty of extremely cool professors and TFs and lecturers who are always down to talk about course content or any number of topics. Everyone always says this but go to office hours! It really helps and it's just a great way to connect better with people passionate about the same things you are.
Grades are stupid and bad. This is not specific to college; the focus on grades in all levels of education is ridiculous and counterproductive to learning. This is important for you to know and remember, even when grades DO matter; for transcripts, for grad school, for getting jobs and scholarships and other opportunities. Trust me, I understand that grades matter, but I want you to know that they shouldn't, and you aren't stupid or worthless if you struggle with academics, or if you feel like your grades don't reflect your effort. Grades are a way to standardize (retch) measurement of learning, but they don't show the full or accurate picture. You are so much more than your grades or where or what you're studying.
Take fun classes! I know a lot of STEM majors make it incredibly difficult to dip out of course tracks, but if you can, try to take some fun and diverse classes. Take a gender studies class, take a theater class, learn photography, take a wacky science class, take a language course (this one I want to specifically highlight!!!! learn a new language while you're in a setting that's way easier (for many people) to learn one in!), find a beloved professor from another field and dip your toes in. I took all kinds of wild classes (religious studies is not a major where they fill up your schedule with required classes, at least not at my university) and had a blast, and it's good to have some familiarity with different fields and possibly how they connect with your own. Also it's just fun! You can meet new people and learn a lot from studying something you haven't before.
Be very nice to your custodial staff but know that they are probably deeply underpaid and understaffed. And get to know your housing staff too so you know more about who to call in certain situations. Also get a tool set so you can fix minor stuff yourself.
Don't be afraid to party, but also don't feel pressured. I spent most of my college years in a group of friends who played board games every week instead of drinking, and I personally did not drink until I was 21 for various personal reasons. If people make fun of you, don't hang out with those people. If they pressure you, stay the fuck away. If people are judgy about your drinking/partying/hookup choices? They can go fuck themselves. Find people who respect your decisions, either way, no matter what they are, and anyone else can fuck off.
I didn't really date or hook up in college but I did get hit on by a lot of beautiful bisexual women. If a very hot girl that you want to hang out with in a sexual or romantic context asks you to teach her to play pool, just say yes. Do not shoot yourself in the foot. If someone sets you up on a date with a friend of theirs and you guys vibe better as friends, never let this person go. I'm joking but that's how I met my best friend who I adore perhaps more than anyone else in this world so you never know what the universe will hand you.
Get more sleep. Whatever amount of sleep you're getting, try to sleep more. Sometimes homework or frat parties or boyfriends matter a lot less than just getting a few more hours of sleep, and you will retain information better and feel less like shit. Please get more sleep and maybe drink less caffeine.
Befriend some grad students! I'm completely unbiased (<3) but grad students have a lot of insight about college and life as a young adult, and they're often very cool. They might invite you over to smoke weed and talk about Kant— I cannot stress enough that you never have to do something you don't want, but say yes to this if it's at all appealing. Definitely not another personal anecdote.
Connect with your first gen/low income and/or financial aid office(s). They will have incredibly helpful info, including about getting jobs or scholarships or even just the experience of being low income at college. Also, if you're attending a California Community College, apply for the CCPG (previously known as the BOGW)! It waives all enrollment and tuition fees if you meet eligibility and qualification requirements. I would add more resources but I am a Californian so that's what I have at the moment.
Kind of related, if you're leaving university right now with student loans and you're low income, apply for the SAVE plan to make smaller (or no) payments and less (or no) interest. It's been saving my ass for a while now and it could be helpful for you.
Drink more water. If you need it cold, get a brita pitcher thing and put it in your minifridge if you have one. If not, ice from the dining hall + a decently insulated water bottle. You should be drinking on average 8oz every two hours, or every one hour when it's really hot.
