#I know I ship trash
jade-of-mourning · 3 months
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probably what momokamijirou would actually look like, tbh
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emily-mooon · 4 months
Scott Pilgrim Characters as Text Posts but they’re mostly of Stacey and Neil cause I’m obsessed with them :]
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9-1-1 fandom deal with your amatonormativity challenge ESPECIALLY when eddie’s storyline has been and continues to be filled with amatonormativity and how damaging it is to him…. fandom will agree that he’s been constantly forcing himself into relationships to get the ideal nuclear family for his son and because he thinks he’s failed as a father and person but at the same time think if he just gets with buck it will fix all of his problems… it’s exhausting and damaging and if the show doesn’t grapple with the bad messages they’ve been sending the least the fandom could do is acknowledge it and not propitiate it…
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vicontheinternet · 2 months
I like dickory more than i like dickbabs but as soon as you make either a bitch or an obstacle just to get the other together I’m leaving the fanfic immediately no matter how good the fic is. It could have all the tropes and tags and be completed but as soon as I see that I get immediately pissed off cuz I’d rather a 3rd act break up or miscommunication trope then turning an canon love interest into a jealous bitch for romantic drama that is so misogynistic and insulting to me
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blueteller · 9 months
The Most Controversial Topic in the TCF Fandom...
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waltzedintherain · 2 years
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youngyoo-apologist · 6 months
When it comes to OG!Cale ships I like both OG!AlCale and OG!ChoiHan but it really depends on the scenario
For example, I like OG!AlCale in both regression aus and TBoaH adjacent timeline things because I think a huge thing I like in their dynamic is how mysterious they both are to the other party. The fun of their dynamic is them discovering more about each other and the various miscommunications they have cause of their own personalities, and I think that works very well no matter the universe.
But with OG!ChoiCale, I feel like I can really only enjoy it in TBoaH adjacent things or if they both have the memories of the first life.
To me, a big thing about OG!ChoiCale is about the life they lived together, how they hated eachother, how they both didn’t know eachother for years, how they could have spent time together during the war due to unfortunate circumstances(there not being enough people left)
Like, I think OG!ChoiCale can be such a cool dynamic, such a sad, but comforting one at the same time. It’s a little bitter how the man you thought you would hate forever became a close companion, how he’s more similar to you than your younger self woild have ever thought, but do you really hate it?
Can you really hate having a person who understands you, when so many people have died? When so many are gone?
Something about the sadness of it all, how it was tragedy that brought them against each other at first, but now it brings them together. How they could only ever grow to understand eachother because of the pain they face, the pain that they shared. At some point, can you really hate him, even until the end? After all those years? After coming to understand him? No, you cannot.
Like, it adds in extra layers when they both care about each other at some point mid-way through the war, but they still can’t really talk to eachother properly. They care, but they frustrate one another, anger each other. Choi Han doing increasingly more risky and self sacrificial things because ‘I’m a hero’ ‘I have to do it.’ ‘It is justice to save people’, despite the fact that it’s at the expense of himself
And Cale’s frustration at Choi Han’s attitude. He can never wrap his head around the fact that Choi Han destroys himself for the sake of other people, and believes it’s heroic(He knows Choi Han doesnt, he know Choi Han hates it too, but he doesn’t know what else to say to himself other than the fact that ‘it’s for the greater good’, because he will go crazy if he doesn’t)
He’s mad, but there’s some twisted sense of understanding in there too. Cale understands, because he became trash for his family, he became trash to protect them, he had to do it.
But that’s only what he thought.
He was older now, he had lost them all, and he had seen how his trash act hadn’t done anything to protect them. It only distanced him from them, and now they were gone, and he could never see them again, he could never make amends.
Cale is mad at Choi Han for sacrificing himself because while Choi Han is hurting himself, the people who he loves, and the people who love him, watch him do it over and over again and he doesn’t listen to their worried cries.