Have a craft or a hobby or a video game or a show or a book or a movie or something that you can do like. At least once a week as Chill Time. Personally I would have some Chill Time at least once a day, but if you are busy to the max, Chill Time once a week is mandatory. Doesn’t have to be the same time every time, but if it is, clear your schedule. That is the only thing happening then. No one gets to interrupt Chill Time. Not to be confused with hanging out with friends, which is still a good activity you should do many times a week. This is Chill Alone Time, where you just sit with yourself and do something you like to do alone. Get a coloring book, learn how to cross stitch, read a book on native birds, whatever suits your fancy.
If you are anything like the hot mess express that I was, you will go to class in pajamas/sweats. This is fine. There are probably some people out there who care about this, but you should ignore them. Similarly, if you, for instance, wake up at 1pm for your 1:30pm class, feel only the amount of shame necessary to make you able to be on time to class (if the prof cares) and nothing more. I stayed up til 4:30am every single night my freshman year of college it is a miracle I was ever awake during the day and the fact that I managed to do my coursework and still have a social life continues to be a mystery to me today. Anyway, your fashion choices in college but especially your first year should never be judged to any significant standard. If you’re wearing clothes at all, that’s commendable.
If you’re on a biking campus, wear a helmet. This is not optional, wear a fucking helmet. Also for the love of fuck have a bike light and use it at night you do not want to be smushed by a car at 3am biking back from wherever you’ve been.
If you do not know how to do laundry, ask someone. Please do not just go into the laundry room with full confidence and dump 16 loads worth of detergent into a washing machine and fuck it up for everyone. Also not a single dorm dryer will ever work correctly. Know this, and invest in a drying rack or be content to fry the shit out of your clothes at 90 minutes of high heat.
Communicate with your roommate(s). You do not have to be friends, you don’t even have to like each other, but you should be on the same page about stuff. Especially re: sexiling, taking the trash out, volume levels, friends over, etc. etc. You don’t want to get to the end of the year and then realize your roommate fucking hates you because you never asked if she was cool with whatever thing you’ve been doing that’s been annoying her.
This is just general young adult life advice but: You will fuck up. Like, probably more than you think. But you will be okay, and you should know that everyone does that. You’re learning how to do stuff on your own, you’re possibly leaving a bad situation or even a great situation into something you don’t know enough about to possibly be prepared. It’s hard! It’s going to be hard for a bit! But you are not the only person who’s done this, and there are a lot of people out there you can talk to and find support from. The worst thing you could possibly do is isolate yourself, so please don’t do that. Find some good people, eat some good food, and for the love of fuck get more sleep.
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"jeremy if this is another hc post I'm going to kill you" bad news
castaway nonsense PART TWO
– schnauz is deathly afraid of water. it unsettles him deeply, largely because of past experience. do you SEE his treasure catalogue entry for the blue paint?? who "swims out" for the "last time" in a swimming pool???? someone fucking DIED
– on a slightly similar note, he laughs when he's nervous!