He’s mad, but he understands. It was frustrating to be on the other side, watching someone destroy themselves for the sake of others when the people who cared about them wanted the exact opposite. The only difference between him and Choi Han was that Choi Han was never a good liar, he could never hide how much pain he went through.
In a way, Cale thought it was better that way.
At some point, there is love that is there. Love that follows them, and it’s so painful because they both know the tragedy edy to it that is how they are doomed, how they can never be happy in the first time line where they knew each other.
Because as Cale and Choi Han, they can’t be happy. Not when so much has been lost, not when the world is falling apart, they may love each other, but loving each other as they are means being in a world where everything else they love is gone.
It is a cruel kind of love.
Like let’s say they do pursue these feelings, even though knowing those two I don’t think they’d ever say anything in that scenario. If they did it would probably be Cale going like:
“Choi Han, do you love me?”
Choi Han doesn’t say anything, but his silence in place of adamant refusal is enough of an answer.
“Do you love me, Cale?”
Cale doesn’t say anything either, only smiling at Choi Han with his signature, cynical and bitter smile.
He didn’t deny it either.
It was a confirmation of feelings, but unlike the confessions from romance novels and stories, the main character and lead do not end up together and live happily ever after.
They stay together, but the world around them is not happy, not at all. They are together, but not as partners or as lovers, but two people who live in their suffering because all they can do is live.
I feel like anything they do together would always have an air of melancholy to it. Maybe they kiss, once, and no more, because there is no point in making it a regular thing. Not when everything in their world will end, even if they keep on fighting for it to not be that way.
They kiss, and it’s short, but in that short moment, the world is nothing but Cale and Choi Han.
Isn’t that selfish? If it’s like this, then they could ignore how everything has gone so badly. But that is exactly why they cannot be together, there is no ignoring the reality of their situation, no matter how sweet it would be to live in a false dream and never wake up.
I like my OG!ChoiCale a little doomed.
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wafflesandd1ck · 16 days
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OH GOD OK. long Teen Titans brain ramble cuz it's midnight again.
Does anybody else get INTENSE 03 Teen Titans RobStar vibes from "this side of paradise" by Coyote Theory?
I always wonder if we never got the kiss in trouble in tokyo, How would season 6 handle it? Honestly, I feel like "this side of paradise" really just matches the vibe perfectly that I always feel with these two.
Like there's so many lines that just scream out as an insomnia night conversation between Robin and Starfire, on the roof of Titans tower.
Like their shooting the shit, doing their best friend thing, and Starfire asks him, "Are you lonely?"
Robin is shaken, and he opens up to her. Slowly revealing more and more bits about himself. Teeny tiny droplets of vulnerability and our favorite alien meet each little crack in Robins armor with gentleness and light jokes, maybe stories to match her childhood.
Robin can't stop thinking about her question, "Are you lonely?"
Their time together is calm and comfortable and so easy. They end up talking for hours, pretty much all night.
until Starfire mentions the ferris wheel during their first 'not a date'. Robin laughs, and without realizing it, he puts his hand on Starfires. She doesn't draw attention to it.
He gently rubs one of his fingers against the top of her knuckles. It's a subconscious little tick. It's just nice for him to let the walls down, even if it's just this tiny bit.
Robin sees Starfire try her best to hide a yawn. He briefly panics. He desperately wants to keep talking. To let her in..
"Hey, star? Did I ever tell you I grew up in a circus?"
And just like that, an entire new set of stories. Robin tries his best to keep it all happy.
"I had a marshmallow belt to help train the monkeys!"
"..and that's how I learned to never taunt the ring leader."
"You've never seen fire jugglers OR sword swallowers?? In 3 phone calls, I can have a personal show in our living room. When's your birthday?"
"..yup. an acrobat. No human is naturally this flexible without practice. "
"Wanna see me do a walking hand stand?"
As the sun comes up, Starfire literally begins to glow. From the UV rays and just the general joy she feels from how this night turned out, her hair goes aflame from the newfound energy. She hovers up and takes it in. Robin is doing that "pretty girl brain rot." Thing. His new topic of conversation just dwindles out while he watches her.