– he is Perpetually Nervous
– I think molly would REALLY like the evil skeleton wizard memes that have taken over my brain for the past several years. "not me being evil shadow skull" and no one knows what the fuck she's talking about
– molly writes fanfiction
– will let people borrow her camera if you ask nicely
– speaking of molly. her and patch and dash should be best friends forever. same home planet and they all do stupid shit. jin is also involved and they're the voice of reason
– dash has a lot of fidget toys. on him at all times
– wears those jackets where it's just an anime character wrapped around them all the way all bizarre like. he doesn't think it's a good design by any means it's just really funny
– frisé's favorite instrument is the didgeridoo
– also she's intersex. I can do whatever I want
– hitting frisé with the singing/humming/tapping on stuff as stims beam
– construction work is super fucking loud so I think corgwin just would not be bothered by sudden/incredible noise anymore. it just reads as background stuff to him! that or he like genuinely isn't picking up on some of it at all, it doesn't register. frequent tinnitus haver. he might be going deaf
– corgwin is tumblr famous. the pikmin universe tumblr equivalent anyway. inspired by the headcanon generator that told us in the pikmin server I'm in that charlie lit a school on fire and got away with it and that the rescue corps killed princess diana
– think about it. he'd share fun building facts. niche internet micro celebrity and everybody loves him
– lapi is also tumblr famous
– he likes frolicking around outside For Enrichment but he also does it in the rain and sometimes comes home sick
– guilty of making sketchbooks into renderbooks and taking several years to complete them. "but it has to be perfect" That Is The Devil Talking
– horatio is not immune to the fog
– he has a VERY specific skillset. like. like stupid specific. the guy is the most proficient xylophonist you've ever met but he can't cook. knows how aeronautics works but his phone call game is BAD. give him an old movie from decades back and he can tell you what it is and who acted in it and exactly where he was when he first saw it, easily. if you ask him for directions anywhere he'll crumble and die
– he wrote his ID badge like that. it was fully and completely on purpose. horatio thinks it's funny as hell
– françois really likes bugs! sees them all the time in his work even if his studies are flora centric. while on pnf-404 he probably talks about it a LOT with dalmo. botany/environmental science major who minored in entomology
– I just do not think he'd be afraid of them and that is beautiful. he allows nothing to dissuade him. he has pet spiders it is wonderful
– astrophysics lover. adores space science. worked at a planetarium before meeting osa. I don't remember if this contradicts the established lore and I am too tired to go back and check so if im wrong you can pelt me with stones and tomato
– osa lets him ramble on about it but in all honesty he does not know what the fuck kit is talking about half the time ever. ever
– vice versa! osa also has a huge nerd thing and it's world history. which makes sense for an archaeologist. I don't mean modern history either I mean ANCIENT
– fawks would unironically endorse the idea of a cybertruck but it never comes to fruition because everyone says it's stupid and he feels insulted and he gives up and sulks about it
– but he'd specialize. I know he would. he gets specific with it. good for him! my money is on prehistoric archaeology, stuff back before written text, and language, and any history that could be recorded with the power of words. which is why travelling to pnf-404 was so fucking important to him, he's been trying to construct something that would fill in the gaps of that lost starfolk history and this WAS the exact sort of thing that he was looking for
– technically they're doing geoarchaeology together. yes that's a subfield
– he is a tech bro and everybody thinks this is stupid and dumb also
– chewy
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darcytaylor · 3 days
Do you think this wouldn’t have happened if his gf had been mentioned and included in stuff from the beginning? While so much of this was just down to L&N just really being able to sell the PR and Nic just being genuinely a star, I really also think that people were bound to start getting a bit dramatic and chaotic after they ran out of the main content.
Also, like, if it had turned out he was with someone that the audience knew, like another cast member or even a bigger celeb, do you think we’d have seen this go down like it has?
I do think that having it out in the open from the beginning would have helped, but I do think it goes further than that. I think they should have worked on her online persona first.
Before the New Years photo came out there should have been some work done. Anybody with eyes could take a look at her profile, and see that she does come off as someone who is young, fake (even if she isn't), privileged (even if she isn't) and a mean girl (even if she isn't). And first impressions are key, especially in the world of celebrities.
I used Harry Styles and Olivia Wilde as an example (in my Luke deep dive), from the beginning people hated them together, because of how they came to be, their age difference. They were never able to win over the fans, it was too late. But Harry's next relationship was brought out with care. It was a relationship that seemed to make sense. People were happy with it.
Her age also doesn't help at all. Her online persona screams young, because she is young. Knowing that Luke spent a lot of time going after young adults and all of them dancers, is not a good look. For him or for her.
I think that if she was more established, or came off as more established to the public her age wouldn't have effected as many people. People like to see people work for what they have, to be established and able to work hard. People wouldn't clearly see a power unbalance in their relationship, but it is clear that there is one.
But I guess now it's too late and they can't go back on it now. Now they just have to continue on and except and expect the hate unfortunately. Cause I don't see it stopping anytime soon.
I do think that if it was another celebrity it also wouldn't be a big deal (but it also depends who it is). They would have to be somewhat established or in the same line of work as Luke. It would be a relationship that had the potential to makes sense to the public. His relationship with Antonia doesn't make sense to the public, she is everything opposite of what you would think Luke would go for. (it's unfortunate but it is what it is).
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skepticalarrie · 3 days
Lottie is literally doing so much right now, she is an influencer, she's writing a book, launched a fitness app, working with tanologist (in whatever capacity), on top of being a mother to a toddler. Yes, she got this platform because of her famous brother (as most famous people's relatives/kids do), but I personally think that she's making good of it and doing something worthwhile for herself. Not saying that she hasn't been shady in the past or now for that matter, but honestly who isn't shady? Comparing her struggles to other people's is not fair, especially when we know so much about her personal struggles. Everyone has different issues in their lives and comparing one aspect of it is not fair.
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Like I mentioned before, God forbid I defend or take sides when it comes to their sisters/family, but if you're going to criticize people for taking "advantage" of having a famous relative, you have to be consistent and include Gemma as well, or any nepo baby out there. And I mean… I think they all had some tricky stuff in the past. I'm personally not a big fan of Louis' sisters in general, and I don't know much about them- a lot of the stuff you're telling me is news to me. But I also think Lottie is super young and seems to be trying to make something of herself. It was really cool and genuine how she took the path of being on tour with One Direction and then followed that later on. She still has so much ahead of her, and she's doing her thing. I think it's unfair to say someone does or doesn't deserve something. I can't see how she would bother anyone doing what she's doing right now.
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nofacednerd · 2 days
just some more episode 6 thoughts
Obviously the Hughie thing is pretty prominent in my mind because uh. comfort character got SA'd but I'm seeing a lot of people here and on twitter think the writers were treating it as a joke? Idk if I agree with that. I think they were trying to make the scenes with it extremely uncomfortable to watch intentionally. The end of the episode at least makes it VERY clear that it (at least in the aftermath) isn't a joke. He's clearly extremely upset about what happened? idk maybe I'm not seeing something other people are seeing.
That being said, it's so gross that people on twitter/instagram ARE treating it as a joke. I think, yeah, it was kind of extreme (a lot more extreme than the other times it's happened in the show, which usually is a cut away and then talking about it afterwards) and the cake thing was just weird, uncomfortable, and unnecessary but idk I really don't think it was meant to be played for laughs for the most part
Unrelated to the above, I fucking loved Neuman this episode. Tbh I've liked Neuman a lot since season 3, she's a fun villain-ish? I'm gonna be honest, maybe I'm missing something somewhere or forgetting something, but isn't her end goal to literally just give supes opportunities to live outside of the entertainment industry? Like yeah she killed a ton of people but I feel like Neuman and The Boys have the exact same goals (killing Homelander/keeping the general public safe from superheroes) and she keeps trying to make an alliance with them??? Hughie she was your bestie for like a year and a half I know you feel betrayed by her but genuinely I don't think she's your biggest problem
Anyway Neuman especially shined this episode. The head exploding thing. Me too girl. Also her and lobotomy!Sage interacting was so funny I wish we could get more of that
Also loved that at the beginning of the episode, literally all of The Boys were there. That's his family and they're there to support him!!!!