A warm smile spreads on his face.
Their eyes meet.
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amarylliasky · 27 days
Number 22! A random scenario I thought about.
Do You Feel Better Now?
Hmm, not behind that one either?
Cale closes the secret passage; the latest one in the long line of secret passages and compartments that he has looked for the children in. Usually, the children spent at least half the day traversing the many hidden paths of the Super Rock Villa. Today, however, he hasn’t seen fur or scale of the children averaging ten years old, though he has caught sight of a flighty Korean teenager. Now if only Choi Han hadn’t kept escaping him.
Catching sight of a dark cloak once more, he resolves to catch the man off guard. If Choi Han was acting strange, then that means he knows where the children are. Or at least, that he knows something.
After even more searching, and eventually reaching the garden, Cale decided to take a small break. Who knew running around a five story villa looking for any sign of its occupants would be so exhausting..
-Are you sure you didn’t miss anything?
It seems even the Cheapskate was tired of this never ending search.
-We’ve been with him this entire time, of course he didn’t. Uuuugghhh. We’ve been looking for hours!! Cale, let’s take a snack break and continue searching after. You haven’t eaten anything aaaalll day!
Of course the Glutton had to chime in with her two cents.
-Hey Super Rock, why did you have to make this stupid villa so ridiculously big?!
-You of all people, Thief? I thought you would appreciate all of the valuables and secret passages.
-Anyone would be frustrated if it took them over two hours to search half a villa, old man!
-Hey! I was in my forties when I died! How is that old?!
-Heh. Well I was in my twenties.
-Hic. Crazy kid, that’s not something to boast about. That’s so saaad! You were all too young! Hic.
-Ah geez.
-Here we go.
-Come on...forty isn’t that young either…
-HAH! So you admit it, old man!
‘Sigh…they’re so loud…’
-In any case, the Thief is right, Super Rock. It has been way too long since Cale started searching. This place is almost…deserted. We haven’t even seen Choi Han in over an hour…
‘Glutton has a point.’ He hadn’t actually seen the Korean in the last hour. It really is..quieter here without everyone.
-Geez, you don’t need to say it like that!
The Crazy Kid complains. Surprisingly, without any cursing. Maybe she’s trying to be considerate? That or she’s almost as tired as he is.
-I mean, you make it sound like they’re never coming back! This isn’t that stupid Wind Island test!
-Crazy Kid!
-Why would you…
-Oops. Sorry, Cale….I didn’t mean to bring that up. It just sorta…came out..
The Super Rock mentally sighs. For what it’s worth, she really does sound remorseful, but remorse isn’t gonna change how Cale had gone completely stiff at her comment.
They know that Wind Island was a major sore spot for him. Heck, that’s putting it lightly. That test was quite literally his worst fears come to life. It was torture just for them to watch him go through that. To not be able to do anything during the test, Super Rock almost felt like he was going to go crazy with how scared he had been. For them, his friends, who had gone through similar things; for Cale, the child who had lived that nightmare again and again and still had to experience something so horrible; it was almost worse than when he realized that everyone he cared about was gone. Super Rock never wanted to experience something like that happening to one of his people again. And Cale, Cale is most definitely one of his people.
“It’s alright. I know you didn’t mean to.”
All conversation stops as Cale mumbles under his breath. The way his voice shakes ever so slightly doesn’t escape their notice.
It’s not alright. They know that. Cale knows that. It will never be alright. Especially not for him, who doesn’t have the luxury of forgetting something so horrible.
Cale knows she didn’t mean it. Obviously she’s not heartless. None of them are. He doesn’t blame the Crazy Kid for bringing it up,(but he was trying to avoid the comparison as much as possible. Even if the situation was scarily similar.) nor does he blame the Thief for making such a test. At least, not now. She had been insane with grief and anger, unable to make rash decisions, and she had already apologized to him for the test over and over since then. It’s just…It really is a sore spot.. And it seems that no matter how long it’s been, no matter how many times he sees his family happy and whole and alive, there will always be this irrational part of him fearing that what he saw could be his reality. That maybe this is his future. Maybe what he’s living right now is his past. Maybe he’s eternally stuck in a loop where the only thing he does is gain family just to lose them again. Maybe he’s destined to be alone and surviving and empty.