ALSO I really like that they separated Frenchie and Kimiko this season a little bit, it's nice to actually see that Kimiko is friends with the others beyond him. Her and Annie both immediately agreeing to go rescue their boy in the mansion...... Hughie Kimiko besties are real and not just in my head for once
Tbh this whole episode showed really good team solidarity between at least Hughie, Kimiko, MM, and Annie. They all showed up to support Hughie while spreading his dad's ashes, Hughie off screen seems to have talked to Kimiko enough to know why she's upset, Hughie IMMEDIATELY coming in with the purell for MM, all 3 of them realizing how much danger Hughie was in and all going in with halothane to go rescue him, Kimiko going off to find A-Train and convincing him to take MM to the hospital, Kimiko, Annie, and Hughie all torturing Tek Knight for information and stealing all of his money and donating it to charity..... like this group was all so in sync with each other this episode it was great
Main negative thought is that honestly I'm confused on where the last 2 episodes are going to go? So far this whole season has just been disconnected B-plots. No major changes or revelations have happened yet (and based on this episode, I'm getting the feeling that Hughie might be tapping out for a bit from the team stuff). The main plotline is mostly about the supe virus and Sage, but that's all been very background stuff and it feels like there isn't going to be a lot of time to unpack everything going on? Especially since there's so many plotlines that haven't been completed yet. I know the thing this season is that the team isn't doing great, hence why they're all wrapped up in separate, personal dramas, but the last episode barely accomplished anything, on both sides.
I'm not complaining per se, I think this is the biggest issue with streaming service shows tbh. It's very obvious that the show wants to complete a bunch of emotional character arcs going into the final season (Hughie confronting his grief/inability to let go, Kimiko and Frenchie confronting their pasts and the guilt that comes with it, Annie struggling to figure out who she is as a person and as a symbol, MM struggling with his mental health and being a good dad, Butcher struggling to not kill literally everyone, ect ect) but there just isn't a whole lot of time to do both character studies, exploring different group dynamics, fulfilling show-long arcs, and keep up with a main plotline when you only have about 8 hours to do all of that and about 15 characters to do all of that with. If the seasons got more episodes, we could deal with a few filler episodes here and there to focus more solely on the characters vs the plot.
Tldr ^^ this season is more character-driven than plot driven, which makes it all kind of feel like filler and idk how the last 2 episodes are going to go
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fawkes-rinzler · 5 days
To the ones who want to vote 3rd party, or don't want to vote at all
I reblog political stuff, but I rarely make my own posts on this kind of thing, mostly because for as much as I read and I try to understand the U.S. Political system, I know I don't know everything and so I try to keep my mouth shut.
But I'm feeling so depressed and despondent today, after the Supreme Court ruling, and so I feel the need to make this post.
If you're someone who's wanting to vote 3rd party this November, or if you're not planning on voting at all because "Both sides bad", I deeply, deeply encourage you to do 2 things.
Look up Project 2025: Highly recommend watching this video in particular, but if it's too long or you don't want to watch, please look it up. It is very real, it is coming, and it should concern you.
Please consider your friends and family. Even if you yourself will not be directly affected by the Project 2025 plans, chances are very, very good that you know someone who will be directly affected by these plans.
I get it. You don't like either of them. I don't either. Biden isn't the best choice. Biden isn't someone you necessarily want in office. But our country is presently operating on a two party system. It's wildly unfair, but abolishment of the Electoral College and two party system is not this year's fight. No matter how fervently someone may believe their third party vote could change things, I guarantee you that this time, this election? It won't.
If you don't like either candidate, think about your family. Think about your friends. Think about what's at stake for those people. Even if you don't like either candidate, there's probably one you hate more.
To all of my disenfranchised, tired, hopeless, apathetic peers who feel like nothing matters and that they don't care about two old men fighting for the white house, I beg of you... Now is not the time to stop caring. Revolution can and will come. Radical change can and will come. But it has to start with creating a space that allows radical change.
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lucyshypemaster · 8 months
keefe was actually insane for this
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o-vera-nalyzing · 2 months
look i totally get it’s all love now but genuinely every kipperlilly sympathizer that only talks about how it’s so valid she hates the bad kids and how she’s a side character getting fucked by the main characters simply just feels like they themselves have hella side character syndrome and are relating to kipperlilly a bit too hard and might need to consider that they’re only a side character if they convince themselves they are
(my tags explain it a bit better but i was too lazy to copy them up here)
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