Sometimes he gets stuck in the records. And sometimes they come to him out of nowhere to drag him down into an endless abyss of despair and numbness. Sometimes he wakes up at night and his eyes are locked on a scene he desperately hopes is fake.
He’s been having a lot of those nights lately, now that he thinks about it. Maybe that’s the reason this is getting to him so much.
Step step step..
A shadow is cast over where he slouches on a bench in the villa’s garden. He looks up to see a pair of black irises locked onto his own. When had Choi Han arrived here? Had he been here the whole time and Cale hadn’t noticed?
“I’m sorry.”
What? He’s sorry? For what?
-This dense-!
-Oh come on!
“I’m really, really sorry, Cale-nim..”
Cale would like to know what exactly he has to apologize for. Did he break one of the windows while training? Did he go too far with a sparring match? Did he try to cook again?
He startles when he feels Choi Han’s hands grasp on to his shoulders tightly, but not enough to hurt. When he looks up(when had he looked down again?), he sees Choi Han’s eyes that hold so much guilt that Cale is momentarily stunned.
“I’m so so sorry, Cale, Rok Soo..”
“I’m sorry I left you alone.” Choi Han grits his teeth, eyes locked onto his, as if trying to convey how sorry he is feeling with one look alone. “I should have known-should have realized-….I never wanted to make you cry.”
Wait, what..? Cry?
He brings a hand to his cheek, stunned for a different reason, as he realizes that he was indeed crying. Huh. Why? Why was he crying?
-Punk. You were lost in your records again.
-Hnng. He really cares about you.. Sniffle. He reminds me of my own hyungs. Hic.
-….You do realize that he’s more of an ahjussi, right?
For a moment, Cale wasn’t Cale anymore.
For a moment, he had been Kim Rok Soo in his twenties who had just lost everything again. He had been the Kim Rok Soo that never showed any tears outwardly, but inside he felt like he’d been torn to shreds. The Kim Rok Soo that survived because he could not do anything else. Who was numb and tried in vain to push out the bad records but kept drowning in the grief anyway.
For a moment, Cale had thought that he was never Cale in the first place.
-What a scary ability….
He couldn’t forget and he couldn’t remember. He had been stuck in limbo, and Choi Han had been able to see it.
Maybe it’s because he had Choi Jung Soo’s memories. Maybe it’s because he’d been around Cale long enough to be able to read him so easily. Whatever the case, Choi Han had been able to see what Cale was going through. And Cale can’t decide whether to be relieved or angry that he’s so transparent to someone.
The Super Rock spoke gently, yet firmly, as if sensing Cale’s own emotions rather than just hearing his thought.
-Cale, he cares about you. They all do. You know they would never want to hurt you. Cale…
-All they want is for you to be happy. Choi Han, Prince Alberu, Raon, Even your old team..
-Your family just wants to see you happy and healthy. Just like you want for them.
“haha..ha ha ha..”
“U-um, Cale-nim..?” Choi Han nervously looks on as Cale lets out soft laughter, unsure of why exactly his liege is laughing like that. It doesn’t seem like an empty laugh? But it’s not a full laugh? Why exactly is Cale laughing?? Choi Han keeps his hands on Cale’s shoulders, just in case.
Eventually, the laughter subsides.
“Sigh. Choi Han.”
“Yes Cale-nim?”
“You can let go now.”
“A-ah! Yes!”
Choi Han jerks back, as if burned. He nervously stands there, avoiding eye contact.
Cale stands up slowly, stretching his legs after sitting for so long. Huh. Has it really been that long? He can’t exactly see the sky down here.
He closes his eyes and sighs before opening them. He then looks straight at the not-so-young man in front of him.
“Choi Han. Thanks.”
Choi Han raises his eyes to meet Cale’s calm gaze. There’s a not quite smile on his liege’s face.
Choi Han is relieved.
He smiles brightly; what some might even call innocent.
“You’re welcome, Cale-nim.”
Choi Han later reveals that the kids and everyone else was planning a surprise birthday party for “Cale.” Which Cale didn’t know about because he doesn’t know “Cale’s” birthday. Choi Han couldn’t keep it a secret after what happened. I don’t blame him. Deal with your trauma, Cale.
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sioneve · 3 months
マリちゃん誕生日おめでとう 💜
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all her life she never had a friend celebrate and wish her a happy birthday, but this year is different.
happy birthday, ohara mari!
the cake was made together by the girls (a bit chaotic, of course) but it was all worth it
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been thinking about how lonely she’s been for years & since no one ever wished her a happy birthday, she doesn’t bother to remember anymore? But thanks to Yohane and everyone in Numazu, she won’t ever felt that way that again 🌊
protect demon lord mari at all cost 🫵
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synthshenanigans · 21 days
yall ready for the secret sixth night of five ships of theseus?
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jade-of-mourning · 2 months
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to see the next part of the dream
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skullywullypully · 2 months
Imagine being Miguel's personal royal guard.
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jxitrash · 2 years
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Dude, you are so annoying
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coockie8 · 1 year
So do antis realise that their assumption that the fiction we consume is "our entire personality" is pretty much only announcing to the world that the fiction they consume is their entire personality?
Projecting and all that.
Personally, I like to believe antis have lives outside of Twitter and Tiktok and shit, but when they claim proshippers entire personalities are what they show online, it makes me wonder if antis do actually have a life outside the internet, because surely if they did, they would understand that what someone shows online is actually a very small portion of that person' personality.
Their inability, or unwillingness, to understand this very simple fact leads me to believe that what they show is their entire personality. Because if you think what I'm showing is all of me, then that's probably because what you show is all of you.
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skymagpie · 1 year
I am obsessed with Davy Jones and Calypso because of how Greek tragedy-esque their story is, where neither is clearly right or wrong in what they did, they both acted as best as they could due to their nature and in the end, their worlds clashed and tragedy was unavoidable.
Calypso didn't leave him waiting because she didn't care about him, she loved him and she still does in her own way despite everything, but it's in her nature to be unpredictable and she can't change that, even if she wanted to. Davy Jones did not realize what it means to fall in love with something above human, with something so vast and powerful and he thought that he would be the one who could play with fire and not get burned - and he was wrong.
But on the other hand Davy Jones behaved the way that was fitting to his human nature too - he felt used, betrayed and tricked into what is essentially torture for all eternity. And in turn, he wanted to retaliate in a way to make her feel the same, make her feel trapped in mortality the way he was trapped in immortality. It's a common theme with him to try and make other people suffer the same way he does so he won't be alone in his misery. But he still didn't do anything to force her to love him or to force her to be with him, he just wanted her to feel what he felt when he thought she betrayed him.
What he did is still inexcusably terrible and he knows that, that's why he ripped his heart out, but that is also part of his human nature - he regrets it and he regretted it right after he did it because he loves her. And love is just not enough sometimes. Calypso does not regret not showing up because she is not human, to her one day in ten years means nothing, she expected him to understand that. And probably Davy Jones's biggest crime is that instead of fixing the problem once he realized he hurt the person he loves, he doubled down in becoming a monster (literally and figuratively) and basically accepted that the only way this will end is in his death and that he will be cruel and vile up until that point. He wouldn't dare ask for forgiveness and redemption after what he did, but he also wouldn't apologize and try and mend it. Because he couldn't face her anger. Because it is in his nature to be this way.
This story is such a small part of the series, but it's written so beautifully and so well that it's the only thing that I've been thinking about since I watched the films.
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